#I know I sound the same exact way in my fandom
welshaphrodite · 2 years
the only fandoms I know here are Percy Jackson, Avatar and Hunger Games... maybe a little She-ra... the rest of the posts on tumblr just sound like this:
“Bleep-Blorp and Lemungus would be the best couple if Neltom didn’t rise from the dead in season 2. Honestly, wish Neltom had stayed in the underbelly of the beast, because it would have allowed Bleep-Blorp to heal from the past traumas of the Ducky Rebellion, and for Lemungus to deal with unrequited feelings for Bleep-Blorp.”
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krenenbaker · 5 months
ever since Jade's Platinum Jacket vignette came out, I've been thinking about how he approaches the things he likes.
because... we had no idea that mountains / mushrooms / plants were a recent interest - something that he didn't become interested in until well into his time on land. we had no idea he had another fixation before that (manhole covers), or what else he used to like before that, or before that interest, or the previous one, or—
because he becomes wholly invested in his interests, and then just... moves on. entirely.
and despite how much focus there is on his love of mushrooms, hiking, nature, etc., both in canon and in fanon, who knows how long that will last? in a few months or years, he may have become completely invested in something totally different. he'd have fond memories of enjoying those things, but would have his focus squarely on a different subject.
he wouldn't be the mountain-loving boy we know him as, because he'd have found something new. and new people who meet him may have no idea about this current obsession of his, which we know him for so well
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katsigian · 1 month
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pikahlua · 3 months
I hope this will be short.
I guess this line is the fandom drama of the chapter?
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I understand a lot of you are really passionate about the accuracy of the English translation. I just want to encourage you to try to engage with the official translation in good faith.
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Ojama shimasu literally means "I am disturbing you/I will get in your way." It's often spoken as a greeting where the "apology" is implied (hence the brackets in my translation), but as usual context is everything in Japanese. Izuku is saying this line in defiance of Tomura's wishes. It basically comes across as Izuku plugging his fingers in his ears.
Me personally? If I were the official translator, I'd have strongly considered translating the line as "I'm coming in whether you like it or not."
The purpose in my pointing out the "common greeting" nature of this line was to demonstrate Izuku's sassiness. This is Izuku doing his "meddling where you don't technically have to" thing. The level of formality in Izuku's speech doesn't necessarily translate to actual politeness (check out @bakuhatsufallinlove's excellent post on that here).
Does "You will let me in," mean the exact same thing? Technically no, but it's the sentiment that counts. From an official translator's point of view, "You will let me in," is shorter, punchier, fits in the speech bubble a lot easier, and still conveys the general idea of what's happening in the scene.
I don't know. I wanted to talk about this because I guess a lot of people are concerned about Izuku's characterization and how it reflects on Japanese culture and how the official translation may be misrepresenting Japanese culture to the English-reading audience, and I just...can I ask that everyone take a step back a minute? Horikoshi isn't writing his story for an English-reading audience. He's not considering at all how any of this sounds to English speakers. That's the translator's job, not just to translate what is said but to translate that into the context of who is reading it. Localization is not a dirty word--it's an important aspect of translation. And the notion that Izuku is being polite and respectful here as a Japanese person is just such a...take. Izuku is being hella rude here lol. Japan itself, not just the MHA Japan but REAL WORLD Japan, notoriously has a bystander problem where people will ignore others who are being harassed because they don't wanna get involved. They won't step in to help nor will they even testify as a witness against others for fear of what it means to speak out and break from the pack. Izuku is quite obviously Horikoshi's direct answer to that phenomenon. He's meant to be an example of the morally correct thing to do, which is to be "rude" in these cases.
So I mean, sure, we can talk about what is lost in translation by the line, "You will let me in." But to me what's lost may just be grammatical and pedantic (like the passive voice that switches the onus of action onto Tomura instead of Izuku and what that may do to the focus on Izuku's rise to action here). In any case, it's not a BAD translation that changes Izuku's perceived politeness, just one that may prompt new discussion--and I don't think that's a bad thing.
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sortaawkward · 5 months
I have read the PJO series many, many, many times over my life, and so objectively I knew the ways in which Percy and Luke were two sides of the same coin- even Percy himself recognized how easy it could have been for him to have ended up in Luke's place. But, I just watched an animatic on TikTok that kind of blew the lid off of it for me. The funny thing though? After watching the video, my first thought wasn't about Percy and Luke; my first thought after it looped was wow, I never realized how paralleled the lives of May Castellan and Sally Jackson are.
It doesn't require much delving into fandom content to come across any one of the myriad posts touching on Percy's "mama's boy" title because he is one- plain and simple. However, this particular TikTok had granted the title to Luke freaking Castellan- something I had never seen, or perhaps never cognized, before. Naturally it got me thinking: how would Percy react if May's fate had happened to Sally, instead?
Sally Jackson has true-sight; it's what led to her meeting Poseidon in the first place. And much like Hermes wanting to stay around/with May- Poseidon, too, wanted to keep Sally around. He went as far as offering to build her a castle on the sea floor for her to live in so he could come visit her.
I've struggled with Luke's anger towards Hermes about May's fate for a long time. I struggled because, while I knew that some of it was simply the irrationality of human emotions and the fact that Luke was a child, I couldn't get over the fact that Luke so blatantly chose to overlook the fact that Hermes was against May's attempt to take on the Oracle's spirit. Now, however, if we look at it from the perspective of "if it were Percy and Sally" I can understand that Percy would blame his father because by simply existing and being in her life he condemned her to this fate.
Perhaps Luke did know/understand that Hermes had tried to talk May out of her plan to become the oracle. Perhaps Luke just didn't care; what if his issue was with the existence of Hermes and the rest of the gods and the simple existence of their world? If the world of the gods and demigods and CHB had never come into contact with his mother's world- if the world of Olympus had never existed at all, then May Castellan would have been totally fine.
This might be nothing, or maybe everybody has already come to this realization and I'm just arriving late to the party. May Castellan was also born with the gift of prophecy whereas Sally was not- so it's not even like an exact parallel. I had just never looked at Luke under the scope of a boy who loved his mother the same way that Percy loves Sally, and it kind of blew my mind. Anywho, if anyone reads this sorry for subjecting you to my stream-of-consciousness; I just needed a sounding board (to write it out) in order to organize my thoughts.
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A Goodbye to The Bad Batch
I don’t even know what to say first. Because this is goodbye, but it is also everything but. But I suppose I should start at the beginning.
Just a couple of years ago I found my love for Star Wars. My entire life, as far back as I can remember, my dad has tried to get me into the fandom. Now, he’s not a fan the exact same way some of us are, he’d only watched the saga and the Mandalorian, funnily enough I was the one to introduce him to The Clone Wars and beyond, but it’s been a joy in his life for a very long time. I was never interested in it when I was little, but then I got a little older and Star Wars started to capture my interest.
One random weekend, I believe in 2021 or 2022, I decided that I was going to watch all nine saga movies in those forty-eight hours, and then start on my goal to watch every show and the additional movies.
This is, without a shred of doubt, one of the greatest decisions I have ever made, and one that I will never regret. I would not be the person I am had I not given Star Wars a chance.
It would sound ridiculous to anyone anywhere else, but this has become such a safe place for me that I know I can be honest.
Everyone finds that one thing that makes them happy like nothing else. A person, a hobby, a place, a fandom. Mine is the galaxy far, far away that lets me escape from my life whenever I need to.
The Star Wars fandom has its faults, and there is so much hatred.
But more than anything, there is love like no love I have ever experienced before. The love between fans and our love for these movies and shows is something I never expected to have in my life. But somehow, for some reason, it has all found a permanent place in my heart, and I couldn’t be happier.
At this time, the first season of The Bad Batch had just been released. I was branching out, watching The Clone Wars and then jumping to The Book of Boba Fett, though I’m not sure why I chose to watch everything in such a completely random order.
But then I started The Bad Batch.
I had no idea what Crosshair, Tech, Wrecker, Hunter, Echo, and Omega would come to mean to me.
I have dealt with a lot in the last few years. Nothing compared to others, but depression finds a way to wedge into your life. I love to be alone, but I don’t like to be lonely, and I have managed to isolate myself to a point of misery.
I found more comfort in The Bad Batch than anything else in my life, and I will never forget the joy The Bad Batch brought me in these last few years.
I began to write when I found Star Wars, and I was inspired to do so by The Bad Batch. Before, I had never felt so compelled by any one piece of media to add my own part of it to the world, until this. Writing has become another escape, one that gives me an outlet to continue the stories of characters left behind.
What I already knew has been reaffirmed, the lessons I have learned remain with me, and will even after this is over.
That it’s okay to feel afraid, because everyone does, and to make mistakes, provided you learn from them.
That feeling out of place for one reason or another does not make you unworthy of love, and having limitations with affection isn’t something you need to apologize for.
That being goofy, having fun, finding joy in the dark places, is just as vital a part of life as anything else, if not what we need more than anything.
That taking time for yourself, to make sure you don’t fall apart, even while taking care of others, is important.
That our worst moments can be one of two things, what consumes us, or what we grow from.
That being a young woman is not a detriment to your worth, intelligence, talent, or any other aspect of life, but is in fact what makes you strongest.
That what makes us unique and our faults are a part of who we are, but they do not define us, and we are so much more than the ideas people have of us.
My only regret is not making friends when I had the chance. I’m bad at that, opening up and putting myself out there, and I shy away from talking to new people because it makes me uncomfortable. But I wish I had been able to put that aside before it was too late and found people who love The Bad Batch the way I do to continue talking to, even after the show ends.
But to all the people who have supported me and who I have supported, thank you for being part of my Bad Batch experience.
It's very difficult to believe that this is it.
Though The Bad Batch has not been around long, it feels like it has, because as long as I have been watching Star Wars, The Bad Batch has been in its active run, and I’m so grateful I got to be here when it was.
I know that even when the credits roll for the final time, when the greater fandom forgets the show that they never really understood the way we have, I’ll be here, and hopefully, so will all of you. I think that the family brought together by The Bad Batch will endure, even if we go quiet for a while.
We’ll stick around, for the day the Batch comes back. Because I know they will.
Thank you Clone Force 99, the Bad Batch fandom, Dee Bradley Baker, Michelle Ang, the Kiners, and everybody who played a part in telling this story.
The impact The Bad Batch has had on my life has been profound, and I wouldn’t give it up for anything. It’s been a wild ride, and I have enjoyed every second of it. It has been a privilege to be a part of this piece in the ever growing history that makes up Star Wars.
Goodbye, Bad Batch. Until next time.
“Change takes getting used to. You’ll see. Just give it time.”
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wonderer399 · 19 days
Sebastian : Why he is Perfect for Ciel
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Ever since I was in the black butler back in 2015, I was like 17 years old...I was obsessed with BB...I shipped Sebaxciel very hard, I still do and will continue to do it and none of your petty 'anti' opinions will make me change my mind like ever. You are free to judge me and I will judge you 'anti' back as well...You guys think that you are being 'self righteous' ? Tbh in reality you guys exactly sound like 'Alicent Hightower' from 'House of the Dragon' after she was living her miserable life with her 3 annoying kids and had to stick her nose into Rhaenera's bussiness because her 'morals' goes against what Rhaenera was doing....Therefore, stop being annoying and you guys better keep your own opinion to yourselves...I'm 25 now...and I will still ship SebaXciel..until my last breath...I may start the fandom very late , however I have more sense and adulting going on my brain to judge what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'...and what should be kept in the 'greyzone'
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I have always defended Sebastian, still do and will always be defending him because he deserves it. Sebastian and Ciel both NEED each other. You guys might think Sebastian NEEDS ciel more...its the other way around ..CIEL NEEDS SEBASTIAN and without Sebastian HE CAN NOT SURVIVE A DAY WITHOUT BEING KIDNAPPED!!!!! OR WORSE BEING KILLED!!!! SEBASTIAN IS CIEL'S LIFE SUPPORT!!!
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Sebastian keeps to be surprisingly being 'Kind' towards 'Ciel' by every chapter and each chapter their bond becomes stronger than ever, mostly because due to Agni's influence. And I remember exactly Ciel saying that 'If my soul He wants, then I will make sure to get my revenge properly'...Ciel KNOWS what did he sign up for with sebastian !!! CIEL MAY LOOK LIKE A CHILD ...BUT MENTALLY HE CAN SELL ADULTS IN THE BLACK MARKETS 10 TIMES WITHOUT ANY HESITATION THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST HIM ....He is that cunning!!! We have seen Ciel's Kind side as well...Ciel and Sebastian both knows when and to whom to be 'cunning' or 'Kind'...Both Sebastian and Ciel are Extremely Extremely cunning and will and does 'BEND' the rules of the game at their own advantage through their extremely calculated and refined dirty tricks and schemes ....Playing fair is not their 'concern' ... but 'winning' is ....if Ciel is the 'King' in the Chessplayer, Sebastian is the Ultimate Cheat code and Chessboard in the game ....and pawns are the other characters ....Sebastian can't be the pawn ...Sebastian simply sets up the helpful environment for Ciel to win...Sebastian simply assists Ciel in his own game ....
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Sebastian is the STRICTEST, SMARTEST, GENTLEST and NICEST ( may not be the kindest ...but he is still trying his best ...he gives me more like 'TOUGH LOVE' vibes your asian households will give off ) guy to be able pull up with all of Ciel's bratty tantrums .... ( if you even dare to give off the same exact attitude to your parents as Ciel does to sebby time to time....In the white household you won't be affected that much but in the black/latina/asian household, parents will start beating with flipflops no more attitudes.... compared to that Ciel is in 'heaven' as Sebby keeps tolerating ) Sebastian STAYS with Ciel through thick and thin ...Sebby never EVER abondons Ciel ( I don't count filler episodes of season 1 because its not Cannon ) ....Sebby is not that kind of 'mannerless' character who would force himself into 'Ciel's' arm ..sebby HIGHLY VALUES MANNERS,GRACEFULNESS and AESTHETICS...Sebby knows his self worth... we even see sebby getting 'blushed' cheeked whenever ciel compliments him for his good work and that what motivates sebby to stay with ciel through their journey together...they both appriciate, tolerate, they get and understand each other and the same time they are very fond of each other as well...
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In the emerald witch arc, it is very evident that when sebby saw ciel was at his worst state ...sebby gone mad and destroyed the entire german military single handedly...ciel is very PRECIOUS to him...once ciel realized how sad Sebby would have felt when he kept rejecting sebby touch...after waking up from psychic trauma, Ciel immidiately compansated sebby with constantly 'touching' sebby 'affectionately' ...its like the two lovers being aparted for wayy too long and when they meet again, they can't let go of each other that easily...their bond just keeps getting stronger...and yall antis be burning lol ...because we shippers got the latest TEA DATE in the chapter 212 !! in the victorian era it was not 'acceptable' to sit 'butlers' and 'noble man' together ...let alone sipping tea and flirting with each other...its so sad that you guys don't like something that's fine! ...but don't dictate us and don't rubb your moral dicks into our faces ...keep it in your pockets
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nerdysleepybunny · 5 months
Hallo! im new here so please let me know if i cross any boundries.'
anywho, I was wondering if i could request a platonic philza and/or techno comfort? ive had bad few days :(
Have a wonderful day/night!
I APOLOGIZE FOR GETTING TO THIS SO LATE!! I literally love dsmp asks even though the fandom is dying off, so this definitely isn’t crossing any boundaries! I hope you’re doing better. My dms are open if you ever need to chat! :D
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Character(s): Philza, Technoblade (ft. Mumza & Chat)
Fandom(s): DreamSMP
Reader: Gender neutral (you/your)
Style: Hcs
Summary: How Philza and Technoblade (separate) would comfort you!
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
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I feel like he’s the type to just know you aren’t doing well before you even say anything.
Like, you’re just sitting there in your feels, then suddenly?
“Are you okay, mate?”
“Do you need anything?”
“Here, let’s sit and have a chat.”
Literally shooing chat away so it’s just the two of you having quality time together.
Would sit down next to you on a couch, but probably wouldn’t initiate any touching. The most I see him doing is a shoulder pat or a hand rubbing your back.
Of course, he wouldn’t mind you leaning on him or embracing him! He just doesn’t want to touch you in case you want your space :)
If you want to talk about it he’s there to listen and offer wise old man advice (if you call him old while you’re upset, it’s the ONE time he won’t get defensive about it)
He’s just talking giving you some advice about your problems, then he hears you snickering
“What’s so funny?”
“You sound so old right now, Phil.”
Usually he’d shout his usual “I’M NOT OLD/I’m only in my 30’s, mate…” (I’m pretty sure he’s canonically thousands of years old but shh let grandpa be delusional)
But now? He’d just chuckle and shake his head
“Whatever you say, mate.”
After you’ve concluded your venting/told him that you don’t want to talk about it
You know what time it is…
Pillow fort anyone? He’s giving pillow fort vibes.
He’s a dad, so obviously he’d just do all the work and build it for you. Again, only because you’re sad. Any other time he’d yell at you for not helping.
Speaking of sadness
Don’t let Phil’s wife see you sad…
Mumza is the type to cry when she sees someone else crying, so now both of you are just sobbing together and Phil is there trying to comfort the two of you but is an overwhelmed old man and may end up crying himself
Uh… cry party?
Either you all end up making fun of each other for crying which results in you all laughing together, or you just cry till you get sleepy and pass out on the floor together.
What an interesting way to family bond.
So you seek The Blade for comfort, the most monochrome and nonchalant man on the server. What a wonderful decision, reader! /lh (I’d do the exact same)
If you’re a Technoblade fan you’ve definitely heard the “it’s fine” audio.
Now I can either be wholesome and say he’d hold you close and whisper that everything will be okay to you
Or I can be silly and realistic and say that he’d pull out a phone and just play the audio with a blank face, but is laughing on the inside due to your “what the actual fuck” face.
Okay now for some actual comfort!
As we all know… Technoblade isn’t exactly good at comfort.
He kills orphans for a living, how do you think he’d react seeing someone crying like a child?
He’s standing looking at you with a look of “why is this creature screaming” and “wtf do I do”
“Uh… you good? You okay? You, uh… need a hug…?”
Very awkwardly holds his arms out for a hug, and if you accept, he even more awkwardly pats your back.
If you got his shirt wet with tears, he’d DEFINITELY comment about it
“Are you seriously ruining my shirt? How are my enemies supposed to think I have a good fashion sense now?!”
Goes into a rant about how he needs to look his best and how it’s a good strategy to beat his enemies in battle while you’re kinda just there… honestly are you even crying anymore?
You’ve stopped crying ages ago, and he’s still just talking
In conclusion, Technoblade is good at calming people down without even trying (I was literally having a breakdown and all I needed to do was listen to the silly pig man talk about Greek mythology. It must all be part of his master plan…)
Speaking of listening to his voice, here’s a scenario.
“Technoblade, can you read to me?”
“Read to me.”
“I’m not reading you a bedtime stor-“
“I wanted you to tell me about Greek mythology.”
“Fine. Come here.”
Long story short, he starts by reading you just one story. That one story turns into the entire history of the Greek gods and goddesses… yeah you pass out pretty quickly. But Technoblade isn’t one to stop mid-ramble. Once he notices you’re asleep, he’ll continue talking, just quieter. He’ll eventually get sleepy himself, and soon enough… you’re both asleep.
Works like a charm!
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
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moralesmilesanhour · 10 months
Every time i think about atsv and its themes, my mind keeps going back to the scene with Miles and his parents in that college counselor’s office, and what its purpose is.
It establishes the strain that being Spider-Man has put on their relationship, yes - it also establishes that Miles feels trapped and limited, yes - but a lot of fandom discussion overlooks the important parallel that that scene sets in motion between racism in academia and Miles' rejection from Spider Society.
By now, everyone has already figured out that the issue with the 'Canon Event' theory is that it assumes that trauma - specifically experiencing the "right" traumatic events - is what makes a Spider-Man, and it is wrong for Miles to be required to accept this. It isn't enough that he had his uncle die, his father must die also because then he will have sacrificed "enough" to keep the canon intact. No one questions why arbitrary sacrifice is required at all.
The concept of the personal statement being required for college applications, I would like to argue, has the exact same issue.
Miles even says so in the beginning of the movie: "Having 'a story' in the first place sounds gross" (notice how Miles vocally critiques elite academia contantly and has been from the get-go. He is not an apolitical character like some might portray him to be).
It is not enough that Miles is an exceptional student with a variety of interests (art and science), he must have the appropriate traumatic "story" for white academic institutions to find him interesting enough as an applicant, even if the story they want him to tell is not actually his story (no, he is not from a "struggling immigrant family". They own an apartment floor and PR is in the United States). Just like the "Canon events" that Miguel describes are not Miles' story, and Miles does not want them to be because it requires the preventable deaths of innocent people.
In a similar way that has been touched upon more in wider fandom, Rio gives Miles a speech telling him not to let the people in these overwhelmingly-white spaces that he will be entering tell him that he doesn't belong. That speech, as we all know, ends up being a direct parallel to the way Spider Society treats him: he is simultaneously a charity case and a threat just by his mere presence. His very existence is disruptive to the canon: The spider wasn't "supposed" to bite him, he just got lucky. There is a reason why the visual of the ball with Miles' lottery number is constantly paired with the number on the spider that bit him; they are one and the same.
(Side note: this is also what makes Hobie's function as a character so interesting - The idea that you can just simply quit. You do not HAVE to be in these privileged spaces if they don't have your best interests in mind. You don't have to prove yourself to these people to be who you are. But that's a post for another day)
The reason I've been thinking about all this is because I feel like no one really touches upon why Miles' character exists. Like, on a thematic level. Yes, he's there to show that "anyone can wear the mask", but there's a lack of specificity in that statement that I wanted to address with this post.
Miles is a love letter to every black kid that's been told that they're only in the spaces they're in because they "got lucky". He's for every black kid that's ever looked at a college app and been told that they have to take their trauma and put it on display for some white admissions officer to shed a tear over. He's there to argue that you don't have to bend towards any of society's attempts to make a spectacle or a serviceable machine out of you, and that you can just be.
TL;DR: it was never just about the mask MWAH 🫶🏾
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tackytigerfic · 3 months
for the word excerpt ask game: sweat
Truly i am nervous to even mention this let alone post it, let alone to you of all people, the one whose fics grabbed me by the throat and brought me into the F1 fandom. I haven't even put this in my Maxiel doc (which is still empty while I consider it in mild terror). But I have been jotting down ideas for a Maxiel fic in my private discord I keep for note-taking so I will share a little bit as it happens to feature this exact word. This is an AU where Daniel owns an organic farm shop and Max is a finance bro and they become friends when they join the same amateur footie team. In this scene, they're on a stag night, sharing a hotel room, and they've just been karting while dressed as characters from Mario Kart. Max is dressed as Peach and let's imagine it's one of the slutty costumes (affectionate) rather than canonically accurate.
“It is very lovely, perhaps, but not very comfortable,” Max says, sounding completely serious, but he’s watching for Daniel’s smile so closely that Daniel knows he must be joking. He turns his back to Daniel, reaching up with one of his big hands, the unbruised one, so he can pull at the puffy neckline of the dress. When he eases it down off one shoulder, Daniel can see the imprint of the elastic in his skin, a pattern scored all the way down lower and lower, running in an orderly line until it disappears under the pink silky fabric. Max’s back muscles flex with the movement. He’s too big for the dress, really; it should be ridiculous. It is ridiculous. His skin is blotchy with heat, the pink bits nearly the same colour as the dress, and every part of him that Daniel can see is gleaming with sweat and specks of glitter.
“Unzip me?” Max says, and Daniel’s hands are moving before he can even think about it.
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madschiavelique · 10 months
Hello can you make a headcanon what type of woman/partner miguel would be his type ? Tysm
okayy so i will mostly be speaking here mentality/personality wise and not physically wise (i think miguel would probably focus more on the way his partner thinks than their appearance)
little note : i based some of my thinking and reasoning on the fact that miguel's mbti is ISTJ and thought about how he would get along with other mbti types
headcanon : miguel's type content warnings : none word count : 485 tag list : @fandom-ash
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he is probably a man who likes a match that can connect with their values, work styles and schedules. which doesn’t mean that he is completely immune to the possibility of being adventurous
i’d say he is a traditional man, so he’ll probably search for someone like that too, but he’ll still seek for someone that can get him out of his comfort zone, such as fun and loving individuals who live in the moment – who are still able to respect tradition, of course, and that can decrease his overall stress simply by their presence
he’d also need an intelligent partner, or at least someone with whom he can have deep discussions
he wants someone who is independent – he spends enough time already baby sitting an entire society, and dealing with a childish partner isn’t really what he’s searching for in a relationship
since he is a man who, when making decisions, places rationality ahead of emotions, he’d really have to take time to methodically evaluate his partner
which brings me to an important point : he needs someone who is patient. he doesn’t fall in love easily, he’s actually the exact opposite of a quick lover. it takes time to know him, he likes to take time to know his partner, and likes to take it even more for him to truly commit to a relationship
he’s not the kind to enjoy risk-taking, especially when the subject is love. he takes his time to date to properly evaluate his partner before making any moves
he can find it difficult to express his feelings directly through words. during debates, he can struggle to find the proper word to express his expression and thoughts, which emphasizes the need for someone be patient and that will not judge him to hastily
I think we can say that on some globality with miguel, what you see is what you get, honesty and straightforwardness is a pillar in his relations, so his partner has to be honest as well.
he might sound too cold from time to time in his words, which can sometime be involuntary, so his partner should preferably be able to see through the tone of his words and focus mostly on what message he’s trying to express
he has a strong sense of duty and responsibility so he will work hard at fulfilling his promises – sometimes sacrificing himself in the process because he always put others first, which is why he needs someone responsible that can bring him back on firm ground in reality and can properly take care of him by showing him how to put himself first sometimes
he wants someone that is dependable and reliable, someone confident and self-assured, that will keep their objectivity in any situation
since he is practical, logical and very grounded, I can imagine him searching the same qualities in his partner
honestly, I think what miguel is searching for is someone that has a similar way of thinking to him, but that is less afraid of taking risks and ready to work for their relationship
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httpseungmxn · 19 days
The Club
Multi-fandom x Reader
🍰 - smutty
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Authors note: Welcome in to my darkest desires fic. This is the smuttiest smut I have ever written in all my years of writing. It is rather short since I mentioned its a mini fic. I, however, will make sure that it has plenty for you all to enjoy. MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT!!!
Warnings: This is straight smut, no fluff or angst. PIV smut. Spit swapping. Slight cum eating. Panty snatching. Strangers to one-night-stand. Unprotected sex. (wrap it up irl)
Triggers: As far as I’m aware none. Alcohol mentioned.
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The club was a dangerous place. That’s what you had come to realize. What made you think this?
Maybe the large hands gripping your ass tight as his dick drives deep into you. No man had ever made you feel this way before. No stranger had ever managed to seduce you into having sex with him in a random hall at the club before. It was only supposed to be a fun night out with your bestfriend just having a few drinks and doing some dancing.
You hadn’t even known him five minutes before you were weak in the knees and yearning for him. Only knowing his name and that he was accompanied by his own group of friends. One of his friends who had scooped your bestfriend up and took her home for the night. Not that you seemed to mind too much since it was obvious you were ending up in the same exact position as her.
Only difference was, you were in the club still barely hidden from people's eyes with your legs over his shoulders so he could get himself deeper in your hole. Though maybe that made things a little more exciting, the thought of getting caught being fucked by a stranger in a club. That would be a story to tell your friend when you saw her again.
Three drinks was all you had and they weren’t strong enough to get you drunk but you were clearly tipsy which made it feel like the pleasure was heightened. Your cheeks are a rosy color both from drinking and the heat you both were producing in the already hot club. As far as you could see his were as well. Staring at him for a moment to admire what you had managed to get with from just a little bit of grinding on the dance floor.
An unintentional moan suddenly left your lips as you hit your peak, gripping his shirt tightly to keep yourself grounded. His thrusts had begun to get sloppy and a few barely audible whimpers left his lips. God, those whimpers were a beautiful symphony to your ears that you would gladly listen to again. Your orgasm finally coming to its end managed to sober you up a bit, feeling a little bit of sensitivity as he continued to plow into you.
Pulling the handsome stranger in for a deep and wet kiss, your tongue pressing flat to his. Eating up all the sounds that left his lips as he came deep inside of your pretty little cunt. Milking him of his cum while pulling back from the kiss. Looking up to him again and feeling your heart fluttering at the dopey but charming smirk he was giving you.
“ round two at my place? “ 
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Authors ending note: “round two at my place?” had me giggling like a little bitch 🤭🫣 All simping aside though, what did we think of this one? It was a bit longer than I really intended for it to be but I just couldn’t help myself, I got drawn into writing again. Let me know what you all thought of this and tell me in the comments if you want more!
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theamityelf · 15 days
If you had to put a twist on Makoto's parents what would it be? Honestly the fandom doesn't do them any justice, I barely see any headcanons with them and that makes me a bit bummed. I saw someone make a post on how maybe they were ultimates in the past with Makoto and Komaru vaguely inherting their talents (Ultimate Lawyer for the mom and Ultimate Sniper for the dad). What really caught my interest though was when someone pointed out that the reason Komaru might be so cool with Toko/Syo is because one or both of her parents were kinda yanderes. Mr. Naegi definitely has that look that something is off about him so it kinda works but Mrs. Naegi could be to but manages to behave in a way that doesn't draw attention to her.
Honestly I could see how Makoto's strong belief may have come from them as well but that might be a bit far fetched. I just enjoy the idea of everyone thinking Makoto and Komaru are normal only for them to turn around and do some crazy sh*t.
The funny thing is, before I clicked to check this ask, when I only saw the first sentence, I was already thinking in somewhat yandere terms.
(Also, all of this is just me brainstorming, lol.)
I don't think I want them to be Ultimates, because I really value when characters aren't Ultimates, but I definitely lean in the direction of them being lowkey super abnormal in ways that resulted in both their kids' guise of normalcy and their kids' unusual tolerance for ridiculosity.
The first thing I imagined (again, before I read the full ask) was that Mr. or Mrs. Naegi killed the teacher who snuck into Komaru's room that one time. Like, they caught him sneaking in and now he's buried in their yard, and when Komaru brought up seeing a ghost in her room, they were just like "That's right, honey, it was a ghost." I don't know if I more enjoy the idea of them being hypocrites about this (like, teaching the kids that murder is Just Wrong no matter what, without a hint of irony) or super honest (like, "Murder is wrong, but if someone messes with my kids, I'll kill 'em. I'll do it." "Daaaad..." "We're not saying we want to, honey, we're just saying we will." "Moooom!")
(Or maybe we could take that same intensity, and instead of murder, make it more psychological warfare, to kind of mirror Makoto and Komaru's people skills.)
Just generally, I find it fun to imagine the Naegi parents as almost bizarre caricatures of normalcy. Almost like they're putting on an act of what humans are like, except they genuinely think they're being normal. They're deliberately availing their kids of the most basic, popular media enjoyed by the masses, because that's what people do; those are the things people enjoy. (They'll go to the movies, not having seen any trailers or feeling any anticipation for a particular film, and they just pick whatever movie the most other people in the ticket line went for.) They know the exact average time most people have dinner and that's dinnertime for the house. (It doesn't end in :00, :15, :30, or :45; it is a very irregular and specific time.)
It sounds like it would be strict and meticulous, but in execution, they're so casual about it that it wouldn't seem weird until you heard them explain it.
When Makoto says he's extremely average, he's not just being self-deprecating; he is giving an accurate description of his family's lifestyle.
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rrxaiky · 1 year
HSR: Blade x GN! reader.
WARNINGS: ANGST . Mentions of death, no one actually dies . OOC (?) . Blade is referred to as "Ren" in the past .
A/N: Debut into HSR fandom? Writing skills are rusty, have mercy on me. And yes I know Ren is Blade in another language. Masterlist will (maybe) be done when I wake up. Tysm to @achy-boo for the encouragement!!
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The moon shone brightly that night, with you sitting with Blade, except this time, with both your backs facing each other. You can still remember this exact place, where the both of you sat beside each other to gaze at the stars. These are the same stars you looked at, but you can’t help but feel that the person behind you was a stranger, and not the man you fell in love with all those years ago.
“Why are you here?” you can feel your heart squeeze from the sentence that left your mouth. Why’d your voice sound so timid and small? You hated the way he just showed up, didn’t you? 
“Am I not allowed to be here, [Name]?” He was. You just didn’t want him there. “Tell me what you want, Blade.” So you thought of him that way too, just like everyone else. “Blade? What happened to calling me Ren?” You didn’t know what to answer him. The name “Ren” didn’t feel foreign on your lips, no. You just didn't want to call him that. 
He wasn’t Ren. This wasn’t the guy you could spend hours talking about. He wasn’t the guy you loved so much. 
Well, your younger self, at least. When you were younger, you wanted nothing more but to be with Ren, to spend time with him. 
Blade… You feel nothing for him, do you? Unlike Ren, he wished death to claim him. You didn’t want him to die. That’s what your mind tells you at the moment. Why, exactly?
Is it because you knew if he died, a part of you would go with him? Now looking at it, isn’t he still the Ren you loved? 
“You aren’t Ren,” you finally responded, your voice breaking through the awkward silence. “Am I not? My dearest, do I not look like your beloved Ren?” 
“...You aren’t the Ren I fell in love with.” You gritted your teeth as you finished your sentence, your eyes squeezing shut as you waited for Blade’s response. Blade could only sigh before looking up at the sky. Seconds, minutes… They felt like hours before you heard footsteps. He was walking away. “You are correct, [Name]. I am not the same person you met. I am not Ren.” 
You looked up from the floor before turning around to see him already fading into the background. Why did you want to reach out and chase him so badly? You could see the stars around him. You can recall telling him he looked pretty under the same constellations.
…They’re right. 
Blade spoke in his mind as he walked. He thought, “I am not the one they love, I am not the Ren they wish to see,”
But still…I wish to be the person they fell in love with. 
I don’t want to be a blade to them. I just want to be Ren to them. 
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RBs & follows are highly appreciated <3
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mumblingsage · 9 days
Semi-baked thought but recently I have read 3 different professionally published gay romances that were...fine...some more satisfying than others, but what stuck out to me was the extent to which the characterization and dialogue lacked surprises. A bi guy in an M/M romance recommendation thread on reddit pointed out the extent to which published romances gravitate toward a particular flavor of feminine man paired with a particular flavor of masculine man and it's hard not to keep seeing once it's pointed out. In each of the three books the more 'masculine' guy was bisexual. I love bisexuals (it's self-love), I love characters with differing relationships to their gender, but I'm also fighting down thoughts of a drinking game.
It's not the exact same flavor as the original Fandom Ghost but it is a Ghost. [And specific enough that it is a Ghost, not an archetype.]
Perhaps the bigger lacking-surprises issue is a craft one where everyone just Says What They Mean too often, and in rather bland ways. I don't mind the occasional revelation of Truth from the Heart; I am reading romance! But how you do it matters, points can be won for style; there's a low quotability quotient and less satisfaction because, again, it's romance, we know they're going to communicate these particular ideas, we're here to be charmed and surprised by how they do it. (In parallel to the romances, I'm reading Robin Hobb's character-driven fantasy novels, and one thing I will say for her, the characters' dialogue + narrative is a firehose of surprises in a way that often reads as more truly romantic.)
If this was fanfiction of my Blorbos I would be more easily satisfied, or perhaps the generic-ness would be less noticeable because I'd be backfilling richer details from canon. When it's happening to original characters, it leaves a feeling of dissatisfaction.
There's also a thing where the side characters root for the relationship in rather flat/uninteresting ways; I'm willing to admit some of this is Just Me having a higher angst preference than the target audience, but at the same time I've read older romances (old enough that they're standardly heterosexual) which, for all their myriad other sins, give side characters much richer and more complex emotional affects and roles. And I think some of it is approach/style more than content: if I summarize various side characters, they sound perfectly interesting, but on the page they fall flat because they just Say What They Mean in polite and generic ways. [This a flaw that annoys me in fanfiction too. Once you've read enough, you already know what they're going to say, usually, but you want the way they say it to make some impression. "Say" can be broadly construed to include body language and symbolic action - my kingdom for an extravagant gesture.]
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rizzoreads88 · 24 days
The “I have a degree” argument…
Lately within the acotar fandom especially the ship wars part of it there is this new wave of arguments that goes something like ike this…
“I have a degree in this” or “I work in the publishing industry” or “I’m a writer too” or “I majored in English whatever in college so I know the foreshadowing and exactly where SJM is going with the story….”
Not only is this extremely condescending but that still does not make you SJM…. SJM writes what she wants and often her characters lead her stories this is why a few things have changed from what she originally planned over the years.
I am a makeup artist… does this mean I know every method every makeup artist will ever use? Does this mean there is only ONE WAY to do different makeup looks? Does this mean when I give someone a Smokey eye every other makeup artist uses my same techniques and exact eyeshadow from the exact brand I’m using?See how silly that sounds.
Ship whoever you want and enjoy your theories but at the end of the day none of us are the author but SJM herself. No degree or profession will change that so there is no need to down talk others who have a different opinion.
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