welshaphrodite · 2 years
the only fandoms I know here are Percy Jackson, Avatar and Hunger Games... maybe a little She-ra... the rest of the posts on tumblr just sound like this:
“Bleep-Blorp and Lemungus would be the best couple if Neltom didn’t rise from the dead in season 2. Honestly, wish Neltom had stayed in the underbelly of the beast, because it would have allowed Bleep-Blorp to heal from the past traumas of the Ducky Rebellion, and for Lemungus to deal with unrequited feelings for Bleep-Blorp.”
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kindahoping4forever · 8 months
Ash IG Story
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intosnarkness · 6 months
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My nieces and nephew have been given the ability to text me and no one is allowed to explain memes to them cause they are killing it.
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absolutebearings · 16 days
we're making our way east, and its much slower going that we planned. being that it's almost june, of course we got stranded by a blizzard in montana. yeah ok its in the mountains but damn i thought we could do a cross continent trip without a blizzard for once. at this rate we'll probably be rolling into michigan by tuesday
my dad's out here making donner party jokes XDD 'u know u got 3 cats so you'll be ok until help comes!" i tell him dad i will eat my own foot before i eat my cats.
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Quick test doodles!! Feat. Fives, kuromi, Anakin, and my ponysona
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Afternoon Delight I Steve Harrington X Fem!Reader I 18+
A lil Harrington action for ya'll today. Dont you just love a sneaky fuck on the couch?? An audience just adds to the thrill~
Warnings- Hella unsafe sex, voyerism (sorta?), fingering, public sex (it b smut, lemme know if I missed anything)
A.N.- The gang they're hanging with is all the older kids.... None of the babies... Thatd be fucking weird.... 0.o
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Steve likes it slow. He likes the control. He loves knowing exactly what to do to make you a pool of twitching nerves at the end of a long day. The lazy, open mouthed kisses in the morning. A hand trailing under your shirt, slowly grabbing at your chest. A sly slap on the ass as you protest getting up for the day.
He especially likes seeing how far he can push you in front of your friends. An innocent cuddle on the couch. A movie playing for the gang, something loud and spooky. Perfect.
His breathing behind you gets slower and more controlled as he scans the room, making sure everyone is preoccupied with the tv. You're blissfully unaware as you doze in and out, tired after a day out. The blanket is cozy, Steve is warm, and this is exactly where you want to be. You hum low, happily snuggling in to drift off for a well deserved nap. You're only slightly aware of his hand resting on your hip.
You're more aware when it slowly starts drifting up and down your leg. You feel him nestle in to the crook of your neck, smiling while leaving small kisses along the length of your shoulder. A giggle escapes your lips as you catch his eye in your peripheral. A small shake of his head, a sharp glint in his eye, and you quiet again, slightly more awake than you were before. Excited.
The hand slips past your hip, and he traces his way across your stomach. Slow, lazy designs play from his fingers as you struggle to maintain your giggles, fighting to stay quiet and unnoticed by your friends. His voice is low and playful in your ear as he warns, 'uh huh...quiet babe...' He shifts slightly, eyes on the others as he adjusts his position behind you, now sort of propped up on his elbow with his head on the armrest above you. You take a shaky breath in. 'quiet'. The word echoes in your head as you feel him settle again. His hand is resting on your ribs now, feeling you fight to control your breath. You can feel your heart fluttering in your chest, the adrenaline starting to spike as the arousal bleeds low in your belly.
Steve's hand moves again, lightly cupping your breast as he fondles you under the blanket. Your eyes close as a breathy sigh escapes from you before you can catch it. A hard pinch to your nipple reminds you. 'quiet'
You bite down on the corner of your lip, casting a glance over to your friends. They're completely absorbed with the movie. Good.
Steve's other arm snakes it's way around the front of your neck, locking you tightly to his chest. You can feel him start to harden behind you, and you take the opportunity to slowly shift your hips, pushing back on him as his hand palms coarsely at your tit. The sharp inhale behind you tells you everything you need to know. The game is on.
Both of you hold your breath as the movie unexpectedly quiets, the scene now focusing on some lost teenager in the woods, the atmosphere threatening and dark. You fight another giggle as you watch the actress bound into what looks like guaranteed death. Gore wasn't exactly your favorite, but trashy horror never went awry.
You're pulled from your train of thought as you feel fingers snake under your skirt, playing with the hem of your panties underneath. You're barely remembering to breathe as Steve's fingers curl around the fabric and shift them to the side. Your excitement is hard to hide, especially as Steve slowly plays with your dripping cunt. Your eyes flutter closed as he slicks his fingers up and down, only barely touching you where you want him to most.
His face gives nothing away, but his eyes are sharp and shining, watching for any signs of the others catching on to what you're doing. A smirk appears on his face as you grab at his forearm to muffle yourself. He's working you a little harder now, your wetness making it effortless. A familiar warmth builds in your belly slowly as he flicks over your clit, the grin on his face getting wider. You bite down on his forearm with a whine when he removes his fingers to readjust himself. That stern glance again.
quiet. You can almost hear him say it, as he quietly fishes himself out of his shorts. You gnaw on his arm impatiently, earning you a hard pinch.
behave. He glances down at you, smile wicked and playful. You give him your best fuck me eyes as you push back again, catching his cock-in-hand with your movements. His turn to groan as you rock slowly, making sure he can feel how wet your hot slit is. His eyes close tight as his hips start slowly moving against yours. They snap open when the movie interrupts with a loud clap of thunder, showing the actress now wet with blood and rain drop a knife to the floor. It clatters along the tile, disguising the stuttering breath he takes to re-orient himself.
He pushes in slowly, stopping every centimeter to watch your reaction. This is his favorite part. You have the cutest little pout as he stops again, half sheathed. You huff, annoyed he was taking so long. You need him.
Tired of his stupid fucking smirk, you snap your hips back hard, taking him to the base. His eyes squeeze tight and the air leaves his lungs as he tries to bite his tongue. It's quiet, but you hear him groan under his breath, 'f-fuck'
His fullness sends tingles throughout your body, and another small giggle escapes you. Two can play this game Harrington...
Your face drops as you catch a glance from Nancy, who looks at you, puzzled at why you're smiling while some poor schmuck gets his throat slit by the protagonist on screen. You shake your head quickly, silently assuring her that you're otherwise preoccupied. Her face turns red as it clicks. Her eyes go wide as she wills herself to keep watching the movie. Just watch the movie. Its easy. Its her favorite. Just.... Watch.... The movie....
You're aware of her staring again, this time watching Steve's face. A sheen of sweat graces his forehead as he fights to remain completely unbothered by your small thrusts back onto him. His eyes shift uneasily as he catches her glace, a sheepish smile on his face. She quickly turns to the screen again, cheeks shining a bright red. Just watch the movie.
Steve gets confident now, burying himself as deep as he can while pulling you impossibly close. His free hand pushes down on your stomach, adding to the fullness of his cock nestling in just the right spot. His fingers work at your clit again, and you can feel yourself clench hard around him, milking him as quietly as you can. You bite down on his arm again as he edges you closer and closer, your hips moving on their own. You don't really care if your friends catch you, you decide, he just feels so good.
You can hear his labored breathing behind you, and you feel his cock twitch inside you, you know he's close. You are too. His fingers pick up their pace, becoming slightly erratic as he slides them between your folds, touching exactly where you need him to. Your back arches as you cum hard around him. A hand clamps your mouth shut as a moan flies from your lips, breathy and hot. Steve is pumping faster now, blanket muffling most of the sound. The movie muffles the rest, as a shootout eclipses the screen.
His moan is quieter than yours when he cums, deep and guttural as his movements slow. You giggle again as he drops his weight on you, arm finally giving out beneath the two of you. A small flurry of kisses cover your face, sweat slicked hair tickling your cheeks as Steve nuzzles you, smiling into your skin. You snuggle in again, letting sleep finally take over, a quiet 'I love you' echoing in your head.
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robot invented by trans girls who's trying its best to be polite but is confused by cis people
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pickle4evr · 5 days
gleep gleep blorp blorp
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tortletheturtlel · 1 year
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intosnarkness · 4 months
Apparently one of my nieces is having huge divorce anxiety recently and last time I saw her she mentioned to me that her friend at school had two houses cause her parents got divorced and while I was trying to process that I fell into my default which is “how does that make you feel?”
She told me she felt scared and pointed to her parents.
Like, my parents have been married for 40+ years. There were times I wished they would get divorced, but I was never scared of it. So I said the only things I could think of:
“I don’t think your parents are going to get divorced any time soon. I can’t promise never, but right now I don’t see it coming. If they do ever get divorced, I hope you will know that it’s not because of anything you did or didn’t do. They would still love you, and you would still have a family. It would just look different.”
And it kinda felt inadequate? Like, I know that’s not enough. I did tell her parents so they knew about the anxiety. But it felt like less than I should have done, somehow.
Then last night I was talking to a friend about her parents divorce and I told her that and she actually teared up and said she wished someone would have said that to her. So IDK. Maybe I’m better at this than I give myself credit for?
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absolutebearings · 26 days
fernando and i never really settled into this particular apartment, we never even unpacked all the way -- so packing up for the 2.3k mile move has been a lot easier than the one where we only went 30 miles across the river. now for the last week its just disassembling furniture and trying to whittle down the pantry to nothing, donating what will cost too much to cart across the country. i dont feel particularly like sightseeing even though i doubt we'll ever return here, but fernando liked it a lot more than me, so i was surprised when he wasn't that interested in it either. tho i guess after the last year and a half, neither of us have any fondness left for the place for leaving it to make us sad now.
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squid-bean · 1 year
I think sound design alone is reason enough to buy the Inkopolis hub DLC, if you're into that kind of stuff lol
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sleepingsevens · 3 months
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(if you look closely, almost all of the crosshatching is in sevens)
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robdogrbs · 8 months
mango nector is free weed multiplier potion
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bogleech · 3 months
I think there should be a tactical sci fi war strategy game or sim with NO bleak obnoxious Earth Army Terran Empire (not even as a satirical jab) and in fact no humanoids or machinery in sight. Entirely just different space monster swarms trying to out-multiply and out-devour each other. They could go like:
Typical "shhh they're not xenomorphs" mutating bug hive
Parasitic corpse-animating fungus hive
"Aliens but strongly adjacent to fantasy demons" hive
Tentacled cosmic horror mollusks hive
Abstract crystalline energy entity hive
Campy retro style bleep-blorp green aliens hive
Mystical stone artifacts and plant-encrusted forest fauna hive (I wanted to include one that I've not seen done before as a swarming alien nest)
Also I wanna see some really radically varied playstyles. Maybe one army has only a single gigantic combat unit and all their other units just defend or support it. Maybe that's the cosmic horror one, like they don't fight but they power up their god like a cult. Maybe there could also be one where the mobile units are really weak but it's the building structures that wreak all the havoc. I'd really like that. Like you're not so much building up troops as expanding a giant killer coral reef. So then of course you'd have the one that has no permanent bases at all, just always on the move with their queen(s) like how army ants work. Hey maybe even one that does absolutely zero offense but it wins just by surviving long enough to drain the whole planet's energy or whatever
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hieoeo · 2 years
bleep blorp
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