#we are all awesome and great at analyzing characters
welshaphrodite · 2 years
the only fandoms I know here are Percy Jackson, Avatar and Hunger Games... maybe a little She-ra... the rest of the posts on tumblr just sound like this:
“Bleep-Blorp and Lemungus would be the best couple if Neltom didn’t rise from the dead in season 2. Honestly, wish Neltom had stayed in the underbelly of the beast, because it would have allowed Bleep-Blorp to heal from the past traumas of the Ducky Rebellion, and for Lemungus to deal with unrequited feelings for Bleep-Blorp.”
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flooftyfizzlebeans · 11 months
Theory on why we headcanon specific characters as trans more often than others, using the Fizzlebeans as evidence.
Identity based character arcs vs... other stuff based character arcs.
Warning this is EXTREMELY LONG
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Starting by analyzing Floofty, as they are my expertise.
Floofty is a scientist with no help, no funding, and ambitious plans. They come across as cold and uncaring, when in reality much of their shortsightedness comes from caring too much. Not for those closest to them directly, of course. But the greater good, and grumpuskind as a whole.
Their previous line of work suggests that when they had more resources, they spent more time helping individuals. Making prosthetics is a HIGHLY variable process, each individual limb that needs one being EXTREMELY different, even on the same person. Therefore they would need to be attentive towards individuals by necessity, even when making scientific breakthroughs. I don't think they'd have amazing bedside manner but I only bring this up to stress that Floofty is capable and willing to care for others should the situation call for it. However, they probably don't feel like they can afford to care after the events that cost them.... everything.
I assume they got their awesome career position through work during school, proving themself academically in a way that their.... abrasive characteristics wouldn't interfere with. Now that they have nothing, they're trying to get it back the same way they got it, by proving themself through actions.... but who they are and how people perceive them is directly responsible for their lack of help on Snaktooth. Actually, who they are likely made it near impossible to rebuild their reputation when inevitably grumps will think they are either chopping test subjects up to make murder machines or a confidentiality liability. They think their work should speak for itself, and who they are shouldn't matter. (They might even believe that they don't matter. It's already clear that their work is worth more to them than their own life.)
Realizing what they mean to others, who they could be to them when they let go of the big picture importance, and how they can help like they so desperately want to is integral to saving them. Let them forget that they are in fact, a grumpus, the very thing they want to save, and they might as well become what they study. Bugsnax.
Snorpy, however, as I've stated, is pretty much the opposite. Where Floofty rejects themself, Snorpy protects himself.... prepare for a staggeringly less complete analysis thanks to Not Literally Being Snorpy. Snorpies and Snorpy experts in the notes please contribute.
Snorpy is an engineer whose inventions are held in great esteem in Snaxburg, and yet he believes the world is out to get him. (By the world I mean... the grumpinati) The grumpinati is, in fact, not out to get him, and it takes incredible amounts of jumping to conclusions fueled by intense fear for anyone to shrink their world that small.
It's implied by his previous work that he was previously much more capable of... interacting with the public? being seen? than he is now. Like I mentioned, constructing prosthetics requires a lot of individual time and care, and a lot of interacting with many different grumpuses. But now? He is driven by fear. I can't even blame him, he's clearly deeply traumatized. How would you feel if your life's work was taken and warped for something you found cruel and evil all while you still depended on them for your livelihood? And you already probably had some sort of anxiety disorder?
Moving on, he is actually able to work perfectly fine. In fact, nearly every grumpus is seen using something he invented at least once? Despite inventions like The Knife Shot and flammable tripwire moments he's well liked by the town and everyone trusts his work to... work. But he's so absorbed by his own perceptions that it's impossible for him to take praise or even socialize without suspicion.
Even the relationship he holds most dear, and integral to what we call "Snorpy" is up in the air for him. I can only imagine he didn't ask for clarification or confess to his romantic feelings towards Chandlo out of fear. Fear of what exactly I can't say, as it's probably every possible factor that that course of action would change.
And... well. His main problem is never solved. Shelda is right, he needs therapy. Extensive therapy. But... he still improves. Part of why he does all of this is to protect Chandlo, and hide all of this from him... but after fighting Daddy Cakelegs it becomes a lot more clear to Snorpy that Chandlo is trying to protect him and knows a lot more than he gives him credit for. He's a lot closer to and more equal to Snorpy. Snorpy doesn't have to spend and sacrifice every fiber of his being to the bugsnax to protect who he loves.
That being said, who he is has nothing to do with his character arc. He's Snorpy, he's a nerd, he is an engineer. None of this is brought into question. Floofty's very status of "grumpus" is called into question through their experiments. (on an esoteric level. kinda. bugsnax are weird.)
What they share is their interactions with other grumpuses and how important actually letting themselves connect with others is... but that's something Everyone shares at least a little.
How does this relate to transgender headcanons? Floofty's arc features their identity very heavily, and calling the identity of the self into question is extremely transgender. Sometimes the definition of transgender. At the very least, a part of the process. (everyone is different)
That's why I think Shelda, Chandlo, and Wiggle are so popular for trans headcanons despite not necessarily doing anything outside their gender's norms. Their arcs heavily have to do with who they are and how their actions reflect that. Gramble and Triffany have a little bit of this but I can't rule out their gender non-comformity as the reason.
Of course, everyone is transgender to at least one person in the fandom because there's nothing proving anyone is cis and this fandom is very very queer.
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darishima · 11 months
i'm sure somebody else has posted about this already but here's an analysis of all the wanted posters at the end of the new one piece live action trailer!!
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alvida's the most obvious one of course. below hers you can see part of a foxy wanted poster, and another poster i'll get to later
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this one was interesting, we're not gonna see bellamy this season, probably not even the next one (unless they change his introduction to be sooner?) but it was an awesome touch, his actor looks great
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this one was FASCINATING actually, cavendish reveal THIS EARLY?? he's not gonna show up for another, like, 26 arcs. he was cast insanely well though like. god damn that really is cavendish couldn't have gotten a better actor
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this, again, was really interesting? foxy's not gonna show up for a while either, why bother casting him now? what is shown of his face looks great, though, and by "great" i mean "absolutely fucking stupid." as it should
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the wanted poster next to foxy is completely torn, but i'm pretty sure it's buggy? the poster is slightly blurry in the trailer so this is the best screencap of it i could get, but its clearly got some orange/red and a yellowish border like his hat, and i think those two tiny white spots by the black border might be the edge of his jolly roger?
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here's a screencap of his hat from the same trailer, and it seems to match up. i mean, im doing this off a couple of pixels of color so it's hard to tell, but having his wanted poster up would make sense at this point in the story so i'm going with it
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this poster is near cavendish's, and it's super small and only part of it is shown but it clearly says "ONG" so i'm pretty certain this is arlong's poster
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this poster is by foxy's, and at first i thought it was another poster of bellamy but the shirt area doesn't seem to match up. comparing the blue background color and the white shirt stripe on the right side, it looks similar to arlong's poster, so i think it's another of him
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this poster is below alvida's and uh. honestly i have no clue who this is. it doesn't look anything like the other posters we're shown in this shot and there's not nearly enough of it shown to make a guess on which character's it is, so idk. if you have an idea on who this could be please lmk in the reblogs/comments
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i almost had a heart attack when i saw this propaganda poster, i saw "EAD DISEASE" and thought it said "amber lead disease" for half a second but no. it says "pirates spread disease" :( thought we were getting law foreshadowing </3
also, with cavendish, bellamy's, and foxy's posters all being shown this early, i wonder if their introduction will come sooner?? because like, the other posters are alvida, arlong, and buggy (probably), all characters who are prominent characters at this point in the story, but cavendish doesn't show up until DRESSROSA. why is he here? also, foxy's from the south blue, bellamy's from the north blue, and cavendish is from the grand line. why are their wanted posters in the east blue, and not somebody currently plot-relevant and location-relevant, like don krieg or other members of arlong's crew? the only reasons i can think of are that their introductions are changed to be much sooner. not sure how that would work with cavendish but it wouldn't be too hard to have foxy or bellamy show up sooner for some reason. or, the more likely reason, it's just easter eggs for the hardcore fans. like me. who spent way too long analyzing like three pixels of color to see if a wanted poster was buggy's. (which is really cool but the logic of why a northern, southern, and grand line pirates' wanted posters are here in the east blue doesn't really make any sense but hey)
also, look at koby <3 he's so cute i love him so much
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crescentpaws · 2 months
Kay quick question legitimately curious what’s all the fintan buzz about? Like I can see how he’s kinda a great character, maybe I need to reread the series, but could you tell me why you like him so much? (Legitimate question, phrased weirdly sorry)
i have two answers for this…..
preferred answer: he is just! such an interesting character to me!! i mean yeah obviously he sucks but. he is so smart & cool & awesome (and so stupid & pathetic & horrible. he is all of these things) and he’s so fun to read about imo (shannon pleaseee put him in more scenes before the series ends. please). pretty much every scene he’s been in has been very dramatic and usually reveals something important so he drives the story forward a lot. like even though he isn’t in a lot of scenes he’s mentioned a significant number of times… he causes all this shit to happen he is basically the whole reason this story is happening let’s be real. everything would be so different if it weren’t for the pyrokinesis ban…. the first three books were incredibly fire-centric and basically set the tone for the entire series and you can thank fintan for that!! he is the cause of everything!!!! also villains are just. great. i like to analyze him. also he is very entertaining. the peace summit scene?? hello???? i laugh every time 😭 i know the series is ending soon but i hope we can still learn a bit more about him because he’s. such a complex character. i feel like a lot of people don’t know that though because shannon just keeps ignoring him ☹️ give us more fintan page time!!! anyway yeah he is very cool. and i like fire.
real answer: i have mental illness
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revenantghost · 5 months
Hi Rev, I hope it's not too awkward to ask, but I really really loved how you organized bookclub and the tristamp watch party and love all the discussions and analysis it brought on in the community here (I wasn't an active participant, but I participated in my heart and head every day with full excitement, enriched by the community).
To that end, I wanted to ask if you would ever consider hosting a trigun98 watch party, or if you'd have any tips to follow, since I think it's also an adaptation that did a lot of unique things to match the trigun essence and themes while having next to none of the official material as a reference. I'm personally find of building my own master doc analyzing the osts and the differences in each trigun iteration, and it fascinates me how they all diverge and reconverge on their themes. 98 is an adaptation that has a lot of depth to it if one scratches the surface to see how these unfolding events affect the characters differently, create new dynamics, and is arguably a lot more grim than the manga at times with how personal it becomes for our main characters. Despite that it holds a lighthearted attitude and outlook towards life.
Ah- that is me going off topic. I just thought I'd love to see what trigun lovers would think of it if we got a community event to look deeper into the series and discuss it, maybe even pointedly raise comparisons between the other adaptations.
I know that tristamp watch party is going to be active until the date the last episode aired, so I understand if this might be too much, or if the overlapping events might be too much. I just wanted to throw this thought out there, and also to give my thanks for all the positive energy you've built and spread through the community here.
Oh man, I'm so happy that you enjoyed them!!! Honestly, they were a blast to run. I didn't know what to expect going into either of them--I'm really just so shocked and kinda giddy that so many folks participated, had fun, and found friends through them. :D Regardless of if they created things or just read along!
I think a '98 watch party is a great idea! Unfortunately, I'm probably not the person to do it--I'm dealing with quite a bit and it's gonna be a rocky few months, bookclub 2.0 will be on the horizon at some point, and the other two Trigun iterations are more my bread and butter. (This isn't me shitting on it btw; it's exhausting scrolling through hate in the tags. Sure, I have criticisms for each version, but it's a very three-cakes scenario for me.)
But, like I said, this is an awesome concept for an event!!! I'm honestly a bit of a newb at running events, I've been on the fringes of mod teams before but these were the first ones that I actually ran, so I'm probably not the best to ask for advice given how much winging I do lol. I'd recommend looking at events you've enjoyed and emulating what they do, and getting the community involved as much as possible.
TL;DR: I can't do it, but if you or someone else wants to do it, go for it!!!
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journen · 2 years
Mon Mothma wife oc headcanons!
I got an anon asking about my idea for the Mon Mothma’s wife character i drew(art of her down below), so I decided to make a sort of general ideas for her/headcanons post. I would love to develop this further and do more art for this character/story in the future when I have time!
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Vague story and headcanons:
So 100% she is made out of spite bc Mon’s husband in the show is a total asshole and she deserves better hahahahha.
She is Pantoran, and maybe was a bodyguard or smth for a Pantoran senator who Mon had dealings with, and perhaps they met that way somehow? Maybe at an informal party or something lol.
She got involved with Mon and therefore with the rebellion, and as she was maybe a solider at some point, she proved to be effective in war tactics stuff for the rebellion and so naturally became a general in the rebellion maybe?
Once they became well acquainted, she accompanies Mon to senate meetings too. Two well dressed senators. Power couple.
She can then also act as Mon’s bodyguard. Idk if they would keep their relationship a secret. Probably not, i don’t want that. Let them be out.
Don’t fuck with Mon when she’s in her presence, this oc would probably have a really great death glare hahaha like dont fuck with us we are too smart for you vibes.
While Mon is talking to politicians, many of whom she probably despises but has to maintain the polite facade, the oc is next to her just listening and observing 👀 and listening, and picks up on things that Mon may miss. She’s more the quiet type, but fiercely(in a healthy, supportive way) protective of her wife. And loves analyzing and learning dirty politicians secrets. 🤣
Perhaps she eventually has to forsake her presence at the senate in favour of devoting all her time to the rebellion tho, so then Mon and her are kinda long distance. But they make it work bc they are awesome and bad ass.
And she would totally just naturally fall into a role in the rebellion working with Bail and Mon. Imagine Bail, Breha, Mon and this oc would be a power group.
Also, i am debating on making this oc quite tall, maybe taller than i drew her? Would that be interesting or too much lol. Also i havent decided on a name yet lol.
So yeah, these are the vague ideas I had so far! Stuff is subject to change for sure but hopefully this isnt too cringe.
Special ty to @sunflowersinheaven and @lightasthesun for encouraging me with this character and helping me develop ideas lol. And if anyone else has any ideas or anything too lmk!! I’d love it this is collaborative somehow! 😄 And im always looking for inspiration.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 10 months
mdzs the novel was where i started but it frustrates me still. a romantic/sexual dynamic where prioritizing your partner over everything is desirable doesn't work for me (regardless of what the author's intention was with that) when (a) the story is so much about how society sucks, (b) the romance is.. not even important for so much of what we See, (c) and romantic-ish relationships between men who tried to improve things are actually present in the text. if doomed. just. ugh.
I am of the opinion that MXTX did a lot of really interesting things with this story that she did not set out to do when she drafted the story, and maybe didn't even realize as she was writing it. Which doesn't mean that she's a flop writer or that these things aren't worth analyzing, because I have the same opinion about certain Shakespeare plays and such. (And she has to be doing something effectively, because here we all are with brainworms.)
But--and I am basing this on vibes and my personal biases alone, no interviews or anything like that--I think she set out to write a romance, and then developed the setting around that romance more than the romance plot strictly required . Which in a way is great! Because now we have this rich lived-in world with a lot of potential and characters who exist beyond their functions vis-a-vis our two leads! Awesome! But rich, lived-in worlds and large casts of three-dimensional characters take time and effort to maintain, and that's time and effort that is now being diverted away from the romance--the romance which was the whole point of writing, and which readers will be expecting.
So what we have is this rich, lived-in world, and these complicated characters, and these situations with no easy answers, and these themes of, like, reputation as a construct and the power of public perception, or the nature of duty and what happens when duty is taken to the extreme or one's obligations are in conflict with each other, or the impact of one's family ties on one's place in society, etc etc... and none of these things are ever examined to their fullest extent, because this was supposed to be a romance. This was supposed to be a romance that will go through a whole lot of tumult until its leads are ultimately granted a happy ending for Just The Two Of Them that readers can feel good about. So you can't look too closely at anything else, or you might ask questions, and the conclusion of this romance is going to start feeling a bit icky.
(Also, the fact that MXTX has supposedly stated that Wangxian are the only intended m/m couple in the text is so funny. Ma'am, what did you want us to think was happening elsewhere? There are no women in this text, so whomst are these inexplicably unmarried men supposed to be into?)
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Also, also, Jimmy Jr
Woohoo!! The only boy ever, the dancing queen himself, Jimmy Jr. I'm lowkey sweating a bit because I want to do your favorite boy justice.
First impression: I was very normal about Jimmy Jr. at first (please don't come for me--) I just didn't have a very strong opinion about him. I thought he was funny, and a decent love interest for Tina, but I didn't think much of him. I did think the whole Romeo & Juliet thing he had going on with Tina was pretty great, but other than that, I was pretty normal about him.
Impression now: I hope you know you've made me appreciate him so much more, and now I find myself randomly thinking about him. I think he's an interesting character to analyze, especially when it comes to his daddy issues with Jimmy Pesto Sr., And analyzing how he expresses himself through dance is really fun. He's quite a relatable character. You've given me brainrot, DT, I hope you're happy, pffffffft.
Favorite moment: One of my absolute favorite quotes in the entire show actually is "DON'T TELL ME NOT TO DANCE, DAD!! 😤" I kid you not, it makes me wheeze every time. And the moment when he takes Tina out on a date to Fro-Yo Mama in What A (April Fool) Believes is so sweet (awesome frozen yogurt shop name, by the way).
Idea for a story: Ooooooh, maybe a story that delves deep into his daddy issues with Jimmy Pesto Sr. would be great. Or one that delves deep into his relationship with his mom, because we haven't seen her yet. Though, I would also love to see something centered around his relationship with Andy and Ollie. We need more Pesto Brothers lore!!
Unpopular opinion: Oh my god, what are some people's problems with Jimmy Jr.?? Why can't we all just get along and appreciate his weird, wonderful dancing?? I swear, every time he appears, it stirs up some sort of controversy within the community, and frankly, I'm so tired of it. He's a great character, and I will not hear otherwise. He's thirteen and doesn't treat her that much badly than Zeke. I said it!!
Favorite relationship: I love his relationship with Zeke, it's hilarious. I still keep thinking about when he wanted to catch a chicken nugget in his mouth in the movie and Zeke was helping him. That was great. However, I do love analyzing his relationship with Tina. The two of them are so fun and chaotic together. I will say, @babsvibes said it best, but one of my favorite aspects about their relationship, whether romantic or platonic, is that Jimmy Jr. loves it when Tina is mean, and she can get mean. Their stupid competition on who can run the fastest during The Gene Mile?? I love it. And it goes to show that Tina can be just as mean to J Ju as he can be to her. It's mutual 😌
Favorite headcanon: Jimmy Jr. is a redhead and I will not hear otherwise. DT, ever since you began drawing him with red hair, I've been so obsessed. Now every time I've drawn him (which honestly hasn't been enough, I want to draw him again) I always make him a redhead. It just works so well!! I like to think him and Andy and Ollie all got their hair from their mom. I'm really glad that he didn't inherit Jimmy Pesto Sr.'s butt chin--
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bluedalahorse · 11 months
Complicated queer media feelings beneath the cut…
Is anyone else feeling… I dunno… complicated about the part where we have Heartstopper, Red White and Royal Blue, and likely more YRS3 promo happening all in the same month?
I find a kind of enjoyment in each of these, so on one hand, I’m happy about it! (YR is my dearest fandom love right now about which I have many deep feelings, Heartstopper brings me joy and is what I’d watch with my middle school kids if I had kids, and RWRB is more on the “fun popcorn media” side of things for me but also has a lot of government humor that I laugh at as a person living in DC who gets subjected to motorcades etc.)
And I also think it’s awesome that queer rep has come a long way since when I was in high school, and there was only kinda Will and Grace and Willow on Buffy and you barely heard about some kids watching Queer as Folk if they were lucky enough to have HBO and parents who weren’t weird about it.
And and at the same time I know I’m going to be looking at my dash like, huh, that is a lot of mlm romance kissing between photogenic cis men.
Which. Again. Is progress? But also I’m a not-skinny aroace homosocial queer who is very interested in the stories of women and nonbinary people as well, and stories about friendship as well as relationships that reject traditional definitions. I want sweet romantic moments in my stories and decent makeout scenes but I also want stories about how queerness can challenge capitalism and hegemony and how we can create new families of choice and so on.
And for some of the texts I’m talking about, the canon definitely delivers? Things feel balanced? YR explores the class system with so much skill, and makes me ask powerful questions about justice and identity and such. It also has incredible female characters, including Sara as B Plot Protagonist driving a significant part of the story. (I wish I could find more fanfic from female characters’ POVs. I wish there were just as many “can’t wait until they get their happy endgame” posts about the Sara-Felice friendship as there were about the Wilmon romance, and I adore the Wilmon romance. I just love everything else about the show alongside it, and sometimes I find myself desperately craving discussion about the other aspects of the show while not knowing how to find ways of engaging about it.)
Heartstopper—I love how a multiqueer friends group is so centered in the story. Nick and Charlie are the main characters but Charlie’s friendship with Tao matters as much in the first season as his romance with Nick. I love how the show chose to have Elle carry a significant subplot in season 1 (although they could do better with that) and I am hopeful that we’ll get an ace discovery story for Isaac in season 2 and I’m looking forward to seeing more Imogen and we get a new disabled character and we’ll also get Tara and Darcy being Tara and Darcy! I don’t really follow people for Heartstopper necessarily, because it’s not really something I analyze or write fic for, but, you know, there’s a lot of it that goes around and I have generally positive feelings about it. I’m curious about what parts of the show and what characters people will choose to focus on.
RWRB… well, it’s been a long time since I’ve read the book, but I’m sort of holding off on comments until I see what’s different between the book and the movie.
Long story short I think I’m going to feel great about these various mlm pairings individually, because they’re all distinct personalities with stories and such, but I’m going to be feeling kind of weird and overwhelmed about the attention and gif visibility and squeeing that mlm romances between photogenic cis men get in aggregate.
But also also. Maybe that’s on me for not being into something like Yellowjackets fandom or not spending more time browsing the tag for XO Kitty. So the problem could also be me. I mean who knowsss?????
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Why I dislike the LotR movies
A few weeks months ago @acaseofsilverspoons​ asked me why I say I hate the Lord of the Rings movies, and I promised I would try to give an explanation. Sorry for the delay, I have a lot of thoughts and it has taken a bit of time to order them in my head and then I forgot about this draft.
Movie people following the newsletter: stop reading now. I am going to spoil the hell out of it. And even if you don’t care about spoilers, if you like the movies you’re probably going to get defensive and enjoy the novels less because of it. I don’t want to be the reason you enjoy Tolkien less. Come back once you’re done reading, I’ll be happy to discuss then!! ^^
Disclaimer: I haven’t watched the movies. I have a very weak visual imagination and I hated the design of the elves on sight, so I decided to avoid getting them as my default elves; and I react very badly to peer pressure, which means the more people tell me I need to watch them the least I want to. I still think I have enough information to base my opinions, but well. There you go. Can't tell me I lied to you.
The first, and main reason, I “hate” the LotR movies is very well summarized by this strip of the webcomic Weregeek.
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The movies are good enough, and good enough adaptations, and enough of a cultural milestone, that people talk of them as if the movies and the novels were interchangeable. Tolkien was never exactly obscure, and it’s not like people are at risk of forgetting the novels exist, but a lot of people have seen the movies but will never read the books, and even people who are into the genre will read the novel after seeing the movies. So you have people who have only experienced the movies thinking they know all that there is to know, and people who have experienced both getting to the novel with the preconceptions of the movies (see all the people analyzing Frodo’s actions as effects of the Ring from day 1 in the newsletter, or people immediately assuming book!Denethor is an abusive parent... we’ll come back to that). I’ve heard people say “don’t worry about reading the novels, the movies are enough”. And they are NOT. They are very much NOT. Even if you think every single choice in the movies is justified and good, there were a lot of choices made. They’re not equivalent.
Let me expand on that under a Read More because believe me, this is going to get long.
Let’s start with the themes.
First of all: Lord of the Rings is not an action story. If anything, it is an anti-war novel. Even though most characters admit that violence is sometimes necessary, almost universally it is considered a necessary evil. We have Faramir, the closest to a Moral Compass Man we have, literally spelling that he doesn’t like war for itself, but only for what it defends. And the narration mirrors this: except for the Battle of Helm’s Deep, every battle is either skipped over (the Black Gate), told in retrospect (Isengard) or interspersed with sections about the grief it brings (Pelennor). And in all cases, we end them with lengthy descriptions of the people that died and the grief they caused. It’s hard to finish the novel going “oh, the battle of Pelennor was awesome! I wish there were more!” when the last thing you hear about it is three pages of obituaries. In contrast, the movies fall into the trap of wanting to utilize their shiny new technology and their great visuals for battle scenes, and end up making battles cool. I have lost count of the dudebros whose take on the LotR movies was “weren’t the battles awesome???”. And before you come for me with “but the text says”, to quote Lindsay Ellis, movies are a visual medium. If you make the battles the most visually appealing and fun part of your movie to watch, you can have characters have unending monologues about how bad war is, that’s not the message people are going to get from it. And if you make a LotR adaptation whose message is “war is cool and fun”, you’ve missed the mark by a mile.
Secondly, another big theme about Lord of the Rings is that in the end, it’s the small people that make the difference, and that noone wins alone. To quote Elrond, “you may find friends upon your way when you least look for it”. But the movies, in their (reasonable) quest to streamline the story to fit a movie runtime, choose to prioritize the more classically heroic characters and arcs, sacrificing the small people for the big flashy kings and warriors. Pippin and Merry’s contributions get pushed to the side, while Aragorn not only retains all his original plotpoints, but even gets a shiny new subplot that was only in the appendixes in the novel. And also everyone who isn’t a member of the Fellowship (and not even that.. we’ll get back to Gimli) gets their role changed to make the actions of our heroes more necessary. Théoden is under a literal spell that needs to be lifted by Gandalf, and has to be told how to do war by Aragorn; the Ents decide not to attack Isengard and have to be reminded of the stakes by the hobbits; Denethor is such an incompetent nutjob that Gandalf can hit him in front of his guards and nobody cares. I understand the urge to make the main characters more important,, but LotR has a very strong feel of people in the same danger uniting to fight together instead of fending for themselves; this way, the secondary characters feel less like allies and more like sidequests.
And that gives me a nice segue into another, less important but more annoying issue: the characters.
Noone who follows my tumblr will be surprised to discover that Pippin and Merry, especially Pippin, are my favourite characters. If you asked me to tell you what are my favourite scenes in the book, which parts I’ve re-read the most often, they would be A Conspiracy Unmasked, P&M’s meeting with Treebeard, Éowyn’s monologue, the passage with Pippin and Bergil, and The Scouring of the Shire. Do I need to explain more? Except for Treebeard and Éowyn, none of these scenes made it into the movie. Which is a crime against me, personally. But apart from being annoying to me because I like them, it also means that their entire character arcs (again, especially Pippin’s) completely disappear. Pippin has the most traditional coming-of-age story in the novel: he’s a teenager dragged in an adventure bigger than he expected who has to grow up and learn that the world is bigger than he ever imagined and some things are important, and who then comes back home all grown up and ready to fend for himself. By cutting both A Conspiracy Unmasked and The Scouring of the Shire, you cut both the setup and the payoff of his arc, and by aging up the actor playing the character, you turn him from a learning teenager to a bumbling adult. Is it important in the grand scheme of things? Not really; but every time I see a meme about how Pippin is an idiot I feel like punching a wall.
Denethor. I didn’t know it was possible to be this offended on behalf of a character I don’t even particularly like. When I first looked up Denethor meta I thought I had slipped into a parallel dimension for a while, until I discovered it was just that Peter Jackson had performed a little character assassination of his own. Book!Denethor is not a nice or an endearing character, but he’s not an easily hateable one either. He’s the leader of a country in perpetual war against an enemy way stronger than they are (he has probably been born already under the Shadow of Mordor, knowing he would have to lead his people against it since he was a kid). He is cold, and calculating, and shrewd, and he has sacrificed his humanity (and his family) in order to make the decisions he thinks need to be made. To put it bluntly, he’s a character type who would be a good (and successful!) guy in Game of Thrones. But because he is in a story whose core themes are empathy and friendship and compassion, he’s a tragic figure: when the grief of the sacrifices he was willing to make hits him, he has nothing and noone to lean on, and he breaks. From everything I’ve seen, Peter Jackson has decided to take his character in a more “abusive father” direction. And look, I’m not going to say book!Denethor was a good parent. He was not. But he didn’t just “love Boromir and hate Faramir”. It’s more complicated than that. He was sure of Boromir’s loyalty, while he feared that in a conflict situation, Faramir would side with Gandalf and not him. And as a general, that is a big concern. Also, from everything I’ve read, movie!Denethor’s military tactics are whack from day one, which kind of diminishes his characterization as a cold but effective general. But that might just be a question of filmmakers not understanding medieval military methods, which... fair, I guess. On a related note, what’s that about a scene of him eating a tomato?? Did they really give him a scene explicitly designed to be disgusting and unrelatable?? The quest to make Denethor more hateable, though, is not only a problem because of his character. His character choices bleed onto others. In particular, Boromir, Faramir and Pippin. If Denethor is an abusive nutjob, why is Pippin drawn to swear loyalty to him? Is he an idiot?? Boromir comes off as the favoured child in an abusive household. But the worst is Faramir. A few weeks ago someone who is movie-only described him to me as “Faramir is the brother of Boromir that is hated by his dad, right?”. And I don’t think I can explain my reaction to Faramir, fucking Faramir, being reduced to a wet blanket who looks very sad and does nothing while his dad walks all over him. Just give me that gif of a guy screaming into a pillow.
And lastly on the “character assassination” column, Gimli. I think I’ll leave @carlandrea​ take the mic on this one, they can say more than I could possibly, and better. All I’m going to say is that, from everything I’ve seen, the movies take one of the more well-spoken, dignified characters, and made him into a bumbling, crass comic relief who fits closer to a D&D parody dwarf than anything Tolkien ever wrote.
And now, let me end with some quick-fire complaints that wouldn’t be important if the ones above hadn’t happened.
What happened with the male elves’ design?? I understand holding a casting for “otherworldly beautiful men” is not doable, but why do they look like that?? And it’s not that they can’t do elves, Galadriel and Arwen look good! Were they scared to make them “look gay” if they were too pretty?? If that’s the case, why didn’t they lean into the “otherwordly” part of it and made them alien-looking? WoW elves look more interesting than that!!
Also, I need to have a serious talk with the wig department. Why do the elves’ wigs have no volume?? Why do they look limp and dead? Why is Elrond balding? What’s going on here??
While we’re on the topic of character designs, it’s a pet peeve of mine that the hobbits only have hair on the top of their feet. It looks more decorative than anything and I don’t like it.
Last complaint about the character designs, I promise: this is not a criticism of Elijah Wood’s acting. I have never seen him act, I couldn’t say. But Frodo is supposed to be a middle-aged gentlehobbit. Why is he played by a 20 year old skinny guy who looked like a teenager?? Why is Frodo not fat?? On that note, why is Sam the only fat hobbit? They are hobbits! They are defined by ruddy cheeks and round bellies!! Did the producers think a middle-aged fat protagonist would be too much for an audience to swallow??
I’m not sure if I got this right, but I think in the movies Arwen’s life is tied to Aragorn taking his throne?? Because if that’s true, wow, way to make her into a more active character in the beginning only to tie her entire existence to a male character’s story arc!
And while we’re on the subject of stuff I suspect but I’m not sure of, I’ve seen enough Éowyn takes with the same uncanny valley feel as Denethor’s to suspect they did something to her character. And if they turned her into a Hollywood Strong Female Character Who Don’t Need No Man (TM) I will bite someone.
Lastly on this category, I am very confused about the elves from Lórien who apparently appear randomly at Helm’s Deep. Is Lórien not being attacked in this version of events (again, reinforcing the idea that everything revolves around the main characters)? Where do they go after the battle? Did they come for two days and then go back to Lórien? That sounds like a stupid plan... And also, you are aware the Rohirrim are super fucking distrustful of elves, right, PJ? How the hell did Aragorn convince Théoden and Éomer to let a battalion of elves into the Helm??
If you’ve gotten all the way here, thank you so much! It got longer than I expected, which was already very long, so thank you for bearing with me! I am willing to discuss and debate all of these, as long as it is civil.
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somerunner · 8 months
Cradle Analysis: The Path of the Endless Sword
The Sword Sage is a "haunting the narrative" character, as someone who's not on-screen but that we hear a lot about. He taught Yerin his Path after adopting her, but since she didn't use all of his techniques it'd be hard to analyze its intended use in combat based just on how she used it. Thankfully, we get a fair bit of info about his battle techniques in Uncrowned and Wintersteel.
The Path is really cool - it boasts near-complete area denial to enemies who face you with anything sharp. The Endless Sword technique forces edged weapons back, and also sends sword aura out from those weapons at the same time. Or it chooses a linear combination of the two. It's not quite clear if Yerin (and the Sword Sage) choose to do one or both of those two effects, or if it's always both and we just hear about the one they cared about during the fight. Very nice technique considering how many people use sharp objects to fight with.
Then, there's several other parts to the Path that are optimized for combat. The Steelborn Iron body is good and is strong as a constant Enforcer technique, without needing to constantly focus on it. The Flowing Sword lets you really push when your opponent is on the back foot. The Hidden Sword lets you lay traps when *you're* on the back foot. And the Final Sword is a great way to style on your opponents and is a super awesome finishing move. Imagine the sacred arts equivalent of suplexing someone and knocking them out.
It's also a very generalist Path. It uses all categories of techniques: Forger, Ruler, Enforcer, and Striker. So it's unclear if the Sword Sage was a Ruler specialist (because of his emphasis on the Endless Sword technique), or if that technique was just especially useful for Yerin so he emphasized it.
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adrift-in-thyme · 7 months
Rank the LU boys 1 to 9 with reasons
Oh gosh okay
*deep breath*
Here we go
Time. This one’s no surprise to anyone I’m sure XD. I loved the Hero of Time before I even got into LU. His tragic tale struck me as so interesting and heart wrenching. Getting into LU pretty much sealed the deal. He’s just such a great character. He’s through so much yet he’s still kind and tries to be the best leader he can be. I mean, this is the guy who stuck around after his death to train his ancestor cause he felt bad about leaving Hyrule without a hero (and also because he regretted being forgotten. HELLO ANGST). Plus, he’s a major gremlin imo. Just a hidden one lol
Warriors. The captain was actually the Link who got me interested in LU. I read @skyward-floored ‘s fic “Up in Arms” and fell in love with him. I’m naturally attracted to snarky, confident characters with a traumatic backstory and secret soft side (Flynn Ryder was my high school crush if that tells you anything XD) so it was kinda a given I’d love this guy lol. I’ll admit my first read through of LU was mainly me fangirling over him and analyzing his every appearance. (Not that that’s changed much).
Legend. He’s tied with Warriors for second tbh. But since I’ve gotta list them all out I’ll just place him in third. I hadn’t played any of Legend’s games when I got into LU but right after getting attached to Warriors, I got attached to him. Largely because to me he’s extremely relatable. He’s also multilayered in the best way. A soft sweetheart beneath all that snark he tries to hide behind.
Sky. I love Sky for pretty much the same reason as Legend. He’s relatable. Very much so XD. And also more complex than I think he often gets credit for. Beneath the calm, sleepy nice guy demeanor he’s got going on is a fierce warrior who’s been to hell and back for the person he loves. And would do it all again. He fought a GOD for goodness sake! He’s freaking awesome!! Also, Skyward Sword is my favorite Loz game so there’s that too. Plus, him and Sun? Chef’s kiss. Couple goals
Twilight. The older sibling thing endears him to me a lot. He carries a large burden and always has. Plus, his love for animals, gentle heart, and the way he brought down Midna’s walls with his kindness just makes me love him. Who can’t like a guy who rambles about Ordon goats and carries kittens like babies??
Wild. He is widely liked so for me that puts him farther down the list just because I kinda get tired of seeing endless content for him lol. But still. I love him very much. I mean, wild child with a traumatic past, memory issues, a mischievous and snarky side no one sees coming and a fierce love for his friends? YES PLEASE. Also he has long hair.
Four. Since I came into the fandom right around the time when that comic was posted I’ve always been a bit hesitant to write him. But he’s grown on me a lot lately. I actually had fun torturing him for whumptober XD He’s got an intriguing personality and I hope to see more of him in future LU updates.
Wind. I love this little dude A LOT. But I’ve never truly been able to get super invested in characters who are canonically much younger than me. Plus he is just SO HARD for me to write. So while I find his personality adorable and his dynamic with the other Links great, I can’t help putting him farther down on the list.
Hyrule. I like him, really I do. But I just can’t get as invested in him and his story as much as the other Links. I’m not sure why tbh
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Fanon Eggman: "I'm just a jolly old man with a heart of gold deep down . I wanna shower my bots in wuv. Me a wholesome papa"
Canon Eggman ; " I just can't wait to be emperor of the world. I do as I please. The world is mine and mine alone , I refuse to share. I only keep my creations and minions around as long as they're useful to me . Otherwise into the trash bin they go. I go out of my way to stomp on critters and lil animals.
I'll burn anyone or anything that gets in my way to a crisp and flush the ashes down the toilet while laughing about it"
Game canon Eggman supremacy forever!!! The most perfect, epic, badass, and lovable just the way he is 🥰💜💕 It's crazy how different canon and fanon are. Even as someone constantly replaying and rewatching the games and cutscenes, I'm blown away by just how different game Egg is to the vastly popular fanon version people treat as the same, even though they couldn't be more different.
Sometimes I see how fandom talks about him and I'm like "wtf man let me just replay the games and see if I'm just crazy and imagined all the things I say Eggman" because of how such a large amount of the fandom gets about him, even though I'm not away from them for long enough to forget anyway lol. And every time it's like nope, he's still absolutely the man I analyzed him to be and it hasn't changed at all.
It's just wild to me how the second can exist in fanon and be as popular and treated as being as accurate as act like it is, with the kind of person he's actually always been and never stopped being in the games. With all the non canon stuff and people's misinterpretation of his Frontiers portrayal (and a couple of other scenes from older games) aside, there's nothing that suggests him to be that kind of person.
Eggdad wasn't even game canon until Frontiers, unless you count calling the E Series "brothers" but it clearly wasn't that deep and the whole point of Gamma's story was realizing how horrible it was to work for him and escaping it, killing his brothers to free them too, and ended up dying himself. And even in Frontiers it isn't wholesome and pure like they're saying it is, if they actually listened to the writer.
We have enough heroes and antiheroes already, Eggman was the villain to start this whole series off and he should always stay one. He will always stay one. It's great to have characters that are actually evil and not just misunderstood or misguided- Eggman is pure evil and totally rotten and specifically loves it. He's done countless terrible, harmful, deadly, destructive, messed up things intentionally with no remorse.
And that's cool and interesting, it pains me to see it treated as a bad thing. Genuinely evil characters aren't "boring" and in need of changing, they're just as important to the stories (sometimes more when they start off as many as Eggman has) as heroes and antiheroes and deserve love and appreciation for that. They can be just as interesting and exciting the way they are with much potential.
If all the characters were the same in all being heroes or antiheroes, then that would be boring. Eggman being diabolical evil is awesome and I'll always support him in that hehe 💘
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binary-not-found · 2 years
I see why the anon think this may be an episode filler (is not) or the story was kinda sudden (maybe)
Things like that happens often on TVShow, cast often have other projects or they get sick/injured or pregnant or whatnot, and the writers have to find a way to incorporate a storyline that will adapt to their needs and justify the absence of an actor/actress.
Said that, even if NCIS writers aren’t perfect and consistent all the time, I kind of like how they are progressing Kacy storyline and relationships.
When I broke up with my ex I moved to another continent lol, by myself, no job, no friends, no house, nothing…It is something that I wanted to do by myself for myself (I was in a pretty toxic relationship where I gave up a lot of things in my life to please my gf and I realized only very late what was happening to me)
So I get why Lucy did what she did, when you are in a fragile emotional state, and the world is crumbling and the love of your life broke your heart,sometimes the things that can help you or make you stronger is to do something that scares the shit outta you so you can focus all the energy the pain into something new, scary, I did it, it’s frustrating and tiring but it’s fucking awesome, so I’m happy Lucy decided to do it anyway.
Also Kate was super super supportive even if you can tell she was sad, but great partners support you no matter what.
On another note I’m kinda curious to see this new dynamic with Kate and the others, so far we saw her as someone casually collaborating and interacting with them often because of Lucy, so to see the future interactions with the team without Lucy, I think is gonna give Kate some more layers to her character and a new challenge for her.
Also 4 months is nothing, especially with today technology, as I mentioned I live in another continent from my family/friends and I haven’t been back since the beginning of the pandemic, 4 months is nothing….
Im happy to see the growth Kate and Lucy can do during challenging circumstances, I love to see their relationships but they are more than that, hopefully the writers use this situation to show us more, we know Kate is Work and Lucy and I want to see Kate the friend, I think she has a weird humor and I’d love for the gang to see the more funny silly side of her, also not gonna lie, give me all Jane and Kate lol
Lucy needed this, even if things are Going well with Kate, I think in a way she never really had time to reconnect with herself after this waterfall of feelings, like she said; are they, aren’t they, maybe, than yes, no than really yes, and boom moved in together, sometimes even if things are going apparently well, it’s good to stop, breath, think, listen to yourself and find yourself away from everyone else. I don’t think she really had time to stop during these emotional roller coaster she had in the last year, she never really had a chance to analyze and understand what was going on in her brain and heart, so this may be super good for Lucy.
Also, who doesn’t love a good old reunion between lovers?
I’m in for it and I’m excited on what is gonna happen next.
oh god, anon, you are a breath of fresh air!
A lot of times as fans of the relationship we feel like any episode that doesn't focus on them being a couple is filler, but this one definitely wasn't, I agree that it was sudden, but at the same time that's what makes it feel more real.
I don't know what to tell you just that I agree with you, it's not something that is "out of character" for Lucy or Kate, it's something that maybe was needed now, and they were definitely going to be forced to be apart for work reasons at some point, and personally I liked that they adapted Lucy's absence in this way, because it's giving them the opportunity to prove that they can against everything when it's still early in the relationship, this will make them grow more as people, professionally and within the relationship.
And about Kate with the team, I've been begging for 29 episodes to let Kai and Kate be friends! I need that typical rom-com best friend chaotic dynamic!
I don't know what else to tell you, just that I love your opinion and I appreciate you sharing it ✨
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astranne · 1 year
“Welcome listeners, to Dislyte XHz Radio! I’m your host Discboom and very excited to tell you all about the newest thing going on! The Miracle has acted out again, but instead of spitting out enemies as usual, we were bombarded with Heart Disks instead! Insane, I know- what? Oh, I totally forgot! I need to tell you what Heart Disks are. Listen careful, will you?”
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“Heart Disks show your mind and soul, embodying a unique song. When listening to it, it tells you more about the character and personality of this person. Well, most times. Because Heart Disks also show your emotions, your deepest secrets, changing the whole song constantly… Don’t worry! While everyone can listen to other people’s Heart Disks, not many can understand what they hear. This is why I’m here, to help you understand!”
welcome, to my newest milestone event! we’ve reached 700 followers (and as i’m creating this post, we already surpassed this number 🤭) and this is my thank you to all of you <33 you guys gave me motivation to write, to hang on, to not leave this place and return from my several hiatus very sorry about those and keep writing! thank you everyone for being here :) for this event, please read the requesting requirements carefully! there is also a first come, first serve situation hehe, since i will only have 15 request spots available. i will write smth small for each request, sometimes a little bit more, sometimes a bit less.
“You found a Heart Disk? That’s awesome! Can you help me before we listen to it? Don’t worry, just some simple analyzing will do.”
fandoms i will write for in this event: blue lock, dc, dislyte, genshin impact, jujutsu kaisen, mcu, solo leveling
tell me which character you would like to have!
any song is possible, as long it has lyrics. please add to the song name also the creator!
this may be your favorite line, the one you think fits your chosen character the best or simply because you think it’s beautiful. it’s your choice!
“Great! Now it’s time to enjoy them! Ah- you would like to listen to the other Heart Disks? Of course, here they are, all neatly put away. But put them back where you got ‘em when you’re done, alright?”
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one to numb the hurt, two to ease the pain, three to clear your mind, forget all the hate
don’t wake me up, deceive me sweetly in my dreams
(but it’s you) you’re the one i want, (you) everything that i want, (blue) the blue that fell by my side, everything changes
i wish that you would stay in my memories
i want more, i want fireworks and thunder, in the heat of a summer night, can we go back forever? love me again, i want it all, set the city on fire, like a feeling that never dies, can we go back forever? love me again
i know i'm young, but if i had to chose her or the sun, i'd be one nocturnal son of a gun
don’t come back for me, after all i‘ve bleed for you, i can hardly breathe, and one more kiss, could take my life
“Beautiful, aren’t they? And so different from each other! I’m glad I could share these with you and all the listeners here. Maybe one day, the Miracle will bless us with these again…”
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Top 5 mangas/comics/animes/movies/tv shows/books/stories in general you get the idea
good question. for the sake of things i'm excluding dn because we all know i like that. i'm also doing more than 5 because there are too many to trim down. so in no particular order we have:
avatar the last airbender -- probably the best show in the world. i cannot find any fault in it. the plot is fantastic, the worldbuilding is amazing, the characters are so well developed and their arcs (specifically zuko's redemption arc) are astounding. i could go on for years about why i love atla. i watch it at least once every year and i love it dearly
psych -- this is a detective show that my family and I must've watched at least 30 times by now. that's not even an exaggeration. it is the default thing to watch and i have family members who need noise to focus so it's always playing. literally we can reenact scenes from memory at the drop of a hat. we quote it all the time and since i was exposed to it so young i know for a fact that it shaped my personality. it's why i'm funny
everything by jane austen (but specifically Emma) -- what can i say? i'm a sucker for classic lit and jane austen novels are so humorous and romantic and i like that
the great gatsby -- i could wax poetic about why i love the great gatsby, but instead i shall just say that i love analyzing literature and the great gatsby is just so rich in analysis. it's great if you haven't read it, you should it's only like 40k words
fight club (book) and anything by chuck palahniuk really -- the writing style and the pacing and the strangeness of it all captivates me. i've never watched the fight club movie, but i seriously doubt it could live up to the book. i read it first because i read a dn/fight club crossover fic and was like. these vibes are immaculate i simply must see what's going on with fight club. so i checked it out of the library and finished it in one sitting and then proceeded to check out everything by chuck palahniuk that i could get my hands on. his style is just so iconic and his stories are captivating
howls moving castle by diana wynne jones -- i LOVE this novel (and the whole series, yes there is a series). i first read it a couple years back and honestly it got me through some rough times so it's very nostalgic and soothing to me. i especially love it when you compare the movie (which i will talk about in a second) and the novel. they're surprisingly different and it's really cool how both are awesome. they're also really short btw like one-sitting reads, plus they are children's books so they're very easy to read
anything studio ghibli, especially spirited away, howls moving castle, princess mononoke, and ponyo -- i love studio ghibli films. the animation is spectacular and the vibes are immaculate and they make me want to melt into a puddle but like a happy one. they're just so nice i need to watch them all day every day u know?
full metal alchemist -- it's awesome. both the manga and the show (fmab, i haven't watched the older one). i love the characters and i love the story and i love the art/animation and i love everything about it
so there it is, 7/5 of my favorite stories. It's actually surprising that i chose these because usually my taste is darker but like. those scratch a particular itch and these ones make everything better so idk. maybe i just find happiness in the whimsy of classic literature and soft, pretty stories
for this
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