#I hope it's okay I'm just replying to it in the open! I can delete it if not
ddruxyart · 3 months
Hi I just wanted to let u know that I haven't stopped thinking about ur femc comic since I saw it. The colors are so good and the quote tears me apart it's sosososo good
Yo... the COMPLIMENT of this, unparalleld. IN TEARS is what I am. I know I'm only replying now, but I've been thinking about your ask the last few days and I'm still riding that high, so thank you fdfdf
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more under the cut bc it turns out I always have way more to say than I think haha
That quote has been a sleeper agent inside my brain for sooo long and as I was on my 6th or smth try of beating P3 (I kept playing past the halfway point and then falling off bc of adhd), it came across my dash again and I connected the fucken dots dfdfdf. I think it was also kinda around the time when the remake leaks started to go around and I had several, uncheritable thought & onions on that. Another artwork idea that i had for when I finished the game was a still life called "Treasure" and it would've depicted all of the items you get when you complete a social link. But I'm not strong eough for that haha Obvs a very applicable quote to a lot of media but oughghgh it fits Hamuko SOO well. Narratively ofc but also in the way atlus treats her lmao. < I've never got through PQ2 myself but thinking about her in that game makes me SO sad jfc wdym you got dropped here all on your own, none of your friends remember youand also you're playing the second fiddle to some short emo guy??? < I'm going insane
uh sry about that, coming back to the topic at hand: I think I did the sketch in August of last year? and then started the rendering process in September. I had that comic pretty much finished then. EXCEPT for the third panel, which changed quite drastically. It was a lot closer to the in-game color palette of that scene before and.. it looked okay... < I'm lying, it looked sooo boring, where are my shrimp colors?? No atmosphere at all So i dropped it "for a hot sec" i.e.: whoops it's suddenly february (I wanted to have it queued for p3r's release, uh oh better fucken crunch it.) Rushing in at the last sec to finish it definitely had some pros and cons haha.
I think it turned out pretty well in the end despite it all and knowing me I probs wouldn't have picked it up again if not for that self imposed deadline lmao;;; I'm becoming a bit irked by my typestting on the second panel..
I might go back and fix it if it bother me too much.
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ghostofhyuck · 12 days
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NCT Dream and their drunk voicemails to you.
AN: Mention of death in Jisung's part.
Mark Lee
"Hey babe, right now I'm at my hotel room and the kids, they wanted to have drink to unwind. Yeah we just finished our dome concert and it's surreal like...I can't believe it, another dream come true." a chuckle escapes from Mark. "Yeah I'm a little drunk right now and, I don't know how many cans I have drank but we have a flight tomorrow. I don't know I might pass out at the plane." Mark laughs once again, you can hear his frustrated sigh. "I'm seeing you tomorrow again, I miss you...damn. I'm gone for like five days and I am missing you already? But couldn't help it. I love you babe...can't wait to go home to you. I love you...again. God, I'm so drunk right now but you know what? I love you." 
Huang Renjun
"Chenle shut up! I'm trying to talk to yn," Renjun started. From the background, there's a lot of noise. A chaotic noise that deafens your boyfriend's voice. "yn? baby? I hope you can hear me but --- Haechan be fucking quiet! Sorry about that, we're in Jaemin's place and we had a little drink ---" "Hyung had two bottles of soju already!" Chenle interrupted. "Renjunnie is that yn? Tell her I miss her!" Haechan added. "Renjun, best you get out just so you can talk to yn," Mark suggested. "Yeah whatever." another voicemail was sent to you. "I'm outside right now, the boys are so loud, I can't believe it," but you can hear his laughter. "Anyways, I just want to update you about my whereabouts, I know you're busy with your work but we can talk in the morning okay? I love you baby." 
Lee Jeno
"Hey yn..." a frustrated sigh can be heard followed by seconds of silence. "I don't know why, but I just had the feeling of sending you this right now...but how are you? Damn, that's kinda stupid for me to ask after what I did to you but I can't help it. I wanted to know if you're fine, and if you're doing well. I wanted to know so that this guilt won't eat me up everyday. It's frustrating me yn, I am really sorry for breaking your heart. I know that I made a lot of mistakes and...I don't know what to say," a bitter laugh escapes Jeno's lips. "Drunk? Maybe I am, so I'm sorry for sending you a drunk voicemail at this ungodly hour. Just...fuck, this is a mistake. Sorry yn, I'm really sorry for everything. Just ignore this. Or just delete this, don't reply to me. This isn't supposed to happen." 
Lee Donghyuck
"I can't believe you left me!" Haechan shouted. "Why? why!? Was it me? Just tell me what went wrong and maybe I can leave you alone now! Maybe I can get you out of my head because fuck it! There's not a day where I am missing you and wondering what happened with the two of us. I always wonder if I didn't something so stupid that you left me..." Haechan deeply sighs, trying to hold back his tears. "Hyuck stop it, you're drunk." "No! I can't believe it Renjun!" Haechan shouted. "Yn left me. She broke up with me! I can't believe it...why? Why did she do it?" Haechan cried to his friend who only nod, patting lightly his shoulders. "Hyuck wake up, you know the reason why she broke up with you, stop it." Jaemin rebutted. "But...it hurts you know? I just ---" 
Na Jaemin
"Yn~" Jaemin giggled. "How's your date with him? What's his name again? Sungchan? He's good-looking by the way," Jaemin lets out a sigh. "I'm at the bar right now, so sorry if it's too noisy. Don't worry, I can handle everything. No, I'm not getting drunk right now." it suddenly became quiet for a second. "I don't know, maybe I am, it's shitty right? But you know what's more shitty? Is that you're having fun out there while I'm here getting drunk right now because I'm jealous! Yes yn, I am jealous of Sungchan because I like you! there I said it!" you heard him opening another bottle of soju. "I like you since we were kids yn, why can't you see it? fuck...this is so embarrassing, confessing to you at my worst state well," Jaemin laughs. "I'm a coward yn, I can't even confess to you when I'm sober." 
Zhong Chenle
"Hey babe, the boys just left my place," Chenle started, letting out a small laugh. "I told them they can crash in my place but they were persistent to go back to their place, but it's obvious that they're struggling." another laugh escapes Chenle's lips. "Yeah, I'm a bit tipsy right now and I know that it's probably morning wherever you are and if you're hearing this, don't worry I'm fine." you can hear second of silence before a small bark echoed on the background. "Oh? Daegallie is here, Daegal come here~" you can hear Daegal's bark along with Chenle's small laugh. "You miss your mom? I miss her too. But she's out there having a tour in US, so let's wait for her to come home okay? I love you yn, have fun there." 
Park Jisung
"Hi love," Jisung started with a soft tone. "It's been so long right? I'm in my dorm right now, I just packed my clothes and no, I didn't overpacked don't worry. Tomorrow, we'll start our world tour. It can be tiring but I'll try to be healthy?" Jisung lets out a deep sigh before brushing his hair out of frustration. "After this world tour, we'll be having another album. It's going to be good year for NCT Dream and I know that if you're here, you'll be cheering hard. Fuck, I miss you so so much." another deep sigh exits his lips. "There's no day where I am missing you, and my hyungs, they miss you too. I just...I can't believe it's been a year since you've been gone." Jisung lets out a small choke, trying hard not to cry. "I'm sorry...I told you that I won't cry anymore, but it still hurts me love. Sorry, but I'll be going now, goodbye love, I love you." 
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hoshigray · 11 months
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Okay, here's the problem: this ask was sent to me earlier last week, and I responded to it. However, my dumbass realized hours after I posted that anon meant an nsfw thirst...I'm such a big dummy; please forgive me!!! So yeah, I deleted/archived the reply prior since it contained fluff, and here we are, rewriting a different scenario!!
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A/n: Anyways, I hope y'all like this one, and happy jjk s2 release!! My friends and I are gonna be screaming at the top of our lungs throughout the entire episode :3 My hubby Toji is coming home, y'all!!!
Cw: Toji x fem! reader - minors DNI - sexual acts in a public area (grocery store) but no intercourse - grinding - breast fondling + nipple play - biting (Toji nibbles on your ears) - pet names (baby, darlin', kid, princess) - reader being a lil minx, but Toji gets ya back :3 - outside party intrusions, but y'all don't get caught - itty-bitty-tiny bit of degradation (just Toji calling your actions "whore-ish").
Wc: 1.3k
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"Mmm, Y/n...Baby..."
"Can I ask why you're grinding y'r ass on me in the middle of the snack aisle?"
The devilish smile on your lips curves up, only answering with more sways of the hips on the older man's groin, resulting in a groan suppressed by him. "What's to ask?"
It's 3 a.m.; everyone should be at home sleeping, getting ready for another day tomorrow. That's what was supposed to happen. But before you could even make it to your bed, you realized you had forgotten to grocery shop earlier today.
In a rush, you grabbed an oversized hoodie to cover up your chest and shorts and headed to the front to put on some shoes. Your boyfriend — Toji — was finishing up watching something on your television before crawling in bed with you. But plans changed when you told him you were going to the 24-hour open grocery store down the street to grab some things, prompting the man to come with you on your walk.
So now you two are in said store, pushing your cart up and down the aisles, grabbing whatever items you need based on your list. And things were going well and smoothly in the first half. That is until you arrive at the snack aisle.
Toji wanted to come to the aisle to grab some chips to leave at your place whenever he comes over — as if he already lives with you. But you don't mind and let the older man grab his snacks while you lean on the cart's handlebar, scrolling on your phone.
When he does grab the packaged item, he comes from behind to place it in the cart. And it's then you feel his jean-covered pelvis brush up on you, the zipper sliding on your shorts.
It's enough for you to stop looking at your phone and think fast, returning the favor by grinding your ass onto his groin. It was an unexpected move on your part as your boyfriend tenses at the action, but you only giggle and faux interact with your phone.
And that's how you ended up here; you pushing your ass onto Toji in a grocery store in the wee hours of the morning. You'd have to admit that you were enjoying tormenting the poor man as he's staying composed behind you, but his big hands gravitate to the dip of your hips to keep you close.
"How're you feeling back there?" You tease the man with playful banter, rocking your hips to create more friction against Toji's pelvis.
The man groans behind you, slowly grinding his hips with yours in unison. "Mmmm, you think y'r so fuckin' sly, huh, kid? Don't think I won't take these shorts of yours clean off and fuck you right here."
You cock a brow at his threat, but that's all it is: a threat. "Oh? Is that so?" You snap your ass right onto his crotch, where you can feel a tiny implication of an erection coming up. Toji hisses and bends down to your ear. "I'm up for that challenge, sir."
"Heh, actin' all whore-ish in the middle of public." His gruff voice in your eardrums gets you turned on even more. "Talkin' all high and big for your own good, princess."
You snicker to yourself and nibble on your bottom lip as you feel him bring a hand to the waistband of your shorts and slide them down slowly.
But the moment is ruined when something in your peripheral moves, causing you to straighten yourself up immediately. Toji is forced to do the same thing due to your immediate change, following where you're looking to see someone come from the corner and enter the aisle — an older woman in her pajamas and a coat.
You cough to clear your throat and act like you're looking at your phone. And Toji sneers, watching you pull back just because another person has entered the space. Hmph. So much for bein' up for a challenge.
The woman sees you two as she ascends in your direction, stopping her tracks by the side of your cart. "Oh my, I thought I was the only one here! What's a pair like you two doing out here in the late hours?"
You reply. "Oh, I could say the same for you, miss! I forgot to do my shopping earlier, so we're here doing it last minute."
"Hmm, I see. I'm in the same boat as you. My kids are supposed to go on a field trip, and I completely forgot all about it! It's tomorrow of all days, and I didn't even have the faintest idea of what to do for their lunches! So, here I am looking through..."
Toji doesn't listen to the woman chatter herself up with you because now he has the perfect distraction. While you give the other your attention, the older man slides a hand inside your his hoodie from behind, and you jerk at the sudden contact of his cold, rough fingers. Oh, you bastard...
"...figured sandwiches would be the best bet for a field trip lunch. Don't you think?"
"Hmm?" You realize the older woman asked you a question, your mind too preoccupied with Toji's hand sliding up your body. "Oh yes, sandwiches should do just fine for a field trip! Perhaps you can pack some chips to go with them."
"Ahh, you're right! I didn't think about that, but what kind of chips exactly?"
"I'd say your best bet would be the big bag filled with an assortment of chips, that way your kids can pick whichever they would like to ta—gasp!"
You're caught off guard by an abrupt grasp on your chest. Toji had his hand now on your breast, his large hand effortlessly cupping the soft mound and fondling it under the hoodie.
Attempting to shield yourself from the other woman, you rest your elbow on the handlebar and slightly turn to your side. You then give your boyfriend a mean look which is only received with a smug grin.
Oblivious, the woman asks in concern. "Are you alright, darling?"
Toji is the one who answers in your place. "Yeah, they're fine. Just a lil headache from stayin' up a too late." His disingenuous response comes out with no hesitation, the perfect lie.
"Aww, poor thing." The other shows sympathy for your false condition. "Well, I'll get going so I don't keep you up longer than you should. Thanks for the help, and drink some chamomile or peppermint tea for your headache!"
"Mmmph! I-I will! Thank you, miss!" You reply before the woman goes on her way, unaware that your whimpers failed to be bitten down as Toji grazed your nipple between his fore and middle finger.
When the woman is on the other side of the aisle, Toji leans down to your ear once more. "Like I told ya, talkin' all high and mighty for your own good."
"Shut up," you bite back, your moans coming through shivers when Toji slides his free hand to grope the other breast left unattended, putting you through more of your clandestine torture.
"Heh, I gotta do something 'bout that smart mouth of yours, brat." Toji bites on your ear, and you're quick to bring a hand to cover up any shrieks that risk leaving your mouth. His hoarse voice slides like honey into your ears, and the throbbing sensation between your legs worsens. "You're the one who was antagonizing me earlier."
"Haaah, mmm, okay, okay, I'm sorry." You hoped your pleas would stop the man from tweezing the hardened tips of your breasts so harshly, but his fingers don't stop as your hands find purchase on his jeans.
As Toji hums low to your ear, he kisses your neck while grinding against you. "Ya know, I was thinkin' of just headin' straight to bed after this. But now," his hands knead your tits in a way that has you almost melting into his hold, lucky enough to have his leg between yours to keep you steady.
"Since you wanna play like a damn kid, I'll make sure you don't get a wink of sleep when we get back, darlin'."
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greg-montgomery · 9 months
hiii first of all let me say i am ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with your blog and that everything you post is amazing <333
.....and since your requests are open, let me give you the receipt to kill me 😈 (or to make my day, it depends)
so that would be a scenario involving hotch x reader + reader ovulating (or in the days before cycle when the hormones are all 🥴🦋🥰🤭🤤) + him being condescending in bed
my brain is fixated on this and I was waiting to request this to someone
⚠️ i am a consent-queen anon and i invite you to write this only if you can/feel like it/have the time to. If not, delete the ask bc i don't wanna make you uncomfortable, you're so sweet in your interactions <3
hiiii <3 you're so sweet!!! i'm super late to this, but i hope you're still around and get to read this and enjoy it <33 ilysm!
minors dni - 18+
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Those damn profilers….and you had to be the one to be dating one of the best of them. It was impossible to hide from Aaron.
It wasn’t common for you, wanting to hide things from him. He was the one who you trusted more than anyone else in your life. But sometimes, you felt…embarrassed of things.
Like that evening, you wanted to have sex with Aaron, but didn’t want to be the one who initiated it again. You were the one who was all over him the night before and that morning. It felt almost humiliating having to ask for sex again.
But you weren’t at fault. Aaron had just come home from work and he was so tired, he didn’t follow his usual routine of taking his suit off and running into the shower. That was the reason you felt guilty for wanting to disturb his resting time. But that was also the reason you wanted him so bad; his suit, his untied tie, the sweat on his forehead. And maybe also the fact that your little period calendar app had reminded you yesterday that you were ovulating.
Still, no matter how much you were trying to conceal your sudden and very much desperate desire for your boyfriend, he was clearly onto you.
“Why are you staring at me, honey?” he asked, not bothering to lift his head to look at you. His eyes were glued on the screen of his phone, going through his emails.
“Just missed you, that’s all.”
“I missed you too, baby.” His deep voice calling you ‘baby’ only worsened your problem. Maybe you just had to get some alone time and take care of it.
“Um…I’m gonna go take a shower, okay?” you said.
“Yeah. Did you wanna go first?”
He finally lifted his gaze from his phone and looked at you with a smirk. “Are you really that desperate?”
Aaron threw his phone on the cushion next to him and spread his legs wider. “On my lap.”
As if you were under a spell, you got up without even thinking it, walked towards the couch, and straddled Aaron’s lap.
You were so turned on that even that light touch of your body meeting his sent sparkles to your clit.
His large hands went straight to your exposed thighs, rubbing them up and down.
“My princess,” he said leaving a small kiss on your lips. “Haven’t I told you that I want you to always ask me for what you need?”
“I don’t…”
“Don’t lie to me. I can tell you’re struggling,” he said with a soft laugh. And with a tone that suggested that you were pathetic he added, “You’re horny, aren’t you?”
“Aaron,” you whined, and hit him playfully on the arm.
“Aren’t you?” he repeated.
You were too embarrassed to reply with words so you just nodded your head.
“See? I can always tell what’s going on in that pretty head of yours,” he said, his hand cupping the side of your face, “so you may as well just ask for what you want. It’ll save us both time.”
“You’re being mean,” you said.
“Am I still going to be mean if I get you off?”
Embarrassed or not, his words made your eyes sparkle.
“That’s what I thought. Now take off your clothes,” he ordered.
As you were getting undressed, Aaron unzipped his pants and took his cock out. When you got to the part of taking off your underwear he started stroking himself slowly, not taking his eyes off you for a moment.
You were almost drooling watching him still all dressed up touching himself, and the ache between your legs was getting unbearable.
“Come back here,” he said, once you were fully nude.
His thumb started touching your clit, circling it in a slow pace that made your knees already tremble. “Aaron…”
“Do you like it?”
“Mhm…” you said biting your lip.
“You can be louder, sweetheart. No one’s home but us,” he said and slipped his middle finger in you.
Aaron’s fingers were thick, and could make you see stars. But at the moment, nothing but his cock could really satisfy you.
“I want you to fuck me. Please, Aaron, I can’t…”
“Okay,” he said, leaning in slightly to leave an open mouthed kiss to one of your nipples. “Okay. I’ve got you.”
He kissed the spot between your breasts and looked up at you with a smile. “You really need me, don’t you baby?”
“So bad,” you admitted.
With that, he pulled you down by your hips, and you took his hard dick in your hand, guiding it into your hole.
“My God,” you moaned at the feeling of him finally filling you up. “Aaron…”
He threw his head back and swallowed harshly at the feeling of your pussy around him. “Ah baby…”
Aaron’s dick was big just like everything else about him, which was exactly what you needed; feeling him deep inside you, hitting every spot that made your thoughts blurry and left you thinking only his name.
Your movements were desperate, riding him and taking him all in like you needed. His hands were on your ass, not to guide you but more for his enjoyment.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed him deeply, wanting to devour every drop of this man’s body. “You feel so good inside me,” you moaned against his mouth.
“You like it, baby?”
“I love it.”
You pulled away just enough for him to move his hands and cup your tits, massaging them as you rocked your hips against his.
“You always take it so well. If only you could see how desperate you look, baby. Just a dumb girl who’s always thinking about my cock, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Aaron. Yes,” you moaned, and the built up in your lower belly got bigger and bigger.
Aaron started rubbing your clit, faster than he did at the beginning, watching your movements getting more and more clumsy as you were getting closer towards your release.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whined.
“That’s my good girl. Come on, baby. That’s my girl.”
Aaron’s encouraging words, his finger on your clit, and his dick buried in your pussy had you clenching around him and moaning his name. “Fuck.”
“Kneel for me. I wanna cum on your face,” he moaned.
Still feeling numb between your legs, you got on your knees in front of him and watched him as he stroked himself. Soon he painted you with his cum, and you enjoyed the feeling of the warm liquid on your skin. It made you feel his.
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
It's My Choice
Summary: Echo is in recovery at a GAR medical facility on Coruscant after being assumed KIA. You want to see him, more than anything, and you hope he knows that he's your choice.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Echo x F!Reader
Word Count: 1190
Warnings: reader is described as having hair long enough to style, and as a supermodel.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So I had an idea, and I decided to run with it. It might not flow well, simply because I'm very sick and have been for the last two days, but I'm happy with it. (Also, pardon any typos/grammar errors, I typed this while not wearing my eyes.)
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You lean back in the hard, uncomfortable chair of the GAR medical facility, your gaze drifting to the ceiling as you wait for an update on Echo. The chairs really are terrible, but then the clones were never meant to have worried family you suppose.
Jokes on them. Echo has you.
You allow the back of your head to thump against the wall behind you and you stretch your legs out in front of you and cross your ankles.
You've been here for almost 12 hours now.
Fives contacted you as soon as the Resolute landed on Coruscant and informed you that Echo was alive and was being treated for his injuries here. He mentioned that you didn't have to come, but clearly he's lost his damned mind.
As if you'd be anywhere else.
Of course, you probably should have taken the time to make sure that you fixed your hair and washed the extreme make-up off…and changed out of the six inch stilettos you had been forced into for work today.
But, whatever. Echo's alive. Nothing else matters.
Even if your agent has been blowing up your com for the last six hours. And even if General Skywalker has been side-eyeing you like he thinks you're trespassing. 
Your comma chimes again, and you absently lift it over your head to read the message. And then promptly deleted it. Your agent will just have to deal.
A door at the end of the hall opens, and you tilt your head to the side, before you sit up straight as Fives steps into the hall and walks over to you.
He takes in your carefully styled hair —artfully tousled, your stylist called it— the dark make-up, and the impossibly high stilettos and he huffs out a laugh, “You come here right from a shoot?”
“Echo’s more important than any photo shoot. Besides, I had already finished when you called.” You reply as you kick your heels off and scramble to your feet, “Can I see him?”
Fives smiles at you, “Yeah. Follow me.” He waits for you to scoop your heels, and your bag, off the ground before he starts walking, “I should warn you…he looks bad.” Fives says quietly as he stops next to the door.
You lift your chin and glare at him, “Contrary to what you, and apparently everyone else, believes. I'm not dating Echo because of his pretty face.”
“Okay, okay. Sheathe your claws, kitten. I just wanted to warn you.” Some of the offended tension drains from your shoulders, you didn’t mean to snap at him, but it wouldn’t be the first time someone made an assumption about you and your choice to have a relationship with Echo.
Fives opens the door and moves to the side to let you into the room, and your breath catches when you see him.
Like Fives said, he looks bad. Thin, too thin by far, and so pale. The prosthetics and cybernetics are new, but honestly, you’re only bothered by them because you’re sure that they must have hurt.
“Echo,” You step into the room, and set your heels and your bag in a chair, before you move closer to his side. There are tears in your eyes, but they’re happy tears, “Welcome home.”
Echo blinks at you, twice, and then he slowly slides up in the hospital bed, “Cyar’ika…when…how did you know I was here?”
“Fives commed me and told me. I’ve been sitting out there for hours.” You look around and then huff out a sigh, before dumping your stuff on the floor and moving the chair next to the bed. You lightly take his prosthetic in your hand, a scomp, rather than a hand.
You hope that it was his choice, rather than one made for him. 
He tenses, but he doesn’t pull away from you, “You didn’t have to.”
You smile at him, “Echo. You’re here, and you’re alive. Where else would I be?”
His gaze flickers across your face, and then over to the heels lying on the floor, “Well, judging by the height of those heels, a photoshoot.”
“Not half as important as you.” You reply dismissively.
He shifts and slowly sits up, properly, before reaching out and pressing his flesh hand against your cheek, “Cyar’ika…” Echo hesitates, and then flashes a wry, self-deprecating smile, “I don’t think I’m pretty enough for you.”
You bite your tongue to stem your immediate, and loud, disagreement. Instead you reach up and press your hand over his, rubbing your cheek against his hand. “Why would you say that?”
“Why-? Cyare. Look at me!”
“I am looking.”
“Then I shouldn’t have to explain-”
“Would you like to know what I see when I look at you, Echo?”
“Not really.” You tilt your head, and he sighs, “Tell me.”
“The man who, after meeting me, an actual supermodel, invited me to go to a bookstore with him.” Echo flushes, and it’s obvious due to how pale he is, “A man who overheard me mentioning to my agent that I was worried that I wasn’t going to be able to meet my favorite author and made sure that I arrived on time.” Your smile widens, “A man who learned who my favorite author was, simply so he could read the books too, so he’d have something to talk about with me.”
Echo averts his gaze, “We talked all night.” He murmurs.
“We did. And I got in so much trouble the next morning because I had dark circles under my eyes, and you got in trouble because you were late to formation…but we did the exact same thing three nights later.”
Echo laughs softly, “I thought Rex’s head was going to explode.” He admits.
You release his scomp hand and reach up to press your hand against his cheek, “I see the man I fell in love with. The man who looks at me and sees more than the dumb supermodel that everyone expects me to be.” You scan his face, almost anxiously, “And I’m hoping he still loves me.”
He looks at you, something soft in his gaze, “You still want me-?”
“Always. Forever. Until the stars go cold.”
“Your agent is not going to approve.” Echo warns as he lightly tugs you off the chair and onto the edge of the bed.
“I cannot emphasize enough how little I care about my agent’s opinion.” You admit quietly, “If I have to choose, I know who my choice will be.”
Echo exhales slowly, and slowly tugs you in until your forehead lightly bumps against his, “I love you.” He whispers, “I never stopped loving you. Even when I could barely remember anything, I still remembered your smile and the smell of your lotion and the feel of your skin under my fingers.”
“Charmer.” You whisper.
“Mean every word.” Echo whispers right back, and then he tugs you once more and catches your lips in a kiss that’s soft and loving enough that it nearly brings you to tears.
You have your Echo back. He might look a little different, but he’s here and it’s all you’ve ever wanted.
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cinnoasch · 5 months
Is it ok if I request an Akira scenario where he's helping Y/N achieve her 'true persona'? How would he react when she achieves her persona? Or, different case scenario, how would Y/N react to Akira's "new form" when he gains HIS persona. dunno if this would work out, I've kinda forgot parts of the plot of Persona so I don't rlly remember where or when exactly this happened-
A/N: Hi anon! I'm so so sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2427
Wish (Akira Kurusu x Fem!Reader)
You let out a sigh as you stare at your phone, occasionally typing some words and then deleting them a few seconds later. Tomorrow, the Phantom Thieves were going to steal Maruki’s treasure and fix reality once and for all. You were a bit nervous, but you had faith that things would turn out the way you hoped. The only thing that was bothering you however… was Akira. Besides the short conversations you had with the team during palace exploration, you hadn’t talked to him outside of that. You really wanted to, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to text or call him.
It was silly honestly. He was your boyfriend, yet here you were unable to talk to him. When you two first started dating, Akira told you that he would always be there for you, no matter what. Whether you needed to vent, talk or just wanted his company, he’d be there. Yet what about you? You hadn’t been there for him when he started the infiltration on Maruki’s palace. You had a hunch that things weren’t right from the start of the New Year, yet you couldn’t bring yourself out of that ‘perfect reality’. You wanted things to stay like that, even if he wasn’t by your side. Even if that was what you wanted the most.
Suddenly your phone rings, playing a ringtone you knew far too well. You glance at the screen seeing Akira's name and you answer hesitantly.
"Are you using our text messages as your grocery list again?" He asks.
“Wha- no, why would you ask that?”
“Well, you were taking a long time to type so I just figured you were typing your grocery list out.”
“I wasn’t typing out my grocery list for your information. Shopping’s the last thing on my mind right now.” You sigh. “Anyways, how’d you know I was typing? Were you waiting for me to text you?”
Akira chuckles, “I mean when your girlfriend suddenly cuts you off, a guy can’t help but wonder if he did something wrong.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Akira. It’s just… you know things have been hectic. We’ve been so busy lately with Maruki and everything else.”
“So busy that you can’t talk to me?”
You stay silent. He was right after all. Akira had made sure you all finished planning out a path to the treasure long before the deadline. You had plenty of time to talk to him, but you just felt guilty every time you thought about it.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” He sighs. “It’s just… I miss you;, you know? We’ve barely talked since this whole thing started. And I’m not blaming you, it’s my fault too but if there’s something wrong, I want you to tell me.” 
“I know, and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I know it’s late, but I want to talk to you… can I come over?”
“No need, I’m already heading your way. Just wait for me, okay?”
You hang up and put your phone down on the couch next to you. You were glad that he called but you also felt terrible. The last thing you wanted to do was make him worry, make him feel as if he did something wrong. You hated hearing him like that. Sure, you two had your fights sometimes but this was different. Not only did you betray his trust, but you broke your own promise to him.
Akira must have been closer than you expected because a few minutes later you hear a knock on the door. You go to open it, greeting him with a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He replies a bit out of breath. “You weren’t waiting long, were you?”
“Please tell me you didn’t run here.”
“I didn’t. Definitely not.”
You roll your eyes as you pull him inside and close the door behind him. “Liar. Come on in, before you catch a cold.”
Akira chuckles, “I only did what you told me to. Besides, I was going to show up uninvited, but I’m glad I called you first.”
“So that’s why you said you were already headed over… Well, thank you for calling first.” You clear your throat. “Anyways, um, sit down. Would you like some tea or hot chocolate?”
He shakes his head, “No thanks.” Then he takes a seat on the couch, patting the empty space next to him. “Come here. You don’t have to be so nervous.”
“I’m not nervous…” you mumble as you sit down next to him. “Okay maybe a little, but it’s just because we haven’t talked like this in a while. Like… a serious conversation like this.”
“Would you believe me if I told you I was nervous too?”
“No. You’re always so calm and collected. If you are, I can’t tell.”
“Then here,” Akira says, taking your hand and placing it over his heart. Even through his winter coat, you could feel his heart beating at a quick, steady pace. You glance up, meeting his gaze as he smiles softly. “Now, do you believe me?”
You nod, unable to tear your eyes away from him. Just how lucky were you to have someone like him in your life? Someone that easily washed away the doubts in your mind with a single action. Someone that was so kind to you even after how you treated him. With a simple action and a smile that melted your heart, Akira washed your guilt away. It’s hard to believe that your ‘perfect reality’ didn’t have him by your side. 
“If you keep staring at me like that, we might not get any talking done at all.”
Drawn out of your thoughts, you quickly pull your hand away from Akira’s chest. “S-sorry, I was just thinking…” 
“It’s okay. Still nervous?”
You shake your head. “Nope, nerves are all gone. Thank you.” With a deep breath, you start. “Well, first of all, I wanted to apologize for how I’ve been these past few weeks. I didn’t mean to cut you off like that, and my intention wasn’t to make you think you did something wrong. It’s just… I felt guilty.”
“Mhm… the truth is, I knew from the beginning that this reality was off. I’m not sure how I knew, it was just a hunch really. But, instead of telling you, I pretended to not know. It’s just seeing everyone so happy… it wouldn’t feel right taking that away. Yet in the end, I guess we all made up our minds anyway…” You look down at your hands, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. “The main thing is that I should’ve been there when you first infiltrated Maruki’s palace. And yet I wasn’t. Despite you always being there for me, I couldn’t even be there for you…”
“So you knew…”
You nod, feeling Akira’s gaze. You knew that if you looked at him, you might just end up crying. He didn’t sound mad, if anything it was more surprise and slight disappointment. To be honest, you weren’t sure why you made that choice of not telling him. Maybe it was just how you were, you always had a habit of hiding things from people, even if you didn’t mean to.
To your surprise he ruffles your hair, and you look up, seeing him smile. “I’m not upset. So don’t look so sad. I’m a bit hurt that you didn’t tell me, but it sounds like you had your reasons, right?”
“...yeah. I didn’t want to see our friends have what they wanted the most taken away from them.”
“And what did you want? You probably weren’t affected by Maruki’s reality because you didn’t have it.”
“I…” You hesitate. Would it be selfish of you to say what you wanted? He was already right here next to you. Just like you wanted originally. However, voicing your thoughts aloud was different. If you told him, what would he think? 
“There’s that look again.” Akira says with a small chuckle as his gaze turns towards the ground. “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me now. Or ever, if you don’t really want to. But just know that whatever it was, it wasn’t selfish of you to think that way… I mean, all of us, me included, we have our selfish ways, don’t we? That’s why this ‘perfect reality’ came about anyways.”
It wasn't often, but very rarely you saw this type of expression on Akira. It was distant, but there was also a feeling of longing. As if he was trying to come to terms with something. 
“...perfect reality…” You mumble quietly. Then your eyes widen in realization. 
Tonight was the last day for Maruki to contact Akira. You felt stupid for forgetting something so important. Then you look at Akira. Did he have that same look throughout all of this? That look of loneliness? That look easily told you who else was on his mind.
"Maruki contacted you… right? To be honest it slipped my mind… even though it was something so important."
Akira nods. "Yeah, he contacted me."
"And Akechi was there too?"
He looks at you surprised. "How did you-"
"The look on your face. The last time I saw you with that expression was when he died. You two were really close, huh?"
“...yeah.” Akira sighs. “Somehow, Maruki heard of what happened to him and in order to give us another chance at being friends, this reality came to life.” Akira runs his hands through his hair. “If we don’t go through with taking back our reality… Akechi will be alive, and if we don’t… well the answer is obvious.”
You stay silent, not sure of what to say. What could you say to this? 
“It’s a lot to take in, right? You’d think it’d be a simple decision after everything. But when someone’s life is being used like that…like a bargaining chip… it just feels wrong.” Akira shakes his head slightly and glances at you. “What would you do if you were me?”
There was that expression again. How were you supposed to answer him when such a sorrowful expression painted his face?
“I…” You begin hesitantly, trying to find the words to say. “I’d go through with what we started. Of course, using someone’s life like that is just wrong, but I think it’d be best if we went through with it. I think Akechi wouldn’t be able to stand knowing that we turned our backs on what we originally planned to do. If we did that… it’d just seem like his sacrifice in Shido’s palace was for nothing… at least that’s how I feel.”
Akira chuckles, “Sounds about right.” He sits up, leaning his head back to stare at the ceiling. “I thought the exact same thing.”
“You already gave Maruki your answer then… So why ask for my opinion?”
He hums in thought, a smile appearing on his face. “Because your opinion is important to me. Why do you think I was in such a rush to get here, to talk to you? During this whole thing, I’ve heard everyone’s opinions on what they thought we should do about this reality. Yet the one person whose opinion I wanted to hear the most, the person whose opinion is the most important to me, never contacted me to talk.” Akira turns to you, a soft expression on his face. “You know I’ll always be here for you right? No matter what. So don’t keep your feelings or thoughts locked inside.”
You blink a couple of times, feeling tears start to prick at your eyes again. You chuckle slightly as you look away from him. “You sure do have a way with words. Makes sense that you’re our leader…” With a sigh you face him with a smile. “I’ve made up my mind. No more keeping to myself. It wouldn't be fair to you, making you worry. I want to be someone you can rely on too.”
You couldn’t explain it but somehow, you felt different after you told Akira that. As if your soul felt stronger somehow, as if a voice in your head told you that you had changed. You weren’t exactly sure what this feeling was, but you knew that you wanted to give back to Akira after all he’s done for you.
You hear him chuckle, about to say something but you place a finger on his lips. “Nope, I know what you’re gonna say. That you already rely on me for a lot, but let me have this okay? I want to trust in this feeling that I have, that I can be stronger for you and the team. If I can’t truly confide in you, then who am I to even wish for you?”
“You… So that was your wish?”
“I-” Your face reddens in embarrassment as you take your hand away from his face and avert your gaze. You didn’t even realize what you had said.
“Oh, what happened to ‘no more keeping to myself’?” Akira teases. “C’mon, be honest now.”
Your face reddens even more as you look down at your hands, mumbling slightly. “I wished for you.”
“One more time? I couldn’t quite hear you.”
“I wished for you! There, happy?” You shout as you look at Akira. He had the widest smirk on his face. You grab the pillow next to you and smother him with it. “Wipe that grin off your face…”
“What? A guy can’t be happy that his girlfriend wished for him? You don’t have to be so embarrassed. Y’know it’s cute that you’d wish for something you already have.”
“Just please… shut up.”
He laughs and suddenly you feel his hands on yours as he lowers the pillow so he can look at you. “But seriously, I’m really happy you told me, even though you said it without realizing. You said it with such conviction, I wasn’t sure if I heard you correctly. You feel… stronger.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“Mm, I think I can prove otherwise.”
You laugh as you look up, meeting his eyes again. “Yeah? And how can you-”
In one swift motion, Akira closes the gap between the two of you, his lips pressing onto yours. It was quick and sweet; you didn’t even have the time to react with how fast it happened.
As he leans his forehead against yours, you can hear him whisper, a bit of playfulness laced in his voice. “Believe me now?”
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personwhowrites · 1 year
Okay uh― I am quite new here and I saw that ypur requests are open (I hope)
But, I LOVE your writing with Self-Aware 141 TF with Player!Y/n !Especially the ones with Ghost's and Price's mocking - I swear, they wpuld totally do that.
Can you maybe do 2 part or just Platonic one with them hanging out (somewhat) with Player!Y/n that just accepted that they are aware amd just rolls with it?
There will be no part 3! ~maybe~ I will be catching up on requests! My inbox is now close for a short while -E <3
Aware Part 2
You nervously bit your lip as you debated turning your PC on. Slightly regretting the choice as your eyes fell upon their character.
John “Captain” Price
At first, you hesitated deeply to turn your PC on. Your mind was filled with dark thoughts of what could be waiting for you if you switched it on – a hacker, or even worse, a stalker. You were about to give up until you heard a voice coming from your screen.
“Nice to see you, kid," Price said, causing you to jump out of your chair in surprise. "Easy now."
"Fuck this is so weird," you mumbled, eyeing the screen warily. "Jesus, so you all can actually see me?"
"And hear you, so watch that fucking tone," Price said with a low chuckle, causing your body to freeze in fear. "Took you long enough to come back."
"Well, it’s hard to come back when a fucking game character is talking to you!" You hissed back a response as you tentatively sat back down. "Hell, I was thinking about throwing my whole PC away."
“Well, aren’t you glad you didn't!" Price said, sitting down on a log. "So, what made you come back, kid?"
"I...uh...I don't know," you replied, averting your eyes from the screen and grabbing your phone. You started to record the conversation. "I guess I needed some company?"
"Company?" Price said, crossing his arms and looking at you. "I may be ones and zeros, but I'm not dumb, kid."
You remained silent and sighed. He was sure smart – smart enough to soon point out that you were facing the camera the wrong way, making you blush in embarrassment. As you and him talked, slowly it hit you – you liked talking to ones and zeros.
"So, you all just hang out or something?" You asked Price, taking some notes down on your phone. "Like, none of the stuff ever happened?"
"Pretty much, kid but we practice our aim.” Price said in a teasing tone before turning to look behind him. "Looks like I gotta go back to my code."
““Wait!" You yelled, slightly as you put your hand up to the screen as if you could actually stop him. "Wait wait...I uh...want to know more about you."
Price stopped for a moment then looked at you. His eyes slightly softened as he tossed his head back slightly, laughing. He nodded and stared at you for a long time.
"Very well, kid," Price said with a smug smile forming on his lips. "So, what’s your name, kid?"
"Y/N," you said softly, moving your hand away. "You guys always been...aware of this...world of yours?"
"Of course we have! Every single character in a game is!" Price said with a small laugh. "I'm surprised you humans didn't figure it out faster."
"Why expose yourself to me?" You asked, making his laughter stop and his stare become tense. "Why me?"
"Well...Y/N," Price stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. "We... felt some sort of welcoming with you."
You stayed silent as Price took off his hat. You couldn’t help but smile and shake your head in amusement. You may have been a little out of your mind for talking to someone from a video game, but it felt so good to have someone in your life who would listen to you. Price looked at you with a gentle expression as you deleted the recording from before and threw your phone somewhere he couldn't see.
“Tell me how it feels like to be code!" You said excitedly, taking out your pen and notepad. "Please..."
Price laughed and shook his head. He seemed to be enjoying the comfort of someone that isn't code as well. He looked at you with a kind expression, like he was trying to understand what it was like for you. "It's a strange thing, being code. I'm not really alive, but I'm still here. It's like I'm connected to a world that I can't see, or touch, but I can feel it. It's like I'm a part of something much bigger than me."
Kyle “Gaz”Garrick
You eagerly turned on your PC as soon as you woke up, hoping to talk to Price again. Your excitement only grew when you saw Gaz waiting for you, with a warm and welcoming smile on his face.
“Well, well, so you really are back, huh?" Gaz said, making you quickly nod. "Wow, you seem excited to actually see me and not scared."
"Well, I had a good chat with Price," you responded softly, reaching for your notes from the night before. "Gaz, I wanted to ask you something."
"Go on, Y/N," Gaz said, making your heart race. He already knew your name. "What? Surprised I know your name, kid?"
"I can guess Price told you all," you said, looking back at the screen. "He did, didn’t he?"
"Mhm, he sure did," Gaz responded, nodding his head. "Now, you seem like a talkative person."
"I guess I am?" You said softly, making Gaz sit down. "Hey...I already asked Price this, but...why did you guys pick me?"
"Pick me...that's one way to put it," Gaz said with a chuckle. “Well Y/n, like Price said. You brought us some sort of welcoming.”
You gave him a smile and look at the time. You were late to work, late for your real life experience.
“I have to go..” you say getting up from your PC. “I have work in thirty minutes and the bus ride is fourteen.”
“Do you have actual good aim at work?” Gaz asks making you roll your eyes. “Come on! It was a joke!”
“Very funny Gaz..” You say shaking your head. “I will have better aim after work.”
You waved goodbye to Gaz and reluctantly turned your PC off. You stared at the blank screen for a moment, slightly worried that they could still see you. You sighed and shook your head, feeling a bit silly for worrying. You grabbed your bag and headed out the door, feeling a bit lighter knowing that you had a friend to talk to when you needed it.
After a long day at work, you finally make it back home and turn on your PC. Much to your delight, you see Gaz still waiting for you like before. You eagerly sit down in your chair and give him a warm smile. He notices you and responds with a friendly smile of his own. You lean back in your chair and take a deep breath, feeling a sense of comfort.
“So how was work?” Gaz asked, his voice filled with concern. You let out a sigh and looked down at your dirt-streaked uniform.
“It was alright,” you said with a shrug. “But I had a few problems.” You hesitated for a moment before asking, “Gaz, do you guys even eat?”
Gaz laughed. “No, not even in the game!”
“That’s strange,” you murmured to yourself, shaking your head in disbelief. You looked back at Gaz and smiled. “Video games sure can be weird, can't they?”
You sighed and leaned back in your chair, your mind drifting back to the long day at work.
“I guess I should have known you guys didn't eat,” you said with a laugh.
You hadn’t meant to, but before you knew it, you were lulled into a deep sleep by the sound of Gaz's voice. His gentle words were like a lullaby, and it wasn't long before you drifted off into a peaceful slumber. It felt like only seconds had passed, but it must have been longer, for when you awoke the sun was peeking its head through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day.
John “Soap” MacTavish
It had been a while since you last touched your computer. With work, personal issues, and other distractions, it was easy to forget about it. But one day, you finally decided to turn it on, and the game loaded up by itself. You watched as Soap loaded in, and his face was filled with worry as soon as he saw your tired eyes. He could see the exhaustion in your eyes, and he knew you had been through a lot lately. He wanted to make sure you were doing okay and that you weren’t pushing yourself too hard.
Soap spoke sheepishly as you leaned back in your chair, “
The last time we talked wasn’t so great... Where have you been, Y/n? It's been a while..." His voice was filled with worry, and you could tell he was concerned.
“Busy..." You murmured under your breath, closing your eyes slightly. "God, I’m so tired..." You could feel the weariness weighing down on you, and you wished you could just take a break.
“Then why don’t you sleep?” Soap says watching closely. “It’s good to sleep! Hell we even do it when you turn the PC off.”
“I can’t sleep now.. I gotta count how many hours I worked the past week.” You mumble rubbing your eyes. “So I will have to exit you out and get on Google Docs.”
“Couldn’t you have me on your screen, just on the side?" Soap said, getting closer to the screen. "I could help you..."
You sat upright, opening your eyes and considering the idea of splitting the screen.
"Maybe... but how could you help me?" You asked, curious as to what Soap might be able to do. “Or do you just want to chat?”
“We can chat while you work.” Soap says as you move him to a bother screen. “Nice! Hey I never knew your PC was this colorful.”
“Me ether..” You respond with a yawn and rub your eyes. “Better get started..”
Soap started to ask you some basic questions, like what your favorite color, food, and things to do besides work and gaming were. Everything seemed to be going well until you suddenly passed out headfirst into the keyboard, making him worry. He stayed there for a few minutes, only to discover you were asleep. Work and your life seemed to be in a state of disarray from his perspective, and he was concerned for your well-being.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
You took a seat in your chair, turning on your PC. You held a steaming cup of tea in your hand as the game loaded. You were slightly surprised to see Ghost and Price there, and a feeling of dread settled in your stomach. Were they there to make fun of you again? Was it your lack of progress in your work that had drawn them in? You tried to ignore the feeling, focusing on the game ahead.
“Looks like the brat is back.” Ghost says looking at you. “Got better aim this week or what?”
“Very funny..” You say rolling your eyes. “Never knew two of you can be here at once..”
“Well, we can be if we want.” Price responds looking at you. “Heard you passed out talking to the other two..”
“Work..is slightly overwhelming.” You respond taking a sip from the tea. “Hey, you boys been doing good?”
“Mhm, but I better get going.” Price says leaving you with Ghost.
“So, you gonna pass out on me?” Ghost says changing the background behind him. “Seems like you are kid.”
“It’s y/n.” You hiss in response, Ghost shakes his head and laughs. “How come your not acting your character?”
“Well, it gets boring acting like a low level person.” Ghost says with a slight shrug. “What want me to just stare at you? Because if that’s what you wa—“
“Your British accent is stronger..” you say interrupting him. “Why?”
“Why ask so many questions?” He snapped back making you roll your eyes. “Is that all you do? At least the questions have better aim than you kid.”
“Look! I’m good at gaming! I swear it’s just the control messed up!” You day setting your cup of tea down. “I’ll prove it! I bought a new controller.”
Ghost watched as you grabbed a new controller, a hint of amusement in his eyes. You started to load a mission with him, and he waited patiently as the game booted up. As you settled into your seat, you were aware of his gaze on you, but you tried to focus on the game ahead.
You slumped in your chair, a feeling of defeat settling over you as you surveyed the scene. Ghost had been roaring with laughter when he loaded in to see your performance, and now you were both in fits of laughter. You shook your head and covered your face with your hands, still chuckling at the absurdity of it all. You looked up at Ghost with a rueful smile, his laughter slowly fading away. You sighed and put your head down on the table, your cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.
“Think that controller is messed up too.” Ghost says calming down from the laughter. “Might need to buy a new one.”
“Whatever.” You say wiping a tear from the laughter. “Fuck..I haven’t laughed like that in ages.”
“Maybe same time next week.” Ghost says leaning against a tree. “Or what, too busy?”
“Maybe..” You respond as your phone buzzes. “Shit, I forgot I had movie night with some friends.”
“Better get to it.” Ghost responds with a slight sad tone. “Hope to see you soon Y/n.”
Before you could say bye to him, the screen went dark. Your PC had shit down by itself, you sigh and got up from PC. Why did you feel some sort of connection with him?
Alejandro Vergas
You were listing to music at the time, not seeing him loaded on your other screen. Watching you sing to the songs that played loudly around you.
“Mi Amor, you got a beautiful voice.” Alejandro says making your fall out of your chair. “Shit! Sorry didn’t mean to scare you. Are you alright?”
“Fuck.. ow..” You murmured getting up from the floor. “Bloody hell.. that hurt..”
You glanced at Alejandro, noting the worried look on his face. Then you looked down at your hand, which had taken a hard hit when you fell. It was still throbbing with pain and you winced as you tried to make a fist.
“Please don’t just appear in another screen.. I forget I have more than one.” You mumble looking at your hand. “Thank for the compliment..”
“Are you alright?” Alejandro asks again hoping to get a response to his question.
“I will be..” You finally say sitting back down. “How you been Al?”
“Al?” Alejandro says confused looking at you. “New name for me?”
“You deserve it.. you were the only one that wasn’t on my ass about my aim.” You mumble looking at him. “Is Al okay?”
“It’s perfect Amor.” Responds quickly. “Please tell me about your day..”
You smile at him, he was kind hearted. Sweet and elegant with you, it made your heart flutter each time he would laugh at funny moments in your life. You yawned and rub your eyes not noticing how long you been talking to him.
“You better get some sleep.” He says looking at you. “Go on now and get rest.”
“Right.. I have work in ten.” You mumble rubbing their eyes. “Talk to soon..”
You look back at your screen to see it’s black. The PC has shut down by itself once more, you get up from your chair and rush to lay down down on your bed. Closing your eyes you hear Alejandro voice the back of your mind, comforting you and loving your smile.
“Test seems to to run well.” ? Says looking at you through a window. “Make her more tired, see how long it takes her to realize.”
The scientist nodded in response to the order and quickly walked away towards the cameras that had been pointed at you in the room. You were completely unaware of the life you had been thrust into, but the scientist pressed a button on a nearby table and suddenly gas was released into the room. You groaned in pain as the gas filled the air and you felt a prickling sensation in your lungs and throat. You tried to move, but found yourself unable to as the gas started to take effect.
“Enough, we don’t want to kill them.” ? Says making the scientist release the button and walk back to them. “Check on her on every hour.”
The scientist nodded once more and watch at ? Walked away. Leaving them to watch over at your tired weak body. You were their experiment, their fun, their..lab rat. You had no choice, no voice to it.
{Tag List} @emtynessinmyworld @angi61400 @lenasvoid @thatanonymouschocolate @astrologhoul @smolmoonbabey @agspgrwasb @uwu-i-purple-you @bbygirlformw2 @euovennia
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bi-bard · 1 year
Misdiagnosis - James Wilson Imagine (House M.D)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Title: Misdiagnosis
Pairing: James Wilson X Reader
Word Count: 1,108 words
Warning(s): none that I'm aware of
Summary: [Season 4, Episode 9] After discovering he had misdiagnosed a patient, Wilson is left in a spiral of thoughts. (Y/n) tries to pull him out of it.
Author's Note: A while ago, I had a House MD OC. I deleted it because I wasn't happy with it. The planning was shaky, and I didn't really like the OC's storyline. So, I went back, I replanned it, and now we have a better House MD OC that I am much happier with. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
It wasn't common that Greg voiced his concerns to me.
Even when he did, he was never clear about them. He acted like he didn't care and was just making jokes about other people's misery. I could usually see through it.
So, when he came in joking about how James was going to be sued by a patient because the patient was going to live, I understood what he was saying.
"And why did you tell that patient that they had a solid case," I asked, folding my hands together and resting my chin on them.
He dramatically scoffed. "You think it's me?"
"You have very weird ways of intervening when you think someone is being stupid," I shrugged. "Plus, no lawyer would actually tell him that he had an actual case because he was going to live."
House sighed and plopped onto the chair on the other side of my desk.
"Now, why did you do that?"
"Because Wilson was being an idiot," he explained.
"More detail, please."
"He was going to pay that man because he gave that man good news."
"And now, you're here because you want me to go get him to agree with you?"
"Use your psychologist babble."
"You can't only acknowledge my job when you need me to do something."
"I can if I'm asking you to help our friend avoid becoming self-destructive."
"You won't know for sure unless you talk to him."
Greg pushed himself out of the chair and walked out of my office. I let out a huff and shook my head. He knew exactly how to get under my skin. Asshole.
I found myself outside James's office a little while later. I sighed before knocking on the door. He pulled the door open.
"How did one of you learn to knock and the other one sometimes climbs across to my balcony," James asked.
I just shrugged. He motioned for me to walk in. I took a moment to look out at the balcony once I had.
"You could put tinfoil along the top," I said. James had his eyebrows furrowed when I looked at him. "Like when you have a cat that keeps jumping onto your counter. You put tinfoil along the top and something about the noise spooks them."
"Are you comparing your brother to a cat?"
"It's probably the nicest thing I've compared him to."
James laughed and shook his head, going to walk back to his desk.
"Were you really going to pay a patient for giving him good news," I asked.
He paused, looking at me for a moment before speaking, "House sent you here?"
"He said you were becoming self-destructive," I replied. "Not that I really believe him, but I was very curious-"
"It was 6,000 dollars-"
"Why?" my eyes went wide.
"I... I gave him six months to live," he explained. "He needed the money after he sold his house. He had a trip to Venice planned! I... I wanted to help him."
"This is about the false positive patient?"
I sighed. "Okay..."
"Don't psychoanalyze me."
"Your guilt surrounding your patients is unhealthy-"
"Listen to me," I stepped forward and leaned on the desk. "I can't say why, but I think you're feeling unnecessary guilt around events that aren't your fault."
"I gave that man the wrong diagnosis-"
"Because of a false positive," I replied. "At the end of the day, medicine is a field with very little control. I think your guilt is an attempt to control what you can't."
He didn't respond to that.
"I should know... I deal with the human psyche," I shrugged. "Even more variables than the physical body."
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Wrong diagnoses happen," I continued. "Sometimes they're completely out of our control. And sometimes they work out for the better, sometimes they don't. This last patient was one of the good outcomes, no matter how that man sees it. You cannot control the actions of another person when they believe that they are facing the end of their life or how they choose to handle learning that they aren't. You are not responsible for that. You are responsible for giving that man the correct diagnosis. That's it."
James continued looking at me for a moment before sighing and responding, "I see why Cuddy hired you."
"She does better with two voices of reason than one."
He grinned at me. I pushed myself back, so I was standing up straight again.
"So, do I still have to worry about you becoming self-destructive," I asked.
He scoffed. "I'm not the self-destructive one in your life."
"Yeah, but you're more willing to let people help you," I replied.
I opened my arms and waved him over. He raised an eyebrow at me. I just waved him over again.
He walked over and let me pull him into a hug.
"You're doing a good job, James," I muttered. "I promise."
"Thanks," he mumbled before stepping back and grinning at me. "You have no idea how much hearing that means to me."
I don't think I could've formed a good response to that statement. I don't know if there was one. Saying something like "you're welcome" risked the chance of looking egotistical. Trying to shrug it off could've looked ungrateful. No response felt like it was good enough.
I didn't have to worry about that for long.
I barely had a moment to overthink my response before James leaned over and pressed his lips to mine.
I leaned back a few seconds later out of complete shock.
"I... I'm sorry," he said immediately. "I... I don't know why I did that-"
"It's okay," I stopped him. I started walking toward the door. "Really, it's fine. Just fine. I just... I have a lot of work to do. This was meant to be a quick visit. I'll... I'll see you later."
"I'll see you later," I repeated before leaving and closing the door behind me.
I looked around, feeling like everyone knew what happened or could easily figure it out by looking at me. I shook my head. Spotlight effect. I knew that.
"Shit," I muttered to myself before running my hands over my face and starting to walk back to my office.
It wasn't that the kiss was bad. It was the exact opposite. It was perfect. That was the problem.
It felt like years of friendship were teetering very delicately on a rope and whatever happened in James's office tried to push it off. And I couldn't tell if I would've been upset but that idea or not.
And that terrified me.
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Some Original Characters
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bethisims · 2 months
How am I uneducated for not wanting grown adults stripping in front of Children?! That's the only problem I have! How is that anti-LGBT? I literally have NO problem with you being Gay, quite frankly, I hope the best for you and your fiancee! I don't have a problem with Sam being gay and I hope that they'll be able to find a girlfriend someday, I just... do not like getting children involved with Drag shows which are made FOR adults.
I DO understand that kids can realize they are gay or bi when they start finding out what love and relationships are, but to force it on children isn't okay. That is all I'm saying. (But I do understand that explaining to a child why someone has 2 moms or 2 dads and that's okay)
I'm Bi, and I didn't realize until I was 23 when I discovered Sam's channel, Sam opened up a whole new world for me. I was ignorant and I still sort of am. Sam is the reason I stopped thinking the whole pronoun thing was stupid. (I know it isn't stupid, but Sam is the one who inspired me to change my mind and my hateful ways and it is something I will forever be grateful for)
Don't think that because I'm Conservative I hate anyone, if anything, I am against Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Ableism, and everything else! NOT ALL OF US ARE BAD!
If I had a problem with the LGBT+ community, I would have never interacted with Sam, I would have not spent the past 12 months trying to fix things and return to a community that is mostly LGBT, Neurodivergent Liberals! I also wouldn't be trying to apologize and fix my prejudiced behavior, I'm just sick in the head and I say horrible things in a psychotic rage, I am getting help!
I know I said terrible things in the past and I am willing to change! I care about all of you and you guys opened up my eyes to my own behavior! Can't we just make it work?
I can get help, I can stop being hateful, I can do better and I am one conservative on this planet that is willing to change! I am willing to do better and I just need you guys to give me a chance! This world will not get better if we are at each other's throats all the time, please just let us work this out! Let me prove that I am NOT as hateful as you think I am! Please!
Wow, back to anon, huh? Didn't like that I posted your account instead of replying privately like I used to.
I'm not even going to touch that first point. You're ignorant.
You've already had multiple chances to apologise, to work on yourself, to prove to us that you can change. This has been going for months and you are still doing this.
You are NOT allowed in this community because you make people uncomfortable. It's that simple. And it's not just Sam, or the mods anymore, it's everyone that you've sent anons to. Nobody wants to talk to you, we don't want to have to interact with you at all. And you pushing is doing nothing to help with that.
Now, I am done. Any further messages with be screenshotted and deleted.
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sebastiansluts · 2 years
Hi Rose, thank you for asking <3 yeah I'd like daddy kink. Actually I specified daddy issues bc she's going for a grown man -instead of the younger ones- for the first time in her life without any experience in dating etc. And that's why she's anxious/insecure, bc she doesn't know what to expect, if she's doing the right thing, if she can really trust him, you know? But there's something in the way he treats her, listens to her, I mean she does know he has experience and it's easier for him, but she feels "seen" for the first time and can't ignore that. Just wanted to add one last thing: he's gentle while they're doing it, he makes sure she really wants to do this, that, step by step
Hope this helps you 💗 (and sorry if there's any mistakes, English is not my first language)
It did help, and you did wonderfully!! ❤️ (This ended up really long lol idk how)
Sebastian Stan x Reader; late bloomer virgin reader- NOT underage, fingering, f oral receiving, unprotected sex, overstimulation, praise kink, vaginal sex, aftercare
You and Sebastian had been dating for a few months now after you had met at an after party your friend dragged you to that Sebastian was also at. The two of you had talked all night and he'd asked for your number before kissing your cheek goodnight. He'd called the next day, and you'd been hanging out ever since. Everything was perfect, except for the fact that you were worried about the sex.
You hadn't ever been in a real relationship before for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which were your issues with your family, but Sebastian had been really understanding, taking everything at your pace. He never pushed you, never made you feel like you were pathetic or less than him or anyone else for that matter, and he tried his best to keep you from thinking that about yourself.
You were over at his place one day, cuddling and watching a movie. Everything was perfect until a sex scene came on the screen and you felt your whole body flush. Sebastian was lazily drawing patterns up and down your arm, and suddenly every movement felt like a fire scorching up your skin. You shifted on the couch, thighs pressing together tightly as you tried to lean away from him.
"Everything okay baby?" he asked, sweeping a hand over your forehead, brushing your hair back. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before you turned to look at Sebastian. One of his legs was behind you on the couch, stretched out, the other hanging onto the floor with you in between them, staring at your hand on his chest. It moved up and down slowly, steadily, the soft fabric of his shirt grounding you, your fingers curling around the thin chain he wore on his neck.
"I want to try something," you whispered, and closed your eyes, leaning in, to first kiss Sebastian's cheek, then his lips. "I want you, Seb," you murmured against his lips, your eyes popping open when he groaned, low in his throat. He gently pushed you back until you were eye to eye, looking deep into yours.
"Baby, you know I'll wait as long as you want, so tell me again, need to hear you say it again," Sebastian said firmly but desperately.
"I want you Seb, want you to fuck me," you replied breathlessly, cheeks burning as you held his gaze.
Sebastian's eyes fluttered as he groaned again, and he surged forwards, kissing you softly. "Oh sweetheart, I'm gonna take my time with you. I'm not just gonna fuck you baby, I'm gonna make love to you," he said in between kisses, pressed deep and long to your lips. He pulled you forwards, until you were leaning on his chest, his back supported by the arm of the couch. You lay lengthwise, Sebastian sliding down the couch a bit until his head was on the arm, his legs boxing yours in on the couch, his hands holding your hips tightly.
"You good?" he asked, fingers flexing on your waist, your faces inches apart as you rested on top of him, feeling him press hard into your stomach.
"S-so good," you stuttered, flushing in embarrassment but Sebastian just kissed your forehead gently, kissing your eyelids and cheeks too before returning to your lips, kissing you long and sweet.
Your hands were still on his chest, one anchored in his necklace, and you lost yourself in the kisses, your mind blanking out as he pressed his lips to yours over and over again. Soon enough you were panting, your hands fisted in Sebastian's shirt, tugging on it as you whined.
"Shh, it's okay baby, I've got you," he murmured, pushing you both up until you were sitting sideways in between his legs. He kissed your shoulder, soft, even through your shirt. "Let's move to the bedroom sweetheart," he said, urging you to stand, quickly following you and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you back into him. Sebastian nuzzled your neck, hands stroking your upper thighs and hips, gliding over your pelvis and stomach, making you shiver. "Gonna make you feel so good baby, promise, won't let it be bad or hurt at all."
You whimpered, head falling back onto Sebastian's shoulder, your legs going weak and he caught you, holding you up. "Come on baby, let's go," he goaded gently, walking you forwards arms still around your waist.
When you made it to the bedroom, Sebastian stopped you next to the bed. "Can I take your clothes off sweetheart?"
You nodded, looking down and whispering, "Please." He smiled, leaning forwards and cupping your face, kissing you softly.
"Good girl," Sebastian murmured, and you shuddered, eyes falling shut. You felt his lips on yours again and you moaned into the kiss, opening for his tongue, as his hands slipped under your shirt, pressing tight against your skin.
You gasped, Sebastian stealing your breath, his hands warm and solid against your sides, sliding up your body, your shirt moving with him. He separated your lips, pulling the shirt over your head, casting it aside as he slowly moved his eyes from yours down to your breasts, covered by your bra. His breath caught, eyes darkening, his hands resting on your ribs, tracing the bottom of your bra with his thumbs.
Sebastian slid his hands around to your back, unhooking your bra with little difficulty, letting the straps fall down your arms, dropping it on your shirt. He lifted his hands, cupping your breasts gently, thumbs brushing across your nipples, making you gasp. Sebastian's eyes flew to yours. "So beautiful," he whispered, stroking across your nipples again, your eyes fluttering shut.
You opened them again when he slid his hands down your sides, getting on his knees as he undid your jeans. He pressed a kiss to your stomach as he pulled your pants down, leaving your panties. Sebastian pressed your hips until you sat down on the bed, letting him push you until you were laying down. He quickly took his shirt off, standing and letting you stare at his lightly defined torso while he shed his own jeans, then he climbed on the bed, laying between your spread legs. His necklace dangled down, drawing your gaze.
"Still doing okay sweetheart?" he asked, holding himself above you, looking down and meeting your gaze steadily as you looked up. You smiled and nodded, wrapping one arm around his shoulders shyly, pulling on his chain until he lowered himself on top of you, dipping his head to kiss you. Your heart was racing- you felt like you were flying every time he kissed you, your head spinning.
Sebastian started kissing down your jaw and neck, trailing down to your breasts, gently sucking one into his mouth, making your back arch. His fingers came up to play with your other nipple, softly rubbing and rolling it.
"Seb! Please, I need more," you gasped, Sebastian groaning as he pressed his face between your breasts.
He kissed your skin lightly murmuring, "Yeah baby, yeah, I can give you more, gonna make you feel so good." He kept kissing down your torso, until he was at your panties. You flushed bright red as he inhaled, pressing his mouth to your covered pussy in an open mouthed kiss. He sucked at you through your underwear, groaning at your taste as you got wetter and wetter. He found your clit and rubbed through the fabric gently, your hands flying to his hair and holding on.
"Seb I- I'm gonna come!" you exclaimed, shocked at how quickly you were on the edge. Sebastian pulled back, making you whine. He hushed you, sliding your panties down your hips and getting up to pull them off. He laid back down, wrapping his arms around your thighs. He kissed each one, then bent his head and licked up your folds, gently coaxing your lower lips apart until he could slide the tip of his tongue inside your pussy.
You moaned, hands clenched in the sheets, as Sebastian wiggled his tongue around, sliding over a spot that suddenly had you coming, body tensing up beneath him. You could feel yourself get wetter, Sebastian licking it all up, making little groans as he did.
Your legs were shaking when he finally pulled away, kissing your mound and your thighs, only releasing one. His free hand moved around your leg, smoothing up it, rubbing gently.
"How are you doing baby?" Sebastian asked, resting his head on your thigh, looking up at you.
Your breathing was slowing down, and you smiled at him. "I'm so good," you giggled, feeling a little like you were drunk or high. "Can, um, can we keep going?" you asked a little nervously, relaxing when Sebastian grinned at you.
"Of course baby, how's this?" he asked, rubbing your pussy before gently sliding a finger in.
You gasped, eyes rolling as you responded, "Yes! Good...more," you babbled, groaning when he slid a second finger in beside the first. His fingers were long, decently thick, stretching you out carefully. He scissored them, pumping them in and out of your hole before slowly adding a third finger.
You were so close to coming again, feeling stuffed full and delirious already, and he hadn't even gotten his dick in you yet. You giggled then moaned as you clenched on his fingers, pleading, "Daddy I-" You broke off, mortified, hands immediately covering your face.
"Yeah? What do you need baby? It's okay, you can tell me, tell Daddy," Sebastian murmured, kissing your thigh, fingers still inside you. You felt tears flood your eyes at his kindness and understanding.
"Need you, I need you Daddy," you sobbed, and Sebastian groaned, kissing your thigh again as he slid his fingers out of you. He crawled back up over you as he took his briefs off, kissing you everywhere, until he could kiss the tears from your cheeks.
"Gonna give it to you baby, gonna give you what you need, Daddy's got you," Sebastian murmured, pressing kisses all over your face as he rocked onto one arm, his other reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing a condom.
You stopped him saying, "Um, I have an IUD, we uh- we don't need a condom, if you don't want it. I trust you."
Sebastian stared at you, eyes crinkling as he smiled. "That means everything to me sweetheart," he said, forgoing the condom and holding your face as he kissed you. You whimpered into it, his hand sliding down your throat, your chest, your stomach, grasping his dick and guiding it to your entrance. You tensed when you felt him brush through your folds, and Sebastian paused. "Baby? Do you want to stop?"
"No!" you cried, nervous but wanting it so much. "Just, um...slow?" you asked hesitantly. Sebastian smiled softly at you, pressing his lips to yours in a sweet kiss, slowly rubbing the tip of his dick through your folds, nothing more.
When you started getting impatient, you deepened the kiss, making Sebastian grin before he kissed you harder, tongue thoroughly exploring your mouth while he positioned himself, then brought his fingers to your clit and began rubbing.
You tensed then relaxed, feeling yourself clench every time he brushed over your clit. "Seb! Please, Daddy I'm ready," you begged, Sebastian barely letting your mouth go long enough for you to say it.
He kept kissing you, deep, drugging kisses that consumed you so much you didn't notice him rocking his hips, until suddenly the head popped in and you were gasping, Sebastian pulling back to stare into your eyes as he stilled.
"Don't stop!" you cried, yanking on his hips, trying to pull him deeper into you. Sebastian moved forwards another inch and you moaned, eyes rolling, pleading, "Don't stop, don't stop please!"
He kept going, slowly rolling his hips, entering you bit by bit, stretching you carefully. Your words trailed off into sounds, moans, loud in the bedroom until his hips met yours and you went quiet.
"Baby? You okay? Talk to me, sweetheart," he said, stroking your hair from your face.
"M'good, s'just a lot," you slurred, sighing heavily as you felt how fully stretched you were, open but stuffed. Sebastian exhaled shakily, arms straining by your head as he held himself up, keeping his hips still.
"You need to stop?" he asked, blowing out a breath when you shook your head.
"Promise m'good Seb," you replied, wrapping your arms around his waist, feeling his ass flex under your hands. You squeezed gently and his hips tripped forwards, grinding his dick deep into your pussy. Your back arched underneath him, pushing your breasts up into his torso, firm and warm.
"Yeah, alright sweetheart, gonna give you want you want then," Sebastian said, grabbing one of your hips tightly. "Gonna fucking make love to you baby," he growled, and slowly pulled his hips back before pressing them forwards at just the same pace.
Your eyes rolled at the slow drag, your mouth dropping open as your head fell back farther into the pillows. Sebastian kept with the steady rolls for a long moment, getting you fully adjusted, before he started speeding up.
"Oh- my god!" you shouted when his cock dragged over that spot inside you. Sebastian chuckled breathlessly, moving faster as he stayed where he was, sliding past that same place.
"You're doing so well baby, taking me perfectly, you're so good sweetheart," Sebastian murmured as he thrust, sweat dripping off his brow.
Tears filled your eyes again as your orgasm built inside you. "Daddy! Seb- I'm gonna-" you broke off as you came, tightening around Sebastian's dick so much he couldn't move for a moment, buried deep inside you.
When you relaxed, your body slumped on the bed, out of energy, your mind floating hazily. "Don'stop," you mumbled, hand on Sebastian's ass, trying to stop him from pulling out. He groaned, throwing his head back before dropping it, hanging heavy between his shoulders as he gave in, fucking you in sharp, short bursts.
"Baby, tell me now if you want me to pull out, because I'm gonna come," he grunted, braced on his forearms by your head.
"Come in me Seb," you whispered, and he buried his face in your neck, coming hard, deep inside you. He ground his hips into you, your cunt clenching on him rhythmically as he pulsed.
Sebastian panted into your shoulder before raising his head, looking down at you, his hair a sweaty mess, cheeks flushed red with exertion, his blue eyes bright. You felt tears prick at your eyes as you stared at him, smiling so big your face hurt.
"How are you feeling sweetheart?" Sebastian asked as his softening dick slipped from your pussy and you winced then smiled again.
"I feel good," you said, then stopped, thinking. "Overwhelmed and exhausted and happy and perfect," you continued, listing them off as Sebastian grinned, eyes crinkling and nose scrunching. He kissed you quickly, then rolled off you but pulled you with him, resettling with you laying on top of his chest.
"Do you think you could drink some water for me? Maybe eat a snack?" Sebastian asked, one hand playing with your hair, the other resting on your shoulder. Your arms were folded under your chin, on his chest, and you looked up at him.
"Does that mean I have to move?" you asked, laying your head back down.
"Just enough to let me up to get it sweetheart," he replied, pressing a kiss to the top of your head when you grumbled. He gently slid out from under you, grabbing his briefs and throwing them on as he walked out the kitchen.
You waited, getting under the covers and snuggling down until he came back, water and chocolates in hand. You smiled at him shyly, pulling the sheet up with you as you sat up.
Sebastian sat next to you, handing you the glass of water. You sipped at it slowly, not wanting to make a mess. When you had finished about half the glass, Sebastian took it back and leaned against the headboard, gesturing for you to come to him. You thought for a moment before letting the sheet go, it pooling at your hips and sliding down your legs as you moved, laying back against his chest.
"You're so beautiful sweetheart," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you. You knew your face was flushed, but you basked in the praise, feeling warm.
Sebastian moved gently, picking up a chocolate and holding it to your lips. You carefully took it, licking at his fingers, making him groan.
"Don't get me going again baby, you need a rest," Sebastian laughed, one hand resting on your stomach as the other picked up another chocolate. You ate it, nodding against his chest.
"Yes Daddy," you grinned, and he laugh-groaned.
"What did I just say?" You giggled, turning in Sebastian's arms until you could see his face, smiling down at you. You pressed a kiss to his chest, fingers grasping his necklace again, fingering the pendant.
"Thank you Sebastian," you whispered after a quiet moment. He tightened his arms around you, kissing the top of your head.
"You're welcome, sweetheart. Thank you for trusting me with that, for sharing that with me. I know what that meant to you, and I'm happy you're feeling good after everything, I am too, don't worry," Sebastian said with a grin. You smiled back at him, then nuzzled into his chest. "You rest now baby, we'll shower in a little bit."
You sighed contentedly, getting comfortable in Sebastian's hold as he stroked your hair, lulling you to sleep.
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ravenzeppeli · 3 months
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Chapter 17 - The Incident Pt. 4: The Rising Climax |Pesci x Reader Lemon|
Warning: strong language, sex. MA.
You stood outside of Pesci's apartment as he unlocked it, looking at the apartment he pointed to across the hall. "They say that apartments haunted. I doubt it," he mutteted, pushing his door open and stepping it. "You can leave your shoes on or take them off. Just make yourself at home, I know it's small."
You stepped inside of his apartment, taking your shoes off at the front door, wanting to be polite. You looked around the apartment. It was small, but it wasn't as small as the studio apartment you lived in before moving into the base. You preferred living in a smaller place, not feeling the need for fancy or large things. You simply looked at a house as just a place to sleep at and hide out at.
The living room was cute, having a red couch, a glass coffee table, as well as a TV stand and a TV in front of it. You noticed paperwork scattered all over his coffee table, the round table filled. The kitchen was directly behind the living room, a small hallway with three doors next to the kitchen. You turned your head slightly to the right, seeing a wooden kitchen table with four chairs.
"I'm sorry it's so messy," he replied. "I've never.. I only ever have Prosciutto or Melone over here mainly."
"It's not messy," you told him, standing by the door. You didn't want to just enter his home, especially considering the two of you haven't even kissed yet. You felt safe around him. You just didn't want to disrespect his home. "You have a nice apartment, I don't see anything wrong with it."
He walked over to the couch, looking back at you. "It's okay, Y/N, come sit if you'd like." A small smile appeared on his lips, him turning away to walk down his hallway. "I'll be back!"
You walked into his living room, taking a seat on the edge of the couch. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You took it out, flipped it open, and saw 30 missed called and 10 unanswered texts. You saw a recent one from Formaggio, causing your heart to tighten. You clicked on the message, reading it carefully.
Listen. Everything that happened between us. It doesn't matter. We can start fresh and start over. I am not mad at you, I won't do anything to you and neither will Illuso. You don't need to worry, and him and I had a long talk. We want just you. We shouldn't be cheating on you, unless we want you to cheat too. We fucking don't.
Thanks for being a good girl. I'm honestly so proud of you. You know that? You and I are good. We're even. Same with Illuso. It's all good baby. We know you ain't mean nothing bad, just talk to us privately if you're ever mad at us. Okay? We can handle things privately baby, we don't need to tell the others stuff.
Delete this message. Just this one. It's okay if you don't text back. I get it. Take all the time you need. And, if it's any help, I only lost my temper cause you tried to kill yourself. I ain't like that, I ain't violent with you. Don't hurt yourself. We do fucking care about you. Men who punish their women only do it because they care.
Goodnight Y/N.
"What is he talking about?" Pesci questioned, his voice causing you to jump slightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy. I'm just really worried about you."
You deleted the single message and snapped your phone shut, "it's okay. He's just talking about what happened at the base. Him and I haven't talked since that happened." You hoped that he would believe your lie. You didn't want to tell anyone what happened. It wasn't their business, and it was embarrassing that you let Formaggio hurt you with no attempt to stop him. Why would you want these men to look at you as weaker than they already think you are?
"If they threatened you, I can help you. Melone and Ghiaccio can help you," he told you, sitting next to you. He handed you a shirt and plaid pajama pants. "You don't have to wear these. Want to look in my closet?"
You stood up, taking your shirt off in front of him, acting without really thinking. "I'll wear it," you replied, his face going red as you grabbed the shirt out of his hand, his eyes on your bra, staring at your slightly spilled out breasts.
"You're beautiful," he blurted out, quickly turning away. "I'm sorry, I don't want to ever disrespect you! I just.. I'm really sorry I looked."
You went to put the t-shirt on but stopped when you noticed a visible erection in his pants, tossing it and the pajama pants next to Pesci. "Do you want me to take care of that? I can." You've never done anything sexual with him before, feeling that now may be the time.
"I'm a virgin," he whispered, sounding as if it was embarrassing for him to admit. "I wouldn't be able to please you. Not the way you deserve. You're too pretty, I wouldn't want you to not like me because I'm a bad boyfriend."
"If you wanted, I could ride you," you told him, his head instantly raising to look at you. Despite his face being red, he seemed interested. "I don't know why you're sitting here talking negatively about yourself. You're a really strong guy. I'm attracted to you, Pesci." You weren't lying. You did feel a physical attractiveness when you looked at him. He was a really cute guy, and he was sweet. You also felt bad. You shouldn't be neglecting him while giving attention to scum like Formaggio or Illuso. You needed to give your time to the men who were actually decent men.
"You don't need to lie, I'll keep protecting you. I promise I will." He watched as you walked in front of him, his erection standing up fully. "I didn't mean it, I can't help it. I just.. you're so pretty. I feel embarrassed for getting hard."
You felt bad slightly, maybe he didn't want this. Maybe he was saving himself and you were doing something wrong. "I'm sorry Pesci, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I shouldn't of done this, I don't know what I was thinking." You leaned down, grabbing the shirt.
"I want you so fucking bad," he suddenly said, the sudden dominance in his tone taking you slighly aback. "I've been wanting to try and move forward in our relationship. I want to hold your hand. I want to kiss you. I want to make love to you. You're so nice to me, and you take good care of me when I get hurt. You're beautiful, and I've wanted you for the past three months. I'm just so scared to talk to you. I'm so scared you'll reject me and see me as weak, but please don't think I don't want you. I'm just a pussy. I really want to do so many things things you, I just don't know how. I've never had a girlfriend before."
You dropped the shirt, sitting next to Pesci on the couch as you leaned forward, your lips pressing against his as you let your arm wrap around his waist. As soon as your lips pressed against his, he kissed you back, his kiss being gentle and soft, his hands wrapping around your bare waist.
"Are you sure you want me? I might not please you," he whispered as you pulled away slightly. "I don't want you to be unsatisfied. You deserve to be pleased by real men."
"You are a real man," you told him, "Now do something that you want to do to me. I give you full consent to do whatever you want. I won't judge you or anything, I'm not a bitch." You felt like he was the only one of your boyfriends you could say this to aside from Ghiaccio, the other five would probably take 'full consent' to the next level.
He unfastened your bra, letting it fall, your breasts falling out. "Wow," be whispered, reaching a hand out but stopping, putting his hand down. "I'm sorry."
"Want to touch them? Or suck on them?" You questioned, trying to help him out. Part of you felt bad for neglecting him, thinking that he had no feelings for you. "I mean, think of yourself here. What does Pesci want?"
"Is your head okay? What about your fingers?" He questioned, his cock practically twitching in his pants. "Are you.." he couldn't take his eyes off of your breasts "so beautiful.. I mean.. are you okay?"
You leaned back slightly, putting your shoulders back, tucking your cast behind your back. "I'm tough, Pesci. I'm fine. I see your cock twitching."
He leaned forward slowly, taking your right nipple in his mouth. He sucked on the erect bud sloppily, his other hand reaching up, massaging your left breast. You heard a low moan escape his mouth, his arousal causing you to slowly get turned on, a small wetness forming. He bit gently, causing a low gasp to escape your lips, him immediately pulling away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
It suddenly sunk in that Pesci might be a submissive man. It seems like he really wants to explore you, but he seems to need a push. You needed to give him that push because you were only making him feel bad. You needed to relax him and make him feel good. He was a virgin, and he may be submissive. That's all fine with you. You just needed to make some moves. You could be dominant. Couldn't you?
You stood up, walking over to where he head was turned, kicking your shoes off as you pulled down the leggings and underwear you were wearing, completely stripping yourself naked. "You made me wet when you did that," you told him softly, walking to stand in front of him. "You can touch my pussy for as long as you want, feel how wet you made me."
You weren't the type to do this. You weren't bold in the bedroom, and you didn't strip unless you were told. You were submissive in every way. You hoped that he wasn't able to tell. Maybe if you just kept going, you would fall into the role naturally. Standing in front of him, fully nude, and talking dirty like this, it did turn you on. Fuck, why did these things turn you on so much?
"I actually made you.. feel something?" Pesci questioned, his hand reaching forward, two fingers on your clit, sliding down. You spread your legs slighly for him, his two fingers sliding into you. You were careful not to gasp, instead biting down on your lip. "Do I just.. move my fingers back and forth? Do you want me to do that?"
"Of course I want that," you replied, leaning forward as you began kissing him, guiding yourself on his lap, your legs being held open by his kness, leaving your pussy open for him to explore as his fingers began to push in and out of you, your tongue slipping into his mouth, hips moving into his fingers. "Wanna make love to me?" You whispered into his lips. "Tell me what you want, baby, tell me what you desire."
"I want to make love to you so bad," he whimpered, his fingers moving faster, causing you to tighten around him. "You're so wet and tight.. so pretty. I love how beautiful you are with or without clothes on."
Now that you've been spending more time with him, you realized that he really was a nice guy. A great guy, a guy that you needed to give a shot to. It was nice having someone be kind and gentle to you after the terribly painful day you had. It felt comforting in a way, and it made you actually feel like you mattered. It was a feeling that you wished would expand past sex but you feared that it might not. At least you could enjoy the moment.
Your right hand reached down, unbuttoning his pants. You unzipped his pants, trying to keep a straight face as he fingers you but your were strugging, the constant swiftness, the excitement of his movements, you couldn't help but let out a moan, pulling down his pants and underwear, his cock springing to life. "Nice," you commented, his cock standing at 7 inches. "You have a nice cock."
He blushed, his fingers slipping out of you slowly. "I.. have a condom in my wallet." He leaned down slightly, pulling out a condom. "I.. have practiced putting it on. I know how to put it on."
You took the condom out of his hand, tearing it open with your teeth, a smirk appearing on your lips as you slipped the condom over his cock. "Are you sure you're ready for this? If you don't wanna give me your virginity I'll just suck your cock. I'm okay with that."
"No, Y/N.. you are perfect. I'm more than ready," he said, his voice a whisper. "I really.. I want you."
"Then you can have me," you told him. You lifted yourself slightly, his hands wrapping around your waist as you eased your way down onto his cock, biting down on your lip as his cock filled you up. You placed your hands on his shoulders, moving your hips up and down, slighly bouncing, your breasts moving with you as you rode his cock. "Is it okay?"
"It feels amazing," he replied, face a bright red as you picked up the pace, bouncing up and down with a little more rhythm. He looked into your eyes, leaning forward as he pressed his lips into yours, kissing you gently, his right hand sliding to rest on your ass, gently rubbing as his hips began to thrust back a little bit. "Can I call you my girlfriend?"
You nodded your head, tightening around him, feeling a warmth all throughout your body. Also, you felt a warmth in your heart, it was the same feeling you got when having with Melone. "You could of always called me that," you told him, feeling yourself close to cumming. You were a little shocked, not thinking that you would feel like this with him, assuming you were just going to fake it like you did when having sex with Illuso. But you were actually feeling something, something warm and fuzzy.
"Can I cum?" He asked you, and you nodded. "I.. love you," he whispered as you felt his hand squeeze your ass, a low moan escaping his lips, causing you to orgasm, wetting the condom with your clear fluids, finishing the same time as he did. "I'm sorry I-"
"I love you too," you blurted out, your eyes widening slightly. You did not expect that to come out of your mouth at all, but you guessed what was happening between you and Pesci could be described as you two falling in love. You quickly got off of him, standing up. "Well, now that that's that. Let's go take our first awkward shower together."
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Night Moves - Deleted Scene
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Babe, you sent me a Director's Cut ask about Night Moves and I basically lied to you and said I hadn't saved any other scenes that never made it into the story and I promised you a follow up, so here it is.
I wrote this title on what I'm sure was the first doc I started, and this was probably the first scene I actually wrote before I figured out the crime portion of the story. Also, I may have intimated in the Ask reply, that Alex wasn't as into his desire to control her, but it's not that she didn't want to be controlled, as you will see, it's just that she didn't want him to BE so controlling. Hopefully you understand the nuance i was going for, but ultimately scrapped.
Deleted Smut Under The Cut - no edits or betas
Sex with Walter - not sure how we get here but:
Alex folds herself over his chest, grabbing his chin through his beard and kissing him hot and deep. She is hungry for him, and is a little tired of the careful way he’s handling her. Can’t believe she hasn’t gotten his cock deep inside her yet, She’s going to change that now.
“Where are your condoms?” she whispers into his ear.
Walter grabs her arms and tenses, as if he’s about to peel her off him. “Fuck.” He closes his eyes so he doesn’t have to look at her directly when he admits how unprepared he is.
“It’s okay. I was hoping we could just pull some out of the drawer here. But I can go grab my purse.” Alex kisses him again, gentle and forgiving, ending with a quick peck. “Be right back.”
She hops off the bed and debates a shirt, but doesn’t want to waste anymore time. In the few moments she’s down the hall and back, Walter sheds his underwear and leans back against the headboard, taking himself in hand to stroke and keep himself ready for her.
She peeks her head back in the doorway, hand raised with a full strip dangling down from her fingers.
“No pressure, I just wanted to make sure we had some options,” she grins and he can’t believe this is the same woman who was losing her shit at Rachel a few days ago. She steps in and closes the door behind her. “Is this okay?”
“A handful of condoms?” he scoffs. “Yeah, more than fine.”
“A closed door. You didn’t seem interested in shutting it earlier. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to keep it open.”
Walter ponders what she’s actually asking. A closed door does feel more intimate, but he thinks this is what she wants, so he gives a little shake of his head. “It’s fine. C’mere.”
She pads around the bed again, tearing off a packet and dropping the rest on the nightstand. She holds it out to him with a questioning look and he takes it from her.
“I’ve got it.”
Alex watches him slip the condom out of the foil and roll it down his length, pumping a few times to smooth it out and make sure it’s on snug. Then she climbs back over him on her knees and settles herself on his hips, tucking his sheathed cock forward almost as if it was her own. He gives her a questioning look, like he’s not sure why he just wrapped up if she wasn’t going to slide right on, but she smiles and glances down her belly to where the back of her thumb is teasing her own clit.
When she’s sure he’s watching too, she wraps her fingers around him and pulls slowly, making sure her thumb slips inside on every return.
“Fuck,” he groans and she dips low over him again, leaning her weight onto one knee and shifting onto the other foot so she can lift up and tuck him under her. When she feels his tip at her entrance, she sinks down on him, sitting back onto both knees and holding in place to feel the delicious stretch. She grinds her hips back and forth a little, shifting him around inside her and letting the space open around him.
His hands are on her hips now, kneading and pressing, pulling her with each grind towards him and helping her push away on the return. Walter thinks her tits are amazing and as much as he wants her to lean over so he can get one in his mouth, he also thinks he’d like to just squeeze them again for a bit. He shifts his hands up her sides, cupping her breasts when he reaches them and thumbing over the hardened nipples.
Alex licks her lips at the pleasure of it, hoping he might do more than just tease. But a tease’ll work. She isn’t complaining, she’d just love a little more. As if he could almost read her mind, he slips a hand back to her hip and then down into the space between them, taking a cue from her earlier action and sliding the tip of his thumb over to rub at her pearl. It’s not exactly what she needs, but she can work with it.
“Fuck yeah,” she sighs.
She grinds into his finger and gets his cock deeper in her at the same time. The sharp jolt against her cervix wakes her up and she finally falls forward to capture his lips with her own, keeping his hand trapped between them.
It's a flurry of grunts, and thrusts, and bounces then and it doesn’t take long like this for her to find another little release. But as unlike any other man she’s met he is, in this one way, Walter’s like ‘em all. 
The condom dulls the sensation of her walls around him and while he can feel the little squeeze of her orgasm, it isn’t like he can’t resist it. So he does. He keeps pumping up into her and when she pulls back to sit up he chases her with his mouth, wrapping his arms around her lower back and sitting up with her.
He urges her to wrap her legs around him, but she does the unthinkable and actually lifts up off him. 
“Everything okay?” he questions, arms still holding her close.
“Oh everything is more than okay. Just wondering if we could switch it up a little?” she bit her lip with a wicked smile.
“What’d you have in mind?”
Without speaking, Alex begins to crawl backwards down the bed on her knees. When she’s clear of his chest, she falls forward on her hands too, but keeps moving until her knees hit the edge of the bed.  Walter is confused and thinks she might be getting ready to lower her head to his condom-wrapped cock, but she grins again and shifts a hip out to the side, swinging her head around to look back behind her. When she looks back at him, the lust is apparent.
“Yes ma’am,” he grins, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and walking around to the end. As soon as his hand meets her hips, he’s lining himself up and she’s pitching forward, ass still high in the air. Once he’s fully seated, Alex grinds back up against him with a continual roll of her hips that he can tell is driving her crazy. He imagines this is what a lap dance would look like if he were sitting with her pressed up against him.
Walter clenches his jaw now, not really wanting to think about the club, or her stripping, or anyone stripping for that matter. He just wants to fuck her raw. He slows down because if he doesn’t he’s going to keep going, harder and harder and he doesn’t want to do that to her. Not on a first time. As if he could be sure there’d be more times. 
Though he wonders for a split second if maybe, just maybe, he were to show a woman who he really was, it might make it easier for them to decide upfront if they want to stay or go. But no, never let them see that, he thinks to himself. He’s suddenly snapped out of his internal monologue as Alex peels herself up from the bed back to her knees, draping her arm back to trace around his neck. She grips him as she tilts her head and brings his lips to her neck, then leaves him there while her arm skims down his side to his hand on her hip.
She grabs a hold and drags his hand up her belly and over her tits to place it at her throat and he freezes for a moment.
Alex senses his hesitation and gently presses her forefinger and thumb into the back of his hand, urging him to squeeze.
“It’s okay,” she whispers, leaning her head back into him. “I want this. I’ll tell you when to stop, okay? I’ll tap your arm.”
“It’s not…”
“It is. It’s so good. Please Walter,” she pleads and how could he say no?
And the following morning, though this makes no sense since they were clearly at Walter's the night before, but there you go... LOL! SMDH.
Are you leaving?
I wasn't...
Without saying goodbye?
I didn't want to wake you. I wasn't sure if you'd feel different about this in the light of day, so I ...
Thought you'd slip out unnoticed? That I wouldn't miss you surrounded as I am by all these other guys? Come back to bed. Please.
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How TXT shows affection when the members are around
about 120-135 words per member
I hope you like it!
He doesn’t care that they’re around, they know you’re his, and he wants them to know it. He’ll kiss your cheek, hold your hand, and cuddle you in front of them. It doesn't matter.
One night, you and the boys were watching a movie, and Yeonjun took this as a perfect opportunity to lay his full body on you, making you lay down on the couch and his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. You give him a kiss on his forehead and turn your attention to the movie.
Of course, the members tease him about it but does he care? No.
“Get a room, don’t ruin our eyes,” Beomgyu says, dramatically rubbing his eyes.
“Nah, I'm good, you good y/n?” he asks. “I’m good.” 
He’s not as confident as Yeonjun but he will lay his head on your shoulder and kiss your forehead around them, and you’ll do the same. He just won’t go into a full on cuddle session around them.
One day, you and the boys were chilling outside in a big, clear grass area, just talking and recalling memories from the past. Soobin just rests his head on your shoulder and grabs your hand. He starts playing with your fingers and you smile at his cuteness and kiss his forehead.
“What in the world are you guys doing?” Taehyun asks.
“Chilling, and don’t act dramatic, we're barely doing anything,” Soobin replies.
“Yeah let’s keep it that way,” Hueing Kai chimes in.
He’ll give you hugs, he’ll kiss your lips, he’ll show you affection but he does have a line he doesn’t want to cross. Like he won't cuddle or make out in front of them, he doesn’t feel comfortable and neither do you doing that so you both just don’t. You mainly chill out, you know?
You and the boys were just on your phones, doing different things, not really doing anything together. Beomgyu kissed your lips and rested his head in your lap and you smiled, and started playing with his hair and went back to your phone.
“Wow we turn away for five seconds and this is what happens?” Yeonjun says teasingly.
“It’s been more than five seconds hyung, more like an hour,” Beomgyu replies.
The most he’ll do is give you a peck on your jawline and a hug. He’s not that big on affection but that doesn’t stop him from giving it to you, knowing you love physical affection and that it makes you happy, your happiness = his happiness. What can I say? He just loves seeing you happy. 
You two are alone, on the couch in the living room, he’s sitting beside you, holding you by the waist. You wrap an arm around him and you kiss his head. You can see his smile and kiss his head again. Soobin walks down the stairs a second later.
“Well that’s nice,” Soobin says sarcastically and takes a picture of you.
“Cool, now get out and delete that,” Taehyun snaps back.
Huening Kai
He loves you and your touch, so he’ll beg to be hugged or cuddled anytime when y’all are at home, even when his hyungs are in the same room as you two. He just won’t ask for kisses, he’ll let you decide if you want to give them to him or not.
You’re visiting their dorm to see him, and when you ring the doorbell, not even two seconds later he opens the door and pulls you into the biggest and longest hug ever. He buries his face in your neck and you kiss the side of his head and smile.
“Okay lovers get a room,” Yeonjun yells as the others laugh.
 “Nah, I don’t think we need one,” he replies, tightening his grip around your waist.
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beck404 · 1 year
After All These Years
Chapter One — A Really Bad Date Story
A/N: Hey!! I'm really excited to finally start writing my very first AU series! I really really hope you guys enjoy this :) pls let me know what you think!
Word Count: 2k+
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Valentine’s Day, the day of the year people celebrate their love. 
Charlie was feeling really nervous. It was the first time in a while he had a Valentine and he really wanted to impress him. They met a couple of nights ago at a bar, and Charlie doesn’t usually ask someone out for valentine’s after meeting them just the one time, but they really seemed to get along so he thought ‘why not’.
He had a few ideas for tonight, but none of them were good enough. Or so Charlie thought. He looked at his phone and realized he was running out of time “Why do I always end up deciding everything at the last minute” he thought, feeling a little frustrated with himself.
“Picnic it is” he finally decided. He kind of knew how he wanted this to turn out, so it was a little easier to put together. He gathered everything he needed and called his date. He didn’t pick up. It ‘s ok, he can text him.
(2:58 PM) Charlie - Hey! I don’t know if you’re busy right now but I just wanted to tell you that everything is ready for tonight. See you in South Winter Lake at 8pm!
Two hours later and he still hasn’t texted back. It was now 5 PM and Charlie didn’t know what to do. What if this guy doesn't show up for their date? He decided to go to the lake anyway to set everything up and hope for the best. 
It took a while but he was finally done, everything was ready and he thought he did a good job. He looked at his phone. It was 6:·30 PM and still no signs from his date. He was starting to feel a little overwhelmed with this feeling. He was genuinely sad.
“Not again” he thought to himself. This has happened before, a couple of times actually. At this point he thought he shouldn’t be surprised at all, but he still couldn’t help but feel sadness above everything else.
Something pulled him out of his head. He heard his phone and quickly reached for it. It was a text, it was him.
(6:36 PM) Chris - Hi Charlie! I’m so sorry but i don’t think i can be there tonight, something came up and my plans have changed. We can go out some other time though. And again, I'm so sorry, see you next time!
And it happened again. He stared at his phone thinking about what to say, he didn’t wanna seem like it hurt him as much as it did, they just met a couple of days ago anyway. After typing and deleting a few times, he decided to just be polite.
(6:39 PM) Charlie - Hey don’t worry, next time it is!
He picked up everything, threw it in his car and started driving back home. He didn’t know what to do, Elle and Tao were out of town, Aled had plans and Nick… he didn’t know about Nick, but he was sure he had a date, he usually did. 
He was used to that, and it was okay, even though he didn’t really understand why that happened. He never went too deep into that cause he really didn’t wanna open that door, he could never close it.
After a few kilometers of driving, Charlie heard his phone again, but he couldn't see it. He tried looking for it but then remembered ‘it’s in the trunk’. He stopped to look for his phone. It wasn’t ringing anymore but he needed it anyway. Once he finally found it he saw a missing call from Nick. He was extremely confused, why was Nick calling him while he was on a date? Maybe it was an emergency, so he immediately called him back.
“Hey Nick?” He said, the desperation in his voice was a little obvious 
“Oh- hi Charlie” he sounded weird, different from usual 
“Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, um- I was just wondering if you still have that Spider Man video game”
“Oh yeah. Um- do you want it?” Charlie asked, relieved it wasn’t an emergency, but still a little confused as to why Nick would need a video game right now
“If you’re not busy right now-”
“NO! I can drop it off at your house” He replied, turning on the engine of his car to get back on the road
“Yeah that would be fine, but I could-”
“Alright, I’ll be there soon”
“Oh- ok, thanks”
He then hung up and started driving to his house as fast as he could. He got there and only had time to grab the game and then leave. 
Charlie had always had a thing for Nick, especially back in school but he eventually left for university and didn’t see each other as much. That was until they both moved to the same neighbourhood and became really close friends. But right now, he wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but it was something. He never said or tried anything, he could never have a chance with someone like Nick, and he was sure Nick didn’t feel the same way and Charlie didn’t wanna ruin their friendship out of curiosity.
When he was arriving Charlie parked his car and saw Nick waiting for him in the front door.
“Hey! I’m sorry I took so long” he said getting out of the car, Nick just laughed as he saw his friend struggle to get out of the car.
“It’s ok, I have a lot of time” the blonde paid attention to Charlie’s outfit, he was visibly worried “Were you on a date? Charlie I’m so sorry, I really shouldn't have called you”
“Well, you saved me actually” he said as they both entered the house
“I did?” Nick raised his eyebrows in confusion
“He stood me up”
“Oh Charlie I’m-”
“It’s ok, you don’t have to be sorry, his loss” Nick couldn’t help but laugh
“You’re right” 
“What about you? Shouldn’t you be on a date right now?”
“No, not this time”
“So Nick Nelson is just playing a Spider Man video game for valentine’s this year?”
“Yeah well… you know, I’ve been really busy with work lately” He said as he looked down
“Oh… well it’s not like we need dates, I mean it is absolutely ridiculous if you think about it, why is Valentine’s Day such a big deal? Like you can go out any other day, you can show love every single day, we don’t need Valentine’s Day, so don’t worry about it” Nick just laughed, but he knew Charlie was right
“I know right? The world should stop making a big deal out of it. Valentine’s Day is just a thing so they can charge twice as much for champagne”
“And why worry about dates and all when you can just play with your friends” He said pulling out the video game Nick had asked for
“Exactly” Nick laughed as he took the game from Charlie
“Anyway, are you hungry? I have a lot of food… and overpriced wine” Nick laughed again
“Yeah, I could use some of that”
“Good cause I have a whole picnic in my car”
“A picnic? You planned a picnic for your date?”
“Yeah… it’s not a big deal”
“Could you help me with everything? It’s in my car” Charlie asked him in a serious tone, and Nick just nodded and followed his friend 
They got everything and decided it would be nice to set it up in the back, so that’s what they did. Once it was done they just sat there, ate everything, drank everything and talked about whatever they could think about. And the hot topic of the moment was really bad dates.
“He stole my watch and I didn’t notice until I left the train station” Nick said a little embarrassed but laughing at the situation
“No way!” Charlie replied, laughing a little harder than he should have. “How did you not notice immediately?”
“There are clocks at the train station! I didn’t need to look at my watch to know the time” And Charlie was laughing even harder “Plus, I didn’t think I would need to cheek if he stole something from me”
“Ok fine, you win, that definitely sucks” Charlie replied trying to calm down “Sounds like you should date me instead, I have never stolen anything from my boyfriends” Charlie said jokingly, as he poured himself another glass of wine
“Maybe” Nick said laughing. Charlie’s heart stopped. He knew Nick was joking but that made him feel way more nervous than he would like to admit
“Um- it’s getting kinda late” he said putting the glass down, he probably had way too much wine anyway “I know you have work in the morning”
“Oh- yeah… yeah you’re right” Nick replied with a low voice
“You can keep the rest of the food, I know I’m not gonna eat it if I take it back home” Charlie said standing up and gathering a few things.
He didn’t wanna leave like this but after feeling the way he did with just one maybe he knew he had to. He didn’t wanna embarrass himself tonight, not in front of Nick. He put everything back in his basket and was ready to walk out.
“Charlie-” He takes the basket from Charlie’s hands and tries to talk to him 
“Nick, it really is late” Charlie said with a smile, trying to make it less obvious he was screaming inside
“Alright” Nick smiled, looking at the time and realizing how late it was “I just… I had a lot of fun tonight, we should definitely do this again”
“We will, you bring the wine next time tho” They were laughing again as they walked towards the door and Nick was still carrying Charlie’s stuff. Charlie opened his trunk
“You probably shouldn’t drive right now”
“Oh…” he said frustrated, he just wanted to get home “It’s ok, I can just walk home” Charlie closed his trunk and locked his car, trying to take the rest of his stuff from Nick 
“I’ll walk with you” Nick said taking a step back, preventing Charlie from taking his basket
“You don’t have to-”
“C’mon, I’m not gonna let you walk alone with a whole bottle of wine in your system” Nick joked, but he really meant it when he said would never let Charlie walk alone so late at night 
“Hey, you drank like half of it” He said punching his arm playfully 
They lived close, so it wasn’t a long walk, but for Charlie it felt like they walked for hours. He was feeling anxious and he wasn’t exactly sure why. Nick was right, they had a really good time tonight, so why ruin it for no reason? 
They finally arrived to Charlie’s place “Thank you for walking with me” he said finally taking the basket from Nick’s hands
“I had to make sure you didn’t steal anything” They tried to laugh as quiet as possible, but being drunk who knew how loud they were actually being “Thank you for dinner, I hope this doesn’t end up being a ‘really bad date’ story”
There it was again, that same feeling. Charlie knew Nick was bisexual, he heard that when he went to university and years later Nick told him himself, but he never considered the possibility of being with him. He didn’t even know this was a date to begin with.
“I was hoping the same thing, I wouldn’t want you telling people I was so drunk you had to walk me home” Charlie said as they both let out a laugh, feeling somewhat relieved Nick didn't think he was a complete loser
Nick was happy, and it really showed “I’ll call you in the morning” he simply said, waving goodbye as he made his way back home “Good night Charlie! Thanks for everything!”
“Be careful! Let me know when you’re home!”
“I will! Bye!” 
Charlie stayed there, watching Nick walk home until he couldn’t see him anymore. Once he went inside he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Immediately he went to bed, he was exhausted and feeling a little lightheaded. He stared at the ceiling until he heard his phone ring next to him. He smiled unconsciously cause he knew exactly who it was.
(12:19 PM) Nick - I’m home! I had a great time tonight, thank you :) 
'Oh no'
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spellfuls · 2 months
errm uhm *clears throat* So I've found myself in a pickle it seems, first of all I apologise for using your gif. I was so hyped when I posted it , I did not remember blogs name and thought I would edit it later on but then went back to studying and forgot by the time I opened this app again the damage was already done. I did delete it right away but matters not now. By the gods this is the first and last time something like this happens. Hope I'm forgiven 🥲
"Formal apology" - this is interesting. I see that you believe that you've done nothing wrong, just a repost from someone who you don't even remember. See, it's great you were hyped but next time please just reblog a post you see? Add to it a reply, tags? You don't have to repost (save it and post it as if it was yours - don't do this), you can reblog and you can write nice things and how hyped you are directly to post, you will find more feedback than from reposting.
You said it was for the first time, okay. But how about that recent one? It's repost from here and you still have it in your blog without editing it as you said "I would edit it later", reblogging the original.
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prettyblondguys · 1 year
Little Red Riding Hood
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I think this will be a 3 or 4 part series, so fingers crossed lol
Warnings: It's John, so obviously warning there lol,minors DNI, mentions of choking, drugging, kidnapping, only slightly proofread, the rest I leave in the hands of God.
See the end for notes!!
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Who's that I see walking in these woods?
Placing more of the pre-made dinners on the freezer shelves, John begins to rub his hands together, cold and tingling from handling the boxes for so long. This was his least favorite part of it all, but he couldn't complain, he was lucky to have even gotten this job. He's grateful. A woman turns down the aisle, picking up a bag of frozen vegetables to read the label. John peers at her through the open freezer door, keeping his head down. She's wearing a short red sundress, and he pays extra attention to how the fabric skims against her knees everytime she moves, how it stretches over her curves and bosom, a sweetheart neckline leaving little to the imagination. He stares, even though he knows he shouldn't, watching as her chest rises and falls with every breath, and then up towards her throat, imagining how soft it would feel beneath his hands, squeezing against her windpipe, looking up up up, where her eyes would show fear and-
Oh god. She's looking at him. Jerking his eyes forward, John begins stocking the shelves again, trying to suppress the tremble that's working to overtake him. In his peripheral vision he sees the woman slowly walk past him, stopping at the other end of the aisle. Looking at him. She doesn't stop. Turning to face her, John notices that she's smiling, her shopping tote slung over her arm. "I… I'm so sorry," he says with a nervous laugh, "you just look like someone I know." The woman doesn't say anything, doesn't move. Just stands there. Slowly she reaches into her dress pocket and pulls out a phone, which she raises towards him. John's smile drops when he hears the shutter sound, again and again as the woman takes photos of him. Quickly making his way out of the aisle, boxes of frozen pasta and chicken long forgotten, John can feel his heart pounding, can feel his face flushing and breathing turning shaky. He shouldn't have been staring. He shouldn't have been staring. She'll delete the photos, she was just...scared. Uncomfortable, because he was looking at her. No, he tells himself, you weren't looking, you were leering. There's a difference. Bursting through the stock room doors, John sits down on the floor and takes a few steadying breaths. In, and out. In, and out. It's okay. It's okay. You're okay. In, and out. In, and out. In, you shouldn't have been staring at her, and out. But you recognize it was wrong, and you feel bad about it. You feel bad about it, like you're supposed to.
After a few minutes he walks back out, hoping the boxes haven't defrosted too much. On his way to the frozen aisle, he walks by the registers and sees the woman checking out. He hurries by, hoping she doesn't see him.
John's shift finally ends and he gets his things together, eager to get home after the stressful day he's had.
"Clocking out?" One of the cashiers, Robert, asks him. "That I am," John replies, "you have to close?" Pausing before the register, he places a packet of gum on the counter. "Yep, all fucking week." Robert scans the gum and takes the bill John hands him. "I'm sorry," John says, offering an apologetic smile, "keep the change. Goodnight." "Thanks," the man answers, "night John."
Outside, John takes a deep breath, filling his lungs as he makes his way to his car. Ripping off the seal, he pulls out a piece of gum and pops it in his mouth, enjoying the minty taste. Reaching his car, he opens the door and slides in, buckling in and starting the engine. He's about to pull off when he looks across the parking lot, where a grey sedan is parked. What caught his attention wasn't the car itself, not even the tacky decorative eyelashes on its headlights. No, what caught his attention was the woman sitting behind the wheel, staring at him, smiling. Her. The woman from the store, who took photos of him. Was she waiting out here this whole time? For hours? The thought unnerves him.
Pulling out of the parking lot, the woman follows him, speeding up when he speeds up, slowing down when he slows down, taking every turn he takes. John's apartment isn't far from his work, so he thinks about whether he should keep driving or pull in, see what she does. He pulls in, watching as she slows down...but she keeps driving. He wasn't doing anything he shouldn't have been, not really, he knows. He didn't have any reason to be scared, he didn't like being scared. It wasn't a feeling he was used to.
The sun streams in through the window, a soft orange haze lighting up the room as John stretches and opens his eyes. 
Through patience and a slow temper, I can deal with what the day brings. I am in control of my thoughts, they are not in control of me. I can be better than I was yesterday, and tomorrow I can be better than I was today.
Repeating these mantras to himself, John slowly sits up, his hands flat against the mattress as he prepares himself for another day of impersonating a normal person. Of faking it til he makes it.
With a low hum he stands up, and shuffles towards the coffee pot to start his day.
Which was just like any other day he'd had the past few months, no strangers taking photos of him today. In fact, he had even helped a little old lady reach something off the top shelf, pride swelling in his chest at performing such a small, everyday action with no hidden intentions, no motive other than wanting to help, wanting to do good, to be good.
"What're you smiling at?"
"Just had a good day, that's all." John replies, placing a boxed frozen cheesecake down for Robert to scan.
"Lucky bastard." Robert says, "I swear it's like everyone that comes in here is straight from an episode of Extreme Couponing. Now don't get me wrong," he says, pulling out the right amount of change, "I'm so happy that Susie the Soccer Mom gets her weekly pantry staples at a steal, ok? I'm so fucking ecstatic for her, really, over the moon," John can't help the chuckle that escapes him as he takes the plastic bag from Robert. "I'm serious, good for her. But really fucking annoying for me, y'know?" 
"Maybe they'd let you stock instead if you asked really nicely," John laughs, knowing that working the register - for all the woes it entails - is a far better option than stocking. "Nah," Robert backpedals, "it'd be hard for them to replace me."
The sun is setting beyond the horizon as John starts the drive home, his window rolled down as he takes in the swirling colors flowing across the sky, brushstrokes of pinks and purples, clouds placed as if by an artist. The radio plays some local station, a mix of old and new, some he recognizes and some he doesn't, some he likes and some he will just tolerate, the beauty of the heavens before him too serene for even over-edited pop music to ruin. Further on up the road he sees someone walking along the side, in the direction he's going. As he gets closer he recognizes the person, the woman.
It suddenly feels like there's an ocean swelling and raging in his stomach, his hands tightening around the steering wheel, as he decides on what he should do.
There's nothing wrong with seeing if she needs help, he tells himself, a normal man would, a normal man would offer her a ride, he wouldn't think anything of her getting into his car. You are a normal man, John.
He pulls up next to her and rolls the passenger side window down, slowing to keep with her pace. Which is, in itself, a very creepy thing for any man to do around a woman, a fact he is very aware of.
"Hey," he says, in the most amiable, sing-songy, 'I'm not a threat to you' voice he can muster. She stops walking and looks at him. A smile playing across her lips. "Is everything alright?" He continues, "Do you...do you need a ride?" He's trying so very hard to seem harmless, because he is trying so very hard to BE harmless. Smile, but without teeth. Don't look around, it looks like you're checking for witnesses. Don't be too eager. The woman nods her head, reaching out to open the car door before she slips in, fastening the seatbelt. She looks at him, still smiling. "My car broke down." She finally says, although she doesn't look upset about it. "Oh," John returns to the speed limit, turning the radio down a little, "I'm sorry to hear that," And now you're in my car. "would you like me to, um, take you to a mechanic, or, or.." Her smile widens, a big, toothy smile. "Home, if you don't mind, it isn't far. I'll call a tow truck to pick up my car." You're going to let me know where you live. "Yeah, yeah of course, just..point the way!" He laughs, wondering why he's so scared right now. The woman lets out a breathy laugh, her eyes never leaving his face.
A few minutes pass with her occasionally leading them down one street after another. "We're almost there," She remarks, taking a deep breath. The mismatched energies of her calmness and his obvious nervousness filling the car along with the nasally voices played over recycled tracks. "what's your name?"
John lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding, giving her a small apology, "I'm sorry, how very rude of me. It's John." She hums softly in amusement, but doesn't say anything. Thirty seconds have passed and John is still waiting, still expecting her to say her name. Another thirty seconds. Would it be weird to ask now? Has too much time passed? Is she waiting for me to ask? "Here we are," She points at a small white house, the door and shutters painted lavender, flower beds cluttering the yard. Oh. "You have a lovely home!" John all but exclaims, admiring the window boxes and lattices, with ivy growing over them. "It looks like it's from a picture book." he muses. "Thank you, it's a hobby of mine." The woman replies, her smile now one of pride, only looking away from him to take in her work. "Would you like to come in?" Yes. "The inside isn't quite as picturesque, but I think it's nice, if I do say so myself." I would very much like to come in. "Oh, no," John starts, "I really should be going-" "Please? I never get any visitors, so all of my hard work is seen only by little ol' me." The woman looks at him, jokingly batting her lashes, and John can't help but think about how pretty she looks when she's pleading. That's why I shouldn't go in. I can't. I won't. I'm not going in. "I'd love to."
Well… Is all that John can think as he turns in slow circles around the woman's living room, wide-eyed trying to take it all in. Cream walls adorned with countless photographs of (he assumes) friends and family as well as multiple watercolors of birds and flowers, light wood flooring with a large beige rug under the white oak coffee table, which had on display a rather large pink toucan sculpture, and, truly the star of the whole room, a petal pink tweed sofa. "Di-did you decorate...yourself?" It isn't bad, it's actually charming, John admits, but it's...a lot. "Yes, I consider myself somewhat of a… free spirit homemaker." The woman laughs, no, giggles. She actually giggled. And John can't help but laugh with her. "It is amazing. Honestly. I feel like I'm on a movie set." She walks towards the kitchen and pulls out two glasses, "What movie would this be?" With her back facing him, she pours sweet tea into the glasses before putting the pitcher back in the fridge. "Um, I don't know," ponders John, taking the glass she offers him, thinking while he takes a sip. "Maybe a documentary about Better Homes and Gardens." The woman motions for him to sit down, moving two coasters closer to him on the coffee table, before taking a seat next to him. He sits there for a minute, still quite taken with the charming little house. See? This isn't so bad. You can be good. You are a good man.
"So," he says, taking a few more sips as he tries to be nonchalant, "I didn't catch your name?" Holding her untouched drink, the woman stares, that smile appearing once more as she cocks her head slightly, playfully, and asks "What would you like my name to be?"
"What?" John says with a chortle, nervously downing more tea as he feels himself getting nauseous. "You're very pretty, do you know that John?" There's that feeling again, the one he isn't accustomed to, but has felt more in this woman's presence than he has anywhere else. Fear. I should leave. "I should leave." He tries to stand up, but his head feels like cotton and he sinks back down to the sofa, his legs feel weak and the glass starts to slip from his grasp before she reaches for it, placing it beside her still full one on the table. Looking around at his surroundings, John is confused. "I think…" he drawls out, vision starting to get blurry, "I think I need...a..doct...doctor…" The woman takes one of his limp hands in hers, caressing the back of it with her thumb, "Shhh, it's okay," she smiles at him, and John blanches at the sight. It's the same smile he'd given many women, after whatever drug he'd used had kicked in. Meant to be comforting, a kind smile, for the kindness was soon to end. He tries to mumble something, anything that would get him out of this situation. Who is this woman? She brings his hand up to her lips, placing a soft kiss on his knuckles as everything starts to go dark.
"I think I know what movie this would be," the woman whispers, watching as his eyes flutter closed, "have you seen The Collector?"
NOTES!! HI! Thank you for reading this, my writing isn't the best but this story has been rattling around in my head lol. I really like the idea of the tables being turned on John. I basically listened to Little Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham the whole time I wrote this lol. Turns out John isn't the only big bad wolf in this story ;) Also, the woman is referring to The Collector from 1965, not the remake. The divider is by the lovely @v6que !! All credit to them!
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