#I have been thinking non-stop about it since this ep aired on Sat
dribs-and-drabbles · 10 months
Laws of Attraction ep 6
I'm late this week because I'm having trouble with iq, so I've had to wait for the subs on youtube...and the wait has been painful. But here we go!
Oh please, getting Tinn all jealous. Yes, Silvy, shut your woman up.
I loved the song going into the flashback. This is going to hurt, right?
IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE THEE SMILE! 😍 But they can't fully get away from Thatthep (all that blue). (You'll have to ignore the one31 logo, and the poorer quality screenshots). Thee, who offers Tanthai an escape for a while, but carries the burden of the truth about Tonkhao (the green bag), whilst Tanthai can't fully escape his father (the blue over his heart and head). But look at how balanced they are otherwise - black and white, ying and yang.
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Okay, I think I've settled on a theory as to why Thatthep seems to be blue-coded -> on one hand he puts on a front of the positive attributes of the colour - loyal, stable, confident - being on the political stage, but on the other hand, in reality, he's the negative side of blue -> cold, self-righteous, unfriendly. We'll see if this stands by the end.
Oh we get to see Thee's backstory!.. And it's always because one showed kindness to another as kids that they fall in love 😂
They may have run away from the father and the issue of Tonkhao's death but the green light is still behind them.
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I love how shameless Charn is on the moped.
Charn in white! I first noticed Charn in White in ep 4 when he admitted to his failings, and that he's evil, to Tinn and his grandmother. I noted that it could symbolise Charn starting to change for the good - like coming back to a blank slate before re-finding who he really is under the trauma. And it seems so fitting that Charn wears so. much. white this ep, in the place that his trauma started and where Tinn's able to reach through his hard exterior more than he has done thus far. It's also interesting that when Charn transitioned from nice-lawyer to evil-babygirl-lawyer he also wore white.
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I need to take a moment to talk a bit more about the white but also about Tinn's blue...the blue that is for loyalty, stability, and calm...because blue and white are used together A LOT this ep: The moped and helmets, the clothes Ploy and her beautiful mother wear in the photo - which is held up by Charn in white and then Tinn in blue, the sign on the door, the singer, the audience when Tinn sings, Charn and Tinn's clothes on the second day, Ploy's top, Charn's pj's later, and others I might have missed. It's really hammering home that this ep is about them, together, with Tinn's reliable presence while Charn re-finds himself.
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Omg the singing 🙈 but these two are freaking adorable! What a fucking confession. I have second hand embarrassment.
Thatthep is really having this conversation in a public hallway?! He is an idiot. (Also more blue with him and Wit).
Thee and Tanthai have gone to the country to escape but it means they're surrounded by green, even the green light behind them inside the hotel lobby is still there - in reality they cannot run away from the issue.
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Tanthai really did say 'I only want one room/bed' 😂
Did the village chief sell the village out and cause Charn's mother to die?
Oh how I love the dramatic music 😂
I also want to mention/confirm that I think Charn's true colour is also blue...I mean, these speak for themselves.
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Oh god, Tanthai and Thee are adorable together when they can be happy. Ok. I'm sold. Tanthai has converted me. I want both of these two to be happy now. (And is this indicative of who they are too? Maybe the green that follows them isn't connected to Tonkhao but is who Tanthai could be without his father? Or maybe because of his father - boredom, lack of life and stagnation. And Thee is an earthy brown - dependability, security, and safety...?)
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*sips tea* Charn's backstory! The Drama! Yep the village head took the money and sold them out. Ok, wow, that's a villain origin story. The red blood of revenge. (Oooo I actually predicted this after ep 3).
I'm taking another moment out to talk about yellow now. Because Charn's mother - who up till now has mainly been seen in shades of pink - is wearing yellow when she is killed. Symbolic, maybe, of Charn's happiness dying with her.
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Yellow, which could also symbolise the happiness that Charn once had when doing the Right Thing as a lawyer (his shirt, which may just be the light making it look yellow), the happiness that Tinn is becoming for Charn (the light block and the woman connecting/in between them) and the happiness Thee and Tanthai are finding with each other away from Bangkok (the bedsheets).
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Whose arm is that and should we know?
Charn's go to is fire. Is he a pyromaniac?
Film and Jam are phenomenal in this scene but what is the sound design 🤦🏼‍♀️ And someone must have written a meta about this reflection... Ah yes, here. Thanks @respectthepetty!
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Oh the patpran parallels. Not just the 'rate me at sex' but also 'can we stay here? It's ok, I know we need to go back'.
Thee is the best.
Oh no, Charn, what are you doing?!
Oh I still ADORE this show with all my heart. I have been thinking non-stop about it since this ep aired on Sat and I'm so happy I've been able to finally watch it. I so so so want to be confident and say that the preview is a fakeout and making us think Charn is still going to go after Thatthep's power but I really really want to hope that he has changed...that Tinn helped him re-find his morals. But it is a bit unrealistic that he would be 'fixed' by one fuxk. 😂 But we'll see.
[ep 1] [ep 2] [ep 3] [ep 4] [ep 5]
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absolutebl · 3 months
This Week in BL - it was a pretty darn good time, frankly
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Feb 2024 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 12fin - Everyone looked like they were having a lot of fun in the fight sequences. I’m very happy for them. I’m not surprised they shot Khem and Chart. A little shocked it wasn’t also Yai, TBH.
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I found this final episode rushed. According to rumors, The Sign was originally slated to be 14 eps, and it probably should’ve been. And I don’t say that often about Thai BL. But we all knew it was getting too bloated for its britches, so I'm not surprised they fumbled the ending. For me personally, it just wasn't that bad. It was fine and I was fine with it.
Tho, Billy does not look good with facial fur, messes up those gorgeous angles.
I was ultimately amused that the solution to the mythology thread was simply to talk to the river god and persuaded him to give up... off screen. It felt very old school wuxia. Or like Aeschylus or something. I did adore the stinger, Saint was basically like “I want wings too”. 
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This show is literally everything (except straight) all at once. It's BL, queer, band of brothers, romcom, erotica, PNR, fated mates, police procedural, fantasy, mystery, suspense, and slasher. It’s the king of genre mash-up chaos. Sure, it's madness but there is genius in it. Was it a crazy unhinged mess +1 roll for damage? Yes. Yes it was. Did it manage to hold all those tangled threads together? No it did not. Was it also a charming, sexy, engaging, non-stop piece of entertainment? Sure thing. I think this show is basically my KinnPorsche, and frankly I’ve been chasing that dragon naga since KP aired. Is it perfect? No. But it was balls to the wall FUN and that gets a 9/10 from me.
I'm thinking of doing a full recap review (partly because I have so many great screen shots.)
Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube grey) ep 10-11 of 12 - Since this series is following the yaoi so closely, I knew these were the separation eps. (Also I knew with would be a soft non-doom ep 11, Japan rarerly does these.) I like that they used it to show improve communication and development in all relationships, but, frankly, TayNew are just best when they are TayNew together on screen. So yeah. Let’s keep them back together, please?
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Meanwhile, TayNew gifted us a gorgeous loving sweet sex scene. Thanks OG for doing us a solid. 
I wanna add, it sure is fun to see New play as soft and vulnerable character, I feel like he hasn’t done that since SOTUS. 
(Read all about distribution issues here.)
Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 12fin - 1/3 of this is a sweet romance about a student doctor falling in love with a student chef, and the rest of it is utter dross. Look the OffGun bits were GREAT.. In fact, I think they’re better AS A PAIR in this show than in any of their other BLS. And I'm a hard sell on any OffGun being better than PickRome. Saying that, how can I review a show where I could only tolerate 1/3 of it? Because I didn’t like any other aspect of this show, no other pairs and no other plots. That gives me: 9/10 for the OffGun bits, 5/10 for everything else. Frankly it probably should be an 8 but I gotta go with my gut and it's upset about this so 7/10. Sorry boys. It’s GMMTV’s fault. Your heart was in this show, mine wasn’t. 
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City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 4 of 12 - These two are so good at making heart eyes at each other. It’s ridiculous. They don’t need any cartoon images or noises. Moot crush but "I wanna flirt and court more" is so flipping awesome. I love this for them… and us. 
1000 Years Old ep 2 of 12 - It’s very silly and we have been gifted with the dorkiest vampire ever. But... the smell thing makes me so happy. And I like that the vamp uses chan/nai or tan = v old fashioned. Nahlak. I love our ghost girl. Did you notice she wasn’t in the room with them but they left an empty chair for her? Also nahlak.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Perfect Propose (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 5 of 6 - Kai was pretty much just “you're a workaholic but I basically married you whether you like it or not.” SMOOCH. What can I say? I'm a sucker for this dynamic.
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - How is this show so cute? How do they both love and hurt each other so much. They are both just scared of loosing each other. Gah.
Unknown (Taiwan Sat Youku YouTube) 1 of 12 eps - Youku dropped the first ep to their YouTube channel but I doubt we can expect that to continue. Still, it was nice to be able to watch it in a convenient way. I enjoyed it. But I am cautious about it. Of course this is possibly two of my favorite tropes of all time (stepbrothers or a variation + hyung romance). So I’m looking forward to the romantic thread, but from the gritty style, it feels a lot more like a Taiwanese short. Which means it could go very dark and may not end happy. 
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Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - I just don’t know if the main couple should be a couple. But when they finally get around to talking to each other, they sure are lovely. Also how great is it to see a uke initiate a kiss? Even if it’s not a very good kiss. 
My Strawberry Film (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 2 of 8 - I am still not sure about this one. I am not contesting its quality, just saying it’s not for me. Also I’m not wild about what amounts to basically a redo of everything that already happened in the first episode from a different perspective. I know it’s a tall order with Japan, but I would like (when it’s a short series) for each new installment to actually move the plot (such as it is) along in someway. Am I asking too much?
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It's done but I have no time
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Vietnam, it's on YouTube. I will give it a try when I have a window of time.
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - A Burmese BL? @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will give it a watch.
It's airing but...
Dead Friend Forever (Thai iQIYI) - rumors are it's interesting but full of unlikable characters. I'm waiting to know how it ends.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far. Ends next week TF.
Time the series (Tue Gaga/YT) 10 eps - dropped it at ep 4.
A Secretly Love (Thai WeTV) - I tried but I can't get into my WeTV account anymore and I'm way too lazy to figure it out. Should I bother to go grey for it?
To Be Continued (Thai C3 Thailand YT) - High school sweethearts who had a bad break up reunite when both of them have full time jobs but coming out is still a problem. You can watch this on YT but it has no Eng Subs.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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We're light on content right now, but frankly I'm so busy with work I don't really mind.
3/6 Born to be Y (Thai ????) 10 eps - 14 contestants who audition to compete in Born To Be Y, a program that searches for the best couple of the year to work together on a giant project. Described as semi-reality series. So I probably won't bother.
3/7 Deep Night (Thai iQiyi) 10 eps - Multiple romances set in a host clubs. Nice to see First back on my screen but this is not my favorite setting.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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The eyes have it.
Your random BL moment brought to you by my ult-bias being a hyung smartass to his maknae.
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(Last week)
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ihrtsevyn · 21 days
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CHAPTER FIVE: incoming facetime from my lilypad🪷 and hoshi reincarnated🐯 (863)
WARNINGS: slight angst if you squint.
◃ previous ep. ⊹ masterlist ⊹ next ▹
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Rubbing your hands across your face in distress, you let out your 5th sigh in the past hour.
Your hands tangled themselves in between the strands of your hair, slightly yanking at your scalp to feel some type of relief from the non-stop pounding in your head.
You couldn't decipher if the cause of the relentless pounding was due to stress, or if your heart had made its way up to your brain and was trying to rattle some sense into you.
You didn't remember tutoring being so draining, then again it had been a few months up to a year since you'd last taken the time to sit in a library and actually teach old material to someone. Maybe it was extra vigorous because all you could think about was the underlying issue of your still present feelings or maybe it was just extra taxing because you knew you'd have to take away more of your free-time to sit cooped up in a library with your longtime crush.
You let out a small whine before your eyes trailed over to your cat that sat perched up on your windowsill. You'd do just about anything to trade places with her.
Before you could even think to wallow in more self-pity, your trance was suddenly broken by an insistent buzzing on top of your thigh.
Incoming facetime from my lilypad🪷 and hoshi reincarnated🐯...
An unknowing smile broke onto your face before you clicked on the green, purposely putting your phone up close to your eyes and eyebrows.
As if on cue, the phone connected to show Yoon and Lily in identical poses making the three of you burst into a small laughing fit.
"Whatcha doin?" Yoon asked, dragging her words out as she propped her phone up against her desk to reveal the stack of ignored homework and lit up nintendo switch.
"Setting up my schedule for the next few weeks." You pitifully murmured before propping your phone up against a pillow.
"I don't know why I accepted to tutor him when I already have so much shit to do." You murmured as you sifted through papers of all of your upcoming events.
"Oh, please. We know why.." Lily tittered as her eyes focused on her own task, flipping through the pages of a binder with a highlighter in hand.
You side-eyed the camera for a split second before going back to marking your calendar. "Ha, Ha, Ha." you plainly uttered with a blank face.
"Don't pretend like we're wrong." Lily added, pointing her highlighter at the screen with a fake threatening sneer.
"We've heard the countless love rambles from you to know you'd jump in front of a moving bus if he asked you to." Yoon countered, failing to conceal her giggles at her own comment.
It was hard to deny their claims or even pretend to be annoyed with them when they were saying nothing but the truth. Your last love ramble was only two weeks ago when you were gushing on how gentle you caught him being with a stray cat outside of the school gates.
It was a vast contrast of how rough he presented himself on the basketball court, and to see him be so soft with a vulnerable animal made your heart beat at a pace that you didn't know was humanly possible.
"Speaking of Niki, I have to text him and get his schedule." you haphazardly mumbled before grabbing your phone.
The call was silent for quite some time but it felt as if the air completely shifted when you made that half-off comment. The widened eyes of the duo staring at you went unnoticed as you searched for his contact name.
"YOU HAVE HIS NUMBER?!" Yoon abruptly shouted before yanking her screen closer to her.
"Uh, Yeah. I need it so we can plan out our tutoring sessions." You replied with furrowed eyebrows and wide eyes, slightly confused by the outburst.
"And this is our first time hearing about it?" Lily interjected, gaping at her phone with a faked hurt expression as she rested her hand on her chest.
"I only got it today! What more do you want from me?" You asked lightly, laughing at their played up antics.
Before Yoon could reply, your phone dinged with a text message, and to your surprise, it was Niki himself.
Yoon's next rebuttal was broken with a quick gasp "Oh, shit. Was that him?" she asked, her hand covering her mouth with slightly widened eyes.
"Yes, actually." You answered, unknowingly straightening your posture as your thumb hovered over the text message banner.
"Well, what'd he say?" Lily asked, her binder quickly being discarded as she shifted her focus towards her phone.
"All he said was 'Hi, this is Niki.' With a smiley face attached." you answered as you laid back in your bed, shoving aside the disorganized flurry of papers on your bed to get comfortable.
"Oh my god, he wants you so bad." Yoon immediately interjected.
You could feel your lips spreading into a smile at her words. "Shut up." You murmured, trying your hardest to force down your smile.
"What should I say back?"
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TAGLIST: @sakiimeo @sakuxxi @ilyjxdz @artstaeh @rosas-in-the-garden @k1ttylvr @stilesks @enhagvrl @yourssincerely-mimi @rizzanna-soda @saursoob @haechansbbg @nishislcve @winuvs @kyrojackson @suhiiiies-blog @rikisgeef @soobs-things @jumigurumino @ssukiyakii @baribaaari @eleanorheartschishiya @rikibun @seunghancore @wonik1ss
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nctsjiho · 3 years
JiHo vs Geo (NCT JiHo’s Duality)
Fan Video by ‘NeoVerse’ on Youtube
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(indented text = comments added by the maker of the video, in this case NeoVerse) So we all know JiHo. One of NCT’s rappers and dancers. She’s always portrayed as cool, confident, intimidating, so for today, let me introduce you to Geo.
The cute, easily embarrassed 00 liner, whom everyone in NCT (and the fandom) has a soft spot for. Though whenever Geo comes out she’s usually getting teased by the boys...
^^ Let’s get started!
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[JiHo Vlive ft. Taeyong & Taeil 190407]
“So we’ll be in America soon for the second leg of the Tour.” Taeyong said. “Are you excited?” JiHo asked looking at the oldest of the three. “Yes, we’ll finally get to see all our overseas fans. And we’re even going to see Johnny’s home-”The 3 of them looked off camera once loud noise started to fill the room. The voices obviously belonged to Dream. Taeil and Taeyong shrugged it off and Taeil continued to talk. The noise wasn’t too loud, but it was still a bit distracting non the less.
JiHo continued looking off camera every once in a while. It looked like she finally made eye contact with one of the young boys, because she squinted her eyes a bit more and suddenly the room became silent besides for Taeil talking. The girl gave the tinniest nod before looking back at the camera and joining the two other men in their conversation.
In the background you could hear a door close just after a few silent “sorry’s” were heard. 
JiHo: the NCT member who can make Dream, who never stop talking, shut up without even saying anything. The power this girl has
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[‘NCT - RESONANCE Pt. 2’ Departure Ver. Jacket Behind the Scene]
Loud cheers filled the echo-y room as JiHo walked in. All the 23 boys were already in their spots, but the girl had walked in late (for an unknown reason). She hides her face in embarrassment as she approaches Renjun who was standing on the far right side of the bleacher-like structure. “JiHo needs to go up one level!” One of the staff members yelled.
JiHo gets up on the structure a hand helping her up, it was Johnny.  As she stands up completely she notices she is standing between Johnny and Sungchan. “Please tell my I’m not standing between these two giants.” She looks in the direction of the staff, face full of concern. Her comment causing almost everyone to laugh. “Why? Don’t you like standing between us?” Johnny teased poking at her side. She squints her eyes at the taller man, triggering a few more laughs out of him.
The director instructs the girl to stand between Ten and Shotaro on the other side of the structure and she quickly walks over to them, almost tripping on her way over, where Ten greets her with a big hug. “Ah so cute~” Mark cooed, looking at the embarrassed girl.
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[NCT World 2.0 ep 4]
It’s really no secret that JiHo is a very athletic person. She works out and tries out new sports for fun. So even though she might not have the strength as her male colleagues (well most of them, sorry Kun), she was definitely one of, if not the most, agile members in the group.
When they announced the next game, JiHo’s team mates had look slightly worried. The vault was already at 1.70 m which was already taller than her, though JiHo would never openly admit that.
It’s only when the vault is at 2 m high that the members realise the smaller girl had cleared all the previous heights successfully. She’s now standing at a couple meters away to sprint towards the vault.
“We didn’t expect JiHo to make it this far.” Defconn commented. “She’s definitely an ace.” Kim Hwan, the other presenter, added.
We’re talking about the same JiHo right? This girl can literally carry her members on her back!
“Wow~ Look at noona’s face.” Jisung pointed out to his team mates, who unfortunately didn’t make it. The girl had her eyes set on the vault. Completely focused she put up her fist. “JiHo, challenge!” Her first few steps were big but slow, then her pace started picking up, until she had reached the vault.
“Ji-” The camera picks up the shocked faces of the boys as her team members jump to her aid. JiHo was laying on her back on the blue mat, the vault in pieces all around her, with one of the pieces almost making its way towards the girl’s face. Thankfully because of the concerned boys’ fast reflexes they helped avoid a big accident.
“Are you okay?” Johnny asked now that they were standing again. “I think I can make it though...” She furrowed her brow, shocking the boys with her comment. Despite all the boys’ protest JiHo was one again standing at the starting position to run towards the vault.
Taeyong stood up in a panic. “She isn’t going to try again right-” “JiHo, challenge!” And without a second of hesitation she ran towards the vault, 5 boys ready to save her in case she was to fail again. Once her feet hit the mat she looked at the camera with a smirk on her face and a fist in the air. She had cleared the vault.
“I swear to God her confidence is going to be the dead of me.” Taeyong let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
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[NCT World 2.0 ep 2]
JiHo’s challenge was to do a rope skipping routine. Since she has been rope skipping for as long as she can remember, it wasn’t really that hard. The challenging part came from that she had to learn a specific routine and execute it perfectly within 10 minutes.
After 3 minutes she had the short routine down, some moves were slightly more difficult, but nothing she couldn’t do.
“JiHo, challenge!” She yelled out. She pulled of the routine effortlessly. Or that’s what she thought at least. Everyone had jumped to their feet, cheering JiHo on those who never saw JiHo rope skipping completely in awe at what she just pulled off. “Let’s go-” Mark had yelled, just before the lights turned red. “Mission failed.” The deep voice boomed over the speakers. Everyone stunned, they could’ve sworn she just did it right. But after review JiHo realised her mistake.
She stood closely to Jaemin’s seat who asked her if she got the routine down now. JiHo nodded while she absentmindedly swung around the jump rope. A particularly hard swing causing the rope to round her back and hit her left arm harshly. The loud sound of the rope hitting her skin was accompanied with a wince at the sting. Jaemin had jumped up asking if JiHo was okay. The girl had slapped her hand against her reddening skin before she started whining that it hurt.
Jaemin took the opportunity to baby her. “Aigoo~ You need to be more careful.” He said rubbing her arms, before pulling her into a hug. The boys who sat a bit further away had started laughing once they realised the girl was okay. “Jaemin-ah, they are laughing at my pain.” She pouted and the boy pulled her closer, glaring at the other members.
Yangyang... I saw you laughing at our baby girl... 
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[NCT JiHo notices SASEANG at the Airport]
In the shaky fan video with not much context you could see NCT at the airport. The reason why they weren’t moving unknown. The only thing you could tell from the first half of the video was that NCT was standing in the middle of a clearing in the airport with tons of fans surrounding them.
Jeno and JiHo were standing next together, being filmed by the fan. She kept on glancing in a particular direction. At some point Jeno leaned in to whisper something in her ear and she shrugged in response, her body seemed a bit tense.
After another couple of seconds went by, JiHo suddenly starts moving in the direction of the fans - the same direction she kept glancing at. This caused the fans to start screaming and a body guard to quickly try and catch up with her.
It isn’t clear what’s being said, but JiHo exchanges some words with a male fan. She then puts her hand out, the fans around her going quiet. The man hands JiHo his unlocked phone and she starts scrolling through it. With a bitter look she hands the phone back, grabs her own, takes a picture of the man and then leaves. Once she reaches the boys again an indifferent expression remains on her face. Jeno’s hand massages the girl’s shoulder but she doesn’t seem to relax until they are able to leave the airport.
Apparently the male “fan” was a sasaeng and on his phone were pictures he had taken of JiHo and the rest of NCT (?) during their overseas schedules in places no fans were allowed. She deleted them and taken a picture of him for the security, possibly also for the authorities.
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[NCT 127 fan event @ Capitol Records]
After everyone had gathered on stage, it was time for each member to introduce themselves. JiHo was last in line and when she started talking in her mic, it was clear that her mic did not work. The girl looked back at the staff, but they didn’t seem to notice directly, so she turned to her right and grabbed Doyoung’s mic. He didn’t let go of it, causing the girl to lean in towards Doyoung and start introducing herself. “Hi! I’m JiHo.” She giggled slightly embarrassed, which emitted a chorus of “awe’s” from the fans.
Later on in the interview, now with a working mic, the question “Who is the most attractive member of the group?” had been asked. Some members had answered already but the interviewer asked JiHo’s opinion. “Uhm...” She hummed as she looked over her members. “I think everyone is very attractive.” She gave as her final answer which left everyone a bit “disappointed”. A fan interjected, yelling, “We all know you think it’s Jungwoo!” JiHo’s face turned the brightest shade of red as she looked at the audience in shock. Everyone at the event had burst out laughing and JiHo sank back in her chair.
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[NCT JIHO Choreography | More Than That (Lauren Jauregui)]
JiHo’s know as a bit of a tomboy. I mean she hangs out with dudes pretty much 24/7. So when she dropped this video, let me tell you, we NCTzens were shook.
As the music starts playing the lights slowly turn on. JiHo is sat in the middle of a dance practise room in a chair, head tilted slightly backwards, exposing her neck.
The camera comes closer and JiHo makes eye contact with it, her mouth is slightly agape and she stands up. She hits every beat, dancing in her own, cool style, nothing very girly or sexy, until a certain line comes up.
“I got a situation, I can tell you wanna know“
She brings her clasped hands up, stretching them out above her hand, before pushing her right hip out circling it from the front to the side. She lets her hands drop back down.
“How you can take an honest girl and turn her to a”
Her facial expression turns more cocky. Her left hand goes down the side of her body onto her left thigh while she moves down to an almost squat position. Her right hand comes up from her chest to her neck at the end of the line where the singer lets out a gasp.
Turn her to a WHAT? Explain Lim Jiho! Into a what exactly?!
Stan twitter of course went crazy at the sight of their tomboyish, innocent girl choreographing such a seductive dance. Besides those two lines, most of the dance was just her usual boyish hip-hop style. But the whole vibe of the song, along with her facial expressions had caused such beautiful chaos. Also JiHo in those sweatpants and a sports bra/crop top was something NCTzens weren’t ready for yet.
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[Weekly Idol ep 410]
This is probably my favourite JiHo moment ever. For a bit of context. The people sitting down on pillows have to come forward for the members they want to be partnered with and show their charm. After everyone has “seduced” the sitting member, they must close their eyes and if their rose gets picked they are partnered up.
The reason I like this so much is because JiHo was already pouty since Doyoung and Yuta were both seducers as well so there was no chance of partnering with them, but she really wanted to team up with either of them.
After Mark danced to ‘Pick Me’ (and JiHo did everything in her power not to cringe, she failed), he turned around to see which members would come over. When he turned around he saw 4 faces. Those of Doyoung, Jaehyun, Yuta and JiHo. The last two he didn’t expect to come.
One by one they all had to explain why they picked Mark. “Dude, honestly I just don’t want to be picked last.” The girl said in English sending Mark into a fit of laughter. They than had to show show their charm through singing, dancing or acting cute. Once it was Doyoung’s turn, he started dancing to ‘Pick Me’, just like Mark did earlier. “Oppa! I wanted to do that.” She said annoyed to which Doyoung looked shocked. “You were going to dance to a girl group song?” She just rolled her eyes.
Once it was her turn the host had encouraged her to dance to ‘Pick Me’ like she initially planned. “If you do it better than Doyoung, you will have a better chance.” One of the boys had reasoned, that was enough for JiHo to stand up.
She patted down her sweater before getting “in the zone” and she started dancing and singing the song as if it was her own. Some of the boys started cringing at the unfamiliar sight of their female member acting girly and cute, willingly. Then the camera shows Yuta and Jungwoo who were clearly enjoying the show and Taeil smiling fondly as well.
omg this is peak Geo behaviour <3 How is she this cute? Is she really a member of a mostly male group?
Cut to JiHo getting rejected right after Doyoung gets rejected. They sit back next to Johnny, the girl’s head resting on Doyoung’s shoulder. “I guess dancing to that song wasn’t the way to go.” She sighed.
This time it’s Jungwoo’s time to choose a member. He danced to ‘Havana’ to which everyone joins in. Once seated it’s time to start the next round. When Jungwoo faced the group again everyone, including JiHo has come forward.
Johnny danced and Jaehyun and Doyoung sang for Jungwoo, then it’s the girl’s turn. “JiHo! Aegyo!” Haechan yelled and before she can say anything, Yuta agrees. She looks at Jungwoo with a sigh. “Oh it doesn’t look like JiHo really wants to team up with Jungwoo.” Doyoung teased. JiHo quickly dismissed his claim, poking his side which had him twitch.
“Oppa... I think we could make a really good team.” She said with her face rested in her hands. Than she points at her heart. “It would really hurt right here if you reject me.” At the end of her sentence she stands up and throws her rose away. Everyone is dying from laughter or second hand embarrassment. The girl takes a few deep breaths to calm down and she sits back down.
ngl even though that was very cringy, how is JiHo this good at aegyo? I’m sure Jaemin would love it...
They have to make eye contact with the Jungwoo now and once it’s JiHo’s turn she locks eyes with him with ease. Her eyes never faltering which intimidates Jungwoo a bit. “JiHo, you’re supposed to make a connection, not scare him away.” She swats Doyoung’s arm at his remark.
Guess what. Our poor girl was rejected once again
JiHo stands up with her cushion and walks back behind the line. “I danced for you!” She points at Mark. “I acted cute for you!” She points at Jungwoo. “And this is what I get?” The girl actually looks a little agitated which prompted in Jungwoo hugging her and apologising, but she pushes him away. “Whoever my partner is, he and I will end your team.” She threatened while raising her brow. But she only manages to look cute, because she still has a pout very evident on her lips. The tall boy cooed at her and patted her head before walking back to his chair.
Finally Taeyong takes his place on the seat. Once he turned around he could only see Jaehyun and Doyoung sitting back at the line, making a heart with their arms together. A look of despair washed over his face for a quick second before he realises JiHo wasn’t there anymore.
“Where’s JiHo?” He asked and the boys motioned him to turn around once again. When he does he finds JiHo holding her hands up in a heart above her head. “I’ve been rejected twice by those men there.” She points towards Jungwoo and Mark. “And now Doyoung has betrayed me as well. So please be my partner.” Her tone is slightly sad and Taeyong nods and pulls her into a hug.
My heart! :’( She wanted to be in a team with Doyoung from the start, how could he betray JiHo like that!
“Let’s win this!” JiHo yelled, a smile finally finding it’s way back on her face after she found a partner.
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That was all for today’s video! Thank you so much for watching! 
Side Note: This post is inspired by a post by @nct-aria​. They’re an amazing NCT addition blog, which I definitely recommend you check out.
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speuradair · 4 years
Familiar | S.F.
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(Photo credit goes to Federico Meuli on DeviantArt, and song inspiration credit goes to Ilomilo by Billie Eilish. I also do not own the character Sal Fisher, nor do I have any association with Portable Moose or the Sally Face series.)
This was requested by @mitch-that-bitch​ ! The plot’s a little messy and way longer than I initially intended it to be because I got pretty carried away with it. What can I say? I’m a sucker for Sal Fisher. 
Content Warning- soft yandere au, death mention, angst, Sally Face ep 4 spoilers
“Where did you go?
I should know, but it's cold
And I don't wanna be lonely
So show me the way home
I can't lose another life”
In the ever-changing town of Nockfell, Sal Fisher offered unwavering familiarity. He was consistent and dependable, supportive and assuring, regardless of whatever chaos was ensuing around him. He was more than just the mysterious quiet kid with the creepy mask. While he did carry trauma with him from a young age and know how evil the world could be, he was strong. He carried on, not letting his pain color the way he saw people. Maybe that was what pushed him to look after his friends like he did. Whether it was help with homework or comfort during an anxiety attack, he would always do everything he could to help. He wanted to protect others from pain like his. 
It didn’t take long for you to gravitate towards him. You had met him the year he moved to Nockfell, and you were fast friends. He was the type to make you feel accepted and safe, no matter how long you’d been friends. It felt like you’d always known him, and talking with him never felt tiring like it always had.
Hanging out with him everyday quickly became your new normal. Sometimes it was with the others and sometimes it was just the two of you, but he was always there and you were always together. He was always there. To be honest, you weren’t really surprised when you found yourself falling for him. He had become such a vital part of your routine, it just seemed fitting to want more of him. Luckily for you, Sal was feeling the same way. You were a safe place for him too. Nights at your apartment gave him a chance to get away from the suffocating memories and thoughts that plagued him when he was on his own. Your unconditional support was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. He wanted more than just your friendship; he wanted to be the one you turned to when you felt lost, the one you knew would make you feel better no matter what was wrong. He longed to be your sanctuary, like you were his. As long as he had you and you him, he knew things would be okay. 
Things changed slightly when he asked you to be his, but in the best possible way. Days listening to music while sitting on the floor became more intimate times of you humming along to the stereo while he held you close to his chest. Lonely texts sent late at night became sneaking out to the roof together for deep talks under the stars. Friends became lovers. Things had changed between you two, but he was still always the same rational Sal.
That’s why it hit so hard when he snapped.
 In just a matter of hours, everything had changed. There weren’t going to be any more mid-morning coffee dates at the cafe in town or any more dinners with his family. A friend group of eight became two. Days living together at Todd and Neil’s house became nights spent restlessly at different motels in different towns. Fears of insufficiency and failure became fears of suspicion and attack. College students became fugitives. Everything you had come to know in the last four years was gone. 
It had been a while since things had felt as calm as they did this morning. The winter sky was just turning from navy blue to a soft orange sunrise, creating an almost watercolor background for the empty trees. It reminded you of the mornings you’d spent with Sal at Wendigo Lake when one of you needed to clear your mind, back when everything was relatively okay. The cold air did its best to chill you, but the two matching take-away cups of coffee in your hands gave off enough warmth to finish your walk back to the motel where Sal waited for you. Maybe things would finally start to calm down. It did seem like getting a good bit of distance between you and Nockfell had almost paused things, like maybe the Nockfell Police were hesitant to get other, non-corrupt police forces involved. Maybe the two of you could actually find somewhere to settle down again soon.
You unlocked the door with your key card, carefully juggling both coffees between your one arm and your chest, and scooted through it. 
“Hey,” you exhaled, quickly placing your drinks on the small table next to the door before you could spill them. Sal hadn’t moved from where he sat when you left almost an hour ago, though he was now hunched over a bit, resting his elbows on his knees. You could already tell by his expression that he was in one of those moods again.
“Where were you?” The warmth that had enveloped you when you came in had seemed to drain from the room as he spoke. You knew where this was going. 
Despite the agitation you felt from his accusatory tone, you spoke softly and carefully. You’d been through this same fight so many times in the past few months, you knew there was no use in arguing. “I was just getting the coffees, I had to go to the place two streets over. The one right here is closed today apparently.”
He paused for a moment, presumably scanning what you’d just told him for any discrepancy. “You didn’t call to tell me?” It was less of a question and more of subtle scolding. 
He’d always been protective of you, wanting to make sure you were safe and that no one was messing with you, but lately, it was starting to become a bit intense. Was it really abnormal though? You weren’t sure honestly. What was normal anymore? Running from a corrupt town run by a cult isn’t normal. Being haunted by a myriad of dead friends isn’t normal. Nothing was normal.
“I left my phone on accident.” One of your fingers pointed towards the bedside table where your phone was, indeed, still plugged into the charger from last night. “I forgot I took it out of my coat to charge it. I thought you’d prefer that I just go and come back quickly instead of coming back just for a minute and then leaving again.”
You had still been glancing over at your phone across the room, but you could’ve sworn you saw him roll his eyes. “You thought I’d prefer to have you gone for an hour without having anyway of contacting you?” 
“I just thought that it’d be easier, and since things are quieting down-”
“I don’t care what you thought,” He cut you off before you could finish. “What I care about is that you went out there in some town we don’t know without me for an hour.” He had stood up, now moving closer to where you stood, still right by the door. He wasn’t tall, but that didn’t stop him from being genuinely intimidating when he wanted to be. Whether he was being intentional or not this time you weren’t sure, but he was doing a good job either way. Instinctively, you stepped back a bit. 
“What was I supposed to do if you didn’t come back in two, even three hours? Just be okay with it because you forgot your phone? What if you’d gotten hurt?! What was I supposed to do then?” There was a sharp edge in his voice, one that if you didn’t know better, you might mistake for genuine malice. 
You tried to give a firm response and explain that it wasn’t that big of a deal, but you couldn’t get the words out. You weren’t even sure why this made you so nervous, honestly. He’d never hit you, or hurt you at all really, but there was something inherently scary about him when he got like this. 
“Sal, I..” You finally found your voice, though the words were nowhere near as strong and unbothered as you’d hoped. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it was that big of a deal…” 
Your words failed again when his calloused hands came to cup your face, cold and trembling. You couldn’t look away from him now, your gaze locked onto his features as he stood mere inches in front of you. His expression was pained, his jaw visibly clenched as he tried to deal with the mess of intense emotions coursing through him. His eyes were a bit sunken in, outlined in dark circles and slightly obscured by his now grown out hair, and the scars on his face seemed puffier than usual. Though, despite how worn down he looked, he was still as handsome as ever to you. He’d long stopped wearing his prosthetic around you and somehow, even in the middle of an argument like this, seeing him without made everything between the two of you feel all the more intimate. 
“What was I supposed to do if you got hurt?” He repeated, though his voice was quieter this time. “I can’t lose another person. Especially not you.” 
Any plans you had of trying to push your point had fizzled away with his touch. Your expression softened upon hearing the pain in his voice. All you gave in reply was a soft, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t go out without me again, especially if you can’t remember your phone.” 
When you nodded gently, obediently, he wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling you flush against his chest. Your face instinctively moved to bury itself in his neck, searching for the comfort of his familiar scent and warmth. It was the only thing that hadn’t changed. That’s when the gravity of the situation hit you. Closing your eyes, you could almost convince yourself that you were back in his room at Addison Apartments, where nothing had changed and you were still the naive sixteen year olds that you were when you started dating. You wished it were true. You wished you could just open your eyes and be back in 1992, before you knew about the cult, before the residents of Addison Apartment were tainted by the darkness, before Sal had done what he had done. Maybe if you kept your eyes closed and wished, begged, hard enough, it would be true..
“Hey,” Sal’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. He sounded softer now, without a hint of the anger he had a few minutes ago.  “Don’t cry, I’ve got you. It’s okay now.”
Were you crying? You hadn’t noticed. 
“It’s okay now.” He paused, “Did someone bother you while you were out? Shit, I should’ve asked that first. If someone messed with you-”
“No.” Now it was your turn to interrupt. “No, I just.. I just don’t feel well. Tired, I guess.”
He pulled away slightly, allowing himself enough room to study your features. After a moment he brushed the stray tears away with the pad of his thumb. “I shouldn’t have let you go out by yourself...” he mumbled, more to himself than to you. “We should lay down then. Let me take care of you.” 
Nodding your acceptance, he grabbed your hand before laying down, immediately pulling you into his chest again. In this quiet room, wrapped in his warm embrace and surrounded by his familiar scent, you felt almost detached again. It didn’t exactly feel like home, but it felt sort of safe again. Things were different- unfathomably different- but Sal was almost the same person as he was those years ago. He was still dependable, supportive, and assuring, despite the absolute dumpster fire your lives had become in the past six months. Maybe he was right. Maybe what you needed was to let him take care of you. 
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vicky-shitposts · 3 years
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my mind makes noises
20th Feb 2021,
last night i had a weird dream. im a big fan of Primeval and since i was young, Abby and Connor have been one of my top OTPs. late last year i binged the whole series, start to finish. in my dream last night i can remember being chased across the green of a park, by some tough guys i think?? i distinctly remember checking my phone and i had done 11,000 steps. then Abby pulls up in her car and i hop in, and we speed away to safety down a highway. we stop off at a gas station for some snacks, then catch up with Connor at an office block. it's dark out, and we're being chased around. crawling through air vents and looking round corners. something must have come through an anomaly, or we'd upset the guy in charge. i remember a man in a suit too.
i actually found the energy to get washed and dressed when i woke up. but when i did wake up, i didn't feel so good. physically fine but mentally not. i feel down, sad and terrible but for no apparent reason. i hate it when this happens, and it happens too often. im sat wearing the Pale Waves tshirt dad got me for my 18th, listening to their All The Things I Never Said EP. dad loved Pale Waves and we even went to see them together. i think that was the day that his illness really sunk in for me, and was the last day we really went out and spent together before he had a rapid decline. for the longest time it was so painful listening to them, because it just reminded me of better and happier times. i didn't want to listen to their new album because i was scared i would break down crying. but now Who Am I? has charted in the top 3, which is incredible for only their second album. im so proud of them and i know that dad would be too. i think after this EP, im going to listen to their first album while i do some more reading. i feel like i owe it to my dad and is the least i can do. maybe i feel so sad because i miss him so much: "i swear that i'll never stop loving you, and i'll die by your side if you want me to" <3
i can see why a Pale Waves stan i know of loves Drive so much. i wish i could load myself into a car and drive off into the night, company by my side, either shouting along to music or in dead-but-comfortable silence. the last song kind of got me and just added to the aura im feeling. "i wonder what it's like to die", me too. a wonder on my mind constantly since i was 11, ran through my hands twice. Adam Ant said that Kurt Cobain was brave for killing himself, a sentiment i think about often; Clara saying "let me be brave" suddenly has an entirely new meaning. i think today is Kurt's birthday too, so happy birthday man. i hope you're having a party up there with everyone i love. my album listening session was heavily interrupted when i was asked what i wanted from the shops, as mum's bf was going to get stuff. can a girl never find peace?? apparently not in reality or mentally.
something just happened to me. there i was making my lunch, watching the first episode of Ealing Comedies - a series REG did on films he loves - and the intro of episode one is running. he's telling us what's going on, and has some clips from all three episodes. and out of nowhere, i see REG sat next to Peter Capaldi. Peter is one of my heroes and favourite people ever, his Doctor has taught me so much and is my blueprint. every time i see him i cry. but not this time. instead i let out the most high pitched squeal, collapsed to my knees and started shaking, looking at the tv with so much awe and love. before me were arguably my two favourite men sat together and i didn't anticipate or expect it. it took me by such shock and is all im going to think about for the rest of today. i also had an idea for a Withnail And I-esque film, of two people bunking together but not by choice. one is straight and every archetype of a cis, straight person, constantly giving passing comments of abuse to their flatmate who's as gay, queer, non confirming as they come. both want different things in life and are two opposite ends of the same spectrum. only to discover the "anti gay" was actually gay this whole time, and was deathly scared of themselves and their truth. i also have a bag of cashews to devour now, so some faith has been restored to my world. but not much, mind you.
left my house at 4.11 pm for a walk, didn't get back until about 5.30 pm. it was incredible. as i walked to Sturmer traversing squelchy mud, Hyperspace - Beck was playing in my ears. it's one of my favourite and one of the most important albums to me, i only listen to it on special occasions. felt a little sad listening to it and it reminded me of better times with G/R/E but that's okay. i really do miss them. i sat on a log for 15 minutes and let the album finish; then i sprung into action, found a big stick to use as a walking stick, and walked home through sturmer listening to the Withnail And I soundtrack. there was something so beautiful and liberating about listening to it while walking through a village, all by myself, sun setting behind me. i felt genuinely happy. i felt like i was in the film, at Crow Crag myself, walking in their footsteps. luckily there was no randy bull or chicken to kill for supper. just beautiful music that adorned a huge smile over my heart.
today has been a day of firsts for me, as it's also been the first day ive almost cried while taking the wrapper off a dvd. i just got done watching Logan, and i don't normally care about marvel, but i was actually invested in and really enjoyed it. but before anyone had uttered a word i was almost in tears, because i felt guilty unwrapping it. my dad got it and i presume he wanted to see it at some point. sadly he never got the chance. i only wanted to watch it purely because REG was in it, and i really wish he could have sat and watched it with me. i was also back to hugging my pillow for emotional support too. but the thing that stung the most was (spoiler) that Logan found his daughter, and his daughter watch him die. i may not have been my dad's daughter, but i know what it's like to experience that. i've really been missing him a lot today.
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bangtann-bangdamn · 5 years
Lightning: Part 1
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Warnings: It’s heavy on the angst. Sorry!
Word Count: 3055
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
AN: This is a whole lot more angsty than I originally intended it to be and what you probably asked for. Whoops.
Part 2 >
Master list 
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For Min Yoongi, there was one thing in life that he was certain of: music. It ran through his veins, coursed through his body with every beat of his heart. Yet, as he sat staring at the blank track in front of him, his heart stopped beating. No string of notes; no simple melody swayed through his mind. He was empty.
Yoongi slammed his fists on the desk before cradling his head in his hands. He had tried revisiting old, unpublished works. Had tried sampling pieces and putting them together. Yet no matter how long he sat in front of his computer screen in his tiny studio did a semblance of a song form.
This was a first for Yoongi. In the eight years he had worked for Big Hit, he could always rely on one thing: his music. No matter what was going on in his life, the music practically made itself. All he had ever needed to do before was pick an arrangement of keys and play until something sounded right.
As he glanced over at the calendar on the wall, he was reminded once more that the deadline for his EP was due at midnight. When he accepted the challenge a year ago, he laughed. But in between tour and the promotion of the new album, it had slipped his mind until Namjoon reminded him 3 days ago at the dorm.
“How’s the EP going?” he asked in between bites of cereal. Yoongi had simply stared at him from across the dining room table.
“Good.” He finally settled on, not wanting to admit that the EP had slipped his mind. He quickly made his escape from the dorm, stating that he needed to put some final touches to the track.
Yet no matter how hard he stared, nothing happened.
Maybe he just needed a change of scenery?
He grabbed his jacket from where he had thrown it on the sofa 3 days ago and unlocked the door to his studio.
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“Mad. Every single one of them, completely barking,” Hwasa stood by the window, watching as person after person ran for cover with their light summer jackets covering their heads as rain pelted down.
“And you said I was mad,” you laughed, holding up the umbrella in your hand for emphasis. “Who’s laughing now, huh?”
“Still me.” Hwasa grinned, nudging you gently in the side when you rolled your eyes. “No, seriously, you’re still completely mad for bringing an umbrella with you to work every day in the middle of summer.”
You shrugged. “You say mad, I say well prepared.” You turned your gaze out the window once more, watching the few stragglers as they rushed to get out of the rain. Hwasa quickly lost interest when the door to the cafe rang out, but you had clocked off for the day and you had no intention of clocking a few extra hours. You watched as the street finally seemed to clear and were about to turn away when you spotted him.
His black hair clung to his face; his light jacket soaked through. Unlike everyone you had observed, he walked with his gaze to the floor, his pace slow as if this was any other sunny day in Seoul.
You weren’t sure what had you moving towards the door, opening your umbrella under the awning before making your way across the street. You weren’t even sure, as you fell in step with the man, that he was who you thought he was. All you knew was that something was wrong.
You lifted your umbrella so it covered the both of you as you walked. When he glanced at you, you smiled sheepishly.
“Yoongi?” you held your breath as you waited for him to respond. It had been a while since you last saw him. He looked paler, if that were possible, the dark circles under his eyes.
He paused in his step, looking around as if for the first time he realised he was outside before focusing on you.
“Thanks,” he said. It was the sort of voice that made your breath catch; deep and gentle with just the right amount of gravel. The sort of voice you missed waking up to.
“You’re welcome,” you replied softly. “Shall we?” You nodded your head in the direction you were walking.
Yoongi bobbed his head, smiling tightly at you before resuming his previous pace.
“Aren’t you cold?”
He contemplated your question for a moment before curtly replying, “A bit.”
You stopped walking, grabbing his hand when he tried to move away. “Look, the café I work at is just down the road. Why don’t we go back there so you can warm up?”
“I’m fine.” Yoongi made to move again, but you did not relinquish your grip on his hand.
“Then I’m not asking,” you said stubbornly.
He stared at you, dark brown eyes absorbing you for so long that you contemplated whether you had overstepped.
But it had been so long since he had last seen you. Last heard you gentle encouragement, your thoughts on his music. So long since he had heard you laugh.
He released a sigh, motioning his hand for you to lead.
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Yoongi knew he was making a mistake the moment he stepped into the café. Hwasa stood behind the counter, mouth hung open from the moment you both walked in. You led him to the back of the café to the booth situated right next to the radiator.
“Latte?” You asked.
He didn’t look at you as he nodded his head, and soon he was left once more with his thoughts.
Of course, in his moment of weakness, he had picked this side of Seoul, this street, to aimlessly wander. He couldn’t remember how long it had been since he last saw you. Or so he wanted to believe.
In the back of his mind, he could hear Hwasa scolding you for bringing him in, but all he could focus on was your smile. The way your eyes changed when you were happy, sparkling with warmth that he knew he didn’t deserve. After all, wasn’t it his decision that led you out of his life?
You place his mug in front of him, taking a seat opposite him. “How long?” You asked, not looking at him as you blew away the steam that rose from your tea.
“How long, what?”
“How long have you been holed up in your studio?” You made sure to hold his gaze, not wavering until he was squirming in his seat.
“A few days.” He shrugged.
“How many are a few?”
“I know, I know. You don’t have to say it again.”
You continued to stare at him, letting him know not with your words, but your expression that you were less than impressed.
He sighed. “I have a deadline for my new EP tonight and I’m blocked.”
“And you thought locking yourself in your studio was the best way to go about it?”
He shrugged. “Usually it works.”
You laughed before taking a sip of your drink.
“Why’s that funny?” He frowned.
“It never worked, Yoongi,” you said softly, placing your hand on his. “You always said it did, but all you do is get more frustrated.”
“I do not.” He moved his hand away.
“You do. I’ve known you long enough to know what goes on up there.” You tap your index finger to your own head with a smile.
Yoongi remained silent as he processed your words. He thought about all the times he had struggled with a song, the way he would sit in his studio alone until inspiration struck. But the longer he let his mind focus on the memories, the more they cleared. He remembered slamming his fists on the desk, lying on the couch as he stared into space hoping that something would catch in the silent air.
You were right. He was only ever met with frustration. He would sit in that room for hours, for days on end and would get no further than where he started.
“So, what do you suggest?” He wouldn’t meet your eyes.
You hummed as you took another sip of your drink. “Think back, Yoongi. You’ll get there.”
He could hear the laugh in your voice. It annoyed him that you were getting so much enjoyment from his struggle, but he did as you said and let his mind wander back.
Beyond the dark well of solitude, there was light. A door opening, a smiling face with a plastic bag full of takeaway food. An insistence that he takes a break, get some fresh air. Even when he didn’t want to, he would take the offered hand and go without complaint.
He watched as time and time again, the face he saw was yours.
Maybe there was a reason he had walked to this side of town.
“I’m sorry.” He finally settled on.
“For what?”
“For everything.” He looked at you, his dark brown eyes really looking at you for the first time in months. “For pushing you away, for yelling, for-“
“You don’t have to apologise, Yoongi.”
“I do. Because you were right.”
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A year ago, Yoongi would have said he was happy. He would wake in the early hours of the morning with a smile, would whistle whilst he made dinner, and would let his fingers mindlessly dance across the keys of his keyboard in the evening. He didn’t realise that this ease had been your work. That your hand wrapped across his chest was the reason mornings were so easy, your gentle voice singing whilst he cooked, or why he sat at his keyboard in the first place.
A year ago, he had you. And the only reason why you had left was him.
Every time he stepped into Big Hit, he was reminded of the upcoming tour. 9 months of non-stop travelling. He was excited until he was told that you would not be able to come. Not when your presence could start a media frenzy if the public realised your relationship.
When he told you, he expected a fight. He expected tears. But you just nodded your head and made him promise that he would call you every day. It hurt him more than he was willing to admit, so he buried the feeling. He pretended that he was okay with your answer.
Three days before he was due to leave for tour, he broke your heart.
He didn’t intend to and, in the early hours of the morning where he had no choice but to face his thoughts, he regretted it.
Yoongi was sitting on the sofa when you had come home. You had smiled, sung out your greetings as you kicked off your shoes. But Yoongi wasn’t in the mood. He barely acknowledged you as you kissed his cheek. You tried asking him what was wrong, but he’d shrugged you off and asked about your day.
You were telling him about a customer Hwasa had dealt with; a rude one that demanded things that simply weren’t in the realm of possibility for your small little café to produce. You laughed at the witty remark Hwasa had made when he said it.
“At least you’ll always have her.” He hadn’t meant for it to sound so cold, or for it to come out at all, if he was being truly honest with himself.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You had snapped back, all the softness from your voice now gone.
You ended up arguing for the rest of the evening, both of you saying plenty of things neither of you had meant. But Yoongi had said the one thing he knew he couldn’t take back.
“I think we should take a break.”
“A break? Yoongi, you’re about to go away for nine months. That’s not a break.”
Yoongi said nothing.
“Are you – are you saying you want to end things?”
His mind wouldn’t form anything. He sat in silence, unable to meet your eye.
You didn’t say a word as you quietly turned away from him and walked into your shared bedroom.
He must have been in shock because he couldn’t make himself move. No matter how desperately he wanted to walk into the bedroom, to take you in his arms and explain that that’s not what he wanted. He couldn’t.
You came back out ten minutes later, bag in hand.
“I’m going to stay with Hwasa until you leave. My stuff will be gone by the time you get back.” You waited for him to respond, hoping that he would tell you that he was making a mistake, but he stayed in the same position.
You didn’t glance back as you left your apartment.
The moment the front door slammed shut, Yoongi collapsed in on himself. He cried for the longest time on the sofa, only stopping when Jimin knocked on the door the next morning.
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“You were right,” Yoongi repeated when you said nothing.
“I know what you said, I was just appreciating the moment,” you joked, earning you a smile.
This time when you took his hand, he did not pull away. He tried to memorise the way your hand felt in his, your warm fingers lightly dancing across his cold hands. He flipped your hand over on the table so that he could trace the lines of your palm with his index finger.
You shivered at his touch, smiling when he looked up at you.
“I miss you,” you confessed quietly.
“I miss you more.”
“Why did we break up?”
“Because I’m an idiot.”
“Yeah,” you admitted with a laugh. “But you were my idiot.”
You were lost in his eyes, entranced by the way his fingers moved across your skin.
A clap of thunder broke through the silence, quickly followed by the sound of glass smashing as Hwasa dropped her tray.
You turned to the window just in time to see the sky light up for a second before another clap of thunder sounded.
Yoongi followed your gaze and huffed. “Good thing you saved me.” He smiled at you.
You laughed. “I didn’t save you, Yoongi.”
He just smiled as he stared at your hands, continuing to lightly run his finger over your hand. He wanted to tell you that you had; more times than he could count. He just never told you. He never told you a lot of things whilst you were together.
The power cut out, sending the café into darkness. A few customers called out in surprise, but you continued to look out the window as the grey skies flashed and the clouds clashed.
Yoongi only watched you. He tried to remember your profile, the shape of your lips, and the colour of your eyes in the brief flashes of light. He knew he had to try and win you back.
He cleared his throat. You turned to face him; brow raised. Before he could say a word, the bell to the café rang out once more.
Yoongi didn’t get to see who came in as his back was to the door, but you did. You pulled your hand away from him, face lighting up with a smile as you rose to your feet quickly. Yoongi followed you with his eyes as you made your way over and flung yourself into the arms of another man.
Yoongi watched as you kissed him, laughing when he said something to you. You swatted his arm when he shook his hair out, spraying little drops of water on you.
Of course, you had moved on. Yoongi shouldn’t have been surprised. You were beautiful, kind. Your laughter was music to his ears. And he was stupid enough to let you go.
In the light of the lightning, Yoongi realised just how big of a mistake he made all those months ago.
He stood up and approached you slowly, hoping that you would acknowledge him before he had to announce himself. But you were absorbed in your conversation, your hands moving in large gestures as you told your tale.
The man you were with laughed, gently brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Hey,” Yoongi announced.
Finally, you looked at him, eyes wide as you realised that you had left him at the table. “Oh, Yoongi! Sorry, I should have introduced you.” You turned to the man beside you. “This is my boyfriend, Mark. Mark, this is my… friend, Yoongi.”
Mark smiled at him, none the wiser to your hesitation. But it struck against Yoongi’s heart like the lightning outside. Friend. He had been demoted to a friend.
Yoongi tried to smile at you, but he knew it was more like a grimace. “I have to go, but it was… nice to see you.” He didn’t wait for you to respond as he made his way out the café.
“That was Yoongi?” Mark turned to you, folding his arms across his chest as he eyed you.
“Relax, I saw him outside walking, and I told him to come inside and get warm.”
You knew Mark wanted to say more, he wanted to question everything as he had done for every male friend you had introduced him to. But the power returned, and you were all quickly distracted by the sound of Hwasa squealing in delight as the cash register turned back on.
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For Min Yoongi, there was one thing in life that he was certain of: music. It ran through his veins, coursed through his body with every beat of his heart. As he sat in front of the piano in a fresh set of clothes, hair still slightly damp, he took a deep breath. Then he started to play. The keys came easy to him. One after another until a sweet, simple melody filled his studio. He pictured your face in the morning light when things were perfect; your face the night you left. And then he pictured you today, when you greeted another man.
Music has always been easier because of you. Because you made him feel things that he wanted to capture. But now he had to come to terms with you not being in his life. He had to let you go.
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sleepymarmot · 4 years
The Untamed liveblog, eps. 8-15
The rabbit scene was already in the previous episode! What is this editing? Are these episodes from different cuts of the show or something?
Ok but I'm getting concerned for these rabbits. Did Yi feed them before? Has WWX been feeding them since then? Are they gonna be alright? This is very important!
Does the phrase that LWJ keeps really mean "How boring"? That doesn't make much sense.
Oh so that's the name of the guy who hangs out with WWX... I've been wondering for several episodes
wtf is happening in the falling petal scene
I'm getting the feeling that a full-sized adventure got condensed into two scenes. WTF does "The Yin Iron deprived the peony, the leading flower, and the true Lady Florist was held in captivity" mean???
Anyway why are you sharing this top-secret info, that even your siblings aren't allowed to know, with a buddy from your class?
Clever trick, Wen Qing!
Am I finally getting a back-to-back fight?..
So, if the statues steals people's "spiritual cognition" (=souls?), and the Wen guy making them into puppets was a separate thing, then why did their spiritual cognition return not when the statue was subdued, but when Wen's bird was killed?
Wait, since when does Jiang Cheng know about the Yin Iron?
WWX is SO offended someone wants to be more smug and insolent than him
So now they're talking openly about the Yin Iron right in front of those two strangers...
How did they start the conversation at night in one location and continue at daytime at a different location, and not the one where the characters were heading
Seriously who tf calls their castle "The Unclean Realm"
Does Xue Yang's face not get tired from non-stop smirking? Is it frozen like this? Is he this world's Joker?
omg did LWJ just smile at hearing WWX's voice
Alright, when 10 minutes ago I thought "Meng Yao, sweetie, kill that clown", this is not what I had in mind
SOMEBODY GIVE MENG YAO A HUG (after some emergency medical care) HE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG IN HIS LIFE. Can Xichen adopt him now?
Wow, the Jiangs seem to have an actually healthy family relationsh-- *the mother shows up* Uh, nevermind
Why is the Lan Grand Master suddenly dying?
LWJ gave up himself and the Iron shard just to save one traitor?!
I hope everyone enjoys their time in Morrowind! (They obviously won't)
*insert a quarantine joke here*
Wow, LWJ switched to the protective mode very unexpectedly (Is that because he just lost his entire clan and therefore the primary subject of his loyalty? and the next in line, to everyone’s surprise, was WWX?)
this beast is the least convincing special effect I've ever seen, including 60s Doctor Who
"stranded together and tending to each other's wounds while trying to repress your feelings" in a TV show instead of AO3 makes me feel like I'm in a parallel dimension
for a few wild moments I thought he was going to suck infected blood out of his leg
Just! Do! It! The long fucking stare where he's Considering killed me.
"Let's trigger your crush's PTSD to make him talk about it" and other useful therapy tricks
I really didn't get what LWJ was doing in the fight scene. He was describing a technique of killing with strings physically, right, not with the sound they produce? Which made me think he had a spare set of strings on his person, which would have been a refreshing change from all other fictional battle musicians who never carry backup, but from the montage sequence it was pretty clear he just collected bowstrings, and also iirc he summons his guqin anyway. But also it really doesn't look like he accomplished much behind injuring his own hand.
you can have hurt/comfort in both directions, as a treat
dude, just relax and don't try to make it less awkward
a whole-ass flashback to their Meet Cute, no less!
please do not flash back to That One Scene like it was something cute and ruin the whole montage
so he knew the main group escaped, then?
What's the cave timeline? Did it take the two of them several days to prepare the attack on the monster, and after WWX passed out, he hasn't awoken until the rescue, as the editing suggests? Or was there an unseen period of time where WWX and LWJ sat together in a cave, slowly dying from hunger and having no interesting conversations to show whatsoever? The former sounds a ton more convincing, but gathering arrows and bowstrings is a job for several hours, not several days...
I have already written a post about having mixed feelings in response to female characters written in a misogynistic way; here is just another example. Lady Jiang's shrill insults make me want to curl up, cover my ears and close my eyes to hide, or to shout back to chase her away. And at the same time I hate that someone deliberately presented a woman speaking her mind and reasserting her right as a co-lead of the household in an offputting way, to show how she's ruining the family by not being docile and submissive enough. And -- I still don't have anything to like in her to spite the misogynistic writing; should I invent something out of principle, or should I play along with the misogyny game?
As someone more familiar with Japan than China (fantasy or not), it breaks my brain every time I notice people wearing shoes inside lmao
For the first time in this show, after I thought "give him a hug already", a character actually did it on screen
After watching 7 episodes in one day, I am finally skipping the opening sequence for the first time
even when the mother fights the bad guys, she somehow does it in a shitty classist way. the purple whip and the combat handmaidens are cool tho
the trio screaming for their father departing to certain death was the first thing in the show to make me cry
kinda wild how the show fluctuates between: 20%: a compilation of time-tested relationship tropes :) 80%: well that was nice while it lasted but back to the plot. HELLO NAUGHTY CHILDREN IT'S PARENT DEATH AND CLAN DESTRUCTION TIME
Unrelated to anything above, I'm still hoping for a scene (maybe near the end of the flashback for maximum dramatic irony) where WWX says jokingly to LWJ "Whose funeral have you been dressing for?", with the answer hanging in the air but remaining unsaid: "Yours, Wei Wuxian" (wouldn’t work at the point I’m at rn, for example, because he’s currently mourning his entire clan)
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bran-writes · 5 years
Farm Boy Blues Ep. 1 “Welcome Home, Sunny” Pt. 3
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Sunny’s office on Ventura Way was literally home, and he was sorry he ever left it. Parking his car in its garage, Sunny keyed the door to the familiar chime and made his way in. The blast of automated air conditioner embraced him much in the same way Lacey did shortly before, welcoming him back. The place still smelled like mahogany and looked crisp. The downstairs break area he used for an armory and supply room was still neat and ordered, the lockers lining one wall while maps of Dyson City and the surrounding wastes lined the opposite one. When he crossed through to the carpet of his office, he flicked the light on and tossed his keys onto his desk, glancing around at his license hanging on the wall next to his commendations from the city for bravery and service, as well as pictures with some of his favorite clients. 
Sunny smiled and stood there for a moment, basking in the feeling of safety and familiarity. He’d come close to never seeing this place again and even though his job was naturally dangerous, this brush with death felt closer, more intimate. It was probably because, this time, he’d almost been killed by someone he trusted. He figured that would probably have an affect on someone’s outlook. 
Turning the light back off, Sunny took his shoes off and walked wearily up stairwell behind his desk, anxious to sit down in his chair upstairs. Yet, halfway up the stairs was when he got the feeling that he wasn’t alone. It was a small shuffling that lasted for a few seconds and was barely audible under the air conditioning, but Sunny was sure he heard it. 
There was only one person he knew who could get into his office without leaving a trace. That person wasn’t a threat to him as far as Sunny knew, but just to be sure, he drew his handgun and held it at his side as he walked the rest of the way up. 
The first thing Sunny noticed was that his place wasn’t ransacked or even disturbed. To his right was his living room, where his TV, personal computer desk, couch and favorite chair was. The kitchen was to the right and both the bar counter and wooden island were as clean as he’d left him. His fridge, however, was slightly ajar- enough that the light was still on. Sunny checked the trash can to see one of his empty beer bottles sitting at the bottom when, straight ahead from the direction of his bedroom and bathroom, he heard more noises, someone clearing their throat and a toilet flushing. 
Rolling his eyes and tossing his shoes to the floor, Sunny sighed and leaned against the bar counter. There was the sound of a sink running before that too stopped. 
Special Agent Grafton Ellis walked out of Sunny’s bedroom, waving his hands at his side, air drying them. “You’re out of paper towels in there.”
Sunny gave the man a once over and noticed his expertly pressed and creased pants, clean button-up and crisp tie. “And you’re wearing shoes in my apartment.”
“Yeah, sorry, I forgot. I won’t be long.”
The man hadn’t changed much in the years Sunny knew him. He must have been at least thirty-five by now with reddish brown hair, piercing green eyes accompanied by unflattering dark rings and a crooked smile amidst his perpetual stubble. A long, ragged scar crossed the side of his neck down to his clavicle. The man hadn’t changed much at all. He still looked tired as ever. 
Agent Ellis took a seat at the bar and sighed, clasping his hands together. He looked bored. 
“Y’know, coming to terms with the fact that our new government, and by extension, the Bureau, is gonna have me keeping tabs on you until they’re 100% sure you’re not some sleeper agent for The Commonwealth,” Ellis said in a completely conversational and non-accusatory tone which made Sunny want to throw his shoes at him, “I’ve accepted that I’m in for many a frustrating day. Whether it’s responding to reports of you having gunfights with thieves inside the city wall or trying to find out where the hell you’ve been for the past four months- it’s always something.”
“Gotta mix it up somehow,” Sunny shrugged, holstering his handgun.
“True. I will say you keep things exiting- I suppose I should be grateful.” 
Ellis took a moment to stare around at the apartment, his legs swinging from the bar stool nonchalantly. “What do you want, Ellis?”
“I guess we could start with where you’ve been?”
“Look. I’m hurt, I’m tired and I just want some rest. Can we not fuck around right now? You know where I was. You probably tracked me coming into the city, too.”
Ellis regarded Sunny for a moment while the young man waited for a response. Finally the agent shrugged. “Fine, why were you there?”
Sunny chewed his lip for a moment. He’d known Ellis since he was eleven years old. He met him the day after The Commonwealth fell. It wasn’t that Sunny didn’t trust Agent Ellis- it was that he didn’t feel like going into it at the moment. He was far too close to what happened to discuss it openly, he realized. He just wanted a day or two’s distance before giving the federal agent the debriefing he was sent here for. 
“Was that too direct for you?” Ellis smirked. Sometimes, Sunny wanted to punch him in his face. He unclipped his gun from his belt and placed it on the counter before heading into the kitchen, kicking his fridge all the way closed. He picked through a cabinet for his bottle of whiskey and two glasses. 
“New York or Chicago?” Sunny called over his shoulder. 
Sunny nodded, he liked his drinks the same way. Forgoing the chaser in the fridge, Sunny poured whiskey in both glasses then slid one across the bar to Ellis, who nodded thankfully. “I was out there, with Mia, because she asked me to leave with her.”
“Is that right?”
Sunny sat in his chair and sank into the cushions with a sigh. From this seat he could see the city outside through his large window- a perk he’d noticed when he first rented the office. He had a pretty good view of the hills and the beach from here. At night, the street and building lights dotted the window like multi-colored jewels set in a satin cloth. Sunny eyed his glass, lazily tilting the liquid back and forth. 
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” Sunny held back the hurt in his voice, along with the tears he almost lost from his carefully tended reservoir. 
“I just want to know what happened, kid. Give me that, and I’ll write the report and be out of your hair. Hell, at this point they might not even ask for a report.”
“She said she was going straight.”
“So she showed up promising a new life without the crime?”
“Said that she was ready to just be with me and she didn’t need any of that other stuff. She didn’t need the money or the lavish lifestyle bullshit. She just wanted me,” Sunny took a swig of whiskey and grimaced, the instant warmth cascading down his chest. 
“Four months in and I find out she’d already made plans to rob the federal reserve transport trucks while they crossed the desert. I told her she was fucking crazy, and all she kept saying was how with this one job we’d be set for life.” Sunny stared at his reflection in his own drink before shrugging and taking another swig. “Stupid me, right?”
“So what, she tried to get you on a job and you just said no?”
Sunny scoffed. “I burned the charges her and her little buddies were planning on using for the roadside bombs. Her crew realized they were gone before I could get out of there, though. She asked if I did it, I said yeah. She put two bullets in my chest and left me on the side of the road.”
Without saying a word, Ellis stood and moved over to sit on the arm of the couch. Sunny unbuttoned the top of his Hawaiian shirt and showed Ellis the stitches, not daring to look down himself just yet.
“Jesus, Keaton…”
“A family on vacation found me and took me to one of the doctors out there. He go the bullets out and had me lay up for a few days before I could move on my own. I just got back to town today.”
Ellis sat back and rubbed his chin for a moment, eying Sunny’s bullet wounds. He took a swig of whiskey and played with the glass between his fingers. The two were quiet for a few, long moments before Ellis cleared his throat. “I don’t suppose you’ll finally wise up, will you?”
Sunny looked at Agent Ellis and hoped the man could see the annoyance in his face. Wise up… What an asshole. “Fuck you.”
Ellis shook his head, “You know, I’m probably going to regret saying this, but I hope this has taught you a little about yourself. And I hope you realize that maybe, just maybe, your life is worth a lot to the people who care about you… Clearly you feel like you’re not worth much at all.”
“How do I know?” Sunny mumbled, almost choking on the words. 
“Know what?”
“That my life is worth a lot. Or anything for that matter…”
“Well, the contrary is usually what happens when our mind starts working against itself. Luckily we have eyes and ears that often give is the hints we need, we just gotta take it for what it is.”
“Easier said than done.”
“For sure. But how about starting here,” Ellis cleared his throat, “What are you more afraid of? Those stitches or the Commonwealth ID number tattooed to your chest.”
Despite himself, Sunny allowed himself the smallest of smiles. “Probably the gunshot wounds.”
“Which means that being a Farm Boy- being the former property of The Commonwealth doesn’t feel as bad as it used to be. It matters less and less. That’s a good a place as any to be, don’t you think?”
Ellis didn’t give him a chance to answer, but stood up and set his tumbler on the bar. “Out of my hair already, eh?”
“I’ll give my superiors the run down,” Ellis shrugged, walking towards the stairwell. “You might have to go let the police take photos of your injuries. You’ll be down at the precinct tomorrow anyways, though.”
“Why’s that?”
Ellis turned around, brows furrowed. “Your contractor recertification…”
“Ah, shit.”
“Hey, luckily you passed your 5th year last time, so it’s just marksmanship certification for the next couple years for you. But you know the rules- to keep getting contracts from the police you’ll need a re-cert every twelve.”
“Maybe I should have just stayed in the desert,” Sunny stood and followed the man to the stairwell. He leaned on the banister as Ellis descended into his office area. 
“I’m sure Detective Dodson would eventually come find you,” Ellis chuckled. 
“What can I say,” Sunny smiled, “We’re madly in love.”
“You do know how to pick ‘em.”
Sunny watched as the man opened the front door and glanced out for a moment before stopping. Ellis looked up at him and took a deep breath. 
“Hey, for the record, I guess… Add me to that list.”
“What list?”
“The list of people that care about you. It’s a no-go for handlers to grow attached to you guys, but I’ve known you since you were a kid, so I don’t know what to tell you. You’ve come a long way since we met… I just don’t want to have to ID your body at the morgue one day.”
“Thanks, Ellis.”
“Just be careful, okay?”
“Will do.”
And just like that- the door was shut and Ellis was gone. The silence folded around Sunny like a suffocating smog. He turned back to his bar counter and downed the rest of the whiskey before shuffling back to his room, the weight of the day and his injuries making every step a trial. 
Sunny’s room was dark and cool when he made it back there- just the way he liked it. He wanted to see his posters and maps and space ship blueprints on the wall. He wanted to see his desk and shelf of keep-sakes. But he also wanted to lay in the dark for a while. 
He chose the latter. 
The moment Sunny laid his head down on his pillow, the tears broke through and poured down the sides of his face. He felt powerless to stop crying, but at this point, he didn’t want to. Best to get it all out. 
Everything bouncing around in his mind assaulted him at once and he was having trouble collating it all, having trouble answering his own questions. 
Why did she do that?
Why can’t I ever get things right?
Why can’t I ever make the right decision?
Hell, why can’t the right decision ever find me for once? 
Why do I have to struggle like this? 
How do I make it stop?
Why do I still have feelings for the person who keeps leaving me in the dust?
Goddammit, Sunny. 
Sunny’s phone vibrating in his pocket shook him out of his downward spiral. He fished it out, planning on ignoring whoever it was before reading the contact name flashing on his screen:
Big Sexy
Sunny was so happy to see that name that he wanted to cry harder, which made him laugh at the ridiculous nature of Collin Talbot’s contact name, but he had no intention of changing it in the near future. 
Without hesitation, Sunny hit accept and put the phone to his ear, waiting with still breath to hear his best friend’s voice.
“Yyyyeelllooww, Sunny? Sun-tzu?”
Sunny smiled, “I’m here, man.”
“Ah, great,” said Collin on the other end. There was a pause before Collin continued. “You okay?”
“No,” Sunny surprised himself, once again, by not choking on his words. Yet, he knew Collin picked up on it. 
“What happened? Where are you?”
“Back home.”
Again, another silence. Collin was trying to figure out what to say or how to ask what happened with Mia. “Do you want me to come to the city?”
Of course he knew what to say.
“I’d like that.”
“Say no more, give me a couple days. Should I get a suite or come to your place?”
“My place is fine…”
“Alright, well I’ll get to you as soon as possible. Like I said, two days at the most. Here’s what I’m thinking, you ready?”
“I’ll catch a flight, land in Dyson, stop by the grocery store, pick up some food because your sorry ass still can’t cook, and then we’ll eat and drink and you can tell me about what’s going on. Sound good?”
“That sounds fucking beautiful.” 
“My man. Anyways, I’ll let you go cause I have to go wrap up this test flight. I just wanted to check in on you.”
“Thank you, Collin.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Just… Hang on until I get there, okay?”
“Sure thing.”
“Peace out, brotha.”
Collin hung up just as the sounds of a single passenger ship engine flared up in the background. Sunny stared at the phone for a moment before setting it on his night stand. 
That was that. All he had to do was wait for Collin. Maybe Ellis was right, maybe his friends really did see the value that Sunny didn’t. Maybe he’d be okay. Sunny almost kicked himself for the way he’d lost hope in them moments before. He turned over on his side and closed his eyes, ready to sleep and start the next day. 
Contractor recertification.
Pick up TK from the Trey’s shop.
Swing by the coffee shop the next morning to see if his coffee buddy would still be showing up after four months of him being gone. 
And then Collin would be here.
That, Sunny decided, was easy enough. He had a plan. He had a way out of the confusion and pain. He just had to stay focused. He just had to live. It shouldn’t be hard, he thought. He’d been doing it pretty well so far. 
@writerinafury @oneleggedflamingo @carmina-solis @anomaly00 @neirawrites
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ghostiesfiles · 6 years
Spanish Lessons (Shyan Oneshot)
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It’s finally done, oof, I hope I did the prompt justice! Click (here) if you’d rather read it on ao3!
“This is ridiculous!”
Ryan grinned, offering an innocent shrug, “Why?! I think it’s more inviting if we speak their native tongue. If you were a ghost and two strange men walked into your home speaking a different language, would you come out?”
Shane rolled his eyes, trying to hide his amused smile with the palm of his hand. “Well, it wouldn’t really matter whether or not it’s more “inviting,”” He used his free hand to make air quotes, “because we’ll be talking to the dust, but sure. Okay!” Despite his berating, his eyes were bright and his tone was nothing short of playful.
Ryan shook his head, laptop in hand, walking over to the table Shane was slumped over, “Either way…” He pushed the computer to a slight angle so he could better see the taller man as they sat, “I think the fans will appreciate it! We dressed as pilgrims in Salem, we’ll speak Spanish when we’re at Mission Solano.”
“Mm, alrighty then. Teach me, Señor.” Shane sat back in his chair, his right arm staying comfortably draped atop the table.
Ryan didn’t look up from his laptop, only muttering a gentle, “Shut up, Shane,” as he sorted through his documents. His face was illuminated with a soft blue wash from the screen, skin glowing. The lights in Ryan’s dining room seemed to project stars into his dark eyes, his smile even brighter than usual.
Shane’s skin felt warm all of a sudden, and he rubbed the back of his neck to try to chase the blush away.
Blush? Why was he blushing? What the fuck? Maybe he had been drinking too much beer when they rewatched The Shining? To be fair, he had never been fantastic at staying levelheaded even if he only indulged in a small amount. Still… He didn’t typically get rosy-cheeked, not this suddenly, at least…
“Okay! So, I thought we could start with a few easy things, ya know, the basics.” Ryan turned to face Shane fully, “What do you already know?”
“Uh…” Shane’s head was foggy, clouded by the weird internal line of questions he was throwing at himself because, really, why the fuck was he blushing? “I don’t know much. Hola, gracias, adios… Tacos?”
Ryan grimaced, not only was Shane’s accent bad – like really bad – but he knew… to put it bluntly, near nothing. “Okay, well, at least you didn’t list off Chipotle’s menu, but, yikes, dude.”
Shane raised his hands, defensively, “Listen! I know I’m pitiful, but I’m here to learn! Not to be harassed.”
The shorter man smirked, “Noted,” He scrolled down on his laptop, biting his lower lip, thoughtfully.
Maybe the A.C. wasn’t working? That could be it!
Shane’s eyes flickered to the hall that held the thermostat, but he didn’t bother saying anything. Instead, he undid a few of the buttons on his flannel and pushed up his sleeves. It really must be the room, yeah? But when he glanced back at Ryan, the man rubbing his hand across the soft stubble lining his chin, he felt the heat cross over him again.
“Alright, repeat after me: Me llamo…”
Shane’s mouth was suddenly quite dry, voice shaky, “May hamo?”
Ryan opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it again, an unmasked cringe falling over his features, “Uh… Kind of? Let's try this in parts. Me,”
“Me.” Shane echoed.
Ryan nodded, “Llamo.”
“Me llamo… Uh,” He looked away under the pressure of the gaze, “Shane?”
“There ya go!”
Shane didn’t look up, instead, he focused on the way his beer was sweating with condensation, “Sorry, man, I get kinda… self-conscious when speaking other languages, especially when I’m rusty.”
“Hey,” Ryan leaned forward, reaching out his hand.
Shane’s eyes went straight to the approaching appendage, his breath catching in his throat.
“You don’t have to worry, dude. I’m not gonna bully you… too much.” He grinned, his hand hovering in midair for a moment before snagging up his beer. “I promise, you have nothing to worry about.”
“Thanks, Ry.” Shane’s fingers twitched as if disappointed by the lack of contact.
Fuck, this was not good.
“I brought taco bell!” Ryan smiled, brandishing the two bags proudly as he walked to Shane’s kitchen bar.
“Oooh, yes! I’d say it was fitting for the occasion, but I feel as if that’s insulting.” The taller man grabbed a handful of paper towels as he walked out of the kitchen.
“Considering I’m the one teaching you, I’d say this,” Ryan raised the bag, “Is an accurate representation of my justice to the culture.”
Shane wheezed, snagging his order, excitedly. “So, what’ve you got for me today, Teach?”
Ryan swallowed his mouthful of taco with a smile, “I figured I’d teach you how to ask a couple questions just in case you want to use them when we do our time apart. Okay?”
Shane nodded, taking a sip of his soda.
“Alright,” Ryan picked up a napkin, “In case someone–”
“Someone, mhm.”
The shorter man rolled his eyes with a grumble, “Shut up, Shane.”
Shane bit his bottom lip to hide his cheeky smirk.
“In case someone or something makes a sound, and you want to ensure it was reliable say ‘qué.’”
“Qué. It just means ‘what,’ right?”
“Yup!” Ryan took another bite of his food, “I figured it was just worth knowin. Next,”
Shane watched as Ryan retrieved a set of note cards from his pocket, small, illegible scribbles ran across them.
This had become a bit of a thing since three weeks ago, they’d decided to meet up on Fridays and practice a bit of Spanish before inevitably getting sucked up into some conversation that was not about the future video or Shane’s atrocious pronunciations.
It was nice to just get to hang out, they hadn’t been able to in a while.
“Dónde estás?” Ryan waited for a response, eyes still skimming his notes as he licked the salsa off his fingers, but none came.
Shane’s face wasn’t just warm, no, it was scalding, throat thick, and tongue heavy. He tried to say something, do something to signal he was coherent, but he couldn’t stop staring. His thoughts were running a mile a minute. God, he must seem like such a weirdo.
“Uhh,” His voice caught in his throat, cracking pitifully, and he coughed to hide the deepening redness in his cheeks, “Dóndayy estás?”
Ryan blinked, slowly, brows raised, “Dónde.”
“Dónde. Got it, haha! Yeah, whoops.” Shane turned away, picking up his garbage and throwing it into the bin. He didn’t turn back around, he just let the bashful heat spread over him.
“Are you okay, man?” The voice was distant, a lost dream.
“Yeah!” Shane still didn’t move, his friend’s eyes were heavy on his shoulders, “…Fine.” The contrast in volume between the two words definitely wasn’t helping his case. The first a defensive explosion, the second a weak whisper.
“Shane, talk to me, you seem… Off. Am I intruding? Should we stop these lessons?”
“No!” Shane spun around, his face still a bit flushed, “No. I-I think they're fun, I’m just tired. I think-I think I might be comin’ down with something.”
Ryan eyed him suspiciously, hands still clutching the note cards. His gaze ran up and down Shane, trying to inspect for any noticeable explanations as to why this whole thing was as odd as it was. “Uh, okay. Should I… Should I go? I don’t wanna stop you from getting your rest.”
He wanted to say ‘no!’, he wanted to say ‘Ryan, please stay,’ he wanted to explain ‘listen, dude, I’m having some strangely non-platonic thoughts about you, but I’ll get it under control. Let’s just chill!’. Instead, though, he swallowed the cotton balls that seemed to be clogging his throat and shakily said, “Yeah, I think that’s for the best tonight.”
Ryan’s tongue flickered over his bottom lip, again, his eyes a bit wider, a bit sadder, “No problem, man, sorry for forcing all this on you.” He began turning away, grabbing his jacket off the back of the chair, “I should’ve talked to you about it first.”
Shane stretched out his hand, but he was just too far to reach his friend, “Ryan–”
Ryan spun to face Shane, but continued backing towards the door, “You don’t have to do that, say it’s not my fault, I mean. I know I’ve been a bit much for this ep’s preparation. I’ll see you Monday, right?”
The taller man didn't say anything, too at a loss for words as he watched Ryan slip through his fingers and out the door. He tossed a wave over his head and clambered into the car. Shane didn’t leave the doorway, not until the car was long gone down the road, and his fingers started to feel the chill of the air.
God, he was really fucking this up. He needed to fix this.
Kelsey wanted to grab margaritas at a small Mexican restaurant with some of the Buzzfeed gang, so instead of doing their usual Friday hangouts, Ryan suggested they go there and practice a few basic phrases. Shane tried to tell himself that Ryan just didn’t want to bum Kelsey out by not going, but he could tell that the real reason his friend had insisted they go was so Ryan could prove to himself that he wasn’t forcing Shane into an uncomfortable situation.
They hadn’t talked that much the past week, and, honestly, Shane felt like he was suffering from withdrawal. He felt generally shitty, but, on top of that, every time he saw Ryan his heart sped up like he was crashing. He would stare like Ryan was the cure to all his troubles, and yet he could formulate a coherent sentence that didn’t either a. make him sound like a pining high schooler or b. make him come off as a dick.
So, he decided to keep his mouth shut. For better or worse, he wasn’t sure.
That’s why he was now here, walking into the ‘restaurant’ which was more bar than anything else. His hair was groomed and he had changed into a darker blue button down, something he rarely ever bothered to do. His footsteps were distant, eyes scanning for his group. Hands clammy in his pockets.
Kelsey’s fluffy mane caught Shane’s eye first, her purple romper second. She had a dark plum lip proudly on display that made the smile she gave her boyfriend even brighter.
“Shane!” She grinned, waving him over. “Hey, man! Ryan’s been lookin’ for you, he’s by the bar.”
“Thanks.” He smiled, trying to hide the nerves bubbling in his chest. He wanted to say something to prove that Ryan didn’t need to feel guilty or whatever, but he also didn’t know how to do that without confessing that he was feeling… less than heterosexual, at the moment.
“Heyyyy, big guy!” Ryan was tucked into the corner of the bar, a margarita in hand, and a few empty glasses of various sizes surrounding him.
“Hey, man, how’s it goin’? I heard you were lookin' for me.” Shane took the open barstool beside his friend, studying the rosy tint to his face.
Ryan snuggled deeper into his grey hoodie, his white cap hiding his eyes. “Ohhhh, yeah… I just wanted to spend time with my buddy!” There was a slight slur to his words that Shane could only assume was due to the contents of the now empty cups. “I just… I miss hangin’ out with ya, man! I thought teachin’ ya Ssspanish would, uhhhh, be funnnn… But I-I feel like I’ve been a bad friend.” He finally looked up from beneath the visor, his brown eyes wide and apologetic.
Shane leaned in, draping his arm over the bar, “What? Why?”
Ryan shrugged, sulkily, trying to avoid the heavy pressure of Shane’s gaze. “I dunno… I just… I feel like I haven’t let you do anything you want to do. So lo siento.”  He waited for a response, eyes dragging up to Shane’s, slowly, only to be met with furrowed brows and confused eyes, “Oh! That means I’m sorryyyy.”
Shane chuckled, placing a hand atop his friend’s, “Ryan… You don’t have to be sorry. I love spending time with you I just,” Shane bit his bottom lip, he could just… say it. Right now.
He almost did, too, lips parting to reveal his truths, but then the logic sank back in.
Ryan was drunk, drunk off his ass, and there were two logical ways this could go.
The first would be that Ryan wouldn't even remember come tomorrow, and they’d have to do this whole thing over again. The second… the second would be that in this drunken stupor he wouldn’t take it well. Having a friend–gay or straight–tell you they like you when you obviously don’t reciprocate those feelings can wreck a friendship. Not to mention a best friendship. If Ryan got overwhelmed or felt, God forbid, betrayed while drunk, who knew what would happen?
“…I’ve had a lot on my mind, and all the stress makes me kinda weird. So, please don’t think this is your fault. I want you to come over next Friday and teach me some more Spanish.” Shane turned to pull his arm away, but Ryan stopped him, taking the arm and using it to pull the taller man into a hug.
“You’re the best, Shaneee!” Ryan’s touch was warm and electric, and Shane couldn’t help but let out an audible gasp.
He held his arms out, awkwardly, for a moment before returning the embrace. He tried to focus on the endearing wholesomeness of the moment and not the way his heart had begun hammering in his chest, not the way the redness was surely creeping across his cheeks.
Ryan didn’t move to pull away, simply snuggling into the taller man’s neck with a hot sigh, the warmth of which sent chills down Shane’s spine.
“Hey, Ryan… I’ve gotta… I’ve gotta head out, I have some, uh, stuff to catch up on early tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Ryan pouted, sadly.
Shane smiled down gently at his friend, “I need you to let me go.”
Ryan’s rosy flush grew brighter and he shook his head to hide his bashful smile, “Oh, haha, yeah.”
Shane caught Ryan’s gaze once more, a goodbye ready on his tongue, but those eyes… Those eyes, filled with summer constellations, stole the breath from his lungs. Those eyes, a blend of mocha coffee and autumn leaves, took the words from his mouth. Those eyes, a gentle reminder that through everything–film shoots and arguments and paperwork–they had each other, sent sparks all the way to his toes.
Fuck… He really liked his best friend.
He had to tell him.
Every day this week was like a taunting reminder that something was off. Ryan seemed less hurt, but still distant, and Shane couldn’t stop replaying that fucking hug. It was just a bro™ moment, and yet every time he thought back on it he was fucking blushing again!
Shane suggested they meet at Ryan’s, that way when he was done thoroughly embarrassing himself he could escape. He didn’t need his very straight friend to feel uncomfortable in his presence any longer than necessary.
Fuck, what was he doing? Was this all worth risking the very good thing they had going?
Shane shifted from foot to foot outside Ryan’s door, hand raised halfway. He could do this. He could.
Tentatively, he offered three knocks, his bottom lip held tightly between his teeth.
“It’s open!” Ryan chirped.
Shane ran a hand through his wild hair before stepping into the small hallway.
“Hey! Your roommates out?” Shane glanced around the empty living room, eyeing the movie posters that decorated the walls.
“Hm? Oh, yeah, they went out to a friend’s party.” Ryan emerged from the kitchen, with a pair of beers.
Shane nodded a wordless thank you, taking the beer from the shorter man. “You didn’t tag along?”
He shrugged, “Nah, I had to teach my best pal some Español!”
The pair ventured over to Ryan’s large grey sectional, asking casual questions about meetings and non-work related events. Ryan listened to Shane gush about an Arctic Monkeys’ concert, a gentle, dissociative glaze resting over his eyes.
Shane paused, letting the arm he had been flailing excitedly fall to his side, “What’s wrong, man?”
Ryan shrugged, “Did… Did I do something wrong? I know you said you liked doing these Spanish lessons and that you’ve just been stressed, but… it seemed like you were avoiding me all week and I can’t figure out what I did.”
Shane opened his mouth to speak, to mutter reassuring whispers, but his throat tightened. He had to say it. He had to.
“Ryan… Shit, I’m gonna screw this up, but… Bear with me, okay?”
Ryan nodded slowly, brows drawn together and lips parted in a small ‘o.’ “Uh… Okay?”
Shane couldn’t bear the pressure of his gaze, eyes flickering down to his hands. He felt oddly quite small like this, “Me encantas, Ryan… Me gustas… Mucho.” He took a shaky breath before risking a vulnerable glance at his friend.
Ryan’s mouth had gone from the small ‘o’ to a widen gape, eyes bright and stunned. “Do you… Do you know what you just said?”
Shane laughed nervously, “I talked to Curly, so… honestly, I’m not 100% sure, and my accent is, well… horrid, but I think so.”
“You… You like me? Like… Romantically?”
Shane chuckled, an anxious, shaky chuckle, “I, uh, yeah… Yeah, I do. And if you don’t like me, that’s chill, dude! Don’t worry about it! I just… That is why I’ve been so weird lately… So, I’m sorry if this makes things weird, I totally understand if you don’t–”
Ryan hastily silenced Shane, pressing his lips against the taller man’s. The kiss was gentle, a delicate touch, and just as Ryan began to pull away Shane came to. He grasped a fistful of Ryan’s collar, pulling him in closer, their lips fitting together with a bit more ferocity than before. He clung to his friend like this was all a dream slipping through his grasp, the fervor of his movements showing his desperation.
Ryan’s head fell back with the pressure, a shaky, excited breath escaping him. His fingers curled into Shane’s hair, allowing his lips to part. They fought for dominance now like they did with all things, fully and with every intention of winning.
Shane finally pulled away, his forehead resting against Ryan’s, “So…”
Their breaths were heavy, eyes fluttering open through a moonstruck haze,
“A mí también me gustas… I like you too, Shane.” Ryan grinned, a giddy giggle escaping him. “Fuck, man,” He sunk back into the couch, “I thought you were pissed at me or somethin… But you just had a lil crush on me!” The smug look on his face was unbearable.
“Oh, fuck you,” Shane muttered, but despite the venomous words his tone held nothing but genuine adoration and the kiss he planted on the shorter man’s lips was nothing short of tender.
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ficsandsticks · 6 years
Two Surprises
A/N. another non requested imagine that I really enjoyed writing. I have some social media edits coming soon. I’ve been in the writing mood lately. I would love some requests. I keep doing Harry because he is my current obsession lol sorry.
Summary: You are being interviewed by Ellen and long time friend Harry decides to surprise you. You play a game and find out another surprise.
Word Count: 1,800
You could practically feel your blood pumping through your veins. You were about to go onstage to be interviewed by the one and only Ellen Degeneres. She was your favorite interviewer and you wanted to be completely calm and yourself for this interview. Sadly fate was not on your side. You became famous quite quickly, with the release of your first album, Breakaway, and were still very nervous and jittery when it came to interviews. Adding Ellen on top of already existing social anxiety was a disaster waiting to happen. You knew Ellen had a way with people and tended to make them comfortable so you were banking on her to make you feel comfy. Yet you couldn’t stop bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet. You had spent the entire day waiting for this moment practically jumping around in pure excitement when your stylist was trying to do your hair and makeup. Luckily you managed to calm down slightly in order to become presentable. As soon as you stood on the shoot waiting for Ellen to introduce you, all your excitement from before had turned into anxiousness. You could hear Ellen talking to the crowd and were motioned by one of the stagehands to begin your walk to the seats “Everyone please welcome Miss Y/N L/N!” Ellen motioned to her right to which you were emerging and walking toward her. She was even better in person. A major fangirl moment for you as you tried to control your shaky nervousness. Ellen gave you a quick hug and motioned for you to sit down. Cheers erupted as soon as you came out and did not die out until you sat down. You didn’t realized everyone was a fan of you and it warmed your heart seeing everyone. Ellen began to speak but since you were so wrapped up in yourself, you didn’t hear what she had to say. You stared at her dumbfounded before squeaking out a small, “what?” The crowd laughed as did Ellen. Ellen shook her head and repeated what she said. “I said you look a little bit nervous” You laughed at that, relaxing a little bit now that you had began talking. “Yeah I am! I am a huge fan of you, Ellen and sitting here, having the privilege to be interviewed by you is something so astonishing” You rambled on about how much you liked her before Ellen chuckled which silenced you from your excessive talking. You cursed yourself in your head for rambling about stupid stuff that had nothing to do with why you were here. “Well Y/N, I am a big fan of yours! I love the way you have with words and everything you do. Not to mention you are simply stunning, but I am married so I will not continue. Tell us about your new album, Breakaway.” You laughed along with the crowd, you had almost completely relaxed and started to enjoy yourself being in the presence of Ellen. “Yup, My album is so amazing and I’m really proud of it. I worked incredibly hard and collaborated with some amazing songwriters and artists. The entire process of constructing my album up to having it sell to you guys has been such a blast.” “I’m glad. I absolutely love your album and it seems like the fans do as well. You have sold millions of copies in a very short while. Congratulations on that!” You blushed. You had sold many copies very quickly and you liked to be modest about that as you didn’t think you would gain this much of a following with your album only being out for in less than a year. Of course you had a couple singles and an EP but this was your first major album.
“Thank you Ellen, it means a lot coming from you.” “Now back to the amazing artists you worked with. Is a certain curly haired former Band member one of those said artists?” Ellen smirked. You looked down in an attempt to hide your reddening cheeks. Harry Styles was one of your good friends and has been since 2014. You met him at a party you sneakily got into, before you were famous, because your friend bet you that you couldn’t. You guys met and immediately hit it off becoming very good friends and spending a lot of time together. You had developed a huge crush on him as anyone would but neither the press nor he knew about it, you tried to keep in on the down-low as celebrity relationships never lasted long. So you stayed being friends with him. In fact. When you had told him you wanted to get into singing and writing songs, he helped write one of your singles and you tried to help him on his solo album. Ellen was waiting for an answer, smirk growing larger as the seconds of silence increased. “Yes, Harry helped me on one of the songs and I couldn’t be more happy with how the song turned out. He was absolutely amazing to work with and one of my very good friends.” Ellen nodded taking in what you said, you could tell she didn’t believe the friend part but she let it go. “Staying on the Harry topic, how good of friends are you? We’ve seen many photos of you guys hanging out, some with the band back in ‘14 and some of you alone on the set of Dunkirk. Care to comment on those?” You knew she was grilling you and you weren’t about to budge. “Harry and I hang out as often as we can, we are really good friends and try to find time for each other despite our busy schedules.” You repeated. “Does he ever surprise you when he’s in town?” You pondered that question for a few seconds trying to recall if he had ever surprised you. “No I don’t think so he—”
Before you could finish your answer, two hands landed on either shoulder, scaring the ever living crap out of you. You let out a high pitched scream before turning around, only to be greeted with a familiar mop of brown curly hair and a body hunched over from laughter. You scowled at Harry. “Not funny,” You pouted. Harry just laughed harder. “Sorry love, couldn’t pass up on the chance of scaring you when Ellen asked.” You rolled your eyes as Ellen cut to a commercial. You embraced Harry as the stage crew brought out a loveseat to swap the chair you were previously sitting on. Harry’s strong arms wrapped around your waist as he squeezed tightly, almost not wanting to let you know. Harry had been crushing on you since he met you at that A-list party in London in 2014. He got a kick out of how you had gotten in and vowed to himself to get to know you. As you guys became better friends and hung out with the Band more, everyone could tell he was falling for you– except you. Harry kept the embrace for a little longer than a normal friend hug making sure to whisper in your ear how stunning you looked. “You look beautiful Y/N.” The heat rose to your cheeks for the third time this interview as you pulled away from Harry, immediately feeling the lack of warmth. The interview continued now with Harry sitting next to you, a friendly arm thrown over the back of the love seat. Ellen asked him about his new album and the songs that he helped you with. Harry seemed very happy to talk to Ellen and incorporate you into almost every sentence he said. Not that you noticed or anything. Finally towards the end of the Interview, Ellen decided to end with a game. “Okay lovebirds the last thing I would like to do with you is play a little game. If you guys are up for it?” Both you and Harry nodded, cheeks slightly tinted red.
“Perfect! This game is called Never Have I Ever” Harry softly cursed under his breath but your ears  picked it up. Butterflies arose in your stomach as Ellen handed you the paddle for the game. It started out quite innocent with Never Have I Evers like “Never have I ever lied about my age to get into somewhere” or “Never have I ever used a disguise in order to hide from paparazzi”, but then it began to turn a little inappropriate with questions about hookups. You were definitely not innocent and turned your paddle to “I have” on some that shocked the crowd and Harry. “You’ve done a body shot?” Harry raised one perfectly sculpted eyebrow at you in question. You nodded sheepishly folding underneath that questioning brow. Harry shook his head while his paddle stayed on the “I have never” side. Ellen was enjoying this a little too much as she said the last one. “Now this is the last one, you ready?,” we both nodded. “Never Have I Ever been in love with someone and scared to tell them” You tried to stop your eyes from widening too much. This question was asking for trouble and Ellen knew it. You snuck a glance at Harry, desperately hoping he spoke the truth. You decided to go for broke and the bold choice, turning your paddle to I have just as Harry did the same thing. You both look at each other’s paddles before looking up into each other’s eyes. You knew he was talking about you and he knew you were talking about him. All these years of friendship and secretly wanting each other blew away as you stared into Harry’s sparkling green eyes. You both snapped out the trance as Ellen began to close up the show, thanking you both for coming. You waved to the crowd and rushed off stage with Harry close on your heels. Once backstage you turned to face Harry. Harry, not knowing you were about to stop and turn around, almost rammed into you and grabbed your waist steadying you from falling. “Y/N” He whispered gazing into you, admiring the unique beauty that was yourself.
“Harry” You breathed back appreciating the way your name formed on his lips. “Y/N I can’t say how much I love yo—“ You didn’t let him finish his proclamation. You pressed your lips against his soft lips savoring the moment that took years to arrive. Harry reciprocated by slipping his tongue between your lips, with your allowance, deepening the kiss. You pulled away when air became a necessity to survive. You smiled and knew that this was the best day of your life.   “I love you too Harry” Someone from behind you started clapping. Pulling apart quickly you turned to see Ellen widely smirking. “Glad I could get you two together. I thought I was going to have to lock you two in a room”
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braywashed · 6 years
Since I’ve been putting it off due to lingering sicky feels, etc.
Here’s the far too long and far too unedited and written at 4am vacation rundown NO ONE ASKED FOR! (huzzah!)
So, yeah. I arrived at the new Amtrak station in the city which is a major upgrade from the trailer park reject of station the old one was. Way roomier. Could use a coffee stand or something but yeah. Improvement. Had to go underground under the tracks and back up to get to the very cold surface, it must suck in the winter.
About an hour, hour and a half into the trip I quickly realized that a.) all I wanted to do was sleep, and b.) that my throat was burning. I assumed this was due to the absurdly cold, non-stop dry ass air conditioning, but no. This bitch got sick for her entire trip. On the plus side I had the seats to myself for the majority of the trip, but still. I barely watched any CR or anything because I was miserable the entire time. Ya don’t wanna be miserable for 10+ hours on a train.
Got to Boston, to @conniecorleone‘s frightening apartment stairs. My bag was way too heavy and she troopered through taking it up them for me without dying. So if you ever need a tank in battle, call Rachel.
Hung out a little. Ordered some Five Guys. Watched a couple episodes of the first season of American Horror Story. I get the appeal but also never needed to see Dermot Mulroney’s ass.
Rach was busy with work stuff a lot early in the week, not helped by some dumbass school shooting threat the week before and kept apologizing while still going above and beyond as a hostess while I just felt guilty for getting snot on her sheets.
Day two I colored a bit. I can do a wicked water gradient with erasable colored pencils, for the record. Hung out. Relaxed. Used a lot of Zicam and Advil. Then we were on way to The Middle East for her conehead space boyfriend.
We waited like, an hour? In the chilly mist outside? The show started like AN HOUR LATE after that. The venue was nice but man, the mood was getting close to dead at points, especially since, again, FUCKIN SICK. But Planet Booty came on and while, a little on the bordering too raunchy side, put on a fucking amazing live show. Dylan has an absurd amount of energy that should be bottled and sold, but if it were it might result in the orgypocalypse. I saw a youtube comment that said he’s ‘very touchy lol’ and truer words never spoken. That man will grind on you and sing directly in your earlobe with his tongue if you are front row and happily, I was not. Yet somehow I still ended up with his sweat on my sweater sleeve thanks to someone being a dumbass and high fiving him after their set and not being able to handle the consequences. Ahem.
But I FORGIVE THEM because they were GREAT and played Daft Punk’s Celebrate in honor of motherfuckin Canadian Thanksgiving so... fine... I guess. My only complaint is they didn’t do The Perfect Product even though I get that’s probably a weird thing to do live. Also minimal keytar and Sung almost decapitated himself but you know... it happens. They DID do Tactile Sensation though which is a fucking jam. And Atomic Karate, ofc. And Meouch broke his fucking bass string which is like? Fucking hardcore? He came down like a foot away from us at one point. It was dope. They’re amazing live and have no right to be for dudes in ridiculous robot costumes playing synth in the year 2018 and rolling around stage on a hoverboard. Sadly I brought minimal memory cardage this year and didn’t get a lot of good video of them.
Afterwards, despite *someone* almost passing out, we hung out in the merch lines and did NOT accidentally cut ahead this time. I got a free signed poster because it was my birthday vacation ayyyyy and bought a couple EPs and the Together Through Time album. Then hopped over the PB’s line and got two hugs from Dylan who hung out and talked to/hugged/got selfies with every single person who got into line there and just? Good dude. Pure dude. Awful stache but... thumbs up human being. I got their Naked album and we headed out back to the apartment and some delivered Dominos (which was the only good Dominos I’ve ever had in my life.)
Day three I accidentally slept until like 4pm. Literally what else did we do that day? I cannot remember for the life of me. We might have went to Dunkin at like 9pm and she showed me a weird omnipotent plastic ear hanging on an electric wire? Was that this day? I have no fucking idea. Her Netflix and supply of Puffs tissues were my best friends this trip okay.
Day four she went to class and I relaxed and intended to walk to the mall. Unfortunately, my sick bleh hit and I didn’t feel up to going until about ten minutes before she got back. So we ended up heading over there together. I made her try Baja Blast, as is customary in my nation, and got her to try some green matte lipstick. Success. I was highkey hoping they would have a Build-A-Bear in the joint but they didn’t. They did have a Newbury though, that had the six-inch Roadhog pop which I’ve had a hard time finding locally, so I said fuck it and bought it.
That night was MST3k live! The theater was old as dirt. The kind of old as dirt where the flooring is bowing in. They had real strict rules on cameras and shit, which I get for the sake of spoilers but c’mon.... c’mon. Their merch sucked unfortunately though, so I didn’t waste any money on anything (for some reason they had 2017 tour stuff? It’s... not 2017?). The show itself was good, though I was wondering before it started how sick they must get of doing the same movie in different towns almost every other night. Pretty quickly realized oh, yeah, a lot of this show was likely pre-riffed. They did pull a kid from the stage at one point so he could guest riff off a script from Joel, which I’m thinking was a clever little insert fraction of the riff they did live between segments. I could be wrong, but on that front, it felt a little cheap. But it was still fun to see the boys and the bots live and have jokes cracked about not being able to afford the villains for the tour. And The Brain itself was........ I don’t know what I was expecting but..... it sure was.... something. The novelty was worth it and I will still gladly marry Crow T. Robot.
We went across the street to a little pub stop that was I think called Rock Bottom after that and got some much needed late night food. For some reason my brain was like “man, I could go for chicken fried steak right now” and don’t you know IT WAS ON THE FUCKIN MENU? WITH GARLIC CHEDDER MASHED POTATOES? Boston, much like with wings, does not know what country gravy is, but it was still everything I fucking wanted and did not expect to find, so A+. Also I was wearing a dress with shorts underneath it and stuck to the goddamn stool. Such is life.
Day five was rainy and miserable. I tagged along to university with Rach and it sucked, honestly. Being on a campus makes me feel awkward and the whole still being sick thing didn’t help. I ended up taking a walk way around the block to a Starbucks and getting the worst fucking frap I’ve ever paid too much money for. Went back around. Sat in the library. Felt even shittier. Started googling food places. Yard House wasn’t far but I didn’t want to deal with crossing a lot of traffic, especially if the rain started back up (it did, with a vengeance). So I ended up back around the block at some Olive Garden-esque fake Italian place with not an Italian in sight called Bertucci’s for some bland chicken-less fettuchini alfredo (because, as I’d reasoned with myself, I had chicken three times the day before). It was dimly lit, I had a booth to myself, and the water had the sweet skullet and braided beard combo I had liveblogged. People kept complimenting my tattoo. It was nice and no one seemed overly bothered that I was clearly killing time until I spent probably way too long in the restroom after trying to look alive. I tipped the dude ten bucks and left in the pouring rain with my umbrella.
From her school we took the world’s longest Uber to Parts Fucking Unknown in awful traffic and rain to find a Double Tree where @freakishlytallaustralian‘s parents were staying for a hot minute during their brief little US tour on their way to Europe. I’ve never met Mandi in person, but I’ve now met her parents who say she’s gotten to know a good bloke. She looks exactly like her mom. They were sweet. Anxious but sweet. And I am a freak who doesn’t talk and was sick trying to seem presentable at the bare minimum capacity.
Back ~home~ we ordered some JP Licks ice cream (BROWNIE BROWNIE BATTER!!! BROWNIE. BROWNIE. BATTER.), I watched CR and some stupid videos on the internet with her. Got some sleep. Sort of. Barely.
Despite Matt Mercer nearly succeeding at lulling me to sleep and eating my dreams, it didn’t happen, and I could not get comfortable for the life of me. The “coughing every five seconds in bed” started this night and was not having mercy. So I opted out of another day of hanging around campus to try and get some more rest. It didn’t really work, but I did eventually get a solid three hours or so, so it was something.
As the day progressed it was onward to the Science Museum to meet Ron the T-Rex. There was a wedding happening. How appropriate, for Bravier funko pops to have come along on the day of a blessed union. Coincidence? I think not. A turtle kept falling off a branch when he was trying to nap. There was some space stuff. It wasn’t great. But I got a little stuffed dinosaur and that’s Important.
From there we hit up the same movie theater we went to the year before and saw Bad Times At The El Royale. Do recommend. Chris Hemsworth as a Charles Manson was not something I ever thought I’d see, and I still don’t understand it, but it rather predictably works for me, so we’ll leave it at that. Good movie, good performances, good pacing and editing that could have easily not been. See it, it’s fun. Not perfect, but fun.
It was COLD AS BALLS after the movie and neither of us brought jackets or sweaters, so the walk to the train station and back ~home~ was a chilly one. We stopped in, got some warmth, and headed down the road past her old place to a bar. If we didn’t appreciate TWRP and PB enough already, the band she had to pay cover for us to get in for just to pick up food were about 8 upper middle aged men playing every instrument in the book. Afropunk, they said. No, we said. Offkey, we said. This place was dark as shit and loud as shit but you know what? They KNEW WHAT REAL, HOT CHICKEN WINGS WERE and for that, I am appreciative dammit.
Went back, got some more Dominos, and was finally introduced to John Mulaney’s (or two of) comedy specials. He’s genius and I *understand* it now, tumblr. I get it. We ate way too much and did my laundry.
The week had come and gone way too soon and I felt robbed of my good time by how shitty I felt. Hopping on the train the next day (after a godawful uber ride) was just as depressing as the time before. And even though I didn’t feel as miserable as the trip there, and once again had a window seat to myself, I found myself curled up against my hoodie crying trying to fall asleep again knowing I was already headed back home.
Once the initial depression passed, the trip wasn’t bad. The iced latte was good. The Albany stop not as confusing the second time around. The WiFi kept me company. Eventually my aunt texted me asking if I wanted to hit up Stevie T’s on the way home because they were 24hr and neither of us had eaten all night. It was a plan. Get off, get food, come home, faceplant on my own big comfy bed, vow to deal with my dad’s drama in the morning and call it a night.
Then *that* happened. Yeah. Last year? Every stop, regardless of time of night, they made announcements. They came by, checked the marker above your seat, and if you were due off at the next stop told you it was coming up, would help with luggage if needed, and directed you to the correct door to exit the train. This year? Nothing. They decided to stop making announcements right before the Rochester stop, and no one came by in our car to tell us where to get off. Stopped, myself and the other person due off at that stop, a late-teens girl, went to the door at the front of our car where every other stop had gotten off before us. We assumed since no one said differently, and no attendants were around, that must be it. We were idiots. Because by the time we realized hey, they’re not going to open this door and we should go to the far other end of the train, it was already moving again en route to Buffalo.
We found ourselves in the dining booths by the cafe car while the staff made vague remarks and the conductor acted like it wasn’t his problem. My aunt on the phone talked to the Rochester station, we tried to claim I didn’t even have a reservation until about two other people looked up my ticket. They said it was up to the conductor to get us a cab home, he laughed at us, claimed to know nothing about any of that, and asked if were were going to buy the bus tickets the other girl was looking up. The bus for 3am, in downtown Buffalo, nowhere near the station. When we got off the staff at the Depew station was a lot more sympathetic, and said since nothing else was being offered he would put us on the next train back home, but since it was a Sunday morning there was no train to Rochester until roughly 7:45am. It was about 1:30 at this point. I felt awful for encouraging the other girl not to pay for two ubers and a bus ticket with the only alternative being offered to sit alone in an empty, unstaffed station in the middle of the night for hours. And between the situation, being tired and still sick, and dealing with my aunt calling hotels only to get put on hold and lose the room she was trying to reserve - I put my bags in a corner, found the restroom, and had a panic attack. I don’t know why, but those tend to be stupid like that. It’s not even like I was scared, or confused, or that worried myself. I started out very ‘whatever, I’ll just get a room or stay in the station, I’m pissed but whatever’. But something about the constant calls and texts and my battery nearing 0 had me stressed and I was crying like a bitch. I just wanted to fucking sleep, and I knew that wouldn’t happen in a train station with nothing but some benches, a restroom, and a vending machine.
Rach suggested an alternative I felt guilty about taking but ended up going for: Get to her parents house just outside Buffalo, get their spare key, and sleep on their couch while they’re out of town with their blessing. So I called an Uber, and the first one passed me by, with the gps fucking up and saying I should be picked up ON THE TRAIN TRACKS. The second guy was smart enough to come to the cab pickup out front and was really cool. He said he was just thankful I wasn’t a fucked up drunk college party kid and the first all night. He didn’t comment on how I probably definitely looked like I’d just been broken up with in the world’s worst romcom. It was over 20 bucks and I tipped him the max. Found my way inside, set up the couch, and continued my momentarily on hold panic until I eventually passed out. My Aunt came to pick me up in the morning, I got carsick, we had mediocre diner breakfast and what’s after that isn’t news worth talking about. Isn’t it bad enough the tail end of the trip took up like a third of this post?
All in all... it felt like a disaster. I’m not gonna lie. In weird ways the stars aligned that TWRP would end up on Conan the night of their show and have to reschedule to the day I came to town, but I paid for it with otherwise bad timing and my body deciding against me having a good time. Fun was had, don’t get me wrong. The good was good and any chance to get away from... this, is appreciated, but it just seemed like everything went awry. 
Mucho thanks to @conniecorleone again, for letting me crash on the futon and be my usual bland self, even blander while ill, and also buying me expensive cold syrup and a-many ubers.
We’ll see if Massachusetts and I ever cross paths again.
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showmeurmoves · 7 years
WWE: Out of Business ch.6
The superstars met up at the usual warehouse where Shane McMahon was standing at the podium.
“We’ve hit a major milestone. As of today, we’ve made a million dollars,” said Shane.
The superstars cheered and began hugging each other.
“Before we end this meeting does anyone have any questions?” asked Shane.
Kevin Owens raised his hand.
“Does anybody know where Vince is?” asked Kevin.
Triple H, Shane, and Stephanie all shook their heads. Another superstar raised their hand.
“If you say anything about my dad doing porn I swear your contract won’t be renewed,” Stephanie said angrily.
The superstar quietly put his hand down. Seth Rollins walked into the warehouse. His shirt was torn and he was covered with bandages.
“Damn, what happened to you?” asked Kevin.
“I got mauled by a demon dog at work!” yelled Seth.
He sat down and took off his hat.
“I hate working at PetSmart, and I’m not even making any money,” said Seth.
Xavier Woods sat next to Seth.
“You should start a YouTube channel and make money off that like me,” said Xavier.
Bayley became interested and scooted forward.
“Can you really make money from YouTube?” asked Bayley
“If you hit a certain number of subscribers. Then you can become a full time YouTuber and start getting paid for your videos,” Xavier explained.
There was chatter amongst the superstars with ideas on how they can use social media for profit. Some of the women discussed using their Instagram for sponsors and others talked about using their twitter accounts. The Revival came up with an idea.
“Maybe we should start a YouTube channel,” said Dash Wilder.
“That might be a good idea considering neither of us found jobs yet,” said Scott Dawson.
“Let’s look at some videos to get some inspiration,” said Dash.
They took their laptop and went to the corner. They spent hours looking at videos of different of wrestlers and non-wrestlers.
“Hey, the Bella Twins have a channel,” said Scott. “Let’s see what they got”.
They clicked on a video with a thumbnail of Brie.
“I’m going to change Birdie’s diaper,” said Brie in the video.
“Never mind, I don’t wanna see that,” said Scott before turning the video off.
They continued to scroll down the page.
“Hey, look there’s a video with Cody Rhodes in it,” Dash pointed out. “Let’s see what he has to talk about”.
They clicked on the video.
“Fuck The Revival!” yelled Cody in the video.
The Revival blankly stared at the screen.
“Oh, hell no” said Scott and Dash.
Finn Balor and Sami Zayn were on their way to the warehouse to train. Since there were no meetings they figured the warehouse would be empty. When they got inside they saw The Revival with The Uso’s and Elias Samson with recording equipment.
“What’s going on here?” asked Sami.
“Cody Rhodes made a video about us so we’re going to make a disrespectful song about him,” explained Dash.
Finn and Sami looked confused.
“What?” asked Finn.
“He means a diss track,” Jey Uso clarified.
“Just warning you, this is not going to end well,” said Jimmy Uso.
“I know what I’m doing,” said Dash. “Now turn me up in the headphones”.
Meanwhile, The Young Bucks were in their hotel room watching YouTube videos. Cody Rhodes came and sat with them.
“What are you guys watching?” asked Cody Rhodes.
Matt and Nick Jackson turned the laptop over to him.
“You definitely need to see this,” said Nick.
Cody looked confused at the screen.
“Cody Rhodes diss track?” he read.
Cody clicked on the video. The video showed Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson in an empty warehouse with headphones rapping into a mic. Elias Samson was behind them strumming a guitar.
“You went and dissed us on your video. Now you gotta pay” Said Scott Dawson before the beat came on. He rapped to the beat of “Charlie Sheen” by Lil B.
“Mr. Gingivitis (needs a new crest) Your breath kicks, smells stank like Roto Rooter Pose in pink panties like a hoe (in your pictures) You ain’t got no teeth (eat Gerber) Breath stank like a sink in a small shack You need teeth, to eat a big mac You go both ways (like Trey Songz) You like a Hostess (with a ding dong)”
Matt and Nick Jackson laughed while Cody watched in horror. The song continued.
“Pour ketchup, on your salty fries Sesame seed on a bun for the pregnant guys Tell your friends Matt and Nick to move over You ain’t got no teeth (eat Gerber) You go both waaaays like Trey Songz You like a hostess (with a ding dong) Tell your friends Matt and Nick to move over You ain’t got no teeth (eat Gerber) Fuck Cody Rhodes”.
The beat finally went off. Cody was enraged while the Young Bucks were laughing.
“Can you believe this bullshit?! We have to do something about this!” yelled Cody.
“What do you mean ‘we’ have to do something?” asked Nick.
“He dissed you, not us,” said Matt.
The video still had a few seconds left.
“And Fuck the Young Bucks too” said Dash.
Now Matt and Nick were upset.
“Oh no, we’re gonna get them,” said Nick.
Back at the warehouse, Triple H gathered the superstars together for a meeting.
“We have a serious issue to talk about,” said Triple H.
Triple H pulled out a laptop and went to YouTube. He played a video and turned it towards the superstars. The video had Cody Rhodes and the Young Bucks in a recording studio.
“So The Revival thought it was cool to diss us?” said Cody. We’re gonna show them a real diss”.
Cody rapped to the beat of “Black Friday” by Lil Kim.
“Who the fuck want war? Fed-Ex beef straight to your front door It'll be a murder scene, I'm turning your payday to Friday the 13th. Aight you Revival clowns, All this buffoonery shit stops now Time for you to lay down, I'm sick of the fraud, I put hands on these bitches like a spa massage We all know your look is what got you your job, You's a put together gimmick, somethin’ like a collage. Since you're putting on a show you gon’ get the applause - Clap clap with your frame like a fucking garage (Yeaaaah) This rap shit, Scott and Dash ain't built for -- This the shit the other bitch almost got killed for I'm still counting what Hard Core generated Bet my shit keep spendin’ like a syndicated Corny broads, I leave you bloody like you menstruated You hot air ass bitchs shoulda BEEN deflated. This ain't a championship fight, I BEEN the greatest Fuck the Revival”.
The video finished and Triple H closed his laptop.
“This video has already gone viral. Something like this could make the company look bad. How the hell are we supposed to fix this?” Triple H asked glaring at The Revival.
“We could diss them back,” answered Scott.
“That’s what got us here in the first place,” said Stephanie McMahon.
“We told them this was a bad idea,” said Jimmy Uso.
“I say we just ignore it,” suggested Stephanie. “We don’t want to risk starting a rivalry with another company”.
“Maybe a rivalry isn’t a such a bad thing,” said Shane McMahon. Everyone in the room looked at him with confusion.
“Remember how popular our company got during the Monday Night Wars? The competition brought ratings to both companies, until WCW went under. This rap beef might help us,” Shane explained.
Triple H took a moment to think about it.
“You know, it’s so crazy it just might work” said Triple H. “We’re gonna diss them back”.
Scott and Dash’s eyes lit up.
“Not you guys though. Your diss sucked,” said Triple H. “Finn, AJ, you guys are gonna do the diss”.
Finn looked confused.
“Why us?” asked Finn
“You guys used to be in the Bullet Club, so it makes sense,” answered Triple H.
“Can they even rap?” asked Stephanie.
“It doesn’t matter, we’ll just hire ghostwriters” answered Triple H.
A few days later some of the superstars were at the warehouse writing the next diss track.
“Check out this line right here. This bar is dope” said Finn. He showed the paper to AJ. Sasha Banks rolled her eyes.
“How did we get roped into this?” asked Sasha.
“Shane promised screen time to anyone who helped write the song or showed up in the video. And you actually agreed to it,” answered Bayley. Bayley turned to the Uso’s.
“Thanks for helping us write most of the song,” said Bayley.
“We’re just doing it for more screen time when the company starts back up” said Jimmy.
“But I’m letting you guys know, this is a terrible idea” said Jey.
Finn Balor and AJ Styles response was posted on YouTube. Finn mostly rapped while Sasha and Bayley posed in the background. Finn rapped to the beat of Stupid Hoe.
“I get it cracking like a bad back Cody talkin he the king when she looking like a lab rat We Angelina, ya’ll Jennifer Come on bitch, you see where Brad at?
Ice my wrist-es then I piss on bitches You could suck my diznick, if you take these jizzes You don’t like them disses, give my ass some kisses Yeah they know what this is, give bitches the business
Cause I pull up and I’m stuntin but I ain't a stuntman Yes I’m rockin Jordans but I ain't a jumpman Bitches play the back cuz they know I’m the frontman Put me on a dollar cause I’m who they trust in Ayo AJ, what the fuck’s good? We stay winnin gold, them bitches winnin wood Them nappy headed hoes, but my kitchen good I wish I wish I wish I wish a bitch would
You a stupid hoe, you a you a stupid hoe You a stupid hoe, you a you a stupid hoe You a stupid hoe, you a you a stupid hoe You a stupid hoe, yeah you a you a stupid hoe You a stupid hoe, you a you a stupid hoe You a stupid hoe, you a you a stupid hoe You a stupid hoe, you a you a stupid hoe You a stupid hoe, yeah you a you a stupid hoe”
Cody and the Young Bucks watched in horror as AJ Styles went up for his verse.
“Look Cody, go back to ya habitat Adam Cole gone and I ain't havin that How you gonna be the stunt double to somebody monkey?? Top of that I’m in the Phantom lookin hella chonky
Ice my wrist-es then I piss on bitches You could suck my diznick, if you take these jizzes You don’t like them disses, give my ass some kisses Yeah they know what this is, give bitches the business
'Cause I pull up in the Porsche but it ain't de Rossi Pretty bitches only could get in my posse Hey, yo Young Bucks, fuck you and your EP Who’s gassing these hoes? BP? Hmm.. thinks 1, 2, 3, do the AJ Styles blink 'Cause these hoes so busted, hoes is so crusty These bitches is my sons and I don't want custody Hoes so busted, hoes is so crusty these bitches is my sons and I don't want custody……”
Cody Rhodes slammed the laptop shut.
“Ok that tears it!” yelled Cody while clenching his fist. “This isn’t a rap beef anymore. Now this is personal”.
Cody Rhodes and the rest of the Bullet Club stormed the WWE headquarters. They were carrying weapons intending to destroy anyone and anything inside. When they got to the entrance they noticed all the lights were out.
“What the hell? Is nobody here right now?” asked Cody.
Bad Luck Fale found a note on the front entrance.
“Out of business until further notice,” read Bad Luck Fale.
Cody looked confused.
“Out of business? What?” asked Cody.
“This must why explain why none of their shows have been airing lately,” said Nick.
Cody looked disappointed.
“How are we supposed to find them now?” asked Cody.
“Finn posted a picture of himself recording on his Instagram,” said Matt. “He tagged his location in it”.
Matt showed his phone to Cody.
“Change of plans. We’re now going to wherever this place is!” said Cody.
The men took their weapons and went back to their van.
Back at the warehouse the superstars were having a meeting. Triple H stood at the front of the podium.
“So, we have a serious topic to discuss. What are we having for lunch?” asked Triple H.
Moments later the Bullet Club busted into the room.
“Where’s The Revival?!” yelled Cody.
Everyone in the room pointed out Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder. Many scooted away from them to avoid any trouble.
“Ya’ll ain’t shit” said Dash.
Cody and some of the Bullet Club members ran up on The Revival. Cody was about to hit one of them until Sasha stepped in the way.
“Wait hold on! You guys shouldn’t be fighting over a stupid rap video,” said Sasha.
“Weren’t you in the video?” asked Cody.
Cody pushed Sasha out the way and pulled up Scott by his collar. Shane stepped in and separated the two.
“Sasha’s right. This beef was just intended to get views on YouTube and now it’s getting out of hand” said Shane. Cody began to calm down.
“We shouldn’t be fighting and dissing each other,” Shane went on.
“I guess your right,” said Cody as he tossed his weapon.
“We should be dissing the guys in Lucha Underground!” said Shane.
Everyone’s eyes lit up.
“I actually like that idea,” said Nick. “That could bring ratings to all of our companies”.
“Let’s start writing a diss track now!” said Cody.
He and many of the other superstars left to help film the video.
A while later Triple H and Stephanie were the only ones left in the warehouse.
“How much longer do they have this recording equipment for?” asked Stephanie.
“I think they have it rented for another week. Why?” asked Triple H.
“I just wanted to record something for you?” said Stephanie while winking. Triple H turned the equipment on.
“There’s no need to wait” said Triple H.
Stephanie put on the headphones and started rapping in the mic. The beat for “My Neck My Back” was playing in the background.
“All you ladies pop your pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss All you ladies pop your pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss Just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now Lick it good suck this pussy, just like you should Right now, Lick it good suck this pussy just like you should My Neck, my back Lick my pussy and my crack”.
Triple H bobbed his head while Stephanie kept rapping.
“She sounds great doesn’t she?” asked Seth Rollins as he bobbed his head to the music. Triple H glared at him until he quietly walked away. When Seth left, Triple H turned the music up.
“My Neck, my back Lick my pussy and my crack My Neck, my back Lick my pussy and my crack My Neck, my back Lick my pussy and my crack My Neck, my back Lick my pussy and my crack”.
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Calling Bluffs
Post-ep for Pine Bluff Variant, with heavy doses of Redux II/season 5
This is for @whatfallsaway and @damselindistressmya who wanted a PBV post-ep, and also for @xfficchallenges as an entry for “The Fic You Never Write.” I have been writing a large amount of fluff and smut over the past few months, and not nearly as much USTy angst. And I don’t think I’ve ever written an MSR fight, so, here ya go.
Rated R: for language and a lot of talk about death
“Mulder, what happened?”
“Forget about it, Scully.”
“What did they do to you?” Her voice softens.
“I said, forget about it.” Mulder doesn’t turn his head, just grips the steering wheel tighter and navigates them through the crush of flashing cop cars and barricades around the bank. “You can read the report.” He tosses that last sentence at her like discarded evidence, the sharpness of his tone conveying just how little he wants to discuss the past few days with her.
Scully purses her lips and turns toward the passenger window.
“You should have let me drive,” she counters after a few minutes of silence. “Your hand…”.
“I’m fine.”
Anger and frustration radiate off him in waves, choking the small cabin of the fleet sedan. His hand taps frantically against the wheel at a light that won’t turn. And moments later he smacks his palm violently against the dash.
“Goddammit!” Mulder yells at nothing in particular. “Those bastards! Those smug bastards and their tests. Their lies!”
“Mulder, you have to calm down!” Scully exclaims. “Despite what I said about this toxin coming from our labs, we don’t know anything for sure.”
“Scully, you know this was an inside job! You heard what that man said. They’re cleaning everything up, making everything go away. Sound familiar?”
She swallows slowly, the locus of his anger becoming clearer. They’re here yet again, staring at the mounting evidence of the evils the government is capable of, the level of deception it can achieve.
Her cancer, specifically her recovery, had confirmed for him the falseness of his own memories, about Samantha, about her abduction, about everything -- his worldview left in tatters. This is why the Spartans chose him in the first place, for the doubts he aired in public.
So he has me back, Scully had thought a number of times since her final days in the hospital, but at the cost of his beliefs. Sometimes she catches him looking at her like the exchange has not been worth it.
“We’ll have to prove it,” she ventures quietly.
Mulder snorts in exasperation and rolls his eyes.
“And he’s right,” Scully continues. “What can we do with this information anyway? How does sharing this make anyone safer? How does the truth matter if it’s not going to help bring about justice?”
“Scully, how can you say that?!” Mulder erupts in response, the tires squealing as he jerks the car toward the curb and throws it into park. “And that’s certainly not what you said in front of Skinner!”
“All I mean is,” Scully turns toward him, the seatbelt strap cutting uncomfortably into the side of her neck, “his methods are abhorrent, but he’s not wrong. There are some truths that might do more harm than good. We’re not the ones who get to decide what’s best for the public, are we?”
Mulder’s face reddens and he bites his lip so hard the color drains from it.
“Get out of the car, Scully.” His tone is measured, holding back a torrent.
“What the hell, Mulder!” She exclaims, “I’m just saying…”.
“Get. Out. Of. The. Car.” He breathes through his teeth. “Before I do something I’ll regret.”
Scully stares at him, his widened eyes, the angry set of his jaw, the clench of his fists. Then she reaches beside her and pulls the handle, not moving her gaze from his. As she opens the door, he gives a stiff nod. She pauses, waiting for some sign of de-escalation and then she unbuckles the belt and swings her legs out onto the curb.
“I’ll call you.” She throws the words over her shoulder as the door slams behind her. She thinks she hears him mutter, “don’t bother” as he swings out into traffic to the sound of honking where he’s cut someone off.
Scully is stunned and watches him squeal away, her mouth half open. In the thousand arguments they’ve had over the years, he’s never made her get out of the car before. She thrusts her hands angrily into her coat pockets, searching for her phone to call a cab.
She jabs a few numbers on the keypad, but she’s too distracted to remember who she’s trying to call. The Hoover building isn’t far. She needs to walk. She needs airspace away from Mulder’s anger and frustration.
She doesn’t know at what point the word truth became their weapon. It used to be their mantra, their common cause. But lately they swing it at each other like a bludgeon, daring the other to duck, letting the force of accusations sting.
She wonders how much she even knows him anymore. There had been moments just a few months ago, lying in her hospital bed when she felt every wall between them melting away, when she could just think a thought, let it glimmer in her eyes and he could look at her and know. She remembers the warm scruff of his cheek against her pale skin when he had bent to kiss hers, the warmth of his desperate breaths against her cold hands on nights when he had come to sit with her.
Most of all, she treasures the softness of his face on the day she had called him into her room and told him she was cured. His eyes had brimmed with tears, as had hers, and he had rushed to hug her, gathering her against him with a ferocity that had taken her breath away. When he had pulled away, grasping her hands in his, she saw the storm behind his eyes dissipating as if her own life were a burst of sun burning off a bank of cloud.
Everything vibrating between them seemed self-evident by then -- the nurses had long since stopped asking if he was family or bothering about what right he had to visit after hours. Then Father McHugh had arrived with her mother as Mulder sat there on her bed, their expressions making promises that neither of them had since put action to.
But he hasn’t looked at her like that in months.
Whatever emotions he had felt at her recovery, they’ve long since been consumed by his disillusions. Deep down she knows in moments like this one -- when he’s left her standing on a curb, when he has gone behind her back, when he has doubted the memories she uncovered by hypnosis -- it’s not that he is angry at her. He is angry at the larger forces beyond his control. It’s just easier for him to vent at her because she’s right in front of him, countering him, challenging him. She knows this, but today it stings more intensely than it has all year.
How could he possibly have thought I wouldn’t know he was lying? she thinks, angry for not the first time that week that he’d gone along with Skinner’s advice to keep her in the dark about his undercover role. They have been able to read each other, easily, from the very beginning. He knows that. He can’t have imagined she wouldn’t catch on to his bluff. But this is where they are now. He is doing what he can to push her away.
She is walking faster now, the Washington streets a blurry backdrop to her strident gait. She’s walking as if she can out-walk the chasm yawning between them, as if she walks fast enough, she can leap it and find themselves back on the same side. She walks through the front entrance of the Hoover building and winds her way down to their offices, half-expecting him to be there, feet propped up on the desk, chewing a pencil and ready to dive into another case. That’s how it so often is with him -- sharp words one day, and an unquestioning acceptance of her the next.
But the office is dark except for a patch of light cast by her desk lamp. She gathers a few personal things, her car keys and a stack of files about the Pine Bluff labs. There she sees a hastily scrawled post-it stuck to the back of her chair. “S -- I just need some time -- M.”
So in his haste, he had beaten her back to the office, gathered his things and cleared out. She rips the post-it off the chair with more force than necessary and swats at the push-button light switch on the desk lamp. It clicks off and leaves her alone in the dark, the thump of her heartbeat still hurried by the pace of her walk.
She doesn’t see him for 4 days.
He’s allotted a some personal leave due to his involvement in what the report simply lists as “a stressful and traumatic situation.” Then it’s the weekend and her phone still hasn’t rung. Despite saying she’d call him, she hasn’t, taking his post-it non-apology as a request for radio silence. Her fingers have itched constantly with the urge to press speed dial. Calling him is a reflex, one she didn’t know was so potent until going cold turkey.
Skinner has been vague about what happened to Mulder, and she’s not even sure Skinner knows the whole story. The parts of the report detailing his time with the Spartans are almost immediately classified or stricken from record, leaving only her own bare-bones understanding of his involvement. Knowing what they did to his finger, and watching the surveillance tapes of the bank heist, she imagines the worst. Humiliation and hazing rituals and any other number of unsavory details she would rather not know. Her stomach had turned over on itself at the sight of him brandishing a weapon at the civilians in the bank. She imagines things he doesn’t want to tell her. She doesn’t sleep well.
Sunday night she begins to wonder whether she’ll show up Monday morning to a vacant office and a resignation letter. She’s washing up dishes and setting out clothes for the morning when she hears the knock on her door.
In the time it takes her to wipe her dishwater hands on a towel, she feels herself move from relief at the realization he’s come to make amends to a suddenly searing hot anger at the presumption that she’ll just dutifully open the door and let him back in. She’s spent the four days wishing he’d talk to her, and now she is right back on that curb, furious at how he pushed her away.
These de’tentes always come on his terms. Because you let him, her brain taunts her. She makes a determined pace toward the door. He knocks again.
“Scully, it’s me. Open up.”
The way he’s demanding stokes her resolve. She cracks the door, the security chain hanging between them as if demarking a military no-fly zone.
“What is it, Mulder?” She answers, letting her annoyance coat every word.
“Scully, let me in.” He pushes against the door with his shoulder, oblivious to the chain in the lock.
“Mulder, it’s late. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” She moves to shut him out, both wanting to wound him and wanting him to try harder, but he wedges his heel between the door and the doorframe.
“Scully, don’t be ridiculous.” He sighs exasperated, pushing further into the sliver of apartment his toe can access. “We need to talk.”
“I’m not the ridiculous one, Mulder!” She exclaims. “I’m not the one who made you get out of a car on the side of some random road! I’m not the one who left some stupid post-it note on your chair and didn’t call for four days! I’m not the one who took an undercover assignment and didn’t tell you about it, who made you look stupid in front of a joint task force, who…”.
“You’re right.” He cuts her off just as her momentum gets going, as she begins to dig deeper into the deep well of slights and injuries built up over the past few months. “You’re right,” he says again with a sigh, “that was me.”
She looks at him, her mouth still open with all the things she wants to throw back in his face, but she hadn’t expected him to cave so quickly.
“I’m sorry.” He can’t quite look at her. “Please just let me in?”
She steps back from the door and slides the chain from its groove and he quickly angles his way in before she can change her mind. Scully doesn’t move toward the couch or even the kitchen. She stands still in the entryway, her arms crossed, waiting.
Mulder opens his mouth and swallows a few times, trying to figure out where to start, what the best way of disarming might be. He looks at her slowly, catching the combination of worry and anger in her eyes.
“You asked me what happened,” he begins.
“What happened?”
“I had a gun to the back of my neck.” He tries to control his breathing, but the memory of that moment, his hands helpless behind him, raises his blood pressure and his words come out quickly. “They took me out behind this tattered warehouse and forced me down into the dirt.”
Scully’s eyes flare in concern, but her arms stay crossed.
“They had proof I was crossing them.” Mulder gulps. “A recording from my apartment the night you were there. They had me under surveillance. They heard everything.”
“How - ?” Scully reaches a hand toward him.
“How did I get away?” Mulder finishes her thought for her. “Bremer let me go. I don’t know why. I think he’s deep cover or something.” Mulder shakes his head, the adrenaline from the memory still flooding him. “I thought for sure that was it. That after all this time, everything I’ve done, some stupid thug would put a bullet through my head.”
Scully nods, her features softened now by the distress in his voice.
“The worst part was, I wasn’t even surprised. It felt fitting.” He is rambling now and she loosens, moving toward the kitchen, letting him talk as he follows her in. “It was so depressing. If I’d have had to guess what my last thoughts would be, I would have guessed them to be much more poignant than they were, you know.”  
Scully fills a kettle with water and turns on the gas flame, pulling mugs off their hooks over the stove. “You think it’s going to be all regrets or worries about the chances you didn’t take or your failures.” Mulder paces a little around her table, pausing to grip the top of her chairs as he shifts into stream-of-consciousness, the way he sometimes does when he’s unspooling the evidence for one of his cases. “In reality, it’s much simpler. More selfish.” He grimaces. “All I could think about was, how much will this hurt? Will I know I’m dead before I die? Will my last image be of this shit-pile? I was too terrified to even get angry.” He stops moving and takes a long breath.
“Do you know what it’s like to know for certain you’re going to die?” He looks at her with a deep gravity in his eyes.
Scully nods slightly, and says in a low voice, “Yes.” She pauses, fixing him in her gaze. “I do.”
Mulder’s eyes flutter closed and he shakes his head. “Shit. Of course you do. God…” he trails off. She can see the self-loathing settling over him as he realizes she had been right where he had, staring not down the barrel of a gun, but the long march of incurable cancer. “God, Scully, I’m sorry. I never even asked you…”.
“It’s okay, Mulder.” She shakes her head. “It’s okay. I don’t think I would have known how to talk about it anyway.”
“But I should have asked,” he says. “I should have at least tried to listen.”
“You’re right though.” She doesn’t look at him as she rips open the tea bags and drops them into the cups. “At the end, there wasn’t much more than the pain. And fear.”
Mulder moves toward her and leans against the counter across from the stove.
“I remember wishing I were a better person. That my faith would have been stronger than my animal brain, that it would have steadied me more.” She pours the steaming water over the tea bags. “But underneath, that’s who we all are, you know?” She looks up at him and hands him a cup. “We’re bodies clawing for self-preservation. Everything else falls by the wayside.”
Mulder nods again and blows ripples across the surface of his tea. “I remember the strangest things,” he says. “Like, they walked me through these sheets of torn plastic. I remember thinking, they look like long flapping angel wings.”
Scully curves her hands around her mug and stares at a spot somewhere behind him. “I remember the color of my hospital gown. It reminded me of this old plastic nativity set we had growing up. The Mary doll wore this robe, it was the exact same color, aquamarine or something.” Mulder nods. “It was the strangest thing to remember. Like, why would my mind make that connection then?”
She looks up at Mulder who has grown quiet. “Mulder, why are you here?”
“I’m sorry, Scully,” he begins. “I’m sorry I made you get out of the car.”
“Okay,” she says lowly.
“I wasn’t ready to talk. I was angry at all of it, the way we’d been played, the way they’d treated those lives -- my life -- like collateral. It was just a reminder…”.
“A reminder that we still don’t know who’s behind all this,” Scully finishes for him.
“I was going to say, a reminder that I don’t know what I believe anymore.” He looks away, slumping into a familiar posture of defeat.
Scully reaches out a hand and smoothes her palm back and forth over his forearm. “We’ll figure it out. I believe we will.” She tries to sound reassuring, but it comes out flat.
Mulder sighs and settles a hand on top of hers. “Scully, your belief in me is all I have left.” He looks at her with pain in his eyes. “But I confided in you so easily, it almost got me killed.”
Scully nods, comprehending a little more now what is bothering him. This thing between them is a liability. Whatever it means or doesn’t, their entanglement put him at risk.
“But I need you.” He squeezes her hand and then reaches to brush a tendril of hair behind her left ear, letting his warm hand linger against her neck. She sets down her tea and leans into him, wrapping her arms beneath the coat he’s still wearing, pressing her cheek against his chest. She lets out a long breath.
“I know.” She whispers.
Mulder rests his chin on the top of her head and runs his hands along her hair before tightening their embrace. Neither of them say anything for long minutes until Scully feels lulled by the steady rhythm of his pulse in her ear. She pulls back and looks up at him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” She questions with a slight smile.
“Wouldn’t miss it.” Mulder smiles back.
“What’ll it be this time,” she teases. “Bigfoot? Nessie? Or some other monster of the deep?”
“I guess you’ll just have to find out, won’t you?” he grins, their equilibrium reestablishing itself in their banter.  “Thanks for the tea.” He knows their familiar dance and moves toward the door to make his exit.
When he’s gone and Scully turns back to her empty apartment, she feels the chasm between them receding. She thinks about what she didn’t tell him of her thoughts those last days in the hospital, the thoughts she had time to ponder in those moments before she was discharged, after her mother and Father McHugh had left her and the memory of Mulder’s weight titling the side of her bed brought a flush to her face. She didn’t tell him about how, once the fear settles down and the animal brain is quiet, what you’re left with is a visceral clarity. She had known she’d have died loving him, known it would have been his face she would see her last moments, known without a doubt that he felt the same.
Out in his car on the drive home, Mulder thinks too. He hadn’t told her everything either. He hadn’t told her how it’s not until after you get away, the gun smoke clearing from the chill air, the blood in your chest propelling you over the ridge and into the getaway car, that your mind catches up with your body. How it’s afterwards you think the thoughts you thought you would, the ones about devotion and regret, the ones about apology. The ones about love.
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