#I had a lot of ambition for this piece but alas
narudoodles · 2 years
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What if I had called out to you that day?
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redmirrorshard · 9 months
I'll probably delete this later... but I just wanted to come on here to vent a little bit. So please be aware. THIS IS A VENT. I AM SAD AND EMOTIONAL AND UPSET AND I WILL SAY THINGS THAT MAY SOUND HARSH. PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND WHEN READING AND DONT READ IF IT WILL MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE!! (TL:DR at the end)
You have been warned
When I got into TWST probably two years ago now, there was so much room and potential for wonderful fan interactions and creations. And I have had wonderful interactions with wonderful people from this fandom and I will continue to treasure those I've met through it.
I love everything about TWST. The lore, the characters, the art, the story. It means so much to me as a piece of media and is a huge inspiration to me as both an artist and a writer. Idia in particular speaks to me on personal levels and he has become one of my favourite characters in all of media.
TWST has also taught me about love. Love for who you are despite what others think. Familial love (blood or no). Love between friends. TWST has taught me about bravery, protecting those you love, sticking to your ambitions, sacrifice and surprisingly cooking and food heh. TWST has also made me laugh like a maniac in the way only one other piece of media ever could (aha I'm so funny).
I was aware, however, that it would have it's issues just like any other fandom.
For one, I was VERY aware of Yana's rocky history as a creator. I knew she was controversial from the start and anything she created would subsequently also be very controversial. In the end, while I do disagree heavily with some parts of the media and I knew Yana could have done so much better with other parts (cough-leona event- cough), I think she did a great job overall. You can tell how much love and dedication went into creating TWST and I'm eternally thankful to her. Thank you, Yana-sensei.
For second...
I feel that you should be allowed to create and say whatever you want, but also take responsibility (to a certain extent) for the thing you created. For instance, if I make a piece of art and post it on the internet, that is my responsibility. I could choose NOT to post the piece of art (nasty comment, offensive joke etc etc etc but you get the idea), but I chose to do it anyway. Now, I can't completely control what people will do with the art (comment/post etc), but I still chose to post it. Same with this post. I CHOSE to post this, and I am ready to take responsibility for this post. If you're not ready to accept responsibility for your post, DON'T POST. As simple as that. (But alas nothing is ever simple)
There is a sore lack of responsibility it the TWST fandom (in any fandom, really, but this is about TWST specifically). Maybe less so here, but definitely so on other platforms.
People throw around nasty and downright hurtful jokes and comments like it's confetti, but cry and whine that they're innocent when called out about it. This is especially hurtful to the smaller, less represented groups in the fandom who create content they want to see. My advice? If you see something you don't agree with,mute,block and report if necessary and just move along. No one is forcing you to interact with what that person is making. A lot of hurt and asshole-ery would be avoided if people followed this simple rule.
I've also seen people throw hate to younger artists or members of the fandom and this always upsets me. TWST is especially prone to having a younger audience due to it being a Disney property, and that's FINE. Leave them be. They're not hurting anyone.
And finally, the amount of misinformation and misinterpretations of the TWST characters floating around is practically insulting. I've seen so many just plain wrong interpretations of a character or a line and I'm frankly sick of it. There are so many hard working and dedicated translators working their asses off to translate the game and put it on the internet for free. (Note: I am eternally grateful to the EN translation team for doing their absolute best on TWST EN. While it's still a solid translation, it has several big flaws and misses a lot of character nuances. I'd still recommend anyone getting into TWST to read the JP translations along with EN)
Here are my go to, feel free to add your own:
-TWST Wiki/Miraheze (always. These people are powerhouses)
- YuuRei (Twitter and YT). They make excellent analysis and translations.
-Shell_BB (YT)
-Otome Ayui (YT)
So, in closing... (TL:DR)
The internet sucks. People suck. Get used to it. Protect yourself and your mental health and move along.
TWST has flaws, and that's FINE.
Respect eachother
Take responsibility for what you say or post
Kids will be cringe. Leave them be. You were cringe too.
Read. Please. I beg of you.
Anyway, thanks for reading all that and sorry for the long vent. A cookie and a hug for you.
Now go forth and have a great day/night on purpose!!⭐🩷
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furmity · 10 months
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For all I had to be at my most responsible, competent, and organised to help my brother, spending a lot of time calling mechanics and discussing autoelectrics- we had a blast. We're great friends and hadn't seen each other in years.
He is out of the pit, and in a month we rendezvous with our sister (us three in the same place for the first time in three years!). Much progress was made.
We ate the finest, cheapest tropical fruits and cackled at the shaming of the guilty. We worked a few days on an organic sweet potato farm, visited a coffee plantation, and drank a bottle of mango wine. I *shudder* became accustomed to XXXX because the interstate folk don't know what's up.
I saw animals I've waited my whole life to see, amd marvelled at how all of Australia was once rainforest. We picked up a stray dog at the crater lakes and surrendered them to a vet. Alas, it was dry season and I didn't have the QLD green- treefrog- in- shower moment.
We mountain- goated across boulders, and I fulfilled my lifelong ambition of swinging from a jungle vine in aid of the goating. We had a driftwood fire on the Kaba beach and camped in a very eccentric tent belonging to our sister. One night I led a lost drunk girl who didn't have a phone through the dark mangroves back to camp... and when I went back to smoke a joint in there, the board walk vibrated ominously.
We inspected the pools at the top of Davies Creek Falls in the dark, and only realised the next day that they're 70m tall. We screeched to a halt for a frog crossing the road, and saw a platypus with uncanny ease at the platypus- viewing hide in Yungaburra.
I stood leaning on the rail of the Fitzroy Flyer and let the Coral Sea wind blow through me, up my nose and into my soul. That attempt to see some of Nyurrbing was ultimately a very expensive day on the beach in the rain (a cheerful one, though). We had silly cocktails on a tropical island from Foxy's.
A lucky sea- step penny I've had since Orkney in (er..?) 2016 mysteriously vanished, replaced by a 5c piece from the great Biboohra River. My rosary blessed by its waters, and my "home" solstice hallowing water my best offering.
I met Daintree bogans and greened out on their medical weed in Cape Tribulation. My brother was with me, and those guys were great, but I felt how easily something terrible could have happened. I thought I'd broken my nose.
I was sensible and didn't try the Queensland psyllocibins available in the caravan park's drug shop. Open 7-9pm daily and run by a metal head Bush Doof Jesus, it is frequented by Lenny the bandicoot (who was stolen then returned, seen crash- bandicooting in a cage on a skateboard!). I got a blow- by- blow account when my caravan- mate had a chocolate full of "penis envy" mushrooms.
I marvelled at being in Hippy Land, the way it was reflected in supermarkets and pharmacies. The Kuranda markets were a lot of fun. I saw plenty of irresponsible van- life animal husbandry, and was disappointed how strong white dreadlocks still are. I became disgusted by their fire twirling antics (kerosene on the beach of the Great Barrier Reef?!), beautiful as it was. Someone stole a plastic spoon which was holding our caravan window open, and you couldn't trust them around your dish detergent!
I read a trippy N.E. QLD magazine called Connect (it was the LGBTQIA+ edition and friends, I don't know how offended to be). Full of ads for white plastic shamans and barramundi animal messages.
I twice glued the boots which had been re- heeled before the trip. Their soles peeled the minute we got to Kaba Kada. What was once dappled grey is now dyed by the red, red Yidinji soil of the farm. They're treasured now (and at the cobbler).
I stitched tourist patches into the duffel bag which is slowly catching up to my old sticker- covered case that perished coming back from Aotaeroa. I was that tourist who bought a crocodile tooth, and dreamt with it under my pillow.
For my last night I painted my nails pink to watch Barbie in Australia's oldest operative cinema. We spoilt our dinner with popcorn and snakes, and saw one last waterfall.
I came home to Tarndanya and saw it anew... a changed woman (not that Barbie had anything to do with it).
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shadyteacup · 3 years
I am a major Fyodor simp... so can I request some fyo fic?
Honestly, anything Fyodor..
Have a good day!
You shall ask, n I shall deliver.. Here's some Fyodor angst! Hope u like it💕
My Favorite Poison
Fyodor x GN! Reader
TW: angst, and death... also manipulation and immense God complex...
Enjoy mi amor :)
You and fyodor loved each other. You were the perfect couple. He was a tall, handsome, lanky man, and you complemented him perfectly. Both of you couldn't be happier with your lives right now.
So why did your smile never reach your eyes when you talked to him? Why did his expression look more commanding than loving? Why did he never leave any important documents near you? Why do you never kiss him like you used to?
Why does being with him feel like a burden?
It's simple, really. You both had met a few years ago and fallen in love with each other.
What you both didn't realize at the time, was just how cunning and dangerously manipulative the other was.
You both were probably attracted to each other because of how similar you both were. Both of you had a God complex. Only now do you realize, that you two were powerful, headstrong gods, with opposite views of the world.
You believed in a clean world, devoid of evil. So did he. But in your eyes, he was evil too. Anyone who disturbs the serenity of the world is evil. It was all about balance for you. You believed in equal amount of good and bad. And that's how the world is. It is a lot of bad mixed with a lot of good, making it neither, as a whole. Anyone who tampers with this balance, is a criminal.
You, being the all knowing, were the only one exempted from this rule. For you created some ruckus, and watched how the world reacted. It was amusing for you. The way the mortals scrambled to keep up with pretenses, and killed to maintain decorum. The irony was humorous. It was your way of testing your people. Throwing them under the bus, and observing just how far they would go to survive.
Fyodor wasn't the same. His methods were all aimed towards changing the way of the world. He was aiming to break this cycle of good and bad, and believed that he could make all the bad go away. How foolish of him.
If you two ever decide to come to a middle ground, and work together, you could achieve great things.
But both of you couldn't accept another God, one who is equal to yourselves. For each of you, there existed only one God, and that was your own self. Neither of you could tolerate the presence of the other. But instead of discussing this issue, you both decided to play games. Both of you, being super manipulative, created a fake world, wherein both of you were an ideal couple, loving one another, caring for each other, sipping wine and having lively conversations. You two were living the 'perfect life of a perfect couple'.
Currently, you were seated at the large marble table of your spacious living room. You were clad in expensive attire, and seated opposite to you, Fyodor adorned a fancy suit. You two were celebrating your third anniversary. What a better way to celebrate it, than over a vast variety of mouthwatering multi cuisine spread and the finest red wine?
Your silk gloves shone in the pretty lighting of the chandelier lit hall. Fyodor looked dashing in his black suit, and the color of his tie perfectly matched the violet of his eyes. If you didn't know any better, you would have fallen for him.
But you did know better.
So you flashed a dazzlingly fake grin at the man seated opposite to you.
"What a lovely evening."
He mocked your expression, and held your hand in his, two gloved hands uniting atop the wide table.
"It indeed is, my beloved. "
Soft violins played in the background, as you both began your celebratory meal.
You stare at him as you sipped the red liquid. Observing his looks, almost as if you were memorizing his features. Oddly enough, he was doing the same.
"You look really beautiful today, my dear."
Fyodor says as he cuts himself a piece of the syrniki, dipping it in the blueberry jam that you had specially prepared for him.
You felt happy, in that moment. Your hatred for him remained constant and clear.
He observed your face, noticing the raw, elegant beauty it held. He remembers the times he spent spent with you over the last three years. Those days were truly splendid. So why did it go wrong? Why did you both hate each other? Why are you both so close, yet so far?
You and him were perfect, until you realized his point of view towards life. You believed that people born with abilities are gifted individuals. He considers them to be a curse. Abilities are immensely unfair. He wanted to rid the world of its unfairness. You, on the other hand, saw beauty in imperfection. You despised evil. Evil, in your terms, was something that changes the frangible balance of good and bad in this world. You believed in karma, and enjoyed watching from your throne as it righted all wrongs.
Fyodor was set on changing the dynamics of this impure world. You couldn't let that happen. You enjoyed it the way it was.
He knows that if he wants to be successful in cleansing the world, he would have to let you go. But you were stubborn. You wouldn't leave without changing his mind and manipulating him to give up on his aim. Besides, you had seen and heard way too much. He couldn't just let you walk away.
He noticed how you kept sipping the wine, and didn't touch the food.
That works for him.
He tries to hide his grin. Yes, the good times he had with you were lovely. He honestly hadn't felt like that with anyone before. He had fallen in love with you. But, alas, all good things must come to an end.
You felt lightheaded, and dizzy. You wondered if it was happiness, or something else entirely.
Your eyes widened as you realized just what you were drinking. You had just sipped your own demise.
The peculiar smell, the slightly sour taste.. you wondered how you missed the tell tale signs of being poisoned.
Fyodor chuckled at your shocked expression.
"It was fun, Krasotka. The times we shared were very genuine."
He cuts another piece of his syrniki, relishing the taste.
It's a pity. He thought. Nobody can make these as well as you do. It's a pity he won't be able to enjoy them anymore.
You start laughing maniacally.
'Ofcourse,' , you thought,' afterall, the two of us are the exact same.'
"So this is goodbye, I suppose." You say as you grip the table to prevent falling prey to the weakness spreading throughout your body.
"Why, yes. I-"
Fyodor was interrupted by a series of coughs. His breathing became irregular, and he was coughing up blood, staining the pearly white silk napkin with a crimson hue.
Fyodor gapes at your laughing form.
'The syrniki', he thought.
"We are but the same darling.", you say as you caress his paling cheek with your fingers.
The reason for your giddiness became clear to him now. You wanted him gone. He wondered why he didn't catch on to the subtle hints. The peculiar smell, the slightly metallic taste, it all points to being poisoned. Now he understood why you had made his favourite dish in the first place. It was all to lure him to bite into his last meal.
He stares at your beautiful eyes. Eyes that once held pure unadulterated love for him. But now,they were filled with malice and hatred. Oh, how cunning you were. As he observed the evil glint in your eyes, he fell for you all over again. He loves your dark side. Now that he was on the verge of death, his goals, ambitions, nothing really mattered. In this moment of truth, he was able to genuinely appreciate your evil genius. The mysterious new plant in your garden, one that looked so much like an innocent garden plant, was one of your deadly creations. You really were a smart person. Always tinkering with life, in all forms. Your array of poisonous creations were memorised by him. This one was new. You had discovered another poisonous plant species, and grown it specially for this occasion. How truly romantic of you.
"I love you." ,he says as he stares at his one true love, his savior, and his angel, who would carry him to his death.
"It's a pity that I don't anymore. ", you say, leaning closer to him.
"Happy anniversary, love.", you whisper.
Both your faces meet halfway in one last kiss.
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author-morgan · 3 years
Okay, I haven't watched Vikings... but please, tell me about Harald Finehair? :3 ❤️
Oh, Harald. Harald, my love. I'll try to keep this short because I could go on for ages about him (and Halfdan) and Vikings in general. Spoilers ahead for Vikings.
So, Harald Finehair rolls up early in season 4 ready to help raid Paris looking like a full meal (see gif below —look at that smirk, he knows he's hot shit). He's outspoken, he's charming, he's a leader, he's got a lot of charisma, he's ambitious. And he has BIG ambitions. Harald wants to make himself King of all Norway, why you may ask? For love (in my humble opinion, he's kind of a hopeless romantic who wears his heart on his sleeve and that makes it really easy for women to make a fool of him). When he was younger, Harald fell in love with a princess, Ellisif, who rejected him for not being 'important' enough. What better way is there to become important than unifying the petty kingdoms of Norway under one crown? The ambition to become king and prove himself to gain his princess's affections is a primary motivator for his character, driving many of his actions. Emotion over reason also gets the better of him a few times. It also yields one of my favorite scenes, which is a conversation between him and Queen Aslaug, who is Ragnar Lothbrok's wife and is very telling about the kind of man he is (@ Hirst, drop your location, I just wanna talk about season 6, because y u do that).
Aslaug: Why didn't you just take her? Harald: That's a good question, Queen Aslaug, but, uh, I don't know. I liked her spirit. I decided I had to be worthy of her.
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Harald's also a very skilled warrior (you don't get to call yourself a king back in the day without having to survive and win a few battles), even as he gets more silver in his whiskers, his battle prowess never diminishes. Sigh, what a man. He often has his brother, Halfdan the Black (♥), around during battles. Their combined skills and general joy/enthusiasm before and during the heat of battle is why I (and a lot of others) call them the murder bros. Just look at them, both thrilled to kick some Saxon ass. Look at my boys, off to destroy people, I love you both. Another point I enjoy about Harald is he knows when's beat, and can admit it —as well as admitting when others are better strategists (e.g., Ragnar and then Ivar). He’s somehow both humble and arrogant.
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If you know something about history, then you might know Harald Finehair was the first King of Norway, and the show embraces this piece of history, though it is a pyrrhic victory for Harald in many senses. He's lost so much along the path to finally wear the crown and title of King of all Norway and realizes maybe, in the end, it wasn't worth it. Harald makes it known that he regrets killing Halfdan (often), that he mourns his wife (which is a whole other topic. And maybe I'm in the minority, but even given the questionable circumstances of their marriage, I liked Harald and Astrid together, it shows that for the most part, he'd be a good husband in a better situation), mourns his unborn child (even though it's implied to not be his). Harald's story in the show makes me immensely sad that they did not include Ragnhild the Mighty, or at least allow him to be in a truly happy marriage.
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But alas, Harald was Viking. He lived as Viking and died as a Viking, and he surely feasts in Valhalla with Halfdan now. And thus, I will leave you to ponder the wonder of King Harald Finehair with my favorite quote from him in the show:
Harald: I will not bargain for my life. For a Viking that would be demeaning. To us, death is bliss, and I rush to bleed.
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Potion Partners
For charlieswanwhore  who requested : hi !! can i request a remus lupin x slytherin! reader fic ?? maybe the marauders don’t really like her but remus really likes her and stuff ahah thank you!
 Remus Lupin x Reader
“Everyone pick a partner, they’ll be your partner for the rest of the year so choose wisely.” Slughorn announced on the first day of advanced potions, seventh year. Remus looked at James, who smiled apologetically, as Sirius was already claiming him. Remus frowned. Peter didn’t get the grades to be in this class, so Remus was at a loss for a partner- he looked around. 
You were sitting by yourself, doodling on a piece of scrap parchment and not paying much mind to the partner picking going on around you. Remus had spoken to you a few times over the years and you were always kind to him, despite your house. Not to mention Remus thought you were probably the prettiest girl in school, and you were a wiz in most classes. 
Before he knew what he was doing he was walking towards your desk, he cleared his throat awkwardly once he was standing in front of you, you glanced up. 
“Do you want to be my partner?” He asked, not sure what bigger power had guided him into doing this. Sirius and James were looking at him like he had sprouted three heads and a tail. You tilted your head, looking up at him from your spot before you shrugged and moved your books over so he would have room to sit at your table. 
“Sure,” Remus smiled at you, sitting down beside you, and you were relieved. You didn’t know anyone well enough in this class to be partners with them, and you had been hoping Slughorn would leave you be and let you work alone. But now you didn’t have to work alone, and better yet you didn’t have to work with someone who wasn’t good at potions- you knew Remus was probably the smartest boy in your year. He said something to you, but you were caught up in your own thoughts so you didn’t hear him the first time, “What?” You questioned, glancing over. 
Remus smiled at you, sometimes he wondered how you ended up in Slytherin with the likes of Snape and Malfoy, you were too nice for that. But then he considered Slyhterin’s good traits.  Ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness. He supposed you exemplified those traits wonderfully. 
“I asked how your years going so far,” He repeated, watching you relax slightly, he glanced at your doodle and pointed to it, “Hey, that’s really good,” You covered the doodle with another piece of parchment and shrugged again. 
“Thanks. My year is going alright so far. I can already tell I’m never going to stop doing homework,” You chuckled softly to yourself, and Remus found he liked your laugh a lot. “How about you?” 
“So far so good,” He nodded, “And yeah, with NEWTs coming up, everyone is piling it on.” You nodded, and Remus watched you write /potions/ in a pretty scrawl at the top of your paper. 
“You’d think they’d go a bit easy on us, leave us a bit of time to actually study for the exams,” You smirked slightly, rolling your eyes. Remus opened his mouth to respond when Slughorn cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. Class went by quickly, and it was mostly note taking much to Remus’s disappointment. He wanted the chance to talk to you more, but alas, he didn’t get it. 
When class was over you said goodbye quickly before gathering your things and leaving the room, Remus watched you go before he was joined by his mates, who were still looking at him like he was crazy. 
“Why did you ask a Slytherin to be your partner?” Sirius asked, eyes narrowed. Remus shrugged at his friends, slinging his bag over his shoulder as they began to walk to lunch together. 
“You lot didn’t leave me much of a choice, besides, Y/N is nice, she’s not like the others.” James rolled his eyes dramatically.
“You just think she’s fit,” 
“So what if I do?” Remus huffed, crossing his arms, “Is that so bad?”
“Yes! She’s a Slytherin mate, they’re the enemy!” Sirius cried out, elbowing his friend in the side, Remus winced rubbing his ribs. 
“She isn’t your enemy, Sirius, she has never done anything to you,” He argued, becoming slightly annoyed with his mates. “Just drop it, alright?” They did, but not without several more grumbles from Sirius. 
You and Remus worked well together in potions, and he found himself really looking forward to the class, to you. You would make idle chat as you made your potion together, and everytime he made you laugh or smile he felt proud of himself. He was even starting to consider you a friend, waving at each other when you passed in the hallway. Much to the other boys annoyance. But he liked it-he liked you. 
One evening, Remus had dragged the marauders to the library in order to “study”, but mostly the others were messing around while Remus did his assignments. 
“Hey Remus,” He looked up in time to see you plopping down in the empty seat at the table, he smiled at you. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Sirius openly glared and James pick up a book and pretended to read. You looked around awkwardly for a moment before going to stand. 
“Just wanted to say hello..” 
“No, stay,” Remus offered smiling, you stilled, easing back into the seat. 
“What?” Sirius hissed at his friend and you did a good job pretending you didn’t hear it. You and Remus talked, you asked him what homework he was working on. James continued to pretend to read and Sirius continued to glare at you. 
“I need to go, just remembered something I need to do,” Sirius announced suddenly, standing up and gathering his bag. 
“I’ll come, mate,” James jumped up eagerly. “Remus?” 
“I’ll be there soon, I’ll catch up later.” Remus leveled his friends with a dirty look, that they sheepishly avoided as they hustled out of the library. 
“Your friends don’t like me,” You smirked slightly, leaning back in your chair as you looked at Remus, who wildly shook his head. 
“That isn’t true,” That made you laugh, and he cracked a half smile, “Okay, maybe not yet, but they’re like that with all new people.” 
“Sure,” You picked a quill up, twirling it between your fingers, “And it has nothing to do with me being a Slytherin?” 
“Well...” Remus picked nervously at his jumper, you chuckled again, reaching over to pat his arm. 
“It’s alright, really, I’m used to it.” You assured, “We’re not all dicks,” 
“I know you’re not!” 
“I know you know, Remus,” You assured again, smiling gently at him. “I’ll let you catch up with your pals, I only came to nag a book anyways, I’ll see you around?” You offered, standing up, Remus followed suit, standing as well. 
“Yeah sure, sounds good.” You smiled and turned to walk away, “Hey, Y/N,” You paused and turned, “Maybe we can study sometime?” 
“I’d like that,” You nodded, “Goodnight, Remus,” 
Remus came back into the common room and went to his little group of friends who were in their usual spot by the fire. Remus joined them, plopping down. 
“Where have you been mister?” James jokingly chidded, “It’s nearly past your bedtime,” 
“I was studying with Y/N in the library.” James and Sirius both made faces, Sirius going as far to pretend to gag. Remus’s face fell, “Can you lot knock it off?” 
“Sorry, mate, but it’s gross.” James shrugged, “She’s a Slyhterin, you have a massive crush on a bloody Slytherin.” Remus flushed. 
“It’s not massive,” 
“Ah-ha! So it is a crush!” James pumped his fist into the air, leaning back in his chair, “I knew it,” 
“He doesn’t hide it, making googly eyes at her all class,” Sirius rolled his eyes. “Can’t you pick literally any other bird here? There’s some fit Hufflepuffs,” 
“You guys are just arseholes.” Remus got up with a huff, “And for your information, I plan on asking her to Hogsmeade this weekend, so get used to it,” And with that he retired to his dormroom, leaving his friends in his wake. 
The next potions class you had together, he was dead set on asking you to Hogsmeade. He almost asked you three times while you made your potion together but everytime he lost the nerve. Finally, as class was wrapping up he took a deep breath. 
“Hmm?” You asked, looking up from your stirring. 
“Do you have any plans for Hogsmeade this weekend?” Your hand paused, tilting your head as you glanced over at him with a small smile. 
“No, I don’t,” 
“Do you want to go? Together, I mean.” Remus shifted nervously under your gaze, but you kept smiling so he allowed himself to be hopeful. 
“Sure, that sounds nice!” 
“Really? Er, amazing, good, I can meet you at 11?” He offered and you nodded, going back to your stirring. 
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closer-stars · 3 years
Dance With Me
Member: Wooyoung Genre: Fluff Word Count: ~3000 Requested: No Content: just dancing with wooyoung. also both of you have feelings for each other but neither of you want to say ANYTHING about it. Also ended up making a playlist for this. Might link it if anyone wants it lol. Note: got inspired when i found out he likes dancing to slow songs. this is also just a bit of a break for me from all the requests I’ve been writing. Go easy on me on this ig, it’s been quite a while since I wrote anything that wasn’t a request and just practically winged this.  Tag list: @prodbyteez @barsformars @yeotlny @frankenstein852 @miniyeo @shinyddeonghwa @wlbrzst Net: @ateezlovenet
It’s night time. Ten o’ clock to be exact. Today is supposed to be your rest day, just at home, maybe playing video games, drinking some wine, just being able to take it easy. Alas, here you are in the studio with Wooyoung. His reason? None of the members wanted to stay in the studio; even the ever hardworking San wanted to stay at home and play League or melt into the massage chair. You can’t even get yourself to agree with Wooyoung when it came to staying at home. A good quality massage chair does wonders. You also can’t turn down an offer to dance with Wooyoung. It’s been far too long since you’ve danced with him after all. 
So here you are, just vibing along to the music he’s been playing at one side of the room, while he’s trying to get into the vibe but never quite being able to. You have fun with the music changes. Truthfully his music taste has matured over the years, some of the songs were unfamiliar to you. It’s a challenge for you to explore your own abilities and body. On the other hand, his own challenge was getting into the music. He vibes for a few counts but never quite gets into it like you. He watches you for a few moments through the mirror, a little envious of how you’re able to ease yourself into it. Yet, here he is, someone who works constantly through singing and dancing but can’t get himself to dance wholeheartedly. Freely. 
Maybe that’s why he dragged you here. 
“Hey, can I change the music?” You ask. You have a bit of an idea but it depends if he was willing for a bit of a change. 
“Go for it.” He says, a little thankful that he can turn off his thoughts to songs he’s not familiar with. Truthfully, he’s been a little nervous since it’s been so long since he’s spent time with you like this. He wants to show how much he has improved over the years he couldn’t meet up with you. Unfortunately, his own feelings got him feeling like he has two left feet or at the very least, forgetting how to dance. This time, he lets you take the lead. 
The music changes. Somehow, this genre was so you that it makes his lips curve upwards. You’ve matured and changed over the years, but hearing this kind of vibe was something he would have expected from you. It’s a small reassurance for him. Once you’re satisfied, you walk over to him and there’s something in your eyes that he catches. There’s a plan brewing in your head. He doesn’t quite remember how successful your impromptu plans are. 
“Do you remember when we were trainees, when we would dance around each other? Just freestyling and improv?” You ask. The two of you were trainees under the same company at one point. Eventually, you decided to venture into a path different from his. When you had left, he only had Yeosang left. He couldn’t lose the people he held so dear to his heart. 
At the mention of those memories, he laughs, “Of course.”. How young were the two of you then, so much hope and ambition. The two of you loved dancing with each other and he hopes that the love is still there. “Why?” He asks. 
He shouldn’t have asked because by the time the question came out of his mouth, you were dancing. Your feet gliding across the floor and around him. You’ve always been graceful, even when you’re just bouncing to the beat, it just looked so effortless on you. He remembers how the two of you look so awkward dancing in these styles. Now, it seems that you’ve grown into your genre. You never lost your love for dancing even after life had led you down a different path. Just like his feelings for his dream and you. He watches you dance around him, either with his own eyes or through the mirror. He catches a few moves influenced by other dance styles and he wonders just what have you been up to all this time. Some of the moves you do, he knows where you got those: trainee years. He even catches a move that he had personally taught you. These references don’t go past him unnoticed, in fact he giggles and laughs wholeheartedly at each reference.  
The fleeting touches you give him aren’t going unnoticed either. There’s still a hint of shyness in them, only balanced by how confident you move and how the song eggs you on. You’ve always been the type to like upbeat music. The confidence boost the steady instrumental gives you was refreshing to see. You always preferred to keep your feelings and thoughts to yourself, ever so private you are. But when music plays, you come out of that shell, doing things he didn’t think you could do. This includes making his heart race. Since he doesn’t have to dance for now, he takes the time to fully appreciate you. To have your undivided attention while you dance, it felt too good to be true. 
Once the song reaches the end, you slowly stop as well, letting your energy fade into the next song. Your chest rising and falling quickly as you catch your breath. There’s a thin sheet of sweat on your forehead: it’s been a while since you’ve danced like that. The music still plays and Wooyoung stands there. It’s when you stop dancing that he spots how your bashful mannerisms return; the shy smile where your eyes scrunch close as you catch your breath. You look cute, he thinks. A little prideful of himself too, to see a side of you that not a lot of people see. 
He’s not sure of what to say, how to properly praise you after what you’ve done. The hesitance is thrown out the window and he lets the words fly out instead. “You’ve improved.” He starts. It’s hard to hide the prideful grin on his features. He praises you for your skills and patience to improve in these styles despite your already hectic schedule. After such words, you bow in thanks to his words. Truthfully, you haven’t seen how you’ve improved but if Wooyoung says you have then you’ll take his words for it. Now, you gesture for him to take over the dance floor. 
“Your turn, pretty boy.” You say simply. The praise momentarily causes his brain to buffer. This doesn’t slip by you that you smirk, proceeding to call him that name again. “I said what I said, pretty boy.” You taunt him playfully. 
The song playing now is a different one. It’s up Wooyoung’s alley this time. He decides to impress you with his skills this time. You didn’t expect anything different from him. As far as you could remember, he loved showing off his lines at the start. It didn’t matter if he does them sharp and quickly or careful and slowly, if it makes the audience breathless then he’s doing well. He takes his time dancing with the music this time. Compared to earlier, he looks a lot more relaxed. There’s just something about dancing with friends for no reason that his job as an idol can’t quite beat. The need to impress you eventually ebs away, making room for him to just be. Of course even if he just lets be, he can’t help but be a little flirty with you. Mouthing the lyrics while shooting you a wink here and there, all of which are rebuffed by you rolling your eyes. 
Both of you know better. The refusal of such flirtings really meant nothing. Neither of you speak about it though, instead just having fun to see who would cave first.
Though he loosens up now, he doesn’t miss on the chance to throw a few moves that he knows are your thing. And was it really Wooyoung, if there wasn’t any attitude in his movement? Of course he’d go as far as do the same moves you did in reference to him, all while correcting you on how to do it. Just typical Wooyoung things. Besides his dance lines, now more prominent, you can’t help but be impressed with how controlled his core is. Maybe you’ll ask for his training regime after tonight. His performance lights up a small competitive flame in you. You keep it under wraps though, you want to see what other tricks he has up his sleeve. 
It’s not tricks but you do see that he’s been able to explore just how much his body can do. He’s often on the floor, sometimes on his knees as he dances, rising up for a few counts before being on the floor once more. A small part of you wonders how he’d do when it comes to other styles of hip hop with how grounded he’s become. Just then, you catch him losing his focus, struggling a little to execute certain moves.
He can’t help it, hell, he doesn’t know why it made him lose focus. For some reason, his head decided to emphasize the mere fact, he’s dancing for you. Just the two of you. He was so used to dancing with you and other trainees that then turned into dancing with his members. Now, it’s the two of you only. Flustered feelings overpower his focus, and it shows in a small misstep, a small miss in timing. Even if he’s in the zone, he wants to be worthy of your pride. 
“Let’s go, Wooyoung.” You say, trying to put him back into the groove. You didn’t really think about holding back. You were sure that his members have seen how frustrated he can get when he loses his groove in something he’s been working on. “Let’s go.” You say, bouncing a little in the same spot. 
Without another thought, you decide to dance with him. The imagery of a puppeteer with his little puppet as you maneuver around him. There’s something that looks like surprise in Wooyoung’s eyes when he realizes you’re dancing with him now.The visuals the two of you make was refreshing. It felt right, seems like two puzzle pieces fitting right in after looking for their match for so long. Though, for you, you don’t put too much effort into dancing, doing this just to make sure Wooyoung doesn’t lose his focus. He notices what you’re doing and he feels a little strengthened to continue dancing even for a few more counts. For now, he’ll follow your lead until he’s able to drop into the music. 
The two of you drop to the floor once the song ends. Both of you heaving from the physical exertion. Just a few feet away, the sound system continues to play music that neither of you plan to stop. You look over at the male who’s spread eagle on the floor, strands of hair clinging to his skin as he catches his breath. Maybe it would’ve been nice to stand on the same stage as him but would you have been able to handle the pressure? You shake the thoughts of your head as you pull yourself up. 
“Hey, do you remember the choreo to this?” His voice cuts through the thoughts that still cling to your consciousness. The question registers into your mind and you take a moment to focus on the song. Oh. This is rather old. A song the two of you danced to for a monthly evaluation if you remember correctly. One of the rare times you danced with him at such close proximity. 
You reason with yourself that the hot feeling on your cheeks is your body’s heat from dancing for longer than you were used to. “Yeah a bit, why?” You return the question to him while you stretch your legs from the exhaustion. 
“Wanna do it?”
Your eyes look at him with disbelief. “I thought you forget choreos easily.” It’s not that you doubt him-- okay maybe just a bit, but the amount of times he has said that he forgets choreographies to you and to the camera was quite high. 
Your question clearly goes through one ear and out the other. Typical. “Let’s just give it a shot.” He says, pushing himself up with what you can only assume was something he picked up from breaking. Always the flashy guy he was, wanting to flex whenever possible. He walks over to you, offering his hand to pull you up to your feet. 
Who are you to say no? 
When you hold onto his hand, he pulls you up and against his chest. The prideful smirk already on his lips. The voice in your head berates you for falling for such a classic trick from him. As if you’d complain though. But you don’t show how affected you are by such actions, and instead, you lightly whack his chest, thus giving you the chance to get away. 
Did that matter? Not quite because eventually, the two of you would have to dance together.
With that, the dancing begins again. The two of you twist against each other, switching positions that showcases each other’s skills. At certain segments, one of you would forget what comes next-- the things that says this would be either a panicked yelp from you, or an awkward questioning sound from Wooyoung. When one forgets what’s next, the other manages to remember and lead them. It’s all smooth sailing until the two of you forget what comes next. 
The two of you are just looking at your reflections, frozen in the same pose. Either of you hoping the other remembers and puts the two of you back on track. “Freestyle?” He proposes.
“Call. Face me.” 
The two of you are now looking at each other, dancing with each other in your own respective colors. It’s interesting to see how the two of you are dancing to the same song yet catching different beats. This goes on for a few counts, until Wooyoung snaps back into focus. Looks like he remembers the next step. 
“Let’s dance like this.” 
You follow his lead but it came with a bit of a price; to put it simply, it was a little flustering. It felt like you were looking at a mirror but not quite. It’s not surprising that you’d stumble at the confusing visuals that didn’t quite match with the vague memories in your head. Your flustered state isn’t missed by Wooyoung who eyes you with soft glee. Fortunately for you, you catch your pace again and dance confidently to him. 
He dances with just as much confidence to you. A privy smile creeping upon his features as he approaches you through the music. He knows you won’t move away so he takes his time. Any step back the two of you do were part of the choreography. From here onwards, the two of you know the choreography by heart. How can you not? 
The choreography ends with the two of you looking at each other. Wooyoung bending a little lower always, as you always look downwards at the end. He won’t miss out on an opportunity to see that cute shy look on your face when you realize how close he is to you. 
You can’t berate yourself either for liking how close he is. That cheeky smile he has that only you get to see does things to your stomach. The last four counts have the two of you just doing simple two steps grooving out the rest of the song out. 
After that session, your playlist ends right on time. But when the songs end, that’s when Wooyoung’s noise starts. The male lets out a relieved groan as he drops to his butt onto the floor, catching his breath. You let out the breath you’ve been holding since he got so close to you as you get your phone. After unplugging your phone from the system, you return your attention to the man who has evidently stripped his pullover off to cool his body down. 
“Walk around. Lying down after dancing isn’t going to help.” You chide him. Old habits really die hard with that guy. 
For once, he listens immediately. He pulls himself up and picks up his things. “Let’s go grab something to eat?” The look of incredulity on your face makes him raise his shoulders, unfazed by how sharp you look right now. “What? You said walk around, so let’s get out of here and grab something to eat, I’m hungry.” In other words: I don’t want this night with you to end just yet. 
Moments of silence pass over you. You were going to regret the less than usual hours of sleep you’ll get tonight but you’d regret not spending time with him more. “Let me grab my stuff, you switch off the stuff here cause I don’t want any property damage on my hands.”  He grins widely, victorious at his persuasion. “Besides, you owe me a lot of stories.” You add as you grab all your belongings. 
He does as he’s told and then hooks his arm right over your shoulders. “For starters, give me your new number. That way, you don’t miss me too much.” The two of you leave the studio all while Wooyoung recounts his stories to you. 
“Excuse me! You’re the one who dragged me here. You’re the one who misses me.” 
He wonders if you can feel how fast his heart races to have you in his arms like this. He can always excuse with from all the dancing no matter how stupid it can sound. 
He likes what he has with you right now, no rush. It’s obvious how you got feelings for each other but there’s no pressure in confessing. The night will forever be young as long as he’s with you.
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geordiewrites · 3 years
Hey i just read exile inspired fic and it is soo good. I think you should write one based on the song tolerate it by ts? With harry plz. The drama, fight, tears.. I think you will reflect the emotion so well omg.
Tolerate It | Harry Potter
A/N: Hi lovely! First off, I adored this request so much and I really hope I’ve done it justice. Tolerate It is such a beautiful song and defo one of my favourites off of Evermore to cry to, there’s just so much detail hidden within the lyrics and I adore that. Harry too!! There’s not enough stuff for Harry, so I hope I’ve done well for you! ( Also this is super short, but I’ve been swamped with coursework xox )
Summary: Y/N is in love with The Boy Who Lived, and due to marry him in the Spring with a beautiful April wedding. Friends to lovers to that engaged couple who are just too in love to function, they share the most perfect story. But when Y/N begins to see their relationship for what it is, her entire world is thrown off key...
Warnings: angst and lots of it, loneliness, sadness, swearing.
“You’re coming home tonight, right?” Y/N asks, excitement and anticipation heavy in her tone, cherry red nails clicking against the cold metal of the answerphone.
“Of course, I’ll be back soon, love.” Harry Potter, her beloved fiancé, answered back on the other side from his workplace all the way in central London. His office is almost empty, devoid of any homely photos or colleagues: they had all gone home to their families long ago, and yet he stayed behind. He had no work to finish, no cases glaring to be solved. There was nothing to do but leave, but Harry didn’t.
“You’ve said that before.” Y/N pointed out blandly, her forced smile fading slightly. Many times had Harry said he was on his way home, only to send a letter the next morning apologising for suddenly getting swamped with unavoidable paperwork. “Please come home Harry, I’ve even made your favourite for dinner.”
“That sounds good, I promise I’ll be there soon. I’m just leaving the Ministry now.” Harry replied monotonously, not sounding nearly as happy as Y/N wished he would. Perhaps he had just had a bad day at the office, he must have done. But he had just one too many bad days now, and the reality that he might not want to see her was beginning to sink in.
Shaking off that horrible thought, Y/N inhaled a sharp breath and chewed the edge of her top lip. “Alright, if you say so. I’ll see you then.”
“Bye.” Harry said shortly before putting the phone down and staring at his office, desperately trying to find a reason to stay at work. He did love Y/N, he did. Heck, he had even asked her to marry him and kissed the edge of her lips as they set the date. And then postponed it. And then postponed it another year after that, all because of some urgent work that Harry had suddenly come across. He was just so young, forced to grow up so quickly he didn’t even have time for a scrap of a childhood. Maybe that was why he didn’t want to see Y/N, why going home to their apartment often felt like a chore.
Back at their cosy flat in the nicer part of Greenwich, Y/N put the phone down after hearing an abrupt beep on the other end that let her know he had hung up. She sighed before walking over to a tall cabinet that stood to the side of their kitchen, taking out a set of nice china plates her Grandmother had left her and crystal wine glasses. It was the lovely cutlery only used for things like Christmas and obligatory dinner parties her family forced her to hold.
After setting it out on the table, Y/N checked the time and supposed that if Harry really had left as he said, he would be back in just a minute through the wonders of apparation. Carefully so she wouldn’t somehow spill the food in her clumsiness, a quality Harry once said he loved about her, Y/N moved the food from the oven, to plates and then through to their front room where the fancy cutlery was set up. A smile made its way onto her face, a beaming, gorgeous smile of confidence that her and Harry would finally have the night she deserved. One where work or his reluctance to put effort into their relationship, even if she did pretend she knew nothing about this, didn’t get in the way.
Alas however, minutes passed and there was no sign of Harry anywhere. The food grew colder and that wonderful, rare smile of hers faded into an all too comfortable frown, the crease between her eyebrows deepening with not only disappointment, but anger. A growing resentment for Harry’s lack of care or even acknowledgement of their engagement. He didn’t seem to give two hoots that she had made a lovely meal; after all, he had only called it ‘good’. Not fabulous or decadent or even something praiseful. Just good.
They hadn’t said ‘I love you’ before they hung up the phones. Harry had only said one word. Y/N’s mind began to spiral, her breathing growing quicker and sharper as the thought that it might be time to confront Harry about the buildup of letdowns over the course of the last few months. A year even, since he had properly spent time at home. At their home, the one in which he had knelt down on one knee and told her he wanted to grow old with her by his side, failing at muggle card games on the front porch as they watched their grandchildren play.
Not knowing exactly what to do, Y/N retreated to grasping at the doorframe to keep her body from tumbling to the ground. Her mind whirred with the usual possibilities to try and chase away his lateness. Got caught at work, perhaps Ron called. But none of it compared to the looming threat that Harry was scraping any old excuse together in order to stay away. That he was lying, something she never thought she would have to think about him doing. Harry had always been such an honest person, even as a child.
Y/N remembered how nervous he was when he first asked her out during their fifth year at Hogwarts. He had been on this disastrous date with some Ravenclaw she couldn’t quite remember the name of, and come back utterly defeated. Feeling sorry for a friend she had always harboured a crush on, Y/N had stayed up all night convincing him something better was around the corner. It occurred to Harry quite quickly after that that Y/N was that somebody. She liked him, and at the time that was enough to make him think he was in love. To some degree he was, but not nearly as much as Y/N had fallen for him.
It was almost midnight when the front door to their apartment clicked with the turn of a key, and Y/N, still standing in the same sad place by the door to their living room, finally saw Harry step into their home. It had been hours since they were supposed to eat the food that Y/N had worked to hard to create. There it still sat however, with the plates and crystal glasses and unopened bottle of wine in the same place, completely untouched.
Y/N had a thousand things to say to him. Usually it would begin with her asking him where he had been galavanting off to, but not tonight. Tonight was the final tear in her elastic heart, just enough to finally make it tear into two broken, hollowed out pieces. She stood, silent and just watched as he took off his shoes and put his coat back in it’s place without saying anything. Harry wasn’t even trying anymore, and that hurt more than him being late to begin with.
“Sorry for the delay, something came up.” Harry said, standing a few metres away from her. There was no affectionate kiss to the forehead like when they were fresh out of Hogwarts with teenage dreams and ambitions. No arm comfortably slung around her waist in a protective manner. Y/N missed that especially out of all the things that had faded away. That simple gesture that showed he wanted to hold her above all else, above everyone else who had ever wanted to touch the Chosen One like she did.
“Something.” Y/N repeated, no emotion in her voice. It sounded almost like a recording being played back to him, just with any tone sucked away. “It’s always something, isn’t it?” She continued, not finding quite the right words to encompass the flummox of emotions seeping into her veins. “Work. Ron called. Hermione called. Work. Work again.”
“There really was something.” Harry pathetically added. It was a lie of course, he had spent the hours at his desk alone and staring aimlessly at a fountain pen as it leaked ink onto the black carpet of his office.
“Do you really think I don’t know you at all? Stop lying to me, Harry, just stop it. I’m done with being lied to.” Y/N says, her voice remaining as monotonous as ever as if she’s already grieving something. “I want to know what was so important that you’ve missed the dinner I made. The last thirty dinners, in fact.”
Harry just runs a hand through his messy hair as he tries desperately to think of something to say. But he can’t. There’s nothing to say that would make him any less guilty.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He manages to whisper.
“You’ve said that already.” Y/N points out without missing a single beat. She’s exhausted of pretending that she doesn’t know what Harry’s been doing, drained of all energy to put in effort anymore.
“Just tell me what the problem is and we can fix it.” He begs, but his voice is shaky and the words sound as though he’s reading them from a script.
“Fine. When did you stop being in love with me?” Y/N asks, sadness seeping into her voice. Tears began to form in her eyes but were quickly blinked away; the last thing she wanted was for Harry to see her as weak. She might be pathetic, pitiful, stupid for not realising earlier... but Y/N was not going to be weak. Not now, not ever.
“Why would you think that? Y/N, I could never stop loving you.” Harry said, trying to wrap her into a hug only for Y/N to quickly wriggle out of his cold grasp. His fingers left icy burns where they had briefly touched her arm, and Harry’s face dropped as he realised she didn’t want him anywhere near her.
“But you have, Harry. Otherwise you wouldn’t be coming home at ridiculous times, or avoiding even looking at me like you are now. You don’t love me, you tolerate me because you don’t want to be alone. I feel like I’m begging to be in the footnotes in the story of your life, not a main character anymore.” Y/N explained quietly, neither expecting her to be so frank but once the blunt words were spilling from her lips, not even she could stop them. She watched as Harry’s face crumpled, sadness twisting her gut as she fervently tried not to cry herself.
“Y/N... I don’t know what to say.” Harry trailed off. Y/N used to be so infatuated with him, so desperately in love that she was blind to his flaws, much like his ridiculous fan base. But she had grown up from the teenager with a crush to a young woman with heart and with ambitions, and Harry was no longer apart of what she wanted out of life. She had stopped being a part of his long ago, she just hadn’t realised it then.
“Is this in my head? Tell me I’ve got it wrong somehow, Harry. Because please believe me, I could do it. I could leave.”
“I can’t.” Harry finally said. “I did love you once, Y/N. I’m not even sure what happened to us if I’m being completely honest.”
“That’s the problem: you don’t really even want me to stay. But that’s the thing... you built an entire new wizarding world after you defeated You-Know-Who, and where was I? I’m sorry for being dramatic and shit but I’m taking this dagger out and finally going where I need to be.” Y/N continued, not pausing as not to give him any time to ask her to stay, not that he would. Her mind was made up, and even Harry could see that.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Harry whispered, his voice trailing off as Y/N went to get her coat from a peg just beside their front door.
“It’s alright, really. I know you don’t hate me, but both of us know this isn’t working anymore. I deserve someone who celebrates me and my love, and that isn’t you. I’m not really sure that it ever was.” Y/N said, a sad smile gracing her delicate features. She looked almost relieved. Utterly broken-hearted, but relieved all the same. “I’ll come back for my stuff tomorrow.”
“You’re leaving me?” Harry said. Even though she had told him why, it still came as a shock. Y/N nodded. “I’m so sorry I didn’t treat you how you deserve.”
“I’m sorry about that too.” Y/N replied, both warmly and coldly at the same time. “Goodbye, Harry Potter. All the best.”
“Goodbye.” It was all Harry could fathom to say as she pressed her engagement ring back into his hand, the final recognition of their relationship officially being over. It was a beautiful piece of jewellery, one she at one point she thought she would never take off her finger. There were no more words exchanged about the gesture for none were needed, all had been said already.
One simple word that locked the door on their relationship, the one that Y/N had finally gained the courage to close in the first place. It had taken her so long, so pathetically long, to realise that something wasn’t right. That Harry was meant to love her, that love shouldn’t and can’t survive while being one sided. It shouldn’t have to be tolerated, and Y/N had finally learned that through all those lonely nights of wondering where Harry was, what he was getting up to at work, if he even was there.
But as Y/N’s grandma used to tell her every Christmas, as one door closes, another always opens.
A/N: hoped you liked it anon!!!
Nancy xx
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ardenssolis · 3 years
@tenkoseiensei​ said (inbox):
' what are you so hesitant for? ' he can't fathom it, can't easily fathom anything when his head and heart are both filled with greed. a hollow need, an utter desperation, a single thought, an oppressive, near-demanding plead: ' contract with me already. ' give him any test deemed fit, and he would succeed at it. toy him with riddles, philosophy, and he would provide an answer worth pondering, even in his insanity. he's already promised to entertain, but he still keeps how exactly in complete secrecy. the mystery is part of his bargain: what a demon didn't give, they wouldn't know, wouldn't get. he coaxes them, recklessly. a demon should have easily approved of one who reeked of so much sin, who could see the filth of his soul, the force of despair clinging to him. none of this mattered anymore, only his ambition. and far off, still, the very end. ' take anything you want. i need your power, ' good gods would never answer him, anyways. all that was left were devils like this. ' make me rich. give me power. shorten the span of my life, turn me hideous in exchange, i don't care. so long as i get what i want in the end, ' ecstasy and agony, as he peers into some far off vision, the frantic edge of his voice soothed and hushed all of the sudden. ' it will all be worth it. '
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     MANY A GREEDY MORTAL summoned Ozymandias, their faces and their names long since forgotten to one who lived and lived for countless years, but one thing was for certain, none of them were any different from the other. Their reasons for calling him had soon all bled into the same tangled mess like multiple colored threads that could not be separated…with him being the one who brutally cut all of them apart until they were pieces on the floor, and all at the behest of people like this. Fools the lot of them were for never looking beyond their immediate needs or desires for revenge. They only cared for the moment, because why care for anything else when in their minds, death was so far away. Impassive gaze lingered upon olive green, the demon unmoved by the desperation within the other’s tone as they metaphorically pawed at him with the same insistence of an excited pup. They thought him like his brethren from a void he would never cross – that he would smirk and relish at the thought of devouring this soul that was so readily offered to them on a silver platter…
     But he was not like them. His existence as a spirit was not one wrought in desire to seek harm or push sins past their brink. Ozymandias’ duty was always to test, to challenge, and then to see if realization of one’s folly finally took away the haze that covered their thoughts. If they failed, if they were deserving of his judgement, then and only then, would their souls be forfeit. Alas, mortals only saw spirits like himself as one in the same. ❝You make a mistake,❞ he said after a time, a warning to throw the other off this path that only led to greater suffering in the end. ❝Your pleasure will be but a fleeting one. Is this what you truly desire? Is that worth giving up your soul as easily as one gives up money to a vendor?❞ He simply could not understand people like this, though try as he might to do so. Why was it that those who lived as long as he did, were more keen on thinking of the future than those whose lives were far more ephemeral in comparison? He would think the opposite would be true.
     It oftentimes never was.
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stupidfatpenguin · 3 years
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(after sifting out the recent assault of bots I ended up realising I just passed a milestone please ignore that I missed the last one tee hee)
anyway, hello 400✨✨✨
ah well, I don't really celebrate these things, but I remember when I started writing on this blog I had an ambition to interact a lot with people and share a lot of writing.... and then this turned into more of a whatever sort of blog, more memes than creative stuff, I live on discord mostly and I hardly share any writing djdhdjjd I'm sorry, 2017 me. Alas, things have changed. :')
But never mind, I HAVE A DAY OFF TOMORROW and only one warm-up prompt left in my mailbox so--
Send me a prompt and a character/ship and I'll write you a short piece
(of max 400 words? I never keep to my limits ksksksksk)
I'm currently cruising around the galaxy far, far away (and I know I mostly write DinLuke and Boba lately now that TBOBF is closing in, but I'll try just about anything) ✨
Thank you for sticking around btw, I hope following this blog adds good and fun things to your dash!
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beybladefanboy · 3 years
Top 5 Favourite Beyblade Characters
Random and unasked for but I figured I would talk about my favourite characters in the Beyblade Metal Saga.
#5 A tie between Chris and Hikaru
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I’m putting these two in the same spot because I wanted both of them to be on this list and a “top 6” doesn’t have as good of a ring to it as a “top 5.” Anyways, the first time I watched Metal Fury, I didn’t care much about Chris. Now however, I find his arc of being stuck in a job that brings him no joy to be incredibly relatable. His lack of passion for Beyblade makes complete sense: the fun of the sport was completely sucked out when it became an obligation for him and he wasn’t allowed to fight for himself. He was completely obligated to his employer and had little choice in the matter. That would suck away anyone’s passion, trust me, I know. So seeing the light return to his eyes as he rediscovered his passion for Beyblading was incredibly satisfying.
A lot of the appeal of Hikaru is admittedly that she is a female blader, and yeah, it is great having a strong female character. (We need more of those) What’s great about Hikaru however is that she isn’t just a token girl character or a mary sue: she is treated the same as any other blader and is allowed to fail and feel emotions without being degraded. I like that we even see a bit of her backstory where we learn that she is driven to be the best blader because of her likely deceased mother’s words. It’s a shame that she quit Beyblade due to her trauma but I also think it’s understandable and that it was interesting to explore that trauma. The moment that broke my heart rewatching Metal Masters was when Hikaru sees Dark Tsubasa and is paralyzed by terror, clearly remembering what Ryuga did to her. Beyblade’s most powerful scenes to me are the ones that delve into a character’s mind and allows me to see their thoughts and feelings. It allows me to understand and be more attached to the character and we got a lot of that from Hikaru and Chris.
#4 Yuki
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Yuki is kind of underrated in my opinion but then again, so is the entirety of Metal Fury. Yuki was a really fresh character for the series. Nearly every character is extremely reckless: acting first, thinking later so it was really refreshing to see a character who overthinks everything to the point of anxiety. I just relate more to a character that doubts himself and has to fight to overcome not just the great evil but his own self-doubt and fear as well. Also, I love that scene where he fights Ryuga. He probably knows he doesn’t stand a chance against a guy like him but he doesn’t care because he’s fighting for his friends. I can relate to that. When I’m just doing something for myself, I tend to doubt and question myself but when I’m standing up for my friends, I show no mercy. So yeah, Yuki is a really relatable character, as well as a pure cinnamon roll that needs more love.
#3 Kyoya
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If you asked who my favourite Beyblade character was two and half years ago, I would’ve answered “Kyoya” without any hesitation. While I do still really like him, I think his character was kind of fumbled in Metal Fury. I’ll talk about that separately though because I want this to be a positive post. Still, Kyoya is a great character. I like how he develops from a villain to that one liner asshole friend of Gingka’s. While I do like him unironically, Kyoya is honestly just funny to me. He is so ridiculously arrogant about his own skills but he actually is as good as he says he is. He’s also a tsundere. He’s absolutely a tsundere. He’s always helping his friends with whatever bullshit they’re doing: helping them infiltrate the Dark Nebula, going to look for Gingka when he disappears, helping them infiltrate Hades city, going with them to look for the Legendary Bladers, and on two separate occasions, staying behind to fight someone so the others can go forward. Even his determination to beat Gingka feels more like friendly competition than actual malice. And yet he insists he doesn’t care about them with lines like, “It’s not like I came to save you or anything.” It’s honestly kind of majestic. He’s also a complete badass. He always gets back up after a loss and fights to the bitter end and, sometimes to the detriment of himself but never his Beyblade. When Leone was on the verge of breaking to pieces in The Fearsome Libra, he forfeited the match to stop that from happening, risking humiliation and accepting defeat to do the right thing. That is genuinely admirable. It takes courage to fight but even more courage to admit defeat. Also, his fight against Ryuga in Metal Fusion is insane. Kyoya nearly falls so many times but keeps himself on his feet and rises up again. It takes being stabbed in the heart by the dark power for Kyoya to be defeated. Out of everyone, Kyoya came the closest to defeating Ryuga through sheer will and determination alone. What a badass.
#2 Tsubasa
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Similar to Yuki, Tsubasa is also a pretty unique character for this series. While he is passionate about fighting like all the others, Tsubasa is much more thoughtful and cool-headed, which is appealing especially among a cast of hot-headed crazy characters. When Tsubasa is first introduced, he’s kind of a mystery. We don’t know his true intentions or alignment until we learn that he was working for the WVBA, about 15 episodes after his initial introduction. This unpredictability made him interesting to watch in Metal Fusion as I didn’t know what he was going to do next. Then in Metal Masters, he becomes even more interesting. While it was emotionally intense to watch, I think the “Dark Tsubasa” arc is one of this series’ greatest achievements. It revealed a completely new layer of personality to Tsubasa and gave him so much development. 
While he was being somewhat controlled by the dark power, it is made clear through the dialogue that that side of him was always there and the dark power just enhanced and unmasked it. He did often hide his true emotions and intentions in Metal Fusion after all. The scenes where Tsubasa interacts with his dark self are very interesting and relatable to me because I often try to hide my negative emotions and avoid situations where they might come out until those feelings fester into madness, which is essentially what Tsubasa did. However, the resolution to this arc is what makes it so special to me. Tsubasa doesn’t drive out the darkness or continue to repress it: he accepts the darkness as part of who he is because everyone has darkness in them and the way to control it is to become one with it. And in the end, he becomes a stronger blader and person as a result of this arc. This is legitimately inspiring and helpful to me. It’s important to remember that we are not defined by our worst thoughts/feelings, we are defined by how we handle them and accepting ourselves, flaws and all, is important. So really that arc alone makes Tsubasa one of my favourite characters but he also has an appealing personality as well. It’s a shame he was kind of underused in Metal Fury but I love what we got from him.
#1 Ryuga
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Yeah, okay, this was obvious. Take one look at my feed or even my profile picture and you could probably guess that I love Ryuga. Two and a half years ago, I hated him with a passion but after rewatching the show again, I realized I only really hated him because of what he did to Hikaru, Tsubasa, and Kyoya which yes was horrible and I don’t condone it in any way but he was under the influence of the dark power at that point and he never does anything quite that awful again. Anyways, onto the positives. Ryuga in Metal Fusion is the best villain the show ever had. He poses a significant threat and was the first person to legitimately defeat Gingka. He’s also a terrifying sadist that cackles at others’ pain. If Ryuga had stayed like that, I would probably still like him as a character but I certainly wouldn’t have developed a crush. Damn, that would’ve been nice. But alas, even in Metal Fusion, Ryuga is somewhat sympathetic when you remember that he is just a kid and was both used by Doji and not even in full control of himself because of the dark power. He is seen trying to resist its control in the final battle after all. It’s interesting to see a character who is literally corrupted by the power he sought out and actually does learn from his mistake. In Metal Masters, he realized that humans’ greed and hatred was what caused the dark power to be so harmful and decided to draw the power from its original source, before it was tainted by humans, and became super powerful. Even if you hate Ryuga, you have to admit that is awesome. And once he stopped being a sadistic villain, he became much more unpredictable as sometimes he would even help the main heroes in Metal Masters, albeit for selfish reasons. Ryuga sort of feels like a combination of traits I liked most in Tsubasa and Kyoya. He has the unpredictability and loner attitude of Tsubasa and the confidence and determination of Kyoya. Also, I don’t think I need to say that Ryuga is a badass. That’s not even an opinion: it’s something that we all know to be a fact. I mean, this is the guy who launched his Beyblade at a floating city, wrecking it enough to send it crashing into the water and causing a reactor meltdown that nearly destroyed the earth. That last part was unintentional and in all fairness, he did help stop the end of the world, but still, he is both powerful and reckless enough to do something like that. He was kind of frustrating in Metal Fury but I did like his friendship with Kenta and while his blind pursuit of power was annoying, I gotta admire the ambition. And… yeah, I cried at his death. I cried harder at that than anything else in this show at any other point I watched it, including when I was a kid even though I knew it was coming. Even though his motivations for fighting Nemesis were far from righteous, he still died trying to defeat the great evil and his final act was giving Kenta the star fragment to give the heroes the chance they needed to win. Ryuga died a hero, plain and simple. I wish he had lived so we could see him develop even more after that moment but either way, Ryuga is a great character. He’s the best villain in season one and I love his fiery personality and aesthetic in the following seasons.
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God of High School 8 - 9 | Horimiya 3 | Shinka no Mi 1 | Blue Period 1 | Takt OP Destiny 1
God of High School 8
This flashback of Taejin seems to be where GoHS shows One Piece is similar to it, or possibly its direct inspiration.
God of High School 9
Ugh, boob shot…
Ugh, lemme guess: she falls in love with-urk, spoke too soon. This thing really is tropey.
Ooh, the scribbly style…
Horimiya 3
Miyamura probably forgot about being on a first-name basis…I mean, he found it embarrassing…
*glares at tea like it’s sus* That is clearly Lipton tea, but it is “Ripten” (sic) tea.
Shinka no Mi 1
Have transformation anime? Will watch.
Hmm? I noticed a student with boyish short hair and a skirt. This school must be more accepting of people who don’t conform to expected gender norms.
Why is “two moons” a shorthand for a different world…?
Why is comic reacting a shorthand for *real* comedy??? This anime is only half-decent at best… *grumbles*
“…even at a different school.”
…dang, it only started looking up with the 4th wall break at the end… *sweatdrops* That’s not enough for me to continue, though.
Blue Period 1
I noticed there was a “kengaku” (study trip) in one of the sentences, but it was omitted. The subs said “You here for the art club?” or something similar.
500000 yen, huh? $5000…
These blue scenery shots really match the name “Blue Period”. Picasso himself, I believe, had a “blue period” due to depression.
To be fair, translation is an art. It’s also possible to study methods for it.
Mori? Her name is Yuka Mori? Update: I checked the wiki and it turns out “Yuka” is the blonde we keep seeing. Mori-senpai is the black-haired girl.
The moment where I sat up and took notice of this anime was when they started depicting Yatora flying around the buildings and then the world exploding into blue.
To be honest, I feel that if I hadn’t had a bunch of “artsy” friends, I would understand more about Yatora’s ambition. That way, I might have been more artsy myself.
Do kids even use the word “sick” these days???
My answer to Yatora’s question to Saeki-sensei is “…Because you love it.” That’s how I stumbled upon translation and how I got to the place I am right now, which, if you know me from magicalgirlsandcerulean, you’d know I’m currently working on getting a translation degree.
I would love to continue with this, but alas…it’s only on Netflix, so I only ever got access to this via my anime club.
Takt OP Destiny 1
Wowee, one artsy series after another. My anime club never lets up.
I-Is this Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse? Update: Probably not, considering they’re in the US on a roadtrip.
Wow, this looks like God Eater crossed with Classicaloid!
Why didn’t they translate “Onii-chan” if they’re heading to New York…?
Oh! They never established this was the far future until now.
It appears Cosette is considered “defective” because she eats a lot.
What does GM stand for in “GM Sagan”(?) Grand Maestro, probably…
LOL, Calteax (sic).
…actually, this anime is giving me vibes of a story I wrote long ago. With Kieran and Dawn…there should be traces of it somewhere on Courage. Update: Its name is Expiry Date.
The Panty and Stocking artstyle is…something. It’s cute for chibi merch, but maybe not here.
The sister (I forgot her name) reminds me of one of the gondoliers in Aria the Animation. The one that goes, “No sappy lines allowed!” Update: Aika, the sister’s name is Anna.
Moonlight Sonata, huh? Makes sense.
This anime has a good sense of motion! Me likey!
I haven’t consumed Black Bullet much, but I seem to remember Black Bullet through this, too.
*big explosion* - *gives the anime a round of applause*
“…with new energy.”
I think Takt OP Destiny is treading old ground, but it does that well. However, while it seems pre-made for me (I mean, it’s Classicaloid but action!), it is that old ground which ends up a thorn in its side.
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amaya-writes · 3 years
The Healer: A Short Story
Recently I’ve gotten into using writing prompts to create short stories and I came across an account on Insta (@_writing_ideas_) which had an interesting prompt that I really wanted to work on! 
Link to the prompt: https://www.instagram.com/p/CRp62yegCp0/ 
“How dare you cross my threshold, witch?”
Julia narrowed her gaze as she stepped further into the blue and gold chamber, ignoring the numerous guards and their intimidating staffs as she reserved her anger for the figure clad in navy robes and gold threads with a scar across his cheek. 
"Perhaps if you refrained from forcing my soldiers to return to the med bay as soon as they leave, you would have been given prior notice for this confrontation.”
Julius Storman was a lot of things, but daft certainly wasn’t one of them. 
He had examined enough warriors over his years to recognise a ticking bomb when he saw one. The healer before him had crossed treacherous battlefields for this conversation, and she certainly wouldn’t leave without it. 
“Leave us.”
The room of lieutenants and colonels knew their general well enough to not question his intentions and immediately scrambled out of the golden gates without hesitation.
One of the younger soldiers had the curtsey to close the doors behind him; something Julius would come to be thankful for in the near future. 
“This is a war, not a tea party. Soldiers die and get hurt, and if you can’t deal with that, then leave.”
His voice sent shivers down her back and words felt like daggers piercing her heart. Julia was certain she would have been cowering where she stood if it weren’t for the memories of injured boys huddling in a corner of her med bay as they whispered about the corpses of their loved ones.
The general was certainly intimidating, but her empathy was too strong to be forgotten due to one heartless taunt. 
“Of course, that is all a monster like you would think of. For you, war means death and anything except victory don’t matter, right?”
Perspective. That was all it took to flip the switch; to change one’s thoughts, and in turn, their actions. 
Emotion. The one ability the scarred young general had lost due to the war and become a stranger to. 
And Julia. A tall, calculative healer with a tongue as deft as her hand. 
That was all it took for Julius Stroman to unlock the locked doors sealing away a certain teenager with hopes of changing the world for the better. To reconcile the ambitions of an innocent child with dreams of bringing glory and bliss to Retopia. 
But alas, an unlocked door wasn’t nearly enough to have little Lee navigate the dark abyss before him, and resulted in more damage than benefit. Julius’s golden eyes darkened as he glared at the bold woman before him. 
“You know nothing of who I am.”
A sneer developed across his face as the warrior enveloped in gold stepped towards the ragged healer, clutching her arm in disdain as he continued speaking. 
“Or of what I want.”
She laughed. 
It wasn’t the demeaning, cold chuckle followed by mockery that he was used to, no, it was different. 
The emotion was different. 
Julia’s laugh held a disappointment that made the general’s heart clench in pain. The way she shook her head and clenched her fists, the way she sucked in deep bouts of air and exhaled with an airy chortle; it was all too much for the heartless warrior. 
Throughout their encounter, the deft healer had never once abandoned her wit, aware of exactly what Storman was capable of doing to her if she crossed the thin line she was tracing. There was a difference between bravery and stupidity, she knew that. 
But in her moment of confusion and dismay, the tall brunette replaced her rationality and reasoning with rashness and did the only thing she could think of. 
She slapped him. 
The poor, unruly healer slapped Retopia’s golden general. 
The harsh smack echoed across the extravagant chamber even after Julia’s rationality returned to her side with a red palm. 
Horror briefly flashed across her features as she recoiled in shock and let lose a series of slurs. Being rude to him was one thing, but abusing the general on his side of the border was worse than a death wish.  
Julius remained as still as a statue. 
His head was thrown to the side, showcasing a red handprint for Julia and anyone else near his camp’s golden gates. The general’s perfect curls and sneer were amiss as he sucked in a deep breath, finally registering what had just occurred.
An arm clad in blue chiffon slowly rose from his side to briefly trace the red mark covering his scar. 
For a moment they remained that way, with Julia regretting ever crossing the border and Julius wondering just how harsh of a wakeup call he needed to sympathise with the Grimorians. 
If the slap had shocked him, the apology appalled Julius beyond measure. 
It was his turn to stagger back as the general quizzically stared at the enigma before him and vocalized his thoughts. 
Julia scoffed as she met his golden gaze, the fire and adrenaline slowly returning to her with each word. 
“It might surprise you to know some people don’t live to hurt others.”
She almost got whiplash from how quickly the general before her switched between innocent confusion and cold ire, but even as Julius towered before her, Julia stood her ground and awaited a response. 
The young mage had stormed through a battlefield for this moment, and she would rather die than return without results. 
“What would you know of war?”
“Just because I’m a healer doesn’t mean I’m weak or soft or a coward. It means that I’m brave enough to get my hands dirty and rebuild everything that you destroy.”
Julia scoffed as she crossed her arms and curled her fists, wondering whether two slaps were too much to get away with. 
“Your only talent is breaking mages into pieces with no regard for their situation. You’re a monstrous weapon and the golden jewel of Retopia, but are you even worth anything if there’s no war?”
Julius had faced a lot of things over the past twenty years. 
He had committed the worst of crimes and stolen numerous lives without question, but somehow a peculiarly enraged healer had evoked emotions and questions that the bloodiest battles couldn’t. 
And that scared him. 
Julius Storman had dedicated his life to his country ever since his father fell prey to the Grimorians. He had vowed to end the age-old war between the countries and forever show the magically gifted mages what Retopia was capable of and promised to never cease or surrender until he had succeeded. 
Julius Storman had promised his country everything he had and never once questioned their intentions. 
So why was he doing so now?
Julia sensed his unease. She saw the way his brows furrowed and shoulders dropped from their guarded stance. She noticed the clench of his jaw and the slight tilt of his head, and somehow, felt just as bad for the clueless general as she did for her comrades. 
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because it is the right thing to do.”
She rolled her eyes and rephrased her question; approaching the situation differently. 
“Why are you so keen on stealing our magic? On killing our queen and massacring our people?”
Steal? Massare? The words were as foreign to him as the mage before him but stoked the same flame of curiosity as she did. 
“What are you on about, witch? The soldiers of Retopia are only saving our people from your magical traps.”
It struck them at the same time. The stupidity of his reasoning, the slight doubt at the back of nearly every Retopian’s mind as they struck their spears through the Grimorian’s hearts, the sheer rage and slight fear radiating from the enemy’s armies as they fought for something the Retopians could never understand. 
“Your king-”
“-It is all a lie?”
A/N: We all love our cliffhangers! Honestly, I’m pretty happy with this story, what do you guys think? 
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penguiduck · 4 years
The Kurama Duality: My Very First Official Headcanon!
Ah, the Kurama duality.
I've been asked this a lot, and people seem to like my interpretation, so I figured I'd list my official headcanon here.  I’ve gone into far more detail in my Kurama x Reader fic, Embracing the Seasons, specifically chapter 25, if you’re interested, but here’s a summary.
Let's get something out of the way: Kurama does not have a split personality disorder.
Yoko Kurama and Shuichi Minamino are not two different beings.  They are one and the same.  Kurama explicitly says this in the English dub: “This is a merger, not a possession.”  In other words, when Yoko Kurama escaped from certain death, he fused his soul with that of Shuichi Minamino, and they became one.
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I think there are three aspects of this duality.  I know, I know.  It's confusing because the word "duality" implies that there are specifically two opposing sides, but hear me out.
There is Yoko Kurama, the ancient demon, who was cold and cruel, and did all sorts of morally reprehensible things.  He plotted and thieved, and probably killed anyone who stood in his way.  While the dub isn’t explicit about the crimes he committed in his demon days, aside from stealing artifacts, I think, given Kurama’s feelings of regret, he likely made some horrible choices.
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Then there is Shuichi Minamino, the human boy with whom Yoko Kurama fused his soul.  As a result, Shuichi grew up with a soul that was at least half demon, and as such, he was probably not an easy child to raise, influenced by his demon heritage.  Yoko Kurama’s intention, after all, was to leave Living World after he recovered from his encounter with Spirit World’s Special Defense Force.  His mother, Shiori, showed him unconditional love and compassion, and it was through her tenderness that he came to love her.
But having these two disparate identities is a lot to handle.  Here’s Yoko Kurama, who has a very demon perspective — no doubt, in Demon world, sometimes you just have to survive, and as such, Yoko Kurama is ruthless, vindictive, and cunning because he was successful at being just that.  It is how one survives as a demon — on brutal instinct and carnage.  On the other hand, here’s gentle Shuichi who was raised to be polite and empathetic with his fellow humans, who loves his mother and cares deeply for his friends.  Shuichi is not Yoko Kurama, and even though their souls are fused together, Shuichi still has a childhood innocence, a naiveté about him.  As he was growing up under the tender care of Shiori, Shuichi may have loathed her without completely recognizing why.  And Shiori, bless her heart, may have attributed his misbehavior to childish tantrums.  It wasn’t until he understood her selfless devotion that even the cold-hearted Yoko Kurama learned to love her, too.
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These two equally valid pieces of himself are so different, their values and methodologies conflicting at times. They are impossible to consolidate.
To strike a balance, it was a third identity, Kurama, who surfaced to mediate between the two.  He is able to harmonize Yoko Kurama’s ruthless and calculating calm with Shuichi’s kind-hearted, reflective nature.  This is the Kurama with which the main YYH cast is familiar.
Again, Yoko Kurama, Shuichi, and Kurama are not different people, per se.  They are one and the same, sharing the same soul.  However, they can have wildly different tendencies, ambitions, and motivations.  
In the English dub, Kurama refers to these aspects of himself as personalities or identities, which is perfectly fine, but I think such verbiage can lead people to think that he has a dissociative personality disorder.
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I like to think of them as perspectives, and I use a glasses lens analogy to help interpret them.  In Embracing the Seasons, chapter 53, Kurama explains to the reader character, his girlfriend, why he is so cold to her when he takes on his demon form:
“_____, I love you with every fiber of my being, as I’ve never loved anyone before. I promise you that. And thus, every component, every piece of my soul loves you as well. Even Yoko Kurama loves you. When I take his form, I may behave differently. It may help to think of each identity as me looking through tinted glasses of varying color. These lenses do not define my sight, but my mindset, my method of thinking.
“When I must be Shuichi, I see the world through a very human perspective. I live each day, waking up, going to work, doing my research, writing financial publications. I pay the bills, I shop for groceries, I spend time with friends. I live for my mother, for my stepfather, for Kokoda.
“When I must be Yoko, the glasses are tinted with another perspective. I see through the lens of a demon, guarded by instinct and ruthlessness. I am less concerned for the personal feelings of others, more focused on ambition, whatever goal is most prevalent. I have to be — this is how Demon World functions, ruled by the iron fist of power.
“And when I am Kurama, as you see me now, I understand both interpretations. I appreciate both perspectives and realize each have their strengths and opportunities. Right now, in Demon World and given the circumstances, Yokoʼs strength may very well be a necessity. Please understand that.”
In other words, when Kurama taps into Yoko Kurama’s strength and shifts into his demon body, he doesn’t magically lose everything that he learned as a human.  Yoko Kurama and Shuichi are the same person, after all.  He doesn’t forget what it means to be compassionate or understanding, but he may choose to disregard that piece of himself.
A really good example of this is in the Kurama vs Gamemaster episode.  Kurama consciously made the choice to manipulate Amanuma, literally causing him to have a breakdown, and thus lose the game.  He was crushed by this decision, riddled with guilt that he killed a child, but he knew he had to do it — otherwise, he and his team would have no chance at defeating Sensui.  
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Upon reflection, as confirmed by older Toguro/Gourmet who had stolen the mind-reading ability from Murota, Kurama was upset with himself because Yoko Kurama would not have even contemplated hesitating to kill Amanuma.  He would not have wavered and potentially ruined his team’s only opportunity of escaping the Gamemaster’s territory.  In other words, if it was Yoko Kurama who was in the same position, his demon perspective would have prevailed.  He would not feel guilt or shame in making the decisions necessary to secure victory, not because he is heartless now that he knows what it is to be human, but because the existing goal was far more valuable to achieve than sparing a child’s life.  Yoko Kurama can apply logic in a way that is so cold, so void of emotion that even Kurama may be rendered uncomfortable.
I could talk and write about the Kurama duality forever because Kurama is one of the most beautifully complex characters I’ve ever had the pleasure to come across.  But, alas, I prefer not to bore you, dear readers. I hope you enjoyed this headcanon of my very favorite fictional love of my life, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or requests! 
If you would like to reblog or refer to this headcanon in your own fanfiction writing, please feel free.  A reference back to this post would be nice so others may enjoy it. <3
Pictures are obviously shots from the anime. I do not own them.
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gyujeongfmd · 3 years
restructuring task 1 / changes *+10 ecp
1. assuming your muse has changed in some way, be it internally or as a result of a change of the external factors around them, how is your muse different? these can be as small as an opinion on a song they hadn’t released previously or as big as a major change in their background. (wc / 297)
if the spectrum lies in minjung not changing at all, and taejin doing a 180. then, gyu’s right in the middle. there are a few changes — one being that now he dances, and he’s no longer a main rapper. but the dancing portion isn’t something he trained on or necessarily has a passion about, but instead something that comes instinctively to him? he’s the opposite of a 몸치 aka he is the opposite of not having any sense of rhythm. that kind of stuff comes natural to him, and even when he was underground inside his hyung’s apartment — his dancing was above average for someone who’s never had a dancing skill. however, that becomes polished once he enters gold star.
another change is that he’s at gold star now — it came about when he tried to audition for show me the money as a young child, but instead got recruited (all thanks to his looks. but turns out he’s more than a pretty face). this meant he trained under gold star and they promised him a bunch of things? he believed it because he was still naive, and under the thought that he’d find some freedom by debuting as an idol (he had no idea what idols did prior to this, or a bad general understanding).
i’d say his general change is his attitude towards his group? knight was more focused on him not liking his group at all, but with platinum he feels in a way sorry though he doesn’t outwardly show it. there’s some sense of brotherly bond but not enough to tether him, but also not far off that it brings him to completely leave. as a result, he’s in limbo about how he is — still grappling with that one day at a time.
2. what does your muse think of their company and their group? (wc / 259)
compared to bc, gyujeong likes gold star. at least, enough that he doesn’t outwardly want to start a smear campaign about bang sunyoung like he did with kim byungchul. that being said, he doesn’t really like the company either — the noonas that recruited him promised everything and for a while, when he was a trainee he did get good treatment compared to the half basements he was living in with his hyungs. however, he debuted and he realized that this was all bullshit — everything they promised was gone and done especially when the songs he releases are complete shit and they rarely let him take a hand on it. (well, that’s because of his punishment).he realizes now that there’s no freedom in debuting, and a bit too late. it’s hardened him to the point where he blames gold star for his big downfall of being this new persona he wasn’t when he was a child.
as for his group? he doesn’t hate his group nor does he love his group either. the music they release, he thinks is corny for the most part — especially the ballady nature. however, he feels somewhat sorry for dragging them down in a way? he feels the shit they get is mainly because of him, and he feels some loyalty to his group especially because they’ve picked up on where he’s fucked up in the past. he’s still not letting them be all blood brothers, hugging and saying ilysm! lylas! but he’s learn to grow with them, and just take it as is.
3. is your muse on their first contract or their second? if they’ve renewed, what were their feelings around that at the time and what were their hopes for their second contract? if they haven’t renewed, what are their current thoughts on the end of their eventual first contract? (wc: 303)
gyujeong renewed his contract with gold star in 2018. honestly, he knows why he did it. but he regrets it to a degree — half of it, i’d like to say is the gold star pressure. they pressured him, basically giving him the lines of ‘what are you gonna do now? you have no career outside of platinum.’ which was true considering he had 0 solo opportunities back then. he was 26 at the time, so he was aged so even if he wanted to make his debut as a rapper, it’d be hard since he was getting so much shit for selling out to be an idol to begin with. plus, public hate surrounding him at that point was a high, and gold star basically made it like they were the only option to save him — his 26 year old ass was scared on the inside, as much as he hates to admit. as a result, he signed on for another year thinking he didn’t want to retire because what skills did he have to offer? he didn’t graduate high school, he didn’t go to college. he makes music, but if gold star decided to black list him then he’d be fucked with a 0 person fan base.
another reason he chose to sign on was because of his group. this is unknown but deep down he felt sorry for the shit he caused within his group — and seeing as how his group all signed on, he felt some sense of responsibility to carry on, especially because they’re a four person team. one person lost is 25%, and that’s a lot when you have more groups in the horizon waiting to take over whatever niche platinum is in. 
so, all in all, he signed on bc he had no choice / kinda felt guilty.
4. what are your muse’s goals and motivations? (wc / 324)
gyujeong doesn’t have many goals at all — at this point, he’s given up having any goals within gold star because he feels he’s been fucked over by them one too many times. he got a solo? which was great, and oddly well received by the public — but he also thinks those were pity listens, and not worth much. doubts it transfers over if he came back (he kinda cares). but realistically, his goals might be to release another album in the future? 
right now, his attention’s on fashion though. he’d like to get more global recognition for his line, far from the asia target market. he’d want to be known with the greats (that’s just wishful thinking lmao). but it’d be nice to house a fashion week set, or go at least. he’d want to carry on his relations with chanel because he truly loves the brand and everything it stands for.
motivations? he has none. he doesn’t know what love is, has basically no friends and a cat. he’s living life day by day and seeing what becomes of it — ideally, what he’d want to really have as a goal is to find happiness. corny, i know. but the happiness he once had as a child (void of any parental figures).
i’d suppose his goal right now is to stop writing music based on what his company wants. they know the tracks he touches usually are generally better received than the public, and because his ‘ban’ aka punishment for getting into scandals is over (ala a solo debut), gold star seems to want to make him use his creativity for platinum’s tracks. however, he doesn’t want to be a pack mule and wants to start creating music for the sake of him — basically, he’s exhausted from his solo debut doesn’t know if he wants to make a comeback at all or wait another ten years or just retire completely.
5. what is one conflict, internal or external, that your muse is currently dealing with, has recently dealt with, or will need to deal with in the future? (wc / 329)
he’s at a low — he has no real friends, minus hidden figures here and there. he has no music left on the table that gold star seems to want (they always tell him last minute and pick the songs he doesn’t want to release). he basically got told off by someone he loved to get over it — he has nothing left. he’s a dramatic little bitch, but what can i do? 
he’s dealing with how to handle these things one by one. 
career wise — he’s doing a lot in fashion? and that becomes a piece of confusion when he neglects music for fashion and gold star wants something released, and they can’t because gyu hasn’t touched logic or ableton in near months prepping for the next line of his work. he does it when inspiration hits and works at his own pace. then again, he can’t? because he has the guilt of having to carry the burdens of his past he doesn’t let show. it’s a recipe for disaster when it all brews internally and he doesn’t let it out and instead runs to different avenues for escape. 
he doesn’t know what he wants. he just wants to live life like kanye, but knows that he can’t because he’s not kanye.
he’s also dealing with the conflict of being pigeon holed into one genre. his earlier works focused more on being true to himself, and his core — into the new world, empty. etc. the more sentimental ballad-esque pop songs were when he was more carefree / optimistic about the world. however now, he’s been more hardened? and the scandals have left him more contained as to what gold star would let him do — aka, keep up the bad boy image the public seems to know him for. as a result, he’s not able to venture out or get back in touch in fear of what others may think / his underground buddies may think
6. if your muse has established career claims, what are their thoughts on their career so far? if they do not, how do they feel about not having individual activities yet? what would they like to do in the future, if anything? if they don’t have ambitions for individual activities, explain why. (wc / 384)
gyu’s established career claims fall under three categories — variety, modeling / fashion, and music. musically is the easiest as he’s released his solo album after ten years, lmao. i like that he hasn’t touched music in ten years just because gold star hasn’t let him release it — they finally let him off the leash after so much despite letting him work behind the scenes. behind the scenes, they let him work on a lot of things. his overall mood / 감성  when it comes to music is just that it’s soft and sensitive — hence why his first piece is into the new world. you’d never expect it to come from someone like him, but it’s really just the soft gentleness that’s part of his core hence why it’s one of the melodies closest to him as an individual. aside from that, he works on a lot of darker equinox tracks because that’s what his vibe is lately, and it’s that house clubby r&b funk that works with him, and gold star likes that enough to keep asking him for it. he’s worked more in-house than out-house, and not really looking to branch out into any territory. he just wants to make music for him : )
modeling / fashion wise — chanel picks him, and he picks chanel. a matchmade in heaven when he sports their bags and their tweed jackets like no other. it’s enough that chanel inspires him to create his own line otakgyu which he’s heavily involved with. that’s his focus for now, creating new pieces to appeal to his own fashion sense. he wants to create more pieces that are “edgier’ but also fall more into the androgyny of fashion. 
lastly, variety. he doesn’t even know how he ended up in this — yet, each time he appears on variety, more fans fall in love. i like to think of it like song mino and how stupid he comes across on variety which basically shatters his stage image of being more ‘hardcore’. aka, the public likes how goofy and silly gyujeong gets (unplanned and completely candid) on variety. it’s why he shows up and why gold star signs him up. gyujeong, on the otherhand, finds it more of a nuisance and an invasion of privacy as that’s one side he’d not want to reveal. 
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eukennedy · 4 years
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⟨ LORENZO ZURZOLO. DEMIBOY. HE/THEY. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, KENNEDY MORETTI-KING is actually a descendent of A T H E N A. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-THREE year old MEDICAL STUDENT from MILAN, ITALY has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite BRILLIANT & SELFISH.
FULL NAME: kennedy moretty-king. NICKNAME(S): he prefers his full name, but gets ‘ken’, ‘kenny’ and ‘king’ often. AGE: twenty-three. BIRTHDAY: november 1st. GENDER: demiboy. PRONOUNS: he/they. ( mostly goes by he, but doesn’t care ) ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: panromantic. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual. MAJOR: he’s currently in med school, but completed a bachelor’s of science in neuroscience. HEIGHT: 6′1". MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral evil. MBTI: ENTP HOGWARTS HOUSE: slytherin. TRAITS: ambitious, intelligent, disingenuous, judgmental, quick-witted, selfish, petty, passionate, outgoing, charming.
short bio blurb.
for your first few years of life, your cries are met with warm consoling arms, kisses over scraped knees and meals around the dinner table. as you grow older, the concept washes out of sight like a salty tide: slowly, then all at once. your parents draw the lines and your nannies color them in, and with time you realize you might in fact be the only kid in history who doesn’t resent them for it. not one bit.
a son of two brilliant surgeons ( your godly parent delivered you as a gift, but your real mother is not athena ), your life has been filled with ten-minute holidays and interrupted birthdays. as you grew to understand it, you discovered you hardly minded much. after all, you inherited your parents’ desire for medicine and excellence, and you aspire to be so busy one day, crave it, actually, so you fill your need for attention elsewhere and allot the rest of your time to achieving perfection. you’re in the stars and you know it; there’s no time to hold success against the people that drove you there.
though your family’s social circle shifted its orbit to the rich and powerful, they remain grounded as ever. for this, your ego is your best kept secret at home. mother and father would grill you for your narcissistic reputation, so you hide it when you’re back for the holidays behind big smiles and perfectly plated meals. they want you to be proud, not arrogant, but it’s not your fault: you just can’t help that you’re always right.  
if you fall, though, you fall far –- the morettis and the kings don’t throw money at problems.
they solve them.
your desire for greatness burns bright in your belly and your affinity for it has a habit of taking over the more tender parts of your heart. you’re not cruel, just destined, and nothing puts you on your toes faster than a threat, so you remove them. poll ten people and seven might think you brutal in your ambition, but all is fair in love, war and the pursuit of knowledge.
you’re focused but more romantic than what meets the eye.  while chocolates and flowers aren’t your forte, but loyalty and dedication are. there’s no better lover than one who has a habit of sinking its teeth into anything they love, and you’re a dog whose never given up a bone in his life.
your softer inner workings are there underneath and you’re not ashamed, not at all, they’ll bring you the other piece of the puzzle one day. someone to help you hold that trophy high above your head and someone to smile while they do. vulnerability doesn’t set you back; it propels you, but you’re still skating around how to equip it just right. you’re prone to using words like fire to mask your ego, and communication fizzles out by a stinging touch.
now, you turn your head toward the future. the snap of latex gloves and the slice of a scalpel. the desire to invent, to perform, to heal – anything along the way is a blip, a moment, but nothing that can’t be solved when you refuse to stop. your fate is in your hands.
background breakdown.
kennedy moretti-king is the son of two famous surgeons: dr. giada moretti-king ( mostly known as dr. moretti ) and dr. jason king. both have made several advancements in their fields, dr. moretti herself working on innovative tools to advance laparoscopic surgery as a general surgeon, and dr. king as a renowned cardiothoracic surgeon.
dr. jason moved to america to italy where he met giada and that’s also where they were gifted little kennedy here, so he was raised in milan for the most part, where both his parents work at grande ospedale metropolitano niguarda. 
while many others have struggled to find where a godly parent or a demigod child fits into their lives, their family was completely different. kennedy was an experiment of sorts, a gift from athena to one of the most intelligent human couples that couldn’t bear their own children. for that, athena has remained relatively removed from kennedy’s life, though he’s almost always been aware of her existence. athena remains quite happy with kennedy and his parents raising him as their own, and kenny knows giada as his mother, not athena. 
although his parents were absent more often than not due to their demanding work lives, kennedy knew from a young age that he wanted to follow in their footsteps. raised mostly by various nannies over the years, kennedy was bothered when he was younger when his parents didn’t make it to every recital; however, this was mostly erased as he grew old enough to understand their occupations.
it was love at first sight when kennedy visited the hospital. maybe not the bloody surgery part, but medicine in general, the intense need to know about the body. why it worked the way it did. he was absolutely fascinated. the time he did spend with his parents was used to soak up all the knowledge he could, and they never minded much. it gave them common ground to love the same thing.
the kings were glad to have one son that wanted to follow in their footsteps, and so even if there’s a large distance between them at times, kennedy has always had a fairly good relationship with his parents, even if that comes with immense pressure. his parents would’ve been equally as happy should he had wanted to pursue something else ( all they wanted was a happy and healthy child ) but kenny’s desire to pursue the same line of work was a welcome coincidence. they teach him everything they know, but they’re well aware it won’t be very long until he knows far more than they do.
due to his constant pursuit of knowledge, athena’s never quite bothered to interfere in his life but the threats that lurk outside the protected walls were the reason kennedy chose to pursue education within eonia’s campus.
it should also be said that his parents are extremely dope people, they both did a lot of pro bono work, charity work and partook in doctors without borders. they are Rich Rich and so is kennedy, but they very much wanted him to have a down-to-earth experience. it failed, in some ways, but while kennedy could be years ahead in his studies, it’s limited so he’s only about a year or so ahead of his peers. they wanted him to have a social life! and not be an emotionally stunted child genius! but alas, it did not entirely work out <3
personality breakdown.
to say he’s a perfectionist is an understatement. he simply refuses to go into a field and be the flop of the family, so his pursuit of knowledge is pretty unparalleled. he takes his studies seriously, and doesn’t really relate to the college life of skipping 8ams to nurse hangovers.
not that he doesn’t have them -– but we love a man that perseveres.
wish i had his confidence of just assuming everything’s going to go his way. his label means force or necessity, and that’s because kennedy has a way of making things working in his favor with pure force. ‘kennedy, aren’t you worried you’ll fail?’ ‘no.’ ‘how?i’ ‘because i won’t let myself. duh’
although he doesn’t have the softest personality due to the lack of being hugged as a child, kennedy, at his core, isn’t entirely evil. he’s capable of caring about people and does. he’s a passionate person, and that can translate to love and loyalty for the right people. he doesn’t half-ass anything, so when he commits it’s on.
still, the boy has quite an ego. for him to think something is good enough to commit to takes a bit. he’s got particular taste, never backs down from a fight, and almost annoyingly always thinks he’s right. his ambition can sometimes blind him to the point of selfishness at times, even if his heart is in the right place.
he’s got his good qualities, though! for someone he loves, he’s there. he’s quite dependent when he wants to be, and he’s smart as anything. if you need help getting out of a jam, his brain is basically hardwired to know how to land on his feet.
kennedy is very organized and put together. never catch a wrinkle, even on his plain t-shirts. he shows his love through helping: he’s more likely to help you clean your dorm or organize your study notes for your test than deliver a monologue on his love for you, but it counts! you just need to know what to look for.
a brat but sometimes a lovable brat.
wanted connections.
a best friend. kennedy grew up without serious parental figures ( not by choice, but they were busy rip ), so i’d love a childhood best friend with him that accepts him for his personality flaws. he would be hella ride or die for this person, which he isn’t for much of anyone else, so that means quite a bit! someone to keep him grounded, call him out on his bullshit, but not completely destroy his ego.
exes. honestly, kennedy can be quite the petty betch. i can envision a lot of ugly breakups in his past OR we can plot some exes on good terms! he’s not totally emotionally stunted, can be quite a good boyf when he wants to be, but also a complete nightmare too. any gender feel free !
hookups. self-explanatory. college life. the nature of their relationship will be entirely dependent on the muses and their dynamic, but kennedy isn’t always the nicest to his casual flings depending on their dynamic. some friends with benefits could work, though, for positive casual connections.
enemies. okay, look at this bratty bitch. there is no way he doesn’t have some, if not many, enemies. he has a temper and doesn’t like to be told no, so if you ever wanna verbally spat it out, feel free. he won’t swing, tho. those are surgeon’s hands, baby.  
hate-to-love friendship. someone dopey or complete unambitious that somehow kennedy still loves despite them being total opposites. he doesn’t get why they don’t do their assignments, or why they fall asleep drunk in the bathtub twice a week, but he really can’t deny that they amuse him and he cares about them.
anything else!
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