#I guess if you thought cheer was good tho it makes sense that you like the utrh movie ending
jasontoddenthusiastt · 10 months
“Good”, “general” comic recommendations for Jason and the only ones listed are utrh, lost days, and ul. URBAN LEGENDS.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 4 months
I-I-I SAW.....I SAW THAT....PART....
AND PART OF ME.....a small part, like.....a TINY TINY part....w-was scared....
M-most of me knew it wasn't gonna happen, don't get me wrong.....N-not him.....but....
A-as long as there was a TINY part of me that doubted, I.....
I-I was TERRIFIED......
I-I'm gonnaa need to reply that last song, cuz I swear, thoughout that whole thing periodically SHOUTING at my screen "WHERE IS HE!? WHERE IS HE!?!?" (True story.....I was doing that OUT LOUD) And "SHOW HIM"
I-I can't even form thoughts correctly-
I-I mean, it makes sense for her to want Adam dead, but- Lemme get this straight, she- She made some kind of deal with his OWN TROOPS-? HOW? Th-that did NOT LOOK like sabotage to me! They were fighting hard! I-I don't- g-get it-
I-I....I can wait....I can wait, I can wait, cuz this ending was good! AND WE AVOIDED THE WORST-
I-I guess that leaves the Vees as the main villains now!? Unless Lute comes back on her own now-
I-I'm looking forward to see more of Vox.....l-losing his mind, pffff....
F-for a while, I was conflicted about how much I wanted more of Adam, cuz I loved his song in the first episode so flipping much, and I STILL DO love it, but....
A-after what he almost did-
G-give me a heart attack, I swear...*grumble grumble*
.....H-how are they gonna learn about Pentious now, and how a sinner ACTUALLY made it to Heaven, if they have no more reason to GO to Heaven now? How- s-so many questions....
.....Y-yeah, I think this might be the best episode of the season....o-or ONE OF them.....i-if that wasn't obvious......
S-sorry these thoughts are so much more....s-scattered than in my last posts, but GOD DANG-
"Back door...."
T-trying to remember what I heard, but I was f-flipping out so much....
"My deal must a have a.....back door...."
S-something like that....I-I need to watch it again....
S-some kind of deal......c-constraining him....h-he doesn't like it....he wants out....
L-looks like, maybe, I was right.....
Th-there's gotta be a way out.....H-he's not submissive to ANYONE.....H-he'll find a way out....
I-if helping the others, was against his will.....
L-let there be a way out....
I-I don't care if that means leaving them.....Freedom means more....
S-season 2, GIVE US THE ANSWERS......
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soya-ix · 1 year
AnS Ask Game - No one asked but here's my full answer sheet;)
1.Favorite character
It's too hard to pick one because the dynamics among the characters is exactly why I enjoy AnS so much🤔. Let's just say I love everyone equally🥰 (Maybe less for Mitsu tho) (I resemble Hisame even in this regard lol)
2.Character you hate with a passion
Nah I really don't have one either. Sensei's really good at building up characters and it's hard to genuinely hate any one of them.
3.Character who grew on you eventually
It wouldn't be a surprise that it's Hisame but it would probably surprise you that he grew on me simply because sensei's art improved so much and I just can't get enough of his pretty face lol. But of course his personality growth is particularly interesting to me as well.
4.Character with the best hairstyle
Tariga!!!! Let me do your braids!!!!!🤩🤩🤩
Also Kazuki's ponytail yes yes yes🤩🤩🤩
Hisame's casually messy hair has a unique style too😎😎😎
5.Character with the best design
You mean clothes?🤔 I'd say Shirayuki, and Hisame has the potential to be a model as well lol.
6.Character you would date in real life
After some serious thinking I would say🤔……Kazuki!😋 (Wait he's underage isn't he???) But let's just say if it's not illegal to date him x), I think it'll be fun to date someone who's a bit (you sure it's 'a bit'?) younger than me and who's always so cheerful and energetic wherever he goes. He's also simple-hearted and I think it's super cute(ˊ˘ˋ*)♡. Last but not least, JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE💗💗😍😍
Oh and yes I'd definitely date Tariga too just for his pretty face💕💕🥰🥰
7.Character you would marry in real life
Ahh…This one's hard. To be honest I don't think I'd make a good marriage candidate for any one of them🤔. I'll probably choose Izana cause he seems to be busy with work all the time and I get to live a good life but still get lots of free time of my own😈. (yeah i guess marriage is not my thing…at the moment…) But if it's marrying into a noble family I'd rather run away with Kazuki and the Lions😈. (Power and duties❌ Adventure and Freedom✅)
8.Character that is most like you
Hisame, as MBTI and @sabishi-tomo 's quiz show.
Fun fact: I totally anticipated it when I found out Hisame was ENTP (tho ENTJ works for him too) cause I myself as an INTP can't help but noticed how we both enjoy being snarky and sarcastic just for the fun of it x). And also in tomo's quiz I got Hisame as well. I do especially agree with the "self-centered", "live to be entertained" and "like to tease people" parts. Apart from that apparently I'm better at forming close connections with people than he is lol. But the point is I'd be a great match for Lady Kiki YES🧎‍♀️
9.Character with the best redemption arc
I'll have to say Raji. Never thought he could actually transform from an annoying arrogant prince into an adorable royal heir, thank you Shirayuki.
But let's not forget the Bergatt twins. The confession they made about finding their light was so touching I almost cried T T.
10.Ships or characters who you think deserve more love
IT'S NEVER ENOUGH FOR HISAKIKI. They deserve all the love in the world. I'll only stop saying this when everyone on earth ships them.
And of course Kazuki. You know what I mean and I'll save the ranting for your sake.
11.Favorite “villain” or morally grey character
If Raji still counts as "villain" as he previously was then yes I appreciate him but in a comedic sense.
12.Favorite arc
Bergatt!!!!! THE PLOT AND THE PANELS!!!!! My heart was pounding so fast and I just couldn't help rushing through pages as if I was the one in the story trying to seize every second to save Zen💓💓💓. Bergatt will always be the best arc. End of story.
13.Favorite scene or line
I HAVE SO MANY FAVORITE SCENES HOW COULD I NOT??? But I'll present you with one that hit me different during my first read and that is Hisame's proposal to Kiki (the one where he actually succeeds). I wasn't even shipping them that much but man the scene was like🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯and I just couldn't help but go awwwwwwww for them💗💗
And now favorite line, I bet no one can ever guess it's this one:
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Sorry I only have the Chinese version with me but basically it's Shirayuki saying: "It would be nice if we get to see the new flower this winter^^." To me, this line symbolizes the very feeling AnS gives me: consistent hope and never-ending positivity in every corner of the simplest daily life.
14.Most hated arc
Not exactly hating or disliking them but the science part in the phostyrias (is that right?) arc is a bit difficult to read for me, and I wouldn't mind if the perfume arc were a bit simpler and shorter. Just saying😜
15.Your controversial take
I'm glad you asked cause I finally get to say this out but also a bit afraid cause it's gonna upset some fans. Just to be clear, I don't intend to throw shade on any ship or characters or people who enjoy them. I'm just sharing my pov👀.
So here it comes: I don't see how Mitsu and Kiki make a good romantic couple, and I don't understand how Kiki fell for Mitsu.
I mean at the very beginning of the story (when it was supposed to be a short series) it was apparent that Mitsu and Kiki were going to be a couple and I could tell that. As the story goes on, we see hints that Kiki has romantic interests in Mitsu. And since Kiki confessed her feeling to him it seems to have become canon that Kiki did/does love Mitsu, and I fully accept that. But still, despite all the hints and confessions, I just don't see when/why/how Kiki fell for him. (Not saying Mitsu is not good enough, just examining their relationship development.) As far as I'm concerned, Kiki takes Mitsu as her most trusted partner and cherished friend. She knows she has to marry someday and of course she'd be looking out for the right candidate. And Mitsu would certainly be her best choice in many ways. But that's it. I don't see how Kiki actually developed romantic feelings for Mitsu. Perhaps sensei just didn't elaborate on that, or perhaps I missed something, in that case please lecture me lol^^
16.Something that you had wished had happened
Man I really wish we get to see more of Kazuki. It's illegal to waste that pretty baby face like that. I mean sensei couldn't you get him a job around Shirayuki? Like being an aide to Obi so that they can take shift to look out for Shirayuki's safety when Obi's away to help Zen or something??
And also I'd love to see more of Hisame's days at Sereg as well, like how he usually tries to be a pain in the ass every time the trio visits^^.
17.Your OTP
HisaKiki (because no I cannot separate ObiZenYuki.)
18.Your favorite rare pair
Love the chemistry between Tariga and Shirayuki too.
19.Your BroTP
Obizen. That night the way they dealt with their triangle on the deck was absolutely mind-blowing. I've never seen anything like that and I just didn't know it could work this way🤯. Obi&Zen definitely share special bonds and have a unique way of interacting with each other that is essential to both of them.
(Yes I take them mostly as broship but I'm open to other interpretations. I mean I don't really mind what type of relationship they have as long as they're together and they're happy. This applys to obiyuki/obizenyuki as well.)
20.Your NOTP
MitsuKiki. I'm truly sorry. (Not at all😜)
21.Favorite trio
22.Favorite fancontent
I LOVE THE ANALYSIS POSTS ON TUMBLR I LOOOOOOOOVE THEM!!!!!! I enjoy reading every 2000-word essay about how someone think this character has been misunderstood or how this plot is so well-designed or how this detail is supposed to mean something or how……I just love it💗💗💗. Thank you to every amazing AnS scholar who's so profoundly enriched my understanding of the original work💗💗💗.
23.Favorite fancontent that you've created Snow On The Beach. It's just so beautiful. (Credit goes to Sorata and Taylor of course.)
24.A random headcanon that you have
Shirayuki is 100% Tariga's type. The girl of his dreams🥰. (He just doesn't know it yet🥰)
25.Why you picked it up
Haha this one's pure personal story. Two years ago I was binge watching shoujo anime/manga during summer vacation and AnS was one of them. But I only watched the anime back then. It was not until half a year later when I decided I needed some lighthearted mental relief that I thought of it again. So I rewatched the anime, and when I searched about it online I accidentally saw these amazing illustrations from the manga and got totally stunned by the style. Before that I was even criticizing how strange the anime art style is🤣, and the manga was a total surprise!
26.How long you’ve been a fan
A year and a half now.
27.Best part of the series
As I've said before I love how this work is full of consistent hope and never-ending positivity. It's the ideal world in my mind.
Also salute to Sorata's art style and amazing designs.🧎‍♀️
28.Things you would change about the series
Nothing, really. I'm happy with the way it is. It's enough a blessing for me🥹.
29.Things you still don’t understand
Like I said in Q15, I don't really understand how Kiki fell for Mitsu.
30.Did you watch the anime first or read the manga first?
Anime first.
31.Which one is better: manga or anime?
32.The best part of the fandom
Everyone's so positive and kind-hearted and nice and cute and witty and fun just like the characters in the work🥺. Love you guys🥺.
33.How will you feel when AnS ends?
I'm gonna be so sad. On the one hand we won't get any more stories about these people that we love so much, and on the other hand I feel like the community will become much less active when the series ends😢. It's like our days will be gone😢.
34.If you could ask Sorata-sensei anything, what would you ask?
Aside from the loads of questions I have about AnS, I'm genuinely interested in what influenced her most as an author/artist. I love the consistent positivity in almost all of her works and really wonder what works or things perhaps have influenced her in this regard. Or does this positivity just innately run in her blood? Lol. But it's not just the attitude and vibes in her work, I'm overall curious about what influenced her most as an artist.
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respitelocklyre · 8 months
Nothing too exciting, but some updates on the jobs & clubs fair! ✨
tbh i went to the fair as more of a way to meet & get to know some new people, but it was kinda fun to walk around and see what strix has to offer! I already knew i wanted to join the cheer squad, or at least try out for it, but i did wanna see what clubs my friends were gonna pick (spoiler alert: they basically all picked nerdy clubs but, like, can i rlly be surprised? lmaaooo).
Most of them made sense tho- like Mire going for the plant club (maybe they can get me some more flowers to grow in my dorm! 🌸) and Mettie going for the religion club (there was, like, a brief moment i thought he might join a different club, but ig he's rq's most special boy, even at college 🙄 he seemed happy and he'll fit in perfectly there, so i gotta give him that). Oh, and Thad went straight for the business club, which also tracks- but he DID say he'd lmk abt any finance bro frat parties so maybe we can get along after all. Plus, there was this OTHER student at the business club that looked kinda rich & important (nepo baby) that i got to chat up a bit 😘 Tho i think he's also Mettie's roommate??? whatevs, last i checked getting a fancy dinner out of him at the very least wouldn't be a party foul lol
I don't rlly have a read on Lulu yet, so i guess the newspaper fits him? I think he'd look cute in, like, a little sherlock getup with a magnifying glass lol investigating any school crimes and rumors!! Actually hold up, it might be GREAT to have an inside source 🤔
I was surprised that Willow joined the history club, and that her boring roommate joined anything at all- but that dusty old languages club fits her personality lmao.
I'm gonna head over to cheer tryouts this afternoon, but tbh it's harder to pick clubs than i thought it would be!!! Especially since i kinda wanted to get a job for some extra $$$ (I rlly don't need my dad seeing the sharess.com receipts on his credit card statement), but they limit the number of clubs you can be in if you do a work-study, meaning I could only join the one. Not that I'm, like, all that interested in any other club besides cheer, but idk. I guess I'll just wait to see if i make the cheer squad first? send good vibes plsss 🪶 👑 🙏
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iwannaban0nym0us · 1 year
rambley time - this ended up just being soccer probably gonna reblog w/ everything else so this isn't way too massive
i'm terrified i'm so fucking terrified, everything in my life scares me rn and i hate that because things should be good rn
so uh where do i start, i guess soccer makes sense because thats kinda what triggered this
my soccer team is disbanding,,,, again,,, basically last spring the team disbanded because we didn't have enough people who wanted to keep going w/ the club (a bunch of people dropped soccer, a few went to another club) but what me and 3 of my closet teammates did is merge w/ the team a year younger than us (meaning the other team is playing up a year) but since that team is a year younger now they're hitting the point where people are dropping (plus one person my age is quitting for running and another moved to a better club)
i'm so so scared because this time there's no younger team to merge with and that teammate who's dropping soccer for running i've been playing with her for like 7 years,,,,,
there's two main reasons i love this club, 1) the people, 2) it's not quite as committed as a full on club so i have the flexibility to do robotics (which is a huge time suck)
but now i'm terrified because i don't know what comes next like i always kinda thought i'd play w/ this club through high school and now i'm actually coming to terms w/ the fact that i might not be playing non-school soccer like soon
obviously i do have options, like i could go try out for the clubs that my teammates are trying out for but those are ~30min drive away from where i live since i moved while i was on the team and only stuck with it because of the people and with robotics i don't think that is an option because i don't have the time for a fully committed team that far away
another option is a club team in the city i live in and i've been talking w/ a school friend a bit who also plays and we might try and go try out for some teams together but i'm still not sure i want to play club and even if i do want to i might only want to if its with that friend and we might not make the same team(s)
theres also the option of just playing rec in the fall and maybe spring select in the spring (school is in the winter) and honestly i think thats the most likely thing to happen and idk why but that kinda scares me too maybe its because i've been playing club so long and i think i'll feel like less of a soccer player if i can't keep that up but honestly robotics is by far my priority so i think i could live w/ it if i had to
the most terrifying option is that i just stop playing non-school soccer it's pretty unlikely but its still like an actual possibility and i don't think it ever has been before so coming to terms with it is,,,, a lot,,,
so like the soccer thing is really on my mind and whenever i bring it up with like my parents or my friends i feel like they expect things from me. like today my dad was insistent that we get the info for the club that some of my teammates are trying out for (despite them probably gonna end up on a younger team than me) even tho i was saying no since thats the one option i have actually ruled out. and then yesterday i brought it up around a friend and he was like you're so good why don't you just go join another club team and didn't seem to understand that its so much more complicated than that. and also like my friends make fun of me for being a jock and just like expect me to be a soccer person and idkkk aaaaaa
another thing that scares me about joining another team is coming out again because sports are so fucking gendered i hate it, and like its more than just name or pronouns, i love my current team because they fucking cheered when i came out (they were glad my announcement wasn't that i was leaving the team lmao) but even tho i live in an accepting area there's no guarantee a new team would be accepting, also i finally trained my coach to stop calling us 'ladies' or 'girls' and i'd have to do that all fucking over again, and i really really don't think i could deal w/ being forced to wear a fem cut jersey again so i'd have to figure out how to get a men's uniform all over again w/ the new team and going back to the accepting point being in the closet isn't even really an option because i just look so viably queer (plus i have a girlfriend lol)
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2030kamenriders · 1 year
Sherlock Holmes: A Study In Scarlet (Part 2)
They are moving into the apartment (and apparently it's quite the cheerful and comfy place too)
Holmes is an early-bird kinda guy. He wakes up, eats breakfast, and leaves home early. But also he rarely is awake after 10 p.m. (what a relatable guy)
Ooh he likes to take walks too!
...Sherlock might be on drugs
So Sherlock's looks (taking notes for future drawing purposes): Slenderman-like proportions, thin nose, and a prominent square-ish jawline. Hands covered in ink and chemical stains, but good with handling delicate stuff (looks like he'd be into miniatures, I dunno)
Watson's life seems to have been quite sad and dull before moving in. Not being able to do much due to his health, and it seems like he rarely had anyone to talk to either.
Watson probably: Sherlock is an extremely smart guy. He knows so many things about various topics. But he's also never heard of Shakespeare.
Oh shoot it's worse than I thought
Sherlock: frankly I don't give a care if Earth is rotating around the Sun or some smug chef in an armoured bug costume
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Violinist Holmes
Watson how have you not figured out yet that your roommate is some sort of detective (He's literally inviting his clients into your apartment living room)
Watson reading about how to tell someone's deepest secrets via body language: I call bull—
Watson: what ineffable twaddle (his exact words by the way)
Sherlock: ...I wrote that article tho
Watson: YOU—
So apparently Sherlock is a Consulting Detective, which is different from a government detective (makes sense), but also different from a private detective (huh). I'm guessing Lestrade is a government detective? Anyway, Sherlock's job is to basically help out the other detectives if they're stumped or messed up.
Edgar Allan Poe's Dupin?
Sherlock is being mean about Watson's blorbos
The entire part at the end with the man holding the blue envelope is priceless
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thegongoozlerreacts · 11 months
Cemetery Mary: Reginald's Route
now im in the final stretch!! its time to play Reginald's route!! this time i will not look at the ending guide like i did for my other playthroughs bc idrc abt which ending i get first (i'll use the guide for getting the other ending)
i'll just try to avoid accidentally getting the true ending which shouldnt be too hard
now its time to play!! (spoilers below)
why did Reginald go to the cemetery also how did he finish that book so quickly?? welp now its time to meet up w him there he'll probably tell Mary why he's there anyways
OH HE MAKES COFFINS?????? ok then
LOL the way Mary's eyes light up at the fact that he's a coffin maker
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look at her she's so cute
he has a portfolio?? of coffins he's designed?? i mean i guess that makes sense cuz its a job and he needs like, proof i guess of his skill n stuff?? idk this is just stuff ive never thought of when i think of coffins or ppl who make them
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'I'd love to be buried in one of those one day!' took me out i mean,,, im not that surprised cuz well yk but idk this is just?? so funny??
hmm interesting thing abt Reginald that i noticed is that he always says or does stuff that would make Mary happy bc he wants her to be happy i mean it makes sense cuz he's obsessed w her i guess?? tbh i know he's the killer cuz of the twyla good ending but i still dont know his motives or objective also that line about 'stop killing me, ok?' has been echoing in my head
like wtf do u mean?? what does that mean????? is it like a time travel thing?? when he said that i thought that in other endings there would be a scene where he died or smth idk but its only in twyla's good ending do we see him die all the other endings he just stops contacting her for no reason will he die in the endings of this route or smth???
i am so confused is Crowven her cousin or not he must be right???? theres literally an option right now that says 'crowven's my cousin' so ok wtv i will pick that cuz he is her cousin
OH THEYRE NOT BLOOD-RELATED i finally got an answer theyre just family friends
oh no is Crowven gonne die in this route or in one of the endings bc i hope not Crowven dying in the twyla bad ending emotionally scarred Mary and me and that was just an ending
if he dies during the route then i'll have to see more of Mary's grief and DUDE that would be so painful i literally cant
Reginald do not kill Crowven dont kill him!!!
"...And if ever really gets on your nerves, you can always give me a call." THIS IS JUST knowing he's the killer makes this line so fucking ominous also just further proof that he killed Theodore in the Crowven route like definitely
nahh Reginald's planning a murder for Crowven already pls,,, no,,,, ahh now its time for the diner part how will this go with Reginald i wonder
he didnt see anything cuz he was the guy!!! he's the one!!!
skipping ahead now here we are to the funeral scene and now we are out of the funeral scene LOL
shopping w Reginalddd for his murder weapons why is he making it a game?? maybe just to cheer her up since she was at a funeral??
AN AXE?????? and antifreeze bUT AN AXE????
"What else would you use an axe for?" oh my sweet innocent Mary,,,,
i feel like he let her win on purpose but im not sure LOL depends on what the prize is i guess
"You haven't been spying on me, have you?" hahahahhahahahhahh UR THE ONE WHO IS SPYING ON HER
do i talk about the axe or do i talk about the rat poison
hmm i think i'll go w the rat poison
you're not slick, im onto youuu
oho so he's gonna show her how he makes coffins
at least i know that he wont kill her
that is some really crunchy grass
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he looks dead inside im cackling
Mary notices it too imm
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aww thats cute but he's still a murderer
why was he so like mad/tired tho?? whats up w his earlier expression??? also his eyebags just disappeared after he realized its Mary LMAOAOA tbh thats valid thats fair
Reginald looks very nice in that outfit i kinda want his clothes
aww Mary's so excited... to step inside the coffin... still she's so cute have fun in the coffin bc i know that he isnt gonna kill u
bro wtf just happened
um. wtf. hey who messed up the manga
like first of all how could u do that??? to a book?? and to a library book!??!?!?
second of all
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what the FUCK is this
this seems important but im not sure how
oopsies she burned it
i feel bad cuz it was a library book BUT its deserved like completely deserved that thing was fucking cursed creepypasta style
she's gonna go inside of a church and just the mention of a church, for some reason, made me nervous
pls i hope nothing bad happens cuz it will be worse when it happens in a church
lol she feels an overwhelming sense of dread i think thats a normal thing to feel inside a church esp if u've not been in one theres just some kind of heaviness snd weight when ur in a church
oh is it because of the cursed manga???? bc she came into contact w it and now she's in a church??
nah im feeling scared gosh pls dont make a scene
the music is really adding to that vibe of nausea and dread
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bro its definitely cuz of the cursed manga she just threw up whatever demonic shit she got from it
why cant she just say she was invited by Reginald as like emotional support or smth why gf..... well ok
ok Reginald interrupted at just the right moment at least it was him and not some random stranger do i go his place or the bus stop??????
hmm lets go to the bus stop
ok nvm guess we're going to his place anyways
i am wondering how the coffin and the manga are connected if they even are LMAO
im also wondering if Reginald is dead, like a ghost or something but nah thats not possible twyla knows abt him and has talked abt him to Mary so he's not a ghost maybe a zombie???? but also thats probably not it either
i feel so bad for Mary :(( but also what the FUCK is happening
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it was definitely cursed
oh was it a dream??
GOOD MORNING???? WAS SHE THERE ALL NIGHT??? or is he joking cuz he's still in his funeral clothes
ok he was just joking
hhhh idk if i should ask Crowven to stay or not cuz like idk???
ok i feel bad for making Mary all alone but it'll be fine right??? right???
knowing that the mystery number and Reginald are the same person makes sense honestly still its really a surprise cuz Reginald seems so nice n stuff but oopsies guess he's only nice to Mary in a twisted sort of way
aaAAaaahhhh she's talking to the priest i have no idea what to say so i will pick the middle option
idk what abt it but there's just something about the light shining on the priest, but Mary is covered in the priest's shadow something about that is just interesting
burning a wish?? THE MANGA????
tbh i cant believe that its shoujo manga of all things to be cursed(??) but also like alright sure
ominous note what the fuck does it mean
does it have smth to do w Reginald?? did Reginald write the note?? did he find some way to constantly reverse time bc of Mary or something??
'Makes me wonder how many variations I will see' gives me time travel vibes is this connected to Reginald's 'please stop killing me' thing?? probably
took a quick break from playing the game and ranted about my theories to my brother and he was like '???? wtf r u talking about'
back to playing
WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN WTF IS THIS NOTE is god real in this game?? cuz theres an afterlife and ghosts but what abt god???
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Mary u r so nice u r so sweet i love u
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"After all, it's not like a grave would be going anywhere" u jinxed it u just jinxed it when u look for it it will be gone i swear
if i had done the Reginald route before the twyla good end i would be like 'aww the cemetery reminds Reggie of Mary how cute :))' but the alarms are going off in my head at that
oh fuck its twyla ok i wanna say 'wtf is happening' but i already know why twyla's so pissed off
but still damn
"I'm not a mean person" twyla more like twy-lie cuz ur a fucking liar
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is that graffiti on the wall the same as the grave
lol twyla i think Reginald's gonna kill u for yelling at Mary "I'll get her to apologize to you" yooo Reg..... maybe chill "I'll be sure that she is sorry" YOO????
hmm makes me wonder why Mary never got any of twyla's messages tho
did Reginald kill her ???
oh shit the grave is broken and burned for some reason?? oh Mary looks so upset :((
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but also what happened to the grave and the manga??? what happened????
hmm kinda sus that he wanted them to not go in did he poison someone?? n he didnt wanna go in cuz he didnt want Mary to see that?? who did he poison??
why am i being given options about how long Mary's lived there when its all the same answer anyways??
oh there just HAS to be some time travel thing going on he went '...yes' when Mary said that 'isnt it funny how long the both of us have lived here and only met a little while ago' like but why tho
oh he's nervous now lol he killed somebody definitely. he definitely has a murder planned for somebody here. one of the kitchen staff maybe?
I KNEW IT HE KILLED SOMEBODY but also i cant believe he just?? left Mary like that wtf??
wait did he kill Mary? thats black goo coming out of his mouth, the same black goo that Mary vomitted in the church what the fuck is happening
oh ok Mary's just seeing stuff bc of the cursed manga
Mary struggling to sleep is relatable
bro he was murdering someone im sure
she's calling him Reggie thats so cute
ooooh an aquarium thats cool
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this is such a touching moment. idk what to say but their talk in the aquarium is so sweet???
ok now its time for the sleepover part
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oh shit Reggie lore???? crazy
'just try not to shine it at me while i'm on the couch' its bc u wont be there right??? cuz ur gonna leave in the middle of the night to do sketchy shit arent u?????
oh shit twyla's in danger but for real this time i think???
um?????? wait is he gonna kill her what waitwaitwait
HOLY SHIT WTF. WTF ??!?!??!!??!
that escalated so quickly i
ok so i got the bad ending,,,, im,,, i...... ok.
well then im gonna like,,, process this
holy shit dude wtf
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thegeminisage · 11 months
back at it with zelda. i GOT THE FREAKY KOROK SEED!!! thank u always to cathy 4 bailing me out <3
i'm almost thru with this little pocket next to the mountain...it'll be sooo nice to have it checked off
i tried making a "better" bike i saw on a youtube tutorial, one perfectly aligned. mine lists a bit so i thought it would be good. but idk...firstly idk if i did it right but seciondly the steering is more sensitive but almost TOO sensitive. ive gotten very used to the other one!! so im keeping both in my favs for now.
YOOOO its dinraal...oh god i wanna chase her soo bad but i have my path marked so perfectly and idw give up my bike.......
is there NOTHING inside the eldin great skeleton? not even monsters?? that's so lame
hold on a second.
okay i checked and no gloom hands either. so wtf??
like a whole korok seed. great.
the new bike also like. struggles more carrying koroks. it's more sensitive to everything, including the weight imbalance. i do like the turning! but.
THERE'S ZELDA.......damn it all i'm too close to quit even for this..........
LMAOOOOO i found some of those zonai guys training in their underpants. inCREDible. i almost flew right past it but i saw the tent and doubled back
and then i was like well no one's here guess i'll keep going...and then i heard them and found them. this is so FUNNYYYY
right side of the map IS DONE! except for kakariko lol. look how beautiful:
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kakariko, a little quest stuff, a few stray bosses, but overall clear. i'm happy. fuck having to go back to that labyrinth tho.
what now...? i guess i could at least report back to purah. i have to sleep soon but a little bit as a treat. i don't need to go to kakariko or anywhere underground yet
oh shit no more cheerful music!!
i was looking forward to seeing how it all changed but there's doom and gloom (not literal) in the air
everyone is staring at the castle and saying zelda is there. yikes. maybe i don't wanna be here after all LMAO
well, it's probably just a cutscene. despite a strong sense of foreboding i will look into the telescope
oh she looks sad :( it wouldve fooled me......
oh man the botw hyrule castle theme coming in...
wtf wtf the lookout landing music changed to minor key and there's strings in the back?! this rules. i can hear the hyrule castle music in this too..........
i wish link could just EXPLAIN that he knows zelda is a dragon. everyone all worried about her and looking for her but he and i both know exactly where she is, we should be researching dedraconification!! sigh this game sometimes
i don't get it...she wants me to just go to the castle...what about the fifth sage...
i mean if this is how you do it, fine, but if i need to be heading to kakariko instead...but i cant look it up without spoilers...AUGH
ok, this is a problem for tomorrow me. i could listen to this new lookout landing song forEVER tho. wow <3
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theasexuwhalestuff · 2 years
Thoughts while watching Part VI of the Kenobi Series
Obi-Wan's proud smile as he watches Leia cheer another kid up with Lola.
Ex-fucking-cuse me how tf is Reva alive??? Everyone is not fucking Darth Maul, okay? And neither does she have two stomachs like the Grand Inquisitor so what fucking gives?? Guess surviving being impaled isn't a big deal these days, huh? I can just hear Qui-Gon looking down from Force Heaven in utter contempt. He died, but these bitches be prancing around all over the place.
Owen is so gruff but so fond of baby Luke I can't.
Obi finally ready to continue the cycle of sacrificing himself for the greater good. Yay, I guess?? Since that's who he was as a Jedi?? Going back to normal.
Lmao Beru snarking back "Whose fault is that?" when Owen says Obi-Wan's gone.
Beru pulling out a giant blaster and Owen just going O.O is my new favourite thing.
Baby Leia sad that the battered grimy old man is going out to get himself killed.
"You're ten years old. But you won't always be." Excuse you STFU how dARE.
Yay sad parting hugs.
The way he smiles and promises he'll come back. That's the our old Obi-Wan right there. Ewan McGregor go OFF.
See the Grand Inquisitor knows exactly when to STFU and keep his head. But his tiny conceding nod to Vader tho LMAO. Like okay, do as you wish dumbass.
The Lars Parents tryna seem hopeful and putting on a brave face for Luke, but you know that kid knows this might be the last time he sees 'em.
Obi-Wan's twinkly-eyed smile at finding Lola in his robe 😭😭😭 Our man is back.
Lola's nervous beep omg.
"I will do what I must," my ass. Bitch can't kill his son-brother for shit.
Omg omg the old lightsaber-over-shoulder-one-hand-out pose is BACK!!!!!
Oh, so he's suddenly back in his old form now? After being fucking roasted days ago? Nice.
Owen and Beru are such icons. Going up against an Inquisitor for their baby boy.
Okay, but Reva severed a woman's hand for talking back. And you're telling me he left Owen and Beru alive? For what reason exactly?
Run, Luke, run.
Ok NOW the duel's starting to get interesting.
Obi-Wan Kenobi fucking smiling as he flings boulders at Vader with the Force is not something I knew I needed.
What an icon. Yet he still won't be able to kill him. 😒
Reva, you're really gonna stoop as low as Anakin, huh? That's the hill you wanna die on? Killing children? Okay gurl. You do you I guess.
Obi-Wan you are such a fucking wimp oh my FUCKING God. Yes, that's the child you raised and loved. But you saw with your own eyes the kinda destruction and carnage he leaves in his wake. And still you thought he might be worth saving?? And even when you realised he couldn't be saved you just up and left????? Explain this to me. You brought fucking Darth Vader to his knees--one of the few ppl who can even do that--and yet you just chose to not kill him??? Have you learnt NOTHING from Mustafar?? You're just gonna let him crawl wheezing back to his bacta tank so he can unleash the rage he has built up for you on innocent people?? Like WHAT THE FUCK MAN. Make it make sense.
Idk why Obi-Wan and other ppl choose to see it like Vader killed Anakin BS. Vader IS Anakin. That's what he became. That's what he chose. That's who he is now. His upbringing might not have been ideal and he might have been groomed. But the choices we make are ultimately our own. Ppl be actin' like his life trauma absolves him of killing literal children lmfaoo. Carry on.
Wow. Luke lost in the desert is the ONE TIME Owen doesn't look like he's contemplating physical violence when he sees Obi-Wan.
Beru not batting an eye at all at Obi-Wan's appearance pretty much confirms she sees him around often. At the market at Anchorhead, when she's out with Luke, maybe.
Reva showing up with a slumped Luke is a sight. Owen and Beru's faces. Thinking she carried over their child's body. Good God. I'm not even a parent but man the chills. Wondering how actual parents would react upon watching that scene.
Their look of confusion, caution and wtf is wrong with you directed at Reva.
Reva seeing real parents actually loving their kid. Their whole world stopping when they think their kid's dead. 💔💔💔
Owen's final look of pure contempt and what tf do you think you accomplished at Reva. Owen, my man, pls stop being such an icon.
Reva crying and Obi-Wan comforting her is another thing I didn't know I needed.
Reva trying to get revenge by killing Vader's kid, to avenge the kids he killed, but failing cuz Luke is a kid and someone else's family is just poetic.
"He killed them all, and I couldn't do it."
And yet she's afraid of becoming the monster that slaughtered her family.
I'm actually gonna thank Star Wars for showing how deep childhood trauma and hurt run.
Vader abt to force-choke the nearest being and Palpatine just goes you seem agitated, bro.
Palpatine tryna figure out if he needs to have his pet cyborg murdered.
Alderaan my beloved.
Dang nooo why is it so beautiful it's all gonna get destroyed.
Baby Leia getting ready for her next adventure. I need more wholesome scenes like this in movies 😭❤😭❤😭❤
Ok but literally HOW did they think Vivian Lyra Blair was gonna pass for a 10-year-old??? She was eight during filming and she looks even more baby. Look at how smol she is and her chubby baby hands 😭❤😭❤😭❤
I just keep rewatching the scene and laughing. How are her chubby baby hands actually doing any fastening??
How did Breha not see the holster before? No srsly? Did Bail help her hide it? Cuz if not, what in the rich parent BS...
Wow. Imagine having loving, supportive parents when you needed it the most as a kid. Just wow.
I fucking love Alderaan so much.
OMG. THERE IT IS. THERE'S OBI-WAN. It's the same smile from ROTS--the EXACT same smile. Our man is truly back for good holy shit look at his happy smile 😭❤😭❤😭❤
HOLY FUCK his old cadence and playful tone--they're BACK. THIS IS OBI-WAN KENOBI FRIENDS. NOT BEN.
Hugging Bail 😭
Omg him just crossing his arms and giving her a playful smile. THIS is the Obi-Wan we know. This is how he is with kids.
"I think you should sleep." DAMN.
Alderaan is so beautiful, but for what? To just get destroyed. ☹
Obi-Wan's voice breaking as he talks abt the things Leia inherited from her bio parents.
"Both were exceptional people." 🤡🤡🤡
I am so sad. We coulda had so much. If Obi-Wan had just killed Anakin during Order 66, we coulda had Uncle Obi visiting Leia in Alderaan and going on adventures with her. No sad goodbyes. More Alderaan. More uncle/grandpa-niece/granddaughter shenanigans. But nO.
Sad parting hugs. AGAIN.
And Obi's just soaking it up cuz he knows this might well be the last time he sees her. Life is pain.
No. Don't let go. Of her baby hand.
Omg it's the outfit from the comics YESSS. That and the teal outfit are my fave.
He leavin' the cave 😔
Owen looking suspicious, but not as suspicious as usual .
"Take good care of him." Like they haven't been for years. Like they didn't just throw hands with an Inquisitor. Bitch STFU.
Owen doesn't like Obi-Wan. But he knows just how much that boy means to Obi-Wan. He's the son of the boy Obi-Wan himself raised. So he gives in begrudgingly and actually smiles at Obi-Wan. "BEN! You wanna meet him?" Owen Lars. What a man.
Baby Luke immediately starts smiling at him 😭😭😭
Really liking Obi's new fit.
Bro, the moment I saw Qui-Gon's blue behind HOLY FUCK. CHILLS. I had to pause and scream into my hands and get up and jump around my room. The adrenaline was too much.
And then he turned around and everything went to shit. They spent the entire budget on TBOBF on a fucking perfect-looking deepfake Luke but here we are with 40-yr-old padawan Anakin, AOTC Obi-Wan just aged up a bit, and Qui-Gon who doesn't even look like Qui-Gon. They couldn't age ANY of them down a little???
Before I bitch abt Qui-Gon, does anyone remember Liam Neeson denying being in this series?? He pulled the same thing as McGregor but that bastard not only said they couldn't afford him, but also pretended to not know abt anything going on w Star Wars rn. He literally went do ppl still like Star Wars? As if he never heard of the sequels or oh idk baby yoda??? Played a bit too dumb honey.
Anyway, back to Qui-Gon bashing. This man. Bitch sees his son for the first time in 23 years and the first thing he says is took you long enough?? No greeting, no smile, no reassurance, comfort or an apology, nothing. Bitch ditched his son with the weight of the world on his shoulders, and now after years of that same son desperately calling out to him he responds, saying Obi-Wan's the one who wasn't ready to see him. Bruh. What a fucking bitch. Srsly Qui-Gon? WTAF.
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sharksa-shivers · 9 months
Max being gender nonconforming lol
(We see Max getting dressed, putting a tank top on and whatnot, Sharky on the computer doing something and Lady painting her claws a bright pink on her bed…Both Sharky and Lady look up whenever Max talks)
Max:(sniffing his tank top, apprehensive, looks over at both of em) Eugh…Yeah, i needa wash this soon probably but uhhhh, in the meantime, either of you maybe got any body spray i can use? Some LIGHT stuff that won't give me a headache in 20 minutes?
Sharky:(turning in the computer chair, reaching under his bunk and pulling out a couple cologne bottles, looking at em)I got a Deep Ocean, i got Noir Elixir, i got Pine Musk and i got Woodland Outdoors, if you want any of those.
Max:(staring, bit annoyed)Why does every mens thing ever have to smell like wood and musk and grass? Like why? Also i said body spray, not cologne, cologne always smells just…Eugh to me, i don't like…
Sharky:(shrugging and putting em back)Eh, your call. Personally, i love the Deep Ocean and Noir ones so…Yeah…
Max:(annoyed)That why you dump the entire bottle on yourself every time you put that crap on?
Sharky:(annoyed too now, insecurity flaring up a bit)No, i just…Want to make sure i smell nice, that's like…It…
Lady:(raising an eyebrow, jumping into the convo, looks at Max)You don't like those smells? That's…Kinda surprising to me…
Max:(annoyed)I don't see how, i'm always going off about it. Why would i wanna smell like a lumberjack when i could smell like flowers instead? Like why? (thinks a second, smirks)Soooooooooooo you got any flower scented stuff? Huh? Huh? Cmon Lady, i know you got the goods when it comes to make up and stuff!!!
Lady:(trying to dry her clawnails, motioning with her other hand)I got a bin under my bunk too, feel free to look through it i guess, can't get it right now, kinda got wet claws here…
Max:(bit excited, moving over and digging the bin out)Aw yeah!!!! Let's see here!!! (looking through em) Oooooo, Moonpath, got Melon Love, Coconut Daydream, Vanilla Sugars, Apple Festival, Orchard Blooms, Riverflow, arghhhhhhhhhhh, these are all so fucking good though!!!!!
Lady:(focusing on her nails but also happy to help)If i were to suggest you one, my favorites probably Mango Groves but hey, that's just me.
Max:(thinking and then picks one, happy)Think i'm gonna go with Apple Festival, i fucking love apples man. (sprays it on, smells his tank top again, happy)Oh yeahhhhhhhhh, much better!!! Thank Lady, i owe ya one!!!
Lady:(cheerful)No problem Max, happy to help ya! ------------------ Max in my thoughts doesn't really give a ratsass about gender really but he does prefer to be seen as a male/have masc terms used (like dude, man, bro, ect. He wouldn't care if you called him beautiful or pretty tho, like stuff like that lol) so Max is a dude...But he also doesn't care really either lol...if that makes sense... Max does whatever he wants and nothing will stop him. If he wants to wear a skirt, tights and cowboy boots in battle, he fucking will and there's nothing you can do about it lololol
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asoulofatlantis · 1 year
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Guys! The time has finally come! The moment we have all been waiting for! THE Final Fantasy X scene. That moment that every shipper knows. We have finally reached the famous underwater Kiss-scene ♥ (What a way to end 2022!)
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I always found it fascinating how her reaction was. She said she wasn’t sad about the stuff he said and yet, she looked happy when she found out he knew. Probably because she was glad she wasn’t the one who had to tell him or watch him let the realisation sink in. I mean, imagine Yuna being there, when Tidus had his little breakdown, that would have been painful to her. This way, he had time to come to terms with it before facing her and she knows now that she can go on with him by her side, without having to keep secrets from him anymore.
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I think in that very moment, were she was sad and frustrated about everything that went wrong on her journey so far,, she really wanted to give in to that thought of having a normal life. Not having a dead-sentence hanging over her head. Not being on a rush to reach Zanarkand, even tho the journey is long and hard and she missed out on things like watching the moonflow glow at night, but just enjoy her life instead.
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She had always been planning to become a summoner and save the world from Sin... so she never had the luxury to imagine what a “normal life” for her would look like or what she would wish for it would be like. You know, all those silly dreams girls her age have, of a romantic marriage with your first love and living in a house with a bunch of kids and stuff... Yuna never was supposed to have a future and imagining one if you know you can’t have it, especially when you are sacrificing your life, would be cruel to oneself... maybe even hinder her. But now, for that fleeting moment, she finally gave in to imagine what it would be like.
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Look how simple the life is she imagined. Going with Tidus to his Zarkand so she can cheer him on in a blitzball game and just watch a pretty sunset together. It seems to be nothing special, but for her, its more then she ever could have hoped for - and not just because it is just not THAT easy to reach Tidus Zanarkand, but more so because she doesn’t have the luxury of the time to party at Tidus place and watch a pretty sunset just for the sake of watching it. Its a beautiful imagine of an ordinary life with Tidus, but...
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...in the end it was just a fleeting dream of a future that Yuna would love to have, but can’t have because she can just not give up her pilgrimage. She can’t be that selfish. She always just wanted to bring Spira that little time of peace and happiness. Even with Yevon turning its back on her, she still can’t leave the people of Spira hanging. She is not the type of person who runs to Zanarkand and has fun, while the people in Spira are living in fear. She wants to. She wants it so badly right now. That is why she is crying. But that is just not the person she is... and I guess in the end Tidus saw that coming.
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It might not be able to stand against FF7R but I still think that to this day, 20 years later, this games CGI-Scenes were amazingly pretty.
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A good lovestory is something Final Fantasy often lacks these days. Heck, thinking back at the other Final Fantasy games, older and newer I can  not remember EVERY having such a beautiful lovestory at all. Final Fantasy 9 was the closest we got to a nice lovestory and even that was kind of lacking. Final Fantasy 6 has an awful idea of a lovestory. Final Fantasy 7 to this freaking days, 30 years later or so, Square Enix can not decided if they want Cloud with Aerith or Tifa or both or one of them after the other one dies... or do we prefer Aeriths with Zack anyway? Its a mess and its a bad mess on top of it! Final Fantasy 8 thought they could pull it of with that second hand lovestory that didn’t make much sense nor did Squall and Rinoa ever fit with each other! Final Fantasy 12 lacked romance so much that one almost missed the ships that were actually there, because the plot was so long and political and everything was so complicated that there was just no time for romance. Final Fantasy 13... was the game were almost EVERYONE ship that ship that was never intended to be a ship and almost no one like the actual intended ship. Heck, the only reason Ligtning Returns selled at all, was because SE had to give in and give the Hopurai-Shippers their shipping hints, because there were far too many people who prefered Sarah with Noel, despite him having his own ship. Vanille and Fang were extremely toned down and yet still more liked then Snow and Sarah. That is how bad that actual main-ship was. Final Fantasy 15 thought they were oh-so-romantic with the childhood-friends-trope and the whole “love-letter” via book kind of idea but you had to try REALLY hard to get into that ship to actually like it, because - aside from the ending - the only interaction between them were they were both conscious was a freaking smile from far away. And in Final Fantasy 16, we apparently have a sex-scene coming our way. That speaks for the “sex sells” - kind of desperate measures to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if we actuall just F*** a whore in a brother instead of at least having a lovestory. And maybe its better that freaking way, because Final Fantasy 10 seemed to have been the only Final Fantasy with a lovestory that was worth swooning over.
Rand over. lets enjoy the scene now.
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I love how innocent and pure that scene was. One could have easily turned that into an underwater hot makeout almost sex-scene or something, but instead they made something adorable out of it and it just fits this ship so wonderfully. I mean, I love me some smut like many other people do, but there are ships out there that aren’t meant for some horny smut scene. These two caressed each others face and hold hand and just exchange a few pure kisses. And that is so wonderful ♥
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Isn’t it wonderful? (Did you get that? XD) But I am serious. This scene is just absolutely beautiful. And I mean not just how it looks, but the whole package. The music, the way the characters interact and how that fits their relationship and their story so well. A true masterpiece this game...
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Even this part works out so well. Because that is how their relationship is. Beautiful, but bittersweet. Even tho thinks will turn out differently from how Yuna thought, there still will be an end.
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It was so cute ♥ I love how shy she was at first. I am sure even something as simple as that, holding hands, was something she never imagined she would have. And yet, at least that moment of happiness was given to her.
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hyunjilicious · 3 years
I just read what is and what should never be and it was PHENOMENAL! I love everything you write anyway so I was wondering if you could do a small one where Bucky is alone and depressed and he calls yn because he feels lost and she is just there for him? No worries if you can't! I love you anyway 💕
Omg!! You’re too sweet! I really wanted to do this one justice, but I suck at angst... I love you too!! and I’m sorry if this sucks!
Summary: after the events of Endgame, you and Bucky part ways. Even though you haven’t spoken in months, when he needs you, you’re there ANGST 2.2k
Warnings: overall angsty vibes. Sad Bucky. Idk depictions of depression I guess? shitty writing!
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“You came” Bucky's surprised tone pulled you out of your thoughts.
Before saying anything else, you shook your head in disbelief. From certain points of view, he looked exactly the same as when you last saw him months ago, but if you looked past his rugged exterior, it was very easy to tell something was truly eating away at his heart.
“Of course I came” you frowned, “You called me”
“Thought you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore” Bucky mumbled.
You looked him up and down, thoroughly confused by his statement, but decided to keep the tone of the conversation from going too dark too fast. “Shut up, Barnes” you scoffed, “Don’t even joke about that.” A hint of a smile appeared at the corner of his lips, but it was forced, you could easily tell he wasn’t truly being himself. “What’s up?”
Bucky took a deep breath as if gathering the courage to word his thoughts. When his eyes met yours he flinched, the pain clouding his otherwise bright blue eyes. He started with a long sigh and a shake of his head but then, cringed as he finally spoke up. “I need help”
His confession went directly to the pit of your stomach. “What happened? Whatever it is, you got it, but what-”
“Nothing happened” Bucky stopped you, “I need help”
“I don’t understand”
“I need someone to-” he sighed, closing his eyes as his head fell forward in what could only be described as shame, “I need someone to talk to” and it was funny, considering he just walked out of his psychiatrist’s office. “Someone that’s not paid to listen to me” he added, “Someone who understands”
It was moments like these that you truly wished Steve was still here. Or Nat. Your best friends, yes, but they were the glue that held you all together, and now in their absence, you were all threatening to fall apart. 
But of course you’d be there for Bucky. Whatever he needed you were more than eager to provide, but at the same time, you were fully aware that your capabilities were limited. You didn’t lack the understanding or the experience, but you lacked the words. You had the sympathy, but not the advice he needed. But you were there. Like you have always been and always will be, so, that afternoon you ended up on his living room floor.
Surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol that had no effect on either of you whatsoever, you sat and listened to him rant his heart out until his throat couldn’t take it anymore. And then he broke down - completely. A full on mess, tears staining his cheeks as the temperature dropped in the room with every other pained groan he’d release. But he let it all out and the weight he had been carrying on his shoulder was unimaginable. There were too many things eating away at his heart, but the guilt was what kept him under its spell, what kept him up for the last months, what was physically destroying him.
“Y/n... “ he called for you, face hidden in his hands as he spoke, “I know you’re gonna say no, but-”
“No,” you stopped him, “Then don’t ask me”
“No, Bucky” you sighed, grabbing his wrist so you could look him in the eyes, “If you already know it’s a bad idea, please don’t tell me because I’m afraid I’ll actually go through with it right now”
“But i can’t fucking sleep!” he cried out loud, falling back against the couch, arms propped up on his knees, “I keep having the same nightmares over and over again, and I can’t take it anymore”
“You don’t-” you took a deep breath, “You don’t want me to erase your mind, do you?”
The look in his eyes proved that that was exactly what he wanted. And the unshed tears that coated the otherwise pure and radiant blue of his eyes was almost enough to convince you.
“Please-” he begged, “I-”
“No, Buck” you shook your head and shuffled to face him properly, “As time passes, it’s only gonna get worse. The past will eventually catch up to you. You’ll want to know what you did”
He didn’t have it in him to fight you, so silence settled for a while. “You know sedatives don’t work on me?”
“I… never thought about it, but that makes sense”
Bucky gathered his lips into a tight line and nodded his head.
“Lady shrink isn’t of any help?” you asked.
“I have no clue what she’s doing” he shrugged, “Maybe it’s good in the long run, but fuck if I know how she expects me to make any kind of progress right now”
“You are, tho” you reassured him, “Making progress I mean”
“Am I?” Bucky laughed incredulously.
“Yes! You’re almost completely on your own feet. You really pushed through”
“Or maybe I’m just ignoring all of my problems”
“You just told me about them” you chuckled, and threw an arm over his shoulders.
Hesitatingly at first, he eventually leaned in into your hold, allowing himself to completely fall against your chest. “I hate this”
“I think that’s a given” you laughed, curling your fingers around the roots of his way too short hair. “A wise man once said that whenever someone acts like they have their shit together, they’re either lying or delusional”
“Who said that?”
“I don’t know” you confessed, “I saw that on the internet”
For the first time that night, you actually heard him laugh, and it sounded so good - it was short and weak, but it was sweet and honest. “That’s a pathetic attempt at cheering me up, but I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it” Bucky said as he pushed himself up.
“I wish I could do more” you mumbled, “But I don’t know what, or how, but-”
“Thank you”
“You don’t have to thank me, you know that” you smiled.
He didn’t know that. He’d never stop thanking you for even the smallest gestures. The day where Bucky would understand that kindness, in some cases, is a given, was far away, but you had the patience and determination to work for it.
As you talked and talked, and the topic of conversation kept shifting from one area to the other, the sun set, night settling outside his small windows. It was time for you to leave, and you would’ve done it, had he asked you not to at the last second.
You had your shoes on and one hand on the door handle, when he stumbled over his words, obviously too shy to properly hold his ground. “Actually can you- can you-” he mumbled, pointing to his couch, “Can you stay here tonight?”
And of course you did. The night didn’t last much longer after that, with Bucky settling on the floor, only a blanket to keep him company, and you sprawled out on the couch as silence settled.
But your mind was too busy to drift off. You knew his’ was too, but decided to refrain from speaking up, hoping to let him fall asleep, even for a short while.
It was loud inside your head. You always promised yourself you’d never intrude on someone’s thoughts and read through them without their approval, but you physically felt Bucky radiate energy, and your mind just slipped. But then, your heart almost stopped.
You saw yourself. You saw yourself slapping him back in Wakanda when he decided to go under ice again, you saw yourself moving a car out of his way back in Bucharest, when you risked your life for his because you trusted Steve that much, and because you were that good of a friend. You saw yourself at Tony’s funeral, eyes shiny with tears and then felt an almost uncontrollable urge to hug yourself - and then realised it wasn’t your urge, it was Bucky’s. At this point, your heart beat so fast you were actually afraid he’d hear it. But when goosebumps appeared all over your skin, you realised he couldn’t hear you, that he was asleep and that the nightmares started materializing. 
What convinced you to act on it was the sudden jerk of his body and the way to fully tensed instantly after. So, unable to just sit and watch, you rolled over to the side and allowed your hand to fall by his temple, little specks of light rolling off the tips of your fingers as you forced the thoughts away. Seconds later, you saw him relax and shift around, gathering the blanket he laid on to his chest as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
His relaxed form and the steady pace of his breathing put a smile on your face. But you made the mistake of thinking this was a one time thing, however, before you realised, you found yourself leaning over him again, ushering yet another wave of nightmares away. And it kept being an ongoing process until the sun rose, and you cursed yourself as you did not get one second of shut eye. But it was worth it. The sight of him finally resting, knowing he spent his night in his happy place that you this time did not intrude on, made up for your tiredness. 
When Bucky drifted out of his deep sleep, you figured it was safe to relax too. But knowing that if you went to sleep right now you wouldn’t wake up until noon, you stood up, determined to give him the full best friend experience.
But all you found in his kitchen was a box of stale cereal, a soft cucumber and candy wrappers. Had he not looked so adorable sleeping shirtless and curled into a ball on the floor, you would have woken him up yelling. But instead, you decided to order some food, and the simple fact that the sound of the delivery guy ringing the doorbell didn’t wake him up, actually terrified you. With a life like yours, no one sleeps that deeply, but then there he was, snoring away the late hours of the morning. 
By the time he finally stirred awake, the food was already cold, and you were bored out of your mind. “What- what time is it?” he mumbled, voice rich with sleep.
“A little bit past 2” you yawned from your spot on the couch.
“2 pm?” Bucky huffed, sitting up in a hurry and rushing to grab his phone. “What the-” he turned to you confused, “It’s 2pm…”
“Yeah” you sighed, “And the food is cold”
“Food?” Bucky gawked, looking over at the small table by the window, “You got food?”
“You didn’t have any” you defended yourself. You wanted to scold him for not taking better care of himself, but he looked so homey and cozy and vulnerable, that you couldn’t bring yourself to.
Eventually, you stood up and walked over to him. “I’ll let you eat, Buck, but I gotta go” you sighed, giving him a hug, “Got some stuff to do” you lied, by stuff meaning sleep, since you were exhausted.
“Yeah, of course” he mumbled in agreement, wrapping his arms around your frame, and bringing you closer. He sank his head into the crook of your neck, holding you to his chest for a moment longer than you would have considered friendly. But you didn’t complain, his hold was stern and loving, and you really needed that right now. “Thank you” Bucky added when he finally let you go. His right palm cupped your cheek as he looked down at you, awe and admiration in his eyes.
“Nothing to thank me for, Buck” you smiled, and then pulled away.
He silently watched you get ready to leave, following you around until you reached the door and turned around to say goodbye. And it was weird. Your heart boomed against your ribcage, and you didn’t have to read his thoughts to know he was feeling the same kind of nervous. And it may have been the one too many stories you read but you actually feared something was going to happen. Thankfully, it didn’t. Instead you shared another hug, and parted ways.
However, all you managed to do was reach the staircase before you heard his door open, followed by the sound of his bare feet sprinting down the hallway. “What are you-”
“Can you stay?” he asked, shaking from head to toe, “In New York I mean, can you please stay? Just a few more days”
“Well, I- yeah, I guess I can” you mumbled.
“I just, I need a few more days. You’re screwing my head back on, I just need you now. Steve is gone, and Sam is all the way in Louisiana and I hate phones and I-”
“Wow-” you laughed, “I’m not even the second choice, I’m the third?”
“Shut up, Y/n” Bucky frowned, “Stop being a smartass for a second”
“I’m sorry” you rolled your eyes, but he didn’t care.
In the blink of an eye, Bucky threw his arms around your shoulders and hugged you close, and you weren’t sure if the ‘I love you’ that echoed inside your mind had actually been spoken or just thought, but it was everything you never knew you needed.
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julemmaes · 3 years
Not Enough
Rowaelin Month, Day Three
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A/N: guess what? French is still not a priority:) This is a continuation of yesterday's prompt actually, but there's no need to read it to understand the story, I just think it'd hurt more if you did tho. So it's up to you, enjoy!
Word Count: 2,646
Aelin had been awake long before her fiancé's alarm went off.
She had been awake when the sun had begun to shine through the blinds and she had been awake when he had rolled over in bed, holding her one last time before getting up to go to the bathroom.
She had vividly felt the kiss he had left on her forehead and the whispered words of each morning.
Go back to sleep, love.
The sound of water falling in the shower and the soft humming of Rowan preparing for yet another day in the Senators. The song of the birds beginning to fly out of their flat wasn't giving her the fairy-tale awakening it did every morning. And the Ottawa traffic that increased with the ticking of the clock was no longer giving her the sense of life it had given her over the past few months.
And then a hint of hope as Rowan walked into their room and began to change, slipping on his shoes and giving her another kiss, this time on the lips.
The sound of his duffle bag being lifted off the ground, the sticks banging into each other.
The jacket being put on.
She heard the front door open and closed her eyes, a smile so slight that few would be able to see it for what was perhaps finally happening.
Aelin began to hope as she had never before in her life.
That Rowan hadn't just forgotten to take off the ring he wore on his finger, but had deliberately decided to leave the house with the silver band on his hand. To show it to the world.
She heard the soft click of the door shutting and brought her hands to her face, trying to hide the clear happiness etched on her features, trying to hold back the shriek of victory.
She pulled herself up in her seat, her head snapping to his bedside table to make sure it wasn't just a dream. That Rowan had actually gone outside, shouting to the world that he was getting married. When she didn't see anything shiny on the countertop, she fell forward onto the bed, a dazzling smile now beyond her control on her lips.
They had talked about it for a long time, arguing for days, weeks, each time deciding to leave things as they were.
Rowan Whitethorn, professional athlete, rookie for his dream team, was climbing the ranks of every chart that existed. New recruit with most goals scored in the last ten years. Player with the fastest shot ever. Most handsome man of the year.
Aelin was proud. She was so proud.
But she wasn't happy.
It had been more than two years since they got together. Two of the best years of Aelin's life, in spite of everything.
They'd spent the last year of college breaking up and getting back together, constantly, amidst the rumors from others and the insults from every person who insinuated that she was only dating him for his title, for what he would become in a few months. They'd broken up for good the summer Rowan had been called up to play for one of the top teams in the country, after she'd been pushed to the ground by an overly agitated fan outside a club during one of their friends' birthdays.
Rowan had lost his temper, lashed out, and the team had threatened to cut him off before he even got in. Aelin would have never allowed such a thing and had left him, saying there was no hope for them anyway. Either way, he would travel for six months non-stop and she would stay home, alone.
He had looked at her, his eyes wet with tears that Aelin had never seen him cry, and thanked her, for putting up with everything he had subjected her to.
When it was confirmed that Rowan had made it onto the Ottawa Senators, Aelin, who hadn't spoken to him in months, had texted him, congratulating him on achieving his dream.
He hadn't texted her back, and Aelin had known that whatever hope they had had was dead.
Surely she wouldn't have imagined Rowan turning up at her house, asking her to go with him, the day before the move. Desperate, opening his heart to her, his every thought, his every worry. But showing how far he would be willing to go if it meant spending even one more night with her.
And that was how Aelin found herself in their home, in their new city. Promised to the only man she would ever love, to the only man who would know her so well that he understood what was going on in her head even before she did.
And until now she had been a secret.
They had kept their relationship a secret.
Only their closest friends, their families had known of their comeback.
And they'd been so painfully good at keeping a low profile, despite Rowan being all over the headlines of every sports magazine. So good, in fact, that Aelin felt as if she didn't exist.
Every interview in which Rowan said he had no one, that he was single. Every picture of him and one of their friends in the magazines hinting at a possible relationship. Whether it was Lysandra, Nehemia, Manon - she didn't care, she knew he'd come home to her. But every little thing was just another splinter added to the spike that was piercing her heart.
But today, she thought, smiling, today Rowan had gone out with the ring.
The promise he had made to her, that he would be hers one day.
The promise he'd been afraid to show to anyone, and that he'd slipped off every day to keep the reporters from talking.
She was still floating on clouds, her breath short, ready to burst into tears with happiness the second her brain too had really understood what was going on. It was at that moment that she heard it.
The front door opening.
Rowan walking quickly towards their room. The heavy footsteps in the hallway.
He opened the door, giving her a half smile.
Aelin felt her heart shatter into a thousand pieces.
He greeted her with a quick kiss. Something he had once been allowed to do even in public. Something that had given her the strongest emotions he was now afraid to do.
She stopped seeing. Hearing. Feeling.
She got out of bed with slow, almost robotic movements, heading for the bathroom. She clung to the sink, her grip so tight her knuckles turned white, and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes that had once been cheerful, happy, looked back at her empty, dull.
And Aelin knew, even without looking, that on the bedside table lay his ring.
Rowan had never been so tired in his life.
Today's training had exhausted him so much that he'd almost called Aelin to come and pick him up, worried that if he got behind the wheel in this condition he'd have an accident.
Then he remembered that he couldn't.
That Aelin couldn't come and get him, because to let her leave the house, to let others know of her links to him would put her in danger.
So he'd gotten into his car and driven with the radio volume too loud, to keep him awake, and pinched himself every time he changed songs, to stay alert on the road.
He walked up the stairs to his house with hurried steps, wanting to reach Aelin as soon as possible. Telling her that he had missed her and the crap Lorcan had said during practice. Warning her that Fenrys would be coming to town in the next few days and they would have to arrange a dinner at their house.
He liked being able to talk about their friends, it gave him a sense of normalcy. Something that playing hockey didn't give him.
He would never say he was unhappy with his sporting career. He couldn't even if he wanted to. Hockey had been his final destination since the first time his father had put skates on his feet and pushed him on the ice.
And now, after winning the championship, with record-breaking results, his first year as a professional, he couldn't complain too much.
But staying away from Aelin during games. The hotel rooms, the flights, the girls throwing themselves at him at every party thinking he wasn't taken... it had been taxing. And he couldn't help but imagine that it would only get harder over the years.
The only thing that would keep him sane was the idea of coming home to her.
He opened the door, calling her name and expecting the smell of whatever she had decided to cook that night to fill his nose, but it didn't. Aelin didn't answer, all the lights were off, and he lent an ear to the hallway, hoping to hear the shower going - maybe he'd even be able to join her if he moved fast enough - but the house was shrouded in stark silence.
He closed his eyes with a sigh.
He hated coming home when she was out.
Whether she was at the gym or shopping, it was like a torture that only he had to endure.
He carried his duffel bag into the bedroom, leaving everything by the wardrobe, slipping off his shoes slowly and letting himself fall onto the mattress.
He ran a hand over his face, trying to get some of the sleep out of his body, and turned to the bedside table, ready to wear the ring she had gotten him. A promise he'd be able to keep once things were settled with his agent.
He snatched the ring from the bedside table and found himself taking a second look at it.
His breath caught in his throat.
Aelin's ring sat there, next to a slip of paper.
And Rowan knew. Even without having read what she had written, what it meant.
He snapped out of bed, opening her wardrobe violently, the dressers, finding them completely empty. He cursed aloud, running to the bathroom, opening every goddamn drawer, every shelf, finding them bare of all her possessions.
The living room, her reading nook, empty of everything that had belonged to her.
He grew short of breath and the more air he tried to gulp down, the more panic assailed him, closing his lungs.
He ran back into their bedroom, grabbing the letter and running his eyes over the words, looking for a clue, a name that would give her away and make him know where she was.
He grabbed the phone from his jacket, fingers too fast on the screen as he searched for his friend's number.
She picked it up after three rings.
"Rowan! Hey, what's up?" she replied cheerfully.
He did not even waste any time in answering, "Where's Aelin?" he asked in short breath.
"Aelin?" asked Lysandra, then in a more concerned tone. "Why don't you know where she is? Something happened?"
He ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the ends until he felt pain, "She left a letter, saying she was leaving and you'd know-"
"Rowan, she didn't call me. She didn't leave me any message," she stopped him.
A choked sound escaped his control. "Fuck."
"Wait." she said suddenly. "Yeah, here, I got a message from her a couple of hours ago. She-"
She froze suddenly and Rowan knew immediately what was about to happen.
"Please." he begged her.
Lysandra remained silent.
"Rowan, I can't tell you-"
"Please, Lys. Please." his voice broke.
He heard his friend take a deep breath, "Let me talk to her. And I'll let you know," and then a pause, "but if she asks me not to tell you anything, Rowan, I won't betray her trust like that."
He knew that. And he was glad that Aelin had friends she could still trust blindly.
"In the meantime, try to rest. I'll let you know if she's okay."
The call ended, Rowan didn't even say goodbye. He stood in front of the bed, a bed he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep in tonight without her. He picked up the letter with trembling hands and headed for the kitchen.
He set it down on the table, sitting up and rubbing his hands over his eyes.
He needed something to drink if he was going to go through with this.
He poured himself half a glass of whiskey and began to read.
Hi Rowan
when you’ll read this, I’ll be on a plane over the ocean already. I don’t know where I’m going yet and I’m not gonna tell you, cause I don’t want you knowing and leaving everything behind to follow me.
Cause I know you would, baby, I know you’d let it all go for me in a second if I asked you to. But I’m not letting you. What kind of person would that make me if I did?
You worked your entire life for this. You woke up at unholy hours of the day just to train for half of your life. You had your body slammed into those plastic barriers for fun for years, cause you love the feeling you get after a good game. I know you always complain about the bruises and the pain, but we all know you like that cause it makes you feel like you did enough. You ate shit food that tastes like cardboard so you could have that amazing body and play for your dream team. Skate on the ice whenever you want.
And you did it, Rowan. You made you dream come true.
And I’m not gonna be the one person to take it from you.
I won’t ask you to give up on something this big, not for me.
I’m just a person.
Someone you love, that used to love you.
But I can’t do this anymore, because I’m losing myself. And losing this part of me will make me hate you. And I don’t want that to happen.
I don’t want to be your secret anymore. And I don’t want to have to protect myself when I go out if I’m not. I want to be able to walk next to you, holding your hand without risking being shoved aside or hurt. I don’t want you to be worried all the time, whenever I’m not with you. I don’t want people talking about us.
And I’m weak, Rowan. I’m not like you, and I’m so tired. I can’t put on a mask, an armor, and pretend like the words don’t hurt, cause they do. They slice through my heart and they taint my love for you.
This isn’t the life I wanted for us, but it’s the one fate gave us, so maybe we’re not meant to be. I hoped with everything I am that we were, that I deserved you – that one day people would stop caring about others’ lives and mind their own fucking business.
It broke us back in college and I’m not willing to have them do that again on their terms, so I’m doing it on mine.
I wish I could be your “till death do us apart”, but I can’t.
I hope you find someone who will love you as much as you deserve and I’m sorry I couldn’t be that person.
I’m sorry my love was not enough.
Please, for my own sanity, don’t ask Lysandra where I am.
I’m not coming back,
Rowan sat there, tears streaming down his face, as he read and reread the paper in his hands, finding hard to breathe as his world collapsed on him.
And the only thing he wished, was for him to be able to hold her one last time.
tog tag list (if you wanna be added or removed just dm me or send me an ask)
@maastrash @ireallyshouldsleeprn @sleeping-and-books @hellasblessed @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @letstakethedawn @terrible-and-proud @post-it-notes33 @booksstorm @nalgenewhore @queen-of-demons-and-hell @lanyjoy-13 @vasudharaghavan @cupcakey00 @bri-loves-sunflowers @queen-of-glass @thewayshedreamed @the-regal-warrior @fangirlprincess09 @januarystears @rowaelinismyotp @starbornsinger @bookstantrash @thegreyj @feysand-loml
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
I like your posts, it's always cool. May i ask a yandere concept between an innocent, protected princess and a prince who obsessed with her from the first time they met, and force against her will. Thanks so much, love your writing :3
Thanks, anon, that means a lot <3 If you haven't noticed, I am oBseSSed with royalty stuff so I rlly enjoyed writing this. It's slightly different tho, but the idea is there.
Title: We all fall down
tw: female reader, non - consensual touching, obsessive behavior, coercion, implied forced marriage, war mention, abuse of power
It was cold when you woke up, terribly so. The room was spacious enough, there was bright sunlight coming from all four windows on each wall and you were sure that your sheets were warm and puffy even without looking down at them, yet it still felt freezing. You soon realized the place wasn’t simply cold, it was different too. It looked nothing like your own room back at the Southern Palace with its countless colourful pictures, books shattered all over the ground and a fireplace just across the queen – sized bed. Before you had a chance to sigh in annoyance, a quick glance to the other side reminded you of the bigger problem. Him.
“Good morning, princess.” The man greeted you cheerfully, his voice still deep and husky from the early hour. He was laying against the wooden doorframe, the sly smirk you had grown to hate over the years once again adorning his red lips. You stared at him for a moment, then rubbed your eyes to chase the fatigue away, fruitlessly so. You were too tired and sleep – deprived to play – pretend, which of course didn’t go unnoticed by the nobleman.
“You don’t look too well, princess.” He teased with a cheeky grin and walked towards the bed, stopping just before his legs hit the edge of the frame. You puffed softly, but remained quiet just so you wouldn’t have to answer him just yet. “And look at your state, darling…” The heir continued, clicking his tongue in a mocking “tsk, tsk,tsk”. “Your nightgown is a mess, I can see all of your beautiful curves.” The heir paused to lick his lips in a disgusting, suggestive way, and you had to repress the need to vomit all over the beautiful yellow sheets. “In our kingdom such appearance counts as an invitation, did you know that?” He added, smiling sharply, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, satisfied at the way his words made you embarrassed, flustered and jumpy so early in the morning.
“Your Highness, I would like to properly remind you that it was you who forced me to drink and dance all night.” You responded heatedly, all while fixing the straps of your silky dress to at least cover your cleavage. “You wouldn’t let go of my hand for a second. It’s your fault that I look like this.” You remarked, slightly offended by the man’s jokes, despite being used to his terrible humor after all those long years of shared parties and celebrations.
“If that is really so, my lady, please let me make it up to you.” The prince replied in the same smooth, carefree voice of his, the one he used before while talking to the maids and the peasant girls he wanted to bed. It made you sick to think of yourself as just another of his conquests, even though it couldn’t be further from the truth – you couldn’t stand the dark – haired male, his arrogance and absolute ignorance. “Join me for breakfast and I shall have our best cook serve your favorite meal.” The heir announced and winked at you before turning on his heels and finally leaving the room without hearing whether you agreed to his offer or not. You didn’t even have the chance to ask him how he knew what your favorite dish was or why he entered your room without permission, such a lack of manners was unsuited for a soon-to-be king. Perhaps you could use his inconsiderate behavior as an excuse to stay in bed until lunch but deep down you knew it was pointless. The egotistic little bastard knew you had no choice since you two had a lot to discuss.
The breakfast, if not anything else, was rich and delicious, each bite tasty and mouth – watering. The sweet aroma of cinnamon tea, vanilla and powdered sugar filled your senses with ease and a little bit of nostalgia for your childhood. The hardest part was yet to come, you wanted to deal with it fast and go home as soon as possible. As for Arthur, it was the first time you saw him serious with his brows arched and his thoughts all over the place. The uneasiness came back with full force.
“I think you know what we want, princess.” The male declared sternly after looking at the map for a while. His eyes were blue and clear, piercing in the way they were focused on you and you alone with no one else in the hall to act as a barrier between you and the monster. You understood why it had to be only you two, but these deals were always an open secret in both kingdoms, so there weren’t many reasons to keep the tradition going. “We want our territory back. We want you to surrender.” The heir hissed eerily under his breath, his pupils fixed on your frame, burning the skin underneath the thick layer of rough fabric.
You didn’t know how to respond to this – the dynasty’s requests had always been ridiculous and far – fetched, but never as impossible as this one. Yes, your land used to belong to the East centuries ago, but after several long, bloody, sacrificial wars where many of your men lost their lives, it was won fair and square. Now all your subjects lived there happily and freely, rightfully so.
“Your Majesty, please don’t dwell on the past. It will never come back.” You responded shortly after, laughing nervously at the end, hoping that would be enough for Arthur to drop the subject. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case.
“Is that so, dearest? You have two weeks then.” The prince said coldly, narrowing his eyes like a fox. You opened your mouth to speak but quickly got cut off. “Prepare your troops, train the soldiers, announce the incoming war to your people.” The man chuckled darkly and threw the map all the way across the room. “You better get ready for a thunderstorm.” He added just to mess with you some more, just to see your face turn white from the shock and the panic.
“You can’t do that!” You shouted out suddenly and stood up from your chair, feeling cornered and suffocated. You hated the prince’s constant teasing and flirty remarks but you would have never guess him to be a cold-blooded conqueror. “This is too cruel even for you!” You screamed, the tears already blooming down your cheeks, hot and wet. Arthur spared you one condescending look before moving closer and trapping your body against the table, towering over you both physically and metaphorically, as if saying “Let’s see who has the stronger mind.”
“I will get what I want no matter the cost and there is little you can do to stop me, princess.” The heir pronounced slowly, tilting your chin up so you had no choice but to meet his hard gaze, full of intense yet unreadable emotion. There was nothing left of the sly cheerful boy standing against your doorframe, teasing you about meaningless little things, and you almost missed him now. “But what you can do is stop the needless violence and bloodshed, Y/N.” You despised the way your eyes lit up at his words, but, as always, your duty was above your comfort and happiness. “What can I do?” You uttered quietly, a part of you too scared to hear the answer, the other anticipating it.
“Marry me.” The prince stated in a deep patronizing voice. His eyes were dark and sharp, just like before, and there wasn’t a trace of his usual gleeful smile. He grabbed your wrists in a painful grip and pulled them up, holding them against his broad shoulders. “We can unite the kingdoms and live our Happily Ever After. No one has to die.” The man whispered surprisingly softly, his chest heaving with each passing breath. “I can make you happy, dearest.”
You gasped in shock as soon as the proposal left his lips. Every fiber in your body was frozen still, your whole being shaken up by the unexpected offer.
“Why do you want to marry me?” You asked frantically, squirming to loosen up his grasp on your hands just to feel it tighten up even more. This was going to bruise for sure. “Isn’t it obvious?” The noble exhaled slowly, staring at you, trying desperately to find the compassion and affection he hoped you had grown to hold for him over the years. His heart broke once he realized there wasn’t any, but it didn’t matter. Feelings could change in a matter of minutes.
“I’ve loved you since day one, my princess.” His attention drifted to your open mouth, especially your soft full lips. Oh, how much he dreamt of taking you and relishing in the whines and moans you would surely let out once he decided to claim you as his own. “All I’ve ever wanted is you.” The heir confessed, his face moving closer and closer to your own, forcing you to arch your back more and more until it hit the table. Before you knew it, he was pinning you to the hard wooden surface, caging you in, kissing you violently, furiously. You couldn’t breathe.
You couldn’t say no.
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
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request from @tyongf-sunflower99 ; Hiii how are u? <3 I'd like to request a mafia or racer thing for haechan or jeno? Like fluffy and lightly suggestive (if it's okay!) Idk much about the plot but I trust you 💗thank you un advance!!
thankyou for the request! i’ve chosen racer jeno hehe, i hope you enjoy it!!
racer!jeno + female reader (intended but can be read as gender neutral if ‘princess’ is omitted!)
word count: 1.4k
warnings: overuse of ‘princess’ — lots and lots of fluff, gets suggestive towards the end tho
“i can’t believe your parents let you come out tonight” jaemin teased as he walked closely behind you.
“you really think i asked for their permission?” you snickered in response, halting your movements once you reached the start line.
“that jeno kid really rubbed off on you” you gulped are the mention of his name. it was no secret that you and jeno had been ‘hanging out’ the past few weeks. it all started when you accompanied jaemin to one of these street races. personally, you had no interest in it, but when you caught the eye of the striking lee jeno, everything changed. he approached you first, charming you with his smooth words. it didn’t take long for him to capture your attention. the only issue was, you weren’t sure if it was just a friendship, or leading to something more.
“oh be quiet, he does NOT have an impact on me” you rolled your eyes, moving to scam the crowd, waiting for jeno to come in sight.
“keep telling yourself that” jaemin smirked, nudging your arm, causing you to turn back to him. before you could say anything, the person you were looking for, happened to be right next to your friend. you jaw was slightly ajar, you hoped he hadn’t eavesdropped on the prior conversation.
“evening, princess” jeno’s deep voice make your ears perk up. okay, maybe he did have an impact on you.
“h-hey” jaemin took it as his cue to leave, patting your shoulder softly, mumbling about going to grab a snack (to be honest, you honestly weren’t even listening)
“here to watch me again?” jeno stepped closer to you, making your breath hitch.
“i-well yes? i mean isn’t everyone else here for the same reason?” you try to play it off, making jeno chuckle softly at your rambling. he found you completely and utterly irresistible.
“that hurts me, princess. i really hoped you had come for me” he slightly pouted. you quickly moved to touch his arm gently,
“i did!” you blurted out, shutting your eyes in embarrassment. jeno moves his hand to hover over yours, that was on his arm.
“that’s what i wanted to hear” he muttered, rubbing his thumb over the surface of your hand. you finally looked up at him, your eyes meeting his glistening ones. he always liked looking into your eyes, there was something so comforting and innocent about them.
“i have to get ready soon, but meet me here when i’m finished?” he continued to hold your hand in his. it felt so natural.
“yeah of course” you nodded, feeling his hand slip out of yours, which made your heart sink. he sent you a quick smirk before he made his way to his car. jaemin snuck up behind you with a packet of chips in his hand.
“oh you’re whipped” you elbow his side, snatching the chips from him as he groaned in pain.
maybe you were whipped for jeno.
once jeno’s car passed the finish line, everyone started cheering. despite his cocky attitude when it comes to racing, he always performs. that was something else you liked about him. from the few times you hung out alone, he seemed to be off in his own world. he was always zoning out or mumbling about something random. you loved hearing whatever he had to say, which made him immediately comfortable with you.
his eyes were searching the crowd once he exited his car. despite being met with multiple people congratulating him, his main focus was you.
you timidly made your way towards him, struggling to pass the crowd. suddenly, you felt someone grip your wrist, pulling you towards them. you felt yourself slam into the figure in question.
“thought i was going to lose you, princess” jeno couldn’t wipe the smile off his face, you actually waited.
“i don’t break my promises” you gleamed, feeling instantly shy.
“wanna get out of here?” you nodded, rushing to the passenger side of his car. you also decided to sent jaemin a quick text, you knew he was going to tease you the following day, so you muted him before he could respond.
“sorry it was a bit crazy out there” he apologised, starting the engine of the car.
“it’s alright, i mean, i guess you’re famous”
he scoffed,
“highly doubt it. they’re just happy they’re getting money from betting on me” he shrugged, looking over at you to make sure you were all buckled up. this wasn’t the first time you had been in his car, but he could get used to this sight.
“where to, princess?”
“anywhere...as long as it’s with you” that caught him off guard. jeno didn’t get flustered easily, but you always hit a weak spot in him.
“the things you do to me” he muttered loud enough for you to hear. you chose not to respond, feeling heat rise to your ears. jeno slowly made his way out of the track, now travelling along the highway.
“do you actually like racing?” you weren’t sure what conjured you to ask him that, but you were curious nonetheless. he always played down his interest for racing.
“where’s this coming from? well if i’m being honest, it’s fun. i enjoy the adrenaline and sometimes the attention. the money isn’t too bad either. but it’s not a lifelong thing, you know? just something to do while i’m young” he goes off on this whole tangent about living your life the way you want to. you wish you could relate, but you were forced to study and take as many extracurriculars you could fit into one day. you rarely had any free time to be alone.
“i wish i enjoyed something as much as you enjoy racing” you sighed, fiddling with the keychain on your purse. jeno wasn’t sure how to respond. he turned to park at a random field, a singular street lamp hovering over the car, allowing you to see him a bit better.
“you’ll figure it out soon. i’m sure if it. you’re amazing like that, princess” jeno smiled softly, moving his fingers to brush against yours. you sensed he was slightly nervous, linking your fingers with his in response.
“i really like hanging out with you, jeno” you whisper slightly, pulling your face closer to his.
“i really like hanging out with you too. it honestly feels like you’re keeping me sane” he chuckled, moving so that there was a tiny gap between your lips.
“if i kissed you right now, would you kiss me back?”
“only one way to find out” and with that, jeno presses his lips to yours. at first it was quite gentle, his lips were definitely softer than you had imagined. his hand moved to graze over the side of your neck, resting it there as he continued kissing you. you placed your hands on the sides of his face, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth with ease. part of you wanted him to drive you home and continue this in your bed, but the thought of your parents catching you with a boy in your room had you shaking.
jeno pulled away first, his lips still close enough to brush against yours.
“you don’t understand what you do to me. being with you, it’s like a breath of fresh air. i cant really explain it” he wanted you to know how much he truly cared for you, before you went any further.
you pressed another kiss to his lips before trailing down his neck. jeno felt his breath hitch, his hands now balled into fists. this was only something he dreamed about, he didn’t think it would ever happen.
“you’re too good to me” he sighed, softly stroking your hair as you continued kissing his neck. you weren’t sure what came over you, but hearing him praise you, made you feel good.
“wanna take this to the back seat? only if you’re comfortable of course” he offered. you quickly made your way to the back, pulling him to hover on top of you. without another word, you continued making out. you let his hand rest on your waist, gently rubbing your sides as he kissed your neck. you softly whimpered every time he brushed over a sensitive spot. it made him more eager to make you feel good.
“jeno, be my boyfriend” you said in between kisses, making him smile against your lips. it’s as if he had been waiting for those words to leave your mouth, the moment you met him.
“i haven’t wanted anything more”
the rest of the night consisted of more kissing, more groping and a lot of compliments being exchanged. at the end of the day, you were able to score yourself a street racing boyfriend...now let’s hope your parents won’t be too mad.
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reecethegeek · 2 years
euphoria season 2 episode 8 live blog
- gosh I'm fucking nervous, fez got the note in his hands
- ok how they gonna give me a cute fexi phone call after all that stressful ass shit like i haven't calmed down
- ok fez throwing hella hints bro "there's 3 kids in that show" the show he fucking said he want his future to look like after lex said she want 3 kids
- ah the blue sweater, we've been wanting for weeks
- fexi don't got common interests but they got common character traits and that's the real shit
- so no rue narration??
- bro this bitch had the AUDACITY to make it about her. DISGUSTING
- maddy come get her please!
- "idk I'm panicking, go away." MOOD
-omg not the carnival scene
- bro wtf she attacked that girl
- yes maddy GET HER
- ew elliot
- ok rue forgave elliot BUT does she know about him and jules??
- the only good thing elliot has done has been play the guitar and sing. he should do just this in s3
- ok but is this like a real song I can get on spotify or something because I can put it in my rue playlist. shit goes hard
- rue looks so happy and healthy, I really hope she bounces back from this shit
- I don't like elliot and we not supposed to like him by the end of the season, I thought it was bc of the snitch thing but now he's in the finale and I'm nervous. I think rue is gonna try and be friends w him again. why tf would he ask that knowing that they not good for e/o??? he's such an asshole
- hmm she gave herself a smile, idk if that means she's trying to be strong and not be his friend but idk
- ok show me fez, I'm worried about my baby
- awww bobbs and lexi, i love this friendship
- oh ok next act, I'm still mad cassie ruined it tho, I was enjoying it
- ew nate
- I'm guessing nate is gonna kill cal?? or himself
- ofc we see cal again. I was hoping we wouldn't but eh too hopeful
- so is it true that Nate's been SAed by cal? i think that's what they're trying to show
- ofc nate has a copy of the tape
- crazy how at the end of s1 he had cops to raid fez after rue threatened to call the cops on cal and now he's the one doing it at the end of s2
- at least cal getting jail. fuck that nigga
- he finally called ash a kid, god this shit sad asf
- he better be fucking playing dead bro
- oh shit he shot that mf
- he going down
- oh fuck. fuck they just killed him. makes sense they didn't show him because he's a kid
- everyone was like omg cassie redemption because she was hugging lex up at the hospital and it's just a flashback
- but bro where's maddy beating ass?? show that real quick
- god, ash really dead. this fr don't feel real
- well ik he ain't real but like it don't feel real, you know?
- PLEASE gimme a scene where lex comes to check on him at his house. maybe she finds a way to get the note idk but that would be good
- ok but fr where's my dawg fezco???
- so since he's been arrested, we fr getting FPB vibes???
- okay ik fez would be too stubborn/loyal to tell the truth even tho ash is dead and won't do any time but it would be great if he did because then he'll face less time in prison
- lex >>>> lexi
- fucking this rexi convo gonna make me cry fr
- ok but maddy beating cassie's ass?? i need to see it
- okay so jules got no lines this ep. I thought her and rue would fix stuff but I'm guessing that's towards the end of s3
- okay idk how that scene was apart of the play since the irl version happened after the funeral scene but I'll take it. ig lex has a condo convoy written and that's the parallel
- bathroom scene pt 2!!
- okay lowkey anticlimactic
- just the beginning of maddy kicking her ass or of nate putting cassie through hell??
- oh shit rules convo?? ummm okay
- ok that was weird but i guess that's hope
- okay we got 3 minutes left
- ok finally some rue narration
- hmm seems like rules isn't endgame after all. she said jules was her first love but she wasn't sure since she was too high for most of it
- ooouu clean rue for the rest of the school year?? that's a few months. wdym by it's not a decision she made tho?? who is she doing this for this time??
- ok fuck that finale was good
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