julemmaes · 2 months
imagine percy and annabeth playing minecraft together. annabeth has built the most amazing builds youve ever seen, im talking those hyper realistic ones. percy has drowned 15 times trying to collect all the fish for the aquarium annabeth built him
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julemmaes · 2 months
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Aelin and Rowan - Throne of Glass
Artist: @romannaboch
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julemmaes · 2 months
Tharion Ketos and Ithan Holstrom share a single brain cell, but neither of them has it. Who knows where it is? Not them, that’s for sure.
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julemmaes · 2 months
annabeth throwing her dagger at luke in the finale is crazy if you know the history. she’s throwing luke’s promise of family from all those years ago to his face after betraying percy and her. not to mention it’s THE cursed blade in the prophecy
also such wonderful foreshadowing to have annabeth see the fates cut a thread instead of percy
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julemmaes · 2 months
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Ruhn and Lidia - Crescent City
Artist: @/elizianna.the.one
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julemmaes · 3 months
As You Wish - Part 1
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Nesta has a small procedure and is stuck with Cassian being the one to drive her to and from. Little does she know he's planning on sticking around all day to take care of her.
Warnings: Fluff | Word Count: 2,418 | Read on AO3
Nessian Masterlist
a/n: Written for Day 4 of @sjmromanceweek - Little Things
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The incessant sound was music to Cassian's ears as he sat by Nesta's bed, the only sign that she was still alive, still breathing.
Her body was entirely motionless. Any movements spreading from the rising and falling of her chest were barely visible from where he was, her back to him. Apparently, the procedure called for her being laid on her side, and they didn't let visitors sit on that side of the bed. The nurses needed access there.
It had Cassian tapping his foot and rubbing his hands against his legs as he waited. She'd been out of the procedure room for over ten minutes now. How much longer was he expected to wait patiently? At what point was he allowed to worry?
He pulled out his phone and texted Az. She's still not awake.
Didn't she just go in? Az asked back, likely over the frequent updates Cassian's been giving. He wasn't allowed in the prep area initially. They'd made him stay in the waiting room until Nesta had gone into the procedure room. Only once she was back out after the procedure did they let him go back there. Likely checking to make sure Nesta felt safe with him.
It was good how the doctors would separate their patients from others and ask about their safety at home. How they'd find a way to ensure the patient had all the control over who was allowed to be with them when and where. He liked that they did that.
He liked even more that he'd been granted access to the prep room once she was back. That she'd allowed him in. Considering how hard Nesta had tried to find someone else to be her ride, he figured she would keep him as far away as possible for as long as possible.
She's been out for at least ten minutes, he typed into his phone. It was his best chance at distraction.
I'm not dignifying that with a response.
Cassian rolled his eyes and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Fine, he would wait without any support from his brother. He'd just watch Nesta.
It was one of his favorite pastimes.
Her golden brown hair was pulled back into a messy bun, strands of hair poking out from her hairband. Cassian had nearly lost it when he showed up that morning, seeing Nesta in a hairstyle other than her pristine braided coronet. Her hair was always so immaculate. Even at the end of the day, the wisps of hair that had fallen out of her standard updo always looked purposeful. But this, this was disheveled and honest. It said, 'This procedure is far too early for me to do anything but brush my teeth and put on leggings,' and Cassian loved it. Almost as much as he imagined he'd love her hair down.
Maybe he'd get the chance to see that today, too.
A nurse came to stand at the computer in front of Nesta's bed, checking that and her monitor. "Should be any minute now," she said to Cassian, her eyes relaying the kind smile she was offering him behind her mask. "Remind me who you are? Her boyfriend?"
Cassian's heart fluttered at the comment, the possibility. And nearly broke as he answered honestly, "No, just a friend."
That's all he'd ever been. For years. Sure, he wanted more. He'd be an idiot not to. Nesta was everything he'd ever wanted. Sharp, funny, challenging, devastatingly beautiful. It wasn't for lack of trying, though. He'd been flirting his little heart out since the day he met her three years before. Sometimes she reciprocated, other times she may as well have kneed him in the balls with how she responded. And then there were the times when he showed her all he was, when he took off his funny-guy mask and let her see his true self. And every time she'd offer the same, revealing a soft filling within a shell of iron. It was gorgeous, and gave Cassian the hope everyone told him he was a fool for holding on to.
"I'm sure she's glad you're here," the nurse said in her soft voice. Cassian wasn't so positive. "When she wakes up, she'll likely be a bit disoriented, but she should come to relatively quickly. It wasn't general anesthesia, so her mind won't be too cloudy."
He nodded just as the monitor's beeping quickened slightly. And then her body stirred. It was barely a twitch, but it was some form of movement. A sign of life, of growing consciousness.
Cassian still couldn't see her face, but her head moved a bit, and then the nurse was speaking. "Hey there," she said gently.
Nesta must've opened her eyes to prompt that from the nurse. Right? Those storm cloud eyes that haunted every one of Cassian's dreams. Mother above, he wished she would turn and face him. That he would get to look into those eyes, that perfect face, make sure she was truly okay.
"How are you feeling?" the nurse asked after a long silence.
"Fine," Nesta replied in a sleepy, scratchy voice. "My throat…"
"Yes, it will likely be sore for a day or two," the nurse explained. "If it's still sore by Monday, please let us know. Would you like to try and sit up?"
Cassian watched Nesta's head move up and down. The nurse walked over to the other side of the bed and helped her, adjusting the bed so that the head would be propped up a bit. Nesta grunted softly, as if the movement took more effort than normal. But soon enough she was settled against the pillows and sitting up enough to be able to turn and see him.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice remaining groggy.
He gave her a crooked grin as he said, "You let me in, sweetheart."
Nesta rolled those grey-blue eyes, shaking her head at him. A very Nesta reaction, which likely meant the sedative was wearing off quickly. It warmed Cassian's heart, even as she replied, "Next time, I'm taking the bus."
"Good luck with that," he chuckled. She didn't respond, switching her focus back on to the nurse who was now asking her if she'd like something to eat.
The nurse grabbed her the Cheez-Its Nesta requested after being given a list of the options, and then began chatting with her as she undid the wires and all that was attached to Nesta. "So remember, you'll need to take it easy today. No driving or operating machinery, and you shouldn't work. You should have mild side effects, maybe a bit of bloating. I'd suggest eating smaller meals today. You might feel some slight nausea, but if you can't keep anything down please let your doctor know immediately. But you should be okay, it's one of the reasons we give people some food after the procedure."
Nesta was nodding along, listening fairly intently, but her eyes kept darting to Cassian, who was watching her shamelessly. He didn't care what anyone thought, she was the one who just had the procedure. He could hear the nurse and keep his eyes on Nesta at the same time.
"Once you're ready to get up let me know, we'll leave the space so you can change," the nurse continued. "And then you can go into the office and wait for the doctor."
"I'm ready!" Nesta said, sitting up straighter. The nurse panicked slightly as Nesta started fidgeting with the railing on the bed, attempting to get it to go down.
"Hold on," the nurse sighed, rushing over. "Let me help you." She folded the railing down and then held out a hand for Nesta. At first, Nesta didn't accept the offer of help. But the second her feet were on the floor and she was putting weight on them, she was reaching out for that hand, for a steadying weight. "Sir, if you can wait on the other side of the curtain?"
Cassian let out a small chuckle, gaining Nesta's attention. "Sure you don't want my help, sweetheart?"
"Why don't you go warm up the car," Nesta spewed out, sounding more like a grumpy child than the ice queen she typically perfected.
"As you wish." He bowed his head slightly and then smirked over at her as her eyes narrowed at him. No doubt she was attempting to understand his meaning, to decide if the quote from one of her favorite movies was purposeful.
He was always purposeful with Nesta.
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"What are you doing?" Nesta demanded as she saw Cassian turn off the car, remove his seatbelt, and open his door.
"Getting out of the car?" he said in more of a question than a statement. He shut his door again, cars flying past them faster than they should be going in her neighborhood. Philly drivers.
He cocked an eyebrow up at her. "To help you out and get you into your apartment."
"I'm fine Cassian. I don't need your help. I only needed the ride because it was required." And that was the truth. Nesta felt perfectly fine. Maybe a bit hazy. Enough that she could admit to herself she did need someone else driving her home, but she sure as hell wouldn't say that out loud. To Cassian.
She took off her own seatbelt as he shook his head and sighed, "Too bad, sweetheart."
Gods, he moved fast. Before Nesta could step out of the car he was already at her door, holding it open and offering a hand to her. One she certainly did not take. But damn it, she couldn't stop him from grabbing her bag out of his car before she could. He'd likely hold it hostage, force his way into her apartment just so he could annoy her all day.
"Are your keys in here?"
"Don't go through my bag!"
"I never would, Nes," he said as he closed the car door. He let out a mockingly offended scoff. "Without your permission. Though that reaction does make me more curious."
Nesta could've growled at him. Well, sadly, she couldn't, because that wasn't exactly a skill most humans had. But if she could… Perhaps her cat would. Instead, she just snatched the bag out of Cassian's hand, losing her balance for a second. But Cassian was there, a gentle hand at her arm, helping her stay upright. It had Nesta's face heating.
To keep him from seeing that, she fished her keys out of her bag and started toward the door, beginning the dance with her door. Did she get the right key for the right lock? She almost never got it right on the first try, with three identical keys used for the four locks she had to get through. Her landlord sure hadn't made it easy to access her second floor apartment in the converted townhouse.
He stopped her from closing the front door on him, making Nesta roll her eyes. "You really don't have to come in."
"I do," he disagreed. "Someone needs to make sure you get settled and are doing okay today. Make sure you drink enough water. All that."
"Nesta," he countered. He held her gaze, matching her ice with the fire that was always sparkling in his eyes. Gold flakes danced in the sea of hazel, drawing her in, holding her stare captive.
She took a deep breath, steadying her mind before it danced off into the fantasies she tried to ignore. Then Nesta sighed a small, "Whatever," and turned to open the second door. She ignored the massive grin he put on at her response, already feeling the weight of the sleepiness beginning to build.
It took barely three minutes for Nesta to hang up her coat, remove her shoes, and find herself on her small sectional couch, nestling in to the chaise part. Her cat was even quicker to hop up and snuggle next to her.
Cassian was slower to make his way into the living room. After another few minutes he finally showed up, pillows from her bed in hand. "I thought you might like to have these," he explained, placing them next to Ataraxia, who started at the sudden wind rustling her silver fur.
Nesta nodded her agreement. They'd be useful if she actually decided to lie down.
Cassian walked in front of the couch and grabbed at the handle beneath the mid-section, pulling to bring out the pop-up part that turned the couch into a queen-sized bed. She lifted an eyebrow at him, making him chuckle as he said, "So you can spread out as needed. Are you comfortable? Warm enough?"
"I'm fine, Cassian," she breathed, even as she wrapped her arms around herself.
"Sure you are." He lifted her legs to get the electric blanket from under her feet and then spread it across her. "What setting do you like, again? Four?" Nesta nodded softly, the throes of sleep already setting in. She could feel her eyelids beginning to fall as Cassian clicked the blanket on and fiddled with the settings. "I'm going to do a quick grocery run for you. Anything special you want?"
"I have food," Nesta mumbled.
Cassian let out a chuckle that sent a chill up Nesta's spine. "You have snacks and an absurd amount of chocolate."
It took nearly all her remaining strength to roll her eyes, but it was worth it to display just what she thought of his comments. She was fine on food. So what if she ate take out every night? That just meant she was eating good food every night. But whatever, she was too tired to bother trying to stop Cassian. Though, if he's really here to serve her, she started to realize, she might as well milk it. "Can you get my Comfy before you go?"
The grin on Cassian's face when he handed her the plush, light purple wearable blanket was almost too much for her. The way his eyes crinkled as his lips curled upward, how they seemed to sparkle even brighter. It was the last thing Nesta needed to see. It was the first thing she wanted to see every morning. Traitorous mind.
Nesta snatched the Comfy out of his hands, but his only reply was a soft and kind, "Get some rest. I'll be back before you wake." He really needed to stop doing that.
She'd barely gotten the blanket on before sleep completely took over.
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@live-the-fangirl-life @generalnesta @secretlovelybeauty @julemmaes @boredserpent @autumnbabylon @moodymelanist @sv0430 @nesquik-arccheron @gwynrielsupremacy @katekatpattywack @moonstoneriver77 @swankii-art-teacher @lemonade-coolattas @emily-gsh @my-fan-side @champanheandluxxury @imsointobooks @sayosdreams @simpingfornestaarcheron @perseusannabeth @shinya-hiiragi @a-court-of-milkandhoney @pintas3107 @embersofwildfire @superspiritfestival @thewayshedreamed @lunabean @xstarlightsupremex @mis-lil-red @wannawriteyouabook @dealfea @bridgertononmymind @daydreamer-anst @chosenfamily-valkyriequeens @hiimheresworld @c-e-d-dreamer @kale-theteaqueen @charming-butt-insane @charliespringsleftconverse
a/n: Let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
There will be a part 2 to this. This was meant to be just a one shot, but someone is bad at time management and she wanted to get something posted on the right day. XD
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julemmaes · 3 months
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Fire breathing queen
Instagram  - ArtStation - Website - Inprnt - Etsy - TikTok
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julemmaes · 3 months
Thank you for your service soldier. Your work is highly appreciated and I will forever owe you my peace of mind.
I want to write a fic so bad fixing up that lil whatever it was in Ember’s POV because by god I am a die hard Nessian Stan and I just can’t with this shit anymore.
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julemmaes · 3 months
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let's burn it all down.
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julemmaes · 3 months
Just finished hofas and as of now I'd rather not dwell on the clusterfuck that the book was, so I'll try to keep it positive and only reblog the nice, funny, cute or extremely angsty parts of it. Not the bad executed or ooc parts.
Let's see how long I last.
(I'll tag them all with hofas spoilers dw)
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julemmaes · 3 months
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percy jackson text posts 9/?
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julemmaes · 3 months
“why are you trying so hard to get rid of me? i would never do this to you.”
top ten most devastating percy jackson quotes of all time.
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7K notes · View notes
julemmaes · 3 months
Poseidon saying “when he knows where he belongs. And fate has revealed to him his true path”. Then the scene cuts to Percy & Annabeth, once again showing us that Annabeth (+grover) is his true path and that he belongs by her side.
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julemmaes · 3 months
he’s not the best father by a long shot but i’ll still give him his flowers for still seeing sally when most the other gods don’t even think about their mortal lovers once they’re done with them.
“You have no one to say it to, and that may be the most unfair part of it. You say it, and I’ll listen.”
ok go off poseidon ‼️‼️‼️
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julemmaes · 3 months
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#he had manners for about 7 seconds before the new yorker took over
PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS 1.07 • "We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of"
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julemmaes · 3 months
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians | 1x07 "We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of"
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julemmaes · 3 months
No words just this parallel
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584 notes · View notes