#I finished the book this week so obviously the space kid in me had to make art
doodles-with-noodles · 4 months
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“I'm pretty much fucked.”
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augustinewrites · 11 months
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as you’ve grown older, you’ve discovered that coming home to an empty apartment in the middle of the day is the adult equivalent of waking up on christmas morning. it’s an especially rare occurrence, especially for a saturday, but you’d just dropped megumi at the library, tsumiki at a friends, and gojo was still bothering principal yaga at the school. 
sighing, you can’t help the grin that breaks out on your face as you set your bag down. you have the apartment to yourself. it’s clean and quiet and you have almost two whole hours to do whatever you want. 
the first thing you do is make yourself a cup of tea, humming to yourself as you carry the steaming mug into the living room. then you curl up into the corner of the sectional, enjoying the cool breeze of the open window and the warm summer sun. 
then, after glancing around and ensuring that you’re truly alone, you reach under the couch and pull out your novel. 
shoko had loaned it to you months ago, claiming that it would help ‘grease the wheels’ during satoru’s frequent absences. 
you hadn’t really understood what she meant until you’d gotten to the sixth chapter– a chapter so steamy you’d felt yourself get a little hot under the collar while reading it.
which is why you keep it hidden and only bring it out when you’re alone. 
it’s been weeks since you’d last picked it up, opening the novel up to the bookmarked page with excitement buzzing in your veins at the prospect of finally finishing it. you only had one chapter left!
‘the warm buzz of desire in her limbs intensifies as he kisses every exposed inch of her throat. she pulls him closer, feeling his hands searching for the seam of her dress for a zipper, a button, anything to undo so he can feel her skin on his. his lips find the spot behind her ear that makes her shudder, sucking lightly and eliciting a soft moan from her lips–’
“what are you reading?”
you flinch, snapping the book shut as satoru leans over your shoulder. you hadn’t even noticed he’d come home, a mixture of fear and embarrassment swimming in your gut as he plucks the book from your grasp.
he peers at the cover, obviously amused when he says,
“were you…romanceturbating?” 
“i was not,” you argue, but your entire face is hot and your heart is beating so fast that you fear it may bust through your ribcage.
“you totally were!” he laughs, holding it above his head so you can’t grab it. “does it take place in a shire?”
“is there a lot of sexy bodice ripping and armour shucking?”
you cross your arms over your chest with a huff. “do all of your fantasies take place in medieval england?”
“we’re not talking about me,” he waves off. “we’re talking about you, and what you’re doing reading this trash when you have the real deal right in front of you. i can be a much better sexy–” he points at the cover, “–uh, construction worker?”
“he’s a handyman, and i doubt that,” you scoff, snatching your book back. 
so much for your quiet afternoon.
that weekend, you awaken to very loud, very annoying banging coming from the kitchen. satoru’s no longer in bed, so you assume that he’s attempting to make breakfast and head out before he can burn the entire apartment complex down.
“you’re lucky the kids are at sleepovers right now,” you say loudly as you step out of the bedroom and head towards the kitchen. “or you’d be getting screamed at–”
your breath catches when your boyfriend sits up, using the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow and allowing you a peek at his toned abdomen.
“morning, baby.” 
“morning,” you reply, clearing your throat as you step over his legs to grab some tea. suddenly, you can’t recall what you’d intended to reprimand him for.
“actually, can you hold this up for me?” he asks suddenly, catching your wrist and pressing a flashlight into your palm. “i need a little light.”
you take it obediently, kneeling down to shine the light into the space under the sink. you try your hardest to keep your gaze focused on the pipes, and not the way his biceps flex with every movement. or the way the thin sheen of sweat makes his skin shine.
“i didn’t even know you owned tools,” you mutter.
“i borrowed them from nanami,” he tells you.
you have no idea what the hell he’s doing - you didn’t even know the sink was broken - but you can’t really find it in yourself to care at the moment. not with the way your squeeze your legs together with his every grunt of effort.
“that should do it,” he hums, sitting up so he’s now face to face with you, playful blue eyes meeting yours as he smiles. “thanks for–”
he doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, not when you grab the collar of his stupid tank top, pulling him in to press your lips over his. 
not when he wraps an arm around your waist, flipping you both over so your back is on the floor, his body caged over yours as he deepens the kiss. 
this is much better than shoko’s stupid novel.
“i think–” he pants between kisses, letting you work his shirt off. 
“shut up,” you mumble, feeling him toy with the hem of your shorts.
“but we need to call a plumber,” he says, lips brushing that spot behind your ear. “because i definitely broke the sink…”
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holy-puckslibrary · 6 months
━ 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦
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˗ˏˋ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ˎˊ˗
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — teacher!jeff skinner x teacher!reader 𝐰𝐜 — 2.4k 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 — their students decide to play matchmaker before a school dance; will their scheming pay off?
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — written to fill a short n sweet request last year for my patreon fic-mas <3 and if you catch the lil nod to two of our favs, you're a real one
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“I know we’ve been having a hard time concentrating this week, which is understandable with all the excitement surrounding the Snowball Dance, but you do have one more day of work before you can totally kick back and check out,” Jeff Skinner, a high school social studies teacher, says after the tardy bell chimes.
The students are settling into their seats but listen intently.
He continues, “That being said, I will still be collecting your annotations for chapters eighteen through twenty that we started during Monday’s class. While I’m doing that, a sign-up sheet for the Unit 5 case study presentations will be floating around the room. If I were you, I’d grab the earliest slot available to get it over with and be done for the semester. But, hey, that’s just me!”
His twelfth-grade AP Government class meets this with a chorus of groans. A subset of students lightheartedly boo him from the back row. Oddly, though, the ruckus pleases him.
Mr. Skinner strives to create a classroom environment where the teens feel comfortable sharing their honest feelings and have the space to do so if they choose. Their vocal push-back signifies their trust in him. He also appreciates their mutinous spirit because it arose after their deep dive into the Declaration of Independence and its twenty-seven grievances; they were combative but in the name of freedom for the cohort and the individual. Jeff saw that as a Teacher Win.
“I know, I know. I’m a tyrant, and you hate me. But unlike this country, this classroom is a monarchy, not a democracy,” he returns the teasing. “And if you looked at our agenda when you walked in this morning, you would’ve seen that—because I am obviously the nicest person ever—I have allocated today’s class period to independent work time. So, you can complete whatever you may need. That means putting any final touches on this week’s chapters, polishing up your Supreme Court case PowerPoints with your partner or group, or finishing any outstanding assignments.
And if you recall, I give full credit for late work, so long as it's on my desk before the cut-off tomorrow at noon. You’re welcome." Sarcasm is his favorite—and most effective—bonding strategy. "If you're squared away, you know where the board games and art supplies are. Just no more explicit drawings. I don’t care, but Mrs. Benson next door does.”
The class laughs, fondly recalling the fiasco the day before Homecoming.
A couple of students decided to use their free time to create a few political illustrations. While they were historically accurate and objectively hilarious, they were not “school appropriate,” according to the 9th-grade Geography teacher who glimpsed the comic strips as she passed the open door.
She demanded Jeff punish the perpetrators for their vulgarity, but instead, he had the drawings laminated and bound into a resource book. Said book has since found a home on a bookshelf, wedged comfortably between Howard Zinn’s A Power Governments Cannot Suppress and The Words We Live By: Your Annotated Guide to the Constitution by Linda Monk.
In his peripheral vision, Jeff sees a student waiting by the door and invites them in. He segues, “Before I leave you to your own devices, it looks like we have a visitor from ASB. So, please be nice, give them your full attention, and don’t embarrass me. Capiche?”
The class agrees to comply, and the boy, an underclassman if he had to guess, hesitantly walks to the front of the room.
Jeff remembers how intimidating seniors felt when he was that age, so he gives his students a pointed warning over the kid’s shoulder. A few of them perk up, noticeably straightening in their seats.
“Good morning, everyone. I’m Leo, and I will be filling in for Gabby today.” He looks down at the printout of the day’s announcements and clears his throat. Then, Leo begins reading them aloud:
“Feeling stressed this finals season? Stop by the quad next week during both A and B lunch blocks to decompress with some therapy dogs. If you need further or individualized support, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be opening up their schedules for one-on-one sessions. Appointments can be made using the yellow slips in the main office.
Work permits are available in the career counseling hub. If you plan on getting a job or need to renew, please submit an application as soon as possible. No permits will be issued during Winter Break.
Remember that your final exam period is not the same as your regular meeting time or day, so be sure to check your portals this weekend for the updated schedule.
Still need a ticket for the Snowball Dance tomorrow night? Please stop by the ASB room or contact Owen Power, the senior class president, before sixth period today. They’re $15 with an ASB card and $20 without one. Trust me; you don’t want to miss out!"
The audience of seniors cheers, hooting and hollering out their delight. The underclassman beams, confidence swelling, and tucks the script away. His smile grows. “And now…drum roll, please!”
As the students bang their desks with open palms, textbooks, and stray pencils, the ASB student angles a pair of jazz hands towards the open door.
“Santa Claus!”
Peyton, the current school mascot—in an ill-fitting costume that's certainly older than he is—materializes in the empty space. He hauls a lumpy velvet bag over his shoulder as he saunters across the room. The tiny gold bells affixed to the sack twinkle with every step.
“Ho, ho, ho! Candy Cane Gram delivery!” Peyton bellows.
His impression is unexpectedly convincing, in Jeff's humble opinion.
“Santa” roots around in the bag and pulls the first set out. They’re paper-clipped together, indicating both were for the same person. “Taylor Zimmerman? Two for you!”
He passes the slips of paper back to the student who raised her hand.
The distribution of festive notes, an annual fundraiser put on by the junior and senior class councils to bankroll the dance itself, fades into background noise as Mr. Skinner begins looking over the pile of essays he collected last period from his squirrelly 10th-grade World History class.
The prompt had been to explore the impact of globalization in the post-Cold War era, and they’re off to a great start. The first essay's author touches on “transnational actors” and their impact on overall global wealth—in the introductory paragraph. Pride blooms in his chest. Maybe someone had been paying attention after all.
Jeff gets through three and a half papers—all 95% and above, but who’s counting?—before he feels someone standing over him.
“Uh, Mr. Skinner?” Peyton whispers in his civilian voice.
“Yes?” Jeff replies.
To mark his spot, Mr. Skinner sets his pen below a particularly eloquent paragraph highlighting how American consumer culture polluted local ecosystems abroad.
The sophomore nervously looks around the room. After deciding his peers were too engrossed in the social politics of sending and receiving Candy Cane Grams and Ice Court nomination speculation to hear, Peyton pulls a slip of paper out from inside the thick, red coat and sets it on Jeff’s desk. It’s crumpled, and the miniature candy cane is barely hanging on.
“This last one’s for you.”
“Oh, thank you very much,” Jeff smiles. The polite expression is meant to relieve the student from his classroom, but Peyton remains glued to his spot. Gently, he asks, “Is there something else I can do for you, Mr. Krebs?”
“Aren’t you going to see who sent it?” the boy asks, all toothy grin and twinkling eyes.
Well, that’s not at all suspicious, Mr. Skinner thinks as he slides the slip closer.
He scans the generic template, reading his name and room number scrawled beside washed-out festive clipart, but doesn’t understand the fuss... until his eyes drift down to the section for an optional message.
Mr. Skinner,
Just like a snowflake, you’re one of a kind. Be my date to the dance tomorrow night? It would make me SNOW happy!
Jeff almost believes it’s from you. Had he not been familiar with your handwriting, it would have been an excellent forgery. But, he knew your penmanship. Maybe a little too well.
His anchor charts were all in your hand; he could see at least three from where he was sitting. Jeff can’t recall the last time he attempted one on his own.
In exchange for mercifully sparing him from teenage ridicule due to his poor penmanship, he handled the construction and refurbishment of the props and sets necessary for the Winter Showcase and spring musical every year. Whatever you, the brilliant and beloved drama teacher, dreamed up, Jeff dutifully built.
Including, but not limited to, an impressive Audrey II, the iconic Venus flytrap from “Little Shop of Horrors,” a life-size bubble for their Glinda to float around in during performances of “Wicked,”  and the massive tire that anchors the dilapidated junkyard set for “Cats.”
He was ambivalent about musical theater when he bartered the informal contractor role, but Jeff grew to love it after a few years. Due in large part to your infectious passion.
He gives the mastermind—or masterminds, props for trying, though.
“Oh, wow!” Jeff exclaims, deciding to play along. Peyton's face brightens; there’s no way he’s not involved. “Out of respect, let’s keep this between you and me for now, okay?”
“O-of course, Mr. Skinner,” Peyton sputters, as though he’s shocked Jeff didn’t notice anything amiss or ask any follow-up questions. “That’s why I waited to give it to you. It felt too personal to announce in front of your entire class. Especially after the whole Homecoming thing.”
“Thing” wasn’t what he’d call it, but this kind of dramatic exaggeration was one of the many reasons he loved working with teenagers.
During a pep rally in October, the student body president crowned the two of you the faculty Homecoming King and Queen. Jeff wasn't even aware that was a thing he could win, and neither had you, but you bashfully accepted the titles and accompanying crowns in front of a thousand rowdy high schoolers anyway.
Later that night, you slow-danced to Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect” under a sky of twinkling stars—clear fairy lights repurposed from the previous year’s "Camelot" canopy—black glitter tulle, and a plywood crescent moon.
The students lost their minds then and were yet to get over it. Obviously.
“I appreciate that,” Jeff says, biting back his amusement.
Peyton salutes him and hoists the sack over his shoulder again. He and Leo say their goodbyes and move on to the next classroom on their route.
The remainder of the school day was agonizingly hectic. So much so that it meddled with his plan to swing by the auditorium where you held classes.
His projector kicked the bucket in the middle of his lecture on the two-way exchanges collectively known as the Columbian Exchange; Jeff couldn’t get it back into commission until his prep period, so he would have to explain how the triangular trade route emerged from colonial mercantilism policies in the new year. His 9th-grade World Geography class refused to participate in the activity he organized to mimic the Arctic landscape and harsh climate, so, somewhat reluctantly, he cut his losses and threw on an episode of Where On Earth Is Carmen Sandiego? And right before his sixth period, some bored senior pulled the fire alarm, forcing the entire school to spend the glacial afternoon lined up in the parking lot.
All that said, it was safe to say Mr. Skinner had never been happier to see his driveway and his dog than he was this evening. The border collie shepherd mix, Chips—affectionately named as a tribute to the trained sentry dog who became the most decorated canine in the Second World War—is waiting on the porch. Joyously, he howls when Jeff gets out of his car.
“Hey, buddy,” he says as he reaches down to scratch between the pup’s ears. Chips jumps up, his muddy paws landing on Jeff’s coat. He begins licking his owner’s cheeks with reckless abandon. “Okay, come on, crazy dog. Let’s get you back inside.”
Immediately after Jeff opens the front door, Chips darts down the hallway. He chuckles, shaking his head as he sheds his coat and tosses his keys into the bowl by the door.
Jeff rescued his dog as he was wrapping up his undergraduate degree at NC State, and the two were as thick as thieves up until a few years ago.
That’s not to say anything happened or there’s bad blood; Chips simply found a new favorite person.
Jeff trails after Chips, following the furry tail and the delicious scent wafting from the kitchen. He makes a pit stop at the fridge to grab a beer before turning to address his successor to the rescue's heart, standing at the stove stirring a giant pot of soup.  
“You won’t believe what happened in my second period today, babe. Every day, I’m surprised by how bold teenagers are. Hell, when I was their age, I was petrified to sharpen a pencil without asking. Their latest scheme wouldn’t have even crossed my mind. Seriously, I don’t think you could guess what shenanigans they got up to if you tried.”
He's met with melodic laughter, a sparkly sound that still makes his heart skip a beat.
“Maybe not, but I don’t need to.”
Jeff’s brows knit together, confused. Then his eyes zero in on the slip of paper identical to the one in his back pocket.
If it were possible, his jaw could sweep the tile floor.
“Guess we aren’t as sly as we think,” you smirk, waving a counterfeit Candy Cane Gram of your own in the air like a white flag.
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moonlitempty · 9 months
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Nerd Do Well: A small boy’s journey to becoming a big kid - by Simon Pegg
This was one I was INCREDIBLY excited for! I’ll be incredibly honest, I didn’t know this book even existed until I came across a picture of the cover on my pinterest feed, and immediately I got to hunting down a copy. It was quite hard, and I even thought it would be impossible.
So much that I purchased it on Apple Books, and started reading it on my phone, and I was DRAWN IN. I considered myself an avid reader, back when I was 13, I was that kid in school that was reading a new book at recess every week, I used to devour them, however, as most things do, I started reading less and less with each new life year I acquired.
Whether it was my affinity for Mr. Pegg himself, or the curiosity to know more about his early life and upbringing, or the amazing ease and charm with which he weaves words together, Nerd Do Well was different than most books I had read in my life, it kept me interested, even during the small Sci-Fi tinted preludes to each chapter, which are something that must grow on you. They will eventually, but it's a slow process.
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Reading about Simon’s early life, upbringing, and core memories and experiences is an absolute joy, they truly make you see the bigger picture and everything that has led to what he has become today, and it is a privilege read about all of that.
With every chapter, and every paragraph, it’s like Simon is holding out his hand to us, and taking us along an intimate and emotional journey through just everything, the mentions of the properties that have made him a household name are quite minimal, and I think that’s a wonderful thing. This isn’t a book on the story of Spaced, or the Cornetto Trilogy, or the Mission: Impossible films, or even about the various other comedy films nestled in between Simon’s filmography. It’s (predictably) a book meant to be focused purely on Simon, and in that, it obviously excels.
I’ve already mentioned this, but Simon’s way with words is enchanting, you can feel his wit and humour in every single sentence, and they’re all written as if he himself is retelling these stories and musings to you, the reader.
Actually, I haven’t finished reading Nerd Do Well just yet, I’m around halfway through, but I just HAD to sing my praises for it, typically autobiographies are very reductive and uninteresting, but that’s because they’re written in in uninteresting way, Simon, as previously stated, fixes that issue with flying colours, and it also helps that his life is one riddled with quirk and charm.
Perhaps, later on, I will share all my favourite paragraphs and quotes from the book! If that would be welcome, of course 🫶🏻
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gamebird · 2 years
The vacation
So, well, I'm 50.
I'm back from my two week birthday I threw for myself, inviting myself and family to Europe to visit Rome, London, and Paris, seeing most of the major tourist sites, staying in hostels, eating lots of good food.
I had a great time.
I am also sick and jet-lagged now. Tired. I drank some caffeine while out so I'm going to have to detox out of that. Our cat missed us. My house was nice to return to. I have a laptop now with a keyboard instead of typing everything tediously onto my phone.
I have to go to work tomorrow.
My fridge is empty. (But my pantry shelves and freezer is full so it's not like I'm struggling here. Also, my mother will be bringing by ham and beans around lunch and she's an excellent cook. My son should be heading out to get groceries very soon.)
My boyfriend was difficult to travel with.
Managing finances was surprisingly hard. 1) I make a lot more than my bf (or, obviously, my kids) so I'd expected to shoulder most of the cost. But we didn't have a firm idea of what that would be, or how we'd split it (actually, we had an idea, which was I'd cover everything but meals and then we'd split every other meal, but that's not how it worked out due to whoever was doing the buying of whatever using their card so now it's all tangled up and I think I'm just going to pay it all and count it as settled). There was supposed to be a point 2.
I did a lot of writing, a surprising 15,000 words of rough draft. It's all Skulk/MB stuff. It was something to pass the time with, jotting down two or three lines at a time. It really added up.
We saw all the sights I'd planned to see except the Catacombs of Paris. The Louvre is really impressive. OMG is it ever. Also, the Mona Lisa is overrated. The scale of everything, but especially the Roman ruins, was impressive. I loved the mass transit system(s).
I also loved caffe viennese and pain chocolat.
I finished an audiobook, Autonomy by Annalee Newitz. It's like the world of Murderbot, but without Murderbot. And maybe set a few hundred years before MB. It's good. Not great, but good. Maybe just okay. The good part are the core questions of what constitutes autonomy. Several characters struggle with it in different ways, either as a human enslaved at a young age and eventually freed, or a bot realizing how much of its desire to serve is due to programming. About that last, I'm glad the story chose to embrace that! At one point, one character asks a bot, 'Do you really want to do that, or are you just programmed to want to do it?' and the bot answers (basically), 'Yes.' Then elaborates that anyone who wants something is 'programmed' to want it, albeit programmed in different ways. But there's no reason to shit on bot desires because of it. The book also touches interestingly on gender issues for bots.
I watched Northman on the plane. I hated it.
I watched Yellowstone on the plane. I loved it. I only saw two episodes, so I'll be on the lookout for how to get the rest.
I watched Fraggle Rock on the plane. I was neutral about it.
I read several books of the Murderbot series to my daughter. She's started reading MB fanfic on AO3, mentioning some of the names of authors to me. Some of them I've read and/or know from the discord. Which she's not on so far. Someday soon we will be sharing fandom spaces. Since I don't know her alias, I'm not sure I'll know when it happens. :D
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
July 12: Orphan Black 5x10
And so I have finished Orphan Black. The final episode was about what I expected: it finished up the cliffhanger, killed off the last of the bad guys, and established what everyone was up to afterwards, ending on a generally happy ending.
By this time, and not only because I took a few weeks’ break between ep 9 and this one, I don’t really care about any of the antagonists anymore. Also, while I knew they’d spend a while on Helena giving birth (she’s only been pregnant for 3 seasons lol), I wasn’t really so into watching that, so I was happy when all that was done. (I did like that Art was there with her and Sarah though.)
Stuff I liked from the ‘epilogue’ portion:
That everything wasn’t automatically perfect, and we do see Sarah struggling both with S’s death and with establishing a ‘normal’ life for herself and her daughter for, really, the first time.
Helena living in the Hendrix’s...garage I guess?? and that awesome yard space with lights that was between the two houses.
I knew she named her kids Arthur and Donnie and I don’t usually like that naming-after-another-character thing but in this case I kinda did? Mostly because of the line “it’s time you take the names of real men.” Also, Arthur and Donnie earned it.
That all of the characters got their little mentions or appearances at the baby showers, including people like Colin, Adele, Charlotte, etc. (Is Charlotte Art’s now???)
That the clones had a little talk about motherhood and their anxieties about it because even though that doesn’t speak to me personally, fertility and parenthood has been such a big part of the show, it was fitting.
The outfits, especially Cosima’s dress.
Alison and Donnie’s final scene. Where are they the best couple??
Stuff I didn’t like so much:
I’m never really a fan of ‘the whole show/book/movie was actually written by one of the characters’ trope. It was wild when I read The Outsiders in the 6th grade. I’m past it now.
Cosima and Delphine still together. I know! I know! Obviously they were going to be but ughhhh.
NO CAL. Technically he and Sarah didn’t really break up so where is he??? My two other Valid Couples were in the finale (Felix/Colin and Donnie/Alison) and it was so close to a three-for-three.
I get why Rachel’s story ended the way it did and it probably would have stretched credulity even more than some of the Supremely Happy Ending stuff did to have her join Clone Club at literally the eleventh-and-a-half hour, but I’m still bummed out that she just... disappeared into the ether at the point where I feel like she could at least START to bond with her sisters. There are so many kids in this family. She wants to be a mom. She’s finally earned her redemption and her place in the family. Maybe if she, like, just stopped in or something? I was never a Rachel fan but I still kind of wanted that for her.
Overall, though, everything was tied up very well. Perhaps too well? But at the same time, I respect it for not going grmdark and tragic at the end. It really said: these characters earned 15 minutes of a cute little garden party together, and you know what? They did.
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omurchumakes · 19 days
Motorcycle Mischief
The road out of the town, is verdant and lush, narrow and twisty so its a good test of your alertness before eight in the morning. There’s always a car coming against you, normally on a bend, but you crest the hill and the valley opens up giving a view of the main road, and a bowl of moody grey roiling clouds, bisceted neatly by a set of power lines. I roll down to the crossroads gently, avoiding a few patches of gravel; more dangerous than juggling chainsaws drunk before coming to rest at the intersection, a quick shoulder check, throttle up, clutch out, releasing the footbreak and we’re away on open road with nothing but the soundtrack of RPM’s, wind and a feeling of pure freedom.
So I went looking and stumbled accross Royal Enfields, and in particular the interceptor, and I just fell in love with the style, and look of them. I’ll be honest, I did very little hard research on the brand, on the reliability, on maintainability or where they’re manufactured [this is called foreshadowing kids]. No I went straight to adverts.ie and donedeal desperately looking for one of these bad boys on sale.
Now prior to this, I had picked up The Official Driver Theory Test Questions and Answers, now this was partly because I needed a goal outside of job hunting to keep myself from going insane while unemployed. I also booked a theory test for the motorbike, because if I don’t have a deadline, I will never do the thing. After a few weeks of going over the book, I discovered there is an app that you can practice with, so obviously I bought that too.
I took the theory test down in Tullamore on a grey squib of a Saturday, and I was bricking it. However, having passed on before (a loooong time ago) I figure’d I’d be ok. They take security really serious in the test center. Firstly you sign in, and you have to lock everything you have with you in a locker, not even a spare hair tie was allowed in, or my smart watch. Once signed in you go to an airlock like room, where a second staff member has you face a camera and they pat you down and take your licence. Then you’re permitted into the test room. Now other people are already in there testing, so you quietly sit and the touch screen boots up, taking you through a tutorial and then the test itself. I have to say the app is a perfect replica of the screens and questions and layout, I really would recommend it. In and out in about 20 minutes, I felt a little guilty as I started after several folks and finished before them too. But I figured I had it easy as I had done one before. We should talk about costs, but I will cover them later. The screen tells you your score and you know if you’ve passed or failed, they also inform you that your results will be emailed to you.
However, you’d be sadly mistaken. Which is how your narrator was sitting in a carpark in Tullamore furiously trying to gain access to test results which should have been fully automated. I ended up sending about four complaint emails. Eventually on Monday someone got back to me, they had adjusted my login details manually so I could retrieve my results. I then applied for the learner permit as the next step in the process. It was never clear to me if you needed a new driver number, if you could use your old one, or if you needed to replace your full car licence. It turns out that you get a new card, with the same driver number that is a learner permit but just for the motorbike stuff and is missing your car licences. Simple.
Next step, the IBT -Initial Basic Training this is a mandatory course you must take and pass for the class of bike you want to ride, quick aside, there’s four classes in ireland AM, A1, A2 and A the definitions are a mess. Simply, A is all motorbikes, A2 is anything up to a certain CC, weight, power to weight ratio and overall power, also slightly age limited. I was eligible to go straight to an A class licence.
I was informed it was the largest IBT space available in Dublin. At first it seemed like load of space, but as I soon learned it was really not that large at all. The course is intense, and takes you from being a complete rookie up to being out on the road on a motorbike in real life traffic without a safety net. The instructors were super thorough and focused on getting you comfortable, and drilling the skills needed to keep you alive on a bike. Martin and Tony were great craic and really good teachers, also willing to stay late, and let you go at your own pace, to ensure you can do everything with confidence. Sadly I was only qualified on an A2 bike, instead of the A that I wanted, but to be honest, while bike shopping I couldn’t find an A class bike that I liked that I could afford.
Back to Chromie, did the usual, contacted on adverts, brought my knowledgable biker friend to have a look, seller was a super nice dude, very friendly and chatty, knew a lot about bikes in general. I took her out for a short spin, now for context, I learned on a 450cc bike basically the weekend before, and now I was getting on a much heavier 650cc bike, in a housing estate. I was quite nervous, but I took her out around a few corners, tested the breaks and handling, she felt great. The suspension was as soft as a particularly old sofa your grandparents might have had. I thought it was a feature of these type of bikes (I was wrong). My mate had a similar go and we agreed she felt solid, an no obvious flaw in her.
The sellar didn’t put any pressure on me to buy, he liked the bike so much he didn’t really want to let it go but he was selling it on behalf of the owner. I decided to pull the trigger, I paid a deposit, and we agreed I’d sort insurance and he would bring it to my office and I’d pay him on delivery.
Getting insurance was difficult, time consuming and incredibly expensive, we don’t need to spend time on that.
Then a week later I brought her over to my dad to show off, he was suitably impressed and in love with it. Now unfortunately, while rolling down the drive way, i tipped over and dropped the bike and spilled myself on the road like the absolute rookie I am. This is where the problems start….possibly.
I buzz on home, no problems, the route is through a load of small towns and back roads untill I eventually get onto an N road headed out home. I am blasting along at around 100 kph when, the bike dies, I loose all mechanical power, the dash is lit up and I am freaking out. I pull into a ditch, dismount and turn on the hazards.
I can’t get her to restart.
I have a protein bar
calm down
I call the insurance and get a tow truck to come out and get her. And I spend a lovely bank holiday Sunday evening in a ditch waiting for a tow truck. A super nice dude eventually arrives about an hour later and we load her up onto his truck. He very kindly gives me a lift home, and his contact information to let them know what garage to bring it to. As if I have a garage lined up.
As side note, the next day I blew out a tire on the car, but thats a tale for another time. Chromie goes on a little trip over to the recommended mechanic on Tuesday after the bank holiday. The guys work on her all day Wednesday and a chunk of Thursday and eventually they call me to collect her. She cut out twice on them while they were trying to chase down the problem but they never managed to isolate it, and they only charge me for a basic service as a result. They also inform me that my super soft suspension, means the suspension is fucked and needs to be replaced.
As I am about to pull away the mechanic runs over and offers me a glimmer of hope. “Try flipping the shocks upside down, you literally cannot make them any worse than they are now”.
When a mechanic makes something sound easy, remember dear reader, they’re a professional and not a moron, like your author here. I convince myself on the way home, sure I can flip the suspension over tonight no big deal. I’ve no car at the minute at home and only this sketchy motorbike to get to work. Surely I wouldn’t risk breaking my only mode of transport without backup. Keeping in mind one of the reasons for getting the bike was to have a back up to the car.
After about 5 hours of effing and blinding, I got the shocks flipped. As usual the bulk of the job was in getting the first one sorted, and about 30 minutes for the second one. Oh I also dropped the bike again, and nearly had a hernia picking it back up.
But were back in the saddle and the ride is so much better with the flipped shocks. Turns out Hagon shocks have the stickers on upside down, that and the previous owner might have been a fuckin dope.
In betwixt all this I had joined a local group on reddit (shoutout to yis animals if ye ever read this, love you all) and arranged to go for a spin, so that Sunday I mounted up and headed off to Kilcock. We had a fuckin steller time riding around for about an hour, when Chromie up and fucking died again on me. At least this time I knew to let her rest a few minutes and then restart her. I somehow managed to catch up to the group and had another 5 successful hours riding around and talking shite about bikes over lunch.
Fast forward a few days, I’m on the way home from work, going around a bend and I loose all power again, except this time, add a little spice. I’m banked over, and the back of the bike starts to fishtail. I’m convinced this is how I fucking die.
I make it upright, pull over on the side of the road, finish having a coronary and decide, I am fucking benching the bike until I can get it fixed. I limp her home, very slowly, very carefully and hang up my riding boots….
I jump online and do a deep dive, stumbling accross www.royalenfieldowners.com specifically on a thread going back to 2022 about Interceptor 650’s having this problem, and a whole host of people complaining about how fucking dangerous it is. However the consensus was that, it was an over application of waterproofing grease in the relays which was causing poor conductivity between the relay and its holder. Also potentially its the relay themselves, or it could be the kill switch wiring, or it could maybe be the safety cut out on the kick stand vibrating too much at high speeds. You get the idea.
I made a list of most likely to least likely problems and decided to talk to a professional.
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marvelouslyfluffy · 3 years
Fixed Mistakes
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Rocket x Reader
After Rocket gets mad at you for breaking one of his latest inventions, he feels guilty and tries to cheer you up.
Word Count: 1,119
You were in the Milano, aimlessly drifting through space. The Guardians of the Galaxy had not had a mission in weeks and everyone was getting antsy, including yourself. There were only so many times you could read your favorite books or listen to Peter’s mix tapes.
You decided to look for the other Guardians to help you cure your boredom. Peter and Groot were asleep, so you didn’t want to wake them. Drax and Gamora were busy training, but you didn’t have the energy to join them. You began to walk towards Rocket’s room and heard him muttering to himself. You stopped at his doorway, his back towards you.
“Hey, Rocket.” you said softly. Rocket continued to mutter to himself.
“Rocket?” you said louder. The muttering stops as his ears twitch in your direction. He finally turned to look up at you.
“Hey, kid. What’s goin’ on?” he asked.
“I’m bored. Can I stay with you for a bit?” You asked.
“Sure, why not?” You sat on his bed as he hunched back over his current project. The two of you sat in silence for a while as you watched him put his full attention into his work.
“What are you working on?” you asked, breaking the silence.
“The blaster that decided to quit on me halfway through our last mission.” he replied. You nodded.
“Can I help?” You asked.
“I don’t know, kid. This one has a lot of complicated parts. One wrong move and the whole ship could explode.” he warned.
“Aw, come on! How am I supposed to learn if you don’t give me a chance?” you argued.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Get down here.” You settled next to him as he began to give you instructions. A while passed and you were actually doing really well.
“Alright, the last thing we need to do is connect these two wires. Just make sure you hold them together for five seconds or they won’t fuse together properly,” Rocket instructs.
“Right, five seconds, got it.” you replied hurriedly as you joined the wires together. You counted in your head
As you let go, a bright purple beam of light shot across the room. You both ducked and heard a crashing sound. Your heads slowly lifted and saw pieces of one of Rocket’s other inventions scattered in pieces all over the floor. Rocket slowly turned his head toward you, his lips in a snarl and his ears flat against his head. You winced at his appearance.
“I told you to hold it for five seconds!” he snapped.
“I-I counted to five. I thought it was long enough.” you replied sheepishly.
“Obviously not! Now look at what you did! I was almost finished with this too!” he yelled as he scrambled to pick up the shattered pieces.
“I’m… I’m sorry, Rocket.” you whispered, fighting back tears.
“Just get out! I’ll finish the blaster myself since you can’t do it right.”
You briskly walked back to your room to keep Rocket from seeing you cry. You didn’t like showing your emotions to the other Guardians, especially Rocket who teased you for it. You flopped onto your bed, tears streaming down your face. You grabbed the Walkman next to you, placed the headphones over your ears and slowly fell asleep as you listened to Awesome Mix Vol. 1.
A couple of hours passed by and you finally began to wake up. You stirred and noticed something out of the corner of you eye. You gasped and jumped but soon noticed it was Rocket sitting at the foot of your bed. You sat up trying to think of something to say, but nothing came out. You hung your head, still embarrassed of what had happened.
“Hey, kid,” Rocket greeted gently. You slowly raised your head, still unsure of what to say. “I was pretty harsh with you earlier, and I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“Thanks.” you replied dryly.
“I was able to fix everything.” he stated.
“Glad to know you fixed my screw ups.” you briskly replied, turning your head away.
“You may be happy to know that I actually found… an error. I actually had to hold the wires for 10 seconds.”
“Wow, a mistake from you? That’s rare.” you teased.
“Hey, don’t get used to it.” he playfully scolded. You closed your eyes and softly chuckled. You caught yourself starting to giggle as you felt something soft flicking against your feet.
“What? I’m not doing anything.” he replied sarcastically.
“Yehes you ahahare!”
“What am I doing?” he asked.
“Tihickling mehehehe!” your giggling increased as his tail moves faster.
“That’s not tickling, this is tickling!” He pounced onto you and immediate began scribbling his fingers all over your belly.
“Rohohohockehehehet! Stohohop!” you managed to yell as your laughter increased.
“Alright, alright, I’ll stop,” You breathed a sigh of relief. “And go to your ribs instead!” he added and began to knead his fingers between the muscles of each individual rib. Your laughter turned to squeaks as you tried to pull Rocket’s hands away, but he was too fast. His hands went higher and higher up your rib cage until he reached under your arms and began to attack.
“AHH! NOHOHO, STOHOHOHOP!!” You screamed.
“Oh ho ho, now I’ve got you!” Rocket chuckled as he continued.
“LET ME GOHOHOHOHO!” You begged.
“Aww, is it too much for you?” Rocket cooed, not easing up. You suddenly heard heavy footsteps coming quickly in your direction. You turned to see Peter catching his breath, his face turning from concerned to relieved. Rocket continued tickling you as you hoped Peter could help you escape.
“Oh my God, don’t scare me like that!” Peter exclaimed. “I could hear you screaming from across the ship. I thought something was wrong!”
“Nah, everything’s good. Right, kid?” he turned back to you as you were gasping for air, tapping his arm in a feeble attempt to make him stop.
“I think they’ve had enough, Rocket. Besides, we need them alive. We have a new mission.” Peter replied. Rocket finally stopped as you gasped for air.
“Alright fine, we’ll be there in a minute.” Rocket said. You mouthed a “thank you” to Peter. He smirked and walked away. Rocket climbed off of you and hopped off the bed. He turned and pointed at you.
“That’s what you get for breaking my stuff!” he shouts.
“Hey, you were the one that was wrong about the wires!” you replied.
“Careful, unless you want to go for round two later.” He playfully warned. He winked and began to walk to the center of the ship. You smiled, still trying to catch your breath. Maybe you didn’t mind him doing it again.
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Love all of these today! Can we please get a continuation of Lenny and Midge secretly watching each others sets??
(Thanks for reading!)
She calls home, letting her father know she won't be back tonight; that there's an issue she needs to deal with and if she's going to be later than the early morning, she'll call again.
Lenny's place is nice, but a little on the empty side. There's a couch. A kitchen. Beyond the living space there's presumably a bed and and bathroom but It just doesn't feel very...well...Lenny.
But then, what is Lenny anyways? Other than the fact the he's a jazz-loving talented comedian with a drug habit who has a daughter and a mother and an ex-wife, and is very good in bed, Midge just...isn't sure she knows that much about his life.
Is his favorite color blue? What is his favorite food? His favorite book? Song? Film?
He knows so much about her life. She's had so few glimpses of his.
"Coffee?" he offers as he putters around in the small kitchen.
"Sure," she nods, sitting on the couch carefully. It's comfortable. Nice. She knows he's been gigging, since she's been sneaking in to see him, sitting in the back or at the bar where he won't notice. It's worked, too.
She gets up then, wandering over to the kitchen to watch him make coffee.
"I don't have much in the house," he says apologetically. "I haven't been hungry lately, so I haven't been grocery shopping."
"Why aren't you hungry?" Midge asks carefully. She's not touching him, just standing next to him. Here if she needs him.
He takes a breath and swallows, obviously trying to explain.
"Are you still..."
"No, but...I wanna," he confesses. "I've been jonesing for a fix so bad all week, Midge. I just- it's all I think about and I can't eat and I don't sleep and I keep tellin' myself no because-because giving in always makes everything fuckin' worse, after it makes it better, but I-"
"So...so you need a distraction?" Midge asks.
"It's partly why I've been coming to your shows," Lenny admits. "It helps take my mind off things, watching you do so well. You know? It's...it's good. You're a good thing in my life, and-"
"And we haven't been speaking," she finishes, her voice soft.
"And I haven't been to see my kid in ages," he spills out. "Because I don't- I don't want her to see me this way, and I've been busy gigging anyways."
"How old is she?" Midge asks gently.
"Five," Lenny tells her. "Six later this year."
"I bet she's cute," Midge smiles.
"The fuckin' cutest."
"You know, if you want to see her, and you're worried about her staying with you, maybe she can stay at my place for a weekend when Joel has the kids," Midge offers. "That way you can spend time with her without worrying about her seeing what you're going through."
Lenny shakes his head and turns to her, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the kitchen counter. "Why are you so fucking nice to me?"
"Because we're friends," Midge tells him. "I think that's what we are. I sort of thought maybe we were more before you told me off, but I'll take friends. I miss being friends."
He stares at her for a long, quiet moment before pushing off of the counter to kiss her, hard and hungry, his hands running up her back. Midge gasps against his lips, clinging to his shirt (he'd shed the suit jacket when they'd walked in).
"Lenny...?" she asks, gazing up at him, dazed.
"I'm sorry," he breathes out, loosening his grip on her. "I'm sorry, Midge. I- I'm really fucked up right now. Maybe you should go home. I can call you a cab."
"I'm not leaving you here like this," Midge says gently. "And..." she swallows. "And if this is something that's distracting enough to help tonight..."
He pulls away, looking a little stunned. "Midge."
"It's nothing we haven't done before," she points out. "If you've got condoms, we've got a night of distractions."
Lenny huffs out a strained laugh and rubs his face. "You're serious."
"As an orgasm-induced heart attack."
He takes a breath and swallows. "You know that it's not just sex for me, right? That...that you're...I..."
"Lenny, I promise you we can talk about our feelings in the morning," she says, gently starting to loosen his tie.
"Sex does not solve problems, you know," he tells her. "Generally it creates more than you had when you started."
"Maybe," Midge shrugs. "But we can deal with that in the morning, too."
He stares at her for another beat, and something flickers in his eyes; something hungry, and suddenly she's being kissed hard, and desperate, and as he starts maneuvering her towards the bedroom, she vaguely recalls that he was making coffee that will be cold by the time they've had their fill of each other.
Which is just fine.
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fandomlit · 3 years
neutral, chap. 4 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary after waking from a taunting nightmare, tommy expels some late night energy on some wandering mobs. you give him another lesson about taking care of himself, even when working hard, and tommy asks if you’ll teach him archery, which, of course, doesn’t go without entertainment.
warnings nightmares, mob killing
previous | series masterlist | next
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gif cred belongs to @halcyoncraft
he was running again. he didn’t know where or from what, but his legs carried him far and strongly, weaving him through trees and grass and other obstacles along the way. he didn’t know how in danger he was, but he wasn’t going to stop and find out.
then he tripped.
when he flipped onto his back, it was that goddamn mask staring down at him, the lips just under it laughing, “you’re so weak, tommy! did you do anything while you were in neutral?” then his axe came down and tommy braced himself for the pain and release of death.
he woke up instead.
sweating under his covers, tommy sucked in a harsh breath as he sat up. he threw the soft cotton off of him, running a warm hand down his face. it was just a dream; he was safe in neutral.
looking out of the window next to him, he saw the moon still high in the sky, casting a cool light into his bedroom. dream’s words rang through his head like a bell, and he rubbed at his temples with a sigh. was he actually getting weak? was relaxing such a bad thing? at the very least, some part of him must have thought so to conjure a nightmare like that..
with another sigh, tommy lifted himself out of bed and flipped open the ender chest. he drew out his sword before heading to the main floor of the house.
when he reached the bottom of the stairs, a voice called out to him, “tommy?” his heart nearly stopped for a moment, before peeking into the kitchen and realizing it was just y/n. she sat in candlelight, writing in a small journal with a slice of half-eaten pumpkin pie next to her. “are you alright?”
“yeah,” he breathed, his voice still heavy with sleep. “just gonna go kill some mobs.”
she nodded. she looked tired, and a part of tommy felt bad knowing that she was most definitely going to wait for him to return. “okay. have at it, kid.”
he nodded, turning to leave the kitchen. before he did so, he pursed his lips and looked over his shoulder to y/n. “you should go to bed.”
she gave him a smile, scribbling something down in the small journal. “i will, tommy. just gotta finish this up..” his natural curiosity was drawn to the small book, and he almost asked y/n what she was writing. but then dream’s voice rang through his mind again, and tommy silently headed for the doors of the house.
the night air was refreshing on his warm skin, cool and still as the moon illuminated the frontal beauty of neutral territory. he took a deep, calming breath of that crisp air before focusing on the task at hand: proving to himself that dream was wrong. that dream is always wrong.
after about twenty zombies, ten spiders, countless creepers, and a few endermen, tommy finally felt the burn in his arms become nearly too much to bear. he panted as he struck down one last spider, turning and finally deciding to return back to the comfort of y/n’s home.
he sheathed his sword when he finally entered the house, going straight to the kitchen to see that y/n was still awake and writing in her small journal.
“ready to go to bed?” he asked gruffly.
she looked up slowly before nodding, placing her quill down and capping her ink. “any trouble out there?”
“no,” he spoke, shaking his head. “wrote everything you needed to?” y/n blew out her candle and went to join the boy in the doorway to the kitchen.
“as much as i could, anyway,” she shrugged, smiling lazily as they began to walk toward the stairs. “what was your nightmare about?”
tommy was slightly startled, but a little too tired to react drastically to y/n’s deduction. “how’d you know i had a nightmare?”
“i’ve had them before,” she said simply. “and it seemed natural that you’d expel some energy onto mobs after such a thing.”
“you’re smart,” tommy credited.
“thank you,” y/n yawned.
they continued to climb the stairs in silence as tommy considered his words. “i was being hunted by dream again, but this time you weren’t there to save me. he called me weak and killed me.”
“so you wanted to prove to yourself that despite allowing yourself peace, you didn’t have to sacrifice your strength to get there,” y/n summed.
the boy half-smiled. she was spot on, as always. “exactly,” tommy breathed. 
y/n was silent for a moment as she thought. they stopped at the hallway to tommy’s room and it then occurred to tommy’s tired mind that her room was downstairs; she was walking with him because she cared about him. 
“honestly, tommy, if this is a real concern for you, then there is no harm in taking time out of your day to work out and train,” y/n spoke. “but the most important thing is to recognize when enough is enough, and when enough becomes too much. you’ve allowed yourself peace and care for the last two weeks, and achieving such a state doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice fighting or training; it just means that you need to be more aware and in tune with yourself as you’re doing it.” tommy nodded.
“don’t overwork yourself, is the summary here,” she said, picking a cobweb off of his shirt. “let yourself do the things you want, but make sure it’s not wearing you down. that’s taking care of yourself.”
“alright,” tommy spoke quietly. “thank you, y/n.”
“of course, kid,” she smiled. “get some sleep, alright? if you have another nightmare you’re free to bother me.” tommy nodded again. “good night, tommy.”
“good night, y/n,” he yawned as she turned to head down to her room. he made sure he heard her door shut before finally heading to his own room.
“can you teach me archery?” tommy questioned the next morning at breakfast. it was a question that had bugged him since y/n had first revealed her skills just a few days prior, and since he was going to start training, he figured that might be a good place to start.
“sure,” she chuckled as she scooped some more fruit onto his nearly half-eaten plate of french toast.
“why the laugh?” he questioned through a mouthful of berries.
she shrugged to herself. “your curiosity is showing.”
“i’ve been wondering about it since you took out the mob,” tommy admitted. “if i want to get stronger.. i think this is a good way to.”
“perfecting a skill is the perfect way to get stronger,” y/n voiced. “of course i’ll teach you, kid.” she smiled and he turned back to his breakfast with his own grin. “finish up your food and meet me in the basement; we gotta get you a bow first.”
tommy hadn’t been in the basement of the house yet. he opened the heavy, dusty trapdoor and assumed y/n didn’t go down their often either. he slid down the ladder easily and was immediately hit with heat.
y/n had a welding station upstairs in her shop area, but the basement had a more broad and intense version of that area. several anvils, all cracked and rusted and adorned with different materials were scattered in a sort of pattern amongst the space, a fire burning high in a fireplace at the far side of the room. seeing no sign of y/n, tommy moved to the room to his left.
the next room held a large nether portal, as well as a small farm for netherwart. the dark room felt empty to him, and he had to remind himself that he was in fact in y/n’s house still. he remembered she had said that she didn’t like going to the nether.
“i’m in here, tommy!” she called out. he took another left into a small storage room, where y/n was rustling through a chest. “how tall are you, kid?”
“6’1”,” he answered.
y/n smiled. “you’re a lot taller than i’ll ever be.” she took out a pretty oak bow, slightly scratched and obviously old. “you’ll have to use this for now, until i can make you one that’s your size.” he took the bow from her hands, shrugging.
“it’s fine.”
“good,” she hummed, still shuffling through the chest as tommy took the time to look around the small room.
“what’re the dispensers for?” tommy asked, staring at the wall that held the three stone tools.
“im nothing if not prepared, tommy,” y/n spoke as she took out a quiver and began to fill it with arrows for him. “in case of emergency, those dispensers will set off flares to let others know that im in trouble or that neutral is in danger.”
tommy nodded, still looking at the obviously unused dispensers. “smart.”
“i hope so,” she sighed, handing him the quiver of arrows. he strapped it around himself as she continued, “let’s just hope i never have to use them, yeah?”
“yeah,” he chuckled. she gave him a smile, hoisting her bow higher in her grip.
“you ready to shoot some things?”
“relax your shoulders,” y/n reminded. tommy did so, his fingers still white with effort against the taut string of the bow. “don’t pull so hard, tommy. you’re shaking.” he sighed as he let the string and arrow go limp, lowering his bow as y/n approached him closer.
it was his second day of archery training, and he was still missing nearly every target. y/n was a calm and collected teacher, offering him advice that was pointed directly for him and reassured him that there was no rush in the learning process. but after missing fifteen or so shots in a row, tommy was getting frustrated.
and it didn’t help with sapnap and george staring at him through the kitchen windows.
“doin’ great, kid,” sapnap encouraged weakly, taking a drink of the lemonade y/n had lovingly prepared for the boys. just watching the older man sip made tommy’s mouth dry, but he was determined to make five shots in a row before taking a break.
tommy glared at the man before turning his gaze back to his mentor. “ignore him, tommy,” y/n spoke gently. “nick couldn’t hit a target if it was three paces away.”
“that’s a lie!”
“im kidding,” y/n laughed, placing a hand on tommy’s shoulder and turning him away from the distraction that was sapnap. “but seriously, there’s almost always going to be someone watching when you shoot. the more you can tune them out, the better. just focus on your aim--and make sure your grip is looser. you’re gonna snap that string in no time otherwise.”
“loose grip, focus on aim,” tommy breathed and she patted his shoulder as he turned back to the target ahead of him. he hoisted the bow up slowly and pulled the string back just enough that it wasn’t fully taut. he made sure his aim was a little higher than his target, and released the whizzing arrow. the arrow pierced just outside of the center ring.
“perfect,” y/n smiled. “now, do it again.” and he did, taking another deep breath and allowing himself to focus in on the feel of the rough wood on his fingertips, and the tight string he was pulling. the arrow hit just beside his last. she nodded encouragingly. “keep going.”
tommy could feel his heart start to thump in his chest from the excitement of his accurate aim. he took another calming breath and watched as the arrow lodged closer to the center.
“great aim,” she complimented and he grinned as he pulled another one back, trying to contain his shaking as he aimed. the arrow shot lower than his previous, but on the target nonetheless. “still a good shot. one more?”
“yeah,” tommy nodded, licking his dry lips as he retrieved another arrow from his quiver. heart still thumping with utter excitement and pride at y/n complimentary words, he quickly released the arrow and his smile dropped as the arrow lodged into the ground before the target.
“hey, that’s fine!” y/n assured as tommy groaned and dropped his head. “four in a row is an amazing improvement, tommy. you should take a break and reward yourself.”
tommy sighed, looking to the shameful arrow. “yeah. alright.” he dropped the bow to the ground along with his quiver. he looked to his slightly splintered fingers. “im gonna go.. wash up.”
“alright,” y/n smiled as tommy scampered away. she entered into the open kitchen, smiling at her guests. “you boys doing alright?”
they nodded. “when did you take up parenting, y/n?” george giggled. she rolled her eyes as she went to pour her and tommy their own glasses of lemonade. “no, seriously! you care for that kid a lot, it-it’s not a bad thing!”
she sighed, leaning against her counter as she sipped at her lemonade. “i know you two haven’t always agreed with him in the past, but i think tommy’s a good kid. i like his ethic, and i think he has a lot of potential. but that being said..” she shook her head. “he’s so young.” the boys nodded. “he’s been thrown into such a life of chaos and destruction, and im not saying he’s at all innocent, but.. i think it’s good for him to learn that there’s more to this world than just war and enemies. there’s...”
“neutral,” sapnap finished for her. she let out a laugh.
“yeah, neutral,” she agreed, tapping her fingers against her cold glass. “but, yeah, if teaching him peace and self care is motherly of me..” she shrugged. “then i guess im alright with being a parent.”
“that’s sweet,” sapnap nodded. “i hate it.” the three of them laughed, y/n laying a light slap on the man’s arm before tommy’s voice called out to her.
“y/n! can i have some help?”
“im coming!” she called back, setting down her glass of lemonade.
“go help your poor son,” george teased, resting his head in his hand as he gazed at y/n amusedly. she rolled her eyes.
“behave, you two,” she laughed before leaving the kitchen.
there was a moment of silence before george spoke, “i do think it’s quite sweet how y/n’s taken tommy in. i think it’s good for both of them.”
“you say that now,” sapnap sighed, leaning back in his chair. “but just wait until tommy’s back to feeling 100% and y/n’s going around saying “pog” all the time.”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch @amibismexy @keiarma @akaichi-blog @runningoffofcaffeine @nonetookind @aquilla-favonia @feverish-dove @izuruamme @weeb-bb @bialin @justachillbisexual @kiritokunuwu @natalie-is-a-wall comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
I Said No (Wanda x R): Pt 8
Summary: Did someone order a fluff stuffed pizza with extra cheese? 
Warnings: Language, also a bit of violence
The following day starts as most have the past week, only this time you are not dreading waking up early in the morning for a hike aka jogging at an incline with Nat. In fact, you wake up kind of pumped for it and decide to forego the usual coffee. Nat looks at you like you are crazy. You shrug. “Not all of us need caffeine to live, Natasha.”
But you do, you find out mid-hike.
“Fuck me!” you groan, dragging behind Nat.
“No, thanks. You’ve got Wanda for that,” Nat quips. When you don’t reply, she continues, “What? No comment?”
“I’m saving my energy. I don’t know how much longer I can do this. If I die here from exhaustion, hit me with a rock or something. Make it look like a cooler death,” you say. She laughs. “What happened to not needing coffee?”
“Caffeineless-Me is a delusional me. Don’t ever listen to her,” you huff.
Luckily, you smell coffee when you get back to the house. You hear voices in the kitchen and make a dramatic entrance. Clint, Pietro, and Sam’s conversation halts at your interruption. Finding Clint responsible for the coffee, you butter him up in exchange for the coffee cup he hands you. “You know, I told Laura, you were it. I said ‘Laura, you’ll never find another like this one. A king among simple men.’ True story.” Used to your antics, Clint ignores you but Pietro and Sam laugh.
You spend the afternoon at the arcade with Wanda, Pietro, and Peter. You in fact do beat Pietro at skeeball, rubbing your win in his face. He beats you at everything else. It’s hard to be a sore loser though when you are too busy having fun and entertaining Wanda. 
Wanda pulls you all into a photo booth. The group does their best to fit in what is meant to be a two person booth. Wanda ends up on your lap, you sitting next to Pietro, and Peter sticking his head into the frame. You shoo the boys out after the group photos, wanting a strip of you and Wanda. Despite the free space, Wanda stays seated on your lap, not that you mind it. The first two photos are silly. You kiss her cheek for the third and simply smile for the last one in which Wanda sports a blush looking at you. 
You ask Wanda if she is ready to go to the bookstore yet, not forgetting what you promised. She refrains from saying yes when a game calls her attention. She says you can leave after one more game. Wanda challenges you to Guitar Hero and the results are embarrassing. You stare at her score in shock. You refuse to believe it. “What? There is no way! How?” She giggles when you turn your face to her with your hands on your cheeks. “No wonder you’re so good with your hands.”
She blushes at your comment. “Do you play guitar?” You ask, but before she can confirm or deny, you stop her, “Wait, no. I don’t want to know. ‘Cause if you do, that’s too attractive and we can’t have that.”
“Why not?” She tilts her head to the side.
“Because it will ruin our dynamic, You see, we both bring certain things to the table. You bring in the kind hearted, easy on the eyes superhero thing to the table. Me, I bring in the funny, cute, one year away from graduating college kid thing. My two years playing the trumpet as a child could never match even the thought of you holding a guitar,” you explain.
Wanda looks at you curiously. She smiles cheekily, before saying, “I’ll have to play for you someday then.” She laughs when you groan saying she ruined it all and tugs you by the hand to where the prizes are. You both trade your tickets in for small inflatable sledge hammers that you immediately use against each other standing off to the side of the prizes booth. You feel the employee who helped you out stare at you both and feel like you are getting in trouble, so you stop hitting Wanda.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to stare,” the employee says. “The two of you just make a really cute couple.”
“Oh,” you say surprised, but you don’t correct him, unbeknownst to you, making Wanda suppress a smile. “Thanks.”
“Come on, you promised me a bookstore,” Wanda says, taking your hand and pulling you toward the exit. You spend an hour in the cute bookstore, which Wanda could have easily made two but she took pity on you, seeing you get a little restless walking around the store in circles. She leaves the store with two new books in hand that you had insisted on buying and a smile on her face as you hold the door open for her.
“I would say ‘I got you next time’ but I wouldn’t want to force you to actually read words on paper,” she jokes.
You roll your eyes at her playful remark. “No, we wouldn’t want that.” 
“So, how about we get some ice cream instead?” she offers, hoping to spend a little more time with you out in the town. Your ears perk up at those words. “Now we’re talking, Maximoff!”
“That reminds me. You still haven’t told me your last name.”
“And I’m not talking.” You mime zipping your lips and throwing away the key. Wanda jokes, “Well that’s a first. That was the only key, right?”
Wanda laughs when you roll your eyes and eagerly take the bag with her books out of her hand to carry it instead, replacing it with your own as you practically drag her to the ice cream shop. She tries not to react when halfway to the shop you interlace your fingers and smile at her, but her heart doesn’t get the message.
Tanya smiles when she sees you both back again at the shop. She raises an eyebrow, looking at your hands in question. You catch her look and shake your head in denial at Tanya while Wanda is busy looking at the flavors of ice cream. Tanya purses her lips disapprovingly and you nearly groan. Wanda turns to you and asks if you know what you want, unaware of the silent conversation that occurred before her. 
You tell her to order hers first. Although you see her eyeing the strawberry flavor for a good amount of time, she orders the cotton candy flavor. You look at her surprised. “What? Maybe I want to try something different.”
“Well, in that case, Tanya, I will have two scoops of the strawberry on a cone, please and thank you,” you order. Wanda gives you the same look you’d given her, so you decide to throw her words back at her. “What? Maybe I want to try something different.”
Wanda pays for your ice creams, which of course Tanya would not let slide without commentary. “She’s making you pay for the ice cream? It’s no wonder Y/N stays single. You would think she’d know how to treat a lady.” Tanya shakes her head at you, making you scoff. Wanda laughs but defends you. “She does. This is a small thank you for how well she’s actually done that.”
“Yeah, Tanya! You hear that? I treat people well,” you reiterate as you take your prepared cone from Tanya. “I even did as you said and took her to the fair.” As if it is so unbelievable, Tanya looks at Wanda for confirmation and looks nearly impressed when Wanda nods. You add to pick on Wanda, “All for her to dance with someone else for most of the night.”
This time she scoffs and you try to suppress your smile at how easy you could rile her up. “It was one song,” she defends herself. When she sees that you’re just pulling her leg, she huffs, “You’re annoying,” and goes to sit at the small table by the entrance. Tanya speaks up when you just stand there looking after Wanda with a smile. “Don’t leave her to eat alone now.”
Tanya’s voice startles you out of your trance and you make your way to sit across from Wanda. “It was two songs,” you say, continuing the banter. Wanda retorts before trying her ice cream, “Two. One. What’s the difference?”
“He got one more song with you than I did,” you shrug. You see her make a face of disappointment at the flavor she chose. She replies, “It could have been none with him if someone just asked earlier.”
“Noted. I will let someone know and pass on the message for you,” you tease, earning you a light kick under the table from Wanda while you start with your ice cream. You can only watch her struggle to eat her ice cream and look at yours longingly for so long, before you eventually just snatch hers from her hand. 
“Hey! I was eating that,” she complains. 
“Oh, is that what you were doing? That was a very sad attempt at best. Here, try again,” you say and hand her the rest of your strawberry ice cream. She tries to hand yours back. “I’m not going to take your cone. It’s not the one I ordered.”
You shove the rest of the ice cream you stole into your mouth and eat it as quickly as you can. Wanda stares at you in shock. You try not to make a face at the brain freeze you get. “Well, I just finished yours so now you have no choice.”
Wanda giggles. “You have a brain freeze, don’t you?”
Nothing gets past this woman. You try to deny it anyway. “Nope. Brain warm, actually.”
You don’t fail to make her laugh. She thanks you and you smile as she finishes the strawberry ice cream. You decide to head back to the arcade before the guys get worried. You are surprised they have yet to call or text to ask where you and Wanda were. Wanda says she wouldn’t be surprised if they did not even notice your absence. 
Someone spots you making your way out of the ice cream shop with Wanda and decides to approach you. “Well, well, well. Look who it is,” a loud voice taunts you, making you and Wanda turn your heads to see a guy your age and not so much taller than Wanda approach you. You know him as Abby’s (grocery store lady’s daughter) ex-boyfriend. 
You don’t try to delude yourself into thinking this exchange could be an exchange of simple pleasantries especially given your history and the condescending sneer he throws your way. You huff, mumbling under your breath, “Never move to a small town, Wanda.”
She gives you a questioning look but you ignore it as the ex-boyfriend stands before you both. You give him an obviously fake smile, acknowledging his presence. “Jack,” you say tiredly, not wanting to give anyone the impression you want to actually interact with him. He, on the other hand, has a bone to pick with you and does not plan to let you off easily. 
“Y/N, I see some things never change.” He laughs bitterly, giving Wanda the once over. Not appreciating this, you try to avert his attention back to you and speak in a more fed up tone. “What do you want?”
“What? I can’t say hi to your little girlfriend? You were always so eager to say hello to mine. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t show the same courtesy,” he says, scorn clear in his voice. You really do not have it in you to put up with him and the mess you made that you never dealt with, but you’ve had enough of this biting you in the ass at every corner in this town.
“Look, what I did wasn’t cool. I know, okay? I’m genuinely sorry for not taking your feelings into consideration or talking to you about it before and ignoring the whole thing after it happened. Alright? Can we just move on from this?” you ask, sincerely. Jack looks at you in shock as you await his answer, wanting nothing but to finally move past this mess. Wanda on her end is impressed by your ability to recognize a mistake and apologize. You can feel her looking at you and Jack notices it too, the act riling him up more than anything.
When Jack saw you, he finally found his chance to let everything he was holding back out and seeing you with someone else only assured him he was right about you being this asshole who just goes around stealing people’s girlfriends. He was not expecting an apology. Although it seems to be sincere, it still does not satisfy him and seeing the girl you’re with looking at you the way she is because of it just ticks him off.
So he doesn’t accept your apology. Instead, he turns to Wanda. “It’s a little late for apologies, L/N. Hey, sweetheart. Some advice, best go apologize to your boyfriend before it’s too late, ‘cause whatever you think this is,” he says waving between you and Wanda, “it’s not gonna last.”
Trying to form some semblance of a safety blanket against his fiery gaze, you pull Wanda to stand behind you. Now you’re feeling very irritated. You’re not going to hit him or anything of that nature. God knows you would only hurt yourself. You’ve always strayed away from getting into fights. Besides, why bruise your fists when you could bruise his ego?
“Hey, assface. What do you know about lasting? Last I heard you weren’t doing too well with that. Some advice for you,” you taunt him, using the same tone he did with Wanda, “when you are finally doing something right, which you’ll know since Abby’s not really a quiet one, give her neck a little squeeze and-” You snap smugly. “She can thank me later.”
The whole time you were talking, you could practically see steam coming out of his ears. It’s logical to stay clear when you see the signs of a volcano about to erupt, but when you are standing two feet away from the danger zone, it’s a little hard to avoid getting hurt. You see it coming but you are not quick enough to dodge it. Suddenly, your ass is on the sidewalk, vision impaired as your hand covers the left side of your face that is throbbing in pain. Wanda would say her vision is also impaired as all she sees is red. Not caring if anyone sees, she uses her magic to hold him by the throat, red wisps tightening around his neck. She sees the panic in his eyes but doesn’t ease up. 
“Don’t you ever lay a hand on her again. In fact, from now on you don’t talk to her unless she’s speaking to you. Don’t look at her unless she calls your name,” Wanda threatens him, her voice deadly calm, you would almost define it as soothing. Jack wouldn’t. “You know who I am, don’t you?” Jack nods to the best of his abilities, starting to feel light headed. “If you even think about touching her again, I’ll know.” 
She releases her magical hold. He coughs, bringing back oxygen into his lungs. Jack sees the red fade from the witch’s eyes but her stare still holds a fire. Not wanting to enrage the witch any further, he sprints away as soon as she says, “Leave.”
As soon as he is out of sight, Wanda turns to check on you. She finds you already on your feet but your hand is still over your face. She pries your hand away and sees the damage, a bruise already forming over your cheek. You flinch when she prods it gently. Wanda gives you a questioning look when you unexpectedly giggle.
“Sorry, it’s just. Nat always said my big mouth would get me into trouble like this one day. I was really hoping she would be wrong about this one,” you explain, looking away from her but still giggling. Wanda doesn’t find it funny. She gently takes your chin to face her. “It’s not your fault. He had no right to lay a finger on you.”
Wanda’s intense stare doesn’t waver. It’s almost demanding you to understand that what happened can’t be brushed off as a joke and it works. Your mind replays the events and you feel a lump in your throat. Wanda brushes a tear away from your cheek. You hadn’t been aware of the tears forming in your eyes. The sound of a car passing by snaps you out of your emotional state. You haven’t had a good cry in a long while, but like hell will you allow yourself to break down on the sidewalk in front of the ice cream shop where you used to work.
You chase away the tears and clear your throat. Today was a great day for the most part; you weren’t going to let this bump in your trail keep you from continuing on to have a great day and ending it on a good note. Your eyes are a vault of tears, and though you know one day that door is going to open and possibly drown you, today would not be that day. 
You pull away from Wanda’s touch but before she can say anything about it you hold that hand in yours. “Thank you. I’m lucky you were here.” You avoid cringing at how your voice breaks halfway through, evidence of the lump in your throat you cleared away. You manage a small smile instead. 
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I hope I didn’t frighten you,” Wanda says, suddenly embarrassed at her quick tempered reaction. This brings out a genuine giggle out of you. “Are you kidding me? Frighten me? The only scary thing about your reaction was how attractive I found it!” 
You can tell Wanda doesn’t believe you, searching your face for any sign that you may be lying and saying this just to humor her. “No, seriously. His pants were wet out of fear. My pants were wet in an entirely different way,” you press. She laughs with glowing red cheeks. As the color fades, you and she decide to head back to the arcade after you refused her offer of getting you something cold at the store to rest against your cheek.
Pietro and Peter didn’t notice you had left the arcade, but they do notice your bruised cheek quickly. After dismissing their concerns, you ask if they were ready to head back. They say they still have to trade their tickets in, so you let them go do that. It isn’t too long until you are back to the car.
It turns out you are the only one in the car with a license, but you’re not feeling up to driving back to the house. Peter looks nervous at the prospect of driving, barely having taken two lessons at school, so he isn’t going to drive. Wanda wants to sit by you, so she lets Peter sit up front. That leaves Pietro to drive.
Big mistake.
You make it home in one piece with your bruised cheek, a massive headache, and a date with the church on Sunday after promising God you would go if you make it back home alive. Pietro brakes hard when pulling up right behind Nat’s car. Luckily, he didn't hit her car. You didn’t need to survive Pietro’s wild car ride, just so Nat could kill you after. 
The twins are arguing. “God, Wanda. No one likes a backseat driver,” Pietro says as he puts the car in park and takes the key out of the ignition. Wanda yells, “No, but I’m sure we would all like to live to see past our 20’s and Peter past high school!”
At the mention of his name, Peter finally opens his eyes and loosens his tight grip on his seatbelt. “Oh, we’re here? I, um, have to go to the bathroom.” He excuses himself before basically ripping the door open and running into the house on shaky legs. Pietro also storms out of the car but more so in irritation from his sister.
“Are you okay?” Wanda asks you, taking off her seatbelt. You unbuckle yours and laugh to ease her concerns. “Yeah, just give me a moment. I don’t think my life is done flashing before my eyes yet.” 
Wanda giggles as you act out seeing your life replaying in your mind. “Okay, almost done. Exercise with Nat, board games, seeing you naked.” You laugh when she punches your arm. “Arcade, your brother almost killing us all, and finished. Wow, I lived a pretty good life.”
She shakes her head at your silliness, before practically pulling you out of the car. Most of everyone is in the living room when you come inside. You guess your bruise must be very noticeable, your cousin gasping upon seeing your face. She rushes to your side with the help of Clint and sees the damage.
“Y/N, what happened?” she asks, a motherly type of concern slipping into her tone.
“It’s not as bad as it looks, I promise.” You thank Nat when she sits you down and helps place an ice pack on your injury.
“It looks pretty bad, kid,” Clint says, not helping ease the concern on his wife’s or his best friend’s face. 
“You should have seen the other guy,” you say, acting like you actually did anything other than stare mouth agape as Wanda took care of Jack. The disbelief on everyone’s face when you said that, including Sam’s, was insulting. You scoff, “Okay, ouch. I could have taken care of business if Wanda wasn’t there, thank you very much.”
“So, Wanda was there?” Nat pries and you tell them everything. Laura thanks Wanda for doing what she did and Wanda, being of humble heart, claims it goes unsaid that she would do that for any of them and there was no need to thank her. Nat doesn’t say ‘I told you so’ but she tells you it’s time to learn self-defense as she wants you to quote unquote “be prepared next time god forbid something like this happens again”, which to you was another way of saying ‘I told you so’, 
Nat says she will personally see to giving you your first lesson tomorrow. Clint laughs at the thought and suddenly everyone is amped to watch Nat teach you some moves in the morning, inviting themselves to be your audience as if embarrassing yourself in front of Natasha was not going to be enough. Everyone leaves you alone to get ready to sleep after that. 
After changing into your pjs, you pull out your phone and scroll through your camera roll sitting on the couch. You have at least fifty or so new photos of just today. You smile as you watch the video you recorded of Wanda and Pietro playing Dance Dance Revolution. Watching them interact today, you are reminded of you and Laura and Nat and if their bond is anything like yours, you are happy that Wanda has someone like that in her life. 
Wanda comes downstairs to check up on you before turning in for the night. She hears you before she sees you, your giggles cutting through the air. She follows the sound, curious as to what has you in such spirits. When she is close enough, Wanda sees you are laughing at something playing on your phone. 
“What are you watching?” Wanda asks from behind you.
“Just some of the stuff I recorded today. Come look.” You invite her over.
Leaning over your shoulder, she finds out it is a video of her and her brother playing the dancing game at the arcade. She fails to see what you find so funny but as the video plays on, you kept zooming in and out of Wanda’s face as she pouts every time she missteps but the look of determination never wavering. 
You think it’s a cute video but you aren’t surprised when Wanda lunges for your phone in an attempt to take it and delete the video. You lean forward away from Wanda on time so that she cannot reach it. She groans, “Delete it.”
“Mmm, no.” You shake your head and laugh when Wanda wastes her energy to maneuver around the couch to take the phone away only for you to hide it behind your back away from Wanda’s hands. She looks down at you unimpressed. “Y/N, do you really think that’s going to work? I can take it with a wave of my hand.”
“Tsk tsk tsk. Always relying on your magic. Afraid you can’t get it without twirling your fingers?” you shoot back with a smirk. Your cockiness is short lived as you see Wanda sport the same look of determination she wore in the video you took. She surprises you by settling onto your lap, basically straddling you. She holds you by the shoulders. You nearly whimper when she leans into your ear and whispers, “I’ll show you twirling my fingers.”
She leans away from your ear and looks you right in the eye as one hand begins to wander down your chest. You hold your breath when she gets to your belly button. You should have known better, misreading the smirk on her face. It all takes a turn when she brings her other hand down and begins to tickle you. 
You try fighting her off with one hand, keeping the other with your phone behind your back, but she’s relentless. You flail around and you end up lying on the couch, Wanda still on top of you. You can’t help the tear that slips and you take that as your cue to beg her to stop. “Mercy! Mercy! Stop!”
Wanda eases up on the tickling, giving you time to catch your breath, but she makes no move to get off of you nor to actually take your phone away. She rests her hands on your stomach and watches you, amused when you wipe away your tear. 
“That wasn’t nice,” you breathe out. She chuckles. You stare at her as if it is your turn to gaze at her in wonder. She takes you by surprise again when she asks, “Can I kiss you?”
She’s kissed you before. Hell, you’ve done a lot more than that, so you’re wondering why she’s even asking at this point. At the confusion on your face, she explains, “I mean, can I kiss you just to kiss you?”
Finally understanding what she is asking, you sit up and give her your permission. “You can kiss me whenever you want. It doesn’t have to lead to anything.” She hesitates to move so as a show of faith you peck her lips, startling her. “See?”
Wanda smiles and leans forward to kiss you. It’s a slow but still rather chaste kiss. It takes your breath away and when she pulls back she giggles as your lips unconsciously chase after hers. She gives you what your lips were seeking for, pulling you further into her by your neck and tangling her hands in your hair. You are kissing slowly but then you’re not when you slip your hands under her shirt to grip her waist. You pull away and kiss down her neck. 
Wanda starts to feel hot. She doesn’t know when she started to grind onto you, but her hips are actively working to find some friction to relieve the feeling that’s bubbled up. You’re both wearing too many clothes, she thinks. She pushes you away and goes to take off her shirt, but when she had pushed you, you’d come to your senses. You stop her and pull her shirt back down. 
“As much as I’d like to, Clint and Nat seeing me in boxers haunts me to this day. I don’t want to imagine what they’d do if someone saw us less than decent on the couch,” you explain. 
“Oh,” she says, almost a little dejectedly, but Wanda understands. She honestly forgot they were in the living room, open for anyone to accidentally walk in on them. You crack a joke at her sounding so bummed. “Sorry if I gave the idea that I’d be comfortable putting it all out there for show. I don’t know what kind of things you and your ex-robo-boyfriend liked to do, but not everyone can be as free spirited.”
Knowing what comes next after a joke like that, you are quick to grab her wrists before she punches your arm. “Or as violent,” you add, laughing when she pouts at not getting her way. You wrap your arms around her before falling back to lie on the couch. Wanda stretches out her legs to get more comfortable, which is hard to do given your arms are still wrapped around her holding her arms down as well. 
“You’re the worst,” she mumbles into your neck. You laugh. “Hey, don’t start comparing me to your exes. It’s hard to compete with a lab-produced man. He’s probably over six feet tall and can do long division in a blink. Probably does the cheesy things you like, like serenading you and lipsyncs as the song actually plays from his mouth.”
Your arms loosen up as you speak, allowing Wanda to shift more so beside you. Wanda giggles at your rambling and throws an arm around your stomach. “He’s not an Alexa, Y/N.”
“Are you sure? Or you just never tried saying ‘Vision, play Summer by Calvin Harris’?” She bites your shoulder instead of swatting at you. “Ow. What kind of name is Vision anyway? I mean that can only mean he’s packing some serious stuff cause moaning out ‘Vision’ is just not it, you know? I mean, it’s better than ‘Brad’ but honestly most anything is better than Brad.” 
“Ugh!” Wanda lets out in frustration and a hint of embarrassment. Her face turns pink but she tries to hide it behind her hand. She says something else you don’t catch as it’s muffled by her palm. You grab her hand and move her arm back to its original position around you. “What was that?”
“I said ‘I don’t’,” Wanda repeats. 
“You don’t, what?” you ask. Wanda waits a second for you to catch up. “Wait, you and he never?” you ask. When she shakes her head, you are too bewildered by that possibility that you have to confirm. “Never ever?”
She rolls her eyes at you. “Sorry, it’s just that,” you pause. A thought that nearly shuts down your brain takes over and you have to ask, but you weren’t sure how, not knowing if she would want it brought up in case the answer was yes. “Wait! Were you? I didn’t, um.. Did I…”
“Did you, what?” Wanda cautiously asks, noting how hesitant you are to ask whatever it is you were trying to figure out. You clear your throat. “Was I your first?”
You don’t know what you hoped the answer to be. Yes? Being someone’s first can be a big deal and if you were hers, Wanda’s first time, you’d have to move to a mansion for the size of your ego. But another thought arises. Did you live up to her expectations? Her body language seemed to say yes, but maybe she’s just really good at lying. Did you actually disappoint? Wanda disrupts your thoughts by laughing… loudly. 
“Well, damn. A simple ‘no’ would’ve been sufficient,” you pout. Internally, you are a little relieved to not have been the first. When she leaves here, you’ll probably be brought up at an odd time or another in conversation. Three of the small group of Avengers will probably remember you as Wanda’s fling, but you wouldn’t be able to stand being seen as that goof that deflowered the second youngest member of the team. 
“Do not take this the wrong way, Y/N, but I’m glad you were not my first,” she says. Obviously, your response is “Ouch. I don’t know how there is any other way to take that.” She continues, “Because I got to enjoy myself with you. The first time for me was not fun. I didn’t even really like him, but I was tired of everyone comparing me to Pietro, who is as you say more of a ‘free spirit’, and I guess I wanted to prove I could be too.”
With one hand you run your fingers through her hair and with the other you rub her arm in comfort. “Well then in that case, I’m glad I wasn’t your first as well. Also, I enjoyed it too.” She giggles, making you smile in return. “Just sayin’.”
“What about you?” she asks. 
“My first time?” She nods. You hesitate to get into it and she gives you an out. “You don’t have to.”
“No, it’s only fair. My first was actually Skye,” you say. Wanda looks surprised. “I know. A lot of firsts with that one.”
“How did you meet?” Wanda keeps the conversation flowing after a heavy pause.
You chuckle remembering how it happened. “It all started with what Laura coined the great animal rescue,” you start. You tell her the beginning, the middle, and the end of your first and really only relationship. 
“Was she the girl in the picture you showed Peter?” Wanda knows the answer. Why does she do this to herself? Maybe to try to get it through her head that there is someone out there that knows you the way she does and maybe better. Of course, a straight yes or no is too much to ask from you. “Daisy Ridley? I wish! Could you imagine? Rey Skywalker?”
“Maybe Sam has a right to tease you. You are a nerd.” You scoff, “Excuse me. Anyone would be lucky to date ‘only the prettiest woman alive!’” you repeat Peter’s voice, trying to make his voice. Wanda laughs at your impersonation of the young hero.
You remove Wanda’s arm and get off the couch. She frowns. “Where are you going?”
“Getting us a blanket and pillows. It’s way late and although I can talk with you until the sun rises, I need to get some sleep before Nat kicks my ass tomorrow. I’ll be right back,” you say with a smile before turning to grab said items.
You come back, hand Wanda a big pillow you decide you would both use, and stretch the blanket out over her before getting under it and back to the way you were before. 
“Are you comfortable? Do you want the other pillow?” you ask her, which she really appreciates. Once she tells you she’s all good, you kiss her head and wish her sweet dreams.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Wanda replies.
She can’t understand how Skye held so much of you and let you go. Holding you and talking through the night with you, she knows it’s going to hurt when she will have to do the same in a few days. She holds you tighter and closes her eyes, hoping to dream of you tonight.
“Does Vision come with WiFi?”
“Y/N, go to sleep,” Wanda mutters, though she tries not to laugh.
“Sorry, just wondering. Goodnight, Wanda.”
Did Vision have wifi? He doesn’t work like a router, does he? Could she have had a personal hotspot the entire time she was dating him? Wanda needs answers.
“I bet you’re thinking about it now too, huh?” 
“Sorry, sleeping now.”
@madamevirgo @marvels-writings @gayarchnemissis @myperfectlovestory @purplemeetsblue @magicallymaximoff @b0mbdotc0m @helloalycia @ironscarletwidowsoilder @cantcontroltheirfear @trikruismybitch @your-my-mission @imagine-reblog @fayhar @idek-5 @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @bemyvitamin @musicinourlips @paumxmff @wandamaximoffsrings @yeetus-thyself @lostandsearching @when-wolves-howl @euphoriaszn2 @gingerbreadcookieforlife 
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landothemuppet · 3 years
Far Longer Than Forever (p.p)
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Word count: 4737
Pairing : peter parker
Request: YES! ANON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. The Swan Princess is one of my childhood movie and this was so fun to write. I can’t stop listenning the soundtrack now ! I’m so sorry for the time i took to write this, i had so much work to do with school. But it’s over now and i hope you will like this ! 
N/A:  First, gif not mine but i don’t know who i’m gonna credit on this, i have no clue...This is my first Peter Parker x reader and i hope you all will like it! As always, I remind you that English is not my native language. Don’t hesitate to tell me what you think of the fic! Like, reblogs to support. You can Love you all! xx
Taglist: @angeliquekalampoka @harryhollandsgirlfriend @cedricdiggorysimpp​ - if you want to be notified of all my future writings you can add yourself in my taglist : here
As far as you can remember, you've always hated summer. Well, it was partly a lie. You loved the sweltering heat of Queens, the cherry popsicles from Delmar's, not having to worry about what time you had to get up. You liked it but hated the idea of ​​the last two weeks of August.
 This year was no exception. You looked at your half-finished suitcase, a grimace on your face. August still meant the same thing, the same routine: having to spend the last three weeks of his vacation with Peter Parker.
summer 2009
Peter Parker had lost his parents very early on, two years ago. He had lived since then with his aunt May and his uncle Ben. It was your mother's idea to introduce you to each other. Aunt May and your mom were friends from college and luckily, they lived in the same neighborhood. Your first meeting with the one who, many years later, would become Spider-Man, took place on his eighth birthday. You were invited to the party when you weren't even at the same school. Aunt May had simply shared his fears about Peter's difficulty making friends after the trauma he had experienced. Your mother, as the perfect friend that she was, had suggested that Peter and you spend time together.
 There were 3 kids in total at that birthday party, you, Peter - obviously - and a boy from his school whose mother had forced him to be there, too. It was a fact; you were the only girl and you didn't know Peter at all. Your mother walked up to you, got up to your eye level and whispered
 "Can you be nice? May told me she invited Peter's whole class and only this boy came"
 You wanted to please your mother so you nodded before approaching the two boys. Peter and his friend were in the corner of the room, their backs turned to the adults. When you tapping the young boy on the shoulder to make you notice by him, he turned to you with a guilty expression. He had buttercream all over the corner of his mouth and he was holding a cupcake in his hand that looked delicious.
 “My Aunt May tried to bake a cake, but Uncle Ben bought some cupcakes in anticipation. Do you want one?” Peter asked you in a friendly voice
“Why? Is May's cake not good?
“Uncle Ben says that she is not very good at cooking.”
 You let out a little laugh and nodded your head before grabbing the cupcake with a smile. You thanked him and began to taste the little pastry with envy. It was so good! The buttercream was lemony, the cupcake was slightly lemony too but there was a taste you couldn't recognize. You were almost sure you had tasted it before, but you couldn't tell what it was. Peter and the other boy suggested that you go to Peter's room. He wanted to show you the LEGO set his uncle Ben had given him ahead of time and you followed them even though you weren't more excited about the idea.
 And you were right. For several minutes, you were pushed aside while the two young boys spoke spiritedly. You complained several times that you wanted to do something else but Peter didn't seem to listen to you, too excited to finally be able to chat with someone who appreciated Star Wars as much as he did.
 So you were annoyed and slightly angry with Peter but what broke the camel's back is that you started to not feel so good. Your throat was itching and you felt like your tongue was taking up a lot more space in your mouth, getting drier. Peter gave you a distracted look before his eyes widened. He let go of everything he had in his hands before running to his aunt.
 "Aunt May, Aunt May! Y/N's tongue looks like a big, desiccated steak!"
"Peter, don't be rude!" she exclaimed, shocked by her nephew’s words
"No, no come see, she has a huge tongue! I think something is wrong"
 Meanwhile, you ran into the bathroom at Peter's reaction. You weren't sure why he had looked at you like that, but you felt that a few things were wrong. In addition, you were more and more thirsty, your eyes also hurt. And that's when you saw your reflection. You were puffy, your tongue had tripled in size, hence this feeling of dryness and discomfort. It was the same with your throat. You started to cry and when May called you through the bathroom door, you fervently opened it.
 May and your mother's expression of horror was instantaneous and your mother knew exactly what was causing your condition.
 "What did she eat?"
"Nothing..." he tried to escape from being grounded
"Peter, this is very important. What did you eat?"
"We just ate the cupcakes Uncle Ben brought back"
 Ben looked at May with guilty eyes. May had put so much effort into Peter's birthday cake and she felt hurt that they had bought some pastries in anticipation. Your mother was impatiently stamping her foot. It was important to know exactly what you had eaten and above all, you shouldn't waste any more time. Peter felt completely helpless. He had only given a cupcake to his guest, that’s all. What was wrong with giving someone a cupcake?
 "What were those cupcakes flavor?" your mother said impatiently ...
"With lemon and almonds." he said in a very small voice.
 You were panicked. And the eight-year-old that you were was not coping well with stress. Plus, your feeling of being sidelined by Peter and his friend made you feel even worse. So you frowned. You couldn't see a thing but you could feel the torrent of tears escaping your cheeks. You pointed at Peter with rage
 "You tried to kill me !!!" you said somehow with your tongue as big as a little tangerine.
"It's not true!"
"Yes! You are a murderer"
 And you cried even more before your mother takes you to the emergency room as quickly as possible, apologizing for the scene.
 The week later, May forced Peter to apologize for giving you a cupcake, while justifying that he didn't know about your allergy. Your mother forced you to apologize for insulting Peter "a murderer" and accept his apologies.
 But you spent the rest of the vacation arguing with the little guy. After all, you didn't want to be friends with a murderer.
 Summer 2013
Aunt May and your mom didn't let go, however, and every summer you spent three damn weeks with Peter. The summer of your twelve years, you did not thus escape this eternal masquerade but this year, the tide had turned in your favor.
 From the start, you never liked Star Wars. It really wasn't your world. You had always preferred Harry Potter and although Peter had read the books and enjoyed them - which he would never admit to you as that would amount to listing the commonalities you had - he was much more invested in the galactic universe. But on that day, Peter had particularly bothered you. He had first replaced the sugar in your hot chocolate with salt. He kept chanting silly nursery rhymes about you and the downstairs neighbor, insinuating that you were in love: which was not the case. Yes, Peter had been extremely annoying. This time Peter was getting on your nerds by bouncing a small ball against the ceiling as you tried to read your book. Uncle Ben was in the living room watching the sport - you weren't sure exactly which one since it didn't matter to you - so you couldn't go anywhere else to be quiet.
 "Peter, stop it."
"Stop what?" he asked by bouncing the ball once more off his ceiling. You could even make out the smirk on his lips.
"That. Stop it! I can't read."
"This is nothing new."
 You threw him the first thing you found on his desk, c.e, a banana, which he easily dodged. You groaned in frustration. May and your mother didn't understand when you talked about Peter's attitude towards you. He was a calm child, far too shy at school and interested in everything, especially science. He was looking forward to entering Midletown High School in two years. You hated that nerd side about him. Secretly, you were a little jealous of him for being the smartest in the room.
 “I'm gonna hit you so hard you won't know your name anymore”
“ try me, dumbass.”
  A few minutes later, he had finally stopped throwing that damn ball, but obviously Peter's boredom was driving him to find everything the most boring thing than the previous one to drive you crazy. This time, he had simply taken his favorite lightsaber - because he had several - and he was poking your shoulder to get your attention.
 "Parker, stop!"
"Don't you want to drop this book and watch a movie?"
"What do you want to watch? Star Wars? No thanks ..."
"Oh come on, Y / N! I'm sure you'll like it!"
 He patted you on the shoulder once more with his lightsaber.
 "Do you want to play this, Parker?" you said before grabbing one of his other lightsabers
"What are you going to do? I'm sure you don't know how to fight with" he mocked.
 You have lit the glowing plastic stick and you are placed in the guard position.
 "Do you want to bet, knothead?"
 He smiled at you and attacked you first. Strangely, this is what most resembled a moment of bond between Peter and you and deep down, you appreciate it. But you also appreciate that possibility of kicking his ass after he's been so irritating. You responded to his lightsaber attacks with ease and joy. It was playful, childish, but it was one of the few times you had fun with Peter. And you really appreciate it. Your two laughs mingled, echoing in the room.
 But suddenly, as you were trying to dodge an attack from the brunet, your elbow made contact with his face. Peter's muffled cry of pain echoed and you froze. He was holding his nose with a grimace and when he took his hand away you both noticed in horror that he was bleeding.
"Pete..." you started talking
"You blew my nose!" Peter shouted
"I did not do it on purpose!" you defended yourself.
"Of course, you do! You fucking blew my nose!"
"Peter, I swear ..."
 But Peter interrupted you by rushing out of his bedroom looking for his aunt who was in the office as she tried to file the important papers, that Ben and her had received this week. You were livid. First, because you didn't mean to hurt Peter on purpose. Second, you couldn't stand the sight of blood and it was literally everywhere. Peter was leaving trails of droplets on the floor of the apartment.
 "Aunt May?!? Y/N blew my nose! Damn, I'm bleeding!"
 After a brief stint in the ER, the rest of the stay was peaceful as you and Peter avoided each other until the end of the summer.
 Summer 2017
Peter was not the Peter you had always known.
 Since the death of his uncle Ben, the young man had closed in on himself and was even further away. Always so intelligent and discreet but much more distant. He had stopped teasing you or doing things that got on your nerves. He was minding his own business. And even though you had tried to be there for him, not denying him any of the offers he made to you during your stay ... you found him really ... overwhelmed. Which was still understandable.
 But this year was worse than the last. May told your mother that last year Peter got an internship at Stark Industry and attended a seminar in Germany but came back with a black eye. He had been acting most weirdly ever more since then. And you could have witnessed it. In the afternoon, when you were busy, and when it was too hot, when you tried to rest, Peter would disappear for hours. When you caught him sneaking back several times, he made you promise not to tell Aunt May.
 And you were starting to have theories about his nighttime getaways. After all, you were 16 and you too had started dating a few boys. But it never really worked. who knows why?! And when you wondered if Peter had a girlfriend, and who she was - he had to have one in view of all his sneaking out - your stomach twisted in a strange feeling. You didn't understand why the thought of Peter having a girlfriend bothered you so much. Over time, you had learned to be friends. It still happened sometimes that you quarreled but the events of the life made you grow up. Your parents had divorced, Peter had lost his uncle. You could tell yourself that you both had grown.
 And it was one night when Peter was sneaking back in again that you discovered two secrets.
 The first one: He was Spider-Man.
 It was around midnight when you heard the sound of the window opening. Since your childhood and this Machiavellian plan of your mother and Aunt May, you had always slept in Peter's room during holiday and more recently in his bed. The noise alerted you and you got up in a sitting position. But the only thing you saw was a foot, placed on this said window, closing it gently. How the hell was that possible?
 You were ready to scream but your gut told you to look up at the ceiling. A figure hung on it and you were paralyzed. Were you having one of those weird experiences called sleep paralysis? Delicately, silently, you grabbed the first blunt object within reach. A chemistry book that Peter seemed particularly fond of. The figure stepped on the ceiling as you were paralyzed. The form turned to land on the ground and then stood up, still with its back to you. You got up gently from Peter's bed and walked over. The man in the suit whose color you couldn't see took off his mask and you hit the air in an attempt to shoot him down. Peter turned around so quickly and blocked your gesture easily, like a reflex.
 "What the ..."
"Bloody hell".
 You both said at the same time. Your big surprised eyes mirrored Peter's. The curly man let go of your hand with an apologetic expression as you walked away from your friend. You turned on the bedside lamp before you discovered his blue and red costume. A very recognizable costume since it was that of Spider-Man. You winced, a look of judgment and incomprehension on your face. Not bothering to look at his face covered with bruises and traces of blood.
 "What the ... are you sneaking out to go to a costume party?"
"What?! No…No Y/N I’m…”
“Spider-Man? Great costume by the way” you joked.
 For a moment, you completely forgot that you just saw your friend glued upside down to the ceiling. Peter looked at you a little jaded, by the tone of your voice your guess was far from a sincere question but more of a mockery. And right now, the young man needed to be honest with you. He needed you.
 "But, I am."
"Yeah that's it. And I slept with the Winter Soldier. You can't imagine what he can do with his metal arm."
 Peter cut you off by pulling a web with his web shooter, tying your hands. The feel of the canvas was unpleasant, sticky but above all resistant. You let out a little cry of surprise, not powerful enough to pass the walls of Peter's room. Your eyes looked like two big golf balls, realizing that your friend was telling the truth.
 "Omg, You're Spider-Man" you almost spoke too loud.
"Yes and don't make me web your mouth. May doesn't have to know"
"damn, peter. What happened to your face!"
“yeah about that…I need you Y/N, please…”
  And without warning, Peter squeezed the spider in the middle of his costume, at chest level. He winced at the action revealing his bruised chest. He staggered a bit from the action, unsure of his legs and the pain in his sides fierce. You might see several bruises and cuts on your friend's body. You were having difficulty swallowing before you told him you were going to the bathroom to get what you needed. Before leaving the room, he made you promise to be discreet and not tell May anything if she ran into you. When you walk back into Peter's room, he's sitting half-lying on his bed, grimacing. You sit next to him, your heart pounding. You never noticed that he was so built. After all, as a superhero, he had to keep fit. But you couldn't deny that it intimidated you. Your cheeks were burning with embarrassment and a desire you never knew before. He had his eyes closed, as if trying to make the pain go away. And there, looking at him, you found him pretty. he was so cute that you couldn't help but run your hand through his curls to signal your presence and soothe him a bit. But Peter already knew you were there. He had heard your footsteps, he had smelled your scent, a sweet scent he had grown used to in his later years. He sighed softly, more relaxed. You started to clean the few shallow wounds.
 "Does it hurt?" you asked quietly
"Mhmm no, not really."
"Did you win?"
"Ouch..No. Not tonight."
"Sorry." you said more for your gesture rather than the fact that he didn't win the fight against the bad guys.
"No, it's perfect ... it's just a little sensitive"
 You smiled but something was wrong. A feeling you've never felt before. You've finished cleaning up Peter's wounds, but your gaze has darkened. As you were about to get up, the brunette gently grabbed your wrist to hold you back. He could hear your calm breathing and yet your heart was racing. He could feel the heat on your cheeks. He too felt that the tension was at its height. Your mind was muddled, he didn't know why, he wasn't a telepath, but he could see it, feel it. Your body betrayed your mind.
 "Y/N, what is it?"
"I..I don't know." you lied.
"You can tell me everything."
"I ... Well…Seeing you like this ... makes me ... makes me realize that I ... I'm afraid of losing you."
"You won't lose me ... I promise"
 You are ashamed of your vulnerable state. How did you go from hating this boy to having an overwhelming fear of losing him? You looked at those chocolate eyes in confusion and distress. You were now fully aware that the little neighborhood spider was none other than your childhood friend. The one you once loved to hate, tease, fight with over trivia. He was also on the youtube videos, who stopped cars with his bare hands.
 “Y/N… you won’t lose me, I promise.”
 Peter dared to walk slowly towards you and in a surge of courage, one of his hands circled your burning cheek, his lips rested on yours. The brunette had always had a crush on you without actually admitting it. After all, you had known each other since you were children but... your relationship had been rather confrontational. But for two years now, everything had changed for him. He appreciated more and more your little arguments, your teasing. His thoughts would sometimes turn darker when you lick your lips or when your fingers scratched that point behind your ear, when you were a little stressed.
 Your lips moved between them in a harmonious dance and you were now clinging desperately to Peter's slightly sweaty brown curls. Your heart was pounding at a speed close to the point of no return, reluctant to stop suddenly in the face of this overstimulation. But all good things came to an end and you slowly walked away. You bit your lip to get the taste of Peter's back. Your mind wandered, lost in the haze of rushing feelings.
 "You..you should rest ..."
 You ended up pulling away, swallowing hard. That night you didn't sleep. You have studied every facial feature of Peter, thinking of every event since your friendship. The next day, you fooled that nothing had happened. Too scared of what that kiss meant to you.
 Summer 2025
It all happened so quickly. After that summer, the summer of your kiss, you promised yourself that you understood your feelings towards Peter. You weren't going to the same high school and even though you were both on social media, you never dared to contact him. You needed time.
 But you haven't had this time. Peter became full-time Spider-Man and then the aliens came to earth, again. The threat of Thanos hovered and within moments, days, hours ... you were gone under his snap.
 When you returned to your childhood apartment, you were alone. Well, alone in front of the family who lived in this place now. The man in his forties simply believed you were a drug-hunting teenager squatter. Five damn years had passed. 5 years where your mother had a new life when you had been eclipsed. You were distraught, alone and it was by happy coincidence that you found May at the F.E.A.S.T project. It was a relief for you to find a familiar face again. She had suggested that you come and live in her new temporary apartment, allowing you to finish high school without having to move to the other end of the United States, with your mother. You declined your offer. You wanted to fend for yourself. And surprisingly, you did pretty well.
 To be exact, Mr. Delmar was looking for a student to work in his store and was kind enough to greet you in the bedroom of one of his daughters who had gone to college. By the greatest of luck, you've never seen Peter. Or rather, you managed to avoid it for an entire year. You had caught a glimpse of him one day, trying to speak Italian to get a travel adapter and a dual headphone adapter. Did you feel foolish thinking that after so long - could we consider those 5 years to be 5 concrete years? - would it still focus on the kiss you shared? After all, you got away from him after that. And then, everything went in a state of madness.
 Every time you turned on the television, you learned that elemental monsters had attacked a different country. They had first started with Mexico and then moved to Europe. Italy, Prague and then London. A certain Mysterio seemed to be taking care of this matter, but you couldn't help but think of Peter. May told you he was supposed to go to Italy. In fact, every time she went to Delmar's for a sandwich, she gave you an update on her nephew's trip. But it wasn't the craziest.
 Upon his return ... Spider-man's identity was revealed. You had watched in horror the video of Mysterio, which appeared on the Daily Buggle newspaper, accusing Peter of wanting to be the new Iron-Man. You were listening to J. Jonah Jameson falsely accusing Peter of being a murderer. You knew Peter, and there was no way he had done such an act. The video was bogus, you were sure. When you tried to reconnect that summer, you noticed Peter's girlfriend. Michelle Jones and ... and that's what kept you from approaching him. He was already supported. He had his best friend, Ned. His girlfriend, MJ. And he had May. It was enough, wasn't it?
  It was the following year, after a new incredible adventure that you met again.
You worked at the store in the evening. Mr Delmar had asked you to help him out urgently because his youngest daughter had a health problem. You accepted with pleasure. You had offered to babysit his daughter but the loving father he was wanted to be with her. And it was precisely this evening that a thug decided to steal the fund from you.
 You were at gunpoint with your hands up in the air when you saw a red and black mass fall behind the thug.
 "Hey buddy, I think the bank is across the street"
 Spider-Man tapped the thief on the shoulder and dodged a punch.
 "But I think I'll arrest you anyway if you went to the bank. You don't seem like a nice guy." Peter joked.
 You were paralyzed as your friend, your best friend if you were honest, chained or avoided them with agility. You swallowed hard, unable to move or run away. A gunshot rang out and you smelled a scared little vintage. Peter squeezed the barrel of the gun in his hand, deviating from his course. It made sense now to say that he had simply defended himself against the assault. After a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, Peter stared the offender against a fridge door, immobilizing him. He then turned to you, oblivious to your identity at the time.
 "Are you okay there?"
 You didn't give him the chance to realize and you rushed into his arms, hugging him so tight to feel the comfort of his body against yours.
 "Uh, yeah, you're welcome. Cuddles are nice but ..."
 He paused for a moment and his automated eyes widened. He knew his perfume. The flowery, sweet scents that he had missed so much. Is this possible?
 You let go of him and immediately put his mask back on. Adrenaline was controlling your actions and god damn it, you needed that touch. You kissed him, bluntly. Your lips crushed against his in impatience, in ardor, but too bad. You needed to feel it against you, to regain the feeling that you had felt, years ago. After a few seconds, you felt Peter's hands encircle your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your heart was exploding, the ardor was present in your kiss. You were even frustrated that you couldn't grab her brown curls with full hands, settling for only the base of her hair. You let out a moan before pulling away abruptly. He had a girlfriend.
 "I… I'm sorry. I… Sorry, I didn't mean… MJ… and… please don't blame me."
 Peter silenced you with another kiss, shorter this time but so good.
 “There is no MJ .... Just you and me ... Far Longer Than Forever”
 You looked at him hopefully and then burst out laughing after his words.
 "I didn't know you were so romantic, Parker"
"Shut your mouth."
"Make me"
"You are impossible."
"But obviously, you like"
 He was going to say something to nag you, he was looking for it but you caught him off guard, placing your lips on his again. You could feel his smile in the kiss and you couldn't help but do the same. Anyone living in the neighborhood present in the street would have a view of Spider-Man kissing the student cashier from Delmar. But you couldn't care less. You had waited too long and the joy you were feeling now was so intense, you didn't want to stop feeling this. It is reluctantly that Peter moved away from you apologizing for the fact that he had to go on patrol again.
 "Go save the Spider-Man neighborhood"
"Only if you promise me you'll be there when I get back."
"I was thinking of going to say goodnight to May instead ... But if you want, I have a sleeping bag in the storeroom."
"You are incorrigible .... See you later ..."
"See you later."
 You smiled, in a misty state of bliss as Peter disappeared from view. This time, you weren't planning to escape, you wanted to fall into the webs of Peter Parker. You closed the store after the police visit and headed to May's flat. It was late but with her kindness she welcomed you with open arms.
 This summer ... was the best in years but the others to come were going to be even more wonderful.
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Denial Done (18+)
Summary: very very very spicy polyam fic. (request) 
Pairing: Sirius Black x Remus Lupin x Male Reader
Key: (Y/N)- your name
Word Count: 3387
A/N: i am so sorry. (sorry it took so long too. i feel bad. i wrote most of this VERY drunk. don’t drink kids.)
Sirius shifted uncomfortably in his seat with a disheveled look on his face, both of his boyfriends noticed this of course.
“Sirius… Can you not sit still for 5 fucking minutes while we finish our essays?” Remus sighed laying his face onto the nearly complete parchment, Sirius always ran circles around them while they were working, always.
“Really. We need to finish these before tomorrow, ya know? We have until tonight and if it wasn’t for you and detention we would’ve been done by now” (Y/N) sighed in discontent as well, a look of annoyance and frustration on his face, yet Sirius couldn’t help it. He was always restless, but especially right now.
“Please, Merlin, will you stop doing homework for one second and realise we haven’t had sex in a two weeks. You’re killing me.” He huffed out at his boring, hot, homework obsessed boyfriends. He had probably been hard for days by now, but every time he tried to fix it himself he just couldn’t make himself cum, not like they could.
“You’re killing yourself, Padfoot. If we keep getting full essays for pranks, we’ll never have sex again” He hissed at Sirius, very obviously pissed at how much of a pain in the ass his boyfriend was being. Acting like they had deprived out of pleasure and not out of school necessity, so over dramatic, he thought.
“Can we stop saying sex, I don’t think I can handle hearing that word again” Remus tried to hide the blush forming on his face, he in particular didn’t like to bring up their sex life in any way, especially not in front of the other studying students in the library. Sure it had been 15 days, 17 hours and 30 minutes since they last “made love” and maybe he had been dying for a choice to bring it up again, but not in such a public space.
Sirius pouted and slumped into the chair he was sitting on before crossing his arms dramatically.
“Fine. I’ll be honest. I’ve had the biggest boner of my life for the last 3 days” He huffed looking like a child throwing a fit, looking down at his boner that was politely tucked under belt for the time being.
“PADFOOT. We’re in the library. Keep quiet” Remus whisper shouted at him, giving him a death glare as he checked whether or not anyone had heard him or not.
“I’m sorry if my needs are so much less important than homework” Sirius pouted even harder looking away from them with an angry red face, leaving his boyfriends looking at each other a little awkwardly.
“Homework. That was your fault” Remus mumbled in response first trying to pull his attention away from Sirius’s bulge and back at the stacked parchment.
“Fuck me.” (Y/N) said trying to ignore him as well, but he just kept at it as usual. Trying to push the boundaries of what they would do if he pissed them off enough.
“That’s what I want you to do.” He replied too smuggly only to be met with the cold eyes of (Y/N) grabbing his face, leaving a knot in his stomach and throat. That was the straw he needed.
“You know what, Sirius? Fine.” He pulled his face closer, Sirius being too scared to even breathe anymore.
“What?” He was getting what he wanted, right?
(Y/N) ducked underneath the table with a sigh and started to unzip Sirius’s pants, he immediately knocked his knees up against the table at the sudden contact. Remus went red in the face when he realised what was unfolding, Sirius’s pants….
“Put muffliato on him, quick.” He huffed out to the very shocked Remus. He obeyed and charmed the already moaning Sirius.
“I haven't even touched you yet.” He groaned out, looking at Sirius’s twitching, dripping cock. He wasn’t sure how to feel, frustrated? Horny? Tired of his bullshit?
Sirius tried to say something, probably along the lines of “you’re so hot, just looking at you makes me wanna cum”, but nothing came out.
“This isn’t a good idea… Can’t you wait until we get back to the dorms?” Remus stuttered out nervously as he watched (Y/N) stare intently at the very hard penis in front of him, he may have even felt himself twitch in his own pants… not very convenient. (Y/N) looked at his tented pants and back at him, visibly dismissing his issue by sighing and turning back to the problem at hand.
“No, Remus. This can’t go on, we need to finish our essays and he’s not gonna shut up ‘till then” He waved in his general direction, extending his hand to rub his leg saying ‘later, okay?’. Remus looked a little uncomfortable, but would rather not get on (Y/N) bad side, especially while he was about to suck his boyfriend off.
“I guess.” He nodded and immediately looked at his book, trying to pretend like (Y/N) had just headed to the bathroom and was definitely not under the table.
Sirius just sat there, muffled and impatient. His dick twitching unintentionally at the swallow breath from (Y/N)’s mouth.
“You owe me.” He huffed out giving Sirius’s dick a kiss causing his boyfriend’s leg to shake a little at the anticipation. He slowly moved his face down while staring straight into Sirius’s eyes. The black haired boy bit his lip feeling very impatient, he wanted to push (Y/N)’s head down already, but he’d regret it immediately. Sirius looked like he was begging to speak, so he lifted the charm and let him speak.
“Don’t tease, please.” He pleaded to dead ears as (Y/N) harshly and delicately made sure to brush the head of his dick with every stroke.
“This isn’t a favour, Black. So just shut your face and then you can stop being horny for 5 fucking minutes” He stared through Sirius’s soul with that sending a twitch down his leg.
“Sit still, don’t be a fucking brat.” He groaned, grabbing Sirius’s feet between his thighs. Every time his boyfriend twitched he could just feel his leg rub up against him and for a moment he considered how much he could get away with, what if he just fucked Sirius unconscious under the table these thoughts only fuelling his agonisingly slow stroke.
“Come on, you’ve been depriving me all week.” He pouted in even a hopeful attempt to gain some control back, but was only met with evil horny eyes filled with all the possible things he could think of.
“No, Sirius. We’ve been studying all week and now you’re getting what you want. So you’ll sit still when I tell you, cum when I tell you and shut the fuck up when I tell you, okay?” He kept the same deep stare and deadpanned frustrated face, then grabbed his dick very roughly making Sirius dig his face into the book he was “reading” trying to muffle his moans without the charm.
“A-ah- okay…”
“Great.” He mumbled and pointed to Remus to cast it again. He looked up to the dripping boy in front of him once again, not leaving him a second to get comfortable before grabbing his dick full force. Not letting any moment to breathe with the fast and merciless strokes caused Sirius to involuntarily hit his knees against the table causing a few curious looks towards them.
Sirius felt like he just couldn’t keep up with the pace and rhythm anymore, just convulsing and shaking at every little touch he was given. The minute it looked like Sirius was gonna come, he just stopped dead in his tracks. He only moved on with slower and slower strokes and it never got faster than it was in the beginning which frustrated Sirius to his core. It felt like he would die at this rate, it added a layer of pleasure every time he just couldn’t do anything else, but watch his boyfriend work his magic.
“Wanna cum yet?” He gripped the base of Sirius’s penis pulling any form of pre-cum there was in the shaft making him gasp and keel over his face planted to his desk.
He nodded as well as he could, hoping only Moony and (N/N) could see and hear his muffled screaming at this point.
“Well you can’t.” He said picking up the pace just a little bit in spite trying to bring his boyfriend’s hope up.
He groaned at this response, tears starting to run down his face as he watched Remus shift uncomfortably. He thought he saw Moony rubbing one out over his pants, but was immediately distracted by the fact that (Y/N) had wrapped his mouth around his penis incredibly slowly and looked up at him. He couldn’t anymore, not with his boyfriend now running every part of his mouth up and down his dick. For the first time in the last 30 minutes it finally got faster and he begged and pleaded in muffled words and finally… (Y/N) nodded.
Remus slapped his hand over his mouth as he cum hard in his own pants leaving a small stain on it, the convulsions Sirius was pulled into sending him over the edge. A layer of sweat and tears glistening on his face under the pale candle light, he looked down to (Y/N) who had a long stream of thick cum running down his lips.
“What good boy, huh Moony?” He stared straight through Remus, he sat there shocked and upon seeing where (Y/N)’s eyes were going he removed his own cum covered hand out of his pants.
Remus nodded vigorously at (Y/N) as he watched Sirius convulse a few more times before panting heavily with a spaced out look on his face.
“Clean.” Before the words even left his mouth Sirius started kissing (Y/N) licking any remaining cum on his face with a smile of gratitude. He pointed at Remus’s hand as well leaving Sirius desperately licking up every bit of his cum too, not leaving a drop of anyone’s left.
“Will you disturb us again?” (Y/N) asked as he got up from underneath the table dusting off his knees and taking a cocky stride to his seat again.
Sirius shook his head starting to feel a headache coming on as he could barely tuck his very sensitive dick into his pants. Every little movement of his pants left Sirius feeling like he’d come again.
“Good. Homework?” He turned to Remus who was still looking at his hand in shock, but turned his attention toward with a nod.
“O-Of course” Remus replied and started absentmindedly writing notes and words onto his parchment. Every now and then he looked over to Sirius who still couldn’t hold himself together, everytime he was touched he flinched almost moaning in the process which left Remus harder than he ever imagined he could be.
(Y/N) looked up at Sirius to give a sympathetic look or a kiss on the forehead for being so good during and after the interaction. Leaving his black haired boyfriend very smitten and not at all mad at his still semi-throbbing cock. The days passed on as they always did, thinking about the next time.
Now in the dark room of their dorm, everyone and their mother could hear Remus Lupin pacing up and down the space, mumbling to himself. Nothing in particular just frustrated mumbling.
“Moony, just fucking sleep?!” James groaned with two pillows around his head
“He’s mad that I sucked Sirius’s dick and not his.” (Y/N) sighed pulling himself from the duvet he was hiding in, pulling a wand and book with him.
“You sucked his dick?!” James exclaimed pointing at Sirius who looked like he had folded himself into four different pretzels as he snored through the annoying pitter patter of his boyfriend.
“Yes, James. Keep up”
“I’m not mad or upset. You can suck who’s ever dick you want.” Remus huffed turning to face s corner to stand in alone while he continued his brooding session right in the middle of the common room.
“Remus. Just sleep, okay?” (Y/N) yawned trying his back away from Remus, wrapping himself in blankets in the process.
“Fine. I will. You’ll see.” He said before he could think, stomping off to his bed.
He threw himself onto his bed like an angry child sent to bed without dinner, but, he didn’t realise about an hour into being upset, the shadowy figure enter his four poster bed and closed the curtains.
“I know you’re upset. Do you want me to give you a wank, Remus?” The shadow now being recognised as (Y/N) whispered into his ear.
“N-No. Don’t call it that!” Remus stuttered out, but regretted saying it so loudly.
“Fine, do you want my hand to “make sweet love” to your penis?” (Y/N) dead panned at Remus sarcastically, moving closer to him on the bed until they were a few inches apart.
“Don’t patronise me.” Remus huffed around turning to face away from him, but that only gave (Y/N) access to his neck, leaving kiss after kiss on it.
“You’re doing a pretty good job doing that to yourself.” He stated between kisses.
“No I’m not.”
“Just tell me what you want, Moony.” He sighed and paused his neck exploration, hugging Remus from behind and snuggled his head into his neck.
“I-l- I want-“ He waited for a full sentence as he slowly pushed his hands into Remus’s shirt, making him more nervous.
“I want you to-“ He felt (Y/N) hands slowly dragging up and down stomach skin, sending shivers down his spine. A small pit forming his stomach as he tried to say the words.
“To do what?” He smiled into Remus’s neck as he continued to kiss him.
“T-Touch me.” He finally said it, but it didn’t seem to be exactly what (Y/N) wanted to hear.
“Come on, Remus. I know you can say full sentences”
“I want you to t-touch m-me” He blurted out in a quick string of words as he felt (Y/N)’s hands falling south of his waist.
“That can be arranged” He said with a smirk, placing his fingers between Remus’s underwear snapping it.
He shiftly whispered a jinx into his ear, Remus feeling his hands pull together behind his back quickly. He looked up at (Y/N) who was usually shorter, but with Remus on his back and his boyfriend on his knees he felt inferior.
“You’re been a brat all day, honey. You didn’t expect me to just give you what you want on a silver platter, did you?” He cocked an eyebrow, pushing his boyfriend’s underwear and pants down, leaving it tangled together at his ankles.
“Of course not.” He huffed, trying his best to get into a semi comfortable position.
“Now, shush. I’m not putting any charms up.”
Remus suppressed a moan slowly escaping his lips as (Y/N) stroked him slowly, keeping a careful pace. He’d been sticking there hard for so long, he didn’t think he could last long.
“Please, god… I just” He huffed out, feeling the knot in his stomach as (Y/N) bent down kissing the light pink scars sticking out from his shirt.
“Speak up, I know you can.” Still kissing and suckling on Remus’s neck,
“I n-need to-“ He moaned as he felt his knees start to buckle from underneath. his toes curling in the process.
“Tell me what you need?” He said impatiently, always so needy and so apprehensive. He stroked faster, trying to pull Remus closer and closer to euphoria.
“I need to cum” He said blankly, a soft moan escaping his lips as he felt (Y/N)’s lips on his jaw.
“Aw? Already? Fine.”
“R-Really?” Remus perked up, a grateful smile on his face as he started to push himself closer to the edge.
“Knock yourself out” (Y/N) yawned a bit, looking as unfazed as he could.
“Thank you!” He was about to cum to the quick pace of (Y/N)’s pace, but before he could even bring himself over to the edge he stopped.
“No-“ He came everywhere, but he felt nothing. Only the lingering feeling that he was supposed to cum being left, he had every symptom of having the biggest orgasm in a while yet the pressure in stomach said otherwise. His legs shook and he was barely able to move where (Y/N) had pulled him to, his ass now in the air and his face buried into the mattress.
“What? Thought I’d let you cum properly yet after you’ve been brooding for days.” (Y/N) said pushing his boner against his boyfriend’s ass teasingly adding a few dry humps sending Remus through the motions again.
Remus moaned at the friction being caused, but immediately got a hand over his mouth which he thanked the lord for when he realised once again his friends were fast asleep around him. His core hurt, the unclenching and clenching of his muscles giving him unbearable cramps.
“P-Please, (Y/N)... This is too much” He twitched upwards, panting heavily.
“You haven’t said your safe word, Moony. If I knew better and I do, you’re enjoying this.”
He brought his boyfriend’s body to his own, Remus trying to cling to (Y/N) for his life.
“So fucking cute.” He said, grabbing the other boy’s face from behind, making him stare into eyes as he snaked his hand around Remus’s penis making him flinch with pleasure and pain.
“Yes” He agreed with him instantly as he moved his other hand to wring his nipple.
“Kiss me, love” He ordered and Remus connected their lips, every sudden fast stroke was a moan into (Y/N)’s mouth. He opened his eyes every few seconds to see a sweaty, blushing and moaning Remus making him want to fuck him right then. His thrusts became sloppy as he breathed a little heavy. He left out a sigh and stopped.
“I’m tired, come ‘ere” He propped himself up on the bedpost and patted his leg, Remus crawled to straddle his boyfriend’s leg and started grinding himself against.
“You can- cum properly this time- as long as you do it here” He said in between kissing and suckling on his neck, Remus nodded enthusiastically as he started to ride (Y/N)’s leg quickly.
“Slow down, love. No rush.” He held down his hips, slowing his movement which drove Remus insane while (Y/N) just brought his body toward him whispering in his ear.
Remus was flushed from ear to ear, his breath hinging every few seconds as he drew closer and closer to his release.
“Do you want to- ah- cum too?” Remus whispered as he was basically hugging (Y/N).
“Are you offering?” (Y/N) asked, rubbing his back comfortingly.
“Yes, Merlin. Yes.” He sighed out defeated as he left (Y/N)’s thigh.
Remus pushed (Y/N)’s underwear down over his dick, watching it spring out. He grabbed one of pillows as he positioned himself to suck him off.
“Merlin, you’re too good to me.” (Y/N) breathed out as Remus put his lips around him. He watched Remus, stroking his hair tiredly as he felt himself coming closer and closer to cumming as well.
Remus bopped his head up and down at an alarming rate making (Y/N) buck his upwards into his throat. He pulled on his hair a bit, Remus humming around him.
“Shit. I’m gonna cum.” He shivered as he felt Remus’s tongue work on his dick.
(Y/N) pushed Remus’s head into him, releasing down his throat. He watched Remus undo too, a few strings of cum spewing onto the bed.
“Good boy.” He breathed out shakily as Remus pulled his mouth off (Y/N). He smiled tiredly and (Y/N) kissed forehead lightly, ruffling his hair as he helped Remus clean up and tucked in bed. He yawned and stretched his arms out, heading to his own bed.
“You guys are so hot.” He heard Sirius whisper from his bed, he was probably listening the entire time.
“You’re a slut, you know that. Could’ve joined us” He sighed and climbed into bed.
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I’ll Be Coming Back To You (Wanda Maximoff/ Reader)
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Hello, again! We have now entered the 80s! For reference, the 80s will be split into two parts. Song used is “Vows” By Naomi Scott (2017). Definitely worth a listen if you have the time. Let me know what you all think! :)
Summary: Life in Westview is beginning to unravel. How will Y/n manage? Will Wanda be able to keep everything under control?
As Wanda stormed away, you practically had to sprint to keep up with her. “Wanda, will you just stop?” You called after her, sighing when her steps didn’t even falter.
“Why don’t you go back to flirting with the bartender? You don’t need me there for that.” She shouted over her shoulder sarcastically. 
You rolled your eyes at her response and looked around nervously at the spectacle you two were creating. Not an ideal situation for two people in hiding. “Wanda,” You hissed when you were finally able to get a hold of her hand and pull her to a stop. “You’re being ridiculous.”
Almost immediately Wanda pulled her hand back and stared you down. “She kept touching you and you didn’t stop her.” Wanda deadpanned.
Slight irritation began building at your temples as you watched the people around you stop and stare. Without a word, you took Wanda by the hand and began pulling her to walk, only receiving slight protest from the woman. 
Eventually you reached the small flat you two were supposed to hide out in for the next few days until you had to move again. 
It wasn’t until you were both safely inside that you finally dropped Wanda’s hand. “Do you realize how childish that all was? To think you used to call me reckless.” You said disbelievingly with a shake of your head as you spun around to face her.
Wanda sputtered, obviously not expecting your words. “You were flirting with someone else right in front of me!” She shouted defensively as she tried to shoulder her way passed you. 
Again, you rolled your eyes and advanced forward towards her until her back was pressed against one of the walls. “I wasn’t flirting with anyone.” You said calmly as you placed a hand on either side of her head, so she wouldn’t be able to leave. “All this because you’re jealous, Maximoff?”
Her eyes fell to your lips as she swallowed thickly. “I’m n-not-” She shook her head. “You know what? I was. I had every reason to be.” She responded honestly, her words sharp.
For a moment you just stared at one another. Unconsciously leaning in, longing to give into what you both desperately wanted. Needed. “We’re not together. You have no reason to be.” You told her quietly as you backed away. 
This was only the first couple of weeks of being on the run with Wanda and each implication of letting her back in made you uneasy which often led to you lashing out to push her away. 
You couldn’t fight when she looked at you like that though. 
“Y/n.” Wanda called as she followed after you. You busied yourself with picking up pieces of clothes around the space, refusing to look at her. “We might not be together, but-”
With your guards up, you couldn’t help the bitter retort that slipped passed your lips. “I wonder why that is? Oh, right... It involves you and a red robot.” You chuckled humorlessly with your back towards her. “So, again, no. You have no reason to be jealous.”
Pain filled Wanda’s eyes, but her resolve didn’t waver. “You can use that against me as much as you want, it’s the truth. Us not being together is my fault, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m in love you and that I’m going to keep trying... And I’m going to get jealous if other people flirt with you.”
There was silence that hung in the air for a moment until you felt her wrap her arms around you from behind. Each movement was hesitant. You tensed at the contact and could feel her begin to pull her arms away, but your hands over hers stopped her. 
You relaxed into her arms as you allowed yourself to accept the embrace. “I’m sorry.” You mumbled.
Wanda’s brows furrowed as her arms around you tightened. “For what?”
Nervously you worked your jaw as you tried to choose your words carefully. “For lashing out. Wanda, I wasn’t-…” You paused and took a breath. “I’d never flirt with someone else. There isn’t anyone else. There couldn’t be. I’ve tried.”
There was slight tension in Wanda’s body at your admission that you’ve tried to be with others. She quickly let it go in hopes of hearing the words she’d long for fall from your lips. “Why?”
“Why?” You echoed back to her in confusion. 
Wanda rested her chin on your shoulder, her eyes glimmering hopefully. “Yeah. Why couldn’t there be anyone else?” She probed.
You hesitated, knowing the feelings were there but you were far from ready to acknowledge them. “I can’t-… I’m not ready yet, Wanda.”
It was as though you could hear her hope shatter at your feet. “That’s okay. I can wait. I’ll wait forever for you. Just know there’s no one else for me either. I love you. And if I have to fight an endless number of bartenders for your love then I’m ready.”
You turned in her arms. “I know.” You replied softly, knowing there was nothing else you could say. You leaned your head against her chest. “Have I shown you this song?” You questioned hoping the music could say what you weren’t ready to vocalize yet.
Wanda knew what you were trying to do and couldn’t help the smile that appeared as she listened to the song softly fill the room around you with the words you couldn’t say. 
“You'll still be looking out for me, when my mind is a mess and my heart's not there…”
A tired sigh escaped your lips. “Okay, Charlotte. We’ve gone through books, we’ve played with toys, we’ve eaten. Momma just wants a little rest.” 
Despite your plea, the baby in your arms continued to cry. If the cries from downstairs were any indication, Wanda wasn’t having better luck with Billy.
With another sigh you continued rocking the baby in your arms, absentmindedly humming along to a tune in the back of your mind. After a moment or two of quiet humming you noticed Charlotte’s crying slow down ever so slightly as she stared up at you curiously. 
Deciding to take the risk, you began softly singing while continuing to rock her in your arms. “…  But I'll be coming back to you, 'cause you smell like home and your love's still there.”
You noticed the tears come to a halt as her eyes began to droop contently as you quietly finished the song. For a moment you just watched her sleep peacefully in your arms, vaguely wondering where that song came from. All that was attached to the song were flashes of Wanda in moments you didn’t recognize. You couldn’t help but feel like it was out of place.
The confusion took a back seat to your excitement though. 
Carefully you rushed downstairs, eager to show your wife the accomplishment. “I did it! I got Charlie to sleep!” 
Your eyes widened with dread as soon as the words left your mouth. Wanda turned to you happily, her smile dropping when she saw your expression. “Y/n, wha-” Her words were cut off as the baby in your arms began to wail, having been woken up from your shouting.
A small smirk appeared on Wanda’s face as you shut your eyes and attempted to compose yourself. “Not a word.” You warned as you began rocking Charlie again. Your shoulders slumped in defeat.
Wanda made her way over to you and pressed a sympathetic kiss to your cheek. “Rookie mistake, Y/ln.” She teased lightly.
Everything in you wanted to kiss the smug smirk right off Wanda’s face. “Is it Y/ln or Maximoff? We are married.” You quipped back.
Wanda’s cheeks tinged pink at your response as you blew her a playful kiss. “Maximoff.” She answered shyly, keeping herself occupied with Billy. Your heart swelled at how easily her reply came.
You grinned when you noticed the way you were both bouncing the babies to the same rhythm. “Care to dance, dear?” You asked jokingly as you wiggled your eyebrows at Wanda.
An amused laugh escaped her lips. “It’s almost like we’re on a date.” She said sarcastically. 
“What sets the mood more than our twins crying endlessly?” You responded in a mock seductive voice.
Wanda looked at you with faux hooded eyes. “Nothing gets me going more, sweetheart.” A particularly loud cry from Billy broke the playful mood as you both sighed in unison. “Darling, do you mind grabbing their binkies?” 
You moved to place Charlie in her crib as Wanda did the same for Billy. “Of course not. I’ll be right back.” You rushed out of the room as Wanda turned to face the two crying babies.
“Now, I know parents aren’t supposed to take short cuts, but I think this situation calls for one. Don’t you?” Wanda ran a nervous hand through her hair as the crying got even louder. “So... Go to sleep my babies.” She waved her hands, yet the two babies continued crying.
Once again, she waved her hands, and nothing happened. The babies did begin giggling though. Wanda placed her hands on her hips in annoyance. “Well, I don’t think it’s very funny. Why won’t you do what I want?” The moment was interrupted as you entered the room again.
“I have a special delivery of binkies for a Billy and Charlie Maximoff!” You declared as you walked over to the cribs with the items in hand. You gave one to each twin and for a moment it seemed to appease them. 
Wanda breathed out in relief. “Look, I think it’s working.” As soon as the words left her lips the twins spit out the binkies and began crying again. “Y/n, what are we doing wrong?” Wanda questioned dejectedly with a pout.
You wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. “Don’t worry, love. We’ll figure it out. I think we just need some more practice.” 
Wanda leaned into you. “Maybe. Or maybe we just need some help.” As if on cue, the doorbell rang and in strolled Agnes before either of you could even open the door.
“Hiya, kids.” She greeted lightly as she walked over to the couch and threw the bag that was in her hands onto it. “I was just on my way to jazzercise when I heard your new bundles of joy were on a sleep strike.”
You frowned slightly as you watched the exchange, confused as to how she could have possibly known that. “Oh? Who told you that?” You questioned skeptically.
Agnes turned towards you with a playful smile. “Um. My ears.” She teased. You forced out a laugh because it felt like what you were supposed to do. “Anyway. Auntie Agnes is here, and I’ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve.”
Wanda sighed in relief. “Oh, Agnes, you’re a lifesaver.” 
Relief was the opposite of what you felt as you watched Agnes step closer to your children. The thought of allowing a stranger to watch them put you on edge. Wanda watched you in confusion. “Actually, you know what? I think we can manage.” You stepped in front of the crib protectively with a tense smile on your face. 
For a moment Agnes shifted uncomfortably before she turned to face Wanda, an unsure look overcoming her features. “Um… do you want me to start over?”
Both you and Wanda exchanged confused glances. “I’m sorry?” Wanda replied, her brows furrowed.
“You want me to hold the babies?” Agnes questioned as she picked up the bag she had previously placed on the couch. “Should we just take it from the top?”
Tension hung in the air as Wanda let out an uncomfortable laugh. You laughed along uncertainly, not knowing what was going on. “Don’t be silly. Y/n, I think Agnes can handle it.” Wanda looked over at you with wide eyes. Almost as though she were pleading with you to let it go. 
The smile on her face made the comment seem much more easy going than it really was. You stayed silent as Agnes made her way over to the twins once again.
“Fussy babies, meet buns of steel. We dare you to stay awake.” Agnes joked, easily falling back into her carefree nature. Something felt off about the situation as you observed the way Wanda amusedly watched Agnes rock the twin’s cribs. 
Everything about the moment seemed over the top. Forced. 
“Wanda.” You called her over to where Agnes would be out of ear-shot. “What was that?”
A tentative smile overcame Wanda’s features. “What was what?” 
You bit your lip pensively as you thought over what had just occurred. “That. With Agnes just now. What Agnes said… the way she looked at you. Like she was waiting for instructions.”
Wanda reached over and gently tugged your lip until you released it. “I think she was just confused, love.” Wanda answered softly, as she reached over to caress your cheek. “She seems fine now.”
Out of reflex you found yourself leaning into her touch. Despite the comfort of the action, your mind remained conflicted. You could faintly hear Agnes making jokes, but none registered to you over the haze in your mind. “It’s just so strange.”
“Oh, that’s not fair. It’s not Agnes’ fault she has an unusually high libido.” Wanda said with an amused smile, assuming you were replying to Agnes’ comment.
You placed your hand over hers and pulled it down, so your intertwined hands rested in the space between you. “Wanda. Did you really not see what I saw?”
Again, that look that you’d found yourself becoming all too familiar with overcame Wanda’s features as her eyes flooded with worry. 
Commotion in the kitchen interrupted the moment as you both turned to find Agnes riffling through the liquor cabinet which she assured you was for the babies. Wanda turned back to you more composed. “Y/n. The twins haven’t slept in days, you and I both needed a break and Agnes was just being neighborly. Be here with me.” She pleaded.
Your response felt automatic, like the words were a promise you had made to Wanda before. Like the words were something she needed to hear and you unconsciously knew it. “I’ll always be here for you, Wanda. Unconditionally and always on your side.” You reassured her sincerely, placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. 
Wanda’s eyes shone with unshed tears at your words. “Do you hear that?” you questioned before she could form a response.
Her eyes followed you skeptically as you moved forward. “Hear what?”
“Absolutely nothing!” You exclaimed excitedly as you made your way over to the cribs. 
Wanda eagerly followed after you. “They finally fell asleep!” She took your hand in hers as you both leaned over the cribs only to find them empty. “Where are the twins?”
“Mommy? Momma?” You both spun around to find the twins no longer infants but rather toddlers. You both recoiled slightly in shook, not expecting it in the slightest.
Agnes chuckled. “Kids. Can’t control ‘em. No matter how hard you try.” She said lightly as she took a drink from the glass in her hands. 
Both you and Wanda leaned down and opened your arms as the twins each rushed into the offered embrace. Wanda picked up Charlie as you picked up Billy. 
You shared a brief glance with Wanda and despite all the confusion you felt, your heart had never felt more full than in that moment. Wanda. The twins. That was all that mattered to you. All your unanswered questions could wait.
“Good morning, my beautiful family!” You greeted cheerfully as you wandered into the kitchen, your steps faltering when you noticed the unfamiliar dog in Wanda’s arm. “Good morning dog I do not know. Who’s this?”
Wanda placed the dog back on the floor as she made her way over to you and leaned in for a short kiss which you easily reciprocated. “We’re not quite sure actually.”
Unexpectedly, Agnes entered the home before you could reply. “Hi, kiddos!” She greeted, carrying a dog house in her arms. 
Your brows furrowed. “How did she know that we would need a dog house.” You mumbled to yourself as Wanda pretended she didn’t hear.
Agnes placed the dog house on the counter as she leaned down to be eye level with the twins. “My kitchen window told me someone got a new pooch!”
Wanda turned to smile brightly at the twins who smiled excitedly back at her. “I have always said I wanted a dog.” You added quietly to yourself. Wanda looked back at you and winked.
“Have we named him yet?” Agnes asked enthusiastically.
Billy and Charlie both turned to watch the dog curiously sniff at the electrical outlet. “How about Sniffy?” Billy suggested happily as Charlie nodded along with her brother.
A small spark in the outlet caused the dog to whimper away. “How about Sparky?” Agnes countered jokingly.
“Well. Should we make it official?” Wanda asked as she raised her hand and flicked her fingers, a collar appearing out of thin air. Charlie eagerly took the collar from Wanda’s hand as she and Billy rushed to put it on the dog.
Your eyes widened in shock at her actions. “Wanda,” You hissed. “Agnes is right there.”
Wanda waved her hand dismissively. “She didn’t notice. She didn’t even notice when the twins went from babies to 5-year old’s.” She finished with a laugh.
A frown formed on your lips at her flippant attitude. Conflict began building within your mind. “That’s not what we agreed on when we first got here. What happened to wanting to fit in? You made no effort to hide your abilities.”
In response Wanda shrugged slightly. “I’m tired of hiding, Y/n. And you shouldn’t feel you have to hide either.” Much like the day before she caressed your cheek.
With hesitation you wrapped your fingers around her palm and gently brought her hand down from your face. “Wanda, you and I are usually so in tune, but right now… I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me.” 
Once again worry flooded the eyes that you loved so much as Wanda stared back at you. Her mouth opened to respond when-
“Is Sparky our dog, Momma?” Charlie asked you hopefully as Billy pouted by her side. Wanda schooled her features as she turned to face the twins.
You nervously ran a hand through your hair as you avoided answering the question. Thankfully Wanda took over. “Billy, Charlie, your mother and I don’t think you’ll be properly ready to care for an animal until you’re at least…” Wanda glanced back at you for help.
You faked a cough to mask your answer. “10.”
“10 years old.” Wanda finished, holding up ten fingers to emphasize her point. You nodded along in support but deep down you knew you wanted to keep the dog as much as the twins did. You had always wanted a dog, but life always seemed to always get in the way. You could vaguely remember Anna trying to convince you to keep a stray you had seen on the street.
As you were lost in your thoughts, you noticed Billy and Charlie exchange knowing looks.
Your eyes widened with realization of what they were about to do. “Wait, a minute! No, no, no-” The protest fell on deaf ears as the twins aged up despite the objections coming from both you and Wanda. 
“Let’s just hope this dog stays the same size.” Agnes joked as she handed Sparky over to you. You couldn’t help the smile that overcame you as Sparky licked your face. Wanda watched the exchange with adoring eyes. 
“Thanks for helping me set up this new computer, Y/n. No one else around here feels comfortable leaving the typewriters behind.” Ellie explained as you finished connecting all the wires. 
You smiled in response. “And… done!” You exclaimed plugging in the final wire. “What do you say? Shall we surf the internet?”
Ellie giggled as she stood behind you. “Cowabunga!” You clicked one of the keys. “Look, we’ve already got an electronic mail!” She excitedly pointed to the notification.
Unable to help yourself, you laughed at her response. “It’s an E-mail, Ellie.” You informed her as you opened the message which the entire office chillingly began reading in unison. Something about Dr. Darcy Lewis’ findings and a ‘Maximoff anomaly’. 
Discomfort filled your body as you desperately reached forward to shut off the computer. At the last moment you noticed Ellie reach forward at the same time. The computer gave off a spark as you made contact with it.
You fought to keep your eyes open as the paperwork spread across your desk seemed to grow the more you got done. “That’s it. You’re about to pass out. We’re done. Let’s get you back to base.” You indistinctly heard as someone gently lifted you from your seat and wrapped an arm around you to steady you.
Typically, you’d protest, but the exhaustion prevented that. “As my mentor would say, I can do this all day.” You mumbled sarcastically, leaning heavily into the support.
“You’re cute.” The compliment was soft, like you weren’t supposed to hear it. 
Feeling bold, you turned to face the woman. “Are you flirting with me, Agent Fletcher?” You teased in a mockingly shocked tone.
A blush spread across her cheeks. “That depends, Agent Y/ln… Is it working?” She questioned as she looked up at you from under her lashes. 
You fought back the guilt that lingered on the surface as you flirted back. You had no reason to feel guilty. This was a part of healing. Moving on. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel an attraction to the other woman. “I don’t know. I think I’m going to need a bit more to make a qualified decision, Amelia.” 
Amelia slowly leaned in, giving you time to pull away. You didn’t. 
When you finally got back to your apartment you slid down the wall and pulled your phone out of your pocket. On numb fingers, you began dialing the one number you knew that you’d always have memorized. 
The phone rang and just as you were about to hang up a voice spoke out. “Hello? Who is this?” A sigh escaped your lips when the familiar voice filled your ears. “How did you get this number?”
You didn’t respond even though you wanted to. Finding resolve to stay away from her was taking a toll.
 In the morning you could just blame it on being sleep deprived, but for now you could admit just hearing her voice put your mind at ease. 
“… Y/n?” She finally whispered out. You quickly ended the call and tossed the phone to the side. You felt an odd sense of satisfaction when you heard it crack on impact. It was a burner anyway. 
As much you didn’t want to admit it, the love was still there. Your heart would always go back to Wanda. No matter how hard you tried to pull away. 
With a gasp you looked around, finding your mind in the office once more, the dream-like memory fading rapidly in your mind. All you remembered was that Ellie was in this one. 
“Y/n. Please. Please you have to help me.” Ellie balled her hands into the front of your shirt suddenly, her eyes wide. “How long has it been? What happened? Please!”
Your eyes widened as you could feel yourself become overwhelmed. “Ellie! I don’t- I don’t understand. What are you talking about?” You stuttered out anxiously. 
You met her panicked eyes as she yanked you by the shirt. “You have to stop her!” 
Ellie’s grip on your shirt tightened even more as you attempted to back away. “Stop who?”
“She’s in my head! None of it is my own. It hurts. Make her stop.” Ellies face crumpled in pain. “MAKE HER STO-” In a panic you pulled her hand down by the wrist and connected her with the sparking computer again. Almost immediately her features returned to normal. 
With shaky hands you released her wrist, your heart racing with fear. “Say, if you’re so good with computers, what else are you good with?” She flirted and for once you preferred it.
Wordlessly you stumbled away and over to your desk to gather your things. You didn’t know what was happening, all you knew was that you needed to get back to Wanda. Now. 
Part 4! There is definitely still dialogue used from Wandavision, but I think it’s starting to take its own shape now. I would say the second part of this chapter is where the chaos begins to ensue. 
Anyway... I hope you all liked the glimpses into Wanda and Y/n’s life on the run pre-Infinity War. And Y/n’s life away from the avengers. Also there was a call back to a chapter in “Love Goes” did anyone catch it? 
As always, I hope you all enjoyed! Thoughts and comments always welcome. :)
p.s. This is still who I picture as Ellie/ Amelia. :)
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Lizzie is still my #1 though 
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bukojuiice · 3 years
the wedding booth  — eren jaeger
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ೃ pairing: (eren jaeger x  fem! reader)
ೃ after being unwillingly dragged to plan and create a wedding booth for your first university festival, eren accompanies you to a bridal boutique. there, he contemplates about the future and all of the cheesy romantic stuff he wants to do with you.
ೃ genre and warnings: college au, lots and lots of fluff!
ೃ  my nav  →  my aot masterlist
ೃ 1k words
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My Big Fat Greek Wedding, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Wedding Planner, Wedding Crashers... hell, even Mamma Mia.
If having to be forced to watch these romantic comedies about weddings doesn't give you the sudden urge to get hitched and run away to some tropical island, then you don't know what will.
For your very first uni fair at Shigashina University, your friends had proposed a Marriage booth. To be more specific, three of your friends did. Jean, Sasha, and Connie are the masterminds behind this stupid idea and it's all because of three things:
1. Jean is pining over Mikasa so so bad. So many years have passed and yet he still hasn't found a way to confess. And so, due to his pompous ass binge-watching stupid rom-coms recently, he thinks that if "fake dating" can bring two people together, then having a fake wedding with his unrequited crush of 12 years could finally make her fall for him too. He wants the booth to be as iconic as a wedding straight out of Las Vegas. Problem is, he's never been to Las Vegas, and his terribly unrealistic basis for wanting it to be as iconic as a "Las Vegas Wedding" is that one scene from The Hangover and that episode from Friends.
He was delusional and yet, he wanted to push through with this proposal no matter what. Nothing was going to stop him... not unless it was one of the three seniors whom you would be proposing this project to in the first place.
2. Sasha's goals are much normal. A bit odd, but still normal and not as desperate as Jean's. All she wants is to get Ymir, the captain of the school's soccer team to confess to Historia, the freshman Bio-Chemistry student who works part-time as a library assistant (and whom everyone secretly fawns over for. she's just that damn cute.) However, the real reason as to why she helped [rp[pse this stupid marriage booth to get them to finally confess to each other is anyone's guess.
3. Connie thinks he's gonna get clout from this. Rise up the university hierarchy perhaps? He's treating the entire festival like it's high school all over again. He prays that the marriage booth will become the hottest thing in the festival, then he'll instantly become that cool and bad-ass freshie whom everyone wants to be friends with. Either way, if the booth is going to be a success or not, you know for a fact he's never going to be a part of the "cool kids" (good lord, can you believe people still use that term in college?) and he's gonna be stuck with you and your other friends for the rest of the years to come.
It didn't take long before they finally finished their elaborate PowerPoint Presentation (despite Connie insisting that Powerpoint is boring) that they were going to pitch to three of the principal members of the student council. Namely, Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman, and Hange Zoe.
It was gonna be an automatic no for Levi, obviously. Nothing could ever get past that man. But if they can somehow convince Erwin and most especially Hange to get on board with their stupid scheme, then the booth was good to go.
Now, here you are, in a bridal boutique. Purchasing some simple wedding dresses that will serve as your rent-a-dress service for the Marriage booth.
It wasn't originally a part of the plan. Not at all.
However, Hange would only approve of the project IF the wedding booth was going to be made into something more elaborate and memorable. They didn't want something as simple as printing out fake marriage contracts, cheap tulle fabric wedding veils, fake plastic bouquets, and wedding pictures that came out of a polaroid camera.
Oh no no no. They wanted it to be extravagant. The cream of the crop. The absolute bomb. The best booth at the festival.
Hange saw potential in the idea and with an approved budget by the student council, you could make anyone's wedding dreams come true.
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 Fast forward to a week before the event, you are currently on a shopping spree with Armin, Mikasa, and your boyfriend, Eren (because Sasha insisted he had the right proportions for the rental groom outfits. She totally did not ask him to come along so that he can see you try on wedding gowns.) to buy supplies, props, decorations, and everything else needed.
"(Y/N), we'll meet you and Eren at the bridal boutique, okay?" Armin proclaims, looking at the time on his wristwatch and struggling to balance the shopping bags on his other hand.  Mikasa notices how much he's been struggling and offers to hold the bags for him.
"Sure! Don't forget about the list that Jean sent!" You shout back, turning to Eren as his fingers interlace with yours, making your merry way to the boutique whilst Armin and Mikasa go off the other direction.
"Don't get too excited." You joke, nudging Eren on the arm. "I'll just be trying on these dresses for the booth."
There's a particular glimmer in Eren's emerald eyes, chuckling at your quip. "Sheesh. Did you really have to remind me? Of course I know that. Besides, we're too young to even think about marriage right now. What's important is that I'm spending the best years of my life with you."
"Eren Grisha Jaeger, it is too damn early for you to make me a blushing pile of mess with your flirty comebacks." You deadpan, the heat rising up your cheeks as you try to hide your embarrassment from him.
The both of you laugh it off, shuffling into the store. The chiming bells of the shop door echo around the area as you look in awe at the luxurious dresses occupying every available space. The wafting smell of a vanilla pinecone scent and the soft sound of a sewing machine doing its work. There was a homey and rustic feel to this boutique that made you feel like you were sent back in time.
From great flouncy pieces adorned in layers of lace that rolled like ocean waves to more humble designs, albeit of the finest cloth.
This plethora of finery- reminds you strongly of the many genteel ladies depicted in those books and historic romances you used to read and watch. Like that of Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility.
Having the opportunity to enter a boutique such as this was a dream.
"Welcome! May I help you find anything?" A seamstress appears from the register. She looks at you from head to toe, as if trying to guess your measurements.
"W-we're looking for wedding dresses. Anything within the 200 to 300 dollar range? We don't need anything extra fancy, though! We'll just be needing them-"
Her eyes shift from you to Eren like she's suddenly a love coach, sizing the two of you up. "Yes, yes, young love! How sweet!" She chirps, breathing out a dreamy sigh. "Of course! For couples on a tight budget, we have-"
"We're looking for wedding dresses that can be used as costumes! Not too short and not too long either. W-we're not getting married or anything." You dismiss the seamstress with a wave of your hand. "I'm sorry if you thought of it that way..."
Although her shoulders visibly drop, the saleswoman still manages to smile. "Oh! I would like to apologize for assuming anything too!"
"Actually, mam, we do have plans sometime in the future." Eren grins cheekily, pulling you close to him. "Not today, of course, but we'll make sure to drop by in a few years!"
The saleslady's eyes lit up at Eren's vow. "Over here are some of our best-selling pieces! Ones that will certainly attract the eye of any groom!" She beckons you over to some mannequins lined up in the middle of the store, your gaze is drawn to the myriad of dresses on display as you walk throughout the space.
You turn back to Eren, studying him closely as he walks a few paces behind you, you thoughtfully wonder if the dresses you would pick out would match his taste.
She leads you to the back of the store to show the other garments and dresses embroidered with simplicity and yet elegance. You then pick two gowns up from their respective racks, satisfied with your purchase and making a beeline to the register to pay. However, the seamstress stops you from your tracks.
"How about this one, dear?"
You turn your attention to her, doe-eyed and curious as to what she was going to show you next.
"It is indeed a wedding dress, although not what you had asked for, the handsome young man did say something about your marriage plans. Perhaps this might help you visualize it? Give you an idea for the future, hm?" She hums wistfully, drawing your attention to the mannequin she placed in front of you. "It would be a shame if you left the boutique without trying anything on."
"(Y/N)?" You hear Eren's husky voice call out for you from the front of the store, "Armin just texted me. They can't find a specific prop in the crafts store so we might have to wait a bit longer for them."
"Okay! We can spare more time in the boutique, anyways." You answer back,  before turning your attention to the seamstress once more.
"Alright. I think I'll try it on then."
"Trying it on" turned out to be more than you had imagined. You thought you could just slip inside the dress and show it off. But nope. You needed a few adjustments to dress, adornments in your hair, and had to wear a wedding veil.
It was almost as if you were actually preparing to be wed.
"Good sir, your lovely missus is ready!" Yup, even the words of the seamstress made you feel like you were living in the 17th century right now. Did she really have to use such fancy words?
"Please, watch your step." The seamstress takes your hand and leads you out of the dressing room and right towards—
Eren who had been waiting in the shop proper.
"Doesn't she look beautiful?" She giggles, glancing at Eren for a response. "Well, I'll leave the two of you here first and bring the dresses you've chosen to the cash register first." In a wink, she's gone and had disappeared into the back almost before the words left her mouth.
The unfamiliar yet elegant garb makes you feel shy and the fact that Eren was gaping at you did not help at all. He was absolutely entranced by your beauty.
You unconsciously lower your head, tucking a strand of hair beneath your ear, unable to bear the thought.
"God, you're not just beautiful. Y-you look breathtaking."
He says in a barely audible whisper, pulling you to him once more.
Placing his hands on your waist, Eren plants a soft, tender kiss on your chest, the low-cut dress affording it easily. In a heartbeat, you feel your cheeks grow hot.
"Heh. Guess I got you again." He grins wolfishly, still admiring your beauty and tracing circles on the back of your hand. "I-I don't deserve you... I really don't."
"If you didn't deserve me, would you be here right now?" You say jokingly, raising your eyebrow.
"I mean it." He buries his face on the hem of your dress, his voice is muffled and soothing. "I can't believe you chose to love me." He looks up at you, eyes practically welling up with tears. "God, I honestly can't believe I'm crying right now, but, yeah... I am. That's how much I love you and how much I want to marry you right now."
You giggle at the expression your boyfriend has shown before you, stroking his hair and burying your fingers into his long brunette locks. "I love you too. But... why so sudden? You already told the saleswoman that we'll be back in a few years. She'd be surprised to hear you change your mind so easily."
"Well, if that's the case, then I better tell Jean to have us first on the list of the wedding booth then. We worked our asses off for this, might as well be the first to be blessed with the luck of that stupid booth."
You giggle once more as he continues to hold you so close. You feel his breath and his heartbeat. Each exhale and pulse brings you to the realization that Eren is the one. The man you want to be with for the rest of your life. The man who will help you through all your faults and mistakes, your burdens and troubles, through all the ups and downs... he will be there.
Just as you will be for him.
Guess those stupid movies centered around weddings weren’t so bad after all
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.taglist: @crapimahuman​
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staplernpaper · 3 years
Harvey who (Spencer Reid x reader)
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Summary: Spencer accidentally overhears your conversation with Penelope. After hearing the conversation, he thinks you're dating a man named Harvey. But Harvey isn't exactly what spencer thinks he is.
Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: Mentions of divorce
Author note: Ten points if you can guess whose Harvey. What did the nut say while chasing the other nut, I'm a cashew.
It was really rare for Spencer to befriend people within his age range. You however were one of those few exceptions. Your friendship started out as work colleague status which eventually blossomed into a friend outside of work status. Even though that was expected when joining the BAU; when someone new joins they slowly integrate into the family. This was different. Since you were both close in age, you never really saw him as a kid but rather an equal. It was refreshing on his part.
Being in the same age range wasn't the only reason he considered you as a friend. Turns out you are very similar to him in terms of personality and preferences. You both didn't enjoy spending your weekends at noisy clubs but rather enjoy the silence of your home with a good book in hand. You both shared a love of sci-fi shows, his vast knowledge made movie nights more fun as he'd be able to point out the fiction from facts. His rambles were one of the many things you looked forward to at work, so when word got out that you actually enjoy hearing it, he'd obviously started rambling more during your hangouts.
While you were close with Spencer, he obviously wasn't your only friend on the team. You considered everyone on the team to be your friend, but other than Spencer you'd also considered Penelope to be another close friend. While he and you shared some interests, there are just some things that he doesn't understand. Especially newer and recent pop culture. So whenever you needed to geek out on a new video game or tv show, you'd usually talk to her. Because of this, it was a really common occurrence for you to run away to the 'Batcave' during lunch hour. Which exactly was what is happening right now.
For the past week, you've been hanging out a lot with Penelope. During your lunch hour, you'd either go to the 'Batcave' to hang out or go out to have lunch with just the two of you. Spencer was obviously saddened by this cause he was starting to miss being by your side. Of course, he didn't want to intrude on your Garcia time. Therefore, he thought it would be a good idea to buy your favourite pastries and beverage from your favourite café. He wanted to see you just for a bit and see your smile. Seeing that smile would really make his day. So with drinks and pastries in hand, he made his way to the 'Batcave'. He had food for you, him, and Penelope (he didn't want to leave her out).
As he was approaching the room, he could somewhat hear your conversation. However, as he got closer that's when he could truly hear the words that were being uttered. He stopped on a dead track. For what he heard knocked him out of his mismatched socks.
"Ahhh!!! Pen I gave Harvey the bouquet of flowers yesterday. We're officially dating"
" That's so good for Kitten!!! You've been gushing about that doctor all week"
Spencer was shocked. Never had you mentioned that you were seeing someone else. Let alone mentioned that you were interested in a 'Harvey'. Hearing this made his stomach turned. But he really didn't know why. Shouldn't he feel happy for you? You finally found someone who could potentially be a partner that you could spend your whole life with. However he couldn't help but think, where would he be in this equation. Will you have to forgo your friendship to spend time with this Harvey. His brain was running through the many possibilities that he didn't hear the door opening.
" Oh hey Spencie, glad to see you here," you remarked. There you stood at the door with those beautiful (y/e/c) eyes staring back at him.
"Hi there (y/n), I umm.. decided to go to that café you liked to pick up some coffee. While I was there I thought I'd also pick some pastries and drinks for you and Penelope. Uh here you go." he stated as handed the foods and beverages to you. Judging by your smile, you were very delighted by this surprise. You handed Garcia her drink and food.
"Ohh Spencer you are truly a sweetheart" Garcia thanked him. She had also offered Spencer to join them. A part of him wanted to, this was finally a chance to be with you. But another part of him dreaded it, for he was afraid that if he joined the topic of conversation would be about this Harvey. Weighing out the odds he declined Garcia offer.
" I'd really like to but I can't. Derek asked if I could help him with his paperwork umm.. as he seems to be a bit behind so I ahh.. really need to get back to work. I'll see you later." he fumbled with his words as he tried to come up with a good enough excuse. Hopefully, Derek would be willing to play along later.
" Okie Dokie then I'll see you later then. Bye-bye," you responded with a wave. Spencer returned the wave and made his way out of the room. As soon as he was out of your sight, he made a dash for it. Maybe Emily or Derek would know more about this 'Harvey'.
Since lunch hour was almost over he knew he could find them at their respective desks soon. He took a seat at his desk while waiting for either Morgan or Emily. While waiting, his brain kept running through the many possibilities of what this 'Harvey' guy is like. What made you attracted to him. Was it his looks? His Personality? How did you meet? He kept asking himself all these questions, but of course, his train of thought would be disturbed.
"Umm Spencer, you okay?" Emily concerned seeing him stare into space, it was definitely out of character for him.
Even though Spencer's first intention was to ask Emily and/or Derek about Harvey, the rational side of his brain thought that this was a bad idea. This is your love life, maybe he shouldn't be such a busy body. "Oh, it's nothing” Spencer tried to brush it off maybe he really shouldn’t pry into your love life.
Even though Emily didn’t buy it she didn’t want to pry him further. He’ll tell when he's ready. But of course, Spencer's brain wouldn't let him rest. How long have you been dating? What if you got married to 'Harvey'? Oh, screw it!!!
“Has (y/n) mentioned seeing anyone?” Spencer hesitantly asked Emily
“No. Not That I'm aware of”
Spencer was obviously saddened by this. He was hoping that someone other than Penelope would have intel on Harvey.
"Why is she seeing someone?" Emily was truly shocked. Seeing the way Spencer and you interacted, she thought you two would have a major crush on one another. I mean It was pretty obvious on Spencer's part.
" I mean I'm not too sure. I overheard her conversation with Penelope..." Spencer explained further the details he heard to Emily.
As soon as Spencer finished explaining to Emily, Derek made his appearance. What perfect timing.
" What you two gossiping about?" Derek inquired. Seeing Emily and Spencer so close to each other meant that whatever they were talking about had to be juicy.
" A guy named Harvey stole Spencer's chance on asking (y/n) out" Even though she knew Spencer was having an internal meltdown on this situation, she couldn't help but tease him.
" Hey, I don't have a crush on (y/n). I just wanted to know if either knew more about Harvey. So far the only thing I know is that he's a doctor "
" Wait, I think I know who this 'Harvey' guy is." As soon as Derek stated those words Spencer turned his head and focused towards him.
Spencer was shocked. I mean Emily didn't know anything about Harvey. The girls of the BAU rarely kept secrets from each other. How would Derek know? Or was he just trying to trick him the way most older brothers do to their younger siblings?
" Yeah if I'm not mistaken he's a doctor who works in a clinic. Penelope was telling me how (y/n) would totally be interested in a guy like him. From what she said he's a kind-hearted coffee addict who's into jazz and model planes"
Recalling back from the conversation, Penelope did mention that he was a doctor. Therefore, the Harvey that Derek was telling them had to be the same Harvey he overheard. This was exactly what Spencer wanted, he wanted to know more about Harvey. He got what he wanted yet he felt despaired by this info. But why?
His sad facial expression was obvious to Derek and Emily. You didn't need to be a profiler to be able to see it.
" Hey, Spence don't be sad. Maybe this relationship won't last and then you'll have another chance to ask her out" Emily joked trying her best to reassure him.
" For the last time, I don't have a crush on (y/n). Sure I'm a little bit sad that we won't get to hang out like we used BUT I'm not sad that she finally found a partner. A partner that will spend their whole life making her happy" Spencer tried to convince Derek and Emily. But the way he was explaining it was as if he was also trying to convince himself.
" Really?" Derek raised an eyebrow. He obviously wasn't convinced.
" Yes. My feelings to her are 100% platonic" trying to further convince them.
" Your sad at the idea that she'd likely spend less time with you right?" Derek asked Spencer.
" Yes"
" Why would you be sad in the first place. You weren't sad when JJ started spending less time with you when she and William started to get serious"
" That's different. The dynamic that I have with JJ is different from the dynamic I have with (y/n)"
" Oh really, how so?" a smug tone was now evident in Derek's voice.
" I don't know," Spencer was somewhat frustrated with this interrogation that Derek was conducting.
" The way I see it is your jealous of the idea of her spending time with someone else because you want her to use that time with you"
" That doesn't prove that I have a crush on her," Spencer tried to rebuttal.
" That's not the only thing pretty boy, you also bought drinks and foods for her just so you could spend time with her. You spend most of your time talking and thinking about her. Which is exactly what we're doing right now," Derek continued listing all the other signs that proved that Spencer had a crush on you.
" Well, there you go. All the signs of a crush. Therefore you have hots for (y/n)," Derek teased Spencer.
Maybe Derek was right. Maybe he did have a crush on you.
Shocked at the newfound feelings he had for you, he decided to take a sip of the coffee he bought. He stopped drinking when he realized that this wasn't his drink, but rather Gracia's. He was contemplating if he should return it or wait for Garcia to retrieve her rightful drink. However, since it's been a good 15 minutes since his visit to Garcia's office, he knew he would have to make the first move.
" I'll be right back. I accidentally took Garcia's drink."
Once spencer was out of hearing range, Emily started her own little interrogation.
" Hey! I thought we ALL agreed that (ship name) should and will happen. It was Garcia who came up with the name for goodness sake. Why would she Garcia set (y/n) with somebody else?"
" Trust me Harvey is not who you think he is"
At this point in time, he thought all conversations of Harvey would halt. He was so wrong. But what he heard this time, made him sick to his stomach.
" If I play my cards right, I should be able to propose in roughly two weeks. After proposing we'll get married after three days. Then I'll have Harvey as my beloved husband" Your chipper voice most likely reflected the immense joy that you were feeling. This was such a huge contrast to what he was feeling. He had this really uneasy feeling in his stomach. A sense of hopelessness, anguish and despair took over his body.
This was a bad idea. You've only just started officially dating yesterday but now you have already planned to get married in less than a month. In their line of work, you should have known better than jumping into a relationship like that.
For a second he thought that this was simply jealousy speaking. Maybe it wasn't right to interfere. But after a second thought, he knew that this was crazy. He will try to talk you out of this little senseless escapade later. For now, he'd stick to his original plan
With a knock on the door, he made his entrance. He handed Penelope her correct drink and she returned his back. Thank whatever deities existed that prevented Penelope from taking a sip from spencer's coffee.
" Hey Spencie, since I should be getting back to my desk let's walk back together" Before even waiting for a response, you instantly made your way next to him. You both said your goodbyes to Garcia and made your way back to your desk.
Since you planned on proposing to Harvey in two weeks, he knew he had to confront you today and the sooner the better. Throughout the whole day, Spencer has been meaning to talk to you. First, it was during your walk back to the desks. He thought he could broach the subject, however, since it was the end of lunch hour a whole slew of people was in the halls. He couldn't have a private conversation with you.
He made another attempt when he saw you alone in the break room. Even though the break room had an open concept, it was already 5pm therefore half of the people on this floor had already left. Though he wanted to have this conversation in private, this opportunity was better than nothing. He was about to get up from his desk but then he saw Anderson making his way to the break room. He then started a conversation with thus ruining his chances to talk to you ALONE in the break room.
Alright, third times the charm. There he stood outside the door of your apartment. He was kind of hoping you wouldn't be home however he could see the light coming through from under the door and hear your footsteps from inside. He was practically shaking like a leaf, his hands were clammy and rehearsing was he was going to say under his breath. It's now or never.
Once he rang the doorbell, his heart had begun pounding rapidly and a sense of doom began to surface. A part of him wanted to make a run for it, in fact, he was about to make a run for it. But then the door opened.
" Hey Spencie, surprise to see you here. What brings you here at night?" Spencer had been practising on what he was going to say to you the whole day. Before reaching your apartment he had already decided which version of the speech he wanted to say. But now standing here and seeing you in your pyjamas, he ended up fumbling with his sentences. It was a mess.
Your face contorted in confusion, no denying you were puzzled at the words Spencer was trying to say. However, since you were only wearing your pyjamas and still standing at the door, the night air started nipping at your skin. Since the cold was starting to get to you, you invited Spencer inside. Hopefully, he'll be able to properly compose his word inside.
Spencer was currently sitting on your couch while you were in the kitchen brewing up some coffee. He felt somewhat defeated since he couldn't get the right words out. His shaking hands were the evidence of his nervousness. He needed to calm down.
Breathe in
Breathe out...
Breathe in
Breathe out...
You did always say the breathing exercises did help calm your nerves. Now he was a little bit more calmed and composed. His hands were a little bit shaky but definitely more steady. Rehearsing what he was going to say, he felt like he was ready. He planned to say something around these lines:
1. Tell her what you overheard. Don't forget to apologize for listening to their private conversation.
2. Congratulate you on your new relationship.
3. Try to find out more about Harvey. Maybe she'll tell him something about the relationship that is a major red flag (besides the upcoming proposal)
4. Tell her about overhearing her wanting to propose. Don't forget to apologize again for snooping on a private conversation.
5. Try to put a stop to the engagement. Statistical facts would help to suede her to not propose.
In the many versions of his speech, he did include confessing his feelings but decided against it. It would have been selfish of him to do so. If you did find your true love he'll try to support you the best he can, even if it kills him. But he definitely could not support you in getting married so soon into a relationship. Even if he didn't have feelings for you he would still try to talk you out of it; it was a crazy idea in general.
His internal speech rehearsal was interrupted when he heard the door's of the kitchen opening and the closing. You made your way to the couch with two mugs in hand, you handed spencer's his coffee and set yours onto the coffee table.
" At first I thought your surprise appearance was because you wanted to hang out. But seeing you agitated and fumbling with your words, there's obviously something you want to tell me," Although your voice was calm and soothing, he couldn't help but feel like he was being called out, it just made him nervous.
Nervous to the point where he decided to forgo his original plan
" You can't marry him!!!" Spencer burst out to you.
" I'm sorry, Marry? Marry who exactly?"
" Harvey. I sorry but I overhear your conversation with Garcia earlier. I heard how to were going to propose to Harvey in two weeks"
"Spencer," You called his name in order to stop him. it didn't work.
"From what I heard you only began officially dating yesterday. Also congratulations to that"
"But I think it's way too soon to propose"
"Did you know that research surveyed 3000 people, those that dated one to two years dropped their likelihood of divorce by 20 percent at any given time point and those who dated three or more dropped to 50 percent. And..."
Spencer stopped his ramble midway. The room became silent. But then your laughter broke said silence.
" Spencer I think you need a little bit more context," you said while rubbing the tears from your little laughing session. "I think instead of telling you maybe you should meet Harvey"
You went to your room to retrieve your laptop to bring it to the living room. Then, you made him sit right next to you so he could see your screen. After clicking on an icon of a chicken on your desktop, the screen opened up to a quaint tune played and the word 'Stardew Valley' appeared. At this point, Spencer was already able to piece it together.
On the screen, your farmer woke up from their bed
Then you had your farmer water the crops that were growing
Then your farmer made their way to the town
The farmer then heads to the clinic. You then click on a brown hair character.
"Spencer say hi to Harvey"
On the screen out pops out a dialogue box. Next to the dialogue was a pixelated art of a man with a moustache and glasses. At the bottom of the image was the name of the character: Harvey.
Harvey is a videogame character
Spencer felt a wave of embarrassment wave throughout his body. This moment could easily topple the ranks of Spencer's other embarrassing moments.
Judging by the prominent blush on his face and the lack of eye-contact, you could tell that he was embarrassed by this predicament.
" So let me get this straight, you thought I was gonna marry someone I've only been dating for less than a month. And you came here to talk me out of it?" confirmation of his action would help understand this situation better. Plus it was cute to see him blush.
" Yes," he answered timidly.
" In our line of work, I don't think so," hopefully a joke would bring back his spirits.
" That's what I thought of too" Spencer chuckled.
The feeling of comfort was present in the room. Now would be a perfect time, here goes.
" You wanna know why out of all the other town's folks, Harvey was the one I choose"
Spencer gave you a confused look
"Cause he's one who's the most like you. You're both shy, love your coffee way too much and plus you kinda look alike. I guess what I'm trying to say is the reason I'm dating Harvey is cause he's just like you. And I uhh.... really wanna date you cause I like you," now it was your turn to avoid eye contact and fumble with your words.
Throughout your confession, Spencer just sat there quietly with his mouth agape. " I completely understand if you don't feel the same, we can continue to be just friends if you want..." you continued on using whatever reassurance needed to be said in order to save your friendship.
Your little ramble stopped when Spencer uttered these beautiful words:
" I feel the same way. I like you too"
With the two of you knowing your true feelings for one another, you looked at each other with a loving look. "So now that I know I don't have to compete with Harvey, How would you like to go out on a date with me?" Spencer asked.
" I'd loved to go on a date with you"
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