#I do not speak BSL
spacechalk · 21 days
Through some contrivances known only to the archangel Aziraphale, the representatives of Heaven and Hell were currently huddled together in a rainy field in outer Sheffield, arguing.
            Crowley had shown up ten minutes into the meeting, nominally as “The First and Only Representative of Earth,” but the only thing he had done the entire meeting was stare unblinkingly at Aziraphale. It was giving him a headache, the kind right between your eyes that you got after you had been crying for too long.
            He checked his pocket watch again. He had been trying to do it surreptitiously, but his anxiety was getting the best of him. One minute to go.
            He met Crowley’s eyes.
            Eyebrows pinched together, he raised a fist and ran it up and down to the left of his heart. “Sorry,” he signed.
            Crowley’s eyes widened and then narrowed in concentration. He shot a quick glance at the others, but they were too engrossed in their argument. Expression stormy, he lifted a finger. “What-”
            “No time,” Aziraphale cut him off, tapping his wrist. “I need your help.”
            Crowley was so still Aziraphale thought time had paused for a moment. Every line and angle of him was tense. His scowl was so deep it looked painful. His eyes were fiery behind his glasses. Aziraphale held his breath.
            Crowley did not lay into him. Crowley did not tell him exactly what he could do with himself. Crowley did not tear him a new one. Instead, Crowley lifted his hands and signed in sharp, jerky movements. “With what?”
            Relief flooded through Aziraphale like he had stepped under a waterfall. He could feel his expression brighten, and he tried not to read too much into it that Crowley twitched slightly and his eyebrows softened somewhat at nearly the same moment.
            “New recruits,” he signed. He felt a smile start to bloom across his face. “I’ve found some more representatives for Earth.” As he inscribed the arc to indicate the world, it felt like he truly was encompassing all of it – the moths and the cracked book covers, the mud and the clogged rain gutters, the Thursday afternoons and the motorcycles - between his hands.
            The minute was up.
            Aziraphale felt a desperate flutter in his chest, like a bird trying to escape a fox, and then it was still. Looking around, it was clear the others had felt it too. Crowley rubbed his breastbone.
            “What…” Michael’s expression was pinched. She tilted her head, as though trying to hear distant music.
            Uriel had her hand over her heart. Her expression was shattered. “I can’t feel Heaven anymore,” she said.
            Hastur’s expression cleared with realization. “Oh yeah, I can’t feel Hell anymore,” he said. Panic crawled across his face. “What does that mean-”
            Aziraphale cleared his throat. All eyes fell on him.
            “I’m afraid your administrative privileges have been revoked,” he said, straightening his cuffs and dusting off his coat. He lifted his chin. “You’ll find you no longer have access to your respective agencies.”
            Silence met this pronouncement.
            “What –” Sandalphon choked out. “Do you mean – we’re stuck here?”
            Aziraphale gifted him with a benevolent smile.
            The collective response to this was panic.
            Michael shrieked and looked around at the grass she had been standing on the entire time like it had suddenly turned to lava. Her feet started an ungainly shuffle.
            Hastur fell to his knees and started tearing up chunks of sod with his bare hands, howling.
            Uriel looked around her desperately, taking in the clouds, the rain, the field. “But – but – ” she stammered. “But – what is there to do on this stupid rock?!”
            Aziraphale raised his eyebrows and looked at Crowley. “Sushi?” he suggested. He had missed it so.
            Crowley was trying not to smile, but one corner of his mouth betrayed him. “That might be a little advanced, angel,” he said. Aziraphale’s heart skipped a beat. “Maybe we could start with a ploughman’s?”
            Aziraphale sighed. “Oh, very well.”
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pxppet · 2 years
No more Jameson neutrality, if you write/draw Jameson as a naïve cutesy helpless baby-of-the-family that communicates through ~slides~ or ~telepathy~ or ~mind projections~ I hate you personally and you are actively contributing to ableism and misinformation about nonspeaking & mute people in this fanbase. Educate and examine yourself.
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yhrite · 1 year
My holiday days replenished at the start of the month and I’ve taken the week off with pretty much no plans besides for the weekend. Finally decided to take it upon myself to do something productive and put the time to use by studying Mandarin Chinese as I’ve been learning it on and off solo since my evening classes were cancelled during lockdown
I managed to drag my ass to intermediate-advanced level Japanese by myself so hoping it wasn’t a fluke and I can do something similar with Mandarin
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yotaasuke · 2 years
Anyway does anyone else ever get the overwhelming urge to speak in another language if you immerse urself in it even if you don’t actually speak very much of the language
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soup-mother · 1 month
this is a niche one but instead of "they would not fuckin say that" it's "they would not fucking use American sign language".
ASL is not the only sign language. two british characters in your fanfiction would not be using ASL. England in fact has its own kind of sign language, BSL, that forms a sign family with many other sign languages around the world.
ASL isn't even the original member of its sign family, it comes from french sign language. do you know sign languages aren't related to spoken languages? that's an important one! it's not a direct 1:1 with people speaking English around the world. people in other countries don't learn ASL just in case they run into an usamerican or Canadian (who do often use it)
i know the entire world is the USA or whatever and sign languages do sometimes borrow from ASL for signs they don't have, but please be aware that there are other sign languages and families in the world that are not in fact ASL.
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joeybarnacles · 4 months
Sometimes I think it would be super cool to live in another country but then I remember my current career path means I can literally only work in America or Canada :(
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bodhrancomedy · 4 months
Guess who's on TV!
(Well, iPlayer until the 15th, that's when it airs on BBC One)
Hope Street episode 3.11, let's go!
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First of all, I'd say they did me dirty with this picture, but my university ID was exponentially worse.
Onto the spoilers!
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Our boy Matthew has arrived in Port Devine, looking a little concerned.
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For good reason when he's suddenly confronted by this lad, Dara.
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Ah, a fight which Matthew escapes by slipping out of his coat. (Pretty sure this is the take where we ripped it practically in two...)
Dara's questioned, he claims he's never met Matthew in his life. Hmm.
Police do some investigating (and some character stuff) before Dara makes his way to Matthew's mother (Louise)'s house to have a wee showdown.
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They both in a gang and Matthew's stolen a gun. Dara needs to get it back...
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Matthew's nay having it. "This is my way out. If they want the gun back, they have to let me go."
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Another fight. The gun goes off! (Poor Pete and I were convinced after take one to put some padding on. My arm looks bulky because I'm strapped up with squishy stuff and allergic to plasters so it has to be in a sock)
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Thank fuck no one was hurt. Dara gets the hell out of dodge -
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Leaving Matthew to contemplate his mortality. And other people's, but mostly his own.
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"Oh fuck, my bosses are gonna find me and murder me, oh shit. I'm far too young and pretty to die!"
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Time for Matthew and Louise to follow Dara's example and get the fuck out of here.
The police are now on the Halbridges' trail, but they discover the phone tracking them and leave it in a field.
Meanwhile, Dara's been arrested for drug dealing. He refuses to talk, clearly nervous.
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Ah, what's this on Dara's phone? So Matthew and Dara have been in a relationship for over a year now.
(The poor intimacy coordinator having to walk me through my just about second kiss in my entire life. And the third. And the fourth. And the fifth... Pete is a very sweet person. Made it all funny.) ("Relax your hand, Bodh. Just relax it. Open - open your fingers, just let me position your hand.")
They're both working for the same gang. Matthew was given the gun to hold onto by their bosses' and freaked out, running away with the weapon. His plan was to trade his freedom for the gun, but Dara was sent to get it back for the Brazier Brothers, notorious drug runners and gang leaders.
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These guys.
Unfortunately, now Dara's had to tell the Brazier Brothers that Matthew is refusing. They're going to kill Matthew and then Dara. Oh no.
But Dara has an idea where they might be hiding.
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At the caravan there's a standoff between the police and Halbridges. But when the Braizer Brothers are arrested, they're convinced to come out.
(Side note, my favourite picture of me, ever.)
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Oh no, the Halbridges are going to jail and Matthew's regretting his life choices.
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Matthew walked off to his new life inside a jail cell.
The end.
(This is where Niall Wright accidently sublexed my shoulder. To be fair to the man, I'd never mentioned it and he took his finger sliding in-between bone like a champ)
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Look, it's me!! I was on TV! Bit sad they cut pretty much all the uses of SSE (weren't allowed BSL because we still had to speak the lines), but I got to be queer and Deaf so that's pretty nice.
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comfymoth · 4 months
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mcyt physically disabled week day two: sign language | deafness/HoH
i did say i’d try to do at least a few days of this week! i guess this kinda counts for both prompts, since tallulah is canonically HoH? i think of her as a bimodal bilingual, or someone who speaks vocally and gesturally, so here’s a small drawing of two sign language greetings, in LSM and BSL! i just couldn’t decide which one to go with haha
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pepsimaxolotl · 1 year
I might pick up Duolingo again in the new year and aim to do a full year streak
(I broke my last streak and stopped on the 31st of December 2021)
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So this is a weird ask but I figured an Actual Welsh Person would be the person to go to, and you've been pretty gung-ho about the language thing. So I hope I'm not bothering you with this.
Is there a cultural consensus on foreigners learning Welsh? I'm American and I don't have a single shred of Welsh ancestry. My family is historically German, and we've been here since the English Colony days, so it honestly seems really weird even to try to claim some tie to German heritage.
Anyway, my point is, I have absolutely zero legitimate claim to the Welsh language. I don't plan to travel to Wales in the foreseeable future. I have no reason to learn Welsh except that it sounds pretty and I enjoy a challenge.
Putting aside the issue of "lmao it's gonna be stupid difficult to learn an endangered language if you don't have anyone to speak it with" (I have a loose plan for dealing with that, and the experience of learning two languages to "can read most novels without needing the dictionary" level without anyone to speak them with in person already) entirely, do you reckon it's okay for me to study Welsh? I know Americans are really, really bad about just kinda assuming the whole world belongs to us, and I'm trying not to do that here. Especially because Welsh IS endangered.
I imagine your average Welsh person probably doesn't care what some random American does. But like, for people who care about the language...Would it be considered disrespectful or overstepping for me to study it? I don't expect you to speak for the entire country, of course, but I respect your opinion and I feel like you'd have a grasp on what the general feeling towards a foreigner like me might be.
Thanks for your time.
I honestly, truly, do not understand how the discussion around cultural appropriation has been twisted in the cultural zeitgeist to such an extent that people now feel anxiety about learning other languages.
This is not a personal attack on you, Anon - the gods only know that you clearly care and want to do the right thing, and that's beautiful and wonderful and also I will come back to extolling your personal virtues at the end of this post, so stay tuned. But I do want to take a moment here to talk about the broader issue at play, which I have seen echoed multiple times elsewhere, because fuck me what are we doing to ourselves.
Learn. Languages.
That is what languages are for! To be used for communication. If you don't learn languages, you are forcing everyone else to use yours. How have we somehow, as a culture, twisted that into being the less selfish option? How have we done that? I posted my favourite Welsh idiom recently, and someone reblogged it and wrote in the tags that they loved the idiom and would start using it, but they would do so in English because their "Welsh pronunciation would make their Welsh grandmother spin in her grave."
What kind of mental gymnastics is that?
How the fuck do you twist it so badly that you think taking a Welsh idiom for your own and exclusively using it in English is less offensive than saying it in Welsh but maybe a bit wrong? I've literally had people proclaim to me that they're learning Welsh on Duolingo but they never speak it because they're too self-conscious, and they tell me this not to highlight a massive flaw in themselves that they need to work on, but as though I'm supposed to pat them on the head and thank them for... still making me speak English to them.
There was that post where a Deaf blogger received an anonymous ask saying learning sign language is cultural appropriation, as though Deaf people haven't been calling for Sign to be taught in schools. As though a Deaf person being entirely isolated in everyday hearing society unless they have an interpreter with them is less offensive than a hearing person being able to use BSL.
Like, these are not sacred or religious languages. The purpose of Welsh or BSL or what have you is not to perform the Eleusinian mysteries. It's a living everyday language, same as English -
Except it's not the same as English. As Anon here so rightly points out, Welsh is endangered. That means we are desperate for people to learn it. That's how it will survive. That's how we reversed it from 'dying language' to 'living language', in fact - we managed to get lots of people to learn it. You know what is a threat, though? People not learning it because, like poor Anon here, they've been somehow convinced by Western society that you're only allowed to learn languages if you personally have a historic or cultural connection to them that you can prove via six forms of ID and a letter of recommendation from a druid. Or people never using it because they're too embarrassed to try and risk losing face by getting it wrong, or maybe sounding a bit silly, and thus forcing us to use English anyway. Those are threats.
Anon. Listen to me, feel the sincerity of my words: we adore you. We adore you. You cannot imagine how appreciated it is when someone learns Welsh. You cannot imagine how touched we are that you wanted to, that you tried, that you respected us enough and considered us valid enough that you made the effort. Our closest neighbours are the very people who are still trying to stamp out Welsh to this very day. Do you know the number 1 reaction I get, by a country mile, when I tell English people that I speak Welsh? It's some variant on a scoff, and the sentiment "Why? What's the point? Bit useless, isn't it?"
By a country mile. That's the reaction I expect, and brace for, and is overwhelmingly what I get.
So when someone who isn't Welsh actually chooses to learn Welsh?
Imagine what that feels like! To go from not-even-hidden disgust, from outright mockery and often active suppression campaigns, to a foreigner earnestly telling me that they love and respect my language so much they're trying to learn it. Imagine how that feels.
Please learn Welsh. Please learn it. We will love you for it. We will build you a statue. We will bake little Welshcakes with your face on in icing sugar. We will write you poems in complex rhyme. We'll name an Eisteddfod prize after you. We'll name at least, like, three sheep after you. Thank you, thank you so much for even wanting to learn. You're a delight and a marvel and a wonder. Your hair looks great today, as it does all days. You're a strong, independent human being of immense wisdom and compassion. If this were a Welsh myth you'd be a wise salmon the heroes came to for advice. What a fantastic human.
The welcome awaits if you choose to learn
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starleska · 1 year
how would wally react to a neighbor who uses ASL (sign language) to talk?
i love your head canons!
thank you very much!!! you're so kind :3c ooooh this is a wonderful idea, thank you for sending it in!! just to let you know - i'm British (unfortunately), and my personal experience of sign language is influenced by BSL, so i've tried to make this widely applicable for anyone who may use sign language. i hope you don't mind! 🥰
Wally Darling x Reader Who Uses Sign Language headcanons
⭐ Wally is versed in several types of sign language, as well as Makaton and lip-reading. as a neighbourly fellow who is ever-curious about the lovely people who stumble into his life, Wally realised early on that communication via voiced speech alone wasn't inclusive, practical, or possible for some of his friends. in fact, Wally first began learning sign language to communicate with Julie, who has a tendency to become nonverbal when overwhelmed. soon, Wally and the rest of the neighbourhood realised the enormous benefits of being versed in sign language, and began hosting impromptu classes to practice their signing. everyone in the neighbourhood is able to communicate well through sign language, but Wally is undoubtedly the most fluent! ⭐ when Wally first meets you, he is adorably excited by the way you talk. although he loves talking to his friends through sign, Wally finds conversations with you incredibly stimulating. you're interesting, and funny, and know just what to sign to make him break out into peals of his odd, halting laughter. indeed, Wally talks much faster via sign than he does through verbal speech. he often gets swept up in the act of signing; sometimes, you'll need to grab hold of his hands to get him to slow down, as he signs too fast in his excitement! ⭐ Wally is fascinated by the visuals of you signing. as we know, Wally eats with his eyes, but the things he visually devours are not limited to food. early into your friendship, Wally shyly requests that you ramble to him in sign so he can become more accustomed to your unique movements and sign-related dialect. you're happy to do so, but after a few minutes of talking to Wally, you realise his eyes have grown large: akin to an owl's eyes, absorbing all light like a black hole. you gesture to Wally to snap him out of his trance, and it takes a few blinks for his pupils to return to their normal size. he giggles, and apologises, signing: "Sorry! You speak beautifully. I was hungry." for the rest of the day, you press Wally to elaborate on what he means, but he just gives you a coy look and a shake of his head. awww i loved writing this one, thanks so much @xo-destiny!! we need more sign language headcanons in the world, and discussion of disability and non-voiced ways of communication too. hope you like this 🥰💖
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ellecdc · 2 months
poly!moonwater x mute!reader? Maybe them learning sign or comforting reader when someone makes fun or says something rude to them.
🥹🥹🥹 this is so cute omg. thanks for your request!! 🤟🤟🤟
poly!moonwater x mute!reader (gn)
You kept your face pointed downwards at your textbook and ignored the two shadows seating themselves across the table from you, hoping that if you minded your business, they would too.  
People weren’t always very understanding of your condition, and those who pretended they were usually just asked a lot of very imposing questions; if you could hear, why couldn’t you talk? Were you ignoring them? Were you faking it? What was your deal? And contrary to popular opinion, speaking louder and repeating themselves didn’t change the fact that you still couldn’t speak to them.
“Y/N, right?” You heard a voice come from in front of you. You grimaced slightly but tried to rearrange your face before looking up.
Sitting across from you was Regulus Black and Remus Lupin; the latter having been the one to speak to you.
You nodded yes to his question, which earned you a beaming smile from the scarred boy.
“I’m Remus, and this is Regulus.” He said, motioning towards the younger boy with his head. You offered the best smile you could muster and nodded hello to the two of them.
“What subject are you working on?” Regulus asked, attempting to peek at your notebook. You pulled the textbook from under your elbow and showed them the front cover.
“Herbology.” Remus narrated. “I’ve always been pants at that, honestly.”
You smiled gratefully at the two; most people don’t put much effort into trying to converse with you once they realize it requires a touch more effort on their end.
“What’s your favourite class?” Regulus asked then, causing your stomach to drop.
They had to know, right? They couldn’t not know. Did they think you would finally talk if only you wanted to badly enough? Or was this a prank? You didn’t think pranks were the younger Black’s thing, but you knew Lupin hung around with a folly crowd.
You’re not sure how long you’d been sitting there spiralling when you felt a gentle nudge to your wrist. You looked to see a piece of parchment and a quill being pushed towards you by Remus.
You looked to him then, trying to see if you could spot any malevolence in his expression.
You couldn’t.
You cautiously took the quill and parchment and scrawled out your answer quickly. Passing it back and trying to ignore the burning of your cheeks or the sound of your heartbeat in your ears.
Remus beamed at your response. “I love that class too.”
“May I ask something that might come across as terribly forward?” Regulus asked suddenly, causing your heart rate to spike.
“I was only wondering how you converse with your friends or family; what’s most comfortable for you?”
You let out a steadying breath and accepted the quill and parchment back from Remus to quickly write “sign”. 
Regulus smiled at that, and you weren’t sure you expected a Black to be capable of an expression so soft.
“Wonderful.” He said as he pulled out a heavy book from his bookbag; a muggle book entitled “BSL for Dummies”. 
You felt your eyebrows migrate into your hairline as your mouth fell open.
“Now, if it’s not terribly inconvenient for you, do you think you might be able to help us learn?” Remus asked, smiling kindly at you.
You nodded quickly, mouth quirking up into a smile as Regulus helped turn the book towards you so he could ask “is this the right way to ask someone out on a date?”
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Steph Catley x Baby!Reader
Summary: Steph talks with Macca
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The rest of the Tillies crowd around you when Steph settles in a seat.
She'd left training early last night to pick you up and sign the paperwork and had slept in. She was lucky Tony was so accommodating. This was a big moment and she's glad that she's got you now.
The idea of adopting hadn't been on Steph's mind at all until she'd finished a game and looked up to see a little girl holding a sign that said 'This is my adoption day present'.
There was something about it that got Steph thinking. It hadn't crossed her mind once and then all of a sudden it was all she could think about. The process was long and she was constantly flying back and forth from England to Australia to sort everything out.
"How old is she?" Mini asks.
"Six months," Steph replies, smiling down at you.
"You're going to be a great mum, Steph. If you need any help just call. I'd be happy to babysit for a bit."
"I can't ask you to do that. Really, it's-"
"Trust me," Mini laughs, patting her on the shoulder," Give it a few weeks and you'll see why I offered." Her eyes are drawn behind Steph's shoulder. "Kyra! Charli! Stop teaching Harper bad habits!"
More of her teammates come up to fawn over you but Steph's waiting in anticipation for one in particular.
You seem unbothered by all the noise, something almost everyone comments on and Steph has to offer them all a forced smile as she rocks you back and forth and pulls silly faces to make you giggle.
"You wanted to talk?" Mackenzie says as she falls back next to Steph," You sounded pretty serious. You're not dying are you?"
"No...Macca...I was wondering if I could get some advice."
"If it's about changing position then I don't recommend goalkeeper. If it's about this little angel, then I'm not sure I'm much help either."
"I think you are." Steph isn't quite sure why she's treating it like it's some big secret. Everyone will know eventually but it's personal right now and she doesn't want anyone prying.
"Steph, you're scaring me a little."
"You know when you found out about your hearing loss, did you feel like learning auslan would help?"
Macca's brow furrows. "Why would..." Her eyes drift down to you. Somewhere across the room, Kyra and Charli shriek. It's enough to catch everyone off guard, heads automatically turning to the source of the noise but you don't react in the slightest. "Oh."
"She failed her first AOAE test and then the second one too. She failed her ABR test too."
Macca reaches out gently as Steph looks at her with wide eyes. "Is it complete hearing loss or is she hard of hearing like me?"
"Like you. I've...I've got baby hearing aids for her..." Steph digs around in her pocket to bring out a little blue case decorated with whichever stickers caught your eye when she got you yesterday. You'd smacked a few of them when Steph presented them to you and she had stuck them onto the case. She pops it open to reveal the aids.
Honestly, Mackenzie didn't even know that you could give babies hearing aids.
"She doesn't really like them though. The doctor said to keep them in whenever she's awake but...She really doesn't like them sometimes and I don't want her teased when she goes to school."
"It's different," Macca says eventually as she watches your whole face be taken over by a yawn," I was much older when I found out. I knew how to speak and communicate. I...I don't think it could hurt to learn it with her although if you're staying with Arsenal long-term then you should probably do a bit of bsl too, just to be safe."
"Right, yes."
Steph had known about your hearing loss for months now. Some of the workers assigned to you had tried to warn you away from her because of it. They made you out to be a difficult case or defective in some way.
But Steph thought you were a little angel.
You were so perfect and sweet and she wanted to adopt you even though everyone told her that there were better, hearing babies to choose from.
But you had endeared her from the moment you met, smacking blocks together and chewing on your fingers.
"You should put her hearing aids in though," Mackenzie says," She'll get used to them eventually but they're no help if she's not wearing them. Did they teach you how?"
Steph nods. "Yeah."
"Can you teach me? Girls like us have to stick together. I can't believe they make ones that small."
That shocks a laugh out of Steph as she sits you upright to slip your hearing aids on.
You whine a little when they're turned on, scrunching up your face at all of the noise you can suddenly hear.
"Yeah," Macca laughs at your annoyance," It was like that for me too. It's so strange that people just regularly hear so much."
You turn your head towards her when she speaks, the first time she's seen you react to noise at all and giggle, kicking your feet.
Steph beams as she stands you up on her thighs and kisses your chubby baby cheeks, blowing a few raspberries on them for good measure.
"Can we play with the baby now?" Kyra asks, suddenly barrelling into the quiet moment," Please?"
"No, Kyra," Steph says with an eye roll," You can play with my angel after camp. You'll be seeing a lot of her back in London."
"Please? I'm really responsible! I take care of Harper all the time!"
In sync, Steph and Mackenzie both watch as Charli goads Harper into rolling off the table. Thankfully, Mini is there to catch her just in time.
"That wasn't my fault! Charli was watching her!"
"Go and play with Harper, Kyra," Steph says," This angel needs a little nap so she can greet her adoring fans at dinner. Maybe, if you're good, you can help feed her."
Kyra walks off in a huff as Steph gets up from her seat.
"Steph," Macca calls out as Steph starts to get ready to put you down for a nap," My audiologist in London does kids as well. I can set up an appointment for you if you want."
"Thanks, Macca."
In the quiet of her hotel room, you finally settle. Steph's seen this kind of behaviour from you before, on those visits before she could adopt you.
Noises still seemed a little shocking to you and strange.
You give her a little smile to show off the few teeth you've got and Steph flutters kisses upon your cheeks as you giggle ecstatically.
It's the best sound in the world and Steph settles on the bed with you on your chest. You're still giggling as she slips your hearing aids out so you can sleep peacefully.
"Go to sleep, angel," She coos to you, close enough that you can feel the vibrations of her words against you," We're going to have so much fun together."
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
you asked for microfic prompts-
deaf regulus/coda james (this is my all time fav trope) in literally any scenario
idk if you’ve done it before, but still putting it out there
This gave me such brainrot, I stg. If it's in italics, it's signing.
They had been sitting in the cafe for only a few minutes when Regulus waved at Barty to get his attention.
'What?' Barty asked, raising his eyebrows at him. He'd been in the middle of writing his English paper, and was not in the best of moods.
'To your left,' Regulus signed, jerking his chin.
Barty looked over to see a tall man with wavy brown hair sitting at a table by himself, staring vaguely in their direction, with headphones in his ears. Judging from his expression, he looked like his thoughts were a million miles away.
'The bloke?' Barty questioned, grinning a bit.
Regulus smirked. 'Nice arse. I'd climb him like a tree.' His hands moved skillfully, even as he threw Barty a suggestive smile.
Barty looked back over at the man again, taking in his tan skin and muscular frame. 'Evan is better,' he decided.
'Evan is taken.'
'Hell yes, he is,' Barty laughed, nodding.
They continued their conversation, hands flying as they discussed the finer points of Mr. Nice Arse's body. Regulus was halfway through describing exactly how he thought the man looked without a shirt when the subject of their conversation stood up, pulling out his headphones and walking directly toward them.
Both Barty and Regulus froze and stared at the other man as he stopped at their table, unsure of what do to.
'You're welcome to come back to mine and find out,' he man signed fluently with a grin, eyes glued to Regulus's face, which turned bright red. 'You can even- what was it- climb me like a tree?'
Barty burst out laughing at Regulus's expression of horror, but as he left the cafe alone five minutes later, he was pretty sure he could deem that a positive turn of events.
Also a note- if this comes off as offensive to any deaf/HOH people please let me know! I chose to write what people were signing in the way one would speak in English versus the format of ASL/BSL, just because I am not educated on the intricacies of the grammatical differences between spoken English and ASL/BSL and I didn't want to make mistakes that would end up being more offensive. However, I'd like to make everyone aware that, at least for what little I know of ASL, it is signed differently than spoken English in the way the order of words might be different, or some words might be left out.
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callofdudes · 7 months
I need to see this happen !!
Could you do a platonic Gary roach Anderson headcanon please, but with a twist. MWII 22 timeline please
My little bug boy! I'm currently laying out a timeline for him, so guys, seriously, ask me about Roach. I'm building an empire of lore for this man in MWll 22. Thank you for blessing us @itsscromp
Gary 'Roach' Sanderson headcanons
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The timeline that I'm working out for my favorite bug boy is that he was forced to go KIA after a mission gone too far south a couple months after Simons return from his capture with Roba. 22 timeline, somewhere within the time Simon was still in rehab.
Friendly reminder in the og, Simon was shot and killed, Gary had to watch as both were burned alive.
So I headcanon that he shares some burn scars with Simon. And has some of his own.
When he is introduced back to our sergeant, Egg, as we now call you. It's on a whim excursion. I think I'm sticking to the idea that Simon happens to recognize him when out in public with you and that's how it started.
You start to get along well with him, even if he does stick by Simon most of the time. The two attached at the hip. He's quiet, and you often see him using sign language when alone with Simon.
Gary could talk, but was often much more comfortable with sign language. Actually talking and trying to find words a lot of times put some mental stress on him.
A lot of times, having to speak and not having the right words can frustrated him to tears.
"Roach, where are those papers you were supposed to get to the main office."
Gary opened his mouth, faced with a commanding officer than wasn't Price. Gary is strong, but when in a situation like this he can't focus. He couldn't find words. It's like he was stuttering together something in his head but he couldn't verbally get it out.
His hands moved anxiously, knowing he couldn't sign his way out. Stuck in place. He tried to speak, but nothing would come out. The officer only questioning him again, telling him to just spit it out.
Noticing Gary's growing anxiety, you came over and lightly tapped his arm. "It's ok Gary." You whispered.
Gary attempted some frazzled sign language, his own lack of communication making him frustrated, tears reaching his eyes.
You squeezed his arm. "Gary did send them in but there have been slow processing times down at the office recently. You should get it soon."
The officer seemed to accept this explanation, and you were left with Gary.
He whined in frustration and you rubbed his arm. "Hey, it's ok. It's ok, we got there in the end."
And you decided hey, if he liked to talk in sign language, what's the harm in trying to learn? So you started to spend some of your free time every day trying to learn BSL.
And eventually you had learned enough for some basic conversations, signing Hi! From your seat in the cantine, grabbing his attention. Gary gently patting Simon's arm and tugging him over to sit with you, signing back.
You smile nervously at him, attempting the sign from across the room, hopefully he'd see it.
You could see how his eyes lit up when you signed to him. He immediately grabbed Simon's sleeve, grabbing his lunch plate and tugged him over to you.
He sat down across from you and signed back. Again getting excited when you signed back. Simon sat next to you, also joining in.
You didn't know a lot, and Gary tried to keep his sign simple, experimenting sometimes of what you knew.
He was touched that you were learning sign for him so you could be a part of his choice to go nonverbal.
That's how the real conversation started. You started to ask him questions, things about himself and how things were before he left. Before all the shitty stuff happened and you arrived. And Gary is happy to talk.
I think that Gary is very selectively mute with his people. He will speak but there has to be a trust there. Whether it's the trust Simon shares with you, you learning BSL or just doing little things to help him around back on base he feels secure with you.
A life of learning to not trust people did that to him, and his family life was probably a little rocky. But he trusts you, eventually getting deep into conversation with you.
Also, you're going to have to clarify to him if you like bugs or not right off the bat before he shows you his... friends.
And while he's all about bugs, he's also a flower guy. Nature in general is his favorite topic but I think he knows a lot about flower language. Another way he conveys how he feels.
Silly, but I think he has a bunch of those fake flowers and a vase in his room, so whichever flower is in the vase the guys at least somewhat know how he's feeling without him having to use the words to express it.
Hes very athletic and flexible. He can fit into anything. It's not uncommon to see the little guy lounging on top of the fridge before Price has to swat him off. Or hearing him crawling through some of the vents by the gym or something.
One time placed a speaker in the air vent by your room and started playing creepy noises. You only called him out when you heard that little giggle.
Quiet, but I think he has the most distinct giggle. Like, you know it's Gary. It's not quite a cackle, but it is in a way. It's very distinct to him.
Once let a recruit get away with having a tarantula on base because he thought it was cute. Simon screamed at him when the thing got out.
Gary is as silly as he is tactical. Let's not forget just how amazing he is at his job. Gary is the guy who can get in and out without being noticed. Under the cover of a snowstorm you would never see him.
He's Ghost's main team up, of course he's skilled.
When you get surrounded by enemy soldiers with nowhere left to run you think you're going to die. Until the enemies start getting shot down from bloody hell know where! Precise bullet after bullet until their down. Only then does Gary pop up.
"Surprise! Miss me??"
Has bug themed pajamas.
Did a spicy pepper challenge and was crying on your lap for over an hour while quivering and blowing his nose into the thoughts of used tissues. It was not good.
Once got a lip piercing once as a 'dare'. Was sad when Price eventually found out about it and made him take it out ☹️
Took you to the zoo once, wanted to spend all his time by the bats and the snakes. They even had a tank of spiders that he desperately attempted to get you near because 'look how cool and pretty they are!'
Gary is also an incredible comforter. He's small, but he attempts to lay across you. If you're bigger than him, he'll starfish out across your chest, snuggling his head into your chest to try and keep you cozy.
If you've had a nightmare he'll wrap a blanket around you and stay with you.
He snuggled up to you, wrapping his arm around you. He tilts his head a little, pulling down his mask to offer you a crooked little smile of reassurance.
"It's ok." He whispers, trying to calm your shaking. He takes your hand, bringing it close to his chest, making sure you're ok.
"It was just a nightmare, I promise." He whispers again.
You lean against him, and he embraces it, taking the weight for you. "I got you, I won't let anything hurt you ok?"
"Thank you Gary..."
You once saw him slap Simon hard across the face (a little spat) and you thought that little man was going to die. Apparently Gary has the powers of the sun because Simon just nodded and shut up. Like what!?
You love him but you're also scared of him...
He's as cute as he is deadly, and just... Be careful with him. 😅😅
(sorry if I mentioned Simon too much, realistically I think they are brothers who would not go anywhere without the other)
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hobie-enthusiast · 11 months
— ‘,,, could u do hcs of Hobie teaching reader sign language tho 🥺? (Can either be platonic or romantic)’
— hobie brown x gn!reader
— lots of fluff, sign language woohoo, teaching, hcs and a little blurb at the end
— you knew how important it was to hobie, so you ask him to teach you
— for background click here
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— first of all he’s a very patient teacher
— sign language isn’t the easiest language to learn
— there are different rules, parameters, and physical aspects that need to be kept in mind to show different words in signs
— and many different variations of it exist (ie msl, asl, bsl, etc)
— i think he would start with asl (american sign language) since it’s the most widely used
— so it’s okay if you don’t get it right away, he’s there to help
— he starts by teaching some of the basics
— greetings, pleasantries, fingerspelling, just to name a few
— also lil hc that he def has a name sign cuz he got it from the people who taught him the language originally
— he very much teaches you his name sign cause he loves it so much
— he’ll also incorporate it into everyday life
— speaking and signing so you can pick up on some of the signs that are more common
— he also teaches the different grammatical patterns
— sign language has different grammar patterns that languages like english, so he ensures you know that
— his favourite part is deep diving into the culture
— hobie can talk for hours about the different people he’s met and communicated with solely because of how cool it was
— the culture behind sign language is just as important to him as signing it
— once you start to get the hang of it, he teaches more signs and facial expressions
— hobie’ll also help with learning the numbers and patterns, since a lot of numbers tend follow the same pattern
— over time it becomes easier to learn, and hobie notices when you manage to pick up on that
— once that comes, he’ll use it pretty much regularly
— he’ll also opt to teach you other forms of sign language, firstly being bsl (british sign language)
— but once your fluent or close, he’s very excited
— he loves just silently signing with you when hanging with friends or such
— he could sign the most ridiculous things since a lot of his friends most likely wouldn’t know what he’s signing
— you both find it so amusing
— his favourite things to sign are ‘i love you’, ‘you’re so attractive’, or ANY sign that has his rings clank together
— sign language is such an art in hobie’s eyes, and he wants the cherished moments of teaching it to you
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You watch as Hobie’s hands move fast to sign something for you to decipher. His motions were smooth and honestly impossible to understand.
“Wait! Slow down!” You say, shaking your head. “That’s like, so hard to understand.”
Hobie smiles. “‘s only ‘ard if ya make it ‘ard.” He says, catching your attention again. “Focus on what ya do know, then string ‘em together.”
He signs the phrase again, and you watch him. He’s slower this time, just a little. But still, it’s easier for you to pick up Hobie’s hand motions.
You knew how good Hobie was at sign language, and it was pretty impressive to you. He was almost self-taught, besides some guidance from the people he's known and met. That's why you trusted him to teach you.
With slower movements, you can make out some signs easier than others.
“You.. a lot.. attractive.. love.. oh.”
You realized what he was signing, a small tint of red crossing your face that you cover with your hand as you sigh. He chuckles, tilting your chin up to him.
“So?” He questions, smirk never faltering. “What did I sign, darlin?”
"Damn you. 'You're very attractive and I love you'.
Hobie snickers, hands encasing your own. "Why thank you, swee'heart. I think you're good looking yourself."
You roll your eyes as you stand and walk away from the bed. He was teasing you of course, he did it all the time. You decide to do the same by walking away, faking an annoyance.
"Never said class was over!" Hobie called out to you.
You wave off a hand at him. "Can't learn much with a teacher so full of himself!"
"I know ya love it."
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Hobie swung into the apartment window, stumbling inside as he shut the window behind him. You glance up from your desk as he takes his mask off, a tired look evident on his face.
'Long day?' You sign, guessing that Hobie was too exhausted to talk verbally.
He nods as he disappears into your closet, changing into more comfortable clothes. Hobie knew you didn't mind when he did that. You were the one who told him he could, after all.
Being Spider-man truly was a demanding job, one that Hobie could handle of course. But that wouldn't mean that he doesn't get tired from it. Saving people who need it can be exhausting.
The least you feel you can do is provide a place for him to rest easy.
Hobie emerged from the closet with a yawn. 'Come to bed. I'm tired.' He signed, lying on your bed.
'At 8 pm?' You sign back in question.
He sat back up to sign his response. 'Lots of annoying criminals today. Police were too lazy to catch them.'
You nod along, standing from your seat to shut the light off. You joined Hobie in bed, his arms immediately finding home in your hair and around your body. After such long days he wants nothing more than to be beside you so he can rest easily.
He pulls his hands back from a moment to make a hand shape. 'I love you.'
'I love you too.' You sign back, comfortably adjusting your body to get some much needed rest.
Hobie sighed softly as he let his eyes shut. That sign truly was his favourite. It was such a nice yet silent way to convey love between two people. Sometimes, that's just what Hobie needs in his life.
A quiet reminder that someone is always in his corner, no matter what.
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