#I do like trickster because I LOVE awful men but he's SO painful to play with the state he's in on live servers.
forcedhesitation · 7 months
blessed be the death of MFT.
buckle up, STBFL, and ultimate weapon nerfs next please. 🙏
#dbd#thoughts about media#ONLY during deep wound? like good bye. most survivors aren't going to bother and will prioritise perks that are more simple and reliable.#this is going to stop a lot of survivors from just relying on this perk- and not any of their own skill- to loop killers forever.#super happy about the garden of joy and red forest changes incoming too.#I could handle red forest just fine with my two mains- ghostface & hux.#but there are some other killers who do not stand a chance on that map because of the sheer size of it.#and the garden of joy is...well it's one of the most poorly laid out maps in the game imo.#that main building window is a fucking ATROCITY.#even hux with rapid brutality & soma family photo struggles to catch up to a survivor looping that fucking stupid window.#and it's not like you can just ensure you ONLY get that map when you're doctor- who doesn't give a fuck about that window.#also very exciting to see trickster is getting a buff. I fear it may be a Little too much but we'll have to see.#I do like trickster because I LOVE awful men but he's SO painful to play with the state he's in on live servers.#and like why would I subject myself to playing a killer whose power barely does anything as opposed to other. better. killers?#ghostface and hux aren't even remotely close to OP but they still get consistent and reliable use of their powers.#even if some fuckhead follows you around to reveal you. you can shroud in chase to hide your stain momentarily and mindgame.#and hux's depleted oxygen tank add-on shuts down exhaustion perk usage when a survivor may most need it. even if they get EMP'd.#hopefully updated trickster will join the pool of killers I regularly play.#so unfair that I can't play him and doctor and equal amount. they are married to me.
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lediz-watches · 1 year
Hang on to your life
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In this episode, Carlos proves himself The Best Hero and I love him.
Side note – the episode image from the wiki (which is where I get these from) could not have picked a more 70s dressed set image if it possibly tried. Also: BREAD.
I’m liveblogging The Winchesters as a Supernatural!virgin. Please keep my lack of knowledge in mind if you continue...
In episode thoughts:
Ha. Cat scare. And here I was thinking about how Buffy taught me to enjoy the irony of a guy going down a dark alley to die
He… appears to be smoking? Like, literally?
Oh. Spontaneous Combustion. Or not so spontaneous, it seems. But will there be a foot left behind?
Really, John? You’re asking if she’s out NOW? Timing, my dude.
Ugh. Okay, on the one hand, I enjoy an episode where my two favourites get to take the lead, but on the other hand… actually, pause, I have to talk about this because I think it’s important.
By staying behind, John is making it clear that Mary is his priority over the job. And normally, that would be a good thing, because it shows balance and emotional connection over the whole violence thing. It would be a sign he can be redeemed. But the thing is, he doesn’t normally do this, and following on from his not great timing earlier, to me this feels… uncomfortable. As I’m writing this, I realise that it feels vaguely controlling. Like the sort of behaviour that implies he’s more doing it because he wants to keep an eye on Mary and make sure she doesn’t make any decisions about her life without him having a say in it.
And I do know that’s me making assumptions, probably. I hope I’m just reaching and misreading because I dislike John as a character, but right now, as I’m watching it, that’s how it feels.
And it is NOT MADE BETTER by Carlos’s response of “I’ll allow it”, as much as that was played as a joke, because… dude, Carlos, you’re still a man, and in this context, that statement feels like you are ‘allowing’ a boy to stay with your female friend. This is how people read too much into fiction and make unhealthy connections and hyper!feminist critique and get angry and ughhhh stop doing this…!
Okay moving on, sorry, I’m done.
I appreciate this bartender. I feel his hospitality pain.
…Yeah, Carlos is so Rivers Gemini forever now. It suits him, and that bed jacket he’s wearing today.
Mary. MARY. Note the flag. I know I said I’m done, but NOTE THE FLAG.
So, Rivers, what’s the need to get out?
Oh look, another character I’m supposed to recognise and don’t! The music insists. I’m sure I’ll figure that out later.
Aw, Carlos misses the life that could have been. That’s sad but exactly the sort of the thing I was hoping for from Mary! Why is Carlos’s understated backstory everything I wanted from Mary?
Oh. Maybe hat-guy isn’t supposed to be recognised so much as future important.
Wait, so Ada knows Mary’s dad. I didn’t think he was a Man of Letters? Are Men of Letters and Hunters the same thing? That hasn’t been clarified!
Okay, no. Mary’s dad doesn’t like the Men of Letters. But he does know Ada. And Ada was definitely one of Henry’s partners, and Henry was a Man of Letters. I AM SO CONFUSED.
Feather guy was gonna burn Jericho… but went for the bartender? For why?
That’s a cool tattoo. I like it. Probably not worth the burning humans, but still cool.
Okay, he’s not a look or aesthetic style of Loki that I’d like, but I do enjoy a trickster god.
Yes, Sam, you’re right. This sudden character development from the crew is ridiculous in less than a few months. I love them, but I agree, this is very strange that we’re supposed to believe this happened the way it did.
He’s also right that Mary’s a stubborn jackass. And I do like that this all happened because Sam realised he’d screwed up as a parent. And was his misguided attempt to get her out of the game. Oh, yes, I like this so much. Now I just want her to realise that she wanted the choice, but also wanted the game.
Oh, Loki, you bastard trickster. This is cruelty to a hero.
And sure enough, Carlos is the hero I want.
G-gli- glitter?
Oh, but Loki, you will. These are the rules of gods. You test humanity and if humanity succeeds, you must accept it.
Awwww Carlos and Mary (and Lata being a brat in the background) and I love it so much!
Look, Samuel, I appreciate the sentiment, but I would be way happier with you if you said ‘hey, so, Ada found this thing and I’m planning to go help her out. You can come, but we also need to find those places again, and your team is great, so maybe we could split up’
Come oooon, Carlos, live the dream again for a minute
Because yeah, this you, I buy 100%. Is good food for the fangirl.
Also, I kind of want this cover on my spotify now.
M-Millie, what are you doing in this montage right now?
Oh, Mary… oh Mary.
And that’s another flag, that he’s not focussed on her when she’s saying THAT, of all things. I mean, I know the fans are freaking out right now, but come on. That was a big statement for this woman, pay her some goddamn mind.
Let’s just cut out John so I can enjoy this, because it was actually a great episode and I really loved a lot of it!
I love Carlos. I love his story, I love that he gave up his dreams to DO GOOD, that he was willing to sacrifice and sacrifice to the end, and that that, in fact, was his saving grace, and he was still given a moment to be the man he wanted to be, WHILE loving his life and his family and arghh he’s such a wonderful character I love him so much!
And Samuel! The whole story being a result of Samuel screwing up his attempt to set things right! The fact that he acknowledged that his father screwed him up, so he screwed up Mary and Maggie, and when he lost Maggie he knew he needed to save Mary, but he didn’t COMMUNICATE so it all went to hell, and ladies and gentlemen this is what happens when you don’t COMMUNICATE and –
And he’s so proud of the leader his little girl has become! Because all she ever really needed was a chance to be a hero and look at her becoming so much better than Samuel or his father or any of them ever were and –
Gah! Chapter Nine, right, right, moving on. (or back to chapter one if you care.)
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
I’m watching Great Pretender on netflix and uh not for nothing but 
- this is some of the most distinct and beautiful art direction I’ve ever seen, in anime or in general, every now and then I have to pause to look at the stylization they employ in the backgrounds and just SCREAM 
you ever spend five minutes yelling at the top of your lungs because they’ve somehow made a random piece of background foliage look like a stunning stained glass paining? yeah....  
- the writing feels fresh and is also really funny, not to mention that it gives you some of that sweet sweet wish fulfillment in the same ways that Leverage does. (Leverage is the closest comparison I can think of in a lot of ways, actually) 
if you’ve been thirsting for some more found family con men stealing only from awful ultra rich people and delivering some delicious poetic justice along the way, look no further.      
- I love laurent so much because they gave me a (heavily implied) sad clown trickster mastermind character alienated from everyone because he’s a manipulative shit, however benignly he employs it, and I am predictable trash garbage....... I don’t even go for blondes but he’s a fucking delight at every turn I’m so angry about this innuendo-wielding frenchman my friends
- great and varied character design, especially for the women, which is such a nice change! 
- some truly  o u t r a g e o u s  queer subtext going on here (there’s a scene in the first episode that involves some... fondling of a gear stick and I honestly wondered for a hot second if I was hallucinating but then they just... keep going like that??? for the rest of the eps????? not in an uncomfortable way; one of my favourite things they manage to do with laurent is that for all that he’s a walking double entendre he’s also very sexually non-threatening and chill about it lol), and it’s like... the writing is so smart about other things, it would seem sort of weird for it to play uncomplicatedly into queerbaiting, so maybe they’re going somewhere with it? I guess we won’t know until the second half of the show is released, but I will say that the last time I had this ‘am I losing my mind? is this really what’s happening on screen right now or did I smoke something??’ feeling was yuri on ice, so, y’know. take that for what it’s worth. laurent has big disaster bi/pan energy, no matter what else happens     
- the credits are accompanied by freddie mercury singing ‘great pretender’ while Delightful Cat Shenanigans With Some Troubling Foreshadowing Slipped In happen to your eyes. honestly if you never see the show just watch that part, it’ll be a good time
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wintersxsoul · 5 years
Ancient Love
Summary: Loki never thought he would fall in love with a mortal, but much less that he would lose you as fast as he did. But...did he really lose you?
Pairing: Loki x Female Viking!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: None
A/N: Fuck me with all these fucking WIPs and listen, this won’t be as short as I thought so fasten your seat belts cause it’s going to be an angsty bumpy ride. This fic is inspired by the song Mausoleum by Rafferty, check it out for a more painful experience!! 
As always, Masterlist and Taglist are on my blog bio!
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Midgard, the broken realm, the land of lies and chaos ruled by corrupt governments and greedy men.
Asgardians, were worshipped like the gods they are, now fallen into oblivion due to the rise of new gods. Even Loki was venerated and now he’s just a forgotten enemy, the glorious Loki of Asgard, God of Lies and Mischief, seen as a foreign threat.
As strange as it may sound, he used to love Earth and its people. And he loved you, with all his heart and soul. But centuries had past, the image of you almost forgotten. Until now.
The first time he ever heard you, you were headed to the small secret cabin you kept hidden in the woods. You knew it was wrong to wish for someone else’s tragedy but no feeling was stronger than a broken heart. You entered and closed the door after checking that no one followed you and that you were alone. You sat on your makeshift bed and covered your cold body with your furry blanket, trying to regain some body heat. You lit a few candles that surrounded your small altar for your favorite god, and prayed for Loki to help you. You were totally oblivious to the fact that the trickster god was indeed hearing your cries and prayers, and moved by your spirit’s strength and your beauty, he decided to appear at your door.
A strong knock at the door startled you, your heart racing in your chest because of the strong fear you felt. What if someone found you? What if he found you? Carson tricked you once into loving him, what if he came back to do it again? What if it was a threat? You took your sword, that once belonged to your beloved father and the shield that belonged to your mother, and made your way to the door. You were an excellent fighter because your parents were the best warriors in the village. They trained you since you were a small girl so you could be ruthless and independent, knowing then already that they wouldn’t be around much longer to keep you safe.
You kicked the door open and immediately settled in strike pose, ready to attack.
“I mean no harm, lady.” You frowned at his manners, your body still tense. The man in front of you was holding his hands up in surrender and a small smile was playing on his lips. He scanned you from head to toe and smiled, making something inside of you flip and let your guard down but never letting go of your weapons.
“If you mean no harm then, what are you doing here?”
“I saw you running through the woods and thought that maybe you needed assistance, but I can clearly see you don’t. My bad.” He held his hand to his chest and apologized bowing his head. You frowned but nodded anyway, accepting his unspoken apology.
“What were you doing in the woods?” You’d never seen him around before so you thought it must have been a lost foreigner, but still he looked familiar and that made you feel at ease.
“I come from a distant land so I wanted a secluded place to live, that’s why I came to the woods. I live not very far from here.”
“I’ve never seen you before and I know these woods like the back of my hand, so tell me the truth, why are you here? Did Carson send you to get me?” You asked him while raising your sword close to his neck.
“I don’t know what or whom you’re talking about, but I can show you if you want to. I am carrying no weapons nor bad intentions.”
Why you accepted his offer was beyond your knowledge, but there you were, following a total stranger through the woods. Before you followed him, you checked if he had any weapons on him and took your with you, because you couldn’t trust his unknown intentions.
“I don’t know your name.” He asked you while he turned around to face you. You were surprised that he had the courage to ask you even when you were pointing at him with your sword.
“I don’t know yours either and since you were the one to intrude in my safe place, I deserve the first answer.” He shrugged and smiled, making you feel the urge to punch him in the face.
“Fair enough. I’m Loki.” You stared at him in awe, not quite believing what the Norns’ intentions were, since the coincidence of the events was way too shocking to be just that. You realized you’d been staring for longer than you thought, making Loki clear his throat nervously.
“That’s funny.” You shook your head, ignoring his questioning look. He told you he was named after the God of Mischief and you believed him. Why wouldn’t you? “I’m Y/n, now, keep moving.”
Unbeknown to you, Loki created an illusion of himself and went to create his home. You kept walking for more than twenty minutes when you reached a small frozen pond and a cabin next to it. You’d never seen this part of the forest before and it was mesmerizing. The sun was setting so the bright orange light bathed the hut. Loki opened the door and waited for you to move as well.
“Now that you see I’m not lying, would you like to come in?” You nodded since you were freezing and your hands were stiffening around the weapons due to the low temperature. You closed the door and he was already starting a fire to warm the place. The hut was way bigger than yours and you wondered how long it took him to build it, but before you could ask he started talking.
“I’m glad you decided to trust me because I intend to stay here a while but I don’t know anyone, and I don’t like the villagers.”
“Yeah, me neither. That’s why I live in the woods most of the time.” Loki frowned and you giggled, knowing he would be confused by your words. “I have a hut in the village that belonged to my parents, but after they died, the only reason I had to stay there was Cars...whatever. I enjoy the solitude.”
“Is he your husband?” Loki asked you checking your fingers for a ring but he saw nothing more than just a few scars. You covered your hands with your sleeves and shook your head.
“He was just a mistake.” He hummed and nodded, clearly not wanting to press further on the topic. He gestured towards a big pile of fur that was next to the fire so you could sit there, but before you could move you realized you were still carrying your weapons.
“Where can I put them?” You raised your hands to show him what you meant and he smiled warmly to let you know he was happy that you trusted him enough to let your guard down.
You spent hours talking to Loki even though there was something about him you couldn’t understand and that was setting off your alarms. Why would such an educated man stay in this vast land? There was nothing of his interest, or at least that was what you thought.
Loki on the other hand, felt at ease with you, your company softening his heart. He found you oddly interesting for being just a mere mortal and he couldn’t stop thinking that maybe you were meant for more, but not in this life you were currently living. You must’ve been terribly exhausted because you ended up falling asleep hearing Loki’s stories. He had such a melodic and soothing voice you just couldn’t help yourself, and he as more than happy to watch you sleep. Your face was relaxed and for once since you’d met, Loki could admire your features perfectly under the firelight, no hard lines nor a frown in sight. He could sense you were struggling, a war happening in your mind.
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siriusstarx · 6 years
Saint/Cardia and Ichika/Shiraishi?
Here’s Saint/Cardia! I will do Shiraishi’s tomorrow. ❤️ Many thanks! 
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs  
How long will they last? - Forever. 
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It is difficult to say. It could be that the spark was there from the beginning, though I doubt Saint could have articulated it. It grew steadily over time, with a lot of denial on his part. Cardia was drawn to him, but it was his understanding of her guilt about Elaine that made her love him. 
How was their first kiss? - Hmm… likely quite pleasurable/painful for Saint, and confusingly sweet and alarming for Cardia. 
Who proposed? - Saint. 
Who is the best man/men? - Lupin
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Shirley
Who did the most planning? - Saint. Cardia is pretty clueless about things like this. Saint is in his glory. 
Who stressed the most? - Cardia. I think Saint stressed, too. But Cardia worried more about everything working out. 
How fancy was the ceremony? - 
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. Saint was VERY much no expense spared, lavish, extravagant… buy the wedding venue… The only thing that would hold him back at all is that Cardia would feel uncomfortable if he went TOO far. The guest list wouldn’t be/wasn’t huge, but otherwise everything and anything. 
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - No one wasn’t invited. In canon, even the apostles were invited. 
Who is on top? - At first, Saint, absolutely. Although he would be open to playing either role if Cardia wanted later on. 
Who is the one to instigate things? - OMG. Saint for a long time. He would truly be delighted when Cardia instigates sex, though. For her to desire him and to show him that she wants and needs him would be an incredible aphrodisiac for him. 
How healthy is their sex life? - 
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now. I think, due to Cardia’s inexperience, they’ll start slow. But once they get started, Saint will desire intimacy frequently, and Cardia will not be far behind. 
How kinky are they? - 
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head. I cannot imagine Cardia as kinky. If Saint wants something mildly naughty he would be able to seduce her into doing it, but she’s capable of saying no if she’s not comfortable. I’ve thought that Saint could either have a lot of experience or none… I’m going with a lot. He’s seen and done most everything, but kink by itself  would bore him. However!! I am absolutely convinced that he would love to have sex in inadvisable, dangerous and forbidden locations. It would add to to the thrill. Whether Cardia would be up for that is another story. 
How long do they normally last? - They last until she’s satisfied. That’s that. He has a great deal of stamina. Truly… I doubt Cardia could ever reach the point where he is exhausted. Cardia takes awhile to warm up, but she is easily content. 
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - She has more than he does usually. He loves to give her orgasms. It makes him feel powerful and needed. If he’s feeling insecure, he’d probably be an overachiever in that way. 
How rough are they in bed? - 
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. They’re gentle but thorough. They definitely have nights when the bed is rocking, but mostly they are both are very gentle, romantic lovers. Saint would really enjoy it if Cardia were vocal…. but I see her as being on the quiet side. He treasures the small sounds she makes. He’s pretty vocal himself, I think. 
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - 
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. Ahaha! YES!! it is absolutely canon that these two kiss and touch all the time. Both of them are intimacy starved. Both of them crave touch and warmth. Saint more so by far than Cardia. They would sleep wrapped around each other every night. He would kiss, hold hands, hug, and touch her in public without a second thought. Cardia has more decorum, but she enjoys his affection. 
How many children will they have naturally? - This is an interesting question. Neither of them are exactly human, so it is a question as to whether they’d be physically capable of having children. I am pretty sure Cardia couldn’t normally, but perhaps with help it is possible. In any case, I’m leaning towards none, because I don’t think that’s the life they will lead. But if they did, it would only be one. Most likely a girl who would look eerily like Cantarella. 
How many children will they adopt? - It would not impossible for them to take in an orphan somewhere on their travels. 
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Probably Cardia. But he would do his part if called on. 
Who is the stricter parent? - Pretty equal. 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Cardia. Saint has a poorly developed sense of what is dangerous. 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - both. 
Who is the more loved parent? - Probably Saint. He’d be the “cooler” parent. 
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?: both. 
Who cried the most at graduation? - Saint!! 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - These two? Both equally. 
Who does the most cooking? - Saint, but once Cardia learns, they share pretty equally. Saint likes to eat out, though. 
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Probably Saint. He’s developed a more refined palate. 
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both together most of the time, but Cardia will volunteer. 
How often do they bake desserts? - Pretty frequently. Cardia is fond of chocolate. Saint is an excellent baker. 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Either. But I think they would both enjoy a fresh salad. 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Saint, unless he lost track of time. 
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Definitely Saint. 
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - It’d have to be Cardia, but I think she’d be pretty cautious, so neither. 
Who cleans the room? - Probably Cardia because she’ll volunteer. 
Who is really against chores? - neither. They are both fine with chores. 
Who cleans up after the pets? - whoever notices the mess. 
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - neither . 
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Cardia. She wants to make sure everything is perfect. 
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Cardia. 
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Saint. But once Cardia gets used to taking baths, she really enjoys them… and more often than not they take them together! Saint LOVES to bathe with Cardia. 
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Cardia. 
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -  Pretty much every major holiday. Saint loves to decorate for Christmas. 
What are their goals for the relationship? - Just to know simple happiness. 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Cardia. But it is very rare. 
Who plays the most pranks? - Saint!! He is ever the mischievous trickster. 
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Brothers and Zombies
A/N: one shot: This is based off a Youtube prank two brothers played on their sister. If you want to check it out the link is included (https://youtu.be/AXFhTXSLjco)
Summary: Having Sam and Dean for older brothers can be a pain! Especially when you have to have your wisdom teeth taken out! Little do they know their master plan isn’t really the smartest! Sam and Dean learn a valuable lesson about tricking the trickster’s girlfriend.
Pairings: Gabriel x OFC. 
Words: 2,966
Mia sat in the backseat of the Impala looking miserably out the window. The day ahead was going to be a doozy and she was NOT looking forward to it!
“You with us back there?”
Mia’s green eye rolled up to meet Dean’s as he drove down the road. Her brother seemed far to happy about her going to have her wisdom teeth cut out.
“Yeah….why are you so happy?”
Dean shrugged, not daring to look at Sam. His brother was keeping it smooth as always on the outside but he knew inside that Sam was probably laughing like a hyena.
“Just a good morning. You look awful moody.”
Mia frowned harder.
“Yeah I am about to go have my teeth cut out of my gums. That’s something to be cheerful about all right. Dean I will pay you $100 to keep driving.”
Dean chuckled.
“Ah you’ll be fine. We’ll make you some pudding and soup. You’ll be up and about in no time.”
Mia mumbled a few choice words for her brother under her breath as he went back to the road. Dean was still smirking like an idiot in the driver seat.
“Sheesh you sure are moody when you don’t have your coffee.”
Mia looked up again.
“You got that right. Let’s see here. I couldn’t have my coffee, I am about to get my mouth cut into, I haven’t seen my boyfriend in weeks. I have a lo to be bitchy over!”
Dean made a gagging expression  at the mention of the word boyfriend. The less that Dean had to see of Gabriel that happier of a person he was! Mia, meanwhile, didn’t appear to share his sentiment.
“I’m sure Gabriel would much rather be with you too. Should have asked him to come home to deal with your crabby ass.”
Mia groaned.
“I tried to call him this morning to let him know that my surgery was today and what did I get voicemail! I have got nothing but voicemail for three days. If I somehow end up as one of those statistics that die during wisdom tooth removal I am going to come back as a ghost and haunt him.”
Sam laughed at that.
“Then we would have to hunt you. We don’t wanna do that.”
Mia narrowed her eyes at Sam.
“I’ll haunt you two for even mentioning that to me.”
Dean rolled his eyes as they pulled into the oral surgeon’s parking lot.
“Okay enough you two. Mia you are going to be just fine and your angelic boyfriend will back as soon as he can. Now are you ready to do this?”
Mia rolled her eyes getting out of the car with a scoff.
“Of course I’m not ready! I don’t want to do this.”
Sam and Dean stayed back near the car for a moment as Mia walked inside. Dean looked over at Sam with a smirk.
“Are you ready to do this?”
Sam winced.
“I don’t know Dean. She is feeling pretty down right now. Don’t you think this is kind of mean?”
Dean blinked before holding a hand up.
“Oh hell no! She is mean to us when we are sick!”
Sam raised an eyebrow
“Uh no that is you Dean. Mia took care of you last time you were sick with the man cold.”
Dean appeared to be truly offended by his brother’s comment.
“Oh you shut up and don’t spoil my fun!”
Sam groaned before going to walk into the office after Mia.
“Fine. When she kicks you in the nuts I am going to say I told you so.”
Walking into the office Mia was at the receptionists desk finalizing all of the paper work as the nurse walked out.
“Mia Winchester?”
Mia held her hand up before looking back to her brothers who were sitting in the waiting room. Dean was eagerly looking over a Highlights magazine while Sam was glaring at his brother. They both gave her innocent smiles.
“We’ll be her when you get done kid.”
Dean said. Sam nodded.
“It will all be fine”
Mia took a breath with a nod before walking back after the nurse. Following the nurse down the long stark white hallway, Mia tried to control her breathing.
“Gabriel now would be a hell of a time for you to respond. I am panicking here.”
Mia silently prayed. This wasn’t like Gabriel to completely ignore her prayers for days on end. She knew that he was busy with the impending war with Lucifer but she needed her boyfriend at the moment. Taking a deep breath Mia knew that this was something that she needed to put on her big girl panties and deal with it!
1 hour later….
“Mr. Winchester?”
Sam and Dean both looked up at their name being called. The nurse that had taken Mia back stood at the open doorway leading back to exam room.  
They both responded at the same time. Then nurse smiled realizing her mistake. Both of these men were the girl’s brothers.
“She’s good to go. Do one of you want to come back and help her?”
Dean looked over to Sam with a smile. Sam stood following the nurse.
“How is she?”
He asked softly. The nurse smiled.
“She did wonderfully. She is under some strong anesthesia and will probably be groggy for a few hours but she will be fine.”
Sam nodded, feeling a little better as they walked into the room where Mia sat looking around with an awe filled expression on her face. Right away Sam smiled realizing how “out of it” Mia really was. Sam leaned down holding a hand out to Mia.
“Hey Mia. How are you feeling?”
Mia looked up at Sam with wide eyes.
“SAMMY! We have got to go buy a giraffe! You have to tell Dean that he can’t say no. We NEED this!”
Sam couldn’t help but smile.
“Okay if you want a giraffe we can go get you one. Boy they gave you the good stuff.”
Mia grinned.
“I can’t feel my face!”
Sam laughed as he helped his sister up.
“Its a good thing.”
Sam said before leading her out of the room. Mia held to his arm, grinning like an idiot.
“Sam have I ever told you that I love you?”
Sam was having a hard time keeping his amusement under wraps. Mia was definitely out of it!
“Yeah a time or two.”
He replied as they walked out of the room. Dean stood when his siblings walked out. Mia looked at him with a super excited smile on her face.
“Dean I missed you!”
Dean instantly began to laugh. He wasn’t expecting this. Dean figured Mia would be one of those people who were super cranky under the influence of medication. Now here she was telling him that she missed him.
“You just saw me an hour ago.”
Mia shook her head.
“Well it seemed like an eternity.”
Dean smirked at the freaked out expression on Sam’s face as they got her in the car.
Once the door was shut Dean looked to Sam with a smile.
“This is going to be so much fun!”
Sam groaned.
“Do we have to? She is so sweet and loving right now.”
Dean held his hands up.
“Oh hell no! We had a plan! This is going to be fun and she will probably find this amusing later.”
Sam sighed heavily as he walked the passenger side of the car.
“When she kills us in our sleep it will be all your fault.”
Dean did he his best evil smile as he got into the car.
“Ah calm down Sammy. It’s all good isn’t it Mia?”
Dean looked back into the back seat where Mia sat hugging her stuffed rabbit that John had given her as a birthday present when she was six.
“Everything is wonderful!”
She said gleefully. Both Sam and Dean had to stifle their laughter as Dean started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.
About a mile down the road, Dean decided to put his master plan into action. He gave Sam a wink before pushing a prerecorded cassette into the radio. Dean waited eagerly until the loud obnoxious beeping noise took over the car. He glanced back at Mia who made a frowning face as the emergency broadcast began to play.
“The center for disease control in Washington DC has issued a viral outbreak warning. State and local officials have reported cases of high fever, nausea, death, and even cannibalism. Stay in place until further notice.”
Dean frowned before looking to Sam.
“What the hell?”
Sam tried to appear as concerned as possible.
“Cannibals? Uh Dean we should really get Mia home. The bunker is going to be the safest place to be.”
Mia looked up.
“What? Dean you are driving like a slug can you get to the bunker? Just drive!”
Dean quickly stepped on the gas. Sam looked out the window. He was trying his best not to crack up before he focusing back on Dean.
“We probably need to get somewhere else. Maybe we should head out west or something.”
Dean nodded as they pulled into the driveway.
“Good idea Sammy! Mia stay put. We are going go inside and get some stuff.”
Mia blinked a few times obviously scared out of her mind.
“Dean! Don’t leave me!”
Dean quickly opened the back door taking Mia’s hands in his.
“Mia it is going to be okay! Do you want me to bring your cat?”
Mia screamed.
“OF COURSE I WANT MY CAT YOU IDIOT! Gabriel got me that cat! Oh my god we need to get a hold of Gabriel! He and Cas doesn’t know!”
Dean tried to calm his sister with a soothing voice as he squeezed her hands.
“Mia, they will be just fine! Now stay here I am going to get your cat and some supplies!”
Mia sat trying to piece everything together as Sam and Dean ran inside like madmen. She started feeling around for her phone. She had to get Gabriel on the phone! There was no way that she was about to head someplace away from home without letting Gabriel and Cas know! They had to know where to find them!
She looked up as Sam walked out carrying a potato masher. Mia’s face went from confused to livid!
“Sam what the hell are you doing?! We don’t need a potato masher! We needs guns and weapons! This is like a fucking episode of the Walking Dead and you are going to get us killed!”
Sam shrugged.
“We gotta eat!”
Mia threw her hands up.
“Are you going to be the one peeling the potatoes because I sure as hell am not! We don’t have time for that! Go get weapons! Where is your brain?!”
Sam stuck out his bottom lip before turning and going back inside. Mia muttered a few curses under her breath as she finally located her phone. Dialing Gabriel’s number she frantically wiggled her foot trying to calm herself in some way.
Gabriel sat beside Cas in an near empty dinner. They had been working on tracking down Lucifer for some time. He was feeling guilty over not contacting Mia in a few days. The time had just gotten away from him now here it was going on a few days without hearing her voice.
The moment his phone rang Gabriel quickly dug his hand in his pocket to grab the phone. Cas looked up from the map that he was looking at.
“Who is it?”
Gabriel looked down seeing Mia’s name.
He said feeling strangely concerned.
The moment the word left his lip Mia was practically screaming in his ear.
“Gabriel you have to come quick! The zombies are coming! This isn’t some Walking Dead prank and stupid Sam comes out of the bunker with a fucking potato masher! Who the hell has time for that?!”
Gabriel winced as he pulled the phone away from his ear. He was totally confused! What was going on back home?
“Sugar, what are you talking about? A potato masher? Zombies?”
Right away he could tell that Mia was crying and panicking. The protective lover in him was immediately on guard as Mia started talking again.
“We were on our way back to the bunker after my getting my wisdom teeth out and there was this news alert that made that obnoxious beeping noise. The people in Washington DC said there are zombies and cannibals on the loose. You have to come home because my stupid brother’s don’t know what they are doing. The zombies are going to eat my feet off!”
Gabriel glanced at Cas who was looking as equally confused. Cas mouthed, “What is going on?” Gabriel shrugged tying to piece everything together still. He stopped when the words wisdom teeth out left Mia’s lips.
“Wisdom teeth? Mia, baby, you are going to have to calm down. I don’t have any idea what you are talking about? You had your teeth out?”
Mia squealed again. Gabriel knew that she was losing her temper quick!
“YES!!! I have been trying to get a hold of you for days but you keep ignoring me! They did my surgery this morning. Now what am I supposed to do about these zombies?!”
Gabriel groaned.
“I’ll be right there.”
In an instant Gabriel was back at the bunker. He stood beside the Impala where Mia sat in the back seat trembling like a scared child. Gabriel quickly walked to the car opening the door before kneeling down so he could get a better look at his lover. Mia’s face was tear streaked and eyes were open wide.
When she saw Gabriel she all but jumped in his arms.
“Gabriel! We have to get out of here. We can go to Mexico or something. I remember how to say pants in Spanish! That’s about it.”
Gabriel had to stop himself from laughing. He knew that Mia was genuinely freaking out. Whatever anesthetic that she had been put on was definitely winning. Gabriel reached down taking her hands in his before gently kissing them.
“Gabriel you need to be serious! Now isn’t the time to be wanting to make out!”
Gabriel chuckled at that.
“Sweetpea there is no zombies. Everything is fine! I promise you are totally safe. Do you think I would really let anything happen to you?”
He nuzzled his nose against Mia’s taking extra care to send as many loving vibes as he could to her. Before Mia could respond Sam and Dean came walking out of the bunker. Dean was holding an iron while Sam still held the potato masher in his hands. Both men froze seeing Gabriel with their sister in his arms. They had never seen the archangel look so annoyed.
“Having fun boneheads?”
Gabriel asked coldly. Sam held a hand up.
“Gabriel it was just a…”
Gabriel snarled. He looked back to Mia with a loving smile.
“I’m going to put you safely in your room and I will be with you momentarily . You need to get some rest and are over due for some cuddles. I need to have a word with your brothers.”
Mia yawned.
“That sounds nice. Did I ever tell you hot hot you are?”
Gabriel smirked making sure that her brother’s heard that comment.
“A time or two. I’ll be with you soon babycakes.”
Once Mia was safely out of ear shot Gabriel turned to Sam and Dean with an expression that could clearly said run!
“Gabriel, it was just a joke.”
Sam stuttered. Gabriel crossed his arms over his chest raising an eyebrow.
“I bet you both think they you were pretty clever huh? Well you wasn’t. So do you all want to see a real Zombie?”
Before Sam and Dean could respond Gabriel snapped his fingers and two zombie appeared. Gabriel smirked as the two zombies started waddling toward Sam and Dean.
“Okay! Gabriel this isn’t funny!”
Sam shouted. Gabriel turned with a cold smirk. Dean looked coldly at the archangel
“Wait until I get my hands on your you winged douche bag!”
Gabriel laughed…
“Who are you calling douche bag, you douche bag?Well good luck fighting these Walking Dead rejects with an iron and a potato masher. Best wishes.”
Gabriel walked into the bunker and slammed the door behind him locking it with another snap of his fingers. He made sure that the zombies wouldn’t actually be able to hurt Sam and Dean if they did bite. Scare the living shit of them, yes! Hurt them….as much as he wanted to…no. The last thing he wanted was to have to explain to Mia why her brothers were zombies!
Gabriel remained invisibly watching Sam and Dean scrambling inside the Impala to avoid the zombies. Chuckling he turned to join Mia in her bed. He already dreaded explaining all of this to Mia the next morning. Right now all he wanted to do was cuddle with Mia until she was 100% again.
“Good luck you gigantic morons….that’s what you get for tricking the trickster’s woman.”
Gabriel said with a proud smile before shutting Mia’s door behind him.
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odogaronfang · 7 years
Could you share some of your headcanons for shadow?
!yes! i can! all these shadow asks, yall are killing me, letting me talk about my trash boy so much, you need to stop, (keep doing it)
i’ll shove this under a readmore because it ended at a whopping 1700 words, you guys are really indulging me
-shadow smiles a lot. don’t mistake it for happiness, or friendliness, or really anything benevolent. at least not at first. the dark world is very different in their customs and etiquettes, models them more so after… not animals, but natural instinct, as it were. so smiling, where shadow comes from, makes a statement: i’m stronger than you, i am in a place to taunt you without fearing for myself, i am challenging you to challenge me. things of that nature. shadow knows that with his magic he is far more powerful than the majority of hylians, save for zelda and perhaps the links. so in a post-manga situation where he has his magic still, he is CONSTANTLY grinning at people. he knows he has the upper hand, always. he has to be watched carefully, in the event that someone irritates him. on the flip side, though, if it’s a post-manga situation in which he’s without his magic, for whatever reason- too weak to use it, no source in Hyrule, lost the ability when he was revived- he’s very solemn. magic was his entire fighting style, in the dark world and hyrule; if he doesn’t have that, he knows he’s in no place to go around offering challenges. the way he sees it he may as well tape a ‘KILL ME’ sign to his forehead.
-expanding on this: he feels very intimidated in hyrule at first, especially if he’s been reincarnated without his powers. he doesn’t understand the customs of hylians, doesn’t know just how different they are from the dark world’s. so imagine walking outside, and everyone’s threatening you. everywhere you look there’s someone inviting you to die. that’s what he sees, before he knows the connotation hylians have assigned smiling; everyone’s threatening him, and everyone’s MOCKING him. and he hates to be mocked, as we all know.
-shadow can dish it but he can’t take it. it’s just a simple truth. physically, of course, is one thing- he can take a beating just fine. it’s a survival skill, in the dark world. trading insults is very, very different. he’ll go around on his perceived authority taunting people, joking at their expense (and meaning every harsh word of it), but hylia forbid anyone do it back. this is where he and vio run into a LOT of conflict. vio is very sassy. shadow wants to remark on him, or the other links, or zelda? vio’s got one ready for him, and he refuses to take any shit. so of course shadow gets pissy, and would very much love to fight, except that if he wants to stay alive and in hyrule he’s going to have to learn that that behavior isn’t acceptable. (to some people’s surprise, red is also very good at keeping shadow in line, but the difference between vio and red is that shadow knows that if he gives red so much as a paper cut the entire continent of hyrule will call for his banishment immediately. red exploits that.)
-he’s very dramatic. that comes as a surprise to no one, i’m sure. but christ, can that kid put on an act. like, his gestures, his speech, his reactions, even the way he fights- it’s with a flourish, always, and very exaggerated. at first it’s extremely irritating; later, when he’s settled down a bit (a lot) more and really started to fit with the group, it’s very funny. watching him deal with enemies, or perhaps not enemies but hostile foreigners, is like watching a soap opera. if they need deceit, depending on the situation they choose from red, vio, or him- whatever’s most called for. it’s red if they need gentle (or guilt-trippy) persuasion, vio if they’re looking for very rational and levelheaded (and sometimes under-the-table) negotiations, and it’s shadow if they want a charade and a lot of blatant lies. he’s very good at convincing people of even the most ridiculous fabrications. he can act earnest and open with alarming sincerity.
-again, unsurprisingly, shadow is a trickster. april fools’ day is his favorite holiday. it’s his favorite thing ever, because it’s a socially acceptable day of being as awful as he’s legally allowed to be. and he can set up some really elaborate stuff. think rube-goldberg machines where every single step is a prank on someone. sometimes even the same person each time. his acting skills help a lot in pulling it off- the only problem is that no one trusts him one hundred percent. but he gets away with too much by blaming it on someone they won’t get as mad at.
-he can read people very well. body language is extremely important to understand in the dark world. he reads the room, he just doesn’t care. he’ll start things on purpose just to watch the fallout.
-in a situation where he’s allied with them during a time of war, he’s a reluctant shoe-in for tactical positions. him and vio, because vio has the practical knowledge and shadow has all sorts of BRUTAL applications. he kind of has to scale it back so he isn’t convicted of any war crimes (stupid idea, if you ask shadow, it’s WAR). but he can come up with some MEAN stuff. traps, fortifications, offensive strategies, especially TRAPS, he’s got a mental list a hundred miles long, and that’s probably just the stuff he’s used already.
-he makes for an excellent spy, for reasons mentioned above and because he’s very well-known, for better or for worse. you’re probably thinking, why would you want a spy that’s well known? two answers, one hinging upon the kind of au: first, if he still has his magic, he can just shapeshift. animorph into another person, and another, and another, so he just seems like a drifter. and even if he doesn’t have that, if nothing else, he can always fall back on his reputation: his origin was as a commander in the war against Hyrule. “hey,” he can say, “all this ‘playing nice’ shit is boring, lemme in so i can bomb something.” 99% of the time, boom, he’s in. that other 1%? he’ll just wreak havoc on the encampment and leave. it’s a win-win. espionage is his middle name and also his favorite word.
-pyrotechnics. like, say that one word and he’ll come running. or teleporting. it depends. it is another of his capital-favorite FAVORITE things. why else do you think he took up residence in the fire temple, of all places? he can list off every known natural way to bring about a fire or, better, an explosion, and he’s very talented at rigging bombs from very little. it’s a little unnerving, watching him working at an explosive. he’s positively gleeful.
-ranged weapons are nice and all, but he prefers the melee ones, the up-close-and-personal nasty little pieces of work. like, serrated daggers, scythes, bludgeons, maces, even a flail of some kind, anything that’s really gonna make a mess. he has a lot of fun with axes; battleaxes, poleaxes and halberds, that sort of thing. he likes to customize.
-dumb impulsive idiot that he is, he rarely ever wears armor or even uses a shield. with magic there’s little need for it, but even without it he really doesn’t care. “can’t hurt me if i kill them,” he says, and charges with reckless abandon, and almost always gets at least one (1) stab wound as a result. he has a high pain threshold and often doesn’t realize until afterwards, when he’s lightheaded and his tunic’s stuck to his side with dried blood. everyone scolds him mercilessly. he keeps doing it anyway.
-because of poor circulation and also just because he’s made differently, shadow is always cold to the touch. like, have him hold your lukewarm drink for a few minutes, by the time you come back for it it’ll be chilled, and probably also full of salt or something. please don’t trust shadow with anything you plan to ingest.
-on that note, don’t let shadow into any kitchen unless you’re trying to destroy it. like, no jokes, they once sent shadow to infiltrate and break down an encampment by posing as a chef. he came back two hours later grinning and covered in ash.
-funny enough, in stark contrast to the personality he puts out to everyone, he’s very clingy, in that he’s got some serious abandonment issues. he’s a stranger in a strange land where most if not all people despise him, he doesn’t understand their customs, he doesn’t know anyone, and he was left behind countless times where he came from. once he really gets comfortable with the links they become his anchor, almost; he can’t stand the thought of being ditched again, so he sticks VERY closely with them.
-he will eat ANYTHING. anything. he doesn’t care. at all. everyone’s sure his taste buds are dead.
-that isn’t true. his favorite things are spicy. like, fatally spicy, the stuff that’d probably kill just about anyone else. he challenges the wing chef to make the spiciest wings possible. the chef brings him a plate of raw ghost peppers. he eats them all and asks for more. the chef cries. it’s terrifying.
-because of how common underhanded tactics are in the dark world, its residents have developed to a large degree a resistance to poison. shadow is no exception; there are very few toxins that would actually be able to do more than put him in bed for a few hours. so he’s used as the poison-tester in pretty much every event under scrutiny. he’ll know if the poison’s there- he can taste it, he just won’t feel any of its effects; the worst he’s gotten was a stomachache, and that was from something that can kill ten full-grown men with a drop. and if he tastes it, honestly, he won’t even say anything. he’ll just laugh, watching the smug little face of whoever did it. because he knows. he can tell.
-he’s a morbid little fuck and usually ends up laughing in the face of death, like when he’s seriously injured. really, when it boils down to it, everyone is simultaneously worried for him and terrified of him.
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undulated-raptor · 7 years
Justice League
Instead of trying to put together a review of Zack Snyder’s Justice League and talk about the differing aspects of the film, I want to focus on four specific moments. Two of them I absolutely loved, the other two I really couldn’t stand, but I think these four together really show the wide range of good and bad in this movie. Also, I guess there should be *spoiler warning* on this, but let’s face it, there really isn’t anything to spoil with this movie. Just about every major story beat that happened we knew was going to happen, whether from the ridiculously excessive number of trailers that was put out, or the fact that we know these actors all have contracts to show up in each movie, etc.
The first moment I loved is actually the first scene of the movie. The scene just consists of a cell phone interview of some kids talking with Superman, where we see him smiling and actually being the “beacon of hope” we always expect the character to be. For the first time since this whole adventure started with Man of Steel, we see Superman being Superman. It is definitely the smartest thing that this movie could have done, by retroactively showing that the world at large does actually love Superman, which we didn’t really see, especially in Batman v Superman.
The other moment that I really enjoyed is actually the final post-credit scene. Throughout Batman v Superman, I never cared much for Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor. I was initially worried back when he was first cast, and his portrayal, which felt more like an audition to play a villain more like the Joker/Riddler/Trickster level of manicness compared to the scheming brilliance of Luthor. Then this post-credits scene happens. We see him in his full Luthor-ian glory on a yacht, no longer doing a slight variation of his Mark Zuckerberg, but more reserved, more “in control”. Oh yeah, a new character is also introduced, but it isn’t important the way Luthor’s rebranding is.
The first moment I hated came almost immediately after the opening scene with Superman, as we go into a sad, slow-motion montage of the world apparently having lost its hope, filled with hate. I get trying to show the effects of having lost Superman, but the choices to include a shot of a homeless man with a sign saying “I tried” and some epic slow-motion footage of a couple of men harassing a Muslim shopkeeper and her son, including a really powerful shot of one of the men kicking a crate of fruit. Listen, I get there’s a lot going on in the world right now. I get there’s a lot of horrible people out there, who are doing pretty awful stuff. I get that we’re trying to make these movies feel “real”, like they could be happening within our world. That being said, I went to go see a movie that was Batman fighting some aliens. I did not go for some social commentary about how apparently our world sucks because we don’t have Superman.
The other particular moment I couldn’t stand came after the resurrection of Superman. There is a brief fight between our heroes, which is entertaining enough and makes relative sense within the story. Then Superman is holding Batman while floating up off the ground a bit, and returns the threat/question of their last movie, “Do you bleed?” Suddenly Lois shows up, and Superman tosses Batman back behind him like a rag doll. Again, pretty fun moment. But then it happens. We cut back to Batman, laying on the ground in obvious pain, commenting seemingly only to the audience that “something’s definitely bleeding.” Alright, let’s get something straight here. That does not feel like the character of Batman. What makes it worse is while he’s laying there, the camera does a magnificent job to highlight his crotch, with a bulge that makes Jareth the Goblin King seem reserved. At that point, I just have to ask, what are we doing here? I’ve seen a lot of other people commenting online about the “horrible sexualization” of Wonder Woman and the Amazonian warriors, but nary a negative peep about this or Superman and Aquaman running around without their shirts on. Now, I’m not saying that there aren’t a few lingering sexy shots of Wonder Woman, and I’m definitely not saying that those are okay, but let’s have some objective standards over what we get upset about. Reducing a character to nothing more than a sex object should be something we want to avoid, whether it is a male or female character.
I actually found myself loving this movie overall. Yes, it has its weak points (aside from the ones listed, there’s a thousand criticisms all over the web, some more valid than others, but none too terribly distracting in all), and it has some definite strong points, like some of the character interactions. Personally, I would even go so far as to say that this movie is the best one since this DCEU adventure got started up. I might be in the very small minority, but this beats out Wonder Woman, and blows the others out of the water.
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