#this is going to stop a lot of survivors from just relying on this perk- and not any of their own skill- to loop killers forever.
forcedhesitation · 7 months
blessed be the death of MFT.
buckle up, STBFL, and ultimate weapon nerfs next please. 🙏
#dbd#thoughts about media#ONLY during deep wound? like good bye. most survivors aren't going to bother and will prioritise perks that are more simple and reliable.#this is going to stop a lot of survivors from just relying on this perk- and not any of their own skill- to loop killers forever.#super happy about the garden of joy and red forest changes incoming too.#I could handle red forest just fine with my two mains- ghostface & hux.#but there are some other killers who do not stand a chance on that map because of the sheer size of it.#and the garden of joy is...well it's one of the most poorly laid out maps in the game imo.#that main building window is a fucking ATROCITY.#even hux with rapid brutality & soma family photo struggles to catch up to a survivor looping that fucking stupid window.#and it's not like you can just ensure you ONLY get that map when you're doctor- who doesn't give a fuck about that window.#also very exciting to see trickster is getting a buff. I fear it may be a Little too much but we'll have to see.#I do like trickster because I LOVE awful men but he's SO painful to play with the state he's in on live servers.#and like why would I subject myself to playing a killer whose power barely does anything as opposed to other. better. killers?#ghostface and hux aren't even remotely close to OP but they still get consistent and reliable use of their powers.#even if some fuckhead follows you around to reveal you. you can shroud in chase to hide your stain momentarily and mindgame.#and hux's depleted oxygen tank add-on shuts down exhaustion perk usage when a survivor may most need it. even if they get EMP'd.#hopefully updated trickster will join the pool of killers I regularly play.#so unfair that I can't play him and doctor and equal amount. they are married to me.
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janeromeroshow · 2 months
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. (other than the knight as a whole! Haha), 15. all for the DBD meme!
6, 7 and 9 have been answered here!
5. Favourite killer to play as?
I'm having a lot of fun playing Legion right now! ( With an admittedly evil build, I have to admit )
8. What's an original chapter you'd like to see added? (killer/map/survivor ideas)
Please please PLEASE can we get a biblically accurate angel-themed killer. That or like, a sentient AI ( although I love Hux ) with a cutesy-at-first vibe, ala Monika from DDLC. Also just more cute girl killers please. For a map, I'd love to see something like an old manor ( read: me wanting the Heelshire manor from The Boy in the licensed ask ) or maybe something more modern and bright ( why did they not give us an All-Kill map. )
10. Least favourite map?
That one long skinny Autohaven Wreckers map. I despise it. I also am not a fan of the swamp in any way shape or form.
12. Favourite perk to use?
URBAN EVASION. I am an urban evasion lover til I die. I love to crab-walk around the map at high speeds.
13. Least favourite perk to face?
If you use NOED in 2024 I think you need to go to jail forever /JOKE. Plaything also pisses me off because I rely so heavily on audio cues sobs. Other than that, I don't really mind - I use an evil build on killer so I don't get mad when other people have evil builds. For survivor perks, I don't really think there's any that annoy me or that I specifically dislike? Maybe it's just bc I'm a survivor main by far and don't play killer as much though.
14. What's a mechanic you would change?
I don't know but I just think there should be way more anti-camping and tunneling mechanics. Like, they added the anti-camping timer but I've literally had killers stand just out of range of it and continue to camp? I know there's no way to stop bad sportsmanship completely, but the game is still way too forgiving of it I feel. ( Although, I do not want to go into a rant abt DBD toxicity when I'm not playing it as much atm lmao- )
15. Favourite chase music?
By far Wesker's. Why is it so extravagant.
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realfuurikuuri · 4 years
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (Cartoon) Relationships: Mao Mao/Tanya Keys, Mao mao/badgerclops Characters: Mao Mao, Badgerclops, King Snugglemane, Adorabat, Orangusnake, Basically everyone from the show, Fanchild - Character, Tanya Keys, Shin Mao
Summary: MissingArm!AU: When escaping the cave, it wasn't his tail that got crushed. In exchange for his innocence, he gained a sordid past. The Pure Heart Valley seemed like a good place to escape. To start a new life with a new family to forge a new identity. However, when the past rears its ugly head Mao Mao's forced to step up or be put down.
Direct AO3 Link: XXXX
Chapter Below Cut: 
AN:  Fun fact: this chapter was actually finished and ready to post Wednesday, but I forgot to post it, so now it's coming to you Friday. I was also busy playing SUPERHOT and it's sequel MIND CONTROL DELETE. It's a great game and I don't even like FPS that much. Still haven't finished Devil Survivor, but I'm getting at Belial's fight so I'm making progress. As always thanks Spookylovesboba and enjoy the chapter. This chapter's song rec: The Mystic by Adam Jensen (A strange creator with a strange sound, but I like it I guess)
Was he dead? There was darkness all around him. It was terribly cold. He was wet, too. Had he finally crossed the River Sanzu? Or maybe he was still crossing it? Strange, he thought he’d be hung up about dying, but Mao Mao couldn’t actually say he was. There were a few things he still wanted to do. Make up with his son. Make up with Tanya. Enjoy being free from the Mao-clan. Oh well, there’s nothing a dead-man could do about that.
Fortunately, he wasn’t dead. It took some time, but his eyes adjusted to the darkness revealing a rocky ceiling, rocky walls, rocky floors, and a rocky everything else. He was underground, but this certainly wasn’t a grave. He must have fallen down the sinkhole, he rationalized to himself, although the stalagmites hanging from the ceiling, the shallow river running underneath him, and the vast empty darkness made him think this was more than a sinkhole.
“Who woulda thunk that there’s an entire cave system underneath the town,” he told no one in particular, which was why he was so surprised when he got an answer.
It wasn’t words, instead, it was a nasal grunt of pain. Mao Mao sifted through the rocks to find the source. He suspected a sweetipie was the source of the noise, but when he saw Orangusnake’s head poking through the rubble he grabbed him by the throat and yanked.
His heart skipped a beat when he pulled the head, the neck, and the rest of the body. Mao Mao staggered back and began to wretch. What just happened? What did he do? He just killed a man! Normally, that wouldn’t bother him, but he just yanked out a man’s head like this was some sort of video-game. Mao Mao took a step back to gather himself. He breathed in and breathed out. The panic drained out of him only for more to settle back in.
“What are you doing,” Orangusnake’s head asked.
“Nothing I’m just-” Mao Mao did a double-take. Orangusnake was fine, or more aptly put, the snake was fine.
“You! You! How- why- what are you!” he screamed at the snake, snatching by the throat again.
Instead of answering back, he let out strangled gasps. Mao Mao groaned and dropped the snake to the ground. He tried to slither away, but Mao Mao stepped onto the end of his tail.
“Alright, alright,” the snake said,” my name is Coby.”
“I thought it was Orangusnake.”
“No, our name is Orangusnake.”
“What do you mean by our name ?”
“Me and Tanner.”
“Who the fuck is Tanner?”
“The orangutan!”
“What Orangutan?”
“You know the arms, the legs, the face on my stomach.”
“Wait… the face isn’t some weird decoration?”
“That’s a person?”
“... is this some weird sex thing?”
Mao Mao never got his answer. The snake wiggled from his grasp and began to slither away. Mao Mao snatched at the ground only to catch pieces of gravel. He turned to the snake who had wrapped himself on a stalagmite out of his reach.
“Get down here,” he ordered.
“No,” Orangusnake spat back.
“I’m not going to chase you around this cave all damn day.”
“Then I'll stay up here.”
Mao Mao put his face in his hand and sighed,” look. Orangusnake, right?”
“So, where is the other one? Tanner?”
The snake’s head perked up.
“See my point? Now get off your ass. We certainly won’t find an exit like that.”
“What about finding Tanner?”
Mao Mao looked to the pile of rocks and debris that now plugged the hle they fell through. He’s either dead underneath all of that, or,” he added before the snake could object,” he’s on the other side of the mess, which hopefully connects back over here.”
The snake dashed from the stalagmite, wrapping himself around Mao Mao’s torso and tugged to drag him forward. “Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go!”
Mao rolled his eyes and sighed, taking solace in the fact that half-of-Orangusnake, Coby he called himself, was finally moving.
* * *
Mao Mao explored the winding caverns. For once, having a glowstick came in handy. He held up Geraldine to get the only light they had. More than once they came to a dead-end and had to double back. Coby complained the entire time like he was the one actually doing all the walking. He whined and whined with that annoying nasally voice of his. The only saving grace was that it all became an Indistinguishable mess to his ears. Thankfully, if Shin taught him anything its how to fake paying attention.
“Do you understand what I’m saying,” Coby asked.
“Yeah, sure.”
“So, what should I do,” Coby asked.
“I can see that.”
“Are you even listening?”
“Not now,” Mao Mao said too late to catch himself.
“Of course, you weren’t listening,” the snake said,” you don’t even care!”
“At least you know that.”
“This is why your son doesn’t like you.”
Coby immediately recoiled back, regretting his words. For good reason. Mao Mao’s first instinct was to choke the life out of him. What did this snake know about Jǐngtì? Then came the sobering thought that the snake probably did know a lot. More than Mao Mao did, at least. Everything he knew about Jǐngtì was 5 years out of date. He was no longer the same toddler he carried on his shoulders. He was different from how he remembered. Maybe he never remembered correctly in the first place. He was different from how he remembered. Maybe he never remembered correctly in the first place.
“Alright, fine. I’m sorry for not listening. What were you saying?”
Coby seemed taken aback by the heel-face turn. He eyed Mao Mao suspiciously. “Why the sudden change?”
“It will pass the time while we look for an exit,” Mao Mao said.
“You mean look for Tanner,” Coby said.
“Yeah, sorry, look for Tanner is what I should’ve said.”
Orangusnake pulled back and narrowed his eyes. “What has gotten into you?”
“Nothing. Noting at all,” Mao Mao lied.
He wasn’t going to tell Orangusnake the truth. He wasn’t going to tell him that when Jǐngtì was born Mao Mao constantly told himself he’d be different from Shin. He wasn’t going to tell him that he quite literally regurgitating the same meaningless lines Shin used. Mao Mao would’ve laughed at the irony if self-hatred wasn’t boiling in his stomach.
“I was talking about my crew.”
“What does the rest of the Sky Pirates have to do with anything?”
“Everything! They’re why we’re stuck down here.”
“They are?”
“Yes. Weren’t you listening?”
Oragusnake rolled his eyes and gagged. “And stop being so apologetic. It’s weird.”
“Sorry,” slipped out of Mao Mao’s lips before he even realized it. Orangusnake sighed and brushed it aside. “As I was saying, this is all the fault of my crew.”
“Because they weren’t listening!”
“What do you mean?”
“They just don’t listen! I say to do this, they do that. I tell them to do one thing and they do something else.”
Maybe you should try being more clear with your directions?”
“It’s not that they don’t understand. It's that they just don’t follow directions. It’s like they just want to spite me.”
“Then I don’t know what to tell you? If they don’t want to listen then they don’t. I can’t really help you with that.”
“What about your team? Why do they listen to you?”
That question made Mao Mao stumble, figuratively, and literally. Mao Mao managed to break his fall before he smashed his head against the rocks, although it was a second before he got back up. He was distracted by the hundreds of thoughts that flashed through his head in an instant. The first answer that came to mind was that they listened to him because he was reliable. However, even he knew that wasn’t the answer. If anything he’s the one relying on them. To take care of Adorabat, to take him to the hospital, to fix the house, to even watch his son. The next reason why they might listen to him is because of his experience, but the only thing he has experience with is failing everybody around him. Why did they listen to him?
“I don’t know,” Mao Mao answered in a voice barely above a whisper.
“What’d you say,” Coby asked.
“Nothing, just a grunt of pain,” he lied, making his stomach boil all over again. “Actually, I said I don’t know.”
“You don’t know what?”
“I don’t know why they listen to me.”
“Oh… well, don’t ask me. I don't know why they follow you either- urk!”
Mao Mao pinched Coby’s mouth close with his hand after having stabbed a glowing Geraldine into the ground. He closed his eyes, listening to something. Underneath the sound of their conversation, underneath the ambient sound of the stream by their feet was something else. A quiet chatter; like someone absently muttering to themselves, or the grind of teeth. Soon, Mao Mao’s eyes could make out a vague shape in the darkness.  It was not something Mao Mao released his hand from the snake’s mouth, resting it comfortably on Geraldine’s hilt.
When the creature finally got close enough he pulled out Geraldine and swung at the figure, however, he stopped just short of slicing off an Orangutan’s head.
Mao Mao jumped in surprise when Coby freed himself from his waist, traveled up his sword, and wrapped himself around the Orangutan. Mao Mao watched the two, he heard them say things, but the words were lost somewhere in the confusion of watching a snake and Orangutan kiss. It was then that Mao Mao realized something Orangusnake: Orangutan - Snake. He assumed the name had some meaning but didn’t expect its meaning to be so literal.
“So, you just let him guide you? You let him fight for you and do basically everything at his whim?”
“Yeah,” Coby, err Orangusnake said unironically.
“So you’re willing to let him risk your life because you trust him?”
Mao Mao squinted his eyes and had his mouth hanging open like a fish. He didn’t move until he cocked his head to the side as he felt some sort of answer starting to form. The relationship Tanner had with Coby was similar to one of his own. The reason why Coby let Tanner control his movements and why Badgerclops and Adorabat followed his lead was the same, and it was the lack of that reason that made Jǐngtì so rebellions. But, what was the reason?
Mao Mao racked his brain, forcing the gears in his head to turn. He could feel an answer coming. It was right in front of him, yet it was like the steam from a teapot. Something you could briefly feel if you reached out, but would always disappear leaving a vague notion of what it was. He’d probably be able to grasp the answer if it wasn’t for that chattering!
Mao Mao’s eyes shot open. Mao Mao took his sword out of the ground to rest it on his shoulder. Orangusnake noticed this and was about to say something before Mao Mao glared at him, scaring him to silence real quick. The chatter hadn’t disappeared. The noise surrounded them like a barely audible whisper. He assumed it was Tanner making that chattering noise, but he was wrong. They weren’t alone in these caves.
Something approached and Mao Mao thrust his sword forward, stumbling when it glanced off the ant’s exoskeleton. It was large and red, like a fire ant, but its eyes glowed a furious yellow. Coby screamed and to Tanner’s credit he quickly moved as the ants began to swarm. No point in fighting a losing battle. Mao Mao joined them, running blind in the darkness.
The ants came out in droves, following them with their mandibles chattering and chomping at the air. Mao Mao cursed his hubris. There wasn’t a cave system underneath the valley, but an entire ant colony. Certainly, a problem that should be dealt with, but that would come later. Right now, he followed Orangusnake up a rocky slope. The slope grew steeper and steeper until they were scaling a vertical wall.
“We’re almost there,” Orangusnake shouted,” just keep moving.
Easy for him to say. He wasn’t the one climbing with one arm. Mao Mao held Geraldine with his tail, doing his best to climb the wall, but claws don’t work on stone. He reached the top, grabbing onto the rocky ledge only to have it crumble under his fingers. The air was beginning to whistle past his ears when Orangusnake snatched him by the wrist. He pulled him over the ledge.
The two, perhaps three depending on how you count, stopped to catch their breath.
“Let’s never do that again,” Orangusnake insisted.
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Mao Mao huffed,” and Orangusnnake…”
“Thanks for saving me.”
Orangusnake stared at him for a solid second before pretending to retch,” that was so sweet I feel like I’m going to die of diabetes.”
“Well, I know what to do the next time you try to take the Ruby Pure Heart,” Mao Mao said.
Orangusnake mimicked vomiting before turning his attention to the path ahead. Mao Mao did the same when he noticed the echo of a gentle melody. Strange, but worth investigating. He and Orangusnake headed down the path as the music grew louder. Mao Mao had the feeling he heard the song before. He wanted to say at the thumb wrestling festival, but that couldn’t be it. Why would festival music be playing in the depths of a cave? Actually, a better question would be why is any music playing in the depths of a cave?
They came upon a massive ornate door. Gilded doorknobs and felt coverings and the works. If Mao Mao was an idiot, and he was in just a good enough mood to be one, he might have fantasized about whatever big phat reward waited for him. He looked to Orangusnake who gave him a nod and threw the door open.
Snugglemagne let out quite the undignified shriek. “Sheriff? What are you doing here,” he asked.
“What am I- what are you doing here?”
“Practicing Harpsichord.”
“20 feet underground in a sealed chamber?”
“I’m very shy.”
“What about the monsters?”
“Overgrown pest, I’m afraid. I’ve laid out traps, but they don’t seem to be working.”
“That’s because they’ve made a nest underneath the town!”
“Oh. Better get an exterminator then.”
Mao Mao pinched the bridge of his nose. “Where’s the exit to this hellhole?”
“You can’t miss it. About 60 yards back, up the steps, and through the secret passage.”
* * *
The passage opened to the front of the castle. The sky was dark, only lit by stars and lightning bugs. Mao Mao was surprised to see the critters were still out; summer’s end was only a month or two away. Orangusnake took a deep breath of fresh air and stretched. It looked rather weird without the armor.
“Well that was a trail,” Orangusnake said,” I’ll be back for the Ruby Pure Heart some other time.”
“You can try. Kill you later?”
Orangusnake paused before repeating,” kill you later,” in confirmation as the two went their separate ways.
* * *
Mao Mao walked up the large hill back to HQ. His stomach growled and he hoped Badgerclops made actual food instead of a toast-tower again. It was just his luck that the one time Badgerclops doesn’t forget the Aerocycle is the only time Mao Mao would need it to get back. He went for the doorknob to find it locked. He went for his keys only to find them gone. With no other choice, he knocked on the door.
He could hear voices on the other side and it was another second before the door actually opened. Mao Mao couldn’t tell who was more surprised to see the other person: him or Jǐngtì.
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lyaen-writes · 4 years
“So, who’s the leader?” 
A question that had been on Frank’s mind since he arrived. Every group needed a leader. Someone to keep the others organized. Give them hope of survival. Push them to their limits when they hit a wall. To raise them up when they’ve lost their way. A person they can all rely on. Responsible. Brave. Confident. 
A person much like himself, if he dared to say so. If they didn’t have a decisive leader, he could easily take that mantle. 
But the answer he received wasn’t what he expected or wanted.
Claudette. “I guess Dwight is?”
Jake. “Of all of us? I think Dwight is. He’s stepped up when it counts.”
Meg. “His perks are useful. Didn’t he used to manage people? He’s good enough at it. Especially all things considered.”
Feng. “Hmm...I guess Dwight. He has this way about him. He’s easy to approach.”
Nea. “I don’t give too much thought to something like that. But, probably Dwight. He holds us together.”
Ace. “Dwight’s got potential. I’d say Bill, but he doesn’t have the experience of being here as long as the kids.”
Laurie. “I know I can always count on Dwight.
David. “You’re askin’ me?”
Quentin. “...hmm? What was the question…? Oh, uhm, Dwight. Yea.”
Tapp. “Leader, huh? I know mostly everyone wants to include Dwight on any decision made. So probably him?”
Kate. “Dwight’s very reliable! Whenever I have a question, I go to him.”
Adam. “Dwight. He has a lot of qualities that make a good leader. Emotional intelligence, transparency, empathy… I’ve seen it before in younger kids. They turn out to be the best leaders.”
Jeff. “I guess I’d have to say...Dwight.”
Jane. “At the end of the day? Dwight is the one I’ll follow.”
Ash. “Dwight.”
Nancy. “I’m not sure...I want to say Dwight?”
Steve. “Yea, I agree, Dwight.”
Yui. “Fairfield.”
Bill. “Dwight.”
How could this incompetent loser be the leader? Every single survivor looked to him in a crisis? He held them together? This nervous, pathetic, spineless man had the overwhelming vote of confidence from his peers?
Bullshit. Frank grit his teeth and lit another stick on fire, burning a new hole into his jeans, Fucking bullshit!
“Ah-! Fuck…” Frank shook his burnt finger, blowing on it.
The first responder was none other than Dwight, hero of the people, “Are you okay? What happened? A burn? Let me see.”
“Fuck off.”
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay-”
“Well don’t, and fuck off!”
Dwight’s eyes widened- confusion? Concern? Fright? Frank didn’t know. He didn’t care. He wasn’t thinking. It should be him. This weak, pathetic, pushover of a bastard was the leader? It filled him with fury unlike anything else he’d felt before.
He pushed Dwight away, got to his feet, and walked into the woods.
He needed time. Time to cool off. Time to craft a plan. A way to lure them to his side. To see him as a better leader. A better option. To tear them all apart, from the inside out.
He stopped abruptly, Destroy the group?
It had only briefly crossed his mind. It made no logical sense, as they were all in this together, but a fire in his gut told him to pursue the thought. Go deeper. Go farther.
Frank glanced over his shoulder. The faint glow of the campfire was still within sight. Dwight was still watching in his direction.
Too bad it wasn’t as simple as killing Dwight. Leaving him at the mercy of a Killer. Or better yet, killing him himself. Leader’s are supposed to go farther than any one else is willing to, after all.
Quickly, Frank turned away and faced the tree. His nails penetrated the skin of his palms. The thoughts made him antsy. It was wrong. However, they reminded him of something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He wrung and flexed his hands, grounding himself with the sound of his bones cracking. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
Baby steps.
He’d get Dwight alone.
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jesterkard · 4 years
Any advice on how to play dbd? I just got the game and I would appreciate anything to help me along my journey-Noob at Everything
oh this is gonna be a long one Im forced to put this under a readmore (sry mobile users)
about character advice u should level everyone up and try their perks out, your main wont depend on the perks (as u will unlock all perks for everyone else) but rather if u can rly “play well” in the characters model. I recommend nea and claudette for beginners as nea is a stealth-aligned character (specifically the perk “urban evasion” that lets you crouch faster) and claudette is one for teamwork but also can heal urself. (perk is called self care) but in the end you can choose whoever just looks good to u and learn theri perks. make sure to not get too dependant on one perk and learn to adjust to any situation
honestly u wont have a lot of perks at the beginning, mostly the one of ur character and the genreal ones available to all survivors. a very good perk is “spinechill”- a perk that will give u a lot of insight on when the killer is going into ur direction and a good way tosee if he is still following you when you Are running away.
DONT WEAR BRIGHT CLOTHES you get spotted easier and if youre not more advanced ur just gonna be a quick target
Tumblr media Tumblr media
save up the purple colored items, like the purple flashlight. ESPECIALLY the purple flashlight. if you are a beginner and dont know how to deal with a flashlight yet its good to save them up and use the green and yellow flashlights instead to practice and by the time u become level 50 (and are about to prestige to prestige I) u will feel more secure and testing+playing around wtih the flashlight
honestly? I only use my purple flashlight wtih a white ward (an offering that prevents you from losing ur item PLUS addons when you die) I cant handle to get tunneled and lose a good item!! they rly are rare keep that in mind
work on gens thats the main objective and what will get u out, if someone JUST got hooked and hasnt like lost half of the hooked bar (the yellow bar underneath the survivors name) theyre still in “stage 1″ and u can work on the gen/try to finish it up before they get to “stage 2″.lets say you get unhooked and u were on stage 1, then you get hooked again. you get just put on stage 2 and just have to struggle while your teammates come to save you.now lets say you get unhooked and you were on stage 2, if you get downed and hooked youre fully dead. so keep that in mind and dont let teammates come to stage 2.
feel the courage to run to the generators that are more in the middle- and think of it that way: by getting the gen done in the middle you basically make the killer take longer to go check all gens. by the time a killer is going to another gen, kicking it and coming back, you can already finish one gen at one side.
you dont have to crouch around if the killer isnt near you (heartbeat wise) you can run, gameplay changes when you playagainst a myers, pig or ghostface (or any killers wiht a tinier terror radius) bc you wont hear the heartbeat that shows that hteyre near. 
looping is when you make the killer follow you around one obstacle, dont throw the pallet down if the killer is A: not close enough and B: youre not injured. pallet efficiency will make your gameplay and the one of ur teammates easier.
when you get chased by the killer around like jungle gyms (multiple walls wiwth like one window and one pallet), always look behind you to seeif the killer is still after you and not already going to the other side so you walk right into him. 
when the killer actually breaks a pallet that you dropped, take the time and immedaitely book it to the next jungle gym/out of sight. if you were not injured and the killer no longer can see you, stop running and sneak somewhere to hide- wait for the killer to come by and look around and then leave: run to the other side then. 
when you get hooked, DONT attempt to escape. there is a 4% escape chance. as long as youre not cowsIAM (who is KNOWN for unhooking himself all the time somehow) you wont have much luck. you can attempt to escape if thers rly no other way though. 
NURSE if she blinks and is about to teleport to you, run to her so she already teleports too far away 
HAGcrouch over her traps to not trigger them. if you get unhooked and the hag put traps around, immediately crouch the moment u get on the ground and sneak away.counter perk: urban evasion
THE SPIRITlets say the spirit suddenly stopped running after you- shes most likely in her phase power and about to teleport to you. if you are not injured immediately stop running and normally walk somewhere out of sight and hide. the spirit relies on scratch marks AND the grunts of paint the player gives.if you are in front of a pallet and the spirit is on the other side just standing still WALK AWAY dont walk over the pallet there are spirits who “fake phase” so they just stand there and grab you when you walk over.counter perk: iron will
MYERSrun away and always try to break line of sight so he cant stalk you. when you loop him just crouch when he tries to stalk you so he cant see your modelcounter perk: spinechill
HILLBILLYrun around obstacles so he more likely runs into the obstacles than you so you dont get immediately chainsawed downcounter perk: sprint burst
THE HUNTRESS IM STUPID. THIS IS NOT GHOSTFACEif you are looping her and are at the pallet, and you see her raise her arm to throw a hatchet- keep running. the pallet drop animation doesnt make u invincible and the animation is locked so she can easily hit you with the hatchet. KEEP RUNNNIIIING counter perk: not spinechill this rly does nothing for u
TRAPPERif the trapper is playing, always look around for traps. they are almost always at pallet spots etc. if you trigger a trap either to disarm it or u walk into it- the killer gets a notification and will most likely return to it. avoid the place in general.
PLAGUEdont cleanse, if you cleanse urself in one of teh devotional water..things Idk you basically “corrupt it” and when she gets to it, she can get insta down attacks. u dont want that. it sucks either way since you will have teh broken status effect (youre injured and cant be healed up) but ykno. 
WRAITHif you flashlight him (just point the flashlight at him) when hes using his invisible power- he will get stunned :) be careful doing this they get easily mad and facecamp u either that or Im just that hated
DEATHSLINGERdont run ina  straight line just do curves and keep an eye on him when hes chasing you so that when he starts aiming you start running “chaoitcally” so he has a harder time to aim & hit you 
DOCTORwhen you are shocked and on any madness level, there might come up “fake doctor visions” that are just the model of the doctor looking at you. its not the killer himself just an illusion- and you should always stay on the move bc the killer can also see the illusion, know that somewhere is there, and imediately go to check it out. counter perk: calm spirit
CANNIBALdisconnect its not worth it (jk u get a penalty if u do disconnect.)
FREDDYwake urself up always byusing the time clocks, waking eachother up will at one point take way too long.counter perk: object of obsession
LEGIONloop him and try to avoid getting hit. outrunning him with speed perks is always good so he cant hit you. this is the dumbest tip so far. dont drop pallets too soon as he is able to vault them like you are. try to stun them when dropping the pallet if theyre close enoughcounter perk: sprint burst, lithe 
THE PIGthe pig is most likely always trying to sneak up on you so always make sure to keep ur surroundings in check. the moment you hear a ..groan? u will know what I mean- immediately run as she was about to attack you and has a light sprint animation.counter perk: spinechill, sprint burst
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victorluvsalice · 4 years
AU Thursday: Tell Me Where To Find Shelter -- Weird And Complicated Video Game Crossover AUs Strike Again
Okay, so last week I offered you all an updated rewrite on my old Fallout 4 Sole Survivor!Victor AU, Tell Me Where To Find Shelter. And at the very end of said update, I let you know that I had an idea for fitting Alice into the AU --
Specifically, my Malkavian Alice from Vampire: the Masquerade -- Bloodlines.
Look, the fact of the matter is, Fallout 4 and Bloodlines have been rather closely connected in my head from day one of my purchasing them -- hell, I got them during the same Steam sale! (Along with the BioShock series entire, which is why I had a couple of posts about Tell Me Where to Find Shelter back in 2016, then it dropped off the face of the earth -- I played Bloodlines first, and followed up with that series.) And my “Londerland Bloodlines” playthrough of Bloodlines was done concurrently with my starting up Fallout 4, so -- yeah. Me wanting to figure out how to cross the two over was probably inevitable.
I know what you’re all thinking, of course -- “how the hell do you make this sort of crossover work?” Well, I have had a few ideas:
-->This version of Malkavian Alice and her adventures in 2004 Los Angeles would be much more like the standard fledgling’s, given that the Corpse Bride characters are now born in the future. So the person she saves in the hospital is Heather (who she does manage to send away in time to save her life), and the Giovanni party goes down without dragging an undead version of Lizzie into the mix. Obviously the story and setting would have to be tweaked to fit better into Fallout’s alternate history (though given what the computers in the original game are like, maybe that’s easier than expected). She still goes Independent, and escapes from Los Angeles in the wake of LaCroix’s explosive death, making her way slowly but surely to the East Coast because she has had enough of California and everyone there.
-->She manages to get on with her unlife, watching the growing tensions with China and the Resource Wars with unease, but keeping to herself and doing her best not to let her humanity slip as she gets older. When the bombs fall, she’s sleeping the day away in a basement bunker she set up in Boston -- but the destruction from the explosion ends up collapsing part of the ceiling, burying her in rubble -- with a chunk of timber piercing her heart. She ends up in a staked torpor. . .
-->Until Victor shows up at her location at night to clear out a few raiders who are taking over the place as a base. One of the raiders yanks out the stake to use as a weapon, has three seconds to wonder why it’s got fresh blood on it -- then Alice explodes from her centuries-long hiding place and drinks him dry. Victor is too stunned at first to actually shoot her, and once Alice’s blood thirst has been quest, she immediately puts her hands up and does her best to show she means him no harm. They talk, Alice explains what happened (and goes ahead and admits she’s a vampire when Victor explains about the nuclear apocalypse -- who gives a shit about the Masquerade when the world has ended?), she offers to help with the remaining raiders to prove her good intentions, Victor accepts, and they take down the assholes together.
-->Obviously, Alice isn’t immediately “unlockable” as a companion -- she’s still got her sunlight thing, after all! She and Victor chat about it, and Victor, feeling bad, offers his assistance. Alice accepts -- she misses the sun -- and says that she’ll stay where she is for the moment (after finding a non-partially-collapsed basement to stay in) and keep raiders and monsters out while he searches for information. And so the “Here Comes The Sun” quest begins, with Victor searching for a way to counteract the sunlight curse! I’m thinking this would end up interacting with the Cabot family stuff, because I don’t think it would be hard at all to change the source of their immortality, and the artifact upon Lorenzo’s head, from something alien to something vampiric. Maybe Lorenzo’s partially possessed by the spirit of an Antediluvian, and it’s turned his blood into something close enough to vitae it can make ghouls? At any rate, Jack manages to whip something up after examining some of Alice’s blood (which, naturally, she’s kind of nervous about, but what choice does she have?), and it successfully stops her from burning up in sunlight (though she is weaker in it). A grateful Alice thanks Victor (and Jack) and agrees to travel with him to experience the Commonwealth.
-->As they go on together, they end up getting closer -- Alice likes that Victor is generally a good guy and sympathizes with the story of his lost family; Victor likes Alice’s snarky wit and strong sense of justice. As they share more details of their lives, help out the settlements, and battle monsters together, they realize they’re growing feelings for each other, and eventually get together, facing off against the Institute as a couple and parenting Synth Shaun/Chester together afterwards. (Alice jokes a lot that it took both her dying and the end of the world in general to finally get a domestic happy ending.)
-->Alice’s starting clothes would be a simple blue dress and apron with black buckled boots (the dress would naturally have a big bloody hole right over her heart when she first wakes up; she patches this after you leave her to her own devices for a bit), and she’d have the Tal’Mahe’Ra Blade (her prize from her storming of the Hallowbrook Hotel, taken from Andrei’s lair) as her standard weapon. She has a unique bite attack, being a vampire, and can still use Obfuscate (turning invisible to sneak past/sneak attack enemies) and Dementation (inflict debuffs on enemies so they’re confused and can’t shoot straight, or kill a single enemy from fear alone), though both have a cooldown so Victor can’t rely on her just spamming that to take care of every raider for him! XD Her perk would allow you to drain blood from enemy corpses (which other companions would find less disturbing than outright cannibalism, but still fairly creepy) and/or increase the healing capabilities of blood packs. I’m thinking, once romanced, she’d also have a unique variation of the “Lover’s Embrace” temporary perk, “Love Bite” -- Victor wakes up with HP not fully restored, but the XP boost is greater than “Lover’s Embrace” (+20% vs +15%).
-->Other vampiric elements of the Commonwealth would include:
A) That blood bank you can find? Those bags of blood are warm and fresh because there’s a Tremere there who has built up their power and knows some rituals for preserving the stuff. Unfortunately, they’re also very low humanity by this point, so they end up being a nasty surprise fight.
B) There’s a secret settlement of vampires that is made up of all the various fledglings you could pick from in Bloodlines, having learned to live together after the destruction of vampire society along with human when the bombs fell. The local Tremeres managed some blood sorcery that infused a mutfruit tree with human blood, so plasma fruit, a la The Sims 4, is a thing for them, and allows them to live in relative peace with their human neighbors (though they’ll happily drain anyone who attacks them). They’d probably have a quest revolving around either talking down or killing some vampire hunters who have been eying their base, and they could be persuaded to allow Jack Cabot and family to study them in exchange for vitae to help them stay in their immortal states. Also, the Malkavians openly call Victor the “Sole Survivor” and offer roundabout tips on his quests -- if he can decipher them. XD
C) This is just one that amuses me -- this universe’s Mysterious Stranger is none other than good old Caine! He’s trying to be a little more helpful to mortal and Kindred alike in the post-apocalypse, and has decided this means “showing up randomly to help people out of tight spots before vanishing again.” Alice, upon seeing him, jokes that the cabdriver thing didn’t work out, huh?
D) I’d kind of like to make stimpacks developed from vampire or ghoul blood to explain just how it is they can heal crippled limbs so fast -- the wiki didn’t provide much of an answer there! Which means anyone who uses them is at least slightly a ghoul. . .which might explain a few things about carry weight and why some enemies are so tough. (Legendaries have more vitae in their system, prompting the power-up, maybe?)
So yeah -- that’s how I’d get Bloodlines and Fallout to work together, and thus have my Malkavian!Alice and Sole Survivor!Victor be a couple in the wasteland. Because why make a crossover simple when I could make it way more complicated than it needs to be? XD Look, I just like the mental images I have of them together -- and of Alice taking out a whole army of baddies by hitting them with Voice of Bedlam to throw them into absolute chaos.
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nukagalreacts · 5 years
Part two of F04 Companions react to arriving to a settlement to late and the whole place has been razed!
omg y’all sorry im a week late on this but here it is and I hope you like it! Thanks again for the request and thank you for your patience with me!
Codsworth: It always made him proud to see Sole helping so many settlements, their ability to put themselves before others and show kindness to strangers was a quality he had admired in Sole from the very day he had first started working for them. The ability to be selfless in world like this was hard, but Sole managed to do it day in and day out, without complaining or wondering why them when bad things happened, and they were happy to have a bot like Codsworth looking out for them across the Commonwealth. Today was no different either and Sole had been up bright and early before getting a distress signal from a small settlement not to far from Sanctuary, and was quick to gear up and call for Codsworth who was ready at a moments notice.
Codsworth was helpful in keeping the path clear for Sole as they focused on getting to the settlement and bracing themselves for whatever enemies awaited them. A bit later they came up and over the hill that was suppose to overlook the small settlement and Codsworth felt horrible as he saw that everything had been burned to the ground. He could see that his master was visibly shaken by this and did his best to provide words of comfort and let Sole know they would help them track down those responsible for this horrible crime. Him and Sole went down the hill and got to work looking for any evidence of who or what did this, Sole was glad Codsworth has multiple keener eyes then they did or else it would have taken a lot longer to search through the charred rubble.
Nick: The detective and Sole where like the same person when it came to going out of their way to helping anyone who needed it, so he was usually the one Sole picked to come along with them when a settlement needed assistance. Nick and Sole were widely recognized among the settlements and people always reached out to them first when needing help, and since Nick was a synth it actually increased people’s trust of synths in general as more people came to realize that synths weren’t a bad thing and most of them were just trying to live their lives.
Today was going to be no different than any other, they were just going to do a check in with a settlement that had been having some ghoul problems lately and as of last time they had gotten better defenses and seemed to be doing well. Instead they were greeted with the site of ashy, blackened ruins and bodies of ghouls and settlers scattered around the area. He could feel the disappointment and sense of failure wash over him and could see Sole’s eyes get a bit watery not just from the smoke but trying to hold back any emotions. This wasn't the first time this type of thing had happened and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, but it didn’t make the failure sting any less. From what he could see with how many dead ghoul bodies there were it looked like maybe the settlers were caught off guard and got overtaken so fast that they didn’t even have time to send out a distress signal. All they could do and hope for now was to go and see if they could find any survivors in the surrounding area.   
Cait: She hated going out of her way to help anyone unless there was something in it for her, even then the reward better be something pretty spectacular if she has to risk her ass for someone. When she had first started traveling with Sole and they went off to help a settlement she moaned and groaned the whole time saying what a waste of time it was and people needed to learn how to defend themselves and not rely on others for help, over time though Sole had softened her up a bit and convinced her helping these places was for the betterment of the Commonwealth as a whole. Cait couldn’t deny either that helping so many places out had its perks and they ended up getting weapons and other supplies for free from grateful settlements, and it felt good to be seen as somewhat of a hero instead of being seen as some low life junkie.
Not every mission went smoothly though and she had seen her fair share of razed settlements,so the one she was staring at right now didn’t affect her at all, not like it did Sole anyways. Cait’s whole life had always been nothing but violence and neglect, her emotions had become limited and all but stunted as an adult, with Sole that had changed a little bit but not by much. In this case Cait acted as the more level headed one who would try to get Sole to calm down and think rationally so they could go kick the ass of whoever raided this settlement, now that was something Cait was always happy to do.  
Deacon: The man may be a compulsive liar who changes his face every other week and no one really knows who he is besides those he works with, but deep down he cared about helping the people of the Commonwealth, even those who weren’t synths. In between doing missions for the railroad with Sole they would go out and do their best to help struggling settlements rather that would be building up defenses, taking care of raiders, or just helping with crops, no job was to big or small for them.
In the morning they had been making their way to a drop box location for info on their next mission when they spotted wafts of black smoke not to far from their location. They shared a look before making the mutual decision to go check it out. Deacon expected to find a camp of super mutants but it was so much worse than that, from behind his sunglasses he could make out a pile of bodies of what he assumed had been innocent settlers all stacked in a gruesome display of guts and blood. Super mutants had already come through here and slaughtered and destroyed everything without mercy, it made his stomach twist and turn as he turned away trying to keep down the bile half way up his throat. He felt horrible that him and Sole hadn’t passed by sooner they could have saved everyone here, but he guessed this is just the way the cards played out sometimes, and they couldn’t always be in the right place every time.
Curie: Someone needs help she is the synth for the job and will come running from anywhere in the Commonwealth to help anyone out! Curie has become a well known face among the people because she is so handy at her medical practice and hasn’t had a patient die on her yet, and everyone loves her friendly and calm personality. Whenever Sole is going out to a settlement she never leaves Curie behind no matter the reason she is going out to help them.
This time around Sole and Curie had plans to stop at a settlement not far from Sanctuary because some of the younger settlers kept coming down with a certain disease, and Curie had found a way to make a vaccine for it and planned to treat all the settlers with it. Curie was overly excited as they made their way down the trail that led right into the settlement, her medical bag carrying all the vaccines dropped out of her hand and Sole could hear the syringes breaking along with other medical equipment as they stared in shock at the destroyed settlement. Curie cried out and covered her mouth in horror, she had loved this place and the people in it so much and had come to care for them like family and in the blink of an eye something had stolen it all away. Curie slumped to the ground not understanding why this had happened, why the Commonwealth had to be such a cruel place.
Danse: Before he had found out he was a synth and worked for the B.O.S, helping out settlements and clearing out the filth to cleanse the Commonwealth had just been a job, he was only following orders as a soldier, nothing more. With Sole though he had learned compassion and he actually began to care about what really happened to the settlers and the people of the Commonwealth, he didn’t view this place anymore as just another stepping stone in a mission. It took awhile for people to warm up and trust the former Brotherhood soldier but they soon realized what a changed man he had become, and where thankful for any help he could provide. Afterall Sole had faith in him, so why shouldn’t they give him a chance to.
In the past week him and Sole had been frequently getting distress signals from settlements along the coastline due to an increase in super mutant attacks. Both of them had been out here for awhile helping build up defense’s, setting traps, trying to provide weapons and training to better equip the settlers so they wouldn’t always have to depend on them for protection. Things had settled down and him and Sole had packed up ready to make their way back to Sanctuary when another distress signal blared over the radio on Sole’s pipboy. They had already made some good distance when leaving so it took longer for them to reach the area again and Danse felt horrible when he saw they where to late, super mutants had already razed the settlement and were gathering up the leftover spoils and munching on a few unlucky settlers. Danse felt his blood run hot as he glared down the mutants with disgust, he was going to make them pay for this! He began firing at them with Sole following close behind covering his back, the mutants didn’t stand a chance against the rage that was fueling Danse in his attack.
Also yes I left Dogmeat out on purpose
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jarienn972 · 5 years
Curse of Undoings - Part 11
Emma's off to battle the Black Fairy while an unconscious Killian battles for his life. That's pretty much what this chapter focuses on but, to change the pace a bit, I gave this chapter a bit of a different flow since much of the action is taking place simultaneously. (Please excuse any inaccuracies with the OR scenes as it's not my field of expertise so I gloss over a lot of the details. It's more about setting up a dire situation than about being a medical drama.)
No major trigger warnings for this chapter but there are several rapid scene and POV changes.  Tagging @killian-whump, @castielamigos and @hookaroo for this action packed chapter.
Read from the beginning on AO3 or FF.net or here on Tumblr: Pt1  Pt2  Pt3  Pt4 Pt5  Pt6  Pt7  Pt8  Pt9  Pt10
Henry started to lose track of time as he sat behind the Admission desk waiting for his grandparents to arrive. He was cognizant enough to know that it hadn't been too long since he'd arrived with Killian, but he truly had no idea if he'd been waiting ten minutes or sixty. When he finally spotted the Sheriff cruiser pulling up to the Emergency entrance, his spirits lifted a little. At least, for the first time today, he would have someone he could rely on to get him through it all.
"Where's Killian Jones?" David demanded as the automated doors parted and he stomped purposefully into the Emergency ward with his wife following behind, shaking her head dismissively at her husband's overly forceful behavior.
"David, this is a hospital," Snow reminded him. "You really shouldn't be shouting."
"Mr. Jones was just taken up to the OR for surgery to remove the bullet," nurse Cathy advised the Prince. "It'll be a while before we know anything more, sir."
"Alright," David replied in a more muted tone as he got closer to the Admission desk. "Is my grandson around here somewhere?"
"I'm right here," Henry said as he popped up out of his chair so David could see him behind the tall desk. "What took you guys so long?"
"Sorry, Henry," Snow began. "David couldn't find the keys to the car."
"Hey, it's not my fault that Emma moved them!" David snapped back in mock offense. "I thought they'd still be in her desk drawer, not hanging on a peg on the break room wall." Snow gave her husband the of course, dear look, but didn't question him further. "Anyway, how was Hook when you got here?"
"He was having a really hard time breathing," Henry told them. "They thought the bullet hit his right lung and they said he'd lost a lot of blood, but I already knew that. He'd been bleeding pretty heavily from those cuts on his back and the stab wound in his shoulder even before Gideon shot him."
"You think Gideon was really trying to shoot you?" David asked, although he was really wanting to learn more about Hook's other wounds and how they'd originated.
"I know he was. Well, I mean I'm pretty sure he was. I didn't actually see him because I was too busy arguing with Mom. I just heard Killian shout, he shoved me, and I hit the sidewalk as the gun went off."
David massaged his temples with his thumb and middle finger as he tried to figure it all out. What happened happened to his family in the hours he was missing and where the hell had they even gone to during that time? The Black Fairy had clearly done a number on everyone and whatever she'd done had certainly done serious damage to his daughter's psyche. He wouldn't feel an ounce of remorse for whatever Emma had planned for Fiona.
"What did Fiona do to all of you while we were gone? Hell, what did she do to us?" David questioned, his face wrought with frustration and confusion.
"She made Mom believe that Killian had murdered you and Grandma and filled Mom's head with so much hatred towards him because she was trying to destroy True Love. She wanted Mom to kill her own True Love so that she could undo all of the stories. She trapped the both of you, Mom, Aunt Zelena and probably a few other townspeople inside an enchanted snow globe that fell and broke when Killian pushed me out of the way… But the worst was the book. Everything in the book was fading away…"
"We were trapped in a snow globe?" David asked quizzically before Snow interrupted him.
"Oh, speaking of your book…" Snow jumped into the conversation with a hint of a smile on her lips. "We brought it back for you, along with your backpack. It was a little damp and I think I got all of the glass shards cleaned off of it. It's out in the car."
"Did you open the book? Are the stories still fading away?" Henry asked anxiously.
"I don't know," she replied. "I just scooped it up and cleaned it up for you. Didn't think to open it."
"Can we go get it while we're waiting? I need to see if it's coming back… to see if we broke the whole curse."
"Okay, come with me," David stated. "The car's right outside." Henry hurried toward the automated doors with David and Snow following right on their grandson's heels. Henry saw the backpack resting on the back seat of the cruiser and didn't waste a second retrieving it. He immediately yanked the book out of the pack and flipped through a few pages.
"It's still not all back," Henry announced, displaying one of the faded images for his grandparents. "See? Most of the color and portions of the text are still missing. I don't think the curse is completely broken."
"What if the curse hinges on Killian's survival?" Snow suggested. "If her goal was to destroy True Love, if he dies, Fiona's plan might still go through."
"Regina thought there could be repercussions," David reminded her. "I hope that pirate's survival instinct is still as strong as ever." David's ears perked up at a rumble of thunder off in the distance. "Guess we'd better get back inside to wait. Seems like a storm is rolling in."
"I hope that's really just a rainstorm…" Snow stated, her brow furrowed with worry.
Emma's instinct led her to Storybrooke's infamous clock tower above the library where she found Fiona eagerly awaiting her opponent on the catwalk atop the spiraling staircase. The Black Fairy was no longer attired in the tailored business suit she'd been sporting earlier but had donned her feathery, raven black gown, accessorized with a shiny long sword. It wasn't exactly an outfit that Emma would have chosen for a sword fight, but she wasn't certain of Fiona's level of experience in non-magical battle.
"Certainly took you long enough, Savior," the Black Fairy greeted her sarcastically. "I didn't expect you'd keep me waiting after the curse broke."
"Sorry. Had to stop and pick up the proper armaments first," Emma responded flatly as she reached the top of the stairs, internally cringing at the echo of her footsteps throughout the tower. She brandished the sword Rumple had provided which elicited a haughty laugh from Fiona.
"So, you've been chatting with my worthless son, I see," Fiona chuckled. You sure you want to wage the battle using the weapon your visions revealed was fated to kill you?"
"As long as you're on the receiving end, I'm just fine with it. If I'm meant to die, you had better believe that I'm taking you with me."
"You seem a little testy, Emma," the fairy grinned as she raised her sword. "Something else on your mind?"
"I'm quite sure you know what's on my mind – and that's precisely why I'm here to kill you!" Emma growled. "Now, since you don't have any magic to fight me, you think your skill with a sword is good enough? Or are you afraid to fight me without your powers?"
"Oh, I've some practice with a sword…" Fiona sneered as she surged forward, their blades crashing together. Emma really wasn't surprised that Fiona would have some sword fighting experience. After all, it seemed as though everyone from the Enchanted Forest had training with some sort of weapon. Fiona had probably been the one who'd instructed Gideon because their moves were similar. Of course, Fiona was right about one thing – Emma was fighting distracted.
And she became further distracted when she saw a flash of lightning illuminating the darkening skies outside of the tower. It had been clear a few minutes ago when she'd marched down Main Street to face off with Fiona, so what had changed? The fairy took note of the startled expression on her opponent's face and used it to her advantage, catching Emma off-guard as she scored a blow to her left shoulder, knocking Emma to the grated metal floor of the catwalk.
"What's the matter, Emma? Don't like the weather?" Fiona taunted her as Emma scrambled to get back on her feet.
"You don't have this kind of magic right now…" Emma stammered, shaking her head in disbelief. "What the hell is going on?"
"Did you honestly think that getting your memories and your family back from my little prison meant that the curse was broken?" Fiona lowered her sword momentarily as she laughed maniacally, yet she was very much in control. "The heart of my curse has always been undoing True Love. That storm brewing outside means that your very own True Love is dying. The moment his heart stops beating for good, this town and everyone in it will be swept away. It's not exactly what I had wanted - I would have preferred that you'd done it, but either way, I take all of the happy endings with me…"
"Well then, I guess you die first." Emma swung the heavy sword towards Fiona's midsection but the fairy was faster, easily fending off Emma's parry as the skies continued to grow blacker, illuminated only by the intermittent flashes of lightning.
"Time's growing short, Savior," Fiona gloated. "Do you really want to spend your last few minutes fighting with me instead of saying goodbye to your family?"
"Killian's a survivor. He'll pull through this and if I kill you, I can still save my family."
"Really? Prepared to bet your life on it?"
Emma set her jaw and scowled. This bitch was going down. She owed it to her family – and especially to her husband.
"There's the bullet," Dr. Whale announced from behind his mask. "It's definitely embedded into the rib just as the X-ray suggested. Let's get it out of there and see what we can do to repair the bone. Looks as though we'll probably need to pin it back together. Janet, can I get some suction over here? These little bleeders are making it difficult to see into the incision clearly." He used the point of his scalpel to indicate the spot where blood was pooling. He wanted to get this bullet removed quickly so the pirate wouldn't bleed to death on his operating room table. Jones' blood pressure was still dangerously low and Whale suspected that there might still be internal bleeding around the puncture wound to his patient's left shoulder, but the bullet wound definitely took precedence. His right lung had already collapsed from the trauma and Whale knew that a portion of the tissue probably couldn't be salvaged. That would have to be re-evaluated later though since this life-saving procedure was of the utmost importance.
With his forceps, Whale gripped the offending chunk of lead but just as he prepared to extract it from the surrounding bone, the bright lamp above the table flickered.
"What the hell?" the doctor exclaimed as he paused. " Did somebody just bump the lamp?"
"No, Doctor," came a chorus of replies just as the lamp flickered again – only this time, it wasn't the only device in the room that seemed to be malfunctioning. The monitor tracking the patient's vitals was suddenly registering wild fluctuations in the pattern of wavy lines and numbers and sounded its distress as a series of loud beeps and blips.
"Doctor, I don't know if he's going arrhythmic or if our equipment is going haywire…" the nurse in charge of monitoring vitals spoke up just as all of the lines went solid and crimson warning lights lit up the screen.
"Damnit Jones!" Whale growled. "You are not dying on me!" Not willing to rely solely on the potentially failing monitors, Whale dropped his tools onto a nearby tray and found a stethoscope to confirm for himself if his patient's heart had stopped. He tossed aside one of the mint green surgical drapes to get better access to his patient's chest and soon verified that he couldn't hear a heartbeat. "Get me the defibrillator paddles!" As the nurse prepped the machine, Whale pressed the heel of his palm into Jones' sternum to begin compressions, silently mouthing a prayer that whatever was causing the power fluctuations wouldn't affect the defibrillator before he had a chance to shock the pirate's heart back into rhythm.
"Fully charged now, Doctor," the nurse stated as she carefully handed the defibrillator paddles to Whale one at a time.
"Okay, everybody clear!" he ordered, the team immediately making certain that they weren't in contact with either the patient or any part of the operating room table. Satisfied that it was safe to proceed, Whale touched the paddles to either side of his patient's chest, the jolt sending electricity surging through Jones' unresponsive body. The monitor reflected a brief flash of activity before it returned to a flat line. "Charge again!" Whale snapped impatiently at the nurse while she reset the equipment for a second attempt.
As Whale repeated the process, the room was plunged into darkness for a few precious seconds until the emergency generators kicked in. The doctor cursed under his breath at the unfortunate timing of whatever was causing these power fluctuations. There was little time to waste if he was going to have even a chance to get Jones' heart beating again. He counted nearly thirty seconds before the monitors powered back on with the same warnings flashing on the screen.
"It's going to be a few more seconds before the defibrillator is ready again," the nurse informed him as she tinkered with a series of buttons and dials to get the machine working again.
"Then somebody hold these while I start compressions again," Whale stated as he passed the paddles to another nurse. "We can't afford to waste time here so please - tell me when that damned thing is charged again!"
"It won't be long now," Fiona taunted as the blade of her sword clashed against Emma's once again. "Storybrooke's infrastructure is already failing. Can't you feel it?"
"I have had just about enough of you!" a disgusted Emma shouted as she determined it was time to try a new tactic. As Fiona shifted her stance to ward off Emma's strike, Emma suddenly changed direction, pulling back instead of advancing and stomping her boot onto the feathery hem of Fiona's gown. The move caught the fairy off balance and as soon as Emma saw the opening, she slammed the butt end of the sword into Fiona's rib cage, dropping the fairy to her knees as she became entangled in her own skirt. Fiona attempted to recover her bearings but this time, Emma moved faster, bringing the tip of her blade to the hollow of Fiona's throat.
"Go ahead, Savior – kill me!" Fiona hissed at her opponent. "Go ahead and do it, but it won't stop my curse. The storm is settling in all around us because your True Love is dead!"
Emma wanted more than anything at that moment to simply plunge the blade straight into the Black Fairy's jugular, but her trembling hands - and her own morality wouldn't allow her to do it.
"Hand too shaky to do this right?" the fairy mocked her. "Ah, the curse of being the Savior…"
Emma squeezed her eyes closed for a few seconds, keeping the blade pressed into Fiona's neck as she tried to push the visions and the tremors out of her head. "No – this is all just a trick! These visions, the tremors – it's all you! You've been getting into my head to make me fear this battle, but you know what – I'm not afraid of it anymore and I don't even have to kill you to win." With one swift, skillful swath, Emma drew the tip of the blade from left to right across Fiona's neck, leaving behind a shallow cut that was just deep enough to draw blood.
"That's all? Is that all you have?" Fiona scoffed.
"That's all I need," Emma replied with a triumphant grin as she watched a series of scarlet rivulets trickle down onto the flat of the sword's blade, triggering a reaction that the Black Fairy hadn't anticipated. The blade began to glow with an unearthly greenish light and Emma thought she'd explain what was happening. "You see, your son told me that he coated the blade with a special potion that only required a drop of your blood to activate and now – now I get to send you back where you belong!"
Fiona's eyes widened as the glowing sword began to pull her toward it. "No… No, he couldn't have…" the fairy fumbled for words as she found herself being dragged into the magnetic field the sword was creating. "No!" She had time for one final exclamation as the sword seemed to suck her into itself, causing Emma to lose her grip on the handle which sent the sword clattering onto the grating. As it hit the floor, the glow faded away, allowing the blade to resume its normal appearance - and the only remaining trace of the Black Fairy was a fluttering of stray feathers.
A shaken, exhausted Emma leaned against the tower wall, unable to trust that her weakening knees would continue to support her. While Rumple has said that simply drawing blood from Fiona would send her back to her realm, it had still been quite disconcerting to see her opponent sucked into the blade like that. The Black Fairy was now trapped permanently in some distant dimension, but her cursed storm wasn't letting up. Now Emma feared that Fiona had been right – it might already be too late.
She needed to get to the hospital now.
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Dead by Daylight
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Kill or be killed, it’s a dog eat dog world, fight or flight, etc. Forget all of these sayings, for in this world none of them matter. You either escape the clutches of death for one more fleeting moment, or you die by the hands of a psycho killer. There is no refugee, no safe haven, no home to go back to. This is your life now.
Dead by Daylight, a four versus one multiplayer survival horror game from developer -, pits you and your friends against a blood thirty killer looking for sacrifices. Though it’s not a fight to the death, but rather a dark game of hide and seek. Dead by Daylight was released -, but the game has been around for some time now. It was in early access for quite some time, but now it’s out in full. I first heard of the game thanks to streamers during it’s early stages; however, I never played the game myself until it was fully released much later. After playing the game I can say that it’s definitely a fun game, but not without it’s problems.
Now I put some thought into this, and my current way of reviewing games doesn’t really work for games like this. Dead by Daylight is a purely multiplayer only game; so there is a big lack in story and character development. That’s not to say it’s not there, but other than character lore and back stories, there isn’t much. So I’ll be switching things up from here on out for certain titles. We’ll start with the visuals and soundtrack of the game, and look into the gameplay and performance of the game. How does it play online? How’s the community? I will briefly speak on characters and how they play in the gameplay segment, but nothing overly in depth. This new format will be the overarching format for future multiplayer oriented games from here on out, with some minor differences depending on what the game has to offer. Also I won’t be going back to re-review games following this format; my opinion still stands on those, give or take, and I still meant everything I said. With that said; how does the game perform? It was interesting back when it was in early access, but not perfect, and the problems start at it’s visuals.
Dead by Daylight looks great, for what it’s trying to sell; dark, depressing, and above all frightening. The atmosphere presented in the game is one that really gets your blood pumping in a thriller sense. Each killer has a map that is made for them, and each map feels like their own special hell. One of my favorites, in how it looks, is Lery’s memorial institute; this map belongs to a killer known as the doctor. The design of the stage is built to look like a distorted hospital; the ceiling is missing, operating tables are through about the stage, and the best part being the center. In the center of the stage there are operating tables and chairs aligned around the center ring; the center looks like a furnace, where you can hear the screams of the doctors victims. 
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The other maps of the game are a little more open than Lery’s, making the level a lot harder than others. 
Aside from level design, we also have the characters. The survivors are pretty standard; each one is an original character to the game, save for a couple new additions from DLC. Though what really shines is the killers; Dead by Daylight has a plethora of original killers, each with their own skills and back stories. The trapper, the wraith, the hillbilly; these are the base three among a steadily growing roster. One of my favorites to play is the hag, but in terms of design we’ll go back to the doctor.
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The doctor was released in the Spark of Madness free update for the game, and at that point was the games sixth killer. Just like all the killers before him, he looks like an experiment gone wrong. The big eyes and grin being forced open by metal, or the decaying flesh that also serves to conduct electricity. Not to mention the way the doctor acts in game as well. When he shocks you all you hear is a distorted laugh escape his mouth. It’s such a scary killer, that leaves a lasting impression.
As for the games soundtrack, it’s very limited. Dead by Daylight relies more on the lack of sounds to convey it’s atmosphere, then utilizing music. When a killer gets close, your survivor will start to feel their overbearing presence and a loud heartbeat will drain out almost every sound around you.The only times in the game you might actually hear music is in the menu before a match, and when you’re being chased by the killer. Though when I looked a little deeper into this I found that the soundtrack has just above thirty different tracks on it.
A lot of these tracks are small; so they’ll most likely loop, or meld together with other tracks. I believe this is what gives the illusion of fewer tracks in the game. Though with what the game uses, it builds upon the atmosphere really well and gives this sense of dread as you’re being hunted. Now how does the game play? The game may look beautiful, but does it feels smooth to hunt or be hunted?
Dead By Daylight didn’t have a smooth upbringing; it was popular, but due to it being in early access, it had it’s problems. Now with the game fully released a lot of these bugs have been fixed, but not fully. For example, when a survivor is grabbed by the killer, sometimes the animation of being picked up won’t match with the models. This is a small graphical bug; it doesn’t really hurt gameplay, but I thought I should still bring these up. Since leaving early access, the game is definitely cleaner in terms of the glitches and bugs previously present. Though now the problems aren’t in the performance side of things, but the gameplay and the games community.
Dead by Daylight is a four versus one survival horror game; one team of four survivors must attempt to escape from the one psycho killer. Survivors must repair generators to power doors along the border of the map. Once five generators are fully repaired, the two door can then be opened. If the killer has killed all but one, or everyone but the one has escaped, a hatch will appear somewhere on the map. Escape by any means, but do it quietly.
As for the killer, they must hunt down the four survivors before they have a chance to power the generators. One by one, the killer must hurt the other four; then place them on hooks around the map to sacrifice to the entity. The killers score depends on how many survivors are killed; it’s considered a win if at least two are sacrificed.
Now the game is pretty simple for both sides; each has their ups and downs. For example, survivors are presented in a third person camera; while the killer sees in first person. This is a little disorienting, and makes killer games a little more challenging. Also, starting out both sides may feel under powered, survivors especially; though give the game some time and you’ll put up a fight.
Now basically speaking the game plays really well for what it’s selling; however, due to things like the ranking system or the lack of penalties towards poor players, the game takes a hit. When you start the game you are rank twenty. The system works where, depending on your performance, you’ll “fall” in rank. What I mean is that rank one is actually the highest rank in the game, and shows you’ve been putting the work in. This is fine on paper, but it’s easier to decrease in rank than rise. So there isn’t really anything keeping beginner players from playing with seasoned vets. The developers have said they’ll re-work the ranking system, but that will take some time.
One other problem, in my mind, comes from the newest killers. Recently Dead by Daylight has added some familiar face. Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Leatherface; three big name killers from popular franchises have joined the ranks. They play in an interesting manner, and I don’t doubt it’s fun to play them (Don’t currently own them myself); however, I find them extremely overpowered when looking at the original killers. Now Freddy isn’t out on console as of writing this, but the other two have been big among the audience. My biggest problem with them comes from how they can completely removes things that give survivors a fighting chance. Michael can remove his fear radius, meaning he could be right on your back and yet you’ll never hear that heartbeat. Plus, when he does this for long enough, he will go into a state that allows him to instantly down any survivor. Then you have Leatherface; he’s overly fast and can easily catch the survivor. Plus he has his chainsaw, which can down someone instantly. I wouldn’t have a problem with this if it was easy to avoid like the hillbilly; however, Leatherface can just charge the chainsaw and then get a speed boost throughout. Not to mention their perks are among some of the most broken perks in the game; many people play these two so they can get these perks on every killer. I hardly ever have fun when playing against one of these two; it’s not impossible to win, but still feels weighted heavily in their favor. Though this is more of a nitpick from my opinion, the real problems are universal to all killers.
The biggest problem comes from the lack of in game penalties towards players; you may wonder what I mean by this exactly. A good majority of this thought process comes from the idea of camping. A lot of killers will camp survivors that have been hooked; they’ll sit watching them from only a couple feet away, stand directly in front of them, or sit there hitting the survivor repeatedly. Killers gain nothing from hitting hooked survivors, and by sitting in front of them it makes it harder for them to be saved. In an old build of the game when the killer sat in front of the hook, the game wouldn’t allow the survivor to be unhooked. The developer changed this, making it possible to unhooked from different angles instead of straight on; however, this doesn’t stop camping. Even if you unhook someone, they’ll most likely just be hit down and re-hooked, or the killer will just grab the second survivor and hook them. The only saving grace is a perk named borrowed time; yet if the killer follows you, which they will, you’ll just be back on the hook. This makes the game extremely aggravating; there is no fun in this, when I play the game I’d like an equal chance of escaping just like everyone. Yet this becomes really hard when you have players like this. I can understand, with how the game is, that finding someway to remedy this is hard; however, this is one of the big things that kills how I view the game. This also brings me to my next point; like many online oriented games, the community is highly toxic.
Dead by Daylight is home to many, and among them are some fairly terrible people. The campers make up a good amount of these players, but there are a variety of people. Many of the toxic players you’ll meet will more than likely play killer, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t toxic survivors as well. Dead by Daylight is a team game in the end; unlike other survival game, you need to help each other if you wish to escape, and escape fast no less. Though you’ll get survivors that just wander the perimeter, or will purposefully lead the killer in your direction to save their skin for a few seconds. You may also run into those that will blame you for their death; you may not be able to save them for many reasons, but they just have to get their two cents in. Though as I said before, the most toxic players tend to be the killers. A decent amount of killers play in a very unsportsmanlike fashion. They try to find every chance to gloat, hence the reason they’ll hit hooked survivors. One example I can give in my experience comes from leatherface players; they’ll knock you down, in whatever fashion, and instead of pick you up and hook you, they’ll have you sit there and rev their chainsaw over your body as a means to gloat. This happened a lot for me; it was never warranted, and usually I was the first to get downed. So my team was still roaming and working, meaning the killer was just wasting time and effort to be an asshole. Though why stop their; no matter what you play, you’ll always find the players that have to get the last word. You could be an amazing killer, never camp and play to the best of your ability. Yet there will be times when player just can’t take the fact that they died. They use that Call of Duty logic and call you a hacker, or say you’re trash because they couldn’t take the fact of dying. Many people will rage quit; I have quit out of games, though mainly due to campers. When you quit the killer still gets points, but not as much as they could have. The community makes this game one of the most terrible experiences; it’s a fun game, but not without it’s share of terrible people.
Overall I give Dead by Daylight a 7.5 out of 10. My reasoning behind this doesn’t stem from the idea of the community. It may be a big problem, but the developer didn’t create the community, they created the game. Now I wish they would find a way to stop camping, and take these things more seriously, but that’s not up to me. My biggest reason for only a 7.5 and not an 8 is because of two things. The poor ranking system is a small part of it; sure they’re going to re-work it, but this has been a problem for a while now. The biggest reason is because the game feels extremely limited. The game adds flair through new killers, but in a basic sense it’s the same game as it was in early access. There is no diversity among objectives; just repair generators, and escape; this starts to get a little repetitive for me. I don’t like to overly compare games, but think in the sense of Friday the 13th. In that game you can repair one of two cars, repair a boat, kill Jason, call the police, or just wait out the time. There are many ways for the survivors to win, while Dead by Daylight only has the one. It’s essentially the same idea as a game like Overwatch having only one game mode; you may like team deathmatch, but playing only team deathmatch will start to get boring. This idea mixed with the community has caused me to take long breaks from the game; I have fun at first, but leave either angry or somewhat bored.
Next review is on the manga Ajin; once that’s done I’ll try to get things back in order for November. Thanks again for sticking with me and reading my reviews. Until next time.
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starlalalala · 5 years
⭐ (author's commentary) for "death is not an escape" (i can't pick a part aaahhhh)
lol, I’ll just pick a part that seems to be popular! Thanks for the ask! (fic here)
Gavin had grabbed the medkit earlier. A woman with crooked glasses and kind eyes had taught him how to use it properly a hundred cycles ago and he’d always remembered how.
Claudette reference! Claudette was one of the original survivors in DbD, and associated with healing. Her perks make it easier to heal yourself and others. 
Ryan hissed as Gavin’s hand worked around his chest, the hole the hook left raw and red and bleeding. In the regular world it would be infected and Ryan would need pills and needles and antiseptics. Infection didn’t matter here -the wound would be gone in an hour, one way or another. It only mattered now because the Pig was sneaking around and Ryan needed to be able to move.
Due to the indie nature and (relatively) simplistic graphics, a lot of gore is more implied than shown. And of course, getting off the hook doesn’t change the character model. But I thought it would be interesting to include actual injuries and consequences.
“That’s as good as I can make it,” Gavin said. The sterile white bandage covering Ryan’s wound soon soaked through with small patches of blood. The corn field kept them hidden for now, but the Pig liked to hide in it, too.
The Pig’s ability, to crouch and sneak, is pretty good in the cornfields for survivors who don’t pay too much attention to where they’re going.
Somewhere a generator started. Gavin and Ryan sighed in relief, the noise telling them they were that much closer to escape and, more importantly, that the killer would be distracted for the next minute or so.
“I want to check the toolbox under the harvester,” Ryan said. “You get started on the generator.”
Gavin bit his lip and nodded. He didn’t like it, but with the Pig chasing after the other survivor it was Ryan’s best chance to find something without paying for it.
“Meet you there,” Gavin told him. More of an order, really.
Ryan smiled. “See you soon.”
The Pig wasn’t as distracted as they thought.
Gavin heard a sharp cry from the harvester and abandoned the generator without a second thought. He could practically hear Ryan calling him an idiot. Telling him to finish the job.
As if a generator was more important than Ryan.
I wanted to highlight the difference between Ryan and Gavin more here. Ryan is pragmatic and task-oriented: fix generators, find items to keep others safe, heal and rescue others so the killer has more work to do. This attitude includes himself. Gavin, on the other hand, is actually more people-oriented, checking on the other survivors and their safety often. 
There was nothing but a spray of blood covering an empty toolbox when he found the harvester. The field around him was silent. Against the Pig, that didn’t mean much.
Calling for Ryan would be pointless and dangerous. Instead, Gavin crouched and crept along the path he was certain Ryan would take. The Pig had only been around for the last few cycles. Right now, they knew the land better than she did. The nearest jungle gym would give him enough space to loop around, maybe try to hide in the corn field again–
The corn stalks parted in front of him. Gavin found himself face to face with the Pig.
For a second, they locked eyes, and Gavin would swear he saw real eyes behind the mask, human eyes, but–
Here we see some of Gavin’s reasoning and smarts. While it doesn’t work out this time, it’s due to bad luck rather than a dumb move (although Ryan would argue leaving the generator was dumb). Also a hint towards the real nature of the killers to Gavin and anyone who isn’t familiar with the games.
The Pig lunged and Gavin dived. He made it to his feet and the Pig pulled her knife from the dirt.
Gavin ran. The jungle gym was now his best bet, if he could get to a palette and loop around he could lose her, he could lose her, he just had to make it to the palette and he would live.
He felt wind against the back of his neck as the Pig swung and missed, grunting in frustration and sounding far too human.
The jungle gym rose up around him. Gavin ducked under bars covered in peeling green paint and headed for stacks of wood, one palette already overturned. That had to have been Ryan. If she was here Ryan had escaped.
Gavin leaped over the palette.
The Pig snarled in frustration but Gavin was already diving for the corn field. It was easy to become lost in the stalks. He crawled away, kept close to the ground, curled up beside an old barrel and paused. Either the Pig would find him or not, but he had to get his breath back. His lungs burned. He wouldn’t get away again.
Lithe is an in-game survivor perk that gives you a speed boost after jumping through a window or over a palette. However, it also leads to the exhaustion status effect. Also Gavin starting to feel a bit of indifference, just a bit.
When Gavin was still alive after two minutes, he snuck back towards the generator, keeping himself low.
Ryan was there.
“Oh, God,” Gavin whispered.
Ryan looked awful. His hair was matted across his forehead with blood. His side was bleeding sluggishly between his fingers. And he had that fucking thing on his head, the reverse bear trap or whatever the other survivors had dubbed it.
Saw’s most iconic trap, and the Pig’s other ability. The reverse bear trap is more to slow down the game than kill people, but it’s very satisfying if you can get it to work out.
“Ryan,” Gavin said and Ryan’s head whipped towards him. He tried to speak but of course all he could manage were grunts, and Gavin shushed him, afraid of any movement that might set off the trap. He knew they worked on timers. He couldn’t help with it.
“We need to get that thing off of you,” Gavin insisted but Ryan shook his head, pointing to the generator.
“Ryan, no. It’ll start the timer–” Ryan rolled his eyes. Gestured to the generator again, then to the thing on his face. Do it. We have time.
“Fine,” Gavin huffed, and pushed the medkit towards him. “Just use that, okay?”
The reverse bear trap activates when a generator is completed. Ryan is pragmatic, and Gavin is worried. Another sign of their different priorities. The first paragraph also gives some indication of Gavin’s importance to Ryan - Ryan is usually not worried about other survivors, but he’s terrified for Gavin.
They both got out that round. Another survivor escaped as well, and the fourth was alive when they ran into the mist where they would soon find another campfire, another hell.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Ryan demanded. He’d been upset all map, only holding it in because the Pig was too quiet and raised voices could end them both. Now they were safe. Now they could argue.
“You screamed, Ryan, what was I supposed to–”
“You were supposed to wait,” Ryan yelled, the mist muffling it, making the sound echo back to them so Gavin could hear the way his voice cracked again and again. “You were supposed to wait at the generator. When I got back and you weren’t there, I–”
“I couldn’t just leave you–”
Lips crashed against his and Gavin responded, too many close calls and too much tension clashing into teeth and lips.
The kiss! The only one they ever share, at least as survivors. And it’s not super great. I wanted to make it tense and sudden, driven less by affection and more by fear. It sort of highlights the question of whether or not they would truly have a relationship if it weren’t for the trials, and that Ryan is relying at Gavin at this point.
Ryan pulled away. Gavin blinked, mouth open, not sure what to say.
“I can take care of myself, Gavin,” he said. He wouldn’t quite meet Gavin’s eyes. “And I’ve got you to patch me up. I told you I’d be fine and I was. Trust me, please.”
Gavin shook his head but the pleading tone broke him.
“Fine,” he whispered. “But I’m not going to do nothing, Ryan, not when I can see you getting chased, or getting caught.”
Ryan sighed, his breath too hot in the cold of the mist. “I know, Gavin. I know.”
They both know each others’ priorities and Ryan can’t expect him to change. Again, Ryan is relying on Gavin for stability and as a constant. It may also give him something to protect, since Ryan has been there for a while and accepted the possibility of his own death in the trials. Gavin meanwhile won’t stop looking at Ryan as a person who shouldn’t have to go through this, and deserves to be helped.
They didn’t talk about the kiss.
Ryan and Gavin both know the situation they’re in. Later, Gavin wonders if they could’ve had a relationship outside of the trials, but starting one there -where they can’t be sure their feelings are driven by more than fear and a need for human contact- wouldn’t be possible. I think it fits with the tone of the fic -the uncertainty of their relationship, and the impact of their environment.
I hope this bit was okay, thanks for the ask!
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