#I didn't spend this long on it for it to NOT display properly!
headcanonrepository · 3 months
Correspondence is up!
In which Arianne trusts a daedra, Gwendis hates everything about this and strange things start happening around Blackwood...
This is the little epistolary fic I mentioned a while back. The first chapter is all the letters and notes as rendered visually (and a note - those pictures are huge so be patient with them loading. I'm actually kinda amused I've managed to recreate the loading times of early internet fanfiction days by accident!).
In case they don't load/load too slowly/are difficult to read/you use a screen reader/I've screwed something up/I accidentally move or delete the files in the future/etc., there is also a plain text version available in the second chapter.
As a sidenote: as proud as I am of doing this, I doubt I will do anything quite like this again. Getting images onto AO3 is already a lengthy process, and getting 38 of them on there, and formatted so they should display correctly on any size screen (yes, they will resize to mobile! And in my test, are still very readable!) is a lot of extra effort. And that's after writing it, formatting it and adding extra visual details, uploading them to a (hopefully permanent) host server... I'm not saying I'll never embed image again in fic, but I might show a bit more restraint next time!
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aaagustd · 3 months
maid for you | min yoongi
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title: maid for you
pairing: painter/vamp!yoongi x maid/vamp!(f)reader
genre/rating: smut, supernatural, 18+
summary: you can’t deny it; you’re f*cked. 
wc: 1.6k
warnings: mentions bl**d and m*rder, bl**d consumption, pet names, f*ngering, squ*rting, teasing, begging, swearing, errors maybe because i didn't look over this, let me know if i missed something
release date: march 10th, 2024; 12:09am est
note: so i was watching death’s game and got a little inspired lol. i’ve been trying to dabble in writing vampire fics so this might be a little cringe. anyway happy birthday to the loml. i’m still writing like 3 other fics for him this month, but until then… you all enjoy. divider by cafekitune.
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“Son of a bitch.”
You nearly slip and fall right on your ass when you enter the studio. Once again, he’s brought home some innocent sack of flesh and carved them into a masterpiece. 
The fear still lingers in the scent of the scarlet liquid smeared across the floor. You push your own impulses to the back of your mind as you begin to clean up Yoongi’s mess like the “loyal” servant you are.
Not like you have a choice; it’s either this—or death.
Unlike the other creatures who have survived for eons in this world, your thirst for human blood has never been fulfilled. Though it calls your name as you drag the heavy mop across the porcelain tile, you can’t imagine indulging when you’re surrounded by humans everyday outside of this place.
You still have to live the life of someone who isn’t a freak. You aren’t some legacy put here to extend bloodlines. You’re just the product of a drunken night between strangers whose life should have ended in your twenties.
You’re just the one who didn’t die.
Every second you spend in this room makes you want to leave and never come back, but you know it is impossible. You made a deal with the devil for your life; there is no backing out.
After an hour or so, the room is spotless again. 
As you’re cleaning the last section of the floor, you notice some of Yoongi’s artwork on the wall. Your face contorts into a grimace, knowing that there are people out there purchasing these. Somebody’s family member’s bodily fluids is splashed onto a canvas and is hanging on display in some billionaire’s home. It makes you angry knowing that it should have been you. 
“Fucking asshole… I’m not cleaning this shit up anymore—Oh!”
You bump into something hard while you’re walking backwards. Thinking you’ve hit a wall, you don’t expect to see anyone when you turn around. 
“Oh, you aren’t?”
Yoongi just stands there, watching you scramble for words.
“I-I didn’t know you were here. I…That was—”
“Save it,” he interrupts.
Once you are silenced, you lower your head. You feel a bit of shame burning in your cheeks, but it’s the least of your worries if he heard everything you’ve been saying while you thought you were alone.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to snap your neck if I felt like it.”
Shit. What the hell were you thinking? 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean any of that.”
“Don’t lie,” he snaps. 
He takes a step forward, and you take one back. You try to keep a safe distance between you as if you have a chance to escape. He’d catch you before you could leave the room.
“You’re an ungrateful little bitch, you know that?”
Unfortunately, you don’t know the room as well as you thought you did because your lower back hits a table, leaving you with nowhere else to go.
“I was just venting. Tell me you aren’t that old!”
He approaches you with his arms folded, leaving only a few inches to spare. 
“Baby, you won’t live to see this age,” he boasts. “You don’t even feed yourself properly.”
“Who cares?”
He dips his fingers in a tiny drop of blood next to his tools. You scold yourself for missing something in plain sight, but you have to admit that your mind has been a little fuzzy lately.
“I used to care… But since you don't, why should I?”
You turn away when he tries to touch you with his crimson painted fingertip. The smell makes your nostrils flare, but you continue to fight the temptation. When you don’t accept his bloody digit, he places it on his tongue and savors the salty liquid coating his skin.
“Fuck you.”
“Point proven,” he concludes.
You still won’t look at him, but that doesn’t stop Yoongi from staring directly at you, observing reactions. “If you hate it so bad, why don’t you just end it?”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Why not?”
The couple of inches that stood between you are now gone as he steps closer. He’s so close that you’re afraid he’ll hear your thoughts if you aren’t careful. 
“What are you afraid of?... Going to hell?”
You scoff. “This is hell.”
Suddenly, he grabs your face, forcing you to look into his dark orbs. You remember them being just as hypnotizing when you met him; if only you’d known them what you know now. You would have ran in the opposite direction.
“But you love it here. Don’t you?”
You aren’t sure if your body craves his attention, or if you’re just desperate to feel something—anything to feel the emptiness inside of you.
“I do,” you utter. “Why can’t I hate you?”
Yoongi leans in, his soft lips gently grazing yours to see if you’ll flinch. You don’t move an inch, and his smirk begins to spread across his face.
“Because you want me just as bad as I want you.”
You’re still within his grasp, but too drunk with what seems like lust to pull away. You don’t want to. Every part of you wants to be his; only he understands the type of hunger you’re experiencing.
He’s the only one who’s capable of satisfying your appetite. 
“All you have to do is admit it.”
His cold touch makes you weak in your knees. You have to grip his biceps when you suddenly lose your balance, and with quickness he releases his hold and wraps an arm around your waist.
“I’m waiting,” he reminds you, and you don’t hesitate to give him your response.
“Please, just touch me.”
When you kiss him, he’s the one who melts in your arms. You hold him tightly as both of you stand there kissing and tugging at each other’s clothes. Your lips smack as they crash together, causing a sound that resonates through the room. 
You feel Yoongi’s cold hand move underneath your dress, slowly making its way to your underwear. A moan escapes your swollen lips when he finds your center, exposing your eagerness to feel him inside of you.
“Damn,” he whispers, discovering that you’re already dripping. 
His fingers tease your entrance, making you squirm with need. You beg him for more, and he doesn’t deny you.
“I got you,” he assures.
Your body shudders as two of his digits slip into your pussy. You can barely hold yourself because the intrusion is so overwhelming.
“Fuck, Yoongi.”
His thumb caresses your throbbing clit, causing more of your wetness to drip down your thighs. Your hips move in a circular motion, silently begging Yoongi for more.
It is then that he slowly begins to fuck you with his fingers, burying them up to the knuckles in your heat. You grip the table as he speeds up, knowing it won’t take much to get you off. 
Yoongi attacks your neck with his fangs; biting gently into your flesh and moaning from the taste of you.
“Feels so good,” you pant into his ear.
He curves his fingers while they’re deep inside your core, and targets your most sensitive areas. The pads of his digits rub against the rough patch of your walls with precision, and within seconds your juices are gushing everywhere.
“Shit, I’m going to cum…”
You cry out in pleasure, holding onto Yoongi with all your might as your body trembles and shakes. 
Yoongi keeps going, admiring the waterfall flowing from underneath your dress. Your eyes roll back, drool forming at the corners of your lips as you babble and whine from sensitivity. 
“Look who’s making a mess now,” Yoongi teases.
You can’t even feel embarrassed because your body is still coming down from its peak. You’re weak, too spent to defend yourself. You aren’t even sure what you’d say. What could you say?
There’s a puddle where you stand.
When Yoongi finally removes his fingers, he leaves you empty and still wanting more. Your head rests on his chest as you regain your strength.
“I didn’t kill you, did I?”
You laugh. “No.”
After the high wears off, you’re left drowning in your thoughts. They’re all over the place, but you’re certain about one thing. You’re far from satisfied, but you aren’t sure what it is that you want.
“I guess you’re leaving now,” Yoongi says, breaking the silence.
You clear your throat, thinking before you speak so your answer isn’t driven by lust. You know once you step into this world, there’s no going back. The only question on your mind is, what’s really waiting for you outside of here?
“I don’t have to.”
“Hm, is that right?”
Yoongi pulls away so he can look into your restless eyes. He can probably see the internal war going on inside of you from where he stands. You’re long past what’s right and what’s wrong. It makes no sense to keep denying the truth when it’s right in your face.
“This is driving me crazy.”
“Oh, really?” he quizzes. “...Or maybe you can’t get enough of me now?”
“A little bit of both, honestly.”
“I just don’t want you to think you don’t have any options.”
You nod. “You think I’m afraid of you?”
“Are you?”
“A little, but I’m still curious,” you answer truthfully. “What’s the worst that can happen? You turn me into a painting?”
“I might.”
You smirk. “That’s hot.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet, sweetheart. We should go for a ride.”
“I’d like that.”
The look he gives you could undress a nun. Hell, you struggle to keep your panties on after he winks. You smile as he kisses your forehead and your cheek before he whispers in your ear.
“Good. Now clean up my fucking floor, and meet me downstairs.”
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Amanda Ilestedt x Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend visits you in London
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The sun shone through the blinds directly onto Amanda's face, making it look like she was glowing.
She looked like a goddess, lying asleep in your bed with no care in the world.
With her in Paris and you in London, you rarely got to see each other in person. Both of your schedules were packed for most of the year. Amanda was always on the pitch, always with a ball while you always had a camera around your neck, snapping pictures of the men's and women's teams for Arsenal.
Your work kept you separated but on long weekends or national holidays, you were always together. Most of them, it meant that you flew out to Paris where the two of you would hit all the touristy romantic spots before curling up in Amanda's bed and watching a generic rom-com as you traded kisses.
This was one of the rare times she came to London.
It looked good on her, the English weather. She fit in well here, bundled up in scarves and a long coat with a silly hat on her head.
You smiled as she shifted in her sleep, scrunching up her nose as if she could feel the sun on her.
Absentmindedly, you reached back to grab at the camera you kept handy on your bedside table. It was nothing like your professional camera that got placed in its case as soon as you were finished with it (it was also stupidly expensive and you didn't want to buy a new one after spending so much on the one you currently had) and was a polaroid rather than a digital.
You snapped a picture.
Amanda groaned, turning more fully into the pillow as your camera spat out the picture. "It's too early."
Her voice was heavy with sleep and she cracked open her eyes to look at you.
"It's nearly noon," You replied.
"Too early," She said again," Especially, for you to be taking pictures." She reached out for your camera.
You didn't usually let people touch your camera. You were protective over all of them and got antsy when they were in somebody's else's grip.
But, with Amanda, you didn't mind.
You let her fiddle with it for a bit as you picked up the polaroid you had snapped and inspected it.
You smiled.
"Is that going on your mirror?" Amanda asked. She sat up in bed and nestled closer to you, pulling it down to properly look.
You glanced at your mirror. Everyone who was anyone in your life ended up as a polaroid along the edges of your mirror. Your mother. Your father. Your first family pet. The Arsenal girls were on there as were many of your friends.
But the most pictures on your mirror belonged to your girlfriend.
Very few people got more than one solo shot of themselves displayed but Amanda wasn't like everybody else.
She was your girlfriend, the girl you wanted to spend your entire life with.
A new picture of her appeared on your mirror every time you saw her.
Candids littered the border.
Amanda on a walk, at dinner, lazing around on the sofa. It didn't matter what she was doing, you would take a picture of her doing the most mundane of things if she let you.
"Where else would you go?" You teased, stretching and rising from bed. You slipped this picture between one of her sunbathing on the beach and one of you kissing her cheek with fireworks in the background.
"Well...I was hoping here."
You turned around, frowning. "What do you mean? You're already here."
"No." She shook her head and approached you, her hands finding home on your waist. "I mean permanently."
"I...I don't understand."
"Arsenal made me an offer," Amanda said.
"Arsenal made you an offer," You said, smiling as you reached up to cradle her cheeks, closing the distance between you both with your lips. "Are you going to take it?"
"I am."
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cloud-player · 1 year
Dates with HSR Men
> Gepard, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan
> Gender Neutral!Reader, non-explicit, canon-compliant
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• As captain of the Silvermane Guards, Gepard doesn't have much free time, really. When he's not in the front lines guarding against fragmentum monsters, he's on missions to rescue drifters or settle disputes in the Administrative District. Suffice to say, he doesn't have much time off.
• But when he does get time off, Gepard almost runs towards the Goethe Hotel, where you're staying. He had already passed by the flower shop, a bouquet of expensive hydrangeas in his (clammy) hands. Citizens were looking at him in curiousity and interest because it's so rare to see the esteemed captain bashful and blushing.
• When you finally come down to the lobby, Gepard's breath audibly hitched and you swore he almost looked like a stone statue. A handsome, god-like statue.
• "Where do you want to go?" Gepard asked, even though he already knows the answer and you both are walking towards it: the Belobog Theater. But still, because he's a noble gentleman, Gepard always asks. It's cute.
• The play is enchanting and the entire time, Gepard held your hand. You thought he was paying you more attention than the play, to be honest. You scold him for that, but Gepard just smiles and presses his lips to the back of your hand. He reminds you that he's seen the play before and just wants to see you enjoy it too.
• "Did you have fun today?" He'd ask, walking you back to the Goethe Hotel after a filling dinner at one of the prime restaurants in the Administrative District. Gepard stopped at the entrance, hesitating for a moment before taking a deep breath, as if building up the courage for something.
• Gepard isn't big on public displays of affection, so it was a (welcome) shock when he suddenly pressed his lips against yours. It was a brief, passionate kiss, but it sent shivers through your spine and shot warmth to the very tips of your fingertips.
• With a promise to message you again when he's free for another date, Gepard smiles and bids you goodnight. You spend the rest of the night on cloud nine, reliving the kiss and the day in your mind until you fell asleep.
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Dan Heng
• Dan Heng barely leaves the Archives Room, so when he finally got over his emotional constipation long enough to ask you out properly, you were really expecting the date to take place in his room anyway.
• "I asked Pom-pom to make your favorite food. They don't allow me in the kitchens." He mutters shyly, letting you inside the room. Dan Heng had redecorated a little for the date-- the books and papers were cleared away and there was a soft, fluffy carpet on the floor.
• "March and Himeko also told me I should..." Dan Heng trailed off, blushing. He produced a bunch of origami paper flowers arranged in a bouquet and gave it to you. "A gift for tonight."
• He also said Welt reminded him to be courteous and gentlemanly around you, though Dan Heng grumbled out that he didn't need reminding like a child. You laughed, telling him that it just means everyone on the Astral Express genuinely cares for him.
• Dan Heng then asks if he can show you something. He turns the main lights off and presses a small button on the side. A hologram of all the planets and star systems you have travelled to shoots up above you both.
• "I asked Mr. Yang's help for this." He admitted. You shove him lightly, enthralled by the sight of the cosmos. Dan Heng lays you both down on the carpet so you can stare at his creations.
• You noticed he was looking at you more than the hologram. Dan Heng reddens at being caught, but he resolutely stares at you again until you're also a blushing mess. He reaches out and holds your hand, both of you in silence until sleep comes.
• Of course, Pom-pom disrupts your sleep a while later to remind you to go back to your own cabin. You woke up to find yourself wrapped in Dan Heng's arms, and Pom-pom gives you both a soft look before finally acquiescing and letting you stay in Dan Heng's room for the night.
• You sighed in relief and buried your nose into the crook of Dan Heng's neck, feeling his hold tighten around you. And with that, you drift back to sleep.
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Jing Yuan
• Jing Yuan doesn't let his heavy workload stop him from taking you on a date. In fact, he even disguises your dates as 'civic duty' so he can get away from the older generals trying to get him to stay in the office.
• Still, walking around with the general himself in Central Starskiff Haven just garners so much attention and onlookers. Jing Yuan doesn't seem to mind, just as long as he gets to hold your hand as you stroll along the bridges.
• He rents the best table at the tea store, the one on the second floor overlooking the entirety of the place. It gives the best view and enough privacy for Jing Yuan to rest his chin on his hand and gaze at you while you talk about your insterstellar adventures.
• You're worried you might have bored him, but Jing Yuan placates your fears by saying that he's more than at peace listening to your stories and playing with your fingers as you wait for the rose tea and carrot cake arrive.
• "That reminds me..." Jing Yuan pulls out a small box from his pockets. "This was Yanqing's idea." He tried to downplay his own thoughtfulness as you opened the box to reveal a golden orchid brooch. He smiled at you when you excitedly pinned the flower onto your shirt.
• "It matches your eyes." Jing Yuan never runs out of things to say that make you blush, but before anything else happens, a messenger runs towards your table and hands Jing Yuan a scroll indicating that the Divination Commission was summoning him-- and thus ending your date.
• Deeply regretful, Jing Yuan reluctantly stands up. The messenger then added that you were also being summoned by the commission, and Jing Yuan visibly brightens. He insisted you go together, calling his private starskiff. While waiting, Jing Yuan slips his hand around yours once again.
• He never let go.
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sinfulslytherin · 11 months
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Summary: Draco finds out that your future husband uses you for money at a dinner party at Malfoy Manor.
Warning: mature content
"He made a deal with my father. He gets money for marrying me, I won't be my fathers problem anymore and our bloodline will be kept pure."
Dracos features soften.
"So that's why you said that he doesn't love you." He says.
"Yes. And that's why Daphne is on his dick 24/7." I explain further.
Draco falls silent. He probably tries to progress what I just said.
Draco suddenly grabs two new drinks, hands me one and faces the crowd of people in front of us.
"You'll spend the night here. I don't want Graham to touch you ever again."
I fall silent as I look at the blonde boy next to me. He doesn't spare me a single glance.
"We'll get into trouble sooner or later, Draco." I say as I look at the drink in my hand.
Draco taks two steps and stands right in front of me.
"What makes you think that I'd let you go back to Graham after the things he did to you?" He growls as he looks down at me.
My eyes drift over to Graham. He talks with my father, a few other men that I don't recognize and Daphne. His hand is placed around her waist.
"For fuck's sake, Amara. Look at me."
My eyes spot the smile on Grahams face. It's the same smile he used to put on to convince me that he is in love with me.
I can't believe that I gave him my trust when he said that he didn't enjoy punishing me or that he actually loved me.
"Amara! Look at me."
Draco repeats as he grabs my chin and turns my head.
My eyes drift over to Draco.
"You are staying here tonight. In my room." And with that Draco grabs my hand and drags me towards the huge dinner table.
My eyes lock with Narcissas.
"The dinner will be served shortly. You two have a perfect timing." Says Narcissa as she smiles at us.
"Amara, my dear. Where dou want to be seated. Next to Draco?"
A light smirk appears on my lips.
"I'd prefer to sit next to you, Mrs. Malfoy." I answer.
Narcissa smiles.
"How many times did I tell you to not call me that. Of course you can sit next to me, sweetheart." She answers.
Narcissa places herself on the chair next ti the head of the table where I guess Mr. Malfoy will be seated.
I walk over to the chair next to Narcissa as a hand on my waist stops me.
"I got a saying in this too, you know? I'll sit right next to you wether you like it or not." Whispers Draco in my ear.
A light smile displays on my lips as I seat myself between Narcissa and Draco.
I have to admit that an uneasy feeling creeps up as I think about the fact that I sit with the Malfoys instead of my father and my future husbands family.
It doesn't take long for the guests to place themselves at the table.
Graham, his family and my father sit right in front of us.
I feel their disgusted stares lingering on my skin.
I ignore their presence and concentrate myself on the food that is served.
A plate with some of the most expensive and finest food is placed right in front of me.
My eyes drool st the sight.
I can't remember the last time I ate properly.
"Enjoy your meal."  Says Mr.Malfoy, signaling everyone to start eating.
I lift the fork as my eyes lock with Grahams.
He shakes his head as his eyes shift down to the meat on my fork and back to my eyes.
I get nervous and start to lower the fork again.
A hand stops my movement. I look to my right to see Draco holding my arm. He takes the fork from my hand and shoves the it directly into my mouth.
He doesn't make a big fuss about it and places his attention right back to his own plate of food after sending Graham one last warning glare.
I shyly chew down the meat as I try to ignore the looks from the few people who watched the scene.
The dinner passes quite quickly as I only concentrated on eating my food and drinking some wine.
The dinner party seems to slowly end as more and more people say their goodbyes and leave.
Draco and I stand at a corner, waiting for everyone to leave. Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy are infront of us, saying their goodbyes to the guests.
Graham approaches as he thanks the Malfoys for the dinner. He looks between Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy and our eyes meet.
"We are leaving, Amara."
"Excuse me, Montague. But I think you mistook my date for yours. Your date is already outside waiting for you." Answers Draco, refering to Daphne.
"That's still my wife you are talking about." says Graham through gritted teeth.
"You are not yet married." Answers Draco dryly.
Graham falls silent as he sends me one last glare before leaving.
Only a few seconds later my father approaches us as he thank the Malfoys, just like Graham did.
"Amara. Think about the conseqences there'll be if you don't follow through with the deal."
My lips are sealed as I don't know what to answer my father.
"Mr. Caddel. I'd appreciate it if you and Mr. Montague would stop bothering my guests. Thank you for your visit. Goodbye." Suddenly answers Mr. Malfoy.
Draco seems just as shocked as I am. We didn't expect Dracos father to stand up for me. He's probably fed up with their behavior as well.
My father leaves.
The last guests leave a few minutes later and the door finally closes.
"Amara, you can already go upstairs. I' ll be there shortly." Draco exclaims as I nod and do as he says.
I try to walk upstairs but my feet hurt due to these freaking heels. I stop after a few stairs and try to free my hurting feet from these horrible shoes.
I suddenly hear voices.
Draco and Mr. Malfoy probably can't tell that I am still here due to the thin wall that seperates us.
"I hope she's worth it, Draco."  Says Malfoys father.
"What do you mean?" Asks Draco.
"I hope she's worth all of this trouble you're getting yourself into, boy."
"She is."
"I have nothing against this girl. It's actually quite the opposite. I know for a fact that your mother loves her as well." Says Mr. Malfoy before I can hear his foot steps fainting.
What is he trying to achieve?
I quickly make my way upstairs to the guest room. I leave the door open as I sit down on the bed.
I hear footsteps approaching as I see Draco taking a quick glance into his room (which is on the opposite side of the guest room I sit in) before looking into the room I sit in.
We lock eyes.
"You are sleeping in my room tonight, Amara."
"What?" I ask as a blush creeps up my cheeks.
"You are sleeping in my room. With me. In my bed."
Chapter 15 of Guillotine~ <3
Spice ahead :)
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prototypelq · 8 months
So, me and the ever-wonderful Raven @whitebeakedraven have been discussing the twins (S)DT forms, and quite a number of details were noticed by us over the course of that conversation, plus some worrying headcanons were born! I felt the need to compose them into a tumblr post for mutuals, especially since I have not seen them be discussed by the fandom at large.
To start off on a high and very shaky note: I believe Vergil’s horns were broken!
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The coolness factor and the amount of ‘exhaust pipe horns’ jokes kind of desensitized me a little, but if you look closer at the horns’ model - it is clear they suffered a lot of damage. The ‘exhaust pipe’ itself is my primary evidence for this - the horn structure around the power-flames looks sponge-y. That kind of bone structure is found in the innermost layers of the bone, right around the marrow. It is not built for sustaining pressure, but instead to support the living tissue of the bone and to allow for its growth.
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It is not built to sustain pressure or forces of any kind, it should not be the outer layer of any bone. Yet, Vergil’s Final Form shows it clearly on display!
If we go back to the previous DT models we have of Vergil’s trigger - namely his triggers in DMC3 and DMC4 - we can see that his horns…have not changed since then. At all.
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(the growth sizes are very approximate, but I think the pictures convey my meaning here)
Now look at how much Dante’s horn crown has changed from his original DT - that is a very, very sizeable growth spurt right there, his horn crown pretty much grew three or so times the size it was, plus he got the neck-/gill-guard second set of horns, same as Vergil. What I’m saying here is - it is mighty suspicious that Vergil’s horns remain unchanged since his teenagehood. Also, as Raven lovely pointed out - the damage done to horns is too symmetrical to be a natural occurrence or a simple mistake.
And where did Vergil spend his time in between his last appearance in DMC3 and his return in DMC5? In the hands of a professional demon torturer. I’ll just quote Raven here:
Horns seem to me like a point of pride for demons, which could be the reason Mundus targeted them and Vergil internalized that targeting. So his horns didn't develop much further except cracking open to show his power and having extra defenses in case they are targeted again.
Some other supporting evidence for this theory:
-  uneven ‘cut’: the horns look curved a little, the inner layer having died off and unable to grow out, while the outer layer tried it’s best to grow out again after the damage was done, but with limited success
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- the DMC5 DT Vergil concept art horns have a small inner part growing out - which I would interpret as the damage fully healing and the horns beginning to grow properly again. you can also see that the ‘powerline’ in the horns is straight, and not uneven as in SDT render in-game, plus they look more sleek and elegant.
- from the front the horn crown looks very, very rough. If we compare to Dante,  his horns are long, smooth, and the ‘powerlines’* of the horns can only be found on the inner side and are glowing.
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 [* btw Dante having long thin appendages around his head that exert a lot of heat makes me think of long-eared animal adaptation to hot climates, which are used to let the animal cool down faster. in demonic biology terms, I imagine having a ‘powerline’ being rerouted around the head like that to the horn crown instead might allow twins to remain in SDT without constantly frying and regenerating their brains back]
Vergil’s horns from the front look to be cracking from the power that is fed into them, like they should be able to contain it but cannot and it is ‘leaking’ out of the front cracks and result in the ‘side flamethrowers’ he got instead.
I admit, this theory is very SSDP (Syndrome of Search for Deeper Meaning - СПГС, an extremely handy term in ru), and can be explained in two simple words - Stylistic Choice, plus, as Raven pointed out - any damage should have been healed during Vergil’s resurrection... However, I had fun figuring this out, and the details align way too neatly into a single picture for it to be simply coincidence in my opinion. An alternate explanation for this - or a counterargument, provided by the lovely Raven - would be that Vergil chose this current form, one way or the other. He did not evolve a huge horn crown ‘cause that’s an easy grab appendage, and instead he influenced them to be more practical with smaller horns, getting himself some sick flamethrowers as a bonus. The ‘exhaust pipe’ design being either an intentional or a more subconscious display of Vergil remembering the torture and reacting accordingly to protect his horns from further damage, by making them literally untouchable.
Another interesting part of Vergil’s SDT design is his tail and wings. I admit, I was quite salty that Vergil got four wings and a tail, while Dante only has wings, but we might have found an explanation for that.
First, let’s take a look at Vergil’s SDT back…. It’s a goddamn mess! 
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He has a full-range-of-motion shoulder girdle (1.) , plus, five additional limbs sprouting from his back (tail (2.) plus four wings (3.)). The tail making it all even worse, because it is placed between the upper wingset shoulder blades!
If you know anything even remotely about birds or flying, you know that the wings need a lot of space to rotate and function properly, and having a tail right in between them is not a good idea at all. This is a mess, but let’s start simple - wings.
Interesting bit about Vergil’s wings is that, aside from one extremely stupid flying freight lizard attack (seriously, what was Vergil thinking, making a big show and parading like he did, only to have an attack itself be telegraphed miles ahead and very easy to dodge?...makes you think...), Vergil does not fly. Actually, he doesn’t use his wings at all, except as a flourish/added hit at the end of some big combos, so only when he knows he is safe and ready to deliver maximum pain. You can argue he prefers instantly teleporting around as his main movement tech, but still, it’s weird that even his jump doesn’t have at least *some* wing movement involved - he doesn’t even instinctively try to slow his fall or anything with them!
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(here is a screenshot of a fall part of jump animation - wings are kept low and close to the body, just as they are when Vergil is standing normally or attacking)
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Another look at his back might provide the answer to that. Here we see that the bones connecting the wingset to the chest are protruding out of the body so much, they are, anatomically speaking, tapered on, and very poorly at that. If not for demonic resilience, those wings should have been torn off from the body by their own generated take-off force.
So, the twins' wings are not built very well, mayhaps this is why Vergil is so protective of them and doesn’t use them too much, except for situations when he is sure it’s safe.
His tail in that case, is a great addition to offer protection for his wings! The tail is long enough to be an effective counter from all sides (imagine if Vergil’s parry was not with the sheathed Yamato, but with his tail… that pointy end does not look friendly at all), and its placement between the wings now makes sense, because the tail is actually a guard for his back.
During my previous photomode experiments, I found out that Urizen’s multitude of eyes track the camera movement. Even in photomode Urizen does not feel safe enough to be still, apparently. Raven interpreted that as a clear manifestation of Vergil’s paranoia and trust issues, and I completely agree... The tail then, is another feature that reflects this. Also, y’know, Vergil did spent a few decades in hell, where he had a very bad, no good, absolutely horrible time… and I’ll just quote Raven here:
And I mean, what better way to enforce the fact that escape, that freedom, is impossible towards a prisoner, than by ripping their literal wings off…
The poor connection of the wings to the main body could in that case also be a reaction to this trauma. If someone gets to them, they're easily removed without too much further damage, so that they can start regenerating immediately. But before that, any attacker will have to get by the tail that’s got a sharp enough end to provide ample amounts of protection.
Another reason why the tail fits Vergil so nicely is because of the speed and balance it provides.
DMC5 introduced us to lovely lizard demons like Riots, Chaoses and Furies, all of which are known for having a tail. Interesting bit here is that the higher back attachment makes the tail act as a great balancing tool for bipedals. All of the lizors mentioned above sure do love their speedy attacks, so it makes sense they developed the tail to counteract their erratic and swift movements. And Vergil’s SDT seems to have adopted that feature too.
As for Dante, as much as I would have loved for him to get a tail as well, Raven pointed out another detail here. If Dante had any control whatsoever over the SDT evolution... he definitely wouldn’t want any more demonic features. The four-winged and big horned flying form is probably the inherited template from Sparda that neither Vergil nor Dante would have been able to stray away from too much, but the tail is clearly a Vergil-only development. Dante might have gone ‘minimalistic’ in that sense, since he has no additional features of his own (anatomically speaking... technically speaking you might count his Luce, Ombra and Demolition ranged magic moves as special features)
Now, since we’re already on the topic of Dante, we have found another interesting tidbit - his DT face evolution.
We know that in DMC3 Vergil helps his brother unlock his demonic heritage, finally giving Dante his Trigger. The detail that made me curious here is that the DMC3 face is very similar to the face the SDT form has - specifically the lack of human features and the demonic jaws. Let’s have a look here at the evolution of Dante’s DT faces over time (in more ways than one…):
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In DMC3 his DT face is pretty much the template from which the SDT form will later evolve, since it lacks any human features that are present in other forms (save for SDT). This DT form is adaptable and changes depending on the Devil Arm Dante is using, showing that he clearly doesn’t have too much control over it yet. The most noticeable example would be the horns - they change form significantly... Also the horns Dante has sprouting here from the back of his head might be the neck-guard horns and the main crown he will fully develop later on. Unlike Dante, Vergil’s form seems much more stable in the sense that his horn shape changes as well, but not nearly as much, and nothing else is affected by the Devil Arms in his appearance.
DMC1, now THIS I almost overlooked, and I sure am glad that I didn’t. The DMC1 DT forms are also affected a lot by the Devil Arms Dante is using in the moment. The weapons seem to ‘overwrite’ Dante’s innate form a lot here, and without their induced features, his face in DT is actually…blank. There is just a blank head until the Devil Arms give him some additions… I have a feeling this might be connected to Dante’s twin-related trauma in the game, they have the same face, after all…
In contrast to everything that comes before, the DMC2 form is a mix of both Dante’s strive for humanity and his ever-growing powers, because his face in DT is - for the first time in the series - completely human. He can’t however, escape the transformation entirely unchanged, and the dark scales and skin color... they make him look a lot like Nelo, or at least to me it seems that way. This is also the game where the SDT makes its first appearance as a Majin form, which is a low-health DT transformation. The Majin form has all the classic features of an SDT - four wings, developed horn crown and even arm-blades like the ones SDT Vergil has. The Majin form is also my big evidence for the ‘SDT forms have a template twins were always supposed to evolve into’ argument.
DMC4 is the ‘mature’ phase where Dante’s DT finally stabilizes and stopped evolving (before SDT was thrown on the table). None of the Devil Arms alter his appearance anymore, the horn crown is finally developed properly, and his facial features are demonic, but the face as a whole still reads as human.
Additional stuff I have noticed but have nowhere else to place: 
- Vergil had undergone extensive torture in his time as Mundus’ captive. His horns were broken, wings - ripped out, and if we keep going down that route the V-cut on the SDT chest bears quite a similarity to a badly done dissection scar.
- Alternatively, the V-shape could be seen as the V signature Vergil used to mark his things. In DMC5 he is pretty much picking up the torn and scattered pieces of himself, so that characteristic shape might also be him Reclaiming his name, as one well-known song might have said
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- Meanwhile, Dante’s ‘chest rupture’ shape reminds me simultaneously of the numerous stab wounds  Dante has been subjected over time, but also a literal bleeding heart pattern, speaking of the heartbreak physical, and the metaphorical one he suffered and never recovered from. This is made worse, if you remember that Dante got his SDT form before the final battle with Urizen in mission 17, so it is also a manifestation of his inner conflict and hurt at that moment in time and story, as he had yet to kill his brother. Again.
- to end on, at least somewhat positive note - the twins’ scales are iridescent!!! Some scales make this more apparent than others, but ultimately all scales have this quality and it brings me much joy)))
Aaaaand the final piece of wisdom I have for today. It is no secret that the DT wings mimic the series-standard leather coats the twins love so much, but I have not seen much of a reverse read on this connection - the twins loving their long leather coats because they mimic the feel of DT wings. The wings have an intricate swirl pattern on the inside and there is a lot of power going through them, so they should be warm, and the pose the twins normally have their wings around - the coats might give them a similar feeling. They are, obviously, leather, they should be good at reflecting warmth, the coats cover the same ‘forward hug’ area like the wings, they are heavy, and they whirl around the back and legs like the wind one would be feeling if they were to move.
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This, just might damn be, why V(ergil) stuck to wearing that horrific goth clothing for the entirety of the almost two months he was alive (I say this because I don’t like that outfit, also because V is Vergil and I hope we can all agree Vergil himself would never wear that).He was alone on the street, had no power, no weapons, no money or anything on him and was painfully human, only to have a leather coat thrown his way in a merciful turn of fate. Vergil did not care how passable he looked at that moment, he stated that multiple times himself.What he cared about was the feeling of comfort the leather coat gave him. It reminded him of his better days, of days where his own wings were just one trigger away. And that might be why he didn’t change his clothing from literally the first stuff that was handed to him.
Sooo, that would be it for the post. This one was in the works for a while xD. Again, immense thanks to Raven for rambling about this with me, it was super fun and her contributions to that conversation have been ginormous. Thank you dear reader, for finishing this monster of a post too! Text your family you love them to avoid ending up as these losers here please.
p.s. the DT different forms over the series photos were taken from the dmc wiki, everything else was captured by me in-game
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willicewc · 1 year
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More gay battle cats >:)
I refuse to accept that Cinderheart became Lionblaze's mate because she was obviously Hollyleaf's girlfriend >:( so Lionblaze can have Mousewhisker instead !
I didn't read the books for a long while now, but from what I remember, Mousewhisker is a very bland character, being even less unique because he is a carbone copy of his slightly more interesting sister Hazeltail.
At this point, Warriors is kind of known for having a metric ton of useless, bland background characters with interchangeable personnalities. I know it's now necessary to have so many background characters to lower the inbreeding... but I feel like the Erins are really having a hard time creating any actual recurring background character with any kind of actual, active role.
At this point, most of the background characters' personalities are made out of headcanons from the fandom ??? :(
That is also why Brackenfur started being known as "patrol guy" and Mistystar was "the one cat who just won't die", because after their little arc (if they ever had one), they stopped being revelant and the Erins don't know what to do with them anymore :(
So I decided to try to make Mousewhisker a bit more "unique" ? Or at least, to make him a bit less forgettable ? His brother is Berrynose, the classic bully who kept going after the Three when they were kits / apprentices. I don't feel like Mousewhisker would ever have the backbone to confront his brother about that, but he would keep apologizing to everyone his brother may offend. Mousewhisker is just a nice, well-rounded little dude, he is really close to his mother Daisy, with way too much empathy for everyone else. His personnality would be very similar to that of his sister, caring and generally well-meaning. I feel like he would always be near the nursery to be with Daisy or entertain the kits. He might even be like Fernsong later and become a "queen" ? A "king" ? He would be such an icon.
Also, knowing that Fernsong is Lionblaze's canon son, if in this au Lionblaze and Mousewhisker ever manage to find some kittens somewhere and adopt them, Mousewhisker would for sure spend all of his time in the nursery with his kits, becoming the first "male queen", which would then prompt Fernsong to later do the same to help Ivypool, and hopefully more toms would do the same and father their kits properly (looking at you, Spiderleg)
Talking about Spiderleg, Mousewhisker clearly had a beef with Spiderleg (who was his mentor ??? I forgot about that ??? All the potential drama in this Clan !!!) because Spiderleg was awful with Daisy and their kits and Mousewhisker won't allow bad parenting in this Clan anymore. He would have been pushing Spiderleg to take care of his kits properly.
Also in the book if I remember well, there was this... Weird obsession with the fact that Hazelpaw, Mousepaw and Berrypaw were not clanborn, and everytime they were picked for something such as going to a gathering, the Three would immediately notice it. This is kind of weird, because it would imply that Thunderclan, despite being led by an ex-kittypet, would STILL be telling their kits that cats who are not clanborn don't belong here. The behavior the Three display when noting everytime that Mouse, Hazel and Berry are not clanborn is a learned behavior, which means that Thunderclan never actually improved and learned from Rusty becoming Firestar ??? This may again just be a neatpick from me but it's still a bit weird, knowing that the most anti-kittypet cats are now "reformed" and have improved (Longtail would be a good example)
In my au, Lionblaze is a reincarnation of Scourge, and as such, it is possible that Lionblaze would be more open minded about Daisy's kits not being clanborn. I feel like Scourge despized the Clans because they were something that he would have loved to be a part of : A community where he would be accepted and where he could belong. Somehow Lionblaze would know that bloodline isn't something that can determine if you belong somewhere. This is even more revelant because his grandfather is literaly an ex-kittypet
I don't know how Lionblaze would end up having his kits with this pairing yet, I thought about the two of them finding stray kittens abandonned by twolegs ? I really enjoy the trans Lionblaze headcanon, but I don't want Lionblaze to be trans JUST so he can have kits :( Being trans should be part of his childhood and the way he grows up, it is a journey of self-discovery, with his family accepting him (because of course Squirrelflight would accept her child whether they are a guy, a girl or non-binary!), and making Lionblaze trans just so he can have babies doesn't seem to be the greatest choice in my opinion ? :( Don't hesitate to tell me what you think is the best option, I am all out for more LGBTQ+ representation in Warriors ! :) Your feedbacks would be very appreciated, even more if you are trans yourself and can give me your advices ! :)
If I do make Lionblaze trans in this au, be ready to see a lot of trans Lionblaze drawings because I will need to flesh that out >:)
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dotster001 · 2 years
How You Met/Enemies to Lovers Crewel Edition
Summary:Divus Crewel x gn!reader. After misunderstanding the reason you were failing his class, he ended up spending lots of time with you. Part of the mini series requested by @stygianoir
A/N: It's in my pinned post, and I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but if this is the first of my stuff you've read, I view NRC as an actual college, so reader here is 18+. If it makes you more comfy, imagine it as grad school age.
Other Versions- Idia. Crowley. Malleus. Vil. Rook. Lilia. Leona.
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Divus didn't like to throw around the word stupid around a lot, especially concerning students. But it was starting to be hard to find a better word for you…
"I just don't understand, Y/N. How can you not understand the most basic principles of potionology?"
He had called you to his office after classes to discuss with you your complete lack of knowledge, even in the most basic of courses.
"In our most basic course, you should be reviewing the things you learned in high school potions.  Even if you aren't solid on it, you should have a better grade in this course than you do!"
You winced, shrinking into the chair as much as possible, and mumbled something.
"Speak up, puppy!"
You cleared your throat, "Professor, I'm doing my best. I'm having both Vil and Riddle tutor me, and I spend as much time as possible studying for this class. It's just hard to undo everything I've learned," you were starting to get more hysterical the longer you spoke. "I mean, literally, you're asking me to learn things that completely challenge all the laws of science I've ever learned!" You stood up and smacked the table in frustration. "I'm doing my best, man! I just…I can't…it's…."
"Sit!" He shouted, and you plopped back down into your seat, wide eyes displaying fear.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed heavily. "If you could please remind me of what high school you graduated from."
You sat in silence, pursing your lips in a tight line. After he was certain that you weren't going to answer, he stood up. 
"Wait here," he said, leaving you to go to the headmage's office.
Divus had cursed Crowley on his entire trip back to the office. Of course that bird brain would have "forgotten" to mention that you were not from a world or even a dimension with magic. You should have been in remedial private lessons the entire semester. 
He slammed the door loudly on his way back into the office, clearly startling you in your seat.
"Alright, puppy. Your situation has been properly explained to me. Starting now, you will be in private lessons with me, on top of your tutoring with Rose hearts and Schoenheit. I will be in contact with them so that we can all be in agreement on a curriculum, and you will learn it. Mark my words, you will pass this course." 
You nodded shakily. He dismissed you with a flick of the wrist, and you practically ran from his office.  He sighed as he began to map out a plan for your lessons. This would be a long hard road.
You had surprised him. You had spent the last four years studying potions with him. That first year had been hard, but before the exam, you had had a breakthrough, and it had all been uphill from there. By the end of your second year, you were all caught up to the current curriculum. By your third year, you had surpassed it. 
You were now nearing the end of your fourth year, and still in lessons with him, although, now it wasn't to catch you up, it was to  keep you learning.
You had been limited in your internship options, due to your lack of magic. Divus had even written a glowing recommendation for you, but it had been for naught. At least until he had realized that you could be his teaching assistant for your internship.
It hadn't been a glamorous position, but you seemed to enjoy it; getting to work with potions, having access to the magical library, being at a center point so you could still see your friends, it had been perfect for you.
But your internship was nearing its end, and people had caught on to your skill in potions. You were getting job offers left and right, for ridiculous amounts of money. And it was making Divus nauseous.
"Another offer, pup?" He looked up from the papers he was grading, to see you at your own desk looking at a letter.
"Mhmm," you acknowledged, reading the letter. 
You set the letter down, and grinned. "Aw, are you worried about me? I'm just going to let them know I'll think it over. I've told everyone I won't make a decision until I have my degree in my hand."
"Are you planning something that would make that not happen?" He asked, matching your grin.
You laughed. "Well, Grim is scheduled to be back next week, and Ace is a day behind, so anything is possible."
"Just remember, bad puppies will need to be retrained," he flashed a devilish grin.
You gasped in mock horror. "Thanks for the reminder, I'll try to let them know."
You both went back to your work. After some time in the silence, he found himself looking at you again and again. Eventually, he was all out staring. You were so focused on your paperwork. You looked truly beautiful.
It hadn't been until the letters started coming in that he had realized his time with you was coming to an end. He'd grown used to your presence. No, that wasn't right. He'd grown dependent on your presence. Seeing you everyday, working close to you, seeing you make new discoveries, watching you help other students achieve what you had…. he'd fallen at some point without even realizing it.
To make matters worse, you were one of the few reasons he took care of himself. You brought him food on days he'd forgotten to pack some. You made him coffee on late nights. You volunteered to take up some of his work when he was getting run down. He had never realized how much he had stopped caring about his general health until you started doing it for him.
He was the happiest he had been in years. And you were going to be leaving him. 
He hadn't spoken of his feelings, because he had only recently noticed them himself. Besides, he couldn't be sure how you felt about him. You two had definitely grown closer, but was it close enough for you to feel the same way?
The school had hosted a graduation party. After the official ceremony  all the grads, their family, and anyone who had been invited to the ceremony itself were in attendance. It was usually a way for classmates and teachers to have a last hurrah before going out into the real world.
But you had been swamped by people who were offering you jobs. They were all complimenting you, pressuring you to make your decision, and just in general bothering you.
Eventually, he noticed you were able to break off from the group, and step outside. He followed you, worried after seeing you swamped with people.
You had found a bench to sit on, and were staring at the stars. You looked beautiful in the moonlight, so at peace. He quietly sat next to you, and patted your knee.
"How are you doing, puppy?" He asked.
You turned your head to face him. "Well, I've been here long enough to get a degree, and am no closer to going home. Oh, and I still haven't decided where to work now that I've graduated." You giggled. "But I'm fine."
"Hm." He said. "Well, for the first point, you truly are gifted at potions, so I selfishly am happy you've been here long enough to get a degree in it. And, hopefully by now you've found something that makes being here worthwhile."
You stared at him for a moment, then quickly turned away. "Yeah, I guess so." You stood up, and stretched. "I'm gonna head back in, thanks for checking on me." You began to walk away.
"Don't go," he couldn't look at you, but he heard you stop walking. "Stay here."
You giggled, "I would but it's getting cold out here and I don't have a fire coat like you…."
"That's not what I meant," he stood up, and strode over to you with an intense confidence. He ran a gloved hand down your cheek as he spoke, his discerning gaze picking up the shiver you tried to hide.
" I mean at NRC. I want you to stay here as my teaching assistant and," he paused.  Once he crossed this line he could never go back. Who knew the master would become so shaken by a puppy. "I want you to stay with me."
His hand froze on the side of your face waiting for your response. After what felt like a painful wait, you nuzzled into his hand. Nothing could stop his grin.
"I think I'll take that job," you smiled up at him sweetly.
"And my other proposal?"
You shrugged, and walked off with a mischievous grin. Ah. You were going to need some heavy retraining. But there would be plenty of time for that. For now, he would just enjoy the knowledge that you had chosen him. He looked up into the stars and thanked whoever or whatever had brought you to his world. Then he returned to the party, feeling uplifted for the first time in two weeks.
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mncxbe · 19 days
#. ݁₊ ⊹going on a shopping spree with Beam . ݁˖ . ݁𝒄𝒘: beam's first but definitely not last kiss, cutesies, a little bit of tension between him a reader and i guess some hc of mine for beam, not proofread oops, SFW
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since Beam started hanging out with you and Denji you insisted that he wore more clothes in public. after all, you couldn't walk around town with a half naked man, as if his shark head didn't draw enough attention already. still, despite your pleas, Beam never dressed properly so you eventually took it upon yourself to buy him some nice clothes. it totally wasn't just an excuse to spend alone time with him.
"Beam come here try this one too" you urged the man next to you, pushing yet another tshirt in his arms. the fiend absentmindedly draped it over his forearm, his gaze scanning the store– the walls were lined with racks displaying the latest clothes and accessories, white lights casting a soft glow on them. sniffling the air, he could make out the faint scent of sandalwood.
"so this is where girls like to spend their time?" he asked in his usual enthusiastic tone. "not all girls love shopping" you sighed, looking at him from the corner of your eyes. the tshirt Denji lent him was tight around his biceps and chest, making him look as if he was wearing a teenager's clothes.
"lord Chainsaw said that you always buy something from the mall when you go out"
"that's because i have money to spend, unlike a certain blond" you smiled, perking up when your eyes landed on a navy blue shirt. "oh my god you'd look so good in this"
Beam followed close behind as you got one of the shirts from the hanger and tossed it in his arms. "alright, let's go to the changing rooms. i think we have enough things already."
"isn't the pretty girl going to try anything?" he asked casually but you could feel your cheeks heat up at his compliment. Beam rarely used your name, mostly calling you sweet things; you knew he didn't mean anything by it, it was just his way of addressing people, but you'd lie if you said it didn't make you flustered.
"no, not today. i just want to find something nice for you." the fiend nodded and you made your way towards the changing rooms. ignoring the sharp glares of the other customers in the store, you quickly guided Beam into one of the stalls. "please show me how you look after you try them on"
"okie dokie" he smiled, giving you a thumbs up before disappearing behind the heavy cotton curtain. while Beam changed, you waited patiently in front of the changing room scrolling on your phone. it was only four in the afternoon but you were already tired and in desperate need of a coffee. you'd make sure to go to a cafe right after you were done here.
not too long after, Beam stepped out of the stall wearing the first t shirt. "how do i look?" he asked, grinning proudly from ear to ear. hot, you wanted to blurt out but instead you nodded, giving him a content smile. "it suits you well" and indeed, the t shirt looked amazing on him, showing off his broad shoulders and chest. the fiend beamed at your words, happily clapping his hands above his head. "hell, yes. okay, i'll try on the other ones too wait for me"
one by one, Beam went through the whole pile of clothes you picked out. they all looked so good on him you had a hard time choosing what to keep, so you ended up returning only one or two pieces. rougly twenty minutes later the fiend was down to the last shirt. peeking his head from behind the curtain, he gave you an apologetic look "could you give me a hand? i can't with the buttons"
you sighed, briefly looking at the other people around. asking Beam to step out of the changing room was out of the question. you couldn't risk having some little kid starting to cry over his appearance or you'd get kicked out of the store like it happened on other occasions. all you could do was join Beam. taking a deep breath in to calm your nerves, you slipped into the cramped stall without anyone noticing.
as soon as you pulled back the curtain you were met with the image of the frustrated fiend struggling to fit the tiny buttons of the shirt through their designated holes. "stupid... things" he mumbled, biting his lip in annoyance. "here, let me help you" you offered, closing the distance between you as you started working on the buttons. they actually proved to be a drag. the material of the shirt was rigid and the little buttons wouldn't pass through easily. you did your best to ignore the closeness between you and the fiend, the way his chest rose and fell with each steady breath he took. you could feel the warmth radiating off his skin and smell his scent, something between seasalt and lime. occasionally, your hands brushed against his abs but you tried to play it off, praying that Beam wasn't aware of the blush tinting your cheeks. once you were done buttoning the shirt you slowly looked up at him. "okay all done–"
your breath hitched as you noticed Beam leaning towards you with a soft smile on his face. your heart raced when he brought his face level with yours "is the pretty girl alright?"yea i'm okay. you chuckled nervously, taking a little step back but your back hit the wall of the stall. Beam's frame towered over you, a concerned expression etching itself on his features. "pretty girl smells different"
god, you swore you could die of embarrassment. could he actually tell you were flustered? "i'm alright Beam, I promise. it's just a little hot in here"
"oh i see" he smiled "i mean, your body temperature is over the roof so i figured. we could get ice cream to cool off"
you couldn't help but cringe a little at the situation. you were mere inches away from your sort of crush, all blushing– how could he be so oblivious to what was happening. still, his concern for you was sweet. "yea, ice cream sounds good..."
your voice trailed off as your eyes flickered to his lips, only for a brief moment but it was enough to make your heart thump in your chest. noticing your sudden silence Beam's demenour grew softer again and he instinctively leaned towards you. he wasn't thinking, not really, his instincts were taking over. some strange force pulled him towards you and he placed a firm hand on your shoulder as his lips met yours in a heated kiss. your mind went blank for a moment before your eyelids fluttered shut and you returned the kiss, kneading his chest with your palms. Beam was surprisingly gentle, his sharp teeth occasionally nipping at your bottom lip but it felt comforting. oddly so. by the time he pulled back you were both a blushing mess. "i'm sorry, y/n i don't know what came over me i—" he fumbled for words, looking around the stall as if searching for some sort of justification for his actions.
"it's okay Beam, don't worry. i'm not upset or anything. i actually liked it" you reassured him, bashfully tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "i wanted to do that for some time"
"you did?" he beamed, letting out a sigh of relief "good lord that's great news. i've always wanted to kiss pretty girl too. i mean how could i not..." the fiend scratched the back of his head and god you swore you could eat him up. he was so adorable when he was flustered. raising on your tippy toes, you placed your hands on his chest and pecked his cheek, earning a warm smile from him. "well, from now on feel free to kiss me anytime"
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ofpineapplesanddawns · 2 months
Hello! Sorry to hear youre in quarantine, I hope youre doing ok :)
Would you want to write something for your do androids dream of angel cyborgs au?
The prompt in your list "i like you. A lot. Like a lot a lot" seems like it could be extremely cute
It's been ages since I've worked on this au!
That is a good prompt, perfect for them. :)
For those new to the au, it's a future-based au with Crowley as an advanced android (who was originally naked AJ0440) who accidentally develops free will and had escaped. Aziraphale is a cyborg who runs a bookshop (that technically is just barely avoiding being illegal) that also doubles as a repair shop for out-of-date androids and cyborgs.
On with the fic!
"It's a shame," Aziraphale commented as he opened the door to the roof of his shop, "that the blasted lights and neon display images make it so hard to see the stars here in town."
"That's fine, angel, it's the thought that counts." Crowley chuckled, following behind with a blanket, in Aziraphale's hands was a small basket.
It was a clear enough night to have the moon seen, though stars were harder. Still, Aziraphale thought it would be a nice gesture anyway, to spend a bit of time out on the roof to just enjoy the night, some wine, and each other's company.
"Still, it would have been nice to do some... oh, I dunno, constellation spotting? Is that what one calls it?" Aziraphale turned, pouting a bit.
Crowley smiled and patted Aziraphale's shoulder before moving to lay out the blanket, his fingers blinking pink as he set it down as perfectly as he could. "Sure, you can call that. But it's fine, angel! I'm sure we'll have a good night!"
He wasn't going to point out that his eyes could filter out the light pollution, and he could see the stars, but Aziraphale didn't need to know that. He took his friend's hand and helped him get down, Aziraphale's leg had been aching, came with the changing weather, he had said.
Aziraphale gave him a gentle smile, which has Crowley's insides whirring loudly. This human has such an effect on him, it's... it's a lot that had been building up within Crowley.
A lot that he really needed to get out of his chest. He hoped it wouldn't backfire, emotions are... complicated. And difficult. And sometimes free will was a muddled mess, but if humans could live with it, so could an android.
"I picked an excellent year for us." Aziraphale said, opening the basket, setting out the bottle, then grabbing two glasses. He also pulled out a small covered dish he had prepared before, something that Crowley wasn't really going to touch. Food wasn't completely necessary, but he could use the wine as bio-fuel. And it was delicious, that was a plus.
"Thanks." Crowley replied, watching him before glancing up at the sky. He could see small movements of satellites and air crafts, lights blinking and displaying messages from projections. He adjusted his eyes and they were gone, he could see natural lights, from stars and reflections off planets.
"Are you alright, dear?" Aziraphale asked, and Crowley saw him giving him a concerned face. "You're making odd noises, are you overheating? Your lights are flashing too. Goodness, do we need to do a systems check?"
"Uhh... no, no, it's not that." Crowley shook his head, glaring at his hands before shoving them into the pockets of his jacket. He sat down, grumbling, but Aziraphale kept watching him.
"What is it?" He asked softly.
Crowley looked at him, seeing him under the lights of SoHo, of the moon, of the faerie lights that he and Aziraphale put up last week because the cyborg thought it would look pretty.
Aziraphale looked pretty.
Crowley sighed, turning to face him properly. "Angel, listen... there's something that's been on my mind for a long, long time. Something that I've been trying to understand, something that I don't think androids normally feel. I mean, I know that Francis does with Ashtoreth."
He grabbed for one of the glasses that Aziraphale has prepared, taking a sip from it. "And... well, I've realized something about what it is."
"What is it, Crowley?"
Mismatched eyes stared into hazel, and Crowley knew this was his last chance. "I like you. A lot. Like a lot a lot."
Aziraphale blinked. "You do?"
"Yes. I'm aware that these sorts of things don't normally happen with androids, we're technically not supposed to feel emotions, obviously. But I do. I feel things for you, lots of things. Lots of things that overheat my systems, lots of things that make me feel like I'm gonna blue screen when you smile at me, or laugh, or tell me sweet things. It's just... holy shit, it's a lot? Do you know?"
"Yes, I do." Aziraphale said softly. "It's a lot, I understand, because I like you too, Crowley. A lot. More than I had expected, which is not a bad thing. It's a wonderful thing."
They looked at one another, and they didn't say anything else. It was better not to, it so just... it was nice, looking at the sky, holding hands, just being... them.
I like the idea that they don't have to say everything, they understand, they completely understand how the other feels. It's a lot, but it's good.
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icycoldninja · 4 months
He picked Rose (Raiden x Reader angst)
You'd had a crush on Raiden from the moment you'd met and had kept that secret for as long as you could remember, as you were too shy and too afraid to confess to him.
You thought that with time, you'd rack up the courage to tell him how you felt, but every time you thought you were ready, you saw him with his gentle, quiet eyes and sweet smile, and everything you'd accumulated over the days just flew out the window.
This pattern continued for several years. You would spend your nights pining and planning, convincing yourself that you could do this and that the worst he could say is no, only to have all your meticulously pre-planned words get stuck in your throat, leaving you a stuttering, nervous wreck. At times, you'd get frustrated with yourself, insecure that Raiden would think of you as a weirdo for never being able to talk properly for more than 5 minutes when you were around him. At other times, you'd become jealous of Rose, and how she always seemed to be hanging out with Raiden, helping him on missions, giving him advice, taking him to movies.
Before you knew it, your frustration and insecurities with yourself evolved and merged into a single emotion that was directed towards that woman--no--that bitch. You quickly grew angry and spiteful towards her, jealous that she got along with Raiden better than you did, and somehow still had the audacity to manipulate and use him. It made your blood boil, seeing the two of them together. How dare she? She didn't even love him--she was using him! So why was Raiden friendlier towards her? Why couldn't you do what she did? What did she have that you didn't?
A lot, it seemed, as very soon, it was confirmed that the two of them were dating. When you showed up to work one day, he and Rose approached you, wide grins on their faces. Rose excitedly informed you that she and "Jack", as she called him, were dating, and that they couldn't have been happier. Her words meant nothing to you; the soft smile on Raiden's face, did. It was proof that he had found someone else; that you'd missed your chance and that there was virtually no hope for you to ever be with Raiden. In that single moment, your heart was crushed entirely, the love of your life having been swept out from under your feet. From that point on, you changed.
The jealousy and rage you felt towards Rose soon became too much to be kept inside; it was now being displayed through your behavior and mannerisms towards her. You were aloof and distant towards her, sometimes downright ignoring her, while still managing to be friendly and polite around Raiden. He noticed this, and soon, he confronted you about it.
"Why are you so cold to Rose?" He asked, striding after you as you traveled through the familiar paths that led you home. "Answer me." He reached out and gripped your arm, preventing you from leaving. "Why?" You bit down hard on your lip, resentment flowing through your veins. What was it any of his business? Why did he care? Why should he care? Didn't he see that this woman was all wrong for him--that you would be a better option? "I just don't get it," You finally mumbled, yanking your arm away and clenching your fists. "Why do you love her so much? Why do you care about her? Why did you choose her over me?"
Raiden looked at you confusedly for a few moments before the reality of the situation dawned upon him. "All this time...?" You growled, turning away from him and hurrying down the street. Raiden made no attempt to go after you, after all, why would he?
He always picked Rose over you.
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francis-writes · 9 months
❛ you want me to shut him up for you? ❜ from the horror themed sentence starter, and if it’s ok…
An ask with Dom! Frollo x reader (maybe some yandere vibes, but 🤷‍♀️ go crazy w/ it )
Sooo I mixed it.
And yeah, I put in Gaston, what about it?
Tw: death, dub-con
❛ you want me to shut him up for you? ❜
You nodded and laid your head on Claude's chest. He was like a miracle, when you didn't expect it. Your prince charming. You started a romance with him, because you adored him. He was handsome, smart, caring. Now that he offered to take care of your unwanted adorator, it was only a nice addition to your relation.
That boy bothered you for so long, visiting you uninvited, sending gifts (if you can call animal's head a gift), even arranging your wedding without asking you first. You thought you would never get rid of him. All the people adored him and told you that he's the best option for husband. No one would take your side. But now, when you had heart of powerful minister of justice, Gaston was no longer a problem. Even he wouldn't dare to risk the Judge's wrath, and if he would ignore the warning, he would spend a few weeks in the dungeons. As a reminder.
Claude was caressing your hair as you listened to his heartbeat and thought about bright future awaiting you.
You were lost in thoughts, when you heard footsteps on the corridor. You twitched reflexively but then reminded yourself to stay calm. Doors opened and your husband walked in.
"How is my beauty doing?"
You smiled to him as he put the hands on your shoulder.
"Fine, my love"
"I'm glad to hear that" his hands moved lower, sliding under your dress. He squeezed your breasts but you didn't react. You were used to his displays of affection. "I would hate to hear that my wife is unhappy"
"But..." you bite your lip and hesitated.
Frollo leaned over and bite your earlobe.
"Yes? Don't worry, tell me whatever you want"
"When I will be able to go upstairs?"
He took one hand from your breast and started caressing your thigh.
"I don't know, after what happened recently..."
"Oh, Claude, I just missed my family"
"And that's why you ran away?"
You looked at him, trying to melt his heart but you knew inside, there was no point. You can't move what isn't there.
"I didn't run away..."
He squeezed your thigh so hard you groaned.
"You left the house in secret. I thought I would never see you again"
"You would never let me leave the house-" you fell silent as he slapped you. You delicatly touched stinging cheek, looking away from him.
"Then why did you disrespected my decision?!"
You closed your eyes and a few tears ran down your cheeks.
"I- I missed them..." you whispered. "And I would go back to you... you didn't have to set their home on fire"
"I thought they kidnapped you. I needed to punish them as criminals" his voice was stone cold but you could bet he was smiling saying that.
"You want to see the sun again? Feel the fresh air? Sleep on bed instead of cold floor? Then you have to apologize to me"
"Forgive me"
"No, you have to apologize properly"
You holded back the sigh, not wanting to anger him more. You stood up and took of your clothes. Claude was looking at you with a predatory smile. There was a hunger in his eyes as if you were his prey he would devour for dinner.
He pulled you closer and made you sit on his lap. His hands were roaming across your body. You didn't even pay attention to the sensations as you were thinking about when it all started. And if you could notice something and go away before it was too late.
Frollo was pretty possesive even before your wedding but then you thought it was cute and that he simply cares about you. Sure, he wanted you to spend all your time with him instead of meeting your friends, but you were in love and that was what you wanted as well.
First thing that actually made you worried, was during the wedding night when he gifted you Gaston's head. But even then you tried to explain to yourself that Claude was just really angry on how Gaston treated you.
But it became worse when he started locking you in your room. You didn't even had doors leading to the corridor, your room was connected only with Frollo's room so he could see you whenever he wanted. Actually not even servants were visiting you.
When the deed was done, Claude simply got up and went to the door.
"Wait, can I go back upstairs? To... our bedroom?"
Before he managed to answer, you heard the bells ringing. Claude smiled.
"It's a funeral" he explained.
"Yours. After you died in the fire with your family" He stood in the corridor, lit only by the faint glow of torches "No one will ever look for a dead one"
After those words, he closed the doors of your cell.
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Love Thy Enemy Part 2
I wrote part one a while ago, but this seemed like a perfect post to add to the fantasci community! Also, the characters now have names. General is now Vorrin and Empress is now Callista.
Part One
Vorrin awoke with a start. He didn't know at what point he drifted into real sleep, but the early morning sun now bathed the room in dull, dove-gray light. But not his room. He abruptly rolled over onto his other side. The space beside him was now empty.
He flopped onto his back with a heavy sigh. That was probably for the best. Falling asleep next to her had been hard enough, he hadn't exactly wanted to wake up next to her too. He already felt entirely too vulnerable.
"Good morning."
Vorrin yelped, shooting upright and whipping his head around the room until he landed on Empress Callista's long, slender figure lounging in one of the plush sitting chairs. She smirked and crooked one dark brow, but other than that made no comment on Vorrin's embarrassing display.
"You're still here," Vorrin said.
"Indeed. I did say we'd be spending more time together, didn't I?" She lifted the delicate teacup from its saucer and took a long, silent sip. "You slept in a little longer than expected, but no matter. We still have about an hour."
"You're coming into the city with me. It's about time people saw us together publicly. Besides, the change of scenery may be good for you."
Vorrin hated how she could sound conniving in one breath and caring in the next. What was he? Her pet? Something to parade around and spoil? Did she really think that any of these luxuries or favors could change his feelings about what she'd done? Though he did not deny, that a part of him longed to leave these palace walls. It had been months since he'd been any further than the gardens.
He swung his legs over the mattress and gingerly rose to his feet. "Shouldn't I get back to my rooms? To get ready?"
"I've already requested your manservants to attend to you here. They'll bring your change of clothes and fix your hair.
"My...?" Vorrin glanced across the room into the great gold-framed looking glass overhanging the vanity and found his long, chocolate hair had decided to tangle itself into a bird’s nest on one side. The other side lay frazzled over his shoulder, like he'd taken to rubbing it between two whetstones. Probably all that tossing and turning last night.
Vorrin rapidly dragged his fingers through the mess. It didn't seem fair that Empress Callista's hair still remained tight and tidy in it's whippish tail.
"You still have a few minutes before they arrive. You should eat. Reports tell me you don't eat much, but this is your favorite breakfast."
Vorrin crept toward the spread. A kettle sat on a wooden hot plate, the scent of sweet mint escaping out it's long silver spout. Beside it sat a plate full of steaming biscuits, halved, buttered and slathered in strawberry jam.
His stomach growled traitorously.
Empress Callista waved to the open seat across from her.
Vorrin begrudgingly accepted. The bitterness only grew as the cushions sank beneath him, setting him a couple inches shorter than the empress. But he tried not to let the annoyance show on his face as he stacked three biscuits on top of each other and took a large bite. Letting her know he was upset would only give her more power.
His stomach squirmed a little as he swallowed. This really was his favorite breakfast. He wondered how much she knew about him already. He'd known all the servants in the palace were her people, but he hadn't realized that they'd been her eyes as well. How much did they report? How much of what he said, of what he did, had been repeated back to her?
"Even if you weren't from an enemy nation, I'd still have you watched," Empress Calista said. Vorrin shuddered a little at the way she seemed to read his mind. "You're my consort. It's my responsibility to ensure you are properly attended to. That means keeping you safe and meeting your creature comforts. Better if I understand what makes you happy."
"My freedom would make me happy."
Callista tapped her lips thoughtfully with the edge of her spoon before using it to scoop a couple cubes of sugar into her half-full cup. "I suppose I can arrange an armed escort every now and then if you're restless."
"That's not what I mean and you know it."
"And you know I can't let you go. So why don't we both stop pretending?"
A light rap on the door snapped the growing tension in two.
"Enter," the empress called in that gracious voice of royalty. Not too loud, not too aggressive, but commanding all the same.
The door creaked, and Pins poked his head through the door, a small leather bag slung over one shoulder. At the sight of the empress he immediately bent in half, folding his hands in front of him and gluing his eyes to the floor.
"We've come to prepare Royal Consort Vorrin for the day, your majesty."
"Right here, Pins," Vorrin said.
Pins's head rose a centimeter toward Vorrin's voice, then he raised up all at once with a large grin. "Good morning, Royal Consort. Your hair is exciting this morning. I've brought a brush and several accessories for you to choose from. Would you like to get started, or would you prefer to dress first?"
As if on cue, Switch slid into the room, breathing heavy and face flushed, a long red garb draped across his arms. He bowed hastily to Vorrin and then deeper to the Empress, speaking to the floor as he began profusely apologizing. "Forgive me, your majesty, Royal Consort Vorrin. The outfit selected for today had a tear. The royal tailor claims it will not be ready until this evening. I took the great liberty of selecting another outfit of a similiar style. Does it please your majesty?"
Empress Callista's sharp eyes scanned over the draping fabric in a couple seconds. "It will do."
Switch looked ready to melt with relief. He turned sharply on his heel toward Vorrin, eyes still wide, frantic, and slightly watery as if he had been, or barely held back from, crying.
"Then shall I, my lord?"
Vorrin felt all eyes on him, but most importantly he felt the gaze of Empress Callista. If her eyes seemed sharp overseeing his outfit, they were even more daggerish digging into his side profile. He gripped the neck of his nightclothes tightly, a humiliating squire's blush rising to his cheeks as he couldn't seem to make his hands take the action to undress.
After what felt like an eternal silence, she pushed smoothly to her feet. "I'll leave you to it. Remember, darling, one hour."
And with a swish of her braid and long cape, she was gone.
As soon as the door shut, Switch immediately collapsed.
"I thought I was going to be fired," he bawled, a few tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
"Empress Callista doesn't fire people for finding tears in clothes," Pins said.
Switch's head snapped up. "Don't act smart, you've only been here as long as I have. You didn't know what was going to happen either!"
For the first time, it occurred to Vorrin that the two servants may be as fresh to the royal scene as he was.
"How long have you been working in the palace?"
Switch hesitated a moment, always the suspicious one. Maybe he thought Vorrin wanted to berate him for the clothing mishap.
"A little under 6 months," he answered finally. "I applied for a position as soon as word came that the empress would be staying in Totholan. I traveled here with the rest of the serving caravan."
Vorrin had assumed after the kingdom's conquering that Empress Callista had sent for her regular palace staff. Those she most trusted. But it made sense that she would have left some to care for the homeland palace in her absence. Any person wishing to make it into the Empress's employ would seize the sudden surge of job availabilities. And all it took was a willingness to relocate.
"And you, Pins?"
"6 months and 10 days," he piped peevishly. "Switch was only mostly right when he said we've been here the same amount of time. I was hired on before we found out of the empress's success. So I've been in the palace just a teensy bit longer. Plus, my mum was a maid, so I was already used to palace walls."
"But the empress wasn't there when you started work," Switch said. "So it doesn't make you any more the expert."
"Why do you always need to be better at everything?" Pins said with a pout. "Why can't you just admit I have something on you?"
"Because you don't."
Before Pins could respond, Switch marched away, laying the clothes across the bed and stepping behind Vorrin to begin helping untie his white sleep clothes.
"I wouldn't have let her fire you," Vorrin said, sliding out of the sleeves and letting the soft linen fall into Switch's hands. "If that's of any comfort."
Switch paused, folding the nightclothes into a neat square before finally responding. "It is."
He retrieved the new outfit, blessedly allowing Vorrin to put the first part on himself. It was a little different from most of clothing he was given. Trousers for one. Impractical ones, but trousers nonetheless. Next was a long ruffled tunic that laced all the way up to his throat. Switch helped him with the long draping overcoat, a similar style to the wrapping robes, though this one had no waist tie and buttoned to the middle of his chest. For his bare feet was a pair of short soft boots, little thicker than slippers.
As soon as he was dressed, Pins got started brushing through his hair until it was silky.
"Which ones?" he asked, pulling a leather wrap from his bag and unfolding a display of hair ornaments. Ruby hairpins and golden chains, a net-like crown, encrusted with jewels, a gold circlet with red diamond teardrops dangling at the temples, twin clips designed to appear as sprigs of current berries, each ruby a berry on a silver branch. Vorrin chose the ruby pins. They still may have been worth more than he'd ever made in his entire career, but at least they were less gaudy than these others.
"Aw," Pins said. "I wanted to do the net and chains." Then suddenly remembering they were addressing a superior quickly added, "But the pins are lovely too!"
"You can add the chains," Vorrin sighed.
Pins perked up, plucking up the metal strings and beginning to braid them into strands of Vorrin's hair. He gathered half the hair into a bun, using the ruby pins to secure it and the gold-twined braids together.
A couple minutes later, Empress Callista pushed open the doors without a knock. She surveyed Vorrin swiftly before giving the manservants an approving nod that sent them grinning and offering her arm out to Vorrin.
"Shall we, my love?"
Vorrin gritted his teeth. Such falseness. Such lies. Such utter humiliating mockery.
He linked arms with her anyway.
If he knew one thing it was this: he couldn't win against Empress Callista with brute force. He would need another tactic. A passive one. Something that looked deceivingly like cooperation. Until the time was right to strike.
Part 3
Master Taglist: (I forgot to add it again!)
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees s @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi i @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner r @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer mer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee
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bl4cktourmaline · 6 months
☆⌒(ゝ。∂) — day 9 featuring tenma tsukasa
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knock knock!
heres some mail!
ଘ(੭´꒳`)°* ੈ‧₊ 💌
⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ...anon is typing... ♡
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
❝Can I request Christmas prompt 9 with Tsukasa?❞
━━❝Let's go ice skating, come on the ice is solid as a rock!❞
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It was around the early evening of Christmas Eve when you decided to go to Yokohama for some ice skating, excitedly you went on ahead to check out the stores "Tsukasa! Look at this! It's a Christmas theme cupcake store!"
Your eyes sparkle like how a kid's eyes lighten up when they see something amazing "Whoa! Oh, oh, look over there! Isn't that window display in that department store super cute? Oh my god, they even have polar bears ones?!"
"(name), calm down a bit would you...?" Tsukasa was trailing behind you, making sure he doesn't lose you in the crowds "If you don't start looking where you're going... you're going to end up flat on your face"
"I'll be fine, Tsukasa! I'm not some kid or anythi-waah!" Stubbing your toe on the uneven platform, Tsukasa caught you before you could stumble over the floor.
"Haaaaah, I'm okay!" You stood up, perfectly fine as if you weren't just falling to your doom a moment ago...
He sighed, placing his hands on his hips "What did I just say? Calm down, alright?"
"Hehe, sorry Tsukasa! You're always looking out for me" You smiled, rubbing the back of your head.
"Of course! Especially when your boyfriend is a brilliant star such as myself haha!" Tsukasa laugh proudly to which you just roll your eyes at him, seriously where the heck did he get his confidence from...?
"Anyways, which way is it to the skate rink?"
"It should be this way, somewhere on this path...You can just about see it over there"
»»-----► timeskip for a little bit... ❍✧
You are really happy that you get to come to the skate rink together with your beloved and all but...
"Aaah!! My feet are sliding-whoa whoa!! all over the pla-aaahh!!" You clung desperately to the railing to keep yourself upright "OK, I DIDN'T FALL AT LEAST!"
Fighting against the embarrassment of flailing around, you were trying your best even though it's your first time skating "It's so strange....I was able to walk in these skates before getting out onto the ice"
You watched on impotently as small children were skating around the rink, having the time of their lives and while you were becoming fast friends with the railing at the sides...
"How long are you planning to spend hugging the railings?" Tsukasa gracefully appeared through a sprayed cloud of shaved ice, skillfully completed the lap of the rink as you were managing to stand up.
"WOW, you're amazing at this!!" You couldn't help by praising him as he stand next to you on the railings.
"Well, of course, obviously!" He exclaimed, skating across the rink back and forward, his left arm in front and right arm to the right with his head high as he spin, lifting his right foot up, slowly squat down...
Then he slowly rise up and end it with a pose "AS A FUTURE STAR, OUR AUDIENCE NEED TO WITNESS MY DIVINESS HAHAHAHA!"
"Uhh, what is that guy talking about?"
"Mama, is that weird guy really a star?"
"Honey, please cover your eyes-"
People started whispering but to the blonde male, it's only fuel his pride more...
"Let's go, (name)!! Let's show them our BRILLIANTNESS to our audience here, THE SHOW MUST GO ON!"
"Oh my god, stop, you're embarrassing me-" Flustered, you start covering your face with your hands as people stare either in awe or confused "You know it's pretty hard to keep your balance here!"
He stood up properly with a frown "You can't learn how to skate at this rate" turning to face the rink, he could see children were laughing but over here, you look so sad..."You need to spend less watching and more time doing it"
"Sure but it's like my first time, what did you expect?" You let out a sigh in defeat.
"You can hold onto me until you get the hang of it" He grabbed your hand, taking a few feets away from the railings "So...let's go ice skating, come on the ice is solid as a rock!"
"Uhh thanks but I don't know if I like the sound of tha-waaahh?!"
"Hahaha! Nothing to fear when the star of the show is here!!"
...thus another eventful day with the future star.
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(っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💌 You receive a letter from Santa Yue!
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
I die a little while writing this since he is the first character who is like very dramatic..., I don't want any more lessons on being a drama queen...end my suffering please, how are you guys able to handle the embarrassment omg TT
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zoros-bandana · 2 years
Birthday Secret
Zoro x fem reader
Warning: none
Summary: spending the entirety of your night setting up Zoro’s birthday party was only the beginning of your plan. There was something brewing in your friendship that the swordsman was too stubborn to initiate, making his birthday the perfect time to make your move.
Word Count: 2,000
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Zoro woke early, as he did most days, groggily steering himself up to the direction of the crows nest for early morning training. It was his birthday, but like every year nothing exciting was planned. He had never understood how birthdays were deemed eventful; to him it was just another day.
Setting into his routine Zoro worked away, watching as the morning set over the ocean, the bustle of the cook downstairs preparing the morning meal a familiar and comforting sound. By the time the sun poured into the crows nest he could hear the yelp of Luffy running to the kitchen, calling out that food was ready; alerting Zoro to retreat down to join the crew.
As he stepped into the kitchen Zoro shuddered, a blasting squeal of voices meeting his presence with an awful enthusiasm.
A bombarding parade of confetti and streamers greeted him, his crew-mates gathered around the brightly decorated table stacked with presents. The walls were covered in metallic green and gold, banners of 'happy birthday' raining over the crew, balloons cascading from the ceiling almost blocking the view of Franky and Brook.
"Happy birthday!" everybody cheered in unison, confusing Zoro even more. How exactly did they know? He only ever told you when his birthday was.
"What the hell is this?" Zoro snapped, flicking the confetti off his shoulder. He attempted to cover the blush that flushed his face, embarrassingly looking around; noting something was missing.
"What does it look like, idiot?" Nami spat, placing the beautifully decorated cake down. Finely piped patterns swirled around the sides, blending into a seamless dress of icing that perched a display of lit candles on the top. "It's a birthday party"
"(Y/n), planned the whole thing!" Luffy grinned, dodging Nami's swat as he attempted to lunge for the cake.
Y/n; so that's what was missing.
"Yeah" Sanji gritted, annoyed how much effort you placed into someone other than him. "She stayed up all night doing everything for your ungrateful ass. I had to take her to bed a few hours ago when she fell asleep so we wouldn't wake her up"
Zoro couldn't help but smile to himself, thinking about you and your efforts, knowing it was something that annoyed the ero-cook; an additionally sweet present. He walked over to the table, greeted with a beer and cake, lost in the curiosity of your absence as Chopper shoved presents under his nose, wishing you were here for him to thank you.
A soft stream of light fanned through the window, the afternoon sun warming up the bedroom in a golden haze. Snuggling deeper into your bed you hummed, immersed in the glow as you slowly awoke, unaware what had happened.
Unaware you had missed Zoro’s birthday party.
Snapping your eyes open you awoke in a panic, sudden realisation washing over you as you jumped out of bed. Your body felt hot and anxious, running through the ship to the kitchen, hoping to still catch a glimpse of Zoro before the party you planned was over. You didn't wish to fall asleep, in fact, you though you hadn't, dreaming on of how you would greet Zoro in the kitchen with the rest of the crew. You worked hard to pull everything together, knowing he had never celebrated a birthday properly; wishing to bring that to life.
You were aware Zoro wasn’t overly fond of attention or parties, preferring to sit quietly in the corner with an alcoholic drink while everyone around him enjoyed the party. But you also had known him long enough to see a side to him that felt almost alone, shielded by his stoic behaviour to reveal something soft. Something you grew fond of very quickly. You wished to care for him, especially today, almost giving you an excuse to be overbearing with adoration for the swordsman in ways he would usually shrug off.
Screaming out 'happy birthday' you busted through the kitchen door, shaking with adrenaline as you entered the room. Sanji stood by the sink, turning as he heard your voice, a saddened look on his face as you looked around, noting the party had been over for a while. There was no sign of Zoro or the crew, the confetti canons and balloons destroyed, icing smeared over the table that once sat pretty with presents you decorated yourself.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n), we wanted to wait but Luffy was determined to greet Zoro first thing when he entered the kitchen this morning" Sanji's tone was apologetic but your mind stayed agitated, wishing to find Zoro yourself. Shrugging off his words you noted your own presents for Zoro still on the table, half listening to Sanji as he made comment about saving your gifts for you to give to him yourself.
There was still time for you to work your plan.
Knowing Zoro's moves well you scooped up your remaining presents, struggling to move as you ventured to the crows nest with an unsteady climb. Your movements were scattered and rushed, feeling anxious as you made your way to him, as if you waited any longer he wouldn't accept your thoughtful gifts.
"Zoro?" You burst through the door, panting as the presents spilled out of your arms, letting you climb into the room. Zoro's attention shifted from his training, watching your shaking body drag across the floor, gathering the gifts back into your arms as you looked up at him.
Cocking his eyebrow he waited, expecting you to say something for the way you interrupted his activity. He was focused, after hours of daydreaming about you, and now you were here disrupting him again like it was your mission to flood his thoughts.
"Happy birthday" you huffed, rising to your feet. "I thought you could open the gifts I got for you?"
Nodding, Zoro watched you walk past him, sitting elegantly on the floor, the silk of your dress making it appear as if swimming in a sea of water. Almost dazed, Zoro followed, your presence like a siren call, making him forget his annoyance. Sitting across from you with less grace, he noted the two gifts in front of you, his mind racing at what you could have got him.
Zoro was aware how thoughtful you were. You knew him better than anybody on the ship and that came with perks. He knew any gift you got him was something he would like.
Carefully handing the first gift over Zoro gave it a slight shake, intrigued by the square shaped box; wrapped intricately. Your face blushed slightly as he began to unwrap, focused, the green paper slipped through his large calloused hands onto the floor around him.
Zoro let out a sharp exhale, taken aback by his gift. “A sword cleaning set?”
“Yeah” you admitted sheepishly, “you mentioned your swords were getting pretty blunt”
“You remembered…”
Looking away from him you handed over the next gift, wishing to detour the conversation.
Zoro took the gift, recognising the taller outline better than the last box; knowing what was inside. An excited smile graced his lips as he unwrapped the bottle, the idea of alcohol so close eased his lazy mind from venturing downstairs anytime soon.
“It’s a special bottle” you admitted, getting your words in before Zoro had a chance to drink it all.
You leaned forward, twisting the bottle around in his hand, the unusual iridescent of red curling over the bottles design. Labelled down the bottle in thick gold lettering was the surprise, something that immediately ticked your interest when you saw it. “It was made on your birthday, Zoro. The actual day you were born”
“Oh” he placed the bottle down next to his cleaning set, not knowing how to process your gifts properly. He wasn’t any good at receiving things that were meaningful. “Thank you”
"I did have one more gift planned..." you looked down at your hands, a deeper blush finding its way to your cheeks "but you will have to close your eyes for it; it’s a surprise"
Sighing in a false annoyance Zoro complied, his heart rapid at the additional promise of more from you. Only you could make him feel so jittery. There was something about the way you cared for him he couldn’t quite grasp, it felt almost like he was living a different life. You never saw him as a swordsman.
As a pirate.
As a wanted man.
As a brute.
He never truely understood his feelings for you but he knew it was more than being friends; he wanted something more than that. He just didn't know what exactly. And he hoped you were braver than he was to initiate something.
Feeling a flush of warm air hit his face, Zoro moved his head back, an annoyed grunt prompted by the uncomfortable heat.
Surprised by the change he quickly snapped open his eye, meeting your face close to him, a swell fluttering his stomach in knots. He could see your face so clearly - so perfectly - letting him study each delicate and sweet feature of your face. There was a slight worry in your expression, your brows furrowed as you locked eyes with him, eyes that he could get lost in - which for him wasn't exactly a hard thing to do. A faint laugh tickled your throat, embarrassed to be caught mid action, making you smile uncomfortably up at him. However, Zoro didn't see it that way, watching the way your lips moved into a smile that made you look angelic to him.
Everything about you was beautiful.
"I thought I told you to close your eyes?"
Zoro shrugged. "I would rather watch"
Taking a deep breath in you continued to move closer, ignoring Zoro's lingering grey eye. Luckily he kept himself still, letting you lean forward, placing a gently kiss against the side of his lips. His skin was warm and dry, remnants for the earlier alcohol at meal time coating his lip in a bitter sting.
Zoro sat there for a second taking in your kiss. His head spun with overwhelming thoughts of how to act; what to say. He could feel his face hot with flushes, his eye dry from a lack of blinking, taken aback from your action. All he could do was stare down at you. Stare at your lips. You felt so soft and warm against him like a soothing drink after a long day. And Zoro was addicted.
"I didn't quite feel that; you may have to do that again"
Exhaling sharply you leaned forward once again, you lips grazing slightly against his skin. Before you had a chance to press your pout against him, Zoro moved his head, sliding his lips against your own. Shutting your eyes you both immersed yourself in the confined space you created, neither one wishing to break away. You both moved effortlessly, matching a slow and tender pace that made you feel lightheaded; grateful for your already seated position.
You pulled away slowly, watching Zoro, a slight chuckle forcing a smile to break against his lips. It was a smile you never noticed before, something peaceful and purely happy, one that made him seem like an entirely different person. His whole face lit up in joy, unapologetic and charismatic, letting you smile back at him; sharing this unforgettable moment together.
This was exactly how you both hoped your first kiss would be; comforting and tender. A massive weight had shifted in the likes of your relationship with Zoro, as if he longer felt shame in being soft. His presence was more fluid, more eased, like he was waiting for this moment since he met you.
“I think that has to be my favourite gift” Zoro mumbled, leaning back on his hands. His smile continued, watched in amusement as you laughed at his comment, relieved how this day turned out. Wishing all birthdays were as fulfilling as this one.
"Happy birthday, Zoro"
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rriavian · 8 months
Part 2 of this post from an ask from @altair214. So. Battle tactics! I must also add a disclaimer that I’ve never read the art of war, but it fits and so I’m gonna quote it. Also this got very long, as always, and I have to admit I feel a little arrogant for writing meta about my own fic. But! Hopefully will be an interesting read <3 
I've realised that I mainly use differing combinations of three specific tactics when I write. So in terms of the accidental alignment of my writing to Dream’s comic brand of subtle manipulation we have the following:
Manipulate what your enemy views as orthodox and unorthodox behaviours. By feigning orthodox behaviour, you set your opponent up for attack through unorthodox action. Eg. Appear weak when you are strong.
I’m a fan of subversion. I like unconventional ways of approaching things. I’ve always been fascinated by how a comparatively smaller action can have a lot more weight than a larger one depending on how it’s framed.
Like one TV show might have a dozen or so sex scenes that make you yawn, but another has one person holding another’s hand and you just about die because it’s so powerful.
One of the reasons why I love Dream is because he's a character that is so often the opposite of what is expected. He’ll let someone’s assumptions of him act against them, play into them to a certain extent. It’s applicable to what vulnerability means to him too. Weirdly it’s more accurate to say that when Dream seems vulnerable it’s someone else that is actually in trouble. Prime example is him meeting with Lucifer in hell, Dream is not at all bothered by the disrespect of the exchange because he’s secure enough in himself not to be, and he’s more than willing to take advantage of the view to achieve victory.
I saw something recently about how Dream could have chosen to make himself taller in this fight, but doing so would have been akin to a kitten puffing their fur to seem more threatening.
Lucifer would have loved it.
Dream didn't need to do it here, but I think he would have if he'd gone into hell at full power and wanted to seem weak...again, that subversion I love mixed with the unorthodox/orthodox actions. The example you used of the question asked by Odin and Dream’s response is such a perfect illustration of this. Dream is not going to let someone else cheat so easily by telling them what he is.
Or giving them a hint at how they should see him.
It’s not something reserved for enemies either. He has a moment with Lucienne where she’s upset and hurt by what she sees as her work being dismissed, and it could be argued Dream leans into what contrition is expected to look like. It’s the most overt display of ‘oops’ we’ve ever really seen in Dream, his solemn mannerisms put aside for the moment. Not because he’s lying, not that he isn’t regretful that he hurt her, but because he is willing to use her view of behaviour to ensure his response translates properly. He uses that perception to make his feelings visible, to put them in the context that is most accessible to her.
You could say he does similar with Johanna when she mentions Burgess, though I don’t think he alters his behaviour here, just lets her respond to it. Then when Hob accuses him of loneliness Dream does absolutely nothing to hide how nope he is about that. And while it might seem like it breaks my theory on vulnerability because of how extreme a reaction it was, what Hob said was actually an equally extreme insult.
And Dream’s reaction to it resulted in Hob running after him, displaying his own desperate vulnerability, panicked at losing the only constant in his immortal life. Perhaps at having the gift itself revoked.
And he's lured to it because the power in that interaction very much remains with Dream.
While Hob clearly spends time ruminating over that meeting, Dream is very interestingly nonchalant the one time we see him reminded of it, in the scene when Death asks if he’s going to see Hob. There's more to say on this but I will skip to the end of my thought. I bet that if Dream hadn’t been caught by Burgess he’d have turned up to their meeting 100 years later and gotten an apology. Or skipped that meeting just to prove his point.
To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.
Your analysis of Dream making a deal with Loki aligns with this. It seems to me that Dream used this idea in a very unorthodox way to get what he wanted, knowing Loki as he did, and predicting that he’d kidnap Daniel as a way to force Dream to waste his debt. Loki thinks he’s been given the tool to defeat Dream, thinks he’s the one acting in a way that’s unorthodox, but he’s completely misunderstood what victory even is for Dream. He doesn’t actually know what Dream wants. As Odin highlights, it’s unclear whether Dream is victim or manipulator, and this inability for anyone to really know what they are fighting and what his motives are makes Dream so difficult to attack.
In reverse Dream is astounding good at getting the measure of people and using their in character actions for his own ends without even manipulating their behaviour.
In canon he knows Rose will draw the arcana together, knows her search for her brother will lead him where he needs to go. And he's secure enough in his assessment of the threat she poses to let things continue. So in Baiting the Trap Dream uses everything he knows the Corinthian is to assure his victory, achieves it just by letting the Corinthian do his own unhinged thing. As you said, Dream knew right from the start that he was going to win.
The only way the Corinthian could have won is if he stopped being himself.
That’s how Dream fights his enemies – he tailors your defeat to be a road you will always walk. He finds your fatal flaw, your hamartia, and he makes defeat inevitable. Dream gets you to choose it. Again, bringing this back to my point about Orpheus, Dream seems to ultimately arrange this very same thing for himself. He uses his own fatal flaw, his own unavoidable prophesy, and engineers both his defeat and his rebirth.
The most effective trap is always the one you don’t see coming until it’s far too late. The one you only see at all because the victor has allowed you to know you’ve lost. But it’s also one you willingly walk into, even fight to walk into.
A large group striking a small group is not held in high esteem, but a small group striking a larger force is.
There are canon examples of this—such as Dream’s way of dealing with Rose, and his missing creations—but I’m going to focus on BTT so this doesn’t get too long. This point really explains why I’ve always presented the Corinthian’s desire to provoke an extreme reaction as a way to get Dream to show weakness. It’s also why Sweetening the Deal had to be what it is.
It’s essentially point 3 in sex form.
It isn’t strength to throw all your power around when you don’t need to. There’s no achievement, no satisfaction, to be found in defeating a far weaker opponent. It’s why Dream is so expectant of victory, why he takes it as just a matter of course, takes pleasure from it for sure but doesn’t act like it was difficult. He plays fair enough to still brag a little though, handicaps himself enough that it's satisfying, because Dream and the Corinthian are both approaching their relationship with exactly the right assessment of their enemy.
They use exactly the right tactic to match what they are up against.
In the show the Corinthian doesn’t engage at all until he has too. In my series he's finally is forced to engage, goaded to it, thinks he’s facing destruction anyway, and his method of brute force/going all in against Dream is exactly what he’s supposed to do to fight something so powerful. Dream’s relatively measured response—his tendency for non-engagement, his avoidance of a fight—is exactly what you’re supposed to do when fighting something weaker. The Corinthian is so incensed by it because Dream’s tactics prove inequality, prove what he’s being assessed as, and he’s trying to goad him into fighting/engaging with him as an equal.
Trying to find a weapon that will make Dream treat him as such.
The series spun out from a canon divergent idea of what would happen if Dream decided to engage in the way of ‘I will give you exactly what you want and you’ll still lose’. And that's so frustrating to the Corinthian because on the surface it looks like surrender. But it’s an enemy that surrenders at full strength—lays down all arms and smirks at you across the field—undermining the strength of the assault by rendering it meaningless, revoking the right to really test it for real because they won’t let you try and beat them. Won’t let you prove that you can.
So Dream, in a lot of ways, actually flips the dynamic by presenting what he fights back with as the weaker force and taking the 'prestige' out of the Corinthian's victories. It’s why the Corinthian likes to stage/arrange a bit of a fight. Imagine a struggle. And it’s why Dream likes to get him to ask for what he wants (ask when the Corinthian wants to just take) and is very strategic with when and how he indulges him in the staged/arranged fight.
Previously I mentioned vulnerability and this adds another layer to that. When you fight against something so much weaker than yourself with full force it looks like fear. It looks like vulnerability. Perhaps incompetence. Inefficiency. It’s insecure. It’s what you do when you’re not sure you can win, unwilling to risk a test of more even footing, overwhelming with numbers rather than skill. You punish a threat that way.
It lets an enemy know they’ve made you flinch.
(Though I must also add that if you wanted an enemy to think you were scared coming at them full force would be a good way to do it.)
Dream is very obviously goading the Corinthian into positions where it's easy to make this mistake while effortlessly holding back from doing it himself. He is always tempting him to leap at the chance for guaranteed victory—in the first fic, then in the binding etc—luring him with a display of vulnerability in the throne room. Getting him to try and strike when Dream seemed emotionally unstable. But also very powerful, luring with the prestige of what it would be for a smaller force to overtake his larger one, revealing just what a prize there is on offer.
The Corinthian has been learning the balance throughout the whole series. He is still going all in but not being stupid about it, not pulling his punches but definitely not wanting to give the impression of a lack of skill. Assessing what Dream is setting the board with and what level of strength is required from his own responses. I could have written the Corinthian doing the most nasty fucked up sexual stuff to Dream—he definitely indulges but for all my work is explicit I remember being like ‘is this too vanilla for them?’—but for me it would have overplayed the Corinthian’s hand. Overplayed determination and intellect into desperation. I didn’t want to take the power out of what I was writing.
Guess I’m using these battle tactics on my readers too haha because I definitely manipulate the view of unorthodox/orthodox behaviours. I will layer them in different ways, weight an encounter differently depending on how I'd like it to feel. As I said earlier…I’m a fan of subversion. And I will usually write something in exactly the opposite way of what’s expected.
The binding circle was the culmination of the first ‘arc’ of the series and it’s essentially a combination of all three of these different tactics. An unorthodox action, strength shown as weakness, Dream seemingly handing the Corinthian the means to beat him, allowing him the chance to attack him from a position of strength.
It evened the field yes. But it's also an example of when Dream presents himself as a 'weaker' force.
It made the Corinthian the larger army in a position to strike at a smaller one. The Corinthian realised that and didn’t attack with overwhelming force. He very much indulged but he was still strategic. He could have done some very nasty things to Dream in that binding circle (believe me I had a lot of imaginative ideas). It’s all about balance and flow for me, where my gut tells me the equilibrium needs to be. And there’s loads of character quirks on both sides that balance that.
(Especially since these little 'battles' are essentially a love language as much as a power struggle)
So the series is shifting the Corinthian to a more measured approach. Fun little skirmishes. Enjoying the game of it…the stages of the battle. In a way, Dream is very much teaching the Corinthian to play by the same principles I use to write, to play chess with him properly—testing his ability to do it—to come at him from an unorthodox position, to use his weakness (Dream allowed him the Binding Circle, then gave him further examples in CtK). To perhaps not be so stressed at not being engaged with (though this is shifting in the next arc because the Corinthian has definitely earned it), Dream not using full force for a reason. The battles able to have some equality because of that adjustment. 
Anyway. That’s how I write power (and that leads into how I write explicit fic too because, yeah, I feel like you might start to notice some battle tactics influencing all of my prose).
It’s why as much as Corintheus could call for some delightfully dark stuff, I will probably never write that unless the scenario is exactly right. (I have planned/considered what some of those scenarios might be). For me it can tip things too far. It’s the question of is this actually showing power or is it just disproportionate brutality? Is it a hammer instead of a scalpel? Also I agree with you about explicit fic—for all I’ve written so many of them! this is my first, and only, series of explicit works—and Dreamling was also one of the first ships I read for, though I am quite particular about it.
(It's also really really lovely to see someone share my love of Dream! So if ever you want someone to ramble excitedly with I am always ready to talk about how much I adore him!)
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