#I am SO happy I was able to start AND finish this 😊😊😊
summonsofink · 2 years
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POV: You're running late to our date, and I've already ordered my drink. It's okay, I knew the place was a little hard to find when I invited you. Saved you a seat 💜💜✨
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itsscromp · 3 months
5 months
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A story inspired by this TikTok I hope you all enjoy 😊😊 word count:1.2k
Simon woke up to the all to familiar bright lights and beeping sounds of the hospital. He groaned in pain as he felt like he couldn't move. Thankfully he was spared as you were there to dim the lights after seeing him awake.
"Hey buddy... How are you feeling ??" You asked, To which he replied to a dry cough, water please.
You gently handed him the cup of water and placed the straw into his mouth, Taking a few sips. "What... Happened ??" He asked.
You looked down for a little bit and sighed. "The entire building was rigged with explosives, We began to run out before i found out you weren't behind me. Me and soap began to move the rubble that was in the explosives... and well" You looked over at his badly broken body. Both legs were broken, One arm was broken and 5 cracked ribs.
"The doctor said you won't be back on your feet for a least 3 months"
"Fucking hell..." He sighed.
Regardless, you were happy to keep him company and help him whenever you could. 3 months came by and he was finally free of those damned casts. He could be able to move freely.
But one night, upon closer inspection when he got out of the shower. He lost a lot of muscle, and seemed to gain a little bit of weight too... "This cannot get any worse" He started to tear up, He was already self conscious about his body as it is, this was just almost insult to injury.
He tried to shrug it off for the next week, trying to squeeze in any workouts as he could. But every time someone walks past him, he would always get some form of comment. "Nice tits lieutenant" "Need a training bra ??" "Give us one squeeze please ??" He had to fight every instinct to not throw a weight at there heads... But they were right.
He stood there in his room, looking at his worthless body, His abs weren't as defined anymore. His pecs could hardly be called pecs. His biceps seemed to almost have deflated. Not to mention the pudgy sides around his waist seem to top over. As he started to tear up again, He began to repeatedly smash the mirror in front of him. he hated seeing himself like this. He did was a fucking passion.
You heard the smashed glass and rushed toward his room, Trying your best to pull him away. "Easy easy !!"
"Get off of me !!" He cried out.
"Simon relax, relax... It's just me" You gently took his hands and squeezed them gently. Looking at him in the eyes.
You could see the anger, sadness and insecurity the had, He has already been through a lot and this... This just fucking hurt him.
"Come here, let me have a look" You gently took his hand and inspected it, Just grazes, not deep cuts. So you went and got the first aid kit.
As you treated his wound, he looked down at the floor, seeing the tears fall down. "I fucking hate myself..."
"Simon... Please don't say that" You finished wrapping has bandages and looked at him.
"I do, y/n... Look at me... I'm not what I am" He started to cry a tad bit heavier.
You gently wrapped your arms around him, you knew this was hurting him badly, you didn't want to see him hurt. So later that night, you began to figure out a workout routine. One that was while excruciating, you knew this would get him back to what he once was.
The following morning, you burst into his room, blowing a whistle, and making him jolt awake. "What are we still doing sleeping around lieutenant !! Gym gear on and meet me in the gym !!" You did your best coach voice and urged him out.
Simon was a tad bit shocked when he saw you, But regardless he got his gym clothes on and soon followed you. You had set everything up. Weights, cardio, courses, and protein shakes. "For our warm up I want you to do 30 push ups"
"Don't talk back, Don't give up come on let's go !!"
He knew you meant well as he did his 30 pushups. Today you were his best friend and now his coach, You had him do a lot of things. But when it came to rest period, you brought him over to the mirror.
"I want you to take your shirt off"
He froze as you said that, But you gave him reassuring eyes knowing that it was just you two, He trusted you... So slowly he took off his shirt, He looked away from the mirror once he saw his pudgy stomach. But you gently went up to him. "You know what I see Simon ??"
He kept his eyes away from the mirror but turned to look at you, Giving you a soft look. "I see... Someone who has worked really hard today. Someone who is the strongest being that I have come to know and love. Someone who I know will work hard to see himself again. It will take time, But I know you got this Simon. Just don't beat yourself up... I know this"
You struggled for a while on your body and how you looked as well, You didn't want to see Simon sad and angry at himself.
"Yeah... Ok"
After the gym session, he went back to his room and saw that the mirror had been replaced, he didn't think much to begin with, But he took your advice in hand and went over to it. Taking his shirt off again, this time looking at himself, while yes it will be hard... "I can do this, I can... It'll take time" He said as he gently rubbed his stomach and patted it.
The training sessions continued and got harder, But you helped push Simon to his limit and to the point where he didn't know he was capable of, Downing every protein bar or shake he could, and making sure he looked at himself in the mirror after every session, to learn to love the body that he is in.
5 months later.
Simon wiped his sweat as he placed down the weights, It was hard, excruciating, and sometimes even painful, But it was all worth it, he began to workout shirtless again like he used to. Walking to the mirror with the upmost confidence, looking at himself, and flexing his biceps, he saw the snake-like veins had come back. His manly pecs have sprung back to life, he smirked as he began to pop his pecs, his Terry crews vibes were you could say... "Popping off" and his 6-pack abs have been upgraded to an 8-pack. But the smallest difference is there was the tiniest amount of pudge on his sides. but he could let that slide, all he knew was that he was happy with the way he was.
You walked into the gym and saw him looking at himself, all happy. "I knew you could do it" You smiled up at him.
"No thanks to you sergeant" He smiled and ruffled your hair, he was super thankful for you, his best friend and coach. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly. "Ok muscles don't crush me" You chuckled as did he.
Simon worked his ass off for 5 months, and it paid off big time. All thanks to you.
Taglist: @callofdudes
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bryngmemoney · 4 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
tw: death joke, worms (maybe?)
lots of Writing between Messages!!
🪡Chapter Twenty-seven: Fixing him
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“Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you didn’t notice it , but he tightened his grip on the wheel, his other hand that was by his side he used to pinch the fabric of his pants.
“You just seem quiet, what’s on your mind?”
“Nothing, but you never told me where we were going.”
“Oh right!” to be honest you had completely forgotten you hadn’t told him, and you did promise you’d say where the morning of. “It’s a little book cafe! My friend recommended it to me, I thought it seemed fitting.”
“So, you’ve been here before with them?” he questioned. “Nope, we can try it out together.” He smiled a little, and you did notice that, happy to at least get a little more emotion out of him.
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“Hi! Welcome in,” A girl with a short brown bob looked up to you and Megumi walking in, adjusting herself at the front of the counter next to a bakery display waiting for you to approach.
“Hi,” you greeted back.
“Do you two need help with anything?”
“Not looking for anything particular, thank you though,” you answered, turning to look at Megumi only to see him already looking around the place, specifically staring off towards a shelf of books.
“Ok, well let me know if you need anything.”
You nodded as the girl went back to her previous task. There were only a couple of other people inside the place, probably less than ten. It was larger than you expected it to be from the outside exterior, but still very homey. You had just begun to take a few steps in, only for Megumi to grab your hand and lead the way.
“Look,” he said once stopping in front of a shelf, picking a book out and handing it to you. “One of my favorites.” You were a little taken aback, but just smiled looking at it, front and back, trying to figure out what it was. “How is your eyesight that good you saw this from the entrance?”
“Can you do that again?” You looked up, only to see him pull out a smaller camera from his jacket’s pocket. Smaller than the one you had seen him with before. How did you not notice he was carrying that?
“Uhm, okay,” and you repeated your action, feeling slightly strange, but at least he seemed more alive now.
“Thank you.” His smile at that moment was contagious, seeming genuinely happy.
“Was that just for you or for your project?” you asked, mirroring his expression.
“Do you want your hint for the day?”
“Yes please.” He leaned his camera towards you, showing you the four photos he took, “They are for the project,” he informed.
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“What’s wrong with your loaf?”
“What?” Megumi looked up from his page, eyes wide full of confusion.
“The pastry you ordered, you took two bites and haven’t touched it since.” You had been watching Megumi for the past thirty minutes he’s been sitting across from you. Although you both originally started with conversation that had slowly filed down into you guys reading what you had chosen. You thought back to what Nobara had said over text and couldn’t help but think maybe she was right. He’d probably be happy if you had just taken him outside then given him a book.
“Oh,” he looked down next to him, starring at the piece of bread on the small plate, “It’s just.. too sweet.”
“Too sweet?”
He looked back up at you, shrugging before picking up his mug taking a sip of his dark coffee. “I’m not really a fan of sweets.” He placed the cup back down, then went back to reading.
“You’re such an interesting man Megumi.”
“Really?” he questioned looking back up to you.
“You’re interesting to me.” He just looked at you, both of you making eye contact for a few seconds, and he failed to look away on time so you wouldn’t see the pink dusting his face. “Thanks I guess.”
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Author’s Note: concrete🎀
um so complications irl, am not able to finish the next chapter today, will post two chapters for tomorrows update promise 😊🤞
hope you guys enjoyed!!
Taglist below, feel free to comment or dm me to be added!!
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snowwybear · 5 months
𝗣𝗢𝗩: 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 | 𝘃𝗼𝗹 𝗩𝗜𝗜
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Warnings: fluff and slight angst
Requested by anon
merry christmas ❤️
Your phone lit up with a text from Vinnie. You sighed as you read the message, ‘merry Christmas’. You and Vinnie had broken a couple of months ago, which was a surprise to everyone including you. The two of you have been together for a long time and were one of those couples that everyone thought was going to last forever. So imagine all your family and close friends shock when you announced the break up. Hell you were still in shock. You couldn’t stop thinking about that moment or all the happy times you spent together or the future you could have had. What a waste. It felt wasteful thinking about how you were going to marry this man and have kids one day, but at the same time it didn’t. You were still thinking about those things, you wanted to reach out and talk to him. You wanted to ask him to take you back, but you didn’t know if he still felt that same about you. The break up wasn’t dramatic, at the time it was mutual, but now you weren’t so sure. Did you guys jump the gun instead of fighting to keep your relationship alive or did he need this, did he really wanted to be able to breathe on his own?
gimme a haul
i wanna see what you got 😊
Smiling a little at the message you propped up your phone, hit record on your phone and showed off all the stuff you got. When you were finished and happy with the results you sent hit the send button. You stared at your phone for a few seconds, a frown replacing your smile. You hated how he filled your brain with once happy memories that now are being replaced with sadness. You hated how you didn’t know what he was thinking, why the two of you were still friends despite the agony he caused every time he looked at you.
Vinnie smiled at the video you sent him. He couldn’t stop smiling, you presence was infectious even if was just through a screen.
“What are you smiling at?” Maria said peering over at him from the kitchen.
A big bright smile with a soft gaze focusing directly on you, Maria knew that smile however. Vinnie always smiled like that whenever you were around.
“Nothing”. Vinnie replied quickly before hearting the video.
Maria shook her head before continuing back to what she was doing in the kitchen. She too was taken a back when her son came home for Christmas without his girlfriend wrapped up in his arms. You were a part of the family, the two of you had been together for that long every time you came around you were getting the “when are you two getting married” or the “when am I getting grandchildren”. You were a missing piece of the family. When Maria did eventually ask what happened, Vinnie stumbled his way through the explanation. Maria saw through this. She knew through his broken explanation that he didn’t believe a word he was saying, that he deeply regretted the decision.
I miss you, he typed out but quickly deleted. He didn’t know what to say, he didn’t even know if you felt the same. The whole time Vinnie was home, he kept thinking about you. What Christmas would have been like if you were here with him. How long would it have to be before he finally said something. Did you still even feel the same way? Maybe you did, but then he’d have to figure out how to talk to you. He’d have to admit he made a mistake, admit he wasn’t thinking and admit he rushed the decision. Or maybe you didn’t, it would take longer for him to get over you but after that you’d be a memory. A memory from his past, the one that got away.
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
It was 1:50 am, you and Vinnie stumbled back into the apartment coming back from your New Year’s Eve party. That party had started after you had finished work, so it’s safe to say you were tired before the clock stuck midnight. Vinnie kept checking up on you throughout the night, making sure you hadn’t fallen asleep yet.
As soon as you got home you rushed to take everything off, ripping off the clothes from your both, taring off your shoes and violently scrubbing off your makeup off with a makeup wipe. Finally, you put on your pyjamas and crawled into bed, closing your eyes. A few minutes later Vinnie joined you in bed, wrapping his arms around your waist spooning you.
“Happy New Year babe”. He whispered lightly kissing the crook of your neck.
“Happy New Year”. You yawned out.
“Any plans for the new year?”
You thought for a moment before answering, “maybe more travelling or maybe just doing things I didn’t get the opportunity to do. Oh and getting another cat”.
“We are not getting another cat”. Vinnie shook his head
“Why not? Hera needs a sister, she’ll get lonely”.
“I’ll think about, how about that?”
“Fine”. You muttered. “What about you? Any plans for the New Year?”
“Hmm maybe just working on my mental health. Working on grounding myself and learning to create a balance between work and life so I don’t become overwhelmed. So, I guess working on me”.
You opened your eyes and moved around to face him.
“You’re an amazing person Vinnie. It’s not a crime if you need to step back and take care of your heart”. You placed a kiss on this lips.
“Thank you”. He said sincerely, returning a kiss back on your lips.
He pushed your body closer into his, your arms wrapped around his torso and your face nuzzled in between his neck and shoulder. You muttered an ‘I love you’ before closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep. Vinnie placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, whispered back an ‘I love you too”, before following you to sleep.
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I hope everyone had a happy new year too.
In case you made it this far, my requests are open if anybody has anything. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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xximpressions · 4 months
The Duchess (8)
Anthony Bridgerton x Duchess!reader
Series Summary: After coming into a title you did not expect, you have a chance encounter with a handsome rescuer.
Chapter Summary: A plan is hatched
Word Count: 1,161
A/N: Shout out to @urfavnoirette and @itsprashimusic for letting me know I have true fans out there!!! You're the reasons this chapter happened 😊😘
Bridgerton Masterlist
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With confusion clouding your mind at the comment the Lady of the house just made, you were forced to say in order to gain some understanding,
“Forgive me…but how do you mean, your Grace?”
With a hint of coyness still twinkling in her eyes and tone, the last one to speak raised her hand first and said with a kind smile,
“Please, call me Daphne!”
Before she proceeded by saying,
“And I simply meant that if you were to engage in a similar ruse with say, my brother here, then maybe, this pesky brother-in-law of yours will take the hint that his constant attentions are not wanted.”
The casual shrug she added to the end of her sentence was convincing enough that you really believed she was simply making a good suggestion that surely was only made to help you our of your concerning predicament.
But in the mind of the Viscount seated next to you on the couch, he was very aware that this suggestion was anything but innocently said and was failing to keep his mind from racing at such a thought.
And as he struggled, you responded with,
“Well, I suppose I can see how such an idea has merit, but however would we pull it off?”
And luckily, the Duchess seated across from you was only to happy to explain.
“All you would need to do is pretend to form an attachment with my brother then your brother-in-law will realize that you are no longer available and will back off! It is the perfect plan that will surely work for you as it surely did for me.”
And after hearing such a follow-up explanation, you could admit you were intrigued when you responded with,
“But how would such a plan work? My brother-in-law is quite tenacious, so I am not sure how we would be able to convince him to give up his pursuits…?”
You finished hesitatingly, but Anthony was only too happy to reassure you with an idea of his own.
“We could host a ball! Here at Clyvedon!”
He said with excited determination.
“Then he, along with the rest of the ton, can witness our ruse of being romantically involved with one another. That way, this man will stop bothering you, and all the debutantes in polite society will stop bothering me. Daphne is right, it is perfect!”
And though the Viscount understood why he had to hide how hopeful he was that you might accept such an idea, you had to hide the fact that such an idea made you quite giddy on the inside to know it would make you spend more time the presence of this kind and generous person.
So without further thought, you agreed by saying with an accepting and excited smile, 
“Well, I suppose we should get started then!”
By the end of the conversation, all of the details had been finalized amongst you all as you sat around the fireplace. 
By the end of the week, invitations had been sent out in time for guests to be in attendance for a grand gathering at the Clyvedon estate in time for the next weekend.
And by the beginning of the ball, your ruse had also been allowed to start as you stood next to the Viscount and his mother near the entrance in order to help greet your guests as they began to show up.
Though it was the other Duchess who originally suggested you and Anthony pretend to form an attachment specifically for this gathering, it was actually their mother who had the foresight to have you stand with them as the attendees arrived.
“If you want people to think you will soon be an addition to this family, then you must help the ton to believe such an idea by playing your parts correctly.”
She had explained with an encouraging and sly smile as the guests started to show.
And you had to admit, the more time you spent greeting each person along with the Viscount, the Duke, and Daphne, the more you could feel people’s curiosities were growing since no official explanations were offered whenever a person inquired about your particular presence.
“Oh, I am just returning the favor to my generous hosts by assisting them with this magically grand endevour. I hope you enjoy your time here tonight as much as I have!”
Would be the typically vague response you gave if and when someone asked what your role was in this lighthearted event that was actually strategically taking place.
After a while, with the ballroom crowded with various Lords, Ladies, and gentlemen, you mentioned to Anthony that you would be stepping away for a moment just to get something to drink and left to find the refreshment table amongst the throng of people gathered for a night of fun.
Upon reaching it, you allowed a small, private smile to grow on your face as well since you could admit to yourself that this was the most amusement you have had in a while as you neared the table holding a bowl of punch and other light snacks.
But you supposed all good things must come to an end when you heard an unfortunately familiar voice say behind you,
“Well, you certainly look ravishing tonight, your Grace.”
Turning to see your inebriated brother-in-law stood behind you, a shiver of disgust had to be suppressed when his eyes obviously took the time to rake up and down your clothed body in order to take in the exquisite gown you were wearing to match your status as a Duchess.
Continuing his inappropriate ogling, the pathetic excuse for a man went on to say,
“Do me the honor of a dance, your Grace?”
With his hand being the last thing you wanted to touch, you tried to minimize the way you wanted to recoil when he then held it out to you.
Whether it was held out as an invitation or as a demand, you would never know.
Because thankfully, at that exact moment, your official ruse partner came to your rescue once again.
“My apologies, Sir. But you see, the lady has already promised me her first three dances, and the rest are promised to my brothers.”
Gladly taking the Viscount’s extended arm, you were grateful when he disingenuously said,
“But better luck next time!”
Finishing with a false smile, he then led you away from the drunk that was left behind speechless, jealous, and without another word.
That smile remained in place until you were far away enough from your brother-in-law that he could not hear Anthony quietly but determinedly say to you from the side.
“It seems we are going to have to get creative if this is to work properly.”
Before directing a coy but reassuring grin your way.
And upon seeing it, you found it a little easier to smile yourself as you neared the dancefloor for the first time of the night.
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TAG POLICY: If you wish to be tagged in this story, you will be required to leave a comment for each chapter you are tagged in. A comment is considered to be any kind of feedback you can give about my story (a detail you noticed, a conversation you liked, a scene you enjoyed, etc.). Please do not ask to be tagged if you are unwilling to follow this rule. If you do ask to be tagged, and fail to follow this rule, you will lose access to my story. Please note: Comments that are made up entirely of emojis or key smashes do not count. Leave a thumbs up (👍) in your tag request to let me know you have read and agree to this policy in order to be added.
@itsprashimusic | @urfavnoirette
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aquagirl1978 · 14 days
OMG !!! requests are open (and idk what's the right way to request but imma try :3) ahem, miss aqua may i please have william (ikevil) + wearing his clothes?
I added my own prompt, is that okay? :]
Hellooooo Inky! Thank you for this request - I had fun with this one. Maybe too much fun. I had so many different ideas as to where I could go with this, maybe one day I'll write some of those alternate scenes. Hope you enjoy this 😊
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This Kiss
A/N: Part of my Naughty or Nice event. Pairing: William Rex x Reader (William's POV) Prompt: wearing his clothes Word Count: 1017 Tags: fluff
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I was on my way back to the castle when I heard the most beautifully sweet music drifting through the gardens. Recognizing the melody, I smiled and hurried my pace; my robin was playing for me and I mustn’t make her wait.
I stood at the doorway, silently observing you, savoring every second you played. When we first met, you couldn’t play a single note. But look at you now – no longer my student, you’re now a master of the music you make. So determined to learn, you practiced at a dizzying pace until you were able to play even complex pieces on your own. Watching you grow as a musician, I grew prouder every day, even after that day when you were able to play without me by your side.
I knew as soon as I sat down next to you that you were up to something; why else would you lure me in with the first piece of music I taught you to play? The small glances you stole – quick, sneaky, happy glances – did not go unnoticed by me. And when your gaze drifted from my eyes, from my face, and lingered elsewhere, that was all the confirmation I needed.
I sat quietly after you finished playing;  you led me here, you were in charge.
“I thought we’d play a game today,” you said, your voice quiet as if you were suddenly a bit shy. Maybe rethinking your idea. 
Sing louder, my shy, sweet robin. I’m dying to indulge you and play your game.
“Oh?” I replied with a small hint of a smile. I didn’t need to tell you how excited I was; you knew me well enough by now to know how I was feeling.
“We’ve been together for a while now….” Yes, far longer than I’ve ever let anyone in. “and we’ve shared a few kisses. Or…” Oh, you’re getting nervous. You’re so adorable when you get shy and flustered. But please keep going. For me. “...a lot of kisses.” I like where this is going. “But earlier today, I thought, there has to be somewhere or someway we haven’t kissed yet.” 
I am going to love this game.
“When do we start?” I asked. I didn’t care that I looked like a lovestruck fool as I gazed into your eyes. When I was with you, I had no need to wear any masks and hide away my feelings.
I smiled as you tipped your face closer to mine, the anticipation of the kiss almost sweeter than the kiss itself. Your lips brushed against mine gently. Soft and quick. The kind of kiss that said hello or good morning, the kind of kiss a couple might exchange every day. 
“You’ll have to try harder than that, my dear, sweet robin,” I whispered, my eyes still closed. “How many times have I rewarded you with kisses when you were learning to play the piano? How many kisses did you steal while I was teaching you?”
I opened my eyes and was greeted with your adorable face that I love so much. I should reward you with a kiss for putting up with my teasing. But I won’t. Not yet.
You rose from the piano and walked around the side, retrieving a small bowl you must have hidden there earlier. I was curious as to what was in the bowl, but didn’t have to wait long to find out what was hiding in there. 
I watched you place the strawberry slice on the tip of your tongue. Tempting me with my favorite food was an evil trick, my naughty robin. How many times have I kissed you, my lips – or yours – still sweet with the taste of fresh berries? I still remember the time you wanted my berry so badly, you stole it right from between my teeth. I gladly let you have it then; I was enamored by how you so boldly took what you wanted. Even my precious strawberry.
I went after you this time. My mouth chasing yours, I wasn't satisfied until my lips were pressed firmly against yours, my tongue seeking the sinfully sweet taste of yours. 
That didn’t make this kiss any less sweet. But, it still was not a new kiss. 
And you knew that.
“Tell me what you want, my darling robin.” My lips hovered over yours; I was in no rush to end your game, but I was so very eager to witness that moment when you finally reached out and grabbed what you sought.
“How did you know….” you muttered, your lips still so close to mine I felt your warm breath.
Your eyes sparkled like a shining star dancing across the night sky. My gaze tracked yours, and before the words spilled from your parted lips, I already knew what you wanted.
“Give me this,” you finally said, your fingers curling around the checkerboard fabric of my cloak.  
Yes, my darling, I like where this is going. Demand, don’t ask; I will give you everything you want and more.
I did a poor job controlling my excitement as I undid the clasp on my cloak. You gave me a look; it's not going there, your eyes told me. 
I removed the fabric from around my shoulders and wrapped you in it. With my hands still on your shoulders, you immediately smiled; I hoped it felt like you were being wrapped in me. 
“Now kiss me.”
It would be my pleasure. 
This kiss. This kiss was everything. As you pressed your hand upon my chest, I could feel you breathe your everything into me, filling me with every bit of your love. I covered your hand with mine, our fingers linked together over my heart. 
I leaned in, close enough to kiss you again, and whispered softly, “Red really is your color.”
With my head empty and my heart full, I was prepared to spend the rest of the day like this. With you, my darling robin. Wishing we could kiss like this everyday until that day when we meet our beautiful destiny together.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee @kookie-my-little-sunshine
@pathogenic @ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer @nightghoul381 @judejazza
@xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777
@silver-dahlia @lunaaka @ikesenwritings @sh0jun @chandeliermichel
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slasher-dasher · 9 months
Hey Aster 😊
I love the way you write about the slashers 🤌🏻 My favourite one is the RZ! Micheal Myers ones 💓
Can I please request a Brahms heelshire SFW and NSFW shot? If possible ♥️
I really love that wall man 😫
I ALSO REALLY LOVE THAT WALL MAN!!! He and rz!Myers have a chokehold on my mind rn
Brahms Heelshire Oneshots
(gn!reader for both, NSFW w/tags below the line :> )
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Priorities (SFW)
Brahms’ chest rose and fell with each gentle breath, small snores slipping out as he slept. His curled-up form covering only a tiny portion of the queen-sized bed, one that he hadn’t slept in in years. It was nice. It was warm. It was… comfortable. He missed this bed, this room. All those years merely being a witness to the room that he once grew up in, and he was finally able to enjoy the space again. An arm shifting around him caught his attention, a soft smile forming over his lips at the sleeping figure on the other side of the bed. His most recent nanny lay in the space, one arm lazily thrown across his waist while their face was buried in the pillow. This one hadn’t thought taking care of the doll was a joke at first, much like all the others did. No, they cared for him as if they were made to, and in a way, they were. Brahms traced his fingers over the curves of their face, being careful not to wake the sleeping form. The way a soft blush bloomed across the cheeks almost instantly always made him giggle, and he loved the curve of the jaw and how it contrasted so beautifully with the neck. An alarm went off in a spare bedroom, startling him so much that he jumped, pulling back as if he had done something wrong. It was 7 am. The eyes of the figure next to him slowly fluttered open, hand moving from his waist to bury itself in his hair, fingers toying with the curls and nails scratching at his scalp.
“You ready to get up love?” 
“Can we stay here a bit longer?” His voice was pleading, almost sure you would say yes without him having to do much. Brahms rested his arm over your waist, letting his hand trace shapes into the small of your back.
“No Brahms, we have to follow the rules, remember? This’ll mess up your sleep schedule if we don’t get up sweetheart. And I have to turn off that alarm,” even though the voice was light, it still carried a sense of authority.
“Pleeeeeeeeease?” He pouted behind his mask, eyes shining brightly like a kid on Christmas day. He knows you can’t say no to him when he looks at you with those eyes.
“Hmm, maybe just once-” You had barely finished speaking before he buried his porcelain face into your chest, a happy hum spilling out of Brahms’s throat as he got comfortable in your arms again. The cold material made you gasp for a moment, but you couldn’t help but chuckle. Your bodies curled around each other, heavy sheets protecting you from the ever-present chill in the Heelshire mansion.
“I love you~” A kiss was pressed to your neck, gentle as the porcelain lips it came from before Brahms closed his eyes again, body relaxing in your hold while he cuddled closer to you, if such a thing were possible.
“I love you too~” The alarm would go off by itself in a few minutes. You have something more important to take care of right now.
Keep Quiet (NSFW)
(tags: dom!reader, bratty Brahms, sub!Brahms, praise, oral (reader receiving), slight ownership if you squint)
You had almost gotten through the day before Brahms had started to act up. Though, it wasn’t as if you could fully blame him this time. Malcolm had been late delivering the groceries, which meant that dinner was pushed back until he was able to get what you (well… Brahms) had asked for this week. You had tried offering him snacks, sweets, sandwiches, just anything that would hold him over until you could manage to make dinner. He refused everything, shoving it away from him like it was poisoned, arms crossed with a loud huff as he turned his head away from you. You sighed, leaving the room for a brief moment to collect yourself, but it was long enough for Brahms to wonder if you were going to come back. He knew you would. You always do… right?
“Are you going to sit here and pout all day now? You were being so good earlier,” your voice made him jump, unaware that you had walked through the other door of the dining room. For as long as he had lived in this house, he still hadn’t gotten used to the layout from outside the walls. Just as he was going to speak, the sound of the doorbell echoed down the long halls of the estate. You sighed in relief, going to retrieve the groceries with Brahms right on your heels before setting everything up in the kitchen. The smell of spices and the sound of meat sizzling along with a boiling pot of noodles quickly filled the space, while Brahms took his usual place on the counter. He was a great taste tester, and you thought the second you started cooking he would slip right back into his role. How wrong you were. Right now he was still in “brat mode” as you liked to call it, refusing to even look at you unless he wanted to get under your skin. If ignored, he would complain louder. If acknowledged, he would fuss. A few harsh glances in his direction would keep him quiet for a short while, but once he was done squirming he would start up again.
“How much longeeeer,” he whined, voice breaking from the high-pitched one from earlier into his more natural, no, more needy voice. Suddenly, you had an idea. It would keep him busy, and give you time to cook without being interrupted. You snapped your fingers, watching his eyes lock onto them for direction. Good. He was still obedient like this. You motion toward the tile in front of you, silently instructing him to take his place there. Brahms hesitated for a moment, but slipped off of the counter with a grace someone like him shouldn’t have. He took his place on his knees in front of you, hands resting on your thighs and eyes locked on you, barely wet with tears that threatened to spill behind his mask. Poor boy thought he was in trouble, and in a way, he was. You voice was smooth as you spoke, fingers curling around the edge of the porcelain mask, lifting it off of his face and onto the now empty counter. He whimpered, lip pushed out in a pout until your hand found its way into his curls.
“Keep your mouth busy while I cook, hm? Think you can do that pretty boy?” You toyed with his hair, making his breath hitch as he hummed and nodded, hands quickly working to get your pants off. This was the Brahms you knew, the one looking up at you with hazy eyes as he took you into his mouth, not wasting a second to send waves of pleasure through your body as he pressed his tongue to you. Your hips kept his head flush against the oven door, his hands gripping your thighs so tight you’re sure they’d be bruised. This would be a test for both of you. On his end, how long he could resist before begging you to abandon the food on the stove. To just grip his hair and use his mouth until you were satisfied. He would let you, of course. He was yours, after all. On your end, how long you could pretend he wasn’t there. Pretend that all of his desperate mewls weren’t distracting you from your task or the way his lips curled around you like you were carved from the same body. Ultimately, you knew you would relent first. Taking care of Brahms was always your first priority, so with a swift click of the burner turning off, you let yourself melt into him. He shifted under you, hips grinding against your shoe, desperate for any kind of release. Soon, you both reached your breaking point, his moans sending shocks through your body as you twitched into his mouth, and your grip on his hair sending his eyes rolling into the back of his head. When you finally let go, dropping to your knees to join him in the mess you had both made, pressing your foreheads together as your breaths mixed in the small space you had created.
“Was I good?” His voice was broken from use, eyes glazed over from the pleasure of serving you, arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders now as he steadied himself.
“Of course you were~” You pressed gentle kisses onto his face, tracing his jaw with your lips and his waist with your fingers while you both came down from your highs. Dinner would be saved for tomorrow. Or, at least until you both could stand.
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putschki1969 · 4 months
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2024/02/19 Blog post by Wakana ふむふむの日2024を振り返ろう♪〜映画と衣装と肩の骨〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Looking Back At February 6 2024 ♪〜Movie, Dresses And Shoulder Bones〜
The other day, I went to see the movie "Golden Kamuy" with a friend 😊I received a special git at the cinema! A panel drawn by the original creator\\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// I was so happy because I didn't expect to get something like this! 😍 The girl I went with is a big fan of the original work, actually, she is such a hardcore fan that she and her husband have even gone on a proper pilgrimage to Abashiri which is a place from the manga. I also enjoyed the manga so I decided to go and watch the film with her! The visuals were so powerful and the music was so wonderful that (despite the fairly fantasy-like setting) I felt a strange sense of reality that made me cry many times... It was the first time I watched a movie at the cinema since ``The Boy and the Heron'', I had a lot of fun! 😆 (By the way, the girl who went with me was the same friend who went with me when I watched “The Boy and the Heron” for the second time♪) Being at the movie theater for the first time in a long while got me really excited, initially, I only wanted to get some oolong tea at the snack bar but then, I ended up with all of this😂 How did this happen? When I looked at the menu, I got really excited 🤣I got a large popcorn and a hot dog *laughs*
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
I couldn't finish the giant popcorn and had to take it home *laughs* I quietly stuffed my mouth with the hot dog before the film had even begun🤤 Even though I had told myself that it would be better to wait until the film was over to avoid getting tired...🥺 Such a fickle nature🥺(Thankfully the movie was so interesting that I didn't feel sleepy at any point)
Now, I would like to talk a little about my “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” which was held on February 6th! Here I am together with Saku-chan who joined me on the piano 😊We also made sure to take a picture where we look a bit cool📸 With this premium online live I celebrated a milestone, the 5th anniversary of my solo debut. I wanted to start my celebrations together with everyone from my fan club! For some reason, those five years actually feel like a longer time... or rather, it feels like a lot more years have passed already. I included the entire “journey” from my solo debut up until now in the setlist!
M-01 Yureru Haru M-02 Tsubasa MC M-03 Ai no Hana M-04 Aki no Sakura (Acoustic ver.) MC M-05 Orange MC M-06 Haru wo Matsu (Kalafina) M-07 Shirushi MC M-08 Kinmokusei M-09 Flag MC M-10 magic moment MC M-11 Sono Saki e
There are songs from my 1st album "Wakana", my 2nd album "magic moment", my EP "Aki no Sakura" and my 3rd album "Sono Saki e"! I ended up cramming in as much as possible since I wanted to create a setlist that would allow me to look back on the past 5 years.😊 During my MCs I tried to express my feelings from each period, hopefully I was able to share some fresh thoughts with you.
I once again realized that the "chat" may be the best part of an online live performances! At live performances with an actual on-site audience it's not really possible to have a real conversation, but online, everyone can talk about all sorts of things. Of course, even if there are no words exchanged between us, I know that people are watching and supporting me but I always feel very relieved when people say a lot of things in the chat (*´- `) It's honestly so reassuring to know that everyone is watching and listening (^-^)
Despite all of that, my surprise lyric mishaps keep happening, whether it's been 5 years or 15 years, I will never get rid of those...😂Why? ? 😂 I could really feel everyone's surprise and kindness from the chat messages, it was a special sense of gratitude that I probably couldn't experience at a live performances with an on-site audience. Thank you again to everyone who watched and supported me! ! My 5th Anniversary celebrations have only just begun. At my upcoming band live on May 12th, I would like to have the time to reflect even more on the past five years ! Details will be posted soon! Please be patient a little while longer~・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
Lastly, I would like to post some pictures of my dress from February 6th 😆This is the same dress I wore on the cover of my 1st album "Wakana"♪ I also wore it during the encore for my ``VOICE'' tour, at that time, it was altered a bit so it would work better for a live performance 😍 I had my hair down, which is quite unusual for me ♡ The makeup artist also added some sparkling hairpins 😍
I always wonder why my shoulder bones are so prominent...🤣 I think it's a skeletal issue because I am pretty sure not everyone's shoulder looks like that, right? 😂 I don't have any particular pain or problems in this area but I always feel like there's just a lot of bone sticking out. I envy people with smoother shoulders🥺
Anyway, I'm glad I was able to fit into a dress from 5 years ago ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ For some reason, that got me super excited! 😂😂 Easy peasy🤗 Yay!
So, that’s it for today! Until next time~ ☆( *'▽'*)/
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live』 Details Revealed
To commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Wakana’s solo debut, a special band live will be held for the first time in 3 years! Once again, Wakana will be joined by Satoshi Takebe to deliver a unique live performance together with other musicians. Please look forward to it!
Title: “Wakana 5th Anniversary Live (tentative)” Date: May 12, 2024 ◆1st Stage◆ Open 14:45 / Start 15:30 ◆2nd Stage◆ Open 18:15 / Start 19:00 Venue: I’M A SHOW (capacity: 398 seats) Starring: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe (Music Director/Piano), etc. 【Ticket price】 All seats reserved 8,500円 ※An additional 600円 drink fee will be charged at the venue
Advanced Ticket Lottery for BL Members
[Ticket Sales Service] SKIYAKI TICKET ※To apply, you will need to register your SC ID at "Botanical Land" and your SKIYAKI ID on the SKIYAKI TICKET site/app. Pre-registration is possible, so it is recommended to do this before the application period starts. Please note: The registration procedure includes a verfication via text message which apparently does not work for some overseas phone numbers. ※On the day of the event, present the screen displaying the QR code issued to the SKIYAKI TICKET app (no prints or screenshots permitted); Please note: To display the electronic ticket, a separate app is required
Quantity limit: Up to 2 tickets per person Payment method: Credit card/convenience store payment Ticketing method: Download the dedicated app to issue a QR code ticket Application period: February 21 to February 27 Announcement of Results: March 1~ Payment deadline: March 8
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anamoon63 · 4 months
Your TS3 gameplay really does inspire me to give that game another shot. Are there specific mods you use to make sure the game runs smoothly/is stable? What mods/cc are the best to use so the sims look good?
Hi, Marci! 😊
First of all, thank you very much for your ask. Knowing that my sims and/or my gameplay can inspire other simmers to play means a lot to me cause The Sims 3 is my favorite game in the whole Sims series. Plus, I love my sims, so this makes me twice as happy. 🤗💖
That said, it is my duty to warn you that The Sims 3 is not an easy game to maintain, it requires a lot of care and patience, even from the moment of its installation. You ask me what it takes to make it run smoothly and make it stable, well I'm no expert, but what helped me with that is all contained in this Steam post. I believe these tips you can follow even if you don't have your game on Steam. I followed all these steps when I reinstalled my game back in 2017-18, and I have never had a problem like lag or crashes since then.
It's thanks to the amazing person who wrote that post and to talented modders like @lazyduchess and Twallan (Nraas Mods), whose mods I consider indispensable, that I have been able to play The Sims 3 without problems for years now. I may have had a couple of crashes due to some wrong or corrupt cc, but that's on me because I download a lot of stuff. In those cases, it's a matter of locating the bad cc, taking it out, and that's it. The game runs great, even with a ton of mods installed. (I have a 9 GB mods folder, and I've had more than that at times, lol, but I try to keep in less than 10 GB always).
As for what mods and cc's to use to make the sims look good, well, that would depend on your taste, or as they say now, on the aesthetics of your game or your sims.
For what it's worth, I have always used Ephemera's E-WEAK skin as default. I also use some other Ephemera's like E-Skin Natural MIX, Asia and Fresh. I use some by Kurasoberina too.
I think Ephemera's site doesn't exist anymore, but the E-WEAK skins I use can be downloaded on MTS here. Kurasoberina TS3 skins you can find them here along with more of their fabulous content.
I'm sure there are other skins much newer, and super nice too, but these are the ones I use, cause they give my sims the look they are known for. 😊
Also I use Tifa N38 default eyes, as well as Buhudain's You Are Real body and face maps replacements to give some realism to my sims' skins/bodies. Neither Tifa's nor Buhudain's sites exist anymore, unfortunately, but you can still find Buhudain's archives on this SFS page. And those of Tifa in this other one in Mega. (I hope I am not doing wrong by sharing them, otherwise I will remove them).
There's also this stunning version of Buhudain's You are Real by @nectar-cellar named You are Hyperreal. :)
As for the rest, if I start listing all the other content I use such as hair, clothes and makeup I would never finish, I'd gladly share my whole mods folder, but I don't want to piss off the creators, or blow-up other players' computers, lol. I'm WCIF friendly, though, so feel free to ask for any specific content, of any type, CAS or Buy/Build, I got my custom content well documented, so I'll provide you with links to any of them.
For the time being, here is this link to my custom Content List on my Blogger. I have kept this list for many years, and I still use most of that content; it may be a little outdated of course, cause I have a lot of new stuff now, so my intention is to update the page soon when/if I have the time. Also, some of the links may not work anymore, if so just let me know and I'll fix them for you if I'm able.
I hope this answer has helped you. Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I wanted to make this post as detailed as possible. If you have any other questions about The Sims 3, I'll be here whenever you need me. Good luck and happy simming! 😉💗
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
For the prompt event, maybe garden + barbatos? Thank you and i hope you have a nice day! 😊
Hi there, anon!
Soooo I actually really wanted to write a little fic about Barbatos and his garden lol. Ever since I got the daily chat about him having too many vegetables, I'm just imagining him out there in his little butler outfit and some gardening gloves. But I also think he'd use a garden to grow stuff for tea, so I ended up writing about that, too.
Anyway, I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you like it!
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Barbatos with prompt Garden
Warnings: none!
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You listened as you walked beside Barbatos through the vegetable garden he had begun behind the Demon Lord's Castle. He was speaking quite in depth about the differences in varieties of demon cucumber. You had already listened to the detailed explanation on how to raise behemoth pumpkins, so you were content with this slight change in topic.
Barbatos wasn't exactly a talkative demon, so you were more than happy to listen to him even if he was only really lecturing you about vegetables.
Something changed in his demeanor when you reached the herb and tea garden, though. He smiled at you, gesturing to a plant that looked especially healthy.
"This is darkness thyme," he said. "It is difficult to cultivate and thus is somewhat rare."
You didn't even need to get too close to the plant to smell its fragrant aroma. "It looks great," you said. "You really know what you're doing, don't you?"
Barbatos chuckled. "I have taken the time to learn what must be done."
You followed him as he showed you the other plants in this area - most of them were herbs that he used to create his own unique tea blends.
You continued to listen as he finished showing you the last of the plants, all of which were flourishing under his care.
You looked around at the garden, taking in the neat rows of vegetables and herbs. "You really enjoy doing this, don't you?"
Barbatos smiled. "I suppose I do."
He reached out to take your hand, leading you out of the back garden and into a little gazebo that was nearby. He indicated that you should sit down on the bench inside of it.
"Did you ever manage to get Diavolo to eat any of your homemade pickles?" you asked, remembering how Barbatos told you this was his reason for starting the garden to begin with.
Barbatos shook his head. "I'm afraid I have given up on that endeavor for now. I fear the Young Master will never be able to enjoy pickles."
You laughed and shook your head.
Barbatos went to a small table within the gazebo that held several tea things. You weren't surprised he was already prepared to serve you some tea. He gave you a steaming cup with a delicious fragrance.
"This is a blend I made using the herbs in this garden," Barbatos said. "I would like to have your opinion on the flavor."
You sipped the tea. It had a subtle, but sweet flavor that seemed to fill you with comfort. You hummed in appreciation, eyes closed. "I love it," you said.
Your eyes were still closed, but you felt Barbatos move to sit beside you on the bench. "I am happy to hear that, MC," he said. "This particular blend has some special properties."
"Oh? Like what?" you asked. You took another sip, keeping your eyes closed and savoring the flavor.
"The flavor changes depending on your current feelings," Barbatos said.
You finally opened your eyes to look at him. "What does that mean?"
He met your gaze. "If you are angry, the tea will have a spiced flavor. If you are sad, it will taste richer and darker. If you are happy, it will be brighter and more floral."
You frowned. None of those things sounded like what you were tasting. "What if it tastes kind of sweet? More like berries?"
"Oya," Barbatos said, his eyes widening a little before he made his expression neutral again. He smiled softly. "That is what you will taste when you are in love."
You stared at him for a moment, feeling a slight flush come over you. "O-oh," you said. "And… what does it taste like to you?"
You noticed in that moment that Barbatos had not poured himself a cup of the tea. He reached out, cupping your cheek and leaning forward to kiss you. His lips lingered for a long moment before he pulled away.
Barbatos looked into your eyes and said, "It tastes like your love, MC."
You closed your eyes briefly as your insides fluttered, a pleasantly nervous feeling. This was Barbatos's way of telling you how he felt about you - subtly and with tea. It was so him you couldn't help but smile.
You put down your teacup, which was empty by now anyway, and turned to Barbatos. His hand was still on your cheek and you leaned further into his touch before kissing him again. The two of you spent the entire afternoon there in the gazebo by the garden.
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the original prompt list
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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little-peril-stories · 7 months
nano 2023 let's gooo
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Well, friends, it's that time of year again. Why I have once again decided to leap straight from Whumptober to Nanowrimo, no one knows, but here we go.
The difference from 2022 to 2023: last year, for both Whumptober and Nano, I was "playing to win" (so to speak —playing against myself, of course), while this year I wasn't/will not be. Like, if I end up writing 50,000 words this November, great!
But. I have an issue with being competitive (again, only against myself; I hate competing against others in most contexts) and I know I will get obsessive about 1667 words every day and getting every single badge, etc., etc.
So I'm just...not.
I don't have a word count goal. The goal is simply to finish the first draft of angsty heist wip. If I can, great. If not, great. I started it in April, got distracted by TQOL and life, and the poor story's been languishing around the midpoint since I put it aside. I think if I can push beyond the midpoint, I'll be all right. But even if that turns out not to be true—oh well!
I'm still going to work on TQOL, and since I've fallen into editing TPOT and have been looooooving that process, I'm going to keep doing that, too. So this Nano is really just going to be about doing the writing things I want to do and that make me happy, and if angsty heist wip gets finished as part of that journey, well, bonus.
Is this more a #CalmWriMo as coined by @winterandwords? Why, I suppose it is. Thanks for putting forth the idea and the hashtag. 😊
Anyway. Happy November, happy Nanowrimo, happy Calmwrimo, happy another day of being alive, and happy writing!
Bonus lines for anyone who made it to the bottom of this ramble lolololol.
From The Queen of Lies chapter whatever-the-hell-it-is-now-this-one-used-to-be-chapter-7:
In the faintest reaches of her heart, she allowed herself to grieve ever so little, and to wonder if she would ever see him again.
I made it to Chapter 30 in editing The Prince of Thieves, oh god oh god:
“I don’t know anything else,” she says, her voice shaking. She’s half off the floor, frozen now, breath coming in little bursts. I know, whether I live beyond today or not, I will never be able to forget this moment—her terrified gasping, her wide eyes, the way her chest rises and falls so fast it’s hard to follow. My hand tingles, fuzzy and warm in memory of how it clung to hers all night, and I am struck with how much the idea of Hatchett ending Bree Cooper’s life threatens to rip me apart from the inside.
nothing for angsty heist wip lol I'm sure those will be forthcoming throughout the month
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Winners Announcements!
Well, we have the winners! 😁 or, well, winner, since it was the same character on both posts! 😊😊 I’m posting the top 3 of each, so stories are most likely coming up in that order! 
New Story
1. Mr. Charlie Weasley! - Here Is Gone
So, I just realized that I only have 2 stories for Charlie in my ‘Coming Soon’ section, and the first one I will be posting is the one that isn’t there so 😁 hopefully it’ll come up tomorrow! I was so happy to see all the love for my favorite Weasley 🥰🥰
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2. Dr. Spencer Reid - Absolutely
This was the biggest surprise, tbh, I haven’t written for Spencer in SO LONG and he was the second most voted here! I also have this story halfway through so this is also definitely coming up in the next couple of days! depending on how the story goes, I might open the Criminal Minds fandom again, idk why I got so much into it again lately 😁 but I am loving it! 🥰🥰
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3. King Steve Harrington -  Crazy Little Thing Called Love
My lovely boy Stevie is representing my Stranger Things dudes! (Eddie was a very close fourth) the story is about a clingy Steve, called Crazy Little Thing Called Love 😊 which one at Stevie's poll and it features Eddie Munson and Jonathan Byers 😁
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Updating Stories
1. Hanging By A Moment - Charlie Weasley
Charlie takes the lead again for the series! since new story beat a series update, howeveeeer, since the next post for this story is an epilogue, the other ones may be updated first but I promise it will come 😬 please don’t hate me! It will depend on my inspo so any ideas or suggestions are more than welcome!😊
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2. Bad Liar (Chapter 5) - Fred Weasley
Coming in second after his lovely brother is our lovely Freedie! I have literally started this chapter but was not able to continue so I’ll do my best! this story also has two or three more chapter (don’t worry this next one is not the last one) soo again, anything you’d like to see, more than welcome in my inbox 😊
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3. There Are Worse Things I Could Do - Eddie Munson
Lovely Eddie coming in for Stranger Things! which is good because I am literally halfway through this chapter! 😊 but no worries, the Weasleys will come first! 
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3. Just Give Me A Reason - Sirius Black
And last but not least, our lovely boy, Sirius Black who was tied with Eddie (not because they are the same person in different universes at all!) and I also have some of this, so I just need to finish it 😁 and even if they were tied, most likely Eddie will come first but Sirius will come! I promise!
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Thank you everyone who voted! I hope to start posting for Charlie and Spencer this week! again, if you’d like to send some thoughts, headcanons, ideas, suggestions, my inbox is always open! (also for dialogues😊)
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jackwolfes · 7 months
thank you for tagging me @sixofsol !! 🥰💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
144 on my public pseud, 85 in my lil anon collection, 3 floating around secretly in another anon collection, and about 10-15 super super old ones that i orphaned from various asunder fandoms over the years. so at least 232, probably closer to 250 (dear god)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,688,252 words of non-orphaned works (dear GOD)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
primarily six of crows/SAB netflix, but recent fandoms that i might write more for soon include: red white and royal blue, percy jackson, winter’s orbit, bbc merlin, the last binding series, & the pulleyverse 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
hours (whumpy firstprince fic)
you owe me for blowing up my bed (sab verse missing scene)
like putting on a costume (wesper PWP)
gorgeous (wesper PWP)
a choice of two locked doors (wesper arranged marriage)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i always try to!! but i’m not the best at it all the time 😅 i make more of an effort to reply to comments that are longer or that draw out particular parts of the fic that the reader liked!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i’m a big slut for a bittersweet but hopeful ending rather than angsty ones!! like possibly my ghost jesper fic because the final scene is Quite Literally wylan dying but like, that’s kinda happy given context???
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i am still personally enamoured with the vibes in the final scene of ACOTLD 🥰 and it makes me very happy! so! that one! 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
uhhh most regularly i just get snarky gobshites trying to be like, clever and smug about shit, which never really works because i generally don’t care? but then also i sometimes get transphobic hate speech so idk 😅
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i can't answer this non-sarcastically but like YEAH I'm a VERY HORNY WRITER and I feel like it says more about you than me if you haven't been able to guage that 😅 idk I have gotten a lot tamer though by including porn in longer fics compared to the very explicit collection of PWPs I used to write?? 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
the closest i’ve gotten to crossover is sneaking shadow and bone characters into SOC fics! or like, the most subtle of references and cameos when I need random OCs like Easter eggs 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
a few times but i’ve always been vindicated by the fact they’ve never been well done? like it's always been word for word plagiraism (and also the ao3 abuse team is very good at taking things down)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i’m actually aware of! just podfics sometimes which has been nice 😊
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
never finished one but i’ve got 2-3 wips being co-written with my girlfriend atm 😊
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
i feel like it’s a cop out to say wesper but like,,,, 😅 idk! i like my lil stupid guys!! i like their vibe! 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think my problem is that I'm delusional enough to think that I will finish literally all of the WIPs I have started and want to finish even though that's like, 100 fics or something idiotic 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
Themes and foreshadowing I think!! Like running themes for sure but I've had definitive compliments on my plotting before! I also think I'm pretty good at dialogue, especially arguments, and narrative tension/feelings! 👀
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am not very good at cutting my darlings which means things get a bit meandering and diluted sometimes 😅
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i can get behind it in certain circumstances! personal preference is to translate large chunks of text ie "'[English words],' he said in [language]" but I do write individual words like pet names in other languages 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
fucking hetalia when i was like, 12 🫥 but i have also in past written for: homestuck, haikyuu, yuri on ice, the adventure zone (balance & graduation) and (CONSTANTLY forget this) miraculous ladybug! some of which are better than others ngl 😅
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
well this is like asking me to pick children & is also cruel when i have 230 of them klajdsfsadjfk  UHHH? i mean this is wicked cheating but im really attached to the bridgerton au i haven’t actually finished yet! it’s fully written, but needs editing, and one that i really really like!! in terms of fics i’ve POSTED, i really like “not just girls” (trans egg wylan), “you yearn to feel no hunger” (SAB-verse coda/character study) and a real deep cut, “only imaginary people disappear to peru for ten years” (missing scene from the lost future of pepperharrow)! idk i like a lot of the fics i’ve posted which is a nice position to be in 😅
most folks i know have done this i think but tagging: @kelliealtogether @apricior @doorsclosingslowly & anyone else that sees this & fancies it 😇
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watercolor-hearts · 10 months
Hi, i would love to read about adult lestappen having another inchident
I got three prompts, all of them are Lestappen and two of them are about the inchident. Lestappen days ahead I guess. 😃
l don't think you were thinking about this kind of inchident but I wanted to deep dive in the mpreg world again (I had been writing mpreg stories for years when I was writing in Hungarian and now I miss it a bit but I didn't know how to start writing about it in this fandom. And then came this idea.) so I wrote this little angsty inchident story. I know I said in the post that I don't do sad end but that means I don't write death or anything like that. So angsty sad ends still can happen, like this. If you want a second, happier chapter, please tell me. 😊
Max/Charles • 1164 words • mpreg • angst • mentions of nausea and vomiting • arguing • not so happy ending (no death or anything like that, Charles just needs time) • Ao3 link • 2nd part • 3rd part
Max didn't notice the small tear on the condom when he took it off to throw it out after the amazing sex they'd just had. Charles was spread out on the bed and all Max could think about was giving him the best ever aftercare as the cherry on the top. Charles deserved it. 
Charles needed one race victory to seal the championship when he sensed the disaster coming. He wasn't feeling very well all day but he was well enough to race. Until the second half of the race because that was when the first sign of stomach problems came. He was sweating even more than usual, he felt like he needed to puke. 
“Track limits on turn 1,” came the message from Xavi on the team radio. “Keep it between the white lines, please. Last warning before black and white flag.”
“Copy,” he said, fighting with the awful feelings in his body. It was really difficult for him to control the car, he could feel Max closing the gap. Charles couldn't let him overtake. He needed to win the race, there was no other option. Not now when it mattered the most. 
“Charles, is everything all right?” Xavi asked when he noticed the negative change in Charles' lap time. Charles pressed the radio button but at the beginning, his engineer could only hear his fast and shallow breathing. 
“I... I need to... I...” Charles wanted to say but he couldn't because he had to fight with the severe nausea. He couldn't control the car, he got the black and white flag and Max was dangerously close to overtaking him. His worst nightmare came alive when he couldn't hold the puking back anymore. Luckily he was able to stop the car on the grass next to the track so he wouldn't cause any accidents. 
“Charles, are you all right?” came the message again but he couldn't answer. He needed to take his helmet off now because it made him disgusting and claustrophobic. “Charles, please push any button on the steering wheel if you can hear me.” Charles did what Xavi asked and then got out of the car and took his helmet off. As soon as he stepped away from the car, the nausea overcame him and he puked on the grass. He needed to rest his hands on his knees as he tried to control his breathing. He wanted to cry. It couldn't be real. Fucking not. 
After the podium ceremony and the post-race interviews, Max's first thing to do was to check Charles on at the medical center. He was worried about him because he didn't know what happened exactly as GP only told him Charles was out of the race but there wasn't any accident. It wasn't until the interviews that he got to know that Charles wasn't feeling well enough to be able to finish the race. It made Max worry even more because Charles didn't tell him about not feeling well enough to race. 
When he arrived at the medical center, a Ferrari lady stopped him to go to Charles. She was shielding him like something very very serious happened. 
“Please, I need to see him,” Max tried to stay calm and hoped they would let him in, but the lady didn't move. “I am his b—,” Max almost said but stopped when he realized they were keeping their relationship secret. But there was also the fact that they haven't talked about what to do when something like this happens and they want to see each other. 
“We're going to tell him you're here but you need to wait because the doctor is still examining him.”
“Still?” Max asked, eyes widening because it's been an hour since Charles got taken there, “Is it something serious?
“I'm sorry but I can't tell you anything about it.”
“Fuck, I—,” he wanted to argue but he also knew it wouldn't lead anywhere so he just sighed and waited, hoping it wasn't anything serious, they just wanted to be sure. 
“He's asking for Verstappen,” said another Ferrari team member to the lady standing in front of the door. Max looked up. 
“You can now go in but everything you see and he tells you is a secret. Do you understand?” 
Max nodded. “I do.”
Then they let him go in. Max ran to Charles when he saw him lying on the examining bed, half-dried tears on his face, eyes red from crying. 
“Hey, Charlie,” he said, calmly, and took Charles' hand and kissed his forehead. “How are you feeling? Nothing serious, right?”
Charles shook his head and started crying again. “I puked in my helmet and I had to stop and now I can't race and it's all your fucking fault, Max!” Charles said angrily as took his hand away from Max's. “Don't fucking touch me!”
“What the fuck Charles?!” Max asked, surprised about Charles' reaction. 
“I'm fucking pregnant, Max,” Charles blurted out, “and I just lost the championship because of your shit-ass quality condom. It's all because of you!”
Max couldn't believe what he just heard. “Wait—Are you—Are you really pregnant?” Max asked, reaching to put his hand on Charles' stomach but his boyfriend stopped him. 
“Don't fucking touch me!” he shouted, making the Ferrari lady poke her head into the room to check on them. “It's okay,” Charles said to her, “he'll be gone soon.”
“What the fuck man?!”
“I hate you, Max,” Charles turned to him again. “You took everything away from me. Everything. If I keep the b—”
“You are of course going to keep it.”
“That's not your fucking decision, Max. My body, my decision. And I want this championship. I fought for it, I gave everything for it. You have like six titles, I have zero, Max.”
Max shook his head. He couldn't believe this. “You cannot be this selfish.”
“I can't be?” Charles asked, “Mate, you're the selfish one here. Go the fuck away. I don't need you after this.”
It was like a stab in the heart for Max. He took a step back and just stood there, looking at Charles, especially his stomach. He's pregnant. Fuck, he's pregnant. Pregnant with Max's baby. And now Max fucked everything up. 
“Please do not take them away from me, Charles. Please. You cannot kill—”
“Go the fuck away, now!” Charles shouted at him, tears washing his face. 
Max tried to swallow the knot in his throat as tears filled his eyes. He nodded and turned to the door but before leaving the room, he looked back at Charles. “I love you and I'm sorry. It is of course your body and your decision. If you ever want to talk to me again, please call or text and then we can meet somewhere. Take care of yourself and the baby too,” Max said, heart breaking into pieces, as he wiped the tears off before leaving the room. 
Getting the lead in the championship has never been more heartbreaking.
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wildflowerteas · 3 months
Hiiii!! I am just one of the many people absolutely enamoured if not downright obsessed with your work!Just the authenticity of the storyline in 'when I awake', and how it completely altered my perspective on so many thematic concepts.and to also discover you were someone in the same age range really really made me admire you soooo much.I wish you luck in your life and whatever you do in general cuz you're a real gem 😊
I'll be honest, I don't make it a habit to interact with others online, preferring to just be a bystander, but I thought I'll just take the risk.If it's not too much of a bother I wanted to ask you: How do you find yourself able to write with consistency? To further elaborate my point, how do you write so much and keep that flow of words to continue on until the end?I wish to start writing as well, fanfic,personal writings etc., and I just can't seem to make progress after writing only one page,I feel like even with extensive planning and carefully organised notes I never seem to be able to produce a large body of work that encapsulates all my ideas.It's always just...one paragraph and then the initial meaning just loses itself.
Oh goodness,I wrote too much! I'll stop here I just thought maybe I can ask someone with first hand experience instead of just figuring out somehow.Hope you have great day and thank you so much once again!!!❤❤❤❤
Hii!!! Oh my gosh thank you so so much! I'm so glad to hear that my writing resonated with you, and that it was able to make your life a little bit brighter ( hopefully ) as a result. Thank you so much <3 This really made my day. First of all: This is absolutely not a bother, and I'm really really excited that you reached out! I love talking/interacting with people hehe and I'm more than happy to help!
This is a super good question. I don't really notice it in the moment ( when I'm writing ), but getting chapters out every week--with most being well into the 8-10k range--IS actually kind of insane. Not to mention WIA was 23 chapters, which is nearly six months of just writing and writing. I think a lot of that consistency had to do with my unhealthy obsession with the pairing, but also the fact that the writing became sort of . . . routine? I was always happy to do it, and very excited to sit down at my desk, crack my knuckles, and get started. It never really felt like I was slogging through it ( even though I would spend the better half of my Fridays-through-Sundays doing nothing but writing ). I think writing something you love will just be like that--exciting, and energizing--even if the writer's block hitting and editing can be very painful. That sounds a bit masochistic, but I really did enjoy the struggle at times. And ultimately, I came out of it a better writer than I was before. But something that really helped me write consistently was my desire to read the work when it was finished. Writing something you want to read means the only one you can blame when you have no ending is, well, yourself. And especially when it comes to fiction ( fanfic and personal works ), these stories are to be shared but ultimately they're for us. To satisfy a desire to tell, or to capture some part of our imagination, or to reason our way through feelings or thoughts. Now onto the next part of your question. Truthfully, when it comes to planning, notes, outlines--I'm one of the worst people to ask. However, I do have one thing that might be useful to you: I always, always, write with the ending in mind. I think even with little scenes, I'm looking ahead and asking myself "How does this get me to the place I want to go?" or "How does this shape the character into the kind of person I want them to be when the story is over?" That's not to say I don't write filler ( which I do--I love writing slow, nothing-really-happens scenes ), but when it comes to writing something full-length, the idea of having a set destination really makes the struggle of the journey ( in WIA's case, a journey of 230 thousand words ) feel a lot easier.
I also struggle with getting past the first page and even find outlines a little claustrophobic. Sometimes inspiration strikes randomly while I'm writing, and I'll betray my notes, go with the flow, and suddenly things like character relationships and even major plot-related scenes will be uprooted ( a lot of the well-loved and interesting scenes in WIA were 100% improv). I think falling into a committed relationship with your outline/notes can be a bit suffocating for creativity ( maybe for people like you and me ), while for others, it's a scaffold that helps them tell the story they want without wandering too far. It's about finding what works for you, rather than subscribing to a formula. It might be helpful to dip your toes into just writing and letting the story flow from your imagination first, and then when you have more than one page, creating an outline that is guided by the trajectory of what you've already written, rather than vice versa. Phew. You were apologizing for writing too much ( which you shouldn't, btw ) but I might be the one who has to say sorry! This was a lot, and I hope that at the very least, a tiny bit of it was helpful. Again, thank you so much for enjoying my writing, and for having the courage to reach out and ask. It sounds like you stepped a bit out of your comfort zone, and I really applaud you for that <3 I hope you're having a lovely day.
niko <3
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alj4890 · 1 year
Hi, I have a request. Take as long as you need, or just delete if you don't find it appealing, but...
I'd love a fic in the early days of Tobias & Chris's relationship. They're public now and very much in love, but he witnesses a tender moment between her and Ethan... how does he react?
🤣 I was actually working through a fic along these lines for one of my kiss prompts. Your request came at the best time to help me finish this 😊 Hope you like it 😘
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Challenge with the prompt: a passionate kiss ending in ripped clothing.
@jerzwriter @hopelessromantic1352 @trappedinfanfiction @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @kyra75
Visceral Reaction
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At a coffee shop not too far from Edenbrook...
"Hello, Doctor." Chris tapped Ethan on his shoulder.
He turned around with a start then slowly smirked at her. "What are you doing here?"
"I need coffee." She replied.
"So you decided to come all the way down here on your day off." He rolled his eyes. "Surely you've got a coffee maker at home."
Chris nudged him forward when the line moved. "Yes, I have a coffee maker at home, but this place makes the best pumpkin spice lattes."
Ethan winced.
"What?" Chris demanded.
"I can't believe you're going to ruin coffee with a fad." He grumbled.
"A fad? Pumpkin spice is not a fad!"
"Yes, it is." He argued.
"You are such a coffee snob!" She exclaimed. "I can't believe that the man who introduced me to the espresso romano is going to stand here and deride my love for pumpkin flavors in coffee."
"Lemon is a natural additive that is used to diffuse the bitterness of the espresso." He reminded her. "It does nothing but make the coffee refreshing."
He placed his order along with her typical pumpkin spice latte. While still arguing with her, he paid for both their drinks and guided her towards an empty table.
Chris sat down caddy cornered from him so she could watch the door for Tobias. Her gray eyes narrowed playfully on Ethan's blue.
"Are you actually going to sit there and say that the spices used to make pumpkin spice are unnatural? Because I would like to point out that cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves can be found in many people's gardens."
Ethan leaned forward, eyes locked onto hers. His smile grew over how passionate she could get when defending her arguments for something completely ridiculous.
"No. I am going to sit here and say that your addiction to those particular spices is unnatural." He gestured towards her cup. "No one should ingest as much of those as you do."
She burst into laughter while playfully shoving his shoulder for bringing up her need for all things pumpkin spice.
"You know," her eyes sparkled with her humor, "researchers at John Hopkins did a study not too long ago on why people like me love pumpkin spice desserts and drinks."
"Really?" Ethan relaxed back in his chair. "I'll bite. Why do people like you fall so hard each year for a scam of charging an extra dollar or two for some spices you could add at home yourself?"
She snorted, propping her head on her hand while looking up at him. "As you well know, Dr. Ramsey; smell particles are able to travel to the back of our nasal passages and activate our smell receptors when eating."
Ethan merely lifted an eyebrow in response.
Chris grinned at him. "And the parts of the brain that process odor are very close to the parts of the brain that process memory information."
"So this is all about triggering happy memories?" He concluded. "That's why you drink this poor excuse for coffee by the gallon?"
"I work with you, Ethan." She teased. "Pumpkin spice is the only thing saving you daily from my temper."
She winked at him. "If I were you, I'd get down on my knees tonight to thank God for giving you this spice for protection."
Ethan snorted, fighting back a smile. He hadn't realized he needed something like her humor to help diffuse the tension he was currently under.
"How's work going?" She asked, sipping her coffee.
"Well, for the most part." He replied.
Chris noticed the dark look that passed over his face. There was only one thing that she knew of that could cause that particular expression.
"Have you talked to your father recently?"
Ethan averted his eyes from hers.
"Yes. He keeps calling."
"About your mother?" She carefully prodded.
He nodded, eyes narrowing upon his coffee without really seeing it. His mind was a jumble of memories and lingering bitterness. It was both distracting and disconcerting that his parent whom he hadn't seen in over twenty years was trying to get back into his life. If she was causing these types of problems now, how much more trouble would she be if he allowed her into his life again?
His eyes shot down to the sight of his hand being held by Chris. Her thumb brushed over his knuckles as she squeezed it in silent understanding.
Ethan swallowed before looking up at her. There was no pity that he could detect in her facial expression, only a sense of friendly concern. Without words, she was letting him know that she was fully on his side and would support him no matter what he decided to do about his mother.
He gripped her hand in gratitude.
Tobias could only stare at the sight of his girlfriend at first laughing, talking, and playfully touching a man she not only worked closely with but also had quite the romantic history.
For some reason, their conversation took a dramatic shift from humor to being serious. Now, the two were holding hands while gazing at one another in silence.
Chris shared recently that she thought she and Ethan had found a new way forward in friendship. Tobias was happy that they had, especially since they worked together. He couldn't begin to imagine how awkward it must have been for the two of them. It was one of the many reasons why he never dated anyone that worked at Mass Kenmore. He needed work to be as stress-free as possible.
I had no idea that their friendship was THIS close.
He prided himself on never being jealous. At least he hadn't been before in previous relationships, or whatever his brief flings could be considered as. But, something about seeing Chris be herself, her fun sweet self, with someone like Ethan made his heart nearly stop.
Tobias knew Chris was his as well as her love and affection belonging to him.
If she still wanted Ethan, she'd never have agreed to go out with me.
He reminded himself that fact a few more times as he made his way over to their table.
Still though, why is she here with Ethan?
After all, she'd been the one to insist they meet here before going to see a matinee.
Was it so she could see Ethan or to get that coffee she talks about all the time, he wondered.
Chris noticed Tobias first. Her smile turned more tender just at the sight of him while she let go of Ethan's hand.
"Hey." Tobias greeted them both with a forced smile.
It took a lot of focus to keep it firmly in place.
Chris reached over and took his hand, tugging him down to greet him with her usual kiss.
That action went a long way to reassure him that all was still well between them.
Though he did still wonder at the closeness between her and Ethan.
He couldn't help but be worried. He trusted Chris and knew she would never cheat on him with another man. But...this was Ethan. He'd been the one man she'd waited over a year on in the hopes to be able to be with him.
"What are you two up to?" Tobias attempted to sound casual as he sat down next to her.
"Nothing much." Chris kept her hand in his. "Ethan and I were having our usual debate over coffee."
"Oh?" Tobias looked curiously back and forth between them.
The subject of coffee doesn't require all the little touches, smiles, or absolute attention, does it? Nor does it turn heartfelt later on.
"You need to tell him the truth." Ethan rolled his eyes at Tobias. "What we were really discussing--"
Here we go. Tobias braced himself.
"Is Chris's addiction."
Tobias sat there an extra second to absorb that statement.
"You mean her pumpkin spice addiction?" He asked.
"You told Ethan about your theory, didn't you?" Chris wagged a finger in warning at Tobias. "I knew you two would give me trouble one day."
Ethan chuckled. He was grateful that Chris was keeping the last of their conversation between the two of them. Though he was on his way to being close friends with Tobias again, he wasn't quite ready to share what was going on with his mother with anyone else at the moment.
He noticed the time and got to his feet. "I've got some lab results that should be finished by now. I'll see you in a couple of days."
Chris waved goodbye then focused on her date.
Tobias summoned his typical smirk for her before she could ask if something was wrong.
"What time does the movie start?" She asked.
"In about an hour."
Her smile turned flirty. "An hour, hmm? I think between the two of us, we can find a way to pass the time."
That wasn't a bad idea. He actually needed a little more proof that everything was still the same between them. What better way to do so than taking Chris somewhere more private?
"Come on." He laced his fingers with hers as he got to his feet. "Let's find a place without people."
Chris nearly tripped in her haste to follow him outside.
The sun was shining a little too brightly for what he had in mind. Tobias looked about the busy street, seeing nothing conducive to finding a spot where they could be alone.
He glanced down at her bemused face then led her towards where he'd parked. He opened the passenger door and instead of letting Chris get in, he sat down and moved the seat as far back as it could go.
His lips curved when he looked up at her.
"Care to join me?" He asked, reclining the seat the rest of the way down.
Chris laughed at his not so veiled hint of how they should spend their free time. Without a second thought, she settled on top of him.
Once the door was shut, the two attempted to get a little more comfortable.
"This is nice." She murmured, placing kisses along his stubbled jawline.
"Yes, it is." His hands moved along her back.
He needed more of her. His lips found hers in a heated kiss. His tongue slipped through her parted lips to seek her own. Her moans filled the air as she restlessly moved against him, needing more of his touch.
Tobias was determined to drive her crazy. He wasn't certain where this desperate need to do so came from. All he knew was he felt it the moment he stepped into that coffee shop and saw her with Ethan.
When I saw them holding hands...
His hands slid under her sweater to seek out all the spots that made her go wild. Chris broke away from his kiss. Her breaths hitched with every touch he lavished upon her mixed with how he kissed her neck.
The cramped space made every motion turn into an almost teasing sensation. It gave just enough friction to work them up but not enough to satisfy. The dark tinted windows fogged up, giving them all the privacy they needed to take things further.
Tobias became almost frantic to begin getting Chris out of her clothes. He gripped the bottom of her sweater and jerked it up. In his haste, he didn't realize that it had gotten snagged on the door handle.
A ripping sound rent the air making the two pause.
"How bad is it?" Chris asked, twisting around to see the damage.
"Bad." He muttered.
He could tell that the tear in her sweater went halfway up her back. Tobias was in utter disbelief that he'd allowed his jealousy to get to the point where he was actually ripping her clothes off just to prove that all was right between them.
Chris turned back towards him, mouth crashing against his for a long, deep kiss. Something about having him that eager to be with her made her desire for him quadruple.
Tobias moaned her name when she broke away to slowly begin unbuttoning his shirt.
Her gray eyes, stormy with desire, caught his attention.
"Since I can't go to the movies now," she teased, sliding her body against his in a sensual rhythm, "you'll have to keep me entertained for the next few hours."
His smirk flashed as he tried to catch his breath. Seeing her flushed from their kisses went a long way in giving him back his confidence.
"Just the next few hours?" His hands began their delicious torment to her sensitive skin once more. "That's all you need?"
Chris arched into his touch. Her lips curved as she gazed down at him.
"Not even close." She replied. "But it'll be a good start."
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