#Honey citrine is better
thygremlinboy · 6 months
As a guy who's trying to go into Geology, I'm going to tell you about THE WORST rock in existence. (Mostly because I'm bored) Pyrite or Fools gold. I fucking hate it. Not only does its little glitter-ness get all over, it flakes easily, its messy, and it just sucks. And I cant help of feel bad for those poor people during the gold rush who got all excited to get out of poverty just to FIND FAKE FUCKING GOLD AND ALL OF PYRITES NASTYNESS.
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scealaiscoite · 1 year
crystal prompts ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐚 ꒱
⟣ rose quartz (love) - "i have so much love for you.”
⟣ amethyst (calming) - "hey, hey, just breathe. i've got you now, it's okay."
⟣ citrine (happiness) - "your smile always cheers me up.'
⟣ lapis lazuli (wisdom) - "you always know exactly what to say. thank you."
⟣ honey calcite (confidence) - "if you could see yourself the way i see you, you'd never be insecure about anything ever again."
⟣ tiger’s eye (strength) - "you've been so strong for so long. it's okay to let your guard down now - you’ve more than earned it.”
⟣ jasper (grounding) - "just look at me, right here. you're okay, you're safe, i'm right here with you."
⟣ angelite (communication) - "can we just talk, please?"
⟣ clear quartz (focus) - “just focus on me, okay? don’t think about anything else, just stay here with me.”
⟣ selenite (healing) - “you’re becoming yourself again. it mightn’t feel like it yet, but i can see it in you.”
⟣ carnelian (creativity) - “i love how your brain works.”
⟣ green aventurine (luck) - “how on earth did i ever get this lucky?”
⟣ garnet (passion) - “i know i say it a lot, but i really do adore you.”
⟣ blue lace agate (physical healing) - “hey, don’t you think you should take a break? the doctor warned you about what would happen if you over-exerted yourself.”
⟣ calcite (energising) - “come on, this is the whole point of running! just a few more kilometres, then we can stop for a break.”
⟣ malachite (cleansing) - “you shouldn’t feel guilty for making room for better things in your life.”
⟣ peridot (happiness) - “i didn’t know someone else’s joy could make me feel so happy.”
⟣ sodalite (harmony) - “i really can’t imagine going through life without you.”
⟣ sunstone (protection) - “if anything happens to them, i’m coming for you.”
⟣ green tourmaline (heart healer) - “i never thought i’d love someone like this again.”
⟣ unakite (emotional support) - “if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, i’m right here.”
⟣ moonstone (new beginnings) - “i can’t wait to start my life with you.”
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stalkerofthegods · 7 months
Hestia Deep Divs
Herbs • Chaste trees, Rosemary, Parsley, Basil, Sorrel, vanilla, Cinnamon, coriander, Marjoram, Mint, Lemon balm, cloves, clary sage, Allspice, Angelica, Coriander, poppy seed, chamomile, Angelica, Bay, garlic, mint, peppermint, pepper, marjoram, The lavender, the chaste tree, the datura, the California poppy, the goldenrod, the hollyhock, the yarrow, the purple coneflower, all white flowers, Lavender, White roses, angel’s trumpet, goldenrod, hollyhock, and yarrow, pine, Wildflowers & sunflowers, raspberry leaves, sage, pearly everlasting, yellow rose
Animals• pigs, donkeys, one-year-old cows, a Crane. 
Zodiac & scared number  • unknown, I cannot find out what month she was born on, or the day. But I would associate numbers 1, and 6 because she is the oldest and the youngest (and etc, but who even likes my rambles?)
Colors •Gold, yellow, orange, red,  White, Gold, Lavender, light purple, black, silver, and dark red
Crystal•Carnelian, Garnet, Goldstone, Calcite, Topaz, garnet, amethyst, lapis lazuli, green tourmaline, Vanadinite, Quartz, gold, silver, and brass, Amber colored crystals, citrine, clear quartz, sunstone.
Symbols• a kettle, the hearth (fireplace), torch, candle
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• friendship bracelets 
Diety of• the virgin goddess of the home and hearth fire, cooking of meals, and sacrificial food for feasts, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state, and sacrificial flame
Patron of where the families ate and congregated, hospitality, family.
Offerings• give her prayer beads that remind you of her that are not Christian (or make one, which is better), wooden beads, Oil Lamps, Seven Day Candles (because they burn for 7 days), LED Candles, A Candle that reminds you of home, White or red candles, Apple juice, cider, Wine, Baked goods, keys to the home (preferably not stolen(looking at Hermes devotees))), Small kitchen antiques/objects,  pottery/cups/bowls, artwork of homey things, a meal, your favorite things, poetry, books, items you made, fall-themed stuff, spring-themed stuff, First/last foods & libations from a meal, Candles/flame, Honey, Pork, Cakes or Cookies made to look like one of Her symbols,), Keeping a candle/hearth fire or lamp constantly burning, Pictures of homes you want to live in one day, pictures of homes you have lived in, Pictures of architecture that you like, Teacups, teaspoons, tea towels, Childhood memories (ex- stuffed toys, baby clothes, old photos), Homegrown herbs, Toys or art of donkeys and pigs, Leaves or blooms from a chaste tree, Tea light candles (real or fake), Your favorite poetry or poetry you have written for Her, Your favorite books, Stories you have written, Art of flames, fire, candles, Garmets that you have made such as clothing, blankets, beanies, Homemade lotions, bath bombs, shower gel, bubble bath (You can ask Her to bless them then use them she probably won't say no), Beeswax products, honey, olive oil, pumpkin pie 
Devotional• Pick up rubbish in communal areas, Offer the first or last bites/portions of food your to her, Cooking/baking for yourself or others, Having a candle lit whenever possible (electric or real), playing a video of a fire place, Volunteerring at homeless or DV shelters, donating to homeless or DV shelters,  Setting healthy boundaries with friends and family, reading about Tea/Coffee magick, Getting involved with your local community, Advocating for policies you believe will better the community Allowing yourself to rest,  Do a chore you've been putting off for a long time, organize to hang out with some loved ones, Veil or bind your hair, Wear something red or orange, Make a devotional playlist for her, make a Pinterest board or a mood board for her, Learn about kitchen witchery, Cook a meal in her name, Clean the House, Put together a puzzle, Eat popcorn and watch a movie, do Knitting, read about knitting, donate yarn and
knitting supply’s, prepare food for family, make the table before eating, garden, Harvest berries, pick flowers, Donate to food charity/drives, Support people who lost their homes to natural disasters, Welcoming others into your home, Keeping the peace (especially in the home), Donations of time & money to Habitat for Humanity, Do little (or big) acts of kindness, If you have a fireplace light it for Her or build Her altar around it, Meditate next to a fire, Read poetry or a book, play a playlist for Her and play it while you clean or cooks, Clean your house/room and keep it nice and tidy, Take a cooking or baking class, Collect recipes and keep a recipe book, Host celebrations at your home, Remember your ancestors and learn more about them, Spend time with your pets, Take care of yourself and your mental and physical health (Your body is a home for you),  Take a hot bath, eat some ice cream, chill at home for a day, Pray to Her( ex- for protection, inspiration, happiness, guidance, and help getting rid of negative entities in the home, peace in the home, good food, an abundance of food, independence), help to start/tending to the hearth, work on having strong family bonds, Open your curtains and let the sunlight warm the room, Make a potful of tea and keep it in a large thermos, Watch movies that make you feel nostalgic and cozy, Say goodnight and good morning to her, Get an electric blanket and feel the warmth connect you to her, Cuddle a stuffed animal, Make a blog/journal filled with cozy homely things, Keep a few locally baked goodies nearby for when you need them, String up fairy lights and use them as your only light source, Whisper prayers and devotional pieces before you go to sleep, Use a Himalayan salt lamp to connect to feeling of a fire, Invest in little things (ex- pillowcases, photos, curtains) that make your room feel welcoming and peaceful, Make a little bottle filled with herbs and crystals and other things that remind you of her, Listen to music that makes your soul happy and your heart content, Take care of yourself (ex- Brush your hair, use a wet cloth on your face), Keep a tealight on you, Clean one small area of your house, Savor a hot drink, Do small, unnoticed acts of kindness, Always greet animals (both big and small), Do anything by candlelight,  Wear colors you associate with her, Practice your patience (both external and internal), Be a listening ear or shoulder to cry on for those who need it, Make compromises when it is healthiest for both parties, always have a lighter or matches, Listen to music that reminds you of her, Spend time tending to your body, Leave a big tip the next time you have a chance, Practice kindness in all areas of your life (including driving), Take a hot bath or shower with no time limit, Decorate a space, Build a fire, Compliment people (both strangers and loloved ones), Donate something (ex-clothes, money, or your time), Look at photos and embrace the happy nostalgia, Wear makeup or jewelry that reminds you of her, Wake up early to see the sunrise - or watch the sunset, Watch/read about acts of kindness to be inspired, wear prayer beads that are for her, go to a high school reunion, do a family reunion, do budgeting in her honor, do meal planning, set healthy boundaries, have a household notebook, do seasonal cleaning, try home remedies,As you light your gas stove, say a prayer to Hestia, Spend quiet quality time at home, Gather your family (including your chosen family) for a festive candlelit meal, Commit to spending more time with children and old people.
Ephithets•Äídios - eternal, Aïdius – See Äídios., Basileia - See Vasíleia, Bulaea - See Voulaia., Chloömorphus – See Khlöómorphos, Daughter of lovely-haired Rǽa, Khlöómorphos - verdan, Polýmorphos - multi-formed, Polyolbus – See Polýolvos, Polýolvos - rich in blessings, Potheinotáti - beloved, Prutaneia – See Prytaneia, Prytanei, Vasíleia - queen, Voulaia - of the council, Prytaneia -”of the Prytanis.” 
Equivalents• Vesta (Roman), loki (Norse), Brigid (Celtic), Hathor (Egyptian)
Signs they are reaching out• having a strong urge to Vail in her honor, seeing her animals and symbols in your dreams, and seeing her imagery a lot, everything at home suddenly going well.
Vows/omans• that she “would be a maiden all her days”
Morals• morally light/pure
Courting• None 
Past lovers/crushes• None
Personality• She avoids drama, and is generous, but her temper is volcanic in nature, she is slow to anger, but when she gets angry her rage is a force of nature. She is modest, tranquil, and industrious
Home• Mount Olympus 
Mortal or immortal • immortal 
Fact• Historically she is supposed to be the first deity offered to in a ritual due to being the goddess of fire, she's the oldest Olympian, She is spat out last by Kronos so she is also the youngest, she shares her seat with Diyonisus, she did not give it up, she receives a share of every sacrifice/prayer to the gods, and she is commonly seen alongside with Hermes, I would recommend putting their alters close together.
Element• fire 
Curses• a bad family life, food being burnt, having not enough food, being turned away at restaurants, being homeless, your house catching on fire 
Blessings• all domestic happiness and blessings
Roots• Greek mythology….and she was raised in her father's stomach, and at the first years of theogony era.
Friends• all of the gods, but most notably Hermes, but is not friends with Priapus, she dislikes him (he tried to rape her.) 
Parentage• Cronus and Rhea
Siblings• Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, Demeter, Hera 
Pet• she has no pets.
Children • she has no children.
Appearance in astral or gen• she was typically represented wearing a veil and robe. In some images, she held a flowering branch or kettle as well.
Festivals • None, at every feast and meal a liberation was made to her name first and last, but I associate Thanksgiving with her, but her Roman counter part Vesta has 1-15 June of each year, an then another festival celebrated on 8-9 July.  Hestia is also mentioned on 8 June. But a neo-pagan sets aside 26 December – 22 January as a month devoted to Hestia.
Status• Virgin theoi goddess.
What disrespects her turning away people at your home (she is a goddess of hospitality and it was seen as disrespectful to her to do so.)
Planet• unknown 
Her Tarot cards• the Temperance, the fourteenth Major Arcana card.
Remind me of• Hot cocoa, and Thanksgiving. 
Scents/Inscene • Lavender, Rose, spring water,  rain, Pumpkin, Apple pie, cinnamon, fall leaves, Chamomile, Myrrh, Frankincense, Iris, Angelica, Peony, Angelica, iris, Sandalwood 
My opinion • I like her, but I'm scared of her too. (what a shocker!) 
Holy Queen of Sanctity, we hymn you, Hestia, whose abiding realm is Olympus and the middle point of earth and the Delphic laurel tree! You dance around Apollo’s towering temple rejoicing both in the tripod’s mantic voices and when Apollo sounds the seven strings of his golden phorminx and, with you, sings the praises of the feasting gods. We salute you, daughter of Kronos and Rhea, who alone brings firelight to the sacred altars of the gods; Hestia, reward our prayer, grant wealth obtained in honesty; then we shall always, dance around your glistening throne.
For the lost -
Blessed Hestia, the first and the last, and the always flame. May your light burn bright and strong, May your prayers be those of respect and love, May you guide the lost, And give to those who have nothing. I give thanks to you, Hestia, for all that you have done And continue to do.
For people with intrusive thoughts -
I ask Hestia, the kind goddess, to help those who feel down. May they find comfort and peace inside of their homes and inside their own minds. Protect them for their destructive thoughts, and be the safe place they need so much
A prayer for homeles—
In Hestia’s name, may you always have a home and a roof over your head. May you always be comfortable and warm with a full belly. May you always be in good spirits and good company, never knowing the pervading loneliness that envelopes the soul.
Blessed Hestia, Fill this home with your light and bounty, As the day fills it with golden sunshine.
Glorious Hestia, Let your hearth fire warm this house, As night draws her shadowed cloak over it now.
Blessings of the kitchen-
Hestia bless my little kitchen, I love it’s every nook And bless me as I do my work, Wash pots and pans and cook. May the meals that I prepare, Be seasoned from above, With thy blessings and thy grace, But most of all thy love
Links/websites/sources •
ts-witchy-archive, constantly-disheveled, saryoak, eldritchhorror06, https://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/625205765818515456/hestia-offerings/amp, https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/179727039352/offerings-to-hestiahttps://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/625205765818515456/hestia-offerings/amphttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/179727039352/offerings-to-hestiahttps://www.learnreligions.com/hestia-greek-goddess-of-the-hearth-2561993#:~:text=Keep%20a%20candle%20dedicated%20to,prayers%2C%20songs%2C%20or%20hymns.https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Hestia.html#:~:text=In%20myth%20Hestia%20was%20the,youngest%20of%20the%20six%20Kronides.https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Hestia.htmlhttps://greekmythology.fandom.com/wiki/Hestia#google_vignettehttps://greekmythology.fandom.com/wiki/Hestiahttps://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/hestia/https://www.hellenicgods.org/festivals-of-hellenismos---eortai https://hestiasservant.wordpress.com/2018/05/27/honoring-hestia-a-festival-every-day/https://www.elissos.com/the-family-goddess-hestia-mother-of-all-gods/#:~:text=The%20birth%20of%20Hestia%20dates,to%20his%20throne%2C%20his%20children.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhea_(mythology)#:~:text=According%20to%20Hesiod%2C%20Rhea%20had,and%20Zeus%20in%20that%20order.https://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/comments/14sy8cj/is_hestia_reaching_out_to_me/https://mythopedia.com/topics/hestia
http://persephoneandhecate.blogspot.com/2011/06/exploring-archetypes-hestia.html?m=1https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/170063420188/bedridden-devotion-to-hestiahttps://honeyandhestia.tumblr.com/post/170063420188/bedridden-devotion-to-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/heatherwitch/160613514230/hestiavesta https://constantly-disheveled.tumblr.com/post/156636591525/can-a-hearth-fire-just-be-a-candle-that-you-lighthttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/169551188078/devotional-activities-for-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/167758105763/jar-to-help-me-connect-to-hestia-chamomilehttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/171225676313/burn-herbs-and-spices-as-an-offering-to-hestia-i https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/183383795283/what-kind-of-crystals-would-yall-associate-with https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/171208375440/a-historical-prayer-to-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/169394109439/i-ask-hestia-the-kind-goddess-to-help-those-who https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/166938581678/if-youre-still-doing-prayer-requests-may-you-be https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/178225408393/lady-hestia-goddess-of-comfort-and-warmth-to https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/183772520921/a-little-kitchen-prayer-for-hestia https://www.hellenicgods.org/festivals-of-hellenismos---eortai
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
OOH OOH OOH!!!! what if you did citrine!y/n tries a spell and accidentally gets hurt and harry gets all dominant and like “you should have asked for my help! this is why you don’t do spells by yourself!!” and also maybe sarah catches harry doing magic at one point??!?
wordcount: 5.5k+
"Hey, honey." 
(Y/N)'s chirped greeting elicited only a small smile from Harry's features, not at all the reaction she was used to from him.
"Hi, sunshine," he responded, sounding drained. Though it took a second for his aura to kick in for her, the second it did, she could see just how muted the colors were compared to the vividness she was used to from her Flame. 
"What's the matter?" she asked, shifting her car into drive to take them back to her apartment for the night. 
Harry heaved a sigh in the passenger seat, running a heavy hand through his hair. "Jus' a long day. I like the record store, and I've been getting a handle on training, surprisingly, but 's jus' a lot to get used to. Haven't done anything like this in decades." 
"Oh, H," she crooned, reaching across the center console to lace her fingers between his, "But after you're done training, they're going to cut your hours back down, right?"
"Yeah," he breathed out, looking to her with softened eyes as he squeezed her hand, "Jus' feels like 's so far off; I miss you. I've barely even had time with Bonnie and Dande this week." 
Running her thumb in quiet circles over the warmth of his hand, (Y/N) sighed. She ached in her chest, knowing how much he was hurting. He loved his little animals, so she was sure that this past week alone had put a lot of strain on his heart. "I know, but it's almost over. They'll be so excited to see you when you come home this weekend, too. It'll be special since it's been a little while." 
A small smile touched at the corners of Harry's lips at the idea of his girls getting the jitters from being excited to see him. "Right," he breathed, "I'll have to make something special for dinner for them." 
For a flicker, Harry's aura reappeared, filling her car with his divine light. Vividity had returned to the rings haloing his form, even if the drained, beige ribbon was still wrapped around the very edge. She hoped he would be able to feel how content that made her to know that he was feeling even a little better. 
"We'll have to do something special together, too," he told her, bringing her hand up to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it. 
"I'm sure you'll think of something," she said, looking to him from the corner of her eye as she kept her attention on driving. (Y/N) had already been thinking about something she could do to make this week up to him, though she was sure Harry had different ideas than she had had swirling around. 
She just hoped her idea worked out the way she wanted.
(Y/N) was out of breath by the time she made it up to Harry's meadow. 
Looking out on the wide open space, despite the cottage and the flora filling the space, it felt so empty without Harry there. He was like the sun of this space, everything revolving around him and bending to his will out of nothing but love. Even Bonnie, who was curled up on the porch of his house, looked bored out of her mind since her dad wasn't there. 
"Hi, sweetie," she greeted the mountain lion with a pass of her fingers over the fluff between her ears. Bonnie only huffed before laying her head back down on her paws. "He's coming home tonight, you know. He'll be home a lot more now after this." 
As if she could understand what (Y/N) was saying, Bonnie looked up with her big eyes, nose puffing. A twitch came to her ears as if she were perking up at the news, keening into (Y/N)'s petting hand. "Me too," she told her, "I'm excited too, sweetie." 
With a lingering pet, (Y/N) pushed through to Harry's cottage. He'd barely been spending any time here this past week, having taken to sleeping at (Y/N)'s place through the nights so he wouldn't have to go too far to get to work on time. The area was just as she was sure he had left it the previous Sunday: records out of place with Pink Floyd on his player, his kitchen a little bit of a mess with crumbs from his breakfast he made himself before rushing out, and his bed unmade. The little divot at the end of the bed still remained from where she was sure Dandelion had been sleeping since her dad had left. 
After toeing off her shoes by the front door, bag dropped just beside, (Y/N) started on her first step of her plan. Harry was getting off of his final training shift in a little over an hour, leaving with just enough time to execute her plan to dote on him after such a long week. She was going to clean up his cottage (possibly even weed his garden if she had the time), make him some dinner, tend to his girls, and make sure he had the most stressless night imaginable as he adjusted. More film for his camera was stowed away in her tote bag, along with ingredients for the night's dinner, and a spare change of clothes as she planned on staying the night with him. 
Her sweep of the cottage started by his record player. She sheathed the opened records and replaced them in his beloved crate that was becoming a little too full for comfort as his collection had been non-stop growing since she came into his life. Just as she made a mental note to grab him an extra, she stopped herself with a small smile. He would be able to get himself another crate at work. 
After placing one of the records she had introduced him to on the player, the needle finding the divots a moment later, she started on the real work. Her first stop was the kitchen, cleaning up and putting away the mess he'd left out as she hummed along to the crackling song filtering through the space. Just as she'd began rifling through his cabinets in prep of getting dinner together later, she heard a digging at the front door. Tiny feet patting against the wood along with bumps against the front door gave away who would be waiting for her the second she made her way to the screen door. 
 A pair of fluffy white ears peeked over the paneling of the door, a set of dark eyes and a puffing nose following after as (Y/N) grew closer. "Hi, Dande," she crooned to her friend, propping open the door for the bunny to pad on in. 
As always, Dandelion greeted her with a pat of her head against (Y/N)'s ankle before she scampered off in favor of reclaiming her spot on Harry's bed. Dande hunkered down with a puff of her nose, her little feet tucked under the white puffball of her body before she trained her eyes on (Y/N).
"Harry's coming home tonight," she told the bunny, resuming her work in the kitchen as she collected utensils and cookware to help her later on in the night. Peeking over her shoulder with a pot in hand, she saw the familiar twitch of Dandelion's ears and the slow blink of her eyes in contentedness. 
She hoped Harry knew how loved he was by his little creatures. 
Dandelion was quick to fall asleep as soon as she got comfortable, leaving (Y/N) to herself as she puttered around the cottage with tidiness appearing in her wake. Making his bed was the hardest part, having to move Dandelion from her cozy spot as she fixed the bedding. Though she did seem happy with the fluff of pillows she left her in, a nest for her to rest in until her dad made it home. Fixing up the mess of his comforter led her to kneel off the side of his bed, tucking the bedding into the mattress. The angle offered her a peek under his bed, finding the aged spine of a book, cracks showing in the binding with the gold lettering having faded some. 
(Y/N) had seen the book once before when he'd first revealed his secret to her. He offered her the volume as a way of answering questions she didn't know where to begin with. This was the same book she found all the information there was about Twin Flames and what her love was going to be like now that she'd found her forever person. 
She couldn't help herself but to slide the book out of hiding, carefully opening the front cover to show off the table of contents. The pages were thin and weathered, Harry having shared with her that it was in his family for centuries before his mother passed it on to him when he left the coven for his own nomadic adventures. This was the book that carried him through his years along, almost every page, spell, and potion having been committed to memory.
Instinctively, she wanted to open up to the page describing Twin Flames, reread the details that had been lost to time since she had opened this book months ago. Just as she ran her fingertips over the edge of the page, one of the sections on the table caught her eye, an idea blooming in her head.
Around the same time he had let her read his book, he'd also pointed out a few spells and rituals that didn't need the prerequisite of being a witch to perform. They were usually for beginners, people who had very recently found their powers and couldn't properly tap into them, or for someone like him who had struggled to get a grip on his magic while he waited for his Flame to balance him out. When she had asked if these could be things she could try out, she could remember the way he gave her a bubbly smile, excitedly telling her he'd love to show her how to perform these rituals. 
Despite his excitement, that had been something that was pushed to the wayside when she found all the information about their Alignment Ritual, and dropped from her mind the more time went on. Now, looking at the page, having thumbed to the beginner spells without thinking, that same excitement was reignited in her. 
Harry always used his magic to help take care of her, to make her days easier and the load on her shoulders lighter. Looking at this page, faded cursive and aging drawings, she wanted to do the same for him. Surely there could be something in here like the tea he was so fond of making for her that took the ache out of her feet after long serving shifts, or the sachet he would place under her pillow if he knew she was having trouble sleeping. 
With her heart a flutter at the idea of indulging in the things she was sure Harry hadn't had anyone do for him in as long as it'd been since he left home, she carefully set the spell book down on the kitchen counter. She needed to get a few more things done, then she would dedicate her attention to her first try at magic. 
The rest of (Y/N)'s chores came quickly. She finished cleaning the cottage, made dinner for the girls—Dande a mushroom salad using the sprouts Harry had tucked away in his fridge, and a chicken salad that he had already had chilling for Bonnie (she was sure it wasn't very satisfying for the mountain lion, but she would eat anything her dad had a hand in)—, and started dinner for the two of them now that Harry only had another fifteen minutes remaining of his shift. He was much more used to the trek up to his cottage, making it a quick walk for him, so she hoped she could have everything done and still warm for him by the time he would be joining her. 
After flipping the record to B-side, (Y/N) started on dinner as she hummed along. While she wasn't quite as talented as Harry was in the kitchen, she hoped he would still be satisfied with her attempt at a vegan batch of Jade Noodles for him, complete with her own version of the sesame dressing. He loved peas enough that she hoped with the extra pods she added in, he could forgive any mistakes she made. 
Once she got to a good stopping point on the food, letting everything simmer, steep, and sweat, she excitedly reached for the open book on the counter. Thumbing through the amateur section, she tried to find something that didn't look too complicated, but would help Harry when he undoubtedly came home exhausted.  
(Y/N) perked up when she saw a potion detailing out something about the release of toxic energy. The mixture promoted its consumer to release the negative energy from their system, leaving them light and refreshed. Rejuvenating, it had been described as with several lines slashes underneath the word. This would be perfect, she figured, knowing just how much stress Harry had been carrying even prior to starting his job. Every bit of nervous energy and stressed pinch of his nerves would be gone in no time if she made him this. 
The ingredients listed under the sketch of the potion seemed easy enough to gather. She knew Harry had a lot of things lying around his cottage and growing in his garden. She had yet to see him out of anything he needed, so she had no reason to believe he wouldn't have everything listed on the page. 
Double checking on dinner, she made sure to reduce everything to a barely there simmer with lids on every pot and a cover on the beans that had already been blanched before she was out the front door with the spell book in hand. The potion called for sprigs of plants she had no idea how to pronounce—most likely in Welsh as Harry had explained to her was one of the mother tongues of his coven. But, one flick through to the glossary showed her drawings of each plant that was needed. 
It was easy to compare everything to what he had growing in his garden. Flowers that looked like lavender sprigs were quickly plucked, a silent thank you given to the flora that Harry had taught her. Chamomile-esque blooms joined the fray along with something that smelled like fresh snow when she brought the petals to her nose. Each fragrance was calming, leading her to believe she was on the right track. Peppery leaves were collected, the scent especially spicy compared to the gentle flowers that were forming a bouquet in her grip. But, glancing over the potion recipe, it seems this was all the right moving parts to get together. It wasn't until she reached the final ingredient that (Y/N) hit a snag. 
The name had been something completely undecipherable, having worn away after time. She tried her best to make out the faded letters as well as she could before she turned to the glossary once more. When she thought she found what she had been looking for, a drawing of a berry-like fruit colored the small section given to the ingredient. It looked like a pomegranate, a deep red color with vining purple veins, pockmarked with baby pink swatches that looked like stars. (Y/N) had to crawl deeper into Harry's garden to get a better look, trying to find something that looked similar to the drawing. 
A pinch touched at her brow when she couldn't find anything matching the reference picture. Harry always had everything, surely his plot of land was a witch's dream with the way he stocked up on everything, but he didn't have this? The closest (Y/N) could spot was a small fruited shrub that grew in a tiny patch against the wall of the cottage. The berries looked closer to that of a blueberry, tiny and purple with black spots. Perhaps they were her pomegranate berries that just weren't quite ripe, yet? 
Sitting back on her heels, (Y/N) pulled the book to sit on her lap as she glanced back and forth between the berry patch and the photo she had been searching with. They were similar enough, she thought. Besides, this book was very old and a little discolored anyway. There was a big chance there wasn't even a berry out there like the one drawn, with the way time could have altered the image and sullied the colors. 
With that in mind and the ticking time clock of when Harry would be on his way, she plucked a handful of the berries off the bush, adding them to her collection. From what she remembered from every time Harry let her sit in on his rituals and potion-making, he preferred to do all of his craft outside. It tied him closer to the Earth, he had told her, the lack of barrier between him and the lush ground that took care of him gave him more positive energy and a stronger tie to the cycle he was attributing to with his magic. That was why she grabbed all of her supplies—a small  crystalline bowl, a mortar and pestle, and a tiny pouch to steep the mixture into a tea when done—and immediately made her altar out by the river that ran through the meadow. 
The running water made for a gentle symphony to play through her ears, calming her some now that nerves had arose over the fact she was actually going to make a real life potion. Before Harry, she'd only seen this kind of stuff in cartoons and movies, and now she was going to get to try it for herself. Hopefully, Harry would be impressed. 
With the spell book splayed open in front of her, (Y/N) followed every step. Grinding up the leaves and flowers, she watched as a paste formed under the cool moonlight. Flower petals ran bright streaks through the forest green stems that made the majority of the mixture, flora smells being tamped out by the peppery aroma of the added leafy greens she ground along with them. By the time everything almost began to resemble a dough (a very odd texture, but (Y/N) didn't have the place to question it really), she transferred it to the bowl and added a touch of water from the running river as was called by the recipe. 
(Y/N) watched in awe as the paste began to change, leveling out into something thick like honey and sweet smelling like brown sugar, studded by tiny, white flowers that floated along inside by a current she couldn't see. If not for the fact she was on a time limit, she could have stared at the mixture for hours, watching the flowers play like fairies in the forest-hued potion. But, knowing that Harry would be due back within the next ten minutes had her hustling to reach for the faux-blueberries to be added to the bowl. 
With a few prods of the pestle, the berries burst, inking the mixture a deep plum shade. As per the instructions, only a few grinds of the utensil was needed before the potion was meant to steep under the moonlight. (Y/N) couldn't keep her eyes off it as she watched the ingredients work their own magic with each other. The current that had formed to float along with those tiny flowers had flourished into a rolling boil. Thick bubbles burst with spatters of the mixture landing out on the blades of grass cradling the bowl. 
Just as (Y/N) leaned in, wanting a closer look at what was happening with her first potion, the mixture seemingly took a turn. Those black spots that marred her berries began to spider out from the skins of the faux-blueberries. Their reach continued until everything was snuffed into a deep black, the crystalline bowl turning into its own tiny void in the middle of the meadow. Glancing at the spell book, (Y/N) knew this wasn't quite right. By now, the berries should have stained everything into a lighter lavender shade. Ones of those tiny flowers was supposed to have bloomed into a large floret to hold the potion like a teacup waiting for the consumer to sip from its petals. That was definitely not what was happening.
The thick tar that had become her potion bubbled with viscous splatters, those tiny droplets of rouge mixture clinking to the ground below it until (Y/N) swore the color was being sucked out of the lush grass. As much as she wanted to investigate the growing puddles of grey, the fact that the potion had begun moaning and groaning, screaming out in echoed whispers had the full of her attention. She could even make out faces appearing in the bottom of the bowl, the features looking something akin to the tragedy masks of Greek theater. 
Fear stunted her limbs as she watched the potion take on a life of its own, boiling until it overtook the crystalline bowl it was held in with spider-like limbs. The long reach of the spindly legs attached to the earth below, sucking the life out of the plots with the grass running grey and dying. The negative energy she was supposed to be banishing with the help of this potion was seemingly conjured instead, ready and willing to take from her as it sugglishly drew closer to her. With every scream of the potion, (Y/N) felt a zing go up her spine. 
Her breathing grew panicked as that anxiety-induced fight or flight reaction had be activated. How was she supposed to fix this? How was she supposed to kill energy? She could only get away from it. 
Even then, that seemed to be a struggle with the way she couldn't get to her shaky feet with her eyes trained on the sludge that was coming her way, terrified faces gaining more and more detail in the goo. 
She could only manage a tiny whimper out of her throat when one of the boney pulls of the potion attempted to reach for her ankle. 
The sound of her heart rushed through her ears, loud enough to make her aware of the beats per minute she was sporting, but no where near loud enough to drown out the freakish screams of the sludge. As a passing thought, she hoped Dande and Bonnie had made a getaway—their sensitive ears couldn't take this. 
As if she was performing another act of summoning, from the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a familiar mountain lion appearing through the treeline. In tow was an even more familiar man, his eyes wild and hair pushed behind his ears as he looked down at where his shirt was caught in Bonnie's teeth. 
"Suns—" Harry's voice was cut off the second he caught sight of the debacle playing out in front of her, the protection spell he'd put over the meadow most likely drowning out the panicked screams of the potion for anyone who hadn't crossed into the clearing. She watched as he sized up the menace tearing towards her, the sentient potion gaining traction with each move, every blade of grass shriveling and losing color in its wake. 
Something shifted in his demeanor that (Y/N) never seen before, his jaw steeling and his shoulders squaring before he disregarded the pull of his pet. On heavy feet, he approached the out of control potion, confidence in every step. He never once seemed bothered by the seething negative energy that practically came off the concoction in waves, even going so far as to tamp splats of the potion out under the soles of his sunflower decorated boots. 
She wished she could have heard the spell that left his lips, but there was no way she was going to hear anything over the pounding of her heart and the agony that punched through her eardrums from her created monster. Still, she could see his lips moving, the low rumble of his voice as he held his hands out before him. A blinding light formed like beams of sunshine in the palms of his hands, rays touching the very edges of the potion. 
Harry spotted the source of the monster with a graze of his focused eyes before he flicked the sunlight towards the crystalline bowl. It was a delicate move, as if no thought had gone into it beforehand, but the destruction was intentional. The toxic screams of the potion transitioned into harrowing shrieks as the goo was burnt to ash. Flicks of sunlight were beamed over every inch of the rouge potion, getting rid of every evidence of the mishap—even the decaying grass came back to life—aside from the sheen of sparkling, purple ash that covered the ground. 
The cries tamped down until there was only silence, a shattered bowl, and ash left in the meadow. 
The light in Harry's hands died down as soon as he brought his palms together, his chest heaving though his face stayed stoic. The scene looked something serene as (Y/N) felt her rabbit-heartbeat settle in her chest. 
Her borrowed spell book was carefully laid out on the lush-again grass, the crystalline bowl was split right down the middle, and the used mortar and pestle were delicately placed on a tuft of grass. The moonlight bathed the moment in a cool blue tone, calming. Harry even seemed to be something of a statue, marble-esque if not for the rise and fall of his chest. 
He didn't turn to look at her, eyes trained in the same spot they had been since he spotted the monster.
Rising to her shaky legs, (Y/N) fisted her sweaty hands together as she tried to get a grip on her surroundings now that there wasn't the blockage of the insane screams clouding her thoughts. 
It was as if her voice brought him to life, the way he turned on his heel. His hair flopped over his forehead with his jaw clenched tight. His nose flared as he let out a harsh breath. "(Y/N), what were you thinking?" he seethed through gritted teeth. 
Her eyes widened at his tone, never, ever having heard him speak like this. She floundered for a response, mouth dropping open though no sound came out. 
Harry took a stride towards her, eyes fierce. His aura flamed around him in raging crimson ribbons. "What were you thinking trying out a spell without me here?! There are dangerous things in that book, (Y/N)," he pointed accusingly at the spellbook opened behind him, "Do you even know what you just did? What you just conjured?" 
"Harry, I—" she squeaked, her voice falling flat as Harry shouted over her. 
"No, you don't! That thing could have killed you, (Y/N)!" His voice boomed through the meadow. (Y/N) wouldn't have been surprised if the walls of his cottage shook at the volume. 
"I-I'm sorry, Harry," she whispered, her words almost inaudible in comparison. 
She watched as he Flame all but shook with the anger inside him, his hands in tight fists at his sides with his muscles drawn taut. "Don't you ever go through my book again when I'm not here. Do you hear me, (Y/N)?" 
His authoritative tone drew a nod from her immediately. 
Silence befell the clearing once more, static filling the space as (Y/N) tried to ward off the tears burning her eyes. 
Sucking in a stunted breath, (Y/N) tried to find her words despite the heat of Harry's gaze pinned to her. "I-I didn't mean to, Harry," she choked out, "I promise I wasn't playing around with your book. I w-was only trying to make you one of those potions you make for me—something to help relax you and everything. I-I thought I picked an easy one, I'm sorry." 
All the air seemed to blow out of Harry's body. His shoulders deflated with the strong planes of his chest relaxing. The steel in his eyes lessened and lessened until there were only jade pools left, the clench of his jaw unwinding until his features were left sweetened and round. His aura dulled until nothing was left but a melancholy blue and the sickly green of fear. 
"C'mere, sunshine," he crooned, voice especially soft given the last time she had heard it. 
It didn't take a single thought for her to be launched into his arms, wrapping her own around his middle with her face tucked into his neck. "I'm so sorry, Harry," she wailed, her words a little mushed as she cried into his chest, "I'm so, so sorry." 
"I know you are. 'S okay, 's okay." His chest rumbled under her ear as he tired to soothe her. He pet his hand over her hair while the other arm stayed steady around her waist to keep her flush to his form. 
"I-I swear I was only trying to help," she pleaded, eyes clenched shut with tears rapidly leaking through, "I th-thought I did everything right." 
Harry held her tighter to his chest, pressing a lingering kiss to her hairline. "I know, lovely. Don't cry, okay? Everything's alright." 
"Bu-But you're mad at me," she hiccuped, clutching his shirt tightly in her fists, "I didn't me—" 
"I know—I promise, I believe you, sunshine. I know y'didn't mean to, and I forgive you, okay?" he cooed, using his grip on her waist to peel her away from his chest, "I'm not mad, alright? I jus' got really, really scared, but I shouldn't have shouted at you. Especially now knowing what y'were trying to do for me." 
"But, I should have waited for you," she whispered, the only volume she could manage without her voice giving out. 
Bringing his hand that had been caressing her hair to her cheek, Harry brushed the pad of his thumb over her skin in an affectionate run. "Y'should have, yeah," he smiled at her, the curl lopsided, "But I shouldn't have shouted at you like that, okay? 'M sorry." 
"It's okay," she peeped, a pathetic sniffle following. 
His face turned serious then, his hand cupping her cheek in his palm. "Can y'do something for me, lovely?" 
She only gave a quiet nod.
"You've got to promise me you'll never do anything like that ever again, okay? That really, really scared me, sunshine." Harry's voice cracked as he reached her petname. His eyes shone with tears as he swallowed around the lump in his throat. "I don't know what I would have done if Bonnie hadn't found me to get me up here faster. I don't ever want to have to think about that again, okay?" 
"I promise, I promise," she bubbled out, harsh sniffled sounding between her words, "I'm sor—"
Harry shook his head at her, petting her cheekbone with his thumb. "No more apologies, okay? I've forgiven you, just like you forgave me. We don't need to worry about that anymore. I jus' want to make sure you're alright now." His eyes scanned over her form, drawing down her body as much as he could without pulling away. "It didn't get you at all, right?" 
"No, no," she shook her head, a lump forming in her throat as the memory of the creature reaching towards her returned, "I-It tried, but you stopped it." 
"Thank the Moon," Harry murmured to himself, dropping a kiss to her forehead as he let out a sigh that fanned across her skin. 
He held her under the moonlight as she bundled herself against his chest, cooing to her with reassuring words and promises that everything was alright. He wasn't upset with her, he'd said, only scared. He loved her to bits and pieces, and he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he hadn't made it to her in time. He loved that she wanted to try something to help him, his sweet girl always doing anything to help him. He loved her, he told her after almost every sentiment, the declaration reciprocated in her watery tone each time. 
He hummed against her hairline, the tip of his nose skimming the messy strands piled on her head.
"Does this mean the universe is upset with me? Since I did bad magic?" According to the vague grip she had on the balance and rules that went into witchcraft, what she had done with the inky mass she created, she figured that balance would be out of wack now. Karma and all the things would be out to get her.
A smile could be felt against her skin, a huffed laugh ruffling her hair as Harry shook his head. "No, no, sunshine," he crooned, peeling back to get a look at her eyes, "She knows y'only had pure intentions, no reason to punish you over not knowing what y'were doing. You've got nothing to worry about with that, okay?" 
(Y/N) gave him a pathetic nod, exhaustion filling her limbs over the events of the last twenty minutes. Harry settled her against his chest, cheek smushed into his skin as he hugged her to him—her rock, she thought. 
"I made dinner, by the way," she peeped out, eventually having found her voice through her raw throat. 
"You did?" Harry chirped, a bright smile in his town she could hear and feel against the crown of her head. 
"Mhm," she hummed, the sound a bit nasally, "Jade noodles. I even made my own sauce and everything." 
"Stars," he sighed out, peeling away from her, "We can't let that go to waste then, can we?" 
Looking up at him, (Y/N) could see the sheen of recently shed tears that covered his eyes, sparkling just like the stars twinkling above him. His aura haloed his form in baby pinks and serene greens. He loved her, the confirmation in the shades. 
"No," she said, agreeing with him as she shook her head with a tiny smile.
"C'mon then, sunshine," he crooned, "Come eat with me, then we'll take a bath together, yeah?" 
Seeing him looking at her like that, full of adoration and devotion, (Y/N) almost felt like her plunder had been worth it. (The creature was really scary, though, so she wasn't sure anything could be worth that, but this was definitely, definitely up there on the list of things that could convince her). 
Knowing that he looked at her like that after doing nothing more than making dinner and a mess in his yard, it only reaffirmed to her that she would do anything for him. Even that.
this was requested forever ago so thank you sm for being so patient bestie!! thank you all sm for reading, sorry for any mistakes, and if you have any ideas or requests of your own please send them in!!
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mamamoon92 · 3 months
Happiness Potion (honey milk tea) 🤎✨
What you need: 
2 tsp honey
½ tsp cinnamon
½ cup boiling water
½ cup milk
What to do:
Mix the honey, cinnamon and water together in a mug until combined.
Froth the milk with a milk frothing tool or by whisking/shaking very violently (Optional)
Add the milk
Garnish with cinnamon
The ratio of boiling water to milk should bring the drink down to the perfect temperature!
With milk, you can add peppermint to soothe the stomach, chamomile to soothe the throat and encourage sleep, ginger to soothe the throat, or cayenne pepper to clear the sinuses.
Without milk, you can add a bit of lemon to boost the immune system.
You can replace the water with a herbal tea of your choices such as lavender or chamomile.
You can replace the milk with almond milk or any milk of choice.
Here’s the explanation for this spell for fellow baby witches
Spells come in many forms, including drinkable ones! You can call them potions if you like. They involve using herbs/flavors/scents etc with specific correspondents to fulfil a specific intention.
Honey signifies happiness and positivity and expels negativity, depression and anxiety.
Cinnamon signifies spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength and prosperity
Milk has correspondents too! Full cream milk signifies prosperity, nurturing, protection, success. Warm milk eases anxiety and anger. Here’s a list of correspondents for non-dairy milk types by @heximari
Citrine is a crystal that boosts joy and optimism, and clear quartz is used for protection and as an amplifier for other crystals.
Sigils are statements of intent drawn up into a little picture which you can write on your skin, on a paper, or in this case, stir into tea, to make a spell work better.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Apollo Deity Guide
The Romans knew him as either Apollo or Phoebus, he is the god of the sun, art, and music.
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Who is Apollo?
Apollo was also worshipped as god of healing and medicine as well as prophecy and divination.
Unlike his more introverted twin sister, Apollo kept the company of many beings from deities to mortals.
Parents and Siblings
Zeus is his father, his mother is Leto
Artemis is his only full sibling.
Helen of Troy
The Graces
The Muses
Lovers or Partners
Apollo had lovers of both the male and female variety!
Female Lovers include: Hecuba, Ourea, Arsinoe, Coronis, Creusa, Cyrene, Rhoeo, Evadne, Thero, Dryope and The Muses.
Male Lovers include: Cyparissus, Branchus, Admetus, Adonis, Atymnius, Boreas, Helenus, Hippolytus, Hymenaios, Hyacinth, Lapis, Phorbas
Apollo also had many one-sided loves such as Daphne, Hyrie/Thyrie, and Melia.
He had many children including, Asclepius, Orpheus, Ion, Aristaeus, Amphiaraus, Troilus and Scylla. Look here for a bigger list of Apollo's children and their mothers.
Phoebus Apollo, or just Pheobus
Loxias” (referring to the god’s ambiguous oracles, called loxia)
“Lyceus” (a word that simultaneously evokes light, wolves, and the region of Lycia) (Mythopedia)
Apollo Daphnephoros
He is often conflated with Helios, the personification of the sun.
Holy Days/Festivals
The Pythian Games
The Delia
Celebrated in Athens, The Boedromia, Metageitnia, and Pyanepsia
Thargelia.) - Apollo’s Birthday, the day after Artemis’, would be the 7th day of Thargelion, which is roughly May 25th in the Gregorian calendar.
The Carneia and Hyacinthia were celebrated in Sparta
The Daphnephoria was celebrated every nine years in Thebes
From literature we know that the twins didn’t immediately start out as deities of the moon and sun respectively.
The most important temple dedicated to Apollo is the temple and Oracle at Delphi. The priestess Pythia would listen to and deliver Apollo’s prohocies and words. The story says that Pythia had breathed in vapors that rose from a spring underneath the temple.
Modern Deity Work
Disclaimer - Not all of these are traditional or historic correspondences nor do they need to be. However, any correspondence that can be considered traditional will be marked with a (T).
Tiger’s eye jasper
Laurel (T)
Hyacinth (T)
Palm tree (T)
Larkspur (T)
Marigolds (Calendula)
Swans (T)
Ravens and crows (T)
Deer (T)
Hawks (T)
Lyre/Harp (T)
Curved Bow (T)
The Sun (T)
Plectrum (pick)
Laurel Crown (T)
Any of the items listed above, or iconography of the items
Art of or that reminds you of Apollo (T)
Signs of the Sun
Honey (T)
Baked goods
Fruits and nuts (T)
Sun water
Wine (T)
Olives, olive oil, olive branch (T)
Acts of Devotion
Celebrate the Olympics
Take up a sport
Read hymns of Apollo (T)
Watch and appreciate the sunrise and sunset
Bask in the sunlight (use sunscreen if you plan on doing this for longer than a few minutes!)
Practice divination (T)
Study philosophy, medicine, and pursue knowledge!
Write or read poetry and songs written for Apollo (T)
Keep in mind that these are only some ideas for offerings and correspondences! Items and activities that connect you to her in a more personal way are just as good, and often better, than those you find on the internet. As with any relationship, feel it out, ask questions, and be attentive and receptive!
References and Further Reading
Apollo - Mythopedia
Mythopedia has huge lists on either page for further reading on both Artemis and Apollo.
Apollo - Wikipedia
Apollo - Theoi Project
More Epithets here
Apollo - Greekmythology.com
Myths of Greece and Rome; Apollo (Phoebus) By Jane Harrison (Via Sacred-Texts)
Fun fact about Coin: I have a tattoo inspired by Apollo, with an arrow going through the roman numeral XIII and a minimalist sun overlaying the middle of the number in honor of my own twin who has the same tattoo but with a moon instead of a sun.
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spiritofhyena · 1 year
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You are lucky because Archangel Gabriel is the only angel I'm currently working with! (I had a brief exchange with Archangel Michael during a couple of readings for other people and never interacted with him since then) I put "angels" plural on my post, but I only have interacted with Gabriel.
As stated in my previous answer, I'm speaking from *my own experience* so it's better to take anything I say with a grain of salt as everyone has different experiences. What I say are mostly UPGs based on my interactions and, of course, it'd be better to check more uh- sources (even if I don't believe I could be considered one lmao) for researching!
Back to the point-
My impression of Archangel Gabriel is that he's very calm and patient. A demon I interacted with called him "stuck up", but honestly I always found him quite chill. One of the first things he told me was that he didn't care if I followed a different deity or worked with demons (although he prefers to not share the same time/space with them), he was open to helping me get better with divination anyway.
I read some posts in a community online that Archangel Gabriel can also show himself with feminine appearances, but Gabriel always felt/talked in a masculine way (idk how to explain it, my native language is simply very binary and always used masculine for himself) so I don't know much about his feminine aspect.
From what I got, he's really good with anything related to communication (writing/poetry is included too) and - in my experience - he helped me a lot with divinations about messages from spirits/entities in general. Relaying messages is his job after all, innit?
With me, he didn't ask for much offerings-wise. He asked for a lit candle during divinations as a sort of offering in exchange for his help and nothing more, sometimes a bit of water... but sometimes I try to offer something "more" if I get the chance. Most of the time I try to leave something for him if I leave offerings for the other entities I work with.
He is pretty pleased with a little origami box I made with light blue paper, that I decorated with some stars in silver and gold markers and some feathers from a washi tape I had. He likes citrine, from what I noticed: when I went to a shop that had some crystals and asked him what he liked, both times he picked citrine quartz.
I read somewhere that the colours associated with Archangel Gabriel are copper and orange other than white, but I feel like that also blue (in any shade), silver and gold would fit him well. Probs also creamy-tan colours could work too, same goes with light grey.
Hmm... what else? As far as "random" things go, I learnt that he likes caramel nougat chocolates, also homemade cookies, coffee with milk in it and fruit teas. Oh, and honey too. And isn't really into alcoholic offerings.
Gabriel's music taste is quite varied, but he mostly picked either instrumentals or pop/pop-rock music on the cheery side for the devotional playlist I made for him.
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daphyswitchylibrary · 2 years
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Since Litha is soon, I decided to make some research to make a post about it :)
What is Litha?
Litha (a Lesser sabbat), or "summer solstice", marks the longest day of the year. After that, the days will get shorter. It takes place usually between June 20 and 23. If you want the real, specific date, you can look it up! It can change every year.
On that day, we celebrate the light and the first harvest. It is time to reap what you sow (physically and spiritually), so looking back at what you were able to do and all the progress you've made is a great way to appreciate this sabbat. Write down what you got in the past year or months and look at how much has changed, for the better.
What to do for Litha?
Make sure you have yellow, pink, white, blue and/or green on you! Be it with your outfit, your makeup, or jewelry.
Garnet, sunstone, tiger's eye, ruby, amber, carnelian, citrine, peridot, moonstone, onyx, opal, fluorite, jade and rose quartz are crystals you should have with you! (If you don't have any of them, don't panic: buying things is never a must for witchcraft)
Make and/or eat food! For Litha, anything with lavender, rose or honey is a good idea (like honey cakes or lavender iced tea.) Strawberries, citrus fruit, grapes (so wine) and dairy products are also a good idea! Make sun tea with fruit in it. (If you don't know: sun tea is when you infuse tea under the sun) Go pick up wild flowers (if you're allowed to where you live!)
Watch the sunset and enjoy the sun for the whole day (if it's safe for you to do so!)
Go walk in the forest or enjoy nature any way you can!
Have a campire or light candles! Litha is associated to fire, so enjoy its warmth and light! BUT if you are to make a campfire, be sure to respect the rules where you live!!! If there's too much wind, it hasn't rained for days or if you even just do not have the space nearby for a campfire, just light a candle. The intent is still there.
Personally, I will make green iced tea with honey, try to enjoy the sun and do a tarot reading for myself. If I have more time, I'll go take a walk :)
On this note, I hope everyone enjoys Litha the most they can!
Sources: wiccantips, witchytips and thewitchoftheforest on Instagram
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wishful-seeker · 9 months
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You will need:
Silicone mold or glass jar
A wick (look up how to make one)
A pot to melt wax in
Yellow candle dye- to represent Apollo and the sun
Herbs that are associated with Apollo, health, victory, and prosperity:
Citrine crystal
Honey for anointing
Making the candle:
Put the pot on your stove with your wax inside and put on low heat. When melted add your dye with intention. Stir your wax counter clockwise to banish if you want, or clockwise to summon. I summoned happiness and good health.
Take your wick and wrap it around a tooth pick and lay it across your jar or mold so the bottom of the wick is touching the bottom of your jar or mold. Remove toothpick and wick and set aside.
Pour most of the wax in your jar or mold leaving a small bit in the pot. Place toothpick with wick into the wax mold. Let cool for at least 30 minutes or until the top of the candle is solid.
Come back and place your herbs and crystal on top of your candle, charging them with your intention as you begin to melt your remaining wax on the stove.
Gently pour the remaining wax on top of your candle partly covering your ingredients and securing them in place. Let candle cool for at least an hour.
After your candle is finished you can carve a sigil into it and anoint it with honey before burning!
This candle is meant to honor Apollo and honor myself for the hard work i put in into getting diagnosed and bettering my health.
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hestiacrow · 1 year
Raven's Bracelets!
Time for a more in-depth look at my partner's, Raven, bracelets!
Once again, here is her link:
She currently has 3 different kinds of bead types: Regular, Manmade (both of which are exactly what they sound like), and VIP or VIB as we like to call them. The latter is of higher quality than the other two, but there are fewer options. It is likely that a bead type may appear as both a Regular and a VIP bead, the only difference being their quality.
Please see the full bead list below:
Regular Beads:
Afghan Jade
African Bloodstone
Alashan Chalcedony (dyed)
Amazonite Chalcedony (dyed
Apatite Chalcedony (dyed)
Apple Agate (dyed)
Bamboo Agate
Black Flower Agate
Black Lace Agate
Black Obsidian
Black Onyx
Black Rutile
Black Tourmaline
Blossom Chalecedony (dyed)
Blue Adventurine
Blue Lace Agate
Bronzite Jasper
Clear Quartz (8mm)
Coral Fossil Jasper
Crazy Lace Agate
Dalmatian Jasper
Dragon Bloodstone
Dragon Vein Agate
Evil Eye Agate (laser engraved)
Firefly Agate (dyed)
Gold Sheen Obsidian
Golden Lace Jade
Golden Mica/Plum Blossom Jasper
Grape Chalcedony (dyed)
Green Adventurine
Green Chalcedony (dyed)
Green Jade
Honey Calcite
India Agate
K2 Jasper (enhanced)
Kambaba Jasper
Lava Beads
Lemon Jade
Light Blue Chalcedony (dyed)
Lucky Jade
Mahogany (Red) Obsidian
Matte Black Onyx
Morgan Chalcedony (dyed)
Moss Agate
Navy Chalcedony (dyed)
Ocean Jasper
Onyx Mantra (laser engraved and painted)
Orange Chalcedony (dyed)
Orca Agate
Peach Chalcedony (dyed)
Picasso Jasper
Pink Adventurine
Pink Chalcedony (light/dark dyed)
Pink Lace Jasper
Pink Opal (dyed)
Pink Tourmaline
Pink Zebra Jasper
Polychrome Jasper
Purple Chalcedony (light/dark, dyed)
Purple Mica
Que Sera
Rainbow Obsidian
Red Adventurine
Red Chalcedony (dyed)
Red Jasper
Red Lace Agate
Red Tiger Eye
Rhodonite (enhanced)
Ruby Zoisite
Silver Sheen Obsidian
Smoky Agate
Sodalite (light/dark)
Strawberry Quartz
Tea Jasper
Teal Chalcedony (dyed)
Violet Quartz
Watermelon Chalcedony (dyed)
White Agate
White Chalcedony
Wood Jasper
Yellow Chalcedony
Yellow Tiger Eye
Manmade Beads:
Manmade Imperial Jasper
Manmade Opalite
Backbone (Black Moonstone)
Black Rutile
Black Tourmaline
Blue Tiger Eye
Clear Quartz (8mm)
Fire Quartz
Flower Agate
Galaxy Tiger Eye (dyed)
Peach Moonstone
Pink Opal
Rainbow Moonstone
Selenite (Satin Spar)
Smoky Quartz
I do have pictures of each of these bead types, so if you would like to see them, please let me know and I will make another post showing what each one looks like! Here's a selection to get you started:
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If you like the look of any of these, consider giving Raven's Ko-Fi a look and maybe even commissioning her! Don't worry, you're not restricted to one type of crystal, you can have several types on your bracelet. She has even gone as far as considering character-inspired bracelets as commissions too, and when I say we have lists of characters, we had to make a list of the lists so we could keep track of them!
As a final note, I'm not one to beg for exposure but at this point it would be wonderful, even if you don't think you'll order anything from Raven, please hit the reblog button. You will have my eternal gratitude if you do, the more people who see this and consider her craft, the better.
Thank you so much everyone!
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silversims · 2 years
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Citrine: I-I know that Ma Amber died before I was even born, but...but...
Calcite: Honey...sometimes the best thing we can do for someone is to...not be there. To give them to someone who can be better for them. Doing that, bringing you here, Solana loved you in the best way she could.
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spoondrifts · 2 years
intro to the history & lore of my new fantasy story, the attunement prophecy (working title):
thousands of years ago, when ancient humans first entered the valley, there dwelled a great goddess of the land who rose to greet them. she revealed to those first settlers the miracles she was capable of: wherever she walked, carpets of saplings sprung up in her wake; wherever she breathed, the air grew sweet and dizzy with lilac and honey; wherever she touched, the very earth sang praises to her. and when she touched people—which she did very often in those days—she gifted them sparks of her divinity. so it came to be that the grateful people named the goddess siayat, mother of blessings.
there was a simple and mutual understanding between the people and siayat: in exchange for tending to the land, treating it and its many other inhabitants with respect, and using their blessings with fair discernment, siayat would grant the people of her valley protection from harm.
for hundreds of years, this agreement stood strong. occasionally, someone would attempt to weaponize the land’s magic for ill, but those few were always dealt with swiftly by their fellows. when greedy armies deigned to march to their doorstep, siayat, too, dealt swiftly with those foolish few. though gentle in nature, the goddess fiercely protected her own, and did not tolerate malicious intrusion.
the people built temples in her honor up and down the valley. every prayer made was answered, every suffering eased. they lived in harmony with one another and the world, and siayat was pleased.
however, over time, the people of the valley began to forget their end of the bargain. they grew complacent and thankless, so accustomed to the boundless graciousness of siayat that they began to take their eternal safety and peace for granted. they became wasteful, selfish, violent. they wielded their blessings as weapons against one another. siayat was dismayed to discover that these people were no better than the warmongering empires she had defended them from for so many generations. she tried to offer them more, and then tried to offer them less, but her miracles no longer satisfied them either way.
the more the people dishonored the valley with violence, the more siayat’s frustration and upset grew, until at last she made one last effort to salvage their relationship: out of her most devoted and pious attendants, who had not forgotten the goddess’ generosity, she selected four to receive special, uniquely powerful blessings. these heralds were to lead as examples for the rest of their people, to show that this path of unbalance was not inevitable, and that siayat still loved them despite their betrayal.
each herald was also gifted a ritual object to aid in their work:
a golden mirror, for the blessing of prophecy
a vial of citrine crystals, for the blessing of healing
a tree pendant, for the blessing of empathy
a marble chalice, for the blessing of spiritual connection
the heralds were good and honorable individuals, and they swore to use their blessings to repair the wounded valley. but siayat had not accounted for how covetous the natures of other people had become, and, one by one, each herald was slain for their blessings, and their ritual objects were lost.
distraught, siayat at last turned her back on the people of the valley, and fell into a deep slumber. it is said that the heralds’ blessings will some day return to the valley in their hour of greatest need, retrieve the lost objects, and once united, siayat will awaken again—though, these rumors have never gained much traction beyond folk tales.
now, generations later, siayat’s blessings are draining out of the valley. the last vestiges of her magical gifts are concentrated in bloodlines, and even those have grown perilously thin. the very land itself is dying; droughts are longer and harder every year, game is scarce, and sickness eats through everything. and, most pressingly, the valley’s weakness has attracted predators—a conquering army is gathering in the south, mounting a devastating campaign.
four people of this generation are born with unprecedented power. more on them at a later date, but for now, there’s
aeria, who sees troubling visions of the future,
lucas, who heals all wounds,
caspian, who feels others’ emotions as acutely as their own,
and sochan, who has always sensed cosmic impressions of things beyond her understanding.
if the legends are true, then these four must gather the lost blessed objects and return them to siayat’s original temple, and only then will the goddess awaken to save them from destruction.
they just need to find each other first.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
ALSO for citrine!h something super soft would melt my heart. like maybe his girl suffers from really awful periods or something that are always super painful and exhausting and one month it just hits her so hard and h is just so caring and nurturing to her. 🥺❤️ he looks in all his books for special herb teas and different soups he can make to help her feel better and he lays in bed and rubs her tummy and her back when she has cramps STOP IM SO
could you write something with citrine and /or aster harry about the reader getting her period with him and not feeling well? love ur writing<3
wordcount: 11k+
Harry felt his heart tingle, the lure attached to the organ trying to pull him away from his garden and down the side of his mountain to where the rest of his soul awaited. A bright smile bloomed across his features. 
(Y/N) was almost here.
She had rang him on his sunflower a couple of hours prior, telling him she needed to take care of a couple of errands and pack for the night before she would be on her way over, and he'd been waiting in his garden since. The flowers all around him perked up just as their creator did, following the ray of sunshine he had become for them as he stretched his legs. The bell bottoms of his trousers flourished with every step he took towards the edge of his clearing, his heart roaring the closer and closer to his beloved he became. 
Just as he was about to burst through the treeline, the carrier of his soul beat him to it, her own features set into a glowing smile. 
"Hi, honey," she beamed at him, dropping her overnight bag into the lush grass at their feet. His already sore heart beat a broken tune at the sound of the petname he'd only ever heard wrapped in her voice. 
She launched herself into his opened arms as soon she was free of the weight of her bag, the wind being knock out of Harry for just a moment as he stumbled back before recovering. He fiercely reciprocated her hold, keeping his sunshine close enough to his chest his heart didn't ache so much trying to get to its companion housed in (Y/N)'s chest. 
"Sunshine," he sighed with matching relief. It'd only been thirty-six hours since he'd last been with her, and yet it felt like it could have been weeks with the way a newfound sense of comfort settled over him like nothing had before.
Seeing her like this would never get old. 
He allowed her to pull away just enough to see her face, trace his eyes over her features in commemorative runs. He needed to know if anything changed since he'd seen her last, anything else for him to add to the collection of things like fluttering lashes and stray baby hairs that now made his heart race. 
"How are you? How was class? Did your presentation go alright?" he prattled off as he raised his hands to cradle her cheeks in his warm palms. Her aura radiated around her in buttery yellows and sweetened pinks—his favorite combination on her. 
"I'm good, it was good," she told him, her smile going soft as she seemingly did the same in taking in his aura, "I honestly don't remember much of it because I was so nervous, but I'm assuming it went well since I wasn't called in for office hours after." 
Harry's face soured at the reminder of her professor who was much too harsh on his sunshine in his opinion. "Oh yeah, it was for that class, I forgot," he muttered, shaking his head, "He better leave y'alone, you're the smartest person in the world let alone his little classroom. Needs to be nicer to you." 
The grin on (Y/N)'s face burst into an affectionate laugh at his serious tone. "It's alright, H, don't worry," she assured him, her looped arms squeezing around his middle, "I only have a couple more months of this semester, then I never have to see him again." 
"And, you'll be on break with me," Harry added with a dreamy sigh. Though he wasn't one for the colder months, typically thriving under the sun of summer and sweet air of spring, there was nothing he loved more than spending (Y/N)'s breaks with her, even the winter one. 
"Mhm," she hummed, a glint flaring in her gaze that matched the flash of chipper orange that ribboned through her aura at a second glance, "Unless, you're working, of course." 
Bubbling excitement forged its way through Harry's system at her words. His hands fell to her shoulders, rings glinting in the bright sunlight overhead. 
"Wait, did they—"
Before Harry could even finish his question, (Y/N) bounced in her spot, a beaming smile scrunching her eyes and creating parenthetical lines on either side of her mouth. "Yes, yes! They called today when I was in class, and, H, they loved you! They left a message and offered you the job, you just need to call them back!" 
Gathering her into a hug, Harry barred his forearms around her shoulders as he rocked them in their spot. "Really? They loved me?" Harry bubbled off, his words traveling through the strands of her hair that fluttered around the home he made in her neck. 
"They said they appreciated how much you knew about all the classics, and they could tell you really loved just being there with all the records. They said they really want you on their team, H." (Y/N)'s voice rattling off all the compliments supposedly shared by his new employers sounded sweeter and a more compelling offer than what he was sure awaited him on her tiny cell phone. 
Harry basked in the feeling—the feeling of being in his beloved's arms, the feeling of taking another tiny step back into the world he rejected, and the feeling of being so loved in that moment he swore his heart was to burst. All he needed was Bonnie circling their feet and Dandelion bundling up between his ankles and it would be his idea of heaven.
"I'm so proud of you, Harry." 
That just about melted him. Harry could only hug (Y/N) tighter. 
"Thank you, sunshine. 'S all for you," he murmured, telling her the same thing he did when he told her he applied, got the call for an interview, and returned back from that first meeting. It was the truth, anyway. If not for her, he would still be hermitting away in his cottage, never having had a chance to feel so loved and needed like he did in that moment. 
(Y/N) drew away, Harry barely allowing her the room before relenting his grip on her. Her eyes shone with pride, a matching, colorful aura haloing her form. "Kiss?" 
He didn't even have to think before he was pressing his lips to hers, a garden growing in his chest at the contact. His arms around her form shifted until he was cradling the sides of her neck in his palms, thumb running along the line of her jaw in affectionate passes. Harry kissed her in small bursts of gentle presses, imprinting the feel of her lips against his own. 
When (Y/N) made the move to draw away, Harry had to stop himself from chasing after her lips, a pout forming on his own before he saw the light in her eyes as she gazed up at him. She really was his own personal sunshine. 
"Why don't you give them a call back, and I'll go put my stuff away and say hi to the girls?" (Y/N) proposed, Harry relenting to move his kissing to the soft of her cheek as she spoke. 
"One more, one more, sunshine," he mumbled, already replacing his mouth over hers as soon as he got the plea out. 
(Y/N) kissed him as best she could through her smile, keeping true to the promise of one more before she was pulling away and out of his embrace. She offered him her phone with a here!, sure he would finagle some sort of spell to cast around the device if he didn't immediately get what she called "service" up here. (Harry wasn't sure exactly what service was, but he knew that the set of bars up top needed to be filled in if he wanted to do anything other than take photos). 
His hands were jittery as he navigated her cell phone, finding the voicemail that was left for him. (Y/N) had been right, they seemed to really like him and Harry was all but bouncing in his boots as he placed a charm on her device that allowed him the "service" to redial the phone number and connect with the shop. 
When he heard the cheery greeting on the other end of the phone, the voice of someone who would now be his coworker, Harry brightened with excitement. That would be him soon, answering the phone so he could bestow his knowledge on all things music on whoever was on the other end. With his ear trained towards (Y/N), keeping some of his attention on her as she went about his cottage, Harry bubbled through the phone calls. 
Just as he had hoped, his new employers were excited to hear back from him and it only took a few moments to get everything set up. He was now an official member of the Record Scratch Music Store, a boutique that specialized in all things music with the largest selection of records Harry had ever seen in one place. Plus, it was a part of the same plaza that (Y/N) worked at. 
As soon as he had his first day set up for the following week, Harry couldn't wait to find (Y/N) again and celebrate for a second time that afternoon. He couldn't help himself, he was so excited and proud of himself for those baby steps he was taking to become an even better beloved for her. 
He moved on quick feet towards the cottage, expecting to see (Y/N) sprawled out on his bed with Bonnie loving on her at her feet and Dandelion huddled in her lap. Instead, he found Bonnie still laid out on the porch, head resting on her paws, with Dande munching away at the mushrooms that were growing along the edge of the stoop. A furrow pinched at his brow as the heels of his boots clicked over the wooden deck of his porch, the view through the screen door revealing that she wasn't even lying on his bed or pattering through his kitchen. 
"(Y/N)?" he called as he stepped over the threshold, almost tripping over her overnight bag that had been dropped by the door. 
The bond wrapped around his heart urged him in the direction of the bathroom, the door shut tightly though light seeped out from underneath. "Just a second, Harry," (Y/N) answered back, voice sounding tight. 
Though worry gripped at his middle, Harry sunk down on the edge of his bed and waited patiently.
She wasn't sick, was she? No, Harry decided, he would have been able to tell by her aura if she was feeling ill. Right? Maybe she was changing into some comfy clothes for the sleepover they were having? But, then again, she usually didn't bother with locking herself away behind the bathroom door in those moments, much too comfortable with the fact Harry has seen and loved all of her to worry about redressing out of his view. Why would she be hiding from him, then?
It wasn't until (Y/N) was brought into his life that Harry realized he was a bit of a worry wart. Nothing could spring his anxiety the way she could with the way he was overly concerned with ensuring every bit of her comfort and happiness was protected. Those worries were usually very easily quelled with a look at her aura, golden tinges shining through that showed him that she was being truthful when she said she was fine and happy. But, until that moment came, his heart that had been waiting for her for decades didn't settle, urging Harry to find a solution to any and every scenario that ran through his head. 
That was how he found himself sitting with a bouncing leg, eyes trained on the bathroom door in wait. When (Y/N) finally emerged, she had redressed into a pair of his worn sweats, the waist and legs cuffed the same way he had to after years of wear stretching out the elastic. She didn't seem any different, hair still fluttering like a dream around her, skin glowing under his gaze, and toes still painted the buttery yellow he had done for her last week on their self-care night at her apartment. 
"Everything alright, (Y/N)?" Harry asked, rising from his spot on the bed, arms reaching out to retrieve her as she dropped her discarded clothes on the top of her overnight bag. 
"Mhm," she hummed with a nod of her head, "Why?" 
He noted the way she wouldn't let him get a peek at her eyes, and subsequently her aura, as she instead bundled into his arms. She pressed her cheek snugly against his chest, arms looped around his middle. Though he was happy to have her back in his arms, bundled in his clothes, Harry pouted as he looked down at her, worried.
Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, Harry spoke through the stands of hair on the crown of her head, "You jus' seem sad all of the sudden. Did something happen?" 
A beat passed before (Y/N) muttered a response, "I'm not sad or anything, H, don't worry." 
"(Y/N)," he pouted into her hair, her name coming out on a whine, "You're making me worried, sunshine." 
Harry paid close attention to the way she hesitated, the way she shifted in his arms as if her thoughts were uncomfortable to keep inside. 
"Its... It's kind of... gross, H," she murmured, voice quiet. 
A pinch pulled Harry's brows together in a furrow as he listened to her. "What do you mean?" 
She sighed, but didn't offer any kind of elaboration. Harry's worry never lessened as he waited for her to form a response, only being a solid pillar for her cling and snuggle up to while she worked up to whatever she apparently feared sharing with him. Gently stroking his fingers up and down her back, he waited oh-so-patiently—just like he did during those decades he hadn't even known he was waiting to meet her. 
Finally—finally!—, (Y/N) spared him and settled her chin on his chest, allowing him to get a look at her aura once he met her gaze. An unflattering shade of yellow streamed around her form with a melancholic bruise of a blue shade running like spokes through the halo. She was embarrassed and sad, the anxiety she expressed surely going hand-in-hand with the colors tinting her aura.
"What is it, sunshine?" he murmured, bringing one of his hands up to brush over her cheek. 
Scanning over her features, Harry couldn't bite back the smile that curled the corners of his lips and brought out just the beginnings of his dimples. She was the most gorgeous girl he'd ever seen, even when she was holding a secret. 
"It's just..." she sighed, cutting herself off with a roll of her eyes, "Oh my god, I don't know why I'm so embarrassed. It's not even a big deal." 
Harry didn't push her as she thought aloud, only watching and taking it in as he brushed the pad of his thumb soothingly along the height of her cheekbone. He didn't take his eyes off her, making note of every eyelash, every pore, and every strand that made up his Flame. 
Because of that, it was impossible for him to miss the way her spine stiffened up before it seemed the air was pulled from her lungs. For a beat, her features were molded with creases as she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to force a stunted breath through her mouth. Her arms were tight around his middle, hands squeezed into fists behind his back with the fabric of his shirt getting bunched up in the grip. Just before her eyes closed, Harry caught a glimpse of a burning red searing through her aura before it flickered out. 
She was in pain. 
Before Harry had the mind to react—a healing spell on the tip of his tongue, but too muddled to be strung together through his heart-pounding fear—, (Y/N) settled. Her body relaxed, exhaustion seemingly dragging her down while Harry held her tightly. Her features unfurled, the creases and wrinkles of pain disappearing before she was left with serenely closed eyes and a deep breath being sucked in through her lips. 
"(Y/N)?" Harry murmured, worried out of his mind right then that she hadn't told him something important and now she was suffering body-aching side effects. 
"Sorry, sorry," she shook her head, hair fluttering around her face as she blinked her eyes open, "I'm okay, it was just a really bad cramp, that's all."  He could see her gearing up to tell him something else, one more thing, before she hesitated. That unflattering yellow shimmered around her form. In a last ditch effort, he watched as she shuttered her eyes with a grumpy furrow to her brows before she spoke, "I started my period last night, and it's not even a big deal, I'm just having really bad cramps this time and I'm scared I'm going to bleed on your sheets tonight on accident."
Harry listened to her rushed words, his brows pinched. He held her steady with his palms warming her cheeks, though he could argue that the hold was to anchor him more than anything. It made him ache hearing that she was so upset over something so simple, and the feeling was put on blast the second she explained the searing pain that had shot through her as cramps. 
"Sunshine," he sighed, the call of her petname puffing between the two of them. It was then that (Y/N) blinked her eyes open, already looking more exhausted than she had just a moment ago. "Are they always like this? Painful?" he prodded. He would hate to find out that this wasn't the first time she'd visited him while on her period and hid the symptoms.
"No, not always," she murmured, looking up at him, "Its only every once in a while that my cramps get really bad like this. I usually just try to stay home if they are, but I really wanted to see you this weekend." 
A heavy sigh worked its way out of Harry's lungs as he looked down at his heart's face cradled in his hands. Streaks of gold tinted her aura, honesty shining through, with an uncomfortable orange biting at the edges that showed him she still wasn't quite settled after the last string of cramps that rattled her body. Even her hold on him seemed shaky, as if it was taking every bit of her strength to keep her arms looped around him after exhaustion seeped into her muscles. 
"C'mere," he beckoned her, making a slow trail of his hands down her form until he was unraveling her knotted fingers from where they were placed behind his back and lacing them between his own. 
(Y/N) pliantly allowed him to guide her to the edge of his bed. He sat her down gently on the mattress before he crouched between her legs, knees hitting the wood floor of his cottage with his heels propped up under his bottom. Harry looked up at her with his hands warming her thighs, eyes matching her own so he could gauge her aura. 
Even without the colors radiating from her form, the creases lining her features, bags under her eyes, and the declining slope of her shoulders told him all he needed to know about how the last twenty-four hours hadgone for her. 
"Y'look so tired, dove. Why haven't y'told me sooner about this?" Harry pressed, his fingertips denting into the soft flesh of her thighs, borrowed sweatpants giving way under his grip. 
Dropping her gaze to his hands on her thighs, (Y/N) let out a bubble of laughter though the sound didn't give any light to her eyes like normal. "I thought you were always supposed to think I'm pretty; isn't that what soulmates are for?" 
"No, sunshine, you know I don't mean it like that. Always, always, always so beautiful; breaks my heart to see you sometimes, it feels so full," Harry rambled, immediately reassuring her with the truth on instinct. He even leaned up and into her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "All I meant," he continued, "was that y'don't look as happy as y'usually do. Don't like seeing y'sad." 
A quiet shrug rocked (Y/N)'s shoulders. "I couldn't sleep well last night—I didn't feel good. And I woke up way too early today, but as soon as the cramps started I wasn't able to go back to sleep so I've just been waiting to come over." 
A pout pushed at Harry's lips, "I wish y'had told me over the sunflow—" 
"But it's embarrassing, H." 
"I don't see how it's embarrassing at all, sunshine, really. 'S natural." Harry didn't allow his gaze to stray from hers at all, wanting to make sure she knew that what he was saying was gospel as far as he was concerned. "Growing up with m'sister and mum, and all the women in our coven, 's not like I've never been around this. It was never anything any of them were ashamed of, either. The moon was gifting them with their connection to our Earth, in a way that only someone like you and m'family could handle. Stars know, I could never be as brave as you are to go through this every month, and yet here you are. 'S nothing y'need to be ashamed of or embarrassed about—especially around me, my love." 
Her features softened as she listened to him, her glowing aura growing gentle along with her. Baby pinks and soothed greens made their appearance around her form. 
"I didn't think about it like that," (Y/N) mumbled, peeking through her lashes to match his gaze, "I don't know why I was worried you would be weird about it, I'm sorry." 
His smile bloomed over his mouth and stretched his cheeks as he ran his palms in a soothing circuit along her thighs. "Dovie, I've been around way too long to grossed out about something like this. You've got nothing to worry about." Harry stood to the full of his height between her legs, boots settling on the wood grain of his floor. "Now, c'mere," he beckoned to her, arms opening up wide, "Gotta hug me properly now after that." 
(Y/N) rose to her feet with a smile so airy and relaxed Harry felt his heart bloat. He liked knowing that he could be one of the reasons that she released that tension that had followed her out of the bathroom. Just as promised, she wrapped her arms around his middle in an affectionate hug, hands slipping under the hem of his shirt and splaying across the small of his back in the skin-to-skin contact they always craved after spending time apart. Harry felt his own muscles practically liquify at the feeling, her nails skimming his skin in a gentle brush that he recognized as her.
Stooping down just enough, Harry was able to comfortably cuddle her against his body with his arms barred around her shoulders and his face in her hair. A gentle smattering of kisses was placed at the crown of her head, the garden outside the window growing in mirroring plots. Breathing came easier when she was in his arms. 
Settling his cheek on the top of her head, Harry allowed his eyes to flutter to a close. As much as he loved having her cuddled up like this—flush against his body as their chests swayed in tandem as they breathed—he couldn't get the look of her exhausted gaze out of his mind. 
Though he tried to maintain as much contact as he could, Harry slipped his arms from around her, taking a careful step back before he grabbed for her hands to tangle his fingers through. "Cuddle?" he asked her, looking down at his Fated, their matching polished fingers bundled between them. 
A light returned to her irises at his line of question, nodding her head with the edges of her mouth turning up into a quirked smile. It was Harry's pleasure guiding her onto his creaking mattress, the fluffiest of his pillows being used to cushion her head before Harry followed through on his proposition.
The air was a little too warm to call for the need of the quilt stretched over his mattress, but that didn't deter Harry from becoming his own version of a human duvet with a heavy arm falling across (Y/N)'s waist. The span of his palm was splayed across the small of her back as he pulled her close to his chest. It was her that tucked her face under his chin, nose nudging the dip in his collarbones just before she hooked her ankle around his own and tangled their legs. 
Fisting his shirt in her grip, (Y/N) relaxed into the cradle of his hold, Harry watching as she finally seemed to relax in what appeared to be for the first time in the last twenty-four hours if she'd been experiencing those cramps all night long. He kept his hold on her steady as he felt her energy level out, her body being lulled into what he would charm into being a restful sleep. 
Just as he felt the blink of her aura beginning to soothe itself out while she slept, (Y/N) flared awake with a tense in her back and her breath being stolen. Instinctively, she moved as if intending to curl in on herself if Harry hadn't been there to block her movements. 
"Oh, sunshine," he crooned, the words being lost in the strands of hair on the top of her head as he held her that much tighter. 
His hand on her back worked a soothing circuit along her spine, willing all of the comforting energy he could muster without a true incantation into his hand so he could push away some of pain coursing through her system. A furrow pinched his brow as the ache lingered in her bones, not quite releasing her just yet. What he wouldn't give to take this pain from her; he'd bear the burden of the cramps and exhaustion himself if he knew she wouldn't have to experience the hardest parts of this gift every month. 
Harry knew the worst of it was over for the moment when she sunk deeply into the mattress under them, her body somehow feeling heavier after that moment, her nose nudging against his collarbones as she let out a heavy breath. 
"If I could," he murmured to her, lips pressing against the crown of her head, "I would take all this away. Hate seeing y'in so much pain." 
"I know you would, H," she whispered, voice as heavy as her muscles, "And if you ever figure out how, I won't stop you." 
That brought a smile to his face at her tiny joke. It would be his lifelong mission if it came to that—finding some kind of mystical cure to what she was enduring. 
Harry didn't stop his hand from the running circuit on her back as she settled into a hopefully more successful attempt at sleeping. He stayed that way even when he felt her energy lull into a true rest. A murmured spell into her hairline ensured she would only experience comforting, happy dreams for as long as she slept with another incantation following after that would keep her resting until most of her exhaustion finally fled from her system.  
Watching over her head, the shadows around his cottage shifted and changed as the sun traced its path in the sky. Never once did Harry dare to move from the cocoon he made around his lover's body. Even when (Y/N) rolled around in his hold, pillow fluffing under her head and duvet mussing around her form, he stayed just where he was when she settled with her back clumsily pressed against his chest. Now his hand laid gentle over her stomach, the soothing energy he could manifest into his palm now working on the knot that lingered and tightened with every ache that wracked through her system. 
He only bothered with a wave of his hand when Bonnie began to whine at the screen door to be let in followed by Dande hopping behind her. His girls had grown to love (Y/N), too, so he wasn't surprised to see Bonnie nose at her arm that hung over the edge of the bed, licking at her palm just once before his lion settled into a roll on the floor, eyes on the front door as she played guard for the night. Dande took quiet steps over the creaking mattress, her budding nose puffing  as she sniffed over Harry's hand on (Y/N)'s tummy, her ears twitching. Peaking over (Y/N)'s form, Dandelion gave him a look that only his intuitive bunny could manage, as if she was well aware of what was going on and was worried like Harry. He watched with a small smile as Dande made herself into a ball that conformed with the shape of (Y/N)'s sleeping body, padding herself against the ache in (Y/N)'s tummy like she knew. 
Having all of his girls together—both of his pets even taking on a portion of helping ease (Y/N)—made Harry's heart feel so full he feared it would steal his breath. If his Flame hadn't been feeling so down in the dumps today, he would think of this as the most perfect moment, the kind that he didn't even know he had been yearning for all those years alone.
But, knowing (Y/N) was alright now, soothed enough that she could fall into a deep sleep, he felt himself being drawn into the dreamland she was currently visiting. With Dandelion standing guard at (Y/N)'s tummy and Bonnie being the protector of the front door, he figured he could take a moment and nap with his Flame.
Hopefully, he would find her even in his dreams. 
It was Dande that cut his nap short as she plodded over the pillows until she was puffing her nose in Harry's face and nudging him awake. He fluttered his eyes open to the still waning sun, long shadows dancing around his cottage with (Y/N) still protected against his chest just as she had been when he fell asleep. Bonnie was a steady presence that he could just barely see over the edge of the bed, not having moved much from when he had last had his eyes opened. 
Dandelion was the only one to have moved, looking down at him from where she stood on his pillows. "What's wrong?" he murmured to her, voice deep and dredged in sleep. 
His bunny only shuffled her feet on the cushion, ears twitching. Her puffing nose never relented, dark gaze still attached to Harry as if he should have already read her mind. 
"Is there anything wrong, or did y'jus' miss me?" Harry pressed. He wouldn't be surprised to find out she was only missing the attention he gave her, and woke him up because of it.
Instead of the humph he was expecting from her, she gave a gentle thump with her back foot to the pillow under his head. If she had brows he knew they would be downturned to match grumpy attitude she was giving him. 
"Dandelion," he sighed, tightening his hold on (Y/N), "If you're grumpy that we're napping, 'm sorry, but I can let y'outside if y'want. (Y/N) needs her sleep, honey, we need to let her." 
The little bunny didn't move from her grumped perch, only shuffling her paws. Harry was just about to shoo her away, urge her to cuddle up against (Y/N) again or conjure up something fun for her to play with outside if she was so bored, until she let out that huff he'd been waiting for before leaning down and nibbling at a stray curl of his splayed over the pillow. 
A gentle tug was felt at his scalp as she pulled on the strands, just enough to get Harry's attention. The pieces clicked together then, her grumpy attitude making complete sense. 
"You're hungry?" he asked her, his voice coming out on a laugh, "Is that what you're all upset about, Dande? Could've told me, I can put something together for you, ju—" 
Before he could finish his offer, Dandelion stopped nibbling at his hair and instead rubbed her face over the top of (Y/N)'s head, her cheek smushing against the crown. Harry watched her for a second, trying to piece together this second set of information. 
"Do y'want (Y/N) to make you f—No? That's not it?" If bunnies could roll their eyes, Harry knew Dandelion wouldn't hesitate to spare his feelings. It was when she gave a short nibble to the pillowcase before twitching her ears in (Y/N)'s direction that Harry (hopefully) caught onto what Dande was trying to tell him. "(Y/N)'s hungry?" 
The little perk up in Dandelion's posture told him all he needed to know, even if he swore her eyes were telling him Duh! 
"Thank y'for telling me, honey," he cooed to her, reaching his free hand out from under his head and gentle patting between his bunny's ears. 
He didn't doubt her intuition, his Dandelion. More often than not, she was smarter than him anyway, so he didn't bother to grill her on how exactly she knew (Y/N) was hungry and that Harry needed to know immediately so he could fix that. He only gave her a lingering brush of his fingers between her perked ears that made her eyes blink to a slow close before he made careful work of removing himself from the bed. 
Harry gently unwrapped himself from around his Flame in a careful extraction, ensuring she wasn't jostled too much and stayed content in her sleep. Dandelion made her place against (Y/N)'s side, keeping her company again now that Harry knew how dire the situation was. 
Bonnie barely lifted her head from where it rested on her paws as Harry stepped over the floorboards, a grin blooming on his face that could rival the sunflowers growing along the shingles of his roof. Bathed in the buttered sunlight, the most important facets of Harry's life were threaded together on his bed. Dandelion was now happily sprawled out in comfort, feet kicked out beside (Y/N) with Bonnie being the perfect roll by the bed, the sleepiest protector. (Y/N) was still the vision of serenity as his charms were taking perfect care of her, letting his heart rest and dream perfect dreams. 
He couldn't help himself before he clicked his fingers, his gifted polaroid—arguably his most valuable and favorite possession along with his record player and vinyl collection—was summoned to him. The yellow camera was heavy in his hands as he brought the viewfinder to his eye, the vision in front of him now warped. The click and shutter of the camera going off was the only sound to fill the room before the film was printing from the slot at the front. Harry was quick to grab for it, clicking his camera back to its safe spot in his closet with a snap of his fingers. 
The photo developed slowly, though Harry's grin didn't waver as he waited. Once it came all together, he was granted with the perfect vision of what lie before him, frozen in time and his to keep for the rest of his existence. The lens had perfectly picked up on the slight gap to (Y/N)'s lips, short puffs of air falling from between them as she dreamt her sweetened dreams. Baby hairs were pasted to her temples, the strands kissing at the frame of her face the way he loved to do. The whole vision was bathed in golden tones, the perfect glimmering light that caught the high points of her face and pinged off the tips of her bare lashes as she slept with her cheek smushed into his pillow. Around her were the woodland guardians that made up the rest of Harry's small family. Bonnie emulated a warm cinnamon roll perched on the floor, slacking on her guard lion duties as she slept the afternoon away, with Dandelion a puff of white fur cuddling into (Y/N)'s tummy with a puffing nose and twitchy ears. 
Harry's heart swelled as he took in every detail. With a brush of his fingertips along the edge of the film, the photo was brought to life. The golden light filtering through the window now gleamed in sunspots over (Y/N)'s hair and sparkled as it hit the highpoints of her face. The shadows shifted as the flowers outside gently swayed in the summer breeze. It was perfect—the perfect dream that would come to Harry's mind if he had been charmed into having the most pleasant of dreams. 
Padding across the floor, being mindful of the creakiest of his floorboards, Harry made his way to the wall facing his bed. Along the wall was shimmering vines that grew in celebration of the love he held for his Flame, flowers twinkling with points of light dotted across the flora. In the gaps of the growth was all the photos he had pinned to his wall, moments with (Y/N) or his pets, shots of his garden and the moon that he never wanted to forget. Each frame displayed that moment in time on repeat—(Y/N) twirling in the meadow outside his cottage, Dandelion trying to shove her namesake plant in her mouth, Bonnie circling his feet with a whipping tail. This new photo found its place just beside a picture of (Y/N) making a kissy face at him through the lens, the frame showing off the way she laughed after making the pose. 
A broad grin made its way onto his face, dimples deep in his cheeks, smile lines creasing his face, as he trailed his gaze along the wall. Wasn't he a lucky, lucky man? 
Casting a short glance over his shoulder, he found (Y/N) still cuddled into his bed, serenely sleeping away the exhaustion that tainted her features. Dande was happily snuggled against her mom's tummy, though that didn't stop her from throwing side-eyes in Harry's direction. He knew that if she could talk, she would no doubt be hounding him for taking too long on following through her what she told him. She's still hungry, you know, he could picture her prattling off, Just because you took a picture of us doesn't mean you can get distracted.
The attitude of that little thing. He had a plan, no reason to worry. (Y/N) was going to be well taken care of, no doubt. 
Harry allowed one last lingering glance across his wall of art, before he was silently stepping away.  He needed to find his spell book, see if there was anything in there that could help ease the discomfort of (Y/N)'s cramps and hopefully gently help her through the next week. The spell he had in mind before, the incantation that instinctively came to the forefront of his mind the first second he saw her tense and in pain wouldn't be much help as she didn't have any physical wounds to heal. He needed something that would soothe her internally. 
Reaching under his bed with a careful pet to Bonnie's head, he found his large, leather bound spell book. Inside held every word that guided him through his life as a witch. His most favorite chapters were clearly marked with the worn corners and edges of the paper, those pages surely detailing out any romantic spellwork that could be performed between a witch and their Flame. Though he instinctively gravitated towards those pages, he stopped himself before he could become distracted with the looping handwriting of an ancestor he'd never met, but had the same privilege as he in meeting their soulmate. 
Instead, he followed the fading index at the front of the book, looking for healing and soothing spells and rituals. The chapter glossary directed him to "Spells needed during a Blood Moon Cycle" (which is very different from spells that are used during a Blood Moon, as many witches have made the mistake and come up with very differing results). Inside were spells he remembered his sister vaguely using, or the many other witches in his coven as he grew up, though he never felt the need to memorize them. 
Harry flipped through the pages, scanning over the results while he waited for the perfectly right spell to pop up. Short rituals to help with mood swings? No, she doesn't need that he didn't think. A spell to ward off the cycle all together? A little too late for that it seemed. A salve to help heal hormonal breakouts? Glancing at (Y/N)'s glowing skin, Harry figured he wouldn't need to worry about that one, especially if she didn't ask for it first. 
Potions to help with cramps? Perfect! 
Harry thumbed to the page, taking in the first slew of ingredients. Reading it over, this particular potion seemed a little too ancient to execute, especially with the use of a Harper's Nest being called for. (No Harpers had been seen in centuries, let alone any remaining nests on Earth). Flicking to the backside of the same page, he found a much more familiar recipe. 
Reading it over, Harry pinged where the ingredients were in his head, a map forming of all the places he would need to slip off to before (Y/N) woke. He wanted to have it warm and ready for her the second she woke up, the tea-like potion something for her to sip on while he made dinner. That was how he found himself pressing a gentle kiss to (Y/N)'s forehead before trying his best to avoid the creaky floorboards of his cottage as he made his way outside. 
The recipe he had stowed away in his brain directed him to his garden first, finding the short stalks of chamomile flowers that started popping up once he added daisies to his plots. Muttering a quiet thank you to his plants, he tugged out a grouping of the flowers, a tiny bouquet forming in his hands of the white flowers. Digging through the rest of his garden, he pulled some nettle leaves carefully from the bunch, ensuring he didn't accidentally sting himself with the pointed greens. 
With his growing potion in hand, Harry left the meadow of his home with a quick glance behind him to ensure (Y/N) was still safe and sound asleep. He didn't love leaving her alone, but he needed to grab this one last ingredient then he could once again join her. Scavenging around the area past the tree line, Harry found the bushel he was looking for just past one of the bigger trees that helped hide the view to his clearing. 
Instead of a tall, limbering tree like most cherry plants, Harry searched the ground for a small bush staying close to the strongest roots of the large tree. Underneath all of the low hanging greens were pert little cherries. The bright red hue stuck out starkly against the green of their leaves and the dirt path they bordered. Plucking off a few pairs of the fruits, Harry grinned when he saw just what he had been looking for. 
These cherries had abandoned the regular rounded shape of their cousins long ago, instead following the pattern of the sky and molding their flesh into the shape of the stars above them. Since they grew so low to the ground, the only way to reach the kind of light needed to grow, was from the twinkling stars that peeked through the brush. The starlight gave the fruits their own special properties, especially as they became so in sync with the moon cycle, making it perfect for what Harry was hoping to do with his potion. 
Harry made quick work of navigating through the trees, finding his way back to his heart. (Y/N) was sound asleep still as he crossed the threshold, Bonnie being the only one to acknowledge his presence as she lifted her head from where it rested on her paws with half hooded eyes. 
Feeling the energy of his little family behind him, Harry happily got to work in the kitchen. His mortar and pestle were the first stop in making his tea, the chamomile flowers and nettles going in first before he began to grind them together. The petals of the flowers fell apart and mixed with the green leaves, leaving streaks of yellow from the center and fragrant punches of their floral aroma to linger in the air. A quick flick of his fingers allowed for the paste to begin drying, becoming crumbly and perfect for the teabags he was to scoop them in. As he allowed the process to take place, next was steeping of the cherries on the stove to make the perfect tart base for her tea, the cherries hopefully covering up the bitter nettle taste. The starlight berries floated in the slowly boiling water on the stove, tinting everything pink as the color seeped from the flesh and allowing dews of starlight to trickle through. 
Stirring through the beginnings of the tea, Harry watched in awe of the stars twinkling through, creating vortexes with a spin of his spoon. If he looked close enough, he'd bet there were galaxies forming in the pot.
A delicate sigh sounded from behind him before the springs of his mattress creaked under movement. Peeking over his shoulder, he found (Y/N) adjusting herself in her sleep, though he could tell from he beat of her energy she wouldn't be sleeping for too much longer. The sun had made its way down low to the horizon, taking them farther from the lunchtime she had missed and closer to dinner where he planned on taking care of her before entertaining her until she found sleep once more. 
With her tea warming and the paste that would fill the teabags drying under an imaginary sun, Harry got to work on the dinner he was set to make for her. She always loved the soups he made for her, just behind the fresh pastries he was trying his hand at after becoming obsessed with a bakery in town. But, he figured he didn't really have enough time to make the perfectly layered and flaky croissant right now, so soup it was. 
With a pot warming up stock on the stove next to her simmering tea (the stars had become so plentiful that the dark liquid was beginning to shimmer like the night sky), the sound of Harry chopping vegetables and portioning out the ingredients filled the room. If not for (Y/N)'s sleeping, he would have flicked his record player on, Elton John being on tonight's turntable. Instead, he kept his focus on the moving parts going on in his kitchen. 
Wild rice, potatoes, peas, and yogurt were the first editions to his soup, letting everything soften and warm while he took care of the final steps of (Y/N)'s tea. With a wave of his fingers, tiny, cloth teabags were summoned to his workstation. As he spooned the chamomile and nettle mixture into the bags, Harry flicked his gaze to the windowsill in front of him, a handful of his crystals having been charging in the day's sun. Spotting the small shard of amethyst that shown a velvety purple in the darkening sky beside the cluster of celestite that matched the baby blue tones of morning sunshine, Harry deviated from the original spell for just a moment. Plucking the pair of crystals, Harry added them to what would be (Y/N)'s serving of the tea, allowing their healing properties to seep into the cherry sweet base of her drink. 
Setting a pair of mugs aside, Harry spooned the cherry drink into the ceramic first, (Y/N)'s carefully taken care of in a special cow printed mug she loved drinking out of when she came over. Her teabag was left to steep inside while Harry's was pushed off to the side in wait of whenever (Y/N) was ready and awake. With a flick of his wrist and a short spell muttered under his breath, the helpings of tea were charmed to stay warm in their mugs no matter how much time passed. His focus shifted to the now warmed soup, the bit of magic he cast that helped in the process of softening the vegetables and cooking the rice brought them to just the perfect temperature as he whisked his spoon through the creamy mixture. 
While bubbles simmered to the surface, Harry distracted himself with the herb garden he had growing just along the sill of his glassless window. As he plucked at the bunches of sage and thyme, Harry almost missed the sound of the bed creaking, a pulse in (Y/N)'s energy signaling she was awake. Dropping the seasonings to the counter, a bright grin took over Harry's features. 
Turning on his heel, his heart beat just a bit faster as he took in the way her messy hair was fluffed around her face as she knuckled at her eye. A slight furrow pinched at her brow as she sat up, Dandelion none too happy with the change in position though it only took her a moment to take advantage of the warm spot (Y/N) left behind. 
"Hi, sunshine," he sighed, voice soft as he rounded the peninsula counter of his kitchen to be closer to his love. 
"Hi," she muttered, voice giving away just how groggy she was with a grumble to her tone. 
"How'd y'sleep, dove?" Harry asked, shuffling to crouch in front of where she sat on the edge of his bed. Gentle hands landed on the thick of her thighs, palms warming her skin through the fabric of her borrowed sweats. 
Her hooded eyes blinked slowly at him as she ran a hand through her hair. "Good—way better than last night," she murmured, a smile tugging at her sleep-dredged features, "Did you put a spell on me or something? Because I even had those good dreams of you and I." 
That would never get old, Harry decided; every time he put a sweet dream charm on her, she always shared that those dreams typically consisted of the two of them, lounging or kissing or whatever els her mind conjured up to make her sleep sweet. 
"Maybe," Harry mused, a quiet shrug of his shoulders being the only answer she needed, "Dande told me y'were hungry, is that true?" 
(Y/N) gazed down at him with a pinch in her brow at the mention of the bunny's name. "How did she know that?" 
"I don't know, love," Harry started, flicking his gaze to the sleeping rabbit behind her, "She knows things that I don't think I'll ever understand. I stopped questioning her a long time ago." 
He could see the way (Y/N) accepted the answer, just as she did when he exposed himself as a witch. There wasn't much else that could shock someone, even an intuitive bunny rabbit that somehow knew about their owner's eating habits. "I mean, in my dream you were making me breakfast for a while, so maybe she picked up on that. Are you making dinner?" 
A bubbling nod caused Harry's curls to flop over his forehead. "Mhm," he hummed, "I've got some soup going, and I made y'some tea that's supposed to help with your tummy, if y'wanted to try it." 
Harry's pride only expanded as he watched her perk up at the mention of tonight's menu. "What kind of tea is it?" 
Delivering one last squeeze to the mid of her thigh, he stood to the full of his height between her legs with a broad smile on his face. "It was something m'sister used to make when she wasn't feeling well during her Moon Cycle," he explained to her as he moved to the kitchen, her special cow printed mug warming his hands as he took it to her. 
The tea shimmered in his hold, the teabag having sunk to the bottom of the mixture leaving the starry liquid to shine under the waning sunlight. (Y/N) awed when she saw the glimmering light coming from her mug, her careful fingers wrapping around the ceramic, grazing over Harry's hand as he passed it off. 
"How did you get stars in here?" she asked, voice hushed as if afraid to disturb the vision in her cup. 
"There's this kind of cherry that only grows under starlight, and whenever it's used like this, stars spill right out of it. I thought y'would like it," he told her, sitting beside her on the edge of his bed as he awaited her reaction to the first sip. 
With the mug nestled in her hands, (Y/N) carefully brought it to her mouth for a taste, eyes brightening as soon as the first splash hit her tongue. Two more large gulps later, a broad grin covered Harry's features. She liked it. 
"Harry," she bubbled, starlight glimmering on the pillow of her bottom lip before her tongue peeked out to swipe it away, "this is so good! Try some!" 
Harry could have melted away as he watched her offer him her mug, the tea that he has specially crafted to aid her cramps swirling in the cup. "I've got m'own waiting over there, but thank you, sunshine. I want y'to drink the whole thing before we have dinner, alright?" His words came out as a clear direction as he left her to finished her mug on his bed, his soup and bundled herbs calling to him before they burned. "M'book says two servings should cure you of your cramps until the end of the Moon Cycle." 
At the mention of dinner, Harry saw (Y/N)'s features brighten further. It was nice seeing her come back to herself after the scare she gave him. "What soup are you making?" 
Her eyes followed him into the kitchen, gaze dropping to his hands as he worked on the sage leaves and sprigs of thyme he was working into the soup. "Your favorite," he told her with a smile over his shoulder. 
She practically bounced on the edge of the mattress, the springs creaking. "The rice one? With the peas and everything? 
"That's the one," he told her, dropping the herbs and various seasonings he had portioned out into the simmering pot. 
"Oh, Harry," she crooned, the pout he was sure she had on her face evident in her voice, "You didn't have to do all this." 
Harry was quick to shoo off her remark with a wave of his hand, his attention directed on the stirring of the soup. "I don't have to do anything, sunshine, but I want to do this for you. Tears me up inside to see y'so upset and in pain over something that shouldn't be a punishment. I jus' want to make y'happier, love, that's all 'm trying to do." 
When he didn't hear any response for a moment, a pinch quirked Harry's brows. He hoped he hadn't made her upset; if she really didn't want him to do all of this for her, she only needed to tell him and he'd back off. Looking over his shoulder, he ended up finding her with a pair of watery eyes and a pout of her lips. 
"I love you," she peeped out between her puffed lips, the sentiment small as it hung in the air between them. 
"Sunshine," Harry sighed, abandoning his soup in favorite of catering to his flame, "C'mere." He beckoned to her with arms opened wide as he rounded the kitchen counter. (Y/N) was quick to move into his arms, her own looping around his middle with her face tucked against his chest. 
Burying his nose into her hair, Harry carefully ran his hands in a circuit along her back, soothing circles burrowing under her skin and relaxing her system. He cradled her against his chest as he cooed to her, reciprocating her sentiment of love and calming her from the tears that threatened to lead over her waterline. Her breathing came in watery puffs against his chest, the warm air leaking through his top and caressing his skin. He paid close attention to the pacing of her exhales, ensuring that she was feeling less on edge by the time he pulled back from her. Maybe, he would have to revisit the ritual he saw earlier for mood swings. 
"Feeling a little teary today, too?" he asked her, voice a quiet croon between just the two of them. 
"Yeah, I guess so," (Y/N) breathed out a laugh against his chest, "Its not usually this bad though. You're just being too sweet, it caught me off guard." 
A gentle kiss was pressed to the top of her head, the strands of her hair brushing against his nose and tickling his cheeks. "I didn't mean to make y'cry, sunshine—jus' love y'so much, that's all." 
"I know," she sighed. Her arms around his middle tightened as she spoke the words that without fail made him feel like he was joining the moon and becoming a star with only the purpose of floating through the sky and shining bright for all to see: "I love you, too, Harry. Best thing that ever happened to me." 
A smile bloomed across his features as he buried his face in her hair. His eyes fluttered to a contented close as he took in the moment, his heart feeling complete with his lover right in his arms and the best thing she could ever say to him echoing in his ears. "You're gonna make me cry now, if you're not careful. Not gonna be able to finish making dinner when y'get me teary like this, you know that."
That got (Y/N)'s attention as she pulled back from Harry's chest just enough to look up at him. "But, I'm still hungry," she pouted, a teasing glint sparking across her now dry eyes. 
"I know," he smiled down at her, ducking his head to nudge his nose against hers in a puppy's kiss, "That's why you've gotta be gentle with me. Can't really take care of y'when 'm all weepy cause you're being sweet on me." 
(Y/N) let out a quiet laugh that transformed her features, softened every curve and adding creases to her eyes and lines around her mouth. Her eyes were dreamy and far away as she looked up at him. "Fine," she relented on a sigh, "Kiss before you go back to work?" 
Harry didn't even try to stand up against the pucker of her lips, immediately stretching his neck and pressing his mouth to hers in a heart-mending kiss. Though the contact was nothing more than an innocent press, Harry still felt his heart thump, urging itself to runaway as he pulled back. 
With a final nudge from (Y/N) pushing him towards the kitchen and the soup that was simmering away on the stove, it was with a smile quirking the corners of his lips and a heart trying to lift up to the clouds that he finished up the nights meal. Herbs and spices were added to the mixture, fragrancing the air with notes of sage and warm thyme. By the time he had developed the flavor he was looking for, he couldn't dole out the servings fast enough as he felt (Y/N)'s eyes on his back. 
Chunks of a crusty baguette he had hidden away in his bread box were portioned out for both bowls, (Y/N) given the bigger serving as he carefully moved to sit beside her on his bed. His minimalist cottage allowed for the pair of them to cozy up on his bed with the nest of his duvet fluffed around them, a dining table not necessary in Harry's mind when he could be close to (Y/N) like this instead. 
With her legs crossed underneath her, (Y/N) settled the warm bowl in her lap, peas and potato chunks floating around in the creamy soup, bright spots of green herbs ribboning through the mixture. Harry waited for her opinion on the soup first, watching her take her first bite while he absently flicked his hand to summon his helping of tea (that he was going to end up giving to (Y/N) as it seemed she had already finished her first mug). 
With a spoonful loaded with the wild rice and bright vegetables, (Y/N) took a careful bite. The smile that brightened her face, brows raised and eyes wide made Harry's chest puff with pride. 
"This is even better than last time, H," she beamed, spooning out another bite though her attention was pinned to him, "Did you do anything different?" 
Harry shook is head, curls flopping over his forehead at the motion. "No, jus' tried extra hard to make it good for you. Feeling any better with the tea and everything?" 
An excited nod of (Y/N)'s head sent her own hair a flutter, strands having escaped the twist she had put it in. Swallowing down her bite of dinner, she flicked her eyes to the extra mug of tea Harry had in his hand. Without thinking, he offered it to her with a silent question, urging her to wrap her fingers around the handle and take a sip. 
"I still feel a little icky," she said, throat bobbing as she swallowed down her seeing of starlight, "But way better than yesterday. Thank you for helping me." 
(Y/N) hadn't been paying attention as she brought another spoonful of soup to her mouth, going a bit haywire with a bump to her lip and causing a dribble of the mixture to land on the point of her chin and smear over the side of her mouth. Harry breathed out a laugh, bringing his hand up to her chin before swiping away the mess with the pad off is thumb. 
"That's what 'm here for, sunshine," he cemented through his smile, bringing his thumb to his mouth to lick off the mess he had cleaned for her. 
Her cheeks went warm as she watched him, aura matching with a cozy yellow and rosy pink that was his favorite combination to see haloing her form. 
"Sorry I'm not being any fun tonight, I'm just still so tired." 
Harry watched with adoration swimming in his gaze as (Y/N) yawned before snuggling deeper under the covers stretched over his bed. Two empty mugs with residual stardust lingering in the bottom sat in his sink, and only a single helping left of the wild rice soup was stowed away and chilling in the refrigerator. (Y/N) had been effectively wined and dined, her system warmed and loosened enough that it had taken very little convincing on Harry's part to suggest that they head to bed early that night. Both Bonnie and Dandelion had embarked on their own adventures halfway through dinner, bored with watching their parents give each other lovey eyes and coo to one another. They would be back, he was sure, they couldn't stand to be too far from (Y/N) when she visited overnight. 
"Don't be sorry, Dovie," he told her climbing into bed beside her, "I don't blame you. Healing takes a lot out of you, and 'm sure it's not easy during your Moon Cycle." 
(Y/N) answered in a quiet sigh as Harry wrapped his arms around her. Her own arms were bundled between them, fingertips just barely brushing along the line of his collarbone. Just holding her, Harry could feel a thread of tenseness that had leaked back into her system, the tea and soup having done enough to relax her muscles, but nothing could completely erase the discomfort that came with feeling parts of your insides leave your body in a not so pleasant process. 
With a wave of his fingers behind her shoulder, Harry queued his record player up, a Bread record spinning on the turntable. Soft notes of Baby I'm-A Want You filtered through the cottage, blending with the gentle sound of the swaying breeze that blew just outside. Using the cover of the song to muffle the spell he recited over (Y/N)'s head, Harry enchanted his hands with the charm of a healing touch. A warmth touched at his palms, spreading through to his fingers until there was a level of heat that simmered under his skin. It was a touch uncomfortable for him, a sensation he wasn't used to, but was more than willing to go through if it was going to help (Y/N) finally be pulled from the turmoil her body was putting her through. 
The reaction was almost immediate as he pressed his hands to the expanse of her back. Muscles shifted and liquified, the arch and ache of her bones softened, and the stiff set of her body curled and sunk into the mattress and his arms. 
"Its like you're a heating pad or something. Already feeling so much better now that you're holding me." (Y/N) mumbled words were smeared against the slope of his throat, a broad smile touching at his lips. 
Sure, he could explain to her that he had actually cast a healing spell on his hands, tell her that it wasn't anything more than a clever charm that would wear off through the night—or, he could keep her thinking that his touch by itself was healing her, his presence just the antidote she needed. Maybe it was a bit selfish to go with the second option, but not harmful at all, Harry decided with a quiet smile.
Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he continued his circuit over her back, occasionally playing with the ends of her stray hairs and drawing affectionate shapes across the planes of her back. Despite the short nap he had taken that afternoon, feeling her so close to him brought out a serenity that was hard to ignore, even when he hadn't started out the cuddle session tired at all. 
"What song is this?" (Y/N) murmured, her words slurred and half asleep, just as they usually were when she needed that final shove of his calming voice to lull her to her dreams. And she knew nothing got him talking like music did. 
"'S this song by Bread—" 
Harry breathed out a laugh that ruffled the hair on the crown of her head. God, he loved her. No one could make him laugh like she did. 
"I know, 's a weird one, isn't it? But, this album came out in '71, I think, and..."
its been so long since I posted something for citrine so im so excited for everyone to revisit their story!!! thank u sm for reading and sorry for any mistakes!! if you have any ideas or requests of your own please send them in!
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Sonic AU Stuff 4, because yes, there's still more
Amy and her parents live in Station Square, though both Secea and Murve are less than happy with their daughter's habits of chasing a boy and getting into trouble. Her uncle Bramble thinks she's got a better head on her shoulders than her parents over these actions
Cream has 9 sisters(Waffle, Margarine, Frittata, Muffin, Éclair, Scone, and Biscuit, who are all older. Coffee, who's Cream's older twin, and Pancake), though they all live with her dad, whom Vanilla divorced(because Cone specifically singled out Cream and neglected/physically abused her).
After the Metal Virus is cured, Team Chaotix heads off quickly to visit Vector's folks and Espio's old village. Vector worries his parents are going to tell him off for sometimes hiding the bills from the IRS with help from Rouge. Espio worries his siblings(two older, three younger) are going to harm Charmy and/or Vector for leading him away from "pure assassination work" or his "cover work as a detective"
After the events of Chaotix, Mighty and Ray ended up making a team with up-and-coming fashion designer, Honey. After Neo Metal is stopped and Sonic mentions team names to his old friends, due to coloration, the armadillo, flying squirrel, and cat decide to name themselves "Team Amber"
Super Sonic's quills are a mix of the "standing straight up" and Shadow's. The top three float, the bottom three bend upwards
After the two Storybook games, both Super states(positive and negative) are affected. "Regular" Super Sonic gains the pointed shoes and red forehead gem/possible bindi(like Blaze) of Excalibur Sonic, whereas Dark Super Sonic(which doesn't happen until after Darkspine happens) gains a small lick of fire on the chest(signalling how close the Flame of Judgement was to burning out) and gaining a ring pattern on the upper middle quill and lower side quills. Top has purple, left has red, and right has green, all glowing to contrast again the dark blue, near midnight color the rest of his fur turns
Since she's originally from the Chaos Dimension, Blaze has a Super State outside of Burning Blaze. In reverse, the Sol Emeralds(or how they're going to be called in this AU, the Elemental Citrines) would not work for Sonic
During the Black Arm invasion, Shadow ended up giving some of his blood to Rouge, Amy, Cream, and Big, which gives them minor immunity to the neurotoxin on the Black Comet
Due to being a hive mind of sorts, Black Arms don't have blood types, hence why their blood is much more acidic than Earth blood. Shadow's original donor on the other hand had A- blood. Due to these two factors, Shadow essentially has O- blood
Solaris was killed by Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, rather than Elise. They also when back 25 years rather than just 10. With Solaris' candelabra, Shadow blew out the left arm, Silver the right, and Sonic the final, full Flame. Silver wished them good well before all 3 return to their times
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citrinesparkles · 1 year
citrine!! currently sending you a belated congratulations on your graduation! that's so exciting and such a huge accomplishment!!
and yeah the weather has brought me a lot of melancholy and nostalgia. there's been lots of mourning for my teenage years and a yearning for large bodies of water!!
i feel like such a fraud for not having watched the new little women adaptation--but i just haven't gotten around to it!! everyone always recommends it but now it feels like an assignment and my brain keeps procrastinating it... but now after hearing how emotional it made you maybe i'll finally sit down and just watch it.
have you ever watched the movie stuck in love? i feel like that's something that you'd enjoy a lot!!
because my mood has felt really stuck as of late, i feel like my music habits have been very cyclical. i've been listening to a lot of mitski which feels like a staple for the genre, turnover (specifically "take my head" and "cutting my fingers off"), faye webster, and panic! at the disco but ONLY a fever you can't sweat out
-austen anon ♡
thank you so much, honey <3
GOD. MOOD. oh i miss the water every day!!! every day. i grew up in an area with lots and lots of water and there is nothing better for a moody day- or a happy day, tbh.
if you do watch little women, i hope you enjoy it!! i really did have a blast. (i will say tho, i am Not known for having good taste in movies. me enjoying something is not an indication of quality i assure you HJSFKHDSKJ)
i have not! :0 i will add it to my-watch list, which is. extremely long and ever-growing, smh.
MITSKIIII <3 my beloved. she's so talented omg. i hadn't heard of turnover before, but i love both of those tracks!!! definitely will be adding them to my rotation <3
faye webster is also relatively new to me- i'd only ever heard "right side of my neck"! will definitely be digging through more of her discography now, thank you for the recommendation :)
ah, a fever you can't sweat out. anthems of youth <3
they're a little slow, but you might like i only wanna talk to you by the maine, and while you were sleeping by annahstasia and raveena.
a slightly more upbeat song (that just soothes me right down to my bones!) that i think might appeal to you would be fascination by tamino!
anyway i hope you're feeling a little brighter, sweetheart- sending lots of good vibes your way <3
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advernia · 2 years
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The black tea, Jade concludes, was delicious.
Such a pleasant aroma and a light aftertaste! He had placed two sugar cubes into his tea, but now that he went over his options and had taken a nice sip of the tea, perhaps he should've chosen honey as his sweetener. Ah, but then again, the taste may vary depending on how much tea leaves were used then how long were they steeped.
Hm.. was it polite to ask the brewer for can of tea leaves?
Jade lowers his tea cup to his saucer - it lands nicely without so much of a soft clink sound, then he raises his head to meet the eyes of his conversation partner.
Vil was drinking his own tea at the moment, face a perfect display of a neutral expression as his eyes went over the contract on the table. How lovely, the glow to Vil Schoenheit's face! Admittedly, Jade held little interest in beauty products or in the broad aspects of human beauty itself, but it was quite apparent that whatever Vil had been using on his face of the late was impressive.
Oh, whatever gave him that healthy sheen, that natural moisture to his skin that stayed long and true?
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How long had he been at it? He's unsure of that himself but he pressed on, eyes focused on the knife scratching along to wherever direction he wished.
Now how should he form that part? Should he remove a portion of this, then a portion of that? Or was taking off a chunk better? Did he need the skin over there? Maybe not... oh, but how much should he skin off? Wait, was that side supposed to be fully skinned...?
Man, this was way harder than he thought - must be the Seven's blessing that he hadn't cut himself yet.
Then the door to the art room swings open.
"Hey, Deuce, how's yo... what in tarnation!? What's with all the messed up pile of apples!?"
Deuce's shoulders jump at Epel's outburst and he lets out a scream himself, causing him to drop the item he so carefully held in his palm for the past hour - it lands to the floor with a thump and then it rolls over, right over to where Epel was standing.
Silence. Epel looks down at the floor, comes face to face with...
Deuce's sorry attempt of an apple carving. Of a rose.
"... Uh, oops?"
"Now yer just wastin' food!"
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What fills the silence in between them is the soft jingling of bells. These sounds come from their bracelets - Kalim wore one while his father wore three, Kalim's on his right arm and his father's on his left arm.
Father wore five bracelets when Kalim was younger. They represented each value the Asim family held dear, father had said. He mentioned all of them to a young Kalim, but what remained with the young Kalim was not the citrine shine of love, the radiant garnet of honesty, the morganite gleam of harmony, the glittering onyx of equity and the lustrous pyrite of faith. No, what he simply wanted was -
I wanna sound like that when I walk too!
And so his father parted with two bracelets, and Kalim found himself wearing them for some time, melodies of the bells following him every step of the way.
Until such time that two bracelets became only one bracelet when Kalim decided to give his other bracelet away, giving it to -
"Well, Kalim?" his father asks again, placing his wine flute down on the balcony's stone balustrade. "What had happened over winter break that you and Jamil were unable to come home?"
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"Floyd Leech - do you have any experience in saving felines?"
It's past lunchtime, somewhere around quarter to two. Floyd was supposed to be in Animal Languages, classroom another building away. Instead, he's on one of the college's rooftops, and by rooftop it meant Floyd was lying down on the literal tiles of a tower spire, arms behind his head and legs splayed out without a care.
He was resting. Was. Until he decided to open his eyes and hey presto, there's Ortho! Hovering over him with eyes wide open and face just inches away from Floyd's own.
Wow. A couple of blinks. Ortho's eyes don't follow.
"Saving?" Floyd decides to say, still not moving from his spot.
Ortho nods, but makes no effort to move away either. "Yes! I would like some assistance in saving Lucius."
"Mm? But you can climb trees just fine, sea angel. Or y'know, you can just wreck 'em like you did to that apple tree."
"You misunderstand! Lucius isn't in that sort of predicament today! What Lucius needs is to be free from my brother this instant!"
Now that has Floyd raising an eyebrow. "From firefly squid?"
"Brother could be a far better fish than just a firefly squid!"
Floyd shoots his hands up, shoving Ortho's face from getting any closer. "Aah, get away already! What does firefly squid wanna do with the cat, anyway?!"
"Oh, horrible things! He wants to feed Lucius some premium tier snacks even though Professor Trein has been keeping Lucius on a diet for some time now, dress Lucius up in an array of outfits, squeeze each of Lucius' pink widdle paws till he's satisfied, and ..."
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1: no dupe lmao! here's everyone's context:
jade -> i certainly would like to avoid any trouble. (see: azul cere robes card)
epel -> horrible is horrible, i tell ya!
kalim -> i'll sort everything out. (theoretical summer break scenario)
ortho -> but brother could get into more trouble if i did!
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