#Hermione x George
lilyprongspotter · 3 months
Potentially controversial but I strongly believe Fred/Hermione and George/Hermione to be superior variations of Dramione.
Years of school-time bickering and a handful of unpleasant confrontations? Check.
A shared vocabulary and ready-made intimacy derived from surviving the same war? Check.
A pure blood wizard guiding and educating Hermione on wizarding culture while she in turn introduces them to muggleisms? Check.
Yet in this case it is free from the ickiness that is Draco’s deeply embedded classism and bigotry and the unmitigated abuse he hurled at Hermione while they were at school.
And this is why I will stand behind a hermione/twins pairing forever
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Fred leaned forward and placed his hand on top of Angelina’s, forming a strange stack. “You make my brother happier than I’ve ever seen him.” A sob worked its way out of her throat. Merlin, she was a mess. “Not anymore,” Hermione said. “You’re wrong,” Fred said. “Blimey, Hermione, don’t you see the way he lights up the second you walk in the door?” “He does that for everyone,” Hermione said, wiping her tears away with her free hand. “That’s just George. He’s always been like that, even when we weren’t—” A thought hit her. A sobering, real thought. “It’s because he’s always happy,” she tried again, but she knew it wasn’t the truth. No one could always be that happy. But she wasn’t ready to face it. Not yet. She pushed the thought away. “It’s like she’s never seen him in a room without her in it,” Fred said, turning to Angelina.
--Lumos: "Eggshell"
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crazybutgood · 8 months
By George, I'm hooked!
So a short while back, while searching for a fic featuring both human and crup George, I tagged a few people whose works I binged recently in a bid to try to recall the author. Amidst the embarrassing chaos where I tagged three guesses (before I finally found the fic written by a fourth), I figured I’d share what it is about these three authors’ writing that has me engaged so thoroughly and often. And to tie it all in a theme, I’ll drop a rec of their fics that feature George Weasley.
An assortment of delights 💝🍫
@schmem14 masterfully crafts the most delicious and unique ideas. Like a box of mystery-flavour chocolates, trying each one gives a new delightful experience of Em’s stories and interpretations of prompts, plots and pairings. And I find myself reaching for another, and another and another…
I have especially really enjoyed her collections where she takes on themes in her inimitably creative way. I’d really recommend checking out the George ones in her collections too, and for now I’ll leave you with this rec:
Peeling Potatoes (Harry/George) (T, 585)
George is still grieving Fred. Harry offers a moment of peace.
An immersive binge-a-thon 🎥🍿
@the-francakes' fics are such a vibe. She has me absolutely engrossed in a variety of stories; it really feels like a chill, cinematic experience. I love browsing through each enticing summary (and lovely banner!) of both old favourites and new updates. I’m always happily transported right there in the bubble of the world she’s created, rooting for the characters and absolutely flailing at the gorgeous plot, until I reach the end and float right along to the next one.
Here's a George rec from her catalogue:
Helping Hands™ (Hermione/George) (G, 1510)
George shows Hermione his new Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes product, Helping Hands™. And they help more than he expected.
A familiar comfort 😌💙
I always sink into @orange-peony's fics with the most satisfying feeling. Her fics are a pleasure to enjoy, curled up in bed with “entire work” clicked, squeeing, sobbing, smiling into a pillow. Her fics are always thrilling in their emotional rollercoaster, and never fail to warm my heart and make me just… feel with every fibre of myself. I absolutely love and crave that reading experience.
This fic is a quintessential example of that Peony experience:
Mirror, Mirror (Lee/George) (E, 22,759)
George feels a wave of relief washing over him at the thought that he still has time, that he can still get his shit together and stop feeling so utterly broken every single moment of the day, and then maybe he will be good enough for Lee. Sometimes he feels like the pain and the loss have woven through every fibre of his being, that his whole body is made out of grief, raw and wretched beyond repair. But then Lee takes his hand, or he threads his fingers through George’s hair, whispering something that George can only feel against his skin, lost words that make him shudder and reach for Lee, to feel him there and have him close. Real.
I hope you enjoy these fics, and check out these authors’ other works on their ao3s as well! Do remember to leave them some love 🥰 And as always, please mind the tags~
An eternal gratitude
Thanks to @stavromulabetaaa and @getawayfox for looking this over! (and for sparking the memory of the fic in the first place~) ❤️❤️
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sailtomarina · 3 months
Putreuse Potion Confessions
“George, you can’t keep doing this!” Hermione’s shrill cry rang through the flat. It was surprising her voice carried at all given the clutter of books and WWW prototypes filling every room. 
Granted, most of the books were hers. She told herself it couldn’t be helped, what with the way the twin took up every other available space with his “treasures” and “projects”. You might even think he lived above the Weasley shop by himself, but no. He had a roommate, and her name was Hermione Granger.
She wondered whether or not the flat had looked similar before her desperation led her here. Hermione had been so distracted by her own drama at the time that she hadn’t really paid attention to her surroundings.
“George!” she yelled once more. She knew he wasn’t downstairs. He always took his lunch break at this time.
The cauldron currently sitting in the bathroom–their only bathroom–bubbled terrifying shades of puce and chartreuse.
Whatever had possessed the French to actually like these colours once upon a time?
She shook away the errant thought. That wasn’t the point. What was the point was that the bubbling looked volatile. She’d stake her Advanced Potions N.E.W.T. that whatever he was brewing should not be reacting like this. If he didn’t show up soon, she would be forced to act.
Sod it.
She’d try a Stasis charm and hope for the best.
“Wait, wait, wait!” George’s shout came just as her wand started its movement, and she froze in place like she was the one stuck in time before slowly turning her head to glare at him.
“What. Is. This?”
He gulped. He stood only a few feet away, hand outstretched. Their face-off lasted all of five seconds before she let her wand drop to her side. George sighed in relief.
“It’s an experiment.” He startled at the growl that escaped her throat, and hastily continued to explain. “We ran out of room in the lab, and I was going to check on it during my break.”
“Well, it doesn’t look good,” she said, stepping back and waving him forward. She breathed in as he brushed past her, taking in the scents that were uniquely George. Smoke from frequent explosions. Honey from his tea. Sandalwood from his soap she sometimes borrowed when she ran out of her own, and sometimes when she just felt like it. “What’s it supposed to be anyway?”
He tutted the moment he laid his eyes on the concoction, then cast his own Stasis charm. It worked. “A twist on Veritaserum that would be safe for commercial use.”
Hermione looked at the sickly blend of colours. “Veritaserum is supposed to be clear. Tasteless. Odourless.” She slid her gaze over to the wizard. “Undetectable.”
“Like I said: safe for commercial use.” Then, to her horror, he dipped a finger into the mixture and licked it.
“Hermione!” He mocked, hitting what he must have estimated to be her pitch and smirking at her reaction.
“You can’t just test things like that! It’s dangerous, not to mention downright stupid.”
“That’s what you’re here for, love. I couldn’t be in safer company. Or prettier.” His smug grin that spread from ear to…well, the side without an ear, dropped as he heard his own response. “Shite. I didn’t mean to say that. Though I do think it. You really are the prettiest witch I know. Also, the smartest. Good Godric, what am I saying? Make it stop!” He clapped both hands over his mouth and backed further into the bathroom as if the increased distance would somehow protect him.
“You think I’m pretty?”
While she knew in theory that she was passably decent, she never would have applied the word to herself. Her hair, her signature feature, placed Hermione far outside of the typical image of beauty. Even now, several years into adulthood, she maintained that the curls had a life of their own. George had never once commented on her looks in the past, other than to shake his head the night she’d come knocking on his door, calling her ex “a fool.” She’d moved in that same evening.
She watched in fascination as the muscles along his arms bulged in the effort to contain his answer. He wiggled, fighting the compulsion, before both hands yanked downward to reveal the strained tendons of his neck.
“I think you’re gorgeous and I want you more than anyone I’ve ever wanted in my entire life. Merlin’s saggy balls!” 
He spun around and dove through the shower curtain like a show dog passing through a hoop. Only, he was an adult man, and the tub was empty. He hit the porcelain basin with what sounded like every hard edge of his body. “Fuck!” He huddled there, tightly hugging himself.
He seemed okay otherwise. Hermione stared at the freckled skin along his bare arms for another beat, then two, and then she, too, scooped up a dollop of the potion. Before she could second guess herself, she sucked and swallowed.
It was…sweet. Like, candy-sweet. That must have been the intention, only she would need to step in and redirect him towards a more palatable array. She stepped deeper into the bathroom until her knees bumped the edge of the tub.
“George, ask me a question.”
He stilled. Peeking over his shoulder, his eyes widened when she held up one digit, still slick from her own spit. He had no way of knowing she’d trained herself to resist Veritaserum. “Did you…”
“I did. And that one doesn’t count. Ask me another.”
He slowly turned until he fully faced her. He straightened his shoulders and gazed upward, the clear blue of his eyes holding her own. “Hermione, will you go out with me?”
“Now we’re getting somewhere.” She stepped into the tub, sinking down so she basically sat in his lap. Her arms settled around his neck, catching a fistful of hair and tilting his face up. “Yes. Now kiss me.”
1000 WC exactly (tears hair out)
Written for the WWW HumpDay Drabbles, my Chaos prompts were: Weasley: George Potion: Veritaserum Trope: Roommates
Cross-posted on FB, Tumblr, and AO3
I originally included a note about Fred being alive and having moved in with Angelina, but cut it due to word limit.
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Got a couple chaps going on new marriage law fic. Really enjoying working on it.
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ragana62 · 2 months
AO3 Anniversary BS, Part 2!
It's part 2, so it only seems appropriate to drop two chapters at the same time for an ongoing fic. Chapters 4 and 5 for Don't Get Mad, Get Even are up now!
Rating: E
Warnings: Manipulation, Violence, Dumbledore Bashing
Pairings: Hermione-centric Multipairing, specifics in tags.
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badadder1 · 5 months
how much did I write last year?
I guess I missed the end of year wrap lol everyone is posting how many words they wrote last year. Let's see. 140k for Promised Remembered, about 16k in kakasaku one shots. At least half of my HP fic Cast Aside do... let's say 45 to 50k? There's like 20k of a Dramione I haven't posted yet. Does that get to count? 235k words last year? Not bad. 2024 definitely won't be so many. I feel like taking a fic writing break after Promises Remembered before I finish the Dramione project. Hmm. We shall see.
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misunderstoodwords · 1 year
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Hermione wakes in a world she does not recognize. Strapped to a bed and hooked to machines that do little to aid the werewolf blood now pumping through her veins. She can smell and hear everything-the sound of nurses walking down hallways and pens clicking in hands. She can smell the bleach scrubbed on the floor and the leftover blood in her hair no one had scrubbed out.
But in the midst of all that, a lingering scent awaits.
Oranges and Cinnamon.
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dramioneldws · 1 year
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🎵 It's the hap-happiest season of all 🎵
December 6: Most Wonderful Time of the Year – Various
It’s noon reveals – the most wonderful time of the day! Treat yourself to today’s collection:
Title: A Most Wonderful Time
Author: KiraAnn
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: They say that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Hermione's not so sure. Hope comes from the most unlikely of places.
Title: An Awkward Welcome
Author: AccioMjolnir
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: The Burrow can be overwhelming at the holidays.
Title: Baubles Galore
Author: iftreescouldspeak
Pairing: Theodore Nott/Harry Potter
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: Theo LOVES to decorate for Christmas.
Title: be of good cheer
Author: somewhereinthesun
Pairing: Hermione Granger/George Weasley
CW/Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Rating: G
Summary: George Weasley and Hermione Granger try to celebrate Christmas without Fred.
Title: Fa La La La Love - Chapter 6
Author: anne_ammons
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: Christmas is coming. And whether or not Teddy likes it, love is in the air. A story of friendship, love, and the hijinx of an elf named Peanut Butter.
Title: Firewhiskey and Feelings
Author: HighLadyLily
Pairing: Theodore Nott/Harry Potter
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: Theo and Harry disagree on how to spend Christmas Day
Title: Gay Happy Meetings
Author: Lalalaartje
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Anthony Goldstein, Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: It's Ron and Anthony's turn to host the Gay Happy Meeting for the first time, and Ron is quite nervous about messing it up.
Title: Hearts will be glowing
Author: Ginnysocks
Pairing: Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: VI - Dean and Seamus want to start a family.
Title: It Began in the Cloakroom
Author: Somandalicious
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: M
Summary: Draco finds exactly what he needed during the busiest time of year.
Title: It's The Meowst Wonderful Time Of The Year
Author: EvergreenTuesdays
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: Inspired by the song, “Most Wonderful Time of the Year.”
Title: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Author: DramioneDreaming
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: Theo Nott has too much firewhiskey and not enough social filter
Title: Marshmallow Mischief
Author: Maira
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Susan Bones/Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott/Harry Potter, Millicent Bulstrode/Charlie Weasley
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: “Let’s not make this Christmas ‘the one where Ron had his bollocks hexed off’.” Or, the story behind why every Christmas always has an 'also known as' subtitle.
Title: Misery and Company
Author: Charlie9646
Pairing: Sirius Black/Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
CW/Archive Warning: Age gap relationship (pre relationship), cheating
Rating: T
Summary: Harry Potter is gay, but there is one person he forgot to tell, Ginny Weasley his girlfriend. Or when Sirius and Ginny mourn what they have lost over Fire whisky.
Title: Room for Growth
Author: LiloLilyAnn
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: G
Summary: He liked to pretend that he was irritated, having elbows in his sternum or one leg hanging from the bed every night. Draco would never admit it, of course, but he actually loved waking up to Aurora's hair in his face or Scorpius's sleepy smile. But perhaps they did need a bigger bed.
Title: Tales of the Glories
Author: WritingFicariously
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: From the moment they locked eyes before the Yule Ball, both Viktor and Hermione knew theirs was a love for the ages.
Title: The Absolute Worst Time of the Year
Author: Frumpologist
Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
CW/Archive Warning: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: He knows to the depths of him how much Sirius loves the December holidays—all of them. But Remus’ childhood was different.
Happy reading!
@floorcoaster & @mykesprit
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anowlnamedpig · 7 months
I'm looking for an old Hermione/George fic. I don't remember how much of the story it retells but I know there's a scene where George loses his ear (like in canon) and is feeling bad about it until Hermione tells him he's hot. The next morning George apologizes to Fred for being irritable or sad or something and Fred says he just "needed some 'mione time" or something like that.
Later, George returns the favor (telling her she's hot) later when she's got her Mudblood scar from Bellatrix. Help??
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lilyprongspotter · 6 months
Chapter 2 of Down Under
In which Hermione continues to plan her journey to Australia, and gains an unexpected companion.
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Hello, you lot! What have we to do today?
Well, after accidentally staying up too late last night [reading, if you can believe it. It’s like I think I’m still a university student and not a human woman rapidly approaching the age whenst society puts us out to “past prime” pasture to wear mixed crochet prints and do whatever we like][this is a joke; i already wear mixed crochet prints], we’ll be needing some coffee [one cup limit, so we don’t go to the bad place in our head].
Then, I’ll be dumping this 7-8k words into a word document, making a few minor edits, formatting for my beta team, and then sending this week’s chunk off! I’ll post something when I’ve got the goal finished. 💜🧡
I hope today finds you well!! <3
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shelbybyr · 8 months
When you run out of fics to read
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Hermione: why are threesomes only for sex
Hermione: why can’t I join in on a couples argument if I want to
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rose-of-the-grave · 2 months
Reader: breaks up with any of my fictional crushes
Me: u dumb bitch😡 how could you do this to me???
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Y/n, texting Hermione: Hermione! Help I'm being kidnapped.
Hermione: Where are you?
Y/n: I'm with some strange person. In a car. Help.
Hermione: I'll call George.
George, answering his phone: Hello?
Hermione: Where's Y/n? They texted me that they were being kidnapped.
George: Y/n? What you mean, they're right next to me-
George: I'll call you back. *hangs up*
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