#He attracted the other glowing meta after all
nelkcats · 1 year
Purple Matchmaker
Gotham Zoo had a last minute transfer. It seems that while she was on her way to her original Zoo, the Purple-back Gorilla was attacked, and although they were able to protect her, they noticed that something strange was happening..
Deliah is pregnant and many of Gotham's villains have taken an interest in getting her hands on the endangered species while she stays. Something that Robin is not willing to tolerate, since he has declared himself the zookeeper until further news.
Unfortunately the news that the Gorilla is in New Jersey traveled to Amity Park, where a spiteful Skulker heard about it and plans to capture her and her calf. Phantom isn't having any of that either.
Of course, the two collide while doing their duty, and while Phantom isn't sure how to take on Gotham's Rogues, Robin isn't sure what the strange glowing green creature is that keeps firing missiles. Neither of them considered that they needed help from the other. They are both trained vigilantes with a lot of experience, they will surely manage on their own.
Due to how stubborn neither of the boys , both are not giving each other advices on the subject. Or at least they aren't until the Gorilla himself starts judging them. Maybe working together isn't so bad, it's just temporary.
On the other hand, Damian has been chatting with the one who discovered Deliah's gender in the first place and considers him a lovely guy. He a little clumsy but his heart is in the right place. If he would just stop defending that Phantom guy...
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thelittlestspider · 1 year
random headcanons for peter, ash, wade, and other characters. (some sfw, some nsfw, so just keep that in mind. most of them are for this fic specifically, but some are more general? idk. some were inspired by other people.)
- peter and felicia's eyes glow in the dark.
- felicia has silver tipped fangs.
- after peter got bit by the spider, his regular teeth fell out, and stronger teeth grew in, along with fangs where his canines would be. the fangs produce a numbing venom that, if injected with enough, could paralyze and/or cause someone's body to shut down and kill them.
he also has spinnerets, but the only time he really uses them is when he's like nesting or courting lol.
- in total peter has been divorced 4 times: 2 with mj, 1 with felicia, and 1 with bobbi.
- peter can talk to spiders, and felicia can talk to cats. i'm sorry, i just think it would be funny.
- the way mj/felicia ended up together is peter/mj/felicia were hooking up during both marriages, and during peter and mj's second divorce, mj and felicia realized they were in love with each other and got engaged lol. peter was petty about it.
mj and felicia gossip about peter behind his back, and try to set him up with people. peter hates it lol.
- mj and felicia bought each other engagement rings and came up with their own separate proposals.
- people recognize peter from the parker industries era and give him shit about being poor.
- clint is still salty about peter marrying bobbi lol.
- the way i imagine peter and bobbi got married was they got black out wasted in vegas, woke up married, and were too lazy to divorce right away. they were too busy hooking up and traveling.
- peter's hooked up with most of his friends (mj, harry, felicia, matt, wade, johnny, clint, natalia, bobbi, luke and jessica). so at the beginning of the story, he feels like he's alienated half his friends, but in reality, peter isolated himself. he's an unreliable narrator!
- peter had some kind of falling out with matt while they were hooking up between divorces. he tries to make amends with matt before matt moves to california with kirsten, but matt forgets to call him lol. later matt comes back to visit and they actually talk to each other.
- ben and kaine are nosy brothers who like to know peter's business at all times lol.
- one of the things that attracted wade to peter is the way peter can eat insane amounts of food.
wade: it's like watching a snake unhinge its jaw. beautiful and disgusting at the same time.
- wade throws a divorce party for him and peter after shiklah and mj divorce them.
- my favorite ash headcanon of all time is that his mom was an addams, and that's why he's so tough/durable compared to regular people. but his mom was estranged from the family, so he has no idea why he's different.
- during like a year or so after the cabin, ash sells his story to be made into a documentary, and later, it gets made into the ev*l dead films. (this also happens in soul alone as well)
i just think it's interesting from, i guess, a meta standpoint for a character to deal with the public mythologizing/sensationalizing/consuming their story for entertainment (ex: the stab movies in scream).
- this headcanon is kind of dumb, but i'm gonna put it here anyway. the headcanon is that evil ash is the one that wrote the necronomicon, and he wants ash to rule by his side when he takes over the world. but the book, having known about ash since its creation, has grown attached to ash over time, and doesn't want evil ash to corrupt ash.
- both ash and scotty are originally from new york. (in this fic, ash moves to michigan when he's a kid. scotty never moves to michigan.)
- ash was a cheerleader in high school. (in the greater multiverse, most of the ashes were in band).
- clint and natalia were thieves before being arrested and drafted into shield's suicide squad. the only reason they got free was because of the avengers.
- after clint and natalia flipped shield the bird, natalia started doing mercenary work, and kept running into wade. the two had met before because of weapon x and shield, but they didn't really become friends until natalia semi-retired. sometimes wade hooks up with clint and natalia.
- logan, bucky, natalia, and wade have all met in passing because of weapon x.
- peter and natalia had a weird rivalry where she would just randomly challenge peter to fights, and peter would show up to stop her thefts.
clint: do you have a crush on spiderman?
natalia: i don't want to crush him, i just want him to know how strong and cool i am.
natalia: and maybe kiss him too. i can do both.
- the iconic black widow look was created by natalia after she heard about spiderman. she designed her weapons, suit, and everything. (in natasha's original appearance, there wasn't a black widow look. like the other black widows did not dress like this lol. i like to think the red room saw natasha doing her thing and were like "oh damn..." and just tried to copy off her. then later that's how we got yelena.)
- natalia's version of the serum isn't as strong as bucky and steve's, but she does have enhanced speed, strength, stamina, and slow aging. in this verse she and bucky were both cryogenically frozen when they weren't on missions after they tried to run away together. so later when they send natalia after tony, she's 20 (peter and clint are like 18 and 19. bucky's like 20 something).
- peter and natalia do yoga together whenever they have a day off.
- peter kind of wants natalia to give him the strap, but he has things he needs to work out first.
- peter has a thing for wade being bigger than him. he likes that wade's big enough to envelope him. and his muscles.
- peter kept biting ash and numbing him. ash got so fed up that he put his metal fingers in his mouth like, "chew on this." 😠 and peter found a new kink he didn't know he had.
- peter has issues with people buying him things. this is a huge point of contention between him and wade, because wade loves buying stuff for his partners. ash isn't as strict about it as peter because he knows wade's doing it out of love (ash was a sugar baby at one point. he lets wade get him stuff, but he has rules for how much wade can spend and how many presents he can get him per month. and wade has to let him buy him things too).
so if peter won't let wade buy him something he wants because of pride, ash has wade slip him the money when peter's not looking, and he runs to go buy it. sometimes peter catches him, and ash runs through the store cackling because peter can't stop him without using his abilities.
peter: *stomping angrily through the mall* i hate you both.
ash: aw baby. it's not a crime for us to buy you something for your birthday!
wade: partners in gift crimes. *he high fives ash* this is gonna be the best super soft birthday ever!
ash: better than your divorce party?
wade: of course, sweetness. you won't be working this time. hopefully, peter won't be throwing up. though i can't promise no one will be throwing up because i plan to have copious amounts of alcohol. do you think we can smuggle a horse into our house?
ash: we can rent one for the back yard, but it's not allowed in the house.
wade: deal.
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keikakudori · 1 year
(KICKS YOUR DOOR DOWN) HEY LU, talk about how aizen felt when gin first got his bankai back in the day and became a captain, with a focus on how -- at the time -- gin has achieved bankai when aizen couldn't/didn't. we know this timeframe for them was rather rough due to the fact that gin was essentially now fully capable of murdering aizen, their reiatsu essentially equaling out, but we also need to talk about aizen coming to terms with the fact that gin just did something he cannot do.
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One of these days I'm going to make you replace my door, Cas-- but seriously, this is such a good question. After all, this is one of those very significant moments that passed between Aizen and Gin. I mean, after all, this is the moment where their dynamic shifted because, as you said, Aizen realizing that Gin reaching his Bankai meant that there was every chance he could be killed --- but it goes deeper than that with them, as it always, always does. And, boy, this is one of those ... I want to say defining moments in their relationship where nothing changed and yet everything changed.
So let's get into the meta, shall we?
First, to cover how Aizen felt the first time he saw Gin's Bankai.
The word that comes to mind always when I think about it is excited. The pride is a very close second, but those are the two emotions that come forth the most when I think on it. Aizen is excited over what Gin's done. He's proud that Gin's accomplished what is arguably the pinnacle of a Shinigami's power. He's achieved Bankai. He's grown skilled enough and kept it secret enough from Aizen that it's honestly this openly delightful surprise for him. He can't help but feel that and he wanted to celebrate it. Forget for the moment the way Gin can seethe at him. For the moment, forget about the flashes of sheer murderous intent that have flared from time to time. Forget all of that. That's not what's on Aizen's mind when this happens.
He's proud of Gin. He's proud and he's not shy about showing it. He's excited and it's almost boyish.
The roughness comes later, after Gin's achieved the haori, but on that particular day? Yeah, it was nothing but the glowing pride and delight as the initial reaction, an excitement, even a downright exuberance that was what Gin was given.
Realization came second, however, in the period of time after Gin's display ( and after that pair of Aizen's glasses was cut off his face ) and that's probably the moment when Aizen realized that things had changed. Captains are not exactly required to have a Bankai to be a captain, yet it is a qualifier for it and Aizen realized that too. He understood that Gin had taken a step that put him much closer to Aizen's own level and it was something that was both thrilling to him and while I won't say terrifying ... it left him ... anticipatory.
All because he understood that things between them had changed.
I won't say that Aizen didn't have some kind of darker excitement because it meant that the line in the sand, that one line that he refused to step over for years ( because someone was a little shit who enjoyed teasing the hell out of his captain to the point where there were broken armrests and brush handles from said captain restraining himself. ) was suddenly much less deeply embedded now.
That was one of the largest changes between them because Aizen had been firmly insistent on keeping things from progressing too far in their flirtation and attraction; kisses, touches, but nothing too far beyond that. Of course, that was always plenty of room to play around in. And that was probably the change that had the largest impact between them. After all, there was that silent demand from Aizen that he wanted Gin to be his equal before they ever did progress to being completely intimate and that demand was fulfilled in that instant that Gin displayed his power to his captain. It was more than fulfilled and thus the excitement, the joy, the pride.
But the other major change was that awareness, that thought: Gin is capable of killing me. At some point, we'll have to sit and nail down exactly when those discussions took place, the ones where it gave Gin that oh so wonderful line of "you're going to die with a hole in your heart, just like you always wanted." because literally what the fuck did Aizen and Gin talk about that led to him saying that? And that's the change that I would argue won out above all the other changes. The awareness. The danger that Gin carried now with a Bankai named the way it was, but Aizen didn't see that it was aimed at himself. Yet that was a new lethal edge that Gin had to him and it thrilled Aizen.
What might surprise people is that Aizen didn't resent the fact that he didn't have a Bankai; Aizen had consciously and consistently made the choice to refuse learning Bankai himself every time that Kyoka Suigetsu offered it to him, after all. He repeatedly turned away from learning the power of his Bankai because Aizen never wanted that power for himself. Plenty of his life was dictated by how much power he had, how much he refused it.
After all, Aizen admits that he has at least twice the power of a regular Shinigami captain; while we don't know what the baseline is for a captain's strength, he is one of the most powerful characters in the entire series, if not the most powerful after the Blood War. Yet, that's still years off from the time when Gin displayed his Bankai for the first time. At that point, Aizen understood that there were changes in what happened. No matter that he had no Bankai of his own, no matter what he thought about himself, this change thrilled him. It thrilled him because Gin was becoming, finally, what it was that Aizen wanted in someone: Gin was becoming his equal. Or rather, he was rising as an equal openly, visibly; the Bankai only proved that.
Add that upon the realization that he felt this thrill over the understanding the danger that was presented by Gin's new level of power and, honestly, Aizen found it rather erotic.
The truth of the matter is that Gin's Bankai changed things between them in the best and, perhaps, the worst of ways. There was the dawning realization in those minutes after his exuberance that one day, Gin really would try to kill him. There was the understanding that he outright expected it from the young man who had become his lieutenant in the wake of what he'd done; after all, it was something that they had both understood for years, since nearly from the start of their lives blending together, even before then when Gin witnessed what it was that he had been doing on a cool night when men knelt before him. But there was also a brighter side to that moment, no matter the darker undertone in that few minutes. That brighter side? Aizen was realizing that he had found what he'd searched so long for in Gin and Gin had gained the power, the ability, to be able to kill him. The consequence came later in the evolution of their relationship with one another, yet that remained years off in the future.
In the first moments? It was the pride in Gin's power that touched Aizen first. It was the understanding, the wanting, the excitement that Gin had progressed so far with his power that filled him with delight and joy. Tying everything else together was the realization, the understanding, that Gin was no longer the boy he'd met underneath that moonlight with blood gleaming slick and black on his face. In that moment, in that instance, Aizen realized something else; Ichimaru Gin had become a man and that stirred a fresh new hunger in him that took a little longer to pay out.
Truthfully, Aizen hadn't expected such a strong response in himself for feeling that way, but he didn't try to hide it either from the younger man. He saw no reason to hide it. He wanted to show that to Gin. He wanted to show him that he was, indeed, proud of what it was that he witnessed on that day. I think that's what Aizen holds onto the most -- his pride in what he witnessed. His pride in how far that the younger man had come. For such a young Shinigami, he had come quite far; Aizen knew that Gin could go farther still. But yes; it's the pride he enjoys holding onto, more than the darker realization.
He's proud of Gin.
He always will be.
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alyssadeliv · 3 years
The Forgotten One
First      Previous
Chapter 9
For the first time after so long, Marianne finally felt home. Even as she bled on top of a dark building, she did not care. As long as she kept on holding him everything would be alright. She could feel his tear on her neck, and she could imagine he felt hers on his. It was strange, she dreamed of this moment more times she could count, but not one of her imaginary scenes did she feel this immense happiness in her soul. It was as if she was finally whole. He held her with such force she was sure she would suffocate, but she kept quiet, just enjoying the warmth of his body on hers. It was only after she started feeling dizzy that she detached him from her. 
He was different, more mature. The years only served to enhance his beauty. It didn't matter that he was wearing a mask, she would recognize him everywhere, but she still longed to be able to see his green eyes again. No one said a word, using their body language to determine what to do next. It was Damian that decided to take the lead.
He stood up and helped his sister on her feet. He kept supporting her, knowing that the wound he inflicted on her must be taking some toll on her body after their intense fight. She was barely standing on her own, having lost too much blood. His Robin costume was coated in red, and that left a bad taste on his mouth. With her secure at his side, he turned to his Father. There was so much he needed to tell him, years of feelings he trapped inside of him could finally be let loose. But first, he had to make sure he still trusted him. 
“I promise to explain once we get to the cave… but she needs help.” He pleaded. He wasn’t sure if it was the tone of his voice or the fact that his family just caught him in his most vulnerable moment, but they agreed. 
Damian carried her to the Batmobile, Todd, and Grayson trailing after him. Batman led the team in silence. Meticulously thinking about the connection of his youngest son with the passed-out assassin. She wore League attire, but it was a strange symbol on her clothes that made him wary. He remembered seeing that symbol in the clothes of a dead Gabriel Agreste early this week, and there was no doubt that they had some kind of connection.
He wanted to interrogate her as soon as possible, but he would wait until Damian gave his explanation as to why he acted in such a way that night. They obviously knew each other, so they must have met when his son was still in the care of his mother. That information did little to calm his worried mind.
It was a unanimous decision that petrol was canceled that night. So they all entered the Batmobile and made their way to the Cave. They didn’t have to worry about their identities, as the girl was falling in and out of consciousness during their short ride. 
Dick kept a close eye on the girl in Damian’s arms. Her face was nested carefully in his brother's neck, keeping him from being able to identify her face. Her blood coated the interior of the car, and only the fact that the Batarang still impaled at her side was helping to stop the bleeding from totally draining the girl kept him somewhat calm.
Jason was the only one that wasn’t in the car, having opted to use his bike, he went ahead and notified Alfred that they would need his assistance, with the injured girl.
By now Damian knew that all his family was notified of this incident, and would most likely be waiting for them to return. He could only hope that his father would hear him first. He wasn’t worried about his sister, he knew she would be alright. After years of training with her, he knew she bled easily, but was stronger and healed faster than most. 
When they arrived at the Cave, Damian immediately laid her in one of the gurneys. But before he allowed Alfred to assess her wound he removed the weapon. He heard the shouts of indignation coming from Grayson but ignored him.
He knew what they must be thinking, that his weapon was the only thing keeping her from bleeding out, but what they didn’t know was that Marianne’s body reacted faster when she was in danger of dying. So it came to no surprise to him when her wound started to heal itself. What started him was the glow that came with it. That was new.
“She will be fine. Just need a couple of hours to recharge her energy” Damian clarified.
"She's Meta…” Dick whispered, eying Bruce carefully. It was no secret that the man did not normally trust meta-humans very easily. His expression was hard, and everyone could tell his patience had come to an end.
“Explain.” He demanded.
“I do not know how to start…” From his body language, they could see he was nervous. He ran his fingers through his hair, something he never did.
“From the start would be great!” Jason tried to lighten the mood. He hadn’t moved from his sitting position on the round table. Barbara and Tim were sitting with him, both anxious to understand the situation. He wanted to go see this mysterious girl, but for the sake of his family, he stayed put, for now.
“Father… You might want to sit for this…” 
Bruce nodded. And they all sat. Damian sat in front of his father, with Grayson and Todd at his sides, while Gordon and Drake sat by Todd’s side. No one dared to sit close to Bruce, fearing his reaction.
“Do you remember how I was conceived?” Damian started, not meeting his father’s eyes, and ignoring the snickering coming from his brothers. He knew this was a sore subject, but he needed to approach the subject somehow.
“It was of extreme importance that Mother produced a male heir for Grandfather. But what you do not know is that I was not the firstborn” This causes everyone to widen their eyes in horror. 
Bruce pales but otherwise keeps quiet.
“I explained before how I was raised in an artificial womb through my development stages. And there is a reason for that... Before me, Mother was pregnant, the traditional way, but a female was born. She was born” He points to the direction of the girl resting behind the curtains of the medical bay. 
“How… When…” Bruce is at a loss of words. When Talia appeared two years ago with his secret child in tow he felt only despair first. He had lost so much of his son’s childhood. It took him so long to accept that he had what it took to care for his blood child the same way he cared for his wards.
“She was born six years before me…” Damian explains. “Mother never told me anything about that, only that she did it to appease her father.”
“Wait, wait, wait! So you're telling me that the scary kid we just rescued is B’s long-lost daughter? Why are we only hearing of this now?” Jason as always wasn't able to keep quiet anymore. 
Damian lowers his head and covers his eyes with his now gloveless hands. Sensing his distress Jason allows him to recompose himself. 
“She was dead… Or I thought she had died. In the same attack that made Mother bring me to live here.” They could see that it was hard for him to talk about that day “Except she did not die!” He exclaimed in anger, rising from his seat. 
“There’s where you're wrong.” The melodious voice attracts their attention. She stands just a couple of steps apart from where they are sitting. But no one heard her coming. She wears green, but the cape that once covered her hair is lowered, and they could clearly see her long black hair left loose. She had blue eyes and was rapidly analyzing every single one of them until her eyes landed on Bruce. Her father. Damian could see the insecurity in her, so he calmed himself, and went to her. “I did die that day. It was only thanks to Tikki that I am alive now” And with that, she knew her brother would understand. After years of living with her, she taught him a little about the Order.
“Father…” Damian tries.
Bruce stands up. And goes in their direction. He stops just a couple of steps from his children. His children. 
“This is Marianne, your daughter.”
So there we are! Another chapter. Do you love it? Hate it? Please tell me I love to read your opinions!
I feel like I must warn you all that I only planned to have one more chapter on this story, but after some consideration, it came to me the idea of making a Part Two of this story. Would that be something you all be interested in? Let me know!
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Touch it for Real, Part 3
Genre: Humor / Fluff / Eventual Smut
Warnings: OMG they were roommates / slice of life / slow burn / mutual pining / crude humor / cursing / virgin!baek / enemies to lovers / bug gets meta
Characters: Baekhyun X You/Female Reader
Description: You teach Baekhyun how to date. (Basically the Get You Alone M/V)
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
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Mia, Mia, Mia. 
Oh she was lovely. You’d been chatting with her on Baekhyun’s phone for the better part of an hour and for a moment you forgot all about the man who now laid with his head on the other end of the sofa with his feet stretched over your lap and a phone held up to his face.
He was scrolling through something, giggling and typing. 
The phone you had down in your lap vibrated with another incoming message. 
Laughing emojis, a row of them. She was sharp. Wit and charm came through in her messages and you found yourself responding with an equally long string of laughing faces. The ones with tears leaking out their eyes. She felt so damn familiar and comfortable the moment you got past the awkward introductions and you really started talking to her; the jokes were easy and the topics were something you knew enough about to fake your way though thanks to Baekhyun’s many passions and his absolute inability to shut up about them. He’d held you hostage with so many video games and anime episodes, you knew exactly what she was talking about now. You felt like a complete pseudo pro. A well-read scammer. A faker but a weirdly genuine one. 
You went back to her profile and dragged each of her pictures across the screen with the tip of your finger, switching between them all. She was pretty. She was smart. She was interesting to talk to. She was perfect. Just perfect. A steady warmth had seeped into your chest as you looked at her. It was welcome and actually felt nice at first; if not a little bit unexpected. But the longer you looked at her smile, the more intrusive that warmth felt. After too long, it was sticky and almost too warm. You struggled to breathe deeply. You were breathing normally, there was absolute nothing off about your breathing, but each breath you took suddenly failed to satiate. Why were your lungs suddenly missing oxygen? They were misbehaving without any reason to. You closed out her pictures and returned to the chat window. 
She was asking about the latest episode of an anime. Something that was in its final season. Something you were sure Baekhyun would also be watching soon if he hadn’t seen it already. You could feel her excitement in her words. Something epic must have happened.
“Baek did you watch Attack on Colossatron last night — the latest episode?”
“Not yet—no spoilers, I’ll kill you.” His response was quick and you responded in a similar fashion in text to Mia; without the death threats. You weren’t quite that comfortable with her yet. 
Baekhyun shifted and moved a foot behind you, digging it under your butt into the gap of the couch cushion. You ignored the intrusion because you were talking to Mia. His soon to be brand new girlfriend by the looks of the conversation. You caught what you were certain was subtle flirting just below the contexts. Then outright flirting. She was sending you a picture from the dating profile you’d set up for Baekhyun. She had to have saved the picture to send it. It would now be saved on the camera roll of her phone where she would likely look at it again and again, admiring how good Baekhyun looked in it. 
She was commenting on how unexpectedly handsome you were and how most of the men who shared interests with her did not look like you. 
She was asking for a picture of you—err, of Baekhyun. She was having trouble believing such an attractive man like you was real and she actually used the word catfishing, careful to insist that she wasn't accusing you of anything; just that she was sure you looked just like some celebrity she saw on twitter and one couldn’t be too careful. 
But you were quick to cooperate and to agree with her need for assuredness. As a woman, yourself, you understood her suspicions instantly.  Yes, Baekhyun did look shockingly attractive in the profile pictures you posted of him. You could see how someone might doubt that he was real and he lived only 5 miles away and was now sweeping her off her feet with his engaging conversations and hilarious jokes. You’d be sure and make him thank you well for this later. 
The pictures of him were surprising, even to you, and you lived with the guy. You saw him every single day. Yet something about seeing him in these pictures, dressed in that black button up shirt and jeans and looking at the camera with a breathtaking natural smile; one he gave you so easily that night when you told him just how good he looked all dressed up. 
“Peanut, look at you! You look so fancy.” 
“Wow, I cant believe how handsome you are.” 
It only took a couple of sincere compliments for the man to unfold before you and the results on camera pulled you into an uncomfortable and unwelcome thoughtfulness when you looked at them alone later. Of course you knew he was handsome. You just hadn’t been prepared for how very attractive he would look on camera. 
You got all his best angles and the man had taken you off guard when you’d bravely asked him to give you a sexy look. 
It happened just at the end of your little makeshift photo-shoot. You were both a little tired, you could tell with the way he slowed down with his talking and his movements. You could always tell when Baekhyun was tired. Sometimes before even he knew it. 
The sun had gone down and you’d pulled him from your room into the living room where the lights from the city shone through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, creating a soft glow on his face. The moon was full outside. It was a chilly winter night and snowflakes drifted down to the street below. You were feeling perhaps a bit romantic. Perhaps you were a little bit grateful to be inside and warm and spending your time capturing the pretty face of your annoying best friend. 
You’d gotten a bit bold with the pictures and he’d been behaving so well, not even complaining when you asked him to lay down on the floor so you could capture the beautiful city-scape in the background of the shot. He’d gone still while you set up; moving furniture and turning on a lamp in the corner for more lighting on his features — you wondered briefly if maybe he had fallen asleep. 
You laid down beside him holding your camera up in the right spot to get something nice. His eyes had closed up and his breathing was even and slow and when you’d softly called his name with your camera acting as a barrier in between your faces, you’d expected it to act as more of a buffer than it did. 
When he heard you call him, his eyes opened and he turned his head toward the sound of your voice; the shift in his eyes was stark and breathtaking and he blinked them closed and then very slowly he opened his eyes again for you. 
“Hmm?” His lips stayed closed when he hummed a response.
What exactly were you going for here? The mood was set. The lighting and the scenery were in place. Hell, even the position of him was set —him laying beside you on the floor in the middle of the night like this when everyone knew it was much too late to be entertaining any of this nonsense. The longer you looked at him the more shades of pink you saw in his cheeks. The pinkness matched his lips and the lighting made every bit of warm flush on his face tell such a romantic story. He looked so very warm and inviting. 
You took a shot and you said it. If the picture came out well, that would be rewarding enough. 
But, you didn't actually expect a real sexy look. Not really. You’d expected something silly, or something goofy or something with an awkward smile. Maybe it was the nighttime, or the way he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt and just let it hang open with the clear smoothness of his chest visible, but when he pulled his chin down and ran a hand through his styled hair, bringing it down just a little bit; giving it a messy and tousled look, you had to grip the camera tighter to keep from doing something dumb like accidentally dropping it. You could not understand the flash of nervousness you felt run through you. 
He lifted a single eyebrow. You had called him and it was clear from the inactivity in the camera that you weren’t taking any pictures of him. 
“Hmm?” He repeated the hum that came from the back of his throat. His eyebrow danced and it was the only movement on his face.
You inhaled a breath and you did it.
“You look incredibly sexy right now.” 
Despite the camera, despite the props you’d placed around him just so, his eyes seemed to seek out yours with purpose; one hand on the floor was within touching distance and the other hand rested over his forehead from when he’d ran it through his hair, the tips of his fingers landed over one of his eyes and it was so perfect. You felt goosebumps all over your skin.  
The moment his eyes locked into yours you gripped the camera as if your life depended on it. When his lips slowly parted with a gentle exhale and the tip of his tongue appeared between his parted lips and slowly touched against the corner of his bottom lip a surge of heat rose up the back of your throat. 
“I do?” He said with his eyes on yours as if he was looking directly at you; as if the camera did not even exist. 
You hit the button and you heard the shutter click. 
You allowed yourself a moment to look at the picture Mia had sent you. Only a moment though because she was talking again. She was instructing you to send a new picture right now, with your left hand holding your right earlobe. It was the kind of specific sort of picture that would prove that you really did exist. 
“Peanut,” you reached down and tapped his leg three times quickly, “Peanut, our new girlfriend wants a picture of you right now with your,” you held up your hands in front of your face, figuring out which was the left one, “left hand holding your right earlobe.” You held up your left hand for him to see and he pulled the phone down from his face to look at you. After a second his opposite hand was raised and he gripped his earlobe with his fingertips. 
“Is that your left hand?” You raised your left hand higher and lifted your eyebrows as you shook your head once. You felt a sense of urgency in getting this picture to Mia as fast as possible to calm her doubts. 
“It’s my left. My left is your right, stupid. Why do I have to do this?” 
You snapped the picture close enough that it would look like a selfie and sent the image to Mia. She was satisfied enough to send an emoji with heart eyes and you could feel victory at your fingertips. You could hardly believe this was working. 
“She thought you weren’t real.” You said in between messages and Baekhyun’s leg was shaking behind your back. He’d been sitting still for too long here and the nervous energy was building, you could feel it trying to escape from his limbs. He probably needed to go for a run or something or you were in for a long and noisy night of singing or dancing or whatever other shenanigans he thought you needed to suffer though. He hummed a non-response to your answer, clearly so distracted by what was happening on his screen that he couldn’t be bothered to give you any more of his attention right now. 
Baekhyun was not so quietly giggling under his breath and you looked up caught by that very particular sound of it. Something felt familiar in the sound of that giggle; more, the intentions behind it. The particular sneakiness of it maybe made you look up and it took you another second of listening to the way he stifled himself, tried to control the sounds of his laughter before a realization dawned and recognition struck you on the head. 
Baekhyun couldn’t have been giggling, laughing, texting, having a grand ol’ time on his phone because you had his phone in your hands. You had been talking to Mia for a whole damn hour, who in the hell was Baekhyun talking to and was that your phone he was using? 
“Baekhyun who are you talking to on my phone?”
His stomach bounced with stifled laugher below his shirt and he was typing again. His eyes secured on the screen of your phone and not at all looking at you. 
“Baek, who is that. What are you doing?” It wasn’t that you didn't trust him with your private conversations. He knew more about you than probably any other human being on the planet. It wasn't the problem with him knowing it. The problem was with that laughter. The problem was with what Byun Baekhyun might do with all of the things he knew about you and with whoever the hell had the misfortune of texting you at the exact moment when he had your phone.
“Ben,” Baekhyun said after a long pause and you searched through your recent memory for a person who had that name. You’d matched with some guys last week but you were certain there was no one with that name. 
“Ben? Who the hell is Ben? I don't know a Ben” You were leaning now and Baekhyun bent his legs up as soon as you moved, blocking your lean with his knobby knees. You leaned on the other side of them and he moved them to block again. 
The maneuver brought out the panic in you. He was blocking you from your own phone. He was up to something and he was now blocking you from reaching for your phone and you had just nearly murdered him in the kitchen over cheese, did he really want to do this again? 
“Give me my phone. Baek, who the shit is Ben?”
“I don't know. Some guy named Ben. Said he was some lady’s nephew or cousin or something. He knew your number and he knew your name, and wow he is—”
Oh god. Your co-worker Susie had done it. The son-of-a-bitch had actually given your phone number out this time even though you had successfully, you’d thought, dodged their high pressure tactics to set you up with some eligible bachelor who would probably be 10 years too old for you, balding, with bad teeth, or bad habits, or would be obsessed with his car or his muscles or some sports team and you’d have to make nice small talk with someone who’s interests, frankly, bored you to death until you could politely let the man down. 
And now, what was Baekhyun telling him? What kinds of horrific lies was this little gremlin giggling about over there. You tilted and reached for him again and he moved his knees again. 
“Bug, how- how do you spell hemorrhoids? Hem—hem—er—roids, no that’s not right. Let me look it up. It’s important that I represent you well. A strong, intelligent woman who can talk about her hemorrhoids.” 
You leaped then, over the stupid knees you flew and you landed hard — seated across his belly and the pained grunt he let out was satisfying to hear. He doubled up in pain while simultaneously shoving your phone underneath himself into the softness of the couch cushions and you watched it disappear somewhere below his butt where he assumed you would not dare to reach. 
“Baekhyun,” you said in as calm a voice as you could pry from your lips. Your teeth gritted together as you spoke and much of the sweetness was lost in the delivery.
Your hands were feeling the softness of the cushions that he laid on. You followed an arm that went down and disappeared behind his back and your fingers traveled to the end where you felt no phone at all, only his empty hand that you pulled up. You did the same on the other side, moving to the other hand and bringing it back empty too. On his face he wore a smug, self-satisfied smile. 
“Peanut,” your next attempt at a compromise pulled his name out in a sweeter tone and his lips turned up into a mischievous grin with teeth bared and all. To your own ears though, you really laid it on thick. This was your darling Peanut. You let your whine come through and you pulled your lips into a pouty frown.
“Bug,” he said, mimicking your overly saccharine tone with a tiny lift of an eyebrow on his face and a fake frown that didn’t touch the rabid joy in his eyes.
“Give me back my phone,” you said and your hands dug into his ribs hard as he reached for your wrists and quickly grabbed to hold you still with both of his free hands before you could do any actual damage to him. 
You struggled against his strong hands, reaching with out-stretched fingers despite his hold on you for a few more tickles before he tightened the grip and you could not connect any more attacks. 
“Give me back my phone,” he giggled back, again mocking your ineffective attempts to overpower him. You simply couldn’t do it. He was much stronger than you were.  
The childishness of this brat! You closed your eyes up tight as you forced yourself to take a deep calming breath. You could feel close to the edge again. Close to losing control. How many murder attempts did you need to commit today? Maybe you needed to enroll in anger management classes. You tried to count to ten again but gave up halfway through to threaten him again. 
“I’m going to get mad, give me my phone.” The friendly tone you had forced was gone and you could hear the actual anger in your voice now. Any reasonable person would concede. Any normal human adult would laugh it off playfully, say ‘okay, okay, I was only kidding’ and hand the thing over. A normal person would even apologize for taking it in the first place. 
Baekhyun was not a normal person.
“Ohhh, I’m going to get mad,” you heard him say in that same mocking voice and no amount of calming breaths could touch it. You could count to ten thousand and still want to destroy him. You squirmed all over and pulled at your wrists that he held in his grip and his hold tightened the more you moved until you could only lean, you could only fight back with one thing. The more you fought him, the tighter his muscles constricted and it became evident that you simply could not win this way. Your hands were useless to you. Only your head was free. You’d have to use it to your advantage, but how? 
You could headbutt him; break his nose. Break your head. Make both of you take a trip to the hospital during a global pandemic. Catch the dreaded disease. Lose your sense of taste and smell and potentially infect someone vulnerable that you loved. 
He was like a cat. Only interested in playing with something until it was dead and then losing interest after he couldn’t torture it anymore. You couldn't simply play dead. He had you trapped and you needed that phone back. 
You could bite him. Break the skin. Mean business for real. Make him bleed and make him cry. Make him pay for all of it. Give him a nasty scar on his hand, or on his neck or on his chest, maybe rip off his earlobe like Tyson did to Holyfield. Send him to the hospital during a global pandemic. Go to prison for assault charges. Get a nasty infection from a prison tattoo. Die.
Your struggle for a plan made you go physically still and you looked at his face; into his eyes and in those eyes sat all the usual bullshit and toddler behavior that you usually saw when he had latched on to something to tease you with, something he could play with and have fun with at your expense. Something he could exploit. 
You could use your mouth. 
You could use your lips.
You could use your tongue. 
What is this? Some sort of trashy rom-com? Would you really stoop so low, so early in the story? Kiss him to distract him, become a walking, talking, kissing cliché and an unoriginal failure of a human being? Get scolded and told to leave his home. Become homeless during a global pandemic. Without high speed internet access, lose your easy breezy data entry job. Get hungry and get cold. Possibly end up selling a kidney on the black market to make ends meet. Get a nasty infection from the shady surgery. Die. 
No. This wasn’t a cheesy romance story. This was your life. You’d have to live with the consequences of your choices and there was no way you would steal his first kiss just to get petty revenge.
This wasn’t enemies-to-lovers, this a violent revenge plot and you were pissed off god-dammit. How dare this idiot get you into such a compromising, such an undignified, such a frustratingly suggestive position and hold you captive like this. 
How dare he still be smiling through your entire inner monologue?
Didn't he know anything at all about women and the powers they possessed in their bodies? 
He flinched visibly when you dropped down; lowered your chest to his chest and you were face to face with the man. Your quick movement startled him and he loosened the grip around your wrists enough for you to rotate them before he tightened his hold again and watched you with wide eyes. That grin finally, finally fell from his mouth. His lips sat down-turned and pink. He’d gone positively pink with your quick movement. Your plan to move into him instead of struggling to get away clearly startled him. You felt the advantage at once. 
When you moved again it was only your eyeballs and it was to look pointedly at his lips before you pulled your eyes back up to look into his eyes. The slow movement made a bold statement, even to someone as clueless as he was. You were on top of him. He could most definitely feel the entirety of your weight on his body and your breasts were flush against his chest. And now, you had just looked down at his pink lips. 
Whatever steady and in-control breathing he had, stuttered and his body below yours went rigid with his eyes wide; obviously unsure of what you were about to do and much too on edge to take his eyes off of you. 
What became clear as you stared at his flushed face up close was that he had not thought this far ahead in his plan.
He probably didn't even have one to begin with. 
You moved closer to him and his hands released their hold on you again. You heard a gasp for air when his hand let go. You weren’t convinced he let go on purpose. There seemed to be a disconnected look inside his eyes right now. 
Instead of going straight for his earlobe and squeezing the shit out of it to teach him a lesson, you kept this going. You could not help it. You felt drunk on your own power and you didn't actually want to hurt him. You just wanted the damn phone so you could see what damage he had already done and begin cleaning up the messes. 
He swallowed and his lips opened to speak.
“W-What are you doing?” 
Nervous and trembling and uncertain; oh he was all of the above. Your free hand was moving now, traveling down the length of his arm to his flank when he moved again, this move felt much more frantic than the last. He grabbed your wrist more gently than before when you got close enough to touch him and he pulled your hand back. A feeble attempt it seemed, made by a man who had just come to his senses again after being in a daze. 
You leaned in. “Peanut,” you said directly into the space below his ear. You could smell him here. He smelled nice. Clean, and vaguely familiar. You remembered your shampoo that he still had and made a mental note to get it back from him. The scent of it on him was different than on you. The breath you took at his neck definitely smelled different. 
He was frozen stiff and when you pulled up to look at his face, his eyes were closed. He swallowed again and you reveled in the realization that you had not heard a single peep out of him since you began your counter-attack. Not a giggle, not a mocking laugh. Not a silly impression of what your voice sounded like to him. He was as quiet as a mouse. It paid to be pro-active. You felt free, as if you’d just been armed with some new very effective weapon that you had no idea would work so well. 
He had your hand again and was pulling — keeping you from reaching below his body to reach where you were certain your phone was stashed. Right here below his left butt cheek. Maybe even inside his back pocket. Either way it was there and you were centimeters away from it. 
So you went in again. This time it was a whisper. This time you went too far. You felt the softness of his neck brush against your bottom lip.
“Give it to me, while I am still being nice.” 
It was the exhale from your lips after you spoke that seemed to do it. The puff of air from your parted lips that drifted over his ear and warmed his neck, you felt him squirm below you and his hands moved releasing you all over and all at once. 
He was going now. He was leaving. You felt it happening below you. 
It was a tactic you’d used before when he tried to grab a hold of you and throw you onto your bed, or when he tried to wrestle something away from you in the kitchen. 
He went boneless. When you did it he would shout and laugh and lose his grip on you and you’d use the distraction to drop to the floor and roll out of his grip in one motion. It was much more difficult for him to do right now, being directly under you on the couch like this, but somehow he was vanishing fast. 
He moved so quickly it was like he melted from beneath you and he was pushing you off at the same time as he rolled, simply rolled from the sofa down onto the floor below in a single motion of retreat. 
You know that was where he went because you heard the rough thump of his body hitting the floor hard and you heard the grunt as he vocalized the pain of gravity having it’s final say. You were pushed with a force that made you roll onto your butt and below your legs you felt the rectangle of plastic and glass of your cell phone. 
He was moving fast. But he was also talking as he did it. 
“You are mean,” was what he said and he was halfway through the living room by the time you registered his complaint. 
Something about his fit irked you though. Was it such a big deal — so out of the question? Did he hate the idea of you kissing him, even if on accident that he had to overreact like this. 
“Oh settle down, It’s not like I was going to actually kiss you, Baekhyun.”
You’d expected to hear his bedroom door slam shut but he’d stopped with his hand on his door and turned his face in your direction. His expression was odd. 
Baekhyun was rarely upset with you, so you had very little experience with what he looked like when he was. He had been upset with others around you, but it wasn’t ever directed at you.
“I know you weren’t.” 
You could see it from where you sat and it made you stand up. Wait, was he really upset? At you? Because you pretended like you were going to steal his first kiss? Because you took something so precious to him and weaponized it against him? 
He was breathing hard and you took a step in his direction. 
“Baek, I was just—” 
“—trying to get your phone, I know.” His voice was cold and his words were short.
You suddenly felt like absolute shit. It moved fast and it overwhelmed you. You’d made a mistake and Baekhyun was upset at you. You’d acted carelessly and thoughtlessly and you’d hurt him. 
“We...we were playing around, I was just playing around, I didn’t mean it, Peanut. I’m sorry.” You could not help the thickness in your voice. You could not help how your voice cracked as you spoke up quickly, needing to get the apology out into the air before he could misunderstand any further. 
Before he could wake up and realize how low of a person you could be when you really set your mind to it. Before he could understand that maybe you didn't deserve so many chances to get your life together and get a better job, or be a better roommate, or make more money and pay more rent, or delete your facebook, or create better passwords. 
You realized you were crying when the wetness dripped down your chin and landed on your arm and as soon as you noticed you lifted both of your hands up to cover your face — before he saw, before he noticed or heard. You held your breath to keep from hiccupping or making any sort of sound at all and you closed your eyes and tried to stop the quiet gasps. 
You succeeded for the most part. 
It was the smell of him though. You did not notice that he moved, but you smelled him again, only this time it came with a warmth that enveloped you where you stood.  
“I’m not mad at you,” he whispered over your head and you inhaled through the snot that filled your nose, unable to get any air through. You gasped through your mouth instead and hiccupped through the breath. 
“You seemed mad at me,” you said into his shirt, the same shirt you’d cried into hours ago. This shirt would have so much of your messes on it by the end of the day. What in the world had gotten into you today? Maybe you were going to start your period soon. This was getting ridiculous. 
His hands rubbed slow and steady circles over your back and until the gasping stopped enough for you to lift your head and look into his face. 
“I’m not,” he said with more conviction the second time and you almost believed it. Had it not been for the strange way his eyes dropped yours so easily you would have. 
You didn't say that though. 
His lips parted once and his eyes grasped yours in that flimsy way again and his lips closed up again as he swallowed it away and didn’t say what he was about to say. 
You shook your head. He had to tell you. Whatever it was, you could work on it, do some self reflecting, or read some self help books. 
“What is it? Tell me.” Your insistence was desperate and his damn eyes refused to stick. It was making you crazy the more you noticed it. 
His mouth opened again and this time he inhaled deep enough to speak for hours and hours. 
“Peanut, what?” 
“Don't—” he began and you closed your mouth and looked into his face, dipping to catch them when his eyes dropped again and again. He noticed the dance you did and you saw the light dance inside his eyes. 
“Don't what? I’ll do it. Or I won’t do it. Whatever, just tell me.” If there was one thing you were good at, it was talking to this man. You could always pull it out. Whatever he had been sitting on, keeping from you, whatever he had deep down inside that was begging to be let out. You could talk to him. He could talk to you. It’s as part of the magic you shared with him. 
“Peanut,” you said again, refusing to let him close up again, refusing to let this go. He had to say his piece for the upset to move behind you both, so you could get past it. 
“Don't use your beauty as a weapon against me.” 
As soon as the words left so did his eyes, but that did not matter because you could not look into his face anymore after he said it either. 
Baekhyun didn’t look at you and see beauty. Impossible. You were a mess. Some days you showered. Some days you did your hair. These two events rarely happened on the same day. 
Outside you could pull off some-what put-together and even downright attractive when you wore the miracle bust enhancing bra you bought off some shady website he definitely told you not to enter any credit card info into, but inside you felt like a circus clown wearing a respectable young woman suit. Every day you worked to stuff the oversized shoes into your feet and struggled to zip them up. Every day you painted over your honking red nose with concealer in the hopes that it wouldn’t rain today and give you away. 
“It’s really shitty and really unfair to do to me.” He kept talking and you felt like maybe the ceiling had caved in on you. “I know who I am. I know my place and I know what league I am in.”
He said the word league with a whisper and you stared at his mouth as he spoke such nonsense words you hardly had any thoughts that made any sense inside of your own head. 
League? He was such an amazing person, but league? You’d heard some serious bullshit come out of his mouth in the past, but this? Seriously? 
He was a genius. He was beautiful inside and out and he was such a good person, a good person to you, a good person to his grandmother, a good person to his online friends. He was so good at whatever he wanted to do and he was really fucking sweet when he wasn’t being ridiculous. And even when he was being ridiculous it was so funny you usually didn't mind the ear deafening noise involved. He was a great dancer and an even better singer and he had so much to offer. 
He was shy. He was terribly embarrassed and debilitatingly nervous at the mere idea of talking to any other girl that wasn’t you and he took a whole lot of warming up to until he opened up to you even, but when he finally did, after tiptoeing around him for 4 months after you’d moved in and he finally grabbed a bowl of popcorn and sat beside you on the couch to watch lifetime movies with you, making fun of the writing and the acting the entire time until he was making fun of you for crying at the happy ending. 
He was reliable too. He refused to even entertain the idea of you moving out just because you could no longer afford the previously agreed upon rent after you lost your job. He searched for something to hold you over until you could get back on your feet and while the data entry thing was mind numbing, it was genuinely saving your life most days. You could at least pay your bills. You could at least force him to accept the much lower rent you started paying him again after you got your first paycheck. 
Oh god. League? 
You could feel it building again. The burning in your eyes peaked and you felt your face frowning down dramatically and the tears were flowing more freely than before. 
“You’re such an idiot.” You cried openly and his face changed at once into one of extreme concern. His hands waved over you uselessly, occasionally connecting to pat over your back in some attempt to stop this. 
“You are such a catch, you stupid idiot!” You were wailing very loudly. You could not help it. He was such an idiot. And he was such a catch. 
“Oh my god, are you yelling at me right now? After everything you’ve done to me today, now you are yelling at me and calling me names. Great. Just Great. Here, my face doesn’t hurt, why don't you punch me in the face too.” 
The sarcasm made you half laugh half choke in the middle of a particularly strong sob and you coughed with your mouth open to be able to breathe. Your nose was still useless. 
“Jesus,” he said to himself, “my mouth was open.” 
You were being steered. Your eyes were still closed and you were pushed now. You didn't really want to move but your stubborn legs saved you by taking a step instead of letting you fall flat on your face. You opened your eyes when you felt a fresh cold breeze against the wet surface of your cheeks and you saw in front of you the contents of the freezer. 
There were some frozen veggies. Some ice in a bin. Something meat-like in a freezer bag. And about six different boxes of various ice creams. Most of them chocolate. 
“Get one,” he said and his hand was pushing your elbow up and steering your hand toward the open box of chocolate popsicles. 
You grabbed with your open hand and he pulled your elbow back like you were a claw machine and he was working the lever. 
You grasped the popsicle between both of your hands with a small smile building against your will. 
“Eat it,” he said from behind your head and you were already ripping at the plastic wrapper. You didn’t even have a chance to throw away the wrapper when his hand was pushing at your elbow again. It bent upward and the chocolate plopped right into your open mouth. 
“Bite,” he said. 
You bit. He didn't have to tell you to chew and swallow. You knew how to do the rest. 
After the ice cream you were seated on the sofa next to him and he pulled out a portable game system to keep him entertained while he pressed play on the movie he’d put on the big tv on the wall. 
It was Bridget Jones's Diary. You had seen it enough times to know the entire movie by heart and still, still you laughed at every joke, swooned at every steamy look, and squealed like a piglet at every kiss scene. It literally did not get old. You could fall asleep and wake up watching this movie for the rest of your life and be as happy as ever. 
After he’d felt you’d been babied enough for him to trust you not to dissolve into a fit of disaster without him, he left you alone to finish your movie. He said something about a bug he was working on fixing and you could hear him working from behind his closed door in his room. 
He had been quiet as he worked. He usually was, save for the occasional song he sang along to, or work sounding phone call he took. 
The credits were rolling on your happy ending and you could feel the beginnings of the first few period cramps twinging inside of your abdomen. 
Everything made sense now, as it usually did whenever your period began. 
You’d just stood to head toward the kitchen for some pain medicine when Baekhyun’s bedroom door was abruptly pulled open.  
He bolted through the doorway and his phone was in his hands, his eyes were wide. Panic was written all over his face as he searched the room for you and finally made eye contact with you in the kitchen. 
You had a bottle of pain reliever in one hand and another popsicle in your other and you were trying to figure out the logistics of getting the bottle of medicine open without having to put the sticky melty treat down anywhere and things weren’t going so well. Things were getting drippy. 
Baekhyun arrived then and you beamed a wide and genuinely happy to see him smile. He would help you. He would open the pills. He would stuff you full of them to stop the pain. 
At this point you didn't even care how many. You’d take however many the Gods decided to shake free from their plastic prison. 
“Help,” he said, walking by the medicine you held out to him with his phone displayed in his hands. “Help me, she...our girlfriend, Maya, she—”
You gasped at his mispronunciation and you lifted your popsicle hand toward his face as you made the sounds with your mouth, “Mia. Like Mee-uh.”
“Mia, Maya, Moira, She is — she is talking to me.” His eyes were wide and they were crazed. 
“She’s saying things and she’s really fucking smart and clever and she’s saying things to me, Bug. She’s, oh god, -the fuck didn't you tell me she was cute. Fuck. You have to help me. She thinks I’m cute too. Oh God. What do I do? What’s next?”
He was breathless when he was done and both of your hands were still full. Your popsicle was beginning to drip down your wrist. You would have to clean it up before you got ants. You still had some medicine to take too. 
He was pacing. He thought she was cute too, it wasn’t just you who thought so. He said it himself. Although he reacted this way with nearly every girl you had seen him interact with. Hell, just last week he made you answer the door for the delivery chicken because the girl was cute and he wasn’t about to scribble his signature all over her hand by accident. 
“Baekhyun, I already laid the groundwork for you.” Maybe the day was finally catching up to you but you felt suddenly very tired and in no mood to play make-believe with him right now. 
“What does that mean?” His face betrayed his utter cluelessness and you sighed deeply, feeling much of the same melancholy mood return to you despite the chocolate and your favorite movie still fresh on your tongue. “What does that mean? I don't know what to do. You were going to help me.” 
He was right. You shouldn’t just abandon a friend in need like you’d abandoned the popsicle in the trash can just now. 
“You have a new episode of your show to watch. She also likes that show. Why don't you stream it together?” 
His eyes lit up and his smile was wide and beautiful. Then he was spinning on his heels without even so much as a glance back. He typed into his phone and had nearly reached the door of his bedroom without even acknowledging your help when at the last minute you caught the look he shot you. It was a bright smile. He was excited and his smile reached his eyes. 
“She said yes,” he said, “thanks, Bug.”
His door closed and you reached for the bottle of pills. Grabbing just two today, you downed them quickly and retreated to your room with a gloomy, lonely, little storm cloud floating stubbornly over your head. 
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
Tag list: @j-pping @blahblahblah-boo @his-mochi-cheeks @amyeonzing@littleflowercrown13 @baekinmylife @insta1010 @nana-banana @f4ncyvelvet@bbhbeth  @totallynerdstuff​​  @byunbabybaek​​  @beg0neth0t420
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avaritia-apotheosis · 3 years
Phantom Children Ch.4
In Which: exposition for exposition's sake exists, and Vlad looks way more suspcious than he ought
| AO3 | Prologue | 3 | [4] | 5
VLADIMIR MASTERS. Human male in his mid-forties, and most notably the founder and CEO of VladCo, a billion-dollar industry that mostly specializes in manufacturing weapons and technology. Graduated summa cum laude from the University of Wisconsin despite having to drop out due to a lab accident in his second year, landing him in the hospital. Despite being based primarily in Wisconsin, he made an unexpected move to Amity Park Illinois shortly after reuniting with his college friends Drs. Madeline and Jack Fenton.
Not even a year later, Masters ran for mayor of Amity Park and won the election by a landslide. Suspicious, considering Masters being an unknown and the former mayor Montez being quite popular. It’s during Masters’ tenure in office that reports of ghost attacks to the Justice League steadily died down.
“Why?” Damian asked.
Barbara shrugged, pulling up a few files on the screen. “I originally had a theory that related to VladCo’s buyout of Axion Labs—a technological research and manufacturing company that’s mostly local to Amity—being a factor. Within the last couple of years, they had been experimenting with highly volatile chemicals with hallucinogenic properties. Amity had always been known for being extremely superstitious with its ghosts, and if Axion Labs had somehow accidentally released that chemical into the city, well…” She leaned back into her chair, hand twisting in the air. “You could bet how that ended up. The hysteria around ghosts only grew worse in the last two years, with suspected sightings from once every few weeks to multiple in a single day. Early attempts to capture sightings were unsuccessful, and soon enough Amity Park was just written off.”
Much like the mass hysteria surrounding the urban legend of the kuchisake-onna in Japan in the late 1970s, Bruce thought. He pulled up some news footage from Amity Park dated a few years back of citizens being interviewed about their ghostly encounters. Beside these videos were a few photos taken by a shaky camera, showing bright blurs of light streaking across the sky or vaguely humanoid shapes rising from the ground.
“So VladCo., bought out Axion Labs, improved its security, and slowly helped detoxify the town?” Damian shifted his weight onto his other leg and crossed his arms.
“That’s what I thought, but—”
“But the ghosts ended up being real.” Bruce pulled up a video of a field reporter-slash-weatherman taking cover as a figure dropped from the sky, breaking through the walls of a building. The figure—features distorted by an eerie glow—shot out of the rubble just in time before a green blast hit it.
Oracle enlarged other news footage with a few taps on her keyboard. Beings zooming through the air. Massive plants erupting from the ground. Technology coming to life. Each video more worrying than the last, and most showing some footage of a figure bathed in a white glow. “I’d be hard pressed to call any of these faked.”
It begged the question as to how Amity Park survived this long unscathed. Since, if he remembered correctly, even the Dark Leaguers tended to avoid Amity Park like the plague. “They have their own heroes, then?”
“Think along the lines of vigilantes with unofficial support.” A few more files popped up on screen. One showcased a female in a full-length black and red body suit on top of a hover board. The other was a male; young, perhaps a teenager, with white hair and a black and white suit. Hazmat? “The Red Huntress and the Phantom of Amity Park.”
“More like enemies working on the same turf. Sources place Phantom as appearing first, though it seems Red Huntress has more government support in the end despite there being no official statement. They seem to be the most effective ghost hunters in town, though far from the only ones. The Fentons of Fenton Works are also acting as ghost hunters, though their track record of success leans more towards their anti-ghost tech than any hunting. The town’s even attracted visitors from the Ghost Investigation Ward; a side branch of Cadmus though a now defunct organization.”
“This doesn’t make sense,” Damian said. “If anything, this should be more than enough reason for a League intervention. Why the Justice League didn’t come sooner is the real question here.”
Bruce’s lips thinned. “That’s because we were warned off it.”
While there was no rule against heroes entering another hero’s city, there were certain unspoken rules that demanded that JL members avoid claimed cities or stay just outside of city lines until given permission to enter. Some were especially strict about it such as Batman’s ‘no metas or outsiders’ rule. Others were more lenient, simply requesting a warning before entering.
Amity Park, despite having no listed heroes in the database, was marked with heavy ‘Do Not Interact’ warnings for humans and metas alike.
“Justice League Dark said that under no circumstances should the League interfere in Amity. The situation was never explicitly laid out for us except to say that everything was being handled.”
“Oh yeah,” Oracle chimed. “Constantine even had it bolded, underlined, italicized, and in all caps. The occult community was very clear about everyone staying away—and apparently this decision had support from Amity Park too.” She pulled up another document. “That’s probably what led to the decline in their ghost reports, actually. Amity’s claims were considered bogus and brushed aside. No one outside their town—not even their sister town of Elmerton—believed them, so they simply stopped asking for help.”
Strangely, it reminded Bruce of Gotham. Both cities existed in its own isolated sphere, unwilling to let any outsiders interfere in its business.
“It’s safe to assume, then, that whatever Ra’s al Ghul wants with Amity, it has to do with these ghosts. Do we have anyway to contact the town’s vigilantes?”
Oracle shook her head. “Ghost attacks within the past few months have slowly died down along with sightings of Phantom and Red Huntress. Your best bet is asking Masters directly.”
Damian glowered. “Masters blatantly sent out an invitation for Batman to my father. How do we know that Masters hasn’t somehow found our secret identities?”
“Unlikely,” Bruce said. “Vlad Masters, despite his wealth, has done well to keep a low profile. He’s met Bruce Wayne a total of three times within the last decade and Batman not at all.” That, and with the kind of spyware Batman has, he’d be able to tell when, where, and who was trying to dig deep into Batman’s past. Masters hadn’t even registered as a ping.
“Besides, there’s always a few rumors of Wayne Enterprise’s involvement with Batman. All this tech has to come from somewhere, no?”
“How long is Masters staying in Gotham?”
“Umm…” Oracle leaned forward in her chain and flipped through a half-dozen windows. “Going by his reservations at the Gotham Royal Hotel, he’s leaving tomorrow.”
Bruce pivoted on his heel, heading deeper into the Cave. “We better make this count, then.”
According to Oracle’s intel, Vlad Masters was staying at one of the executive suites in the Gotham Royal Hotel. A titanic structure with forty-eight floors, two towers, and the gothic aesthetic that never seemed to leave Gotham’s architecture.
Scaling the building as well as entering the suite proved no challenge for Batman and Robin. But upon entrance, it was abundantly clear that the room was vacant.
“Are you sure you guys are in the right room?” Bruce could hear the clicking of Oracle’s keys through their comms. “Masters had reserved the suite on the west tower.”
“Yes we’re in the correct room, Gordon,” Robin hissed.
“Codenames only, Robin.”
Robin clicked his tongue, sweeping the common room for any hidden bugs or cameras as Batman scouted out the rest of the room. The bed was made to hotel standard and the bathroom towels all completely replaced. There were no clothes in the hotel closet or dresser.
The only thing left that indicated occupancy of the room was an unmarked manila envelope unsubtly tucked within a pillowcase.
Robin tensed at the sight of it. “A detonator of some sort?”
Batman rotated the package, holding it up to his scanner. “Doesn’t seem to be. Regardless, it might be better to take it back to the Batcave and locate Masters ag—” The envelope started ringing. A standard ringtone found in most phones. Quickly, but carefully, Batman opened the manila envelope and dumped its contents onto the bed. A ringing burner phone and a flash drive came tumbling out.
Batman threw the flash drive at Robin before answering the phone, holding it up against his ear but saying nothing.
Silence. Then, Masters’ voice filtered in through the phone with a strange echo-like quality. “Good evening, Batman! I’m so glad my invitation managed to get passed along.”
Batman growled into the speaker, “What do you want, Masters?” He signaled Robin to do another sweep of the room for any signs of Masters they might have missed.
“I sincerely apologize for not being there to meet you myself; incredibly rude of me, I know. But it cannot be helped, the shadows are growing ever bolder.”
“So, you are aware then, of the League of Assassins’ presence in Amity Park?”
“A league of assassins? What a terrifying notion that is.” Batman frowned. It was unlikely that they had misread his words at the gala, so why was he acting unaware now? Could he be watched? “Why such a group would appear in my little town, I wouldn’t even dare to guess.”
Robin came back into the room and signaled back ‘negative.’
“Why did you call for us, Mayor Masters?”
“Do you know what is so very tragic, Batman?”
“This is strange,” Oracle said. “I can’t pick up his signal. He’s not appearing on any of my cameras, either.”
“When someone so young dies much to soon.” A pause. “Could you even imagine such a thing? A parent burying their own child.”
Batman could. He had no need to even imagine it because he lived it.
“Some very close friends of mine have been weighed down by the shadows of death and I require help in providing them the closure they need.”
“Are the Fentons the targets, then?”
Masters paused. Then let out a breathy laugh over the phone. “Oh, if only it were that simple.”
“So a different target.”
“Everything you need to know is in the flash drive I’ve enclosed in that envelope Whether you take up the case is entirely up to you—though I do hope you take it. Regardless, if he is not returned soon then I assure you that a disaster unlike any you have seen before will arrive.”
Batman narrowed his eyes. “Is that a threat, Masters?”
“No,” He laughed. “That was no threat. That was promise.”
The phone line disconnected just as Oracle exclaimed that she finally found Masters boarding his flight back to Amity Pak.
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nari-nim · 4 years
forever anticipating
“hi i don't know if your requests are open but if they are can you write an scenario in which hyunsuk sets jihoon and y/n on a blind date? fluffy? btw do you think he would kiss on the first date?”
aww anonie this is the cutest request! time for some SOFT JIHOON HOURS!  To answer your question, I think Jihoon is highly intuitive and can read body language well so he will use that to inform his decision whether or not to go for the kiss! If his date is down, he will not hesitate. I hope you enjoy the direction I took :) lmk what you think!! 💓
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This is how Jihoon secretly looks at you when you aren’t looking during your date. gif credit goes to @khaly-no​
Treasure Jihoon x Y/N
warnings: none, this FLUFFY
word count: 1.8k
— the dorms —
Video game night was in full swing and it has never been louder in the dorms. Jeongwoo screeched over the sound of six other members’ simultaneous bickering. Meanwhile, Asahi decided now was the perfect time hit whoever blinked with a couch pillow. Normally, Hyunsuk wouldn’t have tolerated this level of rowdiness under his roof. But he was busy. He sat quietly on the far end of the sofa tapping furiously into his phone, a sly smile plastered across his features.
“Hey, Jihoon—oh my god,” Hyunsuk said, his smile melting as soon as he looked up. The chaos activated his leader (mother) mode. “Jihoon-Jeongwoo get down. Jeongwoo, please. Haruto, wait--Junkyu-Junkyu- ASAHI”
Asahi stopped. The rest followed suit.
The room turned to normal levels of volume, and Hyunsuk was able to try again. 
“Jihoon, come here.” Jihoon perked up from his Mashiho impersonation, and got up to join Hyunsuk.
“Bro, you should join us. Junghwan is killing it, you don’t want to miss his true maknae on top moment.” (He’s actually not, the beloved super king cow king baby is getting crushed by Haruto every round). Jihoon slid next to Hyunsuk, glancing at his phone screen. “What are you...”
Hyunsuk flashed him a cheeky smile and hid what he was working on for the past half hour.
“You’re going on a blind date tomorrow.”
“No way, this feels somewhat illegal. Tell me more.”
“Her name is y/n and I met her through a mutual friend. They go to uni together and we met at that hangout I went to last weekend. Park Jun, she is exactly your type. You gotta trust me on this one.”
Jihoon blinked at him, for once without a witty remark. Jihoon squinted at Hyunsuk, and chuckled in disbelief. Reality was hitting him and logic does not like that shit eating grin on Hyunsuk’s face.
“Hyunsuk, you’re setting me up? You, really? This is actually happening? Right before our flight to Japan?”
“Yeah. Tomorrow early morning at the Han River. You’ll have a few hours before we head over to Incheon.” 
Jihoon ruffled his hair and sat back into the couch. He sucked in a breath. Hyunsuk frowned, “you don’t want to? Sorry man, I really thought your vibes would’ve matched and-“
“Oh no no, hyung, I’m just...worried since we’re going to promote in Japan for the next two weeks and our schedules are so busy. It might end up hurting us both,” Jihoon confessed. “And it’s been forever since I last been on a date.”
“Nah I think you’re worrying way too much in advance. The policy is chill now and, hey, who can say no to waiting a few weeks for those abs,” Hyunsuk reassured. 
“Oh right, I’m going to flash my abs the fifth minute in,” Jihoon said sarcastically. He did make a mental note, though, because if you really are that cute? He’ll need that Plan G.
“Here, I’ll text you the address now. You better not flake and make me look bad.”
“HEY! What are you guys WHISPERING about!” Jeongwoo said, looking at them suspiciously. Simultaneously, the nonactive players of the game whipped their heads to stare at the pair.
“Nothing, the grownups are talking” Jihoon joked, dramatically nodding and shooting thumbs up at Hyunsuk. Jihoon left the resulting hysterics and sound of Hyunsuk cackling behind for the comforts of his room where he checked his buzzing phone. Turns out, Hyunsuk had attached the pictures of you, figuring he would give Jihoon that peace of mind (and a way to find you tomorrow) under the instructions.
Holy shit. 
Jihoon eyes widened. You are exactly his type. Jihoon couldn’t stop staring at your smiling features. The soft smile that colored his features never left his face for the rest of the night.
He couldn’t wait.
— Han River —
Wow ok, this is slightly worse than evaluation days, Jihoon decided, nervously kicking a small pebble around on the dusty road.
“Hey, Jihoon?”
Jihoon froze for a millisecond and turned around to face you.
You looked ethereal in the early morning sun. The light reflected off your lovely features, illuminating the kind glow of your smile. Jihoon made another mental note to treat Hyunsuk to dinner once they land in Japan.
“The one and only. Y/n?”
“Yes,” you nodded shyly. “It’s nice to meet you, Jihoon.”
Jihoon loved hearing his name coming from your lips. Which were so pretty and pink and—
Jihoon cleared his throat. “Likewise.” After a small pause, “Is there anything you would like to do in particular while we get to know each other?”
You laughed, the sound music to Jihoon’s ears. He wants to hear that all the time now, he decided.
“I actually really like taking pictures of random beautiful things that pique my interest! Maybe we can just go for a walk and explore what we find beautiful about the Han River?”
“Perfect,” Jihoon smiled widely, which somehow grew when he noticed the blush in your cheeks.
And that’s how you two somehow went from exchanging detailed introductions to sharing hobbies to discussing life goals and values, all while snapping amazing scenery pics. This developed into a made up game of taking the best picture, judged entire on a subjective and nondemocratic point system. The winner gets uncontested glory and a copy of all the photos of the loser’s captured moments. 
“HAHA, y/n I just got the spiciest photo of these golden bell flowers over this ledge!”
“What, how??” You whipped around from trying to make some daisies look aesthetic. The competitive side of you was taking over.
“I guess it’s one of the perks of being taller,” Jihoon said, hopping down the said six foot tall ledge he spent the last few minutes scaling. He dusted his pants off carefully and flashed you his eye smile. In a singsong voice, he said, “and one of those perks is winning this game~”
Yeah you were not about to risk a broken arm for that picture. “Okay, fine, but show it to me?”
“Nuh uh.” He flashed you the picture in one second bursts, having the best time teasing you.
Jihoon paused. He got so comfortable with you in the last hour that he just teased you like he does with the other Treasure members. His worries were interrupted at the adorable sight of you giggling. He internally sighed of relief.
“NuH uH,” you mimicked backed at him, reaching for his phone. 
Jihoon quickly yanked his phone above his head, dramatically leaned his body so it was out of your reach. Surprised, you tried to change course. But in the spur of the moment, the momentum carried you just a tad too far. You bump slightly into his chest. Jihoon instinctively grabbed at you to prevent you from losing your balance further, his hands falling on your waist. His large hands felt so warm through the fabric, his breath brushing as the top of your forehead. You were so close.
His eyes widened, heat rushing to his cheeks. For a second, your eyes meet. You wonder if he can hear the thundering in your chest.
Jihoon quickly let go and took a step back, slightly bowing at you. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to grab you like that!”
You could tell your face was absolutely flushed at this point, but you made a show of brushing off your outfit and stuck your nose in the air, “as long as you don’t have cooties.”
“Ooh,” Jihoon winced. “I definitely do. Exclusive, premium, limited edition cooties.”
You laughed, thankful he didn’t press you on the obvious blush. Although it’s not like his face was any better.
“Hey, y/n,” Jihoon said, pulling you out of your internal monologue. “This might be about it for the date. My phone has actually been blowing up with reminders to get back.”
Oh, You tried to hide the sadness in your face. The few hours you spent together seemed to fly by so fast, and you definitely longed for more. Within the span of the date, he showed just how incredible he is—unyielding dedication to his dreams, selfless outlooks on life, and a kind, hilarious and loving personality that felt like sunshine on a rainy day.
Jihoon noticed the quiet pause, and softly asked, “May I walk you home?”
You let out an airy laugh. “Not unless you want to walk 45 minutes in one direction and an hour in the other, Park Jihoon. It’s okay, I’ll take the subway!”
“Right, right,” Jihoon chuckled. You guys reached an intersection leading pedestrians away from the river sidewalk. The signs pointed to your destinations in opposite directions, which felt too meta for your taste.
Jihoon turned to face you.
“You know, golden bell flowers means anticipation in flower language.” He looked the most serious he has ever been all morning.
You mustered yourself to look into his eyes.
“That’s suitable, Jihoon, because I anticipate for you to call me as soon as you safely land and are available.”
Numbers and addresses (for postcards, he claims) were exchanged.
“Jihoon, I had an amazing time today.” You said, suddenly feeling shy again. A part of you wished you could walk him back, but that would attract unwanted attention.
“Me too, y/n. Thanks for waking up so early to spend all this time with me.” Jihoon said, the tone of his voice so soft and genuine.
He shifted a little closer, eyes flickering to your lips. 
Your eyes widened. 
He leaned in and gently rested his hand against the back of your head. His eyes searched yours, asking.
Oh my god, yes please. You drew even closer in answer, eyes fluttering shut. 
Jihoon closed the distance. His lips gently pressed into yours, completing a perfect puzzle. The kiss was was warm, sweet and heartfelt. Your lips gently moved against each other, before you pulled slightly away for air. As your foreheads rested against each together, a warm wave unfurled in your chest.
Just a little more, you thought. Jihoon seemed to agree as you both lean in again, this time the kiss far less hesitant. Your hands rest against his chest while he cups your face with his. Jihoon pulled back, pushing a strand of hair behind your ears. His phone was aggressively ringing, you realize.
“I’ll see you, y/n.”
“I’ll anticipate you, Jihoon.”
He watched your retreating figure for a bit before he headed back to the dorm, giddy with joy.
— your home —
A few days later, a package arrived. It was from Jihoon. Your heart raced. 
He never mentioned anything about this in his calls, you excitedly thought. 
You slowly pulled out the contents, marveling at each one. A picture of the Han River reflecting the morning light. A dozen of printed photos he somehow took of you that day (you laughing at something you took, looking off into the river, and crouching over vegetation). A polaroid of him in the hotel room, “you better be missing me so damn hard” it captioned. You chuckled, touched by his gift. 
You were about to close the envelope until you realized there’s still one item left. You reached in. And you gasped.
A golden bell flower, pressed by hand. 
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gayregis · 3 years
Hi! I've followed your blog for a while and love your individual takes. Can you do a succinct character study of Milva? I'm thinking of writing with her soon. (Bonus points if you could hypothesise how she'd intereact with other witchers of Kaer Morhen).
i have awakened
to me, milva represents the dichotomy and conflict between vulnerability and strength. she’s an inversion / subversion of the “action girl” trope - the girl in a group of guys who is just as badass as any of them... (more information on the trope here and here). the trope of the action girl is also intended to be sexy and conform to the expectations of the viewer, still feminine in appearance or having a “glow up” moment where she discovers femininity and is happy with it.
milva stops all of this bullshit in its tracks in manyw ays. primarily, she is not perfect and infalliably strong. instead of being capable in everything with no real depth or difficulty, she actually struggles immensely and has many self-percieved flaws and insecurities. just because she’s a badass in combat doesn’t mean she doesn’t have emotions. she berates herself, particularly in baptism of fire, multiple times for being illiterate / uneducated / “simple”, as well as a woman. throughout baptism of fire (the only book of the series where she actually got any development, let’s be honest) she is faced with her insecurities extensively. 
milva was raised in a very traditional sodden peasantry upbringing, from which she was taught lessons about how men and women are expected to and “should” act. she rebelled from this, seeking ways in which she could not conform to the expectations of womanhood - she prides herself on her strength, which is her skill at archery. when she is reduced to her gender, she becomes indignant and volatile as she should: we can see this possibly best demonstrated when she punched cloggy for his misogynistic demands to her, and gave him a concussion with one punch. she reacted in this way not only because his views were bigotedm but because she has spent her entire life saying, “i’m not what people expect of a woman, i’m not!”
thus goes that when she had to reveal her pregnancy to the group, she was ashamed of herself and very insecure. she had spent much effort rebelling from “traditional feminine roles”, but now was restricted to exactly that - pregancy, which is a role of a “traditional woman” in her cultural gender norms. as she says to geralt, she compares herself now to a chicken, instead of a red kite (a “milva” in elder speech, and “milvus milvus” in real life scientific terminology). she took the name red kite because it’s a bird of prey, it’s ferocious! it kills without looking back... and she felt then that she “got herself stuck” in a situation where she was expected to care and nurture - the complete opposite of what she has based her identity around. this is the dichotomy of maria, her birth name, and milva, her chosen name. when she reveals her pregnancy to geralt, she refers to herself resentfully as “a millstone, a typical bloody woman!” because she resents herself for being now tied to the social expectations of womanhood through her pregnancy.
additionally, her pregnancy showed that she can be swayed by social pressures, or was at once swayed - instead of laughing in the face of traditional femininity, she felt pressured to act as the she-elf in the scoia’tel squad did, she was socially pressured into having sex with a man. her pregnancy is a result of her exposing herself to a traditional feminine role (which she didn’t enjoy, but now still has the consequences of).
she likely felt too guilty to abort the pregnancy because childbearing and rearing is an expectation traditionally placed upon women.
she continued to travel with geralt after she found out that his quest was to save his daughter, because her logic was that if she would lose her own child because she did not want to carry the pregnancy to term, she could at least endavour to save geralt’s child - it would be “a life for a life,” rather than just having an abortion on her own and “losing a child” without ‘making it up somehow’ (again, conservative ideas, because that’s how she was raised and precisely what she is trying to outgrow in her character development).
(this excerpt is from another ask i answered about milva’s pregnancy)
what her development is, is accepting that she can simply exist as herself outside of the confines of social pressures. she has to ask herself what SHE wants, not what other people want or expect from her. instead of trying to rebel from what her traditional society wants from a woman, or trying to follow the needs of a man (geralt), she has to do what she wants for herself. for example, in tower of the swallow, she cuts her virgin’s plait because “she’s not a virgin, nor a widow.” this can be seen as her growing away from the expectations of a virgin, being open about the fact that she is no longer a virgin, but still conforming to the societal standards which surround them.
milva’s other subversions of the action girl trope come from being independently masculine (instead of “i learned it from my brother”) ... she learned archery from her father, but he died when she was young, so she didn’t receive mentorship far into her childhood. another way she subverts her trope is that the action girl usually is fanservice-y and is thus pretty much a “sexy lamp”: i.e., a sexual object (”if you can take out a female character and replace her with a sexy lamp “). she comes off as a real person with deep emotions, so that rules out being a lamp. additionally, she is sexy as in she is attractive, but she is not meant to be a romantic interest for geralt or any of the other male characters. she does not wear feminine clothing ever (refused to get into a dress in lady of the lake), she wears men’s clothing which is remarked upon several times. 
milva also is independent out of survival. when her father died and her mother remarried, her stepfather abused her, and her mother did not stand up for her. in self-defense, she beat her stepfather to death and ran away from home. she’s been mostly along since then, hunting alone, though she collaborates heavily with the dryads of brokilon and scoia’tel commandos. she has a difficult time trusting others to have her best at heart, because no one has ever looked out for her besides herself.
other (obvious, but important to state) character traits include:
directness. why say three dozen words, when three will do? she doesn’t beat around the bush and will say the truth without mincing words or making pleasantries.
short temper, and impulsiveness. her exhausted gaze became that of a wolf. don’t fuck with her. sometimes she says or does things she regrets immediately after.
maturity. she is not above apology and admitting her faults and weaknesses. unlike geralt in baptism of fire, she is willing to accept the company of comrades once they have gained her trust.
moments of clarity? sometimes, she can just say exactly what is going on, in a very sort of meta way. such as in baptism of fire when she says that to her it seems that everyone who comes into contact with ciri dies.
action, not words! as opposed to characters like regis, she doesn’t spend her time philosophizing or thinking too much about things. if something needs to be done, she gets it done immediately without overthinking the options. she’s good on her feet this way, but finds discussions about ‘what could be and why things are’ confusing.
in regards to how she would interact with the other wolf witchers:
i think she would try to fit in with them as much as possible, maybe feeling a need to get validation and respect from them as they’re capable fighters and men, she would want to be seen as their equal and afraid that they wouldn’t see her as such. but they are cool guys, so i think they would like and respect her. if geralt was around, i think she would be in even better spirits, and she’d have good humor probably (razzing geralt about being a handful, how’d you grow up with this guy, has he always been like this hahaha...). it also depends on who else is in the scene but that’s how i think she’d interact with them. she’s similar to geralt in many ways (strong but very insecure) so i think they’d appreciate her. she would probably see them like the brothers she never had.
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Savitar x Reader - Chapter 6 Final
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"Please let's talk."
"I'm sorry about what happened."
"Bart please!"
Savitar starred as the phone continued to ding relentlessly. You'd been messaging him since early that morning. The little incident last night shook him. He thought it was just a dream, the feel of your hands so warm against his skin. It was soothing, relaxing. When he opened his eyes he never thought you'd actually be there, touching him. When was the last time anyone even tried to approach him in such a way. He had no idea.
That's the word you used. That's why he ran. He was angry because you were just friends.
At what point did he realize that he wanted more. He couldn't tell. Hell, he was the one who didn't even want your company at the beginning. Now he was lost whenever you didn't ask him over for a movie, or out to eat. Or even to pick his brain about some studies during your exams since you were still under the impression that his twin brother 'Barry' was a cop.
How was he supposed to fix this. He wasn't sure he could face you again. How could you look at him that way, and then say all you had was friendship. Did he imagine the desire he saw when you were tracing the outline of his lips. He must have.
Another ping on his phone. He glanced over.
"Bart please, I'm begging you."
An image of you crying popped into his mind, and before he could stop himself he was rushing over to your apartment. He phased through the door, and the sight of you sitting on the couch with a box of tissues in your hand had his chest constricting in a way he thought was no longer possible. His abrupt entrance caused all the stray pieces of paper to fly back, and you raised your head from the cell phone. Your eyes were red and puffy, and the moment you saw him, they lit up.
"Bart!" He swore he'd never seen you look so brilliant. You sprinted over, disregarding your tissues and cell phone. Before he could even work up an apology you were holding unto him, hugging him. He stayed still, utterly unsure of how to react. You were holding him so tightly, like he was the most precious gift you could ever receive. And in that moment he felt like it. He felt like something useful. Something worth having. Someone worth loving.
It took him a while, but slowly, he reciprocated the embrace. Holding you. The warmth from your skin was so amazing. It heated his own body in a way he couldn't describe.
"I'm sorry Bart I never meant to make you uncomfortable. I-I don't know why I did that. I know we're friends and you've been through so much." he pulled away at that. Now looking completely guarded.
"What do you mean so much, what are you talking about."
The coldness of his expression wasn't something you thought you'd see.
"I'm not stupid Bart." Did he really think you wouldn't be able to see just how damaged he was on the inside.
"Someone hurt you, and then you decided you'd hurt them back. It's why you're the way you are. " His jaw was clenched, eyes giving nothing away.
"I'm not naive. You keep treating me like a kid. I know you've done things you probably regret today. If you think I've been thinking of you like a saint this entire time you're wrong. " His eyes now wouldn't meet yours.
This is what he was afraid of. The entire time you knew. You figured him out. Maybe not the specific details, but he could tell you didn't need it. At least he was sure of one thing. You'd make a damn good detective. Wait...something wasn't adding up. If that was true, why did you continue to hang out with him. Why even be around him. Weren't you afraid of what he could do to you.
"Just because you're not a saint, it doesn't make you a monster Bart." His gaze lifted. Was it just him, or were you glowing now.
That was crazy. People didn't glow.
"You don't know what I've done."
"You saved me."
"That's not what I-"
"I don't care." you snapped.
"I don't give a crap what you did in the past. You saved me okay. You protected me, and you didn't even know me. Why did you do that Bart. Why help someone who meant nothing to you." you stepped closer, taking his hand, just to make sure he didn't bolt like all the other times.
"I-I don't know it was just an instinct move it meant nothing!" He probably shouldn't have said that. He just blew any chance of you caring about him.
"Did it really..mean nothing to you.." you took another step forward, and his brain was struggling to form a reply to that question, you were getting too close.
"Does this mean nothing.." you breathed. You raised unto your toes, wrapping your hands around his neck as you kissed him.
You kept telling yourself that this was bad. You wanted to fix the friendship, not dig it into a deeper hole that you wouldn't be able to come back from. If this was wrong, then why did it feel so good. His lips were as soft as you thought, and his lack of response should have alerted you that you should stop, but you just couldn't. It was terrible, but you'd been thinking about this for way too long. When you parted, it was slow. You released him, dropping back flat on your feet.
"Sorry..." that was all you could come up with. The bewildered look on his face said it all. You definitely ruined this.
"Why would you..why did you do that.."
He didn't understand anything anymore. Whatever idea he entered the apartment with, now everything was warped. He couldn't have imagined that kiss. There was too much want in it, too much passion. His bit his lower lip, trying to get a taste of you that was still lingering there.
"Is it bad that I want to do it again." 
Savitar swallowed, taking a much needed step back. He needed to sit down, or lie down. When you started moving closer he panicked. 
You gripped the sleeve of his sweater, smirking. "I don't I'd be able to catch you if you ran Bart." the more you walked closer, the more steps he took backwards. He finally stopped because of the dumb wall that just had to be there to block his way. He was cornered, by a regular person. Not a super powered meta, or a speedster. A perfectly normal, beautiful woman.
Your hands pressed to the wall, and you slid one of your legs in between his. And you didn't miss the staggering breath he released when your chest followed suit, now flush on his.
Before you were holding back because you thought he wasn't attracted to you. Now you knew that wasn't the case. He was just scared. You were absolutely going to change that.
"If you really don't want this, just push me away Bart." you were teasing him, and he must have realized, because he was glaring. He obviously wasn't used to being dominated. "You're playing with fire."
"Really, right now it looks like I'm playing with a teddy bear." you cooed. You gasped when you saw the flash of lightning in his eyes. It a matter of seconds you were the one pressed to the wall. The smugness on his face was a bit arousing.
"Who's a teddy bear." he leaned in, pressing a kiss at the base of your neck. Letting out a shuddering breath, your hands fisted into his dark jacket.
"You really caught me off guard, guess I should expect that from you by now. Everything you do shocks me." He pulled back, and the softness of his gaze, it had your heart doing flips.
"I'm not sure what this is Bart, and honestly, I really do like you. I like hanging out with you. And I don't want that to stop. I like how honest you are, even your grumpiness."
"I'm not grumpy."
"You're right, I guess the proper term would be grouchy."
"You're walking on a pretty thin line (Y/N)." you smiled.
"I love you the way we banter. It always makes my day." you added. Bart was just taking it all in. Your endearing words. He was glad there was someone who thought he had a sense of humor. Making jokes in STAR Labs was a bit touchy. Probably because he had a pretty dark sense of humor. Still. They could appreciate the effort.
"I love the fact that you're so hot and you seem completely oblivious to it."
That caught him off guard. Now you were just trying to flatter him. He was about to point it out, but you grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket, pulling him down for a kiss. His mouth was opened this time, and you took full advantage of it. You were merciless in your ministrations. Your tongue took charge. You could feel the way he struggled to keep up. It was adorable. Just looking at him one would assume he was the type to take charge. He groaned when your tongue stroked his. You urged him closer and he banged his hand on the wall, trying to regain some type of control. Your hand reached across, grabbing his butt, and he moaned this time.
He liked that. Who would have thought. Your other hand ventured to his dark hair. You caressed it, loving the way it slipped through your fingers. Bart leaned away, trying to gather his breath.
"Minx." he spoke huskily.
"Well, I try."
He watched you, taking it all in. This was something he thought he could no longer achieve. The love of someone else. After what happened, he couldn't trust people. But somehow he'd let himself trust you. And as terrifying as it was, now, he could see a future. One that didn't include being on his own.
That was all he ever really wanted, and now it wasn't just an illusion, but a reality that he could build with you.
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alltingfinns · 4 years
The Hounds of the Baskerville
Holding a phallic object, splattered with a body fluid and breathing heavily.
“Well that was tedious!”
And as if that was too subtle, he keeps playing with the harpoon even after it and him has been cleaned off and he’s switched to one of his robes.
John taking just two seconds to pretend considering to give in, just to be a little shit.
Also I am pretty sure that John has a secret scrapbook just for pictures of Sherlock in the hat.
Oh look, begging for mercy. Twice.
I just really love this scene, the manic energy of Sherlock and the calm sass of John gives us some of the funniest moments of the entire show. Also Ben needs to do more physical comedy.
Here he mentions a blog entry on perfume identification which plays out in HLV, so I’m a bit disappointed that the blogging on textile tensile strength in TEH didn’t feature in s4. Maybe some shirts get ripped in s5?
It’s so mean, but my favorite bit really is the mocking of the little girl asking for help finding her rabbit.
The wagging from side to side “please please please can you help?”
“Like a fairy!” with accompanying high pitch and hand motions.
Followed by a look from John that suggests he doesn’t think a lack of substance is Sherlock’s present issue.
And then suddenly he’s like “wait this actually does sound better than nothing”
And Cluedo. “It was the only possible solution”
Trivia note: the Swedish name for the game is also Cluedo, except we pronounce each vowel seperately. Clu-e-do.
It’s so domestic how they say “client” together. Apparently there’s a certain way frequent callers would ring the doorbell that differentiates clients.
Sherlock’s mainly looking at Henry looking at the video, don’t think I’ve noticed that before.
John’s irritated already when Sherlock begins listing things he noticed. Maybe he feels it is a bit too similar to when they first met, meaning he might be jealous that Sherlock does it with others or irritated at his past self for being as mesmerized as Henry is.
Sherlock inventing aggressive passive smoking.
Sherlock is so annoyed that Henry keeps thinking he’s in a horror story rather than a detective story.
I wonder what kind of poetry John wrote. He probably tried to use his feelings for Sherlock to simulate the romance his girlfriends wanted, which is why it is extra exasperating that Sherlock found it “funny”. Although that might be because he’d find the poetry mismatched to the girlfriends and/or the emotional investment John showed them.
“Childhood trauma masked by an invented memory. Boring!”
The parallel has been pointed out before but it bears repeating. Even if they hadn’t planned ahead by the time this episode was written, why go ahead and use an already discarded plot device they themselves called boring?
Interestingly the plot of the episode does more or less lead to this being the solution but not quite. The memory was invented and masking the real events, but it wasn’t Henry’s childhood brain doing it (at least not without aid). Might be worth comparing these plots. If only for the meta moment of it wasn’t you who imagined what you saw, someone made you see it. And then they tried to drive you into fear and doubt to keep secrets hidden.
“The vanishing glow-in-the-dark rabbit! NATO is in an uproar.”
That :( face is so funny every time.
Hound is a bit tricky in Swedish as the Swedish word for dog is hund. So the subtitles just go with spökhund. (Ghost dog)
“It’s cold.” John doesn’t even say anything but he still makes Sherlock self conscious.
Wonder why they showed us the therapy session?
John standing by the counter looking at Sherlock just looking very soft.
Doesn’t even complete his denial. And was that a single key, or were two keys just so closely held together? I’ve never been fully sure if they shared a single room or had one each. John’s incomplete denial would suggest separate rooms (it’s okay because they’re not actually a couple).
John showing his detective skills. And for once it won’t play out like the cats in TGG. It’s an important reminder that John is a smart man overshadowed by a genius, instead of the common enough Everyman and/or bumbling oaf that some believe of Watson.
“And the ruddy prisoner” probably the full extent of the subplot from the novel.
“Is yours a snorer?” “Got any crisps?” Pretty high pitch there, John.
There is sort of a running theme of characters waxing poetically in vague spookiness and Sherlock just scoffing at it. Reminder that the novel is a horror story starring a detective outside of his normal trappings.
“We’ll get caught.” “No, we won’t. Well not right away.”
More exact words from John as he pulls rank and activates Sherlock’s military kink.
The timer doesn’t start ticking at the gate but at the building itself, wonder why. Or maybe it has been ticking, but now there’s atten paid to it?
“Enjoy it?” Just something to file away in the John wing of his mind palace.
I halfway expected one of the elevator buttons to be key activated for the really tippy top secret secrets.
I see one monkey has seen Raiders of the Lost Arc. That or it’s still upset that it didn’t get the part.
“Stapleton?” He may have mocked little Kirsty, but he still remembered her name.
“People say there’s no such thing as coincidences. What dull lives they must lead.” But the universe is rarely so lazy? Of course rarely does not mean never, and looking at the forebears website Stapleton is a 1 in 3600 name in Devon. So the only question is if Kirsty listed her whereabouts on the forum. Not in her message but maybe in the profile she made.
The dramatic reveal of BLUEBELL.
Sherlock deducing the inside job while John just repeats “the rabbit?” is as good a summary of the show as anything, honestly.
Mycroft’s exasperated “goodammit, Sherlock!” look is almost too loud for the Diogenes club.
I think I read on tvtropes that the Major’s beard isn’t regulatory. Acceptable breaks of reality for the sake of original reference.
“It wasn’t my hat.” I love how the hat is used as a summary of the artifacts attached to the character. The trappings that come from adaptations and parodies and whatnot. Like Igor, who apparently wasn’t even in the original Universal Horror film but its sequel.
Exactly how does John expect Sherlock to turn off his cheekbones? Also the idea that Sherlock is turning up his collar to “play cool” as they’re leaving Baskerville kind of shows that it’s mainly for John’s benefit. Like his later choices to wear the hat. Sherlock starts off wanting to impress John, and by s3 it is about playing a specific Sherlock Holmes role. And again, John betrays his real thought by mentioning the cheekbones. “Stop being so attractive, dammit!”
“Has she been working on something deadlier than a rabbit?” “To be fair, that is quite a wide field.” Cue the killer rabbit jokes.
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John’s awkward “are you... rich?”
In the original story the wealth was far more plot relevant, here it’s just a bit of dialogue fodder.
Not spelling out “in” this time?
Pretty sure those are IKEA mugs.
The plan sounds bad, but it is perfectly sound. They have done as much preliminary research as they can at the moment, and by going all three of them they do stand a decent chance should the beast be real. Of course Sherlock still doubts it’s real, which is the main plot for his character.
With the exception of this episode and episodes of Midsumer Murders I hadn’t really heard fox screams before. Imagine not knowing that’s what it is and just hearing this almost ghostly screech specifically when watching English mystery shows.
John just wandering away from the others without alerting them, and then he’s surprised that Sherlock and Henry has continued on without him. If he has a survival instinct it is in a coma.
Umqra. John knows Morse, which I honestly have found tricky trying to learn.
Taking a break here.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Love in a Fiery Place or Hot and Bothered
Summery: Lisa tries matchmaking. Never let her matchmake. See my (shamlessly self promoted) other fic, Just like Fire, for who the heck Volcana is.
It's been months since Lisa had seen her brother or Mick ever since they went on their time travel, earth saving mission and she was bored.
Sure she had pulled off her share of heists and gone on a few dates with her favorite, babbling engineer but jewelry and sex had it's perks for so long. Especially with Cisco having a job.
She really needed a hobby, but one evening after too much beer and watching Love Actually on Netflix she thought of a brillant idea.
She could matchmake someone she knew and watch them act all blushy and idiotic. It would be definitely entertaining.
She could match up her brother, but Lenny would never go for it. Besides she couldn't exactly see her brother in an attractive way. The guy made cold puns and read Kant during his spare time. Who would go for such a nerd like that!
But Mick. Mick was an equally challenging prospect with his unhealthy obsession with fire, alcoholic tendencies and general unpredictablness. But there were lots of the pyros in the world, she just had to find one who would be willing to date him.
Unfortunately that was a lot harder than she thought.
After checking most dating sites, she found that most Pharos were either dead, in jail, old or jailbait or that they weren't super into it. Just a few trash can fires.
She needed someone who would be just as willing to burn a building down.
So she had to up the search a notch. And what better way was to hack into S.T.A.R. Labs. More specifically, Cisco accessing into S.T.A.R. Labs.
"Please..." Lisa pouted. 
"No no no. I'm not helping you find MICK of all people a date,” Cisco protested.
"Why not? Don't you believe in love conquers all? You redeemed me,” Lisa purred. 
"Hardly." Cisco snorted. 
"Very true, my corrupt little scientist," Lisa smiled, leaning over his chair and basically falling into his lap. "But love could get him off the crime paths he's been on.” 
"Then he can fall in love with a psychiatrist. Putting him with another pyro will only cause more crime." Cisco stammered as Lisa caressed his long hair
"Pyros can handle pyros. Psychiatrists are suicidal and it won't do any good if the girl dies of fear after two dates." Lisa pouted again, bringing her lips closer to his, ending with a nice smoldering kiss.
Plus three more after that.
"Umm what we're talking about?" Cisco asked dazedly coming up for air
"Files. I'm not going to let this go Cisco. I always get what I want,”  Lisa smirked
Cisco paused, "If I do this, I'M choosing the movie and the restaurant for our date."
"Fine! We'll go to that disco bar." Lisa rolled her eyes.
"Alright!" Cisco started humming Bees Gees as he typed away on the computer for pyro meta criminals.
"There's none. That's impossible. There really aren't ANY pyros in Central City besides Mick?l Lisa cried
"Guess they didn't want to steal his gimmick," Cisco shrugged, looking relieved
"Do you think there are any in the Starling city?" She asked "Don't know, it's more mercenary and assassins then metas." He answered
"Maybe there are fire aliens?" Lisa thought out-loud, 
"Only Earth 3,” Cisco shook his head.
"Earth Three?" Lisa froze. 
"Shit!” Cisco eyes widened "No, no, no. That's just some crazy dream I had. There's no such thing as Earth Three is like there being Earth Two. Totally stupid" Cisco babbled
"Take me." Lisa demanded Cisco started taking off his shirt.
"I like how your mind works. But no. Take me to Earth Three. Tell me all about it. Are there really such things as fire aliens?" Cisco groaned
"I'll do it myself. You know I will. So you can come help or I'll trash this place doing it myself" Lisa insisted
"We are so lucky that Caitlin and Flash are out today" Cisco groaned again "Yaaas"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They had entered to Earth Three just as Supergirl finished saving a bus full of children. Once the reporters left, Cisco introduced himself and her as friends of the Flash. Lisa explained her mission to help Mick find love. 
Supergirl had been just as convinced as Cisco at the idea that love redeems but with a lot of wheedling and encouragement about second chances, Supergirl had allowed the idea of helping them.
"I think I know the girl perfect for Mick" Supergirl explained enthusiastically as they walked to the government building, DEO. "Claire Selton, code name Volcana. Born with pyrokenesis and trained to be a weapon by the government. She went rouge on them and used her powers to steal and cause crime. Superman had to put her on a deserted island in hopes not to harm any more civilians. But stay here. I'll be back soon." She left them in a plain white room, suitable for a noir style interrogation scene and waited. Five minutes later, Supergirl was back with a young thirty year old. The girl in question had long flaming orange hair that reached to her ankles in a messy braid. Her tan skin glowed brightly against her white bikini, her ambers eyes sparked with confusion and annoyance.
"No" Claire hissed, sitting down on the table. Lisa noted with pleasure that the metal table steamed and let out drifts of smoke when Claire touched it.
"No what?" Cisco asked.  "Supey told me what you want. My answer is no. I am not going to a totally different Earth for a guy I never even met. What is this? 1689? Supergirl take me back to the island I am missing my afternoon tanning" she demanded. "Oh oh well that's understandable but did Supergirl mention that this guy has a heat gun that radiates about 220 tons of fire power in a single shot" Lisa rattled off.  "It's 225 tons of fire power btw. Plus how many guys here can say they burned a house for the sake of watching it burn" Cisco added.  "And he's been practicing flame swallowing,” Lisa added.  "Claire.." Supergirl started calmly.  "It's Volcana to you.” Claire scowled.
"Volcana. You're not going to get married to him. Just one date and if you don't like it you can come back here. Besides aren't you tired of being alone in your little island?"
"I wouldn't be there if it weren't for you!" Volcana shot back.
"You were hurting innocent people!" Supergirl retorted.
"Well those "innocent people" we're hurting me. I didn't want to be a weapon but you all treat me like a bad guy because I am what I am.” Volcana ranted, flames suddenly burst from her hands.
Lisa and Cisco jumped back and Supergirl put on a defensive stance.  "And he will love you for it" Lisa put in.
"We have a lot of metas. They get what it's like to be used for their powers. Now Mick will get you even more because he understands how pretty the flames are. It doesn't have to be a date, just two adults talking, fellow pyro to pyro." Cisco said
Claire glared at them in silence, contemplating. "Fine, only for the sake of watching something burn."
The three nodded eagerly at each other. --------------------------------------------------------------- Claire changed into a more appropriate outfit of red leather top and black leather pants with combat boots as they left Smallville.
"Good luck," Supergirl gave a tentative thumbs up and left.
As the three went through the portal, Lisa interrogated Claire and was pleased to find out that she and Mick had a lot in common. Love of alcohol, way too graphic descriptions of explosions and fiery deaths, and had no filter when it came to humor.
"They are practically soul mates!" Lisa whispered giddily in Cisco's ear as they left the Earth One S.T.A.R. labs to Mick's abandoned apartment.
"Oh joy," Cisco muttered sarcastically. --------------------------------------------------------- Cisco had left immediately, stating he didn't want there as a witnesses for future villainy. 
Lisa settled Claire to the guest room of the apartment and waited for the boys to arrive. Claire had gotten bored so she sat down, turned on the oven and stared. Another pastime she shared with Mick. Lisa swore her face was going to break open if she smiled anymore. 
Oh this was going to be so good, and if it ended badly damn it was going to be more entertaining than the firework bomb Mick had set up for April Fool's Day. Leonard and Mick arrived at 7 pm. They didn't say anything about where they had been, they were just so exhausted and about to fall asleep but Lisa insisted on keeping Mick awake, slapping his cheek the whole time as he walked to the kitchen. 
"What do you want?" Mick scowled, shoving her hand away from his face.  "I'm about to change your life, Mick this is Claire" Lisa introduced "Claire this is Mick.” 
Leonard gave a questioning look to her but she just grinned. 
"Oh you gotta be kidding me. Look however she suckered you into this I'm not interested. Leave." Mick instructed Claire.
"Aren't you a charmer? I've seen midgets more handsome than you" Claire spat. 
"She's a pyro. Claire, show him" Lisa said.  Claire sighed but showed off anyway by blowing a kiss as her hand spouted fire like a dragon. "Where's smoke, there's flame. That's me. Volcana" Mick just stared in awe. 
"Heatwave" he lifted the gun from his belt, "Do that again, I need to try something.” 
Volcana complied, Mick shot his gun at the same time and it set the table on fire, and quickly spread to the oven. 
"Holy Shit!" Lisa screeched and grabbed the fire extinguisher taped to the door for emergencies like this, spraying it everywhere. 
"What the hell are you two doing" Leonard yelled but the two heat villains ignored. 
"Volcana huh?" Mick grinned maniacally, leaning against the charred table. "I like your heat gun. Sure could have used it on those cold Metropolis nights" Volcana flirted back, staring up at Mick. "I'll leave you to it. C'mon Lenny," Lisa shoved Leonard out the door. When she stopped by the apartment to drop off a six pack and to get her golden bra for her date with Cisco, she saw the living room an absolute mess with scorch marks in random places, a torched smoke detector on the ground, pile of clothes and the smell of smoke in Mick's room. 
She was good. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following weeks just reeked of success. Claire stopped by the apartment regularly. There was a new headline everyday as the couple started fires and explosions around Central City for their dates, and Lisa had overheard their nicknames for each other. Fireball and Spitfire. 
Since it went so well she was even thinking of setting up the other Rogues like Trickster II. Maybe with some Metahumans that Cisco watched like Peek a Boo. She was once again considering setting up her brother but she had pick pocketed his phone earlier and saw that he seemed to have sort of "thing" with White Canary from his Legends team. Which prompted her to stalk any information about Sara. Purely for research, not that she wasn't worried about him getting hurt. Please Len was way too cautious for that to happen. 
At the same time the success of her match had come with a price. Due to their fire kink, the two had burned Mick's room, her room, the guest room, the living room and the kitchen was beyond repair. 
She had to crash at Cisco's place which was nice, but Leonard came also because his cold gun was in the threat of being torched at any second. Nor could he get any piece of quiet with the all the fire puns. "Not fun to hear them," Lisa taunted. 
"That's different. Mine are clever. Theirs are just about fire and sex. Some things I do NOT need to know about my partner." "Thanks for the nightmares," Lisa sighed as a "lovely" mental image entered her head. With them crashing at Cisco's place, Leonard resigned to glaring from the love seat while she and Cisco were on the couch. It was not helping date night. So it was up to her to save the apartment. 
She had entered the apartment expecting another scene of quite literal hot love but found more burning rage.
"You are weak!!!" Claire screamed, "You don't even have pyrokensis you just have a gun huh. I can start a fire whenever I want! You are nothing!" "You're just a hypocrite! Oh the government just wanted to use me" Mick mocked with a falsetto "Screw that. You're just as selfish as me. You just use your powers for petty thief but you could be better, so YOU ARE WEAK!" 
"You have nothing. No brains, no strength and yet you think the world would bow to your awesomeness. And you are the most impulsive idiot I ever met. You just forge along with no regard for logic or what we are suppose to be doing on our date. Honestly what am I suppose to do with you, tell me!" "You think you're so hot. Well I'm hotter, hotter than Cold." Mick sneered.
"I thought you didn't care about that!" Claire protested.
"In the middle of sex, yeah I do." Mick retorted.  "Well the TV was on, I happened to mention he was cute get over it!" 
Lisa cringed, ewwww!
"You also said the same about the police officer, Scarlet, the bartender..." 
"You are just jealous." Claire scoffed.
"JEALOUS! I'll freeze your ass in a place where fires die!" A loud crash sounded through the apartment followed by a explosion. 
Lisa scrambled out of the apartment and never looked back. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that incident, Lisa rationalize it was a natural lovers quarrel and that the two would work it out, therefore there was no need to tell anyone. That because of her honest assumption it was a lover's quarrel or her pride not letting her admit that her match might not have been as successful, it was up to anyone's guess but a phone call three days later confirmed the worst case scenario. 
It was the middle of the day and Lisa was online shopping using the money she stole from a heist earlier that month when Cisco called.
"Lisa, have Mick and Claire been having any trouble that you know of? Any that you feel like warning us about?" Cisco asked, calmly with a slight edge that gave Lisa a sinking feeling. Best to play it dumb.
"Uh just some spats but you know. Couples fight, they fight. Why do you ask?" Lisa chirped. 
"Well you should know that you're little pet project has gone up in flames." Lisa rolled her eyes. Wonder how long he was waiting to use that pun? "Heatwave was stealing from the Central City bank when Volcana stopped by, something about how "she was better than him" and was trying to one-up his heist. Thankfully we were able subdue them both. Mick's back with the Legends and Claire was sent back to Earth Three. No one knows she came from Earth Three except you, me and the Flash. You and I are the only ones that know how she actually got here." 
"All's well that ends well," Lisa weakly smiled.  She could just feel him glare through the phone. "We're going to talk when I get home." ---------------------------------------------------------------- "So what are we not doing?" Cisco asked pacing in front of her as she sat on his couch. 
"Match making Mick with a pyro." Lisa muttered.  "And...." 
"Match making Mick with anyone." 
"Match making in general." "Ever.” Cisco said.  "Ever," Lisa repeated. 
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💗: At which point do they realize that they've fallen in love?
the way i write it (and the way i see it especially in the anime!!!) he had always felt a sort of Connection to hashirama, something deeper than anything he’d ever felt before, but the moment it hit him was when they were sitting up on the cliff and hashirama was talking about his idea for the village. the way the camera zooms in on him and then cuts back to hashirama…and you can see madara’s face almost light up as he’s picturing this amazing village in his head….and everything hashirama’s speech stands for in the overall narrative of their childhood friendship…it’s just such deep shit. madara has it bad. and then he has a few confirming moments afterward (hashi grabbing his hand as they run from danger, hashi smiling, laughing, etc) that just get stronger and stronger. and then suddenly tajima is like “hey so you gotta kill this kid and if you don’t you’re toast” :(
(i could talk about this particular moment in the anime for HOURS so if anyone wants me to write a meta on it i’ll go for it lol)
🌹: What are weird things they start to do once they've developed a crush?
HE REALLY WANTS TO IMPRESS HASHIRAMA. even before he realized he had a crush he was obsessed with looking Cool in front of hashirama, from their spars to the way he dressed and carried himself and talked. he was always trying to look aloof and badass when in reality he was just a tiny gay kid with a debilitating crush. he also keeps all of hashirama’s little artifacts (feathers and pressed flowers and letters and stuff) under his pillow and pulls them out to look at them before bed. AND HE WRITES BAD ADOLESCENT POETRY and daydreams about reading it to hashirama…
this crush comes back bigtime once they’re adults and the village is a thing, but he tries to put as much of a damper on it as he can. unfortunately that involves a lot of snippy responses and silent treatment. he also cries sometimes at night but he’d never admit this
💍: What do they like about being in love?
he just loves being utterly invested in someone’s entire life, past and present and future, and to know that hashirama feels the same. it’s such a relief to be understood and to understand someone, especially after years of being so catastrophically misunderstood by his family and the clan. hashirama is his best friend, his partner, one half of an incredibly dynamic team. they can laugh and cry and even just sit quietly together and it all just feels like they belong. they just fit together and it’s so beautiful!!
🎀: How do they make themselves look attractive for their significant other?
he goes HARD. even before they get together he’ll occasionally wear nice clothes, or try to brush his hair, and if hashirama says something about it he’ll start GLOWING. and ofc there are more drastic measures, nice lingerie and the silky bathrobe and the heels and all of that stuff…madara knows he’s gorgeous and he KNOWS that hashirama loves his body. even better, he knows how to show it off. he has insane core strength so if he’s feeling up to it he might do a little dance…you can imagine
💔: What do they dislike about being in love?
the loss of control, mainly. he’s afraid of being with hashirama because he doesn’t know how things are going to turn out, and is also afraid to ask for reassurance. he’s afraid to be vulnerable in general but being vulnerable to hashirama is just a whole other level because he looks up to hashirama so much and has loved him for so long, so he doesn’t want to ruin anything in case things don’t work out, or they aren’t as good as he has imagined for so long. but it’s also just totally eating him up and he can’t do anything about it until he pulls himself together and TELLS hashirama his feelings.
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mtt-brand-trans · 4 years
What's up gamers today we're taking a stab at guessing why and how in the world a depressed, unhygienic, ketchup-chugging skeleton like Sans became an internet sex symbol if you like this video don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel and click that bell button to get notific
Here's a question for you: if you played all of Undertale without knowing anything about the fandom, and after you were done I asked you who you thought the fan favorite was, who would you say? No really, I'd like to know, because I have no good or honest answer to this question. Because the more I think about it, the more sure I am that, while in many fandoms it's clear who the fan favorite is going to be(and that character may even have been designed to be the fan favorite), Undertale doesn't really have that.
Most times, the fan favorite is a young guy with good looks(a specific kind of look too, usually what you would describe as a "pretty boy") that has a good sense of humor and/or is flirtatious and/or is flippant. Sans is a jokester, sure, but he's not a pretty boy. And as I said, he's depressed and chugs ketchup at local diners and is a slacker, and his jokes aren't flirty or insulting(aka "attractive" jokes), they're just bad puns. These things certainly makes him feel more like a real person(or as real as you can get when you're a skeleton), but they don't make for a good fan fave to drool over. So why was Sans chosen to be transformed through fanon as the fan favorite? I think the answer lies in the no mercy route.
I'm pretty sure we all know this is the biggest contributor to his popularity. Although nowadays I prefer the pacifist route, even I was fascinated with the no mercy route back in the day. And there's a perfectly good reason so many felt the same, for a lot of us(myself included) it was an introduction to "darker" stories, where bad things happened and they didn't get better, or were previously fans of games like fnaf. A lot of the fandom was my age at the time(14) or younger. And since the no mercy route was the main focus for so many fans, what, or who was the staple of it? Sans. And honestly, the sans fight really was made to make an impact. It takes a lot of tries, sometimes even more than undyne the undying, the music is the fourth iteration of Toby's signature song Megalovania, and Sans' dialogue reveals more about his character and opens up a possible mystery by saying strange things that he doesn't explain(remember how I said a lot of people were previously fnaf fans? Well it and similar games became popular largely because of the mysteries they presented. So Sans' popularity also grew because of his connection to the larger gaster mystery). So Sans ended up being the most popular character in Undertale, and Undertale became insanely popular, so by proxy Sans became a very popular character in general.
So here's a summary of why Sans is the fan favorite, even though when just looking at him by himself you'd never guess he'd have risen to this level of popularity(aka the TL;DR): Undertale has a distinct lack of characters that fit the typical "fan favorite" mold, and Sans was the character that most closely fit it. His popularity was largely helped by his significance in the no mercy run and his ties to the gaster mystery, which made him more appealing to young fans in particular, who loved the no mercy route because of its darkness and gaster because of the unsolved mystery. Thus, he became the most popular character in Undertale, and since Undertale was so popular itself, he got a huge fandom.
I also want to take this time to look at some other characters who had the potential to be the fan favorites had Sans not taken the role. Most/all of them fit other, "lesser" fan favorite archetypes that I will explain. A lot of these characters are still pretty popular.
This one's pretty obvious. If Sans didn't have ties to both the no mercy run and the Gaster mystery, then Gaster himself would be the fan favorite. Even with Sans(or sometimes because of him), he's inescapable. If he was the fan favorite, the loud part of the fandom would largely stay the same, there would just be less focus on the no mercy run.
There's two ways Undyne would've become the fan favorite: being a lesbian icon like Catra from spop, making the fandom a lesbian haven, or through straight weeb men who fetishize lesbians. Those two types of fans already make up the Undyne fandom in our quiet little corner, but we would've seen this on a much larger SCALE(lol) if she had been the fan favorite. And let's be honest, what does Sans have that Undyne doesn't? Let's just look at the facts here: A glowing eye that only shows up on the no mercy run, of which they have one of two of the epic battles for that route that are famously hard to beat, both have a mysterious part of them that's not really explained(Undyne's missing eye, why she melted/came back to life instead of turning straight to dust, determination motif, UNDYNE'S MYSTERIOUS TOO GUYS), connections to a royal scientist, I could go on. I can really only think of one reason that Undyne, the buff angry wlw who isn't conventionally attractive, isn't very popular.........
Asriel falls under another type of fan favorite archetype that I like to call, "HOLY SHIT CUTE CHILD." The only other example I can think of right now is Niko from oneshot, who is the fan favorite of their game. And Asriel is indeed a cute child! I would've liked to see him be the fan favorite, because I think the Chara & Asriel subplot is underrated in this fandom. Asriel is fairly popular, but he's mostly seen either as flowey or by fans of the KFCA gang nowadays.
Frisk being the fan favorite would be a combination of "HOLY SHIT CUTE CHILD" and "protagonist that I can project onto," with a side of mystery due to their ambiguous backstory. So pretty much how they're portrayed now. They're best done by fans of the KFCA gang, but they're seen more often than Asriel, either as a prop in cool art of a place/another character, or to be the kid in those post-pacifist works.
He's another one that's already fairly popular, this is just about what the fandom would be like if he was The fan fave. And if I'm gonna he honest, I'm kinda surprised Mettaton isn't the fan favorite. He's pretty much exactly what the fan favorite archetype is. He's a pretty boy. He's one of the more popular characters in the fandom, sure, but compared to Sans he hardly shows up. And I honestly don't have any good guesses as to why this is. It could be that he's gay and trans coded, but too "flamboyant" and makes the cishet fans uncomfortable, but even that doesn't check out considering how much people fetishize him being trans. If anything, they like that, even if in the most gross way possible. So yeah, I've got nothing.
They were probably the fourth most popular character back in the day, after the skelebros and gaster of course. And just like Sans, it's because of their ties to the no mercy route. If they were the fan fave, the fandom would probably be a much darker place. Which is sad, because if you look at how KFCA fans depict them, they're great! But anyways, the fandom as a whole has always focused more on "demon" Chara than looking at maybe a more nicer side of them, so if they were the fan favorite, the fandom would be even more focused on the gritty and dark parts of the story. Oh, and people would keep misgendering them, too.
So there you have it, an in-depth analysis of how Sans became the fan favorite, and then what other fan favorites might look like I guess. Even after writing all of this, I still can't quite comprehend Sans' popularity. Fortunately I've found a good niche in the fandom that appreciates all the characters equally. KFCA fans, waterfall gang fans, gorls fans, etc. Everyone is good! But I've stayed holed up in that little community for so long that I don't know the fandom at large's current condition regarding aus, sans, etc., so really this meta is written from my memory of the fandom back in 2016, which is probably outdated somewhat lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the read!
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xaphrin · 5 years
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“Have you ever read Sailor Moon? Not watched the anime, but actually read the comics?”
Zachary looked up from his phone and blinked, as if trying to understand exactly what she meant by that. His eyebrows knitted together and he stared at her. “No… why? Should I?”
“In the first chapter Mamoru - that’s the main love interest for Sailor Moon - wanders around the city in a full blown tuxedo.” Raven pitched forward and rested her hands on his counter, smirking at him, as if making a point. “And I always thought it was odd, that in the middle of an average weekday, he couldn’t take off his damn tuxedo.”
Zachary’s face fell and he gave her a flat stare. “I take it that’s my queue to change?”
“Yep.” Raven reached for the celebratory glass of wine he had poured for her, leaning back in her chair with a smirk. 
She watched as he rolled his eyes and disappeared into the back of his surprisingly modest apartment. She had half-expected some kind of ultra-modern, lavish penthouse, but Zachary seemed to live comfortably in a two bedroom condo by himself. Raven stood up and walked to the window, looking out at the skyline as she took a well-earned sip of wine. 
Their mission had gone on for longer than either of them had been expecting, and after more than a few battle scars, drained powers, and nearly-lost lives, it was finally over. She let go of a breath she’d probably been holding for the past three months, and leaned back on her heels. Even if the reprieve was short, it still felt good to take a moment and not think about anything more than the soft rain outside the window and glow of the city lights. 
“You look lost in thought.”
Raven jerked and she looked over at Zachary, who was standing in the doorway to his bedroom. Even though she teased him about his choice of formal wear as a costume, she realized she had never seen him out of his tuxedo. But here he was, standing in front of her in a pair of low-slung sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt with the sleeves pushed up around his elbows. Something strange turned over in her heart and she stumbled a half-step backward, as if her words had suddenly died in her throat. 
“What?” Zachary looked down at himself, as if he wasn’t sure what she was seeing. “You told me to change.”
Raven found herself scrambling to make some kind of sense of her thoughts, and settled on a teasing jibe. Maybe it wasn’t the best choice for their conversation, but it made her feel like she had some kind of control. “I didn’t think you owned anything other than various tuxedos and white gloves.” 
“Ha ha.” He rolled his eyes and walked past her to the kitchen. “You’re so funny.” 
Raven winced and followed him through his living room, letting silence settle over them again. She really didn’t have a lot of room to talk. She was still wearing the same Kevlar-inforced uniform Cy had made her years ago, despite it not quite fitting anymore. Sometimes she felt like she was one bad spell from popping a seam open and spilling out of it. She just… she wasn’t ready to change yet. Change was hard, and so much around her had changed so suddenly, that she felt like she needed to hold onto this one thing just to keep herself together. 
“You look lost in thought over there.”
Raven picked up her head to see Zachary watching her, his head tilted to the side. She flushed and looked away, taking a sip of her wine. He was frustratingly observant sometimes. “We just took down a meta trafficking ring that’s been terrorizing the city for months. I’m allowed to be tired… and quiet.”
“Yeah. I never said you weren’t.” He crossed his arms over his chest and pitched forward. “You look tense.”
She looked up into his eyes and felt like she could see flames and shadows dance there. Like he had created a spell that was pulling her closer and closer towards him, weaving them both together. Heat slipped down her spine and pooled just under her stomach before sliding lower, and her cheeks burned red. 
Raven knew that only an idiot would fail to see how attractive Zachary was, and how sometimes he cast dark sideways glances at her, or how his hands lingered just a little longer against her skin than they should have. She had seen the way he looked at her, from beneath his stupid, thick lashes, and she knew that there was something between them. But change was hard, and it was unknown. And, admitting that she had grown feelings for him over these last few months was even harder. What was she supposed to say to him?
She pushed at her hair. “You look like you’re going to propose something?”
“Spend the night with me.” 
He said it so simply without any kind of sugary words or caveats, just… spend the night with me. That was it. An open offer that she could take if she wanted, or ignore if it was too much. Raven blinked and watched as he walked to where she was sitting, his fingers circling her wine glass and pulling it from her hand. He set it on the counter and threaded his fingers through his own. She looked down at their hands, and realized she had never seen Zachary without his gloves. His fingers were long and slender, and there was something in the way he moved that made her realize he knew exactly what to do with those hands. 
“I like you.” 
Raven’s eyes widened and she slammed her hand over her mouth, shame filling her chest. Stupid. She was so damn stupid. Zachary wasn’t talking about starting a relationship, he was talking about something easy. Something they could both walk away from in the morning, and there would be no hurt feelings.
“Well, that’s convenient, because I like you too.” Zachary pulled her to her feet and leaned over her, pushing her hair out of her eyes. His fingers slid along the line of her jaw and he tilted her face towards him. “I just… I didn’t really know how to tell you for the longest time, so… I didn’t say anything at all.” 
“How… how long?” Raven swallowed a breath and shifted, her heart threatening to escape her chest. “How long have you liked me?”
Zachary looked sheepish, and glanced away. “Years.”
Raven felt memories flood her mind - all the little moments they had spent together, the missions, the quiet days at a coffee shop, the late nights reading, small touches, long glances… everything suddenly seemed to be viewed in a different light. Her breath caught in her throat and Zachary rubbed at the back of his head, still unable to look at her. 
“I didn’t want-”
She cut off whatever explanation was building on his lips with a kiss. It was chaste and cautious, but it was what they both needed - a reason to stop talking. Someone needed to make the first move, it might as well be her. Zachary let go of a low sigh that seemed to release every inch of tension in him, and he pulled her tight against his chest, deepening the kiss. His hands slid down her back, pushing her cloak out of the way to try and touch as much of her as he could. Raven’s fingers dug into the soft cotton of his shirt, and she chased after his mouth when he pulled away. Her head felt full of questions, but all of them could wait until later. She had more interesting things to think about, and Zachary seemed to agree.
“Bedroom.” His words were a low growl, and he grabbed her wrist, pulling her through the apartment to his room. 
Raven barely had enough foresight to unfasten her cloak, letting it fall to the floor, before she found herself tumbling onto her back against his plush covers. Zachary was pressed tight against her, his mouth stealing kiss after kiss, until it felt like she didn’t even have a chance to breathe. The rest of the world faded away, leaving just the two of them alone together. Her head was spinning, and Raven found herself pulling off his cotton t-shirt, tossing it on the floor. 
Oh. That was… not what she expected. Layers of finely crafted wool, neatly folded and tucked together, did not do his body justice. She took a moment to admire the sight of him.  
“You should have just left the tuxedo off entirely.” Her hands slid down the lithe muscles of his chest, admiring the way he twitched under her touch. “I don’t mind this sight at all.”
Zachary leveled another flat stare at her. “Less talking, more making out.” 
He swallowed her soft laughter with another kiss, hiking her leg up over his hip. Raven groaned as she felt the unmistakable bulge of his erection press against her, and she realized how long it had been since she had done this. Gods, she didn’t remember it ever feeling this good. It was like her body was on fire, each flame threatening to burst from her skin and singe them both, and she pushed against him, wanting more of that delicious friction. 
His fingers traced aimless patterns along her bare thigh, before he slipped under the edge of her uniform. Raven pulled back from their kiss and stared into his eyes as she felt his fingertip part her and press against her clit. She shuddered, and let go of a groan that seemed to rattle her bones. How could one touch undo her like this, and make her feel like she was being tossing in a storm? 
The sound of her own need broke Zachary, and he pitched forward, growling. “We need to get you the fuck out of this thing.” 
Zachary’s hands were suddenly everywhere, unfastening her uniform and peeling it from her body before throwing it onto the floor, forgotten. It only took seconds, and she was laid bare to him, splayed out on his bed as she stared up into his dark eyes. She felt a bit like a sacrifice, and he was going to consume every inch of her throughout the night. Slowly, carefully, he crawled over her, pressing kisses to every inch of skin he could touch. 
“I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life.” 
Raven shivered as his long, almost delicate fingers dipped between her thighs again, and her head tilted back against the pillows. She let go of a soft moan, and let him explore her. His touches were slow, as if he was tryng to understand what she liked best, and how he could draw out this delicious torture for as long as possible. Raven pushed up into his hand as he slid two fingers into her, curling at just the right spot that had her back arching off the bed. She opened her eyes just enough to see a teasing smirk pass over his lips before his opened his mouth and dropped his head between her legs. 
Oh fuck. 
He was good at this. The last time someone had tried to go down on her it was messy and awkward, and obviously only reciprocation for receiving the same. But Zachary seemed to enjoy tasting her, and he seemed to know exactly what she wanted. His tongue worked against her clit in doubletime, flicking it and circling her, and then he wrapped his lips around her and sucked. Her whole body went white with pleasure, and she arched off the bed as magic sparked along her skin. Raven’s fingers buried into his hair, and she screamed as he worked her through the best orgasm of her life. 
Gasping and shaking, she fell back against the pillows and sobbed, feeling like her entire soul was a mess of emotions. She ran a hand through her hair and wiped at the tears that had run down her cheeks, trying to calm her racing heart.  
Zachary sat up and looked at her, concern flooding his eyes. “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” 
“No I’m fine. I just…” Raven was gasping, her whole body shaking, she threw her hand over her eyes, feeling like the light from the outside window was almost too much to bear. Had she always been this sensitive? Or did Zachary just know how to tease her the right way. “I just… haven’t ever… like that before.”
Zachary blinked, surprised at her admission. “Haven’s what? Come that hard?” His lip pulled back in some kind of mixture of confusion and disappointment. “What kind of half-assed partners have you had before, Raven? You’re so damn responsive it’s impossible not to read the signs of what you want.”
She flushed and looked at him from between her fingers. “Usually it’s just… me.”
“Oh.” There was a long pause as he seemed to turn that thought over in his mind. His face betrayed every single emotion and curiosity he had, as he leaned over her with a teasing smile. “I’d actually love to see that.” His teeth nipped at her earlobe, and he hummed against her skin. “Watching you pleasure yourself? Fuck. I can’t think of anything hotter right now.”
Raven’s hand fell next to her and tightened in his comforter, uncertain. 
“Only if you want to.” He cupped her breast, his thumb feathering over her nipple. “Of course.”
Raven opened her eyes to slits and stared at him, still gasping. “You have voyeuristic tendencies don’t you?”
He teased her nipple into a tight peak before flicking it with his tongue. “I also have a showerhead that detaches.”
Raven’s hand was already releasing the soft comforter and sliding her fingers between her legs, feeling her whole body still twitching from her last orgasm. She let go of a soft sigh as she felt Zachary’s stare slide down her form to watch her own self exploration. “We’re going to be here all night, aren’t we?”
“Rae…” His voice sounded playfully indignant. “We’re going to be here all week.”
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aileruaa · 5 years
Zetaflash: Ed and Bart undercover and Ed getting jealous please? (like when m'gann and conner pretended to be the terror twins and conner was pouty about icicle jr hitting on her)
me, galaxy braining: what if Ed was jealous of solstice, bart’s canon gf in the comics
Bart was a popular guy, and it showed.
It may have been a combination of his good genetics and hyperactive personality, but Bart seemed to attract people wherever he went. That friendliness was the very reason he was selected, along with Eduardo and Traci, to go undercover at a high school that Oracle had reason to believe had dormant meta-humans in. The mission was to get to the meta-humans before the Light could, and to guide them to safety before the Light tried kidnapping them. The only problem was, they couldn’t tell who was a meta and who wasn’t in a school that enrolled over 3,000 students.
Bart was chosen to get closer to the students in an attempt to uncover any recent meta-human discoveries. Traci was chosen as the designated magic user so she could upkeep Ed’s glamour charm, and Ed was chosen to teleport them out of the school as an emergency exit should anything drastic happen. The three were instructed to keep up the act as transfer students until they found the source of Oracle’s suspicion. It was easy enough; the mission wasn’t supposed to last more than two weeks and the students were all very friendly and welcoming.
Maybe a little too friendly and welcoming for Ed’s taste.
The bell rang, indicating that the school day was over. Students hurriedly packed up their stuff and grouped up into their friend circles to head home. Ed was no exception. The past week, Bart had gotten exceptionally close to a girl named Kiran Singh, a friendly classmate Bart had recently become close with due to her mentioning instances of manifesting meta-like abilities in the past. It was great- she was sweet to everyone, including Ed and Traci, and hopefully she was who they were looking for. But every minute Bart spent with Kiran, was a minute lost with Ed; and he was, admittedly, feeling a little left behind.
“Hey, you wanna stop by O’Shaughnessy’s on the way back home?” Ed approached Bart casually, putting a hand on his shoulder. He’d spent all of eighth period working up the courage to take the initiative to spend more time with Bart. “I think Traci mentioned wanting to, as well.”
Bart shoved his papers and books haphazardly into his backpack, looking up at Ed apologetically for a brief moment.
“Ah, sorry dude, no can do. I’ve gotta help Kiran at the school library. And, you know, gather some intel while I’m at it. Maybe tomorrow, though?” Bart zipped up his bag and bounced away to meet Kiran at the doorway.
“Oh, uh, okay.“ Ed lowered his hand and watched as Bart put his arm around Kiran in a greeting, chattering away like the extrovert he was. He didn’t know what to call the emotion welling up in his chest, but it sure as Hell wasn’t pleasant.
“I sense a little jealousy,” Traci sing-songed into Ed’s ear. Ed yelped, not expecting Traci to have snuck up on him like that. She squeezed his elbow playfully. “Haha, got you good.”
“Jealousy? What?” Ed scoffed, crossing his arms. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, that’s what they all say.” Traci smirked, pulling up a chair to sit next to Ed. “But my magical senses are tingling.”
“What do you want, Traci?” Ed slumped in his seat, fidgeting with his lead pencil.
“Woah, woah, what’s with the hostility? Just wanted to update you on the situation.” Traci looked at her nails and grimaced at her cuticles. “Also, I will never get used to your glamour charm appearance. It’s so not you.”
“I don’t think I look all that different. It’s just the hair and darker skin, really.” Ed shrugged.
“Yeah, well, the hair was iconic.” Traci trailed off when she noticed Ed staring at Bart, and she grinned mischievously.
“Kiran’s cute, isn’t she?”
“Well, yeah. I guess.”
Traci looked around to make sure no one was listening in, and leaned in towards Ed. “So Bart says she’s had experiences with glow-y energy beams coming out of her hands at random moments and destroying things around her. Says she’s unable to control it. But the nature of her powers is still pretty ambiguous, we don’t know where it comes from. It could be meta, or it could be magic, we’re not sure yet.”
“Sounds pretty meta-human to me. Now, can we report this and go?” Ed sighed.
“No, there’s definitely more kids with abnormal meta-tendencies than just Kiran. That’s what Oracle said, anyway. We’ve gotta find all of them before the Light does, you know that.” Traci chastised. “Don’t let your personal feelings get in the way of the mission.”
“I’m not!” Ed protested, lowering his voice immediately when his outburst attracted the attention of a few classmates. “Really. It’s just…”
“Aw, Ed. You think you’re so subtle with your feelings, but you’re really not.”
“The whole Team knows you and Bart have a thing for each other. It’s, like, the biggest elephant in the room.”
Ed’s ears turned red. “That’s…”
“…Completely true?” Traci finished. “But the thing is, neither of you have the confidence to act on it, so both of you are stuck in this constant limbo of wondering whether or not the other really likes them.”
“Bart likes me?” Ed looked up, genuinely surprised. Traci rolled her eyes.
“God, why are boys so dense? I really don’t get it.” She shook her head. “You, Bart, Tim, even Jaime. It took six months for me to get a confession out of that kid, and even then it was like pulling teeth.”
“Well, it’s too late. He’s clearly interested in Kiran.” Ed sighed.
“What makes you say that? I don’t think it’s too late at all.” Traci perked up.
“Really? Not even after seeing him with her like that?”
“You and I both know Bart’s a super touchy guy. That’s just the way he is. He does that with everyone, you included.”
“Yeah, but-“
“Ed, look, are you gonna listen to me, who clearly knows more about this kinda stuff than you? Or are you gonna keep being all mopey about it?”
Ed pursed his lips. “I’m not being mopey. But fine.”
“That’s what I thought.” Traci smirked, getting up from the seat and stretching.
“Well, I’m gonna head back.” she said, yawning. “Space Trek’s on at 7 and I don’t wanna miss the season premiere.”
“Already? Shouldn’t we investigate a little more?”
“I mean, what can we do? Everyone’s going home. Not much to investigate when your subjects aren’t there.”
“Good point.”
Traci put on her pink cap, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Ed zipped up his backpack as well, packed and ready to leave.
“But hey, let me tell you something good to help you out. Bart always helps Kiran clean the library after school, ‘cause she’s the student librarian. And he usually stays later than her to read some sci-fi series before he leaves. I bet you can get him by himself then, if you catch my drift.”
Nudging Ed knowingly, Traci strolled out of the classroom.
5:10 was when Bart would usually pack up his things to leave the library. The school had a surprisingly great, diverse selection of sci-fi novels that he had grown attached to recently, and he was determined to read every single one of them before the mission ended. He couldn’t read at super-speed when Kiran was around as he was still technically undercover.
Kiran had already left thirty minutes earlier due to a family emergency, but Bart lingered behind to finish up a book. It turned out, reading a book slowly was really different from speed-reading it through for the plot; he got a lot more out of the story. He also took the time to text Oracle about what he had discovered about Kiran. She had better control of her powers in the sun, and almost no control of her energy at night. He theorized that her powers came from the sun itself, but there was no way of confirming that unless Kiran expressed interest in researching that herself.
Bart closed his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and let out a deep sigh. Being undercover was exhausting, and he barely got to spend time with Traci and Ed due to all the sneaky business. His new friends were great, but he’d have to cut off ties with them after the undercover mission ended. He felt exceptionally bad when he was forced to reject Ed’s invitation to his favorite fast-food restaurant, especially since it had been a while since the two even talked outside of the mission.
It was hard to balance his time, and at first he was extremely stoked to be on a mission with Ed- especially because he felt something between them in the past two years. If slow-pining was a sport, they’d be the gold medalists. But he didn’t know if Ed really felt the same way as he did, or if Ed was just that friendly to everyone around him. He thought this mission would be a great way to get closer to Ed, maybe even break the million dollar question himself. If he had known they wouldn’t interact much, if at all, he would have been less enthused.
The door to the library opened, and Bart snapped out of his thoughts, almost falling back on his chair. No one was supposed to be in the library after hours.
“Kiran?” Bart called cautiously. He had to be careful; the Light could have sent a goon to lurk around.
“It’s just me.” Ed came into view, and Bart visibly relaxed.
“Phew. I thought I’d have to fight someone.”
“Well, let’s hope not. Sorry to disappoint.”
“Who said I was disappointed? Hey, take that charm off. No one’ll be the wiser.” Bart suggested. “It’s weird.”
Ed did as he was told, reverting back to his normal appearance. He placed the charm on the table. “That’s the second time I was told that today.”
“What can I say? People like the way you look normally.” Bart smiled. “What’s up? You’re not much of a reader.”
“Just wanted to check up on you. Traci said you’d be here.” Ed replied, sitting down across from Bart.
“Yeah. I already reported to Oracle, but Kiran seems to be having trouble controlling her powers when the sun’s not out. She’s the only one we’ve really found that openly admits that she has something weird going on with her, though.”
“That’s interesting. Traci and I have come up cold so far, so here’s to hoping we find more.”
“For sure. Hey, come to think of it, this is the first time we’ve really talked to each other since the mission started, huh? Besides the occasional hi in the hallway.”
“Tell me about it.” Ed looked down at his hands. “I mean, you’ve been busy with Kiran since day one, so I can’t blame you.”
Bart tilted his head slightly, noticing a dip in Ed’s tone. “You okay?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“You sure? ‘Cause you don’t sound okay.”
“I’m fine. Anyway, how is she?” Ed changed the subject. “Kiran, I mean.”
“Oh, she’s crash. Super open about her powers. Really smart, too, especially when it comes to physics. She’s the only other person in class who understands the concept of photons.”
“Well, it is a hard concept.” Ed’s voice dropped. Each time Bart dropped a compliment about Kiran, Ed’s heart sank a little more.
“There it is again!” Bart leaned forward, examining Ed’s facial expression. “You don’t sound happy about it.
“What are you talking about?”
“Are you…jealous?” Bart couldn’t stop himself from smiling.
Ed frowned.
“Ha, I see what’s happening here. I mean, I know I’ve been spending a lot of time with her, but she’s just a friend! You know you and me are closer than that. You don’t have to be jealous, you know we’re way better buddies than that.”
“Not as a friend,” Ed muttered, embarrassed as soon as the words left his mouth.
“I’m not jealous as a friend.” Ed slumped back in his chair, avoiding Bart’s gaze. His face was beginning to warm up; it was too late to backtrack now. “If you…catch my drift.”
Bart’s eyes widened, and he felt his ears start to get red. He sat back down- he did catch his drift.
Ed groaned, burying his hands in his face. “This isn’t how I wanted this to go at all. I don’t wanna confess in a school library of all places, just ‘cause I’m jealous of a girl who’s been nothing but nice to us.”
Bart was full-on blushing at that point, and the speedster was, for once, at a loss for words. The confession was as clear as day, even if it wasn’t the way Ed intended it to be, and he had put all his cards on the table. The sun was filtering nicely through the big windows behind Bart, casting a golden ray on Ed’s figure. Just great- he saw Ed as even more attractive guy than he usually did.
Ed got up and put his glamour charm back on, turning on his heel. He couldn’t stay one more second in the excruciating silence, not when his heart was threatening to beat straight out of his chest cavity.
“I-I’ll see you at the Tower tonight then,” he said as he walked out of the library, not bothering to wait for any confirmation. The blush on Bart’s face said it all.
As Ed left briskly, it was Bart’s turn to bury his face in his hands. He was happy, sure, ecstatic even, that his feelings were returned- but he had no idea how he was supposed to even look at Ed after he dropped such a huge bomb on him out of the blue.
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This aesthetic and story is for @coffee-randomness another person I've known for I think 4 years already dang time passes by so fast. You're such a kind soul and your comments always make my day. I'm glad to have met you and here's to more years as writing buddies.
Edit: this is a vampire au for our ocs Annabella and Lucy fic I wrote for @coffee-randomness a while back and just touched it up and added some things
This was wrong, yet why did it not bother her? Lucy thought as she let her wrap her arms around her and snuggle her face into the crook of her neck.
Lucy looked up at the ceiling trying to distract herself but she was stirring awake.
Lucy had been so busy rummaging through her bag she wasn't really paying attention, she just heard her drink description and reached out a hand to grab it only to feel a soft cold hand collide with hers. Lucy looked up and blinked as a pair of soft brown eyes peered at her through thick eyelashes.
"My apologies miss, I did not know this was yours." The woman spoke making Lucy's spine chill.
"I um it no it's my bad I wasn't paying attention." Lucy stammered like an idiot but the woman smiled softly at her.
"Take it if you are in a hurry." She said simply pushing the coffee closer to Lucy.
Lucy wanted to protest but the woman seemed like she was not going to take no for an answer, besides Lucy was in a bit of a hurry. She mumbled a soft thanks and took off her heart nearly jumping out of her chest.
This was a sin. Lucy thought as she felt her brush her fingers underneath her shirt. Then why didn't Lucy feel guilty? Instead she smiled and blushed as she felt her fingers continue their lazy strokes
"We need to stop meeting like this." A soft voice spoke just behind Lucy making her turn quickly.
A familiar pair of soft brown eyes gazed down at her.
"Oh hello again." Lucy said as she fixed her hold on the book she had just grabbed. "What brings you here?"
"That book you’re holding actually, I was told it was the last copy they had in stock. Though since you have already claimed it I suppose that's alright."
Lucy looked down at the book and back up at the woman. "Y-you can have it."
"That won't be necessary." The woman smiled. "I can wait for the next shipment to come in."
"Please, you let me keep the drink last time and I know it was supposed to be yours… Annabella." Lucy tried to reason, feeling her heart flutter when Annabella smiled at her.
"I'm good at waiting but since you insist, how about you tell me your name and we can talk over another shared drink?" Annabella asked so casually Lucy had a hard time thinking if it meant more than just a simple drink.
She was a monster. It's what they had told Lucy. Yet Lucy did not see Annabella like a monster. Not even the night when she discovered the truth.
The cursing is what had woken Lucy up that night. Screams and shouts coming from the building next door. This was Gotham after all but still something about the screams unsettled Lucy.
She had gotten dressed hastily and ran out as fast as she could. When she burst through the doors she was shocked at the scene in front of her. Most of the nuns were there hands firmly gripping the ends of a rope that was tied around a girl who was screaming as if being burned. The girl thrashed and bared her teeth at the nuns who simply tightened their grip on the rope.
"Hold her steady." Sister Jasmine shouted.
"We're trying." Someone grunted.
The girl hissed and looked up at sister Jasmine her eyes glowing red but when she caught sight of Lucy her eyes flicked to a familiar set of soft brown eyes. Lucy blinked as a look of heartbreak spread across Annabella's face only to quickly change into pain as Sister Jasmine slipped a silver cross on her neck.
"Take her away." Sister Jasmine ordered.
"What are you doing?" Lucy questioned as she tried to make her way towards Annabella.
"Lucy what are you doing here?" Sister Jasmine demanded stopping Lucy from going any further.
"I heard screaming. What's happening? What are you doing to her?" Lucy questioned as she tried to get through Sister Jasmine.
The older woman however kept a strong grip on Lucy. “This is not how I wanted you to find out.”
Lucy stopped and looked up at the sister. “What do you mean?”
“That thing is a monster, a vampire to be more accurate. We got lucky to catch this one.”
“You’re lying.” Lucy protested. “Annabella is a good person, she’s not a monster.”
“You’ve met this creature before?” The sister said, looking disgusted.
“She’s my friend and you have to let her go.” Lucy insisted.
“She is not going anywhere and you are not allowed to go anywhere near her.” Sister Jasmine ordered grabbing Lucy and taking her back to the other building.
She’s a creature of darkness… then why did she fill Lucy with so much hope?
Lucy snuck back into the church the following night. She went towards the area where she had seen them drag Annabella. Sister Jasmine had told her about what Annabella really was, how she was a vampire, a monster of darkness that needed to be taken care of. But everytime Lucy asked why Sister Jasmine would simply say it's what needed to be done and left it at that. Something didn't seem right, the story just didn't seem to add up. Lucy needed to know the truth.
She found Annabella in the basement chained to the wall, her cuffs seemed to be burning her and the cross that was hanging from her neck was digging deep into her skin. Lucy quickly ran over and took the cross off making Annabella hiss in pain.
“What did they do to you?” Lucy whispered lifting Annabella’s face only to discover a black eye forming and her lip was split.
Annabella tried to move her face away from Lucy’s touch but the action seemed to cause her a lot of pain.
“Like you would care.” Annabella said her voice was so cold it made Lucy shiver.
“I do care.” Lucy whispered as she looked at the chains.
“I’ll admit they are getting smarter, sending someone like you my way. I should have seen this coming.”
Lucy stared at her blinking slowly as she tried to process what she was saying.
“What… what are you talking about?”
Annabella stared up at her lifting an eyebrow in amusement. “Oh my little dove you really don’t know?”
“Know what?”
Lucy froze as Annabella leaned forward her face centimeters from hers.
“You really think your sisters let you wonder about Gotham because you’ve been a good little girl?” Annabella brushed the tip of her nose against Lucy’s making her flush bright red.
“No it’s your blood, so sweet, so rich, so unique. Meta humans attract monsters your sisters have gained quite the track record since they’ve acquired you. And yes my little dove I know you're a meta human like I said it’s in your blood.” Annabella leaned down and placed a small kiss against Lucy’s neck making her shudder.
Annabella slumped back against the wall, her chest rising as she tried to catch her breath.
“Don’t worry little dove I was never going to hurt you. My family has sworn off blood for thousands of years already, well at least from taking it from a living human. But still I did want you to be mine. I wanted to whisk you away and spoil you. My family tried to warn me but I didn’t want to listen. Now I see I was mistaken.”
“And that you were.” Said Sister Jasmine, making Lucy turn around. “Lucy get away from it.”
“Is it true?” Lucy questioned standing directly in front of Annabella.
“Lucy I will not ask you again.”
“Is it true?” Lucy demanded. “Have you been using me this whole time?”
Sister Jasmine straightened up and let out a deep breath. “Yes, we’ve known how valuable you could be since you were born. Your father however wanted to change our way of life; he wanted to ‘make peace’ with the creatures. He wanted to ‘reason’ with them, please, there is no reasoning with them. Her father killed him in fact.”
“My father was set up.” Annabella growled.
“Silence you foul being. Oh but your mother she knew how valuable you were. She knew how to probably handle these monsters. If it wasn’t for your father you would have been trained properly. Now move Lucy I will not ask you again.”
More sisters came in and Lucy noticed the weapons they were holding, her hands curled into fists as she stared down Sister Jasmine.
"No." She said fiercely.
"Get out now." Lucy warned, Sister Jasmine straight ended up her mouth tight but Lucy could see the fear in her eyes.
"Do it." Sister Jasmine ordered but before anyone could react Lucy shouted and all of the sisters went flying towards the wall hitting it with such force they were knocked out cold.
"Well I didn't expect that." Annabella mumbled and she slumped down.
"Woah easy." Lucy said as she helped support Annabella up. "I gotta get you out of here."
"Wayne Manor." Annabella groaned.
"If you manage to get me out take me to Wayne Manor." Annabella mumbled and her eyes closed.
“They will never accept you.” Those were the last words Sister Jasmine ever said to Lucy, and at first she almost believed her.
She had managed to get Annabella back to Wayne manor though granted it was ironically because Lucy knew how to drive the hearse the church owned. Add that to the list of sin she was already committing. The Waynes had always been a mysterious family now Lucy knew why. Their butler Alfred had been nice to Lucy once they got Annabella settled into her room and treated he set up a place for her to rest.
Annabella’s father Bruce thanked Lucy for bringing Annabella back safely. However Annabella’s bothers were a different story, at first they all eyed her wearily. Then Lucy was sure Alfred must’ve scolded them because at least three of them attempted to make small talk with Lucy as they waited for Annabella to get better. But Jason was a different story, he'd glare at her every time he walked in to check on Annabella.
"What are you still doing here?" Jason asked from the doorway making Lucy almost drop her book. She looked up at him his icy blue eyes staring daggers at him.
She couldn't think of a good answer. Honestly she had no where else to go, she couldn't go back to the church and spending a night out on the streets of Gotham was a hard pass. Besides she was the reason why Annabella was like this she needed to make sure Annabella would be okay.
"I just want to make sure she's alright." Lucy mumbled pathetically making Jason narrow his eyes.
"You may have everyone fooled with your little sweet girl act but not me. The moment you break her heart will be the last thing you will ever do." Jason threatened before turning around and leaving.
"Don't mind him… sorry." Annabella smiled weakly as Lucy nearly fell out of her chair.
"Your family really needs to stop doing that." Lucy breathed out then quickly helped Annabella sit up.
"We tend to forget humans can be so easily spooked." Annabella smiled brighter, she glanced at the door way and sighed.
"Jason was a human many years ago. He died protecting me from a madman. It was difficult but we managed to bring him to life he's been even more protective since then so don't take his insults personally."
"I'll try not to." Lucy mumbled, rubbing her arm nervously.
"I'm sorry." Annabella apologized.
"For what?"
"I was selfish. Like I said before I wanted you to myself. But in doing so I've cost you your home."
"To be honest I don't think I ever really considered that place my home. I'm sure I'll be able to find something."
"At least let me help you get back on your feet." Annabella said reaching out to hold Lucy's hand.
"They will never accept you." The words had echoed in her dreams yet a year later that had not been the case.
"Why are you up so early?" Annabella mumbled snuggling close to Lucy and pressing a small kiss to her neck.
"Just thinking." Lucy responded blushing slightly.
"About when we met."
"Mmm that's nice, but go back to sleep." Annabella mumbled.
"I have to go to work." Lucy said.
"Mmm do you have to?" Annabella protested, placing more kisses long Lucy's shoulder.
"I can't be late again." Lucy tried to reason but Annabella refused to listen as her hand trailed higher up under Lucy's shirt making her giggle and succumb.
Lucy smiled and turned, placing a kiss on Annabella's forehead. If Annabella was a monster Lucy didn't mind sharing that title with her.
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