#Phantom hates Robin attitude
nelkcats · 1 year
Purple Matchmaker
Gotham Zoo had a last minute transfer. It seems that while she was on her way to her original Zoo, the Purple-back Gorilla was attacked, and although they were able to protect her, they noticed that something strange was happening..
Deliah is pregnant and many of Gotham's villains have taken an interest in getting her hands on the endangered species while she stays. Something that Robin is not willing to tolerate, since he has declared himself the zookeeper until further news.
Unfortunately the news that the Gorilla is in New Jersey traveled to Amity Park, where a spiteful Skulker heard about it and plans to capture her and her calf. Phantom isn't having any of that either.
Of course, the two collide while doing their duty, and while Phantom isn't sure how to take on Gotham's Rogues, Robin isn't sure what the strange glowing green creature is that keeps firing missiles. Neither of them considered that they needed help from the other. They are both trained vigilantes with a lot of experience, they will surely manage on their own.
Due to how stubborn neither of the boys , both are not giving each other advices on the subject. Or at least they aren't until the Gorilla himself starts judging them. Maybe working together isn't so bad, it's just temporary.
On the other hand, Damian has been chatting with the one who discovered Deliah's gender in the first place and considers him a lovely guy. He a little clumsy but his heart is in the right place. If he would just stop defending that Phantom guy...
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 months
I want to see you do a DpxDC Soulmate AU where you hear thoughts with Danny and Tim if that's possible.
Tim Drake knew who Batman was. No one else knew.
... Except for his soulmate Danny Fenton but he could keep a secret. He always kept Tim's before! Like how he helped Tim hack into the school records so they could meet up in Amity Park. Tim loved the Fenton family and adored visiting when he could. (He didn't notice for a while how angry Maddie and Jack got about the Drake parents who were never around for their son.)
Danny was so awesome, and had so many cool invention ideas. Tim's parents didn't like the fact he had a 'son of nutjob inventors' as a soulmate but Mrs. Mac had told some people about Danny before they found out, so they couldn't hide it. Tim hated that they wanted to, and it was the first time he admitted his parents sucked.
Tim loved Danny, which was why he'd run it past the other about taking up Robin when Batman was going down a bad road. Danny cautioned that it might be more trickier then he thought, getting permission to tell the loving Fenton parents about what Tim wanted.
In return they showed up to basically kidnap Batman and make him sit through therapy with their daughter Jazz. Danny and Tim watched with popcorn made by Alfred who basically had the attitude of 'might as well'. It did lead to Tim getting the Robin position with the Fentons dropping in to keep Bruce from going overboard.
So, maybe more then just one person knew, but Tim was pleased with that.
Then when they were fourteen, Danny became Phantom.
That was... an experience. Hearing his soulmate's mental screaming, screaming himself and then... Danny was a ghost. Tim could still hear him but only faintly in ghost form. It was scary for Tim to hear that, and he was frightened one day his soulmate's voice would completely fade. At least Tim could get Danny back up. (Even if Danny was a bit annoyed that John Constantine turned out to be his parents third soulmate who avoided them in fear of what harm he could bring which turned out to be why they built the portal, to try and get him over to speak with them. That was a mess.)
Tim loved Danny, and looked forward to the boy coming to Titan's Tower to meet the team. He was bringing his friends with him, so that they could all discuss how to best work together if any of the ghosts escape Amity before Danny could deal with them. After Vortex, it was just smart to do so.
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thehollowprince · 1 month
The Actor Who Played Jar Jar Binks Is Proud of His ‘Star Wars’ Legacy
Ahmed Best recalls the painful backlash to the “Phantom Menace” character that was considered a racial stereotype at the time but is now embraced by fans.
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Ahmed Best is a futurist, an educator, a martial artist, a writer-director, and the actor behind Jar Jar Binks, the most hated character in the “Star Wars” universe.
Long-eared Jar Jar is a bipedal amphibianlike creature with an ungainly walk and a winning attitude. The groundbreaking, computer-generated goofball debuted in the first installment of George Lucas’s prequel trilogy, “Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace,” and instantly set off widespread criticism from both fans and the press.
“It took almost a mortal toll on me. It was too much,” Best recently recalled. “It was the first time in my life where I couldn’t see the future. I didn’t see any hope. Here I was at 26 years old, living my dream, and my dream was over.”
Now 50, Best is the picture of panache who could easily be mistaken for an off-duty rock star. He arrived at our interview, riding a motorcycle and wearing a blue denim jacket, black jeans, and stylish shades.
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In the presence of Best’s self-assured demeanor, it’s even more shocking to learn that back in 1999, the vitriol fans flung at Jar Jar and, in turn, at him, ravaged his mental health. But he revisited these memories a few weeks before the movie’s return to theaters on Friday to commemorate the 25th anniversary of its release.
Two constellations, “Star Wars” and “Star Trek,” nurtured Best’s curiosity for both science and the arts as a child in the South Bronx. The 1977 “Star Wars” (Episode IV) was the first movie he ever saw in a cinema. Back then, being part of the intergalactic saga seemed unfathomable.
Twenty years later, Best was performing in “Stomp,” the theater show where performers communicate through rhythm and acrobatics, when Robin Gurland, the casting director on “Phantom Menace,” attended a performance in San Francisco. She had spent months conducting an exhaustive search for the actor who could embody Jar Jar’s physicality. That evening, she found him.
“There was just something so electrifying about his performance; it was natural and innovative,” Gurland said by phone. “I couldn’t take my eyes off of Ahmed.”
“What if you were from this other planet, totally different from anything we know? How would you move?” Gurland recalled asking Best during his audition at Skywalker Ranch. “He got it immediately and was able to just create this being out of thin air.”
Doug Chiang, the design director on “Phantom Menace,” remembered Lucas describing Jar Jar as a combination of the silent comedy stars Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. Lucas ruled out a puppet for the alien creature, Chiang said, but still needed Jar Jar to appear grounded in reality to hold up against live actors onscreen.
“Even though this was a synthetic character, created out of ones and zeros, George wanted it to have a lot of expression,” Chiang said via video call. “The actor component was absolutely critical.”
Commonplace now, motion capture, the process of recording a person or object’s movement to serve as the basis for a digital entity, was mostly uncharted territory. Jar Jar became the first main character in a feature film created this way, though initially, the filmmakers didn’t know if it would work.
When Best landed the part as well as the separate assignment to voice the character — providing a playful take he often used with his younger cousins — he thought “it was surreal,” he recalled, adding with a laugh, “I was like, ‘Why me?’ I wanted it, of course, and I’m glad George believed in me, a 23-year-old kid from the streets of New York.”
In Chiang’s view, “Ahmed’s role in this was very understated, and it’s heartbreaking that he didn’t receive the attention and accolade because Jar Jar was a breakthrough character.”
Best spent the better part of two years working with Lucas and Industrial Light & Magic; his acting provided the physical element for the foundational software Lucasfilm created for performance capture. “I’m not Jar Jar. We are Jar Jar,” Best said, crediting the numerous artists involved at different stages of the character’s development.
But during filming, Best had doubts about the role. He credits co-star Ewan McGregor, who played Obi-Wan Kenobi, with helping him embrace Jar Jar’s inherent silliness. Best was on set with the rest of the cast, performing while wearing a suit and headpiece that resembled Jar Jar’s final look
“In one of the first scenes we shot, I was having a hard time with the line ‘Weesa going home!’ because it didn’t feel right to me,” Best recalled. “And then Ewan said, ‘But how does it feel to Jar Jar?’ That’s when I thought, ‘I’m going to take my ego out of this.’”
When he saw the final rendering of Jar Jar onscreen, he was taken aback. “I was up there, and I wasn’t up there at the exact same time,” Best said. “Jar Jar moved like me, and that was just a very odd feeling.”
Unfortunately, Jar Jar was a pioneering character in more ways than one. Critics said the character was a collection of racial stereotypes, “a Rastafarian Stepin Fetchit,” as The Wall Street Journal described him. One complaint was Jar Jar’s accent, which some perceived as derived from Jamaican patois.
“Everybody talks about Jar Jar’s accent,” said Best, who is of West Indian descent. “I read exactly what George wrote. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t an accent.”
“Back in the day, Chewbacca was seen as the Black character,” he continued. “And then Yoda was ridiculed for being an Asian stereotype. Then, the Neimoidians were ridiculed for being an Asian stereotype. ‘Star Wars’ has had a history of being a lightning rod. That’s because it’s so successful.”
No matter the context, the onslaught of negative reactions in the nascent online forums of the late ’90s, as well as in traditional media, drove him to consider suicide, he said.
Looking back now, Best said Jar Jar “was probably also the first cyber-bullied pop culture character ever.” In his view there were other factors that contributed to the barrage, including racism among fans, something another “Star Wars” performer, Kelly Marie Tran, called out in 2018 when she endured online harassment. (He said he related to “Kelly Marie for sure. She’s a phenomenal actor” and the way she was treated was “completely unwarranted.”)
“There are a lot of people who want to see Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Darth Vader for the rest of their lives, and they don’t realize that ‘Star Wars’ is changing,” Best said. He noted that the “Star Wars” franchise had yet to have a movie centered on a Black protagonist and added with a laugh, “I’m available.”
But worse than the ceaseless public scrutiny was learning that his role had been dramatically reduced for the two sequels, “Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith.”
“As an artist, you want the respect from your peers, and I felt as if I was being scaled back because I didn’t do a good job,” he said. “It really hurt. Everybody was running away from me, including the people that I gave two years of my life to.”
Finding acting work post-“Star Wars” proved nearly impossible. The first hurdle was proving he had been in the movies: “When I’d tell people what I did as Jar Jar, they would be like, ‘That’s just animation. I don’t see your face, so how do I know it was you?’” Best recalled. “And I’d say, ‘No, it was me. I’m an actor; it’s called motion capture.”
He admitted that even all these years later he remained hesitant to talk with journalists about that time. “It’s such a cultural phenomenon, and there are few Black voices in ‘Star Wars,’ so I feel that I’m partially obliged to keep my voice out there,” he said.
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Since those dark days, Best has diversified his ambitions. He’s an adjunct lecturer at the University of Southern California’s School of Dramatic Arts, where he teaches filmmaking for actors. At Stanford University’s d.school, he has taught a class revolving around Afrofuturism, a subject that informs his belief that an optimistic future is possible through the combination of narrative art and technology.
“Jar Jar represents the possibility that whatever you got in your head, creatively, we can invent a future where this thing exists,” he said. “Just because no one has done it before, doesn’t mean it can’t be done.”
Throughout the years, Jar Jar hasn’t entirely left Best’s life. The actor has voiced the character in video games and in animated shows like “Star Wars: The Clone Wars.”
“It’s big, and it tends to overtake your life,” Best said. “The thoughts I’ve had were, ‘Who am I outside of this?’ Because as an artist, you don’t want to be locked into one thing.”
More recently, he’s rejoined the “Star Wars” universe in his own body, as the warrior teacher Kelleran Beq on the children’s show “Jedi Temple Challenge” and in an episode of “The Mandalorian.”
“This is going to sound really corny, please forgive me, but it felt like coming home,” Best said.
Despite the baggage, Best never stopped loving Jar Jar. When he meets fans — on the rare occasions that he agrees to appear at conventions — Best has noticed it’s usually young children, people with disabilities and those who have been ostracized who identify most with Jar Jar. “He’s misunderstood, but Jar Jar’s heart is so pure,” he said.
At the time of the backlash, Lucas assured Best that Jar Jar’s target audience — who were kids and for whom the character would become a fond childhood memory — would eventually come to his defense. “He was right,” Best said. “It’s a different story now.”
Witness the reception for Best in 2019 at “Star Wars” Celebration, an event dedicated to the franchise, when fans welcomed him with thunderous applause. “It really warmed my heart to see him get that,” Chiang recalled.
Heart comes up a lot when Best’s name is mentioned.
Dave Filoni, the chief creative officer of Lucasfilm and a writer on “The Mandalorian,” described him as “a unique talent, and no one can replicate what he brings through his performance as Jar Jar. There is comedy, but also a lot of heart.”
And Best takes solace in the role he’s played behind the scenes as well. He noted that the software developed through his work as Jar Jar became central to the creation of future C.G.I. characters.
“I’m in there,” Best said. “You can’t have Gollum without Jar Jar. You can’t have the Na’vi in ‘Avatar’ without Jar Jar. You can’t have Thanos or the Hulk without Jar Jar. I was the signal for the rest of this art form, and I’m proud of Jar Jar for that, and I’m proud to be a part of that. I’m in there!”
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murcielagatito · 11 months
seeing astronomically wild dpxdc takes so i thought id share this as someone whos in both fandoms but HATES the crossovers n ill tell u why
danny is a good kid. but hes not gotham material. and yeah sure the HORRORS but the reality is his trauma just doest affect him mentally in the same way it does any of the robins. he hasnt lost himself he hasnt lost his support system hes got people that love him and care for him and he really just isnt some edgy dc teen sorry. he doesnt wanna be a hero and its an important plot point!!! he wants to have a semi normal high school experience and be noticed by the girl he likes. he literally has an ENTIRE episode abt not having time to be a teen and how much it sucks for him
danny is special BECAUSE of how unique his environment is and how unique HE is to his environment. by putting him in a world like dc everything special about him is diluted n he becomes another annoying boring tired unspecial nuisance that would just get mixed up with a million other white characters just like him:
dannys personality and attitude would cause for most if not all the batboys to wanna punch his gut and not get along with him. nobody wants another snarky angry stuck up boy (unfortunately bc the writers r racist assholes) damian is there already. hed never be good as a rich kid tim has that covered and danny has the moral backbone of cooked spaghetti the second money is involved. but what about coming back from the dead? jason is RIGHT there
“but hes got black hair and blue eyes” the dc fandom is SO fucking tired of more white boys with black hair and blue eyes. duke cass n all the other characters of color get pushed aside BY OUR OWN FANDOM as it is!
its just so annoying bc what yall actually want you could easily get from JUST reading any comics centering ANY of the three white boy robins that already exist stop tryna add wonderbread to the mix and call it a gourmet meal
and if this falls on deaf ears PLEASE at least stick to strictly crossover tags. dc AND dp fans are tired of looking thru tags to mostly find crossover stuff EVEN after blocking all the crossover tags and if you want your dp art to reach more of the dp fandom tagging it as dcxdp will most likely make sure most of the dp fandom WONT see it. also the show danny phantom itself is literally a parody and play on the superhero genre
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codenamesazanka · 3 years
Jumping off of my previous post about Harima Oji:
From the Databook 2:
張間歐児 | Harima Oji
A thief who wore a strange costume. He mainly targeted the rich and gave away the stolen money to the needy. Such deeds were criminal acts, but it seemed he had the support of some of the public.
So here was a guy called the Peerless Thief, the quirky HeroAca version of Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. He used his quirk without an license, he technically committed a crime, sure, but from what we know of him, he sounded like a good guy, a true hero in spirit, with people who considered him so.
Yet according to Gentle in Chapter 171, history knows him as a Villain (Criminal) that lives in infamy, compared to the likes of All For One. Pretty harsh.
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But this makes sense, in a twisted way. Harima Oji started his criminal career as a response to the establishment of the Hero System. It was his protest, his message demanding reformation. He saw early on how the new system was flawed, and probably became one of the first officially labeled ‘Villains’ by refusing to abide by it.
Lady Nagant, and other characters both in the main series and side material, have said that Heroes and everything they do are supported by the trust of the people. This was the foundation of the whole thing, and it needed to be unshakable.
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Because it’s just a promise, a social contract, it’s like the “consent of the governed” - Heroes are allowed to use their powerful, sometimes even lethal, quirks to help the public, as long as the people sees them as necessary and good, and accept this use of power. Beating someone up real bad, even if they’re a criminal? Buildings and property being wrecked during a fight? Civilians dying as collateral damage? Even more ‘minor’ things like amassing wealth enough to become enviable to the typical middle-class person? These are accepted as long as Heroes prove they are more beneficial than costly to society.
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That requires a tremendous amount of faith, a belief that Heroes are always righteous and will come through, that the people will be okay placing their lives and safety in their hands. The Hero Public Safety Commission knows this. That’s why they have Lady Nagant taking out enemies too strong or subversive for the typical Hero to handle, as well as taking out corrupted Heroes that will show a terrible public image if their misdeeds are exposed.
But Harima Oji threatened to ruin all of this, right at the very beginning. Here was a criminal running circles around Pro-Heroes, uncatchable by supposedly well-trained and powerful individuals. Here was an ‘informal’ hero just as popular, exposing the legal Heroes’ corruption and greed, not only taking them to task but helping to recompense the victims. Here was just a single man who was destroying all of the HPSC’s hard work, undermining the Hero System before it could even get really started, erasing the very trust they were trying to cultivate. Especially in those early days, when things were touch and go and if they fail, it could mean a return to the darkness of societal chaos, it would be the end to their legitimacy to rule.
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Of course the HPSC would hate Harima Oji. Of course they would paint him as only a Villain through and through, and try to change the narrative of good and evil, making out Heroes to be completely just and infallible while the opponents they fight are evil, maybe barely-human monsters.
Of course the HPSC must keep up this black and white illusion, to deal with unsavory Heroes themselves before their scandals and crimes are exposed to the public and to point-blank execute any Villains before they do anything that could make their Good Heroes look weak.
Have a sham hero get made a fool of, expose them to public knowledge, and one can possibly spark a debate among the people, a desire to tackle this issue, to change attitudes towards the current system and modify the power structure; kill the sham hero and everyone is left in the dark, blissfully ignorant and agreeable. Then kill the people threatening to reveal this lie. Kill your own, kill your supposed values, kill the rules you had promised, had swore to uphold at your convenience. All a necessity, for this Hero Society.
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SO WHAT IF Mr. Compress during his days of being a phantom thief, carrying on the family tradition, trying to make his great-great-grandfather’s dream a reality— What if Mr. Compress had discovered this ugly truth, this fragile system maintained with the blood of its enemies and its own? What could you do against someone who breaks the rules of engagement; who uses secret, extrajudiciary killing to prevent even a whisper of change?
Maybe that’s when you want to tear the whole thing down. Maybe that’s why Mr. Compress joined Shigaraki Tomura, who has promised exactly just this - the destruction of Heroes and everything they’ve built.
(but what about the innocent? what about the cost of this? what about Harima’s reformation? what about the fact that Shigaraki sees no future and wants not a better world, but just an empty horizon?
Well, Mr. Compress never was and never did claim to be a Hero.)
Mr. Compress: “Grandfather said to follow Harima’s example and keep just stealing and making fools out of the Heroes and that will eventually bring reformation… But I just saw the two dudes I was trying to expose get killed in cold blood by a HPSC sniper. That sort of thing changes your perspective.”
thank you @aysall and @stillness-in-green for helping me brainstorm this! thank you every one for reading and sorry it’s so long!!
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 11
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To Marry a Vigilante: Part 11
The Akuma turned toward the three superheroes and scowled. A phantom butterfly appeared over her face. 
“So you’ve come to ruin my great day!?” She screamed. Her hand turned into bubbling energy and extended unnaturally, sailing at the heroes who had to scatter to avoid it. It smashed into the wall, burning it slightly. 
“This is Vicki Vale, reporting live from Wayne Manor, where the Charity Gala was interrupted by the attack of a supervillain. We can now see not one, but three new superheroes appearing on-site to stop them. The feline theme seems to be prevalent in this group, but it is the hero in red that took charge of the situation. Aaaah!” The large other arm sailed toward the reporter and her cameraman, enveloping them and burning them. Some of the bubbly mass remained there, slowly reforming into… something. 
“This Akuma is overpowered! Shapeshifting, reach, super-healing, and minions?” Ladybug whined. 
“Focus. We need the object.” Black Cat cut her off. 
“She had nothing on her. Only the… Of course, that stupid alley-cat would do this.” She moaned. “It’s her dress. That bastard made her dress into the akumatized object.” 
“Then we cut it to pieces.” Pink Tigress scowled. Her chakram sailed through the air at the Akuma, but it was easily avoided.
“You’re all just fake…” She didn’t get to finish before the sharp projectile bounced and returned at her, smashing into her back. Black Cat and Ladybug used the distraction.
“Lucky Charm!/Cataclysm!”
The destructive energy formed in his paw just as Ladybug got a fire extinguisher.
“Won’t be needed, beloved.” Black cat spoke too soon because purple energy surrounded the Akuma and the heat became harder to withstand. The wooden planks caught on fire.
“Is it just me or is she getting hotter with time?”
“Ladybug! Don’t flirt with the villain.” Tigress snapped, but the way she was smiling told the young couple she was just joking.
“Tt. Let’s just get moving.” He scoffed. Just then, the shapeless mass that was the reporter and the cameraman finally became active. The two blobs looked exactly like they used to before, except for violet eyes. They charged forward, forcing the heroes to scatter. As soon as they crashed with the wall, it started to slowly heat until it burned too. 
Ladybug started looking around. She needed to get access to the Akuma, but when they were distracted, it created more minions that now stood between her and them. The clock pointed at almost half an hour to midnight. 
The plan formed in Ladybug’s head. 
“Cat! I need your tail. Tigress! The strength would be nice.” She ran to grab the items needed. A tail was wrapped around the fire-extinguisher and the hand of the clock was put inside the pin and tied to the sash. 
“Power Up! Strength!” Pink Tigress shone with pink light. Getting at what her daughter planned, she grabbed Black Cat who rolled in a ball. 
“Tt. For the record, I hate these types of plans.”
“Less complaining, more… Now!” Ladybug shouted suddenly before making the fire extinguisher roll like a bowling ball right under the group of minions and toward the Akuma. The heat was visibly weakening the metal around it. When it was close to the enemy, she pulled back the sash with one swift move and plucked the safety pin. Then, she quickly tossed her yo-yo.
The weapon struck the already weakened metal container and everything nearby was covered by red foam, putting away the flames and momentarily stopping the heat.
Seeing her cue, Pink Tigress tossed Black Cat through the air. The strength gave her enough power for the throw to pass over all of the minions with enough velocity that he surprised the Akuma. His open palm clashed into the orange dress of the Akuma and it crumbled to pieces. Quickly, Ladybug grabbed the now-extinguished curtain and tossed it over the victim. 
There was no catchphrase when she activated her yo-yo and captured the purple butterfly, or when she released it. 
“Miraculous Ladybug!” 
The swarm of magical bugs swept over the place, fixing the damage and returning everything to where it was supposed to be. At least most of it.
“Ladybug?” A voice came from under the curtain, which thankfully remained in place. The face that appeared from underneath was that of one Lila Rossi. “Oh no! It was… I was… Oh no!” She started crying crocodile tears. 
Ladybug was clearly unamused. Because of course, The Liar would be the first from the new batch of Akumas. Unceremoniously, she tossed her the dress and walked away. 
Outside, the press already gathered together with a group of police officers trying to stop anyone from rushing inside. 
“Miss.” A man in a brown trenchcoat and with a bushy mustache came over to the three heroes. “Commissioner Gordon, GCPD. I must ask you three to come with us.” 
“Tt. No.” Black Cat protested before either of the females with him got a chance. 
Ladybug put a hand on his shoulder and made him step back. “Commissioner, could you send a team of paramedics inside. There is a girl that is probably in shock still inside. She was a victim of possession by Akuma.” 
Gordon didn’t respond verbally but waved his hand and a man and a woman went inside the mansion. “Now, can we move somewhere more private?” 
Just then, Batman glided down from the rooftop. “Nightwing and Red Hood stopped any car movement in and out. Red Robin is already tracing the feeds. The civilians are secure. Ladybug,” He turned to the spotted heroine with no small amount of respect, “is the situation inside resolved?” 
“I purified the Akuma if that’s what you’re asking.” 
“Batman? You know those three?” The police commissioner asked.
“Yes. Ladybug is a superhero from France. She received my authorization to enter Gotham in pursuit of dangerous international terrorist Adrien Agreste, the son of another terrorist, Gabriel Agreste.” Batman explained. 
“And to think I used to wear his cologne…” Gordon muttered. “I would really appreciate the heads-up though.”
“We would definitely send such if we had time.” 
“We were in Tibet when the Akuma Alert came.” Black Cat lied swiftly. 
“Um… I’ve never been a master of geography but…”
“Magic. We use magic, Mr. Gordon.” Pink Tigress decided to take charge of the conversation with her assassin attitude in full force. From Bruce’s tales, James Gordon was a good man but sometimes too cynical. “The terrorist we chase also uses magic. We’re ready to co-operate with the police force as long as you turn out more cooperative than Parisians. We will need city-wide surveillance enhanced with the Akuma-detecting algorithm. You will get the program by tomorrow. Akuma Shelters would help minimize the strain during the attacks. And Arkham Asylum is to be on total lockdown. If possible, send the saner part to Black-gate. The rest is to be kept under wraps or in medically-induced comas. If even one of those madmen is corrupted…” She was narrowing her eyes to the point she almost closed them. Her fists were making a crunching sound as bones withstood great pressure. Pink Tigress was out for blood. 
“Agreste preys on emotions. Today’s attack was purely made out of spite and we suspect he didn’t even plan it. The girl he obsesses over announced her relationship to the public.” Ladybug stopped her mother before she said something she would regret. “We need to find him before he entrenches and it turns into a siege. We know who he is this time, but not who he works with…” 
“Known weaknesses? Ways to prevent possessions?” Gordon asked, scratching the back of his head. 
“We will send everything tomorrow. We need to go before the magic exhausts us.” Ladybug saluted before she and Black Cat leaped onto the top of the manor and disappeared in the forest behind it.
Pink Tigress smiled behind her mask and disappeared inside the Manor. Nobody saw her after that. 
The couple arrived at the garden gazebo Damian showed her the first day and dropped the transformation. It was cold, but a small herbal fire burned inside and warmed them. Damian took off his jacket and put it over Marinette’s shoulders. She cuddled closer to him still, shaking not only from the temperature.
Silently, she cried for a good ten minutes before her eyes ran dry. 
“It will be okay, Habibti. This time, you’re not alone. And when we find him… He won’t walk out of there.” He muttered the last part low enough that shaken Marinetet didn’t hear him. She just wanted the comfort of his body heat and the embrace. She could hear his heartbeat and it served to calm her down. 
“I wanted this to be over. We were supposed to have peace… I can survive the occasional supervillain attack. But not… not him,” she sniffled. “Why…”
“Don’t worry angel. He won’t hurt you. Not today and not ever. By my sword I swear it to you.” 
“Damian… Thank you. You… We are in this together.” She smiled weakly. He pulled her closer. Simultaneously, their phones vibrated. 
Damian felt something shift and saw two steaming hot cups of hot chocolate in Ladybug-themed cups. From behind the fire, Tikki and Plag winked at the couple and hid again. 
“Happy new year Angel.” He gave her a cup and kissed her forehead. 
“Happy new year, grumpy cat.” She joked, hoping to light the atmosphere. Before Damian could protest she pulled him by his shirt into a searing kiss. 
Any protest he would have had over that nickname died before it could properly formulate. His mind shut down for a moment and he embraced his wife. They stayed like that for a long time. Just the two of them, the fire, and the steaming hot chocolate. 
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otakucalsama · 5 years
obsession ft. girls
okay- so. i obsess. like. over everything. i’m an obsessive person. my mind fixates on something until something else comes along. and then it fixates on that. so i- heh- made this series to sorta, have an outlet. and to share my obsessions.
this edition is for all the girls i obsess over.
(last updated 04/30/20)
Rachel Roth/Raven (Teen Titans, 2003)
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Raven is absolutely badass. From her clothes to her attitude to her powers, it’s really no wonder why she’s my favorite titan. SO many people like Starfire better, but dude, Raven is so much better. Just because Starfire is an alien princess, doesn't mean crap. Raven is a half-demoness. She’s also new to Earth. She is very beautiful. She needs just as much, if not more, love and protection.  I would give Raven the world if she asked, I love her that much! And to be honest, I don’t know if I want to be her or kiss her. 
Molly Hooper (Sherlock, BBC)
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Miss Molly is an absolute sweetheart. I hate the way Sherlock treats her, god. I will never support that ship because Sherlock is an ass who doesn’t appreciate her. Molly deserves so much more. I mean, she’s a pathologist, for heavens sake. She went to Med school, and got her degree. She’s a doctor! Don’t treat her like she’s not intelligent, because she is! 
Violet Baudelaire (A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Netflix and book series)
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Violet Baudelaire is one of the most intelligent girls, ever. She is a mechanical genius by the age of 14. She is so strong, and always thinks of family first. She takes care of her two younger siblings throughout the entire series, and takes care of a newborn baby in the end of the series. She is willing to do anything for her family, and she never backs down. She is amazing in both the book and Netflix series, and the actress they choose to play her did an amazing job. 
Hailee Steinfeld 
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Haliee Steinfeld is probably the only actress i actively care about. She is absolutely gorgeous and every time i watch her i fall in love all over again. Her acting is one of my favorite things. And her voice is just, ugh. I love her so much. I love her songs and her movies and her shows. I just love her. She is also really inspiring. 
Stephanie Brown (Batfam, Spolier, Robin, and Batgirl)
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Steph is amazing. First, despite her father being a villain, she decides to be good. God, I can’t even imagine how hard that must’ve been. She is also the fourth Robin, but not many people actually counted her as one, which, why? Who cares if she was only Robin for a short while and Batman didn’t think she could be. She was still Robin. Stephanie is funny and cute and amazing and has a wicked right hook and if you can’t see that than you need your eyes checked.
Cassandra Cain (Batfam, Batgirl, Black Bat)
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Cass is so inspiring. She was raised by her assassin parents who taught her that she only needed to know body language and learning to read, write, and speak didn’t matter. And yet, she still decided to be a vigilante instead of what her parents had planed and trained her for. She decided that everything she was taught was wrong and ran away. That takes guts. It’s also pretty neat how she can read body language, like I don’t think anyone can do it better than her. Cass is so cute and adorable, I’m just. Done.
Darcy Lewis (Thor)
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Darcy Lewis is awesome. She tasered Thor. Like, seriously, how many people can saw they tasered a God and get away with it without injury or death. She’s also cute and is funny as hell. She knows exactly what to say and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. 
Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail)
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Juvia is kickass. I hate how they made her into a love struck fool around Gray, totally taking away from her. She was one of the Element 4 in Phantom Lord, so she’s definitely not some weak ass girl. She’s strong and capable, so please don’t demean her.
Tenten (Naruto)
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Okay, Tenten, has to honestly be my favorite kunoichi in all of Naruto from her debut to now. She always perspired to be the best kunoichi, even aspiring to be like the legendary Sannin Tsunade. And when she found she didn’t have the chakra control necessary to be a medic-nin, she didn’t give up like some weak ass. Instead she found out something she could do and excelled at it. She wasn’t like most other girls her age, who were fan girls and relied on a man to save them, no. She took control. 
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