#Havin a real rough go of it guys
applejarjar · 1 year
The emotional frustration is next level bro
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roboraindrop · 10 months
Good evening Dick, I hope all is well for you tonight! How's Rain been holding up after their tooth scares recently? I know that must've worried you... You guys should plan a night in, with a cute movie and everything. What kind of movies do you like, Dick? What film would you suggest for Rain and you to watch?
🔎Heya, pal! It's always great to hear from you!
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🔎 Yeah, seein' Rain go through so much pain has been real rough on the ol' heart... They're usually so bouncy and full of light, y'know? It's like, when they're in pain, they shut down.
🔎But don't you worry about them none, pal! I'm takin' good care of 'em! Not a single wince of pain can get past big Dick Gumshoe!
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🔎Movies, huh? That's a great idea! We built a nice pillow fort last night, I think we can keep it up for another night and do a movie night in! I like thrillers, mysteries, those old black n white detective flicks! Lucky for me, Rain doesn't mind the old black and white flicks, they love 'em too! At times the stuff I like can get pretty serious, and that doesn't jive well with their brain...
🔎But we've been able to find a few movies to watch together where they mix the serious and the silly. Those are our favorites! In fact, there's a detective movie with Rain's favorite actor, the one they've got a tattoo of! It's called uh... The Defective Detective or something like that.
🔎I hope you're havin' a good time over there pal, remember to take care of yourself!
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @unfathomablebeings​ asked: — ⚅
⚅ — 😊~ — ⚅
Dream a Dream Meme
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Hanekoma opened his eyes and the first thing he became aware of was the warmth beneath him. He was laying on his stomach against another, and it confused him even if it did feel familiar. He hadn't slept this way in years...
"Good morning, tiger."
Hanekoma's throat tightened at the voice, and he opened his eyes to find himself gazing up at his father. The man ran rugged fingers through his hair and smiled down at him.
"Nn... Dad...?" He could barely find his breath as he reached out, ran his own hand along his father's jawline. "What are ya doin' here?"
A gruff laugh emerged from the man, and Hanekoma almost melted to hear it again, after all of these years. As if he weighed nothing at all, those rough hands pulled him up closer, and Hanekoma's father pressed his forehead against his. Hanekoma sighed with relief and joy at feeling the touch of his parent, a comfort in all this time of strife.
"You've been struggling, haven't'cha, tiger?" His father whispered, and he pet Hanekoma gently. "You've been havin' some trouble, eh?"
"Yeah," Hanekoma whispered, and he lowered himself down to nestle into the broad chest. "I've been having a lotta trouble. I've messed up a lot, an' I'm scared, and I dunno what to do anymore. I'm gonna lose everyone I love if I keep this up and I... I just... I just miss you so much, Dad. I miss you an' Mom so much. I don't-- I don't have support like this anymore..."
While he spoke, tears welled into his eyes, and before long Hanekoma was unravelling against the older man. He sobbed into his chest, and his father wrapped powerful arms around him to squeeze him into a tight hug. It felt as if he were being held together by his father, like he might literally come apart into ribbons should he be released. But in an eternity and in no time at all, Hanekoma could feel the sunlight from outside of a nearby window shining over him, and he felt more comfortable than he had in months, in years. He felt happy and safe and loved, so loved.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed, rolling away so that he could sit up. His bed, but not his house... “I shouldn’t have...”
“Hey, it’s alright,” his father sat up as well, and he reached out to rub small circles into Hanekoma’s back. “You’ve been going through a real rough patch. You really need to cry sometimes, ya know? An’ you need to breathe. You can’t keep goin’ at this pace, ya know?”
Hanekoma nodded, and he leaned over to rest his head against his father’s shoulder, “I know... I’m gonna go get some help. Things are just... a lot harder than they used’a be. I don’t know how to handle myself anymore. An’ I don’t... I don’t have anyone to lean on. Every time I try I end up hurting them... Just wish I could have you guys back. Someone to lean on when it’s hard.”
“Aaaagh,” his father gave a skeptical groan and leaned his own head against Hanekoma’s. “You don’t need us, tiger. You just gotta learn how to adapt with the new environment. This sorta thing takes some time, but you’ll be alright. Why don’t ya just take a break for now, hm? Mom’s making some breakfast if ya want some.”
“Y-yeah... Yeah. I wanna see Mom... I... I want my mom back...”
He could feel tears springing into his eyes all over again as he got out of the bed and wandered out of the room. As he came out into the hallway he realized it was his childhood home that he was in, and his mother was right where she always was in the kitchen. The sunlight outside seemed overly bright, enough that he couldn’t make out any details through the windows. But he wasn’t concerned about it. He couldn’t be. His mother was standing in the kitchen and the whole house was filled with the smell of her cooking and he was so so happy. He didn’t even question how little sense this all made. He was too at peace to even try. When he took a seat at the table, and his mother greeted him like she always had and pressed a kiss to his temple as she served him a plate of food, he felt so at home.
They ate and talked and enjoyed each other’s company, and Hanekoma forgot about all of the things stressing him out. None of that mattered when he was sitting with his family on a sunny morning and laughing at his father’s terrible jokes and listening to his mother speak in a voice he’d thought he’d never hear again. It was beautiful, and as the breakfast was winding down and his father got up to take up the plates, Hanekoma’s mother came to him and hugged him tight, wrapping him in her warmth and kissing his head gently.
“It’s almost time to go,” she whispered. “You have a lot of work to do. But don’t worry. I know you’ll be alright. You have always been my brave little lion, and I know you can take on any challenge presented to you. You always have. Don’t worry so much, Sachan. I know you’ll do just fine.”
“But what if I mess up?”
“You’re adaptable. You’ll be okay.”
Hanekoma opened his mouth to talk again, but found himself opening his eyes to darkness this time. It was cold and he was alone and there was silence all around him. He was jarred for a moment as he tried to figure out what had happened, but it finally dawned on him. He’d been dreaming. Of course he had been. There was no way to really see his parents again. But he wasn’t so torn to wake up without them. He was just glad he got to have such a wonderful dream. And so he leaned back and closed his eyes again, and breathed deeply. He just needed some time. Everything would be okay. He just needed some time.
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white--moon · 1 year
Shiro sounds pretty uncertain, which is funny and a little on the cute side. He snorts. “You didn’t. It just sounded like maybe you wished I had been. I kind of wish I had been, so…” He shrugs and then wonders if that’s true or if he just wishes he’d figured everything out sooner. If he had, he could’ve handled it all better.
He huffs a laugh. “No.” It likely just feels like it because he doesn’t like asking for things. Only, that next comment has him blinking then smiling and shaking his head. “I’m not even sure I’m surprised. Fantasy me sounds like a porno. I’d be insulted, but fantasy you isn’t any better.”
He flicks Shiro a glance, amused. “If I change my mind about you, hitting might help.” It’s not really something he’s proud of, but he’s making peace with that fact that a little roughness turns him on a whole lot. Especially when it involves Shiro. It sure as hell caught his attention before anything else. He shrugs and offers, “You could always stay over and find out before anyone else.” It’s probably about time he offered. Shiro’s been giving him a place to sleep since before he was even getting sex out of it.
His brows go up and he gets a little fluttery feeling somewhere around his lungs when Shiro talks about wanting him, but that makes sense. “Well that’s a relief. You have an entire cheering squad behind you monitoring how fast you get your dick in someone. Nothing for me to worry about there.” Okay, he embellished a little, but it does seem kind of like that. It says something that he doesn’t even mind. “Yeah, that would’ve been nice to know before I was on the receiving end.”
He scrubs the blood from between his fingers and under his nails, the shirt’s too dark to show much mess. Shiro was right, and black is becoming his staple color more often than not. Finished, he finds Shiro toward a far corner and slides in across from him because he’s not sure he’ll keep his hands to himself otherwise. He looks up when those drinks arrive right behind him. He glances at what the waiter brings, but he’s still mostly convinced a drink is a drink. Though he’s realized he’s partial to sweet. He glances over the menu, but picks something peppery and hot in about two seconds flat and drops it again to grin at Shiro. It’s a little embarrassing how excited he is to sit in this place and realize they’re doing it as a couple.
That's a relief. How horrible would it have been to insult the guy he literally just started dating? Terrible. Definitely not good boyfriend behavior. "I wouldn't'a been upset if we'd started sooner, but I also don't mind. I was still havin' fun or I would'a quit playing." Flirting with Ichigo even before Ichigo realized he wasn't just a flirty guy was fun, and so was the challenge of it, though it might have just been that way because Ichigo was kind of oblivious at first.
He probably shouldn't be surprised, but Ichigo so freely admitting to fantasizing about him is both flattering and very amusing. He laughs. "Maybe you give me a demonstration one'a these days and I'll return the favor." The likelihood of either of them begging for anything seems very slim.
He snorts. "I could just hit you now, preemptively, if you think it'd help reaffirm your decision." He's kidding, but only a little. He looks over though, a little caught off guard. "Is that a real offer?"
He chokes up a laugh and looks over with arched brows and an amused, mildly worried smirk. "Sounds kinda bad when you put it that way. Who's makin' who sound like a whore now?" He's not offended and he's pretty sure Ichigo's not actually worried.
By the time Ichigo's done in the bathroom, Shiro's made himself comfortable in the booth and is looking through the menu. He's got a few things picked out, but waits to see what Ichigo orders before making final choices, just assuming Ichigo wont mind if he steals a few bites. Ichigo's grinning at him and he pretends to ignore it, trying not to smirk like an idiot the whole time he picks out two completely different dishes, declining when he's asked if he wants one boxed to go.
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iguessigotta · 2 years
Ooo wait, so we have kitty cat Dark but what about puppy Dark? I can imagine him being a suck up 🐶
hey! thank you for the ask! I'm so happy people like my Cat!Dark 🥺 ok this has been floating around in my head all day today, let's see if I can make something coherent lmao
so you know how most dogs are really excitable and LOVE people, but some dogs pick like 1 or 2 people and no one else is allowed near them without threat of bodily harm? guess which group Dark fits in
you are, obviously, his person. no one will harm or upset his person if he has a say in it. not to be dramatic but he'd die for you. or kill someone. please don't let him. he'll fuckin do it
(Wilford is, again, included in the group of people Dark approves of. though with the two of them, it's less protective and caring vibes, and more feral and.......have you ever seen 2 just....really dumb dogs....just going apeshit. running around, barking and growling and snarling, claws and teeth everywhere, looking like they're gonna kill each other, but they're just goofing around. havin a good time. playin with their pal. it's rare, but these two are sometimes like that. it's likely because they're the only people they can let loose with without fear of actually hurting each other. if you're lucky you might get to actually witness Dark and Wilford goofing off once or twice - quite the feat given how careful these two are about when/where they throw down. Dark has a reputation as an irritable, no-fun-allowed kind of guy to uphold, you know)
Dark has been known to growl occasionally. but not always angrily. he does it in the same way Rottweilers will growl or make happy grumbling sounds
he doesn't always realize he's doing it. usually it'll happen when the two of you are spending some quiet time together, curled up on the couch or relaxing in bed. it starts as a contented sigh that turns into a deep rumbling as his arms subtly tighten around you
Dark will also growl when he's upset or in pain. if you listen closely the next time he gets into an argument with someone, you'll hear that familiar rumbling coming from him
he almost never realizes he's doing it, which is....it's really fucking cute.........please don't tease him about it
he seems to have like a sixth sense for you and your emotional state. like he can feel your moods in the air, no matter how hard you've worked to hide it. feeling down/angry? he won't call you out or confront you about it (unless you're in crisis obviously) but he will do a few small things to help improve your mood
small things like: gifts! sharing his favorite stuff with you! food!
you're not sure how he does it, but Dark always seems to have food on hand right when you're hungry enough to complain. is he able to sense it? or does he just walk around with snacks in his pockets, just in case?
having a rough day, and you're on the brink of tears when you get home? when he greets you with his normal "welcome home" hug, he'll hang on a little tighter, a little longer. later, when you're sitting on the couch, decompressing with a favorite movie/show, Dark just might come up behind you and drape one of his jackets or sweatshirts or his favorite blanket over your shoulders, smiling softly as you sigh and lean into his hands. speaking of leaning....
leaning on people. large dogs especially tend to lean on people (i've never understood why they do it, but it's real cute) and Dark is no exception. he doesn't just walk up and drop his full weight on you though, he's more subtle than that
if the two of you are standing next to each other for whatever reason, expect him to slowly lean into you, until you're practically glued together. shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, he usually won't put his arm around you when doing this, because it's meant to be a covert way for him to show affection. no one can tease him about being soft if no one ever sees it. big brain moves
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maddogofshimano · 3 years
The Woman Who Dyed a Black Stain to White
Major Y0 Spoiler Warning
Lee got a sugoroku event! Look at his chibi sprite!!! 
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There’s several foreign names and groups mentioned in here that I don’t know the ideal romanization for, but I will try to at least be consistent on them.
This one is seriously heavy. I’m actually going to put a trigger warning on this: it’s about sex trafficked women, and Makoto’s backstory. There’s the start of an attempted sexual assault and a lot of dehumanizing language about the women who are being trafficked. Nothing is shown explicitly, but it’s rough. Additionally multiple people in the mafia commit suicide.
Summary: Lee is ordered to assassinate the boss of the Songyoung, a mysterious crime syndicate behind the disappearances of multiple women in Sotenbori. They operate in complete secrecy, and Lee finds himself facing a terrible choice between his orders and his morals.
<1986--two years before a man's corpse would be found in Kamurocho's empty lot--Iwao Bridge, Sotenbori>  Makoto: Excuse me, I'm looking for my brother. Have you seen the man in this picture?
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Man: No, don't know him at all. Sorry... Makoto: Excuse me, have you seen the person in this picture?
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Woman: I don't know him, sorry... Oda: That woman... she's not bad... I think I'll have a little talk with her...
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Oda: Pardon me miss. You're looking for your brother? I've got an idea of where he might be...
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Makoto: Really!? Please, take me there right away! Oda: Of course. If you wouldn't mind coming with me then...
<One Year Later--Sotenbori Hogushi Kaikan>
Voice on the TV: The case of the repeated disappearances of women in Sotenbori clearly seems to be--
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Lee: Young women bein' targeted for abduction... Must be the Omi Alliance, or maybe some foreign group... Lee: The police are stayin' awful quiet on it though. Hard to feel good about all the movement that's happenin' around it... <phone rings> Lee: Ah, the phone... Lee: Hogushi Kaikan speaking. What treatment may I help you with? Voice on the phone: I have a job for you, Lee Wen Hai Lee: Well, sounds like ya aren't after a massage, are ya... Wong, who'd'ya need taken care of this time? Wong: That's cruel, Lee. Do you know the Korean mafia faction, the Songyoung? Lee: Aah, I've been hearin' some things about them. I was gettin' a real bad vibe off of that group... Wong: We haven't been able to pin them down effectively because they don't do anything themselves, they use hired thugs for all the dirty work... Wong: It sounds like they outsource their income streams. That's how they keep everything a secret. Lee: So you're tellin' me this for a reason... right? The Songyoung are my next target? Wong: Mhm, that's right. Wong: These days their thugs are rampaging all over our organization's territory... Wong: If they keep making waves like this, they're bound to bring the Omi down on our heads. Wong: The current pressure the Omi is putting on us is more than enough, and they'll only use this as an excuse to squeeze harder. Lee: Is the big bad mainland mafia's Kotou and the Omi that scared? (Tl note: this gets clarified way later, but Kotou (虎頭) is the Chinese mafia group Lee works for) Wong: Don't tease... Sotenbori is the Omi Alliance's most treasured territory... Wong: There's no advantage to putting the Omi in a bad mood or inflicting damage. But, how much do you even understand that? Wong: Anyways, the more the Songyoung keep rampaging, the more foreign organizations like our Kotou will suffer. Wong: Your assignment is to assassinate the boss of the Songyoung. I'm sure you know the usual payment from Kotou... Wong: For this one, it'll be double. Lee: Well ain't that generous... So what's the catch? Wong: Like I said, the Songyoung is a thoroughly secretive organization. Wong: Naturally, their bosses current whereabouts are unknown, as are the group's hideouts... Lee: So I gotta figure out where the guy even is... Wong: So? Will you take on the assignment? Lee: Well of course. I'll take it. You can transfer the payment to the usual account. Wong: Understood. When I get it, I'll fax you a picture of the boss of the Songyoung. Use it for verification. Wong: Well then, I'll leave you to it. Don't forget to keep in contact, okay? Lee: I'll remember... See ya later then? <Hangs up the phone> Lee: Well then, first things first is collectin' information on the Songyoung... <Prologue End> <A few days later--Shofuku Street, Sotenbori> Lee: After all this time pokin' around I still haven't gotten any info on the Songwong...
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Lee: I thought Wong was just cuttin' corners, but even that pro I listened to didn't know shit... Lee: Information fees have gotten jacked up with the current economic boom, and it's hard to rely on anything they say... Lee: This place then. Today I'll pay it a visit... <Lee enters the mahjong parlor> Lee: Let's see, where is that guy... Oh, there he is....
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Lee: Hey, been a while... how's things treatin' ya?
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Information Broker: Well, if it isn't God Hand-sama himself... Broker: It'd been so long since I heard from ya that lately I'd been thinkin' about closin' up shop and pickin' up massage instead. Lee: Shut it, smartass! All you've been doin' lately is sittin' on your ass playin' mahjong... Lee: ...But, I'll let it slide. I'm here to get some info from ya. Lee: Tell me everythin' ya know about the Songyoung... Broker: ....And if that information isn't cheap? Lee: How much? Broker: Give me... 100k upfront, and we'll see how much it'll cost. Lee: Tch... Ya better watch yourself after this... Here, take your cash! <a wad of bills thumps onto the table> Broker: Of course. So, what do you want to know about the Songyoung? Lee: Their main hideout, and where their boss is at right now. For that information I'll pay as much as ya need. Broker: That's some real problematic info, ya know. These guys are hardcore on their secrecy... Lee: Seriously, I paid out the ass upfront already... So what, ya don't have that info? Broker: I do have a list of their lower rungs... Broker: If ya wanna find the main group, you'll have to squeeze it out of the branches... Lee: Sure, hand over that info then. Broker: You sure? It's gonna be another 100k. Lee: Jeez... Here. We good now? <another wad of bills hits the table> Broker: Thank you for your patronage... Alright, here's the list. Lee: ....This, you're sure there's not some sort of mistake? Broker: I absolutely guarantee it. Welllllll some of them might have cut ties with the main group already I suppose... Broker: The lower rungs are nothin' but nasty, muscle-headed imbeciles, though with your strength it won't be a problem... Lee: Heh.... I can't understand why this information is goin' for only 100k.
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Broker: Ha... Findin’ a buyer for that kind of thing ain't easy. Broker: If you're makin' a move on these guys... Well, there's not gonna be a point to holdin' on to that information afterwards, right? Lee: ...That's pretty smart of ya. I'm off then, I'll be back later. Lee: Well, time to get goin' through this list with a fine toothed comb. <Lee goes to the park> Lee: Every one of these organizations is tied to the Songyoung somehow, but I just don't know what's connectin' them...
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Lee: Do I really gotta go trompin' through this whole list and hope I stumble onto where the boss is at? Goon A: Hehe... Hey, let's go do some damage today!!
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Goon B: It's great havin' the backin' of a big, influential group like that... Looks like our luck is finally turnin' around!! Lee: Well there's some assholes... I wonder what kinda info they might have... <Lee kicks the shit out of them. Like I don't even do the fight it just fades to black and Lee takes care of it himself> Goon A: Hhhh... Please forgive us.... The Songyoung already cut us off! So please don't kill us!!
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Lee: Ya better not tell me you've cut ties again, okay? Just tell me all the info ya got on the Songyoung. Goon A: I-I really don't know anythin'! The contact we had, we never even saw their face. Lee: Seriously you guys... This is the tenth time. These Songyoung are damn serious about this secrecy crap, huh... Lee: These bastards don't have any information neither... Goon B: Th-That's true, but it is possible... Lee: What? Ya got an idea or somethin'? Goon B: There’s some guys that have turf near Iwao Bridge, they do way worse dealings than we do, I think... Lee: Worse dealings? Goon B: Yeah, they abduct young women that've just come to Sotenbori, and the Songyoung takes em for a shit ton of cash. Lee: Wait, wait, you mean... That's what's causin' the "vanishing women case" right now!?
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Goon B: Yeah... That's right... It's all just rumors, but they go after runaway girls to kidnap... Lee: Then that means, this "disappearance case", it's all the Songyoung's doing... Lee: Now that's the kind of details I want to hear!! Goon B: Y-Yes sir!! Though, there is one other thing you should know... Goon B: In the past there was a real famous gang that was doin' this kind of job, but that gang left Sotenbori just when they were about to take over... Goon B: The organization that's currently makin' bank off of abducting women is called... Well, it's gotta be "Ganryujima". (Tl note: Ganryujima is the island famous for the duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojiro. Also of note the first kanji in ganryujima is the same as the first kanji in Iwao Bridge) Goon B: That's the full extent of what I know... Lee: So near Iwao Bridge there's turf belonging to "Ganryujima"? That group's also on the list.... Seems like I got plenty to go on. Lee: In light of this info ya gave me, I'll let ya go. Hopefully this'll've been a learnin' experience for ya, and ya won't got gettin' involved with any more groups like that. Goons: Y-Yes sir!! Thank you very much!! Lee: Iwao Bridge is right up there.... I was gonna ask the Garyujima about the Songwong but... this feelin'...
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Lee: This ain't just another punk, is it... someone else in the same profession? Lee: Hey, I know you're there. Come on out. If you're gonna tail someone, put a lil more effort in on stayin' hidden... Menacing Man: Are you the one who's been crushing all of our lower rungs? No hard feelings, but I'm going to kill you here...
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Lee: As if I'd fall so far as to get killed by some third rate hitman who can't even hide himself properly... Lee: Though, ya did save me the trouble by showin' up. It was gonna be a pain in the ass to get the info I was after on your kinda organization. Lee: I'm just gonna beat every last drop of info about your group out of ya!! Menacing Man: Heh.... Come at me then!! You're going to regret messing with the Songyoung!! <the fight happens for real this time, fittingly Misery Comes On Beat plays and Lee clobbers them> Menacing Man: G-Guh........ Lee: Alright, you know what I want, ready to spill it on the Songyoung? Menacing Man: Heh.... You think I'm going to talk? Lee: Oh, so you've decided I gotta make you talk then... Menacing Man: The organization's secrets are absolute... Letting that kind of things slip, it's just not something I can do... <stabbing sounds> Lee: You! What the hell did you do!! Menacing Man: Guhh..... fool!? Lee: What idiots... All of them went and slit their own throats... Lee: All that to protect their organization's secrets... Finding their boss's location is gonna be a real pain in the ass.
<end part 1> Lee: You bastards are Ganryujima boys, ain't ya?
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Goon: Who the hell are you? You got a problem if we're Ganryujima? Lee: Nope, my problem is with all the women you've been ordered to kidnap for the Songyoung. Goon: You... where the hell did ya hear that? Lee: Ya think I'm gonna say? Goon: Heh..... 's all good. If ya knew any better, ya would have gone home to keep on livin'... Goon: Oi, everyone!! Let's end this geezer!! Lee: Sure are a lotta hotblooded assholes... Ah well. I'll just have to convince ya to talk. <once again, Lee crushes them without me even doing the fight> Goon: Haa... Haa... Wh-What the hell's with this old man...
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Lee: From now on, be selective when you pick fights. If you pick the wrong opponent on this street, are you ready to lose your life? <metallic noise of something being drawn, presumably a knife or the acupuncture needle, it's unclear> Goon: A-Aahh!? P-Please don't kill me!! Lee: Are ya ready to tell me about the Songyoung then? What's the guy look like that you're handin' these girls over to? Goon: Sorry... we just leave the women we kidnapped in a pre-designated abandoned house on a regular basis, I never seen anyone... Goon: The money just gets wired into our account... I really don't know the guy's face at all... Lee: ....Tch, you fuckers are another dead end. Goon: I-I'm sorry I'm so worthless!! But please, my life... Lee: Fine, whatever.... Actually, one thing! Goon: Wh-What!? Lee: In exchange for me lookin' the other way on this, I'm givin' ya a job to do. Goon: A-A job... What'd'ya want us to do? Lee: It's easy. I'm gonna bring ya a girl, and you're gonna sell her to those guys... can ya do that? (Tl note: misread this at first as "I'm gonna be the next girl ya sell to those guys" and was pogging) Goon: Y-Yeah. I think we should be able to do that... Lee: Good, then I'll be back when I've finished some preparations. <Lee goes to a bar to speak with an anime girl because there is exactly one base sprite for all women> Lee: Yo, it's been a while. You haven't changed a day...
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Lee: Makes sense, given nobody knows the number of guys you've swindled out of their cash then bumped off... Woman: .....You know, Lee. Isn't it a bit cruel to call someone out to meet you and then speak about them like that? Lee: Sorry, sorry, I thought I was payin' a compliment to your heinous modus operandi, it's very skillful.
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Woman: Sigh~... so what is it? Why'd you call me over so suddenly? I came because I owe you one, but I'm not here on a leisure trip. Lee: I was hopin' to get us squared away. Think ya can handle one bothersome task for me? Woman: Bothersome? Lee: Yeah, I'm trying to get a hold of information on this organization... Stuff like where there hideout is, but since no one's talkin' I'd like to borrow your power. Woman: ....And what do you want me to do? Lee: I want ya to pose as a runaway and sneak into this place as one of the girls gettin' traffic'd. Lee: I've gotten a hold of the sales route they're usin'... Lee: You'll get bought wearin' a tracking device and a hidden mic, and that'll let us infiltrate the hideout. Woman: This is going to be dangerous, isn't it? I know I owe you, but is that enough to risk my life over? Lee: When you're a professional killer, isn't there always a risk of death, that someone will turn the tables on ya? Well, as soon as I know where the place is I'll go and help ya. I'll protect this body you've altered... What d'ya think, will ya help? Woman: ....Ha, I guess so. After this, we're even, right? Lee: Yeah, of course. Honestly I'll feel indebted to ya! <Lee goes back outside> Lee: Right now, you're in the abandoned building in West Shokufukucho. Great, the transmitter just moved into the kitchen...
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<radio static> Lee: I can hear her voice through the bug. Sensitivity is good... Lee: Now then... After that woman gets taken to the main hideout, everything will go flawlessly. <footsteps> Voice over the mic: "This is the collection team. The cargo of women has been confirmed. We'll be returning to HQ shortly, via our transport." Lee: They're speakin' korean... "Recover the woman and take her to headquarters".... huh.... Lee: Seems like it's going well. I hope it keeps up.... Voice: "Be careful not to be seen on the way back! Hurry up and return to HQ!!" Lee: They're not aware of the bug or the tracking device... <Lee gets into a car> Lee: And now I just follow em right to their hideout. <He gets out after a drive> Lee: Looks like the transmitter stopped in this building...
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<radio static> Voice: "The shipment of women has arrived. Where's the boss at?" Voice: "Right now the boss is inspecting the warehouse..." Voice: "Aah, that place is crammed full of women isn't it... So, will you deliver this woman there too?" Voice: "Nah, no need to do extra work. We'll just put her in the usual room until the boss gets back..." Voice: "Roger on that!" <radio static> Lee: So this is the main hideout then. However, the boss ain't here... Lee: Ah well, I'm bound to hear where he is sooner or later. ...Ah, afterwards though, I did promise to help that woman out. <Lee kicks in the door> Songyoung goon: "Wh-What are you doing!?"
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Lee: "My bad, but I was hoping to retrieve a woman I left here?"
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Goon: "W-Woman!? Who do you think you are!? Do you have a death wish!?" Lee: "How about you tell me the location of the warehouse you've got the other women in?" Goon: "Wh-What!? Did you plant a bug on that woman!? Shit!! Everyone! Don't let this man leave here alive!!" Goon: "For the sake of protecting our organization, this man must die!! Kill him and sink his body in the harbor!! Let's go!!" <Lee crushes them and two of the three hit the floor> Goon: "That man... so strong..." Lee: "Well, the place where you've got all those women locked up, ya better tell me where it is.." Goon: "Heh... you really think it's going to be that simple?" <gunshots> Lee: Shit... Shot himself right in the head... Lee: The other two drank poison to kill themselves too. What a commitment to secrecy... It's sickening.... Lee: And even still, I just gotta investigate this place and I'll figure out where that warehouse is. Whoops, gotta help that woman first... <back outside> Woman: Seriously... I'm sorry for this again, alright? (Tl note: extremely in the weeds here, I don't really know what she's talking about)
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Lee: Heh.... Searching the house would have been rotten without your help. Woman: I'll send a bill for that information later! Lee: And I'll send ya a whole mountain of gold as payment! Woman: Haa~... That's what I like to hear.... Well then, don't you go and die until you pay me, okay? <She leaves> Lee: Hmm, I need to keep in contact with Wong.... Was there a payphone around here? <He goes to a payphone and dials Wong>
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Wong: ...Lee? Lee: Yep, just keepin' in touch. I found the group's hideout. Wong: Oh, good work... Several of their members are dead there. They won't be able to use it. Wong: So? Have you brought down their boss? Lee: No. He wasn't at the hideout... Lee: But, I do know where he is. The warehouse with all the imprisoned women. Wong: Heh... Going to sample the wares? Always was a nympho... Wong: Regardless you've done well. You should head over to the warehouse right away.... Lee: ....? Got it. Once I deal with the boss, is it okay if I release the women? Wong: No, all the captive women should be erased. It would be problematic if this income stream got leaked to the police. Lee: What....!? <end of part 2>
Lee: I'm not gonna kill kidnapped women who have done nothin' wrong! Don't be ridiculous!! Lee: Is that the kind of orders the top mafia Kotou is handin' out!? Wong: Calm down, Lee. This was a decision by the organization. Lee: These women were kidnapped by punks with more lust for gold than humanity and are getting preyed upon by the main branch with their wicked intentions. Lee: And after all that shit, I ain't gonna just go in and kill them!! Wong: If the police find out about this source of income from the Songyoung, the crackdown in Sotenbori is going to be very strict... Wong: If that happens, it will be harder for us to operate in a lot of ways... So these women continuing to exist is problematic. Wong: You do understand what will happen if you go against direct orders from the group, don't you? Lee: (Have they really made up their mind on killing these women? Even though these women, they haven't done anything wrong, they're the victims?) Lee: (But if I go against orders, I'll be the one killed... Either the lives of those women, or my own, I have to choose.) Wong: There's high expectations on you for completing this job. Are you going to betray everyone? Lee: (If I try to run, I won't be able to catch the boss. If I want to bring him down... There's no time to hesitate...) Lee: (That's how I have to think. I'm a pro. An assassin. And... up till now, I've devoted myself fully to this path, just as expected.) Lee: ...I understand. I'll take the lives of those women. That is part of my job... Wong: Is that so... Well then, I'll be waiting to hear good news. <hangs up phone and goes back to the Songyoung hideout> Lee: Shit.... That asshole, handin' out such a sickening order. Lee: Fine!! I'll sink the corpse of that boss, all those women, and anyone else into the damn harbor!! Lee: I'm already black hearted, and this time I'll be stained as black as can be... Lee: With this blood on my hands, I'll just get em even dirtier with more and more. <Lee goes to the warehouse> Lee: This is where the main branch's hideout said the warehouse should be, so the boss and the kidnapped women should be inside...
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Lee: (Looks like they got two guys keepin' watch... The entrance to this place is well defended... It's gonna be tough takin' out the boss and those women by myself...)
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<stabbing noises>
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Goon A: Gah!? Goon B: Guhh!? <they hit the floor> Lee: ...There's probably more guys keepin' watch. I'll have to be careful killin' the boss and women... <Lee moves into the warehouse> Lee: Since there's a guard over there, there's no mistake that this is the main group's warehouse...
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Lee: The real question is, where is the boss... Hm? That's... <A man walks by with a woman> Lee: Just now, that guy that brought a woman into that room... There's no doubt about it, that's the guy from the photo Wong sent... Lee: When I go into that room... Lee: I'll lose my chance to run. I'll commit myself to seein' this job through and stainin' myself pitch black. <Lee heads in> Young Woman: Stop it... d-don't come any closer... someone!!
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Songyoung Boss: Heh, no matter how much you scream, no one is coming to help you... Lee: Mind if I step in and have some fun?
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Boss: Who the fuck are you!? ...Are you an assassin sent by Wong?
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Boss: He never gets his own hands dirty with jobs like this... Lee: You figured it out quick. No hard feelings, but I'm going to kill you now. (Tl note: same line that the Songyoung assassin used against Lee) Boss: You're a moron. I'm not going to be killed by some wannabe assassin. I'll kill you first!! Boss: Let's go, assassin!! I'm going to send your stinking corpse to Wong!! <fight, Lee wrecks shop> Lee: Say your prayers... <Stabbing noise> Boss: Guah!? <he hits the floor> Lee: That handles my primary goal... Now I have to... Lee: (Now I have to deal with the women... First I should have her guide me to where they're all being imprisoned...) Lee: Were you bein’ held captive in here?
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Woman: Yes!! Please, please help!! There's a lot of others that are being held captive here besides me!! Lee: ...Got it. Could ya bring me to the room they're all in? Woman: Yes! This way!! <they go> Woman: Just ahead is the room we were all held in! We had given up all hope on being rescued, everyone will be so happy!!
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Lee: Sorry for the trouble, Miss Guide... Lee: (She looks delighted... Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be killin' someone lookin' like that...) Lee: (... If my daughter were still alive, she'd be just about the same age as this woman.....) Lee: (This blameless woman that I'm going to sink into the sea... This really is the most depraved job...) Lee: (It would be troublesome if she started screamin' here... Guess I'll take care of her after I handle all the other women...) Lee: ...Ah, that's right! I got a request for ya, miss... Woman: Yes! What do you need? Lee: There's still a lot of thugs around outside... Could ya make sure no one leaves till I confirm it's safe? Lee: Would ya go and close off the entrance and the exit to the warehouse? Woman: Y-Yeah! On it!! <she leaves> Lee: Miss, forgive me... I ain't really here to save ya... <Lee goes into the inner room> Woman A: A-Again... Who's coming in here now?
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Woman B: That's not it! The door is still open!! Woman B: R-Run for it! We're finally free from this nightmare!! <the women flee> Lee: (With the door open like that... It's natural that they'd all run off in a panic...) Lee: (All these run away girls, now about to get killed, they really are the unluckiest women in the world.......) Lee: (But if I don't kill them, the organization's gonna kill me... This really is the most abysmal job...) Lee: (I can't save even a single one of them... It's a weight I'll have to bear for the rest of my life, no matter what excuses I try to make.) <knife drawing sound> Lee: Hm? That woman, what is she... Lee: ...Why didn't she run? That's weird... Is she hurt?
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Lee: Hey, are you alright....?
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Lee: (She's feelin' her way around... This girl, is she blind?) Makoto: A-Are you the one who's helping everyone? Lee: N-No... I'm... <music cuts out> Makoto: Thank you so much... Thank you..... Thank you so very much... thank you....
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Lee's daughter: "Hey, dad... are you there...?"
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Lee: "Yes, I'm right here!! I'm here!! You're gonna be okay, the doctor's on his way!! Just stay with me!!" Lee's daughter: "....Dad, even with this frail life of mine... thank you so much for raising me..." Lee: "Nonsense! Sayin' stuff like that, raisin' you was only natural!!" Lee's daughter: "Thank you for everything, dad... I love you..." Lee: (Ah... She also, said the same thing......)
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Lee: (......) Lee: (No way.... There's no way... I could kill her......)
<end of part 3>
Lee: (For the time bein' that girl's gone to sleep in that room. Everythin' is still chaotic though...) (Tl note: the word Lee is using for girl here is 娘 which is the same one used for daughter) Lee: (Helpin' that girl means disobeyin' Wong's--no, Kotou's orders...) Lee: (If I'm already goin' against my orders... I might as well save every woman in this damn place!!) Lee: (But what am I gonna do? If I don't kill the women, then Wong's just gonna send another hitman after 'em.) Lee: (If I want these women to live, my only options are gettin' Wong to let them go, or if Kotou was totally annihilated.) Lee: Damn it... There's no way Wong would look the other way on this, so my only option is to wipe out Kotou myself... Lee: Of course, I gotta figure out how to even do that... Lee: I'm gamblin' on a long shot. At least I'm gonna save as many women as I possibly can!! Lee: Alright, then I need to get the women out of here before Wong catches onto what I'm up to... Woman: Kyaaaaaa!! Lee: What!? That voice, did someone get into the warehouse!? <two women are facing a menacing man> Man: ...So you women didn't get killed? I see, I see...
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Woman: W-Who are you!? Oh no, are you one of the people that locked us all up in here!? Man: No, I'm not a part of the group that did that. (Tl note: He's speaking very politely, it's kind of unsettling) Man: That being said, I do have a job to do here, so... No hard feelings, but I'm going to kill you now. (Tl note: the third instance of this line, I guess hitmen are very fond of it) Woman 2: You're going to... Why would you kill us!! Man: It's nothing you've done personally... however there are people who would be very inconvenienced if your confinement was ever known about... Man: Well then, let's start off with you... If you're going to hold a grudge, please hold it against your own bad luck... Woman 2: W-Wait... don't kill me.... Lee: Hold it, jack ass!! Lee: Ladies... stay back...
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Women: S-Sure... Man: Hmmm... you're the one Wong sent to kill the Songwong boss, aren't you? Lee: What about it? I already took care of that boss a while ago now... Man: Is that so... Thank you for a job well done. ....Though, I have to ask, why are these women still alive? Man: Surely you were ordered to eliminate the women as well? Woman 2: Eh!? Lee: All these women did nothin' wrong... killin' them is completely unnecessary. Man: So you intend to turn against Wong? Lee: .....Yeah, I do. Man: Ah ha ha! I see, I see... You know, Wong-san seemed worried this was the path you'd take. Lee: ...Who are you? Man: I'm the contingency plan Wong-san prepared to handle this if you couldn't bring yourself to kill these women. Man: My orders from Wong-san were to come here and kill any woman left alive. Lee: Hah... Awful conniving of Wong to pull somethin' like this... Too bad that I decided that all these women are gonna live!!
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Man: So that's how it is... what a shame. Well, you've made your decision to die here with these women. Man: But that's good! A killer like you will die alongside all these young ladies!! <they fight, Lee tears him up> Man: I'm finished... You're a skilled hitman... Lee: Your arm can probably be saved... Man: But... Wong-san will never forgive you for going against the organization like this... You'll be killed, won't you? Lee: Seems that way... But I'm gonna fight it all the way to the end... Man: I see... In that case, I wish you good luck... <man collapses to the floor> Lee: Hoooo~.... I need to make sure all the ladies are still alright... Lee: I'm gonna wipe all traces of you being enslaved from the records here and in the Songwong hideout... Lee: That should throw em off all your trails... Woman 2: Eh? D-Does that mean... you're helping all of us? Lee: Yeah, that's right... Lee: It'll be best if all of you forget about everythin' that happened here and go back to your old lives... Lee: After that leave everythin' else to this geezer!! Woman 2: Th-Thank you so much!! Woman 1: But, are you going to be alright? That person said that you would be killed too... Lee: The fate of a killer who goes against his organization is set in stone. But, I don't intend to be easy to kill... Lee: If it means savin' all of you, payin' with the life of a killer like me is a hell of a bargain, right?  Woman 1: But that's... isn't there something you can do? You could run away with us... Lee: I've got to go smash up my employer... I got a lotta obligations in front of me... Lee: If I run away, other people are gonna end up payin' for it. Woman 1: But... Lee: It's fine... Don't you go worryin' about me none. Lee: Though, sorry to keep askin' things of ya miss, but could I ask one more favor of ya? Woman 1: What is it? I'll do whatever I can!! Lee: In the room ya were locked up in, there's a lady that can't see waitin' there... Lee: As much as ya can, could ya take care of that kid and keep her out of trouble? Woman 1: I-I should be okay... I'll do as much as I'm able-- Lee: Yeah!! Seriously, I'm grateful! Lee: I know it's a lot to ask of ya miss, sorry. Woman 1: No, this doesn't even begin to pay back how much you've helped us... Lee: Alright, you stay healthy miss... <Lee leaves> Woman 1: Ah!? That's right, there's a mafia called "Kotou", please stay safe from them!! Lee: W-Wait a minute!! Miss, what did you say just now!? Woman 1: Umm... To please watch out for a mafia called "Kotou"... Lee: You said "Kotou"... miss, where did you hear that name!? (Tl note: I had been reading it wildly wrong as “Toragashira” until now and had to go back and correct every instance of it. When she says it it’s in katakana, but Lee had been saying it in kanji, so I was just guessing on pronunciation) Woman 1: Earlier, while we were still imprisoned, I heard it from one of the people here... Woman 1: "My group "Kotou" is a Chinese mafia. You can rely on us for backup if you encounter any trouble" is what they said... Lee: H-Hold on... But wouldn't that mean... Kotou and the Songyoung are workin' together...!? Lee: What the hell, what the hell is goin' on....!?
<end part 4>
Lee: You're sure they said "Kotou"?
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Woman 1: Y-Yeah... That's definitely what they said. Lee: Seriously.... hm? Wait... Thinkin' back on it... Wong did say somethin' strange... Lee: (Back when I first found out the boss was in the warehouse....) Lee: ("Heh... Planning on sampling the wares? ...Always was a nympo...") (Tl note: I had to go back and edit the earlier instance of this to be more vague like this, I confused on who it was directed at but I was looking at it as between Lee or Wong and couldn't see how it would make sense to be self directed since Wong wasn't going to the warehouse. Lee seemed confused by it too, so the vagueness seems intentional, but I’m very glad it wasn’t actually directed at Lee like I initially thought) Lee: (It's like he knew the Songyoung Boss before this...) Lee: If that's true, then that means the same goes for the Songyoung boss! Lee: (In that room where I took him out, he said to me "He never gets his own hands dirty with jobs like this")  Lee: (So that means he also knew Wong before all of this...) Lee: It's possible... but what does it all mean? Woman 1: ...Um, is there something I can help with? Lee: Aah! Thank to you miss, I might have figured out a way to avoid dyin'. Woman 1: Really!? Lee: I do have one job to take care of first though. Lee: When ya get out of here and forget all this to get back to your life... I want ya to forget me too... okay? Lee: Oh, and avoid dealin with strange men, okay? Woman 1: Yes sir! Thank you again!! <she leaves> Lee: If I believe her story, then the Songyoung and Wong are connected... Lee: If that's the case, there might be evidence of that here and in the Songyoung hideout... Lee: If I can find it, I might be able to use that to keep Wong silent on this whole thing. Lee: First things first, better start searchin' the warehouse... Lee: Haa~...... I can't find anythin'.... Well, findin' somethin' like that was never going to be easy. Lee: Next is the room where all the women were confined...
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<rustling noise> Lee: Hm? Hold on... this is it!! <screen fades to black> Wong: Lee... You just keep betraying my faith in you...
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Lee: Ha, you're soundin' awful full of yourself... Wong. Lee: You'd probably tell me I was wipin' my own ass wrong... Lee: Aren't you betrayin' our organization too? I don't think you're in any position to talk about my betrayal. Wong: Lee, you piece of shit...... Lee: Heh... Of course, since you and the Songyoung are in bed together... Lee: Didn’t you let them make money trafficking these women so you could have a little slush fund? Lee: It's all written in this set of orders ya fax'd em anyways... Wong: Are you an idiot!? Get rid of that like you were ordered to!!
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Lee: You stopped trustin' the Songyoung boss, right? Lee: Nothin' will poison a relationship faster than cash, it's a common story in this line of work. Lee: Seems like for the most part the Songyoung hated the tight leash you had them on and decided to betray you and be more bold about things, yeah? Lee: Then, when the disappearance of women started to become public knowledge, it lit a fire under your ass to hurry up and stamp out this whole operation... Wong: ........... Lee: That's why ya sent me to find the Songyoung hideout that had moved and you had lost contact with... Lee: With myself on the job, it'd be easy for ya to nonchalantly show up and snag the evidence of your betrayal... Lee: And if I failed you had prepared a contingency to get the job done... then ya'd be able to muzzle the aforementioned organization. Have I got that right? Wong: ........... Lee: Hah... Seems like that's a bulls-eye... Lee: If ya don't want this fax bein' sent off to Kotou, I got a condition for ya to accept... Well, Wong? Wong: ....Heh, pffhahaha... you really are a dumb fuck... Lee: What!? The hell's so funny!! Wong: If you had turned over that evidence right away, you might have been fine... Wong: But you're hopelessly stupid if you think you can negotiate with me face to face and I won't just kill you here and now. Wong: If I erase you and the evidence right here, I won't get caught for my betrayal!! Lee: Hmm... So you... are turnin' down my condition? Wong: Of course I am!! I'm going to kill you!! That's why I brought my best men with me!! Wong: Lee, my blood ran cold when you told me you had found evidence of my betrayal... Wong: So I must thank you for being such a dumbass!! Wong: Rest assured, Lee! After I'm done killing you, all those women you saved will be killed too!! Wong: Go to hell alongside the women you risked your life to protect!! Let's do it!! Your certain death!! <they fight, Lee crushes them> Wong: Stupid... even my best men...?
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Lee: Heh, bad luck for you Wong. I've been survived more lethal battles than you can count... Lee: Well, that's all been with your help...
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Lee: So, are ya ready? This is the endin' you asked for..... Lee: .........You know, it didn't have to end like this if you had just put up with my one demand. Wong: W-Wait!! I'll do it!! Your life, those women's lives, I'll look past it all!! So please... Lee: ....What you're sayin', you really mean it? Wong: Yes! Of course!! I'll talk to the organization myself about the women...
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Lee: ......I've owed ya a lot. So if ya say that--
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Wong: You truly are the stupidest mother fucker on earth!! <gun cocks>
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Lee: Guh! Wong, you bastard!? <Stabbing sound> Wong: Guah--... Leeee.... you.... fucker!!
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Lee: Idiot... Why'd ya make me do that, Wong.... <Some days later, Kotou confirmed that Wong has gone rogue.> <Lee's killing of Wong was considered a "purge" and his actions were left unquestioned.>
<end of part 5>
<A few weeks later> <Sotenbori's Hogushi Kaikan> Customer: Ah, just what I'd expect from the chief! Everything feels great!!
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Lee: Hey, Makoto! Could ya grab my needles for me? Makoto: Eh? N-Needles...? Those are, ummm.... S-Sorry, I don't know... Lee: Ah, that's my bad, don't worry. Here, I'll show ya... Makoto: S-Sorry, chief.....
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Lee: ....Wanna grab my hand? Makoto: Y-Yeah.... Lee: The needles we use for acupuncture are... right here. For you that'll be about 5 steps past the entrance to the treatment room. Makoto: Got it... S-Sorry... Lee: Hey, I already said it was my bad, don't worry... Lee: Some day you're gonna be able to see again. Until then, it's perfectly fine to get used to things slowly. Lee: We'll start at a slow pace for you... Then when you can do that, we can step it up. Makoto: Yes sir. Customer: The chief sure has changed since Makoto-chan showed up, huh? It seems like he's really happy now... Lee: Sh-Shut it, smart ass!! You say more dumb shit like that and I'll run your tongue through with my needle!! Customer: A-Ahhh!? Please forgive me!!
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Customer: Nonetheless... Makoto-chan's been here for a few weeks now. Customer: I was really surprised at first! How'd a cute girl like Makoto end up as your apprentice... Customer: I thought the chief had gone and kidnapped you. Lee: Hey! Don't go startin' nasty rumors like that!! Lee: Geez... You know, I think I won't do the acupuncture! You're not stiff enough to need any hot oil neither... Lee: But it's fiiine, you can scram!! Ain't like you'd appreciate the pain of this needle anyhow... Customer: Ahaha... well then, I better get out of here before the chief starts stabbing. Customer: See ya, Makoto-chan. Be safe... and I hope your vision comes back quickly. Makoto: ...Y-Yeah....... Customer: See ya chief, till next time! <he leaves> Makoto: Lee-san, I'm sorry.... I don't know how to do anything... even though you've allowed me to be your live-in apprentice...... Lee: It's all good, Makoto. Don't fret. As long as ya don't panic and take things slowly you'll have no trouble doin' all sorts of stuff... Makoto: .........Yeah. Lee: Makoto, I'm gonna smoke for a minute out back..... Makoto: Ah, sure... Have a good day, Lee-san. <he leaves> Lee: "Have a good day" huh.... 
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Lee: That look she gave me... I'm going to protect that to the bitter end.... Lee: To protect that girl... I'd do anything... Anything at all....
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<epilogue end> Bonus time: first of all OOFA DOOFA this was huge! and intense! and very difficult to translate god damn all this politicking and kansai-ben. In good(?) news, I learned a bunch of fun new vocab like abduction, kidnapping, human trafficking, betrayal, etc. You know, the essential stuff. Also it’s extremely unclear if the femme fatale that Lee leveraged here is the same one he plans to kill to fake Makoto’s death in Y0, or if he just knows multiple women that swindle money out of men and kill them. Here’s an actual bonus: Lee’s thoughts on things from the board game! Let’s see if tumblr explodes from all these images or not.
Sotenbori Our city. It's got good and bad and everythin' else all mixed together. Of course, that's why they call it the city that can't be satisfied.
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Acupuncture Needle The acupuncture needle I use. Custom made, but ordinary needles. By using this, it'll start feeling good instantly.
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Smokes  An item vital to any acupuncturist. If you gently take a drag, the customer's meridians will appear on their back. Don't believe me?
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Iwao Bridge A lot of young guys here trying to be pick up artists. A little while ago, one of my customers was an idiot who had jumped into the river after the local baseball team won the championship
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Cabaret Grand This place has become the topic of conversation lately. I don't really go to those kinds of places, but, well, I kind of want to head over and take a peek
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The Man with the Bat Tattoo I don't have any connection to him, I don't even know his face or his name, but if I ever meet him... I'm really going to enjoy it
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Hogushi Kaikan My massage shop in Sotenbori. All ages of men and women, mafia and civilians, come here to get their muscles relaxed. (Tl note: Hogushi means to relax/loosen)
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Rumor of Shakedown A shakedown? That ain't gonna happen. Still, some idiot wanting to try to shake me down is just the kind of thing that happens in Sotenbori
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Mahjong Parlor I go to the mahjong parlor often. There's a lot of chinese people there. Though, japanese people go there too sometimes. Either way, by the time I go home I'm flat broke.
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One Eyed Fella I've started seein' this guy around Sotenbori recently. I got no clue as to why he's here, but he's got the eye of a beaten stray dog.
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I didn’t intentionally leave the Majima one for last, his was just the last one I found! I didn’t think there’d even be one, since this takes place a year before they even met, but I’m really glad there is. Now he’s just a fun bonus for anyone who made it all the way to the end. I kind of hoped the assassin that Lee sensed right in front of the Grand was just going to be Majima walking by or something.
Lee’s also got a character story that I’ll translate once I get his bond up, so look forward to even more Lee content!
85 notes · View notes
thelowlysatsuma · 4 years
i’m about to crack and finally go look up what the FUCK the magnus archives is about but first: What I Know About TMA As Instructed By Tungle Dot Hell
jonny the sims man:
op’s self-insert
archivist and like. mostly decent at it
ace (ace rights!)
doesn’t believe in the supernatural (despite working at a Supernatural Research Joint) until it kicks down his door and stabs him in the nuts
Too Many Eyes
fucks shit up a lot
has a lovely bf named martin
has been possessed by like?? every Fear Boi(tm) out there??? man dude’s just havin a rough year
Breaking News: Only Sane Man Falls Headfirst Into Insanity, More At Ten
martin blackwood:
lovely boy. cinnamon roll. Protect This Man Or Else
the best goddamn character in the show. Does Not Deserve Anything That Happens To Him
might have murdered somebody???? and definitely forged his employment paperwork bc of Ambiguous Tragic Backstory(tm). seriously what the fuck is this man’s real name
enemies to lovers slow burn 220k w/ jonman
nice dude, also gets possessed a lot
lowkey a flirt?
also gets shipped w/ martin sometimes idk
there’s some SERIOUS other mother shit going on here but idk specifics. i do know that jon fucked this situation up a lot too tho
elias bitchboy:
jon’s “““manager”““ but rlly just the motherfucker who fucked up his shit and did. something. with all the Scary Squad(tm)
also has eye symbolism?? i think he’s a foil to jon???
trash man. absolute garbage boy. feral little bastard. kill this bitch.
runs the magnus institute through tax fraud
peter lukas:
bitchboy’s Equally Terrible Husband
foil to martin??
i think one of them hired someone to kill the other at some point but like both of them knew it and it was just For The Lolz????
im pretty sure his hubby jumped ship at the institute and now he runs the joint but who knows if that’s right at this point
also works for jon somehow
lovely lady, wears a hijab.
cool wlw honestly i don’t know anything bad about her she sounds great
The One Cop We Respect
basira’s gf???? idk man
also possessed by a member of the spooky squad but this time it’s The Hunt (ooh fancy capital letters)
FuckHands McGee(tm)
anyways are y’all fans alright??? do you need a hug?? i feel like you guys need a hug listen i’m sending y’all virtual hugs stay safe in season 5 friends don’t go too feral i believe in you
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cerealmonster15 · 3 years
Tumblr media
fhdsfkjsdkgjfkdljgv. jfksdlfjklsjel. dont look at me im going to huddle under the readmore to babble about obey me mcs lol ummmm 🏃‍♀️
okay so. so obey me right. fdskjlfjkl whenever im playing, i get like, three general Vibes for the type of answers you more or less are given to choose from and. and so i have had vague ideas of characters based off if you like, leaned real far into a specific answering pattern [i made ocs and i dont know how to phrase it like a regular person WHAT EVER ANYWAY]
they dont have names so rn they are simply. letters lol, and also just rough concepts i was havin fun with who knows if ill change em or even ever draw them again lol but ANY WAY!!!
A - when u play the game and u try to be nice to everyone, you date everyone, you love everyone!!!! theyre a soft pal, shaped like a friend and what have you, also kinda combined with the more stressy panicky vibes of “oh god.i just want everyone to get along. i love u all dearly. plz behave tho. also lets hold hands” lovable!! woo!!!! A probably gets along with the exchanged students the best, and then other “teddy bear” types like diavolo and beel. overall  loves everyone tho, there are no true “favorites” in A’s eyes. thinks levi’s henry fish is adorable.
B. i just think it’s so fucking funny that like, hypothetically, you could be playing this game, this otome dating game where u date characters, and just fuckin turn down every advance that comes your way the entire time and theyll still fall in love with u LOL. B is the mc that’s down there like 😒 send me home. what am i doing after school? i have 2 study. leave me be. stop causing problems or else 🔪 master of curving advances, married to the friend zone? who knows, maybe theres some secret fondness under there for some people, but they dont let it show. real sick of getting dragged into everyones petty drama and not a fan of all the excessive attention. thought the side characters were cooler before they also started competing for their attention l o l. probably eggs on the others when theyre bullying each other bc “everyone ive met here is kind of a bastard and could use some humbling ♥” B’s tolerance for company wavers on the daily, honestly everyone mostly stresses them out. maybe gets along with barbatos the most, because hes the most reserved, but watch your step, pal. they also like to enable luke’s desire to take down lucifer when lucifer’s getting on their nerves. does not like cerebrus.
C. u know that dancing little guys sticker in the chat feature? that’s C’s general vibe. the ??? MC, the one that’s kind of an airhead sometimes, and a bit impulsive. will often go for the funniest course of action, likes to keep things interesting and entertaining, doesnt matter if it’s efficient or makes sense. a real JOKESTER that likes to keep people on their toes. may or may not be romantically interested in someone, no one can really tell bc of their wildly mixed signals. C’s definitely vibing with asmo and mammon’s wild boy energies, and makes guest appearances with the anti lucifer league when they’re scheming something exciting. Definitely enables Solomon’s weird experiments and will not stop him when he’s entering a kitchen; probably sits by and watches the process from start to finish like a little scientist observing the wizard in his natural habitat. definitely an enabler of Diavolo’s wack event ideas lol.also: lotan’s biggest fan. absolutely HYPED when levi summons lotan because it’s always an absolute disaster after, and also lotan is cool
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Rivals blurb: 2.8k word
Request: y/n & harry go to a bar and someone from harrys office flirts with her and he gets jealous
Work parties were never very exciting, so when Y/n and Harry had a combined company benefit party at one of the upscale lounges in London she was hardly excited. Her publicist had decided it would be good to do it together to get more hype and press on it by proving even though their companies split years prior there was ‘no bad blood’. She only agreed because some of the profits were going to different charities and that gave her the stamina to stick out a work event, and well free booze was a plus.
She had just enough time to make a pitstop home to change into a formal appropriate cocktail dress, pumps and fixed her hair before making her way towards the bar. Upon arrival she could already hear Harry’s distinct fake laugh, her eyes rolling automatically knowing he was cheesing up to some rich beneficiary to milk as much cash out of them as he could. She headed straight to the bar, ordering a vodka soda with lime deciding she’d need a little help getting through the night If she’d be trapped with that prick in such an enclosed space.
After two vodka sodas she was feeling a good buzz, good enough that her uptight nature seemed to unravel enough for her to entertain the gentlemen who decided to start talking to her, joining her at the bar. He wasn’t too bad looking, typical business man look with a crisp suit and hair styled with some sort of product that made it stiff. He was well groomed and she had recognized him as one of Harry’s employees. Mark was his name, and as long as he kept her drinks coming, she was more than willing to keep chatting with the man. Seemed like a good trade to her, booze for flirting- a win-win for both parties.
“How old are yeh doll?” the man was giving her the typical flirty eyes, she’d typically cringe at how thick this guy was laying it on already but she was too tipsy to care. “ ‘m 23, you?” the man had a sly smirk on his face at that, rubbing his chin slightly before taking a sip of his whiskey. “I’m 46, props to you fo’ havin’ such a big company at your age. I was just getting’ coffee for asshole bosses when I was your age. A business woman is sexy you know? You like older men hun?” his game was truly weak, almost embarrassingly so for someone of his age. She questioned if he could be a 40-year-old virgin, or he was just a terrible flirt. Yet she answered truthfully, not caring much since she’d likely never see this bloke again. “Depends, been with ‘em before but it’s not a preference or anything.”
His eyes flicked over the expanse of her body, his smirk not dropping at her answer as he licked over his lips. “Oldest you’ve been with?” his question made her roll her eyes starting to get a little tired of him now, knowing full well he just wanted to bang her which wasn’t going to happen. “I don’t kiss and tell Marcus.”
The pair weren’t aware of the irritated glare that was watching their every move, reading their lips from across the room as they talked. Harry was the peeping tom in question, staring the two adults down with a strange feeling in his gut and a tingle in his palms- like he wanted to punch his employee but- why? It’s not like he had any real reason to, but still a flare of…jealousy crawled up his spine and burrowed inside the ripples of his brain. He had been in this position before, when him and the girl were younger and he’d see her makeout with another guy or her boyfriend of the time or when he’d hear them fucking in a neighboring room while a young Harry grew overly irritated at the fact someone else was feeling what he’d felt before. He was being immature he knew that, but he didn’t care as he marched over to the pair acting casual despite his mood when he leaned against the dark wood of the polished bar.
Harry rubbed his pointer finger over the wood, collecting a small amount of dust on the digit before tapping his knuckles on the wood getting the attention of the bar tender and the pair he’d been practically stalking since he noticed them together. “Gin and tonic please, love and another one of whatever Y/n had. Put it on my tab, thank yeh” he was always a polite guy, his mother truly raised him well in that aspect and it was refreshing for Y/n to hear the man talking to someone kindly instead of the usual bickering they partake in.
Y/n turned to him on her swiveling barstool, giving him a tipsy soft smile and nod in acknowledgement not noticing the side eye he was giving the man on the other side of her. “Hello Harold” she greeted him using the name she knew got on his nerves, his name was simply Harry yet everyone assumed it was a shortened version of the rather old-fashioned name typically tied to it. Yet, he didn’t bother getting irritated or retorting with something annoying no- his focus was more on the man he had an itch to fire at the moment. He managed to keep his professional nature regardless, “Evening love, hello Marcus what are you lot talkin’ about?” Y/n was more confused on the pet name he’d used towards her than about the harsh gaze he was sending toward the man on her left.
Mark seemed to sense the animosity, knowing his bosses irritated look very well. He opted to respond to his employer with an awkward chuckle a shrug added to it, “Nothin’ much, business and such. Was admiring how she’s runnin’ a company so young just like you. Would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit jealous.” His free hand went up to scratch the back of his neck, sipping his drink to have a way to cover his nervous lips whilst Harry stared him down. Y/n was honestly a bit amused at the situation at hand, wishing she had some popcorn to go with her fifth vodka soda to enjoy the little testosterone standoff happening. She’s seen Harry get like this a couple times, so she shamelessly added fuel to the fire.
“Yea, and askin’ me if I like older men then following that up with askin’ the oldest man I’ve slept with. It’s been a very professional conversation H, no need to worry.” She knew exactly what she was doing, and she got the reaction she wanted when Mark nervously fiddled with his tie and Harry’s jaw clenched, the action still noticeable in the dim lighting. Y/n was tempted to laugh at the surge of tension she had just created, opting instead to sip her drink as she waited for what was to come next.
Harry straightened himself up, turning to look at the man with a raised eyebrow. “Oh really? That hardly seems appropriate for a work event.” Harry was trying his best not to show the possessive feelings he was having, rather opting for a reprimanding boss act to fit the occasion. “erm…uh was just some casual banter Mister Styles. Might have had one too many, wasn’t using my best judgement…I apologize Y/n” he was rushing his words, obviously anxious to escape the confrontation which Y/n found even funnier. Harry gave the man a curt dismissal with a request to see him in his office on Monday, and in true Y/n fashion she decided to add a second dose of fuel to the fire- calling out to the fleeing man- “The oldest was 54 by the way!” this of course made Mark scurry away faster and Harry lower his gaze to the woman before him with a irritated yet quizzical look.
“54?” his tongue darted out to lick over his lips, a sting of gin hitting the tip of his tongue from the drop lingering on his bottom lip. Y/n shrugged, crunching a rouge ice cube between her back molars while she nodded. “Vegas, tequila, he had major sugar daddy vibes and 19-year-old me was into it.” Y/n was always rather shameless when it came to sex, she’s been sexually active for the majority of her life so the shyness of talking about it left her long ago. Harry snorted slightly, shaking his head with an amused grin at the girl. “Naughty! you’re somethin’ else Y/n. I’m gonna tell your dad.”
“I don’t think his heart could take it, he did an awful lot of blow back in the day so I’d appreciate it if yeh didn’t do that sir.” She rolled her eyes, taking a subtle jab at her less than respectable antics of her filthy rich father. “Seems like you were doing an awful lot of a different version of blow to me.” the man smirked at his own joke getting a light slap on his bicep in return. “Shut up, I haven’t forgotten when you got gonorrhea when you were 18. You’re just as bad as me.” Y/n poked his ribs making Harry groan at the memory, “I got that treated you asshole. I’ve learned to wrap it before I tap it since then and be selective with what I put my dick in now. For the record, all my std tests have come back clean since so fuck you.”  
Y/n gave him an innocent smile back, resting her cheek on her fist. “Is that an offer?”
The response wasn’t one Harry was expecting. Not by a long shot, he hasn’t been inside her in a little over a year so her response to his jab took him by surprise. His eyes immediately met hers, finding a curious glance coming from her orbs. Setting down his glass the man turned towards her, facing her completely before responding.
“If you want it to be.”
Y/n smiled at him, standing up from her stool to get closer to the man pulling him down by his collar to talk in his ear. “Your place or mine?”
  After a painful ten-minute taxi ride, they’d made it to Harrys home. They were well aware of looming neighbors and press so they kept it professional till they were inside the four walls of the mansion- rushing up to his bedroom like two teenagers scared of getting caught. Anxious rushing of feet up the stairs hands struggling to stay to themselves on the way to the king-sized bed waiting for them.
After what seemed like forever, the pair burst into Harry’s bedroom the door hitting the wall with a loud bang as the man lurched forward to smash his lips against hers. It was frantic, sloppy and rough- it was fucking hot.
“you drive me up the fuckin’ wall you know that?” His voice was gruff, heavy with lust and jealous rage. Shoving the woman onto his bed with little care, he knew she liked it rough. A fact confirmed to him after he’d seen the rather violent bdsm porn she had saved to her computer and the various sex toys-including restraints, collars and clamps in a box in her closet 2 years ago when she moved into her current home and forced him to help her put everything away.
Y/n let out a small gasp when her body flew onto the mattress, kicking her heels off after she had settled with a smirk painted on her pretty lips. “Do i?” her tone way teasing, hands moving to unzip her dress while the man moved to stand before her yanking the fabric down her body to leave her in only a silk bra and matching thong, his eyes shamelessly taking in the sight of her body- intimate parts only covered with think sections of emerald green silk fabric.
“Ya know I didn’t appreciate you tellin’ that bloke about other men fuckin’ you, was rather impolite y/n.” Harry gave her a stone cold glare whilst tugging his belt out of the loops of his dress pants, tossing it carelessly behind him as the woman dove forward to work the button and zipper of his trousers undone. “Why? You jealous? Are you jealous because I let other men and women fuck me? Are you mad that you never get to taste me, fuck me and cum with me like they do?”
Y/n’s comments were soon cut off by a ring clad hand wrapped itself around her neck with enough pressure to stall her speech. “You never know when to shut the fuck up huh? We both know full well, no one can fuck yeh the way I do. Now, are you gonna quit your blabbering so I can fuck yeh or do I have to shove this skimpy excuse for underwear down that gabby throat? Hmm? Because I like to hear your dirty moans but I’m not a fan of this snarky mouth baby. Are you going to behave or shall I go have a wank instead?”
The pitiful whine accompanied by a pout coming from the woman made Harry’s cock twitch, she was so desperate for it and he had her right where he wanted her. He soon felt her hands pawing at his crotch, tugging the material of his tight dress pants down his legs before returning to pull his cock from the flap in the front of his boxers. It had been entirely too long since he’d held her small soft hands on his prick, watching with baited breath as her right hand moved to rid herself of the sorry excuse for undergarments she had on.
“Want it in, H please”
He obviously couldn’t say no to that, not when she was giving him those eyes and leaning back to show the web of wetness dripping from her slit onto the sheets below her snapping when she swiped her finger through it to rub on his already leaking tip. She had his head swimming, chest heaving and balls pulsing with every move she made.
The man tossed her body further up the bed, getting between her legs giving her no warning as he sunk completely in. The pressure and harshness of the thrust took her breath away, an overwhelming fullness almost uncomfortable as he gave her no time to adjust before driving into her beautiful body. The sound of her wetness clicking when coming in contact with his hips and filthy groans of pleasure filled the space, the slapping of skin harsh in their ears with every nailing of his pelvis into hers.
“This what yeh needed? No one else fucks yeh so good you can’t breathe do they? Got your face goin’ almost purple, feel my cock in your chest don’t you baby?”
His words were filthy, yet held truth. He pulled halfway out to give her a chance to take a few breaths, the dark redness of her oxygen starved face starting to fade to a flustered pink before he continued his rough ramming. Her nails pierced the skin of his tattooed arms, screams of pleasure rawing her throat when she felt her orgasm about to reach it’s peak.
“Holy fuck!”
Her exclamation was loud, filthy and drenched in sultry bliss as the knot in her stomach unraveled. She tried desperately to climb away from his hammering hips, the stimulation making her entire body feel like it was screaming yet his hands kept her pinned to the bed fucking her relentlessly through her orgasm.
“Fuckin’ hell! Cummin’ hard huh? No one else can make you cum like this, say it. Tell me baby, admit it”
His teeth were clenched painfully tight as he spoke, Y/n struggling to get her words out with the surge of feeling rushing through her nerves managing to ramble out the words almost incoherently.
“That’s fuckin’ right doll, only I can do this to yeh.”
Even with his body on fire, he held his cocky persona pounding into her a few more times until he jerked his hips out just in time to spill his seed onto her heaving stomach. Watching the ribbons of thick white cum paint her flushed sweaty skin, her body trembling from her orgasm violently while being painted with her ‘enemies’ hot cum.
The bed shook when Harry dropped down beside her, breathless and worn out. a proud smirk painted on his sweaty red face when he turned to the woman who was looking at him already struggling to remember how to breathe. Placing a smacking kiss to her swollen lips, a strong arm tugging her into his sticky side.
For the first time in a long time, they felt content in each other’s grasp. Making them both silently wonder if these feelings weren’t just lust, but something else entirely.
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seanfalco · 3 years
Pizza & Blindfolds | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’verse
an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco & @super-unpredictable98​
Word Count: 3.9k Warnings: Smut (Fingering, Oral - f!receiving, Blindfolds, Rough Sex)
[ masterlist ]
"Hey everyone! Who's hungry?" Lydia walked through the door after another boring interview; she’s brought a pizza back with her, knowing she wouldn't wanna get in the kitchen after the day she’d had.
"Loves of my life? I brought dinner!"
"Hmm something smells good!” her Nathan called, coming out of the room. "I'm starvin'."
“Oh, you angel,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed from the couch, pushing himself half up to watch her as she entered.
“Oh darn, I was gunna cook us all dinner in a few minutes,” Win joked from where she sat on the floor next to the couch, her guitar in hand.
"Good think I saved everyone," Lydia placed the box on the coffee table and went to the kitchen, kicking her shoes away in the process. "I'm gonna get some water, what do you guys want?" "Same," Lyddie's Nathan sat next to Win on the floor, pulling her onto his lap.
“Water sounds good— oh,” Win exclaimed as his arms entwined her.
“Well, I was gunna ask for a beer, but I don’t wanna be th’only one,” Win’s Nathan grumbled.
Lyddie's Nathan seemed pleased with Win’s reaction. The last few days the girls had been... cozy. Giving the boys a lot to watch, but not much room for proper action, so that night, he decided to change things up a bit.
"Don't worry, I'll join you then,” Lydia said, looking over her shoulder with a smile before opening the fridge to get the drinks.
“Wait, I want one too then!” Win whined with a laugh, setting her guitar off to the side.
"Make it four!" Lyddie's Nathan rolled his eyes with a grin. "If Lyds is drinking I might as well..." he murmured before pressing his lips to Win's neck.
"Alright, let's leave trying to be healthy for another night then," Lydia laughed, bringing four bottles and joining Win's Nathan on the couch. "Turn on the TV, baby," she said to no one specifically.
“You got it babe,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, grabbing the remote and turning it on to find something to watch as he took a swig from his bottle. “Got anythin’ specific in mind?” he asked, pulling Lyddie closer to his side.
Win squirmed in Nathan’s lap as he kissed her, almost spilling her beer as she accepted it from Lydia with a smile. “Nathan,” she exclaimed, somewhere between a hiss and a sigh, while making no move to actually stop him.
"What? Did I do somethin'?" Lyddie's Nathan sounded almost offended while he reached to grab a slice of pizza with a shit-eating smirk.
"Hmmm... how about a sitcom? There must be a How I Met Your Mother marathon on somewhere," Lydia rested her legs on Win's Nathan's lap, drinking slowly from her bottle.
“You know what’re you doing,” Win hissed, turning to poke him in the stomach before grabbing a slice of pizza, to hide her grin.
“Sure thing Lollipop,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, flipping through the channels as he rested his arm over her legs, idly massaging her calf with his free hand, settling on Modern Family.
"Perfect," Lydia sighed, already halfway through her first slice. "I had such a huge crush on Sarah Hyland growing up," she laughed, only half aware of what was happening on the floor.
"Me? I have no idea what y'mean..." Lyddie's Nathan leaned in to kiss Win's neck again, this time, followed by a bite. "Ooops."
“Oops, huh,” Win replied wryly, her breath catching as she pressed back against his chest, writhing slightly in his lap.
Win’s Nathan glanced down, noticing Win giggle and he frowned before glancing over at Lydia thoughtfully. Wetting his lips, he ran his hand up further along her leg, giving it a squeeze. “Uh huh, I can see why,” he mused.
Lydia gasped silently as Win's Nathan's hand reached her thigh, but she kept eating, not really understand what was happening with the boys. "It's weird for me to watch this today knowing how these kids will look in 10 years," she laughed.
“It’s a little weird, but not in a bad way,” Win’s Nathan replied, rubbing his thumb in a circle against her skin.
"Yeah, I guess not," Lydia's eyes were going from the tv to the spot Win's Nathan was caressing. Maybe he's just being affectionate, she thought to herself.
"I'm just so hungry, it wasn't my fault," Lyddie's Nathan purred before pressing another kiss to the spot he bit. "Y'look so tasty, but I'll stop..."
“You don’t have to stop...” Win murmured quietly, bringing her bottle to her lips.
"Don't have to or you don't want me to?" Nathan whispered, his hand sliding down her inner thigh. "You gotta be more specific, Winnie."
“Don’t want you to...” she whispered as if the words were being dragged from her and she squirmed again, a soft moan leaving her lips.
Win’s Nathan grinned, downing the rest of his beer before leaning over Lyddie’s legs to grab another piece of pizza, accidentally dropping the slice in her lap. “Aw shit, sorry babe,” he mumbled, wiping the stray sauce from her thigh with his thumb and bringing it to his mouth.
"Oh," Lydia's eyebrows shot up, she tried her best to ignore the feeling growing inside of her. "It's okay, Nats," she tilted her head as she watched him. Okay, that was definitely intentional... what were they up to?
“Oh good,” Win’s Nathan murmured, pulling Lyddie closer, practically into his lap, his hands playing over her hips.
"Good girl," Lyddie's Nathan murmured, going back to kissing her neck, his hands discreetly roaming her body, as if the touches were unintentional.
“You’re such a little shit,” Win gasped, but the last thing she wanted him to do was stop and it took everything she had not to turn in his lap and start grinding against him.
"Uh uh, be nice, baby," Lyddie's Nathan stopped moving his hand completely, his plan was to get Win begging for him again, he couldn't stop thinking about how hot that was back in New York.
Lydia thought about asking what had gotten into them, but she was intrigued, she wanted to see where they were going with this. Finishing her dinner, she simply rested her head on Win's Nathan's chest, watching carefully what happened between Win and her own Nathan.
“Who ever said I was nice?” Win murmured, resting her head back against his shoulder, hoping he’d start touching her again. Though she’d deny it, she was very much enjoying his teasing.
"Well, if you don't wanna be nice..." Nathan leaned back, propping both hands behind his head. "That's too bad, baby, I had something planned for us tonight."
Win froze. ‘How to play this?’ she thought. She knew he wanted her to beg and she was very close to giving in and doing so, but she had more dignity than that... didn’t she?
“Oh?” she asked, forcing her voice under control. “What did you have planned?”
"I planned t'eat you out, then have you blindfolded before I have my way with you... but that's somethin' only good girls get t'do," Lyddie's Nathan drawled, making no move to touch her still.
Win bit her lip, shivering as she felt heat rush through her. Groaning, she turned in his lap to straddle him, pouting as she faced him. “I suppose I could be good... for you,” she whispered, plucking at the front of his shirt.
Win’s Nathan set his empty bottle away as he wrapped his arm around Lydia’s waist, shifting her fully into his lap before wrapping both arms around her, his hands wandering, brushing lightly over her chest.
"Hmm" Lydia let out a breathy moan, arching into his touch. "What are you doing, Natty?" she whispered, turning to face him, trying not to let on how worked up she was.
“Who, me?” Win’s Nathan asked coyly. “Nothin’, just wanted t’be close to yeh, that’s all,” he purred in her ear.
"Uhum..." she nodded, narrowing her eyes. "I know what you're doing, Nathan, clear as day," she whispered back, shivering with his voice next to her ear.
“Oh, you know, do you? And what would that be, princess?” he mused, twirling her hair between his fingers.
"You're trying to drive me mad," Lydia chuckled, trying desperately to control herself. "I don't know what's gotten into you tonight, but I know you're trying to be a tease."
"Oh, that's better," Lyddie's Nathan murmured, running his thumb over Win’s lower lip before going back to kissing her neck, nipping at the skin and making sure to leave a mark. "Y'like that, baby?"
“Yes,” she breathed, clutching tighter at his shirt. “I feel like I might’ve created a monster by telling you my weaknesses,” she admitted, tilting her head to expose more of her neck to him.
"Yeah, y'did, but I'm havin' so much fun with it..." Lyddie's Nathan murmured in between kisses, his hands sliding to the small of Win's back and urging her to roll her hips. "Maybe a little bit..."
“Is it workin’?” Win’s Nathan asked with a smirk, mimicking his clone and bringing his lips to Lyddie’s neck, brushing her hair out of the way.
Lydia tried to fight a grin tugging at her lips, though she was very close to breaking and begging him to fuck her the way he did that one night at the hotel.
“Even a little?” Nathan teased, kissing her harder, enough to leave a dark hickie as he pinched at her nipples through her shirt.
"Fuck..." Lyddie mumbled under her breath, he knew what he was doing. She shifted on his lap, placing her hands on his shoulders. "You think you're so clever, don't you?"
“I do think that,” Win’s Nathan chuckled. “I can be pretty clever when I wanna be, usually when it has t’do with gettin’ in your knickers baby.”
"Oh, is that so?" Lydia bit her lip, running her fingers through his hair while pressing her forehead to his, fighting the urge to grind against his thigh. "That's cute, Natty..." she taunted before pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
“Yeah, I’m cute and clever,” Win’s Nathan murmured, capturing her lips again. “What d’you say I make you feel real good babygirl? You’ve had such a long day, you deserve t’be pampered.”
“You’re lucky I love you so much,” Win groaned, though there was no heat to her protest and she gave in, rolling her hips against Lyddie’s Nathan as she slipped her arms around his neck.
"I love you too..." Nathan snaked his hands under Win's shirt, blindly kneading her breasts while trailing kisses all the way up until his lips met hers.
Moaning into his mouth Win ground against him again desperately, kissing him roughly. “You—mentioned—something about a—blindfold?” she murmured between kisses. “I want you so bad, Natty,” she whined, past caring about trying to play hard to get any longer.
Lyddie's Nathan hummed in response, that's exactly the reaction he wanted. "I love how you get needy like this," he groaned. "Can you feel how hard I am, Winnie? All for you..."
“Lyddie’s not the only one who likes to be teased sometimes,” she laughed. “Fuuuck— you’re so hard,” she gasped. “You’re so hot, Nathan.”
Lyddie's Nathan took Win's hand to help her up. "Let's get you ready, shall we?" he looked pointedly at the room before lifting her up and carrying her to bed.
"Please," Lydia breathed helplessly. "I want you, Natty," she finally snapped, kissing him back hungrily, pressing her body against his. "Please make me feel good? I need it so bad..."
“Whatever you want baby,” Win’s Nathan moaned, lifting her and rolling her to her back, fumbling with her jeans.
"I tried to resist, I wanted to play hard to get, but I guess I'm not very good at it," Lyddie laughed, ripping off her shirt. "But you don't make it easy either..."
“Aw you’re good at it, I’m just better at teasin’ yeh,” Win’s Nathan joked, pulling Lyddie’s bra down so he could tease her piercing with his tongue. Drawing her nipple into his mouth.
"Yeah, a little too good sometimes..." Lydia moaned, feeling the arousal pooling between her legs. "You don't happen to read minds, do you?" she giggled, her chest heaving with desire.
“And what if I could read your mind, hmmm?” Win’s Nathan waggled his eyebrows as he reached between her legs.
"Well, that would be unfortunate..." Lydia's eyes widened in terror, what if he actually bought that power and just never told her? "My mind is a weird place to be," she exclaimed, trying to gloss over it and focus on his hand between her legs, pulling him closer, chasing his lips.
“I was only jokin’, I can’t actually read minds, but I do know yeh pretty well, at least, I’d like t’think I do,” Win’s Nathan murmured, slipping his hand under Lydia’s knickers. “My mind’s pretty fucked up as well, y’know,” he said, kissing his way down her body.
"Oh, yeah, I suppose," Lydia exhaled shakily, feeling her body relax, each kiss only making her want him more and more. "I know, I like that about you," she admitted.
“I’m glad,” Win’s Nathan mused as he kissed her over her knickers before easing them down. “Are y’gunna be a good girl for me?” he asked, tasting her.
"Yes!" Lydia gasped, looking down down to watch Win's Nathan between her legs. "I'll be so good, I promise," she whimpered. "I'll do anything you want."
“I know you will be, Lollipop,” Win’s Nathan drawled. “And anythin’?” he teased, lapping at her gently.
"Anything," Lydia sighed, stroking his hair as her mind started to wander imagining all the things he could do to her. "I'm yours to use, all yours."
"That's right, missy," Win's Nathan groaned, lifting his face once more. "Tell me exactly what you want, and I'll give it t'you. But you hafta be specific. I wanna hear you say it."
"I want you to..." Lydia thought for a second, watching Win's Nathan's face. She swallowed thickly before gathering her thoughts again. "I want you to fuck me, hard, and kiss me so I can taste you, and pull my hair like you did that one time," she whispered, carefully dancing around her own ideas.
Nathan’s grin grew and he pushed himself up, nipping at her inner thigh first, before snapping his fingers and magicking their clothes away. “Good girl, Lyddie, now come sit in my lap,” he instructed, curling his finger as he sat back, reaching for her left over beer and taking a long swig, finishing off her bottle.
"Yes, Natty," Lydia obediently moved into his lap, intoxicated by his praise and hypnotized by the sight of him drinking, watching closely the movement of his adam's apple.
As soon as Lydia straddled him, Win's Nathan pulled her in for a passionate kiss, forcing his tongue into her mouth as he bucked up into her, holding her by the back of the neck to keep her close, his other arm wrapping round her waist.
Lydia moaned into his mouth, holding firmly onto his shoulders as she rolled her hips greedily, seeking her own pleasure. "You taste so good, Natty," she murmured before their lips crashed once again.
"Thought y'might like that, baby," Win's Nathan panted as he bucked into Lydia roughly, grunting softly with each thrust. His hand on her neck tangled in her long cotton candy locks and he gave a sharp tug, forcing her head back, exposing her neck to him. Smirking at her gasp his lips found her throat as he fucked her, marking her with each demanding open mouthed kiss.
"Oh, please, give it to me," Lydia pleaded, the pain mixing with pleasure creating a confusing and wonderful sensation that grew with each kiss. "I want all of you, even the parts other people don't like, I want all of it."
Lydia had always been submissive, but Win's Nathan brought that out even more, it's like he had some sort of power over her that made her want to be used by him.
"Fuck, I love you Lollipop," Nathan exclaimed, biting into her shoulder hard as he bucked into her rougher than before, making her whole body bounce, her tits jiggling in front of his face. "Will you come for me babygirl? Huh? I need you. I need t'feel you clenching around me."
Lyddie hummed in response, af this point unable to form a full sentence. "Nathan..." was all she could manage to say as she felt her body reacting beyond her control. At his words, she let go and came undone, collapsing on top of him.
Win's Nathan buried himself as deep as he could as he came, burying his face in the crook of her neck as she collapsed atop him. Catching his breath he gently stroked her hair as he held her to his chest. "So good, Lyddie, y'did so damn good. Fuck, I love you babygirl."
"I love you too," Lydia took a deep breath, looking up to kiss Win's Nathan's neck. "You were amazing, Nats, you really do know me..." she blindly reached into the pizza box to get another slice. "Now you made me hungry again," Lyddie scolded playfully, noticing that the tv was still on.
Win's Nathan chuckled, reaching for a slice for himself as well. "Yeah, me too, you really wore me out Lollipop," he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead before taking a bite.
"I'll get us more beer," Lydia got up after kissing his cheek softly, glancing over her shoulder to watch him with a grin. "Next time I'll do the teasing," she cocked one eyebrow defiantly.
"Oh I would love t'see that, darlin'," Win's Nathan drawled, watching her as she walked to the kitchen, his eyes following each sway of her perfect ass.
Win clung to Lyddie’s Nathan as he carried her, falling back to the bed as he tossed her down with a laugh.
Looked through the dresser for a second Nathan pulled out one of Lyd's scarves. "If y'want me to stop, just let me know, okay?"
Win nodded, watching him carefully, the anticipation killing her. “I’ve never been blindfolded before,” she admitted, stretching out on the bed.
"Lyddie told me," Nathan flashed her a wicked grin. "I think you'll love it," he leaned over Win, carefully covering her eyes with the silk scarf, while placing soft kisses on her jaw.
Win grinned as soon as her eyes were covered, reaching up to feel Lyddie’s Nathan’s face. “You gunna make me feel good Natty? Because I’m ready,” she murmured, grinning.
"Good, I wanna make you scream, Winnie," he said, slowly undressing her, placing kisses in random places, watching as Win squirmed every time he touched her. "That's for being so good," he parted her legs and took her clit between his lips.
“Maybe I should be good more often if this is how you react,” Win sighed, squirming under his mouth. “Oh Nathan—“ she cried softly, burying her hands in his curls.
"I think so too," Lyddie's Nathan smiled before he dragged his tongue up Win's slit, savoring her arousal, while his hands teased her nipples. "Don't you dare come until I say so,” he growled.
“Mmm, and what will you do t’me if I come before then?” Win asked cheekily, loving to see how much she could get away with, how far she could push him.
"Then I won't touch you again for a month..." Lyddie's Nathan knew he couldn't keep that promise and it wasn't exactly a threat in a relationship with four people, but he liked to think it was.
“I don’t believe you,” Win countered, wishing she could see his expression, unsure if he was bluffing or not.
"Try me, see how well that goes for ya," Lyddie's Nathan purred before sliding two fingers inside of her. "So tight... I can't wait t'shag you senseless."
Whatever Win was gunna say melted on her tongue and all she could do was moan as she rolled her hips, wanting more. "I don't know if I could go a whole month without your touch," she whispered, her fingers tightening in his hair. "I'd miss you too much."
"I'd miss you too, that's why you tell me when you're gettin' close, right?" Lyddie's Nathan brushed his lips teasingly around Win's inner thighs before running his tongue along her skin, watching closely for her reaction.
“Yes, Natty, I’ll tell you when I’m close—“ Win whined, squirming. “Please fuck me, please touch me, I’ll be good!” she begged. “I need you!”
"Aw, Winnie baby, you look adorable like this," Lyddie's Nathan caught Win's lips in a passionate kiss, while he quickly replaced his fingers with his cock, thrusting into her mercilessly. "Like this? Is this what y'want?"
"Mhmm," she hummed, instinctively wrapping her arms around his shoulders, gasping as he filled her. "Oh, you feel so good, Nathan! Please fuck me like the good girl I am!" she cried, her lips twisting with amusement for a moment before her mouth fell open with pleasure, being blindfolded added a whole new layer of excitement to it.
"Oh yeah, such a good girl for me..." Lyddie's Nathan moaned, each thrust followed by a touch or a kiss somewhere unexpected, hoping to take Win by surprise. "So needy, so desperate... I'll give ya what y'need, baby.”
"Yes, oh please, Natty! Please! Rougher—" Win babbled, her cries descending into incoherent sounds, needy and raw as she clutched at him, feeling her climax building with each thrust.
"I'm—I'm getting close," she gasped obediently.
For a moment she almost decided to see if he really would hold to his promise. It wasn't as though she really needed him to get off, not with Lydia or her Nathan in the house, but she had meant it when she said she'd miss him. Lyddie's Nathan fucked her differently than the others. Each of her lovers bringing a different experience to their lovemaking.
"Good, don't come yet, baby," Nathan asked, despite being really close himself. He slowed down for a moment, still making sure to thrust as deep as he could. "Tell me why I should let you come, do you think you deserve it, baby girl?" his hand reached for her clit, circling it just to make things a little bit more interesting.
"Ah—" Win gasped, writhing against the added pleasure. "I've been good for you, haven't I, Natty? I could've been bad, but I wasn't. Please let me come. Please, I wanna come with you. Wanna feel you fill me up," she moaned, her voice cracking while her short nails bit into his shoulders.
"Yeah, I s'pose you were..." Nathan took a few more seconds to think, smirking down at Win. "Go ahead, baby, you were so good, I wanna see you come for me," he moved vigorously into her, his finger still teasing her sensitive bundle of nerves.
Win cried out, louder than usual as her orgasm gripped her and she tensed under Lyddie's Nathan, arching her back as he thrust into her several more times, the sensation of his finger on her clit almost too much, and completely spent she collapsed back, giving a twitch as she panted, reaching for him blindly.
Lyddie's Nathan pumped into Win a couple more times before pulling out, panting, he was exhausted, but it was worth it. "So, how was that?" He held her close, lifting her blindfold before placing a chaste kiss to her lips.
"Mmm, that felt amazing, babe," Win purred, holding him close. "I love you so much," she whispered against his chest. "I really like the blindfold, we should do that again."
"I love you too, sweetheart," Lyddie's Nathan smiled, kissing the top of Win's head. "I'll remember that... Seems like I know another one of your weaknesses now," he teased.
"Mmm, you're definitely learning them aren't you," Win mused with a small smile, tracing his jaw with her fingers. "I bet you'd enjoy wearing it while I teased you. With my mouth on your cock," she laughed, already making plans.
Tag list: @magic-multicolored-miracle @midnightseance @messengeronthemoon @the-freckled-luba @firstpersonnarrator  @spanishmossmagnolia @salvador-daley @forenschik @a-ghoulish-tale @love-is-dirty-baby @captainsheeballs
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grayintogreen · 3 years
[panicked slurping of wine through a bendy straw]
So this week has not been a good writing week except for those three random fics I wrote that I love so very much, but that’s okay! I intentionally crafted my Whumptober Project to accommodate all 31 prompts without having to worry about one a day. And honestly, it’s not that bad all told. I’m more stressed about work than I am my hobby. Like dude just let me CHILL, work. Please??? Fucking inventory.
Anyway, I’m ONE SCENE AWAY from finishing Chapter Ten of the Creedemption fic. At a rough estimation, it’s gonna maybe tap out at 11k, which is hilarious for a chapter that is mostly relationship building, but also I love it.
So here’s a scene from this chapter, wherein Beau and Molly have some Real Talk.
Beau stopped a few times to check the walls for any indication of thieves’ cant. “So not to be your therapist or whatever, ‘cause I’m not qualified for that shit, but is this just about drugs?”
Molly froze midway through knocking on a stone wall to see if it was perhaps illusory or otherwise fake. “What else would it be about?”
“Escaping your metric fuckton of problems that you are so pointedly not talking about?” She turned to look at him, and Molly became acutely aware that the alley entrance was very far away and this side had a dead-end, so if he wanted to flee from this conversation, he’d have to get past Beau, who was probably not going to let him leave without a fight.
He played himself, basically. 
“I don’t have any problems,” he lied through his grit teeth.
“Bullshit. You melted a guy’s brains.” Her eyebrow was up so far her piercing was almost touching her hairline.
Molly groaned and slumped against the wall. “How many people saw that?!”
Beau shrugged. “Just me and Caleb.”
“And Caduceus, apparently.”
“Yeah, well, he sees everything.” Beau ran a hand over her face. “So what’s going on, Molly? Is it Cree?”
He slumped further until he was sitting on the grimy stone of the alley and could not be arsed to care about what it might be doing to his coat. “No… I think it was always gonna happen. Probably. I dunno.” He kneaded the heel of his hand into his eyes. “I think it’s… the tattoos. The ones that aren’t tattoos. The marks. Whatever.”
“The eyes?” Beau knelt in front of him and pulled his hand away from his face so she could examine the two in the snakes. “So these things give you crazy superpowers?”
“I guess?” He made another noise of anguish, softer this time. “It’s so complicated. I’m…” He bit his lip. He hadn’t even told Caleb this yet- only Fjord and Yasha had seen him wake up from his nightmares. “I’m havin’ dreams. Dreams of this… this city. This horrifying city. And all these voices. I think whatever the hell Lucien was mixed up in, it’s trying to bring him back. They keep wanting me to-to wake them up.”
“Wake them up?” Beau squinted harder. “Molly, that sounds crazy.”
“No,” he murmured, sardonically. “I thought hearing voices was the sign of a perfectly sane person.” He took his hand back from her. “Regardless, they’re wakin’ up without me… doing anything. Three of them. Three out of nine.”
“And if all nine wake up?” Beau rocked back until she was also sitting on her butt in front of him, knees drawn up. “Lucien comes back?”
“Maybe.” He shrugged.
“And we’re going to Nogvurot where Cree’s friend might just forcibly wake them up?” Molly noted that her knuckles were clenched so tightly, they were turning pale around the edges. 
“I don’t think she can do that. I think they only respond to me… My feelings.” The more he talked about, the crazier it sounded. “It doesn’t make any sense to me, either, so don’t… Just don’t ask.”
“That doesn’t fix the Nogvurot problem,” Beau pointed out. 
“I… Might have an idea about that.” Off Beau’s look, he continued, “Let’s say, hypothetically, between here and there Cree agrees that I’m a valid inhabitant of this extremely attractive body.” He waved his hand to indicate himself. “If Tyffial is good enough to maybe bring Lucien back like Cree thinks… maybe she’s good enough to stop whatever this is from happening.”
Beau shook her head. “That’s a pretty big ‘if,’ Molly.”
Molly sighed and then spoke, more quietly, more lost. “I can’t go on like this, Beau. And I can’t… just continue as if this never happened. It’s not fair to any of you, but… I need this… this group. I need this so much. And if that’s selfish, then I’m selfish, but I don’t want to have to leave you all because I’m not safe. I’ve never had to be alone.”
As his voice started to break, Beau started to panic and pitched forward a bit and then awkwardly tried to figure out what to do, eventually settling on just putting her hand on his shoulder. “Molly… hey, hey… don’t. Fuck. You’re gonna make me get all mushy here. We’re not leaving you. Whatever this shit is, we’re gonna figure it out. No one’s gonna think you’re a fuckin’ bomb about to explode just ‘cause you have some freaky new powers.”
“Except I am a bomb.” And he put Caleb to the task of taking care of him should he come even a little bit close to going off, which was unimaginably cruel of him, but he didn’t think anyone else would do it. Not even Beau. “I didn’t mean to… melt that guy’s brain.”
“He was gonna hurt you. You stab people for that just fine.” She sighed and moved to sit by him.
“That’s different. That’s not….” He paused. “… impulse.”
Except isn’t it? Isn’t literally everything he does in a fight muscle memory and something in his blood that makes it so? The stupid eyes bleed whenever he uses one of his… freaky blood powers. That all came from Lucien- maybe it came from those weird voices too.
Maybe he was in the same position as Fjord, stuck with an otherworldly patron he didn’t want. The problem was Fjord seemed to relish in the abilities he had. Molly would be happy to be without him… Except no. No, he wouldn’t. He liked being able to protect people. The circus would have been dead several times over if he hadn’t leapt into the fray with prop swords swinging.
He dropped his head onto his knees. “I don’t want to become something I’m not. I don’t… Look at Cree! Lucien couldn’t have been good for her.”
“Yeah, that relationship was clearly super toxic,” Beau said drily. “Do you seriously think you could become like that?”
He lifted his head off his knees, but only a bit- just enough that he could give her a sidelong glance. “He did. Somehow. And besides… I haven’t had a choice in things so far. It might be inevitable.”
Beau took that in for a moment and then she balled her hand into a fist and punched him hard in the shoulder. It was so rough and so unexpected that he tipped over onto his side and nearly got tangled in his own coat. “Fuck. You. Molly. You don’t get to talk about paths and wield your Tarot cards like you’re a godsdamned expert on what people need and then say you don’t have a choice.”
He could feel the bruise blossoming on his shoulder and the oncoming stiffness. He was gonna need that hot bath after this, apparently. He opened his mouth to say something, found he had no words, and closed it again.
Beau, however, had plenty of words. “You know when you died? All I could think about was when you said you left every place better than you found it, and how fucking arrogant that was, but you were right, you son of a bitch. We were better since you walked into our lives. I was better. And if you think you can fall so hard and so far thanks to something beyond your control, then what does that say for the rest of us?”
Molly snapped his jaw shut with an audible click, eyes wide. 
She reached over and grabbed his coat and pulled him up close. “So we’re gonna return the favor for you, you arrogant piece of shit. Lucien can’t have you. Whatever Lucien’s got goin’ on? That can’t have you either. The Tombtakers? Fuck ‘em. We’ll go to Nogvurot and fulfill your stupid bargain with Cree, but don’t you dare think that we’re letting anyone fuck your brain up without a fight. We’ll keep reminding you of who you are. You made us better. We’re not letting you get made worse.”
She released his coat and he fell backwards again, catching himself before he cracked his skull on the stone. Once more, he gaped wordlessly, swallowed, and then, “So how hard was that to say?”
“Fuck you, Molly,” she spat, without venom. She stood and brushed herself off and then, after a second, extended her hand to him. “Come on, Obnoxious One. Let’s find some fucking drugs.”
Molly stared from Beau’s face to her outstretched hand, still sprawled awkwardly on the ground, and then, cautiously, he took her hand, and she pulled him up, and he thrust himself into her space to give her a hug, pinning her arms to her side so she couldn’t hit him, easily.
“Thanks, Beau.” He would’ve felt better if his voice didn’t come out so choked, but maybe that was the only thing that kept her from finding some other way to commit an act of violence against him.
She awkwardly patted his back after a moment of just standing there, rigid as a board. “Yeah… You’re welcome.”
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star-spangledstud · 4 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x (female!)reader
Summary: You knew exactly how to push Steve’s buttons.
Word Count: 4000-ish. 
Warnings: +18 SMUT (don’t read if you’re a minor), dom!Steve, slight daddy!kink if you squint, rough intercourse, no protection (wrap it before you tap it), reckless driving (don’t do it, kids.), cursing
A/N: I’ve been posting a lot of content. We’ll see how long I’m able to keep the creative juices flowing. Quarantine’s got me all fucked up, but at least it’s given me time to waste on Tumblr. Enjoy :)
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Steve was angry. He was fucking pissed off, to be exact and it was all because of you. You knew it, felt the way his eyes drilled holes in your back all night. You could practically sense him fuming from across the club, even though the darkness as a result of the smoke machine near the spinning table engulfed you and the 150 other people in the room. 
Of course, it was Tony’s idea to rent one of the fanciest clubs in NYC for the night. You’d completed a very big mission just a few weeks ago, and after everyone had time to heal in the medical bay and file the appropriate paperwork, the case was closed at last, and he insisted on a celebration unlike any other. 
Bottles of champagne flowed across the dancefloor. Sweaty bodies of special agents, paper pushers from the lowest possible level and Avengers alike, all pressed up against each other in the room hotter than what you imagined hell to be like. You didn’t even fucking feel like going when Tony first proposed the idea, but everybody knew you couldn’t say no to him. Nobody could say no to him and his lavish parties. Not to mention the fact that you never wanted to go and yet you always managed to be the last to leave. You blamed the alcohol. 
He’d hired the best DJ in town. His tunes kept you on your feet despite the fact that they were starting to get sore, hips swaying sensually to the music in between Natasha and some random level 3 agent whose name you couldn’t remember for the life of you. He was just as tall as you in your patent leather Louboutins, his hair swept carelessly to one side. He clearly hadn’t changed after work, because he still had his SHIELD pin mended to his breast pocket. You’d just pulled his tie to drag him closer to you, which earned another hard glare from Steve. Everybody in the fucking room knew you were his, they didn’t even dare to come close to you, but this guy was clearly wasted and you’d initiated it. 
You could feel level 3′s dick through his pants while he continued to grind against your ass, just as you did to Natasha. You smiled, bopping your head along to the song, your curly hair bouncing lusciously up and down. A quick glance towards the bar made you snicker soundlessly, afraid he’d be able to hear you despite the loud music and people singing along. The thought of him being able to smell the perfume on your skin, his favorite, from all the way over there made your heart flutter and your stomach tighten.
He looked fucking good. Hair slicked back, deep red button-down loosened at the top tucked tightly into dark denim. He hadn’t shaved, he knew damn well how much you liked that, and his eyes weren’t so blue anymore in the strobe lights that illuminated him every twenty seconds. They looked black as if his pupils had bled into his irises.
You’d put effort into your appearance too, he could tell in an instant. Your lipgloss sparkled the same as the diamond necklace he had given you that hung around your neck. He remembered buying it for you, eyes nearly rolling out of his fucking skull when the guy that helped him pick it out told him the price. Your dress, black and short, had a split so high he was certain he could see your pussy if you made a wrong move, meaning level 3 could see it too. 
He downed another glass of scotch, slamming it down on the bar with a growl so low only Bucky could hear it. He shook his head at his friend, who also refused to get on the dancefloor. The way 21st-century people danced was unlike anything they were used to seeing back in their day. He couldn’t get drunk, but Steve could taste the alcohol on his tongue and the warmth of it in the back of his throat when he gulped another glass down. He hadn’t even noticed Bucky left him for Bruce, who also wasn’t dancing. Didn’t give a fuck, either way. All he had eyes for was you, showing off his money like it was yours, to begin with. 
You didn’t do that often. You were humble, wore jeans and a t-shirt on most days, didn’t indulge much. You tried to live sustainably where possible through recycling and cruelty-free beauty products. Hell, Steve had only actually seen you wear the necklace a handful of times, including your aunt’s wedding just to piss her off and make her jealous. He knew you had money too, it was a perk of being an Avenger, but spending money on yourself wasn’t the same as lavish gifts from your handsome as fuck boyfriend. Besides, you donated a lot of it to animal shelters and safe houses for women. 
“The party’s out there, you know?”
You gulped, skin-crawling in fear when Steve appeared out of the bathroom stall without warning. How long he’d been hiding the bathroom you didn’t know, but he knew it was you the second you pushed open the door and stepped inside. 
He could smell that guy on you as you stood in front of him, cheeks red from dancing and stray hairs sticking out from the sea of curls. It made his fists curl, his brow crease. He was mad as hell. 
“You scared me,” you said exasperatedly, blood rushing to your cheeks when he stepped out of the shadows and into view.
He didn’t smile back to you, which told you exactly how the night was going to go down. 
“You havin’ fun?” He asked, walking around you in a circle after you stepped away from the dirty mirror. 
He wanted to drink you in, take in your appearance while you still looked put together. Soon enough, the charade would be over and he’d have your make up smeared, clothes on the floor and your hair a mess. 
“Yeah,” you smirked, “you?”
“Not yet,” he growled in your ear, “but I will.”
He’d disappeared as quickly as he’d appeared, leaving you leaning against the dusty sink, breathing deeply in and out through your nose. When you trusted in your ability to stand up without tripping over your own feet, you grabbed your lipgloss from your purse, along with your perfume, of which you added two more spritzes. You didn’t want him to know how easily he was able to get to you, how easily he was able to make you shake. 
He had a plan, concocted it while drinking expensive scotch at the bar. Steve came up with it while he was watching you grind on another man. He knew why you did it, you wanted to get a rise out of him, and getting a rise out of him was exactly what you did. Of course, he could do the same to you, which is why he left you stumbling in the bathroom with nothing but a promise he intended to keep.
You returned to the floor after getting another vodka sprite from the other end of the bar. He noticed how empty your wrist was and told himself he’d buy you a diamond bracelet to match the necklace. You’d like that. He’d fuck you raw and stupid after giving it to you, just like he did when he gave you the necklace. 
Even when you were starting to get a buzz, you could still feel his fucking eyes on you, never leaving your swaying hips, bouncing tits and shaking ass. For a moment, the two of you made eye contact. Instantly, you knew you were screwed. You could read him like a book. 
“Steve,” you gasped when his hands tightly gripped your waist suddenly, “you’re dancing.”
He was on the dancefloor, yeah, but the man was hardly dancing. The only thing he was moving was his hips against your ass. He didn’t need to tell Level 3′s sorry ass to fuck off, the look on his face had the young man scrambling away in fear immediately. Natasha had left minutes before, busying herself with the hottest bartender in the club while he poured her a dirty martini with five olives.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He whispered in your ear, lips pushing against soft flesh. His beard scratched your throat, sending delicious tingles down your entire spine.
“What do you mean?” You asked, pretending to be oblivious, “I’m not doing anything.”  
Steve’s hand caressed your hip, snaking around the front to touch your barely clothed pussy. Your cheeks reddened, eyes frantically searching for anyone who might be watching but finding none. Everyone around you was either drunk or making out. 
“What are you doing Steve?!” You hissed, biting your tongue, “Someone might see us.” 
“I don’t care. This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” he asked, kissing the side of your face and neck, “it is, I know it.”
He dragged you out of the club and into his BMW, harshly securing your seatbelt before getting behind the wheel. His knuckles were white against the steering wheel the entire drive, and you could see him straining against his pants. You didn’t say anything, the only sound audible being the angrily revving engine of his car. He was flooring it the whole way there, ignoring red lights and swerving around every car on the road that was in his way. 
“See how it feels when you tease me,” he mumbled, “you’re gonna be fucking sorry real soon.”
“No,” you stammered, “please.”
He sat down on the bed, grabbing your wrists and yanking you down over his lap. You kicked your heels in the air in an attempt to get free from his iron grasp, but he only needed one hand to restrain you while the other traveled up the back of your legs so slowly it made you want to cry. His hand disappeared under your dress and found no panties, just as he expected. He knew you too well. 
“You’re real bad, aren’t you?” He asked, retrieving his hand back so he could pull the dress up to expose your naked pussy, “did you think I was gonna let you get away with what you just did to me?” 
“I didn’t do anything!” you mewled, “I swear.” 
“Grinding up on that guy all night? Letting him touch you in front of me? How dare you?”
He caressed your ass, tracing his fingers over your lips before smacking both cheeks without warning. You squirmed, wiggling on top of him. You’d seen him angry before but only on rare occasions; either when he was chasing after bad guys, or when you’d pissed him off and this time, you’d pissed him off real good. Just like you wanted to do. 
“Don’t you dare move against my dick,” he said with a tug on your hair, “or you don’t get to cum.”
He plunged three fingers into your mouth, silently ordering you to suck on them while he continued to keep your wrists bound. You already knew what was going to happen and it took every ounce of strength for you not to move. He chuckled when you nibbled on his fingers, coating each and every one of the three with your saliva. 
He plunged them into you without warning. You cried out, unable to stop yourself from trying to break from his grip on you. You were already wet, probably didn’t even need the saliva, but it helped his fingers glide in so easily it made him want to laugh. You were putty in his hands and he knew it. How the hell had he gone from being little, insecure, baby Steve to this man, this unrelenting, unforgiving force of a man? 
“Shut up,” he growled, picking up the pace, “did I tell you you could make noise?”
“N-no,” you stammered, “no Steve.” 
His fingers left your cunt before you could properly enjoy it. You knew why he did it; he was getting you ready for his cock. You’d had it countless times in places you couldn’t even recall, had it gently and so hard you couldn’t talk after, but you always needed time to adjust.
He grabbed ahold of your legs with his slick-coated fingers and picked you up, effortlessly tossing you onto the bed like a ragdoll. You heaved, hair already beginning to stick to your forehead while you watched him slowly unbutton his shirt.
“What do I keep telling you about pissing me off, huh?” He taunted, slipping the shirt over his broad shoulders.
“I told you not to do that,” his pants were next, falling limply at his feet after he unzipped and unbuttoned them, “but you don’t listen. You don’t listen because you like what happens when I’m mad, don’t you?” 
“No, I’m sorry,” you breathed, gazing up at him through fake eyelashes, “I didn’t mean to-”
You weren’t sorry. You enjoyed this, this side of Steve. Loved it even, how sometimes, he was able to let go of his own righteousness and give in to his darkness. It had taken almost a year of being in a vanilla relationship for him to show you this side of him, and you’d ached for it ever since. You did it on purpose, grinding with other people, dressing up in clothing inappropriate for the occasion. Short skirts, tight blouses, and fuck, those sheer black stockings with the black stripe running along the back of your heel to your panties. Short shorts and cropped tops in the summer, so short they nearly showed off your fucking tits. He hated it because men worldwide couldn’t help but look at you even though you were his and his alone. You were his prized possession. 
“Don’t lie to me.”
“You know,” you answered smugly, “I could feel his erection on my ass the whole time.” 
Steve growled, pushing your back into the mattress before starting towards you.   
“I told you what happens when you make me angry,” he said, lowering himself onto the bed until he was straddling you, one leg on each side of your trembling hips, “you know what happens, don’t you?” 
“Yes, Steve,” you moaned, rocking your hips up against him. 
You gripped his bicep, but once again, he used his hand to bind your wrists, this time holding them above your head, “You gonna be good for me and apologize?” 
“Yes,” you cried out, “I’m sorry!” 
You still weren’t. In fact, you had to fight the urge to grin. You had him right where you wanted him, despite his hold on you. You wanted him to fuck you until you couldn’t see straight and he was going to give it to you either way. 
He let go of you, hands traveling across the diamonds around your neck. He ripped the necklace from your throat in one single motion, earning a gasp and a loud ‘what the fuck?!’ from you when it snapped in half. He tossed it to the ground as if it was trash, discarding it like it hadn’t cost him the price of a house. 
“Daddy’s gonna buy you a whole lot more diamonds if you’re good,” he whispered, “Is that what gets your little pussy dripping? Me spending my hard-earned money on you? Answer me!”
“Fuck yes,” you replied, “shoes, too. And a car.” 
He laughed, taking your clothed tits and rubbing them before ripping the silk dress in half with his bare hands.
“What do you need a car for? You don’t even drive. I do. I’m like your fucking private chauffeur, always driving you around.” He was right about that.  
You smirked, “want you to fuck me in it.”
Steve began to grow tired of your mind games. His dick was hard as granite, as were his bulging muscles, and he needed a release fast. He’d go back to being sweet old Steve after he got what he wanted, but for now, he was a man in heat, needing to take what was rightfully his. One of the busted diamonds pierced the skin on your ass when you found yourself laying on it, but you didn’t care. You welcomed the sting.
Steve rolled you over until you were on your stomach. With one arm around your throat in a chokehold, he lifted up your body, taking you in a position that could almost be classified as Doggystyle. He lined himself up with your entrance, enjoying the lovely sight and the sweet smell of your pussy dripping just for him. Your love for him was like a fucking disease and unfortunately, it turned out to be terminal. You ached with anticipation while he dragged the head of his cock along your entrance, back and forth between your pussy lips. 
The air was taken from your lungs when he shoved himself inside you, not wasting any time with pleasantries and soft-spoken words. He bit down on your shoulder, earning a loud moan to escape your lips. He wasn’t gentle, this wasn’t making love, but it was what you both desired and he was more than happy to give it to you. 
You whined breathlessly, pussy clenching around the length of his cock as he drove into you.
“Could’ve just told me you wanted me to fuck you,” he groaned, “’stead of makin’ me all mad at Tony’s party.”
You wanted to tell him off and if you would, he’d probably have to tell you you were right because he never did this unless he had a reason, but your mouth remained shut instead. Steve was a softy at all times, sweet and gentle and a true gentleman, except for when you brought out the beast in him. 
He grabbed your hair, yanking it so your body stood flush against his. You could feel him, every inch of his marvelous abs expanding and contracting and his hips, slapping against your ass with each thrust. You arched your back into him, exposing your neck to his lips. He began to suck on your skin immediately, leaving marks that would last for days on your beautifully soft skin. This pulled another sinful moan from your glossy lips. 
You turned your head, forcing his head towards your face with your free hand while the other grasped the one on your hip. You kissed him hard, lips and teeth and tongues crashing together. You could taste the scotch on his breath and he caught a whiff of your strawberry lip gloss. You smiled into his mouth, taking his bottom lip between your teeth and biting down on his skin. They’d see the bruise in the morning, although come afternoon, the serum would’ve taken care of it. You hoped somebody would see. 
“Goddamnit,” he cursed after tasting blood, hand around your hair loosening before sliding down the length of your body in search of your clit, “gonna make you cum so hard you can only say my name.”
He wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand and slapped your ass with it before resting it on your hip so he could get a better grip. 
You whimpered when his fingers made contact, another moan drawn from you when he began to rub the sensitive bud forcefully. You couldn’t hold on much longer. 
“Want you to say it,” he ordered, “say my name. Say it right now.”
“Steve,” you cried out so loud you were sure whoever had the room next to his could hear, “oh, fuck Steve!”
“Don’t stop,” he rubbed faster, “keep saying it. Gonna fuck my name from your brain, fuck it right out.” 
“Steve,” you squeaked, “Steve, Steve, Steve.” 
You grabbed the wrist of the hand on your clit and dug your nails into his skin, whining his name over and over until you couldn’t stand the tightening of your stomach any longer.
“Don’t stop saying it,” he commanded, “I didn’t give you permission to stop.” 
 You did as told while he continued to ram his cock deep into you, grunts escaping from his lips while he pounded into you at an unforgiving pace. Your throat would be sore in the morning, but you didn’t stop, chanting his name over and over like a prayer.  
“You gonna cum all over my dick, huh?” He throbbed inside of you, panting harshly against your lips.
“Want you to cum inside me, Steve,” you dug your nails into him, “give me your fucking cum right now.” 
“Fuck,” he groaned, “I’m gonna give you my fucking cum.”
You loved drawing profanities from a man who didn’t curse. It was like a game to you, seeing how many curses you could squeeze out of America’s golden boy before he’d collapse on top of you. You loved how dirty he could be behind closed doors, loved the contrast between the sweet and gentle Steve that held your hand in public and this monster of a man who bought you expensive things and fucked you senseless with his thick cock afterward. He loved it too, didn’t even know it until you pissed him off for real one time and it just happened out of the blue, but after that, he hadn’t looked back. It came so naturally, he was afraid of himself sometimes, but then he’d see that blissful sheen, that fucked out look on your face and the smile you wore just for him and he was instantly reminded of why he did it. 
Because it felt good. 
You already knew you’d be bruised when you’d wake up next to him in the morning from the way his fingers grasped you tightly, but you loved it, knowing you carried his markings under your clothing and you were sure he loved it too. 
He didn’t stop, not even when you’re moaning his name so loud it’s almost deafening. He didn’t stop when your pussy clenched painfully around his dick, didn’t stop when you began to tremble and shake so hard he thought you were having a fucking fit. You started moving away from him in an attempt to ease the overbearing sensation of his fingers still forcefully rubbing on your clit, but he simply yanked you back against him, sweat-covered biceps flexing while his thrusts became so sloppy he could hardly stay upright. You gripped the headboard so tight you thought it would splinter. 
His cum shot up into you in hot spurts, coating your walls in it while he rode out his orgasm. His hand finally left your pussy, allowing you to breathe in what felt like ages.
“Jesus,” the drawl of his voice sounded like music to your ears, “you’re gonna be the death of me.” 
Smiling sweetly at the man beside you, you pressed your lips softly to his burning cheek. Then, you rested your head on his shoulder, allowing his arm to engulf you and pull you flush to his heaving body. You sure managed to cause Captain America to work up a sweat. 
He inspected the purple spots on your neck and looked down, eyes scanning the dark red marks on your hips that were there to stay for at least a few days. He’d learned to accept them, to love them, but he hated the idea of hurting you at first. You had to remind him each time that you were completely okay with it, that it didn’t actually hurt in a bad way. 
“I’m sorry about the diamonds,” he offered, looking at the discarded Cartier on the floor, “and the dress.” 
“Should be,” you mumbled, eyes closing at the sound of his heartbeat in your ear, “those weren’t cheap.” 
It wasn’t even your money that just went to waste. Hell, they could probably fix it up at the store, but that wasn’t a part of the game. It wasn’t good enough.
“I’ll buy you new ones,” he kissed your forehead, “I told you I would.”
The next day, he did indeed buy you a new diamond necklace. And a diamond bracelet. And earrings. 
Now, all you needed was a ring to match. 
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snarkwrites · 3 years
first; jimmy darling | ahs:freakshow [ m]
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So.. I am.. quite rusty. It's been a while since I sat down and wrote anything at all, let alone anything smutty. Recently, I got back into watching American Horror Story and naturally, I started with one of my personal favorite seasons, Freak Show.
I'm not saying this oneshot is going any further than that.. But I did do certain things to leave the door open for that. Only if you guys think you'd like to see more. If not, this smutty first time idea is OUT of my head, rust is being written off... Hopefully.
18+ only. This is sexual content. It is not meant for children, m'kay? If you're under 18+ you need to navigate away from this post because it is absolutely not meant for you.
If you're sticking around, here are the things you need to be aware of:
First time / virgin OFC, body fluids, unprotected sex... Very.. emotional.
There's actually nobody on my American Horror Story taglists. If you'd like to be tagged in the future, go [ here ] and add yourself or you can hit me up, tell me where to add you and I'll happily do that.
Other stuff:
[ faq | tag list doc ]
“ It’s your turn, Jenny… downstairs.”
Anna’s words drew me out of my own thoughts and I swallowed hard, staring at the basement door for a few seconds; unsure of what I’d let Anna and my friends talk me into. Trying to convince myself it wasn’t a big deal and that girls like me = the plain ones, the shy ones, we didn’t have many options when it came to becoming a woman. Reminding myself that I was the one who wanted this. That it was either Jimmy Darling or Dandy Mott and I’d rather die than let Dandy Mott within a foot of me.
,, Then there’s the fact that when you saw Jimmy in the diner last week, there was this magnets pull. That feeling like you’d known him your whole life… Not to mention the dreams it stirred up after.”
Bearing the thoughts in mind, I took a deep breath and stood. My legs were shaky and my heart was pounding away at my chest like it wanted to break free. I reached for the doorknob and Anna called out with a gentle, teasing laugh, “Oh come on, don’t back down. If it helps… He’s real gentle. Real sweet.”
I swallowed hard again, nodding. Turning my back to the other girls and reaching for the doorknob all over again. It felt like everything was passing by in slow motion, from stepping through the basement door, walking down the stairs, but finally, I stood in the basement.
The brunette male glanced up at me. The others had been whispering all night about his magical hands… The things he could do with those webbed fingers of his, but all I could do was stare at his eyes. Drown in the molten brown depths silently.
“C’mon doll. I don’t bite.” Jimmy spoke up, flashing me the teasing grin of a charmer. The kind of grin that normally, I’d think was too easy, too relaxed. The kind of grin that spelled trouble most of the time.
His smooth coaxing tone when he spoke caught me off guard, making me focus on what was about to happen and not just my own thoughts. My heart sped up just a little more.
I took a step towards him, twisting a mousy brown strand around my fingertips. “Yeah.. Anna, she told me you were gentle.” I managed to mumble as I gazed up at him.
He stepped closer. Smiled down at me.
During all this, I hadn’t gazed down at his hands a single time. He hadn’t dropped my gaze a single time, either, those eyes locked on mine. Almost as if he were staring right into my soul. I took a shaky breath.
He eyed me for a few seconds. Swallowing hard. I watched his throat bob as his eyes settled on my lips and he cleared his throat and asked me quietly, “Do I know you? You remind me of somebody.”
I shook my head no. Despite the very vivid recurring dreams that started after I saw him in the diner. Because there wasn’t any way I could know him, I’ve lived in Florida since I was born.
,, but what about the dreams you had when you were a kid? That you lived in a little travel trailer?”
Jimmy didn’t seem to believe me, but he didn’t dwell on it. “Anna told me you were wantin’ more.” he chuckled quietly. Raising a webbed hand, raking it over a soft mess of brown curls as he looked me up and down. Waiting on an answer.
That answer felt like it was stuck in my throat. My mouth opened and closed and all I could do was nod.
He stepped closer; continued to speak. Calm and quiet, soft. “You sure? Because you don’t look real sure right now, doll.”
His hands skimmed over my sides. I didn’t flinch away or anything. I just stood there. Staring. Trying to will myself to answer. Trying to reconcile both this magnetism I felt pulling me to Jimmy and the fact that despite having never met him before in my life, he felt so familiar, as if I’d known him a lifetime.
“Anna told me I was gonna like you.” he stepped just a little closer, our bodies brushing. His hands still skimming over my sides, going still at the hip. He stared me down, waiting. Chuckling quietly. “C’mon, doll. You gotta talk to me.”
And finally, I managed to speak.
“I’m sure. I… I want to do this.” I stammered out quietly. I managed a smile. Reaching down into the pocket of my pale pink dress for the money I’d bought with me. “I’ll, uhh.. I’ll even pay extra.” I stumbled over my words, keeping my eyes trained on my feet.
He laughed quietly. Reaching up and tucking webbed fingers beneath my chin as he made me look at him. He shook his head no. “Keep your money, doll. Normally, I’d take you up on it. But I’m feelin generous tonight.”
I started to protest. I knew he needed the money, that was the whole reason Anna was throwing this party. She’d talked to him when he stuck around after her mom’s Tupperware party the week before and he’d mentioned money being tight.
Despite my attempt at protesting, he caught hold of my hand with his other hand. Shaking his head no all over again. “Relax.” he coaxed gently as he closed the distance between our bodies. The contrast of hard muscle against my softness had me exhaling sharply. Staring up at him quietly, in awe.
“Just curious here.. How far have you gone before, doll?” Jimmy asked.
I bit my lip and took a shaky breath. “Kissin. And I wasn’t so good at that, either.” I mumbled quietly.
“Maybe you were kissin the wrong man, doll.” Jimmy muttered as his fingers tangled in loose waves, using his grip on my hair to pull my mouth into his. Rough lips bumped against my mouth clumsily, latching on to my bottom lip as his free hand lowered, settling on my hip. He rubbed me against him and my breath caught in my throat, a gasp breaking free and lingering in the space between our mouths before being swallowed, Jimmy’s tongue tracing the outline of my lips as it slipped between them.
“ Anna was right.” Jimmy muttered breathlessly as I raised my arms, slipping them around his neck. Molding myself against him even more. “Oh?” I mumbled in a daze as the kiss deepened and my teeth latched onto his bottom lip, tugging, making him growl quietly as he continued, “When she said I was gonna like you, she was right.” and chuckled to himself quietly as the kiss broke and we pulled apart to breathe.
My thighs were starting to get slick and this dull throbbing ache was settling in. He scooped me up and stepped over to the mattresses nearby, dropping me on top of them carefully. Lowering himself to settle on top of me. One rough webbed hand caressed my cheek as he rocked himself against me.
I whimpered quietly, feeling the way he strained against worn denim. My hand disappeared between us, shaking fingers trying to pull the button of his jeans free. He chuckled quietly, burying his mouth in mine all over again as he lowered the hand placed on my cheek, guiding my hand away from the button of his jeans. I whined and rocked myself against him clumsily and he muttered softly against my ear, “We got all night, doll. I’m gonna take my time with you, sweetheart.”
The warmth of his breath against my skin sent an electric tingle racing through my body. My fingertips dug deeper into broad shoulders and I met his gaze, nodding.
The music from upstairs drifted down and the door at the top of the stairs banged shut quietly as it faded away, leaving nothing behind but the sound of our heavy breathing. Jimmy pressed into me a little more, carefully. Pulling his face away to stare down at me.
“My hands scare ya?” Jimmy questioned quietly. The tension that crept into his body as he waited on me to answer had me trying to get closer. Pulling him down on top of me completely. Raising one of my hands to his cheek and rolling my thumb over his bottom lip. Trying to relax him as he’d done for me earlier. I shook my head no. Gazing back up at him. Reaching for one of his hands. Wrapping mine around it. “Not at all, Jimmy.” I answered.
My answer seemed to have him taken aback. For seconds that seemed to stretch to hours, we lie there, staring at one another. His eyes searching mine. Maybe he thought I was lying. I wasn’t. I was being totally honest.
“Anna told me somethin else, doll…” Jimmy muttered at last, breaking the silence between us. Dragging his fingers over my cheeks as he gazed at me thoughtfully.
“Yeah?” I breathed out the word heavily, reaching up to caress his cheek. Pulling his face down, putting his mouth closer to mine. “What’d she tell you?” I breathed out as my lips brushed against his clumsily, latching onto the corner.
“She told me about what you said. When you saw me at the diner last week?”
I felt my cheeks heating up. Oh, I remembered exactly what I’d told Anna. It wouldn’t do me any good to play coy, I knew I couldn’t hide it if I tried. There was just something about those deep and thoughtful brown eyes as they locked on me, waiting on an answer.
“Which part?” I asked, my words coming in short and breathless pants as I dared to graze my lips against his.
That handsome and charming smile was back as his mouth crashed against mine all over again and he mumbled softly, “ The part about you saying I was a handsome guy. Oh, and my favorite part, me havin the kinda lips you longed to kiss… Color me curious doll, is it turnin out to be everything you imagined?”
I let out a ragged breath. At least she’d told him the tamest of the things I’d confessed to her when she kept bugging me about why I was staring so hard at the guy. I smiled up at him, gasping as he pressed himself into me a little more, pinning me flat against the bed. “ You are. Too handsome for me, actually. As far as the kissable lips,” I breathed out the words as I pulled away slightly to stare at him, “ Beyond what I imagined.”
Rough and webbed fingertips pressed against my soft lips as he shook his head and hushed what I’d been about to say. “Don’t say that, doll. Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are? Do ya?” as he bucked himself against me. Grabbing hold of my hand, guiding it down to the bulge strained at worn denim. “Do you feel what you’re doin to me? Trust me, doll. When I say you’re gorgeous and I want you real bad, I mean it.”
I shook my head. “No. I’m not, I’m really not.”
I wanted to believe him, but I was smarter than that. When you hear enough people tell you otherwise, you start to accept what you hear as fact.
His lips strayed from mine, dancing down my neck. I rubbed against him and he growled quietly, one of his hands drifting down to squeeze my hip, rocking himself into me. Catching my gaze and licking his lips as he took several shaky and drawn out breaths. His mouth brushing against mine just barely. Enough to tease. “You are.” he rocked himself against me all over again and I lowered my hand, palming at the front of his jeans. Whimpering as that needy ache built to a fever pitch.
I could feel myself starting to drip. The more his mouth and hands roamed. The harder he pressed into me and the more he rocked against me, the wetter I became. He crashed his mouth against mine again and muttered into a deep kiss, “There’s too much keepin us apart right now, sweetheart.”
I nodded in agreement, despite knowing that nobody had ever seen me naked before.
,, You were the one who said you wanted to change that… Remember? And tonight feels special. Better than you thought it was going to feel. He’s being so gentle and thoughtful.”
He tried to unbutton the front of my dress and untie the tie at the waist himself, but I could tell he was having problems. I sat up. Jimmy was agitated with himself, apologetic with me, sitting on the edge of the mattresses, staring at his hands as he grumbled quietly about not being able to do something as simple as undress me. I tapped his shoulder and caught his face in my hands, crashing my mouth against his. “It’s okay. It’s fine. I… I can help.” I offered in a quiet whisper.
“If I wasn’t a freak, you wouldn’t have to, sweetheart.” Jimmy muttered, shaking his head. Dropping his gaze. It hit me then, just how insecure Jimmy Darling, the man with the magic fingers, truly was. I bit my lip and took a few shaky breaths, pulling myself together. Gathering up the nerve. I’d come too far to be talked out of what I wanted, my reason for letting Anna set this up for me tonight.
All I had to do was follow through.
“Could you turn around?” I asked the question timidly. Jimmy chuckled. Biting his lip as he stared at me for a few long seconds before nodding and turning to face the wall. I unbuttoned and untied the dress, letting it fall to the floor at my feet. Leaving me in my pale pink slip.
I slipped off the mattresses, walking up behind him. Pressing against his back. Jimmy turned around, his eyes roaming hungrily. “You sure you wanna do this? With me?”
“For the last time. Yes. It has to be you, okay? I… I want you.” I muttered as I rose to tiptoe, pulling his mouth against mine. My hand dropped between us, tugging up the white tank top over his head. Letting it settle on the floor as soon as I got it off him. I drug my fingers down his chest, giving a soft giggle when I heard him growl quietly and felt him shiver a little at the soft touch. My fingers hooked in the waistband of his jeans and I paused, staring up at him. Swallowing hard. Trying to keep my nerve.
He gulped and stepped into me. I took a few steps back as he nodded towards the mattresses behind me, standing still when the backs of my knees brushing against the edge of the mattress. He pushed me down gently. I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, letting them pool to the ground. Jimmy tugged his boxers down, his thick cock springing free. Making me stare, my eyes widening at the sight of it, standing at attention, the tip glistening with precum. I swallowed hard, muttered mostly to myself, “It’s so big, I…” as I wondered if I could take all of him.
Jimmy chuckled. Settling between my legs to keep them spread as he leaned down and crashed his mouth against mine. “It’s not gonna hurt long, doll. I promise. I’ll be real gentle, okay?”
“O-okay.” I muttered. Jimmy tugged the slip up my body, letting me sit up so he could pull it off completely. Then he gently pushed me flat against the mattresses all over again, his thick cock rubbing right against my throbbing, wet center and making me gasp and writhe against him, desperate for friction, for anything that might help the ache.
“No panties, huh?” Jimmy mused in awe as he worked his mouth down the side of my neck.
“I…” I whimpered, fingers curling against the mattress and carding through his hair as he rubbed against me all over again and gazed down at me. “I knew what I was coming to do tonight.. Wanted to make it easier for you...”
Jimmy chuckled. “Good girl. Such a good girl.” his voice was velvet and gravel and a stubble lined jaw brushed against my skin, sending shivers through my body all over again. One of his hands captured both of mine over my head, holding them against the mattress as his mouth latched onto my neck carefully. Too carefully.
“Jimmy, c’mon.” I begged breathlessly.
“What do you want, doll? Use your words. C’mon, talk to me.” Jimmy coaxed, locking eyes with me as he tilted my face so that I couldn’t look away.
“Kiss my neck… Like you were before…”
“It might leave marks behind, doll… You don’t want me doin that, do ya?”
“I do.” I gasped as his the tip of his cock teased against my opening, turning a dull throb into a pounding ache that had my stomach coiling and had me dripping even more. “If I leave marks, doll.. Means somethin. Somethin a little more than what you came down here for tonight… Ya understand, sweetheart?” Jimmy’s eyes settled on me expectantly and he licked his lips as he let them roam.
“What’s it mean?” I asked quietly. Clinging to him as best as I could. Pulling him down on top of me even more. I wanted him closer. What I really wanted was to feel him buried inside me, but given my lack of experience, I felt it was for the best if I let Jimmy take the lead here.
“Means you’re my girl.” Jimmy’s mouth caught against mine, his lips locking on my top one. I felt his hand slip down between us, fingers dragging slow over my wet sex as he gave a quiet growl. He stared me down, curious gleam in his eyes. “I don’t think you want that, doll. Trust me.”
“ What if I do?” I asked, rubbing against him. Begging for more. Repeating my question when he didn’t say anything because I wanted him to know that I chose him and tonight for a reason. Otherwise, I’d have kept on the way I’ve been living. I just wanted him. I needed him. “What if I do, Jimmy Darling? Is that so bad?”
Jimmy blinked in shock. Bit his lip as he seemed to mull it over. His fingers slipping inside my throbbing sex, working me open carefully. Slowly. Stopping quickly when I tensed and grimaced at the sharp sting of pain that came with being stretched out for the first time. Waiting until I started to relax and tried to rock myself against his fingers, desperate for some kind of relief, anything to dull the ache.
“You’re jokin.” he muttered as he pressed into me, his mouth against the shell of my ear, nipping at my earlobe. “You can’t want that, sweetheart. I got nothin to offer. Nothin.”
“Maybe I do. There’s something about you, I… I can’t explain it. I don’t want things, okay? I don’t want empty words. I want you.”
“There’s something about you too, doll… But the life I live.. My hands…” Jimmy countered, stubborn. His fingers worked me open even more. Thrusting deeper inside, scissoring. I gasped and arched my back, clinging to him.
“It’s better than what I have going on. Quiet little librarian. No family. Nothing keeping me here. And I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I saw you in the diner. I even dream about you, Jimmy Darling.”
He chuckled huskily against my neck. His lips finally latching on, suction forming. His fingers slowed and I got a chance to catch my breath, relax a little. I could feel a mark forming on my neck. “We’ll see, okay? If you don’t try and find me after tonight, guess I’ll have my answer.”
I had no doubt in my mind. I was going to take any chance I could to try and find him.
Things happen for a reason.
“Jimmy, p-please.” I stammered out, rocking as best as I could against his scissoring fingers, “I need you now.”
His mouth dove against mine all over again. Needier. Deeper and more frantic. “Now, huh?” he muttered lazily as the kiss finally broke.
“Now.” I begged, rocking myself against his fingers as they scissored in and out of me faster and faster. My stomach coiled tight and my breath caught in my throat. I dug my fingers into his shoulder and the mattress and I tried to dig my heels in too, but nothing helped. I needed friction. I was so close to getting off that frustrated tears stung my eyes. “Please, baby?”
The term of endearment seemed to make something within him snap.
“It’s gonna hurt a little. I can’t help that, doll.” he groaned against my neck as his lips moved over it erratically. His cock teased against my sex and I tensed a little as it buried inside me. He stilled on top of me, peppering kisses and gentle nips against my face and neck, dragging his tongue over the outline of my lips as he stared down at me with a tender gaze before muttering quietly, “You okay now, sweetheart?”
“Mhm.” I mumbled, grazing my lips against his neck as I rocked myself into him, determined to get friction, one way or another. “Jimmy, c’mon. Please?”
He flashed me a tender smirk. “Like I’m gonna deny you anything, doll.” he mumbled as he started to slowly fuck into me, a hand moving down to my hip, stopping my movements. “Let me take care of ya, okay?”
I nodded, pouting up at him. His hips crashed against mine slow and steady and when his mouth found mine, my tongue slipped past his lips eagerly. The kiss deepened to a point where I felt myself getting light-headed. Clinging to him as I moaned his name over and over, making him smirk each time I did and it got a little louder. When the kiss broke, I muttered softly, “When do I get to take care of you, huh?”
“Later, sweetheart.” Jimmy promised as his cock buried inside me completely, stretching and overfilling me, making me grip onto him tighter. My lips grazing against his neck and latching on, leaving a small mark behind and making him growl, start to pound away at me a little harder and faster before he had to slow down all over again.
I clung to him, whimpering. Begging him for my release.
“Not yet, doll. Not done with you yet. You feel too fucking good.” Jimmy groaned into my mouth as his lips engulfed mine. His cock strummed against my spot and I writhed beneath him, dragging my fingers up and down his back, stopping when he tensed up just a little and winced.
“ ‘S okay, doll.” he muttered into the deepening kiss. My orgasm built to an almost blinding ache that had me shaking, barely able to hold on as he fucked me deep into the mattresses beneath me, his hips slamming into mine erratically, his hands and mouth all over me.
“Fuck. Oh fuck, doll. Don’t wanna stop.” he breathed against the shell of my ear, “But I can’t hold on much longer… Let go for me?”
I needed no coaxing at all. My orgasm tore through me, leaving me shivering and shaking as I struggled to keep the pace he set. His hips stammered and he rose up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, driving him even deeper inside, “Don’t stop.. C’mon, baby. Let go.” I coaxed breathlessly.
He bit his lip, staring down at me as he slowed down, tried to pull himself back from the edge. I clung to him, rocking my hips up to meet his thrusts and despite him trying to still my hips, I managed to keep going, making him shiver and melt against me as the warmth of his release flooded me, making me moan all over again as he settled on top of me, capturing my hands in his and burying his mouth against mine.
He collapsed to the mattress, pulling me against him as his arms wrapped around me. I went to say something but he shushed me, muttering quietly, “Let’s just lay here. I just…I wanna lay here, hold you and pretend.”
I wanted to tell him that he didn’t have to pretend anything, but I knew he wouldn’t hear it. I knew I’d have to prove him wrong.
And honestly, I was fine with it.
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juhihuji · 3 years
do u have any random facts or things about Depth of heaven and ur characters (sfw or nsfw 🤭) even if what you want never comes to light, I really enjoy reading the concepts and asks about ur OCs
Hehehe I haven't thought about the characters and their story in a long time, until recently...but I never put a huge amount of thought into them before either! I kinda just knew I...wished I could make something cool that had everything I wanted in that kind of game lmao. Even if it doesn't happen, I felt like I wanted there to be twists and secrets...if it never happens then nobody but me will ever know about them, huh! But, if it does happen then I'll spoil stuff for later! What to do...ah I'll share about it! But I'm giving it a spoiler warning for something that doesn't exist anyway lmao Also I'm not a writer or a scientist this is all wacky world rules ok xd also there might be inconsistencies idk I never wrote anything down I'll tell u their heights! June: 5'4 Puzzle: 6'3 Koa: 5'6 Adam: 6'1 Keizo: 6'7 Lloyd: 5'11 Static: 6' Cyril: 5'9 Holly: 5'7
In high school June and Puzzle were da weeaboos who listened to vocaloid on their phones at lunch. Puzzle wore cat ears, big headphones, and tutus to school. I think....I decided that because of her old bad design lmao. I thought I had a drawing of her in cat ears but I can't find it 😔 June prolly just wore hoodies and graphic t-shirts. They were each others prom dates! June wore a tux! Okay spoilery stuff ahead!
I have a general idea what I want the story to be, but right now I just see it as disjointed scenes in my head. I posted some June and Puzzle wearing dresses where I wanted a scene to happen in a casino on the ship. Cruise ship casinos are kinda lame though lol, but it'll be as big and cool as I want >:•3 and it's an excuse to have everyone in cool formal wear cuz that's always fun! The cult leader calls for a big party on the ship and everyone has to attend! It's also where he culls the herd...because not everyone is worthy of going to heaven...apparently Koa likes playing video games! He's on the top of the leaderboard for one MMO, and during one event the top prize was blueprints for an in-game item: roller skates! It would make for cool merch to put on your wall or something. There was a rumor among the playerbase that the blueprints could make skates that function as they do in the game. Koa won the prints then used them to custom build his own skates (they look kinda generic now but I haven't put a lot of thought into their design lmao). The combination of materials used and construction give them a magical quality that allows him to skate faster than any human could! He's always pushing his limits, and sometimes it gets him in twubble xd Keizo has an issue with bad dreams...at night he replays all the times in his life where people were rude to him or each other, how he needs to keep peace between them, he just really hates assholes! He has nightmares about them treating him badly and there's nothing he can do, because at his height and with his strength he'd come off as the bad guy no matter what! They push and push 'til he's about to snap...then he wakes up! The rage super heats his blood and his skin glows red and steam pours out his ears! His hair is all wacky cuz it holds it's shape on the pillow from all the heat lmao June and the rest of them find out about it when they see steam coming out from under his door at night. Don't wake him up though! If he's still glowing hot he'll sleep walk while in a berserk state. First, it makes him really rude himself lmao. He'll say all the nasty things he won't when he's awake! Second, if he sees someone doin' shit he don't like, they're gettin' these 🤜🤛 In his happy ending you'd see him with his hair flat for the first time wouldn't that be nice :•3 Adam is always doing experiments on himself, kinda just for shits, kinda because he wants to discover something amazing....!.....?!?!??! When he was younger, his sister, who he loved v much, died. He wanted to become a doctor, not because he wanted to find a cure for the thing that killed his sister...because she died in an accident! He wanted to find a way to make people invincible! He's always injecting himself with stuff hoping it'll make him stronger. He likes Keizo as a friend, but to Adam Keizo is a perfect specimen of an indestructable human. Adam's been fascinated with him for a while, but Keizo also just makes for a good subject for testing against! Also, they met when Adam was studying abroad and Keizo came up on a motorbike and attacked the wheels on Adam's scooter. Cute! :•) Keizo used to be a bad boy :•( Other experiments Adam's done: Eyesight like a HAWK Cat ears but for real Jelly bones(?) Longer ween 😳 Lloyd is a stinky tech wiz who likes playing around with AI's and robotics! He has myassive myega brains and he monitors many of the functions of the ship by himself in his server room. When the captain is captured and thrown off the ship, Lloyd uses his know-how and special accesses to make sure the cult doesn't make a mess of everything. He knows about and can see everything that happens on the ship...for fun he likes video games toooo! And plays with Koa! He likes buildin' lil gadgets n tings for fun too! They can come in real handy! nsfw! Stuff past here!!!!!!!!! June, Koa, and Lloyd are all inexperienced!
As a lover, Keizo tries to be gentle...but once he gets into it he can be a bit rough! If you're into it, just enjoy! Or speak up and he'll slow down! Hmmm I was inspired by a scene from the film Crying Freeman (which I haven't actually watched 8•|) of some ppl doin' it in a closet(?)...it's all dark and cramped and humid and their skin is so shiny and glistening it's probably the thing that awoken me to drawing people super sweaty. I just can't help myself 😳 def wanna give Keizo a scene like that. This doodle was inspired by it actually lmao
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Adam is patient and gentle! Lots of kisses and verbal reassurance and checking in w/ u. He's aware of his age and he doesn't wanna come off badly so he'll let you do all the pursuing. And June will pursue him hard if she has to! He's also gonna make you beg and ask, just so he's sure sure :•) He loves to sit her up on the examining table n do things wit his mouf n fingers 😳 I'd probably make it an option to call him daddy in certain scenarios...up to u if u choose it find out what happens for urself idk 😳😳😳 or don't
Koa likes to tease you, maybe bully you a lil, but when it comes to intimacy he's a wimp! I just like the idea of making the bully bend to your will, but he likes it. It just feels good to wipe that cocky smile off his face! Step on him! Make him whimper! I know June's a virg too, but Koa is just so easy to tease it makes it feel like second nature. BUT the more time they spend together, the more confident Koa becomes. So! Enjoy havin' him under your thumb while you can cuz it might not last forever! Lloyd tries to stay composed when June starts showing an interest. He's usually alone in his server room, but secretly appreciates her company when she comes by. At first he'll act like he's too busy. He's not used to being around women! As his interest in June grows it becomes harder to hide his feelings! So June notices...and teases him! Cuz it's just so easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYY 😩 Seeing his serious expression crack when you put ur hands in his pants is lots of fun :•3 And he shows you a voice he's never shown anyone else before 🤤 He does his research and with your help he'll learn exactly how to worship u 😌 IF it ever happens there has to b a new game plus where u unlock threesome scenes with Koa/Lloyd and Adam/Keizo :•x That's all 4 now! Sorry I'm fuckin' gross and don't know how to type :•|
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loverboytrashmouth · 3 years
Of Macchiatos and Nicknames (pt 1)
pairing; Reddie
word count; 1.6k
summary; Eddie doesn’t mind studying at the coffee shop as much as he thought he would.
a/n; part one of two of a little coffee shop meet cute because meet cutes are my fav and also i’m a barista so i think about this kinda au a lot. also read on ao3 if you’d like! enjoy :)
Eddie didn’t even like coffee that much. He’d really only drink it when he needed the caffeine to get him through a long night of studying. He hardly ever visited the campus coffee shop, and if he did it was because Bill would drag him out of bed earlier than necessary to make a stop there before their 8AM lectures. 
It wasn’t until one afternoon during midterms that Eddie began spending most of his free afternoons at the coffee shop.
It was a particularly windy October day, so Bill and Eddie decided they’d trade their usual study spot outside on their university’s great lawn area for the cozy coffee shop right on the outskirts of the main campus . Eddie couldn’t stand studying there; it was constantly full of loud students who would call themselves “study groups” when really it was just an excuse for them to drink their lattes and goof off. He had tried to convince Bill that they could just go to the library or back to their room, but Bill insisted he absolutely needed coffee, blaming it on his lack of sleep the night before.
“Just get me anything, I don’t care. I’m gonna get us a table,” Eddie said to Bill once they entered, already beginning to walk towards the mid-sized seating area. Bill gripped his upper arm and pulled him back.
“Definitely n-not. I’ll be h-halfway done my drink before you finish your dis-disinfecting routine,” Bill chuckled, earning a glare from Eddie. “I’ll go s-sit. You know my order. I promise, I’ll wuh-wipe down the table with the utmost c-care.” Eddie sighed in defeat, rolling his eyes at his friend’s teasing and lightly shoving him towards the seats. The shorter boy turned around towards the menu hanging on the wall, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to drink. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice coming from behind the counter.
“What’s your poison, ol’ chap,” it asked in a very obviously fake British accent. Eddie’s gaze trailed down to where the voice came from and his breath involuntarily hitched in his throat at the sight of the guy behind the register. He had disheveled curly black hair that contrasted - very nicely, Eddie noted - against his pale skin. He was tall, Eddie not needing to move his neck much from the position it was in to see the menu to look him in the eyes. The barista’s eyes, Eddie noted, were insanely large behind the thickly rimmed glasses that framed his face, but somehow he made them look good. Eddie’s eyes flicked down to the barista’s sharp jawline covered in messy stubble, his slightly chapped lips in a playful smirk.
“You gonna order something shortie, or are ya gonna just keep undressing me with your eyes,” the barista asked in his normal voice, the smirk never leaving his face. Eddie snapped out of his trance, feeling his face immediately heat up.
“Am I short or are you just freakishly tall,” Eddie shot back, his voice dripping with offense but he knew the color on his cheeks told the barista that he definitely had no ill feelings towards him. The taller boy shrugged.
“Tomayto tomahto, pretty boy,” he said with a wink. “Seriously though, whatcha havin’? It’s my duty to know.”
Eddie huffed out a chuckled at him and shook his head, before it dawned on him that he barely knew anything about coffee. Sure, he knew Bill’s order was called a “caramel macchiato,” but what if he said the fancy names of the sizes wrong and embarrassed himself? He was already anxious enough about ordering in the first place, customer service interactions being one of his least favorite things (he’s so glad his work study is in the library, stacking books with little to no human interaction). It didn’t help that the stupidly tall - and cute - barista was full force hitting on him like his life depended on making Eddie blush.
“Um, two mediu- no, grande, right. Two grande caramel macchiatos please,” Eddie finally decided after a few short beats of silence, mentally kicking himself when he realized what he said, because he hates caramel macchiatos. The barista tapped out his order on the register, taking a couple glances at Eddie as he did so.
“Alrighty, you got it. And what’s your name?” Eddie furrowed his eyebrows at this question, taken slightly aback even though it was no secret the barista had been flirting with him this entire conversation. The latter must have noticed Eddie’s confused reaction, as he clarified with a chuckle, “So we can call it out to let you know your order is ready.”
“Oh, right,” Eddie laughed, his cheeks heating up once more, this time more of embarrassment at his misunderstanding of the question’s intentions. He reached a shaky hand to the back of his neck, rubbing nervously as he answered. “It’s Eddie.”
The barista nodded his head, his grin growing wider as he typed Eddie’s name into the machine. Eddie began pulling cash out of his fanny pack when the barista interrupted his movements with his voice.
“Don’t worry about that, Eds. They’re on the house today.” Eddie tilted his head ever so slightly, his furrowed eyebrows returning once more.
“Did- did you just call me ‘Eds’,” he asked, receiving only a simple nod from the taller boy. “How’s it fair I have a nickname already when I don’t even know your real name?” The barista smirked that shit-eating smirk again, holding a hand out towards the smaller boy.
“Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier, at your service.” Eddie placed his own hand into Richie’s, the roughness of his dry skin making Eddie’s skin crawl, but in a good way.
“Nice to meet you, Rich,” Eddie replied with a smirk of his own, his eyebrows slightly raised. “Thanks for the coffees.”
“Anything for you, Eddie baby.” Another wink. God, Eddie’s face was so hot he thought he could probably fry an egg on it.
Eddie couldn’t hide the blush on his cheeks or the dumb smile that refused to leave his mouth as he walked over to the table Bill had chosen to set up study camp at. Bill watched as the smaller boy sat across from him and began placing books on the table, attempting to cover his smile with his arm.
“Wuh-wow, Eddie. I haven’t seen you blush like that since our s-sex ed course in high school,” Bill teased with a slight laugh. Eddie’s face heated up even more at the memory, as well as the fact that he’d been caught basically swooning over Richie.
“Shut it, Bill. You got those notes I missed when I was sick?” Despite Eddie’s attempt to change the subject matter, Bill pressed on.
“It was the barista, wuh-wasn’t it? I could s-see the way he was looking at you from all the way over-”
“Wait, how was he looking at me,” Eddie interrupted without thinking, his eyes full of hope. Bill laughed some more at his eagerness.
“Y-You’re kidding, right? I’m s-surprised he didn’t jump over the counter and attack you into a m-makeout session right then and there.” Eddie’s eyes widened at Bill, before glancing over his shoulder to look at the barista again as he was making their drinks. He must’ve felt eyes on him, because not even five seconds after Eddie turned his head, Richie looked up from the espresso machine he was working with and the two locked eyes. Eddie immediately snapped his head back around, but not before noticing the smirk that returned to Richie’s lips. Bill shot him a knowing look.
“Okay, he flirted with me hardcore and yes he’s absolutely my type but if I don’t study for this midterm I won’t be able to think about him with calc on the brain 24/7. Notes, please,” Eddie spat out at high speed, a habit he had since he was a preteen that occurred whenever he got flustered.
Bill passed the page of math notes over with an eyebrow wiggle, but Eddie didn’t get a chance to even glance at them before hearing an obnoxiously loud voice behind him call out, “ORDER UP FOR A SIR EDDIE SPAGHETTI.” Eddie mentally facepalmed at the nickname usage before getting up and walking back to the counter.
“Really? Eddie Spaghetti?” Eddie couldn’t resist the laugh in his voice or fond smile as he shook his head at Richie. Richie, in return, held the coffees out to him, and shrugged his shoulders with a grin.
“Cute nickname for a cute boy,” he commented casually. Eddie couldn’t believe how smooth this thick-glasses wearing, awkwardly lanky dude could be, especially when he felt as though he could burst with every sentence uttered by said thick-glasses wearing, awkwardly lanky dude.
“So, uh,” Richie started once Eddie had taken the coffee cups from his hands, their fingers brushing lightly and lingering a bit too long. Eddie noticed his ever so slight change in demeanor, leaving bold and flirty and inching more towards reserved and… nervous? “Can I expect to see you around here again any time soon?”
The sincerity Eddie heard Richie speak within that sentence made his heart flutter, as well as whatever anxieties he still felt in his stomach to slowly dissipate. With that statement Eddie realized he wasn’t just aimlessly being flirted with, but that this could actually, maybe, mean something a little more?
“You sure can, Trashmouth,” Eddie replied with a warm look in his eyes. Richie perked up at the nickname, his cheeks going pink as Eddie walked back to his table.
“Dude, I thought you hated caramel m-macchiatos,” Bill commented when he saw the identical coffees his friend was holding, but Eddie barely heard him. He was too busy stealing glances back at the barista.
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matchstickmobster · 3 years
[ Warnings: Torture, blood, gore, castration ]
Most business owners and associates tended to think that Reno being an easy going guy meant they could be just as easy going with stiffing him in business. Like being ‘easy going’ also meant he was an easy mark, which of course, forced him to make special examples to remind them that they had certain obligations owed to him.
He’d only had to make a public message once before. That’d been bad business, but his switch from friendliness to calm and calculated violence had shocked all the parties involved - so much so he hadn’t even had to do much and he still came out of that mess with a reputation as a genial wild-card. His relations with those business owners had never quite been the same, but they’d been wonderfully cooperative ever since. It was a good trade-off in his books. But this time, this message was going to be a hard one.
He had never actually done anything like this before. At most he’d roughed someone up. Maybe cut a few fingers off. Sliced up a man’s back or broke a leg. He’d even participated in a few discipline lynchings against other members who wanted to leave the gang or needed to be reminded their place.
What he’d never done was never strap a man down with the intention of putting the hurt in him so badly that the crazy went into him. He’d seen it- once before, many years ago when he was holding the Boss’ coat and everyone had forgotten that he was even there.
There was this one guy that Nagant and previous underbosses went to when they wanted to get some real dirty work done. A professional that knew what he was doing with the coldness of a guy who didn’t even have the emotion to get off on it later. The sort that was a little broken- like a fridge that froze everything together. That’d been an interesting night that Reno couldn’t forget- even if he’d wanted to.
It’d been real educational.
Reno stared down at Shin- The crying, sweaty brotherhood associate they’d dragged from the car to the warehouse. The same man who’d hired a group of common thugs to rob a select chain of businesses under Nagant’s ownership to cover up his own dirty fingertips sneaking into funds that should have been given to the Boss.
When he’d rebound Shin to the chair, he’d strapped his fat arms to the wide metal armrests at the sides, palm down. It made things a lot easier when Reno drew a balisong out of his pocket and cut off the man’s smallest finger. It rolled off and bounced a few times as it hit the floor and disappeared underneath the seat.
The red-head mulled over his choices, spreading various items out on the concrete floor. Pliers. Wire. Hand drill. Some of those little dental tools. He waited for the screaming to stop and for Shin to pay attention again, gesturing to one of the enforcers Nagant had put under his leadership. They grabbed the bound man by the jaw and forced him to watch Reno as he picked up his choice.
“Oh, don’t worry. You’ll be alive, if you really wanna call it living. I read some history books a few years back, real brutal shit. Capital punishments n’ stuff. You wouldn’t believe how popular castration was- ‘cept earlier on, it pretty much resulted in death because the most complicated tools they ever used were these big ol’ rocks. So, I asked around about what actual vets and like farmers do since that’s pretty common in their line of work. Banding and cutting has too high a chance of havin’ the animal bleed out, requires too steady a hand and even if the person doin’ it’s got experience, one wrong move can pretty much screw up the whole process. That’s why they made this type of device… to crush the blood vessels. The worst that happens is serious nerve damage, if sterility isn’t completely induced during the procedure.”
He turned the metal pliers-like device this way and that, opening and closing the head by squeezing the hand grips. Letting the horror sink in and savoring how Shin’s little lizard brain was clearly beginning to spiral into a panic.
“Do you know why doctors opt out for the more invasive surgical procedure rather than use one’a these little beauties on a human patient? While the risks of blood loss and infection are low, this burdizzo causes blunt force trauma to the spermatic cords- Which are thickly wrapped in nerve fibres. And we don’t got no anesthesia, so… Let’s just say you’re in for a bad time.”
By the time he’d finished working on Shin, Reno had certainly built up a bit of a sweat. Dropping the castration tool on the ground, he pushed himself to his feet and took out a handkerchief to wipe at his forehead and the nape of his neck.
“I’d say that went well. Ya satisfied, Boss?” he asked, pivoting on his heel to meet Nagant’s piercing gaze.
“I can always cut off his hands and tongue if you want, but… I don’t think he’ll be runnin’ to the authorities anytime soon. I suppose it’d be the safer option, though it’s yer call.”
“Please-” the crumpled, huddled mass of bruised and bleeding flesh sobbed.
Reno stooped to one knee, cradling the back of Shin’s neck almost gently- Smiling even. Then he sliced off an ear and fed it to one of the big-ass slathering dogs, held inches away on heavy chains by the other members of his family.
The only family he’d ever need.
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