#Harry Waters Jr
eastsidemags · 2 years
Back to the Future Signing (YES!)
Great Scott!
Did you just read that correctly? Claudia Wells - Jennifer from Back to the Future Part 1 - is going to be HERE - yes, HERE at East Side Mags - on August 20th from 1pm-5pm, signing BTTF stuff, taking pics with fans and talking about her career in film and television!
Can we just say this a dream come true?
To make things even BETTER, joining Claudia will be Don Fullilove (Goldie Wilson) and Harry Waters Jr. (Marvin Berry)! What a signing this is going to turn out to be!
And the icing on the cake? Tim from Doc’s Time Machines will be rolling in with his custom Delorean for folks to take pics with and check out IN-PERSON!
So keep tabs on our social media pages (links at the bottom of the page) or click here for IG, here for FB or here for Twitter and follow us for updates, available products to get signed and more news from Hill Valley (aka Montclair, NJ)!
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crimsonlovebartylus · 5 months
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bartylus in the cave.
found on pinterest.
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friendoffrogss · 6 months
When are we gonna lean into the Regulus -Water connection, like yeah he’s a star and the heart of the lion or whatever, but he’s the water: raining hell upon his enemies, hail pelting those who get too close, a river slowly wearing away at the rocks he flows upon- course and rough, a hurricane trying his best to blow your life away,
He’s the water: ice that is so cold it burns, steam filling your lungs, the tide pulling you under the surface, drops on a comet billions of years ago
He’s the water: slow syncopated patter of rain cooling down the summer heat, snow covering the landscape and quieting up the world, a shower after a long hard day, he is deadly and harsh and vital
Regulus is water
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mitjalovse · 3 days
Patti Labelle's intriguing career should be looked at, though we have to check her introduction to hear what I mean. Nonetheless, her debut should not be called a debut at all, since she was already something of a veteran by that point. What this sentence attempts to say – this is a platter of someone who is already familiar with all the traps of the style, yet she has to comprehend them now on her own. Of course, she does equip herself well to the challenge, yet she feels timid at some times. One can understand that being a part of a group – she was in Labelle – and being alone are two completely different things. However, there are also some moments, which showed her later prowess, yet they only became noticeable with some hindsight.
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amirasainz · 4 days
Hi! Cloud I please request Amira attending a race in Australia but before that visiting the famous Bondi Beach with some of her family (that isn't Carlos) and the lifeguards from Bondi Rescue, current and ex are really excited to meet her. The beach isn't too busy because it's be like autumn time. Idk where else to go with this sorry
Don't worry, my friend. You are at the right place. I hope you guys enjoy reading this and let me know if you have any requests.
Bondi Rescue
The Australian Grand Prix—the race that held a special place in Amira’s heart. She loved the vibrant energy of the “Land Down Under,” from the people to the natural beauty and the animals. This year, she had a whole list of things she wanted to do in Australia. Unfortunately, because it was Saturday, neither Carlos nor the other drivers could join her. However, her cousin Carlos “Cacao” Oñoro Sainz stepped up as her sidekick.
After visiting the Australian Zoo, going on a shopping spree and enjoying lunch with a view of the Opera House, they decided to cap off their busy morning with a relaxing beach trip. And what better place than the beloved Bondi Beach?
Cacao wasn’t thrilled about random strangers seeing his little cousin in a bikini, but he’d silently judge anyone who dared to look twice at her. Fortunately, the beach was mostly empty due to the cooler weather and a recent storm warning. But nothing could deter Amira from visiting Bondi Beach.
After they set up their spot, Amira wordlessly made her way toward the water. “Hey, hey, hey. Where do you think you’re going, pequeño alborotador?” Carlos asked, concern in his voice. “Well, we’re at a beach, so I’m going…in the…water,” she whispered the last part. They locked eyes, each assessing the other.
With a shrug, Amira continued walking into the water, ascending until it reached her thighs. Cacao stayed back, keeping a close eye on her. Carlos Sr., Carlos Jr., and every other family member would never forgive him if anything happened to her. Hell, he wouldn’t forgive himself either. This was the moment he started overthinking really hard.
As Amira took a moment to soak in the surroundings—the distant seagulls, the water’s gentle aggression—her relaxation was interrupted by a shout from her right.
“Hey, everything alright?” A man stood there, long blond hair and a kind smile. Clearly, he was a lifeguard. “Si, I’m alright.” Jethro, the lifeguard, was mesmerized by the pretty girl before him. “You aren’t from 'ere, are ya? A beautiful girl like you probably comes from heaven or something.” His comment made Amira giggle, opening the door for conversation.
In the lifeguard house, Huts and Jessie watched Jethro talking to the breathtaking woman. She had caught their attention when she ventured into the water alone. For some reason, Jethro had volunteered to approach her.
“Mate, what are you two watching?” Harries asked. “You won’t believe this, H, but our boy Jethro is talking to the most magnificent Sheila over there,” Jessie replied, keeping his gaze fixed. “No way!” Harries grabbed the binoculars from Huts. “No freaking way. Since when does Jethro have it in him?” he murmured. Gavin joined them, and for the next 10 minutes, the entire Bondi Beach lifeguard staff kept their eyes on Jethro and the pretty girl.
“- and even though I’ve told them five times not to swim near the cliffs, they keep going back there.” “No way,” Amira laughed. She genuinely enjoyed talking to Jethro. He was funny and kind. When he offered her his T-shirt to ward off the wind chill, she appreciated the gesture. After a comfortable silence, Jethro asked shyly, “I know we just met, but I’d like to see you again next time you’re here. Would it be okay to ask for your number?” “Of course. I enjoyed our conversation too.” Amira assured him. When she tried to return his shirt, he quipped, “Na, don’t worry, pretty girl. I’m really hot-blooded,” making her burst into laughter.
And Cacao? Cacao blinked, momentarily disoriented by his thoughts. The sound of his cousin’s footsteps snapped him back to reality. Amira had returned, and he focused on her, ready to engage in their next adventure.
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3-cats-in-a-coat · 3 months
Songs in the album To Bring You My Love by PJ Harvey as random characters that they remind me of:
To Bring You My Love (the song): Lily Evans Potter, Regulus Black, Sirius Black (in PoA), Lady Gotham, Talia al Ghul, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Jason Todd, baby!stalker!Tim Drake and (regretfully because contrary to how much she shows up in this list, I don’t actually think she’s in any way innocent but I unfortunately can’t deny the amount of vibes) Bellatrix Black Lestrange.
Meet Ze Monsta: Regulus Black, Lily Evans, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lady Gotham, and (only in CoS) Ginny Weasley.
Working For The Man: Bellatrix Lestrange, Barty Crouch jr (I still hate him for what he did to Neville and his parents), Lady Gotham, Bucky Barnes, Lily Evans (it’s more like she’s dating ‘The Man’ but), Talia al Ghul (she’s trying to stop though), Bruce Wayne as Batman (‘The Man’ is actually Lady Gotham but who cares), and lastly Jason Todd as Red Hood (he is ‘The Man’).
C’mon Billy: Talia al Ghul (to Bruce, the son is Damian), Lily Evans and James Potter (to Regulus, the son is Harry, Jegulily), Tonks (to Remus, the son is Teddy, I don’t ship them but I love Teddy), Remus Lupin (wishing Sirius was alive so he could meet Teddy), and Lady Gotham (giving Bruce Wayne yet another child).
Teclo: Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Tim Drake, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, James Potter, Regulus Black, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers.
Long Snake Moan: Lily Evans, Remus Lupin (usually just before his time of the month), Marlene McKinnon, and Bellatrix Lestrange.
Down By The Water: (trans?) Regulus Black (obviously), Walburga Black (after Regulus died, I still hate her for what she did to her children), Sirius Black (if he saved Regulus), Lily Evans, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul (when she dunked Jason in The Pit), Lady Gotham, and Bucky Barnes.
I Think I’m a Mother: Lily Evans, Walburga Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lady Gotham, and Talia al Ghul.
Send His Love To Me: Lily Evans, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Jason Todd, and Bucky Barnes.
The Dancer: Bruce Wayne, Lily Evans, Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes.
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James has just arrived at the address he was given to babysit. According to Google Maps, the house is called Grimmauld place.
A woman answers the door a few minutes after James knocks. She has long, black, unruly hair. She looks frantic. "Hi, hi, sorry. It's a little crazy in here. I'm Bellatrix Black-Lestrange. Nice to meet you."
"James Potter."
"Right, Sirius told me about you." James makes a confused look. "The one who hired you, his name is Sirius."
"Like the star?"
"Yeah. I'm surprised someone knows that."
"I've always been fascinated with the stars. You're named after one, too."
"Yeah, I am. Most of my family is."
Fleamont - James' dad - taught James all about the stars when he was four. He was always fascinated with them since he was born. He thought they looked like the little specks of paint that Euphemia - James' mother - drew.
"Anyway, come inside, it's cold."
As soon as James walked inside, he was hit with a water balloon. "Ted Remus Lupin!" A man with the same long, black hair just more tamed yells. "I'm so sorry. My son is a prankster. Anyway, I'm Sirius Black-Lupin." Sirius looks James over. "Hey, Reg! Can you get a towel!"
Another woman walks up with long, white, and black hair. "What happened, Siri?" She looks over at James. "Oh, hello. I'm Narcissa Black-Malfoy. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too."
A boy comes up to hug her leg. She smiles. "This is my son, Draco."
"Another star. You really meant it when you said most of your family."
"Yeah." Bellatrix says. "It's crazy and hectic." A man with short black hair walks up with a towel in hand. "Finally, Reg. Took forever."
"Shut up, Bells. At least I can't get pregnant."
"Why is that your insult?"
"Who would want a second kid? Apparently, you."
"Whatever." She takes the towel from the man and hands it to James. "Sorry, that's Regulus Black." The man - Regulus - leaves.
"Reg! Are you coming with us!?" Someone from the other room yells while James drys himself with the towel.
"No!" Regulus answers. "And take B and Ev with you! Their sickening!"
Yet, another woman comes in with a girl and a man trailing behind her. She has - thankfully - tamed, brunette hair. "I'm Andromeda Black-Tonks. This is my husband, Ted Tonks. And my daughter, Nymphadora Tonks."
"Nice to meet you."
"You, too."
Two more men come in. "Rodolphus Lestrange."
"Lucius Malfoy."
"James Potter."
Three men and two women come in. The first woman that has red hair speaks up. "I'm Lily Evans-Rosier."
"The Lily Evans? The one that Marlene keeps talking about?"
"You know her?"
"Know her? She's my best friend."
"Anyway," The dark skinned girl with blonde highlights says, "I'm Pandora Rosier. This is my twin," she gestures to a dark skinned boy, "Evan Rosier."
"And this is my boyfriend, Barty Crouch." Evan gestures to a boy with blonde tips.
"I'm Remus Lupin. Kids! Come here!" Four kids come running in. "Teddy Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks, Harry Rosier, Luna Rosier, and Tom Riddle Jr." Remus gives an apologetic looks. "I'm sorry there's so many, but we need a break."
Bellatrix speaks. "Regulus is upstairs if you need anything. It's.... three so, we'll be back around.... ten?" Everyone nods. "Ten. Is that ok?"
"Yeah. Of course it is. I babysit Aries and Artemis for 2 days and their.... monsters?"
Lily smiles. "Fair enough. Anyway, instructions are on the fridge. If you need any help, feel free to ask anyone, yeah?"
Everyone says goodbye, and now it's James and the kids. "So, have any toys?"
Luna squeals. "I'm gonna like you."
James smiles. "Well, I hope so."
"Hey! That's cheating!" Harry yells.
"Nuh uh." Luna says.
"Yes, it is."
"Nuh uh."
James sighs. "Alright, who wants to go to the park?"
"Yeah!" Everyone yells.
James has finally riled up the kids at six and is now finally in the house at six-thirty.
Seven rolls around, and the kids have been fed.
Eight rolls around, and it's time for bed.
"I wanna say goodnight to Uncle Reggie." Luna pouts. "I do it every night."
James sighs. "Alright. Go say goodnight."
"Yay!" Luna grabs James' hand and starts running down the hall to what James assumes is Regulus' room. Luna stops in front of a door and knocks. The door opens, and Regulus appears with messy hair, pajama pants, and no shirt.
Fucking hell.
"Uncle Reggie!" Regulus looks down and picks up Luna. "You forgot to come say goodnight."
Regulus smiles. "I did? I'm sorry. I won't do it again." He gives Luna a kiss on the temple and sets her back down. "Alright, bedtime." Regulus leads Luna to her room and tucks her in.
"Goodnight, Uncle Reggie. Goodnight, James."
James decided to sit down and scroll through TikTok on his phone. Apparently it's been an hour because next thing he knew Regulus was walking down the stairs and he looked at the clock.
James goes back to his phone for another ten minutes before Regulus comes into the room. He stands right in front of James - which he didn't even realize either - and speaks, "Have you eaten anything?"
James jumps. "A little warning next time would be nice. Also, no."
"You should eat something."
James eyes him. "You're one to talk. You didn't even come down for dinner."
Regulus rolls his eyes. "I don't like eating with the kids. And anyway, I'm heating up food right now."
"Ok, good." He pauses and waits for Regulus to leave. He doesn't. "Is that all you wanted?"
"Mm. No, actually. I think you're cute." He walks away and leaves James flabbergasted.
Unfortunately, Regulus goes back upstairs with his food and doesn't come back down. Not even when James leaves. Luckily, James has sticky notes in his bag. He grabs his bag and excuses himself to use the restroom. He grabs a bright yellow sticky note and a pen and writes, 'I think you're cute, too' and sticks it to Regulus' door - he remembers from when Luna wanted to say goodnight.
"Artemis, no! Aries, stop! You little -" James' phone rings.
Sirius Black
"Hello - Aries, Artemis! I'm going to call your mother! Better yet, I'll call your mama!"
"No, no! We'll stop!"
"Thank you, now be quiet."
"Yes, Uncle Jamie."
"Sorry about that. What's the problem?"
"We need someone to babysit again, and Reg won't do it. Plus, they seem to like you." It's been two weeks since he last babysat them - for the first time. "Please." He begs. "If you need any help, Reg is here."
"I'm sorry, Sirius." Sirius told him to call him that. "I'm already babysitting my niece and nephew."
"You can bring 'em! We don't care. As long as you come, please."
James sighs. "Alright, I can take them anywhere I want, anyway."
"Thank you."
"Ar, Art, who wants to go play with other kids?"
"Alright, I'm going to need you to be good, ok?"
"Yes, Uncle Jamie." Aries says.
James knocks on the door, and Pandora opens it with Luna and Harry beside her. "Sorry, their being clingy."
"James!" They both yell.
"Hey!" Artemis yells. "That's our Uncle Jamie!"
Pandora has a panicked look on her face. "Oh god. You already have a babysitting gig? Are you supposed to take them out?" She wispers the last part.
"I'm their Uncle. I can do whatever I want, and Marls won't care. Have you not met them?"
"No, should I have?"
"Not necessarily. Ar, Art, you guys have met Lily, your mama' friend, right?"
"Yeah, she's nice. We call her Aunt Lily." Artemis says.
"This is her wife, Pandora."
"Really?" Aries asks. "She looks pretty. Way prettier than you, Uncle Jamie."
James smiles. "Wow, thanks."
"Well, it is true," Artemis agrees. "Uncle Jamie."
"Anyway, come inside. It's cold out there."
Hmm. James thinks. Less chaos.
Apparently, Pandora knows what he's thinking because she says, "Remus is giving them a talk."
"Hey, Uncle Jamie." Aries says. "How many kids we talkin'?"
"Six and counting."
"Wow! Uncle Jamie, you hit the jackpot."
"I don't wanna." Artemis says. "Uncle Jamie, can we go?"
James squats down to her level. "Come on, you don't have that many friends. You need to make more. Your mama and I had so many friends by your age."
Artemis groans. "But I'm not like Mama."
"I know, you're more like your mom."
A voice comes from the doorway. "Aren't they the same people?" Regulus.
"No, their not. They have two moms."
"Do we have to? Can't you just drop me off with Mom or Mama?"
James sighs. "Marlene is working her hotel, and Dorcas can't have any distractions when she's painting. So, no. I'm sorry, babes."
Artemis sighs. "It's fine."
"Come on, sis. It'll be fun."
"For you, maybe. You're better at making friends."
"You know," James starts, "you remind me of one of my friends."
"Peter. He couldn't make friends very well until I walked up to him. After that, he made friends quite easily."
"Really? You really think I'm just like Uncle Peter?"
James nods. "Absolutely. You just need a little push by your brother. Aries? Help your sister, ok?"
Aries salutes him. "Yes, Uncle Jamie, sir." James rolls his eyes, and Aries laughs. "Of course, Uncle Jamie. I always will."
James gets back up. "Ok, so, here's two of kids. Luna and Harry. Their siblings just like you but their twins."
"You mean just like Aunt Lily talks about her friends who are twins."
James smiles. "You've already met one of them. Pandora is one of them."
They both gasp. "Really!? Two twins in one day!? Best day ever!" Aries yells.
Andromeda comes in. "What's all the yelling for?"
"Sorry, they were excited. Aries, Artemis, remember."
"We know. We're sorry."
"See. Good kids when they want to be."
"You're kids?"
"No. I've been single for years now. I think I'm probably gonna stay that way at this rate. Anyway, these are my best friends' kids."
"Uncle Jamie!" Aries yells. "Look, they both have blonde hair - really blonde."
"You have a sibling?"
"No, none. Marls and Cas just like to let their kids talk freely. So they decide to call all of our friends Aunt and Uncle."
"That's pretty nice, actually."
Artemis walks over to James. "Jamie, bag."
"Magic words."
"Uncle Jamie, could I please have your bag so we can play?"
"Better." He hands her the bag that has all kinds of toys and coloring books he put together the first day he started this business. Aries and Artemis helped, of course. They run off into the other room somewhere.
"You're really good with them." Regulus says.
"I was there the day they were born. Through everything. I was waiting outside with the rest of my friends' kids. But I was still there."
"You'd be a good father someday."
James smiles as soon as Evan and Barty come in. "Who's kids are those?" Evan spots James. "You have kids?"
"No, those are my best friends' kids. You know what, it'd be easier if I said yes. I might start doing that." James peeks his head into the other room. "Hey, Ar, Art," they look up at him, "how 'bout, I just start tell people you're my kids?"
"Wouldn't be much of a lie anyway."
"As long as Mama and Mom are still our moms."
"Why did they say 'it wouldn't be much of a lie'?" Barty asks.
"I was both of their sperm donors, but they came out looking like both Marlene and Dorcas. Hey, Lily' here, right?"
"Yeah, she's in the kitchen."
"Great, I'll be back." James walks in the kitchen and sees Lily cooking. "Hey, Lils."
"James. You remember, don't you?"
"Yeah, sadly. But I got better."
"Not much, I see." James' eyebrows fly up. "I can see the scars on your wrists." Lily sighs. "It's been years, Jamie. Why can't you stop?"
"Because they were my whole life, Lils! You know that. And this whole thing is what made you disregard me from your life."
"You can say it, James. I broke up with you."
"Yeah, yeah, I know." James sighs. "I got better than I was before, though. When Artemis was born, I stopped doing it all over and just on my wrists." James closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in and out. He opens them again. "I'm sorry, Lils. I'm sorry I can't get over my parents' death. But I'm not sorry that we broke up and you found someone better. She's good for you, and I'm happy just seeing you happy."
Lily smiles. "Thank you, Jamie." They hug.
"You know, you could have told me they call you Aunt Lily." They break apart.
"Aries and Artemis. They told me a few minutes ago."
"You got here a few minutes ago - oh - they're here?" James nods. Lily - and James - runs past everyone - who is now where James left only four people - and into the sitting room. "Aries, Artemis!"
"Aunt Lily!" They both yell and rush up to her.
"Aunt Lily?" The other kids murmur.
Lily smiles and pulls apart from them. "Jamie will tell you why they call me that. Alright, you two, I'm going out with my family, and I need you two to watch over your Uncle and these other kids. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes, ma'am!" Lily gets up and walks to the door - James following close behind.
"Um, Lils, you can't leave me with explaining that."
"Sure I can. I'm doing it right now."
"Ok," Bellatrix says, "anyway, the instructions are on the fridge. If you need anything, Reg is upstairs."
"Bye, Jamie, love you."
Love you, too." Pandora makes a confused look while James ushers them out. He smiles at Lily. "You make me explain, I make you explain."
"James." Lily warns. "I'll get you for this."
James just smiles in return. When they were all outside, James says, "Lily and I dated," and closes the door. James could hear yelling coming from the other side as they walked farther down the sidewalk.
James turned around and saw Regulus wide-eyed. "You - you dated Lily?"
"Uncle Jamie!" Artemis yells. "I wanna call Mama! I want to tell her I made friends!"
James walks into the room. "Sure, come here, Mis." Artemis walks up to James and plops herself down on his lap. James grabs his phone and dials Marlene.
"James? What's wrong? Are they hurt?"
"Their fine, Marls. Mis just wants to tell you something."
James hears a sigh over the phone. "What is it, babes?"
"I made friends!"
"How - you - James, where are you?"
"Mama, we saw Aunt Lily."
"James, you can't babysit that many kids."
"I just added two more. Plus, when we're not at home, they behave."
"You know their terrors, James. You can't do that by yourself. I'll be there to help in a little bit."
"No, Marls. You need to stay at the hotel. You have a job to do. So do I. And this is mine. I'll be fine. And if I need any help, I'll call Pete, or Frank, or Alice, or even Mary." James hears Marlene sigh.
"Alright, but if anything happens, you call me no one else until I say so, got it?"
"Yeah, Marls, sure. I love you."
"I love you, too. I love you, Artemis, Aries!" She yells the last bit so her son can hear her.
"I love you, too, Mama!" They both yell. James hangs up.
"Artemis, go play."
"Ok." She gets off of James' lap and runs up to her brother and their new found friends.
"Are you going to tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"You and Lily."
"Why would I? We're not friends."
Regulus raises an eyebrow. "The sticky note you left says otherwise."
James avoids Regulus' gaze. "I have no idea what you're talking about." James hears footsteps coming closer, and Regulus comes into view.
He leans down and tilts James' head upwards. "Are you sure?" He wispers.
James nods.
Regulus grip tightens. "And you're so sure that if I show you proof, you will still deny it?"
James' eyes wonder down to Regulus' lips for 2 seconds, and then go back to his eyes. He nods again.
Regulus' hand disappears from James' chin. "Well, then, come on." Regulus holds out his hand, and James takes it.
Regulus leads James up the stairs before James speaks, "I shouldn't leave the kids."
"They'll be fine." Regulus leads James to the end of the first hall - which he didn't realize last time - where Regulus' room is.
There are three halls - as far as James knows. One for the girls, one for the boys, and the third one for the parents (and Regulus).
"Your house is a little bigger than mine."
"A little? I'm assuming - comparing to yours - it's a mansion."
"My mum always liked to build more and more rooms, so yeah, a little bigger." Regulus opens his door to his bedroom, and James is in awe.
James sees pictures of the Black', Regulus and his friends, and a picture of six people he doesn't recognize, standing with the Black'. James walks up to the photo and takes a quick once over.
The two beside Sirius and Regulus are their parents. The two beside Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa are their parents. And the last two standing beside Pandora and Evan are their parents.
"These are your parents? You look just like them."
"No, we don't."
"What are their names?" Regulus eyes him. "Just curious."
"If I tell you, will you let it be?"
"Pandora and Evan' parents are Adele Jacob - Rosier and Axel Rosier. Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa' parents are Cygnus Black and Druella Rosier - Black. And Sirius and I' are Walburga Irma - Black and Orion Black."
James' eyes go wide. Walburga Irma, as in Mum' ex- girlfriend!?"
"Euphemia Braithewaite."
"What about her?"
"She's my mum."
"Really? My mum - a cold, heartless, bitch - dated your mum - the sweetest person alive?"
"How did you know she was so nice?"
"With how you turned out, both your parents had to be nice."
Regulus goes to his nightstand and pulls out a bright yellow sticky note - the one he left. "You kept it?"
"Yeah. I did."
"Kids, time for bed."
"But Uncle Jamie."
"No, none of that, Aries. Come up here on the couch, both of you." They do, and they immediately fall asleep.
"The rest of you, time for bed."
The final one for the night is Luna. And she always has to go to Regulus. They knock on the door, he opens it, and picks up Luna. "Hey, ma filleule."
James almost passes out from the use of French.
He doesn't know why, but French coming from Regulus' mouth, is heaven. And he's heard people speak French before but coming from Regulus, that's something he can't stand.
"Goodnight, Luns." Regulus puts Luna back on the ground.
"Come on, hermosa chica." She takes James' hand and leads them to her room. He tucks Luna in and she falls asleep almost immediately.
"You're good with kids."
James jumps. "Jesus, Regulus. You scared me."
"You can't speak Spanish and not expect anything to happen."
"Oh, you mean this? Eres tan hermoso y guapo. Quizás no pueda quitarte las manos de encima por mucho tiempo."
Regulus groans. "No, stop."
"Vale, está bien, Regulus. Adiós."
The door opens, and everyone comes in. "Thank you so much for watching the kids." Bellatrix says. "Even though you were already watching some. It means so much to us. Thank you."
"It was no big deal. All of them are not as much work as these two alone." James looks down in his lap where Aries and Artemis are laying. "Aries, Artemis, come on. Get up."
They run to the other side of the room to grab James' bag and run back to James while James grabs his phone.
Bringing the kids home. See you soon.
Thanks, Jamie. I love you.
I love you, too.
"Alright, Cas should have your food ready by the time we get home." James walks to the door, looks up at the stairs where Regulus is watching him, and yells out, "Fairwell, Black's and Rosier's. Goodnight!" And he walks out with Aries and Artemis only looking back once at Regulus' window where he's watching James walk down the sidewalk and to his car.
"Thank you, Uncle Jamie!" They both say. "We love you!"
"I love you, too!" James yells back from the car.
Just as James was about to leave, Marlene' car pulls up, and she gets out. "James Fleamont Potter! Quit cutting yourself!"
"What?" James asks, surprised as Marlene leans in the window.
"Lily called me. She said she saw your cuts."
"That little -"
"No, don't blame her. This is all you. I thought you said you got better when Artemis was born?"
"I did, sort of. I mean, I started only doing it in one place."
"Your wrists." Marlene closes her eyes and takes a deep breath - a little habit Marlene picked up from James, which he picked up from Effie. "James, you can't keep doing this to yourself. It's been five years since Mis was born. Ten since Effie and Monty died. You need to stop. It's not healthy."
James sighs. "I can't, Marls. You know how I feel."
"I do, James. I really do. But you can't keep beating yourself up about it. It wasn't your fault."
"If I was there! If I was there, I could have gotten them out in time. Instead I decided to ignore them over a stupid fucking fight." James starts to tear up. "The last thing I ever said to them was, 'I hate you. I wish you would die.' That's the very last thing, Marls. How could I 'get over it'? It's my fault. If I was there, they wouldn't have gone after me."
"It was the drunk driver, James. It wasn't you. I promise." Marlene opens James' door. "Come on. Stay with us tonight. Please? I'll make sure no one bothers you."
James scoffs. "But you."
Marlene smiles. "That's only because you're my best friend, and I care about you." James sighs and gets out of the car with his wallet, phone and keys. Marlene locks it and leads them inside. "The world would be a dark place without you, Jamie. You're our sun, and everyone knows it. Even Aries and Artemis. They'd miss you too much."
Jamie, Frank, and I want to go out. Do you think you could watch Neville?
Think I can? I'm a god! (At babysitting, of course) Yes, yes, I will.
Hey, James. I got this number off of Sirius' phone.
Hey, Regulus.
How did you know?
Right, nvm. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out?
Hang out, really? After everything?
Ok, I'm sorry. I'm not really good at asking people out.
So, you want to go on a date?
Great! When?
I can't. Babysitting.
One of my friends' kid, Neville Longbottom. Alice has been my friend since school years, so I'd do almost anything for her.
The rest I'd do for Marlene.
Fair. Um. What if I come with you? To the babysitting gig, that is.
I mean, if you want. Where do you want to meet?
Come pick me up at my house?
Yeah, I'll be there in 10.
"Hey, Marls. I got a gig."
"Alice and Frank."
"Longbottom. You know, the dude that Al married?"
"Oh! Franky! Yeah, got it."
"Hey, who's watching the kids if we all have work?"
"You. It'll be only three kids this time. You'll be fine."
"Yeah, about that. Someone is.... tagging along."
"Tagging?" Marlene gasps. "You mean like a date? Like someone who wants to help you work, kinda date?"
"I guess."
"Not telling. At least, not yet, ok?"
Marlene sighs. "Fine. Meany." She mumbles the last bit under her breath, but James still heard her and smacked her up the top of her head.
James pulls up to the front of Regulus' house and pulls out his phone.
I'm here.
Come inside real quick.
I can't. I have Aries and Artemis. Sorry.
It's ok.
I get it if you don't want to come.
No, I do. I'll be out in a minute.
"Ok, you two have to be on your best behavior. Play with Neville, I don't care. Just don't be brats. Ok?"
"Yes, Uncle Jamie. We promise."
James sees Regulus open the door and walk down the sidewalk. "Hey." Regulus says when he opens the car door.
James digs around in his bag and pulls out two figets. "Ar, Mis, here's you figets."
"Yay!" Aries yells. "Thank you, Uncle Jamie."
"Can we go see Aunt Alice now?"
James turns the car back on and starts driving to Alice' house. She's only ten minutes away from the Black'.
"Uncle Jamie, can we play music?" Artemis asks.
"Yeah, here." He grabs his phone and reaches behind his seat where Artemis is. She takes it.
Their favorite artist is Sarah Maddack, and that's exactly what starts playing - the Coffee Shop Bop.
I hoped into a coffee shop
And then my jaw dropped in shock when
I saw a girl who had cool pants
They made me want to dance
"What kind of music is this?" Regulus asks.
"It's their favorite artist." James answers. "Sarah Maddack."
"Still doesn't answer my question."
"It's the only answer I got."
By the time they get to Alice' house, that Playlist has run through at least three times. James knocks on his friends door with Aries and Artemis in front of him and Regulus beside him. Frank answers. "Hey, James. Alice is upstairs with Neville."
James gives the bag to Aries, and they both run inside. He smiles. "Sorry, you know how they are."
"I do." He looks over to Regulus. "Who's this?"
"Regulus Black."
"Nice to meet you."
"You, too."
Frank steps aside and gestures for them to come in. James can hear Aries and Artemis in the other room. Alice comes down the stairs with Neville on her hip. She's wearing a long black dress with sequins. It has one strap on the right side and a leg slit. "Al, I think I could date you."
Frank raises his eyebrows. Alice rolls her eyes. "You probably would if you weren't gay."
"True. I mean, when I saw Frank, I just knew." She rolls her eyes again.
"Take your nephew."
"Gladly." Alice hands Neville over to James.
"Uncle Jamie! You're here!"
"Yeah, so are Aries and Artemis." Neville gasps while James puts him down, and he runs to the other room. "So, Al, I didn't have time to take a shower this morning with Cas and Marls."
"You'll do it either way."
"Sure as hell I will."
Alice sighs. "Fine."
"I love you, Al."
"I love you, too, Jamie. Goodbye."
"Adiós, mi amor!" James yells before Alice shuts the door. James laughs. He walks to the other room, Regulus trailing behind him. "Alright, I'm going to take a shower. Reg, are you good for a few minutes?"
James looks at Regulus, and he's blushing. He didn't even realize he called him Reg. James smirks. "Reg? Reggie?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine."
James walks over to Artemis. "You think you could all stay in here for ten minutes? Regulus and I have something to do." She nods. "Thank you, babes."
James walks over and grabs Regulus' hand, dragging him up the stairs. "James, they can't be unattended."
"They'll be fine." He walks into Alice and Frank' room and into the bathroom. When the door is shut and locked, he pins Regulus to the door. "Did you like that? Reg."
He blushes again. "Stop that."
"I don't think I will." He kisses Regulus' cheek, then the other one, then is chin, then finally his lips. He kisses back.
Regulus pushes James back to the toilet - luckily, Alice always insists on closing it - breaking the kiss in the process. He straddles him and starts kissing James again.
James breaks the kiss. "Reg, I need to take a shower."
Regulus groans. "No."
"Yes. Come on, Reg. Please?"
He groans again. "Fine." He gets up, kisses James again, then leaves.
Alice stumbles in the door with Frank behind her. "Jesus, Al." James says. "What did you two do?"
James walks over to his friend and helps her get up the stairs. He lays her down on her bed and tucks her in. She falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow.
He goes back downstairs to see Frank and Regulus talking while Aries, Artemis, and Neville are playing. "Nev, bedtime."
"But, Uncle Jamie."
"No, it's bedtime."
"Fine." James walks over to the three and picks Neville up and does the same he did for Alice except Neville wanted a bedtime story - Goodnight Moon. Neville is passed out before James even finishes the book.
He goes back downstairs, and Aries and Artemis are asleep on Regulus. Aries on one side with his head on Regulus' leg and Artemis on the other side with her head on Regulus' other leg.
Frank must have gone upstairs at some point because he's nowhere in sight.
James smiles. "You look cute like that." Regulus looks up.
"Really? Do you think I'd be a good dad?"
James hums. "Yeah, I do." James walks over to them and picks up Artemis. She stirs a little but goes right back to sleep. He does the same thing with Aries, and he also goes back to sleep. "Are you ready?"
"Can you grab my bag." James looks around. He spots it at the corner of the room. "It's over there." He nudges his head in that direction.
Thankfully, Aries or Artemis don't wake up when James puts them in their car seats. Neither do they wake up when he gets them back out of the car seats and into their beds.
"Ah, fuck. I forgot Marlene and Dorcas aren't going to be home for a few hours. Do you think you could stay for a little while?"
"Yeah, sure. What do you have in mind?"
"We could watch a movie or something."
Regulus humms. "That sounds nice."
So, they did, in fact, watch movies, eat some snacks, and maybe some other little things - that couldn't go far because of Artemis and Aries - until Marlene and Dorcas came home.
James hears the door open, signaling that Marlene and Dorcas are home. "Hey, Jamie!" Marlene yells. How'd your so-called date go!?"
"It's going pretty well." James hears footsteps, and Marlene comes into view.
She smiles. "Babe! Jamie brought a boy!"
James hears more footsteps, and Dorcas comes into view. "He did what?"
James gets up with Regulus behind him. "Kids are in bed. We'll be going now."
"No," Marlene says, "you can't do that."
"Yes, I can. I'm going back to my apartment and you can't do anything about it."
Marlene smiles and twists her foot a little. "Ow! Jamie, I twisted my ankle."
"Your wife is right there. Right, Cas?"
"Mmm. I don't know, Jamie. I don't think I can carry her."
James sighs. "You two are assholes and you're lucky I love you." Marlene climbs on James' back. "Cas, don't do anything."
"Definitely won't."
"Don't!" James yells as he starts walking. When he gets to the stairs, he drops Marlene on her feet. "Alright, be a nice little, Marlene, and tell me what you're up to."
"No, I don't think I will."
"Dorcas is having a little chat."
"Marlene Elizabeth McKinnon! You are a little cunt!" James walks back to where he left Regulus and Dorcas. They're not there.
"Dorcas Eileen Meadows!"
"James Fleamont Potter!" Dorcas' sarcastic voice comes from the kitchen. James storms in there with Marlene right behind. Regulus nowhere in sight.
James points at Dorcas. "Your a fucking cunt just like your wife. I hope your kids don't turn out like either of you."
"Who else would they turn out like, dipshit?"
"Oh, I don't know, Marls. Maybe their sperm donor, me."
"Why would they turn out like you?"
"Because I'm always here!"
"Because you don't know how to take care of yourself! Cas, have you seen his wrists lately? Lily told me."
"Lily has no fucking say! She left me when things got too hard!"
"James, that was ten years ago. When Effie and Monty died."
"They were my parents, Marls! How could I be normal?"
"It's been ten years!"
"And it feels like ten seconds! Marls, they were my whole life."
"I know that, Jamie. They were my parents, too."
"You had parents! And they were mine."
"Jamie, you can't keep doing this to yourself."
"Why the fuck not!? I don't belong here!"
"Yes, you do! Your our sunshine, Jamie. We'd all be in darkness if something happened to you."
Dorcas cuts in. "Aries and Artemis would never be happy again."
James closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Yeah, yeah, you're right." He opens his eyes again.
Dorcas clears her throat. "Uh, Jamie. Behind you."
"What?" He turns around and spots Regulus. "Fuck." Regulus looks at him with pity in his eyes. James sighs. "You heard the whole thing." He nods. "I'll- um - take you home now." He turns back around, and Marlene tosses him his phone, keys, and wallet. "Thanks, Marls. I won't be back tonight."
"Going back to your apartment?"
"Yeah. I love you both."
Marlene looks at him. "Jamie,"
"I'll be fine. Ok?" She nods. "I love you."
"We love you, too."
James and Regulus make it to his car. The whole time, neither of them spoke. James starts the car and starts driving. James usually puts on music when he's driving, but this doesn't feel like the right time.
About five minutes into the drive, Regulus speaks. "James,"
"Can we not? I've already been through this a million times. I get it. You never want to see me again. This is exactly why I don't date."
"I - wait, you think I don't want to date you?"
"That's how these things usually go. Isn't that where this is going?"
"No, of course I want to date you. Why would this lead me away?"
"That's what happens every time."
"Well, not this time. I promise." James parks the car of the side of the road. "What are you doing?"
James turns to him. "Why? Why are you staying?"
"Because someone shouldn't leave when things get hard. Especially when it's something like that."
James' breath hitched. "You mean it? You're staying?" Regulus nods. "Can I kiss you." He nods again and James leans in.
At some point - after the make-out session - James drives to the Blacks.
"Thanks. For staying - I mean."
"I don't know why anyone wouldn't. You're too beautiful and kind to pass up." James smiles and leans in for another kiss. Regulus opens the car door and gets out. "I'll text you?" James nods.
When James gets home, he erases his 30-day mark of not having any suicidal thoughts and puts down zero.
James started that when his parents died because he always had them a lot. The farthest he's ever got was two months. Marlene always thought it was stupid until she realized he always wrote down how many days. Then, she was always around to check the board - even though she thought she had made a good excuse, James still knew.
'How you doin'?'
'He didn't leave.'
'Yeah. I think I might finally have found my true love.'
'I'm glad, Jamie. You really needed one.'
'Wow. Thanks.'
'You're welcome.'
James rolls his eyes.
'I'm going to bed now. I love you.'
'I love you, too.'
If James was thinking about Regulus all night, no one needed to know that, only him.
It's been a month since Regulus and James started dating and a month since he last babysat the Blacks. James is pretty sure Regulus hasn't told anyone because no one has gave him the shovel talk. Marlene, Dorcas, Alice, Mary, Peter and even Frank gave Regulus the shovel talk, but no one has him yet.
James has learned a bunch of things about Regulus. Like, his favorite flower, - Acrtic Willows - color, - green - food - a chocolate soufflé - and many more.
Regulus has been around a lot in the past month, and Artemis, Aries, and Neville like him a lot. One time, they even asked if they could call him Uncle Regulus. Of course, James said no. That would be too much pressure. But if Regulus stays longer, then they most likely will.
At this point, Regulus has stayed over at James' at lot. He even stayed for a week once. But every time, he's always went back to his family. But every time, he always comes back to James.
With Regulus around, James' board has 30 days suicidal thoughts free. Surprisingly, Regulus never asked about the board. And even Marlene has accepted that Regulus is much better for James.
When his thoughts get too much, he still cuts his wrists, but lately, it's been a lot better.
"Hey, Reg." Regulus humms in response. "Have you told your family about us?"
"No. I didn't think you'd want to deal with that." They're laying in James' bed cuddling.
"I'll be fine. I promise. Just tell 'em."
"Ok. Well, we can tell 'em later today. Oh, yeah, Siri wants me to babysit. Can you?"
"Sure, Reg."
"Thank you, baby." He leans up and kisses James. "You're the best."
"Before you guys go, James and I have something to tell you."
"You're dating." Pandora states.
"How -"
"I know everything, James. But I didn't tell anyone. Besides, Lily."
"Yeah, and I already knew. It was obvious, Jamie."
Sirius makes a surprised face. "I didn't! That's my baby brother!"
"Ok, and?" Bellatrix says. "That's our baby cousin."
Barty purses his lips. "He's just my best friend."
James found the perfect place for Regulus' surprise. It's a greenery with a bunch of Regulus' favorite plants and trees.
"Regulus Arcturus Black, the first time I set eyes on you was the most spectacular thing I ever witnessed. You might have been mean to me at first, but I must have grown on you because, well, we're in this spot right now. So, Reg, Reggie, the love of my life, will you forever be with me for eternity? Make me the happiest man alive and make me your husband?"
Regulus smiles. "Yes, James, of course I will."
Regulus and James have found the most beautiful place to raise their family. James' childhood home that he never sold. And good timing, too. Aries, Artemis, and Neville started calling Regulus Uncle. And the same thing with James. Luna, Harry, Tom, Nymphadora, Teddy, and Draco started calling James Uncle, too.
"So, who's getting married?" A woman asks.
"We are." James says. "Me and my fiancé."
"You two?"
What? Never had a gay couple?"
"No, sorry. Tuxedos or dresses?"
"Dorcas, my other beloved. Will you be my bridesmaid?"
"Yes, James."
"No scream?"
"I'm not like Marls but just for you." She screams.
"Alice, my wife, will you be my bridesmaid?"
She smiles. "Of course I will, Jamie."
"Mary, my life, will you be my bridesmaid?"
She jumps up and down while screaming. "Yes, yes, yes!"
"Frank, my husband, will you be my groomsman?"
"Yes, James."
"Peter, my love, will you be my groomsman?"
"Yes, James. Why wouldn't I be?"
"And, finally, my beloved, Marlene, will you be my maid of honor?"
She screams. "Yes! I knew you loved me!"
"Barty, will you be my groomsman?"
He smiles. "Do you really love me that much?"
Regulus rolls his eyes. "Yes or no?"
"Evan, will you be my groomsman?"
"Of course I will, Reg."
"Pandora, my beloved, will you be my bridesmaid?"
"Yes, Reg. Of course I will."
"She gets my beloved?"
"Shut up."
"Andromeda, Bellatrix, Narcissa, my dear cousins, will you be my bridesmaids?"
"Yes, Reg."
"You like me."
"Of course, Reg."
"Remus, the husband of my brother, will you be my groomsman?"
"I guess." He says sarcastically. He laughs. "Yes, I will."
"Finally, my dear brother, will you be my maid of honor?"
Sirius' mouth falls open. "You want me to be your maid of honor? I knew you liked me. Yes, Reggie."
"That boy really made you a sap."
Bellatrix gave birth to twins, Aliana and Mattheo, and had four more kids after. Two belonging to her husband, Cara and Mandy. One belonging to a man named Charles, Lorenzo. And one more belonging to Tom Riddle Sr., Delphini, and her siblings, Tom, Aliana, and Mattheo.
Regulus and James had three kids, Lillian, Leo, and Rose. Remus and Sirius had more kids, Hermione and Violet. Dorcas and Marlene had another kid, Jack. Narcissa and Lucius had another kid, Lila. Andromeda and Ted had another kid, Nina. Evan and Barty married and had a few kids, Lucas and Nicholas - which they said they'd never have any. Pandora and Lily had one more kid, Eclipse. Alice and Frank had twins, Juliana and Nicky. Peter married a woman named Elizabeth and had no kids. Mary married a woman named Emmeline and had one kid, Penelope.
And all them kids, made for a great family reunion and stories in a few years.
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vertigoartgore · 5 months
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Top 30 Movies that I discovered in 2023 (but not released in 2023) :
Pandora and The Flying Dutchman (Albert Lewin, UK, 1951)
Summertime (David Lean, USA/UK, 1955)
Tea and Sympathy (Vincente Minnelli, USA, 1956)
Murder by Contract (Irving Lerner, USA, 1958)
Nothing But a Man (Michael Roemer, USA, 1964)
Scattered Clouds (Mikio Naruse, Japan, 1967)
Let’s Scare Jessica to Death (John D. Hancock, USA, 1971)
The Hired Hand (Peter Fonda, USA, 1971)
The effect of Gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds (Paul Newman, USA, 1972)
Chilly Scenes of Winter (Joan Micklin Silver, USA, 1979)
Being There (Hal Ashby, USA, 1979)
El Sur (Víctor Erice, Spain, 1983)
El Norte (Gregory Nava, UK/USA, 1983)
Vigil (Vincent Ward, New Zealand, 1984)
Choose Me (Alan Rudolph, USA, 1984)
Desert Hearts (Donna Deitch, USA, 1985)
Anguish (Bigas Luna, Espagne, 1987)
The Vanishing (George Sluizer, France/Netherlands,1988)
Chameleon Street (Wendell B. Harris Jr., USA, 1989)
Proof (Jocelyn Moorhouse, Australia, 1991) 
Ninja Scroll (Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Japan, 1993)
Suture (Scott McGehee & David Siegel, USA, 1993)
What Happened Was... (Tom Noonan, USA, 1994)
Leaving Las Vegas (Mike Figgis, USA, 1995)
August in the Water (Sogo Ishii, Japan, 1995)
Shall We Dance ? (Masayuki Suo, Japan, 1996)
Made in Hong Kong (Fruit Chan, Hong Kong, 1997)
Bullets Over Summer (Wilson Yip, Hong-Kong, 1999)
To the Left of the Father (Luiz Fernando Carvalho, Brazil, 2001)
Dead End (Jean-Baptiste Andrea & Fabrice Capepa, France/USA, 2003)
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 4 months
once again, its been one hell of a wednesday
time to unwind with a weekly tag game!
thanks for tagging me @lingy910y @juliakayyy @energievie and @jrooc
name: gigi
age: 24
star sign: full time virgo
first language: english
second language: lol i wish, my girlfriend has been trying to teach me korean the whole time we've been together and cant comprehend that my brain is just simply not wired to learn language
favorite lip product: aquaphor 🥰 and the nars laguna lipstick it was literally made for pale autumns
the best food dish you can make without a recipe? honestly most things, even when its new i like to skim and freestyle, most often i make eggs in hell and various soups, stews and stocks
if you drink tea, what kind? the only tea i drink is bottled cold green tea, and ginger in hot water when im sick
if you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? light roast <3
favorite thing to watch on youtube right now: music videos! also watching a lot of book binding tutorials and general quiet crafting videos
favorite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: the dame herself ms. jenna marbles and honestly up until she left it would be the same answer
favorite item of clothing right now: i have a few very very cozy sweaters that have been in rotation over the last few weeks, but i am very excited to get back to soft loose blouses and pants
favorite item of clothing in 2012: a very cool 70's jean jacket that i still own and wear!
three movies you recommend: Chungking Express, jennifers body, in bruges
your favorite concert: tyler childers at radio city music hall, the queen of dancehall herself sister nancy and tune yards
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? not a single opinion, we can agree to disagree on things but i have unfollowed people for consistantly being really negative about everyone other than their favorite characters and just overall being a bummer
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? Nope! every fandom I've been apart of has had really lovely people, but by far shameless is the nicest which feels a little ironic
the best tv show you watched last year: Beef by far, I don't think Ive ever resonated with a piece of media with such raw emotion (also the bear and succession but yall already knew that)
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? Im not really apart of the harry potter fandom at all but sometimes marauder fancasts come on my fyp and theyre all really fun
a ship you’ve abandoned: destiel a little, i still love them that brain rot (damage) cant be undone but i rewatched supernatural last year and like, Dean is so genuinely unkind to him most of the time (/nuanced)
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? i mean, with who?
do you have a fandom tattoo? no tattoos
what fandom do you wish was bigger? none come to mind
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? no honestly im pretty okay with all of them, but i never watched any of the big ones that people hate
have you…
swam in an ocean? yes! I was a jr lifeguard, swimmer and water polo player in highschool, i am the safest person to visit the beach with
been vegan/vegetarian? I was vegan for three years but when i moved back home during covid i couldnt really keep it up while eating dinner with my family every night and now im very plant based but not vegan or veg
gone skinny dipping? many times lol
gone skiing? yes but i prefer snowboarding
been to a convention? only work related design conventions
tagging from my notes: @mickeysgaymom @rainbowbri @anonymous-galager @gallawitchxx @iansw0rld @mybrainismelted
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15 Inventors Who Were Killed By Their Own Inventions
Marie Curie -  Marie Curie, popularly known as Madame Curie, invented the process to isolate radium after co-discovering the radioactive elements radium and polonium. She died of aplastic anemia as a result of prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation emanating from her research materials. The dangers of radiation were not well understood at the time.
William Nelson - a General Electric employee, invented a new way to motorize bicycles. He then fell off his prototype bike during a test run and died.
William Bullock - he invented the web rotary printing press. Several years after its invention, his foot was crushed during the installation of the new machine in Philadelphia. The crushed foot developed gangrene and Bullock died during the amputation.
Horace Lawson Hunley - he was a marine engineer and was the inventor of the first war submarine. During a routine test, Hunley, along with a 7-member crew, sunk to death in a previously damaged submarine H. L. Hunley (named after Hunley’s death) on October 15, 1963. 
Francis Edgar Stanley - Francis crashed into a woodpile while driving a Stanley Steamer. It was a steam engine-based car developed by Stanley Motor Carriage Company, founded by Francis E. Stanley and his twin Freelan O. Stanley. 
Thomas Andrews - he was an Irish businessman and shipbuilder. As the naval architect in charge of the plans for the ocean liner RMS Titanic, he was travelling on board that vessel during her maiden voyage when the ship hit an iceberg on 14 April 1912. He perished along with more than 1,500 others. His body was never recovered.
Thomas Midgley Jr. - he was an American engineer and chemist who contracted polio at age 51, leaving him severely disabled. He devised an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys to help others lift him from the bed. He was accidentally entangled in the ropes of the device and died of strangulation at the age of 55.
Alexander Bogdanov - he was a Russian physician and philosopher who was one of the first people to experiment with blood transfusion. He died when he used the blood of malaria and TB victim on himself.
Michael Dacre -  died after testing his flying taxi device designed to permit fast, affordable travel between regional cities.
Max Valier - invented liquid-fuelled rocket engines as a member of the 1920s German rocket society. On May 17, 1930, an alcohol-fuelled engine exploded on his test bench in Berlin that killed him instantly.
Mike Hughes - was killed when the parachute failed to deploy during a crash landing while piloting his homemade steam-powered rocket.
Harry K. Daghlian Jr. and Louis Slotin -  The two physicists were running experiments on plutonium for The Manhattan Project, and both died due to lethal doses of radiation a year apart (1945 and 1946, respectively).
Karel Soucek -  The professional stuntman developed a shock-absorbent barrel in which he would go over the Niagara Falls. He did so successfully, but when performing a similar stunt in the Astrodome, the barrel was released too early and Soucek plummeted 180 feet, hitting the rim of the water tank designed to cushion the blow.
Hammad al-Jawhari - he was a prominent scholar in early 11th century Iraq and he was also sort of an inventor, who was particularly obsessed with flight. He strapped on a pair of wooden wings with feathers stuck on them and tried to impress the local Imam. He jumped off from the roof of a mosque and consequently died.
Jean-Francoise Pilatre de Rozier -  Rozier was a French teacher who taught chemistry and physics. He was also a pioneer of aviation, having made the first manned free balloon flight in 1783. He died when his balloon crashed near Wimereux in the Pas-de-Calais during an attempt to fly across the English Channel. Pilâtre de Rozier was the first known fatalities in an air crash when his Roziere balloon crashed on June 15, 1785.
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heyyyy i love your work sm!!!
do you think you could possibly do a wolfstar or jegulus wedding anniversary? maybe with baby harry??
thank you sm
have a great day and pls drink water <3333
snowfall and a special day
warnings: one use of explicit language, mentions of food, talk of male! pregnancies
genre: absolute fluff
pairing: regulus black x james potter, background evan rosier x barty crouch jr and remus lupin x sirius black
word count: 1k+
a/n: this is my first request on this account so thank you anon! it was a really cute one and i couldn’t resist with the rosekiller uncles as well as wolfstar. it just made sense to me with james’ friends there would be reggie’s as well
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Regulus had woken up to James gently stroking his hair, Harry nestled in between them, his soft breaths barely audibly. Regulus smiled down at him, not wanting to get up even though he had to, just wanting to stay with their small but perfect family. 
Eventually, he looks up at James, whispering as to not wake Harry. “I’ve got work, I’m coming home early though,” James nods with a smile and plants a kiss to his forehead. 
Regulus gets up quietly, ignoring Harry’s half awake pouts of “Papa! Come back!”, no matter how adorably they are. He throws on a suit, as he’s been able to ask for the afternoon off and only two meetings in the morning. He was excited, he’d be seeing Barty and Evan for the first time since they moved into their new place tonight. They’d also see Sirius and Remus. When they’d denied having a party because Harry was too young, Sirius had taken it upon himself to insist that they let him bring drinks. 
They’d spaced out the visits for Harry’s sake, knowing that both groups of adults would want to see him. They were seeing more friends tomorrow, but today was all that mattered.
Work passed by in a flash, just a whole bunch of nodding along and taking notes. By the time 1 o’clock came along, he was ready to see his husband and Harry again, and excited for their visitors. James had at first been pouting about the fact that he had to work on their anniversary, suggesting everything from calling in sick to blocking the conference rooms in the middle of the night from the inside so oops, looks like I’ll have to go home. Regulus had laughed and said it was fine, even though he had also wanted to just call in sick, he didn’t want to waste a sick day.
He rushed home, loosening his tie on the way in and racing upstairs to get changed, giving James a quick “Hello, love,” and a kiss on the cheek. He pulls on a Tshirt and jeans, before going downstairs as James wakes Harry. 
After a few minutes of rushed taking food out and last-minute cleaning, the doorbell rang. Regulus got it, smiling as he opened it. He hugged Barty and Evan tightly, laughing and joking with them. However, Barty soon made his motives clear. “Move your ass, Reg, I’m here to see my nephew!” Evan laughed and apologized for his behavior, and Regulus acted hurt before moving aside and letting Harry run towards them. 
“Uncle Rosie!” Harry proclaims, racing on his chubby legs toward the door as Evan crouches down to hug him and lift him off his feet. He’d taken to calling Evan that after hearing Barty call him Rosy, and Evan thought it was absolutely adorable. 
Barty fakes deep sadness as Harry chooses Evan over him, and Harry comes over, giving him a hug too. Barty shoots Regulus a look over Harry's hair, and says so Harry can’t hear; “I’m an afterthought. You’ve taught him horribly, Reg.” Regulus laughed. 
They talked for a while, James and Regulus asking about they’re move and family and all, and Harry enthusiastically showing his Uncles all of his favorite toys.
At 4:30, however, they have to go, as Pandora was throwing a party the same night. As they leave, they hear Barty tell Evan; “Okay, we need a child.” Evan laughs, then responds with, “You’d be the pregnant one, Bee, and I don’t think you’d manage that.” “Fine, then adoption!” Is Barty’s indignant answer, to which Evan responds with a hum, as though sure, let’s see how long it takes till you’re sick of it.
At around four fourty-five, the doorbell rings again. James opens it this time to Sirius and Remus, letting them in as Harry once again runs to greet the visitors. They hug Harry, laughing. Harry, however, immediately runs to Sirius, one objective in mind: pulling his bun out. Today it had a paintbrush in it of which the tip had been dyed pink after not washing it, and they hadn’t wanted to throw it away.
Sirius, boastful that Harry chose him, let’s out a squeak of surprise as he immediately grabs the paintbrush, effectively messing up his hair. Remus doubled over laughing at his shocked face, mouth gaping, and so did James. 
“You look like Moana,” Harry observes in awe, just as shocked but at the sight of him with his hair fully down. Remus laughs again, telling Sirius, “You are as demanding as a princess. But you act more like Maui,” Sirius gasps in offense and shoves Remus with his shoulder. Remus shoves right back. 
Harry, who was slightly tired by his earlier visit, still ran around, showing them everything in the house, including the upstairs and the bathrooms. They didn’t have the heart to tell him they’d seen the whole thing already when Reggie and James had moved in, he was just so excited.
Once it was time for them to leave, goodbyes were lingering as nobody really wanted them to go. They were eventually sent off with a tray of merengues for the holiday season, and when they opened the door to leave, they got yet another surprise. The whole front porch was lightly layered with white. It took a moment to click, but then they realized… snow. The first snow of the season. 
Sirius, being Sirius, did all his pouty child complaining about how cold it was outside. Remus, after mouthing I live with a child to James, making him looks in a laugh, just told him, “You’ll survive,” and as Sirius stuck his tongue out at him just laughed. 
They thanked them for the dessert and seeing Harry, and left the house and left Harry drained of energy… until he saw the snow. And it was hard to deny him of things, but even more so on they’re anniversary. Which is how they ended up in winter coats after dark at six pm in the park playing with the snow. It was the perfect end to the day.
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antidrumpfs · 9 months
Opinion-Joe Biden: We must keep marching toward Dr. King’s dream
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From the Joe Biden Washington Post opinion piece August 27, 2023
Sixty years ago, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and hundreds of thousands of fellow Americans marched on Washington for jobs and freedom. In describing his dream for us all, Dr. King spoke of redeeming the “promissory note to which every American was to fall heir” derived from the very idea of America — we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. While we’ve never fully lived up to that promise as a nation, we have never fully walked away from it, either. Each day of the Biden-Harris administration, we continue the march forward.
That includes a fundamental break with trickle-down economics that promised prosperity but failed America, especially Black Americans, over the past several decades. Trickle-down economics holds that taxes should be cut for the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations, that public investments in priorities such as education, infrastructure and health care should be shrunk, and good jobs shipped overseas. It has exacerbated inequality and systemic barriers that make it harder for Black Americans to start a business, own a home, send their children to school and retire with dignity.
Vice President Harris and I came into office determined to change the economic direction of the country and grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down. Our plan — Bidenomics — is working. Because of the major laws and executive orders I’ve signed — from the American Rescue Plan, the bipartisan infrastructure law, the Chips and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, my executive orders on racial equity and more — we’re advancing equity in everything we do making unprecedented investments in all of America, including for Black Americans.
Black unemployment fell to a historic low this spring and remains near that level.More Black small businesses are starting up than we’ve seen in over 25 years. More Black families have health insurance. We cut Black child poverty in half in my first year in office. We aredelivering clean water and high-speed internet to homes across America. We’re taking on Big Pharma to reduce prescription drug costs, such as making the cost of insulin for seniors $35 a month. We’re taking the most significant action on climate ever, which is reducing pollution and creating jobs for Black Americans in the clean energy future.
This administration will continue to prioritize increasing access to government contracting and lending. We awarded a record $69.9 billion in federal contracts to small, disadvantaged businesses in fiscal 2022. We’re taking on housing discrimination and increasing Black homeownership. To date, we’ve invested more than $7 billion in historically Black colleges and universities to prepare students for high-growth industries. We’ve approved more than $116 billion in student loan debt cancellation for 3.4 million Americans so that borrowers receive the relief they deserve. And a new student debt repayment plan is helping Black students and families cut in half their total lifetime payments per dollar borrowed. We’re doing all of this by making sure the biggest corporations begin to pay their fair share, keeping my commitment that Americans earning less than $400,000 a year not pay a single penny more in federal taxes.
And to help guide these policies, I made it a priority to appoint Black leaders to my Cabinet, my staff, in the judiciary and to key positions in agencies such as the Federal Reserve to ensure policymakers represent the experiences of all Americans in the economy.
But we know government can’t do it alone. Private-sector leaders have rightly acted to ensure their companies are more reflective of America, often in response to their employees, their customers and their own consciences. Right now, the same guardians of trickle-down economics who attack our administration’s economic policies are also attacking the private sector and the views of the American people. A recent poll from the nonpartisan Black Economic Alliance Foundation shows overwhelming bipartisan support for promoting diversity as central to a company being more innovative and more profitable, and central to fulfilling the promise of our country for all Americans. Despite the attacks, we all must keep pushing to create a workforce that reflects America.
For generations, Black Americans haven’t always been fully included in our democracy or our economy, but by pure courage and heart, they have never given up pursuing the American Dream. We saw in Jacksonville, Fla., yet another community wounded by an act of gun violence, reportedly fueled by hate-filled animus. We must refuse to live in a country where Black families going to the store or Black students going to school live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin. On this day of remembrance, let us keep showing that racial equity isn’t just an aspiration. Let us reject the cramped view that America is a zero-sum game that holds that for one to succeed, another must fail. Let us remember America is big enough for everyone to do well and reach their God-given potential.
That’s how we redeem the promissory note of our nation.
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Trans Regulus long fic??? 👀👀
YES! I could talk about this for ages but vjfnbjgnjb,, it's basically just a bunch of angst lol
It follows Regulus's life from when he was born, his younger years (specifically his relationship with Sirius but especially with his mother as well - Walburga's got this whole "I now have a daughter who'll know of the same burdens I do and that makes us close" even if she,, is the way she is which is admittedly not great.) his time at Hogwarts, his transition, his feelings for James that he never confesses to anyone, him getting "accepted" by his parents (because Sirius ran away) but still having to deal with the expectations of a woman from the Black family and him getting engaged and married to Edmund Avery Jr.
It's got a lot of Regulus trying to make the best of his life, chasing yet another man who doesn't love him (even if he doesn't love Edmund either, he feels like he's supposed to) and there's also Regulus struggling to "fulfil his purpose" because Edmund is infertile and they can't have kids, which he thinks is his fault.
I've got a lot of scenes planned,, I want one where young young Regulus and Sirius are at the beach with their mother in France during the summer and little Reggie standing with water to his ankles cause he knows he’s not the best swimmer so he’s a little scared of the water and Sirius is being made to put on sunscreen and they’re all waiting for Orion to join them but he’s in their “summer home” in France working because that’s where his priorities lie, so instead it’s just Walburga and probably Kreacher, and Walburga won’t get in the water with them, but she’s watching them with a fondness that fades when they get older and it's vjfnbjngjb,, I can't even
There's also this lovely set of quotes that lowkey inspired like half of this fic
"Make love to me." "I can't." "Why not?" "Because I don't love you." "Then pretend."
I'm still unsure about the ending,, but I've considered (since it's canon-compliant to an extent) that it might end up with Regulus taking care of Harry of sorts? I'm very excited to write this for multiple reasons, but especially because it's probably gonna feature both old and new diary entries from Regulus, scraps of sad boy poetry, flashbacks maybe even clippings from the Daily Prophet and such so the writing style is gonna be fairly different from how I usually write but it's,, it's just gonna be so much fun to write I just know it
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feitans-sweet-lover · 2 years
Troupe Karaoke Nights:
Kalluto and Feitan are definitely singing “That Beautiful Sound” from Beetlejuice Broadway on Troupe Karaoke nights. It’s them and their relationship through and through 😂
Phinks sings Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne on a dare from Shalnark and Feitan.
Nobunaga sings “Too Little Too Late” by JoJo while Uvogin adds the background Chorus. Man knows how to reach a high note.
Chrollo is without a doubt “Water Under the Bridge” by Adele or “Summertime Sadness” by Lana Del Rey. If he’s feeling it he might even bring out some Taylor Swift.
Shalnark starts singing “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepson in response to Phinks which almost results in his head through the wall 😂
Franklin brings in the Jazz with Harry Connick Jr. “It Had To Be You”
Phinks demands a rematch to which him, Feitan and Shalnark start rapping the hell out of “Face Off”. It would have been impressive if Phinks and Shalnark could actually rap and Feitan didn’t miss words. But the spirit was there
Machi sings “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” while Pakunoda starts singing “It’s Raining Men” with Shizuku who proceeds to forget all the lyrics.
Illumi just spoke the lyrics to “Secret” by the Pierces which creeped out every soul in the Karaoke room.
Kortopi started singing “Baby Shark” which everyone joined in on and Hisoka sat outside in the rain with his face pressed up against the window. One might have even seen a tear if they looked close enough.
This is just a mess and for fun, please don’t take it too seriously! Also, am I the only one who thinks when Phinks sings it’s country twang sounding? Like think the song “Fake ID” by Big & Rich 🤣
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saucy-mesothelioma · 1 month
Do you have any "underrated" actors, or ones who you think deserve more spotlight? Are there any scenes that come to mind from their career?
Sorry it took so long for me to answer this, but here it is! Get ready for a long list because I have many, many thoughts.
Buster Keaton: This man is one of the kings of the silent film era as well as among stuntmen. This man was dedicated to his craft and it shows because his stunts are nothing short of incredible, especially since for the 1920s being a stuntman was incredibly dangerous. Oftentimes stuntmen were locals with not a lot of training, and many times they were severely injured or killed, so it was very rare for an actual actor for the time to do their own stunts. And not only was he an actor and stuntman, he was also an incredible director. I'd highly recommend any of his films, but the one that introduced me to him was Sherlock Jr, which is free on YouTube to watch. But, if you just want a taste of some of his stunts, here's a good compilation. One last thing about him that's absolutely badass in my opinion: in Sherlock Jr (and that compilation ) the stunt with the water tower actually broke his neck when he fell on the track. He brushed it off with a drink to get rid of the ache, and 30 years later at a doctor's appointment he was asked when he broke his neck after getting an x-ray. Short king badass.
Carrie Fisher: Yeah, she's definitely more well-known, but hear me out. When you think of Carrie Fisher, you probably think of Princess Leia. And although her acting is fantastic in that role, I feel like it overshadows a lot of her other roles. I love Princess Leia as much as everyone else, but two of my other favorite roles of hers are Marie in When Harry Met Sally and Mystery Woman in The Blues Brothers. I adore this woman so much and I really wish these two roles of her got more attention. Even though her screen time in these two films were short, I loved both of her characters; the Tunnel Scene in Blues Brothers is probable one of my favorites. Rip Queen.
Tony Todd: People do NOT talk about this man as much as he deserves. Like I never really see people talk about him compared to a lot of other prominent horror actors for example. He's in a lot of things: Venom in the Spider-Man 2 game from 2023, the Vortigaunts in Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and Half-Life Alyx, Ben in Night of the Living Dead (1990), Bludworth in Final Destination, among many other things, but most people will recognize him as The Candyman. His voice is absolutely legendary, and it's not hard to see why. No amount of praise I could give this man could ever do his performances justice, so I'll let them speak for themselves. "The Gas-Pump Scene" in Night of the Living Dead and the "Be My Victim Scene" in Candyman are my all-time favorites. This man is an absolute legend.
Rob Paulsen: Another big name that doesn't get the recognition he deserves. He's one of the most prominent voice actors of all time, even more so than Mark Hamill (who also doesn't get talked about much when it comes to his voice acting compared to his live-action roles). This man is responsible for so many voices in my childhood: Yakko, Pinky, Dr. Scratchansniff, Donatello, Raphael, Sir Rothchild, Mark Chang, Toodles, Spike (Land Before Time), Bobble, Jack Fenton, Carl Wheezer, P.J. Pete, and Bubsy (every time I hear Bubsy I think of Snapcube's video and this clip and I break down sobbing with laughter) to just name a few. This man is responsible for voicing so many beloved characters since 1983; he's an absolute icon among voice actors in my opinion. Animaniacs is one of my favorite childhood shows, and I know it wouldn't be the same if his characters were voiced by someone else.
Dolly Parton: The patron saint of the Smokies and one of the best country singers to ever exist. She's not in a lot of movies or tv shows, but she was in two movies I love: 9 to 5 and The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Best Little Whorehouse is a guilty pleasure movie of mine because it's such a out-of-the-box idea for a movie that just works for some reason, but 9 to 5 trumps it. That movie was her first real acting role and she does a fantastic job, and the "Rooster to a Hen" scene lives rent-free in my head constantly and I actively use it whenever I have the chance.
Jim Nabors: This man is very near and dear to my heart. He was born close to where I grew up, he was a Southern gay man, and I spent a lot of my childhood watching him on The Carol Burnett show (the two of them were best friends and I love them both so much), The Andy Griffith Show, and Gomer Pyle USMC. I could name so many of his scenes that I love, but I gotta go with the "Citizen's Arrest" bit in Andy Griffith because my family quotes it all the time (also honorable mention to Don Knotts; his "Nervous Man"/"Nervous Weatherman" skit is one of my favorites I love his facial expressions) Also a fun fact about Jim Nabors, he's also a balladeer with an incredible singing voice and sang at the opening at the Indy 500 starting in 1972 for 36 years. I've got one of his original records from the 60s and it's one of my most prized possessions.
Alan Alda: This man is responsible for many of my tears, and I mean that in the best way. As writer, director, and actor in M*A*S*H, he's responsible for some of the most heart-wrenching episodes in the entire series. He's in plenty of other things too like Marriage Story, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Canadian Bacon, The Four Seasons, and Everyone Says I Love You, but let's be honest Hawkeye Piece takes the cake. He can act humor, he can act hopelessness, he can act rage, and he can do it in such an impactful way that's highlighted beautifully in this character. I honestly can't choose a favorite scene of his, but here's two scenes that have the best quality on Youtube: "War is Hell" and "Through the Wisecracks". This man knows how to deliver emotion, and I'm not afraid to admit that that second scene made me cry when I first watched it, and it still makes me tear up now.
David Ogden Stiers: He was also on M*A*S*H, but most people probably know him as Jumba, Governor Ratcliffe, Wiggins, Cogsworth, and The Narrator (Beauty and the Beast). But much like Alan Alda, the role of his I love the most is Major Charles Winchester in M*A*S*H. He replaced Larry Linville's Major Frank Burns as Hawkeye and BJ's tentmate, but he has far more likable moments than Frank. He plays a fantastic stuck-up jackass, but what really makes him underrated is how he can play a character like that who can still have such compelling moments of sympathy and strength that adds so much depth and warmth to the character. "The Piano Scene" was the one that made me love his character, and I think about it a lot. Stiers is fantastic in this scene, and I think it's a beautiful representation of his incredible acting.
Brad Douriff: Much like Carrie Fisher, Douriff's work as Chucky from the Child's Play series often overshadows his other works. Don't get me wrong, the series is great and he's fantastic as Chucky, but I honestly don't believe it's him at his absolute best acting. For me, his roles as Billy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and The Gemini Killer in The Exorcist III are far more compelling. Cuckoo's Nest was one of his first acting roles, and much like Dolly he nailed it for it being a first. And these two roles just go to show the incredible range this guy has, from the stammering and nervous Billy to the sadistic and rageful Gemini Killer.
Gene Wilder: The original Willy Wonka himself, but he's yet another actor who's other roles are primarily shadowed by one more recognizable role. Once again, he's perfectly fantastic as Willy Wonka, but there's so many of his other roles go unrecognized when he's discussed, such as Eugene from Bonnie and Clyde, Leo in The Producers, Jim in Blazing Saddles, Dr. Frankenstein in Young Frankenstein, and Dave in See No Evil Hear No Evil. I will say that Wonka's my favorite of his roles because of the nostalgia, but I also love Leo and Jim. "Jim's Hysteria" and "Waco Kid" is another show of the fantastic range an actor can have (and an honorable mention to Cleavon Little in this movie, he's fuckin fantastic), and he's genuinely one of my favorites.
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15 Inventors Who Were Killed By Their Own Inventions
Marie Curie -  Marie Curie, popularly known as Madame Curie, invented the process to isolate radium after co-discovering the radioactive elements radium and polonium. She died of aplastic anemia as a result of prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation emanating from her research materials. The dangers of radiation were not well understood at the time.
William Nelson - a General Electric employee, invented a new way to motorize bicycles. He then fell off his prototype bike during a test run and died.
William Bullock - he invented the web rotary printing press. Several years after its invention, his foot was crushed during the installation of the new machine in Philadelphia. The crushed foot developed gangrene and Bullock died during the amputation.
Horace Lawson Hunley - he was a marine engineer and was the inventor of the first war submarine. During a routine test, Hunley, along with a 7-member crew, sunk to death in a previously damaged submarine H. L. Hunley (named after Hunley’s death) on October 15, 1963. 
Francis Edgar Stanley - Francis crashed into a woodpile while driving a Stanley Steamer. It was a steam engine-based car developed by Stanley Motor Carriage Company, founded by Francis E. Stanley and his twin Freelan O. Stanley. 
Thomas Andrews - he was an Irish businessman and shipbuilder. As the naval architect in charge of the plans for the ocean liner RMS Titanic, he was travelling on board that vessel during her maiden voyage when the ship hit an iceberg on 14 April 1912. He perished along with more than 1,500 others. His body was never recovered.
Thomas Midgley Jr. - he was an American engineer and chemist who contracted polio at age 51, leaving him severely disabled. He devised an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys to help others lift him from the bed. He was accidentally entangled in the ropes of the device and died of strangulation at the age of 55.
Alexander Bogdanov - he was a Russian physician and philosopher who was one of the first people to experiment with blood transfusion. He died when he used the blood of malaria and TB victim on himself.
Michael Dacre -  died after testing his flying taxi device designed to permit fast, affordable travel between regional cities.
Max Valier - invented liquid-fuelled rocket engines as a member of the 1920s German rocket society. On May 17, 1930, an alcohol-fuelled engine exploded on his test bench in Berlin that killed him instantly.
Mike Hughes - was killed when the parachute failed to deploy during a crash landing while piloting his homemade steam-powered rocket.
Harry K. Daghlian Jr. and Louis Slotin -  The two physicists were running experiments on plutonium for The Manhattan Project, and both died due to lethal doses of radiation a year apart (1945 and 1946, respectively).
Karel Soucek -  The professional stuntman developed a shock-absorbent barrel in which he would go over the Niagara Falls. He did so successfully, but when performing a similar stunt in the Astrodome, the barrel was released too early and Soucek plummeted 180 feet, hitting the rim of the water tank designed to cushion the blow.
Hammad al-Jawhari - he was a prominent scholar in early 11th century Iraq and he was also sort of an inventor, who was particularly obsessed with flight. He strapped on a pair of wooden wings with feathers stuck on them and tried to impress the local Imam. He jumped off from the roof of a mosque and consequently died.
Jean-Francoise Pilatre de Rozier -  Rozier was a French teacher who taught chemistry and physics. He was also a pioneer of aviation, having made the first manned free balloon flight in 1783. He died when his balloon crashed near Wimereux in the Pas-de-Calais during an attempt to fly across the English Channel. Pilâtre de Rozier was the first known fatalities in an air crash when his Roziere balloon crashed on June 15, 1785.
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