#Found Family au
youneedsomeprompts · 4 months
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requested by: @20-crows-in-a-trenchcoat
Feel free to use and reblog!
being torn between opening up and shutting everyone out
needing help but being unable to ask for it
keeping things to themselves even though they know they shouldn't
falling back into old patterns
not being ready to trust anyone new
saying the opposite of what they're feeling
not feeling seen as they had hoped
only taking care of everyone else but not themselves
not wanting to be 'fixed'
being extremely grateful for their found family but feeling bad for not being able to show their gratitude
still having to sort their feelings out on their own because they can't stand to be seen in an emotional state
crying when someone shows them love
thinking they're too sensitive/too broken to be a part of the found family
holding back from truly being themselves
not knowing how to handle being accepted by someone for the first time
being stressed out about possibly doing something wrong because they're terrified to lose what they finally have
being unable to believe that the support in the found family is really unconditional
'Will they leave me? Will they leave me? Will they leave?' as the constant background noise in their head
being unable to tell the truth
not getting better despite the perfect circumstances in their new found family
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ssaraexposs · 2 months
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yaboirezzy · 3 months
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"I don't know how to explain this
but I can't shake this feeling
that I've known you all my life
and I want it to stay that way
all the way till the end"
The Kin(List)-Verse 2024
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zimanddibromance · 5 days
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They bond at sunrise. :P
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wierdshenanigans · 9 months
Hey y'all fellow enjoyers of found family how's your relationship with your biological family
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noodleshark · 4 months
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the sillies
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“I never tell my adopted dad ‘you’re not my real dad!’ Instead I tell him, ‘you’re not even my favorite serial killer’ and watch this man go through the express lane of grief.”
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meadow-hearthfire · 3 months
Guess who made a Troll!Veneer Redemption/Character Development playlist on Youtube?
I did!
If you got time, be sure to check it out.
I made this playlist when I was thinking about @octomyth's Floyd's Apprentice AU and @ohposhers' Trolls!V&V AU and picturing various Found Family scenarios involving Floyd and Troll!Veneer.
Also, at least one vid I added is not necessarily for its song ('cause I feel like it's out of character for Veneer to tell Velvet "fuck you" because I imagine he'd still love his sister despite her having mistreated him), but rather for the acrobatics portrayed.
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monochromepen · 4 months
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Forever crying at what could've been a canon potential Found Family au...
Belated Happy Valentines guys ❤️
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spacejvnky · 10 months
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the nominations for best big sister award goes to
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youneedsomeprompts · 11 months
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requested by: @rainywolfden & anonymous request: protective prompts. especially some family based ones, but just scenarios where one character thinks they need to protect another character would be nice
Feel free to use and reblog!
defending the other when someone says something only slightly criticising about them
"You take that back!"
jumping in front of the other, no matter whether they're being physically or verbally attacked
putting a hand on the other's shoulder to show their support
not accepting hate/critique of the other because no one knows their real struggle
"I actually think A is doing a great job. You shouldn't judge when you know nothing."
getting furious when someone takes advantage of the other's weaknesses
noticing the other struggle without them having to say a word
always feeling responsible to protect their younger sibling(s)
never letting their children out of sight because something could happen in these two seconds
"Leave my baby alone!"
accompanying the other home at night
looking out for potential dangers all the time
comforting the other as soon as they're alone
"Hey! What did you just say to my sibling/child/friend/etc.?!"
seeking the one who hurt the other to take revenge
"You messed with the wrong one!"
not leaving the other's side 'just in case'
only stepping in when the other can't handle it anymore
"You've got some real nerve."
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stillebesat · 1 year
DP X DC Idea:
Post Redemption Arc Vlad Masters is wandering around San Fransico as Plasmius and discovers a teenage boy (Tim Drake/Robin) in a secret lab under the Teen Titans Tower desperately attempting to create a clone of his dead best friend (Kon).
Vlad: Oh. I know how to do this! Also Vlad: ... ... Should I though?
Cue: Tim and Vlad bonding
Though whether it's through a mutual "We tried to clone a person and failed to create what we wanted to create" sort of bonding thing or more of Vlad going: "Hey, this isn't going to work, but I'll help you anyways with this while also helping you realize it's not going to work and let you work through your grief in the process and maybe just maybe...we can become our own found family together?"
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Thoughts for my Found Family AU
Roman with ARFID, who struggles at times to eat anything at all and Remus with trauma and around food insecurity, eating nearly everything and anything he can get his hands on and hoarding food.
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hype-blue-fixation · 2 months
With Lucifer basically being Alastor’s dad, I need our Duck dad to meet best mom Rosie and for them to immediately hit it off.
Alastor will never admit to being happy his new dad and second mom getting along.
Charlie is also ecstatic to learn that she basically has a new brother.
It's always fun to see what ideas you toss in here! But bro you basically live in my ask box but somehow we're not mutuals??? How'd that happen?? 🤔 /lh
Anyways! I do think Lucifer and Rosie would hit it off well when it comes to gossiping and gushing about lovey dovey things. I mean what can you expect from putting a matchmaker/couples counselor in the same room as a married loverboy?
Alastor would be disgusted by the way (and the unholy depths) to which they discuss love, marriage, relationship issues, etc. but he likes seeing Rosie happy so that's all that matters. He would also never admit to seeing Lucifer as more of a parental figure over time and would keep up the banter just for the show and fun of it.
So Charlie probably doesn't know he was secretly adopted, but she treats him like family anyways. More like a crazy uncle than a brother, but still.
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little-puku · 1 year
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Bathing a baby is the same as bathing a baby Sneasel, right?
a silly little comic idea I did a while ago thanks to some friends haha
The idea was Akari been a baby-sitter for Ingo and Sugi to take care of baby Nary, for them to have a night out or do a survey quest, so Ingo been Ingo thought was a good idea to demonstrate his point using a bebe Sneasel, it went kinda well haha
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noodleshark · 6 months
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How many children can you fit onto one couch challenge
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