#Female mineta
orangefizzypops · 1 month
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Idk i wanted to draw them together a bit more.
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silverinu15 · 1 year
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Another female
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homos-in-training · 2 years
Incorrect MHA-43 (MHAxReader)
Mineta: [is being a perv]
Kaminari: [flirting with Y/n]
Y/n: God give me patience
Kaminari: Wouldn't it be God give me strength?
Y/n: If God gave me strength you and grape fuck would be dead by now
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yasashii-leaf · 5 months
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The adventure of Minori
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heronoegg · 1 year
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slams my hands on the table rolling everything on it off in a extremely messy manner... i want something very specific to my taste which is this right here
also normal homie Mineta
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coopigeoncoo · 10 months
The 3-Cs of 3-A, Chapter 1: The World Turns Upside Down
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Chapter Links: Next
Pairing: Eventual Bakugou Katsuki x Fem Reader (it's a very long way off though)
Rating: Explicit. 18+
Tags: Mineta Redemption, Fem Reader, AFAB Reader, Sexual Harassment, Abusive Parenting, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Statutory Rape, Dubious Consent, Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Domestic Violence, Blood and Injury
Tags are subject to change as story develops.
Mineta Minoru is a perverted misogynist whose antics should have had him expelled from UA long ago.
But he wasn’t.
And now it’s your job to fix him.
May God have mercy on your soul.
–-- “Well then, I’ll leave myself in your capable hands,” Mineta purred before popping open the top two buttons on his shirt, sending you a coy look from under his lashes. “Mold me into the perfect hero, Pygmalion!  Make me your Galatea!” he screamed as he ripped open his shirt, buttons flying haphazardly through the air and pinging off the walls and floor.  You throw your arms up to cover your eyes, as though blinded by the pale skin of his belly.  
“Why do you always have to make this weird?” you moan forlornly, already bending down to search along the floor for the missing buttons.  
Continue Reading below, or follow the link to Ao3!
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Chapter 1: The World Turns Upside Down
In which you make a grave error and start a chain reaction that changes life as you know it.
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The only thing you were the best at was trying your best, and honestly, that was pretty darn good.
You had never been given a solo in band class, but the only mistakes you made while playing were small and easily drowned out by the enthusiastic French horn player that sat next to you. Homework assignments were always turned in fully completed, on time, with legible penmanship, but you never managed to break the top 30 academic rankings at your school. Your brief stint as a field hockey player ended with you having never scored a goal despite your team making it to the playoffs.
You rose to all the challenges you were given and performed admirably, but you never truly excelled at anything. You did well and you supposed that was well enough.
It was this long and unwavering history of academic adequacy that led you to make what was ultimately, in retrospect, the worst decision of your young life.
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Two options were set before you and neither of them were particularly appealing.
The first was an exhaustively long and detailed research paper on the rise of commercialized hero agencies that spanned from the initial onset of Quirks until today. The second was the same project all of your future classmates had been assigned a week prior: building and maintaining a mock hero agency for the remainder of the school year. Research had never been your strong suit and the idea of working on a singular paper for eight months straight was one of the worst ways you could imagine spending your senior year.
"I think," you murmured quietly, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. " I think I would like to attempt the hero project, Sir."
Since this was the first time you had met the Principal of your new school you were woefully unaware of the horrors that awaited when Nezu's eyes twinkled just so, and your hesitant acceptance set of a shimmer in his beady eyes that would have any experienced member of his staff revising the resignation letters they all had saved on their desktops for easy access.
"Excellent!" He proclaimed cheerily, sharp teeth bared in an unnerving smile as he reached into his desk and withdrew a stack of files. "Most excellent indeed! I'll provide you with all the pertinent records and files for your project. I'm looking forward to seeing what your fresh perspective will bring to the table with no inherited biases!"
"Biases? What biases?" you asked warily.
"Nothing to worry yourself over!,” Nezu assured you as he continued to add to the file stack. “I can tell by your academic record that you're a hard worker no matter how challenging the assignment! Taking on something of this magnitude will really set you apart from your peers,” Nezu said as he added a collection of slim binders on top of the file stack.
"Ah, is that okay though? I'm transferring in during my third year. The rest of my class has way more experience. One of them will probably be a better choice to handle a…more challenging project?" you questioned, becoming increasingly nervous and uncertain as the stack of files continued to grow.
"Nonsense! You're a clever girl, you'll be fine. Besides, all of them already refused to do this. Well, except that one boy. Utada, I believe? He received this assignment originally," Nezu murmured, tapping a clawed finger to his chin gently and his other hand shuffled papers on his desk about into a messy pile before clipping it together and depositing it onto the towering stack of paper between you.
"Oh! Will I be working together with him, then? Like a group project?" you sighed, relieved that you would have a partner to work through this monstrous assignment with.
"Work with who? Utada? Oh, heavens no! He dropped out. Purely coincidental, I'm sure, and not at all related to this project. Now, let's finish up the rest of your transfer paperwork, shall we?"
A weak smile wobbled across your face as you nodded, worried about the workload but knowing you didn't really have much of a choice but to accept.  UA was a high-level, competitive school.  You knew going in that the course work was going to be more challenging than your previous school, but there was no way they would assign anything too difficult, right?
Your newly found confidence immediately faltered as Nezu pushed the towering stack of paper and office supplies across the desk towards you.
“This information should be sufficient to get you started. Make sure to let your homeroom teacher know if there is anything missing and we’ll make arrangements to get it to you. Best of luck!”
Knowing a dismissal when you heard one, you gathered up the stack of files into your arms and carefully maneuvered your way out of the office, unaware of the principal's feral grin that lasted long after you bumped the door closed with your hip.
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The project, in theory, was simple: build a hero agency from the ground up. It's the perfect assignment for the Business Course students because it would very likely mirror what awaited them in the professional world once they graduated; working with a hero, constructing an image, supporting the brand, and keeping the budget in line. It was a culmination of two years of accrued knowledge put to the test.
Two years of knowledge that you didn't possess.
Transferring into any program during your final year was already going to be a nightmare, but the specialized and hero-focused curriculum of UA didn't mesh with your previous school's classes as well as you'd hoped. Or at all, really. You didn’t know what got covered in the second year math class 'Deconstructing Destruction: Calculating the Cost of Replacing Public Works' but you had a sneaking suspicion it was vastly different from your Probability and Statistics course.
“Welp,” you sighed as you took in the mountain of paperwork stacked on top of your desk “Time to get to work.”
The syllabus was at the top of the stack and you managed to make it a full thirty pages in before you started hyperventilating. You weren't even halfway through the project outline and every bullet point had at least six additional bullet points underneath it. The breadth and depth of this project was unreal and you had no idea how you were going to manage it.
You set a cellphone timer for ten minutes and managed to work in two full existential crises before the alarm sounded. After that, you took a series of calming breaths and began collating.
Files were broken up by individual assignment, hole punched, and placed neatly into three ring binders with color coded sticky tabs that you could use to quickly access different sections. Due dates were logged in your agenda and calendar reminders were added to your cell phone. It took you hours to organize the entire towering project outline. The satisfaction you felt as you stared at the collection of pristine and orderly binders must be what new parents felt when holding their child for the first time; overwhelming pride and exhaustion in equal measure.
Only one file remained on your desk; the student record for the hero in training that you'd be building an agency for. You sat down in your desk chair, cracked your knuckles, and opened the file to the first page.
"Alright, Mineta Minoru! Let's see what you've got, hero!"
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"Oh God," you sobbed into your hands. "He's awful."
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linphd · 1 year
They see your costume rip | Headcanons
female reader
-> While on a fight, your costume rips, making almost all of your breast visible. Luckily for you, they see it and cover it up.
-> Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Hitoshi Shinsou.
Katsuki Bakugou
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It was a random training, nothing unusual. But you, using extra knives whenever your quirk can’t be useful, didn’t really expect them to bump into an hardened Kirishima, throwing them right back at you. But luckily for you, you were able to move away so they wouldn’t pierce through you.
Still, it was enough for one of them to rip your costume, on your chest era. Nothing out of the extraordinary for you, often wearing clothes that weren’t really hiding your breast, but still, you were at school and training.
Katsuki was quick to make an explosion, big enough to make smoke, hiding you and him. Indeed, you guys had been paired up, so he was close to you. « Thank you ! » you said. He only nodded and gave you his gauntlet so you would hold it in front of the rip and no one would see.
« But you know, I often wear clothes that show them like that. » you snorted. « So what ? Stop being a whore and be grateful I hid you. There’s this guy in a diaper creeping around. » he replied, his usual angry expression on. « Mineta, right. » you said.
« Come on ! Go back to the lockers to get it fixed ! » he exclaimed, seeing you not moving. « I’ll go, I’ll go ! I just stayed cause I know you like it when I’m a ‘whore’. » you explained, earning a snort from the blonde. You were lucky he never shut you up for flirting with him.
Shoto Todoroki
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You were paired up with Shoto during a training. As Bakugou made an explosion too close to you, you were fast enough to jump and not face directly the explosion, but you were still close enough for you costume to rip at its strength.
You didn’t even notice, waiting for the blonde to leave so you’d be sure to stand up and keep training in peace. But as you stood up, Shoto noticed the huge rip in your costume. Not enough for you breast to be out like Momo’s, but enough to be embarrassing for you.
He immediately averted his gaze and created a tiny ice wall in front of you. You were about to look at him curiously when you noticed that you were just way too naked for your liking. « Oh- thanks ! » you said, trying to tie your costume to hide the rip.
« I didn’t look, I just saw a bit your skin so- » he started to explain. « Don’t be embarrassed, it’s okay, it wasn’t on purpose. » you reassured him. You knew a bit about his crush on you, as Izuku was quite the tattletale, actually.
« I managed to tie the front, see ? » you said. He nodded, a bit blushing that he had to look at the knot you had made -it was still your chest area and he was still rather awkward. « You should still… go back to the locker rooms to get it properly fixed… » he said, looking away. You giggled and went to Aizawa to tell him about your rip.
Hitoshi Shinsou
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It had been a few weeks since Shinsou started training with the hero branch. You had had your eye on him since the sports festival -where he brainwashed you to be on his team- even before he became muscular and friendly.
So let’s say it was already quite awkward for you to have to train with your crush. But it became even worse when your team -including you, him, Kirishima and Ojiro- got chased by Bakugou’s and the blonde made an explosion so big its strength just made rips on your costume.
At the loud sound, Shinsou turned to see if everyone behind him was okay, when he noticed you. You weren’t hurt, but you had rips in your costume, making it look like you had borrowed Momo’s. The guys had theirs ripped too -if it was possible for Kiri’s to be worse- but he was focused on you.
He threw his scarf at you, so you just caught it, not knowing much what he wanted. Once you all stopped, he noticed you looked confused. « Aren’t you a bit cold ? » he asked, the tiny grin on his face hidden by his mask. Ojiro pointed out your rip and you gasped, hiding by just wearing the scarf.
« Thank you ! » you told the purple haired boy, your cheeks warmer than ever. « You should go to Aizawa to get that fixed. I mean- if you mind it. » he said. « I DO ! I do- yeah… » you tried to say, even more embarrassed than before. Your team left, Shinsou hiding his giggle at your reaction as you also walked away
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whetstonefires · 10 months
Hey you said something about the my hero academia creator being unhinged about sexism, do you mind explaining?
I tried to write like, a thorough explanation of this and it just got longer and longer and longer and I have not touched this series in actual years and yet I've still got all these receipts a;lkjk;lfasd.
So rather than trying to build the whole massive case, here's a pared-down version. It's normal to have sexism in media, and shounen manga especially. Everyone does it. The level and mode and intentionality and so forth all vary, but of course it's there.
What's not normal is to have lots of varied and interesting female characters with discernible inner lives, and on-page discussion of how sexism is systemic and unjust and holds them back in specific ways, and then also deliberately make consistent sexist writing decisions even where they don't arise naturally from the flow of the narrative.
Horikoshi is actively interested in gender and sexism, he's aware of them in a way you rarely see outside of the context of, you know, fighting sexism. He is hung up on the thorny issue of what women are worth and deserve and how power and respect ties into it. He genuinely wants, I think, to have Good Female Characters, and not be (seen as) A Sexist Guy!
But. He doesn't actually want to fight sexism. He displays a lot of woman-oriented anxieties, and one of the many churning paddlewheels in his head seems to be that he knows intellectually that morally sexism is bad, but emotionally he really feels like it ought to probably be at least partly correct.
There are so many things I could cite, and maybe I'll get into some of them later, but the crowning item that highlights how the pattern is 1) at least partly conscious and deliberate and 2) about Horikoshi's own weird hangups rather than simply cynical market play, is Mineta Minoru.
The writer has stated Mineta is his favorite character. Mineta is also designed to be hated--that is, he is a particularly elaborate instantiation of a character archetype normally deployed to soak up audience contempt and (by being gross and shameless and unattractive and 'unthreatening') make it possible to include a range of sexual gratification elements into the narrative that would compromise the main characters' reputations as heroic and deserving, if they were the actors.
Good Guys don't grope girls' tits and run away snickering in triumph, after all. Non-losers don't focus intense effort around successfully stealing someone's panties. Nice Girls don't let themselves be seen half-dressed. And so forth. You need an underwear gremlin for that. So, in anime and manga, longstanding though declining tradition of including such a gremlin, for authorial deniability.
Horikoshi definitely uses him straight for this purpose, looping in Kaminari as needed to make a bit work. And yet he has Feelings about the archetype itself.
The passages dedicated to the vindication of Mineta, then, and the author's statements about him, let us understand that Horikoshi identifies with the figure of the underwear gremlin. He understands the underwear gremlin as a defining exemplar of male sexuality, at least if you are not hot, and finds the attached contempt and hostility to be a dehumanizing attack on all uh.
Incels, basically.
It's not fair to write Mineta off just because he's unattractive and horny (and commits sexual harassment). Doesn't he have a mind? Doesn't he have dreams? Doesn't he have human potential?
So what's going on with Horikoshi and gender, as far as I can figure out, is that he knows damn well that women are people and are treated unjustly by sexist society, but however.
He also understands the institutions of sexism as something protecting him and people like him from life being nebulously yet definitively Worse, and therefore wants to see them upheld.
So you get this really bizarre handling of gender where obviously women's rights good and women cool, women can be Strong, and the compulsory sexualization imposed by the industry isn't them or the author, and so forth.
But also it's very important that in the world he controls, women never win anything important or Count too much, and that jokes at their expense that disrupt the internal logic of their characters are always fair game, that women asked about sexism on TV will promptly get into catfights amongst themselves, and they are understood always in terms of their sexual and romantic interests and value, and sexual assertiveness and failures to perform femininity well enough are used to code them as dangerous and irrational, and that the sexy costumes are requisite and will never be subverted or rebelled against--at most they might be circumnavigated via leaning into cute appeal.
And that Yaoyorozu Momo, who converts her body fat into physical objects, is being frivolous when she wants to use money to buy things instead (rather than as sensibly moderating her Quirk use) and is never encouraged to eat as much as possible at every opportunity to put on weight and even shown being embarrassed by hunger (even though Quirk overuse gives symptoms that suggest she's been stripping the lipids out of her cell walls or nervous system to keep fighting) and always, no matter how many Things she has made, has huge big round boobies.
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Telling off Mineta
|Izuku Midoriya|Katsuki Bakugo|Shoto Todoroki|Fluff|Female reader|
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It was a training day. Everyone was excited to finally be able to use their quirks after long boring classes, being able to burn off some energy. Everyone was in the changing rooms getting ready and changing into their hero costumes. Making small talk with each other wondering about what exercise Aizawa and All Might would make them do.
“I hope we get paired up today Iida. Ive been working on my powers and I want to see how well it would measure up to your super move!” Midoriya slide on his suit while thinking about how exactly he would use his shoot style and ways he could improve it.
“Youve been practicing well Midoriya, but your not the only one. Everyone has gotten stronger” Iida said tying up his shoes tight. It would be horrible if he used his quirk and he ended up tripping.
Midoriya turning to grab something overhears Mineta spouting on about someone. Midoriya has learned to ignore Mineta's antics until he heard who exactly he was spouting about. You.
Even though you didn't even attend UA that didn't keep you safe from Mineta's perverted antics.
“You’ve seen Y/N right? I hope she comes to visit UA again. The skirts at her school are so short. Mmm~ I just want to-” His speech came to a sudden halt when he felt a deadly grip on his shoulders. Glancing up he saw Midoriya with a...smile? “Mineta ...do you mind not talking about Y/N like that? I dont think its really appropriate to do so” Even though Midoryas face seemed warm his tone and grip on Mineta's shoulder told a completely different story.  
Mineta sucked in a breath “Y-Yeah of course. It was just a joke” His choice of word just agitated Midoryia more. “Yeah? Well the next time you decided to “Joke” about Y/N we will have a problem.” Mineta nodded his head quickly and Midoriya went back to Iida.
“You know what Iida. I wouldn't mind Mineta being my partner today either” He slammed his locker shut walking off. 
“What happened to Midoriyas locker?” Kirishima asked Iida looking at the door hanging off a single hinge. “Mineta” Iida simply said closing his and heading out to join the rest of the class.
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Everyone had settled in the cafeteria. Students bustling, utensils clattering, the mumbled tones of food-stuffed voices, it was utterly annoying to him. It's not the fact that it was loud, heck he could be louder than anyone in there. It was the catastrophe sound of it altogether. 
“...it was so cool to see! I have to train 100x harder to be on their level!” Baukgo was with his usual group. Kirishima was telling some story of a Hero he saw that morning. He wasn't fully listening only picking up on parts here and there. “Dude you train all the time. You train just as hard not if harder than everyone else here” Denki responded. “Yeah man, you will reach the Hero level sooner than you know it” Sero chimed in.
Bakugo was mostly in his own head. Thinking about training today school work and other things, but something pulled him out of his thoughts. Someone. A voice stood out to him, an annoying one at that. Bakugos sudden grown snapped Kirishima out of his story. “What's wrong man? What-” Bakugo instantly stood from the table hands slapping down and shaking it.
Hands in his pocket he walks up to him. “So I was thinking me and you could you know...” Mineta's hand reaches out to you but before it makes contact a shadow looms over him. Mineta looks up behind him. Bakugos eyes were narrow and livid “What were you trying to do with my girl you fucking pervert” His voice was low and dangerous. “Katsuki...” you said calmly. He clasps his hands on Mineta's shoulder his hands starting to spark. 
Mineta froze in place “Answer me when I ask you something shit face!” Burn marks starting to form on Mineta's shirt “OW! OW! N-NOTHING, I WASN'T TRYING TO DO ANYTHING” A sinister smirk came up on Bakugos face “You better pray we aren't paired up together for training. You won't live through it” He says letting go and walking towards you. “He didn't touch your right?” He asked you still slightly pissed off. You shook your head giving him a reassuring smile and placing a hand on his arm.
“I'm fine Katsuki. Thank you.” He smirks grabbing you and kissing you deeply so Mineta and everyone else knows that you are his and his only. Mineta kept his fat mouth shut for the rest of the day but was unlucky during the training session. He was with Recovery Girl for the next 2 days.
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It was pretty quiet in the classroom. Mostly hushed voices and paper rustling. Everyone was just waiting for Aizawa to roll into class. Todoroki was just reviewing notes with you until you stepped out to use the bathroom. 
Todoroki continued to review notes on his own until he could have sworn he heard your name. He glanced around the classroom looking until, there. He spotted Mineta talking to Kaminari and Sero in the back of the classroom. Gesturing towards the door you just walked out of with that gross look on his face that made Todoroki shrivel up in disgust.
“Did you see the way her legs looked? They're so slender and sexy”
“Bro I don't think you should-”
“And her bust! Oh man I was Y/N to just-”
An ice crystal soon shadowed the room. Mineta is displayed inside. “I strongly suggest you keep your perverse topic of conversation away from Y/N and all the other girls in class”
Todoroki said towards Mineta's frozen body before swiftly returning to his notes. “All right everyon-” Aizawa halted seeing the large spear of ice. Glancing towards Todoroki who innocently carries on with his studies. “What happened here?” He questioned everyone pointing at you as you coincidentally walk in. You stand there confused seeing an ice block and fingers pointed towards you slowly putting together what had happened. 
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bythepen98 · 1 year
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Fem!Izuku 💚
Technically a doodle since it only took me 2-3 hours to finish.
I know Horikoshi drew him as a girl with short hair but I like to imagine it longer, fluffy and styled like his mother's.
Not entirely sure how big of a difference growing up quirkless as a girl would be and how much that would've affected her once she entered UA but, again, I'm no author so I'll keep it simple:
As per my headcanon, she's still roughly the same with ofc more feminine mannerisms and I reckon there'd be some differences with her fighting style/patterns even when she's trying to imitate All might (bc I know I'd probably move different if I was a guy). She's still bestfriends with Iida and Ochaco but would also be closer to her other female classmates and would attend any scheduled hang outs with them unless it falls on a training day with All might or smtg--Girls night every other week or month once they enter the dorms.
Speaking of All might, he's already doting on male Izuku but he'll probably be even more protective if he was a girl (doesn't help that he's reminded of Nana when he sees her hairstyle). Aizawa doesn't believe in the notion that girls be automatically coddled bc of their gender but I'm sure after getting to know his number one problem child, he'll low-key be more sweet on her than the rest and is extra harsh during training bc he wants to make sure she can protect herself.
Izuku is exasperated but also appreciates it and would indulge them bc they're her dads.
Self indulgent thought: She has her hoard of admirers (villains included) but is extremely dense and anything but a blunt no nonsense confession to her face will be perceived as a reach out for friendship. Katsuki is her guard dog in these matters bc he definitely likes her but is being stupid about it, understandable considering their still unresolved-complicated past, so he takes it upon himself to keep away other dunces who think they can get lucky. Shouto and Hitoshi have a pass bc they're her friends, but he keeps an eye on them just in case.
Self indulgent thought #2: as a girl who grew up quirkless, she's def more sensitive when it comes to sa/ppl generally taking advantage of others and so would've snapped and had Mineta expelled on the first week, if not first day of class. That would've opened up a spot early for Hitoshi to join in. With Izuku's power of persuasion to wear down his i-didnt-come-here-to-make-friends stance and Hitoshi finding out that she was the reason for him getting into hero class so soon? The guy was an instant goner and never looked away since. The todoroki vs deku fight during the festival is a fixed event in my hc so Shouto fell in love there.
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Some more screenshot edits now introducing other random genderbends as well lol. (I put my whole pussy into the first one but I got super lazy on the group one)
Plus the originals below
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silverinu15 · 2 years
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vampyrsm · 2 years
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'just a peek won't hurt.' (1.5k) eijirou kirishima x female reader
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warnings: voyeurism, kirishima is a little bit of a perv in this one, peeping tom/spying, unknowing reader, male masturbation, female masturbation, readers sending nudes, reader is in a relationship but not with kirishima.
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➼ 'kinktober 2022 masterlist'
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Kirishima finally relaxes, his big muscles all slowly decompressing from the long day he had. It was a rough patrol, back-to-back calls of break-ins and villain takedowns. It was always rougher on the Sturdy Hero, he didn't have a quirk that made him quicker, if anything it made him slower when he used it. But still, he didn't let up and always sprinted after villains when they tried to get away.
His body slumps against the cool tile of the locker rooms, the wooden bench whining under the pure mass of the man but he can't find it in himself to care. All he could think about was showering, getting home and finally sleeping. Maybe he'd run into Denki and Sero before he got into his apartment, invite them over for a few beers and watch whatever sport was playing on TV.
That was the plan however until he heard a noise.
It was a noise that any man would recognise, one that made his stomach twist in knots but not in anxiety, but rather in pleasure. It was the undeniable sound of someone moaning.
At first, he thinks there must be someone else in the locker room, watching porn or something like that. He tilts his head to look down the long row of metal lockers until he sees the showers, he can't hear any water running and he's pretty certain most of the sidekicks had gone home much earlier than him.
The only people in the building would be the receptionist, the security guards, himself, Bakugou and — you.
Surely it can't be you, right? He goes quiet, maybe it was just his imagination. Sleep deprivation makes the mind does weird things, right? He nods his head, settling with the fact he was just overworked and stood up, hands on his knees before he stretches upwards. Large arms reach up until his fingertips brush against the ceiling, and then he freezes.
He hears it again, this time a different kind of moan like it was more of a name than just a noise. He follows it this time, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he edges closer and closer to the end of the locker rows to be met with a wall. But then he sees it, the outline of an old locker that used to be here but was recently removed for renovations in the shower end of the locker rooms.
But it's not the outline he's staring at, it's the holes in the wall that must've been from when it was bolted to the wall. And the sound is much clearer, much louder as he stares at the wall. It's sending him back into his high school days when he'd always scowl and lecture Mineta for daring to steal a glance at the girls in the locker room next door. But something is stopping him from stepping away, getting on with his routine because he knows those moans belong to only one person.
He squeezes his eyes closed at the next moan, he thinks he can hear your hands brushing against your skin. His head gently bumps against the wall, long strands of red hair falling off of his shoulders and caging him in. Just him and this hole, a tiny thing that would let him just have a small glance at what he wondered you did hide under that costume of yours. Just a peek wouldn't hurt anyone, right?
So he opens his eye, large frame ducking down enough to level his eye with the closest opening and he nearly chokes on his spit. It takes everything within him to keep quiet, to not give away the fact he can very much see exactly what you're doing right now. You must know that there's no one else coming into the women's locker rooms or you wouldn't be sitting on one of the benches, costume tucked under your ass with your legs spread wide and your fingers stroking through along your pussy.
He should look away, Eijirou knows that, he knows it's a bad thing—an unmanly thing—to be spying on a woman in the first place, and it's even worse to watch a woman getting off unbeknownst to the person spying on her. But he feels entranced, enthralled entirely at the way your fingers dip down and he almost misses the way you're aiming your phone at yourself.
Then his stomach swoops again, right, you were taking videos for someone else. He's about to pull away, walk over to the showers and deal with the throbbing cock that's pressing uncomfortably against the band of his boxers when he hears something squelching, a slippery sound that has his stomach doing flips. You're playing with yourself, and he has to bite down on his fist to stop the bubbling groan that wanted to break out. He could only imagine in the past what it would sound like when you moaned in pleasure, what it would sound like when you spread your legs for him and—
Kirishima takes in a shaky breath, careful to not exhale too loudly whilst he watches you switch position on the bench so your back was to him. He usually would’ve opted for the preference of seeing your face but he can’t deny the view he has of your ass, so grabbable, biteable, fuckable. He wonders if you would’ve ever agreed to let him fuck your ass, maybe have you bent over in the showers or on your back so he had the perfect view of your pretty tits bouncing with each hard rut of his hips.
He couldn’t take it anymore, the aching pain in his pants was too much. His hand fumbles with his belt, careful to not let it fall entirely to the floor and then slips his hand beneath his trousers, grabbing the throbbing length of his cock through his boxers. He was ridiculously hard, had he always been such a pervert? He doesn’t think he’s ever been this turned on before, but then again he was never presented the chance to see you fuck yourself on your fingers.
His boxers already felt damp near the head of his cock, his thumb rolling over the length of his cock until he reaches the tip. Biting down on his lip, he continues the slow tantalizing motion, all whilst watching the way you've moved from how you were sat on the bench and actually bending down—
Oh, fuck.
He can see everything from this angle, the way your thighs squeeze together, your puffy pussy lips glistening with slick that he wishes he could taste on the tip of his tongue. Every curve of you is perfection, he needs to touch you, needs to feel your flesh beneath his big hands and see just how well you could handle his cock whilst it stretches you beyond your limits. His hand speeds up, stroking himself faster through the material of his boxers and his mind lets him replace the feeling of his boxers with the thought that it was your panties wrapped around his length, how the wetness is actually your own juices.
It seems you've finished sending pictures, putting your phone away into your bag and Kirishima expects you to stop, to go shower and clean yourself off, cut off whatever he had been watching. But instead, you remain there, albeit whilst putting away your hero costume and drinking from the water bottle you had brought in with you. Should he stop? It was somehow weirder now, you weren't doing anything exactly sexual... until your hands trailed up along your stomach, manicured nails slowly cupping your breasts and tweaking both of your nipples.
And the moan you let out is enough to send the man over the edge rather clumsily, his hand squeezing to attempt to stop his orgasm but it's too late. He can feel the sticky wetness on his skin and how it's starting to seep through the dark red material. His chest is heaving, he was usually a man capable of lasting much... much longer, had he really been turned on by you that much? A little bit of spying made him cum faster than ever before? He would've laughed if he wasn't aware of the way he was still leaning over the hole, eyes closed now but he can still hear you moving around on the other side of the wall.
If he wasn't coming down from his orgasm, if he wasn't so preoccupied with taking slow and quiet breaths then maybe Kirishima would've seen the satisfied smirk on your face, eyes flicking away from the hole on the wall and down to your phone. A quick text to the number of your boyfriend, "It worked."
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➼ 'kinktober 2022 masterlist' this will be linked to the DP fic in week 3 :)
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yasashii-leaf · 5 months
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Koji et Minori traînent souvent ensemble
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bakubunny · 4 months
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can we just discuss for a moment some of the canon characters and moments that exist in bnha? there’s a lot i’m leaving out so feel free to add on @zazter-den @dcsiremc or anyone else.
mineta -> little fucking perv to the nth degree with seemingly no real repercussions. should have never made it into the hero course to begin with.
midnight -> i love midnight. i do. but it makes little sense to me why a hero who’s canon costume in the manga is skin tight, mostly skin colored, and their entire hero persona is based around kink & seduction (whether it’s called that or not) would ever be allowed to teach at a fucking high school. irl, teachers like that would get their licenses revoked immediately and blasted on the media.
you need more than one hand to count the number of times a canon adult has flirted with or implied something sexual about a damn teenager.
momo’s internship. literally the only thing i remember is everything was based around her learning the importance of leveraging her beauty and sexualizing her body to gain favor in the eyes of the public.
momo in general. i love her character don’t get me wrong. but she’s fucking sixteen and her costume hardly covers her body. like everyone is allowed to wear what they want, i’m not saying she needs to cover up if that’s how she’s comfortable, but hori made that decision when designing her costume. he made the active decision to have her quirk be one where creations come out of her chest.
the designs of female characters in general is for the most part over sexualized - even for U.A. students. you can’t tell me it’s not.
the very questionable relationship between gentle criminal and la brava. i saw it as an innocent one, but it still felt off.
so many other things.
yet y’all get so pressed over adults aging up fictional characters when the authors themselves are writing in things like this. you don’t bat a damn eye. fiction doesn’t suddenly get a pass just because it’s canon material.
make it make sense.
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