#Edit: that might not actually be the context but just in case it is
kirbee-hd · 9 months
we dont talk but miss you
and I'll miss you random annon
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skyburger · 2 months
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whos your favorite of the crusaders from part 3... i think i love baofu the most tbh
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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I documented multiple cases with @/ EuroMedHR of Israeli soldiers abducting blonde children from #Gaza claiming they might be abductee Israelis. As Israeli forces are nearing my area of refuge, I just actually told my brother’s wife to dye her blonde daughter’s hair black! [@/ MahaGaza on X. 01/07/24.] Read this twice, took me twice Zionists are kidnapping blonde Palestinian babies and pretending they're isra*lis, Palestinians are being told to dye their children's hair black [@/ Lamis_Deek on X. 01/07/24/]
Thank you to a mutual for sharing/alerting me to this. This is absolutely horrifying. Like WHO was it that said blonde and blue-eyed babies were superior??
This also makes me think of white European colonizers kidnapping Indigenous children and bringing them to "residential schools" -which were mass genocide camps. If ya'll even know a little about this history, that's what it reminds me of. Indigenous children were forcibly separated from their families and cultures. They were forbidden to speak their languages and were violently abused, and many were killed in heinous and cruel ways -there are still MANY unmarked graves in the white-settler nation of Canada.
This is beyond disturbing. I can't even imagine the horrors behind something like this. The IOF are depraved.
*Edit: for context, I'm not saying that the history of cultural genocide of Indigenous people in settler-colonial countries like Canada and the United States is a direct parallel to what is happening or what appears to be happening to Palestinian children. It just brought up initial thoughts (in terms of my perspective) about the IOF kidnapping Palestinian babies for their 'perceived whiteness,' [which made me think of Nazi Germany's white supremacist discourses], and how very specific it is of them to be taking Palestinian babies/young children and saying they are 'Israeli' [which reminded me of how Indigenous children were forcibly taken from their homeland/cultures by violent settler-colonial states]. I think most of us can agree that the intentions behind this are nefarious, and no matter the reason -I am not trying to erase the severity of and atrocities behind nearly 2 centuries of anti-Indigenous racism and systemic violence against Indigenous communities. I saw a re-blog with commentary about this -and I just want to acknowledge what they had said because this is important to address.
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anim-ttrpgs · 2 months
Help Save the World of TTRPGs and Their Creators.
Okay I’m being a little dramatic, but at the same time I’m pretty serious. This is a call to action, and the livelihoods of myself and lots of other people, many of them (like myself) disabled, are depending on it. This is a post about why, what you can do about it, and (perhaps least often answered) how.
This post is actually an accompaniment to another discussion by someone else. If you don’t want to listen to a 90-minute in-depth discussion of much of what I’m about to tell you, you can just keep reading. Otherwise, click here or here and listen to this either before or after you read this post. (They’re the same thing, just different sources.)
If you have ever made or reblogged posts urging people to switch from Google Chrome to Firefox, you should be willing to at least give a try to other TTRPGs besides D&D5e for much the same principle reasons. I’m not telling you you have to hate D&D5e, and I’m not telling you you have to quit D&D5e, I’m just asking you to try some other games. If you don’t like them, and you really want to go back to D&D5e, then go back to D&D5e. But how can you really know you won’t like other games if you have literally never tried them? This post is a post about why and how to try them. If you’re thinking right now that you don’t want to try them, I urge you to look below to see if any of your reasons for not wanting to try them are covered there. Because the monopoly that WotC’s D&D5e has on TTRPGs as a whole is bad for me as a game designer, and it’s bad for you as a game player. It’s even bad for you if you like D&D5e. A fuller discussion of the why and how this is the case can be found in the links above, but it isn’t fully necessary for understanding this post, it’ll just give you a better perspective on it.
If you’re a D&D5e player, I’m sure at some point or another, you’ve been told “play a different game”, and it must get frustrating without the context of why and how. This post is here to give you the why and how.
[The following paragraph has been edited because the original wording made it sound like we think all weird TTRPGs suck.]
Before that though, one more thing to get out of the way. I'm going to level with you. There’s a lot of weird games out there.
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You are gonna see a lot of weird TTRPGs when you take the plunge. Many of them try to completely reinvent what a TTRPG even is, and some fail spectacularly, others really do even up doing something very interesting even if they don't end up being what a core TTRPG player wants. But not every indie RPG is a Bladefish, lots and lots of them are more 'traditional' and will feel very familiar to you, I promise. (And you might even find that you like the weird experimental bladefish type ones, these are usually ideal for one-session plays when your usual group can't play your usual game for any reason.)
You're also going to probably see a lot of very bad games, and man have I got some stories of very bad games, but for now I'm just saying to make sure you read the reviews, or go through curators (several of which will be listed below), before you buy.
Now that that is out of the way, I’m going to go down a list of concerns you may have for why not, and then explain the how.
“I don’t want to learn a whole new set of rules after I already spent so much time learning D&D5e.”
Learning a new set of rules is not going to be as hard as you think. Most other TTRPGs aren’t like that. D&D5e is far on the high end of the scale for TTRPGs being hard and time-consuming to learn and play. If you’ve only played D&D5e, it might trick you into thinking that learning any TTRPG is an overwhelmingly time-consuming task, but this is really mostly a D&D5e problem, not a TTRPG problem as a whole.
“D&D5e has all of these extra online tools to help you play it.”
So what? People have been playing TTRPGs without the help of computers for 50 years. To play a well-designed TTRPG you won’t need a computer. Yes, even if you're bad at math. There are some TTRPGs out there that barely even use math.
“I’m too invested in the narrative and characters of my group’s current ongoing D&D5e campaign to switch to something else.”
There are other games, with better design made by better people for less money, that are the same kind of game as D&D5e, that your current characters, lore, and plot will fit right into and do it better. And no, it's not just Pathfinder, there's others.
“I can’t afford to play another TTRPG.”
You probably can. If you’ve only played D&D5e, you might have been made to think that TTRPGs are a very expensive hobby. They aren’t. D&D5e is actually uniquely expensive, costing more than 3x more than the next most expensive TTRPG I can think of right now. Even on the more expensive end, other TTRPG books will cost you no more than $60, most will cost you less than $20, and a whole lot of them are just free. If you somehow still can’t afford another TTRPG, come to the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book club mentioned below, nominate the game, and if it wins the vote we will straight up buy it for you.
(By the way, if you had any of the above concerns about trying other games besides D&D5e, that really makes it sound like you are in a textbook abusive relationship with D&D5e. This is how abusers control their partners, and how empires control their citizens, by teaching you to think that nothing could ever get any better, and even though they treat you bad, the Other will treat you even worse.)
“If I don’t play D&D5e, which TTRPG should I play?”
That’s a pretty limited question to be asking, because there will be no one TTRPG for everything. And no, D&D5e is not the one TTRPG for everything, Hasbro’s marketing team is just lying to you. (Pathfinder and PbtA are not the one system for everything either!) Do you only play one video game or only watch one movie or only read one book? When you finish watching an action movie like Mad Max, and then you want to watch a horror movie, do you just rewind Mad Max and watch it over again but this time you act scared the whole time? No, you watch a different movie. I’m asking you to give the artistic medium of TTRPGs the same respect you would give movies.
“I want to play something besides D&D5e, but my friends won’t play anything else!”
I have several answers to this.
Try showing them this post.
If that doesn’t work: Make them. Put your foot down. This works especially well if you are the DM. Tell them you won’t run another session of D&D5e until they agree to give what you want to do at least one try instead of always doing only what they want to do. This is, like, playing 101. We learned this in kindergarten. If your friend really wants to play something else, you should give their game a try, or you’re not really being a very good friend.
If that doesn’t work, find another group. This doesn’t even mean that you have to leave your existing group. A good place to start would be the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club which will be mentioned and linked below. You can also go to the subreddit of any game you’re interested in and probably meet people there who have the same problem you do and want to put together a group to play something other than D&D5e. You might get along great with these people, you might not, but you won’t know until you try. Just make sure to have a robust “session zero” so everyone is on the same page. This is a good practice for any group but it is especially important for a group made of players you’ve just met.
“I only watch actual plays.”
Then watch actual plays of games that aren’t D&D5e. These podcasts struggle for the same reasons that indie RPGs struggle, because of the brand recognition and brand loyalty D&D5e has, despite their merit. I don’t watch actual plays, or else I would be able to list more of them. So, anyone who does watch actual plays, please help me out by commenting on this post with some non-D&D5e actual plays you like. And please do me a favor and don’t list actual plays that only play one non-D&D5e system, list ones that go through a variety of systems. The first one I can think of is Tiny Table.
“I can just homebrew away all the problems with D&D5e.”
Even though I want to, I’m not going to try and argue that you can’t actually homebrew away all the problems with D&D5e. Instead, I’m going to ask you why you’re buying two $50 rulebooks just to throw away half the pages. In most other good RPGs, you don’t need to change the rules to make them fun, they’re fun right out the box.
“But homebrewing D&D5e into any kind of game is fun! You can homebrew anything out of D&D5e!”
Firstly, I promise that this is not unique to D&D5e. Secondly, then you would probably have more fun homebrewing a system that gives you a better starting point for reaching your goal. Also, what if I told you that there are entire RPG systems out there that are made just for this? There are RPG systems that were designed for the purpose of being a toolbox and set of materials for you to work with to make exactly the game you want to make. Some examples are GURPS, Savage Worlds, Basic RolePlaying, Caltrop Core, and (as much as I loathe it) PbtA.
“I’m not supporting WotC’s monopoly because I pirate all the D&D5e books.”
Then you’re still not supporting the smaller developers that this monopoly is crushing, either.
Now, here’s the how. Because I promise you, there’s not just one, but probably a dozen other RPGs out there that will scratch your exact itch.
Here’s how to find them. This won’t be a comprehensive list because I’ve already been typing this for like 3 hours already. Those reading this, please go ahead and comment more to help fill out the list.
First, I’m gonna plug one of my own major projects, because it’s my post. The A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club. It’s a discord server that treats playing TTRPGs like a book club, with the goal of introducing members to a wide variety of games other than D&D5e. RPGs are nominated by members, then we hold a vote to decide what to read and play for a short campaign, then we repeat. There is no financial, time, or schedule investment required to join this book club, I promise it is very schedule-friendly, because we assign people to different groups based of schedule compatibility. You don’t have to play each campaign, or any campaign, you can just read along and participate in discussion that way. And if you can’t afford to buy the rulebook we’re going to be reading, we will make sure you get a PDF of it for free. That is how committed we are to getting non-D&D5e RPGs into people’s hands. Here is an invite link.
Next, there are quite a few tumblr blogs you can follow to get recommendations shown to you frequently.
Plenty of podcasts, journalists, and youtubers out there do in-depth discussions of different systems regularly, a couple I can think of off the top of my head are:
Storyteller Conclave (I’m actually going to be interviewed live on this show on April 10th!)
Seth Skorkowsky
Questing Beast
The Gaming Table
Rascal News
Lastly, you can just go looking. Browse r/rpg, drivethrurpg.com, indie press revolution, and itch.io.
Now, if you really want to support me and my team specifically Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, our debut TTRPG, is going to launch on Kickstarter on April 10th and we need all the help we can get. Set a reminder from the Kickstarter page through this link.
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If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, there’s plenty of ways to get one!
Subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
Donate to our ko-fi and send us an email with proof that you did, and we’ll email you back with the full Eureka prerelease package with the most updated version at the time of responding! (The email address can be found if you scroll down to the bottom of our website.)
We also have merchanise.
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actual-changeling · 4 months
Welcome back to a meta post that was not supposed to exist, but I fucking love answering questions, so here we are.
i got an ask (the answer contains a tl;dr) about why I think Crowley has unstable relationship patterns, and the following will be a detailed look at why this is the case, how Aziraphale plays into it, and what it ultimately means for the two of them.
This won't be as unhinged as my usual analyses, so consider this a special edition of Alex's unhinged meta corner - now hinged.
As always, please remember that this is my personal interpretation—not a generalization—and that genuine questions are welcome, either here on the post or in my inbox!
Everything I will say is based on research I have done, books & studies, and many, many conversations with my therapist (and at points my psychiatrist too); just so you know I'm not making shit up as I go.
Now, in the context of trauma-related/based disorders, what exactly does it mean to have unstable relationship patterns, and how does it apply to Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship?
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Canonically, heaven does not care about what Aziraphale is doing and they are not keeping an eye on him. We know this both from references in the script and their dialogue and what we see throughout the show as a whole. That "fear" of being found out should he openly commit to Crowley is, for the most part, self-fabricated.
Yes, hell would potentially punish him (that potentially is another long post), but that is not something Aziraphale gets to take and use against Crowley, and the fact that does it anyway to 'prove' that he is not behaving incorrectly is a big issue.
What that leaves them with is a very common and well-known relationship pattern that requires a lot of self-awareness, control, and work to break it.
Aziraphale and Crowley get closer, spend more time together, their relationship grows and the intimacy increases, resulting in their behaviour changing to reflect that. They go on more romantic-coded dates (e.g. 1827, whatever the fuck 1941 was), eat together more frequently, drink together and feel comfortable enough to get drunk drunk while in each other's company—which always carries the inherent risk of doing something 'forbidden' while their impulse control is lowered.
I think the second episode of season one is actually a great example for all of this. When they drive to Tadfield, there's a mutually respectful conversation, they tease each other, they bicker like an old married couple, and don't fall into blaming the other for the situation they're in. At the manor, they are openly flirting from the start, laughing about the paintball guns and blowing kisses to miracle away stains, and the wall slam scene honestly speaks for itself.
I wrote a detailed analysis of it right here, which contains the conclusion that the entire interaction was intentional and orchestrated by the two of them.
They are doing great, they're comfortable, intimate—both physically and emotionally—and their sides are already on their asses about the apocalypse, so why not commit to the relationship?
Because Aziraphale gets scared, scared of intimacy, scared of what it would mean for his life, scared of what it would force him to confront (his faith, mostly, which is another gigantic topic), scared of the changes it would bring to their relationship, scared of breaking out of the pattern they have been moving in since the very beginning.
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So he pushes, hard. He insults and denies and hurts Crowley to get as far away from all of that as possible. Push & pull, no matter when, no matter why, it's always the same.
At this point you might be thinking Alex, this is all on Aziraphale, how is this also Crowley's unstable relationship pattern? The answer to that question can be roughly summarized in one sentence:
He does not punish or discourage Aziraphale's behaviour.
There are NEVER lasting—if any—negative consequences for Aziraphale when he forces them into the push/pull dynamic, when he insults him, denies their relationship, calls him evil, you name it. No matter what Aziraphale does, Crowley always forgives and forgets and comes back to him, essentially resetting their loop. That way there cannot be any progress because they're not moving a single inch in either direction that isn't carefully organized and controlled by Aziraphale.
Why does Crowley not confront him? Because he is scared too.
Now, THIS is the part where I explain why I said Crowley has unstable relationship patterns. It is important to understand that Aziraphale's kind of instability is only one possible manifestation, and that they are—broadly speaking—on opposite ends of the spectrum, which not only makes them incredibly compatible, but also makes them worse.
Crowley is terrified of losing Aziraphale permanently and being on his own. God rejected him, heaven rejected him, hell rejected him—his life as been one traumatic incident after the other with a strong focus on abandonment and neglect, especially from people he cared about.
He says himself that Aziraphale is his only friend, he doesn't have anyone or anything else. The bookshop is Aziraphale's anchor, but Crowley has nothing except the Bentley and whatever Aziraphale allows him to partake in. Hell can take his job, his flat, punish and torture him as they please, and make his life, well, hell.
With the Bentley only appearing in the early 20th century, for 99% of his life he had nothing except for Aziraphale, his best friend, the person he loves.
So what does he do? He clings, he circles him and tries to push his orbit just a tiny bit closer whenever there's a gap he can use, trying to solidify their relationship. Terrified of being abandoned again, he swallows and ignores everything and anything negative.
The final fifteen are the FIRST TIME that Aziraphale asked him for something and he said no without changing his mind later—and it was literally the worst case scenario, the one boundary he has that he is not willing to cross for him, literally the barest minimum.
Every other time he relented, gave in, apologized for something that wasn't his fault, have Aziraphale everything he wanted from Hamlet over shooting a gun at his face to giving him the Bentley. Crowley's primary objective is to do whatever it takes to avoid being abandoned, so whenever Aziraphale DOES push back and abandons him/says that he will, he panics. He panics even more when there is an outside source threatening Aziraphale's presence in his life.
Look at how frantic he is when he finds Aziraphale after the bandstand, trying to say whatever it takes to get him to come with him. He does the apology dance, gives in when it comes to Gabriel, and never reacts to Aziraphale in a way that would prompt him to re-think the choices he is making, let alone stop doing the push/pull.
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His identity revolves around Aziraphale, his only relationship is with Aziraphale, he allows him to shape him to his liking as far as he can take and then some, he needs him to be happy, to enjoy himself, to live a life worth living—and Aziraphale needs him to be and do all of those things so he can keep up his behaviour.
They are dangerously co-dependent and just spiral deeper and deeper until they hit rock bottom and are forced to separate.
Look, I have BPD on top of everything else, I have been in a relationship with this exact pattern in Crowley's role, and it is fucking horrible. Absolutely unbearable. My ex-partner was like Aziraphale, pulling and pushing and pulling and pushing but on a daily basis, every few hours. No amount of talking or begging could get them to not behave in a way that would hurt me, and I was so emotionally tied to them and terrified of being alone that just like Crowley, I relented every. single. time. A year and a half and they never, not ONCE, apologized for anything. Ever. Not for hurting me, not for being an asshole, nothing.
The only way I got out was with a lot of therapy, support, and so much emotional work I was having several panic attacks a day because I was so fucking exhausted. Crowley and Aziraphale separating was the best thing that ever happened to their relationship.
Now, Aziraphale is facing negative consequences for his behaviour and is forced to examine himself and deal with all those fears causing him to behave the way he does. Crowley on the other hand is now forced to learn how to exist without Aziraphale to orbit around—he needs to develop an identity that exists outside of Aziraphale, so he can have boundaries and stick to them.
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lonelyroommp3 · 7 days
*please read the explanations below the poll options before voting*
was thinking about this on my coach home and naturally had to make it into an overcomplicated poll
explanations, disclaimers, etc. under the cut:
until tumblr enables polls with infinite options there is no way for me to account for the entire breadth of human experience here. the categories provided and the examples thereof will not be, and are not intended to be, exhaustive. if you can't find the exact thing you do listed here or you think it falls into more than one category then please use your best judgement to select whatever answer is closest. only choose "something else not covered here" if there is actually nothing even close to what you do listed in the poll (and please elaborate in the tags if this is the case! i'm curious)
i really wanted to include "guy running alongside the moving vehicle you are in" but ran out of options. sorry
if you feel you do two or more of these things in equal measure just pick whatever one answer you want based on vibes
music video: anything you imagine as a standalone, prerecorded visual to accompany the music. this may feature musical performance elements, dance, a narrative, or any combination of the above. if you're imagining your little scene as if it's intended to be viewed on MTV, youtube, etc as the official visual complement to the music, it probably comes under this category
a music video mainly featuring somebody else: this could be you, your blorbos, your self insert OC, another artist you'd like to see cover the song, random actors/celebrities you would cast in the video, etc. whether they are performing the song within the video or not. if the bulk of the "running time" of your daydream is taken up by people who aren't the artist who originally performs the version of the song you're listening to, pick this one
a live performance: this could be in concert (whether a concert version that already exists e.g. imagining taylor swift's eras tour staging when you hear cruel summer, or a version you would like to see), at karaoke, at an open mic night, your acoustic cover that goes viral when you post it on youtube, busking on the street, performing to the other passengers on the bus, etc. could apply to dance as well as singing/music!
a diegetic use in narrative context: imagining the song being performed as a musical number by people in a story that exists beyond the scope of this one song in order to accompany or advance said story. this might be imagining the song being performed as one of many musical numbers in a stage or movie musical, or it could be a performance that takes place in universe (like the performances in glee, or scott pilgrim vs the world)
non diegetic narrative use: imagining the song as the soundtrack to a scene in a story that exists beyond the scope of this one song, but it is not being played/performed/heard by the people within the scene. for example, you imagine a fight scene in a movie taking place to this song, or perhaps it would play in the background during your OTP's first kiss if your favourite fanfiction was adapted into a netflix original tv series.
AMV/edit: a video compilation of existing* scenes from a piece of media, put together by a fan and set to music. (*existing might be taken loosely; e.g. you might be imagining an AMV of scenes from a book with no actual visual media adaptation. the main distinction is that here you are imagining the actual editing process of splicing scenes together as a fan project, as opposed to the music accompanying one continuous scene or sequence of scenes - which would come under "non diegetic narrative use" - or the clips being intended as the official visual accompaniment to a song, which would come under "music video".)
an abstract or lyric based visualiser: 2000s core windows media player visuals, a lyric video, anything that focuses more on objects, scenery, abstract patterns, words moreso than People/Fictional Characters/Animals/etc Doing Things To Music
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archivalofsins · 6 months
Mikoto's Advertising Secrets
So, today Star and I are going to talk about Double. Yep, it’s another team up to tackle one of the most difficult characters in Milgram. Today we’ll be discussing the Japanese and English lyrics of Double provided by the staff. Along with some fun facts and observations we’ve made from them. 
This will be going over the use of (MeMe) in the official French and English translations of Double along with the use of and etymology of the term “Newborn”. Due to the focus on these phrases since the release of Double and how the fandom has treated official translations in the past… Star and I believed it only fair to give the same scrutiny given to past translations to Double. It cannot only be a mistranslation when it’s inconvenient to how one personally views the character then absolutely correct and unquestionable when the translation (regardless of how many creative liberties it takes) supports what one personally wants to believe. 
If anyone has problems with having these topics scrutinized fully and objectively then this is not the post for them. If anyone is interested in finding out more about linguistics both English and Japanese, MeMe and Double parallels, and a lot of things about Mikoto Kayano then this post might be for you. The way I word things has always been incredibly direct and that won’t be changing over the course of this post.
This post wouldn't be possible without the discussions and help I received from not only @apatchworkstar but @tsuwmya and @doctorbunny.
With all that out of the way- Are you ready? 
Okay, well let’s jump into it!
This may have spelling errors and may be edited at a later date to add more context. Just like Mikoto's song lol~
Hi, this is Star here- Starting off this post! Gunsli and I were discussing some of the information floating around about Mikoto- them with more people than me. I was mostly bitching discussing how I found it interesting that people were taking a step away from their habit of brutally eviscerating the official translations of songs to hyper focus on the wording of Double. 
Now, Gunsli and myself have been very open about how we both believe the original lyrics and the translations both help add necessary context to all of the songs and that neither is less than the other. However, it is a bit… Irksome for people to just pick and choose what they consider a valid conversion of information. Especially since translating is already something that can be hard to carry nuance over. It also hasn’t escaped my notice what the official English translation is being used to support. Which is also aggravating, with everything else into consideration.
So, I took out my copy of Double and did what fans have been doing for most of trial two- looking at the Japanese lyrics within the cd pamphlet and comparing them to the translation. And boy was that interesting!
Don’t worry~
Mikoto is an honest man, guys~ Come on, would a guy with such tiredness in his eyes lie to us~?
…So, his song's translation has to be the pinnacle of accuracy; all with little to no artistic liberties taken, right? Well- no. 
Literally, there wouldn’t be any point of making this as a post if it was.
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(Gunsli: Don’t mind the underlined parts in the english lyrics for now. That comes in later.)
“I’m Double (MeMe)”
“Double” is the only line actually said in this statement. “(MeMe)” is never said within the lyrics of Double. However, given that it is in parentheses (something that is meant to add additional context to a statement), “(MeMe)” technically does not have to be said within the song in order to be put into the lyrics in this way. This isn’t a case of the english lyrics being inaccurate per se, but a case of the staff using english language and grammar in order to add context to what is being said. Something that’s not only done with the English translation, but the French one too.
So this is additional context; a rare treat for fans in the west! Now, when Gunsli and I were discussing Mikoto’s second trial CD cover-
Gunsli speculated that they added in (MeMe) to hammer in that there were, in fact, only two of them. Especially given how prevalent trikoto was/is as a theory. However, neither of us thought the staff would go so far as to just present this as something that had been said when it never was just to drive in the point further. 
In every other instance during trial two when the prisoners have referenced their previous trial songs, it’s been verbally- i.e. within the lyrics themselves. Anyone can hear it, and the lines are noted in their cd pamphlets + the inside of the cd case, even if they aren’t translated as literally the lines that are said to be there are there.
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Mikoto is the only one who’s official translated lyrics reference his first trial song without him verbally referencing it. 
Making this a literal instance of, “He did not fucking say that.” Musical edition~ 
I guess you could say that Mikoto is the creme de la creme- or, to phrase it better an outlier even among other outliers. Which I find amusing as hell, considering how Mikoto is being treated in Milgram currently. Because, despite the fact that he does not verbally reference his previous song in any way throughout his trial two song, the staff still chose to frame it as though Mikoto had within these translations and visuals. Like how are you gonna call yourself an honest man, then be a bigger liar than Kazui Mukuhara! At least the text that comes up in Cat is actually sung by him!
But this is something that adeptly draws attention to Mikoto’s previously stated skills and hobbies-
Q.04 Are you picky when it comes to fashion?
Mikoto: Of course I am. Nobody would want to ask for anything from an unfashionable designer, right?
Q.07 What are your hobbies?
Mikoto: shopping / darts / photography / cycling
Q.08 What’s the most rewarding part of your current job?
Mikoto: I mean, it’s the top advertising agency in the industry? Anyone would be proud to be a part of it. I put a lot of work in just to get here, too.
Design, photography, and advertising. All things that require people to know, not only how to conduct and present themselves, but how to present others and concepts to people in a way that will be favorable and hopefully increase revenue and sales. 
So, why wouldn’t Mikoto pull out all the stops to present himself in a way that would get him a more favorable response after the train wreck that was his first trial? 
To be fair, when we were first discussing it, I didn’t really understand how tacking on (MeMe) after Double would make Mikoto look any better. Then Gunsli stated that outside of the meta viewpoint, we’d tackled already (which I had to bring to her attention)- That there was a second thing that made this translation decision interesting. 
The fact that it served to connect Mikoto back to the song at all. As though Mikoto is trying to haphazardly put his name or presence on someone else’s work. Gunsli put it best,
“It’s a great visual example of Mikoto tacking himself onto John’s pain. Connecting himself to his suffering in order to justify his actions and avoid taking accountability. Really homing in on one of the core questions Milgram as a facility and project has continued to pose to those that participate in it- Is one’s anger justifiable when they are getting angry at something that did not happen to them. Or is it simply a case of know-it-alls not being able to mind their own business? Or in the words of Mikoto from MeMe, “This isn’t too much is it?”. At what point does defending another person become too much? Can it really be considered protecting yourself if the self you’re protecting is their own person in their own right? Or is this just a new layer of self-justification that Mikoto has created in order to downplay how much agency he had over the situation. “I’m probably not to blame, it’s probably nothing. I’m probably just having a bad dream, I need to wake up soon.”.”
“All I did was dream, and that’s what you found GUILTY?”
(Gunsli here- This line isn’t even the only one they do this with when it comes to the translations. They also do it again with the word us at the start of the Double. “Just the two of us, relieved, aren’t you? I’ll protect you (us).” Once again using parentheses to give further context or emphasize unstated things.)
Now, I’m gonna leave the second half of this to Gunsli-
"The “newborn” other you."
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Gunsli here and-
Man, I really didn’t think we’d be taking the metaphorical as literal. Especially after all the fuss around the visuals of I Love You but- I guess things are only metaphorical or literal based on how convenient it is for things to be that in the moment. If we took every instance that the word baby is used in any song as literally as newborn is being taken here music would be rather complicated to say the least. 
Yet, I guess since this is a Japanese phrase it’s a bit more specific than that. That this phrase is only applicable when discussing newly born beings and nothing else. Well, not exactly. Regardless of how specific a language is there are still instances where words and phrases will have different meanings based on the context they are said in. A good deal of people like to poke fun at English for being a mutt language and incredibly indirect, but every language has room for miscommunications or misunderstandings to occur. 
Because every language is the sum of a culture's collective history. All languages are always building off of themselves and evolving and certain terms that meant one thing to the last generation can mean an entirely different thing to the next. This is true in the instance of not only the Japanese phrasing of this line but the English one as well. 
So, let’s start with the English one. 
“Me, the newborn other you, I’ll take it all on.”
Firstly, me in this instance is ore in Japanese. In the context of Milgram we know ore is used when John is referring to themselves. At least this is the pattern that has been presented. However, it is not always the case. Ore and boku can be used to refer to each of them respectively and collectively. However, for the sake of this example, let’s say it refers to John.
Me (John), the newborn-
Okay, we’ve gotten to the main offender in this sentence. Newborn. In English newborn is no longer contextually used to refer to a baby/infant or someone who was just born. Also, it never only referred to that to begin with and has not been colloquially used in this way for some time unless one is referring to someone they know very little about having a child. 
For example,
“Where’s Janice from accounting? I haven’t seen her in a good while.” “Oh, you didn’t hear? She had a newborn. So, she’s on maternity leave.”
Even then this is still rather formal and outdated. An interaction like this is more likely to go. 
“Where’s Janice from accounting? I haven’t seen her around in a while.” “Oh, you haven’t heard she just had a baby. She’s on maternity leave.”
Alright but they’re translating from Japanese to English and using baby or infant in the context of the sentence presented would be odd. Yeah, that’s right, it would be odd. That’s why in the beginning, I found it strange to even look into this line in this context as though it could in some way even tangentially be related to birth or children. 
If it would be odd to add the word baby in this context, chances are that this probably has nothing to do with them or birth in the conventional organic sense of the word. 
But born is in the word. 
Okay, let’s do what we did with Neoplasm. Because, clearly the internet only taught some people one meaning of these words. 
So, bear witness to this real quick-
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Bear: To support or hold up.
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Gif made by Star
Double: ““No, I need to do more…”, say what? You’re gonna break. Me, the newborn other you, I’ll take it all on.” 
This is rather self-explanatory. To say that one will take it all on is to state their intentions to take on the burdens, issues, or stressors of another person or of a specific event. For example to take blame and face punishment for a crime one did not commit in order to protect another.  Mikoto is also shown in Double using the bat for support.
Bear Down: Proceed forcefully toward.
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Gif made by Star
While making the gifs Star pointed out that the word next to the three arrows pointing at the assailant here is "Savior" in sloppy English. This is emphasized by having "Save you" appear next to the figure as they continue to walk forward.  Showing that (whichever one of them this is) believes themselves to be their savior and that what we see them doing here isn't an attack or them hunting the other down but them going to save the other.  Adding more meaning behind these lines, "Cling to me, hoist me up as your “savior”, stand up and sing out your gratitude, that’d be good." - "Cling to me, hoist me up as your “savior”, stand up and sing out your gratitude, so why?"
Alright, all of that is very interesting Gunsli. However, bear is not the word that we’re here to discuss today. The word is ���Newborn”. What possible bearing could this word have on that? That’s a good question. It just so happens that one of the root words of “Newborn” comes from bear. 
Since the word comes from both New and Born. 
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New (Old English Niwian, Neowian)
Fourth Definition: Bring forth. 
““I” will save “me”.” 
“Switch, shake up that brain.”
“Why am I here?  It must be a mistake right? Take a good look at me until you find me.”
“I’ve got you, leave it to me!”
““He’s a liar”, you said, and made me out to be a scoundrel, why?”
“Hey, I just wanted to save you, so why did it come to this? Cling to me, hoist me up as your “savior”, stand up and sing out your gratitude, so why. I don’t remember a thing, it couldn’t be helped, I’m DOUBLE (MeMe). I was having such a hard time, I was trying so hard.”
This is not self-explanatory. So, I’m going to take the time to explain what was going on in my mind when I decided to highlight these lyrics. I was interpreting bring forth in the context of switching. Mikoto is shown throughout MeMe to be looking for himself. Throughout the lyrics and the visuals. This is something reiterated through Double in a more chilling way. As it starts with what seems to be John being forced to the forefront due to Mikoto becoming too stressed. Something we see occur in Mikoto’s first and second voice dramas. 
John even making it clear from the beginning that he’s not out because he wants to be yelling,
“AaaAAAGH! Fuck… Fuck… STOP PISSING ME OFF!” While audibly stomping around and possibly messing up his hair the same way we see him do in Double. Basically, throwing a tantrum.
Couple this with his first cover song expressly stating that feeling ashamed which can cause stress and anxiety will open a role for an idiot to play (something we’ll go into after this) gives us a good understanding of what occurred in response to Mikoto's verdict. 
Something that if we didn’t catch onto John was more than happy to bluntly state to us in their second voice drama.
Neoplasm Voice Drama
“I (boku) might be trying to disappear.”
“Evidently, the time I (ore) have been fronting has been getting longer, so this “me” has been able to stabilize. Isn’t that the reason we can talk properly?”
The mental stress caused to Mikoto due to his previous verdict has led to him not being able to properly cope with the circumstances and drawing inward more as a result. Now fronting less and less as John (the one portrayed as being more used to stressful circumstances and better at holding things down) takes the forefront. 
 “Hurting it, holding it down, it doesn’t change anything, does it?”
““No, I need to do more…”, say what? You’re gonna break.”
Neoplasm Voice Drama
“Yeah. I… probably come out to ease the stress Boku experiences. The fact that I come out for longer just means that Boku is constantly under extreme stress.”
"The fact that you judged against forgiving Boku is causing a lot of stress.”
Depending on which of them has memories of the crime this could be a good thing. 
"That’s why he’s entrusting me with his heart."
This leads well into the next definition-
Ninth Definition: Substitute.
Double: “Leave it to me.”- “I’ll take it all on.”-”Relieved, aren’t you?”-“I’ll protect you (us).”
These are again things I find self-explanatory, but I’ll explain for the sake of clarity. These are all things one says when taking on another’s responsibilities or substituting for them. Usually someone is given a substitute when they cannot fulfill their duties for one reason or another. How John describes the current circumstances in Neoplasm makes it sound as though he is substituting for Mikoto because as he said in his second cd trailer,
“I can’t take it anymore…”
Monopoisoner: “As for who is acting strangely, look here, it’s already been decided that I’m the normal one, OK?”- “Do you have a preference for plundering? Because what’s being stolen away right now is your life. “How’s this? How’s this? What do you think?” Even though the outcome was understood from the start… The foolish you is already done for “nothing to see here, move on, pay no heed”.”- ““Please, bring to an end this world today” but that hole opens up a role for me to play. “Please, feel ashamed of this self from today” but that hole opens up a role for an idiot to play.”
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gif made by @apatchworkstar
“You’re overdoing it, you’re already broken. But if you persist, I guess it’s my job to keep things on an even keel. Me, the other you, I’ll take it all on.”
In my opinion the Milgram staff could not make it clearer who the actual killer is at this point outside of the third trial just blatantly telling us if Mikoto gets as cocky as Mu did in response to his Innocent verdict. (Remember those underlined parts from the beginning of this post? Yeah, that comes in now.)
Literally each time he says the other you in this song Me comes before it.  Plus like Star established earlier the staff literally choose to shove (MeMe) in here when again it is not said to further highlight this more subtle aspect to oversea viewers. 
They basically made it so if you line up every time this phrase is said you just get-
“Me, the newborn other you, I’ll take it all on.”
“Me, the other you, I’ll take it all on.”
The title of the first trial song and they only put this phrase in twice within the lyrics to give this effect. Like this isn’t even a stretch at this point. They’ve gone above and beyond to highlight that Mikoto did that shit but we’re focusing on “newborn” right now. Moment of appreciation for the best translated lyrics of trial two. Like honestly the amount of information they had to shove directly into this man's lyrics due to his rather disjointed mv (that they still managed to get a lot of information in as well by the way) and still managed to get in is impressive. 
It’s actually jaw dropping when one takes the time to look into it.  
So, now that we have a bit of the history of the word “Newborn” how does it apply to this sentence,
“Me, the newborn other you, I’ll take it all on.”
Well given the etymology of Newborn we’ve learned a few things. One of them being that newborn is not only used to refer to recently born things but newly discovered concepts. Yet to reduce my own point a great deal we only need one source and one source only Merriam-Webster. Well, that and an understanding of English grammar.
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Are you getting it yet? Well, if not here’s an English refresher in a form most Milgram fans should be used to music-
Now, I'm assuming you’ve watched both of those great videos. So, how is “newborn” being used here exactly?
“Me, the newborn other you, I’ll take it all on.”
That’s right baby, that word is being used in its adjective form not its noun form. Newborn is being used to describe the Me in this sentence the newborn other you. That is what the pronoun me is being described as in this sentence. So, what does that mean folks? Well, it means that Me in this context is not a newborn individual but instead a recently born or born anew construct or in this case self. Definitively showcasing that the newborn being referred to here cannot and never could in this sentence be defined as a newborn individual. At least that would not be the only meaning in its adjective state. 
There’s a difference between referring to a newborn and describing someone as a newborn. Be it oneself or another person. I know this is very confusing. I’m sorry and it doesn’t get any easier going into the Japanese. Something that even I am going to need help with and luckily can get help with. 
That’s later though all one needs to know for now is yes, the adjective state of the word may be used to refer to things that are not infants or newly born. Think of it like the word discovered. You know in the sense that Christopher Columbus “discovered” America. The word is kind of like that. Yeah, that’s the type of shit we’re getting into later. Yet, for now let’s keep things simple. 
A better way to explain this is by showing the synonyms and example sentences for the adjective state of this word,
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Know who the adjective form of newborn perfectly describes out of the two? Could it be the tired, bags under the eyes, lethargic John or Mikoto Hypnos’ favorite human?
Man, is it “I’ve slept for twelve restful hours” Mikoto or John the one displayed as being soooo tired he passes out on public transport. Literally one of the most dangerous things a person can do.
I wonder who it could be…
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If only we had a clue or a hint? (Or a bed for John.)
Ah well too bad. There’s nothing like that… I guess we’ll never solve this conundrum. It’s not as though newborn can be used to describe someone who has been reinvigorated or has come across a new sense of purpose or direction. It’d be incredibly awkward if that were the case. Because even ignoring everything else that would be a very nice and subtle way, still open enough to be interpreted a myriad of ways, for this series to highlight even further that Mikoto did that shit without blatantly saying he did. 
Luckily that English word only refers to organisms that have just been born and nothing else and no one will find any sources stating otherwise ever. So, it’s best to not look and we should all just do what Mikoto- I mean John said,
“Come to know me as an honest man, eat your words, gulp them down.”
Okay, but what about the Japanese lyrics?
“産声を上げたもうひとりの俺が、全部背負うから”/ Ubugoe wo ageta mou hitori no ore ga, zenbu seou kara.
One rough interpretation of the phrase in english could be,
“Born again, I (ore) alone will take responsibility for everything.”
So, why use newborn instead of born again?
As we discussed before, no language is that easy to grasp. There are multiple ways for various translators to interpret this phrase. Not all of them will give the same exact perspective on a phrase and their translations are prone to be influenced by not only their own personal experiences but their relationship with the work being translated. For example I had DoctorBunny help me out when it came to getting a grasp of the Japanese in this instance. 
During the process he said this,
“Trust me this is a very newborn invoking line. It's a saying basically used synonymously with being born. A favourite of foetus musician Mao Sasagawa.”
However, the example he gave was musical. This isn’t problematic or anything but it’s kind of easy to form a rebuttal against it. Something I’ll illustrate now- while answering that question I posed earlier with this song.
Born again in the west has a very religious connotation and even though the word savior is used within Double the staff probably didn’t want to tie Mikoto’s character that heavily to religion. Because as Mikoto has stated repeatedly he views himself as his on “Savior” and-
Q.19 Do you believe god exists?
Mikoto: I don’t believe, no. I don’t feel so strongly that I’m gonna deny the possibility but- Like, what do I gain from believing?
Taking into consideration how synonymous with religion the term born again is and Mikoto’s characterization thus far, would it really be contextually appropriate for them to translate it in that way for a western audience?
Definitely not. 
Especially considering the timing of his second song's release. Ya know- Being right after the most religiously involved character in the franchise. Those are the type of things a staff has to take into consideration when translating information into other languages for vastly different cultures. Again, the consideration and care put into the translation of Double in particular, is apparent in every line, every word said or not that they added in order to make sure regardless of the language one spoke everyone was getting not only a unique but as accurate as possible experience. 
Personally, I believe that the effort put in in this instance should not only be respected but lauded. For now though let’s give the Japanese lyrics some much due attention. Because they are just as good. 
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Believe it or not that idiomatic expression is what led to this entire post. When I saw this I couldn’t help but think of a phrase in English that is the exact opposite of the one highlighted. 
“This will never see the light of day.”
To see the light of day is a common phrase that on top of being another synonym for being born means,  To come to existence or be made known.
It’s a rather colloquial way of describing something becoming known or one's desire to let something be known. Like in the example I previously provided. This is what caused the idiomatic definition to catch my interest. 
So, what is an idiomatic expression, well it’s a colloquialism basically. 
Idiomatic means to use, denote, or contain expressions that would be natural to native speakers. Meaning that to first see the light of day is a common way of using this expression to native-speakers. 
Yet, the technical use of the word is still related to the first cry or children. 
As a native English speaker when I say, 
“Things I hope never see the light of day again.”  “Man, I hope someone sheds light on your actions one day.” 
I and other native English speakers know I am not hoping for someone to get a light and shine it on that person or their actions but instead I want what they’ve done to either be known or ignored. This song is a perfect example of the concept.
Now, what made this way of viewing the information even more interesting is how Mikoto’s second trial mv plays with light in general. Double does this through its day and night cycles. Unlike MeMe that takes place during the night only and displays Mikoto sleeping through the day in Double, we see John up during the day and taking a backseat at night.
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As Mikoto is shown to literally be committing these attacks at night again through the dark lighting on his side of the train. The visuals go out of the way to show his side of the train remaining unlit while John’s has light during the very first attack.
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Double quite literally doubles down on playing around with lighting as a visual storytelling method. Perfectly illustrating to us that there’s something Mikoto did that he never wants to let see the light of day. Yet, it does see the light of as you can see from above. What was once happening in the dark comes closer and closer to light until the two are basically overlapping. 
As though looking in a mirror
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Light becomes dark then Dark becomes light and eventually inevitably the two overlap-
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As we see them face each other at the climax. One facing the reality of what they’ve done while the other isn’t even capable of facing themselves fully let alone their role in this.
“I’m probably not to blame, it’s probably nothing. I’m probably just having a bad dream, I need to wake up soon. Why am I here?  It must be a mistake right? Take a good look at me. Until you find me- Why, hey why, I’m nowhere to be found.” - ““He’s a liar”, you said, and made me out to be a scoundrel, why? All I did was dream, so you find me INNOCENT, it’s that simple right? Come to know me as an honest man, eat your words, gulp them down.”
Then there’s these meanings for the phrase as well (which should seem pretty familiar after all this)
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2. To be burdened with; to take responsibility for.
So, remember Bear? If not, here are some of the meanings for it applicable with this definition here. 
Bear: To carry. To endure without resistance. To support, hold up. Carry a burden.
3. To have (something) in the background; to be in front of something.
Bear: Bring; bring forth.
With this we’ve gone full circle. Yet, that’s not the only interesting thing about this meaning. Applying the third meaning to Mikoto’s characters specifically could make this sentence a very artistic way of describing fronting. As we discussed before with Bear. (Can't believe I've got to quote myself from earlier in this post right now.)
“I was interpreting bring forth in the context of switching. Mikoto is shown throughout MeMe to be looking for himself. Throughout the lyrics and the visuals. This is something reiterated through Double in a more chilling way. As it starts with what seems to be John being forced to the forefront due to Mikoto becoming too stressed. Something we see occur in Mikoto’s first and second voice dramas.” 
That’s it we’ve done it that’s everything that’s a full fucking language loop. So, hopefully from this we’ve all learned a bit more about not only Mikoto but language in general. My hope with this is that it gives people a newfound appreciation for not only linguistics but the tremendous effort the Milgram staff have put in over the course of trial two. Now, with all that out of the way. I can finally say (in my opinion)- 
This case is closed.
Also, John in Double be like-
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second gif edited by Star
Well, that's all if you made it through all of this congrats. Hopefully you've learned some new interesting things.
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sarcasticscribbles · 5 months
(MAG001 Sasha the Archivist AU: I play with switching around some characters and edited the transcript to be more Sasha (however it's still based on the official script). It's just for fun, a little intro if you will
This post has more context )
Hello? Test… uh. 1, 2, 3… Right, so.
I’m Sasha James. I work for the Magnus Institute, London, an organisation dedicated to academic research into the paranormal. The head of the Institute, Gertrude Robinson, has employed me to replace the previous Head Archivist, Elias Bouchard, who recently quit the position.
I have been working in academia for a decade now, and am familiar with most of the artefacts and research. Some investigations are, admittedly, dead ends, but some appear to be genuine cases; however, when an investigation has gone as far as it can, it is transferred to the Archives. That’s us, me. 
So, the Institute was founded in 1818, and The Archive contains close to 200 years of case files. The Institute may have placed a higher emphasis on maintaining a pristine academic image rather than delving into the task of managing statements or recent experiences. We have a beautiful library but a mess of an archive. This isn’t necessarily a problem – I, or we, can deal with that. Digitalising and modern filling is easy, but, Elias Bouchard seemed to not prioritize that. 
It is going to take me a while to organise this mess; however, I am not alone. I’ve two- or well, three, researchers to assist me. I’ve worked with them in research and have no doubts with their credentials. Alongside me are Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood and, well, also, Timothy Stoker — they will do some supplementary research on details that may be missing.
I want to digitise the files as much as possible and record audio versions, but I think it will be on a tape recorder for now. I tried to record on my laptop and, it ended up… Distorted.
Thousands of files and loose papers clutter this space, with most notes appearing incoherent and unmarked boxes. It appears that some items are dated, but all the marking and organisation have been done manually, and, of course, without any digital or audio versions. I think my laptop might be the first computer here. It appears that little of the actual investigations have been stored in the Archives, so most of the files are the statements themselves.
I’ll try to present these as clear as I can at the end of each statement, but I can not, unfortunately, promise an order with the dates, or theme of the statements. I’m sorry to any researcher attempting to use these files for their own investigations.
I think that covers the new managements, and excuses the state of this place. Furthermore, I’ll try my best, but I don’t think it can get much worse. We have to begin somewhere, right?
Statement of Nathan Watts, regarding an encounter on Old Fishmarket Close, Edinburgh. Original statement given April 22nd 2012. Audio recording by Sasha James, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
Statement begins.
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vallkary · 11 days
Prime Defenders Headcanons that might actually be more like AUs but let me have this
William Wisp has a body cam on 24/7 (I think this is actually canon), and posts the footage to his 3 subscriber YouTube channel as unlisted videos.
The second Bell Tech “heist” was either put on Private or Deleted entirely.
Every encounter in Deadwood for the final episodes of s2 was put on a public or unlisted livestream, because he thought if something happened, at least somebody would have to know.
The final Trickster encounter was on a seperate, PUBLIC stream, and was ended when The Trickster impaled William. The stream was Public in order to show civilians what happened in case the heroes failed, giving them a sort of warning like “hey this is what’s up if it goes bad don’t mess with these things”
His footage, when posted publicly or the link is shared for any reason, is a hot topic for Superhero debate and “politics,” with many conspiracy theorists using the footage as proof that superheroes aren’t real and it’s all “behind the scenes” effects
William doesn’t title any of his videos, and he almost never posts things for himself. It’s always the date the footage was taken.
Days after The Trickster fight when 67% of YouTube thought he was dead, he posted another video just showing off the Wisps and gave zero context for if he actually died or not, causing even more conspiracies
Ashe Winters is a somewhat popular gaming YouTuber and streamer because I think that’s fun
When she began working with the Prime Defenders she took an unannounced break
After William’s footage of the final Trickster encounter was brought to public attention, Ashe checked her YouTube channel to find way more subscribers than before, and slowly went back to posting gaming videos again
Ashe kept traits of The Trickster
That’s it. I like to think that the Trickster had a lot more inhumanness than red skin and wings, like horns, maybe spikes somewhere I guess I love me some spikes. Anyway. Those traits lessened but didn’t totally disappear when Ashe was freed from The Trickster, and she’s getting used to them (slowly)
Dakota is by far the most popular Prime Defender
I’m pretty sure this is canon again
I like to think he doesn’t post anything anywhere that often, but despite that he by far gets the most attention.
He doesn’t keep his identity secret and most people assume that William and Vyncent are his sidekicks.
He sometimes posts on YouTube and it’s the most dogshit quality videos ever and they gets millions of views every time because that visual is delightful to me. Bonus points if William and Vyncent pop up in the background and he just doesn’t edit them out
Vyncent does hallucinate voices sometimes
Maybe it’s happened from the start, or maybe it only happened after The Greats were put in his head, but either way, he does experience some audial hallucinations.
I do not experience any kind of hallucination so if this is offensive please tell me /genuine
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analogwriting · 9 days
Heat Waves
Killer x gn!reader (afab edition) word count: 2.3k amab version a/n: so technically this ties in with the latest chapter of this fic - call it chapter 3.5 if you will, but it also works as its own stand alone thing sooooo here ya go. also, side note: i use the term palette which someone brought to my attention that not everyone uses in this specific context (could just be something my bio mom called it idk). in this case a palette refers to spreading out blankets, usually three or four, one on top of another - typically on a floor - making a makeshift bed. also you put a bunch of pillows on it. im not sure if there's another term for something like that - i only know it to be a palette lmao
Suddenly, you were very glad Killer thought ahead. Not only did he bring the comforters and pillows to really spruce up the bed of the truck and make it more comfortable - he also actually remembered to set it up before the two of you got to business. 
There'd been a few times where the two of you were hanging out in the truck bed and ended up getting frisky. You usually ended up with major back pain or all kinds of bruises and scratches from lack of buffer between you and the metal bed.
This time he had it all planned out and you were glad for it. You weren't going to have to think ahead or plan out exactly how to shag him while doing the least amount of damage. You didn’t have to think at all, actually.
Also, you knew that since you had riled him up earlier and then blue balled him, he was really gonna let you have it. Between that and the fact he was leaving for who knows how long - you knew you were definitely going to be feeling it the next few days. 
You felt him place a hand on your back as he kissed you feverishly, his other hand on your thigh before he moved to lay you down in the comfort of the blankets. He didn't once break the kiss as he moved you to where he had wanted you, groping the meat of your thigh, making you whine softly. 
He began to kiss your jaw and down your neck, leaving plenty of hickies in his wake. He wanted to mark you up before he left, reminders that he would be back soon enough. You gasped as you felt him bite down on your shoulder, your eyes rolling back slightly. Yeah, he definitely was in one of his more feral moods. Hell, you might not even be able to walk tomorrow.
Your body already felt like it was on fire at this point, more than excited to have Killer do whatever he wanted for however long he wanted. You’d go all night if he wanted.
Your hands found their way into his hair before tugging on it roughly, causing him to groan loudly against you. His hands made their way up your shirt, groping your chest before pulling it off of you completely. You were glad it was a summer night or you'd be shivering. Though, you did anyway from the sudden kiss of the cooler night air.
Killer covered you with kisses, his lips feather light as he ran them down your torso, nipping you here and there, leaving a few hickies. Your entire body was buzzing as you pressed into him. Each point of contact riling you up more and more, ready for him to get on with it already. You loved the light signs of affection, but it’d been a while. You were ready for him to completely use you.
It took him absolutely no time at all to take off your pants and underwear, tossing them somewhere to the side. You didn't even fully comprehend where they ended up but you hoped they didn't end up on the ground. Not the end of the world but inconvenient. 
With a sharp inhale of breath, Killer spread your legs, leaning back for a moment. 
“What?” you mumbled, face red as you looked up at him. You never really felt embarrassed or ashamed with him. You knew he loved every inch of you - inside and out.
“Mm, just enjoying my view.” He licked his lips and your heart raced. You loved it when he looked at you like he was some kind of wild animal watching his prey. 
You opened your mouth to say something smart when you felt his mouth against you. He wasted no time in dragging his tongue along your folds. The fork in his tongue gave a whole different sensation especially as he flicked at your clit, placing it in between his split as he did so. 
Ever since he split his tongue, it definitely heightened the experience for both of you. He got it from losing a bet, but it ended up working in his favor - both of your favors. 
The sudden stimulation surprised you, your eyes rolling back as a moan ripped from your chest. It was loud enough that it echoed slightly and some nightlife skittered about. You didn't realize you'd been that loud. Man, you were glad you were in the middle of nowhere. 
A small chuckle came from the man in between your legs and your face was ablaze. “W-What are you laughing at?” you mumbled, your breathing growing heavier the more filled with lust you became.
He pulled away from his assault on you for a moment to look up at you through his hair. You felt his fingers start to stroke you, your hips twitching slightly in response and a whine escaping your lips. 
“Nothing in particular, you're just cute,” he crooned. You opened your mouth to retort only to, once again, be interrupted by your own lust as he slid in one of his thick fingers. You choked on your words, immediately closing and trying to muffle the moan that threatened to erupt from you. You couldn’t think clearly, already drunk on lust.
You watched as the smug smile on his face grew. You went to roll your eyes at him only for them to roll back into your skull instead as he began to work in a second finger. Fuck, he wasn't going to let you breathe, was he?
Not that you were complaining. 
He worked on stretching you as you rolled your hips, trying to get more friction with noises that were a mix of pleasure and frustration. You just wanted him to get to the part where he destroyed you. It's been a while so you were yearning for it. He was taking it slow on purpose. The both of you knew you could handle him with ease. Hadn’t he already made you wait enough for things?!
You could feel yourself on the cusp of a climax, your breathing growing more shallow, your body growing warmer. “Fuuuck-” Then he pulled his hand from you, leaving you empty and cold. Your body shivered from the sudden lack of warmth as you looked up at him in disbelief. You let out a huff of irritation, glaring at him the best you could.
“Just a little payback for earlier, but I'm too greedy to completely stick to the bit.” And boy howdy, were you glad for that.
You were panting, vision hazy as you looked at him. It was a full moon tonight, so he was illuminated pretty well despite being where there wasn't any light from lamps and such. Fuck, he was beautiful.
“I only did that to get back at you for-” Before you could finish your sentence, he was back at attacking you with his mouth once more. His tongue plunged deep inside of you as his fingers started to rub your clit in full assault mode.
Your eyes widened and you cried out, thighs tightening around his head a bit as your body reached its sudden climax, making a mess of your boyfriend. He cleaned you up with his tongue, your hips and thighs twitching as you rode through your high. 
You were panting heavily, closing your eyes as you tried to calm yourself down. Killer pulled up, a satisfied yet hungry look on his face. Your heart raced, body growing warm all over again. He could rile you up so easily but you already knew that you do the same to him. 
He yanked his own shirt off, tossing it to the side and you admired the view. Your hands moved up, tracing over his chest before wrapping your arms around his neck. He kissed you hungrily, a small growl escaping from him. A shiver ran down your spine in anticipation, fuck. He was so hot when he was like this. 
You suddenly felt his fat head press against you. You hadn't even noticed him pull himself out or even roll on the condom. He must've done it while you were collecting yourself. 
“I love you,” he mumbled against you. Before you could return the sentiment, you felt him begin to press inside you. Your eyes widened slightly, at this point they were going to get dry with how open you were having them, and rolled back. As he pushed his way into you, your back arched, legs spreading further to make it easier for him. 
He didn't slam into you, but he didnt go slow either. Your walls were stretched around him, throbbing slightly from the sensation as he bottomed out. You felt absolutely full, your body tingling and floaty. “I love you,” you finally managed to mumble back. 
He just smiled, placing a kiss on your lips once more before getting down to business. 
Get down to business he did. He didn't fully hold back, thrusting in and out of you quickly from the jump. You were already still sensitive from your first orgasm of the night and with the rough way he'd been handling you, his fingers digging into your hips paired with more bitemarks and hickies across your skin, you were about ready to snap again. 
Your nails dug into his back, dragging them down. You weren’t going to be the only one marked up, that you were going to make sure of. As he pumped in and out of you, you started kissing and biting at his skin this time, wanting to leave him with memories of you. 
You felt yourself tightening up, this round was about to close for you. The sound of skin against skin, the breathing and moaning of you both, it almost echoed in the forest around you. 
“Killi, I-” You gasped, clenching around him as you threw your head back and cried out his name as you reached euphoria for the second time tonight. It wasn't long after that you felt his hips still as he reached his climax as well. 
The both of you were panting as you rode out your high, both twitching and trying to recover. 
You felt him move your leg up over his shoulder and you looked at him with half lidded eyes. You slurred something incoherent, trying to ask ‘again’ but garbled nonsense coming out instead. You're not even sure if any of it registered to Killer anyway with the feral way his eyes looked. Both of you were completely out of it.
Either way, you weren’t gonna complain. You kind of liked it when he was like this. Sure, you were sore for a few days but shit, it was worth it. 
You felt him raise your other leg over his shoulder. Oh, he was really gonna hit deep with this one. 
You hardly had time to prepare yourself before he pulled out for a moment. You had a feeling he was switching out the condom. Then, not moments later, he was slamming back into you. A loud cry ripped from your throat and you saw stars for a moment as the world spun around you. It didn't really hurt perse, but you were also too far lost in bliss to even really notice. It would definitely hurt tomorrow.
He pistoned his hips, fucking you hard and rough. Your legs were starting to tingle and go numb. Your nails were now digging into his biceps, dragging down before your hands dropped to your sides as you just didn't have the energy. 
You were suddenly very glad he remembered to put the blankets down or you would be suffering right now with how roughly he was pummeling you into the blankets and pillows. It provided a surprising amount of comfort. He must've brought the good blankets - which meant he had planned on absolutely ravaging you from the start.
Your eyes were glued to the back of your head at this point, body limp, and you were pretty sure you were drooling but you were too out of it to really gather your surroundings or yourself for that matter. Nothing more than his cocksleeve.
This round didn’t last as long as Killer's hips stilled once more as he reached his peak, you'd done the same right along with him, your two bodies in such sync with each other. 
Killer let your legs down and you whined slightly as you felt him move inside of you because of it. Fuck, everything was so sensitive right now. He moved, keeping himself inside of you for now as he laid on the blankets, pulling you onto his chest. You were trying hard to to be riled up as he moved around.
You just laid against him, eyes closed as you tried to stop the world from spinning. You felt like you were floating on clouds, your body still buzzing - heart pounding in your ears so loudly.
Slowly, the feeling was beginning to come back to your limbs and you were able to move. You slowly lifted yourself from Killer’s chest, looking at him with a lazy smile, still unable to fully open your eyes. 
“How you holdin’ up there?” he asked you, his voice gruff. You only hummed in response, not too sure if you could form any words let alone a sentence. You kissed him softly, before resting your foreheads together. 
A grin slowly spread across his face. “Good.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Cause I plan on using you all night.”
Your eyes widened at him, your heart racing again with excitement again. That’s all it took for your body to get hot all over again. Damn, you really loved this man.
“Fine by me,” you said, voice raw and hoarse, kissing him hard once more. You knew your voice was only going to get worse or disappear completely. It was going to be a long night.
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themultifanshipper · 16 days
I would like to contribute my opinion on the lando/trump situation.
Warning, it's long and a bit nuanced (although slightly more a defence than an accusation but still keep an open mind)
And is edited as i find more things to say
First off, Lando is a victim of the formula one machine just like all the drivers. They are the puppets, the clowns, whatever analogy you want. The people behind the teams (team bosses, ceo's, sponsors etc... are what make the machine run, the drivers are just there to drive. He was approached by the ex president of the country he was in, on a high of winning his first race, and shook his hand while a million cameras were pointing in his direction. That can only happen one way: trump being invited by the team (bosses ceo's, whatever). Now, I despise trump and everything he stands for, but if I was in Lando's situation I would have had to do the same thing. (It so happens I was in a similar situation and had to shut my mouth and shake the hand of a politician I didn't like because I could have caused a diplomatic incident and lost my job and cost a lot of money in sponsorships). Also the alleged comments "It was an honour for him to be there/ you have to have respect for him" etc... are probably bullshit, but in the case that they are not and Lando is actually a trump supporter, if you cancel him for it, you would have to cancel half the drivers/team bosses/Ceo's etc in HISTORY.
The founding of formula one (like any institution ever) is by and for White/Rich/Heterosexual/Males. The FIA is corrupt. The teams are corrupt. It's an industry entirely run by money. It's capitalism in a bottle and some of y'all seem to forget that. The fact is the drivers could all be supporters of the right wing parties in their respective countries, would you cancel all of them?
For example, frank williams, the FOUNDER of Williams f1 team was openly a Thatcher supporter. There is a portrait of the bitch in his house (now his daughter's) as seen below, with a picture of.... george russell??
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I also added a picture of Thatcher with Colin Chapman to emphasize that political figures often get involved in sports, doesn't mean the athletes align with their views. Trump, Reagan, Thatcher, Francisco Franco (a literal dictator).... they've all done it.
But let's have a quick look at Georgie boy then. A rich white man, he was quite friendly with Frank Williams, does that mean he's a tory? No. (Tbh he probably is but is smart enough to not talk about it)
Lewis Hamilton of all people was invited to lunch TWICE with the British Royal family (not to mention the knighthood), does that mean he's a racist cunt with no regard for other human lives? No. So why would he associate himself with them? Because he's smart enough to not alienate half the bloody population!
If these people had integrity and perfect morals, they would not be racing in F1. And for the few that are genuinely good people, they're smart enough to just be a cog in the machine to ensure their paycheck. We saw it with the horner situation, they won't get involved unless they actually support the bad guy. Similar situation to palestine, if they speak out either way, they will alienate countless sponsors and probably loose their seat.
Yes it's shit, yes it should be different, yes it should be inclusive but it's just not. It's veeery slowly changing though.
But back to Lando: now he isn't perfect obviously. (He's a white cis probably het man) He might even be right wing who knows, but I think taking alleged comments like "you have to respect the guy" out of context is dangerous. Objectively, yes there is an infinitesimal bit of respect you have to have for trump (hear me out) he managed to become PRESIDENT OF THE UNTIED STATES by manipulating the masses into thinking he was basically the reincarnation of God. Man is a genius, even though he's a cock. He's also a brilliant example of nepotism, capitalism and all round discrimination that represents the system we all live in. Additionally, florida is a pretty right wing state if i'm not mistaken (gun laws/anti abortion/anti lgbt etc...) and if lando had told trump to fuck off, there might have been riots and i'm only barely joking. Lando is a dick for the comments that were perhaps a bit unnecessary but y'all are seeing them as him endorsing trump lmao. As a (hopefully) future public figure, if the president of my country came to see me in front of a bunch of cameras i would also say it was an honour to meet him. At this level it's self preservation.
I will finish this rant by saying that I hope the world of f1 will change for the better in future years, already the gender diversification is going in the right direction, some programs are in place for kids who come from poorer backgrounds etc... but expecting that change to come from the puppets of capitalism is quite unreasonable. Lewis has set some standards that hopefully more and more drivers can stick to, but in the meantime cancelling a dude for breathing the same air as trump is stupid.
Ps: Y'all don't know the half of the awful private corporations and sponsors of the teams and drivers, so if you can't cope with the occasional dick on your screen, you might want to pick a different hobby. Preferably not involving public figures or PR in any capacity.
Edit 1: I've been seing ppl get mad at lando for saying he's his lucky charm and I think it's perhaps a language comprehension barrier thing. He did not say that. Trump said he was lando's lucky charm, then lando mentionned that trump had said it.
Edit 2: I've seen some clips of Zak Brown where he seems to be really friendly with trump. I wouldn't be surprised if it was his idea to introduce him to lando. CEO's are rarely great people, and although i'm glad he's been such a huge part of Lando's journey and success, i'm not a big fan of his. I just wish it would have been with someone a bit less complacent, like max or lewis, they wouldn't have said that stuff and the interaction would have been quite entertaining I reckon.
Edit 3: great post about the misunderstood comments at the press conference here
Don't hesitate to insult me in my asks, i will be answering them with equal enthusiasm :)
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adachimoe · 8 months
Packin' heat
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Y'know, part of their police procedures is that you have to be wearing an identifiable police uniform if you're carrying a gun. Since Adachi is a so-called plainclothes detective, he wouldn't actually carry a gun on him. It would stay locked up at HQ and he would have to get permission to bring it with him on cases.
Like, remember how he didn't just whip out his service pistol during Rise's stalker / photographer incident? He wouldn't have one on him to begin with, and he wouldn't try to get permission if he thought he was just going to babysit Dojima's nephew. One would assume he has a gun in December because it's one of his model guns that he rigged to fire, or he just took it from the station without anyone knowing (Dojima had been hospitalized since November after all).
In December, he has a line inside of the TV where he says he became a cop so he could legally carry a gun. For a little context, you can't own a gun there as a civilian. We do know from P4U2 that Adachi does like guns and has various model guns that he does maintenance as a hobby on 'cause he can't take his service pistol home with him.
But, even knowing this, what he says in December feels a little nonsensical. Cause at some point in his career, he decided to become an investigative detective in a country where you don't carry around any sort of weapon as an investigative detective. Idk, I just can't take him seriously when he says that lol. He even says it in the TV world when he's in "B-movie bad guy mode" and trying to make himself out to be the Worst Person Ever.
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In contrast, the uniformed Officer Kurosawa in Persona 3 would have a gun. Actually, I assume the black/gray object on his right hip - that you really have to squint at this screenshot to even notice - is his holster. He's stationed at a satellite police station in the mall and would be expected to respond to incidents that happen in the area, which may or may not involve using a baton or gun on a suspect.
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Soejima's rough drafts reveal something about this topic and Atlus's process.
In Soejima's draft of Dojima, we see that Soejima did draw him with a gun holster on his left. But in Dojima's finalized full body character artwork, this magically vanished. Soejima - or whoever gave him specs for what Dojima's design needed - might have assumed that plainclothes detectives do carry guns but this later got corrected and we see this reflected in Dojima's finalized artwork. Adachi's own art is pretty useless for this cause he's always wearing a jacket, but I found this notable regardless cause Adachi and Dojima do share the same profession.
Edit: If you are wondering why Naoto has a gun, I have no idea lmao. That seems more about Naoto being a party member and needing a weapon for combat than it does any kind of basis in reality. Like at first we only see her with it inside of the TV, so it just seems like "a TV world thing". But I've been told that in Persona Q it's revealed to be an actual real working gun? Welp okay boss if you say so.
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eldaryasharbinger · 27 days
Making this post again, this time as it's own post and not a reblog (for context, the original post that inspired me to actually share what Is going on my head was about a theory on Jason's possible dynamic with Candy so I'm writing my own thoughts about it! I'm brainrotting about it so you've been warned!)
OP was talking about "imagine if Jason is actually just going to manipulate you for his own power and success" and something along the lines, not 100% accurate I just can't remember it right now so I might reblog it later just in case anyone wants to give it a read!
So now I'm like, ok HEAR ME OUT and consider my candy Petronilla the example candy here because that's the way I thought about all these (she's got the sweet personality, is all pink and pretty so keep that in mind ok??!)
Okay now we can really get into it and I'll start by saying, what if Jason did not only just fall FIRST but also HARDER and is either in denial or too arrogant to admit it or something like that yk, like he's been actively trying to seduce the enemie's new girl just to end up falling in love "accidentally"(???) and he feels like it's not possible that he's just imagining things so he pretends it's not true (kinda something similar to what actually happens in Baldur's Gate 3 and Astarion, he tried to get into your sheets for his own protection and ends up catching feelings for Tav)
But once he's like "oh shit! I really do love her!" he suddenly feels bad about himself because he genuinely cares about candy but he's not right for her since he's this annoying b- I mean, since everyone else low-key despises him too, so maybe he's kinda worried that he can't be good or that candy could NEVER feel the same way after everything she knows about him and everything Roy Devon etc could've told her about him (this is the angst part in the enemies to lovers...)
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I got inspiration from this pic, I don't even know the context but IMAGINE he's looking at candy like that because he doesn't really know what to do about it but he loves her dearly or sum and he's kind of frustrated??
Like I don't know if that's just me but I don't only see "love" in his look I kinda see sadness as well?? something like that?? YEARNING even???
While she's just there, with her doe eyes... not knowing how much this man cares... Like tell me my version wouldn't go great with Hozier's song "Too Sweet" (currently going viral I think on Instagram and idk about TikTok since I'm not on there, I only know about it because of the Harvey Stardew Valley edits lol)
take a look at the lyrics please and pretend with me, let's be crazy about this together...
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(realistically I don't really know if this could be possible like in the canon so I'm not even going to say that it's a theory. I only thought about it when I saw Jason's expression in that exact picture a little bit before launch, got inspiration for my new MCL Oc Petronilla, had no context and still RAN with it)
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coconutredbulllover · 16 days
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Guys i dont even know what i need to be gatekeeping anymore i js scribbled out some stuff that wasnt even that deep just in case…
anyways to 🫠 anon (still high rn and im locking in to respond to u bae 🤣):
LITERALLYLGTT like you just had to be there 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
ive been loosely following paige and azzis basketball stuff since idk like 2020 and then got more into pazzi stuff during like 2022 and my old blog started in like early ish 2023 and i always felt weird speculating abt real people so i would sometimes tag my posts and sometimes not but i still had a bunch of people there talking w me like a little community and everyone knew like if you were gonna be [self admittedly creepy] (be fr now yall its creepy be self aware!) and analyze stuff they post you might as well be doing on tumblr instead of other actually popular sites and everyone knew like jokes are jokes and dont take anything serious but now its like you say one thing and a new fan could just trust it because they dont know any better but ofc you cant explain every little detail to new comers
so yeah the trajectory of tumvlr has been crazy weird for me too i also used to be a lurker before i started my old blog and it was even less than just a few months ago. js a few months afo if you scrolled thru the pazzi tag you would literallt reach the end pretty fast, easy no problem. on my old blog (rip) whenever i wouldnt use the main tags when posting things (again bc i feel uncomfortable openly weird speculating) i used to instead use like alternate tags that were related but not like the players names and then some mutuals did the same thing and we kinda created our own ‘main tags’ (by main tags i mean like yk ‘uconn wbb’ and ‘paige bueckers’ ‘azzi fudd’).
incase this response is hard to follow im kinda tryna respond to ur paragraph chunks in my own paragrpah chunks (if that makes sense ?) like ur third paragraph is beinf repsonded to in this oargraph now. yeah i honeslty thoguht it was rlly wholesome when people wiped the clip off of like everywhere it rlly was js a iykyk thing and i also started seeing people sharing it and using it in edits. like for example i wrote in one of my earlier posts abt having a tiktok where i would psot like small clips (not edits i cant edit for shit) i thoguht were cute or wtvr but then suddenly the acc blew up w new fans in like late 2023 and it was managable then comments started being upright rude or sharing the clip and i was like damn. the final pushinf point before i deleted the acc was i posted a clip and it peaked 5.5 million views like WHATATAATASA????? and i was like conflicted if i should delete the vid bc it was the same content i always posted but it was slightly out of context and ppl ran with it calling a paige a dyke among other things in the comments (plus the ‘the live’ sharers foudn that post too) AND someone dropped mine and a few others tumblrs in the comments so i js ended up deleted everything of the acc including the vid after 7 days of it being up bc tiktok didnt deserve any of it 😭 and i couldnt keep monitoring comments plus i didnt want the out of context clip spreading.
okay next pargraoh!! I KNOW ITS HELLA WEIRD… like why do u suddenly recognize the person im talking abt? i would occasionally mention it to friends or ppl i know like ‘yeah wbb is rlly poppibg off rn cailin clark paige bukers kmaila cardoso etc are really bringing good attention to the game’ so it was like a casual interest they didnt know i was like actuallt into basketball or anything like that but like it was know like “eri watches basketball and ive heard this persons name come outta her mouth before” kinda like u were saying abt your friend saying they never heard the name come out of any elses name but yours. and then it actually blew up and people were genuinely recognizing the names i was talking about like ‘oh i saw that girl you mentioned before on the news’ like whatchu mean u saw them on the news. it all happened so fast 🤣. no offense to your friends idk if theyre like this it just made me think of straight paige fans so i wanna say a little thing abt it even tho its not related to what u said abt ur friends, peoples reactions to straight fans have a weird line drawn like i think that straight fans are perfectly fine saying paige is hot. heres my explanation: i think sexuality is a spectrum you can be completely striaght and find her hot and thats literally normal like you arent attracted to women like THAT but you can appreciate someone good looking and like their energy and be straight like the kinsey or wtvr scale those typa girls are probs like a 2. i always see like the “im gonna hold your hand when i tell you this” comments and i think theyre funny but not everyone is always a straight girl who genuinely might like women, people can be striaght and find masculine traits or jsut the nergy of someone attractive! insane idea ik.
final bit of the yap sesh! no yeah i totally get u i feel like i always gotta be like ‘proving’ that i know so much and that ive been here a long time as weell but its hard while beibg forced to be a gatekeeper. i honestly have the worst memory so i have no clue if the other time you sent a similar ask couldve been me cause its not the first time ive seen asks like this but it it was we rlly did come full circle and thats be pretry cool LMFAO. lastly never appologize for yapping especially when im literallt the D1 yapper 🤣🙂‍↕️.
if yall made it here sprry for typos also i didnt reread anything i wrote so if something is so grammatically wrong it makes no sense send an ask and ill go edit it 😭
final thoguhts to 🫠 anon and a little bit to readers i hope u send more asks bc this was highkey the most entertaining one ive gotten out of all my asks, in a while, like i get them everyday but its js alot of people asking for context on stuff i post or cautious people letting me know i shoudl delte when ive accidentally shared too much that wouldnt sit well with the newbies 😭 so if u wanna have a convo w someone who knows their shit js run wild in the ask ill censor it or use the emoji i rlly miss talking to people who arent part of the new wave (no offense to yall). like on my old blog i had mutuals with same thoughts as mine and then i used to js silent lurk the other blogs accs to keep my blog a little more seperate from the main tags, but i recebtly started interacting with the people whove been the main ppl posting in the main tags on their blogs (like the person whos name i blurred in your ask who was popular and had a now removed content masterlist like i have access to more complete masterlists but yes i do know of that one it was a pretty popular one bc it was easily accessible and they were postinf lives on yt for people sadly now gone into full cordial mode, their rants were pretty entertaining 😭) and some others who are still tryna keep their blogs going (staying more cordial and stuff js like me) but its like a little weird interacting w them even tho we all pre blowup fans bc theyre like a literal established family (LMFAO. please if yall knwo what im talkign abt LMFAOO) so yeah im like a floater blog rn can yall start sending me normal asks so we can try to be a community like old times 🩵 (pls)
okay time to go smoke some more any smokers out there send me asks 😝
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creature-wizard · 6 months
The stuff going on in the Law of Assumption community kinda takes me back to when I was a teenager and desperate to have actual social skills, and being attracted to ugly-duckling-to-swan stories like Gigi and The Princess Diaries. These narratives basically suggested that there was some easy way to transform myself into someone appealing and desirable; all I'd have to do was learn the Proper Etiquette and Curious Little Rules and bam, it could all be mine.
And like, at the time I was too young to really think about whether what the films depicted was really a good thing. I didn't have the context to understand how Mia's princess makeover was pushing certain Eurocentric beauty standards, or that the whole "yeah you can't really be a princess until you ditch the glasses" thing was kinda ableist. Not to mention, y'know, the whole girlboss feminism of it all, and upholding the idea that monarchy is desirable, and y'know, a lot of things that just don't occur to you when you're a teenage girl. (Nonbinary egg in my case, technically, but ya know.)
And today the LOA community is offering a similar thing, a kind of magic formula that'll supposedly allow all of these struggling teenagers sort out their lives, while pushing harmful beauty standards and advocating lifestyles that seem glamorous on the surface, but are actually just... terrible. Like the k-pop industry and modeling industry are horrifically exploitative, and the idea that the rich and famous are all fantastically happy people because they've manifested their best lives falls apart when you examine how much abuse goes on in Hollywood and how people like Donald Trump are incredibly insecure. Meghan Markle was so stressed out from the press that she and her husband left the UK.
And then of course, the LOA community pushes the idea that you can manifest all of these perfect lives that people on social media supposedly have. But the fact is, those social media doesn't show you reality; it shows you what the other person wants you to see. Those gorgeous pictures you see on Instagram are carefully staged and edited. A middle aged vlogger used filters to pass herself off as a young woman. One YouTube influencer decided to play a silly prank and claim that photos of herself taken in an IKEA store were actually taken in Bali - and to her surprise, her followers ate it up. Another influencer led people to think she was living this amazingly glamorous life when in reality, she was living in a filthy apartment. One influencer faked a hiking picture in her own back yard.
The Law of Assumption thrives among people who don't know a lot about the world yet, and don't realize that beautiful facades often conceal mundane to horrific realities. It thrives among people who don't have enough experience to consider that Neville Goddard, like many influencers of our time, might have just been lying.
I remember being that young and naive, and if I had come across something like this I might have been caught up in it. It's absolutely designed in a way that appeals to certain vulnerable young people, and that's what makes the whole thing so insidious.
If you are questioning or trying to get out of the LOA community and need help, please see this post.
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demodraws0606 · 4 months
Ok not to be a little unhinged but...
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The fact this dude has bad beef with the director we still have no context about. It's quite noticable how uncomfortable he is around this mystery dude to the point where he sees being friends with him as something unfortunate ?
Like he straight calls their friendship this
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Which like you wonder why considering how friendly and laidback this dude is, in fact i've seen other people online say as such a lot of the times but this friendly demeanor is what makes most of his other behaviors stand out.
He makes very obvious jabs at his supposed friend's work
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There's obviously other things like calling him Tomomi-chan when clearly the other is uncomfortable about it and touching his stuff unprompted.
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And this is clear his "friend" is not enjoying it, like this isn't just friendly banter of course it's hard when we don't got voice acting but it's undeniable there is some bad blood there that isn't just "annoyance".
Of course it's not just that but like as a person who runs on vibes....I simply get massive red flags from this man outside his friendly appearance. From his voice acting, to his expressions and character design there is just something very "shady" about him.
That and it's clear from the trained cards and the direction of the comm that I have a hard time believing the comm is completely divorced from the event. Think about it, colorpalet usually give a rundown of the event as well as a few keywords, how would a description of that event motivate Maiki-p to make song like this unless he knew this dude was shady ?
Of course Maiki-P could've been influenced by other things and this comm might actually not be related to the event but if that's the case why is Rui's card so ominous, why is WxS's 2dmv lean on that ominous-ness. They could've made positive trained cards or made the 2dmv less you know "rui looks depressed for 99 pourcent of it".
Someone also in the Youtube comments mentioned also the fact Asahi is gonna come back to ask the question again to Rui which...is 100 pourcent gonna be important considering the rest of WxS still don't know that.
Maybe that director who now knows Rui's name might have a potential influence on that plot.
Anyways yeah losing my mind, this is literally my first pjsk post but this event has fucking killed me in so many ways iwth how weird it is.
Edit :
Also again this is me heavily nitpicking thing but when he start playing the footage unprompted it specifically starts with this line
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Which the director comments on him appearing as he pleases and throwing vague advice.
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