#Earth x
alphacomicsvol2 · 1 year
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Earth X Doctor Octopus by John Totleben
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ungoliantschilde · 1 year
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some black and white artwork by the late great John Paul Leon.
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mcbenson25 · 5 months
I Have Something For You (Eobard Thawne X Reader)
A/N: Helloooooo. Here's a little one-shot that didn't make it into More Than He Bargained For that I thought you would all enjoy!
"I have to go out of town for a couple of days," Eobard reluctantly informed you, his expression softening as he looked down at your pouting face. "What? Why?" you protested, your eyes searching his for an explanation.
Eobard couldn't resist the charm of your pout; it made him feel guilty about leaving you. A warm smile graced his lips as he reassured you, "I have to do this thing for work, but I'll be back before you know it."
"Impossible," you countered, pressing a quick, affectionate kiss on his lips before snuggling closer to him. "I always hate when you aren't here."
He sighed, his gaze fixed on you. He wished he could freeze this moment, capture it in eternity. You and him…happy, lovers. You made the stagnant existence in this time period bearable. "Why can't you take me with you?" you asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"You know I can't," he replied, his voice filled with a touch of regret.
You groaned in response, not happy but acceptingly. "Alright."
A comfortable silence enveloped the room as the television droned on in the background, providing background noise with its latest stock market analysis.
"I have something for you," Eobard suddenly broke the silence, his voice infused with anticipation.
Your eyes lit up, and you sat up eagerly, a smile tugging at your lips. "Oh? What is it?"
"We have to go outside, though," he teased, pressing a tender kiss on your lips. "Meet me outside," he said, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.
You giggled as you watched him almost trip on his way to your shared bedroom, his playful smile and wink leaving you with a sense of curiosity. Grabbing your shoes, you headed outside to join him.
Eobard's house was a cozy haven, nestled alongside the lake bordering Central City. The backyard was a sight to behold, with towering, lush trees adorned with delicate jar lights. A beautiful garden with a meandering stone path guided you towards the shimmering lake. From this vantage point, you could also see the dazzling cityscape, adding to the enchantment of your little piece of heaven.
"It's beautiful."
You turned around and found Eobard standing beside you, a gentle smile playing on his lips. Your heart fluttered at the sight of him. "It is," you replied, unable to contain your joy.
"Oh, I wasn't talking about the view," he sweetly retorted, his gaze filled with affection.
You couldn't help but grin, feeling the warmth spread across your cheeks.
"Before I go, I wanted to give you something, but first, I have to ask you something," Eobard began, his voice laced with nerves.
Curiosity ignited within you. "Okay," you responded, your voice soft and filled with anticipation.
He took a deep breath, his hand trembling slightly as it ran through his hair. "Is everything okay?" you asked, concern creeping into your voice.
"Yes! Yes, I just—" he stammered, his eyes meeting yours before he finally gathered his composure. Stepping forward, his voice regained strength. "Will you marry me?"
You stood frozen, unable to process the question at first.
Did he just...?
Oh my goodness..
He just asked me to marry him
"Yes, of course!" you squealed with delight as he kissed you passionately, sealing the moment. As you pulled apart, your eyes glanced down and spotted a dazzling diamond ring with your beloved gemstone nestled in the center.
Overwhelmed with joy, you looked up at him and said, "I love you."
A radiant smile graced his face as he replied, "I love you too."
Taglist: @khayrrilrainxwells @kirareaper13 @i-dont-care-lol @cursedfaechild @lovepeaceorelse @roryjames82 @brianllamawrites @achromaticerebus @honeybeezgobzzzzz @bellagomez-barriga @readingfanficdonotdisturb @tahiraseoti @roguerieka22
Hope you enjoyed this little snippet! Please feel free to leave any comments or thoughts as well as ideas! Love you all!
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brw · 2 months
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Hank Pym taught me that there are choices beyond programming! Janet Van Dyne, that there was beauty in the smallest of people. Pietro Maximoff, that if one's father is evil, it does not mean the child must be! Clint Barton, that there is no such thing as a powerless man! And Wanda, my dear Wanda... taught me that even an android can love!
Universe X #X by Alex Ross, written by Jim Krueger and drawn by Dougie Braithwaite
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splooosh · 5 months
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Jerry Ordway - Rick Hoberg
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nickfuryagentofsword · 25 years
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Earth X HC (1999) by Alex Ross & John Paul Leon
Cover: Alex Ross
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Y/n buying Peter one of them dissolving swimming shorts knowing Peter doesn’t wear underwear under his shorts when swimming
It was meant to be a prank as Y/N bought Peter some dissolving swimming trunks to wear to the pool. He had no idea what was in store for him. He was none the wiser as he put on the red and blue trunks and entered the pool with a cannonball splash. Y/N watched and recorded with a stifled laugh as Peter's shorts began to dissolve and break apart in the water, exposing his smooth toned ass in the sunlight as Peter sighed happily as he noticed there was a slight breeze downstairs and looked down with a gasp as he looked at Y/N's laughing face and phone recording him.
"Y/N... What the fuck dude?!"
"What? The reviews for it were legit."
"You're so going to pay for this later. I'm talking blowjobs and fucking you." Peter promised, covering his manhood.
"Oh, don't be shy, Tiger. It's nothing I haven't seen before." Y/N walked towards him and sank to his knees in front of Peter as he looked up at him. "Let me apologize properly." He pulled the wet fabric from Peter's crotch area and his dick hit Y/N's cheek as he stroked the wet dick and made it grow bigger as he opened his mouth wide and sucked Peter's cock.
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thebibliomancer · 2 months
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Earth X #8
May, stop being in space! You need your oxygens!
Earth X: it’s a Bad Future and it is a mess.
Uatu the Watcher has been blinded and he kidnapped Aaron to be his seeing eye robot. Uatu has bullied and dehumanized Aaron into deleting his own personality.
There’s been a mass empowering event which mutated all of humanity. At first it seemed like it was Reed Richard’s fault but doubt has been raised.
A psychic brat called the Skull has arrived in New New York with an army of thousands of mind controlled people.
Bruce Banner came to Sorcerer Supreme Clea for help contacting dead Mar-Vell. But Clea turns out to be in league with Loki and traps Thor and Hulk in in the Realm of Death.
Everything is apparently the Celestials’ mysterious plan for Earth or alternatively events are off the rails and happening 200 years sooner than they’re supposed to.
Earth X has so much stuff going on. So many subplots. And yet if it was a conspiracy board, all the yarn would connect to the Celestials.
I’ve commented before that Earth X takes the chaotic, kitchen sink Marvel universe and tries to tie it all into the Celestials.
A few issues back, Uatu explained that the Asgardians weren’t gods, they were shapeshifting empathic aliens who looked like Norse mythology because people expected them too.
It wasn’t an explanation I particularly liked.
Then, last issue, it was explained that the Hulk’s various personas were only a result of the Celestial seed in Bruce absorbing more and more gamma and had nothing to do with Bruce’s mental health.
This also I didn’t particularly like.
Now Earth X goes in a similarly weird direction by claiming that Peter Parker’s trademark crushing guilt and responsibility complex are also part of the Celestial plan.
Uatu doesn’t finish explaining how the hell this makes sense because he notices Aaron ask a follow-up question… which means Aaron didn’t erase his own personality!
Yay, Aaron! It would have been a bummer for him to undergo identity death for Uatu’s jerk ass.
In fact, Aaron was pretending to be an emotionless robot because he suspected that Uatu wouldn’t reveal the true secrets behind everything as long as he could still second guess them.
So now he knows (almost) everything. And he is furious.
Aaron Stack: “Who knows, maybe man’s every vice and every hunger can be traced to the Celestials. Maybe the Celestials’ manipulation of mankind’s evolution was in actuality a step down. The fall of man. You’ve damned them, Uatu. You and your Celestial Host. I guess this doesn’t surprise me. You’ve set yourself up as God. So you have the power to damn. But do you have the power to save? Could you redeem what you’ve set out to curse? You could. I know it. But you just don’t want to bother with it. You’d rather sit. And watch.”
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John Jameson, moon werewolf astronaut, wanders into the Watcher’s home and right into an argument between Uatu and Aaron.
Which is good because it gives Aaron someone else to talk to when Uatu goes to sulk.
Also, somebody to narrate to. John wants to warn Earth about a scary something approaching from space but Aaron runs through the subplot list to show how everything is a mess and nobody is really available to deal with space invaders.
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Captain America uses the Lockjaw teleporter (which I guess he borrowed from Reed) to warp right into Tony’s self-quarantine. Freaking Tony the hell out with fears of contamination.
Cap tries to warn Tony about the Skull’s huge army reaching New New York but Tony is sure the Iron Avengers have it handled.
(They don’t. They’ve been destroyed by the Skull’s army)
The Skull also has his forces wipe out the Hyda. Hmm, I really thought the mind control squid would be more important to the plot. I included it in every recap.
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The Skull is confronted by Cop Luke Cage (who I also thought would be more important to the plot after he had that scene with Peter Parker in issue 1) and is irreverent and horrible as ever.
He’s the worst. I love him as a villain.
Meanwhile, Reed and Ben walk the streets. Ben has an emotional breakthrough all by himself while Reed is completely engrossed in his own subplot and doesn’t notice Ben is talking to him.
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He altered Cerebro to find Inhumans instead of mutants so he could find the missing Inhuman Prince but everyone on the streets is pinging as Inhuman.
At the same time, in Latveria, Luna starts spontaneously undergoing terrigenesis, the Inhuman transformation process. Which should only happen in the presence of the terrigen mist.
Which finally solves the mystery of the mass empowering event. It wasn’t an explosion at the vibranium radio tower. The entire world has been exposed to terrigen mist!
Somehow. We don’t know how. And the Inhumans seem surprised to realize that this is the case.
Over in the Sanctum Sanctorum, Clea gloats to a captive blind child Bruce but is surprised by Hulk and Thor escaping the Realm of Death with the help of ghost Strange.
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She asks for Loki’s help but he’s bailed on her. Obviously.
So Clea decides to explode New New York out of spite but Thor transports her and him to Asgard, knowing Loki will prevent him from coming back.
With the Sorcerer Supreme and Thor out of his way, Loki gloats Earth is his.
Still not sure how this fits into everything else going on.
I’m not sure if Cap found any help from Tony but he moves onto Russia.
Currently ruled by Colossus.
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There was a bit in an earlier appendix about how due to the mass empowering event, former superheroes were asked to take leadership positions since they were used to leading those with powers.
It hasn’t come up so I forgot about it but here we are with President? King? Secretary? Colossus.
Colossus doesn’t want to get involved because Russia is the breadbasket of the world and he needs to protect it. But Cap points out that the Skull won’t stop at the ocean. He’ll make his way to Russia eventually and he’s a dumb kid who treats this like a game. He won’t think about controlling people to do agriculture.
(If that’s the case, the Celestial plan for Earth must come about really soon after the Skull. Or at least depending on whether that’s been derailed or not by the terrigen jumping the gun by two hundred years. But my thought is, if the Skull is part of the plan, you can’t have much time between him taking over the world and whatever the Celestials need Earth for. Because the kid isn’t going to bother keeping civilization going.)
Back in New New York, Peter continues to try to convince May not to do anything. She just tells him to grow up and jumps into action against the Skull’s army without a plan.
The Skull sends Iron Maiden to confront May Venom. Iron Maiden begs May to withdraw before the Skull takes control of her but May doesn’t listen.
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May beats Iron Maiden with a little asphyxiation and then immediately falls under the Skull’s control.
His creepy, creepy control.
Away from the action, Peter is at a loss for what to do now. He contemplates a Peter Parker Spider-Man costume he sees in a shop window but walks away very “Spider-Man No More” ish.
I guess Peter’s identity is out.
The appendix has a bit where John Jameson asks after his father. Aaron tells him that Jonah has himself locked up in the Daily Bugle building, the paper having gone out of business when it was revealed Spider-Man had been taking Spider-Man pictures all along. Jonah also keeps Jack Russell Werewolf By Night locked up with him, under the belief he’s werewolf astronaut John, since NASA lied to John and didn’t tell Jonah his son was going to the Moon.
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And the issue ends with the Skull and his top peeps cornering President Norman Osborn in his office.
Unless this goes in a completely unexpected direction, I also thought President Osborn would be more important to the plot than he was.
Was he just a Bad Future signifier? Things are so bad, Norman Osborn is president, but also he’s not really important?
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neutron669 · 8 months
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John Paul Leon
Earth X
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Paradise X: Heralds 1 (2001) by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger & Steve Pugh
Cover: Alex Ross
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ungoliantschilde · 8 months
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the Alex Ross Wizard Millennium Edition.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
Kid Loki (comics)? Avengers Academy Loki? Earth X Loki? Oh, the comic Ragnarok and Roll was kinda fun. The games SMITE, Warframe, and Dislyte all have Loki-based characters in them too but I don’t know much about them.
I can add those! Ooh, you know about Earth-X loki (love his design).
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mcbenson25 · 5 months
More Then He Bargained For Final Part
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
A/N: Hello everyone! It's been...awhile. Rest assured I have not completely forgotten about our little story here and here it is, the final part. I won't spoil the ending but even if the ending isn't what you wanted, don't worry they'll be something in the near future for you :). I missed you all and thank you for reading. It means the world to me :)
Warnings: Violence, blood mentions, injury, mild language
The blaring alarm reverberated through the air, its shrill sound threatening to deafen you. You decided to not join Iris and Felicity, realizing that splitting up was the better option to avoid detection. Carefully, you climbed back up, positioning yourself just out of sight from the approaching soldiers while keeping a watchful eye on their movements. Pulling out your phone, you opened the Star Labs layout, that Cisco had given everyone a while back, containing the intricate layout of building and the hidden passages.
Following the map, you located a passage leading to the Time Vault where you knew you could get access to the entire building's security feeds.
As you made your way, gunshots echoed in the vicinity, accompanied by the frantic voices of Felicity and Iris below. You ran, taking advantage of the distraction that masked your movements. You located the vent and crawled through the space before you spotted the opening to the Time Vault and descended into the pristine white room, where the small white podium sat.
"Good evening, Mrs. Thawne," Gideon greeted you. You winced inwardly at the mention of your name, but there were pressing matters at hand. "Good evening, Gideon," you responded, your focus sharpening. "Can you pull up the security feed for the lab?"
"Certainly," Gideon replied, swiftly bringing up the footage. You scrolled through the screens until one caught your attention, its eerie red light casting an ominous glow. There, in the center of the room, was Kara, restrained and… in a hospital gown?
Your heart sank as you witnessed a tall figure loom over Kara, a needle poised menacingly in their hand. The needle plunged into her arm, eliciting a wince from Kara as a voice dripped with malicious intent, uttering the chilling words, "She's cooked."
An unmistakable shiver ran down your spine.
It was Eobard's voice.
Overgirl lay nearby, engrossed in an exchange of comforting words with Dark Arrow, while Eobard reached for a small machine resembling a surgical device. With a gasp, you closed the footage, knowing you needed a plan to put a stop to what was happening.
Bounding back up into the vent, you searched for the path leading to the room where Kara was held captive. Moving with measured steps, you walked slowly, mindful of any noise that could betray your location. Suddenly, the lights flickered, and darkness enveloped the area, only to be replaced by the emergency lights illuminating the vents. The power had been cut off.
A smile tugged at your lips.
Iris and Felicity.
As you neared the room, the sounds of a fight against the soldiers echoed through the corridor as they swiftly unstrapped Kara, who appeared frail and weakened. "Get me to the Sun," she whispered, her voice laced with urgency. Felicity and Iris grasped Kara's weakened form, determinedly making their way toward the elevator.
Meanwhile, you saw several Nazi soldiers running towards the room. You knew you had to give them time to escape, so you opened the vent and dropped in front of them. The sudden noise caught their attention, and for an instant, you all stood there, locked in an unexpected standoff.
"Well, this is awkward, isn't it?" you quipped, rolling up your sleeves, your gaze fixed on the soldiers.
Without hesitation, you delivered a punch to one of the Nazis, swiftly disarming them and employing their weapon against the others. The adrenaline surged through your veins as you exchanged blows, evading their strikes. One of them managed to land a solid hit to your face, you winced momentarily before retaliating with a swift kick to their legs.
Pushing through the laying plot of soldiers, you ran toward Felicity, Iris, and Kara, their desperate hopes resting on the elevator doors.
"Where have you been?" Felicity exclaimed, her voice tinged with relief and urgency, while Iris frantically pressed the elevator button.
"Busy!" you retorted, a hint of defiance in your response, just as the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder, signaling the imminent arrival of reinforcements.
Thankfully, the elevator doors began to open, but to your surprise, a green beam of energy erupted, striking Kara and propelling her across the room. A colossal, menacing robot emerged, its presence overshadowing any hope of escape.
"I don't believe Mr. Thawne is done with you yet," the robot boomed. Soldiers began flooding into the room, and the four of you reluctantly raised your hands in surrender.
The soldiers seized you forcefully, their grips tight as they dragged you into the cortex where Dark Arrow and another group of soldiers were. Your eyes darted around the room, instinctively searching for Eobard. He walked in, engrossed in his tablet, attempting to restore the power for the surgery. He cast a glare directed at Iris and Felicity which morphed into a lingering gaze as he saw your bruised cheek. You noticed his hand twitch, an urge to examine the injury clearly itching within him. When his eyes met yours, you looked away, unwilling to invite his attention.
"Report," Dark Arrow's deep voice snapped Eobard's focus back to the tablet.
"Good news," Eobard said, struggling to avert his gaze from you, "The Wellenreiter has successfully transitioned to this Earth."
Dark Arrow took a menacing step forward. "Kara is all that matters."
Eobard resisted the urge to roll his eyes, knowing this would hinder their plans. "That red sunlight we're subjecting her to? It's fading away. So, pretty soon," Eobard's annoyance seeped into his words, "her cells will be so desaturated that the surgery will be impossible."
"Fix it," Dark Arrow commanded with a dark edge to his voice.
"I can't," Eobard replied, exasperation lacing his words.
"This is your city. This is your facility. So turn the power back on," Dark Arrow's patience waned.
"I can't because the system is encrypted," Eobard retorted. He wanted to hit this man so badly and his restraint to do so was waning.
You exchanged a quick glance with Felicity, acknowledging her brilliance in the encryption.
"By who?" Dark Arrow questioned.
"By Ms. Smoak," Eobard answered, shifting Dark Arrow's attention toward Felicity with a deadly glare.
"Felicity Smoak, turn the power back on," Dark Arrow growled, his gaze fixated on her.
Eobard spoke, advancing toward Felicity, his speed allowing him to seize her and pin her against the wall by her throat. "He said," Eobard's voice dripped with threat, "turn the power back on!"
Despite being held by her throat, Felicity managed to utter, "Sorry, Eobard. Eobard?" mispronouncing his name.
"Eobard," he emphasized, increasing the pressure on her neck.
"My God, the future sounds weird," she gasped between breaths, the strain evident in her voice.
Eobard scoffed. "That's funny. Sometimes we think we're more clever than we actually are. Because where I come from, the history books are filled with tales of the age of heroes, yet none of them mention Felicity Smoak." His eyes turned red, and he vibrated his hand menacingly toward her.
"No! Felicity!" you screamed, kicking the guard holding you, causing him to lose his grip. Swiftly, you sprinted toward her, but before you could reach her, something struck your head, sending you sprawling to the floor.
Dark Arrow loomed above you, weapon in hand, poised to strike you once more. Clutching your throbbing head, you noticed blood staining your trembling hand. Eobard halted in his tracks, his eyes widening as he observed you sprawled on the ground, blood trickling down your face. His gaze burned with fury. This was the final blow to his patience. He turned, ready take Dark Arrow's heart and squeeze the life out of it, but a voice resonated through the room.
"No! Stop. Stop," Kara stumbled into the cortex, her voice filled with desperation. "You came here for me, so just take me. Please, don't hurt anyone else."
Felicity shook her head vehemently. "No, Kara."
"It's okay, Felicity. Give them the code," Kara reassured her, her voice tinged with resignation. Felicity lowered her head in defeat, reluctantly providing the code to Eobard, who struggled to maintain composure as he watched the guard haul you up, your balance faltering as you attempted to stand. Your eyes met his, you shook your head.
He had chosen his side.
And it wasn't you.
The power came back on as the guards dragged you away. You could still feel the blow to your head, and you winced as the soldiers pushed you to follow Iris and Felicity in front of the glass to where Kara was lying once again on the surgical table next to a sleeping Overgirl.
"Oh my God," Iris whispered.
"Kara," you said, reaching out to the glass before the soldier snapped at you, swatting your hand away. You glared at the soldier before turning your attention back to the scene unfolding in front of you. Eobard had grabbed one of the larger scalpels, admiring it, before looking up, meeting your eyes. The look of malice in his eyes dimmed as you watched him sigh, and you looked away, your eyes watering, focusing on Kara.
There was no use pleading with him anymore. There was nothing left to save.
Eobard turned back to Kara. "This next sound, metal through bone," he said as he moved the scalpel closer toward Kara's chest, "that's my favorite part," he finished with an evil smile.
"You might want to close your eyes," he said as he dipped the scalpel down to her chest.
You held your breath, waiting for the piercing scream to come but there was none.
Iris and Felicity exchanged confused looks with you as you heard Dark Arrow's voice laced with annoyance. "What are you waiting for? DO. IT."
Eobard looked up, his body still filled with rage from earlier. "I'm trying. There's something that-"
Eobard was cut off with Ray shouting, "Mitts off Mengle!" and you watched him transform from a miniature person back to his normal size. He punched Eobard in the face, stunning him before blasting him out of the room. You took the opportunity to kick the soldier behind you as Iris grabbed one of the paperweights and slammed it into the other soldier's head, knocking him out.
You rushed to Kara, who was being unlatched from the bed by Ray.
"Oh hey!" Ray greeted cheerfully, "I got your S.O.S. How was the wedding?"
Felicity giggled as you and Iris exchanged looks of disbelief, and Kara, who had sat up, laid back down again in disbelief. He helped Kara up as you walked into the corridor. "The rest of the Legends are here and we're busting everybody out."
"Wait!" Felicity exclaimed. "We need someone to lock the time vault."
"I'll do it." You said with a nod. "Don't have too much fun without me."
"Do you think anyone is coming for us?"
Harry rolled his eyes. It was the millionth time Cisco had asked since he had woken up. "Cisco, if you ask one more time, I will personally make sure you stay in here forever."
There was a pause, and Harry smiled before Cisco said, "Man, someone's having a bad day."
Right as Harry was about to quip back, there was a booming voice over the intercom, "Attention all prisoners: Great news. The cavalry has arrived."
Nate's voice was a relief as everyone cheered.
Harry sighed in relief as his cell moved towards the door and opened.
"About time. I was about to murder Cisco." He joked. "Do me a favor and free him last."
Nate laughed and agreed.
As Harry walked out into the hall, he immediately started to look for you. He ran down the cortex hallway and noticed the door to the time vault close. He crept slowly as he opened it, grabbing a nearby metal piece as he went in and saw something move and swung.
"What the hell!?" He heard a familiar voice yell.
"Y/N?" He said confused and relieved, and he dropped the pole.
"Harry!" You exclaimed, and he walked up to you and hugged you.
You were surprised by the gesture but felt relieved he was alive. You pulled back slightly, your face close to his.
"Where are the others?"
Harry seemed lost in thought, still holding onto your waist.
"Harry?" You asked softly, your heart suddenly running a marathon as you felt it pound against your chest.
His gaze locked with yours as he bridged the space between you, his eyes conveying a mix of warmth and longing. The air around you seemed to shift as his lips, soft and inviting, tenderly converged with yours. The moment was seamless, like a natural progression of shared glances and unspoken sentiments.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, drawn into the kiss by an invisible force that had been building between you for longer than you both realized. The touch of his lips was a revelation, a delicate dance of vulnerability and passion. His hands found a comfortable place on your waist, pulling you a fraction closer.
As you both pulled away, he looked at you with a warmth that made you feel butterflies. "I was worried," he admitted, his voice tinged with genuine concern.
"I'm not as soft as I seem," you replied, a smile playing on your lips.
Harry chuckled softly, a mix of relief and amusement. "I should have known better." He pressed his forehead against yours. "Let's find the others and get out of here."
Eobard was about to lose his mind. The very scenario he had repeatedly warned Dark Arrow about had unfolded right before his eyes.
Each time he looked at the man, fury surged within him, fueled by the haunting image of your bloodied head replaying incessantly in his mind. Attempting to muster the remnants of his patience, annoyance dripped from his words, thinly veiling his exasperation. "The general isn't safe here anymore."
A glare shot his way from Dark Arrow, who stepped forward with a huff. "I'm well aware of that."
The temptation to kill him gnawed at Eobard. "Fall back to the troop carrier and get ready for the invasion," Dark Arrow ordered.
Finally, things were aligning with Eobard's plans.
Not that he cared, but he asked anyways, "Without you?"
"I'm staying," came the seething reply. "Supergirl won't leave here alive."
"Don't make it personal," Eobard cautioned. "Bad move."
Dark Arrow slammed his hand on the desk beside Eobard. Before he could retort, another voice cut in, "Are you questioning your Fuhrer's orders?"
Suppressing the urge to roll his eyes in irritation, Eobard met Overgirl's gaze, her eyes fixed on him for a response.
"Of course not," he retorted, his tone soft yet laced with harshness. "General."
With that, he sped off to ready himself for the awaited attack, but there was one matter he needed to take care of.
Back on the Waverider, a whole new set of issues slammed into you like a freight train. Professor Stein got hit hard during the fight, his life tethered to Jax, and Caitlyn and Ray were on a wild mission to find a solution.
Iris had dashed off to find Barry, while Felicity and Oliver were deep in the mystery of what was happening with Overgirl. That left you with Harry. The post-kiss buzz had worn off, and now you were feeling a bit awkward. Not that the kiss wasn't something you wanted, but it was definitely uncharted territory.
"So, um, are we, like," you stuttered, a blush creeping up your cheeks, "together now?"
Harry's ears matched your blush as he ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I mean—if you want?"
"I just… I don't know," you began, seeing Harry's confusion.
"Harry, I want to be with you," you clarified, and he broke into a smile, "but maybe we shouldn't rush anything."
Harry nodded, a genuine agreement in his eyes. "Right. After all, we have all the time in the multiverse."
Your grin widened at his charmingly dorky comment.
"We should head back," he suggested, taking a step closer, his hands gently encircling your waist. He placed a tender kiss on your forehead.
"I'll catch up with you. I'm just going to grab a change of clothes and freshen up a bit," you said with a smile as he left.
In the bathroom, you gave your face a wake-up call with a splash of cold water. Looking in the mirror, you noticed some dried blood in your hair from the Dark Arrow's blow earlier. Letting out a sigh, you figured a quick shower was in order.
The water was refreshing, but as it ran down, you winced a bit, trying to rinse the blood from your hair. It hit you then – tiredness. With each droplet, you could feel the weariness in your muscles, and you realized you couldn't recall the last time you had a decent sleep.
You dried off and instinctively reached for your neck before sighing.
There was nothing there anymore.
As you got dressed, thoughts of Harry lingered. He had kissed you, and you were, well, let's just say you weren't upset. In fact, it was the first time in a very, very long time that you felt this kind of happy warmth.
"That's a nasty cut you've got there."
You turned around, and there, of course, stood the last person in the world you wanted to see.
"What do you want, Eobard?" you huffed out harshly, already trying to get around him to leave.
He sighed. "I was worried."
You stared up at him before bursting out laughing hysterically. "You know, Eobard, that's about the craziest thing I've heard today," you managed to say while still laughing.
He took a step towards you, and you immediately stepped back.
He looked at you. "No?"
And that's when you just lost it.
"No. You don't get to come here and act all worried about me when you were about to split my BEST FRIEND OPEN AND HAD ZERO REMORSE ABOUT IT. YOU DON'T GET TO WALTZ IN AND START MAKING DECISIONS, AND YOU SURE AS HELL DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME.," you screamed at him, pushing him with each word until you realized you were crying.
Silence hung heavily between you, broken only by the sound of your ragged breaths.
Eobard took a sharp inhale before quietly saying, "You're right. I don't have any right. I lied to you, so many times."
"I never meant to hurt you. You could say it was selfish, stringing you along, but I love you," he paused and glanced up at you, "and even if you never want to see me again, I need you to know that. Every touch, every kiss, everything was real."
There was a moment of silence as you let his words sink in.
You sighed, rubbing your eyes, trying to wipe the tears and exhaustion from them. "Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't," You took a shaky breath in still trying to regain your composure, "But you chose your side."
"Wait-" Eobard tried.
You shook your head. "It wasn't me that you chose, and I'm done chasing someone who will never choose me."
Silence clung in the air as Eobard glanced up at you before cautiously stepping towards you and you let him. "Even if you never forgive me," his hand lightly reaching for your face, "I'll always be here for you. Whatever you need, whenever. It's the least I can do."
As you looked up you knew he meant every single syllable of that statement. You placed your hand on his and leaned against it.
"Thank you."
"Do you love him?" He asked after a moment.
There was another pause.
"I think so."
Just as the words settled between you two, an urgent voice echoed through the Waverider, "Guys, something happened in the med bay!"
Eobard kissed your forehead. "Go."
You pulled away, and just as he was about to leave, he turned around.
"Be happy, my darling." He gave you a soft smile before he rushed away, leaving you staring at the spot he had just been.
"I hope you can be too."
Professor Stein was dead.
As you stood in the control room, you reached for Harry as the rest of the team filled the room, taking a moment to mourn the loss of not just a friend but a part of their family.
"We have got to stop Overgirl."
You all turn to face Oliver.
"Professor Stein's death will not be for nothing. Failure is not an option. We are going to win. We are going to show these people that this Earth belongs to us."
"Great speech," came Frost's blunt response and you couldn't help but giggle.
Gideon's voice filled the ship. "Mr. Queen we are being hailed by another Time Ship."
"Put it on."
"I want to offer a truce." Dark Arrows figure appeared not eh hologram. "We will peacefully return to our Earth."
"In exchange for what," Barry asked.
"Supergirl comes with us."
You all looked at each other in agreement before Oliver took a step toward the hologram.
"Here another difference between you and me," he took a sharp breath in, "I don't abandon my friends!"
With the the hologram was shut off.
Sara stepped up. "Alright everybody ready to go."
Harry squeezed you hand as everyone nodded.
Sara nodded. "For the professor."
"Okay is it me or is this entire thing not working?" You asked after barely dodging another hit from the other Waverider
Harry shook his head frustrated. "It's not working."
"You need to take down their shields," Felicity said, looking at the screens.
Harry and Cisco glared at her, they knew this already. Before Harry could snap back at her you hit both of their arms.
"Ow!" Harry exclaimed as Cisco rubbed his arm.
"Quit whining and let's hit this damn ship," You said sternly.
After a couple tries Felicity spoke again with worry laced on her words. "Guys this still isn't working. I think we need a bigger gun."
"Way ahead of you."
You watched Kara fly toward the other ship. In a flash you saw Overgirl burst out of her ship crashing into Kara.
"Waiting for some good news here," Cisco said nervously.
"I don't have any for you man!" Felicity exclaimed. "The only way to take out their shield is to get someone on board that ship."
"I can get up there but I'll need someone to do all the computer work," Frost's said over the coms.
"I'll go," Felicity said.
You shook your head. "No you stay here and I'll go. You know the ship better than anyone so we need you here."
"Absolutely not." Harry immediately said. "You're not going anywhere."
Felicity and Cisco glanced at each other with raised eyebrows.
"Harry it'll be fi-" You were cut off by his lips over yours.
As he pulled back he ran his hand over your cheek. "I'll go."
"Holy shit are you guys together?"
Harry glared over at Cisco and you tried to hide a smile.
"I totally called it," Felicity said as she nudged your side.
"Aw that's great now can we go?" Frost asked feigning annoyance, walking into the room, amused.
Harry gave you a quick kiss. "I'll be right back."
You smiled and nodded. "You better."
It was time to go.
Eobard sensed the urgency as the fight continued on, observing the soldiers starting to pull back, their morale shattered by the relentless presence of Overgirl and Supergirl soaring above.
He sighed.
Another weak team.
Another failed attempt.
As he ran he felt Barry catch up to him and he let him grab him.
As he sprinted, Barry caught up, gripping him roughly.
Barry slammed him into a concrete pillar, fury contorting his features as he readied a phasing hand.
Oh, Barry. Did he genuinely believe he could?
Eobard already knew the answer but wanted to test it anyway. "Do it, Barry. End it."
Barry glanced up, panting, pushing his hand just a hair closer to Eobard's chest.
Barry locked eyes with him and, after a moment, stepped back.
"What's stopping you, Barry?" Eobard taunted, already knowing the answer. "Oh, I forgot. Barry Allen is above killing. Isn't that right?"
Barry glared, pushing Eobard away. "Get out of here."
Eobard smirked. "Till next time, Flash," he said, venom dripping from his words.
"Can't wait," Barry replied, annoyed.
Eobard sprinted off, spotting an icy trail heading towards the Dark Waverider. Intrigued, he followed it.
He witnessed Frost and Amaya dispatching soldiers while the doppelgänger raced toward the controls.
They were here to disable the shields. Eobard didn't bother stopping him; there was no point now. As Harry pressed the big red button to unveil the ship, Eobard ran toward him, whisking him into a separate room.
"What the hell?" Harry looked up, seeing the Reverse Flash before him. "What the hell do you want?"
Eobard rolled his eyes. "Relax. If I wanted you dead, I would've already killed you."
"Then what the hell do you want?"
Eobard sighed. "I want you to know something." There was a pause. "I may have broken her heart, but it doesn't mean I never loved her."
"What a funny way of showing it," Harry said, annoyed.
Eobard scowled, pushing Harry against the wall. "Listen here. I don't expect you to understand, but I do love her. I love her so much, and she deserves so much more. I don't like you, and I wish I could, but she loves you. She picked you."
Harry was silent as Eobard took a step back. "Break her heart, and I'll personally make sure that you are miserable for the rest of your life."
Both men turned toward the door at the voices calling.
"Get out of here."
Harry nodded as he walked past him.
"For the record," Harry said, glancing back, "she loved you too."
With that, he left, and Eobard sighed, running a hand over his face.
She loved you too.
Harry couldn't shake off thoughts of the Reverse Flash. He wasn't expecting confrontation, and Harry knew he wouldn't kill him. In a twisted way, it felt like the Reverse Flash's attempt to move on. Harry shook his head; even a cold-blooded psycho had feelings.
Stepping onto the Waverider, he was enveloped in a tight embrace, and he couldn't help but smile. "I told you I would make it back."
"I never doubted that for a second," you said, smiling up at him.
He kissed you, savoring the moment. There was a lingering press, enough for you to sigh contentedly.
"Come on, let's go blow up that ship."
Returning, Iris congratulated Harry, and Cisco approached with a mischievous grin. "You think you can handle this bad boy, Harry?" he asked, signaling the weapon controls.
"Walk in the park, Kazansky," Harry replied as he took his seat.
"Well, if you run into any problems, you've got your girlfriend right here to help you," Cisco teased.
Harry groaned, and you couldn't help but laugh, playfully hitting Cisco. "Where are you even going, Cisco?"
"To help you down there," Cisco said, creating a breach to the fight below. "I'll be right back."
Harry rolled his eyes. "Come on, Ramon." He pressed the controls and hit the release button.
You watched as the other ship exploded while Cisco breached it so it wouldn't land on civilians below.
You smiled at Harry, and Cisco breached back. "Nailed it!" he exclaimed, with Amaya and Zari behind him.
"I'm detecting dangerously high radiation levels," Gideon interrupted.
"Disembodied voice lady is right," Cisco said as he and Harry looked at the screens, "Supergirl is about to go supernova."
"Supergirl," Harry said over the comms, "Your doppelgänger's about to have a meltdown."
"What do I do?" You heard Kara's concerned voice.
"You need to take her up," he gestured with his hands, "up, up, and away. Now."
You caught Harry's eye and giggled. "Really, Harry? Up, up, and away?"
He laughed. "See, I can be funny."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Dork."
"Only for you," he said, smiling.
"That's cute. But save it for after we save the world," Cisco said playfully teasing.
A big boom followed before you realized Kara had succeeded. Cheers erupted as Nate announced he had caught Kara from her fall. You kissed Harry as everyone celebrated.
After a tiring couple of days, you decided a very, very long nap was in order. Harry had been over and brought Big Belly, leaving when he saw how tired you were, realizing he was tired as well. As much as you would have liked him to cuddle with you, you figured you deserved some time for yourself. So you went on a jog, showered, watched some TV, and caught up on some books you had been wanting to read.
As you finished your latest read, you heard your phone go off, and saw it was a message from Iris.
'Come to the little park by the lake at 4. We're saying bye to Kara and the Legends. Wear something nice.'
You sat there confused. Why would you need to wear something nice for a farewell party?
You knew there was more to this.
You got ready with a smile, picking a simple dress, a flowy sundress that embraced the summer vibes, adorned with delicate floral patterns that mirrored the colors of the sunset. You did your hair before your phone went off again.
'Do you know what all this wearing something nice is about?' -Harry
'I have no clue!' You wrote back.
'I'll pick you up?'
You smiled as you reread the message. 'Of course. See you in a few :)'
You grabbed your purse and headed down. Harry was there, smiling as he greeted you.
"How are you?" He asked as you placed your seatbelt on.
"I'm good. I finally managed to get some good sleep."
He leaned in and placed a kiss on your forehead. "I love you."
You smiled with immense joy radiating through your body. "I love you too."
As he drove, he reached over with his free hand and rubbed your leg before slipping his hand into yours.
As you arrived, you saw Barry, Iris, Oliver, and Felicity, along with Kara and Sara.
You got out, and Sara gave a little wave before giving you a hug. "Take care." She watched as Harry walked towards you. "He's a keeper," she said with a wink as she said bye to Harry.
Kara came over and also hugged you and Iris. "Take care, guys. We'll have to do this again sometime." She frowned. "The hanging out, I mean, not the fighting Nazis," she said, laughing.
You all laughed as she took the device from Oliver to get back to her home.
It was just Iris, Barry, Oliver, and Felicity left.
"Does someone want to tell me why I had to wear 'something nice'?" You said, using your fingers in quotations.
Felicity smiled as Iris said, "Well, considering we had a ceremony, we figured we should probably make it official by exchanging vows."
"Oh! Yes!" You exclaimed excitedly.
"Can mayors ordain weddings?" Barry wondered out loud.
"I'm pretty sure that only applies within the Star City limits," Oliver chuckled.
"We know someone else that could, though," Felicity said as she exchanged looks with Barry before he ran off and returned with Diggle. He looked confused as he felt the effect of speed running and threw up. "Could I get a warning next time?" He said meekly.
"Sorry," Barry said, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, "But we were wondering if you could officiate our vows."
Diggle immediately smiled. "Of course." As Barry and Iris exchanged their vows, you leaned into Harry and sighed happily.
"We all found our happy ending today," he whispered into your ear.
You nodded, a look of content on your face. Harry wished they could live in this moment forever. The air was filled with a mixture of emotions — love, joy, and the bittersweet realization of goodbyes and new beginnings.
Felicity and Oliver shared the same look as Felicity asked him, "Will you marry me?"
Oliver stood there astounded and taken aback but happily agreed. Diggle smiled. "Finally! After watching you two and keeping you together for years, I'm honored to marry all of you."
Both couples kissed as Harry turned you around and placed a kiss on your lips. He pulled back and lifted you to twirl you in a circle, and you laughed as you held on to his neck.
"You think someday that'll be us?" He asked as he set you back down, your foreheads touching.
You hummed in contentment. "Someday."
He smiled, kissing you again, and you knew that even with all the heartache you had been through, you would be happy. You knew you still had some loose ends to handle, but for now, here, there was nothing else you could ask for.
Taglist:@khayrrilrainxwells @kirareaper13 @i-dont-care-lol @cursedfaechild @lovepeaceorelse @roryjames82 @brianllamawrites @achromaticerebus @honeybeezgobzzzzz @bellagomez-barriga @readingfanficdonotdisturb @tahiraseoti @roguerieka22
Hellooooo and sorry for the long wait I hope you all enjoyed it! This is not the end for our story here I still have some more stuff in mind! Thank you to everyone who has been here since the beginning, I LOVE you so much!!! Feel free to leave any comments as well as ideas. :)
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
Thoughts on how marvel 616 would deal with a gold morning scenario?
I’d recommend Alex Ross’s *Earth X* maxiseries, which, while far from perfect, aligns stunningly closely with Worm in terms of trying to A.) unify the cosmology of Marvels setting, B.) Depict the Marvel setting as sliding towards a slow decline due to the sheer volume of city-leveling powers and world-altering technology the mix, and C.) depict the Marvel Cape setting as a curated situation engineered by higher powers with ugly ulterior motives, complete with numerous emergent failsafes intended to keep the cape population from realizing they’re being manipulated and effectively fighting back. The final battle against the bastards behind everything isn’t as much of a one-to-one- although it does include a couple last-ditch fatal apotheosises-but it’s important to note that I think that to truly capture Gold Morning you have to put that final apocalyptic opponent at the end of a long, slow souring of the world instead of just dumping it on a world that was merrily humming along fine beforehand.
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splooosh · 5 months
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Jerry Ordway - Rick Hoberg
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nickfuryagentofsword · 23 years
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Paradise X: Heralds 1 (2001) by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger & Steve Pugh
Cover: Alex Ross
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