wwwkissu · 28 days
my tummyhurts
:weepingg: my ayaa it's done and you can celebrate, you've worked so hard you deserve to relax :( <333 i'm so, so excited, i cannot believe you were able to write all of this in such a short time frame it leaves me breathless
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
Hi I'm a huge fan of your work and I wanted to know if you could do a one shot with JD doing a surprise party for secret weapon especially since my birthday is exactly a week from me asking for this (26 if March if anyone was curious)
happy birthday
a/n: HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! i wanted to make this as fluffy as possible i'm so sorry i made u wait 😭
mentions: @babybatlover @ripleyswhore
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The Judgement Day may have been a rowdy group of partiers, but they also enjoyed being able to have more lowkey celebrations with one another for special occasions. Given that it was Y/N’s first birthday with them though, they wanted to do something special and something that would once again solidify her place in their family. 
The group split themselves up so they could make sure that everything was set up at home while Y/N stayed as far away as possible. Dominik volunteered himself to take her out for the day to do all of her favorite things; he took her to get her nails done, they went shopping, and they got to see a movie. Y/N was under the impression that the others were working and they would all do something later that night or the next day; little did she know, they were at home turning the house into a birthday extravaganza. 
Finn had been assigned the task of buying and wrapping Y/N’s presents. He was really good at having conversations with Y/N about her favorite things and paying attention when she would talk about wanting something. So he took note and made sure to get those items, and then he set up station in the living room with bags of presents and a bunch of wrapping paper. Oddly enough, everything was wrapped extremely well and he even added different bows and ribbons. He’d gotten enough practice during the holidays to get good at it, and his partners didn’t even argue about him taking that piece. 
Rhea was in charge of decorating. She knew the boys meant well, but she couldn’t trust them with a bunch of balloons and streamers because it was all going to be an unorganized mess. It needed to be perfect, so that’s why she knew it was better to do it herself. Not only that, but she wanted to stay as far away from baking anything as possible. Damian wanted to decorate but Rhea stood her ground; she did let him help pick out decorations. 
Speaking of baking, that was Damian’s job. He was adamant that he could do it because he saw a video online for a cake recipe Y/N had been wanting to try lately. It looked easy in the beginning, but Damian was quickly getting frustrated. He had flour on his face and he wore an apron so he didn’t make a mess all over himself, but those efforts quickly proved to be a waste because he was still covered in flour and powdered sugar. 
— —
Dominik had sent a warning text that he would be home with Y/N in thirty minutes. Finn had set up the gifts in the living room in a nice little pile and had moved to helping Damian finish decorating the cake. “Jesus, lad. Could you write any sloppier?” He was trying to fix Damian’s god-awful handwriting on the cake, but it was proving to be a lot more difficult. Rhea was giggling to herself as she licked the spoons and watched, making Damian look up at her as he counted out the candles. “Yeah? You think this is funny?” He asked her. 
Rhea shrugged and put the spoons down once she finished. “I think you two are just overthinking this.” She teased. “It’s a cake, not a Picasso.” Finn rolled his eyes and licked his fingers from any frosting once he finished. “We get that but it needs to be perfect. And we let the person with the shakiest hands do the writing on the cake.” Damian nudged his arm and wiped off the flour from his face. “All that matters is it's done, and she’s going to be home any minute.”
Dominik, who was in the car with Y/N, had spent the day with her and loved every second of it. He held her hand over the center console, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “I hope you had a good time for your birthday, princess.” Y/N was having an amazing time with him, but she missed the other three more than anything. “I really did, but I wish they could’ve spent the day with us.” Y/N said softly. Dominik nodded, even though he knew in the back of his mind that there was a surprise waiting for her at home. “I know, baby. But they’ll be back later and we can still do something.” He said. He was just proud that he hadn’t let the surprise slip at all that day, and as far as he knew Y/N didn’t suspect anything. “It’s not their fault they had to work.”
Y/n nodded. “I know. I just wanted to be with all of you for the whole day.” She shrugged, but looked over at Dominik with a small smile. “You did a good job at keeping me company, though.” Y/n playfully pinched his cheek making Dom smirk. 
— —
“Christ, Priest! Just wear the party hat!” Rhea said, practically tackling Damian to the couch as she tried putting a party hat on his head. He was the one who always had issues wearing silly things, but convincing from his partners usually got him to do it. “Do you see how small it is?” He said, moving his head away from Rhea. “I do see, but you just need to wear it for a few minutes! Do it for Y/N?” That was all Damian needed to hear, and he sighed before surrendering to Rhea. 
Finn put his own hat on and adjusted the band around his head. “See? It’s not that bad.” He teased, smirking at Damian who glared at him. “You two hurry up, Dominik is pulling in any minute.”
It was only about five more minutes after that where Dominik had texted to warn everyone he was coming inside with Y/N. The lights inside were off and Damian, Rhea, and Finn stood in the living room in their party attire. Y/N walked hand in hand with Dominik to the front door, who had her shopping bags in the other hand. He opened the door and let her go inside first, but was surprised when she heard the voices of their other three partners. 
“Surprise!” They all exclaimed, Y/N looking at them in shock but still laughed at the party hats they chose to wear. “Happy birthday, babygirl!” Rhea said as she clapped, all of them chuckling at the shocked looks on Y/N’s face. “W-what…I thought you were all working!” She turned to Dominik and pointed at his chest. “Did you know about this?”
Dominik laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “I’m a good secret keeper.” He teased, kissing her temple. Rhea was the first to walk over to Y/N, putting her hands on her girl’s hips and pulling her closer. “We wanted to surprise you.” She gave Y/N a kiss, pulling her into a tight hug. “Well you definitely surprised me.” Y/N hugged Rhea just as tight and smiled into her chest. “This is crazy…you guys didn’t have to.”
Rhea let her go and she immediately went to Finn next. “You deserve it, baby. Really.” He said, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a kiss. “We don’t mess around when it comes to birthdays.” Y/N chuckled as Finn let her go, laughing as Damian came up behind her and picked her up. “He’s right. And I didn’t slave over a hot oven baking a cake for no reason.” He teased, letting Y/N wrap her body around him as they shared their own kiss. 
Y/N looked around at her partners, smiling at every one of them and giggling when Dominik gave her a party. “You’re all ridiculous.” She said softly. “But this is amazing…you didn’t have to.” Damian smiled at her. “But we wanted to. And you’re family now, so get used to it.”
Rhea nodded and stood with Dominik, keeping her arms around him as she giggled. “The second part of the surprise comes later tonight.” She mumbled, making Y/N blush and hide in Damian’s chest. “Fucking tease.” Y/N couldn’t help but think about just how lucky she was. She’d never had someone celebrate her like this, but now she had four people who did. It was so much more than she could have ever wanted for herself.
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headlessjest · 7 months
what is up !!
uhhh sorry if this clutters up ur ask box but could u draw/write Auditor as a dad to a silly shadowy y/n uhm sorry ,,, if its considered a blank promt
I’ll write this since I’m kinda drawing a lot of my oc ref sheets!
Thank you for the request though!
Ft: Auditor
(All of this is platonic!!)
•Tbh, they weren’t expecting a mini them
•But in all honesty, they like it.
•I mean, a mini version of yourself is sick as hell, and you can teach them crazy shit.
•But fr though, they like taking care of you.
•Also, it is confirmed that the employers are vampires, no joke. So I’m just imaging you biting random agents and Auditor is in the back like: “Lmao, that’s my kid.”
•I also think that they share their drinks with you because you’re technically also an employer? (I have a headcanon that the employers have different taste in drinks n all that. Like how Auditor has a taste in sweeter or more sugary drinks.)
•I also think that you mock them in a way. Like being in their office a lot and typing on the computer, etc. Trying to live up their name.
•But yeah, they love taking care of you and do get a little upset when not having time to be with you.
One shot:
Alright, ever since you got accidentally created, you’ve been kinda a nightmare for the agency. You gnaw at everything you see, scratch at everything, and just be a little shit head in general.
The only way for you to calm down was your dad…
Your dads drinks.
Apparently, sugary drinks help you calm down instead of being a hyper little shit head. That's where you are right now, getting chased down by everyone, including your dad because you won't accept sugary drinks. "(Name)!!" Auditor yelled out over the speaker.
"I swear to God, (Name)! This has been going on for 3 whole hours! How the hell do you have the energy for this shit!?" Auditor yelled once again. You continued to run through the halls as the agents chased you down. As you kept on running, you got trapped in a corner. You turned around to look at the agents who're trying to slowly grab you.
You looked below you and realized a vent was underneath you. The agents also noticed this and one of them lost their control and instantly tried to grab you, forcing you to climb into the vent and close the cover behind you quickly. "Uh, MX.. They're in the vents now.." one of the agents hesitantly stated into the ear piece. "Goddamn it! Alright, everyone, go to every vent in the agency and guard it. We need to get (Name) to calm down as soon as possible!" Auditor command.
All the agents nodded at eachother and all started to spread out to each individual vent in the place. Now here you are, climbing through the vents, trying to find your dad's office. The one place where an agent isnt guarding the vent. Auditor hummed when looking over the camera footage, trying to find out where you are.
Auditor was honestly getting some deja vu rn from the fnaf 2 and 3 vent stuff. Honestly kinda scared them a bit.
Anyways, after 10 minutes of this bs, you finally found your dad's office and giggled to yourself. You were about to jump out of the vent before hearing your dad say this. "You're in here, (Name)!" You jolted from this and tried to crawl away before one of Auditors tendrals grabbed you from the vent and made you drop down and into their hands.
"All agents, (Name) has been found. Go back to your post at once." Auditor commanded. Auditor was now glaring at you with anger. You tried to squirm your way out of their hold but no use. Their grip was strong enough to hold you still and all that.
"(Name), you caused a lot of trouble today! Do you know how much work had to be put aside because of you!?" Auditor scolded. You realized their words and kinda dropped down a bit, your flames/shadows going down. Auditor looks over your state and sighs.
They set you down on the ground and kneel down towards you. "I know that you know we don't get a lot of time together, right?" Auditor questioned. You nodded and looked away a bit in slight shame. "Listen, I'll make a deal, (Name)." This got your attention, making you look back up at them. "Sometime, this week, I'll take a day off and hang out with you. Spend some time together." Auditor swore.
You looked up at them for a bit with sparkles in your eyes(?), before lifting your left hand up and bringing your pinky out. Auditor chuckled a bit from this and brought their left hand out, wrapping their pinky around yours.
Well damn. That was really sweet. I hope you like this, anon!
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
Domestic Aaron Hotchner has my heart 🥰❤️
I have some hc:
-He loves his farmer's markets. Sunday mornings, you'll walk hand-in-hand with coffee/tea, a morning stroll, looking at all the fresh produce and goods.
-He loves to cook for you. If you have a favorite dish, he will absolutely learn to make it for you.
-loves reading and one of his favorite ways to spend time together is reading, with you or Jack or just the there of you (you love reading to your Hotchner boys, all snuggled with u)
-He LOVES having a hyperactive family. He loves nothing more than to enter the comfort of his home and hear the delighted squeals of his kids as they spring into his embrace.
-Drinks his coffee black, but will occasionally spurge on a seasonal drink. He prefers local cafes.
-loves pet names, he melts every time.
(Will be thinking of more hc)
AHHHH a big snuggly hotchner family 😭😭<3333
aaron's favorite part of the day is when he gets home 🥹 especially if it's been a particularly bad day :( the second his key hits the door, he can already hear all the little stampeding footsteps hurrying to greet him 😭 and before he even enters the household properly, little ones are grabbing and hugging his legs so so tightly, a chorus of some very high pitched "hi daddy! we missed you!!!!!" 's following <333
so if he wasn't in a good mood prior, those emotions are long gone now 😭 serial killers and work are the farthest thing from his mind. now he's so so smiley and excitedly greeting his babies back as he scoops everyone into his arms <333 he'll ask them how their day was, what they did at school, and everyone immediately starts talking over each other trying to share- which makes some of the littles very frustrated >:( because they can't tell their daddy about their day without being interrupted :(((((
hehe so he'll shush their loud little voices gently, reminds them to use their inside voices and take turns as they talk 🥺 so then everyone calms down a bit and smiles reappear as they tell him all about the day's activities 🥺 jack, being the best big brother, always helps calm them down too <3 and finally you come over to greet him as well <333 his face just brightens up even more at the sight of you and while everyone is still in his embrace, he gives you a kiss hello 🥰 which prompts a bunch of small ew's! but it's quickly accompanied by more laughter and your little bugs look at you with such excitement in their eyes as they tell you, again, that daddy's finally home from work <33333
and aaron's used to the hustle and bustle at work, but it's nothing compares to how it is at home, but in the best way possible !!!! hehe he loves seeing his babies so lively and chaotic (as long as everyone's being safe) and how it fills the entire home 🥹 sure it gets loud at times, but he wouldn't prefer it any other way. he can't picture life being any different 🥹 it just fills a piece in his heart he didn't even know existed until they were all born
and family cuddles!!!!!!!! after dinner, once every toy is picked up and all the dinner dishes are tucked away in the dishwasher, everyone compiles in either the big bed™ , as the littles call it, or on the couch, either reading together or watching a movie. the littles always fall asleep fairly quickly, because being a kid is hard work >:(, and ugh the sight always warms aaron's heart <3 they're either smushed onto aaron or you, deep in dreamland and the greatest sense of peace floods over him. aaron loves them, he loves knowing they're safe and protected with the two of you, and he loves you hehe <3 endlessly
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catastrophe-cole · 2 years
Ello mate! Was wondering if i could request a Docm77 x reader who came from the dsmp and was very close to Ranboo. They left the dsmp after Ranboos death and found hermitcraft. Doc tries to befriend them but he reminds them of Sam and theyre very hesitant, until they start getting along. Reader falls for him and tries avoiding him, but Doc knows better and tries to talk to them. U can make up what u want to happen in the end, but i was hoping for an angst/comfort fic
Healed Wound
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Word count: 4633 words
Summary: Leaving the Dream SMP behind to pursue a normal life in Hermitcraft was the main intention of your escape from the living hell that you had lived through then. You thought you can move on, but it seems like wound doesn't heal that easily even by time. Though it seems like certain creeper hybrid, Docm, seems to be willing to help you recover.
Genre: Romantic // Angst with comfort //
TW: Blood mention, wound caused by burn, portrayal of panic attack. (It's kinda dark but with comfort)
Author's Note: We don't talk about the word count so please just enjoy this. I honestly love writing about Dream SMP X Hermitcraft stuff. Both SMP have a totally different vibe from each other and it's always interesting to see interactions between hermits and a Dream SMP member.
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A permanent scar on someone's body usually is enough to tell you the kind of person they are in a survival world.
Hardcore players who only live on the edge have scars plastered all over their body from their lack of respawn. Battling against fate every night, they view scars as a trophy for surviving death.
And in some worlds where respawn is possible, scars usually stay when the incident that caused it traumatizes the victim enough that it's physically difficult for them to forget.
And you, as one of the former members and also fighter of the now forgotten Dream SMP and a new Hermit, harbour many scars on your body. Both in your memories and your body.
You had left the SMP just a few weeks after helping the Blood God break Dream, Ranboo (and somehow Connor), out of prison.
You couldn't quite bother with Dream as your main objective was to rescue Ranboo and find out why he was kept there in the first place. You were a figure he often looked up to as you were the first person to help him adjust to the server many many moons ago. You had let him do his own thing after taking him in once again during the final battle of L'manberg.
Honestly you didn't hear much of him after he moved to Snowchester. Which is why there's just too many questions lingering around your head as you wait for Techno to come back out of the Pandora's Box with the Enderman hybrid.
The plan was already carefully crafted, you and Philza waiting for them right by the flank of Pandora's Box while Niki distracted everyone else with a wither on the other side. It was supposed to be easy; Dream is absolutely on board with the plan and following each and every order you gave him down to the T. But with Ranboo, something seems off.
You had held Sam at gunpoint with your crossbow as you screamed at Ranboo to immediately take one of the horses and run away as fast as possible. You had hoped to hear the horse galloping away and were prepared to fight Sam with whatever necessary to let him escape; but neither of those scenarios ever happened.
Pulling your gaze away from Sam for a split second to check on Ranboo, you saw him take off his netherite armour that Techno had given him prior. Throwing the metal gear on the ground, while clutching on a piece of paper in his hand.
You were about to ask him what the hell he thinks he's doing, but Sam had acted faster and taken advantage of your confusion to snatch your crossbow off of your hand, and immediately fired the charged rocket right back to you.
The rest from that point was blurry. You had taken direct impact from a highly explosive rocket shot that even a netherite chestplate couldn't fully protect you from. You were awake, but barely.
Techno took over your place as you coughed on the ground, blood seeping from between the crack made on your chest plate as your skin burns underneath. Looking up through blurry eyes, the last thing you saw was Ranboo's guilty look, a silent plea of apology right to you, before Sam had taken his last life right in front of you and the Blood God.
The next thing you know as you're awoken with bandages all over your left shoulder is Phil and Niki, telling you that Ranboo had died that day with his last life to Sam, and Techno had went on a quest to avenge him with Tubbo while you were unconscious.
A few days after that you had gone through stages of grief. Losing Ranboo right in front of your eyes felt like the biggest failure you could've gotten. He was just a kid- He had been through so much, and his life was taken from him right under your nose.
Sam had done it. The name and the feature of the creeper hybrid as he stabs through Ranboo's chest have been recorded clearly in your mind. As much as you want to catch up to Techno and avenge him, you don't think your mind or body can handle it.
The shot of that one single firework burns underneath your skin. It doesn't necessarily cause you severe pain, but every now and then it spikes up and there are nights where you're forced awake because of the burn it left on you.
Phil was the first to suggest that you leave the SMP. He believes that whatever revenge and punishment you want to befall the creeper hybrid would definitely be fulfilled by Techno and his unstoppable bloodlust. Though as much as the idea feels nice to execute, you're not sure where you would go from the server hub once you left the Dream SMP. You've been there for a long time; you don't really have anywhere else to go.
That is, until an invitation came to you from a hermit outside of the SMP. An invitation to join the Hermitcraft server as they're going to start their ninth season. You were surprised by this sudden coincidence. The hermits are well known across the hall of the server hub, so you're quite surprised to get an invitation, knowing well that you don't really have that high of an achievement in building nor redstone to be able to gain their attention.
Before you can ask any questions or be hesitant about yourself, Philza had shut those thoughts away and encouraged you to join the SMP. He convinced you that even though it sounds a little suspicious, he knows that the hermits are good people, having known some of them prior.
You, just wanting to take a break and leave the Dream SMP behind, put a lot of trust in Phil's words and set off to the Hermitcraft server. Hoping to find a community with less war, less fighting, and perhaps finally living a normal, peaceful life and move on from this mess.
Finally entering the server, you were greeted by the sight of a larger group of people talking to each other excitedly, perhaps, about their plan for the season ahead. None of them seems to have noticed your appearance yet, as they seem to be still happily chatting with each other.
The anxiousness of feeling absolutely left out from the group gets to you. All you do as you wait for perhaps an announcement of some sort to happen, is to clutch on the clothing of the left side of your chest, feeling the everlasting burn somewhat comfort you in this awkward situation.
That was all you do until a voice with a thick accent and gruff tone calls out to you from behind with a simple, "Are you alright, friend?"
You flinched, only gripping your shirt tighter before sharply turning back to face the source, with a nervous smile, you took a sharp breath, "Oh! Uh, right. Yeah, I'm alright, uhm. Sir—"
But through your stammering, your eyes widened as you watched the taller figure who looked before you. The first thing you noticed from him was his green complexity, one which reminds you of a creeper- which, makes it clear that this man (?) Is a creeper hybrid.
Another, creeper hybrid.
Images of Sam flash for a split second then. You were reminded by the Warden's golden armour, gas mask, and his empty raven coloured gaze.
It took you a while, seconds felt like eternity as you snapped yourself back to reality, noticing the obvious differences that the man before you possessed from the Warden.
Instead of gold, he was dressed in white lab coat. The left side of his face seems to be mechanical alongside the right side of his body. And weirdly enough, while you're convinced that he's a creeper hybrid based on his height and skin colour, the goat horn that is growing on his head makes you doubt your guesses slightly.
He seems patient to your response, or rather, lack of, as he watches you try to take all of his appearance in. He knows his size and looks can be a bit overwhelming for a lot of people; but seeing that you haven't run nor scream seems to be a good sign to him to wait for you to process things.
You, on the other hand, were almost ready to pull your crossbow that you currently haven't obtained yet to put yourself on defense. But with enough time and enough self control, you finally brought yourself back to reality and managed to convince yourself that this man is not Sam. And that he won't hurt you the way Sam did Ranboo.
At least, that's what you want to hope for.
So you took a deep breath, clenched your first, before offering the hybrid the best, most polite smile you can mutter.
"I'm alright. I'm uh, just a little nervous. Thank you for the worry. Mister..?"
"Doc. Just Doc is fine." He seems relaxed, and somehow, contended that you've managed to calm yourself to reply to him even though it takes some time.
"I uh, is there anything I can help you with, Doc?" You nervously ask, the hand that was clutching on your shirt now rests firmly on your hip as you hold the ghost of your sword, your instinct never weakened.
"No, not really. But I feel like I should be the one asking you that," he hummed, his eyes seemed to soften slightly with worry, "You seemed to be slightly in pain earlier, clutching on your chest. Do you perhaps have any trouble breathing? Any.. Chronic illness?"
You squinted at his words, feeling slightly offended by the question. Sure you're grateful that he feels concern for you, and perhaps the thoughts that he'd like to help by asking whether you're sick is actually a good thing, you just.. Feel like that's a little bit quick.
He seems to notice your judgemental state before putting his hands up in defense and shaking his head, "Ah- Forgive me. I apologize.. Didn't realize how rude the question must be. I'm just.. Slightly worried about you and was just wondering if there's anything I can do to help."
Help. Right.
"It's.. It's quite alright. Thank you for the concern but I was just panicking a little, you know?" You let out a nervous laugh, shrugging.
Doc is quite an observant individual. He knows you're somewhat still skittish of him and are keeping up guards by the way your hand seemingly always on alert, ready to pull a weapon that you don't own yet. But he's also aware of your backstory and where you're from, so he's willing to be as patient as he can be with you, seeing how even being there seems difficult enough for you.
"I see, well that happens to the best of us. I know it can be a little scary coming to a new place with a bunch of new people you're not familiar with yet," and he smiled. Surprisingly enough, his smile looked really sincere, as opposed to his scary appearance. You suppose that is the first step to trust.
"Actually, if you're not sure on how to start, I can help you set up your base?" He offered, to which, you hesitantly raised an eyebrow. "I mean you don't have to, of course, absolutely no pressure. It's just that if you need any help, I'm willing to lend a hand whenever you need one."
He doesn't seem.. Like he has any further, hidden intention in his words. It feels like genuine honesty in wanting to help you. Something that you haven't seen in many people in your previous server.
So you just thanked him for his offer, saying that should you ever really need any help, he'll probably be the first person you'll come to. Probably. Planning for a far ahead future was not your specialty. Honestly you just want to start off somewhere with a good distance away from everyone and live normally out there.
He nodded. Your acceptance seems good enough. He's not sure whether you'll actually come to him or not; but it seems like at the very least, he's got his intention over to you.
And with that both of you parted ways rather slightly awkwardly after the annual meeting had ended. Everyone began to explore in pairs and groups to gather resources as the first night approached. You, on the other hand, opted to go off to look for stuff on your own, just like how you always do.
You venture up to the North side of the world. Exploring just far enough to not collide bases with anyone who's about to build their giant starter house, you settle in a random tundra biome, finding a slight nostalgic peace from the cold environment.
Weeks pass, and you've managed to build yourself a small cabin with a chimney that regularly breathes out smoke to a far distance. Greenhouse was made, the armory was filled with weaponry, and you're all settled for yet another peaceful, lonely life in the cold tundra.
That is, until someone finds your cabin and are standing right in front of your doorstep as you exit the greenhouse.
It's him, Doc. He seems to be fully geared up already with diamond armour and an elytra. He stood there by your doorstep, seemingly unaware of your approach from the greenhouse as you watch him lightly rubbing his arm.
Creeper can get cold?
"What're you doing here?" After putting down the basket of potatoes to the side and resting your hand at the hilt of your axe, Doc flinched at the surprise before turning to face you with wide eyes.
"Oh my God— you- you scared me a little there," he nervously chuckled, shoulder relaxing as he watched you keeping your distance, waiting for his answer.
"Oh! Right, I'm actually here to uh, check up on you. Xisuma told me that you haven't left your starter base yet and uh, yeah. I'm mostly here to check up on how you're doing."
"That's all?"
The two of you spent a good minute looking at each other. You in slight disbelief and him, slightly shivering due to being rather underdressed for the environment.
You were about to tell him that you're doing well, and that you don't quite need any help, but seeing him just.. Standing there in the cold with his armour on doesn't really seem comfortable. You know cold armour can be awful to put on. And considering the distance he might've gone through to get here- You assumed he's been suffering, shivering for a long time.
"Get inside, the fireplace is always lit." You pulled your hand away from the hilt of your axe, an action that he noticed, as you turned you back away from him to pick up the basket of potatoes.
He seems quite.. Surprised, by your invitation. He had expected you to brush him off with formality, but it seems like the sight of a giant creeper hybrid shivering in the cold, tundra biome makes you take slight pity on him.
But he's not complaining! Watching you approaching the door, he instinctively opened the door for you and moved to the side to let you and the basket of potato in, only to follow suit right after you had descended into the kitchen inside the cabin.
"Take off your armour and hang it by the door, don't get snow in my house." You gave him direction as you placed the basket of potatoes onto the small table in your kitchen.
"Oh- Right, thank you." He seems to be still slightly nervous. Is he crossing the line by being in here? You did invite him in, so it should be fine, right? But what if your invitation was out of politeness and he's actually bothering you with your schedule? Doc has never been so parasocial before this, as he just stood there by the doorstep, awkwardly now with his armour off.
"Well, it's a nice place you've got here," he took a deep breath, deciding to break the ice and lead the conversation, since you seem quite focused on cleaning the vegetables you had just picked. "I saw your greenhouse outside, it looks quite lovely with the blue glass. Is it automated?"
"No. I.. Like processing my vegetables by hand," you replied to him while focusing on cleaning the dirt off of a carrot. Hearing his footsteps, you suppose he's just currently walking around your cabin, checking things that are worth seeing. "Besides I don't really know how to build an automated farm. I'm not really.. An expert at redstone. And honestly I doubt I will be in the near future."
From that comment, Doc laughed. Surprisingly a hearty laugh that comes in contrast to his currently freezing body.
"Automated vegetable farms aren't that difficult to create. But I suppose I understand what you mean by it," he looked at the fireplace and the couch near it, turning to look at you for permission, in which you only nod your head at before he let himself sink into the soft surface with a sigh. "I've actually haven't experienced this in a long while."
"Hm?" His last sentence caught you off guard as he seems to have lowered his voice by a note. Looking back to the creeper hybrid who had made himself comfortable at your house, you only watch the fire reflection crackle in his eyes. "What do you mean by 'this'?"
"This, I mean just.. Living, I suppose." He shrugged, leaning back on the couch, "I've spent years in this server, building and creating things never seen before."
"Hunting.. Farming by hand, all of those have become quite a bothersome errand when all you want to do is just.. Break that limit and create something new." He clenched his fist, and opened it, looking down at it with looks that are difficult to decipher from your view. "That's why automatic farms were built. To be rid of those repetitive tasks. Towers that reach heaven to milk whatever the universe gave us and use it to its fullest potential."
He seems to be deep in thought. Has your greenhouse made that much impact on his view in life to the point that he seems to be having a minor midlife crisis?
"Are you calling my farm inefficient and boring?" You laughed lightly, turning your attention back to the vegetables at hand. "I'm no hermit like any of you are, so I suppose it's hard to share views. I quite enjoy the normalcy."
This time, Doc looks at you. Slightly baffled by your sudden chattiness and laughter. It was small; but you laugh. An honest one, it seems.
"I didn't get much of.. Well, this, before. Buildings often come and go in one night. Instead of progressing ahead we were forced to look at the present and always be aware of tomorrow, it's.." you shut your eyes, placing the clean vegetables down as you took a deep breath. ".. Quite tiring."
Silence but the sound of crackling fire sets between the two of you. This was one of the first times you've recalled the old SMP after so long. You're reminded by the constant explosion, the constant fire, and moving from one base to another, it was always filled with running away. Always.
Slowly opening your eyes with a deep exhale, you see that Doc has stood up from where he was seated as he slowly walked over to where you are. Standing right across from you, he offered you that smile again, as he picked up one of the clean carrots.
"Well, cooking all of this by yourself sure is tiring too, won't it?" You exhaled another breath you didn't think was holding, "Do you mind if I lend a hand on this one?"
That was the small start of your, well, friendship, with the creeper hybrid.
Ever since then Doc visited every week or so, coming with small gifts he found or have farmed in his collection of massive automated farms. Everytime you kindly rejected his offer because you don't think you can repay him, he only asked for you to let him help around your greenhouse, by not making it autonomous, but just farming it alongside you, and perhaps stay over for a warm meal served in your cabin that are peacefully hidden away in the tundra.
You don't mind, actually. The pair of helping hands he's given is sure to be welcomed by you. He's been working in your greenhouse for so long he remembered where things are and memorised the whole layout. Not only that, you found yourself growing more vegetables by his constant visit, seemingly wanting to have enough for him to eat when he arrives since you feel like your small portion would never actually fill a man as big as him.
With the overwhelming amount of building blocks you've received, you have plans on perhaps finally building your base. And since you don't feel like asking Doc for more than what he already gave, you find yourself turning to other hermits for help such as Scar, Pearl, and others for building tips. Even to the point that they'd come to visit your cabin and help you first hand.
After weeks of having Doc coming over to your cabin, you've decided that it's about time for you to visit his base instead and perhaps, look around the server some more and check the now existing shopping district.
It became a routine of some kind. One week it would be you visiting him with your very own hand picked vegetables, the next would be him visiting you with some building materials or other items he thinks may be of use to you.
That night was one where you had visited him.
A storm had befall the area in which Doc is working his new project. And you, not being that much of an expert in using an elytra yet after so long not using it, doesn't want to risk flying through the storm and ended up staying by his small camp that he had set up in a small cave near his project.
You thought you'd stay awake through the storm. After all, it's not like you'd let yourself fall asleep somewhere that isn't home. It's unsafe, dangerous, and you'll be exposed and vulnerable.
You're not sure what came over you, but amidst your attempt at staying up, it seems like you had slipped and passed out with your head leaning on your arms by one of the desks at Doc's camp. A view that Doc didn't quite expect to come back to when he finished with his project for the day.
He had never seen you so peaceful before. Asleep, calm, and are away from the world even for a couple minutes or hours.
He would let you be and give you the rest that you're very much deserved (mostly he doesn't want to scare you by waking you up), but looking at how uncomfortable your position looks, he can't seem to find another reason to not take your to a proper bed.
He was about to wake you up, but he noticed the weird, breathing pattern that you're having at times during your slumber.
Your breath seems to have grown heavy and shallow, he can see beads of sweat rolling on your skin as you still seemingly stay unconscious.
Turning your head to the side, he placed the back of his organic hand to your forehead, only to find your cheek flustered red and your temperature slightly burning up.
You were dreaming- or rather, remembering that scene yet again by some bad omen. The fireworks that had blasted your chest burns your shirt right onto your skin, the look that Ranboo had given you that day, the way Sam doesn't seem unbothered by his own actions, it all came back in a flood.
What snapped you awake was the tense feeling of a pair of hands gripping onto your shoulder, shaking you awake, and Doc calling out to your name.
You didn't even realize you were crying until you felt the warm tear sliding down your cheek. You didn't respond to his questions for a few seconds, your hand instinctively crawled up to your chest, right where the firework was exploded, as you clenched your shirt.
Doc called out to you again. This time, you finally look up to him, his words finally registering in your mind as you look at his worried expression,
"Where does it hurt, schatz?" His voice falls a few octaves, you noticed, yet it felt raspier as if he had cried himself. "Please, tell me."
"He shot me here," you finally whispered out. Hand clutching tighter as your knuckles turned white, "It hurts, Doc. It burns every time I remember that place. It burned like a memory every time. But I lived through it, I survived and kept my life despite it. But he didn't."
"He didn't live.. Because I took that hit, he didn't— I should've—"
And he took you in.
Doc was big enough to engulf almost all of you within his arms. Part of him may be metallic, but the humming of the redstone fluid that runs his prosthetic is always warm. Always.
And that warmth melted your heart, and flood came through.
You clutched the back of his coat as you finally let everything out. Through your sobbing you let him know about all the regrets kept inside of your heart. The burning sensation you felt every night on your chest from the wound you received that night. How you often tell yourself that you deserve it because of what happened. That you think you deserve this punishment.
And he listened to it. He holds you firm enough to let you know he'll be there and that he's listening and nothing escapes him. Your secret was heard and your pain was shared. He felt it, as one of his hands carefully rubbed your shoulder where the edge of the burn lay, giving it humming comfort.
"Schatz, listen to me. Please, look at me," he softly called to you. Pulling you away from his chest to cradle your face in his hands as he wiped the tears off of your reddening face. He held you there, pressing your forehead against each other as he helped you breathe by making you match his pattern.
"It was not your fault." He held you, "It never was. Never will be. Fate can often be cruel but you have been through each second of pain it has given you and now you are here."
"You are here, with me. And I will be here with you through it." You cling onto his coat, "I won't let anything harm you and I promise you that. Not even time in the past can do you any harm. I will be here, and I will protect you."
"I love you."
At his confessions, you can only let more tears roll down your cheek as you let him hold you. Perhaps you do deserve to be here. Perhaps you do deserve to live- After all that you have been through. After all the death you had seen. Maybe you do deserve to be here, with him.
And every moon that passes after that night, with him by your side, holding you, loving you and reminding you about how much you deserve to be in the present, you can feel the burn on your shoulder lightened everyday, as the red patch of skin slowly turned light, and the wound have grown into a scar made by the past, healed.
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ot3 · 2 years
i was wondering if youre so inclined if u would mind explaining whats so good about disco elysium? all i ever see ppl say is that its communist and theres old gay men which is like. well cool but that doesnt tell me anything about it actually. it seems like a lot of reading but its not like thats stopped me before (<- read all of orv on your reccommendation and hasnt stopped thinking about it since)
disco elysium is just a really meaningful piece of work. For starters, the prose is beautiful when it's not being funny as well, the world is rich and intricate and fully believable, and the characters are deeply compelling. Disco Elysium has you playing as an amnesiac detective coming out of the tail end of a more or less suicidally thorough bender a completely different person. It's up to you to pick what kind of person he is, but you can't choose to be Not a fuckup. You're still just a fuckup. You're always a fuckup.
I really found the way disco elysium dealt with mental illness to be super refreshing and honestly the most cathartic almost any media has been on the subject, for my personal tastes. I find a lot of media where mental illness comes into play leans either too indulgent or too saccharine for me. By indulgent i mean it really wants you to buy into How Sad we're supposed to feel about our character's mental state. And by saccharine I mean stuff that's focused almost exclusively in portraying mental illness in an almost hurt/comfort way, for lack of a better term. Disco elysium is not about the poignant, tragic beauty of mental illness nor is it about taking this character on a journey of Coping and Healing, although you could definitely play it closer to one way or another. Disco elysium is a game about being at war with your own brain and body, but also you still also need to work because. Well. It's your job, dipshit. It's humorous, it's crass, it's completely off the wall, capable of balancing the absurd and mundane in severe extremes to result in the realest feeling portrayal of mental illness I've come across. It handles addiction in what I'm sure is a similar way, but I can't speak as much on that subject because I don't have any firsthand experience with being an addict despite my best attempts to develop some sort of chemical dependency in the last two years.
But also yes, the game is very much about communism. Everyone saying that is absolutely correct but I think it's hard for people who haven't played it to understand just how About Communism it is. The author of the game and the novella its based off of is a self-proclaimed communist from estonia. This is not a western perspective on communism, nor is it a truly soviet one. It's a perspective on communism from someone who grew up in a country that was occupied by the soviet union multiple times and only regained its independence in 1991. It's a really fascinating thing to engage with because it just approaches politics so differently than any western stuff I've seen.
The game is in many ways miserably depressing and wholly pessimistic, but it's not the pessimism of the truly misanthropic doomer, it's the kind of pessimism you find in someone who is looking for any reason not to be pessimistic and just not finding any. It's a narrative that looks into it's main character, and looks into it's own world and is desperately searching for any reason to believe there's hope there and coming up empty handed every time but, god damn it, still looking. I think that right now something with that sort of message is important. It's a piece of writing that says to it's audience 'things are bad and getting worse, and we can't pretend otherwise, but this is your world. live in it.' And also it's really fucking funny. It's really one of those things I think as many as people a possible should experience. You won't find anything else like it in the world right now.
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renatogpadilla · 3 months
My thoughts on the AtlA Live Action as someone who's fresh off the original Show:
I won't say it was bad, because it wasn't. Hell, up until the fourth episode it was done about as well as the Live Action One Piece! The problem is that they tried to streamline too much and they tried to fit too much unnecessary stuff in.
This is more of an issue with Theming rather than Timing. While they DID have the time to fit in the entire OG Season 1 scene by scene, even if they did, there would be the problem of "episodes have to have a theme".
For example, the third and fourth episodes, "Omashu" and "Into The Dark" had bits and pieces of Jet and his Freedom Fighters, the Artificers and Cave of Two Lovers.
And the streamlining of it was good! Because it made sense to streamline that knowing that in Book 3 we're gonna have to have them all show up again.
Unfortunately, after episode 4, the streamlining gets out of hand. By trying to fit as much as they possibly could in one episode (Heibai, the Spirit World, Sokka and Katara getting sick, June and Roku's Island) they lost track of every individual thread of said plots.
For Example: Heibai never gets healed, instead giving more screentime than he deserves to Koh the Face Stealer, which was AWESOME TO SEE, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't fix the problem.
Having said that, I do gotta give it props for a bunch of things:
- The cast FEEL like the characters, with only few exceptions (Roku isn't that goofy, Azula isn't vicious enough for this time in the story, Zhao feels TOO out of control, even for him, etc) and they genuinely tried their absolute best with what they were given.
- The locations and sets are AMAZING (I don't really care about the look of The Volume)
- The Fight Choreography is CRAZY! The Mixed Martial Arts into the Bending was INCREDIBLE!
I'm just honestly gonna list a bunch of things in the Show now, so you can judge for yourself with the info you're given:
- Momo's barely in it. (Like, seriously, he has 5 scenes in the entire thing.)
- Appa is in it only a bit more.
- Sokka's sexism being gone wasn't even that big of a deal. If anything, it was a lesson on studios needing to shut the fuck up about their shows until they release.
- Iroh doesn't bust himself out. It's done in a way that makes you see more of Iroh's story through the eyes of someone else, so it's okay, but it was still something I missed.
- Katara still dealt with Sexism over at the NWT.
- AANG DOESN'T ACTUALLY DO ANY WATERBENDING IN THE ENTIRE SEASON. (This is my biggest complaint.) In fact, they don't go into the Bending AT ALL. No "Fire comes from your breath." No explanation of how Waterbending feels different than Airbending and no Jeong Jeong to teach Aang Firebending and use it as an excuse to wait to the last season for it, etc...
- Mai and Yue don't look like their characters. Like, the feel is there, perfectly, but not the look. Mai is too chubby to be a flipping and dipping weapon thrower martial and Yue's hair was... Off. Something about it was a little much.
- Yue's betrothed wasn't an asshole.
- Koe the Face Stealer gets some original plot which would be REALLY COOL if it wasn't taking the space that could have gone to Zuko carrying Aang out of the NWT.
- NO HARU. AT ALL. HE DOESN'T EXIST. NEITHER DO THE WEED BENDERS BECAUSE THEY SKIPPED THE SWAMP WITH THE SPIRIT REALM. And they're not doing the Library it seems, because they used the Owl already.
- No big blockade in front of Roku's Island, and Roku doesn't fight. We DO get Kyoshi fighting to counterbalance it, though!
-No romance between Aang and Katara yet, which I get, given how the kids that play them are still a bit young for that, but they should have left Secret Tunnel for Season 2 if they weren't gonna do that now.
Stuff like that. There were a bunch of things that worked (the OG Music being there and a remix of "Leaves from the Vine" for Iroh's theme was GOOD!) and others that were complete misses that I'm willing to overlook if they use the "saved" time to focus more on Toph training Aang along with Katara.
Either way, it's a solid 6 outta 10 for me... Wouldn't watch it again for me, but would like a Season 2!
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nriacc · 2 years
I will never forgive wheels for forgiving Marty and giving him so many chances but not letting Alex have the ultimate chance literally heartbroken that they never got their time. Sure Alex screwed up but Marty cheated,destroyed her life and then wrote very nasty songs about her and she still went running back. Alex picked up the pieces for her every time. #justiceforalex #mattycanpissoff
Okay😂, fair enough I do get it. Alex and wheels are so fucking cute I do adore them. But to be fair I think we got to see more of Alex and wheels together than we did or Matty and her. (Also I’m genuinely not trying to argue, I completely understand why you feel like that. I’m just trying to explain why I wrote things the way I did)
Like maybe they weren’t together together but I think we see more of their friendship than we do Matty’s. Like we only see Matty and wheels actual relationship in Settle Down and the beginning of HCB but we see Alex and wheels progressing towards a relationship from R U Mine to How To Draw and that’s 5 chapters. And then we see them again for the whole of D Is For Dangerous until he fucks it. Arguably even though it’s not official I would think wheels and Alex’s relationship in that chapter is real. Like wheels would call him an ex after all that.
Like yes Matty cheated on her, yes it was a few times but on the whole it was at one point him his and her life. Matty’s problems in this fic span about 3 years and that’s mostly down to the drug problems whereas Alex hurt her on and off over like 17 years. Yes I agree, the shit with Matty shagging Arielle isn’t good and it’s a real kick in the teeth and he did it because he thought wheels was getting with Alex to spite him. Not acceptable, I entirely agree.
But I guess what I’m trying to say is that Alex isn’t a saint either and I’ve evenly balanced this fic as much as I possibly could have done. And I think she’s given Alex plenty of chances too. But yeah, just from my pov the scales have sort of balanced. I think they’re both or have been both as bad as each other just in different ways.
I don’t know this is just my pov on it. With the songs, Alex wrote Too much to ask about wheels and made it seem like it was her fault whereas we just got wheels pov on the iliwys songs which she on some of the songs took the wrong ways. Or that’s how I intended to write it anyway (fairs I didn’t make her and Matty talk the songs out but that’s what I was going for anyway)
So yeah hope that helps as to why things have gone the way they have. I feel like wheels and Matty is a soulmate situation where it’s gone wrong and can they make it back. Alex and wheels is more of a will they make it won’t they in a best friends to lovers way. I think that’s why both endings will be satisfying in their own unique way. And at the end of the day the fic is about forgiveness and friendship and the importance of both in everyone’s lives 💜
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rapgod-scoups · 2 years
Bid Goodbye To Confusion and Buy A Sofa That Matches Your Style!
A day sooner I was sitting with my family, and we were having a relaxed discussion about the thing to do and what not, at our new home redesign. We are moving into our new house in the span of possibly 14 days, we actually have such countless things to get done. In the midst of our discussion of buying the ideal couch set, my sibling concocted a plan to go for something else this time. As of now, we have a five-seater Fabric Sofa Set. Then my dad said, "There are just two choices to look over. It is possible that we can go for Wooden Sofa sets or different read more here variety and print of texture couch sets." I and my sibling were shocked as it was an understatement. That was the second I concluded that everybody ought to know about the particular types of couch sets accessible on the lookout.
This article will discuss the various types of the couch that are made till date. From standard couches to sectional couches to convertible couches, this article will brief you pretty much every one of the classes of couch sets.
Sectional Sofas: These are the most requested couch sets nowadays. They are multi-piece couch sets. They are partitioned from three to five pieces as indicated by the size you require. Because of its appeal, they are made with n number of varieties, prints, textures and materials. They are not difficult to move and simple to arrange. The two most normal designs of sectional couches are L-molded for the corners and U-molded for a corner as well as focus. Sectional couches are for lounge rooms, however in the event that you go for a few seater sectional couches, they can be placed in your room too.
Chesterfield: These couches are known as "The King of couches." They are looking for high prevalence because they give an immense measure of style and solace to each home they are kept in. These type of couches are accessible as sectionals, easy chairs, and relaxed couches. They are created with various types of texture incorporating velvet and calfskin with each variety that you need for your living.
Lawson Style Sofa: These couches are the form of tuxedo couch of the twentieth 100 years. These couches are uncommonly intended for solace. These couches are planned where other than back solace, enormous couches are placed with the goal that individual can move it appropriately according to his/her straightforwardness and solace. These couch project a casual and an easygoing focus on any individual who takes look over it. They are accessible in various sizes and plans. Similarly as the primary component of it is setting enormous pads so you ought to favor that the shade of couch is fundamental and light so you can put brilliant and bright cushions over it to make it look seriously engaging.
Cabriole: These are the couches that accompanied an equivalent level of arms and back. They typically are planned with an internal bend in a line from one arm to another. They are portrayed by generally an uncovered wooden casing. However, these days, the contemporary plans of them are completely upholstered.
Chaise Lounge: These are the single piece of couches. They are either used as an additional piece of seating in your lounge or for your main room. A portion of these chaise lounges accompany arm rests while some come without armrests. The upholstery and texture of it depend from one piece to another. Thus, assuming you are will buy it they are accessible in a lot of varieties and styles to match your essence of inclination.
Take Out Sofa Cum Beds : These are likely most requested pieces as they can assume a part of consoling couch sets and at night they can be pulled out and changed over into bed. Their plans and way of creating have changed a great deal since the time it was developed. They are the most space saver plans.
Loveseats And Divans: Loveseat is a two-seater couch. This piece is especially intended for couples. They can either be praised with your family room outfitting or can be made a piece of your room furniture. They come in various plans like cabriole, camel back, and so forth. A Divan is a couch without the back. It very well may be kept nearby the wall and afterward it tends to be embellished with a bunch of pads to give you more solace and make it look engaging.
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unmotivated-student · 11 days
Now, liveblogging something that I do like :) [I decided to throw everything in a single post just because:)]
"you are here to play a game on which your lives depend" getting serious and we're just getting started ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
"what did you do to us?!" "nothing in particular" "then what is this pain?!" "I was very clear... in this game your lives are on the line" i kinda love Decim (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
"Sorry! My hand slipped!" [👁️👁️liar]
I had forgotten how dramatic this episode was [i kinda love it tbh]
"of all the emotions that humans exhibit, which is the most primal?" "i don't know" "fear"
"pain is a part of this game"
"everyone makes mistakes. but people's feelings can manifest through the most subtle of expresions. you're an arbiter, don't brush them off"
i remember about this episode :D
"and so it starts.." "how so? what does that mean?" "nothing" (...) "as such, the two of them may not be facing a favorable outcome." "no way..." "however, whatever the outcome may be, we must accept what happens"
Decim my beloved showing his sense of humor🫂
"Life really is a mysterious thing... Each and every life spins its own totally separate tale, yet they become intricately entwined in each other and no one knows how they will end up" "that´s true, you´ll never know until you die... you may not even know after you die... but you know what? that´s what makes it interesting, right?"
I honestly don't know how to feel about this one, because if we ignore some details it could be considered cute, at least the ending imo but idk
Lady... what kind of tv shows are u watching? [I know she's confused and in denial but still]
"How is that fair?!" "Life is never fair. I´m sure you´re aware of that" Decim triggering trauma ◉⁠‿⁠◉
i didn´t remebered this episode at all and now i'm like o.o
this is the saddest one so far to me. am i weak? maybe
"You did everything you could... both of you... did everything you could." okay, now i'm crying...
why did i forget about this one?
edgy ed
i'm starting to realize that from ep 4 onwards my memories about this show are a blur (i´ll take that as a good thing)
yep, definitely a good thing that i didn´t remembered all of that, it made me go "wtf's going on here?" all over again c:
dude, do you really want to do that?
see? u got ur ass kicked and for what?
that makes sense i guess
oh we´re on Jimmy again
wait, i do have memories about this one (not many but)
Ginti looks so done and the game hasn´t even started
mmm... if only you knew..
show off
no. what part of freezing to death is romantic to u? at least in titanic there was a love story before the freezing to death part
show off
u piece of trash
so this guy has feelings after all
such different ways to go
Claviz looks so excited about this xd
Oh wow, I was i hater during most of this xd
She remembered!!
Maybe he's not there much, buut i kinda like Claviz, he's just a little guy 🫂
"third: arbiters cannot feel emotions, for they are merely puppets" neat...
edgy ed makes more sense now
how are u still here?
"not that different" huh?
oh, it's over and i didn't write anything about this one... uhm... well... it was good...
"I bring out as much of the darkness in their souls as possible and take it in, then i pass judgment... that is what it is to be an arbiter" damn
oh now they're serious
sir, u are disgusting
fuck, this guy is insane!
i hate this guy
nufofnhdiewwwwww *dies*
wowuwhihweeirundu *dies again*
this one was heavy...
i-.. i don´t have much to say
he's just messing with her, isn´t he? [I genuinely don't remember]
this scene is making my skin crawl afsydrs
i'm trembling idk how i survived this the first time
definitely one of my favorites
Decim... no... that... no...
cryiiiiiing agian
it's 3 am btw i should be sleeping rn but instead i'm here sobbing
I love this anime so much ♡
I definitely recommend it!!! [If you are comfortable with the mention of themes like death of course:D, i mean it's called "Death Parade" xd]
0 notes
ashalaughs · 7 months
An Annotated List of Men's Tinder Profiles Part 14
Friends, it’s been a while but I’m feeling inspired. We could all use a laugh.
Blow me up with your stories, I will return the favour in a different way!: My stories are very violent
Hey, I’m [Name]. I like to stay active with home workouts and gym sessions: honestly, a level of laziness that I have to respect
I like it all and find it easy to get into conversation. Less politics the better though (mindfulness): is that what mindfulness is?
I must admit, I was born at an early age: yeah, we all were, man
I believe people take to many pictures of themselves, especially dudes. If you have more than 2 it’s too much. First should be DL and the last one: fellas, is it gay to gaze upon your own visage?  
If the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off: You cannot convince me that this is not what flat earthers believe
No I don’t eat chicken n rice. I only eat nachos tyvm!: So offended by the two most common foods in the world
No Low Vibrational Shit. Im impressed by almost nothing: I’m no vibrations expert, but surely never being impressed by anything isn’t the good vibes-producer you think it is?
If ur someone that wakes up in the morning and the 1st thing u do is eat food and then brush your teeth don’t match me plse: This totally mystifies me in a way I really love
I just discovered that I like sushi it’s ok if you don’t like it I will never ask you to go to the restaurant with me: will he just never go to a restaurant with me period or just that sushi restaurant in particular?
If you can climb me like a tree, then I will expose my flaws, and also…intelligence is a vivacious. Handle that, then we can get hands on…show me u can be a commander of chiefs: I have so many questions. Are the flaws a reward? A vivacious what? Which chiefs am I commanding?
Just a young 29 year old very energized young man Looking for a beautiful thick mature juicy cougar woman…I’m a young energizer bunny that goes deep for long hours: hey, do you think this guy is freaking out about turning 30?
Trust me I’m on job. I ain’t trying to blow my own trumpet but every time I meet up with someone, have sex, make love whatever they always say they can’t feel there legs I don’t get it is it a nervous system thing or something. Or maybe they’ve watched too much which chicks but anyways I’m apparently paralysing women: this just really cracks me up. No notes.
The current efforts are for the sake of not asking others for help in the future. Strength is the strongest foundation. Remember, life is not about winning sympathy through tears, but winning applause through sweat: I would argue that life is about neither of those things
Fat, lazy, nerdy, piece of garbage. Looking for will to live. I’ve been told I have a soothing aura: this can’t possibly be true
Sorry hoes u had ur chance but Ark Survival ascended is out its Game Time now: how ever will we comfort ourselves?
If swipe right = Okay with clothes ripped: inaccurate
Not interested in Norses, real estate agents, fitness sick girl’s, vegetarian, and women with children from different fathers: he wants to slut shame, but he also hates Vikings and people who want to sell him a house
I think the world of Canada. But Canada doesn’t provide women in return. Canada is a dishonourable citizenship: this man thought that he’d take his oath to the queen and then his nationally assigned wife would be like “let’s go”
Tired of endless swiping? Bored with ‘modern dating’? Sick of comparing and being compared? Fuck all that! Ler’s build a Sex temple, run by a robot mommy, that does all the boring decision making for us and leaves us to have fun. Like life is supposed to be, remember?: Dating apps are always a bit dystopian but this truly takes it to another, more terrifying level. Look, if I ever encounter an adult who wants a “robot mommy” in real life, I don’t know if I’ll ever recover.   
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syphonfilter3fans · 7 months
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natewriteslol · 3 years
Hey! Could i request the dorm leaders with an esper MC? Kinda like Mob psycho or Saiki k :) and maybe they don't really use this ability of theirs that much since in their world they're literally a teen who's trying to live a normal life(like Mob basically), so nobody knew about their psychic powers except Grim since the mirror said that he couldnt sense any magic in them(i'm pretty sure that psychic powers don't really count as magic but idk lol).
Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna write it! :)
 A/N: Ooh this was a fun one! I haven't watched Mob Psycho (I know about that fine ass blonde man-) but I have watched Saiki k and I loved it, still need to finish it tho jlafljhdas 
Characters: Kalim Al-Asim, Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Vil Schoenheit, Azul Ashengrotto, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
P.S: I’m so sorry this is so long omg but I guess this is a strong comeback-
Warnings: none except for language
-You wanted to stay as far away as possible from him
-Riddle was part of the trio of people you wanted to stay away from: Riddle, Vil, and Azul
-Riddle paid so much attention to fine details that if something was up, he'd definitely notice it
-But unfortunately you were best friends with the two goobers of Heartslabyul: Ace and Deuce
-And Riddle had started to pay attention to you and your habits, and something was off with you
-It's almost as though you tried too hard to be normal, like Jamil
-And he could never let something like that happen again, so yes he was watching you
-One day you accidently slipped up and was irresponsible with your powers
-Grim was bothering you since he got into a deal with Azul for tuna and they were standing outside with the twins, since Grim lost
-You told him to fend for himself and teleported, however you didn’t plan where you would go
-And you teleported into the Heartslabyul dorm
-What sucks is that your teleportation power was literally flashy with a bright ass green light every time you popped in somewhere
-Just when you thought you were lucky since the whole dorm was uninhabited...except for Riddle who watched the whole thing
-He was completely shocked, he didn’t know what to say other than “What did you just do?!” 
-You explained to him, and that just pieced everything together
-How you solved overblots with such ease, and that one day you had a “strength potion to test for Azul” was such bs!
-Riddle ends up keeping your secret, since he values your privacy but if you do something major and mess up then he will tell!
-”I understand but please be more careful with your powers. I need to institute discipline and you are no exception, Y/N.”
-He really does care about you and doesn’t want you to be found out 
-Goes the extra mile to cover for you often, and in exchange you help him out with things :)
-He didn't really care about you at first but as you started to hang Jack and Ruggie, Leona started to get more suspicious
-Your scent had proven that you had some trace of magic, but Leona just couldn't put his finger on it
-So he sent Ruggie after you for a couple of days
-If you were a threat to Savanaclaw, Leona would crush you
-But Ruggie had only reported back that everything with you was perfectly normal
-"Just give it up Leona, they're just an ordinary human. The scent is probably weird because they're from a completely different world."
-But Leona still had that feeling, so he was keeping an eye on you
-You had made a deal with Crowley to keep your powers secret to solve problems on campus (it did cut repair costs and handymen costs in half so-)
-Your new quest was to rid the forest of the Angolo fungus that was manifesting into living fungus blobs 
-The one thing that gave you away was Grim, as you both had to stop by the Greenhouse to read some info about the fungus
-The cat beast was being far too loud, not understanding why he had to go and mess around with the icky fungus
-You simply replied “It’ll be quick, I’ll just use Hydrokinesis and dry out the fungus since they’re mainly filled with water. They become fertilizer once dried so we can just leave them there.”
-And there Leona was, ears perked up once he heard your voice
-Hydrokinesis? What are you talking about?
-So he set off, following you to the forest
-You started to fly, turning the once green and lively fungus to brown dust while Grim napped against a tree
-Leona for the first time in the while, was left speechless
-Once you noticed him, you realized you had to talk to him
-Confronting him later on, luckily Leona didn’t spill to anyone 
-He promised to never tell anyone about what he saw, and had no clapbacks for what you had to say 
- Leona doesn’t even benefit from this secret...besides mayyybee one day asking for your help if his pride lets him
-By the Great Seven why does everything have to not be in his favor-
-Another one who you have got to be careful around, since he’s incredibly observant
-More observant than Riddle
-Azul noticed that you’re an incredibly average person, and were incredibly relaxed even during the most stressful situations
-And almost every single time whenever you were in a tight spot, it works in your favor
-Just how is that possible? Solving overblots left and right? Every single time you disappeared the infestation of magical beasts are gone? 
-One day, you were getting picked on by a three guys, their stature far above yours and incredibly strong. How could you possibly win?
-Just as he was about to scoop in a save you, you slammed one of the men into the concrete, taking on the other two by electrocuting them, the blue lightning buzzing in your palms
-They were completely knocked out, dusting off your palms and picking up your things only to face Azul’s eyes
-After giving an explanation of what that was, he was still speechless
-Azul at first was incredibly shocked and then since Azul is Azul... later on realized this had benefits
-He could just blackmail you to be his new bodyguard!
-Oh how he always manages to bend life to his will-!
-So you could just wipe his memory... or turn him into stone...nvm
-You’re now Azul’s arch nemesis since you end up saving people from his scamming and you’re basically untouchable and there’s nothing he can do about it
-But he does find your great strength admirable (and a lil hot, I mean what can u say seeing someone floating in the air with electricity flowing through them is a nice look okay Nate shut up)
-Oh Kalim my beloved
-He just thinks that you’re incredibly talented and a little mysterious
-You have your little quirks and he has his! Who is he to judge?
-Until one day you wanted to make the load lighter on Jamil, since the berries that Kalim had requested for were only in season in one country
-You decided to just teleport and then come back with the berries so Kalim wouldn’t be pouty 
-You were outside the door ready to teleport when last minute you felt a hand on your shoulder
- “Oh Y/N you forgot-!”
-And there both you and Kalim were, in a berry field thousands of miles away from the Scarabia dorm
-Kalim screams, falling to the lush green of the field
-What happened?! Where are we?! How did you do that?!
-You quickly gathered all the berries at light speed, making sure that you got back before Jamil realized that you were gone
-Kalim wasn’t scared of you, rather impressed that you were able to keep a secret for that long, he could never!
-You’re already super cool, and on top of this you have otherwordly powers!
- “It must’ve been stressful living your life like this! But don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret!”
-Yes he sometimes asks you to perform some of your powers for him, sorry Y/N-
-While you were his friend, he was incredibly suspicious of you
-Even though you wiped everyone’s memory, he still had the faint memory of when he was in overblot mode of you blasting him with a beam of light
-Vil was incredibly upset as one of his assistants had mixed up his items, and left one of his vital skincare items on the set of where they were filming a new commercial
-It was being shipped and would take 3 days to reach NRC
-His mood was horrible and you had to do something about it to give grace to the Pomefiore dorm
-So you went to the second story of the Pomefiore dorm, ready to use Apport (the power to pull anything before you) 
-However, Vil felt incredibly guilty
-He was acting like a child and he shouldn’t have taken it out on the people who he loves and values
- “Y/N, how I was acting was incredibly inappropriate and- is that my moisturizer? How did you get it?”
-Starts freaking out as this was impossible as it was on it’s way from being shipped from another country
-This was the last straw for him ther was no justification for this that wasn't done by some form of magic
-He takes you to his room to make you sit down and give him an explanation for this
-Once you finished, Vil understood but was still freaked out
-He cares alot about keeping your powers a secret and will cover for you
-"So my aport powers need to exchange something of equal value so... I exchanged it with that Scucci purse over there-
-He loves you, but you're dead to him, Y/N dear
-Before he knew you, he didn't really notice anything off with you
-A little quiet sure but he minded his own business, he had bigger things to focus on
-Until you hung around Ignihyde more often for a project, fixing a huge generator by yourself for one of your partners for a project
-They took a break only after you told them that they could and apprehensive went to go get food and water
-Anyone with eyes could see that there's an overbearing amount of energy flowing through the fairly large sized cube
-Wait, you were wearing no gloves, you could get electrocuted! Why would have your bare hands on something like that?!
-Just as he was able to yell, it was too late, your whole body was flowing with the bright blue energy... and then you let go
-You were walking completely fine, you went and held a random wire on the ground, placing the electricity inside
-The static from your hair was gone, and you looked completely normal. . .
-Just what the hell are you?
-He did hours of research trying to figure you out, even sending Ortho to monitor you
-Yet there was nothing, you were just a “regular teen” 
-Was ready to get S.T.Y.X.S on your ass- (is that too soon to joke abt my bad overblot boys-)
-Until one day he caught you again bending electricity to your will
-Is incredibly impressed with your power (lowkey wanting to experiment on you)
-After he realizes that you can read minds Idia is so damn frightened
- “O-Okay I promise not to say anything, just don’t tell anyone what I’m thinking a-alright?!”
-You were one of the only people who he trusted
-Malleus had always detected some form of magical aura that was otherworldly from you and it never seemed to fade
-And it wasn’t often, but it was almost like you knew what he was thinking
-Whenever he was deeply upset he felt a twinge of energy from you, and then you would insist and help him out with his problems
-And he flat out says “Are you reading my mind, Y/N?”
-You had never been directly outed like this before, you felt horrible 
-You never read people’s minds unless it was very necessary
-whenever Malleus felt deeply gloomy you felt like it was important to just read his mind and help him with the problem
-You explained it to him and apologized, but he wasn’t upset
-In fact, he was smiling?
- “It seems like we have alot of things that we’re hiding from each other. But... you always had the best intentions whenever you used your abilities”
-He let out a sigh and reluctantly admitted, “And, I know that I’m quite stubborn with revealing my feelings.” 
- “I will keep your secret as long as you keep mine, Child of Man,” the dragon fae said, you both shaking on it
- “I always had a feeling that you were special, but I never thought it would be something of this caliber...” 
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workofheart · 3 years
levi never thought he could have a peaceful night’s rest until he found himself in your arms
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requested by: @thecaptainsbride​ 
pairing: levi ackerman x reader
wc: 2.5k
genre: fluff, canonverse, establishing domesticity
a/n: we had levi comforting reader, and now we have reader comforting levi :’) in terms of the request, i altered the timeline a bit but i think it still captures what you were going for! enjoy u guys <3
Levi isn’t used to letting people into his space.
In this line of work, he’s learned to be careful of the people he trusts to see his life from the inside. Not only to retain the secrecy and plans of the Scouts, but to protect his well being when he is so surrounded by death and destruction. A heart can only break so many times before it fails to beat at all.
That’s why, when the night comes when he finally decides to let you stay over, he’s tense. He observes your every step, unsure if he’s nervous or embarrassed or scared. It’s not skepticism, he knows, because he does trust you. You’re the only person he could possibly imagine him letting get so close to him with all that he’s experienced. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let you enter in the first place; so for once, he’s going to have faith his own judgment.
You slowly pace around his room, peeking at the knick knacks Levi has accumulated over the span of his life so far. He has quite the array of stationary arranged neatly on his desk, and a curated assortment of pens and ink to choose from. Worn, loved books line the shelves of the wooden case, small pieces of paper poking out from the top. A nimble finger traces over the cracked spine of one with a faded green cover.
“Can I?” you ask, turning over your shoulder to see him. Levi is sitting on the edge of his bed, palms pressed tightly to his thighs. He takes a deep breath and nods gently in response, dark strands of hair falling in front of his eyes.
You carefully tilt the spine towards you and pluck it from its spot. Flipping through the pages, you can see how Levi has diligently underlined, highlighted, and starred the passages. Small notes in his delicate handwriting decorate the margins with definitions and insightful observations. This book has been well read, and you’re sure the others are just the same.
His room is fairly bare for how long it’s been his home, but how much of a home is it really if he’s always on the move with the scouts? Constantly between hotels, barracks, abandoned homes, or whatever else the world throws at them next, he hasn’t had time to make the space livable. They’re never in one place too long - this is more like a headquarters to come back to after the day is done. And for Levi, the day is rarely done, even when the sun has set and the sky turns dark.
It’s strange, but he almost likes having you here. To him, it’s always been just a room. A simple, stupid box in a line of other simple, stupid boxes to house people just like him. Now that you’re occupying the space, though, it’s much different. It’s no longer just a room, but a sort of home. 
Your presence here gives it much more meaning than any trinket he might have placed on the shelf. Things in this room he’s never given a second thought suddenly burst to life with your interest in them, pulling memories from the depths of his brain as he recalls where he got them, when he got them, just because you asked. 
It’s much too easy for him, too, the way he imagines coming home from a long day to greet you at the front door. He pictures you perfectly, hair twisted into a loose braid, a soft nightgown hanging off your shoulders, feet sporting cozy slippers that make muted thuds as you walk over to give him a warm welcome back. He imagines quiet mornings sitting at the table for two, sipping tea and working through crosswords together. He sees himself reading aloud to you at the bay window, dozing off against his shoulder under the light. 
The thought of such uncomplicated, reliable domesticity with you is a thought he lets himself dream about. It seems natural, a routine he wouldn’t mind slipping into in the slightest, and you haven’t even stayed the night yet. 
He wouldn’t mind living here forever as long as you did too
When your curiosity has been, for the most part, sated, you return back and join him on the bed. You plop down, expecting to sink right in - why exactly, you’re not sure, because it’s incredibly characteristic for Levi’s bed to be as hard as a rock.
Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but the firmness is still shocking beneath your fingertips.
“Have you ever even slept in this bed?” You ask with wide eyes, hands pressing down into the austere cushion, trying to fluff it like it was a pillow. The incredulous smile adorning your face makes his stomach flip. He crosses his arms across his front as if to mask his heart beating out of his rib cage. He's never been in such close, private quarters with you before. 
Levi shrugs. “I don’t really sleep anywhere.” Internally, he shakes off his nerves, not wanting to embarrass himself by leaning into them. The thought of showing how bashful he feels alone is mortifying, but he doesn’t know yet that you’d only love him more for it. 
You can’t help but to tease, muttering, “I mean, I know of a way to break it in.” Your face is utterly serious, but your eyes, swimming with a mirth Levi is far too fond of, give it away. 
Levi diverts his eyes with a small roll to the side, the hint of a smile crawling up his face. He’s the last person you’d think to be flustered by such a thing, but it’s only because it’s you. “Go to bed, brat.”
You pout. “Only if you lay down with me.”
“I told you, I don’t sleep.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t lay down.”
You know your way around Levi too well, he thinks, or maybe he just loves you. The way you can get his resolve to crumble with a mere pleading expression must be some sort of crime. You read him like a book and know him like the back of your hand to a point where it would be dangerous if it were anyone else. Usually the thought of such a person would intimidate him, but he doesn’t mind being seen by you - not that he has a choice. Against your will, he doesn’t stand a chance; not now and not ever.
He sighs a long sigh and gestures for you to get in with a small wave of his hand. While he stands to close to blinds and light the lamp by his bedside, you scramble under the covers. The initial feeling of warmth covers your skin and makes you shiver as you adjust, crawling hastily under and pulling the blankets up close to your chest. They’re soft and clean and smell just like Levi.
He lets out a yawn that oddly reminds you of a lion pup, but you don’t mention it, instead locking it away for you to think of later on. If you said anything, he’d probably never do it again. Gently, he pulls up the covers on his side and slides under to join you, the bed sinking with his added weight.
“Goodnight, Levi.”
“Goodnight, dear.”
After laying for a while, staring up at the ceiling, Levi feels himself become drowsy. He lets his muscles relax, lets his jaw unclench, lets his eyes fall shut. Though he’s a bit puzzled as to why, sleeping now seems so inviting, and who is he to deny it?
From his side, you watch his breathing slow. It settles into a steady rise and fall of his chest, and his lips part slightly.
The progression is slow. At first, you work up the courage to slip your arm over his middle. You spend minute after minute contemplating, picturing him pushing you away, but you’re getting tired and enough is enough. You slip your arm over his middle and stay completely still; then, nothing happens.
Until moments later, when he rolls onto his side to face your direction. His eyes are still closed, rhythmically relaxed breaths leaving his nose. Then, you move onto your back and scoot up a bit further onto the pillows. He unconsciously curls into your warmth, shifting further into your body, and it makes you melt immediately, swelling with a giddy feeling. You’re almost worried the joyous thumping you feel inside your chest will wake him up.
Eventually, Levi’s head rests perfectly atop your shoulder, small puffs of air falling lightly on your skin. Your hands rub calm circles into the skin on his back where his t-shirt has ridden up, careful not to rouse him from his slumber.
It’s like that for a long time. You keep yourself awake, content with just holding him for now. You take the time to think, watching the flickering glow of the lamp, listening to his quiet breaths, feeling the muted beat of his heart on your hip.
It’s hours later when Levi sucks in a big breath, blinking awake in alarm. His head picks up off your chest and he looks around, finally settling on you who blinks right back. His lids squeeze shut and he mentally grounds himself as he realizes he’s safe.
“You okay?” you ask quietly, voice low as to not interrupt the calm of the night. Your hold around him tightens to let him know you’re there.
He shakes his head slightly and sighs. “Bad dream.” 
“‘S all right,” you say, hand moving from his back to his nape, “you can go back to sleep.”
He rubs his eyes, yawning. In an instant, he freezes, realizing the position he’s in. He’s practically clinging to you like a child would a toy, and he feels a familiar heat flush his skin as his head hangs. “Sorry.” He swallows. “I should probably start work.” 
He starts to push himself off of you to get up, but your hold on his shoulders is firm, pulling him right back down.
“You’re tired,” you say. “Stay. I’ll be right here.”
He sighs, looking around, before resigning and dipping his head back down to lay on top of you. He doesn’t feel like arguing something he knows he wants deep down anyway. He nuzzles his face into your front, shaking his head slightly as if to clear his mind of what was plaguing it in his rest.
“Promise you won’t leave,” he mumbles softly into your shirt, barely audible. He’s too tired to put up a mask for show, and he’s relieved to see that you don’t need one from him come rain or shine.
Your fingers card through his silky locks and brush them back from his face as his body finally sinks into yours, his weight a warming comfort. It’s slight, but you feel his head tilt just a bit further into your palm.
You place a chaste kiss to his crown. “Promise.”
When the morning sun finally wakes and rises above the horizon line, Levi finds himself turning away from the beams filtering through the curtains. He feels the golden light on his lids, and he flips onto his opposite side, clinging to the cozy feel of his bed. The only thing that pulls him from his slumber is when his hand stretches out to find emptiness all around, your presence absent from his space where he so desperately wants you.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” you say, watching him shift slowly and gain his surroundings. You’re standing at the small counter across the room, boiling a pot of water on the stove - Levi can tell from the faint rumbling of bursting bubbles inside the steel kettle. He slowly peels his eyes open to get a glimpse of you, features seeming to glow with the light pouring in from the windows. He feels his heart skip a beat that he’s not ready for.
 Levi is surprised that he has slept in so late, let alone slept through the entire night at all. It’s rare that this happens - he almost wants to say it’s the first time it has occurred for him, waking up in secure comfort rather than burning fear. The only thing that could make it better were if you were right beside him.
Of course, Levi can’t bring himself to say something so forward this early in the morning. Instead, he mumbles a small, “Come back,” a hint of a whine to his voice that only you could identify.
There’s a muted clinking sound as you stir a spoon around in the porcelain cups you’ve prepared, knocking against each other as you try your best to pick them up. It feels like a juggling act, trying to bring them over safely. You don’t know how Levi makes it look so easy every time he brings you a cup when they are so awfully hot to the touch. He must have gotten used to it, or bears the sting for the sake of his collected appearance.
“I was planning on it,” you reassure him, “just had to stretch a bit.” 
Your feet pad lightly across the wood floors until you reach him, offering the tea which he graciously accepts. You set your own on the nightstand to cool while Levi takes his first sip immediately. It tastes just like how he makes it for himself. Considering he’s never explicitly shown you exactly what he does, he’s both surprised and deeply touched.
His eyes follow you as you clamor in next to him. He asks the question that’s been playing on his mind since he stirred awake hours ago. 
“Were you awake all night?”
He sees your expression falter slightly and knows right from then. Regardless, you brush it off without hesitation, nestling up to his side.
“No, no,” you lie casually, “I woke up a little before you did and went to sleep after.”
With a gentle hand, you straighten out the part in his hair, laying down the slight frizz from where his head was pressed into the pillow.
Levi looks at you for a long time, observing your tender gestures. He sees right through your words, and also sees the slight droop of your eyes, a hint of darkness beneath them. He thinks of you awake all night, petting his hair as he rests while you don’t, and brings a twinge of guilt to his heart. At the same time, his soul is utterly warmed and thankful. He’s not sure what to make of someone who’d do that for him.
He disregards your previous statement and instead addresses the obvious truth. “Don’t do that for me. You need sleep too.”
It draws a laugh from you. The way your eyes crease has his heart faltering. “I sleep more than enough, trust me.”
He peeks at you over the top of his tea cup, wishing he could freeze this moment in time, capturing how you look perfectly down to the miniscule curve of your lips so that he’ll never forget it. Maybe, he won’t have to.
He doesn’t need to ask because the answer is clear, but he does anyway.
“...Would you mind staying again tonight?”
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forcebewitht · 3 years
Force's Disney Geek Master Theory: Why Twisted Wonderland Is Called Twisted Wonderland
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We have all grown to know and love various Disney characters over the years, correct? Yet, I believe a lot of us can argue that not many characters have the same effect on us even as adults today as the Villains do within their respective movies. In the game Disney: Twisted Wonderland as we all know and love, the select boys to Overblot are supposed to have the "souls" of their Villain counterparts, right? But...why is it called "Twisted" Wonderland, then? The truth may lie within something that has been right in front of us all along, my friends: the meaning of a mirror. Ready to buckle in for this one? If so, then here we go!
We have seen all of these guys share character traits, looks, etc with their Disney counterparts, correct? Well, what if I were to tell you that things in terms of the "main" guys that we are supposed to pay attention to aren't exactly what they seem? This could be analyzed in a few different ways, honestly, yet the most prominent way is this: the differences in their personalities- they are reversed. Let us take this bit by bit, shall we?
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Ah, yes. The Queen Of Hearts. The ranting, raging, bundle of red, black, and gold we all know and love. (or else heads would roll, I'm sure) One of the things that everybody knows about her is that she's extremely hellbent on the crazy rules that she makes up and is prone to anger honestly very easily. Yeah, you can connect that to Riddle- but think about it for a second. While that rage and the rule thing is still there, it isn't as prominent with him as it was with her, is it? With the Queen of Hearts, her whole "issue" was that she wished to make everybody listen to her and follow her every command- but Riddle was essentially always following the rules of another- not his own. This seemed to make Riddle a little more calm most of the time in terms of how he handled and oversaw things. It wasn't until he actually Overblotted that the "listen to me and only me" thing came out- buuuuuuttttttt I'll get to that part in a bit.
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Next: Leona and Scar. While we honestly didn't get to see a lot of what went on behind the scenes in the Outlands in terms of how Scar even met the hyenas to begin with at all, one thing can honestly be said- Scar worked very hard to get where he was. I mean, it's not like you can get an entire pack of rabid, hungry hyenas onto your side in the course of a single day, or maybe even a week (especially as a lion, no less). No, something to that extreme takes careful planning, wording, and stringing along to ensure that nothing goes wrong along the way. The way Scar spoke to Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed made it seem as though he had known them for a looooonngggg time before this- that's where that behind the scenes planning comes in. And then...you have Leona. Leona, from what we can tell in Chapter 2, planned the idea for the "endgame" alright- but he didn't actually act upon any of the plan for himself. Ruggie did. Even in the Lion King, we see that Scar had no problems whatsoever getting his paws dirty a little within his own scheme to take his "rightful place" at the head of Pride Rock- but Leona quite honestly did not a thing once Ruggie was in motion. See where this is starting to head?
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Azul and Ursula. Ursula, the Disney baddie queen of my heart Ursula, the Sea Witch. She was known all around the ocean floor for helping out poor little merfolk in secret, wasn't she? Yet, nobody ever really seemed to catch wind of the whole "her turning those who didn't quite fit the bill into polyps" thing, did they? That was one of the things that made her such a honest threat to Ariel herself- because Ursula was cunning. She did things behind the scenes, and sure- we could catch onto it out in the audience (annnddd maybe Sebastian and Flounder as well), but nobody else really seemed to, right? Azul is the complete opposite in this standpoint. He instills direct fear into his "workers" and those even beyond and within his dorm. Like- basically most knew that this dude was bad news to begin with. Azul, mostly, seemed to hide his cunning facade behind a fake yet still seemingly "soft and genuine" smile and act. But all in all, he didn't really attempt to "hide" anything- hell, he even proclaimed his entire plan of what everyone with those things on their heads were gonna do for him in the open! At least when Ursula sang as Vanessa, she was in an almost perfectly enclosed room with nobody else around.
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Jamil and Jafar. This comparison here, given what occurs in the movie Aladdin, is honestly one of the biggest possible indicators of this reoccuring theme I shall clarify in a bit. Jafar, while being sneaky, was known for being a more "out there" Disney Villain in terms of his personality alongside that of his partner Iago in the film. He would smile in a sinister way, he would crack jokes out in the open, and let us not forget his crazed yet oddly interesting laughter. Jamil? He's the exact opposite. Given his past and what he has had to dealt with growing up with Kalim, he is much more reserved and barely releases a chuckle or cracks a smile at all. His personality is a lot more repressed than that of Jafar himself throughout the film. Jamil has been so used to having to hold himself back thanks to his parents in favor of Kalim's family, he doesn't seem to know how to "let go" whatsoever. Yet Jafar, while still maintaining that sneaky side of him as well, has no problems whatsoever letting a little hang loose whenever he so chooses to.
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Vil and the Evil Queen. This one honestly may be a bit more self explanatory than the others- but the difference between these two is their expressions of themselves. The Evil Queen was the very first animated counted Disney Villain within Disney's history- yet, she barely had any lines throughout the film at all. Her ranges of expression were almost little to none thanks to the era in which the movie was released in- but she always looked like she was pissed, huh? Vil is the exact opposite of her in this sense. He is able to fully express himself through his various facial expressions, theatrical abilities, musical experiences, fashion style, and even how he behaves. Vil is able to do so much more than the Evil Queen did or could do within that time period, that it's almost a little staggering if you fully picture it.
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Idia and Hades. Now, now. We haven't honestly seen too much of the flaming blue boy yet in TWST, but one thing is apparent here right off the bat- in terms of his personality? He is the exact opposite of Hades. Idia is much like Jamil but to a more "geek" degree- he's extremely introverted, shy, a bit snippy, yet mainly keeps to himself and his gaming tech. Hades is most often renowned as the Disney Villain with the most personality- and the best humor. Hades has no problem whatsoever being "out there" with his crazy puns, sassy remarks, anger, and even mocking behavior. I mean, please, guys- I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!
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Finally, Malleus and Maleficent. Ooooohoooooooo boy. We have to count out the live action movie Maleficent for this one (sorry horned queen fans). One thing that basically everybody even with their toe in the water in that of Disney movies kind of knows this fact- Maleficent is c r u el. She's got a bizarre set of dark powers and an even blacker heart than that. Hell, we basically had to "soften her up" a little bit in Maleficent thanks to just how seemingly irredeemable her character is in that of Sleeping Beauty. I mean, c'mon now- cursing an infant? And we get no explanation for that in the original? C'mon, now. Anyways, Malleus? As we all can tell by now, this dude is the compleeettteeeeeee opposite. Sure, he has those repressed bits here and there too, but it is evident that this dude has a heart crying out for the MC and it is big, bold, and golden to the core once you look past how he looks. He sent the MC a card for winter break, for crying out loud. Yeah, let me know the next time you see Maleficent do that smh.
Now, I have avoided using a certain word up until this point to see if anybody could catch on to what exactly is happening here. Did you figure it out? Reverse. The boys that either have Overblotted already or intend to Overblot soon stop holding out on us, Chapter 6 have had the exact opposite personalities compared to that of their Villain counterpart- until one prime point in their "character arcs". Their Overblot.
Riddle wished to have all bow before him and obey his rules.
Leona led his entire dorm into ruin and nearly sanded away the entire school in the process.
Azul let himself finally free of his personal shackles entirely and "took what was his".
Jamil finally let himself go and opened up more in his personality, almost seeming to be driven insane in the process.
Vil wanted to become the most beautiful one of all and would kill anyone within the way of that goal without any hesitation whatsoever.
The moment that the boys' Overblotted, that was the exact moment when the "soul" of their Disney Villain counterpart took control. Keeping that idea in mind, that should mean that this will happen in the upcoming chapters and their Overblots:
Idia will show off all of the personality, powers, and intelligence that he has been keeping down within this introverted self of his.
Malleus will become so broken by being left out and alone in the cold for the final time that he will turn into a completely cruel Fae and possibly nearly kill either the MC or the representation of Prince Philip within that Chapter in the process.
(Hello, my dear Readers! Guess who is trying to get back into her bigger pieces of writing? This gal right here~ feel free to drop a comment and tell me what you think of this theory- I'd love to hear your thoughts! 💕)
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eyrieofsynapses · 3 years
Redemption Panel Highlights and Reactions
i.e., Beth Riesgraf and Christian Kane (mostly Beth) talking about filming the scenes in (what I presume is) The Rollin’ on the River Job, where they’re pulling some stuff out of the water, and finding out the next day that there was an absolutely massive alligator pulled out of the same place just a little while after they filmed it
Beth’s impression of the wildlife folks warning them about the alligators
Beth scaring the hell out of Noah Wyle by yelling “GATOR” at him just after he finished his scene
seriously that was an absolutely WILD part of the panel
Everyone showering Aleyse Shannon with literally all the love!
Aldis Hodge in particular big-brothering her, and also the older actors calling her out for not giving herself enough credit, and Dean Devlin talking about how she blew him away at the auditions with her ability to turn on a dime
Seeing Kane with his glasses off wiping at his eyes, momentarily thinking “you okay dude?” and then realizing that he was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes
The The Bucket Job clip! I’ve been a bit meh on a lot of Redemption, just in how it didn’t feel quite right, but that is possibly the absolute closest I’ve seen it get to the original in the best way. Brilliant
Which comes as no surprise since BETH RIESGRAF directed the episode!!! And apparently put an insane amount of effort in!
Beth’s utter delight and joy at both directing the episode and having the crew behind her
So apparently she and Christian went to town on the fight scene and he winds up tied up in a chair somewhere along the line and there’s a whole wild scene, which I am really looking forward to
Beth knowing how insanely particular he’d be about things like zip ties vs rope and what kind of rope e.t.c. e.t.c.
Apparently this is also tied into a VERY DEEP scene with Eliot? It sounds like they’re going to go super hard on his backstory, which is terrifyingly exciting
Just. Beth and Christian going very hard on that episode together
Speaking of: the panel’s going amazingly, I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurts, things are relatively light, and then, of fucking course—
Kane hitting us over the head about Eliot being a mass murderer who can’t be redeemed, is trying to stay static so that he can maintain the place he’s in, and is thus LIVING VICARIOUSLY THROUGH HARRY
What the FUCK. This is of course incredibly insightful and perfectly on point (because it’s Kane) but also, EXCUSE ME, OUCH, why would you DO THAT to us?
Everyone talking about having their families on set and their kids!
Beth’s son growing up on the original Leverage set and now going into being a director himself!
Gina’s daughter also growing up on set!
Noah Wyle’s daughter is playing Harry’s daughter I REPEAT NOAH WYLE’S ACTUAL DAUGHTER IS PLAYING AS HARRY’S DAUGHTER
Gina Bellman remaining relatively stoic throughout much of the panel (seriously, this woman, how the heck does she do it) and then losing it when they’re asked about running/inside jokes
A lot of them are, of course, apparently not appropriate to be spoken on-panel
(A lot of the others are the little inside ones that are special enough not to be ones they want to share, which is sweet!)
Everyone collectively losing it over having LeVar Burton on for The Bucket Job
Devlin and everyone laughing about collecting the various Star Trek people on Leverage
Beth talking about Burton coming over while she’s getting ready and asking her if she’s living on coffee and water, her laughing because he was absolutely right, and then him gently reminding her to remember to eat, which is the sweetest thing in the world oh my gods
Kane apparently choreographing an intense scene with Burton and being scared out of his mind, because Burton really wanted to go for it, but to Kane it was like he’s a figurine that’s not to be messed with because he was so worried about hurting him
Kane choreographing a massive amount of the show, which I knew already, but seriously, this guy blows me away
Gina and the crew talking about how he’d be away for a day of shooting a fight and all of them would be missing him and thinking about him
Family Vibes
Everyone talking about how they’re very noisy and loud together on set and it’s a bit like walking into a group of people having Christmas dinner (or something to that effect) because they’re just Like That together
Aleyse being the most surprised by Beth when she met her because she was like a little angel of light during the auditions but turned out to be an absolute ball of wild energy on set
Gina going “wait you were a MODEL” at Beth
Aldis talking about how much he loved how Parker and Hardison’s relationship had developed and grown!
Also, Aldis apologizing when the New York (iirc) background noise got loud and everyone going “no no we get you”
His outfit is ON POINT today
Gina saying that Christian is the goofiest and wildest out of them in terms of humor
(she goes “some of you may not know this,” which, fair, but also, if you’ve seen more than ten minutes of this guy outside of character you know he’s an absolute ball of sunshine)
Gina, Beth, and Christian talking about how they’d challenge each other to stay off sweets back on the original set, because they knew they needed to stay in shape and also just because they’re competitive (apparently all of them are major sweet tooths) and hide brownies and things from each other, while Aldis is just. doing pushups. eating all the healthy stuff. and then wanders into the room with a literal cupful of chocolates
(and Aldis going “well yeah I have to work off the sweets SOMEHOW”)
Beth explaining that sometimes they’d order a “Kane burrito” from Christian and he’d alter it slightly
Like, you know, chopping up hot jalapenos super fine and mixing them in, and Beth practically not being able to talk after the first bite
Apparently Aldis still went back a lot even after that
(Christian just seems very pleased with himself over it)
Gina goes “hey we should have an episode where we all swap roles,” Devlin going “WAIT FOR SEASON ONE TO BE DONE,” and then somebody (maybe the moderator?? I don’t remember exactly) going “uh actually. We did that”
Cue immediate scramble of “WAIT WHICH JOB WAS THAT”
(paraphrasing) “Yeah you remember the bit where you put on Parker’s harness and went off a building?”
Turns out half the cast had actually forgotten that that existed and only remember when reminded
The original cast all think of the episodes as “jobs”!!!!
Everyone talking over each other, Devlin going “it was with Sterling when we blew up the offices,” deciding that it was the season one finale, and then trying to figure out what episode title it was (eventually they figure out it’s the David jobs)
Moderator and Devlin accurately commenting that the fans know the show much better than they do
Noah Wyle very correctly explaining how Electric Entertainment is like a family and Devlin just. Keeps people
Aleyse and Aldis talking about typing when they’re hacking and going “WHAT THE HECK DO WE TYPE”
Aldis goes “yeah I just type all the bad words that we’re not allowed to say”
Aleyse saying that she’s always a little worried they’re hiding a Word document behind the blue screen and they’re going to pull up what she’s typing at the end of the day and print it out and put it in her trailer going “what the HECK is this”
Noah talking about filming The Golf Job and just getting to direct Jason Marsters and Christian together
Apparently their dynamic in that episode accurately mirrors the one with their characters in Angel!
Which promptly goes straight to the comment that it was very hard to make Marsters look like a golfer (pfft)
(Also apparently Christian plays golf for fun with his friends? Not necessarily something I would’ve thought of!)
Aleyse happily talking about how she loved the dynamic on set and it was very different from what she was used to
Also Aleyse talking about doing stunts and everyone else praising her for going whole hog
Beth especially praising her for the bit where she’s hit with the paralysis injection (I don’t remember which ep it’s from) and her acting for it, because it was incredibly hard to drop off screen in the particular way she did
Aleyse promptly answers that she was terrified with some of those, especially one where she had to keep a clock from falling and breaking
Everyone discussing how they see a new aspect of Breanna’s character in The Train Job
Also, to get serious for a moment, Kate Rorick in particular talks about how Breanna’s part of Gen Z and how we didn’t get the “days of yore” where everything was chill. We’ve basically been living in a world of hostility the whole time. It’s something I deeply appreciate, as someone who’s part of that group, and I love how they emphasize that for us.
This panel was pure chaos and I loved every moment of it! My stomach was actually hurting from laughing so hard, I swear. They had me cackling well over half the time. I would happily take panels double or triple the length of this, this was amazing. I also adore how the second you drop these six people in a room together, they immediately take off and literally just run and give you everything you wanted and more. (It is also evidently very hard to get them to STOP talking.)
I’m also just going to stop and take a second to fawn over the effects for the 3D room. It’s gorgeous—I love how they replicated the headquarters, especially with the stained glass ceilings! Super impressive, especially with all the photos, and I just love the whole thing. Kudos to whoever put that together.
Anyway, I’m definitely missing some stuff too; seriously, there wasn’t a second wasted in this thing, they were cracking some kind of joke or dropping some really interesting piece of information practically every thirty seconds. (And I haven’t even gotten into the clips OR the bloopers. I miiiight do a separate reaction purely for those.) It’s still up right now if you missed it and you want to watch it! I’ll probably watch it again, honestly.
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