#Cause beyond the fact that i apparently wrote this
So I've been dealing with a really bad fever for the last few days, and apparently i had written something i have no recollection of writing so here it is:
Tim had dug himself into a hole.
To anyone that knew him, that fact wouldn't be too surprising. Tim had always been a very capable individual, but every now and then he became too in love with how capable he was and he would trip over his own ego. Usually the boy could get out of the messes he created, the sudden humbling giving him a clear head, but this time, he didn't think he could climb his way out on his own. 
The first shovel of dirt of this metaphorical hole came over 4 years ago, lining up with the first shovel of dirt of a literal hole. 
Jason Todd had died. Robin had died. 
Batman was in shambles. 
And 13 year old Tim Drake thought that because of the knowledge he had, it was his responsibility to fix him. 
Batman needed a Robin, and despite what Nightwing had implied, Tim was nowhere near cool enough to be Robin. 
So what would make Batman get his own sidekick? If his enemies had one! Batman would be forced to find someone else to deal with the sidekick while he dealt with the actual Rouge. 
The Joker was obviously out. Beyond the fact that the Joker was horrible, Tim may be joining up with a villain but that didn’t mean he wanted Batman to hate him. 
That meant he needed to find someone Batman didn’t enact a lot of violence on. That got rid of the Scarecrow and the various crime bosses (Black Mask, the Penguin, etc.). Bruce had been close to Harvey Dent, but a 50% chance of death was a percentage that was just a little too high for Tim (oh how that would change). Most of the lower tier Rouges (Kite Man, Mad Hatter, etc.) had gone under after the got wind of Batman's fury, not to mention that Tim really didn't want to spend his days smelling like ketchup. Poison Ivy and Killer Croc were cool, but their skills weren't exactly ones Tim could replicate. 
That left Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and the Riddler. 
The Mr. Freeze was more gentle with kids, their “villiainly” being based on the actions of adults, and the latter three were in it for their own interests rather than the purpose of killing or invoking fear, Catowman wanted shiny things, Harley wanted chaos and fun, and while the Riddler didn't share the same soft spot for kids, he respected intelligence. 
Tim chose Catwoman; the least lethal, and the closest with Batman. The skills she could teach him would also be more helpful in other situations.
It took about a week from the day he knocked on Selina Kyle's door to convince her to train him, but soon enough, a couple days before his 14th birthday and a few more calls to 911 about petty thieves left in the wake of Batman’s grief then Tim would have liked, “Stray” entered the scene. 
And his plan was working! 
The first time Batman had seen the second pair of cat ears he had paused mid ass-kicking of a carjacker and followed the duo, leaving the guy with more teeth then the others.
Slowly but surely, as time went on, the punishments the Batman inflicted started to fit the crime. By the time Tim was 15, he even thought he had seen a small upturn at the corner of Bruce’s mouth as he witnessed a bit of friendly banter between the two cats!
This was when the young villain had started to become a tad bit overconfident. In his defense, he had managed to keep his identity hidden from even Oracle! Lifts in his shoes, a voice modulator, make-up to disguise his facial features, along with a set of the same goggles Catwoman had kept and physical information from being revealed, and Tim Drake never interacted with Selina Kyle so there was no reason that anyone should have suspected him.
That overconfidence is what led him to replicate his plan. If one Rouge sidekick had benefits, then two Rouge sidekicks would mean double the benefits!
Solving riddles wasn’t too hard for the young boy, being able to see double meaning and red herrings was a skill taught to him by Janet Drake, and he took to the escape-room-esque plans for his heists quite easily. The thing he couldn’t figure out was creating riddles of his own. Mother had taught him that knowledge was power, you only reveal it if there was something to be gained, so purposely revealing information about his intention, helping his opponent was not something Tim was accustomed to, not bound to the compulsion to always tell the truth.
If the boy truly wanted to replicate the Riddler, then he would have to learn from the man himself.
Convincing the enigmatic man to teach Tim was easier than it had been with Catowman, the impressive display of bypassing the puzzles that hid the location of the game-playing criminal certainly helping.
Now, 15 years old with an unexplained skill boost in his AP Lang class (the lessons on wordplay were a definite help), The Riddler’s protege, ‘The Puzzler’ became the newest addition to the Gotham Rogues. He resented that name by the way. It was supposed to be Sibyl or Sphinx, they were on theme because they spoke in riddles and though he would deny it, the use of greek figures were his own little way of mocking Oracle, who still couldn’t figure out his identity. But apparently Poison Ivy and the Riddler had brunch once a month (something about being the green Rouges?) and she had heard the Riddler refer to him as “the little puzzle piece” when he was talking about his apprentice and the puzzle theme stuck despite how uncreative the name was.
This is when things became a bit hectic. Not only did Tim have to hide his nightlife from Batman and his parents, now he had to keep his two mentors from realizing that their mentees were the same person. 
He managed to convince Selina that the reason he was so busy lately was the AP classes that came with sophomore year, and while it wasn’t a lie, it certainly wasn’t the full story.
Nygma was easier to deceive. Tim had refrained from sharing his actual identity with the man (just because he would tell the truth in his puzzles for the sake of theme didn’t mean that he would be sharing personal information if it wasn’t needed. The only reason he hadn't hid it from Selina was to gain her trust, something that wasn’t needed with the Riddler) so just saying that he was busy was enough.
All the effort was worth it though. Things kept getting better.
Nightwing was seen in Gotham more often, and Spoiler (someone who Tim initially thought was trying to steal his thing by being a sidekick of the Cluemaster, only to realize she was working against him) had been seen fighting alongside the Batman one or twice. 
On an unrelated note, Stephiane Brown suddenly had her tuition for Gotham Academy paid for in full by the newly created Jason Todd Foundation.
Since things were going so well, he decided to push his luck a little further.
Unfortunately for Tim, he would soon realize the reason he was known for his bad luck in the future.
It started off like other times. Tim convinced Harley Quinn to take him under her wing, and “Ace” made their debut along with Tim’s 5 in AP Psych (Thank you Dr. Quinzel).
Steph and Tim happened to share a few classes together, and went from study buddies (Tim helping her in Chem, and Steph helping him in American History) to close friends.
Spoiler officially joined the Bats, and there were rumors of another bat joining the clan as well. Well there were no actual rumors, but the newest Wayne kid, Cassandra, had started joining him and Steph at their lunch table so her becoming a new bat wouldn’t be too surprising.
Soon enough though, things went to shit.
To start off, the first time Spoiler met Ace, she threw a brick at his head.
Second, His parents had caught him sneaking out and had grounded him, meaning that he now had to wait until they did their last check on his room at 12:00 to sneak out. 
The lack of sleep was starting to catch up to the highschooler. Handling 3 separate nightlife identities was hard enough, but doing so while exhausted was even harder.
After pulling an all nighter to study for a test the night before, he had gone to Selina’s apartment dressed as Ace, and had both costumes not been mostly black he would have been undoubtedly caught before he managed to fix his mistake.
Puzzler once spent a whole night sounding like Stray, and he didn’t think that his “sore throat” lie was all that believable.
Tim accidentally made a cat pun instead of a bat one when engaging in vaguely flirty banter with Spoiler as Ace and Harley had set him down to have the talk, stating that she would love him no matter who he liked and she would be happy to serve as a wingman for him and Catwoman’s protege. It would be funny if it wasn’t so embarrassing.
Third, Cassandra Wayne definitely knew something.
Tim’s “rumors” were right. 2 weeks after Cass had first joined their table Black Bat made herself known. By pinning Puzzler to the ground.
The next day Cass spent the entire lunch period staring at Tim. When he attempted to throw her off by invoking a mix of Stray and Ace’s mannerisms she stopped staring, instead choosing to freak Tim out more by smiling knowingly. At his wide eyes she mimed zipping her lips and throwing away the key only throwing Tim off further. Cass was too smart to not have known, but there was no reason she wouldn’t tell if she did know, right?
Last, but not least, and the worst of all:
Jason Todd was alive.
I have no clue where i was going with that last line, but i see a vision, so I'm hoping it will come back to me, but if not, any suggestions or constructive criticism (or a better puzzle themed name for tim) would be helpful
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twst-drabbles · 3 months
Jamil 15
Summary: You've had your fill of studying with Jamil. Now you just want to bother him a little bit. Embarrass him a little.
(So, I ended up relapsing back into my sugar addiction, which has obviously caused my writing high to vanish. So! I am trying to limit my intake once again. It will be a painful journey.)
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It wasn't anything too tough, what you asked of Jamil. It was nothing more than just a review on what is the basic of basics, things that little kids and other young ones would know by heart without having to think too deeply on it.
"Quit with the judging silence, Jamil," you said when that look of exasperation briefly crossed his face, "did you forget? I'm not from here. Born in a world of exactly zero magic. Not hidden. Nothing."
You were being a bit rude at the time but you couldn't help it. Everyone around you constantly forgets this fact about you. Whenever you end up flubbing up a simple question that apparently everyone else could answer, your little group of first years either snort, actively laugh out loud, or baby you like you weren't a full adult.
So you figured, with all the approachable and semi-approachable people you knew, you may as well ask Jamil to teach you all about the basics. At least he'll have the sense to keep his frustrations with you inside himself once he figures out just how little you knew.
You were more than ready for him to reject you on the spot and say things regarding his chores and duties to Kalim. For that case, you were ready to just ask if he could write down some notes for the questions you had written down. A sort of pen pal situation.
But, to your pleasant surprise, Jamil nodded then texted you the details later of when the first tutoring session will be.
And so here you are in Jamil's room, sitting on the floor, doodling and highlighting away as you're being told how these magical gems form, how they interact with magic, how they help beyond just collecting that noxious blot, along with subjects beyond that.
"And this is where the equations come in," Jamil leaned down and tapped at the various magical sequences you wrote down to remember later, "See, magic is very tied into the imagination of its user, however, imagination as we know it isn't enough to truly draw out all of its potential. Think of it as, imagination being a basic soup broth, and magical equations are the spices that go into it. Magic itself would then be the taste of that dish."
You've been tapping your pen against your knee for the later half of the hour. It's interesting stuff, you won't lie. It's all easy to understand at least, but you can't help the boredom that crawls up after studying for over two hours already. You're very sure Jamil isn't aware of the time, simply caught up in his relaying of knowledge as you continue to absorb it.
Kind of strange to you, honestly. You'd think Jamil would be aware of it considering how he acts and deals with Kalim. Perhaps he's enjoying himself too much, being your tutor?
You look to his face, then see that were was weight to that little theory. Jamil was leaning forward, his own pen in hand as he scribbled down his own little notes in your journal, drawing arrows this way and that to help guide your eyes when you eventually need to look back upon it.
He didn't even notice how into your personal space he was. You could sigh and your breath would brush his hair.
You waited, just because you wanted to see if he would notice. But no, he didn't. He continued to scoot closer, adding in even smaller notes as he goes down the rabbit hole of basic information being broken down into even more basic part.
"Jamil." You leaned against your hand.
You can see the way his thoughts swirled to a stop. "Hmm? What is it? Did I lose you somewhere?"
"Nope," you lightly chuckled out, "Haven't you noticed? You're getting very cozy in my space. Practically sitting on my cushion."
Just to make your point known, you tapped your pinky against Jamil's own.
He blinked, looked down to your hand, to his legs leaning against your cushion, then to your face that was inches away from his own. He seized air into his lungs as he flung himself off. He scooted himself way farther than he needed to, would've probably hugged the wall if he didn't pride himself in his quick and near unbreakable composure. His face was pulled back in near horror at what he's done.
You laughed and leaned back on your palms. "Come on, I don't mind. Be as close as you want."
Jamil was quick, as always, to put himself back together. He smoothed down his hair, did some breathing exercises, then blurted out, "Let's take a small break before we continue. Please."
"Alright, alright," you waved. And Jamil fast walked right out of his own room.
Did you tease him too much? He was practically sweating under the collar. Couldn't even look you directly in the eye. If he can't handle this much teasing, you can only imagine how he'd be if you were to be merciless.
Well, hopefully you don't give him a heart attack.
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Dean x Reader:  They Don’t Know About Us (Part 1)
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 They Don’t Know About Us (College Uni Hockey AU)
Couple: Dean x Reader
AN: AU, set in college and our main couple are in a secret relationship since Y/N is the coach’s kid. I'm in my hockey era so this is why I wrote this. Also, might get spicy in Part 2
 They Don’t Know About Us (Part 1)
People say we shouldn't be together
We're too young to know about forever
Y/N stood there; dressed perfectly in black, while you waited for him to arrive. It was not just any him.
Dean Winchester. 
Dean Winchester, captain and the center of the U of K’s mens’ hockey team. He was an exceptional athlete and a loving boyfriend. Well, secret boyfriend if you had to be honest. 
The hockey team was on a temporary dating ban because of your father. Apparently, it was a tradition that started when your father was a player for the team before he went professional. 
“Where is he?” Y/N muttered, glancing at the old-fashioned watch you wore on your wrist. It was just then you heard the sound of a familiar engine. The strong purr of metal greeted your ears as a small grin sat on your face. 
Dean got out of the car, “Hey Sweetheart,” He whispered, leaning into place a small peck on your lips, pulling you into his embrace, “Sorry that practice went a little longer than expected.” He whispered into your neck, “Coach has been pulling my leg.” 
“Please don’t talk about him right now,” You muttered, “I don’t want to deal with his insufferable dating ban that you all are put on and the fact that he doesn’t want me to date any of his players.” You leaned back away from him to look at his face, “I just want to talk about us, you and me, forever.” 
“You and me,” Dean smiled, “Just us forever, our forever.” 
Cause this love is only getting stronger
Dean Winchester was the perfect boyfriend. 
Thoughtful, attentive, and strong. These are the three words you would use to describe him based on what you learned about his personality through your interactions with him over the years. You and Dean met freshman year but did not start dating until the summer after junior year. It was the middle of senior year, also known as your final year of college. 
It was common knowledge that Dean would be getting drafted or traded into the NHL pretty soon. And knowing your father, he was obviously pushing Dean beyond his limit. Whenever Dean would return to his single resident dorm, you would be there for him. 
He was sleeping with his head on your shoulder. Carefully, you laid down with his weight on your upper half. Maneuvering his head to be under the crook of your neck near your collarbone. The movie you both had on was forgotten as Frodo or Samwise lost the ring. But, to be honest, you were not paying attention to the film while you were running your fingers through the strands of Dean’s nearly dry hair. 
It was moments like this you loved. It was moments like this when the outside world was blurred and silenced but you two existed together. You’d marry Dean in a heartbeat if he asked.
To be continued... (Later because I'm sleepy now lol)
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
Do you think Hedwig is actually a familiar? Like she doesn't behave in the way Owls are supposed to.
And then there is the fact that while the books call her 'she', the plummage and size she displays are those associated with Male Snowy Owls.
Just ... Do you get the sense that she is frightfully intelligent?
All magical owls are portrayed as more intelligent than regular owls. Hedwig happens to be a smarter magical owl, but all of them are above the intelligence of regular owls.
Errol’s legs, took off the parcel, and then carried Errol to Hedwig’s cage. Errol opened one bleary eye, gave a feeble hoot of thanks, and began to gulp some water.
(PoA, 7)
Errol is also smart enough to give a "hoot of thanks". Which supports what I wrote above.
Other magical animals, like Crookshanks, are also incredibly intelligent:
The Whomping Willow was creaking and lashing out with its lower branches; they could see themselves darting here and there, trying to reach the trunk. And then the tree froze. “That was Crookshanks pressing the knot,” said Hermione. “And there we go . . . ,” Harry muttered. “We’re in.”
(PoA, 404)
Crookshanks could press the knot on the Whomping Willow and even help Sirius order a broom for Harry. that's insanely intelligent for a cat. But Hedwig and Errol are intelligent enough to do these things too.
Additionally, all magical owls can always find their owner and know where to deliver letters and packages... like, clearly they all have some built-in GPS magic.
Basically, all magical pets are frighteningly intelligent.
But I do think Harry and Hedwig have a very close bond between wizard and pet. I don't think I'd call it a familiar bond since there doesn't seem to be magic like this in the books. Like, the idea of a spirit familiar is never really mentioned or acknowledged to exist in the Wizarding World, which leads me to believe it doesn't. I just think wizards and pets can sometimes have closer bonds than others, just like people.
I do think Harry and Hedwig have a pretty good bond. The same goes for Sirius and Crookshanks, and Sirius and Buckbeek... (Sirius is apparently really good with intelligent magical animals)
As for the description being more fitting of a male snowy owl, I didn't find any specific description of her appearance besides being a snowy owl and very distinct (which all snowy owls are) up until HBP.
He was very surprised, therefore, to see the snowy white Hedwig circling amongst all the brown and gray owls.
(HBP, 220)
While female snowy owls have more grey in their plumage, creating a salt-and-pepper look, there are real female snowy owls that look more white, so, I don't think that's too odd. Like, they won't be pure white like the older male snowy owls, but they'd definitely stick out among grey and brown owls. Also, selective breeding could cause a difference in coloring.
I don't think her size was ever specified in the books (may be wrong on that one). That being said, without seeing a male snowy owl and a female snowy owl side by side, usually, it's hard to tell there is a size difference (from what I've read)
Both of these are female Snowy Owls:
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So, there's definitely variation in coloring that'll allow room for her to be called "snowy white" if she's on the whiter end of female snowy owls.
I think Hedwig is a very magical and smart female Snowy Owl, but I don't think there is anything magical beyond that.
Obviously, you can headcanon and write in fic whatever you want, these are just my thoughts.
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azsazz · 3 months
CC3 Anon
spoilers under cut
I finished CC3 last night and yeah. I enjoyed the pacing at the beginning of this book more than the first two books because we’re already in the thick of the climax and don’t have to build up suspense again but omg it dragged in the middle.
I did not care for Ithan at all I’m sorry. And yes he hasn’t been a pro sun all player in YEARS idk why she keeps bringing it up. I think someone stumbled and he caught her and Sarah went “his sunball reflexes” HES A WOLF HE WAS ALWAYS GOING TO HAVE QUICK REFLEXES. Had him running up and down to resurrect Sigrid and in the end it DIDNT EVEN MATTER.
Lmaoooo Ithan mostly acted ago appropriate if I think about it. He's like 20 I'm assuming since he's around college age. He's def not my favorite character either tbh. Love how everything fell into his lap tho. Literally anytime he was mentioned so was snuball it was so fucking dumb.
I know you like Tharion but can he do anything right omg. Ithan carried him with the Viper Queen. Sathia carried him in front of the Ocean Queen 😭 I WAS SO PISSED ABOUT THE ANTIDOTES OMG and then Ithan went and did the same. I see why they are best friends like wow stupid really follows stupid.
LMAO I love Tharion, yes he'd definitely dumb and needs to make better decisions but I liked how witty he was in the first book. He really needs to stop with the whole woe is me act tho. omg the antidotes shit don't even get me started. half of the stuff that she wrote for the book didn't even matter in the end. like, we could've cut this damn book down 300 pages tbh, nothing would've been missed because nothing made sense even.
I don’t hate Bryce. She did annoy me though. I hated when Aelin wouldn’t tell people about her plans and could not stand it from Bryce here. Her yelling at Hunt about having to face the consequences of their actions. I’m like dude you went to another world and came back powered up. Hunt stayed and was tortured brutally like what? I know why she doesn’t want him to have guilt about it but it’s his 3rd time going through this and failing. And now he has more to lose. Of course he would be feeling a type of way.
I do not like her at all lol. The whole not telling people plans things pissed me off because her loud mouth is not like that. AND THEN SHE HAS THE AUDACITY TO TELL HUNT "OH YOU DONT EVEN WANT TO BE HERE" girl maybe if you told someone the fuckin plan they would feel a bit more confident about going through with it for fucks sake. she's a mean girl and i can't stand her and i don't think she's funny at all she is so cringe to me haha. HUNT HAS ALREADY TRIED GOING AGAINST THE ASTERI AND HE WAS TORTURED FOR 200 YEARS?! Then he gets freed and has to do it all over again?! Like, why are we yelling at this man? of course he's weary.
I’m not the biggest fan of her swagger at times. Like sometimes we don’t need the quippy (read: unfunny) one liners :/
The STAKES???? Bryce should’ve stayed dead! It would have been a lot more impactful. Even the torturing scenes kind of didn’t hit as much after the fact cause everyone can just regrow their limbs and be fine. No one had a single nightmare about what happened to them? I thought we would see something like that beyond “a glimmer of darkness in his eyes” idk :/
The entire "someone dying only to be brought to life on the next page" has definitely fucking worn off now but sjm apparently can't see that. she created a world with 50+ characters only to not use half of them when it matters. so stupid. Also, i don't remember them being able to regrow limbs tbh.
Maybe the book would’ve been too long but I was genuinely shocked we didn’t get more scenes of anyone on the actual battlefield. We were mostly in the palace after Bryce and Hunt teleported, and then the moment with Lidia and the sprites. But maybe the book would’ve been too toooo long idk.
Yeah there really was only like 60 pages of the end scene. but as soon as i saw the word space i actually almost DNFd it because what the actual fuck was that.
I will say I really like how the male friendships are genuine. I honestly can’t tell you that Bryce, Fury, and June are friends LMAO. (I’m exaggerating but I do kinda agree with this) .
Yeah, i love Ruhn, dec, and flynn's relationship. i think sjm tries to be like "oh yeah girl power, strong fmc's" but there's no women in the books? and they all don't like each other? like danika, bryce, fury, and juniper seemed like mean girls? girls that didn't give a fuck about anyone else? idk. the way that the men to women ratio in her books is very interesting to me. and the fack that EVERY man that comes across bryce thinks she's the most gorgeous girl to have ever lived...fuck off with that logic.
My girl Jesiba :////// She was my favorite for sure. I'm indifferent about her lol. Her entire storyline i feel was just made up like two months ago so she could connect to the other series lol
I do agree with what you said about Bryce (I legit almost wrote Aelin LMFAO) . I was not expecting her to just say no rulers for the Fae at all. But I guess a Senate would be more democratic.
SO STUPID. The Senate (starwars)
Im sure there will be a fourth book but I am so uninterested in Tharion and Ariadne like who caresssssssss. If Im interested in Ithan, it’s because I want to see more Perry. I wonder how connected this world and ACOTAR will remain.
I honestly hope it ends at 4 books. I think that would be a perfect ending because there's four houses. no need for more im already sick of it. yeah i liked perry too. i hope they're no longer connected lol.
Ruhn and Lidia :) but HE LEGIT SHOT HER?? I know she was acting irrationally because of her sons and he wanted to make sure she didn’t get herself killed but then he shot her. Like okay 😭. I think my favorite couples are Bryce’s parents and Lidia and Ruhn. Ruhn just seems so hot 😭.
Ruhn is a winner for sure for sure.
I’m writing too much and I’m scared this app will just shut down so I’ll quit here. I still think the first book is the worst one in this series. But I had fun with this one (despite my hang ups) and I’m glad it’s over (for now :/).
CC anon!! I went to goodreads to read reviews of the book and I genuinely cannot believe how many 5 star ratings this book got. I mean, I can and can’t believe it. Atp anything Sarah puts out will average at least a 4 star rating on there and sell a crap ton.
I think people just give her that rating because she's popular, not because they read lol. oh yeah, why do you think she released 5 different bonus chapters. talk about a greedy cash grab. that mentality kinda makes me sick im not even going to lie.
I was reading through the 2-star reviews and someone mentioned their shock at how quickly Ruhn and Lidia resolved their issues which I totally agree with. She said she hated him and would never forgive him for what he did, and she was right! I know why Ruhn did it, but I genuinely still cannot believe he actually shot her, even if she was gonna be okay. That’s a terrible time to be worrying about a wound like that when you want to be at full strength to fight for your children.
Yeah half of the plot lines felt stupid? like what? he couldn't have stopped her any other way...really? i feel like she did not think this book through as well as she thought she did tbh. seems to be her thing these days.
(Even when Hunt said he hated Bryce for stopping him from killing Celestina, I was like Oh!)
The reviewer said Sarah should have left their relationship on the rocks so we could get Ruhn groveling in the fourth book, and I can’t get that idea out of my head. ESPECIALLY with their bonus scene. Idk if you’ve read it but I was like ??? I like them as a couple and I like their story, but it did seem like it was all patched up insanely quickly. Like if you shot me then the very LEAST you could do is get my kids to safety. That alone would not necessarily make me forgive you.
I didn't read their bonus chapter but i can't believe they moved in with each other literally after like two days of knowing each other in real life. bro, you just found out she has two kids? you don't know the woman at all lol. no, everyone has to have a happy ending by the last page of the book or else. lol. no suspense.
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magnolia-pollen · 5 months
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Once, in a dry season, I wrote in large letters across two pages of a notebook that innocence ends when one is stripped of the delusion that one likes oneself. Although now, some years later, I marvel that a mind on the outs with itself should have nonetheless made painstaking record of its every tremor, I recall with embarrassing clarity the flavor of those particular ashes. It was a matter of misplaced self-respect.
I had not been elected to Phi Beta Kappa. This failure could scarcely have been more predictable or less ambiguous (I simply did not have the grades), but I was unnerved by it; I had somehow thought myself a kind of academic Raskolnikov, curiously exempt from the cause-effect relationships that hampered others. Although the situation must have had even then the approximate tragic stature of Scott Fitzgerald's failure to become president of the Princeton Triangle Club, the day that I did not make Phi Beta Kappa nevertheless marked the end of something, and innocence may well be the word for it. I lost the conviction that lights would always turn green for me, the pleasant certainty that those rather passive virtues which had won me approval as a child automatically guaranteed me not only Phi Beta Kappa keys but happiness, honour, and the love of a good man (preferably a cross between Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca and one of the Murchisons in a proxy fight); lost a certain touching faith in the totem power of good manners, clean hair, and proven competence on the Stanford-Binet scale. To such doubtful amulets had my self-respect been pinned, and I faced myself that day with the nonplussed wonder of someone who has come across a vampire and found no garlands of garlic at hand.
Although to be driven back upon oneself is an uneasy affair at best, rather like trying to cross a border with borrowed credentials, it seems to me now the one condition necessary to the beginnings of real self-respect. Most of our platitudes notwithstanding, self-deception remains the most difficult deception. The charms that work on others count for nothing in that devastatingly well-lit back alley where one keeps assignations with oneself: no winning smiles will do here, no prettily drawn lists of good intentions. With the desperate agility of a crooked faro dealer who spots Bat Masterson about to cut himself into the game, one shuffles flashily but in vain through one's marked cards—the kindness done for the wrong reason, the apparent triumph which had involved no real effort, the seemingly heroic act into which one had been shamed. The dismal fact is that self-respect has nothing to do with the approval of others—who are, after all, deceived easily enough; has nothing to do with reputation—which, as Rhett Butler told Scarlett O'Hara, is something that people with courage can do without.
To do without self-respect, on the other hand, is to be an unwilling audience of one to an interminable home movie that documents one's failings, both real and imagined, with fresh footage spliced in for each screening. There’s the glass you broke in anger, there's the hurt on X's face; watch now, this next scene, the night Y came back from Houston, see how you muff this one. To live without self-respect is to lie awake some night, beyond the reach of warm milk, phenobarbital, and the sleeping hand on the coverlet, counting up the sins of commission and omission, the trusts betrayed, the promises subtly broken, the gifts irrevocably wasted through sloth or cowardice or carelessness. However long we postpone it, we eventually lie down alone in that notoriously un- comfortable bed, the one we make ourselves. Whether or not we sleep in it depends, of course, on whether or not we respect ourselves.
To protest that some fairly improbable people, some people who could not possibly respect themselves, seem to sleep easily enough is to miss the point entirely, as surely as those people miss it who think that self-respect has necessarily to do with not having safety pins in one's underwear. There is a common superstition that "self-respect" is a kind of charm against snakes, something that keeps those who have it locked in some unblighted Eden, out of strange beds, ambivalent conversations, and trouble in general. It does not at all. It has nothing to do with the face of things, but concerns instead a separate peace, a private reconciliation. Although the careless, suicidal Julian English in Appointment in Samarra and the careless, incurably dishonest Jordan Baker in The Great Gatsby seem equally improbable candidates for self-respect, Jordan Baker had it, Julian English did not. With that genius for accommodation more often seen in women than in men, Jordan took her own measure, made her own peace, avoided threats to that peace: "I hate careless people," she told Nick Carraway. "It takes two to make an accident."
Like Jordan Baker, people with self-respect have the courage of their mistakes. They know the price of things. If they choose to commit adultery, they do not then go running, in an access of bad conscience, to receive absolution from the wronged parties; nor do they complain unduly of the unfairness, the undeserved embarrassment, of being named corespondent. If they choose to forego their work—say it is screenwriting—in favor of sitting around the Algonquin bar, they do not then wonder bitterly why the Hacketts, and not they, did Anne Frank.
In brief, people with self-respect exhibit a certain toughness, a kind of moral nerve; they display what was once called character, a quality which, although approved in the abstract, sometimes loses ground to other, more instantly negotiable virtues. The measure of its slipping prestige is that one tends to think of it only in connection with homely children and with United States senators who have been defeated, preferably in the primary, for re-election. Nonetheless, character—the willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life—is the source from which self-respect springs.
Self-respect is something that our grandparents, whether or not they had it, knew all about. They had instilled in them, young, a certain discipline, the sense that one lives by doing things one does not particularly want to do, by putting fears and doubts to one side, by weighing immediate comforts against the possibility of larger, even intangible, comforts. It seemed to the nineteenth century admirable, but not remarkable, that Chinese Gordon put on a clean white suit and held Khartoum against the Mahdi; it did not seem unjust that the way to free land in California involved death and difficulty and dirt. In a diary kept during the winter of 1846, an emigrating twelve-year-old named Narcissa Cornwall noted coolly: "Father was busy reading and did not notice that the house was being filled with strange Indians until Mother spoke about it." Even lacking any clue as to what Mother said, one can scarcely fail to be impressed by the entire incident: the father reading, the Indians filing in, the mother choosing the words that would not alarm, the child duly recording the event and noting further that those particular Indians were not, "fortunately for us," hostile. Indians were simply part of the donnée.
In one guise or another, Indians always are. Again, it is a question of recognizing that anything worth having has its price. People who respect themselves are willing to accept the risk that the Indians will be hostile, that the venture will go bankrupt, that the liaison may not turn out to be one in which every day is a holiday because you’re married to me. They are willing to invest something of themselves; they may not play at all, but when they do play, they know the odds.
That kind of self-respect is a discipline, a habit of mind that can never be faked but can be developed, trained, coaxed forth. It was once suggested to me that, as an antidote to crying, I put my head in a paper bag. As it happens, there is a sound physiological reason, something to do with oxygen, for doing exactly that, but the psychological effect alone is incalculable: it is difficult in the extreme to continue fancying oneself Cathy in Wuthering Heights with one's head in a Food Fair bag. There is a similar case for all the small disciplines, unimportant in themselves; imagine maintaining any kind of swoon, commiserative or carnal, in a cold shower.
But those small disciplines are valuable only insofar as they represent larger ones. To say that Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton is not to say that Napoleon might have been saved by a crash program in cricket; to give formal dinners in the rain forest would be pointless did not the candlelight flickering on the liana call forth deeper, stronger disciplines, values instilled long before. It is a kind of ritual, helping us to remember who and what we are. In order to remember it, one must have known it.
To have that sense of one's intrinsic worth which, for better or for worse, constitutes self-respect, is potentially to have everything: the ability to discriminate, to love and to remain indifferent. To lack it is to be locked within oneself, paradoxically incapable of either love or indifference. If we do not respect ourselves, we are on the one hand forced to despise those who have so few resources as to consort with us, so little perception as to remain blind to our fatal weaknesses. On the other, we are peculiarly in thrall to everyone we see, curiously determined to live out—since our self-image is untenable—their false notions of us. We flatter ourselves by thinking this compulsion to please others an attractive trait: a gift for imaginative empathy, evidence of our willingness to give. Of course we will play Francesca to Paolo, Brett Ashley to Jake, Helen Keller to anyone's Annie Sullivan: no expectation is too misplaced, no rôle too ludicrous. At the mercy of those we can not but hold in contempt, we play rôles doomed to failure before they are begun, each defeat generating fresh despair at the necessity of divining and meeting the next demand made upon us.
It is the phenomenon sometimes called alienation from self. In its advanced stages, we no longer answer the telephone, because someone might want something; that we could say no without drowning in self-reproach is an idea alien to this game. Every encounter demands too much, tears the nerves, drains the will, and the spectre of something as small as an unanswered letter arouses such disproportionate guilt that one's sanity becomes an object of speculation among one's acquaintances. To assign unanswered letters their proper weight, to free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves—there lies the great, the singular power of self-respect. Without it, one eventually discovers the final turn of the screw: one runs away to find oneself, and finds no one at home.
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 8 months
I wrote the following at 4am when pain was keeping me from sleeping. (No, not that pain. And no, not that one either. It’s my elbow now, and damned if I know why, but…OWWW!) I’m not disowning it, just explaining why it probably is a muddled mess.
I’m posting it as is simply because I hate keeping stuff like this in drafts, but also hate deleting them. I’ll put most of it under the cut ….
Sometimes the differences between how you think and someone else thinks can throw you.
I was talking to someone and in the conversation she said how she was concerned about some kids hearing bad but true things about their teacher. She said that this is because almost all kids love their teachers, so it might upset them deeply.
I was shocked.
She was shocked I was shocked.
I’m still baffled by the whole thing. Is it true that kids love their teachers?
I told her I dunno, maybe it’s because I always saw adults as human beings and not gods. I never believed any adult should be obeyed simply because they were an adult. Even my parents were never put on a pedestal but loved warts and all, and questioned when appropriate. Mom fondly says that as a toddler I would give her a “you’re sweet but stupid” look and, (though I hope that wasn’t what I was thinking since she is far from stupid) it does sort of say something to how I saw things. Grown ups were people too.
That said, teachers were even less likely to be loved than some nice old lady down the street or the delivery guy that always waved at me. At least they earned a bit of affection!
There were a handful I respected, some I merely endured irritation, many I had to be patient about by reminding myself they were merely human, and one went to open war with. Not a single one I ever loved.
Seriously, why would I love an authority figure that shows no love or respect for me, that controls my fate in a petty fist, and frequently displays no intellectual flexibility or imagination? Why would I love the guards in my prison? Why would I love people determined to shape and control me?
I had stupid teachers, cruel teachers, incompetent teachers, lazy teachers, hateful teachers, class room dictator teachers, status quo obsessed teachers, benign but going through the motions teachers, and so many more negatives I’m too tired to label.
A very, very few were pretty good teachers, but while I have a slight warmth to them, it was far from love, I was keenly aware that they didn’t reciprocate any affection I might feel, and that they were only good teachers if you fit. Odd kids out could be written off by even good teachers, with no time or interest in the ones that didn’t respond to their standard formula. And, TBH, how you treat those kids mattered more to me. I can never love someone that thinks someone “lesser” doesn’t matter.
But, as I sorta said, none if them loved me anyway. There was a peculiar tension with most of my teachers starting with kindergarten. Many actually openly delighted every time I got anything wrong, and would grin with pride if they tripped me up. They looked at me differently, with a strange wariness.
It was upsetting as hell. I hadn’t done anything.
Finally it was explained to me that I was seen “as a threat”. I was supposed to be smart, and apparently some had admitted I intimidated them. I have no idea why. Testing results and knowing stuff way beyond grade level I guess**. I’m not THAT smart!
Did they really think I was going to be correcting them in front of the class? I was no threat to their authority as class brains/boss. I’m so super sensitive to embarrassment that I always work hard to keep anyone else from feeling it. The fact I never raised my hand in class and was super well behaved in order to stay under the radar hadn’t helped. Never causing any trouble just made them more uneasy.
So I dunno, how the hell could I love people that treated me less like a little kid and more like a rattlesnake tossed in their classroom???
Look, if you loved a teacher and one changed your life for the better, congratulations! You won the true education lottery. But I can’t be the only one that only ever lost….
** NOT a real accomplishment. I grew up in a smart, well educated, and eternally curious family. You just pick up stuff.
Like, the “wall” that separated my “room” from the rest the family was a book shelf filled with high level science books. The day I realized I could read and understand anything if I just kept breaking things down and looking things up involved pulling something from beside my bed that was probably more advanced than the texts my teachers studied in college. But that wasn’t me being smart, that was me just using what was around me.
It could have just as easily been some trashy novel if I’d grown up in a different household. That’s what people don’t get. My childhood “big” vocabulary was simply what I heard at home. Maybe I’m not smart at all, but merely average that happened to grow up among the very smart?
Add in a community on the other end of the educational spectrum from my home and it creates the illusion of intelligence. I ain’t smart, I just look that way in this light.
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felixcloud6288 · 12 days
Higurashi: Atonement Epilogue
This is my second favorite instance of the series using the manga medium to its advantage.
The manga lies to us about the number of chapters in this arc. This is a separate chapter from the "final" chapter with its own separate title, but it's not in the table of contents.
Atonement's final chapter ends on a genuinely positive, hopeful note. Tragedy has been averted. Rena has been saved. Destiny has been defied.
We turn the page expecting notes from the author or illustrator, bonus artwork, etc; and we're instead greeted by a shadowy figure who laughs at us for turning the page and ruining the happy ending.
They stand in front of a highly grainy image of the front of Furude Shrine where Rika has been killed in many timelines. So I believe this is the person behind everything.
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The arc ending like this feels like we've been cheated. We watched Keiichi and his friends overcome hardships and triumph over the script that says they would fight and kill each other. So the Great Hinamizawa Disaster happening the next day feels like whoever wrote this Devil's Script did it out of pettiness.
The Great Hinamizawa Disaster has felt like an appropriate conclusion to each of these tragic arcs. A group of close friends live in a peaceful village that defines who they are. Then something from within the village drives these friends against each other until one of them kills several others. And after this story ends, the village itself is swallowed in a great tragedy.
But no great tragedy happened this time. Keiichi and his friends refused to play to the script and the Disaster happened anyway. And just to insult us further, whoever is responsible laughed at us and blamed us for it happening.
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22 years after the Hinamizawa Disaster, Akasaka came back to the village. As far as we can say, this is the first time he's ever returned. Like Keiichi, he realized what he was supposed to do too late.
I wonder if Beyond Midnight happened in this world. A year ago, Otobe, Arakawa, Towada, and Shion would have come to Hinamizawa for their own purposes. But in this timeline, the school hostage situation wouldn't have ended so horribly but the Disaster still happened, killing all the victims anyway.
I've already talked about how Cotton Drifting and Eye Opening prove the Disaster wasn't a natural cause, but Akasaka gives even more proof to that fact.
The ecosystem has been mostly untouched despite how poisonous gas has apparently been belching out of the swamp for years. And closing the area off for 20 years is ridiculous when you consider other instances of isolating areas due to volcanic activity.
And then there's the swamp itself.
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In the early stages of sealing the village, the swamp was filled with concrete to seal away the poisonous gases coming from the volcano under it. But this doesn't work. Gas and lava erupt from a volcano due to pressure. If the cap were sealed, then the pressure would only build up even further until it either breaks through the concrete or it bursts out elsewhere.
Akasaka also pointed out how workers were put through extensive blood screening while sealing off the village.
Probably the worst part of all this is everyone fought so hard to convince Rena that Takano's story was just a made-up fiction, and the story has instead become a major point of consideration for conspiracy theorists.
Any attempts to uncover the truth behind the disaster are muddied by the works of an occult fan who was taken far too serious.
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lenievi · 8 months
001 for both mckirk and spones please!
This is gonna be long :D I'm gonna have to use read more
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: mckirk
when I started shipping it if I did: so when the lockdown in 2020 started, I had nothing to do and just watched stuff. I have this favourite dubber and I was looking at the list of stuff he dubbed, and saw Star Trek AOS on that list. This guy is the voice of 2000s Alan Rickman, Tom Hanks, Tony Stark, he also apparently dubbed Garak in that one Star Trek series, and so seeing the reboot films on the list and his name next to McCoy, I was like, gotta check how he sounds. The fact that Kirk was also dubbed by a guy I generally like was a plus. (funnily enough Captain America/Iron Man and Kirk/McCoy are dubbed by the same guys here, which is funny to me). So I checked youtube and the scene I saw was the scene in Beyond where Kirk and McCoy are alone and are having a drink. And that scene did something to my brain, and I was like this is the dynamic I want, I wanna read fics, so before that I had to watch the films. So I watched AOS, basically through McCoy (Kirk/McCoy) lenses and started to read fics. Three weeks later, I decided to watch TOS because a lot of the fics referenced Kirk's backstory, so I wanted to know about it. The three weeks reading fics and looking through livejournal, kind of made me think that McCoy wasn't really an important character in TOS and that AOS made up the mckirk relationship (such a lie), so when I started watching TOS, I only planned to watch episodes heavy on McCoy. Which like... were most of them at the beginning lol I kinda decided not to trust the fandom after like three episodes or something. I binged the three seasons of TOS in like three weeks. I've had a hard time seeing tos!Kirk with men for a long time (I've had a complicated "relationship" with tos!Kirk for so long), so my interest in tos!mckirk was primarily as a platonic relationship [but it was always my fave relationship, I liked it even more than spones, actually] (but romantic in aos), but I started to insert Kirk into my spones fics, wrote a part from his POV, and then one day I just woke up and decided to write a tos!mckirk fic (it was actually because I started to read aos fics again, getting back into aos!mckirk, but... the tos version has been calling me) and just embraced the romantic (and sexual lol) aspect of their relationship.
my thoughts: I love their friendship so much. It's very important to me. I like that McCoy knows what to say to pull Kirk back on the right path, I like that Kirk can be vulnerable around McCoy. In AOS I like that McCoy is the only one Kirk shares stuff with about his mother and his insecurities (in Beyond it looked like he never even allowed the other crew to acknowledge his birthday... until McCoy finally decided to give him a party, after 5 years on the Enterprise...)
What makes me happy about them: we see both of them the most at ease around each other. They can forget who they are around each other, for a moment, at least. McCoy gives Kirk some of his most brightest smiles; McCoy can make Kirk genuinely laugh. Kirk needs him. badly.
What makes me sad about them: I eat angst for breakfast, so uhm...
things done in fanfic that annoys me: the lack of their friendship even in gen fics T_T (we all know what annoys me in aos fic, we don't need a rehash)
things I look for in fanfic: having more fics would be fun lol You know, just a genuine intimacy they show in the the show. Jim's sense of duty being the cause of angst.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  McCoy with Spock (I do like the idea of mckirk to spones after the movie era, more or less). tos movie era Kirk? Actually, no one.
My happily ever after for them: buying a cabin in the mountains and getting two dogs (one big and one small) post TUC (then we can stop time lol or not...)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: idk haven't thought about their sleeping position. It would probably change based on what kind of story I'd wanna tell
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: .... you know, they're happy when they find the time to have sex...
spones under the cut
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: spones
when I started shipping it if I did: so above I said that I started to watch TOS because of mckirk, right? Mainly because of The Conscience of the King and Tarsus IV, right? Well... I finished that episode shipping spones LMAO It really was quite quick for me.
my thoughts: the most engaging dynamic in TOS imho
What makes me happy about them: The loyalty, the trust. They were in each other's lives for 100 years. 100 years. That they're more similar than different. That they actually understand each other, but would never admit it. "I don't think I could stand to lose you again." < what is that? so real to have McCoy say that
What makes me sad about them: that they would leave the other one behind and die if it meant to save Kirk (this isn't meant negatively, I'm not really explicit about it or talk about it, but my spones know that Kirk's life is a priority, sometimes even just to show that no, we're not emotionally compromised, we know what our duty is kinda way. I just think it'd be great to explore that in a fic)
things done in fanfic that annoys me: uhm (I'm speaking in general, it is just my opinion based on my taste; I believe that everyone should write what makes them happy, we can't ever please every single person) McCoy using hobgoblin, elf, jackrabbit (the last two are terms that Kirk used to make Spock angry) as a form of affection/endearment, or at all tbh. McCoy being insecure because of Kirk. (give me Spock being insecure because of McCoy-Kirk friendship) Some people feeling guilty about writing spones and therefore still making kirk-spock have the specialest bond *rolls eyes* I just don't get the need to quantify relationships, I guess. Any kind of pet names.
things I look for in fanfic: balanced relationship, mature arguments that don't rely on pettiness, trying to combine the different world views, not needing to express love in a traditional way, but a way that works for the two of them and their two differing cultures.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: McCoy with Kirk, obviously. Spock with Chapel or T'Pring (even during the movie era, yes).
My happily ever after for them: 100 years. What more do you want? LOL My personal hc is that when McCoy dies, and Spock goes to Romulus, McCoy's spirit is always there because a part of his soul stayed inside Spock's katra. So Spock is just haunted by McCoy's spirit until he dies on New Vulcan, and then they're put into the katra stone. Together forever.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: I imagine them more as Spock sleeping on his back and McCoy's head on his arm/chest.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: banter (they especially enjoy if it makes Kirk exasperated)
[ask meme]
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adenthemage · 27 days
For the recent fic ask game! T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? - Trauma <333 (I came to see you get salty /lh)
AGHSGSHS hi Trauma!! Thank you for the opportunity to gamerrage on main 👍
What interests me most in storytelling is character relationships and dynamics, so naturally my most vehement opinions revolve around that. Particularly when it comes to shipping tropes, because my heart is cold and dead 👍 but I swear they inevitably get flanderized and misunderstood into being the same old bland amatornormative shit. Stuff like hanahaki or soulmates. Ideas that, to start, are really interesting! But are more often than not used to push this "love at first sight" "meant to be" "romance above all" thing. And when you fall into that, then the nasty implications start to crop up.
Like, for example, if it's assumed the romantic leads are obviously going to stay together, then when genuinely concerning conflicts or power dynamics crop up, they're used for drama instead of actually exploring what the characters would do or giving them agency. And thus something like a Soulmates setting is only used as justification to keep them together, because the universe says they're made for each other, so of course they're gonna have to live happily ever after no matter how unhealthy or compatible they really are!
The hanahaki one is especially bothersome to me because the base concept IS really interesting! The flowers are a manifestation of holding yourself back, and how it harms you to hold your true feelings in and never move on, letting them fester. But instead, I often see it written as if the disease is spawned from the fact of falling in love, instead. This creates a situation where the love interest is expected to either reciprocate, or let the protagonist die,, which is,,, not greatttt. Like even if you wrote it being conscious of these implications, I struggle to find a worthwhile theme or idea that it could possibly convey.
And it's doubly a shame because these concepts could be SO INTERESTING outside the scope of being used purely as a vehicle to get some mediocre romance underway. A world with soulmate marks would surely have customs and inventions surrounding that very normal aspect of life for them. What would the religious impact be, if there's apparently some higher power connecting people from birth? Or with hanahaki, you could use the broader concept of "withholding your feelings/your true self causes the disease" to tackle other kinds of personal drama and subject matter beyond flat romance.
I also particularly dislike the fandom tendency to try fit all found family dynamics into rigid traditional family structure. Is it not far more interesting to explore a new kind of relationship that doesn't fit neatly into a single-word pre-existing box?
All these complaints often come down to the assumption that these relationships are above all other forms, and therefore it's assumed the characters will fall into them. This is ESPECIALLY true of romance, though. If one goes in assuming the romantic pair should get together, then one skips the vital work that has to go in to justifying why this relationship should exist and why its components want to be a part of it.
I feel that there's so many ways to explore romance other than just "these two like each other, they get together, there are some issues, it works out" that is underrepresented. Instead of making it toxic on accident, do it on phrpose! Explore that! Have two characters who want to be together, but don't work and have to make the hard decision to break it off. Stuff like that! Cuz it's not even that I mind stress-testing the relationships with some drama, it's just frustrating when it feels like the characters are always pigeon-holed into staying together.
Anyway is that enough complaining for one post? I surely could think up more, but I will show mercy and spare you this once. Thank you again for the enablement, love youuuu 💜💜💜
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viktormaru · 1 year
alright im gonna bite, gimme the character analysis of ur fave fella
thank you anon
i cant get over how ppl seem to think omen is mean or rude?? Omen is pretty nice actually (at least to his colleagues). He seems a bit closed off and gets embarrassed by compliments and stuff ("oh what do you care") but he doesnt really talk shit to anyone in his team. In fact he encourages them to do their best (see his interactions with Yoru and Reyna).
The worst offense Omen commits is talking very ominously and cryptically to his teammates (see his lines with skye or sage, or even "I'm curious, riftwalker, when you travel, can you feel the pieces you leave behind?") which makes him sound like hes cursing them somehow, but honestly i feel like hes both kinda warning them and curious bcs he knows things they dont seem to notice.
Cmon, a guy that says "Rest now. I will keep watch." after a match ends is a guy that cares for his team. Im telling hes just a bit closed off and awkward but hes not mean.
Those things dont apply to his enemies however, Omen seems to go a little above and beyond to give his enemies nightmares, that man is full of misery in his heart and he lets it out with violence. No sympathy for the enemy. He also clearly REALLY fucking hates himself which is really sad, so killing his double is like a fucking mission, specially cause apparently doing that might give him memories about his past he might otherwise not have. So Omen can absorb people's memories.... very weird. That and the fact that Omen seemingly can detect people's feelings ("There is a Raze, I sense her laughter. To laugh again...", "I already feel their hope dying and we haven't even begun. This will not take long.") paints a very strange image of omen, my man knows whats going on underneath the surface.
Yet somehow the things omen says abt his double are so sad, my man really is suffering, like "There is another of me. How many times did I get ripped apart? How many times did I die?" is terrible, he really doesnt wish what happened to him on anyone. but worst of all is "You can finally let go." when he kills his double. he sounds so saaaad saying it, only he understands how hard it is to keep it together, only he understands its a blessing to be able to let go, that death is a mercy. thats so fucked up my blorbo is going through severe ammounts of suffering help him.
So yeah thats omen, weird to friends, a nightmare to his enemies, and his own biggest foe. I am sad he doesnt seem to have any goals other than "remember who I was" specially bcs Viper KNOWS and refuses to tell him, meaning it cant be anything good (since viper seems to like him enough afterall). What happens when he finds out ? (i wrote a whole fanfiction about it).
I think Omen deserves some weird little friends so he doesnt feel that bad all the time
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dayenurose · 2 years
Writer’s Month Prompts (written for @writersmonth )
Day 17 - Ice (Romy - WatX)
(**Note: While I wrote this I had my story “Proceeding According to Plan” in mind, so there are a few references to the way that story played out.**)
Rogue was going to kill Bobby. Kill him dead. Then, she was going to resurrect him and kill him again just to make certain he learned his lesson.
Don’t talk to her about reasonable. There was nothing reasonable about this situation. They’d left reasonable three days ago. A thick layer of ice encased the Mansion all because Bobby wanted to see how far he could push his powers. Instead of stopping when things didn’t go as planned, he doubled down and kept pushing. Only Bobby would think that more ice was the solution to too much ice. Apparently, he could freeze things, but unfreezing them was beyond his capabilities. Now, all they could do was wait for the ice to melt.
Shivering, Rogue clutched another blanket tightly around her shoulders. Rogue hated the cold. And that’s all she could feel, thanks to Bobby. A cold which seeped into the very marrow of her bones and bit to the quick. She wore every item of clothing she possessed and it still did nothing to dissuade the chill
Her teeth chattered. The heater couldn’t keep up with the cold which permeated the inside of the building and what little heat they managed to secure was directed to the room where they kept the Professor’s body. They’d run out of firewood after the first day and had no way of going outside to gather more. Since none of the others felt the cold as intensely as she did, it was up to Rogue to find ways of staying warm. So far, her attempts had been less than successful. Her hot chocolate rapidly became tepid chocolate, and now as her chattering teeth rattled against the side of the mug, she sipped ice crystals.
None of the X-Men currently occupying the Mansion possessed the means to escape. Bobby—the cause of their problem—only made things worse when he tried. The entire foyer had become a slip and slide before they convinced him to just stop already. Emma couldn’t think her way past the blockage and wasn’t going to risk chipping a nail. And while Hank and Rogue could attempt to brute force their way through the ice, they first needed to be able to access the ice. Which remained problematic in that all the doors and windows held fast. Not only had the ice jammed all points of egress, it had also blocked their means of communication with the outside world. Now all they could do was wait until the other X-Men returned from their missions.
Not for the first time since the Great Freeze did Rogue wish could have been on the mission with the other X-Men. Wherever they were had to be warmer than here. But, Wolverine still didn’t trust her after her time with the Brotherhood. If he did, she could have joined the mission and missed out on all this fun.
It wasn’t her fault the Brotherhood was the only Mutant organization which had the access to the information she needed when she arrived in New York. Until very recently, the X-Men hadn’t been a credible option since before the explosion. Sure, she could tell Logan about Ellie. If he knew, he might even forgive Rogue for her actions. But, she didn’t exactly trust him either. He had the habit of judging people before understanding a situation, then stubbornly holding to his opinion even after learning he was wrong. Also, he never addressed his tendency of running off whenever he felt like it. With those attitudes, this wasn’t the kind of world she wanted to introduce to her husband or daughter.
Burrowing back into the nest of every blanket in the house she’d managed to beg, borrow, or steal, Rogue checked her watch for the umpteenth time. It wouldn’t be much longer. She’d missed her check-in. In fact, she was over twelve hours late. Which meant she missed spending time with her husband. Missed checking in on her daughter. Her absence wouldn’t go unnoticed.
As if he read her mind, a loud crack sounded outside her window. A flash of light illuminated from behind the curtains. Shuffling out of her blanket cocoon, Rogue crossed the room to her window and threw open the drapery. A spiderweb of cracks crisscrossed the thick layers of ice blocking the the window. She heard a faint scrabbling from the other side of the meter thick blockage.
A shadowy silhouette wedged thin, flexible objects at key points within the cracks. Rogue backed away as another loud bang practically shook the dorm wing of the mansion. It was accompanied by a lurid fuchsia glow. When the ice shards settled, the scrabbling resumed. The patterned continued—an explosion, a clearing of icy debris, followed by another explosion until the ice layer was only a few inches thick. Eventually the amorphous shadows took on a distinctive shape. A very welcome form. Her husband.
When there were more cracks than smooth ice covering the window and filtered sunlight lit the room in broken patches, Rogue attempted to force the window open. It creaked and groaned in protest. Undeterred, she continued to muscle the stubborn frame open a few inches. Gambit plucked away shards of ice until he could curl his fingers under the frame.
It shuddered, then gave, sliding open another inch or so, before sticking fast and refusing to budge again. Warm air slipped into the room in a valiant attempt at clearing the pervasive chill. For the first time in days, she felt the initial inklings of warmth. And not only from the summer air.
Working his way back down the ice covered wall, Remy peered into the room. Rogue knelt before the window and slipped her hand through the window and entwined her fingers with his. Even through the layers of gloves, Remy’s natural body heat seeped through the layers of gloves and sent prickles of warmth into her chilled skin.
“Hello mon coeur. I was wondering what kept you. Though I wasn’t expecting quite this much of a cold shoulder.” While he made an effort at keeping the cheeky inflection to his voice, deep lines of concern was etched into his face. “I was afraid they decided to keep you prisoner again.”
“Not this time. At least not on purpose.” Rogue squeezed his hand. “Do you think you can get me out of here?”
“Oui. Your wish is my command.” Remy tapped along the window frame from the outside and cleared away more slivers of ice. “Think it needs one more round of explosives, then we’ll be able to free the window. Mais, it’s probably going to also blow out the glass. You should take cover.”
“Okay.” Rogue backed away from the window and returned to her nest. She pulled a blanket over her head and waited for Remy to work his magic.
A chain of explosions blasted through the last layer of ice. As predicted the glass shattered.  What didn’t disappear in a flash of fuchsia and dust, scattered across the floor in glittering shards. Warmth and freedom at last.
Rogue shucked off her extra layers of clothes. Before opening her door to allow the summer warmth to combat the freezing house, Rogue grabbed a piece of paper and jotted down a quick note.
“Gone to warm up. Be back soon. ~Rogue.”
Surprised that the other X-Men hadn’t already come in search of the ruckus, Rogue hurried to the window. Remy helped her avoid the jagged glass as she climbed out. Balancing half against her husband and half on the ledge of broken ice, Rogue clung to his side to keep from sliding down the side of the building.
“Hold on tight.” Remy pressed a quick, searing kiss to her lips before repelling down the building with the aid of a climbing ropes.
Once they were on solid ground, Remy swooped her up in his arms. With his face buried in her hair, he asked, “What do you want to do now?”
“Let’s go back to your apartment. I want a hot shower and a warm body in my bed.” She snuggled up against his side, luxuriating in his warmth.
“I believe I can help with that.” Remy grinned as he led her back to his motorcycle parked down the road from the Mansion. “How about I promise to keep you all toasty and you stay with me until all the ice has melted.”
“Sounds like a deal, swamp rat.” Rogue rested her head on his shoulder. “Let’s go home.”
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
Isaac Newton had Indian heritage and the Doctor is gay and fancies him.
Yes, the returning showrunner Russell T Davies’ second episode back continues to gleefully rub the faces of the haters in a big pile of steaming Woke. In fact, ‘Wild Blue Yonder’, which Davies also wrote, has a false start purely to do that – ok not purely, also to set up a brilliantly silly running joke - with a little stop off in 1666 when the Tardis crash lands into the tree under which Newton had just had the apple drop on his head, before toddling off again to the location of the episode proper. It’s a highly amusing little flourish, since Newton is played by the excellent British-Indian actor Nathanial Curtis from It’s a Sin, and it causes Catherine Tate's Donna to reflect later, "Wasn’t Isaac Newton hot?", and for David Tennant’s Doctor to concur: “He was, so hot…oh! Is that who I am now?” slightly taken aback at this apparent change of sexuality in his new incarnation. “Well it was never far from the surface,” Donna deadpans.
"Wait, the Doctor isn't gay!...and…and I think you’ll find Sir Isaac was very much white!’ splutter a thousand GB News trolls in their front rooms, before hurling their toad-in-the-holes at the flat screen.
Come now, chaps, sit back down. Of course the Doctor has to be a bit gay - knowing the flux of genders he’s been through by this stage, it makes perfect sense for him to be bisexual at the very least. As for the Newton stuff, well, who really cares about the details, he's supposed to be sexy in this and Curtis most certainly is that. More to the point, this is the kind of freewheeling, nod-and-a-wink, devil-may-care attitude that embodies Tennant’s and Davies’ Doctor Who, which, after a joyous return last week in 'The Star Beast', is now fully in the groove with this five-star instant-classic episode.
At the end of the last one, Donna spilt her coffee into the console of the spanking new Tardis, so it’s now in flames and crashing around time and space. After the bit of Newton ogling, the pair find themselves on board a massive spaceship (Donna: “I’d hate to be the cleaner.”). No one else is around apart from a rusty old robot which takes one step about every half an hour. The ship keeps on reconfiguring in some way. And, actually the ship is not space, they realise, it’s in a dark void beyond the edge of the universe, “absolute nothing”. The ship’s computer reveals an air lock opened and closed again three years ago to let something in. Worrying. The best thing to do would be to get back into the Tardis and get the hell out of there, but the Tardis does a runner on them – the Doctor stuck his sonic screwdriver in its keyhole to regenerate it after the fire, but in its recovering state it left because it senses danger.
“There’s something so bad on board this ship that the Tardis ran away...”
As in 'The Star Beast', this represents Davies leaving behind previous showrunner Chris Chibnall’s multiverse and taking things back to basics, as the very best science fiction tends to do. After the Newton escapade, the episode is just a two-header, with the Doctor and Donna in isolation on the ship. It is reminiscent of Alien, of Silent Running, and, given (bit late to give a spoiler alert, but: spoiler alert) the fact doppelgangers of the Doctor and Donna turn up, Solaris. Of course, it’s not at all pretentious, with huge dollops of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy thrown in too – the way the doppelgangers can’t “get the arms right” is a giggle for the kids watching. There’s a delightful puzzle to the episode that works as a satisfying mini-movie, while also delivering some intriguing lore tidbits and tease Davies’ overall new arc.
And actually, it even manages to not cast aside Chibnall’s work, but to humanise it a little more. Chibnall worked it so that the Doctor is not actually a Time Lord at all but the ‘Timeless Child’, a kind of Patient Zero for Time Lords, who’s from another universe entirely. Anyway, Jodie Whittaker had to deal with the shock of that, but Tennant does great work here in tugging some heartstrings to show how haunted the Doctor is by this new knowledge. After being riled up about the fact he doesn't know who he truly is by the spooky space doppelgangers, Tennant kicks at the ship in a rage, and generally demonstrates in his Hamlet-meets-Ace Ventura way that he is very tortured indeed, but still a laugh. (Incidentally, are his suits getting tighter? Is another lore-busting sub-plot here that the Tardis is actually some kind of intergalactic spin dryer slowing shrinking the clothes on the Doctor until he loses his mind? Just putting it out there)
‘Wild Blue Yonder’ has a tremendous sleight-of-hand climax, and ends on a particularly emotional moment with a returning cast member. It's pretty much as perfect a piece of televisual entertainment you could hope for in the year of our Time Lord 2023. Truly, we’re all watching way too much TV, but this returning Doctor Who makes you think that actually this is a worthwhile thing to do with our lives.
Oh, and ‘Wild Blue Yonder’, they explain, is a war song, so another question was why the Tardis was playing while it was on fire? What’s coming? Spooky space stuff, no doubt. Roll on episode three...'
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vtforpedro · 1 year
general update
I don’t have much to update beyond my disability case. I have my hearing with a judge and my attorney next tuesday and I am extremely nervous. I know they’re usually only an hour long and my attorney will prepare me for questions and what I should focus on, but it’s been over three years. it feels hard to condense a series of unfortunate events (derogatory, ongoing) into an hour to try to prove I’m disabled but !!! reading about it makes me sad. on law websites it’ll say ‘regardless of how disabled you are and the fact that you cannot work whatsoever, you may not be disabled by law’ and it’s so disheartening. I also know my neurologist is not on my side. ‘I’M NOT AN ADVOCATE FOR LONG TERM DISABILITY!’ as if anyone living on SSI can actually live on SSI. and he didn’t even ask my goals or anything? just heard ‘disability’ and assumed I wanted to live off the state. doctors are so out of touch it’s depressing. SSI barely covers half of rent just about anywhere, especially after inflation, but it is still life-saving. and it’s painful to know he wrote an opinion on my condition while being discriminatory blegh my psych is on my side and the proof of MH stuff is really strong imo. he told me earlier this month I deserve it not only for MH but for physical disability too and that felt nice to hear at least anyway I see my neurologist tomorrow via teleheath so I’ve been crying on and off for a week. this happens every time I see him. would love to get his opinion on it 🙃 I hope my attorney feels good about the case but I’ve only briefly spoken with him by email. they call one day ahead of time and apparently this is ‘normal’ but as someone who is claiming two anxiety disorders it S U C K S but yeah off to physical therapy, which I’ve had a harder time with lately b/c the pressure in my head goes insane and I have to keep taking breaks. it’s really hard to explain that my cerebellum feels like an extra heart and not only can I feel it, the sound of it in my skull is disturbing. my ears pop, my head feels like it’s gonna blow. it’s hard to explain that without sounding crazy but my physical therapists have been cool about it even if they’re kinda like ‘well ok!’ lmao I really hope the judge I’ll see hears me so few people (doctors) have and it doesn’t matter even when I prove I’m right over and over and over again that something is wrong with me cause I live in this body. they go ‘oh ok THAT was real but you’re definitely wrong about this’ and the cycle keeps going ‘ego so large it could kill me’ - person on twitter who is 1000% correct
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glovercook76 · 1 year
The Players are the Problem: Community Managers Complain of Harassment Excessive
Some Destiny 2 and Minecraft players seem to be overindulging in their fandom.
Kyle Orland - July 28, 2022, 4:00 PM UTC
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In video games community management is all about listening to the concerns of the fans and communicating with them in a way that makes them feel that their concerns are being taken into consideration. But what happens when some of the concerned players start to cause concern for themselves?
This is the question that two major gaming companies have been asked in recent times. Community managers claim that the fact that players harass them makes it harder for them to do their jobs.
The first example is from the Destiny 2 community on Reddit one of the members posted on Wednesday expressing concern about the decreasing number of threads that receive an official reply from Bungie. Dylan Gafner, Destiny 2 Community Manager, replied to explain that he had taken time off due to "some serious harassment of my family and me," which led to "a reduction in communication as the team develops future defenses or strategies to prevent such incidents."
The harassing Gafner is referring to goes beyond "just rude responses on Twitter or vague remarks," Gafner wrote. It includes "real threats to our people and our studio" from fans. Some of the harassment was apparently conducted through private channels. 30tt "Just because you can't see it directly in a given tweet or forum reply doesn't mean that it did not happen," Gafner wrote.
Gafner wrote, "I will be very clear in stating that I appreciate the studio for the amount it has helped me personally after some serious harassment of me and my family." "I'm taking a break partly due to this."
While Gafner acknowledged that "it's an inconvenience that we don't have more interaction with each other in recent times," the reduced communication isn't meant to be an "retaliatory action" against the majority of the community. Gafner wrote "Sometimes we just need to take a little bit of time to get things sorted out." "Can take weeks, or take months-just like any given development pipeline, because we want the best for our players as well as our employees. We cannot continue doing business as usual until we have the issues addressed. It's a pain, but we want to make sure people are protected and are taken care of.
Madness in Minecraft
Further Reading
Mojang clarified in a FAQ that it doesn't focus on minor offenses like swearing, but more on serious instances of hate speech, bullying harassment sexual solicitation, or making threats to other people. Mojang also clarifies that it will not be monitoring chat on private servers (absent a player complaint) and that humans will be involved in any ban decision and that any bans are subject to appeals.
Fans are voicing their disapproval of the new moderation system. Many angry fans are forming groups under the #SaveMinecraft hashtag. The hashtag is full of dramatic comparisons to George Orwell's 1984. In one of the most straightforward examples of the hashtag the hashtag, a Twitter user wrote: "Just remove all chat reports." "Servers should be in charge of moderation like they have always been."
Reporting me for saying racial slurs is literally 1.19.84#saveminecraft pic.twitter.com/43BCekvGnB
- Walnut Bread Guy (@WalnutBreadGuy) July 19, 2022
Writing on Reddit, the relatively new Community Manager MojangMessh said that while the company "appreciate[s] and value[s]" this type of feedback, Mojang is "not planning on changing" its new chat moderation system. MojangMessh stated that taking into consideration feedback does not mean that it will change the principles of design Mojang Studios adheres too.
MojangMeesh then was able to criticize members of the Minecraft community for taking their feedback too far. Overzealous and harassing messages from some fans have been hindering communication between the company and its players, the developer wrote:
There have been some people following Mojang employees on Reddit and have responded to irrelevant posts by them and making comments about this system. This isn't a way to encourage employees to reach the community and will not bring about the changes that you want. If you feel strongly about something in Minecraft Please let us know in the appropriate locations (such as these threads) since we'd like to hear what you have to say! But, harassment doesn't benefit anyone, not even the devs who receive it or the players who are excited about a forthcoming change. This kind of behavior is detrimental to our ability to engage in positive and honest conversations with you.
Although problematic players are not new to the world of gaming It is not common for community managers to make such public complaints about harassment that they have to work harder. Let's hope that these community managers prevail and that the companies involved will continue giving the assistance they require.
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The Players are the Problem Community Managers Complain of Harassment Excessive
Some Destiny 2 and Minecraft players seem to be overindulging in their fandom.
Kyle Orland - July 28, 2022, 4:00 PM UTC
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Reddit: Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. DOWN WITH DESTRUCTION
Community management in video games is about communicating with players in a manner that makes them feel heard. But what happens when certain players start to cause concern for themselves?
This is the question two major gaming companies have been asked recently. Community managers say that customers harassing them makes it harder for them to complete their jobs.
This first example comes from the Destiny 2 Community on Reddit. A member posted on Wednesday complaining about the declining amount of threads receiving a reply from Bungie. Dylan Gafner, Destiny 2 Community Manager, replied to say that he'd taken time off because of "some serious harassment towards my family and me," which led to "a reduction in communication as the team plans future defenses and strategies to prevent these types of incidents."
The harassment Gafner is referring to goes beyond "just rude replies on Twitter or vague remarks," he wrote, and encompasses "real threats to our people and our studio" from fans. Some of the harassment has apparently come through private channels. Gafner wrote that "just the fact that you don't find it in a particular tweet or forum post doesn't mean it didn't happen"
"I will be clear in saying that I am grateful to the studio in the way that it's helped me personally following some severe harassment of me and my family," Gafner wrote. "I take time off because of this."
Gafner acknowledged that "it's bummer" that there's not more interaction in the community, but the less communication wasn't intended to be a "retaliatory measure" against the majority of the community. "Sometimes, we just need to take a moment to make things more clear," he wrote. "It can take weeks or even months, just like any other development pipeline. We would like to ensure the best for our players as well as our employees. However, we cannot simply continue to operate as usual' until issues are solved. It's not easy but we need to make sure that our customers are secure and are taken well."
Minecraft madness
Further Reading
Mojang clarified in a FAQ that it doesn't focus on minor offences like swearing but more on serious cases of discrimination against others, bullying harassment sexual solicitation, or true threats to other people. Mojang has also stated that it will not be monitoring chat on private servers (absent complaints from players) and that ban decisions will be made by humans, and appeals are allowed.
Despite that the new moderation policy has caused an outpouring of anger from fans. Many angry fans are forming groups under the hashtag #SaveMinecraft which has a lot of dramatic comparisons to 1984 by George Orwell. "Just remove the chat report system completely," a Twitter user wrote in one of the less dramatic examples on the hashtag. "Servers should be in charge of moderation like they have always been."
Reporting me for saying racial slurs is literally 1.19.84#saveminecraft pic.twitter.com/43BCekvGnB
- Walnut Bread Guy (@WalnutBreadGuy) July 19, 2022
MojangMesh is a relatively new Community Manager, wrote on Reddit that while Mojang "appreciates and appreciates" feedback, Mojang "not intends to alter" its chat moderation system. The fact that they are listening to feedback "does not mean that feedback will never change the design principles Mojang Studios adheres to," MojangMeesh added.
However, MojangMeesh went on to criticize certain members of the Minecraft community for using their feedback in a way that was too extreme. He said that some of the fans with their abrasive and threatening messages have hampered communication between the company players, the company and their customers.
Reddit users have been following Mojang employees, posting comments on the system and responding to their posts. This behavior will not encourage employees to engage with the community, and won't result in the changes you want. If you are strongly influenced by an issue in Minecraft, please inform us in the appropriate areas (such as these threads). We want to hear your opinions! However, harassment does not help anyone: not the developers who are subject to it as well as the players who are excited about an upcoming change. We'd like to keep a constructive and open dialog with you, and this kind of behavior hinders that.
While players who are problematic aren't new to the gaming world, it is rare for community managers to make such public complaints about harassment, which they have to work harder. Here's to hoping that the cooler heads in these communities prevail and that the companies involved continue to give their community specialists the support they need.
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