#Anthony Scott Burns
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Come true, 2020
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destinationout · 2 years
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"We're both misunderstood."
Come True (2020) Directed by Anthony Scott Burns Cinematography by Anthony Scott Burns
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theunseeliefilmclub · 2 years
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Our House (2018)
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speedou · 2 years
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Come True (Anthony Scott Burns, 2020)
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fabioemme78 · 1 year
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thebutcher-5 · 2 years
Come True
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo discusso di una pellicola uscita l’anno scorso e capace di sorprendere tutti, ossia Ultima notte a Soho di Edgar Wright. Una pellicola che ha come protagonista una ragazza capace di vedere i fantasmi e con il sogno di diventare una stilista. Dopo essere entrata nel college dei suoi sogni, si trasferisce in un monolocale perché…
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l-just-want-to-see · 7 months
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You’ll never recover from that kind of devotion.
Jason Grace: on family and the lack thereof, wolves that really are dogs, remembering and healing and the sudden inevitability of being remembered.
I Bet on Losing Dogs, Mitski / War of the Foxes, Richard Siken / You’re on Your Own, Kid, Taylor Swift / Trees II, McCafferty / Mowgli Taken in by the Wolves, 1937 / Space Dog, Alan Shapiro / Moon Song, Phoebe Bridgers / A Hymn to Childhood, Li-Young Lee / Susan Smith, wych elm / The Blood of Olympus, Rick Riordan / Saint Bernard, Lincoln / Lupa Capitolina in Ludus, Romania / The Odyssey, Homer (trans. by Emily Wilson) / quadruple dog art by @mxmorggo on Instagram / Norwegian Wood, Haruki Murakami / The Lost Hero, Rick Riordan / House of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski / Vulnerability, @/kazerad / Euripides, Elektra / Jason seizing the Golden Fleece, Charles Natoire / Thalia (Grace) / I can’t find the source… / My Sister’s Keeper, Jodi Picoult / Seam, Tarfia Faizullah / In the Blood, John Mayer / The Vintage Book of African American Poetry, Michael S. Harper, Anthony Walton / Memento Mori, Crywank / And My Father’s Love Was Nothing Next To God’s Will, Amatullah Bourdon / Family Line, Conan Gray / Franz Kafka’s letters to his father / Kronos/Saturn, Peter Paul Rubens / Wolf and pup / American Teenager, Ethel Cain / LET YOUR FATHER DIE ENERGY DRINK, Daniel Lavery and Cecilia Corrigan / Scott Street, Phoebe Bridgers / Tumblr, @/inanotherunivrse / Tomatoes, Shane Koyczan / Pinterest / Tumblr, @/heavensghost / Tumblr, @/tagdevilish / through sickness and in health… by Angelina Hajducky on Instagram / Jason (given name), Wikipedia / Human Acts, Han Kang / The gas pillar in the Carina Nebula, NASA / Tumblr, @/roach-works / Not Strong Enough, boygenius / Grit, silas denver melvin / Herakles, Euripides (trans. by Anne Carson) / Pelias sending forth Jason, 1880 / The Audre Lorde Questionnaire to Oneself, Brianna Albers / The Mark of Athena, Rick Riordan / Wolf in White Van, John Darnielle / The Oresteia, Aeschylus / Tumblr, @/orpheuslament / Anecdote of the Pig, Tory Adkisson / The Burning Maze, Rick Riordan / I Bet on Losing Dogs, Mitski / Icarus, The Crane Wives / The Three Graces, Edouard Bisson / For Your Own Good, Leah Horlick
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scotianostra · 2 months
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Happy Birthday the lovely Scottish actress Michelle Duncan.
Born in Perth on April 14th 1978 Duncan studied acting at Queen Margaret University College before studying English and classics at St Andrews University.
Her television roles include Sugar Rush, Doctor Who, Low Winter Sun, Lost in Austen, and a TV film, Whatever Love Means, as Princess Diana opposite Olivia Poulet as Camilla Parker Bowles and Laurence Fox as Prince Charles.
Film work includes: Atonement, The Broken, and as Rupert Grint's love interest in Driving Lessons with Julie Walters. Duncan's role in Atonement was particularly praised by The New Yorker theatre critic Anthony Lane: Duncan's stage work includes Time and the Conways (Bath Theatre Royal/ touring), A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Burning at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Further television work includes: New Tricks Call the Midwife. Duncan lent her voice to an adaptation of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen at Little Angel Puppet Theatre in 2006 alongside Dame Judy Dench, Sir Michael Gambon, Rory Kinear, Claudie Blakley, Rosamund Pike, Claire Rushbrook and Peter Wight. Michelle also played Isobel MacLeish in the Doctor Who story Tooth and Claw. In 2007 she was cast as Portia in The Merchant of Venice at Shakespeare's Globe, but was unable to continue after the previews and was replaced by Kirsty Besterman. In 2012 Duncan appeared alongside Amanda Hale in Scrubber, a film written and directed by Romola Garai. In 2013, Duncan appeared in the third series of the BBC TV drama Luther and Case Histories. In 2014, she appeared in the ITV drama Grantchester.
In 2015 she starred alongside Ruth Negga, Douglas Henshall and Tom Brooke in Scott Graham's Film Iona. The closing gala film of the Edinburgh Film Festival.
Michelle’s work has included the great TV Movie Elizabeth Is Missing and two first class TV Series, Baptiste and Hanna. More recently she was in Detctive series Dalgliesh, she is set to appear in the reboot of Rebus, the new series let's us see a younger Detective Sergeant, I can't find a difinative date for it, just that it will be on BBC this Spring.
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Come true, 2020
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Tale as old as Time
Pairing: Jotun Loki x plus size reader
Warnings: blood, mild gore, violence, angry mobs, forced imprisonment, major character death, minor characters death (not sure they're dead, but just in case), fighting, Thor (I'm making him a warning), depression, sadness, despair.
Summary: you return to the village to help your father, when Thor goes after Loki....
Part Seven-- Part Eight--(Final)
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You leaned forward, willing the horse to go faster when you burst out of the forest into the large field outside your village. "I'm coming father." You said to yourself gripping the reigns. You rode into the village as they threw Hank into a carriage locking the doors. "Wait! Stop this!" You yelled jumping off the horse you ran to the carriage looking through the bars "father! Are you ok." You yell out seeing him sit up "y/n! Your ok!" He cried out grabbing your hands through the bars "yes I'm fine, I'm here!" You said feeling your eyes burn.
You looked back at the crowd seeing the doctor "release him!" You said walking up to him. "I'm afraid I can't, but we'll take good care of him." Stephen said smiling. "My father is not crazy! Thor stop this!" You yelled waking up to Thor. "Y/n, I wish there was something i could do, but I'm afraid he's been saying some crazy things." Thor said smiling. "He's right y/n, he's been yelling about a monster in a castle." Bruce said stepping forward. "I just came from the castle, he's not lying." You said looking around. "Please y/n, as if we could believe you, you would do anything to free your father." Thor said laughing. You ran to the horse, pulling the mirror out Loki gave you.
Walking back over you looked into it "show me the monster." You said, Loki appearing in the mirror, leaning against a wall, his hair disheveled. "Here's your proof!" You yelled holding the mirror up, hearing eveyone gasp and back up. "What witchcraft is this?" Thor demanded ripping the mirror from your hands looking into it. "Look at his claws, his eyes....he would surely come for your children while they slept!" Thor yelled holding the mirror out. "No! he wouldn't hurt anyone." You said looking around. Thor looked at you, disgust written on his face "the monster cast a spell on her! It sounds like she even cares for him" Thor sneered. "He's not the monster Thor..you are!" You yelled.
Thor walked up to you, looking you up and down "I have heard of the use of dark magic but have never seen it...this monster is a threat to our very existence!" He yelled "That's not true!" You yelled seeing the villagers step back. "Put her with her father, we can't have her running to warn him." Thor said as Stephen grabbed you, pushing you inside the carriage latching the door behind you. "Thor, maybe you should reconsider.." Scott started when Thor glared at him "get my horse, we head to the castle." He said walking to the front of the group. "This monster will kill us all if we don't stop him!" He yelled hearing the villagers holler "I say we kill the monster!" He yelled holding the mirror up, the villagers echoing him.
"He'll stalk us at night if we don't!" One yelled "we're not safe until he's dead!" Another yelled as Thor picked up a torch holding it up "then it is time to take action! Follow me!" Thor yelled, hearing the villagers chant "kill the monster." As they gathered more torchs, grabbing whatever weapon they could find Thor mounted his horse, Scott by his side "we're not coming home until he's dead!" Thor called out, the villagers cheering and hollering following behind him as he began to ride out of town, making it to the edge of the forest he held up the mirror "show me the castle." He said, seeing it appear in the mirror. "This way!" He yelled, heading into the woods.
"Well, atleast he finally learned to love." James said joining the others in the ballroom. "Yeah, alot of good it did." Anthony scoffed "I really hoped that she would." Pepper said looking down when they heard a commotion outside. "Is it her!?" Peter yelled jumping up onto the windowsill. "Did she come back?" He asked looking at Pepper "oh dear...get the master." She told Anthony as she hopped down "James, Peter come with me, we must warn the others." She said hopping as fast as she could out of the room, the piano and candelabras following quickly behind her.
"Battlestations! We have invaders!" James yelled as they made it to the foyer, hearing the angry mob outside. "Clint, barricade the door!" Pepper yelled as the piano braced against the door "come on everyone, together now!" She yelled again as everyone went to the door holding it shut. "Peter dear, go hide." She said looking down "but.." he started "no buts, go!" She yelled jumping on the piano as the ram slammed into the door breaking a piece off. "This isn't working!" She yelled, feeling the door bow with the next hit. "I have an idea!" James yelled, another hit coming to the door.
Anthony slowly hopped into Loki's room, seeing him hunched on the floor at the foot of the bed, looking at the snowflake. His hair a mess seeing his clothes in shreds "m..master...I'm sorry to disturb you." He said quietly making his way closer. "She's not coming back.." he whispered looking down. "Umm, no sir.." Anthony said looking at him "b..but, they're breaking down the doors, what should we do?" He asked. "It doesn't matter anymore, just let them come." Loki said looking to the snowflake. "B...but master." Anthony started "leave me!" Loki growled glaring at him. "Yes master." He said. Making his way back to the foyer "is he coming?" James asked looking up at him. "No...He...hes lost hope." Anthony said seeing James nod, "Alright, everyone, into position!" He yelled as everyone backed away from the door, getting onto place as the doors burst open.
"I have to get out of here!" You yelled pulling on the door. "Y/n.." Hank said grabbing your shoulder "I have to warn him." You said looking around for a way out. "You escaped, why would you go back?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows "he..he let me go." You said looking at him "what?" He asked "I saw that you were in trouble and he let me go, to help you." You said kneeling in front of him "Please, I need to help him." You said looking at him "but hes.." Hank started "he's not a monster father. I..I care for him." You said "now will you help me?" You asked "but it's dangerous, Thor..." he stared "yes, it is." You said staring into his eyes "we could pick the lock.." he said leaning up. "Here.." you said pulling a bobbypin out of your hair "perfect." He said reaching out to the lock. After a few minutes you heard a click as he pushed the doors open. You jumped out grabbing your horse "be careful dear." He said as you nodded and rode off to the castle.
Thor walked through the doors, the villagers close behind "are we sure this place isn't haunted?" Scott asked looking around "don't be dense." Thor snapped pulling out his ax. "Be alert everyone." He said walking further inside. Scott looked over seeing a teapot and cup on the table "let me guess, you can talk...and you must be his grandmother." He smiled when pepper opened her eyes "I beg your pardon?" She snapped as Scott flew back. "Attack!" James yelled as the lights came up and the room plunged into chaos. Thor ducked and weaved, making his way to the stairs when a coat rack jumped in front of him, swinging widely at him. "Thor, I think..." Scott started when Thor grabbed his collar throwing him at the rack.
He continued up the stairs, looking back to see the teapot shooting boiling water at everyone, the teacup flinging saucers around the room, the candelabra blowing fire at people. "Thor...wait.." he heard Scott as he made it to the bottom of the stairs when the piano jumped up landing on him "heeellppp.." Scott groaned reaching for him when he turned and walked up the stairs, quickly jumping out of the way when a large armoire rounded the staircase "clint!" She yelled barreling down "natasha!" The piano yelled back getting up "like Bucharest?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows "I think we remember that very differently." He said hearing her laugh "after you" he said as they rejoined the fight.
Thor came across a long hallway, hearing the fighting being him. He gripped his ax as he walked towards the double doors at the end, looking up seeing paintings adorn the walls. "He must have killed the previous occupants." Thor said to himself coming to the doors he slowly walked inside, seeing the monster leaning on the table. "Hello monster, Y/n sent me." He growled stepping closer as Loki looked back at him. "Did you really think she would want you?" He sneered pulling his pistol out as Loki turned back around closing his eyes. "She could never love a monster like you." He growled aiming his pistol as Loki's back, firing hearing him yell out grabbing his shoulder. "Everyone will be better off without you." Thor sneered as Loki stumbled to the balcony.
Thor followed, seeing him lean against the balustrade clutching his shoulder "what? Not gonna fight back?" Thor snarked, kicking him in the stomach sending him off for balcony. Landing on a stone walkway further down knocking the wind out of him he rolled to his side gasping. Thor looked down smiling watching Loki kneel, aiming his pistol firing again hearing him yell and fall over. He holstered it, looking around seeing a pipe running down the stone wall. He grabbed it, sliding down landing on the walkway behind Loki. "Let's end this." He growled gripping his ax stalking towards him.
You entered the gates of the castle, seeing the villagers running out screaming. You pulled the reigns stopping the horse hearing a gunshot from above. Looking up you saw Loki crawling along the stone walkway, Thor behind him "THOR! STOP THIS!" you yelled, neither of them hearing you. "Y/n! You must hurry!" You heard, looking down seeing James at the top of the steps. You jumped off the horse, running inside ripping your dress as you weaved through the madness sprinting up the stairs, you ran down the hallway to Loki's room, making it to the balcony looking down. "LOKI!" You yelled, his eyes meeting yours "y/n, you came back!" He yelled, a small smile on his face "of course I did, i..I tried to stop them!" You yelled when Thor kicked him hard across the face knocking him over.
"Thor stop!" You yelled when Thor twirled his ax looking up at you. "Do not fear y/n, I shall kill this monster and we can be together." He smiled, turning to Loki as he jumped up, grabbing him by the throat lifting him up "please...d...don't hurt me." Thor said holding onto Loki's arm. He snarled, walking forward, dangling him over the edge. "Please monster..ill do anything.." Thor pleaded kicking his legs. Loki looked up at you, panic in your expression when he looked back to Thor pulling him to him "I am not...a monster." He growled, throwing Thor across the walkway looking back to you. "Stay there, I'm coming!" He yelled walking to the stone wall, gripping the pipe feeling lightheaded.
He climbed up, making it to the balustrade when you grabbed his arms pulling him up, his eyes meeting yours when they went wide "Loki!" You yelled pulling harder when another shot rang through the air, hitting him in the back he cried out. "Please...you can make it." You said grabbing onto him hoisting him over as Thor's ax flew past your head, burying itself in the wall. "Come on, just a bit further." You said pulling his arm over your shoulder trying to help him when another shot fired bringing him to his knees. "Loki...no." you cried out when he collapsed onto the floor, blood seeping through his shirt as he rolled to his back looking up at you. You looked back seeing Thor reload his gun when the castle shook again, the walkway giving way as Thor plummeted into the abyss below screaming.
You kneeled down next to Loki, cupping his cheeks you looked into his eyes. "Y..you came back." He whispered cupping your cheek "I did...I'll never leave you again." You said feeling your eyes burn. "I'm afraid its my turn to leave love." He whispered. "But..we're together now, everything is going to be ok." You said, your voice cracking a tear sliding down your cheek seeing him smile weakly. "Atleast I got to see you...one last time." He breathed, his hand slipping from your cheek as his gaze turned to the ceiling. You gripped his hand, shaking him gently "no....please....Loki." you whispered, tears streaming down your face gripping his shirt. "C..come back...please..." laying your head on his chest, hearing the commotion outside when the last piece of snowflake fell.
"We did it! Victory is ours!" James yelled looking back at everyone. "Clint darling...you were so brave. Goodbye love..." Natasha said, her doors closing when she became still "no, Natasha...don't leave me.." Clint begged, his keys playing frantically when they stilled, the candles burning out. "Peter! Where are you?" Pepper yelled "has anyone seen peter? He ran off...where is my little boy..." She cried when she froze, closing her eyes. Anthony and James looked up seeing Peter "mama! Where is she?" He asked tumbling off the balcony "Oh dear..." Anthony said as a coat rack reached out grabbing him, gently placing him next to pepper. Anthony looked to James "James i.." He started, the hands on the clock face twisting "its alright Anthony..." James said smiling. "I..it was an honor to serve with you." Anthony said as he closed his eyes, the hands on the clock spinning for a moment before they went still "The honor...was mine." James whispered, spinning as he rocked back and forth, coming to a stop as his candles slowly went out with the rest of the castles, plunging the grounds into darkness....
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @glitterylokislut @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @lulubelle814 @irishhappiness @wolfsmom1 @luvlady-writes @lovingchoices14 @thomase1
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i’ve ran out of link space on my original masterlist, so i’ve had to start another one! if you want to find any of my previous work, it’s on my first masterlist, which you can find here!
writing for kaz, jesper, nina, inej, zoya, alina, genya, and nikolai (requests open)
rest and relaxation - you take care of inej after a long day.
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
enchanted - it’s a long story of how you were enchanted to meet nikolai, but in a way you didn’t expect. it involves a certain privateer.
holding onto a mirrorball - a fic inspired by a shadow summoner and taylor swift’s songs the archer and mirrorball.
writing for rhaenyra, aemond, alicent, and aegon (requests open)
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
snow angels - only a stark could warm a hardened queen’s heart
writing for carmy, sydney, and richie (requests open)
crash and burn
writing for benedict, anthony, and daphne (requests open)
home - best friends to lovers, except your best friend is daphne, who has been plotting for a new sister
writing for sirius, james, remus, and regulus, harry, hermione, theo, mattheo, and enzo (requests open)
paper rings - you hate accidents, except when you went from friends to this. and you like shiny things, but you’d marry sirius with paper rings.
cardigan - inspired by the lyric “you drew stars around my scars, but now i’m bleeding” except with a twist, because you both deserve a happy ending.
ivy - inspired by taylor swift’s song ivy.
right where you left me - sirius comes home to you after escaping from azkaban
timeless - domesticity and a diner on the corner
how the slytherin boys react to spending a rainy morning with you
slytherin boys as dads
how the slytherin boys react to spending a rainy morning with you
slytherin boys as dads
how the slytherin boys react to you dressing up as them for halloween
how the slytherin boys react to spending a rainy morning with you
slytherin boys as dads
how the slytherin boys react to you dressing up as them for halloween
how the slytherin boys react to spending a rainy morning with you
slytherin boys as dads
how the slytherin boys react to you dressing up as them for halloween
writing for rick grimes, daryl dixon, maggie rhee, glenn rhee, lydia, and alden (requests open)
prologue - the road to atlanta
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theunseeliefilmclub · 2 years
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Our House (2018)
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autistpride · 1 month
How many of these famous autists do you recognize? And this isn't even a complete list!
So many amazing wonderful people are autistic. I will never understand why people hate us so much.
Chloe Hayden
Talia Grant
Rachel Barcellona
Sir Anthony Hopkins
Dan Akroyd
David Byrne
Darryl Hannah
Courtney Love
Jerry Seinfeld
Roseanne Barr
Jennifer Cook
Stephanie Davis
Rick Glassman
Paula Hamilton
Dan Harmon
Paige Layle
Matthew Labyorteaux
Wentworth Miller
Desi Napoles
Freddie Odom Jr
Kim Peek
Sue Ann Pien
Henry Rodriguez
Scott Steindorff
Ian Terry
Tara Palmer -Tomkinson
Albert Rutecki
Billy West
Alexis Wineman- Miss America contestant
Jessica- Jane Applegate
Michael Brannigan
David Campion
Brenna Clark
Ulysse Delsaux
Tommy Dis Brisay
Jim Eisenreich
Todd Hodgetts
John Howard
Anthony Ianni
Lisa Llorens
Clay Matzo
Frankie Macdonald
Jason McElwain
Chris Morgan
Max Park
Cody Ware
Amani Williams
Samuel Von Einem
Susan Boyle
Elizabeth Ibby Grace
David Byrne
Johnny Dean
Tony DeBlois
Christopher Dufley
Jody Dipiazza
Pertti Kurikka
James Jagow
Kodi Lee
Left at London
Red Lewis Clark
Abz Love
Thristan Mendoza
Heidi Mortenson
Hikari Oe
Matt Savage
Graham Sierota
Mark Tinley
Donald Triplett
Aleksander Vinter
Hannah Gatsby
Robert White
Bethany Black
Damian Milton
Bram Cohen
Michelle Dawson
Carl Sagan
Neil Gaimen
Mel Bags
Kage Baker
Amy Swequenza
M. Remi Yergeau
Sean Barron
Lydia X Z Brown
Matt Burning
Dani Bowman
Nicole Cliffe
Laura Kate Dale
Aoife Dooley
Corrine Duyvus
Marianne Eloise
Jory Flemming
Temple Grandin
John R Hall
Naomi Higashida
Helan Hoang
Liane Holliday Willey
Luke Jackson
Rosie King
Thomas A McKean
Johnathan Mitchell
Jack Monroe
Caiseal Mor
Morenike Giwa- Onaiwu
Jasmine O'Neill
Brant Page Hanson
Dawn Prince-Hughs
Sue Robin
Stephen Shore
Andreas Souvitos
Sarah Stup
Susanna Tamaro
Chuck Tingle
Donna Williams
Julia Bascom
Ari Ne'eman
Sarah Marie Acevedo
Sharon Davenport
Joshua Collins
Conner Cummings
Kevin Healy
Poom Jenson
Amy Knight
Jared O'Mara
David Nelson
Shaun Neumeier
Master Sgt. Shale Norwitz
Jim Sinclair
Judy Singer
Dr. Vernon Smith
Miina Akkijjyrkka
Danny Beath
Deborah Berger
Larry John Bissonnette
Patrick Francis
Jorge Gutierrez
Lina Long
Johnathan Lerman
Julian Martin
Haley Moss
Morgan Harper Nichols
Tim Sharp
Gilles Tehin
Willem Van Genk
Richard Wawro
David Eastham
Christopher Knowles
David Miedzianik
Henriette Seth F
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lebaronlordking · 3 months
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show DJ LeBaron Lord King [email protected] March 9, 2024
4:00 PM Alton Ellis - Pearls 4:02 PM Inna De Yard - Row Fisherman 4:05 PM Jah Bouks - Angola 4:09 PM Sara Lugo - High & Windy 4:13 PM Earl 16 - Walls of the City 4:17 PM Chezidek - All Ive Got 4:21 PM Trudi Harrison - Black Voice 4:24 PM Peter Tosh - Bush Doctor 4:31 PM Burna Boy - Last Last 4:33 PM Jo Mersa Marley - No Way Out 4:37 PM Kabaka Pyramid - Mr. Rastaman 4:40 PM The Wailers - Guiltiness 4:43 PM Kabaka Pyramid - Well Done 4:47 PM Groundation - Jah Jah Know 4:54 PM Khalia - Double Trouble 5:00 PM Damian Marley - Wanted 5:04 PM Dezarie - Not One Penny 5:08 PM Alborosie - Journey to Zion 5:13 PM Black Uhuru - Guess Who's Coming To 5:19 PM Lee Perry - Bird In Hand 5:22 PM Stick Figure - Old Sunrise 5:27 PM Tappa Zukie - Judge I Oh Lord 5:31 PM Yaadcore - Say That You Love Me 5:35 PM Yaadcore - Sufferation 5:39 PM Lila Iké - Dinero 5:41 PM Jah Izrehl - Culture 5:44 PM Libianca - People 5:47 PM Rocky Dawuni - Shade Tree 5:51 PM Cedric Myton - Not Counterfeit 5:54 PM Maxi Priest - Should I 5:58 PM The Wailers - Forever Loving Jah 6:03 PM Burning Spear - Jay Kingdom 6:06 PM Carlene Davis - Ism Schism 6:10 PM Alton Ellis - Girl You Can’t Be My Wife 6:13 PM Tarrus Riley - Guess Who 6:16 PM Roots And Tings - Dangerous 6:19 PM Stephen Marley - Hey Baby 6:24 PM Baba Ras - Real Vegetarian 6:29 PM Aleighcia Scott - Oh Mama 6:32 PM Dennis Brown - Run Too Tough 6:36 PM Damian Marley - My Sweet Lord 6:39 PM T.Natty - Spread Love 6:42 PM Jaqee - Take a Stand 6:46 PM Joseph Benaiah - We Nah Give Up 6:51 PM Anthony B - What Dat 6:54 PM Nature Ellis - Woman
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denimbex1986 · 2 months
''Does the world need another cinematic representation of the Ripley story?' That is the question I asked myself when the teaser, and then trailer, of the new Netflix series dropped a few months ago.
I answered the question myself: 'Yes, of course, we can definitely do with more Ripley on the screen, even when I know the story so well.'
I have been a fan of the films based on the character Tom Ripley, a conniving imposter, an insecure man and yet utterly charming, created by Patricia Highsmith in her five Ripley books also referred to as Ripliad, starting with The Talented Mr Ripley (1955), the source for the 1960 French film Purple Noon directed by Rene Clement (the restored version of the film was re-introduced to the world in 1996 by Martin Scorsese). The same book was also adapted by Anthony Minghella for his 1999 film, also called The Talented Mr Ripley.
The new Netflix series, written and directed by Steven Zaillian (Oscar winner for Schindler's List), is based on Highsmith's first book.
While I will admit I have not read Highsmith's books (her 1950 novel Strangers on a Train was adapted for the screen by Alfred Hitchcock), I have been engaged with the Ripley films for some time, including Ripley's Game (2002) starring John Malkovich. No spoiler here, but Malkovich makes a surprise appearance in Zaillian's Ripley.
There is also a Wim Wenders' take on Ripley's Game called The American Friend (1977), which is on my watch list. In last year's Saltburn, Barry Keoghan plays a Ripley-like character. Emerald Fennell's film is clearly inspired by the Ripley story, but it also takes many departures from Highsmith's narrative.
So I really waited for the Netflix show.
There were many reasons why I was looking forward it, one of which was that it stars Andrew Scott -- the 'hot priest' from Fleabag, who recently shattered our hearts into small pieces with his tragic performance in All of Us Strangers (a film criminally ignored by Oscar voters).
Zaillian's eight-part slow-burning, moody and at times riveting show, with stunning black and white cinematography stands on its own. But I could not help that the other versions of the Ripley story played in my mind at the same time.
In a 1971 short French documentary, Highsmith talked about seeing a man walk on the beach in Positano, Italy. The documentary is available on the Criterion Channel.
It was in the early 1950s, 6 am.
The man looked upset.
From that image of the man who Highsmith did not speak to, she created Ripley, her most famous fictional character who impersonates his friend, is an expert at forgery and even kills to survive in the world of the rich and the famous, where he is an outsider. In the same interview, Highsmith said she did not think Ripley was very likable.
But the Ripley in Zaillian's show, as well as in Purple Noon (a very handsome Alain Delon) and The Talented Mr Ripley (an equally handsome Matt Damon) are all very likable. That is why we care so much for the character. We want Ripley to survive even when he leaves a trail of crimes -- horrific murders and forged bank checks.
A part of it has to do with Ripley's insecurities and how he is taunted by his friend -- Richard Greenleaf, better known as Dickey, played by a charismatic Johnny Flynn in the current show. Flynn is good, but possibly overshadowed by Jude Law, who played a very sexually charged Greenleaf in Minghella's film, which also had the most gay subtext among all the representations of the story.
Ripley was sent to Italy to track Greenleaf by his wealthy shipbuilding father, played in the show, by a subdued, yet tough Kenneth Lonergan, better known as a playwright and director of films such as Manchester By The Sea.
Greenleaf Senior funded Ripley's trip to Italy. But when his son shows no signs of returning to the US, he decides to cut the flow of money and cancel the large sum he had promised Ripley upon completion of the job.
That is when Ripley's life, his plans and dreams start to fall apart.
In order to pick up the pieces and stand back on his feet, Ripley starts to commit crimes: Some that take place in the heat of passion, while others are meticulously planned and executed.
We watch Andrew Scott's Ripley struggle through the mess he has created, at times finding it hard to keep it straight in his head if he is Ripley or Greenleaf, while the police are trying to track the two down and solve the complex twists in the narrative.
He jumps hotels and moves from one Italian city to another.
The show at times becomes a tourism piece for Italy where the camera lovingly strolls along the beaches, streets, old historic parts and steps of several Italian cities including Rome, Naples, Palermo, Atrani, San Remo, even Venice.
The show takes its own pace to pick up, but then when you least expect, it grabs you by the throat.
There are some delightfully dark and creepy moments. An entire episode set in Rome is dedicated to Ripley trying to dispose of a body, as he drags it down a staircase (the elevator in the building keeps breaking down) leaving a trail of blood, that looks rather gooey in dark shades of black.
We also find a lot of beauty in Zaillian's show, especially in the performances of two of the principal cast members. Dakota Fanning plays Marge Sherwood, Dickie Greenleaf's love interest who quietly suffers as Ripley gets close to her boyfriend.
Zaillian made a very unique casting choice by casting Eliot Sumner (Sting and Trudie Styler's non-binary child) to play Dickie's wealthy friend Freddie Miles. Eliot has soft, gentle features which makes his Freddie quite menacing.
In Minghella's film, Philip Seymour Hoffman was cast as Freddie and he used his deep voice and physicality to scare Ripley, and make him nervous.
But the real star of the Netflix series is its stark black and white cinematography -- the work of master cameraman Robert Elswit (Oscar winner for There Will Be Blood).
Every shot, every frame is precious.
It is film noir at its best but inspired by classic films such as Citizen Kane (1941) and The Third Man (1949).
I wish I could have spent time taking screen shots of many of the scenes on my laptop but Netflix's copyright laws do not allow that. If a coffee table book is produced of the images from the show, I will be first in the line to buy it.
Ripley streams on Netflix.
Ripley Review Rediff Rating: ****'
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