#Alice is a precious girl and she must always be protected.
lady-ashfade · 2 years
What ever it takes.
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Yandere Alicent & Aemond x Sister/daughter reader. Miniseries.
What ever it takes. Part two. Part three. Alternate ending.
I can’t help but love the idea of yandere house targaryen but sometimes about these two just stick out to me.
Plot: You are the twin sister of Aemond targaryen, and the daughter of Alicent Hightower and Viserys Targaryen. Your mother and brother have always had a sense of protectiveness towards you. Then you go missing.
Words: 611.
Reader appearance: I try and not give any sense of what the reader looks like but this being a twin reader you know it’s coming. But the readers description will just be Brown hair, purple eyes. 
Warnings: Small yandere tendencies. No real statement of the targaryen way of love…If you know what I mean (Only with the one eyed prince.)
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The sun has only be shining not more then two hours, the birds flying and chirping and everyone had awakened to start their day. Queen Alicent sat on her padded chair reading what ever report was onto top. She had awaited her youngest daughters arrival for their morning cup of tea but most days it was the only thing keeping Alicent from going mad.
Alicent didn’t like to pick favorite between her children and she loved them all deeply but there was something about y/n she just couldn’t help but favor. Maybe it was hair that matched hers, or the way she would always cling to her at a younger age, or to the smile and cheerful attitude she always carried. The only real resemblance you have to the targaryen blood is your purple eyes, and the dragon you possess. You had your mother captivated and she loved you with all her heart. 
Then there was Aemond who saw the same thing in y/n as his mother, only different. Y/n had come into this world with him to face every battle and challenge thrown their way. No matter what happened she was always at his side to brighten up the darkness. Y/n was his light that he held so close and dear. He loves you more then anything in the world, but how could he not? His mother and him agreed to protect you at all cost, no matter how high of a price.
“You’re grace.” The doors opened as one of her knights stepped through rushing and urgently speaking. “We can not find the princess in her chambers, your father sent us here to tell you.” She didn’t have much time to think as she tossed the papers next to her but landing in the floor then standing standing up.
“What happened? Tell me everything, now!” She demanded as her eyes grew wide and small tears in her eyes, she looked angry. All Alicent saw was red. “Your Grace, as of this morning her maiden went to awaken her but she was not found. Her room trashed and a note was left, that’s why your father sent for you.” Bowing his head to not inflict any wrath of the queen.
Alicent rushed passed him with a heavy step, her hand clinched in a tight fist while she worried what had happened to you. And why her father knew first. How long has he known? How long as her precious girl been missing. “Mother?” She almost didn’t notice aemond in the hallway but hearing his voice stop her.
“Your sister is missing.” His body teased up as did his jaw, he moved to her side as they continued to walk. “And what has happened? When did she go missing.” The queen just shook her head. “I do not know but the hand of the king does.” She spat the words out with venom.
If just the feeling of anger and hurt could kill: Otto would be dead right now and who ever dared to take you. Stopped before walking into Ottos room Alicent grabbed her sons arm and gripped it tight and the look in her eyes he knew all to well. He was sure he had the same, they both knew the feeling.
“You must find your sister, if she is taken then you must burn her captors to ash and bone. My little girl is missing- Your sister is missing and is possibly in grave danger. I do not trust anyone else…It is your job my son.” But he already knew that already. She didn’t even have to say it.
“What ever it takes” 

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meraxesmoon · 2 months
Of Dragons and Oaths
Chapter One: Driftmark
Chapter Summary: Being the first child and only daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, Aemma Velaryon has to navigate being her mother's heir while also protecting her brothers and herself from the rumors of being bastards, as well as being a wife and mother.
part one | part two | part three | part four
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The gardens in Kings Landing were Aemma's favorite, mostly because no one was ever there... and it was quiet. The royal family was chaotic sometimes, full of fake smiles and forced civility. The young princess was tired of such things, and her only escape was her dragon or the gardens. Mother had banned her from riding her dragon until her wrist healed completely - she and Nightdreamer had taken an accidental tumble while flying, so the gardens it was. The sky had been clear earlier, but now it was raining, heavy drops of condensation hitting the ground and flowers with a certain ferocity. Aemma finds herself wondering why Mother Nature was so angry today. 
Aemma sits at the gazebo, watching the rain with interested eyes. She then catches sight of someone walking towards the gazebo, getting themselves soaked in the process. She realizes that this person is none other than her father, Ser Laenor Velaryon. "Father? What are you doing?" Aemma finds herself shooting up from her seat, rushing to the entrance where her father meets her halfway. "You'll catch a cold, and then Mother will be angry!" She pauses before looking at him with wide eyes. "Why on earth didn't you grab an umbrella?" Laenor simply laughs, using his wet hand to wipe away the rain from his face, not doing a very good job at it. "You don't think very well sometimes, father," Aemma says as she pokes Laenor with the tip of her umbrella. 
"Your mother wishes for you to return to the castle, she fears you may come down with something being in this rain," Laenor says as he grabs the umbrella from his daughter, and she shrugs her cover on as they walk back into the rain, this time being covered from the rain. "She worries about you; she seems to think that you've been distant lately." They are greeted by Ser Criston as they reach the door that leads inside, the knight looking a little perplexed at their arrival. Laenor nods at Cole in a friendly manner, but it is not returned. "You should not be out in this wretched weather, princess," Ser Cole says as he looks at the young girl. 
Aemma reached for her father's arm, smiling at Cole as she explains that she has her father to protect her from the wicked gods of sickness. 
"Quite, now you'll have to excuse us, Princess Rhaenyra is expecting us." Laenor squeezes his daughter's hand as he walks away from Criston toward the King's bedroom. This is where Rhaenyra dwelled, spending some personal time with her father as he worked on his figures. Aemma enjoyed coming here as well, as she was rather close to her grandfather. 
Once they enter the room, Aemma is met with the sight of her mother, holding a little bundle in her arms. This must be her new sibling; she thinks as she speeds towards her mother. Not very ladylike, but she knew she'd be excused this one time. 
"My Love," Rhaenyra coos at her oldest as the young princess rushes to hold her new brother. "This is your new brother, Joffrey." Rhaenyra hands her newborn son to his sister with a gentle smile on her face. Aemma had always been so good with her brothers, they were so comforting to Rhaenyra. In truth, her children saved her from a dark time in her life. Her daughter especially. 
Her only precious girl. 
"You look wet, darling, what's happened?" Alicent questions as she sees the water on the young girl's cheek. "She was out in the gardens, Your Grace," Laenor answers for his daughter as she holds Joffrey in her arms gently, smiling down at the new addition to her family. He was smaller than Luke was. "You'll catch a cold, Love," Rhaenyra groans from where she stands next to her father, though she could feel herself slowly giving up on the argument. 
"I must tend to my children," Alicent says, obviously trying to excuse herself. "Do meet me for tea tomorrow morning, Princess." Aemma nods her head happily and hands her brother to her father before walking towards her mother. 
"Are you doing well, Mother?" Aemma asks, clasping her mother's hand in her own gently. Rhaenyra smiles widely before pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead. 
"I'm doing just fine, daughter." 
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Driftmark was cold, the smell of salt water and the sound of crashing waves invade Aemma's ears as her dragon lands on the grainy sand. Nightdreamer was a midnight-blue dragon with silver scaling and equally silver eyes, a bad temper as well. However, she seemed to be in a lighter mood. She liked it when they were able to fly together. Nightdreamer was also a very warm dragon, like a giant blanket. Once Aemma climbs down from her dragon, the cold of Driftmark hits her like a tidal wave. Tugging at her deep burgundy cloak, she shivers as she stands next to Nightdreamer for a moment longer. 
"This is your first cordial event, Dreamer, please behave yourself," Aemma smiles as she soothes her hands down Nightdreamer's warm scales, the she-dragon letting out a 'meep' sound in response. "Perhaps we can ride again after the funeral has concluded." 
That made her think of her father. He was usually so bright, but the day that letter arrived... 
Even Seasmoke seemed to realize the dread in the air. 
"As if your mother would allow that." 
The smugness in Aegon's voice made her grimace as she looked towards her uncle. Hopping off of his golden dragon, Aegon smiles cockily at Aemma as she leans on her dragon, an awkward expression taking hold of her face. Even Sunfyre seems to be mocking her, his golden tail swishing behind him excitedly. Nightdreamer and Sunfyre were around the same age, her being slightly younger, but she was longer and overall larger, and the princess had an inkling that Aegon found a bit offensive. Aemma grimaces as she looks towards Aegon, feeling unsure as she looks around for her mother. 
"She would..." "Not." 
Aegon was an annoying little rodent sometimes. 
Despite their bickering, they ended up walking towards the funeral venue together, Helaena arriving on her dragon, Dreamfyre, not too soon after. Aegon, Helaena, and Aemma took their studies together, as they were close in age. Aemma and Helaena's personalities synced well together. Aemma was rather awkward and quiet for a daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and Helaena was... Helaena. Aegon's personality was too loud for the young princess, she often found herself being unsure and wavery around him. 
That's not to say she disliked him, though. 
The dragon riders were among the first to arrive, those coming in boats arriving about twenty minutes later. Aemma spent those twenty minutes with Helaena, as Aegon had already taken to his cups. Helaena, on the other hand, had found a nest of spiders she had never seen before and was trying to show it to Aemma. "I've never seen a creature with so many legs," Aemma wonders out loud. Unlike some of the other ladies at court, she wasn't particularly disgusted by Helaena's bug interests. Spiders... she was more tolerant of those. 
"Aemma, come here, Sweetling," Rhaenyra approaches her daughter, looking regal and Elysian. Aemma had always marveled at her mother's beauty, she may have not been as conventionally gorgeous as other ladies, and she wasn't particularly feminine in the face, but Rhaenyra had a certain beauty to her. She looked especially good in darker colors, as she was wearing now. Aemma rises from Helaena's side and puts all attention on her mother, who immediately softens her gaze. "Would you go down to the port and fetch your brothers when the ships arrive? Driftmark is large and I fear they may get lost." Aemma agrees, and somehow Aegon ends up accompanying her. 
"Your mother will be cross when she realizes that you have been drinking, Aegon," she says as they wait for the ships to pull into the harbor. Aegon had hastily finished three goblets of wine before they came to the harbor, and his cheeks were a bit flushed as he licked his lips, tasting the remnants of his beloved wine. "Yes, well, that's only if you tell." the princess rolls her eyes as the ships pull in, and the people onboard start to flee them. Several of her mother's servants leave the ship, Aemma's younger brothers bounding up to her. Luke's tiny hands were gripping onto her cloak, and she couldn't help but notice he looked a little sick. Taking little Joff from one of the servants, she smiles down at her younger brother. He was always so quick to get seasick. 
The next to leave the boat was Queen Alicent and Prince Aemond, the younger boy looking solemn as he gazed at the dragons on shore. 
The funeral went on to be quite the somber event, as most would expect. Aemma had stayed close to her father the entire time, watching pitifully as he mourned the death of his beloved sister. By the end of the funeral, Laenor was horrifically drunk, and she was sure that if her grandfather Corlys hadn't dragged him from the sea he'd drowned. He had disappeared somewhere after that, and Aemma was left with her grandsire, the king. This was her first time meeting her mother's uncle, Prince Daemon. She had learned about him through her grandfather and mother, but never thought she'd meet the rebellious prince. He was often away from Westeros, she had heard. 
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The night had ended horrifically. 
When Aemma was shuffled out of her room by her handmaiden, Althea, she watched as the queen begged for her son's justice. Aemma had come to find out that her younger brothers had attacked Prince Aemond, and his eye was detached sitting in a bowl on the table. The maimed boy had a pained expression on his face as the maester stitched his eye socket closed, and Aemma could feel something vile in the air. 
Before anyone could react, Queen Alicent had acted out her revenge, slicing through Rhaenyra's arm, a shocked expression on her usually cool face. Seeing her mother being cut, Aemma rushes to her side, grabbing onto her mother's arm instinctively, warm blood coating and running down her hands. "Mother!" she could feel the panic, the flesh of her mother's arm was torn open by the blade, and it wouldn't stop bleeding. She had read in books that many could die from losing too much blood. 
Gods, she thought hysterically, is this the day I lose my mother? 
"I demand that the princess Aemma be brought with us back to Kings Landing, and be married to Aegon." Alicent says after a long silence, the people in the room turning their attention to her as her voice cracks, tears still spilling down her pale cheeks. The young princess freezes, watching as her mother's face is distorted into something twisted. "You will demand nothing," Rhaenyra seethes, her amethyst eyes seared with anger. Both mothers are feral, trying to protect their children. "My daughter will stay with me, on Dragonstone-" "ENOUGH OF THIS!" 
Viserys, wheezing as he regards his family, motions towards Aemma. "The princess will return with us to Kings Landing, and once of age, will marry Aegon." He points to his son, who is still standing protectively over his younger brother. "That is the end of this matter."
At the end of the night, Aemma and her brothers watched as servants packed all of the young girl's things, loading them onto a ship. Readying for tomorrow's journey back to Kings Landing. The tension between Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra had finally snapped, and young Aemma had been the victim of it in the end. 
Before this night, she had never seen her mother cry. Rhaenyra was a strong woman, but her strength came from the love she had for her family, and now her family was being split apart. After having her arm sewed up, the heiress sits in silence as her children get their treatment from the maesters. Luke was crying hysterically, gripping onto Aemma's nightgown as she sat next to him. He seemed less concerned about his nose and more about his sister being sent away. The younger children were soon sent to bed, where they would stay until the following morning, and it was soon just Rhaenyra and her eldest child in that desolate, dark room. 
Rhaenyra had fingers pressed against her temple as she sat silently, and Aemma did the same, not speaking a word as she looked at the bandages wrapped around her mother's arm. When she eventually looks up from the arm, she notices her mother shaking a bit but then realizes that tears are dripping down her mother's cheeks. 
Aemma Velaryon discovered that her mother was a silent crier that night.
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Not even a week after being torn away from her parents and siblings, Aemma was brought news of her father's death. With his death, she had isolated herself away from everyone. Even little Aemond, who she had been taking care of since Driftmark, had been left to his mother and the maesters as Aemma grieved the loss of her dearest father. She took her meals inside of her room, and barely spoke for weeks on end. Aemma only ever left her room when summoned by the queen or her grandfather, both of which left her alone knowing that she needed time to herself. 
The news of her mother getting remarried hadn't done the princess much good, either. The rumors spread of her mother being complicit in her father's death made Aemma sob. She didn't believe them, of course not, but the others did, and that was what mattered. 
Sitting in the Sept was the only form of comfort Aemma was granted. 
"Do you come often?" Alicent was suddenly beside her, her large brown eyes holding empathy and sadness. Aemma hesitates, as this woman was the reason she'd been separated from her family. Alicent had never been unkind to Aemma, and the princess recognizes everything done that night was due to the stress and tension of Aemond losing his eye. "Only recently, Your Grace. No one speaks to me while I'm here, and I need time to..." "I know," Alicent says, placing a hand on Aemma's cheek. "I'm sorry that this has all happened to you, you are undeserving of all this pain you've suffered." 
For the first time, Aemma feels at peace with her situation. 
this is technically a rewrite of a reader-insert I wrote, but I'm changing some things
some things I want to address, I have my own version of Aegon that I write, so this is by no means canon Aegon. on my blog I specifically refer to him as 'simp Aegon', so he's pretty different here lmao.
Since this is a rewrite, it's going to be heavily edited. 
Aemma is my OC, obviously, so I will develop her as I see fit xoxo
feedback is appreciated!!!
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i-smoke-chapstick · 1 month
Request: I'm already back for more. As l've already told you I love your interpretation of a reader with dwarfism and since you are okay with me requesting more, can I get multiple headcanons of Gotham!Rogues x Dwarf!reader with just either simply day to day headcanons or their first reaction to meeting/seeing them? Rogues including jervis(obv Imao), Jerome, Oswald, Victor fries, Zsasz, and ra's al ghul!
The plot can be the reader being similar to the Cheshire Cat or Nightcrawler when it comes to teleportation powers. They're friends with Barbara, Selina, and Tabitha. The rogues always see photos on them on the news, newspapers, and sometimes in person but if they even get caught staring, reader teleports themself and whoever they're with away, so they don't really get a chance to talk or know them.
Like last time, only write this if you're okay with it and I'll understand if you can't or just don't want too!
Thank you tons again! - anon
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⋆ Characters ↬ Jervis Tetch, Jerome Valeska, Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Fries, Victor Zsasz, Ra's Al Ghul
⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; gotham villians with a cheshire cat!reader who has dwarfism!
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!villains x female reader. FLUFF! I love readers power SOSOSOSO much! Super creative <3 Also villians being whipped for reader just cuz they can. Protective Tabitha. REALLY protective Oswald. Jerome's a bit insensitive. Victor Zsasz is not immune to a pretty girls smile. Have never written for Victor Fries or Ra's, so fingers crossed their parts aren’t too bad! Ra’s and Fries parts got a little angsty
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♫ “Across the room, your eyes are glowin' in the dark." Voulez-Vous by ABBA
Oh, the man is completely enthralled with you. How could he not be? You're the missing piece to his wonderland puzzle.
Similarly to Alice, he believes your powers go hand and hand with each other. He rules the mind, while you have complete control of your body. His first thought when he see's you in the newspaper is simple.
He must have you.
He will do anything it takes to track you down. He finds himself becoming more and more entranced with the prospect of you working with him, partners in crime, connected body and soul. Of course those feelings of admiration become obsession.
Before you know it, the man is going lengths to find you; just like how he was with Alice. Hiring Jim Gordon as a bounty hunter? Mayhaps...
When he finally finds you at the siren's club, he can't help but be in awe. You're so small, so fragile, so unique. He wants to kiss your flattened cheekbones that look like pure porcelain. Your his doll.
"My dear, Y/N!" He's calling when he finds you, his teeth spread into a wide grin. He finds your eyes quickly turning to meet his gaze, glowing underneath the club's light. His shadow towers over you.
"You look ravishing, I must admi-" He goes to speak, just before you disappear from thin air. His mouth is open for a few moments, eyebrows scrunched.
Where did his precious little Cheshire Cat go?
Oh yeah, he's pouting. He's never been a fan of the disappearing act. But he doesn't mind. He's determined. He's played this game with Alice for far too long, he will not take no for an answer.
You'll find notes, gifts, flowers, dresses tailored to your sizing. All perfectly crafted from Gotham's most professional hypnotized seamstresses or florists.
Barbara is smirking when she finds the gifts, cackling about how sweet small little Y/N has a loony admirer. Tabitha's less than pleased, throwing out any bouquet she finds before you see them. Selina agrees, the guy's a freak.
It's up to you if you want to give him a chance <3 He would be the most devoted lover and partner if you decided too...if not a bit overly infatuated.
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♫ “Nothing promised, no regrets." Voulez-Vous by ABBA
Uh oh! Murderous clown on the loose, and he's also 100% fixated, just like a certain hatter.
Jerome brushes you off at first, don't get him wrong, he adores your work on the city. Nothing he loves more than seeing some horribles destroy Gotham! He's a fan, if you could call him that.
It takes him some time to warm up to the idea of being whipped. But once he is, you have him wrapped around your pretty little finger.
Similar to Jervis- he can't help himself. You're powerful. You're strange. You're a freak just like him and the rest of these bad boys in Gotham! You remind him of the circus, all different shapes and sizes of people around him. You belong with him. By his side. On his side. Maybe sitting in his lap... What?
Yeah, he's not sure where that came from either. But hey, he's not complaining! He likes to think he's a bachelor, a young beau waiting for his turn in the love game! Before he knows it, he's slicking his hair back, putting on his finest and most colorful suits, and making sure his face is stapled all the way. Then he's getting his cult to crash the Siren's club. Moment of silence for Tabitha who will have to clean it up after.
The place is a shit show, people in makeup dancing wildly and giggling manically. Tabitha, Barbra, Selina and you get tied up in the confusion. It's hard to fight back against a bunch of crazies when your expensive alcohol is being thrown at walls, and you four are simultaneously tied up together in one big rope. Barbra's throwing a bit of a hissy fit.
Everyone is quiet when Jerome enters, dressed to the nines, with a loud and boisterous,
"Hey gorgeous! I'm sure you've heard of me," He speaks, bending down to your level, invading your personal space. He goes to continue, until the four of you evaporate before him. Teleported away. He's left staring at the loose ropes, smile unchanged- but eyes widened in surprise.
Oh. Okay. So that's how it's gonna be. Alright.
Jerome loves a game of cat and mouse.
He craves attention. He loves the center stage, and he will not be ignored. No no no no.
He will not leave your club alone until you confront him. Yeah, sorry Babs and Tabs. Barbara will start urging you to just "sleep with the damn clown!" while Tabitha is trying desperately to not have you anywhere near that creep.
But the club isn't all he'll do, doll! No, he'll get his cult to do more and more mass murders and sprees across the city, each one broadcasted on live television. Each time, he looks into the camera, blood on his face, professing his undying love.
"This is for you, Y/N!" He's showcasing the violence around, "Call me!" He gestures, ending the broadcast abruptly.
Well, kind of hard to ignore a man when your club is in shambles, Barbara is going batshit insane, AND you have Jim Gordon trying to find you; just in order to stop these massacres around the city in your honor.
Once again, you should give the man a chance! He doesn't think he'd make a horrible boyfriend, y'know, if you're into gingers.
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♫ “Take it now or leave it." Voulez-Vous by ABBA
Ozzie's a bit harder to gauge, because I don't think he'd become infatuated with someone unless he got to meet them first. So for arguments sake, we are just going to say you two have meet previously on many occasions! Specifically when he's had some bad blood with Barbara and Tabitha.
At first, he detests you. He thinks you're a nuisance, and a powerful tool for the Siren's. You can escape from ANYONES grasp, and take them with you. His nose is scrunching up every time he thinks of just how he can get rid of you.
Well, if he can't get rid of you, he's well versed in manipulation. Perhaps he can convince you to join his team.
You're going about your day at the club, tending bar on a step stool, the usual. Oswald comes in, Victor trailing behind him. Tabitha and Barbara are instantly on alert.
"Hello." Oswald fixes his suit jacket, rolling his cane in his fingertips. He wears a faux smile, and Tabitha huffs.
"What can we help you with, Ozzie?" Barbara is smiling, just as fake as his. It's a weird Gotham crime boss stand-off.
"I was wondering if you, my dear," He speaks, suddenly nodding down to you, "Would like to accompany me for lunch tomorrow."
Yeah, everyone's jaws drop, including Oswald's at the silence. Oswald didn't necessarily intend for it to sound like he was trying to ask you on a date. He's flushing red under everyone's gaze, suddenly fidgeting. If you look closely, Victor's giving a lazy amused smirk in the back.
"Like hell-" Tabitha's about to answer for you, before you squint at the man.
"Sure." You scan him up and down, hesitantly. Before anyone has a chance to speak, Oswald's turning on his heel.
"Wonderful! 2:00 sharp. Don't be late." He's smiling, knowing he's got a one-up on the Siren's.
...Well, leave it Oz to have things never work out quite his way. One lunch turns into two, and two turns into three. He's forcing himself to remember why he's doing this; you are just a tool. This is all a charade!
Hard to focus though, when you two seem to enjoy one another's company. Like when you show him what it feels like to teleport, (He's closing his eyes in fear, only for it to feel like nothing.) Or when you two have a strangely intimate discussion about what it was like growing up not very normal.
He's opening up about his schoolyard bullies, about his mother. About the feeling of being taunted, teased for his nose or height. You tell him, you know the feeling.
He stares at you, eyes focused solely on you. He's enamored.
He turns viciously protective over you. Any snide comment made towards you by a henchman of his, or a frequent at the Siren's club, they are brutally stabbed to death, a bit impulsively, with a bottle shard.
When he realizes he's falling in love with you, similar to Jervis, he likes doing grand gestures to get your attention. If there's anything you desire, you'll get it. Which is why when he finds out you're avoiding him, he becomes sour.
What? Why are you leaving him? He doesn't understand. The intimacies you two have shared, did they mean nothing to you? He's hurt, he's angry, he's aggressive. He's more irritable than usual; and judging from the fact he's irritable ALL the time, it's pretty bad. If you don't explain yourself, this sadness will probably turn into anger. He already believes you two have some weird pseudo-romantic relationship, so he's taking this like a break-up. He's a vengeful ex.
Whenever he stops by the Siren's club, and sees you teleport away at the sight of him, it stings. It all comes to a head when he's breaking down in his mansion. You will have to be the one to confront him, because he'll be too busy sulking. He loves you. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. If you don't want to talk to him, he won't force you, even if he's going crazy trying to figure out why.
When he sees you, he's standing up in a hurry, fumbling over his words, sniffling. His blue-green eyes are puffy, and you'll have to sigh and talk to him.
Please, tell him why your avoiding him. Explain if you're insecure, if you're scared of loving. He'll be thankful for the explanation. He'll be angry on your behalf for anyone who made you believe you were unloved, whether for your dwarfism or your powers. He's promising to kill for you, tear down the city to avenge you.
"Okay, Oz, I'm not dead yet."
Cuties <3
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♫ “Now is all we get." Voulez-Vous by ABBA
Forgive him, he’s trying his hardest not to care, and failing miserably.
Similarly to Ozzie, I can’t see him becoming infatuated or obsessed like Jerome and Jervis so quickly, not since what happened with Nora. So, I’m imagining you’ve also met him once or twice; using your powers for the sirens, just like he and firefly have done some hitjobs for you four in the past.
He’s in love with the idea of having a family; of being accepted, of leaving this life behind. It’s made him bitter, cold; but the man will do anything for love. Anything.
And it’s hard not to notice the small woman running around on her toes in the club, parts of her body vanishing here and there. You’re gorgeous to him. Those small cheshire-like smiles you send him when he’s supposed to be working. They break his hard exterior. He doesn’t know if he loves or hates it. He loves it.
Even a small pit of jealousy fills him, whenever he sees you in the news. Or when he watches silently on the sidelines, while you talk with Barbara and Tabitha and Selina. You do it so effortlessly. How could anyone not be entranced by you?
He thinks that he’s a freak. Firefly’s a freak. Just like Jerome and Oz, he definitely finds solace in the idea you are just like him. You’re one of them; a freak. Pushed out by Gotham’s careless inhabitants, forced into this life. He remembers being driven out of town by Penguins army. He wonders if you’ve expirenced the same treatment at one point in your life. He wants to show you, he’s here for you. He loves you, every part of you. No matter how unconvential or mistreated. He just wants to take care of you.
Just like Oz, he’ll be ready to kill anyone for you. Freeze em’ to death in one single sweep. Just give him the go ahead.
Victor is terrified of hurting you, as well. Not only your tiny stature, but he’s sure he’d get ice burns from his fingertips. He imagines a life where it’s just the two of you, without the cold, back when he was just himself. He dreams of cooking for you. Owning an apartment. Even having a family. He swears, he’d be gentle. But he’s too uncertain. He isn’t good enough, and he certainly isn’t good for you.
You’ll have to be the first person to talk to him, warm up to him. He might not state it directly, other than a nonchalant nod here and there, but it makes him feel special. It’s the little interactions you two have that make him fall helmet over heels.
You two will spend hours, at the club, watching from the sidelines. Barbara and Tabitha out on business, Selina doing…Selina things. You’ll poke fun at the passerby’s to get a reaction out of him.
“Oh god, I just saw that guy kissing that girl- what’s he doing with that other chick?…Oh- they are making out. Oh, okay, he’s taking him to the back. I’ll give you $20 if Barbara kills this guy for doing it on her desk.” You’re snickering, gossiping. Every now and then you look over at him to see him already staring at you, the hint of a smile on his lips. It’s all you’ll get for now…until he responds.
“…Guess you’ll owe me $20 then.” He’s firing back, voice low. It’s the first time he’s spoken. The first time you’ve seen him do something other than brooding. It’s sweet.
These little things will become routine, and he’ll find solace in them. Eventually you’ll even play some tricks with your teleportation on the clubs costomers, scaring them, bumping into them. All the while you’re watching him in the corner, smiling, exhaling through his nose. He playfully scolds you sometimes, other times he chuckles. Either way, it’s a sight to see.
God, please don’t dissapear on this man. I don’t think he could take it. Gotham be damned, if you ever find yourself scared of him, he’d be broken. He’d think it was his fault, he’d think he lost his second chance at love. If you ran away from him, he might just up and leave Gotham.
But even if you did try to avoid him for awhile, I think he’d let you go without a fight. He’d just be more sulky than usual, more prone to picking petty fights with Firefly. You might find the room uncomfortably cold, even when he’s not occupying it. (He froze the AC to the club, he was upset. Sorry Barbara.)
I think he’s the only one on this list of characters that Barbara, Tabitha, and Selina might all actively approve of. Barbara wouldn’t mind having a henchman dating her bestie; soldifies his loyalty to them. Also, he’s good eye-candy. Tabitha doesn’t have any personal issue with the man, other than previously working with Penguin, of course. Selina will still make fun of him for being a walking freezer, but hey, what can you do. You have their blessing.
If you caught him before he decided to up and leave, explain to him why you run away, why you’ve been avoiding him. He won’t just understand, he’ll practically worship you. He’ll explain himself too, why he’s terrified of touching you. It’s not because of your dwarfism, or your powers. It’s just how he’s afraid of hurting or loosing you. Loving people is hard.
If he could cry, he would. But his tears will freeze when they touch his cheek. You’ll have to show him you aren’t fragile. He’ll believe you.
You guys can heal eachother.
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♫ “The girl means business, so I'll offer her a drink." Voulez-Vous by ABBA
THIS Victor, on the other hand, is much more brash in his approaches to courting you.
He’s heard about you on the radio, from his boss, seen you in the newspapers, on the tv, watched you from the window in your apartment.
…What? Who said that?
He studies your every move. The man is calculated in his methods, what can he say? He’s not obsessed! (loud incorrect buzzer)
He just wants to size you up a little, see who the newest danger is in Gotham. He’ll convince himself he’s doing it for his boss, whether it be Falcone or Penguin. But it definitely goes deeper.
Unlike the other villians on this list that see your dwarfism as something to empathize with, Victor doesn’t really pay it any mind. He’s been around the block a few times- he’s been with women of all ages, heights, race, etc. The man really doesn’t have a type. What he’s attracted to is strength, independence, someone who will laugh at his dry humor with him. He’s stalked you at the club. He sees the way you banter with Tabitha and Selina, the way you make Barbara dissapear when she’s being too annoying with a flick of your wrist.
He’s incredibly attracted to a woman whose witty and good at what they do. Just like him.
Victor’s more subtle in his approach. He’ll make it casual.
So when you’re at the bar in the club, sitting around, watching the passerby’s, he’ll make his move.
“Now, what’s a girl like you doing here, alone?” He sneaks up behind you, giving you a start. You flush red at the man in front of you. Victor Zsasz. The words are spoken as he drums his fingers on the bar, cocking his head at your short frame. He towers over you, caging you in.
When you don’t speak, it doesn’t phase him. You’re about to teleport away in an instant, until he drawls your attention back to him with a lazy smile.
“So…” He whistles. “What’s your drink of choice? Wait- Let me guess.” The man doesn’t stop talking, listing off drinks that are most definitely not your drink of choice.
He watches you all the time. He knows exactly what your favorite drink is. But he wants you to stay.
It’s a bit awkward, a bit intimidating, and strangely charming. He speaks with an inflection that borders on sarcasm and curiosity. It’s intriguing, coming from Gotham’s most dangerous hitman.
“Can I ask-“ You squeak, now nursing a drink he ordered for you. It’s a Vodka Cran, and it could be worse. “…Is there a hit on me?”
He stares at you expressionless for uncomfortably long, before it forms into something quizzical.
“…Nah,” His voice is slow. He clicks his tongue. “Just an admirer.”
There’s an awkward scilence. He shrugs.
“Y’know. I’m a big fan of this place. Like the ambience.” He sips his own drink, you don’t know what it is. Just as his words sound out, you swear you can overhear a gunshot in the distance, probably from Barbara’s meeting with some other underground boss. Somehow, the sentiment makes you laugh.
He perks up at the sound.
You aren’t used to this. Someone being so casual about you, your powers, your small stature. He’s a bit flirty from time to time, but between the alcohol and his quips, you don’t seem to mind. He seems oddly genuine in his demeanor with every compliment or joke that slips.
You two keep the banter going for the rest of the night. Mostly chatting about how tiring your respective bosses can be. He does a poor drunken impression of Penguin, and you do one of Barbara. It’s a relaxing night in comparison to what you usually expirence living in Gotham.
You think you only see him every so often. Coming by the club whenever Penguin comes, or when a job is sent out, and his target is there. He’ll always send you a wink when he leaves, blood on his face.
But he sees you every day.
Yeah, the stalking only worsens. If you find your phone in different places throughout the day, or your window reopened, he’s the reason why.
He’s fine like this. In his head, the two of you are going steady. He’s pretty committed. You’re his girl, and that’s that.
Until you start avoiding him like the plague.
Zsasz WILL find a way to confront you. He doesn’t care if you teleport away each and everytime. He’ll find a way to get the message clear, through other means.
If you find a “talk to me.” with a smiley face, written with some poor saps blood, on your mirror, I apologize. He’s gotta get the message sent somehow.
Yeah, he won’t give up. He’ll go great lengths to get you two back together. He’s also listening to disco break-up ballads to cope. He’s getting the zsaszettes to stalk you when he can’t. If you still won’t budge, yeah, Tabitha might end up with a gun pointed at her head until you talk to him.
He’s not necessarily angry, but chasing after you is certainly taking a toll on him. Give the guy some credit.
Tabitha, still with a gun pointed at her, will be barking at you to not talk to him. He’s a creep, he’s an asshole, and you shouldn’t compromise your honor! (His eye will twitch at her words, trigger finger itching.)
Up to you what you decide to do! Explain the situation, talk to him, make things official, or…bye bye Tabitha. And that still won’t stop him. He doesn’t take rejection very seriously.
When you tell him exactly why you teleport yourself away, he’s the only one on this list who might think it’s stupid. He’ll understand, don’t get me wrong, but this is Gotham! Why would you be insecure? He garuntees you he’s met at least ten other people with far worse skeletons in their closet. You’ll have to teach him that’s not the issue.
Yeah, our little sociopath has a hard time with feelings. But I think you two would maybe be good for eachother! Teach him to listen more, whip him up into shape, and reap the benefits of having Gotham’s number one hitman as your personal bodyguard and lover. He’ll take you to stakeouts, make fun of Jim Gordon, crash your place. You two can watch Netflix under the blankets. He loves your size- cuddling into you like his own personal pillow.
Tabitha’s very dissapointed.
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♫ “I'm really glad you came, you know the stars, you know the game.” Voulez-Vous by ABBA
May god have mercy on your soul, reader. Ra’s is a sight to behold when he’s in love.
He heard whispers of your name all around Gotham. He sees you on the news when he’s absentmindedly listening. A girl who can teleport herself and others, to any location? Even the power to control which body parts you maneuver. Extrodinary.
He’s immeadiatley infatuated with your power. He wants to covet you. Possess you. Have you close to him. He needs to see your power for himself.
He’s similarly calculated in his response to tracking you down. He will appear at the club, slinking into the shadows, whispering a quaint,
It makes you jump, and as if on instinct, you teleport yourself away. He marvels at the way in which you do so right infront of his eyes. How rare it is, for him to be so easily confounded.
He must see you again.
You’ll feel his presence every now and then. Maybe even catch a glimpse of him watching you. You’ll turn back, eyes squinted, only to find he’s not there anymore. It confuses you just the same.
Though, you eventually get used to him watching. It turns into a little game between the two of you. If he can catch you, if you can catch him. It’s strangely endearing.
He’s also becoming increasingly more attentive to your daily habits. He memorizes your schedule. He sends members of the League of Shadows to observe you, to take notes on how you use your powers.
If any member insults you, or pokes fun at your dwarfism, Ra’s will spare them no mercy. Yeah…he’s making it a big deal. He’s ruthlessly insulting them for their ignorance, before killing them without a second thought. In a way, you belong to Ra’s already. He will not stand for disrespect among his order.
Ra’s is a gentleman. Just like Ozzie and Jervis, you’ll find gifts littered around your apartment. Little notes from him, written in the most exquisite cursive, expressing his admiration of you. Beautiful, rare, and expensive jewelry, tailored to the size of your wrists and neck.
You’ll see him exiting Barbara’s office sometimes, when he needs her for the demons head. He’ll send you a smile, half-way gentle, half-way playful. He’s unsure where the lines between love and facination blur; but he’s slowly realizing he loves you. He hasn’t felt such a way in decades. He’s been alive for very very long. No human woman has made him feel so helpless. He enjoys it thoroughly.
He’ll confess, the night before Gotham is meant to be blown to the ground. He’ll turn up, before the events are set in motion. You won’t have a clue in the world what he’s up to.
“My dear.” He’ll drawl, and you’ll go to teleport away, as you always do. It’s tradition for you two at this point.
Before you get a chance, he’ll click is tongue at you.
“Wait.” He speaks, voice sounding strangely desperate. It makes you freeze. “Come with me. Leave the city. Get somewhere else. I’d like to show you my home.”
Your choice, if you choose to leave with him. He’d make for a very attentive lover, and would protect you at any cost. But if you choose to do so, you’ll leave Tabitha and Barbara and Selina to their own fate <\3
Not that it matters if you decide to reject his offer. He’ll have you, one way or another.
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Rhaella was the youngest daughter of the King, Viserys I Targaryen, and his wife, Alicent Hightower. At the age of twelve, Rhaella was sent to Winterfell for a betrothal to the young Cregan Stark.
CHAPTER TWO: Horse Riding and Kisses
She stared at the horse. "Wow.." She was at a loss for words, she walked a little bit close and touched the horse. "It looks beautiful.."
He watched as she stared at the horse for a moment before laughing. She was so precious, so innocent. Would all other Targaryen girls be as perfect as this?
He smiled as she pet the horse. "Would you like to ride her? She is a fine animal, very gentle and tame. You can trust her as much as you trust me…and that is saying something." He winked at her once more before gesturing for her to take the reins as he smiled proudly. "Go ahead, my lady."
"My Lord.." She stammered. She did not know how to mount a horse as well as he could, she only knew how to mount a dragon. "I do not know how to mount.. a horse," She admitted.
Cregan laughed as she confessed that she did not know how to mount a horse. "Would you like me to show you how? It's quite easy." He walked over to her, still holding the reins of the horse. "All you must do is grab these reins, and then you put your foot here and jump."
He pointed to a spot near the horse's back. "And then once you're there, you swing your other leg over…and then you sit." he paused. "And then…well, then you're riding."
Rhaella nodded.. "Will you catch me when I fall, my Lord?" She asked, as she grabbed the reins, and swung her foot, and jumped. She nearly fell, but she managed to catch herself.
He caught her easily and held her steady. "You nearly fell, my lady. I am glad you made it." He smiled at her. "Are you ready to ride? Just hold these reins tight like this and squeeze them with your right hand and hold on, and you should be secure enough. I promise you, she is not a frightening animal."
"Could you–." She looked down.. "Ride with me? I feel insecure, riding a horse."
A smile spread across his face as Cregan nodded. "Of course my lady, I have ridden plenty of horses with a rider before. I shall protect you." he mounted the fine horse, and then held his hand out to Rhaella. "Do you trust your betrothed?"
"I do.." She whispered. She smiled when he said the word betrothed, but she did not show it. "Thank you, Cregan." She adjusted herself on the horse. He smiled as she seemed to blush. Did the Targaryen Princess have feelings for him? Or was it simply a reaction to his closeness? He felt himself blushing again as well.
"Of course. I will always protect you, my lady," He said quietly before giving the horse a light tap on its side and beginning to gallop forward. "Hold on, my lady…this should be an exciting ride."
Rhaella held on to the reins tight, and she maintained her breath. "Gods, this is way frightening! A dragon is easier to mount, but a horse is harder, I believe."
Cregan laughed out loud as she called riding a horse harder than riding a dragon. It was an amusing sight to see such a Targaryen Princess who had flown on a mighty dragon for most of her life, get nervous on top of a horse.
"This is normal, my lady, do not worry. All riders have to learn to control their horse somehow." Cregan squeezed her hand. "Just hold onto the reins tightly, and you will stay on just fine. Would you like to go faster? Are you comfortable enough for that?"
"A bit faster.. I would like that," She smirked, but hid it slyly. "My Lord.." She cleared her throat. "Any names for children? Which one do you like?"
He grinned as he felt her hand squeeze his own. "You are brave enough for a bit faster in that case." He laughed and kicked the horse a bit harder, and they began to pick up speed. "I have thought of many names for our children," He admitted as the horse began to move faster and faster. "I think I would like any of my children's names to hold Northern importance, with the possibility of a Targaryen name to honor you and your house. What names have you been considering, my princess?"
"I do not know," She pouted, and looked at the horse. "Cregan, you might be hurting the horse.." She let out a gasp, as the horse was going fast. "Perhaps Alaric? Aerion?"
Cregan laughed as he squeezed her hand again. "I promise the horse is fine, my lady." The horse, as if on cue to prove a point, neighed happily as they raced through the woods. "Alaric is a fine name. Perhaps a bit… old fashioned. Aerion is a lovely name to honor your ancestors, if you are okay with it."
He smirked as he leaned down, speaking a little quieter than before. "Would you prefer to have a son or a daughter? Or no preference?"
"No preference at all.. Cregan." She whispered. "A son or a daughter would be fine. Why? Would you want a son? Should we name him Rickon?"
Cregan was surprised by the whisper, but smiled nonetheless. "Any child you bear would be a great blessing, my dear," He whispered back in kind. "But yes, I want a son. I want to be able to teach him everything I know, and I want to see him grow to be a fierce warrior like his father. But I would still love to have a daughter just as much. And Rickon is a fine name to honor my house. I would be willing to name a son that, should you wish for it."
Rhaella nodded. "Shall we return to Winterfell.. I must admit, Cregan," The name slipped off the name sultry. "Horse riding wears me out. And I cannot ride any longer."
"Of course, my dear," Cregan laughed as the horse began to slow. "I think even great Targaryen Princesses grow tired of riding occasionally." He smiled as he squeezed her hand again. "You were wonderful on that horse. Truly, you did a fine job." He kissed her knuckles. "You should go and get some rest. Perhaps you may even want to take a nap. I will go and fetch us some wine. Would that sound good, my lady?"
"I cannot drink! Aren't we too young to drink wine, my Lord?" She asked, as she got down from the horse. "I mean, you are three-and-ten, and I am two-and-ten.."
He laughed once more at her words. She may have been a Targaryen, but she certainly did not act like one. "You have never had any wine?" Cregan asked her in a low voice, surprised by her answer. "Not even at feasts? Many people in the North take their first sips of wine at feasts when they are much younger than you." He laughed again. "Are you perhaps forbidden to drink it while your father is King? I can tell you for certain, my lady, in the North, you would not be too young to drink."
"My mother." She rolled her eyes. "And besides.. I think of myself too young to even drink mead. Let alone wine. It is too much for me, my Lord."
He laughed at her answer. She was more Targaryen than he cared to admit if she was this innocent. Yet there was a certain part of him that admired the sincerity of it. He smiled at her and squeezed her hand once more. "Well then, how about we have some apple juice? Is that okay for you, my dear? I am sure there is plenty in the castle we can enjoy." I looked at her with a smile. "Would you like that?"
"Apple juice would be great," She smiled. "I am sorry, Cregan.. If I am not the best.. Targaryen princess you shall marry. I will admit, I think you should just marry a Northerner than a Southerner.."
Cregan looked at her as she spoke, still feeling her hand squeeze my own. "No need to apologize, my sweet. You may be a bit sheltered, a bit innocent. But you are also honest, kind and sweet. Is that not worth just as much?" He smiled as he looked down at her. "Besides, you are just two-and-ten. You still have many years left to grow and change into what it is you truly want to be. Do not worry, my princess," He said with a smile. "I have plenty of faith in you."
She kissed him on the cheek. "You're kind to me, Cregan.. Too kind, in fact. Are you positive you want to marry me? And not just for my title?
He smiled as she kissed my cheek, feeling his cheeks turn red in response. "I am certain I want to marry you, my lady. There is no one I want to marry more than you. Would you say the same in return? That there is no one you would rather marry than your betrothed?" He squeezed her hand as he spoke.
"There's no one I would marry rather than you, Cregan." She kissed him, and kissed him passionately. She hesitated to say the three words in her mind, what would be his reaction? "Cregan.. I-."
Cregan returned her kiss with one of my own, letting his feelings for her spill out as they embraced. When they pulled apart, he smiled up at her, and raised an eyebrow as he saw her hesitating. "Hmm?" He asked her. "What is it, my princess? Speak what is on your mind. I would like to hear no secrets from my bride-to-be."
"I love you Cregan," She smiled, as he cupped her face. "I love you a lot. I love you so much.."
Cregan was surprised by what she said, but in a good way. He smiled as his mind raced to keep up with his heart. Did she mean it? Truly? Or had she merely mistaken friendship for love? There was only one way to find out. "You love me?" He asked with a smile. "You truly mean that you love me?"
"I do mean it, Cregan." Rhaella nodded. "If I had to be married to you, so be it. I do not want to wed and bed an old Lord, I want to wed you."
He hugged her tightly as he heard those words leave her mouth. His face was flushed, and his heart felt like it was going to leap from his chest. "I…I love you too, my dear. I cannot believe I am so lucky as to marry a woman who loves me as much as you do." he kissed her again. "I love you, my princess."
"And I love you too, Cregan." Rhaella smiled. She's never confessed her feelings to anyone, so this was quite new to her. Really new. "I love you more than you know it. Please, my love. May I.. touch you?"
His heart stopped at her words, and his face reddened in response. His jaw dropped as he nodded, not fully understanding what it was she was asking. "Of course," He whispered. "You may touch me."
Rhaella smirked, and began to kiss Cregan. As she did so, she took off the big fur coat of his, and her coat as well. "I love you, Cregan." He pulled her close as the warmth of her lips met his own once more, and as his eyes closed, he felt as though he were in heaven.
Her hand ran through his hair as their lips touched, and he felt himself being swept away by the moment. "And I love you, Princess Rhaella." he kissed her passionately, not caring who might see them or whether this was inappropriate. She was his betrothed, and she had just confessed her love for him. Who else mattered in this moment?
Rhaella stood there, only her dress in tact. Her coat on the floor, alongside with his. "I love you, so much." Rhaella smiled. She really did, she's never loved someone as big as Aemond had. "I just.. I love you so much, my love."
"And I love you," was all that he could manage to say. Her beauty was striking, and he could not help but stare at her. He felt as though no one in all of Westeros was as beautiful as her. "You look wonderful," He eventually managed to stammer out, but the words sounded ridiculous. They felt like mere words, whereas the look in his eyes spoke a much louder language. "There could never be another woman who could win my heart as you have…I am bound to you forever, my princess."
"Really? I've heard that you like Arra Norrey. Tell me, my Lord." Rhaella had a jealous look on her eyes, but she covered it well. "Between her and me, which would you prefer?"
Cregan’s heart sank at her question, and his stomach churned with guilt. This was not the conversation he wanted to have with her, especially so soon after such a precious moment. But there was no lying to her…and who was he to lie to his own betrothed? He took a deep breath before responding.
"Arra is a fine woman…" He began, hesitating. "But…it is you who has managed to capture my heart, and nobody else. You are the one I wish to spend the rest of my life with. She cannot hold a candle to you, my dear."
"Isn't she the one who you've been friends with, since childhood?" She smirked. She wanted reassurance from Cregan. "And, since you've known her longer, I'm sure you'll wed her instead of me."
"She was indeed one of my childhood friends…" He admitted. "And yes, we have known each other for a long time. But it is you I want, my princess. If I had to explain my feelings to you…I am not sure how I could even put them into words. You fill me with a happiness and a joy I never thought I could feel. You are the sun of my days, my lady. Is that enough to prove my love for you? Is it enough to show that my feelings are true?"
She smirked. "Yes, my little Lord-to-be." She nodded. She looked at the man looking at them and scoffed. "Is that your uncle, Bennard?"
He let out a surprised laugh before nodding at the direction she was looking. "You would be right, my dear. That is indeed my uncle Bennard. He likes to watch from afar, I am not sure why." He shrugged. "Perhaps he is wishing I were as brave as him when it comes to wooing someone I wish to marry." He winked at her as he spoke. "Why do you ask? Is he bothering you?"
"Not.. so," She fake smiled. She felt unsafe, especially with his brooding eyes. It made her shiver. "He is not bothering me, in the slightest. I am a Targaryen Princess, whilst he.. is merely a Lord Regent."
It pained him to see her discomfort around his uncle. Was he scaring her? He did not know what he meant to her, but if she was uncomfortable around him as she claimed, then it would be his duty to speak with him. "Uncle," He called out to him, my voice carrying across the courtyard to where he had been loitering. "Would you come here for a moment?"
His beady eyes looked up at Cregan and he nodded, walking over to Cregan. "What is it, boy?" He asked with a grunt of a voice. "Have you found yourself a wife, yet?"
Rhaella let out a little gasp, as the man stood over them. He was a man, compared to Cregan. "Uhm.." She held onto Cregan's arm. If she had to be honest, he was as large as Westeros giants.
Cregan stared up at his uncle, and felt his lip curl in agitation. His tone of voice, his demeanor… they were all wrong. He should be nicer to his betrothed, and he had no right to call Cregan a boy.
"I think you owe my betrothed, Princess Rhaella, an apology," He said evenly. "She claims you were staring at her and making her feel uncomfortable." He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Are you willing to apologize to her? And to ensure she feels safe in my hall?"
"Cregan.." She whispered, as he squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Please.. No more of this matter, I just want to go to your office."
Cregan gave his uncle another cold, hard glare before nodding. "Very well…but just know that we will speak of this later, Uncle." He grumbled under his breath before turning back to her, squeezing her hand once more. "As you wish, my lady. Shall we proceed then?" He smiled as he offered her his arm. "Do you wish to walk? Or ride, perhaps? I can have the horses brought out once more if you wish."
"Walk with me, my love." She smiled, and kissed his cheek. She gave one cold glare, that Targaryens usually give to their enemies, to Bennard before sweetly looking at her betrothed. "I think we shall walk together, around the castle."
"Of course, my love." Cregan smiled back, and gave her hand another tight squeeze. "Just say the word and we shall go wherever and do whatever you wish." The cold glare she sent to his uncle's way did not go unnoticed by him, but he decided it was best not to speak of it. "Would you like to walk through the Godswood? It is a quiet place that I find calm and relaxing. I think it is the perfect place for two lovers such as us to stroll through. What do you say?"
"Godswood it is, then." Rhaella smiled, and kissed his cheek again. Her love language was that of kisses and hugs. Well, mainly one of them. "I love you, Cregan Stark."
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sheloooveswomen · 2 years
names - headcanon
prompt: the meaning/origin of their names + their reactions to the definitions. i gave them middle names sorry if you hate them. i used google to find ones i saw fitting the character.
includes: billie dean howard, lana winters, cordelia goode, sally mckenna, audrey tindall, ally mayfair-richards, wilhemina venable, diane sherman, alice macray, mildred ratched, tammy, and xandra terrell.
☆ billie dean howard ☆
• BILLIE = determination, strength
• DEAN = leader
• HOWARD = high defender, chief guardian, noble watchman
• she wears a cocky smirk the whole time you read it out
• "We already know I'm in charge, babydoll. Now we know it's been destined since birth."
☆ lana winters ☆
• LANA = shining light, sun ray, calm as still waters, precious, little rock, gentle, soft, tender
• MAUDE = powerful battler
• WINTERS = descendent of winter, time of water in german, in the ancient Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain it was a name for a person born in the wintertime having derived from the Old English word wintar meaning wet season
• blushes as you define her first name
• feels a sense of pride and surprise for her middle name
• "Wet season? I could have lived without that."
☆ cordelia goode ☆
• CORDELIA = heart, daughter of the sea(-god), jewel of the sea
• PRIMROSE = first rose (of spring)
• GOODE = begins in the days of the Anglo-Saxon tribes in Britain, it was a name for a person who performed good deeds or acts of kindness
• she's an astrology girl so similar to her zodiac she loves learning the meaning behind her name and connecting it to her personality/life
• very thoughtful look on her face as you define her name
• "Why does my name sound made up?"
☆ sally mckenna ☆
• LUCILLE = light
• no middle name
• MCKENNA = born of fire, fiery love
• scrunches her nose when you call her lucille, she always hated it
• she was nicknamed 'Silly' when she was a kid because she was always goofing off, overtime it transformed into 'Sally' and she stuck to it
• "Born of fire and died in this hell hole? The universe is a cruel mistress."
☆ audrey tindall ☆
• AUDREY = noble strength
• FAYE = fairy, loyalty
• TINDALL = modern version of tynedale, the valley of the river Tyne in Northumberland, derived from the Celtic word tina meaning 'to flow' and the old English word doel meaning 'valley'
• "I am rather like a fairy, aren't I?"
• “You looked this up?! You’re so cute.”
☆ ally mayfair-richards ☆
• ALLYSON = noble, exalted
• COLETTE = people of victory, victorious
• MAYFAIR = an exclusive residential/fashionable district in the West End of London, named after an annual fair held in the district until 1708
• RICHARDS = powerful, brave, ruler
• loves the history aspect of her last name, must do research on her own
• "I wonder if my family has any genuine connection to that area."
☆ wilhemina venable ☆
• WILHEMINA = resolute protection, wil meaning will/desire and helm meaning helmet/protection.
• ANNEMIE = he (God) has favored me, bitter grace, favor, sea of bitterness, drop of the sea, star of the sea, rebelliousness, exalted one, wished for child
• VENABLE = hunting ground, a derivative of venari 'to hunt', habitational name from a place called Venables in Eure, France
• her first name is dutch/german so i did the same for her middle name
• "Hm...bitter grace? Fitting."
• secretly loves that you put the time into learning about her name
• MINA means love, this makes her roll her eyes dangerously hard
☆ diane sherman ☆
• DIANE = divine, heavenly
• MARA = bitter in hebrew, joy in arabic
• SHERMAN = shearer of woolen garments
• tries to hide her grin when you emphasize divine and heavenly
• "So I'm the descendent of wool shearers? I do like to knit so I guess that's something."
☆ alice macray ☆
• ALICE = noble, truth, kind
• MARIGOLD = golden flower
• MACRAY = a name for a prosperous person, Gaelic form of the surname MacRay is Mac Rath, which literally means son of grace or son of prosperity
• has you read it again, makes her all smiley
• "Marigold was my great grandmother, love her but mixed emotions on the name."
☆ mildred ratched ☆
• MILDRED = gentle strength
• LOIS = superior, most beautiful, most desirable, renowned fighter, warrior maiden
• RATCHED = i couldn't find anything ?
• rolls her eyes and nudges your shoulder when you draw out most desirable
• "I actually made up ratched when I got older. I read it in a book somewhere, can't remember but I liked it. Thought it was tough.
☆ tammy ☆
• TAMARA = palm tree
• EDITH = rich, happy
• ROBINSON = son of robin, bright with fame
• son of robin makes her laugh
• "I'm a rich and happy palm tree. All my dreams have come true."
☆ xandra terrell ☆
• ALEXANDRA = helper, defender
• FAUVE = wild, uninhibited
• TERRELL = was a name for a stubborn or obstinate person, derived from the Old French word tirer, which means to draw
• "Wild? Sure. Uninhibited...? Maybe. But I am not stubborn. Would you say I'm stubborn? Actually don't answer that."
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Marlene’s little brother has a thing for Sirius, because who doesn't have a thing for Sirius? Marlene is freaking out, and everyone thinks it's just hilarious. Remus would've thought it was hilarious too, had Marlene’s little brother not been very close in age, cute, witty, and oh so bloody charming.
Somewhat longer fic that will be added to my Crush Confessions Series! 3756 words, so not that long. Wolfstar Fluff, of course😎
Muggle Charms
James Potter’s garden party is the event of the summer. Everyone gets together at the Potter estate for a day of listening to music, swimming in the lake (yes, there’s a lake on the grounds of the Potter estate), and playing friendly Quidditch matches. Mrs Potter walks around with all sorts of delicious foods, James and Sirius fly their brooms above the lake and make bets who dares to jump off from the greatest height, Mary and Emmeline are sunbathing and make bets who will need to be healed first.
It had started the summer after first year with just the four Marauders, but every year, their number has grown, and this year is the largest group thus far.
Marlene McKinnon is last to arrive, and, as usual, her arrival doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Everyone, come meet my little brother!” She shouts across the field.
The McKinnons have four children. Marlene’s mother and two of her siblings are Muggles, while the rest have magical abilities. Marlene’s sister is the oldest of the siblings. She’s a Muggle who works as a primary school teacher. Despite growing up with a father who’s a wizard, she has always felt slightly uncomfortable around magic, but she loves her family fiercely and is very protective over her younger siblings. As she’s much older than Marlene, she has always been more like a second mother.
Next comes Marlene’s older brother, who’s wizard, but has finished Hogwarts long ago. He now works in the Sales Department for a company that develops novel potions against levitation- and portkey-sickness. According to Marlene he’s a serious businessman by day, and a giant goofball by night.
Last is Marlene’s younger brother. He’s a Muggle, but where Marlene’s sister likes to pretend magic doesn’t exist, he thinks it mighty fascinating. He and Marlene are incredibly close, writing each other constantly and hanging out as often as they can when Marlene was home from Hogwarts. She has never brought him to James’ garden party, though. He works in the Food Service Industry, and the bright summer days on which James plans his parties are the days on which he most likely has to work. This year, however, he had managed to get the day off.
The first thing Remus thinks is that the McKinnons have good genes. He can’t really tell which of the two siblings is older, which means they must be very close in age. The boy has the same thick, blond hair and bright blue eyes as Marlene, as well as the same freckles from the sun. He’s short for a guy, barely taller than Marlene, but he’s quite muscular, with broad shoulders. All in all, Marlene’s younger brother is a very cute guy.
“Everyone, this is Miles!” Marlene says, when everyone has gathered around. “Let’s see... Here we have James Potter, he’s the host.”
Miles grins at James. “Some house you’ve got here, mate. Thanks for having me!”
James grins back and lifts his beer. “Cheers, mate!”
“James is Lily’s boyfriend,” Marlene says. “You’ve already met Lily-” Miles gives Lily a warm smile “-and of course you know Dorcas.”
“Hullo Dorky.”
“Hiya Miley.”
“And here we have my other girls, Alice Fortescue, Mary McDonald and Emmeline Vance.” Marlene points each of the girls out, and Miles gives them all a friendly nod.
“And these two are the Prewetts, Fabian and Gideon- don’t worry about who’s who, none of us actually knows.”
“And this is Caradoc Dearborn, and this Benjy Fenwick, so miraculously you’re not the shortest guy here.”
“And here we have the rest of the renegades, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black.”
The chance in Miles is instant.
The polite smile he was wearing turns into a coy smile, as he gives Sirius a not-so-subtle once-over, though Remus doesn’t think it was ever meant to be subtle. Miles takes a step forward towards Sirius. “Well, hello there.”
Remus can’t blame him. He would’ve reacted the same had he been in Miles’ position (alright, maybe he would’ve turned into a blushing, stuttering mess and forget his own name if he were suddenly faced with a guy like Sirius, instead of step forward with an enticing smile and flirtatious greeting, but that’s beside the point). Sirius looks bloody amazing. His swimming trunks are clinging to his legs, and his damp hair is hanging over his bare chest, with little droplets dripping down his muscular body.
Sirius grins knowingly at Miles. “Hi.”
Marlene’s head whirls around from Miles to Sirius to Miles and back to Sirius, so fast Remus worries she might get a whiplash.
“No,” she says. “No, nope, uh-uh, absolutely not. Not. Happening. No.”
She steps between her brother and Sirius, facing the latter, and jabbing a finger against his chest. “You are not going to try anything on my little brother, got it?”
Sirius holds up his hands and takes a step back. “I only said hi.”
Marlene looks at him suspiciously, like she suspects Sirius saying hi is some sort of secret seduction technique (which would actually explain a lot).
“C’mon Marls.” Miles moves to stand next to his sister, and throws an arm over her shoulder. He winks at Sirius. “We all just want to have a good time, don’t we?”
Marlene’s face is getting more red by the second. Her fingers are clutching her cardboard plate, causing it to rumple. She’s clenching her jaw, while intently staring at the pair a bit further on the field.
“I can’t bloody believe it,” she hisses. “If Black thinks I’ll let him hook up with my little brother, he has another thing coming!”
Miles had managed to catch Sirius when he went to grab a drink, and they have been chatting apart from the rest of the group for about half an hour now, to Marlene’s great distress, and everyone else’s amusement. Well, everyone else except for Remus, but he thinks he’s been hiding it quite well.
Remus doesn’t know how the guy does it, but Miles somehow manages to stand closer and closer to Sirius. He’s looking up at him through his lashes, with those big blue eyes and that damned smile, sometimes even going as far as to bite his lip. Sirius has definitely been blushing at some point!
While Remus is the only one who can emphasize with Marlene’s distress over the situation, he really doesn’t like how she’s blaming it all on Sirius, while evidently its her brother who’s acting like a little minx.
“Honestly, Marlene,” Lily says, shaking her head. “Didn’t you talk to Miles about there being an incredibly hot, single gay guy present?”
Remus agrees. Marlene should’ve known what would happen when she decided to introduce her brother to Sirius! You cannot bring him here knowing Sirius is looking like he does, and expect him not to react!
Marlene huffs indignantly. “My little brother is a precious angel who’s not interested in such a thing as ‘hot, single men’!”
Lily looks at Miles and Sirius. Miles seems to be laughing at something Sirius said, and touches his upper arm while doing so, letting his hand slide down Sirius’ bicep. Lily turns her head back to Marlene and raises her eyebrow.
Marlene just folds her arms over her chest and pointedly looks away.
Later, when Miles reaches up to brush a strand of hair from Sirius’ face, Marlene’s face has taken on a more purple colour. By this time, she has started angrily chewing on her cardboard plate.
Luckily, everyone’s too busy making fun of Marlene to notice Remus looks like he’s going to be sick.
Normally, a day at the Potter estate flies by, but Remus is positive this day lasts at least three times as long. But Remus has been getting through it. He hopes that after today, he won’t see Miles McKinnon of ever again. Well, he mostly hopes Sirius won’t see Miles McKinnon ever again, he can admit that . To himself, that is.
Currently, he’s sitting down with James, having a butterbeer. Just when he thinks he might make it through these last hours without further additions to his misery, Marlene comes striding their way, Dorcas on her heels.
“Potter,” she says, stopping in front of them and placing her fists on her hips. “You’ve got something I need, and I want it now!”
“Sorry McKinnon,” James says with a smirk. “I’m a one woman man.”
“In your dreams, you wanker,” Marlene snaps. “You’ve got an Invisibility Cloak, no?”
James takes off his glasses and starts polishing them with his robes. “I may or may not possess such a thing.”
Marlene rolls her eyes. “After seven years of going to school with you, I think I can safely say that you do. Well, I need you to use it. Miles asked Black to take him on a tour around the lake.” She scrunches up her nose. “And you have to follow them so you can report back to me whether Black has kept his paws off of my little brother!”
“More the other way around,” Remus mutters, but Marlene hears and glares at him.
“My sweet and innocent little brother would never do such a thing! He simply... wants to see the surroundings and needs Black for directions.”
Dorcas throws her head back and cackles loudly. “The only directions your ‘sweet and innocent little brother’ is interested in, is the fastest way to get into Sirius Black’s pants!”
Marlene directs a deadly glare at her.
Just when Remus thinks at least Dorcas knows what she’s talking about, she continues. “C’mon Marls, Miles can make his own decisions. Let the boys have some fun!”
Let the boys have some fun? That’s not a good idea! That’s the opposite of a good idea! That’s a terrible idea!
“Well,” Remus says, managing to sound surprisingly calm. “We’re on Mr and Mrs Potter’s property, and Miles has only just been introduced to the gang. I mean, he and Sirius barely know each other. I’d say it’d be rather inappropriate if something happens between them here and now. You don’t want Marlene’s brother to give off the wrong impression.”
James sighs. “What if I lend you the Invisibility Cloak, and you can follow them yourself?”
“Oh, no!” Marlene holds up her hands and takes a step back. “There are certain things I don’t ever want to see my little brother do, or hear my little brother say. If I were to... accidentally stumble upon them, I’d either have to Obliviate myself, or be scarred for life.”
Remus snorts. Not so sure about her brother being so innocent after all, is she?
“Well, Padfoot’s my brother!” James argues.
“Remember when I put in a good word for you with Lily, and finally got her to agree to go on a date with you?” Marlene plays her final card, and effectively.
“Fine!” James puts down his butterbeer and gets up. “Remus, let’s go.”
“What? Me? Why?”
“Because you got me into this, Mr ‘it’d be inappropriate’. And besides, I’ll feel like some perverted Peeping Tom spying on them alone.”
“So better to have two Peeping Toms?” Remus argues, but he knows it’s an argument he’s not going to win.
That’s how Remus finds himself in the place he wants to be least of all, crouched down under the Invisibility Cloak with James, and, after casting a quick Silencio over their footsteps, following on Sirius and Miles on their ‘casual, totally not romantic, definitely not a date’ stroll.
“-and once I’ve gained enough experience, I’d like to come back to London and open my own restaurant!” Miles finishes.
“That’s amazing, Miles!” Sirius exclaims. “I’ll definitely frequent!”
“As long as you don’t expect any free food just because you’re so handsome,” Miles teases.
Sirius gasps in pretend-shock. “I would never use my looks for such purposes!”
“Right,” Miles chuckles. “You be careful, Sirius Black. A face like yours is a powerful weapon.”
“Wow,” James whispers admiringly. “He’s good!”
Remus grits his teeth. Of bloody course Miles McKinnon is all charming and smooth, chatting Sirius up.
“What about you?” Miles asks. “What are your plans for the future, now that you’re some kind of strong and powerful wizard?”
“I’m starting my Healer training soon!” Sirius beams, and Remus can’t help but smile at the pride in his voice.
“That’s... like a doctor, right?” Miles asks.
“Yeah,” Sirius replies. “But without the cutting people open.” He shudders. “Definitely no cutting people open.”
“Oi!” Miles protests, bumping his shoulder against Sirius. “Doctors cut people open to save lives, you know. They don’t do it for a laugh.”
“I’m sorry!” Sirius quickly says. “I didn’t mean to offend. It’s actually very impressive what Muggle doctors can do without magic, and the things they’ve come up with! I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s alright,” Miles says, glancing at Sirius. “Don’t worry about it.”
Sirius smiles sheepishly. “Sorry. It’s just... I was raised in this really conservative pureblood Wizarding family. I’m always afraid I’ll say something Muggle-phobic without realising.”
“It’s okay, it wasn’t that bad, honestly.”
“Good,” Sirius says, relieved. “I’m just... trying to be better.”
Miles smiles softly at him. “Just the fact that you’re trying already makes you better.”
They walk in comfortable silence for a moment, until Miles speaks again. “That must’ve been hard though, growing up in a family like that. Marlene already mentioned you’re living here now. Is that why?”
Sirius nods. “I ran away from home the summer before. Best decision I’ve ever made.” There’s a tightness in his voice, though, and an emotion in his eyes that makes Remus want to run towards him and pull him into a hug.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Miles says sincerely. Then he gives Sirius a teasing smile. “Though I must say, it’s a good look on you, the whole ‘sexy rebel’-thing.”
Sirius barks a laugh, and the pained expression slides off his face. “Well, I’m glad my issues at least fit my anaesthetic!”
Remus doesn’t know whether he wants to bless Miles McKinnon for being able to turn Sirius’ mood around and make him smile, or whether he wants to curse Miles McKinnon for being able to turn Sirius’ mood around and make him smile.
“I bet you love provoking your family, don’t you?” Miles asks.
“That might just be my most favourite pastime,” Sirius replies sincerely.
Suddenly, Miles stops walking, so Sirius stops as well and turns back to face him.
Miles takes a step towards him. “I bet it would really provoke your family if you were to make out with a boy, a Muggle boy at that.”
Sirius swallows and his face slightly flushes. “That... That’ll definitely do the trick, yeah.”
Miles comes even closer, now almost standing chest-to-chest with Sirius, and he tilts his head up and leans in.
James still looks mighty impressed with Miles’ flirting tactics, while Remus wonders if the sound of his heart shattering might give them away.
Suddenly, Sirius steps back. “Wait, stop. I... I can’t.”
Miles looks disappointed, but not too shocked. “Why not?” He asks. Then he jabs his finger against Sirius’ chest, much like his sister did earlier. “And I swear to god, Sirius Black, if it’s because I’m a Muggle you can stick that wand of yours up your-”
“No, no, no!” Sirius quickly says, whilst letting out a breathless laugh. “It’s not you, really, it’s me.”
Miles gives Sirius a stern look, while placing his fists on his hips, making Remus wonder whether they’re sure Marlene and Miles aren’t twins. “If you’re gonna give me that lame excuse, at least elaborate what it is about ‘not me, but you’ that makes you reject me. I mean, I’m not proposing a marriage here!”
Sirius sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “There’s... someone else. I mean, there’s not really, I don’t have someone else, but I have feelings for someone else. So therefore this-” He gestures between himself and Miles. “Just doesn’t feel right.”
Remus exchanges a look with James, who looks just as stunned as he is by this information.
Miles, though, just folds his arms over his chest and looks at Sirius thoughtfully for a moment. “So, Lupin then?”
Remus freezes. What? Him? Oh no. He’s not sure he can bear to hear Sirius’ denial. ‘Lupin? Remus? No, of course not! What in Godric’s name gave you that idea? Why the hell would I fancy Remus?’
However, Sirius just sighs and looks down at his shoes. “I’m that obvious, huh?”
Remus stares dumbfounded. It’s... true? He feels an eruption of butterflies in his stomach. Well, he always feels some butterflies when he sees Sirius, but now it’s like all those butterflies had babies, and those babies had babies again, creating an immense flutter.
“Nah,” Miles says. “If I had known for sure, I wouldn’t have made a move. I only had a suspicion, but I decided to take a chance anyway. I’m not too surprised by this turn of events, though.”
“It’s really the only reason,” Sirius says. “Because you’re bloody great, you know that? You’re gonna make some guy really happy one day. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
Miles groans. “ ‘Its not you, it’s me’, ‘anyone would be lucky to have you’. Shall we go before you start telling me we can still be friends?”
Sirius grins. “Normally I’d suggest we at least pretend to have had a good snog, just to see if Marlene’s face can get any more purple, but I don’t want to give Remus the wrong impression. Not that he’d care,” he adds with a mutter.
Miles stops walking again. “What? Are you seri- No, Marlene warned me not to say that. Really?”
Sirius just blinks at him.
Miles shakes his head. “I mean, you asked if you were being obvious, well, you were nothing compared to Lupin. Although, that could just be me. I couldn’t help but notice when he’s looking at me like he wants me to catch fire every time I come near you. Wait. You wizards can actually do that, can’t you?”
Remus huffs. He wouldn’t have actually set Miles on fire! At least he doesn’t think so.
Sirius frowns at Miles. “You must be mistaken. Remus is nothing but pure kindness! He always makes everyone feel welcome! You can’t help but like Remus!”
A warm feeling spreads through Remus’ chest.
Miles just looks at Sirius, shaking his head. “You’re actually in love, aren’t you?”
Sirius blushes and looks away.
“Well,” Miles says. “You should tell him how you feel. He clearly feels the same. Then you can both stop this pining.”
James, who just had to process the shock of one of his best friends fancying another one of his best friends, now has to process the shock of his best friends fancying each other. He’s staring at Remus, and consequently trips over a rock. He does manage to catch is balance, but he lets out a loud yelp.
Miles stares at the empty spot behind them on the path, surprised, but Sirius’ eyes narrow in suspicion. He lifts his wand, and the next moment a gush of wind blows the Invisibility Cloak off of Remus and James.
To his credit, Miles recovers pretty quickly from seeing two people appear seemingly out of nowhere, including the person they were just talking about. He blinks a couple of times, then says “I suppose this works as well.”
Remus and Sirius are just staring at each other.
“Uhm...” James says. “I was sent here by miss McKinnon to escort the younger McKinnon back to the estate.” Because apparently awkward situations make him talk like he’s an eighteen century nobleman. “Off we go, young lad.”
Miles doesn’t protest when James grabs his arm and starts dragging him away, but he does turn around to give Sirius a thumbs up.
“We were sent here by McKinnon,” Remus quickly says, when he and Sirius are alone. “She wanted to know if anything would happen between you and her brother.” Remus takes a deep breath. “And maybe I wanted to know if anything would happen between you and him myself as well,” he says softly.
“Were you jealous?” Sirius asks. It sounds curious, not angry, judgemental or smug, just curious.
Still, Remus can’t help but pout, and he looks away. “Of course I was jealous. Bloody Miles McKinnon, with his big blue eyes, batting those ridiculously long eyelashes at you, and being all cute, and witty, and charming.”
“You know, if you want Miles to snog you instead, you should hurry and you can probably still catch him,” Sirius says irritably.
“No!” Remus quickly says. “No. I just mean, I wish it was me. When he calls you handsome, when he brushes your hair away from your face, when he leans in to kiss you... I wish it was me doing those things.”
“Why don’t you?” Sirius whispers, staring at Remus intently.
“Because!” Remus says desperately. “Because I know how to be your friend, but if I even think about flirting with you, I turn into an awkward, rambling mess.”
The only thing that can possibly be going through Sirius’ mind right now is how the hell he let the sexy, confident, flirtatious boy walk away, to be stuck with the flustered heap of awkwardness that is Remus Lupin.
Remus stares down at his shoes. “I mean, I like you a lot, and also because I feel comfortable around you, I do, but when it comes to flirting, I suddenly get scared that you’ll laugh at me or something. I even think it’d be easier if you weren’t my friend, if we didn’t know each other so well. Then maybe I could-”
Remus stops talking when Sirius gently cups his cheek and tilts his head up. Slowly, ever so slowly, he leans in, giving Remus enough time to pull away had he wanted to. Which, for the record, he absolutely doesn’t. Sirius presses their lips together. And it’s...
Well, it’s not awkward at all.
It’s fireworks, and symphonies, and the sun breaking through the clouds. It’s a sense of belonging, and knowing all is right with the world, and a feeling of coming home.
Both boys are a little out of breath when they pull back, more because of the intense emotions than because the kiss had been that passionate.
“See?” Sirius smiles at Remus. “If I want you to stop rambling, I can always just... interrupt.”
“Rude,” Remus mutters, before pulling Sirius back into another kiss.
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everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Natsume (pt. 24)
Hello, friends. The story is rapidly approaching an end. I imagine I'll only be posting for another couple weeks (maybe three at the most) before this essay draws to a close.
Last night we wrapped up the Time Travel Arc. Now we return to the larger parent arc, the Escape Arc. Mikan has made up her mind to escape the school with her mother, and although this breaks Natsume's heart, he'll do all he can to get her out safely without at all complaining. If she's leaving for good, then the only thing that matters to him for the next little bit is keeping her as safe as possible. After that, he's resigned himself to a lonely and imminent death... And then Mikan has an epiphany.
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Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Four
They’re finally all back in the present. The room they left is now empty, and they wonder what happened. Undoubtedly the situation is more pressing than ever.
Mikan is concerned about everyone’s safety, but Natsume makes it clear that the priority is making sure she can make it out of the academy with her mother. If she’s going to leave, then he will do everything he can to make sure the process goes as smoothly and safely for her as possible. Her concerns about everyone else have no place here when everyone’s dreams and futures are threatened by the ESP if he ever gets his hands on Mikan’s alices. Besides, his happiness and safety always come dead last to him. He’d act and speak this way, even if it was only Mikan’s well-being on the line.
He will protect her no matter what happens, he says. That’s his priority. This is no different than the way he’s been living for the last year or so.
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Yeah, there's the whole thing with the school and protecting the student body and stopping the ESP but Mikan is his priority always.
Everyone else agrees, and Mikan is outvoted. She comes first now.
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Seven
Mikan and her friends run into a horde of students, either controlled by Luna’s alice or afraid that they’ll end up being controlled or punished. They all move to attack Mikan in particular, to capture her because maybe they’ll even be rewarded for it.
This is a mistake, because Natsume will not allow anything to happen to her. He uses his alice to fend off the students, but his fire takes a strange shape, unlike anything he’s ever made before. His ability to manipulate the shape better than ever is a result of the stone Mikan inserted into him, which Tsubasa theorizes is psychokinesis.
Ruka pleads with him to stop, concerned about Natsume’s health the more he uses his alice. He immediately stops on the behest of his best friend, but then he uses his new alice to pull everyone over closer to him. Mikan specifically flies into his arms, where he wanted her. He’s able to catch her, whereas the others land on their heads. Now that they’re safer, he tells her to teleport them.
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Who cares where the rest of them land? They can deal with it on their own.
Tsubasa comments that this extra power makes Natsume feel like more of a man, more powerful. This isn’t a farfetched theory. We know how much Natsume wants to grow up, to have power. Now that he has this extra alice, he’s more useful than he already was, and that naturally translates into some extra confidence.
Another thing is that Natsume is putting his all into getting Mikan out safe. He’s willing to expend all his energy and alice in order to accomplish his goal. Adding on to that, he knows he won’t see her again after this. He can hold on for a little longer, but to survive the unknowable amount of years before he can see her again? Unlikely. He doubted he’d even be able to graduate, let alone be on standby for possibly a decade and maybe even more. He has no reason to believe he’ll make it. So he keeps her close now. He’ll be right by her side ‘til the very end, take advantage of every touch and interaction he can. So even if everyone else collapses onto the ground after he uses his extra alice, Mikan will land safely in his arms.
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine
Natsume may have spared Nobara earlier, but he still doesn’t really trust her. She’s been acting weird this whole time and he’s suspicious. When they have a moment, he confronts her, warning her that if she sells them out to Persona, he won’t go easy on her. After all, to him, she’s still the girl who’s always been Persona’s little pet.
But Nobara doesn’t want to sell them out. She wants to stop Persona and her DA friends from hurting the cause and themselves. She wants to stop them so they don’t become a part of the fight.
She stands back so she doesn’t teleport again with the rest of them. She wants to do this for Mikan.
Mikan doesn’t understand. She’s concerned that she left Nobara behind, so she says she’ll go back to get her, but Natsume stops her. She needs to allow Nobara to make her own choice. Even if Mikan doesn’t get it, the only thing that matters is their original mission. Nothing will change that. He won’t be strayed from it, no matter what obstacles come their way. Nobara made the choice, and she’s the best person to confront the DA class. The rest of them should allow her to do as she wants.
They move forward, and Natsume keeps back when he feels his coughing fit coming on. Now that everything is dire, he definitely doesn’t want to slow things down by worrying people with his body. He worries that he won’t be able to properly protect Mikan, considering the shape he’s in, but he would never say that out loud.
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Death creeps ever closer... Why isn't he ever concerned for himself?
Even more, Nobara stressed before she left that Natsume was the most important person to stay by Mikan's side, that he should protect her to the end. Though he wouldn't be so bold to say that about himself, he wants to stay 'til the end. But the fact that he might die at any moment doesn't reassure him. However, any insecurities or fears he has must stay in his mind. He wants to be strong for Mikan, to accomplish their goal and keep her safe. He’s pushed any and all feelings of his own out the window. All that matters is their goal.
He can die afterwards.
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Four
Mikan needs to go to her mother. She and Ruka are to teleport to Yuka, since Ruka has the barrier alice and he can keep her safe. The rest of them are going to hold off the Fuukitai and other enemies. There’s really no time for heartfelt goodbyes. Natsume might never see Mikan again, but he turns away because there’s no time for anything else. He will fight off the enemies to keep her safe. That’s what he can do. Anything else will just waste precious time.
Except that Mikan has the telepathy alice now. She’s mostly kept it a secret, sharing it with Hotaru and nobody else.
Natsume can stay silent all he wants, but his heart and mind are racing with thoughts and feelings. She couldn’t ignore it if she wanted to. It’s not the time to be lollygagging. She has to get going, and everyone is urging her to move on and teleport with Ruka, but she’s hesitating.
And then Natsume hears it too. She’s saying it back, telepathically, that she loves him too.
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Terrible timing, Mikan. You had all night to say it back! (joking)
It’s all he’s never allowed himself to want to hear. Something that would only happen in a delusional fantasy world. Mikan may care about him, to some degree, but he’d never expected she would love him back. She should love Ruka, who is kind and polite, or literally anybody else. He’s always had to push her away, and even if she saw through his insults to see what he really meant, he still wouldn’t be good enough. He can’t be with her, because his life is running out. He shouldn’t be with her, because all he will do is cause her more pain. He’ll never be with her, because he doesn’t deserve to be. He won’t be with her, because she’s running away with her mother and he’ll never see her again.
But she loves him too anyway.
Despite every insult and attempt to keep his distance. Despite their beginnings of mutual disdain. Despite how he’s said he hated everything about her, about how he wanted her out of his sight. Despite acting like she was a pest and nothing more than an annoyance. Despite everything he did, she somehow still loves him.
It’s the worst thing to ever happen to him, to stand there and hear her saying that in his mind and then watch her disappear forever.
He’s said it out loud only one time. He confessed with his kiss at Christmas, with his alice stone, with the borrowing race, with his speech to the ESP. He’s confessed with every time he got in front of her to protect her, with every cruel word forced out of him by the higher ups, with every smile he had just for her.
Now she finally said it back and it’s too late for anything. He can’t kiss her and show her how much he means it, how much it isn’t just hype over nothing. He can’t tell her he loves her to her face and with his whole chest. He can’t take her by the hand and run away with her. He can’t live happily ever after with her.
That was all okay before, when it was just him who was suffering. So his life would be lonely and short. Okay. Who cares? But now he knows she wants all that too.
He’s miserable. He calls out to her but it’s too late. She’s gone now and all he can do is fight the enemies who want to threaten her security.
Natsume has been left behind with Tono and Tsubasa to fight as hard as they can against the Fuukitai. When they finally get away for a moment, Tono tells them to fight for the girls they love. Tsubasa and Natsume both berate him for this, because who was he talking about? Tono argues it wasn’t about him; he was just trying to cheer the two up after they had to break apart from their girls.
Natsume is clearly in emotional turmoil, but he frequently is, so he doesn’t let it show a lot. He may threaten Tono with his alice or tease him with Tsubasa like all is normal, but it’s not. His current circumstances couldn’t be any worse unless Mikan were in danger, and he’s doing everything he can to keep that from happening.
Tono finally admits that he’s been nervous this whole time because Noda is probably the traitor among them, but Natsume realizes the truth: It’s Goshima.
Tsubasa and Tono are going to try and find Goshima, who has the key Yuka and Mikan need to escape. They also need someone to go and tell them that Goshima can’t be trusted, and Tono wants Natsume to do it.
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five
Tono is urging Natsume to go and tell Mikan about Goshima, to go protect her. Naturally, he doesn’t hesitate before taking off. Any excuse to see her again and keep her safe is enough for him.
Tsubasa doesn’t understand why Tono sent him off, though, since Natsume is in such bad shape. Having him run and exert himself further seems wrong.
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I just want him to be happy. Is that really so much to ask?
Tono puts it all into perspective. It had to be Natsume. The kid was in a state of absolute misery, even knowing his love is requited and perhaps because of it. He can never see Mikan again. His life will end. The rest of them can talk about decades and decades into the future and still be sure that they will meet Mikan again, but it’s clear that Natsume won’t make it that far. As Tono puts it, it’s important that Natsume has a chance to see her for the last time, to say good-bye properly.
Natsume would go to her no matter what, too, and he does, running with all his might to find her, even though he’s coughing and his body is breaking.
He will use his alice and do anything he can to find her and tell her and keep her safe, and they finally meet again.
He’s standing over the bodies of enemies that he’s just defeated for her, and he finally has a chance to say the good-bye he thought he’d never get.
There are other things that need to be said, but he might not have a chance to say his feelings again if he doesn’t take the opportunity now. He’s sad, because no matter what, their story will end soon. But this is more than he could’ve asked for.
But all of the words that should come out of his mouth don’t. He doesn’t talk about the traitor. He doesn’t tell her he loves her to her face. He doesn’t say anything except her name. None of the feelings he has can be put into words. For the moment he’s speechless.
She is too. She rushes into his arms and they share a quick second of holding each other before they inevitably part forever. The fact that she hugs him might have reminded him that she loves him too. Then again, how could he forget? Either way, he finds the words that were lost to him before.
He’s going to stay with her until the very last second. He won’t leave her or part from her for even a moment again until they have to say good-bye for good.
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No, they won't last. She'll leave and he'll die, but they have this moment, even if it's the only thing they'll ever have.
No, he doesn’t mention the traitor even though he was sent to. Natsume very rarely talks about his feelings, but they felt so important this time that he had to say them out loud.
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Six
Even though Natsume didn’t say it to Mikan, Shiki got the information from him via telepathy and then conveyed the information to Yuka.
Now that Yuka and Mikan are reunited, they can all go to see them off, fighting Fuukitai and Luna along the way. Narumi and Mikan are trapped in an enemy’s ice alice for a moment, until Natsume melts the ice and takes Mikan’s hand. He wasn’t joking about staying by her side until the very end.
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Until the very last moment.
Sure, she needed to reunite with her mother and Narumi, but they’ll be spending forever with her after this night. He only has these next few minutes. He’ll be the one to take her by the hand until he has no choice but to let go. Until then, he will stay by her side.
Lucky for them, Yuka’s plan to wait until the last moment for the key so they can leave with Naru panned out. “Tsubasa” arrives with the key and hands it off. There’s no time to waste; Yuka rushes to open the warp-hole but all that comes from it is an explosion.
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven
Yuka and Narumi were caught in the blast. Yuka shielded Narumi with her body and took the brunt of the hit. She’s now in critical condition.
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No hesitation. That's his only keepsake from his mother, his only reprieve from endless pain, but he'll give it Yuka because he can't not give it to her.
Natsume doesn’t hesitate, and he gives Mikan the healing alice stone that his mother got from Yuka. Yuka is Mikan’s mother. Her death would be crushing for Mikan, who’s already had to face so much trauma from watching her father die too. This all was about getting Mikan and Yuka out safely, and all that effort would be in vain if Yuka dies. And after Natsume has seen everything that happened in the past, he respects Yuka too. All Yuka has ever done is suffer, just like he has. To simply die after all that--he doesn’t want that either. Yuka gave his mother that alice stone, something that brought him a little reprieve whenever he had a coughing fit or felt ill. The least he can do now is give it back.
But it doesn’t work. It’s not enough. Yuka has enough time before her death to hug Mikan and apologize to Luna, but then her heart stops.
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Eight
The ESP arrives to break the period of mourning. Luna can’t believe that he would orchestrate this, but it’s not much of a surprise to anyone else. The “Tsubasa” decoy reveals himself to be Goshima, who holds Mikan by the wrists. The ESP only needed one person with the stealing alice. Yuka had become extendable, so he eliminated her.
Goshima goes to surrender Mikan to the ESP, but she fights, and Natsume moves to fight too, because that’s his girlfriend and he promised he would keep her safe. But the ESP always has the barrier alice cast on him, always protected, even from Natsume’s strong alice. Even Natsume can’t help Mikan now.
But Shiki breaks the ESP’s barrier and Mikan rushes to her friends’ side.
Z is invading the school and threatening to take the students captive. The MSP needs her successor, Shiki to be appointed so that he can protect the school with his barrier alice. The ESP is in a bind. Shiki can either run away with Mikan as Yuka had intended to, or he will agree to stay and act as the MSP to protect the school.
God this arc is a mess when all you want are the NM moments. How dare they be so scattered! Anyways, Natsume now knows that Mikan loves him too, romantically, but everything has been upside down for a while, specifically tonight, so the future doesn't look bright. In the next part, we'll talk about how Natsume feels about being separated from Mikan when she's locked away.
Sorry this is late. I'm not in a fantastic mood today which affected my motivation. I shoved a bunch of content in here and it might be too much. I don't know. There wasn't a clear way I could cut it into multiple parts without them being choppy and short as hell. I just wanted to get to the next part because this arc was stressing me out.
In any case, I feel like crap right now emotionally, because this day was very draining. I'll try to post tomorrow at a reasonable time. Thank you for reading.
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
jalice2020 day five
JaliceWeek2020 Day 5: Angel/Demon
Notes: This is the third version, because I thought the others were going to be ‘too long’ and then this became a behemoth. I’ve lost all sense of whether it’s actually worth posting, but it’s 6,300+ words and a whole day of work that I refuse to waste. These prompts are going up out of order because I feel like being contrary and am totally disorganised. 
And I found the idea of ‘demon’ fascinating because what else would a vampire be but a very specific form of ‘demon’? Plus there were so many (utterly amazing) fics about demon!Alice, I decided to flip the script. 
I am also totally running with the angel thing in a much longer fic, because I had so much world building, so much more history for both Alice and Jasper, and I was sorry that I couldn’t include it. 
There were three things of which she was certain.
The first was that her name was Alice.
The second was that she was born an angel.
And three, she was getting ready to die.
He finds her in an alley behind a diner, slumped against the brickwork, struggling to breathe. He sees her, and for a moment he doesn’t realise what he’s seeing - why would he? Who, in living memory, has laid eyes on an angel?
But he remembers the stories, told around a Monterrey bonfire, of the markings, the aura, the divinity of those nearly mythical creatures. Creatures born of hope and love and all those things that he left behind on that last ride. The older ones always had angel stories, of their astounding beauty and immense power; of wings that stretched out eight, ten, twelve feet of pure white energy that could cut through any substance known to creation. Of miracles and healings and forgiveness that filled all the hollow spaces inside. Of blood that can only be offered willingly, or it becomes fantastically and irreversibly poisonous.
He goes to her side, his hunt forgotten. Maybe it is the stories, that childish, lingering hope at the back of his mind that there is absolution for his actions, that he has not fallen so low he cannot rise up again.
Or maybe it is seeing a creature as broken as he feels, and the twist of pity-empathy in his gut won’t let him turn away from her. She is so small, so utterly… forgotten.
She was a great beauty, he can see that underneath her suffering; her skin has a grey cast, and her lips blue, her eyes underscored with dark bruises. She’s so thin, her skin stretched tight. The celestial markings still adorn her tiny arms, from wrist to elbow, a collage of flowers and stars and maps and symbols utterly meaningless to him, but faded like an old bruise.
Something utterly precious, just thrown away.
His red eyes meet hers, and she gasps, tries to make herself smaller. Some half-forgotten lesson tells her that red-eyes, demons, are the lowest evil and she must protect herself. But with what? She has lost her wings, has lost her magic, has lost much of her memory.
She has been discarded, and is worth nothing more than a demon’s gaze, his next meal. It would be better to go quickly than to linger with this heaviness in her bones and lungs and heart and mind. Whatever divinity is left in her blood, perhaps it can gift him with something - she doesn’t even know what a demon would wish for with angel’s blood, truly. But for a quick end, she would offer it willingly.
She gasps again as he lifts her, and cradles her close, his eyes studying her carefully as he settles her in his arms, making sure he causes her no pain, even as fresh bruises bloom on her skin.
“What…?” she croaks, as he sweeps out of the alley, away from his chosen meal, from the buzzing signs of the diner, and into the night.
“Rest, little one,” is all he says, as if he has a plan. “You’re safe.”
Those half-remembered warnings feel paper thin as she is cradled like treasure against his strong body, as he moves confidently through the streets. Even through her threadbare clothing, it is the first time she has been touched since she can remember, and it is… nice. It is nice and it is easy enough to close her eyes and let whatever is to happen next come upon her.
His room in the boarding house is small and worn, but fine enough for him to have a minuscule wash room of his own. The angel sleeps deeply, the sleep of the gravely ill, and he tucks her into the untouched bed in the corner, whilst he ventures into the yet unvisited common kitchen to find her food.
The landlady sweeps in, a well-lived woman - who has never trusted the red-eyed man - likes him a little more as she watches him make a right mess of toast and tea, and she quickly assembles a little tray. This isn’t the kind of establishment that cares what he does in the room he pays for, and she doesn’t really consider the possibilities when he asks for an extra towel and pillow.
The angel sleeps through the night and well into the next day, and he can feel the heat coming from her skin. He dribbles cooled tea between her lips, and curses the fact he has no memory of nursing from the army, of his human life. He refuses to request more help from the landlady, and finally he gives up all pretences and manages to gather the girl up and clamber into the narrow, stained little bathtub together, filled with cold water that he hopes will curb the fever.
She dreams of fire licking her limbs and red eyes staring into her soul and her lips are so dry and everything is all jumbled up and then she is staring at the very tall red-eyed monster cradling her in a bathtub full of cold water, and patting her face with a cloth and worry on his face.
Somehow she regains control of her limbs, enough to reach one shaking hand up to his cheek - it seems impossible that the most evil of creatures could be so handsome, could go to so much trouble for her. She wishes she could ask him a million questions, but she is so very tired, and it is easier to settle back against him and sleep as her fever rages.
They are together a week before she is lucid enough to ask questions and offer answers, for them to even learn the other’s name.
Major Jasper Whitlock, ma’am.
A soldier, a killer, in his human life. That makes her sad for him, that humans choose to set themselves on a path that is paved in death and misery but there is nothing that can be done about that now. And for a soldier turned vampire, with all his terrible deeds indented on every inch of his arms and neck, with luminous red eyes and a hard stare, he is not.. bad.
In fact, he shows her the first kindness she can ever remember.
He brings her food, strange choices at first, but he soon learns - angels like sweet things, fruits and honey and candy; thin soups to build her strength up, well-sugared milky tea to help her sleep. He brings her some clothing - a proper night dress, and a blue day dress that is far too long, but it covers up the bruises on her stocking-less legs. He reads to her, cheap novels that have covers depicting in young ladies and flowers and cannot be vaguely interesting to him.
She knows he slips away to hunt, to drain humans of their life, but she sees the slump in his shoulders, the tired, pained look on his face upon his return and she wonders if those paper-thin lessons were wrong. That demons do have souls, souls that are weighed with every choice, every action, of their cursed existence. After all, a vampire is just a human gone astray, really. And for all of their flaws and follies, ignorance and arrogance, humans are essentially good, kind creatures. There is a reason they are so staunchly guarded by the angels, after all.
What if Major Whitlock is only a demon because the angels failed him?
When she is well enough to stand, to limp slowly around their tiny room, he offers to take her to church, and she wants to giggle, but he looks so serious and so determined to escort her there that she agrees; churches are for humans, and so is the religion found in them. But she thinks she understands - angels and churches and religions have been so tangled up together that it is some kind of logic, to take her there. He even brings her a hat and gloves and new shoes for the excursion, letting her limping stride set the pace, letting her lean on him as her lungs struggle to keep up.
His arm is gentle yet strong around her, and she leans closer to him, breathing in a scent of pine needles and rainwater.
The closest church is of moderate size and limited wealth - the parishioners are hardworking people with little money - and the pastor is an elderly man who has overseen the births, marriages, and deaths of those people, all of whom he can name on sight. It is a late night, counselling a young couple, and he ambles around the church, setting it right for the next morning.
He looks up when he hears voices, and sees the silhouette in the doorway - one tall and one small. For a moment, he mistakes them for an adult and child; perhaps siblings? Strangers or newcomers, certainly. They take a place in a back pew, the taller figure helping the smaller into her seat before settling beside her. It is then he approaches, to welcome them and offer them counsel, before he realises what he is seeing.
The red eyes of the male, firmly fixed on the diminutive girl. And he wants to banish the monster, this fiend from the sanctified ground on which they stand, of which he should not be able to enter. But the flickering candles throw light onto the girl, and the sight of her is a reward paid for with decades of his faith. It is a split second, a flicker of light and shadow, and he has Seen her. The ghost of wings that fold around her in filmy light, the slight glow of her skin, the wisp of lost golden markings, such beauty his mortal eyes has never seen. She looks up at her companion with affection in her eyes, and she takes his hand, and the pastor does nothing more than nod and bless them both in passing; whatever has brought the pair into his church is beyond that of mortal comprehension.
They stay a little while before the devil helps the angel stand, and the pastor watches as the girl limps from the church, leaning heavily on her corrupted companion and says a little prayer for them, one to see them both to whatever sanctuary they might be needing. And then he extinguishes the candles.
Time meanders on, and Alice grows stronger. Strong enough to walk unaided, though she still takes his arm every time they leave. Strong enough to teach herself to mend their few clothes, to prepare herself food, though he finds her with candy and fruit just as often as something properly nutritious.
Seeing her cheeks round with chocolate, blushing with embarrassment at getting caught, is the first time he’s properly laughed in decades.
She looks so well now, with faint colour in her cheeks; her eyes are a blue he could get lost in, a swirling galaxy of shifting light and colour - they are most inhuman thing about her right now. Her lips have lost the blue cast, are now a rose pink that makes her look very kissable, but thoughts like that are dangerous, and feel heavy in his chest. Her markings look like some kind of bruise-coloured tattoos that are slowly darkening. He hasn’t asked about them, about the meanings behind them, but when he holds her hand, he sometimes finds himself tracing the lines of the flowers, the stars, the symbols - he thinks he has them memorised.
But eventually, it is time to move on. His body count is rising, getting closer to noticeable, and the money is running out - they only have what he takes from his victims, and it has been slim pickings for a few weeks. He hates to have to admit why they have to leave, but she doesn’t flinch, just smiles and requests a bag for her things as if fleeing a city because of too many bloody disappearances is a perfectly normal reason to leave.
So they leave Philadelphia, hand in hand, with no particular destination in mind. And for a long time, that’s how they live - boarding houses in the city, forgotten farm houses in the country, cradled by long grass in forests where the night sky peeks through. Those are the nights she lies pressed up against him, her head pillowed on his shoulder, as she traces constellations with her finger as she relaxes into sleep.
Those are the nights that are imprinted on his brain forever.
They find themselves in the back of Vermont in the fall; it’s been a few years since they left Philadelphia, wandering around the country. She looks beautiful to him that day, with a flower crown in her hair - the flowers drooping but not yet wilted - and her very worn out pink dress that is shredded below her knees and a filthy white shawl with more holes than lace. He clasps her hand tight in his as they meander through the forest; she hums a song under her breath, one that is sweet and soothing and intoxicating and he can never remember the tune until she sings it again.
He isn’t paying attention, when they settle on a camp site and she flits off to find something edible - fruits, herbs, flowers; she is surprisingly adaptable. And for all the legends and half-truths, she has no trouble or reluctance eating animal flesh, as long as she cooks it on a fire first, though she always cries when it has to be a rabbit.
They are upon them at once, a coven of five aged vampires, suspicious and on edge as they see his eyes, his scars, his cold glare at the interruption and his own failure to sense them.
At the strange, sickly amber of their eyes.
It’s a tense conversation of his intentions, his purpose on their lands, and his honeyed words are thinly veiled threats. He is grateful that Alice’s sweet scent (roses and linens and melting snow) is easily covered by his own, an illusive little quicksilver protected by her own sacred biology. He has them almost convinced them to, in laymen’s terms, fuck right off and leave him be when Alice returns.
The older woman gasps at the sight of her and the entire family go from suspicion to anger and disgust - the shawl slung low around her elbows (covering up her markings, good girl), the girlish, tattered dress, and flowers in her hair. The apples clutched in her pale hand, one with an obvious bite mark. Her blue eyes bright and skin flushed, and decades later he will remind them how damn unobservant they are that they thought she was his victim, lured into seclusion, when two bags sit by the tree, when everything about her was uncanny and inhuman enough to tell them the still-shocking truth. It was fall in the forest, and the flowers in her hair were still fresh, for god’s sake.
But in that moment, she is the innocent, a future meal of a monster, the sacrificial lamb.
“Sweetheart, come away from him,” the woman gestures to her, but Alice is no longer smiling, and if they looked closer, they’d see the storm rising in her eyes (he loves that about her, the way the blue of her eyes darkens and churns when she’s worried or afraid, and lightens and ripples with her joy. He could watch her eyes forever.) She drops the fruit, and moves closer to him, her hands reaching for the sleeve of his coat.
The coven move too fast, and the only reason they aren’t destroyed is because he is too aware of her; she is pushed aside in their efforts to manhandle her away from him, to drag him through to their side of the river. He lets the biggest one push him to his knees, his arms tight and awkward behind his back. There is a growl is rumbling in his chest, and he can smell it - her blood. It’s an odd, distinctive smell that is enough to make him freeze. It’s not a lot, maybe a scrape, but this coven… angel blood is somehow a walking, resistible temptation. They could drain her dry (and die horribly for the effort) but she’ll still be perfectly dead and that cannot be allowed to happen. He begins to struggle, but the big one holds him firm and shit. This is bad.
“Let him up, please.”
He can only move his head enough to see her standing, a small cut on her leg that will be gone in a day or two. She looks … displeased. He’s never seen that look on her face before.
“You’ll be okay now,” the redheaded boy tells her superiorly. “You should find your way back to town.”
“Let him up,” she retorts, just as arrogantly as the boy, as imperious as a queen, and there is a stillness, an edge to everything around them - no birds or breeze; even the running of the river seems rather muted.
“We’ll deal with him,” the big one says confidently, and that is the wrong thing to say.
“Let. Him. Go.”
It happens all at once, an echoing order that is not yelled but thunders in all their ears. They yell and gasp and are tossed away like paper dolls and he finally gets a look at his girl in all her glory.
She’d told him once, off-hand, that she’d never be fully healed again. That she accepted that she was Fallen and Shunned, and what she had managed to recover, she was grateful for.
Not recovered, his ass.
She was great and terrible and the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, her arms thrown wide and the shawl gone, her markings glowing white, her eyes pools of white energy. And behind her, stretching four feet, easily, on either side were her long wings, crackling with pure light. Markings he hadn’t glimpsed before peeked out from the neckline of her dress, and her skin had a faint glow to it, the entire effect as if a star was entrapped inside her body.
It is his captor that bears the brunt of her wrath, gasping in pain as her gaze focuses on him, the rest of the coven disorientated as they pick themselves up.
The last of the group, the blonde woman who might have been mistaken as an angel herself, is at his side immediately, wanting to help but unsure how to as he howls at whatever Alice’s power is doing to him.
“Stop it!” the blonde vampire screams, “STOP IT.”
He manages to get back to her side, wanting to reach out and pull her to him, but he doesn’t know if he can touch her like this.
“Alice?” he says. “We’re okay.”
The energy recedes as quickly as it appeared, leaving her looking cranky but pale as she immediately tucks herself against him as the coven inspect their fallen member.
He is disorientated and startled but unharmed as he reassures the blonde woman, the rest of their gazes falling to the couple over the river. More than a girl in a pink dress and a man in an overcoat.
“I can’t read them anymore, Carlisle,” the redhead murmurs. “His is … too quiet, and hers is in a language that… I think she made up.”
Alice spits a sharp word at the boy, holding him so tight he knows she was - is - afraid.
The leader, this Carlisle, simply stares at them with an indescribable look on his face. Incredulousness and awe and confusion and amusement dance around them, and he shakes his head.
“In all my years, I have never…” he began, wiping his face with his hand, an indisputably human gesture. “I apologise, my family misunderstood.”
Alice grunts and still glares, and if Jasper knows anything, it is that she holds a fantastic grudge against that which wrongs her - the woman who called her a harlot in a town back in Minnesota; the perfectly spoilt fruit tart from a shady baker; the young man who tore her dress in Boston. If those things can keep her gaze dark and sour her mood, he doesn’t fancy being any one of these creatures.
“Carlisle?” the older woman asks curiously, and the big one is back on his feet and seems to be entirely unaffected by whatever Alice had done to him.
“What is she?” he asks with genuine curiosity, his arm around the blonde.
“I believe this young lady might be an angel.”
That’s how they meet the Cullens. Carlisle spends three days hovering around them with delighted, boyish excitement until Esme gently redirects his attention and energy. Esme, who is so kind to them both, even with his red eyes and scars (later, she will smile at him and tell him that she knew that no matter where he had come from, no one who treated Alice so gently could be anything other than a true gentleman). Edward is frustrated with them both, and mutters comments under his breath as Alice snipes back in a language no one else understands - which just agitates Edward more. She admits later, when they’re alone, that she hardly remembers learning the language and probably couldn’t hold a conversation in it but does in fact remember most of the good swears and insults, and he laughs loudly at the idea that angels are pure and good and selfless as she taunts the arrogant little vampire.
Rosalie hates them. Hates his red eyes and violence, hates Alice for hurting her mate. Emmett is more curious and entertained than offended, and shrugs off Rosalie’s rage - “Babe, you’d do the same to them for me.” He’s more interested to know if Alice can change the colour of her ‘lights’ at will - like a disco ball - and Alice congratulates him on asking the actual dumbest question in the history of creation and of course that means Alice and Emmett are friends now, even though he described her attack as being ‘boiled from the inside out’.
How does he feel about them? Well, they offer them a nice room with a bed for Alice and little bathroom, and Esme goes to find Alice food - Carlisle sending her with a ream of notes on angels and their preferred diet despite the girl’s insistence anything will do. They are respectful and genuine and he cannot fault their welcome into the house. There are clean clothes and books and amusements and every possible comfort except human blood.
That is a conversation he has alone with Carlisle, whilst Alice joyfully eats her way through a pile of candy roughly the same size as she is. It is a long conversation, a hard one. Of all the guilt and the pain and the regret; of every horror he has never spoken of to Alice, of every fear that lingers in his bones.
And when he finishes, he feels lighter.
Carlisle smiles benevolently, and explains the advantages of abstaining from human blood, of existing only on the blood of animals.
“It does, admittedly, take away some of our strength,” the older man warns but his mouth quirks into a smile. “Not that I think you have to worry about your safety with such a… formidable mate.”
Jasper is quick to correct him, ducking his head so that Carlisle might not see the longing in his eyes. They are not mates or lovers or sweethearts. As much as he admires her, a goddess in his eyes; as much as he restrains himself from noticing the slender curves hidden by her clothing, from letting his gaze linger too long, they are mere companions; the closest of friends but no more than that.
Carlisle chuckles outright at that. “I assume this isn’t your preference?” he says, with a grin that makes him look his age.
He scowls, refusing to take the bait.
“In all my years, I have met many people in many differing kinds of relationships,” Carlisle says, with that knowing look on his face that Jasper decides he hates. “And I can tell you without an ounce of doubt that no angel - or woman - would look at a vampire like that, would defend one so fiercely, without holding him close in her heart. I think, if you were to make a gesture, it would be warmly reciprocated.”
And for a moment, he is full of hope. Hope of a future where he could press a kiss to willing lips, could slide his hand over the curve of a waist. Could trace the markings hidden by her dress with his fingers, his mouth, learn them by heart.
But the truth is, he is a monster. The blood in his eyes, the scars on his skin, the violence in his movement… it is what he is. That he would not sully her with his touch, if she would even accept such a thing. And in truth, he could not bear to be dismissed from her side. He would walk her down the aisle to a worthy man, as long as he could remain in her orbit.
“No,” he shakes his head. "She is… and I am… it would not be fair.” She already Fell once, why drag her further down?
Carlisle studies him carefully, the regret rolling off him in waves. “If you’ll pardon me for prying, how on earth did you end up meeting Alice? I only know of one other who has met an angel; they are illusive creatures.”
Jasper looks up, a quirk of his lips at the memory. “I found her in Philadelphia. She was dying in an alley. I tried to help her.” And the story slowly comes up; the long wait for her fever to break, trying to build up her strength, their brief attendance at church that was more for him than for her; their little pilgrimage around the country. How she loves to watch the stars, to wear flowers in her hair, and sings like the angel she is. How any money they had went to food, and she found sweet irresistible - more than once she went barefoot rather than go without a slice of cake, a bag of strawberries. He ends up smiling by the end of the story, the warmth of the memories surrounding him.
Carlisle looks at him incredulously. “Jasper, you found a dying girl in Philadelphia, and you saved her life,” he says so gently. “You raised an angel from the dead out of pure selflessness and honour. And you sit here and tell me that you are deemed unworthy? I cannot believe it, myself.”
Jasper shakes his head and thinks of all that he has been told, about animal blood, and protecting human life. About all that he has seen and felt with that diminutive girl beside him.
“For her, I have to be better.”
They settle into the Cullen family with relative ease - Esme is a doting mother figure to Alice, whose quirks he found so charming are utterly foreign and confusing to the rest of the family. But Esme carries no frustration to find wilted flower crowns discarded through the house; to find Alice has eaten a week’s supply of food in one night; to find an ugly scorch mark on the couch when Edward provoked the girl far enough for her magic to get involved.
Carlisle is still fascinated, but is affectionate to the small girl who has so many questions about everything, everywhere. He cannot answer many of her questions about angels, but he has more than enough stories about his life to entertain her for hours.
Edward and Alice snipe at each other constantly, as she continues to conceal her thoughts, and somehow mute Jasper’s, from his probing. The thing is, they could be good friends if they wanted; he wonders if Alice still holds a grudge from his dismissal of her during that very first meeting. Emmett, however, thinks Alice is a fantastically weird addition to their family even if her powers remain unused. Her intuition is second to none, and she is strong enough to exist safely in the household, but mostly she is unremarkable. He likes ruffling her hair and asking dumb or embarrassing questions (“So when you have sex, Lite-Brite, do you go all glow-y?” he asks one day, just ambling into the room with that question on his brain, and Esme scolds him and he growls, and Alice turns faintly pink and admits she wouldn’t know. Emmett does feel bad when she reveals that, and buys her an enormous bag of fudge that means he’s automatically forgiven.)
Rosalie tolerates them - she likes how annoyed Edward gets with Alice, and that Alice is an eager student in the art of fashion and shopping, and has suitable awe for Rosalie’s beauty and attitude. But she resents Alice’s divinity, that somehow the universe judged this tiny girl to be a precious, sacred creation, and decided that Rosalie herself was worth less than humanity.
They treat him well enough - politely, respectfully, and that’s all he asks. Carlisle offers relatively good counsel on most subjects, but most specifically on hunting animals. It’s the hardest thing he’s ever had to do, and he fails more than he succeeds. He sees frustration in the faces of the Cullens every time he returns with red eyes, but he never sees Alice flinch or fluster. She greets him with that same special smile every time he walks into the room, her sheer presence a balm. And that unconditional affection, that is when the shame feels heaviest on his shoulders.
So he tries again.
And again.
And again.
And it gets easier. Or rather, he gets stronger. The gaps between red eyes get longer, and his eyes lighten slowly from red to orange to amber. But the burn in his throat remains, and he struggles constantly. But he reminds himself, the prize is worth it. She is worth every second of burn, every disgusting animal, every long night resisting the urge to hunt.
She will always be worth it.
After Vermont, there is Minnesota, then Montana, then… well, they begin to blend together. All are within abundant hunting grounds, all in beautiful homes, all provide comfort and luxury he could never have imagined providing her. She fits it like a glove; her beautiful clothes, the abundant library, the ease of every day life - it is a palace for a princess and he is so happy that she is happy.
It is the place where Carlisle insists he go to school with the others, tempting him with the possibility of college in the future. She cannot go; they have no ways of concealing the inhumanity of her, and she struggles to contain her powers sometimes, especially when distressed. Even one sad movie an have her shining like a discount glow stick. Carlisle does much research on the subject, to try and help train her, but his research is slow and they still don’t know much. One day, she’ll join them. She’s determined, even when she scorches another dress, another chair, another wall. One day.
She pounces on him every single afternoon, demanding to know about his day, about his classes, about what high school is like. For so long it was just her, then it was them, then it was the family - the idea of classmates and friends and peers is so foreign. He dutiful fills her in, though many of the details she demands are not things he has noted. She always touches him during these conversations, hanging over his shoulder, curled in his lap, tucked at his side.
And even when Rosalie and Edward tell her to stop bothering him, forcing him to relive the tedium, he encourages it. Because as dull as school is, recounting it to her as she clings like a little possum to his back, is his very favourite part of the day.
And somehow, maybe because of that, something changes between them. Their closeness holds something new - potential, maybe. But her eyes seem to really see him when he presses a gentle kiss to her forehead; her cheeks get a little pinker when he compliments a new dress; he finds himself reaching for her less, and finding her already there more often.
They still share a room - he has no need for his own, not with the communal library on the third floor - and he tries his hardest to give her privacy. But he’s caught her changing more than once, seen a glimpse of more markings on her pale-flawless-exquisite spine. He lingers too long in that view, berating himself for his perversion, but he cannot resist. He wonders where else the tattoos lie.
Carlisle looks at him with knowing eyes, and Esme beams every time she sees, or thinks she sees, something. But no, not yet. Not until he’s worthy of every hope, can grant every single one of her wishes and whims. Not until he can court her as she deserves.
It’ll happen, he’s determined. He will make himself worthy, reforge himself in any hell that he can find, if it makes him a better man for her.
Inevitably, he slips again, and they have to move, and he is furious with himself. Every time he thinks he might see the light at the end of the tunnel, he weakens. Two steps forward and one step back.
He spends the night on the couch, watching movies without seeing them, and trying not to notice the warmth of her skin as he endlessly traces the lily-star-celestial map that are her tattoos. She falls asleep against him, a heavenly weight, and he wishes for a lot of things, but mostly for sleep.
There were three things of which she was certain.
The first was that her name was Alice Cullen.
The second was that she was a fallen angel, which wasn’t such a bad thing to be.
And the third was that she was completely and irreversibly in love with one Major Jasper Whitlock. And she was tired of waiting.
He has taken her into the forest, the spring air crisp, and the plants blooming. She skips beside him, her fingers interlaced with his, and it’s a lovely day - the canopy of the forest concealing the glitter of his skin. It’s one of those lazy, peaceful days that he lives for.
She leaves him sitting by the river, as she gathers wild flowers and leaves, settling beside him as she makes her crown - nimble fingers twisting and weaving. The white and yellow blooms match her new dress. And then she is wrapped around his back, crowning him in leaves and tiny red and white berries.
“My prince,” she whispers in his ear, leaning forward to press a lingering kiss on his cheek. And she pulls away, just enough space for him to turn his head and align their lips and he’s many things, but he’s also a man deeply, deeply in love.
Their first kiss is a slightly awkward angle, but it is… it is his absolution, his greatest hope, his most perfect joy. For her, it is finding home, the last piece of an indecipherable puzzle finding its place, it is entirely new and yet as familiar to her as her own self.
After he pulls away, she twists herself into his lap, her eyes so wide and flickering blue and white, a pink flush to her cheeks. She looks so hopeful and loving that he cannot help but steal another kiss, another jewel to hoard in his dead heart as she sighs happily against him.
But the real world is still outside their private little glade, and finally he pulls away.
“We can’t,” he croaks, her arms wrapped around his neck. “Oh Alice, I can’t.”
“Why not?” her question is so innocent, he wants to wrap her in his arms and keep her here forever, where nothing will ever sully her.
“You’re an angel, darlin’. An honest to goodness angel. You deserve so much better,” he murmurs, half against her lips. “Not me. I’m a goddamned monster.”
Alice sighs again. “Oh Jasper, I wish you could see you as I do,” she says so sweetly. “The person who lifted me out of the trash, the person who healed me, the person who cared for me and protected me and loved me without question or expectation.”
She traces his face, her soft fingers running over his nose and lips and cheeks.
“I’ve waited so long for you to be worthy to yourself,” she continues. “Because you were more than worthy enough for me.”
The next kiss is deeper, passionate and he pulls her flush against him, feeling the buttons on her dress press against his chest, probably cracking them. Another one follows, and then another, until it all blurs together, and he’s slid his hand further up her leg than is truly proper, and her hands are tangled in his hair.
Her smile is the sweetest, a little shy, as she buries her face in his neck - drawing in his scent - and he notices the faint glow around her markings, almost like her powers are blushing.
“I’ve waited for you - for this - for so long,” she whispers to him, the words almost lost in the light breeze.
And he holds her close, holds her tight. “I never meant to keep you waiting.”
She looks him in the eye, gold meeting blue, and her smile is radiant, as beautiful as every story and every myth. “Well, we’ve got all the time in the world.”
And then she leans in for another kiss.
There were three things of which Jasper Hale was entirely certain.
One was that he was a vampire in love with an angel.
The second was that his angel loved him back, as completely as he loved her.
And the third was that they had the rest of eternity to be together, whatever the future might bring.
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rampagext70 · 5 years
Protective (Ralph x Reader DBH)
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A/n: This request was really cute so I hope that I made it to your liking, and I apologize for uploading it so late! If y'all have a request feel free to ask! I do anything! But I hope you enjoy!
Kara had helped Alice under the fence, raising her up to give her a soft smile in order to help calm her nerves a little. "Don't worry," she said softly. "We're just having a look." She held the little girl's hand, walking towards the side of the old, abandoned building. As she walked to turn the corner, Alice had let go of her hand to wander in the yard while Kara found a way inside.
Kara turned the corner quickly, having the intent on staying here with Alice. It was the only place they could stay for the night. So she would have to make the best of it. She walked back boarded up windows, noticing a hole in between two of the boards. She looked through, noticing the inside had seemed quiet empty. Yet, the fireplace looked like it had been used recently and put out quickly. It was confusing to the AX400 model, but she kept pressing forward towards the door. She tried opening the door, noticing it was locked which confused her even more. The place was abandoned. Right? So why would the door be stuck like this?
She turned back to look at Alice -who she thought was still following her- but didn't see the little girl anywhere. "Alice?" She said softly, never getting a reply back. She started to walk quickly and her LED flashed yellow for a moment. Her body felt tense as she walked, heading back towards the corner. "Alice?" She repeated louder this time. When she turned the corner she saw a man, wearing a half torn cloak, holding a knife towards Alice as she pressed herself against the wall. Kara's LED turned to a bright red and her eyes widened at the site. "Wait! What are you doing?" She questioned the blonde quickly, taking a step towards Alice and the knife-wielder.
The man glanced over at Kara before setting his gaze back on Alice. "Visitors..." He said quickly, looking at Kara once again. He slightly leaned back before leaning forward. His whole entire body seemed tense while his LED flashed a dangerous, bright red. "Ralph doesn't like visitors. They're nasty. They might hurt Ralph and (Y/n)." He muttered another name, making Kara tilt her head slightly as she connected the dots. That's why the fire had seemed to be put out in a hurry. Someone else had been here with this man who calls himself Ralph. He thought that they had came here to hurt him and whoever this other person was.
Kara raised her arm quickly, her LED now flashing yellow. "Look," she said gently to not scare Ralph. "I'm an android too." Her synthetic epidermis had disappeared down to her elbow so she could show him that she was also like him. "You have nothing to be afraid of.." she needed to coax him into calming down so she could help Alice and make sure he wouldn't do anything. Ralph's LED turned yellow as he stared at Kara. He still wasn't sure of the two. He wasn't worried about himself really.
He was worried about them hurting his precious (Y/n). If he had let them in and they hurt her then it would have been bad news. He would have been devastated. So when he had heard the fence being lifted, he had forced his lover to put the fire out and hide herself somewhere within the house while he confronted the trespassers. "All we want is a place to stay the night." Kara said, taking Ralph put of his thoughts.
"Visitors are dangerous.." He gripped the knife in his hand a little bit more, glancing down at the little girl and looking back at Kara. "Look..." He straightened his posture a little bit. "What they did to Ralph." He turned his head towards the two, showing the damage on the left side of his face. "Ralph is also here to protect (Y/n). Ralph doesn't want harm towards her. She's seen hard times."
Kara's face softened at his words, feeling pity towards him and the girl he talked about. She hadn't seen this (Y/n) woman but from how Ralph spoke fondly of her name it seemed that they were probably close in some way. "You have nothing to worry about." She reassured. "We're not going to do you or  (Y/n) and harm. You have my word." Ralph lowered his knife from Alice and she quickly moved to stand behind Kara, fear evident on her face as she stared back at the damaged android.
"You must excuse Ralph..." He lowered his arms to where they were close to his hips, the knife still being held in his right hand tightly. "Ralph finds it hard to control himself. Sometimes his fear and protectivity of (Y/n) makes him do things he regrets." He lifted his left hand, pointing at the damage on his face. "Ralph has seen hard times." He looked down, having a slight frown on his face. His LED was blinking back and forth between a dull yellow, and a calming blue. "He's just so scared the humans will get him and her again..."
Kara held Alice close to her as she looked at Ralph, still feeling bad for him. He had only did this to protect what he loved. She would probably have done the same if it was her and Alice in place of Ralph and the mysterious woman. "You can stay if you want." Ralph spoke up, looming down at the ground before up at them. "Ralph and (Y/n) won't hurt you."
Kara thought for a moment, looking at Ralph as she held the young girl close to her. It wouldn't hurt to stay the night with these two would it? She hasn't met (Y/n) yet so she didn't know who or what she was. Was she an android to, or was she human? She made her decision quickly and nodded slightly. "Okay," she answered, her LED turning into a calm bright blue. "We'll just stay the night." She confirmed with Ralph.
Ralph smiled widely and perked up happily, showing a small little movement with his arms, the knife waving in his hand. "Come on!" He started to turn the corner, looking at the two. "Come!" He waved his arm the held the knife, beckoning for the two to follow him. "Come on! This way!" He disappeared around the corner, heading towards the door. The two followed behind the now cheery male carefully, still a little bit on edge. "Ralph has lived here since he ran away. He met (Y/n) in here as well when he arrived.  Ralph never goes outside unless he needs to help (Y/n) get something. So No one knows the Ralph and (Y/n) live here."
He arrived at the door, turning to look at the two brunettes. "Other humans come to squat from time to time, but you know, Ralph just hides from time to time until they leave. Sometimes (Y/n) hides with Ralph or she talks to them about the outside world. Ralph tries his best to keep an eye on her while hidden. In case they try to do something she doesn't like." He explained to them.
He opened the door and walked inside, turning to hold the door for them. "Come on!" He said cheerfully, shutting the door behind them as they walked in. "You can make yourself at home here." He walked into the house fully, standing in the middle of the main room as he still faced them. "Ralph is going to go into the other room where (Y/n) is. He would like to stay and talk to you. But he has things to do. He has to make sure (Y/n) is okay." He smiled at the two and then turned away from them, walking towards the stairs that were opposite of the door they had came in. He was going to make sure that (Y/n) was alright and explain to her what he had done, and who was in the house so she wouldn't be frightened. Her safety was his one and only concern. It didn't matter what the android and little girl did, as long as they brought no harm to the one he loved. He was protective of her and would do anything she would ask him to do. She was his number one priority and only she would be. No one would change that for him. No matter what would happen he would always be there for the one he loved. He would always be there for (Y/n).
Thoughts on a part Two?
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youngwriter0318 · 3 years
Enchantress (My formatting got fucked up)
I stood before the queen, waiting for my sentence. No doubt, I’d be sentenced to death. Alice, Queen of Hearts, was ruthless.
“Aoife the Enchantress,” she spat. “You shall be banished from this land, never to return!”
A collective gasp danced in the air, and even Edward, the king, stared at his wife in shock. She always killed, never banished.
A crimson smile spread across my face. “As you wish, my lady.” I curtsied and allowed the guards to bound me in chains of silver. They believed the silver would stop my magic, those poor tragic souls. I was more powerful than I let on, even if I was only ten.
The guards gently lifted me into the back of a wagon surrounded by silver bars. I laid my head on the hay and allowed sleep to take over.
Rrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnggggggg! The bell sounded, letting us know we needed to be in class. I was early, as always. All throughout the halls, kids were talking about the new girl coming today.
“Good morning students!” Ms. Speare chimed. “As you’ve all heard, we have a new student! Her name is... Ay - oy - fe?” She laughed nervously. “Um... she’ll be in this period. I’ll need someone to show her around once we introduce her...”
My hand shot up before she could finish the sentence. Why was I raising my hand? I hated having the teacher’s attention on me. What was wrong with me?
“Do you have a question, Anwyll?”
“No, I want to give her the tour,” I improvised.
Her face lit up. “Wonderful!”
She opened the door, asking someone to come inside.
The girl followed her and whispers filled the room. She was different, that was for sure. She could have belonged with the emos and goths but she didn’t. She had a group that was entirely her own. She had to be pagan.
“Class, this is Ay - Oy - Fe”
“Actually, it’s pronounced Eef - Fyuh. It’s Celtic for beauty. Although sometimes it is used as the Gaelic form of Eve.” Her voice was soft and quiet.
Trinket started to snicker, “Beauty? Please! What’s beautiful about you? You look like you got dragged through a dumpster.”
“Trixie! Detention!” Ms. Speare glared. “Anyone else have something to say?”
“I personally think she’s pretty, I’ve never seen red hair before. It’s rare and getting rarer by the day. And her cloak! It’s gorgeous!” Conor mused. My best friend, always trying to hide his biggest secret. She was pretty though.
I stared at Aoife. She was wearing leather combat boots with jeans that hugged her body. Her shirt stopped about mid-thigh and had a rune on it, surrounded by other runes. I couldn’t see her eyes because the shadow of her cloak hid them. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders like a waterfall of flames. Her cloak was black, trimmed with gold.
Wait... why was I romanticizing a girl I didn’t know? And a waterfall of flames? Seriously, Anwyll?
I couldn’t stop staring at her; she radiated with power.
I glanced at Ms. Speare. “Yes, sorry?”
“Are you going to give her the tour?”
“Yes! Right!” I stood up and grabbed my stuff, unnaturally tense.
Aoife looked amused as if the situation was funny.
As I showed her around the school, Aoife stayed silent. Finally, tired of her silence, I asked her what her schedule was.
All she did was hand it to me and watch me read it.
“You have the same schedule as me.”
She nodded.
“You’re not supposed to have hoods on in the buildings, Aoife.”
“And why not?”
The lights flickered.
“It’s against school policy.”
I stared at her. “I don’t know, I don’t make the rules!” My voice echoed.
She turned and anger flickered across your face, “Do not snap at me! You do not know me or anything about me! If you snap at me again, I will make sure you never speak again!”
Rolling my eyes, I continued to show her around. I noted that she had calmed down quickly. She had a splash of freckles across her face; it was kind of cute.
Thunder rumbled outside and the lights went out.
“Great! Now we can’t see!” I complained.
“Relax, it’s just a bit of darkness.”
Suddenly the hall lit up with a green glow. Looking around, I saw the light was coming from her hands.
Thrusting her hands upward, the hall exploded with light. “Bet you don’t see that every day.” Aoife winked and then ran out the doors.
Foolishly, I followed her outside. Curiosity crushed me as if I were the cat it so desperately hated. Rain hammered down on us and she spun in circles with her head back. Her hood fell off and when she opened her eyes, I saw they were gold as if God melted down the precious metal and poured it into her eyes.
Wonderment washed over me. This girl was special.
I stood in the lunchroom, wading through the line. Trixie and her groupies were talking about me. What a shame, too drunk on popularity to see the hideousness of their souls. I grabbed a tray and made my way through the line as lunch ladies put food on my plate.
“My lady, do you by any chance have pomegranates?” I asked, hopeful.
The lady stared at me and laughed, “Are you trying to play medieval? No, we don’t have pomegranates.” Shaking her head, she served the next student.
Someone tapped my shoulder. I looked to see Trixie. “Yes?”
“Aoife, I’m sorry about what I said in class.” Liar. “I hope we can be friends? I think your cloak is pretty. What’s the design on the back?”
A gentle smile eased on my face, showing all sincerity towards her curiosities. After all, these mortals rarely took the time to learn about other cultures. “It’s a Celtic rune for prosperity on the back of a crow. And the runes surrounding it are for good luck, loyalty, justice, protection, and a lot more.”
“And on your shirt?”
“The rune for abandonment and deceit.”
She frowned. “Why that?”
“My past.” The truth, my past is full of pain and betrayal, so why not flaunt my strength and watch my enemies cower.
“Just some advice, Aoife: if you want people to like you, don’t be so dark.”
I shrugged. “I don’t want someone to like me for who they think I am, I want them to like me for who I really am.” I stared into her eyes. “I know you don’t want to be my friend, you just want to manipulate the situation so you can pretend I am the villain. But I am not fake like you. So I say this with absolute sincerity, I hope the devil uses your spine as a ladder to pick apples in the gardens of Hell.” I smiled my sweetest smile at her and turned. Checkmate.
I could feel her watching me with her beady eyes and her pink glossed lips pressed together in a thin line. I win.
Trixie launched towards me, her friends screaming, “No!”
Ever so calmly, I sidestepped her and she flew into the table. “Oh, dear! Are you alright, Trixie? Let me help you.” I offered her a hand, allowing healing energy to flow from my core to her body.
Then smiling with pride, I walked up to Anwyll’s table. “Hello, Anwyll of class 105. Hello, stranger who attempted to make me feel good about myself.”
They stared in shock.
“You stood up to Trinket!” the stranger said.
“You mean Trixie?”
“Everyone calls her Trinket,” Anwyll explained.
Sighing, I plop down next to Anwyll as the stranger stared in awe.
The stranger finally spoke again. “Tell us about yourself, Aoife.”
“No, I don’t even know your name, stranger. Why don’t you tell me about yourself.”
“My name is Conor.”
I stared at him.
“There’s nothing interesting about us,” Conor said.
I began eating the chicken tenders on my plate as they watched me. It was rather awkward having two boys stare at you while you eat, not knowing you’re an enchantress. I have wandered alone for thousands of years, just to have two high school boys watch me eat my chicken tenders.
“How did you do that thing in the hallway? With your hands?” Anwyll inquired. He had startling blue eyes and black hair, I noticed. Studying him further, I noted a light scruff growing on his face. He must shave regularly. He was about two inches shorter than Conor, an inch taller than I was in my boots, putting him at a grand height of about five foot seven.
“What are you talking about?”
“You made the hallway light up with the green light earlier! Before we ran out into the rain.” Gazing blankly at him, I played dumb. This boy expected me to answer him? Mortal boys were foolish. Conor stared at him as well. Cue the awkward tension again.
Read the full excerpt here
I plan on continuing the story and making it into a book so let me know if you like it and I can try to keep you updated on the progress!
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meraxesmoon · 10 months
《Chapter One: Driftmark》
┍━━━━━━━ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗━━━━━━━┑
     The gardens in Kings Landing were (Name)'s favorite, mostly because no one was ever there... and it was quiet. The royal family was chaotic sometimes, full of fake smiles and forced civility. The young princess tired of such things, and her only escape was her dragon or the gardens. Mother had banned her from riding her dragon until her wrist healed completely - her and Nightdreamer had taken an accidental tumble while flying, so the gardens it was. The sky had been clear earlier, but now it was raining, heavy drops of condensation hitting the ground and flowers with a certain ferocity. (Name) finds herself wondering why mother nature was so angry today. 
(Name) sits at the gazebo, watching the rain with interested eyes. She then catches sight of someone walking towards the gazebo, getting themselves soaked in the process. She realizes that this person is none other than her own father, Ser Laenor Velaryon. "Father? What are you doing?" (Name) finds herself shooting up from her seat, rushing to the entrance where her father meets her halfway. "You'll catch a cold, and then mother will be angry!" She pauses before looking at him with wide eyes. "Why on earth didn't you grab an umbrella?" Laenor simply laughs, using his wet hand to wipe away the rain from his face, not doing a very good job at it. "You don't think very well sometimes, father," (Name) says as she pokes Laenor with the tip of her own umbrella. 
"Your mother wishes for you to return to the castle, she fears you may come down with something being in this rain," Laenor says as he grabs the umbrella from his daughter, and she shrugs her cover on as they walk back into the rain, this time being covered from the rain. "She worries about you; she seems to think that you've been distant lately." They are greeted by Ser Criston as they reach the door that led inside, the knight looking a little perplexed at their arrival. Laenor nods at Cole in a friendly manner, but it is not returned. "You should not be out in this wretched weather, princess," Ser Cole says as he looks at the young girl. 
(Name) reached for her father's arm, smiling at Cole as she explains that she has her father to protect her from the wicked gods of sickness. 
"Quite, now you'll have to excuse us, Princess Rhaenyra is expecting us." Laenor squeezes his daughter's hand as he walks away from Criston towards the Kings bedroom. This is where Rhaenyra dwelled, spending some personal time with her father as he worked on his figures. (Name) enjoyed coming here as well, as she was rather close with her grandfather. 
Once they enter the room, (Name) is met with the sight of her mother, holding a little bundle in her arms. This must be her new sibling; she thinks as she speeds towards her mother. Not very ladylike, but she knew she'd be excused this one time. 
"My Love," Rhaenyra coos at her oldest as the young princess rushes to hold her new brother. "This is your new brother, Joffrey." Rhaenyra hands her newborn son to his sister with a gentle smile on her face. (Name) had always been so good with her brothers, they were so comforting to Rhaenyra. In truth, her children saved her from a dark time in her life. Her daughter especially. 
Her only precious girl. 
"You look wet, darling, what's happened?" Alicent questions as she sees the water on the young girl's cheek. "She was out in the gardens, Your Grace." Laenor answers for his daughter as she holds Joffrey in her arms gently, smiling down at the new addition to her family. He was smaller than Luke was. "You'll catch a cold, Love," Rhaenyra groans from where she stood next to her own father, though she could feel herself slowly giving up on the argument. 
"I must tend to my children," Alicent says, obviously trying to excuse herself. "Do meet me for tea tomorrow morning, Princess." (Name) nods her head happily and hands her brother to her father before walking towards her mother. 
"Are you doing well, Mother?" (Name) asks, clasping her mother's hand in her own gently. Rhaenyra smiles widely before pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead. 
"I'm doing just fine, daughter." 
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
     Driftmark was cold, the smell of salt water and sound of crashing waves invades (Name)'s ears as her dragon lands on the grainy sand. Nightdreamer was a midnight-blue dragon with silver scaling and equally silver eyes, a bad temper as well. However, she seemed to be in a lighter mood. She liked when they were able to fly together. Nightdreamer was also a very warm dragon, like a giant blanket. Once (Name) climbs down from her dragon, the cold of Driftmark hits her like a tidal wave. Tugging at her deep burgundy cloak, she shivers as she stands next to Nightdreamer for a moment longer. 
"This is your first cordial event, Dreamer, please behave yourself," (Name) smiles as she soothes her hands down Nightdreamer's warm scales, the she-dragon letting out a 'meep' sound in response. "Perhaps we can ride again after the funeral has concluded." 
That made her think of her father. He was usually so bright, but the day that letter arrived... 
Even Seasmoke seemed to realize the dread in the air. 
"As if your mother would allow that." 
The smugness in Aegon's voice made her grimace as she looked towards her uncle. Hopping off of his golden dragon, Aegon smiles cockily at (Name) as she leans on her dragon, an awkward expression taking hold of her face. Even Sunfyre seems to be mocking her, his golden tail swishing behind him excitedly. Nightdreamer and Sunfyre were around the same age, her being slightly younger, but she was longer and overall larger, and the princess had an inkling that Aegon found that a bit offensive. (Name) grimaces as she looks towards Aegon, feeling unsure as she looks around for her mother. 
"She would..." "Not." 
Aegon was an annoying little rodent sometimes. 
Despite their bickering, they ended up walking towards the funeral venue together, Helaena arriving on her own dragon, Dreamfyre, not too soon after. Aegon, Helaena, and (Name) took their studies together, as they were close in age. (Name) and Helaena's personalities synced well together. (Name) was rather awkward and quiet for a daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and Helaena was... Helaena. Aegon's personality was too loud for (Name), she often found herself being unsure and wavery around him. 
That's not to say she disliked him, though. 
The dragon riders were among the first to arrive, those coming in boats arriving about twenty minutes later. (Name) spent those twenty minutes with Helaena, as Aegon had already taken to his cups. Helaena, on the other hand, had found a nest of spiders she had never seen before and was trying to show it to (Name). "I've never seen a creature with so many legs," (Name) wonders out loud. Unlike some of the other ladies at court, she wasn't particularly disgusted by Helaena's bug interests. Spiders... she was more tolerant of those. 
"(Name)," Rhaenyra approaches her daughter, looking regal and elysian. (Name) had always marveled at her mother's beauty, she may have not been as conventionally gorgeous like other ladies, and she wasn't particularly feminine in the face, but Rhaenyra had a certain beauty to her. She looked especially good in darker colors, as she was wearing now. (Name) rises from Helaena's side and puts all attention on her mother, who immediately softens her gaze. "Would you go down to the port and fetch your brothers when the ships arrive? Driftmark is large and I fear they may get lost." (Name) agrees, and somehow Aegon ends up accompanying her. 
"Your mother will be cross when she realizes that you have been drinking, Aegon," (Name) says as they wait for the ships to pull into harbor. Aegon had hastily finished three goblets of wine before they came to the harbor, and his cheeks were a bit flushed as he licked his lips, tasting the remnants of his beloved wine. "Yes, well, that's only if you tell." (Name) rolls her eyes as the ships pull in, and the people onboard start to flee them. Several of her mother's servants leave the ship, (Name)'s younger brothers bounding up to her. Luke's tiny hands were gripping onto her cloak, and she couldn't help but notice he looked a little sick. Taking little Joff from one of the servants, (Name) smiles down at her younger brother. He was always so quick to get seasick. 
The next to leave the boat were Queen Alicent and Prince Aemond, the younger boy looking solemn as he gazed at the dragons on shore. 
The funeral went on to be quite the somber event, as most would expect. (Name) had stayed close to her father the entire time, watching pitifully as he mourned the death of his beloved sister. By the end of the funeral, Laenor was horrifically drunk, and (Name) was sure that if her grandfather Corlys hadn't dragged him from the sea that he'd drown. He had disappeared somewhere after that, and (Name) was left with her grandsire, the king. This was her first time meeting her mother's uncle, Prince Daemon. She had learned about him through her grandfather and mother, but never thought she'd actually meet the rebellious prince. He was often away from Westeros, she had heard. 
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
     The night had ended horrifically. 
When (Name) was shuffled out of her room by her handmaiden, Althea, she watched as the queen begged for her sons justice. (Name)'s younger brothers had attacked Prince Aemond, and his eye was detached sitting in a bowl on the table. The maimed boy had a pained expression on his face as the maester stitched his eye socket closed, and (Name) could feel something vile in the air. 
Before anyone could react, Queen Alicent had acted out her own revenge, slicing through Rhaenyra's arm, a shocked expression on her usually cool face. Seeing her mother being cut, (Name) rushes to her side, grabbing onto her mother's arm instinctively, warm blood coating and running down her hands. "Mother!" (Name) can feel the panic, the flesh of her mother's arm was torn open by the blade, and it wouldn't stop bleeding. She had read in books that many could die from losing too much blood. 
Gods, she thought hysterically, is this the day I lose my mother?
"I demand that the princess (Name) be brought with us back to Kings Landing, and be married to Aegon." Alicent says after a long silence, the people in the room turning their attention to her as her voice cracks, tears still spilling down her pale cheeks. (Name) freezes, watching as her mothers face distorted into something absolutely twisted. "You will demand nothing," Rhaenyra seethes, her amethyst eyes seared with anger. Both mothers are absolutely feral, trying to protect their children. "My daughter will stay with me, on Dragonstone-" "ENOUGH OF THIS!" 
Viserys, wheezing as he regards his family, motions towards (Name). "The princess will return with us to Kings Landing, and once of age, will marry Aegon." He points to his son, still standing protectively over his younger brother. "That is the end of this matter."
At the end of the night, (Name) and her brothers watched as servants packed all of the young girls things, loading them onto a ship. Readying for tomorrow's journey back to Kings Landing. The tension between Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra had finally snapped, and (Name) had been the victim of it in the end. 
Before this night, (Name) had never seen her mother cry. Rhaenyra was a strong woman, but her strength came from the love she had for her family, and now her family was being split apart. After having her arm sewed up, the heiress sits in silence as her children get their own treatment from the maesters. Luke was crying hysterically, gripping onto (Name)'s nightgown as she sat next to him. He seemed less concerned about his nose and more about his sister being sent away. The younger children were soon sent to bed, where they would stay until the following morning, and it was soon just Rhaenyra and her eldest in that desolate, dark room. 
Rhaenyra had fingers pressed against her temple as she sat silently, and (Name) did the same, not speaking a word as she looks at the bandages wrapped around her mother's arm. When she eventually looks up from the arm, she notices her mother shaking a bit, but then realizes that tears are dripping down her mother's cheeks. 
(Name) Velaryon had discovered that her mother was a silent crier that night.
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First chapter is angsty, but that's okay 
I love mom rhae <3
masterlist ☆
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
The Convenience of Love
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Summary: Regina laments losing her friend Mal to her mother’s evil, finding that she has been turned to stone. Robin promises they’ll find a way to turn her back, while Rumple tells them they have the curse and must get it back. Meanwhile, Snow and David continue to enjoy their honeymoon. And Killian Jones returns to the Enchanted Forest after many years absence with his daughter Alice in tow.
Chapter 4: A Vicious Plot
Regina looked at the stone dragon with tears in her eyes.
"This was my mother…" she said angrily, as Robin put his arms around her.
"I'm so sorry, my love," he soothed. She sniffed.
"This is my fault. The only thing Mal did was be my friend. She was trying to be better, you know," Regina said.
"She regretted the way her relationship with Aurora fell apart and that she cursed her," she added.
"I know...but she may still be in there. She was only turned to stone. We shall seek answers and if it's possible, we'll change her back," Robin told her.
"They came here for a specific reason though. They have it," she stated. His brow furrowed in confusion.
"They have what?" he asked.
"The scroll that has the spell to cast the Dark Curse," another voice said and they looked over to find the Dark One standing there.
"You…" Robin said, recognizing him from an earlier altercation he had before Marian died.
"Easy...he's the one that helped David find Snow when my mother and her father cursed her," Regina admonished. Robin looked at him with scrutiny.
"Why would you of all people help Snow and David? And what did David have to do for your help?" Robin questioned. Rumble giggled and Regina sighed.
"He had to sneak in here and hide something for him. Fortunately, Mal was understanding," she answered for him.
"Yes...and I need Snow White and her Charming prince alive...and procreating," Rumple added. Regina rolled her eyes.
"Could have done without knowing that," she muttered. Robin shook his head.
"Okay...but what is this curse? It can't be the one you told me about," he admonished. But she nodded.
"It is…" she confirmed.
"And if they cast it rather than Regina...then it would be very bad for all of us," Rumple replied.
"I told you that I'm not casting it for you! I would have to crush Robin's heart and that's not happening!" she spat. There was a gleam in Rumple's eyes that told her that he knew something she didn't, but then that really wasn't unusual.
"Well, you're in luck, because I no longer want the curse to be cast. I want you to help me stop them," he replied.
"Since when?" Regina questioned.
"Since now...things have changed, as the future often does. We need to stop the curse now. That's all you need to know," Rumple answered.
"Which means we need Snow and David's help," she stated. She hated having to burden them with this, especially during their honeymoon.
"They're at his mother's farm. We know the way, but we must be careful. We cannot allow Leopold or Cora to find it," Robin stated. Rumple held out his hand and conjured a vial in his hand.
"Drink half of this each and it will conceal you in your journey," he said, as Regina took the vial and they prepared to journey to Ruth's farm.
David's face lit up at the sight of his wife bringing some water out to him.
"I thought you might be thirsty," she said, as he quenched his thirst.
"I was...thank you," he replied, as he pecked her on the lips.
"Mmm...I think I'm a bit hungry too," he purred.
"Mmm...you just ate," she purred back.
"Not for food," he said slyly, as he kissed her deeply. She moaned into his kiss and her arms encircled his neck, as he pulled her flush against him.
"Come on...let's go for a walk," he suggested, as he put his shirt back on and they joined hands.
"Into the woods?" she asked coyly.
"I thought so...and I know a little swimming hole nearby that I used to frequent," he replied. She bit her bottom lip.
"But we don't have swim clothes," she teased. He smirked.
"We're not going to need them," he responded and she giggled, as they headed off into the woods for a romantic respite.
Leopold gazed out from the balcony overlooking his Kingdom and then back at Cora.
"So we have the spell now. How are we going to cast it?" he questioned. She smirked.
"We're not...we're going to force Snow to do it," she replied. He looked at her with a questioning look.
"And how pray tell are we to do that?" he inquired.
"We give her no choice. We wait until she has something even more precious than her husband to threaten and then we make her crush his heart to cast our curse," Cora revealed. His eyes widened.
"You want to wait until she births a bastard child by that shepherd?" he asked.
"Yes...it will be perfect. In fact, I suspect that noble Prince Charming will even offer up his heart if he thinks it will protect Snow and his child. Then he will be gone and we will mold the curse into whatever we want," she revealed. He mulled those thoughts over for a moment.
"I do like the idea of ridding my daughter of that idiot in the process," he agreed.
"But we have no idea how long it could be until she is with child," he reminded. Cora smirked.
"Oh with those two, I'd say it won't be long," she replied.
"Then I guess we just wait," he said.
"Mmm...they will come for us and try to steal the curse away once they discover that we have taken it from Maleficent," she warned.
"Then I will increase our soldier's patrol," he offered, as he left to carry out that task, while Cora mused about their plan.
"Soon Regina...you'll be my dutiful daughter again and I can rid you of that forest dwelling riff raff. And your whore of a sister will be put back in her place," Cora cooed to herself.
Snow moaned sensually, as he kissed her lazily and they waded idly in the water. Her legs were still hooked around him and he was still inside her, as they slowly came down from another powerful bout of lovemaking, this time in the swimming hole he had frequented in his youth. As always, it was amazing and they were determined to make the best of their honeymoon.
"Oh David…" she uttered breathlessly.
"I love you so much…" he said in a husky tone, as he kissed her again and she tilted her head, as his lips moved to her neck. Their lips met again and then parted, as she pressed her forehead against his.
"I never imagined I could be so happy," she mentioned fondly, as she looked at him fondly.
"Me either...my fear was that George was going to make me marry someone I didn't love. He's not a good man," he mentioned warily.
"I know...and I know the only reason he allowed our union was because he knew he would get my Kingdom for it," she mentioned. He shook his head.
"I'm sorry...you know I've never been comfortable with that part of this whole thing," he said. But she shook her head.
"My father is out of power and as bad as George can be, he's a far cry from mine. And I really could care less about the Throne or riches, you know that," she said, as she slipped her arms around his neck.
"You're all I want or need," she assured and he smiled.
"It may be a business transaction to my pseudo-father, but for us, this is love," he agreed. She smiled.
"True love…" she said, as their lips met again. Peculiarly, a bird landed on a branch above them and chirped incessantly. Snow could tell it was trying to talk to her in the back of her mind, but her husband's lips on her neck was making it very hard to concentrate. Until the bird got a bit louder and he raised his head, as they looked up.
"What does it want?" he asked, with a bit of irritation. She smirked at him, knowing that he did not want them to be interrupted. But she frowned at his message.
"It's from your father...George. There's been some sort of development in the whereabouts of Cora and Leopold," she said. She had taken to calling him by his first name, for he had violated her in a way no father should ever and therefore she no longer considered him as her father. He groaned and scoffed.
"Leave it to George to interrupt our honeymoon," he grumbled, but she smiled.
"Like we need to be on our honeymoon to enjoy our marriage bed," she reminded. He smirked and pecked her on the lips.
"Touche," he agreed, as they got out of the water, dried off, and got dressed again.
"Will your mother be really disappointed that we have to go back early?" Snow asked, as she bit her bottom lip.
"A bit...but she'll understand. We have a Kingdom to rule and I'll admit, if this is a credible lead and I can put Leopold in a cell...then I'm very eager to do that. And she'll want that too," he said, as he cradled his face in his hands.
"Part of me will not rest while he's out there and threat to the love of my life," he added, making her melt beneath his touch. They started back and she hooked her hand on his elbow, while leaning against his arm, as they walked back to the farm.
The Jolly Roger surfaced through the portal and Killian Jones turned the wheel to steady her. He smiled down at the small blonde girl, as he placed his hands over hers and let her think she was helping to steer them.
"You're a natural, starfish...you'll be an expert at sailing the seas in no time," he boasted.
"Just like you, papa," Alice said fondly and his heart clenched. They had been through a lot and he was no longer the ruthless pirate he had once been. He spent the last several years raising his little girl inside a tower where a witch had trapped her. But fortunately, he finally found a way to free his little girl from the trappings of the tower. He found his way back to the ship and they sailed through a portal with the bean he had managed to acquire. This would be their new life and he saw the surprise in those that frequented the docks, as he brought the ship in. It was understandable, for it had been many years since he had been seen or heard from.
"Captain...is that really you?" Smee asked in surprise.
"Mr. Smee…" he greeted, as he carried Alice off the ship and they shook hands.
"Captain...no one has seen you in years. You've been presumed dead...Blackbeard controls the seas," Smee informed him.
"And years ago, that would have bothered me, Mr. Smee. But as you can see, my priorities have changed," he responded.
"Yes...I must say I am quite surprised myself," a voice cooed and he saw Cora there. Gently, he prodded Alice behind him and gave the woman a warning look.
"I am no longer interested in your games, Cora," he warned.
"No games Captain...I'm just here to chat," she replied.
"And is your depraved husband with you?" he questioned.
"No...I knew you would find his presence disturbing," she responded.
"He's a sick man and it's no secret what he did to his own daughter. As a father now...he disgusts me even more," Hook replied.
"Yes...you certainly have changed and I want to do the same. My daughter hates me...and I only want to help her see that we can have a good life," Cora said.
"Well, as long as you're married to the man that violated her sister, she'll want nothing to do with you," he replied.
"But there's a way we can have a better relationship. There's a way we can have a fresh start, as can you and your little one," Cora tempted.
"It's a place where that witch could never find you," she added, as he turned to look at her.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
"There's a curse...a curse that can take us away from here and to a new land. If you help me, I can promise you and little Alice a very good, safe life," she replied. He thought about it for a moment, but then shook his head. He knew Cora well enough to know that there were people that wouldn't have good lives though and he was no longer that man that sought revenge and inflicted pain on others.
"Tempting, but Alice and I will do just fine here," he responded, as he took his little girl's hand. Cora smirked knowingly and expected his rejection. But it didn't matter. He would run off now to find Regina and tell his old friend of her proposition. It was all part of their plan.
"Where are we going, Papa?" Alice asked. He smiled down at her.
"I have some friends in this land," he told her, as they began their journey to Sherwood Forest.
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rogue-rook · 5 years
Give It Time
In which I dabble in fanfiction for Julia/Penny
The Penny of Timeline 23 isn’t the Penny Julia knows, he’s a version of Penny that makes her feel off-kilter. Instead of the hard exterior and quippy anger she expects, he’s gentle and uncertain. He’s awkward around the others, especially Kady, conscious that he’s taking the place of this timeline’s Penny, dead and out of reach. 
But with her, he’s soft and sweet, focusing on her when she talks like she’s important, and she catches him watching her like she’s precious. She supposes she would be, to him, if he loved the other Julia and lost her to Fillory and the Beast. He was protective of her in the other timeline, in Fillory, and he almost hovered here, prepared to step between her and danger.
 Which she knew because if she focused, she could catch the flavor of his feelings. He believed in her, like Q and Kady and none of the others did, and because she was a goddess now, that belief got broadcasted right into her head. He loved the other Julia, and so to him she was a goddess like she deserved, not a girl who had been stupid enough to summon Reynard and then burned down a forest just because she could.
She knows something had changed when her god-powers broadcasted his feelings right to her, devastated and loving and angry and protective and unwavering belief in her goodness. It made her want to open a bottle of vodka and pour it directly into her mouth, because it wasn’t her. The woman he was feeling all those things about was dead.
It doesn’t surprise her to find out that Kady told him what exactly got her these goddess powers, and she doesn’t have it in her to be annoyed. Kady was all heart under all that pain, and Julia loved her for it.
She’s meditating in Q’s room, trying to help people in Fillory who prayed to her, a good distraction and good use of her powers, when he comes to talk to her.
“Julia, can we talk?” She could feel his concern for her. It felt almost..soothing.
“I know Kady told you what happened.” She opens her eyes and shuts out the prayers as best she could.
“I think she wanted me to help you.” He sits besides her on the bed.
“It was sweet of her, to want that. You know the Penny of our timeline dated Kady. She’s still really upset about this whole timeline-version thing.” As if it was something Kady could just get over.
“I can relate to that.” He says, a little wryly.
“I guess you can.”
“You said you’re not her, but you kinda are, you know. You’re not really different. It’s more like if you and I were separated for a while, and you got all your memories of our relationship taken away. You’re still you, just a little tougher, and with god-powers, I guess. Kady shouldn’t have told me what happened before you did, but I’m not sorry she did.”
“I didn’t really want to tell you. Or talk about it. The others all know about it already. It was...nice, I guess, for there to be someone who looked at me and didn’t see all of that. Q and Kady feel guilty and the others don’t really like me all that much. Margo pities me, I think. But you were seeing a different version of me instead of this version, and it was a nice fantasy.”
“It doesn’t change anything for me.” He says, looking her straight in the eye like he did when he said he was coming with her back to her timeline.
“Penny. I’m not her.” She says gently. She wasn’t . He was chasing a fantasy, a girl who didn’t exist anymore. All that was left was half a goddess with borrowed power. And she let him, because it felt good.
“Like I said, erased memories. It’s not that I’m seeing my Julia in you and getting confused. You’re the same for me, just without the memories and with new, shitty experiences. But from what Kady told me, you need someone in your corner. I’m going to do that.” He declares with finality, like he’s decided, like it’s not going to eventually bother him that he’s in love with a dead girl that’s not her. But he seems more certain than she’s ever seen the Penny of her timeline.
“You’re different from the Penny I know. He and I were never close. We only talked a little bit.” An understatement, like saying Q was a little bit nerdy or Eliot was a little bit dramatic.
“Then I feel bad for the poor bastard.” He says, amused. He reaches out and takes her hand in his, and rubs the spot on the base of her thumb that she always loves to have rubbed. A benefit of him dating an alternate universe version of her, she supposes.
He must know her pretty well. It’s unnerving, because she barely knows him. Penny 40, Penny 23, any of him. The only person she knows well now is Q, and it’s been a long time since they had any of that friend-intimacy she misses. It hurts her a little bit now to look at him, since she shoved her shade in him and basically orchestrated his suicide. Not Q-Q, but Beast-Q. The differences of timeline versions are both enormous and negligible. It was still Q, in some way, even if it wasn’t exactly her Q.
But this Penny isn’t the Penny of her timeline. This Penny looks at her all the time with those soft and affectionate looks of his, and believes in her, and it all makes her a little bit twitchy. Twitchy like she needs a cigarette, or when she was shade-less and needed to do something really destructive to feel like a person again, to forget why she felt twitchy in the first place.
She looks down at his hand rubbing hers, and feels something like an electric charge between them. Like the air is heavy and expectant. Oh.
She had seen this between Alice and Q, when she was around when they weren’t falling to pieces. Her and Marina, too, maybe, a little bit. Before thinking about Marina hurt like a hard edge in her ribs. And the Timeline 23 Marina flirted only in that habitual and sarcastically cruel way of hers, and Julia couldn’t look at her without feeling guilty. But this, she’s never experienced this before, not even with Q so long ago. This was different. This must have been what got the other Julia interested in him.
She meets his eyes, and he gives her a look, confused, but open and curious, too. He feels it too, then. It’s not just her. Maybe she’s just a replacement for a dead version of her that was never raped or shade-less, but it’s nice. To feel wanted, even as a replacement. But could she-? She feels a touch of panic and grips his hand fully. He glances down at their joined hands, surprised.
“There’s something I want to do,” She mumbles. “But I don’t know how to ask for it, or if it’ll hurt you, you know, emotionally. Can I...can I let the shields down a little and you read my mind?”
He looks more surprised, studying her face, trying to decipher what she’s not saying, but he nods. “If you want.”
She concentrates on lowering the shield and showing him what she’s feeling. She doesn’t think he’ll say no, but it’s almost too much to even ask for.
“Oh.” He breathes out. “Oh. No, that won’t hurt me emotionally. If that’s what you want. If you’re sure.” He gives her a grin, cocky and pleased. Then he leans forward, slides his free hand into her hair, and gives her what she wants.
He’s warm and solid, and kissing him wakes up a part of Julia that she had forgotten about, a part of her that still felt cut off even with her shade back and a level up in magic. She’s a person, not a victim or a goddess or a monster. A girl who likes to kiss and have sex and read about magic and make miraculous things happen. It felt good, to kiss someone who likes her. She wants to keep hissing him, wants him to kiss her harder, to make her really feel it, and she barely thinks it before he’s doing it, leaning more into her and sliding his hand around to hold her head still and kiss her harder. He’s still rubbing the base of her thumb with his other hand. Then he leans back and grins wider. “Your shields, Julia, I can still hear you,” answering the half-considered question that had drifted through her mind.
“Oh. I hadn’t considered that benefit of a psychic boyfriend.” She muses, a little dazed. A boyfriend who could hear exactly what she wanted?
He lights up, delighted. “Plenty of benefits of hearing your girlfriend’s thoughts when she wants you to,” he teases.
She smiles back tentatively. This is nice, she thinks. He’s nicer than I thought.
He nods, pretends to be solemn. “I can be nice.”
She pulls her shields back into place, uncomfortable with him hearing al her thoughts. She and vulnerability aren’t on very good terms anymore. He gives her a look of consideration as she blocks him out again. “Even when you put the shields back, I can still guess what you’re thinking. It’s really okay. I’m in your corner.” He says meaningfully. “Your corner, and not just because you don’t remember our relationship. Because you need someone in your corner, looking out for you with all this goddess power you’ve got and this stupid quest.”
“I guess I do.” She mumbles again, nervous to look him in the eyes. He brings her hand up to his mouth and kisses her fingertips, like he’s from one of those old period dramas she used to love. She feels a thrill shoot through her, something she’d half-forgotten coiling in her gut, something that feels good. She leans forward, chasing that feeling.
(read on AO3)
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okimargarvez · 5 years
Original title: The punisher.
Prompt: mental and physical torture, guilt, contrast love, dark drama, punishment.
Warnings: Luke OOC, sexual content.
Genre: romantic, smut, comedy, angst, drama, friendship.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, BAU team, Roxy.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot.
Legend: 💏😘😈👓🔦🐶❗👻.
Song mentioned: none.
The Punisher- Masterlist
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Note: this story stems from the vision of the program “Monster in my family”. I repeat: Luke is OOC, especially in the last parts of this story. If you don’t want to read, don’t do it.    
Part 3
-Did you like the Little Red Riding Hood fable?- that tone again. Penelope immediately understood where he wanted to go. –
Which was your favorite story, as a child?- he really wanted to know, but he wouldn't limit himself to acquiring this information and putting it in his memory.
Alice in Wonderland.
He had to expect it. The little girl who fell asleep and dreamed of a fantasy world. And they had also recently made the film version in HD. He had liked her choice.
-Caterpillars who smoke, mushrooms that change size, queens who want to cut off heads...- he had run his tongue from the neck to the hollow of the breast. -White Rabbit or Mad Hatter?- the decision seemed too easy.
 She hadn't thought about it again. The weeks had passed so quickly... indeed, a whole month had passed. In the end she had twisted her ankle and also weakened her other leg: the result, crutches for a while. More embarrassing explanations to their colleagues. They had decided not to tell them anything for now. In fact, Luke had actually decided. But she had agreed. No one had noticed the fact that Agent Alvez was absent much more frequently from his desk, just to appear only a few yards away, watched by a thousand computer eyes... or that when they were out on a mission, he spent every free minute texting, with a sly look. And even if they had noticed, they hadn't wanted to intrude.
Penelope surrendered also on the transfer. Piece by piece, in a few days there was nothing left in her old apartment. And he had been right once again. Their things matched perfectly, almost as if they had been bought together, on purpose. Those of Luke gave that touch of tranquility and practicality that was missing from those of Penelope... and vice versa. Roxy had been even happier than her master. There had been so many lunches and dinners, and hell, he cooked divinely. Another plus point. The man of a thousand surprises. And there were plenty of walks.
And the kisses, the caresses. They made love every day, at least once a day. She thought she was too old for this kind of things, but he made her want to sing Katy Perry's Teenage Dream. Because it was true. It made her feel young, desirable and... loved. She still hadn't managed to tell him what she felt, but she felt she was very close to it...
 She hadn't thought about it again until today.
Penelope opens the door (he obviously gave her a copy of the keys, cause now this house is also hers, and how to not think about the sweet key ring he had attached to it?) And she enters. Luke is not there. He's coming back from the last case, just solved. A man who took advantage of his position to kidnap and kill young women. Nothing new, yet never predictable. Roxy runs to meet and to show her love. This is also a positive side of not being single anymore. She looks at the ring on her finger. It's a simple thing. Completely different from all the others, yet no one paid any attention to it.
She smiles and goes to the bedroom. She wants to make herself beautiful for him, because she knows what effect abstinence makes to him and she misses him too much. As soon as she enters she notice something strange. A package on the bed. For my chica, says the ticket. The smile becomes even bigger and more mischievous. But how did he do it, if he is miles from here to... She opens it. Inside there is a costume, like those used to make cosplay. From Alice in Wonderland. Blue and white dress, exactly like that of the Disney version... and then... Oh God. Even the matching shoes. And the long stockings well past the knees. And the black headband. She doesn’t resist, she wears it. It is no longer she who decides, it is an impulse that is transmitted directly from the dress into her body. The heels are much more vertiginous than the originals, and also for the rest... it makes her breast stand out very much (as if it were needed) and it almost seems like she has a narrow waist.
-Better still than I thought.- she literally leaps into the air. The heart beats very fast, even though she has recognized the voice. Luke emerges from behind the curtains. But wait... he's dressed as a Mad Hatter! And above all that hat, how he is looking good with it... For the rest, she would laugh. If she weren't bursting her chest.
-But... but... you weren't... and how did you... oh, Alvez, I give up!- he laughs shamelessly of all her mumbles. He approaches slowly.
-I took a flight earlier, as soon as the case was closed. I said it was an emergency...- he looks down -... and it's not really a lie.- she feels his excitement pushing. -Do you like it, Alice?- she feels a bit ridiculous, but just to be with him... she nods.
-But I don't understand what it's for. Ok, my tits are about to explode, but I don't think...- he pulls a cord that is under her armpit, which she hadn't even noticed and... two small windows appear, exactly in the middle, one for each breast, which leave only free the tips, while the rest of the chest remains forced into the bodice. She opens her mouth in shock. -But where do you find them, things like this?- an answer is not necessary, just his mischievous look. -Were you going to look for it at night?- but it's a stupid question, because at those times he's busy with other activities, and she knows it perfectly...
-Let go, and I will take you to a land even more extraordinary than that of wonders...- does she need another kind of encouragement? Her eyes close in the same instant that she feels his tongue, his hands, his hair tickle her, as he continues to tease her and then he slips his hands under her skirt and then... then she completely loses control and then, lying down on the mattress to catch her breath, she is no longer able to say what happened. Luke does this effect on her.
But it's not just good sex. It's another thing to wake up and have someone next to you who snores or gets up perpetually with a fixed thought. Go for a walk in the park holding hands. Ruin all the film endings, after years of watching them with Derek and having learned the various dynamics, by now. Receive visits in her bunker. Flirting in the elevator. Doing disasters trying to cook for him. All small and trivial things. No candlelit dinners or rose petal paths. The best of the best is to go grocery shopping. Although she is often lost to look in the cart space where the bag rests, but where many others hold something much more precious...
 -Stomach ache? Did I do something wrong?- his worried tone brings her back to earth. She realizes that her stomach is tightening, but the reason is very different from what Luke thinks. And she is certainly not able to tell him about it. She tries, opens her mouth, but the words don't want to go out. She shakes her head to let him know that it's not his fault. But then, who knows how, he comes to understand everything. This month they had practically told each other their lives, their thoughts and he knew a great deal about her. -Are you happy to be Henry and Hank's godmother?- the woman nods. -You... never wanted... your children, Penelope?- it's not a normal thing. How can he read my mind so easily? No one has ever succeeded before. Not even Morgan. It makes me feel so... discovery. For me, love must be like this. It need not be necessary for one to ask for something, the other has to intuit it automatically... without reason. But what did I think? Love. Love. And I can't even say something nice to him. He only repeats to me how beautiful, attractive, intelligent, sexy, witty I'm... and the best I can do is to compliment him on the job.
-Yes.- she finally whispers after those that seem centuries. She looks down, because she knows she will cry. She will cry for all the babies that never born and who will never come to light. He caresses her cheeks and then gently lifts her chin.
-It's not too late.- But this time Luke is wrong. The biological clock has run its course. Already many years before. She thought Luke had understood, since she had never asked him to wear protection and she didn't take the pill. -The first time I saw you interact with Spencer, I thought you had to be a wonderful mother. Maternal. The first adjective that came to mind looking at you. You are made to have a your baby.- it's all too pressing. The sweetness and at the same time the strength of his words; the way he touches her; that pain that has always been too string to hunt in the depths of her soul. And now everything comes up again, like a punch to the gut.
-When... when I saw you with Roxy, the first time, you seemed like a...- she can't find a suitable adjective -...you behaved with her as if she were your child...- Luke smiles.
-She is. But the idea of some brat who runs around the house, with Roxy isn't bad either.- it's really more than she can handle.
-You want... you want a...- he doesn't let her finish.
-Yup. Here we go again, it's premature, we've been together for a month... but let's face it, we're no longer very young, and like I told you, I don't want to waste what's left. I never thought about being a father until I met you. I've never had the right woman with whom to think about the future...- she falters, then he puts her closer. -In reality it was after that case, what JJ and I risked burning... not being able to save that baby marked me. But I also thought about how many creatures are without parents, whether they are in the "system" and how many potential future serial killers are just waiting to be trained... when it would be enough for them to find a home that welcomes them with love. And you are love. We are love.- at first she could have doubts, fears and uncertainties. How normal it would have been for anyone else in her situation. But now Penelope believes in him blindly. Her biggest dream is coming true. Too little time has passed, but maybe just too much.
-Luke... I... love you.-
While they visit websites that explain how adoption works, she doesn't notice at all that the man's smile is strange. A grimace that at a superficial glance would seem only a symptom of contentment and instead is pure enjoyment and satisfaction. Like when a long-established goal has been achieved.
TAGS: @arses21434 @kathy5654 @martinab26 @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @thinitta   @myhollyhanna23 @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan @cosmicmelaninflower @avengerquake123vanuusims  @inlovewithgarvaz @the-ellen-stuff
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staliasjeronica · 6 years
Riverdale 3.02 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- poor Archie... BUT OMG FALICE YESSSS “This feels right doesn’t it?” That’s because it is right ❤️❤️
- Bughead... is cuddling/probably had sex... in Dilton’s bunker? I don’t like kink shaming but uhhhhh their kink is... 😬😬😬
- YES MR. ANDREWS QUESTION EVERYTHING!!! Let Archie see his dad, his two friends have already abandoned him smh but if it’s been three weeks... Archie has been in isolation for three weeks? Bby 😭😭😭
- Awww, V... and although I’m still bitter about Betty being a total bitch and not apologizing to Veronica, I’m glad they’re friends again. Now we just need Jughead and Archie to do the same since it’s always just been the couples who hang out together. ALSO V has a dress code, and imagining Sweet Pea and Fangs in it makes me wanna cry mY SWEET PRECIOUS BABIES
- Jughead: “of course we’re calling it a speakeasy” ummm tf you mean??? That’s because it IS a speakeasy? Jughead is your random hate (or secret love) for Veronica showing? I can’t tell.
- 6-4-2 as the password for the speakeasy? I wonder if it means something. And if Stonewall was close enough... what is the actual password?
- REGGIE!!!! The speakeasy looks fucking amazing. I’m speechless!!! Also Veronica and Reggie bitchessss yeahhhhh!!!! If she hired Sweet Pea and Fangs to serve drinks I’ll scream because I love them with my whole being and if they can finally have a job that gives them money, then it’s different than doing crimes and ultimately a better situation for them. Plus I’ve done this in my Sweet Pea story so it’s cool to see me doing something right lolol but ooh mocktails that’s nice I’m glad we’re not gonna delve more into an unrealistic Riverdale
- AWWW JOSIE IS SO FUCKING CUTE (also Reggie we see that proud smile you cute fuck) SHE’S SO FUCKING HAPPY TO HAVE A PLACE TO FIND HERSELF AND HER SINGING. So hopefully we get apologies for what happened last season with the milkshake and horrible poster... STILL I can’t wait to see this friendship grow because it BETTER if she’s gonna be singing at La Bonne Nuit
- Kevin bby!!! “As long as I can sing every now and then” I fucking love this so much? It’s funny how this is muchhhhhhhh more exciting and entertaining than the stupid cult/farm story... probably because Betty isn’t a part of it (because we all been knew she’s injected into every fucking plot and it’s so annoying and unneeded)
- Penny... get the fuck out of here. Just... no. You came here looking to give her protection? Well then leave bc she has the Serpents ❤️❤️ they love her for giving them a safe haven now that her father took over The Whyte Wyrm. Also I just realized that they covered Penny’s Serpent decal on the back with a Ghoulie one... so they DO have a decal on the back of their coats or whatever but we have never seen them until now.
- NO JOAQUIN!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE. I’ll jailbreak him myself you leave that precious serpent alone!!!!!!!!!
- but what the actual FUCK is the point of this stupid prisoner fighting? Like??? Why can’t anyone be what they actually are? Poor Archie, being once again manipulated into doing what other people want. Please tell Joaquin what he did for him so they can become closer because I just... This is BULL FUCKING SHIT... also Baby Teeth looks a lot like Dane DeHaan lmao
- CHERONI (idk their ot3 name of Cheryl, Toni, and Veronica lol) ALL TOGETHER WOW!!! PRESIDENT BLOSSOM AND FIRST LADY TOPAZ!!!! I don’t care if that’s just because of the recent presidency issue that Veronica gave to Cheryl, I fucking love it and I am HERE for it! “And Sweet Pea and Fangs should definitely be in attendance” I have died. Goodbye. Sweet Pea and Fangs NEED to know that she specifically asked for them okay bye
- wow that was a lot of time without seeing Bughead and it was fucking refreshing. “Evelyn was helping me, she visited me in the hospital.” “Was that her idea, or her dad’s?” See Betty... this is why no one likes you because when someone is in need you skip directly to your agenda (when Cheryl faced her father as the black hood and Betty immediately asked if it was her father instead of asking if she was alright like a normal person). Oddly how do Jughead and Ethel have more chemistry than Betty and Jughead? Also “but just you” after she side-eyes Betty I’m living. OMG “sorry, Betty, but you’ll never be worthy no matter how hard you try” it’s like Ethel is one of us omfg she just fucking obliterated Betty!!! I bet you Shannon is being bullied about this episode too smh 🙄🙄🙄 but I’m surprised Betty didn’t go into unneeded bitch mode on Ethel mmhm... “and I’m in need of some series peer support” IF ONLY YOU WOULD ACTUALLY GET HELP! But you know that if you did they would tell you that you and jug are too co-dependent and need to break up
- SHIRTLESS REGGIE FUCK YEAH THANKS VERONICA! “Reginald” fuck me up mami!! Omfg no Penny get your disgusting Jingle Jangle away from this amazing, non-criminal establishment!!! Of COURSE Sheriff Minetta... but if Reggie is used to selling it surely he knows a way to hide it. Of course not that much but... he should be quick at thinking of getting rid of it, right? Why didn’t V show him around Pop’s first? Like we know she was set up to get caught but like... it would stall
- Sheriff Minetta is making it 2000% obvious that he’s looking through the boxes he knows is filled with Jingle Jangle... like at least don’t act like you’re working for Hiram lmao Jesus you suck. BUT OMG REGGIE’S SARCASTIC ASS SALUTE WHEN HE’S LEAVING I FUCKING LOVE THAT
- If the empty classroom means the “farm needs some time to catch on” then why the everloving fuck would you waste money on pizza, let alone three boxes of pizza?
- poor Archie... but wouldn’t you want to treat your “tapped” well? So that you can bet on them? Jesus Christ fuck OFF! When Veronica Lodge hears about this... shit will go down. Archie knocked that guy down in two hits holy fuck. ARCHIE GETS POP’S AND SHARES IT WHAT AN ARCHIE THING AWWW
- CHONI BEING CUTE GIRLFRIENDS!!! CHERYL LAUHING!!! PHOTOGRAPGER!TONI!!!!!! CHERONI But I honestly don’t know how I feel about “Serpettes” but since it came out of Veronica’s mouth... suddenly I am in love with it. Cheryl Blossom in the king’s throne... we know who truly deserves to rule over the Serpents 👑❤️ That look between Toni and Veronica hell yeah! Honestly please get into a three-way relationship. In Sense8 they did that and it was the greatest thing — EVERYBODY loved it. Let’s do that here please! “Antoinette” bitch I’m dead
- this team up is so fucking great. Of COURSE Sweet Pea and Fangs we’re right, they’re the (true) KINGS.
- If there are certain levels you need to “attain” to meet a leader... you’re in a fucking cult people. Also then why didn’t Evelyn say anything? And Betty’s face is all like “you traitorous bitch” when she finds out lol.
- They know everything Betty has done? Umm why the FUCK don’t you tell Jughead since that’s the only way he ever finds shit out about Betty? He needs to know that she fucking cheated on him? I mean the cult is creepy af but if they tell Jughead (even though they said they keep everyone’s secrets) he couldn’t possible stay with her... right?
- LMAO JUGHEAD HAS TO KISS ETHEL. But honestly... why does that kiss seem to have more in it than when he kisses Betty? ☠️☠️☠️ it’s probably bc I hate Bughead (and dislike Betty a lot) but still... I feel nothing for this pairing as well but I just find it funny that he has kissed two girls while he’s dared Betty (but both are a part of a game). Oh Ethel tried to kill herself after kissing Jughead... Jesus I know it’s Jughead but come on... also does that mean she could have possibly killed Jughead??? Like??? Imagine how that would have been — instead of dying for the Serpents he died because he was trying to figure out gryphons and gargoyles.
- VERONICA CONFRONTING AND STANDING UP AGAINST HER FATHER FUCK YEAH!!! But Ronnie even if you do have copies... TAKE THEM WITH YOU SO HE CAN’T DO ANYTHING. Your dad is, sadly, smart. You know this.
- aww Archie... HE’S IMAGINING HIS DAD I’M
- damn Betty looks fucking good for the opening of V’s speakeasy! For a sec I thought she was wearing her serpent jacket (😷😷) but turns out it’s just a robe but her hair is bomb. “I trust them more than I trust you, Betty” wow everyone’s attacking Betty lol like I get it bc it’s Betty but damn Alice...
- Reggie is a SNACC bye. CHONI REALLY DID THAT COOL HOT HAND HOLD HUH!!!! V really called Choni her favorite power couple... I’m also gonna take that as low-key shade for Bughead because we all been knew that anyone Choni, and anyone Veronica is with is much better. “THANKS BABE” wow fuck me upppppp Cheryl!!!!
- lol Jughead the manual will probably be gone by tonight bc of plot convenience (also Betty does look good uGH YAS) But Betty your attempt to be cute with Jug isn’t working bc that fresh aid isn’t gonna come off. You should know this???
- SWEETVEE BITCH. I don’t care what they were doing I love the hand touch, bye. Like I know she was PROBABLY asking about protection or something but yes fuck me up! But veggie thooo
- Hiram we don’t want your probably-wired picture of Veronica from your office. “If only you could see how a legitimate business is run” YES BITCHHH. But don’t let him in!!! VERONICA WHY? I know you probably secretly crave his approval and shit but NO NO NO NO NO
- SWEET PEA’S HOLLER FOR JOSIE! God he’s so into her but she only wants a summer fling 😭😭😭 even thoufh she apparenly has a romance later, which means it’ll be during school and therefor, probably going to hurt Sweet Pea 😭😭😭
- Josie YES we love a queen (and Archie baby... you’re such a sweet person for thinking of everyone but yourself first and I admire it bc same but what is your endgame?) Sweet Pea must be internally screaming at Josie’s movements and the song itself bc I know I am.
- oh no I really hope my theory that Archie breaks up with V bc all of thinks about is Hiram isn’t true... but Archie you could have held onto those glass pieces what the FUCK
- Archie destroying the entire cell is also same because when I get angry I legit turn into the hulk and throw shit around... oh damn mad dog! He hid a weapon, I miss Wells Jaha xD what a smart fucker
- wow it’s almost like I knew exactly that someone would find the manual. Of course I didn’t really expect FP and Alice (Betty didn’t say where it was hidden though, but then again their kids are stupid enough to hide it at Jug’s place) Jesus FP don’t hold Jughead like that
- Betty??? “Why are you here, what are you hiding” why tf do you think
- how about everyone comes clean, Betty? You’re the child so literally stop acting like you’re superior
- I just realized how good Jug looked in that tux. Him with Veronica in that purple dress? Would be so fucking bomb
- Why is she still staying with Hiram? Like because of their feud you’d expect her to leave? Like Fred would probably love the company, or Cheryl. Get away from that manipulative fuckhead!
- Archie wouldn’t escaping be bad? Like yeah you’d get out but you’d also be a fugitive? And watch, if it does happen, it’ll be right before someone magically finds a way to get him out.
- but now Kevin will have more reason not to be with him if Joaquin is a fugitive 😭😭😭 I just want Mevin to die off and Joavin to rise is that so much to ask??? However I am here for this Archie/Joaquin friendship
- Jug... being you, you should know it’s not over. Especially with how things go? Jesus...
- CHERYL YOU’RE NOT DUMB ENOUGH TO READ THAT. We all know Cheryl would look at it with wonder, read the title, and throw it away.
- also just because people have a manual for some random ass game doesn’t mean they’re gonna play it.
- Ethel’s worshipping that little bitch but she tried to kill herself for him... shouldn’t he be mad at her for failing since Jug saved her? How your loyalty to him works is so confusing ugh
- I’m stating now that if Cheryl, Toni, Veronica, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Josie, Kevin, Joaquin, Archie, or Reggie dies I’m sUING! The only children who don’t deserve anything bad happening to them better be left alone (but we been knew that only being Betty or Jughead will magically give you immunity, and everyone else is fucked). Touch my precious children and I’ll kill the devil himself so try me
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
Part 1 | 2 | 3
Fallen Angel!Sirius AU
Heavily inspired by: Fallen by Lauren Kate
Disclaimer: The first few parts will be based from the Prologue from the game, credits to Cybird for that! If the "series" gets too long, go to the "Damned - Sirius" tag for easy navigating!
Me and Ray started to discuss that what if MC was the next Alice. He had mentioned that she would be necessary for fending off the Red Army. Internally, I was against the idea of using a precious lady as a tool for war, but I nodded to him instead.
"If she joins the Black Army, we could withstand the magical forces of the Red Army."
A bright light from beyond the hedges to where MC had run off to had caught our attention. That's where the Red Army Generals' meeting had taken place. I hope she didn't get hurt by that light.
"Call in Luka and Seth, she's surely held captive by the Red Army now."
We immediately rushed back to the Black Army Headquarters and I called in Luka and Seth. They got a little too excited to hear that Alice had finally arrived in Cradle. Fenrir had overheard the orders and immediately volunteered to be back up in case of an emergency.
"All you need to do is spy on the Red Army barracks and see what they plan to do with MC. Do not engage a fight them. We will then meet up at the Central Quarters by sunrise. Understood?" I bellowed. I was worried that she would get scared if a fight broke out so suddenly.
"Yes sir!" They rushed to their horses and took off. I started to call the soldiers of the army, Ray had wanted to meet them before dawn by the courtyard. Once everyone was ready, I turned to Ray and he stood in front of them.
"Soldiers!" He shouts and the army stood upright then saluted. "A few hours ago, Alice had arrived in Cradle named as MC. She is currently held captive by the Red Army and no one knows what they plan to do with her. She could either be used as a weapon against us, or our greatest defense. " I flinched subtly at his last sentence. "We are at the verge of war and MC can help us resolve our conflicting issues if she joins our side. For the protection of Cradle nd its people, we must protect and keep watch over her. Understood?"
"Yes sir!" The soldiers respond in unison.
"Freedom soars on Raven wings!" Ray shouts.
"Freedom soars on Raven wings!" The soldiers yell back. Ray scans the soldiers and I start to worry more, it was bad timing that MC had arrived at a time like this. Her safety is something that I need to prioritize, but being the Queen of Spades, it was difficult to do so.
A raven messenger had arrived with a piece of paper tied around its neck. Ray immediately opens and reads the letter. His eyes grew wide and turned to us again. "Go to the Central Quarters quickly! Luka, Seth, and Fenrir are under fire!"
I rush to the carriage and the carriage takes off immediately. I looked up at the sky that was starting to glow a crimson light. The first rays of sunlight after a long eventful night had reached through the leaves of the trees and grass. I watched the landscape transition from the Black Army Headquarters, to the dewy fields and quiet town of the Black Territory, to the cobblestone streets and buildings of the Central Quarters quickly. My worry for MC was starting to grow -- what if she decides to join the Red Army? That means I would never be able to see her. Worse, I might just watch her fall in love with someone else.
The carriage stops and I quickly stepped out, I stood next to Ray and faced West, where the Red Army Territory was located. Three horses was seen at the distance and they were charging in fast.
"They're safe!" A Black Army soldier cheered. I squint to try and see the extra figure in Luka's arms. MC was with them!
They halt when they neared us and got off their horses. Luka helps MC off and I stare in shock. She didn't take their side, she's here!
"Glad you're back in one piece. But why did you bring MC back with you?" These weren't the words I wanted to say.
"Nice to see you again so soon, MC." Ray grins at her. She lets out a breath and smiles widely at us, her eyes squinting and her cheeks tinted with a light dash of pink. Despite being up all night, she looked like she was glowing against the sun's rays.
"Ray! Sirius! You have no idea how relieved I am to be back here!" She remarks happily to us. I could already see the imaginary flowers blooming around her and the cute little sparkles. She was absolutely adorable.
"MC, you already know our king and queen? Talk about a small world, huh?" Fenrir chips in. She inhales a sharp breath as she turns to look at us, I guess we forgot to tell her our roles.
"You're really good at popping up at the worst possible time." Ray softly smiles at her. It was very true, in her previous lives, she would always burst in at the most unconventional time. During her life as a 17th century Victorian noblewoman, she would suddenly enter at Security Meetings held at the Grand Hall, without really intending to. She would often use me as an excuse, which was both annoying and life saving. Another event was during the gladiator match in Greece, she fell from the balcony by accident, making me push the man I was fighting with so far away from me that he travelled across the arena and I quickly ran to save her from her fall.
"That's not my intention, but--" MC tries to explain before Luka had cut her off.
"We can chat later, the enemy is approaching." We turn our gazes up and see the four generals were leading a perfectly synchronized battalion of soldiers clad in red and white.
I see MC, tensed that something big was gonna happen.
"What the heck is this about?" Ray frowns as he watches the Red Army march towards us.
"Well, you see, we had a little run-in, so to speak, with the Red Army at the gates to their barracks." Seth explains.
"Seriously? Do I need to send you all back to school for Recon 101?" I frown at him. It wasn't necessary to put MC in danger like this.
"There you go again with that salty face. I don't know why you're so upset!" He smiles as if a fight wasn't brewing. "If you really thought that nothing was going to happen, then why did you bring so many men?" He glows as he grins, eyes so deceiving that you'd never think he wants to fight for a war.
"The Reds have been waiting for 500 years for an excuse to strike, and they've finally found their reason." Ray frowns as the Red Army's march had stopped. We faced against our opposing side.
"I'm quite impressed, I wasn't expecting the Black Army to send its leaders out to welcome us." Edgar smiles, unbefitting to the situation at hand.
"You took that girl, who was under our care, and then had the audacity to attack. Explain yourselves." Jonah's icy amber eyes pierces through us, the way he says it makes it look like he was playing the victim card.
"You almost had me fooled into thinking you were a victim there for a minute. Twist the truth too much and your face might end up that way too." I couldn't hold back my tongue from talking as I smirked at him, his eyebrows furrowing further.
"Say that once more and you'll rue the day you were born!" He says through gritted teeth.
"How dare you insult our Queen!" A red soldier retorts, I almost laugh at their pointless aggressiveness. The Red Army's growls and hate starts to grow louder until a loud voice booms from behind.
"Silence!" Lance bellows as the soldiers part in half to give way to his entrance. He looked powerful as always. His head was held high, with a cold emotionless gaze that had seemed the only expression he ever had since he became the King of Hearts.
"Bow down to the King of Hearts, Lancelot! May glory run crimson through our veins!" A soldier yells.
"May glory run crimson through our veins." His eyes were fixated on MC as she stares back, her body slightly shaking from tension. He knows. "My proud men, there is no need to draw your swords." His eyes glowed red as he waved his hand. Our weapons were lifted to the air and had suddenly vanished. A dirty player as always.
"There goes our boss again, overdoing it with the magic." Kyle sighs as his shoulders slightly slump down, making it known that he was uninterested with the whole fiasco.
"It looks like we skipped over the "threaten the enemy" stage." Seth declares as if this was a casual process.
"You think that's all it takes to stop us? Come on! We've been waiting for this battle for 500 years!" Fenrir's eyes held excitement and manic, he clenched his fists tightly as he smiles widely.
"He's right. Leaders of the past may had put this battle off, but the time has come for us to fight." Zero declares. He was a good soldier, his courage and strength made him the perfect Ace for the Red Army.  He was always in a firm stance, always ready to fight.
"An excellent summation, Zero. Well done!" Edgar remarks out of nowhere, earning a pained look from him.
"If you're thinking of surrendering, now is the time. I hope you heard that Luka. " Jonah's face softens as he glances at his beloved younger brother, who in turn, looked away with a frown.
"Did somebody say something? Because all I heard was a gust of hot air." He rolls his eyes and Jonah sighs softly from across us.
I glance over at MC again and see her look back and forth the two sides worriedly, completely caught in the middle of a brewing war.
"Lance, call this off!" I call out to him, hoping that our friendship could reach through his heart and withdraw the fight.
"Don't speak as if we're friends, Queen of Spades." He looks at me with cold sharp eyes, his  expression never faltering, then his voice lowered a pitch. "I have a message for the Black Army -- from this day forth, you have been absored into the Red Army."
"I have a message for the Red Army -- quit spouting nonsense." Ray replies, the two Kings glare sharply at each other.
"In that case, I'll just have to dissolve every last one of you." His eyes glowed crimson again as his hands start to illuminate with magic. Before he could raise it towards us, MC quickly reaches her hands out, in between the two Kings.
"Please! Stop!" She cries as a barrier of light appears in front of her. Lance's spell dissolves into nothing as the light fades away. He looks at her again, his frown softening back to his usual empty expression.  "So Jonah's report was true." He looks at her from head to toe, "Alice the Second really has appeared." He walks towards MC and looks down at her, making his voice loud and clear for her to hear very clearly. "Just be warned, Alice -- I consider anybody who gets in my way an enemy." My blood boils at his threat, he didn't have to frighten her more, she's already confused and tired at everything being thrown at her all at once. You're not like this, what happened? Before I could open my mouth to speak, Ray had stepped forward.
"Stop making stuff up as you go!" He walks towards Lance and MC, shielding her away from the King of Hearts' gaze. "Her name is MC, not Alice."
A carriage violently pulled up before us, taking the attention of all the soldiers and Generals. "That'll do, gentlemen." Blanc steps out of the carriage, along with Oliver. He walks towards the two Kings, who then parted from each other.  He smiles softly at MC, calming her worries little by little.
"I don't know what you're thinking, pulling a stunt like this so early in the morning. Don't you know people live here?" Oliver frowns at MC, who looked more confused than ever.
"The Central Quarter is a neutral zone. Any and all forms of combat are strictly prohibited here." He yells loud enough for everyone to hear. "The entire country of Cradle will be at great risk if you destroy its economic and political center."
You always knew how to break up a fight at the right time, thank you, Blanc.
After a long moment of silence, Lance finally speaks, anger and annoyance evident in his voice. "Let it be known, this is the only time I will humor the request of a record keeper. Troops, fall back!" MC sighs as Lance takes his leave, along with his entourage of soldiers.
"I can't leave you without something to fret over, Alice." Jonah walks up to her and Luka grips his greatsword tightly. I raise my hand to stop him from doing anything stupid, although I myself want to break that pretty boy's face for trying to threaten her like that. "I'll have you under my command soon enough. You'll learn to enjoy serving me." He leans a little to close for comfort and I hear Luka scowl at his brother under his breath. "I hope you'll look forward to it as much as I am." He turns and Lance faces MC once again.
"Alice -- I doubt that it will be long until I see you again, but until then, enjoy what little time you have left with your life." For a sheer second, his eyes grew sad, something was up. His cape flies around him as he turns, leading his troops to retreat back to the West. I gather up the courage to finally talk to her again, hoping to try and deviate the threats from scaring her too much.
"So you really are from the Land of Reason, MC?" I try my best to make small talk. She nods at me and meets my eyes again.
"Yes, I am. It wasn't my intention to come here, but now I'm stuck here until the next full moon." She explains. She looks away from me and bit her lip, thinking hard of what could happen next.
"Don't worry." I place my hand on her shoulder and she looks back up at me, hoping that this gesture could ease her nerves. "We'll make sure you find your way home." London was the safest place for her, she would never be happy here, being caught up in the middle of a war. I rethink my choices and plan what to do to keep her safe and under my care, but I know that it would never be possible.
Things need to change, and sending her home in 30 days is all I need to do to keep her safe. I'm fighting against fate now.
"Thank you, Sirius." She smiles up at me, the tiredness had slowly grown evident in her eyes.
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