#Albus Dumbledore X Reader
The Promise
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Characters: Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Reader 
Warnings: None
Summary: Dumbledore is terrified when he learns that Grindelwald is happy to bring you into their war.
“With or without you, I’ll burn their world down.”
That was Grindelwald’s stance. He was fixated on destroying Muggles and there seemed to be nothing that Dumbledore could say to stop him. Sitting across from each other felt familiar and foreign to the Defence of the Dark Arts professor. How could they be so close and yet so distant?
“How is that muggle-born under your protection, Dumbledore?” The dark wizard wondered, noticing the way his adversary clenched his jaw. “Do they always fly on the back of thestrals each morning or is that only on the days that they visit the merpeople of the Black Lake?“
Dumbledore shook his head, eyes pleading. “Y/n is not part of our feud, Gellert.”
“Y/n part of this from the minute you brought them into your life. You never wanted a family when it was just the two of us. Then after you abandoned me, you felt alone for the first time and remedied it with them.” Grindelwald spat and raised his wand. Dumbledore followed its direction and saw Y/n standing a few tables away. Innocent and good as if nothing evil was happening around them.
“We promised to be equals. If I don’t have another to love - neither can you.”
The was a spark of green light that flew through Y/n’s chest. They smiled at Dumbledore and reached out for him. Then the expression changed to pain as the green light returned and traced a slit across their throat. Poisoned by fear, Dumbledore watched as the vision of Y/n bled out and dropped to the ground with a sickening thud.
Grindelwald stood up and dusted off his coat. “I look forward to meeting them soon.”
The cafe heated up before exploding into flames which brought Dumbledore back to the present time. Now back in his office, standing by his desk, Dumbledore felt a great strain of tension on his shoulders.
Grindelwald was too far gone. He was ready to tear away anything and everything good in his life. His thoughts were disrupted when you barged in. You were holding a map that had now been inked out with a trail leading to Grindelwald.
“He’s not far.” You said, bounding up the stairs. “If I went up the mountainside…”
“Y/n-” Dumbledore said softly but he wasn’t heard.
“And then through the underpass of the castle, I could avoid Grindelwald’s acolytes and reach-”
The map was snatched away by the wizard, his face marred with unimaginable fear. “Stop. Just stop it.”
You fell quiet. He had never been so tense before or raised his voice against you.
The man shook his head and discarded the map to another part of the room. “You’re not going.”
“You said it yourself, you need all the help you can get.” You reminded. He said had said as much only a few hours ago to the rest of his covert team. “Why the sudden change?”
“Grindelwald won’t hesitate to kill you.” Dumbledore confessed. “To hurt me, he will come for you.”
You frowned. “He made contact?”
Dumbledore nodded in response. You then held your head up despite a smidgen of fear creeping in. “Let him try. I’m not so easy to…”
“You’re not listening. If he tries - he will succeed. Do you understand?” Dumbledore repeated. He knew what Grindelwald’s powerful rage looked like. Once he was committed, nothing could stop him.
Your shoulders slackened. “Then what am I to do? How do I protect you?”
Dumbledore stepped closer and placed a hand on your cheek. “I need you to step back, stay here within the school walls because if Grindelwald harms you, I’m as good as dead.”
Masterlist here
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Reader being Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore granddaughter and being introduced to the black family.
Yandere Sirius black is the boyfriend and wants to marry her. He’s afraid of her grandparents to ask yet.
In fact, for the first time, Walburga and Orion were proud of their son, Sirius. They were a little relieved when he said he wanted to marry you. Marriage would ensure the continuation of the lineage, in addition to making him a more perfect man. That's what his parents thought. He told them to propose to you immediately. Sirius and you have been lovers since the fifth year. The only thing you didn't know was your boyfriend's inclinations towards you. Sirius took you to the Astronomy tower and made a marriage proposal. You were both happy and scared. You didn't know what your grandparents would say. When you told your fears to Sirius, he immediately calmed your fears. He promised to make everything right. He wouldn't let anyone take his girlfriend away from him.
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book-place · 2 years
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Hogwarts staff x reader platonic
Request: Child! Scarlet witch! reader x hogwarts staff, child accidentaly teleportates and appears on the staff room while on a meeting and questions "What year is it? Where am I?" After sensing a powerful source of magic on the child Dumbledore answers their questions and ask about the childs information. After a brief resume that they are not from this world or timeline they need to see a way back home, while at it the staff kinda adopts them temporally. Mostly Dumbl,Mcgon, and Snape pleasee
Request by: Anon
*not my gif*
Summary: A mix up with a time turner made you appear in the professors lounge
A/N: I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize till after I wrote this that I didn’t end up writing the reader as scarlet witch, if you’d like you can request something else like that and I’ll fix it!!
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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One minute you weren’t there, and then the next you were. It was that simple. There was no big crash or bright lights that followed your arrival, just the simplicity of it happening.
Though there had been no big announcement of your entrance, everyone in the room could automatically sense that something was off. The magic that flowed through their bloodstreams screaming at them that something was not right.
So, all of the professors in Hogwarts knew that you were in the staff room before you even spoke the words, “Where am I? What year is it?” With a desperate urgency.
All of them turned away from whatever they were doing to peer at you with widened eyes. No magic instinct could have prepared them to see a girl at about twelve- who most definitely did not go to the school- with dirty clothes and wild eyes staring back and forth between everyone.
Dumbledore was the first to stand, it was only right, being the headmaster and all.
“And who might you be, little one?” He asked, approaching you with care and a steady voice that let others know that he had practiced being under pressure like this many times before.
“Where am I? What year is it?” You repeated, stumbling back, away from the strange man.
His steps froze in place, not wanting to startle you anymore.
“Albus,” McGonagall was the next to snap out of her daze, “What is this? What is going on?”
“That, I do not know, my dear Minerva.” He answered back cooly, not taking his eyes off of your shaking and distraught form.
“Shall I fetch Madame Pomfrey?” Severus’s voice drawled from behind the man.
“That will not be necessary.” Albus had seen the way you flinched away from anyone who got within ten feet of you, so he doubted that even the beloved school healer would stand a chance.
“Poor thing is shaking like a leaf.” McGonagall muttered to herself before quickly hurrying to the couch in the corner of the room and lifting a blanket off of it.
She then returned to the same spot she was before, bending down and hesitantly sliding the fabric across the floor to you, also realizing that you didn’t want anyone to get too close.
After only a moment's hesitation, you snatched it into your grasp and wrapped it around your shoulders, instantly nuzzling into the warm material.
The silence was allowed to drag on for only a few more moments before the headmaster spoke up again, “How can we help you?”
The question was stated in such a calm and collected way that one would have thought he was simply asking about the weather, and that seemed to throw you off a bit.
“I…” you took a shuttered breath as your muscles relaxed ever so slightly when you finally realized that you weren’t in any immediate danger, “I don’t know how I got here or what was happening, but my brother was messing around with a time turner and now I’m here.”
Snape and Minerva took a moment to absorb the information, but Albus just nodded along kindly, “I see, and don’t you worry, we will get you back to your correct timeline as fast as possible.”
Your head snapped up and your eyes were wide, “You will? Really?”
Minerva nodded, “Of course, child, we would never just leave you to try and figure this out on your own.”
“Thank you,” You whispered, some tears forming in your eyes, “I just want to go home.”
“And we will ensure that we do everything in our power to make that possible,” Dumbledore spoke softly, taking a small step towards you.
And this time, you didn’t back away.
It’s LeviOsa 🪄- @i-writes-things
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defectivevillain · 1 year
back where you started
pairing: albus dumbledore x reader
reader’s pronouns: unspecified but masc-intended
author’s note: jude law’s dumbledore. that’s all i have to say.
[ao3 version]
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You linger before a far too familiar wooden door, feeling strangely anxious. Albus Dumbledore, Transfiguration professor and a close friend, summoned you to his office. Typically, the two of you were wont to meet during meals or after classes. Therefore, it’s unusual that he’s calling you to his office— there must be a pressing matter that needs attending to. You shudder to think about the administrative scandal that would require Albus to enlist your help. You’re only the Runes professor, after all. You have little to no authority at this school but, despite that, Albus has proven that he values your opinion in matters at Hogwarts.
Eventually, you fester up the courage to knock on the door. Albus remarks that you can enter and you do so, only to find that he seems preoccupied with something on his desk. His attention falls to you once you take another step into the room and move to sit down. The armchair Albus conjures for you is exceedingly luxurious and plush. You don’t have the heart to tell him that the gesture is unnecessary. 
“Why did you call me here?” You decide to cut to the chase. The Transfiguration professor takes a deep breath and looks up from the gadget he’s studying. There’s a pensive expression on Albus’s face for a moment before he sighs. 
“I’ll be traveling to America; I don’t know how long I’ll be there.” You blink at him once, twice. It takes you several seconds to process that remark and when you do, you don’t know what to do about it. You know that this sudden travel is likely about the war and Grindelwald, which only makes you more wary of the idea. Even so, Albus seems to have made up his mind. There’s not much you can do, at this point. 
You frown, not liking the sudden turn this conversation is taking. There’s a strangely unreadable expression on Albus’s face and your stomach churns with unease. You swallow hard, past the burning feeling that you’ve grown to associate with tears. “When are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow,” Albus answers, looking at you with an indecipherable expression. Your heart races in your chest and your skin practically prickles at the thought.  
“Tomorrow?” You can’t keep the betrayal from your voice. You resist the urge to grab Albus by the collar and shake him furiously. Tomorrow?! He’s leaving for another country and he neglected to tell you until the day before-! “You can’t be serious. And you’re going by yourself?”
“This is something I must do alone,” Albus says. Of course he thinks that. You groan internally. As long as you’ve known Albus, he’s always had this weird desire to be self-sufficient, even in the face of considerable opposition. 
“I’m coming with you,” you argue immediately. Albus arches an eyebrow at you. For a few seconds, the two of you just stare at each other. The Transfiguration professor then evidently processes your remark and he shakes his head firmly.  
“Grindelwald will go after you,” Albus remarks. He puts a hand on his forehead and you immediately notice the tension along his frame and the tight pull to his lips. “I refuse to put you in danger.”
“As always, you’ve made a decision on my behalf without consulting me first,” you say, trying to make your voice sound mild and unaffected. Your effort doesn’t quite work, as you’re unable to entirely separate this dreadful feeling coursing in your stomach from your words. 
“As always, you’ve offered to put yourself in danger without considering the consequences,” Albus fires back. He is entirely unwavering. You take a deep breath and pinch the bridge of your nose, suddenly feeling self conscious. Since his first mention of travel to America, Albus’s gaze hasn’t strayed from your face. 
“If Grindelwald finds you…“ Albus breaks off, evidently unable to even utter the words. Your mind supplies them for him: …you’ll be killed. A silence settles in the air between you. You bite your lip and pick at the fabric of your sleeves. ”I care about you too much to let that happen.”
“What would you have me do?” You remark, still seeking clarification. Your heart is racing and your hands are slightly shaking—although the movement is hardly noticeable. You’re more concerned with the idea of Albus leaving to fight Grindelwald on his own. He’s the most capable wizard you know, of course. However, that doesn’t negate the obvious risks of dueling Grindelwald—another one of the most skilled wizards of the age. “Stay here and avoid everything?”
“It’s better than the alternative,” Albus answers, masterfully dodging your first question. You roll your eyes and huff. 
“Is it?” You ponder. You don’t realize that you say that aloud until there’s a sudden banging sound. You look up, only to find a vial on the bookshelves smoking. Albus waves a hand and the vial returns to normal. There’s a shattered look on his face. Surely you aren’t the cause of that expression, or the bout of accidental magic that shattered that vial. Right? 
“Yes, staying here is better than the alternative.” Albus hisses. You’ve never heard him sound so troubled. His fists are clenched tightly and the blank expression on his face seems to be breaking by the minute. 
“I won’t leave you,” you assert, getting to your feet and placing your hands on his desk. Albus is quick to do the same and, before long, you’re staring at each other from opposite sides of the desk. You refuse to give in this time. This argument is important. Albus is important. “You need me, as I need you.”
“You presume to know what is best for me,” Albus remarks. You chuckle under your breath at the accusation. 
“Yes, I do,” you agree without argument. “Because I know you, Albus. I know you’re calculated and strategic, but in the face of battle, you’re reckless and you overlook things.” Albus’s uncaring facade finally cracks, as his eyebrows rise and his eyes widen. 
“I’m always with you; I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t know the risks, Albus.” You decide to say. That seems to do the trick, as a sort of clarity passes over the professor’s face. You take a deep breath and place your hands on the back of the armchair, resisting the urge to pace restlessly around the office until Albus gives you some clear answers.  
“I didn’t know you cared about me so,” Albus remarks thoughtfully, a somewhat far-off look in his eyes. You look around the room—at the assorted trinkets and books lining every available surface. You’ve grown used to this office now, and you’re almost convinced you could conjure it up from memory if needed. Albus and you grew close over the past few school years. 
“I thought it was obvious.” You say, averting your eyes. You assumed the consistent meetings despite your tedious schedule to be indicative of the fact that you valued Albus’s company. Perhaps you need to be more clear next time. You’re about to continue speaking when the professor beats you to it.  
“I don’t think you can begin to fathom how much I care about you, in return,” Albus responds, instead of addressing your prior remark. “You’re… everything to me. I hesitate to bring you into these decisions—not because I don’t think you can handle the pressure, but because I don’t want to risk losing you.”
Your shock must show on your face, because Albus hides a chuckle behind his hand. His eyes have that infamous twinkle you’ve grown to associate with him. His amusement slips off his face in a moment and he regards you with an alarming amount of sincerity. 
“You didn’t know that,” Albus realizes aloud. He rounds the desk and stands before you. His gaze flits about your face, evidently searching for something in your expression. Whatever it is, Albus doesn’t seem to find it, because he takes a deep breath and places a hand on your shoulder. “I haven’t clarified my feelings towards you.”
“Let me be perfectly transparent,” Albus pauses and takes a deep breath. His grip on your shoulder tightens for a fraction of a second. You desperately want to analyze that statement, but your thought process is quickly interrupted by the tug on the collar of your robes. You lurch forward with the sudden change in momentum, until your lips are meeting Albus’s. You’re quick to respond, running your fingers through his hair. He lets out an assenting sound and you pull him closer. 
“We’re in this together,” you murmur when you break apart, taking his hand and clasping it. Albus smiles and grips your waist. He lets his head fall to your shoulder and you support him, as you always do. 
Ultimately, the war has only just begun. However, with Albus by your side, you’re confident that you can defeat Grindelwald.
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there’s a lot of significance to the accidental magic bit. albus dumbledore is one of the most powerful wizards that ever existed and he has nearly impeccable control over his magic. feats of accidental magic are common in childhood but they tend to decrease in occurrence as a wizard grows older. the fact that albus performed accidental magic is a testament to the strong burst of emotions he felt in that moment. 
anywayssss. thanks for reading <3
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the-desilittle-bird · 2 years
Author's Note- A random idea but I think it became quite more angst-y than I had wished it to be but please bear it.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
The Fate Awaits
Albus Dumbledore x Sister!Reader,
Gellert Grindelwald x Wife!Reader
Part 1 ☆ Part 2
Tag List- @shopping, @strangesthirdeye, @omgsuperstarg, @killing-gremlin, @narcy, @blackhoodlea
GIF Credits to @suddenlyrise
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"A hungry stomach, an empty wallet and a broken heart can teach you the best lessons of life"
- Robin William
Gellert Grindelwald always did what he want. He never asked for anyone's opinion, not even his own wife's some times. It was his nature, something none minded, neither his followers nor his wife, but everything has a limit.
(Y/N) had always believed that her husband would be loyal to her, but that imagination of hers had came shattering down when Queenie had whispered in her ears a warning of betrayal.
(Y/N) had thought nothing of it at that time, dismissing it as a mere thought of Vinda Rosier, a loyal follower of her husband, but that sweet ignorance of hers was thrown out when she heard her husband and that French witch whispering sweet nothings and engaging in passionate kisses.
Suddenly, (Y/N) understood that she was no love of Gellert's but only a pawn in his schemes against her dear brother, Albus. She was there just so Albus would do no harm to Gellert, especially after the blood pact was broken.
(Y/N) felt her heart was squeezed out of her and smashed against the cold walls of Nurmengard. She wished to point her wand at her husband and say the two words needed to kill a anyone, but she was weak. Her heart made her weak.
So, she did what she knew will help her. She send an anonymous owl to her brother and asked him to meet at a muggle cafe. She knew Albus would come to the cafe, always ready to help those in needs.
She only wished that he had forgiven him for her betrayal to her family. It was Karma, truthfully. She had betrayed her family, her siblings for a boy she knew for only an year and that man betrayed her for a loyal lady follower of his.
Her hands shook in her pocket as the cafe came into the view. A man sat on the chair outside it, a hat on his head, a book in hand. Glancing around once in a while as if he was waiting for someone. Albus.
The mere thought of his disappointed face when he finds out it was her who had owled him made (Y/N)'s stomach churn.
She lightly tapped Albus on his shoulder, making him stand up in haste and turn, but the time stopped as he looked who stood in front of him. (Y/N) turned her gaze down, not ready to see her favorite brother's face turn in disgust.
"(Y/N)?" Albus asked, still not able to believe his eyes. She had left all those years ago with Gellert after Ariana's death and he was yet to catch a look of her grown self until now.
"It's really you," (Y/N) sweared she could almost imagine her brother sporting his casual kind smile, she could hear it in his tone. Hesitantly, she looked up, locking gaze with his sapphire eyes.
"You don't know how happy I am to see you, sister," Albus pulled her into a hug, startling (Y/N) a bit. She hadn't expected that, but she hugged him nevertheless, snuggling into him and taking in his scent.
Memories of their childhood rewinding in her head. The times when Albus and her used to sit in the Hogwarts library with their noses buried deep in separate books, occasionally glancing at each other and sometimes, making funny faces to distract the other.
Tears brimmed up in (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes as she clutched to Albus. Albus placed his hand gently on her head, caressing her hair in a way to provide comfort.
He knew living and being with Gellert is a difficult situation and to do it for so many years without any mental support must be a next to impossible task.
"(Y/N)," Albus voice was the only thing she needed to break. Barriers after barriers collapsing, leaving behind a shaking, trembling (Y/N). Albus hushed her, carefully kneeling down on the concrete road, a latched (Y/N) weeping on his shoulder.
"What happened, sister?" Albus asked, once (Y/N)'s cries had became quieter. (Y/N) closed her eyes, Queenie's warning echoing in her head.
There is something in Vinda's thoughts; a grave betrayal in marriage.
"He isn't loyal." (Y/N) knew this for a while now but to say these words from her own mouth was like a stab to her beating heart. Albus' grip on (Y/N)'s waist tightened, his gaze focused on her face.
"Who is the lady?" He asked softly, though his face was stone hard. "Vinda Rosier," his sister whispered, placing her head against his chest, listening to his rhythmic heartbeat. "You don't need to go back."
(Y/N) wished this was a choice for her, but both of them knew that this couldn't be possible. Gellert would destroy the whole world to find her. They knew what he was capable of; the whole Wizarding population knew.
"Lying isn't a great virtue of yours, brother," (Y/N) said with a sad smile, lifting her head to look at him. Albus reciprocated her smile, his mind going back to the times when they used to run around Godric's Hollow to hide from their mother after they pulled a prank or stole some cookies from the jar.
Albus saw how (Y/N) had matured. A naive, careless girl with great potential for goodness turned into a mature, married lady being manipulated by her own husband to cause destruction. A broken lady with a broken heart.
"What do you want be to do?" Albus asked, swallowing down the lump forming in his throat. He saw (Y/N) looking through her the corner of her eyes at someone on the other end of the street.
"My time is short, brother. Gellert will be aware I met you once I reach Nurmengard," (Y/N)'s voice was brave and quiet, she accepted what was coming towards her. She looked at Albus with a small smile.
(Y/N) silently placed a small piece of paper in Albus' coat's pocket. "With the blood pact gone, you can fight him, Albus." Albus nodded, wanting for (Y/N) to continue. "Do it for me. Don't kill him but fight him, win over him."
Albus gulped, chewing on his lower lip as he looked at his younger sister. He knew (Y/N) would never want anything bad happening to Gellert, no matter how much hurt she is.
"Will you do it for me?" She asked, standing up and wiping her tears with the back of her coat sleeve. Albus stood up as well, studying his sister for any hint of hesitation but found none.
(Y/N) could see the hesitation in Albus' eyes. She knew of the brief romance her brother and husband had shared and truthfully, she had no issue with that. But now, with Gellert growing stronger day-by-day, he needed to be stopped and only Albus could do that.
"For me, Albus. For Ariana," (Y/N) whispered, placing her hands comfortingly on his intertwined ones. Albus looked up, frowning slightly before nodding. "I will, (Y/N). For you, for Ariana, for Credence. For our family," Albus promised.
The witch smiled a bit at the mention of her nephew. "How is Credence, now?" She asked. "He is doing fair. Learning about our family and it's history. He speaks highly of you, about how you were there for him when Gellert mentally tortured him," Albus said, placing his hand on her upper arm.
"I never got to be a mother, myself, brother. I and Gellert... we never really had any intimacy. But with Credence, I always felt the need to protect him; care for him."
Albus smiled sadly at her. He knew of her wish to be a mother. She always had talked about how she wished for a husband who cared for her. A huge family with children of her own.
"You deserved better, (Y/N)," Albus stated, making (Y/N) shake her head in denial. "This is the path I have chosen, brother. But now, it lies upon you on what path you must choose."
(Y/N)'s eyes lingered on the pocket she had slipped the paper in before returning her gaze back to Albus. She smiled widely, hugging him once before trying to step back but Albus grabbed her hand.
"Don't go, (Y/N). I and Aberforth, we will keep you safe; away from him," Albus pleaded, almost desperate to have his sister back. "The fate awaits for us, brother, and we must not cower away from it," (Y/N) said, lightly freeing herself from Albus' hand and stepping away from him.
Eyes glimmering with tears yet a brave smile on her face. The sight broke Albus' heart into thousands pieces. He had lost one sister when he was young and now, he had lost his only sister; the closest sibling to his heart.
"Thank you, brother, for everything. I love you all a lot. Tell Aberforth, I apologize," she whispered, turning around and making her way to the empty alleyway nearby, ready to face whatsoever waited for her in Nurmengard.
Albus glanced in the way (Y/N) had before, realizing she was seen by someone of Gellert's followers. He turned and grabbed his book, apparating back to Godric's Hollow.
His hand went to the piece of paper. Unfolding the paper, his sister's clean handwriting greeted him. An address written in neat, cursive manner, along with a date.
Dawn, 2nd of November, 1945.
Albus noticed his tears only when it fell on the paper, smudging the ink. He looked up from the paper, glancing at the photo frame which held his family's last photograph together.
In front of his eyes floated the image of a smiling Ariana squeezed between (Y/N) and Aberforth. A grining Albus just behind an equally grining (Y/N).
The paper crumpled in Albus' fist as he took in the sight of his smiling sisters. His family was ruined by Gellert and all of them knew it. His youngest sister was killed in a duel between them and his other sister's innocence was tainted by that very man.
He knew he would do anything for them. To avenge them, to avenge his family. He knew he had to do it, for his remaining family and for the world. For the greater good.
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(Y/N) apparated back to Nurmengard, to her room to find a figure sitting calmly in the corner in the black armchair which was always occupied by Gellert.
Ignoring the figure, she shifted out of her coat, placing it neatly on the coat hanger, placing her scarf beside it.
"How was your meeting with Albus, love?" A smooth voice asked, sending a shiver down her spine. From the corner of her eyes she saw him shift, standing up and making his way towards her silently. A snake.
Deciding not to answer his question, (Y/N) moved to the vanity, undoing her plait. "I ask you something," Gellert stated, grabbing her by her elbow and turning her around to face him.
His face was stoic, as always it was. No hint of anger or frustration but it was in his eyes, in his voice. It was in his behavior that he was angry, beyond angry.
"I am not aware of what you speak of, husband," (Y/N) said, bravely staring back at him, staring back at her own death-bringer. "Surely you don't," he sneered and she could almost feel him move against her, pulling out the Elder Wand.
"You cheated on me," she stated painfully, making Gellert tilt his head amusingly. "Yes, I did," he replied back, as if it was nothing. As if he had done nothing wrong. "Why?" (Y/N) could do nothing but wonder where she went wrong.
"None of your business." The tip of Elder wand touched her chin, tilting her head up. "Do it," she said softly, cupping his hand in her, dragging the wand to rest on her heart.
"Do it, Gellert. Release me of this pain, but remember, your time is short as it is mine." The green light of the spell disappeared as (Y/N)'s body was jerked back, lifeless, as it laid against the vanity.
Unknowingly, (Y/N) had written down Gellert's fate along with Albus'.
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monserelates · 2 months
rip James Potter you would’ve hated finding out your grandchild’s name is Albus Severus Potter
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snowyslytherinowl · 10 months
Locked in the Staffroom
PAIRING: Severus Snape x (Professor) Reader
SUMMARY: Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall know that Severus Snape and you have hidden feelings for each other. When Snape refuses to acknowledge that you truly reciprocate his feelings, they lock him in the staffroom to force him to finally ask you out.
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*GIF isn't mine.
Excited whispers and giggles sound from inside the staffroom. Who in the wizarding world is giggling? Severus thinks before he pushes the door open. No wonder; it’s Dumbledore and Minerva. The two jump away from each other the second Severus walks in. Tea flies into Minerva’s hands, and Dumbledore stares dreamily out the window. 
“Good day, Severus. What brings you here?” Minerva asks after sipping her tea.
He ignores their question and sneers, “What were you two old bats whispering about?”
Dumbledore’s eyes twinkle behind his half-moon spectacles. “In truth, Minerva and I were discussing what a lovely couple you and the charming History of Magic professor would make.” Minerva chokes on her tea, clearly unaware that Dumbledore planned to spill the details of their gossip talk. “We know of your deep, burning feelings for her and believe that it would be prudent to act on them.”
Blood rushes to Severus’s face. “I do not have feelings for her,” he spits. Even if he did, he thinks they would be neither deep nor burning. Sitting next to you at every meal, admiring your outfits and eyes, and dreaming of your every waking moment surely doesn’t constitute as that. 
Fine, perhaps he does fancy you just a little bit. 
“One may attempt to conceal their love, but love cannot be concealed in the way one gazes at their beloved,” Dumbledore says dreamily. 
“She looks at you the same way you look at her, lucky for you.” Minerva raises her eyebrows and throws him a knowing, smug smile. “If you weren’t always so engrossed in your work, you’d see it, too.”
Severus rolls his eyes. “I do not appreciate your meddling in my relationships with the other professors. Either way, you are becoming old and delusional.” The other two professors burst out laughing as Severus turns away and pours a cup of tea for himself. He makes a final comment as his back is turned, “Perhaps you bats need better spectacles or charms to improve your sanity.” 
Mere seconds after he takes his first sip, the staffroom door opens. Severus’s eyes shoot up to see who has entered into this embarrassing conversation, and it is none other than you. His gaze immediately lowers back to the tea, and his hair falls around his face to shield the fact that his face is turning an even brighter shade of red. You take note of the tense atmosphere and awkwardly greet, “Hi, everyone.”
Dumbledore and Minerva warmly greet you, while Severus nods in your direction. You blush at Severus’s albeit scarce attention and walk to stand by him at the drink table. 
“Look at the time. It appears that Minerva and I must depart for our daily bird watching. Hogsmeade residents have reported a sighting of the Fiery Frizzle, and it would be an absolute shame to miss witnessing the bird setting a cottage on fire,” Dumbledore declares. Minerva plays along and they stand up to leave the room.
“I didn’t know that you’re into bird watching,” you note as you pour milk into a coffee. 
“They aren’t,” Severus grunts with full knowledge of their true plan. They want to give you two some privacy so he can make some grand gesture demonstrating his love for you. Too bad for them; he plans to leave the staffroom soon after the older professors depart. Regardless of Severus’s comments, the two give him expectant glances before exiting. 
Silence engulfs the staffroom until you say, “I brought essays to grade. You can join me only if you want to, of course.” You smile shyly when he looks at you. 
“Unfortunately, I have duties to attend to,” Severus says and downs his remaining tea in one go despite how it burns his throat. With his hair covering his eyes, he glances at your dress one last time before heading for the door. It’s truly a shame that he doesn’t have more time (the courage, rather) to admire how it shows your curves in all the right places. 
Severus attempts to turn the door handle and discovers that it’s jammed. No matter the spell he casts and how many times he impatiently grunts “alohomora,” the door doesn’t budge. He notices that you’re looking at him, earning a nervous laugh from him. “The door refuses to open. Not surprising, considering I have been telling Dumbledore that it requires repair.”
“Really? I never had an issue with it. Do you need help?” you ask, but still walk over before he can respond. You cast several spells of your own, none of which work to open the door. Severus feels flustered, but whether it’s because of your closeness or his embarrassment at being unable to complete a simple task on his own, he doesn’t know. 
As you attempt to remove the door handle altogether, a realization hits Severus: the door won’t open unless he confesses his feelings or asks you out. His blood boils as he thinks about how that pair of old baboons are probably up in Dumbledore’s office at this very moment, giggling and kicking their feet with excitement like schoolchildren. He can’t wait to get out of here so he can storm into the office and hit them with every jinx and hex he can think of. 
But then again, neither of you can leave unless he makes a move. The staffroom is hardly the place for pouring his heart out or asking you out on a date. Severus supposes that inviting you to the Three Broomsticks is the best option since you might think he’s merely asking you as a friend. Though what is he supposed to do? Lean against the door and nonchalantly say, “Go to the Three Broomsticks with me?” Or magic a flower into existence and pop the question? Merlin, why does this feel more nerve-wracking than taking on a dragon or walking through the Forbidden Forest during a gloomy night? 
He’s snapped to attention when you say, “I don’t think this thing will budge.” 
“Yes, I believe so,” he mutters back. You’re looking up at him through your eyelashes. Ugh, this seems like the best time to ask you on a date. He crosses his arms against his chest, then uncrosses them because it makes him seem closed-off. Then they hang limply against his sides; no, that makes him look weak. Never mind any of this; just say something!
“Er, I want to… I was wondering if perhaps you, er,” he stammers and forces the rest out in a rushed sentence, “WouldliketogototheThreeBroomstickswithme?”
You scrunch your face together. “What?”
Why couldn’t you just hear him the first time? Do you wish to embarrass him? His eyes fix on a point on the ground to avoid the impending look of horror on your face as he clearly enunciates his next sentence. “Do you want to go to the Three Broomsticks with me this Saturday?”
With every ounce of his being, Severus forces himself to look at you. Disgust isn’t written on your face at all. Instead, you’re grinning widely, and your eyes are even brighter than usual. “Yes! Is six okay?”
The muscles of his mouth force his lips into a small smile. “Er, it is,” he replies without thinking if it does. Either way, he’d move around his entire schedule for a mere minute of your time. But then his heart sinks as he realizes that you’ve likely only agreed to accompany him to the Three Broomsticks as an outing between two friends. 
Severus is proven wrong once more when you lean up to him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek! Oh no, he must look like a bashful schoolboy due to his burning cheeks and widening grin. No matter any of that, though, because you kissed his cheek!
“I, er, I shall see you then,” he stammers. You smile and nod in agreement before he reaches for the door handle to leave before he bursts with giddiness. Lo and behold, the door finally opens. 
Unlike what Severus expected, Minerva and Dumbledore are standing at the end of the corridor. Good; he can murder them without having to walk too far! He rushes over to them and upon seeing him, their faces break out into vicious little smirks. 
“I have half a mind to turn you into mice and feed you to snakes!” Severus sneers. 
The two professors look at each other and laugh so hard that Minerva has to put a hand on Dumbledore’s arm to stable herself. “We see that you’ve taken our advice to heart,” Dumbledore says. “Did she agree to your invitation?”
“That is none of your business!” he spits. 
“It appears that she did agree, Albus!” Minerva exclaims. “You can thank us for that later. I rather think that Minerva would be a beautiful middle name for your future baby girl.” 
Severus’s eyes narrow and he advances on the two, but he merely gets close enough to scowl in their faces. “I rather think that name hideous!” he snaps and jerks back to leave the two where they are in the hall.  
But he’s halfway to the stairs when Dumbledore calls back, “Perhaps Albus would be a suitable middle name for a boy!” 
Severus doesn’t respond. Instead, he flicks his wand at a window, smashing it and sending glass flying everywhere. His cloak billows around him as he grumpily climbs the stairs and disappears from sight, but he can’t help but wonder what name would be regal enough for his future child. 
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weasleyreidstyles · 6 months
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chapter four
summary: it was only meant to be a purely transactional relationship. he would help her strengthen her abilities in return for her getting his friends out of his father's nasty path. he didn't mean to fall for her, but loving her was the easiest thing in his dark world.
no use of y/n, but your general nickname is Meadow. All characters are aged up to be over 18.
pairings: mattheo riddle x fem!ravenclaw reader; platonic!slytherins x fem!reader; platonic!golden trio x fem!reader
warning(s): fainting, hospitals, talk of dark magic and curses
series masterlist; previous part; next part
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Mattheo guided you to an empty carriage with his palm gently grazing the small of your back. If you were in your right state of mind, you'd shove his hand away. Probably.
But at that moment, he was the only person holding you upright. You had no idea what was wrong with you, what this overwhelming feeling was.
It's just the adrenaline, tesoro. It'll pass. Theo had barely spoken to you since school started, not including the few nights you'd been on patrol with him late at night or in Ancient Runes and Transfiguration. Everytime you interacted with Mattheo he seemed to become agitated, as though it wasn't his idea to have his best friend teach you control.
You sat in the far corner of the carriage silently as they deliberated what to do about the necklace that was floating between you all, and for some reason you felt an odd tingling, cold sensation wash over you as it came closer to you.
"Should we take it to Snape? Or straight to Dumbledore?" Zabini asked as he used his wand to rotate the antique, looking at it with distaste. Theo and Mattheo seemed to debate this as Enzo nodded in agreement immediately.
"No we take it to Madame Pomfrey." Pansy injects. "She's going to need to see what cursed Katie. So she knows how to heal her."
"She could've died." you say quietly into the warmth of your scarf. They all turn to stare at you. "The necklace is famously doused with a death curse. Over a few dozen muggles supposedly died instantly when they touched it with their bare hands. Had she not had her gloves on, she would have died."
They look stricken, as if this had not occurred to them at all. The air in the carriage went frigid, suddenly. And not because of the chill.
"All the more reason to get it to Dumbledore." Zabini insists, but you vehemently disagreed.
"No, Pans is right. Madame Pomfrey needs to see the necklace. I doubt she'll be able to treat Katie here, Hogwarts won't have the necessary resources for this sort of thing."
Zabini seemed to think on this and in the end you all agreed; when you reached the Hospital Wing where Katie Bell was writhing helplessly in a bed, you all but collapsed into Mattheo's awaiting arms.
You've discovered that fainting is an odd sensation. One moment you felt fine, fine enough to function normally at least, then the next minute everything is a hazy void of nothing.
You wake up in a bed in the hospital wing, Hermione next to you, reading a muggle novel with a furrowed brow. She jolts up when she sees that you're conscious.
"You're awake. I'll get Madame Pomfrey, hold on." And she's off down the aisle of warded beds, back seconds later with the matron in tow.
Madame Pomfrey fusses over you for a moment, asking you all the generic questions, that you answer only with half-truths, before leaving you alone with Hermione once again when you answered sufficiently enough.
"How do you really feel?" your best friend asked, her face full of worry. "Harry and Ron wanted to be here, Ginny too, but they have Quidditch practice."
"I feel like I got hit over the head with a hammer." you say, your voice rough and hoarse. "What even happened? The last thing I remember is walking into the Hospital Wing."
"Nott said you passed out when you came to hand the necklace in. Riddle got you settled into bed and let Madame Pomfrey do her work. But she hasn't said what is implicitly wrong with you." she explained and you stared up at her incredulously.
"But I only fainted? It's not that serious, is it?" your anxiety spikes and, not intentionally, you blocked out Hermione's voice in order to get some answers.
I hear helped me into bed? I could've sworn you don't have a nice bone in your body, guess I was wrong.
You're awake. He sounds surprised...relieved.
Obviously or I wouldn't be communicating with you right now, would I?
Funny. His voice is filled with mirth at your sarcastic response. How do you feel, sweetheart?
Do you want the lie I told so that I could leave the Hospital Wing quicker, or the real answer?
I'd hope that all the time we've spent in each other's presence would warrant the truth, Meadow.
I feel like shit, Mattheo. I don't even know what caused it, I felt fine when we were in the carriage.
Did you? He doesn't believe you.
I mean– I think so, I– My arm doesn't hurt as much. Do you think that has something to do with it?
Maybe. Is Granger still with you?
Yes, why?
No reason.
He doesn't give you a response.
Hermione is snapping her fingers in your face and calling your name as if she'd been doing it for a hot minute.
"Are you sure you're alright?" she asks, concern written all over your face.
"You know, I feel a little fatigued, I might try and sleep it off." you feel like the worst person in the world for lying to your best friend, but you want answers, and Mattheo seemed like the only person who would be brutally honest with you.
"Alright. I'll come back tomorrow with the others if you're still here after lessons are over." she smiles at you and guilt eats away at your chest.
"Thank you for staying with me, Mione." She squeezes your hand affectionately before she stands up and leaves you alone.
Half an hour later it's not Mattheo who comes to visit like you secretly hoped for (but you were denying this to yourself vehemently). Instead Professor Dumbledore walks into the Wing with his usual grace and grandure.
"Good evening, Miss Meadows." he says cheerily as he stands before you bed. "May I sit?"
Bewildered, you nod your head silently.
"There's no need for the confusion," he says, clearly using Occlimency on you. "I see you have a good grasp on your mind. When did you learn to do this?"
"I like to learn new things." you say, brows furrowing at him as he gets comfortable in the plush seat beside your bed. He hums at your answer, rubbing his chin with the fingers of his good hand.
"I believe you experienced something rather....odd this afternoon." he began, his usually twinkling eyes holding an emotion that you could not place. "Can you describe it to me?"
"Um...I guess it started when we got closer to Katie and Leanne-" you start before cutting yourself off. "Actually, how is she? Katie? What happened to her?"
Dumbledore sighs as he answers.
"She was taken to St. Mungo's for treatment. They have far better equipped staff for dealing with dark curses. Poppy does not do that sort of healing."
"But she'll be okay?" you ask.
"She'll live, miraculously." he says before he focuses on you again. "Now back to you, Miss Meadow."
"Right. We were walking down the lanes, behind them and then I think they had stopped walking while they were arguing and it felt like an eery shift in the air. I don't know how else to describe it but then Katie touched the necklace and went up into the air. When she started screaming that's when Matt– Riddle– that's when Riddle and his friends turned up behind us. Enzo and Blaise went to find Hagrid and Ron, Theo and Riddle helped pull her down. I tried to help but when I touched her, my arm started to burn." you can fell the sting like a phantom now that you think about the pain.
"Interesting." he says as he pulls an old signet ring from his deep robe pocket, holding it out for you to take. "Can you tell me what you feel when you touch this, please?"
You do as he says and take the ring into your hands. Twisting it around your fingers, allowing your magic begins to swirl around it before it burns your fingers. You drop it in an instant. That same cold, tingling feeling you felt when Blaise rotated the necklace washed over you right afterward.
"It's cursed?" you asked, looking up at the Headmaster for confirmation, who is staring at you with knowing, inquisitive eyes.
"Something like that, yes." he says, his decaying hand twitches in response.
"Is that why your hand is like...that?" you ask, motioning to the appendage.
"Yes, rather nasty isn't it?" he says, tucking his hand away from your prying eyes. "I'm not sure what it is cursed by, but that is why I have asked Harry to befriend Professor Slughorn. I believe it has something to do with Lord Voldemort and Horis is the key to everything.
He ignores the way you instinctively flinch at the name. But thats when you notice that the ring that is still on your bed, holds the Riddle insignia. Mattheo's family crest.
"Sir, what's wrong with me?" you croak, as you turn the ring in your hands once again, letting your magic wash over it and dropping it into your lap when it zaps you with another stinging burn.
Professor Dumbledore removes the ring from your possession as he answers carefully.
"You're an incredibly smart witch, Miss Meadows." he states. "Professor Snape tells me of your incredible non-verbal abilities, and am I correct in assuming that you are also talented with wandless magic?"
You flush at this. "Yes sir."
"It is no surpise to me that your magic picks up on things that other witches and wizards may not." he says, tilting his head at you. "I believe you would make a good Unspeakable in the future, my dear. Or perhaps a curse breaker."
"What?" you ask, completely muddled by how cryptic he seemed to become. "Why do you say that? Shouldn't I be worried that I can somehow detect dark magic?"
"On the contrary...I believe it will be the most important skill you learn in this life."
With that note, he stands and with a simple goodbye leaves you lying alone in the bed with a thousand thoughts running through your head.
None of them bringing you any closer to a solid answer to the biggest questions you have:
Why the hell can you sense dark magic? Why did it cause your skin to burn? Why did it cause you to lose your grasp on consciousness?
aaand the plot thickens...🤭🤭🤭
this was quite short but there will be more mattheo and meadow moments to come in the next one i promise xxx
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cupidddd-d · 6 months
you've got my devotion, but man i can hate you sometimes
in which you just want him to love you
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"you imbecile!" tom snapped, glaring at you with red eyes filled with fury. "why did you talk to dumbledore? i could have gotten caught!"
you flinched, taking a step back as tom continued advancing towards you. "i-i-"
"you- you what?" he mocked your nervous stuttering with a cruel sneer.
gone was the charming boy that you fell in love with. he was replaced with a cruel, heartless man that would take advantage of anything at his disposal. and that included you.
"e-everyone had to go in for interviews to see what was c-causing the murders," you said weakly, hiding your trembling hands in your robes.
"you almost gave me away!" tom was livid, and despite all the years of being by his side, you knew he would still kill you in a heartbeat.
"no, tom! i'm sorry! h-he didn't suspect you at all, i swear!" you pleaded, hot tears springing to your eyes at his disappointment. "i-i'm really sorry, okay? i-i'll do better next time! j-just don't...!" don't throw me away. don't discard me. don't abandon me. don't hate me. don't leave me alone. don't make me live in a world without you.
how disappointed your mother would be at this pitiful sight. you were all but begging for a man to love you, despite the fact that he was incapable of doing so. even after she taught you to hold your head high, not to surrender your pride for anyone, you were still holding on to the pathetic hope that one day, just one day, a miracle might happen.
"i can't even stand to look at you right now." he scoffed, turning away from you.
you sniffled, recognizing the clear dismissal. "i hate you, you know that? i really....hate you." you glared at his back, tears dripping down your cheeks as you silently begged for him to turn back and comfort you, to apologize for his harsh words. but he wouldn't do that. you knew he wouldn't.
"no, you don't. if you did, you wouldn't be at my beck and call like a pathetic dog waiting for its master." tom said coldly, unfazed by your behavior. "if you hate me so much, leave. go on, then."
your lip wobbled, your fists clenching at your sides as you stayed rooted in place. you both stayed silent, knowing that you would never have the heart to leave him despite his treatment towards you. "you're being cruel, tom." you whispered.
"you knew what i was, and yet you chose to stay by my side anyway. you may leave whenever you want. you are not of any particular importance to me, so i won't stop you." he finally turned back as you'd hoped, but he didn't offer any soothing consolations. he smiled condescendingly at you, patting your shoulder as he passed you. "goodbye, then. i'll see you tomorrow."
and he was right. he would see you tomorrow. how could you leave him, the man you loved so pathetically and dutifully?
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severussnapemylove · 7 months
Severus; "I kissed Y/N.”
Albus; “Wow."
Albus; “I owe Minerva so much money.”
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severussnaperevived · 9 months
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Albus: walks into Severus's chambers "I need to discuss something important with you" glances into his bedroom that he has left open to see handcuffs on the bed with rope
Albus: looks at you then Severus then back at you "on second thought I'm abit tired I'll see you in my office tomorrow morning" walks out of room
Y/N: laughing "did you see the look on his face when he thinks you tie me to the bed, I would love to see his face if he knew you are the one tied to the bed"
Severus: "no one can know, I have a reputation to keep"
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
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Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore are in love with you. These two powerful wizards are yandere for you.
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Always There - Chapter One: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, mentions of death and murder, mentions of Azkaban, shittyly written angst,
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
Author's Note: It's been a long ass time my friends, but I'm trying to make a come back here. I was a bit out of my comfort zone with this one so I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1146
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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GIF by red-artemis-jane
not my gif
The year Harry turned 11 was the year professor Sprout retired, in turn, Y/N got the position as herbology professor. She enjoyed teaching her nephew and loved being back at Hogwarts no matter how much it pained her to be there without her brother and his best friends. The first two years went by without much issue, however, in Harry’s third year, Y/N heard whispers of a new professor starting at Hogwarts, an old student from her time there. And she had also heard about the escape of Sirius Black, her brother’s best friend who had supposedly ratted the couple out to the dark lord and got them killed. It was a lot of emotions for her to deal with at once.
She was already at Hogwarts when she got word that Harry was attacked by a dementor on the train ride there. She rushed to the main hall and found her nephew rather quickly. “Merlin Harry, are you okay? Did you get hurt? How did this happen?” She bombarded her nephew with questions before engulfing him in a tight hug.
“I’m okay, Aunt Y/N. I didn’t get hurt, I don’t know what would’ve happened if professor Lupin wasn’t there,” Harry reassured his aunt.
“Professor Potter, we are waiting for you at the table, you may catch up with your nephew after the feast,” Dumbledore’s voice interrupted. She planted a kiss on her nephew’s forehead before following the headmaster to the table. She took her usual spot beside Severus, not even noticing the new but familiar face on the other side of the man. Dumbledore began his usual beginning of the year speech, this time including that due to the escape of Sirius Black, dementors would be gracing Hogwarts with their presence. “I would also like to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor R.J Lupin.” Y/N choked on her tea at the name, Severus patting her back gently as he suppressed a chuckle.
“Don’t laugh at me you git,” She said harshly.
“I wasn’t laughing,” Severus replied monotonously.
“Sure you weren’t.” Once the food was put out and she had filled her plate, she took her plate to the greenhouse to get herself ready for another year. She also just needed a minute alone, away from everyone, so she could try and process everything that was going on. As she sat at her desk to begin processing, the greenhouse doors opened. “I really don’t want to talk right now Sev,” She said without looking up.
“Good thing I’m not Severus,” A familiar voice spoke, “It’s been a long time.” She looked up to see Remus standing a few feet away from her. Her mood soured just a bit more at the sight of him.
“And who’s fault is that?” She snapped at him.
“I deserve that,” He sighed.
“Why are you here Remus? Shouldn’t you be at the feast?”
“Shouldn’t you?” Remus retorted, “I wanted to talk to you without your guard dog with you.”
“Then talk. And he isn’t my guard dog, he was there for me when I had nobody.”
“I also deserved that. Look, I just want to apologize for leaving without a word or even a letter. I thought it would be safer for you and Harry if I left, especially with my condition. It was too dangerous for me to be around you two. You didn’t deserve that.”
“If that’s all you have to say, then good night.”
“Talk to me Y/N! Yell at me, throw things, do something!” Remus shouted at her. She shot out of her chair, rushed around her desk and got in his face. Her heart raced with anger, her head spinning as tears sprung in her eyes.
“You want me to talk, fine, I’ll talk. You left me when I had nobody! My brother just died and you up and left! And then Peter died and Sirius got thrown in Azkaban and I got a baby practically thrown at me and you left me! The only person that was there for me, that got me out of bed, that got me to eat and took care of me, when I couldn’t do it myself, was Severus! He helped me and you were nowhere to be found! So fuck you Lupin, get out of my greenhouse!” She yelled at him, tears flowing down her cheek, chin trembling as she held back sobs.
“Y/N ple-”
“Get out! Get out of here before I do something I regret!” With that, Remus walked out of the greenhouse, leaving a sobbing Y/N alone, once again. That was the way Severus found her about 20 minutes later and, once again, he was left to pick up the pieces Remus had left behind.
“Darling, what happened? Why are you so upset?” Severus asked her, his voice filled with concern. When she didn’t answer, Severus became even more concerned but connected the dots. “Lupin came to see you, I’ll kill him.” She let out a teary chuckle at the threat he said under his breath.
“He came into my office, I thought it was you at first because I hadn’t looked up but I was wrong. He apologized and then wanted me to say something to him and I just screamed at him. It felt good to finally get it all out but it still hurts,” She finally explained. 
“I’m glad that the foul git got what he deserved. Do you want to talk about it?” She had nodded her head and the two talked for nearly 3 hours, about everything that was going on. Severus reassuring her as they talked and validating her feelings and her thoughts as the conversation continued. They had moved their conversation to a sofa she had in her office, eventually talking until they fell asleep. That was how Minerva found the pair when she had been wanting to chat with Y/N about Remus’ new position in the school. In all of the years she had known Severus, she had never seen the man sleep, let alone even yawn, so imagine her surprise seeing one of the most beloved professors sleep on a couch with the most dreaded professors together, not only just sleeping but snuggled together. Severus had his arms wrapped around her in a seemingly protective manner, Y/N’s head dipped down, resting on his chest, one arm around his waist, the other tucked into her chest.
Minerva just knew that she had to tell Albus and Sybil about the sight she took in. Before leaving the greenhouse office, she made sure that the lights were out and the two of them were covered in a blanket Y/N had lying around in her office. Minerva finally left the office with a smile on her face and a warmed heart at the sight.
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daenakills · 1 year
His dark eyes.
Tom Riddle x reader, might delete.
Part 2
warning: obsession, angsty, mentions of death, tom being up for no good. tom being tom basically. short.
'The perfect couple' you were told by your classmates and even teachers when you walked down the halls.
Tom and you had started dating three months ago, three months ago when you declared your love to him and he with an expressionless face told you to date. At that moment, you were very happy, feeling like it was the best day of your life. You were sure many girls wished that they were you.
Before that, you looked at him from a distance, wondering why he stood out among the others. Little by little you realized that his presence invaded your senses, clouded your vision, and innumerable thoughts about him blocked your normal ideas.
The moment he said yes, you got really excited. He was beautiful, with those almost black eyes that looked at you intensely, with black hair that was styled in a very elegant way, and with an intelligence superior to the others.
You still remembered the first month of the relationship, those vacations he spent at Hogwarts since he didn't want to go back to that orphanage where he grew up. You convinced your parents to go on holiday to England alone, after all you went there every summer, and what better time to be with your boyfriend than on holiday.
In the afternoon you found a way to enter his room without some nosy coming, you sat on his bed while he was sitting studying some things. He had many papers on the desk, all neatly arranged by category. He hadn't even flinched at your presence, as if he was something routine. You got up from the bed and proceeded to approach him.
“What are you doing studying? It's the holidays, there are no subjects to study.” You put your hands on his shoulders.
“There is always something to study, wisdom is eternal.” he muttered, as if the words coming out of his mouth were normal for boys still going to Hogwarts. You tried to talk to him a few more times, and each time he found an excuse to answer you curtly but calmly.
You were like this all month, until he confronted you near the ladies' room.
“Look, I'll tell you a few things and I want you to listen carefully. I don't have time for you all the time.” Silence. Silence is what there was when he whispered those words to you.
You waited for that to be all, but he continued. “I don't want you there all the time, either. I thought it would be enough for me to say that I was your boyfriend and to talk to you. But no, it doesn't seem to be enough. This alliance suits us both. You, because you want to be with me and me, because it keeps the professor distracted, who thinks I don't feel anything. So, tell me once and for all if you want to continue.” You were paralysed, until you let your heart win, and you decided that yes, you were going to continue. “I'm surprised you don't cry. At least that's a change.” Yes, you too were surprised that you didn't cry. You had the feeling of crying the whole day, wondering how to hold back the tears and make the words come out.
Tom never specified which teacher thought he didn't feel anything, but after dating him for three months, you came to the conclusion that that professor, whoever they were, was right, Tom doesn't feel.
Now you walked with him through the halls, letting his henchmen (whom he called friends in front of the others, or well, they claimed to be his friends) were a few steps away from you. You didn't talk to Tom. The both of you exchanged the odd word from time to time, just to avoid suspicion.
You used to be unable to keep your feelings, but now you have your hiding place. Behind Tom's back, you had started dating Simon Buxton, from Gryffindor. At first, you avoided Simon since he was always giving you hints that he wanted to be with you.
You were afraid that Tom would find out and do something to you, which was not a surprise. Sometimes at night you would find Tom reading things that were not correct, things about sacrifices.
But after a while, you realized that Tom really wasn't interested in you or your life. So you started sneaking out with Simon, that's what you were headed for right now, you walked away from Tom telling him you were going to find your friends, he kissed you on the forehead and let you go. The other girls around made cute sounds, telling you that you were very lucky, you ignored them.
In a short time you arrived at your hiding place with Simon, that place where they saw each other when they didn't want to be seen, that is, always. You found him already waiting for you a few steps beyond his hiding place, without waiting for him, he pounced on you.
He started kissing you and touching every part of your robe, you tried to stop him, since they weren't in the hideout yet. Without you realizing it, someone else entered the scene. It was Abraxas Malfoy.
He saw you and Simon, and he only needed to see them to go out and report the event to Tom. You continued kissing with Simon, you didn't know what was waiting for you.
You made it to the room after all your classes, thank Merlin that Simon released you minutes after you told him to stop.
You started to open the door of the room when you realized that it was already open, you went in anyway, thinking that it had only been your mistake. Freaking out when you see Tom, standing up, staring at you in the middle of your room.
“Tom, what are you doing here? Or rather, how did you get in?” You knew the answer to that last question, what you wondered was why he was there.
He completely ignored your two questions, “Do you know what would have happened if it hadn't been Abraxas who saw Simon and you kissing? Total chaos, they'd be out there saying that the perfect couple isn't so perfect. Do you know how it makes me look?” So that's what it was about, how it makes him look.
“I'll be more careful next time.”
“You are funny.” He looked at you with a serious face, he didn't find a hint of humour in it. “It won't happen again because you won't see Simon any more, that disgusting blood traitor.”
“Don't call him that! Besides, if I'm careful, no one is going to find out and no one is going to ruin your oh so precious reputation.”
“It's not just that, darling.” You didn't know why, but that flattery felt full of poison. “You are mine” he came closer to you as he spoke, “You are mine from the moment you first looked at me. I remember your face when I told you that I would be your boyfriend. You looked so excited.” he'd say with fake preoccupation as he touched your face, and for some reason you couldn't bring yourself to remove it, “It doesn't deserve to see that.” His face changed from fake shock to looking completely serious, the more you looked at him, the emptier his black eyes looked.
“Simon pleases me, he listens to me and understands me. He does everything you don't. I think you should find another girl for this.” You said with teary eyes.
“I don't want another girl, I want you!” He grabbed your shoulders and slammed you against the door, a few steps behind you. “And I have you, and I won't let you go. Ever. Do you hear me? Ever.”
You ate your food while you listened to the other girls talk about how tragic the news about Simon were. He had been missing since the day Tom threatened you.
Since that, Tom has wanted to sneak into your room to bite your neck while you cry over Simon at night, taunting you with small whispers, “Are you still crying over the traitor? Mm, too bad, I think you should stop thinking about him, he's not coming back” as his hands encircle your entire body.
At that moment you realize that the professor was wrong, Tom does feel something, the problem it's that it isn't love.
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the-desilittle-bird · 2 years
Author's Note- Here comes the second part of Fate Awaits and I am not crying... maybe, I am. Anyways, hope you like it.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Grieving the Dead
Albus Dumbledore x Sister!Reader;
Gellert Grindelwald x Wife!Reader
Part 1 ☆ Part 2
Summary- (Y/N) was dead; Gellert defeated. But Albus couldn't help but visit his former lover and brother-in-law again, grieving her death with him.
Tag List- @shopping, @strangesthirdeye, @omgsuperstarg, @killing-gremlin, @narcy, @blackhoodlea
GIF Credits to @in-myheartofhearts
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While everyone had celebrated Albus Dumbledore's win over the Dark Wizard, the Dumbledore Family had reunited in their house, grieving the loss of the only living witch of their family.
Aberforth had stayed silent after Albus told him everything about (Y/N). Her marriage to Grindelwald, Grindelwald's manipulations, and the oh-so-valiant betrayal by Grindelwald. While Aberforth had taken the route to stay silent, Credence was open with his grief, crying into his father and uncle's shoulder.
"It shouldn't have been her," he had spoken to Albus once, wiping his eyes harshly with his sleeves. Albus could have only nod, patting his nephew warmly on his back.
For once, Albus wanted to kill Gellert after the wizard had claimed so proudly that he had killed his own wife. The very same one who had stayed by his side when no one was there.
"Finding your little sister, are we, Dumbledore? Alas! She must be sitting with her sister, right now; perhaps, with your parents as well."
Albus had felt how much Gellert was succumbed into darkness of phis powers, acting as if he was the lord of the world; a God himself.
The duel was the representation of the narcissistic behavior on Gellert's side and of anger on Albus' side. Albus' mind had screamed at him to use the single deadly curse which would have ended his opponent for all time but he couldn't; he wouldn't act like him.
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Nurmengard had grown ever more cold after it was completely abandoned of human existence after their duel, as Albus noticed as he walked through the towering walls of the castle.
He walked down the stairs, reaching the dungeons where Gellert was imprisoned by the governments around the Wizarding World.
He spotted Gellert sitting in the farthest corner of the biggest dungeon in Nurmengard. Wrinkles had made its way to his face, as if he had aged a thousand years in just a few months.
"How come the great Albus Dumbledore decided to pay me a visit?" Gellert asked sarcastically, a coy smile on his face. Albus took in a deep breath, stopping himself from rolling his eyes.
"I wished to speak... about (Y/N)," Albus said, walking to the big window in a side of the dungeon. His eyes trailed the windy mountains, breeze hitting the glass, creating an eerie sound.
Albus glanced to the man slouching against the wall. His different eyes gazed at the corner of the room, distantly. His hands clinched into fists. Albus could see the pain in his eyes, even though it was expertly concealed in his eyes.
"I know you had unique affection directed towards her. Then why, Gellert? Why did you kill her?" Albus asked through gritted teeth, eyes filling up with unshed tears. Gellert laughed coldly, eyes focusing on a ring on his finger.
"Why did I kill her? What do you expect from me? I was the villain, Albus. I always was," even though Gellert wanted to sound cold, rude; his voice broke in the end.
Albus looked down at his polished shoes. His eyes focusing on the ring Gellert was staring at longingly. Albus advanced towards him, sitting down just a few meters away from Gellert, who looked at him with confusion.
"Your engagement ring?" Albus asked softly, his eyes glancing between Gellert and the ring. Gellert nodded silently, moving to remove the ring and handing it over to Albus, who curiously studied it.
Forever and ever yours - G.G. and (Y/I)
Albus smiled sadly at Gellert, handing him the ring back. "You didn't use her, did you?" Albus asked after some time, watching as Gellert scoffed. "She was there when no one was. When you left me. I didn't exactly love her but I had grown accustomed to her presence."
Albus sighed deeply, his hand traveled to his pants' pocket where (Y/N)'s engagement ring laid. The Aurors had found (Y/N)'s dead body after Gellert and his troop of followers were defeated.
They had handed over (Y/N)'s body to Dumbledore Family, or what was left of it, so they could properly say a goodbye to them. Along with her dead body came her belongings, rings and clothes, a few hats and scarfs; and among them, Albus had found a photograph of him and her.
Albus debated internally on whether he should saw Gellert the ring or not. He knew he should show him, after all, it was them who had each other's back for years.
Albus silently took the diamond ring out, placing it on Gellert's hand. Gellert took a hold of the beautiful and simple ring. The diamond in the middle shone in the moonlight.
Gellert's eyes watered as he remembered all the times when (Y/N) would silently took care of his injuries after he escaped from any prison. He remembered the day they got married, becoming one soul and one mind.
How much Gellert wished to go back in time and live that moment. He remembered the slight ache in his heart when (Y/N) had walked down the aisle, looking extremely beautiful.
"How did she look on the day?" Albus asked, closing his eyes and imagining how it would have been to walk her down the aisle. Gellert smiled dreamily, he closed his eyes and placed his head against the wall.
"She looked as if she was an angel, descending down the stairs of heaven with a smile in her eyes and a charming glint in her (E/C) eyes," Gellert whispered, his finger caressed the diamond on the ring.
"I am sure she was," Albus whispered back, tears threatening to spill down his eyes. He blinked rapidly, taking in a deep breath to calm himself down.
Albus sighed standing up and looking down at Gellert. "I did it for her," Albus whispered, turning around and walking straight out of the place which became hell for his sister, leaving behind a surprised Gellert.
Gellert glanced down at the ring, eyeing the engraved words. Tears had finally decided to fall, and soon, so did his barriers; resulting in leaving a broken man in desperate need of affection and care.
Gellert screamed loudly as the tears fell rapidly. His fingers clutching to the diamond ring, the last memorial of his wife, whom he killed recklessly in frustration. He remembered how he had clutched her dead body, hugging her as he cried silently.
Gellert was slowly catching on to what he had done and he could only wish for his death to come, to devour him and send him into a comfortable darkness. A place where, perhaps, he could meet her again and apologize.
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h3rm0n13 · 6 months
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Order of the phoenix vs Dumbledore Army
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