#ATS Algorithms
ourjobagency · 8 months
Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Usage Report: Key Shifts and Strategies for Job Seekers
The job market is an ever-evolving landscape, and one of the significant game-changers in recent years has been the adoption of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) by companies to streamline their hiring processes. In this blog, we will explore the key shifts in ATS usage in 2023 and provide valuable strategies for job seekers to navigate this increasingly automated recruitment world.
The Growing Role of ATS in Recruitment
Applicant Tracking Systems have been a staple in HR departments for years, but their influence continues to expand. In 2023, ATS technology has become more sophisticated, capable of analyzing not only resumes but also social media profiles, work portfolios, and online assessments. This shift signifies the need for job seekers to adapt and optimize their profiles accordingly.
Key Shifts in ATS Usage:
AI-Driven Matching: ATS now employ advanced AI algorithms to match candidates with job descriptions. They analyze keywords, skills, and even sentiment analysis to assess cultural fit.
Assessment Tools: Many companies use ATS to administer pre-screening assessments, evaluating candidates' skills and compatibility with the role.
Social Media Integration: ATS have integrated social media scraping capabilities, allowing them to gather additional insights about candidates. Job seekers need to maintain a professional online presence.
Diversity and Inclusion: Companies are using ATS to track diversity and inclusion metrics. This underscores the importance of emphasizing diverse experiences and skills on your resume.
Strategies for Job Seekers in the ATS Era
Navigating the ATS-driven job market in 2023 requires a strategic approach. Here are some key strategies to increase your chances of success:
1. Tailor Your Resume
Customize your resume for each application by incorporating keywords from the job description. ATS are more likely to select resumes that closely match the job's requirements.
2. Build an Online Presence
Maintain an updated LinkedIn profile and other relevant social media profiles. Ensure that the information is consistent with your resume. Highlight your skills, achievements, and professional network.
3. Optimize Your Cover Letter
While many job applications don't require a cover letter, if you decide to include one, tailor it to the job you're applying for. Use keywords and phrases from the job description to demonstrate your suitability for the role.
4. Expand Your Skill Set
Invest in continuous learning and skills development. ATS often prioritize candidates with up-to-date skills and relevant certifications.
5. Quantify Achievements
Incorporate quantifiable achievements and results in your resume. Use metrics and numbers to showcase your contributions in previous roles.
6. Network Strategically
Leverage your professional network to learn about job openings. Employee referrals are often highly regarded by ATS.
7. Research the Company
Before applying, research the company and its culture. Tailor your application to align with their values and goals.
8. Follow Application Instructions
Carefully follow the application instructions provided by the employer. ATS may automatically reject applications that don't comply.
9. Review and Revise
Proofread your resume and application materials for errors. Simple mistakes can lead to rejection by ATS.
10. Seek Professional Help
Consider consulting a career coach or resume writer who specializes in ATS optimization to ensure your documents are ATS-friendly.
As Applicant Tracking Systems continue to play a pivotal role in the hiring process in 2023, job seekers must adapt to this new reality. By tailoring their application materials, optimizing their online presence, and staying informed about ATS trends, candidates can enhance their chances of standing out in a competitive job market. Remember, while ATS can be a challenge, they are ultimately designed to help employers find the best-fit candidates, and with the right strategies, you can become one of them.
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shima-draws · 1 year
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The real reason I posted palettes...LOL
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner so you know what time it is. Send me a ship and a pose and a palette and I’ll draw them probably maybe <3
(Original Valentines art prompts by @/a-moop, palette challenge by me!)
Please read the tags thoroughly for fandoms I will accept prompts for!
EDIT: I’ve gotten a lot of requests for the same few expressions and palettes so as I go along and do these I will cross out the ones I will no longer accept requests for!! I’d like some variety in this lol and doing the same two expressions and three palettes the entire time would be boring :’(
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javier-pena · 1 year
since my javier peña hottest moments series has been getting a lot of love recently, how would you guys feel about me trying to make a joel miller hottest moments series 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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61below · 1 year
So I think we have GOT to start paying more attention to how algorithms are contributing to the Batshit QAnon Pipeline bc today my tin hat brother in law AND my tin hat mother in law came and visited, but after that, my fb reels started cascading ‘the fda is trying to ban aloe vera but I’m also not going to provide any sources I’m just gonna show this screenshot of some printer paper and talk with INSISTENCE’ genre doom-posters.
Like, I used to think it’s funny when I get suggested welding or wheeling reels after my husband is on the phone when we’re both in the same room, or how during the pandemic I was getting friends suggestions of the grocery store clerks bc that was the only place I went, but Jesus H Fucking Christ. Are they basing your reel feed on the interests of who’s around you, now, too??
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cicaklah · 1 year
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I redid my sculptures head since he was weirdly flat and added more chest hair because you can never have too much lbr.
Update pics week 5/6
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ridhisingla001 · 1 year
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feralthembo · 1 year
Tonight on "i forgot this was in my all purpose playlist"
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jcmarchi · 19 days
Adam Jackson, Co-Founder & CEO of Braintrust – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/adam-jackson-co-founder-ceo-of-braintrust-interview-series/
Adam Jackson, Co-Founder & CEO of Braintrust – Interview Series
Adam Jackson is the Co-Founder and CEO of Braintrust, an all-in-one hiring solution, that is powered by AI. The platform uses a matching engine that scans 800,000+ talent members globally to find the top 5 candidates to fill any position. The AI is also conducts and grades video interviews, providing enterprises with a detailed scorecard to make fast, and informed hiring decisions.
Could you share the story of the genesis behind Braintrust AIR? 
Today’s hiring process is fundamentally broken. It’s slow, it’s costly, and it leaves talent in a weeks-long period of limbo. We wanted to change all that. We wanted to reduce the friction of finding your next job the way kayak.com forever changed how you book travel by shrinking the hiring process into days. We think that will free human resource professionals from the most tedious and repetitive aspects of their job and empower them to help build culture and cultivate talent.
Braintrust AIR offers various innovative solutions for hiring and managing global workforces. Can you highlight some key features that set your platform apart from traditional staffing solutions? 
Braintrust AIR stands apart in three ways.
First, it’s comprehensive.  No other platform offers AI-driven job description creation, precision candidate matching, automated screening, and onboarding, all under one roof. It’s an end-to-end solution that the market desperately needs
It’s also data driven. We have four years of proprietary data, 750,000 talent and thousands of successfully completed jobs for Fortune 500 companies. We’re not just using ChatGPT to write a generic JD and calling it AI-powered. Instead, we purpose-built models to achieve specific goals that recruiters care about.
Lastly, it’s unbiased. Humans are inherently biased and tend to flock towards familiarity. Our AI ranks and matches talent with jobs based on discrete skills as opposed to personally identifiable information.
These other sites don’t do any vetting of the talent. They only allow you to post jobs and collect applications. We provide a specialized AI-driven hiring platform designed to automate and streamline the entire talent acquisition process, end to end.
How does Braintrust’s AIR AI Matching Engine enhance the accuracy and efficiency of matching candidates to job roles compared to manual screening processes? 
Braintrust’s AIR AI Matching Engine streamlines the recruitment process by automatically analyzing job requirements and candidate profiles to make high-accuracy matches. This system significantly outperforms traditional manual screening by reducing human error and bias, accelerating the hiring timeline, and ensuring a better fit between job roles and candidates.
How does AIR ensure the quality of candidates when performing automated AI-driven video screenings and grading? What criteria does it use? 
AIR ensures high-quality candidates by utilizing advanced algorithms to assess video interviews based on defined competencies and job-specific criteria. This process includes evaluating communication skills, technical knowledge, and problem-solving abilities, ensuring that only the most suitable candidates are shortlisted.
With AI playing a significant role in recruitment, concerns about bias are inevitable. What measures has Braintrust implemented to ensure fairness and reduce bias in its AI algorithms? 
Braintrust has implemented several measures to combat bias in its AI systems. We’re not using any personally identifiable information for model training and inference. The Matching Engine provides a summary for every candidate that clearly states why someone is a match or not, and what criteria were used in decision making. The other thing to note is that our AI looks at every single applicant, instead of simply coming up with a pool of “good enough” candidates. Moreover, our async video screening enables companies to video screen a lot more applicants than they would with a traditional screen. This gives a shot to a wider variety of candidates that would not typically be invited to a screen.
Braintrust also has its cryptocurrency (BTRST). What are the benefits of incorporating a token, and how do the tokenomics work? 
The BTRST token incentivizes community participation and governance, allowing token holders to vote on significant decisions affecting the platform. This use of cryptocurrency aligns with Braintrust’s decentralized ethos, promoting a transparent and collaborative environment.
Braintrust operates on a decentralized model using Web3 technology. How does this influence the platform’s governance and operation? 
Braintrust’s decentralized model empowers its community by allowing talent and companies to have a say in the platform’s development and governance. This model enhances user engagement and ensures that the platform evolves to benefit all stakeholders.
How does the integration with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and job description automation benefit companies looking to streamline their hiring processes? 
Integration with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and automated job description tools help organizations quickly post job openings, manage applications more efficiently, and optimize job descriptions to attract suitable candidates. Many customers are using Braintrust as their ATS; all in one hiring solution. Our integrations with other ATS systems enable customers to easily sync all their data in one place. The Job Description generator is differentiated because it uses data from other job postings and what’s been successful (vs. ChatGPT which will just produce a generic job description)
Can you share some success stories where Braintrust AIR has significantly improved the hiring process for your enterprise clients? 
Braintrust AIR has facilitated numerous successful hires, notably reducing hiring times and costs for Fortune 1000 companies. The industry average hovers around 58 days; Braintrust AIR – specifically the AI Matching – has already reduced time to hire down to 12 days.
What are Braintrust’s long-term goals, and how do you plan to expand your services in the next few years? 
Currently AIR serves as a fully autonomous hiring platform for technical and design roles.  Later this year we’ll be expanding AIR to be able to deeply screen for ALL skilled roles:  accounting, legal, compliance, even retail management.  AIR will be available as its own standalone screening system that will integrate with any ATS at any company, turning thousands of applicants and hours wasted on repetitive screening into the best matches, already fully vetted, in a day or two instead of 6-8 weeks.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Braintrust.
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swxppedshitposts · 1 year
Google Docs insisting that I’m spelling Alexsander’s name incorrectly despite me having sworn I’d already told it to ignore that is particularly funny to me because of how he only ever addresses Caroline as “Carolyn” unless they’re having a deeply serious conversation just to be a nuisance.
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dawns-beauty · 2 years
I saw your blog on the "For You" tab (in the app), and it was a post with a lot of likes and few reblogs. Other posts recommended there also have a lot more likes than reblogs, and it's the same with the "based on your likes" feature. So, for what it's worth, likes do sometimes mean something, at least in the app, and if you have recommendations on. People will still find your stuff and love it :)
(I'm not on Twitter so idk how much more likes mean there tho)
But consider: likes don’t stroke my ego and that’s unacceptable for me.
(Also, can’t like something when no one has seen it because no one initially reblogged it. The fyp just pulls popular stuff, and ‘popular’ doesn’t equal ‘best’ or ‘thing the poster poured their heart and soul into and cares about deeply’ yadda yadda.)
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koiketto · 2 years
latest to the feed my beloved social media algorithms my detested
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olivia-anderson-fanfic · 10 months
My dumbest TWST headcanons
Yuu: everyone has forgotten their name and preferred pronouns. No one is willing to ask after so long, hence everyone calling them 'prefect' all the time
Grim: he is the reason why no dorm has tried to get Yuu to transfer in. They simply do not want him and unfortunately they are a package deal
Riddle: cannot handle spice. He ate a bell pepper once and started sobbing incoherently. Bell peppers are notoriously non-spicy
Trey: has mom hands in that he can handle hot plates without even flinching because he has permanently ruined the nerve endings in his hands from all of the times he's handled hot baking trays without mitts
Cater: has only like 7 Magicam followers because, as fun as his tags are, they aren't great for the algorithm
Deuce: has been told "that's unfortunate" multiple times after introducing himself. Does not understand why. No one tell him.
Ace: the type to never wait for his food to finish cooling. He burns his tongue at least once a day. He will never learn. Nor will he ever actually taste anything he puts in his mouth. Uses this for bets ("bet you that I can eat *insert the most disgusting concoction ever*" "don't...")
Leona: the entire school has a group chat devoted to the most insane places they've found Leona sleeping. Nothing has managed to top the time someone spotted him curled up in a cauldron that the first years were about to use for Alchemy. (Ruggie has tried to bribe his way into this group chat multiple times but everyone is too scared of Leona to give it to him)
Ruggie: the type to dump trauma on you without realizing it's messed up. Jack asked him once "Where'd you get that" and pointed to a scar and Ruggie was like "oh yeah that's from the time a guy stabbed me" and Jack has never asked him anything since
Jack: complains constantly about how big his tail is because it keeps wagging and giving away his tsundere-ness. Wants a little tail he can stuff into his pant legs to hide it
Azul: his glasses are fake. He thinks they make him look intimidating
Jade: will make fun of people for yawning in front of him. ("Scandalous" "????") He refuses to explain
Floyd: bites people he likes. Moray eel bites can cause paralysis and even beyond that his teeth are wicked sharp. This has caused several misunderstandings in his life
Kalim: everyone know's he's coming because all of his jewelry clink against each other. Like a cat with a bell on its collar. There is a betting ring about whether Jamil planned for this or if it's just how Kalim is that has spread schoolwide
Jamil: has absolutely responded to Kalim saying "Treat spiders the way you want to be treated" with "Killed without hesitation". Unironically
Vil: has accidentally cursed his own food several times. Never anything serious, but you would think it was with the expression of utter horror on his face every time
Rook: is the one in class to deal with bugs. He will pull a hairband out of his pocket (saved for this very occasion, or in the horrible case that Vil's hair tie might snap) and snipe the bug out of midair
Epel: constantly tries to get away with breaking rules right under Vil's nose. Out of spite. He has yet to succeed, but insists he WILL. One day. He will not
Idia: has lamented sending his tablet to class several times because he can't play some of his favorite games when it's away. Does not seem to realize that he would not be able to play those games while in class anyways
Ortho: has programmed idle animations
Malleus: his horns constantly hit the top of doorways. The entire room will go very quiet when this happens because they're scared if they breathe they will laugh and they Can Not Laugh At Malleus Draconia
Lilia: upon finding out his true age, the first question he is always asked is how his cooking is seriously "like that"
Silver: will wake up, find a miscellaneous animal sleeping on him, and go back to sleep because he would rather die than wake up the poor thing
Sebek: banned from the school library. There is no librarian so it literally doesn't change anything there's no one to enforce it but he still won't go in on principle
Crowley: has submitted a tax form with simply the word "No" on it. Is not sure why it didn't work
Crewel: messed up a potion once in front of a class. Swore everyone to secrecy about it. It is the only secret that has not spread through the school
Trein: has been called by his cat's name more than once
Vargas: students are often late to things because "Coach Vargas is hunting students for sport again :( ughhhh"
Sam: will trip students he doesn't like over 'loose floorboards'
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Major scandals By D&D Class
Artificer: Just came up with the idea of NFTs and Algorithmically Generated Content. They're going to introduce it to your fantasy world tomorrow.
Barbarian: Turns out to actually enjoy Sartre, have a PhD in Early Modern Art and spend their time going to poetry nights in disguise
Bard: Got turned down by the dragon this time. There's no magical song to cure heartbreak :(
Cleric: Got drunk and used Contact Diety to call their god an asslicking potato. Now they're too worried to pray for their spells today.
Druid: Sure, they love all creations of nature without judgement, but honestly? They kind of have to agree that wasps were a mistake.
Fighter: Finally admits they don't actually know what a sword is. No-one told them at fighter school because everyone assumed they already knew, and at this point they can't ask, you know?
Monk: Ate a single Pringle and are now reconsidering their entire way of life
Paladin: Ok, you got them. Their oath doesn't actually forbid them from doing the washing up or cleaning up the party tent.
Ranger: Their animal companion has actually been five different wolves and counting. They can't tell them apart so if they lose sight of it, they just grab the nearest wolf and claim its the same one.
Rogue: Shocking paper trail leak reveals that everything the rogue did this year was law-abiding and fully above board!
Sorcerer: They just say they have Dragon Blood because it sounds cooler. Actually, their magic comes from their Dragon Piss.
Warlock: No scandals because warlocks have no shame. Yeah, they're banging their patron. Yeah, their "Oath of the Tome" is just the Wizard's book they've scribbled over with crayon. Yeah, they eldritch blast servers when they ask for tips. What you gonna do about it, fucker?
WIzard: Could never quite get the hang of "Magic Missile" so instead they just keep a gun hidden up their sleeve.
Commoner: Actually the master of all forms of magic, stronger then the barbarian and blessed by all the gods. They just acted scared of the dragon because you guys looked so proud when you thought you's saved them :)
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moralesmilesanhour · 9 months
Ooo hi, can you write something with gamer/streamer Miles G? Maybe he and the reader just chill and play games talking about life or whatever.
streamer miles!
Ok this went in a sliiightly different direction but the general premise is the same i hope that's ok lmao (also lowkey trying a new writing style/approach)
A/N: comment which animal crossing villager you think miles would like if u want 🫶🏾
You only really see a fraction of a person online. 
The messy, disagreeable thoughts that don’t fit into a neat little post, every time you’ve ever tripped over something and ate shit, all of your worst outfits - none of it exists if you don’t make it known. If you decide you’ve never stumbled over your own feet a day in your life, then it’s so. No one’s gonna claw their way through your screen and check.
For example, you had never seen Miles Morales smile with his teeth before until you clicked on his livestream, and none of his viewers would ever be able to guess.
He was laughing at some joke being made in the chat. 
“Y’all are terrible,” he said, wiping a tear from his eye.
Miles’ stream had been recommended to you by the ever-mysterious, totally-not-creepy algorithm ‘based on your location’, and the thumbnail with his dimples on full display piqued your curiosity.
He’d been passing by once when you accidentally dropped your books and folders while rushing to class. He knelt down and picked them up without a word, dropping them into your hands in a much neater stack than they had originally been in, from largest to smallest. 
Your eyes met for less than two seconds, but you could’ve sworn that there was a softness to them that couldn’t be caught from a distance. 
“Thanks!” you called out as the late bell rang. He only nodded before turning away, not bothering to walk any faster.
You never spoke to him again, having no idea what you’d even say. He rarely spoke outside of class, but you had assumed that based on the way he skulked down the hallway and the permanent ‘I’m bored’ look on his face, that he’d be playing something a little more…serious? ‘God of War’ maybe, or ‘Last of Us’. Or some sports-related game that you couldn’t understand.
Certainly not ‘Animal Crossing’.
Tentatively, your fingers hovered over the keyboard as the stream of comments began to slow, and you wondered if he’d be more likely to see it if you commented this instant.
–Who’s ur favorite villager?
There, nice and simple. Inoffensive.
Miles squinted his eyes at what was presumably a second monitor.
“Who’s my favorite villager?” His brows furrowed in confusion for a moment before he put two and two together. “Oh! You mean the li’l animals and shit. Um, the blue penguin? Ace? I like him.”
You sat back and watched him play for another fifteen minutes, most of which were spent figuring out what direction a couch sitting inside his virtual home should face. His voice was low and almost raspy, but…muted. As if someone had turned the volume down on it like you would the radio. He was fortunate to own a decent microphone.
–You got your own PC? 
It seems you got lucky a second time, and Miles paused to read your comment aloud once again.
“Yyup,” he answered proudly. “Put it together myself. I’ll do a tour one day. My setup is wavy, you’ll see!”
He continued going back and forth with the comments in chat, occasionally thanking some for making small donations. The fact of him making anything at all just from playing a video game was impressive. 
Miles remarked on the ‘classical style’ of one of the buildings on his island, and you snorted. Nerd.
–bro thinks he’s an architect
This made him giggle. A light, breathy sound that you would hardly expect to come out of him.
“You’re a hater, man. Watch me get hired as soon as I’m outta college and build yo’ next apartment building.”
You looked down at your phone and realized it was nearly one in the morning. With a yawn, you said your goodbyes in the comments and left the stream.
The cafeteria was full by the time you got downstairs, leaving not a single space on the white benches save for two completely empty ones near the back. 
Well, not completely empty.
As you weaved in between students carrying trays of slop with milk cartons, a familiar pair of cornrows came into view.
It’s now or never.
Timidly, you slid onto the bench right beside Miles. Focused on his meal and the tattered sketchbook he carried around, he looked up at you with just his eyes.
“Hey,” you tried to greet him casually with an awkward smile. “I saw you ye–I mean, I…I saw you. In general.”
His blinked slowly. “We all go to the same school.”
You cleared your throat.
“...Right. We-uh, met in the hallway.”
“You dropped all your books on the floor.”
“Yeah!” you replied a little too loudly. “I just, um, wanted to say hi.”
There was a stretch of silence as you sifted through a list of topics to rescue the conversation, and a lightbulb went off.
“Do you have any hobbies? Other than drawing, I mean.”
Miles gave up on sketching and answered, “Video games.”
“Which ones you been playing recently?”
“Uh, Mortal Kombat, 2K,” he counted on his fingers, “and Animal Crossing, just to see what it was about–”
“Oh, you’re really good at that one!”
You both froze. Uh-oh.
“And how exactly do you know that?”
“I-I mean, you just…look…like the type?” 
You started frantically chipping away at the remaining nail polish on your fingers. Not even you could believe that one.
A tiny grin played on his lips. 
“Sure, let’s go with that.”
Soon the bell rang, saving you from making any further incriminating comments.
“See you in class?”
“Yeah, see you in class,” Miles replied, before tilting his head. “Or wherever I see you.”
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hee0soo · 8 months
We'll figure this out...
Summary: Wooyoung finds something out you didn´t want him to know yet...
Jung Wooyoung x afab!Reader
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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"You look so good with a baby in your arms y/n! When are you and Wooyoung going to have some?”
Horrified you looked up from where you had admired your boyfriends newly born niece. The little girl was calmly slumbering while suckling gently on her pacifier. A stark contrast to the inner turmoil going on inside of you!
Originally you and Wooyoung had planned to drop by his parent’s house to visit them while he and the boys had gotten 2 weeks to do whatever they wanted before preparations for their next comeback started. Neither of you had anticipated that 1 week before your little vacation started, the oldest Jung brother’s first baby would be born!
She was a bit early but Wooyoungs sister in law and the little girl were in perfectly good health so they too came for a visit to introduce the baby to their family.
You were more than excited seeing as your boyfriend had shown you hundreds of picture since the baby was born and you had to admit, she was definitely cute.
But now you were frozen to your place on the couch, starring at Eunkyung in shock at being addressed like that all of a sudden.
The older woman beamed brightly at you, not having intended to startle you so bad but also being genuinely interested if she would get any more grandchildren any time soon.
Not able to utter more than a few awkward stammers, you looked at your boyfriend for help. Wooyoung, sensing that you weren´t sure what to say, scratched at the back of his neck.
“Eomma I promise you´ll be the first to find out when we are expecting,”
He smiled at his mother and pressed a kiss to her cheek before sauntering over to where you were sitting and took his place next to you. Gazing down at the baby still sleeping.
His words were echoing in your head.
When… not If…
It wasn´t that you had never thought about having children of your own, just that you couldn´t possibly see yourself as a mother.
The thought alone, scared the shit out of you. Sometimes the Tiktok algorithm  would show you videos talking about the things nobody talked about during a pregnancy or about birth and you were sure, that you didn´t want any of that. Paired with the things you witnessed in public, how some kids were behaving like the most obnoxious brats, your decision not to have children only manifested further.
Of course you knew that not every child was like that but it wasn´t enough to change your opinion on the matter. Not even the baby fever you would get from time to time when a coworker showed you pictures of her baby at work, or the happy feelings you had had up until now changed anything for you.
And the words Wooyoung´s mother had uttered were a painful reminder of that. They were like an ice cold shower that reminded you of the harsh reality that you didn´t want children!
Seeing Wooyoung admire his niece and hearing his reply broke your heart.
Because while you didn´t want to be a mother, he, without a doubt wanted to be a father! And you couldn´t bare the fact that you didn´t couldn´t give him that, or more precisely, didn´t want to give him that…
Time flew as the day slowly came to an end. Between trying to hide that your emotions from the Jung family and the cooing about the little sunshine now sleeping in her mother’s arms, you had barely noticed the sun slowly setting as it became dark outside.
Nobody had mentioned the topic again but you felt like a dark cloud hung right above your head, following you where ever you went even when dinner was getting served.
Not feeling like eating, you pushed the rice around with your chopsticks.
“Aren´t you hungry?”
Wooyoung asked worried, voice hushed as to not alert his parents, knowing that the last time you ate was breakfast this morning.
You shook your head with a reassuring smile, praying that it would come across as believable. It seemed to work as your boyfriend nodded and instead transfer some of your food into his bowl before placing his free hand on your thigh, running his thumb gently over the fabric of your jeans and squeezing ever so slightly.
Wooyoung wasn´t a fool however. And he knew you, probably better than you thought which made it easy for him to see through your little lie. You might be able to fool his parents, but him? Absolutely not!
And that´s why he waited until his parents went to bed and you and him retired to his old bedroom. None of you planned to go to sleep yet, him being used to late nights at the company and you being an overall night owl, so you both got comfortable in his bed with your laptop playing a drama neither of you acknowledged.
Instead, you laid back into the warmth Wooyoung was radiating while he had his arms wrapped tightly around you, kissing the side of your face every on and then.
That went on for 2 more episodes where none of you mentioned the incident of this morning, but Wooyoung wouldn´t be Wooyoung if he wasn´t the tiniest bit to curious and impatient to hold himself back any longer.
He felt your body going stiff at the question of what was going on, a definite sign that something was indeed going on.
“I´m okay, don´t worry.” You stated, trying to relax yourself.
Wooyoung hummed.
“Jagi-ya…please be honest with me…”
You turned your head a little, eyebrow raised.
“I am honest with you Woo.”
“No you´re not. You know that just as much as I do.”
His voice was eerily calm and it set something of inside you.
Guilt was gnawing at your consciousness, knowing that you had been caught in your lie. Your eyes felt wet all of a sudden.
“Can we please just drop it?”
The waver of your voice only caused the man behind you to worry even more. He felt bad for urging you to talk but if he had learned one thing since being in Ateez, it was communication! And whatever was bothering you was obviously an issue…
“I´m sorry but we can´t. This isn´t like you and I want to help you but I can´t do that if we don´t talk about it…”
You shook your head, desperate to hold the tears back and not let them drop, knowing that you most likely would be reduced to a sobbing mess if you let them go.
“Y/n please…”
“Wooyoung drop it!”
Hearing his full name mad him stop in his tracks. It was always Woo or Youngie or some other form of endearment but never his full name.
It was quiet for a few minutes, the dancer thinking hard about what could have set this off until he remembered his mothers question from earlier that day.
“You know if this is about what eomma said today-“
You freed yourself from his hold, sitting up and looking at him.
“there´s nothing rushing us, we´re-“
“Drop. It!” you pressed out, desperate for him to stop talking.
“We don´t need to think about it now but maybe one day we´ll have-“
Immediately you regretted your words. Sitting there in his bed, starring at him leaning against the headboard while starring right back at you.
Fear held onto your heart tightly, scared of how he would react.
Wooyoung sat there like he had been frozen in time. Entirely still and not able to move he felt like the wind got knocked out of his lungs as he starred at you with wide eyes.
The silence was suffocating and you didn´t dare to say anything, not wanting to lose him further. You felt the hand he had grabbed yours with during his little rant let go and for the first time in your entire relationship it felt like you were miles apart from each other.
Listening to his voice break hurt you more than you could describe.
“Woo I-“
You didn´t know what to say. It was the truth and nothing you said could make it better.
Resigned you let out a shuddering breath.
“Why- What- Why did you never-“
Wooyoung wasn´t able to form a proper sentence, too many things racing through his mind all at once at the revelation.
He had thought that after all these years in your relationship; he would someday have a family with you. But that dream had burst like a bubble just as easily as breathing.
Something that became increasingly harder to do the longer he looked at you.
Pain was etched onto your face and logically he knew that getting up and leaving was not a good idea at all but he couldn’t bear to look at your face at the moment. The tears streaming down your face were enough indication that this wasn´t something you took lightly and the chocked outcry you tried to stop from escaping as you reached for his hand, not wanting to let him go was something he was sure would burn itself into his brain.
It didn´t stop him from forcefully closing the door after he walked out of his room, leaving you alone in your misery.
You wanted to follow him so badly, but you couldn´t find the strength in yourself to get up and actually walk after him.
At this point, the drama was completely forgotten as you hugged yourself, trying to comfort yourself. It wasn´t working.
Sobs ripped through you and shook your body.
This was exactly what you were scared of in the first place. The Wooyoung would hate you! Why else would he walk out on you?
You knew that not having kids was for most people considered a deal breaker and it seemed that Wooyoung also considered it one. You could respect that but it didn´t mean that it didn´t hurt…
Meanwhile Wooyoung was trying to get his nerves to calm down while taking a walk through the neighborhood.
The cold air of the October night was biting at his nose and he regretted not taking a jacket with him, surprised that he even remembered to grab hi phone before leaving the house.
Dialing an all too familiar number, the man waited until the call was picked up.
“Woo? I thought you were visiting your parents with y/n? Why are you calling me?”
Yeosang asked, wondering why his best friend wasn´t spending his free time with you.
And Wooyoung started to rant. Spilling everything that troubled him in that moment.
When he was done, all the older boy could say was, “Wow,”
“Yeah, wow. You can say that out loud, I mean, I always thought that I would have kids someday and now I just… I don´t know what to feel Sangie…”
At home, Yeosang listened to his fellow 99-liner, thinking about what to say.
“To be honest, I think that you don´t really have a say in the matter. It´s y/n body you know… If she doesn´t want that you might have reevaluate what you want more. A child or y/n…”
“I love her, that doesn´t change! But I also want a family with her…”
Wooyoung ran his hand trough his unkempt hair. A motion he had been doing more than once in the past hour.
“But not having children, doesn´t mean no family Woo.”
It was silent for a while. So much so that Yeosang had to check if he was still on the call with the other.
“I don´t want to lose her!” Wooyoung whispered.
“And you won´t but you have to talk to her!”
The slightly older boy sighed, feeling bad for his group member and you.
“And you really just walked out on her?”
Forgetting, that the other couldn´t see him through the fun, Wooyoung nodded before answering.
“You should have seen her face when I did Yeo, it was like she thought I was leaving her-“
“Well you kind of did my friend and judging by what you just told me, she´s probably hurting more than you are right now…”
Realizing that his friend was right, the younger wanted to kick himself. How could he have just left you sitting on the bed? Reaching out for HIM to come back to you?
Honestly he would be surprised if you would stay with him after that stunt!
“Go back to her okay? I know it hurts but it´s the only way!”
Famous last words before the other hung up.
Wooyoung looked at the clock on his phone. It was 1:21 am. Which meant that he had been walking for almost 3 hours!
He hadn´t even noticed that it had been that long!
His heart dropped at the realization that you had been alone for that long without any comforting words like he had just received!
Racing back the street he had come from he hurriedly ran back home.
The house was dead silent when he entered. It was the middle of the night after all!
Wooyoung came to stand in front of his own room, not daring to open the door. Hesitating to walk into what might be the end of your relationship!
What he found instead was you, curled up on the bed, holding onto the comforter like your life depended on it. Your face was still wet and puffy, telling him that you were indeed crying until very recently and he thought he could see a lonely tear still falling from your closed eyes.
It seemed that you had cried yourself to sleep after he left.
Stepping closer, you saw the goose bumps littering your arms from the fresh air inside his room.
He grabbed the blanket from your grasp, wanting to cover your body with it and promptly got startled when your body shot up abruptly, eyes wide open.
“Hey it´s just me!”
Holding up his hands to show he wasn´t a danger Wooyoung let go of the fabric.
“Yeah, it´s me I-“
Not able to finish his sentence and not prepared by the force of you throwing yourself at him, he nearly toppled over before catching himself and accidently hurting yourself and him in the process.
“I´m so sorry Woo!” you whimpered not sure he had heard you.
“No don´t be. We can figure this out okay… Together!”
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tanuki-voice · 8 months
Your body ballooned when you gave in to eating junk. There was nothing like the feeling of being stuffed, feeling the sugars and saturated fats crawling through your veins. You loved it, were given over to it, totally addicted. In the end, the thing that broke down your inhibitions wasn't their relentless advertising, or even the clever marketing. It was the coupons.
It began simply: you would come home from work tired and hungry, and order fast food. To expedite the process, you'd downloaded all the value apps for the places in your area. The promises of free stuff and quicker ordering was too good to pass up. However, you'd forgotten to turn off notifications.
Every so often, your phone would ding with a new deal, a temptation, a siren's call to get you to order in exchange for deep discounts. In the beginning, these were free fries, an upgrade to a larger soda, a cheaper sandwich. All the same, on those late nights, it sounded good. Why not treat yourself once in a while?
Of course, soon, "once in a while" turned into "every few days", then "every other day", until you found yourself becoming slowly dependent on the offers, a bit of elation from every little perk. The more you ordered, the more their algorithm could read you, serving you exactly what you desired, calling you each day at the proper time. As if trained, you would feel your phone buzz in your pocket, and your mouth would begin to water. It was time to order.
The algorithm, of course, was not entirely in tune with your identity. It was a being designed to generate profit. By ordering so much, so often, you had managed to convince it you were a large household, and it reacted accordingly. The deals changed to suit this belief, family size meals, multi-packs, pastries by the dozen. You ordered them all, gorging yourself without end to fuel your ravenous appetite.
What began as a dinner routine extended to other meals, and soon after that you'd even find yourself going through the drive-thru for a quick snack between meals. To live in such gluttony, messily pigging out without end, shoveling food into your mouth day after day, brought you such pleasure. You found yourself going back, again and again, every day, consumed by the desire for more. Tonight was no different.
Reclined into your sofa, you awoke from a potent carb nap. Your lunch, two large pizzas, half a dozen donuts, an order of chicken wings, and a 40oz soda, had truly taken it out of you. Your enormous belly strained your comfy pajama pants, barely covered by an extra large t-shirt. Your hands comfortably rested on its pillowy softness. Through the mountains of squishy fat, you felt it rumble. It was time for dinner. And right on schedule, your phone buzzed.
With potent glee you snatched it up. Today, if you ordered in the next hour, you could get a meal for four, burgers, onion rings and milkshakes. The kicker: order now and get two more burgers free. Your payment details had never danced across the screen faster, and thirty minutes later three greasy bags full of food were dropped off judgement-free at your door.
You brought them back to the sofa and began to chow down. It had become tradition for you to eat without a shirt on by now; your meals had long since become too indecent to go without dirtying your clothes. Your tummy bared to the world, you picked up a burger in one hand and a fistful of onion rings in the other, and devoured. Like an animal you ate primally, as if starved, not knowing when your next meal may come. There was no one to tell you you couldn't, only you demanding that you would. Each mouthful was calorie rich, and each was washed down with more food, more milkshake, more trash.
You spared one of your grease covered hands to rub your stretch mark covered stomach. As you teased gassy burps and wind breaks from your middle, it growled, pleased, yet still expectant. Rarely was it ever satisfied. No matter how much you stuffed into it, it wanted more. It commanded you to fill yourself, to bring yourself to the brink, feeling as if you would pop. Your appetite controlled you, but under its warm, pleasant, hazy influence, you were happy to be its willing pawn.
The joy of feeding took priority over anything else. You felt like you could eat forever. Your body would adapt to the gluttonous demon you had become, one whose mind lived in its stomach. To eat was so simple, so thoughtless, mindless. You just let your belly think for you as you ordered, and let it bring you to pleasurable, mind-clearing bliss. Your body, particularly your ample midsection, was a temple, a testament to the food gods you worshipped. You loved to see it grow, to see it flow over you, to see it bulge, swell and fill your chairs and mattresses.
A loud belch stirred you from your enraptured state for just a moment to see that you'd gone through a majority of your offerings. There was a slight sting as you realized your feeding was nearing its end. Suddenly, without thinking, your hand reached for your phone again. Your stomach rumbled. It wouldn't be satisfied with just this, but would you really go over that line? Ordering even more, without thinking? Was this who you had become?
A notification dinged. If you ordered in the next thirty minutes, you could get a dozen eclairs for half price. Your bloated belly purred. Maybe it was who you'd become, and maybe you weren't ashamed of it. You had been, at one point, but that reluctance had faded. This was who you were, an insatiably hungry animal given over to your muses, and you loved every second of it. Dessert wouldn't hurt. And perhaps, maybe, even a little after that. You smiled and confirmed your delivery. You had a long, gluttonous night ahead of you, and you were raring to get started.
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