fishii28 · 6 months
3rd december...
i forgot it was 3rd december today, so i must sing that song
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shxd0wtree · 26 days
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theseerbetweenus · 6 months
It's Heather day and we're all waiting for sweaters. Hopefully you'll get one today!
Go stream Heather by Conan Gray to celebrate.
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goldenhope · 1 year
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ her youth ain’t dangled up in bad decisions.  — verse 001. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ she’s brighter than the blue sky.  — verse 002. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ hold her down with soggy clothes & breezeblocks.  — verse 003. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ no one ever wants to give you some. but everybody loves a number one.  — verse 004. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ she may contain the urge to run away.  — verse 005. ❜
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ know that if you hide it doesn’t go away.  — verse 006. ❜
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ why be a wallflower when you can be a venus flytrap.  — aesthetic. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ the world is on fire but maybe she’s just chasing rhymes.  — mentality. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ heart made of glass & mind of stone.  — mannerisms. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ tear her to pieces. skin & bone.  — physicality. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ got the beauty. got the brains. got the power. hold the reins.  — visage. ❜
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ you’ve been on her mind since the flood.  — infatuations. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ she really didn’t wanna make it messy.  — desires. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ she walks by. what a sight for sore eyes.  — wardrobe. ❜  
#🌻 ⋆。 ❛ say you’ll remember me standing in a nice dress. staring at the sunset.  — headcanons. ❜  
#🍯 ⋆。 ❛ the coffeefication of fawn.  — ooc. ❜  
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purple-writer8 · 2 months
Heather - ACOTAR
Azriel x Winter Court Reader
“But I watch your eyes as she walks by. What a sight for sore eyes, brighter than the blue sky… she’s got you mesmerized. While I die.”
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warnings: unrequited love, pining, evil thoughts, intrusive thoughts, lesser fae thinks shes not enough, hating on girl, self doubt, oblivious az
1.2k words
Masterlist :)
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Crushing on the shadowsinger was a bad idea, you knew that since the moment you joined the Inner Circle centuries ago. It was a family, and familiar dynamics could very well be affected by your stupid little crush, but that didn’t stop your heart from beating for him.
You were a master of lies, Azriel’s second in command as Spymaster— you were good at being a chameleon— at lying. So you’ve spent your entire life in the Inner Circle, lying to everyone, hiding your feelings for Azriel because surely you were not worthy enough for the shadowsinger. 
He was one of the strongest warriors in Prythian, the only current shadowsinger, an Ilyrian. You… you were just a sneaky thief turned spy. A lesser fae from the Winter Court, with eyes so white, you were terrifying to your enemies. Fingertips so cold, that with enough conviction, whatever you touched turned into frost. 
You weren’t enough for Azriel, or anyone really. The High Lord had found you three hundred centuries ago, you had somehow snuck into Hewn City, and then you had stolen heaps of artifacts and sold them in the Winter Court for profit. You were stealthy and quick, something he had appreciated when Cassian and Azriel finally brought you to him.
Rhysand gave you two choices: to be handed over to Kallias as a criminal, or stay in his court and serve him— because he was sure you would excel as a spy. In exchange, you got a family, gold, clothes, and a warm bed. It was a no-brainer for you.
Azriel and you were a dream team and with time, your feelings for the shadowsinger went from admiration to adoration. Who wouldn’t adore him? He was perfection, he was everything, and he was the love of your life— you weren’t his, though. 
You had never expressed your feelings because, frankly, you were not sure that you could handle rejection. So you pined and loved him in silence, hoping that one day a miracle dawned on him, and he would somehow fall for you— a frosty lesser fae. You knew you two were not mates, but cauldron, you could wish and yearn. 
It was more than wishful dreaming, though sometimes you thought that just maybe— maybe he reciprocated your feelings. He was so kind to you, so doting, so careful.
Though, that all stopped when Elain Archeron dropped into all of your lives. You liked Feyre, and loved Nesta— but Elain, you hated her. The middle Archeron was perfection, everything you were not. She was soft, kind, beautiful, High Fae, and… Azriel liked her.
You knew it was bad that you hated her for being of his interest, but you had never once claimed to be a good person. Two years into her arrival and you could not stand the likes of her. 
You were sitting in the River House, playing board games with the Inner Circle, Nesta, and Lucien. Much to your delight, Elain hadn’t joined. It was the beginning of winter in the Night Court, and though you were made of ice— you weren’t immune to the cold. You shivered as you laid down one of your cards, and it caused Cassian to laugh at you.
“You turned my room into ice last winter solstice, and now you shiver?” He teased you, making you roll your white eyes at him. “Should’ve brought a coat,” Feyre taunted you, and you nodded. “Guys, I really thought it wasn’t as cold,” you chuckled, rubbing your cold as ice hands together to get some warmth, which was to no avail because there was no warmth inside you. Frost appeared in your hands at this action, causing you to groan. 
 Your heart stopped, though, when you felt a warm sweater wrapping around your shoulders. Your eyes flickered to Azriel, who gave you a small smile, “thank you,” you said softly.
 “It looks better on you than it does me,” the shadowsinger shrugged, his shadows coiling around your frozen hands, trying to warm you up. You smiled, about to answer, but his eyes snapped away from you, as did his shadows. Your eyes followed his gaze, meeting with Elain as she walked through the living room and into the kitchen. Your heart dropped, she was a sight for sore eyes, a sight for Azriel’s eyes. 
 She had him mesmerized, and you felt like you wanted to die. Inching away from Azriel, you continued your game, dropping his sweater unto the couch behind you. You were an ice fae, you could manage. 
When dinner came around, you were quiet all through the affair. You seethed in silence as you watched him drape the very same sweater he had given you, over Elain’s shoulders. The cold pulsed through your veins, and soon your utensils were turning into ice as you watched the scene unfold.
Elain told some story about her up-and-coming garden, and you got the urge to go and freeze her flowers to death. Obviously you did not. She was an angel, a good person. 
You kind of wished she were dead. You reprimanded your mind for being so evil. How could anyone ever love you? You were terrible… and not even half as pretty as Elain. Your thoughts were dark, and your heart made of stone-cold ice. Love was not something you would ever get. 
After dinner, you seethed outside. The snow that fell over you felt like fire on your skin, and you could feel your fingertips freezing as they created small snowflakes. “Come inside, it’s so cold outside,” that husky voice you worshiped spoke from the from door, causing you to turn to him.
His shadows rushed to you, swirling around your body to shield you from the snow. You turned away from Azriel, not wanting him to see you in your essence. Your veins shone black underneath your pale skin, your eyes glowing white, while ice slipped from your fingers and wrapped itself around you. 
You heard his footsteps crunching in the snow, then large wings wrapped around you in a protective manner as he towered over you. “Don’t look at me,” you mumbled, your eyes casting downward, not wanting him to see your eyes.
“Why?” He asked softly, scarred thumb wiping away frost that had gathered on your cheek. Then it clasped around your chin, tilting it upward so you looked up at him. 
His hazel eyes skimmed over your face slowly, “what’s wrong?” He asked softly, making you tilt your face away from his grasp. “Don’t.” You stated. You wished he knew, wish that you had been obvious enough, because you were so tired of pining for someone who did not love you back. 
“What?” He asked, a puzzled look happening upon his chiseled and devastatingly beautiful face. “You gave her your sweater,” you did not care how preposterous you were being, you couldn’t hold back. You had enough of this. 
"What? It’s just a sweater, does it matter?” Azriel asked, his shadows coiling around his ear to whisper in his ear. Jealous girl, jealous fae. 
 “You like her better.” The jealousy was pouring out of you, manifesting in ice that crawled all over your body. 
 “I can’t keep wishing I was Elain.” 
Part Two
Author’s Note:
IK the elain/azriel x pining reader is done a lot butttttt i love this song and i wanted to write my take on the triangle with heather as inspiration!
Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe
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woso-lover · 8 months
I wish I were Beth | Vivianne Miedema
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Vivianne Miedema x reader
Vivianne Miedema x Beth Mead
Summary: You've always liked Viv, but for her you are just a friend.
Based on: Heather by Conan Gray
English is not my first language
Warning: heavy angst
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me than it did you
Only if you knew how much I liked you
"You shivering. Here, take my swaeter." Vivianne said and took off her sweater. Her shirt also lift up a bit and expossed her abs a little. With a blush you looked away. You took of your thin excuse of a jacket in the winter and pulled her sweater over your head.
She took your jacket in hand. "Better?" Viv asked with a smile, when she saw that you stopped to shiver.
"Yes, thank you, Viv" You nodded. With a smile in Vivs face she led you to your apartment. Today was Team-bonding. Y'all went, to Jen and her girlfriends request, bowling. You had a great time. And like everytime Vivianne made sure you gonna end up safe home in the dark.
After a few minutes you reached your apartment. The walk and your alone time with Vivianne was sadly over.
"Thank you Viv, for taking me home." You thanked her.
"No need to apologize. It's always a pleasure with you." She smiled at you.
You were about to take off her sweater, when she wouldn't have stopped you. "No take it. It looks better on you then on me."
"You're sure. It's your favourite." You asked her shyly.
"Of course or I wouldn't have said that. Now sleep well, Y/n/n. See you tomorrow" With that she left, but not before she leant down and kissed your cheek. You were left as a frusterated mess. It was something Vivianne never does. And it gave you hope that she maybe likes you too.
But I watch your eyes as she
Walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerized while I die
Like she said you were meeting the next day. Well mostly because it was training, but you didn't care. You only cared that Viv was waiting outside for you. Or so you thought. Actually was Vivianne waiting for Beth, but Beth texted her that she was already there. But as she saw you, she waited until you reached the entry.
She greeted you and walked with you to the locker room in silent. Her focus was clued on her phone. You wanted to ask her something, but as Beth came into Vivs side, she waked up to her and greeted her with a long huge. A little to long for your liking. After they broke apart both looked into each others eyes. You looked in Vivs eyes, they were shining. You wished she would have looked like that at you by your grreeting. Vivs focus was completely on Beth as they both walked together to the locker room, smilling. You stood there still, with pain in your heart as you watched them.
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
The reality hit you like a fist as Vivianne and Beth came out as a couple. All the hints you have seen as you watched the loveable Vivianne Miedema are facing you now. All the hints you tried to push away. All the hints you claimed to be platonic were right.
So here you are on a teambonding night at Leahs and Jordans, feeling your heart breaks into a thousand pieces. You zoned out as all your teammates asks them question about their realationship. You couldn't listen, it (would have) broke your heart more. One question or better request broke you out of the zoned. And god did you hated Caitlin in this moment.
"Alright then kiss" Caitlin giggled mischievous like a little kid. Katie, also not being better, agreed with Caitlin. Wich causes Caitlin to get a slap on the shoulder from her girlfriend, Lia.
You watched both of them with a smile. But unfortunately the rest also agreed with Caitlin. Wich made Viv blush. It was cute. But the good mood from the blush went away quickly as Beth gave Vivs lips a short speck. Vivs blush got redder as everyone cheered on them, the new it-couple of Arsenal. Exept for one, you. You couldn't. It was too hard and you hoped no one saw it and was too busy cheering.
After this day you tried to find out what was wrong with you. Why weren't you enough for Vivianne? You started to envy Beth. Not only that she had Viv, but you also envied how she looks. You watched her in training and in the locker romm (of course not like a creep, but you sent her a few glances). You saw good trained she was. You saw her biceps, her toned legs or her abs on her stomach. You weren't this much into training at the gym. So you tried to skip it as often as you could. But maybe you should have been going more to the gym. Maybe you would be more pretty and attraktive.
Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder
Another thing that broke your heart and makes it ache is their physical contact. Beth always had her hands on Viv. You got the feeling beth knows about your feeling towards Viv and tries to torture you. She always holds Vivs hand. Wherever they go, they always hold hands.
But not only Beth has her hands on Viv, then Viv would often put her arm around Beth shoulder. She would whisper things in Beths ear. Things that made both smile. Looks like you can and another thing to your envy list.
"Aren't they cute together?" Katie asked you as she caught you starring at them.
There it was again. The pain in the chest. The pain of a broken heart.
"Yeah they are" You answered, trying to smile. You were happy Katie didn't paid much attention to your face as you answered.
The truth is they were cute, so fucking cute. But also so painful. So painful to watch at, but you can't stop watching. It was like your brain wanted you to extra hurt. And when you finally stop looking, a teammate comes and ruin everything.
"Aww look at them" or "they're so cute it's disgusting" are things your teammates say. Not to you in paticular, but your hear them and it's enough for you to look at the couple again.
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel
But then again, kinda wish she were dead
There was this one thing you tried to do, while watching them: you tried to hate Beth. You thought it would be easy hating the woman who's girlfriend is the woman you have feelings. You thought it would be easy to hate someone. Spioler it wasn't.
You really tried, but you started to see what Viv sees in Beth. Beth was a kind, loveable woman, impossible to hate. And no one did in the team. She was like the walking angel. Even though you can't hate her, sometimes you still wish she was dead. It wasn't because you are a cruel person ir anything. You could never hurt a fly, neither wishing someone dead. But you did it to Beth. You couldn't explain why, well maybe you could. But wishing Beths death is something you know is really fucked up.
And now you don't know who you can blame for your broken. It would never been Vivianne, she's perfect in your eyes. You tried to blame Beth, you tried to hate. But you realized, it isn't her fault either. She was inlove with someone. She made the move, you didn't do. So you got it. It was you to blame. And only you in your eyes.
But you like her better
Wish I were Beth
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msbyzsz · 6 months
heather weather
"i can't believe this is actually happening...i was not expecting this to happen to me," you say sitting outside in the rain. you just caught your boyfriend cheating on you. You came to one of his games without him knowing, just to surprise him after the game. just to see another girl run up to him and kiss him at the end. so you left.
waiting outside in the rain to collect your thoughts, you had no ride, it was pouring rain, and you just caught your boyfriend cheating on you. just your luck. so you decide to sit on a bench while crying your eyes out.
"hey, are you okay?'
you jolt your head up, looking up at the person who just spoke to you. "oh yeah, im fine." you reply back to the stranger. "you sure? cause it doesn't look like you are," he says. "yeah im actually fine, i just have allergies." "its december?"
later that night you ended up safe at home, luckily to your knight and shining armor who rescued you. you guys ended up exchanging numbers, been out on a few dates then, have been together ever since. but...something just isn't sitting quite right with you. you've been getting this gut feeling but have been putting it off, cause you don't want to stir up anything between you two.
then all of a sudden everything starts crashing down on you...
i still remember, third of december
me in your sweater
you see him standing outside leaning on a tree, expecting he was waiting for you. so you start to walk towards him, until you see a girl go up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, and giving him a kiss on the cheek. you then look down at what she's wearing, and it just so happens to be the same sweater he gave you. on the third of december..
you said it looked better on me than it did you
only if you knew
how much i liked you
you vividly remember when you to when out for a walk together, just talking to each other. then you felt a breeze, and you wrapped your arms around yourself to try and keep from the cold. you didn't even know why you wore what you did, you knew you should've brought your jacket or something. and before you can even think you are wrapped up in a sweater...his sweater to be exact. so you start to take it off, "i'm fine, i don't need this." he pulls your arms through the sweater so your actually wearing it. "i think you need it more than i do, plus it looks better on you."
that's when you knew, how much you liked him...
but i watch your eyes as she walks by
what a sight for sore eyes
brighter than a blue sky
now every time you looked at him all you could think about was the way he looked at her, he never looked at you like that. but you can't blame him, she is pretty. she is the beauty standard, blonde hair, blue eyes, short, nice body, what more could a guy really want. but you, you weren't even close, with your dark hair, dark eyes, tall, decently pretty, and the only thing that you could one up her on, was your academics, but no one cares about those right?
she's got you mesmerized
while i die
you knew she has him wrapped around her finger, you would practically see them everywhere together, him looking at her like a lost puppy. and you couldn't help to think that, you two were never like that. what was really so different from her that he likes so much. it was living hell, you were practically dying at this point.
why would you ever kiss me
im not even half as pretty
`you remember the first time you guys kissed. it was special, it was snowing, and you guys were under a light. it was purely out of a movie, that kiss. but now when you see them kiss, you really wonder if it meant anything to him, why would he ever bother kissing you, it's not like he wouldn't think you are better anyway, he would say that you aren't even half as pretty as her.
you gave her your sweater
its just polyester
but you still can't believe he gave her that sweater. the same fucking one he gave to you. so it clearly didn't mean anything to him, it never mattered. you can't believe how much a piece of fabric, a piece of fucking polyester makes you so emotional, but you can't help it. he gave her, his sweater..
but you like her better
you didn't even know where to go, or what to do after this, but you knew for certain that you couldn't deal with this, he will always like her better, no matter who it is they will always like her better. you've always said third time the charm but at this point, what's the use. they are always going to end up thinking they found someone better anyway, and then you're stuck in the dump again.
"wish i were heather..."
or... what if you could be even better...?
DENKI KAMINARI, bakugou katsuki, keigo tamaki, DABI, AOMINE DAIKI, murasakibara atsushi, eren yeager, ZEKE YEAGER, tsukishima kei, bokuto koutarou, OIKAWA TOORU, sasuke uchiha
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eth-edwards-73 · 6 months
the 3th of December
Héctor Fort x reader based on Heather by Conan Gray warnings: angst, misscommunications
I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater You said it looked better on me than it did you
You and Hector had been friends for almost your entire lives, so it wasn’t unusual for the both of you to spend time together. Everyone in your life was always telling you how perfect you’d be for each other and recently you had started more like a couple with Hector although you didn’t put a label on it and it never came up in conversations so when Hector gave you his sweater on the third of december, you swore your heart was going to burst. You wore it for weeks on end after it, every time you did, taking in his smell. He smelled perfect to you and it soon turned into your favorite scent. 
Only if you knew how much I liked you
From that day on you really started developing feelings for him but you were too scared to admit them to him so you kept silent. For you the glances, the hugs and the quick kisses were enough for now, but truth to be told you wanted more, you wanted there to be a label since you weren’t the only girl that had your eyes on him. 
But I watch your eyes as she walks by What a sight for sore eyes Brighter than the blue sky She's got you mesmerized while I die
You didn’t really remember when everything changed but you did know why, it was because of her. Heather, even the name made your heart churn with heartbreak, she was a transfer student from America and the second Hector saw her it was over for you. The girl truly was everything you could only dream to be, beautiful long, straight blonde hair and gorgeous ocean blue eyes. Hector was mesmerized by her, looking at her like she put the stars in the sky whilst you watched him look at her. The way he looked at her made you want to die, everything hurt when he was around her. All the hope you had in ever being official with Hector was shattered the first of September but still you kept holding on. 
Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester But you like her better
Any hope you had left was now six feet under as you looked at Hector and Heather, she was wearing the same sweater he had given you just a year prior. You truly didn’t know how he could’ve ever wanted you and why he had kissed you so many times because in your eyes you could never even come close to Heather or the other girls that wanted him. He gave her his sweater, whispering the same words he had whispered to you. The sweater was just made out of ordinary polyester but when you looked at him looking at her you knew the difference, he looked at her with love, he had never looked at you like that. He liked her better and you could see and understand why but that didn’t make it hurt any less. 
Wish I were Heather
After that day you became distant to Hector, almost never replying to his texts, not interacting with him anywhere, it truly was like you hadn’t been friends since you were in diapers. It felt confusing to Hector so during your annual Christmas dinner, which he attended with Heather he confronted you.
“Why are you ignoring me all of a sudden?” He asks you, already looking agitated as you stand there with a glass of red wine in your hand, you truly look beautiful, a gorgeous cherry red, silky dress hugging your body perfectly, your make-up looked flawless and to anyone you looked breathtaking but not to Hector or at least that’s what you thought.
“I’m not.” Your voice is cold and distant and you give him a weirded out look as you reply, obviously you know what he’s talking about but you don’t want to talk about it. Now he looks angered and he takes a step forward, making you take a step back. He frowns in confusion because you never used to do that. “Why are you lying to me?” He asks you, desperately wanting to know what’s going on because even though he didn’t show it in the months that just passed he still cares about you and your friendship. 
“I’m not.” You tell him in the same monotone voice as before. Oh, how badly you wanted to tell him why you had been ignoring him but you didn’t because you didn’t want to ruin it for him.
A boy approaches you from behind and puts his hands on your hips and you turn around, your face lighting up when you see who’s holding you. You look at the boy with so much love and he does the same to you, Hector feels his heart break and he backs away, back to Heather who’s wearing a plain blue dress.
The four hearts of the teenagers are all broken, yours had broken months before, Heather’s had broken when seeing the way Hector looked at you whilst confronting you, Hector’s had broken once seeing your face light up when looking at the boy you had brought with you and Ivan, the boy you had brought with you, had his heart broken when he saw the heartbreak in your eyes when looking at Hector, knowing that deep down you still loved the brunet. 
If only you and Hector hadn’t been so blind…
Dedicated to today since i'm single af and because i haven't gotten a sweater from anyone this year (i really wished rugby boy would give me his but he's in England and i'm in Belgium so it's basically impossible unless he sent it with the post weeks in advance but we're not even together and he doesn't know my adress so also impossible)
I hope all of you aren't going through too much heartbreak and i wish every single one of you a sweater from a guy
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mxqlss · 4 months
Sypnosis: In which, you wish you were in Heather’s shoes instead of being the third wheel in Heather and Quinns relationship with each other.
Pairing: QH43 x HEATHER // BSF!READER x QH43
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jess' song choice:
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December 3rd, 2023
I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater You said it looked better on me than it did you Only if you know how much I liked you
It was the third of December while Quinn and I were taking a walk around Vancouver sightseeing all the places in Vancouver I wanted to go check out and see.
"Y/N, you're freezing!" Quinn said as he pulled me to a stop, my body slightly shivering. I was wearing a jacket that wasn't made very well for the winter in Vancouver, "I'm sure I'll be fine!" I reassured him.
He shook his head at me while he took his sweater off and handed it to me. "Quinn, you'll be freezing!" I said shaking my head no as he offered me his sweater, "I'm wearing a more winter-style jacket for Vancouver, I'm sure I'll be fine" he smiled at me.
I gave in as I took his sweater and put it on, "It feels so funky, how are you comfortable in this and at the same time look good?" I asked as I fixed it to make it more comfortable around my body.
"Not sure, but I know for a fact that it looks better on you than me" he let out a soft chuckle. As we both stood there, Quinn's mouth let out a heavy breath. I looked at him in confusion as I turned around and saw one of our friends, Heather.
But I watch your eyes as she Walks by What a sight for sore eyes Brighter thank the blue sky She's got you mesmerized while I die
As she walked past she gave us a smile and wave, Quinn handing one back as he watched her walk away, he looked at her like he was in love with her every time he would see her.
Every time we would hang out with her, he would be so focused on her, mesmerized by her all the time while he forgot all about me, during parties or as a matter of fact. Anywhere we were with her, he would forget about me. She would have him mesmerized by her while I stood off on the side like a third wheel, dying on the inside.
Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty
July, this year. Quinn had kissed me at the lake house while everyone was gone out doing god knows what. Quinn kissed me, but why me? I wasn't even half as pretty as Heather. Compared to Heather I was nothing, so why did he kiss me and not Heather?
Did Quinn kiss me just to imagine him kissing Heather? I never looked like Heather, talked like her or even acted like her and I can't even be compared to her. No one can be compared to Heather, she was just so pretty and mesmerizing. Why did he ever kiss me when I was nothing like Heather at all?
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester But you like her better Wish I were Heather
December fifth. It was the day where Quinn, Jack and Luke would play against each other, I was invited to watch on Jack and Luke's behalf while Quinn had invited Heather. I had rode with Jack and Luke since I spent my day with them leading up to the game hour
When Quinn and Heather arrived I felt my heart drop, she was wearing his sweater. The sweater he gave to me to use a few days before when I felt cold. The sweater made me feel closer to him. Heather was wearing it.
Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder But how could I hate her? She's such an angel But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she
They were together, Heather wearing his sweater as she held his hand. Quinn had put his arm around her shoulder, and I felt more colder and more distant. I wanted to hate her, but she was such an angel I couldn't. I wanted to cry in Jack and Luke's arms at that moment
I wanted her dead, but she was such an angel, so sweet and yet so caring. How could anyone hate her? She was Heather, always sweet and light as a feather. No one hated Heather, they all loved her to bits and pieces which made me want her dead even more
Walks by What a sight for sore eyes Brighter thank the blue sky She's got you mesmerized while I die
As Heather walked away to sit in the WAGS box, I stayed behind to give all three hughes boys a good luck hug, but as Heather walked away I saw Quinn do it again. I watched him as his eyes followed her walking away to the box
It had hurt me to see him mesmerized by her and yet only see me as a friend, or best friend. I felt Jack's hand on my back rubbing him softly as he knew how much I liked Quinn. Jack and Luke were the only people who knew I liked Quinn, and they didn't mind me liking him
But Quinn didn't seem to like me back so I hid it away and just stayed as his best friend for years on end, supporting him throughout his career of hockey. I always wished I was Heather, having Quinn look at me the same way he looked at Heather. I wanted to be Heather, but I guess there were different plans for me and it was to stay as his best friend.
Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester But you like her better I wish I were Heather
I had gotten a new job, out in California. I had packed my stuff as I heard a knock at my door, I turned around in confusion slowly opening the door to be face-to-face with Quinn.
"You... You're leaving? For California?" Quinn asked me, I never told anyone except Jack, which I'm sure Jack told Quinn and Luke. I nodded in response "Yeah, they offered for me to work on the Anaheim Ducks Social Team"
"So, this is goodbye?" Quinn asked, his voice slightly cracking, making me want to sob in his arms right then and there. "Yeah. I guess it is" I let out a small smile. Most of my stuff was in the moving truck and I had my suitcase in hand since my flight was for today
"Oh, I forgot to hand this to you. I'll see you soon, Quinn" I said giving him a hug and handing him a little letter. There was where I had put my feelings away and left.
'I know you like Heather and that you both are together, but I just want to say I love you so much. But you like her better, right? I just wish I was in Heather's place. I really wish I was Heather. xoxo y/n'
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authors note! : I lowkey just choose a song from an angsty playlist I had made with my friend and wrote something that just seemed to fit a specific hockey player. (In this case, it was Quinton)
Anyways! I'm trying to get my writing more fluent and better than it is currently, so tips would be greatly appreciated!!
xoxo, jess
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thelovelylolly · 1 year
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Summary : Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty Warnings : a lil self doubt, there's a happy ending dont worry yall, fem! reader Notes : listenlistenlistenlisten......natasha romanoff. I REST MY CASE YOUR HONOR- (also i change some lyrics but shhshshshs) (also also not proof read)
Since you've joined the avengers, you caught Natasha's eye. You were kind, you were smart, your smile was contagious. Natasha fell for you, but you didn't seem to notice. You seemed to hang around Steve more than you did with Nat. Because, in Nat's eyes, you liked him better.
One night, Tony decided to throw a party. Was there a reason? No. Was there a reason needed? No, it's a Stark party.
Nat wore a black, off the shoulder cocktail dress with red heels to match her curled red hair. She made her rounds, saying 'hello' to everyone and making small talk. Eventually, she reached the bar and sat down. You hadn't showed up yet and Nat wanted to wait for you.
She wish she didn't.
When you did show up, you walked in with Steve. You had your arm wrapped around his and you two were laughing at a joke he had said. Your hair was pulled up, you wore a one-sleeved white dress, you were beautiful.
Natasha watched as you walked by. What a sight for sore eyes. You looked over and smiled at her, giving her a little wave. Your smile was brighter than the blue sky.
Then, you turned your attention back to Steve. The two of you went over to talk to Sam and Rhodey, and Nat sunk into her seat. He's got you mesmerized while she dies.
Later that night, the party had died down and the team had ordered take out. Everyone gathered around the table except one person. Natasha had snuck away to the rooftop to get some fresh air. She didn't feel like being around you while you were enamored with Steve.
"Tasha? You out here?"
Nat perked up when she heard your voice and the stairwell door slam shut.
"Uh, yeah, I'm over here," she answered, turning to face you.
"I noticed you weren't at the table so I came to find you," you said, walking over to her. "Are...you okay?"
Natasha sighed, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."
"Of course I have to worry about you! You're my teammate, but more importantly, you're my closest friend."
"You seem to be closer to Steve."
You quietly laughed. "Oh, I see how this is."
"No, you don't. Just go back downstairs-"
"You're jealous."
Natasha blushed and looked away from you. "I'm...I'm not jealous. That's childish of you to assume," she quickly said.
"Mhm," you hummed, standing right next to her. "I see how you act when I hang out around Steve. I saw you watching me walk in with him earlier. Do you think I like him?"
"What else would it be?" Natasha asked, looking at you again. "You and him are always together, you're by his side majority of the time."
"Because he's my best friend, Tasha. I have eyes for someone else."
"Who?" Natasha asked very quickly.
You giggled, and Natasha's heart fluttered at the sound. "Oh you know, this cute red head who hangs around the tower sometimes. She's smart, funny and sarcastic. She's skilled and she knows Russian, which is kind of hot."
You look over at Natasha, who was watching you intently. You noticed how her eyes dipped to your lips when you turned to her and smirked. "And she likes me, too."
You lean in a press you lips to hers. Natasha is taken back for a second, only a second though. Her hands quickly go around your waist and your arms go around her neck. She tilts her head to deepen the kiss and you leg instinctively lifts up like those cheesy rom-com women do.
"Nat! What did you do with-"
Tony stopped in his tracks when he saw you and Nat. He quietly, and awkwardly, turned around and went back downstairs.
You and Nat pull away from each other, smiles on your faces.
"That was...wow," you say, leaning your forehead against Nat's.
"Wow indeed, babe," she replies.
The two of you stand there, holding each other on the rooftop.
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kierahazel · 11 months
pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x reader
Summary: You are Klaus new girlfriend, but you notice that he still have feelings for his ex, Caroline. One day she found them together.
WARNING: none. I think its sad?
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Watch as she stand with her holding your hand.
There he is. With her. I thought I'm his new important person in his life, but oh boy was I wrong. Here I am, watching them as they walk together in the carnival. He told me he have to go out off town for some vampire business, and yet I found him here, with Caroline, his ex.
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder.
They look so..happy. He put his arm around her shoulder as she lean to his side. I can feel a tear drop down my cheek.
But how could I hate her? She's such an angle
He promised me that she only his close friend, and I believe him. Me and Klaus known each other since the first time I arrive in New Orleans to stay with my cousin, Bonnie. And Caroline is one of her close friends. She is gorgeous, I can't blame Klaus to fall for her.
But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she
Walks by..
As I watch the two of them, the thing Klaus said to me when our first date.
He cupped my face gently before he whisper lovingly to me .
"you are the most beautiful creature I ever laid my eyes on this earth, love.."
What a sight for sore eyes.. Brighter than the blue sky
The longer I watch them, the more tears flooding my cheek as soft sob escape my mouth. I watched him lean closer to her and kiss her on the lips. My whole body shaking in betrayed. I saw the look in his eyes when they pull apart. He never looked at me that way..
She's got you mesmerized while I die
Why would you ever kiss me?..I'm not even half of pretty
I just stood there watching the two of them, and soon enough he saw me. The sudden change on his face turn into shocked and guilty.
"love?..I-I.. can exp-"
He try to talk to me and hold my hand but I push him away softly. It hurts. I glance back at Caroline and notice that she is wearing the jacket I gave him a while on our first date.
You gave her your sweater.. it's just polyester..
The world around me feel silent as I watched him try to explain himself but I can't hear anything, the only thing I hear is my own sob and the thoughts of his useless promises sweet talk when we were together. I slowly take a step back from him and began to walk away ignoring all his begging and apology.
"love please.. Its a misunderstanding.. you know I would never...I - I'm sorry.. please listen to me.. I love you.."
That words hurt my feeling. He try to grab my hand but I quickly pull them away. "I love you" but I knew that was not for me.
But you like her better..
I wipe away the tears on my cheek as I reached my car. He try to stop me but I get into the car in a perfect timing and locked it from the inside. He knocked the window but I ignored him and start the engine.
"Y/n ! Please! Listen to me!"
I drove off to the mansion but I knew he would be there first. As I thought, he already there waiting for me. I gathered myself and walk past him ignoring everything he say and went straight to our shared bedroom, well not anymore. He follow me from behind trying to stop me. I start to packed my things.
"what are you doing? why are you packing your things?"
He say in a sad tone.
"I can't take it anymore, Nik"
His breath hitched as he heard I called him Nik since I always called him that in a serious time, and he knew, he is fucked this time"
"I can't stand watching you with Caroline even though you said she is only your close friend. But then I saw with my own eyes you kissed her. Is that what close friends should do?"
I start to cry and cover my face with my palms as I sob harder than before, but he take my hand to make me look at him.
"I'm sorry I hurt you.. but I promised you that my heart only belongs to you-"
"Cut the bullshit Klaus! I know you still love her! I saw it in your eyes everytime she was around, and today prove my point that you indeed still in love with Caroline!"
I cut him off and pull my hand from him. I continue to pack my things and storm out off the house.
"Y/n please.. don't leave me please.. I'm sorry!"
I can see the tears flowing through his cheek as he follow me from behind. he suddenly hug me from behind and sob on my shoulder. I closed my eyes as I leaned into his touch for the last time before I push him off
"Goodbye.. Klaus.."
I wish I was heather..
I whisper before I get into my car that Klaus bought me on our 2 years anniversary, at least it's the only thing about him that left. I took the last look at him before I drove away. I knew that I can't be like Caroline..I will never be..
I wish I was Heather..
I'm sorry if there is any vocabulary or grammar pronunciation... English is not my nature language. Hope you guys enjoy!
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aroace-cat-lady · 6 months
Happy I still remember 3rd of december me in your sweater you said it looked better in me than it did you only if you knew how much I liked you but I watch your eyes as she walks by what a sight for sore eyes brighter than the blue sky she's got you mesmerized while I die why would you ever kissed me I'm not even half as pretty you gave her your sweater it's just poliester but you like her better I wish I were heather watch as she stands with her holding your hand put your arm around her shoulder now I'm getting colder but how could I hate her she's such an angel but then again kinda wish she were dead as she walks by what a sight for sore eyes brighter than the blue sky she's got you mesmerized while I die why would you ever kiss me I'm not even half as pretty you gave her your sweater it just poliester but you like her better I wish I were heather I wish I were heather wish I were heather why would you ever kiss me I'm not even half as pretty you gave her your sweater it's just poliester but you like her better I wish I were to all those who celebrate
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squadxx4392 · 4 months
Jegulus as angsty song lyrics (from previous list posted)
(If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels)
James : I know, you know, we know, you weren't down for forever and it's fine
Regulus : Think I figured out how, how to think about you without it ripping my heart out
(Rewrite the Stars by Zac Efron and Zendaya)
James : You know I want you, it's not a secret I tried to hide, I know you want me, so don't keep saying our hands are tied
Regulus : You know I want you, it's not a secret I tried to hide, but I can't have you, we're bound to break and my hands are tied
(when the party's over by Billie Eilish)
James : Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin', but nothin' ever stops you leavin', quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm on my own, I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that, I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
Regulus : But nothin' is better sometimes, once we've both said our goodbyes, let's just let it go, let me let you go
(Daylight by David Kushner)
James : Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time, you and I drink the poison from the same vine, oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time, hidin' all of our sins from the daylight
Regulus : Tellin' myself it's the last time, can you spare any mercy that you might find, if I'm down on my knees again? Deep down, way down, Lord, I try, try to follow your light, but it's night time, please, don't leave me in the end
(Astronomy by Conan Gray)
James : We've traveled the seas, we've ridden the stars, we've seen everything from Saturn to Mars, as much as it seems like you own my heart, it's astronomy, we're two worlds apart
Regulus : We're two worlds apart, stop trying to keep us alive, you're pointing at stars in the sky that already died, stop trying to keep us alive, you can't force the stars to align when they've already died
(Bubblegum by Clairo)
James : Sorry I didn't kiss you, but it's obvious I wanted to, bubble gum down my throat and it's a curse, but my luck couldn't get any worse
Regulus : You look so nice in your shirt, it's sad because it just hurts, I'd do anything for you, but would you do that for me, too?
(Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens)
James : The evil it spread like a fever ahead, it was night when you died, my firefly, what could I have said to raise you from the dead? Oh could I be the sky on the Fourth of July? Well you do enough talk, my little hawk, why do you cry? Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the Fourth of July? We're all gonna die
Regulus : The hospital asked should the body be cast, before I say goodbye, my star in the sky, such a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth, do you find it all right, my dragonfly?, Shall we look at the moon, my little loon, why do you cry? Make the most of your life, while it is rife, while it is light, well you do enough talk, my little hawk, why do you cry? Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the Fourth of July? We're all gonna die
(Heather by Conan Gray)
James : I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you, only if you knew how much I liked you
Regulus : But I watch your eyes as she, walks by, what a sight for sore eyes, brighter than the blue sky, she's got you mesmerized while I die
(I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry)
James : I used to hear a simple song, that was until you came along, now in its place is something new, I hear it when I look at you
Regulus : I used to hear a simple song, that was until you came along, you took my broken melody, and now I hear a symphony
(lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid)
James : Oh, I hope some day I'll make it out of here, even if it takes all night or a hundred years, ned a place to hide, but I can't find one near, wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear
Regulus : Isn't it lovely, all alone? Heart made of glass, my mind of stone, tear me to pieces, skin to bone, hello, welcome home
(Train Wreck by James Arthur)
James : Unbreak the broken, unsay these spoken words, find hope in the hopeless, pull me out of the train wreck
Regulus : Unburn the ashes, unchain the reactions now, not ready to die, not yet, pull me out the train wreck, pull me out, pull me out, pull me out, ah, pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
(Something in the Orange by Zach Bryan)
James : But I miss you in the mornings when I see the sun, something in the orange tells me we're not done
Regulus : To you I'm just a man, to me you're all I am, where the hell am I supposed to go? I poisoned myself again, something in the orange tells me you're never coming home
(Two Birds by Regina Spektor)
James : Two birds on a wire (oh-oh-oh), one says, "C'mon" and the other says, "I'm tired", the sky is overcast and I'm sorry (oh-oh-oh), one more or one less, nobody's worried
Regulus : Two birds on a wire, one tries to fly away, and the other watches him close from that wire, he says he wants to as well, but he is a liar
(Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin)
James : Now I'm grabbing her hips, and pulling her in, kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear, and I know that it's only a wish, and that we're not standing by the water fountain
Regulus : Now he's grabbing her hips, and pulling her in, kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear, and she knows that she shouldn't listen, and that she should be with me by the water fountain
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sam24 · 4 months
Summary: Steve and Natasha. Steve. And Natasha. Natasha. Not you.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader | Unrequited love
Songfic- Heather by Conan Gray
I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me than it did you
Only if you knew how much I liked you
You watched them from the corner of the quinjet with trained eyes after the unsuccessful mission, your leg bouncing and thumbs fiddling.
They were talking quietly, their hands interlocked and staring into each other’s eyes like that was the one thing grounding them to the world.
All you wanted was to go home and wrap yourself in his sweater that he left in your room that one fateful day in December. To pretend that he was hugging you as you inhaled the homely scent of wood and leather. To pretend like he wasn’t looking at her like she was his everything. To pretend like he loved you.
But I watch your eyes as she
Walks by What a sight for sore eyes Brighter than the blue sky She's got you mesmerized while I die
He wouldn’t stop looking at her, and it was killing you. His baby blue eyes looking into her green ones. Like two oceans merging together. And you were the person on the little boat, holding on for dear life as they glided swiftly into each other, not even realizing you were there.
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better
Wish I were Heather
Even with grime and dirt marks covering her face, she was beautiful. Her face carved perfectly like a sculpture, her hair loose around her face, her body shaped like a goddess - she was everything you wanted to be. She was everything you couldn’t be.
She was gorgeous.
Just like him.
His gentle face full of compassion. The little lines on his temple from worrying about everyone. The way his eyes wrinkled up when he smiled. The way his laugh made everyone in the room grin.
Every single thing about him was beautiful. And it was all her’s.
Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel
She gripped his hands tighter as they leaned into each other, foreheads touching as they whispered soft words to one another.
She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, and your throat burned with tears.
But you didn’t have the heart to truly hate her. She was so kind, so strong, so powerful. She was her. How could you dislike someone like her?
They deserved each other. He went through so much, she went through so much. He was a hero, she was a hero. He needed love, she needed love.
. . . But you wanted to be the one to give it to him.
But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she
Walks by What a sight for sore eyes Brighter than the blue sky She's got you mesmerized while I die
Screw it. You fucking hated her.
The way he looked at her broke your heart, but the way she looked at him simply aggravated you. Like he was her world. Like she couldn’t live without him. Like she deserved him. Like she was the only one who could love him. Like she was his.
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better
I wish I were Heather
You could already imagine it. He would come knocking on your door, asking if he left his sweater there. And the very next day, you would see her in the kitchen of the compound, wearing the fucking sweater. Wearing your fucking sweater.
Your skin was already crawling at the thought of it. But you knew it was inevitable.
I wish I were Heather
You wished it was you. Who got to hold his hand. Who got to kiss his face. Who got to love him. Who got to be loved by him. But it wasn’t.
It was her.
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
You watched him rest his head on her shoulder and grip her thigh like she was his anchor.
They were perfect together. Steve and Natasha. Even their names sounded perfect together.
Steve and Natasha. Steve and Natasha. Steve and Natasha. Steve and Natasha. Steve and Natasha. Steve and Natasha. Steve and Natasha.
Steve. And Natasha.
But you like her better
Not you.
Wish I were . . .
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spideyanakin · 2 years
Heather (archived version)
Cedric Diggory x reader
Based on Heather by Conan Gray
Synopsis - ‘As she walks by, what a sight for sore eyes, she’s got you mesmerized.’ Cedric is oblivious to your feelings, so you end up watching as he dates a girl that isn't you. Will the two of you get a happy ending?
N/A - Stop I haven't written or thought of Cedric in so long, he was my first big fictional crush back in 2018 lmao, and I never thought I'd crush on him again 😳 I fully blame Batman... I ALSO PROMISE THIS ENDS WELL LMAO
Masterlist 🧚🏻‍♀️
Cedric Diggory Masterlist 🌻
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rewritten version
I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater
It was a cold day - a third of December to be exact. It was late in the afternoon and quidditch practice had just ended. You were drenched in sweat, your bright red Gryffindor quidditch jersey barely shielding you from the cold now that your body was cooling down from the exercise.
You fished in your bag but loudly cursed when you realized you had forgotten your sweater and your jacket back in the common room. Fred had asked you for a service right before practice, making you almost late and completely forgetting half of your things on the common room chair.
A shiver slipped passed your lips and you wondered how you were going to get back to the castle without dying of cold. You watched as Harry Potter got out of the changing room - all wrapped up in warm layers of clothes, you somehow wished you were in his position.
Until your savior came. His voice broke your thoughts like it always did. The way he pronounced your name made you want to melt like snow exposed to the sun. Lifting your head - you met his grey eyes and like always, it sent shivers down your spine. He was walking straight for the changing rooms and had spotted you there - shuffling through your bag in panic.
"Let me guess, you forgot your sweater?" It was always that friendly banter that made you weak to your knees. He would always have a friendly smirk to give you, always something fun to say.
"I think so." You made a weird face as your eyes went back to the snowy quidditch fields.
"Here." He didn't think twice before handing you his. "I know it's not Gryffindor but I'm sure it will at least keep you warm until you get back inside" Your thoughts were frozen and for a second you thought it was only you and him. He was towering over you, his arm raised towards you with his sweater balled up in his hand. "Plus it's too small for me" He chuckled. "It would look better on you" You had to look away to compose yourself from his words. Only if he knew how much you liked him
But then, you watched as his gaze flickered from you to someone passing behind.
It was like him taking your heart out of your chest and ripping it apart. His eyes sparkled with something more at her sight and a short smile climbed to his lips. You turned your head around and of course, it was her. Heather. She was a Hufflepuff chaser, always first in class and always having something bright and positive to say.
What a sight for sore eyes, brighter than the blue sky
Of course, she had to be prettier than you. Long brown hair braided for Quidditch, with crystal blue eyes. Her positive energy resonated through the hallway and you watched the scene roll before you. You had to painfully watch as his gaze chased after her even when she disappeared into the changing rooms.
She's got you mesmerized, while I die
"It's alright - but thanks." You brought him back to reality this time. Pushing his hand back towards him. "I'll freeze my way back to Hogwarts" You gave out a stiff chuckle and stood up before he could argue.
So you walked back up to the castle - your heart broken into a thousand pieces while your shoulders shook from the cold. Every day you had to be reminded that he loved someone else.
It all started last June, in the last week of class. Professor Trelawny paired them up in divination and ever since he only had eyes for her. She seemed to be perfect. A good sense of humor like you, mixed with the brains and the looks. She was even on the quidditch team, again like you...
But he only saw you as a friend. His childhood best friend who was placed in a different house than him. His childhood best friend who got into way too much trouble with the Weasley twins. His childhood best friend who was doomed to watch him love someone else from the other corner of the room.
But your misery couldn't end there. Because you knew Cedric and you knew bravery was his most beloved trait. You knew that it wouldn't be long until he asked her out. He had already been debating the idea since September.
And it killed you every single second. Watching him sulk over her - sitting next to her instead of you...
By the next week of December, you had to watch as they walked into the great hall - hand in hand.
Watch as she stands with you, holding your hand
Of course, she would have said yes. It was Cedric Diggory - the heart throb. Everyone liked him, everyone dreamed of him. He was kind, brave. The golden traits mixed into one beautiful being.
Somehow you thought that being his childhood friend would have made you higher up the list. That he would notice your lingering eyes and the way you reacted when he was close.
But you like her better, wish I were Heather
She was wearing his Hufflepuff sweater, the one he had offered you a week earlier. You wished you had accepeted it, not even that - that he would have given you the sweater as a token of his love, not as only helping a friend.
Wish I were Heather
You gave her your sweater
Of course, Cedric spotted you by the Weasley twins, and of course, he wanted to introduce you. Oblivious to how he painfully twisted the knife inside the wound. So he sat in front of you by George, and she sat by him, and you had to watch as he wrapped his arm around her.
put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder
The lunch went on, and with every second you felt another piece of yourself crumble away. So much that by the end your mind had fully gone blank. Desperately trying to tune out the way he was holding her, stealing glances with her and everything you wished could happen with you.
She's got you mesmerized while I die
The worst part is that it was so painfully obvious to everyone else. Fred and George played eye tennis, reading each other's minds in an attempt to find ways to help you.
Fred who sat by your side ended up placing a hand on your knee in an attempt to comfort you. It somehow made you feel better, but you knew nothing could fix the Cedric-shaped hole in your heart apart from the man himself.
So instead of holding in the pain, and pretending like everything was alright - you excused yourself, pretending you had finished your lunch early or simply wasn't hungry. Mumbling something about having extra homework to be done before class.
Your feet flew up to the hidden corner of Hogwarts only you and Cedric knew. It had become your hiding place, but he never seemed to come anymore. It was just you in this lonely corner of the world these past few months.
So you let the tears fall. Hot drops stained your cheeks and this time you couldn't do anything about it. It wasn't a random joke from the twins that could fix it. It wasn't his smile or something he would say that could cheer you up. It wasn't anything he could give you, because his heart was already taken. His heart had been partly given to someone else and in your lonely corner of the world, you wished you could have a piece. You wished that Heather hadn't taken all the pieces for herself.
Maybe it was selfish. But also how could you hate her? She had always been kind to you and even today she hadn't shown an ounce of jealousy towards your friendship.
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel
No one was to blame.
You had to live with your misery.
December turned into April and the pain in your chest had become nothing but a numb feeling.
The tears were frequent though. And it would always be the red-haired twins that would try to glue the pieces of your heart back with jokes. Bring the pieces back with soft laughter and dumb pranks.
You hated the way this made you drift away from him.
His presence seemed to get further as she stole every piece. She made him drift away from you like a deadly river that was so beautiful you wouldn't guess that stepping in it would drag you miles away, making you drown.
Was that what she was doing? Making him drown in her presence as the tied of her river dragged him further and further from you?
"Hey Y/n/n" George broke your thoughts, snapping his fingers in front of your eyes.
"S- sorry-" you blinked again, your eyes falling to the work on your lap.
"I asked you what you knew about Disneyland" He pointed to the paper; Muggle studies.
"I've been there once." You replied, your tone slightly off as the thoughts of Cedric tried to grab your train of thoughts again.
"And?" George paused and watched you swallow as you blankly stared at a spot on the carpet. "Y/n/n" He sighed and shuffled closer to you - placing a hand on your shoulder to catch your attention again. "Cedric's a dumb-dumb" He whispered. "He's dumb to have chosen her instead of you, and dumb to have abandoned you after they started dating."
You took a long breath in and out, looking back down to the homework on your lap.
George looked at the clock and clicked his tongue "Let's go to quidditch practice, it will cheer you up." He grinned and stood up, making you follow him.
Rain was pouring down the freshly cut lawn of the quidditch pitch and you looked as the house you were playing against started walking out.
Of course, practice had to be against Hufflepuff...
To your surprise, Heather wasn't glued to Cedric as they walked out - and both of their gazes seemed to be lost elsewhere.
Did they fight?
Something in the back of your mind was asking. Cedric looked pretty mad, and by the way he was guiding his team and giving orders you could tell he was.
From the other side of the pitch, Heather pointed a deadly glance at you. The rain was already bringing shivers, but her stare was even worst and it made you wonder what in the world happened.
Fred was happily walking to the pitch with his broom in hand. He walked to you with a grin from ear to ear.
"I've got something to tell you." He sang along and you spotted Geogre running towards the two of you.
"What's up?" You matched their grins
"There's a rumor."
"A very interesting rumor" George chimed from behind his twin.
"Cedric and Heather had a fight."
"A fight?" They got your attention. "About what?"
"2 rumors: That she cheated on him with Jamie Lammerson - they've been awfully close lately."
"Second rumor is that she did it because he's been acting more distant lately." Fred continued.
"That's he's been acting distracted." George finished.
"Distracted? By what?"
The twins looked at each other like they knew the biggest part of the puzzle that you were apparently clueless off.
"Me?" You shook your head. "Impossible." You laughed, a bittersweet laugh by how hopeful they were trying to make you.
"Not as impossible as you think," They said in unison before making their way further the quidditch pitch, leaving you stranded with your own thoughts.
This time you hadn't made the mistake of forgetting your sweater, and Cedric noticed.
He noticed?
"I'm glad you brought your sweater today" He smirked. A smirk he hadn't given you in weeks.
What the heck was he doing talking to you? Shouldn't he be with Heather, laughing about a dumb joke she made?
You blinked. "Yeah."
Him, on the other hand, he had completely forgotten his. He was soaked with the rain that had started pouring down in the middle of the game, his wet hair dripping onto his shoulder and framing his handsome face.
"But you forgot yours." You noticed.
"I did." He scrunched up his face and twisted a part of his shirt to drench the water in a poor attempt to dry it.
Somehow it wasn't awkward. Even if he had spent weeks without talking to you, your friendship hadn't been broken.
Your smile lingered and you noticed that his stare did too. Weird.
Were the twins right?
Right until Heather stepped out of the changing room. Her wet hair was tied up in a bun as she was all wrapped in dry clothes.
Suddenly, the glim in his eyes died down and he cleared his throat - giving you a stiff nod before following her out and back up to the castle. You heard his words echo from a distance - something about needing to talk about their fight...
It made you frown a bit. The way his eyes saddened when he had to walk away... It made you wonder if everything was alright with him.
But you were on duty to clean the brooms.
The rain had made your job easier. It had partially removed the dirt from the collections of nimbus and cheap school brooms. You didn't mind the work and the thundering rain made relaxing music as you worked.
You dusted your hands and admired the clean brooms aligned on the floor of the big shed, awaiting polish and all the other products to make them stay pretty and shiny.
You opened the closet and frowned when you saw that the polish was empty, realizing you would have to go to the other side of the field to the second storage unit; the one with old broken brooms and extra products.
You grabbed your raincoat, securing the hood before darting across the pitch and slipping in between the tall bleachers and walking along the field downhill towards the crooked storage shed, half hidden with overgrown trees and bushes.
"Wait- we have to stop-" You heard mumbling from the inside, freezing as you realized people were in there. Great. You had forgotten this was a famous make-out spot.
"What do you mean stop? Is this about Cedric? Aren't you two practically broken up?" You gulped as you heard the name, your heartbeat quickening.
Maybe you heard the name wrong, or it was another Cedric?
But the female voice that spoke again felt way too familiar.
"Well, I think we sort of made up?" You balled up your fist. So it was true, Heather was cheating on Cedric - with who you expected to be Jamie.
Cedric wore his heart on his sleeve while she was doing all this behind his back...
"You made up!?" Jamie's voice became a bit angrier. "Heather I thought you were ending this? I thought you said he became interested in what's her name again?"
Was he talking about you? You munched at your lip in anxiety as the conversation went on.
The rain was still harshly falling against your raincoat, but you were frozen in place. It felt impossible to move with what you were overhearing.
"Y/n. She's one of the Gryffindor chasers. The one who broke your nose last game?"
"Oh, her. Aren't they like best friends of something?"
"Kind of." She mumbled - she seemed angry.
Jamie laughed at her reaction. "She's definitely a threat. I thought they were together before the two of you were a thing."
What you didn't see was Heather shooting daggers with her stare.
"Will you shut up?" She sounded mean, nothing like the facade she wore every day.
"Why? You dragged me here remember?" Jamie bickered back and you could sense tension in their words. This made you realize that one of them might be storming out at any moment now.
You turned back, making your way back up the small field leading up to the pitch. Walking through the bleachers again and back inside the shed.
What the fuck?
The next day that overheard conversation was eating you whole. Even Professor Lupin noticed the way you drifted away in Defense of the dark arts.
You were walking in the middle of the hallway as you headed to your next class, Fred and George on either side of you like usual. You were drifting off into thoughts again, running images of how you were going to tell Cedric, or how you were going to attempt to make this situation stop.
He was your best friend, and he didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve her.
"Hey!" A voice came from behind you, making you jump as you felt two hands on your shoulders. You all turned around to meet a bright-eyed Cedric.
He looked all happy and giddy and it made you raise an eyebrow.
"Can I steal Y/n for a second?" He looked at each of the twins.
"Ask her" they both pointed to you.
"Yeah" You nodded, not being able to help the small smile that bloomed on your lips at the sight of him. "What's up?"
"I wanted to talk to you." He looked behind your shoulder to make sure the twins had continued their way. "Somewhere quieter." He smiled and you almost thought he was blushing.
You followed him down to your secret place. Your hidden corner of the world where you had spent the last few months coming alone.
It felt weird seeing him there again, especially with you.
"I wanted to apologize." He awkwardly stood in front of you, scanning your features for a reaction.
"Apologize?" Your scrunched your eyebrows. "For what?"
"For how distant I've been lately..." He went back and forth on his heels and looked down to the floor. "For the way I've been ignoring you-"
"Cedric, it's ok."
"No, it's not. It's not because you didn't deserve this. I've been an awful friend lately and it's been because of-" He didn't want to stay it. He didn't want to voice the name of the person whom he knew had caused you and him all this pain.
He might have been oblivious for a long time, but now he knew.
And he wasn't going to take this opportunity for granted.
"Because of her"
"You can't blame her, it's normal, she's your girlfriend-"
"Was" He corrected you. "She was"
You blinked, your breath catching in the back of your throat as the words registered.
"We broke up." You looked to the side as you tried to process the information.
Was that why he was acting all happy when he asked you to follow him here in the first place?
"But I thought?"
He shook his head.
"I told her it was over yesterday. We got into another fight because she complained about the fact that I was talking to you after practice." He took a step closer to you. "But she also made me realize that it wasn't her I liked" He looked down to his feet, and you could feel your heart leaping in your chest.
"I've heard things... about um- the way you might feel too. But- if it's not true, I'm not going to ask you to feel the same-" He sighed through his nose and suddenly your whole world lit up again. "But I want you to know."
"I'minlovewithyou" you muttered, barely audible.
He thought he had heard it but wasn't sure.
"What did you say?" He raised his gaze to your eyes, a small smirk across his lips.
"I'm in love with you" You said again, this time clear and loud enough.
You didn't think twice before placing your hand around his neck and dragging his face closer to yours. You closed the gap between your lips faster than you could say Quidditch.
The kiss took him by surprise, but when it registered he melted into it. But the situation caught up with you, and soon enough the kiss became clouded by giggles.
"I love you too."
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