#ARC Trooper Fives x Reader
vodika-vibes · 21 hours
Congrats, Vodika!!! 🎉🎊🥳
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May I request a Western AU with beloved Fives? [sfw]
Love ya and looking forward to seeing what you come up with!—Coffee 🩵
The Marshal
Summary: You’ve been the sole owner of the Broken Hearts Saloon since the day your fraternal twin brother decided that staying in this sleepy town wasn’t for him. It’s not easy, you barely make enough to make ends meet, and you have to live in a small studio above the saloon. So, when the US Marshal arrives you’re sure that your already bad day is going to turn into a bad month.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
Word Count: 1886
Prompt: Western AU
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, after doing some research, US Marshals track fugitives and run the Witness Protection Program. I doubt it's the same people, but I'm taking some artistic liberties here to make it work. I hope you like it!
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You remember the day your twin brother left as if it were yesterday.
You remember sitting on the mattress while he paced in front of you, waving his hat and gesturing wildly while he bitched about how little the Sheriff does to protect the town from the growing bandit population. 
You remember him punching the wall hard enough that his knuckles started to bleed.
You remember him looking at you and telling you that the pair of you can’t stay here. That the bandits had already killed your parents, that it was only a matter of time before they killed you too.
You remember ducking your head and saying that you won’t abandon the Saloon that your parents started because of Bandits.
You remember his rage. How his face turned red, and how he advanced on you with his fists clenched. How he got right in your face and yelled and raged at you. You remember how you feared, for a moment, that he was going to hit you.
And you remember how final the door slamming shut behind him sounded. 
It was a relief, the following morning, when you realized that he took his horse and a bag of his clothes and was gone. Oh, sure, you did your duty. Reported to the Sheriff that your brother was gone, with his horse. That he decided to leave.
The Sheriff, an old family friend, only shook his head and sighed, before asking if he hurt you before he left. And then reassured you that the Sheriff’s office would add your brother's name and face to the growing list of people to keep an eye for when they do their patrol.
And then life carried on.
You learned, right quick, that you had to change the way you carried yourself or else your patrons would steamroll right over you and your policies with all of the grace of one of the steam trains that crisscross the country.
So you ditched your long dresses for carefully tailored versions of your brother’s clothes, and steeled your spine. You refused to let anyone walk all over you, not in your own establishment. 
Sure, life wasn’t easy, having to do everything on your own was so, so hard some days, but mama always said that you’re more stubborn than a mule when you get an idea into your year.
And so, time goes on. 
The Broken Heart’s Saloon is never going to make you rich, but under your careful management, and after reading a handful of books from the East Coast, you learn how to make something of a profit, so you’re able to buy clothes that actually fit you.
Of course, bandits are still a problem, but they don’t come into the town all the much anymore, not since the new Sheriff decided that any bandits who try anything in the town would be put down with extreme prejudice.
Even so, you can’t imagine living anywhere else.
It’s hot and sunny the day that your world crumbles to your feet. The Saloon is empty, the morning rush has already ended, and the dinner rush won’t start for several hours. Normally, you use this time to clean up and do any repairs that might be needed around the saloon.
But there’s something off about today.
A feeling of deep anxiety, that you can’t quite shake.
And so, when the door opens and Sheriff Echo steps into the saloon, your heart sinks. And when a second man, identical to Echo save for the five tattooed on his forehead, but with a badge with a five pointed star attached to his belt steps into the saloon after him, you go cold.
It’s never a good thing when the Marshals come to town.
Echo pulls off his hat and sets it on the counter, his gaze is sympathetic, “Sorry for bothering you so early.”
“Not that early, Sheriff.” You reply as you set your cleaning rag in the sink, “I still have coffee on, if either of you want some.”
The Marshal sinks onto a bar stool as he places his own hat on the bar as well, “None for me, it’s a bit too hot for a hot drink.” He has a kind smile, the Marshal, and you find yourself relaxing slightly.
“Well, how about something cold then? I have some lemonade?”
“That would be wonderful,” Echo says as he sinks onto a stool next to the man who can only be his twin. 
“Alright, then.” You pull out two clean glasses, add ice, and pour some lemonade into both, before you pass the drinks to the two men, “Here you go.”
The two men take small sips of their drinks, and there’s a slightly uncomfortable silence that you’re hesitant to break.
In the end, you don’t have to. Echo sets his glass back on the bar and looks at you, “This is my brother, Fives. He’s a US Marshal.”
“The badge did look familiar to me,” You reply with a wry smile. You can’t think of a single person who wouldn’t recognize the five pointed star of the US Marshals badge, it’s almost as distinctive as the six pointed star of Echo’s Sheriff badge.
Fives sets his glass down on the counter as well, “You’re Miss Racine? Twin sister of Connor Racine?”
Your heart falls to your toes, “What did he do?”
Fives glances at Echo and then waves him off, “Go on, vod. Back to work with you.” He stands, “Is there someplace we can talk?”
You’re quiet for a moment, “I…yeah. I can shut the Saloon for a bit and we can talk upstairs.”
“After you.”
You move around the Saloon, shutting and locking the doors once Echo leaves, and hanging a sign that you’re closed for the moment, and then you lead Fives up the stairs in the back and into your small studio home.
“Make yourself at home,” You say as you sink into one of the kitchen chairs. You’re not terribly surprised when he sinks into the chair across from you. 
Fives is quiet for a moment, and then reaches into his jacket and slides a sheet of paper across the table, “Miss Racine, I need to know the last time you saw your brother.”
You pick up the paper and stare at it, feeling like you need to cry. 
There, emblazoned in black and white, is your brother’s face.
Wanted by the US Marshals. Connor Racine. Bank robbery. Murder. Bail jumping.
You drop the paper and flip it over so you don’t have to look at it, “I haven’t seen my brother in years, Marshal.” You admit honestly, “Not since the day he left.”
Fives sighs, “Echo said as much, but I had to make sure.” He awkwardly rolls his shoulder, “Miss Racine, I have reason to believe that your brother will come to you for help.”
“He won’t get it-” You say.
“Then he’ll hurt you.”
You want to tell him that Connor would never. That he’s your twin brother, that he promised to never hurt you.
But you can’t. Your twin brother died the same night your parents did.
“What do you suggest?” You ask instead.
“There’s a safe house I can take you to, you’ll be safe there.” Fives said.
“And when can I return?”
Tellingly, he doesn’t answer.
You flip the paper back over, “Has he joined a gang?”
“I’m going to have to go into Witness Protection, aren’t I?” You ask, your voice heavy.
“We don’t know that yet.” Fives corrects, “But if you do, I’ll be there the whole time.”
You press your face into your hands, “Fine,” Your voice is muffled, “Fine, when do I leave.”
“Immediately.” He pauses, “I am sorry about this.”
“It’s not your fault. My brother’s the idiot here.” You stand, “I just need a few minutes to pack.” Fives nods and moves so he’s standing near the door, his hand resting on his pistol.
It’s that, more than anything, that tells  you how dangerous your brother has become.
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Several months later, you’re living in a completely different town. You can see the ocean from your back window.
It’s nice, though it’s not what you expected from your life. 
All things considered, Fives is an excellent housemate. He’s polite and respectful of you, not to mention funny and charming when he puts his mind to it.
As he said before he took you away from your hometown, Fives has been protecting you for months. You’re not sure, exactly, what’s happening. But you do know that Fives has had to move you several times since you’ve left your home.
One time, Fives had to kill someone right in front of you, to protect you from a would-be assassin. That had been three houses ago.
You like Fives. More, maybe, than you should. 
There’s something incredibly attractive about a man who will kill to keep you safe. You’ve done your best to hide your attraction from him, but he’s hardly a stupid man, and you’re hardly a subtle woman.
Sometimes his gaze lingers on you, when he thinks you’re not looking.
You think that means that he thinks very similarly about you as you think about him, but you’re not sure how to put it into words. The last thing you want is to lose him, after all.
You look up from where you’re wiping down the kitchen counter at the sound of Fives entering the kitchen. “Breakfast will be done in a bit, but there’s coffee.”
“Mm, you’re the best.” His voice is thick with sleep, and you turn to smile at him.
He’s shirtless, clad only in the sleep pants that he prefers. It’s a sight you’ve gotten used to, over the last couple of months, but one that you still very much appreciate. 
“You’re staring,” He mumbles as he pours a liberal amount of sugar into his coffee.
“I’m wondering if I should just sprinkle some coffee over a mug of sugar from now on.” You counter, grimacing as he adds another spoonful of sugar.
Fives laughs, “I like sweet things.”
“There’s sweet, and then there’s whatever that is.”
He glances at you, a wide grin on his handsome face, “You wanna taste it?” Fives asks as he takes a sip of his coffee.
“I’m sure it tastes horrible.” You say even as you reach for his mug.
You’re surprised when he sets the mug on the counter, and catches your wrist. He tugs you closer to him, and ducks his head, pressing his lips firmly against yours.
Your free hand settles on his chest as you lean into the kiss. And, before you really realize it, his arm is tight around your waist, and his tongue is sliding against your lips, coaxing you to part them so he can map out the inside of your mouth.
Fives breaks the kiss before you do, he seems to have an uncontrollable grin on his face as he releases your wrist and allows his hand to cup your cheek. “Should have done that ages ago,” He mumbles.
“Yeah.” Slowly he bumps his forehead against yours, “Do you mind?”
“Not at all.”
His smile widens as he leans in and kisses you again.
And you can’t help but think, maybe things aren’t so bad, really.
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candyfloss5000 · 2 months
forced to live in 2024, born to be a GAR bunk bunny 😔
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514 notes · View notes
motherroam-rs · 2 months
Fives x Fem!Reader
NSFW Ahead Minors DNI 18+!!!
A/N: To all the girls who wish they lost their virginity to a clone trooper - this one’s for us.
Tags/Warnings: Loss of virginity, Best Friends to Lovers, Alcohol, Gambling, Lil bit of angst, Fluff, Smut, Oral Sex (F! Receiving), Vaginal Fingering, Slow burn (technically), Love Confessions, Happy Ending!!
Summary: Since the moment you were transferred to the 501’st as a Civ Medic you and Fives gravitated towards each other and over many months of friendship you can’t help but slowly fall for the charming ARC Trooper. The tension only increases when he finds out just how inexperienced you are.
Word Count: 9.8k
(For clarification, the italics are flashbacks)
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The data pad read ‘Order for Civilian Medic Transfer’, which is really just a nicer way of saying ‘You can’t do anything about this, so just accept it and suffer’. 
You had no choice when you were inevitably rotated between legions, untethered. Your newest order was to the 501st, and you find yourself standing in an empty Medbay; it’s quiet. Too quiet. You’ve either been fortunately assigned to a legion that didn’t see much action, if that were even possible, or you were stood in the eye of a hurricane.
Your eyes are caught on the tattoo across the scalp of the head medic, ‘A good droid is a dead one’ and you suppress a smile at the sentiment. It’s why you were needed - clones weren’t fond of droids, even those programmed for medical purposes. 
“New?” The clone asks, eyes focused on a datapad. You weren’t, not by any means, you had been rotated countless times over the duration of the clone wars. But, you already begin preparing yourself for the usual gruff demeanour that often greeted you, although you were better than a droid, to many clones you were still just a ‘Civ’, despite the many sleepless nights of studying and GAR medical training. 
“No, sir, transferred from the 104th.” You keep your words short, formal, but the clone medic’s eyes light up in recognition.
“Under Commander Wolffe?” He asks, a hint of surprise in his tone as he actually looks away from the datapad.
“Briefly,” you admit, recalling how just a few days before the commander in question practically growled at you when you had to check his eye. You lasted a week there.  “I was with the 212th before that.”
The head medic eyes you with a curious look, waiting for you to elaborate, so you continued, “Typically Civ medics are just seen as temporary by the head medic, until a clone medic becomes available.” You explain, perhaps a bit too fast. How many times could you fit the word medic in that sentence? You internally groan, but he gives a small hum of acknowledgement, whether it was in agreement or disagreement of your statement, his face didn’t betray him either way. 
“Go get yourself settled, and then report back here in an hour.” He says with a slight sigh, passing you the datapad, a blinking spot on the screen indicating where your bunk is - at least this time you weren’t in the shared barracks. “We’ve only just got back from being planetside on Coruscant for a week.” Ah, that answers the question of why it had been so quiet then.
“Thank you, sir.” You nod, picking up your small pack of personal belongings, it wasn’t much, but it was the only anchor you had when you were transferred around so often.
“Kix is fine.” He nods, giving you a genuine smile. “Welcome to the 501st.”
The small room is thrumming with energy that’s been ignited from an evening of drinking following a particularly rough mission for the men. Contraband in the form of amber liquid that burns your throat and fuels bad decisions, is grouped together on a small crate you’ve been using as a makeshift table for the evening. 
You’re currently sitting on the floor, leaning against a crate next to Fives as he divulges details to you about their most recent mission. Details that you probably aren’t supposed to know, but he tells you anyways, because ‘what are friends for if not to impress’, he had once told you with a sly wink. 
You knew most of the other Civ workers in the GAR weren’t as close to the clones they served with as you were. In all of the legions you had been bounced around from, there was a clear divide between the small number of Civ members, compared to the clones. But in the 501’st, those theoretical lines were blurred, or probably didn’t exist at all, with how Fives’s arm settled around your shoulder. He always had been the most friendly out of his brothers.
Your attention is drawn away from the warm expression of your friend, and you groan as you catch Jesse and Hardcase standing side by side, comparing their lengths. 
“Put it away, for the last time they’re all the same size!” You call out with a laugh, making Fives frown and whip around as he’s been interrupted from your conversation.
“Know from experience with clones?” Jesse sends you a drunken wink as his hands sloppily stuffs the offending body part back into his blacks.
“Medical experience with clones.” Your face almost hurts from smiling as you shake your head, before turning back to Fives. It’s faint and fleeting, but a look of annoyance crosses his features. You’re not awarded the opportunity to ask about it though, because he’s already delving into another over-exaggerated story of how he took out a whole group of droids on his own. 
You wouldn’t really care if they all weren’t true, you just enjoyed hearing him talk. The man could make even the most boring senate conversations interesting, you’re sure of it. So you smile, hooked onto each of his words, cursing the way your heart beats too fast when he reaches out to push away some hair that's fallen from the usual tight bun you have to wear it in. His fingers graze the skin of your cheek, leaving a burning trail.
It’s a small gesture that doesn’t even break the rhythm of his conversation. The touches are natural, instinctive on his part. He’s always touching you - you know to him it means nothing more than that, but your tell-tale racing heart screams at you that you wish it did.
Once you had returned from being settled in, Kix had directed you to some neatly stacked crates containing new medical supplies to restock the old ones. Your sluggish movements remind you just how little sleep you’d managed on the transport here from the 104th, your body was still aching from the hours spent laying on the durasteel floor between containers of explosives. Not the best sleep you’ve had, and surprisingly not the worst.
“Hey Kix, can you tell me if this looks infected?” A voice pulls you from your thoughts, alerting you to the attention of a topless clone trooper, something that no longer phased you given how many entirely naked clones you had treated. Upon seeing you, the clone goes from being relaxed to formal instantly, clearing his throat as he fumbled to get the top half of his blacks on. 
“You,” he clears his throat, his voice now adopting the typical ‘trooper at attention’ tone as he pulls the clothing over his head, “Are not Kix.” His top blacks are on backwards, and he runs a finger along the collar which now presses uncomfortably to his flushed neck.
“No, I’m not.” You agree with him, suppressing a small smile at how he looks caught off guard, from his surprised expression you may as well be a battle droid standing in the medical bay.
“May I?” You gesture to his top, and he reluctantly removes it once more, taking a seat on a free bed. You see his issue, a common rash splaying across his shoulders from where his armour has been rubbing his skin through his blacks.
“You’re the new medic?” He sounds more nervous than you are, his jaw tensing when you run your fingers along the rash, checking for any signs of infection.
You give a small hum, confirming he’s correct as you step away. “And you are?”
“Echo. I, uh.. Wasn’t expecting a Civ?” They never do.
“Not infected, by the way, it’s just irritated.” You seek out a steroid cream, which you conveniently just restocked. “Here, use this twice a day, and keep the area as dry as possible.”
He gives you a short, formal nod before he redresses, correctly this time, and leaves the room with his face almost as red as his rash. 
You’ve moved onto another crate when you catch the movement from the corner of your eye, somebody passing the door to the Medbay. You think nothing of it until you see the figure again, this time he slows slightly to glance inside the room.
He walks past a third time - and then a fourth.
On what would be the fifth time you poke your head out slightly to watch him walk almost to the end of the hallway, just to turn around and begin his lap back past the door. He stops in his tracks when he sees you looking curiously at him, but quickly recovers even though he’s been caught, and strides back towards you. You catch a glimpse of a tattoo on his temple, but it’s his grin, framed by neatly trimmed facial hair, that seems to distinguish him from other clone troopers you’ve come across. It’s cocky, confident, and warm. Especially warm when he takes hold of your hand and presses it to his lips in a greeting that makes it feel as though you’re trapped in a boiler room, overheating.
“I’m Fives, and you are?”
You were settled between Echo and Fives, the three of you with empty cups waiting for the next round of the game. Each round you had to take a shot based on your answer to the question, which so far had ranged between ‘If you’ve been shot by a droid’ - which Rex groaned at, and ‘If you ever fucked a girl in the 79’s fresher’, which made several of the men cheer. 
Your heart sinks a bit when Fives drinks at that one, recalling the night just over a month ago on Coruscant. 
You had all been there together, his arm slung around your shoulder in the booth as you both laughed at some fleeting joke made by Jesse. You had grown closer, close enough to the point that he got teased relentlessly by his brothers for calling you his ‘best friend’ whilst under the influence of some strong pain medication in the Medbay. 
You left to get some more drinks from the bar when Sinker approached you, a spark of recognition in his eyes. You were trying to focus on ordering the drinks, blushing as you attempted to turn down the Sergeant who was whispering over-sweetened things in your ear at how he wished you’d stayed with the 104th for longer.
You smiled in thanks when Echo came to help, claiming he saw that you may need help with carrying the drinks. You were grateful for the assistance, laughing with Echo under the usual volume of the crowd until you caught sight of your best friend, stumbling through the crowd towards the fresher, his hand intertwined with a beautiful Twi’lek girl.
You remember how Echo looked at you as he realised the reason behind your tightened jaw and hoarse voice when you excused yourself for some air. You couldn’t stand the sympathy in his eyes, the eyes that looked identical to those of your best friend, the man you were in love with. 
So much for being unattached.
“It wasn’t that good.” Fives nudges your knee with his own, pulling you from your thoughts. A casual smirk plays on his lips and you’re about to laugh off the comment, ready to deflect the attention from your friend, when his twin interrupts you.
“Yeah, cause you couldn’t get it up!” Echo slurs as he leans against you, clutching his cup as some of the amber liquid sloshes down your chest before he apologises and wipes the stain above your breast with hazy eyes. Fives catches his brother's wrist, pushing it away from your chest lightly, and your mind races at Echo’s statement - Fives hadn’t slept with the Twi’Lek girl?
“Shut up, Vod.” Fives grumbles, his fingers tightening around his own cup as he looks away from the two of you. A blush, that must just be from a mix of alcohol and annoyance, creeps up to his face. Thankfully as most of these questions have been related to battle or women, you’ve barely drank, so you can at least try to be rational and push away thoughts that creep into your mind of how you think Fives would take you against the wall of a fresher stall. You can ignore the contemplation on if he would show restraint, or if he would make the walls shake.
“How about this - take a shot for how many people you’ve slept with,” Jesse calls out to the small group of you, an intoxicated grin on his face. Several hands reach for the last remaining bottle at once, ready to fill their cups, each of their owners immediately wanting to show off to the rest of the room's occupants.
“No!” Kix’s hand is the fastest to snatch the liquor away, holding it close to his chest plate.  “We are not looking after you all in the Medbay with alcohol poisoning!” He gestures between you both, and Jesse bargains, coming to a compromise for 1 shot for every certain number, but the specifics of the round are drowned out by your own heartbeat.
Your body stills and you look down to your half full cup. It would be easy to drink, to lie to yourself and those around you. You don’t even have to drink more than once and yet you just continue to stare at your reflection in the liquid, it’s as if the cup were judging you.
“You know you’re supposed to at least drink once, right?” Fives whispers in your ear.
“Yeah, just got distracted trying to work out which of your brothers are definitely exaggerating,” You nod, taking a sip from the cup as you avoid his eyes that burn you more than any liquor ever could. You place the empty cup at your feet and lean your head against Echos, managing a small smile at how he’s snoring against your shoulder. 
Fives gives a small hum of thought, finishing his own drink before placing the empty cup next to you, allowing his finger to linger on the rim for a moment. Your gaze is focused on the way the traces of liquor coat his fingertips, making the battle-calloused skin glisten. You close your eyes, trying to fend off the thoughts of how the whiskey tainted fingers would taste on your tongue, and the mental image of them coated in something sweeter than the alcohol.
“Remember the first time I dragged you here?” Fives’ amused tone forces your eyes open, his warm hand settling on your knee and he taps his fingers rhythmically, almost to the same beat as your unsteady heart.
It had been just over one standard month, one of your longest posts so far, and you were already finding yourself anxious that you could be transferred away at any moment. If you had told yourself just over a month ago that in your new assignment with the 501st that you would wake to two half-drunk troopers in your room, begging you to come play Sabbac with them, you would have diagnosed them with battle induced psychosis.
“Well, not with us-” Fives starts, rummaging around the small closet for something you could wear over your sleeping vest.
“For us.” Echo finishes, practically pulling you out of your bed with an eager nod as Fives approaches you with something in his hands.
“Hands up, sweetheart.” In your tired state, you obey thoughtlessly, allowing Fives to slip the sweatshirt over your head. His fingers trail down your sides, eliciting goosebumps across your skin as he pulls the heavy fabric down over you, and between the contact and his name for you, your heart skips a beat. It nearly stops when he winks before turning away to get your shoes.
Clone Troopers were often flirty, but over the last month, Fives seemed determined to earn the title of being the biggest flirt. Regardless which of his brothers got sick or minorly injured, he was always the one pulling them through the door and would then spend the entire time sweet talking you. Just last week, Rex had nearly concussed himself on a pipe and looked like he wanted to hit Fives who didn’t stop talking the whole time you examined the injury.
“And why do you need me to play for you? I’ve never even played before,” You swallow thickly, sliding your feet into the shoes as the twins guide you from your room, both of their hands on your back, ushering you down complex hallways that all look identical.
“Fives got caught cheating, so we both got banned,” Echo rolls his eyes, placing the blame on his brother, who begins telling you the rules of the game, which they are playing a slight variation of given that they only had items to bet, not credits. You had reluctantly allowed them to bring a full bottle of rather expensive vodka you had purchased last time you were on Coruscant.
“You did not wake up the new medic just to get her to play for you.” Jesse groans, and Rex begins apologising to you for his brothers, ready to scold them for waking you up, but you raise your hand to stop him.
“It’s no bother.” You shake your head, remembering Fives and Echo’s advice to act confident - so really you just had to ask yourself ‘What would Fives do?’
“You know how to play?” Kix asks, surprised by your sudden change in demeanour. He had been used to you keeping your head down in the Medbay, following orders, not showing up with a bottle of alcohol to bet on and Fives’s arm slung around your shoulder.
“Oh please, I’ve been playing Sabbac longer than some of you have been out of the tube.” You feel Fives give your shoulder a proud squeeze at your lie as he places the bottle of vodka on the makeshift table, and you both take a seat, “Deal me in?”
After several rounds of you finding your feet in the game, Fives drops his hand to your waist, giving it a squeeze - he’s signalling to go in for the kill. You turn your head slightly to look into his eyes, and he gives a slight nod that doesn’t go unnoticed by your opponents, he’s making it look so sure you’re going to win, but in reality your cards weren’t good. 
 You and Rex were down to the last cards, everyone else had folded. Either of you could have the winning hand, but if one of you backed out now before your cards were revealed, you could at least keep your own stake in the game. It was about the bluffing now, and thankfully you were good at that.
“Well, Captain?” You and Fives lean backward in sync. You press the cards to your chest, hiding how they’re on the verge of shaking from Fives’ grip on your waist, but also to hide your tell. It’s a small, barely noticeable movement, your forefinger running along the edge of your thumbnail -  a nervous movement that Rex hasn’t noticed past your arrogant smile that perfectly mirrors Fives’. “What’ll it be?”
There’s a short beat where the room is silent and you hold the gaze of the Captain, all of the others staring between you both like it’s an intense standoff. He looks away first, tossing the cards down with a huff as he backs out, giving the win to you; he actually had a good hand. 
“Oh and by the way, sir,” You lay your cards down, revealing that you had already gone bust, over the number limit to win. “I’ve never played Sabbac in my life.” You grin at the shocked expression on his face that melts into a warm smile and you’re enveloped into a hug from Fives while Echo reaps your winnings from the table.
After you all decide to have a drink from the bottle you bet with, the tiredness catches up to you, and you struggle to stay alert with the alcohol that casts a haze on your mind. 
“C’mon, I’ll take you back.” Fives nudges you, picking up the half-full bottle of vodka as he pulls you to your feet, shaking his head in amusement when he tugs a bit too hard and you fall into his chest. “Already falling for me, sweetheart?” his voice is low, something that can only be heard between the two of you in the room full of his boisterous brothers.
You roll your eyes in amusement, a defence against how the whisper makes heat spread throughout your body. You take a half step back, placing the empty cup on the crate as you exchange a short goodbye with Echo.
“I’m gonna walk our lovely medic here back to her room, I’ll be back soon,” Fives gives a mock salute as you both make your exit and you try to ignore the whistle from one of the men as Fives chuckles, shaking his head. “Animals aren’t they, Mesh’la?”
You hadn’t known this side to any of the clones you’d served with, albeit you were just a medic, none of them had ever been this relaxed around you. The entire time you had been in the GAR, it had been lonely. There was no one to celebrate with after battle, no late night conversations between friends, no one to just sit with and cry when you weren’t able to save a life. But walking through the corridors with Fives somehow made it all worth it.
“You did great, sweetheart, I’m impressed.” Fives brings the bottle to his lips, taking a swig of the clear liquid as you stop outside of your door. “You’re just full of surprises aren’t you?” His tongue darts out to lick the vodka off his lips and you can’t help but let your eyes linger there after the action. His gaze is already meeting yours when you look up, heat flickering in his eyes like the flame of a candle - he’s caught you staring.
Fives’ hand comes up to hold your waist once more, his grip tighter now, drawing you closer like you were a flower he wanted to admire. The scent of vodka from his breath intoxicates you, and you find yourself hypnotised, leaning closer. You don’t know what causes it, but at the last moment he freezes, his hand falling from your waist to press the panel outside your door, opening it.
“Goodnight.” He gives a tight-lipped smile before stepping away, walking back down the corridor in the direction of the barracks. Despite the heavy sweatshirt and warmth of the vodka in your blood, you feel empty as you enter your dark room. You find yourself lying awake in your bunk as you work through a mixture of disappointment, embarrassment, and something that ignites an ache between your thighs. 
He stopped himself from kissing you, and you didn’t know why.
You know your way back, he doesn’t need to walk you, yet he always does. It’s been almost 8 standard months since you were transferred to the 501st, you could practically navigate your way around blindfolded. So, you know you're about to turn onto the corridor your room is on when he speaks.
“You didn’t drink.” 
Your mouth goes dry, it’s like you’ve just eaten a whole pack of ration crackers while sitting in the Tatooine desert with no water. The lights above feel harsher, as if you’re under a spotlight on the Medbay examination table, and Fives is the one inspecting you. He’s peering at you from the corner of your vision, gauging your reaction to his statement. 
“What are you talking about, Fives?” You shrug in an attempt to appear nonchalant, but unfortunately due to his metabolism he was as sober as you, meaning he was just as observant. You couldn’t brush off his attention when he places a hand on your shoulder, stopping you in your place just as you round a corner. From here you can see the door to your room, the third from the end. It’s taunting you at how close you were to getting away with the secret you’d been keeping against your chest.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” His free hand grasps your chin between his thumb and forefinger, directing your attention to him. You swallow as he draws your face closer, eyes raking over your features as he gives a small shake of his head. “You didn’t drink.”
“Yes I did.” Your voice is impressively steady, you’re good at bluffing. Fives already knows this, but he knows you better, and his eyes dart down in search of something. Your fingertip presses against the edge of your thumb in a movement that Fives had catalogued in his brain since that day you beat Rex at Sabbac.
The credit drops. You can see the moment it registers in Fives’ brain as his jaw goes slack, his grip on your chin loosening.
“Are you a- mph!” Your hand covers his mouth and you push him to the wall before he can shout aloud what you’ve kept unsaid for your whole time in the GAR. Fives was an ARC trooper, he could easily push you away, but his muscles seem to weaken against your grip. You feel the resistance in his body melt under your touch, as his eyes soften just above where your hand covers his mouth.
“I know you’re a loud mouth but please,” Your voice is low, urgent, as you give him a warning look, your face burning from embarrassment as he’s just come to the realisation of why you didn’t drink. You didn’t have any number to drink for. You can see him linking it together in his head - why you turned down flirtatious advances from his brothers, why he walked you back alone after every late night. It was why your body was so responsive to every small touch and honeyed word from his lips; like a flower chasing fleeting sunlight in the late afternoon. “Just this once, Fives, keep your voice down.” 
Fives gives a short nod down at you, assuring you he’ll be quiet. His fingers loop around your wrist, tugging your hand from his mouth. You unsuccessfully try to ignore the way his lips had felt against your skin, you’re so caught on the small patch of wetness on your palm that you miss the clench of his jaw and flash of emotions in his eyes.
“You’ve really never..?” He trails off, the words settling into the small gap between you, they’re not taunting or teasing, they’re simply disbelieving. Even though he’s released your wrist now, it’s still suspended in the air, as if you’ve been frozen in carbonite. You’re afraid to move away, that it would be just like all those months ago, that the moment would be shattered and lost.
Your breaths are mingling together, you’re like an asteroid orbiting, drawing closer and closer to his planet, bracing for impact. Fives is unblinking, waiting for the answer he already knows, but needs to hear for himself. 
Something stirs in the depths of Fives’ eyes and there’s a tension you could almost reach out and grasp from the air. Your body acts on its own, hand breaking free from its frozen stupor to find interest in a small scar on his jaw. You remember treating the small cut, he never even flinched, but you had let him hold your hand anyways. ‘It’s for comfort’, Fives had told you, accompanied by the usual sly wink that made it all the more difficult for your free hand to remain steady when you cleaned the cut.
Fives’ eyes slip closed when your fingertips graze against the shining scar, his breathing becoming carefully controlled. You recognise the pattern, it’s the same pace it was during the times he would take you to the training rooms, his body pressed to yours as he taught you to shoot. He would chuckle into your ear when your hands would shake, causing you to miss.
Your hands are steady now, no signs of the trembling are evident when you raise your attention higher. Your finger traces its way over the inky ‘5’ on his temple, and you’re about to move it away but you find yourself held in place, fingers still pressed against the tattoo.
Fives’ constant touches were always casual, fleeting, and meaningless. But this? This was deliberate. 
His gloved hand is circled around the bare skin of your wrist once more, keeping your fingers pressed against his temple. After a short, breathless moment, he moves your hand, but not to push it away this time. He pulls it closer, making your fingers trace across his cheekbone, against his warm skin all the way on a deliberate path to his mouth. 
Fives’ lips ghost across your fingertips and in contrast to his rough exterior and battle scarred skin, they’re soft. Just above the point of your fixation is his heavy stare, focused and serious, like you’re his target in the heat of battle.
Your heart is thrumming against your ribcage like blaster fire and you wonder if he can feel the pulse in your wrist through his gloves at the sheer force of it. There’s barely any space between the two of you, and it only lessens with every beat of your heart.
“Just… stay still for a second, please,” Fives’ eyes burn into yours and he’s like a black hole orbiting you, pulling you in with his gravity. “Can you do that for me, sweetheart?” His voice is a strained whisper, just cosmic background noise, all you can focus on is how his breath fans across your lips. 
His eyes close again when you nod, and you allow yourself to slip away into the same darkness as he consumes all of your senses.
The touch is light, a soft brush of his lips against your own, and the gentle contact has a shiver running through your body. His hand has placed your palm back to his jaw, covering it with his own as he pulls you in deeper. The second kiss is more confident, the swipe of his tongue over your lower lip has the world around you dissolving into a meaningless void as he becomes the centre of your universe. 
Before you can part your lips for him, Fives pulls away, just enough so he can look at you. There’s a dazed expression on his face, like he’s been concussed but is strangely happy about it. The momentary bewilderment melts away into an unusually shy smile and he’s about to kiss you again when you’re interrupted. There's laughter echoing from the direction you just came and Fives pulls back further, a suddenly serious look taking over his face.
You’re filled with a strange sense of deja vu when he steps away, your heart already sinking. Before you can open your mouth to apologise for getting carried away, to try and repair whatever strain the kiss could have put on your friendship, you’re being pulled along by his gentle grasp. Fives is making urgent paces down the short walk to your door, slamming his free hand to the control panel to get you both away from whatever prying eyes may have stumbled upon your private moment.
The door whooshes down to swallow you both in the darkness of your room and just like all those months ago, your back is pressed against the cool durasteel door. Only this time, you’re on the other side of it.
You immediately miss the warmth his body has been providing you with when he walks over to your desk, fumbling in the darkness from your lamp switch. Your lips still tingle from where his own were pressed against yours, and you swear you can still taste him.
The room is poorly illuminated from the dim bulb, but it's enough to highlight the figure of Fives leaning over your desk and you take in the full sight of him. He’s still wearing his armour from the waist down, but his upper half is only dressed in his tight blacks, and the lamp casts shadows that accentuate every ridge of muscle. It’s times like this where you’re reminded the man in front of you isn’t just your best friend, but also a highly decorated ARC Trooper, a man who spends most of his days in battle.
The serious look doesn’t leave his face, even when he’s moved back in front of you, blocking out the rest of your room with his large frame. At some point in the darkness, Fives has removed his gloves, allowing you to feel the rough skin of his hand as it cups your face. His thumb tugs at your lower lip, smearing saliva across the swollen skin as he teases the sensitive flesh. You can make out the apprehensive desire in his eyes as he marvels down at your mouth, before looking up to meet your gaze once more.
“Kriff, I…” His voice is light, and there’s an uncertain, almost desperate edge to it before he swallows it down. “Sweetheart, do you want this?” 
It would be easy to lie to the both of you and back out. You never expected to meet anyone when you enlisted into the GAR straight from your medical school. Back then you had wanted to be a doctor, it was expected of you by your family, you sacrificed your entire social life to work for it. 
You were never given the luxury of free-time, how could you ever have met anyone when all you did in your later teen years, when all your friends were partying and meeting their partners, was study? It was never a case that you didn’t want to be with anyone, but life simply prevented you from it. You were in your third year when the war broke out, two more years at the university and you would have graduated, but instead you decided to take your study credits and enlist as a medic. In less than a standard rotation from the moment you notified the university, you were on a transport to your first assignment.
You had let your work and the war rob you of so many experiences, you wouldn’t let them take this from you too. You wouldn’t let them take him from you too.
“Yes, Fives.” You nod, allowing your hands to rest on his broad shoulders. You’re sure of this, sure of him.
“Tell me to stop,” There’s a hunger in Fives’ eyes when you say his name and his lips press back to yours in a kiss that’s over far too quickly. “At any time, tell me to stop.” He’s holding your face still, unmoving until he has your consent.
“Okay.” There’s no reluctance in your tone, just a breathless need that makes Fives’ jaw tick.
Fives exhales, his shoulders relaxing and your eyes close again in anticipation, awaiting his kiss. But instead you feel the heat of his forehead press to yours, as if he’s anchoring himself against you, just for a moment.
“Okay, sweetheart.” His mouth is instantly on yours, his right hand still cups your jaw, but his left slips around your back in search of the zip on your uniform. He makes quick work of pulling the zipper down to loosen the material from your skin, and both hands travel down to your hips, tugging at the edge of the fabric.
“Hands up.” Fives’ voice is low in your ear as he presses a kiss to your hairline, and you raise your arms, allowing him to slip the top from your body. He discards it on the floor, not wanting to waste any time that could be spent with his hands on your exposed skin.
Fives is slower this time. Each movement is purposeful when he guides you both towards your small bunk, his tongue slipping past your lips in a kiss that makes you dizzy as you taste him in your mouth. 
When the back of your knees meet the edge of your bunk, Fives’ lips begin to trail down your body. His path starts at the soft skin of your now exposed cleavage, and continues down past your bra, over the smooth skin of your stomach. There’s a soft scrape when his armour makes contact with the floor, he’s dropping to a kneeling position with his lips hovering over your abdomen. You look down at the man kneeling before you with his fingers hooked in the waistband of your uniform leggings, and you can’t help but smile. Fives pauses momentarily, sending a wink up at you before he tugs the fabric down, exposing the flesh of your legs. 
“Lay down.” Fives whispers, and you can feel his warm breath tickle your stomach.
You settle backwards onto the bunk, allowing Fives to remove your leggings entirely, along with your shoes. You’re left in just your simple, black GAR issued bra and panties. It’s nothing special by any means, but Fives eyes you as if you’re an oasis he’s stumbled upon in the middle of a month-long battle. One meant only for him.
You let your eyes slip closed as you hear the familiar noise of his armour being removed, clattering to the floor. It’s something you’ve heard many times when he’s come to relax with you on an evening and you find yourself counting each piece removed as a distraction until bare fingers brush your knee. It’s a comforting touch to draw you back to him.
“Open your eyes, sweetheart, look at me.” Fives is sat just between your legs, bare aside from tight boxers that leave little of his anatomy to the imagination. You already knew what clones looked like naked, you had treated enough of them to not be phased by any part of their body. But a clone on a Medbay table was different to your best friend whose lips were pressing to the soft flesh of your inner thigh. “Is this okay?”
He inhales against your panties and you attempt to swallow your embarrassment and nervousness at the sight of your friend between your legs with only a thin layer of fabric between you. The sight of his ever-present smile between your legs sends a flood of heat through your body before it concentrates in your lower stomach.
When you don’t reply immediately, he pulls back slightly, giving the thigh he’s hooked over his shoulder a light squeeze. His brown eyes are filled with concern, searching your expression for any hesitation. 
“You still with me?” His thumb traces patterns against your skin, each movement only encouraging the fire in your body.
“I’m still with you,” You nod, watching as something lights up in his eyes. “What are you-“ 
Fives immediately silences your question with an action. His wet, open mouth presses to your thigh again and you feel yourself exposed to him when he hooks a finger in your panties, pulling them to the side. 
“I’m taking my time with you Mesh’la.” His hot breath fans over your now exposed cunt and you fight the urge to clasp your legs together, you’ve never felt more vulnerable lying in your bunk, entirely bare to the person you trust most and it’s a vulnerability that makes your heart race as if you’re under attack. 
Fives seems to sense your nervousness as he holds your knees firmly apart with his shoulders and free hand, keeping your legs open for him to litter small kisses on your inner thighs, all the while keeping you exposed for him. 
“Focus on me, Cyar'ika.”
Before your apprehension can get the better of you, Fives is licking a slow, experimental stripe up your slit, parting your folds with his tongue. His eyes are on yours the whole time, studying the awed look on your face and gasps of pleasure when his tongue runs over your clit.
Fives shakes his head, grumbling something under his breath. Before you can decipher it, he’s using one hand to lift your hips from the bed while his other practically tears the panties from your body, leaving you in just your bra. Strong hands move to grip the top of your thighs and pull you to him so he can secure his mouth to your core without obstruction, filling the room with wet, desperate noises as he laps at your cunt. 
Your hands twist in the thin bed sheets, desperately searching for something to ground you as his tongue delves inside you. His mouth is attached to you like you’re his last meal before an execution, the first drop of water after a mission on a desert planet, something he’s denied himself for far too long.
One of his fingers circles your entrance and your eyes snap open, finding him already looking up at you with a question in his gaze, asking for permission. You can only nod, not trusting your ability to speak with Fives’s tongue dragging slow circles around your clit. 
Your head slumps back to the floor when he proceeds with your consent, the sensation is entirely foreign as you feel his digit sink into you, testing your tightness. Your own fingers were nothing in comparison to his, even just the one is beginning to stretch you.
“Fives…” Your breathless plea encourages him and your teeth sink into your lower lip as he adds another finger to stretch you further. You let out a small whimper at the slight burn and he slows his movements slightly to allow you time to adjust.
“Shh, Mesh’la,” He changes the angle slightly, massaging his fingertips against the walls of your cunt as they search for a particularly sensitive spot. Your body jolts, arching towards him when he finds it, and a moan escapes you. “That’s it, relax.” 
The heat in your core is building as you grow wetter, making it easy for him to work his fingers into your tight hole, only adding to the growing pleasure building in every part of you, begging to escape. He presses his thumb to your swollen clit, one goal in mind.
“Need to make sure you’re ready for me, Cyar'ika.”
Fives withdraws his fingers from your gushing cunt, his hands instead moving from under your thighs and securing themselves back to their original position on your knees, keeping your trembling legs open as he continues to suck lightly on your clit when you reach your climax. Your body shakes, set alight with pleasure that’s only intensified by the way his head rests against your thigh, looking up at you as if committing the moment to memory.
When you finally relax against the bed, the pleasure having temporarily robbed your body of energy, you expect him to be done and move onto the next step. Instead, he lets out a low chuckle and begins circling your clit with his thumb once more. 
“Do you think you can give me another one, Mesh’la?” His soft smile contrasts his words, but his eyes gleam with mischief when you whisper a small ‘yes’ in response.
He’s using just his fingers this time, two of them working you in a scissoring motion, stretching your walls as his other hand slips between you and the mattress. His fingers expertly find the clasp to your bra, freeing you from the last item of your clothing.
His pupils are dilated, drinking in the sight of your writhing body, now entirely bare for him. He leans back slightly, taking in every detail, something between a smile and a smirk on his lips when his eyes focus on his own fingers pumping in your tight hole. The moment he feels your orgasm hit, cunt tightening around his fingers, he descends on you once more. Teeth pulling at your nipple, his thumb secured to your clit as he lets you ride out your orgasm, your hips attempt to grind up against his hand, chasing pleasure.
The world is falling back into place around you when he shifts his weight on the bed, and you hear the final piece of clothing hit the floor.
Fives is kneeling in front of you, a hand on each of your knees as you take in the sight of his bare body. His large cock makes the breath hitch in your throat, but he presses a soft kiss against your lips, prepared to ease the tension that threatens to overwhelm your body. His eyes are filled with a warmth that reassures you when he pulls back to press another kiss against your forehead, “You can take it, Cyar'ika, I’ll go slow.”
Fives settles his hips between your parted thighs, hooking one of your legs over his waist to keep you open beneath him. Soft lips ghost over yours and you feel the head of his cock settle against your entrance.
“Are you ready?” His thumb brushes along your jaw, a loving reminder that it’s your best friend above you, the person you trust the most. The same man who you would stay up with late at night after every difficult battle, who you would always pick up an extra ration bar for, the man you were in love with. 
“Yes.” Your eyes slip closed as you press your lips back to his.
The initial pressure of his cock entering you gives way to a sharp pinch that causes you to suck in a sharp breath through your teeth. Despite all of Fives’s efforts to prepare you, the unfamiliar pain seizes your body in an uncomfortable grasp.
“Relax for me, Cyar'ika.” He murmurs the assurance against your mouth, forcing his own breathing to slow, unconsciously prompting you to calm down. A hand presses to the underside of your thigh, pushing it upwards as he rolls his hips into you, he’s only halfway inside and you try to force yourself to relax around his impressive girth.
“That’s my girl.” He groans into your neck as his hand drops from your thigh to drag precise circles around your tight clit. The added layer of stimulation makes you gush around the half of his length inside you, making it easier to take his cock, but he doesn’t push any deeper. Instead he rocks his hips in a shallow motion, allowing you to adjust to this size first.
“Shh, don’t worry, Mesh’la,” He strokes your hair, continuing to press soft kisses of assurance to your mouth as he works your clit in time with his shallow thrusts. “It’ll be easier once you cum with me inside you, then you’ll be more relaxed for me.”
Fives’ hips pick up their pace, but he still limits himself, expertly watching your body's reactions to his cock. He’s continuously ensuring he doesn't go too fast, too hard, too deep. It’s a balancing act, one he seems to be perfect at with the way he already has the beginnings of another orgasm taking grasp of your body.
You’re grinding helplessly against him now, one hand on his tanned chest and the other grasping at the short hair on the back of his head. Between Fives’s whispered words of adoration in your ear, you can make out the wet noises as he thrusts inside you, each movement causing more of your wetness to drip between your joined bodies, smearing you both with your arousal.
You’re hooked onto his words like a lifeline as he guides you through the experience.
“Kriff-” He shakes his head as he takes in the sight of you cumming around his cock. But it’s not lust in his eyes, it’s something far more intense. “I promised I wouldn’t do this..” His voice is strained, like he’s trying to keep the words inside of him. 
Before you can even catch your breath fully to ask what he means, your world is spinning when he pulls you upwards, slotting himself underneath you so you can no longer try to read the emotions in his face. Your back is now pressed to his chest, his body supporting you to stay upright and he’s hooking his right hand under your knee, spreading you apart.
His chin rests on top of your head, the position allowing him a full view of your body as his cock enters your cunt from behind; it’s more than before, but still not the full length. Your right arm curls up around behind you to hold the back of Fives’ neck, needily pulling him closer in the moment as you writhe against his body.
“Look at that, Cyar'ika,”  You feel the rumble in his chest just as much as you hear it, and it draws your attention down to your joined bodies. He shifts slightly to support your head as you catch glimpses of his cock disappearing into your tight hole in a series of shallow, restrained thrusts. “Look how perfectly we fit together.”
His eyes remain locked on your body, the way your chest heaves and cunt tightens, dripping down his cock as you cum once more, you’re already losing count. From what you were always told by friends when you were in University, losing your virginity was supposed to be a far cry from this. In fact you don’t think a single one of your friends had cum when losing theirs, and yet here you were, the room almost spinning from the pleasure Fives had given you.
Fives chuckles at the blissful look on your face as he pulls his hand from your clit, allowing you to relax against his larger frame. “You are really something else, Cyar'ika.” He’s slower this time when he rolls you both over once more, cradling the back of your head as he rests you back onto the pillows. 
He resumes his original position above you, thumb tracing the curve of your cheekbone. His eyes are full of adoration when he looks down at you, and there’s no trace of the painful stretch from earlier when he slides the full length of his cock inside you this time.
He’s been so focused on your pleasure that his own has been forgotten, but you see the evidence of it. He’s coated in a sheen of sweat that makes him appear like one of those glossy paintings in the art galleries on Coruscant. He’s an artwork, beautifully crafted, every muscle in his body coiled tight in restraint as his hips grind against yours. 
It’s your turn to touch him this time, to appreciate every bit of the vulnerability in his face as he presses his forehead against yours and you angle your face upwards to steal a kiss. A tortured moan escapes his lips as his thrusts only increase in speed, he’s clinging onto you like it’s his sole purpose.
“Where?” His breathing is ragged against your neck.
You make a confused noise in response and he curses something in Mando’a.
“Where do you want me to cum, Mesh’la, hm?”
You‘re speechless from the pleasure, but thankfully your body answers for you, already locking your legs around his hips to keep you joined together.
“Alright, Cyar'ika, inside it is.” There’s a soft rumble of amusement against your throat before his mouth finds yours again. One hand tangles in your hair while the other grips your hip, both of them seeking to drag you closer. You’re two stars colliding in the void of the universe, no longer orbiting each other, instead becoming one as your light drowns out all darkness around the pair of you.
His name is falling from your lips, cries of it suffocated against him when his tongue slips into your mouth. Fives empties himself inside you, his cock unloading a flood of warmth that already overspills, leaking from your cunt with every slow movement of his hips. He pulls back, an unreadable emotion in his eyes before he buries his face in your hair, distracting himself by stroking at your burning skin. You stay there as you both begin to calm, hearts beating in sync with one another as your bodies remain joined.
He’s breathing heavily in your ear, an affirmation that you haven’t died and ascended to some afterlife when he drags his hips away from yours, leaving you empty as he stands up. 
“Where are you going?” You hate yourself for sounding so needy, but with his cum leaking from between your thighs, how could you not. You knew it was common for men to leave straight after sex. You’ve caught some of the boys’ one night stands sneaking out barely ten minutes after they had been brought to the barracks, hair messy and clothes dishevelled. 
“Relax, sweetheart, I’m not leaving.” He winks at you before disappearing into the small fresher joined to your room. You hear the water running for what seems like far too long, before he returns with a warm washcloth.
“Gotta clean us up before we make a mess on the bed, I’m not falling asleep in a wet patch.” He settles back between your legs, whispering soothing praises as he cleans your combined fluids. He’s thorough, making sure there’s no trace of him left before he presses a kiss to your inner thigh and discards the cloth into your laundry basket.
“C’mere.” He settles down next to you, lifting an arm to allow you to curl up against him and he pulls the bed covers over your waists. “You did so well, sweetheart.” He presses a kiss to your forehead, basking in a moment neither of you want to end. It’s sweet, intimate, and perfect. 
Yet you can’t stop yourself from asking the question.
“What did you mean when you said you promised you wouldn’t do this?” 
He pauses, an awkward smile tugging at his lips, you’d never seen him nervous like this, a blush creeping into his cheeks that he can’t even blame on the sex. “Caught that did you?”
You nod, biting the inside of your cheek. Your cards were on the table, it’s only fair that his should be too.
“I suppose it’s only fair given that I didn’t let you get away with not drinking.” There’s a nervous edge to his laugh as he drags you closer to him, like he’s afraid you could disappear at any given moment.
“Do you remember the first time we played Sabbac, you kicked Rex’s ass, and I walked you back to your room?”
You nod slightly. The memory still plagued your thoughts on sleepless nights, it embedded itself in a playlist of embarrassing moments that liked to keep you awake. Yet, it also featured on the list of thoughts that had your legs twisted in the bed sheets as you imagine what would have happened if he did kiss you that night. 
“I wanted to kiss you, but I couldn’t.” He sighs regretfully, admitting the truth he had been fighting against all of the months since that night.
“I think you’d only been here for what - a month?” You feel his laugh against your cheek as it rumbles in his chest. “And I couldn’t get you out of my damn head, I even made Echo fake being sick once just so I had an excuse to come to the Medbay and talk to you.” You remembered, and now felt slightly bad for insisting you give Echo all those unnecessary virus and anti-nausea shots.
“I needed the excuses to see you, because if I didn’t, and I saw you without them, it’d mean something that I’d been avoiding.” He trails off, trying to find a way to put it into words, it wasn’t something he had ever been good at. But he would try, for you he would try.
“The rest of the boys found out because I called you my girlfriend once when Kix gave me some of the heavy stuff in those green syringes.” He laughs, shaking his head and your mind begins to put the pieces together, that’s why they teased him so often about it. “They all promised they wouldn’t tell you how I felt though - I wanted to be the one to tell you.”
He drags a hand down his face, his jaw tenses. “And then I got jealous when I saw that Sergeant from the 104th talking to you, how he had his hands on you,” He shakes his head, an irritated look playing on his face, both at the other trooper, and his own actions on that night. “Thought I blew my shot, and I tried to cover it the only way I knew how.”
Your mind recalls him and the Twi’lek making a beeline for the 79’s freshers, how just a month ago you ended up crying in the alleyway, it was like taking a blaster bolt to your chest. No amount of Bacta could fix the pain that night, but you had certainly tried to heal it with whiskey.
“But I didn’t do it, and it’s not like Echo said, not because I couldn't,” He pulls himself back from you, but continues to hold you, to keep you in the moment with him as he explains what happens, a regretful look on his face. “It’s because she wasn’t you, Cyare.”
He presses his forehead to yours, closing his eyes and your fingers trace over the tattoo again, just for a moment, just until he finds the strength inside of him; the strength to override his programmed instincts to be a loyal, unattached soldier and nothing more.
“I promised myself I wouldn’t…” Fives trails off, opening his eyes. He needs to see your reaction, whether it’s good or bad, he needs to know. “Fall in love with you.”
You wonder if this is what the Jedi feel with the force around them, but instead of the whole world, you just feel Fives. The warmth of his skin under your fingers, the certainty in his eyes, the utter devotion for you in his voice as he fights against every form of conditioning he’s received.
“Fives, you idiot…” His expression is concerned at first until he sees your teary eyes and beaming smile. “I love you too.”
You had loved him since the moment he kissed your knuckles on your first day in the Medbay, every interaction after that only strengthened the bond between you.
Fives smiles down at you, his quiet laughs tickle your skin with warm air as you’re lured back into his embrace. He laughs disbelievingly, shaking his head as he allows his body to press back against yours, a perfect fit.
“We have so much time to make up for, sweetheart.” 
You never want to lose this feeling, his lips marking your body, peppering reminders everywhere that you’re his, you have been since the moment that fateful order flashed up on your datapad. You’re anchored, attached, tethered to him - whatever word you want to give it, you’re his.
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ladyanidala · 25 days
Reader Insert Masterlist
Preservation - a two part story about Crosshair reuniting with his secret Jedi wife after the events of Order 66. Set during an unspecified time between s1 and s2.
Quietly, Gently - a little snippet of Crosshair's thoughts after a fight. More of a character study than anything else. Modern AU.
Tear My Soul In Two (Don't Leave Me) - a four part story involving Crosshair and his soulmate. Set pre Order 66.
Tequila - a oneshot where Crosshair likes Tequila. Utter crackery ensues. Modern AU.
The Ghost Took My Heart - a four part story about Crosshair leaving his significant other and coming to terms with the fact that he made a mistake in doing so. Republic Victory/Skeevy Sheevy dies AU.
An Unthinking Kiss - a oneshot where Crosshair accidentally kisses his best friend. Modern AU. (One of my favorite pieces!)
Left For Dead (Oh Baby, I Won't Leave You) - a oneshot where Crosshair betrays his Jedi wife when Order 66 is given. Based off a Tumblr post I found in the wild.
Insolence Answered - a short and fluffy oneshot of Crosshair making dinner. Modern AU.
The Joy You Give Me - a oneshot where Crosshair likes to brush hair. Modern AU.
In The Midst Of The Night, My Heart, Be Still - a oneshot where Crosshair wakes up from a nightmare, goes out to the porch on Pabu to breathe, and his wife finds him. Can be read as canon compliant.
I'll Share My Heart (Please Stay) - a oneshot where the reader is forcibly transferred from CF99 to the 501st. The reunion with Crosshair is interesting, to say the least. Republic Victory (Ball) AU.
Tu Me Manques (You're Missing From Me) - a reunion oneshot set after s3ep5. Forgiveness ensues.
Your Personal Weighted Blanket - a oneshot where Hunter gets a weighted blanket, of sorts.
My Happy Home - a oneshot where Hunter attacks his wife with snuggles. Modern AU.
A New Reality - a oneshot where Echo comes back from the dead. Set pre-Order 66.
I'll Be Needing Stitches - a oneshot where Echo feggs around and finds out. Modern AU, and written for the TBB 2024 Fic Exchange!
Dessert - a oneshot where Fives won't let you help him make dessert. Can be either Modern AU or in universe.
Commander Fox
A Picture of Love - a oneshot where reader and Fox attend an art gala for reader's job. Republic Victory AU.
Kiss It Better (Tell Me We'll Be Ok) - a oneshot where Cody and reader deal with the fallout of a fight. Modern AU.
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coffeeandbatboys · 24 days
The Clones reacting to you smushing their cheeks
Idk I had this idea and thought it’d be cute. Since the clones are supposed to have round cheeks, visualize live action and not animated 😂
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Fives, Wrecker, Hardcase, & Tup: Loving it so much, will lean into your hands and give you heart eyes. Maybe even press a few kisses to your hand.
Cody, Jesse, Kix, Echo, Vaughn & Mayday: Will blush profusely and look side to side for a second, before giving in and flashing you a tiny smile.
Rex, Hunter, Tech, & Fox: Not sure what to do, just give an awkward smile and internally scream because they secretly find it super cute.
Crosshair, Wolffe & Dogma: Not understanding any of it. Don’t know what you’re doing, not sure that they like it, 3/10 do not recommend.
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sailorkamino · 8 months
his pet name [cody, fives, rex, wolffe]
relationships: gn reader x clones
warnings: none
your pet name
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• "why don't you take a break, darling?"
• a classic romantic. he's learnt the art of flirting by watching obi-wan. he's not as shy as many of his siblings when you call him a pet name, instead he becomes satisfied, a confident smirk tugging on his lips. he doesn't like a lot of pda but he'll be giving you heart eyes a lot. like whenever you're talking. he finds wit and intelligence super hot.
• "i'm so proud of you, sugar!"
• fives is confident man who loves being doted on. he doesn't even know the meaning of toxic masculinity. he's the embodiment of that tweet 'my girl's mad at me. i hope i die.' you can call him the most over the top, sugary sweet pet names, and he'll just smile like a doof. if any vode tries to tease him he just responds with "you're just jealous i have a hot partner."
• "your hair is so pretty, treasure."
• since rex means king you wanted to give your man a ~dignified~ pet name. the only affection he's used to comes from older siblings calling him rex'ika and giving him noogies, not this flirting. he definitely runs into a door or trips over himself at one point because of you. fives laughs so hard he winds up doing the same thing. echo records it all and sends it to fox (the king of blackmail.)
• "no, sweets, you can't shoot your brother─"
• the vode think you're joking at first. they know wolffe is a good man, deeply loyal and loving, but he's not what one would call sweet. they're even more shocked when his usual scowl is replaced by a soft smile. if you're someone who uses pet names with friends/family, don't use this one for anybody else. wolffe will get huffy and he will not admit why.
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nahoney22 · 9 days
Hello, me again!
Can I please get 20 from your Enemies to Loves list with Fives?
Foes to Friends 🌊
🫧 Pairings: Fives X Female Reader
word count: 1k
"I think we're friends now," / "Dank Farrik, don't say that,"
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You thought war was stressful but it appeared to be nothing compared to your rivalry with the Arc Trooper that is Fives. But, how do you feel when he saves your life without thinking of the consequences?
warnings: Mentions of War, Near Death Experience, Platonic Relationship, Enemies to Friends, Female Reader but could be read as GN, Fives gets injured, Separatist’s Enemies.
sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoy @sleepycreativewriter 🩵
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The blaster fire illuminated the darkened corridor of the starship, casting flickering shadows on the cold, metallic walls. Fives and yourself, both hunched behind a crate, exchanging a quick, tense glance.
For as long as you had known him, the two of you had always butted heads. Supposedly it was down to both of your stubbornness and fierce determination that caused endless clashes during missions and today was no different.
After getting separated from Rex and the rest of the squadron, it was just you and Fives stranded together and things were getting hairy.
"Stick to the plan," Fives muttered, his eyes scanning the hallway for movement.
"I am sticking to the plan," You retorted , peering over the edge of the crate. "If you have a better idea, I'm all ears."
Fives shot you a look that said he doubted your abilities, but he said nothing more. Both of you knew that now was not the time for arguments. The Separatists had taken control of the ship, and it was detrimental that you both needed to get to the control room to shut down their systems.
Moving swiftly, your blasters cut through the droids that stood in the way. As you reached a narrow passage, the floor began to shake violently. Your heart began to race as the shaking was then followed by an explosion which echoed through the ship, and suddenly, the ceiling began to collapse.
It happened quickly but without thinking, Fives grabbed at your arm and pulled you out of harm's way, saving you from being crushed into a pancake.
You pant, shaking your hands as nerves and exhilaration flow through you at your close call. "Thanks," you mumble begrudgingly, not exactly used to showing gratitude towards him.
"Just doing my job," Fives replied, though there was a hint of something softer in his tone. It made you pause and think for a moment, watching him but focused back on the task ahead.
Continuing your advance, the tension between you both felt to be easing. Even if it’s only slightly. He had your back covered and you had his
But things went from bad to worse as you both approached the control room where you fell into an ambush of separatist droids. “We’re out numbered, Fives!” You cry out, shooting and dodging at every chance you get, exhaustion getting the better of you. Just when you thought one wave was down, you were drowned by another and another and another.
"Get to the control room!" Fives shouted over the blaster fire. "I'll hold them off!"
"Are you insane? You'll get killed!" You yelled back, heart pounding. No way you were going to let him do this.
"Just go!" he insisted, physically pushing you towards the door. You meet his gaze, wide and horrified whilst his eyes, usually so full of defiance, now held a desperate determination.
You hesitated for a moment, not wanting him to face the droids alone but then remembered you had to consider everyone else on the ship too. “Fives…”
“What are you waiting for? Go! Leave me!”
A wave of emotions hit you and knowing you had to do this, you turned and sprinted towards the control room. Entering, you curse to yourself as all you could hear and somehow focus on was Fives' blaster firing rapidly behind you. But you had to focus.
Quickly, you began shutting down the systems, fingers flying over the controls like you had done hundreds of times in training. Your mind is running wild and just as you finished, a blaster bolt whizzed past your head. You spin around, ready to meet your fate as you hadn’t even had time to react quick enough to grab your blaster. Heart stopping and your eyes closing waiting for the inevitable and you can only wish you had done all you could for the others but before you could even process anything, Fives was there.
His blaster takes out the droid in a single shot before he leans on the doorframe in agony. He was bleeding and looked exhausted, but he had made it.
You had never been so happy to see him. You rush to his side, looking over his injuries. “Crap, you’re pretty beaten up there.” You sigh and he can only mumble a response which sounded a lot like ‘no shit’ which you couldn’t help but chuckle at.
"You didn't have to come back for me," you say softly, voice barely above a whisper. You didn’t understand it but your throat tightened with emotion.
He meets your gaze, "Couldn't let you have all the glory," he replied with a weak smile. "Besides, someone has to keep you out of trouble."
You rolled your eyes, how very typical of Fives.
Letting him drape an arm over your shoulder, you helped him up and together made your way back to the escape pods after getting the all clear from Rex.
Fives however was clearly struggling, every step he took made him wince. The sight of his pain made your chest ache with a new, unsettling feeling. You came to the realisation with a pang that you cared for him. He had saved your life twice and in all the times you had bickered, you had not recognised how much you valued him until you almost lost him.
As you sat in the cramped pod, waiting for the ship to be out of range, you looked at Fives, seeing him in a new light. The lines of tension around his eyes, the stubborn set of his jaw, all seemed painfully familiar now… it was like looking into a mirror. How could you not see that you both argued because you were both so similar?
"I think we're friends now," you say quietly, trying to lighten the silence.
"Dank Farrik, don't say that," Fives groaned, though there was no malice in his words, only exhaustion and you even saw the flicker of a smile on his lips.
You giggled softly, leaning back and closing your eyes. "Admit it, you care about me."
"Maybe," he muttered, his voice barely audible. "Just because we're similar doesn't mean we can't be allies."
“Friends, Fives.” You reiterate, “We’re friends.”
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Tags: @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka
@theroguesully @ladykatakuri @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone
@ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog
@pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @lamiliani @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi
@greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420
@ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder r @mysticalgalaxysalad @yunggoblin @the-bad-batch-baroness @thiswitchloves9904
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kometqh · 1 month
𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓻𝔂..
Pt2. Captain Rex x F!Reader x Fives What happens when two of the men you admire suddenly begin to show just how interested they are in you, days after your secret diary goes missing? Word Count: 3514 Warnings: Edited but most likely has some grammar mistakes, reader is scared of water. A/N: Ugh this took my poor little brain too long to write but it's here now and I'm very proud <33
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The rhythmic buzzing of cicadas paired with the summer heat and sunbathing on the beach was the perfect situation to find yourself in. The negotiations had gone smoothly, and your squad was permitted a spontaneous shore leave.  
Navy blue waves licked lazily at the sand; the water contrastingly cold to the desert-like temperatures of the beach. A cool breeze accompanied the waves, providing a semblance of comfort as it danced with tall, sparse strands of wild grass.
You were seated on a sunbed, just beneath the dark shadow of an umbrella, enjoying the distant echoes of laughter from your squad. It was extremely uncommon for them to enjoy anything but the popular bar, 79s, on their days off. 
You had to bargain with the Jedi council for a solid half an hour before Master Windu had finally given you the nod of approval.
Now, Rex reaped the benefits of shore leave in the form of a nap in the sun. You had made sure to apply a kriff ton of sun cream onto his back and shoulders and neck before he had fallen asleep, a mumbled 'thank you' rolling off the tip of his tongue as his eyes became droopy.
He was severely sleep deprived; always being assigned to Skywalker's side rather than yours. It wasn't that he didn't like Master Skywalker, it's just his missions and plans were always reckless and exhausting, and they ended with a few too many casualties.
Of course, that was always inevitable, and Rex did his best not to linger on the fallen, but it didn't always come to him easily.
But with you, he could rest assured.
With you, he could relax under the warm sun, feel the burning sand, and enjoy the comfort of seaside waves.
His caring nature also ensured that everyone would be provided for whilst he was asleep. Bringing extra sun-cream, a cooler filled to the brim with water bottles and ice lollies, and extra towels as well as beach balls.
Where did he get the credits from?
Well, that was a code that nobody could decipher.
Nevertheless, there you were, relaxing with your beloved Captain. Fives had dragged most of the squad into the waves, insisting that they play volleyball. He had tried to take you too, but your reluctance and uncertainty deterred him. 
He had waved you off with a 'Watch me, General' and a wink before he engaged in a series of games of clumsy water volleyball.
Since they'd undergone ARC Trooper training, it became more uncommon for Echo and Fives to join the 501st on longer campaigns. 
Each time they were reunited, Fives would glance to Echo with a small smile. And now, he was busy wrestling with Hardcase in the shallow parts of the water, laughter escaping the two as Echo hit the ball into the air.
A series of hoorays and pats on the back erupted as the ball hit the water with a splash. 
One score for Echo's team.
You were content with watching from the side lines, if you remained far from the water.
If you still had your diary on you, you'd probably busy yourself writing down the details of this day, so the memory could continue to live on long after the war was over.
But just a few days prior it went missing. You thought you misplaced it and ransacked your entire quarters for it. By the time Rex had knocked on your door, nothing was in its' correct spot. Crumpled bedsheets, swinging closet doors and a chair in the middle of the room as you had searched under your desk.
He wanted to question your panicked state, but as soon as the words 'Mission' and 'Jedi Council' were said, you had put a halt to your search mission.
Rex hadn't tried to ask since.
But now, forced to sit by idly, you were mesmerised by the beauty of none other than Fives himself. He was an ARC Trooper for a reason. His shoulders were broad, his waist slim and his thighs - thick and strong and defined from hours of battle and constant training. His tan skin was wet with salty sweat and even saltier water, and if one were to squint hard enough, they could see droplets running down the side of his neck. 
You often found yourself feeling grateful to Jango Fett for having such fine genes.
As if reading your mind, Fives decided to stretch, and in the process flexed his biceps. How big were they?
Was it just you or did it get twenty degrees hotter?
His head slowly turned, and for a moment, you made eye contact. It was quick, but it was still enough to have your heart racing. A smirk stretched across his lips as he caught sight of your blooming blush.
The moment was cut short as Jesse splashed salty water right in his face. You didn't even get a chance to process the expression on his face, the water having wiped it away, as a surprised yelp escaped Fives.
His hand flew to his face, a guttural groan leaving his lips as he swore. His form was hunched over, his hand wiping at his eye.
Before you knew it, you were up and running towards the water, your sunbed abandoned and dusty in your wake.
His attention snapped to you at the sound of your voice.
A gasp left your lips.
His eye. The usually tawny skin surrounding his eye had now gained in darker colour, the area a faint red under the sunlight. Tiny, crimson vessels coated his sclera, reaching with thin, curly tendons towards his iris.
Just what was in that water? Surely it shouldn't be this bad.
Jesse was quick to utter apologies, his mouth cast into a downturned smile.
"Jesse it's fine," Fives insisted, "It's nothing." He continued, rubbing at his eye, the corners of his lips fighting an oncoming scowl. His attention quickly diverted from Jesse, focusing on you just as your feet reached the water.
Your body stuttered, your movements faltering as you glanced down at the waves.
Fives eyed you wearily, noticing the hesitation plastered all over your features.
But then in a flash, the water was already hitting your knees, lazily crashing against your waist as you progressed further. Goosebumps rose all over your body, visible under the blaring sun.
Your stomach twisted into a ball of thread, bile rising in your throat. You squeezed the water bottle and towel in your hands, then proceeded to raise your arms into the air like a cheering fan.
The water was now waist-deep, splashing against your torso and swaying your body back and forth.
Pieces of broken pebbles dug into the balls of your feet, and you had to supress the urge to scream when a floating piece of seaweed tickled at your ankles.
A small wheeze left your lips though, and as you reached Fives and looked up, you noticed the concerned expression on Jesse’s face. Was it for Fives or for you? You couldn’t quite tell.
"Let me see." You requested, placing your busy hands on top of Fives’ shoulders.
"General, I'm fine. It's just a bit of water." Fives winced as he attempted an eyeroll, his hands having wrapped around your wrists.
He failed to notice the brief flash of panic in your eyes or the tension in your jaw as the water splashed onto your chest.
"Just a bit of... Water?" You repeated, swallowing harshly. Tugging your hands from his hold, you looked back up at him. "You look like you’re on some hard spice, Trooper. We���ll get your eye rinsed; we don’t know just how safe the water is."
The men behind him had gone awfully quiet, Fives noted as he silently pleaded with you. His eyes searched yours, his head tilting just the slightest. He wasn't a fan of silence, at least not when it came from his squad mates. And he knew all to well that they were watching like hawks, supressing their laughter.
However, as you stood there looking up at him, he couldn’t help but allow his resolve to crumble just a tiny bit. Who could say no to those sweet puppy eyes? Maybe Echo. Most definitely not Fives.
"Alright, lead the way." He finally let up, heaving a sigh. His eye was stinging a bit too much and it’s not like he minded the extra attention from you.
A snicker left one of the men behind you, and Fives was quick to whip his head around, motioning for them to ‘zip it’.
"Fives?" You pursed your lips as you looked up at him, though you didn't last long as your gaze faltered, focusing on your primary target, the sunbed. You wouldn’t be rinsing his eye on the sand; it was too hot, and it felt like walking on lava rocks.
“Is it that bad? Or did you just want me all for yourself?” He asked, nudging your side with his elbow.
Wordlessly, you pushed him onto your sunbed.
“Aggressive, I can work with that.”
“Shut it.” You laughed out, shaking your head.
By that point, Rex had slowly begun waking up, rubbing tiredly at his eyes.
A confused hum left his lips as he noticed the state of your clothes. They were wet. Soaking wet, in fact.
"General?" His voice was deeper than normal, more guttural as he was recovering from his nap. "Why are you...Wet?"
“No reason, Captain.” You shrugged your shoulders with a wink.
Rex looked to Fives, giving him a confused look. He sat up in his sunbed, crossing his legs and rubbing his face. “There’s a first time for everything, I guess.”
“First time? First time for what?”
“Oh? Didn’t you know? Our General- “
“Rex.” The way his name rolled off the tip of your tongue had shivers running down his spine. It carried authority and a warning, but the captain was feeling quite daring. His chest puffed up, his whole demeanour changing. This wasn’t your sweet Captain Rex, this was cheeky Cadet Rex, ready to tell the most embarrassing of stories to his brother.
He looked over to Fives, leaning back on his hands.
“Our General over here is terrified of water.” He mused, recalling a specific memory, “On one of our first missions together, we were sent to a swampy planet. The General had us all fooled at first,” He paused, snickering at the displeased expression on your face, “The second a frog swam by, she was screaming and jumping into my arms. Jesse almost blasted the poor thing to bits!”
“Rex!” You exclaimed, throwing the damp rug at him, “You promised not to tell anyone!”
Rex sputtered as the cloth hit him square in the face, launching it into the air in retaliation. “Fives isn’t just anyone! Am I right or am I right?”
Fives looked between the two of you, his brows raised in shock and his eye looking much better.
“General? I’m not just anyone, I’m your favourite ARC Trooper!” He shook his head, pressing a hand to his chest. “I can’t believe you!”
Before you could deny his words or assure him, Rex was already stood by you.
“See General? You hurt his feelings.”
“N- No I didn’t! Fives you are my favourite, just don’t tell anyone, alright?” You pleaded, attempting your best puppy eyes yet. Your attempts faltered as he shook his head, feigning a hurt look.
“I’m not sure, General. You’ll have to make it up to me somehow,” He paused, exchanging mysterious looks with Rex.
“How can I make it up to you?”
“Oh I don’t know.. I’ll have to get back to you on that.” He retorted, pouting at you. Sometimes you forgot just how childish the man could be. You clutched the empty water bottle in your hand, readying it as your next weapon for Rex.
Turning towards him, a fake scowl twisted your expression.
“Don’t look at me like that, General, it’s a waste of a pretty face.” He quickly said, shielding his face as you raised the water bottle. Before it could leave your hands voluntarily though, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist.
“H- Huh?” A gasp left your lips as your body was swiftly rotated and slung over Fives’ shoulder like a sack of rations. That man really harboured more strength in those biceps than you knew. “Fives? What are you doing?”
“I’m having you repay me! Starting now!” He exclaimed and began moving. Rex moved to his side, keeping in step with Fives. Your eyes widened as the sunbed slowly moved further and further, becoming a distant promise of safety and comfort as salty waves made contact with Fives’ feet.
“Fives! L- Let me go! Please!” Your voice was reaching new peaks, rising higher and higher as you began kicking your legs. “I- I can’t swim!” You continued, lightly hitting his back.
His steps began to slow. You held your breath, leaning your head as far from the water as possible.
“You can’t swim? Are you serious or are you bullshitting me, General?” He asked, looking towards Rex, who only gave him a shrug of his shoulders.
“I promise! Please, please, please don’t go any further.” You pleaded once more, looking over to Rex too. Your hands were clasped together, as if you were praying to the two men. He exchanged glances with Fives, wordlessly communicating.
Rex looked over to you, pursing his lips.
“What’s holding y’guys up?” Hardcase shouted, coming closer and closer. “And since when did the General go into water that isn’t a part of her refresher?” He asked, coming to a stop with the three of you.
“Hardcase! You know I can’t swim! Help me, please!” You began kicking your feet again, leaning your head to the side. Your hands pushed against Fives’ back, attempting to heave yourself off.
His grip on you only tightened, and a squeak was forced from your chest as his palm squeezed your thigh.
“The General is a worse swimmer than me! At her level she isn’t even a swimmer, she’s a sinker!” He exclaimed, pointing to himself, Fives’ shoulders shook as a small laugh escaped him. You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, setting your skin aflame.
“Fine, I’ll let you go, but only ‘cause I trust Hardcase.” His voice was gruff as he lifted your body, slowly placing you in the water. Goosebumps attacked your skin once more, but this time from the chilling cold that encased you. Looking up, Fives wore a grin that challenged that of the cheshire cat. “You should see yourself, General. You look like an angry loth cat.” He said, pinching your cheek with one hand as the other rested on your waist, his hold firm but gentle, his thumb caressing your waist in small, centred circles.
Swatting his hand away, you looked back down to the water. It rested just below your hips but would venture higher up as the waves moved back and forth.
“D’you wanna go further?” Fives asked, his voice much closer now. Looking around, you noticed that Rex and the others had moved further into the water, where it now reached their chests.
Shaking your head, you turned back to Fives. “I can’t swim, plus I don’t have the same height advantage as you,” You paused, pointing to the others, “I’d be under water where they are now.”
A soft chuckle escaped his lips, crows’ feet tugging at the outer corners of his eyes. Your hands rose to his chest, steadying yourself as a rogue wave lifted your feet off the ground.
“C’mon, you can sit on my shoulders? I’m sure the others would be more than happy to have you around.” He asked, giving your waist a faint squeeze.
You took a moment to think over his proposition. Sure, being on his shoulders would mean you get to, mostly, stay out of the water. But what if you fell off? You cringed at the thought of water invading your nose, burning your windpipe and choking you from the inside out.
“I- I don’t know…” You paused.
Slowly, you looked up, your breath hitching in your throat. He was already watching you, admiring the tiny expressions you made as you watched his brothers. There was this smitten look resting across his face, as if you were the prettiest little thing he’s ever seen.
His face was so close, his body slightly brushing against your own. His scent invaded your senses, so much so you could almost taste it on the tip of your tongue.
The sunlight reflected in his eyes, outlining the different shapes and shades as if you were looking into a kaleidoscope. His irises had this gorgeous colour of warm honey, and they sparkled like a pair of amber crystals under the soft sunrays.
His skin glowed under the warmth, the rich olive colour becoming tanner the longer he sat outside of his armour, making Fives look healthier and happier. All of the men, in fact. Though their armour kept them safe and sound, you couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of them. They were in their zone.
Fives’ hand moved up to your face, his eyes concentrated on a stray piece of hair. The soft smile kept playing at his lips, never fully going but never fully staying.
There was a tension in his jaw, however, as his fingers toyed with your hair. It was like he was holding something back.
He moved the strand away, gently tucking it behind your ear, as best as it would go anyway.
“You’re gorgeous, cyar’ika.” His words came out as a whispered prayer, his gaze so tender and loving as he caressed your cheek with his knuckles.
It was as if your brain short-circuited again; his words dropped on you like a heavy boulder, so sudden, and yet your heartbeat was now racing a thousand miles per hour. Your breath was caught in your throat, and your mouth suddenly felt dry. Was this normal? Were you panicking or were you blushing? Were you going crazy? What was happening?
“F- Fives…” You whispered, your grip on his chest tightening. You never expected those words to come from him, or anyone at all. They weren’t meant for you. But if so, why did they make you so happy? So ecstatic and why did he make you swoon so hard?
He leaned his face a tad closer, just enough for you to feel his breath fanning over your lips.
You could feel his warmth, it was comparable to the sun itself. It rode in your veins, it had your blood bubbling up in excitement the longer he looked at you. You were just a small planet orbiting his sun, being pulled in closer and closer until all you could feel was the heat and the burn of him.
His tongue darted out to lick at his bottom lip, ridding it of dryness and discomfort.
But that small action had you going wild, feral even.
In that split moment, your gaze flickered to his lips. For a man who spent the majority of his life on a battlefield, his lips sure looked plump and made just for kissing.
It was like you were gravitating towards him, like a comet curve-balling around his planet, entangling around his soul and burning brightly at each twist and pull. His hold on you had your legs melting, as if you were nothing but a shard of ice, being thawed away at by his warm touch and sweetly whispered nothings.
His hand tilted your jaw, just enough for your lips to rest an inch from his. Any closer, and you’d be kissing, melting into one another.
Before either of you could do more, say more, the distant voice of Hardcase called out to you.
“Are you two comin’ or what?!” He shouted, cupping his mouth with both hands.
You jolted in your spot, effectively snapping out of whatever spell the man before you had cast on you. Clearly, he had been put under a spell too as his hands retracted and his posture stiffened.
“We’re on our way!” He shouted back, waving Hardcase off. His attention quickly returned to you, but the spell was now gone.
A lump formed in your throat, and you swallowed it down with struggle.
Uncertainty and fear tugged at your heartstrings, and Fives knew exactly what that meant.
“G- General-“
“I need to go.” Your voice was meek and shallow as you retracted from his touch, as if he left your skin with painful burns and sears wherever his fingertips touched. “Alone.” You continued, placing a hesitant palm on his chest as Fives attempted to follow you.
This couldn’t be happening.
With your back turned to him and your figure disappearing into the distance, Fives couldn’t help but curse under his breath. His lips slightly agape, he stood in the same spot you left him in just moments ago.
How could he have ruined everything in such a short amount of time?
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mandos-mind-trick · 7 months
Kinktober Day 21 - Tentacles
Summary: There’s a place along the coastline not far from town that’s steeped in legend. It’s not a place you can find if you’re looking for it. No, it’s said this place finds you if you’re in need of it. A place for lonely women and men walking the shoreline. A place for the brave, and the curious. 
Pairing: Fives x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, monster AU, sea monster!Fives, tentacles, tentacle sex, bondage, choking (not really like choking but things get wrapped around necks)
A/N: Another one of my favorites in the series. Very proud of this one.
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Your feet sink into the wet sand as you slowly walk along the shore. Every so often a wave rises higher than the rest, washing over your feet as you go. Your heart is thudding in your chest, chills of both nerves and excitement running down your spine. The beach is empty despite the warm weather, as this beach usually is. You’ve traveled past it time and time again but you’ve never given it much of a second glance. It’s always just been another stretch of the coastline. 
It’s far more than that, or so you’ve heard. 
You’ve been walking for 30 minutes since you found the small, overgrown trail down to the sand. The rocks ahead are getting closer, your stomach churning with emotions. You’ve felt a longing to visit since you first overheard the story, a desire to see if it’s really true. 
You reach the headland at the end of the beach, climbing up onto the rocks. You scan the cliffside, noticing a small opening between two rocks. It would have been easy to miss if you hadn’t caught it at just the right angle. You swallow your nerves, climbing over the rocks carefully until you’re standing in front of the opening. It’s a tunnel cut through the headland, the rock walls fading into darkness. You gulp nervously, glancing behind you before you step into the tunnel. 
You use the wall to guide you as you slip into the darkness, the ground flat and even. Water drips around you, startling you as it occasionally drips on your head and shoulders. You walk for maybe two minutes before you see light, and the end of the tunnel. You blink against the sun as you step into the small cove. The sand is warm under your toes, the water bright blue, waves crashing against the rocks that line the shore. You approach the rocks slowly, your eyes adjusting to the bright sun. 
It’s then you notice the figure lounging on the rocks. 
You slow your approach as you take him in. He’s easy to miss from a distance, blending in with the water. His skin is a deep blue color with lighter blue spots dotting his skin. He has no hair that you can see, but the most shocking part is how his lower half tapers off into long tentacles, not unlike a squid or an octopus.
You pause as you reach the rocks, still staring at him, transfixed. He hasn’t acknowledged you at all, seemingly unaware of your presence. 
“Have a seat.” He says, his voice deeper than expected. He lifts an arm, motioning at the rocks next to him. It makes you jump, not expecting him to even know you were there. 
You glance back at the entrance of the tunnel. You can’t see it from this angle, the hole in the rocks invisible, almost as if it’s closed up again. You turn back to look at the man...creature...jumping as you find him suddenly staring at you. Your lips part in a gasp as you take in his face. His eyes are completely black, deep and inky and shining in the light. There’s more spots on his face, not unlike freckles. On his right temple they form a strange shape, almost like the number five. 
“Scared?” He asks, tilting his head at you. 
You are a bit afraid. You’re not sure what you had been expecting. None of the stories had ever mentioned what they found on the beach. None of them mentioned wha, or who, was waiting for them. You have no reason to fear, despite the sharp teeth that are revealed as he grins at you. Obviously those that had found this place returned safely, otherwise there wouldn’t be stories. 
You climb onto the rocks, maneuvering yourself carefully to the spot he had motioned to. You lean against a large rock overlooking a tide pool. Fish and other creatures swim around inside, the pool teeming with life. 
“You’re a curious thing.” He says, those inky eyes almost staring through you. A shiver runs down your spine and you shift on the rock. “The question is,” He leans closer to you. “Just how curious. You’ve heard the stories.” 
“Yes.” You nod. “Some of them. They’re never...very detailed.” 
He grins, flashing his sharp teeth. “For a reason. If everyone knew what transpired in this cove, I’d have a line down the beach.” He shifts his body, his tentacles sliding across the rocks. You can’t look away as they writhe and shift, seeming to have a life of their own. “Thus, only those who need to find me, can.” 
His hand rises, reaching across the space between you to cup your face. His skin is strangely slick and rubbery and cold to the touch. You don’t move, staying still as he strokes his fingers across your cheek. 
“You are very lonely.” He says, his tone soft. “I sense a great...frustration within you.” His hand slides down your face to your neck, trailing over the skin before it comes to rest on your chest where your heart is threatening to pound right out of your skin. “I can help you with that.” 
“You can...do that?” You ask. 
He moves with surprising speed, suddenly sitting up in front of you. You stare up at him in shock, his hand trailing back up to cup your jaw. His thumb presses against your lips, tugging on the lower one. “Sweetheart...it’s what I do.” 
He leans in closer, crowding your body against the rock. His tentacles slide against your bare legs as he leans his face close to yours, cool breath fanning against your skin. 
“All you have to do is say yes.” He says quietly, a shiver running down your spine. 
You stare up into his eyes before nodding. “Yes.” 
He closes the distance between you, his lips pressing against yours. He tastes briney and slightly fishy, your mind filling with thoughts of the sea. You let him press you back against the rock, his body caging you in.
Something begins sliding up your legs, curling around your thighs as they slip under your dress. It’s his tentacles, you realize, a gasp being pulled from your lips as one slides higher, brushing against your unclothed pussy as it continues to wrap around your thigh. 
“Don’t be afraid.” He says, pecking your lips. “I promise it’s worth it. 
His hands grip your hips, bunching your dress up around your waist. He makes quick work of it, stripping it off and tossing it into the sand. You’re bare before him, his eyes raking your form. 
“Beautiful.” He says, pressing against your body again. 
You gasp as a tentacle slides up your stomach, slick and rubbery on your skin just like his hands. Two more tentacles wrap around your wrists, pinning your arms against the rock. The tentacle on your stomach slides higher, slipping between your breasts. 
“They call me Fives.” He says, bracing his hands on the rock behind you. “Because of my birthmark.”
You tell him your name, gasping as his tentacles lift you off your feet, spreading your legs open as far as they can. You’re entirely suspended by his tentacles, a shiver running down your spine at the knowledge of just how strong he is.
“Beautiful name, fitting for a beautiful woman.” He says, leaning in and pecking your lips. “Relax for me.” He soothes you, the tentacle moving up your chest sliding around the back of your neck. It lifts up, brushing your lips before wrapping around your throat. It’s not constricting, but it applies enough pressure to remind you it’s there. 
You gasp again as something slides along your pussy, slick and firm. It applies pressure against your clit, sliding back and forth. Your body jerks, tugging against the tentacles restraining you but they hold you firm. You’ve never felt anything like it, even your toys paling in comparison to the slick, rubbery feel of his tentacle. It writhes against the sensitive bud, dragging through your slick folds. Your eyes roll back, back arching off the rock as you’re thrown into your first orgasm. Your hips jerk against the tentacle, moans and mewls leaving your lips. 
Fives watches you cum, your body sensitive from being neglected for too long. He uses your distraction to probe your entrance with his tentacle, your juices combined with the slick consistency allowing it to slip into you easily. 
You let out a moan as his tentacle presses into you, its tapering spreading you further and further open as it reaches deeper and deeper inside you. It's unlike anything you've ever felt, especially when it begins wiggling inside of you. 
You let out a surprised sound as it begins wiggling and writhing, it's tip dragging along your walls. You squirm at the strange sensation, pussy clenching around his tentacle. 
"That's it." He groans, pressing even deeper into you. "You can take it." 
You wonder if it's pleasurable for him too, his eyes locked on your pussy where his tentacle is stretching you open.
The one around your throat tightens just slightly as your back arches, the tentacle inside you brushing that spot deep inside. It begins thrusting in and out of you, writhing and twisting as it fucks you. The lewd squelch of it moving in and out of your wet pussy is loud, almost as loud as the moans leaving your lips. 
You’ve never felt such pleasure before, the almost alien sensation almost too much. You’re not sure you’ll ever find anything that compares to this, but perhaps that is the curse of finding such a place. You wonder how many others have found themselves in this position, how many others that share the stories were recipients of his skilled ministrations. 
You writhe against the rock, against his hold on you as he fucks you deeply, the tentacle curling inside you and pressing against every spot in your passage. You cum with a cry, legs shaking as you gush around the tentacle. He works you through your orgasm before easing the tentacle out of your pussy, withdrawing the ones from your legs and lowering you back to your feet. Your legs are trembling with the aftershocks of your orgasm, his tentacles slowly releasing your body. The one around your throat moves last, unraveling itself before sliding its way back down your stomach, before disappearing from your skin. 
You stare up at him, breathing heavily. His gaze is almost fond as he watches you, a blue tongue darting out to lick his lips. 
“Thank you.” You say, feeling more satisfied than you ever have before. 
“No, thank you.” He says, smoothing a hand over your cheek. “Whenever you find yourself in need, you know where to look.” 
You pull your dress on as he slips back into the water, legs still shaking a bit as you traverse back up the beach to the tunnel. Your skin is tingling, the sensation of his tentacles around you still very much present in your mind. You’ll likely never forget it. 
You already want to turn around and go back, let him fuck you until you can’t walk, until you’re used up and dry like the starfish left behind by the tide. He’s already gone, though, already slipped back into the sea. 
For just a moment you question if it was real, or perhaps some strange dream. The tunnel is invisible as you turn to look once you’ve reached the other side, almost like it was never there. 
The slickness of your skin and the ache in your pussy tells you otherwise. 
You understand now, why no one shares what awaits on the other side of the beach. You certainly won’t be speaking about the strange sea monster that will bring you to pleasure you’ve never felt with his tentacles. Though, perhaps, if you see the right person, you may hint at the secret waiting in the cove if they’re brave enough. 
You certainly will be returning to it. 
Returning to him. 
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
True Love
Summary: Fives is a man on a mission. His mission? Remind his riduur that she’s the only one for him.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
Word Count: 828
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, full disclosure, this was supposed to be the event request for @l0nesome-dreams but I only read the first part of the request and went, yes, ideas, and only realized I went off the rails when I finished writing it, lol. SO. That will be properly written at a later point in time. So, uh, have a random Fives story?
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The worst part of having a secret wife, is the fact that he can’t be as blunt to the people flirting with him as he’d prefer. The second worst thing is the fact that his brothers think that he’s lonely and needs help getting dates.
That leads him to this situation. Where an, admittedly pretty, woman is leaning into his personal space, and his mind is racing for what to say that won’t be too insulting, but also won’t out the fact that he’s a happily married man.
She leans further into his personal space, and Fives takes a half step back, keeping some distance between them. He glances at his chrono and his heart sinks. He’s late. 
His poor riduur is probably wondering where he is.
The woman leans closer to him, and Fives moves quickly to keep her from touching him, “Aww…you’re shy.”
“Look, I’m flattered, but I’m really not interested.” He says.
“Your brothers said that you would say that.” She smiles at him, it’s a pretty smile, but Fives really isn’t interested in her. “I can go as slow as you like.”
“Again,” Fives says slowly, “I’m flattered, but not interested.” He glances at the chrono one more time, maybe, if he’s quick, he can stop at the bakery that his riduur likes so much and get her a lemon bar.
The woman huffs, “Do you have somewhere to be?”
Fives grabs the chance with both hands, “Yes. Actually. And I’m late. If you’ll excuse me.” He almost makes it to the entrance of the Club before Rex flings his arm over his shoulder, “Son of a kriffing-”
“Where are you going, Fives?” Rex asks.
“Cap, Rex, I’m late. I have to go.”
“Oh? Have a hot date?”
Fives doesn’t answer, and he averts his gaze from his brothers, it’s a damned shame he isn’t a better liar, “I just have to pick something up before the store closes.”
“We went through all of this trouble to help you find a date, vod-”
“I’m not interested.” Fives blurts, “Not in her. Not in anyone you’ll ever pick for me. Rex, I have to go. I’m late.”
Rex presses his hand against Fives’ chest plate, “Late for what?”
Fives flounders, and then he sighs, “I was supposed to meet my wife half an hour ago, and if I leave now I can bring her a lemon bar from her favorite bakery to make up for being late. Can I go?”
“You’re married!?”
“Yes! Go.”
Fives pushes past his brother and out of the club.
He’s lucky, the bakery is still open when he arrives, and he’s able to get a whole box of the lemon bars his riduur prefers, before he runs home. He takes the stairs two at a time and impatiently keys in the door code before he stops in the front hallway.
Home smells like her. Like vanilla and flowers and everything good and nice in the galaxy that he never thought that he’d have. Home also smells like stew and fresh baked bread.
Fives quickly pulls his armor off, with one hand, and he heads into the kitchen. His riduur, his perfect beautiful Riduur, is still making dinner.
Thank the Force.
“I’m home,”
She turns and a bright smile crosses her face when she sees him, “Fives, welcome home.” She lays her spoon over the pot and turns to greet him with a hug, “You stopped at the bakery?”
“I know that I’m late-” Fives replies as he sets the box on the table, “So I stopped and got your favorite dessert.”
She giggles and presses a hand to her mouth, “I got a late start too, honestly. I’m sorry dinner isn’t ready.”
“Don’t be. I don’t mind.” He settles his hands on her hips and leans in to lightly press his forehead against hers, “Rex and the others dragged me to 79s.” He admits, “They think, thought, that I was lonely.”
“They set me up on a blind date,” Fives adds.
A glimmer of uncertainty crosses her face, “Was she pretty?”
“I suppose. I wasn’t paying attention.” He brings one hand up to brush her cheek, “I was thinking about you.”
She ducks her head, a blush crossing her face, “You’re a sap.”
“True.” Fives kisses her gently, “I had to tell Rex about you before he’d let me leave.”
“Oh, Fives-”
“It’s okay. I doubt I’ll get into much trouble.” He kisses her one more time, “Don’t you worry about it. You won’t get into trouble, I promise.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“I know. Don’t worry, Rex is reasonable.” He kisses her again and again, “Now, how much still needs to be done for dinner, and how can I help?”
“Um…a lot. How about you go shower and change, and you can help after?”
“Deal.” He catches her lips in one more kiss, “Love you, riduur.”
She sighs, a dreamlike smile on her face, “Love you more.”
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candyfloss5000 · 2 months
just gonna leave this here
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vizslasaber · 19 days
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VIZSLASABER’S MASTERLIST ──── tumblr writing.
Last updated | May 16, 2024
☾ = angst | ☀︎ = fluff | ♡ = suggestive themes | ✦ = smut/18+ | ☁︎ = graphic descriptions
Taglist | Navigation | AO3
All graphics & fics are by me. Please do not steal or claim as your own.
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☾ ☀︎ ☁︎ SERIES | friendly fire | WIP, 2/?
SUMMARY | Newly knighted and unaccustomed to combat, you’re suddenly given your first assignment on the shadowy world of Umbara. Waiting on the planet’s surface is the start of a mission filled with death and deception—and the companionship of someone whose smile you never thought you’d fall for.
☀︎✦ COMING SOON | like real people do
SUMMARY | Rex comes home, safe and sound. It’s all you ever asked for.
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☀︎ ☁︎ COMING SOON | an eye for an eye
SUMMARY | You wonder, on the bad days, if the war will cause too much hurt for you to heal. A new patient in the Halls of Healing proves you wrong.
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☾ ☀︎ ONESHOT | understanding
SUMMARY | In the middle of the night, Echo finds you, hurt and exhausted and in need of an apology.
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☀︎ COMING SOON | to pass the time
SUMMARY | You’re a pilot for Queen Amidala’s ship that’s bound for Coruscant, but your skills aren’t any good without a hyperdrive. Luckily, there’s someone to keep you company while you wait for Master Jinn to return.
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☾ ☀︎ ♡ COMING SOON | lighthouse
SUMMARY | Coruscant, with its seemingly infinite levels and endless types of diverse characters, is the galaxy’s best hiding place. Rex, a man with a face identical to that of millions, stands out in his own right—especially now that the war is over. So does Vega Knoxyn, the sarcastic and striking manager of 79s, but even in a time of peace, she only seems to want to hide. Unfortunately for Vega, who came to Coruscant to disappear, Rex’s unceasing curiosity about her only starts to grow once they meet.
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deejadabbles · 10 months
Five-Oh-Thirst (501st x Fem!Reader) Part One
Summary: One little comment sends the night spiraling into hilarious, shameless territory as the boys show you their best lap dances.
A.N. IDK, man, I just really want the 501st boys to be exotic dancers and I figured I'd share that! Please don't take this seriously, it's just for fun and debauchery <3 Also, I highly recommend listening to the songs I link as you read! Enhances the ~experience~
Word Count: 3,174
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI), drinking, the boys being way too hot and thirsty for you, lap dances, and general debauchery
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It all started with a little holo ad flickering in the corner of the drink menu.
You were with your boys, enjoying some shore leave celebrations at 79s, as was the tradition when returning to Coruscant, but one little comment sent the night spiraling into hilarious, shameless territory.
"Ooo, what's the chances that we'll still be on shore leave next week?" you had asked the table, and when Jesse asked why you waved the ad at him with a grin, "Because they're having a Thunder Star act here next week."
"A what?" Echo squinted at the picture, then let his eyes go wide at the shot of a topless, ab-bearing twi'lek.
"Thunder Star, they're a popular company of exotic male dancers. Looks like 79s’ trying something new."
" 'Exotic male dancers'?" Hardcase smirked, "You mean strippers."
You shrugged, "I prefer to give the profession a little more dignity than that, but, yes."
Fives' glass thudded against the table as he set it down, then snatched the menu out of your hand, "Whoever owns this place is throwing away their money," he leaned back with a smug grin, "I mean, who'd need to hire male dancers when aaaallll this is right here already?" he crooned, running his hands up and down his chest.
That earned a round of laughter.
"What?" he demanded, "It's true! We'd make better entertainment than these clowns."
Jesse was still laughing as he said, "Maybe we should ask the bartender to hire us instead."
"We'd need a group name for that," Kix chimed in, smiling into his drink, "and I don't think the General would approve of a stripper group calling themselves the Five-Oh-First."
"Oh! Oh!" you waved your hand excitedly, "You could call yourselves the Five-Oh-Thirst!"
An even louder roar of laughter at that, Jesse and Hardcase even thudding their fists on the table.
"Perfect!" Hardcase elbowed a chuckling Echo in the side, "Echo, quick, write that down!"
"Although..." you hummed, tapping your chin. It was always so easy to tease the boys, and you took every chance you could. "You guys need a lot more than a clever name to compete with Thunder Star."
"Oh yeah?" Fives leaned in over the table to give you his attention, "Like what?"
You pointed the fruit garnish of your drink at him for emphasis, "Talent." After popping the fruit into your mouth, realizing the rest of them were grinning and leaning in as well, you went on. "Dancing like that takes skill, boys. You can't just shake your ass a little and call it a day."
"That sounds like a challenge, sweetheart," Fives all but purred.
The fruit caught in your throat, "Wh-what?" you coughed.
His smile was wide as he scooted out of the booth, "I'll give you a show you won't forget," he answered with a wink.
The others began whistling and catcalling as he sauntered over to your end of the crescent-shaped booth. Your face was instantly hot at the way he was locking eyes with you, especially when he motioned for you to turn to the end of the seat.
"Come on, mesh'la" he urged, "I need a lap if I'm gonna give you a lap dance."
Beside you, Hardcase was egging Fives on and you heard Jesse say something about music as he grabbed Echo's datapad that had been sitting on the table. Finally, you were over the shock of what was happening and, maybe it was the alcohol buzzing through your body, but some flirtatious confidence rose up in your chest.
You turned to Fives fully, and patted your lap, "Alright, do your worst."
With that, the datapad speakers started blaring music which made Fives clap his hands, "Perfect! Oh, sweetheart, you're in for a treat."
He started the dance by trailing his hands down his chest again, slow this time, keeping his eyes locked on yours. Then he was on you. He framed your knees with his, hovering over your thighs as he started rolling his hips side to side.
Those hands moved over said hips, until they rested on his thighs, drawing your attention just where he wanted. That's when he bent his knees, placing his ass on your lap just as he started moving his hips back and forth.
His smug grin was wide as he mouthed the lyrics of the song, now tucking those hands behind his head and bouncing his chest to the beat of the music. The motion made you jolt despite yourself, and you had to resist the urge to grind up into his tempting ass.
Fives obviously noticed the way you gulped at the sight of him, because his tongue darted out to lick his lips. It was all you could do to suppress a gasp, especially when he shifted his stance, moving back to slot his leg between yours. 
With his eyes on yours, he leaned in close, breath hot on your ear as he said, “Damn, mesh’la,” then, again in time with the lyrics, “the things I would do to you.”
You did gasp that time, and he nipped your ear as his reward, before spreading your legs with his. The others were whistling and cheering as he put his hand on your thighs and sank to his knees. Again he made a show of licking his lips as he raked his eyes over you, admiring, and not hiding any of his dirty thoughts. And of course, as he got back to his feet, he flashed you another wink.
Then, with grace you weren’t expecting from an ARC trooper, he hopped onto the booth seat, planting his feet on either side of you so you had the perfect view of his codpiece as he gyrated his hips to the beat.
The others went crazy at that, shouting and banging their glasses all while Fives thrust dangerously close to your flushed face. His fingers came down to stroke your hair and, for just a moment, you thought he would pull you against him, but he only teased the vulgar act as he ground his crotch closer and closer to you. 
Fives didn’t stay there long, though, instead, he hopped back down to the ground, grabbed your hand, and hoisted you up.
A delighted squeal left you as he lifted you into those strong arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. He spun you around, this time actually singing the song all while bouncing you up and down with the rolling motions of his hips.
At the table, the boys sang along too, treating ‘Ride it, my pony!’ like a battle cry as Fives enjoyed the feeling of you against him. You were breathless from your hysterical giggles while he danced, and trying to ignore how much heat was traveling south with every thrust against your body.
Fives swayed you back towards the booth and, with your legs still clamped around his hips, he laid you on the table, somehow avoiding everyone’s drinks as the song finished its last repetitive set of lyrics.
Everyone was clapping and cheering as you covered your hot face with your hands, lungs pleading for air since you were still breathless from laughter. Fives was laughing too, just basking in the playful air as he put his hands on either side of your head to brace himself.
“So, convinced, mesh’la?” he chuckled.
When all you did was continue to hide behind your hands, someone reached out and tugged lightly on your wrist, “Oh come on, sweetheart, don’t be shy now!”
Somehow, you managed to take a few gasping breaths into your chest and peek out at him between your fingers, “Okay, maybe you could make it as a professional.”
Fives and several others roared with laughter, “Maybe? After all that, I just get a maybe? You’re breaking my heart, cyare!”
“Well obviously,” said another voice, Kix, as he stepped up and put his hand on his brother’s shoulder to pull him away. Something was gleaming in his eyes as he looked between you two. “You didn’t listen, Fives, she already said you have to do more than shake your ass and grind.”
Intrigued, Fives stepped back, letting your legs fall from him as Kix stepped in front of you instead. He winked, eyes never leaving yours when he reached out and took your hand.
“You have to seduce the woman you’re giving attention to, brother,” he purred.
A chorus of “Oooooos” rose from the booth as Kix pulled you gently up from the table, still eyeing you as he took a few steps back. He must have set his plan into motion before he challenged Fives, because there was now a lone chair pulled up.
That’s when Kix pulled you closer, lips actually daring to hover near yours as he whispered, “Take a seat, gorgeous.”
Well, any air you had managed to pull in before was swiftly gone again. You were glad he was asking you to sit since you suddenly felt very weak in the knees. Kix stood before you, eyes half-lidded as he looked down, gaze sweeping over your lips before he gave a quick nod to Jesse.
Again, Kix must have had a whole plan, because Jesse pressed play on a new song, and you knew you were in for something very different.
Kix didn’t jump in head first, instead, he started slow. His eyes ran up and down your body as he moved a thumb over his lips, teasing, thinking. Then, when your own gaze started to wander down his body, he took that same hand and tapped your chin.
“Eyes on mine, mesh’la.”
And when you obeyed, finally, he touched you. Starting by brushing his knuckles across your cheek as the sensual song played on. Then a finger trailed down your neck, giving just the briefest of attention to your chest before venturing down your arm.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, reverently, as he took your hand again. This time, he placed it just above his belt, laying your palm flat against his toned, hard stomach. “It’s okay, you can touch me all you want, cyare.”
With that and his gentle hold on your wrist, he moved your hand up, letting you feel every bit of his muscular chest under his blacks. All while keeping his bedroom eyes on yours. He didn’t stop at his chest, though, and kept guiding your touch to run across his throat, until he finally cupped your hand over his cheek.
Only then did he break eye contact, just so his eyelids could flutter closed as he leaned into your touch. Your chest was so warm at such a simple act, the look on Kix’s face one of pure adoration, as if your hand on his skin was all he needed. 
Then his lips kissed your palm and he finally released your hand as the song’s beat picked up. That’s when he got on his knees before you. Kix places his hands on your thighs, letting out an admiring hum as he gave them a gentle, almost possessive squeeze. He was determined to spread them open too, but, like everything else, he took his time instead of coming in hot.
His hands crept upwards and as they did, very, very subtly, he pushed your legs apart. When his fingers were just on the precipice of your core, his eyes snapped back to yours.
That’s when he pounced. Kix hooked his arms under your knees as he stood, leaving you to slide down the chair into a very vulnerable and exposed position, your ass pressing into his pelvis. He smiled down at you while shrugging your legs onto his shoulders for more comfort, all knowing and smug just like his brother.
Kix stayed with the music, though, and when he took advantage of the suggestive position, it wasn’t Fives’ fast, enthusiastic trusting. The medic rolled his whole body into the motion, slow, deliberate, and letting his action sink into you as his hips met yours. His thrusts were deep and he only pulled back for another one when the beat allowed for it.
Somewhere, probably in another life where Kix wasn’t gazing at you like a goddess, someone said, “Why does this feel even dirtier than Fives’ dance-?”
The man holding you didn’t seem to notice or care about the commentary, he only had eyes for you, even as he gave one finally suggestive push of his hips, before letting your legs touch the ground again. Then he slid his arms around you and lifted you back into a proper seated position on the chair.
Of course, he just used this position to his advantage too and caged you by gripping the back of the chair with his hands. That’s when he settled on your lap, silently urging you to keep your eyes on him again and get lost in the feeling of his body on yours. He moved in steady, circling motions, always making sure you felt the brief touch of something hard at the height of every rotation.
Then the song hit its ending pitch and Kix used his grip on the chair to pull himself forward, pressing his chest flush against yours. He lingered there, breath fanning your skin and his lips hovered tantalizingly over yours. Said lips whispered the song’s iconic line just before he closed that small distance and- 
And kissed your cheek instead of your mouth.
Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t have stopped the whine that left you. It earned you a chuckle from him and his lips brushed your ear as he whispered, “So, what do you say, cyare? Are you seduced?”
All you could manage was a small nod and, though it was very unlikely that heard what Kix asked, Fives let out an annoyed, “Seriously?”
To please them both you let out a shaky praise, “Both of you could definitely give the professionals a run for their money.”
Everyone seemed pleased at that. Kix finally leaned back, getting up from your lap and offering to help you up like a gentleman.
Or at least, he would have, if Jesse hadn’t jumped up then.
“Oh no, baby, you stay right there. Fives and Kix can’t have all the fun. I think it’s only fair that all of us get to show off our potential.”
Hardcase, Tup, and Echo all cheered at that, and when Jesse started climbing out of the booth, they drummed their hands on the table like the music for a grand entrance. Kix gave you one final wink before making room for Jesse, who only wasted time in doubling back to the table for a moment.
“Hold on, need props for this one!” and he plucked the cherry garnish from Echo’s drink. Echo gave an indignant look as Jesse turned to you again and jabbed a finger at Hardcase, “Hit it!”
Again a beat poured out of the speakers and Jesse wasted no time. His hips instantly started jolting to the music as he put the skewer of fruit between his teeth. When Jesse moved his body it was hard and fast, constantly in motion just as the song demanded. He definitely had some moves and used the bouncing thrusts to push himself closer to where you were seated.
Like most of his brothers, he had forgone the top half of his armor that night, leaving his chest covered in nothing but his blacks. Keeping just an arm’s length away from you, Jesse started rubbing his hands down his sides, until he got to the hem of his shirt. Then, he pulled the fabric out from his belt and lifted it, revealing his well-toned muscles to your wide eyes.
Your greedy eyes pleased him and pulled the garnish from his teeth, “Like what you see, baby?”
He didn’t stop there, of course. Making sure it caught your eye, he trailed the cherry down his chest until it met bare skin. Juice from the fruit collected in the dips of Jesse’s abs as he rubbed it across his stomach. It was your turn to lick your lips, which pleased him even more.
“Come here, mesh’la, I’ll let you have a taste-”
“What the hells is going on up here?!”
The unfamiliar voice had all of you snapping out of whatever debaucherous bubble you had built around yourselves. Somehow, in the midst of all this, no one really seemed to care that you were all still in a corner booth on 79’s second floor.
Well, the manager cared, and he was standing there looking over the scene (you, disheveled in a chair, and Jesse rubbing fruit over his abs) with absolute disgust on his face.
“What? We’re having fun, what’s it to you?” Jesse snapped, clearly annoyed that his shot with you was being interrupted.
“Fun!?” the manager mocked in horror, “Son, this is a bar, not a strip club! Not to mention the racket all of you were making,” he cast a glare at the booth, “out! All of you, get out!”
Hardcase jumped from his seat, “Hold on a damn minute!”
“OUT!” the manager seethed, “And just be thankful I’m just throwing you out tonight and not banning all of Torrent Company!”
Knowing that they would listen if you stepped in, you got up from your seat and took Jesse’s hand, “Come on, boys, we don’t want to be any trouble, right?”
Jesse and Hardcase were still narrowing their eyes at the other man, but, catching your look, they softened. When Tup, Fives, and Echo started gathering their things from the table at your pleading eyes, they finally mumbled their agreements.
Thankfully, the manager didn’t feel the need to continue his berating comments as everyone filed out the door. But, of course, because these were your boys we’re talking about, the moment they were outside, the loud cursing and complaining started.
“This is bantha shit!”
“No fun!”
“Had the perfect song for my dance!”
You laughed at their array of comments, especially when Hardcase flung his arms around you and clung to you as everyone started walking. “Come on, boys, it’s not that bad! Listen, I say we get some booze from the corner store up the way, and we can make as much of a racket as we want back at my place.”
The words didn’t strike you as anything suggestive. The boys had drunk at your apartment plenty of times before, but, given the context, it was no surprise that some of them exchanged looks.
“I’m in,” Echo said, the corner of his lips lifting as he caught Fives’ eye.
Tup, who was walking backwards in front of you, flashed that toothy smile of his, “Sounds like a perfect night to me.” That’s when he reached up and pulled his hair loose from his top knot. “And back at your place, gives the rest of us a chance to really show you our moves.” He winked at his curls came cascading down.
Hardcase tightened his grip on you, “Oh, kriff yeah!”
Well, looks like the night was just getting started.
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I want to give my sincere apologies to all the Jesse Girls, plz don't strangle me for cock blocking you lol
taglist: @blueink-bluesoul @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @commander-sunshine @dystopicjumpsuit @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @arcsimper5
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 month
Oh ho ho!! This will be interesting!! Okay….
Requesting for Fives (of course! 🥰) and “Right Here Waiting” by Richard Marx.
Have fun writing and you know we’ll have fun reading! 😁
OOOOOO hUsbAnd (as you can tell I'm not normal about my bby) lol
tagging @high-ct5555 who reqd either Wolffe or Fives with this song as well
Warnings: itty bitty suggestive comment, if you squint really hard. Fives being made of pure fluff. Mention of marriage (If you're not into that??)
Right Here Waiting (Fives x Reader)
"I miss you when you're not here," you murmur to the holorecorder, storing a message away to send your love. "anyways I hope you're okay and safe and I love you so much."
You end the recording and set the comm on your nightstand with a sigh. It's been weeks since Fives left on a mission and you haven't been able to properly have a comm call due to kriffing time differences.
You begin to drift off to sleep dreaming about him. About him coming home, wrapping his arms around you, kissing your neck, and telling you how much he missed you too.
When you wake up the next morning, the first thing you notice is the presence of arms secured around your waist. The next is the telltale feeling of a goateed chin tucked into your shoulder. You smile, reaching up to squeeze Fives' hand.
He breathes in deeply, kissing your shoulder, and exhales with a satisfied hum.
"Hi," you coo, wiggling around in his hold to face him. He looks at you with all the love and adoration in the galaxy.
"Hey mesh'la," he greets, kissing the tip of your nose. You tilt your head up to catch his lips. He hums into the kiss and pulls you closer.
"Well g'mornin," he drawls softly against your lips. You smile and cuddle closer.
"Wasn't expecting you home."
He laughs, and you nearly cry because you missed that sound so much.
"Sorry, I'll just see myself out." he jokes.
You make an indignant noise and all but wrap yourself around him. "You're not going anywhere until Rex breaks in and drags you out of my arms."
"And legs." He adds, acknowledging the fact that all four of your limbs were tangled with his.
You laugh a little. "Yeah."
"Kark, I missed you." He breathes out.
You lean against his chest. "I missed you more."
"Nuh-uh." He counters, making you snort.
"Mesh'la, I played your recordings at least fifty times while staring at a holopic of you, just so I could pretend you were there with me."
"Yeah, well I dreamt about you every night."
A smirk crosses his face and he raises an eyebrow. "Oh? what kind of dreams?"
You smack him in the shoulder. "Dreams. Just, you being there. It's too quiet here when you're gone."
He dips his head with an earnest smile.
"I promise that when this war is over I'm gonna marry you and give you the life you deserve. I'll be right by your side every day."
If he keeps this up you might actually start crying.
"I can't wait," you smile. "I love you so much."'
He kisses your forehead. "I Love you more."
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sailorkamino · 1 year
your pet name [cody, fives, rex, wolffe]
relationships: gn reader x clones
warnings: bastard siblings, clone death/malevolence incident
his pet name
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• "cyar'ika! what were you thinking? do you enjoy giving me stress ulcers?"
• mando'a for beloved. a classic. i headcannon the oldest clones are the most fluent in mando'a so i think it comes out when he's emotional. usually when he's angry or comforting a vod. the first time the pet name slips out he's scolding you for getting hurt, so worked up he doesn't realize he's flip flopping between languages. meanwhile waxer is recording everything in the corner.
• "you must be a blaster, becuase i'm stunned, baby."
• fives starts flirting with you right upon meeting you, dropping cheesy pick up lines from romance comics (that he definitely doesn't read in private.) from any other man they would be cringeworthy but from fives? they still are, but you can't help but grin. he's confident but self aware enough to laugh at himself. he often spices up classic pet names by adding stuff like 'my pretty' to make you feel even more special.
• "how was your day, love?"
• the biggest softie in private. and in public. this man adopted the domino twins after knowing them for like an hour, he has a big heart. at first he'll only be romantic when you're alone because he doesn't want give anyone teasing material. he's a very serious captain after all. but the longer you're together the more natural his affection becomes. the jokes are annoying but he doesn't get actually mad until jesse calls you love.
• "hey bunny, missed me?"
• losing so many vode at the beginning of the war has made wolffe very protective and honest with his affections. he doesn't want to leave anything unsaid. even though he's known for being intimidating he isn't agaisnt pda. he likes knowing you're all his and no one is brave enough to tease wolffe (except for boost, sinker, and his cc batchmates.) even they're hesitant. wolffe is 100% the feral middle child waiting for a reason to snap.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 2 years
(Clone Wars) You Give Him Something Handmade
(Rex, Cody, Fives, ARC Echo, Wolffe, Jesse, and Hardcase)
Rex: You catch him off-guard one day and offer him a handmade gift before he ships off to another mission, and for a split second, he just stares at it in surprise. You say it's for him, though part of you is still shy/embarrassed to give it to him.His voice gets quieter, almost breaking, as he replies, "for me?" He accepts the gift and slowly turns it over in his gloved hands, basically melting on the inside.  No one's ever given him a handmade gift before. Sure, he's received souvenirs from his brothers and a gag gift or two from General Skywalker, but never something like this. He's absolutely touched. Whether it's a sewn craft, drawing, carving, anything at all... If he can, he'll keep it with him no matter what.
Cody: He's not one to get choked up over things, even though on the inside, a handmade gift from you is taken very seriously. The gesture speaks to him about the nature of your feelings, and his love grows.  He’s appreciative of having something to hold onto when he’s away on campaigns and secret missions.  When he does return to you again, he’ll most likely have made a gift for you during his time away.  Your gift meant so much to him that he hoped to give back to you so that you’d have something to treasure when he has to go again.
Fives:  If you give him something handmade, he’s absolutely going to make a big deal out of it.  He’s so impressed with you for putting it together.  He turns it over and over with a smile on his face and gives compliments.  He might give you a kiss and utter in a low voice something like, “my girl is so talented.”  He just can’t get over the fact that you made something so cool, and it’s for him.  If it’s something wearable or small enough to take with him, you can bet he’ll have it on all the time.
ARC Echo: Receiving a handmade gift from you stuns him for a moment.  He accepts the gift almost in disbelief because it was the last thing he expected when you innocently asked him what his favorite color was.  He didn’t realize you’d make something for him.  He is touched at the time, effort, and thoughtfulness you put into the gift.  He’s very encouraging in your hobbies and talents, and it would make his day to get a gift like that from you.  You can count on a darling hug and kiss from him.
Jesse:  This guy plays it a little cool at first.  He is quite appreciative and his tone does get lighter when he thanks you for doing something so sweet before he goes on another mission.  It isn’t until he’s away that it really hits him.  He finds himself taking out the craft/gift and looking at it whenever he has a free moment and thinking of you.  He notes the details and how thoughtful it was for you to take the time to make it, and just for him.  It occurs to him that he hasn’t received anything like that before, which touches him deeper.  He’ll probably comm you or send a message later about the item and thank you again, telling you just how much it means to him.
Hardcase:  He is over the moon when you surprise him with a handmade gift.  He’ll be grinning from ear-to-ear as he looks at it and marvels aloud how cool it is, how it must have taken you forever, and how thankful he is that you did it all for him.  You’d get a big bear hug for it, no matter who might be watching.  While he’s away on a mission, he won’t ever leave it behind.  It takes a lot of willpower for him not to show it off to his brothers because, you know, forbidden relationship.  He may end up breaking and showing it to his closest brothers, the ones he knows won’t snitch.
Wolffe:  He’s a grump, yes, but when you surprise him out-of-the-blue with a handmade gift right before he has to leave for a mission, he’s anything but.  He’s not really sure what to say as you stand there in suspense at his reaction.  Wolffe’s not the type to gush over things, but he wants you to know that it means a lot.  He’ll look at the item in his hand very closely before meeting your gaze again.  Unable to come up with the words, he’ll pull you into an embrace so tight that there’s no mistaking how he feels.  He’ll grunt a soft “thank you” under his breath only for you to hear.  He’ll keep it with him no matter what and spend his free moments looking at it and thinking about you. 
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