#A mystic wisdom
babysnowred · 2 years
I think some people have forgotten how much of a game-changer Spring Awakening was, and respectfully to them I say: Miss me with this bullshit.
... Oh, by the way, I will protect Touch me with every fiber of my being 'till the day I die. It's a fucking masterpiece and it deserves to be sung AT THE FUCKING TONY!!!!!
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happyheidi · 1 year
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Hatfield Forest Buttercups by Brian Roberts
“The buttercups are all on display in Hatfield forest at the moment and yesterday was the first time I have seen them with some mist and a little drifting fog."
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dreamy-conceit · 8 months
Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being.
— Rumi (Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī), translated by Maryam Mafi in 'Hidden Music'
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thecalminside · 7 months
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
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enchantingseer · 3 months
What is your role in the world?
'Not everyone is born to war, nor to love but we all are born to live for both at times, but what is the role we play at the backstage ; when we take off the costume and keeping the scripts at the table..a courage to face the mirror and walking out in the street full of people what are you then? Is what today's reading is about, I do readings only if it is channeled so let your intuition guide you well ; )
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Pick a Pile
1.Supporting Character/Audience
'Beautiful eyes keep longing for deep and endearing sights of act, efforts and play..you enjoy watching, observing, you can look at the sky for hours without getting tired, you have a tough job but you do it with so much compassion and professional touch that nothing stays in your mind, the novelty of you lies in the subtle nuances of picking up on details which satisfies your soul, you have always been second in your life, be it rank, position, or in personal life this affected you to become more resilient and follow the lead of someone to give you a better space of stage where at least your seen and being seen, heard, and felt makes you feel enough'
Signs : White clothes especially scarf makes or one scarf which you treasure a lot, seeing strangers crying and tearing, and smiling at them, seeing 6:16, 888 and 11:11
Career for you overall : Film Direction, Photography, Anything that needs minimal attention keeps you sane, manager, designer.
These careers can give you the sense of purpose in life as it is your role nobody can do it like you do.
2. Main Character
'Breathe, easy the world will go on if you rest and go on vacation for months, being at the spot can be heating at times that idea of being answerable to everyone gives you sleep paralysis and sleep talking is what your side effects of burning out results into, you need pause but everyone remembers about work as soon as you arrive even your family comes like 'hey I had to ask did you paid the bills? ' especially when you leave your room and come for fresh air, you feel being consumed all the time you want to shed, shed the way people perceive as it affects you mentally to keep in touch with the real you because there is very rare events to act yourself not any character filling the gaps in others life is like stopping between looking for the perfect mask for today and the kind of people you will meet'
Let me sigh, your future spouse has a message 'Calm down love, I was trying to connect with you when you skipped on your favourite love song, as you were busy I had lost my ear plug cover at my workplace and it was not the best day'
Advice : Leave everything aside and listen to the songs you love and sing your heart out especially when someone talks work sing a song
3.Background Performer/Actor
'Struggling days are the best right? Nobody cares so do you..since you enjoy your two minute shadow appearance and celebrate as if you won an award for it, the cheerful optimism melts the moment everyone leaves, your role begins when you are alone, you act really very well, especially when nobody sees, maybe because you fear the judgement the lights, the shout pressure coming by the action, seeing the main lead being called out in insults walls your dreams under a illusion of having enough and asking for extra even in food makes you feel as if you are begging, guilt, trauma and ignorance seems to follow you'
Messages from Your Guardians : Leave your worries to us, we will ease the agony you carry, leave them to us and move forward we want to see you grow, grow out of yourself.
Signs : You have two opportunities at hand, make decision which has no regret attached, showcase your talent on social media, do not give up, people are noticing you do not leave !
It was very personal I felt, I hope whoever it was meant for has got their messages it can be you if it is, let me know in the comments !
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The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.
Joseph Campbell
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arabdoll · 10 days
“Do not be a lone wolf. Sip some wine with a friend. Be like spring, that constantly gives itself away.”
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mise-n-abyme · 1 year
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"It has always been the endurance of suffering which makes the Man."
|Artwork: 'Allegory of Impermanence' (Vanitas) — Hieronymus Wierix, ~1619
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archerinventive · 2 years
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The Tooth Tower 🦷
Ever wonder what the tooth fairy does with your teeth? Well, this Tiny Tower may answer that very question.
With fillings being turned to mortar and the rest used to fill the boiling moat, this  new addition to the Tale of the Tiny Towers scavenger hunt at Loreamour events took quite some time to complete, and was made using molds from my very own wisdom teeth.
You can find the other towers on the Loreamour Patreon page, or at future Loreamour events.
If you want to see how this tower was created, we'll be posting a Patreon exclusive work-in-progress video next week. https://www.patreon.com/loreamour
Have a spooky Sunday all!
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rocksanddeadflowers · 8 months
Kvasir messes me up so so so fucking much you guys. Like I understand the vikings had a different approach to death and yada yada so forth whatever arguments you wanna make they're reasonable but still it. I just.
You mean this beloved man, known for his wisdom and poem and song, and who went around helping people with his wisdom and poem and song and was dearly beloved by the gods just. You guys he was straight up murdered and his blood stolen for magic fucking mead. There's no revenge for his murder or anything it's just that Odin saved his mead.
"Folk declares that every skald (poet) has a drop of Kvasir's blood in him. ... because a world without it's poets would be too dreadful a place to image."
Messed up or not, he lives on in poets, storytellers, and songwriters alike- all those with the understanding of the power of word, the wisdom to yield it.
In The Bifrost Incident it's still the same. His blood pumping and fueling the machine, running through arcane glyphs. He's always just been used for his blood, and even more irony drawn from it likely being Odin gaining the most use from his blood.
And yet, no matter how miniscule it may seem, Kvasir still lives on in his universe there too, in poets and songwriters and storytellers- somehow, The Mechanisms carry a piece of him in their travels ever since his death and Yddrasil's fall, just as you and I may have his blood in our veins.
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pathofregeneration · 3 months
The Sufi Vision
“To discover the light and power latent within all human beings, that is the secret of all religion, the power of mysticism, and the essence of philosophy, without interfering with customs or belief.
The Message is to make humanity conscious of the words in the Bible, where it is said ‘We live and move and have our being in God’, to realize this and recognize the kinship of humanity in the realization of God.
This is not the time to advance any particular sect, church, or belief. We have too many sects. They are only outer forms. The things that really matter are deeper.”
— Hazrat Inayat Khan
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Mohannad Husam, Love (2023)
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hexora · 5 months
Angel Number 444: A Spiritual Odyssey
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Embark on a journey into the mystique of the angelic realm as we explore the intricate history and profound symbolism behind the powerful numerical sequence, 444. In the realm of numerology, the appearance of repetitive numbers is often considered more than a mere coincidence – it's viewed as a divine message, a whisper from the spiritual universe.
Numerology, an ancient and universal practice, holds that numbers possess inherent spiritual significance. Throughout history, diverse cultures, from the ancient Egyptians to the Chinese, have ascribed mystical meanings to specific numbers. In this vast tapestry of symbolic language, the number 4 is frequently associated with stability, order, and a strong connection to the earthly plane.
Angel numbers, a modern fusion of ancient wisdom and contemporary spirituality, have gained prominence in recent times. These sequences of numbers, believed to be messages from celestial beings or guardian angels, carry a unique vibrational frequency that speaks to the human soul.
The angel number 444 is particularly captivating because it resonates with the triple repetition of the number 4. In numerology, triple numbers are considered exceptionally potent, amplifying the energy and significance of the associated symbolism.
Angel number 444 is often linked to themes of stability, security, and a strong connection with the divine. It serves as a gentle reminder that your angels are surrounding you, offering their guidance and protection. The number 4 embodies qualities of diligence, practicality, and building solid foundations, suggesting that a period of stability and positive transformation may be on the horizon.
Witnessing the repetition of 444 could be a sign that your guardian angels are not only present but actively working to support and guide you. This numerical sequence serves as a comforting affirmation that you are not alone on your life's journey.
444 is often associated with being in alignment with the universe. It encourages individuals to pay attention to their thoughts and actions, as they are manifesting their reality. The energy of this angel number is thought to support positive manifestations, providing a powerful reminder that the universe is conspiring to bring your aspirations to fruition.
In essence, the appearance of angel number 444 invites you to embrace the divine harmony that surrounds you. Acknowledge the stability and support available to you, both from the celestial realms and within yourself. It serves as a beacon of encouragement, urging you to move forward with confidence and purpose.
As you navigate the intricate threads of your spiritual journey, let the resonance of 444 guide you towards a deeper understanding of your purpose, a heightened connection with the divine, and a profound sense of inner peace. The history of angel number 444 is a tale woven with cosmic significance, reminding us that the universe speaks to us in the language of numbers, revealing a sublime order that transcends the boundaries of our earthly existence.
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
What Situation Requires You To Trust Your Intuition? - Pick A Card - High Priestess Edition
Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link.
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Pile 1/Modern Witch
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 6 of Pentacles.  This has to deal with reciprocation.  A lot with getting back as much as you are giving in a situation.  For the majority of you, I feel like this is connected to respect and/or appreciation from others in your life.  
The second card to come out for this pile was Everything Is Fine, which is one of two 10 of Swords in this deck.  This is associated with painful endings.  I don’t feel like these endings have occurred for most of you yet, but you may know that they are needed.  I feel like you are likely trying to carry on as though everything is fine, even when it isn’t.
The third card to come out for this pile was the Page of Cups.  This is associated with emotional communication.  I feel like this is you knowing that you need to express your emotions and needs more, especially in regards to relationships in your life where you feel like you aren’t appreciated and/or respected - which is the main message your intuition is likely trying to get you to notice.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Law Of Attraction.  This is generally thought of with romantic relationships, but it applies to more than just that.  I feel like the most important part of this card for this pile was the invest wisely aspect, since that relates strongly to that 6 of Pentacles and wanting to get back as much as you are giving to situations.
The second oracle card to come out was Joker - Things Are Never As They Seem.  This may suggest that there’s more than meets the eye in a situation, which you likely already feel with the topic of this read.  I feel like you may not have fully pinpointed what is wrong though just yet and are in the process of doing so.
Pile 2/Supernatural
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 7 of Pentagrams, which is basically the 7 of Pentacles in this deck.  This is associated at looking things that are worth investing time into for long-term results.  These things often require patience, since the results aren’t seen quickly.  This can be a variety of things, including relationships.  For the majority of you, I feel it is more of a personal idea that you are considering pursuing.  Kinda like trying to start your own business or going into a certain field.
The second card to come out was the 2 of Bones, which is basically the 2 of Wands in this deck.  This is associated with making personal choices.  In this case, I feel like the choice is related about whether or not you want to pursue an idea and if said idea would pay off in the long-run.  I feel like this choice is what you are called to trust your intuition about, which is likely easier said than done (at least for my personality lol).
The third card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Blades, which is basically the Ace of Swords in this deck.  This is associated with ideas and thoughts.  Basically, I feel like this is the idea that you are considering pursuing.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Focus On Service.  This card is associated with people that enjoy helping others.  This may suggest that you’re considering pursuing something that you feel will let you help others.  There’s also a reminder of this card to make sure to maintain boundaries, since helping is good but you don’t want to end up being taken advantage of.  
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Intimacy - Open Up And Get Close.  There are a few ways I feel this could apply.  The first is that connections with others is strongly associated with the choice that you are considering.  Like, the choice could be something that results in connections and needing to open up to others to form those connections.  The other is that you could be advised to open up to others close to you for their advice on the choice you’re considering and their potential support for whatever option you choose to pursue.  Just remember to keep in mind that the choice is yours.
Pile 3/Garbage Pail Kids
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 10 of Coins.  This is associated with financial stability and stability in the family.  It’s a great place to be at, but doesn’t come easy.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 10 of Wands.  This is associated with being worn out due to all of the responsibilities that you are carrying.  I feel like a lot of these responsibilities are connected to you trying to maintain that 10 of Coins too much on your own without relying on the others involved.  This could be a temporary situation, such as a health issue with a family member that has led you to take on more than usual.
The third card to come out for this pile was The World.  This is associated with something coming to an end.  This is generally positive and is something that leaves you feeling accomplished in some way.  This pile is definitely heading towards the end of some kind of cycle with this card and the other two cards both being 10s.  I feel like your intuition may be trying to guide you on how to finish a possibly difficult cycle up.
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Relationship.  This is a lot about remembering to take care of yourself because a neglected/worn out/frustrated you isn’t helpful to the relationships in your life, even if you are wearing yourself out to try to help those you care about.
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Humility - Bow Down.  Basically, I feel like this card is suggesting some humility as you acknowledge what your limits are.  Unfortunately, we all have our limits and it isn’t always easy to admit when things are getting to be too much.  I do feel like this is something that you need to do or you’re going to end up being burned out, if you aren’t already.
Pile 4/Rider-Waite
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Cups.  This has to with happiness and contentment.  This is a more personal happiness rather than the 10 of Cups which is happiness with others.  I feel like this is something that you have been working on and that you have begun becoming more happy/content with things in your life.
The second card to come out for this pile was the Knight of Wands.  This is associated with being spontaneous.  I feel like this is you trying to take more chances and explore more opportunities.  A lot with just trying to be more carefree rather than super stressed.  I think your intuition is trying to push you towards this a bit.
The third card to come out for this pile was the King of Swords.  This is a logical individual who thinks before they act.  I feel like this is your typical nature.  This likely makes the Knight of Wands aspects a bit difficult for you since you prefer to think things through quite a bit before taking chances.  For a few of you, it could be vice versa with you generally being more like the Knight of Wands and your intuition encouraging you to act a bit more like the King of Swords at times.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Steady Progress.  Basically, you have been and are continuing to make slow, steady progress.  I feel like the progress you’ve been making is connected to that 9 of Cups and your happiness.
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Guilt - Turn Off The Alarm.  I think this is something that you’ve been working on or need to work on.  Basically, trying to release any feelings of guilt that you’ve been carrying with you.  These don’t even have to necessarily be from things you’ve done.  Perhaps this includes making some apologies, but a lot of taking steps to not carry such heavy feelings with you.
Pile 5/Mystical Manga
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Wands.  This is associated with perseverance and standing your ground.  There can be repetitive battles/challenges with this card.  This is likely beginning to wear you out, but you’re still persevering through whatever comes your way.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 5 of Cups.  This is associated with disappointments and processing negative emotions.  I feel like a lot of the negativity that you are dealing with is a result of the issues that you’re dealing with from that 9 of Wands.  
The third card to come out for this pile was The Fool.  This is associated with starting new things.  I feel like this isn’t something you’re doing yet, since you’re focusing on healing from current/recent past experiences.  I feel like your intuition will likely let you know when you are ready to move on to something new.
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Fresh Air.  This has a lot to do with spending time outside to calm yourself.  A lot of you may enjoy spending time in nature/outdoors and find that it helps to calm you.  This may not be that easy depending on weather (it’s cold here - it just snowed again today).  
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Imagination - Get The Big Picture.  I feel like this is encouraging you to imagine for the future, kinda like the 7 of Cups.  I feel like this will help you be ready when it’s time for you to begin your next chapter as the Fool.
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milkbreadtoast · 7 months
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can finally put them together... the main 4 charas of this story(*that will prob never be made into a thing but its fun to think abt)!!
*whispers* tentative names: 💚강효준 (kang hyojun), 💙이설(yi/lee seol), 💜유성화 (yu seonghwa), ❤️송혜연 (song hyeyeon). Hyojun(m) and Seol(f) are the protags and Seonghwa(m) and Hyeyeon(f) are on the "opposing side" in the story
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santmat · 1 month
Kabir The Great Mystic: Spiritual and Ethical Teachings - Spiritual Awakening Radio - Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
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Kabir, the "Rumi" of India, one of the greatest Saints, Poets, and Spiritual Masters in the history of the world! Selections: Says Kabir: "Kal (time, ego, limited mental perception) has entangled people in illusions to such an extent that they have totally forgotten their Real Home." "Meditation will remove all your burdens; meditation upon Ram's [God's] name will become your support." "One after another, many births I took; many paths I followed to escape this relentless cycle. Only when I made my mind still did I obtain the state of lasting repose." "Just as the lotus blooms after getting the light of the sun, in the same way the sufferings of the souls from ages and ages are finished after having darshan [vision] of Sat Purush [True Eternal Being, God]." The Bijak is a key scripture of the Kabir tradition: "Just as a coded document shows the way to a Hidden Treasure, just so this bijak shows the way to realize the soul; it teaches such words to the soul but there is seldom anyone to understand them." "Death enshrouds the whole world, including all the superstitious wise-men. Only those will be freed who find the Path of Love." (Satguru Kabir)
Kabir The Great Mystic: Spiritual and Ethical Teachings - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Play or Download MP3 @
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References, Subjects, and Sources Include: Songs of Kabir culled by Rabindranath Tagore; Sakhis of Kabir (1008 Kabir Vani); The Bijak; Kabir in the Adi Granth; Kabir Parachai; The Story of Ants in a Burning Log -- The mysterious figure of Kabir made his entry into the life of Dharam Das; The Ethical Foundation of Sant Mat -- Ahimsa Values -- The Five Precepts -- Moral Requirements to Qualify For Initiation; Seven Key Practices of Sant Mat Mysticism; Selections from the mystic poetry of Kabir from several sources; Readings from the Anurag Sagar and Baba Kehar Singh's commentary on the Anurag Sagar (Ocean of Love), a spiritual classic of the Sant tradition of India: God is Just Behind Our Eyes at the Third Eye Center; Initiation Into Inner Light and Sound Meditation (Surat Shabd Yoga) and Protection from Above Following the Path of Sants; A Book of Sant Mat Ethics: "1008 Kabir Vani" -- One of the Most Important Books of Kabir, a review of the book followed by selections: the Guru Verification Process; the Kal Niranjan (Negative Power): "This mind is like an intoxicated elephant;" The Repetition of God's Name; Meditation, Prayers of Guru Kabir; and, closing thoughts. (Kabir's name in Arabic means "Great", "Powerful, "Magnificent".)
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,
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A Satsang Without Walls
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kellymagovern · 2 years
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