#5 literally has a polo shirt
tianhai03 · 1 year
how would you rank dante outfits in terms of sluttiness?
4 is at the top. I know everyone has their own preferences on which Dante design is the best but I think we can all agree 4 is by far the sluttiest outfit he's had. The chaps alone would win against every other outfit
Then it's probably... 3, 1, 2 then 5
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splankie · 1 month
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call me a jasonologist if you will
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fanfictilltheend · 2 months
As promised (since I'm late sorry 😭) Snippet 5 of ❤️‍🔥Violent Heart❤️‍🔥 aka stepdad!mechanic!convict!joel x afab!reader fic
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Warnings: Nothing crazy just joel admiration and dressing him up 😍
Context: Joel is Y/N's ex step-father. He just got out of prison for killing David and Y/N (age 20) takes Joel shopping for a new wardrobe.
You take Joel shopping. At his insistence it is nothing fancy, just the local department store. That doesn’t stop you from dressing Joel up in ridiculous outfits of your choosing. You make him try on a hawaiian shirt, some golf polos like your dad liked to wear, a pinstripe suit and he lets you because saying no to you has never been in his vocabulary. He acts grumpy on the outside, but you can tell he is amused. You know in the end you’ll just end up buying every flannel shirt and jeans combo they have in the store, but it’s just fun anyway. You watch the fabric hug his torso, his tummy, the slight bulge at his waist. At one point he comes out shirtless and you try very hard not to swoon as you stare at the hair lining his chest and his adorable little tummy that you for some reason have the urge to bite. The band of his Hanes boxers sticks up past his jeans and he looks so good. He even lets out a genuine smile. The middle-aged sales attendant who is helping you even takes a good look at him which makes the butterflies inside you swarm possessively. 
Finally you make him try on a proper white-collared button-down shirt and black dress pants with matching black shoes and he looks so good you’re actually at a loss for words when he asks you what you think. They hug the curves and lines and planes of his body so nicely. All you can do is ask him to put on a black tie to match and he does at your behest following some customary griping that he would never wear such a monkey suit in the first place. The effect that a fully dressed up Joel has on you is not one to be reckoned with. He might as well be wearing the mens version of lingerie for how it makes you throb and ache between your legs. He looks like a force of nature, commanding and tall. It makes you weak. All you say is,
“Looking good, old-timer.”
He snorts.
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Group E Round 4
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[image ID: the first image is of The Cashier, a Thai man in a white or light blue polo shirt and black cap. at least one of his ears are pierced. the second image is of Stag Malinay, a young man with auburn hair and yellow-orange eyes. he's wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black, lace up knee high boots with belt straps. he's sitting on a red and gold throne. beside him is written his name, "Stag Malinay." end ID]
The Cashier
The world is literally ending. The moon is exploding. And this guy is still working as a cashier at some convenience store because the world might as well end anyways. He still insists that people pay for what they get from the store even though the world is going to end in a few hours. Then this strange guy shows up and questions him about it and asks him if he's afraid to die. The cashier is like "no not really" and the guy responds "well clearly you don't know what it's like to die" and the cashier responds "well have you died before" and the guy is like "no. I'm Death >:3" so what does the cashier do? he buys the man a drink and lets him crash at the store for the next several hours until the guy gets possessed by a different supernatural entity and runs out of the store to try to save the world. The cashier is just such a chill guy and insane customer service worker I love him so much I wish he had a name in canon.
Stag Malinay
Very self confident, bisexual manwhore with a troubled background he doesn't like to talk about. Said past is the cause of all his anger issues which he regularly takes out on the MC, initially. They become friends later, so it's okay. Also, he has a Tumblr account! @stagmalinay, run by me, the author. Can't really get more obscure than only selling a few copies of my entire book so far. [additional propaganda 1] [additional propaganda 2] [additional propaganda 3] [additional propaganda 4] [additional propaganda 5] [additional propaganda 6]
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falldogbombsthemoon · 3 months
I was very productive today. After school I went in the city and bought presents for my friends, that all dared to have their birthdays like just a few days apart from each other. Literally my whole extended family has their birthdays in April too, but nah, I'm not gonna buy anything for them. Anyway, I got a sick fucking leather jacket for 5 euros, bc my friends workplace is cool like that. And I got a striped polo shirt for free at one of these 'take something, leave something' boxes, that makes me feel like a teenager in the 80s.
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haedcanoms ..... fro anyome yuo can thimkdj of 🙏🙏🙏🙏💥💯💯
this is gonna be. a big block of text. uve enabled me and now im gonna talk for forever. uh. :3333 (also a shit ton of my hcs are just me projecring shjt so.)
okayyyy uh. dave went to private school for like. 4 years. he didnt follow any rules and wouldve definitly gotten expelled ljke 2 weeks in but bro strider is. so fucking rich so he just payed to keep him kn. he still had to wear those stupid ass uniforms tho and now he absolutely hates wearing polo shirts. fuckinf despises them.
sollux??? massive h*r fan he makes a shit ton of uber obscure references that like no one gets but him and he makes liek anyone hes ever had a positive interaction with watch it. aradia also likes it bc he made it like impossible not to if youre close enough to him. he kinda got terezi in2 it and she really likes trogdor.ike REALLY likes trogdor.
speaking of aradia and sollux aradias like a massive goth music fan and they listen to that stuff together like all the time. he listens to more,,, mainstream ig stuff regularly but then aradia makes him listen to her entire collection whenever theyre together
Jane can speak french,,, shes not french or anything in thr SLIGHTEST but she learned it bc like. idk desserts are french sometimes. and she just randomly starts speaking french to be annoying n fuck with ppl. roxys learned a little bit from her so sometimes she does too but. rarely.
terezi sollux and feferi friendship 🙏🙏 thsyre so. important to me. i dont remember how much they imteract all together in canom ik jts at least once but... theyre literally a version of the primary colors please thsyrs so friedn group that youd think would hate eachother but they surprisingly dont
jane crochets also alongside baking. she makes people shit like. all the time and probably spends way too much on yarn. she does it while watching all those dumb sitcoms??? whatever theyte called (like parks and rec and arrwsted development and the good place. that stuff). she also sometimes hamgs out with rose and they crochet/knit together
dirk and roxy make like the most shitpost stupid meme references (more often roxy) and like no one else gets them or rreally finds them funny bc theyre all from like. 2009. or ehatever while roxy n dirk are from. the future (i forgot when and no im not lokking jt up) roxy especially has like. dumb tumblr humor and will say the weirdest shit and no one will get it except dirk
feferi sends sollux videos like "t)(is reely reminds me of you ♥️" and then its a 5 minute jerma laighing at car crashes compilation or some shit.
dave makes that type of music that either sounds like actual shit or really good depending on the person. like uber expirimental fucked up random sfx dumbest lyrics ever etc etc (idk how to describe it but like. if uve listened to like.... queef jerkey thats what im imagining)
if were imagining that quest for the missing spoon exists in homestuck (since the comics do, plus theres other stuff like movies and plushes) dirk definityly had the pepsi blue chilis centerfold cutout on his wall. i also think him and maybe roxy??? quote that shit like not even on purpose CONSTANTLY since it was such a big franchise. also i think itd be funny if people talked ab it like how they talk ab harry potter and shit like "oh my god im SUCH a geromy."
aradia plays cello. like this absolutely fucking massive one too thats like deep reddish wood and its heavy as hell and it shouldnt be feesibly possible for her to carry it around but she can skmehos??? and shes really fucking good too. she likes 2 play for fer friends n partners
feferi adores tmbg esp their earlier stuff but she likes it all. shes got a playlist of every single one of their songs she could get ahold of and badically only listesns to that one playlist. she also knows a shit ton about the band itself and knows fun facts about like every song and will NOT hesitate to infodump whenever something slightly related comes up in conversation.
sollux LOVES classic tetris hes extremely fucking good at it and knows how to do all the weird shit w/ the controller like hypertapping and rolling and honestly probably made up something new. he basically only plays past killscreen (he found an nes somehow and hacked jt to let him start anywhere) and is the type of guy to be like "Oh yeah thii2 2hiit2 ea2y here II'll giive you a begiinner level two." and then. start you at level 29.
i have more i think but i cant remember any besides like "__ is a fan of "__ !!!!!" bc i just live projecting my interests onto characters. again sorry for so many words um. 💔
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gaysforbyler · 4 months
get him back! character references masterdoc!!
Will outfits:
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1-3: self explanatory, he’s emo 🖤 For 1, if the pants were black, that’s literally him (and that IS his room. That’s what his closet looks like)
4: just the bottom half, BUT THATS HIM. His boots and his pants and almost his belt.
5&6 are his transition from black to color. Just a flannel <3 AND THE STAR WARS SHIRT ON 6??? HIM.
7-9 are his Color (the last shirt saying “boycrazy” is insane)
Will hair:
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- LEO BABYYYY (it’s actually a lot longer than that, but I couldn’t NOT include him)
- TROY!! He’s definitely the most accurate. The rest of the party makes fun of him for it bc hsm1 just came out
- Rodrick my son. That’s actually Will on the right, eyeliner and everything.
- and some random dudes, idk
Mike outfits:
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So this issue is that Mike just happens to like black, so his style is pretty similar to early Will’s. In summary: hoodies. Hoodies beneath cute little jackets (and his leather jacket i love so much)
4: it’s like his canon jacket in that one leak <3
6: this is so him, what the hell?
10: I LOVE HIS SWEATERS, yes he still wears them in this
Mike hair:
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Just… Conan.
The boy EVER, I love him so much
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This is who he is. There’s no other picture needed, just this.
I actually had no image in mind this entire for him, but I saw this picture and was like 🫢👉
(Okay, not entirely. I would consider his hair a bit darker, and maybe an inch or two longer, but other than that…)
Rich boy polo, obnoxious sunglasses, arrogant walk (I’m so sorry to the dude in the picture) very Straight Boy. Homophobic gay man.
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1: she steals Will’s clothes a lot
6&7: hair. She has THOSE bangs and she ties it up like 6 sometimes
8: that’s Will and Max if Will shaved his head
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1-5: THE 2000s clothes. Very disney vibes
6-8: hair. She likes to do those funky little hair styles that take 5 years to do. And butterfly clips. VERY Lizzie McGuire coded
9: El, Will, Max, 2005– Colorized.
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I fee like I made his clothes inconsistent but WHATEVER.
Yes, 4 is the same as Mike’s, because they have a very similar style (bestie things)
7-9: hair. ADNRE MY BOY I love him
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1-6: polos and button downs bc he’s a nerd who would carry around a calculator in his pocket
7-8: hair. Self explanatory. The dude on the left is creeping me out.
If for some reason you needed it, here’s the boards https://pin.it/2PEltDRN7
I’ll definitely be adding to this later on. But I’m tired and I’ve been doing this instead of editing ch 24 for the past three hours. So bye!
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trrickytickle · 1 year
ICarly: Tickle Headcanons 🎥📺
I kid you not this song goes so hard
ok this feels SLIGHTLY offensive to write for some reason, but I enjoyed it a bunch, request for @tickle-beans
Carly Shay 🌐
As a ler: Her years of living together with Spencer have made her a professional ler. She's mastered quite a few techniques, including tummy-squeezes and dreaded claws of anticipation.. Gangs up on Freddie with Sam, because obviously! Also always gets her chances to get revenge on Spencer, who always teases her for being ticklish when really he's where she got that gene. Once collaborated with Socko to create tickle socks for the show. Most def switch vibes up the wazoo, and is the type to laugh while tickling her ler. Will come up with tickle activities for the webshow (because she HAS)
As a lee: Carly's very obviously and canonically got a ticklish tummy, and it's even canon that Spencer tickles her to cheer her up/annoy her most of the time. They ABSOLUTELY tk fight literally because it's so canonically implied and sibling dynamics have some of the best tickle potential because like??? HELLO. Sam and Freddie also tickle her frequently. A more general headcanon I have is that Carly gang sans Spencer also tickle each other a ton. Her worst spots besides her tummy are her sides and armpits.
Sam Puckett 🧦
As a ler:
Feral as a ler. Will literally just jump at wherever she can tickle and tickle it good. Likes to tease- but it sounds more like threatening. She definitely gets more injured than the lee when she's tickling someone (Freddie and Carly, mainly) and likes to chase lees with wiggling fingers. Knows all of Freddie and Carly's spots, even has charts of them because you know, feral. Whenever a tickle fight starts between the gang, the word "fight" sends a feral response into her brain and she becomes evil asf like she already is. Let's face it, she probably has some strange tk tool, think butter sock. When she goes on to live with Cat, she's the main ler for her, same goes for Carly. Doesn't help that she's stubborn and ticklish and iCarly probably has had a ton of tickle episodes though. Always takes advantage of Freddie's ticklishness because he's Freddie. The butt of the joke, duh
As a lee-
Kicker. Scrapper. Squealer. All of the -ers. Will curse people's firstborns. Spencer is the only one who can manage to hold her down- has the advantage of size. Freddie always tries to tickle her but she turns the tables immediately. Ticklish literally everywhere, only Carly is able to tickle her successfully even IF she does bite- or probably worse. Definetly worse. According to the DGITVSCU (Dan Get In The Van Schneider Cinematic Universe) Sam literally is banned in 6 US states. I'm scared of her, always have been.
Freddie Benson 📽️ As a lee: Always been tickled, like his whole life. Ticklish everywhere, most often tickled by his senile mother AND to make it worse, his friends. Most frequent ler is Sam, who's the most evil ler out of the gang. Honestly, scratch the "his friends" part. Mostly Sam. Still, though, singled out as the lee of the gang. Also bro wears like, the same 5 polo shirts. It was just funny so I pointed it out. Has a loud, wheezy and snorty laugh, which Carly, Sam and Gibby (and potential other guest stars) think is hilarious- well except the main 2 girls, they secretly find it adorable of the love triangle thing they got going for them.
As a ler: This man is out for blood and revenge. Favorite spots to tickle are the sides, ribs and armpits, and always revenge-tickles to no avail, except when he does. He would engage in great switch-banter with any of the girls, though.
Spencer Shay 🎨
As a lee: Reluctant, but doesn't hate it. Often tickled as a bribe by Carly and/or the iCarly crew (most frequently as a means to convince him to do Baby Spencer) Worst spot is his tummy much like his similarly creative sister. Will get tickled as a means of performance art or anything similar. I want this guy as a brother so bad. His laugh is frantic, loud and he's a thrasher but tries not to hurt his ler. Will shut his eyes and whatnot and try to retaliate using his strength advantages.
As a ler: Corny, cheesy, fatherly. Incredibly dorky, will make dad-jokes and play tickle games, as well as pretend to sculpt his lee (typically Carly) like clay. Has lots of fun as a ler, it's all in part to his duty as the fun, paternal figure to be good at tickling. Her favorite spot to tickle is the tummy (it's Carly's worst spot, sooo) and reluctantly takes part in the iCarly.com tickling escapades. Has tickle techniques memorized and whatnot, and enjoys making his lee immobile by pinning them.
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aarons-corner · 5 months
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“He had five minutes of screen time and two lines you can’t have that many head canons of hi-” BE QUIET AND LISTEN.
A/N: But first listen to the TW!!: Mentions of self harm and stories of self harm, mentions masochism and sadism and stories of it, trauma, weapons
Oh how I just love writing angsty and traumatizing head canons about fictional characters.
And then all of a sudden I rant abt how much of a ✨T W I N K✨he is and how pretty he is
These are mostly SFW besides the trigger warnings above. If you have requests for characters just send me a message through my ask box and I’ll get to you asap, requests are always open atm :) (if a request makes me uncomfy, I will either not respond or if it’s rlly bad I’ll ask you to read my boundaries on my A03 which you should read regardless if ur requesting a fic for anyone )
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Jimmy! Who owns 79 sweaters. 9 are turtlenecks, 5 are his dad’s, 2 are his mom’s, and the rest are regular sweaters that have cool designs
Jimmy! Who has the best fashion sense out of all his friends
Jimmy! Who is the richest and Sid hates him and his family for it
Jimmy! Who was just a cute little nerd for the first 14 years of his life. With his cute little glasses (yes they were round), cute sweaters, cute polo shirt, and cute black jeans (and yes the sweater and polo shirt were tucked into the jeans). He reads about space and shit and always readjusts his glasses because they’re too big for his cute little face to this day.
Jimmy! Who has a rock collection, or specifically a crystal collection. He calls them ‘pretty rocks’ (shut up ur pretty)
Jimmy! Who wants a witch and/or gothic girlfriend/boyfriend and wants to wear their pretty gothic jewelry and nazar like a symbol he’s theirs (and for the nazar, protection) or be given anti-anxiety spells and essential oils and stuff
Jimmy! Who has always been bisexual and had a crush on Dutch unknowingly in elementary school, they laugh about it now
Jimmy! Who’s a Switch. I mean come on just look at the pretty boy
Jimmy! Who gets absolutely emotional when drunk and/or high (he does both. At once and separately) and starts crying about climate change and how he can’t eat the soap in that one shop in the strip mall
Jimmy! Who owns many pets and houseplants and takes very good care of them all. He owns a snake named Athena, two parakeets named Jordan and Snowball, and a kitten named Jinx
Jimmy! Who is obsessed with Greek mythology
Jimmy! Who literally never knows what’s happening. He’ll forget what class he’s in, what his plans are for the day, etc
Jimmy! Who despite the above, is a straight A student and his parents have very high expectations of him
Jimmy! Who is a sadist and a masochist because of past trauma. His parents had high expectations, but were also neglectful which caused him to be exposed to things he shouldn’t have been exposed to at an early age (ex: gore, p⭐️rnography, substances, etc)
Jimmy! Who despite this, would never act this way towards his partner or friends or force his partner into it. He’s the biggest gentleman in the world and doesn’t let his trauma define who he is as a person and the way he treats others.
Jimmy! Who once got drunk and kissed Tommy. They kissed again sober just to see if there were feelings or not, there were no feelings and they never mentioned it again
Jimmy! Who catches feelings way too easily. He definitely fawned over Johnny at the nerd point in his life but ignored it because he ALSO has a fear of rejection
Jimmy! Who has the softest hair in the world
Jimmy! Who struggled with SH for the longest time. Neglectful but overbearing parents who only care about grades, being bullied, karate being stressful, any negative feeling, led to him harming himself in one way or another. His friends only found out after hearing some random guys shit talking Jimmy and calling him every slur under the sun. Later Dutch found Jimmy sobbing in a bathroom stall and blood stained jeans on the thigh area. Dutch got him new pants, took the blade, and made him promise to never do it again.
Jimmy! Who didn’t listen and has a small box of sharp objects, like broken glass, needles (for sewing and surgical), knives of all sorts, blades from pencil sharpeners, and even just overly sharp pencils. No one ever found the box and he still has it (I’m gonna confiscate it)
Jimmy! Who’s Cobra Kai jacket was a size too big when he first got it and it looked so fucking cute oversized
Jimmy! Who although wants to date a goth boy or girl, goths scare him and he gets nervous talking to them because he thinks they’re too cool for him or they’ll be mean to him :(
Jimmy! Who along with Johnny, did the skeleton makeup for everyone and did absolutely amazing
Jimmy! Who is the second shortest in the group (shortest is Dutch) and is constantly leaned on and used as an arm rest by Bobby and Tommy
Jimmy! Whose hair is so god damn fluffy. His partner plays with it 24/7
Jimmy! Who adores forehead kisses and kisses on the cheek (as in face this is the SFW version lmao)
Jimmy! Who wishes he looked more like Daniel sometimes (don’t bby ur perfect)
Jimmy! Who is husband male wife material
Should I do a Part 2??
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speckostardust · 5 months
Blueberry, Looking Out Of The Closet
A 5 + 1 fic about coming out.
The first chapter is out on Ao3 now! Check it out! It takes place in a modified post-pacifist Underswap!
The next chapter is set to be released in either March or April.
Read it on Ao3
Chapter 1: Nights of Giftmas
The heater is on, blowing warm air into the room. Blue’s room is left dark, save for the small light under their blanket, coming from their laptop’s LEDs at the lowest setting. 
Blue is opening their favorite game, AUniversity. The intro begins, a short cinematic, and Blue doesn’t skip it. Why would they ever? They love it.
The camera pans above water, showing a large school overlooking a lake. It zooms into a courtyard, with two large goat-like monsters passing out free samples of some kind of food on a stick. One is wearing a tropical-patterned with huge curved horns and long blond hair, and the other wears a purple sundress and sunhat with a purple ribbon, with small horns poking out from them. Boxes slide in from off-screen to under their face as the camera zooms in on the two smiling, naming them as Kingsly and Quinn. Blue knows them as the nice ones. They do a bunch of charity work together. Quinn likes to help out her fellow students and tutor them for free, and Kingsly likes to cook meals for those in need.
The camera zooms off to another part of the campus, right outside of a dorm room. Inside, two humans argue: One has very tanned and dark skin, wearing a blue shirt, and the other is pale, with a slight blush, wearing a green hoodie. The boxes slide in as the one in green throws a book at the other, naming them as Sirik and Harac. The troublemakers. Both love to prank pretty much everyone.
The camera goes through the room and out the door, into the hallway, where two monsters are talking: a cheery light blue rabbit wearing a soft yellow polo and deep red pants, and a brown cat wearing a pink sweater and leather jacket, who looks like he’d rather be anywhere else. The boxes name them as Henry and Harper. The top student and the bad kid. Henry is almost always studying, and trying to drag Harper into his studies. Harper constantly tries to skip class, but Henry literally drags him to class.
The camera runs through the halls and into a classroom, with a teacher teaching the class. The teacher is an enthusiastic, tall skeleton, and a box slides in to name him Roman. The best teacher in the school. He teaches history and is super passionate about it. He wants all his students to feel safe in his classroom.
The camera exits through another door in the classroom and rushes down another hall, then into another doorway leading to a library. At a table sits two monsters: a tall, angry-looking fish lady with red hair, with her head in her hands over a book, and a much smaller yellow lizard patting the other’s back. The boxes slide in to name the two as Nerco and Phonse. Nerco came to the school on a sports scholarship, and really struggles with her studies, and Phonse tutors and helps Nerco as much as she can.
The camera goes past the two and into a dark corner of the library, where a skeleton with a green scarf and black jacket sits on a bean bag, crocheting a small blue blanket. The box slides in to name him Kaushan. Blue’s favorite character. He's the librarian, and often sleeps in the corner of the library to avoid doing his work. He’s not the best at communicating, which is why Blue relates to him so much.
The camera then moves to a book on a nearby table, where it opens to a painting of the school itself. In the sky above it, the title fades in, and under it the main menu.
Blue smiles as they start the game itself. Their avatar climbs out of bed in their dorm room, a little chibi skeleton. It’s dressed in a white sweater, black pants, and a light blue scarf, and its eyes are bright stars. They spent a while trying to get it as accurate as possible. They move their character out the door and to the library in a practiced motion.
In the dark corner of the library, Kaushan sits on his beanbag, just like in the intro, but in a chibi art style. With the game prompting them to, they sit down on a beanbag next to him. 
A text box slides in from the bottom of the screen, as a much more detailed image of Kaushan slides in from the right, and a more detailed version of Blue slides in from the left.
“Oh, hi, Blue.” The text box says. Kaushan’s name appears under him over the text box. “How was your winter vacation?” 
Oh, that’s right! Giftmas had just passed. They had spent the entire day with their brother and a ton of friends! They had planned to come out as non-binary to everyone that morning when they were opening gifts, by giving their brother a gift that had confetti and stuff in it, but they got too nervous, and…
Well, the gift is still sitting under their bed.
They look at their options to respond. 
“> I didn’t really do anything exciting. > I went on vacation to a cooler place. > I spent it with my family.”
They select the last option. “I spent it at home with my family.” They whisper the words on the screen out loud, to better feel immersed in the game. 
“> It was great! > It was nice, but something happened. > It wasn’t the best.”
“It was nice, but something happened,” Blue whispers.
“Oh no, what happened?” the digital skeleton asked. 
“> I wasn’t able to tell them something. > It just wasn’t too great. > There was an incident.”
“I… wasn’t able to tell them something,” they whisper, reciting the words on the screen, before deviating from them. “I really wanted to tell them all, especially Paps, that I’m non-binary, but I just wasn’t able to do it.”
They wonder why the game had such an accurate answer for what they wanted to tell Kaushan. Sure, they had saved the game right after the winter midyears, but these text prompts were way too close to reality.
“Oh, I see.” Kaushan’s sprite changes to a smiling pose. “I hope that, even if it’s far in the future, you’re able to say what you want to say.”
“Thank you, Kaushan,” Blue whispers, going off of the game’s text once again. “I wish I could tell them. I want to tell them so bad! But even if I plan everything, down to each and every reaction, I just can’t do it!”
A knock comes from the door of Blue’s room, causing them to jump a little. 
“Hey, bro?” Papyrus’ voice calls. Blue cringes slightly at their brother misgendering them, even though they haven’t come out to him yet. “We’re having ice cream downstairs. You want some?”
Quickly, they save the game and shut their computer, then pop their head out of the bottom of their blanket to look at their brother. Still, they speak in a whispered voice. “Do I have to go downstairs?”
Papyrus chuckles. “I thought your social battery was empty. Brought some up for you. Mind if I sit in here? You don't gotta talk if you don't wanna.”
Blue ponders for a moment, a speculating look crossing their face. After a moment, they nod, crawl out of the bottom of their bed awkwardly, and stand up to face their brother. Papyrus offers a bowl of ice cream and Blue takes it. Together, the two sit on Blue's bed.
The two eat their ice cream silently, the only sounds in the room coming from the talking downstairs and the slight clinking of their spoons against the porcelain bowls. 
“Hey, Paps?” Blue starts, still whispering. “I uh, um…”
“What’s up, Sans?” Papyrus responds.
There it is again. That name that they are so deeply connected to. The name that they were given when they were born, the name that’s on all their papers, and the name that they grew up with. 
But still, even through all that, the name that they have grown away from and feel disgusted by. Small tears start to well up in Blue’s eye sockets.
“Hey, hey, bro, it’s okay, take your time.” Papyrus desperately attempts to comfort his sibling. He takes Blue into an embrace, where Blue is attempting to stop their tears.
Slowly, Blue’s sobbing stops, but the tears don’t stop flowing from their eye sockets. “I uh… I’m sorry.” Their words are barely even a whisper yet. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I’m sorry for not being able to tell you is what Blue wants to say, but the words never properly come out.
“Don’t say you’re sorry. What’s wrong?” 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I…” They gulp, swallowing nothing but nerves. “I… I want to be called Blue.”
“I… could you repeat that? I couldn’t hear you.” Papyrus leans a little closer to his closeted sibling.
“It’s nothing, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have even tried.” Blue panics to say something else, change the topic, c’mon, they can do something. “T-the ice cream’s good!” They say a little too loud, flinching at the volume of their own voice.
Papyrus looks at them, a small frown crossing his face. “Yeah, it is.” 
Silence takes over between the two again, the warm air from the heater drying the last of Blue’s tears. When they’ve finished their ice cream, Papyrus takes the bowl from them and goes to leave the room.
“You know, I really care about you,” Papyrus says. “If you ever want to talk about anything, you can talk to me.” He pauses with a sigh. “We could get you a therapist, if you want.”
Blue stays silent, but shakes their head slightly.
“Just… think about it, ‘kay?” Papyrus starts to pull the door closed. “G’night, bro.”
The door clicks shut, and Blue collapses onto their pillow, letting the blanket fall on top of them, and moving their laptop to their bedside table. All they want to do is tell their brother. They could’ve done it right then and there. It’s all they want to do…
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Sending u genderfluid mike hcs (a lot are platonic madwheeler bc I care them):
The first person she comes out to is surprisingly Max. Her reasoning for this is “You already hate me so this will probably hurt less” and Max is just like “I never hated you, you big dummy” and they have a Moment
(I also hc them giving the other gender envy and that’s why they clashed sm at first)
Gender presentation is always weird for him bc yk,, the 80s™️ BUT. Loves finding little ways to make himself feel more like Mike and not like boy mike yk? Like he lets erica paint his nails one day with clear polish and wears less polos etc etc
One of these ways is going to Max’s bc home girl knows how to do hair okay. She learned to braid for El when her hair was getting longer and kept practicing on Lucas before the breakup so she is experienced. Anyways Mikes favorite is when he had two braids on the side that tie into a little ponytail. It makes him feel like he has a crown lol
Has scream cried during clothes shopping w her mom and pretends like nothing happened. When she eventually comes out to Karen they have a long talk that ends in Karen cradling Mike and promising for things to change
Lucas and Dustin were so supportive when they came out!!! Like when initially told they were so chill and like “that’s wassup” but in the leading weeks they were going above and beyond to make mike feel more comfortable. At the end of the week Lucas threw a coming out party and made a little sign, Dustin and Erica made a cake!!
Speaking of Erica her and Mike will literally be in the isle of a fight but still doing sleepover activities. Like one time Lucas came downstairs to see them going back and forth while making friendship bracelets (not necessarily genderfluid mike but they mean sm 2 me)
While doing Mikes hair he and Max will exchange music taste and Max will give him California Knowledge (wink wink gay ppl)
Bc she’s trying to express herself more or whatever, Mike ends up dressing like if Eddie was in love with collared shirts and Max will call her a poser all the fucking time
Joins drama in sophomore year because it makes them feel so much more comfortable, playing a character on stage is more fun than playing one every day yk
1. yes. i love the idea that max would be the first one mike would come out to. it honestly makes a lot of sense. and i would love a sweet moment like that. (and that gender envy hc!! YES)
2. YESSS. i’ve never thought much about it, but i kind of want mike and erica to bond. erica would roast him but in a... nice way? and i’ve seen a lot of hc’s about nail polish, but this one makes the most sense realistically, since i don’t think mike would reach the stage of being able to wear other colors for a while.
3. the braiding hc!!!! ily. mike in braids is just a great concept on its own, but you also added max into it, and i love that.
4. yes. just yes. i imagine karen saying something about mike being her son, and mike just breaking down and telling her that she’s not. at least, not always.
5. they would. i can imagine dustin and lucas asking questions so they could make mike more comfortable, but never prying too much. they just want to know how to mike feel safe in their own skin.
6. you. you have converted me. i’m now a mike and erica are best friends truther. and they have zero content. i’m screwed. (but seriously, i love this. this friendship is so cute).
7. yes.
8. these hc’s are incredible.
9. ok. stop right there. you’re making me sad now.
10. adding onto this, i’d love mike coming out to nancy and being surprised when she’s supportive. she’s a little confused and does mess up sometimes, but she tries her best to be there for mike. and that surprises them because they haven’t felt close to nancy in a really long time. what mike doesn’t know is that her assuming nancy was going to be angry at her was the wake-up call nancy needed to start being a big sister again.
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soclonely · 2 years
The Clones as Annoying Things My Dad Has Done On This Roadtrip
Rex- wearing his very stereotypical dad outfit of khakis, sunglasses with the strap, and polo shirt
Echo- claims "dad tax!" And takes a bite of whatever he got us at the gas station
Fives- walking around this morning with toilet paper pieces stuck to his face from dry shaving because he forgot his shaving cream
Jesse- I'm so tired of the dad jokes
Kix- obsessed with the GasBuddy app and searches for the best price. He just took us 20 minutes away from the highway to save 15 cents a gallon
Tup- took a dad nap in the back seat earlier and reminded us all that he might have been made at the same factory as a lighthouses fog horn
Dogma-slaps the car lovingly right before we get in it at every stop.
Hardcase- "let's get this show on the road!"
Coric- insisted the entire car sing bohemian rhapsody with him. And went so far as to assign us parts
Bly- drove to 5 different gas stations until my mom was satisfied with the "vibes" of the place in order to use the facilities
99- decided to turn on the seat warmers without telling anyone
Cody- *points to cow* cow
Waxer/Boil- has my little brothers chanting "one more night! One more night!" Because they want to stay at a hotel with a pool before getting to the Yoop.
Wolffe- rolls eyes at me dramatically whenever I say he's annoying 😂
Boost/Sinker- drove barefooted with his stinky feet
Hunter- grumbling about his cold, bald head.
Wrecker- excited about bridges we cross
Tech- his fun facts game is in fact, not very fun
Crosshair- forced to play the license plate gane
Omega- ate all of the laffy taffy 😒
Howzer- literally drops a pun every chance he gets.
Fox- he spilled coffee ALL OVER my new SUvs center console
Gregor- gave the dogs each a slice of cheese, which resulted in a 5 minute case of stinky dog toots later
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
What kind of Mike moments™️ are you hoping to see in s5 (like getting vecna'd, certain things brought up from old seasons, interactions with certain characters)
okay i’m gonna shorten my list down to my top five Michael Moments that i really need to see happen
1. the one thing i absolutely need for mike in s5 is for him to finally let go of being strong. i don’t want him to be angry, because that’s just another cover up he uses to hide his actual feelings. no i want him to sob, to cry loud and hard because he’s tired. i want him to be allowed to cry for the people he’s lost, cry for all the time he spent trying to be someone else, cry because he’s terrified of the things that are happening again, cry just because he’s tired. he’s tired of feeling alone and having no one to turn to except will, who he can’t even be completely honest with. he deserves to let himself be ‘weak’ and just feel everything. i want him to let himself be saved and taken care of
2. i need mike to come out to lucas like i need air. i need that reconciliation arc SO badly. mike finally opening up to lucas and admitting that he’s gay is just something that would be so impactful considering the role lucas has been playing in mike’s life as the person who mike thinks he’s supposed to be but can’t. i’ve talked about this like 6 billion times but mike being accepted by lucas is just something that is so important to me
bonus if we get a parallel to the s1 handshake
3. i am such a sucker for the swing sets im so sorry. i literally don’t care what it is or how it happens but i want mike to go back to the swing set. maybe it’s him hiding in the light, maybe it’s somewhere he’s been going when he wants to really be alone, maybe it’s where he takes will at the end of their first date. don’t know and i don’t care I just need him to go back to back to the swings
4. OKAY DO YOU KNOW THOSE LITTLE MOMENTS HE HAS LIKE. okay so there’s the, “told you. physics.” scene and there’s the one where he figures out the number is in the pen. i want another one of those, but i want will to call mike a genius and for mike to get all flustered about it bc nobody has ever complimented him for his brains and also it’s will
5. this one is entirely self indulgent but i kinda want a little scene of mike trying to get dressed. not in the way he’s been doing by picking clothes off the floor but he finally feels good enough to put some effort into it and i wanna see him go through his closet and we can just see the different stages of mike’s life in his clothes. we the striped polo shirts, the sweaters, his leather jacket, maybe some other stuff he’s picked up along the way. i’m just curious as to what mike would end up deciding feels the most like himself. also i wanna see him looking in the mirror and smiling because he finally feels like himself
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eloiselikescheese · 10 months
THINGS THAT WERE IN THE RWRB BOOK THAT DIDN’T MAKE THE MOVIE AND I’M MAD ABOUT IT (don’t get me wrong the movie was a masterpiece and I have literally watched it eight times but I’m still mad)
June and Alex going through magazines together
Alex and Nora pretending to be dating for the tabloids
“Alex has seen her stab someone in the kneecap with a very similar embroidery needle” page 9, about Amy 
Henry being “infuriatingly” tall compared to Alex 
Literally the entire first chapter minus the cake falling. They even changed the set up and dialogue for how it fell!
Chapter 2:
“Alexander,” Ellen says, her tone eerily calm. “Shut up.”
“You’re a dumbass. Love you.” -Ellen
Alex bi panicking for Shaan 
Henry riding in from polo practice on his horse looking perfect, and Alex saying “I am going to throw up on you.” (Page 36)
Alex’s parents being divorced, it made Ellen even more powerful. 
The entire cornettos scene: Alex seeing Henry in a plain t-shirt, the post Alex made, Henry commenting on Alex’s glasses 
That mysterious part where Shaan gives Henry a pill, it intrigued both me and Alex. (Pg 41)
Actually hearing Henry’s interaction with the girl in the hospital. He’s so sweet. (Pg 45)
“You know,” he says into Henry’s hair, “we have got to stop ending up like this.” -When they fall on each other in the hospital closet. (Pg 46)
Alex putting his number in henry’s phone. So good.
Chapter 3
Ellen doing a wiping motion in front of her face, turning president face off and mom face on (pg 63)
The conversation where Henry texts “one does not foster a lifelong love of Star Wars without knowing an “empire” isn’t a good thing.” (Pg 72)
“tell shaan I say hi and I miss that sweet sweet ass xoxoxo” “I will not.” (Pg 74) 
Chapter 4
The extended turkey scene. literally the entire thing. So funny. SO MANY good lines. (Pg 76-83)
Ellen and Oscar’s divorce also made Alex a deeper character in a way.
Alex’s entire HOUR LONG phone call with Henry after his parents fight on Christmas Eve
June’s resistance to Ellen wanting her on the campaign (little details like this made the story so real.)
“Legendary Balls-Out Bananas White House Trio New Years Eve Party.” (Pg 95)
Pez actually asked June out, not Nora. You can’t just replace her like that!
The fact that Alex kissed NORA on new years. It was more personal.
Alex and Henry leaning against the tree together before they kiss (Pg 106)
Chapter 5
Alex tripping and scraping his knee on a run with June because he can’t stop thinking about Henry (Pg 113)
Alex having an actual job on the campaign 
Henry going out with a girl, it built more tension 
Amy being gay
Liam Liam Liam Liam Liam Liam Liam Liam Liam
Chapter 6
Alex being into henry’s accent just from the word “Oh.” (Pg 129)
“You’re not going kill him, are you?” “Probably not.” (Pg 131)
“Stop thinking.” “Yes. Gladly.” (Pg 132)
Alex grabbing henry’s tie and whispering the “I’m going to do some very bad things to you” line. I’m serious that tie was important to me.
“Yes, you preening are, I’ve wanted you so long I won’t have you tease me for another fucking second.” (137)
“Alex rolls his eyes. “For fuck’s sake, man, you just had my dick in your mouth, you can kiss me good-night.” Henry looks back up at him, his mouth open and incredulous, and he throws his head back and laughs, and it’s only him, the nerdy, neurotic, sweet, insomniac rich guy who constantly sends Alex photos of his dog, and something slots into place. He leans down and kisses him fiercely, and then he’s grinning and gone.” (145-146) THEY EVEN ADDED A PAUSE WHERE HE WOULD HAVE SAID IT LIKE COME ON
Alex absolutely dying over the way Henry looks in polo gear
Seeing the actual emails they sent to each other, they left out a lot of the emails and the way they addressed each other was SO GOOD.
Chapter 7
“You’re a mad, spiteful, unmitigated demon, and I’m gong to kiss you until you forget how to talk.” -Henry texting Alex (158)
“Listen,” Henry is saying, heated, over the phone on a Thursday night. “I don’t give a damn what Joanne has to say, Remus John Lupin is gay as the day is long, and I don’t want to hear a word against it.” - Literally Iconic. *chefs kiss* (160)
Zahra telling Alex she’d chop off her own tit before letting him do something stupid to let Ellen lose reelection. (162)
Catherine, the badass way she married an actor even though the queen forbid it, because she loved him. 
WASPy Hunter, that’s literally the only way Casey McQuinston refers to him and I love it.
“You have so much in you, it’s almost impossible to match it. But he’s your match, dumbass.” June (178)
The entire scene of Alex coming out to June 
The entire phone call where Pez answers Henry’s phone and teases them (183-185)
The way Pez made MATCHING. KIMONOS. For The Super Six when they did karaoke in LA.
Bea being a bigger and cooler character 
Alex convincing Henry to do karaoke by… lets just say being sexy.
The scene after karaoke in the hotel, Alex wishing he could get up with Henry every morning, Cash bringing them hangover coffee
Chapter 8
“If only you had known the mighty work of thine loins would be undone by a gay heir who likes it when American boys with chin dimples are mean to him.” An email, from Henry to Alex. (203)
Alex being so extremely passionate about flipping Texas with the Texas binder and everything
Phillip being an absolute prick at Wimbledon, then Henry escaping the match to have sex with Alex in a storage closet, the last thing they “should” be doing. (216-218)
The extended piano scene where Alex is most definitely falling in love but is in DENIAL
I said it once but I need to repeat, RAFAEL LUNA’S BETRAYAL/PLOT TWIST
Henry just showing up for Alex because of Rafael. 
“Henry kisses his mouth over and over again and says quietly, “You are good.” (230) OH MY GOD HOW DARE YOU TAKE THAT FROM ME
Henry making a joke about being closeted when he hides in the closet from Zahra, also the fact that he “comes literally tumbling out of the closet.” 
“Oh my god, I thought you were getting into international relations or something.” “I mean technically-“ “If you finish that sentence, I’m gonna spend tonight in jail.” (232)
Chapter 9
Ellen basically saying “oh, that’s all?” At his bisexuality, THEN being shocked at the bomb drop of Henry.
History, huh? Being in an email and becoming the big quote that people used in support of the relationship later.
The way they ended emails with gay/romantic quotes from letters in history
Henry said “Hi, Love.” Into a hug with Alex then they held hands in the jeep on the way to the lake cabin and if that isn’t love WHAT. IS. (249- 250)
Henry learning how to eat ribs (256)
Henry ending his goodbye note with “Thank you for everything. X” was 1. Heartbreaking. 2. Extremely romantic and makes you go “ooooohhhh he’s no just leaving for family stuff.” (265)
Chapter 10
After Henry left the lake cabin, Alex smashed a mug and his phone because he was so upset and restless (267)
Alex screaming at henry’s window making a huge scene until he was let in to the palace
“My birthright is a country, not happiness.” (272)
“What do you want?” “I want you—“ “then fucking have me.”
The fact that their argument descended straight into making out because Henry loves him and it kinda sucks but he still does and he’s crying as they kiss
The morning after Alex storms the castle, Henry and Alex are laughing snd kissing and Henry accidentally presses play on Ellen’s voicemail, which is “Diaz, you insane, hopeless romantic little shit, It had better be forever. Be safe.”
V&A, Alex “taking a picture of a national gay landmark, and also a statue.”
They clink together under his shirt, two homes side by side. (I admit the narration would be hard to do in a movie but readers would just KNOW and the camera could just focus on his necklace.)
Chapter 11
“You had the absolute audacity to love me back.” Henry in an email (300)
Chapter 12
Alex comforting Henry in the car because he’s getting a panic attack due to the pressure of lying (311-312)
“It would be a lie, because it wouldn’t be him.” Alex’s talking about getting a wife, arguing w/ Rafael Luna (317)
“Should I tell you that when we’re apart, your body comes back to me in dreams… “Fuck!” He says a third time, spiking the newspaper at the floor. That one was his.” (324) AJSDHFLAGAHLKFAJG 
Chapter 13
Alex thinking he’s getting some sort of lecture or game plan from Ellen after the email leak only to have her ask if he’s okay like the good mom she is. (326)
Alex’s family all standing there for him after the leak, then Alex crying and collapsing to the floor in their arms. (331-332)
When Zahra gets Henry on the phone, Henry asks how Alex is doing But Alex immediately asks how Henry is instead because it is harder for him. Also, Phillip broke a vase that belonged to Anne Boleyn??? Amazing detail.
“I love him on purpose.” (344)
“I’ve been gay as a maypole since the day I came out of mum, Philip.” (353) it was better and funnier in this fight than their first night together.
Catherine sticking up for Henry so strongly against the queen 
Bea spilling tea on Phillip to shut him up (and just generally keeping him away from Henry to be protective.) (357)
Chapter 14
June wearing a “History, huh? Shirt and Alex tackling her into the tightest hug that they fall into a shrub (360-361)
Richards’ campaign being the cause of the email leak and Nora working her ass off to prove it 
“You are,” he says, “the absolute worst idea I’ve ever had.” (372)
I just need to repeat, R.A.F.A.E.L. L.U.N.A. A BADASS KING. I. WAS. ROBBED.
Chapter 15
Phillip starting to not be a prick
There is an entire page written, just describing the moment that Ellen officially got reelected. Everyone in different little bits of joy, and I think that could have been beautiful. (413)
This list is so long but I could have made it so much longer I’m not even kidding. I cut it down to make it readable, and there is still so much in the book that just doesn’t translate to movies, but makes the story so much richer and amazing. Books are honestly ALWAYS better than the movie, but again, the list could be longer. This book is so beautiful.
Things that I actually liked that changed in the movie
“You act like the sun shines out of his ass, and you have a vitamin D deficiency.” (Instead of “and you make it convincing) 
“You’re wearing lifts, I know that too, sweetheart.” 
Alex saying “You’re late” smirking and closing the door, only to have henry walk right in and start to make out with him
“And I thought Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz was a mouthful.” “He is.” 
“I want you chewing on a goddamn crumpet by sunset… *Bows* Your Royal Highness.” 
“I wanna see your face COVERED in barbecue sauce, and then, I wanna lick it off.” 
That part where Henry asks why they have to maintain a traditional royal image and the king says “beca-beca-becau-Because!” Rambles about the country, then says “a prince who is… ✨HOMOSESGXSGSUAL.✨” but in the most funny disgusted voice
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butterknobsblogs · 2 years
𝑮𝑨𝑹𝑫𝑬𝑵 𝑺𝑶𝑵𝑮 (𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
‘Garden Song’ will also be available on AO3 here
Synopsis: The year is 1991 and Steve Harrington is getting on with his life- a much quieter life since he finished helping save the world. Little does he know that Eddie Munson is about to come back into his life with the force of a human tornado, years after their last unresolved encounter, and under some of the worst circumstances imaginable.
Warnings: Throw the canon out the window, literally pretend vol 2 didn’t happen, canon-typical violence, sexual references, drug use, a car crash resulting in major character injury, this part isn’t explicit but further parts very much will be, Eddie has one leg lol, angst and major mutual pining, slow-burn
General content: named after the Phoebe Bridgers song bc I saw a Steddie edit to it that destroyed me, Eddie and Steve definitely have some kind of unresolved tension in this, Eddie being lowkey bad at reading social cues, Robin is featured a fair bit in this part, Eddie and Steve are great pseudo parents, lowkey a slow ish start but I promise it picks up in the next party sorry!! This is quite long and not 110% proof read so forgive me pls lol
If you enjoy this pls interact <3
Someday I’m gonna live in your house
up on the hill
And when your skinhead neighbour goes missing
I’ll plant a garden in the yard then
They’re gluing roses on a flatbed,
You should see it, I mean thousands,
I grew up here til it all went up in flames
Except the notches in the doorframe
|Phoebe Bridgers- Garden Song|
Steve Harrington was always prepared for the worst case scenario.
Which is why when Robin Buckley called the landline phone of his small rental apartment on a Tuesday afternoon in mid June, he was relatively unphased by the state she was in on the other end of the line.
“It’s Dustin,” he managed to make out through the illegible sobbing mess she’d become, the words like a swift kick to the pit of his stomach.
“What- what d’you mean? What about him?” Though the gravity of the situation was apparent by Robin’s inability to even catch a breath through the noises she was making, there was a jovial undertone to Steve’s words that stripped them bare of the worry he’d been struck by. “Robin what’s happened?” He could hear a female voice in the background of Robin’s end of the call, trying to coach her through her breathing which was now coming ragged through great, heaving sobs. Steve was fairly certain he could hear her fighting the need to blow her nose.
“There was-” a gulp of air in, “God Steve. They cut him out-” a shuddering exhale, “Out of the car but they don’t know if- and he’s, he’s in surgery and- but, you he put you down he wanted you called if anything happened to him Steve”.
While Robin spoke, Steve had woven himself and the phone as far away from the wall as its tether would allow him, hooking the receiver under his jaw and against his shoulder while he patted himself down in search of his car keys. He’d spent the majority of his morning on the hunt for supplies for his first teacher’s assistant gig due to start in a week- life skills, a local high school, nothing overly fancy like his parents would have expected of him- and he was dressed simply in worn light wash denim jeans with a grey and green polo shirt tucked in. He’d cut his hair since growing up, though he wasn’t entirely sure when the growing up had occurred, just that it meant his hair was now slightly tamer than it had been in his late teens and smelled faintly of the much too expensive gel that inhabited his top drawer. A few days worth of a 5 o’clock shadow darkened the angle of his jaw, the swoop of his upper lip.
“Okay Robin- Robin,” Steve swung his keys around a finger by the loop they hung off, trying hard to make himself heard over his friend’s understandable hysteria. “Robin, I'm leaving to drive down now. You got my mobile number if anything changes while I’m in the car yeah? Yeah- okay”.
And so Steve Harrington, prepared for anything, began the 4 hour drive back to his hometown in Indiana with nothing but his shitty Nokia, a tiny collection of underground albums and the half full bottle of Jack Daniels that lived in his back seat for company.
Nancy had been the first to move away from Hawkins after everything was finally done. Followed swiftly by Jonathan, and then, one by one as they got accepted to college or made other paths for themselves, the kids. Max had been the last of them to fly the coop, but it had taken her longer to figure out the logistics of leaving for herself, switching the locations of numerous kinds of physical and occupational therapy she endured for years. Eventually Robin had gone to college in New York, choosing to pursue arts. “Meet lots of other boobie loving lesbians like yourself doing that” Steve had joked, much to her behest. Hopper and Joyce hadn’t moved far, just to a larger house with land that ran the border between Hawkins and the next town over; a fixer upper Joyce had called it when they’d brought a lonely Steve over to show him.
And then it had just been Steve, because Eddie…
The last time Steve had seen Eddie Munson, it had been 1988. All the Chrissy Cunningham shit hadn’t blown over as smoothly as the government had been hoping, but Eddie had fought hard to stay in Hawkins when they’d been forcing his hand to try and get him and his uncle to relocate under new names. Steve was under no illusion that things had been looking up for Eddie, still branded a killer by much of the town despite being proven innocent, but he hadn’t wanted to leave the kids.
Until one day, late October, Eddie had appeared on the doorstep of Steve’s parents’ house- a monolith up on a hill, much too big and eerily quiet- Sabbath shirt and roughed up black jeans doing little to protect him from the bitey Fall chill, and had told Steve he was leaving. Just like that. Their goodbye had been bristling and brief, to say the least. Neither had kept in touch.
Finally, Steve had pried himself out of the clutches of Hawkins Indiana in ‘89, cutting all contact with his parents and relocating to Michigan where he’d been convinced by Robin to pursue the qualifications to become a teacher’s aid. “And who knows then? Maybe you’ll become a history teacher or a basketball coach- the possibilities are endless Stevie!” She’d spun to him over dinner one night. In the end leaving Hawkins had been like ripping off a bandaid. Momentary stinging, and then, nothing but a phantom itch every now and then to remind you that once upon a time it was there, a part of you. He called Jim Hopper once or twice every other week to check in, and that was as much as he had to do with the town where he’d become a man these days.
Now Steve sat in the front seat of his car, hunched over the wheel in a way that had his back crying out in protest, the Hawkins district hospital looming large in front of him. Robin hadn’t called once on his way down- or if she had she’d been calling the wrong fucking number- and he wasn’t entirely sure whether to take that as a good or bad omen.
Steve wasn’t entirely sure he believed in omens really. Omens, or God, or fate, or luck. Not anymore. Perhaps because he’d spent much of his time in Hawkins misinterpreting them. A “good” omen had more often than not meant someone would end up dead, or close enough to it. Like Eddie-
“Oh thank Christ you’re here.”
The passenger side door opened and Steve jumped a little, knees bumping the underside of the steering wheel. It was dark outside now, and he flicked the interior light on so he could clearly see Robin sitting across from him. She’d dyed the ends of her short, light hair a vibrant shade of red on a whim (during a drunken phone call neither of them could really remember all that much of) and she smelled faintly of weed. Her eyes looked swollen and bloodshot from crying, and she sounded congested.
“He’s still in surgery but we don-”
“Robin what the fuck happened?” He pushed some of his brown hair back from his face.
“Dustin and I, we’re down visiting Joyce-”
“I know why you’re here Ro, I don’t- ugh? No, what happened with Dustin?” He pinched the bridge of his nose and waited for her response.
When Dustin had left to go to college (and what a boozy send off that had been) he’d been accepted into Columbia. It was just his luck that Robin was in her second year by that point, her apartment in prime location and on the search for a flatmate. Hence why the pair had been visiting Hop and Joyce in Hawkins together and Robin had been able to make the call.
“He was on his way to his mom’s and there was a drunk driver in a fuckin Honda- he’s dead so good riddance, but Dustin’s seen better days”
“Yeah no shit”.
Steve rubbed his hands up and down his face in disbelief, not quite feeling real as he sat there trying to process what his best friend had told him. It felt, overwhelmingly so, as if he was waiting for the other shoe to drop somehow.
In silence, they sat for a long time. Robin took Steve’s hand in hers, leant across to his seat and rested her head against the rough shoulder of his polo, placed their joined hands on her chest. Steve snaked his free hand up to her head, looping his fingers softly through the back of her hair to try and bring some semblance of comfort to her day. He wasn’t sure how long they stayed there for- a lifetime, an eternity- holding each other in the quiet without moving, but when they finally broke apart and stepped out of the car both their bodies were stiff.
Too fuckin old for this shit, Steve thought to himself, though 24 was not old.
Robin led him through the winding, sterile corridors of the hospital hand in hand, both of them husks of the people they’d been that morning before everything had happened.
Steve was vaguely aware of a niggling, scratching thought at the back of his mind- a memory more than anything. Himself, battered and bandaged, confined to a small section of this same hospital, keeping watch of Max Mayfield’s lifeless body like a dog standing guard, day in and day out. Jim Hopper coming to sit with him, telling him the feds and the government were handling everything with as little grace as they’d all expected, explaining the process to him thoroughly like a father might his own son. The way he would sneak into the small, too cold room they’d shoved Eddie in every waking moment he wasn’t with Max, huddling over his hospital bed and often falling asleep with his head resting against the foot of the hard mattress. Had keeping them all alive really been enough in the end? When it had been his job to keep them all safe. He still couldn’t answer that question.
He found that the feeling of waiting at a hospital hadn’t changed all that much in five years. Just that now, Robin was with him and he was not as afraid as he’d been back then. The plastic chairs were still just as unforgiving on his body though.
Together, Steve and Robin, prepared for everything and nothing always, sat stoic wrapped around each other into the early hours of the next morning, until a doctor came and told them it would be “hours yet at least” before Dustin was out of surgery- if he made it out of surgery- and to go to wherever they were staying and get some rest until a call came through. And for all the times they’d been drunk together since reaching adulthood, they both thought on the winding car trip to the Hopper-Byers residence that there had never been and never would be a time where they were less lucid than now.
“Oh no Mrs Byers, I’m good thank you”
Slowly, Steve rolled back into the river of consciousness, the living room couch almost swallowing him whole in his attempt to sit up.
“You can call me Joyce, you know? I don’t bite” Joyce was bustling about in the next room- the kitchen- the warm smells of fresh brewed coffee and sizzling bacon wafting through to spark Steve’s senses awake.
“Hmm, reckon I’ll still call ya Mrs Byers though”.
Steve knew that voice. Male and light, never without an antagonistic edge to it. He frowned as he swung his bare feet over the couch edge and stood, a headache pounding violently behind his eyes.
Suddenly laughter erupted from the kitchen, Robin’s husky giggle and Joyce’s full belly laugh- along with the soft, deep chuckling of someone else, getting closer to Steve as he stretched out his arms behind his body and-
“Oh. You’re up.”
Where Steve had changed his appearance to feel more grown up, Eddie Munson had metamorphosed into a 25 year old version of the freshly post-teen man he’d been the last time the world had almost ended in ‘86. The unruly mop of his shaggy hair had remained stagnant, however in the light of the living room it looked a shade or two darker than Steve could recall it being- like seeing someone for the first time in decades and realising the picture you’d painted of them had been wrong all along. Oddly, he found, it stung.
“Coffee?” Eddie’s eyes had always reminded Steve of those of a deer, wide and the kind of dark that made him feel like they might swallow him whole any second. As they held each other’s gaze- Eddie just over the living room threshold, and Steve right by the couch- Steve found they had the same effect on him even now.
“When did you get in?” A small look of defeat played across Eddie’s soft features as Steve pushed straight past him, striding barefoot into the kitchen and ignoring the steaming mug held out in those long, ringed fingers like an olive branch.
“About 4. Hop picked me up. Still in bed now ‘cause of it,” Eddie offered by way of response.
“It was the both of you,” Robin said, staring straight down into her plate of maple doused bacon and golden brown French toast as though it might hold the power to remove all the tension that had cropped up from the room, “Dustin wanted the both of you called, if anything ever happened to him, I forgot to mention yesterday- you know how he always had that joke? You guys were like mom and dad?” She huffed a small laugh, though she didn’t really find any of it amusing.
“More like mom and dad in the middle of a bitter divorce settlement- fuck me” Eddie mumbled to himself more than anyone else as he set Steve’s cup down on the bench in front of him a little too loud and moved a little haphazardly toward the refrigerator.
“Anyway,” Robin always knew how to fill an awkward silence by talking, “The hospital called this morning, Dustin’s surgery went fine but he’s not doing great yet. Reckon he’ll be in for a long haul recovery”
“Not surprising,” Eddie spoke around a mouthful of food as he bumped the fridge shut behind him with his ass.
“And where exactly are you these days Eddie?” It was as if Steve was watching himself speak to Eddie from outside his body, screaming no no no don’t do this shit to no avail as he ploughed on, “Because I don’t recall having heard much from you since you left Hawkins”.
Robin had her head in her hands at the kitchen bench, and Joyce had long since taken her leave and fled presumably to lay back down with Hopper in their room on the other side of the house. It was a cozy dwelling, despite its large size- the first homey house Steve had stepped inside that was bigger than a three bedroom. When he and Robin had arrived last night, bleary eyed, Hop had given them a brief tour, showing off the rooms they’d decorated tailored to each of their ‘kids’. The dedication and love that permeated every surface of the home bore deep into the marrow of Steve’s bones, a reminder that he may have found comfort for himself amongst these people, but he would never erase how unwanted he’d been by his own parents.
“Well Steve,” Eddie’s voice held that same antagonistic edge it always had, “I’ve been writing a lot these days and last night I flew in from LAX so, without further ado I’m gonna take a fuckin’ shower”. He wove out of the kitchen and down the hall to the right, booted footsteps heavy and loud as he went, slightly irregular as they receded. Steve downed his coffee in six quick, large mouthfuls, ignoring the way it burnt his throat on the way down.
Somehow he’d thought seeing Eddie again would be easier. Perhaps it was because he’d never thought it would happen- though he supposed that was ridiculous thinking. Inevitably the kids would get married, start families. There would be birthdays to attend, weddings, funerals- they were fated to cross paths in a bizarre do-se-do this way for the rest of their lives. You cannot delay the inevitable.
Over the years Steve had come to terms with his sexuality like he was unpacking a box of old clothing. Trying pieces of it on one at a time until he’d worked the whole ensemble out together. Robin had been there, of course, to help and to console, and to spend far far too many nights drunk and rambling with, and she’d been the one to ultimately introduce him to the label of bisexuality. Steve had never, however, come to terms with the unresolved attraction he’d had in those last few years in Hawkins for Eddie. He’d told Robin of it only once, which he had little to memory of doing thanks to three quarters of a bottle of tequila and a sizable amount of cocaine someone from the Columbia arts department had gifted him for his 23rd birthday. He still had the Polaroid evidence that the night had ever occurred stuck to his fridge door back home.
“I don’t know what’s wrong between the two of you, but either promptly rectify it, or shove it literally so far up your ass that you can forget about it long enough to actually be there for Dustin when he wakes up, because I’m certain he did not leave strict instructions to call you both only for you to be bickering like this the whole time” Robin, still dressed in last night’s clothing, pushed back from her spot at the bench as she spoke, hands flailing expressively in her annoyance. “Also, I’m seeing Vickie today, so it’ll be up to you two to man the fort at the hospital Steve.” She stormed away down the hall, Converse squeaking on the floorboards.
Steve could count on one hand the amount of times Robin had been mad at him. The time he’d left her stranded at the Family Video Store because he’d forgotten to pick her up for four and a half hours after her shift. The time he’d almost broken her leg in the Upside Down. Potentially the time they’d been stuck in the Russian elevator but he was yet to confirm that with her.
Still bristling, Steve poured himself a second cup of coffee, then a third, and added another notch to the tally of how many times Robin had been mad at him in his lifetime.
The people of Hawkins, Indiana still looked at Eddie Munson like the town pariah. Chrissy Cunningham’s killer. No matter that the government and Hopper had tried their damned hardest to make all that go away as smoothly as possible- it turned out it was actually a lot harder than anyone had apparently anticipated to make years of predetermined judgement fuelled hatred disappear, regardless of someone’s innocence- people still hated him. Eddie hadn’t really been too surprised at the lingering distaste. He had, however, been surprised when Steve Harrington had intentionally attempted to rile him up over breakfast that morning.
Surprised may be the wrong word, all things considered. When Eddie had left Hawkins he knew he’d been the last in a long line of people Steve had cared for who’d simply up and left him. Knew his parents never called when they weren’t home, and were rarely home as it was. Avoided him like a pathogen when they were. Knew that though the kids had all gone off to college, to have the lives they’d all fought to allow them to have, that their absence remained a festering wound in Steve’s life, like a parent left iced out. And yet he had still left all the same. Standing on that doorstep, a chill biting into his body and his right leg fucking aching from the effort of walking all the way there, Eddie had still told Steve he’d be gone from Hawkins two days later. There had been no trace of the man he’d gotten to know so intimately at the end of the world when he’d searched Steve’s face for a response.
Eddie had kept in touch with all the kids, all the adults too. Dustin and El- surprisingly- spoke to him most frequently, Dustin emailing constantly and texting and calling, organising a small handful of DnD campaigns over the years that the kids, all long since adults now, had all attended. The others would call every now and then, but what he loved most was when they all saw him in an interview or saw his work in a store and called him just to extend their fondness.
It had been six months after leaving Hawkins that Corroded Coffin had made their break into the underground music scene, the other members choosing to follow Eddie out of their hometown when he’d pitched his musical scheme to them drunkenly one night in Jeff’s garage, and what a glorious break it had been. By the time Robin was calling Eddie, hysterical, to fly down to be there for Dustin after his accident, he and the guys were working on their second full studio album and had signed on with a major recording company. He’d put it all on hold the second he’d picked up Robin’s call.
“How’s the leg?” Steve was driving them to the hospital, what Eddie thought might have been his fifth cup of coffee of the morning wedged haphazardly into his dashboard cup holder. The younger man hadn’t even showered before they’d made their way to the car together that morning, and he didn’t appear to have any spare clothes on him- just a half empty bottle of Jack, Eddie had observed in his peripherals as he’d climbed awkwardly into the car.
“Your leg,” Steve mumbled, “How is it these days?”
“Still gone,” Eddie found himself answering jovially, though his ring clad fingers ghosted softly over the spot under his jeans where flesh met metal, just above where the ball of his knee should’ve been. Once was. “Apparently they don’t grow back, so”
“It doesn’t seem to, yknow… hurt you as much anymore”.
When the demobats had literally torn off the lower segment of Eddie’s leg he’d almost bled to death. Obviously. He still had vague recollections of looking up at Dustin’s face above him as they both cried- the boy hysterically, begging whoever else had been there for help, Eddie softly and quietly as he accepted his fate- that drove him from sleep sometimes. No one had ever described it to him, but the small flashes of memory were enough. Dustin with his hands near black from the amount of Eddie’s blood that coated them, the otherworldly chill that had seeped into his bones as darkness lay under him, arms open and waiting to pull him under. The scream that had tore through him as the others had lifted his body up roughly, hands all over him keeping his insides inside of him and clamping down hard on what was left of his right leg. “Can’t feel my foot” he could remember slurring “s’it gone?”. In the end it had been Robin who’d looked at him, unflinchingly calm and said, “Yeah Ed, it’s gone”.
As it turns out, hospital staff are less likely to suture off your fucked up leg stump neatly when they think you’re a cheerleader killer. Eddie had learnt this the hard way upon waking up. It had taken months for the mangled, raw end of his lower thigh to heal enough that Eddie no longer woke multiple times a night, sweat soaked and vomiting from the pain that burnt through his bones and flesh. The government had paid for and sourced him a brilliant transfemoral prosthetic, the black metallic contraption taking him years to be able to use comfortably thanks to the botched repair job that had been pulled on his body. He still fumbled walking on it even now.
“Yeah it doesn’t,” Eddie confirmed for Steve as they pulled into the hospital parking lot, “Doesn’t hurt so much anymore”.
Hospitals made Eddie feel sick.
“Well let’s hope Dusty Bun is still all in one piece hey? One Party cyborg’s enough” Steve exited the car, cup of coffee in hand, and shut the door a little too hard behind himself. Just like Eddie had placed his cup down a little too aggressively that same morning. Vaguely, Eddie had the sense that he’d been called the Party Cyborg in the same tone people used to call him the freak, stepping out of the car and adjusting his worn leather jacket and well loved Iron Maiden shirt in an attempt to appear neater. It didn’t work, and oddly, what Steve had said stung like scraping the heels of your palms against pavement.
The staff overseeing Dustin’s care gave the two men the basic rundown of what to expect before they were allowed through to see the kid. Completely shattered femur, removed his spleen during surgery last night, extensive but now controlled internal bleeding, minor facial injuries, broken wrist, still waiting for the anaesthesia to wear off, please don’t be alarmed by his appearance- he’s not out of the woods yet but he’s certainly better than when we received him yesterday. It hit Steve worst when they entered the room, left him doubled over in the far corner with his hands braced against his knees, Eddie could see it written all over his face. How did they all almost die only to end up back here? How the fuck was that fair?
“Fuck man,” Steve breathed, straightening and stepping toward Dustin’s bedside, “fuck!”
The kid’s appearance hadn’t changed much since he’d been a teenager, though the throes of puberty had left him looking almost mannish in the same way they did to everyone when they were fresh out of teen hood. He’d been stripped of his clothes, his bottom half covered by a sheet and the rest of him ensnared in the labyrinth of wires and tubing that exited and entered various parts of his body. Butterfly bandages held together a split on his lower lip and another through his eyebrow, sutures woven through a puffy, angry looking slash just below his hairline. A steady and sure beeping from the monitors at the bedside was the only assurance that Dustin Henderson was still alive.
“Fuckin’ Honda drivers man,” Eddie said and instantly knew he shouldn’t have. Steve glanced over at him wide eyed and open mouthed, exasperated.
“Shut up Munson”.
Eddie wasn’t entirely sure when everything with him and Steve had gone so terribly wrong. Not that there had ever truly been anything established about the two of them. For a long time, while the world was ending, they really had cared for the kids like mom and dad, they’d shared clothes and weapons and shifted their sleep schedules to dance around each other’s, and they’d trimmed each other’s hair and shared cigarettes and joints by the fire a lot. They’d touched a lot too, casually, in a weird timid way at first that gained comfortability as it became more common, until it was a daily occurrence. The kids never spoke about it, though they were nosy little fuckers- still were even in their adulthood- and neither had Steve and Eddie. The latter would have been lying had he said he’d never felt anything for Steve Harrington, but then lying had been second nature to Eddie his whole life. Eddie leaving Hawkins had been the final act that unmoored them from their tether. He knew that much.
“I’m gonna go…grab us some chairs,” Eddie said finally, chewing on his fingernail as he spoke before spinning on his heel (the real one) and exiting the room. It was more surreal than anything he’d ever felt, being the one waiting by the hospital bed. Roles inverted from the last time they’d all been here. The feeling curdled sickeningly in the pit of his stomach.
It took Eddie longer than anticipated to find a pair of chairs, though being only a medium sized local district hospital, he supposed that wasn’t necessarily the most surprising thing. When he finally returned, limping a little with the extra weight of the chairs and his still choppy prosthetic skills, he stood by the door just watching through the little window for a moment. Watching Steve knelt at Dustin’s bedside, carefully grasping his cannulated hand in his own and speaking. Eddie couldn’t hear what he was saying, but he didn’t need to. Steve was the mom. Always had been.
When he finally dragged the chairs in with him, they set them up either side of Dustin’s body, taking a hand each- carefully, so carefully because although the kid wasn’t awake they were both all too aware of how much of a bitch the pain of having shit probing in and out of your hands was- and just sitting with him in silence. It was a heavy silence, and Eddie found himself hating it, but he wasn’t like Robin. He couldn’t fill a silence just by talking and have people not hate him for it. So in silence they remained, for so long Eddie thought it might bleed into his bones. All the bones he still had, that is.
There was nothing pleasant about being stuck in a too small hospital room with Steve Harrington, who everything had gone so totally wrong with in ways Eddie couldn’t even remember. Didn’t even understand. But together they endured it, for now at least. When Dustin finally woke up and they could all breathe easier though, Eddie was going to crack Steve open, spilling him wide onto the pretty floors of Joyce and Hopper’s house and find out what made him tick. What made him hate him so wholly these days.
For now though they waited, dutifully, like dogs, at Dustin Henderson’s beside in silence.
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
helloooo!! hope you had a nice day! thought i should return the favour, because i enjoyed answering the questions that you sent in so much <3, so here goes: 7, 9 and 10 for the ask game
Omg hi!! <3 Thanks for asking! I kinda already briefly answered these here, but I'll expand on my answers because I always have a lot to talk about.
7: If you had to steal one character's wardrobe, whose would it be?
Probably Mike's! Specifically his polo/pattered sweater combo from S2 because I am absolutely obsessed with that look. I need to incorporate it into my wardrobe immediately, no joke. Special shoutouts also to El's romper in S3 (absolutely adorable! I want it!) and Robin's white patterned button down type shirt from S4 (the exact vibe I want to exude) because yes <3
9: Which location in the show would be your hangout place of choice?
Ok originally I had said the arcade (because the vibes are so perfect) but I actually want to switch it to Starcourt! Its atmosphere is so fun and I'd never get bored because there's literally so much to do there-- I'd probably spend all day eating ice cream at Scoops honestly, lol. Also exploring the back hallways that connect all the stores would be fun too. Plus if I get really (like really) bored, the Russian base is also below the mall.
10: If any other character in the show had El's abilities, who would you like to see?
First, I'd just like to make it clear that I'm a "Will has powers" truther, so obviously him. But also, I don't want him to have El's powers-- I'm hoping for healing powers, since apparently that's what clerics do in dnd (that's what I've gathered from here because I don't know anything about how dnd works). Besides Will, I think it would be funny if Nancy or Joyce had powers because if they did, the villain of the season would be dead in the first 5 minutes of the first episode 🫡
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