#3 am and i have found god in a tomato
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
02/22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby's 3 cameos Jeez; Clowning/Honking (no clown pictures); PhoneInFriday in the UK; SaveOFMD Crew Events on IG; Fan Spotlight; Custom Jackets; Collages; Chxrlotte New Song: OFMD; Morale/Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
== Rhys Darby ==
Good god, 3 Cameo's today? I hope you all enjoy dopamine-- remember to take a break in between because SHEESH. My brain overloaded real bad on #VitaminRD.
= Cameo 1: =
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The latest cameo features Rhys as Murray from Flight of the Conchords Thank you @it_llpass and "The Maybe Dids", a group of FotC fans, for getting this cameo and sharing it with everyone! Rhys Sings Leggy Blonde at the end, be sure to hold onto you seat. Src: Cameo Link - Also up on the Repo in the Cameo's section
= Cameo 2: =
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This cameo was put together by NDKiwi and The Giggle Bytes (and special thanks to @yronnia for keeping me in the loop, I've been waiting for this one since you mentioned it! The Giggle Bytes are a group of fans who really love Rhys and his Robots and sound effects! Thank you to everyone who was involved in getting this wonderfully whimsical video made! Src: Cameo Link
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= Cameo 3: =
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Thank you to the HWCC for this wonderful clowning video! Rhys scared the crap out of me in the first 6 seconds, so CW with jump scares friends. Src: Cameo
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Speaking of clowning...
== Clown/Honk Alert ==
So normally I would leave this in the cast & crew section, but they're part of the honking narrative today so here we go! The very first thing today that triggered some honking was Con O'Neill posting on his IG page the Rotten Tomatoes stats (which btw I know a lot of you have been reviewing-- and it's totally working! Those numbers have gone up from the last time I looked! GREAT JOB!)
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Which of course Samba, and Erroll posted in their IG Stories. Then, to add to the excitement, one of our crew-mates @soglamwow on twitter @'d Samba with our latest stats and he RESPONDED.
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Annnnnd to continue the clowning, Rhys JUST SO HAPPENED to take a little hiatus from Cameo until March.
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Okay so AND THEN, a sweet article from Paste was published today, and in it, Vico Ortiz talks about the SaveOFMD effort! See some of that article below!
These Thems‘ Vico Ortiz and Gretchen Wylder Talk Industry Obstacles to Making Queer Stories
If you've never seen These Thems' Please watch them here on youtube!
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Now, this is all pure speculation, but the scuttlebutt around the bronzetub booze cooler is there seems to be a LOT of engagement from multiple cast members across MULTIPLE platforms SPECIFICALLY having to do with the renewal. All of that + Vico having an article published giving shout outs to the crew? AND Rhys deciding to take some time off (which could be because he's cranking out cameos like no tomorrow, or because he found out what Vianton means, we don't know) all together in one day--- FOLLOWING multiple days of BTS and increased engagement on all platforms... it seems like a perfect storm for clowning/honking.
I found this on @mytabsclosed's Twitter after writing this up, so it's definitely the TLDR; version:
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I wouldn't be surprised if we get some sort of breadcrumb from Chaos Dad tomorrow, but don't quote me on that. I can clown town and hope though!
== UK Folks! ==
Feb 23 is #PhoneInFriday - Call in to B.B.C. 3 to request Gnossienne No. 5 at 6:30 am G.M.T., and B.B.C. 2 to request The Chain at 4 pm G.M.T. Those outside the U.K. can text or email! Need info on where to call/email, visit: How to Call into BBC
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== Save OFMD Events on IG ==
The Save OFMD Crew has been doing a lot of fun engagement events on IG the last couple days! Yesterday was #Wrong Wednesday where folks submitted their incorrect captions for various pictures. Just a couple highlights below!
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Today was #TheoryThursday! It's still going on if you're interested in joining! Just comment on their post here!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Custom OFMD Jackets =
Tonight's new fan spotlight is @investedfandoms on Instagram! They make custom OFMD Jackets -- made to order! Check out these awesome designs!
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If this is something you're interested in feel free to hit them up-- they're $200/each or if you provide your own jacket, $175 (which includes shipping). This is their only source of income at the moment so if you'd like one, this would be a great time order one and help out a fellow crew-mate!
= Collages =
More Collages for the month of February from our fabulous crew-mate @ WanderingNomad!
Day 22: #Boyfriends!!
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Catch Up: Day 3: Kristian Nairn!
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== Chxrlotte New Release! ==
Chxrlotte is a UK artist that gained public attention after the releease of their Good Omens song "Come With Me". She's just released a new song "Message In A Bottle" which is all about Our Flag Means Death! Thank you @libbyroseitm for sending me the deets on this! Please give it a listen! It's really lovely. "Message In A Bottle" On Spotify
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== Morale / Love Notes ==
Wow friends. Today was a big one. Lots and lots of trending, lots of cameos, lots of honk honk honking. It was seriously busy. I hope some of the activity has helped raise some spirits! The cast & crew are definitely seeing our efforts and really showing us they are! Remember that when things feel down, they know we're fighting and they're behind us too! Vico's words: "It also makes me hopeful seeing how y’all are mobilizing and are incredibly earnest and passionate about seeing queer content on TV or wherever that may be. It makes me, as a producer, as a writer, as an actor, excited to know that there is a community of folks who are going to support queer content that I make and attach myself to with friends that are also queer creators, and writers, and producers, and actors, because I want to give it to y’all.”  And to end on-- words from Rhys' own mouth today in one of his cameos: "Don't Stop Clowning! Until you get arrested!"
Okay lovelies. It's that time again for me to be annoyingly loving towards you. I hope you're ready! Did you know you're doing an amazing job? Like, a fucking stellar job. Whatever you're struggling with, however you're coping, you're kicking ass! You are still here with us, and I am so fucking grateful for that! I know sometimes it's really hard to give yourself self-love (I am in fact terrible at it), so I just wanna take this moment to let you know I am rooting for you! Everyone on our crew is rooting for you! You are doing your very best, and there's no one in this world who can compare to you and what you're going through. Your struggles are hard, but you are making it through because you are a strong, resilient, powerhouse of a human being! YOU are a force to be reckoned with. YOU are a kind and caring soul who puts so much good into the world. YOU are an inspiration. YOU are mind-blowingly amazeballs (that's the technical term) and you are going to do marvelous things no matter how big or how small they are. I believe in you and so does everyone on your crew, whole-heartedly. When you're ready, go shine lovelies, you deserve to shine.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd regarding gifs tonight-- The moment I saw it, I knew this was todays Darby Gif, Courtesy of @ofmd-ann, and then of course, found this lovely Taika Gif today courtesy of @agaywithcoffee that seems pretty appropriate.
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Studying with ADHD
Dear God. My activity on here is sporadic, as is fitting with my diagnosis, but I thought maybe this post could help anyone that's been struggling alongside me.
Warning: Long Post
Feel Free to browse the bullet points and stop if something catches your eye!
If you don't like any of these, don't use them! They're based solely off my experience, and everyone experiences ADHD differently <3
Setting up The Space
Study Snacks!! - No hunger in The Space
Compete with yourself
Ignore Pomodoro
Reverse the feeling of 'not being smart enough'
Active Recall
Unriddle.ai (not sponsored,,,)
Final Tip
Final Note
Here ya go:
1. Setting up The Space
Some sites say to create a 'distraction free zone' to study in. Screw that, it never worked for me.
My brain is the distraction. I'll stare off into space if there's no other option.
We set up a study space that both fulfils random urges mid-work session, and limits distractions away from the desk.
I.e. we don't get up until we need the bathroom.
You limit the amount you get up from The Space, you limit the number of things your attention span will switch to.
Snacks, fidgets, drawing, separate screen for watching stuff? Whatever works, stick it on the desk.
Food wise, I try to make a healthy lunch and then eat it at my desk while reviewing stuff, but sometimes I need a longer break.
If I am taking a break, I do it away from The Space. The Space is dead to me now.
Try to compartmentalise your area, work only in these spots, relax only in these, sleep only there.
We're trying to train our brains here, people, simple and clear relations of space to activity typically get embedded easier.
Also: work whenever.
Burst of energy at 9pm? Go for it, we sleep badly anyways.
Middle of lunch? Have a flashcard/ notes app on your phone, do it while you eat.
With friends? See method 5 <3
I'll link a separate post I'll be making on exactly how my space is set up, though most of the key points are in this one :)
2. Study Snacks!! - No hunger in The Space
One. Handed. Food. Only.
Also, food that doesn't get stuff on your fingers.
You can't work if you're constantly wiping your hands to keep going, and you need something you can absentmindedly grab while you keep your eyes trained on the work.
I recommend getting artificial sugar in your system, sweets, chocolate, give yourself a mild sugar rush to keep a bit of a buzz going while you work.
(try to be healthy about it, this won't be sustainable long-term, but I find a shot of sugar to the system can help prevent burnout)
Also caffeine! Please be aware of how much caffeine you're having for health reasons - I need to watch how much I have, since my medication is already bad for my heart, but even just having a coffee and some sugar at the start of the session, I get enough energy to start working
As long as I don't stop until I'm Done, I will be good.
3. Compete with yourself
I don't recommend competing with others, it toes the line of 'feeling like a failure' too much for my liking, but if it works for you, go for it.
Instead, I compete with myself. Mostly quizlet flashcards, but also 'how much of this have I remembered from yesterday?', and 'How much more can I remember today?'
Whether it's personality or hyperactivity, this gives a dopamine hit. Finding ways to make studying something you can score against is one of my favourite methods.
Video games are an ADHD staple for a reason, easily trackable progress and dopamine from rewards/hyperfixations/etc. make them addictive.
Turn the work into a video game (I think at this point I may sound insane to you guys but please trust me)
4. Ignore Pomodoro
ADHD students, we have to think like sharks: we stop, we die.
Once you have found yourself studying with (relative) ease, Do. Not. Stop. You keep that going as long as possible.
ADHD doesn't mean you can't focus, you can, you just have no choice in where that attention gets allocated. So, when a tomato-based timer tell you to turn off your focus and relax, after it took you half the damn time to start the stupid work, it can be a little counter-productive
(I may have some repressed rage for pomodoro, try to forgive me)
Please, ignore the pomodoro stuff. I know it's healthy to regulate the volume of work you do, but I find that once I start working, I can't stop until I run out of energy.
I time or video myself instead, I can track how long I've been working, feel proud of it, and I also can't use my phone during that session.
When my brain stops taking stuff in, I have an hour to 2 hour break, relax (away from The Space) try to reset my brain so it's back to baseline. Then I start again.
5. Reverse the feeling of 'not being smart enough'
I know I am smart, and it's on others if they don't see that, but having undiagnosed ADHD for 17 years did a number on my self image and confidence.
If you struggle with this, it's so, so helpful to try this method, and can start to reverse the negative internal image we've managed to cultivate <3
So, after you've covered a topic: tell someone about it (please make sure they're ready to listen to you rant for half an hour).
Not only are you reinforcing what you've just learnt, but you also get to feel competent, and teaching someone else about your topic helps to raise perceptions (internal or from others) of what you know/what you're capable of.
6. Active Recall
This one goes great with the whole, 'competing with yourself' method (no. 4);
Active Recall is just making sure you're going over old information and recalling correctly, once it's past short term memory. Trying to remember information without it present forces your brain to pull it from Long-term memory and reinforces the information in your brain.
I know it's been said a million times, but this + competing with yourself does wonders for me.
My favourite method is blurting ( read/write notes of one topic, wait ten minutes, do something else productive, and then try to copy that topic from memory. repeat until all key info is correctly recalled)
7. Unriddle.ai (not sponsored,,,)
Okay, this site changed it for me. 5 free uploads, 15 free inputs per month.
Download a copy of the fancy scientific paper/article/book you need to read through. Upload.
Ask unriddle to summarise key points, to re-write it as if you were 7, etc.
This genuinely saved my essays. Suddenly the procrastination of reading my source material was gone. It makes it so much easier to get through dense/boring text and then I wrote everything myself.
Please do not plagiarise, I am only recommending this site to make things easier to read, copying down what it produces is considered plagiarism by my uni, and likely most others.
8. Final Tip
Be kind to yourself.
When I got medicated, my friends were genuinely stressed by how much work I was suddenly doing.
One of them asked me about it, and I realised it didn't feel like I was doing any more than normal. I had always been working this hard, it was just that half the energy going in wasn't being wasted on trying to get myself to focus.
What you put in may not receive the same results as for others, but the reality is that you're likely working harder than they are. The irritating truth is simply that we have to compensate for the different cognitive functioning that neurotypicals get to take for granted
(no hate to the NTs, I'm glad ya'll don't have to think about it, but for someone with ADHD, it can be really tough to realise)
A Final Note:
You are smart. You can do this. We just need to modify the system a little to make it work for us. There is no shame in that, anyone telling you otherwise needs a reality check.
Genuinely though, I've noticed that people telling me I use my ADHD accommodations (required by law) as a 'crutch'.
1. If the world were set up by me, that same person would struggle just as much, if not more.
2. If Rishi Sunak's government is willing to GIVE ME FREE MONEY to access these accommodations, that implies that this genuinely is needed. Not because I think Sunak is intelligent or kind (my own political opinions, please just hear me out), but because there is no way, with the underfunding of the NHS, Public services, etc. that they'd be willing to give me money I don't need to repay if it wasn't a scientific fact that I needed it, and it helped.
Use the inadequacies of the government to your advantage in arguments, make the idiots see how integral our accommodations are. I'd have dropped out of uni by now without them.
For anyone in need of help trying to convince family/friends/teachers/etc. of the struggle with ADHD (or anything else, though I won't have as much experience with it), telling them what you need help with, or any other arguments, send me an ask. I do psychology for my degree, I am used to searching for research papers, and I will help you with the necessary scientific backing for your case.
You are not in this alone <3
Lots of Love!
Coffee + Guitar Strings
@chocolatelandgarden @chaoticstudyprincess
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ladybellissima · 7 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 12
His island in sight Katakuri felt relieved that he made it in time. Sailing with full speed they were able to get back home on the 3 third day. He didn't know what would had happened if he missed the wedding of pudding, but now getting close to his home it wasn't important anymore. Noticing a familiar face at the bay he narrowed his eyes in confusion.
"I am glad you made it in time big brother.. Where is (Y/N)?", Brulee asked his concerned brother. Slowly his servants left the ship, while Katakuri ignored her a moment and walked back to get his wife. Watching her still sleeping form lovingly, he slowly grabbed her body to bring her home. Brulee waited patiently outside and gasped of seeing his wife's condition.
"God Katakuri…",she spoke shocked and took her hand, while watching her closley.
"Why are you here? Did Oven tell Mama what happened. ", he asked in a demanding tone.
Brulee looked up to him worried and shook her head furiously. "No no. Everything's fine. It's just Oven needed help to keep things a secret. He couldn't handle your duties and his own. Plus Mama wanted to see you and so Smoothie, Daifuku and I helped him out. Don't worry. No one would ever betray you big brother. You know that, right? ", she spoke while admiring him for saving his wife. In a way he was relieved that he had some back up. It also was troublesome how to treat (Y/N) 's wounds. His sister would be more suited for this.
Nodding towards her she sighed relieved and they head back to his mansion. Everything looked like before and his once wounded cooks and servants were working again like they used to. The moment they saw their Master with (Y/N) in his arms, let them cry out in happiness.
"She is back!!!! We have to cook the best desserts ever! Quick go to work!", the head cook announced and hushed his underlings back into the kitchen. Katakuri couldn't stop the smile under his scarf that she was so loved by all people.
Getting into his room he laid her down into the double bed, while Brulee automatically started to look at her wounds. Lifting her dress she stopped midway and gave Katakuri an annoyed look.
"We need some privacy here. So stop peeping and get out. I will take care of her.", she stood before her to shield her from his flustered gaze. "Brulee I would never do that!", he stuttered embarrassed and quickly headed to the door and waited outside to calm down.
"Big brother Katakuri!", Oven came out of his office and hurried to his side. "Everything alright? How is she?", he asked and was about to step in (Y/N) 's room, but was pulled back roughly by Katakuri.
"I dare you to go in there right now. Brulee is taking care of her wounds.", he spoke in a threatening tone. Oven thought about his words and got red as a tomato.
"I got it. Sorry. I am glad you made it.", he clapped his brother's shoulder in a friendly manner, while gulping nervously. "I see that everythings fine now so I will leave. Till tomorrow brother.", he spoke and left the scene. Sighing exhausted he collected his thoughts and was able to calm down completely. The past few days were exhausting and sleep would welcome him with open arms, but there was still so much to do.
Watching the closed door for awhile Katakuri decided to prepare the rare fruit he got for (Y/N). Ignoring the surprised cooks after entering their kitchen, he took a plate and a knife to carefully peel of the shell. Stunned they gasped in awe how careful and precise he worked, but also found it quite confusing.
" Master Katakuri. Shall we prepare the fruit?", a cook asked nervously. Katakuri ignored his underling and concentrated on his work.
"No. This fruit is too important.", he finally spoke shortly and finished the plate after cutting the fruit into pieces. The cooks watched the unbelievable scene dumbfounded. Getting the plate he was about to leave, but one servant stood beside him, shaken and tried to say something.
"Speak.", Katakuri looked down annoyed, which let the servant tremble even more.
"I just… We.. always decorate the plates for Lady (Y/N).. It's for her or I am wrong?", he asked frightened to push his luck. Glancing down to his bluntly cut fruit he realized that it could have been done in a more elegantly way.
"Okay decorate it.", he spoke in his usual cold manner and with quick hands the servants put little sticks in different colors into the pieces and on the edge some flowers made of sweet paper. It looked ridiculous. Never would she believe that this fruit was from him, but for Katakuri it was more important that she eats it. Nodding shortly he left and headed back. He was right in time. Brulee got out of (Y/N) 's room and smiled towards her brother.
"(Y/N) is fine. I took care of her wounds and she sleeps peacefully.",she started, but stopped after noticing the plate in his hands.
"This unique color… Is this…one of Mama' s rare healing fruits?!", she gasp shocked. Katakuri knew what that meant, if Mama would ever find out, but he wanted to be prepared to help (Y/N) and was lucky that he send his crew to get it from one of Mama's secret treasure places. Only a few siblings knew about it. The fruit helps wounded people with their recovery and supports healing scars.
"Yes it is one. And if she finds out I will take responsibility, but till then. Shut up.", he explained seriously and Brulee fell silent.
"Stealing one of Mama's fruits.. He really is in love with her.", she smiled up to him and showed with this kind of gesture that she wouldn't say anything.
"Did you also decorate it that lovely? I have to say you are very talented. I didn't expect so much colors and creativity from you big brother.", she chuckled amazed, while Katakuri grumbled annoyed.
"Don't be stupid. Like hell I would put pink sticks into fruits.", he spoke annoyed and opened (Y/N) 's door as silent as possible to not wake her.
"I am so glad that she is here…Till tomorrow brother.", she whispered and smiled brightly of Katakuri' s caring side. It was rare to see it. Only if one of his siblings were in danger but then he looked really pissed too. Now he was just acting calm and like a husband would. Nodding shortly he entered his wife's room and got to the bedside table to put the plate on it. His look fell onto her, who was now wrapped up in bandages and wearing a sleeping dress to cover her. Cuddled up in his blanket (Y/N) slept peacefully. Katakuri sat down beside her and rested his hand next to hers onto the bed. He hesitated, but slowly grabbed her hand in his to be close to her. Her skin felt so soft in his rough hand. He brushed along her fingers with his thumb and felt his heart flutter. She was everything he ever wished. Beautiful, intelligent, kind, and strong. Chuckling of the image how she kicked the man meters away at sweet city let his heart flutter even more. How pissed she looked and her sweet trying to curse and looking angered, but in his eyes she looked so adorable. He was so rude towards her, because for him it was not possible that she really wanted to know him. It looked so suspicious, too unbelievable that there was no bad intention behind it. How stupid to think that. On top she made him always worried. Now after they spoke about everything, he realized that she isn't only breathtaking on the outside. It hurted even more what he had done. And still she forgive him and still she smiled up to his cold expression he tried hardly to change the moment her gaze meets his. Bitterly he bite his lip out of regret. He didn't deserve her. That thought always crossed his mind.
Sighing his look fell onto the clock beside her. It was already evening and in a few hours he had to leave for the wedding preparations. He knew that she wasn't able to attend. He would take care of that to hide it as good as possible. Her recovery was more important right now. Noticing some papers and pencils he thought about writing her a message than telling his servants. He often read about it in his books, but these lovey-dovey shit with love letters didn't suite him in the slightest. But it made him restless to not do it. Scratching his head in irritation he grabbed the paper and pen. Clueless he watched the pieces in his hands like they would tell him what to do.
"Let's see.. How to start. Just (Y/N). That sounds too short. Dear (Y/N)? My beloved (Y/N)? Hell no it would be too much..too cliché", he grumbled. Sighing strained about the fact that the beginning was already a challenge, he looked up to her beautiful face again.
" She tried so much to make things better… I should too. ", he thought and smiled under his scarf. Word after word he wrote down his message and read it over and over again to control its perfection. Getting up he placed the note beside the plate and gave her one last look before he had to get things ready. He was thankful to have another chance. To have the possibility to gain her trust and hopefully her love. Standing beside her he wasn't able to leave, but he had to. Slowly he leaned down to her face. Just to feel it how it would be. How it was to be this close to the one you love. Her breath brushed against his nose and slowly he pulled down his scarf. How he wished to kiss her and just showing his face without any regret afterwards. For him it was forbidden. He didn't want to hurt her. Scare her away, but in the moment of heat he closed his eyes and gave her a short kiss on her forehead. Katakuri made this gesture slowly and carefully to not wake her up or cut her with his teeth. His face heated up and the longing for her raise. God was she driving him crazy. The soft skin on his lips, her beautiful scent, which he took in deeply let his butterflies in his stomach go insane. Just centimeters away of his lips, he was not able to close the gap between them.
"I can't be friends with you..ever… And I will try my best to show you why  because.. I love you…", he whispered and froze in the spot after realizing what he just said. Thank God she was still sleeping. Embarrassed he pulled his scarf back up and headed to the door.
"Sleep well..(Y/N)…"
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demondamage · 1 year
MediWhumpMay Day 18 - Stabbing
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CW: emergency surgery, probably inaccurate medical procedure
"What the fuck did you do?!"
"Tell your dipshit apprentice if he wants to go sneaking around restricted zones, the guards are armed and aggressive." Alejo heaved Haziel into Kotarou's small cabin, knife still firmly lodged in the small angel's chest. "He's lucky I got him before they did."
Unceremoniously pushing Kotarou's cookware off the kitchen table, Alejo placed the smaller angel down on a sack of rice grabbed from the floor.
"I don't have what it takes to fix this here, if that's a consecrated blade it is SURGERY! I have a sewing needle at best. We need to get him to the lab or even better, a medic."
"Kotarou, he was in zone 3. They found him by the old tomes. As far as I know they didn't get a good look, but if someone comes in with a knife wound like this I think that's enough evidence for a conviction."
"Why the hell- no fuck I will deal with that later. Hold his head-- fuck I really need an X-ray and a god damn suture needle-"
Haziel let out a low moan, interrupting his master's panicking.
"You're doing it now, with that sewing needle and whatever else you can find." Alejo commanded, tilting Haziel's head slightly so he could spit out a mouthful of blood. "NOW!"
A needle and spool of thread. A magnifying glass. As many rags as he had left in the clean pile. And his sharpest knife, the one he had used to cut tomatoes only hours earlier. All these were dropped on his pulled out kitchen chair, now splattered in blood. Kotarou pulled the last item he needed from under the table, a dusty bottle full with a honey gold liquid.
"Interesting choice of antiseptic."
"Oh no, I'm drinking this." Kotarou grumbled, lifting the bottle and downing the a gulp. "If my hands shake he's dead."
"No more, if you can't cut straight he's dead too."
"Oh it takes a lot more than that to get me drunk.
"I don't think I trust either of you right now." Haziel's groan was soft, but there.
"Haziel, glad to see you're still with us." Kotarou lifted the kitchen knife, eyeing the tip. It would have to do. "Did I not warn you that restricted zones were, in fact restricted?"
"Yeah well- OH FUCK"
"Keep talking to me." Kotarou slide the knife gently across the skin, slowly splitting it and pulling apart. The knife was imbedded in bone and hadn't hit anything major. He wouldn't have to stitch an artery with a sewing needle.
"What the fuck do you want me to say?!" Haziel roared, struggling as Alejo held him down. "Why the fuck are you making another cut?! Just pull it out! FUCK THAT HURTS."
"I could have killed you like that if I had needed to suture an artery. Which I don't, so be grateful." Kotarou sighed slightly, moving the skin around. "I think you may have a broken rib. And some muscle damage for sure. But you do not in fact have a punctured lung."
He reached again for the bottle of Heaven's gold, only to have it snatched away by Alejo.
"Finish first."
"... fine." He sighed, grabbing the sewing needle and spool of thread. Kotarou had not planned to spend the night sewing up his idiot apprentice who couldn't stay out of where he wasn't supposed to be.
With a sewing needle.
On his kitchen table.
Fuck he needed another drink.
(pardon the super short fic, I am tired it was a long day)
General art tag: General Art tag list: @whump-queen @whumpsday @whumpinthepot @kixngiggles @project-xiii@quietly-by-myself @dontworrycomics @ka1imba
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yourmidnightlover · 2 years
Hey Jay! How are you? So, I’d like to request number 30.“why can’t you tell me you love me?”, it feels like an angsty kind of phrase to me, so maybe angst with a happy ending with Steve Harrington? Maybe reader is scared of falling in love or something…? Thank you!
i’m well, i’ve been sick the past week but i’m making it hahaha! how’ve you been?
i was thinking the EXACT same thing! this line is seriously begging for angst and i’m a fiend for it.
prompt list can be found here if you’d like to make a request <3
warnings: there’s fluff, then angst, then fluff again!, kissing, a kind of food fight?, reader has a panic attack, mentions of a rough household-nothing too detailed, please let me know if i missed anything!
a/n: i already feel so bad bc this gif is so disheartening! look at poor stevie. he just wants to be loved :( this also kinda reminds me of a fic i posted not too long ago. it’s called this one time with a mayfield!reader, and i’m working on a part 2 for it rn ;)
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you froze. you froze as soon as he said the words. how could you not?
let’s rewind a bit…
it was just another night with steve. you had been dating for nearly three months, your relationship having started after all of the vecna nonsense came to a very open close. since beginning as friends, you both realized the feelings you had for one another went far beyond platonic.
as soon as the reunion between the groups commenced, he had began spouting off how he couldn’t lose you, promising you a date once things cooled down a little. in no time, you had become infatuated with one another.
you would often go over to his house to lounge around, study for classes, or simply sleep over. when he came over to your house he found your family rather standoffish, hence why he didn’t come over often. they reminded him of his own parents, arguing all the time.
you didn’t like it when he came over.
but when you were in his arms, curled up in his bed, you felt safe. you would play with his fingers as they danced on your skin. you would play with his hair as he rested in your lap. you would listen to his laugh vibrating through his chest.
you felt peace with him.
he was the closest thing you had to…
but tonight, as you tried to make dinner with him, failing miserably, something was different. it may have been an affect from burning the pasta sauce, or maybe it was because the meatballs were like rocks, but the air had changed, and not necessarily in a bad way.
“you’re ridiculous!” he called out as he fished out a piece of charred tomato from the bottom of the pot it was in. “how did you manage to burn the sauce?” he laughed heartily.
“i dunno!” you walked over to the meatballs. “a better question is why are these things so… tough?” you picked one up, crumbling it between your fingers.
“honey,” he walked over to you, placing a hand on your waist. “i’m sorry to break it to you, but, i don’t think you’re a very good chef,” you but back a laugh before grabbing a meatball, crumbling it before tossing it in your boyfriends face.
“ha,” you have a smug grin to him before wiggling out of his grasp. once your back was turned, for no longer than three seconds, you felt your boyfriends finger rubbing the burnt sauce across your cheek. “you. did. not!” you gasped as you turned to face him before grasping the sides of his face, turning it to smudge the pasta sauce on his face as well. “they say sharing is caring, right?!”
“oh, sweetheart,” he laughed before bringing his other hand to your cheek, effectively smearing the sauce all over your face. “you have plenty, dontcha think? if anything you’re hogging the sauce.”
you connected your lips with his this time, being sure to connect your lips with his cheek and neck after to spread the sauce over him. “some would say i’m quite generous,” you sassed with a bright grin.
his hands were cupping your messy face, “god, i am so in love with you.”
you froze. you froze as soon as he said the words. how could you not?
after a second, your smile began to diminish, your heart racing. his was doing the same. your brows furrowed as if you were lost in thought before you backed into the island. you took a deep breath, feeling panic settle in.
“hey,” steve said calmly. “calm down, breathe,” his hand rested on your shoulder as he used the other to guide your breathing. “i’m here. breathe.”
“steve-i,” you took another breath. “i have to go…” you nudged out of his grasp and didn’t bother cleaning your face before walking out of his door.
once you got to your car, you realized you couldn’t go home. your dad wasn’t away on work this week. there would be nothing but turmoil and chaos at your house. there was one other safe spot for you to go to. you used old wipes left in your car to wipe pasta sauce off your face before driving.
you went to the hill cerebro was once stationed on. it was the place you and steve went for your first date. it was the first place you had sex. there were nothing but good memories attached to it. it was… everything. yet somehow you couldn’t help but cry.
you sat on the ground, not even bothering looking up to the beautiful moon, toying with the overgrown weeds while crying your eyes out. why couldn’t you just be normal.
you love him. you love him more than anything. how could you just let him stand there, a saddened look in his eyes when you said nothing at all.
you ruined the best thing in your life because you were too much of a coward to say some words. you just didn’t want to end up like your parents, saying some words but not acting upon it. love in your house meant anger and frustration and brokenness.
steve deserved better. he deserved the best.
after around half an hour of moping, you heard a car engine turnover down the hill. your heart started racing, nobody ever came to the hill, that’s why it was your special spot.
“y/n!” you heard steve’s voice ring out worriedly. “y/n, i know you’re here,” you saw him walking towards you, a blanket in hand as his face softened upon seeing you. “hey,” he stilled as he approached you.
“hi,” you sniffled, using your sleeve to wipe your tears.
“i brought us a blanket,” he took a step closer. “if there still is an us?”
“yes, steve,” you sighed, soft sobs leaving your lips. “of course there’s still an us. there will always be an us.”
he sat beside you, wrapping the blanket around the both of your shoulders. “why-why can’t you tell me you love me? i know you do. i know you do. so why can’t you just… just say it?”
“steve,” you rested your head on his shoulder. “growing up, my parents said it all the time. but they were so hateful to one another. they were spiteful, and rude, and they would yell, and i don’t want that to be our fate!” you ranted out, feeling his hand gently massaging your shoulder. “you deserve better than to have the rest of your life all mixed up because of me.”
“you are nothing like them,” he reminded you, resting his cheek on your head. “you are kind, and patient, and courageous, and sure, you’re stubborn, but that’s in the best way possible,” he brought out a smile in you. “just because that’s how they are, that does not mean that’s how we’re going to end up, not if we have anything to do about it.”
“i’m sorry,” you cried out, letting his shirt catch your tears. “i am, y’know?”
“you what?” he teased. “oh, i know you’re stubborn, always have. it’s no secret, sweetheart,” you shoved his shoulder back once more before repositioning yourselves.
you sat straddling his lap, your legs on either side of him as your hands cupped his face, “i am in love with you.”
his smile was brighter than you’d ever seen before he moved his face closer to yours, connecting your lips with passion. sealing the promise of a happy future, of patience, and kindness, and love, with a kiss.
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wanderlust-----witch · 6 months
3, 7, 12 and 20! polytheist asks >:D
Oh you want me to THINK? You want me to use my BRAIN??? You are EVIL Cheshi lol
3: Is your practice more ritualistic or casual? What does it look like?
Oh my practice is extremely casual. I always hated the strict religious upbringing I had. "You do it this way, or else!". Nah fam, that's not cool. Everyone is gonna have their own way to worship, have faith, and perform religion (Yes I believe religion is a performance, but that's for another time lol). Anyways, I don't generally do much in the way of ritual because that's so much fucking work. I prefer just kinda chilling with Nyx on the full moon and calling it a night lol.
7: What does your ideal altar look like?
Chaotic, unhinged, and personal. I don't need it to be set up perfectly or invoke certain vibes, unless trash fire goblin is a vibe lmao. I really just put whatever on my altar I think fits. Right now, unfortunately, my altar isn't exactly what I want, because I don't really have space and the last time I set up an altar, Goose knocked it over. She was a brand new baby then, but even so I'd rather play it safe. I have this great cabinet at my parents house I plan on repainting and using when we have a house of our own. Its a really great size, glass doors so I can see what's inside, and bonus: cat's won't break any glass bottles on my altar lol. Rn I just have this very cue little moon shelf about 3 inches wide on a windowsill.
12: How important is mythology in your practice? How much credit do you give it?
I mean, mythology is the sourcework of all of my beliefs. I wouldn't have found Nyx, Hekate, Athena, and Artemis without Greek mythology, Bast without Egyptian mythology, or Loki without Norse mythology. Do their stories have any bearing on my beliefs? Not really. Them being the deities of their respective realms is all I really need. I know Nyx as the night, Hekate as magic, Athena as wisdom and intelligence, Artemis as the protectress, Bast as the keeper of cats, and Loki as chaos. How I interact with them is more based on my needs, versus what they have "done" in the myths that survived. Myths aren't any bit literal, just like any other religious text. We as humans are always interpreting things based on our own preconceived notions, our own beliefs, and that's not always what the original source intended. In fact, I'd argue that any human interpretation of the divine is automatically wrong. No single human belief can 100% be accurate. We will all have our own ideas of how things work. I, as a singular person, should not put any undue influence on myths that I personally think are worth "more" just because they are considered to be valid religious texts (cough cough Christians and the Bible cough cough). Myths are stories. They're fun, its fun to imagine our deities in various human scenarios. But the Divine are much more complex than their myths. I give the myths the same level of credibility I would any other that indirectly influenced my way of viewing the world. I wouldn't be who I am without the sum of the things I've read and learned over the years.
20: List a few of the deities you worship and associate each with a quote you think represents them best!
Oh lordy, you're killin me with this one Chesh lol.
Nyx: "I see the moon and the moon sees me/Nyx bless the moon and Nyx bless me" (see what I did there lmao?)
Bast: Specifically the same noise my cat makes when shes singing in the mirror. That it that's the quote lol.
Athena: All that bullshit about "tomato is a fruit but you don't put it in a fruit salad" lol. Also "Ho don't do it... oh my god" for whenever I do something (even mildly) foolish lol
Loki: OKAY SO little bit of backstory here: when I was just getting into my paganism, I was in a really shitty spot in life, physically, mentally, you name it. I came up with this phrase to help get me through it, and I generally proclaimed that anything wrong in my life was because of Loki (AS A JOKE, THEY LOVED IT). The quote was: May the deity who looks upon me in disdain look upon you with favor. It got me through shit, still does, and I still love Loki, even if they aren't my main deity anymore.
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ghostcasket · 8 months
living on your own is hard, you know? especially in the beginning, especially when you’re a student, especially when you have mental health issues, especially when you also have chronic physical health issues. it’s hard and if you’re like me living in a studio, like, actually by yourself, nobody around to hold you accountable—or to gently remind you, hey, you haven’t eaten in a while.
and while for most of us, moving out is an overwhelming gust of relief, i think it’s just as important to acknowledge that sometimes, it’s hard.
if you have barely managed adhd like me, and sometimes the bare minimum of self care seems unattainable—well, you’re on your own. it’s easy to let yourself slip into unhealthy patterns and neglect yourself.
but then, here are some ways my cat pulled me out before i could slip too far.
there are 2 constants i can always count on, day in day out, no matter how chaotic or disorganised i am, how out of routine; his feeding times. morning and evening, he has to have food. this little creature is everything to me. it’s my job to keep him safe and happy and healthy.
and then, as i pour kibble into his little bowl, i might remember i also haven’t eaten in a—wow, it’s seven p.m. already—so while i’m up, i might as well throw some leftovers in the microwave or grab a slice or 2 of dry bread. i’m in the kitchen anyway. giacomo absolutely scarfs down his dinner and i watch him.
he’s a kitten, still. he wants to play all of the time and when he doesn’t he’s sleeping but oh my god he loves my feet. he’s bitey. i absolutely cannot get too lost in my own head when he wants to play. i have to be careful to emerge with all of my fingers still attached to my hand. fucking ow, dude, what’s wrong with you.
his litterbox needs to be maintained regularly, too. i can’t let it get disgusting because a clean littlerbox makes for a happy cat, so i have my little poop baggies that i deposit by the door and then when i go to school i can take them down to the trash, but if i’m going to the trash anyway i might as well grab my own human trash too and throw that out as well, and then that’s one more task crossed off the list.
speaking of litter—that shit runs out fast. i don’t know how big you guys’ bags of cat litter are, but i can get around 3 uses out of a 10L bag, and then i have to go to the store to buy more. and, you know, i’m at the store anyway, so i may as well grab some essentials that i know i’ve run out of—pasta, tomatoes, cream cheese, bread—and then i have enough to eat for the next few days again. and i’m outside, too, at least while i walk to the store, which is a 2 minute walk and that’s doable even on a bad day, and 2 minutes outside is better than no minutes outside.
my little man needs to be safe and happy and healthy. i have to be at least some degree of functional to be able to provide that for him. and as thanks, he bites my toes and jumps at me in the face and shoves his cold little wet nose in my ears like they hide forbidden kitty treats and whines until i cuddle him and climbs in my lap and naps there, purring so loud i can feel it reverberate in my whole body.
and it’s just, he needs me, you know? so i have to be at least a little bit okay. and because he doesn’t allow me to actually deeply spiral into the throes of depression et al, it’s easier to pull myself out again.
i wasn’t sure for a while if he’d be allowed to move in with me, and then when i got the green light i found out that his adoption fee would be a lot higher than expected and i couldn’t afford it, but one clandestine extraction mission later (shoutout to Quinn, you’re a real one) (nobody cancel me, i did not actually steal him from a shelter) and he was napping on my lap like he’d never known any different.
so i just can’t help but feel like this was kind of meant to be, you know?
and i’m really grateful. like, really, really grateful.
so even on days where i can’t do anything—when it feels genuinely impossible—you can count on me to drag my ass to his food bowl when he screams at me that it’s dinner time. and maybe i’ll grab a slice of bread on the way.
(the toe biter in question, giacomo poopy)
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(feel free to add your own toe biters to this post. this is a Creature Appreciation Post)
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enchxanting · 1 year
our love is god [ethan landry x reader] pt. 9
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read part 8 here || all parts
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
warnings: graphic depictions of violence, literary gore, major character death
a/n: we are winding down on this series, so if you have any requests or suggestions please leave them for me! i need some inspo for my next story, but I'm also gonna do some short stuff in between.
I’ve been sitting outside of Mindy and Chad’s place for way longer than appropriate. I know that they probably know I’m here, but I can’t make myself get out of the car.
It’s not that I don’t want to see them. I really, really do. I want to see them so badly that I swallowed my grief and guilt and got cleaned up for the first time in days. I just can’t shake the way Ethan looked at Chad and me earlier. I clench the steering wheel tighter. I’ve never seen that kind of rage, like he wanted to–
No. I push that thought away. It’s time, anyway, for me to stop being a baby and go inside. I double-check one last time that I have my bag, keys, and phone, before stepping out onto the sidewalk.
I can hear music coming from the house, even though the door is closed. The twins have a habit of blasting their speakers, which the neighbors hated until they moved away over the summer. Now, Mindy and Chad can destroy their eardrums whenever they please. 
Letting myself in, I drop my bag in the mudroom before following the sound of voices to the kitchen. Chad is hunched over the stovetop, and Mindy is sitting at the kitchen island with her chin in her hands. She perks up when she sees me, giving me a signature Mindy smirk.
“Well, look who decided to show up, huh?”
Chad throws me a smile over his shoulder. “Hey, leave her alone, Minds. She’s just in time for dinner!”
“Thanks, you guys,” I say. “What are we having?”
“Only my original pasta dish, of course,” Chad steps aside to reveal a mess of tomatoes, Parmesan containers, and empty plastic sleeves of bacon, for some reason. “It got a little out of hand. But it’s delicious!”
I laugh, and Chad smiles even wider. It fills me with something I haven’t felt in a while: contentment. There is literally nowhere else I’d rather be right now.
Mindy and Chad usher me to the dining room table, which they actually set with real cloth napkins and placemats. I’m impressed. Usually, my dinners at the Meeks-Martin house have been chips and cold pizza at 3 AM during sleepovers.
The food is perfect. I don’t know what Chad put in it, or where he found the recipe (if there was a recipe), but the food puts me in a good mood. We laugh and talk until we’ve finally stuffed ourselves. Chad is the last one to tap out, and he immediately retires to the living room to digest, claiming chef privileges that exempt him from cleanup.
“Clear the table with me, Y/N?” Mindy asks.
“Of course.” I grab a couple plates and silverware and follow Mindy back to the kitchen. I start folding placemats as she loads the dishwasher.
“Thanks for the dinner. You got all fancy for me, I see,” I tease. “Where are your parents, by the way?”
She rolls her eyes. “Whatever, you love that we’re spoiling you. They’re at a friend’s house tonight or something. Won’t be back until later.”
“What about Anika? I thought she’d come for sure.”
“Nah, her parents have her under house arrest. They’re spooked by– um. You know. Even though it wasn’t some psycho this time. It was just… Tara.”
I go quiet. Mindy is choked up again.
“I just can’t believe she’d do it,” she whispers.
“I know,” I say. “I guess sometimes it just gets to be too much–” “No, that’s the thing though,” Mindy interrupts. “It wasn’t. I was just talking to her about the attacks last year, right before. She said she felt like she was finally free, finally moving on. And it’s like I said, we were making plans. Real plans. She started an application to college. And she was looking for summer jobs, trying to save money for room and board. These aren’t things suicidal people do, Y/N.”
My throat feels tight. “What are you saying?”
She puts a hand over her forehead and takes a deep breath. “I’m saying that something isn’t right. What if some, like, freaky Ghostface disciple actually killed her?”
“Jesus, Mindy, are you serious?” I turn to see Chad in the doorway, a pained expression on his face. I didn’t hear him come in. 
“This isn’t one of your horror movies,” he continues, and I hear his voice trying not to break. “Sometimes life is just unfair.”
“But think about it!” Mindy continues. “She was partying, she was living. Yes, she was mad at Sam, but she got in those fights all the time! And the report said she hadn’t deadbolted the door that morning, and I know she hadn’t cracked that copy of The Bell Jar they found– she was just saying she had to SparkNotes the whole thing for class.”
“Enough, Mindy, I’m fucking serious.” Chad’s voice is raised, louder than I’ve ever heard it, But Mindy doesn’t back down. She turns to me, expectantly.
“You were basically her best friend, Y/N.” Her voice is low and intense. “Seriously. What do you think? You know that Tara wouldn’t do that.”
I look between their faces, and all of the guilt I thought I had started to let go of rises to the top. I have to tell them the truth. 
I shut my eyes tight and a tear rolls down my cheek. “I can’t do this anymore.”
“Y/N, what are you talking about?” I feel Chad put a hand on my shoulder. It’s getting hard to breathe again. 
“I- I-” I stammer. “Me, and Ethan, we–”
But I’m cut off by the sound of strangled screaming. I open my eyes and my blood goes cold.
Mindy’s throat is slashed, dripping blood down her neck onto her t-shirt. Behind her is a figure in a black cloak and a white mask: Ghostface.
Ghostface lets go of Mindy, and she sinks to the floor. Even though I can’t reach her to check, I feel in my bones that she’s gone. My stomach turns into knots. I back up towards the countertop. Dear Diary: This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening.
Chad fumbles for a weapon on the knife block, but all of the knives have been removed. He grabs a meat tenderizer from the counter. “Fucking run, Y/N,” he roars, and I’m snapped out of my trance.
Ghostface lunges towards Chad, but he gets one hit in with the kitchen implement, hitting him in the chest. He stumbles backward, and I make a break back towards the dining room. I hear the sound of plates hitting the ground and animalistic sounds of exertion, but I stop dead in my tracks when I hear Chad screaming. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the glint of a knife as it plunges in and out of Chad’s chest. Chad coughs up blood as he falls to his knees, but Ghostface doesn’t let up. He raises his knife and delivers one last blow, clean into Chad’s heart.
I let out a guttural scream. Ghostface turns towards me, wiping his knife clean between his robed fingers. I’m paralyzed with fear. Any survival skills I might have picked up from watching countless horror films are gone– I can’t even run.
He stalks towards me, and I close my eyes, preparing for the worst. But the blow never comes. Instead, I’m enveloped in an embrace of fabric.
I open my eyes to see the eyes of the blood-stained mask staring right at me. Slowly, the figure raises their hand, grabbing the base of the headpiece. My breathing quickens, and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest as he slowly pulls the mask off to reveal a mop of brown curls.
Ethan gives me a big toothy grin. “Hey, beautiful.”
I don’t understand. I don’t understand anything. He must be able to tell, because he lets out a throaty laugh. “Surprised?”
“How– how could you?” I manage to choke out. “Why… would you do this?”
“I did it for you, Y/N. For us. Do you know how close that freak Mindy was getting to figuring out the truth? You heard her. And then we’d both be in prison. Separate. Alone.”
“But Chad,” I sob. “Why would you hurt him?”
His face darkens. “Now that one, I have to admit, was fucking selfish. He wanted you, I know it. He fucking wanted you, but you’re mine.”
I can’t say anything. I’m shaking with fear, anger, confusion, everything. 
Ethan frowns. “I worship you, Y/N. I'd trade my life so you can live. I killed them for you.”
“No, no, I didn’t want– I never asked–”
“I love you, Y/N,” he growls. “Tell me you love me.” His grip grows tighter, and I finally notice the tip of the knife at my back.
What else can I say?
“I love you too, Ethan,” I concede, voice wavering.
He relaxes, and the knife clatters to the floor. “Good,” he says. “Let’s go home.”
He grabs me by the wrist and leads me out the door. As we travel through the kitchen, I shut my eyes tight. Ethan stops us. 
“Look,” he growls.
I force my eyes open and choke down my nausea at the sight of the twins’ bodies. Ethan grabs my face and pulls me into a deep kiss.
“For you, Y/N. All for you.”
taglist: @miawastakens
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theoddcatlady · 6 months
What to Expect When You’re Expecting
When I first found out I was pregnant, I really felt like I was in over my head. I mean, me, a mom? I can barely take care of myself, let alone even imagine taking care of a baby. But thankfully for me, I had my boyfriend’s mom was in my corner. My own mom’s a fuck up and none of my girl friends have kids yet, but the moment Amy found out I was pregnant she immediately came through. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her great advice, so I’ve decided to share it with anyone and everyone that I can!  
1. Be prepared for the mood swings.
I’m already an emotional person but jeez. I literally burst into tears over dropping a tomato. My poor boyfriend, hah. Shawn’s a great guy but has no idea what to do when women start crying, so he just backed out of the kitchen. Moments later, Amy came in with a tissue box and some comforting words. She finished up dinner for me too, and lemme tell you, Amy’s a fantastic cook. Taco Tuesday is now her place.  
2. Morning sickness. You’re not ready.
No, really. One, it’s not just a ‘morning’ thing, whoever calls it morning sickness should be taken out back and shot. Two, for me? It’s lasted this whole damn time. I am constantly sick. Doctors felt bad but really didn’t have much to offer for advice. Amy comforted me, saying that she was the same when she was carrying Shawn. Sometimes I just have to grin and bear it.  
3. You can’t do as much as you used to before the pregnancy started.
Can’t eat sushi. Can’t drink alcohol. Caffeine is restricted to ‘practically fucking never’. And going for my regular morning walk in the woods nearly gave Amy a heart attack. She was probably scared I was going to fall or something, but it was still heartbreaking. I love walking in the woods! Walking on the treadmill just isn’t the same. But anything for the baby’s health, I guess. I’m going to take SO many walks when this kid is out of me.
4. Your body’s going to turn against you.
Honestly, you’d think your body would be NICER to you when you’re growing another human being. Hah. No. No, it’s not. Every pregnancy’s different, Amy tells me, and I never knew half the things that could happen while you’re pregnant. Swollen feet, constantly having to pee, I think everyone knows that happens. But spitting up blood and phlegm, nosebleeds so bad I end up lightheaded for the rest of the day, not to mention the marks that keep showing up on my body, like someone’s been scratching me in my sleep… icky! Maybe it’s just me though, I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin. Sometimes I can’t stop scratching until I bleed. Dunno how I scratch my own back though, but you can do weird things when you sleep.
5. Nightmares.
I didn’t find anything on the internet about this, but Amy reassured me that weird dreams are perfectly normal, because hormones or whatever. But my god, I never knew they’d get so graphic!  
I’m not really a horror movie person, or horror anything really. But the things that have appeared in my dreams… it’s really something else. Monsters that look like spiders or scorpions, with snapping mandibles and claws that rip my legs off and tear open my chest… I know you can’t feel pain in your dreams but I scream in agony when they pull out my heart and shred it into little pieces.
When I wake up, I’m usually crying. Shawn comforts me, calms my fears and reminds me that it’s all a dream even if my chest still twinges and aches by the time morning comes. I’m so lucky to have such a supportive partner.
6. Blood.
I had to get over being so squeamish by my second trimester. I brought up the nosebleeds earlier, but I swear I bleed like a stuck pig if I so much as get a paper cut. Maybe Amy was right about not letting me out of the woods, or really too far away from the house- who knows what’ll happen if I get a real injury? Yikes!  
It’s more scary when blood starts dripping from my ears or my eyes, but it doesn’t hurt, strangely enough. Amy’s told me pregnancy does all sorts of weird things to the body, after all, and Shawn seems to think it’s normal enough. So I just have to deal with it until the due date.
7. Overprotective loved ones.
This really isn’t about me, it’s about my boyfriend and his mom. I guess it’s just natural to worry about the pregnant lady. It’s kinda nice, sometimes, even if it can be suffocating. Like I said above, they don’t like me leaving the house too much, they’re afraid I’ll get hurt and before I can get help things will get real bad. I don’t think I’ve left the house since I’ve started the third trimester. It isn’t so bad, Shawn and Amy run all the errands, but I kind of miss my friends… well, they’ll still be there once this is all over, so it’s all for the better!
8. People will not leave you ALONE once you start showing
Everyone has their own pregnancy advice, even if they’ve never been pregnant. And I gotta say, not all of it is good, or even nice. I didn’t even know when I was pregnant when this old crone took one look at me and began shrieking about how I was carrying some sort of ‘corrupt child’. I did initially chalk that one up to complete whackadoodle. But who knows, maybe I was showing more than I thought. But yeah, when I was still going out, people’s reactions varied from judgmental since I was an unwed mom to a little… too supportive. Like this one time I was walking down the street, a guy literally stopped his car, got out, congratulated me on being pregnant, and asked if I was getting enough ‘nourishment’. LITERALLY could not get out of there fast enough. So if you’re wondering why I’m not complaining about overprotective boyfriend and overprotective boyfriend’s mom, THAT’S why.
9. Cravings.
What mom doesn’t know how weird pregnancy cravings get?
Man, I am still so embarrassed to say this. Just before I entered the second trimester, I was cleaning out a room we were going to use for a nursery when I moved a box and saw a giant spiderweb in the corner. Paired, of course, with a big ass spider sitting in the center. Gross, right? I was a total arachnophobic… well, I was.
Spiders, it turns out, actually don’t taste too bad. I didn’t even realize what I’d done until I licked one of the legs off my lips. Granted, I was originally horrified, but Amy comes in for the save by letting me know she’d eaten a litter of ‘pinkies’ when she was pregnant with Shawn- baby mice. That didn’t help at the time, but now I realize that what I’m going through is perfectly normal.  
Thankfully no more spiders have been eaten, but that’s thanks to Amy’s meal plans. I don’t know what she puts in it all, but I don’t find myself going up to the attic to hunt bugs anymore, so I’m not going to ask questions.
10. Nothing will ever be the same.
I’m never alone anymore. Even when Shawn and Amy are running errands, I don’t feel alone. Sometimes I feel like I’m being watched, but then I remind myself that I really am not alone.
I have my baby. He’s moving more and more, I can see his hands press up against my belly sometimes. He’s always with me. And when he’s born, goodbye alone time and goodbye always being free to do whatever I want.  
But I don’t care. I’m so happy to be having this baby. I can’t wait to see how much he looks like his father. And I’m so glad Shawn’s going to help me raise this little one. Next time it’ll be his baby I’m carrying, for sure.  
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Good Directions (Steve Harrington)
A/N: Hey y'all! Here is another Steve Harrington fic that my brain came up with! I had this in my head for a while and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it but here it is! Anyway! I hope you enjoy it! PS: Pretty please don't copy my work! I worked hard on this and I will cry! Thank you! :) <3 PPS: I have no idea why I'm on a country music kick either, it's not what I usually listen to. So we're just not gonna talk about it :)
Summary: Based on the song "Good Directions" by Billy Currington
Word Count: 721
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It was a hot summer day in Southern Illinois. The sun was blazing but someone had to keep the small community stocked up on their local fruits. So there you were sitting under an umbrella in the shade trying to keep cool. You had been entertaining yourself by watching as the cars drove by, but right now you found yourself snacking on Cheeto Puffs and reading a book that just came out, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe. 
You started a new chapter when a car pulled up. You didn’t recognize the car, even when you read the license plate that read ‘H4R1T0N’.
When the person got out of the car, you knew that you didn’t know them, because you didn’t know anyone this pretty.
The man got out of the car and came around to your fruit stand. You stand up and greet him with a smile, “Hi there! Whatcha lookin’ to get today?”
He smiled back at you. 
Holy shit that is gorgeous.
“Uh, I’m not really here for anything I was wondering if you could give me some directions? I got turned around and I’m looking for the Interstate.”
“Oh! Well, it’s a good thing that you found me because I am the woman for the job!” you answered almost kind of disappointed.
You point in a direction, “So if you go way up yonder, go past the caution light,” he nodded along listening intently.
“Okay so you pass the caution light, there’s a little country store with an old Coke sign,” he looked like he was writing down everything you said in his mind.
“You gotta stop and ask Miss Bell for some of her sweet tea,” you said, it threw him off because he looked confused.
“Gotta get a drink and maybe a snack for the road! But after Miss Bell’s, a left will take you to the interstate…” you stopped for a second, thinking if you really were brave enough to say this, fuck it, “but a right will bring you right back here to me.”
You said with a smile on your face. He smiled, “Thank you very much, Miss…”
“(Y/N),” you told him, “Just (Y/N). It was my pleasure to be of service.”
Well, I hope you get more business (Y/N),” he told you with a smile on his face.
“Thank you. I hope you don’t get lost again,” you told him as he was getting into his car. He laughed and got in. He honked as he left and you waved.
You sat back down in your lawn chair. Thinking about his beautiful brown eyes, perfectly tousled brown hair, and his pink lips…
“God damn it, (Y/N)! Didn’t even get his name! What the hell!” you yelled into the open fields and highway.
You sat back down, still mad. It could have been love.
You looked over at your red Ford that has been around since before you were born. You knew that it couldn’t run him down. He probably didn’t like me anyway.
So you picked up your Cheeto Puffs and went to self-wallowing. 
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After a half-an-hour of sitting in there and helping one customer, your 3rd-grade teacher Mrs. Crane, you saw another car coming your way. It looked familiar but not in a way that you saw it all the time. 
Holy shit.
The heat has to be playing tricks on you now because that looks like the car of that hunk!
As he came to a stop and got out, you stood up, “Well hey there stranger! Didn’t expect to see you back so soon.”
He smiled and walked up to you holding two large styrofoam cups and he handed you one. 
“What’s this?” you asked.
“Well, I took your advice and I went way up yonder past the caution light. I don’t know why, but something felt right when I stopped and asked Miss Bell for some of her sweet tea,” he told you with a grin on his face.
“So your Mama,” he paused to give you a knowing smile, “gave me a big glass and another for you and sent me right back here to you.”
“Well thank God for good directions, and the fruit stand.
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“How did you find your way back here?”
“...I asked your mom for directions.”
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observeowl · 1 year
Right By Your Side | Chapter 3 - Allison Bright
Summary: In the world where wearing glasses makes you a different person. You were forced to swallow a pill that turned you into seven years old. Now, you're living with your crush in a small form, what would you do? Who were the ones who brought this to you? And, can you change back?
Chapter summary: Introducing your new identity
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When I woke up again, I was lying on the same spot as before. Feeling the dull pain at the back of my head. I felt the back of my head, there wasn't any blood but there was sure a huge bump at the spot I was knocked.
I immediately got up and the man was still in the same spot as well. It looked like they weren't going to move the crime scene. I have to get out of here quickly before someone notices and calls the police.
As I ran, I remembered that the pill I was forced to take was supposed to kill me. So why am I still alive? I've got to find Bill to help me, he has a PhD, he should be able to figure out.
I was panting heavily as I ran. I have been running for minutes yet the progress has been so slow. I feel like I should have reached his house by now. I leaned against the glass to catch my breath and glanced at my reflection. I had to do a double take when I saw myself.
I shrunk!
I went back to the size I was in 1st grade/primary school. No wonder I'm taking so long to run, my legs are shorter now.
I continued running and making my way to Bill's house. He didn't answer when I pressed the doorbell. "Hey!! It's me! Open the door! Open the goddamn door!!" I spammed the doorbell and rattled his gate.
"Who are you and what are you doing in front of my house?" I turned around and saw Bill coming back from god knows where. He is in his usual sloppy mess no matter how many I told him to dress properly. He looks like Albert Einstein to be honest.
"I'm Y/N! I don't know what happened but I'm Y/N!" It was weird looking up at an adult since we were normally around the same height.
"How can I believe you?" He looked at me skeptically. He knows that I am an Avenger and people may be out to get him.
"Uhhh well..." I racked my brain to think of something that only I would know. "I know that your favourite drink is tomato juice, you are always coming up with new inventions, you have a mole on your back and-"
"Okay okay, I believe. Let's just head in, yeah?" He unlocked his door and invited me in. We continued talking about the situation for a while as he pulled out the clothes for me that I used to wear in 1st grade/primary school. My parents are no longer around so I would stay with him until I was old enough to live in my parent's house. It was just the next street, but it was nice to have some privacy alone when I was older.
"I am going to make them pay for doing this." Bill could hear the anger seeping through my voice.
"Where are you going to stay?" Bill asked. Before I got to reply, the doorbell rang again.
"Are you expecting someone?" Bill's circle of friends was small and the number of people who would be visiting this late would be even smaller.
"Bill! Are you in there?" We looked at each other as we heard Nat's voice at the front door. I scrambled to find a place to hide as Bill went to open the door. Sadly, we were in his study so everything was exposed except underneath the table.
"Y/N! Are you here?" Nat's voice sounded throughout the house. I rushed to find a disguise and the only thing helping was the spare glasses in his drawers. I put them on but the degree was so high that everything was a blur and I lost balance and knocked my head against the side of the table.
"What's that noise?"
I pushed the lens out of the glasses before putting them on just in time as Nat placed her hand on my arm and pulled me out of my hiding spot.
"Ahhh I see you've found my friend's niece." Bill hurried with an excuse. A friend's niece? Couldn't he think of something better?
"They are away for a business trip and left me to take care of her. But as you know, I can hardly take care of myself. Do you mind helping me with a favour and taking care of her for me?" I looked at Bill in shock. What was he doing?
"I- but it's dangerous." Nat replied.
"And you think it's safe here for her? You know my lab here explodes every now and then. Comparing here and the compound, I think the compound is much safer." Bill reasoned with her.
Nat looked at me before sighing. "I guess... What's your name, young lady?" Nat bent down and asked while I was backed against the bookshelf.
I flustered, glancing back at the bookshelf and took the first two names I saw. "Allison, Allison Bright."
"Nice to meet you Allison. I'm Natasha Romanoff but you can call me Nat." Nat gave me a kind smile and I felt guilty for lying to her. I had no idea how long my body was going to stay in this state, certainly not for a short period of time.
"Alright, do you want to follow me back now?"
"I'll just have a quick word with Bill here." Nat nodded her head and went to her car.
"What the hell were you thinking?" I whispered despite Natasha being away from earshot.
"What? You're able to find more clues with her than with me. I'm sure you will cross paths with them again some day."
"You better not tell anyone about this." I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. "They think I'm dead and I intend to make it stay that way."
"Have fun staying with your crush!" He shouted as I walked out of the study. 
Natasha drove us back to the compound and I tried to make some small talks to alleviate the tension. "You were really flustered when you entered the house earlier." I said, secretly happy that she was worried for me.
"I was looking for a friend." Nat said, glancing at me before looking back on the road. "She went missing all of a sudden. I swear when I see her again, I'm going to give her a good punch, she wouldn't be able to see straight." She clenched her fist into a ball.
I shuddered at the thought of getting hit in my seat, maybe not saying who I am would be a better choice.
Nat doesn't know who I am so I took the chance to ask the question. "Do you like her?" I giggled slightly, amused at the situation.
"Ummm... she can be annoying but enjoyable to be around with. She cares a lot for her teammates. She can brighten the room in an instance and I definitely like her a lot." Natasha lists as she drove.
"I'm sure she's doing fine and misses you." I said sadly. She likes you too. I'm right by her side but I am unable to say anything. I just want to comfort her and let her know everything is okay.
"Okay, let's introduce you and get settled in the compound." Nat parked her car in the garage and pressed the button in the elevator to bring us to the living room where only the Avengers have access to.
"Hey Nat, did you manage to find Y/N?" Steve asked as JARVIS notified them of her return with one unidentified individual. "Who's this?" He pointed at me.
Nat began introducing them one by one to me. Some of them weren't here, the compound is a big space after all.
"She's the niece of someone I know of. I'm taking care of her until her parents come back." Natasha explained to them.
"Are you sure this is a good idea? Is there someone else to take care of her?" Tony found this whole situation very compromising. A child shouldn't be near where all the dangers are. If someone caught wind of a 7 year old living in the compound, they are very likely to come for me.
"Nat..." I tugged at the end of her shirt and gave her the puppy eyes. The power of the puppy's eyes multiplied numerous times in a child form. No one else knows this, but Nat is very soft inside. More than she liked people to know about.
"Don't worry, let me show you to the spare room." Nat ignored them and brought you to level with all the living quarters.
"Level 20 onwards is for Avengers only. Earlier we were on level 20, the boys stay on level 25 except Tony, he lives on level 30. The ladies stay on level 26." Natasha explained. I of course knew all of this but I had to act as if I'm listening to it for the first time.
"I'll ask Tony to grant you access for level 20 and above." Nat said when we arrived at my new room. "Have a good rest, I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast. My room is just two doors down if you need anything."
So technically I have two rooms now. I need to sneak back to my old room to get a couple of things, like cash and my laptop. I can't find my phone anywhere so I need to get a new one, probably with Bill's help. Contact numbers are no problem, I remember them anyway. I never save them just in case some unwanted people hack into my phone.
I let myself sink into my new bed. Tiredness was catching up to me as I drifted off to sleep.
Second POV Natasha went back down to the living room after leaving you at your room. Wanda came back with Bucky from their mission and were resting on the couch when the rest told them about your new appearance. Wanda was nonchalant about it while Bucky was with the majority and disapproved.
"Others wouldn't think that we would bring a child on a mission! It's a perfect cover." Natasha reasoned. She knew that making an excuse for the mission would entice them to agree. A cover was always needed and an innocent child would be perfect.
"But we have to be careful, we know Hydra loves to capture children for their experiments." Steve reminded her. Of course everyone knew that, so did Nat. The Red Room also loves to abduct children against their will and take advantage of them.
"I'll remind her. She's different, I know it."
"You'll be taking care of her then, Nat." Steve needed her to understand that taking care of you was her responsibility and she couldn't just give up halfway.
The next morning, Natasha went round to your room to check on you as she needed to bring you to the living room. She knocked lightly on your door but received no answer. "Allison? I'm coming in."
Yesterday's hit to the back of your head was coming back to bite on you. Your head was splitting and the pain travelled down to the back of your neck.
You heard Nat knocking on your door but you felt that any sort of movement would hurt your head more, even the sound of knocking was making you tear up.
"Hey, are you alright?" Nat crouched down at the side of your bed, checking up on you. It hurts so much that you can't speak. Nat noticed this immediately and went to get Bruce as you were in no condition to be moving.
"Allison, you need to tell me where you're hurting or I can't help you." Bruce said. He was unable to rely on his machine to tell him what's wrong. All he had was a physical examination.
"The... back of my head..." You managed to say as you held onto the side of your bed, pressing your head deeper into your pillow thinking the softness would ease up the pain.
"We need to get her to sit up so I can check the back of her head properly." Bruce motioned for Natasha to get to the other side of the bed to prop you up properly without any unnecessary movement or discomfort.
He ran his hand at the back of your head before forming his diagnosis. "From what I feel, it's likely inflammatory or swelling at the back of Allison's head, causing it to press on her nerves." Bruce said as he set you back on the bed with Nat's help.
"I'll prescribe some anti-inflammatory and painkiller through IV drip until she's comfortable enough." He left you with Nat and went to grab his supplies.
Nat wondered when you received such a bad hit to your head, you looked fine when she met you at Bill's house. Since your parents weren't around, she wondered if you were mixed with the wrong groups of friends.
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nedlittle · 2 years
I do want to know your top 5 joan paintings? I can make no promises but even just in general the concepts slap (also I am living for your mcr opinions and getting so pumped up to listen to them again, thank you)
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okay sorry. joan time.
joan of arc listening to the voices by eugène thirion (1876)
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this is THE definitive joan painting for me. the textures. the placement of the bodies. the figure in armour in the background. is that joan too? are we seeing into the future? is she? her expression's inscrutable to me but, i like to think that when she heard the voices they told her she would die and still she chose to take up the sword. i love any piece of media that reminds the audience of its own voyeurism. you are looking at joan knowing she will be burned at the stake before she turns 20, and joan is looking back at you. further correct opinions under the cut
2. sleeping joan of arc by george w. joy (1895)
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oughh. this one renders me inconsolable. even martyrs need naps. the vulnerability of falling asleep contrasted with the refusal to take off her armour. the tender way the angel is cradling her feet...sword within reach, hands crossed in prayer or like a corpse [ethel cain voice] god loves you but not enough to save you
3. joan of arc by albert lynch (1903)
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a classic! the martyr the myth the legend! i don't have much to say about this one i just think it's really pretty <3 the hairstyle that launched a thousand photoshoots. the field of lilies she's in the middle of...i don't know if lilies were associated with funerals in 1903 (surely they must have been i can't see that tradition being only 100 years old) but to someone who's been to a Lot of funerals she is quite literally dead and alive at the same time. what is a ghost? something dead that seems to be alive. something dead that doesn't know it's dead.
4. joan of arc - harold piffard (c.1897)
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again, i just think this one's neat :^). i was surprised when i found a date for it because to my (untrained, not an art historian) eye it looks SO modern. it looks like it could have been painted in photoshop in 2011, that is in no way a dig i just think it's the light which is throwing me off. this one has such a simple colour palate, the red of her skirt is largely obscured idk i want it on a tshirt with some poetry or lyrics on it. also can we talk about the folds where her banner is draped over her shoulders? godly.
5. joan of arc by dante gabriel rossetti (1882*)
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i am in general not a fan of rossetti-he could paint one face and it looked like carlos ii of spain which is deeply unflattering to say the least; everyone he painted looked like a hapsburg second cousin. so, my condolences. even this one i'm not sure i like because all the shades of red are too similar that her hair and the background and all the detail on her robe sort of blend together like tomato soup. but still the close upper body crop (for lack of a better word) really brings you up close and the way that the eye, for those who read left-right which is what rossetti's audience would have been, goes from her hands along the pommel of her sword along the blade to her face and the angle of her face is quite striking!
*he did an almost identical watercolour with even tighter framing in 1864
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bagelthatwrites · 2 years
Don't Goat Breakin My Heart
a multi chapter thing by ME
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I wrote most of this at midnight last night and am NOT adding onto it. I'll write a second chapter tho <3
"Well, ah... thank you for the talk, Ms...?"
"Oh dear, please, just call me Toriel! Drive safe, will you not?" Toriel stands up and brushes herself off, and hands Reagan a small piece of paper, with her cell phone number neatly written. "You may talk to me anytime, okay?"
Toriel's smile and kind demeanor stuck with Reagan even as she was driving home from the party.
For the next couple of months, Toriel and Reagan grew to become good friends, occasionally planning movie nights at eachother's houses, or getting lunch together, or even just talking on the phone.
One day though, something changed. They still visited eachother, but the reasoning and the relationship built in these hang-outs changed.
It was a Tuesday afternoon, and Reagan was just about to have her lunch break, as urged by many her coworkers.
"NEW MSG FROM: TORI 🐌" The screen read.
"Found this sneaky snail munching away on my tomato plants!! Quite the 'slimy' predicament, is it not? L.O.L! I hope you are doing well on this fine day ]:) From, Toriel.
P.S My friend sans taught me the meaning of L.O.L. Did you know it means 'Lots of Laughs?' Heehee!"
Attached to the message was a picture of the goat monster, excitedly holding her finger (?) out as a snail was crawling upon it.
Reagan chuckled a bit. Oh man, isn't she wonderful.
Uh oh.
Reagan nearly dropped her phone as the realization hit her, and her face heated up as red as a tomato.
Reagan went to grab lunch and rushed on down to the office of the one person she knew who could help: Gigi.
"Gigi! I need your-" Reagan nearly keeled over at the door, out of breath.
"Oh- is this a girl talk time? I'll get Brett- let's get you sat down." Gigi lead her back out of the polished office and to the small break room, sitting her friend down at the plastic table, and leaning her elbow on it as she sat down.
"Now- spill. I want to hear all about the troubles."
"Well, ah- so, you know that thing we had to go to about 4 or 5 months ago... and I ended up in a tussle with some asshole, and I nearly got us all kicked out...?" Reagan prefaced, grimacing at it.
"Well...?" Her coworker leaned in...
"Well, there was that monster lady there, her name was Toriel... And she came out to check on me, and... she really helped me calm down. She was really sweet, and we're sort of friends now?" Reagan adjusted her position in the seat.
"But- y'know, um... today, I got a text from her, like usual, and this time, I felt... different about her??? She's all kinds of silly and sweet and I guess it just... hit me all at once, you know?"
Reagan rested her cheek on her hand, smiling at the thought of the kind woman who she had grown so familiar with.
Gigi's eyes grew wide as she put the pieces together. "Oh my god... you have a CRUSH?"
Reagan jolted out of her daydream and shushed her. "Not so loud-!"
Brett burst in with an assortment of snacks. "I'm here!! Who needs what!?"
"Reagan has a crush!" Gigi relayed the information, and he formed a wide smile in response.
"Reagan, you're telling me you formed a big fat gay crush on the former queen of monsters, and you don't think this is a big deal???" Gigi turned back to Reagan, who was burying her red face in her arms.
"The WHO?" Brett sat down at the table, leaning in.
"Not so loud..."
"Sorry Reags!"
"I- well, um- I need some advice on how to ask her out... and I don't know how to do it??? What if she's straight??? What if i fuck up??? What if she doesn't date at all?? I don't know jack shit about feelings, you both know that!!"
"Well... you could just... ask her out front! You're blunt with your feelings usually, right?" Brett queried, starting on his lunch.
"Bluntness in a relationship has never ended well for me."
"Oh, I have an idea! The HoloDeck! Just practice a date or two in there!" Gigi piped up.
"Yeah! Like The Good Place!"
"...well...it's worth a shot. Thanks, you guys."
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onlyswan · 1 year
hello! tulip anonie came back from the dead 🪦
i’ve just been catching up on your posts and why am i seeing people saying you’re leaving?!? 😭 but i’m so glad you clarified that you just need a break and i’m so sorry you have to go through that my love ♡ i just want to say if you really need a break then take it. you don’t have to write anything, and you don’t owe anyone anything. i think sometimes a slump is what we need to make us feel the yearning to do something that we love again because we’ll miss it eventually.
i guess may was a rough month for everyone. take your time to do selfcare for a whole week because may was an ass and i -too- wanna kick it in the butt for being the toughest and longest month so far. i know the ‘lack’ of interaction / appreciation for your writings lately can be discouraging and i totally get that. like sometimes it can feel as if a negative comment would be better than nothing, because at least ‘someone is acknowledging something that i made’. but i’m so happy so many people came to give you the love and support and it proves that you’re so loved and appreciated because your works really helped people to find comfort and have a peaceful time even just for 10 minutes of their (mine too) 24 hour long and tiring day.
oooh… and i want to tell you about a bit of my life lately… remember that i was going to yoongi’s concert and it was my first ever concert and you told me to forget everything except my ticket and powerbank? yea… my powerbank broke and i had to borrow this lovely lady’s 💀 i got a vip soundcheck and practically a barricade 🥹 i still can’t believe i got to see 1 of 7 of them right in front of my eyes 😭 i had so much fun and as an introvert -i hate crowded places so much and meeting so many people makes me anxious- i never thought i’d love concert as much as i did! but i’ll give it to yoongi and the lovely people i met, army 🫶🏻 because they’re the nicest people on earth istg. talking with armies online is so nice, but meeting so much of them in real life was soooo much better. the whole time i saw them, my brain just went “wow… we really love the same person / band huh. the tannies are so loved. i love it here”. speaking of concert… i got tickets for coldplay too! 😭praying that they will perform my univers live 🕯️🪐✨
and here we are in june! let’s have fun with tannies because it’s our month! i started this month still with a neverending college final project *booing and throwing tomatoes*. but i’m so happy because i finally found the type of pencil i’ve been searching for soooo long that i got out of my year long drawing slump… and i’ve been practicing again with drawing jungkook’s nose because i love it so much and i wanna *boop* it. and as i was sketching, i was watching the festa livestreams the whole day. a therapeutic experience :’] i miss them soooo much ❤️‍🩹
as i’m writing this, i’m eating unripe mangoes with salt and chili. reminds me of that drabble where jungkook, his abs, and oc went on a beach vacation ♡ OH! and the latest drabble!! i wanna be loved that way sooooo bad 🥲 and so steamy😮‍💨 and the bathtub scene… oh artemis i love how you can always always make the most out of the very intimate places in the house of lovers… the kitchen, the bedroom, and the bathroom. EVEN THE WALK IN CLOSET FFS. it’s just how good you are with what you do and you use your heart to dictate the words to your fingers.
buuut how are you feeling now? how are you doing? you can vent if you want to, i’m all ears! i hope good things happen ♡ have a great day artemis!
hello my tulip anonie! i missed you so much! aghhh you got to see yoongi so close?!?!? i’m so happy 🥹 you deserve it so much !!!! 🥹 and thank god the lovely lady let you borrow their powerbank lmaooo. so nice to hear you had a wonderful experience at your first concert :") hopefully it’s the same for the next one too! coldplay is amazing!
and omg you draw??? you’re so cool <3 jungkook’s nose is my favorite nose ever if i was an artist i’d totally spend all my time practicing how to draw it. hehe
stop now i’m craving for mangoes 🫢 and maybe a jungkook. the latest drabble!! the bathtub scene… rips me to shreds when i think about it until now tbh. every room, no matter how small, can hold an eternity of memories 🥺 i guess is what i’m trying to say.
thank you so much for your understanding and endless love my beloved <3 life has just not been very kind, like everything that can go wrong is going wrong? i’m ok with challenges, but maybe only one at a time? 🤣 but you’re right! hopefully june will be a better month. with festa and pride month, i think we deserve that much !! hopefully i get to finish the next drabble soon too, which actually been helping me release my heartache little by little <3 i hope you have an amazing week my love! ☁️
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babygirlbdubs · 1 year
hello, tis i: the one anon who was talking about the vote difference at my time. I heard music!!! So, i will present to you a lot of music from stuff i recently listened (most of them was pitbull cause nostalgia)
Jump in the line - Harry belefonte Fireball - Pitbull ft John Ryan Don't stop the party - Pitbull ft TJR Timber - Pitbull PRESSURE BOMB 3?!?! - Jhariah Candy Says - Anohni Found God in a Tomato - Psychedelic Prn Crumpets Wonderland - Aliceband This Year - the Mountain Goats bedroom community - glass beach hellbound - Dua Saleh Nobody - half alive i hate jurgen leitner (hit pop single) yes this is a remix of someone ranting about their most hated character pump shanty - The Mechanisms NOTHINGS NEW - rio romeo Breezy Slide - Louie Zong & BDG Sirens - The Mechanisms Monkey's Paw - Cami Cat (only on youtube i think) Work Out - Rainbow Kitten Suprise Así de grandes son las ideas - Calle 13 Inarticulation - rio romeo I am... All of Me - Crush 40 ( there are also cool covers of that by Noah McKnight & Penny Parker) Bad Romance - Halestorm (the coolest cover of one of lady gaga's song) Na Na NA - My Chemical Romance Atrevete-Te-Te - Calle 13 A Big Day For Grimley - AJJ Vamos' A Portanis Mal - Calle 13 It's Called: Freefall - Rainbow Kitten Suprise Jackrabbit San Fermin the album, its a beauty
i actually. yeah i know the pitbull songs for sure bc um. that was playing on the radio when i was a teen and we all knew em. there was one time when i had to clean the bathroom and so i put on the radio on my ipod nano and i stg every like. 10 minutes they played timber. i think i could still recite the lyrics. (this is not /neg it's just such a core memory it's so funny to me)
i couldn't find candy says by anohni? found one by the velvet underground but idk if that's the right one, so if u have a link to it i'll add it :]
big vouch for this year by the mountain goats. it's on my playlist for bad days bc it always makes me feel better
HALF ALIVE HALF ALIVE HALF ALIVE HALF ALIVE (goes insane) me, tuna, and laurie all sat in call and did a listening party when the new album came out and cried the whole way through. album very special to me <3
THAT SAN FERMIN ALBUM <33333 the woods makes me insANE
i've added a buuunch of these to the playlist omg tysm aaaaaAAAAA
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wowwowokay2 · 1 year
Talia, part 4/?
Week seven, day three, the first full day of Talia’s new commitment. She had spent the previous night planning out her selection of meals and snacks, increasing the frequency and sizes.
She started her work day by getting up at 6:30am, to start work at the department store at 8:00am and leave at 3:00pm.
Breakfast at 6:50am: Three bagels with peanut butter, a large orange and tea.
Snack #1 at 8:30am: It wasn’t her break time so she had to sneak into the bathroom and quickly scarf down her two granola bars and four double chocolate sandwich cookies.
Snack #2 at 10:30am: A simple snack of yet another granola bar, plus a rather generously sized mango.
Lunch at 12:30pm: Oh joy, someone brought donuts. Talia started off her lunch with an apple fritter and continued with her large whole grain bunwich with cheddar, swiss, chicken, tomato, lettuce and ranch. To finish off she stealthily snatched a maple crueller, and zipped out of the break room.
Snack #3 at 3:04pm: Work was over and she wasn’t really hungry but she checked the break room to see if any donuts were left and there were three.
She didn’t want to take more if anyone else wanted them, but there was no one in the break room. She had already forgotten who said they brought the donuts so she couldn’t even ask them. They are donuts for work, she thought. I am part of that, so they are free game. Just one before I go.
So she surveyed her options. There was a long john, a strawberry jelly donut and another maple crueller. I do love maple cruellers, Talia thought, as her fingers had already found the glazed ridges of the donut and she gently delivered it to her mouth. Sweet maple glaze and soft, lovely dough. She made a little sound of pleasure as she finished by licking her fingers off.
She wasn’t even thinking when she grabbed the jelly donut and took a huge bite from it. She only realized she had started to eat another donut when the brightness of the strawberry jelly burst into her mouth.
“Mm!” Talia said, bringing her hand up to her mouth, chewing the donut. “Oh.”
She didn’t mean to do that, she was going to leave some for her coworkers. But why not eat? A little voice teased her. Why not just eat them all? They are here for you.
Talia began to feel flustered as she swallowed and held her donut away from herself. God, I can’t get like this at work, I need to go. She quickly took two, slightly sloppy bites in secession and finished the jelly donut. The long john disappeared within her mouth and gullet just as fast, and Talia tossed the empty box in the garbage while still chewing.
The door to the break room opened and Talia glanced up to see Jocelyn enter, her bob was jet black and her features were gentle.
“Oh,” Jocelyn said. “Aren’t you done- uh.” Her words faultered as she looked at Talia, her round face stumped.
“Work? Oh yeah I’m done, just grabbing a little bite to eat before I go.” Talia replied.
“Y- yeah, you have a little.” Jocelyn gestured to a spot on her chin.
Talia wiped off a bit of jelly and licked it off her fingers. “Ah, thanks Lyn.”
Talia and Jocelyn said their goodbyes and Talia left work. As she made her way home with a happy palette and stomach, her mind went to work on her interaction with Jocelyn. Since the weather was getting warmer, Talia stopped wearing her sweater a few days earlier. She could not longer hide the physical effects of her weight gain and it was now apparent, as modest of a weight gain as it was, since she was no longer covered by loose fabric. And if anyone had taken notice of it, it was Jocelyn. She had been talking differently to Talia, and she would rarely make eye contact. Talia frowned to herself. Was Jocelyn judging her? The two weren’t super close friends, but nonetheless they were acquaintances-bordering-on-friends. Talia didn’t want to lose a friend. But she could be worrying for nothing. She probably was.
Snack #4 at 4:48pm: Talia had been home for a bit, and while she decided what was going to be for dinner she nibbled on another granola bar. They were alright, but Talia made a mental note to try and find a more appetizing snack, or at least more options for snacks in the future.
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