#:x: this was made especially for you ( closed starters )
outermaybanks · 3 days
i was thinking if mean!jj x kook!reader,
jj works for reader and she gets on his nerves but he kinda likes her and she teases him sometimes but little does he know she kinda likes him too
i LOVE mean JJ
a/n: soooo I loved this request so much that it kind of took on a mind of its own and became wayyyy too long, so this is part 1, part 2 coming soon after i proofread and edit. but also if this isn't quite what you were requesting PLS let me know I love this pairing and dynamic and would fully be willing to try again
part two posted
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This summer was supposed to be your summer. Your dad had bought you your dream car, a whole new wardrobe, and your parent’s 15th anniversary fell in the middle of July, and this year you were promised the house to yourself for that week while your parents took a second honeymoon. 
But then, your dad hired none other than the infamous JJ Maybank to work for him this summer. 
Now, normally, you would have no problem with your dad hiring a Pogue to work around the house, both of JJ’s friends, Pope Heyward and John B Routledge had worked small jobs for him in the past, but JJ was practically your worst nightmare when it came to your plans. You had planned for this summer to be the best ever, to be the height of your social life, and now, the most big mouthed, impulsive, Kook-hating and downright rude Pogue to ever grace the OBX was working in your house five days a week.
So, you naturally came to one conclusion: You had to get JJ to quit before your parent’s trip in the middle of July.
June 10th
It started small, ignoring him when he was there, it was no secret that JJ hated Kooks, so you figured being as rude as he assumed you to be would be easiest. But honestly, it seemed like JJ liked that you ignored him, so you had to kick it up a bit. 
“Hey Pogue!” You called as you stepped out of your mansion, clad in only a bikini as you prepared to enjoy your pool. JJ released the gas on the lawn mower to make it stop as his jaw clenched and he put on his most tolerable face. “When you finish with the lawn, you need to change the oil in my car.”
“In case you didn’t get the memo, princess, I work for your dad, not you,” JJ called before reaching for the pull cord. You made your way down the steps and over to him just as he began tugging the cord, but you stood right in front of the mower, so JJ begrudgingly released the bar again.
“In case you didn’t get the memo, my daddy does anything I say. Daddy has fired workers for making my food wrong, so really, you work for me, princess. Got that?” You asked with a sickeningly sweet smile. JJ’s lower jaw stirred then clenched into a forced smile. “You got it, ma’am.” “That’s better, Maybank.”
You didn’t like being mean, and you didn’t like asserting power over others, that’s why you didn’t just follow through on your word and tell your dad to fire JJ. You knew he needed this job, and you didn’t want to close that window for him permanently, but this was a man who was known for getting into fights, especially with Kooks, a man who you already knew hated you, and now he was standing in the way of your summer plans. JJ being here meant half the Kooks you knew wouldn’t step foot on the property just to avoid drama, or avoid upsetting their boyfriends. You just needed your summer back. If you could just get JJ to quit for the summer, you’d have your daddy offer him more money to come back in the fall. Really, a win win for everybody.
You weren’t naive to the rumors around the island about JJ, and as you walked towards your lounge chair on the edge of the pool, you couldn’t help turn your head to catch a glimpse of JJ’s arms as he yanked the starter cord to resume mowing the back lawn. 
June 17th
A week had passed since that encounter, and JJ showed no signs of quitting. He was currently cleaning your pool as you were inside, in the cool AC, as your mom had the house chef make you lunch. The house chef liked to listen to noise while they worked, so from you sat at the island, sipping a pina colada, you heard the weatherman announce the heat wave that was currently plaguing the Outerbanks. Despite everything, you found yourself looking out the window to JJ, shirtless as he used the pool skimmer.
You groaned to yourself as you couldn’t bring yourself to cruelty. You went to the fridge and grabbed a cold water bottle before sliding the glass door open.
“Hey Maybank!” You called, making JJ look up. You held up the water bottle then gentle tossed it to him. JJ dropped the pool skimmer to catch it, and then inspected the water bottle before opening it. He gave it a test sniff, which make you giggle, before he took a sip.
“Thanks, Kook.” “Just y/n works, y’know. Unless you want to go back to calling me princess,” You joked, walking closer to him, your lips wrapping around the straw to sip your pina colada as JJ downed the water bottle. 
“Can I ask you something?” You asked suddenly, surprising yourself that you had actually spoken your thoughts aloud. “What?” JJ replied coldly, looking at you suspiciously. “Why did you start working for my dad? Everyone knows you hate Kooks, I figured that meant you’d want to stay as far away from them as possible.” “Well, firstly, don’t assume you know anything about me. Secondly- you’re right. I do hate Kooks. Your dad was offering more than anyone else, that’s all.” “Really? Extra money is all it takes to abandon your morals?” “See, that’s it right there. To you, it’s extra money. To me, it’s survival. All you damn Kooks wouldn’t know shit about struggling. But god forbid you don’t have a brand new dress to wear to your weekly Courtillion or some shit.”
“Cotillion,” You corrected. “Which is only for debuntants, which I am not.”
“What the fuck ever. The point is, you think you know real struggle, so when you see someone actually struggling, you don’t give a fuck, but the truth is you’ve never had a real problem. Rich people make up their own problems so they don’t get bored, and then act entitled to people who actually struggle, it’s fucking annoying,” JJ finished before picking the pool skimmer back up. His words felt like a slap in the face, but you took them to heart. That night, you went to your dad and told him he needed to pay JJ more. 
June 20th
“Chug, chug, chug!” The amalgamation of voices cheered on as Kelce and Topper shotgunned a beer. Since you couldn’t invite your friends to your house, you had gone over to your friend’s house for some fun, but then she got a text about a get together at the beach, so that’s where you found yourself. 
“Hey, y/n, what’s this I hear about JJ Maybank working for your dad or something?” A girl named Hannah asked. “Yeah, he started a few weeks before summer break,” You answered. “Ooooo,” The girl teased. “Has he been… putting the work in?” You rolled your eyes, a sick feeling forming in your stomach at her words. “That’s so- It’s not like that. I barely speak to him,” you answered, bringing your beer can to your lips, hoping that would end the conversation. “You’re better than me, girl. On the first day I would’ve jumped his bones.”
It disgusted you to hear Hannah reduce JJ down to his looks, to his sexual reputation. You couldn’t help but remember what JJ had said about all Kooks feeling entitled.  
“Actually, Hannah, he’s like, really cool, and smart, and… passionate about his hobbies. He’s not just a dick for you to jump on,” Honestly, you pulled all of that out of your ass, but you just couldn’t let her speak about JJ like he was a piece of meat.
Hannah laughed. “And you learned all of that by barely speaking to him? Yeah, sure, y/n, it’s okay, your secret is safe with me. I wouldn’t want everyone to know I was boning a Pogue either.” That was your limit. You quickly excused yourself, and when no one was looking, you left the beach.
Unfortunately, your friend had driven you, so you were stuck walking home. Whatever. You couldn’t stand to be there another moment.
JJ had been off that day as well, so he had spent the day with his friends, and they were currently on their way back to John B’s house. Just as JJ had put his blunt between his lips, about to spark it, his night was ruined.
“Hey, is that y/n y/l/n?” John B asked as he slowed down the Twinkie to get a better look.  “Yeah, yeah, it is,” Pope answered. “Stop the van.” “What? Why? She can walk just fine,” JJ argued. “It’s dark out and she’s walking alone,” John B answered. “So? She’ll be fine.”
“JJ.” John B scolded before pulling the van over beside you. You recognized John B’s van from when it was parked in your driveway when John B worked on your dad’s boat. “Hey, y/n, you alright?” John B asked after he rolled the window down. 
“I- Yeah, I just… my car ran out of… oil… so… walking.” Your lie pricked up JJ’s ears, as he had practically become your personal mechanic, he knew there was nothing wrong with your car because he had checked it before going home yesterday.
“Do you need a ride?” Pope asked from the passenger seat.
You couldn’t get JJ’s words out of your mind. Kooks create their own problems because they’re bored.
“No, no, really, I’m fine… Um, but my phone died, do you- um- Do you know how I would get home from here?” The beach you guys had gone to had been on the border of the Cut and Figure Eight, you had never ventured that far before. 
Of course she doesn’t even fucking know her way around, JJ thought. He argued with himself in his mind before leaning forward between John B and Pope. “Just get in, princess, we’ll get you home.”
It had shocked you to suddenly see JJ, although you suppose it shouldn’t have considering the three of them had been joined at the hip for as long as you’d known them. Before you could get  out a response, the van door slid open, and JJ was beckoning you inside. You stood there, frozen.
“y/n, c’mon, your dad would have my ass if he found out I left you out here alone, just get in.”
You slowly got inside the back of the van, JJ slammed the door shut as he leaned back on the bench. You noticed the unlit blunt between his fingers.
“Is that weed?” You asked. JJ sighed. “You caught me, princess, but I’m off the clock, I would never smoke while-” “Can I hit that?”
JJ was taken aback, and his first instinct was to get defensive, why the hell would he share his bud with a Kook? But he realized, if you took a hit, he’d have just as much dirt on you as you had on him, so he happily handed it over. You carefully put it between your lips then held your hand out for a lighter, but JJ would be damned if a Kook stole his favorite lighter, so he lit it for you. He was surprised by how naturally you inhaled the smoke, and how relaxed you looked as you exhaled. JJ then realized how little he actually knew about you, but then, he got angry with himself for thinking that.
“So what happened? Chad didn’t ask you to Cotillion?” JJ asked coldly, but you smiled to yourself because he said it right this time.  “I already told you I’m not a debutant, and who the fuck is Chad?” You couldn’t help but giggle as you took a second hit, then handed the blunt back to JJ.  “You know what I mean.” “Yeah, I do. That was your sneaky way of asking me what’s wrong,” you called him out.  “You wish,” JJ replied flatly before taking a hit. “Actually, since you asked, I didn’t like how a girl there was talking about you, so I left.” “I didn’t ask.” “Mmm kind of seems like you did.”
Pope chuckled from the front seat, taking your attention for a minute, and when you turned back to look at JJ, he seemed deep in thought.
“If I’m being honest, hearing her talk that way about you reminded me about what you said about Kooks the other day, and… I didn’t want to be around people who act like that.” “Huh. Didn’t think you Kooks listened to non-Kooks.” “Well, maybe you shouldn’t assume you know anything about me,” you threw his words back at him, making him raise an eyebrow at you.
After John B dropped you off, you charged your phone and had dozens of missed texts and calls from your friends, but you couldn’t care less. That night, all you could think about was JJ Maybank.
July 1st
After John B gave you a ride home, JJ ignored you even more. You had half a mind to throw away your plan, JJ’s words had haunted you and you didn’t want to be the type of person he described, but on the other hand, there was a part of you that had spent way too long trying to fit in, you couldn’t throw it away over one boy’s opinion, so you settled for a happy medium.
JJ’s bike was parked in the driveway, so you knew he was working today. You eventually spotted him in the back, working on your dad’s boat, so you mustered up your courage and boarded the boat, walking over to him with crossed arms. 
“Maybank,” You greeted. “Y/L/N,” JJ mimicked, keeping his eyes on the tools in his hand. “I’ve come to you with a deal.” “Oh yeah? And what would that deal be?” “You can’t be here at all for the week that my dad’s gone. I’ll tell him you came, you’ll still get paid, just don’t actually come.” “Am I supposed to believe that you’ll be doing all my work during that week?” “I- Fuck it, fine, yeah, I’ll do your job for the week.”
This took JJ by surprise. No Kook ever was willing to get their hands dirty.
“Why do you need me gone for that week?” “Because I’m throwing a party,” JJ was already laughing. “I’m serious, I’m throwing a party, and half my girlfriends can’t come because their boyfriends don’t want them around you.” “Smart guys,” JJ retorted, making you cringe. “Whatever. Do we have a deal?” “Like I’d want to be here anyway.”
You smiled, this was the best of both worlds, truly the best case scenario, and in your happiness you wrapped your arms around JJ’s shoulders, but he pulled away, tensed up, and then it hit you. You had grown comfortable with him, and that was your mistake. It didn’t matter that you gave him water, it didn’t matter that him and his friends had been your heroes, JJ Maybank hated Kooks. 
July 4th
“Sweetheart!” Your dad called from his office, you quickly made your way down the hall and leaned against the doorframe. You were already dressed for your family’s annual barbeque, which had become a big even on Figure Eight. 
“What’s up, dad?”  “Can you tell JJ he can go home early today after he cleans the pool?” You nodded and went downstairs to the backyard, once again finding JJ shirtless as he cleaned the pool.
“If you’re trying to get my mom to leave my dad for you, this whole thing won’t work, she prefers construction workers,” You said as you shut the door behind you, JJ looked up at you, but the only response was a confused face. “You know, the whole- hot shirtless pool cleaner has an affair with the lady of the house, that whole trope.”
A smile slowly crept on JJ’s lips, but then it turned into a smirk. “Did you just call me hot, y/n?” You quickly realized your mistake. “You know what I mean.” “Yeah, that was your sneaky way of flirting with me.”
Normally, you would’ve denied it, but this was the nicest JJ had ever been to you, which wasn’t saying much, but you liked it more than his constant ignoring you.
“So, my dad told me to come out here to tell you you can leave after you clean the pool,” you said. “Sounds good to me.”
That should’ve been your cue to go back inside, but instead you stood there, biting your lip as you internally argued with yourself.
“Do you have any plans for today?” JJ’s eyes came up to glance at you, almost suspiciously, “Uh, probably light a bunch of shit on fire.” “Well, my family has this like annual barbeque-” “Yeah, I know. Kie’s stuck going.” “Well… I just wanted to say if-if you wanted to stop by, a lot of my dad’s employees usually come.” “Thought you wanted to keep me far away from all your Kook friends, isn’t that our little deal?” JJ said, and in a panic you walked closer to him, trying to shush him so your dad didn’t hear. “That’s just for that party, and I wouldn’t even care about you being there if you didn’t start a fight with basically every Kook you meet.” “Who says I started it?”
That shocked you. Hearing your friend's stories, it had never occurred to you that they always omitted how the fight started, only how it had ended.
“Regardless, I just wanted to say if you wanted to stop by… it might be cool.” “Might be cool?” “God, do you always make it this hard for people to talk to you? Yes, JJ, it might be cool. It’s a barbeque, not a cult initiation.”  JJ chuckled. “Okay… Maybe I’ll come by. You might want to hide your mom though, I look good in a construction vest.” You smiled then bit down on your lip to hide it. “Okay. Maybe I’ll see you.”
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feiiizhu · 3 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⟡⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅|| @bolinity - liked!
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓗as anyone ever told you how cute your turtle-duck-butt hair is?❞
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sialiia · 11 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊ @astormymind ⋅ liked!
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓛ook... I don't want any trouble--❞ A quick pause to correct herself. ❝--Who am I kidding? Trouble tends to find me all the time... unfortunately. Not that I go looking for it.❞ She shrugged her shoulders casually, trying to find out how to keep the conversation lighter despite her heart racing from coming into contact with something she could sense was not human, at least not completely. Visually, it seemed like it. But being sensitive to energies and other worldly things, she picked up on things easily. ❝--Anyways! I um... is it rude to ask what you want?❞
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simonrileysfavteacup · 3 months
Late Manchester Nights
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x pregnant!wife!reader
Word count: close to 700
Warnings: reader having to piss every 2 mins, simon being cute n fluffy, pregnancy?
Summary: The best nights are the ones spent at home.
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Late Manchester evenings spent at home were Simon’s favourites. Yours too. You both loved sitting at home, locking out the world, just the two of you. 
And it was about to get a whole lot better. 
Stroking a hand over your very swollen belly, you came back to the couch, after your third bathroom break of the evening. You curl into Simon again, sighing as you both continue watching the show you had put on. He strokes your hair as you two watch the show. You feel so comfortable and safe being wrapped up in his arms, especially since you’re in your third trimester and need the support. Simon’s touch always calms you down, his scent always reassuring.
“He kickin’? I feel something,” Simon breaks the silence between you two. 
“He’s always kicking,” you take his hand and place it on your belly. 
“Lil bugger’s strong, ain’t he?” he chuckles softly. “Only a month to go, lovie.”
“5 weeks, technically. And he’s strong like his daddy, just as annoying too,” you giggle. 
“I don’t know how I would’ve survived without you in my life. I don’t want to know what would’ve happened to me. I don’t wanna think about it,” he presses his lips to your forehead.
“Well, for starters, you’d probably never have a home cooked meal,” you tease.
“That’s true. I’ve always been hopeless in the kitchen. No one else could’ve ever taught me. You’ve really made a positive difference in my life. You gave me all the love I needed and more. You made me strong and taught me how to really love someone. Thank you, lovie, I don’t know how else to thank you for everything you’ve done. And I want you to know, I won’t stop ‘til I can make you just as happy as you make me.”
“You already make me so happy,” you lean against him, wrapping your arms around him. “You’re the best.”
He hugs you tightly, enjoying the closeness and the way he can feel your belly against his. He kisses you softly and brushes your hair out of your face. 
“I have to pee again.”
He groans and lets you get up, his arms falling by his sides. “I don’t get it. How many pints of piss could be in that lil body of yours, lovie? Y’can’t just have one pee every once in a while?”
You giggle at him as you waddle to the washroom. He laughs at you, shouting the word ‘penguin’ at you. 
When you come back, he’s still chuckling. You slap his shoulder as you sit down again, sighing. 
“You get more beautiful every day,” Simon whispers. 
“Really?” you look up. 
"You don't even realise your beauty. Every day I look at you, all I see is perfection. You're getting bigger and bigger with our baby but you don't look anything like a fat slob. Y'still as beautiful as the day I met you, if not more. And as you grow more beautiful, so does my love for you,” he mumbles, stroking your cheek. 
“You’re gonna make me blush,” you tease. “You're the best wife any man could ever ask for. I get to wake up next to my gorgeous, pregnant wife every morning, how does that not inspire happiness in me? I get to go home every night next to the light in my world and I don't dread seein' you. We had some rough patches at the beginning but we made it through, and now we get to spend the rest of our lives together,” he nudges your nose with his. “Perfection.”
“You’re too good to me,” you smile, leaning into him. “You know I couldn’t have found anyone better than you? And before you go on about that ‘I’m traumatised’ bullshit, just know that your whole past and everything you’ve been through is why I love you. It makes you stronger every day and I get to be the lucky person sitting by your side watching you become the best version of yourself. You are the best for me, Si.”
He smiles, kissing your forehead. 
“Hey Si?”
“Don’t say it, lovie.”
“I have to pee again.”
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bomber-grl · 7 months
Mike Schmidt relationship headcannons !
Pairing(s): Mike Schmidt x Gn!Reader
Note! Has some plot | This is my relationship headcannons for movie Mike, stating this because I just might make video game Michael Afton headcannons aswell in the near future
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Very closed off and not looking for a relationship
He had hired you to take care of Abby when he was away and that’s how you two began getting closer.
Not the best conversation starter, however when you gave him the opportunity to speak about the dream theory he starts going on about it.
Then he apologizes and begins feeling a bit unsure and awkward.
It never really advanced from there and he’d almost constantly apologize and reassure that he’d pay you soon, but you never really cared for it.
Really peaked his interest when he realized that Abby had really grown to like you and began inviting you to do things with the both of them.
You, of course accepted and eventually Mike had started developing feelings for you.
Just as you did for him.
He didnt act on them at first.
Primarily Because he doesn’t see himself in a relationship, especially not with someone like you with him.
You were amazing, and he was a sad grown man who had to care for his little sister, and not even in a way he saw proper.
So of course he shuts it down, telling himself it’d be better off that way.
However, some way, somehow you got involved with Freddy’s pizzeria and you not only managed to save him but also Abby.
Then from there it just went uphill.
He got a better job, better pay, and is able to connect with Abby easier.
Not only that but the custody battle has been leaning in his favor.
He had no one to thank but you.
You’d take Abby to school, occasionally cook for them, and you were always reliable.
One fateful evening you and Mike were just hanging out in the living room.
Talking and just watching whatever was on TV.
Then he brought up your relationship, and stated that he’d really like to start one with you, a romantic one, that is.
You of course, said yes, and he was relieved and happy at your reaction.
But then Abby came to mind, what would she think?
You asked him this almost immediately.
But he reassured and said that the final push was actually when Abby hinted/teased her older brother about your potential relationship, then ran off.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and an awkward atmosphere hung in the air but then Mike went to hold you hand and it made it semi better.
The next morning you almost immediately told Abby and she was so happy.
Which really relieved the both of you.
Things had changed, albeit subtly.
And although Mike wasn’t the most physically affectionate, probably due to him being pretty much touched starved and traumatized.
He tried his best to convey his affection towards you with teasing and joking around.
You’d often just enjoy the others company and bond mostly with Abby around.
If you were to ever do something even a little bit flirty around her she’d immediately be grossed out.
Which was funny, and was mentally noted to ever do again in her presence, even if it was just a kid friendly comment.
Your guy’s first kiss was pretty intimate
I mean Mike had never seemed much interested in kissing or doing anything further down the road.
However, after a particularly draining day, and horrible weather outside, Mike had offered you to stay for the night.
Abby was so excited and the three of you played with her just a little bit over her curfew then sent her off to bed.
When you were finally able to be alone, Mike, very awkwardly and a bit bashful, offered for you to sleep in his bed.
You, like the amazing person you were, rejected and said that it was fine and that he should just sleep there.
Not completely understanding that Mike didn’t mean separate, but together.
Once he bashfully explains that all you can do is mutter out an “oh” and go along with it.
Pretty awkward as you both just lay down as stiff as rods in silence.
Then you guys begin talking.
And it’s just you two talking about whatever at like 2 a.m, trying your best to keep it down.
If you decide to be bold and make a move by asking if you could cuddle with him, then he’d hesitantly agree.
Again, not because he hates you, but because he’s an awkward guy.
So once you’re settled in each others arms you start talking about each others traumas and mostly hidden things.
It’s the sleep deprivation getting to you guys.
Well once you’re both finished venting and just being vulnerable you decide to make a move and lean forward, giving him plenty of time to move if it’s not wanted.
But he didn’t, and the clash of your lips followed soon after and how drawed out it was won’t be mentioned by either of you either.
Things not only start changing and he’s side hugging you more (publicly)
Although not really into pda
And be more affectionate (as he can)
I’m sure at one point you get so comfortable with one another that although awkward moments occur, most of them spent together is just you saying cringe stuff and making him regret ever making it out alive of Freddy’s.
From then on, not only do you tease and get a worthwhile reaction but he’s always hugging and giving you cheek kisses in private.
He’s also grown fond of cuddling, just because of how close he gets to be to you.
If you were to ever tell him he’s hot.
He’d get really taken back but then laughs it off and says whatever.
(Saying this because I know those fans of him exist 😭)
Honestly it’s kind of hard for you to tell when he’s being sarcastic or not😔
He’s always making snarky and joking remarks and hard to tell when he’s just being his sassy self.
Honestly home dude is just trying his best and his relationship with you really lightened up his life even more.
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Note! Should I make a pt 2 with Mike as your husband?
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symp4nat · 5 months
Deep Questions?
Clarisse La Rue x fem!reader
authors note: guys its a quarter past midnight i needa sleep i have church tmrw help
word count: almost 700 words hoorayy
Clarisse laid in her bed, with you laying on top of her, as she stroked your hair. "Don't you think we should be productive tod-"
You clapped a hand over her mouth. "Shut up. Today's one of the only days we don't have to do anything, so please, let's just stay in bed."
You buried your face into her neck and she tried not to giggle as your breath tickled her neck. "C," you quietly questioned.
She hummed in response. "Where do you see yourself in 10 years," you asked. She gave you a funny look and then answered, "Why?"
You shrugged. "Just answer it." She nodded and said, "Well, hopefully done with college, maybe I'll work at Camp Jupiter... hoping I'm alive till then." You slapped her arm. She continued, "And maybe I'll get an apartment at Jupiter."
You lifted your head. "On Jupiter?" She laughed and shook her head. "At Camp Jupiter." You nodded as you understood what Clarisse meant. "What about kids," you asked. Clarisse laid there in complete silence for a minute and then she shrugged, "Married to you, a few pets and kids later on."
You tried holding back a smile. "You'd wanna get married?" She shrugged with a nonchalant look on her face, "Yeah?"
You went back to your previous spot next to her neck and she asked, "Y/N/N?" You kissed her neck softly. "What's your favourite part about me?"
With an eager look on your face, you lifted your head. You fully sat up as your body straddled her waist. You gazed into Clarisse's gentle brown eyes. "Um... physical or personality?" Clarisse grinned and cooed, "Aww, you're the sweetest..."
You averted your face. "Shut up," you said as you tried to cover your blush.
Clarisse placed one hand at the bottom of your back and used the other to tilt your head towards her. "Both."
You gulped and said, "I guess... your eyes? They're very pretty. Or maybe your arms, they give very good hugs. Personality.... you act tough, but you're a softie, I think it's very cute."
Clarisse made eye contact with you. "First off, I'm not soft. Secondly, thank you, you're very kind. Then what's your favourite part of me that you like to kiss?"
Your face turned red. "Your nose? Or neck?" You looked down at her stomach and then whined, "Why am I the one answering all of these questions, why can't you?"
Clarisse gently laughed. "Fine, what do you wanna know?"
With a grin, you answered, "All of it!"
She laughed and said, "Well, for starters, I enjoy kissing your forehead-" You cut her off, "I like when you kiss my head." She nodded, "I know, that's why I do it. I'd say... I love your hands. I know that sounds sexual, but I love holding them, it's just so... it makes me happy, y'know?"
You nodded and tried to hold back a smile. She continued, "I love your kind and giving personality. And how you love hugs."
"You're so cute," you cooed as you cupped your girlfriend's face. "I'm not cute," Clarisse grumped. You giggled, "You're just proving my point right now.."
You scooted your body down and laid back in your spot next to Clarisse's neck. Her hands found their way under your shirt soon and she rubbed your back. You gently closed your eyes and she quickly noticed, especially as you shook your head.
"Go to sleep, mamas, you deserve it," Clarisse mumbled against your hair. You shook your head. "We barely get days off, this is our last one for what, 7 months? I wanna stay up and hang out," you said with a yawn.
"Bed time, goodnight," Clarisse commanded. You whined, "Please, I wanna hang out.."
Clarisse shook her head, "Nu uh, we can hang out another day, this is sleep time. We're still hanging out, just sleeping." She kissed your head and you pouted. "Fine. Night night."
You both quietly drifted off to sleep, just for Clarisse's siblings to see you both in her bed in the corner, snoring away. Her reaction to seeing the pictures they took was funny. But she can tell you another day.
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Alpha Dog (M) ~Bang Chan
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Pairing: Werewolf!Chan x Human!F.Reader Themes: Supernatural/Fantasy AU | Smut | Fluff | Roomies to Lovers | Soulmate AU? 👀 Warnings: Chris’ POV, curvy/chubby MC, pet names, mentions and descriptions of werewolf mating cycles, mandatory Christopher is Intense™ warning (it’s even worse when you can read his thoughts), graphic depictions of intercourse (smut warnings under the cut). Word Count: ~17k sobbing | AO3 Summary: Chris had a dream since he was very young. He wanted to have a pack of his own, to build a safe space for people with views just like his. Once he managed to accomplish that, he would’ve never imagined that his next dream would arrive at his doorstep in a pretty sundress.
Author’s Note: i wanted to expand Chris’ character in this series of stories, so this monster was born ! i think it could actually be a good starter piece for my WereRoomies series, or, if anything, just a good read 🤭 if you’re reading this, hope you enjoy, and don’t hesitate to let me know what you think !
Due to all the abovementioned warnings, this story is intended for an adult audience only. Minors please do not interact.
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Chris’ WereRoomies Instalments:  It’s Cold Out · Rut · Alpha Dog · It’s Warm In · Love is Easy · Afraid to Lose You. For extra drabbles, check out the series masterlist.
Smut Warnings: thigh kink · possessiveness · a barely even present breeding kink · praising · oral [F.&M.Rec, but the M.Rec is not as detailed] · breast/nipple play · forced orgasm (F.Rec) · fingering [F.Rec] · unprotected penetration [piv. no barrier method, but reader is presumed to be on birth control] · cum eating · marking (as in, sucking love bites on someone’s skin) · intercrural · cumshot/cum on body. there’s just a lot going on i’m sorry or am i? 👀
Disclaimer: the story represented in this work does not represent Stray Kids in any way; anything described in this story and all actions performed by the characters are purely fictional, this was created just for good fun.
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Since the moment Chris gained his consciousness when he was very young, he knew what he was. It was impossible not to know, when the dynamic of his entire family was basically ingrained in his DNA. 
Chris was a werewolf. His mother was a werewolf, his father was a werewolf, as were his grandparents, and they were all part of the same pack since his grandparents joined it before Chris’ parents were even born.
Chris’ childhood pack was big, consisting of several different blood-related families that were being led by the same alpha. Due to the numerous members of that pack, it felt like it was more of a closed off community than a family–especially considering members of the pack that weren’t blood related would often mate with each other. Even as he grew up, Chris felt as if these people weren’t really close to him, aside, of course, from his blood relatives and his best friend, Changbin.
It wasn’t as if they were all bad people, he just didn’t feel like he could be fully himself with the rest. They were often a bit close minded when it came to werewolf ‘traditions’, with deep desires to keep humans at bay, or turn them whenever it was suitable for the pack, whenever they saw fit, regardless of the human’s wishes. Some of them would even believe in the designation hierarchy–alphas over betas and omegas, always–which was something Chris never really understood, nor supported in any way.
Thankfully for him, his blood family was quite progressive compared to the rest of the pack, and even if the others looked down on them for it, his parents decided to socialise Chris with humans from a young age. They sent him to a human school, let him have human friends–with the only condition to not reveal anything about his lycanthropy or the pack to them–and that contact with the outside world simply highlighted the fact that all these archaic customs in the pack made absolutely no sense to him.
So when puberty hit him, and his alpha nature started to really settle in him, he knew that he wanted to start a pack of his own. A pack where no member would feel judged or held back by the rest, where everyone could be equal.
It wasn’t really that much of a surprise, honestly. His parents always knew he would be an alpha–based on how thick-headed he was and how he would often lead his group of peers from a young age–so when Chris told his mother about this desire of his, she immediately supported him.
His father took a bit longer to accept it, but eventually he simply understood. ‘It’s too late for us. This pack is our family, we’ve already accepted the good as well as the bad, but you’ll always be our son whether you’re a member of it or not’, which was enough acceptance for Chris.
So as soon as he was of age and he went to university, he broke ties off with his childhood pack, and for a couple of years, he was seemingly on his own.
Some people from his childhood pack would even try to ridicule him, to look down on him whenever they met him on the streets or whenever he went to visit his parents. Chris knew it was because they thought he was crazy for being out there on his own. 
What they didn’t know was that he wasn’t really alone. He had Changbin and Jisung.
Before Chris left his childhood pack he told Changbin of his idea, of his goal of leading a pack of his own, and without missing a beat Changbin immediately told him he’d join him as soon as he was of age, as long as Chris wanted him. And of course Chris wanted Changbin in his pack, he was one of the few people he trusted more in this world.
Jisung was also a childhood friend, but he didn’t belong to the same pack Chris and Changbin did at the time. He became friends with them after his pack moved away from their previous den to form a new one in the same city Chris and Changbin grew up in. His parents enrolled him in the same school as them as soon as they settled, which was how the three of them met.
As it turned out, Jisung was also unhappy in his childhood pack, he was an omega, and much like Chris’ childhood pack, omegas were viewed as of lower status than any other designation, so he was often disregarded or even mistreated. And just like Changbin, as soon as Chris told Jisung of his future plans, Jisung also decided to join them when he was of age.
So while someone outside of Chris’ circle might’ve thought he was a lone wolf, a packless misfit, the reality was that he felt happier, more at ease while he waited for Changbin and Jisung to defect, than he ever did in his childhood pack. Two years wasn’t that long of a wait–considering that was the age gap between him and Changbin–so he decided to place his focus on his studies for those couple of years on his own.
Eventually, as the three of them grew up, Chris’ pack started to take more shape. Changbin was his obvious right hand, he had this sense of responsibility and protectiveness that made him a perfect second in command. However, Jisung never even entertained the possibility of being his left hand, because, in his words, ‘I’m not cut out for that, I’d get everyone starved or killed’, which was valid in Chris’ opinion, after all, it wasn’t really in his inherit nature to lead or protect others, quite the opposite actually, so Chris let it go without much of a fight.
Jisung did offer a candidate, though. A childhood friend of his, Minho, a human turned werewolf with no real pack of his own who had no real desire to lead, but was incredibly caring and protective, and, in Jisung’s words, someone who had a heart of gold.
As time went on, as they met more friends throughout their years at university, Chris’ pack grew. With the addition of Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin his pack became a tight group of eight young werewolves who were simply trying to find their place in the world, a group of people who weren’t happy in the conditions they lived in before and wanted a change, a healthy environment. 
Since then, Chris, Minho, and Changbin tried their absolute best to keep this safe, healthy ecosystem. And in Chris’ humble opinion, they were succeeding at that. Sure, they fought sometimes, just like any other family or pack or group of friends would, but things could always be solved one way or another. For once, Chris truly felt as if he was exactly where he was supposed to be, doing what he was supposed to do–what he wanted to do. 
Aside from his supernatural condition, Chris always thought of himself as a simple man. When his mind wasn’t dominated by his wolf instincts, he’d just feel like any other dude out there. He liked to play computer games, he had friends he’d often hang out with–not only his packmates, but also people he’d met throughout his life–and he had a stable, decent paying job as a software engineer which he quite enjoyed. But he’d admit that sometimes, it felt as if something was missing… And that something was romantic love.
The topic of love and romantic relationships was quite tricky for him. He’d dated a few people in his life, but no one really seemed to stick for too long, either because he was always a bit too intense of a guy, or because they simply didn’t really understand his pack’s dynamic.
Oftentimes, especially when he dated a human, they just couldn’t really understand why his ‘friends’ were so important to him. He’d been told things from ‘you care more about your friends than you care about me’, to ‘it’s a bit weird how close you are. Y’all practically live together?’ They simply wouldn’t get it, and it wasn’t like he could reveal his condition to just anyone and explain, so those relationships would end as soon as the person showed any discomfort in regards to his pack, which was honestly for the best.
Then on the other side of the spectrum, when he dated other werewolves, it all often fell too much into the traditional dynamic of ‘you’re an alpha, I’m an XYZ, so we must be and do things this and this way’, and even if he tried to break those moulds a bit, it just wouldn’t work out.
So one day, right after another failed relationship, Chris decided to just… Let things flow. He was fine being single.
Did he have the intense need to pamper and take care of someone romantically? Yes. Did he have physical needs that he wished he could fulfil with the warmth of another person? Also yes. But he decided to bear it regardless. If he never found someone who understood him and his family dynamic then he was happy to die single. After all, his pack was, and would always be, his utmost priority.
He would’ve never imagined that it would all change once he finally realised he couldn’t live on his own.
In the very early stages of Chris’ pack, they had to decide where their den would be. Changbin’s parents were well off, they owned a handful of buildings throughout the city, so with a bit of convincing, they let Chris, Changbin, Jisung, and anyone that came after settle in one of their buildings at a discount price. 
For a couple of years, the three of them lived in the same flat, but as more people joined Chris’ pack they kept rearranging themselves to get the best comfort, leaving Chris in a flat of his own, which was great at the beginning. He had his own space and privacy, and for a while, it was fine.
But when his grandparents passed away, leaving a huge house under Chris’ name, things changed. Between the expensive utility bills of his flat, and what he had to spend upkeeping his house in the woods, he just never had money to spare. He had to accept the fact that he needed a roommate, but everyone was already settled in their own living arrangements within the den, and he didn’t want to disrupt any of his packmates with this.
One day, during a phone call with his mother, Chris told her of this predicament of his, and she offered to help find a suitable roommate–as long as Chris wanted her help, of course.
He trusted his mother’s judgement, so he agreed, and next time she came to visit him, it looked like this woman had seen an angel come down from the heavens, because her face was glowing, and she exclaimed the most overly excited ‘Oh, honey! I got the perfect candidate. Remember my coworker’s daughter I always talk to you about?’
How could he not remember her coworker’s daughter when his mother tried to bring her up at least once whenever he came to visit? Of course he remembered you. His mother had met you a few times, always described you as a ‘beautiful, sensible, young woman’, and honestly sometimes Chris wondered if she was trying to set him up, especially when she’d conveniently mention how ‘you really need someone like that in your pack, pup… A sensible, caring figure would do you all some good, especially a female one. There are just too many males at your den, I don’t know how you get anything done…’
It honestly didn’t surprise him that much for her to say that, she was surrounded by incompetent males all the time, always had to pick up their messes, so she’d gotten quite radical on the importance of female figures… Chris just didn’t really care about the gender of his roommate or his packmates at all, so he decided to follow through with her suggestion.
Apparently, you had been looking to move out of your mother’s house, or that was what your mother told Chris’ mother, so considering you were someone his mother already knew who seemed to be nice enough, he said fuck it and told his mother to give you his number, requesting for her to ‘not get too excited. I just need a roommate, mum. For all I know she might not even integrate well, maybe she’d hardly ever be home… Relax, I’m not getting married, jeez…’ Which his mother honestly didn’t look too convinced about.
He expected nothing of it, really. He wasn’t even sure if you’d call, but a few days after he had that conversation with his mother, you finally called, and you both arranged a time for you to come visit so you could see the place for yourself.
He was, admittedly, a bit nervous, mostly because he didn’t want to make his condition known, or to make you uncomfortable in any way. After all, he was just an unknown man you were coming to meet and possibly live with.
When the day finally came, the moment Chris opened his door and met you he realised three things:
One, that you smelt like flowers. And not in a perfume way, more like in your natural scent way. Everyone had a different scent, it was typically more noticeable to him in other werewolves than humans, but humans most definitely had a scent, and you smelt just like freshly picked flowers.
Two, that you had a smile that could easily outshine the sun. When you smiled your cheeks would round up, and your eyes would disappear, and it was just such an endearing gesture it was hard for him not to focus on it. 
And three, that you had the most scrumptious body he had ever seen. 
Chris often prided himself on being a rational being, with a lot of self-control even for someone with a condition just like his, but as soon as he took in the shape of your body, it was almost as if he could feel his human mind short circuit and hear his inner wolf howling in desire.
He’d never been much of having a ‘type’ when it came to his partners, at least not physically. Sure, there were certain attributes he preferred, but in the grand scheme of things he’d fancied people with all different types of looks. That day, though, as he struggled to make coherent sentences and act normal while he showed you the place, Chris realised–quite puzzled, he might add–that maybe he did have a type, and maybe that type was you.
“So, this is the living room… As I mentioned on the phone, my friends often come to watch movies or just hang out. Don’t worry, though, they’re good people and very respectful. But I could totally understand if that’s something you can’t deal with”, why did you wear a sundress? Sure, it was starting to get hot out, but did you even realise how good that dress looked on you? You must’ve, there was no way you didn’t know how good you looked… Would you notice how hard he was trying not to look at your cleavage? He hoped you didn’t.
“If they truly are as nice as you say I don’t think I’ll mind, to be honest… If I move in I’d just… Prefer if they didn’t enter my room, I guess? Other than that I don’t mind”, you sounded genuine when you said it, and that did ease Chris’ worries a bit.
He took his sweet time showing you the place, the bathroom, what would be your bedroom if you moved in, even his bedroom, the kitchen, the pantry, the laundry room… All as an easy conversation flowed between you two, all as he struggled massively to not focus on the movement of your hips when you walked, to not focus on the sudden impulse he had to wrap his arm around your waist and pull you close.
Stop being a creep, Christopher… She’s a person. A person with feelings, stop being a creep… He repeated to himself every time he caught his eyes wandering, and for the most part, he was succeeding. At least, until you sat down on one of the kitchen stools and crossed one leg over the other, making the hem of your dress rise a bit, exposing the skin of your thighs.
This must be a test, he reasoned with himself.
The universe was trying to test his self-control by presenting you to him, all pretty, kind, and with the softest looking thighs he had ever seen. Chris could feel his hands literally itching with need, wondering if you’d feel as soft all over as you looked, but he quickly shoved all these thoughts as deep as he could within himself, focusing instead on the things you were telling him.
You were so nice. Just as his mother had told him, you seemed to be very sensible, very down to earth, and those traits made it so he had no reservations about having a human like you living with him. Sure, Chris knew it would be difficult to keep his condition hidden, but regardless of that immediate reaction he had to your presence, there was just something in the back of his mind telling him that having you here would be good for him and his pack, so he decided to follow that gut instinct, telling you you could move in whenever, and in a week’s time, you did.
It was honestly a bit odd at first. Chris had been living on his own for a while, and sure, his packmates would often drop by and stay over, but having an unfamiliar scent at home was certainly weird the first couple of weeks. Even then, he’d admit it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. If anything, it just added a bit of life to the otherwise silent–and sometimes lonely–space.
You quickly got acquainted with his friends, Chris supposed it was hard for you not to when they spent so much time coming to his flat, and somehow you never really seemed to question it. At one point, you even adopted their mannerisms.
Chris’ pack was very affectionate, he’d be the first one to admit it. Pet names were a constant thing among the pack, cuddling was a must, and even if you still didn’t know about their condition, you simply accepted their loving, overly affectionate behaviour as the norm, and even embraced it.
The fact that Chris and his friends were werewolves was something he had decided was best for you not to know, at least not from the get-go. He told his packmates he just didn’t see the need, that it could be dangerous–in reality, he just didn’t want to spook you. He feared that the moment you found out of their lycanthropy you’d leave, and even if he wasn’t sure why, he just didn’t want that to happen, so he would often conveniently dance around the truth whenever their condition was involved.
A month after you moved in, Felix suggested to have a movie night, simply saying ‘we haven’t had one in a while, and I could really use one to unwind!’ It had been a really long week for Chris, too, and he figured it’d be a good way to include you in their communal activities. So, as it was customary, those who wanted to join would come to Chris’ flat.
It was just Felix, Changbin, Seungmin, you, and Chris that night, the rest of his packmates had other things to do, so they had to skip it, which maybe was for the best, that way all of you wouldn’t have to cram on the sofa.
Felix had promised to bring a big box of macarons from his workplace, and he delivered. The box was filled to the brim with an assortment of different flavours–not an elegant presentation by any means, and some of them got crushed on the way, but that wouldn’t stop any of them from devouring each and every cookie.
When he placed it on the kitchen counter and opened it, Chris spotted the pink ones immediately. They were his favourite, but there were only a handful of them in the entire box, to which Felix gave him an apologetic smile, a ‘there just weren’t enough by the end of my shift’, and a shrug when Chris looked at him with a sad pout on his lips.
Chris took popcorn-making duties, and by the time it was ready and in its designated bowls, the vacuums he had for packmates had somehow eaten almost every single pink macaron, leaving only one in the box. He saw the scene play in slow motion as you made your way into the kitchen and reached for that last cookie.
Chris liked to give things to people, he really did, but that pink macaron had been holding together his last shred of sanity that day, so he acted quickly, snatching it out of the box and giving you a “nuh-uh, cutie. This one’s for me”.
“Aw, Chris!” You tried to reach for it, but he held it over your head, as far away from your grabby hands as he could. “C’mon! Those are so good!”
“I know they’re good! That’s why I want it”, he chuckled, pulling it further away from your reach when you tried to grab it again.
“Don’t be mean, babe”, you were pouting and everything, which had his heart clenching a bit, but you didn’t need to know that. He had to stay strong so he could have this delicious treat. “Give it to me?”
“Say please and maybe I’ll consider it”, he wasn’t going to consider it, which was why he had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. This was his strawberry macaron that he desperately needed, just the thought of the sugary cookie melting in his mouth had him already salivating.
However, Chris realised very quickly how ill-prepared he was for the situation he’d put himself in the moment you took a step closer to him, taking a hold of his hand that had been limp by his side, caressing the back of it with your thumb as you looked him right in the eyes with that pout on your lips.
“Please, baby… I really want it. I’ll bring you some tomorrow. Promise”, you brought your free hand to your heart, making a cross over it to emphasise that promise. “Please?”
For a second, he froze. His arm was getting tired from holding the stupid cookie over your head, and he dumbly stared at your face, shifting his focus from your lips to your eyes a few times. Did you… Did you know how cute you looked? Were you doing it on purpose? You must’ve known, right?
As soon as Chris started to feel his heart thump aggressively in his chest, he realised he had–very stupidly–walked himself into a corner. He had lost, and, in a poor attempt to not let you know how fast you had disarmed him, he sighed–rather dramatically–in what he hoped came across as annoyance.
“Alright, you can have it”, he brought the macaron down and held it to your lips. “But you’ll seriously have to buy me some tomorrow, yeah?”
The smile that came to your face made his heart skip a beat, and the second you took the macaron between your lips, lightly brushing his fingers in the process, Chris could’ve sworn his heart stopped completely. 
Before he could even register the movement, you had moved closer, suddenly pressing a quick, loud kiss to his cheek, muttering a ‘you’re the best, darling. I’ll bring you at least two dozen tomorrow!’ before you walked away and left the kitchen to join Seungmin and Felix on the sofa.
It all happened so fast, Chris could feel his skin burn where you had kissed him, and he realised too late that it was because he was blushing. Blushing! Why was he blushing? How dared his cheeks betray him this way?
“Dude…” Chris’ head snapped in the direction of Changbin’s voice, where he was looking at him from the other side of the kitchen counter, with the most insufferable grin on his face.
“Don’t”, Chris grumbled as he lifted a finger in Changbin’s direction, which only made Changbin’s grin widen. Grabbing the biggest bowl of popcorn, Chris decided to ignore his friend’s teasing eyes completely, finally leaving the kitchen to place the bowl on the coffee table and sit his ass as far away from you as possible. He could still feel his face burn, which made it all so much worse.
That night, after everyone left, after you retreated to your room and Chris was finally able to lay in bed, completely alone with his thoughts, he couldn’t stop thinking about that moment.
About the way your eyes were almost sparkling when he told you you could have the damn cookie, about the look of delight on your face when he fed it to you, about the damn kiss… It was all just a friendly gesture, really. You were just being nice, like you always were, but as his mind recounted the moment in an endless loop, he eventually realised that all those things he felt the day he saw you for the first time had just been warning signs.
He tried to push all these thoughts to the back of his mind again. You were his roommate. His human roommate who had no idea what Chris and his friends were. It was stupid of him to think about you as anything other than that, and yet, the more he interacted with you, the more time passed of you living with him at his den, the harder it became to ignore what he felt, especially whenever you went out on dates.
His logical, human side always tried to brush off the fact that you were dating people. After all, sometimes, you did come back home looking happy, as if you even had fun, which was a good thing. But his idiotic, wolf side just hated whenever you came home smelling like other men. He couldn’t–and wouldn’t–stop you because of it, of course. That would’ve been absolutely insane of him to do, but one day, when he saw your laundry hanging on the drying rack he just couldn’t help himself… 
Chris figured scenting your clothes wouldn’t hurt, right? You wouldn’t notice… And other people might not even notice, either, but he just wanted you to come home and still smell like him, and frequently, that worked. He’d admit he even grew a bit more shameless about it as time went on, hugging you or kissing your forehead before you left the house to leave his scent on you–something you never really questioned, either.
Whenever his pack members commented on it, Chris simply told them it was for protection, to keep you safe from other wolves–he wasn’t sure if they believed him, considering they wouldn’t stop teasing him about it every time they could…
By the fourth month of you living here, he was sure he had mastered the art of Ignoring His Feelings.
He would still scent your clothes, especially on nights like this one, where you were going on a date with some guy. But other than that he was doing an excellent job at not thinking about you in any ways other than platonic–or at least, that was what Chris tried to tell himself.
Truth was, he still had those impulsive thoughts from time to time. Soft. Nice. Pretty… 
He would quickly stop his train of thought whenever he caught himself, disregarding the almost instinctual way his hands flexed whenever he looked at you. Tonight, before you left, he tried his best to absolutely ignore the dress you were wearing and how good you looked in it, and how it hugged your curves so nicely, and the way your thighs looked in those tights… Would he ever be able to touch them? Squeeze them? Maybe even kiss–
The sudden sound of growls startled him, breaking his train of thought. Chris chuckled, amused by the way Hyunjin, Jisung, and Jeongin chased their tails while running in circles in the middle of his living room. “What the hell are you even doing?”
“They’re trying to see who can catch his tail faster”, Felix replied simply, taking a sip of the soda in his hand, slinging an arm over Chris’ shoulders.
“You’re gonna hurt yourselves. Stop that”, Minho grumbled from the kitchen, where he and Seungmin prepared snacks for the night.
Among the growls coming from the three spinning wolves, and the constant talking between the rest, Chris failed to hear the sound of the front door opening. It took him a second too late to be hit by the smell of your floral scent, and by the time he had registered it and jumped to his feet from where he had been slouching on the sofa, it was too late.
You stood wide eyed by the hall, looking between the three wolves in the middle of the living room. For a second, everyone froze, looking in your direction, and before Chris could even say anything, he stared in horror as Jeongin started to shift back into his human form.
“It’s not what it looks like!” Jeongin had the nerve to say to you, as if he wasn’t buttnaked, as if he hadn’t just shapeshifted right in front of your eyes.
Your mouth opened and closed a few times. Your gaze shifted from the two wolves and Jeongin to everyone else in the room, landing on Chris last. He saw your hands tremble a bit, and, in an instant, before he could even register the movement, you were bolting out the door.
Chris immediately sprung into action, chasing you, calling for you. “Wait!”
You weren’t supposed to be here. You had a date. You were even prepared in case you wouldn’t even come back tonight, or, at least, that was what you told Chris before you left earlier that day. Panic brewed quickly inside of him, he really couldn’t let you go like this.
Chris caught up to you on the stairs, right on the landing between one floor and the other. Taking a hold of your elbow, he tugged you back before you kept going on your way. “Wait! Listen–”
“What the fuck?!” You tried to pry yourself away. In a different circumstance, Chris would’ve let you go on the spot, but this was no ordinary situation, so he simply tightened his hold, keeping you in place and within reach. Your eyes widened, and he saw immediately the exact moment you realised the extent of his strength.
“Listen to me. It’s not–”
“Don’t you dare say that!” Your eyes frantically roamed his face, and the combination of confusion and fear he could see in your eyes made his heart clench. “What does it look like, then?! Huh, Christopher?!”
Chris opened and closed his mouth a few times, but the words wouldn’t come out. What should he say? That what you saw wasn’t real? That you must’ve misinterpreted it all? That would’ve been the right thing to do, wouldn’t it? But as he looked into your eyes, he just couldn’t find it in him to lie to you.
“I just saw Jeongin’s body twist and turn in ways I would’ve never even imagined were possible!” Your lower lip was trembling slightly, the words that came out of your mouth were unsteady, and your scent was starting to tint with what Chris could only define as panic, which in turn was making him panic. “What the fuck was that about?! What are you people?”
“I– We–” The words just wouldn’t come out of his mouth. He should’ve had a plan for this, it was only a matter of time for you to find out their little secret, but he truly hadn’t expected it to be so soon. 
Upon his unresponsiveness, you tried to pull yourself away from him again, and Chris couldn’t help but tighten his hold on your arm in response. He hadn’t meant to, but he was going into fight or flight and his body seemed to be trying its absolute best to keep you from leaving.
You winced, and the grimace on your face started the alarm bells in his head. “Chris… Please. It hurts”.
Chris let go of your arm as if it had caught on fire, and when you brought your other hand to soothe the area he had been holding onto, when he saw that look of discomfort on your face, he couldn’t help but feel incredibly guilty.
He’d failed you.
He hurt you, he failed you, and the amount of distress that realisation brought him was quickly taking a hold of each and every single one of his nerve-endings.
“God, I’m so sorry”, Chris took a step back, avoiding your eyes entirely. “So, so sorry… I didn’t mean–”
“What are you, Chris?” Your voice trembled again, but it didn’t seem like you’d run away.
With a deep intake of breath, Chris tried to find the courage to look you in the eyes again. “I’m… I’m a werewolf”.
You blinked, looking him up and down, looking at him like he had three heads. “A… A werewolf?”
“Mm… Only Jeongin shifted when he saw you, probably out of stress or because he panicked… The three wolves… It was Hyunjin, Jisung, and Jeongin. We’re all werewolves”.
“Werewolves… As in… Half human, half wolf? Like in fairy tales?” You sounded genuinely incredulous, and Chris couldn’t blame you.
He shrugged, tucking his hands in his short’s pockets, looking away from you again, fixing his gaze on the floor. “They’re not just fairy tales. There’s a whole world of creatures out there you don’t even know about, but it’s there”.
“Can’t believe this…” You muttered to yourself, threading your fingers through your hair, tugging the strands between your fingers.
“You… You can’t tell anyone–”
“Who the hell would I tell?!” You chuckled, a chuckle that lacked any semblance of amusement, and it made him wince.
You both stayed in silence, neither of you sure on what to say to the other. Until finally, you heaved a sigh, turning to continue your walk down the stairs. “Werewolves… This is all madness…”
“Don’t!” You whipped your face in Chris’ direction. Your hands were shaking. Actually, it looked like your entire body was shaking. “Don’t follow me”, was the last thing you told him, and he would never forget the look in your eyes that day, completely lost, void of your usual shine.
Chris just stood there for a moment, listening to the quick clack clack clacks of your heels as you walked the steps, until he finally heard the main door of the building opening and eventually slamming closed. He could feel his heart ache, just the memory of the tone of your voice and that look in your eyes made his heart race for all the wrong reasons.
Chris was at a loss, unable to comprehend how it all got out of hand so quickly. He should’ve known, this was bound to happen eventually, they couldn’t keep hiding from you forever. But what he hadn’t expected was the feeling of utter dejection the entire exchange brought him.
After a few minutes, when Chris was back in his flat, with the seven pairs of eyes staring worriedly at him, he realised he had to get a grip.
“Chris, I’m sorry. It’s my fault–” Jeongin started, looking absolutely ashamed, but Chris stopped him immediately. 
“Don’t worry about it. She was going to find out eventually”, he was honestly proud at how even his voice was coming out of his mouth, and he hoped his packmates couldn’t feel the weird emotional state he was in. He shot Minho and Changbin a quick look, and they seemed to catch onto his signal fairly quickly–if the way they stiffened was anything to go by. “You guys go on. I’m… Tired. I’ll just be in my room, Yeah?” 
No one seemed to question it, for which Chris was grateful. He needed some time alone to think, but even then the presence of his packmates just out of his door did comfort him a bit.
You were gone for a long while after that. The mood of the pack had almost reached the core of the planet by how low it was, but admittedly, Chris had taken the biggest blow. Eventually, everyone noticed, but no one other than Minho talked to him about it. ‘She’ll come around, I’m sure’, he told Chris one day, but it was hard for him to believe those words when he could still get a phantom of the panic in your scent whenever he was on his own. 
You didn’t tell her in time. You hurt her. You failed her… His brain wouldn’t stop nagging him day and night. He tried to convince himself that there was no need for him to feel the way he did, that these things happened sometimes, but he knew it wouldn’t be that easy, he had to make it up to you somehow.
He tried to text you, a ‘hey… how’re you’ that you didn’t reply to. The rest of the pack tried to as well, explaining as much as they could, but you also didn’t reply to them. No one had been able to get a hold of you, and Chris was just losing all hope. 
Until seven days after the entire thing the sound of a key going into his front door’s keyhole startled him, pumping adrenaline through his system, making him jump out of his bed. By the time you were opening the door and stepping into the flat Chris was already coming out of his room, looking at you.
“So…” You cleared your throat once you closed the door behind you, dropping your keys in their designated bowl on the bureau, and crossing your arms over your chest. “Werewolves?”
Chris nodded, staying rooted on the spot, afraid any movement he made would scare you in any way. “Werewolves”.
“Does it… Does it hurt when you shift?” Out of all the things you could’ve asked, that wasn’t exactly what Chris thought you’d ask first, not after being away for so long, but he decided to answer regardless. There was no point in hiding it now, the cat–or should he say, the wolf…–was already out of the bag.
He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest as well. “It’s not comfortable, but it doesn’t really hurt hurt”.
“Mmm…” You stayed silent for a bit, until your eyes found Chris’, and you took a step closer. “So… You guys are like… A pack? A pack of wolves?” Chris simply nodded in response, and since he didn’t say anything else, you continued. “Why would you even let me move in?”
“You’re nice”, Chris replied immediately, maybe a bit too fast. But it was the truth, so he felt like saying it. “Very nice. At the time it just… Made sense to me”.
“So, you’re like… Their leader? What’s it called… Alpha?”
Chris chuckled. “Where did you even get this from? But yes, I’m the alpha of the pack”. 
“It’s amazing what you can find on the Internet these days”, you shrugged. “Did you ever even have intentions of telling me all this? Did you lie to me about anything else?”
Chris shook his head. “No, we… We’re exactly the same people you met. The fact that we are what we are was the only thing I didn’t…” Chris sighed. “Honestly? I wanted to tell you. But I was… A bit scared you’d get spooked and leave”.
“You don’t want me to leave?” You sounded genuinely incredulous, and it puzzled him. 
“‘Course not”, Chris said it like it was the most logical thing in the world. In reality, it wasn’t. You were a human, a human living in a werewolf den. It seemingly didn’t make sense, but to Chris, somehow, it made all the sense in the world. “Do you want to leave?”
You looked at him for a moment. Chris held his breath, watching you closely once you finally moved, coming towards him.
Tentatively, you walked into his space, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close to you. As soon as your scent engulfed him fully, his body reacted almost on its own, wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you close, and heaving an almost involuntary sigh of relief.
“I don’t”, you mumbled against his shoulder, and the way your lips brushed his bare skin had his ears heating up. He should’ve put on a t-shirt before he left his room to meet you… “You guys… Are really nice, too”.
Chris hummed, hugging you a bit tighter for a while, for as long as you’d let him. Eventually, you were speaking again.
“So… If I’m staying at this werewolf den, does that mean you’re my alpha, too?”
Chris was glad you were not a werewolf. If you had been you would’ve heard how quickly his heart started to beat when you said that. The mere idea that you’d call him your alpha awoke something in him. Something he couldn’t unpack right here right now with you in his arms. 
You clearly didn’t know what that meant, you just made a logical assumption based on the little information you probably had, but if he ever heard you call him your alpha out loud he was sure he’d explode. So he decided to reach a middle ground, innocuous enough you wouldn’t be able to tell how much he was struggling with this. 
“Only–” His voice betrayed him, coming out of his mouth a bit strained. So he cleared his throat, trying to act normal. “Only if you’re a member of the pack, I suppose”. 
“Am I?” You asked, sounding genuinely curious. 
“If… If you want. Being a member of the pack… Entitles many things. if you’re willing to abide by those things then of course you can”. 
You hummed, burying your face further in the crook of his neck. 
“For what is worth, I… Already see you as one. It’s been that way for a while, actually”, Chris could’ve sworn he heard your heart start beating a bit faster after he said that, and in turn his heart started to beat faster in his chest.
“Oh?” You pulled away from his neck, finding his gaze, looking him straight in the eyes. “So I’m under the big bad wolf’s protection, huh?” 
Chris huffed out an incredulous laugh, amused by your choice of words, but he couldn’t help himself when the following words came out of his mouth. “Well, I’m not doing a good job at that, am I?”
You frowned. Smooth it out. Make her smile, his instincts told him, once again pushing to the front of his mind those impulses he so desperately tried to ignore. 
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, I mean…” Chris suddenly couldn’t hold your gaze, but the way his eyes decided to focus on your mouth were certainly not making it any easier. Plump, soft, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss–stop. Focus… “The day you left, on the stairs… I hurt you. I didn’t mean to, and I shouldn’t have. I’m incredibly sorry”. 
You went quiet for a moment, your eyes flickering between his, looking at him so intensely Chris could feel heat start to creep on the back of his neck, suddenly aware of how close you were. Finally, you inhaled sharply. 
“I forgive you”.
Chris blinked, and his brows furrowed. “But–” 
“What do you mean ‘but’?” You chuckled, untangling your arms away from his neck to cradle his face in your hands instead. “You apologised, and I accept your apology. Honestly, it was barely anything. I… Understand what you were trying to do. In the four months I’ve been living here you have never hurt me, not even made me feel uncomfortable, Chris. This is all insane, completely nuts, and I’m warning you right now, I’m gonna be super annoying about it, but I trust you. All of you. But you especially”. 
At that moment, Chris pulled himself away from you entirely, hopefully before you noticed how quickly his cheeks were flushing, making his way into the living room and rambling on about how you could ask him anything you wanted and offering you dinner from what he had prepared that night for himself.
It seemed like you took a lot of interest in their condition after that. 
‘So that’s why you’re so warm?’
‘That’s why y’all leave once a month? To run under the full moon, seriously?’
‘Can you eat chocolate?’ 
‘Would you show me your wolf form?’ 
‘What’s a knot?’
You were really curious, maybe a bit too much. Chris was more than happy to answer your questions, but when you started to ask about mating, and knots, and ruts, and heats, he’d admit he got a little flustered–maybe embarrassingly so. Mostly because, whenever you so much as mentioned anything that got too into the topic of sex, he’d just get waves and waves of improper thoughts. He’d wonder too much, he’d start getting worked up as if he was a fucking teenager who’d never touched a person in his life, so he tried to avoid those questions whenever he could.
The rest of the pack welcomed you back with open arms. They liked you before, but now that you knew their secret, it was almost as if something flipped in the way they interacted with you.
The first time one of them called you ‘mum’, Chris almost dug himself a Christopher-sized hole and buried himself alive. It was Seungmin who started the entire thing, because of course it was, Seungmin loved to see him struggle the most, clearly. And when you asked Chris about it, he simply told you the rest of the pack started to see you as a person they could lean on–which was half of the truth, he would’ve been caught dead before admitting to you that they were rubbing in his face how absolutely smitten he was.
He knew it before, of course. How he felt. Even if he tried to ignore it, if he tried to pretend it was all an instinctual thing because he had a pretty girl living with him, there was no way he could lie to himself for much longer. The moment you found out of their lycanthropy and you decided to stay and help, instead of running away in fear, he just couldn’t deny it any longer.
Sometimes, it felt as if the universe had taken all these qualities he could’ve ever needed in his life, all these qualities he hadn’t even realised he yearned for, and put them all in a person, put them all in you and threw you at his doorstep in a pretty sundress, as if to say ‘here, this is the one. Good fucking luck’. Honestly, in retrospect, Chris stood no chance. There was no way he wouldn’t have developed feelings for you.
Regardless of how he felt, he tried his best to be respectful, to not make you uncomfortable in any way. He really did try his best, but by heaven and hell if there weren’t moments where he almost risked it all…
Chris could still remember the first time he saw you wearing a pair of leggings. The stretchy material hugged your lower limbs so perfectly it didn’t exactly leave much to the imagination… The sight of the fabric stretched over your perfectly round bottom and your big thighs almost broke down all those protective walls he had decided to put between you and him–especially when the very first thought he had as soon as he saw you on them was to bend you over the kitchen counter, rip the thing to pieces, and dive face first into your cunt from behind.
He couldn’t help but feel guilty every time he had those thoughts about you. In his mind, you just didn’t deserve that, for some horny creep to be secretly looking at you and thinking all these lewd, dirty things about you, but the more time passed, the more he got to know you, those thoughts became more and more frequent. And the most painful part of it all wasn’t just the undeniable sexual aspect of it all.
Chris often wanted to talk to you about anything and everything, to hold you, kiss you, feed you, cuddle you, just overall take care of you, and that feeling only intensified as soon as you started to take care of his packmates, as soon as you inadvertently fell fully into the position of pack parent right next to him for real. Sure, the rest of the pack members looked up to you to some degree, and they often called you mum to tease him, but he hadn’t truly grasped the extent of it all.
Chris hadn’t noticed that was what was happening at first, but one day, he saw as you took care of a sick Seungmin so attentively it just hit him like a ton of bricks.
You were so perfect for that role in his pack, and the fact that you were doing all those things, without even being romantically involved with him made him feel both warm with love and pained with longing. He knew then that you were supposed to be there next to him, with him, but that was something he couldn’t push on you, not when it didn’t seem like you were feeling the same things towards him in the slightest.
Or at least, that was what Chris tried to tell himself, to delude himself into not overstepping those boundaries between you two. The reality was that, sometimes, Chris thought he might’ve had a chance.
Times when he hugged you tight and he could hear your heartbeat pick up its pace, or when you sent him silly memes that you thought he’d find funny, or times when you teased him, almost, almost as if you were flirting with him, or whenever you took interest in his lycanthropy, or…
He often recalled very fondly how you would snuggle into him whenever you fell asleep on the sofa while watching a movie with him. It didn’t happen often, but when it did, he’d wake up with you in his arms, with your head tucked under his chin. Those times, he’d always pretend to be asleep for as long as he could, selfishly enjoying your warmth until you eventually woke up, gave him a kiss on the cheek with a racing heart, and mumbled sleepy apologies before retreating to your room. He’d tried to convince himself that you possibly feeling the same way was all wishful thinking, so he never truly entertained those thoughts.
Even then, there were things he just couldn’t stop himself from doing. At some point, scenting your clothes just wasn’t enough for him, so he started lending you articles of clothing of his–hoodies, mostly. He would’ve loved to see you wearing his t-shirts, or his bathrobe, but hoodies were a good enough compromise in his mind. He’d always give them to you whenever you showed any sign of feeling even remotely chilly, and he soon realised that that need of having you wrapped in his scent only grew bigger the closer his rut was.
The first rut Chris went into after you moved in was, quite honestly, insane. He was able to recognise the signs early enough to leave the flat he shared with you and stay at one of the vacant ones in the building, and when it finally hit him, it hit him hard. He didn’t think he’d had such a painful rut in his life–aside from the first one, which to this day he was sure was the perfect representation of what being in hell would feel like. 
Logically, he could’ve asked a friend to help him out. It was always best to deal with these things with another person there, but, somehow, the mere thought of being with someone like that after he realised his feelings for you was… Really unpleasant, so he decided to bear it on his own.
During that rut, all his inner wolf wanted was to have you. Your scent plagued his mind, the mental image of you and your thighs and your soft body had him with his fist around his cock the entire time, but it was never enough. He yearned to pleasure you, to taste you, to make you come undone for him as many times as he could, to have you in every possible way he could, to pump you full of his cum and breed you, and the fact that he couldn’t do that had him in both physical and emotional pain.
The worst part was that Chris felt like shit not only because whenever he was able to orgasm it didn’t seem to quench his desires a single bit, but also because he was thinking of you in such a way again. At the time, he was so desperate he could hardly think about it, but as soon as his rut subsided he had this immense guilt plaguing him. So much so he wasn’t able to look you in the eyes for a week straight after, so he swore he would try his best to never break your trust like that ever again.
And for a handful of months, it worked. He’d still share his hoodies with you, still have the need to hug you, and touch you, and take care of you, but whenever his mind drifted too much he’d give himself a reality check. She’s your roommate. Your friend. You’re more than just a horny dog, Christopher, he’d berate himself often, keeping his distance however he could.
It was hard sometimes, though. You’d taken this habit of looking him in the eyes… You used to do it before, too, but somehow it seemed different lately. Your gaze would linger on his for a few seconds longer than usual, enough to trigger his primal instincts, to make him want to assert his dominance–normally, that’d mean he’d want to physically fight for it, but with you, the only way his body wanted to assert his dominance was by bending you over and fucking you stupid, which didn’t help his case one bit.
It was incredibly silly of him to think that way whenever you looked him in the eyes for too long, considering that, even if you could, he just knew there was no way you’d challenge him for his position in the pack. So he’d always talk himself down of his instinctual reaction, reminding himself of who you were, of how he couldn’t let himself hurt you, or cross your boundaries in any way.
But his resolve crumbled a little over a year after you moved in, when Chris saw your freshly washed clothes messily sprawled on your bed while you were ovulating, almost as if you had prepared a pretty little nest for him to breed you in. That, coupled with the fact that you were wearing his clothes at the same time, triggered his already upcoming rut right then and there.
His mind clouded quickly, your floral scent filled every single crevice within him, making his alpha instincts kick in. Pleasure, dominate, breed, breed, breed… The words resonated repeatedly within him as he struggled to keep it together, to not jump you on the spot and do something he would regret, to not hurt you.
When he desperately tried to leave the flat, you just wouldn’t let him, you were clearly worried about him, and if there was one thing Chris had learnt about you was that it wasn’t in your nature to just ignore a friend in need. But God, you just smelt so good… It was getting increasingly harder to not act on his impulses. 
You kept looking him in the eyes, and it wasn’t making it any easier, not when his instincts wouldn’t just shut the fuck up. Show her. Make her submit. Dominate, dominate, dominate…
‘Go lock yourself in your fucking room while I can still think and hold back’, he held to his last shred of sanity until the very last second, all while his humanity and his inner wolf fought for dominance over his actions during the entire interaction.
What he hadn’t expected, though, was for you to return his feelings, for you to want him. ‘What if I don’t want you to hold back?’ 
In a second, as soon as the words left your mouth, he finally let himself see, hear, and smell all the signs. Your flushed face, your heart thumping aggressively in your chest, the smell of your arousal lingering in the air… He simply snapped. The second you gave him your consent and he finally got a taste of you, Chris knew there was no going back for him. He was in deep.
He wouldn’t be able to get over the feeling of your lips on his, the sounds that came out of your mouth whenever he touched you, the smell of your scent laced with so much lust he was almost vibrating with excitement at the prospect of all the things he could do to you, of how good he’d make you feel.
‘Wanna be mine? Just say it, love, and I’ll make you mine. All mine’.
Claim, claim, claim… No, no claiming, Christopher. Too soon, too soon, that’s not what she needs right now…
‘Wanna be yours… Wanted to for so long, too’.
For so long, for so long, for so long… She’s mine, mine, mine, all for me…
Finally, Chris was able to let go of his inhibitions and fulfil all those desires and needs he’d had for the longest time. Not only was he able to quench his thirst with your essence on his tongue, or release all that tension that kept on building within him with the intoxicating feel of the soft skin of your inner thighs and the velvety walls of your cunt wrapped around his cock, but also he made you feel so much pleasure you were barely even able to talk and walk after he did. That simple fact had his chest swelling with pride, had him going through so many waves of his rut that by the fourth day of fucking you nonstop he could barely stand the tiniest movement around his cock.
Chris was being driven by both his emotional and physical needs the entire time, driven by his instincts to fulfil both his and your desires, but by the fourth night of his rut he had regained some of his human clarity back. It was just as you two were having a bath, as you took care of him, washing his hair–something no one had ever come remotely close to doing after he became an adult–that he came to a very important realisation.
Not only had you taken the time to understand him and the role he had within his pack, you’d taken the time to understand each and every single member in it, you supported them all in every way you could, and even though you were human, your body was able to take Chris in his most animalistic state. So it was right then, right as he looked at the soft, focused features of your face when you massaged his scalp, that he realised that the universe had really made you all for him, perfect just for him.
He’d said this to you time and time again throughout his rut, because it just felt right to say them, but only then did he realise how true it all was.
It wasn’t unheard of. It happened often in werewolves. Not to every single one, but it was often enough that he was able to connect the dots. It was said that there would always be someone out there that would be able to strengthen those areas a wolf might be lacking in. And for Chris, that someone was you. 
Even when he woke up the next day, with his mind finally clear of his more animalistic impulses and desires, he knew that to be the truth.
It was a lot to take in, and if it was a lot for him who had been labelled Mr Intense several times throughout his life by both friends and partners, he was sure it would’ve been a lot for you, too. So he decided to file this for later, for it to be discussed when the time was right.
As it was now, he felt as if everything had been done backwards, so he had to start settling the foundations of a possible relationship with you–sure, you’d let him fuck you silly for four days straight, but what if you had been influenced by his pheromones? What if you realised you didn’t want him like that? That it’d be too much?
So he asked you out on a date, he wanted to take you to the seasonal fair, and to his delight–and maybe relief…–you accepted. It was almost comical how fast his heart would beat whenever you got close to him during that date, especially so considering he had already told you so many filthy, intimate things during his rut, but as you tugged him along to rides and games and food stalls, it all felt different to him somehow. More meaningful, perhaps.
That evening, when you were both walking back home, as Chris held your hand tightly in his, right under the seasonal lights that had been placed above the road, he just couldn’t help himself when he cradled your face and kissed you. A slow, sensual kiss that had his heart doing flips in his chest, and he simply revelled in the way you moved closer to him, in the way you held his coat tightly in your hands, in the way your lips moved against his.
A motion so natural he just couldn’t believe he hadn’t been doing this since the day he met you. When he pulled back, he asked you to be his girlfriend, and the moment you said yes, his heart soared, and he couldn’t help but feel incredibly giddy.
Now, Chris could hold you as much as he wanted, touch you as much as he wanted, he could tell you everything without having to measure his words, and he was so, so ready to enjoy every second of it. To enjoy every single second he’d spend with you–even more than he did before.
You were still sleeping in your bedroom, or at least, you did for the first few days after your date. That was fine by Chris, he had been making up for the lost time at work because of the ‘unexpected sick leave’ he had to take during his rut, so he was coming home late at night, barely even seeing your pretty face before he took a shower and dropped dead on his bed until the next day. It was best for you to sleep on your own so he wouldn’t disturb you. That was Chris’ reasoning.
At least, until tonight.
“Hey”, your voice made him look away from his phone and over his shoulder, finding you peeking your head from behind the door with a shy smile on your lips.
“Why are you up? You should be sleeping, love”, Chris turned, lying on his back and fixing his eyes on you.
“I missed you”, you replied simply, making your way into the room, your words effectively bringing heat to the back of his neck.
Chris let out a content sigh, watching you get on his bed and finally straddle his hips. His hands settled on your thighs, rubbing up and down in soothing motions. If only it weren’t so cold so you weren’t wearing these pyjama bottoms… They were cute, fluffy, with doughnuts printed all over them, but he selfishly wished he could feel your skin under his hands.
“Missed you, too. So much”.
You leaned into him, resting your entire body weight on him to press a kiss to his lips. Chris could definitely get used to this. To the feeling of you pressed against him, even with the duvet separating your bodies, he just loved feeling you close, especially when you kissed him so softly, so… Lovingly.
You’d been his girlfriend for a total of three days, it had been almost an entire week since the end of his rut, and you two hadn’t had sex since then. You’d told him you needed some time to recover, which was perfectly fine. Chris himself felt like he needed a short break as well, after all, getting back into his normal rhythm after a rut was always a process.
Besides that, though, your comfort was always his first priority, it had always been that way, but even more so now. He wanted to wait until you felt fine, until you were ready for it again. 
Although, he’d admit it wasn’t particularly easy. Not when you looked Like That all the time and he just wanted to sink his teeth on your soft flesh any time he got the tiniest glimpse of your skin. 
Sure, he was no longer in a rut, he was a coherent man, with coherent thoughts, completely capable of simply enjoying your presence without escalating any further than a hug or a kiss. But tonight, as his tongue made its way into your mouth, as your hips rolled against him, as his hands started to roam your back, only to settle on your rear to fondle the supple flesh, Chris was truly starting to feel ravenous, desperate to feel you, desperate to make you feel incredibly good.
“Chris, baby…” you mumbled against his lips, resuming your motions immediately after the words left your mouth, pressing pecks on his lips. 
“Hm?” Chris took your bottom lip between his teeth, tugging gently, gripping your buttcheeks tighter, and the whimper that came out of your mouth almost, almost made him lightheaded with how fast blood rushed to his cock. 
“Want you…”
Chris’ eyes snapped open, and he pulled away from you to look you in the eyes, finding your blown pupils and flushed cheeks. Beautiful, gorgeous, pretty… Swallowing, he brought a hand to your cheek, softly dragging his thumb over your skin. “Pretty… You sure? Are you feeling okay?”
“Mm”, with a hard roll of your hips to emphasise your statement, you pressed a brief kiss on his lips. “Positive. I’ve almost forgotten how you feel like inside me, baby. That’s a crime”.
Chris huffed an incredulous chuckle. “So soon? Damn, must’ve not fucked you enough, then”.
“Oh, you fucked me plenty. I just want more”, a grin spread on your lips, looking utterly shameless, and Chris would lie if he said it didn’t excite him.
“Greedy, huh?” 
Before you could even attempt to bite back, Chris rolled to the side, taking you with him, effectively wrapping you in the duvet, like the most adorable burrito, and trapping you under him, eliciting a yelp from your lips with the movement.
“Not fair”, God, you shouldn’t be allowed to pout, it disarmed him way too quickly. Chris couldn’t help but peck your lips, as many times as necessary, until you started giggling.
“What? My pretty baby wants to be on top?” Chris placed a kiss on your cheekbone. Your skin was warm, soft, you smelt like your moisturiser and your floral scent, and he just absolutely loved it.
“Maybe”, you mumbled, sounding more distracted now that Chris’ lips had descended to your neck, now that he was kissing and nibbling your skin.
Your hands roamed his back, making him shiver, especially so when you dragged your fingers down his spine, finally reaching his bum, and confidently squeezing. “Why are you naked?” You chuckled, clearly amused, and Chris settled his weight on his elbows so he could look at your face better.
“I was already ready to sleep, baby. You know I sleep naked”.
“You do?” You laughed, and it made him smile. “I thought the kids were saying that just to mess with you”.
“Oh, they were messing with me”, Chris chuckled. “But they weren’t lying”.
“So… If we start sleeping together, you’d sleep naked, too?” You squeezed his buttcheek again, a bit harder this time. It was barely anything, but it was working him up way more than it should have, for sure. Chris was already hard and leaking just by your presence, by your warmth and your kisses, but even then the simple implication that you wanted to share a bed with him every night had his heart doing flips in his chest, had his cock twitching with need.
“Would you mind?” He pulled away from you enough to untangle the duvet away from your body. As soon as you were released, he tugged on your pyjama top, and you let him get it off of you immediately.
“Not one bit”, was all you replied, and Chris gave you a hum of acknowledgement just as he tugged your bottoms off.
He got, admittedly, a bit distracted. Of course you wouldn’t be wearing any underwear under your pyjamas, you were ready for bed already, but it still caught him off guard.
The marks he’d left on your body during his rut were starting to fade, and all he wanted right now was to mark you all over again. Did he have a problem? Maybe he did. As his hands made their way to cup your tits, squeezing them briefly only to finally settle on playing with your nipples, the sounds that were coming out of your mouth made it incredibly hard for him to care.
“How’re you this pretty, huh?” While Chris kept softly rolling your nipples between his fingers, your hands came to hold his wrists, gently rubbing his skin with your thumbs as you arched your back, moaning oh, so sweetly for him.
“Chris, babe…” Your hold on his wrists tightened, shifting Chris’ attention from your breasts to your eyes again. The smell of your arousal had him literally salivating, had him feeling like a hungry dog, ready to devour you whole, and when you dropped the most desperate ‘kiss me’ he couldn’t help but do just that, removing his hands from your chest to hug you close.
You whined as soon as his lips landed on yours, moulding to yours time and time again, eventually pushing his tongue inside your mouth, savouring you, swallowing every sigh and every whimper that fell from your lips. He kissed you for a while, enjoying the feeling of you holding him tightly, enjoying the way your heartbeat kept picking up its pace, until the slow, deep kisses turned messier, more eager, until he couldn’t ignore just how badly he wanted to have a taste of you.
As he started his descent down your torso, kissing your clavicle, your chest, sucking your nipple into his mouth to play with the hardened bud for a bit with his tongue, he couldn’t help his hands from roaming your body. Your thighs, your hips, your sides, anywhere he could reach.
His fingers sunk on your flesh, eliciting quiet whimpers from your mouth, just as he kept licking the pebbled skin of your nipples and your hardened buds. Chris just really couldn’t help himself from kneading and squeezing your skin, tracing every dip, every roll, every curve, until his mouth finally resumed its path further down your body.
“Baby…” You mumbled once Chris’ mouth attached to your lower belly, nipping and kissing and sucking on your skin, making you squirm.
“Hm?” Chris would admit he was only partially listening, there was not much coherent thinking going on in his brain at that moment, all he could think about was you, you, you, and your soft skin, and your floral scent, and how it was all heavily tinted with lust.
You didn’t say anything, though, you simply inhaled a shaky breath once Chris’ attention was shifting again, from your lower belly to your mound, and finally, bringing his forearms under your thighs, he pushed them towards your chest, attaching his mouth to your skin so he could repaint all those marks that had started to fade.
He vaguely registered the words ‘such delicious thighs, fuck…’ coming out of his mouth, just as he vaguely registered the whimper you gave him in response. He repeated his motions until he was satisfied with the amount of freshly made love bites on your thighs, finally directing his attention to your dripping heat.
Chris truly was just a simple man.
A simple man with simple needs.
Sinking his fingers in the soft skin of your thighs, keeping you spread open for him, he finally dived, licking a slow, fat stripe from your entrance to your clit, all but moaning at your taste on his tongue, brows pulled together in bliss.
Chris got comfortable, laying on his stomach, and slurping you up. The moans and whines and whimpers that came out of your mouth with each and every single one of his movements, the way your fingers threaded through his hair, the way your hand pushed on his head to get him impossibly closer to you, only encouraged him more. Your free hand came to rest on one of his, and he wasted no time letting go of your thigh to hold your hand instead, linking his fingers with yours, relishing the warmth of your palm against his.
“Oh, fuck…” Your legs started to tremble as soon as he eased two fingers into you, and his mind raced with the feel of your heat wrapped around his digits. So warm, soft… He wasn’t sure if the words actually left his mouth or if it was just his instincts taking a hold of his mind, but he honestly didn’t care, either. 
As he started to add more and more fingers, until he was stretching you open as much as he could, your thighs clamped around his head, and Chris truly, truly couldn’t contain the literal animalistic growl that came out of his mouth, muffling against your skin as he diligently sucked your clit into his mouth and licked it with his tongue.
Letting go of your hand to grip your outer thigh, he simply encouraged you to keep that position, to borderline suffocate him with your legs, and honestly for all he cared he could’ve died right then and there, choked by the most delicious thighs he’d ever had the pleasure of touching, of kissing, of fucking–
Shit, he wanted to fuck your thighs. Would you ever let him do that again? Between the feeling of your walls around his fingers, your taste on his tongue, the sinful sounds coming out of your mouth, and the mere thought of fucking your thighs again, he could feel himself start to leak even more fluids, surely soiling his bedsheets–not like he cared much about it, to be honest.
Chris decided to ignore that thought altogether. He didn’t want to ruin the mood by bringing that up, not right now. So he shifted his focus back into the now, back to your hand tugging his hair and his fingers in your cunt and his mouth on your clit.
For a split second, he wondered if he should stop, if he should slow down to prolong this further, to eventually build you up once again and enhance your impending release. He’d been the one teasing you about it earlier, but the truth was, tonight, he was the greedy one, desperate to bring you unadulterated pleasure, so he didn’t stop.
Instead, he just sped up his fingers, thrusting harder, curling them up against that sweet spot within your walls in the exact way he’d learnt would have you curling your toes and flexing your thighs. He sucked harder, licked harder, revelling in the cries coming out of your mouth, revelling in the feel of you, all soft and warm and his.
When you came, moaning his name like the sweetest song he’d ever heard, Chris’ thoughts hazed, feeling your walls clenching repeatedly around his fingers, feeling your thighs twitching slightly around his head. And the moment you tried to pull yourself away from him, he just didn’t budge, bringing his hand from where it had been gripping your thigh to your hip, holding you tight and pinning you in place.
“Oh, fuck… Fuck, fuck, Chris, you–Shit–” Whatever it was you were trying to tell him got caught in your throat, all words replaced by broken moans and whines, which only fueled that determination that had quickly built within him. Pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, pleasure…
Chris didn’t relent until you were shaking with a consecutive high, until you tugged on his hair and begged with a breathless ‘Shit, Chris, darling, can’t handle it anymore, please…’ effectively snapping him out of it. Pulling on your thighs to get you to release your hold on him, and kissing his way up your body, Chris’ lips finally found your face, kissing away the salty tears that had run down your cheeks, only to finally find your mouth and kiss you deeply.
You let out the dreamiest sigh of relief when he kissed you, making him hum against your mouth, and as you hugged him close to you, tightly, bare chest against bare chest, his heart felt as if it was ready to burst at the seams.
“Fuck, love, you okay?” Chris wanted to check, to make sure his greediness didn’t get the best of him, and when you nodded enthusiastically, finding his lips and kissing him again, that minimal worry in his mind dissipated instantly.
“No business being that good with your mouth, fuck”, you mumbled against his lips, making him chuckle, just as you wrapped your legs around his torso, pulling him closer.
“Got a bit carried away… I can tone it down next time, if that’s what you want”, he teased you a bit with a grin on his lips, just as he held the base of his length and guided it to your entrance.
“Don’t you dare”, you replied almost immediately, pressing another loud kiss on his lips. “Want you just as you are. You always make me feel so good, baby…”
Chris hummed, content, keeping himself propped up on one elbow, kissing you as he dragged his tip up and down your folds, getting drenched in your slick. He was fully intending on not fucking you yet, on giving you time to catch your breath, he truly just wanted to feel your wetness against his cock, but when you noticed what he was doing, and urged him with a ‘if you don’t get inside of me right now I’ll cry for real, baby, please’, he simply couldn’t deny you.
Heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven, warm, warm, warm… “Fuck, it really hasn’t been that long, but I missed being inside you”, Chris couldn’t help but mumble against the skin of your neck once he bottomed out, relishing the way your walls just hugged him so perfectly, relishing how warm and snug it felt.
“Me too, baby”, you chuckled softly, threading your fingers through his hair, mindlessly playing with it. 
Keeping himself propped up enough, and once his other hand found yours, linking your fingers together, Chris finally started to move. He started slow, savouring every drag of his cock against your heat just as he kept kissing you, swallowing your quiet moans.
Burying his face in the crook of your neck, he pressed slow, wet kisses on the sensitive skin of your neck, making you squirm in his hold, and the whines that came out of your mouth as you bared your neck for him had his pace picking up just the tiniest bit, had his instincts kicking in and his lips sucking purple splotches on your skin. Mark, mark, mark, mark…
It truly hadn’t been that long, but now that he was able to feel you like this again, Chris realised he had missed it more than he thought. How could he not, when you were so warm, so soft, and just so, so perfect for him in every way, and as he whispered these things in your ear, all while bringing his hands under you, one holding your shoulder, and the other holding one of your buttcheeks to keep you from sliding away from him with his movements, there was absolutely no doubt in his mind that that was the absolute, irrevocable truth. 
“All yours, Chris”, you mumbled back to him, rolling your hips to meet his thrusts, the reassurance alone sending sparks of pleasure up and down his spine, and when you added a “just like you’re all mine, too”, emphasised with a tug on his hair, he just couldn’t hold back the sounds that were coming out of his mouth, nor the rumbling that started to resonate from deep within him. Which, had he not been absolutely drunk on your presence, would’ve puzzled him, and maybe embarrass him a bit.
It wasn’t that common for alphas to rumble outside of their rut, and Chris was no exception to this. He could probably count with one hand the times he had rumbled after puberty. But as he continued to pleasure you, to indulge in your body, he realised his quiet, slow, almost involuntary rumble was just another sign. Another sign that he was all yours, you were all his, and nothing had ever made more sense to him in this life than those two facts.
Holding you tightly, he rolled to the side, bringing you with him so you could sit on him, making you gasp with the change in angle once he was buried within your walls again.
“C’mon, pretty… Didn’t you want to be on top? Ride me”, he mumbled against the skin of your neck, sinking his fingers on the swell of your hips. “Ride me like you mean it, love. Show me how much you wanted it”.
And you did. He attached his mouth to your chest, determined to leave as many love bites as he could like he did with your thighs, just as he could feel his body burn from the inside out while you bounced on his cock. Mine, mine, mine, mine…. 
Time slipped between his fingers, his mind and body lost completely on you, just like you got lost on him, exploring one another until you came once more, until you eventually got off his lap, took him between your lips and made him come in your mouth. When he borderline begged you to open up and show him, he was sure the sight of his cum pooled in your mouth would be ingrained in his brain forever, and when he asked you to swallow and you did, showing him your clean tongue right after, he couldn’t help but feel tingly all over, so incredibly enraptured by you, and your mouth, and your body, and your mind, and your absolutely everything.
After a quick clean up and more kisses and more caring words, Chris simply hugged you close under the covers, burying his face in the crook of your neck as your fingers buried in his curls and massaged his scalp softly. The sound of your heartbeat under his ear was lulling him to sleep, and when you held him even tighter against your body and he started to rumble again, he simply didn’t question it, too tired and sleepy and in love to care at all once he finally fell asleep that night.
Starting a romantic relationship with you meant that there were hardly any reservations in this flat anymore. Chris would walk around almost naked most of the time, wearing nothing but comfortable, loose fitting pyjama shorts, just as you’d do the same. Walking around topless or wearing only your underwear under one of his oversized tees, and honestly Chris was having the time of his life seeing so much of your body all the time he had to make a conscious effort to not have his hands on you all the time–he failed miserably every time, but by the heavens he was trying.
You both had decided to keep Chris’ bedroom as your shared room, whereas your room would become a study of sorts for both, since you kindly requested ‘no work in the bedroom, darling, please’, which was perfectly reasonable. 
The dynamic within the pack didn’t change at all, you were already doing all the things the partner of a pack’s alpha would typically do before you got together, so the only minor difference now was that you and Chris would often engage in very shameless public displays of affection, eliciting a groan or two from the younger members of the pack. They’d have to endure it, because Chris had no plans to stop any time soon. And he was very unapologetic about it.
Others, though, started airing his dirty laundry to you. ‘I wish you could’ve heard how fast his heart would beat when you got close to him before. How flustered he got…’ Seungmin just wouldn’t shut up about it, and even though you were his girlfriend now and all his prior struggles were something you were very aware of, Chris still threatened to smack him with a slipper if he kept talking to you about it–a completely empty threat, but it did slow down his jabs a bit.
By the two month mark Chris was one hundred percent sure he’d never felt this good in a relationship before, and if these couple of months were an omen of how the rest of his life would be, he was more than ready for it. 
“Baby, no offence, but no wonder you had to get a roommate”, you chuckled, mindlessly playing with his hair.
Chris laid on his back with his head between your legs, your tummy posing as the softest pillow he’d ever used. Your legs draped over his shoulders, caging his head between them while he played on his phone. It was a common position for Chris and you to ‘cuddle’ at this point, just laying together on the sofa as both of you took some time to unwind from the long day, scrolling on your phones, watching TV, or engaging in conversation.
“What’d you find?” Chris mindlessly caressed the skin of your outer thigh, squeezing the flesh here and there whenever he felt like it.
A few days ago, you had offered to help organise the finances of the pack, and today Chris was finally able to send you all the documents he could find related to everyone’s income and expenses. He’d been taking care of it on his own, but he found the task to be incredibly annoying and sometimes even confusing, so he’d be the first to admit he wasn’t doing as well as he could’ve with it… Especially with his own finances.
“Well, the kids seem to be taking care of their expenses well enough… They could probably cut down on some extras if they want to have some extra money…” Chris was trying his best to listen, he really was, but he started to zone out almost immediately, distracted by the warmth of your thighs around his head.
He squeezed your thigh, inhaling sharply, getting almost overwhelmed by your scent. “But you…” His ears perked up, focusing on what you were telling him. “Do you even know you are being billed for all these things? What do you even need a scooter insurance for?”
“I’m still paying for that insurance?!”
“Mhm, look”, you handed him your phone. Chris looked at the numbers on the screen, incredulous, and slightly annoyed with himself for forgetting about these things. “Do you even have a scooter?”
“Sold it ages ago, before I even got the car”, he scoffed, handing you your phone back. “Guess it just… Slipped my mind to cancel that thing”.
“There are more like these, y’know?” You chuckled, gently tugging on his hair. “You reckless wolf, what am I gonna do with you?”
Chris simply chuckled in response, turning his head a bit to place a kiss on your inner thigh as you continued to list things he had completely forgotten about. It took you both a while to go through everything, by the time you were done, he had pulled himself from between your legs, deciding to instead sit with his back against the backrest, spreading his legs as much as he wanted, with your legs laying over his.
There was some film playing on the TV. Chris tried to keep his eyes glued to it, but in all honesty, he wasn’t watching any of it, he didn’t even know which film it was.
The way you were laying on the sofa with your legs on his lap made it so the t-shirt you were wearing rode up almost completely, leaving your thighs on full display for Chris to touch and stare at. It was nothing unusual or particularly revealing, but he’d spent the past hour just squeezing and massaging your thighs, and the motions were getting him really worked up. Maybe embarrassingly so.
Even if he’d fucked you silly and seen you naked a thousand times already, he was somehow especially affected today. Maybe it was the fact that you hadn’t had sex in a few days–which was fine, contrary to what the rest teased Chris for, you two didn’t fuck every single day. Several times a week? Yes. But not every day. Mostly because either one of you would be too exhausted due to your jobs or your studies or whatever situation you both were going through that week.
Chris had caught himself thinking about your thighs a lot lately. Whenever you sat on his lap, or when you draped your legs over him when you slept, he just couldn’t help but look at them, to touch them. It had gotten to the point where, whenever your schedules got busy and you couldn’t get intimate for one reason or the other, he’d found himself wanking one off thinking maybe bit too much about your thighs. Touching them, kissing them, sucking on them, fucking them…
“Baby…” He squeezed your thigh lightly, keeping his eyes focused on the way the skin dipped under his hold. “If I tell you something… Something slightly embarrassing… Would you judge me?”
You turned away from your phone to look at him. “Never, babe. What’s bothering you?”
Chris swallowed the saliva he hadn’t even realised had pooled in his mouth, massaging your thighs a bit more firmly. “I… Really, really like your thighs…”
“I can tell”, you tucked your phone under the cushion you were using to prop yourself up, giving him your full attention. “That’s not embarrassing, though?”
“That’s not the embarrassing part…” Taking a deep breath, Chris licked his lips. He’d had a chub for a long while now, he’d been trying to ignore it, but the more he touched your bare skin, the more he just enjoyed the feeling of your soft flesh under his fingertips, he just couldn’t ignore it any longer. “I… Think about them often. Maybe too often. About how soft and squishy and big they are…”
“You do?” There was a bit of a teasing tone in your voice, but the way your heartbeat suddenly quickened was enough for Chris to know you weren’t teasing him because you found it particularly amusing, but just to get him even more worked up, to get him to react, and honestly he willingly fell for it, just like he did every single time.
“Mhm…” It wasn’t anything particularly new, not to him. The thighs… They’ve always been a part of a person’s body he’d tended to focus on, and the only time he tried to openly discuss it with someone in depth they looked at him like he was crazy, so he was embarrassed, and maybe a little apprehensive. But right now, he was just horny and in love and your thighs were just so soft, he just couldn’t contain the words from leaving his mouth. “Fuck, pretty, wanna fuck them so bad right now. Just… Really wanna come all over them…”
Chris had only ever fucked your thighs during his rut, he’d never brought that up into your day to day sexual activities. He was just convinced it wasn’t exactly common to have such cravings, considering he’d had partners tell him that before. Sure, you’d let him do it already when he was going through his rut, but there were a lot of pheromones and hormonal rushes involved back then, this was different. This was his completely coherent human self wanting to fuck a part of your body that wasn’t exactly common to want to fuck.
Licking your lips, and with a shaky intake of breath, you brought your hand to his, placing it there to bring his attention to your eyes. “Wanna do it now?”
There was no hint of judgement in your eyes, if anything Chris could see your pupils dilate, he could hear your heart beating faster in your chest, so he gave you an almost shy nod. “Do you, though?”
Your hold on his hand tightened a bit. “These are yours, Chris. I’m all yours”, your low tone, the desire coating your words, had him biting his lower lip and inhaling deeply, getting a whiff of your floral scent slightly tinted with lust, and it was honestly starting to cloud his mind a bit. “I don’t think it’s anything to be embarrassed about, baby. I actually think it’s quite hot… Makes me feel… Wanted. Is that how it is? Do you want me?”
“‘Course I do. Never not want you, pretty”, sneaking his hand between your thighs, Chris squeezed the tender flesh at the highest point, right where it met your core, making you almost squeal.
You stared back at him, in that way that almost made his alpha instincts kick in, in that way that made him want to make you submit to him in any way he could, but before Chris could say anything–or do anything–you spoke again. “Well… There’s massage oil in the coffee table…”
Of course there was massage oil in one of the drawers of the coffee table. You and Chris kept it there since before you got together, for times where the other felt their shoulders particularly stiff or for when any of the kids came over with the same problem. He’d lie if he said he never thought about… Using it in more inappropriate ways before, but it had been so long since you’d used it he had honestly forgotten about it.
With a chuckle, Chris shuffled a bit, careful not to let your legs fall out of his lap as he leaned forward to open the drawer and take out the bottle. Settling back on the sofa, as comfortable as he could, he instructed you, “scoot your legs back a bit, love. Need to take my shorts off”.
So you did, and once he found himself bare, he guided you towards him just as he slouched further into the sofa, bringing your legs back to his lap. Taking the bottle of oil, Chris took his time lathering your inner thighs with it, lightly massaging your flesh as he went, relishing the way your breathing was starting to get a bit more laboured with each drag of his hands on your skin, until finally, he soaked his cock, giving himself a couple of languid pumps.
Once Chris was content with how soaked you both were, he gave you the bottle so you could place it on the floor, just as he guided your legs to close around his length, and the sigh of relief that left his lips was honestly almost pathetic to his ears–not like he could care much about it when the most delicious thighs he’d ever seen were practically suffocating his cock.
“So good, fuck…” It wasn’t a particularly easy angle to do this in, but he was too far gone to care, so Chris simply angled his body towards you enough for both of you to be comfortable. Slowly, he started to thrust, his eyes focused on the sight of his tip popping out from between your legs, almost rubbing your core with each motion, feeling himself leak and almost drool as tiny sparks of pleasure started to travel down his spine. 
There was a voice at the back of his head telling him that he wasn’t taking care of your pleasure, that he was being too selfish by rutting himself between your thighs like this, but before he could even feel bad about it, Chris heard you whimper, and when his eyes snapped from the sight of his cock between your legs to your face, he couldn’t help but swallow. Your face was flushed, your lower lip trapped between your teeth, and your brows furrowed as you looked back at him.
“Is this how you wanted me, darling?” When the words left your mouth, almost breathless, Chris swallowed again, slowly nodding. Somehow, you looked like you were enjoying it as much as he did, and that realisation had him growing impossibly hard.
“Just like this, pretty… Seriously, these thighs of yours… They’re gonna be the death of me. So full and soft… So delicious…” Sliding one of his hands under your shirt, he found one of your breasts, kneading it and squeezing it for a bit only to finally pinch your nipple between his fingers in tandem with his cock pumping itself between your legs, relishing the soft moan that left your mouth when he did.
“Babe, I want you to… To enjoy yourself”, there was a pout on your lips, but Chris could feel your thighs twitch every time he rolled your nipple between his fingers, and he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Oh, I am”, letting his head fall onto the backrest, Chris just looked at your face, at the way it scrunched up in pleasure and the way your eyelids fluttered shut with every movement of his, just as one of his hands kept working you up and the other held onto your thigh to keep you in place while he fucked himself between them. “You’re so fucking perfect, baby… Most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen…”
Chris had this habit of rambling and running his mouth when he was horny or when he was feeling vulnerable. He’d told you this before, so he was sure you weren’t surprised by the things that came out of his mouth when you had sex by now, but everything he said was something he truly believed, it wasn’t all just horny talk. His last statement was no exception. You were, truly, the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, and he’d believed that since the very first day he saw you.
You just whimpered in response, clenching your thighs harder, making him groan with the motion. Pulling your tee further up your torso, you brought your hand to your other breast, kneading it and playing with your nipple as Chris kept stimulating the other, as he kept fucking your thighs, and honestly he didn’t know where to look–to your gorgeous, blissed out face, to your hand and his working your chest, or to where his cock popped out from between your legs… It was all so much, and so, so good, and he truly was almost drooling with the intensity of it all.
It went on like this for a while, until Chris felt his orgasm grow closer. He hazily reached a compromise with himself, to let himself come first, something he didn’t do often. He usually preferred to have you reach your climax and fuck your brains out while you were all sensitive and drenched and squirming, but he needed this, and boy if he was ready to make it up to you after.
With a few more thrusts, giving you a quick warning, and a garnish of your name coupled with a colourful assortment of swear words, Chris finally came. His cum quickly pooled on the valley created by your thighs and your core, soaking your underwear, a bit even landed on your lower belly, and truly, you were always beautiful, every day, in every way, but especially so when you were covered in his cum.
“Shit, look at that, huh…” Chris felt lightheaded, but that didn’t stop him from reaching out to your lower belly, spreading his cum around with two of his fingers, only to finally bring them to your mouth, and, just like you always did, your lips wrapped around his digits, licking them clean with a satisfied moan. “Like eating my cum, pretty baby? Looks like you do, you’re sucking so eagerly, hm?”
You nodded, finally opening your eyes and letting his fingers pop out of your mouth. “Love it. How could I not? When you always have so much for me?”
Chris couldn’t help but chuckle, ignoring the heat he felt spread on his face. “All for you, love… All of it. All of me”.
You chuckled, regarding him with a smile. “How’re we gonna get out of this one without staining the sofa?”
“Take off that t-shirt, let’s use that”.
After wiping you off with his tee, Chris pulled you into his lap, bringing you close to him with one hand caressing your thigh and the other cradling the back of your head, just as you settled your legs at either side of him and your hands on his chest. You kissed like this for a bit, until your lips wandered off, pressing a trail of kisses from his mouth to his neck.
When you pulled back from his neck, you looked at him with such adoring eyes Chris thought he was going to melt right then and there. “You really like my thighs, huh?” You looked down, to where he was tightly holding onto the supple flesh of your thigh, and Chris really couldn’t help the bashful smile that came to his face when you called him out on it.
“Just fucked them and came all over them, baby. Can’t hide it, I’m fucking obsessed with them”.
You just chuckled, pressing your bare chest as much as you could against his to hug him close, just as you placed a brief kiss to his lips. “I meant it earlier, babe. You can fuck them whenever you want. I like it when you do. It’s really hot”.
“Oh, pretty, love… I fucking will. Shit, how couldn’t I…” Inhaling deeply, Chris kissed you, maybe a bit too hard, a bit too eager, but he still revelled in your soft moans as he did.
Linking his arms under your ass to keep you secure in place, he stood up from the sofa, earning a surprised squeal from your lips that got lost in his mouth. He simply laid down on the sofa with you on top of him, giving you a tight squeeze on one of your buttcheeks. 
“Now, pretty baby…” He spoke between kisses, just as his hands roamed your body, squishing and kneading your soft flesh all over. “I need you to sit on my face. Want to make you feel good”.
You simply giggled in response, giving him one quick, loud kiss. “Someone’s hungry today”.
“For you? Always”, Chris chuckled. “Then, if you can still walk after, we can go stargazing tonight”, he added with a smile and a playful smack on your ass.
Chris was determined to show you just how hungry for you he was time and time again if necessary. How could he not be hungry for you? He’d realised that, for him, you embodied the very essentials of his pack. You embodied those things he so desperately wanted to have in his pack since he had decided to start one. Care, love, support, acceptance… 
Whether it be his and his friends’ lycanthropy or his kinks or his odd spending habits, you seemed to accept it all as part of him. He shouldn’t be surprised, really. He shouldn’t doubt it. After all, you were made for him, all for him, perfect just for him, and he was ready to enjoy it, to enjoy you and your company for as long as you’d let him.
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Author’s Note x2: while i was writing this, i took some time to re-read It’s Cold Out again after a long time and holy shit. i hadn’t fully realised how much my writing has changed since then. to the point where to me it doesn’t feel like ICO was written by me anymore. it’s crazy lol. i’m happy i’ve gotten to expand on this AU, and i’m even happier that i get to share it with you all. if you’re reading this, thank you, you’re awesome
Tagging: @raspbinniecreme @staaa96 @oiminho @dundullresident @honey-lemon-goose @straylightdream @carefully325 @lavenderxkies @starshine-moon @biribarabiribbaem @meowmeowhoon @100layersofdaddyissues @dearalice @alexis-reads-fics @xcookiemonsteer @knowleeknow @chanlovesme @liminaldaydream @sstarryreads @svngiem @notastraykid @princelingperfect
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© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
Constructive feedback (or even keysmashes, really) is always welcome :) feel free to leave your comments in the caption/tags when you reblog, or by sending me an ask !
Chris’ WereRoomies Instalments: It’s Cold Out · Rut · Alpha Dog · It’s Warm In · Love is Easy · Afraid to Lose You. For extra drabbles, check out the series masterlist.
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Hi! I really like your work and was wondering if you do requests? If yes, I would like to suggest something...like it's more a prompt but idk why I see this with Kaz Brekker, so prolly Kaz Brekker X Reader or anyone you'd like to do
"If you do that again, I'll throw you out of the window you- what are you doing?"
"Checking how high the drop is, see if it's worth it"
^this or like a rendition of it or something and you can put whatever you want in it
Thank you for requesting. I apologize for the wait.
Kaz Brekker x reader
angst, fluff, Kaz having feelings, hurt and comfort
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The gloomy sky hung over Ketterdam like a noose. The filth of the streets complimenting the grungy grey with drip-stained rooftops bridging the space between murky sky and muddled ground.
You stepped onto the dock, legs like jelly from being out at sea for so long. Kaz was waiting for you, scowling and growling about the harbor. His disgruntled stare catches first on the scuffed heel of your boot as you lower yourself onto the tattered wooden planks of the dock. Then his eyes drift up to the gleam of the sunlight in your hair and the redness of your sun ravaged cheeks.
He'd think to call you beautiful but he's so angry right now he can hardly stand still. "You imbecile!" He seethes, teeth clenched and lips drawn back in a snarl.
Jesper drops onto the dock behind you, eyes wide with fright and mouth thinned in resignation. Another day, another job gone wrong. You'd been off your game for a few days now but this last heist put Kaz at his wit's end.
"Easy, Kaz," Inej murmurs as she moves out from behind Jesper. "Everyone did bad today."
You think you catch Kaz's eye twitch subtly. His murderous gaze lands on Miss Ghafa and then moves to Jesper.
"You're lucky we're in public." He turns and begins to limp his way down the dock.
A good sum of money had just gone down the drain. Some jewelry had been taken from a merchant's wife and she'd desperately wanted it back. The merchant offered to pay more than the jewelry was worth pawned and had enticed Dirtyhands into accepting the job. It was an easy job. Simple.
So why had it gone so poorly?
Well, for starters it'd been raining. The rooftops were slick and unfit for climbing. Even Inej had been struggling. Visibility was low which made things difficult for Jesper. The location and party was another thing entirely. An island, hard to get on and off of discreetly, was jammed full of gaudy lads and ladies prancing about a wedding venue.
The jewelry, a diamond necklace and matching pair of earrings all of which were worth your weight in kruge, were the last thing. They dangled from the lobes and clung to the fat throat of the bride. Difficult to procure.
You followed the tacky creature around the venue, trying to get in close enough to nab the items but the damn wedding party blocked you at every turn.
They complained noisily about the rain and about how it would ruin the wedding. Kaz hounded you about obtaining the pieces. You caught glimpses of him everywhere: tucked into an alley, ducking into the kitchens, stalking through the gardens.
You became a target of suspicion. None of the other guests knew you and you didn't have a plus one. Not to mention your constant approaching and then backing away from the bride couldn't have gone unnoticed.
It all came to a head when you finally got in close enough and made a grab for the pieces. The bride was in her dressing room after the ceremony, stripping off the necklace and earrings before slipping behind her the ornate dressing screen to step out of the frilly white dress. You hurriedly entered the room, not wanting to try Kaz's patience, and snatched the jewelry off the vanity.
The bride heard you come in and ripped back the folding screen. She saw you stuff the glittering diamonds into your pockets and screamed "THIEF!" for the whole island to hear.
You grimaced and dashed from the room but it was too late. All the guests were made aware of your juvenile failure at stealing and the struggle to get off the island began. In the hysteria that ensued, Kaz had gotten separated from the team so you returned on two separate boats. Hence his impatient prowl of the docks.
The trip back to the Slat was completely silent. You brooded over your failure. What was wrong with you? Why had you been so stupid?
The crew dispersed upon arrival, locking themselves in their rooms to mull over the mission. Kaz tapped your calf with his cane and nodded towards the stairs. The fix of his jaw and his glowering eyes told you all you needed to know.
You stomped up to his office, already angry because he was going to berate you more than you already had. Kaz slams the door behind you. "What is going on with you? You've been like this all week."
"I know."
"That's all you've got to say?"
"What else is there to say?"
Kaz's face goes red with rage. "You cost us the job! How can you not have anything to say? I should knock your teeth out and cut off your fingers for this! It was easy. How could you possibly have messed up this bad!"
"I'm sorry." You feel tears burning.
"That's not going to fix this. I can't have you on this team if you're going to be inconsistent. A mistake like this could cost us much more. Someone could die and that's on you."
You pull the necklace and earrings from your pocket and drop them on Kaz's desk. His eyes flicker to the diamonds and then back to you. He's upset you. He didn't mean to but all he can think about is if you had been caught. He'd have to go through so much trouble to get you back. And he would.
But what if you got hurt. What if they stuck you in the gallows or shipped you off somewhere he could not reach. But that had not happened. It was not physical pain nor the thought of prison sentence that was making you cry. It was him.
You were both aware of Kaz's feelings. Neither of you said anything but you both knew from the tender brushes of palms and long lasting gazes that something was lurking under the surface.
"Just," Kaz swallows when you turn away from him. "If you do that again-- mess up like that-- I'll throw you out of the window you... what are you doing?"
He watches you cross the room to the window, where rain drips from the soaked wooden window frame. "Checking how high the drop is," You glance back at him, fighting tears and trying to bring on a smile. "see if it's worth it."
Kaz sighs. There you are. Trying to make light of the situation. He looks at the heap of jewels on his desk. You did retrieve what he asked. He'd still get his money. And if he played his cards right he could still have you.
"Come're." He waves you over. The leather of his gloves groaning a little.
You arrive in front of him and Kaz raises a palm to your cheek. He doesn't touch, only lingers over the warm skin. He juggles emotions, anxiety and love hashing it out. He settles for a feather light sweep over your temple and a barely-there kiss to your forehead.
"Try not to provoke me."
"You wouldn't kill me."
"I don't even want to think about it."
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feiiizhu · 3 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⟡⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅|| @be1fong - liked!
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ㅤㅤ❝—𝓣his is where you've been living?❞
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sialiia · 15 days
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊ @ofteaandmagic - liked!
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓨ou know, I could have brought my camper trailer* so we wouldn't have to be setting up tent poles.❞ Sydney joked as she fiddled with the edge of the tent fabric to find the loops to put the poles through. ❝Next time, I vote for glamping. But I can endure some old-fashioned stuff every now and then.❞
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|| * - hc [x]
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house-of-daena · 9 months
im, im so normal I, male lactation, i need, more. need to get my grimy little boy hands on a guys boobs right now.
uhh male lactation with Dottore if you’d be up for it, preferably male reader but could be gn! Imagine he does an experiment that goes wrong.
Not sure if your requests are full or you wouldn’t want to write something like this, haha. Feel free if delete this if you’re not up for it, thank you in advance, I hope you have a good day!! Sorry if this is so ramble-y or hard to read.
[📺 tv guy from a while ago, you probably know who i am, i’ve been in ur notifs quite a bit haha]
lab experiment gone wrong [dottore x gn.reader]
contents: no pronouns specified, dom reader/sub dottore, nsfw, dubcon(?), dottore is strapped on a bed, lactation, overstimulation, dacryphilia, slight feminization, spanking (only once), degradation (in a sense where you're talking to him as if he's just a test subject), humiliation, some graphic descriptions, syringes, tell me if i miss anything.
꒰ im pretty sure ik who u r and ive sent u a rq so consider this as an equal trade for that 😉 ik i said imma write succubus baizhu first but yeah, my love for dottore won... it was planned to be shorter but idk what happened,, tell me if this one got boring im in tears 😰 rqs r still open btw꒱
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everything quickly went by as a blur.
one moment he was in his laboratory, concocting something with chemicals he doesn't remember anymore, before he accidentally dropped the vial, and it splashed right onto his shirt. it seeped through his clothes, the cool liquid touching his chest—then he woke up, strapped on a bed.
alarmed at his state, he thrashed his body against the leather straps, squinting at the operating light that hung directly above his head. he recognizes the room he is currently in; an operating room where he has done most of his experiments. his jaw clenched as his hands closed into fists. who ever dared to try to capture him in his own—
"good, you're awake." dottore's eyes immediately landed on you, his body frozen. your voice echoing at the empty expanse of the room as you walked toward the bed, footsteps loud against the tiled floor, accompanying the silent buzz of machinery. "sleep well? how do you feel?"
now that his initial shock has subsided at the mere sight of you, dottore began to notice a couple of things.
for starters, he was stark naked.
no wonder why his body continued to shudder, no matter how hard he tried to stop it, his skin crawled against the cool metal he lay on. the bed was covered with a thin, white sheet—it was sterile, for once. the leather straps were soft where they met his skin, cyan colored silk that matched his hair was meticulously stitched onto the belt to make sure it didn't irritate the sensitive scars that littered his body. compared to the test subjects that entered this room, he was being treated carefully, while others were tied up with rusting chains instead.
and while he could understand why you've cleaned up the usually dirty room, caked with blood and filth (he was your lover, after all), he doesn't get why he has a gag on his mouth. will your procedure make him scream? his heart skips a beat at the thought.
and you? you were completely covered, compared to his naked self. it made his cheeks burn at the realization, especially when you were dressed as if you were about to perform surgery on him. you wore a lab coat, his in particular, and underneath, you wore your regular fatui clothing. a surgical mask covered half of your face, though he could tell by the wrinkles that formed at the corners of your eyes, and a twinkle that only spoke of mischief that you were grinning widely as you wore gloves, latex slapping against skin.
your fingers card through his hair, caressing his cheek, cooing whilst you looked down on him, both loving and condescending. he felt a chill run down his spine when you looked at him like that—as if he was just a test subject, awaiting whatever you had prepared to do to his body. his adam's apple bobbed as he gulped when you leaned down, lips ghosting over his teasingly. "you gave me quite the scare there," you whispered, and though the contrast of power between you was evident, the enjoyment, the thrill coursing through your veins seeing him so powerless, your voice was laced with worry over him. "imagine my surprise to see you all sprawled out on the floor with shattered glass all over you..."
at this point, dottore can safely assume his experiment, though still in development, was an utter failure. it served a purpose far from his vision, and that is why he was here, strapped on a bed with you overseeing his wellbeing. "though, you are completely safe from harm, i still want to run some tests. just to make sure." your hot breath, through the material of the mask and into his ear, made his skin tingle, and he nodded in agreement. your smile returned and your eyes brightened. "good,"
it was when the pad of your palms pressed against his pectorals that he finally realized his little accident had interesting side effects on his body. his jolted at the sudden touch, eliciting a muffled moan from his lips, and his chest burned with a familiar heat that was slowly spreading all over his body. his teeth dug into the gag in his mouth, squirming against the straps all over his body as you kept squeezing his pecs.
he felt something wet on his chest, and upon raising his head to see what it was, his face visibly reddened when he saw his nipples oozing out a peculiar white liquid that he could guess was milk.
he was lactating. how humiliating.
you hummed as you observed his body, paying no heed to his muffled protests when you kept touching him, tweaking and pinching his hardened nipples that endlessly leaked out milk, trickling down the curves of his puffy chest and sliding down to his quivering stomach. he failed to realize how hard he was until he saw his throbbing cock twitching and drooling almost as much as his breasts were.
normally, he could handle simple touches on his body whenever you were about to fuck him. he had to, lest you'll have to cut the foreplay short. but it was nearly unbearable how his body reacted to your touch, he couldn't imagine if you were to remove your gloves. perhaps it was because of the serum, or he was strapped onto a bed, unable to move or grab onto something, that he felt a lot more than usual.
your fingers were searing hot against his body, especially his chest. it tingled so deliciously when your blunt nails grazed his skin through the gloves. and when you flicked his tip, his cockhead spurted out more of his pre onto your gloves, playing with the sticky substance. it made you chuckle mockingly at him. his chest felt heavy, and it ached so fucking bad. it was so painful yet so good. gods, he wanted more, he needed more. he needs you to keep touching him, to milk him until he's emptied out.
if only he didn't have the gag on his mouth, he would've already begged for you, eyes full of hazy lust, chest heaving erratically at each breath.
all the while your eyes observed his body, wide and watching akin to a hawk's. it examined each reaction his body makes—each time he bucks his hips up in the air, thrusting at nothing as he grew desperate for friction, his nipples oozing copious amounts of glistening milk, each deep breath he had to take to breathe, his unfocused eyes, the drool that dribbled down his chin—everything.
it made him feel so weak before you. so small and vulnerable, like prey ready to be eaten by a beastly predator.
but you pull your hands away before he can even reach the brink of his high, his head falling back onto the pillow you've put just for him, and you take a step back. you grabbed something from the table beside you. you put it near his head, and pressed a button, the grin behind your mask grew.
"audio log #42,"
there was a brief pause in the air, dottore's muffled pants reverberating across the room. before outraged thrashing and kicking made the bed shake, almost making your recording device drop onto the floor. your eyes darkened, and your hand harshly struck his inner thigh, the slap so loud it made his ears ring. dottore's body twitched at the slap, his skin stung at the impact and thighs trembling but it easily reduced him to just squirm and whimper, though sharp eyes glared at you.
"it seems like the high and mighty il dottore has made a mistake inside his laboratory, ultimately inflicting him along with it." the tone of your voice was nothing short of mocking, a silent laugh slipping past your lips with your poor attempt to conceal it, "there isn't something to be ashamed upon making mistakes. however, the doctor has put himself in a rather... shameful predicament." you eye him for a moment, before you laugh once more.
dottore grits his teeth against the gag, his body beyond thrilled at how you spoke to him as if he was nothing more than a test subject ready to be experimented on. he kept squirming against the straps, his cock smearing precum all over his abdomen, mixing with the milk that had pooled on his tummy.
you had barely done anything, and he was already so riled up. you tilted your head at the pathetic display, and all dottore wanted to do was to shrivel up and hide from your degrading gaze. your eyes had a sadistic gleam in them when you grabbed a clipboard and began to read, proceeding with your 'documentation'. "it is a good thing the doctor has left notes and files about his recent research, it seems that..." you rambled onto the recorder, pacing back and forth as you recount all the ingredients he has added into the serum, explaining each of its composition and insight of his procedure.
dottore, try as he might, can't bring himself to focus hard enough to listen to your words as you try to find a solution. your words were nothing but pleasant background noise, his mind slowly fading in and out into a soft buzz. he tugs at the straps around his chest, tighter than the rest of his body. how cruel of you to take advantage of his weakness.
his body yearned for your touch, growing restless at your negligence, his nails clawing at the thin sheet beneath him, swallowing the spit that gathered in his mouth. his glare hardened when you only glanced at him, eyes full of mirth. you were enjoying every single second of this, and dottore swears you will pay for this utter humiliation you're making him go through.
finally, you put down the clipboard and moved close to him again. the entertained spark had vanished in your eyes and was replaced with something more serious, analytical, and cold. his face flushes at how his cock jumps just by your calculating gaze, cursing at himself.
your hands applied pressure on spots that you knew he was sensitive to, and heavy milk just oozed out of his swollen nipples. and when you intentionally pinched them hard, it squirted out milk onto your face and to your clothes. a bewildered chuckle leaves your lips when you see him look away, his face completely red.
"his pectorals have become engorged, effects akin to pregnancy, and it has been excessively leaking with breast milk without a rest." he whimpers helplessly as you continue to play with his nipples, squeezing and rubbing his poor sensitive buds, his body shaking the more you tease them. he keens when you press them hard, and you watch his body shudder as he throws his head back. you longed to hear him make those obscene sounds you adore, but you weren't done recording such an important documentation.
"his nipples have become oversensitive to simple touch. perhaps the serum the doctor made has intensified the effects of pregnancy and the production of certain hormones that even affect the male anatomy, as well as enhancing his perception of stimuli." you rubbed your chin and hummed whilst you thought, completely ignoring the tears that began to roll down his cheeks when you pull away again and pleading pitiably through the gag. "it is highly likely that it is the case. archons know how a serum used to enhance the fatuus to perform better turned into an aphrodisiac." you teased, your finger giving his poor neglected cock a sliver of attention, stroking his shaft, barely touching it, but it still throbbed from the pleasure, twitching and growing even harder.
you grabbed a small flashlight and examined his eyes. he could barely follow your words, blinking dumbly when you pulled away. "his pupils are dilated, and his behavior indicates that... the doctor isn't his usual self," you laugh, shoulders shaking, "how adorable!" and he quivers, from the cold or from the excitement, he doesn't know which.
"to further investigate the subject's condition, i'll have to collect a fair amount of the milk he's begun secreting." despite dottore being so lost in his aching desire to just be touched by you, body begging for relief, his eyes went wide at your words, meeting your eager ones. he could see how wicked your grin through the mask as you held what it seems to be breast pumps in your hands, a contraption used for lactation with women. dottore began thrashing again, his pride, long shattered ever since he had let himself be so submissive to you, still making its stand. as a fatui harbinger, he just cannot accept this! and for you to record it? gods, you will never live this down if he allows this.
where did you even get such a thing, anyway!? do you just have it lying around for an opportunity like this?
he glares at you again, shouting profanities and tugging on the straps to release himself from the restraints, but everything falls on deaf ears as you push his body down against the metal surface, a cackle bubbling from your chest and sending chills down his spine. easily, you attached the cups onto his chest, and cusped around his perky buds.
grabbing his chin between your pointer and your thumb, you lift it upwards to keep his pretty eyes on you, shimmering crimson with glittering lashes from his tears, sharp and deadly. though, you could only see the sheer desperation in his eyes, soft whines, and begging you to just spare him.
hah! as if your darling deserves any mercy. you merely cooed at him, before you took out a remote and pressed a button. the device spurred to life, and it began to automatically squeeze and pump his tits, making dottore roll his eyes back and arch his back, straining against the leather straps that held him back. he mewls when the pump milks his puffy breasts violently, sucking and kneading until his skin starts to bruise. it was maddening, endlessly tugging on his nipples, trying to get all of his milk as it pours and pours into the glass container.
his body was convulsing, writhing from the pleasurable bliss that never stops, a paradise within hell. his vision was blurred from his tears, and he began to see stars when your hand, free from your gloves, began to tug on his painfully erect cock. you squeezed it as much as the breast pumps did, eliciting a muffled cry as he bit hard onto the gag, sharp teeth leaving indents on the plastic material.
even if he came, you didn't stop, fingers rubbing his sensitive cockhead and picking up the pace. it was like he was constantly high above the clouds, burning hotter and hotter. his body spasms at each orgasm you wring out from him, his mind so lost that he can't even think anymore. what are you milking him for? his cum or for his milk? he doesn't know at this point, you just did what you pleased on his body.
and he didn't care, he was stuck in an endless loop of euphoria that he barely registered that faint prick of pain right above his hip bone. dazed eyes manage to look at you, confused, only to laugh at him. "curious?" you ask, your voice echoing inside his head, whimpering as he nods, "oh, just your serum i had recreated while you were asleep."
dottore was too far gone to properly react to what you had said, only squeezing his eyes shut as you took another shot of the serum and injected it into one of his pectorals. he was babbling against the gag in his mouth, choking on his own spit as his body burns with more ardent need, more intense than before. he felt his cock swell, so warm in your hand and drooling with his arousal, while his tits felt like it was on fire.
all he knows is that this was so addicting—the pleasure, the pain, he doesn't want it to stop. he wants you to keep milking him, to plunge your cock inside his hole and fuck him to your heart's content. you were treating him like a mere experiment, with no regard for him, only for the results. he fucking loves the feeling, tied down, helpless, surrendering his everything to you.
but perhaps that was just the serum reforming his thoughts.
his hips, taut against the air as he ruts into your fist, while your other hand takes off the glass container connected to the pump and replaces it with another. eyeing the milk that sloshed back and forth in your hand. pulling down your mask, you took a sip, gulping it down until the container was empty. licking your lips, refreshed and satisfied, you shot him a wolfish grin when you saw him watching you drink his milk.
"the milk produced by the lovely doctor tasted very sweet. better than any dairy produce i have ever drank by far," he looked proud at your statement, dumbly smiling as his head lolls to the side. "i'll have to run a few more tests before i begin working on a reverse serum."
dottore's body ached, worn out. he doesn't know how long since you've begun toying with him, letting him experience pleasure again and again until he's completely lost his mind. he was trembling, shakily breathing in between his pitiful moans. he lets out a scream, curling his toes and tossing his head back onto the pillow as he cums again, spurting it all over your hand and onto your clothes, but you paid no mind, only moving your hand even faster.
you tilted your head as you watched dottore crumble in your hands. he was so fun to mess with, so easily broken, such a slut for anything you do to him and his body. you tutted, your other hand cupping his cheek, affectionately caressing it, and he sobs.
"or perhaps i'll merely settle with milking dottore dry." your eyes sparkle when he leans his head onto your hand, his drool pooling onto your palm. his eyes screamed yes! more, please! at you, and you laughed, pressing a loving kiss on his forehead. "it's a more fun solution, is it not? don't worry, my love, i'll take good care of you.
end of audio log #42."
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xopearlz · 6 months
pinky promise | katniss e.
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𓆉 katniss everdeen x fem reader
summary: katniss made you a promise before the games, and now that she’s back she’s going to keep it.
cw: fluff!!, little angst, but not much, rain kiss scene bc why not??? sfw!!
a/n: first ever post!! might not be the best as im not that good at writing yet but thats ok. beginning takes place before the games and the end takes place after, time jumps are divided by a dash (-)
wc: 1.1k
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your hands brush past the rough bark as you move briskly through the trees, keeping your eyes out. you hear a snap of a twig, causing your movements to halt as you listen closely. a hand places itself in the small of your back, causing you to let out a small gasp as you jump away, turning. you smile once you see who the hand belonged to, walking over.
“gosh, you scared me! you have to stop sneaking up like that.” you grin, katniss smiles back.
“if you’re going to be out in the woods, you have to focus better on your surroundings. who knows whats out here.” she replies and you roll your eyes playfully. she reaches out a hand which you take, interlocking your fingers as they brush against her slightly rough skin.
she leads you further into the woods, stopping at the edge of a lake. you let go of her hand and head to the edge, sitting upon a big rock that rests besides the water. you dip your fingers in, relishing in the cool sensation. katniss watches you for a moment before walking over and sitting besides you. you turn to her with a soft smile and she reaches a hand to brush the hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear.
“you always look so pretty, especially surrounded by nature.” you blush slightly, turning your head to look at the lake. she smiles at your reaction.
“i’m serious, you really do.” she says softly, watching over your features, her thumb gently brushing your cheek as she holds the side of your face in her hand.
you and katniss had been seeing each other in secret for a while, not wanting to risk anything with the chance of getting reaped still present for the next few years of your lives. you had known each other for only a few years, but it felt like forever. you chew gently on the inside of your cheek, thinking about the reaping which was upcoming in the next few days. katniss noticed the change in your face and her brows gently furrowed.
“what is it?” she asks, causing you to turn back to her. “what’s wrong?” you sigh softly.
“it’s just the reapings… what if one of us gets picked?” a slight hint of worry is in your voice. her hand still cups your face gently.
“it’ll be fine, they won’t take you from me. i won’t let them.” you shake your head slightly.
“but what if they take you?” she looks you in the eyes, gaze unwavering.
“i’ll come back to you. then we can be together.” you nod before holding up your pinky.
“promise?” you ask, to which she smiles softly.
“promise.” she confirms as she wraps her pinky around yours.
you sat on the couch, blunt nails digging into the armrest as you watched the broadcast of the annual hunger games. katniss had volunteered for her sister primrose who had gotten picked, and many things have happened since then. for starters, the male tribute, a bakers boy named peeta, declared he was in love with katniss. to make matters worse, you had to watch them as they kissed. you barely focused on the games after that, tuning in from time to time to get an idea wether or not katniss had survived, yet the bitter feeling of jealousy washed over you. you were never officially together, only in secret, so you couldn’t really be mad. maybe katniss just found something better and assumed because it was private then there wouldn’t be a point in discussing it. your stomach churned at the thoughts.
the day had come of katniss’ return. of course, she was returning with her newly found lover, yet all that mattered was she survived. at least, that’s what you tried to believe. you couldn’t ignore the feeling that washed over you when you saw the two of them get off the train together, holding hands. you couldn’t stop yourself from turning around and going home rather than trying to greet the other. you also couldn’t stop yourself from staying locked in your house, avoiding any possible encounters with katniss. you could only avoid the inevitable for so long, however.
you find yourself back at the lake you were at only a few weeks ago, watching the small tadpoles swimming around the clear water. there’s a light sprinkle of rain, raindrops falling softly onto your face. you don’t sit on the rock as you did before, instead standing off to the side. you feel a presence, causing you to turn around. you were greeted by katniss who offered a small smile.
“guess you started focusing on your surroundings.” she says slightly sarcastic. you chew on the inside of your cheek, turning back towards the lake. katniss’ smile drops as she walks over.
“hey, what’s wrong? you’ve been avoiding me ever since the games…” she starts, reaching her hand towards yours. the metallic taste of blood slightly fills your mouth as you bite harder down. you focus your gaze on the tadpoles.
“i’m surprised you even noticed, considering your new ‘star crossed lover.’” you mutter. she brings a hand to cup your face and turn your head towards her. your gaze finally meets hers, her hands are softer than before.
“he’s not my lover. it was for the games.” she breathes out a small sigh through her nose. “you are my lover, nobody can change that.” she smiles, and you feel your heart quicken.
you had been jealous of the boy, enough to not see the accomplishment katniss had made by winning the games. you offer a soft smile, shaking your head slightly.
“i guess i was jealous.” katniss lets out a small laugh.
“why?” you gently bite on your lip, looking down.
“because he got to kiss you.” katniss is silent for a moment, her thumb brushing your cheek.
“he doesn’t get to kiss me now.” she says quietly, causing you to look at her once again. her eyes are soft and she smiles slightly, and she starts to lean in. your eyes flutter shut as her lips meet yours. her lips are slightly chapped, but you could care less. she had come back to you. 
the rain seems to fall harder as you wrap your arms around her neck. after a while, you both pull away to breathe. you smile at her, fingers brushing through her hair she had chosen to keep down.
“i told you, i promised you.” you nod, giggling slightly. you take a moment to look her over, sensing a new level of maturity she gained from the games. even at sixteen, she seemed older.
“what?” she asks, causing you to focus.
“you’re just so pretty.” you say, and she smiles. you giggle slightly as she places another soft kiss on your lips.
she takes your hand in hers, intertwining your fingers together. you lean your head on her shoulder and look back to the lake, the rain going back to a slight drizzle as it splashes gently on the water.
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kiame-sama · 11 months
The Zoldyck's Omega- (yandere!Zoldyck Family x Omega!Reader)
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Warnings; my abo au, abo, brooding, omega reader, poly relationship, Mention of pups, pregnancy, temperamental omega,
There was an unusual tension in the air surrounding Kukuroo mountain, a static that seemed to bleed into the air and soak the very soil. Though the inhabitants of the mountain were almost always quiet in their day to day life, a low growl could be heard in the heart of the building within the mountain.
After some time with their dearest omega living within the mountain, the adult Zoldycks were well aware of the broody behavior omegas often exhibited after being in heat. However, this had gone on for well over two weeks. Brooding after a heat is common for an omega, though they usually do not stay broody for too long. The fact that this most recent brooding session had not ended after two weeks was an indication that the soft omega of the Zoldyck family was with pups.
As they often did whenever new behavior showed itself, the adult Zoldycks called upon their close ally and friend, Netero. He was an apex alpha and the grandfather of the soft omega the Zoldycks protected, so surely he would know how to proceed with a pregnant omega. When this brooding behavior first occurred, he had mentioned that pregnant omegas need a whelping den in order to calm themselves down, but he did not say much beyond that.
"It should be near enough to her usual nest that she will not have to go far from the comfort she knows, but far enough that she can settle properly without feeling compelled to move her nest."
"What would you recommend as a starter for her whelping den?"
"Somewhere similar to her nest; a smaller room with one entrance she can defend, low ceiling to give that cozy and protected feeling, no foreign scents she isn't familiar with, and plenty of overly soft nesting materials. Where omegas can nest with anything in particular that has a pleasant texture, a whelping den needs to have nesting items soft enough to not scratch or distress pups."
Zeno nodded, clearly rather interested in getting the whelping den set up as soon as possible in order to break the broody behavior you were stuck in. The apex alphas all wanted to ensure you were taken care of and kept safe, so your aggression towards them and aversion to any food given to you had been upsetting, to say the least. If giving you a whelping den would help you return to your more affectionate behavior, they would happily do so.
"So she will stop brooding once in a proper whelping den?"
"She should," Netero sighed, stroking his beard, "but when she does finally give birth to her pups, she will return to being hostile and broody until they are several weeks old, so she should be fed far more frequently and with greater amounts especially towards the end."
Silva was rather appreciative that they had the assistance of the elder apex alpha, unsure what they would have done without the guidance provided. As he was one of your mated alphas, he was compelled to want to comfort you, but your continued aggression towards him made that action impossible. Hopefully you would be able to settle properly within a whelping den and return to your adoring and sweet behavior.
Of course, there were still many other details that needed to be hashed out, such as figuring out what kind of help you would accept during the delivery process. There had to be doctors who were trained specifically to care for omegas, so there was still the matter of figuring out which one they should contact and if that doctor will be trustworthy enough. Omegas were rare, so finding a doctor that was trusted enough to work with omegas would certainly be a rather large task.
The decision was a difficult one, but one that needed to be made regardless.
"I will contact (y/n)'s doctor, Zeta. She is a nose blind beta that has treated several omegas before. Odds are, she has known more omegas than most will ever see in their life. This doctor has been providing medical care to (y/n) since she was no more than a whimpering pup. If anyone is to be trusted with a broody omega, it would be that woman."
"We will send for her immediately and ensure she is paid well."
"Oh, don't bother. She won't let you pay her anyway. She began as (y/n)'s nanny, an extra pair of hands to help rear an omega pup. (Y/n) was one of those omegas who had a clear rank the moment she was born. Some grow and become omegas, (y/n) began as an omega from infancy. As Doctor Zeta showed great skill in handling an adolecent (y/n), I decided to devote resources to ensure all education in medicine was covered. Since then, Doctor Zeta has treated omegas around the world. Even with all the fame, she will always come running if (y/n) needed her to."
Netero smiled as he recalled the nose blind beta, curious to know how the woman has been since he last saw her. She was as brilliant a doctor as she was a nanny, and he knew that she adored his dear omega grandchild as much as he did. Though Dr. Zeta would charge others for the treatment she provided to omegas, she refused to charge anything to treat or asses you.
Netero took out his phone, sending a message to the kind doctor and where he needed her to go in order to treat you. Once he finished that, he set to assisting the Zoldycks in finding a suitable place for a whelping den. There were three possible spots, leading the three locations to be adjusted and filled accordingly with soft items suitable for making a nest for pups. Once the locations were properly prepared, Netero had the doors to your room and nest opened in order to encourage you to seek out a proper place for a whelping den.
You emerged slowly from your nest, being extremely cautious as you sniffed and looked around. When you were satisfied that you were safe and there were no others present, you began your search by visiting each of the three prepared locations in turn and examining the potential bedding. It took five laps to the three spots before you settled on one, quickly scuttling into it and pulling in all of the bedding in reach.
As soon as the Zoldycks saw on the security cameras that you had chosen a whelping den, they ensured to have the bedding from the other two locations scented fully and placed outside of your chosen spot. They gave you your space as you sorted through what you wanted and what you didn't want in your nest. When you were finally settled, Silva was chosen as the one to approach and test your temper.
"(Y/n)," Silva called to you gently, trying to not come across as intimidating or angry, "can we talk?"
There was a moment of silence from the whelping den before you cautiously peaked out. The fact that you were not growling or swiping at him gave Silva the confidence to step closer, kneeling down to your level. You somewhat emerged from the den as he crouched, your (e/c) orbs watching his movements keenly.
Before he could question you as to your wellbeing, you fully emerged from the den, affectionately pressing your forehead to his chest. It was clear that the whelping den worked exactly as they had hoped, your broody behavior almost completely gone and your sweet behavior returning in full force. It was a relief to your mates that you no longer behaved in a hostile manner towards Silva, meaning you would likely behave similarly towards your other mates.
"Are you well, (Y/n)?"
"... Hungry..."
"Food will be brought soon."
You hummed and continued to rest your cheek on his chest, relaxing into the side of your alpha. He allowed and encouraged your cuddly behavior, holding you close and listening to you hum happily. It was unexpected for you to be with pups, but they had figured it was an eventuality and couldn't be more pleased.
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harlowsthetic · 11 months
You're Beautiful.
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Featuring. Jack Harlow x Fem! Black! Wife! Pregnant! Reader.
Request From [@inlovewithpandora]. Jack x fem!black!reader (wife) #1 - Person A being overly emotional and sensitive due to their pregnancy and Person B comforting them patiently + "I have stretch marks now." "And they look beautiful on you." Reader is beginning to feel insecure about her looks. She’s gaining weight and getting stretch marks and she begins to feel like Jack doesn’t find her attractive anymore (Jack actually loves her body more now that she’s pregnant) Jack comes home early and when he gets close to their bedroom he can hear sniffles and cries which makes him think she hurt her self so he storms in and finds her standing in front of the mirror crying. He asks her what’s wrong and she tells him she think he doesn’t find her attractive, she doesn’t like her body and etc. he brings her into his embrace and wipes her tears and tells her she’s still beautiful and comfort and reassures her. Post
Summary. When you start feeling insecure about your pregnancy, Jack reassures you that you'd always be beautiful in his eyes.
General Tags. Hurt w/ Comfort.
Content Warnings. Insecurities on gaining weight, pregnancy, insecurities on stretch marks, crying, doubts about Jack falling out of love, and Jack comforting you.
Word Count. 1,0k.
Notes. Girl, thank you so much for sending this prompt especially pregnant!reader/black!reader, I wanted to do one so bad so thank you. I'm so happy that I finished this cause I've been waiting to put it out!!
Extra. Requests are open, please read my rules beforehand! / Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured.
Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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Jack decided to come home from the studio early to surprise you with the latest food you’ve been craving. He balances the food with one hand as he sticks the key in the door, turning the key, and pushing the door open. “Babe, I’m home!” he shouts as he makes his way to the kitchen setting the food and the keys on the counter. 
“Babe?” he looks around confused as he takes out his phone to see if you had texted him that you were going somewhere, it was not like you to not greet him when he came home, he was used to running into his arms with a huge smile on your face as you told him about your day and he would put his hand over your belly as he rubs it slightly as he talks to his baby boy.
When he sees no text from you, he assumes you’re just in the bedroom and didn’t hear him. He sets his phone on the counter before heading upstairs when he walks up to the door, he goes to knock but before he can, he hears you crying and a worried expression takes over his face as you might have hurt yourself and he rushes in to see you standing in front of the mirror with your hands on your stomach in nothing but your underwear, noticing the tears that were rolling down your cheeks. 
“What’s wrong?’ he questioned as he walked up to you, wrapping his arms around your stomach, rubbing it slightly. “Babe, I want you to be honest with me,” you sniffled as you lazily made eye contact with him in the mirror. “Yes baby, of course, I’m always honest with you.”
“Am I still attractive to you?” you looked down at your feet not wanting to see his reaction. Jack was surprised at your question, surprised at the fact that you would even think that there was a possibility for him not to be attracted to you. It makes him start to wonder if he wasn’t showing it enough to you and if he was in the studio too much. “Of course baby, why would you ever think that?” 
“Well for starters, none of my clothes fit me anymore now that I’m getting bigger. The maternity clothes are probably not sexy enough for you,” you fidget with your wedding ring as you talk. “I have stretch marks now.” A frown forms on your face as your hands begin to rub against what you saw as problem areas. The marks ranged from your lower to mid stomach which made you feel insecure about wearing certain clothes around Jack because you didn’t want to amplify them and bring them to his attention. "And they look beautiful on you," you continue to avoid his eye contact not believing him.
“Hey… you want to know what I see?” he asked with a soothing voice. With a slight nod of your head, he brings a hand to your chin, lifting it gently so you can look at yourself in the mirror, “I see a very beautiful woman whose carrying our little bundle of joy,” he starts slowly tracing over your stretch marks as he continues to speak. “Babe, you should not be ashamed of your stretch marks whether they stay or disappear, it’ll always be a reminder of you carrying our baby boy who would be happy to have you as his mother.” he wipes the tears away as he looks into your eyes as a small smile forms on your face, the same smile he fell in love with.
His eyes look down at your lips for a moment before looking back into your eyes as he bends down a bit so his lips can connect with yours, his hands still rubbing your swollen belly as your lips explored each other, the kiss was different than how you would normally kiss, it felt more soft and gentle. When you pull away from each other, you continue to look into the other's eyes, and a huge smile forms on his face. 
He got on his knees and faced your stomach as he laid kisses on each of your stretch marks and all you can do is smile and try to keep the new tears from falling down your face. “I loved your body before but I love it even more now that you’re pregnant and will forever love it for the rest of my life,” he kissed another one of your stretch marks and looked up at your loving smile that he fell in love with. 
You haven’t been more in love with him than at this moment, you knew that whenever you felt insecure about yourself, he’d come in and reassure you that you have nothing to worry about because in his eyes, you were perfect, you were the world to him. “Come on, your food is getting cold,” he said as he got up off his knees, snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him as your eyes lit up. “You got me food?” he lets out a chuckle as he leads you downstairs, “Glad to see you back to your usual happy self.” he smiled as he looks down at you and you shoot him a smile back. “Thanks to you, I love you so much,” once reaching the bottom step, he stops and brings you close to him as he shakes his head, “That’s impossible, I love you so much more.” you let out a chuckle and leaned more into his touch.
It was just something about him that made you feel safe whether it was his eyes or the smile that always knew how to bring you in, you couldn’t imagine life without him and he was the best thing to ever happen in your life and now you’re having a baby with him, a dream truly come true. You just know that the baby will take after him with a father like Jack and a mother like you, he was going to be in good hands and both of you couldn’t wait for him to make his arrival.
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🔖 @starpdfs, @livsters.
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© harlowsthetic 2023. | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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visionofvoid · 1 year
Homewrecker - MV1
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Summary: “and if i don’t hate you?”
Warnings: angst, implied emotional cheating
Pairings: max verstappen x oc
Word Count: 1280
Kelly Piquet was constantly surrounded by very important people. 
For starters she is a mother and prides herself with spoiling her daughter as much as she could. Secondly, she is the daughter of three-time Formula One World Champion, Nelson Piquet and is in a loving relationship with current World Champion, Max Verstappen. Finally, she is an influencer and blogger who has many responsibilities online, so, it was only right that one of the other important people in her life was her personal assistant, Blake. 
Kelly has had many other assistants in the past, however, Blake seemed to be the only one that understood the fast paced life she immersed herself in. Blake always went above and beyond to ensure Kelly's schedule was up to date and in turn was compensated handsomely. Blake had become a key figure in both Kelly and her daughter's life, but also in Max’s much to his dismay. 
Kelly nor Blake ever understood why Max never got along with the latter. Blake always had Kelly at the airport to pick up Max on a week off, always made sure she got into the pit without a hassle and she was always eager and willing to look after Penelope whenever Kelly and Max wanted some time alone. 
Blake sighed as she walked down the hall to let Max into the building. She knew she was the last person that Max would want to see, especially after traveling for a few hours, hours worth of PR and now having to deal with security refusing to let him in without a sufficient pass. Max wished to surprise Kelly on a shoot with a magazine and hated that he had to message Blake to come and get him. It hurt his ego almost, having to message the girl he despised more than anything. 
When Kelly first hired Blake, Max didn’t know why but he just felt uneasy around the woman. He found that she became too comfortable with the luxurious and fast paced life a little too quickly. She easily immersed herself into both of their busy lifestyles; she became fast friends with other model colleagues of Kelly’s, associates at magazine firms, even going so far to befriend some of the behind the scenes staff of Red Bull racing. She seemed to make everyone laugh, remembered everyone’s names and small details about someone. Max instead thought she was trying too hard to fit in.
“He’s good. He’s with me, André.” Blake smiled gently at the security guard who nodded in response, pressing a button to allow Max to round the corner through the security doors. He held a bouquet of sunflowers and roses. “Have a good day, André.” There she was again, Max thought to himself, trying too hard.
Blake stifled a smirk knowing that these were Kelly’s favorite flowers at all. You’d think that after dating for so long he wouldn’t mess something up as small as your girlfriend’s favorite flowers. She kept her thoughts to herself. 
“Good afternoon, Max.” Blake was always amicable with Max, out of respect for her job, Kelly and Penelope. He just grunted in response and followed Blake down the hall, around a corner and to the elevators. 
Max rushed to press the button first, squeezing in between Blake and the sides of the elevator when the doors finally opened. Blake simply rolled her eyes and pressed the button to the floor that Kelly’s shoot was on. The pair rarely ever had any alone time and Blake was rather uncomfortable with the silence. 
Max could smell Carolina Herrera’s ‘Very Good Girl’ slightly on Blake when she reached over to press the button to close the elevator doors. He only knew what the scent was because he had searched high and low to figure out what it was so he could give it to Kelly for a random ‘thinking of you’ gift that was posted to hundreds of thousands of her followers. He fell in love with the scent the moment he first met Blake. It was so entrancing, and it suited her effortless and chic style.
His eyes traveled up her multi-coloured warm-toned scarf that sat snug around her neck. It was cold this time around, but it suited her nonetheless. He hated that he spent so much time analyzing her looks, the way she interacted with other people regardless of their social status, the way she seemed so happy to be doing life.
“I don’t know what I did to make you hate me.” Blake finally mumbled, just loud enough that she knew Max heard her. His stoic face that remained looking ahead of him shifted slightly with a clench of his jaw, his cheekbones hardening. The bouquet in his hands trembled slightly, though Blake made no move to call him out on it. “I work my ass off, you never see that. I have tons of sleepless nights, coffee-fuelled mornings, canceled dates to make sure she has a perfectly balanced life between being a mother, influencer, model and girlfriend.” Max’s eyes faltered, landing on the top of the bouquet and settling on the round, brown middle of a perfectly bloomed sunflower. 
“And I would do it again and again, even if it meant you hate me. So do it, hate me if it makes you feel better.” Max turned to her this time, giving her his full attention. She seemed taken back for a moment before straightening up, looking him dead in the eyes. He admired her confidence. 
“And if I don’t hate you?” Max finally spoke, the tension thick in the air as the elevator finally stopped, a bell ringing and then the doors finally opening. Kelly seemed to be on a break, a large smile on her face when she spotted Max. He seemed to stop himself from running in, giving her the flowers and spending time with her before she had to back to her shoot but instead paused, waiting for an answer from Blake. 
“Then you need to start, at least for Kelly.” Blake pushed past Max, putting on a bright smile and sending Kelly a wink before walking over to where some of the photographers sat with coffees, scrolling through some of the pictures already. Max’s eyes trailed her for a few moments before he plastered on a bright smile, marching towards Kelly. 
Her eyes brightened as he handed her the flowers. He knew internally that she preferred other flowers but he found the pairing of sunflowers and roses just that little bit more beautiful. He knew he should have just gotten her something she would actually like. He had no excuse as to why he was acting this way. He was so entranced with Kelly, loved Penelope as if she was his own and he loved Kelly with all of his being, right? 
Kelly could sense the internal battle Max was having with himself, so she placed her flowers down on a side table near her chair and other belongings and moved her hand to touch his cheek forcing him to look into her eyes. 
“Is everything okay?” Kelly questioned, noticing the rather distant look in his eyes and how he looked beyond her being that stood right in front of him. She already started to put together all the pieces in her head, she knew he was staring at Blake. She couldn’t understand why he wouldn't let his dislike for her go, just for Kelly’s sake. Blake was good at her job, no, great even and she rarely dealt with Max personally so Kelly just didn’t understand it. Kelly couldn’t understand how anyone could hate Blake.
Unless of course it wasn’t hate, but something else.
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trulybetty · 9 months
Sick Day
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x F!Reader (no use of Y/N) Word Count: 1,581 Warnings: Pure fluff, talk of not feeling well, cooking, caretaking, and on brand Marcus Pike. Summary: Marcus never cancels dates, and if he does it usually comes with his own brand of romantic gestures to make up for it. So when he doesn't, you know something isn't quite right. AO3: Linked
A/N: It's been a week - but this had been sitting in my WIP folder unfinished for a while and this prompted me to finish this piece of pure fluff.
Sick Day.
Marcus was not accustomed to feeling helpless. Being weak or vulnerable was not part of his persona, not part of what made Marcus Pike who he was.
His sickness had come on suddenly, a relentless fever accompanied by a deep, hacking cough. Marcus was not one to fall ill often, and when he did, he had always soldiered through, never allowing weakness to dictate his schedule. But this was different; this was not something he could ignore. His body was not cooperating, and all his attempts to carry on were futile.
The fever alone had struck with a vengeance. His body ached, his throat was on fire, and even the faintest hint of light sent his head spinning into oblivion. A normally robust Marcus was reduced to a shivering mess, tangled in sweat-soaked sheets, his mind clouded by the relentless throb of a migraine.
And yet, the real disquiet lay not in his physical discomfort but in a new and unexpected vulnerability. The one person he sought to impress, care for, and be strong for, was now seeing him at his weakest.
From the early days of your relationship, Marcus had been the one to shower you with romantic gestures, much to your chagrin at times. Breakfasts in bed, spontaneous day trips, surprise gifts — he'd done it all. It was how he'd always been, it was how past relationships had dictated how he should operate to ensure that his love interest remained enamoured, entranced and with him.
But you were different.
You didn't expect anything from him. You didn't need grand gestures or elaborate displays of affection. Your love was calm, steady, and unconditional. It was a love that sought no repayment, demanded no proof, and required no theatrics. 
And it was something Marcus had never experienced before.
He had sent you a text message that he had to skip your date night and you’d looked at your phone warily. The two of you had been together for quite some time now and this was not his usual MO. Marcus Pike didn’t just cancel dates, you had cancelled dates sure, but never Marcus without a flurry of rearranged reservations or a bouquet of flowers at your door.
So when you showed up at his doorstep on your way to work, your eyes wide with concern with a bag full of remedies, Marcus was utterly unprepared. Especially when you said you were going to call in to work and take the day off when you realized how sick he was. The truth was, no one had ever taken a day off work to care for him. No one had ever put him first in quite the same way.
Once inside Marcus's apartment, the evidence of his illness was palpable. The usually immaculate space was in mild disarray, evidence of his discomfort. Marcus was bundled on the couch, looking both vulnerable and endearing, his face flushed and his eyes glazed. 
He had tried to protest, to insist that he was fine, that you didn't need to trouble yourself. But the words had come out slurred, his voice weak and barely above a whisper.
“You look awful,” you'd said, your intention sympathetic, as you brushed a damp lock of hair from his forehead. 
Your hand had felt cool and soothing against his fevered skin and he leant into it, his eyes closed.
“It’s okay.” he tried to assure you.
You laughed at his failed attempt to convince you, “It’s not okay, for starters your voice sounds terrible.”
“Sounds worse than it is.” he gave you what he thought was an unabashed smile, but came out crooked and tired. 
You just stared at him incredulously, “You just almost coughed up a lung.”
“I’m fine.” he tried to sit up but the sudden movement caused him to double over in a fit of coughing.
You placed the back of your hand against his forehead, “Case in point. You’re not fine Marcus, you’re burning up.”
“It’s just a cold,” he insisted.
“Marcus, you need to rest,” you'd chided, your tone gentle but firm as you led him to his bedroom. “I'm here now. Let me take care of you, please.”
And so you did.
The hours turned into a day, and then another, your presence a constant. You sat at his kitchen table, replying to emails and calls between checking his fever and ensuring he took his medication. When he asked you to stay overnight that first night you’d obliged his ask in his vulnerable state. So you’d watched movies with him, choosing his favourites, even though he’d drifted in and out of sleep throughout.
It was three days longer than the original one you planned on staying when he was looking and feeling more like himself. You were both in the kitchen, you preparing dinner, while he watched on.
“So where did you learn how to make this?” Marcus asked, fatigue still lingering as he leaned on the countertop to rest his head in his hand. He watched diligently as you added ingredients to the ceramic pot atop the stovetop. The smell of the simmering food was already permeating the apartment making your mouth water.
It was one of, if not your number one comfort meal. You’d experienced it at a tiny restaurant years ago in a quiet city off the main drag of flashy restaurants and bars. The only good things to come of a past failed date, one whose name now you couldn’t recall even if you tried. While the relationship hadn’t gone anywhere you’d gone back repeatedly to the small establishment time and time again and learned how to make it yourself.
“Want a taste?” you asked him, offering a spoon laden with a sample to taste. He watched in amusement as you blew on it to cool it down, “Here you go, try.”
Marcus tentatively tasted the food and felt a sting on his tongue from the heat, but smiled at the ability to finally be able to taste something, “My taste buds may not be quite back up to par,” he said, “but this, this is delicious.”
You grinned, “Good, it means you’re getting better.”
Marcus pulled himself away from the counter and stepped up behind you. His arms wrapped around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder.  Even now, while he was slowly recovering, this simple embrace made your heart swell with affection.
“You've really been incredible these past few days,” Marcus murmured, his voice still hoarse. “I can't even begin to express how grateful I am. I'm not used to... this, you know? Being taken care of.”
You gave him a gentle smile, as you dried your hands off with a kitchen towel and lowered the heat on the pot. 
You twisted around in his arms to face him, tucking a stray lock of hair back from his forehead.  “It was my pleasure, Marcus,” you said with a smile. 
He was silent for a moment, taking in what you said. That one sentence soothing to years of a self-imposed belief that he should always be the caretaker, the provider. “Thank you,” he spoke softly.
“Since you're feeling much better now, I’d better think about getting back to my place,” you said, puncturing the comfortable quiet of the room. You were trying to sound casual, but it was obvious that your presence wasn’t intended to be a long-term thing; Marcus understood this, yet he still felt a twinge of sadness.
“But it's Friday,” he retorted, his voice carrying the softest note of protest. “Maybe you could stay for the weekend? Now that I'm feeling better, I can find a way to thank you properly.” A mischievous glint shone in Marcus's eyes as he smiled slowly. “Since you’ve been playing nurse so well, maybe it’s time for the patient to return the favour and take care of you?” he finished, his voice dropping into a suggestive tone, making the implication all but transparent.
But before he could elaborate, his words were interrupted by a sudden coughing fit. The rough, barking sound filled the apartment, and Marcus grimaced as he cleared his throat. Covering his mouth with his forearm, he tried to suppress another cough as he failed to stop the onslaught of another fit.
You let out a loud and throaty laugh as you filled Marcus a glass of water. “Okay, maybe we'll hold off on the whole nurse-and-patient role-play for now.” 
Marcus joined in, his laughter tinged with a hint of self-deprecation once he’d finished with the water you'd poured him. “Maybe you're right. But the offer to stay the weekend still stands.”
These days, such as now, in small moments of reflection Marcus was able to step back and see his previous relationships a little more clearly. They had felt solid at the time, and had seemed like they were built on a foundation of mutual understanding and love, but looking back he could tell that the foundation was merely a house of cards. Meaning one wrong move or unmet expectation and it all would have come crashing down on unrealistic standards he’d set himself. 
But with you, it was different. 
While Marcus was off in his own world, you returned your attention to the meal cooking on the stove. “Dinner will be ready soon.  What do you think about watching a movie while we eat? You choose,” you asked..
Marcus, snapping out of his thoughts, smiled warmly. “I think that sounds perfect,” he replied.
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