illuminationsworld · 2 years
Do you often feel manipulated, confused, guilty, and unheard of in a relationship be it with your friends, family members, your partner, or at work? Chances are you are surrounded by toxic people, who exhibit toxic behavior.
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illuminationsworld · 2 years
How often do you find yourself comparing your life to others? Is there a little voice in your head that goes like, ‘they’re living such a perfect life and look at me’.
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
When you introspect a situation or a person, what’s the first thought that comes to your mind? Is it judgemental, envious, negative or understanding, empathetic, and positive. Our daily thought patterns shape our mindset, which in turn shapes our reality. Find out more! https://bit.ly/2Y5ZNmR
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
Feeling Mindful or Mind-full? In an era of constant change and rapid development, mindfulness is like the antidote to life’s everyday struggles. Let’s see in what ways we can unlock a mindful life.
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
Are there times when you miss your freedom so much that you just want to run away from all kinds of responsibilities? Here’s how a self-care ritual can help you enjoy life amidst the chaos.
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
Imagine spending your life with somebody and not really knowing them at all. That’s what it is when you don’t take time for self-love. You spend your entire life having feelings of shame, unworthiness, paralyzed perfectionism, and just not feeling enough. Here’s some ways to invite self-love into your life.
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
Have you heard the millennial term ‘Hustle Harder’. The term doesn’t necessarily mean to over exhaust yourself just to achieve your goals but it’s likely that’s what ends up happening. But there’s a way to change that. Let’s find out...
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
Energy healing is a holistic approach that involves the transmission of healing energies to restore and balance the body’s energy field. Read More to find out how it works.
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
You know the one good thing about the 2020 Pandemic? It compelled us to keep our spaces, our homes and offices clean like never before. And so the situation begs the question, is cleaning just limited to hygiene or does it help cleanse one’s energy field too? Let’s find out… https://bit.ly/3e0twm6
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
Did you know? Our emotions can probably last longer than our memory and are often contagious in nature. Read to know more…
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
Last week, I wrote about toxic positivity. This week, I take it a step further and give the top signs that you may be a victim or a culprit of toxic positivity. Find out more!
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
I truly believe that we have placed emphasis on the masculine energy for too long in business and kind of undervalued the #feminine. Women can be excellent at business if they learn to balance their power and feminine principles. Most women entering the business field let go of their femininity, without realizing that it is actually their greatest #strength.Read more about balancing the feminine and masculine energy at work here: https://bit.ly/2ShUXQa
#inspiration #motivation #energy #leadership #work #growth #life #mindset #happiness
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
Do you know that we have 60,000 subconscious thoughts a day, most of which are negative, self-defeating, and limiting? Most of our anxiety and stress is caused by worrying about the past or fearing the future. In all my years of experience as the founder of a well-being center, I have found that a daily meditation practice is one of the most powerful ways to transform your life.Read more here: 
#mentalhealth #motivation #life #wellness #success #health #stress #coaching #anxiety #wellbeing #selfcare #depression #yoga #experience #mindfulness
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
While scrolling your Instagram feed, do you often come across posts that say, “Positive Vibes Only”? Or maybe a friend has posted about her emotional anxiety about a certain situation, and you see comments like, “it’s ok, better things are coming your way,” or perhaps, an offhand “focus on the good”. Are we becoming a culture that propagates only the good and the positive while being uncomfortable with acknowledging emotions such as grief, darkness, anxiety, and loneliness? 
There is a term for this, and it’s called Toxic Positivity! 
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illuminationsworld · 3 years
Sometimes the hardest battles we fight are with ourselves. Self-confidence has a lot to do with how we speak to ourselves and how engaged we are about taking care of ourselves #physically, #emotionally, and energetically. So, how can you value your own #self-worth? Here are our top 4 pointers to help you feel good about yourself.
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