blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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My younger brother does KARATE and is raising money to go fight in an out of state tournament for a NATIONAL RANKING. http://funds.gofundme.com/index.php?route=fundmanager
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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Another College Post:
But first; Here is some very recent watercolor work I have done. Hope you guys enjoy watercolor as much as myself!
I recently being water-coloring, along with my modern calligraphy and hand-lettering. 
And I tell you, watercolor can be the easiest... or HARDEST thing you ever attempt. 
I suggest first work with mixing colors. Just playing around to get a feel for the paint. :) 
Now. Lets get busy!
Books are probably one of the most expensive things you need for college, and it sucks b/c they are also one of the most required things you need too. 
However, I am here to share with you my tips on saving CASH on those books. It'll be quick. Bare with me. 
1. NEVER* buy from your bookstore! 
The items in there will be ridiculously over-priced. Trust me. Freshman year, I spent $300+ on books alone. 
And that was the last time. 
*I know sometimes your university will require that you have a special edition book, published/distributed for their students only. (For example: my school requires WSU Lab manuals. Therefore they can ONLY be purchased through the school.)
In these cases, you have no choice. But odds are, any and every other book can be purchased from Amazon. 
2. Invest in Amazon Student (Prime)!
This membership is free for six months and gives you FREE two day shipping on ALL your items (books, clothes, bedding, etc!). 
All you do is provide a valid school email. You should use what your university gives you. However, you can continue to get Amazon Prime for free, if you have multiple email addresses. 
3. Shop Around!
Just as you would for a new pair of jeans, or any other item. Look around compare prices. 
Sites I love: Chegg, Amazon, and ABC Books. 
I have literally gotten books for 1 penny! Who doesn't have ONE PENNY? ;)
4. Rent and/or Borrow books, check your Library!
A lot of student automatically think renting books is the cheapest option. But that is not always true. There have been times I had the option to rent for $50 from a a store close to campus or pay $10- for the same book. 
That is why you always shop around, before classes start. 
Additionally, students sometimes do not realize that their campus library has resources for books. 
For example: most of the profs at my school will reserve their book in the library. This means the book can only be check out by someone in the class. (See what I am getting at...? You have a better chance at getting the book. Plus, its FREE!)
All schools in OHIO, offer OhioLink . Now, I personally feel this site is a gift from the God up above!
This site connects the libraries for every university in OHIO. (Basically, its a mega library.) It allows students to borrow books, for free!
Here is how it works:
Say like I need 'Fault in Our Stars' -FIOS- for my class. BUT someone has already checked out my schools copy of the book.
I visit their site and search for the book. Then my school will 'call' all the other schools (UC, UD, BGSU, ETC) to see if they have an extra copy I can borrow. 
UC happens to have it. UC will then ship FIOS to my school. 
When it gets here, they email me and I pick it up right. On. Campus. 
I have literally spent 0 dollars on books for the past couples years. 
Now, if you are not in OHIO, no worries. I bet your school has a similar option for getting books. Ask your library. 
And disclaimer: I am not saying OhioLink or other like sites have every book you are looking for. However, they have always held my books. Therefore they have plenty of books, always check there first. 
**Bonus Tip: Get earlier editions of the book required. 
I have taken classes where I needed 'Math Systems Ed. 2013' - $50 but I saw an earlier edition (So like 'Math Systems Ed. 2012' - $10) and the prof has given me the 'OK' to use that book instead. 
Classes start soon, good luck. And stay tuned, more posts to come!
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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1. Morning classes rock;
I may be biased b/c I love morning classes and I am up at 6:45 AM anyway, however, I think they are better.
A. If you take morning classes, you finish earlier. I am literally done with classes everyday by 3:00 PM. This means I have more time to complete homework/study before all my friends are asking to hang out and/or go do stuff.
B. You never miss events. I once took an evening math class (scheduled by my adviser, against my wishes) and I missed out on talent shows, free food, game nights, etc. Plus I have seen tons of my friends fail evening classes b/c they chose to skip their classes, to attend events on campus.
C. You never have night time finals. My math class' final exam was 8-10 PM. WTF?!?!
D. You can party, even more. B/c you finish so early, all your business is taken care of really early. Meaning you never have to text your friends "can't come out tonight. I have homework.'
  *I definitely apologize if this post is more rushed than part 1. Unfortunately, after writing for one hour, my ENTIRE post got deleted.
Lets continue.
  2. Relationships can wait;
Most seniors heading to college, have heard this. And I tend to agree.
Here’s why: after being in college after a few short weeks, you begin to change. You like doing new - more mature things, you laugh at more sophisticated jokes, and you are attracted to a different type of person.
Therefore, you and your partner can start to drift off. Which is fine, b/c this is what college is all about. (Trying new things, experiencing more things, finding yourself, and perfecting yourself.)
This is a lot harder, if you are attached with someone.
Besides, this is one of the single most important times of your entire life. You do not want to look back and realized you missed out on things b/c you were dating someone you didn’t even marry.
If that bums ya out, just remember: a lot of people believe that if things are meant to happen, they will happen. No matter what.
3. Finding an on campus job may not be easy,
I remember all the schools I visited claiming that there were tons of positions available. However, that does not guarantee you a job on campus. Therefore, have a back up plan.
This can include having a job off campus, providing a service -you can get paid to style hair, etc.
  Tips for getting a job on campus: A. Apply early. B. Talk with career services. C. Ask upperclassmen.
Tips for having money: A. SAVE your money. B. Participate in paid research studies. (The best idea ever. I literally made $75+, just doing these studies.)
4. You will accumulate more;
As you are wondering what clothes to pack, be aware, that whatever you bring will probably double before the year is over.
A lot of people suggest that you bring a few nice/dressy outfits, a few pairs of sweats, whatever-whatever-whatever.
It was in my experience that I did not use all the things I brought. I brought basically my entire wardrobe, and as I was hauling all of that junk home over Winter break, I had realized I had so much more stuff!
Here is what I recommend: A. Skipping sweats, and investing in yoga pants and/or leggings. They look way better, and can give off the impression of an actual outfit. B. Bringing a few nice items that can be matched/paired with other items, to give the appearance that you have a lot of dressy outfits. C. (If you are close enough) ONLY bring the clothes you will be wearing that season. D. Leave tshirt at home! College is all about free tshirts.
Doing this will save and maximized your space. And trust me, you WILL accumulate more things. After attending events, that offer free tshirts, or going on plenty shopping trips with friends, and bring home all your projects, you will see.
Bonus Point: 5. College is about the parties;
B/c I work in a call center, I often talk with parents and alum, who say things like, “I did not party b/c I was there for my education. And my student does not party b/c he/she is there for their education.’
Or often times you will hear, ‘those who party all the time, are those who fail.’
  This is FALSE.
Lets be real, college is expensive. Like super duper expensive! ‘You need to get your money’s worth.’ Like really. Just think, if you are living on campus, your school WILL take out an activity fee, that benefits/pays for whatever events are offered to residential students. So, you DID pay for all the events/parties that are thrown.
Additionally, you spend all of your time working and studying. You need to have that moment to relax. If you do not take time for yourself, you will spontaneously combust! Jk. But you will face an enormous amount of pressure and stress, that results in a ‘poor you.’
And may I mention that I have partied hard every year. (Especially freshman year - which was the first time I made a 4.0 GPA)?
Therefore, with the appropriate time management skills, study skills, and organization, ANYONE can make the most of college. Therefore, EVERYONE should try. And PARTY!
Ps… one of the best nights of my whole life was the time I partied until 6 AM and rushed back to my dorm to get ready for my 8 AM class. (Passed that class.)  You will want these memories, so go have fun.
PPs… if you do not like to party, fine. But do something to relax. Most schools will offer yoga, zumba, some type of conversation circle, etc. Check them out.
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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Some Things You NEVER Knew About COLLEGE. 
Part I. 
Well this is the moment that every student is dreading, Back to School. That is of course, unless you are entering your first year of college. ;)
As you embark up on this journey, you may find yourself trying to prepare for every aspect of college life. (That student was me!) 
If you are anything like me, relax. College will come. Until then, I am sharing a few things people may have never told you, or things you did not even realize about starting college. 
1. Water causes break outs; 
This is something I never expected my freshman year. I have very sensitive skin and everything causes me to break out. This included the water on campus. 
Although I only went about 20 miles for my college, I did stay on campus. This means I washed in this water everyday. It was not long after, that I started to break out. Then some time later, I realized it was the water. 
Be prepared: bring extra lotions and skin creams, if needed. 
2. You DON'T have to know what you want to do; 
As a freshman, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do. Being a student perusing a creative arts / performing arts degree, I thought my only place was on stage. 
But... its not! I now know I can do so many (AMAZING) things with my degree. 
Be open minded, let your classes teach you things and take you places. You may be chasing a degree, for a particular career field, and later learn you can do something even better with that same degree. 
HOWEVER, I do NOT recommend starting your college career as an 'Undecided' major. I have seen many people waste tons of time/money for classes they did not need. 
If you are unsure, I suggest you complete all your general education courses at a community college. It definitely saves money. 
Ps... I will do another post on this in the future. 
3. It may be more than four years; 
I can honestly say I know more people who have completed 4+ years in college, rather than those who have completed college in fours years. 
This sounds intimidating, I know. But trust me, this is the one thing I hear more upperclassmen discussing than practically anything else. 
Now, I am not saying it cannot be done... b/c it can. And personally speaking, this past semester I was a third-year-senior. (Meaning I reached SR status, while only in my third year). 
Now, I have the option of graduating with my Theater degree and Spanish minor, this Spring. However, I will be declining this option b/c I would prefer to hold off one year and graduate with my Theater degree, a minor in Spanish AND Business. 
Reasons you may take 4+ years: Some degrees require more time. (My bf is perusing a six year degree. ) You may add minors. (Adding my two minors, added one year to my degree.) You may change majors. You may take a break. Etc. 
4. Grades aren't everything;
Typically people who say this, are those who are failing. Not me. I have a 3.0+ GPA and I will be graduating with Honors. This means I have spent virtually every semester on Dean's List. 
Back to my point, I have heard this from students. Professors. Even employers! Literally. 
Now, I am not saying flunk out of college, but do not stress over grades. You can totally graduate and attain a job in your field, without a 3.0+ GPA. *I will do another post on this as well. 
Disclaimer: If you are on scholarships, you may want to keep those grades up b/c otherwise you are wasting money. And could lose your financial aid. 
5. Networking is key; 
No, like seriously. Get out there. Make friends. Meet people. Etc!
I have saved so much time and money, just by meeting new people.
(1. As a freshman, I never paid to wash clothes b/c I made friends with upperclassmen who lived in apartments and allowed me to wash for free. 2. I never pay for printing b/c I made friends with the guys in the engineering departments - they recieve free printing. 3. Keep old friends too! My friend from HS told me her on campus job was hiring. I have been there for three years, and this year I will be a supervisor. Making $8.75+ per hour. #Boss. )
See... you better get out there and exchange numbers, talk to people, go to events, make friends, and even talk to strangers. 
  Whew, this has been fun. Unfortunately, I have completed Part I. Check back for Part II. 
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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Hi, Hey, Hello! 
Welcome back, hope all is well. I have been working so hard on my hand lettering and modern calligraphy. I have so many pics to show, which I will be showing over the course of the (remainder) of the summer! 
If anyone recalls, I made the announcement that I would be changing the dynamics of this blog. Which I have been making the effort, through my lettering and crafts. 
And though my presence my be sparse, trust me, it is all leading up to something MAJOR!
Anyhow I am here today to share this piece I just made, along with some college essentials for shopping 'Back to Campus!'
My College Essentials:
1. Bed in a Bag; these may seem a little pricey but they are well worth it. If you are like me (and make an effort to save money at all times) then you will benefit from the bag. Bags range in price and pieces, I have gotten bags with 5 ($50ish) -14 ($40ish) pieces. 
However, when you invest in these they giving you ALL you need for your dorm life! (Mine included comforters, sheets, washcloths, towels, shams, pillow cases, etc). AND for those who do not mind spending the extra cash, you can also find those with storage trunks, hangers, photo frames, etc. 
This option will save you money, time, and the hassle of comparing prices for the separate pieces. But the best part is, everything will match. 
2. Storage Units; this is a great option b/c it gives you the freedom to expand your space and stay organized. Definitely worth it. While some are a little expensive, you can always opt for the cheaper options that give you an entire set. Plus, odds are, you will need more than one. 
Hanging storage is my personal favorite b/c it allows you to pick out clothes for the whole week or it can hold snacks. :p 
3. Shower Caddy/Tote; this is a highly recommend item and I tend to agree. As a freshman, I used mine to carry my toiletries back and forth to my community bathroom/showers. However, I now use it in my apartment to store small items, as well as meds. 
And these days, you can even get a shower bundle, which includes some bathroom basics. 
Unfortunately, this is the end of this post. However, I will be back. Yep, every week I will be posting about college life. (Everything from saving money, to getting involved, to making good grades, and more. 
IN THE MEAN TIME, feel free to visit my Pinterest. As it has soo much college stuff. Here are my best college boards: A, Decor for decorating your dorm and shopping for bedding. B, Productivity for resume tips - interview tips - study tips - etc. 
T T Y L. 
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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Greeting Card Samples.
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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Some Progress. :) Story via Theclbray.WordPress.com
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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Just here to make a quick announcement: We got a makeover! That is right, new colors for this wonderful season. 
And the pic? Some recent practice. Ps... I am still working at this crazy calligraphy and hand-lettering. 
Heads Up on an Upcoming Post: No, I am not natural but I dance. Everyday. Therefore, I am on the quest for some nice protective hairstyles. I have found a few on Pinterest, so that is what I shall start with. 
Pics coming soon. 
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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Hand Lettering: The How To...from a beginner herself!
This is a quick post to give encouragement to those who are struggling with hand lettering and/or modern calligraphy.
As some may know, it is NOT easy finding free instructional/tutorials. This can be very discouraging. However, before you pay someone to coach/teach you via online lesson, take a look at this post! 
1. I use a very fine point pen (I have also seen professionals work with this pen. It is very cheap at Walmart and it allows you to see how much ink is left. 
2. I use a thicker pen too. The BIC is good for larger projects, which call for thicker strokes. 
3. Tons of PAPER! I have my first book, a simple Taylor Swift notebook -$1. Since I am just starting out, I did not want to pay for expensive materials. This definitely works. Good for practice. Minimal bleeding from the pens (very important when working with the thicker/darker ink).
4. Big Black Sketchbook. 250 pages. This book is heavy duty, with thicker pages, that will allow for more professional works. And is better, for once you feel comfortable enough for it. 
5. Etsy, to see example of professional hand lettering. This is a great practice tool. I use it to try and re-create their pieces, with my own flair. 
6. Pinterest, great for finding quotes to practice writing. Also gives great access to things that can be lettered. Invitations, announcements, quotes, etc. My favorite source. 
The How-To: 
1. Practice! Thats it. Yep, I literally spend hours a day just writing random things. (No, seriously, five hours a day. Ps... I have a lot of extra time since I am on break from work and school.) As you can see on the pics, I write song lyrics, quotes, addressing envelopes, I even mix fonts, and I wrote the entire alphabet (with all my different styles of letters.) It also helps to write the same things over and over again. 
Unfortunately tumblr only allows for 10 pics per post. Otherwise I would have shown my progress. I have only started a few weeks ago, but I have invested 100+ hours into the art. I have almost completely filled my first notebook. Once the TS notebook is flled, Ill move to the sketchbook. 
Then, I am hoping to start an Etsy. 
Ps... all you need is time, practice, and paper. 
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
Taking A Turn.
Whew, it has been so very long. However, this break was intentional.
This past semester of college I realized how busy I am and how I rarely have time to keep up with both my blogs.
(While on is my personal blog, it tells random stories and current events of my life. This blog here was intended to share my opinions and view of current events; anything from politics, celeb discussions, and national tragedies.) 
Well I realized there are way too many for me to always discuss them on here. Unfortunately. I am going to change the focus of this blog. 
This will now become a DIY blog! Ill be sharing my recipes, crafts, etc here with all the readers who find themselves on my page! (Ps... these posts will also find their way to my Pinterest!) 
I am very excited to make this announcement. 
However, if for some reason you are an avid reader of this dead blog, no worries. I will occasionally throw in some current events as well. 
First new post coming soon! 
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
Go Green.
Whew, it has been a super long time but I PROMISE to get back to posting regularly.
I just hate posting when I have nothing eventful to share.
So here it goes. A few updates.
I have… Been busy with classes. I went back to work. I ditched the iPhone. Picked up an HTC, which I love. Celebrated Valentine’s Day, with my Valentine. Who happens to be my new bf. Lowercase as in boyfriend. Don’t worry,…
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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Love Advice for Young Ladies.
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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What Love Life?
So I know it has been a long while since I have blogged about a guy or even blogged about James,…
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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Did I Ever Mention My Life Fell Apart?
Quick photo check; I pulled this from my board on Pinterest. Its by far one of my favorite pics.…
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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Me Llamo Es...
So classes are back in session, unfortunately my brain isn’t. ):
Yesterday was my first day back…
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
This WordPress.com site is the cat’s pajamas
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blogsbyrisseshea · 10 years
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This here is "[My] Finesse King." (;
I am proud to announce him as my Second Hottie of the Week.
He is a hottie b/c he is such a dapper young man, check out his sexy azz bow ties. Muah!
Follow his twitter, and his IG. 
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