#you’ll be okay
abernathyvalois · 4 months
How about in 2024 we stop it with reading books with the goal in mind to finish the book so you can add it to your list of read books and start reading books slowly and intentionally with the goal to rip it into pieces with your mind and be touched by it and formed by it and changed by it
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loveri7sol · 3 months
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does anybody else feel like a failure?
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Realised that the person I’ve become is a person younger me would’ve looked up to
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gurugirl · 9 months
Love you babes so much but please stop with the tattoo asks. Some of you are very obsessed and very upset with this and I’m not posting hateful things about people we don’t even know.
Right? You don’t know Harry (or Olivia for that matter). Despite what someone said on some social media site about him, despite how much you admire him, despite how many concerts you’ve been to, despite your analysis of his behavior that you’ve gathered from online social media accounts and videos of him at concerts, despite how big of a fan you are (or aren’t)— despite what you THINK you know… you don’t know him. And probably never will.
Calm down, do something that makes you smile, enjoy an iced coffee or whatever beverage you love, take a walk outside and let the fresh air and sunshine and grass be all you think about for a bit.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
I tjink that audio gave me rabies
it’s okay i have vaccines ^_^
*pulls out nail gun*
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randomshit657 · 5 months
I’m going to be talking about OCD and Intrusive thoughts, and very briefly religious trauma. And maybe slight disordered eating. If that will bother you please skip.
Okay so I know that many people aren’t going to see this but if even one person sees this and maybe learns something I’ll be happy.
Okay so I have OCD, and that’s kind of what I want to talk about. I promise you I’m not trauma dumping just listen for a moment.
I’ve known I had OCD since I was in 4th grade but it never really felt like I actually had it because of all the stereotypes surrounding it.
I never needed to keep everything perfectly clean or check things multiple times or any of that. It took me years to actually accept I had it because of these stereotypes. Instead I just felt crazy or wrong or bad, and I don’t want anyone to feel that.
I thought that mine wasn’t that severe so it didn’t mean anything. Trust me it does. If you’ve been diagnosed or think you have it, I would highly recommend getting therapy because trust me you don’t want it to get bad.
Anyway I’m here to talk about some things about OCD. Starting with the intrusive thoughts.
I don’t think the intrusive thoughts that come with OCD are really discussed enough when in reality they are the reasons for the compulsions.
First things first intrusive thoughts aren’t “I want to dye my hair at 3 am.” That’s an impulsive thought there a huge difference, and I’m not trying to attack you for using intrusive thoughts in that context especially if you didn’t know the difference, but it’s important you know the difference and you the terms in the proper context.
And I say this because if people start believing intrusive thoughts are things you actually want to do but just do impulsively it’s going to cause a huge problem especially for people with OCD.
If you have OCD your intrusive thoughts can be terrible, awful things. That they don’t want to do. Let me repeat that people with OCD don’t want to do their intrusive thoughts hence the compulsions because their brain convinces them that whatever they do will stop the thoughts.
But those thoughts are just something impulsive you want to do they are a lot of the time truly disturbing things. Sometimes these thoughts will get so bad people with lock themselves in their houses because they are scared of hurting someone. When I’m actuality these people are the least likely to actually act on these thoughts.
Now let’s get onto compulsions. When most people think of compulsions they think of hand washing or having to do something a certain amount of times but we’ll that can be the case from some people those aren’t the only types of compulsions.
For example reassurance seeking can be a compulsion. Asking your friends things like “Am I a bad person?” Or “Do you still love me?” or whatever your intrusive thoughts are telling you.
I’m going to explain a few of mine because I would say mine aren’t as well known. For instance waking up every morning and the first thing I have to think being “Today is the day the world will end.” Because I was always told god would destroy it when I least expected it so now if I don’t repeat it every morning I’m on edge all day.
Or not being able to stomach anything that isn’t labeled gluten free or made by me, I also cant eat unless I know I can go home after on the off chance some gluten made it’s way into it and I get sick.
The last one I’m going to mention is being overly nice to everyone at school. I would have such vivid thoughts about someone hurting people at school that even if this person was a huge jerk I would be nice to them or go out of my way to complement them because that would somehow fix thing.
The point is compulsions come in all shapes and forms and OCD is rarely logical, but it doesn’t change the fact that it feels logical. Just because you don’t fit a the stereotype doesn’t mean you don’t have it. It’s important to know that because with everything else your probably going through with this disorder you don’t need denial on your plate aswell.
It’s important to try and get help for this disorder because honestly it can be scary, and can cause a hole pile of other issues. But if you can’t here are some pointers.
1. Do your best to not participate in the compulsions. Now this won’t be easy at all and that doesn’t mean they’ll go away but they’ll be easier to manage. Trust me. I was forced to break one from sheer in ability of not being able to do it and it sucked but I was happier than I had been in months after I got through that.
2. Remember the intrusive thoughts aren’t you, and tell your brain that to.
3. I know it sounds silly and might not help everyone it i know for me kind of talking to my brain like a child works. Like “I know what you are feeling is very real but why don’t we try watching tv for a bit and see if you still want to do it then. Okay?” And then just try and distract yourself. It’s not fool proof but you know.
4. Just remember you’re stronger than you think. I know it’s hard and some days are really going to suck. But as hard as it is you can work through it. It won’t go away but it will become easier.
Anyway that’s it. I know this is a little rambely but I hope it gets the point across.
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uwuza · 5 months
AHHHHH i’m so fucking tired
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st-clements-steps · 2 months
I think your fave is flawed and I love that for them, I’m leaning in, that’s why it’s fun to write them.
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madsmadeit · 28 days
little reminder,
it’s okay to be sad.
there’s nothing wrong with you, and it’s not your fault.
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stayaiden · 4 months
It has gotten better before, it will get better again.
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mrvampirewkend · 2 months
no one gets points for suffering. if you need help, please ask for it
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having an awful time with anxiety, guilt, and depression as of late so I thought I would put some of things that I have been needing to hear out into the world:
you are worthy of love just the way you are, the good things and the flaws make you a whole, wonderful person.
fuck ups, big or small, happen. you are not the only person they happen to, and you will be okay.
you’re not stupid for making a mistake, no matter how big.
you can do hard things, even when you feel like you can’t.
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soulinkpoetry · 1 year
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“If your absence doesn’t make a difference, your presence never mattered to them.”
That doesn’t diminish your worth though, because someone else will appreciate what you have to give.
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Some witchy shit that you can do! 🧙🔮
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but healing from your trauma is a witchiest shit you can do.
Critically thinking about all the messages that have been sent your way that were meant to shake your confidence and your spirit is the witchiest shit you can do.
Allowing yourself to be sad, angry, hurt and feel the emotions you have been suppressing for so long is the witchiest shit you can do.
Deconstructing and unlearning your own internal biases and prejudices that society has fed you is the witchiest shit that you can do.
Forgiving yourself for your past errors that you feel remorseful about and don’t wish to repeat again is the witchiest shit you can do.
Rest is the witchiest shit that you can do.
Journaling is the witchiest shit that you can do.
Reflecting on yourself is the witchiest shit that you can do.
Therapy is the witchiest shit that you can do.
Focusing on you is the witchiest shit that you can do.
I seriously doubt I’m the first person to say this at all, but I like the message so I will repeat it. You see all the time a spell for this, an herb for that, a manifestation for this specific thing in the witchcraft community. But really to be a witch starts from within, just the idea of transformation is enough. Turning your past hurt, past tragedies, and past injustices into inspiration, healing, and confidence is witchcraft. Allowing yourself the space to learn and grow in yourself is witchcraft. I’m not saying that it’s easy, in fact growth is very hard and uncomfortable. You are going to have setbacks, you will still say and do things that you are not proud of, but eventually you’ll achieve a growth that’s so beautiful and so strong that you’ll be happy that you did it. Think about it this way, in order for a plant to grow upwards, they also need to have roots that go downwards. It will take time, it will take effort, and it will be difficult, but it will be worth it.
Keep on going, I believe in you and I believe in your ability to do wonderful things in this world. ❤️💖
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juney-b-bug · 8 months
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nerodoesstuff · 8 months
Let the moon wash over you my dear. Good days shall come.
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