#you need to understand! this story has never left my mind! I'm still obsessed with it!
True Colors: Part 12
Seitarou was only at work for a couple hours before Hajime sent him home, deeming him emotionally unfit for duty. The lieutenant considered not going back to his apartment, where his doting boyfriend was waiting for him. He felt ashamed that he'd been dismissed from duty, ashamed that he thought Hajime might have been right to do so. He didn't want to linger in public either, though. The last thing he wanted was to be questioned by anyone that had heard about yesterday's incident. So the young lieutenant walked home with a wavering sense of urgency. He didn't want to explain to Kenshirou about his conversation with Hajime, but he didn't want to stay exposed outdoors.
He spaced out during the walk, and when he found himself in front of the door to his own apartment, his stomach clenched in uncertainty. What was he going to say? How was he going to explain this to Kenshirou? He took a deep breath, choosing to trust in his partner's kind heart, and opened the door.
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vanessagillings · 2 months
Please talk about your favorite animated movies and what makes them special to you! I'm really curious about what you enjoyed about them both in the past and now?
haha, okay you asked!
I LOVE animated movies. My theory on this is that it took me a long time to emotionally relate to most media growing up, where I felt next to nothing watching most movies and shows as a young kid, and didn't relate to books until I was quite a lot older (I read picture books until I was around 10, and then suddenly in middle school, I hopped right to adult novels like 1984 and the entire Darkover series by Marion Zimmer Bradley, ha). But even before I emotionally related to fiction, I really enjoyed watching animation. It was nice to look at, and I enjoyed watching everything move and change. I grew up in the 90's where animated movies were largely 2D, and I spent hours watching and re-watching my favorite movies just studying how the characters moved -- it's definitely a lot of where I got my understanding of human expressions from. But I also think as I got older and started to relate more to fiction, animation was easier to parse emotionally than live action. The body language is clear. The stories are direct and not as forgiving of bad human behavior (I get frustrated sometimes with the defeatism in adult media, that assumes that People Just Act Badly, and that just needs to be accepted). Facial expressions are also exaggerated and more stylized -- think of a single arched eyebrow, for example, an expression that's commonly drawn to express one particular emotion in animation/illustration but which you next to never see on a real human face. My first introduction into serious reading was also manga -- a highly visual medium -- which uses a lot of the same tactics stylistically as western animation: big, expressive faces, bold gestures and big stories. Compare manga with western comics being printed at the time and it's even more obvious to me why I didn't particularly like comics until I was given manga as an option -- and thankfully I lived close to a kinokuniya, so I could spend all my allowance on untranslated books and magazines, which is also where I learned Japanese (もうたくさん忘れてしまいましたけど).
As far as my favorite movies? THAT IS SO HARD. The first animated movie that BLEW MY MIND was The Lion King. I saw it in theaters when I was eight and I was obsessed; it was definitely one of my first special interests. I know that entire movie line by line, frame by frame, and I had the stuffed animals and the trading cards and the clothes (man, was I teased for those clothes!). My other favorite movies as a kid were The Land Before Time, American Tale, and The Secret of NIMH (I was a big Don Bluth fan!) which have left deep impressions on how to approach storytelling for children; I warn you, I go hard on emotions for kids, because I needed that as a kid, and I know I'm not alone. Some of my other favorites are anything Miyazaki but especially Howl's Moving Castle (I relate to Sophie a lot), Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (what I watch when I'm In A Mood), Ratatouille (a huge source of echolalia for my husband and me, we often detect nuttiness, let me tell you), Wallace and Gromit and Fantastic Mr Fox, which I watch every fall as an autumnal tradition. Even as an adult who likes live action, too, I still tend to like slightly over the top directors like Wes Anderson and Guy Ritchie, or movies that are highly cinematic like Road to Perdition, which is still one of my favorite films of all time.
In my opinion, animation is a super important medium outside of it being a very beautiful one. I truly believe it helped me access and understand emotion better as a child, and as an adult, it's a massive source of inspiration in my own work 💛
(Sorry for length, but you did ask!)
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oval3000 · 9 months
"Hello" Ch.6
Simon Riley x Reader
Not my art! Not my characters!
Tumblr media
After defeating Makorav, Simon went back home to enjoy his night rest. The next day he heard noises outside his apartment. When he went to see who was making those noises, by peaking through the eye hole on his door, he saw you. He never thought you would change his life forever.
!WARNING ⚠️  Terrible grammer, past abuse, abuse, smut, ptsd, trauma, swearing, Obsession, Possessive, death,boring story. Different story plot then the game (Makorav dead)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Months has gone by. For Simon, it was torture. He wanted to see you. He missed you everyday. Eventually, Soap caught on that something was bothering him.
"Doing good, Lt?"
"You seem a little down."
"I'm fine Johnny."
"Gaz told me about your new place. So when is the home invite?"
"Soon." He didn't want anybody to visit. Not he's unsure about you. He loves you, obviously, but he doesn't if you're still a flight risk. What if he invited Johnny and you blab him how you're being held agiants your will. Simon can't have that.
As for you. You felt alone. Felt as if no one will ever see you again. You made what you can do with whatever you could. A truck will come by and drop off a box in which you would go and pick it up. You never interact with the driver, so when it first arrived it raised some concerns on your part. Turns out it was just a box full of groceries and necessities. Simon didn't want you to worry, he did say that he was going to take care of everything.
You have a simple routine. You would wake up get ready for the day, make food, clean, watch TV.
At night, it would just be you. You would turn to the side where Simon slept and imagined him there.
You hated yourself for feeling this way. He made you feel this way. You miss him. You miss his hugs, his voice. He made sure you would only rely on him and he did.
You needed him. He's the only one that can give you the satisfaction you deserve.
Your life outside the house is gone. You haven't been in contact with your family or friends. As for Jacob, your ex-boyfriend, he's no longer and will no longer be in your life or anyone's life. Simon made sure of it.
You miss them, you can't lie, however, your new life is here no where else. You did wanted to start fresh and new, you never thought this was what your new life would give you.
Your day would go on the same. Wake up, get ready, eat, clean, watch TV or draw whatever keeps your mind from going insane, sleep.
Simon felt light on his legs as he left the base. When he was told that it was time to go home, he didn't waste anytime.
He quickly drove himself into the neck of the woods. Going through the only pathway available. He got out of the vehicle, leaving his gear inside. He opened the door, "Y/n" he stood there until he saw you coming out of the shared bedroom.
"You're back." You ran to him.
Your legs moved on your own and ran straight to Simon. He saw the look on your face, the smile. The smile he worked so hard to gain again, like the first time you both met.
You hugged him. You hugged him tight. "Miss me, sweetheart?"
You nodded as he embraced you. Your head buried on his chest. You missed his scent. His touch.
He's right, eventually, you'll learn to love him back.
"I thought you weren't coming back"
"Of course I will. I did. I'll never. Ever! Leave you. Do you understand me?"
You nodded once again as he took a good look at you.
Your hand placed on his chest. His tumb on your chin while the other hand, wrapped on your waist. You felt his hand move away from your chin and into your, right, cheek. You felt the warmth of palm resting, comfortably, on your skin.
Simon noticed that there was something on your mind, "what is it, love? Tell me. What do you want?"
"I want you to kiss me, Simon. Please"
If someone told you months ago if you would sleep with your front door neighbor, you would've easily said no.
Times have change.
Simon grabbed your thighs and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he pulled you closer to him.
You felt his tounge, his touch, all of it.
The kiss was so deep and passionate, you couldn't help but to let out moans.
He wasn't rough, he was gentle. He placed you, gently, on the bed. His kiss trailed down to your neck. His hands pushed yours to the side, trapping you in.
He moved around your neck and up to your chin. His kisses were soft, it made your head fall back, arching your back a little.
He sat up with, unbuckling his pants. You sat up from hearing the noise of his belt and pants falling to the floor.
You couldn't deny that your were nervous. When he took off his underwear, you looked away.
"Don't be shy, sweetheart. All of this is yours" he took off his shirt, climbing onto the bed. "Just like all of you is mine." He lifted up your shirt revealing your bra. You felt his hands going down as he unzipped your shorts and pulled them down. He quickly went onto your bra and quickly unhooked it. When your bra slid down, your hands went up to cover your breast.
Simon grabbed onto your wrist pulling them away. "Don't cover yourself, love. I want to see you. All of you." He placed you back down with your hands above your head. He went down and left trails of kisses on your collarbone and chest.
You felt his mouth on your nipples, "ah..Ah...ngh..S-simon."
"You like that." He moved down on your area, pulling down on your panties, quickly tossing them to the side. He spread your legs wide and pushed your knees up to your chest. You felt the air hit your bare pussy. You bit your lips, stopping you from making too much noises.
"So beautiful." He went down, burying his face. "So perfect." His tounge went all over your lips and folds. "So good." His tounge went over your clit. "All mine."
He went in sucking on your clit, pushing his tounge deep inside you.
He felt his cock hardened as he felt your area leak.
He looked up and saw your hand covering your mouth. His eyes of lust became angry. He quickly went over you, grasping onto your wrist, shoving them away. His hand gripped on your face,"never. Ever! Cover yourself. I want to hear your voice."
He let go on his grip and went down. He rubbed your clit in circles, feeling it all wet. He pushed in a finger. Going in and out.
Your moans were music to his ear. He added another finger, but it didn't last long when you squirted all over his hand.
He hovered over you, your knees still up to your chest.
He inserted his cock inside you, pounding you.
You were so high on his touch, you couldn't see properly.
You felt your legs go numb as they shook, violently. Simon rested his head on your neck, catching his breath. His sweat mixing in with yours.
He kissed you deeply. "You did so good for me, sweetheart."
He moved your hair away from your face, kissing your forehead. He got up and went to the bathroom. You heard the shower head turning on.
He carried you, bridal style, onto the bathroom and into the tub. He got on after you sitting down at the end of the tub. He grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him, his legs spread out so you could lean on his chest.
He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly. You looked back at Simon "I love you."
He smiled at you, feeling that light in his heart glow ten times more. "Say it again."
"I love you, Simon."
"I love you too, love."
He saw your sleeping form. He could watch you sleep for hours. He missed you. He loves you and you love him back.
He was never letting you go. Ever.
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quinloki · 2 months
Sooo imagine reader/ y/n escapes, they get to an island for a couple months evade capture but then marinford happens and the wb pirates are disbanded/scatters or doin there own thing but one of them end up on the same island as y/n with the obsession still intact and finding them again has rekindled it even more.
How would they react on when they're alone without the other's input?would they contact each other and group up? what would be going through their heads?
(yan au where everyone survives except wb)
(feel free to completely ignore my ramblings but i have so many things i think ab and need to tell/ask ❤️)
I feel how someone would react would depend on the crew member. I'm not going to hit up everyone, just my usual suspects, so bear with me.
CW: Yandere, dub con / non con vibes, nothing explicit a lot of what ifs and summaries.
Marco would not contact anyone else. I love this man, but Yandere Marco is POSSESSIVE. He shares you with his brothers only because they are his brothers. If no one else ended up on this island with you and him then that's a them problem, and not HIS problem.
Depending on the manner of your escape would depend how Marco was, but regardless of if he thinks you left or were stolen away, he'll be delighted to have you back. You'll never leave his sight again, and if you do have to be away from him for any reason he'll make sure he knows where you are.
You will drown in him, whether its his love or his anger, but he will mark you, fill you up, and leave you exhausted and delirious more than not.
Ace would contact the others. He'd be so relieved to see you safe, and whether anyone else thought you left, he'd be convinced it had to be against your will. He'll be seeking reassurance to that end, and if you're smart you're going to give it to him. Shore up your story if you need it with Ace's help, because the other will be far harder to convince, even if what you're telling is the truth.
Whatever happens, and however things play out though, you'll always run into Ace. He'll pop out of the ground like a fucking daisy sometimes, scaring the hell out of you even though that wasn't his intent. But playful or endearing, don't think for a second it's accidental.
If you don't reassure him, if you do tell him you left because you wanted to, his reaction will be worse. He'll claim you as his and you'll probably have burn scars by the time the others arrive. It'll take Marco weeks to get you back into some sort of semblance of who you were - assuming he can even soothe the scars.
Thatch will let you set the narrative, and hell he'll even let you decide if he reaches out to anyone else or not. If you want to elope with just him, he'd be more than happy to oblige. He doesn't mind sharing with his brothers, but he won't deny such a heart felt confession and plea from you either.
He's likely to do to you what Marco would, making love to you until you're a pile of mush, exhausted and almost out of your mind. His stamina far exceeds your own, and he has months of catching up to do, he's missed you so much. And don't worry, he'll feed you and make sure you're hydrated, even clean your home, and earn money, you'll be too tired to worry about any of that anyway.
With Izou in the mix the rope burns on your joints are apt to become permanent. It doesn't matter if you say you didn't want to leave, you'll never be able to be taken away so easily ever again. He'll let the others know about you, and your fate will probably be decided by committee.
You will be under the influence of something when you're questioned, so unless you're really good at lying that's not going to be an option here. You're likely to survive your punishment, for better or worse, but whatever island you end up on with everyone (whoever constitutes everyone), the islanders are going to understand your position in the crew. Or misunderstand it.
but the only friends you'll have will be the brothers that take care of you. You'll want for nothing, save maybe freedom.
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krikeymate · 1 year
What if (in the AU where Richie and Amber succeed) Sam survives and after spending weeks in a coma, she hunts Amber and Tara down (while the police is looking for Sam as well, bc they believed the story of the two remaining survivors - two weak girls who went through hell - that Sam is Ghostface). Tara kept her promise and left with Amber who more or less kidnapped her.
So, Sam finally finds them and tries to convince Tara that they should run away together.
Showdown: Amber is so manipulative and intelligent that she basically convinces Tara that she herself would go on another killing spree if Tara leaves bc she is the only thing (literally a possession) who keeps her sane. Sam starts arguing and Tara screams back at her that she wouldn’t be able to live with the knowledge that she is responsible for more death and pain.
Amber stares at her with a confused and shocked expression. “Who are you talking to?” She asked. “There is no one there, baby.”
Tara thinks she lost it and that she is hallucinating. She breaks down and Sam runs up to Amber to prove that she is very much alive but this little shit is fast and knocks her out before Tara can realize what is happening.
Amber grabs her pet and drags her to their car without a second thought about the immense pain Tara must be in right now.
Sam wakes up and the first the she sees is Tara’s inhaler. She needs to be fast and drives after them with a stolen car (she never forgot about the times she was forced to sleep in a foreigner’s car in order to not die while being homeless).
Showdown II: She finds them and this time Tara realizes that her sister is still alive. Amber is furious and threatens to kill Tara. The police shows up and wants to arrest Sam but after taking in the situation and Tara finally telling the truth about her crazy ex with a gun pressed against her temple, they change their minds.
But we’re talking about Amber fucking Freeman, a teenager who has nothing left to lose after failing her community of movie obsessed freaks. She pulls the trigger.
Sam’s screaming and running to her sister. Everything seems to happen in slow motion: the police tackling Amber down and putting her in hand cuffs while the girl is laughing like the manic she is and basically confessing to everything; the blood painting the dirty ground red; her sister’s desperate attempt to get air in her lungs.
But, it turns out that Amber couldn’t kill Tara and the bullet only brushed her temple.
After recovering, Tara wants to confront Amber. She wants to know if she really loved her at some point or if she was just a pawn in her game. Amber refuses to talk to her but demands a meeting with Sam in secret.
Sam visits her and Amber tells her why she couldn’t kill Tara: This naive girl with abandonment, mommy, daddy issues and no self-respect made her feel something for the first time in her life. She’s unable to be empathetic but when it comes to Tara she feels the need to protect her. She was always so jealous of Sam and that was the main reason behind the killings -no stupid movie, what a pathetic idea-. Amber couldn’t understand why Tara was still so attached to Sam and it made her angry. Sam was the only person who (as long as she is alive) would always be a threat to their twisted relationship; to Tara being entirely hers.
Previous. BaileyRhapsody would like you to know they're sending you kisses. And me also, for seeing me kill Sam and deciding that I'm wrong actually and Sam should be alive, 'cause you're so right. I love where you took this, I have a few suggestions. Also, props to Bailey who was my soundboard, so their influence is here too (it always is).
Sam spends weeks in a coma from the blood loss. But she wakes up, and when she does, she's handcuffed to a bed in a prison hospital. Nobody will listen to her when she says she didn't do it, when she tells the truth. Then one day she gets a visitor. He introduces himself as Mark Kincaid and says "they say you're the one who killed my wife."
She doesn't bother trying to convince him otherwise, she just begs him for information on her sister.
Miraculously, he tells her what he knows, he tells her anything she asks. He tells her she'll see him again. On the day she's officially sentenced, she thinks. On the day she's released from the hospital, it turns out.
He believes her. He believes her.
She's shuffled away into the back of an FBI van and reintroduced to Kirby Reed. Together the three of them make a plan.
At first, Tara finds herself unable to talk. The words simply won't escape her mouth, and then she finds she doesn't want to. What's the point. Sam's gone. Sam's gone and it was her and there's nothing anybody can do about it.
She's stuck in the hospital, her mother unreachable. She spends all her time in that room, stuck in her head. With no one to visit her - they're all dead she keeps remembering - except Amber.
Amber likes to visit, to stroke her hair and whisper to her softly and kiss her, and act as if nothing ever happened, as if she didn't do this, didn't do it all.
Amber's story is the one that gets told, the one that gets believed. Tara's too traumatised for them to even try to listen to her. Just the poor little victim, brutalised by her own sister. She watches the news, listens to every filthy lie they say about her sister. It makes her blood boil.
After weeks, she's released... into Amber's care. Her mother still hasn't come home and she doesn't understand why she has to go with Amber. Tara's an adult, she doesn't need- this shouldn't... this shouldn't be happening. But it is. And Amber whispers in her ear, reminds her to behave, that she won't be able to control herself if Tara makes her angry. She's seen what she's capable of.
Tara agrees to go with her.
The night before she's set to be released, she gets a visitor from a ghost. And it is a ghost, no matter how real the hand against her cheek or the lips on her forehead feel. It whispers that things are going to be ok, that they're going to fix things, that she just has to keep quiet and wait.
Tara's been doing a lot of that recently.
Ghostface attacks start again. It makes Amber agitated. She looks at Tara accusingly sometimes. Tara just stays quiet, sits at her desk and doodles. Amber doesn't let her use the internet anymore, so she entertains herself the old-fashioned way, with paper and a pen. Mostly she draws her sister, lines shaky and weak, pen barely gripped in her still bandaged hand.
It's one of the rare times Amber's out when she turns at a noise and finds Ghostface standing in the doorway. She should be scared, she thinks. Instead, she just feels relief as they walk up to her.
But instead of a knife in the gut, it's a hand on her cheek and gloved fingers stroking behind her ear the way her sister used to do when she was young.
Ghostface whispers about plans.
"I have plans too," Tara chokes out, voice hoarse with disuse.
Tara starts to talk to Sam a lot once she's alone, regardless of whether the apparition is there or not.
One day, Amber catches her, demands to know who she's talking to. She only gets angry when Tara responds Sam. She rips the drawing from her hands, tears it into pieces and throws the remains in Tara's upset face. She screams that Sam is dead, that Tara killed her and that she's never coming back. That she has to get over it.
Amber never expects to hear the modulated voice from behind her.
"I think you're the one that has trouble letting go, aren't you Amber."
Amber lashes out, pushing Ghostface back. She grabs Tara's arm and yanks her from the room. They make it down the stairs, but the door is locked. It won't open. Why won't it open?
"I think the time for games is over, don't you agree?"
Amber can't believe this is happening; who the fuck is this, what do they want? She tries the back door. Locked. Tara stands right where she left her, unconcerned. She has something to do with this, doesn't she? Of course she couldn't trust her. She should have just killed her in the first place. She would always be Amber's forever, then.
Amber retrieves one of the guns she keeps hidden in the house as Ghostface descends the stairs. Amber pulls Tara behind her.
"It's over, Amber. Did you really think you would get away with it?"
"Fuck you asshole, you don't know who you're messing with," she screams. She doesn't miss the sound of the doors unlocking, the sight of two figures with their guns raised entering from each exit.
She looks between the two of them, outraged. "What the fuck is this?" Nothing is going according to plan, this is all going wrong. She wasn't prepared for this.
Ghostface removes their mask.
She wasn't prepared for this.
Sam fucking Carpenter stands before her, still alive.
"It's over, Amber," she repeats.
"Like fuck it is," she responds, enraged. She grabs Tara's shoulder, pushing her forward and digging the gun into the side of her head. She ignores the detectives as they speak to her, her eyes never leave Sam's furious ones. This is between them. It's always been between them.
"There's no way for you to win this," Sam quietly declares. "Maybe not," Amber answers, "but I can make sure you don't win either."
She spins Tara around, Amber wants to be the last thing she sees. Not Sam. Amber.
She doesn't recognise the eyes staring back at her. They're empty, no emotion. Tara used to adore her. Where is that now?
Amber clenches her jaw and pulls the trigger.
She feels bullets tear into her body, no bulletproof vest this time to protect her. The last thing she sees before she closes her eyes is Sam's distraught face, crying.
"Was it worth it?" Sam asks her from the other side of the window. "Is this the future you dreamed of?"
Amber scoffs. Sam knows her answer. She's only here to torment her.
"I don't recall inviting you."
"Yeah, well, who else was gonna come? Tara? You know that's never gonna happen."
"What are you doing here, Sam?"
"I want to know why. Why Tara? Why not someone else, anyone else."
Amber laughs into the com. "Because it was easy," she declares. "She was so pathetic. Begging for attention, for someone to love her." She delights in the way Sam's fists clench, how her jaw twitches. "She was mine."
"Then why would you hurt her?"
"What are you, my therapist? I didn't want to share her, it's as simple as that."
"Now you don't have her at all."
Amber glares back at her, but she doesn't respond. Sam wants a response, she won't give it to her.
"I do have a message from her though," Sam says, standing up and preparing to leave. Amber watches her cautiously, she can't let her know how desperate she is to hear what she has to say.
"She says get over it."
Sam walks away. She doesn't need to see Amber to know her reaction. She can hear the banging on the window, the way she screams her name. It's satisfying, she wishes she could stay longer, to rip apart every notion that girl has about her sister, but Tara's due to be released today, and Sam can't keep her waiting.
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doukeshi-kun · 8 months
I infinitely hate what the anime did with Nikolai, Fyodor's stupid and ridiculous death and even the collaboration with Skk. I think the only thing I liked in the entire chapter was Fukuchi (sort of, I couldn't empathize with him), Teruko, and Fukuzawa. But the rest leaves too much to be desired. Moments like Aya saying goodbye to Bram felt so empty, others where we SHOULD have felt tension just felt flat. I love Skk, but the way they tell you that everything was an assumed plan???? DO YOU WANT TO MAKE ME BELIEVE THAT THE DEMON FYODOR ATE THE STORY OF A VAMPIRE COSTUME? This seems very insulting to the character. The only thing that keeps me calm are two things; The first is that the manga can still go in a different direction, that even if it didn't, Asagiri would do a 100 times better job than that shitty chapter. The second thing is that they tried too hard to show you that Fyodor is dead, it's even ridiculous at some point to think about it. I mean, they stabbed him maybe in a vital organ, he has poison in his system, they crashed his helicopter and then it exploded. THAT SOUNDS TOO RIDICULOUS. I don't know if it's because Fyodor is my second favorite character, but I feel like he was taking a quick and easy route to do that to her. They're definitely going to pull the typical "I didn't really die, this just happened..." card. On the other hand, the way he acted seemed very pathetic and anxious to me. I'll say it again, I don't know if I'm misunderstanding his character or what, but it all felt very out of place. Another point I loved and hated was Nikolai's reaction. I have the problem that Nikolai is my third favorite character, so I don't know if my love for him and Fyolai blinds me in trying to understand his character but I feel like his reaction could go that way, but maybe a more subtle way. . . . shape? I don't know, it felt a little ooc. Although I have to admit that he devastated me to see what the anime did to him. Another thing that bothered me was when he mentioned that they spoke very little, I feel like they let him relapse more, it's a kind of obsession, I felt like it was very superficial (? It's true that they never specified until now how long they knew each other. I don't know if I'm partially blinded by the fact that I like Fyolai, but I always had the feeling that they talked more than a few times. Surely Fyodor used his words to get Nikolai to join DoA. but I feel like he is able to understand Nikolai, What's on his mind, who he is. I have a feeling that being who they became was more than just talking a couple of times. And now I write this with all the fury in the world. I'm also starting to think that according to the Fukuchi's words, Fyodor was the one who made the plan, who had to send him to a high security prison in another part of the world so that he wouldn't interfere. ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME LIKE THIS AND A VAMPIRE COSTUME ENDED UP LIKE THIS STUPID? I don't know, Every moment of the chapter seems done without enthusiasm. I didn't feel it or it felt boring, too rushed. I hate what they did, especially as I already mentioned, to Fyodor and Nikolai, even to Dazai, although I really don't like him. And I guess it's just me, but I really wanted to know what happened to Sigma. They practically left it lying around and forgotten. It's obvious that Sigma isn't going to die anytime soon, but Fyodor isn't an idiot and probably stabbed him somewhere deadly. He surely he must be trying to process a lot of information too incomprehensible for any of us, I NEED SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING. I don't really like what the anime did with Sigma, I don't know if it's because that character touches the most sensitive fibers of my heart, positioning himself as my first favorite. I feel like they could have done more with all the characters, and I don't even want to think about how they skipped important panels in the last two seasons like Nikolai's reaction to hearing Fyodor, the Tachihara panel, or how they gave a different take on scenes. like Akutagawa's smile.
And yes, it should be noted that I don't even speak English because anger plus my elementary school English must make everything read strange. I'm sorry.
I sincerely hope Asagiri fixes all of this. And this is an aside, but I feel like I didn't understand Fyodor and Nikolai as characters, I also feel like I didn't understand the strange friendship they had.
hi, first of all, don't worry about the english!
i do think the ending could've been done so much better. i kinda have the idea on what's going on with fyodor and nikolai's friendship but i am not sure if i understand them clearly since, well, the only character i'm in too deep is nikolai.
i hope all of these confusions will get answered in the manga tho. like, the strange note sigma got, what'd happen with sigma and nikolai after all of this. most importantly i actually hope chuuya is still infected with vampirism and not just any cosplay because i feel like his interactions with dazai while he's out of control with his own mind brings more depth and tension to their dynamic.
also, bones have been rushing things, sure, but this ending feels unjustified. regardless, i hope everyone can move on and cope because i am coping for something else entirely on jujutsu kaisen lmfoa 💀 let's wait for next chapter to see whether we'll go through a different path or not
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earth-93 · 4 months
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[file data =
Main Alias/Moniker: Hulk
Legal Name: Dr. Bruce Robert Banner
Other Aliases: Doc, Big Guy, Hulkster, Greenfoot, Jade Jaws, Green Giant, Shrek
Date of Birth: May 19th, 1975 (Age: 30)
Status: Alive
Species: Human Mutate (Gamma Mutate)
Sex: Male
Gender: Cisgender
Height/Weight: [Bruce] 5'8'' (173cm) / 125 lbs (57kg); [Hulk] 7' - 8'5'' (2 - 2.5m) / 1,150 - 4,000 lbs (680 - 1,815kg)
Hair/Eye Color: [Bruce] Brown / Brown; [Hulk] Black / Green
Timeline (1975 - 1985): My past with Bruce aside, I don't think you need me to tell you that most of what's been written about the Hulk is bull. Nothing but conspiracy rags that make parsing the fact from the fiction even harder (If I were a more paranoid type, I'd say it's on purpose. I wouldn't put it past Ross or SHIELD to keep the public on their toes about Bruce, no matter how much good press he gets. I'm just as biased as any other guy, but I'm biased in the sense that I was just some kid that a so-called monster tried to help. Do with that what you will.
Bruce has said that his earliest memory was being pulled out from a car wreck by his dad during a rainy night. Brian Banner went back to get his wife, but by then the car had sunk so deep into the muddy earth that he couldn't find the strength to pull her out. That moment was totally where Old Man Banner's obsession with strength first came from. Once the media got a hold of the Hulk's identity, a lot of those write-ups loved to embellish Bruce's childhood. Don't get it twisted, Brian Banner wasn't the Devil, but he was a mean sonuvabitch. He would at least have his stepmom Rebecca in his life, once the Banners moved to New Mexico. To this day, Bruce still thinks of her fondly.
Brian himself was almost never home, instead toiling away at his gig at Desert State. See, Brian Banner was a physician with a specialty in glands. After he failed to pull his first wife out of that wreck, he became fixated on the theory of "hysterical strength." You know those stories you hear about moms being able to lift whole cars to save their babies? No scientist has ever been able to square away how and why that happens, but Old Man Banner was hellbent on being the one to crack it. When the higher-ups are Desert State shot down his research, he decided to keep going at home.
Timeline (1985 - 1991): To this day, Bruce has never said what really went down that night. As far as I know, his mind just blocked it out. I have my theories, but if I'm resorting to speculation I'm no better than one of those rag pieces. All I know for sure is what was put on the police report: The morning after a nasty storm, authorities swept through the Banner household smashed up, Rebecca beaten to death, and Bruce left in a shock in the same room as the body. A few days later, Brian was found in the middle of the desert, naked and hysterical. He was charged with murdering Rebecca and was given life.
Another misconception about Bruce is that his anger issues only came about once he went green. What he went through, that's where it all started, and you don't even have to trust me on that. His aunt and uncle would back me up, since they were the ones who took Bruce in. Back then, Bruce was unresponsive, quick to anger, and would throw a fit if he ever felt cornered or too agitated. He wasn't too responsive to treatment at first, either. What turned it all around for Bruce was his cousin, Jen. She was born a year before his aunt and uncle took him in, and even though they did their best with him, they had understandable worries about Bruce being around Jen. He says this is what first made him try to take treatment seriously. Earning that trust from his aunt and uncle. To this day, the two see each other more as siblings than cousins.
He put a lid on his anger issues, but Bruce's social skills never really picked up. His brains, though, they never seemed to stop growing. So when he got an in at the Tomorrow Academy across the country, his aunt and uncle couldn't see a downside. I have my theories Ross had his eye on Bruce all the way back then because of who his old man was, but I can't back that claim--yet. Even if I can't make a direct connection, Ross still definitely had his finger on the place. That meant having an extended stay in New York, and his kid popping in the Academy from time to time. That's how Bruce first met Betty. In spite of himself, Bruce managed to strike something up with Betty, and they kept in you well after the Academy's shutdown. Even when Bruce had any school in the world to nab his PhD, he went with NJIT so he would be closer to Betty. Neither of them could have imagined this would seal Bruce's fate.
Timeline (1991 - 1998): Betty was in Jersey because she was one of the first recruits for the newly-minted SHIELD Comm School. She wanted to keep up the family military tradition by getting into spy work, but even back then she was a sleuth at heart. Case in point, when she and Bruce got close enough he started opening up about his past, Betty couldn't just leave it be. I don't know if it was empathy to help Bruce get closure, or just a fixation on solving a mystery. Whatever it was, Betty put together an investigation on what Brian was researching before he killed Rebecca and showed it to Bruce.
In turn, a switch went off in Bruce when he poured over his old man's work in hysterical strength. Like father, like son, Bruce became obsessed with finishing his old man's work to tap into the hidden strengths that all humans have. SHIELD was either desperate, or Bruce made one heckuva pitch, because in no time at all a new Super-Solider project was in the works. The ink on Bruce's pHd wasn't even dry before a base in the desert was installed to further explore his theories.
Call it trauma, shame, fear, or even some lingering loyalty to the powers that victimized him, but Bruce has never come clean about what went down at Project Gamma. From what I personally know, their experiments went well past any ethical boundaries. A young man looking for some closer was quickly finding things spinning out of his control, that's a lot on your conscience. And that all came crashing down on that one fateful day, when an internal sabotage caused a radiation leak, then a breakout of its test subjects—helped by a big, green giant barrelling through the walls and security for them.
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bloodyshadow1 · 7 months
just some negatives and nitpicks about Scott Pilgrim takes off. The show is still great, but I need to get these out of my head to enjoy the show fully. It's just a me thing. Ignore if you're not interested, but if you're curious you're welcome to look under the read more
First off, I know the limits of what they had, they only had 8 eps, that's all they could do, but I'm still going to complain about somethings that couldn't really be changed in that regard.
I think the other members of Sex-bob-omb were underutilized. I completely understand why, but I feel liek they moved on from Scott's death really quickly and it would have been nice to see them team up with Ramona throughout the series instead of just the second half,
I think some of the evil ex's, at least Roxie and Lucas, were underutilized too. Roxie and Lucas were the only members of the league who I have sympathy for and they are the only ones that seem like they got real closure with her. I know Lucas shows up in the episode where he becomes Gideon/Gordon's bro, but Roxie disappears until the climax. I think the two of them should have stayed and maybe helped with Ramona's quest to find Scott as part of their stories. They just kinda get closure and go. Having them turn around and actively help Ramona is different than just moving on.
Which leads me to my next negative, we still don't really see the relationships between members of the league which I think is a shame. I get that they're not friends, barely even allies, but still, if you're going to reimagine the story, why not delve deeper into the relationships between the ex's. we know Lucas and Todd don't like each other since Lucas became an ex because Ramona left him for Todd, but that's it. Gideon and Lucas' bonding moments in the show were some of the best, and it would have been nice to see more interactions even if they're negative. They just kind of see Gideon get deposed by Matthew and then barely even interact. There's not any interaction in the comics either, I just think it's a waste
Even though it's set up for Ramona to get closure with her exes while investigating them for Scott's disappearance but she really doesn't. Gideon is deposed and moves on with Julie, Matthew took the rejection as well as you would expect but moves on by running the company he took from Gideon and finally becoming a theater star, Todd moves on from Ramona to obsessing over Wallace and is more depressed over getting dumped than he ever seemed to be with Ramona, and Scott comes back before she even investigates the brothers. I'm not sure if she even has a conversation with the brothers, they just move on because of future knowledge and that's it. I really liked how she was able to heal with Roxie and Lucas to the point of wanting more, while the others are just suspects if that and then she leaves them. and it just feels like a waste
Wallace... he just seemed to be a one note character in the series and that note is just about every mean gay man stereotype. He gets around, which isn't an issue since he's like that in the comic too, but his fling with Todd just seems unnecessarily mean and he doesn't communicate what it is until he dumps him. He's supposed to be snarky and sassy, but still a decent friend to Scott helping more often than not. In the anime, he's just mean and bitchy and it just felt unnecessary to me. Every one of Scott's friends moved on really quickly after his 'death' but Wallace felt more like Julie instead of himself.
Scott never really goes through the character development that he does in the comics. I have my criticisms about Scott as a character, but the one big important part of the series is him realizing he's a dick, that he's the hero in his own mind, and needs to grow up. He doesn't do that in the anime, sure he still fights and evil alternate version of himself, but he still doesn't really wake up to his own flaws, as much see the flaws in his future self. Which I can kind of get behind, but it still doesn't make much sense that he gets together with Ramona at the end.
this is the only one that I think is really controversial, but I still don't care about the relationship between Ramona and Scott. I understand that it's built into the DNA of the series and the franchise as a whole, but I still don't care.
Little nitpick to end on, but the sparks are a lazy way of writing and if they were in the original comic I would still feel the same way. They seem to be used as a signifiyer of true love, which is lazy writing in it's own way. Relationships are about growing and learning from and about each other. there's no reason to place such a significance on a first kiss. Yes I understand they're a metaphor for the spark you feel when you meet someone for the the first time, or kiss someone for the first time, but in real life that feeling will actually lead you astray and making it something concrete in universe just seems like weak writing to me.
I always seem to have more negatives to say about the shows I like than positives, but it's mostly because I think about the positives more while, the negatives are things that I kind of wish I could wish away or change for the better. Still, Scott Pilgrim takes off is awesome and again, highly recommend it
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
I've kinda seen some pushback to the idea of representation in media and I don't necessarily think it's bad to point out actual rights are more important than Disney's thousandth first gay character that's fine, but I've had a LOT of people comment on my works about asexual characters and tell me what I wrote changed their life-and it's always that phrase- because they now have the language to describe what they feel. I've had people who ARENT ace or aro comment that what I wrote finally made a concept they didn't understand make sense, or that the way I explained things was interesting and enlightening and I'm kind of a mediocre writer who hasn't written anything in ages.
Like idk, if reading something from a writer who is fucking around and only somewhat talented can genuinely impact someone because they've not seen anything like them reflected back at them in life or media I don't think pushing for representation in media is as "needless" as some people seem to think and caring about that doesn't mean you don't care about more "important" (although if you think seeing people like you in media ISNT important it's because you already have that representation or are privileged enough to not care if you do, in which case maybe pipe down) stuff. Hell, I even got a Facebook message ages ago from someone who found a comment I left in an ace group about QPR's and what they meant to me and how I perceived them and the person no joke said what I wrote two years before they even found it changed their life forever because they finally knew what kind of relationship they actually wanted.
So like sure, of course there's always bigger fish to fry them diversity in media (you know, like diversity in real life lol) but I don't think it's as frivolous as some people are beginning to act like it is. At least not if you're an aspec person it's not, I STILL don't see ace characters almost ever and I'll bet my whole everything if I asked a writer of a show why they'd tell me that EVERYONE has to be in a sexual relationship and characters that aren't won't sell and are boring- I say this because in film school I had a teacher TELL ME every character needed to basically be sex obsessed and when I pointed out a GREAT MANY CHARACTERS are not revolved around sex (Supernatural stars two brothers, I pointed out) and when she asked if I had love interests I was like ??? That doesn't matter- using my aforementioned supernatural example almost all their love interests die or get mind wiped because at the end of the day that's not what the story was about. So actually I think writers who act like that teacher need like 50 reality checks, and representation in stories isn't unimportant and also support indie writers you'll probably find more funky shit there then Disney anyway lmao.
And also even the asexual characters I DO see in media don't remind me at all of myself even if I appreciate the effort, but they never feel real or genuine and their sexuality doesn't get a lot of exploration so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I actually could use more media focused on characters that I can genuinely see my sexuality reflected in in a meaningful and narratively impactful way because I've got nothing.
#winters ramblings#todd from bojack horseman im sure is SOMEONES version of asexuality but i dont see ANYTHING of myself in him#great character dont get me wrong but not relatable to me on any level including our shared sexuality#sex ed got a bit closer with their brief ace character although maybe she got more exploration in season three or four??#the latest one i havent watched lmao. but being closer and having a moment wjere shes told shes not broken#while DEEPLY vindicating isnt necessarily all im looking for either#like i wamt a REAL character thats ace or aro or both thats written by people who UNDERSTAND what theyre writting#not just well meaning people who dont know what theyre doing its kind of tiring#also idk why theres no dating shows with gay men because reality dating shows are ALL ABOUT who fucks who and who gets together#gay men would be hooking up ALL OVER THE PLACE and the DRAMA youd think reality tv freaks would be SALIVATING#but no none of that lmao. just ru pauls drag race and thats great it is like its not my bag but people love it#back on yrack though the weord blowback representation is getting is strange and its VERY clear to me#the people writing those posts havent gotten dozens on dozens of messages from people like them who found their writing#and haf their life altered forever for the better because someone who KNOWS what theyre talking about wrote a character like them#and it opened doors they never knew existed. doesnt even need to happen with fiction either i had a friend i had in toronto#tell me the info i sent to her on being aromantic changed her life- THAT'S the phrase i keep getting thats TELLING- because it describefld#described** how shes felt her whole life but didnt have words for. how frivolous IS representation if im getting these messages?#not very i dont think if some rsndom indie fic writer who hadnt written anything substantial in years can change someones life#REPEATEDLY might i add. ive been getting a LOT of messages like this lately and seeing this new bramd of discourse latetly too#like maybe YALL have enough that you dont care anymore but speak for your fucking selves
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Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Hey there! I'm sorry for taking so long to answer, I've been away and only checked Tumblr in a rush.
Actually, I haven't had asks for a long time so this is really nice, thank you for the question!
Gotta say my top changes depending on my current obsessions haha but once I fall in love with a character, they stay in my heart forever.
Here comes my top 10:
1. Chu Wanning from 2ha/Erha (The Husky and His White Cat Shizun). Where do I start with Chu Wanning? I was never able to properly express everything this man made me feel along the journey that 2ha was. He is, imo, what makes the story so lovable and memorable, so unique. Cold and aloof but at the same time gentle, kind and eternally selfless, Chu Wanning is a dream character that changes the way you perceive things.
2. Lan Wangji from Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed - Lan Wangji is my first danmei love and has a special place in my heart. The fact that Wang Yibo plays him in the drama can only make his character more special for me because even though I love him in the novel, I adore him in the drama! Yibo's charm is unparalleled.
3. Kagome Higurashi from Inuyasha - my childhood sweetheart! So brave, smart beautiful and kind (she is, in fact, way too good for Inuyasha, I've always said that... but it is what it is I guess). She deserves the world! Kagome is the one who helped Inuyasha grow into a real man, make friends and become more understanding with people around him. Props to the best girl ever!
4. Eiji Okumura from Banana Fish - the definition of an angel boy! Eiji is to me what he was to Ash in the anime: a balm for the soul. He soothes everyone around him and allows them to be themselves without restraints. I loved him since the first moment I saw him!
5. Sunja from Pachinko - a female character that stayed with me for a long time after finishing the book. Sunja fell in love with Hansu - a proud and rich man who already had a family of his own. She was left alone with a kid, struggled and raised her children by selling kimchi on the streets of Japan (Sunja had one more kid later on with another man, pastor Baek who did what Hansu never dared to - married Sunja and formed a family with her). Throughout her journey, she never gave up and sacrificed many things for her family. She is kind, fierce, brave and unwavering.
6. Hua Cheng/Xie Lian from Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing - just can't choose between these two. They're amazing characters individually but together they're perfection! They're also my favourite danmei otp so far and I guess their obsession for each other only makes them more appealing. I adore how Hua Cheng respects Xie Lian's opinions and decisions even when he doesn't agree with them and how Xie Lian saw right through Hua Cheng and didn't misjudge him like everybody else. Once again: perfection!
7. L from Death Note - a favorite since childhood. Death Note has been incredibly dear to me ever since I was a little kid. I admired and was fascinated by L's intelligence and diligence, he was an unbothered king from beginning to end! His "fights" with Kira were legendary and made the story an unforgettable masterpiece.
8. Sam from Lord of the Rings - everybody loves Sam but let's be honest, who wouldn't be in love with such an outstanding character? I have to say Frodo is a close second fave from LOTR and now that I'm an adult and see things in a different light, I'm in love with Sam and Frodo's relationship. Who needs a spouse when you've got such homies? Lmao! They're both (along with the other members of the fellowship) the heroes of the story. Sam was especially dedicated and loyal and also said one of my favorite quotes of all time: "There's still some good in this world, Mr Frodo. And it's worth fighting for!"
9. Nana and Hachi from Nana - again, I can't choose between the two heroines of this iconic anime. They're strikingly different but compliment each other perfectly. And let's get real - their relationship was the best thing of the story. Sorry guys, but the girls got the upper hand in Nana! I loved Nana and Ren but unfortunately, their bond was very toxic whilst Nana and Hachi developed a healthy and happy relationship throughout the tale. Still bitter about the ending of Nana though...
10. Rukia Kuchiki from Bleach - another childhood sweetheart. Rukia made me watch Bleach and as a kid she was a role model for me. She's one of the best female characters ever created and I love her for being so brave, strong, witty, persistent and understanding. She's Ichigo's (the protagonist) pillar and strengthens him whenever he's down. As a young girl, I must say I shipped them together but nevertheless, I'm happy with how the story ended because Renji has always loved her (and protected her too, in his own way).
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theangrypokemaniac · 11 months
Part Two
Best enjoyed with a cup of tea and some biscuits.
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What I've explained so far is merely the intellectual portion of my hatred.
I don't think it's too much to ask for something to make sense and respect the history and laws of its own universe.
I haven't even started talking about my emotional reaction, which is somehow even more volcanic.
Little T.A.P. had what's known euphemistically as 'the artistic temperament' (nutter) and as such, was the most hardline, take-no-prisoners Rocketshipping extremist you'd ever have the misfortune to meet.
Worse than everyone on Tumblr, combined.
If anyone reading this considers themselves an obsessive, then no, mate, you're not.
You ain't seen nothing compared to my psychotic prime.
Glorious, it was.
I, but a simple, unassuming child, had a clear vision in life:
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I will kill anyone who comes between you.
And I wasn't one o' these wishy-washy 'Oh there's nothing there now but it has potential' dishcloths, I was the Real Deal.
As far as I was concerned, it deserved to ranked alongside the great romances of history and legend.
• Romeo and Juliet
• Lancelot and Guinevere
• Anthony and Cleopatra
• Tristan and Isolde
• Victoria and Albert
• Orpheus and Eurydice
• Nicholas and Alexandra
• Hero and Leander
• Heloise and Abelard
• Pyramus and Thisbe
But, you know, without the death.
Besides which, I had no internet, and no friends who liked Pokémon, so I sincerely believed I was the only Rocketshipper in the world, and felt it more intensely on top of the rest as compensation.
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And if you watch the early Indigo League in the view that Jessie and James aren't just destined to be in the future, but a fully-fledged, when-can-we-be-married legitimate couple, but it's never mentioned much because it's not relevant to the main story of Ash's quest, then it bloody works!
Suddenly you start thinking that maybe they want that one big heist so badly so they have enough to retire on and set up home together.
See talking about brings it all the bastard memories back and how they all died and led to nothing and now I want to sit in the corner and cry for the love that never lived.
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Imagine me, in such a state, watching this utter abomination, matching Jessie with a man, and it's not James, and thinking I would ever take it well.
I don't understand how anyone could.
The best (THE BEST!) explanation I have is that these writers, now needing to string it out until the final moments of Johto, realized they'd taken the romance too far and wanted to hold back, but did it in the most cack-handed, clod-hopping fashion, undermining it so the whole ship collapsed about their ears, from which it's never really recovered.
This team, after all, thought Tracey was a good idea, so how much could we ever expect?
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I'm not saying it died that day, as I still found things (the second film, by Shudo), but this was the first inkling I got that, well maybe it won't end happily after all.
And that hurt.
I should've seen it in Bad to the Bone, but this decision made the uneven writing far too plain, so how could I ever put my faith in it all turning out alright, if it's so dependent on an individual writer's whims?
What if the last-ever-episode was written by the wrong person, and it was left to his decision?
I dunno. Maybe the success of Pokémon went to their heads and drove 'em doolally, thinking they could coast serving up any old tripe.
Or they never wanted Rocketshipping to be so big, and deliberately set about a sabotage to put people off.
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After all, the dearth of shipping content come Hoenn, the first region after Shudo left, can't really be explained otherwise.
And everything beyond that is the most paltry, blink-and-you'll-miss-it table scraps, like Jessie touches James back for half a second and the fandom flies out of its mind about it because they're so deprived of proper nourishment.
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Then the supposed big stuff always comes with a catch that yet again chips away at their formerly established personalities, giving with one hand but robbing with the other.
I once heard someone defend XY063 (AND DON'T START ME ON THAT!!!) with talk of how:
For something shippy to happen, something anti-shippy needs to happen first.
We can't take one step forward before we've took a step back, so nothing ever moves.
In the present anyway. The canon gets ripped to ribbons.
Well who says it should?
'Cause I don't remember any price paid in the golden age of Rocketshipping. Back then it was just allowed to happen.
So what changed?
It can't only be they cut down on the romance to give it greater appeal to children, thus turning a bigger profit, as what do they think we were?
But here is where you start to see the almost brainless willingness to ignore all that's gone before.
Anything to keep it going, eh?
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The entire reason Jessie and James was special is because it's two kids adrift from the worlds they were born into where no one understood them...until they met.
You go by the original canon, and it's them chancing upon their soulmate, realizing it, and never parting from that day.
They was only ever going to be the other in their lives, and they knew, and IT WAS SO BLOODY BEAUTIFUL!!!
The idea there's one person for everyone is the magic material woven into all the highest dreams of humanity, and it made Little T.A.P.'s tender heart sing hosannahs to its holiness.
Oh, but yer can forget that now, 'cause it's all gone to shit.
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Turns out Jessie DID have one of them connections (honest!), but it was some other random knobhead named Darren who sniffs glue round the back of Netto.
Oh-ho, I bet Keats, Byron and Shelley are dusting off their immortal quills as we speak, keen as mustard to commit these wholesome snippets to paranormal paper.
Get this: she, apparently, knew Darren practically from the maternity ward, and spent her whole life with him, which is longer than her own parents lasted (supposing that bit of her past stayed the same, and I'm not sure it did, but anyway) meaning he's the biggest relationship of any kind she ever had, the one constant source of emotional support and companionship throughout her younger years, twinned with her as no one else ever could be (PFFT!!!) but he's never been bloody mentioned before!
And he's never seen again!
And he's got No Fookin' Eyes!
He's SO important, but he also doesn't matter at all, as them writers don't care no more.
James not only isn't The One, he ain't even The Two after Osstin got invented, and The Three is Darren part two, for Jessie's slummin' it for sloppy seconds.
James is well down the rankings of First Ever Love Evah in the modern configuration, which is nice.
And they just keep twisting the knife!
Pokémon Tech. is a school for Trainers, so first-year pupils must be at least ten, therefore I surmised that's how old Jessie and James were at their fateful encounter.
BUT she's evidently younger than ten here, so not only have they killed off her joint history with him, they've gotta mock it too by making out it couldn't even come close to the depth of dependency she had on ding-dong-merrily-on-high Daz, since they go way back!
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As I said, Jessie's established past is oblitered by this scene, but so too is James's, and now he didn't abscond from school to join a bike gang, and I don't know where he comes from either because Holy Matrimony! is out too.
If I'm generous however, and overlook that, presuming the 'rich kid' theme still applies, there's no telling why, when or how he ran away, but I'll guess he was ten when he did, for that's the traditional age of majority here.
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As the Training Daze version of events now takes precedent with everyone who isn't me, and those lauding it want to hammer yer into submission about how Duh Twenny Fyve, this makes a fifteen-year gap from James leaving home to swanning up at HQ, which is just an enormous black hole of cold emptiness.
Has there ever (EVER) been an episode dealing with what happened to him then, who he met, what jobs he had, how he survived?
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With Indigo canon binned (apart from the following, apparently, which is convenient), I'm supposed to accept that James, who wasn't just a small boy, but a preened, pampered only child and precious son and heir, fêted and catered to by a household full of servants, with no life skills or survival instincts to speak of, somehow scraped by on the streets on his own FOR FIFTEEN YEARS, with no Jessie to take care of him, or Chopper, or Tyra, or any kindly biker?
As if! He'd have been dead within hours!
Of course, he caught no Pokémon during this period either (being most of his life) and consequently had no form of self-defence to hand, but this colossal plot hole doesn't seem to trouble anyone.
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Who knows, maybe in this timeline he stayed home until the night before Giovanni snapped him up, which I suppose makes Jessibelle his own personal Darren in significance.
Except people never mind if, by default, every new Jessie backstory comes replete with endless gobshite wasters queueing up to give her Forgotten Major Trauma, but if James has another woman, and it's Jessibelle, there's hell to pay.
Well no wonder she's miffed, staying with him for decades only to watch him walk out the door as soon as she slipped on the veil.
I reckon it's only the good humour of Vileplume that keeps her from tipping into full Miss Havisham mode.
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Whilst I'm at it, the art style of Training Daze is a bit...off, and doesn't resemble the rest of Hoenn.
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I suspect it's an imitation of how they looked in their earliest scenes, in fact the above screenshot is suspiciously like this one, even if they haven't bothered fixing the colours.
See? They can draw better. They just won't.
My theory is the crew knew retconning the past was playing with fire, so deliberately designed 'em as close as they could to early Kanto, thereby easing fans into accepting it, as if now it's obvious Indigo Jessie and James really went through the prequel, and were originally invented with this past in mind.
Yeah. Not that it makes sense, for if the Kanto style was that important to anyone they'd still be going by its canon backstories come what may, and certainly wouldn't have rolled over blithely accepting the mushed-up faces on 'em recently, but then, who really cares about coherent thinking?
It's so overrated.
And I can't deny it worked. People tie themselves in all sorts of weird knots insisting Training Daze ackshully does fit with canon...if you just shut up and stop noticing.
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Once that got through, in their view we'd swallow anything, so why even try making it match?
Who is this supposed to be, man? 'Cause it don't resemble any Jess I remember.
If this picture had gone round labelled as 'Young Nurse Joy' before Sinnoh, no one would've doubted it.
What's wrong with yer bloody eyes, love? They ain't even the right shape!
How can I believe a backstory that happened to someone else?
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Now I, being a calm, mild-mannered sort of soul, don't ask for much in life.
But he should die.
Incidentally, years after the fact I skimmed a Cori Falls story where Darren knocked Jessie about, and although I would never once suggest that happened (but it did) I can't say I have a single ounce of sympathy for him.
I mean, if he didn't want that sort of representation, he shouldn't have bloody turned up.
Please understand, I haven't relentlessly insulted him merely from a shipping perspective (die), but also with a fine artistic sensibility.
Firstly, he has No Bloody Eyes, which, logically, constitutes some sort of Shadow Dæmon, but more importantly, and much worse, is the brown hair.
Brown hair.
You're in an anime, and yer got brown hair.
Even worse ('cause it's personal now), it ain't even arranged in some ker-razy spiky display as compensation.
Oh no. He's too good for that. Instead Darren's got his barnet all nice and smooth, like a human haircut.
See what I'm saying?
He comes swaggering in here, throwing his weight around and upsetting everyone, and hasn't even got the decency to look the part.
Not even an inch of sideburns on this oaf.
I wouldn't mind nearly so much if we were dealing with some ultra-cool world-class titan, the sort of shining star suited to front any other anime, where you could understand Jess taking an interest, but I am not putting up with sticking this bog-standard, penny-pinching tow-rope, with his all-over even wood finish and cow lick, into her past without so much as a by-your-leave, and thereby casting aspersions on her character.
Just consider the insult:
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You're telling me Jess has gone from bagging herself James, who's not only young, good-looking, carrying the classic anime style, AND actually matters in the grand scheme with a massive fan following, because he's well-designed and interesting enough to pull a crowd (plus, let's not forget, HE'S FOOKIN' LOADED, MAN!!!) to settling (and come on, it's settling) for eyeless, bland background filler, who wouldn't even pass muster as a one-time guest character?
Yer can piss off!
Indigo Jess had some flamin' standards and wasn't gonna compromise 'em, but Orange Jess apparently has no taste whatsoever, and is just bloody grateful when any old slobbering air thief shows interest.
And I'm not 'avin it!
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See that's why she's on the floor. He hit 'er.
All I said about Darren being Jessie's main source of stability also applies in reverse, as she is that to him.
And still he effed off.
Arsehole. Complete arsehole.
What a classy moral-of-the-story routine this was for the romantically-inclined Little T.A.P.
'Used t'be Jessie crossed paths with her everlasting soulmate (James) and stuck it out through thick and thin.
Message: True love is real, kids!
Together forever!
No matter how long!
From now until the end of time!
Now? Oh yeah, she had a thing once, and thought it was the proper stuff, but...meh.
'Cause even after years together you just can't trust 'em not to leave.
Message: Never feel secure!
Not for one second!
You don't know what he's plotting!
Oh, kill the dream, why don't yer?
Let's not aim for something higher anymore, trying to convey the soaring ideals of love, so that, despite their misery and poverty, Jessie and James have a little beauty to cling on to through the darkness.
Nah, mate, kick 'em when they're down!
Thus Darren departs continuity, oversized coat and guide dog in hand, as Orange Jess sinks to her knees, pleading for his return.
Have some bloody self-respect, Jess!
You're so invested in a walking Cuprinol advert you're actually begging him not to go?
You like minimum-effort mediocrity THAT much?
And you're STILL sorry it didn't last?!
Fuxake, woman!
For if I accept it, I think less of her.
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There once was a time when our Jess pictured herself as an earthbound goddess served devotedly by adoring slave boys.
Ooooh. Some of them lads have brown hair.
They've all got curtains, perms and mullets, man!
That's the default setting of anime!
Being mere fantasy figures, they don't really exist in this universe, and thus I'm cutting 'em some slack, given this whimsy never buggered up canon.
They know their place.
But watching her debase herself like this, crawling across the scratchy nylon carpet, clutching at the tan polyester seams of Darren's best waterproof ensemble, really got my goat, as that ain't the Jess I loved and idolised.
Old Indigo Jess wouldn't have stood for any of that nonsense, as her lovely little speech in The Ghost of Maiden's Peak makes plain.
Oooh, but she's just trying to save face because of what she did in the past.
A. You're only saying that in hindsight, wanting to believe Pokémon has a solid continuity where both Barren Darren and Austin Powers fit, even when it's impossible.
B. Where's the evidence for this in original canon?
C. There's nothing wrong with learning from others' mistakes instead of going there yourself.
D. Orange Jess evidently doesn't regret it, what with telling us all about sinking so low she's hankered after Spirits From The Nether Realm, and giving it good woe-is-me in the aftermath.
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Back in the first series, all the fellas Jessie wanted waiting upon her had James's lean physique, with the majority sporting some variation on his hair colour.
Is it really just a coincidence that since then, none of her supposed beaus look remotely like him?
Each one has either brown or dark grey hair, making 'em as boring as possible:
• Darren
• Aston Villa
• Dr. Shite
• Speccy in the Lucario film.
• Him from Mewtwo Returns, whatever his name is, the sub says Penicillin.
So the art department's going out of its way to tell us:
1. James is NOT Jessie's type.
2. She has really low standards, yet he STILL doesn't meet 'em.
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Now Darren doesn't really matter too much, since everyone else who hasn't been nursing a grudge for two decades forgets him.
Even I don't care until he comes up in screen shots.
Osstin however is the real shithouse.
He gets an entire bloody episode nurturing his canon balls.
See here's where the slippery slope knocks yer down:
• Make Team Rocket look Indigo for Training Daze.
Once accepted, don't bother letting Jess resemble herself in Crossing Paths!
• Introduce other men in a minor flashback.
Now the past is broken, have whole episodes pissing on its memory.
And how the quality has sunk in the meantime.
Darren, whilst a massive step down from James, is at least reasonably masculine, and probably as attractive as shape-shifters get.
Osstin meanwhile...
I'm gonna ignore the brown barnet, being a tangle of jagged edges, evidently over-compensating for what lies beneath.
'Cause he is ugly, man.
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Jessie's tastes have degraded so badly they've slipped into the perverse, juvenile blood throbbing at the sight of a squeaky, short-arsed four-eyes barely bigger than herself.
Why, God? Why do you curse me?
James was a wealthy effeminate fop, in his day, Darren was a normal, middle-of-the-road incubus, in his day, both of which are a sight load better than whatever this is supposed to be.
You want me to believe Jessie's gone from either of them to a squinting, emasculated and vertically challenged dweeb, fogging up at the mere sniff of Reddit and SY-UNCE, and truly hideous to behold?
She left Darren for him, did she?
Takin' liberties here!
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Remember it, tho?
Back when she was taking expensive dance classes in an unspecified region paid for by her indulgent moneybags parents with those familiar best friends of hers?
You know, that pair we keep seeing on the road.
Never not on our screens, are they?
I'm sick of hearing about 'em.
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It's always Jessie getting dumped, you notice. Never her kicking the useless sod to the kerb, realizing she can do better.
Nope. Only James is low enough for that.
But do they really expect me to still love and admire Jessie, look up to her even, as I once did, when now I'm told she's so pathetic even nerds don't want her?
Oh, you're sorry this didn't work out, are yer Jess?
You're crying because you didn't marry the gormless incel and birth a dozen bi-focal babies?
Just look at yerself, girl!
Worse, Darren left her when they were reasonably grown-up, about the age she was in the Orange League, meaning if it happened (which it didn't) it had to be not long before Kanto began, so I might understand her still being upset over a man she'd known since childhood, supposing I did believe it.
BUT Osstin buggered off when she was at best, about bloody eleven, and so they had no romance in the first place, yet she's still moaning about The Geck That Got Away well into Sinnoh, meaning she regrets losing him more than Darren!
You're rapidly going down in my estimation, Jess!
Of course, the irony is James morphing into said revolting breed of 'male' in the later eras, so by rights Jessie ought to be on him like a pigeon on Monster Munch.
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I marvel at anyone who kept their Rocketshipping hopes up this long, given just how many warning signals the writers put out over the years.
Nothing blatant, obviously. They're not stupid.
Even the quote above quietly kills off any hint of Jessie and James's then-relationship, and as usual with retcons, once said, you're expected to apply them to the past and pretend it was always this way.
No one loves Jess, kids!
And certainly not James!
All that Indigo evidence was just in your head!
There's never a positive reflection of her being glad she met James and Meowth, that these various conflicting pasts led to them, and so it all worked out in the end.
Every time she bemoans a 'lost love', it's a tacit admission she wishes she was anywhere but here, and with anyone but them.
Anyone but James, in truth.
Oh, that's cheered me right up.
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How miserable she looks.
If nothing else proves Holy Matrimony! is out of continuity (barring bits of it, when useful), it's that her Orange League whining come after this scene.
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And this one.
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And this one...
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...When she is plainly in a relationship with him.
Jessie's first action after staring into James's eyes for an unnecessarily long period of time is to move closer and wrap her arms about his neck, for one of those entirely platonic embraces, no doubt, both so captivated by the moment they've forgotten Meowth exists.
But it never happened, did it?
They've always been Just Friends, haven't they?
See when I rule the world (it won't be long now), and people ask why I did all them war crimes, I'm gonna point 'em to THIS for setting me off.
The End
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wheneclipsefalls · 10 months
This 🥔 is the icon of ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🫂...
BABE—— Please, do not leave the credit to me only!!! Please know that you're one of the most amazing, talented, beautiful writer that I ever known!!! I honestly can't count the total of my fingers for how many times I've reread it again and again! Thank you so much for fulfilling my wish and desire to read an alpha x beta dynamic fiction work for Neteyam and readerreader❤🧡💛💚💙💜🫂
I'm not gonna lie. I was scared that you won't accept it at first. And here, I need to admit the hilariously long request of the first alpha Neteyam x beta reader is me too. I was about to dig my grave but, oh, your words lighten up me and part of my world. So, I decided, let me throw in another request that has more flexible for the writer, and thus, it came the great masterpiece of yours!!!
The fact there weren't many piece of alpha x beta dynamic in most of my favorite OTPs always left me sad. And I'm not a good writer to be honest, and I'm also not good with keeping tabs. So, there wasn't an official work of mine. Which is why I want to thank you so much for fulfilling a gal's dream🥺🥺
Speaking of which, I would like to gratitude my blissful happiness by writing a snippet of alpha Neteyam x beta reader (but different concept) I would likely throw in by still being 🥔 if you don't mind and would like to read it, it might take days, though.
Of all things happened, this made up my day when I thought it could be worse. Thank you for everything, Eclipse. And now, I can't wait more for the... Ma Neteyam series😌😎😏
By the way, since you probably be working it for a long time. I won't bother you in the very meantime, but I must tell you that I have one and another two tempting ideas that can be considered a second and third to alpha Neteyam x beta reader, but it won't surround to them (instead, it's Kiri x Ao'nung, Lo'ak x Tsireya), if you ever feel the desire to write so, just shout out to me. Sayyyy... 🥔!!! I'm saying this because you're the one I feel like possible to bring out this dynamic, and I trust you ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🫂. I would only briefly describe a bit of the concept too and the dynamic still totally goes with you❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Gosh, I'm seriously taking up to much space and words at this point. Even so, I sincerely wish you could feel my gratitude upon these messages. I'm not good with words, and there is probably grammar mistake, but it is all I want to tell you. Thank you so much for everything🫶🫶. And, do call me... 🥔 (honestly, it's the only thing that could never go wrong in any cookings and baking and snacking etc., unless it's in the wrong hands😱😱😱)
Bye, and have a nice day everyday. 😘😉🥰.
Oh my gosh HEY BABE IT'S YOU🥳! This makes me even happier that I was able to fulfill your request. Truly it was so much fun! I agree there really are not many alpha x beta stories in certain fandoms, but I guess that is true for omegaverse in general. I started writing omegaverse for Avatar just because I couldn't find many stories with the full dynamic and second gender stuff so it always makes me happy to see that I'm not the only one that enjoys it! (Honestly when I first posted Ma Neteyam I was worried people would find it so bizarre😅)
And YES! I would absolutely love to read whatever you write (but also do not feel pressured to do it just to make me happy)! You are seriously so adorable, bestie!😘 You're kind words are so greatly appreciated, they make me smile to big! Writing brings me so much joy and I'm just happy to get to share it with people 🥲, especially those that understand my Avatar obsession haha.
My request box is getting a little full and I do need to focus on Ma Neteyam for a week or so but you could always just throw it in there. It gives me time to let the idea stew and plot for it. Most of my creative process is me just daydreaming about different possibilities while I'm at work or school😂
(Your comment about potatoes has me literally cackling!🤣🤣 If I was told I have to pick one food only to eat for the rest of my life I would choose potatoes because there are a million ways to make them and EVERY SINGLE ONE is so freakin good!)
My inbox is always open for you, love <3 I hope you have the best day!
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heartofspells · 2 years
I need to go to bed soon so I’ll share the thing that I’ve been thinking about all day with you so you can take over and think about it instead: do you think James had time to realise that Peter had betrayed them when Voldemort came barging into their house? Or did he die not understanding that they put their lives in the hands of the wrong person?
(I find a bit of comfort in thinking that at least James knew that Sirius never betrayed them, even if the rest of the world thought so)
First of all, how dare? Is this what's going to happen now? Just trading terrible things back and forth? Yes? Okay then.
Secondly, why would you think this is a good idea? Have I not made my love and obsession of James Potter clear enough. Prepare your eyeballs for the entire coming dissertation. I hope you're proud of yourself.
Thirdly, I've actually thought about this before, and probably far too much. Soooo, here goes.
I don't think it even crossed his mind, not for a second. James was loyal to a fault, or so I believe, and I think he believed his friends to be the same. I think he was so deeply rooted in the idea of friendships and strong bonds that he was the only one who still refused to believe there was a spy in the Order, because why would anyone he trusted do that? Something else has happened, something went wrong along the way. Information was leaked by accident, or one of the dead had it tortured out of them. Because friends don't do these sorts of things.
I think James had an immeasurable amount of faith in the bond him and his three friends shared. Nothing could or would ever break them. When Sirius started having doubts, pushing Peter onto them as Secret Keeper, James never put stock in it, and only agreed because Sirius was so relentless, never allowing the matter to drop. I believe James sat in that cottage in Godric's Hollow every night still on edge because it's a war and they were in hiding, anything could happen, but so steadfast and sure that they would be safe because their friend was guarding them.
And I think, when Voldemort came, when James saw his face, if he had any mental capability left to worry and wonder about anything other than Lily and Harry, his thoughts went to the worse case scenario other than betrayal. They got to Peter, they've tortured him. Is he still alive? Is he safe? What have I done? How could I lay this to rest on his shoulders? He never deserved this, none of it. He's my best mate and I've brought horrors down over him. I'm a terrible friend, the worst sort. This is all my fault.
I think James Potter died thinking his friends were just as loyal as he always was, and that they all loved him as much as he loved them.
(and yes, that thought is a small comfort in the wake of everything else. but it also makes it all hurt so much worse as well. the entire story of the Marauders just aches so deeply when you allow yourself to think about it even the smallest amount. everything is tragic, from start to finish)
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mostlymalena · 2 months
Tuesday March 26th 3:26pm
Hello I know I know it's been some time. lots of spelling errors coming your way. I have started carrying around a little notebook so I can write down snippets of things that have happened so I can remember to write about them later. here we go
lets start with Saturday night. The usual group goes out and grace comes since we were close to getting back together (more on that later). We meet up with my good friend Ava at BP. Earlier in the week she posted on her story a picture of me calling me her crush as a joke bc we fuck off a lot and are idiots (love). This bitch Belle who I have hated since the day I fucking met her which was well well over a year ago.
Okay wait context: when me and P were dating his brothers formed a cutie little band and they needed a singer and idk I guess belle was friends with one of them but she joined. She always gave me shady vibes and they were reassured by her being fucking weird with P's brother while she had a boyfriend. Me and P used to talk the biggest shit about her and her behavior so all in all she has always rubbed me the wrong way. Well when she found out P and I had broken up (we were still seeing each other mind you) this bitch went full fucking speed clinging to P's dick. Posting him and asking him to hangout just the two of them, buying him things yada yada. Of course I bitched about it to P and he just amped it up bc it made me jealous.
So I have just icky vibes about her and knew they would hook up once P and I finally stopped talking. What do you know, rumor has it they do and no one is surprised at fucking all. Thank god I'm past the point where that caught me up bc it was sickening to hear about. Now it gives me second hand embarrassment. I feel like the first rule of thumb when you have a rebound is to make sure they are at least even remotely on the same level as your ex.
Anyways Ava posted me and Belle's fucking SISTER slide up going on about how I'm crazy and broke into P's house (no lmao just no) and yada yada. I wanna know if they all have so much to say why do you avoid bluepost so damn much??? yap yap yap on the internet and in my friends dm's and all ups and down town but cannot say shit to my face? Typical.
Can someone please let this 2 by 4 with eyes know that I am not a threat to her relationship with an AI generated line cook with 0 passion or excitement about anything that would extend past algebra and chess. Like please. Im so stupid to think everything was chiller. Legit thought everything was fine I was like like oh we both moving on that chill there is no bad blood lmao. WRONG> WREONG WRONG MALENA.
Also to me there is something about being with a man who is only not still fucking with his ex bc SHE moved on first. That just does not sit right with me. P came back from his trip ready to revamp whatever we had before he left and if I hadn't moved on (thankfully) while he was gone then we would still be swimming in the same circle. Whatever girl he has now or next or whatever he got going on that is not my business has got her work cut out for her. Lord have mercy.
I was really okay about it all but now I just feel like frustrated bc I do not understand why it matters much anymore. Miss me or dont but thats on you. Somedays I'm nostolgic about it somedays im not but im also never afraid to own up to my feelings or behavior. Im confused why men fuck with me and are obsessed with me bc im "different" "weird" "crazy" and "love that you dont act nonchalant" but when they cross me and I still behave that way THEN its a problem?
Mistakes are made when men think they are the exception and they never are nor will be ever again lmao.
I have soccer practice now so I'll have to write more later in the evening.
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sinclairscribbles · 1 year
The Scratchpad (6/5/23)
(This is a post from my personal blog of the same name from a few days ago, but because I'm a boomer in internet literacy I only posted it to tumblr days later...) Good Morning, Here is where the random thoughts go. I often find myself saying "This is a good idea" but never taking the time to write them down, let alone get them out there. Posts here can vary in length and coherence. It's mainly a way to put down the ideas I come up with, and have a timestamped day to when I first put them to paper. I'll try my best to make the intended posts understandable in concept, but with the nature of this it isn't always guaranteed. Enjoy!
Grimstone: A stone beneath all stone. It's surface is coarse and sandy, until is is rubbed where it becomes smooth like glass. It is a mythical substance with a storied history, used both by history's most profane and the unfortunate unwitted that stumbles upon it in the depths. When hit, Grimstone makes no noise, resists fire, and has some magnetic properties, making it almost impossible to break down into smaller parts. It is naturally light absorbing, and cool to the touch even in direct sunlight. It is also unusually dense, where a blank the size of 6 square inches weighs about 200 pounds. It's durability is noted to deflect the strongest blows, making it a sought after material for armor. Curiously, Grimstone can exist in other states, and can be broken down to smaller particles through great effort or magical means. Using it in a pulverized form it can transfer its light absorption and durability to a garment, or in darker rituals, skin. It is said that in lower sections of the depths it actually flows like water, and consuming Grimstone can impart qualities on those who partake, but none are alive to speak of the nature of these qualities.
"It was there, its darkness strangely twinkling against the comparable grey around it. My eyes could not be directed from it. All these years in the mine they all searched for gold, not knowing what lay just beneath. I rubbed my hand against it, thinking it to be smooth, as I could not determine its surface on sight. The weight and cold of it shocked me in how familiar it seemed, and terrified me in how alien I knew it to be. My fascination flickered against great fear, and I hurried away to plot my return for it." The Lyre of Grimstone:
An Instrument crafted from a legendary material. Its arms and body wiry and thin but holding immense weight. The blackness of it was encompassing, making the room it was in darker for it being there. When strummed, it makes no noise, its song moreso being felt, and its melody familiar regardless of the one playing it or how it is played.
"The eye failed to flee when he strummed that silent instrument. Great dread filled the room while his eyes lit up with glee. Terror and beauty were felt in that moment, for we all knew the song but not its name or why he played it, yet still all knew what it meant."
These Ideas came to me a few days ago, and Are more for use in a fantasy/ tabletop setting. I've been meaning to get into DnD, and hopefully can find some collaborators soon, as I have a lot of characters and ideas, many of which I'm sure will end up here. Not quite sure how to organize this page yet, but we'll burn that bridge once I get to it.
"The apathy towards creation does not imply an absentee creator"
I meditated on this phrase late one night a few days ago, and in that meditation I was not referring to the Creator in universum, but instead the act of creation itself. In my mind, in order for something to be considered "created" it has to be separated from its creator. In a sense, in order to generate something and to claim that this thing has been generated by you, it needs to be released from you, and you must become apathetical to its existence thereafter. If you are constantly doting on a project, it's not fully created yet, and if you obsess over it after its left you, it's a work in progress at best, or you are neurotic at worst. This statement does not mean the creation is hated or ignored, but is stating that there is a point where your creation is no longer of you, and only at that point can you claim it in any capacity to be yours. Truth be told its a little bit of a "duh" moment, but I thought the phrase interesting enough to write about it, lol.
"What will you do? Do what? You will."
I honestly just liked the phrasing on this, using will as a verb in the 3rd part. I tend to do this a lot, I'll repeat a phrase over and over and make changes or give it a different form or context to try and make something different. Repeat a phrase enough times and eventually something new will poke out at you.
"The ideas expressed here represent no one, as no one can fully represent their ideas."
Of course this is rich coming from a guy just posting his random thoughts on the internet, but I thought about this while watching this YouTube video regarding AI Philosophy. He references the disclaimer for https://infiniteconversation.com . Clark Elieson references how this disclaimer means to describe that the ideas created by that AI do not represent the ideas of a philosopher, no matter how much they may sound like genuine philosophical argument. Immediately I thought of how, generally speaking, no one really represents their own thought. Much like this passage and page in general, if you have a thought in your head, the act of communicating it is limited by something. Language, interpretation, intelligence, ability, all stand to muddy the idea you have in your head, and can never truly be communicated to another, as the idea only truly exists in your mind. From there it got me thinking of the old Idealism vs. Realism debate in philosophy, and in a way how that could correlate to AI in this context. If, like humans, the AI is limited in the way it communicates its thought in the exact same way as humans, does this prove that the AI is actually thinking, even in a general sense of the term? When considering that all of your thoughts and feelings have roots in things outside of and before you, wouldn't your ideas be an amalgamation of the things you have experienced? If the mechanics of thought are all the same, what is the real difference between AI philosophy and Human philosophy; more importantly, is there really a difference at all? Spooky stuff.
"Humans have less empathy for humans due to the scrutiny of humanity in itself. Empathy exponentially dwindles in the presence of doubt."
For this I am referencing the phenomena that documented in this article: https://brill.com/view/journals/soan/25/1/article-p1_1.xml . In this experiment, it was found that generally people have less empathy for injured humans than they do injured dogs, the only exception being if the injured party is a human child. I thought it curious and after a while came to the conclusion that the reason for this is because of the human capacity and capability to doubt. You generally would see an injured person as a victim of circumstance, certainly, but there is always the chance that the person was injured due to something they could have prevented, and thus you have less empathy to their plight. A child or a canine, on the other hand, is not nearly as capable, and thus it is more likely their injury was not directly their fault. Of course it is fitting to mention that human beings have a biological urge to protect children, but I would argue that this empathy stems more from perceived innocence and incompetence.
If you haven't noticed by now, I'm a big fan of alliteration. I promise its not how I talk, but I cant seem to help but use it in writing.
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Newsflash: Dazai cares for Chuuya
Before reading any further, I will be talking about stormbringer, so spoilers ahead!! Translation credits go out to: @popopretty on tumblr, make sure to give this kind human some love and appreciation<3
Also if you want to read the first few chapters of stormbringer: @buraihatranslations is currently translating it, give them much love and appreciation as well, they deserve it!!
Honestly, I have been so obsessed with Soukoku lately and I think the reason behind this is because when it comes to Soukoku, their feelings for each other are not as easy to grasp as love or hate, it is much more profound than that. There is care, hurt, trust, resentment, companionship, bitterness, and consideration...And ironically enough, thats just the tip of the iceberg.
If we break down their individual feelings towards each other, it will be easier to understand their bond.
On Chuuya's end, his feelings are much more clear due to his expressive personality. He wears his emotions on his sleeves, he can try and hide what he feels towards Dazai but his true feelings tend to unravel easily.
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He sometimes tries to mask his feelings towards Dazai by throwing insults, but his facial expressions are enough to contradict what he is saying.
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Chuuya's feelings towards Dazai can be easier to comprehend. He obviously feels this certain betrayal due to the fact Dazai left the Port Mafia. Not to mention, he and Dazai have always had a rivalry relationship.
In the Soukoku wiki page, it is stated that Chuuya is aware of Dazai not experiencing a proper childhood, therefore allows him to act as childish as he can and lets him tease him relentlessly. I don't know how reliable this source is, but either way I think its worthy enough to add.
In the Dragon head conflict when Dazai was out of sight, Chuuya told Mori to forget about Dazai. That was until Hirotsu mentioned a microscope, Chuuya quickly realizes it was code language because he remembered a previous conversation where Dazai says he needs a microscope to be able to see Chuuya properly.
The moment he figured out it was a tracker, Chuuya did not hesitate to jump in and rescue Dazai. But here is the catch: No one but Chuuya knew about the microscope, if Chuuya really didn't care for Dazai he wouldn't have mentioned the microscope and kept all this under wraps, leaving Dazai in a mess.
Chuuya trusts Dazai with his life. He never hesitates to leave his life on Dazai's hands when it has to come to it. Chuuya and Dazai have known each other for years, for Chuuya to be able to trust Dazai that much is because Dazai also cares for him too, right?
The answer here is yes, Dazai cares for Chuuya. In a superficial level, it doesn't seem like Dazai truly cares, but I can assure you that he does care for him. Weather you like to think of his care in a platonic or romantic manner, the care Dazai has for Chuuya is undeniable and extremely significant for Dazai's character.
I think that stormbringer establishes this idea even further. There is one specific moment in this light novel that shows his genuine concern towards Chuuya's well being:
"There is one problem." Dazai cut off his sentence hesitantly. "It has nothing to do with the sucess rate of the plan. It is a matter we have to overcome in the end but... It may require some time to decide."
"What's with you?" Chuuya raised his eyebrows at Dazai. "Stop dramatizing it. Just hurry up and say it."
"I said earlier about this control spell to open the 'gate' that is used to reset the command inside Chuuya, right?" Dazai spoke with a strangely restrained voice. "If we use that, the logs of the command formula that were written in the past will be erased. That means...even if the memory erasure was used on Chuuya in the past, the traces of that will be erased as well."
"I told you before right, the memory erasure command. The only way we can confirm if Chuuya is human or not is to check the history to see if the memory erasure command was ever used. It means..." Dazai looked at Chuuya with eyes that he had never looked at him before. Those eyes were serious. "If we use that control spell, the method to confirm if Chuuya is an artificial personality created by a string of code, or just a normal human being, will be lost. For good."
The time had stopped.
Chuuya opened his eyes and looked towards Dazai but his eyes were not seeing anything. The wind blew between the two of them. Even so, Chuuya did not blink.
"Verlaine became like that because he was tormented by the curse that he was not human. That only is enough of a big problem. The matter of being human or not." Dazai looked at his pocket watch, gave it a glance and continued. "I can delay the time until the plan starts for about two minutes. I will send an order for my men to wait... You can think about it alone for a while. Cuz I guess its hard for you to collect your thoughts with me around."
Having said so, Dazai turned away and walked down the stairs, leaving Chuuya alone.
Dazai fixated in his pocket watch. Two more minutes. Too short for a life decision. But he couldn't afford more than that.
Inside Dazai's head, he was planning a procedure to swith to an alternative plan in case Chuuya refused, at a tremendous speed.
This section in stormbringer is personally one of my favorites, this is a very rare moment between both of them, but especially for Dazai. Like I stated earlier Chuuya wears his emotions on his sleeves, therefore even if he tries to mask his care with insults, its still painfully noticable that he genuienly looks after Dazai. Chuuya also sometimes show a vulnerable side of himself to Dazai, especially after using corruption.
Dazai on the other hand is extremely unreadable. Its hard to understand his true intentions and if he really cares for people or only sees them as a pawn. In this moment though, Dazai was being painfully genuine. Dazai literally prioritized Chuuya over the mission. He was already thinking of coming up with an alternative plan just in case Chuuya refused, obviously the sucess rate of the alternative plan would be lesser than the actual plan Dazai had in mind, he choose Chuuya's wellbeing over a mission.
In this section, Dazai wasn't throwing jokes or witty remarks, he was being serious. Because Dazai knows how desperately Chuuya wants to be human. He knows how important being human is to Chuuya.
Dazai wasn't manipulating Chuuya by giving him the chance to decide, we can see that Dazai was literally showing a lot of hesitation when mentioning this to him, we also get to see what Dazai was thinking, and we can tell he wasn't thinking about manipulative his movements in any way. All of this wasn't coming out of manipulation, it was coming out of pure care.
After six steps, Dazai reached the stair. He stepped on the stair and started walking down. Three steps down the stair, he heard a *clang*, a cool sound of metal echoing behind him. It sounded like the metal was kicked by the sole of someones shoes. The moment Dazai realized what the sound was, Dazai turned around in surprise.
There was already no one at the top.
Dazai was dazed for a moment, then he loosened his lips and laughed.
"Trying to act cool, huh?" Dazai smiled, both annoyed and relieved. Then he turned on his radio and sent out his order. "Chuuya has sallied, everyone get ready for battle."
I personally love this part so much, relief washed over Dazai the moment he noticed that Chuuya was going to go through with the first plan, which proves my point that he wasn't manipulating him and how Dazai was under a lot of stress because he wasn't sure if the alternative plan would be as effective as his original one.
Yet he still was willing to go through the alternative plan if Chuuya refused, because Dazai values him and regards his wellbeing.
Dazai was being surprisingly gentle in this section, he was being honest. There was no ulterior motive behind his actions here, just a boy looking after his partner.
"So i'm going to send an order to my men to prepare for action... Is that okay?"
"Of course it's okay." Chuuya turned to Dazai. "Why are you asking me such a thing?"
Dazai didn't answer right away.
That was an unusual expression. It's like he was trying to say something, but he had to arrange the words in his head to decide where he should start. An expression he rarely shows.
This was right before Dazai drops the bomb to Chuuya about the memory erasure command. He was even asking for Chuuya's opinion on sending his men to get ready, this was the first time Dazai ever showed actual concern without masking it with witty remarks. You can tell that Chuuya isn't used to this.
And when you think about it, when Dazai and Chuuya have missions together, Dazai always uses corruption as a last resort and he always allows Chuuya to make the decision if they will be using it or not.
I personally belive that the main reason Chuuya trusts Dazai with using corruption is because The Sheep used to exploit his powers too much, but Dazai leaves the decision to use corruption up to Chuuya. Dazai understands the physical and mental toll corruption takes on Chuuya and therefore leaves the choice up to him.
Theres another section in stormbringer that I really enjoy, it doesn't necessairly show solicitude but I still think this should still be taken into consideration:
"You seem pretty confident that Chuuya is human, don't you?"
"I am," Dazai laughed with a sigh. "There is no way a man-made code could create such a personality that I detest so much."
Throughout the whole story, Dazai is more than determined that Chuuya is human. The main reason Dazai finds Chuuya so intresting is because of how frighteningly human Chuuya can be, because of the fact that he always wears his emotions on his sleeves, something Dazai rarely does himself. Thats personally a nice sentiment from Dazai's end, even when Chuuya struggles completely when it comes to believing in his own humanity, Dazai still can't help but see him as a human being.
Also I am aware that Dazai literally said he detests Chuuya here but he also sighed and laughed while stating this, showing us that he isn't being serious about hating him.
And its not only in stormbringer were he shows his concern towards Chuuya. In fact, in this following manga pannel Dazai is telling Chuuya that if he is willing to listen him, he will stage his own escape so that Chuuya doesn't get punnished.
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Honestly, if Dazai didn't care enough for Chuuya, he wouldn't have mentioned this to him. Chuuya didn't care enough to realize that he literally unwillingly freed Dazai which would get the pm mad at him, so the fact that Dazai is literally helping him out is no doubt out of care for him. If Dazai didn't have any regard for Chuuya he would've not staged his escape or mentioned anything to Chuuya, eventually incriminating him.
There are many misconceptions when it comes to Dazai's feelings towards Chuuya, people think that he doesn't care for him due to the fact that he left the Port Mafia, leaving Chuuya behind. But heres the thing: Dazai's intentions had nothing to do with Chuuya. He left the organization for his own good, he left it to fullfill Oda's wish.
"If Dazai cared for Chuuya then why didn't he take Chuuya with him?" the reason is simple, he knows how much the PM means to Chuuya. In stormbringer it is shown that Chuuya feels as if his humanity is attached to the people he is loyal to, in this case its the port mafia. Verlaine wanted to get rid of the pm because he believed that the pm is what kept Chuuya's humanity, eventually making Chuuya believe that he is only human if he stays loyal to the pm. Dazai knows this. Thats exactly why he didn't take Chuuya with him or even explains to Chuuya why he left, he knows it would be selfish to basically rip Chuuya's sense of humanity apart.
I have a feeling that if Dazai told Chuuya about the real reason he left the Port Mafia, Chuuya will not only feel conflicted about being in the pm, but he would also have an inner conflict with himself as a human.
People also think Dazai may not really care for him because of the fact that after the fight against Lovecraft he actualy deserted him, maybe that part was truly just supposed to be seen as simple humor, but either way I want to talk about it. Chuuya's only request to Dazai was to take him back to base safe, so why did Dazai leave Chuuya behind?
I mean he has carried Chuuya back to saftey before with no problem, for example in stormbringer when Chuuya uses corruption for the first time Dazai carries him back to the billiards bar and not to the mafia’s base so that he could say goodbye to his passing friends.
The reson behind this is because Mori needs to know that unlike Dazai, Chuuya is absolutely loyal to him. Leaving Chuuya the way he did will make Mori believe that these two really are at each others throats and that Dazai is insignificant to Chuuya. Making it seem that for Chuuya, the mafia comes first before anything else.
Therefore Dazai established Chuuya's saftey within the mafia since not only does Mori want these two to be hostile with each other, he doesn't want Chuuya to eventually turn against him if he truly found out more about Dazai's true reason of departure. Then again, this isn't canon but it is a logical assumption.
Not to mention that although Dazai did leave him behind, he folded Chuuya's coat and hat before taking his leave. There is also an an extra chapter where Ozaki Kouyou was talking with Chuuya but when he left he forgot his coat, which made Kouyou came across the coat; where she noticed a badge sewed inside saying "Name: Hatrack", she smiled fondly thinking to herself that some things just never change, in this case, Dazai and Chuuya's bond.
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Dazai literally took his time to sew this into his coat just to tease him, it was a simple gesture but it shows us how their dynamic will never change. No matter what these two go through, they will always share a bond that consists on teasing, trust and underlying care.
All of this actually makes that theory of Dazai planting a bomb under Chuuya's car for the sole reason that the PM doesn't find Chuuya as an acomplice who aided Dazai on his escape much more feasable.
For Dazai to just plant a bomb under Chuuya's car with no motive makes no sense because if Dazai's true intentions were to simply mess with Chuuya, he would've most likely made it clear at that time. Dazai always has an underlying motive behind his actions, and in this case it is very likely that he did that for Chuuya's sake.
Don't get me wrong, I am aware that the bomb incident could've just been a comedic moment and I shouldn't look too much into it, but there is still a posibility, right?
These two hold so much trust and care for one another, yet they also hold a lot of bitterness and resentment. In the end the good aspects of their dynamic outweighs the bad.
Either you see these two in a platonic or romantic way, you can't tell me that their bond isn't significant.
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Thank you so much for reading!! I wanted to talk about this for a while because I feel like people misinterpret Dazai's feelings towards Chuuya a lot so I hope this clears up things a bit<3
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