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"Cloud Forest" • 5x7" • watercolor & ink
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Musashi #0634
Our beloved and traumatized Fire Son from Building Four. His closest friends are Kenshirou, Hitoshi, Jyugo, Rock, Liang, and Tsukumo. Is trying to help Jyugo find a real hobby, something he can be passionate about. No success yet.
Had a little bit of a crush on Kenshirou, which he confessed to when Seitarou first started trying to flirt with Kenshirou, but prefaced it with the knowledge that it's hopeless because he's an inmate. He supports Sei and Ken's relationship because he senses how happy Seitarou makes Kenshirou. Is constantly trying to pry more details out of Ken and enjoys making him get flustered.
Has decided to befriend Seitarou as well, and was surprised to be immediately and warmly received by Sei, despite Musashi previously teasing him. Ever since Seitarou made plushies for him of his childhood pet goats ("Socke" and "Steiffel"), Musashi has resolved to help him out by discouraging Cell 13 from bullying him or giving him a hard time. This is a recent development, so only time will tell if this will be effective or not.
Musashi teases the people he likes a lot, and gives the people he likes silly nicknames that end in -chan, but will go into very formal speech patterns if he senses that a relationship has been damaged or jeopardized.
Was volunteered to try teaching Nico how to read, and will attempt this once Sei and Ken have gathered together the right materials. Takes a bit of a "big brother" position to the younger inmates that he likes and tries to help them out and protect them when possible.
Is friends with Rock, Liang, and Tsukumo because he gravitates towards the combative types after dedicating himself to becoming Top Dog while in the prison system. Finds them to be a non-judgmental group of dudes that just want to get good at fighting for wholesome reasons.
Has a lot of mental health struggles currently and sees a therapist regularly. He's been through a lot, so that's not unusual. Has one of Kenshirou's old combat covers to sleep with as a weighted blanket, which helps with his nightmares. Kenshirou keeps him away from sharps ever since the "stapler incident."
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Seitarou Tanabata
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Has been working at Nanba for four years now, started at the very bottom ranks and made it to lieutenant in just four years.
Voted #1 Most Handsome Man in Nanba every year he's been here, and is always flooded with Valentines from "secret admirers" and the female population of Nanba Island.
Sews all of the plushies for the claw machines in the arcade room, and the prison pays him for each one. He's got a side hustle going that's fun and much appreciated by the population. Does clothing commissions as well, mostly cosplay, dresses, and yukata or kimono.
Has one older sister that he's very close with, one older brother that he's never gotten along with, and one younger sister that he's friendly with. Relationship with his parents is amicable but strained in a way that nobody will actually talk about.
He is a little nervous around dogs, mostly due to his inexperience with them. Is a big cat person, and has a ginger cat named Sora from when he was a kid. Sora is his sweet girl and absolute buddy, and is now fifteen and living with his parents (no pets allowed at Nanba).
Only finished just under half of his degree at college; that entire experience was derailed by his abusive relationship with now-Inmate 409. He has had some anxiety his whole life, but his mental health has suffered long-term because of that relationship.
Never got professional help for his mental health until Ken recommended it, and is now seeing Dr. Kimura semi-regularly. Is about to get a regular schedule set for his appointments and be prescribed medication to help with his condition.
Absolutely adores tea, has a huge hoard of it, and prides himself in being able to accurately guess what kind of tea any given person might enjoy. Also loves all kinds of cooking, even dabbles in western recipes and loves making sweets as well.
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Can you please draw either Seitarou Tanabata or Kenshirou Yozakura from Nanbaka? Whichever one tickles your fancy!
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As the kids say these days: simp.
Thank you!
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Distant Dreamlands — Submitted by nemethos-deamon
#995BB1 #603E85 #5C65AB #818FC7 #9EC0E3 #62A7CC
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the issue with writing for yourself is that you will get sucked into rereading your own fic over and over and pretend it’s “editing,” but really you’re just reading because it’s exactly what you want to read. because you wrote it. for you.
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Dr. Kimura
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(Using this picture because I'm pretty sure she's inspired by the Danganronpa character, but idk anything about that show, don't @ me)
One of the psychologists/psychiatrists that works at Nanba, primarily with the guards and inmates of Building Four. At Kenshirou's suggestion, Seitarou began seeing her for help with his anxiety.
She is kind, patient, intelligent, and professional. Works closely with Kenshirou for certain inmate matters and they have a solid professional bond of trust and respect.
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Hajime Sugoroku
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Supervisor of Building Thirteen, Hitoshi's older brother, and Seitarou's mentor.
Is one of the few people to treat Seitarou like he has any serious potential at Nanba. Is protective enough that he's given Kiji grief for trying to recruit Seitarou to Building Three, but firmly believes in his need to toughen up. Can recognize when Seitarou is having an "emotional episode" and will let him have some private time in the night duty room to compose himself, as needed.
He and Seitarou aren't friends exactly, because they don't really interact outside of work, but they are friendly and get along well, despite their drastically different personalities, worldviews, and approaches to life.
Wants to train Seitarou up into a very competent guard.
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Why is he me
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Houzuki Sanzou
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Close friend of Hitoshi and Seitarou, and thus a member of the "Pastel Pack." Is about to introduce Nijimasu to the friend circle, which will have its own set of consequences.
Enjoys tea almost as much as Sei. Dabbles in the kitchen, but mostly just in baking.
Doesn't fully trust Hajime; something about the supervisor has always struck him as "off" but he can't put his finger on what or why. He has not voiced these opinions to anyone but Samon, because Hitoshi and Sei are both very attracted to Hajime as a brother and mentor.
His relationship with Samon is currently in a stage of "dancing around the elephant in the room: part three of seventeen" of this very very slow burn, and I'm hoping to show little snapshots of their developing relationship during the course of the main story.
Many people look at him and think he's a soft pushover, but his qigong is incredibly strong. Underestimate him at your own risk. Will always stand up for a friend or his beliefs in his own, quiet way.
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Hitoshi Sugoroku
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Seitarou's best friend for almost a year. Founding member of the "Pastel Pack"
Is not afraid to use threats of what his big brother can do in order to get his way—but he knows there's a time and a place for that, in terms of effectiveness.
His closest friends are Seitarou, Kenshirou, Houzuki, and Deputy Ahato of Building Three. Is about to become friends with Nijimasu.
Loves everything cute, everything sugary, and everything idol. Cosplay is a big hobby for him and he also collects plushies. Will brag about Seitarou's sewing skills to anyone that will listen to him. Reads too many teen magazines and shoujo manga. Obsessed with Uta no Prince-Sama and reverse harems.
Had a bit of a crush on Sei for a little while, but knew that he wasn't Sei's type and didn't want to jeopardize their friendship. Still talked Sei into playing the pocky game with him a few times. They are super comfortable around each other, and will do chores together or hang out while one of them does their laundry, personal stuff like that. They have also shared a bed during a sleepover before, platonically.
Hitoshi is the biggest fan of Sei and Ken's relationship and will do anything he can to support them. But his loyalty is to Seitarou first, so if Ken ever messes up, Hitoshi is so ready to avenge his BFF. Seitarou thinks he's 99% joking when he says stuff like that. He's only 60% joking. He is fiercely protective of Seitarou and will sic his brother on any offenders. He'll try to, at least.
He's an affectionate friend and a bit more devious than most people realize. His innocent appearance tends to fool people that way. Is already planning his present for his first friendaversary with Seitarou.
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Kenshirou Yozakura
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Mildly allergic to cats. Deathly allergic to chocolate.
Of mixed Indian-Japanese descent. Mother's side is mostly Indian.
Values honesty, duty, discipline, integrity, loyalty, and honor above all.
Parents used to run an inn called Night Guardian and are currently retired. When any of his guard or police dogs retire, they are sent to live out their twilight years with his parents peacefully in a rural seaside town.
Grew up as an only child. Lost his right eye as an adolescent. Find himself wishing that he had it back so that he can wink at his cutie bf.
His first dog was a black shepherd named Roger that he adopted when he was fourteen, and Genrou Byakuya, his deputy, is descended from that first Good Boy. Kenshirou bred that line of working dogs himself with the goal of strength and intelligence.
Loves strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and red fruits in general. Loves the sweet and tart flavor combo. Mainly drinks coffee while working but also likes sakura tea, rose tea, and fruity or teas. When it comes to alcohol, he favors sake. He loves his meats and seafoods, especially loving squid and steak.
Is very involved regarding the medical treatment and wellness of his inmates. His number one priority is recovery and resocialization: making his inmates well and fit for returning to society when their whole sentence has been served.
Owns a record player and record collection of swing dancing music and jazz and a few other varieties. Samon broke it once, so he's forbidden from touching the machine ever again.
Is quite actively investigating Musashi's past, including the Man With The Scar and Elf. This investigation predated his acquaintance with Musashi and that inmate is greatly helpful with his research. He has not informed Seitarou of the details of this investigation as it is kept secret for safety reasons, but he may one day reveal the depth of the corruption that he's trying to uncover.
Is hopelessly honest and terrible at lying.
Is friendly with Hitoshi, to an appropriate amount given their work positions. They chat sometimes, and he is being careful to guide Hitoshi in good habits to keep him safe and make him an effective officer.
Once Ken stopped seeing Hajime as a romantic rival, he immediately became a bit less aggressive towards Nanba's #1 supervisor. However, they still have their differences. Hajime also continues to be tangential to his love life as Seitarou's direct supervisor. Will soon learn how to interact more amiably/neutrally with Hajime, especially with regards to Seitarou.
His closest friends outside his building are Samon and Kiji. Sometimes he dances with Kiji to help the queen break in a new pair of heels. Sometimes he drinks with Samon or spars with him. They are comfortable together and friendly, and know they can speak about personal matters if needed. Kenshirou and Kiji both helped Samon through the turmoil and depression that followed Enki's initial incarceration.
Admits to having a bit of an eye for feminine boys in the past, though he denied to himself that he was bisexual, as he is mostly attracted to feminine traits and until recently thought that just meant attracted to females. Has not told his parents that he has a boyfriend now, but is confident they will not take issue with this new expression of his sexuality.
His mother loves to sew and has made all of the covers that he wears. His father is a gentle giant, not unlike his son: intimidating in appearance, but kind-hearted.
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Tbh guys I've been reading and rereading this RP all month. I'm so obsessed with these fluffy boys and their story. I'm also so sad that I can't find any Seishirou content out there. Looks like I have to do it all myself.
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Going to make some Character Profiles for the True Colors cast, profiles that include not just relevant canon info but also the headcanons and events specific to this story. Just cause. Will probably make pics in Lily Diary to post with them but might also use canon art, haven't decided yet.
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When you’re just a former honor student, who has their own trauma, who is paying their debt to society, and now you have to be the emotional rock for an emotional, teenage prison escapee and medical experiment.
There’s no way in hell Musashi could have predicted this is what prison would be like for him.
He did not sign up for this.
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