#you know..the Wolf 359 survivors
webgeekist · 1 year
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Something always fascinating to me is the "character who thinks they're in a different genre" phenomenon. The theme of the story you are telling determines what the right and wrong actions to take are; but the characters, reacting in-universe to the situation, don't know what story they're in, and the exact same responses can be what saves you or damns you depending on what kind of story the author is telling and what the story's message is about what life is like.
In Wolf 359, Warren Kepler approaches the mysterious and powerful aliens with threats; he kills their liaison and tries to position himself as a powerful opponent. However, he's shown to be wrong and making things worse: his preemptive aggression is unwarranted and unhelpful and bites him in the ass. The aliens want to communicate and understand humanity and share our music. It's Doug Eiffel, the pacifistic (and kind of scaredy-cat) communications officer who loves to talk and share pop culture, who talks to them and understands that the aliens are scary not because they want to kill us but because they don't understand the concepts of individuals and death. Talking to them, communicating with them, understanding where they're coming from and and bringing them to understand a human point of view, is what succeeds. Openness rather than suspicion, trust rather than aggression. Kepler thinks he's a dramatic space marine protecting the Earth from the alien threat by showing them humans are tough and can take them, but that's not the kind of story this is.
Conversely, in Janus Descending, Chel is in awe of the strange and beautiful alien world around her. She wants to touch it, understand it, get up close to it. When she sees a crystal alien dog, she wants to befriend it, despite Peter's warning. But when she gets close to it, extending her arm in greeting, it attacks her and drags her down into the cave to try to eat her. This sets the inevitable tragedy in motion. Suspicion is warranted; trust will get you killed. Because this is a sci-fi horror, with a major running thematic reading about how racism and sexism will destroy your brain and your society, and how the people who think they're too smart to be prejudiced don't see their own prejudice and will end up ruining the lives of the people they still don't fully see as equals, this kind of trust that Chel shows this strange alien is tragic. However it is also a horror story where there are very real hibernating space snakes ready to wake up and eat the fresh meat that has landed on their planet, and by being too trusting Chel has accidentally introduced herself to one.
Kepler, suspicious and ready to shoot any alien he doesn't understand, would likely have survived Janus Descending; Chel, with her enthusiasm for learning about and meeting aliens, would have been a wonderful and helpful member of the Wolf 359 crew.
In a similar manner, in Alien, Ellen Ripley yells to the rest of her crew not to bring the attacked crewmember with the alien on his face back on the ship and into the medical bay, you don't know what contamination that thing might have; she's ignored. She tells them not to let the crewmember out of quarantine even though he seems fine; she's ignored again. Ripley is the one person protesting this isn't safe, we don't know what's going on, and she is consistently ignored, until an alien bursts out of her crewmate's chest and then eats everyone and Ripley is proven to be right and also the only survivor. (And it turns out that the science officer consistently overriding her protests was an android sent by the company that contracted them, and said android was given orders to bring the alien back so the company could study it and do weapons development with it, try not to let the crew find out about it, and kill them if he had to in order to do so!)
Ripley's paranoia and mistrust of the situation was correct, because Alien is a space horror and the theme is in space no one can hear you scream (also corporations consider you expendable).
Conversely, in All Systems Red, we have a damaged and almost-combat-overridden Murderbot being brought back into the PreservationAux hab medical bay after being attacked by other SecUnits. Gurathin becomes the one person protesting this isn't safe, we don't know what's going on, he doesn't want to let Murderbot out because it's hacked and probably sabotaging them for the company contracted their security and sent it with them. Gurathin thinks he is the Ellen Ripley here! He is trying to warn his teammates not to make a dangerous mistake that will get everyone killed!
However, All Systems Red is a very different story than Alien, and Murderbot is neither a traitor on behalf of the company to sabotage them and steal alien remnants for weapons development, nor a threat to the humans - it's a friend, it's a good person, and it wants to help them against both companies willing to screw them over. Trusting it and helping it is the right thing to do and is what saves their lives. Gurathin is proven to be wrong.
If everyone on the Nostromo crew had listened to Ellen Ripley, they would still be alive (except Kane. RIP Kane), because this is a horror story about being isolated and hunted and going up against this horrifying thing that wants to kill and eat you and just keeps getting stronger. If everyone on the PreservationAux team listened to Gurathin, they would all be dead, because this is a story about friendship and teamwork and trust and overcoming trauma and accepting the personhood of someone very different from you.
Same responses. Different context. And so very different moral conclusions.
Warren Kepler was about how the brash violent over-confident approach to things you don't understand is wrong, and that openness and developing that understanding between people is what's important; Chel was about the tragedy of trust destroying a Black woman who wanted so much to believe in a world that could be kind and beautiful. Ripley was about a woman whose expertise and safety warnings were ignored and brushed aside and everyone who did so died because of it; Gurathin was about how even justified fear shouldn't mean you make someone else a scapegoat and mistrust them because they seem scary.
Sometimes you're in the wrong genre because you need to be, because the author is trying to show how not to react to the situation they set up in order to build the mood and the theme they're trying to convey.
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kncrowder88 · 5 days
The other day, I was scrolling through Voyager and saw the familiar joke about Janeway, Picard, and the Borg Queen. It amused me, as always, because their interactions are interesting. But at the same time ... it has left this thing sitting with me in regards to the story of the Borg within Star Trek and how it was presented to us.
The Borg are first introduced to us in a Q episode, when Picard and his ship are tossed far into space (the Delta Quadrant actually) and exposed to dangers humanity is not ready for. That danger, at the time, specifically is a Borg cube. An entire section of the ship is just cut off and pulled away within the episode. Picard, ends up, by the end, asking Q to help them and get them back. The next time the Borg appear is "Best of Both Worlds".
Picard, at that point, is the face of humanity that the Borg know. Now, the Borg timeline in Trek is honestly a fun thing to look at. You do have the Enterprise episode and First Contact movie, this whole time loop that creates a sort of chicken and egg situation. But also, keep in mind ... the Raven - Seven's parents ship - has already been assimilated by "Best of Both Worlds". The Borg, at this point, have decided humanity needs a liason, someone to ease them into assimilation. And they pick Picard. We get Locutus. Then, after this, you get all that happens within the TNG episodes.
By the time Voyager happens, if you have watched TNG you have seen these episodes (Enterprise hasn't happened yet). First Contact is in 2373, Scorpion is in 2373/2374 ... these two events are within mere weeks/months/etc from each other. Yet, Janeway knows nothing about what Picard and Earth just went through. But, she was in Starfleet during Wolf 359, that battle was 2367. The USS Bonestell was her command - this ship was destroyed in this battle - memory beta says she was in command up till 2366. We dont know who was in command during the battle, for all we know it was Janeway and she is one of the few survivors of that destruction. Could be she just handed command over and the ship went off to battle.
"Scorpion" and "Best of Both Worlds" along with "Q, Who" are such vastly different means of bringing a character before the Borg. Picard is unaware and yet becomes a foil to them, becomes a focal point of the Queens plans. While Janeway, aware of the Borg - having learned previously through simply being part of Starfleet during those events, no matter how close she got to it -, is not clueless to this danger before her. She researches, reviews, looks over it all ... and then she offers up her own foil and focal point. The Borg Queen wanted a representative that could ease humanity into her clutches, and that failed her. Years later, Janeway looked the collective in the eye and said "give us a representative to ease this deal into success" and then she ensured it worked.
Janeway and Picard had two very different interactions with the Borg ... and honestly I will forever be obsessed with that (Janeway even willingly gets assimilated later on) and yet both of them are foils to the Borg Queen who will likely NEVER cease being annoyed that the two are still walking around Starfleet as reminders that resistance is possible.
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direwolfrules · 1 year
Star Wars Rebels + Star Trek: Voyager AU Part 2
So just some random things for this AU:
Kallus only leaves the aeroponics bay for the purposes of betting on relationships. Biggest J/C shipper on the ship, just beating Chakotay himself. He absolutely uses Zeb’s replicator rations for his bets, which Zeb allows because he’s a) not using them and b) glad that something is getting his boyfriend away from the fertilizer fumes for a few hours. Plus Zeb ships it too, it kinda reminds him of his first few weeks on the Ghost when Hera and Kanan tried to hide their relationship.
When Resolutions happens Kallus is absolutely insufferable. Imagine being a J/C shipper and only knowing that the Captain and Commander spent several days alone on a planet and came back with even more romantic tension. What happened on the planet Captain? Commander? I’m not saying that if Kallus found out about the bathtub that he’d have a stroke, but I’m also not not saying it.
Kallus also spends his time trying to get various crew members together. The Delaney sisters and their forays into the dating world are always entertaining. Tom and B'Elanna have that will they won't they tension that is just so delicious. Ensigns Bennet and Macormak though, they're his second favorite. He loves those oblivious idiots so much. Especially after Macormak keeps Zeb from running off ahead during a fight with the Kazon. So when Bennet dies, well, it shatters Kallus a little.
Hera and Samantha Wildman occasionally have girls nights. Those nights either Kanan takes all parenting duties (like Hera does when Kanan wants to hang out with his dad friends) or Zeb or Neelix watch both Jacen and Naomi Wildman so Kanan can also get some time away. Less often Ezra and Sabine watch the youngest Spectre, because they’re helpless in the face of Jacen’s lothpuppy eyes. One time Captain Janeway watched both kids and long story short both children came back with tiny command uniforms and breathe that smelled suspiciously like coffee.
Sabine and Ezra are both younger than the rest of the Voyager crew (Harry’s only older than Sabine by about a year but he’s clinging to that like a child clutching their safety blanket) excluding the literal infants. They’re basically the babies of the Voyager family, and the crew talks about them accordingly. More than once they've gotten separated from their fellow crew on shore leave causing Tom to run up to the local authorities and put out a missing child alert. No one (openly) finds this amusing except Tom.
Sabine figures out how to replicate beskar right before they encounter the Borg. Sabine hates the Borg. She hates them as a concept, hates them as a reality, just hates them. There's just something about an enemy that's able to so completely strip you of your personality, your individuality, that activates the primal fear part of her brain. Her brief mental debate if she should use her knowledge of beskar replication for the crew (it's sacred and not meant for outsiders) ends the first time she sees a crew member breakdown remembering Wolf 359 (I am making one of the background crew a Wolf 359 survivor, sue me). Voyager's crew has become family and what is beskar for if not to protect family?
Voyager gets beskar hull plates and bulkheads.
Tuvok, Ayala, and Joe Carey give Kanan advice on how to be a good dad. Naturally, it's all correct, yet they also all contradict each other. Tuvok's advice (based on what to do with telepathic Vulcan babies) actually works really well, which strengthens the friend part of his and Kanan's frenemies dynamic.
Ezra and Kanan (and to a lesser extent baby Jacen) set Q’s teeth on edge whenever he shows up. Unfortunately, this just seems to make Q show up more often. The Q Continuum has a love-hate relationship with Force sensitives because they’re living reminders of three Q who ran off to a Galaxy Far Far Away, decided to live as a creepy family, and gave some mortals phenomenal powers. No one wants to be reminded of their weird relatives.
I just want to say that at one point thanks to Q Hondo Ohnaka and Lwaxana Troi are on the ship at the same time. There is a considerable amount of chaos, fire, and firey chaos.
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helenthwaite · 1 year
In which I face the possibility of having to rename my hero
I have a knack for taking a nugget of information and spinning it out. Sometimes, as it turns out, with terrifyingly accuracy. So when Shaw mentions Wolf 359 and being an engineer, I made what I thought was a leap in logic but turns out was a small step.
Which brings me to my in-progress sci fi romance and the fact I changed my hero's surname to Shaw because I'd joined the dots and it'd be nice he gets a better end. Look, I know what he's like, but you give me a damaged character and I'll guard them like a mother bear.
Just ask Crais. *shrugs*
Anyhoo. Memory Alpha has updated and holy carp but Liam's backstory is parellel to Alden's (I steal fandom names like a magpie pinches shiny things) and now I'm Slightly Stressed, because I swear to glob this was accidental but no one is going to believe it.
(Incidentally, I wrote Baal being sweet-toothed before I learned that Cliff Simon took six sugars in his coffee. I have Form.)
My Shaw is not PIC's Shaw in character but the history... It's not exact, but it's close. Though there's one large and impactful difference, as we writers do like to torture their creations. But I can tick off the results in both columns: survivor's guilt, PTSD, impostor syndrome, a stickler for the rules (even when the rules don't matter) and danger avoidance (even when that's not possible.)
Leaving it could open me up to accusations of plagarism, but does a rose by any other name still stink? Are Trekkies going to read a romance even if there are stars and space battles?
So, I don't know. Right now, since I'm on Draft 0, I guess it doesn't matter much. Onwards.
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kleinhvidberg46 · 1 year
10 Awesome Minecraft Seeds For Xbox One
I'm here to discover the best seeds for Minecraft on Xbox One so that us console gamers don't feel at all. I came across some amazing survival seeds, weird seeds, and nearly every kind of seed a new Minecraft player could desire. These are the best seeds to use in the Xbox One game version!
Spawn near a beach that has numerous islands and biomes
Seed: -289973135
This seed has plenty of awesome little islands ripe for building your dream mansions or idols of your favorite cereal mascots or statues of your Great Aunt Bertha that extend into the mountainsides. This seed is a great option for anyone who wants to create amazing spaces and explore the world.
The main beach is home to a significant population of sheep, horses, pigs and other resources that can be used to start your own petting farm on the island. This is the reason why people enjoy this game.
Seed with 3 water temples and a village
Seed: 1152285461
At the spawn point, there are two water temples, and another one is located elsewhere on the map. The seed also has a bonafide mesa biome as well as a village. This is a fascinating seed that is worth checking out.
Location of Water Temples -
- X -263, Z 359 - X 137, Z 233 - X -250, Z 246
Excellent seed for success in farming
Seed: reaper
Minecraft is a great game that can help you increase your Gamerscore. It offers a variety of easy achievements that even children younger than 5 years old can accomplish.
This seed comes with a lot of resources that anyone seeking to achieve would willingly sacrifice his child's birthright for. To mention a few the three villages, two blacksmiths, strongholds near spawn, and a wealth of resources near the spawn. If you're looking to farm Gamerscore or simply seeking a balanced seed, you should check this amazing seed out.
Seeds with all biomes, mushroom islands and much more.
Seed: Duke Leto II
This seed includes every biome in the game and has some really interesting scenery to be a part of. It's got awesome lavas, massive snow biomes, islands of mushrooms and lots of other awesome stuff to find and explore.
If you're looking for an all-round seed that doesn't have real gimmicks, then definitely give this seed a chance.
Seed with every biome and structure in the game
Seed: -2878103199665976685
Are you fed up of looking through endless lists of poorly written Minecraft seedlists to get an enjoyable Minecraft experience? This seed has everything you need to know about the Minecraft world.
The seed includes every kind of dungeon and biome known to Minecraft. The only thing it is missing are the pearly gates of heaven. 6MINECRAFTMODS But who knows? Perhaps the next patch will include an authentic skin pack.
Spawn near a lot of diamonds
Seed: -2009079104
If becoming a ruthless diamond warlord in Africa isn't really your thing but you've still got an affinity for shiny stones, then you might want to check this seed out. There are three diamond mines that are super close to the spawning point to allow you to get back to building your base and frightening that herd of pigs that you keep in the basement. Who believed that Minecraft was a kid's game?
Here's the coordinates of those delicious diamonds:
- X 133, Y 17, Z 254; X 156, 14th Y, Z 268; X 76, Y 15, Z 52
Seed with an awesome survival island area
Seed: -9089409167323528152
You can be your own Tom Hanks in this epic castaway adventure! This seed has an island that works well in survival mode. Craft your own Wilson and create your own dental work using this amazing seed. Check it out!
All biomes and 9 villages near the spawning area are available for seed
Seed: 7022332759775054181
This seed is a real paradise for Minecraft seed. Every single biome and a total of nine villages are within 2,000 meters from the spawning point. The world is awash with everything a developing Minecraft player requires, whether you are a single survivor man who battles the elements or a creator of awesome stuff. This Minecraft seed is fair and balanced.
The wolf was spotted near five villages and two desert temples
Seed: -9065479248748140566
Have you ever wanted to play Indiana Jones? To be the ruthless master of a peaceful settlement full of villagers? If yes, your wild dreams have come true in this Minecraft seed!
In this seed, you'll spawn near five villages and two desert temples ready to be scavenged and plunder to your heart's content.
Seed with snow and jungle biomes right next to each other
Seed: -126880078651571709
This one is something of an anomaly; it features a jungle biome that is surrounded by a snow biome. I'm not sure what Minecraft gods were thinking when they thought of dreaming this seed, but who can we doubt their intentions?
The seed also creates a lot of amazing creatures and cave-dwelling villages you can spend time with and play with. This is what friends are supposed to do, right?
These are some of the top Minecraft seeds for Xbox One. What other seeds you think should be included in this list? Tell us in the comments below, and also check out our extensive collection of Minecraft seed lists that were curated by our writers!
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hooklineandpodcast · 3 years
Podcatch of the Month February 2021
Hello From the Hallowoods - By William A. Wellman
The Hook: Come walk between the black pines! Your nightmarish host Nikignik presents a heartfelt horror show from the beautiful (and deadly) Northern Hallowoods. Tune in for weekly updates as a cast of LGBTQ+ survivors face twisted wildlife, the Instrumentalist, and other terrors in the forest at the end of the world.
Favourite Line:  
Nikignik: Diggory Graves knew three things. The first was that their name was Diggory Graves. They knew this because they’d introduced themself to a stranger that way, and it had fit them perfectly. 
The second was that they were dead, on the outside. But something had stirred in them that they had not known they were capable of, and it felt very much like living. 
The third was that they had found what they were looking for, and they had found it in the blazing light of a burning house and the joyful eyes of a dead spirit. Above them, the moon was huge and blood red in the sky, pulling them onwards into the night. Diggory held the gleaming white shell of a single piano key in their hand as they walked away from the inferno. When their memory finally unraveled, they hoped, they could hold it and recall the ghostly boy who danced on a flaming piano, and the first time they had known an absence of loneliness. 
Thoughts: This podcast I think has a beautiful whimsy to it that I always feel as the ending music plays and I always feel a little better about things after an episode. There’s this thing with horror where everything can become bogged down with tragedy so it almost loses it’s meaning. The world the characters live in is a tragedy and a horror, and you feel dread and fear and outrage and sympathy for almost every single character. But there’s a hopefulness in this dying doomed world and that’s what’s focused on and highlighted. That these characters finding and losing and finding each other again matters. That their attempts to save what’s left to them matters. That a being of many eyes watches the end of humanity because it matters. Because they made the connections with someone to make it matter to them. There is the unsettling of horror, but the characters fight against that horror, or are that horror, or accept the horror, so the podcast bends what you should really be afraid of (Capitalism for instance). Many times monsters that seem like one offs will be given their own stories and become more human than monster as you get to know them. The focus on community, acceptance, personal and societal rebellion, relationships (friendship, lovers, mentors, coworkers, beings you summoned that you should really be nicer to) fills my heart. I can’t recommend it enough. 
There’s only 19 episodes so it’s super easy to catch up right now. Also the stories are interconnected so characters come in and out of each other’s episodes all the time. Nearly every single character has become my favourite character so I’m never disappointed on who the pov lands on.  
Patreon: Yes
LGBTQA+ Characters: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Transcript Available: Yes and they’re super easy to find
If you liked: Magnus Archives, Wolf 359, Jar of Rebuke, or Unwell you might like Hello from the Hallowoods
Podcast Info: Website at hellofromthehallowoods.com and here on tumblr @hellofromthehallowoods
Enjoying Hello from the Hallowoods? Please reblog and spread the word. Podcasts are usually passion projects and need the support of their listeners to get the word out. Catch you next month!
Thank you to @hellofromthehallowoods for letting me know about your podcast!
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teacup-crow · 3 years
Maybe, Maybe, Maybe
Tumblr media
Fun bit of survivors’ guilt for @badthingshappenbingo, based pretty heavily off Don’t Poke the Bear and Variations on a Theme. Post-finale.
They take it in turns to keep watch for when he wakes up: Doug, Reneé, Isabel, first names still such a novelty. Just his luck, he opens his eyes to the impassive face of Captain Lovelace.
“Hi, dickbag. Sore head?”
“Unnnnhh…” he whines as if he’s lying under a ton of rocks rather than a cosy quilt on Renee’s living room floor. His face is a patchwork of bruising. “Aspirin?”
She takes pity, and passes him two and a glass of water. The sitting up takes longer than he thought it would.
“You look terrible. Lucky for you, Renee makes a mean chilli con carne. Never would have guessed she could cook.”
“No thanks, I should, should be going-”
“You need food in your system, that’s non-negotiable. First thing’s first, though, you’re having a shower, and you either go willingly or get dragged bodily, because you goddamn stink. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, sir,” he mumbles automatically, and he remembers the Colonel - Warren? Was it on a day he could call him Warren? - once saying something similar and his head pounds. ((“mr jacobi, of all the irresponsible, stupid shit i have seen from you this really takes the-“))
“Bathroom’s on the second floor, just past the master bedroom. Dominick put a pile of clean clothes in there before he left for work. And it’s Isabel, okay? Not sir. Not Captain. Never again.”
“Who did this to you?”
He grips his mug of sweet tea like it’s thousand dollar whiskey. He’s still ashen. “I did this to me.”
“You beat the shit out of yourself? Okay, yeah. Don’t buy that one.” Isabel repeats the question. “Who did this to you?”
“Just some guys I pissed off. I don’t know how many. I don’t know who. Happy now?”
The room goes silent. Isabel continues:
“And did you go provoking them deliberately?”
Not for the first time, Renee wonders whether they should have included Doug in this little intervention. He’s been through so much just like the rest of them, but he doesn’t know it, and he’s clearly freaking out at the situation.
“Why would he want something like that to happen? He looks terrible!”
“I don’t know, Doug,” Isabel says levelly. “Care to answer, Jacobi?”
He’s not on a first name basis, apparently.
“Not… I didn’t... no. No, no, no. I was too drunk and… picking fights, but suddenly there were too many of them, okay? But I got out. And if I want to drink then that’s my own problem, so thank you for the hospitality but-“
Renee cuts in there. “When you drink yourself into a stupor, get attacked by a gang in a back alley, and stumble into my doorway at 0300 hours after six months of radio silence, it becomes our problem.” Her look of pity makes his stomach churn even more than the chilli did. He breathes in, hold, out; in, hold, out; in-((alana’s breathing technique and why why why is she everywhere in everything why does he have to see her out of the corner of his eye when it’s been so long he can’t properly remember her face-))
“Fine. What do you want from me?”
“You are a good man and you saved every single one of our lives and we need to understand why you’re so intent on throwing yours away.”
Jacobi starts laughing then, guttural laughs that worsen the ache in his head and bones but he can’t seem to stop them. “...me? I’m a good man? Oh my God, Lieutenant, that’s hilarious. Give us another.”
“You need to take this seriously! This is a form of self harm! You could have died!” Isabel is pacing up and down. She and Renee do good cop, bad cop like it’s a professional sport.
“Boo fucking hoo. And the world would forever be worse off for my passing.”
Isabel stops, and turns back towards him with some heat in her gaze. “I have lost too many crew members who deserved to die far less than you do. Okay? Is that what you want to hear? Do you need me to reconfirm that you are a an asshole? Do you need to hear about how Fisher, and Hui, and Fourier, and Lambert were all far better people than you will ever, ever be? Or will you accept that you are good in there? That deep down you’re on the right-“
“We burned their letters.” He’s staring at the duvet he’s wrapped in, running his finger over the flowers on the pattern. “Okay? Still think I’m a good person?”
“...wait. What?” She laughs a little, in shock perhaps. “But you told me…”
“I told you what I needed to tell you to make you trust me. We burned your crew’s letters. Lambert’s… I remember those especially. His hands were shaking really hard when he wrote them, weren’t they.”
It’s not a question.
Isabel stops pacing, and Jacobi grins again but it doesn’t reach his bruised eyes when he looks up at her. “More than mine, even. You could tell he was sick. They didn’t make any sense. We laughed at them. The irony of a Communications Officer who can’t communicate. Are you listening to me? We read their letters and we burned them and we laughed about it-“
Renee loses her softness. “Jacobi, that is enough!”
Isabel has a hand on her chest as if something has hit her there. She counts to ten in her head, ((fisher’s technique to try and stop her fighting with sam, never worked but still stuck in her head, or this copy of her head, or whoever she is now-)) and leaves the room.
They hear her slamming drawers in the kitchen.
Doug glances at Jacobi and shakes his head, before hurrying after her.
“How could you,” Reneé says. “How could you.”
“I don’t know. Will you let me go and ruin my own life now?”
“Never,” she replies. “Because, God help me, you’re still a member of my crew.”
At that, his eyes prick with tears he can’t explain. He rolls over on the air bed, and closes them.
“Lovelace?” Jacobi finally makes himself walk into the kitchen, grimacing like each step is on hot sand. The words are monotone. “I’m so sorry. What I did and said is... inexcusable.”
“Nope. That’s too large a word for your vocabulary. Come back to me with an apology Renée didn’t script,” Isabel snaps, going back to scribbling in a sketchbook.
“Look, I’m not much good at this-“
“You’re telling me.”
“I’m… really used to people yelling at me and hitting me until they feel better. Or you can shoot me if you like!”
“Jesus. Well, I am not about to do that to ease your guilt. You look like you’d snap if one more person poked you. So apologise properly.”
“I’m sorry…”
“For?” Isabel prompts over the top of her book.
“I’m sorry for burning your crew’s letters.”
“You did what you were ordered to do. It is what it is. I’m not condoning it.”
There’s a moment of silence, and Jacobi realises she’s waiting for him to continue. “And… I’m sorry for bringing it up. That was… needlessly cruel. It sucked.”
“It really did,” she replies, putting the book down. “Tell you what: that sounded somewhat genuine, and Goddard brought out the shit in all of us. You look so pathetic, I’m going to forgive you. Not because you deserve it, but because I don’t bear grudges. Not anymore.”
She holds out a hand, and he shakes it. “Thank you.”
“Wow. That actually hurt for you to say.”
Jacobi nods. He sits down across from her at Renée’s huge darkwood table, and thinks about how she and Dominick must have bought this when they moved in together with plans to have people over for dinner every other night. Maybe even plans to have kids.
He wonders if Dominick ate at it alone while his wife was gone.
“So, you gone on that holiday yet?”
“No, actually. I’ve legally been dead for about seven years, so getting a passport is proving pretty tricky.”
“I can imagine.”
“Where have you been, anyway? We tried to get into contact with you. We drove down to your old apartment - got your address from the Goddard database - but it was cleaned out.”
Jacobi looks sheepish. “Yeah, well, I’d mostly been staying at Alana’s for the last few years or overnight at… yeah… so I’d not been a very good tenant and turns out they took ‘lost in space’ as the perfect opportunity to kick me out. So I’ve been sofa to sofa, on the streets a bit-”
“For heaven’s sake, Jacobi. We would have helped you, you stupid asshole! All you had to do was ask and you could have stayed here! Renee and Dominick would probably even let you have a cheese collection or whatever the fuck it was.”
“Guess the amount of drinks it takes for me to lose my pride is somewhere over eighteen?”
“How do you have a functioning liver?”
They sit in an almost comfortable silence for a few minutes, Isabel reopening her sketchbook.
“I never knew you drew.”
“You never knew me outside of a life-threatening situation.” Isabel sighs, twists the pencil between her fingers. “I don’t think I did. Before. The old ‘me’, I mean. But I was bored and I can’t get a job because of the ‘being dead’ issue, so I thought I should take up a hobby or something. Might be therapeutic. I’m not very good at it…”
“Can I see?”
“I, uh,” Isabel suddenly looks uncertain. “I drew her. Maxwell. I drew everyone, actually. Are you sure you want to look?”
He leafs through the pages, at first simple doodles before branching into full portraits. Eiffel, upside down and smoking a cigarette. Hilbert, looking troubled at a shadow behind him he can’t quite see. Two ghostlike figures in lab coats staring out at the star, the man with a prophetic terror etched on his face - must be Isabel’s old crewmates. Mr Cutter smiles up at him with far too many sharp teeth in sharper lines where the pencil was pressed far too hard and he turns the page quickly. There’s Kepler, mid-whiskey speech and it almost stops his heart. He pauses. Maxwell.
In the picture, her eyes are shining as she stares at Hera’s console, fingers nothing more than a blur - the three-day stint she spent trying to get the AI online. Aside from the orange and blue of Wolf 359, elsewhere in the book Isabel has barely used colour, but here the room is bathed in a serene green light from the screens. Behind Maxwell, Jacobi sees himself, little more than a stocky, sketchy outline, waiting for her to finish.
He looks so proud of her.
He looks so… content.
After staring for a long moment, Jacobi closes the book and hands it back. “Thank you.”
“You can keep the pictures of them, if you like,” Isabel offers, but he doesn’t know whether he would like, so he says:
“Tell me about your crew.”
“Your old crew. Tell me about them. Was Lambert the one staring at...?”
“No. No. No, that was Kuan Hui, our senior astrophysicist. He was whipsmart and funny and fearless, until the time Goddard Futuristics played around in his brain, stretched out his perception of time. He was completely alone in the dark for two weeks. His smile never really reached his eyes after that.”
Jacobi sips tea awkwardly, even though it’s cold.
“Something like that, it stays with you. At least he had Fourier, though.”
“That’s the woman behind him?”
“Junior physicist. Victoire Fourier had eyes like stars. Cleverest person I’ve ever met. She played six instruments, spoke four languages and she had the most gentle soul. She used to read to Hui when he got sick with Decima. Coughed up every organ in his body. I thought it would break her, but she was made of stern stuff. She vanished off the space station in the final days and I still don’t know what exactly happened to her-”
“I… do. If you want to know, I mean.”
Isabel shakes her head. Then pauses. Then shakes her head again. “I get the feeling whoever is to blame is long gone.”
Jacobi shrugs. “Who else?”
“Well, there was Mace Fisher. Fisher… Fisher died because of me, not Goddard Futuristics. Asteroid shower tore him from my hands. He had a boyfriend waiting at home. He was sensitive, sensible, grounding. A real older brother type. I- I didn’t deal particularly well with his death. Well, you know that much.”
((Pill popper!)) Jacobi gulps more cold tea.
“And Lambert?”
“Sam Lambert. Officer Samuel Lambert had a stick up his ass. He was whiny, and authoritarian, and he treasured his copy of Pryce and Carter more than Reneé and Kepler combined did. He drove me nearly insane, and I drove him likewise. The best second in command you could ask for. A damn good man. Sam got sick after Hui, so we knew what was coming. What it meant. He was brave, though. At first.”
((“C-Captain, please shoot me, please, it hurts, it hurts, Captain, please, I just want it to-”)
She falters.
“You know, it’s not even really about the Hephaestus. I keep… it’s insane, but I keep thinking about… I was an explosives guy for the Air Force. Before Goddard. A trigger failed and two men died. Andrews and Sullivan. I haven’t thought about them in years and suddenly-“
“They’re everywhere?”
There’s a sudden understanding between them.
“They’re everywhere. Them and Maxwell and Kepler. They’re in mirrors, in the back of my brain, around corners.”
“Flashes of them.”
“And if you just reach out far enough, maybe-“
((let’s go be monsters)), Jacobi’s brain echoes. He grits his teeth.
“Did it stop for you? When does it stop?” He finds himself asking. Isabel doesn’t answer.
30 notes · View notes
bolintheturtleduck · 3 years
Song Ranking
So I did that song ranking thing and it took HOURS. literal HOURS. Don’t ever do it, I won’t even link it. I hated doing it. But here is my list. And dare I say my Top 130 is immaculate hjgkhg
Some of this is not really accurate though. Could be me or the generator. Like ‘Cold Hearted’ being 500 something???? Not in my house. 
Also don’t go looking for christmas songs. They are all somewhere down there lmao
Anyways! Let’s go!
1 Nasty / Rhythm Nation
1 Rumour Has It / Someone Like You
3 Be Okay
4 Love You Like A Love Song
4 Seasons Of Love
6 Mustang Sally
7 So Emotional
8 Tightrope
9 Barely Breathing
10 Cough Syrup
11 Shake It Out
11 The Boy Is Mine
13 Back To Black
14 Valerie
15 Paradise By The Dashboard Light
16 River Deep, Mountain High
17 Problem
18 Faithfully
19 Gloria
20 I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
21 How Will I Know
22 We Are Young
23 How To Be A Heartbreaker
24 Hand In My Pocket / I Feel The Earth Move
25 If I Die Young
26 I Feel Pretty / Unpretty
27 Bust Your Windows
28 Candyman
29 American Boy
30 I Can't Go For That (No Can Do) / You Make My Dreams
31 If I Can't Have You
32 It's All Coming Back To Me Now
33 Crazy / U Drive Me Crazy
34 ABC
35 Bad Romance
36 It's Too Late
37 Hungry Like The Wolf / Rio
38 I Wish
39 Need You Now
40 Landslide
41 Start Me Up / Livin' On A Prayer
42 Thriller / Heads Will Roll
43 What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)
44 There Are Worse Things I Could Do
45 Losing My Religion
46 The Edge Of Glory
47 Teenage Dream (Acoustic Version)
48 Make You Feel My Love
49 My Prerogative
50 Singing In The Rain / Umbrella
51 Songbird
52 Spotlight
53 Mine
54 Take Me Or Leave Me
55 Take Me To Church
56 No Surrender
57 Never Say Never
58 Constant Craving
59 Brave
60 Born This Way
61 Pumpin' Blood
62 Blame It (On The Alcohol)
63 Glad You Came
64 Give Your Heart A Break
65 It's All Over
66 It's Not Right, But It's Okay
67 Everybody Talks
68 Here Comes The Sun
69 Into The Groove
70 In Your Eyes
71 I Don't Want To Know
72 I Lived
73 I Kissed A Girl
74 Halo / Walking On Sunshine
75 You Can't Stop The Beat
76 She's Not There
77 Nutbush City Limits
78 True Colors
79 Can't Fight This Feeling
80 Breakaway
81 Dancing Queen
82 Don't Stop Me Now
83 And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
84 Empire State Of Mind
85 Doo Wop (That Thing)
86 Arthur's Theme
87 Happy Days Are Here Again / Get Happy
88 Toxic
89 This Is The New Year
90 Last Name
91 3
92 A Change Would Do You Good
93 Got To Get You Into My Life
94 Tongue Tied
95 Smooth Criminal
96 Papa Don't Preach
97 Animal
97 Another One Bites The Dust
99 Don't Speak
100 Don't You Want Me
101 A Hard Day's Night
102 Some Nights
103 Somebody That I Used To Know
104 Superstition
105 Survivor / I Will Survive
106 My Life Would Suck Without You
107 The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
108 Misery
109 My Love Is Your Love
110 Somewhere Only We Know
111 Blow Me (One Last Kiss)
112 Me Against The Music
113 I Follow Rivers
114 Mean
115 Here's To Us
116 Stronger
117 Summer Nights
118 Make No Mistake, She's Mine
119 Love Song
120 Waiting For A Girl Like You
121 We Got The Beat
122 We Found Love
123 We've Got Tonite
124 Love Shack
125 The Scientist
126 Love Is A Battlefield
127 Run Joey Run
128 Wings
129 When I Get You Alone
130 Uptown Girl
131 Roots Before Branches
132 I'm The Only One
132 I've Gotta Be Me
134 Hopelessly Devoted To You
135 Hit Me With Your Best Shot / One Way Or Another
136 Dinosaur
137 Dog Days Are Over
138 Hung Up
139 Everytime
140 Go Your Own Way
141 Every Breath You Take
142 Fire And Rain
143 Fighter
144 Not While I'm Around
145 Not The Boy Next Door
146 Fly / I Believe I Can Fly
147 Girl On Fire
148 Oops!... I Did It Again
149 Stop! In The Name Of Love / Free Your Mind
150 Stereo Hearts
151 Bills, Bills, Bills
152 Somebody Loves You
153 Hold It Against Me
154 Turning Tables
155 Wide Awake
156 You May Be Right
157 Cell Block Tango
158 A Boy Like That
159 All Out Of Love
160 Alfie
161 Jessie's Girl
162 I'm A Slave 4 U
163 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
164 I'll Stand By You (Amber)
165 I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
166 Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)
167 Lovefool
168 Just Can't Get Enough
169 Just Give Me A Reason
170 Keep Holding On
171 Like A Virgin
172 New York State Of Mind
173 My Dark Side
174 More Than A Feeling
174 My Cup
176 I Want To Hold Your Hand
177 I Want To Break Free
178 I Want To Know What Love Is
179 I Want You Back
180 Teenage Dream
181 Take My Breath Away
182 America
183 Glory Days
184 I Say A Little Prayer
184 I Wanna Sex You Up
186 I Will Always Love You
187 A Thousand Years
188 Like A Prayer
189 Don't Rain On My Parade
190 Disco Inferno
191 Don't Stop Believin' (Regionals)
192 Dream On
193 Get It Right
194 Gold Digger
195 Telephone
196 Without You
197 You're The One That I Want
198 Tell Him
199 Let Me Love You
200 Good Vibrations
200 Raise Your Glass
202 Run The World (Girls)
203 Gimme More
204 Hey Jude
204 How Deep Is Your Love
206 Higher Ground
207 Vogue
208 Something's Coming
209 Footloose
210 Forget You
211 Gives You Hell
212 Everybody Wants To Rule The World
213 Far From Over
214 Fat Bottomed Girls
215 Hair / Crazy In Love
216 Hall Of Fame
216 Hello
216 Hello, I Love You
216 Somebody To Love
216 Time Warp
216 To Love You More
222 Last Friday Night
223 Hate On Me
224 Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
225 Locked Out Of Heaven
226 Rose's Turn
227 Everybody Hurts
227 Express Yourself
227 Loser
227 Shout It Out Loud
231 Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours
232 Pompeii
233 Party All The Time
234 Our Day Will Come
235 Perfect
236 Old Time Rock & Roll / Danger Zone
237 Greased Lightning
237 Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
237 Live While We're Young
240 Firework
240 Love Child
242 Fire
243 You're All I Need To Get By
244 The Scientist (Acapella)
245 Afternoon Delight
246 Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)
247 Listen To Your Heart
248 Tik Tok
249 You Keep Me Hangin' On
250 The Rose
251 You Can't Always Get What You
252 Let's Have A Kiki
252 Listen
254 Pretending
255 More Than A Woman
256 More Than Words
257 Hot For Teacher
257 No One Is Alone
257 Not The End
257 Nowadays / Hot Honey Rag 257 O Christmas Tree
257 One Hand, One Heart
257 One
257 Only Child
257 Proud Mary
266 Heroes
267 Hey Ya!
268 Getting Married Today
268 Happy
270 Hell To The No
271 Night Fever
271 Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club
273 The Music Of The Night
273 The Only Exception 273 The Rain In Spain 273 The Safety Dance 273 Thousand Miles 278 Billionaire
278 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 278 The Happening
278 The Lady Is A Tramp
282 Borderline / Open Your Heart 282 Born To Hand Jive
284 Control
284 The Longest Time
286 Give Up The Funk
287 Chasing Pavements
288 Man In The Mirror
288 Say
288 Sexy And I Know It 288 Shout
292 Marry The Night
293 Mamma Mia
294 Loser Like Me
295 Don't Stop Believin' (Season 1)
296 Colorblind
297 Diva
297 Don't Cry For Me Argentina
299 Don't Dream It's Over
300 Let It Be
301 Don't Stop
302 Highway To Hell
302 Hold On
302 Holding Out For A Hero 302 We Will Rock You
302 What I Did For Love
302 What It Feels Like For A Girl
308 Take On Me
309 For Once In My Life
309 Good Riddance (Time Of Your
309 Hello Goodbye
309 Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love
309 Home
309 Homeward Bound / Home 309 Honesty
309 Human Nature
317 Drive My Car
317 For Good
317 I'll Remember
320 I'll Stand By You (Cory)
321 On My Own
321 Taking Chances
321 The Bitch Is Back / Dress You Up 321 Werewolves Of London
325 My Man
326 My Life
327 My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)
327 Never Going Back Again 327 No Scrubs
330 Creep
331 Come What May
332 Never Can Say Goodbye
333 Who Are You Now?
334 You Give Love A Bad Name
335 Womanizer
336 Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
337 Come See About Me
337 P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 337 People
337 Popular
337 River
337 Roar
337 Rolling In The Deep 337 Santa Baby
345 Boogie Shoes
346 At Last
347 I'm The Greatest Star
348 Jar Of Hearts
349 It's Time
350 It's My Life / Confessions Part II
351 It's Not Unusual
352 I'm So Excited
352 I'm Still Here
354 Don't Stop Believin' (Season 5) 354 Don't You (Forget About Me) 354 Dreams
354 Unchained Melody
354 Uptown Funk
359 Bohemian Rhapsody
359 Don't Stop Believin' (Rachel) 359 Lucky
362 Don't Stand So Close To Me /
Young Girl
363 Bridge Over Troubled Water
363 Bust A Move
365 Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee
366 Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee
367 Longest Time
368 Applause
369 All Of Me
370 Any Way You Want It
370 Anything Could Happen
372 Red Solo Cup
372 Rock Lobster
372 Rockin' Around The Christmas
Tree 372 Rockstar
376 Saving All My Love For You
377 (I've Had) The Time Of My Life
377 Piano Man 377 Poison 377 Poker Face
381 A House Is Not A Home
382 4 Minutes
383 Black Or White
384 Blackbird
385 All By Myself
385 Smile
385 You Make Me Feel So Young
388 Wrecking Ball
389 (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural
389 (You're) Having My Baby
391 Superman
392 Ain't No Way
392 Stayin' Alive
394 Still Got Tonight
394 The Most Wonderful Day Of The
394 The Way You Look Tonight / You're Never Fully Dressed Without A
Smile 394 This Time
394 Whatever Happened To Saturday Night?
399 They Long To Be Close To You
400 All About That Bass 400 Sing!
400 So Far Away
400 Some People
404 Addicted To Love
404 Moves Like Jagger / Jumpin' Jack Flash
404 Sing
404 Someday We'll Be Together 404 Somethin' Stupid
404 Something
404 Somewhere
404 Stand
412 Scream
413 Rather Be
414 Next To Me
414 No Air
414 Papa Can You Hear Me? 414 Physical
414 Piece Of My Heart
414 Pinball Wizard
414 Pony
414 Rehab
422 La Isla Bonita
422 Lean On Me
422 Let's Wait Awhile
422 Little Drummer Boy
422 Little Girls
427 Light Up The World
428 Science Fiction Double Feature
428 Silent Night 428 Silly Love Songs
431 Le Jazz Hot
432 Out Here On My Own
432 Pure Imagination
434 School's Out
435 Hey, Soul Sister
435 I Kissed A Girl (Season Six) 435 Sway
438 I Believe In A Thing Called Love
439 I Have Nothing
440 I Am Changing
441 I Saw Her Standing There
441 I Was Here
441 I Won't Give Up
441 I'll Be Home For Christmas 441 I'll Never Fall In Love Again 446 Funny Girl
446 I Look To You
446 I Only Have Eyes For You 446 I Still Believe / Super Bass 446 Story Of My Life
451 I Love New York / New York, New
452 What Makes You Beautiful
453 What The World Needs Now
454 An Innocent Man
454 Bad
454 Because You Loved Me
454 Bein' Green
454 ByeByeBye/IWantItThatWay 454 IfIWereABoy
454 Take A Bow
454 Take Me Home Tonight
462 Barracuda
463 Beauty School Drop Out
464 Chandelier
465 Baby It's You
466 It Must Have Been Love
467 At The Ballet
468 Baby One More Time
469 Beautiful
469 Being Alive
469 We Built This City
472 Being Good Isn't Good Enough 472 I Just Can't Stop Loving You 472 I Love It
472 Isn't She Lovely
476 All That Jazz
476 Blurred Lines
476 Bootylicious
476 Extraordinary Merry Christmas 476 Father Figure
476 Fight For Your Right (To Party)
476 Flashdance... What A Feeling
483 I Don't Know How To Love Him
484 Fix You
484 I Could Have Danced All Night 486 Push It
486 Rainbow Connection 486 Rise
489 Promises, Promises
490 Oh Chanukah
490 Ohio
490 One Love (People Get Ready) 490 Only The Good Die Young 494 Baby
494 Dancing With Myself
494 Defying Gravity
497 Baby, It's Cold Outside
498 Cherish / Cherish
498 Christmas Wrapping 498 Closer
498 Downtown
498 Endless Love
498 Forever Young
498 Friday I'm In Love 498 Friday
498 Gangnam Style
498 Get Back
498 Safety Dance
509 Cold Hearted
510 Clarity
511 Centerfold / Hot In Herre
511 Just The Way You Are 513 Jumpin', Jumpin'
513 Kiss
515 Juke Box Hero
515 L-O-V-E
517 Jolene
518 Jump
518 La Cucaracha
520 Dream A Little Dream
521 A Little Less Conversation
521 Beth
521 Bitch
521 Don't Sleep In The Subway 521 Girls Just Want To Have Fun 521 Have Yourself A Merry Little
Christmas 521 Help!
521 I Dreamed A Dream 521 I'm His Child
521 I'm Still Standing 521 Ice Ice Baby
521 Imagine
521 In My Life
521 It's A Man's Man's Man's World 521 Lose My Breath
521 Memory
521 Outcast
521 Over The Rainbow
521 Same Love
521 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 521 Teach Your Children
521 Tell Me Something Good
521 The Final Countdown
521 Uptight (Everything's Alright) 545 Big Ass Heart
545 I Love L.A.
545 I Melt With You
548 Big Girls Don't Cry
548 Mary's Boy Child
548 O Holy Night
548 On Our Way
548 One Bourbon, One Scotch, One
548 One Less Bell To Answer
554 Maybe This Time 554 My Favourite Things 554 My Sharona
557 Marry You
558 Cool
559 Cool Kids
560 Celebrity Skin
560 Cheek To Cheek
560 Dance The Night Away
560 Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend / Material Girl
560 Don't Go Breaking My Heart 560 Don't Wanna Lose You
560 Feliz Navidad
560 Here Comes Santa Claus 560 I Know What Boys Like
560 I Know Where I've Been 560 Trouty Mouth
571 Total Eclipse Of The Heart
572 Don't Make Me Over
573 Call Me Maybe
574 We Are The Champions
575 Time After Time
576 Bring Him Home
576 Broadway Baby 576 Buenos Aires 576 Burning Up 576 Yesterday
581 Boys / Boyfriend
582 Mercy
582 You Get What You Give
582 You Have More Friends Than You
582 You Learn / You've Got A Friend
582 You Should Be Dancing
582 You're All The World To Me 582 You're My Best Friend
582 You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' 590 Break Free
590 Jingle Bell Rock 590 Jingle Bells
590 Joy To The World 590 One Of Us
590 Tonight
590 You're The Top
590 You've Got To Hide Your Love
590 Your Song
599 To Sir, With Love
600 Torn
601 Wake Me Up
601 Wannabe
601 Wedding Bell Blues
604 Touch A Touch A Touch A Touch Me
604 UpUpUp
606 All Or Nothing
606 Alone
606 Cry
606 Leaving On A Jet Plane
606 Let It Go
606 Mickey
606 Movin' Out (Anthony's Song) 606 Mr. Roboto / Counting Stars 606 Try A Little Tenderness
606 U Can't Touch This
606 Uninvited
606 Vacation
606 Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 606 What Kind Of Fool
606 Whistle
606 Will You Love Me Tomorrow /
Head Over Feet 606 Wishin' And Hoping
606 YouAndI/YouAndI
624 Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?
624 Do You Hear What I Hear? 624 Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh
624 Lucky Star
624 Merry Christmas Darling 629 Damn It, Janet
629 Danny's Song
629 Daydream Believer
629 Deck The Rooftop
629 Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead 634 All I Want For Christmas Is You 634 Angels We Have Heard On High 634 Anything Goes / Anything You Can
634 As If We Never Said Goodbye
634 As Long As You're There 634 Bamboleo / Hero
634 Bella Notte
634 Copacabana
634 Do They Know It's Christmas? 634 Last Christmas
634 Let It Snow
634 We Need A Little Christmas
634 Welcome Christmas
634 Whenever I Call You Friend
634 Whip It
634 You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
650 All You Need Is Love
651 Americano / Dance Again
652 Crush
653 Big Spender
653 Make 'Em Laugh
653 White Christmas
653 Yeah!
657 (Charlie Chaplin song)
657 (originally by Michael Bublé) 657 Away In A Manger
657 Baby Got Back
657 Christmas Eve With You 657 Come Sail Away
657 You Are Woman, I Am Man 657 You Spin Me Round (Like A
665 You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch
666 Starlight Express
666 The Trolley Song
666 The Winner Takes It All
666 There's A Light (Over At The
Frankenstein Place) 670 Take Care Of Yourself
671 Sweet Caroline
672 Ben
672 Best Day Of My Life 672 Blue Christmas
672 Candles
676 Starships
676 Suddenly Seymour 676 Sweet Transvestite
679 Thong Song
680 The Fox (What Does The Fox
680 The Living Years
682 The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
682 The First Noël
7 notes · View notes
angelhummel · 3 years
once again i spent hours of my life answering >5000 questions in order to sort almost all of the glee songs ever (there’s 683 songs in the sorter when there’s over 700 on the show) anyway if you wanna see my rankings for those then check it out <3 [also here’s the sorter!]
1 Being Alive 2 Rose's Turn 3 Baby, It's Cold Outside 4 Le Jazz Hot 5 Maybe This Time 6 And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going 7 Come What May 8 To Sir, With Love 9 As If We Never Said Goodbye 10 Valerie 11 Somewhere Only We Know 12 Cough Syrup 13 Teenage Dream 14 Not The Boy Next Door 15 It's Too Late 16 It's My Life / Confessions Part II 17 Start Me Up / Livin' On A Prayer 18 When I Get You Alone 19 The Happening 20 The Boy Is Mine 21 Home 22 Don't You Want Me 23 How Will I Know 24 Bad Romance 25 Not While I'm Around 26 Scream 27 Shake It Out 28 On My Own 29 Hate On Me 30 Bills, Bills, Bills 31 4 Minutes 32 True Colors 33 There Are Worse Things I Could Do 34 Go Your Own Way 35 Jessie's Girl 36 Proud Mary 37 Tongue Tied 38 Last Christmas 39 Somebody Loves You 40 Back To Black 41 Sweet Transvestite 42 For Good 43 At The Ballet 44 Gloria 45 Blame It (On The Alcohol) 46 Like A Prayer 47 So Emotional 48 Misery 49 Nasty / Rhythm Nation 50 Toxic 51 Don't Speak 52 Born This Way 53 Dog Days Are Over 54 Defying Gravity 55 Last Name 56 Womanizer 57 I Will Always Love You 58 Broadway Baby 59 The Lady Is A Tramp 60 I'm A Slave 4 U 61 Centerfold / Hot In Herre 62 Thriller / Heads Will Roll 63 Bust Your Windows 64 Candyman 65 Brave 66 Boys / Boyfriend 67 The Scientist 68 The Scientist (Acapella) 69 Dream On 70 Hey Jude 71 I Lived 72 I'm Still Here 73 I Believe In A Thing Called Love 74 Me Against The Music 75 Like A Virgin 76 My Man 77 Everybody Wants To Rule The World 78 I Have Nothing 79 Blackbird 80 Got To Get You Into My Life 81 Animal 82 3 83 I Follow Rivers 84 Just The Way You Are 85 Constant Craving 86 Don't Stop Me Now 87 Hung Up 88 Let's Have A Kiki 89 Love Shack 90 Marry The Night 91 Hit Me With Your Best Shot / One Way Or Another 92 It's Not Right, But It's Okay 93 I Want To Hold Your Hand 94 All You Need Is Love 95 Getting Married Today 96 Don't Rain On My Parade 97 Don't Stop Believin' (Regionals) 98 We've Got Tonite 99 Smooth Criminal 100 Uptown Girl 101 Sway 102 If I Die Young 103 No One Is Alone 104 Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee 105 No Scrubs 106 Mamma Mia 107 Papa Don't Preach 108 Teenage Dream (Acoustic Version) 109 Santa Baby 110 We Found Love 111 Roar 112 She's Not There 113 Spotlight 114 The Way You Look Tonight/You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile 115 Some Nights 116 Rumour Has It / Someone Like You 117 You Make Me Feel So Young 118 You Keep Me Hangin' On 119 I'll Stand By You (Amber) 120 Hand In My Pocket / I Feel The Earth Move 121 Crazy / U Drive Me Crazy 122 Funny Girl 123 Cold Hearted 124 Keep Holding On 125 Bye Bye Bye / I Want It That Way 126 I Know Where I've Been 127 I Kissed A Girl (Season Six) 128 Hopelessly Devoted To You 129 Homeward Bound / Home 130 Into The Groove 131 Hold On 132 Tell Him 133 Nutbush City Limits 134 Because You Loved Me 135 Perfect 136 Cherish / Cherish 137 Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah) 138 Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead 139 You Are The Sunshine Of My Life 140 Tik Tok 141 The Safety Dance 142 Oops!... I Did It Again 143 Run Joey Run 144 Time Warp 145 Something's Coming 146 Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go 147 The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 148 Vogue 149 Downtown 150 Diva 151 Dancing With Myself 152 Rockstar 153 Wrecking Ball 154 We Are Young 155 I Saw Her Standing There 156 Jumpin', Jumpin' 157 Just Can't Get Enough 158 Take Me To Church 159 Wannabe 160 It's All Over 161 Take Me Home Tonight 162 If I Were A Boy 163 Landslide 164 Pompeii 165 The Bitch Is Back / Dress You Up 166 Christmas Wrapping 167 Buenos Aires 168 Call Me Maybe 169 You Can't Stop The Beat 170 Seasons Of Love 171 Safety Dance 172 Dream A Little Dream 173 Alfie 174 I Want To Break Free 175 Baby One More Time 176 A House Is Not A Home 177 Daydream Believer 178 I Don't Know How To Love Him 179 Hungry Like The Wolf / Rio 180 Suddenly Seymour 181 People 182 Silly Love Songs 183 Love Song 184 Shout It Out Loud 185 Some People 186 One Of Us 187 Sing! 188 Up Up Up 189 Torn 190 Popular 191 This Is The New Year 192 Paradise By The Dashboard Light 193 Let It Snow 194 Let It Be 195 Never Can Say Goodbye 196 Touch A Touch A Touch A Touch Me 197 La Isla Bonita 198 Tightrope 199 My Love Is Your Love 200 Love Is A Battlefield 201 Losing My Religion 202 Total Eclipse Of The Heart 203 This Time 204 I Dreamed A Dream 205 Leaving On A Jet Plane 206 Locked Out Of Heaven 207 Chandelier 208 Girl On Fire 209 Telephone 210 Don't Cry For Me Argentina 211 Human Nature 212 Halo / Walking On Sunshine 213 Anything Goes / Anything You Can Do 214 Make You Feel My Love 215 Stronger 216 Nowadays / Hot Honey Rag 216 Pumpin' Blood 218 Papa Can You Hear Me? 219 Summer Nights 220 Sweet Caroline 221 Superstition 222 We Will Rock You 223 Alone 224 Hello, I Love You 225 Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) 226 A Hard Day's Night 227 Mine 228 My Prerogative 229 Beauty School Drop Out 230 My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It) 231 Extraordinary Merry Christmas 232 Every Breath You Take 233 Express Yourself 234 Everybody Talks 235 Everytime 236 Marry You 237 Moves Like Jagger / Jumpin' Jack Flash 238 My Favorite Things 239 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 240 River Deep, Mountain High 241 My Life Would Suck Without You 242 Be Okay 243 Applause 244 Cool 245 All I Want For Christmas Is You 246 American Boy 247 Cell Block Tango 248 Breakaway 249 Don't Dream It's Over 250 Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) 251 Whatever Happened To Saturday Night? 252 Without You 253 Science Fiction Double Feature 254 Loser Like Me 255 I Kissed A Girl 256 I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You 257 I Can't Go For That (No Can Do) / You Make My Dreams 258 Don't Stop Believin' (Season 5) 259 Empire State Of Mind 260 Old Time Rock & Roll / Danger Zone 261 Take My Breath Away 262 You Get What You Give 263 Take On Me 264 Beautiful 265 It's Time 266 ABC 267 Afternoon Delight 268 Don't Stand So Close To Me / Young Girl 269 Don't Stop Believin' (Season 1) 270 Colorblind 271 Cool Kids 272 Dancing Queen 273 Songbird 274 Somebody That I Used To Know 275 Singing In The Rain / Umbrella 276 I Feel Pretty / Unpretty 277 Borderline / Open Your Heart 278 In My Life 279 I'm Still Standing 280 Blow Me (One Last Kiss) 281 Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? 282 Do They Know It's Christmas? 283 Mustang Sally 284 Pinball Wizard 285 Anything Could Happen 286 America 287 Any Way You Want It 288 Higher Ground 289 Flashdance... What A Feeling 290 My Life 291 Let It Go 292 If I Can't Have You 293 L-O-V-E 294 Closer 295 Addicted To Love 296 Heroes 297 A Boy Like That 298 Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend / Material Girl 299 Holding Out For A Hero 300 Dinosaur 301 Disco Inferno 302 Party All The Time 303 Raise Your Glass 304 Push It 305 Lean On Me 306 Pure Imagination 307 Lovefool 308 Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' 309 Americano / Dance Again 310 All Of Me 311 At Last 312 Promises, Promises 313 Hair / Crazy In Love 314 Happy Xmas (War Is Over) 315 Chasing Pavements 316 Don't You (Forget About Me) 317 Love Child 318 School's Out 319 Poker Face 320 Boogie Shoes 321 Bootylicious 322 I Love New York / New York, New York 323 One Less Bell To Answer 324 Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours 325 Rehab 326 I Don't Want To Know 327 Shout 328 I'm The Greatest Star 329 I Love It 330 Never Say Never 331 Juke Box Hero 332 One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer 333 Glad You Came 334 For Once In My Life 335 Here Comes The Sun 336 Baby It's You 337 Drive My Car 338 Last Friday Night 339 Roots Before Branches 340 The Only Exception 341 Survivor / I Will Survive 342 All Or Nothing 343 Time After Time 344 You're The One That I Want 345 Yeah! 346 Starships 347 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away 348 Story Of My Life 349 Something 350 We Need A Little Christmas 351 Gold Digger 352 Beth 353 Fighter 354 Forget You 355 How To Be A Heartbreaker 356 Get Back 357 Love You Like A Love Song 358 There's A Light (Over At The Frankenstein Place) 359 We Got The Beat 360 Make 'Em Laugh 361 Sing 362 U Can't Touch This 363 Try A Little Tenderness 364 Pony 365 On Our Way 366 Lucky Star 367 Loser 368 Over The Rainbow 369 Outcast 370 Stop! In The Name Of Love / Free Your Mind 371 What Makes You Beautiful 372 Will You Love Me Tomorrow / Head Over Feet 373 Wide Awake 374 Wishin' And Hoping 375 Yesterday 376 Out Here On My Own 377 You're All The World To Me 378 Somethin' Stupid 379 Someday We'll Be Together 380 River 381 The Longest Time 382 Somebody To Love 383 The Edge Of Glory 384 The Most Wonderful Day Of The Year 385 Lucky 386 Memory 387 Mary's Boy Child 388 Longest Time 389 My Dark Side 390 Taking Chances 391 The First Noël 392 Smile 393 Celebrity Skin 394 All That Jazz 395 A Thousand Years 396 Big Girls Don't Cry 397 Ain't No Way 398 Don't Sleep In The Subway 399 Doo Wop (That Thing) 400 Don't Stop 401 Uptight (Everything's Alright) 402 New York State Of Mind 403 Turning Tables 404 Vacation 405 Fire 406 Hold It Against Me 407 I've Gotta Be Me 408 Endless Love 409 Run The World (Girls) 410 Saving All My Love For You 411 Give Up The Funk 412 I Am Changing 413 I Melt With You 414 I Could Have Danced All Night 415 Fat Bottomed Girls 416 Hot For Teacher 417 Never Going Back Again 418 Imagine 419 Jolene 420 Arthur's Theme 421 Damn It, Janet 422 Control 423 Barracuda 424 Copacabana 425 Barely Breathing 426 I Look To You 427 Come Sail Away 428 Jump 429 Clarity 430 Friday I'm In Love 431 Jar Of Hearts 432 It's Not Unusual 433 Footloose 434 Here Comes Santa Claus 435 Happy Days Are Here Again / Get Happy 436 Help! 437 Greased Lightning 438 Hell To The No 439 All Out Of Love 440 (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman 441 Candles 442 All By Myself 443 Hello Goodbye 444 It's A Man's Man's Man's World 445 I Say A Little Prayer 446 It Must Have Been Love 447 Just Give Me A Reason 448 Come See About Me 449 Born To Hand Jive 450 I Want To Know What Love Is 451 I Wish 452 I'll Remember 453 Get It Right 454 (I've Had) The Time Of My Life 455 I'll Stand By You (Cory) 456 Forever Young 457 A Change Would Do You Good 458 Smile (Charlie Chaplin song) 459 Best Day Of My Life 460 An Innocent Man 461 Dreams 462 All About That Bass 463 Home (originally by Michael Bublé) 464 Black Or White 465 Baby 466 Bad 467 Problem 468 Oh Chanukah 469 What Kind Of Fool 470 Wings 471 You're My Best Friend 472 You're All I Need To Get By 473 White Christmas 474 Whenever I Call You Friend 475 Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 476 What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger) 477 Wedding Bell Blues 478 More Than A Feeling 479 More Than A Woman 480 Our Day Will Come 481 P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 482 Here's To Us 483 Honesty 484 Hall Of Fame 485 It's All Coming Back To Me Now 486 Teach Your Children 487 Night Fever 488 What The World Needs Now 489 Listen 490 Let Me Love You 491 Live While We're Young 492 Light Up The World 493 Trouty Mouth 494 Werewolves Of London 495 Kiss 496 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 497 Movin' Out (Anthony's Song) 498 Mickey 499 Mean 500 Mercy 501 Merry Christmas Darling 502 Let's Wait Awhile 503 Man In The Mirror 504 Rather Be 505 Rise 506 Good Vibrations 507 Faithfully 508 Firework 509 How Deep Is Your Love 510 Fix You 511 Fire And Rain 512 Give Your Heart A Break 513 Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree 514 Little Girls 515 Cry 516 Bust A Move 517 Bridge Over Troubled Water 518 Bring Him Home 519 Cheek To Cheek 520 Break Free 521 As Long As You're There 522 Big Ass Heart 523 Bitch 524 Bamboleo / Hero 525 Away In A Manger 526 Deck The Rooftop 527 Christmas Eve With You 528 Angels We Have Heard On High 529 Creep 530 Crush 531 Make No Mistake, She's Mine 532 Lose My Breath 533 Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee (Reprise) 534 What I Did For Love 535 Wake Me Up 536 Thousand Miles 537 Take A Bow 538 Still Got Tonight 539 The Music Of The Night 540 Stereo Hearts 541 The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late) 542 Take Me Or Leave Me 543 I'm The Only One 544 Isn't She Lovely 545 I Just Can't Stop Loving You 546 I'll Never Fall In Love Again 547 Unchained Melody 548 You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch 549 You Have More Friends Than You Know 550 You Should Be Dancing 551 I'm His Child 552 You Learn / You've Got A Friend 553 Somewhere 554 So Far Away 555 Uptown Funk 556 The Winner Takes It All 557 They Long To Be Close To You 558 Tonight 559 Being Good Isn't Good Enough 560 You May Be Right 561 To Love You More 562 Don't Wanna Lose You 563 Do You Hear What I Hear? 564 Ice Ice Baby 565 Don't Go Breaking My Heart 566 Don't Make Me Over 567 I Won't Give Up 568 I'll Be Home For Christmas 569 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For 570 I Still Believe / Super Bass 571 I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) 572 I Want You Back 573 Father Figure 574 Everybody Hurts 574 Gangnam Style 576 We Are The Champions 577 Stayin' Alive 578 Superman 579 The Rose 580 Don't Stop Believin' (Rachel) 581 Fly / I Believe I Can Fly 582 Gives You Hell 583 I Love L.A. 584 Mr. Roboto / Counting Stars 585 O Holy Night 586 Only The Good Die Young 587 One 588 Silent Night 589 Piano Man 590 Sexy And I Know It 591 Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club Band 592 Pretending 593 Physical 594 Danny's Song 595 Stand 596 The Final Countdown 597 You Can't Always Get What You Want 598 You Are Woman, I Am Man 599 You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' 600 Your Song 601 Say 602 No Air 603 Need You Now 604 No Surrender 605 Piece Of My Heart 606 Thong Song 607 Blurred Lines 608 Another One Bites The Dust 609 I Was Here 610 Bella Notte 611 I Know What Boys Like 612 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 613 Glory Days 614 Friday 615 More Than Words 616 Waiting For A Girl Like You 617 Welcome Christmas 618 You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) 619 You Give Love A Bad Name 620 We Built This City 621 Whistle 622 Who Are You Now? 623 You And I / You And I 624 Take Care Of Yourself 625 Tell Me Something Good 626 The Rain In Spain 627 Can't Fight This Feeling 628 Jingle Bell Rock 629 In Your Eyes 630 Hello 631 Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) 632 I Only Have Eyes For You 633 Jingle Bells 634 Joy To The World 635 I Wanna Sex You Up 636 Fight For Your Right (To Party) 637 Feliz Navidad 638 I'm So Excited 639 Uninvited 640 The Living Years 641 The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) 642 O Christmas Tree 643 One Love (People Get Ready) 644 Ohio 645 Only Child 646 Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love 647 My Sharona 648 Dance The Night Away 649 Poison 650 My Cup 651 Not The End 652 What It Feels Like For A Girl 653 Listen To Your Heart 654 Little Drummer Boy 655 One Hand, One Heart 656 Bein' Green 657 Big Spender 658 Billionaire 659 Ben 660 Gimme More 661 Burning Up 662 Hey Ya! 663 Hey, Soul Sister 664 Baby Got Back 665 Blue Christmas 666 Bohemian Rhapsody 667 Far From Over 668 The Trolley Song 669 Starlight Express 670 Whip It 671 You're The Top 672 Red Solo Cup 673 Next To Me 674 Rolling In The Deep 675 Rainbow Connection 676 La Cucaracha 677 (You're) Having My Baby 678 A Little Less Conversation 679 Happy 680 Highway To Hell 681 Same Love 682 Rock Lobster 683 Girls Just Want To Have Fun
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theradioghost · 4 years
I don't know if you're still doing podcast recs, but if you are, I really like dramas, horror, sci-fi, honestly anything that gives you the feels (especially if it has lgbtq+ rep). I am not much of a comedy person though unfortunately. The only podcast I finished was tma and I really loved it.
The recommendations are always on tap here, whenever my askbox is open! You might wanna check out:
Archive 81, for a found-footage horror about mysterious archives of tapes full of encounters with otherworldly horror, dark rituals, cults, and a long-suffering archivist with the same name as the show creator who plays him, which despite all that could not possibly be more different from TMA and yet easily matches it as one of the best horror stories I have ever enjoyed. The sound design on this show is basically unparalleled – where TMA has fairly minimalist sound design, A81 goes all out. Quite a few lgbtqa+ folk also.
I Am In Eskew, for a surreal, Lynchian horror about the city of Eskew, where it’s always raining and the streets are never the same twice, as narrated by a man who is trapped there and the woman hired to find him. Take the most viscerally disturbing episodes of TMA as a baseline for how intense this show is, then imagine the Spiral built a city and invited all the other fears over for a party. Also right up there as one of my favorite horror things ever, and recently ended, so you can listen to the whole thing right now.
Within The Wires, for a found-footage scifi dystopia, telling stories from an alternate-history world. Three of the four seasons focus on lgbtqa+ leads, and the first season, a set of instructional meditation tapes provided to a prisoner in a shadowy government institution, is still some of my absolute favorite creative use of medium and framing device ever.
Kane and Feels, for a surreal noir-flavored urban fantasy/horror hybrid, about a magically-inclined academic (and sarcastic little bastard man) named Lucifer Kane and his demon-punching partner with a heart of gold, Brutus Feels. They share a flat in London, they bicker like an old married couple, and they fight supernatural evil. This show WILL confuse the hell out of you and you will enjoy every second of it.
Alice Isn’t Dead, for a weird Americana horror story about a long-distance truck driver, criss-crossing the US in search of her missing wife. Along the way she discovers that both of them have been drawn into a dangerous secret war that seethes in the empty and abandoned expanses of America, and that inhuman hunters have begun to follow her. Also finished! And as the title kind of gives away, the lesbians do not die!
Janus Descending, for a sci-fi horror miniseries about two scientists sent to survey the remains of a dead alien civilization on a distant planet, only to learn all too well why the original inhabitants have disappeared. You hear one character’s story in chronological order and the other in reverse, with their perspectives alternating, which is done in an incredibly clever way so that even technically knowing what will happen it still holds you in suspense right to the end. Also, it made me cry, a lot.
SAYER, for a sci-fi horror with a touch of dark comedy, and probably the single best use of the “evil AI” trope I have ever seen. Tells the story of employees of tech corporation Aerolith Dynamics living on Earth’s artificial second moon, Typhon, in the form of messages from their AI overseer SAYER. The first season is great, the second season is okay, and the third and fourth seasons are fucking amazing.
Tides, for a really interesting sci-fi about a lone biologist trapped on an alien world shaped by deadly tidal forces. It’s different from just about any other sci-fi I know, focusing more on the main character’s interactions with and observations of this strange new world, where she’s very aware that she is the alien invader. (Also I don’t think any of the characters are straight.)
Station to Station, for a thrilling sci-fi mystery where a group of scientists and spies on a research ship (the ocean kind) discover that the time-warping anomaly they’re studying might be causing people to vanish from existence. Corporate espionage and high-stakes heartbreak abound. (And once again I’m not sure anyone is straight.)
The Strange Case of Starship Iris, for Being Gay And Doing Crime IN SPACE! Or, decades after a war with an alien species leaves humanity decimated and under the control of totalitarian leaders, the lone survivor of a research mission joins up with a ragtag crew of rebels and smugglers to figure out why the very government she worked for tried to kill her, and to stop them from inciting a second war. 100% lgbtqa+ found family in space heist action and it’s glorious in every way.
Unwell, for the horror-ish Midwestern gothic story of a young woman who returns to her hometown to help her estranged mother after an injury, and discovers that there is something just a little bit wrong, not just with her mother, but with her mother’s house, and with the whole town. Subtle and creepy. The protagonist is a biracial lesbian, one of the other major characters is nonbinary, the cast in general is super diverse.
The Blood Crow Stories, for an lgbtqa+ focused horror anthology! The four seasons so far have been the stories of an ancient evil stalking the passengers of a WWI-era utopian cruise ship, a dark Western mystery about a group of allies trying to stop the mysterious killer known only as the Savior, a 911 operator in a cyberpunk dystopia who starts getting terrifying phone calls from demons, and strange and deadly goings-on at a film studio in the golden age of Hollywood. Everyone is Very Gay and anyone can die, especially in season 1.
The Tower, for a melancholy experimental miniseries about a young woman who decides she’s going to climb the mysterious Tower, from which no one has ever returned. Quite short and very, very good.
Palimpsest, for a creepy, heartbreakingly sad and yet incredibly beautiful anthology series. Season one is the story of a woman who suspects her new home is haunted, season two is a turn-of-the-century urban fantasy about a girl who falls in love with the imprisoned fae princess she’s been hired to care for, and season three is about a WWII codebreaker who begins seeing ghosts on the streets of London during the Blitz.
Mabel, for a part-horror, part-love story, the kind of faerie tale where you feel obliged to spell it with an E because these are the kind of faeries that are utterly inhuman, and beautiful, and dangerous. Anna, the new caretaker for an elderly woman, leaves messages for her client’s mysteriously absent granddaughter Mabel. An old house in Ireland has a life and desires of its own, few of them friendly. Two women fall in love and set out for vengeance against the King Under The Hill. Creepy, strange, and gorgeously poetic.
Ars Paradoxica, for a sci-fi time travel Cold War espionage thriller. Physicist Dr. Sally Grissom accidentally invents time travel, landing herself – and her invention – in the middle of a classified government experiment during WWII. As the course of history utterly changes around them, she and what friends she can find in this new time must struggle with the ethics of what they’ve done, and the choices they’ll have to make. An aroace protagonist, Black secret agents, time-traveling Latina assassins, Jewish lesbian mathematicians, two men of color whose love changes the course of time itself, this show says a big fuck you to the idea that there’s anything hard about having a diverse cast in a period piece and it will break your heart, multiple times. Also finished!
The Far Meridian, for a genre-bending, poetic, at-times-heartwarming-at-times-heartbreaking story about an agoraphobic woman named Peri who decides to begin a search for her long-missing brother Ace after the lighthouse in which she lives begins mysteriously transporting to different places every day. I can never forget an early review that described this show as “the audio equivalent of a Van Gogh painting.” Suffice to say it is beautiful, and fantastically written and put together.
What’s the Frequency?, for a Surrealist noir horror mystery set in mid-20th-century LA. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure I can really explain what goes on in this show, but it features a detective named Walter “Troubles” Mix and his partner Whitney searching for a missing writer. Meanwhile, the only thing that seems to be playing on the radio is that writer’s show Love, Honor, and Decay, which also seems to be driving people to murder. Fantastically weird, deliciously creepy.
Directive, for a short sci-fi miniseries about a man hired to spend a very, very long trip through space alone, which doesn’t seem all that sad until suddenly it hits you with Every Feel You’ve Ever Had, seriously I don’t want to spoil it so I won’t say anything more but listen to this and then never feel the same way about Tuesdays again.
Wolf 359, for honestly one of the best podcasts out there, containing all of the drama and feels, seriously this show ended over two years ago and I still cry literal tears thinking about it sometimes. It has definite comedic leanings, especially in the first season which reads a bit more like a wacky office comedy set in space, but it takes a sharp turn towards high stakes, action, and feelings and that roller coaster never stops. Take four clashing personalities alone on a constantly-malfunctioning space station eight light years from earth, add some mysterious transmissions from the depths of space, toss in some seriously Jonah-Magnus-level manipulative evil bosses, and get ready to cry.
or, may I suggest Midnight Radio? It’s a lesbian-romance-slash-ghost-story completed miniseries about a late-night 1950s radio host in a small town who begins receiving mysterious letters from one of her listeners, and I have been assured by many people and occasionally their all-caps tweets that it provides ample Feelings! (also I wrote it.)
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the-delta-42 · 4 years
To the Final Frontier 3
To the Final Frontier 3
Chapter 3: Wolf 359
Marinette flinched as the panel behind her exploded.
“The Bonestell and Saratoga have been destroyed, Captain,” Reported Theo Barbot, a different Theo to the one she knew in the Academy, “The Tolstoy and Melbourne are moving in to intercept the Borg Cube.”
“Casualties on all decks,” Marinette reported, before a different klaxon went off, “We have Borg on decks 8 through 12.”
A sound that resembled a transporter made Marinette stiffen, a sharp pain pierced her neck. There was a sudden cutting sound and the Borg fell to the ground. Va’Kel Shon, an Ensign Academy mate of Marinette’s stood over the Borg with a pair of Ushaan-tors in his hands.
Marinette felt fire racing through her veins, she was vaguely aware of something protruding out of her skin across her body.
“You are Borg. You will assimilate any non-Borg. Resistance is Futile.”
“If you do not comply, you will be terminated.”
“Your culture will adapt to service us.”
Marinette was made aware of a hypo-spray being placed against her neck and then everything went black.
When Marinette woke up, everything was dark, Marinette let out a small moan, before trying to stand up.
“Easy.” Said Shon, placing a hand on her shoulder, “I don’t know what the Doctor injected you with, but it was able to prevent you from becoming like the Borg.”
“A very high dose of adrenaline, with some supplements to mimic a Bijani pain trance.” Said Fu, an elderly commander who was the Chief Medical Officer, “Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to prevent some assimilation, but you will still need some of them removed before you’re put on active duty again.”
“That’s if Earth is still around long enough.” Muttered another Ensign.
Marinette looked around, before spotting the bodies of most of the Bridge Crew placed off to the side.
“The ship is unsalvageable, another ship passed through, but other than that, it’s been all quiet.” Said Shon, looking down at Marinette, “Out of 490, only 16 are still alive. It turns out that the Borg aren’t shielded against melee weapons.”
“Remind me to pick up a sword when we get back.” Muttered Marinette, her throat sore.
“If we get back.” Muttered the Ensign from earlier.
Adrien tried not to groan when he ran into his father as soon as he got off the transport, the older man glared at him, his arms folded.
“Excuse me, Sir,” Said Adrien, “I need to get to the Assignment Officer.”
Adrien brushed past his father and made his way over to Commander Mendeleiev, the chief science officer of the area.
“Ah, Ensign Agreste,” Said Mendeleiev, as Adrien approached, “surprising to see you without your other half.”
“Marinette’s on the Buran.” Said Adrien, as Mendeleiev looked down at her padd.
“Standard posting, you’ll be helping teach the recruits that are based here.” Said Mendeleiev, looking back up at Adrien, “I understand you were hoping to get the same posting as Marinette.”
“Yeah, but things don’t usually go as we hope.” Said Adrien, wincing slightly.
“I’ll see about her being moved here once her posting on the Buran is up.” Said Mendeleiev, dismissing Adrien.
Over the course of the next week, Adrien had been reunited with Chloe, who was studying to be an Operations Officer, met Nino, Alya and the rest of their class and ran into Lila. Lila was given a wide berth by everyone; Adrien was later told about how she lied to the extent she almost ruined another one of their friend’s life.
“And you all just believed her?” Asked Adrien, looking up from the science report he was writing.
“Yeah, I guess,” Said Alya, her gaze on the ground, “It all seemed so good and, well, we got carried away in being hopeful.”
“And it all came out after Marinette left.” Said Nino, making Adrien’s head snap up to stare at him.
“Marinette?” Asked Adrien, getting to his feet, “As in Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
“Yeah, wait,” Gasped Nino, “you know her?”
“Know her?” Said Adrien, “I’m dating her!”
Everyone was silent, before Adrien was bombarded with questions, the only one that Adrien heard was what her posting was.
“She’s on the USS Buran,” Said Adrien, getting everyone to silence, “she’s going to be gone a few months and then she’s coming back to Earth.”
Everyone was happy, Marinette was in Starfleet, they could still find her.
The happiness was broken another week later, when the news about the Fleet at Wolf 359 was broken.
“Out of a task force of 40-star ships,” Said Lt. Commander Bustier, her voice choked, “only one was deemed salvageable. The remains of the unsalvageable ships will remain at Wolf 359 to serve as a memorial, a full list of those lost at Wolf 359 will be posted tomorrow.”
Adrien was numb, he remembered Marinette saying the Buran was part of a task force headed for Wolf 359. Adrien was forced off duty when he saw Marinette’s name on the list.
It wasn’t even a week later that people started flirting with him. Adrien had made friends with a Cadet named Kagami Tsurugi and a fellow Ensign Luka Couffaine. Kagami had almost received a black eye when she tried to drag Adrien out of his quarters.
Adrien would remain quiet for little over a month.
“I’m glad we were able to get the replicators working.” Said Shon, as he bit down on the food he was given, “I don’t think the Captain would appreciate it if we ate her.”
Marinette gave a small smile, before tearing a chuck of chicken off the leg she was given. The replicators and life support were the only things working, which gave a small comfort.
There was a sudden transporter sound, making everyone jump to their feet. A pair of Klingons stood, looking over them.
“qatlh naDev?” (Why are you here?) Asked one Klingon, “nuq Davang naDev?” (What are you doing here?)
Marinette let out a small sigh of relief, they weren’t there to kill them.
“DuDwI' maH naDev qaSchoH may', lam HoS wIghaj.” (We've been stuck here since the battle, we have not much power.) Said Marinette, getting the Klingon’s attention.
“SoHvaD lon 'ejyo'?” (Starfleet has abandoned you?) Asked a Klingon, looking over the group.
“No.” Said the other Klingon, “They would not abandon their own, they must’ve been shielded.”
“Yes, our Chief engineer created a shield that blocked out our life signs,” Said Fu, walking forwards, “Unfortunately, he was killed before he could deactivate it and none of us were briefed on how it worked.”
“It obviously doesn’t work as well as you thought, if we could detect you.” Retorted the first Klingon, folding his arms.
“J’mpok, at ease.” Said the second Klingon, “They are not our enemies.”
“Very well, Martok.” Said J’mpok, not looking pleased, “I suppose you want a lift home?”
“That would be appreciated, yes.” Replied Fu, before Martok called for a transport of 18 people.
As soon as Marinette was on the Klingon ship, Fu took the liberty of sedating her and requesting the use of their sick bay.
“So, one of your own was turned into one of them.” Said J’mpok, as he led them to the sick bay.
“Almost, we were able to prevent it by tricking her body into a pain trance.” Said Fu, “Thankfully it worked.”
Shon gently placed Marinette on the berth, before Fu started removing the implants that had grown inside her.
Adrien was supervising the Cadets on Earth Space Dock, when a Klingon ship suddenly decloaked and a group of Klingons beamed onto the station.
“We have some of your people, Starfleet,” Said the lead Klingon, as another group of people were beamed onto the station.
Adrien froze as soon as he caught sight of Marinette, pale and with implants sticking out of her body.
Adrien didn’t think as he ran past the lead Klingon and grabbed hold of Marinette. There was a tense silence, before Medical staff started rushing over to the survivors, while the Medical Officer of the Buran took himself to security.
Lt. Commander Bustier was standing nearby when Fu walked up to the Security officer.
“I assume you are the Chief of Security here?” Asked Fu, looking up at the Vulcan.
“I am.” Came the response.
“I’m here to turn myself in for genetically modifying a Starfleet Officer.” Said Fu, getting stunned looks from the Vulcan and Bustier.
Across the room, Adrien had to be pried off Marinette, so the Medical Staff could attend to her. He compromised by holding onto her hand.
“I thought I lost you.” Murmured Adrien, as Marinette was scanned by a frowning Medical Officer.
“You almost did.” Said Marinette, as Adrien’s thumb ran over her knuckle.
“Yes, I suppose it was your Bijani heritage that saved you.” Said the Medical Officer, getting Marinette’s attention.
“I’m sorry, sir?” Asked Marinette, looking up at them.
“Your scans are coming back as Human/Bijani,” Said the Officer, “Someone probably put you in a pain trance to prevent you being Assimilated, since you would’ve been seen as ‘dead’.”
“Sir, there aren’t any Bijani in my family, we’re all Human.” Said Marinette, getting the Officer to look at her.
The Officer was silent, before he placed his tricorder down and tapped his com-badge.
“Lt. Bashir to Security,” Said the Doctor, “One of my patients has been genetically modified without her knowledge, I would like a high-level search for the culprit.”
“No need,” Came the response “They turned themselves in as soon as they got back.”
Bashir blinked, “Well, that was anti-climactic.”
“Am I free to go?” Marinette asked quietly.
“Ah, yes, there seems to be nothing else wrong with you, Lieutenant.” Said Bashir, before moving off to another patient.
Adrien slowly helped Marinette to her feet and helped her walk away from the growing crowd.
“I met some of your old friends,” Said Adrien, “They want to get back in touch with you.”
Marinette quietly groaned, as they approached the group of Cadets from Paris.
“Alright, Class,” Said Adrien, quickly getting everyone’s attention, “This is Lt. JG. Dupain-Cheng, The Junior Medical Officer assigned to the Bridge of the USS Buran.”
Everyone stared at Marinette, who was swaying slightly. Marinette was almost bowled over by an entire class of Cadets rushing her.
“Oh yeah, most of your school friends are Cadets.” Said Adrien, as Marinette struggled under the dog pile.
“Thanks for telling me.” Came the muffled response.
Marinette tugged on her Uniform, as she looked at her reflection. There were still a couple implants visible, one on her left temple and another just below her ear. Today was the day Starfleet and the Federation would hold a service for everyone lost during the Borg incursion, the sixteen names of Marinette and her fellow survivors had been removed from the list of the dead.
Marinette’s door chimed.
“Come in.” Said Marinette, after a moment of silence.
The door opened, admitting Adrien into the room.
“The Service is about to begin, Admiral Paris sent me to get you.” Said Adrien, coming up behind Marinette.
“I heard the USS Ahwahnee has been moved to Utopia Planitia to be restored.” Said Marinette, her eyes not moving from her reflection.
“Yeah, apparently there was a whole fleet of ships that were being designed to fight the Borg were being stored there,” Said Adrien, carefully watching Marinette, “You feeling okay?”
Marinette was quiet for a moment, before answering, “I don’t know.”
Adrien wrapped his arm around Marinette’s shoulders, “Mari, we’re with you, I’m with you. You don’t have to bottle anything up, you and fifteen others went through an incredibly traumatic event and you have your genes altered without your consent.”
“It’s funny,” Said Marinette, her voice hollow, “I remember all the times we were spat at during our academy years, every time we were treated unfairly, and now, everyone is calling me and the other survivors heroes. Adrien,” Marinette turned to him, “the only reason I’m alive now, is because of the alterations and part of me just wishes I’d died on the bridge of the Buran.”
Adrien pulled Marinette close, as she started to breakdown.
Elsewhere, A red skinned Starfleet Captain was looking over Adrien and Marinette’s Starfleet profiles. She narrowed her eyes, before leaning back and looking at her First Officer.
“Perhaps we should keep a closer eye on them in future?” Suggested Plagg, his pitch-black skin highlighting his vivid green sclera and cat-like pupil slits.
“Maybe,” Mused Tikki, before looking at Fu’s file, “It seems the Guardian saw the Lieutenant important enough to genetically modify to ensure her survival.”
“Are we going to do anything for Fu?” Asked Plagg, leaning forwards.
“No,” Said Tikki, shaking her head, her antenna raising through her hair, “He’s managed to hide from Section 31 a century ago, he’ll just disappear into thin air again.”
Tikki narrowed her eyes at Marinette’s file, silently deciding to keep an eye on her.
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hellotrickster · 4 years
Some podcast recs. Not by any means an exhaustive list! I’ll probably end up adding more and more.
The Magnus Archives
Horror drama masquerading as a horror anthology. Very incredible plotting and character writing, QUEER PROTAGONIST AND DEUTERAGONIST. It’s my favorite. It’s taught me about having hope again in the darkest of circumstances, and the knowledge that horror and tragedy can be cathartic, when done right. I’m still reeling on the floor from all of it.
The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel
Depressed bisexual nb detective Juno Steel solves mysteries and murders with sarcastic one-liners he practices in the mirror in a queer cyberpunk future on Mars as he tangles with a clever thieves, ancient alien telepathy, rogue cybernetics, his own trauma and survivor’s guilt, giant sewer rabbits, politicians and mobsters out to get him, and trying to look cool.
The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel
A collection of knights and knights-to-be and the monsters that they hunt in a series of rotating stories that eventually unifies all of them. We’ve got queer characters and characters with disabilities, enemies to lovers, a singing castle, a polycule, and a secret inverted pretending to be married, scalies. It’s a delight, and definitely reminds me of a more ensemble-variant of Xena.
Wolf 359
Found family IN SPACE but also like roommates who want to kill each other. Starts out fairly lighthearted and turns into an epic story that destroys you and remakes you and then grinds you apart again. Survival on a station many light years from earth is tough! Also lots of contemplation of personhood, agency, and spaaaaaace. Badass ladies, banter, suffering, love, a plant monster.
Zero Hours
Gabriel Urbina back at it again in an anthology that visits the end of the world — over and over again, each time a hundred years apart, spanning the 1700s to the far future. Sometimes hopeful, sometimes hurtful, it left me feeling grateful to exist. Featuring beloved voice actors from a bunch of other podcasts on this list, it’s a wonderful work of art (though thematically may be a little difficult right now, so please take care.)
Kane & Feels
Horror-urban-fantasy-noir! Lucifer Kane and Brutus Feels are paranormal investigators who deal with problems in the veil between worlds. Of everything on this list, it feels the most like a graphic novel and is fun as hell. Sometimes it’s a little tricky to tell what’s going on but goddamn does it have so much style and fun.
Archive 81
Each season is remarkably different from the one before. In a lot of ways, it’s almost a Lovecraftian adventure series, with parallel worlds and dark rituals with the grimmest of prices exacted. What’s particularly powerful about it is its quality audio and foley design. The intricacies of the rituals in season three compared with the rituals in The Magnus Archives will make you laugh and laugh and laugh.
Wooden Overcoats
Tim Burton-y or Addams Family British comedy about rival funeral parlors. Feels like it should be animated by Don Bluth. It’s very unfortunate and very hilarious, and you might end up wanting all the characters to be happy somehow. The voice acting quality is so polished and phenomenal.
Steampunk London! Tom Crowley — certified Handsome Voice Eric Chapman in Wooden Overcoats — is here as Inspector Fleet who ends up embroiled in trying to solve a massive conspiracy mystery with the intrepid journalist Clara Entwhistle. Another audio delight, with great comedic beats and fascinating world building. Lots of crime solving hijinks and teamwork, though Inspector Fleet is very reluctant at first to be part of a crime-solving partnership.
Girl in Space
Scientist found family revolution. It’s basically a bottle episode science fiction film, but it’s so sincere and kind I really adore it. X is a scientist surviving alone in a spaceship whose favorite movie is Jurassic Park, and who could really use a friend. Hopepunk to its toes, with the belief in the dignity of every person.
I Am In Eskew
Lovecraftian horror city setting, described in the dreamily calm voice of David Ward. Relaxing horror, with lovely prose and really creative concepts, backdropped by a steady rain. At times totally grotesque, but at the same time really soothing. Excellent for relaxing, since David does not seem shocked or surprised by anything that goes on, and deals with things as logically as living in a non-Euclidean world allows.
D&D and Tabletop
Rusty Quill Gaming
Yes, you know you need it in your life. Fictional steampunk London in which D&D races exist, Greek gods are real, and the world is ruled by a group of dragons called the Meritocrats. Starring: an ex-pirate dwarf cleric of Poseidon, a halfling Egyptian sorcerer, a slippery bundle of knives of a person, and a pompous idiot from the House of Lords whose worst fear is “the poors.” Eventually also a six-foot orc paladin of Aphrodite in bright glowing pink armor, a goblin paladin that will shoot off your kneecaps, and an alchemist that is a cross between Gambit and Jillian Holtzmann. You’ll learn how evil Alex J Newall is, and it’s wonderful.
Campaign Podcast: Skyjacks
Piracy has taken flight as four idiots try to Weekend At Bernie’s their dead captain and sail their airship to riches and adventure. Worth it especially for Gable, a seven-foot-tall non-binary immortal who can’t flirt for SHIT, but I love everybody in their little family. Lots of great improv and group-built storytelling, lots of goofs.
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fromthecommsroom · 5 years
survivors squad
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YS8fp4
by zeitgeistofnow
on the long way home, before they figure out the cryo-freeze, before they’re ready for cryo, lovelace jokingly calls the uraina the ‘survivors ship’- half jokingly, they’re all painfully aware that they survived- and it sticks. the survivors squad on the survivor ship, dealing with survivors guilt.
but at least they survived, you know?
Words: 4667, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wolf 359 (Radio)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Renée Minkowski, Isabel Lovelace, Daniel Jacobi, Doug Eiffel, Hera (Wolf 359)
Relationships: Renée Minkowski/Isabel Lovelace/Daniel Jacobi/Doug Eiffel/Hera
Additional Tags: Polyamory, Recovery, Post-Canon, casual reminder that while it's not mentioned in this fic, MINKOWSKI IS STILL BUTCH, thanks for coming to my ted talk, i wrote this so long ago, right after the finale i think
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YS8fp4
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
If you could, without any problems resulting from it, change three past events, what would those be?
I’m glad you specified this hypothetical requires no problems result from the changes! I’m a bit paranoid about that, after having had a hand in collapsing the timeline once before. That could have been catastrophic, and we were very lucky we managed to restore it mostly undamaged! But without consequences, this is a lovely hypothetical. Who doesn’t want to right past wrongs, and make the Galaxy a better place with the power of hindsight?
I wouldn’t be much of an exoarchaeologist if I didn’t immediately say the burning of the Library of Alexandria on Earth in 48 BCE! So much knowledge of that world’s ancient history was lost, and we have no real way of knowing just what is missing. (I feel much the same way about the fire in the Brazil National Museum the year Dax was born, but at least in that case there are extant records of what was there, even if the artifacts and linguistic recordings are now lost.)
I would want to travel back to 2144 on Trialas IV -- not to prevent the arrest of Arik Soong on charges of theft and eugenics, but to ensure that the genetically enhanced children born from the stolen embryos were given appropriate care and support. I want to believe that if they had been allowed to grow up in a healthy environment, properly nurtured, they would not have gone on to wreak the havoc they did. This was an important turning point in the history of the Federation’s ban on genetic engineering. Having seen how this (and the encounter with Khan a century and a half later) has had terrible repercussions for one of my dearest friends, I would love to be able to undo this one wrong.
And if there was any way at all for me to prevent the massacre at Wolf 359, I would. For the sake of the dead, for the sake of the survivors, and for the sake of Captain Picard. I cannot imagine having to live with being so utterly used by an enemy: mind, body, reputation, legend. The violation is horrific, and its sequelae for the morale of Starfleet and the mindset of the Federation as a whole have still not all come to light.
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allisoinreynolds · 5 years
do u have any podcast recs or just some faves? i wanna get into them too x
yeah! ok so mind you i haven’t been listening for too long so i can’t make this list as long as i wish i could, but the ones i’ve listened to are (also these are mainly fiction and true crime because that’s what i listen to):
* favourite
limetown: an entire town disappears, and ten years later a reporter tries to find out what happened to the people there. (i actually really liked s1. s2 was... different? i liked it though, but this was the first podcast i listened to, so i may be biased, but i have a special place for this one in my heart) [fiction]
alice isn’t dead*: follows a trucker as she searches for her wife who is not, as she had thought, dead (this one has a few elements of horror, i think, but it’s really good) [fiction]
the strange case of starship iris*: follows violet liu after she is the only survivor in her ship (this might be my favourite out of all of them, it’s really good, okay, if there is one i recommend it’s this one. i’m having a hard time explaining it, but think: space and conspiracies. i really loved this one. i can’t put into words how much i recommend this one.) [fiction]
rabbits: when carly’s best friend goes missing, her search leads her to a mysterious, secret game known only as rabbits (i wanna clarify that i didn’t love this one. i thought the idea of it was amazing, but the execution was... eh. still, maybe you’ll be luckier than me, i did think the idea was pretty good) [fiction]
welcome to night vale: there’s a town. there’s weird stuff going on in said town. (this is the one everyone will mention if we’re talking podcasts. i actually only heard a couple of episode, but everyone says it’s pretty good, so i want to get to it eventually) [fiction]
lesser gods: in a future where humans are unable to reproduce, someone seems to start targeting the five youngest people in the planet (it’s not my favourite, but i do like it more than others in this list.) [fiction]
the amelia project*: a company where they fake their client’s death - as long as they can tell a story and they find them interesting (this one i actually really liked. s2 will be out in a month or so i think. ‘favourite’ might be a little strong, but i liked this one) [fiction]
the black tapes: i’ve only listened to four chapters before getting scared, but it deals with paranormal stuff and has someone who doesn’t believe in them and one who is trying to figure out the truth. i really couldn’t say if it’s good or not, though, because honestly? me and paranormal don’t really get along, i get scared way too easily. [fiction]
serial: this is probably the most popular one when it comes to true crime, and i can see why. it basically follows one story in each season during s1 and 2, and s3 deals with more of the every day type of work (s3 is kinda horrifying tbh). but yeah, it’s good if you want to listen to this kind of stuff. 
up and vanished: another true crime one where they follow one disappearence each season. s1 was kinda shocking for some stuff that happened, but i think i might have liked s2 more, i don’t know.
the adventure zone: this is just a father and some brothers playing dnd and i’ve only listened to the first arc they did, but it was fun. it’s pretty popular so you might have heard of it, but, yeah. it was fun.
culpable: another true crime one following one case and trying to find out what happened. this one just came out so there’s only two episodes out.
fair warning: i’m not super into true crime stuff, despite listening to it. i like it in a ‘what happened to them’ and you want to see the person who did it face the consequences, but i’m not super into it. i liked serial more, but up and vanished did do a lot more of putting the focus on the victim, which i did like. but i might not be the best to rec true crime specifically.
other podcasts i haven’t listened so i really don’t know what they are about to but i have saved for later: 1994, accused, archive 81, ars paradoxica, attention hellmart shoppers!, casefile true crime, the dark tome, eos 10, girl in space, king falls am, kakos industries, love and luck, my favourite murder, s-town, sayer, someone knows something, station to station, stellar firma, the bright sessions, the deep vault, the far meridian, the magnus archives, the orbiting human circus, the penumbra podcast, to live and die in la, victoriocity, violet beach, within the wires, wolf 359
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