#you guys are AWESOME💥💥💥
sspetals · 8 months
I don’t usually check how many followers I have but woahahoeohohooohh we have rEAAALLY sly rocketed in just a few days
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yesterday it was around 53 but this is really AWESOME!!!!THANK YOU!!! >XD🎉🎉✨🌈✨🎉
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Im really excited for a larger crowd but oH man that thought feels pressuring, but it’s nice you guys wanna see more from mE????🎉🎉🎉🥰
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theserlingbucket · 10 days
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A Paimon. Credit card. They gave him a PAIMON. CREDIT CARD!?
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reinabeestudio · 3 months
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More familial posting. He's like a squeaky toy to me
(also the reference in the first doodle) ↓↓↓
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m3llowm1sh · 3 months
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guys holy shit i predicted melodie................
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nayruwu · 8 months
rereading catastrophe and having to deal with shinya being called every variation of useless, unimportant, worthless, irrelevant, unloved, unloveable, maidenless, replaceable and the fact that no one would give a shit if he died every two pages sure is an experience.
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crispywisp · 1 year
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fayehartz · 10 months
hey guys dipweek update:
i WILL be writing my FIRST EVER fic on my grandpas nokia phone,,
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3dogbones · 2 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌 /nf
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transredguy · 7 months
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this guy awesome as fuck. you better agree💥💥💥💥
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sir-fluffbutts · 1 month
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I genuinely cannot stop thinking about this guy design, ever since i look at your eye for an eye amv(literal abysmal video, good art direction love some of the symbolism too)
I've looked through his TH profile and his lore is also very intresting, i hope to see more of your animation about your OC, because genuinely they all have awesome design and nice little story. You're a huge inspo
THANK YOU SM!!!!! and you WILL see him more for sure!!
i LOVEE animating like...how should i put this....raw feral attack type gore and he will absolutly drop down and eat people so there DEFINATLY will be more of him in the future
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frozenjokes · 25 days
I’m Really Sorry About The Whole ‘Crush On My Alter Ego’ Thing, But We Could Still Totally Make This Work
Grian woke up early to a harsh alarm as he had every day since Scar’s.. confession..
The sun hadn’t even risen yet, but it probably would in an hour or two, so Grian wasted no time getting right on his morning routine. Which is to say. Doom scrolling for at least an hour before actually getting up. Though before choosing one of many social media platforms to waste his time with, he checked his texts, expecting to find a meme or work schedule change from Cub, and instead:
Good morning sunshine👊👊👊👊👊!!! ❤️ Time to get ready for another day of stopping crime and KICKING ASS👉👊👊‼️⚡️⚡️⭐️✨✨💥💥💥💥 I would say I hope you slept well.. but I KNOW you did and that your going to have a certifiably SLAY DAY⭐️💥⭐️💥⚡️⚡️⚡️ I just wanted YOU to know that your killing it (👊👊👊👊👊👊) and you’re awesome and very cute😳 like cUtEgUy you know and everyone loves you❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️Me included!! Can’t wait to see you today🫵🫵👊👊🫡💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 *dhoots arrow* HOTGUY
It went on for quite a bit longer, but Grian had seen enough actually, and consequently was no longer inclined to stay awake. This would be a problem for future Grian.
Future Grian was not very happy with past Grian when he woke up a few hours later, stumbling in his disoriented state to the kitchenette for coffee. Cub was at the kitchen table scrolling through his phone, and once Grian had the presence of mind to interrogate him, he pulled up the text, shoving his phone in Cub’s face.
“What is this. Did you have something to do with this? Did you write this for him? That’s probably something you’d do. What’s your prerogative here?”
Cub took a long moment to read, a small smile creeping across his face before outright laughing, “Oh, this is great.” Cub gently took Grian’s phone to keep reading, adjusting his glasses, “It just keeps going. How long do you think he spent typing this?”
“I don’t know! I don’t care! What the hell am I supposed to do? Why is he even texting me in the first place?”
“I’m failing to see how this is a big deal. He’s probably just sorry about the Micah thing and this is how he’s chosen to express that. Oh- here. ‘You don’t have to worry about seeing Micah again because I killed him. He’s gone.-‘ several explosions emojis ‘-I also tried to kill HotGuy but when I brought it up to one of my buddies who’s in with the higher ups he said No No Definitely Not Do Not Bring This Up To Anyone Else Ever For Your Own Safety so I’m feeling a little bit more insecure about my place in the world but that’s okay! I mean I know my life has always been in the hands of government doctors but I didn’t actually think through those implications until right now. You know me though, I’ll just keep doing my best! HaHa!’ Oh god. That’s a lot more text with very few emojis. Do these things not have character limits? I don’t think he’s okay actually. This just keeps going.”
“The- Okay, how am I supposed to be upset at him after you just read all that out to me? This is not fair. Can we just put that aside for later because how the fuck am I supposed to look at Scar in even remotely the same way after Micah- You can not possibly understand, Cub, I told Micah everything. We like- connected! And it was just fucking HotGuy the whole time! The guy I can’t fucking stand!”
“Out of costume I think he prefers you just call him Scar.”
“Okay. Sure. Fine. Scar fucked my brain! How can he even expect me to look at him the same way! He just let me think for all that time he was a different guy! Do you know how crazy that is? He talked shit ABOUT HIMSELF constantly! He tricked me!” Still, after a whole week to think about it, Grian couldn’t make sense of that. That he had met someone, made a real connection with a real person, but he hadn’t, not actually, because all of it was a facade. It was just Scar. But it didn’t feel like just Scar- it felt like Micah. Micah, who was just an act. Micah who he’d never see again. And maybe that hurt the most. That he’d lost someone like that. That he’d lost a friend. Someone who he thought might be able to be more than a friend.
“If it helps I think he has serious enough issues with his identity that he was not just ‘Scar but playing a character.’ Micah was a different person to him, I think.”
“Yeah.” Grian’s shoulders sagged, the idea not much of a comfort, “That. I got some idea of that. He was asking me a lot of questions about alter egos when-“ Grian cut himself off to groan loudly, “This is so stupid. This is so stupid. He needs to go directly to therapy for weeks at a time so I don’t have to see him for at least another month.”
Cub shrugged, “Maybe it would be good for you to see him. Maybe you should go in today.”
“How would this help me.” Grian glared, but Cub wasn’t looking up, still reading-
“I don’t know,” Cub said, setting Grian’s phone down on the table to return his focus to his own coffee, “I just kinda want you to.”
“I do. You’ve both been a bit of a wreck all week, maybe this’ll clear the air. And unless you plan on never speaking to Scar again, which is not practical for your work or your home life, you’re going to have to tear the bandaid off at some point. If he wants to apologize, you should let him say what he has to say at the very least. You don’t have to forgive him.”
“You- Are you in on this? I think you’re in on this.”
“I didn’t know about the text. Honestly, the majority of that message comes off as very.. in the moment. I don’t think that was planned. But he has a plan. No idea what. He wouldn’t tell me. It’ll probably be funny though.”
“So do you want this to fix me or do you want to laugh at me?”
Cub waved a hand dismissively, not looking up from his coffee. “I want to laugh at Scar.”
“You should go to work though.”
“I know your motives, Cub.”
Cub only shrugged. “Yeah, but I’m also just curious. I want to know what he does. Don’t you? Wouldn’t it be sad if he planned some sort of big I’m Sorry event for you and you never showed?”
“This is extremely appealing to me.”
“But then you’ll never know what it was. Or if it even happened at all.”
“Scar will text you.”
“He might not.”
Grian scoffed. “If you want to see what Scar has done so badly then you can go and see it for yourself.”
“You think security would let me in?” Cub looked a bit too excited by that idea, the kind of expression that crossed his face holding Great Intention. Always a terrifying look on Cub, and definitely not something to be encouraged lest he get himself arrested.
“I don’t know. Probably not.”
Cub deflated (a great relief), but didn’t budge on his prior sentiment. “You should go.” Grian rolled his eyes.
“Well I am going, I want to go, but I'm not trying to see any of Scar. If he wants to talk to me he can chase me down. I’m not playing into anything he has planned.”
“Oh,” Cub blinked, then looked back at his phone, “Great. My job’s done then.”
“You are in on this!”
“I maintain my innocence. Hope it’s a good day though.”
“It won’t be.”
“If you say so.”
Grian rolled his eyes, taking his coffee off the maker and heading back to his room. He dressed in his underclothes, grabbed his bag, then headed out with a passing goodbye. Cub’s focus was elsewhere anyway, getting ready for his own work. One day Cub would be able to quit that damn job. Now that Grian had he means, he was going to make sure of it.
With the ample warning, Grian made sure to steer completely clear of his and Scar’s offices. He intended on lingering here as little as possible, only dropping in to change and collect a radio.
Apparently Scar had anticipated this.
“Well hello there!”
Grian didn’t catch more than a glance of him before slamming the public office door closed, but had to open it again seconds later because what the fuck was Scar wearing.
Scar had laid himself out over the center desk, dressed head to toe in the most garishly abhorrent green crop top, booty shorts, and sparkly jewelry Grian had ever seen all on top of his uniform. ‘IM SORRY’ was written across the chest in neon pink fabric marker chicken scratch, a miserable failure at matching CuteGuy’s colors. The entire outfit clashed so horribly that Grian couldn’t help but stare, for a moment too long apparently because Scar took this as an invitation to continue speaking.
“CuteGuy! I had a rose for you, but you took your sweet ass time getting here and I got bored, so I ate it instead. You know how there’s rose flavored candy and shit? Does not taste like the flower. Would not recommend. Actually!” Scar rolled over onto his stomach, kicking his legs, and Grian choked on a snort when he saw the text across Scar’s ass said ‘WHORE.’ “I was trying to spit it out, you know, and I’m pretty sure my saliva is purple now. It turned my water purple. I might have poisoned myself.”
Grian found himself stuck between bafflement and a laugh, but he refused to show Scar he was any amount amused by this display, his voice stilted in suppression when he finally spoke. “Give me. A radio.”
“Sure thing!” Scar plucked one off the dock, spinning it in his fingers before tossing it across the room. Grian caught it, turning on his heel to leave. “Hey! Where are you going?”
Grian didn’t feel the need to answer, shutting the door behind himself as he went, but it wasn’t long because he heard the tip-taps of Scar’s boots behind him, not running, but certainly trying his best to catch up.
“Did you see my message this morning?”
“I saw it.”
“Did you see the part where I asked to take you to lunch?”
“Do you want to go to lunch then? Later, obviously. You don’t even have to go with me!”
Grian scoffed through a chuckle, rolling his eyes. Ridiculous. “No thanks.”
“I thought so. That’s okay! Maybe another time! I’m going to go now, but it was nice to see you, CuteGuy!”
Grian frowned, not responding or turning around. If Scar wanted to dress like an idiot, that was his prerogative. Grian wasn’t going to be the one to stop him. He had actual work to be doing.
Grian liked how often he got to fly in this line of work. CuteGuy the villain didn’t fly anywhere; he laid low, he scouted the streets from roofs of buildings, he stuck to the shadows. ‘Grian’ didn’t fly much either, not without a reason. Sometimes he’d fly just like anyone would go for a walk, but he liked doing something, he liked having places to go. As much as he loathed superhero culture- and the whole damn city for that matter- he loved this.
It wasn’t unusual for a crowd to gather at the scene of a fight or crime, but maybe Grian should have known that a crowd this large, this dense, was a red flag. It had been a couple hours since he’d set off into the city, so his guard was down, he was in the zone. He had just assumed someone was hurt. That people were trying to help or panicking. Clearing the crowd revealed otherwise.
Scar was laying on the sidewalk, still wearing his clashing clothes, signing a book from a fan before shooing them away while looking distinctly like the two of them were in on some sort of inside joke. He.. didn’t have his legs.
“CuteGuy!” Scar swooned, drawing a gloved hand across his forehead, “I have fallen and I can not get up! I need a handsome and capable superhero to assist me!”
Grian cringed, but despite the majority of people having backed up, no one seemed to actually have left, encircling the both of them in a tight barrier. Scar knew plenty well how their fans felt about the two of them, (Grian had stumbled upon some.. choice pieces of fanart before) and he’d never miss an opportunity to tease under the scrutiny of eager eyes. Though, there was something beautifully normal about that; the teasing, the invitation of banter. The kind of normalcy you long for, even when things aren’t well. (Even when Micah was never real, even after you lost a friend.)
“You’re plenty capable. This is a severe waste of my time.” Grian flapped his wings, not intending on leaving, just needing more space from the onlookers.
Scar watched him carefully, delight dancing across his face when he realized that Grian was going to stay. “Well of course, of course, but going all that distance walking on my hands? No no, I don’t think so! I don’t even want to think about the kinds of calluses I’d get! And it would take hours.”
“Serves you right. Did you make sure that call only wired to me?” Grian huffed, making a grand show of his annoyance since Scar couldn’t see the roll of his eyes. And.. well.. he couldn’t quite help himself with the crowd. Everyone gets a kick out of dramatics sometimes. “Where’d your legs run off to anyway?”
“Oh! Funny story! The Goat took them.”
“You paid him to do that?”
“That would have been a really good idea! But no. He just happened to see me, and after laughing at me for like ten minutes he said ‘iF yOu aRen’t uSinG thEsE tHen I wiLL’ like he does, you know him. It was a little ominous actually. I’m a bit worried. My doctors are going to be pissed when they find out, so personally, I would rather be delivering this news with legs in hand.”
“Oh my god.”
“Yeah. It’s not ideal. If it wasn’t already clear, I’m going to need help getting them back.”
“I hope you know how unbelievably a ‘you problem’ this is because I am not helping. Good luck hunting him down. First I’d recommend calling someone to bring you your chair.”
“No!” Scar jolted upright, proving just how capable he was of not laying pathetically on the concrete, “I want you! Look, look at me. Listen. Close your eyes.”
Grian made a face, scoffing to hide the hint of amusement that was threatening to show in his expression. “Do you want me to look at you or do you want me to close my eyes.”
“Listen. Imagine. HotGuy and CuteGuy: Dynamic Duo-!”
“This sounds awful.”
“-I’m up on your shoulders, we’re infiltrating The Goat’s home base together! You’re punching bad guys and I’m shooting my bow from above-“
“And how do you think you’re going to hang on, huh?” Grian interrupted, tapping his foot.
“Obviously I’d-“ Scar moved, seeming to realize too late he didn’t have the legs he was planning on using. This did not deter him, a sharp smirk splitting his smile, “Velcro!”
Grian snorted despite himself, “Yeah. That’d be perfect, wouldn’t it. I foresee zero issues.” With a great irritation that gripped him out of nowhere, Grian was suddenly aware of other voices, the crowd, speaking loudly amongst themselves. Someone started to chant his name. Another chanted ‘Velcro!’ That caught on much faster. Grian flapped his wings far more aggressively when the crowd began to close in, hitting civilians out of his personal bubble, but this didn’t seem to be very effective, anxiety crawling under his skin as the attention started to be too much. Scar seemed to notice, but despite his efforts to control the onlookers, they were too rowdy, too caught up in their excitement to listen.
“Goodbye.” Grian hissed, straining to be heard, and Scar half-shrugged, a possible attempt at apology.
“So that’s a no, then? You’ll fetch my legs at least, will you?”
“No.” Grian beat his wings hard, forcing civilians out of his way and prepping to take off.
“Oh! Okay! Have a nice day then!”
Grian was gone before he could hear another word, before any other body could brush the backs of his wings. Anger painfully out of proportion boiled in his stomach, spilling out and staining the rest of his insides in its pulsing fire. He wasn’t angry at Scar. Well. He could certainly blame Scar, luring him around and speaking like that, stoking the fire of fans who adored the both of them, but Grian hadn’t minded the show, he hadn’t even cared all too much that he’d been tricked, not when the resulting interaction felt so.. normal. He liked an act. He liked being CuteGuy. So why was he so upset? And maybe that was it. He was just angry for no reason, and that made him angrier, because despite everything, despite trying so damn hard, he was still broken.
He could punch someone about it. He wanted to punch someone about it. Cub wouldn’t want him to.
So he flew instead. Flew like he liked, fast and far and high until the air was too thin, then let himself fall, playing games with his life as he hurtled through the sky before catching himself under spread wings and doing all of it over again. Eventually he got tired. Eventually he had to stop. But the aftermath of a senseless episode still buzzed under his skin, nearly as unpleasant as the burn that caused it. Grian could feel it. He could feel it under his skin. He wanted to tear it out. He wanted to fly, exhaust himself until he couldn’t feel anything at all, but he was too tired, so instead he found himself gliding to Cub’s workplace. He didn’t know where else to go.
“CuteGuy-“ Cub’s manager was frightened by his sudden entrance, stumbling through the front door aggressively enough to rattle the attached bell into senseless noise.
“Hello Diane.”
“How do-“ but Grian cut her off with a frustrated groan, not caring to listen as he dragged himself to the back. Cub looked even more startled to see him than his manager did, though surprise quickly melted into concern when Grian collapsed into a pile of cardboard boxes. He grunted. They were not as soft as they looked.
“Ah CuteGuy, friend of HotGuy who I am friends with and know for this reason- it’s fine Diane, it’s fine, let me just- I can handle it.” Grian heard the soft arguing from the doorway, but didn’t care to say anything. He didn’t care to think. He just wanted to be better.
Eventually the door closed.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Cub’s hand flew to his shoulder and Grian viscerally cringed, lips parting in silent discomfort until the hand was swiftly drawn back, “I’m sorry. Do you need me to call an ambulance? Are you okay? You’re not okay.”
“I’m not hurt,” Grian mumbled, narrowing his eyes against Cub’s panicked expression in his peripherie. “Angry. Stupid.”
Cub jolted in his recognition, gears shifting immediately. “Scar, then. Was it Scar? I mean, I can’t say I haven’t been keeping tabs on the news- social media, the like. I’ve seen more than a few videos- people are going kinda nuts over nothing in my opinion but- It was too much. I’ll tell Scar to stop bugging you, he’ll stop.”
“It’s not Scar. I don’t care about Scar.”
Cub made a bit of a face, enough for Grian to tell he wasn’t so sure about that, but Cub didn’t voice the thought, instead asking, “What happened?”
“Nothing happened. Nothing.”
“Is- I’m struggling a little with the tone, man.”
“I don’t know! I was fine, I was kinda having fun and then I just wasn’t and out of nowhere everything just sucked and I was so mad and that’s not supposed to happen to me! Nothing happened and I wanted to rip out my hair and punch things and I didn’t, but now I just feel stupid! Why is my brain so fucking dumb.”
Grian let his head drop, face down in a pile of cardboard, but Cub didn’t move, intense in his silence. Eventually he sat down, right on the floor. “I need to break these down anyway,” he hummed, almost subconsciously as he leaned to grab something off his desk. The next couple minutes were filled with the sound of a boxcutter against tape and cardboard. It wasn’t awful.
“Do you want to know what I think?” Cub asked, not much more than a whisper. Not like he was sad or anything either, just focused on the task at hand.
“Okay,” Grian mumbled, the word coming out entirely indecipherable as anything but a noise of assent.
“I think you were nervous this morning. I think maybe you had an alright day, but got overwhelmed near the end. You can be having a good time and still get overwhelmed. There were a lot of people around you from what I could tell; it looked kinda claustrophobic.”
“But I didn’t- I didn’t care. It was like a switch in my brain just flipped! No build up!”
“Sometimes that’s how it happens. Sometimes there is build up and you just don’t notice until it’s too late. It’s not always so simply defined. There’s not always a reason. And there doesn’t have to be. You’re not regressing because you had a bad day, Grian. You’re not stupid.”
“I feel awful.”
Out of the corner of Grian’s eye, he saw Cub nod. “Yeah. I get it.” Cub continued with the boxes and Grian didn’t speak, only shuffling a little to grant easier access to the few he was laying on. But Cub stopped almost abruptly after breaking down one box, the room blanketed in a meaningful silence. “Have I told you yet? How damn proud of you I am?”
The question jolted Grian out of his daze. He didn’t know what to say. How to respond. “I haven’t done anything.”
“Of course you have. You’ve been dealt a pretty shitty hand of cards, but you haven’t stopped working with them. You haven’t given up. And you have your moments, you have bad weeks, bad months, but you still pick yourself back up at the end of today. I think you’ve grown. I don’t think Grian from a couple months ago would have walked away from the crowd and taken his anger somewhere better. I don’t think Grian from a couple months ago would have come to me. I respect you, Grian. You’ve come so damn far. I’m proud of you.”
Grian shook his head. “I haven’t done anything. It’s all you. I don’t pick myself up at all, you’re just pushing me back on my feet.”
“I haven’t known a single person that overcomes any of these kinds of challenges without support. That doesn’t make you any less capable, Grian. You’re still standing on your own two feet. I am proud of you.”
Discomfort burned in Grian’s chest. Cub didn’t get it. He didn’t understand. “It’s all for you. I’m only here because of you.”
“Having a strong motivator doesn’t discount all the hard work you’ve put in for yourself. You want to be better, Grian. You give your blood, sweat, and tears to make it happen. I’m not just dragging you along. You go to therapy and work your ass off. You keep track of your meds. You make the decision to walk away when all of you wants to haul off and kick someone’s shit in. You do it. You. And maybe most impressively, every time you fail, get arrested, relapse into old behavior, you peel yourself right off the concrete and try again. And there’s nothing harder than that. So that’s why I’m proud. That’s why I will always be proud. You’re a good man, Grian. You’re good.”
Grian didn’t know what to do with that. A soft chill rippled through his form, shaking him in his entirety despite its gentle nature. All of him felt so heavy. His lungs were full of lead.
“Can I have a hug?” A meek question, but he didn’t care.
“Of course.”
Cub’s touch sent another wave of coolness riding through his veins, contracting his muscles, making him sick and heavy and limp. And then, slowly, a steady march that began in his chest and spread outward; warmth. A soft, perfect warmth. The kind of love that could make anyone believe they were something to be proud of.
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heli-writes · 2 months
Headcanon: Katsuki with a younger, quirkless sister!reader
💥 Before it became clear that you don't have a quirk, you two were inseparable. You looked up to your older brother and hoped you'd get an awesome quirk just like him. Katsuki would often play hero with you, him being the hero who saves you from a villain.
💥 Everything changed when you found out you'll never have a quirk. Suddenly, you're not worth Katsuki's time and attention any more. He stops playing with you and starts being mean to you. Your mom brushes it off as Katsuki becoming too old for playing with his little sister.
💥 He probably says and does some pretty mean things to you around the time you're both in primary school. He's that perfect example of an older sibling being a total dick.
💥 Through middle school things cool down. Izuku becomes his new target since he's in his class and you're a few grades below him. You get some demeaning comments here and there but at least he doesn't torment you anymore. He's probably disgusted to be related to you and by ignoring you, he hopes that others don't make the connection between you two. The underlying issue probably is that he doesn't want other people to see him as weak because he's related to you.
💥 During his time at UA, you probably have no contact at all especially after he moved into the dorm. You only see each other during the holidays and then you try to avoid him. By then you're probably low-key resenting him.
💥 In contrast to Izuku, you stop idolizing your brother and see him for what he is: an arrogant bully. So whenever he's around and makes a demeaning comment, you give him a sarcastic comment in return often leading to the blonde exploding on you (behaviorwise and quirkwise). Your parents see that it's best to keep you separate.
💥 However, you wouldn't be a Bakugou, if you had no fire or spark in you. Your resentment towards your brother pushes you to prove him wrong. To prove that even if you're quirkless, you still can do great things. This is probably the reason why you choose a profession that leaves an impact on people like a doctor, lawyer or teacher.
💥 At first, Katsuki doesn't take your ambitions seriously, maybe he even thinks that they're not as impactful as being a hero. However, his opinion probably slowly changes over time. Learning that All Might is quirkless and seeing how far Izuku can go, it changes his perspective.
💥 With everything that happens at UA and the war, Katsuki learns what it truly means to be a hero. It's not all about being powerful and beating up bad guys. It's also about being encouraging and supportive towards people, especially those who may be weaker. It softens him up a bit towards you.
💥 You can see that your brother is changing but that doesn't mean you forget the past. You may be willing to forgive him but only if he takes the first step. Which he probably won't do since he's too proud.
💥 Despite everything, you're worried about him during the war and root for him through all of it. He's still your brother, plus he's fighting for the good guys.
💥 Your relationship with each other will get better when you're both adults. You're both mature now and can treat each other more civilly. Katsuki probably is very aware that he's been shitty to you in the past. He probably won't apologize to you, however. Again, he's a proud man. Maybe he shows that he's sorry and values you in other ways. Defending you or your profession in front of others, asking about your life and what you do during family dinners, etc. You appreciate his change in behavior and show him the same kind of respect.
💥 It's likely you never have a particularly close relationship to one another. You just lead two completely different lives. It's hard to connect when all that binds you is blood. You've got different hobbies, friends and ambitions. However, the resentment and bad feelings towards each other eventually will fade away and you can treat each other like family.
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 To celebrate here is a romantic relationship reading for yall! Be aware that these are read with queer people in mind. ALSO THIS IS AN 18+ READING. If you are younger than 18 please do not interact. THANK YOU. Love is love baby and I will not tolerate hatred here. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind, my friends. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎🤍🩵🩷
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Crystal: Green Aventurine
Astrology: Cancer, Leo, Capricorn
Character: Keroppi
Song: Red Wine Supernova by Chappel Roan/ SUNRISE by MICHELLE
Vibes: 💚❤️🍷🧝👒🪖🍒🐸🥀🍄🍏🍉🍑🐛🪲🐢🐍🍎🦖🦎🪴🥊🚗🌴🎍🍀🍃🎋🪷🍓🌶️🍝🥒🥑🥬🫑🥦🫛🌹🥗🧃
Ribbit! Hiiiii pile one <3 I see you really think this person is cool. You have so much fun with them. The most fun you have had with someone in a while. The seggs is absolutely amazing with them. They can go hard and long just like you like it. They like to try new stuff with you too. New toys and new positions are brought up everytime you guys get together. I also see they are excellent dirty-talker. You are starstruck by him. This connection is awesome but I think it might be a shorter connection than you like. They want intimacy with you and they want to be your friend. From your perspective you think they want more than that. Make sure you are on the same page with this person on what they want and make sure that what you want matches with them. When I say that I mean really honestly on the same page. You can’t change yourself for them. Don’t ignore your feelings just to make them happy. You might need more romance than they can offer. If they can’t provide the romance or reliability you need then the connection you have with him doesn’t have to be severed but it does need reevaluation. Just understand it won’t go any farther than friends with benefits. Don’t ask him to change either. Both of you deserve love in the ways you need it. He needs less romance than you do but that doesn’t make your needs less important. You can always stay friends or keep a friends-with-benefits thing going until you find a partner that can give you the romantic energy you need. I do see them being weirdly jealous sometimes though. That is not them telling you they have feelings for you. They're just territorial about who they fuck with. They have very animalistic energy. Which is why I implore you to have conversations about how you both feel regularly just to make sure yall stay on the same page. I wish you luck on your sexellent sexapades, my friend. 💙🩵🤍💚💙
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Crystal: Carnelian
Astrology: Sagittarius, Pisces
Character: Hello Kitty
Song: I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) by Disney / Rocket Ship by Nep
Vibes: 🦑🦞🦊🐞🍁🔥☄���🍑🍊🍅🥕🥧🌭🍕🏀🏈⛹🏽‍♀️🥉🚀⛺️🏺🧱🧡💛💥🥻🧑‍🦰🎃🥵🤯📳📙💊🏮🌇⛱️⛵️
Hello, kitty! Welcome to your reading pile two. You are waiting on this person. They are getting their head figured out. I see they are in therapy. They do have feelings for you right now buuut they just don’t realize it yet. Once they realize it though. Oh. My. Goodness. It will be MAGICAL. Ya just gotta be patient with them okay? I see you are extremely practical so you probably aren’t the type to sleep around or keep things casual. You want a future with this person. I see some of ya’ll reading have been in a relationship with this person for a while but they haven’t really been taking it seriously. Some of you have just been texting with this person and are unofficial. Don’t worry. Let them take the time they need to figure out their feelings. I see you both have a lot of feminine energy and remember feminine energy is still, so it might take your future spouse some time to figure out how much you make them happy. They don’t seem very intune with their feelings lmao. Once you are official? You will be ICONIC. People might be jealous of what you will have with them so it is so worth the wait, my friend. You’ll have matching everything by the way. You might already do that by accident with them. Matching clothes, matching shoes, matching tattoos, matching bags, matching water bottles like it is going to be pinterest worthy relationship goals. You might also say a lot of stuff at the same time by accident too. Wow. Yall are so cool I can’t stand it. I hope they figure out their feelings for you soon so you can get to slaying. ❤️🧡🤍💗🩷
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Crystal: Angelite
Astrology: Aquarius, Scorpio
Character: Cinnamoroll
Song: Poison by Sam Haft
Vibes: 🩵🥺🩷😇💛🖤🎀✏️💎🚬😭🧠⛓️🧞‍♀️💑🧳✈️🥃🍯🛼🧊😱❄️🕳️💣⛈️🪷🦩🦋🪱🤡🐝🩱👻⚔️👑👛👚😰🔭🪬🧿
Bark Bark!! Hello, pile threee! Gonna be for real for a sec. You are kind of a mess and this reading is pretty hard to hear. I see you are stuck in a relationship with someone. Luckily this reading isn’t about that partner. They can go suck eggs for all I care. They turned you into this mess. You apologize to them when they hurt YOUR feelings. That’s ick. Why do they gotta make you do that, huh? They make you pretend to be someone you arent! Anywho you should leave them. Like seriously leave them. I know it’s scary! I PROMISE DUDE. I know from personal experience. Leave. As soon as you leave. This new person will come in after a couple months. You might thiiink the person you’re with right now is your twin flame. That is not true dude. There is this term called a false twin flame. I had to go through that whole process too. It is not fun. The reason you are going through this is because you canNOT stick around this ASSHOLE just because you are afraid of being alone! Cutting off the dead rose will allow another rose to bloom. You have tried to fix the mess of a partner you are with. It hasn’t worked. You can’t make someone better who doesn’t want to be better. Yeah I said it! They don’t want to get better! That's why they refuse to do therapy. That's why they won’t change for you. I learned this a while ago. Some people just like to hurt. They like to be the victim. However, there is good news. You can leave. Take your power back and you will be rewarded with the rainbow after the storm. You are an angel and you deserve another angel. You will get one, sweetpea. The nicest angel they have. When you meet them you will know it is them because they will be wearing SO much BLUE. They're a hopeless romantic just like you, hun. They’ll worship you and the ground you walk on. So much you won’t know what to do. You might cry when you realize they aren’t gonna hurt you the way you are currently being hurt. Baby, I’m really begging you to trust the universe will send you the best reward for doing right by you. I know you can do it. You are so much more than how your current person makes you feel. 🩷💛🩵/🖤💛🤍💜
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Crystal: Iolite
Astrology: Aries, Taurus, Libra
Character: Kuromi
Song: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl by Chappel Roan/ Short Skirt-Long Jacket by Jet
Vibes: 💜🖤☕️💛🔮🧬🎆🎼🎹♟️📒🏵️🔌🥇🍆💻🍇🍙🐈‍⬛🦮🕷️🕶️👽👾😈🔪🦹💅🏽👯🗝️✒️💣
>:3 HI, PILE FOUR! I have the best news my friend! THIS READING IS SO INTERSTELLAR! The emperor and the empress ruling together! The emperor in this reading is a lil scared though. Understandable to be honest. He has been burned real bad in the past. He doesn’t have to worry anymore. All the painful relationships are behind him. He can relax into this connection. The empress is this reading is loyal, fair and very protective. When I say fair I do mean both definitions. She is Just and also drop dead gorgeous. She might be kind of scary at times but she loves the emperor and would beat up anyone who messed with him. She wears a lot of alternative fashion. She seems goth to me but it could also be punk rock or emo. She likes to garden and she has a cat. I imagine the cat's name is “shadow” or something? I see the emperor wearing alternative fashion as well but softer styles like cottagecore or clowncore. He is also quite stubborn. He is so headstrong about stuff because he had been a pushover for a long time and now he refuses to be pushed around. I dunno if they're both trans but since it's pride month I’m gonna say they're both transgender. 🏳️‍⚧️ I see you meeting the other in a park or bumping into each other at pride. There is nothing to fear with this connection. It is balanced, loving and you motivate each other deeply to go after what you both desire most. OH ALSO your seggs life will be AMAAAAAZING cus you are both switches. You also both listen to each other's needs when in the bedroom. I am so happy for the both of you. You deserve each other. 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
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Crystal: Citrine
Astrology: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
Character: My Melody
Song: Too Sweet by Hozier
Vibes: 💝😜🙀👄💑👙⚜️🔐👛👑🐱🐙🌷🌸🔔🌼💐☀️🍌🍉🎟️🥎🩰💰⚱️🔑🎊🎀🛍️📣🐌
:3c Hi pile 5! Welcome to this reading! When I was pulling cards for today's reading I very much decided to do a fifth pile last minute. Which leads me to believe you don't see the love interest as a possibility right now. You think they are out of your league and you are trying soooo hard not to pine over them. I'm going to try to give you a clue of who this is because I see it being kind of hard for you to accept it when you figure it out. I hear you saying “Noooooo it couldn’t be them!” and yet they still linger on your mind. You think about them a lot. They are quite stoic and don’t really wear their emotions on their sleeves. This is the opposite of you. You refer to them as your Moon to your Sun. They could be any water sign (cancer, pisces, scorpio). They like to wear patterned clothes with really small patterns. You can't quite tell what they are until you get up close. This might be on purpose cus they like it when you are close to them hehe. From your perspective they seem really responsible and well off. Sometimes you compare yourself to them and it makes you feel like you aren’t doing stuff right. I promise you are doing things right by the way. You just have more on your plate than your future partner does. I see you have a lot of trauma you have been working through on top of the regular everyday stuff. When you are with them you feel complete and whole. They fill in the spaces that you struggle keeping balanced on your own. I see you playing video games or board games together. So cute ^w^! However I see they probably are in a situationship right now. Someone is leading them on and they have been for a while. Someone kind of corvid like keeps them occupied and it’s been harder and harder to see them as often as you used to. That situationship won’t last. If you want to intervene on it, I see that is a possibility that might help you get closer with them. Ask them about their love life and be curious. Just remember to play the long game when approaching them about this corvid-like person. The corvid is playing the short game. Slow and steady wins the race. 🩷💜💙
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amphibiahawks321 · 5 months
[Removes his headset and left his room to check]
M!Reader : Hm? What the?
[Check the peephole]
Thor : Y/N! Are you home!
[Turns out it was Th or holding a clearly drunk valkyrie]
[M!Reader thought 💭]
Oh gosh not again....
[Opens the door]
M!Reader : let me guess it happened again?
Thor : Yep she had too many drinks again
Valkyrie : w-WHerE ArE wE?
M!Reader : Ok put her on the couch
[Thor lays her on the couch]
Thor : I'll be back later think you can handle her again?
M!Reader : Yeah don't worry I can handle her
Thor : I'll pick her up later
[Thor leaves the house]
[Goes to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water]
[Returns with the bottle of water]
M!Reader : Valkyrie Hon I need you to drink this
Valkyrie : wHo tHE hELl evEn ArE yOU! AnD whO aRe yoU CaLling HoN! oNly mY GorGEouS AsS bOyfrIenD CaN caLl Me thAt!
M!Reader : .....
M!Reader : I bet his an awesome guy
Valkyrie : YoUr dAMn RiGht hE is! AnD HaVe YoU SeeN HiS AsS? He GoT a WhOle GoRgeOus bAkErY!
M!Reader : 💧0///﹏///0
M!Reader : [Cough] C-can you atleast drink the water?
Valkyrie : Uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh Fiiiiiiiiiiiine
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boneinator · 21 days
Starbuzz lore !!
Bc I don't want y'all thinking they're normal . Also warning for sexual and violent themes I fucking guess
So !! How did they even meet anyway ?
In the 1820-30' Starry worked in a circus with Stripy still , going around the world . Coincidentally , this is also the time Rosetta was the most active with her travels and just so happened to be carrying Buzzer somewhere when she encountered them and forced Buzzer to go with her bc she's awesome like that
She had fun and all that , but she had to use Buzzer as a translator when she wanted to congratulate the performers , so now our guys are at least aware of each other
They don't think about each other for a while now , that being their only interaction , but the next time they see each other is at a festival where Buzzer is trying to find an excuse to leave and Starry is having some kind of cartoon-shenanigans complicated plot , so he annoys him to hell and back until it eventually gives in and helps
After that their random encounters seem to be more and more frequent , always being at the worst time possible for Buzzer , making it slowly build anger until he finally snaps at him and it gets . Weird . Lots of violence there
So um . yeah they do hatefuck , making their encounters now a frequent occurrence but always sexual in nature and kind of a "get all the anger out" thing , they get to know each other by feeling how the other acts in bed (extremely violent or weirdly soft) this sounds so bad 😭 we did base all this in a sex joke have me patience
Their current thing is that they hate each other's guts (affectionate) but every accidentally tender moment has them questioning everything so outside of that they can barely look at each other's eyes 🫶
They do eventually try to work things out but they're The miscommunication bots so it takes them a lot and I also want to do things with that so you don't get to hear about it yet 💥💥
So um. Yeah . Never joke with things that imply relationships and also sorry for being into violence . You can hang me now . *Drops the mic*
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whereismyhat5678 · 2 months
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Original post under cut:
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