#yeah trans men do get erased
cock-holliday · 10 months
US transphobes are running with a new gotcha of “you never hear about WOMEN becoming MEN, hmmm curious!” and everyone is saying that you don’t hear about it because trans men are completely under the radar and like…that’s not true!
Did I hallucinate the “little girls are mutilating their bodies” “mentally ill girls are taking hormones” “what happened to our lesbians” “you wanna be a man I guess I can hit you” arguments that have been made for years??? Some of the main talking points of JKR???Hello!?
People are erasing trans men and it’s YOU TOO!
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decolonize-the-left · 2 months
Why do terfs find the transandrophobia community such an easy target for recruitment?
....you don't think lesbians are especially prone to being targeted despite so many of them being (political) lesbians?
But yeah okay I'll humor your disingenuous question.
They are drawn to transmascs for the same reason they think trans women are oppressive.
TERFs fundamentally have no respect for them or their gender identity. They pretend to be respectful, but disregard it completely. Why? They want to unify with transmascs over something they call "sex based oppression."
It's their latest psyop to try erasing trans people. Their goal is to exploit uneducated transmascs into thinking they experience oppression because of their sex and not their gender identity.
If you can get transmascs to parrot that point, then eventually the logic will reach transfemmes who will undoubtedly be discoursing with them about it. Suddenly the trans community is debating whether our oppression is even due to gender.... And well if that's the case does it Matter if we identify as trans? Should laws even recognize gender over sex at that point?
For obvious reasons TERFs can't "bond" with trans women over "sex based oppression" and manipulate them with the same methods. They also don't want to since they see trans women as men; as The Enemy.
See, idk if you know this but TERFs don't believe transmen are men. They think they're mentally ill women who need to be saved as fellow women. To a TERF this is the same as just having Awful self esteem. Which is so relatable because you know who tanks the self esteem of women?
Men. Only men could make women hate themselves so much that they don't want to identify as their own sex anymore. To a TERF every trans man is a tragedy that gets more pity from them from anything. They think they're helping. They feel sorry for transmen and see them as something that needs to be saved.
So no.
It's not that the transandrophobia community are easier targets than anyone else is.
They aren't targeting transmen because they Like transmen. They don't target them cuz it's Easier to make men hate transwomen.
They target transmen who wanna talk about their experiences because (as people who don't think transmen are real) they want to poison the well that they think is making so many "women" sick in the head in the first place and if it helps hurt "men" in the process then that's better for them.
But like I said at the beginning of the post, this isn't a special exception. It's been a well-known fact that TERFs we're behind early 2000's exclusionary discourse, behind bi/pan discourse, and now seems to be the Cause of transandrophobia discourse.
This isn't new for them or the queer community.
What IS new is that TERFs seem to have successfully convinced yall that some trans people IN the trans community shouldn't be given the permission to create language to talk about their experiences.
At the very least they've already done That much damage.
Their little psyop is literally working and you are in my asks asking why trans men begging to be heard out are easier targets for TERFs?
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lizardsfromspace · 3 months
Stumbling across that weird fanatically anti-transmasc cult again and this tweet really sums it up better than anything
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Trans women are defined entirely by misery and tragedy. Historical trans women all died in asylums. That's why Christine Jorgensen, the first trans woman to get gender-affirming surgery in the US, tragically *squints* spent decades as a in-demand public speaker and headlining entertainer. Because trans women literally can't experience anything other than misery
I have a book from the 70s with an ad for a speaker's agency that lists her alongside Rod Serling and Cicely Tyson. And underneath Erich von Daniken, which is irrelevant to my point but really weird. She was not wasting away in an asylum. Many trans women led tragic lives; but many is not all, and there are historic examples, even really famous ones, of trans women who were happy
Why would they erase that to tell people trans women all suffer tragic fates and must suspect everyone oh yeah bc they're a cult preying on the vulnerable and trying to convince them they need protection (but oddly enough from other trans people more than anyone else?)
The trans man thing is a reference to Victor Barker, who was, indeed, a trans man and a fascist in the 1920s. But I think another key point is, uh, that was one fuckin' guy. Why are they tacking that on, except if they're trying to imply trans men are secretly fascists? But that'd be an absurd thing to belieTHEY BELIEVE THAT. That is a real thing these creeps believe now and are seriously implying on the reg
"You must be suspicious that trans men are fascists" is now part of their ever-evolving litany of apparently endless evil from transmascs who...called a internet famous trans woman an asshole? Made a bad tweet once? Literally anything a trans man ever does (or doesn't do) transforms into a collective action on the part of all trans men in their minds. Trans men aren't just not allies in their mind, but are comically evil Saturday morning cartoon villains
Also, of course, the insistence that trans men had it much easier than trans women. If all trans women's lives weren't misery, all trans men's lives weren't happy, either. This insistence they had it "easy" is giving James Somerton on Radclyffe Hall
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This is, again, A Single Guy. You have proved two white trans men are fascists, one in the 1920s and one now. Maybe. Maybe some other factor is at play, some other identity shared, by these two men, and the majority of fascists. "Why do people think I hate trans men?" says a group with a list of trans men they hate they can trot out instantly
I think people are just primed to think evidence of one member of a marginalized group doing a shitty thing is proof they all do it, or to go "that's just one guy?". In another life this jabroni wouldn't be posting about how Mao would be a Baeddel (???), they'd be sharing Fox News stories about crimes to declare we need to deport all Muslims and Mexicans. It's the same psychology, just rotted by internet discourse instead of a more traditional reactionary ideology
Also you may wonder "wait, I'm a trans woman, and trans men calling me a Nazi happens quite rarely, actually". I'm a trans woman on the internet and trans men calling me a Nazi has happened a grand zero times. So you may then wonder why, precisely, this sweet, innocent bean who's never done anything wrong is called a Nazi so regularly they think it's a universal problem.
Anyway they tweeted out the Fourteen Words, but they said gay women instead of white children. Truly, how could anyone ever get the idea they're a Nazi
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dunmertitty · 1 year
do y’all realize that sex that is non-cis and/or non-het exist
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like yeah that’s what the normies think pegging is.but you know, like trans men can peg. lesbians can peg. women can get pegged. and that by taking cishet definitions of sex you’re erasing gay and transsexual sex.
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trans-androgyne · 2 months
Asking on anon because my main isn't trans related - but I was just on the Discrimination Against Transgender Men Wikipedia page and saw the talk page has been infiltrated by the "it's not transandrophobia it's *just* transphobia" crowd. I don't have a Wikipedia account but wondered if you could share this so any transmascs who do can combat the misinformation there. ty if you do !
Yeah wow just straight up arguing that trans men don’t experience misogyny. A quote encapsulating this position on there: “If trans men experience prejudice for being perceived as feminine [meaning as a woman here], isn't that just transphobia?” Like they’re genuinely trying to get the misogyny section retitled to something else, erasing the very real misogyny trans men experience. The experiences in question are medical misogyny, sexual violence, and not allowing their bodily autonomy. It is not misgendering trans men to point out that they experience misogyny despite not being women.
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transkeiichi · 6 months
i have like 3 active follows so fuck it. i hate posts like this
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[image description: an anonymous tumblr ask that reads "if excitement is what defined transgenderism, then whats the difference between it and full-time crossdressing?" followed by a response from a user whos name and icon are not visible that reads "I'd say the difference between a trans woman and someone who dresses as a woman full-time but still tells themselves they're a boy is that the second person has self-esteem issues, and is going to realize she's just a girl pretty soon lol" the post has been edited with a water effect over it to distinguish it from actual posts. end id.]
oh a man who dresses like a woman all the time just has self esteem issues and will realize hes a woman eventually?
weird how that is exactly word for fucking word the shit radfems say to trans men (especially those of us who are Pre Everything or those of us who are feminine and enjoy dresses and skirts and makeup)
"egg culture" is poison. stop using it. stop insisting that crossdressers do not exist. stop insisting that gnc people do not exist. you erase your trans siblings who do not look like you and you alienate your gnc and nonbinary and otherwise genderqueer friends and siblings as well.
if i said "anyone who dresses like a man 24/7 but still says hes a woman just has self esteem issues and he will figure out hes really a man eventually" like... just fucking imagine how well that would go over. im sure butches havent heard that their whole lives, yeah? im sure thats not what closeted trans women are told at all in anyway huh? its be extemely transmisogynistic to say, and yet, the above post (and so fucking many just like it) are fine and get no push back.
i am a man who dresses like a woman all the time. i have self esteem issues.
but i am not a fucking woman.
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doberbutts · 4 months
So after seeing your post about BES I finally started watching it and damn. DAMN. People saw Mizu and can’t understand why transmascs gravitate to this story???????? I’m pretty sure “using bandages to bind chest” is like one of THE TOP symbolic moves that transmascs gravitate to when it comes to our (admittedly lackluster) representation in media.
Also, I feel like a lot of people get really weird about the idea that a story about empowering women and a story that’s relatable to transmascs aren’t mutually exclusive. I won’t speak for everyone but personally I like stories like this that don’t shy away from representing people whose AGAB doesn’t align with their outward actions.
And! Personally! As a man who is East Asian living in the US and has a higher voice even after 5 years on T, characters like Mizu rekindle my hope that one day I’ll be able to pass as flawlessly as him lol. Characters like Mizu, Mulan, Haruhi (from ouran high school host club) always seem to spark that little bit of hope in me… that maybe one day I won’t have to try so hard to be accepted and people will just see me and assume I’m a boy without me having to correct them… or at the very least, that they’d refrain from using any gendered language towards me until they ask and find out what I want to be referred as.
Oh for sure. It's like the Mulan thing. Like I'm sorry but you put "when will my reflection show who I am inside" and "who is that girl" and "why is my reflection a stranger" and you're mad that trans guys went "wow where'd you get that picture of me" like??? In a deleted scene, Mizu tries to play with her feminity in the mirror at the brothel and ultimately scowls and doesn't like what she sees- and you're trying to tell me that it's *not* supposed to be relateable to trans mascs trying to be feminine women and hating what they see reflected back at them?
Like you said, it's not that I'm mad that this is a story about empowering women and featuring a highly GNC woman as its main character. It's just annoying, and more importantly highly concerning, that people seem to think that because it's about empowering masculine women that trans mascs can't or shouldn't see any of themselves in it. I'm an entire grownass binary trans man and throughout my entire life I have felt more seen and more fellowship with masculine women both fictional and real than I have with anyone else except specific gay cis men who were very gender themselves.
And yeah. As your existence proves, it's not like East Asian trans mascs aren't real??? Like I'm sure there's nuance there that I'm missing because despite being biracial I'm not Asian and *definitely* not Japanese. But acting like characters like Haruhi, or Mizu, or Mulan [Chinese] *can't* be trans mascs because that'a inherently disrespectful to East Asian women is just plain erasing the fact that, um, Japanese and Korean and Chinese and Thai and Vietnamese and more trans mascs absolutely do exist and have existed as long as gender has existed.
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genderqueerdykes · 11 months
im getting really annoyed at people saying that gay and mspec people can’t use the terms femme and butch because “only lesbians can use them” anyone can use butch or femme, as a butch bi lesbian you don’t have to be a lesbian to use them and it’s not offensive or lesbphobic if a gay or mspec person uses them
yeah, i agree, it's an argument that's not even true to begin with. while butch and femme are commonly used in (white) lesbian spaces, the terms are not owned by lesbians, and even then an mspec lesbian is a lesbian so why should that theoretically matter? they are to be used by any and all queer folk and it's pointless
lesbians do not own the terms butch or femme- historically a butch lesbian would call themselves butch and then in the same breath refer to their trans men and gay bear friends as butches. femme lesbians would group themselves in with trans women and drag queens. just because these terms are commonly used in (white) lesbian spaces doesn't dictate ownership, and all that argument promotes is erasure of actual queer history
i'm glad you understand and agree, i hope this argument dies down. it's not lesbophobic, it's an argument that erases queer history and denies people from rightfully identifying as themselves. it's not in the spirit of queer solidarity. i hope things improve from here
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demilypyro · 2 years
I hope I don't regret sending this, but: As a NB person it's really uncomfortable to hear "[things that match my preferred gender expression] are actually just sexualized images of trans women!" and see people agree. And like, yeah I know me being NB isn't the same as a femboy, but there's enough overlap with my particular Non-binaryness that it just... hurts, I guess. Doesn't feel right.
That's not what we're saying. We're saying was no positive public awareness for nonbinary or GNC people back in the 2000's when characters like Bridget first started appearing in anime and games. What there was public awareness of, was trans women, but we only existed to be mocked and sexualized. What we now know as "traps" and what defenders will cry are just GNC men have always been caricatures of trans women, just made toothless and without an "identity" to get in the way.
When there came more awareness of GNC men and nonbinary people, the conversation was forcibly shifted to imply that acknowledging the history of "traps" takes away from GNC men's "representation", but these characters were never created to represent GNC men or nonbinary people, that was never part of the conversation 20 years ago or now, it was just about getting off to trans bodies. Pretending they're representing GNC men is just a convenient excuse transphobes use to piggyback off the progress the LGBT movement has made in the last 20 years, to erase the context of how "traps" were created.
I'm not arguing every detractor involved is aware of this and is doing it on purpose, in fact I'm sure most of them have no idea and would argue it’s not true, but that’s the problem.
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justcantquinn · 18 days
"lesbian isn't non-men attracted to non-men, it's women attracted to women"
saw this take earlier. of all the gatekeeping bullshit...
okay, let's play a super quick game:
you're a lesbian. you watch a movie starring janelle monae. you fall in love with her. she's so beautiful, so talented. you're attracted to her physically and attracted to her personality.
then you find out janelle monae is non-binary.
uh oh! are you no longer a lesbian?
"well, once i found out she isn't a woman, i would no longer be attracted to her!"
really? are you sure?
"it's about her gender. i might find her attractive in other ways, but i wouldn't find her attractive overall because of her gender."
okay, well, let's say you find her physically attractive still but aren't attracted overall because of her gender. fair enough, right?
then are women who are physically attracted to men but don't romantically or sexually pursue men still lesbians? a little bit of chest hair action gets 'em hot and heavy, but they'd never pursue that.
no? yes? why does this standard apply to non-binary people but not men?
if "yes," let's also assume a woman HAS slept with men in the past. or dated them! and still finds them physically attractive, but just not attractive overall because of their gender. is she a lesbian?
are you really going to sit here and tell me that if a lesbian woman had a partner for ten or twenty years who suddenly started using she/they pronouns that she's no longer a lesbian, even if she and her partner still use that label for themselves?
can the partner still call themselves a lesbian? would you dare to challenge them on that? really?
if no, if the partner can still call themselves a lesbian in this scenario, then what's the difference between this non-binary person calling themselves a lesbian and any other non-binary person calling themselves a lesbian? is it because this other non-binary person is amab and presents masc? hmm? what if they were afab and presented masc? what if they were afab, presented masc, and were on hrt? what if they were amab, presented masc, but were on feminizing hrt? it kinda feels like maybe you don't ACTUALLY think non-binary people are actually non-binary...
disallowing women attracted to non-binary people from calling themselves lesbian is a slippery slope that ends in transphobia, sex essentialism, and the erasing on non-binary identities.
disallowing non-binary people from calling themselves lesbian is the same slippery slope.
"that's because non-binary people aren't real! being trans is fake! etc."
firstly, ew. secondly...
you're a lesbian. you see a woman across the bar. she's gorgeous. drop dead. you take her home. you spend the night together. you begin seeing each other.
you find out a few weeks later that she's trans. post surgery, post hrt.
are you no longer a lesbian for being sexually attracted to her? are you no longer a lesbian for being emotionally attracted to her?
you meet a woman. she's with her husband. big, burly, bearded dude. absolute hunk of a man.
she calls herself a lesbian.
'what? huh? no you're not. you're married to a man.'
'yeah, but he's a TRANS man. so. yk.'
is she a lesbian? the only other people she's ever slept with have been women.
stop trying to over-define the term. stop trying to box people in. if people want to identify with the community, let them. seriously. just let them. we'll deal with the people using the label in bad faith as they come up.
"but i want a place to feel safe! i want a place full of people who are going to identify with me and relate to me! i want a community of people who face the same problems as i do!"
yeah. we all do. we do. all the people you're trying to keep out certainly do. but even if we do restrict membership to people who fit your criteria, they're not all gonna experience the same stuff as you. you're gonna run into gold star lesbians and lesbians who had only dated men prior to coming out. you're gonna meet asexual lesbians, demisexual lesbians, hypersexual lesbians. you're gonna meet drag kings and high femmes. you're gonna meet girls who pass as straight, maybe are even still in the closet, and girls who came out of the closet at five and are so butch they pass as a guy without even trying. you're gonna meet lesbians with so much trauma around being queer they can barely make it through the day and lesbians who had the good fortune to barely, if ever, face any oppression. there's always gonna be people in our community whose experiences feel alien to you. there's always gonna be people who you don't share much common ground with at all. there's always gonna be people who don't fit in with your idea of the culture. there's always gonna be people who make you feel uncomfortable, unsafe.
the queer community is not invite only. our labels don't and can't have rigid definitions. gender is a spectrum and where we lie on that spectrum may change. sexuality is a spectrum and where we lie on that spectrum may change. we're always going to be in motion, even if you don't want to be. even if that idea scares you.
you do have a community. you do have safe people and safe spaces. there are people who get you. just relax. you're going to be okay.
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gayhenrycreel · 4 months
i think people need to stop being so angry about people having genital preferences. its not transphobic to not want to eat cunt.
im a trans man and im only attracted to men with a dick and a flat chest (this includes trans men). i cant help it. its just how i am. its not because i don't see trans men as men or something, im just not into pussy.
stop shaming people for not being into girldick or boypussy.
ive also noticed that a lot of these people shaming others about this are also very... weird about bottom surgery. bottom surgery is just as life saving as top surgery. if you actually look on transbucket you can see that it does look real and its very rare that someone completely loses sensation after bottom surgery.
im not as familiar with vaginoplasty, but it seems that people who fear phalloplasty think that scars are hideous and that the first stage is the only stage. thats not true. scars are just a part of someones body, and phalloplasty has secondary stages, after which the neo penis looks just any other dick. stop looking at photos a few weeks after surgery, look for photos a few years post op. it takes time to heal.
people who fear metoidioplasty just think micropenises are gross. thats it. they also think bottom growth is disgusting.
weirdly, all of these people are trans. i have not seen a single cis person on this site go into trans tags and claim bottom surgery is mutilation. ive seen many trans men do it. (the terfs seem to stick to their own tags).
honestly with all the terfs around here its really fuckin weird.
they also seem to believe that there are 4 genders: men, trans men, women, and trans women. thats clearly not right.
they stereotype trans men (they call them boys regardless of age) as being white, submissive, and never wanting to transition. its very rare i see art of trans men who are not white femboys.
they do the same to trans women- sorry, "trans girlies".
interestingly, they always draw feminine women and men, but never masculine anyone. art of masculine people is always drawn by those who are in the process of transition or butch lesbians.
its the terf kool aid. they think masculinity will make them like their oppressors, so they cant imagine that anyone would ever want to be masculine in any way.
they really seem to think bears are gross too. smells like fatphobia.
theyre also weird about trans people who are... not young twinks? why do they keep drawing us in maid outfits? consistently?
and then theres the fanfics. a while ago i made a post about cis people doing this, but since then ive realized trans people do it too. a lot. i am yet to find a fanfic featuring a trans man who is not a submissive bottom. always with tits. always scrawny. always ALWAYS into having his cervix destroyed.
some trans men are like that and they deserve representation, but its the only representation i see.
also, when you look at these peoples bios, you see that they are either cis women in their 20s, or teenage trans guys.
i think they are so out of touch with real world queerness that they have come to believe the stereotypes chasers have made for us.
and thats why trans tags read like fetish tags.
also, transhet people get thrown under the bus. completely erased. i have never seen a fic depicting a straight trans man- sorry, "pussyboy". sometimes i see one saying noooo, hes bisexual. and then he gets railed by a cis man youd see in hollywood.
and why is every fic about trans people porn? do we exist outside of porn or are we just mpreg fetish fuel? yeah, a lot of its mpreg. and they react to REAL LIFE MEN getting pregnant as some kind of joke. they make suggestive comments, theyre just all sorts of weird and invasive. its gross. those are real people.
it fucking hurts to see other trans people talk about bodies like mine as if we're not real actual humans, just sexual fantasies.
i cant go into ftm tags because theres porn everywhere. and its not bots. its young trans men who think trans men are only defined by pussy.
thats not how it works. we're defined by being men. not all trans men have tits and vaginas. surgery exists. this place is crazy.
on youtube men declare that women and faggots are destroying western civilization for wanting basic autonomy.
on tumblr, everyone, except a select few who stop to think, declare that masculinity is inherently restrictive and oppressive and that testosterone is poison. which republicans on youtube also claim. the difference is that tumblrinas think cis men are included in being poisoned by testosterone.
go back to terf island and grovel at the feet of jkr like you have wet dreams about.
just because youre trans doesnt mean you cant be transphobic.
have you heard of tirfs? trans-inclusive radfems. they believe that trans women are women and must be saved from the evil men, and that trans men are men and so are rapists. terfs love them.
you need to understand that transphobia is not the defining trait of terfs. the defining trait of terfism is the belief that men are disgusting, violent, sex driven, out of control, abusive, and rapists in waiting. ive seen them say that male fetuses should be aborted by law. thats eugenics. ya know, like fascism.
because thats what it is. by my definition, fascism is the belief that certain humans are not worthy of life. terfs think men are not worthy of life, and drag trans people into it.
before you decide that trans men, or whatever fetishy term you call us, are all twinks, think. like, at all. is there a reason you think this way? do you have room in your worldview for hairy trans men? hairy feminine trans men? trans bears? trans men of colour? masculine trans men with long hair?
trans men who have surgery and T shots?
or does that seem too much like... i dunno... body horror to you?
thats how these people react to sex changes. they make comments on photos of phalloplasty scars and say it looks like a horrible burn scar. it looks painful they say. "how do you go out in public?", "why would you put yourself through that?".
if someone had a kidney transplant would you say such things about those scars?
both are life saving surgeries. treat them as such.
stop writing the same smut over and over about a woman who can only have vaginal sex and never be anything other than submissive and breedable and slap the word "cuntboy" on it. has it occurred to you that some trans men would like to read about guys like them? not a bunch of white twink clones? fucking hell, it hard to find twink clone smut where the twink even has a flat chest!
it actually makes a lot of trans guys really dysphoric to have so much attention put on the parts we're born with. not all trans guys, but a lot. honestly the lack of representation makes me feel like i have to use parts of me that i cant even look at. ive seen a lot of other guys express this feeling too.
are we not sexy if we don't have sex a certain way? not getting representation hurts. it feels very isolating. the only kind of people like me who get called sexy are called sexy for things i can not do. (seriously i am physically not able to get anything in my front hole without extreme pain. how do you think trans guys like me who are physically incapable of vaginal sex feel about boypussy fetishism?)
anal sex is a thing. do you think its too gross for your twink clone to try? almost like... its unnatural...?... its dirty...?... its... sinful?
good fuckin job, buckaroo, ya reinvented classic homophobia.
there is no form of consensual sex that is sinful. you're just anti kink! if ya think anal sex is gross wait till ya hear about fisting.
youre all "i wanna turn that femboys prostate into jelly" until you realize it in his ass. so you give that femboy a g-spot instead. it doesn't take much to realize that all holes have something gross that comes outta them, not just ya asshole. i mean, blood and earwax is pretty unpleasant too. youre fine with kissing and vomits definitely gross! (your nose is also connected to the back of your throat so if you french someone youre gonna get nasal cavity mucus on your tongue)
if you think anal sex is gross youre just an 80s homophobe.
think of of it this way: i dont wanna stick my dick in a hole that ejects a buncha blood every month anymore than you want to acknowledge that some people prefer to shove something up their asshole. both are equally gross, and neither of them are actually gross at all unless youve been told its gross your whole life.
stop deciding that (however unconsciously) trans men can only be skinny white young twinks. i have actually yet to met a trans man above the age of 20 who is skinny. the trans guys ive met irl are fat and hairy. its quite obvious that the twink thing is just a stereotype.
seriously, yous are missing out on writing smut about fat hairy men, but youre too scared of being *gasp* not perfect under white cishetpatriarchy, ergo it is incomprehensible that someone would be attracted to that let alone want to be like that.
ever since i watched Jumanji: welcome to the jungle, i have wanted to be a fat middle-aged man. i was genuinely confused that that barbie didn't like it. cant remember her name.
yous are the same people who wanna "fuck that old man" arent ya? the people who are usually grossed out when you see an old man above the age of 30? it seems like the same sorta mentality.
if a cis guy got hairy would you call him disgusting and unattractive? not that ive seen. its reserved for trans guys on T.
tldr; theres nothing wrong with having a preference for certain genitals, those people who say its wrong just think its transphobic because they think not being attracted to someone means you hate them. they just don't realize that some people get bottom surgery and that its not a bad thing. theyve been drinking the terf koolaid
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princessefemmelesbian · 8 months
The Lesbophobia on this site is really getting out of hand.
All you have to do is say that lesbians do not fuck men in order to be attacked, dogpiled, and called a terf! It’s sickening!
Take this asswipe for example:
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I see lesbophobes are intentionally deciding not to have basic reading comprehension.
“Does your ability to fuck men just disappear” Ain’t nobody said that lesbians are physically incapable of fucking men. When we say that lesbians can’t fuck men we’re saying that we don’t want to because we’re not sexually attracted to them. And we’re saying that if you’re a woman who fucks men then you can’t be a lesbian by definition. You can’t be a lesbian and also enjoy fucking men. Stop intentionally warping and misrepresenting our words because you want to jump through hoops to erase our identity. You’re all so fucking stupid. And at this point I think you assholes know you don’t have an argument so that’s why you have to resort to these “semantics”.
“Lesbians can do whatever they want including fucking the occasional man if it makes them happy” y’all are just blatantly spouting false bullshit at this point omfg what part of LESBIANS AREN’T ATTRACTED TO MEN DON’T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?! No fucking men doesn’t make us happy because then we wouldn’t be lesbians fool, but you know who it does make happy? Men. Because men fantasize about getting into lesbians’ pants and robbing the one group of women and non-binary people who do not desire or identify as men of that right to unavailability to men. They get off to the idea of a woman they are attracted to but who isn’t attracted to their gender having that lack of attraction overridden and being forced to make themselves accessible to men. And you guys are giving these men more validity, so yeah. Thanks for that.
”You don’t speak for all lesbians” bitch I know for a fact that all lesbians are unattracted to men and want nothing whatsoever to do with men in the slightest. We don’t want to have sex with or marry or date a man whether cis trans nonbinary or whatever the fuck. Because we’re not attracted to men, which because you’re a lesbophobic idiot I apparently have to fucking spell out for you. Show me a “lesbian” who is attracted to men and I can guarantee you that they aren’t actually a lesbian because ACTUAL LESBIANS aren’t into men. That’s just how it is. That’s just life. It’s our sexuality and if you can’t respect that then just go step on a Lego.
God I am so sick and tired of y’all.
Also this dumb bitch @/mlembug decided it would be a good idea to screenshot my friends’ posts about lesbophobia, and this other idiotic fucking clown named @/theotin reblogged from mlembug and tagged it #radfems. When all the posts did was say that lesbians are not attracted to men, to not interact with them if you are a bi “lesbian” or “les”boy, and that the lgbt community needs to pay more attention to lesbophobia in the community and that lesbians shouldn’t be the only ones calling lesbophobia out. One of them was even explicitly in support of trans people and including trans women in lesbianism! (Although I’m friends with these people so I know for a fact that they are all trans-accepting and despise transmisogyny, just like most of the lesbian community, mind you) And yet they were all called radfems for the vile sin of being lesbians and calling out lesbophobia. At this point you guys are just saying the quiet part out loud. You all hate lesbians for existing. It doesn’t matter if we’re explicitly against transphobia of all sorts. You don’t actually care about defending trans people. You just hate lesbians for not being attracted to men and try to pretend/convince us that we are and you’re unashamed of it. Disgusting.
I can’t believe how widespread the lesbophobia on this site is. But then again, I’m also not surprised. Keep entertaining yourselves with your pathetic little daydreams that lesbians can fuck men because you’d rather have something in common with cishet men who watch corrective rape porn than us. Just don’t be surprised when the “mean” lesbians don’t wanna be friends with your stupid, annoying, sorry asses.
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spiderpussinc · 9 months
Like holy shit. Like that Poly-Anon, what the hell are they on?
You never said you hate poly people or open marriages or anything. Are they Mr. Fantastic cuz boi if that wasn’t a STRETCH!
But yeah, sure we can have the poly relationship, hell I read that shit all the time. I even have some sketches of it in progress. But by far my favorite is divorce!Peter.
You get so much more ideas and history with that. Peter dealing with no longer being with someone he loves, learning how to deal with that while getting feeling with Miguel. Maybe he never even liked MJ that way and couldn’t realize that he was gay and only saw her as a friend until recently.
Hell for extra spice and drama, have it so Mayday still exists during the divorce AU. Have Peter trying to figure out how to be a single dad while figuring himself. Maybe Miguel is fighting to understand if he likes Peter that way or if he just sees himself in him.
Divorce is so liberating for people and it can be so with these people. So many ideas can come from it. I don’t know why so many people hate it when we write or draw divorce.
I think the answer is a pretty clear and loud "homophobia" and this recent insistence on progressive circles to paint same-sex attraction as "inherently limiting" or "biased"; which are both absolutely /insane/ takes. You can't be a man and *JUST* like men, that's a waste! That's suspicious! That sounds like an ulterior motive! (Being gay is passe to a certain type of terminally online guy. Real enlightened allies would fuck anyone at any time! Words don't mean anything!!!!!)
People's insistence to read any interest in m/m relationships as a malicious attack designed to prod at *them* in particular is so fucking tiresome. The world does not revolve around you. Nobody has to care for straight ships and it's not revolutionary to try to reinforce them as a holy central aspect in characterization or storytelling. It's not more dignified or substantial. You just think straight people are inherently 'neutral' or pure because they dominate the media field.
My preferences and my gay art exist in a minuscule internet bubble that doesn't endanger or erase the fact that Marvel is a rampantly cishet company. I can do whatever I want and it doesn't matter; they will keep publishing the same thing they've been publishing. But I *HAVE* had my art stolen multiple times now to be reposted on tiktok or resold on etsy with any gay/trans elements I've put on it scrubbed out - to appeal to this very same straight audience -and that pisses me off. I am not trying to cater to these people and never will. I *HAVE* had my gay art used as a point of ridicule against me for years; and tbh it does nothing to me anymore but I refuse to quietly accept this treatment as default.
I don't have to center the experience of M/F nuclear family in my gay art and I won't; it does not appeal to me, I don't care for it, and I cannot be talked into changing my mind. Anyone finding an issue with this should go outside and touch grass.
Evergreen tweet, really:
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If i say "i like these two gay dudes, I would like to see them kissing" and you hear something else about someone completely unrelated, that sounds like a skill issue
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cock-holliday · 9 months
Re: this post about how radical feminism is still promoted in otherwise "progressive" circles https://www.tumblr.com/cock-holliday/723838078083563520/its-true-terves-are-a-vocal-minority-but-what?source=share
I just had the displeasure of seeing this cross my dash.
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Like. It's almost like people think that queer men are incapable of having any depth to their gender at all or even of having any understanding of gender at all. And as a system who has transmasc headmates, I know for a fact that their genders are very deep and nuanced. They're delightful people really, one's a beekeeper actually. But the point is, shit like this is extremely infantilizing. I already had more than enough of cishets saying I don't know what my own gender, I don't need other queer people saying it too.
Yeah, it’s a hot mess. “Nonbinary” to many people means white thin feminine AFAB, but sooo conditionally.
If you’re AMAB you *might* get accepted if you are feminine enough, but being thin and white also helps. Too feminine and you’re “basically a trans woman” and get erased. Feminine in the wrong way and you’re apparently mocking trans women with your existence.
It’s also weird that the “acceptance” of feminine AFABs gets taken to mean that AFAB nbies are accepted wholesale because if they lean into femininity too hard in the “wrong way” and are like femboys then they get torn to shreds for it too. They’re “fakers” or “fetishizing” or “mocking trans men.” Then you’ve got masc transmasc AFABs and they get erased for being “basically” trans men, and if they try to access “women and nb spaces” then they’re predatory men.
Not to mention GNC and cis folks dicking around with gender are often either seen as fakers or in denial, especially when AMAB. Poor F1nnster got treated as an egg cause he couldn’t possibly be GNC or just having fun. Then when he realized there IS something not-cis about his experimentation he gets shit for not “committing” to being a trans woman like that’s his only option.
God forbid you be a masculine AMAB enby then you’re just “being predatory.” People really pull the “cishet man in a dress to get access to women’s spaces” at AMAB enbies like that’s not word for word a weapon against trans women.
You have to be girl-adjacent enough to be nonthreatening, and then your acceptance is conditional on accepting infantilization—you cannot possibly speak out about anything because you don’t know what’s good for you. Be too boy-adjacent and you are a predator. “Masc” and “femme” becomes synonymous with man and woman, but if you do it in a very GNC way then you are in the crosshairs again. Transmasc femboys are the wrong kind of feminine to people, transfemme butches are not being GNC in the “right” way.
Rigidly binary cis AND trans folks are supremely not normal about NBies and GNC folks and end up being as infantilizing and demonizing as any other anti-transmasc and anti-transfemme transphobes out there.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
I've been trying to put it into words properly so I figured I should ask how you feel about it too
So there's just been something that's been bothering me about how people have taken the conversation about how in the stonewall days trans women have been in the frontlines only to be abandoned in favor of respectability politics etc and how particularly in online spaces it's been used/weaponized to just be, well, homophobic.
Like it went from a very reasonable and important conversation to just "while you f*gs have been busy being useless and dying of AIDS the transfems and lesbians did the Actual Work". Idk if you've met with this sentiment yourself but in some online queer spaces it's not uncommon to hear "cis gays did nothing for queer liberation" (while also being very much queerphobic like opposing leather daddies being at pride, go figure lmao) which is just, not true??? And I don't see how that's uplifting or helpful to anyone, also note the lack of any mention of trans men too.
I hope I'm making sense it's just been bothering me and I don't blame transfems for that because it's been mostly cis lesbians acting like this from what I've personally seen. The "supporting" of transfems seems to be an excuse to be homophobic which is very gross.
Oh yeah, I get what you mean. "Trans women built pride" is used a lot as an empty gesture of support (like, "yeah you girls did so much for queer people back in the day thanks!!" without actually doing anything to support transfems who are suffering Right Now. idk if there's a "strong trans woman" stereotype but it feels like it's starting to come about in leftist spaces, but thats a whole separate conversation) and that's gotten picked up the TIRFs to be like "men did NOTHING in queer history and it was all the women and femmes (a group which somehow does not include men) who did the hard work!!" Like... acting as though gay men are just passive observers in gay history, that we haven't done anything "real" for queer history. It also erases transfems who might've also been gay men.
And I don't think the origins of this are bad; there is a very real reason to be loud about the part trans people and queer women played in queer history, because there has been a lot of erasure. But, y'know, radfem misandry is like glitter. It gets all over everything.
There's also the fact that trans men & nonbinary/genderqueer people are almost always erased from this. I don't think we should talk about trans women's part in queer history less, but it's... interesting to me that people never bring up transmasc and GQ people, even though I don't think a lot of folks (especially queer kids) could name a major transmasc figure in modern queer history. I hardly ever see people talking about how Lou Sullivan is the reason that LGB trans people can medically transition, about how he was the first publicly out gay trans men- a major feat, and yet I pretty much only see other trans men talking about him. I've noticed that, at least on tumblr, lesbian/sapphic history tends to have a lot more discussion around it than gay men/achillean history. People view it as less meaningful, less radical, and that's 10000% a radfem concept (I've literally seen a radfem claim that gay men in history basically faced 0 oppression, because they could stay bachelors or just get married and still have relative freedom, which.... is just so insane and coldhearted).
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
I just started college (at a private school on a shit ton of scholarships and still taking out loans which has led to some really awkward assumptions about my economic situation that kind of just make everything worse) and I had no damn clue that I was so lucky with my friend group in highschool. I went to this support group and made most of my friends that way bc my dads an alcoholic and basically met my platonic soulmate (as sketch as that term is in the aroace community, it feels right with her) but we went to colleges a few hours apart and haven’t been around eachother as of late
Now that I’m at college, I decided to room on a lgbt friendly floor (gender neutral bathrooms, coed rooms, lgbt floor programs, easier access to lgbt support, etc) because it sounded like the perfect way to find and become friends with the queer community on campus. But I think I made a really big mistake.
Being a woman (loosely, but I present that way) on the floor, people just assume I’m a lesbian or at least bi/pan. And people, as they have always done, constantly talk about relationships and sex. Every second of every day. I’m sorta used to it. I’m also autistic so they are used to some stuff going over my head or me simply not reacting, they just don’t know that with the sex jokes it’s not that I don’t get it, it’s that I don’t find it funny. But sometimes I chime in, just to banter and make sure people like me (as sad as that is) and they’ll inevitably say something along the lines of “oh well you’re gay” as in to imply I’m not into men. But they literally forget I’m also not into women or nb people or anyone. I’d like to say I have no problem with the umbrella term gay to refer to the lgbt community, actually I almost did. But I do have a problem with it. I’m not gay. I’m not into anyone. I don’t like sex. I don’t want sex. I’m never going to want sex. Or dating for that matter! I’m out as aroace. All my friends know. And yet they completely erase my identity in everyday speech as if nothing is even happening. It’s so alienating!
I want to assume the best of them. I want to hope that in their minds what they mean is that I’m queer. Im pet of the lgbt+ community. But I know it’s not true. What they mean is “oh well she doesn’t like men so it makes sense that she doesn’t really like the dick jokes and whatnot, so I’ll qualify our conversation and make sure she knows I remember so she doesn’t feel bad for not getting the straight or gay(mlm) sex jokes.” They do not mean “oh yeah she doesn’t like sex, allow me to toss it into conversation so she feels more comfortable and seen,” because if that was what they meant, they’d say “oh well you’re ace.”
They just fucking assume that everyone ESPECIALLY on an lgbt floor is constantly thinking of sex and dating because they can’t possibly conceive another reason someone would live on the lgbt floor. They may remember trans and nb students exist, but in the end they ALSO assume those students are looking for easier access to accepting people in order to find a partner who’s okay with dating a trans or nb individual.
And yet I’m right here.
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