#y'know. Where he got stabbed and shrugged it off.-
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...So that shot of his new bite super, huh?
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bigassmoonchild · 9 months
The Aftermath
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Word Count: 2k
The first part does give context, but isn’t required for this read.
Summary: You knew the difficulty the process of being a mated Omega in the military. You understood how much you would lose, but you never thought about the difficulty in your normal life. Never thought about the panic you would have, or how much it would effect you and Ghost's personal relationship.
Content Tags: Hospitals, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, No use of Y/N, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha! Ghost
A/N: I was not expecting such a good response to Maple Syrup, and since y'all seemed to like it so much here's basically the next part. Let me know if you want anything specific, my asks should be open. <3 I'm adding a 'keep reading' link to make sure you can scroll on if you want.
Previous, Next | Headcannons, Masterlist
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Everything felt wrong. Ghost wasn't injured, but he was being held overnight in the medbay. The Maple Syrup had run its course through him, but he could hear chatter echoing in the room. He could smell you, you weren't too far from him but he wasn't allowed to see you. Price had come in not too long after the doctors had checked him over and cleared him, arms crossed as he sat in the chair next to the bed Ghost was in.
"We'll need to talk, you know," was the only thing Price had said, leaning back and relaxing in the chair.
"Is the Doc okay?" Ghost asked, looking in the direction your scent was coming from. The sickly sweet smell of heat was becoming stale, but you were on lock and key just in case any Alpha soldiers tried to come in. Price looked in the same direction, giving a faint shrug.
"I'm going to be updated once she's steady enough for the doctors to leave her alone," Price said. "Gaz is on watch outside her room," Ghost nodded. Gaz was a Beta, so it would be fine for him to be that close. Ghost still didn't like it, he didn't know how his pack was, where everyone was, if everyone was safe.
It took a few hours, it was well past midnight before any movement came from the direction of your room. The curtains surrounding Ghosts bed was moved, the Doctor gesturing for Price to follow him. Ghost had tried to listen in, but it wasn't worth it. He was still in mild pain from the mission, the place where the tranq had stabbed him still throbbed every so often.
Price walked back in some time later, looking at Ghost with a sigh. That didn't make him feel good, panic started to flow through him, thoughts of you dying flashed in his mind for a few moments.
"She's gonna be fine," Price started. "They got her heat back under control, they're just waiting for it to finish cycling through her. Outside of that, she's fine," Price sat next to Ghost. "I can't ask you about what happened. I can only tell you what will happen," he looked away.
You woke up, head foggy and throbbing with a headache. You could see a form moving next to you, checking your vitals. You gave a soft groan, your neck throbbing alongside your core. Everything hurt, but you weren't able to tell if it was everything.
"You finally waking up?" The voice asked, and you could recognize it. "You've been out for a few days, you've even had Ghost trying to get in," she giggled a little. Amanda. That was her name, she was one of the nurses you'd been working with prior to the mission that went south.
At the mention of Ghost, you sat upright, vision spinning before righting itself.
"It was a really bad heat you were sent into, y'know. Took us a few hours to stabilize you, but you're doing good for yourself," she smiled, trying to lay you back down but you pushed her off of you.
"I need to talk to him," god even your throat hurt. She nodded slowly, sticking her head out of the door. You rubbed your head, headache now making you feel sick. It took a few moments, but you heard footsteps come in the room, a figure standing next to you. When you looked up, it was Price.
"There are some procedures we need to go through. I've already got some officers in, but we still need to talk about what happened," Price started, moving to sit in the chair near you. "Ghost has already spoken with them, so it'll be you, me and the officers. I think Laswell has flown in as well," you stared at Price.
With a few blinks, you looked down to think. Ghost had already spoken with the officers? You knew what the rules were like, and you knew that your career was now in his hands. It pissed you off, if you could really focus on feeling much outside of pain.
"The officers are trying to get him to make a decision on your career. I can't let you two talk about anything yet, the Adjutant Officers still need to figure things out before you'll be allowed near each other," Price looked away, your jaw tensing. You really had no rights anymore, did you?
It took another few days before you were released. The second you had clothes of your own to wear, you were gone off into your room.
Someone had been here. You could smell a stale scent, but you weren't able to place it. It was too distant to be able to decipher, but your room was exactly the same as it had been left before you were hospitalized. You didn't feel comfortable in your room, knowing someone had been here.
A knock on the door made you spin, nerves set tight. As you opened the door, a large figure came into view.
"Doc," Ghost started, before being yanked into your room and having the door slammed behind him. You turned on him, staring at him sharply. You pointed, opening your mouth before shutting it and groaning, running hands through your hair.
You kept trying to start talking before you stopped yourself, eventually kicking at the wall in irritation.
"What did you say to them?" You hissed, back still turned and facing the wall. You could hear him shift behind you, boots scuffing against the ground. You turned, storming up to him, chest to chest. "What the hell did you tell them? You gonna dismantle my career? Make me some fucking house-omega?" You were growling now, you could feel your muscles tensing.
When he didn't respond, you groaned, tossing your hands up in defeat and walking away from him. You turned, hand on your hip, waiting for a response.
"I don't want to take your career away," he whispered, finally. You barked a laugh, rubbing your wrist against your bitten gland. His hand reached out to grab you, but you moved away from him. "I don't want to make decisions for you," he added, voice growing more desperate.
You shook your head, pulling your hand away from your gland and shaking them out. Ghost reached out to you again, hand catching your shoulder before you shrugged him off.
"I don't know what to do," you whispered. "I'm terrified, because now I'm outed to so many people, and there's quite literally nothing I can do to save myself," you turned to look at Ghost.
He scoffed. "You think I'm going to ruin things for you? I've already told you, I don't want that kind of control over you," he looked away, crossing his arms. You could smell the distress on him.
"You have done shit to make me trust you!" Your voice raised before dropping, a hand running down your face. "I have zero control left, you know how many rights I have as a mated Omega?" He shook his head. "None," you glared at him.
Ghost glanced at you before looking away again. He shook his head, moving to leave before you blocked the door from him.
"You don't get to walk out when we're talking," you growled at him and he growled back.
"This isn't a conversation, this is you getting all pissy on me," he loomed over you, forcing you to take a step back. "I didn't want this to happen, I would have chosen any other way to save us, but we didn't get a choice, did we?" You looked away.
"Get out,"
He could smell the distress on you the second he spoke. Your scent left him spiraling, he was panicking. His Omega was distressed, and he was the cause. He wanted to fix it, correct the problem and make you happy again.
Ghost could do nothing when you repeated yourself.
"Get the hell out," you glared at him. Ghost opened his mouth to give you a retort, but you had turned away. He bit his tongue, turning to stare at the door.
"You know that's not what I meant," he whispered, opening the door and leaving.
Even after walking aimlessly for ten minutes, he could still smell your distress on your scent, the sour taste stuck on the back of his throat. This wasn't how he had intended to talk to you, he wanted to make a plan for when they asked him more questions regarding your career.
Ghost was pissed off, more so with himself than you, but he wanted to comfort you. Fix what he had said, take it back.
But he had a meeting to attend, and he needed to make sure he didn't say anything wrong.
You sat in the conference room, Price, Laswell and an Adjutant officer sitting across from you. This was the third time you'd gone over what had happened.
"So you say this 'Maple Syrup' is what caused Ghost to go into a feral rut?"
"Yes," you deadpanned, glaring through the Adjutant. "We've already been through all of this, there is literally nothing else that I haven't told you," the Adjutant hummed.
"We need to make sure everything is covered," he told you, looking at the paper he had been writing on for the past hour and a half.
You looked at Price, hoping he would help you in any way. He looked away, leaning further back into his seat.
"What about my career?" The room went silent, the Adjutant stopped reading, glancing over at Price who had finally looked at you. "I want to know what's happening," you whispered. The last few days had left you unsure of yourself. You wanted to confront Ghost, you wanted to apologize for snapping at him, you wanted to fix what you'd said.
None of them spoke, Laswell had opened her mouth to speak before closing it, taking a deep breath. Her fingers tapped on the table, looking at Price and the Adjutant.
She looked back at you. "You aren't allowed to make any decisions regarding that, you know," your head dropped back with a groan, wrist rubbing against your bitten gland roughly. You were terrified, you didn't know what the future was going to hold.
You had so little control and it was getting worse. You stood abruptly, going to walk out the door before Price spoke.
"Would you like to speak with Ghost?" You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. With people around, you wouldn't snap on him, but you also didn't want to see him since his last remarks. You really needed to know if you still worked here, or if he was going to force you to become a house-omega.
You nodded, turning around and sitting back down while staring Price down as he made a phone-call. A few moments later, Ghost walked in and sat beside you, but you still couldn't look at him. It was silent for a few minutes, everyone looking at each other, waiting for the first to speak.
"You still have a job here," Ghost spoke up. "I didn't let them remove you, but they won't allow you on missions anymore," he added the last part quietly. You nodded.
You could hear Price and Laswell ushering the Adjutant Officer out of the room, the door closing with a click behind them. Neither you nor Ghost talked for a few minutes, you could smell a certain level of stress on him.
"Thank you," you whispered, glancing quickly at him. He was staring at you, eyes watching your every twitch and shudder. "I'm... sorry, for the other day," you fiddled with your fingers. "I didn't mean to snap at you."
Ghost shook his head, hesitating before grabbing your hand, pulling it close to him and in turn tugging you towards him. You finally turned to look at him, and his eyes visibly softened.
He looked down, then back up to you. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did. Not in the way I did," he tugged you even closer to him, nuzzling into your gland. "I don't regret having you as my mate now, but if I could've changed what I did, you wouldn't be stuck with me making decisions for you now," you leaned in to him, pressing your face into his chest.
It relaxed you, his scent, and allowed you to think much clearer.
"I'm just so scared,"
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nenestansunsthings · 1 year
"Hey. You're Joe Hills, right?"
The man who turns to him to looks far too normal, a casual guy with long hair and green glasses and gloves. Quackity can't imagine why they beat Wilbur. Why her people campaigned so hard for him, why they had hundreds in the lead for hours upon hours until the polls closed and Wilbur lost to her. When the guy smiles cheerfully towards him, the question only becomes more poignant.
"Yup! That's me! Joe Hills, from Nashville, Tennessee." He offers their hand to shake, and in a flash Quackity takes it. Her grip isn't strong, and he blinks in surprise when Quackity's own is firm. "And you're Quackity, right? Good job with your poll!! That was a real close win, but your people pulled through right where it mattered!"
Quackity waves it off. "I never had a doubt. Of course my fans wouldn't let me lose! I'm the sexiest red bird around here, after all!" Unbidden, his wings flutter. "But heyyy, that's not what I came here for. I came here for you! We had an alliance, didn't we? Come on, hi-five, amigo, we did well today!"
Joe blinks. "We had an alliance?"
"Uh, yeah? What, don't tell me you didn't know." He scoffs. "Your fans didn't tell you? I heard you were out there campaigning yourself. Posting shirtless videos and everything! Just my kinda guy." Cheerfully, he slings an arm around Joe, pleasantly surprised when the guy doesn't even flinch. "I thought you agreed to the alliance yourself!"
"... Oh, that alliance!" Their eyes light up in recognition. "Yeah, I saw a few people talking about that. People get really excited in my chat, y'know? Though they were pretty torn." He shrugs. "I mean, Grian's a friend of mine, even if I have no clue how he thinks. But yeah, that was all them!"
Quackity can't help but stare. "You didn't know they were allying against a friend of yours?!"
"Nope! They just kinda do what they want." Joe laughs, the sound tinged with fondness. Something in that makes Quackity's gut churn uncomfortably. They just… do that? Ally against friends? Work with people who they think will stab them in the back later? And all in the name of someone who doesn't even know what they're planning? "I think it's great that they all got together to support you! But hey, there's only one person I'm hoping will win, and you know who it is! I wouldn't be campaigning for myself if I didn't want that win."
"Ha! Yeah, I know how it is." He grins back, golden tooth gleaming brilliantly. "Don't feel too down when I thrash you, alright?"
"We'll see about that!" Normally, Quackity would be on edge from that kind of declaration, but there isn't a shred of hostility in her vice. There's only delight, friendly competition. "I have faith that my viewers will pull ahead, and that I can campaign hard enough to convince people! I've been working really hard, after all. Even bought some new rainbow eyes, just for the occasion!"
"Wait, what."
Joe blinks, and when their eyes open again they are joined by a hundred others, flickering with a thousand colours and all seeing- staring- beholding. Just before he can think the word watching, they flutter shut.
"That's not the right word for me, just to be clear," Joe chastises him. "Watching. I'm not a part of that group."
Quackity has no goddamn idea what she means. So after a moment of stunned silence, he continues.
"... Do your fans think the eyes are hot?"
"I think they're sexyman enough to win the contest," he says, which clears up nothing. "But, most importantly, I think they'd vote for me anyway! Even without my beautiful, glowing, rainbow-checked eyes. Which are, by the way, divinely beautiful, and should be appreciated."
"Hey, man, if you're the kind of guy to buy new eyes for a competition, they'd better vote for you." Quackity shakes his head. "What, did they bribe you for it? Say they'd vote for you if you blinked in rainbows? That's not a healthy relationship, man, you gotta get out of there."
Joe snorts. "No, this is all for me. But thanks for worrying! If my people ever start demanding I grow new eyes before they tip me, I'll just find new people." He waves a hand nonchalantly. "I don't think my viewers would do that, anyway."
"... Hm." Quackity hesitates, settling a few feet away from Joe. "... I dunno, man. I mean, they made that alliance without you, didn't they? Hard to think you could trust 'em after something like that. Not a lot of unity in that kind of campaign, especially if there was some kind of in-fighting about voting me over your friend."
Some tiny, tiny part of him feels a little sick at the thought. But it dies down quickly enough. This isn't the first time he's brought people to blows over loyalty, after all.
But Joe looks unbothered. "They're good people. They'll figure it out for themselves. And they understand why people would vote you over Grian, or why their friends would support you."
"Oh?" Quackity raises an eyebrow. "You talk like you've seen it yourself. Did they shake hands and make up and write songs about their reconciliation? I'd love to see that- you encourage their poetry, it looks like. They've gotta have some skills."
"Nah, nothing like that. You're thinking too big, Quackity HQ." Their sunny smile shifts, softening at the edges. "They're just friends. They don't hate each other for wanting a different person to win. If this was something important like politics- which is very important, remember to vote on both a local and national level to support what's best for your community!- then it might be different. But this is fine."
He scoffs. "Please. I've seen the posts. Some of those guys came out swinging against me."
"And they know it's an exaggeration!" she assures him. "Just look around. All across this great land of Tumblr, there are people reminding each other to be kind. To be civil. To watch whether their feelings are turning into hate, and to take a step back and breathe if things go too far. Sure, things have gone too far. But that happens in all kinds of events, not just this one. And mostly, our viewers want to be kind."
"Man. You're a real ray of sunshine, aren't you." Quackity looks away. "But that's not really what I mean. It's more…"
He's not sure the words are right on his tongue. He says them anyway.
"They're supposed to be united," he tries. "I know you all wanted a Hermitsweep. Your people rule the polls. Doesn't it scare you, that they can split so much behind your back? Isn't it weird, to trust them with this?"
For a second, Joe is silent. Quackity grits his teeth, turns- but the faint green glow of his checkmarks is dim, and there's a twinge of honest fear in his eyes.
"... To be honest, it feels weird." He rests his head on their knees, fingers wrapped tight around her arms. "Just a little bit. I didn't expect this much. And the competition last round was a lot, let me tell you."
Quackity snorts. "I was there, man. No need to tell me. So much voter fraud…"
"And bribery! Don't forget bribery." Joe laughs. "But I do trust them. Whatever they do. I'll be disappointed if I lose, obviously, but it happens. It's hard to really be angry when you think about the core of all this."
"Popularity?" he jokes.
"Well, a little. I've been told Scar is not a sexyman, just a sexy man. Still not sure what criteria people are voting by. But mostly, I think it's love."
"Love?" Quackity raises an eyebrow. "What made you think that?"
Joe sighs. "I dunno. It's just… it's the only thing that it could be, really. This contest doesn't mean anything. There's no prize. All it is is just people wanting the entertainers they love most to win. And look at everything they've created for that goal."
Quackity knows. He's seen the swathes of art, the stories, the people getting out drawing tablets or phones or paper and camera to thank people who voted in their favour. He's seen old artworks shared years after their making. He's seen silly powerpoints, walls of text, analysis and promotions of videos from the starts of careers. It's a little terrifying, really, in the same way angels are.
He's pretty sure Joe would know, too.
"Yeah, not every one of my viewers joined your alliance. Even with my personal campaigning, none of them brought it up to me. But whoever they voted, whether it was Grian because he's someone they fought to see this high up or you because they wanted to share the support your people offered me, they voted out of love. Because they love me, or they love you, or they love whoever else they wanted to win."
"... They love you, huh?"
It's an odd thought. Quackity's well used to heartbreak, to abandonment. To people only staying because he had something to offer. But in this silly contest, with tens of thousands of people cheering for him…
"They love you too," Joe says with a smile. "So I'm happy you won. I'd say you're a pretty worthy opponent."
Quackity barks out a laugh, turning to Joe with fire in his eye. "A worthy opponent? You'll be taking those words back when I win. My people love me, don't they? So I'm sure as hell they'll put their money where their mouth is."
"Oh, we'll see." A thousand eyes open, turning a rainbow gaze upon him. He meets their stare head-on. "After all," Joe Hills says, "You were right about one thing. We want a Hermitsweep."
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 month
yk i haven't been able to get hyper mobile Izzy out of my head all day... maybe they hit a storm and he manages to dislocate something while they all are doing their best to keep the ship going and once the crew botice they all are all ??? and worried and all while Izzy's just there like. 🙄 same old bs, stop fussing ):<
omg yes! I imagine he's full of arthritis too after a lifetime of constant sublux/dislocations........ and I'm agressively giving him my current bugbear of 'hips keep coming out'. So like, after a fight his non-prosthesis leg'll be stuck in internal rotation, shortened, immobile and completely unable to weight bear.
Poor dude is balancing on his hoof and nub which, as he did NOT give that residual limb anywhere near adequate time to heal.... owie.
Fang puts a hand on his back to steady him, thinking his leg got cut or whatever. That hand strays lower when Izzy wobbles, and - oh, woah. He can feel a whole damn femoral head sticking into Izzy's scrawny li'l ass-cheek.
Which - well. That's nothing new, really.
"Need a hand, boss?" Fang asks, real cheerful.
Izzy, white with pain, grabs Jim's shoulders for stability and nods. Hips don't go in easy without help, after all. But while he's needed assistance before, he's always been a total ass about it, worrying at Fang and Ivan the whole time like an injured, untrusting dog, even as he clings to them, high off his mind with the pain.
Now... now Ivan's not there to help (a hurt Izzy can't examine too closely, in case it supersedes the one currently eating away at his hip). But when he raises his wavering vision, he sees the whole damn crew arrayed before him, still bloody and sweaty from the fight, panting as they stare with... worry?
Ugh, thinks Izzy, though he has to duck his head real quick to hide the smile.
"Gimme a Captain Morgan," he says.
As Pete blurts 'what, like the rum?' Fang obligingly tucks his beefy arms under Izzy's armpits and helps Jim shuffle him over to lay on a nearby pair of big barrels, sword clattering to the deck. The pain has dulled from the awful fire of his major weight-bearing bone stabbing into his sciatic nerve and soft tissue, to a constant gnawing ache. Like his hip joint is full of acid.
"Happen a lot, then, huh?" mutters Jim, as they arrange him at Fang's direction, knee raised at ninety degrees over his screaming pelvis.
"Fucking - fuck - fuck - "
"I'll take that as a yes." Jim glances at Fang. "You better show us all how to fix it, then."
Fang shrugs, pointing to Izzy. "Eh, he's the boss."
So, as Pete returns with the promised rum - which Izzy grabs without a 'thank you' and swigs from the damp bottle neck, blunting the pain to the point where he can concentrate - he gives 'em a tight-lipped, breathless lesson on how to apply axial traction and use your knee as a fulcrum, until you feel that satisfying clunk.
As soon as it's back in, the pain flares brutally, then shrinks away, leaving him wracked and shuddering. Izzy shoves at the bottle when Pete next tries to raise it to his mouth, sloshing liquor everywhere (but he shoots the man a harried nod of gratitude, which, judging by Pete's grin, he treasures). He waits for his racing heart to settle. Then makes to sit - only to pause at the big hand splayed over his chest.
"Uh," says Oluwande. "You sure that's a good idea?"
"I'm first mate," argues Izzy. "I give the orders."
But he lets himself sink back as Olu pushes him, and when Lucius gingerly picks up his bloody sword from where it fell and starts to clean it (pulling faces the whole time at having to touch blood and goo), he doesn't snap for him to leave his damn weapon alone.
"What helps?" he hears Roach asking Fang, all matter-of-fact - the man's taking notes, Izzy bets. "I've pulled a leg back in a coupla times - different method, but same principle, y'know? But I've never stuck around for what comes next. Cold first, to stop the swelling?"
"Good luck finding that in the Caribbean, babe," says Frenchie, to which Roach dips him a wink as he vanishes below deck.
"Do not doubt my power!"
Izzy rolls his eyes - but Roach returns soon enough, carrying a cool glass bottle from the hold.
"Get him in the shade," he orders Fang and Jim, waving to the slightly cooler area below the great cabin's overhang. "Lay him out, and fetch him a new one of these every time it warms up."
Frenchie and Lucius readily volunteer for the task of wrestling Izzy's trousers down, with much eyebrow waggling and wolf-whistling apiece, but Izzy, for once, doesn't have the heart to shove them off. He just snorts, helping them shove the blood-crusted leather to his knees, modesty maintained by his smalls and the long drapes of his oversized shirt.
"Oh yeah," says Roach, snapping his fingers as Frenchie rolls the cool bottle against the outside of Izzy's hip - how he'll react when Izzy caves and asks him to put it on the inside instead, Izzy doesn't know, but he kinda wants to find out. "Don't let him get up."
The whole damn crew nods. Izzy lets his head fall back on the planks with a thunk.
"It's really not that big a deal," he grumbles (though the lingering ache of abused tendons begs to differ). "S'back in. I can walk. S'fine."
"Sh-sh-sh," scolds Archie, leaning on Jim's side a few feet away. "No need. I've heard you yell, little guy - we'll all be able to hear you bark orders from here."
Jim nods, smile thin as their knives. "So, you'd best get shouting at us and telling us what to do, so we can be away, huh?"
And, well, Izzy can't argue with that. He relaxes into the comforting cool of the bottle (and, loathe as he is to admit it, Frenchie and Lucius's hands, both of which press gentle on his skin), shirt clinging to him with blood, none of it his own. Or that of his family.
Then he raises his voice.
"Alright, you lazy twats! Show's over! Back to work!"
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
Thpughts on the RLS!Siblings?? 👀
Mostly about how funny would be some interactions with RLS + ASL siblings bc y'know, lusan. Like, they doing a "family dinner" kinda thing, but with much much caos and Luffy loving his boyfriend :)
Also, I love your posts! Your Misora fic is amazing, I reread at least two chapters everyday 😭❤
Ah, I'm glad you liked NBL! Its definitely a rare pair I'll love until the end of time.
As for my thoughts on RSL with an ASL family dinner: you're right it would be chaotic. Sabo and Koala are visiting and checking in when the Heart Pirates show up so Luffy throws a party because it's two family reunions in one. So Law is putting up with Luffy's shenanigans as Robin is catching Sabo up on the fact she, Sanji, and Law are also siblings. Sanji is cooking for the feast as Ace is talking with Shachi and Penguin.
At some point Law manages to corral the five of them into the Tang for a more private conversation. So the six of them are in the mess hall of the Polar Tang to talk, mostly about how RSL became siblings. Luffy is sitting on Sanji much to Law and Sabo's annoyance, Ace is laughing as he sits next to Sanji who knows it's a losing battle on every end for him. Robin is giggling as she sits between Law and Sabo, Luffy immediately starts playing with Sanji's hands.
Law throws a room out but is promptly fended off by Robin's devil fruit and Sanji does kick Law in the shin.
Sabo threatens to remove the cook from life if he does anything to hurt Luffy. Sanji has questions about why Sabo phrased it like that because look at Sanji's brother and sister. Look at them Sabo.
Sanji's been threatened far worse for far less. And he says so. Do better Sabo.
Sabo is absolutely offended by Sanji's attitude towards his threat but Ace has absolutely lost it and Law has given up to join his sister and Luffy in giggling as the blonds stare down each other. If they thought they were going to have a serious discussion they were wrong. Sanji is just like "I'm the only person in the room without a devil fruit and I can still set myself on fire" which makes Sabo look at Luffy in disbelief and ask where he found him. A fish shaped floating restaurant in the East Blue is not an acceptable answer apparently.
Robin says that she and Law found Sanji in the North Blue before that. Law hums and says that maybe the North Blue was good for something, despite sending Sanji to the East Blue and Robin to the Grand Line and keeping him there but Robin points out he got to keep Bepo. Law says he lost all three of his families but at least he got the bear in the most sarcastic tone.
Luffy asks what he means so Law talks about Amber Lead and his home town, Rosinante who adopted him and then sacrificed himself for him, and then Sanji and Robin. The glare Robin and Sanji get is very familiar and Robin pats Law's shoulder and off handedly mentions the three buster calls she's survived and Sanji points out he and Luffy were there for two of them. Robin acknowledges that despite Law's very, very tired look.
"I stabbed myself in the face to prove to Shanks I was tough, but I was aiming for my eye." Luffy says as he plays with Sanji's fingers.
"How did he convince you to be with him?" Law asks Sanji with despair.
"He refused my refusal." Sanji deadpans.
"Have you tried killing him?" Ace asks. "That's what Sabo and I used to do before we gave in."
"I tried killing myself." Sanji shrugs as Luffy immediately pinches his wrist in punishment for his phrasing making him hiss in pain.
"Yeah, you broke your back kicking me and Nami out of the way of an avalanche and I had to dig you out." Luffy grumbles.
"That's on you Captain, you could have left him there." Robin smiles.
"I would have." Law agrees before he looks at Sanji. "You broke your back?"
"Mhm, fought the next day." Sanji answers as everyone stares at him except Luffy. "Thanks for saving my boyfriend and his brother by the way." Sanji waves of the looks easily.
"Yeah, no problem. Figured you had all died and he didn't need that too." Law nods.
"Our apologies." Robin says.
"None of you guys are allowed to die." Luffy orders them all. They all agree easily.
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boyakishantriage · 10 months
She'd drawn her sword, well she didn't really remember how any times she'd done it. A fluid motion, grasp, tilt, pull then push and SLAM.
The practice sword snapped, cracking as it struck the ground once more.
"... Y'know, when I gave you a section of the dojo to use, I wasn't really expecting you to leave practice swords in my roof."
Her friend quipped, several practice swords stabbed into the roof panel, the hole from the first successful trick still un patched as the various panels around her lay, swords and props broken.
"Yeah, well you weren't expecting me to use party tricks when we fight so..."
She shrugged, kicking a sword into her hand before breaking the wooden panel to her right.
"What exactly do you hope to achieve here? How exactly does any of this help with your fighting?"
His lips pursed, a smirk on the man's tousled head. Teasing. She'd wipe that grin off his face.
This was the location the official suggested, asking around it seemed most people at least knew of this Eleanor. Or Ellie, strange considering she weren't anyone of high anything, a generalist who's business was apparently "life saving" but also "a waste of space." Seems she were controversial.
The two held blades, training ones, she'd worn five with three smaller ones whereas he carried only four. A new fighting style, dual wielding, where blades could be swapped. Rapid switching of lengths leaving the target confounded, a school he took the credit even though he was the first student of the craft. Not the creator.
"Still don't get how you're not encumbered."
Simple. As always, hands held to her back and at her hip. A diagonal slash probably. He held his, holding hilts before she'd rushed forward.
Blades smacking against the ground, angling the wood to sharpen the tip of the edge.
Glancing in mild surprise, holding firm before drawing weapons.
The two swords clashed against one another, wood against wood. While stronger, her footing and leverage for the energy he exerted made up for any strength he'd push.
"Not bad."
Then she'd kicked up, flicking the lower sword under her leg into the air, pushing the opposing sword down. Before cartwheeling one foot into his surprised chin, lowered arms and the sword into her other hand as she landed on her feet.
"Party tricks."
The sword stabbed into the wooden panel, as a pair of hands clapped.
And almost immediately, the glass window shattered beside the alien, wooden blade sliding barely under a truck.
"oop, sorry. Reflexes!"
He glared at her, before complaining about having to repair another window.
She simply shrugged at the snap. Promising to pay for the pane.
"... So what style is that?"
"Oh its-"
She glared at him, as she closed her mouth shut.
He'd jumped into the dojo, tripping onto his side. "-new sword style."
"... Y'know I think we're missing something."
After helping the alien up, tall lanky, and looked like that that dude from that pansexual dad Tumblr voice actor dad... Cosmic Wonders? Became a mildly successful series or something?? That thing, the thin lanky purple tinted alien with green eyes got to his feet. Albeit sheepish.
She glanced at the woman then the male.
"... Ellie?"
Ellie glanced at her twink friend.
"No. That's Amber."
"... The male?"
"I'm a twink actually."
"... Twink?"
"Do you know what pegging is?"
After traumatizing a delegate for a planet, he'd shaken his head of such thought.
"Righto, so. Who're ya and why are you here?"
"... I-"
She appeared to be in flux, wait.
"... Does your gender like. Switch? Ambo?"
"... Yeah, I was wondering if it was just me."
The alien looked at the two as the back door opened.
"Hey Amber... Who's this?"
"Quincy, out."
"Why he-"
"Quincy, you can ask to get fucked when we're done. For now, go unpack your shit."
"I don't-"
The woman raised her wrist, pushing buttons before beginning to read out.
"Hd porn comics-"
"Alright fine."
"... Uhhh."
"Quincy's an alien fucker."
"... Oh, wait."
I raised my hands.
"You have those too?"
The two Terrans and Quincy froze, turning to look at the alien.
"excuse me?"
Began Amber.
After a sufficient amount of fucking around, I'd dragged the rest of the broken gear into the end of the truck, closing the end as my passenger looked at the garbage.
"... Why didn't you just-"
"The dump pays for this, I can make twenty bucks by dumping my sorted trash to them."
"... Dump?"
The human waved her hand, before closing into a fist.
She smacked her truck before continuing.
"Short answer, it's a garbage collection. Y'know. Recycling."
"... Recyling?"
"... Get in, I'll explain on the way there."
"and I drove. Nothing too interesting there, but uhh. Well we'd figured out a way to suck out carbon and stuff and there were these legal passes that let countries or people to pay to drive with fuel and stuff. Basically I pay to be able to pay to get my own fuel and stuff."
She'd ignored my question, as she continued.
"m'kay, so generally I assume ya know what waste is right?"
"... Yes."
"m'kay, so- huh red."
The car stopped, seatbelt against his frame as she continued.
"well, some of the waste could be reusable and stuff ya?"
"... Pardon?"
Her lip raised, she gave it some thought.
"You see that metal box over there?"
She pointed at the workshop.
"wood working right?"
"... Yes?"
"y'know what saw dust is?"
"Y'know what we do with unusable wood?"
"... Oh."
She smiled, for a moment. Filling the cabin with bright before she returned to a blank stare.
They drove, turns out he was from a plains planet, with tundra to the edges and a savannah to the centre. Plains, with three or four tectonic plates (something about an oceanic ridge) that makes borders.
"... So, I take it you're a scholarly knight?"
"... I suppose I am. Huh?"
"mmm, and it's not doubt strange a human is able to guess and... Articulate such points so... Effectively?"
"... Yeah, it's. Strange to say the least."
"... I'll also make a wild guess and assume that you're mildly perturbed. Disturbed. By the fact I'm capable of guessing so succinctly. Or easily. And wondering if other humans can do so?"
"... How-"
She laughed, the confused alien then came to a jolt.
"no. Most humans are nowhere near as brilliant as mwah, but a lot are close."
She opened the door, the engine turning itself off as she hopped out.
"Ait! Hey, mate! I've got junk!"
Waving her arms, Ignoring the flustered sputtering alien.
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whoo-per · 2 years
Bounded by death
a zs fanfic (part 1 only)
a high pitched ringing is all Sanji can hear. the man slowly opens his eyes, trying to adjust it to the faint light. the blond slowly rises to assess his surroundings. a small room. nothing other then a dresser, a lamp and a bed. he looks down at his hand to see a shiny golden band around his ring finger. "oh, your up." a man says walking in. Sanji immediately turns his head at the voice to see a man the same height as him with a identical golden ring around the same finger.
"took your sweet time walking up curls. its been a week." Sanji gives the other a confused and conflicted face. "first off, what do you mean curls. secondly, what do you mean its been a week." the other man rolls his eyes. and leans on the door frame. "our parents married us. so we don't be in the afterlife alone and all." Sanji nods understanding the explanation before pausing. "wait what the fuck do you mean afterlife." the other pauses and scrunches up his face
"were in the afterlife curly. y'know you got a pretty bad stab wound on your heart." Sanji immediately looks down at his chest. His crisp white dress shirt now a deep red color due to a stab wound at his heart. his face pales before looking at the other. "its multiple slash wounds if you curious," answering Sanji’s question before he could even ask. "forgot to say but I'm Zoro." he pauses glancing around for a second before finishing off. "ill leave you be to let this all sink in," Sanji nods and the door closes. the blond now sits there alone, staring at his ring. married? afterlife?
"Jesus fuck what is going on right now." sanji mutters out, burring his face in his pillow. after a couple minutes of silence he decides to just go back to sleep. hoping when he woke up he'd be back with his family. he wishes he dreamt of his friends welcoming him back home, or them being with him while he’s at a hospital bed, instead he dreamed about a certain green haired man and marimos taunting him that he’s now a newly wed.
Sanji wakes  up in a cold sweat. glancing around again hoping hes back at his room. instead he finds himself in the same room she fell asleep in. looking at the dresser he notices a glass of water and dinner. he stands up only now noticing how the clothes he's wearing are incredibly dirty. he frowns making a mental note to take a bath after eating. the food was simple. just some meat and vegetables. a pretty plain and simple
everything in the place was plain and simple to be frank. it wasn't decorated at all from what Sanji could see. the blond lets out a huff of disappointment and opens the drawers to the dresser. ne notices a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants and picks them up. finally he opens the door to the living room and see's zoro on the couch snoring. he quickly scampers around the house to find a washroom while making notes of where everything is.
after a quick shower Sanji exits the bathroom to see Zoro this time awake. "shower?" he questions. Sanji scoffs. "what else dumbass. where should i put my clothes." Zoro shrugs. "leave them in the washroom. ill put them in the hamper later." Sanji complies and sits beside him after. the two sit in silence for what felt like hours but was actually probably like 5 minutes.
"so, what now." Sanji starts. unsure how to feel about this whole situation. Zoro shrugs. "well, nothing to really do now i guess. we just have to live with this fact now." Sanji frowns and dramatically sighs throwing his head back. "and here I wanted to live past 25 and marry a wonderful woman instead I'm married to a mosshead." Zoro glares and gives Sanji a slight shove. Sanji stares at the celling smiling.
maybe an afterlife with a dumbass mosshead wouldn't be too bad.
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oneknightstand-if · 6 months
How do the RO's handle jealousy, like say someone flirting with MC in front of them? Also how would Merlin react to someone who they snacked on trying to taunt the MC with the fact that they did the devils tango?
Going to assume the MC has already got a bit of romantic development going on with them, otherwise most will just shrug it off and wish the MC well. Also assuming the flirter is some persistent random nobody, not a member of the Harbinger crew or a store clerk who winked at them once.
Lust MC is getting side-eyed either way.
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Merlin: Normally they'd be encouraging you to go for it, but you know... the entire apocalypse thing with the saboteurs and an opposing Circle trying to kill off your members. Yeah, they'd warn you that said flirter/potential lover could be a honey pot out to murder you. And then maybe watch if you insist on going off to bang boots to make sure you're not stabbed in the wrong way.
The one trying to make MC jealous gets a pat on the head, because y'know incubus. Humans can be so cute.
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Arthur: Man... that's going to depend entirely on the exact nuances of the situation. It could range from being supportive to someone fearing for their lives under the right wrong circumstances.
Percy: Who is doing what in the where now?
4̵0̶4̵ ̴S̷o̶u̸l̴ ̵N̵o̸t̶ ̵F̴o̷u̷n̴d̵: Someone is flirting in front of them instead of shitting their pants, really?
Cassandra: Flirtatiously smiling to get MC's attention back on her. Depending on their relationship at the time and how MC reacted, they may be in deep trouble here.
Gwen: Painfully retreating from the entire situation. Depending on MC's relationship at the time and how they reacted, MC may be in worse trouble than if they tried that with Cassandra.
Vivian: Yes, would you please just edge a teensy bit closer to this lake/pool/puddle of water here?
Lorelei: Icily glaring throughout this entire exchange. She may even be doing that even if she doesn't have any romantic development with the MC at all. She's here to help prevent an apocalypse not fuck around ${MC}.
Broderick: Sniping. All the sniping. It won't progress more than a few comments if it's early in the relationship. Later on, how is this other person even managing to flirt with the MC while he's verbally smacking them down?
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tower-of-erinyes · 1 year
The Rules!! Oh Right We Have A Copy | Mika | Trial 1.4 | RE: Dante, Kesley, Zenith
Well, Mika might've had more to say here, but Kesley damn well stole the show there. Well done, buddy. Her eyes widened, and she just sorta leaned back, watching him go off. Gradually, she crossed her arms, and just smiled. There wasn't really much more to add immediately. That was where they stood. She could sit back and theory-craft, but, well... Oh. Ohhh. To be fair, Dante's response to her got a reaction out of her. Not frustration, not anger, but... surprise. Had she genuinely forgotten about the money? Y-Yeah. Fair enough. Local influencer actually made a good point. And with the discussion going on about the Rules, well, she hadn't actually considered the role of the Saboteur. She hadn't actually considered the rules of the game. So what a time to actually read them. Fortunately, she had her scroll crumpled up deep in her jacket pocket. "The rules, huh? Y'know, if I can throw out a theory here." Mika hummed under her breath, skimming them. "What happens to us if we get it wrong? Everything that's been said is all purely about the saboteur. It's the saboteur's 'game' to win or lose here. We get it wrong, they win, and leave. We get it right, they get punished. That's it." Game got exaggerated air quotes, and a brief nod to Dante. She'll at least acknowledge the point they made. "Didn't the rules say 'before every murder a new saboteur is picked'? So, in theory, there's no end. Unless you over there feel like saying otherwise..." She glanced over to Atropos, and shrugged. Death, huh? If the culprit died, they died, right? This was more than just the saboteur's game - the saboteur just got the prize. But as far as what happened to the rest of them? In Mika's head, they just had punishment enough of just... still being here. That was enough. But she couldn't deny what Zenith was saying as a possibility. Until Atropos gave any answer on that front, she decided to push that from the forefront of her mind. This was getting tiring. Well, the more she read the rules over, the more she found herself thinking back, and looking to Dante. There was more to consider in here, now that she actually looked at it in some detail. "You know what? You're right. Right here, it says 'personally tailored prize'. Unfortunately, if that metric fuckton of cash was their personally-tailored prize, well then... That's gonna be impossible to pin to someone concretely. Because who wouldn't benefit from a metric fuckton of cash?" Her gaze wandered around the room, scanning everyone for some kind of reaction. "Hmm. In an odd sense, Drew was right. Finding one dead body should be enough to keep a killer off everyone's back, assuming said killer is playing by the rules, playing to win. It makes sense. Him and our saboteur, assuming they're not one and the same, are the only ones who actually read the rules. Nice." She doesn't seem interested in getting involved in all the rabble-rousing going on here. "You are right though that I feel like both of you-" She pointed to Drew and Beni both. -"aren't telling us everything. Drew's story makes sense, though he did a bunch of shit that could very well be a result of him stabbing her. Beni here isn't telling us everything, sure, but can be explained away. Someone used the secret passage, and someone met with Tsuki. Just spitballing here, but have we considered the possibility that they were both involved, here? In which case, the one who stabbed her with the dagger is likely the culprit." She closed her eyes, and shrugged. "Or I could just be talking out of my ass here. I don't know. If you want to keep jawing at each other, feel free, I'm just going to hold off on my vote on the off chance one of these two decides to tell us the full truth."
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noctumbra · 2 years
I got excited when i saw your drabble night and i had this thought of college roomate!bucky with fluff 4 and smut 2
lol thank you for sending in! <3
fluff prompt #4: "Oh my god, you never told me you could cook!" // smut prompt #2: “Do you really want me to rip your clothes off that much?”
warnings: implied smut, light dirty talk, pet names (roommate!bucky x reader)
As soon as you stepped inside the apartment, you were swept away with the delicious food smell. You took a deep breath, trying to figure out which food it was that made your mouth water so much.
"It's lasagna," a very familiar voice called out from the kitchen. "You have five minutes to get changed, otherwise I'm eating this all by myself." You scrambled to take off your shoes and coat, and then you rushed to your bedroom.
If you knew Bucky, your roommate, even for a little bit, you knew that he would eat all the lasagna by himself because he was a bitch like that. You sighed as you slipped out of your jeans and got into your soft pajama bottoms. They made your ass look amazing, but nothing gave you the comfort that your pajamas had given you.
"One minute!" You heard him yell, and you quickly changed your t-shirt, running towards the kitchen after you were done.
"Don't eat it all─" You cut yourself off as you took in the sight of Bucky cooking. "Um." Bucky looked at you over his shoulder and smiled.
"Take a seat," he said. "I'm gonna take it off the oven now." You did as he said with a shocked expression on your face still. Your eyes followed his movements as he put the on the gloves and opened the oven to take out the large plate of lasagna. "I asked my Ma for the recipe, and she mocked with me, so I hope you like it."
You blinked a couple of times and looked at the large plate of lasagna that Bucky had placed in front of you. You cut the food into small pieces and let it cool off for a minute. Meanwhile, Bucky grabbed his own plate and brought some coke on the table for you to drink.
"Come on, taste it, tell me how it is," he urged you. His eyes were shining, and he looked excited. You stabbed one of the small pieces with your fork and placed the food in your mouth.
You moaned when the amazing taste of lasagne hit your taste buds. "Oh my God, Bucky," you grumbled with your mouth full. You chewed the food and swallowed it. "You never told me you could cook!" Bucky grinned although he looked a bit shy now.
"Well," he shrugged. "I can cook. Sometimes." You hummed as you started chewing another piece of lasagna, and in under fifteen minutes, you finished your food. You groaned.
"God, I'm so full right now," you grunted, hand rubbing your belly. Bucky chuckled. He ate more than you, but he still looked like he could eat more. Bucky finished the drink in his glass. You stood up from the table together and made your way to the kitchen sink. "Hey, you cooked. Let me clean at least."
"I'll help anyways," he said, shrugging, and you gave in. You washed the plates and glasses as he dried them. After you were done with the dishes, you couldn't find a towel, so you dried your hands on your t-shirt, making it stain with the food remains and soap. Bucky hummed.
"Do you really want me to rip your clothes off that much?" He asked casually. Your hands froze where they were cleaning the counter. "You could just said so, y'know. I woulda ripped your clothes when you stepped inside, and you didn't have to spend minutes inside to change your clothes."
You choked on the air you were trying to get to your lungs and looked at him. He winked at you. Coming up behind you, he wrapped his arms around you.
"I haven't forgotten the last week," he whispered in your ear. "You know the time we made out at that bar? I made you moan so prettily, baby..." You whimpered softly. "You were so easy and wet for me... Are you wet now, too?" He muttered and one of his hands moved in front of your pajama bottoms.
"Bucky..." You breathed. "Yes," you answered his question. "I am." Bucky growled.
"Tell me what you want me to do," he ordered softly. "Tell me and I'll comply." You whimpered again.
"Take me to bed."
Your feet were off the ground the second the words left your mouth.
join the drabble night!
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Can you write Austin Sommers with a fem reader. Maybe period sex & a praise kink 😏
Oh hell's yeah 😏
Crimson Sheets (Austin Sommers x reader)
Warnings: SMUT, period sex, praise kink, cunnilingus
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You had woken up that morning with a sharp, stabbing pain in your lower abdomen, indicating that you had started your period. You sighed upon noticing you'd bled on your bedsheets in the middle of the night.
After spraying them with stain remover and throwing them into the washing machine, you texted Austin to let him know you wouldn't be able to meet up with him as originally planned.
Less than a hour later, you heard someone knock on your door while you were curled up in bed watching television.
You carefully got up from your blanket barricade and went to unlock the door. You heard your boyfriend on the other side, singing the words "Let me in before I freeze."
Opening the door, you raised your eyebrows at him. "Can I help you?"
"Well, you couldn't leave the house to have fun, so I figured I'd bring the fun to you."
"And what fun is that exactly?" You watched as he took off his jacket and hung it by the backdoor.
"The fun of hanging out with me, of course!" He said as if it was obvious.
"Ah, I see. Of course," you agreed before wincing in pain as you felt your abdomen cramp up.
"Hey, are you alright?" He asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just on my period," you reassured him as you made your way back to your bedroom.
He followed after you. "Huh, so that's the blood that I smelled when I walked through the door."
"Yeah. Don't worry though, I'm not dying. It just feels that way." You joked as you crawled back into bed.
"Oh, my poor baby," he comforted you. "You know, I might just have a solution to your little period problem."
"Oh? And what's that?"
"Well, I could always, y'know, eat you out," he said with absolutely zero hesitation.
You choked on your spit. "What?"
"I mean, I won't do it if it'll make you uncomfortable, but I've heard that having sex while on your period helps to reduce the pain of cramping, so I figured I'd at least offer." He shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm a little shocked at your proposal, but that doesn't mean my answer's a no. I've never actually had sex while on my period, if I'm being honest," you confessed. "But if you think it'll help, I'd be willing to try it out."
"What?! Never?" He asked as you shook your head. "Well, today I'm going to help you change that."
After laying down an unwashed sheet on the bed and carefully helping you slip off your pajama bottoms, Austin kneeled at the end of the bed, waiting for you to give him the go ahead.
"Okay, I think I'm ready," you said, trying to calm your nerves. "Just- try to be gentle, okay?"
"Of course baby," he said. "You let me know at any time if you want me to stop."
Nodding your head, you laid back and spread your legs so he could slot himself in between them. You were slightly embarrassed at him looking at your pussy while you were on your period, but that feeling quickly faded as you felt his tongue dive in between your folds.
Laying back, you felt yourself begin to relax as his mouth helped to distract you from the pain. You titled your head back and let out a series of soft moans.
You could feel him smirking against your skin as he began to place gentle kisses on the inside of your thigh. You groaned in frustration as his mouth moved farther away from where you wanted it to be.
"Austin, baby, don't tease," you said as you gave him a look.
"Okay, okay," he mumbled against your thigh as he brought his mouth back up to your pussy, covering it in soft kisses as he resumed eating you out.
You reached your hand down and tangled your fingers in his hair, gently pushing his face closer to your crotch. He moaned against you, sending pleasuring vibrations up you spine.
You shivered in delight as you felt him slip one of his fingers inside of you. He began to slowly pump it in and out of you as he turned his attention to your clit, covering it in sloppy kisses.
Whimpering quietly, you tugged at his hair as he slipped another finger in, making sure you were nice and open before he fucked you.
You suddenly came, clutching at the bedsheet as the overstimulation from both his fingers and his tongue became too much for you. You felt your face grow hot, embarrassed at how early you'd finished.
He lifted his head up to look at you, a mix of your juices and period blood covering his face. Noticing how you failed to meet his eyes, he crawled on top of you before cupping your face with his hands.
"Hey, don't be upset," he comforted you. "I know you're probably feeling insecure about finishing early, but you have nothing to be ashamed of. I think it was pretty hot, how you came on my face like that."
"Really?" You questioned as you lifted your gaze up at him, finally meeting his eyes.
"Hell yes," he said with a smile. "Do you want to continue? Because we can stop now, if that's what you want."
You quickly shook your head no. "Please, fuck me," you begged.
He kissed you and smirked. "Your wish is my command."
You gasped as he slowly slid into you, pressing kisses up and down your neck as he did so. Pulling at his hair, you let out a low moan as he began to suck a hickey onto your neck.
You scratched your nails down his back as you pulled him closer.
"Harder," you panted as you pulled him in for a kiss.
He obliged as he quickened his pace, thrusting into you harder before grazing his teeth along the veins in your neck.
"You're such a good baby, did you know that? You're doing so well for me sweetheart," he praised as he lightly nipped at the skin on your collarbone.
You blushed as he nipped hard enough to draw blood. Whimpering, you felt him lick at the bead of crimson that had form on your skin.
He traced the mark it had left behind with his tongue before moving his mouth to another section of your collarbone.
"Your blood always tastes so sweet baby, almost as if it were made for me."
He nipped at you again as his thrusts became sloppy, indicating he was getting close. You could feel it too, the familiar fire in your belly roaring to life as he reached his hand down and rubbed circles against your clit.
You gripped onto his shoulders as you let out a series of whimpers and moans. Noticing how you had begun bucking your hips upwards to meet him, he leaned close and whispered into your ear, "Cum for me baby."
You came just about the same time that he did, hearing him grunt as he released his seed into you. He carefully pulled out as he peppered your face in kisses.
"You did so good baby, I'm so proud of you."
You giggled before looking down and noticing how the sheets had turned crimson from your period blood.
"Well, there goes those sheets," you commented as he laughed.
"Don't worry baby, I'll buy you some more." He kissed you on the forehead before asking, "Do you want me to run you a bath so you can clean yourself up?"
"Yes please," you said as you watched him go into your bathroom and turn on the faucet.
After filling up the tub and making sure the water was the right temperature, he returned to the bedroom where he helped you stand up and walk to the bathroom, your legs a bit wobbly from earlier. You stepped into the tub and sighed as you immersed yourself in the bubbles, enjoying the feeling of the warm water on your skin.
"I'm gonna go throw out your old sheets so you can make room for the new ones, and maybe afterwards I can come back for a round three," he said with a wink.
You playfully rolled your eyes at him as he got up to leave. "Hey, babe?"
"Yeah?" He turned back around to look at you.
"Thanks for helping me feel better."
"Of course baby, anytime."
You sunk yourself further into the bubbles as you watched him exit your bathroom. You still hated your period, but you were glad that Austin was there to make you feel better and give you relief in more ways than one.
Taglist: @langdonsoutpost @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @blkroyalty1
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
I hate you
Summary: In a world where your enemies name appears on one wrist and your soulmates appears on the other but what happens when it's the same name on both
Pairing: loki x reader
Warnings: fluff but some major angst at end, swearing,
Notes: Finally not bucky pfft anyways i got this idea from a post I saw on instagram hope ya like it :) oh and this takes place during ragnarok and infinity war also yes i know the lines aren't the exact same but i tried to keep it similar.
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You hated loki no hate wasn't strong enough you despised the god. With his tricks and mischief. with his knifes and need to simply be an absolute dickbag. all of this is what made the position you were put in even more confusing and messy.
You stared down at your wrist looking at the names well name. singular. The names were supposed to be one of your enemy and one of your soulmate which of course frustrated people to the end of which name suppose to take what role. Yours might seem simpler but it made it more complicated.
there was one name. loki. It sat on both your wrist being there since the day you were born. at first it confused you and your parents why the name was the same. Then the confusion grew when a few days later a prince was born named loki odinson. 
So your enemy was loki but was also your soulmate. The more you were around loki the more you understood the enemy part of it. He'd pull mean pranks and constantly pester you. you assumed the names on his wrist were in the same case as yours making his constant bother make sense.
Of course now wasn't the time to rehash all of that. you currently were going through something that felt similar to an acid trip. They spoke something of the grandmaster and how this planet was created or whatever. you simply felt sick and like someone stuck your brain in a blender. 
you open your eyes not even realizing you had closed them at some point. looking around you are sat next to thor and in front of you is a strange man with eyeliner who looks like a dude going through a midlife crisis. 
behind you are rainbow guards. confused you turn to lowkey who looks just as confused as you. “well aren't these two just marvelous. he and a she right?” he ask looking up at a girl. she nods “yes he and she” she smiles at you two. “see this is why your amazing. what do i always say when she shows up it starts with b” he says looking to another girl. “trash” she says glaring at the other girl. “wha- no were you just looking to call her trash that doesn't even start with b” he said confused and shaken. “booze hag”
you cant help but snicker at this. “I- what no i'm sorry i always say your the best god. she brought me my champion y'know” he says with a smile. “so you say every time shes here.”  she replied jealousy thick. “how much for them” grandmaster ask. this shakes you up and throws even thor off guard. “hi yes excuse me were not for y'know sale”  you say like its an outlandish thing. “10,000″ the girl says. “I am not for sale” thor says ripping his arms out of the chair. “ooo a fighter I like it” he says then the girl presses a button and thor is shaking like he was tased. 
“Y'know actually i think i'm ok being sold off can I just nooot have that happen to me?” you ask with a wide grin. “I like her shes funny” get her out of the chair” the grandmaster says. “give her the credits hurry” with a grumble the girl gets paid. “you will pay for this.” thor says to the scavenger. “no I got paid for this.” she says smugly walking off. your chains are released and you stand up rubbing your wrist. “do you got any lotion or anything cause that shit made my wrist all dry” you say nodding towards the chair. 
“Get the girl some lotion go go” he says to the other. “come follow me” he says after you get handed some lotion. you walk into a room full of people thor following behind on his chair. The room seems like a party people are chatting music is blasting. “I am the god of thunder!” thor says. tiny thunder comes out his fingers making you chuckle. His hammer being broken but be affecting him more than expected. “well there's no thunder but you did create little sparkles there.” he says walking to a dj panel.
“hey y/n get me out of here” thor whispers to you. “Man i don't even know how i got out ok guess you gotta just be awesome like me” you look around and spot someone who for once actually made you smile “or like loki apparently.” you point out to thor. “loki!” he yells. you hit thor's arm “shut up” you say. loki looks at you two confused.
“loki!!” thor says happily. you simply facepalm you didn't want to talk to loki nor did you want grandmaster from finding out you know him especially if he's caused as much chaos here as he has on asgard. loki looks concerned and does a fake smile and goodbye before walking towards yall “shhh sh” he says. “what are you doing here” he ask “Me and y/n were put in a chair she was released wheres your chair?” thor ask. “i didn't get a chair” loki whispers back. “well get me out of this one” thor ask “i cant.” “get me out” “I cant” they debacle before you interrupt “how did you get here?” you ask. “I was here a few weeks ago I gained his trust i know hes strange but im in the good with him” loki says.
“what are we whispering about” Grandmaster sneaks up on yall. “jesus fuck what are you a mouse?!” you ask feeling your heart pounding like drums. “you know this lord of thunder?” grandmaster ask loki. “god of thunder heh tell him” thor says nodding. “i've never met this man in my life” loki says with a nervous smile. “their brothers” you chime in “adopted” loki clarifies. you smile at the grandmaster. “well if you want to get back to assguard or-” grandmaster starts “asgard” thor clarifies. “Only those who defeat me beloved champion can leave.”  grandmaster said with a smile. “just send him that way he’ll stab whomever whatever to get back home” you say. thor nods with a smirk.
and off he goes. not long after loki nods towards where thor was sent and you nod back. As much as you hate loki it was nice having 2 familiar faces here. You walked after loki and snuck into the room. loki was making hand gestures as thor threw a rock through him. “course” you say with a shake of your head. loki and thor look towards you. “why did i actually think for once you'd be nice and actually be here” you say rolling your eyes. “Never put faith in my brother to be nice” thor says throwing another rock through loki. loki rolls his eyes “You don't want my help then i'll just go.” loki says turning around then turning back. “I haven't seen this champion but i know he is unstoppable and terrifying. I have placed a large wager against you won't let me down.” loki says walking off.
“He's right ya know, loki, this champion is a champion for a reason and you don't have your hammer anymore you cant even do your cool lighting trick you barely got it out your fingers...just don't get killed out there please. Loki won't admit it but he cares about your dumbass and so do i so do us both a favor and don't get killed” you say walking out the room. loki was right at the other side and rolled is eyes. “that was cheesy” he says. “shut up i just don't want you to be more annoying than usual if he fucking dies.” you reply with a grumble.
Soon enough the battle comes and you sit next to loki. your nerves become evident the more time passes. loki puts a hand on your bouncing leg. slowly it calms down. his hand stays there as thor walks out. you gulp deeply. they announce the champion and out walks.....hulk? “I have to get off this plant” loki says starting to walk off. you giggle. loki's experiences with hulk were far from fun.
“where are you going?” grandmaster ask walking loki back to his seat. “Hey! I know him! hes a friend from work!” thor says yelling. you bite back a smile. “ahem yea we kind of all work together” you say with a smile to grandmaster. his smile falters. loki looks nervous. as much as you wanted to laugh at his pain hulk throwing you around can be quite traumatic. “hey you're up here...hes down there” you say “hes not coming after you ok hes controlled its ok.” you say to loki. he nods.
The fight goes on and right when you see an end that scared you thor got his powers and blasted hulk. “oh shit” you mumble. “of course” loki mumbles. thor lost the fight that's the summary of it. You and loki ended up wondering the place. “shouldn't we try to find thor?” you ask. “if you want thor i can take you to him but i figured id take you somewhere” loki said. “uh yea sure” you said with a shrug. 
You a loki end up at the top of a mountain the view looks beautiful. the sky was many shades of blue from dark to light. “this is...this is beautiful” you say. “yes it is” he replied looking at you. you turn to him seeing him look at you. you smile...maybe loki wasn't so bad after all.
Then an alarm goes off “My precious champion is missing that seductive lord of thunder as stolen him” a hologram of grandmaster says. “shit....thor” you say. “follow” loki says. he grabs your hand and you two end up in the grandmasters office him and the scavenger who brought you and thor is there debate who can bring thor and hulk in faster. “Well i come as a pair” loki said holding your hand up. “uhhhhhh suppose so?” you say with a shrug. “i woke up wanting an execution but ill settle for this little ‘who gonna get him first’” grandmaster says. 
you three walk out. “now why would you help my brother escape” loki ask “I help no one but myself” she replies. loki and her end up fighting as you just sit back and watch what can be said watching loki get his ass handed to him was fun. when she knocks him out she looks to you. “do i have to knock you out too? or i can just use this.” she says holding the remote. “uh see i'm not really with him but ya see he makes a great partner in crime but ill just follow willingly.” you say putting your hands up. “good choice” she says.
“Should probably get your name if your going to take us hostage” you say. “valkyrie” she says. you two walk in silence into a room as she ties him up. “i’ll be back keep him there” she says walking out. you sit next to loki and sigh. “your my soulmate...you? i don't know if i have the worst luck.....no i have the best luck.” you say with a smile. one of his sleeves is slightly up and you can see your name on his wrist. “how did we get stuck like this...together.” you ask. loki looks so peaceful asleep. this trip has made you see a vulnerable and kinder loki.
you kiss his cheek before seeing him squirm. his eye open and he looks around. “course she made you babysit” he grumbles. aaaaand he ruined it. you roll your eyes. “shut up and make this easy on both of us and just stay.” you say. “what am I a dog?” he says with a huff. “well you were a snake one time” you say laughing at the memory. he laughs “fair enough” he replies. He starts to say something else when the doors open. thor and bruce walk in. “y/n!” he says excitedly. “Bruce” you say happily hugging him. You two had been close before he disappeared to well here. loki grumbles and bruce turn to him. “last time i saw you, you were ready to kill us where are we at now?” bruce ask. “it varies moment to moment” loki replies. 
bruce looks at you concerned. “he's on our side for now.” you say sitting next to loki. “look we need to get out of here.” he points to a portal outside “through there” he says. “through the devil's anus?!” valkyrie ask. you burst out laughing. “I wasn't aware it was called that when i picked it” thor says slightly embarrassed. “well we need a ship mine wont make it through that” valkyrie says.
They then nerd out about ships as loki struggles in his chains. “Don't even try there stuck there” you whisper to him. he sighs and gives up. “I just so happen to know the codes to grandmasters ship keep” loki says. “and your just ready to help?” valkyrie ask “i have run out of favors with grandmaster sO” he says and sighs. you side eye loki suspicious. he smiles you and you look to the others. 
“what the worst he betrays us? Would just be another day with the odinson boys.” you say standing up. So that was that. You,thor, and loki would go get the ship. you two were at a door when thor started “I suppose we should talk.” he said. “i disagree,open communication was never our family's forte” loki said. “you have no idea quite the revelation sense we last spoke” thor says
“hello” thor says to the people...things that see you 3 come in. “hi” loki says making you smile “sup” you say before you 3 blast them. “Odin brought us together” loki says as you 3 hide from the shot fired back. “Its almost poetic that his death should split us apart.” loki continues. you sigh “loki why are you so prominent on keeping this angsty wall of yours up” you grumble earning you a side eye. you three then finish them off walking to another key pad. “We might as well be strangers now” loki says ignoring your statement.
“Two sons of the crown, set adrift” loki says. you'd love to say something or really just slap loki so he stops pushing his brother away further and further with every words but you let him continue. The door opens and a man points a gun at loki making him backup and you giggle as thor blast him to the ceiling. “thought you didn't want to talk about it” thor says walking into the elevator. loki puts a finger up “here's the thing” he says stepping over the body. you roll your eyes and follow.
“im probably better off staying here on sakaar.” loki says. that's not what he wants. you stare at thor which he clearly doesn't get cause he then says “That's exactly what I was thinking” 
loki makes a stunned face and looks shocked and confused. “Did you just agree with me?” he says shocked. you hit loki's shoulder “what its surprising” you roll your eyes. “come on this place is perfect for you. its savage,chaotic,lawless. Brother you're gonna do great here.” thor says matter of factly. you title your head up and sigh. “morons” you grumble earning two confused looks.
“Do you truly think so little of me?” lokie ask. you shake your head. they really are stupid aren't they. “Loki, i thought the world of you.” thor says. finally now loki dont fuck this up. loki's face soften ups and you smile at it. “I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever” thor continues. come oooon.  “but” fucking hell thor. “at the end of they day your you and i'm me” thor says with a shrug. loki looks hurt now. “i don't know maybe there's still good in you. but lets be honest our paths diverged a long time ago” he finishes. fucking hell thor you just had to go and fuck it up. loki contemplates what was just said looking between the floor and thor. 
he sighs and nods. his face is full of hurt. you grab his hand softly and give him a small smile which he reciprocates. you may hate loki which lets be honest even that was falling apart but you still wanted him happy. you hated how hurt he looked. like a kicked puppy. “yea...it's probably for the best that we never see each other again.” loki says voice full of pain and almost desperate for thor to deny the allegations.  “that's what you always wanted” thor says patting loki. “yall are the most idiotic gods there could be” you say taking thor off guard. loki simply laughs. thor shakes his head and turns back to the front.
“hey lets do get help” thor says happily. this wipes the hurt from loki and replaces it with confusion. “what?” he ask “get help.” he says again. “no.” loki says shaking his head. “come on, you love it” thor says excitedly. “I hate it” loki says shaking his head again. “Its great it works everytime” thor says “its humiliating loki says swinging his hands bringing attention to you two holding hands. This earns a smirk from thor before he says “You have a better plan?” he ask.
“no” loki says. “were doing it” thor says with a smile. “we are not doing get help” loki says matter of factly. next thing you knew loki was limp over the shoulder and thor was yelling get help before throwing loki at the guards. you laughed falling onto your ass. “see this is why i didn't want to do it” loki says nodding to you. “im im ok im good” you say trying to stop laughing. you get up but not far before loki does as loki does and betrays yall. he twitches on the floor and thor walks off. “i'm gonna stay here with him” you say. thor looks suspiciously at you before carrying on. 
“if you just hadn't been so stupid and said how you felt and what you wanted from thor we wouldn't be here and now im stuck taking care of your dumbass once again. God i don't even know why i stay anymore when all you do is exactly what would hurt me what you trying to fulfill the enemy part of our deal?” you ask lifting up your sleeves showing the two loki names. “I mean really loki why do you keep doing this please just explain it to me. I started to see a side of you the side that I actually cared for and saw us being real soulmates but then you pulled this crap again and now i don't even know what to feel.” you say before the doors bust in. a rocky man and a group of others walk in. picking up the remote and stopping loki's twitching. Loki looks at you with soft eyes before turning back to the men smuggly. “you look like your in desperate need of a leader” he says. you huff and he looks at you and smiles.
“why thank you” the group says. With that y'all are off on a ship. “sooo where are we running to now” you ask loki. “no more running were going to asgard and were going to kill my sister.” he says with a nod. you smile. you grab lokis shoulders throwing him off. “whatd i do?” he ask. for the first time ever he seems like he'd do anything for you. “nothing” you say with a smile. you kiss his cheek. he looks around confused before clearing his throat. “ok good um ok” he says turning to the panel. you giggle before walking to chat with the others. finally you arrived at asgard which is on fire and surrounded by death. “read?” he ask. you grab his hand. “always” you say turning to him. he smiles and nods. the ship door opens and you all run out and attack.
when the fight seems like a dead end thor blast the whole kingdom with lighting and launches himself out to the bridge. loki smirks slightly which you see and smile yourself. “your late” thor says  “your missing an eye” loki says. “ok enough let clear these out and-” you start before hela emerges. what the actual fuck. “hit her with lighting” loki says. “I just hit her with the biggest lighting bolt and she acted like it was nothing” thor yells. “wait....what if this isn't about stopping ragnarok.  what if it was about causing it”
thor looks at loki who looks surprised. “this is insane even for me” he says walking off. “Loki!” you yell. he turns around. you grab him and kiss him. its soft and its like the world stopped just for a moment before you have to pull away. “don't get killed” you say. he nods and smiles “anything for you darling” he says with a wink before running off. thor clears his throat. “let's fight” you say. with that you and valkyrie fight with the others as thor hold hela off. you worry for loki how he’ll get out.
Then ragnarok emerges and fire is everywhere. hels is distracted and you and the others run into the ship. flying away Taika says something about the foundation. then it explodes. a few minutes later loki is next to you. “hello darling” he says. you smile and grab onto loki pulling him into a hug. “loki thank god” you say pulling away. you kiss him deeply. “don't ever do that shit again” you say.
You all spend 3 months flying around before coming across a teeny tiny issues heh. you sat in a pool of blood of your friends. people you grew to care about. you tried to scream but were muffled by the guard on your mouth. After the 1st scream they put the guard on to stop the noise. thor was tied down. Heimdall was dead and hulk had been blasted away.  You tried to scream again but it stopped as soon as it exited.
Thanos had just decided earth was where needed to be next. “if i might interject, if you are going to earth you might want a guid” loki says appearing. he walks towards thanos. “I do have a bit of experience in that arena” loke says walking up to thanos “if you consider failure experience” thanos said. “I consider experience experience” he said firmly. “All mighty thanos, I loki, prince of asgard, odinson, the rightful king of jotunheim,god of mischief.” he starts spewing off his titles. you see him make a knife appear and you try to scream once again. “Do hereby pledge to you my undying fidelity.” he says starting to power before trying to stab thanos. thanos stops it. “undying” thanos says. “you should choose your words more carefully.” thanos says as he forces loki to drop the knife. 
Thanos grabs loki by the neck chocking him. you scream but no sound escapes. tears flood your eyes. “you will never be a god” loki says with his last breath before thanos snaps his neck. thor tries to scream too bt fails.thanos walks over and drops loki's body. “no resurrections this time” he  says before lighting everything on fire and leaving. with that your guards are released. you run to lokis body. 
you sob and scream. “y/n” thor tries. “shut the fuck up thor” you yell at him through gritted death. you hold loki. your enemy, your nemesis but more importantly your soulmate. rolling up his sleeves you see the one with your name. grabbing the other you see a different name. Luca. you knew him he was annoying as hell. of course now he was another corpse among the rest. you weren't his enemy. He was only yours. Everything he did everything that annoyed you was him trying to be close but in loki's own way. Loki Laufeyson. your enemy and your one true love.
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imtheflash · 3 years
Tw: how about a one shot where baby Danvers is depressed and her sisters help her through it?
I do not give you credit to repost translate to another site or take credit for my work.. I spend a lot of time on it and plagiarism sucks.
anon I didn't really know how to make it so depressing so I kinda just went with the flow and made it hurt comforty
You weren't surprised when you didn't hear from your sisters in a while. One was a part time superhero and the other was a DEO agent that had a lot on her plate.
It still hurt though, more than you'd like to admit. Though you tried to ignore it you felt guilty as if you could've helped them if you didn't turn down the job of leading the DEO's department of weaponry. You were an mechanical engineer and a damn good one at that so they thought that you could help the designing team with efficiency and the engineering team with the actual construction. You're 24 though, fresh out of college and working on starting up your own shop. It was your pride and joy, a place where you would fix almost anything brought to you.
A toy car Mr. Rogers's nephew accidently broke? Yeah you got it. A motor that isn't spinning in the right direction? Don't worry about it. A freezer that stopped freezing? No problem. You could fix almost anything and everything. And if you couldn't then they sure as hell could count on you figuring out how to help replace it.
You never considered that you could be broken. But you were, and it isn't something you could fix. No everyone knows that the only way to fix someone is with people. The bell on your the door shakes you out of your trance. "Welcome to the mechanic shop how can I- Alex! Kara! Hi!" You move out from behind the counter and go to hug your sisters feeling at peace from the battle raging inside your mind for the first time in a while.
"Hi! we haven't seen you in so long oh my gosh Alex look at the shop its changed so much! Did you put a new wallpaper up?" You chuckle at Kara's rambling at the new changes and take the liberty to pull your other sister into a hug reveling in her warmth.
"So how are you guys?" You ask both of them gleeful at seeing your sisters after such a long time. They exchanged a look that made you nervous. "Well I've been great with Kelly and all but Kara" Alex starts but Kara cuts her off before she can say anything else.
"But I have been doing great I published my first article and I finally have my own office. With a chair this time!" She exclaims it hurriedly, as if she was hiding something.
You squint your eyes at them "Okay. That's great and all but the gigs up. What's up with you"
They exchange another look before Kara turns to you.
"A group of Maxwell Lord's minions created a drone to shoot at me whenever I go to save someone and it has this weird cloaking technology that isn't hackable by Winn which is saying something 'cause y'know Winn is the best tech guy we have so we were thinking its something mechanical which is why we came to you and because you're the best engineer we know so we stole one of the drones and took apart the tracking pin so if you agreed you could disassemble it and stuff so if you maybe want to you could you know?"
"I-wait-I'm sorry what? Am evil flying drone? I- sure I guess I could take a look at it?" You shrug and ignore the pang in your chest when you realize they came to get something fixed not to actually talk to you like they used too. Like you all used too.
You take the drone from Kara's hands and look at it for a beat before heading to the back of your shop "I have to take it apart before I do any of the actual decoding of the insides.
You miss your sisters looking at each other again.
"Was that a bit weird to you too?" Alex mutters under her breath so you don't hear her
Kara nods looking at your form bent over a table with a screwdriver. "It was wasn't it? Usually they're bouncing around in the shop not so_"
"Sullen" Alex finished. "We should check on them more often?"
"Hey" Kara nudged Alex's with her hip "don't worry too much, they know they can come to us if they need too."
You meanwhile were working on the drone and trying to black out the voices. Useless. Failure. Why do they even bother with you? God knows you're useless to everything that isn't mechanical.
You're snapped out of your spell with a sharp pain in your hand. You look at it and realize that your hand with the screwdriver slipped while you were unscrewing the drones mainframe and stabbed your other hand causing it to bleed. You stand up straight and wince shaking your hand up and down while your sisters run over to you.
"Oh Rao what did you do to your hand!" Kara rushes up to you and clutches your hand from where you were standing previously.
"Uh I stabbed it a little. Don't worry its not deep a band-aid will cover it. You sigh as your sister continue to fuss over the wound. Didn't they realize you weren't worth it? When would they realize.
Once it has been deemed "workable" they let you get back to work.
By the time you get to the bottom of the problem its nearly sundown and your sisters have responsibilities to get to, no matter how happy the day has been for you compared to the others.
"I will drop this off at the DEO tomorrow I just need to finish figuring out the mechanics of it. I believe that if worked right you can un-cloak the drones via a remote.
"Okay! Well go to bed and don't worry about the drones to much" Both of your sisters hugged you and you walked them to the door flipping off the open sign.
You had figured out the cloaking mechanism in an hour.
You had skipped breakfast and lunch but a sour taste in your mouth left you going straight to bed after a closing down the shop, ignoring the pain that throbbed in your hand again.
The next morning you spent an hour creating the remote and loaded the drone into a backpack driving to the DEO.
Apparently Winn figured out how to amplify the drones signal enough to blah blah blah blah you didn't catch the rest of whatever he was saying. It worked and that's all that matters. You stood on the balcony of the DEO. You hated having to leave, even though you had work to do. Lost in your mind you blink back into reality because of a copper coin in your face. "Penny for your thoughts?"
One of your sisters is on either side of you and Alex is holding out the coin in front of you.
You force a smile. "Nothing much is on my mind. I'm just surprised it worked to be honest the wiring on the inside was a bit iffy."
"C'mon. We know that isn't what your thinking." Kara bumps you with her hip. "You've been kind of... out of it since yesterday"
You panic. "I have not been out of it! I just have.. a lot on my mind i guess"
"Like what?" Alex speaks this time. She gives you a look, which makes you realize that there is no getting out of this conversation "You know that you can tell us anything right"
"I just- I feel guilty. Both of you are out there changing lives saving lives and here I am in a stupid mechanic shop. Its not even like it does anything besides fix a toy car Steve's nephew keeps breaking and the fix-its of anything someone broke. I feel so useless all the time compared to that. And i miss you two a lot too" You put your head in your hands still leaning against the railing as your sister lean in to hug you.
"You aren't useless. And neither is your shop. God knows how much time our engineering department would have to spend on the drones." Alex reaches up to rub your back.
"I agree with Alex. God knows how many civilians would've gotten hurt if it weren't for you. Also I am a literal superhero. Say my name and I'll be there in a flash"
You look up at her amused for a second, "isn't that Barry's calling card?"
She shrugs. "He won't miss it"
The three of you make your way away from the balcony. You'd be okay. Some times all you need is a hug and an evil flying drone.
"By the way, I saved Mr. Rogers nephew a couple times. Apparently he breaks his toy car every few days because he knows his uncle likes you" Kara looks at you with a smirk.
"Kara look their blushing"
"Oh my god no okay bye"
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artemis-pendragon · 3 years
(Here's my first attempt at a Good Omens fic! Co-credit goes to my sister for the concept and some of Crowley's dialogue haha!)
"Listen, angel, I need to tell you something," Crowley said, in a tone suggesting that an Emotionally Significant Admission was coming on.
"Oh?" Aziraphale began to turn toward him, then stopped. He had never grasped the basics of a poker face (let alone the game itself), so the less Crowley saw of him the better.
Gesturing with a half-full glass of wine, Crowley said, "There's this thing. An important thing, very important, and as soon as I remember what it is, I'm going to tell you."
Aziraphale settled with his hands clasped in his lap, still avoiding looking at Crowley. Instead, he stared at the clutter on his desk, making a mental note to deal with that later. "Take your time, my dear. There's no rush. We have all the time in the world."
"Right." Crowley slithered into a reclining position on the couch. His wine defied gravity to stay in its glass. "'S long as the world has time. I mean, how long d'you think before Heaven and Hell come slinking back up--down--for a second go at things?"
Aziraphale twisted his fingers together, spinning his signet ring between thumb and forefinger. He reached for his own wine, determined not to let on how nervous that prospect made him. "Can we not talk about that right now, please? We were having a lovely time. And besides, it's out of our control. What use is there in worrying over something we can't change?"
Crowley whipped off his sunglasses and stared at Aziraphale. "Now that sounds more like the kind of thing you'd expect me to say. I'm the optimist, remember? You're the pessimist."
"I am not a pessimist.” Aziraphale shot Crowley a disapproving glance, then, overwhelmed by the direct eye contact, looked back at his messy desk. "I'm a realist."
Crowley made an undignified sound of amusement. "Look at this glass." He held up his wine, which once again refused to spill. "Half full or half empty?"
"Both. Half of it is empty and half of it is full. That," Aziraphale said, with a great deal more gusto than the topic required, "is simply the truth of the matter."
"Huh," said Crowley. "Guess so."
There was a long silence. Then Aziraphale cleared his throat and, valiantly wielding the last shred of his courage, asked, "What were you going to tell me?"
Crowley said something vaguely word-like (his penchant for incomprehensible articulations had likely inspired the link between demonic activity and speaking in tongues, Aziraphale suspected) and reached for his sunglasses. "The thing about that... well, hgnk, uh... listen, angel..."
"Listening," said Aziraphale, and forced himself to face Crowley directly. It wouldn't do for him to think Aziraphale wasn't desperately hanging on his every word.
"There's this angel."
"I told you, I would prefer if we didn’t talk about--"
"There's this angel I'm in love with--"
"--Heaven and Hell, so if you could just refrain--"
"--and I don't know how to tell them--"
"--from discussing it--"
"--and it's killing me, because I don't know how they'll react--"
"--that would be most appreciated."
"--and I'm afraid they'll reject me, so I'm really in a pretty shit position here, if I'm being honest."
There was a long beat of dead silence where they both stared at each other with mounting levels of incomprehension.
"What?" said Aziraphale.
"What?" said Crowley.
"Oh, well, I thought you were going to say... wait, what do you mean, there's an angel you're in love with?"
Crowley shrugged in a distinctly jointless way, looking miserable. "Exactly what I said, that's what I meant. But hey, 's really no big deal. Y'know, angel, demon, not exactly happily-ever-after material, is it? Thought I owed it to you to tell you, though. After everything."
"Oh." For the first time since the world nearly ended, Aziraphale wished that Crowley was talking about Heaven and Hell. His heart, unnecessary as it was, felt like a hundred-tonne lump of lead. "Oh," he said again, and this time he was sure Crowley could read the misery on his face: a mirror of the demon's own.
But this was Crowley, his best friend, and he was obviously looking for Aziraphale's advice, so he forced himself to smile and nod as if it was no big deal at all. "Ah, well. This... this angel of yours. Do I know them?"
Crowley gave him a blank look. "Well, yeah," he said. "I’d hope so."
Aziraphale wracked his memories for anything even vaguely helpful. "Now don't take this the wrong way, but I can't imagine any of the Host falling in love with a demon."
From the look on Crowley's face, this was the wrong thing to say.
"I didn't mean--"
"Nah, 's alright, angel. You're right. That's the problem. No angel in their right mind would love a demon, and that's... that's fine! Course it is. Wouldn't expect anything else."
Aziraphale felt a sudden vicious stab of something that was suspiciously like envy and wrath. It was aimed at whatever angel had captured Crowley's affection and, from the sound of it, not returned it. "Well that's not true. I know an angel who's in love with a demon, so it is possible."
Crowley, for the second time that night, ripped his sunglasses off his face and stared at Aziraphale in disbelief. "Nah. No way. I can't see any of those smug holier-than-thou bastards falling for a demon."
They both winced at the phrasing. Aziraphale sighed.
"That's just the thing," he said. Looking down, he clenched and unclenched his hands in his lap. "You see, I'm the one."
"The one what?"
"The angel in love with a demon."
Crowley's look became impossibly more incredulous. "You. In love with a demon. No way in the nine layers of Hell, angel. I know every demon who's ever gotten topside and there's not a single one who deserves you. Trust me."
"Trust a demon?" Aziraphale teased, then regretted it when Crowley's expression turned toward devastation. "I do trust you, Crowley, but I promise that it is possible for an angel to love a demon. We are beings of love, after all."
"You lot love all things, yeah, I get it. But not like this. This is... different. The selfish kind of love."
Aziraphale sighed. If it weren't for the wine making him especially loose-limbed and unsteady, he was pretty sure he would've already fled the shop. He was in dangerous territory now. One slip and he'd fall.
He winced again. Phrasing.
"Not that it matters," said Crowley. He gestured with his wine; it came dangerously close to spilling this time. His concentration must be slipping. "Because I have it on good authority that he's in love with someone else."
Crowley scowled. His fingers twitched toward his sunglasses, but then he clenched his fist and took a long drink of wine instead. "Yeah. He."
"So," said Aziraphale cautiously. "What is he... what is he like?"
Crowley shot him a look of disbelief. "Well, he's not the brightest. No, wait, that's not right. He's brilliant. Cleverest person I ever knew. But he's also an oblivious idiot sometimes, and I'd have more luck shouting my confession into an empty grate."
Aziraphale took a sip of wine to cover the shake in his voice as he said, "Well, the demon I love is also... also not available. He's in love with someone else, too."
"Yes. He."
"And your demon, what's he like?" Crowley sounded like he was trying to talk around broken glass. Aziraphale wondered just how many times he'd refilled his glass at this point. Probably in the low teens.
"Well... he's a lot of things," Aziraphale said evasively. The last thing he wanted to do was give the game away. "He's handsome and clever. And stylish, in his own way." He tried not to stare at Crowley's half-unbuttoned shirt, or his too-tight pants. He wasn't sure he succeeded. "And he's not a bad person, you see. He's actually quite nice."
That earned him an eyeroll. "I doubt it, angel. 'Nice' is the kind of thing that gets a demon fired. Sent to the pits," he amended at Aziraphale's inquisitive look.
"Well, he is. He's kind and considerate and I love him so very much, sometimes I wonder... well. I wonder if it will destroy me."
"You mean you're afraid you'll Fall."
Aziraphale looked down and away. "I don't expect I would, but... I wouldn't want to put that kind of pressure on him. It wouldn't be fair to put him in that position, assuming he returned my... romantic inclinations. Which he doesn't, I'm quite sure now."
Crowley snorted. "Romantic inclinations. Yeah." He finished his wine and snapped his fingers to refill it. "Look at us." He gestured broadly around the room. "What a fucking mess."
"Yes, quite."
A third silence fell over the room--the longest and awkwardest yet.
Finally, Aziraphale got up the nerve to say, "Well, if you'd like help or advice--"
"I don't," snapped Crowley. Then he sighed, rubbing his free hand over his face and sighing. "Sorry, angel. Just, y'know. Tired."
"I understand. If you'd like to go home for the night, we could sober up and--"
"Oh, bless it all." Crowley sat up. This time, a few drops of wine escaped the glass and splattered onto Crowley's tastefully unbuttoned shirt. "Listen to me, Aziraphale. It's you. I'm in love with you, you oblivious, infuriating, beautiful idiot."
Aziraphale stared at him. Whatever emotions he should have felt in response to that revelation refused to show up until, "Oh!" he said, breathless and stunned. "I--"
"Yeah. I know, you don't have to say anything, angel, I just... I needed you to know. I'll get out of your hair now, don't worry, I don't need you to--"
"Crowley," said Aziraphale, and caught him by the sleeve as he attempted to slink out of the study toward the door. "Crowley, I'm in love with you, too."
"No, you're not," Crowley said, in an offhand way that made Aziraphale wonder how many times he'd dismissed the concept in his own mind. Then, "Wait, you what? What do you--"
"I mean," said Aziraphale, still holding onto Crowley's sleeve, "that I'm in love with you."
Crowley once again attempted to introduce a new word to the English language and failed, likely because it was made entirely of consonants.
"Precisely my thoughts. Now..." Aziraphale stood up and took Crowley's free hand in both of his own and squeezed. He smiled, radiating every little bit of joy as it seeped up from hidden places inside him, twining together like vines up a trellis. "If you don't mind terribly, I would like to kiss you."
"Mind?!" said Crowley. "If I mind? I can't believe you would even a--"
Aziraphale kissed him.
Crowley kissed him back.
It wasn't electric, or spectacular, or any of the fancy adjectives human writers used in romance novels and poems. Instead, it was just... right. Like a summer sunrise or spring dew. Simple and soft and good.
It wasn't until he pulled away that Aziraphale realized Crowley had stopped time. Crowley's wine glass was frozen midair, a spray of scarlet droplets suspended over a particularly fancy hand-embroidered antique throw pillow.
Crowley swore under his breath. "Sorry, angel, let me just--"
"Let it go," Aziraphale said. "We can always miracle it off later."
"But you'll always know that--"
"Oh, who cares. The world didn't end, Crowley. We're not stranded out in space somewhere. I can buy a new pillow."
Crowley gave him a long, searching look. Then, with a slightly devious smile, he put both hands on Aziraphale's hips and leaned in for another kiss.
They stayed like that for what was either one minute or five hours; it was impossible to tell when one's emotional and physical consciousness was entirely focused on the occult (or ethereal) being kissing you.
Finally, Crowley pulled back, just enough to look Aziraphale directly in the eyes. "Before we get on with this," he said, "I have to ask you one thing."
"Yes, my dearest, anything at all."
"This demon you're in love with... do you love me more?"
Aziraphale stared at Crowley.
Crowley stared at Aziraphale.
"Crowley," said Aziraphale. "Crowley. It's only ever been you."
Crowley looked stunned, and then euphoric. "Well, in that case." And he kissed him again.
Time restarted. Behind them, the wine spilled on the couch.
Neither of them worried about it at all. The world hadn’t ended, they weren’t on some distant planet watching the Earth melt into a puddle of burning good, and they could always buy a new pillow.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Idk if you do child readers or not but if you don't mind could I get Utsuro, Mikado and/or Nikei x child!reader? Sorry for bothering you-
I do! I got a real soft/funny idea for this--
"E-Excuse me, sir?"
Feeling a slight tug on his blazer, Utsuro blinked as he looked down to see who it was. And he saw you, a small child who seemed to be elementary school-aged. Though you looked as if you've been on the streets for quite some time.
"I just..w-wanna say thank you for helping me. I don't know how you..c-calmed those dogs down but...you saved me." You stammered.
This man did save your life after you were cornered by large rabid dogs. He just showed up and suddenly they were laying down, perfectly calm, even letting you pet them.
"...don't mention it." He responded in his usual cold way, waiting for you to be scared off by his lingering stare.
But you weren't.
"Where are you off to?"
"Not sure. I just wander this earth without purpose."
"I...feel the same way.." You remarked, letting go of his shirt. "Could I..?"
Utsuro was quite surprised by your request, and especially at the gratitude you expressed--which is something he's never received in all his childhood.
But as much as he wanted to be on his own, he saw you and realized...you were just like him: having nowhere to go and lacking purpose.
So he sighed, picking you up effortlessly. "Perhaps we can search for a purpose together." He decided, before leaving the alleyway. "The name's Utsuro..not that you would care but-"
"I'm [y/n]..th-thank you again, Utsu. But...can I call you Dad?"
The man paused for a moment, and during that split second-silence he felt genuinely touched...but he buried the feelings and shrugged. "If it makes you happy."
You grinned and clung to him as you continued on your way.
Unbeknownst to either of you, a certain journalist had witnessed everything unfold, taking notes.
"You better be serious about this Nikei. Don't guide us towards false hope with some ridiculous narrative--"
"I am serious! I saw him with my own two eyes!" Nikei slammed his notepad down onto the table. "He helped some kid who goes by [y/n] and...they're accompanying him now. I don't know where but..we'll have an easier chance of finding him. I don't care what happens to that street rat."
"Oh?" The wizard's mask formed a confused expression. "Why so hostile about an innocent child? Is it perhaps...you see yourself in them? Do they reflect the way you have grown up--"
"SHUT UP!!" Nikei's eyes were glowing red at this point. "That brat doesn't know the true power of his divine luck...and they aren't worthy of hoarding it all to themselves!"
"Ooooh..temper, temper.." Mikado tutted, joyful to know he struck a nerve. "Well, you should probably get to know this [y/n] before anything else. So go get a "scoop" on their connection to him. They're not a mere obstacle. Surely they know more about him than we do, no?"
".....you tried burning down two orphanages and suddenly you care about this kid's safety?"
"People change, Nikei. I see those extreme methods aren't necessary anymore. Now be on your best behavior out there. Don't wanna scare them off, you know."
The journalist gritted his teeth, despising the way Mikado treated him like a child. But he just collected his notepad and stormed off.
"So..if you just want something, you can get it instantly?"
"More or less..that's my divine luck." Utsuro shrugged, sitting back on the sofa. "But it's not as fun as one would think."
"How so?" Your curiosity was seemingly endless as you sat beside him. "I thought..it'd make you happier. I know I'd be happy."
Even though he had nothing but the clothes on his back, he managed to get a small flat for you two. It was temporary, but at least he had a reason to rest after so much wandering.
He just looked at you for a few moments. Indeed, he remembered how naive he was back then--thinking of his luck as a gift, when in fact it became a great curse.
"I used to think that too. But..do you wish to learn why I'm like this?"
You nodded. "Yeah."
And he proceeded to explain how he grew up with his divine luck, becoming apathetic after learning that there's no process to what he does--like if he wanted to drive, he already knew how to without taking any tests.
So nothing had any meaning to him anymore.
He left out his attempts to off himself, for obvious reasons, and went on to say how he goes around helping people..but it's merely to pass the time.
By the time he finished, you could only frown as you hugged him. "I'm sorry.." Was all you could say.
"Don't be." He put his arm around you. "I'm..gonna take a walk. Wanna come?"
"I'm okay. My legs aren't sore anymore but.."
"That's fine. I'm just going to the convenience store. Anything you want?"
After you told him your favorite snack, he got up and grabbed the key, departing for the store.
For some time you just watched television, though your mind kept wandering back to Utsuro and his story. At least you know understood why he was the way he was.
But your musings were interrupted by a door knock. 'Is he back already?' You got up and went to the door, only to open it and see a completely different man there, with black hair and dressed in a sandy-brown coat and hat.
"Why hello!" He greeted with a smile. "Is uh..your dad home?"
"What do you want?" You answered warily.
The man seemed taken aback by your coldness, though he forced his grin. "Well I'm a friend of his! Nikei Yomiuri! Y'know? Ultimate Journalist--"
"Never heard of you before."
Ouch. That was a stab to the heart.
"I-I'll just ignore that comment..and get the point." He sighed. "I've heard of his talent of luck and I'm hoping to get an interview. Rumor has it he's helped a lot of people in his life, including you! So if you can tell me where he is I--G-GAH!!!"
With a swift kick to the nards, you scowled at him as he crumpled to the ground almost immediately. "He said he had no friends..so you're lying. I'm not letting anyone use my dad's luck for themselves anymore! Get lost."
Nikei was mumbling a string of unintelligible curses, but he managed to get up and walk away, finally leaving you alone.
You huffed and closed the door, returning to the sofa. Only a few minutes later did you hear it unlock as you saw Utsuro return with some groceries.
"Hey, kid." After setting the bags on the table, he turned around just in time to see you hug him once more. "Hm? What is it this time?"
"Nothing..I just...I promise I won't be greedy with your luck. And I won't let anyone else be, too."
He blinked a few times, stunned. But he smiled just a tiny bit as he reached down to pat your head.
"..thank you."
Finally, there was something in this boring, dull world worth living for: And that was you.
"So..what have you learned?"
"Th-That goddamn..piece of shit...a-asshole has one hell of a kick! I swear to fucking god I'm gonna--!"
"Ahaha! If only I was there to see it. But it seems we have a true child of Utsuro on our hands."
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brisugu · 3 years
Caraphernelia(Gojo x Y/N x Geto)
Series Masterlist
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Summary:  When Y/N reminiscence of the past but also regrets what she could’ve done to make him stay.
Warnings: None
Title: First Mission 
Chapter: five
The time was 7:00am, reluctantly, you crawled out of bed. "What time did he said the mission was" you muttered. You sighed and stretched before dressing up in your school uniform. You put on your gloves and grabbed your katana, and placed it in a sheath on your waist. The moment you opened the door, the smell of cigarettes welcomes you. Your nose wrinkled in disgust." It's 7 in the morning." You groaned and walked out of the girl's dormitory and to the common area.
The common area was where everyone mostly spent their time outside when they were not going out in missions or not going to class. The common room was also part cafeteria because the school did not bother spending their money building it since only a small number of jujutsu sorcerers were training. You pushed the door opened to find your other classmates sitting and eating breakfast.
You walked over to them at the table and sat next to Getou and across from Gojo. The moment you sat down, Getou hummed in disapproval and pushed his plate and coffee away from you. You noticed and turned to him.
"What?" You snarled. He hummed and turned his head to you and gave a dominant smile.
"Well, I wouldn't want to sit next to a thief," his hand picked up his toast "just being precautions, y'know" he shrugged his shoulder and bit his toast, "nothing personal." You heard a cough probably came from Gojo or Shoko. The right side of your eye twitched.
"Well, I wouldn't want to steal something from someone as lame as you, ya know." your hand goes to pick toasted bread from a plate in the middle of the table. You took a bite and shrugged your shoulders, mimicking him from what he did earlier. "Nothing personal, right?" You heard a laugh from Gojo.
" Good morning, to you too, Y/n," he crossed his arms, "so tell us why you don't do that stuff anymore." You recalled from last night that you told them you don't steal anymore due to an incident last year that left you scarred.
"It was last year. " You said, "It was hot, I think the hottest day of the year. Anyways I was bored and thirsty from walking around the city. I had an urge to steal something money from people so I can get water or something. Then, I noticed a guy sitting gambling with other people in the corner and could see his wallet in his back pocket.  Just my luck , I thought. So, I walked over in his direction and stole his wallet."
"Let me guess he-" Before Getou can finish his sentence, you interrupted him.
"I didn't finish. It's not your story to tell." You folded your arms crossed your chest. "Anyways so, yea Just as I was four feet away from him, he yelled out to me, 'I think you got something of mine, kid'  I, of course, lied and told him  'I don't know what you are talking about old man'  and ran off. Only to my surprise the bastard chased me well over three blocks before grabbing me and shoved me to an alleyway and pinned me to a wall."
"Damn," Shoko breathes out.
"Yea, that guy, whoever he was, looked pissed but impressed.  'you got spunk, kid,’  he said. And the next thing I know is that I'm on the ground, the guy and the wallet gone and blood dripping from the left side of my clavicle." You finished your story with a smug look plastered on your face.
"So," Getou said, he cleared his throat before he can continue," That guy, who.... stabbed you. Did anyone found him for doing that to you?"
"Nope," you popped the  'p.'  "He just disappeared, like a ghost. The only thing I remembered was that he had a nasty scar on the corner of his mouth. Very muscular and has green eyes."
"So tell me," Gojo said as he leaned his body forward and laid his hand under his chin. " do you have a scar on your clavicle?"
You arched an eyebrow. "Why, do you want to know? It's not like you're gonna see it."
"Don't worry, one day I will," even will his sunglasses on, you could tell he winked at you.
"And one day, I will smother you with a pillow."
"I'm looking forward to it. I can imagine —you on top. Your thighs squeezing my mines. As your hot breath is against my skin. What a good way to die."
"You are a disgusting, perverted bastard," you snarled. You are seconds away from murdering him.
"Mehh, " Gojo shrugged his shoulders and throws his arms up while sticking his tongue out.
That's it.
In less than a second, you tried to lunge toward Gojo, but Getou's hand wrapped around your waist and pinned your wrist with his free hand from behind. "Let me at him," you exclaimed as you tried to wiggle from his grasp. "I'm doing everyone a favor to shut him up permanently." Getou tightened his arms around you as you desperately tried to free yourself. And Gojo being Gojo, looked unbothered as his phone is in front of him, and he had the biggest grin on his face.
"Say cheeseeeee."
"Cheese" Getou exclaimed as the camera flashes. Then, just as you were about to open your mouth to say something, the door opened, revealing your teacher.
"What is with all of this commotion," Yaga groaned. He looked at you, then Getou, who has you pinned on the table, and lastly Gojo, who has a phone out. The middle-aged man rubbed his temples with his fingers.  Idon'tget paidenoughforthis , you heard him muttered, "Let go of her, get ready for our mission and meet me outside under five minutes," He left, and Getou released his grip on your wrist. You gave one final glare at Gojo before pushing yourself out of the table.
"Great, I'm coming up now." Uttered a feminine voice from under the table. As Shoko came up from under the table. She sighed and turned to Getou, who is smirking.
"you owe me 2000 yen." He licked his lips and rubbed his thumb over the tip of his index and middle finger. "Pay up."
"I'll give it to you when we come back from our mission," she groaned before walking towards you and wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
"What was that about?" you asked as the both of you started to walk towards the door.
"Me and Suguru betted on if you are all bark but no bite. I, of course, thought you were. But Suguru didn't want to underestimate you again, so he betted 2000 yen if the next thing that comes out of Satoru's mouth, you'll try to fight him."
"And you went against me?"
"Do you blame me?" She teased. You sighed and wrapped your left arm around her shoulder.
"Come on, Shoko, we were supposed to go against them, not join them. We don't fraternize with the enemy."
She laughed, "of course, once we are done with the mission, let's pour water on them to see if they will burn."
"count me in."
"Be back here in under an hour, and I expect everyone to be in one piece," The auxiliary manager said before he puts the curtain up. "And remember to-" the curtain went up before he had a chance to finish his sentence.
"Yea, yea, work together," Gojo said as he finished the auxiliary manager sentence. You stood forward at the abandoned building. You've been told that there are reports of cursed spirit inhibited there. Your mission was to find and exorcise it. "Ok," Gojo clapped his hands together, "Shoko and I will take the back," your face scrunched up in disgust, then that would mean-"Y/n, you and Suguru will take the front."
"Aren't we suppose to work together?" You asked
"Yea, but if we split up, then it would be much faster finding the cursed spirit," Geto answered.
"Yea, are you questioning my authority, Y/nny?" Gojo mocked as he placed hands on both sides of his hips, and he tapped his right foot.
"No," you retorted.
"Great!" Gojo clapped his hands once more. "Come now, Shoko, we must find this curse before our enemies do." He sang as he skipped towards Shoko, grabbed her arm, and dragged her to the back of the building. As you watch them disappear from your view, Getou called out to you to come. You reluctantly followed him as he opened the door.
The both of you entered the abandoned warehouse, carefully on the lookout for the suspected cursed spirit. The building was a bit cool, and a couple shades dark. There was graffiti on the walls and bricks on the ground. At least the broken windows allowed some sunlight to see more clearly. "Stay close to me," Getou whispered as he twirled his hand to activate his cursed technique. You nodded as you watch some of the curses he lets out wandered around the building looking for the other cursed spirit. You followed as he looked around, trying to find any suspicious movements. He then pointed his finger to the other side of the room for you to check if the cursed spirit is hiding there.
After moments of silence, Getou turned to you and cleared his throat."So what is your problem with Satoru." You froze. Why is he asking you at this time? You turned to him and sighed.
"My problem is that he doesn't respect me. Why should I do the same if he does not? Respect goes both ways, you know."
"Yea, but you should at least try and get along with him." He retorted.
"Get along with him!" You scoffed. "How can I get along with him when he acts like a child."
"Oh, come on, he is not that bad."
"Not that bad," you scoffed. "Did you know he placed spiders in my bedsheets?" You slowly started to walk toward him, "Or the other time when he swept my foot with a broomstick to ' give me bad luck.’ " You noticed a smile slowly forming on his face, "And just last week, he hid under my bed and scared me at 3am in the morning pretending he was a blue-eyed demon." You stopped walking as your foot slightly brushed his. "And don't act like you're any better," you go on your tippy toes, as your mouth is inches away from his ear, but close enough for him to feel your hot breath against his skin. "You're just as bad. Don't pretend I don't notice you and him planning to get a rise out of me, Getou. You both are obsessed." Just as your heel was about to touch the ground, large hands grabbed your hips, preventing you from doing so. He leaned into your ear, mimicking you from what you did earlier.
"Obsessed?" He chuckled, sending a shiver went down your spine, "you're mistaken."
"How so?" you whispered.
''I'm not obsessed, and neither is Satoru. If anyone is obsessed," He looked down, his eyes locking with yours, "is you."
You snort. "you're delusional. I'm not obsessed."
"No?" His hand tightened around your hips, and your breath hitched, "don't act; I haven't caught you looking at me these past few days. And I that pretty to you?" Your face felt hot. Although you must admit, he does look pretty, probably prettier than Gojo. But your pride said otherwise.
"No. In fact, you look like a discount-emo boy with bangs. It's hard not to look at it." He released his grip on you, and your heels touched the ground. His mouth opened, but before he could say anything, the phone rang. "You should answer that," you said smugly. You took three steps back before he picked up his phone from his pocket. He looked down at his phone, rolled his eyes, and accepted the call.
"What?" He spat. You recognized over the phone Gojo's whiny voice, ' yo, we found the curse. It was annoying, but of course, I exorcised it. Meet us at the front, and let's go out to eat, my treat.'  " Yea, we will be out." He hung up and placed his phone in his pocket. "Ok, Satoru found the curse. Let's meet-" he stopped talking as his eyes are broad. He stood there as his eyes looked from behind you—eyes of fear.
"What?" You asked him.
"Don't move," He whispered, and you noticed his hand twisting, revealing a black swirl.
"Huh?" Is he joking with you right now? "Are you playing a prank with me right now?" You scoffed and you pivoted your feet to turn around. He tried to grab your elbow, but it was too late; you saw a cursed spirit in front of you. It was large and It showed its sharp teeth. The body arched, revealing the sharp quills on its back. You could say it was a large size of a porcupine but scarier. "T-the hell," You whispered. Your mouth quivered as you noticed the quills on its back began to shake. You only blinked, and the next thing you knew, you were pulled into the floor by Getou, and the cursed spirit crashed into the wall.
"I thought you said we were only exorcising one curse!" You yelled at Getou as the both of you were quick to get on your feet.
"That is what they told us," He scowled. He released his curses on the spirit, but it wasn't enough to slow it down as the quills on its back stabbed them all. "Shit, shit, shit," he muttered as he released another curse, this time twice the size of the other spirit. He grabbed your elbow to whisk you away. "It won't be distracted for long. We need to get out and call-".
He fell to the ground. You noticed the cursed spirit's quill impaled in his right shoulder. You looked over your shoulder, and the cursed spirit is ten feet away from you. It must've killed Getou's curse. "Shit," you muttered. You looked back at Getou, who is lying on the ground. If you don't do anything, the both of you will surely die."Ok," you breathed out. You kneeled down and grabbed the quill stuck inside of him. You attempted to take it out, but it wouldn't move, and Getou would groan in pain. You looked back over your shoulder, and the spirit is now six feet away from you. It's slowly making its way to both you and Getou. Your heart was pounding, and you could feel your pulse quickened.
"G-go," You looked back at him. You could tell he is struggling to speak, to move. The quill must've paralyzed him. "L-leave me here and go g-get help," He croaked.
"I'm not leaving you." You quickly grabbed the quill on his shoulder. "You helped me before. It's only fair if I do the same," You exhaled, and this time, with all your strength, you attempted to take it out. Your face semi-relaxed as you saw it slowly coming out, revealing blood on it. "I think it's almost-" You felt a breath that tickled against your skin, and your blood went cold.  No, no, no, no, no.
The cursed spirit grabbed you and flung you back. You were slammed into the wall, and you gasped in pain. You noticed the curse getting ready to pounce towards you. You stood up, wobbling a bit before moving out the way before it could grab you again.
It crashed into the wall. You frantically tried to run away, but your legs gave up on you, and you fell to the ground. You whimpered as you tried to crawl away, but the spirit grabbed your leg. Its claws dug into your skin, you cried out in pain. You felt yourself rise a couple of inches before coming back down in the ground. Then again, this time three feet higher than the last, and you were dropped to the ground. You were then flipped onto your back—the cursed spirit towering over you. Your mouth quivered as the quills on its back began to shake. If only you had something to protect you?
Wait.  It was then you realized you had your katana in your stealth. You quickly removed your gloves and touched the handle of your katana. Just as the spirit was about to release its sharp quills on you, you activated your technique sending the spirit away from you. It was slammed into a pole. It fell to the ground and didn't move. Why is it only attacking me? What is going on?  You thought. You need to get up and get yourself and Getou out of here before the spirit wakes up. You push yourself off the ground and tried to walk towards Getou. The aching pain in your leg was unbearable. You had to limp towards him, and you would feel your blood trickling down your leg.
"Can you stand?" You asked him.
"N-No. It paralyzed me."
"Shit," you breathed out. You tried to wipe the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand. Only to be greeted with stinging pain and a mixture of blood and sweat on your hand.
You heard the spirit giggled as it stirred from the floor. You looked over as you saw it shed its quills to form new ones on its back. It is now standing on its hind legs."Y-you have to exorcise i-it."
You turn back. He has to be joking? "Are you serious? I-I can't."
"Yes, you can. O-or we both die."
"We can wait for Gojo and Shoko. They will come."
"Come to f-find our bodies? Y/n please," He pleaded. You bit your lip as you felt the spirit slowly approaching you.
"I-I can't." You said as your nails dug against your palm.
"Y/n." He paused, then sighed. "What a-are you?"
"What?"  Is he seriously asking you this? Right now.
"W-what are you?" He emphasized the question. "Are y-you someone normal? O-or are you a j-jujutsu sorcerer?"
Spirit was six feet away from you.
"I'm a-"
Four feet away from you. Your shaky hands reached the handle of your katana in your stealth.
One foot away. You sighed, "I'm a Jujustu sorcerer."
It was quick. Your katana was by your side, and the claw of the spirit laid on the floor. You turned around, facing it. You bring your katana out in front of you. You noticed the quills on its back began to shake. With your hand out front, you activate your technique to push the spirit away. This time it didn't crash into the wall. The spirit snarled, annoyed by the sudden change of your demeanor. It came sprinted towards you again. Like the last time, you activate your technique again, this time it felt more powerful then the previous. It crashed into the wall that caused a slight shake in the building.
You slowly limped towards it as it detached itself from the wall. The spirit regenerated its missing claw that you took, and the quills on its back begin to shake. It separates itself from its back and comes hurtling towards you. You raised your katana and slice through them. The spirit shrieked.
"Shut up," You spat. "You're giving me a headache." The spirit giggled from your comment. It now went on its hind legs. You noticed it looked as though it was about to leap towards you. You set out in front of you your katana as you prepare for it to come you.
Expect you came for it first. The moment you saw it leap, you jumped towards it too. You remembered something that Gojo said a while back.  'did you know you can decrease the pull of gravity on yourself? So you can leap at a greater distance and move faster.'  It won't be bad to test it out, would it? And so you did. You maintained the grip on your katana, and you pointed it up at a 45-degree angle. You swung it horizontally and ended the swing when the blade was in front of your opposite shoulder. It was mere seconds after when the head of the spirit was on the floor, and you watched it disintegrate before your very eyes.
You fell to the ground, and closed your eyes. You were exhausted and in pain. But hey, at least you exorcised a cursed spirit in your first mission.  What type of curse was it.  You learned from the school how to identity a cursed spirit. And the spirit you exorcised must've been a special grade or semi grade. But the question mainly on your mind was, why did that curse only attack you? It practically paralyzed Getou to prevent him from protecting you. You groaned. All of these thoughts are causing you a headache. You just want to go back to the school, take a nice warm bath and-
"Y/n, Y/nnnnn," someone interrupted your thoughts as they whispered harshly, "Hey, you good? Y/n, Y/nn-"
You quickly opened your eyes. Seeing Getou standing over you. You noticed his face relaxed as you are very much alive and breathing, "How are you standing?" You groaned.
"Oh, well, after you exorcised the curse, it also got rid of my paralysis,"
"Oh," you breathed out. You looked across the room, looking for your gloves. He noticed he brought his hands to his pockets and brought them out, revealing them. He tossed them to you, and you mouthed a  ' thank you ' as you put them on.
''Can you stand?" he asked.
"I think so," you replied as you tried to stand only as you push yourself off the ground, only for your legs to give up on you. Thankfully Getou was there to catch you. He chuckled a bit before facing you with his back and kneeling to get on your level.
"Get onto my back," he said. Having no other choice, you wrapped both of your arms over his neck, careful enough not to hurt him. His arms then wrapped around his arms in the back of your knee, and he slowly stood up. You noticed him wincing from the pain in his shoulder.
"you're in pain, Getou. I should get off and wait for -"
"Suguru," He interrupted. ''Call me Suguru," You felt your stomach doing a backflip. No one has ever asked you to call you by their first name. Scratch that no boy has asked you to call them by their first name. You felt blood rushing towards your cheeks.
"Uh, Suguru. Do you want me to get off? I know that your shoulder was hurt. I can-"
"No, it's ok. I have high pain tolerance, so it's fine" That was a lie, he was in excruciating pain and if he takes another step, he might pass out. But the way his name rolled around your tongue was like a sinking feeling in his gut.It felt good, it was like a medicine for the pain. He wants you to say it again. Oh, that reminds him, Gojo owes him 6000 yen because both of them betted whose name would you say first. He chuckled at this. You noticed, just as you were about to open your mouth to comment on this, the door burst open, revealing Gojo and Shoko.
"Awwww, no fair how come Y/n gets to have a piggyback ride from Suguru and not me," whinnied Gojo.
"Because I'm injured," you scowled at him. Already he is causing you a headache.
"What happened? Satoru said he called you, and you told him you will be out in a few minutes, but that was fifteen minutes ago." Shoko said.
"Yea, we were attacked by a cursed spirit," Getou responded.
"Huh? There was no registered energy in the area, and I would've seen it with my ' 6 eyes' ." Gojo was in disbelief. How could that be possible?
"I don't know. And it was weird it went for Y/n, and it was persistent. It freaking paralyzed me and almost killed her until she killed it before it can finish the job."
"How did she killed it."
"she practically leap towards it. I just blinked, and the next I know, that thing's head is on the ground disintegrating, and I can move."
"U-huh," Gojo said as he shuffled towards you. His hand goes to your cheek. You tried to move your head away, but Gojo was faster as his thumb and index finger pinched your cheek. "Guess you're not weak after all." He grinned, and you felt your eyes twitched.
" Glad to know,' you sarcastically said. "I'm too exhausted and in pain to deal with your bullshit, so can we please leave?"
"Anything for our dear Y/n," Gojo teased.
"I'm not your dear!"
"Soon, you'll be."
"You're insufferable."
"I prefer the words irresistible, but don't worry, one day I'll get that pretty mouth of yours to say it," you felt your cheeks getting hot and your blood rising. He did not just say that.
"I'm going to sleep," you groaned as you laid your head in Getou shoulder. You closed your eyes, wondering how the hell would you survive for the next four years with him and Getou.
Undisclosed location: Time- 12:30am
"Well, did she do it, boy?" The old man barked harshly. he was losing his patience. He just wants to be done with everything with the individual. he felt is was speaking spoke to a child. He raised his finger, warning him if he doesn't speak, then he would force it out of him. The boy standing before him only merely grinned, it was sinister. He chuckled at the old man, mocking him as he took a step forward.
"So, what if she did? What don't tell me you're afraid of a fifteen-year-old girl," he grinned.
''A fifteen-year-old girl, who holds an immense amount of curse energy. She shouldn't even exist. You should know that."
"I find it amusing," The boy challenged. "Isn't it funny a girl who was thought to be dead is now walking and breathing at this very moment?"
"You of all people should know that her existence alone is dangerous for us all. Or shall I remind you, Gojo?"  The young shaman scoffed, annoyed by this. Why should it matter?
"You old geezers are just afraid of her potential. We all heard the stories of her ancestors and what they did."
"And how would we know if she won't finish what her ancestors started. This mission was only to test how much curse energy she used." The old man stated. And it proved to all of us the amount of curse energy she could posses. It's dangerous. If she so happened to siphon someone's cursed energy or yours, she could put all of Japan in jeopardy! But that is not the least of my concern. Because if she does finish what they started." The man paused then clicked his tongue and pivoted his feet to the other direction. His back faced the boy, as his hands interlock with one another from behind him. He glared over his shoulder and spoke. "You know what your job is."
"My first impression of you?" You arched your eyebrow. You were in a small restaurant with everyone. After Shoko healed you and Getou from the mission, Gojo wanted to treat everyone by going to a restaurant in the city. All you wanted to do is rest and be at peace. Gojo practically dragged you out of bed for you to go out with everyone. Now here you are sitting with Shoko and across from Gojo and Getou, patiently waiting for your food. "What do you mean?" you said as you took a sip of your drink.
"What I mean is, what did you think of all of us when we first met you," Gojo said.
"Well, when I first met you," you paused and looked at Gojo, "I thought you were a prissy version of snow-white, cause y'know of the hair." The whole table laughed. You then looked at Getou, "I thought you were a murderer," Getou faked a gasp as he placed his hand over his chest in disbelief.
"I would never," you simply shrugged. And lastly, you turned to Shoko.
"And I thought you were a pretty chill person," you heard protests from the table.
"I feel betrayed y/n, Gojo whined.
"Yea, are you sexist, Y/n?" Getou added on as he crossed his arms against his chest and blew his bangs away from his face.
"No, I'm not. You asked for my impression of you all, and so I did. " You said. "Why do you all act surprised? Did you expected me to praise you or something?" You grumbled.
"Yes," both Getou and Gojo said in unison. You were about to say something, probably an insult, but the food came in, and that promptly made you shut your mouth.
You and everyone else ordered katsudon. You watched as the server holds the dishes with delicacy and how she placed the plate in front of you. You were practically drooling. "Anything else I can do for you all?" the server asked.
"Yes. How about I get your number?" Gojo beamed. Your eyes twitched in annoyance. Can he not flirt with another girl while I'm eating. You thought. It was like a regular occurrence; you are convinced he is a womanizer. Just the other week, when you and Shoko were downtown, you saw him eating a girl's face. Or how two days ago you saw him outside the school grounds with another girl and also eating her face. And don't get me started on Getou. He is just as bad as him. You remembered you walked in on him and this other girl making out in front of the school. And you were confident it was the same girl who make-out with Gojo... in the same place.
"O-oh, um, s-sorry. But you're not my type," The girl stuttered.
"Is it the sunglasses or the hair? I'm sure to tell you I'm of age," Gojo babbled. You don't think he has ever had rejection before. You snickered from this finding it amusing watching Gojo struggle.
"N-no, it's just-" she paused when you saw her eyes widen when Gojo took his sunglasses off, revealing his bright blue eyes. He has be desperate.
"See, now I have your attention. How about I pick you up after your-" You heard hands slamming down on the table as the girl looked down at the floor.
"S-sir, thank you for the offer, but I-I don't find you attractive. I-I mean you are, but I like your friend-" she paused, and her face gets red as she just exposed herself.
"Whoo, Suguruu ?" Gojo whined as he rested the left side of his cheek on his hand. "He doesn't even like you, He likes-" he didn't even get to finish his sentence as Getou's hand was slapped over Gojo's mouth, preventing him from speaking any further.
"Sorry about him," Getou chuckled. "But uhh, you're not my type, sorry, have a good day," He gave her an apologetic look before she hurried away, hiding her embarrassment. Getou then lets go of the hand that covered Gojo's mouth. You saw a thin line of saliva departing away from his mouth. You scrunch your face in disgust.
"Poor girl,' Shoko uttered as she looked from where the girl departed to back to the table. She saw Gojo drooling and Geotu wiping off that droll with a napkin, "and ew."
"Oh, stop it, Shoko, or shall I remind you of that spitting kink you told me, about," Gojo teased.
"Fair enough," She sighed before grabbing her chopsticks to eat her food. You, however, choked from the words that came out of Gojo's mouth.
"Are all of you whores?" You asked.
"Yea, pretty much." They said in unison.
"But don't worry y/n, I'm sure you'll find your passion soon enough." Gojo teased. You groan as you hit your head against the table.
"When will you shut up and be slightly respectful like Suguru," you whined. You picked your head up from the table, finding the shocked face of Gojo ''What?"
"How come you get could say Suguru's name and not mines," Gojo complained.
"Maybe because he respects me." You scowled.
"Urgh, where is the fun in that." He reached for his pocket and brought out some cash, "here is you go," Hh grumbled before giving it to Getou.
"Hey, what is this?" You pointed your finger at them.
"Oh, we both betted whichever name you would say first, then that person would get 6000 yen," Getou said. You narrowed your eyes.
"So, you tricked me? You didn't want me to actually say my name. You just wanted money."
"What? No, no, no, I promise you it wasn't like that. I really wanted you to say my name," He blurted out. He then extended his hand across the table to hand you the cash that he just received."Here take it." You noticed his cheeks have gone a couple shades pink.
"I'm not taking a swindler's money."
''I insist. That shows I care about you saying my name."
"Nope," you said as you pop the  'p.'  "You should've thought of that when you asked me to say your name Suguru ."
"I'll take it," Shoko interrupted the awkwardness between the two of you as she grabbed the cash from Getou's hand and she placed it in her pocket. "There now everyone can be at peace." You rolled your tongue against the inside of your cheek before turning to Gojo.
"You know there is always a chance for me to say your name if you are gonna be nice to me," you said.
"That would be boring. I rather make you beg to say my name," he grinned.
"You never stop, do you?"
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