#xiao isn't even denying at this point!
monocaelia · 1 year
with my hand in yours.
as your fingers trace along the lines that make up their palm, they wonder how such a wonderful being like you could ever love someone like them. aka; little abstract thoughts about what their hands would be like.
feat. al-haitham, childe, diluc, kaveh, scaramouche, xiao.
genre : fluff. light angst but it's not that serious.
note : school sucks and i want to hold hands w childe so bad rn so here is the product of that thought.
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contrary to what you may think, al-haitham's hands are large and calloused; not to the point of being overly rough, but enough to know that he keeps his hands busy from both paperwork and dealing with unruly people that come across his way. which is surprising considering that he was always one to take the easiest route out of any situation.
but you suppose someone who is adept at using a sword and dealing with eremites and annoying scholars can't just get away with smooth hands.
your hand is much smaller than his in comparison, especially so when his encases your own while you reach for a book you cannot quite reach within the house of daena. you insist that you could reach it yourself, but after minutes of watching you struggle and nearly make the bookshelf topple over as you lean more and more onto the shelves, he decided to take matters into his own hands. although you hate it when he aids you without you asking for help, he finds it endearing, especially so when he gets an excuse to hold your hand like this.
sometimes, the scribe doesn't understand your fascination with his hands as your fingers lazily trace shapes and lines across his palm while his eyes skim through the book in his hands. your body rests against him, head gently propped on his chest and fingers busy with his. although it was a distracting feeling, it was one he welcomed and preferred rather than the presence of his dramatic roommate.
though, al-haitham cannot deny that he doesn't find the contrast between the size of his hands and you amusing. how different your jaw feels in his palm as he lifts your face up to keep your eyes on him during your study session. your soft skin against his rougher hands was a nice feeling, a contrast that he finds humor in despite the blank expression that never leaves his face.
even if you push him away, fed up from his constant deadpan comments and dry teasing, your hand always finds their way back in his with fingers intertwined as he skims through the next book that catches his attention. with a gentle squeeze and a kiss placed on the tops of your knuckles, al-haitham holds onto you until it is unfortunately time to part ways. but even then, the ghost of your palm presses against his when you're gone and he cannot wait to hold you once more.
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the scars the decorate childe's hands are ones that he holds with much pride. they're living proof of the battles that he has conquered and pushed through with mere strength and wit; and there isn't a moment where he would ever hide his battle scars.
childe's hands are rough and calloused with toughened skin from years of fighting, both from training for the fatui and also from surviving through his time in the abyss.
but despite it all, a sign of humanity shines through his hardened hands; light freckles dust the back of his hands and his knuckles and travel up his arm. though they aren't as condensed as the ones that shower his cheeks like the stars, they're still enough to attract your attention to them when his gloves are off around you.
his hand often clings onto yours as he guides you to places you've never seen before in his home nation. with gloved hands intertwined with one another, childe eagerly tugs you along the banks of morepesok, gently guiding you along the more troublesome and icier parts of the path so you wouldn't slip. his hand, sturdy and strong, gently presses against the small of your back while the other holds one of yours as you hop over a rock.
other times, his hand is held carefully by yours as you admire all of scars with him. the young harbinger finds it humorous when you stare at him in shock after telling you about the battles he fought to get them before getting a firm lecture by you about taking care of himself. he doesn't see the big deal; if he's the fatui's biggest asset when it comes to fighting, why wouldn't he want to be used as their weapon?
however, seeing your tearful expression as he comes home battered from a serious battle shatters his proud heart into a million pieces. he warned you about the duties he has a fatui harbinger, and yet you continued to love him and stay by his side. childe wasn't a good guy, per se, and there would be times where there would be no signs of him coming home at all. but you persevered, telling him that he was crazy for even thinking that you would be scared away because of his job.
his thumb, rough and heavily scarred, brushes away the tears from your cheek as you clean up the blood that soils his clothes. you're so much different than he is; someone who is not bludgeoned and terrorized by the horrors of the abyss or the power of the fatui. and yet you hold him like he is your world, like he's fourteen again and didn't have the scars of the world on his body.
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diluc's hands tell the tragic tale of his past; scarred from years of avenging his father with only his great sword by his side and burned from training and utilizing the pyro vision that dangles by his waist. he is damaged and hurt from years of betrayal and the deep scars that run up his hands to his arms are visual evidence of them.
but, despite his cool attitude and standoffish personality, his hands are the warmest you have ever felt. as if the agony his heart experienced in the few years of his adulthood failed to extinguish the flickering flame that keeps his soul ablaze.
the young master of dawn winery's rough hands hold onto yours gently, fingers cupping your own as he brings them to his lips as a polite, yet cheeky greeting knowing you would fluster at the mere act. they're playful, often traveling up your arms after his small greeting and pulling you into his embrace. the flame that was once ignited by rage, burning with the intent to harm those who have wronged him, now lulls you in with the intent of making your heart race.
diluc is aware of the effect his hands have on you, especially during battles where the two of you are fighting alongside one another. gloved hands quickly reach out to grab you, pulling you behind him as his flaming great sword slams forward to knock the abyss mage into the ground. although the battle was over, his hand does not leave your arm and you knew at this point that he was leaving it there deliberately.
his touch, as playful as they get sometimes, were also one that you found solace in, especially when the cold winter air of mondstadt nips at your skin. although diluc worries you find his hands worrisome to look at and feel, all of his disrupting thoughts melt away when your hand squeezes his in return. and so, hands roughened by the most painful of memories hold yours and give you the comfort that you seek.
and comfort you, they do. when the heavy rain outside the winery drenches you to the bone, diluc's warm, scarred hands quickly pull you inside. he doesn't ask you what happened, instead waits for you to tell him yourself, and with a towel in his hands he dries you as much as he can. attracted to his touch like a moth to a flame, your shaking hands quickly grasp onto his own and cling to his being like he was the sole reason you were still sane.
and just once, diluc is happy that you find relief in embers that once burned with no remorse.
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kaveh's hands are slender and smooth, contrary to the fact that he wields a heavy claymore as his weapon of choice. anyone would assume that his hands are rough from hours spent on studying architecture and building miniature and actual scale models of his designs, but those who know the young architect are aware of his fondness towards body and skin care.
if anything, the only flaw that hinders kaveh from having the perfect, flawless hands that anyone would dream of would be the smudges of both ink and graphite from his drafts of architectural buildings that stain his fingertips and sides of his hands.
you can't imagine the amount of times your face had ended up accidentally smudged by the inked fingers of your lover. soft, thin fingers lovingly brush the side of your face, moving a stray strand of your hair that obstructs his view of you, only to reveal a smudge of graphite where his fingers just touched. no matter how many apologies spewed from his lips, the smudge remained and small bouts of laughter escape from your lips before reassuring the young architect that it was fine.
however, when his fingers are clean, they're often found touching you in only the most innocent ways. his skilled fingers gently rub in the moisturizer on your face, huffing in fake exasperation as you laugh and attempt to escape his pinching and prodding. with enough squirming and chuckles, kaveh finally squishes your face in between his soft hands, tilting your face to look directly at him. affection is evident with the way he stares at you, smile warmer than the sunshine that radiates brightly in sumeru city, before he quickly bends down to peck at your puckered lips.
there's nothing but love and care in the way that he touches you, regardless of when or where it happens. his nimble fingers find their way to your arm when you drift asleep against him, waiting for him to finish up his draft of the new building he's designing. they graze across your skin, skimming everything that makes you you, the you that the architect loves so dearly.
sometimes he wonders what you see in a simple architect that shoots too far to land on the stars, but if you're beside him with every step that he takes, kaveh feels as though every star is suddenly in reach.
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ball joints similar to a dolls connect and form the hands that belong to scaramouche, a permanent reminder of the reason he was birthed into this world. as much as he hates looking at them and no matter how much he does to erase his past, they haunt him and contain the memories that he wishes to leave in the past.
maybe then, he would feel more human and let his once fragile heart breathe once more.
similar to a doll's hand, his hands are also smooth and dainty with only a few permanent scars on his fingertips. faint lightning scars trail from his finger tips to his second knuckle and slight calloused fingertips from tending to the doll he calls his "wandering companion."
despite the living proof of his existence as a puppet, there are a few moments where he feels human, where he feels as of his heart could beat once more and hope is flourishes throughout his weathered soul. when your fingers intertwine with his and your palm presses gently against his own, it's as if his forgotten heart had grown wings, fluttering on its own after years of stagnant pain.
feeling your pulse beat against his skin and the gentle tug of his arm as you lead him reminds the wanderer that despite his harsh past and the betrayals that led him astray, he lived through them and is living life anew, a life where he controls the trajectory of his life. and one where he is loved by you.
as much as he hates his hands, he cannot stop you from loving them in his place. when you kiss his fingertips and rub comforting circles across his skin, it's hard for his hatred to fester and grow; for how can he hate something that you love.
not that he would ever admit it to you; always flicking your roaming hands away from his and pinching the fat of your thumb when they reach for his. he calls your touch "annoying" and a "nuisance," but when it's his turn to watch over you during the night, his pinky never fails to interlock with yours.
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xiaos' hands are rough to the touch, fingertips slender and sharp like the talons of a hawk ready to snatch its prey from where they lay. after centuries of fighting off enemies and protecting the mortals that reside peacefully in liyue, it would be more surprising if not a scar decorated the yaksha's skin.
he is cool to the touch; not needing to generate body heat as he has no need to stay warm and used to the cold from serving his previous master.
blood stains his palms from the lives he took, whether it was accidental or on purpose he doesn't remember any more. innocent lives were mixed in when he dealt with enemies and his karmic debt affected those around him even if he wanted to suffer alone.
and yet, you hold his hands as if he were a small finch; fragile and prone to dying even though he is anything but. your hands are so warm, nearly encompassing his entire being with a mere brush of your fingertips against his. it was inviting, enticing, something that he craved even though he shouldn't.
despite pushing you away when his karmic debt was going to take over, your hands still found his and held on with little to no regard of your own wellbeing.
"as long as i get to you, it doesn't matter," was always your excuse when he demanded why you did something so reckless.
even if he hated the thought of his curse harming you in the worst way possible and feared the mere possibility of losing you, the yaksha could not calm the happiness that fluttered in his chest as if erupting a nest of a million crystalflies within the cavity of where his heart used to be.
you who kiss the scars that litters his hands, as if you were scared that the young adeptus would be the first to disappear from your life, deserve better than him, someone who has innocent blood pooling from his fingertips. but he does not have the heart to deny you from holding his hand and pulling him close, for he loves you too much to even humor the thought of a life apart from you.
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waffle-spam · 1 month
Jealous Xiao Headcanons
Scenario: How would Xiao react to seeing you interacting with someone else?
Contents: Fluff, Reader's gender isn't specified
The Wangshu Inn cooking event (cough cough the Lyney cutscenes) had me thinking
Anyway this is my first post after lurking for a bit. Idk if I'll write more. We'll see
Would observe undetected from a distance.
Listens in on your conversation if you mention his name. Briefly considers materializing in front of you with a "You called?" if you do, just to catch the other person off guard and maybe scare them off, but as an adeptus he has more restraint than to fall to such human and petty whims. So he continues watching over you two, eyes narrowed.
Once he's seen enough, he'd do something to distract himself remind himself of his duties and go patrol in another part of Liyue for any demons to vanquish.
It's because he noticed that he started experiencing these strange emotions. He felt... Threatened? Uneasy? From seeing a mortal talking to you? Impossible. Rather than entertaining the thought any longer, he retreats to focus on his contract of protecting Liyue from monsters. To focus on something he knows.
If you're already talking to Xiao and you're approached by the person he'd change where he's standing relative to you and the other person as if he were flanking you in battle, as if he were protecting your blind spot.
Similarly, his gaze would shift to the other person, glancing at their hands, pockets, etc. or even anticipating any sudden moves.
(If you were an adventurer or fighter of some sort:) After a bit he'd take you by the hand, muttering something about "sensing a demonic presence elsewhere" and that "it would be faster if he had your assistance".
(Mind you this would be the first time he indirectly asked for you to help him with something rather than you insisting and eventually him giving in. Normally he'd abhor the idea of handing off or even sharing his responsibilities or burdens with another person, especially a mortal...)
(But something told him he needed to get you away from the other person, despite the fact that they weren't exhibiting even the slightest hint of a threat.)
If you picked up on any of Xiao's strange behaviors and pointed then out (read: poked fun at him for it) he'd just scoff and look away, denying everything.
"Hmph. 'Jealousy' is a mortal emotion. One I do not have. You have no respect for the adepti."
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anantaru · 2 years
˖˚˳⊹ skinny dipping headcanons feat. ayato : xiao : childe : gorou : kazuha : kaeya : diluc : itto x fem! reader
˖˚˳⊹ warnings: nsfw
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ayato, who‘s pretty open about your suggestion, doesn‘t even hide his excitement. He only needs to make sure it‘s a secluded area since he doesn‘t want someone to see him butt naked and chant it all around inazuma city. He‘s careful, slipping the white dress off your shoulders while sliding his fingers over your now exposed flesh, he‘s biting back a moan seeing how your nipples were already standing up, waiting for him to take them. Cautiously, the both of you sank into the water while holding each other close. At this point ayato didn‘t want to wait anymore as he reached over to your ass to slightly lift you up, his warm breath coating your lips as you could feel something rather hard throb against your thigh. He really wanted to know it tonight and who were you to deny him of any pleasure, carefully taking his wet cock in your hand to stroke him lazily underwater and fuck, he never felt as though he could cum from a mere handjob, but it might actually happen tonight by the way it‘s slipping so fucking nicely off your fist. <3
xiao, who‘s reluctant at first, since he has never even thought about that. But the reason his palms are starting to get sweaty isn‘t because of the water, the reason is seeing you naked. Lets not pretend that he hasn‘t in fact, seen you bare for a few times already, but he just seems to never get used to it. You‘re slowly taking his wrist in your hand to guide him into the water, —his face is burning a deep color of red—, overly embarrassed of being naked in front of you. Yet, he‘s thankful once he‘s in the water where he can hide his hard erection that grew the second he saw your perky breasts bounce around erotically. You‘re a sly one though, did it on purpose too, your fingertips prancing sexily over his toned stomach until they hit the spot right above his cock, taking it in your hand to lazily palm him has xiao seeing stars. Please let him hide his face in the nook of your neck !! otherwise he might become too embarrassed to try something like that ever again. <3
childe, who's the one who'd propose skinny dipping to you, literally does it all the time by himself in the coldest waters of his nation so he's used to it. Don't worry though, he'll make sure to find a spot that isn't that cold and most importantly, that is comfortable to you. The next scenes were quite hazy, combinations of ripping off your clothes and sharing passionate kisses in between, fondling with each others bodies as he reached over to your waist to push the both of you inside. Your bodies are so close right now while his fingertips roughly brushed over your sensitive skin that was decorated with goosebumps all over. Your natural curves being worshipped in soft praises by the man above you, he was so cautious, making sure you're aware on how thankful he was that you were willing to try this out with him. Will make it up to you once he's knuckles deep inside your sweet little cunt, fingering your hole and grazing up so fucking nicely to that one sweet spot of yours. <3
gorou, who's clinging onto you like a lost puppy, his ears wiggling around because they got wet :( isn't the biggest fan of getting all soaked either but once he saw your eyes shine with excitement he just couldn't say no to your idea. He was so adorable right now, —kinda riled up too—, maybe it was the water, maybe it was you. With that, you break the remaining distance between your bodies to press your tits on his hard chest, —teasingly if anything— which resulted in him groaning out deeply against his throat. He couldn't describe your sweetness as you kissed him, couldn't believe how fucking addicted he got by the mere taste of you once you traced over his abdomen to get a hold of his leaking cock. His chest swelling with both embarrassment and pure lust as he looked down to see you fist his cock underwater, it looked so sinful yet felt amazing, will slowly rut into your hand to meet your pace halfway. <3
kazuha, whose eyes widened further —if that was possible— and his cheeks developing in that cute rosy tint once he saw you drop your clothes on the shimmering sand in front of the ocean. He took a husky breath, for a moment enjoying the view before exposing himself to the cold air. The water was clear as the both of you walked inside of it, your arms slowly encircling his neck and drawing him closer for a kiss, which he returned the favor to. His hands roaming freely over your —chest, stomach, hips— as they finally found peace on your ass, kneading the soft flesh underneath his hands and beginning to hump unconsciously against you. That wide-eyed innocent look underneath the moonlight and those beautiful lips of yours reminded him of a fairytale princess. You couldn't help it but moan against each other as you pushed his wet cock in between the small gap of your thighs, thigh fucking him as he practically dragged your body over his dick without having you help much. He really needed it tonight. <3
kaeya, whose face was breathtaking underneath the night sky. His bare body defined and strong, sharp but soft in his eyes, radiating enough kindness he likes to pretend he doesn't have. His hair was wet and messy from being soaked as he reached over to your wrist, grabbing it into his much larger hand to pull you against his cold chest. His hands roaming over the natural curves of your hips, sliding his fingertips over your ass until they hit your glistering folds. Your hands grabbing a fistful of his hair when you hissed into his ear, his pace never fading and slowly prodding the first digit into your hole that sucked him in so desperately. You bit back a cry, it was way too much, the combination of the cold ocean water and his fingers destroying your insides made you cum in mere seconds, whining and writhing against his chest as you could feel the obvious smirk on his face. <3
diluc, who‘d prepare a hot tub for the both of you, since he isn‘t a big fan of the cold. Will literally decorate it with roses and candles too, he‘s just a romantic like that. Once you dropped your dress in front of him though, he was about to just take you right here and there, honestly forgetting about all the plans he made for this night. Wouldn‘t be much of a gentleman then though, would he? He went in first, so he could help you get into the hot tub without hurting yourself and without slipping of course. Since you loved challenging him though, —and an aroused diluc was hotter than anything else— you slightly pushed him back so he‘d sit on the small bench —that was implemented in said tub— and huskily dropped onto his lap, straddling him. He gasped out loud as your pace was slow, grinding your wet pussy against his hard cock had him arch his back into your heat, his hands finding refuge on your waist to draw you closer and most importantly, push you down further on his throbbing cock. The smirk displayed on his lips now was so worth it, you knew he‘d properly punish you though for being such a tease sometimes. <3
itto, who‘s not taking it seriously at first, wants to play in the ocean and thought that‘s what your idea was in the first place. But after you sexily dropped the tiny fabric, —that in all honesty, wasn‘t hiding much anyways—, in front of him, he understood what you were referring to prior. The next following sequences are him desperately trying to get rid of all of his clothes, —almost slipping— throwing them around the whole beach to finally run towards you to pick you up in a mere heartbeat, sprinting into the ocean butt naked. At this point he won‘t let go of you anymore, way too busy with showering you in kisses when you can already feel his throbbing erection against your belly, —it was resting in between yours and his stomach, coating you with precum anf archons, you wanted to taste it on your tongue—. So hard and fading an angry red, —swollen too—, ready to be taken in by you when you carefully released a bulb of spit from your mouth, which hit his tip perfectly. Itto groaned out loud, —almost screaming, really—, as he looked through in between your bodies where you were already stroking him so fucking nicely, archons is he happy he did catch the hint earlier otherwise he would still be playing in the ocean by himself.
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do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©ANANTARU 2022
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
I wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead—
synopsis !! a burst of courage is all you need to ruin your friendship
characters !! diluc, kaeya, zhongli, xiao
cw !! sfw mature content, undefined relationships, somewhat friends with benefits? complicated relationship status, consented actions
Imagine clambering onto Diluc's lap at a dark corner of Angel's Share, noise playing in the background and drunkards swaying to the songs of bards. You've been trading teases and hints all night, more from you than from the redhead, hoping he'd get the hint that you want a little more than what his friendship has to give. His eyes widen a little, looking at yours with uncertainty as his one hand steadies your waist while the other hesitantly pushes you back.
"You're drunk," he mutters as if to warn you but you shake your head no, taking a sip from the wine glass you balanced between your fingers.
"I'm not." You lean closer, wondering if there's even any effort in the hand that's pushing you back.
"That's what all the drunks say."
A smile graces your lips as you slip the wine glass between your faces, tilting it to his lips and – despite his aversion for alcohol – he drinks from your cup, eyes never leaving yours. Droplets of dark red drips from his lips to his chin from your hold of the glass.
"How's the wine, master Diluc?"
"It's. . . grape juice."
"Exactly." You place the wine glass on the table next to you, feeling the way his arms snake around your waist to pull you closer. Who said you needed liquid courage to help you get a love life anyway?
"So-" He pulls away but you're relentless: lips following his for another kiss. Kaeya indulges you –only for a second– before trying to escape the onslaught of a make out session that's been ongoing for the past 10 minutes or so.
"What does–"
"This make–"
Kiss. This one lasts a little longer. You try to register his words in your dazed mind. What does this make you two? You've been in love with him for so long now, dropping relentless hints to the point that you've dropped the biggest "hint" of all and pulled him into the Favonius library for a quick snog.
You pull away but your eyes settle on his lips, a blush filtering your face. Could you really handle facing his pretty little lavender eye right now? "I don't know, captain. What do you think this makes us?"
He shakily inhales, fingers reaching up to hold your chin, bringing your lips closer to his, "I'm not sure. We might need. . . a few more minutes of this to figure it out."
"Friends don't do things like this," You breathe out against his ear as his lips pepper kisses to the side of your neck. You really didn't need to remind him. He knows all the formalities there is to a friendship, therefore you should know how he knows that this isn't something you do to a friend.
Yet, can you blame him for his actions of worship when you've been suggesting wanting more of him? How could he deny your "I wouldn't mind kissing someone like mister Zhongli" or "The funeral consultant is my ideal type" kind of comments? He's bound to pull his dear friend in by the waist one of these nights.
"Would you like to stop?" He pauses, lips a fraction away from the underside of your ear. He peeks at you from the corner of his eye and you shake your head no.
"Archons, no. Keep going." It's breathy and shaky, and if you paid a little more attention, you'd feel the smirk on his lips and he presses against your skin.
"Hypothetically, if a friend were to kiss you, would you kiss them back?"
He gives you a look mixed between disgust and confusion. What kind of question is that? Sure, he's not familiar with human customs but kissing is done between lovers and not friends, right? His mind filters through the people he somehow considers a "friend". . . There's Ganyu, Traveler, Chongyun, Yelan, Shinobu, Yanfei, Itto–
"No." He answers and you pout.
"Did you consider Itto when I said a friend?"
". . ."
You giggle at his silence, eyes glancing at his as he stares away.
Biting your lip, you ask quietly, "Hypothetically, did you consider me?" You say, "What if I kissed you?"
He hums, obscuring his face from your view but you see his shoulders ease down. "Then. . . kiss back, I suppose."
masterlist 2 || consider supporting me on ko-fi !
note !! not @/ me adding xiao to my short drabbles after finishing his quest last night
taglist !! @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @roriver @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrade @starforecasts
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
I always get a little smile imagine Xiao, Zhongli etc with a stubborn s/o who has a cold. S/o will deny being sick and continue their daily chores.
Omg yes! I love this! Also hi, it's me, I'm stubborn s/o. The amount of times my partner had to tell me to go see a doctor already because I refused "because it'll go away soon" sjksjskjs, help.
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Sick stubborn Reader headcanons ft. Xiao, Zhongli, Alhaitham,Tighnari (added him because I wanted to practice the little menace) [Pure fluff]
→ Masterlist || → Taglist
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→ Xiao would desperately try to get you to rest while you insist to simply keep working. As an adeptus he always has a hard time evaluating how "sick" sick is.
"I'm fine, my nose is just a little blocked, honey. I can handle it!"
He would watch over you the entire day as you blow your nose, cough and sneeze around like a mad person. He'd bring you herbs that could help alleviate the symptoms and would bring you tea and fresh handkerchiefs. He basically circles around you like a hawk, scared that your symptoms might worsen while making sure you have everything you needed.
As soon as he can feel your temperature rising though, prepare to be snatched up bridal style and carried to your bed. And don't even think about getting out of bed again until your feel better.
→ Zhongli would be a bit calmer about you getting sick. Although he doesn't understand why you keep insisting that you're not sick when you're barely able to sleep at night with your coughing fits and the runny nose.
"Do I need anything? Why would I need anything?"
During that time he trusts your assessment that you're still fit enough to go about your day normally but he'd make sure you take enough breaks and are hydrated enough. Prepare to be pampered a bit though. Because even though you wouldn't admit you're sick he'd be extra attentive during that time. Preparing fresh cups of tea throughout the day, giving you spontaneous back massages, or running you a hot bath with medicinal herbs that helped to alleviate the symptoms and unblocked your nose.
→ Alhaitham chooses to ignore it at first. He knows that you're determined and wouldn't let yourself be stopped by a measly cold; because neither would he. No matter how often you'd tell him to take a break when he is sick he wouldn't listen to you either. He's also learned by now that arguing with you is a waste of breath.
It isn't until you sneeze into one of his prized books that he personally carries you to bed and tucks you in.
"I didn't sneeze because I'm sick, the book was just dusty and it got in my nose. Let me down!"
He wouldn't hear any of it. You are going to rest, even if he has to sit next to your bed to make sure you do. The moment you inevitably fall asleep, he'd get some herbs and would imbue them with Dendro so they would take effect faster.
→ Tighnari would insist on telling you that you're sick every chance he gets. Eventually you would listen to him, right? Although your stubbornness knows no bounds and is a force he didn't reckon with.
"Let me help Collei with the Ranger duties. I'm fine. Don't act like I'm dying, my nose is just a bit runny. Must be allergies or something,"
Even when you sit in front of your hut with your head in your hands and burning cheeks due to a fever, you would still insist that you were fine. Last resort? Bribing you. He said he wouldn't allow you to pet his ears or cuddle into his tail anymore until you get to bed and rest. He is sure he has never seen you head inside this fast.
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Might turn this into fleshed-out ficlets at some point. I really like the concept, hihi ~
Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always appreciated!
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shourin · 2 years
◇ characters ◇ xiao, kazuha
◇ tags ◇ fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff
◇ ⓘ ◇ original brainrot post
◇ a/n ◇ look i wrote this in like 15 minutes so it might not even make sense but anyway i love these two cuties a lot i want to give them all the forehead kisses ok
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ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ꜰᴏʀᴇʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ xɪᴀᴏ - him placing it on your forehead every morning since you keep insisting it'll "bless your day" because he's an adeptus or something like that. he tells you you're being ridiculous and there's no such thing, but who is he to deny you when you're pouting at him like an abandoned kitten? honestly, you just said it to fluster him at first, but it's become a routine at this point.
you placing them on xiao's diamond mark in return, to silently tell him your 'i love you's and 'please be safe's. because most of the time, words aren't needed when it comes to the two of you. but just because it's silent, doesn't mean your love isn't loud enough for everyone else to notice the deep affection that you treat each other with.
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ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ꜰᴏʀᴇʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴋᴀᴢᴜʜᴀ - the ronin smiling whenever you look at him with a certain smile and a hidden motive behind your shining eyes. you think he doesn't know what you were about to do, but oh darling, he knows. he lets you ruffle his hair and place an abundance of kisses on his face, his forehead being the last stop in your kissy train of love. he always laughs at the end, and you would have thought that he's unaffected if not for the slight pink of his cheeks and the slight glassiness of his pretty eyes.
in turn, kazuha lavishes you with kisses and whispered poetries. just for you, always for you, directly murmured into your ears as he gazes at you with so much warmth and love and adoration. you're so precious and he's so glad to have you. there are no poetries, no amount of forehead kisses he can give you that would rival the massive emotion he harbors towards you - but he tries, and he happily fails every single time. still, the shy giggles he earns from you is enough reward for him, he supposes.
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© shourin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts
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mybelde · 1 year
32: how to stay sober challenge: failed ♤
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CW: mentions of alcohol, heavy drinking
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Your POV
26 February, Saturday, 8.54pm
Location: Childe's house
The moment you arrived at Childe's house, you were amazed. There were already so many people there, despite the party starting not too long ago. And they seemed to be having the time of their lives. Well, why wouldn't they? After all, Childe's parties were known to be one of the most extravagant parties of all time.
"Hey, what time did Ayaka say she was coming? I don't see her yet," Lumine asked.
"She said she would be arriving with her brother at around 9-ish, I think." Yoimiya replied, checking her phone to see if she got the info correct.
"Oooo, her brother is coming as well? Can't believe I get to see the handsome Ayato again lmao, isn't that right yn?"
"Yo, earth to yn, you good?"
"O-oh sorry my bad, I was just spacing out, what did you say?"
"Is everything alright yn? I've noticed that you've been spacing out a lot lately."
"It's nothing Lumine, I was just thinking about some stuff, that's all."
Truth be told, you were feeling guilty. Now that you were finally hanging out with Lumine for the first time in a while, you couldn't help but recall the moments you've spent with her brother, and how they led you to slowly catching feelings for him, even though Lumine told you not to. And now, at the mention of the word 'brother', you were feeling even more guilty.
One, over the fact you've caught feelings for your bestfriend's brother, and two, the fact that you were now avoiding the said brother.
You knew that Aether didn't deserve the treatment you were giving him right now, but you couldn't help it. You can't afford to hang out with him again.
At least, not yet.
Until you've gotten rid of these 'stupid' feelings, you can't hang out with him like you used to.
Because the more you hang out with him, the more you felt yourself falling deep.
Was this really the best choice though?
You weren't sure.
"How's it going ladies? Are you enjoying the party? Well of course you are. Who wouldn't?"
".... You're a really terrible host you know."
"Ouch! Harsh words Xiao, harsh words..." The two guys had came to your group to see how you guys were doing.
At least, that's what you thought. You were just scrolling on twitter, paying no mind to their conversation, but a certain name made you look up from your phone.
"Hey Xiao, have you seen Aether? He said that he was coming to the party with you guys."
"He should be somewhere around here.... ah there he is, looks like he's coming our way."
Lumine turned to look at you, giving you a confused look.
"Why do you look so shocked yn? Did you think that Aether was not going to come to the party?"
"Haha of course not.... I definitely knew that..."
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You were panicking in your mind as you saw the blond boy approach your group. And you swear, you saw him light up a little the moment the both of you held eye contact. In a few seconds, he was already standing right in front of you.
"Hey yn!"
"Oh hi Aether!"
"Helloo??? We're here as well you know."
"I know, I just chose to ignore you, that's all."
"Why are you even my brother...."
You watched as the twins started to bicker, but as they were doing so, you noticed how Aether's eyes kept on lingering back to you. You tried your best to look at anyone but him, but you couldn't.
He looked mesmerising that night. You couldn't point out what it was, and you couldn't help but wonder, was this a symptom of your crush on the blond boy?
That you would always find him beautiful no matter how he looked or dressed?
"It seems like you keep on staring at him. Does he look that good to you?"
You flinched at the sudden statement and turned to look at the person who said it.
It was none other than Xiao. Seems like he was watching your every move for some reason.
"What the hell Xiao?!! Don't sneak up on me like that."
"You haven't denied it yet."
"I-I-..... argh whatever, Lumine, Tao let's go get drinks, I need a few right now."
"Hey w-wait yn! There's something I need to talk to you about-"
"Maybe later Aether? I want to get a few shots now, if you don't mind..."
"Oh, yeah sure, I'll wait for you." He said, giving you a small smile.
You would pay to see him smile again, but you know that that would make you fall for him even more than you already have. So you quickly turned around and left to get drinks with Hu Tao and Lumine.
"Sorry Aether, I think I might have pushed her a little more than I should have.."
"It's fine Xiao, I'll just talk to her later..."
"Best of luck, my dear comrade! You definitely need it."
"Thanks.... I guess..."
It had been almost an hour since you went to get shots with Lumine and Hu Tao. But now, you were left all alone, drinking by yourself. Lumine got dragged away by some of her other friends while Hu Tao just disappeared.
Usually you would be worried, but that night you didn't want to care about anyone else, just yourself.
Shot by shot, you kept on drinking, trying to drown your thoughts in the alcohol. Out of nowhere, a voice interrupted your drinking.
"Oh? It's you yn! Drinking all by yourself I see, mind if I join you?" You could recognise that voice anywhere.
"Of course the first place I would find you would be at the bar, Venti."
"Eheh, so I'll take that as a yes then," He said, as he plopped himself next to you.
"Now, mind telling me why you're moping by yourself? Hmm?"
"Just got some stuff on my mind."
"And by some stuff do you mean Aether?"
Your eyes widened in shock as you turned to face Venti.
"W-What are you talking about-"
"It's obvious, yn. There's no use in denying it lol."
"..... was it really that obvious?"
"Oh god, what the hell am I supposed to do now."
"Easy! Just tell him you like him!"
"I can't do that Venti."
"Why not? I don't see what's so difficult about that-"
"It's not about whether it's difficult or not, it's whether if I should or not."
Venti looked at you, confused. You just sighed, before continuing.
"Lumine doesn't want me to date Aether, and if I decide to confess, she'll definitely be mad at me."
"And why is that?"
"Isn't it obvious?? She doesn't want me to date her brother! And if I do, then I'm just going against her word."
"But why is it any of her business in the first place? She doesn't get to control who you like or not, likewise with Aether. He's his own man with his own feelings, just like you. Your free to like whoever you want."
"But what if I don't want to confess? Can't I just forget this crush and move on with my life?"
"Well, you can do that, but the question is, do you want to?"
You sat in silence as you pondered over Venti's question.
"Do I want to? Of course I do? Why else do you think I'm avoiding Aether right now?"
"Ok then tell me this, how do you feel, when you're avoiding Aether like this right now?"
How do I feel?
"..... awful.... sad....."
"It feels as if a part of me is missing, you know. I guess I miss his company."
"And there you go! That's your answer!"
"But isn't it normal to feel like this, since I'm avoiding him and all-"
"You still don't get the point, do you?"
You shook your head no, and watched as Venti sighed in defeat.
"Wow okay, just answer me this last question. How do you think you would feel if Aether gets into a relationship with someone else? Someone that's not you?"
Aether, in a relationship with someone else?
You couldn't help but feel saddened at the thought, of not being the one with Aether.
Before you could open your mouth to speak, Venti shushed you, before saying,
"I believe you have your answer, and you don't have to tell me. Just go with what your heart wants yn, that's my only advice to you. I'll take my leave now."
And with that, Venti left, leaving you with just your thoughts.
Just go with what your heart wants
Should I really go with what my heart wants?
You were about to take another shot of your drink, when you heard someone call out your name. You turned around to see Aether walking towards you.
"Oh right, he did say that there was something he wanted to talk to me about," You thought.
As you were watching him come towards you, you suddenly saw a purple-haired girl come up to Aether, and for some reason they're..... talking and laughing with each other?
She was probably a friend of his, but you couldn't help but feel a little uneasy over how 'touchy' she was with him. Your mind then recalled what Venti said earlier.
"How do you think you would feel if Aether gets into a relationship with someone else? Someone that's not you?"
Was this what he meant?
You watched as Aether and the girl soon walked away with each other, and that made you devastated. "Wasn't he just coming up to talk to me? Why did he walk away with her?" You thought.
Is this what it feels like to be.... jealous?
Overwhelmed with your emotions and thoughts, you took a shot of your drink. And another. And another. And another.
You didn't like being jealous, it was an ugly feeling. Despite drinking so many shots, you still weren't able to get rid of the feeling.
You didn't like how Aether walked away from you with that girl. You wanted to be the one by his side.
But isn't this what you deserved? After all, you were the one avoiding him in the first place.
Just because you didn't want to upset your bestfriend.
But now, all that didn't matter.
You didn't want to avoid Aether anymore.
You just wanted to tell Aether the truth.
The truth about your feelings.
You stood up from your seat, stumbling a little. You drank a little too much than you should've, causing you to not think straight.
But you wanted to find Aether, no, you needed to find Aether.
So you headed in the direction where Aether went with the girl.
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When I said that Venti gives good advice when needed, I meant it :)
needed time to proof read this chapter before posting, istg if there's still any mistakes in it 💀
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hydrachea · 8 months
Got a call from baby sister who's playing 4.1 AQ in Genshin. I pick up. No greeting, no how are you, no nothing, she demands: "Prove to me that Tartaglia cannot die in Fountaine".
My sleepy brain - it was Sunday morning, I'm indulging in what little pleasures capitalism leaves us with - went with: "He's Cu Chulainn, he is dying in Snezhnaya in battle against Selestis. If dies in Fountaine, he'll just be resurrected".
Baby sister went: "Thank you, I will remember that" and dipped.
Now, I haven't played the quest yet. But l heard spoilers. Is it really that bad? Cause this ginger holds a special place in my heart: I'm saving for his next banner, now that I have everyone I want. His play style is bit complicated 😅
It's not that the 4.1 AQ is bad (it isn't really) so much as it is that Tartaglia is objectively a runner-up for character with the most death flags in the entire game. Whenever he's relevant, you'll get people starting to theorize that he's going to die - at this point don't worry about it.
4.1 isn't worse than any other quest he's been in, but it enjoys being a bit ominous (it likes to make appear things worse than they actually are here and there). The ending is especially ominous, but here's what I and a fair amount of people think: this isn't Honkai. Genshin is now 3 years old, and they have yet to kill off a playable character. They even denied Xiao the sweet release of death when everything was set up for him to die in Perilous Trail, so I strongly doubt they'll be killing anyone important anytime soon.
That said the story has been getting steadily darker, so I don't rule out deaths eventually happening either. If anyone is to die we have a few prime candidates - Zhongli, Dainsleif and Tartaglia being some of them. But I don't think they'll die before the climax of the Teyvat arc, as you said yourself, if they do die at all. Our danger ginger is most likely safe for now (and don't worry about his playstyle - you get used to it fairly fast and cooldowns don't matter much outside of the Spiral Abyss).
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oathofkaslana · 4 months
hi hi hi leeeee :] as a colleiwarrior it is my duty to ask about collei o7 and if you want to do it id like to hear your thoughts about xiao too hehe
HAI PLUTO!!!! ill do collei and then xiao :3
First impression:
OHHH I LOVE HER ALREADY SHE'S SO SNARKY AND HER LORE IS SO COMPELLING....... very very excited to see her in game i hope she comes out soon (<- had to wait like what. two/three years????)
Impression now:
gives me brain worms my God. i think i've thought about her too much bc theres so many lil symbols that i associate w her that just aren't intentional in the slightest. she has so so so much lovea nd heart in her and i wishhhh people understood her better. also extremely disappointed in her in-game writing for multiple reasons but like. the ableism and misogyny being a big one. :( colleination could fix her...... i wish she were more mean in the game.
Favorite moment:
her fight w kaeya and the subsequent "confrontation" w amber....... makes me so so sick in the head that was The original collei trio to me. i looove how it plays w all three of their characters even if it isn't shown very well. it's also the basis for a lot of my interpretation of collei since it shows the extent of her beliefs/lack of belief. dear god..... it's so so good.
Idea for a story:
i've talked abt wt spin off au and windblume rewrite a bunch on this blog so let's go with amber and collei liyue trip!! :DD someone comes and tells amber they heard something about her grandfather in qingce while collei's in town and obv collei's like i can't hold you back on this! so they jsut decide to go together bc collei's packed a bag anyways and they're both adept w survival skills surely their different skills will come in handy for liyue. going to qingce leads them to going to yilong port (i'd do qiaoying but i feel like its too close) and amber's like. kinda stumbling w her broken canto-mando and feeling weirdly emotional and she and collei both bond w "coming back" to a generational homeland while feeling like a stranger and its an important moment to both of them bonding as friends and a pivitol point of collei changing her idea of amber as a savior as more of amber as a best friend yk :''). also ga-ming....... i don't know if he'll stay for long bc honestly i do want it to focus on amber and collei but i think it'd be fun for him to at least make an appearance or sm yk!! the narrative there could be so compelling.
Favorite relationship:
........................okay yeah obv it's amber and collei aksjbdkbsdja BUT. her and cyno are a close second :]
Favorite headcanon:
SNAKE MOMENT. i have a moment in my wt spin off au where she tends to a snake in spite of a phobia of them and it's representative of her first step towards healing AND her caring for her younger self even if she's still wrapped in so much hatred of her. also trans (she/her) lesbian.
First impression:
he's so sad :(( i want him please come home.... he has so so much heart and he doesn't even know it because of his own grief and guilt and objectification of himself :(( he's bruce-coded FUCK.
Impression now:
MAKES ME VIOLENT. i love him so so bad i miss him all the time. his story is soooo entangled with grief and acceptance and every little step he takes reflects that. he's such a fun character bc it's kinda a study on what comes after the tragic hero's story yk? except the tragedy is in part because he lives! he feels so so much and has such a big hear tbut denies it any priority bc it's easier not to. :((
Favorite moment:
PERILOUSWS TRAILS CUTSCNEe......... MY GOD. DERA GHODDD. FUCK. it makes me so so sick in the head that entire quest. xiao so readily sacrificing himself for the others because it's his duty to and because its what all his loved ones did. him closing his eyes and accepting it and finding comfort in the fact that he knows what happened to bosacius and that he's following his footsteps. him being saved and being surprised but That being such a key moment to his grieving process. also the poem from the waterborne poetry event :'') (aka the only part of that event that matters). it referencing all of the yakshas :'''''') and talking of him missing them
Idea for a story:
i don't have an actual story w xiao in mind... i would loooove to see another story quest w him and the other adepti though :''') i wanna see him in the past so so bad :C
Favorite relationship:
him and zhongli! :] they're both characters whos stories are about grief but both have different timelines to it and i think that's so so interesting especially when you remember how zhongli showed no emotion during the archon war and how his depart from his duty was his final stage of grief (acceptance) whereas xiao plunged himself into duty and emotional repression as a means to cope with all the grief and guilt and pain that he feels.
Favorite headcanon:
i think the wangshu inn staff gives him li xi sometimes and he's just like "i am literally older than you please stop i have no need for this" but he keeps it anyways. they have a small room saved for him at all times just in case he ever wants it (he never takes it but he appreciates it). <- its small bc he'd die if it was an open space.
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU. A different way to deal with Adam Taurus...
"Miss... Weiss? I need to have a private word with you, if that's alright?"
Weiss sighed. "It's just Weiss, Oz... stop calling me miss?"
"At least you know it's me?"
"Yes, but we'd know that anyway. You're a little boy, Oz and your voice sounds like it. What do you need?"
Oz blinked at that, before deciding to ignore the comment. "You stated that you hate your father, Weiss. How far, precisely, does that hatred extend?"
"I want nothing to do with him. Again, why?"
"Because there may be another way to get Mr Taurus away from Miss Belladonna. However, it requires sacrificing your father."
"You think my father's death would get him away from her?"
"Frankly, yes. He was treated abominably by the Schnee Dust Company, under your father's orders. How far do you think he would be willing to go for revenge?"
"I'm not sure I like the idea of using my father's death to buy currency with the Faunus... but then again..."
"If he is dead, he can no longer harm your mother, or your brother. Or you. The way he has treated all of you... was I currently still an adult I may have dealt with him anyway. I'm certain James would look the other way. Considering his attachment to your sister..."
"... he may even help... Oz, I can't say yes to you killing my father. But at the same time, I can't deny that it might be justifiable. I just... don't tell me until after the deed is done? I'm still a trainee huntress and you're still a huntsman."
"And hunters are sworn to end monsters. All monsters, not just the Grimm. I'm sorry, Weiss. I understand if you'll never talk to me again, besides it is merely one possibility amongst a few."
"You are my friend. Blake is my friend. My father may have sired me but he would sell Winter and I both in a heartbeat if it got him some sort of advantage. He locked me away. Oz? Please, leave me alone for awhile? I need to think."
"Of course. My apologies, Weiss." Oz bowed his head and left her to it, the others giving him strange looks on his return.
"What did you tell Weiss?" Yang asked, sounding curious and protective at the same time.
"Nothing you need concern yourself with yet, Miss Xiao Long."
"... Oz, you said you wouldn't keep any more secrets." She sounded vaguely ominous and Oz sighed.
"It isn't a secret. Merely an idea and likely a terrible one. I just worry for Miss Belladonna with the situation with Mr Taurus..."
"We all do."
"Yes, well... part of me hopes to run into him. We have things to discuss."
"... Oz, you're human. He won't want to talk to you."
"We'll see."
In the end, Adam ran into them. He seemed delighted to see Blake... for a given value of delighted, but rather less impressed when confronted by a silver haired ten year old.
"Ah. Mister Taurus, I was rather hoping I might run into you."
"That eager to die, child?" Adam sneered.
"Not exactly, but I believe we could come to a mutually beneficial agreement."
"I doubt it, but say I'm listening, kid. What sort of agreement."
"Myself and my friends work together to deliver Jaques Schnee to you on a silver platter and you let Blake live her own life and make her own choices." Oz's voice could have been carved out of solid stone.
"... I'm listening, kid..."
"I do not know what he did to you, sir. But he is a monster who preys on those weaker than him. Monsters on Remnant get put down."
"... I almost believe you, child. But you're human, why should I trust you to deliver on your end of this bargain."
"Simple. We deliver Jaques Schnee to you and you leave Blake alone. If we do not, you are free to try. I will fight you if I must, but his death at this point would be justifiable germicide."
Adam laughed, harshly. "I'm not scared of you, boy. But if you can do this, I suppose I will owe you enough of a debt to let Blake make her own choices. You ask what he did to me?" Adam raised his blindfold, showing the brand over one eye. Behind Oz, Weiss let out a cry of fury.
"Mister Taurus? If i can locate that brand, promise to use it on my father?"
Adam's eyes lit up, looking at Weiss with far less hostility than any of them had deemed possible.
"For that, little Miss Schnee? You have my respect. If you can do this and your friend can deliver your father... I will leave Blake alone. More, I'll try not to kill any of you. Fair?"
"Entirely." Oz stated, evenly.
"You never did introduce yourself, child... you look almost like she does but not at the same time. Who are you?"
"I believe you would know a previous version of me as Ozaryn."
Adam looked poleaxed.
"You... you're Ozaryn? Or you used to be? Why didn't you say that to start with... you helped found Faunus society..."
The others were staring at him, now, too.
"It was a last resort. As it stands, we deliver you Jaques Schnee and you leave Blake alone."
"Of course. You'll hear from me soon. Sir."
Adam left, back stiff and fists clenched.
"... Oz? Explain. Now."
"I'm not sure how to. Maybe ask Blake when we get back?" Oz demured.
"Uh HUH. Just how many mythical figures were you, anyway?"
"I... I'm not actually sure?" Oz blushed, ducking his head in mortification. "Some of them. not all."
"just those called Oz?" It was Jaune's turn to sigh. "Lets go back, pocket sized... you can explain later."
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lazycatmeowsalot · 3 years
Zhongli: I want to be a grandfather and have my own grandkids
Zhongli: *looks at Xiao* Unfortunately, my son can't even confess to his love. How tragic
Lumine: Xiao loves someone?
Xiao: L-lumine, why don't we go outside— *gives Zhongli a pleading look*
Zhongli: Heh
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nethercomfies · 2 years
✨Caring for them when they're sick✨
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Characters: Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Thoma, Xiao, Itto, Kazuha, Gorou
Content: Just kinda fluffy, no specific warnings for anything, gn!reader
Note: I've been a little busy for past couple of days, but I hope you all accept this small offering from me (• ▽ •;)
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• It's impossible to get him away from his research, to the point where you have to threaten to lock him inside his room until he's better
• He reluctantly agrees to stay in bed, but he frequently goes missing and you find him slumped over his desk, half asleep
• When you scold him, he complains that he just had a great idea and needed to write it down immediately… You drag him back to bed regardless
• He knows it's not good to keep running around, but he just can't help it -- There's too much he needs to do to be wasting time in bed!
• Despite all his complaining, he does actually appreciate the fact that you're concerned for his health. He's not really used to people doing that, so he doesn't quite know what to make of it at first, but in the end he decides he's glad about it
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• The only reason he isn't just out and about as usual is because Adelinde would strangle him for it
• He begrudgingly stays at home and lets his servants take care of him, just wanting to get better as soon as possible
• While a big reason for his sour mood over staying home is because he can't go about his usual "Dark Knight Hero" business, he can't deny that he also just wants to come see you (although he keeps that thought to himself)
• So it's only natural that when you decide to pay him a visit to see how he's doing, that instantly boosts his mood -- You end up staying until he's better because it's honestly easier for everyone involved when Diluc isn't constantly in a grumpy mood (and because you like being able to care for him too)
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• Kaeya would at first act like he's totally fine because he hates admitting to weakness, but you can see right through his tough act
• You call him out on it and while he tries to deny it, ultimately he gives in and admits that he's been a lot more tired than usual
• After that you immediately send him off to rest. He wants to just ignore it, but realizes you're genuinely concerned for him… He hasn't had anyone be that worried about him for a while, and since it's you we're talking about here, he decides to do as you say
• You take care of him the whole time, making sure he fully recovers before going about his usual business again
• Except he starts to kind of enjoy having you dote on him and ends up trying to drag his "recovery period" out for as long as possible (which you see right through, again)
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• God, Thoma… He's so good at caring for other people, but it's weird for him to be the one on the receiving end
• You'll be in the process of making soup for him and he drags himself into the kitchen, barely able to stand, tiredly buries his face in your neck and then asks if he should do the cooking instead so you can rest
• You send him back to bed and from then on he's strictly forbidden from leaving the bedroom unless it's absolutely necessary, for the time being
• He feels so bad watching you do all the work, but he knows you won't budge on the topic, so he doesn't even try
• After he's recovered he makes sure to take care of the household extra well to make up for having you do so much work (even after you assure him it wasn't actually a problem)
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• Xiao doesn't get sick often, but whenever he does, he just tries to power right through it, which only makes it worse for him in the end.
• It has to get REALLY bad before you can finally convince him to take a rest and let you take care of him while he recovers
• He feels so bad the entire time because he hates the thought of being weak - He's the one who's supposed to protect you, not the other way around
• He has kind of a hard time accepting your help, but you insist… Deep down he's grateful for it, even if he can't admit it
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• He probably also is the type to just insist that he's doing fine; whenever someone asks him if he's okay, he's like "Yup, probably just my allergies again ahaha"
• He's running around, constantly on the brink of falling asleep when you finally call him out on it. By that point he just instantly gives in because of how sick he feels
• You may or may not end up pampering a little and he starts to actually enjoy it, so he lays the sickness on extra thick to get even more care from you. You're fully aware he's just acting, but you play along
• He's not the easiest person to take care of, but you quickly figure out that he's much easier to deal with when you promise to cuddle with him afterwards (which might be a bit risky in regards of you getting sick yourself, but hey -- if it makes him happy, who are you to say no?)
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• Kazuha is actually really easy to care for - He realizes himself that it's better to get the rest he needs
• He's incredibly grateful to have you there, taking care of most tasks for him so he can just rest
• Spends most of his time just sleeping tbh
• When he feels well enough for it, he just spends his time trying to come up with poems -- All of which are meant for you as sort of a sign of his gratitude
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• Gorou probably knows he should be resting, but he can't help but constantly worry that some of his men might need his help
• It's as if it's impossible for him to just stop worrying for even a second, even while he's half asleep with a fever
• Still, he listens when you tell him to let it be and rests, because he hates the idea of making you feel worried for him even more
• Probably really likes it when you pat his head until he falls asleep, it helps him calm down a little
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Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Reblogs/Comments are always appreciated, but don't feel obligated to ^^
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mayullla · 2 years
Imagine in the orphanage au genshin impact, the reader get a visit from their friend and it causes envy and jealousy bcs it steals away most of their attention on the characters so they cause trouble so that the reader pays attention to them
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Thank you very much for your sweet words~! Sorryyy for taking this long T-T
This is related to this (orphanage sagau au) for those who don't know so if you want to understand this post you kinda have to read this.
You were always busy with the kids who almost always kept you busy. And maybe cause of it you started to neglect your social life a little, you were the only one who works here after all.
Your friends are all understanding, it was sudden and life can be like that. They were friends you cherished and you were delighted when one of your friends started to visit as often as possible whenever they could.
They would love to help you with the children, help you take them to sleep or play with them while you were busy with other things, the kids just absolutely hate to play with anyone that isn't you. While not mean to your friends since they didn't necessarily do anything wrong even if all the characters are just jealous of the fact that person knew you longer than them... they just can't help but ignore that person.
But they leave that person in peace and when they take a little more attention than they would like they would just simply bother you, dragging you away from them. You already had a bit of time with them now it was their turn!!
But the trouble it would bring if your other friends didn't understand the atmosphere around the children or if the kids didn't like someone.
That one friend who tried to pinch everyone's cheeks at least once got chomped by some of the kids. (Itto, Razor, Gorou... and surprisingly Xiao) You force the kids who did so to a corner as punishment telling them not to do that again only for that to happen again.
That one person who keeps on asking you to hang out with them even after you told them you were busy. (They mean well all they want was to hang out with you... they are just dense...) Sometimes, one of the kids sneakily answers the phone call instead of you (probably Hutao and the more cheeky ones.) The kid would then proceed to talk about the most random things on the call and when your friend would ask them to hand the phone to you, they could just hear that small smug laugh that kid. "No." *Click* *Beeeep*
They ended the call...
Then there is that friend who just wants to hang out with you, to the point that they would show up at the orphanage just to drag you away telling you that you just have not spent enough time with them and that it needs to be fixed. And when you deny them they would ask if the kids are more important than them or if your friendship means nothing to you. You would hesitate, telling them it was not that but that you were just busy.
It is sad really that the children all heard that... well a few did and they choose to tell everyone about it and if you knew you would have told them never to come to the orphanage.
Your friend was stubborn or maybe a little spoiled? They just want to hang out with you so when you are just so stubborn to them, they choose to just stay in your orphanage and pout.
Dear the moment they went to the bathroom when they washed their hands only for them to get electrocuted by the water shocking them and when they tried to remove their hand from the water trying to take the step back. Only to slip and fall on their butt, they should be glad that they didn't hit their head but they didn't remember the floor being wet? they looked at the floor... it wasn't wet yet when they saw their foot it was trapped in... ice?
They tried to call you, yelling your name but you were outside as some of the louder children called you to play with you. Their screams and laughter made you unable to hear your friend's cries.
The next thing was when Razor took their phone running toward Lisa and Yae Miko who opened the camera and started taking selfies together. Kaeya soon joined dragging Diluc and Thoma with him, while Yae Miko pulled Ayato and Ayaka to the selfie session. They even managed to get Shenhe, Albedo and Sucrose in it as they pose. When you found out about the selfies you begged your friend to send them to you before deleting like how could these children be so cute?? how could you delete such a precious picture!
Well, when your friend finally was able to get out of that little problem. Annoyed and angry they searched for their phone yet just could not find it anywhere...? Till they saw their phone with Hu Tao.
They demand to have their phone back to annoyed to act nice towards a child. Hu Tao smiled at them and instead of giving it to them she joked around annoying them even more and when they tried to grab it from the girl Hutao tossed the phone backward your friends gasped in fear as the phone flew high into the air scared that when it lands on the floor it would break.
Only that Kazuha caught it.
They sighed in relief and then smiled at the small boy asking for their phone this time in a much nicer voice. But it was all for not when Kazuha tilted to one side as he threw their phone above them, your friend looked back to see that a girl with blue hair caught it. Beidou was quick to yell at her with a grin on her face to throw the phone at her. When Ganyu saw them slowly walk towards her, she threw the phone to Beidou who just grinned and toss the phone to Eula when your friend got close to grabbing it.
Eula tossed the phone to Mona who tossed it to Rosaria who again tossed it to Kazuha. Your friend just trying to get their phone back. they continued this till your friend screamed at them to just stop and that they were just the worst!!
"Here then. Why dont you take it?" Rosaria was holding the phone showing it to your friend who simply huffed and walked over to her...
only to trip.
Your friend didn't know who it was that tripped them but it was then when you joined the room, a smile on your face when you saw all of the kids smiling and your friend on the floor.
When you asked what happened their smiles changed to that of an innocent angel. "Nothing that would trouble you." Kazuha told you, while Mona nodded "We were just playing with your friend!" When you saw Ganyu's hesitant nod you choose to believe them.
They are nice kids after all.
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big-brainrot-hours · 3 years
First off, can I be 🌟, and Fatui! Xiao, I'm interested 👀
Fatui!Xiao Headcanons || SAGAU Xiao x Reader
Absolutely you can!! It’s nice to meet you 🌟!! Also,, here we go, fatui xiao :)
Part of this is gonna be copy pasted from another post of mine because I’m not sure if anyone saw it lol
Also!! This was supposed to come out yesterday but I got a bit carried away with my drawing so I hope yall like that too lol
Warnings: SAGAU, obsessive/cult behavior, mentions of past abuse/torture, fatui!xiao, fatui!reader
First off, here’s my drawing of Fatui!Xiao (if you’re on mobile you’re going to have to tap on it because i think tumblr destroyed the quality lol)
Headcanons under the cut
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— — — — — — —
Fatui!Xiao doesn’t change much from the regular Xiao. The only difference now is that he doesn’t do anything for anyone other than himself and darling anymore. Like, you know how he tells the traveller to call and he’ll be there? Yeah, that’s not a thing anymore for anyone except darling.
At first, he does cover up from the cold, but he finds that all the layers of the bulky clothing you’ve asked him to wear makes him a bit slower. It’s barely noticeable; only a fraction of his speed has decreased, but he notices it and he doesn’t like it. So he goes back to wearing his regular clothes and finds that the cold really has no effect on him. He figures it’s because of your sheer desire for him to stay warm, and once again he thanks you for your divine presence.
So he’s not cold anymore, but he sticks close to you. As time goes on, he eventually shows you the markings that he was born with but have been damaged by his past. Instead of reacting with anger or disgust, though, you ask him if he’s okay and comfort him. And he starts to hate himself a bit less. It’s around this time that you two get your custom fatui outfits commissioned, and he chooses to get his looking like that. It combines aspects of both his old outfit and the Fatui uniforms.
Him showing off his markings isn't just about him looking cooler. It's also that his markings aren't what they used to look like. Before, they were clear and crisp and vibrant, almost like works of art across his skin.
After his time with Osial, though, the marks have changed. Osial hated the fact that Xiao was blessed with divine marks and would tear them off over and over again until they were unrecognizable once the skin and flesh finally grew back. They're warped and faded, and you can't tell what they used to look like.
His marks are also damaged by all the scars he has covering his body, so the reason he always covered his arms (why he always wore his old gloves) is because he was ashamed of the way they looked now. He thought his ruined markings were a sign of his god abandoning him. Why would anyone want something so damaged and ugly? He's grown to hate his own body and the way it's been ruined, so he covers it all up. It gets to a point where people have forgotten he even has them. Even Morax has forgotten that he has them.
So him showing them now isn't just about looking hot (although that's definitely part of my reasoning tho lmao), it's also a show of devotion to his god, and his way of learning to love (or at least not hate) his own body again.
Xiao in the fatui is a horrifying concept for everyone involved, except maybe Xiao and darling. Xiao’s not known by mortals; none know either of his names, and no one really knows who he is, but everyone knows about the legends of the last light of the god. And now that Xiao is here, markings and scars and light on display, there’s no denying who he is. And all the markings on his body, cut through and warped by scars, go to show how powerful he is, to have been through as much as he has and to still come out alive.
The thing about Xiao is that, as stated many times before, he is loyal to no archon or nation, only to darling. So the real difference would be determined by you and how you choose to treat him.If you want him to be a ruthless murderer, he’ll do it. But if you want him to be the somewhat soft boyfriend that he’s depicted as in some fics? It’ll be hard, but he’ll definitely try.
He does hold somewhat of a level of respect for the harbingers and Tsaritsa. Of course, considering he pretty much hates everyone else in Teyvat right now, it’s not that big of an achievement.
He and Childe get along better now than they did before. They’re still not friends or anything, but they do have a sense of mutual respect. Also, now that they’re getting along somewhat, Xiao occasionally entertains Childe’s demands to fight. Of course, he doesn’t have to put that much effort into it (given by how I destroy Childe in minutes lmao) but it’s still a satisfying fight for both of them. Especially when their wonderful God is cheering them on from the sidelines.
He’s allowed to attend meetings with the Tsaritsa and the harbingers. They’ve been plotting ways to make the other nations pay for what they’ve done to you. He stays in the meetings and gives them ideas from time to time or tells them when one of their plans is something you wouldn’t like. They listen to him because, despite how much they envy him, they know that he’s your favorite and he knows you better than anyone else in Teyvat.
Basically, he’s more willing to hurt people now so long as you ask him to, and most of the fatui are either envious of his position as your personal guard and favorite, afraid of him since you can tell how experienced he is in battle by just looking at him now, or some mix of both. And also, him and the harbingers and the Tsaritsa are plotting revenge for you.
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cinnamonest · 2 years
Xiao’s darling giving him sex ed lessons and teaching him how to actually fuck a girl without incapacitating her in the process because her poor unprepped pussy just can’t take it anymore
You can try, but he gets impatient.
Admittedly, he is enjoying learning to some extent... he just has very selective hearing. He is absorbing the parts where you're talking about this or that spot that feels good... but ignoring the whole part about timing.
He sees it in a very linear, straightforward way, as if there is a defined line where putting dick in goes from not ok to ok and he just has to cross that line, then he's good to go and you won't be upset. Like entering a passcode to unlock a door or something, it's like some set mechanical order of specific actions, then enter. But that's just mental, anyway, you don't really need it. Your body was quite literally designed for him to put his cock inside... that's why the hole is there to begin with. If you had to do a bunch of things to be "ready" for it, there's no way humanity as a species would have survived this long. It's only logical.
You're trying to introduce our boy to foreplay and other concepts he's apparently a stranger to, like !!! See, you can make out and kiss?? You can stroke his cock with your hand?? Isn't that nice? :) Which is rather nonsensical, if you ask him. Of course, it is very nice, but he can kiss you while he's inside you just as easily, like he normally does. And while your hand is nice, it absolutely cannot compare to pussy. It's not all slick and warm and doesn't have the same all-around gripping feeling. It's inherently inferior, which means it's pointless. Why substitute for the real thing when the real thing is right there...? What's the point? Still, while there is absolutely no logical reason to delay intercourse, if it makes you happy, he can go along with it... Humans have always had their bizarre rituals.
Okay, so you've kissed for a full minute now. The box has been checked. He can put it in now right? If it's being kissed that you like, don't worry, he'll keep doing that once he's inside anyhow... No?? Well, what else do you want.
You want to be touched (another thing that could absolutely be done while inside you), to be kissed (as previously established, can be done inside of you), and to have lubrication, you specify, before putting it in (but you normally get wet anyway once he's inside you anyhow). In other words, you end up having this very long list of unnecessary prerequisites. You say something about how the right moment comes naturally, instinctively or something. He thinks that's true... there is a sort of sudden urge to put it in at a specific moment... But that moment is immediately.
Frustrating. What's even the point. Honestly, he's starting to believe this is some kind of sadism on your end, you enjoy psychological torture. Because you're going on about touching you, but you should be well aware the agony you inflict by allowing him to touch with his hands and denying the same right to his poor, leaking, twitching, throbbing cock. You wrap your legs around his waist and you grind your bodies together and you still won't let him inside?? It's cruel and unfair to him.
The way this whole thing backfires against you is that by the time you actually give him the green light, he's so frustrated and pent up that it's a lot harder and more intense than usual. Which makes you sore, which was exactly what you were initially trying to prevent. Playing yourself at its finest. You're better off investing in lube to be honest, as that can be applied within ten seconds and thus fits into the span of his patience.
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silentstep · 2 years
chengqing for the ask game?
Ship It, ship it, shiiiiiip iiiiiiiit, my otp
What made you ship it?
a nebulous sort of question! Who know what alchemy makes these things happen? But: Jiang Cheng is very very much my character type, and in a lot of ways Wen Qing is too, although we spend less narrative space with her; they're both incredibly lonely people in their positions and circumstances, who want to have partners on whom they can rely and trust, and they would like to be that person for their own partner, and they very much want each other, and they would be so good as partners, and they both! have! nobody, basically! who can really fill that position in their lives, or who would be so well suited, AND YET THEY ARE SO TRAGICALLY DENIED—
What are your favorite things about the ship?
they're both loud, strong-willed, stubborn people, who live beneath seventeen layers of hard bitter self-protective shell, and yet beneath them they are just. actually sweet. and they're so devoted, so devoted, they'll walk themselves to their deaths in contentment for the people they love and never even say a word about it, they're so fucking dutiful. I'm so so so weak to dutiful characters. CHARACTERS TORN BETWEEN LOVE AND DUTY, is there anything better, THERE IS NOT.
but my actual favorite thing is just how good a match they are for each other! they are 110% on the same page about pretty much everything, in that they agree with each other about what the right decision is in every situation. are My People in danger? Move heaven and earth to save them, up to and including sacrificing innocent outsiders. They don't want to do that— they both have perfectly functional moral compasses, they don't want to hurt innocents— but they'll do it for Their People's sake, when push comes to shove. If only they could yoke together, imagine how well they'd sort!
and you know what else? I like that they both know it. There are so many relationships where the central tragedy is that neither ever really knew how much they meant to the other until it was too late, like Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian. Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen have a touch of that, too, and so do Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. But Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing actually don't have any of that. Jiang Cheng, when he first meets her, has no idea of the extent of the malice and destruction that Wen Ruohan means to bring to bear on the cultivation world and his clan in particular, and she at that point already knows that it's going to be her people or his, and that she's choosing hers, and that she is consciously already betraying every good faith effort he's making to reach out— when he sees her in their cabin and goes "Wen-guniang!! Why are you here? :) :) :D" and she can't even respond because the real answer is "to help my uncle bring fire and death to this sanctuary of peace and learning, for the sake of the lives of my family and clan" and it breaks my heart— but like. that's the last time they don't understand each others' situations. They know that they want each other, and they know that it doesn't matter, because they can't have each other. </3
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
hahahahahahahha!! yes. it's: she's not domming him. He's not ~submissive and breedable~ and she doesn't peg him about it. So sorry, you're just going to have to get over the fact that it's ew icky het without any femdom to make it better. They're actually completely equal partners! or, if anything— no, listen, this mostly isn't even out of spite, but like— I mean, I look at Wen Qing, who has been gritting her teeth under all her burdens that she's refused to let anyone share for so long, and like…
WQ:  what if I 😳 let go of control for a hot minute 😳 and it resulted in nice things happening to me and not things like, say, my entire family dying
Canon:  no  :)
& I'm just so so so annoyed by all the jokes and memes that are just "lol Jiang Cheng wants Wen Qing but she doesn't want him back I mean can you imagine haha! imagine a female character wanting a male character; imagine a female character having vulnerabilities instead of being Strong™… she must always stay in perfect control at all times and none of the feelings can be on her side or else she's not Strong" and no!!  her strength and tragedy are that she DOES want him and she knows she can't have him and she holds herself back because of it!  it's that she doesn't ever get to focus on just the things she wants for herself because she always has to be in full-on survival mode!  it's horribly sad!  it's not a good thing!  it's a sad thing!  give Wen Qing someone she can trust to handle things sometimes!!  she's so alone in shouldering everything all the time; it hurts my heart.  During their time in the Burial Mounds she & WWX are absolutely bros & it's great, but in a lot of ways he's also someone she's got to manage.  Jiang Cheng's number 1 good characteristic is that he shows up and pulls his weight every single day no matter how boring and unglamorous.  and I just want that for her, let her be attracted to his strength, come on, come on
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also on his side, my g-d, let Jiang Cheng get to feel actually valued for his strengths for once in his life???? let his reliability and dedication and work ethic be valued by an important person in his life! His entire family made him and his mother feel like the bad guys for not being ~fun~ when there was important work to be done, and for him I want someone who'll consider that a good thing instead. And she would.
and I do think, honestly, that they would both find a relationship in which neither of them has to always be the Caretaker or the Nag to be a huge relief and a safe harbor.
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