#Wafflespam brainrot
waffle-spam · 29 days
Jealous Xiao Headcanons
Scenario: How would Xiao react to seeing you interacting with someone else?
Contents: Fluff, Reader's gender isn't specified
The Wangshu Inn cooking event (cough cough the Lyney cutscenes) had me thinking
Anyway this is my first post after lurking for a bit. Idk if I'll write more. We'll see
Would observe undetected from a distance.
Listens in on your conversation if you mention his name. Briefly considers materializing in front of you with a "You called?" if you do, just to catch the other person off guard and maybe scare them off, but as an adeptus he has more restraint than to fall to such human and petty whims. So he continues watching over you two, eyes narrowed.
Once he's seen enough, he'd do something to distract himself remind himself of his duties and go patrol in another part of Liyue for any demons to vanquish.
It's because he noticed that he started experiencing these strange emotions. He felt... Threatened? Uneasy? From seeing a mortal talking to you? Impossible. Rather than entertaining the thought any longer, he retreats to focus on his contract of protecting Liyue from monsters. To focus on something he knows.
If you're already talking to Xiao and you're approached by the person he'd change where he's standing relative to you and the other person as if he were flanking you in battle, as if he were protecting your blind spot.
Similarly, his gaze would shift to the other person, glancing at their hands, pockets, etc. or even anticipating any sudden moves.
(If you were an adventurer or fighter of some sort:) After a bit he'd take you by the hand, muttering something about "sensing a demonic presence elsewhere" and that "it would be faster if he had your assistance".
(Mind you this would be the first time he indirectly asked for you to help him with something rather than you insisting and eventually him giving in. Normally he'd abhor the idea of handing off or even sharing his responsibilities or burdens with another person, especially a mortal...)
(But something told him he needed to get you away from the other person, despite the fact that they weren't exhibiting even the slightest hint of a threat.)
If you picked up on any of Xiao's strange behaviors and pointed then out (read: poked fun at him for it) he'd just scoff and look away, denying everything.
"Hmph. 'Jealousy' is a mortal emotion. One I do not have. You have no respect for the adepti."
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waffle-spam · 21 days
When they overhear you singing (Xiao and Venti)
Contents: Fluff, can be platonic or romantic, Reader's gender isn't specified
Ok we know that he's heard music before and has some capacity to appreciate it
Would listen to you silently, not wanting to interrupt or disturb you
If you notice him watching and stop singing bro is gonna blame himself and never perceive you again
If you look at him after your song is over, though, you might catch him quickly averting his eyes and/or covering his face.
He'd mumble a compliment to you before vanishing in a puff of black smoke
Harmonizing with you and/or playing along on his lyre
He knows every song in Teyvat. Of course he knows the words and chord progressions to the song you're singing
After you finish singing he's going to praise you so much.
And once he knows you can sing, you aren't safe /lh
He's going to be constantly approaching you with songs asking you to duet with him
Or maybe if you two are alone (and if you're comfy) he'd make song requests
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waffle-spam · 22 days
Can you do wanderer/scaramouche or xiao x reader who is an animal archon!
Literally animals will be following reader EVERYWHERE and all of the animals trust her!
It's ok if you don't do it Ofc❤
Aaa my first ask! I've never written characterization for Scara before but I'll see what I can do :D
Scenario: You're the animal archon, constantly being followed by animals
Characters: Xiao, the Wanderer
Content: Fluff, Reader's gender isn't specified
Would keep his distance at first. Very worried that his karmic debt would hurt them
I always hc'ed Xiao to have bird-like traits or behaviors so I feel like he'd be subconsciously drawn to you as well
Either because he feels safe around you (the reason why most small animals seem to seek you out) or because he feels a need to protect you (the reason why larger animals gravitate toward you). His bird instincts and his warrior instincts contradict but either way he'd feel a pull towards you
Since you're an archon that means you're powerful enough to resist and maybe even counter his corruption (think like Venti playing music and the sound stopping Xiao from losing his mind).
Take him by the hand and reassure him that it's going to be okay, that you're not going to let the corruption affect any of the animals, that he's safe and welcome here.
The dogs and boars will look at the yaksha warily. It's not their fault -- they can sense the corruption and instinctively feel uneasy. Reassure them and they'll trust your judgement
He would watch in quiet fascination as a small finch approaches, allowing you to scoop it up in your nurturing hands
He'd freeze up as you reach out for his hand but he trusts you, letting you coax the little bird into his gloved hands
He would remain deathly still, not wanting to disturb the creature as it nestles against the worn leather of his gloves, fluffing up its feathers in satisfaction
Every once in a while on your travels, you'll be visited by a suspiciously familiar teal colored bird. It doesn't sing or chirp like the other birds. Instead, it sits itself in a nearby perch, as if watching over you and your animal friends almost protectively like you were its own flock
You sense its adeptal energy but you don't say anything about it
Sometimes you can coax it to come closer, though it always tries to keep some distance from the other animals for some reason.
Due to your status and powers as an archon, very few monsters ever approach close enough to bother you to begin with but whenever the teal finch is in the vicinity, it's like there aren't any monsters in sight. Almost as if its presence was repelling them...
Wait. You're an archon? Yikes
Jk if this is Hat Guy and not the Balladeer, he probably doesn't care (or isn't AS bothered) that you're a godly entity. Besides, if he causes trouble, Aunt Buer will make him apologize anyway...
The first time you arrive in Sumeru (It's been a couple hundred years since you visited due to trying to avoid the bouts of Withering caused by the Cataclysm. You didn't want animals following you there and getting sick) you see a small little creature with a :] face approaching you. Well, at first you don't identify what it is because it's covered by what looks like a big hat
it places the hat in front of you and makes a bouncing motion, as if in greeting
Not long after the little creature sets down its "offering" to you, you hear footsteps that give way to the arrival of a very angry looking puppet.
The rishboland tigers laying down beside you give a small warning growl and the little shroomboars huddle behind you for protection from this new person.
At first he thinks you're just a mortal and asks what the tell you think you're doing sitting out in the wilderness contracting diseases from wild animals (which earns another growl from the rishboland tiger that was enjoying a nice nap resting its head in your lap)
But then he'd sense that you're an archon and give you a look but not say anything
You'd have to convince the Aranara (or the "forest gremlin", as the Wanderer put it) to return the hat back to him
"Is this your friend?" You ask, amused, after coaxing the fairy-like creature to release the hat.
"Hardly." The Wanderer crosses his arms, eyes flashing with contempt. "Little menace follows me around constantly. The whole lot of them do. And they just... watch."
"It's been a while since I've interacted with one," you think out loud, coaxing the shroomboars to come out of hiding. "But from what I remember, Aranara normally only ever show themselves around small children. They must see something in you that makes them trust you."
For a moment, the crease in the Wanderer's forehead disappears. An unreadable expression crosses his face as if he were contemplating your words, but as soon as the expression appeared it was gone.
He grit his teeth and let out a dry laugh, as if deciding to disregard your words.
Alternate version for Scaramouche's part:
Being the animal archon, you can sense things in living beings.
Specifically, when they're not actually living beings.
Living things had a pulse. They breathed. They strained when put under stress but healed and kept living.
Ruin Guards have a constant creaking sound whenever they move, artificially propelled by magic that had stopped being practiced before even you manifested into the world. Maybe your predecessor would have seen it, understood it. The clockwork meka in Fontaine give off a metronomic clicking sound, keeping time through their walk cycles and other pre-programmed movements.
Sure, these things are animated, but it would be a stretch to call them alive.
When you first met the Wanderer, you didn't sense a pulse, nor did you hear that telltale clicking of gears and wires. He wasn't quite alive, but too elaborate to come across as an artificial imitation.
Maybe, after knowing each other for a looong time, Wanderer will disclose his past to you. How he isn't a god nor a human.
The two of you are sitting in a clearing, you followed by animals, him followed by Aranara.
"Well... Even if you're not the same species as a human..." You say after thinking for a long while, "I still consider you to be a person."
His eyes widen ever so slightly as he listens to you.
"You have the capacity to think and feel and want, just like anyone else. To me, that makes you just as alive as any human, even if you don't share some of the physical traits."
With the way he described his past, such a human reaction to pain and betrayal, the only thing that seemed to set him apart was the godly ability he inherited.
He'd consider your words in silence, not offering a response, but for a moment you swore you heard a heartbeat.
A/N: I was mostly just throwing things at the wall and seeing if it worked for this one. Idk how to write Scaramouche I'm sorry asdfjkl
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waffle-spam · 9 days
Heyy is me again(≡^∇^≡)
Can you do anemo boys x Moana reader Please❤❤
Also again it's ok if you don't do it(❁´◡`❁)
I also love you writing!!
Hiii thanks for the ask! I'm still only really familiar with writing Xiao so I can't promise much for the others lol. I'm going to try to put something down for each character though
Scenario: Venti, Xiao, and Kazuha with Moana!Reader (Maybe someday I'll revisit this with Heizou and Wanderer as well)
Contents: a LOT of exposition (I tried to come up with a backstory explaining how Reader got this ability), gender not specified, fluff
Ok so first of all, this is different from having a hydro vision. You can't just summon/weaponize water at will. It's more like the water is its own entity and you're able to communicate with it?
Let's say that it's an oceanid thing. You don't remember very clearly because it was such a long time ago, but you first "befriended" the water when you were very little. You were playing on the beach and you wandered into a cave. You were exploring when you noticed a faint blue light. Not only is the cavern cast in a soft cerulean light, but it reflects off the small pools in the cave, reflecting patterns onto the cave walls. You followed the light until you found the source: a floating, glowing little fairy-like creature with a singular glowing eye, fin-like arms and a fish tail. It seemed to be made of water, it's colors rippling and shifting like the pools in the cave. You didn't understand it but it seemed... lost. You gesture for it to follow you and it seems to understand, letting you guide it back outside. You notice it didn't like to stray too far from the water. You lead it back to the beach where you were having a picnic with your parents to try to offer it some food. It didn't seem interested, only floating around the sandwiches and bulle fruits curiously. You hear a sound from the shore and you look over to see something rising out of the water. It resembled your small floating friend, only much bigger, towering over you. The smaller one instantly flies over to its larger counterpart -- you wonder if it's its mama -- and you watch as the smaller one zips around, practically dancing, as if excitedly retelling its adventure. The larger one observed silently, as if listening, before looking over to you. After a few moments it pivots away, returning back into the seawater. The smaller creature looks at you and does a little flip in the air before diving underwater alongside its companion.
(Basically you helped a baby oceanid return home and its caretaker put a blessing on you so that other water spirits know that you're friendly. Since there are other bodies of water in Teyvat besides just the ocean, I'm writing it so that the local water spirits wherever you go are the ones bending the water to your favor.)
Ok now for the actual character stuff
I'm gonna be real with y'all idk what interactions would happen with Venti BUT I HAVE ANOTHER IDEA
Wisp Venti
Like in his little wind spirit form
Basically you're collecting elemental spirit friendships like they're pokemon
The Yaksha was in Dihua Marsh, littered with cuts and gashes from fighting off a particularly aggressive group of hilichurls
Due to expending so much energy, his karmic debt is acting up as well
Between the splashing sounds of his stumbling footsteps, he can hear vengeful echoes of fallen opponents, the ghosts of comrades and victims alike, a familiar cold presence taking eating away at his body, sapping away more and more of his strength
Before he collapses into the cold, blood-tainted water, he's lands in a certain sometimes arms
"I've told you to stop coming out to look for me." Xiao mutters gruffly, grumbling about his karmic debt and how you keep risking exposure to it, though he doesn't resist when you scoop up his weakened form.
You both noticed some time ago that you have some sort of resistance to his corruption whenever you're near a body of water, as if it's siphoning some of its strength to you. Eventually Xiao gave up trying to avoid you altogether, though every once in a while he re-voices his concern of his presence being dangerous to you and you have to reassure him that you're fine.
"The marsh wouldn't stop nagging me to get over here." You retort, remembering how the current at some point picked you up and carried you here faster than you could've run.
"The hydro spirits get grumpy when you start bleeding out into their waters, you know," You tease softly, opening up the medical kit that the water had carried over to you and was currently holding up for you to quickly find what you need.
You press the gauze against a wound in his arm before securing it in place with a bandage. As you work, you fill the silence with stories of the water spirits and their antics today, the marsh water occasionally rippling and shaping itself to illustrate what you were saying.
The entire time, Xiao is watching your hands -- not the water -- without speaking a word.
He swears he can feel his corruption fading in your presence... or maybe it was because of the water? If the water favored you and you were helping him, did the water favor him by extension?
This scenario would probably be the closest to the original Moana since it involves ships in the sea
Wait you're basically like the hydro version of Kazuha. Not the anemo/hydro vision part but the way the wind is always telling Kazuha stuff
Like I can picture as you're sailing on the Alcor, Kazuha tells you what he can sense in the wind and you tell him what you can sense in the water. The different birds/fishes and what they're doing, the breezes/currents, etc
You can tell who the favorite is :headinhands:
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