#writer's workshop
bulbagarden · 1 month
we're running a shipping one-shot fanfiction contest over on our forums! signups end on march 31, and we have quite a few categories for entrants to be winners in -- both romantic and platonic ships are accepted! winners get free reviews and possibly other prizes, and go in our writers' workshop hall of fame!! i (lisia) am helping run the event, and blanc and i are going to try and participate, so come join us if you'd like...! hope to see you there o7
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forever--darling · 1 year
writer's workshop
Can we normalize the fact that even though fandom writing is so popular, it as well as writing in general is not always an accepted career?
Writing I believe is hard to be successful in and I praise people that can do it. However, I also look down on myself for believing that I could never make a career out of it. That thought led me to choose other career paths where I felt like I could find the most success. Though I don't regret the major I have chosen, I still wonder why I thought I had to give up writing fanfiction considering many authors in the industry started out with writing about fandoms.
I gave up writing on Tumblr and writing fanfiction at all because I thought there'd be no point doing it when I went away to college. I wasn't majoring in anything English or writing-based, so I believed that it wasn't worth my time. So to focus on my science degree, I stopped writing and pushed this passion to the back of my mind after having been doing it for over five years. Mostly because of a preconceived idea that writing fanfiction and writing any sort of fiction at all could only be something that was accepted when I was a child and a teenager. (Which is not true, obviously)
Now two years after giving up this part of myself, I got more inspiration and decided to open a new tab again. Posting on here, was never for validation, but to share a part of me that I felt I couldn't share with the people in my life. I have realized that no matter how I choose to live my life, or what career path I take, I shouldn't feel that I have to give up things that make me happy -- neither should you.
I guess I am just wondering if other people experience this conflict the older they get while trying to balance it with a future lifestyle and/or that same preconceived idea that you have to give up writing fanfiction?
a/n: I encourage all writers or anyone who has thoughts to leave them below for a detailed discussion. If you would like to reach out personally through a direct message because it is more comfortable, that is totally fine too. I just would love to talk about this with anyone who might be interested or dealing with the same thing.
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dianestelfoxcook · 11 months
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EDIT: I am disabling reblogs because it's outdated yet still spreading like wildfire. My addition regarding the new deal had been largely ignored
I'll re-enable when people realize this.
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iowacitypast · 2 years
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Iowa Writers' Workshop staff David Pryce Jones, R. V. Cassill, Robert V. Williams, Richard Yates, Paul Engle, Mark Strand, Eugene K. Garber, George Starbuck, and Frederic Will, The University of Iowa, mid-1960s
Creator: Kent, F.W.
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books · 9 months
Writers! Assemble!
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Calling all #writers on tumblr! We have something very special lined up for you here on @books this month: Your very own Betts (@bettsfic) is running a writing workshop!
Who is @bettsfic?
Betts has been on Tumblr since 2012, where she mostly answers writing advice asks but occasionally goes on reblogging sprees of fleeting hyperfixations. She’s the Editor-in-Chief of OFIC Magazine (@oficmag), a literary journal for original fiction by fanauthors. She also leads the Fanauthor Workshop (@fanauthorworkshop).
Beth's fiction has most recently appeared in The Write Launch, Barren Magazine, and Rivet Journal. She received the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund Grant and was a Hudson Prize and Launch Pad Prose Competition finalist. Her work has been supported by the Millay, Jentel, and Kimmel-Harding Nelson Center artist residencies, among others, and she’s been teaching creative writing for seven years as a college instructor and a freelance writing coach. You can find out more at bethweeks.com.
What's this about a workshop?
A writing workshop is generally a gathering of writers sharing work and giving feedback. In this case, we’re hosting what’s called a generative workshop, which means we’ll be introducing core writing concepts and providing prompts for you to work on and share. 
How does this work?
Each Monday over the next four weeks, starting August 14, we’ll post a workshop post for the week at 10 AM EST. 
On Wednesdays, Betts will answer any questions you might have. Please send us your questions here on @books on Monday/Tuesday, so she can review them and prepare answers for posting on the Wednesday of that week.
Every Friday is Feature Friday! Betts will select work from the #tumblr writing workshop with betts tag page, and we'll reblog it to Books. 
How to join:
You can get as involved as you like. Message us here at Books to be included in the tag list on each Monday workshop post so that you get a notification. 
You can also simply follow along quietly on the #tumblr writing workshop with betts tag page.
Ask any questions you might have before we start here, and Betts will answer them here on Books through this next week.
So, sharpen your pencils, polish your keyboards, and follow the #tumblr writing workshop with betts tag, and we'll see you in the writers' room <3
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weebsinstash · 3 months
Ok I SWEAR I'm not trying to babygirlify VALENTINO of all people but I keep thinking of this
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Do you guys remember in the Alastor comic where, it's never really explained why, but Alastor reached for a rose and it wilted before he touched it. We aren't really sure how, but all Sinners seem to have some sort of actual punishment or draw back to living "downstairs" because technically otherwise you're just, running around the same as being alive
And then you have this line from Loser Baby
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Is Valentino's punishment in Hell that his eyes are too bad for him to create art? Or is it symbolic of something that happened when he was alive? Is it just a "ha ha funny moth" joke?
also. I think he might be into botany, or he likes the smell of flowers as a moth demon, because did you guys peep the environmental storytelling on the fact his room has a massive plant terrarium and even the porn studio of all places has vines? You're telling me this catty controlling bitch keeps plants in his workplace and his private room? There's no way it's not because he isn't a plant hobbyist or something
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I wanna put this creep under a microscope and study him like an incurable disease 😩❤️
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thehalfwaypost · 3 months
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mrghostrat · 13 days
hi bilvy!
i’ve been writing for as long as i can remember, but i still feel behind in a way. my writing is not even close to where i want it to be and it can be really frustrating and demotivating to have some grand idea for a scene but not be able to execute it properly.
and i absolutely adore your writing. i think you’re brilliant and endlessly talented and i wish my writing could be even half as good as yours.
sooooooo do you have any tips for improving writing? i know practice makes perfect or whatever but i need something more specific. i really struggle with not being descriptive enough (especially with any kind of physical touch). how can i improve on that?
i’m so sorry for the long ask, i know you’re busy. i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself when you can :)
READ!! if you aren’t improving from writing practise, you need to read more. soak up other styles and discover new ways to get your thoughts onto a page.
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poetryorchard · 4 months
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Join @nashira in her first writing workshop of the year on LIST POEMS! (this is my first time facilitating in 4 months 🥹💚 come write list poems with me?)
🎟️Tickets £1+ Attendance NOT required! Feel free to sign just for the materials!
Sign up here 💚
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3eanuts · 8 months
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December 31, 1955 — see The Complete Peanuts 1955-1958
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zorosdimples · 2 months
trying to hype myself up for this astarion fic even though most people have moved on from bg3
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essektheylyss · 3 months
I am obsessed with how narratively convenient Lark's divinatory abilities are. She's the only one of the protagonists who is both pragmatic and has a working sense of self-preservation, so having some internal impulse that is actually the guiding hand of the cosmos pushing her into doing the REALLY stupid shit is both necessary and really useful.
Like, I am the type of writer who kind of scoffs at the idea that characters are beyond the writer's control and will completely screw over your outline, because on one hand, a sensible outline will follow the characters' personalities and tendencies anyway. Obviously in an ensemble cast you will need to do some wrangling, but in theory your characters are responding to varying degrees of stimuli in order to maneuver them into the places you need them to be for things to all come together in the end.
But more importantly, "curse from god" is the funniest and easiest way to push any character to do things beyond the realm of reason when necessary, and frankly, what the fuck is the point of playing god if you don't embrace that?
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hpffwritersguild · 3 months
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Hello again writers, we're back with another great workshop, this time run by @girl-with-goats!
This workshop is for you if:
You feel dread when you have to drop in a smut scene;
You struggle with describing the technicalities / the flow of the scene;
You want to learn how to write smut with taste,
You have no idea how to approach the whole Mature versus Explicit rating,
You don’t know how to smuggle in some character or plot development.
It will run from Wednesday February 14 through Tuesday February 20 in The Workshop of our Discord Server! As always, questions are welcome on the server or to this blog. Happy writing 🪶
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medusasstory · 10 months
One of the things that I may not have mentioned for a while is that I went to Clarion East, which is a workshop where you live in dorms for six weeks and write a story a week and formally critique three stories a day. It's great. I learned so much. It was so exhausting I was wobbling out of it like I'd run a marathon. They get professional authors to come in and teach you, and people say it's like a compressed MFA for how much you learn. I honestly learned SO MUCH and it's one of the highwater experiences of my life.
Anyways, it's fairly expensive to go to, because they have to pay for lodging for six weeks, and give those professional authors honorariums. I only was able to go because I got a bunch of scholarships. There are scholarships for low income, for people coming in from out of country, for mature writers, for writers of colour, and they all pull together to make this as acessable as an experience as possible for people. You already have to take off work for six weeks, they're trying to make sure that you don't also have to sell your car to go.
Anyways, currently they're running an Indiegogo campaign to fund the scholarships! Just any donation helps beginning writers start out on their career (I think most of my class went on to publish professionally? I"m the outlier cause I immediately went back to school and then developed health problems). But if you donate, you can also snag things like signed first edition books, consults with professional agents, story critiques from professional authors, consults with experts in things like climate science or worldbuilding, getting your name added to a book from a professional author (want to be in a Cory Doctorow book? Now's your chance!) and more.
So if you have a little money to spare you haven't been sure where to put it, I encourage you to donate some to the Clarion fundraiser! Help a beginning writer start their career, and get some cool stuff at the same time! Awesome!
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boxofbonesfic · 1 year
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Hello all! I got a lot of interested parties when I mentioned maybe doing a writers camp this year, so I decided to do it! Beginning February 1st, 2023, and ending February 25th, I will be helping my campers create and complete a 1,500 word short story on the subject of their choice; either fanfiction or original work. We will be starting from the drafting process, on through editing, descriptions, prose, and my own personal “do’s and don’ts” when it comes to writing.
How this works: I will not share your work with other campers without your permission, this is a purely individual exercise! I have four “lessons” to teach, which will be made available on Google Docs. Each camper will set aside 15-20 minutes at the beginning of each week to chat over discord or tumblr (we don’t have to do voice or video, it’s totally up to your level of comfort) to go over each week’s lesson, and another 15 minutes or so at the end to go over the results. On Sunday the 25th, it is my goal that each camper will have a completed short story of their own to share with the rest of the class.
There will be 6 spaces open to writers of any skill level, the only caveat is that you must be open to receiving constructive criticism. We will be going over things like grammar, word use and sentence structure, which means there occasionally might be something I suggest changing or re-wording. The goal here is to help each other grow, not be mean spirited or rude when reading one another’s work—if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all! 
I cannot wait to get started! The sign up sheet is HERE. Please don’t hesitate to message or inbox me with any questions ❤️
Let’s get writing!
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