#wish me fucking lucks pals
trashbaget · 10 months
going to attempt organizing my spotify library, wish me luck folks
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invinciblerodent · 2 months
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if bloodsoaked killer, avatar of wretched villainy, fetid and rotten, a vile creature to the very core.... why kicked puppy??? why cute round eyes??? why sweet scared girl who just wants to be nice and help everyone????
(in other words it's durge time; monk styles)
(my plan is a Karlach romance, but man, if you deliberately RP as someone who is both very confused and deeply scared, there is something extra reassuring about Gale's confidence. Like I'm trying to lean into Karlach's warmth -both literal and metaphorical- being a source of comfort, and the reason for this character to be drawn to her, but the dynamic of a strong woman who knows nothing and the physically frail man with chronic pain who knows everything IS intriguing...)
(then again, that could just be me being not even just thirsty, but parched for the wizard.)
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Private Dances [1]
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Club!Blue Jones X F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? • ko-fi • request info • series masterlist •
A/N: A MASSIVE HUGE THANK YOU TO THE WONDERFUL, AMAZING, STUNNING @lonelyisamyw-0love for not just being one of the kindest and best people ever, but also for tipping me on ko-fi! Here is a little gift for you 💚
(Also, I'm so sorry this became more than one part.)
Warnings: overuse of italics, sub!Blue, choking, biting, a little blood, hand job, there's some power dynamics in here because reader is a dancer (but like Blue is getting his ass handed to him), swearing, badly proofread, please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 2680
The best course of action was to stay out of his way, really. That had been your plan so far at least. 
Avoid his attention like Perseus circumvented Medusa’s glare. Keep your head down. Don’t make a fuss. Stay relatively quiet and blend into the background as much as possible. 
Being a back up dancer helped. All you had to do was make sure you kept in time with the other girls, make sure the spotlight was firmly pointed on the star. And far, far away from you. 
It had all been working out quite well. That was, of course, until tonight. 
Someone always brought Blue a nightcap (well, morningcap) in the early hours of Sunday. When the club had just closed for business. 
And that someone was always one of the dancers. Crystal did it most often, or Peach. Sometimes Trixie, or Songbird, or Sweetie Pie. They were the stars. They were the ones Blue wanted to… provide him with a service. 
So how it somehow fell upon you was madness. 
Peach and Trixie were otherwise engaged. Songbird was ill. Madam Gorski couldn’t find where the hell Sweetie Pie had disappeared off to after close (something you now wished you had thought of). And Crystal… well, she wasn’t in Blue’s good books at the moment. 
You were pretty sure that you had just had the unfortunate luck of being the first person Gorski had set eyes on.
You knocked on Blue’s office door, resisting the urge to use your shoe and actually going to the effort of balancing the tray in one hand. On the tray was a bottle of expensive whiskey and a glass with those fancy chilled stones in it instead of ice cubes. Though, why go to all this effort escaped you. You were almost certain that it was just for show, and besides Blue had a drinks cabinet in his office. 
You crept in slowly when he called out for you to enter. Half-heartedly hoping that maybe you could sneak in, leave the tray and get the hell out of there before he’d even realised you’d stepped inside. 
Blue sat at his desk, a small frown on his face as he scribbled in a ledger. Presumably checking the day's takings. 
That little spark of hope grew a fraction as he continued to ignore you as you walked quietly to the side table by the sofa and set the tray down, just as you’d been instructed to. Maybe sometimes he just wanted a drink. Maybe because you weren’t one of the stars you’d get out of here scot-free. 
You pause for half a second, nervously watching Blue as he keeps writing before you turn and take a step towards the door. 
You turn, swallowing down the anxiousness that threatens to close your throat. 
He’s still writing, staring intently at his papers. But he gestures when you don’t move straight away, pointing to the sofa but not looking up. “There.” 
You sit down quickly, perching on the edge as if the soft blue velvet would transform into teeth at any moment. 
He keeps working, the clock in the corner ticking away the seconds. You try to breathe steadily, to match your racing heartbeat to the gentle tick, tick, tick. It doesn’t work. 
Blue sighs, an unimpressed look on his face before he glances up, his dark eyes boring into you. 
The expression disappears instantly. Replaced with a subtle bemusement. A small smile pulls at the corners of his plush lips and he tilts his head to the side ever so slightly. 
You look away quickly. Choosing to stare ahead and focus on the ornate clock. 
Blue carefully puts his pen down and closes the ledger, you can see his movements out of the corner of your eye. The precision he purposefully injects into his actions as he savours the tension. 
“You’re new.” He says offhandedly, but it’s clear he expects a response. 
You shake your head, “No, erm, a few months.” Closer to six than two, but who was counting. 
“Really?” He raises an eyebrow at you as he leans his elbows on the desk. 
You nod.
“Huh,” he pauses for an unnecessary long time. “Strange, I would have thought I would have recognised you.” 
“I’m, I’m just a back up dancer.” You shake your head, shrugging a little as you tuck your hands under your legs to hide their shaking. 
“Now, now,” he tuts playfully, “back up dancers are important. It takes a lot of skill to work in a team like that.” He smiles, the expression viper like and poised to strike. 
You nod and stay quiet. 
Blue gets up slowly, just walking around to lean on his desk and crossing his arms. “Still… odd that Gorski didn’t recommend a pretty thing like you to me.” 
You swallow. The back ups were solely handed by Madam Gorski, while she jointly oversaw the main dancers with Blue. 
“I, erm, I don’t have the coordination.” You mutter. It’s a lie. And a bad one at that. 
“Hmm.” Blue nods, seeming to consider your words for a moment. “You do any private dances?” 
Private dances. What a fucking joke. 
“Not… currently.” You say carefully. You try your best not to look directly at him, keep your gaze on the clock or the floor.
He lets your answer hang in the air for a moment. “Why?” 
Fuck. “Madam Gorski said I’m not ready yet.” Not a complete lie. Not the whole truth either. 
Your line of sight snaps up to him in surprise and you shake your head. 
He smiles again at you. “You sure?” 
You frown at the tease, despite how hard you’re trying to not provoke him. “Yeah.” 
His expression widens into a grin. “Could’ve fooled me with how skittish you’re being.” He moves slowly, coming to sit down next to you. He leans against the sofa, placing his arm over the back. You can feel his body heat radiating off him, even though there is a sliver of space between you. 
You swallow and say nothing, staring at the floor. Perhaps this would be so much easier if he wasn’t so upsettingly beautiful. 
He tuts again playfully and lightly touches your jaw, sitting up as he turns you to face him. “There, that’s better, isn’t it?” He looks you over with a quiet examination, like he was evaluating a painting.
“I think I’ll call you Bunny,” he tests the nickname on his tongue and nods. “Yeah, that suits you, my little skittish Bunny.” 
You frown, not liking the gleam in his eyes at all. But resist the urge to pull your face away from his hold.
He strokes your cheek absentmindedly, apparently not noticing your glare. “You know what you’re here for right?” He says softly, “what’s expected of you when you’re in my office?” 
You nod. And he smiles. 
“Sometimes it’s just a quick use of your mouth,” he runs his thumb over your bottom lip. “If I’m feeling tired or… satisfied with how the day’s gone.” 
He pauses, waiting to gauge your reaction. But you school your face into neutrality. Part of you expect his annoyance at this, but instead, that glow in his eyes brightens. 
“Sometimes I bend them over my desk until they’re a screaming, crying mess.” He runs the tip of his tongue over his lip. “Crystal likes that best, you should hear the sounds she makes, how she begs.” Despite the teasing nature of his tone, the word ‘Crystal’ still comes out harshly, barely veiled anger simmering just below the surface. 
You keep your face calm, force yourself to breathe slowly and steadily.
“What’s this?” Blue chuckles, “either my little Bunny is scared stiff, or she’s trying to be defiant?” 
Nothing, you give him nothing. 
He grins wickedly, almost giggling with glee. He shifts closer, his thigh brushing against yours. “Oh, defiance now is it? My little Bunny thinks she can be brave?” He teases, leaning closer still and lightly pinching at your jaw. “Silly thing,” he whispers, pressing his lips against your throat and you shiver. 
“I’ll make you beg.” He bites your neck, not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to pull a yelp from your tongue. 
He chuckles and something in your soul just snaps. 
You move instinctively, not even thinking your actions through as you turn. The movement looks like you are going for a kiss, but instead, you sink your teeth into his bottom lip. 
He yelps in surprise, his eyes going wide for a second. He flinches back, but is cut short by your hand around his throat. 
There’s a bead of red on his lip when you pull back, bubbling up from the very centre until his tongue darts out and Blue groans, savering the iron spreading along his tastebuds. 
You squeeze his neck ever so slightly, just boarding on the side of discomfort and Blue moans again. His eyes roll back for just a second before he quickly closes them. His breathing stutters and he gasps, mouth agape as he presses closer to you. 
You swallow, your self-preservation seemingly coming back to you in an instant. 
That move had been stupid, so, so stupid. But here Blue was… seemingly enjoying it? Submitting to you? 
All the stories and warnings you’d heard, none of them ever mentioned Blue being anything but a sadist, a control freak who needed to have power over others. 
He whines again when you squeeze a little tighter. His hand has dropped from your face to your forearm, stroking your skin softly with his thumb. 
His eyes flutter open, hazy and desperate as he looks at you from under his lashes. 
You can’t help but think he looks better like this. Sweeter. 
Perhaps it’s panic, or just the need to not give up that fragment of power you have found, but you lean forward again, keeping your grip on his neck tight and kiss him. 
His whimper is musical as your lips touch his, as your tongue pilages his mouth and forces his surrender. He starts to kiss back a little forcefully, pushing his chest into yours and you squeeze his neck hard as you bite down on his lip once more. 
He yelps, eyes flying open as you pull back, his blood on your mouth. 
You keep your hold on him tight, nearly suffocating and he doesn’t fight back, doesn’t resist just gasps and mutters a hushed, “sorry.” 
The sincerity of it is puzzling. But it still sends a flush of heat to your stomach. 
He’s breathing hard, looking at you with large doe eyes. A dusting of pink to his cheeks. He tries to keep still, practically shaking as you look him over, appraising him like cattle bound for the slaughter. 
His cock presses painfully hard against his trousers. Your eyes linger on it for a moment, how it twitches under your gaze, how Blue’s breathing increases and his heartbeat flutters under your fingers. 
Oh, this is such a bad idea. But you can’t stop yourself. 
With your free left hand, you undo the first three buttons of his shirt and pull his tie just enough that it’s hanging loose and out of your way. Then you push him back by his neck, forcing his shoulder blades against the sofa. 
He moves easily, following your command and letting out a little grunt of air as you squeeze a fraction tighter. He closes his eyes again as you kiss the nape of his neck and shoulder, just below where your fingers press. Moans loudly when your kisses turn into bites. 
“I, ah, please!” His throat bobbs under you, his hips buck upwards uncontrollably, trying to chase a friction that isn’t there.  
You growl, moving your mouth close to his ear, “shut the fuck up,” you bite a little harshly on his earlobe and can’t help the satisfaction that rages in you when he whines so prettily. 
“S-sorry,” he breathes, eyes closed tightly, tears starting to build in the corners as the sensations start to bubble over and overwhelm his every thought. 
He squirms under you as you continue to bite and suck at his neck, breaking and bruising the skin. You squeeze his neck tighter in warning every time he moves just a little too much. 
Slowly, you inch your left hand down, the angle is a little awkward, but you manage it, and pop open his trouser button before unzipping his fly. 
He whimpers again as the pressure on his cock eases, the sound turning into a high-pitched sigh as you take him in hand and pull him free of his underwear. 
“Please, fuck, please, please,” he rocks his hips up, needing the warmth of your hand, needing you to touch him so, so badly. 
But you let go the second he bucks and Blue sobs. 
You squeeze his neck hard again and he shudders. “You’re such a little bitch, you know that? Can’t even fucking control yourself and I’ve barely done anything.” You hiss into his ear. 
He moans. He knows he shouldn’t be enjoying this. Shouldn’t be rock hard and leaking and needing anything you’d give him. He should be taking. He should be in control. He should-
You squeeze the base of his cock and neck at the same time and all thoughts fly out of his head. 
You let go of his dick and hold your hand up to his face. You slap him lightly when he keeps his eyes shut. 
He whimpers in surprise. 
“Spit.” You order.
For a second he stares at you in confusion, but panics the moment you frown and quickly spits into your palm.
He follows your command. 
He swirls his tongue around his mouth, summoning as much salvia as he can in hopes of pleasing you. 
You don’t praise him, but you don’t ask for more. 
He whines as you take him roughly in your hand, pumping him hard and fast and not giving him a second to adjust to the sudden onslaught. His back arches, eyes fluttering closed for a second as he moans loudly, whimpering and biting at his bloody bottom lip. 
Little breathless sighs of ‘please’, echo from his chest with every thrust. 
You keep a firm hand on his neck as you work him over, hampering his movements and keeping him in place. 
To your surprise, he doesn’t even try to fight your hold at all. Let’s you press him further into the back of the sofa as your hand glides over his velvet soft skin. 
Heat starts to tighten in his stomach, twist in the base of his cock and he sobs out in pleasure. “Please, I, please kiss me,” he whines so desperately, so needily as if he would fall apart if you refused him. 
You move forward, keeping up your pace and squeezing his neck tightly as you press your lips to his. 
He whimpers into your mouth, tears leaking down his cheeks and smudging his makeup. He grabs hold of your cheek hastily, but softly, stroking your skin as if you were made of fragile china. 
His hips buck as he chases his high, licking into your mouth and kissing you for all he’s worth. 
He comes with a sharp cry, spilling himself over his shirt and your hand. 
You pump him slowly, enjoying his little after shocks and spaced out expression before you stop and pull your lips away from his, move your hand from his neck. 
Blue breaths deeply, his head foggy and mind swimming. His thoughts don’t quite make sense, don’t fall into order the way he’s used to. He can’t remember when he’s come so hard. 
Nerves sneak back into your stomach, twisting your intestines. You swallow and wipe his cum from your fingers and hand onto his thigh before you stand quickly, breathing hard. 
You leave the room quickly before he can string a coherent thought together and head back to your room. 
You ignore the roaring heat in your stomach and the ache between your legs.
Thank you for reading!
@pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @whatthefishh @mbakubabe @romanarose @saturn-rings-writes @boredzillenial @lonelyisamyw-0love @queerponcho @pimosworld @melodygatesauthor @steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87 @queerponcho @lunar-ghoulie @dumdaradumdaradum @plastichearts @silver-night-m @autismsupermusicalassassin @apesarecuul @reallyrallyauthor @basicalyrandom
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celestialholz · 6 months
The apple of my eye (or 'oh good, there's ANOTHER one')
*yeets into the conversation a week late with Starbucks*
Sorry, sorry. Been trying to save a dukedom from a giant brain and live my best happily ever with a vampire twink. Very distracting.
But anyway, I haven't even gotten the boys in my clubroom yet, so more analysis incoming, but I have finished Indigo Disk's main story, and I couldn't help but notice something deeply awful when fighting our little buddy Kieran.
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... Oh god THEY'RE MULTIPLYING. How many apples do we need? How much more homosexuality does this game need? (Yes. The answer is 'yes.')
Meet Hydrapple everyone, the latest gay marriage mascot. Truly wish you all could've seen my face when. And it evolves from the last gay marriage mascot! I have quickly become homophobic again, how do they keep managing this?!
So, naturally, we need to break this loveable bastard and its symbolism down, or I might have to start passing the meta queen crown off to someone else. (I vote @prince-kallisto. Friend spare me. 🤣)
Well, we'll begin with the obvious: this thing is a hydra, a multiple-headed dragon in Greek myth. This one in particular has seven, so says the all-knowing dex:
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But we'll do the seven part in a minute. The one major thing you should all know is that in most tales, removing one of this thing's heads respawns two in its place - and killing one of these creatures was the second labour of Hercules, the God of Strength. There's that fucking number two again in connection with our boys...
And now, let's take the Greek and easternize it to our lovely Japanese creators with the number seven.
Seven in Japanese culture, like in the western, is seen as a lucky number, and also the number symbolising the cycle of life and death.
... Which, if you recall, is a running theme with our silly men.
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Get your life saved, idiot. Be lucky. 🥰
There are also Seven Gods of Fortune in Buddhism, Japan's primary religion. And there's one that rings more than a few ceremonial bells - Fukurokokuju. Bit of a Buddhist lore deepcut here for you:
> He is the god of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness. Moreover, he is the only god who was said to have the ability to resurrect the dead. Fukurokuju is characterized by the size of his head, being almost as large as the size of his whole body.
... Hmm. Wisdom, happiness. Luck. 'Resurrecting.' The one that has a large head, like our good pal Hydrapple here... it's all very interesting, isn't it, how it ties together?
And all this goes a long way to explaining the evolution method of this fun little apple-y bastard. Because in order to be lucky, to be brought back to life, to heal and to love and to find yourself... one must have support. A cheerleader, if you will. Not one with pom-poms (although slay Hass babes, you'd look great in that drip), but one cheering you on. Always being in your corner.
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... And here we find Dragon Cheer, Hydrapple's evolution move. Brassius can pursue his dreams as passionately as he likes, because there's always a husband at his side to be on his side.
It's a whole narrative, my friends. We have the romantic gift of the Applin; we have the adorableness of the Flapple, and its dusk portrait; we have the total harmony of Dipplin...
... And now we have the result of that harmony. Look, it's even running away from the Ice of the Polar Biome, a type both Grass and Dragon can't stand. The emotional cold.
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Y'know, I'm sure someone would have DM'd me by now if Hass and Brass' clubroom banter confirmed their marriage, so I'm going to assume that isn't a thing.
... But at the same time, it's definitely a thing. All you have to do is read the narrative, darlings.
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Happy 2024, y'all! 2023 has been a busy year with lots of ups and downs but one thing is for sure : I got my mutuals with me and I want thank them all with a little meme plus some honorable mentions <3 I'll make a separate post for those who I couldn't put here but I still want to thank <3
@deep-space-siren : Diede, Belgian King and band expert. You're such a kind and understanding soul and I'm so grateful to have you in my life for another year <3
@legal-lost-boy : Jeords, my little big bro. I missed you a bit because we were both busy but I'm great you're here with me. You're so creative and kind and I hope the best for your future.
@officialmelkor: Moon, my sweet older sib. You are a great adviser and listener. I'm glad you're in my life giving me comfort and I hope I can do the same for you. Remember your strenght <3
@same-old-crue: Eli, WE MET THIS YEAR! It was the year of the italian bitches who see old men bands and we ace it. I hope the new year brings you peace, and that you can see you're more than what your brain says.
@glamourizedcocaine : Alexis, I'm so grateful to share ideas and talk with you. You get quite a few of my rants against the world and I thank you for that. I wish for you all the peace and the success because you are super talented <3
@morska--vila: Sestra, I was so afraid of have lost you but we found each other and that's what matters. I hope you get all the good things in this wolrd because you deserve them. Stay strong and slay <3.
@arnold-layne: My talented pal, I'm always so afraid of not being cool enough to be your friend but thank you for gifting us with your writing. The future will look brighter and remember your worth is more than numbers or external factors can dictate.
@welcometohollyweird: Oliviaaaaa, hello from uncle CC too! Lots of peace and good vibes for you and I hope we can continue to talk like we have been doing for years. Remember that you are not alone.
@mxliv-oftheendless : From a Liv to another. I'm so happy for your achievements this year and I hope you treat yourself with kindness <3
@what-a-fucking-disguise-this-is: Ollie, thank you for your funny videos and wholesome messages. I wish you all the best and never give up, you're a star.
@aritamargarita: Ritaaaa, never forget to believe in yourself and in your talent. Good luck with everything.
@poisonedraven: Stevie, you are one of the new friends I made in 2023 and I'm grateful for this <3 Remember who loves you doesn't make you feel like crap. We are humans and we are worthy regardless of how "lovable" we think we are.
@emometalhead: Ash! Wonderful soul and friend, I hope you smash everything this year and keep your wonderful sunshine personality.
@ladyshandioftheendless : Shadi, I wish you all the best. You're a great friend and life will get easier <3
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onionsaremeansstuff · 2 years
Till the end of the line
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Pairing: Soldier boy (Ben) X male reader
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, war and drugs.
Summary: Ben and you have been friend forever, until the day you’re forced to go to war.
A/N: I’m aware that Ben never fought the WW2 but for the sake of this fic, he did.
December 27th, 1943
As he removed his medical kit from the cupboard and entered the room, (Y/N) remarked, "You should stop getting yourself into trouble."
"Why? I always have to have your bothersome ass to patch my woun- oh fuck." Ben groaned as (Y/N) started cleaning his bruises. 
Ben and (Y/N) were essentially lifelong friends. They have been neighbors since birth, and they hit it up right away.
Ben has experienced chronic health issues. (Y/N) grew up seeing his pal visit numerous doctors and take a variety of different medications. 
Ben was found unconscious and covered in his own vomit when (Y/N) was seventeen. On that day, he learned that his pal had a medication addiction and he made a promise to himself that he would study medicine and would do everything in his power to help his friend.
That's exactly what he did.
One of the top medical professionals in the region, if not the entire state, is now (Y/N).
He built a name for himself both as a doctor and as a person.
And for that reason, the majority of people didn't comprehend him.
He was a remarkable and successful individual, yet he wasted his time with a loser like Ben while doing his best to pay for any medical care that his friend would require.
You see, in the public eye, Ben was an unemployed, unwell, unpleasant guy who got into fights because he had nothing better to do with his life.
"Fuck, how can you have this wonderful medical reputation when you can't even treat a minor cut without nearly killing me?" Ben moaned.
(Y/N) came to a halt and rolled his eyes before rising up and gathering his belongings.
"I suppose you're better off without me, good luck repairing yourself."
"Why are you being so dramatic?" Ben asked, but when he saw (Y/N) refusing to leave his house, he became desperate.
Ben ran (or attempted to; his legs are still sore) and jumped on his friend's back.
"I'm sorry, okay? Everyone knows I'm an asshole. No one can stand me, and I should give my life to you for wasting your time with me," Ben could hear his friend sigh.
"Your blood has stained my clothes now."
"Sorry," Ben apologized and walked away from his pal.
(Y/N) wound up bandaging Ben's wounds and Ben was aware of his friends' displeasure.
"Look, I know I don't deserve you. I apologize for being rude, and I apologize for your clothes. I would wash them for you if I knew how."
(Y/N) glanced at him even more irritably.
"I don't care about my clothes or how you treat me. How long have I known you for? 26 years? I'm irritated that you continue getting yourself into fights for drugs, Ben! You promised to quit!"
Ben was speechless at this point. He understands why (Y/N) was upset with him; he messed up again, and there was nothing he could do. He knows that (Y/N) will never trust him again.
He wishes he could help his pal more. He wishes he wasn't so dependent on him.
He hoped he wasn't such a sick and useless being. If only he could figure out how to be valuable to everyone, for (Y/N).
(Y/N) grumbled a little more and then sighed.
"There's some food in the kitchen for you. Go eat it and I'll go wash my clothes." 
Ben understands his friend probably doesn't want him anywhere near him, but being in the same spot as (Y/N) was his way of apologizing.
That's why he crept into the other man's room and cautiously laid next to him.
It wasn't an unusual occurrence between them.
Despite being a famous doctor, (Y/N) never made a lot of money, preferring to keep his medical consultations as low-cost as possible.
Because of this, they only have one room with one bed. Ben normally sleeps on their couch, which keeps him warm on cold evenings.
But with (Y/N) enraged at him, it was like approaching a lion about to attack.
When Ben was able to get into the bed without being kicked out by (Y/N), he approached the other man and apologized once more.
"There will come a time when I won't be here for you, Ben. I take care of you because I'm your friend, but people won't do it. I just want to make sure you're okay." (Y/N) whispered. 
"We both know I'm going to die before you," Ben responded, while (Y/N) remained silent.
(Y/N) gazed at Ben when he eventually fell asleep.
Ben was attractive. Sadly, his addiction and fights made him appear uglier than he should, but (Y/N) could see through it all.
(Y/N) couldn't explain why he disliked seeing Ben with the girls he hooked up with. He likes to think it's because they're some addicted hoes, but right now, when that thing arrived, all he wanted was for his friend to have a wife to take care of him.
January 2nd, 1944
(Y/N) went to the grocery store and, after nearly an hour in line, was able to obtain some canned food, milk, and a few fruits.
He went home, thinking about the war. 
(Y/N) wouldn't call himself a dreamer. He remembers his early years, how bad things were during the Great Depression, and how hard things are now since some lunatic European decided it was wartime all over again.
Maybe things will get better, but (Y/N) understands he might not be there to see it.
(Y/N) finally made it home after a long walk.
The scent of smoke was overwhelming when he opened the door. (Y/N) rolled his eyes since he understands what is going on. Ben must have fucked someone and is presently smoking someplace.
(Y/N) chose to ignore his friend and place the food in the refrigerator.
When he finished, he turned around to find Ben smoking next to the kitchen door.
His friend seems upset and depressed.
As he waved to his pal, he thought, "The girl probably dumped him or something."
Ben threw his cigarette out the window and began walking in the (Y/N) direction.
(Y/N) was perplexed by his friend's movement, but before he could inquire, Ben punched him in the face.
"What the fuck?!" (Y/N) shouted, putting his hand over his bruised face.
"When were you going to tell me, huh?!" Ben screamed at the other man. "When the fuck were you going to fucking tell me?!"
(Y/N) remained silent.
"You'd wait till the sergeant knocked on the door before telling me?" As Ben continued to scream, a single tear fell from his eye.
(Y/N) could understand Ben's annoyance. He realizes he was the wrong person.
But informing the person you care about the most that you're going to war against your will isn't easy.
Everything was quiet as Ben waited for an answer while (Y/N) considered what to say.
"I…" (Y/N) began, "I don't have a choice, they are forcing me to go. They were running out of field physicians, and they determined I was one of the lucky ones."
Ben rolled his eyes and threw the letter in the face of (Y/N).
"I know, I can fucking read," Ben said angrily as he sat on the chair next to him. "I just don't understand why you didn't tell me about it, for god's sake!"
"It's... complicated." (Y/N) sat next to Ben on the chair, saying, "I barely know how to deal with everything that's going on, and I didn't know how to tell you."
Ben rose to his feet.
"Bullshit, (Y/N). Fucking bullshit," He screamed as he walked out of the home, leaving (Y/N) alone.
(Y/N) remained on his stool, as he cried. 
January 9th, 1944 
(Y/N) glanced out the car window, watching the city he used to reside in fade away as the countryside began to take over the scenery.
Since Ben stormed out of their house, (Y/N) had never seen him again, and he was now very certain that the prospects of seeing him again were slim.
"Perhaps it would be better this way," (Y/N) reasoned.
But he couldn't stop thinking about his friend, even if he hadn't said goodbye.
He promised himself he wouldn't cry, but he couldn't stop himself from crying.
The fact that he was going to participate in a war he didn't want to be a part of. The fact that he was destined to die. The fact that his best friend was upset with him.  The fact that he couldn't have what he so much desired.
Throughout the rest of the journey, tears streamed down his cheeks.
March 30th, 1944
Every day brought more anguish, misery, and monotonous rationing.
(Y/N) couldn't see why someone would select military training. He was simply a field doctor, and he ended up in pain throughout his entire body.
And if he had to take another bullet from a rookie's arm, he'd go insane. How can they send those kids to battle when the vast majority of them can't even handle a gun without being hurt?
The last night of training in the United States occurred tonight. Everyone will sail to England tomorrow to carry out the Normandy invasion plan.
(Y/N) was just now gathering his possessions and organizing his clothing in the medical tent.
"Hey (L/N), we have a free night tonight to do whatever we want." Thomas, one of (Y/ N's) coworkers, stated as he entered the tent where (Y/N) was resting.
"I understand, but I don't believe there's anything I want to do right now."
"You should have a good time tonight because it's our last day before traveling to England and carrying out the complete mega invasion plan they want to carry out." Thomas offered (Y/N) some beer, but he refused. 
"Sorry. The general needs to speak with me in a few minutes and I can't go there stinking," (Y/N) replied as he fastened his boots.
"What have you done, man?"
(Y/N) sighed and stood up.
"Hopefully something extremely horrible, so I can get sent out of here," Thomas laughed, adding that he would accompany (Y/N) to the headquarters.
Thomas walked (Y/N) to the headquarters and exited after saying one good luck.
(Y/N) entered the building and went straight to the general's office.
"Just in time, (L/N), please have a seat," General Raynolds said, motioning to a chair near his desk.
(Y/N) sat on the chair and swallowed forcefully.
"So, as you are aware, the Vaugh company-"
"Vought." (Y/N) cut in, and the general gazed at him, "... Sir."
"Yeah, they supply the army with the majority of our medications and everything you doctors require."
"I'm aware. Really poor quality, I must say." General Raynolds looked at (Y/N) once more "... Sir."
General sighed and rolled his eyes.
"They invented new stuff that makes a normal human stronger, healthier, and capable of withstanding anything. It's pretty experimental, and they've only used it in one person so far," the general said as he paused to fetch a cigar from his drawer and lit it.
"I'm sorry, but why are you telling me this, sir." 
"You're lucky I like you, kid, or else I'd break your arm." The general said as he took out some documents from the drawer. "The point is, the guy who took the thing is the perfect soldier now, and he will engage in the war with us," 
The general put the stack of papers in front of you.
"However, they don't know the side effects yet, so they need a doctor to watch after him, just to make sure he's not dying or anything."
(Y/N) picked up the papers in front of him. 
"Soldier boy? Really? A person who calls himself a soldier boy is the army's new weapon?" (Y/N) mocked as he read the report. "But anyhow, why me and not a Vought scientist? They're probably more knowledgeable about this..." (Y/N) checked in the newspaper for information about "Compound V."
"We don't care about his name; we only care about what he can do." General Raynolds said as he stood up and glanced out the window of his office. "Vought scientists don't have the military background you have. Besides, the guy has explicitly requested you, and you still have quite a reputation out there. You're free to go," the General tossed his cigar out the window.
(Y/N) walked back to the dorm from the office. 
He couldn't get the soldier boy person out of his mind.
Who in their right mind would agree to be a test subject for this compound V thing?
April 1st, 1944 
(Y/N) arrived in the middle of the night the following day. 
England was in full disarray. They're currently based in Portsmouth, but according to what (Y/N) has heard, the Germans were bombarding London every day. As soon as (Y/N) stepped out of the jet, his general instructed him to assist the injured citizens.
When he finally got into the dorm to get some much-needed rest, a weirdo appeared and called for him.
He was meant to be introduced to Soldier Boy by this Vought employee.
They were walking through the base halls, and all (Y/N) could think about was this Soldier Boy person.
He not only chose to join the army, but he also agreed to take part in a risky experiment.
What type of lunatic is he? Doesn't he fear for his life? 
(Y/N) would go to any length to return to his city, his home, and Ben.
He's not sure why, but he already despises Soldier Boy. 
When they arrived at the room where the guy would be, the Vought guy asked (Y/N) to leave while he entered.
After two minutes, the employee exited the room and instructed (Y/N) to enter.
There was nothing inside the room when (Y/N) entered it.
He searched around but found nothing. 
"Is that some sort of joke?" He thought to himself.
A hand grabbed (Y/N's) waist and raised him, causing him to scream.
"PUT ME DOWN, YOU FUCKING FUCKER!" (Y/N) shouted, and the unidentified guy chuckled as he did so.
(Y/N) turned around to see the soldier boy's face, but as soon as he did, he regretted it.
"Hi, (Y/N). Long time, no see, hmm?" Soldier boy, or Ben, said. 
Ben waited for his friend to respond, but his looks shifted from astonishment to happiness to fury.
Ben was not the same as before.
He didn't appear as "deteriorated" as previously; he appeared younger, stronger, and taller.
Ben appeared to be a model rather than a sick person.
" So... you're not going to say anything?" Ben questioned. 
"Obviously," (Y/N) laughs bitterly. "Who else but you could be that stupid?"
"Why did you agree to be a part of this, Ben? Do you realize how stupid you are?" (Y/N) moved closer to him. "I told you a million times how dangerous medications can be and how I never encourage using ones that have been tested a billion times, only for you to take this compound V garbage and willingly inject it into your body. You could be dead right now!" 
Ben looked to the side, unsure what to say, before returning his gaze to (Y/N) and resting a hand on the other man's shoulder.
"I understand that, but it was a risk I was willing to take. You were going to war, so I wanted to join the army, but because of my health, they wouldn't let me. After I begged to join, they offered me the compound V, and I would do anything to help you, even if it meant dealing with the side effects."
 (Y/N) looked into Ben's eyes. 
"It's still a foolish decision."
"If I wasn't being foolish, it wouldn't be me, would it?" Ben smiled warmly at his friend, who sighed. 
"You don't have to save me. I would have been fine if you stayed in my house, secure and sound."
Ben hugged his friend while rolling his eyes.
"No, we're in this together to the finish, okay?"
(Y/N) returned his friend's hug.
August 12th, 1944
Ben and (Y/N) were walking through the streets of the city they just freed. 
(Y/N) requested that his supervisors search the town for any injured citizens. Ben chose to accompany them, saying: "Perhaps some lovely French girl wants to reward me for my assistance."
That made (Y/N) roll his eyes and deliver a monologue about how horrible Ben is
(Y/N) noticed several groans throughout the speech and decided to investigate.
He went into an abandoned building and looked after everybody who was inside. After a few minutes, he came across a young girl who was crying and terrified for her life.
"Okay, little girl, I'm going to assist you. (Y/N) said before realizing it was ridiculous because she probably didn't understand anything.
The girl began to cry even more and attempted to hide even more.
"I'm going to pick her up and take her to the hospital we're using," Ben stated as he moved past (Y/N).
Ben sensed (Y/N's) hand on his shoulder.
"No, she's terrified. We need her to trust us," he remarked as he exited the building and returned a minute later.
(Y/N) returns with a daisy he discovered in the street. He approached the girl again and presented her with the flower.
The small girl took the flower with care and approached him.
"See? I'm not a bad guy!" (Y/N) said as he picked up the girl and placed her on his lap.
(Y/N) brought out his first aid box and began bandaging the girl's wounds.
Ben was mesmerized by the scene as the small girl tenderly grasped (Y/N's) hand as he cared for her.
Ben considered how (Y/N) would be a good parent. He couldn't stop thinking about (Y/N) being a wonderful father and husband.
"Ben?" (Y/N) said, returning Ben to reality. "Are you paying attention?"
(Y/N) picked up the girl and took her to Ben.
"Take her to the hospital; they'll find her parents there, okay? I will take care of any more injured civilians."
Ben held the girl and blushed slightly before mouthing an ok and driving her to the hospital, still thinking about how fortunate someone would be to have (Y/N) in their lives.
August 25th, 1944
"Come on (Y/N), we just freed Paris! We deserve a night off to have fun," Ben said to his friend. 
"You don't need me to have fun," (Y/N) replied flatly.
"I know, but see, those Parisian girls are sexy as fuck. I'm going to have a Foursome with them tonight. I can arrange one for you if you like." Ben's elbow made contact with (Y/N).
"Thank you, but I'm not interested," (Y/N) gave his friend a fake smile. 
Ben shook his head.
"Well, your choice, man," Ben walked away with the girls, and (Y/N) watched as he disappeared with them. 
(Y/N) returned to the hotel where they are staying as a base.
The doctor threw himself over the bed, tears streaming down his cheeks.
...If only Ben knew. 
April 2nd, 1945
The allies just conquered Munich a few days ago. With the Soviets advancing on the east front, the war would be over soon. 
Ben and (Y/N) have remained close in recent months.
Ben would go to the medical tent as much as possible. He doesn't know much, but he enjoys seeing his friend take care of patients. When Ben needed attention, he would merely state that he was experiencing some side effect, and the General would excuse (Y/N).
And that's exactly what occurred now.
Ben and (Y/N) made their way through the woodland to an abandoned tiny wood house near the community they just freed. Ben is walking in front in case there is a land mine in the area.
They're both sitting on a small bed, finishing the bottle of whiskey. Ben could scarcely feel the effects of the booze, while (Y/N) was completely drunk. 
They're both silent. 
Ben appreciates the uncommon silence and the company of his friend.
(Y/N), on the other hand, began to sob.
"Hey? (Y/N)? What exactly is going on?"
"It's just... everything Ben," (Y/N) began to cry more loudly.
Ben pressed his friend against his shoulder, allowing him to cry.
"I know it's difficult, but it's almost over; we're saving so many lives and-" Ben said before being cut off.
"You're saving lives!" (Y/N) ruptured. "Every fucking day, I see people dying, friends pleading with me to save them, crying that they don't want to die, and you know what I can do? NOTHING! Every single one of them is dying at my hands." (Y/N) shouted and dug his face into Ben's shoulder.
Ben pressed his hand against (Y/N's) cheek, forcing him to look at him.
Ben has never been excellent with words, and he is at a loss for words right now.
He was irritated. (Y/N) has helped him his entire life, and now that he needs him, he is powerless.
(Y/N) locked his lips with his before Ben could say anything.
And it seemed as if time stopped. 
For (Y/N), it was the feelings that he had for Ben for years being released at once. 
For Ben, his entire world was collapsing around him.
Ben didn't have time to respond because (Y/N) rushed out of the house, leaving Ben confused about everything.
They didn't have time to discuss the incident.
When Ben arrived at the base, (Y/N) was already sleeping, and when daylight came, he was transferred to another front, leaving (Y/N) alone.
Ben assumed that (Y/N) was too drunk to remember what happened and that he did it because he was drunk and lonely.
But he couldn't deny he was confused. He wasn't gay; he'd always been a ladies' guy, but something about (Y/N) struck him as odd. He wasn't disgusted by the kiss, but he couldn't put his finger on what he was feeling.
He chose to drown out his emotions with alcohol and fight the damned war.
May 7th, 1945
The war in Germany finally ended.
The soldiers could be heard celebrating the outcome and Ben was one of them.
He witnessed several of them crying since they were finally able to return home to their wives and loved ones.
Ben had an epiphany as a result of this.
He didn't think about his former town or any girl he'd ever met the instant he received the news.
He imagined how pleased (Y/N) would be, and his adorable smile. 
Ben was pleased when he realized (Y/N) was the one he was thinking about.
(Y/N) was the one he wanted. 
That kiss was just what he needed to make him realize it, even if he chose to ignore it.
So Ben has a plan. 
He would return to (Y/N).
They were going home.
And he would finally express his feelings to (Y/N).
Maybe adopt a puppy together, or a child, even. In secret, of course. 
He knew he didn't even know if (Y/N) few the same, but he was certain.
All he needed to do was wait until tomorrow because the medical tent was pretty far away, and then he could finally offer (Y/N) a well-deserved happy ending.
May 8th, 1945
Ben awoke with a bright smile on his face.
Today marks the beginning of a new era. 
It was the day he'd finally get his man.
He hoped he could spend more time with (Y/N), but the General summoned all the soldiers for a conference, so he went to it, wishing it was already over.
"I want to thank each and every one of you for fighting not only for your country but for every innocent life we rescued." The crowd began cheering. "Unfortunately, even in the light of victory, one last tragedy happened," The general said, as the crowd fell silent. "Last night, as one act of revenge, some Nazis bombarded the hospital we used as a medical base, causing the death of many of our brothers."
No, this couldn't be happening.
Maybe (Y/N) wasn't there at that moment.
Maybe he survived.
He survived.
Yes, he survived, Ben reassured himself. He had to. 
Ben rushed out of the meeting and ran to one of the trucks. He was fortunate that the keys were in the ignition.
He drove the truck as quickly to the hospital. 
The hospital was completely destroyed.
He could see soldiers attempting to recover bodies from the ruins and dust.
It was total chaos.
He wanted to cry, but he couldn't let go of his faith.
He went straight to a nearby soldier and asked for (Y/N).
But no one seems to know anything about him.
Ben stayed there all night and all day, sifting through the ruins for his life's love.
But nothing happened.
Until finally discovered (Y/N).
Parts of him, at least.
Ben burst into tears right there.
The person he cared the most about. The man who helped him all the time in his life. The best person he knows is no longer alive. 
Ben recalled the kiss. (Y/N) must have assumed Ben hated him.
He died believing Ben hated him.
Ben cried for hours before finally finding the strength to go.
?? ??th, ????
Ben has everything a man could desire.
He was famous.
Everyone adored him.
He is free to fuck anybody he wants.
He could drink the best liquor and smoke the nicest cigarettes.
But nothing could fill the void inside him.
He has a team and a girlfriend. Everything.
But he never stopped thinking about (Y/N).
What a gorgeous smile he had.
His hugs were very warm.
He deserved to be happy. 
Ben was desperate to make him happy.
But that is no longer the case.
Ben wishes he could die. 
He tried everything to kill himself.
Nothing saddened him more than the thought of never seeing (Y/N) again.
As a result, he shut himself off from the outside world.
He became abusive to his teammates, a jerk to the general public, and stayed high all the time.
He is well aware that (Y/N) will never forgive him for his actions.
But Ben already couldn't forgive himself. 
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Being a regular in the artfight discord is mind-numbing. I only became a regular because I was hoping to make some genuine friends in the chat, but its fucking awful!
Sure I made some pals but we dont... talk outside of the server, very rarely infact, which made me extremely upset for a while. And regardless if youre a regular or newcomer, the only time people tend to talk to or notice you more is if you join in on the (sometimes) awful humor
I cant even properly talk about ocs with other people unless I luck out a day or two, and even then its not much, Im not even gonna mention when its on-season
I really wish the server was a tad bit better. I know it sounds like Im yapping I just... I really wanted some new friends, and I dont really have anywhere else to go and talk in, so its one of my only options, its very discouraging :(
(Please dont post if it doesnt show as anon)
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genericpuff · 11 months
Feeling cruddy rn y'all. Had to skip out on a night market event (first market this year I've had to cancel) because my house is currently infested with ants and I just found out my poor kitty baby has fleas. So I'm getting a lift up to PetSmart in about an hour and a half to go get flea treatment shampoo, combs, a flea collar, and lots of treats. Poor baby is wanting pets and to snuggle in the bedroom and we just can't let him until this problem is dealt with. This year's been awful for bugs in general, don't believe the bullshit about Canada "always being cold" because where I live it's basically Florida in the summertime, I'm talking 35-40 degree (Celsius) heat with 80% humidity. So far this year (in the new apartment we moved into) we've had to deal with flies, june bugs, spiders, pill bugs, beetles, moths, and now fleas. I feel like the majority of them are coming up from the basement below, it's not an occupied space, just dirt and concrete, but there are vents in on the main floor connected to the basement and I'm willing to bet that's where a lot of the critters are getting in from, especially the ants.
I'm feeling really bad for my coworker and pal who's now having to run the table by himself, but the last thing I need is to be sitting in the sun talking to people for 7 hours when I have 122315832908 other things to be dealing with that are far more pressing. I don't have anything new to present so at best I'd be selling a couple stickers. The weather called for rain and thunder yesterday and it didn't happen. They called for rain today and it didn't happen. At this point you can't trust a single thing our weather report says, just assume it's gonna be hot and humid always u.u So glad Kisu'lk felt that this particular body in this particular point of human history was the perfect place for my spirit to go /s
I'm having to do all of this, btw, with no debit card because I'm waiting on a replacement one to come in the mail after my last one expired. Thankfully my partner's been lending me his but man, it's really inconvenient and it's taking fucking forever for it to come in. I gotta switch to the branch in town because I can't keep dealing with doing everything from my hometown bank in a whole ass other province LOL
Wish me luck y'all ��;´д`)ゞ
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memelleity · 2 years
john wick 1-3 sentence starters
❝ how are you holding up? ❞
❝ there's no rhyme or reason to this life. it's days like today scattered among the rest. ❞
❝ don't blame yourself. ❞
❝ it's not what you did that angers me so. it's who you did it to. ❞
❝ i can make this right. ❞
❝ english, please. ❞
❝ have you thought this through? i mean, chewed down to the bone? ❞
❝ you know the rules. ❞
❝ it was good. far better than i deserved. ❞
❝ i've never seen you like this. ❞
❝ did you see the tits on that girl? ❞
❝ are you here on business? ❞
❝ do you need anything for the pain? ❞
❝ you were always a pussy. ❞
❝ do i know you? ❞
❝ ____ will kill me. ❞
❝ can we recover from this? ❞
❝ they sure as fuck broke the mold with you. ❞
❝ people don't change. you know that. times, they do. ❞
❝ are you really laughing? ❞
❝ you got married, huh? settled down? ❞
❝ how did you manage that, anyways? ❞
❝ in the end, a lot of us are rewarded for our misdeeds... which is why god unleashed you upon me. ❞
❝ how many times do i have to save your ass? ❞
❝ why am i not surprised? ❞
❝ in for a penny, in for a pound. ❞
❝ let's go home. ❞
❝ i know. i've heard the story. ❞
❝ ____ is a man of focus... commitment... and sheer fucking will. ❞
❝ i don't want to be here. ❞
❝ i'm asking you not to do this. ❞
❝ i'm not that guy anymore. ❞
❝ did you really think this day was never going to come? ❞
❝ i have no choice. ❞
❝ rules. without them, we'd live with the animals. ❞
❝ you want me to kill ____? ❞
❝ are you enjoying the party? ❞
❝ there was a time not so long ago in which i considered us as friends. ❞
❝ i lived my life my way. and i'll die my way. ❞
❝ do you fear damnation? ❞
❝ you're not having a good night, are you? ❞
❝ an eye for an eye. you know how it goes. ❞
❝ this round's on me. consider it a professional courtesy. ❞
❝ you're not very good at retiring. ❞
❝ no one sneaks up on me anymore, thanks to you. ❞
❝ oh, and remember... you owe me. ❞
❝ what have you done? ❞
❝ they could kill me just for talking to you. ❞
❝ as you know, art is pain. life is suffering. ❞
❝ you can never come home again. ❞
❝ there will be no replacement for me on the throne. i am the throne, baby! ❞
❝ do not make the mistake of thinking you exist outside the rules. no men do. ❞
❝ i should shoot you in the head right now. ❞
❝ sometimes, you have to kill what you love. ❞
❝ nothing's ever just a conversation with you, ____. ❞
❝ tell me, did you come here to kill me? ❞
❝ you had your chance. ❞
❝ sometimes you gotta cut a motherfucker. ❞
❝ i wish you good luck on your path. ❞
❝ we're the same, you know. ❞
❝ we're not the same. ❞
❝ it seems like everyone is suffering from the consequences of their actions. ❞
❝ i've made my choice. it's up to you to make yours. ❞
❝ do what you do best. ❞
❝ if i didn't have to kill you, we'd be pals. ❞
❝ i would like to suggest a parley. ❞
❝ that was a pretty good fight, huh? ❞
❝ don't worry about me. i just gotta catch my breath. ❞
❝ are we negotiating? ❞
❝ you look as bad as i feel. ❞
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HELLO MOD SLEEPY!! glad you actually made this blog!! it's always nice to have a place for recs like this!!!!!
if you (or any readership!) could rec a certain niche of fic for me, i'd love it—i'm always looking for lighthearted horrortale sans fics, they're a rare find, but a nice one. (i have an intense I Can Fix Him Mentality, and i do also just enjoy seeing that guy happy...) as long as there's no horrible unending torment and angst, anything goes! i'm a total selfshipper, too, so if you find any nice reader insert fics i always appreciate those!
many thanks and wellest of wishes,
Thanks for asking! Here are some fics I found that might fit what you're looking for!
The Haunting of Collimore Manor by CAECAE (Mature, Incomplete)
Told In (YOU/YOUR) Y/N Collimore, a deceased mage that now haunts her family's manor must now deal with a group of skeleton intruders as she unlocks more of her forgotten past. Only thing is, these intruders don’t seem to be leaving any time soon…
Relax, Pal by Nonfigurativt (Not Rated, Incomplete)
When you first lay eyes upon him, you're not sure what to feel. He is terrifying, you feel the need to hide. But after seeing him from time to time, you see past the first dangerous aura he emits, and you soon develop a little crush. Then he finds you staring, and you get encouragement to finally talk to the guy. ‘Hey, I’m sorry I called you a whore, but uhh… you’re my soulmate? And I’m literally so unloveable so… Good luck with that?
His Starry Night on You by Witchcraftandwine (Mature, Incomplete)
some people have a picture on their body, a connection between them and the one who is meant only for them, these marks are soul marks. When your mark flares into beautiful focus after a life altering event you realise that while experience may have made you jaded against romance, fate had other ideas.
The Pit by bugbra1n_404 (Not Rated, Incomplete)
How fucking stupid you were. Your first mistake was stepping foot on that damn mountain. Your second mistake was going the same trail your dad went. Your third? That was believing you were at the top of the food chain, but then again, would you have been able to predict the broad, lumbering, manic, homicidal monsters below the mountain?
A Bit(ty) of a Hard Time by guro_kuro (General Audiences, Complete)
You help foster bitties and have been doing so for years. You come across one case that absolutely calls for you to help this poor bitty whose been neglected and abandoned. Though, it's quite hard when the bitty you're fostering doesn't want to be anywhere near humans and resists all help. That doesn't stop you, and you have all the patience in the world and can show him that there's more to this world and you'll get through to this bitty through love and support. or horror bitty finds love in a world that didn't give him any
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bexyfights · 1 month
Happy Lesbian Visibility Week! I'm bi (with strong girl-lovin' leanings) but I do like the excuse to fuck around and try to be happy about gay-adjacent stuff.
Also got a planned visit soon from a mutually sexually interested gal pal, so wish me luck with that and keep being cool as fuck!
Happy Lesbian Visibility Week to all lesbians that are sexy visit from a gal pal and/or overthrowing the government <3
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Ohh i saw your reblog on Jurian, Miryam and Drakon thing. Yessss, I love him. Like he is a general, he had lives long enough and actually see the rest of the HL grow old and almost half of them were barely in their 20s, 30s when Jurian were in the war and the whole Cythia thing. I mean, the respect he had gained during that time? And his name must-have pass among human as a legend? Come on, give this human a lott of credit and respect. He deserves it and to have his lover TURNED her back from him. Lord, this man got patience. As he lives with lucien as the band of exile right, I wonder if Lucien went dumbstruck one day and be: "Couldron, this must be one reason why this old man is kept alive 500 years" and secretly respect him. I cant with Jurian, it is so sad and tragic. He is the man that has live too long to be consider as human and nothing about him fit as a fae.
He lost his lover, the people he had love were no longer exist, trapped as a ring, raised from the dead and brought again to life. I mean, if i am him, I will carry a small calendar with me to remember this is no longer 500 years back when humans were slaved then slapped anyone dared to say no to me.
I think what annoys me about the Jurian narrative is the framing. All humans are slaves or slave adjacent when Jurian is born. He stages a successful uprising and is actively fighting back and keeping the worst of Hyberns commanders at bay with no magic.
Myriam comes to him when he's out in the Dead Lands or whenever. It's not like Drakon did her any favors by freeing her. He's just like, good luck. Whats stopping anyone else from harming her? Enslaving her? It's not as if she has any true rights.
She joins the army as a healer. Other Prythian territories, like Beron Vanserra (known terrible person) + Rhysands father (also known bag of dick's) are in this war. Spring is aiding Hybern, you have to assume the weren't the only ones. Day Court was also on the side of humans but the rest? Unclear.
And what irks me is that the slavery + war is written to show Rhys is a good person without confronting how utterly horrific the whole thing is to start with. Look at this good dude fighting for liberty. But SJM has effectively centered the oppressor in her own fight and demonized Jurian for what?
Killing slave owner Clythia? I wish he would have killed more. Myriam encourages him to do it, which I imagine felt akin to selling your soul and while he's trying to fight a war, Drakon has arrived. Not because it's the right thing to do but because he can't stop thinking about Myriam. She's his mate and now this has another fucking layer of terrible to it.
Myriam is very clear she ends things with Jurian before running off with Drakon and Jurian is suddenly the Tamlin in the Feysand retelling, only if Tamlin had been fighting to keep monsters from enslaving everyone and now Feysand is mad about his methods.
The last time anyone sees Jurian, he's taking on Amarantha on his own. Drakon and Myriam LEAVE. Close their borders and just go. And when Jurian returns, everyone is so worried he's gonna be mean to her like idk I think Myriam deserved to hear some criticism for her choices, if nothing else. They got painted as friends and for what? Having to be begged to do the bare minimum AGAIN? Lucien Vanserra had to drag them kicking and screaming out of their fucking hole and they get to lecture people on morality?
Part of it is just SJM does not think about the indications of this sort of shit which is why I LAUGH when people are like, there are breadcrumbs HIDDEN like baby this isn't a TSwift album. She doesn't even flesh out her magic system and routinely paints her rebels as the villains if they hurt their oppressors feelings (crescent city).
Look. If it were me and the dude who'd been a magic ring for 500 years were brought back by the same people who trapped him in the ring, I'd be fucking suspicious that maybe he was mad. MAYBE he was up to something. Maybe they were not pals.
And literally everyone in ACOWAR was like "Jurian is helping Hybern, makes total sense"
In what fucking world?
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praxieserver · 1 year
Show us your south park oc!!
why yes i will thank you very much!!!
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meet Avy Alvarez! half filo, half american, and originally my extremely self insert-y oc ive decided to shake up and fuck around with!! they're nonbinary, bi, and they use any pronouns
the guys think she's a guy and just assume she's some kinda femboy and the girls assume he's a girl and thats causes chaos when they think he's getting frisky with their exes when she casually interacts with them like a normal person
since i did say she used to be really self insert-y she is like. a fandom bitch that draws and writes gay shit. yaoi even. and i decided to keep it bc the concept of a serial killer/killer just being a socially awkward fandom kid drawing anime fanart is very funny to me.
that being said, she's socially awkward, but easy-going and goofy as hell. has hot takes that regularly causes discord in the girl's list making committee meetings. she said what she said except when wendy threatens to remove her
does not actually have like a really fucked up backstory to being a serial killer. like she does have some mental health issues but they weren't raised in a family of assasins or something. in fact she was barely raised at all her parents are kind of absent simply because i cannot fathom what they're dynamic could be and kind of always characterized them to be kind of lonely.
she's got a butler/babysitter/housekeeper to keep her in check and handle her meals but they eventually leave when avy gets older. her parents set up a bank account for her where they just send money for her needs and she can deposit/ withdraw whenever she needs. her parents work overseas ig and they're kind loaded so they just send her money when they ask but are also strict with her grades and just in general so like. not very good, and generally very emotionally absent parents.
as for why they are a serial killer? i always imagined that she isnt in like some dark web shit, crap just went down once and then some guy called her for a job and she just decides that like. ight fuck it ig and gets the job done. then that guy knows another who needs someone dead and is like "oh i know a guy" and then it escalates enough that people are passing aroun her job number and calling if they want.
also as the comic says nowadays she just kills people who highkey deserve it and she doesn't really charge as much as other hired killers probably do so alot of people who are like victims of stuff or are like getting blackmailed or smth try their luck and call her for revenge. sometimes she also just accepts jobs from crime guys doing stuff against crime guys. generally chaotic neutral serial killer ig
and since bodies aren't particularly light, she's pretty strong and kinda crafty. just horribly socially awkward and has a few self-esteem issues. there's a voice modulator with the mask and that blonde strand of hair is there bc they think it'll help throw off the cops. whether or not that would actually work i do not know.
also she def has like a one sided rivalry with mysterion bc like. yk serial killer on the loose but also said serial killer does knows mysterion is kenny and doesn't really have anything against them as mysterion or kenny, but man is he a bother when he's trying to stop them from killing ppl and fighting to incapacitate and not kill is kind of difficult when you were killing/planning to kill someone. this also leads to like an arc abt her becoming enemies with freedom pals then frenemies then straight up like an honorary member/local guy they know who kills people and sometimes ask to kill people for them
besties with kyle. he thinks they're weird and they think he's a silly little guy. also pictured above, at one point he finds out abt her being a serial killer and after a whole arc about him coming to terms and choosing to trust that avy does not wish any harm on him and does not wish to manipulate or stalk him and generally has no ulterior motives towards him or his friends and family he just. tags a long in jobs sometimes. mostly to vent or he just wants to hang out with someone. he only tags along like, comes with him when they're going to the place where the deed will be done. he doesnt assist in the murders in anyway, he doesn't really like how gruesome they can be soemtimes and just looks waya while it's happening. he would just walk home once they actually have to start murdering but things can go awry reall quick sometimes so avy doesn't let him out of their sight until he's home. kind protective of kyle but in this case its pretty much warranted.
and that's all the silly goofy stuff about my south park oc. feel free to ask about them bc i have lot of fun playing around with them!!
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sheppyscribbles · 5 months
Baby New Year
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Story under the cut.
"Dude, this is amazeballs ... are you, like, actually pregnant? Lookit the way it moves when I touch it!"
"Hrrrgfh-- f--fucking contraction-- what is happening to me -- why is it fuCKING GLOWING--?!"
This was not how Levy had planned to spend the night of New Year's Eve. He just wanted to go to his pal Eddie's place, enjoy the block party, get fashionably drunk, and maybe get a kiss from someone random at midnight. Probably brunch on New Year's Day.
As it was, he woke up in his one-bedroom flat on the morning of 31 December feeling bloated and strangely jittery, like a bottle of soda shaken to its limit and left out for some unsuspecting schlemiel to open and spray half the room in Diet Pibb Xtra. Stretching didn't seem to help ... and when the lynx stumbled into the bathroom, he was only half surprised to find his wiry body graced with a rounded little potbelly that stretched out his abs.
"This is new," he muttered, prodding carefully at his sudden convexity. It didn't hurt, didn't feel uncomfortable ... if anything, the soft pressure of his broad paws on his tight middle was more pleasurable than he wanted to admit. In the end, he threw on some baggy clothes and went about his day as normal.
By noon, however, Levy was getting nervous. That feeling of energetic pressure had been slowly building, and his jeans were riding low under the furry bowling ball he was carrying on his hips -- and he could swear they were getting wider too as he went about his errands. And yet no one he knew acted like they noticed anything weird! He decided to test this theory when he ran into Eddie at the grocery store.
"I ... dunno if I can make it to the party tonight," Levy stammered to the rotund bear. "I've been having some kind of swelling issue today, and I might have to go to urgent care if it gets too much worse ..."
"Aww, that's too bad, buddy! You know we'll miss you ... but you know you don't gotta feel embarrassed about your weight, right?" Eddie gave Levy an impish grin. "Not when I'm here to make everyone look skinny! Besides ... some women go for the 'dad bod' look, you know?" And without even asking, he gave the lynx's round belly a conspiratorial pat. Levy tried to protest, but ... that felt way too nice ... and he could swear it left him imperceptibly heavier ..?
The day passed in a blur. A round, growing blur. Every time Levy tried to hide out at home, another surprise errand popped up to drag him halfway across town, hauling his bloated gut with him. And everywhere he went, familiar people completely glossed over his new addition like it wasn't even a thing. His boulder of a belly, wider hips, rounder backside drew as much attention as an extra throw pillow on a couch.
In fact, the only way people acted differently was how often their hands found his middle. It never seemed to be intentional, but Levy was no less perturbed by the relentless parade of pats, presses, wobbles, rubs, caresses ... did he look like a statue of Budai to them? Worse, why did every touch feel so good? At this rate, he was going to be craving tummy rubs like a common house cat. And it was still growing.
By the time Lev arrived at Eddie's house, he was exhausted. Even his thicker thighs were having trouble hauling the tan beach ball everywhere, and he could swear he'd walked every inch of the city and talked to (and gotten felt up by) every person in it. The lynx gave up on dressing up nice for the evening, squeezing his massive body into the largest sweatpants he owned and hoping a sweater would cover at least his bloated chest.
And still he was the most popular person there! Neighbors he'd never even met found their way over to chat him up, wish him well, unconsciously pat his belly for luck ... at 10:30 exactly, Levy's sweatpants gave up the ghost and left him in his boxer briefs, and STILL no one seemed to notice or care. He wanted to panic, but all the belly rubs kept his mind swimming in a haze of too much pleasure.
By 11:45, Levy was pretty sure that literally every person in the city had touched his gut that day. It was the size of a yoga ball, heavy and tight and occasionally pulsing, shifting ... he was literally bare from the chest down, too big for any clothes he owned, and yet the other partygoers were completely oblivious. Was he going mad? Was he--*urk*--
The sudden jolt of squeezing pressure drove Levy to his knees. "H--holy shit, what now--hngrrreaouwrrh?!" He clutched as much of his belly as he could wrap his arms around. "... you've got to be kidding me ..!"
And suddenly Eddie's arm was around Levy's shoulders. "Hey, there you are." The plump bear gave an easy smile as he knelt next to the bloated lynx. "You doing all right, buddy?"
Suddenly Eddie's eyes widened, as though he saw Levy's condition for the first time. "Holy--" But then he grinned. "Dude, this is amazeballs ... are you, like, actually pregnant? Lookit the way it moves when I touch it!"
Levy was ... less than impressed, but his focus was on his heaving, flexing middle, which had started to glow on top of everything else. Worse, his body was reacting with even more pleasure, especially now that Eddie was rubbing over his belly in slow, steady circles ...
Time seemed to slow around him, people moving in a haze, an electric current running up and down his body and sending shudders through him. He was vaguely aware of other people in the room, but their attention was on the TV, chanting with a deep pulsing rhythm that seemed to match the throb of his own body ... fiiiiiive ... fooooouuur ... threeeeee ... twoooo ... wuuuuuuhhhhhh ...
Levy threw his head back in a screaming yowl, back arching hard and hips slamming forward as streams of pure energy erupted from him and bathed the room in every hue of light imaginable. The pyrotechnics on the TV screen were nothing compared to the fireworks blasting out of his body, sending a spectral shockwave across the city and bathing the people in a flood of hope and goodwill. By 12:01, Levy was out cold, utterly spent.
"Znuhh?" Levy groaned and rubbed at his face. His paws felt heavier than usual ... all of him did, really.
"Sorry - I said, are you feeling all right?" Eddie was kneeling next to the lynx as he lay on the bear's couch. The bear had gotten a bit confused about how to help Levy recover and was dabbing the lynx's forehead with a handkerchief dipped in chicken soup.
"Never better, and that scares me." He gave a sheepish smile and sat up slowly. At least Eddie had covered Levy's lower half with a bedsheet ... even then, Levy was aware of some lingering bonus effects. "Did ... did all that really happen? I blew up like a party balloon and splooged good luck all over the city?"
"Your guess is as good as mine, dude." Eddie laughed, and his own soft belly bounced against the old football jersey he wore. "All I know is, the rest of the guests didn't even skip a beat. Just went right on partying till they all wandered home." After a moment, a wry smile crossed the bear's muzzle. "So do you do that every year?"
"I ... have no idea," Levy mumbled truthfully. "Had no idea what was going on there, got scared out of my mind ... Honestly, the way no one else noticed, I thought I'd gone insane." His expression softened a bit as he looked back to Eddie. "... thanks for helping me know it was real."
"Any time." Eddie gave Levy's hand a tender squeeze. "... hey, uh ... I know this is sudden and all, but ... you wanna come get New Year's brunch with me? You can borrow a pair of my pants, because hot damn, boy ..."
Levy doubled over cackling for a moment at Eddie's candor ... but when he sat up again, he was smiling warmly. "Y'know ... I think I'd like that."
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I would wish to see
OK OH LORD THIS IS GONNA BE LONG, some is stuff discussed w/ my pal @idiotv2 and some is just mine (we each have our own versions but there's some stuff shared so!)
without further adieu: These are kinda old lol. I'll be doing an eventual post about their USC interpretations
yeah theyre all related in this one.
They're also all italian immigrants!
There is a front related to each one (Charon's Ferry - clothing store | and i cannot remember the others tbh. kerby's was a trampoline park tho. they go feral in there)
ALL SOME FLAVOR OF NB (they/them) and all of them aroace...except hydra who is the token allo /hj
all our cogs have some slight basing on animals so. furries the lot of them (affectionate)
All have some form of bone/joint/frame/shell issues (The head attorney does too) <- that's their Zizi btw (italian gender neutral for aunt/uncle figures)
All lost their shells but in different ways
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(Left is relationships, right is an old reference with their shells + my friend's oc joey. hes funney i like him.)
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the oldest and tallest
got put into a leadership position but would rather not TM
I'm pretty sure that with their shell Charon was considered to be pretty attractive
Wolf based, i believe they're a timberwolf but we may not have been that specific
Our designs and HC's diverge around when they all lose their shells so -- Charon (to me) becomes a spotlight thing
(Based on the light almost looking like a moon and how wolves howl, and them not wanting to be IN the spotlight)
legal surname is Christy
Gorgon thing also, can reflect damage back at you. maybe also turn you to stone if you step into the beam of light and theyre MAD)
Lost shell due to illness (from their Zizi)
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Second oldest/second tallest
The affair child TM (this is unfortunately true!)
Their animal was a hyena and boy they laugh like one
THEY ARE ALSO A DHAMPIR (male vampire and human woman) or the rough equivalent. the trait of fucked up bones appears in frame issues x2!
used to do ballet for fun in italy, fell and fucked up their foot/leg so bad they had to stop (it also required a transtibal amputation)
they have a wheelchair for bad days, but often use forearm crutches, or a cane + prosthetic (styx and graham and the foreman in the prosthetic legs club)
NO ACCENT BTW. i cannot stress this enough their voice is a dead monotone with no accent or inflection
Surname is Showalter, despite relation to Charon
DOES IN FACT DRINK BLOOD SOMETIMES. and has a life drain ability (i think it should be through their voice and this is my HC list even though i share many w/ my friend)
Showed a few symptoms of the same illness and skipped right to "get this thing off me NOW before it gets worse"
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The forgotten middle sibling (REAL) who has a passive cheat that makes people unable to sense their presence (They are a cognitohazard)
This can be rectified if you're around them a lot, but it fucks up your brain forever pretty much. They can also amplify the effect to sneak around if they want (but machines like automatic doors and cameras also forget they exist)
Almost perfectly identical to the head attorney, even when they had shells
They use this to fill in for Nyx (originally when Nyx was too ill to work even after using sick days) and they now intend to go to law school
They're why everyone hates lawbots bc they would give fake CnD's and court orders
Weird bird/cat/bat hybrid thing. cat with feathery wings (and they have white patches which are remnants of their freckles)
Surname is Christy
my freak child with an eating disorder (due to derealization and the feeling that "well im not real why bother" yeah cosmos doesnt take kindly to that.)
Weird luck powers. once made buck roll BAR 7 times in a row just by looking at him weird
Also lost shell bc of illness.
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doberman pinscher (parents weren't going to straighten their ears but i assume another family member did under the guise of getting their ears pierced. sickness and despair in the world
conspiracy theorist (but not in a fucked up way, in a funny way. like cryptid hunting) (theyre also so oblivious. we had a joke about them asking THE PERSON THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT about... well themself, without knowing)
One time Hydra got dumped on their doorstep at 8 years old and they never got a moment of peace since (they were like idk 10? 11??)
can obtain messages thru electronic signals ("MOOOM THE TV CALLED ME A BITCH AGAIN" "lol youre so imaginative")
Surname is Showalter
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The shortest and youngest, but oh so feral
talked to god once we dont need to focus on that
kind of a brat but in a PTSD way (neglectful/abusive parents)
"mommy why do you have beef with me im 4"
had 2 imaginary friends growing up, a greek fish who's name translated to Jabberwocky, and a talking house (both are in fact real dw about)
their parents didnt wanna immigrate but they were 8 and didnt understand so after a tantrum their parents packed a suitcase and dropped them with kerberos
they also didnt get a chance to learn english for for like the first few months they only spoke italian (and some greek)
vessel of fate sort of.
Surname is... well they legally changed their name to be.... hydra Hydra. after the mario movie (the live action one) where mario's surname is also mario. theyre wacky.
lost their shell in a drunk driving accident (the designated driver was drunk and drove them right into another car head on)
anyways have some funneys
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ermanodelgcdo · 9 months
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failed couples therapy
Zack Astor
-enters the council meeting room, slight smirk on his lips- Alright, I'm here. Let's get this thing over with.
David Alexander
-David is already there, his arms crossed and he runs his hand down his face. He can already tell this is gonna be pointless. -
-sat at a table with his fingers laced together, ermano sighed- You both are my closest friends. I wish you guys would get along but I understand some people just don’t click. However, whatever the hell is going on between you two needs to stop. So, no one is leaving until shit gets hashed out.
Zack Astor
Well good luck with that  'mano, hope you brought cake and coffee because we'll be sitting here a long time before that happens. -pulls out a chair and sits down; leans back and crosses his arms-
David Alexander
-gives Ermano a pointed look and motions to Zack as he sits in a very I told you so sort of way -
We’ve sat in weather hotter than Satan’s asshole for hours. Sitting here to play Daddy to two toddlers is nothing. -ermano stands and moves toward Zack, kicking the leg of his chair.- Get up.
Zack Astor
-stares up at Ermano for a moment, entirely motionless- Why should I?
-says nothing as he stares zack down, not blinking-
Zack Astor
-remains seated for a few seconds longer before sighing; gets up and leans against the table- Fucking hell.
Thank you. -drags the chair with him, moving it to the middle of the room. he then moves to david, giving him a knowing look-
David Alexander
-David is motionless as he watches Ermano kick Zack out of the chair and move it into the middle of the room. Seeing his look he raises an eyebrow. - What? I already told you my piece.
Yeah…. You’re going to hate me for this so I just wanted to say I’m sorry ahead of time. -ermano reached for the chair next to David, moving it to the center of the room in front of Zack’s old chair- I don’t want to hear Jack shit. Both of you, sit.
David Alexander
-David watches how he rearranges the chair and immediately recognizes the set up.- Oh no, no way.
Zack Astor
-pointedly rolls his eyes- Mind explaining what you're trying to do here, pal?
I told you no one is leaving ‘til this shit is hashed out. This -he points to the chairs- is to accelerate the process. Now, please sit.
Zack Astor
-raises an eyebrow at Ermano before sighing and grabbing one of the chairs; sits down in the same position, crossing his arms and leaning back-
-looks to david, waiting for him to move-
David Alexander
-he outwardly groans before throwing his hand up.- Fine, fine. -he grabs the chair and pulls it a little bit away before sitting down. -
Right. Now. Zack - what is it about David that frustrates you? -ermano steps behind David, facing them with his hands behind his back-
Zack Astor
... Really? -hisses out a breath between his teeth- I've been pretty damn open about what annoys me about him.
Can the two of you just fucking humor me? -his voice raised, clearly over the situation-
Zack Astor
-stares at Ermano cooly, before relenting- Alright. If you need me to fucking spell it out. He's dogshit at his job.
How so? And give specifics, not a ‘just cause’ bullshit response.
David Alexander
-David scoffs and shakes his head but remains silent. -
Zack Astor
Because he has no fucking idea how to handle being a leader. -gestures to David- Do you think this is how a leader acts, 'mano?
I ask again, how so? What about his leadership do you find not-so ‘leader’? Giving a blanket statement ain’t doing shit. If David sucks ass as a leader, I - as a leader - need to what needs improving.
Zack Astor
... Do you seriously not see the issue? Like with what he's done since I got here? -runs a hand through his hair- If he were a fucking leader he'd, I don't know, actually damn try to solve the fucking problem. Not huff and puff like a butthurt toddler.
-moves to stand behind zack, this time facing david.- Care to weigh in, Davey?
David Alexander
-David has stayed silent the whole time, just chewing on the inside of his lip. He eyeballs Ermano as he comes into view. - Nothing I say he's gonna listen to anyway. He's been here...what, six months? Haven't had any issues with anyone else with how I run the hunters. He comes in thinking he knows what's best but really he's trying to show off. I think my track record speaks for itself - training up Jake, giving archery lessons to folks in town, planning out hunting parties and trips with the least amount of risk... but yeah, sure, Zack here doesn't like being told what to do and I'm the one with problems.
Zack Astor
-scoffs- Wow, you taught people bowhunting, what a great accomplishment as a leader.-puts on his shit eating grin as he eyes David- You're so fucking used to people kissing your ass, aren't you? Everybody respects you and you've started to expect that of them. And the moment somebody doesn't fucking do it - bam, you go crying to Ermano and he needs to hold your hand while you do your job. -leans forward on his chair- And if you think I'm doing this to show off, well, pal. Then you haven't been listening to a damn thing I've been saying. 
-takes a few steps back to give them space. he knew isaac was right, maybe they needed to let it all out before any progress could be made. ermano also knew renee would be pissed if they show up at the clinic all banged up, but he’s take the tongue lashing if needed-
David Alexander
-David just glares at him - I know how to work as part of a team. And from what I've seen, you haven't shown that you can.
Zack Astor
Clearly you do. That's why we're here now, huh? -let's out a chuckle as he shakes his head- Do you think I got to lead my wolves for as long as I did because I'm a shit teamplayer David? Do you really think that's the issue?
David Alexander
No, the reason we're here is because you have an attitude problem. -he leans forward in his chair, his arms resting on his legs- You want to know what I think? I think you can't handle not being in charge of something. You think because you were some big hot shot out there that it automatically gives you the right to do whatever the hell it is you want here. Everyone here started out low on the totem pole, same as you, and they've earned their spots here. So far, you've earned jack shit in my book. All I see is a spoiled kid who is throwing a tantrum because they don't like being told what to do. -he stands up and looks to Ermano- This is going nowhere, man.
On the contrary, I think its going great. Sit down. -he moved his arms from behind his back to folded across his chest- I don’t care what yall do to figure shit out, but it’s happening. Whether it’s couples counseling or a boxing match, the two of you need to figure it out not for yourself, but for the community.
David Alexander
-David gives Ermano a pointed look before running his hand down his face and sitting back down. He's leaning back in his chair, arms folded across his chest, clearly over this whole thing-
Zack Astor
-leans back on his chair, grin on his face- And you can't even handle a guy with an attitude problem on your own without Ermano's help. Pal, that says a lot more about you than it does about me. -chuckles- I know what earning my place means. Do you, David? Because I think the only reason you're headhunter is 'cause you're Ermano's pal.
You talk as if you’re not mine, too. As if we haven’t been through shit.
Zack Astor
I'm yours, 'mano, but that shouldn't mean jack when it comes to doing your job.
David Alexander
You think that's the first time I've heard that shit before? You ain't the first and you sure as hell won't be the last. I don't got to explain to you how I earned my spot. And I'm not handing over my position any time soon so best get used to it, Astor.
Zack Astor
Maybe that not being the first time should get you thinking, David. Sounds like people are onto something. -shrugs- Let's be honest David, you haven't done shit to earn this aside from making lovey eyes at 'mano. And you know it. That's why you get all huffy. Cause I'm fucking right.
-rolls his eyes- Leave me the fuck out of this.
David Alexander
No, Zack, those are the words of jealous children who are mad they didn't get chosen first for the football team. And for the record, Ermano didn't put me in my position - the Council did. So you want to try again or you want to keep making a fool out of yourself by spouting things you know nothing about?
Zack Astor
Oh boy. It just isn't clicking, is it. -stares him down- Having four people say you should be a leader doesn't make you a leader, David. Doesn't mean you earned it. Teaching people how to bowhunt makes you a teacher. Planning hunting parties makes you a strategist. But the moment one of your hunters doesn't suck you sloppy and gives you any sort of challenge you buckle. You don't get the respect you think you deserve and you don't know how to handle it. How the fuck did someone like you even manage to get past the drill seargents?
David Alexander
I -David laughs in disbelief. His head is shaking and his hand runs down his face. This is just ridiculous at this point. He looks to Ermano and points to Zack with one of his hands- You see what I mean? It just never ends. We're going to keep going round and round in a fucking circle. Let me tell ya something, Zack, the Council put me in charge because from the moment I came here and provided game for the whole town, they noticed what I did. They noticed how I mentored the other hunters, how I trained them, how I was willing to step up whenever something needed to be done and how effectively I could come up with a plan, execute it and provide results. Those, Zack, are all signs of a good fucking leader. If you don't like it, tough shit. -he doesn't care if Ermano thinks they're done because David sure as shit is and he stands back up- The way I see it, you got two options - either you suck it up and deal with the fact that whether you like it or not, I'm still head hunter and we figure out how to work together or you find another job around town. I'm fine with either. -he looks to Ermano before walking towards the door.- 
Zack Astor
-stays seated, doesn't even look after David as he begins to leave- Throwing a hissy fit and running away proves my point, David. Just shows you haven't been actually taking in a damn thing I've been saying. -yawns, casting a glance at his watch- Go and lick your wounds, David. Go cry to mama.
He has a point, David. -ermano calls out, pinching the bridge of his nose.- For fuck’s sake. The two of you need to stop being fucking kids and compromise. If anything happens outside the walls because you both can’t play nice, I’ll have both of your asses, biter or not. This community can’t handle losing more people.
David Alexander
-David stops, biting his tongue as he turns around with his arms crossed.- What else am I supposed to say, 'Mano? Every thing I say is not good enough. I'm willing to figure out how to work it out but he's the one that's gotta let go of whatever bullshit he's got so we can have a productive conversation. So far, none of this has been productive. It's just been another fucking piss match and I'm over it.
Zack Astor
Just say you haven't been listening, David. We both know it. -runs a hand through his hair as he puts his feet up on the chair David left- I laid out pretty damn clear what my problem is. And with everything you've been saying you've just proven my damn point. Someone's got an overinflated ego, and it ain't me pal. -closes his eyes as if he were going to fall asleep- Pointless to tell you shit when it's like I'm talking to an angry brick wall.
Now that we got why you hate each other, solutions. Any solutions? Any compromising?
Zack Astor
With all due respect Ermano, this isn't shit to compromise on. This isn't "I just hate his guts" or some shit. He ain't a good leader. He knows how to teach, strategize and he's a hard worker but after, what, two years? - he has no idea how to handle people. That's his fucking problem.
David Alexander
-grits his teeth- I have been listening. Obviously you haven't. -David looks to Ermano with a shrug- I don't mind finding a middle ground and figuring out how we can make this work. But as you can see, he's not budging. There is no constructive conversation to fix this. Whenever he's ready to find that middle ground, I'm more than happy to listen. -he points that directly at Zack as if proof that he's not the one having issues with handling people-
Zack Astor
Yeah, after the fifth variation of "you got a superiority complex" I tend to tune out. -grins as he rises back up to his feet, slowly makes his way over to David- The only reason anybody thinks you're a great leader is 'cause nobody had the balls to challenge you. It's like you're a dog herding sheep. They just follow you. But once someone kicks out at you - you go whimpering and crying to your owners. -stops right in front of David, looking down at him- You ain't no goddamn leader David. And you never fucking will be.
David Alexander
-if Zack is trying to intimidate him, it's not working. And if he's trying to get him to punch him, it's not working either. He doesn't cower, doesn't stand down, he just stares at him. And once he's done talking, he leans in- I'm sorry you feel that way, Zack. But at least I'm the willing to come to the table. You're the one stomping and throwing a fit because you can't bully me into giving you what you want. Like I said, when you're ready to have a conversation and stop hurling insult after insult, my door is always open. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two yourself.
Zack Astor
Well, can't say I haven't tried. As I said - you know shit about hunting, but you got no fucking clue about people. I ain't the one who needs to take a long good look at himself in the mirror. -he shrugs, looking not particularly bothered as he pushes past David to open the door- I'm retiring from the hunters. I know David isn't gonna be able to get over his cracked ego and let me do my job unless I suck his dick and thank him for it, and that's a fucking waste. Community shouldn't suffer just 'cause David here can't handle some insults. I'm gonna go ask Isaac for a raider position.
-he sighs before taking a seat in one of the chairs. arms still folded across his chest, ermano shakes his head and whispers- Dios, tan cansado. -next he says out loud- Do whatever you want to do, Zack. No one's gonna stop you.
David Alexander
-David rocks as Zack pushes past him but doesn't stumble. He looks over at Ermano and shrugs before walking over to him and sits down across from him- He'll do great with them. Isaac is gonna love it.
I have no doubt about that.
David Alexander
-David shrugs as he leans back in his chair- At least we tried, right?
@davxdalexander @zackastor
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