#why does anger have to be such a scary and mean emotion?
cannibal-of-god · 3 months
why can people be so mean?
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gardenofnoah · 1 year
katsuki hates to be placated.
it stems from his childhood (because of course it does)—there was no getting through or around his abrasiveness, so the next best thing was to pin him with that tired smile. the look of resignation that was always the same, no matter who wore it. to agree to every retort, even if he was being so horribly unreasonable. to choose—overtly—the quickest way to end the argument and flee from him.
he hated it. he hated it, and he could never understand—why was he the only one who ever had any backbone? he saw his challenges and rose to them every time. he came out on top, every time. it wasn’t as if he was being purposefully combative. he just…didn’t know how else to be.
to finally understand that he himself was the challenge, and one not worth seeing through—well.
that just hurt.
so he did the only thing a child so young could think to do—he became more. more volatile, more prone to outbursts. more unpredictable and, looking back on it now, scary. but that was what made sense to him—if he was made to see those barely-veiled expressions of intolerance either way—he’d at least have control over why.
as an adult, he has a better grasp on himself and his emotions, but he wouldn’t be katsuki without that hair trigger temper and his smart ass mouth. and he feels lucky—really lucky—that he has you, because you aren’t afraid of his challenge. you meet him head on and you give it right back.
so he can’t understand why you’re standing in front of him—not even looking at him—wearing that same, appeasing grimace tonight. he doesn’t understand, and suddenly he’s 11 again—small and made to feel so, so insignificant by the way you sigh like you can’t bear to speak another word to him. by the way your lips can barely turn up at the corners, and your strained little “nothing, kat” when he asks you what your problem is.
he had only answered your questions. it might’ve been the case that his answers came through gritted teeth as he heaved himself through the door to your home. it might be true that the adrenaline from his shift still pumping hard through his veins had him a little on edge, still feeling vigilant for any outward threat. and the way you’re postured away from him, like you can’t stand another second in the same room with him, feels as threatening as any villain.
“so why the fuck are you mad at me?”
you pause, hand halfway to dropping the tea bag into the steaming mug on the counter as you turn to look at him, expression both concerned and very tired.
“mad at you?”
he balks, because he hadn’t anticipated having to actually elaborate on that, and now he feels foolish as he tries to formulate his complaint. but the anger wins out, like it always does, and his explanation comes out clipped through gritted teeth.
“you’re fuckin’—turned away from me like i’m a little pest,” he seethes, only spurred on by the way you step forward, reaching for him like you mean to pacify a child mid-tantrum.
he doesn’t even see you anymore, not really—just every other face projected over yours, until he sees red. it’s always the same—no matter how hard he tries, he is too much—
“y’think i can’t tell how bad you don’t want to be here right now? i can practically hear ya thinking of all the ways to leave this—”
you’re facing him fully now, arms crossed over your chest with a look that can only be interpreted as one of annoyance, aimed right at him.
and that gives him pause, because at least you’re honest. he just…doesn’t know what to do with that.
“what on earth are you talking about?”
and of course he can’t say it. he tries to deflect, because the walls close in and the only way out is to steamroll over you. “you—you—”
and he just wishes you’d cut him off—tell him some horrible and likely true thing about himself so he can let go of all of the venom he’s been carrying around for over a decade—but instead you wait for him to tell you what he’s thinking. he can’t bear to tell you that the only thing in his head right now is his fear.
fear that he’s too much for you, too.
“you’re actin’ like you don’t want to talk to me,” he grits out, mirroring your posture with a huff and glaring at the tile by your feet. it sounds childish when it leaves him, like he ought to have stomped his foot to end the sentence, and the shame curls up in his chest.
you’re silent for what feels like an eternity. he feels the anger burn him up when he hears you snort.
before he can snap at you, you’re wrapped around his midsection. he wants to thrash until you let go, but he’s subdued in a way that feels different. even so, his petulance remains, and he holds his arms out from his sides like you’ve got fleas.
“i’m not mad at you, you big baby,” you murmur, and he can hear the smile in your voice, even muffled by his costume. “i’m just tired, kat. i was like, 99% asleep until a minute ago. i thought we were just gonna go to bed. ”
he feels himself fight against the way he wants to deflate at your words, and this time the anger is only directed at himself. he doesn’t understand why everything has to feel so fucking hard. why every tiny shift in your body language has him feeling nauseous, or why his mind drops him at the worst case scenario and leaves him there, stranded.
“i don’t want to leave,” you answer his earlier comment, head butting him lightly in the sternum. he feels no control over his arms when they loop around your shoulders to pull you closer.
“it’s 1am and i want to sleep,” you look up to shoot him a pointed glare, but there’s no real heat behind it, “so can you shower so we can do that?”
he can only blink at you. after a long moment, your words filter down far enough for him to understand.
“i—uh. yeah.”
your lips twitch up at the corners as you pull away from him. he feels so raw that he’s unable to move, unsure how to proceed and unwilling to let you out of his sight in case it’ll be the last time he sees you.
“go on,” you say, expression softer, “i’ll be in bed when you’re done. maybe i’ll cuddle you if you’re done yelling at me.”
“‘m sorry,” he can’t manage anything louder than a whisper, and when you reach out to rest your palm over his heart, it’s far more painful than any withdrawal could have been.
“we’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay?”
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
Slashers x crying reader
Well, i think you can read it if you have bad episode or smth like that, honey)) Just know that they love you!
Tw: gender neutral reader, crying
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Bubba Sawyer
♡ Honey, what's wrong? Has someone offended you? Nabbins? Drayton? One of the victims?
♡ Seeing your tears, Bubba will be beside himself with worry. A man will immediately rush to you, wrapping his sweaty palms around your cheeks with excitement. Jerky sounds will come out of his mouth, more like meowing or babbling of a child, but you clearly see fear in this.
♡ Without waiting for your clear explanation, Bubba will pick you up in his arms and take you to the kitchen, seating you on the table. With shaking hands, he will fill a glass with water and carry it to you in the hope that this will help you connect a couple of words.
♡ Sawyer Jr. will circle around you and try in every way to calm you down. Just tell me who offended you, and he will kill that person!
♡ Just look at those copper eyes sparkling with tears, he's like a scared puppy worried about his beloved mistress!
♡ When you calm down, you will go for a walk together or, if the weather is bad, which is unlikely, you will stay at home and lie on the bed in an embrace.
♡ During Drayton's next trip to the city, Bubba will certainly ask his brother to buy you ice cream or some small sweets, marmalade, for example. After all, the Sawyer brothers like you (after all, you're their youngest's favorite, which means you're a family member), so most likely one ice cream won't hit Sawyer Senior's pocket much.
♡ Bubba is a very vulnerable boy who worries about literally everything in this world, and first of all about you and your brothers. So please don't get too upset about the little things. The boy is very sensitive and literally copies your emotions, albeit unconsciously. Cheerful you are — cheerful Bubba, which means he has more strength to produce meat for the family.
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Michael Myers
♡ When he sees you crying, he'll just stand up and stand rooted to the spot. The lifeless black eyes of his snow-white mask will look at you for a long time, studying your emotions.
♡ Michael has never understood either his emotions or the emotions of others, so don't expect some kind of violent reaction and quick consolation from him.
♡ He will find you on the bed in your own bedroom. You were sitting with your arms wrapped around your knees and your face buried in them, sobbing softly. At first, a man wouldn't understand why you're whining and shaking a little.
♡ You will not raise your head at him, trying to calm the hysteria as quickly as possible, knowing how Michael does not like extraneous noise. But after a couple of minutes, the mattress next to you will slip, and a strong heavy hand will appear on your shoulder. Michael, without waiting for your response, will turn you around and hold you to his chest.
♡ He doesn't understand your emotions, your cheekbones and tears, but he sees that you feel bad. Michael remembers that when he's not in the mood, you always read a book, put your head on your lap and slowly comb his hair until the headache subsides, or just somehow calm down and take care. Next to you, the voices in his head are unusually silent. You make his life easier, give him shelter, food and attention, so now he wants to do the same.
♡ Burrowing into his clothed shoulder, you will burst into tears even more, soaking his jumpsuit with tears. Michael will continue to patiently pat you on the back, waiting for you to feel better. He'll just be with you.
♡ After what happened, it's better not to mention Michael's tenderness. He's not used to taking care of you the same way you take care of him, it's new to him, and it's scary. Otherwise, he will leave the house for a couple of days to vent his anger.
♡ If you also want to somehow show your feelings and thank Michael — arrange a movie night, having previously bought various sweets for Myers. He will definitely like the horror movie and candy. And after that, Michael will feel a little more confident and relaxed next to you.
♡ Over time, Michael will be able to understand you better and will really be able to help with the next attack. You won't know about it, but whenever he sees couples with similar situations, he will slightly delay their hour of death to see how best to behave next to you at this moment. You'll see, this boy learns very quickly.
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Bo Sinclair
♡ If Bo sees you crying, he'll probably think it's a joke. A man can make a couple of jokes about you on this score. It is his style to apply even where it is completely inappropriate (he translates most of his problems into a joke). But when he does not see your reaction, that is, the expected laughter or the same poisonous remark, he will be wary.
♡ Your body is still shaking from crying, and the room is filled with long sobs. What kind of freak did this to you?
♡ Bo will come to you and sit next to you. A man will wrap his hands around your cheeks, wiping the tracks of tears from under your eyes with his thumbs. He will smile bitterly and put his forehead to yours, rubbing it lightly. The man will let out a light sigh, but it will calm you down. He will lightly kiss you on the lips, then on the nose, cheeks, until you burst into a relieved laugh.
♡ When you can breathe evenly, occasionally sobbing, Bo will put you on his lap and start talking about everything that comes into his head, just to distract you from sad thoughts.
♡ A few days or even weeks will pass after the incident, but Bo will still treat you with reverence and monitor you and your mood in every possible way.
♡ From time to time, Bo will leave you gifts or some nice little things to cheer you up. Just don't be surprised if it's the thing of one of Ambrose's recent victims. They don't need these items anymore, but they will make you smile.
♡ When you're sad, Bo even tries to be less of a bastard than usual. If he still feels your depression, a man can offer a relaxing massage that can bring you to your senses.
♡ But after a while everything will return to normal, and instead of a moderately caring guy, your eccentric asshole lover will return.
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eomayas · 9 months
love without tragedy • jww
pairing: mafia!wonwoo x f!reader
genre: angst, mafia au
synopsis: what is it called when he wont be your boyfriend but acts like he is?
warnings: swearing. mean wonwoo. toxic realtionship. reader is in her early twenties, its unspecified how old wonwoo is but he is older. reader slaps wonwoo
a/n: helloooo i cant get wonu out of my mind so here is a little drabble. he is really mean in this story but thats not how i see my man its just for the purpose of the plot 😭💕
the look he's giving you is enough to make you tremble. you've never felt fear around wonwoo—his job is inherently scary and dangerous, but you've never felt fear of him, though right now that is being put to the test. a cold shiver runs down your spine as he stares at you from across the room. you wish there was an island of distance between the two of you, and not a measly coffee table.
"w-we were j-just dancing," you try, wringing your hands together in front of you. he scoffs through his nose and smirks, but its not sweet. there is malice behind it, like he thinks you're pathetic.
"that's what we're calling it?"
sure, maybe you did do more than dance with jun. maybe he had his hand on your leg and you let him inch it up your dress. and maybe you let him kiss you a couple of times. and sure, they were on the lips, sometimes on the neck. and maybe jun ran in the opposing gang in the city, so you made yourself and your fathers mob a target, which inherently puts wonwoo in the middle of it as well. but can he really blame you? wonwoo won't go out with you, always says its not safe for you to be seen with him. what he's really saying, is that he doesn't want your father—his boss—to find out.
wonwoo stares at you, his nostrils flared and his jaw set. whats making all of this worse, is that he hasn't even yelled yet. anger is practically seeping from his pores, but hes not yelling. "well, you wont go out with me!" you exclaim, throwing your hands up.
"so you go and fuck around with somebody from the other side, all because i wont take you out?" he scoffs at you again as your bottom lip trembles. "you really are a spoiled brat, you know that?"
"don't call me that," you frown at him and he shrugs at you, unfazed by your emotional state and the words he's saying to you. other than the fact that you were kissing the opposition, you don't know why he cares so much—there are plenty of other men that work for your father that can handle this.
"its what you are—you think you can have whatever you want, whenever you want," he says bitterly.
your frown deepens, and you almost threaten telling your father, but you know he'll just call you childish. its what he always does when you two argue about something stupid and you pull the dad card. "you're not even my boyfriend, so i don't know why you give a shit," wonwoos nose twitches at the B-word, and you know you've struck a nerve. if theres a couple ways to get under his skin, its to threaten him with your dad and point out the truth to him. "im not yours to worry about. there are plenty of people who do that anyway."
when he doesnt say anything, you keep going. "and so what if jun is with the other side? he doesn't seem to mind being out with me—something you can't handle! you won't even be my boyfriend, so what i do, and who i do it with, is none of your fucking concern."
"watch your fucking mouth, y/n," you're visibly taken aback at his words and his tone. wonwoo rarely, if ever, swears at you. he'll swear in your everyday conversations, but its never towards you. not even when you swear at him, like right now, does he ever do it back.
staring at him with wide eyes, a million thoughts race through your head, the first one being: when did i start being afraid of him? "dont talk to me like that," you say, a slight tremor in your voice.
"don't pull that card now, you've been cussing at me all night," wonwoo spits, puffing his chest out. "that's that spoiled brat shit i'm talking about! you think the entire fucking world revolves around you, but it doesn't!" you can't handle his sudden change in temperament, and your hands ball into fists at your sides.
"quit fucking talking to me like that."
"i'll talk to you how i want to talk to you-" the slap happens before you even realize what you've done, your feet carrying you over to him on autopilot. its not until you pull your hand away from his cheek that you register what you've done, the hurt on his face.
anger flashes on his features, and you have a split second to panic. you tense up, waiting for him to yell at you, but instead he only takes a deep breath and shifts his gaze away from you. "wonwoo..." you whisper, bringing your finger tips up to touch your lips. a red mark in the vague shape on your hand spreads across his pale cheek, and you swallow the lump in your throat. "wonwoo, i..." you trail off, because you don't know how to finish that sentence—you are far from sorry, feeling vindicated because, in your eyes, he did deserve it.
wonwoo runs a hand over his face and opens his mouth, but rethinks and closes it into a thin line. shaking his head, he shrugs on his jacket and grabs his belongings from your coffee table. he slips past you wordlessly and your eyes trail him as he walks out of your apartment, a sort of darkness settling over the room as you're left to stand alone.
wonwoo doesn't call, and after the fifth day you start to lose your mind. the day after the incident, you hardly thought about him, and when you did, it made you angry. the second day, you started to feel his absence, but it wasn't nearly as violent as it feels right now. the tears started on the third day, and haven't stopped. its only now that the guilt has settled in, your dry phone practically taunting you every time that you touch it.
"kwannie, i miss him!" you moan, burying your face into a pillow and letting out a scream. your best friend, seungkwan, gently pats your head and you sigh, turning your head to the side to look at him. "do you think he'll call?"
seungkwan presses his lips into a line and glances around his bedroom. "y/n, you slapped him," he reminds you, making you wrinkle your nose. "and you haven't apologized yet. i would't want to talk to you either."
"okay, but he deserved it! he was being disrespectful!"
"but you put your hands on him. you should have let, like, mingyu or somebody—if not your dad—deal with him," seungkwan says, referring to another one of your fathers men. and seungkwan is right; even though mingyu and wonwoo are friends, you know that his loyalty to your father comes first, which means that you come first. any of his men could have handled it adequately.
sighing, you sit up and hug the pillow to your chest. "he is so..." you groan into the pillow and hold it there for a few seconds. wonwoo is a piece of work. he's quiet and hard to read at times, and can't always give you a clear answer on what the two of you have. he says things that hurt your feelings. but he's also a confidant, your protector, while being something similar to a boyfriend. you trust him more than you trust yourself at times, and sometimes what you feel for him is so intense you wonder if you're making it all up.
its hard to trace when your realtionship with wonwoo began. you've known him since you were 20 years old, him appearing seemingly out of nowhere one day when you came home for a weekend in college. he introduced himself politely, but hardly asked about you or offered any information about himself. you went back to campus with your brain on him and him only. it wasn't until that summer that you saw more of him, but you two hardly interacted. he was always around but never quite where you needed him. your paths hardly ever crossed, unless it was the rare times you happened to be passing by him in the hallway or kitchen. a few months later, when you were home for winter break, you ran into him early in the morning. you'd just come back from a work out and ran into him in the kitchen. he was leaned up against the island, tapping away on his phone and he looked up when he heard your footsteps. you spoke first, saying good morning and asking him how he’s been. he returned the conversation and from there, every time you saw him you two at least spoke.
from then on, you exchanged numbers. he’d text you sporadically, checking in on you and asking you about your classes, life, etc. the texts turned to phone calls, late into the night when you were tucked in and he was just getting home from whatever job he’d finished. he never really told you what he did, but you knew. when you’d ask, he’d just say he handled something for your father, almost like he was trying to protect you from his reality, but you knew—you’d grown up around this lifestyle from birth. the calls started getting longer too, going from ten minutes, to thirty, and then for an hour, sometimes more. you’d talk about any and everything, so late into the night that you’d hardly get sleep sometimes, nearly missing class or dozing off during lectures. but you didn’t care, as long as you got to talk to wonwoo.
for spring break that year, you didn’t plan to come home, having plans to go out of town with your friends. b ur you cut your trip short by two days, and came home instead. everybody was surprised to see you, especially your father who wasn't expecting you. you just lied and told him you wanted to surprise him, but that was far from the truth. you were itching to see wonwoo, even if only for a few minutes because of his other duties. it was hours before you finally got to see him, and when you did it was late. you were hot tubbing, and you heard the backdoor open, his dark figure emerging. you called out to him and he walked to the edge of the hot tub, squatting down in front of you. your heart was racing as he looked down at you, and you got goosebumps despite being in warm water. not much was said between the two of you, but it was like there was an electric current flowing between the two of you. you asked him about his day, and he gave you the answer he gives you all the time: "it was a day." and then he asked you, and you said: "better." as in, better now that he's here in front of you. you raised your body out of the water a bit, the water coming up to the bottom of you ribcage. wonwoo shamelessly checked you out, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. you moved to the edge of the tub, standing directly in front of him, his eyes darting between your bikini clad chest and your eyes. you stood up taller, this time most of your body coming out of the water, to get as close as possible to his face without touching him. he asked you: "do you know what you're doing?" to which you replied: "im positive i know what i'm doing." and then you kissed him, pressing your wet body against his extremely dry and clothed one, your hands gripping the edge of the hot tub. he kissed you with a hunger that made you breathless, and you gripped the front of his black jacket, nearly yanking him into the hot tub with you. when you pulled back to look in his inky dark eyes, you knew you were a goner.
letting out a breath, you let go and drag your hands over your face, closing your eyes. "i just don't get him sometimes," for nearly two years, you have been playing a sick game of cat and mouse with him. you think you have him, and then he'll say something to remind you that you in fact, don't. but he always has you, as much as it pains you to admit it. "h-he says he can't be my boyfriend. but when i try to go out—if i even look at another man—he goes crazy. kwan, i don't even know how he knew where i was. i didn't tell him i was going out."
seungkwan swallows and avoids your eyes. you glare at him, trying to meet his gaze. "seungkwan."
you hold eye contact for a second before he quickly looks away, and you gasp. "seungkwan, what the fuck!" you shout, jumping off of your bed. he holds his hands up in surrender, his eyes wide and pleading.
"y/n, i'm sorry! but he called me randomly, and said that you weren't answering! and he knew i wasn't with you because i picked up the phone, and i swear i wasn't going to tell him, but..." seungkwan trails off and you scoff, shaking your head.
"but what?"
"but... you know wonwoo: he's intimidating. and i don't want any problems with him. i'm really sorry, y/n. but i felt like i had no choice."
you frown at seungkwans words, the gears in your head turning. he had no choice? "did he threaten you?" you ask your best friend, your stomach churning. seungkwan... he's not like the rest of them. his father is also a mob leader and does dealing with your own father, which is how you two know each other. he is your longest and first friend. seungkwan isn't involved in any mob activities per his mother, who made it known that his father was not to involve her only son in any of that business. everybody knows to leave seungkwan alone, that he's like you: off limits. but clearly, your not-boyfriend doesn't know the rules.
seungkwan waves vaguely in the air and you see red for a moment before snatching your purse off of the nightstand and pocketing your phone. "y/n, where are you going?"
"i'll be back," is all you say before running out of his house and down to your car, hopping in and speeding the one place you can guarantee to find wonwoo.
pulling up to the club, you swing your car into a spot and scan the parking lot looking for his black mercedes. you spot it glimmering in the evening sun, and scoff before jumping out. you hardly have to talk to anybody when you walk in and make you way to the very back where wonwoo and five of your fathers men do business outside of your house.
a cloud of smoke hits your face when you push the door open, and you scrunch your face up. the first person you come in contact with is joshua, your fathers right hand man who you've known for the greater part of your life. when your father wasn't around, joshua was. he was more like an uncle to you, practically raising you. "hey, princess," he says, a smile on his face.
"where is wonwoo?" you ask, eyes surveying the room. you see mingyu, minghao, jeonghan, and vernon, but not the man you are here for.
"that's how you greet me?" joshua asks, tilting his head to the side. you don't feel like arguing, so you give him a quick hug paired with a kiss on the cheek. "why are you looking for wonwoo?" he asks.
you bite the inside of you cheek, trying to come up with a lie on the fly, until the door to another room opens, and wonwoo emerges buttoning the first three buttons on his shirt, followed by a dancer. your stomach drops, and you feel like laughing and crying at the same time. wonwoo doesn't acknowledge the woman and turns away from her, meeting your eye in the process. guilt and shock pass quickly over his features, before he composes himself and carries on like he didn't see him.
marching over to him, you stand in front of him as he takes a seat on the couch in the room. "wonwoo, we need to talk," you say, putting your hands on your hips. he picks up a glass of brown liquor and drains its remaining contents.
"then talk."
"in private," you say, widening your eyes. he sighs and stands up, starting to walk over to the room he just came out of. "i'm not talking to you in there." you say, a hint of disgust in your voice.
"then talk," he barks, the room quieting down a bit. your face burns in embarrassment, hating the way he's treating you. he stares up at you like there's better things he could be doing, his gaze hard.
"you're such an asshole."
wonwoo shrugs. "oh well."
"you know what, wonwoo? fuck you. i know you threatened boo the other night, so you can just fuck off! you can fuck with me—fine—but leave seungkwan out of it!"
his nose twitches like it did the other night, but this time you don't stick around to wait for him to explode. you leave just as quickly as you'd shown up.
once outside, the tears start. you lean against the side of the building and sob into your hands. you don't know how, or why, for that matter, you let wonwoo treat you this way. but he's not always like this— you've seen sides of him that prove it. but its been nearly two years of push and pull, him doing both the pushing and pulling. he pushes you away while simultaneously pulling you to him. he knows that you'll follow him wherever he goes.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
I don't know if you want to make this request of mine, but I would be very grateful... How would it be if was Yanderes! Twisted Wonderland (dorm leaders) in love with the same reader?
Ohoho I sure can! Man being in that situation would be so scary, good lord, can you imagine? I guess now you can jsfaönf
I decided to finally feed my twst readers again after starving them for so long. I hope you enjoy!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness, jealousy, mention of murder, mention of violence, kidnapping/ abduction, manipulation, stalking, emotional manipulation
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Yandere! dorm leaders that are in love with the same darling
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Okay but this is going to be utter chaos, you just know it. Most of the dorm leaders can barely tolerate each other in the first place without a fight breaking out, then you add them being yandere ( and as such, more unhinged) ,and then to add insult to injury they all like the same person? Yeah, that´s a recipe for disaster
I honestly don´t think any of them are willing to share? They want to have you for themselves without anyone else interfering
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Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle blows a fuse when he gets wind of this. He already has a harsh temper to begin with but he loses all of his composure when it concerns his darling. Do the other dorm leaders think they can just simply steal you away from him? How utterly unacceptable! He is the most hard-working and flawless student here at Night Raven College so he also deserves your love the most out of everyone here!
He´s honestly so annoyed and angry when he sees one of the others talking to you that he takes out his anger on his poor dorm members that he now collars for the slightest of offenses. It´s like chapter 1 never even happened, his reign of terror is reinstated all at once
And yet at the same time, he would take advantage of the fact that your two closest friends are members of Heartslabyul. You´re bound to want to visit them often to hang out with them, right? So of course it´s only a coincidence that you´ll often find Riddle staying close to their room to greet you and sweep you away when he gets the chance. Of course he wasn´t waiting around for you or anything like that, it´s only natural that he keeps a close eye on those two troublemakers to make sure they don´t get involved in any hijinks again, right? It´s what a responsible dorm leader should do
So while you´re at it, why don´t you join him for a nice cup of tea? He´s told Trey to bake some treats that are just to their liking. So please spend some time with him!
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Leona Kingscholar
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Leona is one that often doesn´t bother with putting in a lot of effort, simply because he doesn´t think his efforts would ever be rewarded. Why would he give it his all when he knows it´s not going to matter in the end? But this here is different. You´re one of the only people that have shown true understanding for his position as the second-born prince and for once he feels like he needs to try his very best when it comes to winning you over
Leone is no fool, he´s quick to figure out that the other dorm leaders seem to love you in the same obsessed way that he does. It makes him angry to think that anyone else would dare try to stake their claim on you when he´s already decided that you would be his mate. For once in his life, he refuses to play the second fiddle. He wants you and he´s not going to shirk back from using dirty means to get what he wants. He probably orders Ruggie to use his unique magic again to make the other dorm leaders hurt themselves to put them out of commission for long enough to hopefully win you over. If pushed far enough I´m sure Leona wouldn´t hesitate to use King´s roar either. He was so close to killing Ruggie, someone that is actually a big help to him, so why would he ever hold back against his rivals?
Leona is very aware that he needs to fight dirty if he wants to break free from always being in second place
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Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul is very displeased when he finds out that he isn´t the only one to be harboring feelings for you. It probably took him a lot of time to come to terms with his own “love” for you, not one to freely show his deeper emotions to anyone else, he doesn´t like to feel vulnerable. And yet, whenever he lays eyes on you, Azul feels more vulnerable than ever before. And he finds that he doesn´t hate it as much as he would have thought
But he very much hates his current predicament. All those other fools are head-over-heels for you as well and it makes him more insecure than he would ever admit. Of course he´s primarily upset because he wants you for his own but when he sees the kind of people he needs to compete with ( literal royalty and a celebrity) he can´t help but be caught up in his old insecurities. It makes him want to hide away more than anything but he won´t let himself do that. He knows that you´re meant to be his so he´s not going to ever give up on you
Azul enlists the help of the Leech twins who are more than eager to assist him, if only for their own amusement over the situation. They´ve been given the order to stay around you as much as possible when Azul isn´t able to, to help chase away anyone that might try to approach you. Them being around isn´t enough to stop all of them but their intimidating presence surely has some effect at least. They also tell him any kind of detail about you that they´ve found out about through their tailing.
He tries to get all the information he can about you, both to soothe his craving to know as much about you as he possibly can, but also to know how to entice you into signing a contract that will bind the two of you together forever. Once your fate is sealed, he won´t have to worry about any of the others ever taking you away from him
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Kalim Al-Asim
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Honestly speaking, Kalim would probably be the only one here not to notice how the other dorm leaders feel about you. He´s a very delusional yandere to begin with, not seeing anything wrong with how intensely he loves you. That´s just a sign of true love, right? Isn´t it just so great that he would do absolutely everything to ensure your “happiness” even if you didn´t ask for anything?
He just goes about courting you like he usually would: showering you with many very expensive but unwanted gifts and clinging to you for as long as he can. It´s just him showing his affection for you so he doesn´t see any reason as to why you might want to reject any of his presents. Do you really have the heart to disappoint someone as nice and sweet as Kalim? Do you want to make him cry? Please just accept whatever invitation he throws your way before things get too difficult
Jamil would likely feel obligated to help Kalim out because he simply can´t handle the other moping around and sobbing all day whenever you express displeasure at staying over for too long or you react negatively to the 5th elephant parade this week. Jamil probably understands why you would feel overwhelmed with all of Kalim´s grandiose shows of affection but he really can´t be bothered to deal with his miserable self for even a second longer. He also fears that his family might be in trouble if it came out that he didn´t help Kalim when it came to winning over his “one true love” so sorry, but he´ll need to prioritize his family´s safety over yours
Unlike Kalim, Jamil would very quickly realize what kind of competition they´re dealing with and would thus function as a sort of enabler for Kalim´s overbearingly clingy tendencies. He knows they need to act quickly before anyone else gets the chance
Wouldn´t it be a good idea for Kalim to introduce you to his parents already as his lover so you can get a wedding prepared for as soon as possible? Kalim would of course jump at the chance and try to seal the deal as soon as possible. He doesn´t see any reason to wait when you both love each other so much!
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Vil Schoenheit
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Just absolutely unbelievable. Do these potatoes really think they have a chance against him? No one is as beautiful, elegant and skilled as Vil Schoenheit and thus no one is more suited to be with you than him. The moment he had first laid eyes upon you he had decided that you were perfect in every way, inside and out. Vil is usually very strict when it comes to both himself and others but for some unexplainable reason, he felt this pull towards you from the very beginning. Even if logically speaking there is no person without any flaws, he is more than willing to overlook any of yours
You have managed to capture his heart and so you must take responsibility for that by letting him win over yours in return. He´s always made an effort to look the best he can but now he´s spending even more time every day, to improve himself even more, if that is even possible, to draw your attention and impress you. Maybe if he appeals to your preferences you will finally spare him a glance and bless him with your presence
He works so hard every day, which only drives him to be angrier when Rook tells him that he isn´t the only one that has laid their eyes on you. He huffs and shakes his head in dismay with a joyless smile on his face, already contemplating how he is going to deal with this
Vil is an actor so he´s more than capable of acting out whatever kind of person appeals to you the most. If he feels like you might be showing some sort of interest in one of his rivals then he might start to copy some of their mannerisms to hopefully draw your eye again. You only need to look at him, dear! Vil is the most deserving of your love out of all of them. No one else but him could hope to ever come close to your level of perfection, he is the only one that is suited to be with you
If he feels like he needs to ( he feels you slipping away), Vil is also willing to poison his rivals, as we´ve seen with Neige in the main story. He loves you too much to let anyone else have so he´s going to make sure he´s the only one remaining once the curtain falls
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Idia Shroud
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Idia probably starts noticing that he has some competition when he keeps seeing the other dorm leaders approach you as he is watching you through one of the many cameras he had installed all throughout NRC and your room to be able to look at you at every time of day without leaving the comfort of his room. He might have been able to look past it if it had only been a one-time thing but with the frequency of how often they´ve been seeking you out lately, he knows that something is up
And boy oh boy, Idia is not happy at all when he puts 2 and 2 together. He honestly feels like breaking his pc out of frustration when he sees the others attempt to flirt with you while he can´t even stand face-to-face with you. Idia is cursing his own social ineptitude more than ever before as he has no choice but to curse and grumble as he sees everything unfold in front of him
Idia already thought that he had no chance with you, I mean who would be interested in a weird shut-in like him? It´s the very reason why he had settled for just watching your daily life through all of these cameras instead of trying to strike up a conversation with you. The very thought of standing so close to you already makes him shiver with both excitement and fear
But that doesn´t mean at all that he would let anyone else date you. That´s not how this is going to go! He knows that they´re probably better picks for a boyfriend than he is but he hates the very thought of you being with someone else. Maybe it´s time to jump over his shadow and finally take action
So he decides to start mission “Send out Ortho to lure them into my room and then I´ll never let them leave again”. It definitely isn´t a fool-proof plan but Idia doesn´t want to simply stand by anymore if it means you might be taken from him. He´s sure Ortho is friendly enough to be able to pull it off and then it wouldn´t even matter if you found him disgusting, as long as he kept the electronic locks on his doors shut tight, you wouldn´t be able to leave him any more
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Malleus Draconia
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Malleus isn´t well-versed in the act of human courting but he´s intelligent enough to pick up on the way his fellow dorm leaders look at you. They look at you the same way he does: lovesick and full of desire to become your significant other. And this just isn´t something Malleus would stand for. As a draconic fae, he´s just as possessive with his darling as were the dragons that would hide away their treasures from the rest of the world. Once he has his eyes on you, he´s not going to let up until you´re completely his for all of eternity
He never thought he would find the one that was destined to be with him at this very school but it nevertheless happened. You were the first person not to fear him and to genuinely call him a friend, something that filled Malleus with happiness like nothing before. Nowadays he feels a bitter feeling pool up inside of him whenever you call him a mere friend, but the original point still stands. You were the first person that treated him as a regular fellow student and because of that he quickly grew attached to you, his own very special human
So he´s very angry ,to say the least when he figures out that he isn´t the only one laying claim to your heart. He´s so enraged in fact, that he needs to be held back by the rest of Diasomnia or he would have ended up just killing all of his rivals with the help of his powerful magic. Malleus truly knows no mercy when it comes to having you all for himself. He won´t let any of them look at you for even a second longer.
If he isn´t allowed to just get rid of everyone else because it might start a major conflict between all of their nations, he simply has to take you away from Night Raven College to somewhere only he has access to. If he were to lock you into a high tower, far away from any kind of civilization, then no one else would be able to speak to you ever again. It would only be you and Malleus. Isn´t that just wonderful?
Of course Malleus is going to make sure to visit you as often as he can so please don´t look so sad, alright? You don´t need any of your so-called “friends” anymore, you have him now! He´s not going to let anyone interfere with your relationship ever again
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coldinternetllama · 6 months
My take on the epilogue of LN 5
Spoilers until the prologue of LN 6!
So I have been thinking about the choking scene at the end of volume 5 of TAD, as it has been bothering me a lot, since it seemed too OOC for Jinshi, at least in my opinion. I mean, sure, he does have some borderline toxic tendencies, but that was a bit too much, even for him. I have tried to think of an explanation that would fit him, but all of my theories didn't quite fit in with the story and the characters. That is, until another user pointed out how frustrating it is that Maomao sees herself as completely expendable and is even convinced that Jinshi would kill her, if he saw fit. We (and Jinshi) are aware of that ever since the time she requested to be killed with poison. Generally, this is part of her apathy towards her own life, as she always goes with the flow and tries not to stand out too much. A core part of her character, and yet one that frustrates Jinshi more than anything.
To explain what I mean, it has always appeared to me that Jinshi wants Maomao to make her own choices and, basically, take charge of her life. For example, after the incident with Fengming, he let Maomao go, because he thought that was what she wanted, and he wanted to respect her wish. The same goes for the time he refused to let Lakan visit her, as his name made her visibly upset. Jinshi does obviously care for what she wants.
On the other hand, her passiveness upsets him. The fact that she sees so little value in her life and assumes he does as well angered him a lot during her request to be executed with poison. Her lack of any (!) reaction to his advances later in the novels also upsets him in the same way. So I have been thinking, what if the choking was him trying to see how much he has to push her for her to retaliate, to try and fight for her own life, which she sees as so expendable. A reminder, but Jinshi also said he didn't want her to poison herself for her experiments. Maybe he was hoping that she would push him away and finally understand that she indeed has a choice regarding how her life and her relationship with him goes. Of course, Maomao being Maomao interprets this as some sort of punishment. And maybe she is right, we never get to see much about Jinshi's thought process during this particular scene. Obviously, it was wrong, and I am not excusing him, however he himself obviously does not know how to express himself or his emotions correctly, and thus his actions gain a possessive, even scary twist. And this is also how I would classify the choking: a twisted attempt to push her to actively participate in their relationship. To me, it definitely sounds more likely than a petty "punishment" out of jealousy. At least that is what makes sense to me and what I want to believe for the sake of him being one of my favourite characters (yeah, I might be biased).
To reiterate, he was probably trying to show her what could happen if she continued letting people decide for her. If we think about it, even her dance with Rikuson was not something she actively wanted to participate in. Maomao's passive behaviour might be alright for a commoner servant (and she loves to see herself as just that), however at this point of the story she is seen by everyone else as part of noble society and feigning ignorance the way she does it is extremely dangerous for a noble. Granted, Jinshi should have tried telling her with words and not violence, but she is also notorious for not listening to people, especially when she doesn't like the topic, so I can see why he might have thought this was the only way.
Anyways, thanks for reading, if you made it that far, and do let me know if all that makes sense to you.
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peppermint-rat · 7 months
To everyone who was raised mormon - anger is not a sin. Anger is your friend.
Obviously, it has to be managed, like any emotion. Being reactive and having a temper is not healthy. But being angry is. You might have heard that a good and kind person is never angry.
Anger is an internal alarm that something might be wrong. That you, someone you know, or a group as a whole are being mistreated, or at the very least, you are not satisfied with the way things are. But even being dissatisfied is called blasphemous. Nephi's brothers sure liked to "murmur", didn't they?
Why would the church call anger a sin? Anger that does not inflict physical harm on other people? Is it a sin to make other people uncomfortable with your emotions?
Yes, actually. Turn off your ability to identify mistreatment, turn off your ability to be dissatisfied with your life, and make sure everyone around you turns those off, too.
That way, the church can take 10% of all of your money and tell you to fall to the ground and kiss their feet in gratitude for it. They can force you to cut your hair before being allowed into a fun youth event. They can string you up like a fucking marionette and you'll just go limp and follow their directions, because resisting would make you a bad person.
Of course the people that tied you up would tell you that struggling is a sin.
And, even outside of the church, but ESPECIALLY in the church, people will use this idea to make themselves into the better person and place all the blame on you for THEIR actions. They will feel threatened by you being upset about things that they worked so hard to justify in their minds - but the thing is, you're angry, which means you're wrong and scary and the familiar mistreatment feels more comfortable than ever. Sometimes, people will even take the opportunity, as the clear Bigger Person in the situation, to treat you even worse, but use such calm and pacifist language that, naturally, you're the cruel and irrational one.
I made a Facebook status once telling everyone who agreed with the church's new homophobic "doctrine" to unfriend me. A cousin I never spoke to DMed me telling me that she felt like I hated her for believing in the church, and she didn't hate me for my "choice" of lifestyle, and - get this - she loved me and would therefore not unfriend me herself, I would have to do it. So she would be noble, and I would be the angry little apostate dyke. I reconnected with an old mormon friend and told her that I was hurt by her believing homophobic things, and she immediately told me that I always blew things out of proportion and got angry for no reason. My brother has been abusive to me all my life, but whenever I got upset, I was rocking the boat, or I was even worse than him for being angry at all. A friend who wasn't even mormon betrayed the fuck out of me and told me "I understand if /you/ don't want to be friends anymore," like they hadn't decided that on their own with their extremely hurtful actions. But hey, using calm and pacifist words while someone else is upset means you will always be the one being "so good about it"!
Anger is not a sin, anger is not an excuse to treat you badly. Anger is what will save you from thinking that mistreatment is justified. Practice patience with your loved ones, but be assertive. Practice forgiveness with the people you WANT to forgive. But if you wanna die mad, that's your fucking right.
Fuck this "drinking poison and expecting the other person to die" shit. Being angry and staying angry led me away from a cult, away from abuse, away from manipulative people, and gave me the courage to fight to protect my little niece in a dangerous situation.
Anger is your friend.
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cardboardheartss · 17 days
Nara Smith D1 Chart Analysis + Astrocatoraphy
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Firstly Nara is a Sharavana Nakshatra/Moon native. Which actually explains why she is soo beautiful! Mainly her eyes, her eyes are the 1st thing you could possibly notice about Nara along with her cute bunny smile too!
Nara has her Dhanishtha Uranus, Shravana Neptune, Shravana Moon and obviously a Shravana Ascendant. Nara has a capricorn (Vedic) stellium which actually makes sense because her bone strucutre is really prominent and her body type is lean. Saturn aslo rules the skin too and Nara has openly spoken about her skin condition eczema (twinnie lol).
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Naras Uranus is sextile her Jyeshtha Chiron (11H), this could mean Nara has had unfortunate problems with friendships and this had probably made her transform to better/worse, and worse in a sense of her building her guard up and being more careful on picking friends. This 11H placement could possibly also represent the immense hate she receives on social media but she is able to control herself and not let her emotions get to her.
Nara has a 2H lilith in Shatabhisha at 10 degrees, and that is a Capricorn degree! Nara loves her money to be quite honest, and remeber Capricorn is ruled by saturn, saturn is the time/age lord. Nara married Lucky Blue Smith, who is 3 years older than her. Her Purva Phalguni Venus is in her 8H, which represents peoples finances and it is common for SOME but NOT ALL 8H venus to marry into money.
Nara’s Venus is also sextile her Swati MC (10H), this makes because when she uploads her video she always dresses up to the T! Her outfits look like they cost a lot of money, and also the cutlery and plating she uses seem to have quite expensive pricing.
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Nara’s Chitra Mercury in the 10H at 3 degrees (cancer degree) made me giggle lol! Nara is also known for speaking in a really soft and soothing voice! The 10H represents fame and what things one could be known for based off the planets and Nara has her Mercury, the sign of communication. Andd i am certain we all have seen the “Nara Smith Style” trend going on, and people literally mimic her voice and her actions too!
Now for her 6H placements! Overall, the 6H represents diets, routines, work andd hygiene. Nara has her Ardra Jupiter and Rahu in this cusp! SHE WAS BORN TO DO THIS!! Firstly one thing we obviously have to point out is… have you not noticed how clean and well edited Nara’s videos are?
+another thing i would like to point out is how Gemini rules over Mercury, and her Mercury is in her 10H, andd people on social media mimic the same voice tone and actions she does in her videos.
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She is percise, and i blame that on her Hasta (Virgo) Sun lol! Nara uploads videos EVERYDAY and she is cooking, which can mean it is in fact her daily routine at times though… i mean a fan posted a picture of her standing in line at Shake Shack lol! Her Jupiter, planet of luck, she will obviously gain a lot from this and she really is good at what she does… it almost seems natural if you ask me!
Nara has her Hasta Sun in the 9H. One thing i would have to point out is her possible or proven devotion to her religions. Her Sun is squaring her Jupiter, and we all had seen the discourse about her religion and that had unfortunately led her to get a hate train, and it some how made her lose support as well.
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Damn! She has another Capricorn degree in her Sun, with the Saturn degree there, it could represent that people who mess with her do in fact get their karma, and people did. Majority of users on social media are in full support of Nara now!
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Nara’s Purva Ashadha Mars at 16 degrees (Cancer degree) is in her 12H, with that Water + Fire sign combination in MARS… i would avoid angering Nara because she could possibly get really scary. Her Maternal ancestors are there for 1000% and trust they will also go ham on you too if you mess with their baby lol. Now for Mula Ketu in this 12H as well, this could Nara really extroverted/introverted around those closest to her.
Nara also has her Ketu trine Venus, and this could mean that she has a lot of luck in terms of gaining an intrest in occult practices/astrology OR she could already have an intrest in it and is not overly sharing it with the public.
Overall, Nara is one extremely down-to-earth women. She knows how to create a business and is also a great mom, and she was born to be one too! thanks to her lucky Rohini POF and Vertex!
For Naras Astrocatoraphy lines, she has the Chiron line passing right through her home country Germany! In her Tropical natal chart, Nara has a Sagittarius 11H Chiron, which once again points out how Nara could have grown up being excluded for being half-black or coming from an interracial relationship andd as well as being an African too!
Her Saturn line, which in her Natal chart is in the 5H in Gemini could also mean this delayed her opportunity of finding friends or this could also show that she had trouble learning the language quickly but she eventually got the hang of it!
Nara has her Moon line passing through South Africa, in her Natal Chart its 1H Aquarius Moon at 9 degrees (Sagittarius) . This could mean she feels quite detacthed or not South African enough because she had to emigrate when she was younger! but i hope she knows we support her fully over her this side lol! <3
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Welp! Thats it for Nara Smith for nowww!
Thank you for reading!
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Could you maybe do a v3 characters finding out their s/o is s--cidal (non killing game please)
Thank you!!
Rantaro feels terrible, but does everything in his power to help you out when you feel like this. He has good ways of dealing with anxiety and depression since it’s something he is experienced with.
Kaede she just feels so bad for you :( she’s just like what noo wtf!!! She hates that you feel this way and she kinda treats it as something that can be fixed with positivity and optimism and working out and hanging out with friends more often but even she knows deep down this won’t magically fix itself.
Ryoma gets it, he’s not suicidal per say but he stopped caring if he lives or dies. He has good ways of helping you through some rough days and is there for you through it all.
Kirumi hates knowing that she may not be able to help you much. She does as much as she can, but she mainly tries to be a caretaker to you when the going gets rough and helps make sure you have proper hygiene and get food in your system.
Tenko is the kinda person who wants you to put all that negative energy into something like working out with her, it will hopefully get all the sadness and anger out of your system or at least make you feel a bit better and not about suicide.
Angie tells you she’s praying to atua for you. It’s not one of those “Atua will heal you don’t worry” it’s more like “I’m praying to atua that you’ll be okay in the end.” which is a very … sweet thing for her to do in her own way :)
Miu may not know how to respond, she’s actually speechless. Hates knowing you’re in that much pain you’d want to end it all. She tries to come up with some inventions related to emotions for you to wear but unless you want to wear a helmet for the rest of your life, she has to come up with something else for you.
Gonta is confused, why would you want to end your own life? He may not understand where you’re coming from, like at all, but he’s here for you. Such a comforting soul, he can make you feel a little better with just a glance. He’s not aware of his power and wishes he could do more for you.
Kokichi used to be suicidal too. He still deals with depression just not to the point of suicidal thoughts anymore. He knows how to help you through them without harming yourself and he’s absolutely broken by the fact you’re in a spot he used to be in.
Kaito is kinda like kaede in the sense that positivity and working hard and optimism will make it better, even if that’s obviously not always the case especially for something so serious. He means well but he won’t be very helpful. He will back off if you tell him to though?
Kiibo knows how to help, by google standards anyway. He’s terrified at the thought of you doing anything so he becomes overprotective and tries to give you general advice.
Himiko tries to make your life easier, she does the chores and other small things she knows may be hard for you on rough days. She checks up on you and will make sure you’re taking care of yourself and she will try to make you smile.
Maki may not understand what it is you’re going through but she tries her best. She checks up on you a lot and demands you take care of yourself if you aren’t. She’s so scary, so you probably do it not to get her death glare.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Livius heat??? 👁️👁️
OH no. Prayers for you. Anyway-
Livius' heat is a dangerous one. Pay attention to pre-heat signals, those usually being literal mimicry. He already has a tendency to rebuild his identity around yours and adopt your mannerisms- Now Livius is beat by beat doing everything you do (if he can, if not he just gets upset). He's also trying to isolate you specifically a lot more than usual. It's weird waking up to his sweaty body beside you as Livius literally waits for you to do anything so he can do it too.
The demonlord doesn't nest, so much as he turns his bed chambers (if they aren't shared) exactly into yours. He doesn't want his own items there, he wants yours only. It's more than a bit awkward, but he's determined to steal your items and arrange them for his own comfort. He only feels at peace surrounded by what he considers to be you. Pieces of you. Parts of you.
Livius' behavior during heat is best summarized as very scary roller-coaster of mood swings. Most monsters are already not too good at regulating their emotions during ruts- But Livius is a naturally unstable person, so this only destabilizes him further. One moment he's laughing and curling a hand around his cock, the next he's bawling and looking at himself with so much raw disgust it might actually make you wonder if he's having a breakdown. He is. Several, in fact. Keep in mind this means he can also get irritated very suddenly, so keep your voice down and try to be generous during this time.
Livius will be extremely needy, not just in the sexual sense, but in the emotional one as well. He wants your attention to be on him at all times. Engaging with someone else, even if it's just the servants, will get him in a rage of long raggedy limbs as he tears into that little fucker then desperately makes sure your eyes are on him. This is why imps around the manor will avoid you like the plague when Livius is in heat, you're on your own. Even just mentioning someone else will anger the demonlord.
Sex is sometimes bizarre, in the sense that Livius instinctively imitates your noises. He genuinely isn't doing it on purpose, but you might moan a certain way, only to find him replicating the noise far too naturally later on. It's... Odd, but flattering?
The brightside of Livius' heats are that he can be coaxed into submissive positions pretty easily, so long as he isn't teased too much. Don't get cocky though, being in a submissive stance doesn't mean you're off the hook. Keep up or get bent beneath him! One thing he does often is wrap his arms around you several times, keeping you still, on or below him, trapped there so he can cum inside you as many times as he feels he needs to before he can tolerate the thought of others merely looking at you.
If you feel like Livius is getting particularly stressed out over nothing, use some of his own strategies. Pretend to be him, or say something you've noticed he usually says when he's caught off-guard. Wear pieces of his attire (or something similar). While this does mean you'll get railed, it's also very soothing for him.
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
honestly i think that people who misunderstand mike the most are those who can’t understand that his emotional intelligence isn’t impacted by his obliviousness. they’re two different things entirely. mike has a pretty deep understanding of himself and what he feels, and we see him do a great job at communicating his anger to el in s1 in a manner that’s very intelligent for a twelve year old. mike understands that he’s angry at el for lying to him and he believes it’s wrong, but that doesn’t get in the way of him knowing el still deserves to have shelter and food. he takes care of her even though he’s angry because he understands that his justified anger doesn’t mean he can hurt her. of course he lashed out initially, but it doesn’t stay that way. he communicates.
mike has a great understanding of his own emotions and his own morality but he often struggles when it comes to others. mike connects with people through relatability and very direct communication; he needs to use his understanding of himself to understand others. when he’s trying to understand why el in S4, he tries to connect their experiences so he can understand why she would want to lie about being bullied to him. on the other end of the spectrum, we see mike connecting with will in the shed scene through his own experiences. it isn’t a memory like joyce or jonathan, not really. what he does is tells will that he’s important because of his impact on himself (mike). that may come off as egocentric, but that’s what mike knows how to do. he’s relying on his own experience to show will how important he is.
that’s also what makes mike and will work so well together. will communicates with mike in a way he understands. what mike needs in order to build a deeper relationship with people is for them to connect with him by telling him their own perspective. the moments that resonate with mike the most are the ones where will is telling mike his own experience. will’s brutal honesty is what mike needs in order to understand that something is wrong and his explanation that it’s scary to tell people how you really feel not only gives mike information to work with, it’s something we see him relate to.
in the same vein, this type of emotional intelligence is exactly what leads mike to repress himself so intensely. mike sees what’s happening clear as day and he doesn’t like it, so he pushes it down and away. he’s aware that he’s fighting something. but, and this is where that misunderstanding comes into play, his awareness that he’s repressing something and trying to fix himself doesn’t mean he’s intentionally hurting other people. he gets easily caught up in his own emotions and falls into habitual isolation to deal with it (we see this almost every season), which denies him that connection and perspective he needs in order to realize that what he’s doing is hurting other people. he gets so focused on fixing himself because his insecurities take over and start blinding him; he hasn’t allowed himself to be vulnerable enough to connect with other people, so he believes he’s alone in his experience and begins to isolate. in doing so, he hurts others, but it isn’t intentional and the second that connection reappears and that direct and brutal honesty is back, he starts to change. S3 is especially hard for him because el doesn’t quite have the ability to communicate what she needs or wants (and she still struggles with this in S4) and will isn’t giving him the full perspective he needs. but it’s enough for him to change.
this belief that mike’s isolation and need to create connections is done out of egocentrism is SO wrong but incredibly common otherwise. even those who understand he isn’t being intentionally harmful and is doing his best are still subject to the double edged sword of falling too heavily into the oblivious factor to the point where his understanding of himself is erased, or by falling into the idea that mike’s emotional intelligence means he must be aware of the harm he’s doing and is therefore doing it out of malice. it can be hard to balance because these features look so different in every relationship he has. mike doesn’t have the ability to communicate with everyone equally because not everyone understands how to communicate with mike, which is why we see him acting so differently in heart to hearts with will than with el. i fully believe that we could have gotten a sweet moment out of the elmike fight had they been able to understand each other, but they couldn’t. mike needs pieces of a puzzle to help him put things together in his head, but el can’t give him the pieces he needs because that isn’t how she communicates. her lack of ability to lay things out flat creates a harsh contrast with mike who needs that.
mike is self aware to a fault, and it’s only heightened by how he understands the world around him. he feels his emotions how he feels them and understands that, but everything else is a puzzle to solve and he only has his own experience to give him the ability to solve it. he gets better at solving puzzles over time, but the puzzles continue to get more advanced as his world becomes more complex, as it the result of growing up.
TLDR; he Autism as hell 👍
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magicwhiskers29 · 2 months
I can't believe I haven't talked about this before, but augh, I've been rotating stuff about the Beast at Ichor Mountain and Audrey in the brain -- namely how I think you can draw some interesting parallels between the King of Hearts and Audrey.
Firstly, to get it out of the way, the nomenclature Audrey Redheart. Who is the beast at Ichor Mountain? The names clearly link our two suspects, and I think it's interesting that Audrey is one of notably few characters to actually have a given surname, in this game. Miriam doesn't. The Bard doesn't. Heck, none of Hala's family do, because they don't need a surname to remind you they're all related. (Iirc, Audrey may actually be the only Wandersong character with a surname!) So why Audrey?
Why Audrey, the character who gets referred to by her epithet, the Hero, more than her name anyway?
Because it's important, of course. For one, it gives Audrey a stronger sense of identity, specifically of the identity Audrey worries people won't care about her for. Audrey tells us her own surname, clearly indicating that she thinks important you know exactly who she is. But also, and more importantly for what I want to talk about, what it means.
It identifies red as Audrey's colour, suggesting a sense of strength. And I don't specifically mean physically -- rather, because it's paired with "heart", I'd interpret it to be implying strong emotions which, yeah, tracks. Audrey is angry throughout the game just as much as she's smug or entitled. I think it's even that anger that defines her more, because the haughty attitude is an act to play up being the Hero, whereas her anger at the Bard and Miriam for interfering comes from a very genuine place of fear.
Contrast this to the King of Hearts, who's established to be represented by pink, along with a lot of the rest of Ichor Mountain. Or, namely, the outside of Ichor Mountain and the core. At the heart of the mountain is the Overseer's palace, pink like him. And he was initially kind, the kind of happy-go-lucky guy we see the Heart Fairy to be, presumably. A very different kind of strong emotion. So he's the heart of the mountain. Okay, then he must be the "Beast at Ichor Mountain", right?
I think the phrasing of this act's name is interesting. It's not the Beast of Ichor Mountain, or the Beast on Ichor Mountain, but the Beast at Ichor Mountain. It's incidental. The beast isn't necessarily a native; they're just there, the beast who's found themself haunting the mountain named after the blood of the gods.
So I'll ask again. Who is the Beast at Ichor Mountain?
Well, it's Audrey. The King of Hearts is scary. He chases you down, fights against you, snarls at you, and enacts horror movie tropes on you, but we know what he's supposed to be like because we meet the Heart Fairy -- the next Overseer of Hearts. And we see this in the King of Hearts when the Bard sings to him, and it works, somehow it works, to start calming him down. The Bard, ever the bleeding heart, does what they do best, and offers the King of Hearts their heart and soul in the form of a song, and it works!
Until Audrey cuts him down. Audrey, who's decided to devote herself to a mission that has to go against what her heart says, because we know her motivation for ending the world, and it's not because she believes in the cause, cuts down the King of Hearts in the middle of a mutual display of unconditional love and compassion. Audrey, who sat there at the heart of mountain finally confessing that she's being Eya's champion to end the world and finally escape being Audrey Redheart, a nobody, and promised right there to give compassion a chance and face her struggles rather than clinging to more than just a self-sabotaging, but a world-ending lifeline, kills the King of Hearts.
Audrey only allows herself to be vulnerable without her sword. She needs it to feel important and powerful, and only allows herself to feel things about her mission, and process things about herself, when she can't just go slicing through hoards of monsters to earn some surface-level adoration and praise from people she never stops to make an actual connection with. So when she gets it back... She can't return to being Audrey Redheart, someone who maybe could have fitted in on Ichor Mountain had she listened to the Bard and continued to follow their example. She has to be the Hero, even if that's the hero who becomes the beast at the mountain.
And because this is Wandersong, let's do a little musical analysis.
04:46-05:10, specifically. Why? This is the mash-up of the Heart and Hero motifs. Overpoweringly, we can hear the Hero motif blaring on guitars in the foreground, but also the sure and steady Heart motif from the Heart Fairy's theme in the background. The Hero motif is stronger because Audrey is clinging to it, absolutely, but also because two people are using it. And they always have been.
The Hero motif is first used in the prologue to be just that, a theme for the Hero. But then the Bard reclaims it in Chapter 2 for "I wanna be the Hero", and also "I'm going with you". These are the times the player is going to first notice it, because it's shown to them so clearly! It's only associated with the Hero, and Audrey, again later on, because it's a concept, not a person. It's a concept any character can cling to, and unlike the Bard, it's Audrey's whole identity. It becomes her motif by force.
So in this piece where it's used, it's Audrey, or more accurately, the Hero, vs the King of Hearts. And the music already shows us who will win. We've discussed which motif is played stronger.
So who is the Beast at Ichor Mountain? She's the one who takes her sword in hand and tries to slice her way through the heart of Ichor Mountain.
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vhagarlovebot · 2 years
this is just me rambling about aemond’s personality. i see a lot of people saying he’s cruel just for the sake of it when there is so much more. if you read it, thank u. <3
aemond targaryen can be though, scary and agressive, very challenging too. you only need to look at the prince to know that. he exudes authority and confidence, everyone respects him because he has earned that. he’s determinated to get what he wants and we see that when he claims vhagar (the abuse he suffered has a lot to do with that), and he’s very aware that he is the best option to be king, not his brother. because he’s the one who studies history and philosophy, he’s the one who trains with the sword, he’s the one who rides the largest dragon in the world. not the drunkard of his brother who does not want the throne, who begged him to let him run away. aemond knows his brother should not be the king but he supports him, he supports his mother, his family; that’s why he did not do anything, he really thought about his words because then he would’ve the opportunity to claim the throne but what he wants is not a priority. duty means a lot to him. he has been raised that way.
aemond is controlling, he wants people to obey him, he likes to give orders and use people to get what he wants, what he needs. other people emotions (outside his family) do not matter to him (not much) if he has a goal in mind.
aemond can be impulsive, bold and direct. but aemond is also hurt, he was abused and bullied as a child, he lost an eye, and you can’t get over it like it does not matter, it’s not something easy to forget, it doesn’t have to be. he did what he did in that moment (the dinner-pig moment) because it was the only right way to react for him. he’s traumatized and angry, he wants someone to pay, but he also did it out of impulse, because he was fucking angry. and it wasn’t just for that specific moment, he’s been carrying that anger since he was a child, bullied by his own brother and nephews.
aemond can be all this things but he’s also someone who just wants to make his mother, his family, proud. he’s craving the praise because growing up no one, besides his mother, acknowledged him. he felt the need to prove himself and everyone around that he could be well-educated, always studying and learning everything he could. that he could also be the best swordsman in the seven kingdoms; he tried to compensate not having a dragon by doing all those things.
the abuse he suffered forced him to hide under that “scary prince look”, when deep down aemond is caring and attentive. he has so much to give but no one to give to. he loves his mother, he would do anything for her, she’s the only one who has always defended him, she was the only one to show him some kind of love. his father never loved or cared about him, his siblings suffered the same as him, so aemond does not know much about love, or how to be affectionate. he only knows cruelty and pain.
aemond wasn’t raised to hate his nephews. they forced him to hate them themselves by the way they always mocked and bullied him. aemond even tried to be there for jace and be friendly at laena’s funeral but it was jace who gave him the cold shoulder. it was also viserys fault, always showing his preference for rhaenyra and her children, it was his own mother and her rivalry with rhaenyra. it was also luke’s fault, taking away an important part of him. it was not aemond’s fault he grew up feeling the way he feels about them.
then what are you expecting from a boy who was so wronged like aemond? be fucking for real and realize how complex aemond targaryen really is. he’s not the way he is just because, there are a lot of fucking reasons.
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stevie-petey · 5 months
could we perchance get a lil blurb about why/how reader and dustin started their code blues, or maybe just one of their code blues before all the upside down stuff started ? love seeing their sibling relationship always and i think seeing them talking and sharing emotions with each other would be really sweet <3
dustin n reader <333 babies <333
enjoy !
"just because dad left it doesnt mean you can be a bitch."
dustins words cut through you like knives.
"okay, first off, never use that word towards a girl ever again." he rolls his eyes at you and you flick his nose, which he scoffs at. "secondly, i have no idea what youre talking about."
dustin again rolls his eyes. "yeah, you do. youve been a real b- i mean, a real jerk lately."
you want to argue with him, but the words dont seem to come. all you seem to do lately is argue with everyone. and now, confronted with your little brother calling you bitch, you find that youre exhausted.
"i have, havent i?" you finally admit.
dustin nods. "yeah."
you forget sometimes how smart the kid can be. hes only nine and yet here he is, calling you out for actions you shouldve noticed yourself. hes too young to be worrying about this.
"im sorry,"
"its okay. i get it. he sucks, doesnt he?"
"he does, but im still sorry for being such a bitch."
"i thought we couldnt use that word."
you ruffle dustins hair. "nope, youre not allowed to. i am, though."
he sighs, as if expecting that response, and starts to walk out your room. the conversation doesnt feel finished yet, however, and you call after him. "wait!'
"i gotta pee."
"okay, and i told you to wait."
he groans but sits back down on your bed. "do you wanna... talk?"
"i know, but... im serious, buddy. we havent really talked since dad left and i realize i kinda suck as a big sister right now." you feel guilt crawling up your throat, one of the few emotions youve felt these last few days. your dad left a few weeks ago, but sometimes it feels like its been a lifetime.
"you dont suck," dustin reassures you. "youre just... scary right now."
you snort. "yeah, like thats any better."
its quiet now, and dustin sits stiffly against your bed. he seems scared being so close to you, as if you could erupt any second, and you feel horrible for it. youre not sure what you can do, though. theres still so much anger within you, resentment and betrayal, and you dont know how to express so much without hurting those around you.
then, an idea comes to you.
"what about this. we'll call it a code blue."
dustin looks up at you, curious. "whats a code blue?"
"well, my dear brother, its something we'll do when we cant express how we feel or when we think the other sibling needs to have a talk. whenever one of us calls a code blue, the other has to answer honestly and listen as best as they can. once its over, we never bring it up again and we conclude with a hug. hows that sound?"
he thinks for a moment. "honest about anything?"
"alright. i think that could work. seems less emotional."
you laugh. "i figured youd like that part."
"so... code blue?" dustin asks hesitantly.
"code blue."
you tell dustin everything, explaining why youve been so destructive and bitter and mean. he listens as best as any nine year old can, and as you tell him everything, the weight that had been pressing against your chest these last few weeks begins to lessen. slowly, during the code blue, it becomes easier to breathe.
when youre finally done, right as the last words leave your lips, dustin throws his arms around you. "i love you."
you bring a hand to his hair and kiss the top of his head. "i love you, too. dont let me get all mean again, yeah?"
"i wont."
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Yandere! Romantic! KNY Kocho Shinobu Headcanons
(Aaaaah! This one is gonna be scary! Hope all of my little glass angels like this one too!)
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Shinobu as a romantic Yandere has the Yandere traits of; Manipulative, Possessive, Delusional, Overprotective, Deceptive, Violent/Murderous, Insensitive and Psychotic
- Shinobu will never admit it but she’s fallen hard. Off her pretty purple and aquamarine wings, she has fallen for you. The newest addition and the completion of the incomplete nine, the Ice Hashira. Shinobu never thought she’d have anybody to love, she thought she’d either die to a demon or live the rest of her life alone
- She developed a cute harmless crush on you at first, she clung to you and did all kinds of little but nice nicknacks. Made your bento for you, tied up your hair, held your hand to show you around. You thought Shinobu was just being friendly as you didn’t notice the way she looked at you. Completely lovestruck
- She doesn’t want to be alone anymore, once she knows her truth. She wants you, and she will do whatever is needed to have you as her own
- Shinobu could be considered one of the hardest Hashira to turn Yandere as she is actually quite closed-off then as she seems in public but personally, I believe that once she is deeply in love and then sees her love interest with other people, her overwhelming jealous anger would begin shaping her Yandere self. One jigsaw piece at a time
- Why do you like him/her? What does he/she have that Shinobu doesn’t?! Height? Strength? You nor Shinobu need those! Shinobu has brains! And that should be enough. She is loyal and will remember everything you tell her, devotion is more attractive, isn’t that obvious?!
- I’m sorry to all Shinobu fans but Shinobu is definitely a very abusive Yandere to her love interest. She doesn’t like hurting you, she wants to love you more than anything but you always constantly misbehave and stir up trouble, she must punish you and those punishments usually leave you torn-up emotionally, starved, freezing and bandaged with a broken limb or two chained to the futon besides her futon as she puts you to sleep by force with a sleep-inducing poison from her katana
- For real, all of her smiles are genuine around you. Her happiness is genuine too, you make her feel less alone and that she can be her real self with you. She is attached to you because you’ve changed her, gave her a reason to smile that she actually agrees with for once
- And she won’t lose you to somebody like Kyojuro or Mitsuri. Starting now, Shinobu’s obsession and plan comes into clear view. You’ll be her lovely little girlfriend, Shinobu knows of it and is excited for her fantasy to come to life
- Shinobu’s a stalker, like Kyojuro. She follows you everywhere you go in secret; to the fleek market, to your estate, to your unwell mother’s household. She knows every single detail of your travel schedule and waits eagerly behind trees or buildings to catch you. She watches from the sideline with her bug-like eyes forming into love hearts at the sight of you in such a gorgeous kimono
- She can’t stop thinking about you but she loves it. In battle or whilst taking care of the Kamaboko Squad, you litter her mind that she sometimes randomly blurbs out your name. You plague her thoughts, her fantasies so much that Zenitsu swears he can hear Shinobu’s thoughts in detail fall out of her ears
- Shinobu, also just like Kyojuro, is a very split-faced Yandere, and swaps between her Yandere self and her ordinary self. She, as mentioned in the Kyojuro post, is very good at hiding her Yandere behaviours as she regularly hides all of her emotions so it’s like second nature and uses it as a means to manipulate. Manipulate your emotions
- “That’s… quite harsh, Myōji. Don’t you think? Why would I kill somebody? That’s a heavy accusation. It… almost seems like you don’t like me as a friend… that hurts. Oh, you’re sorry? Apologise to my grave because clearly, you want me dead”
- Shinobu wholeheartedly views herself as your destined true love, and that you’re being brainwashed by everybody around you into dismissing that you’re just as in love with her. Delusion at its finest, she doesn’t even notice how afraid of her you really are, how her fantasies aren’t true in a single bit
- Oh! And she’ll make you your own Butterfly Hairpin and force you to wear it 24/7 as a symbol of her ownership of you. All will back off if her mark is dug deep into your figure, that single cute butterfly-styled hairpin of your favourite colours
- Every injured Hashira goes to the Butterfly Estate for treatment, right? But it’s different for you. Whenever you’re injured, you’re end up staying there longer as Shinobu mixes your medicine with sickness-inducing poison to keep you unwell for longer. As cruel as it is, Shinobu has no ill intentions. She merely wants your love and by making you sick, she has a better chance to refine her relationship with you
- “Oh my, Myōji-chan. Your temperature is quite high and you’ve been coughing so much, you’re losing your voice. Hmm, it seems that the symptoms point to a case of the cold. Sadly, a strong one too. But, please, do not worry. I will take wonderful care of you! We do need our Ice Hashira as soon as possible, and I’ll make sure you are in perfect health”
- Shinobu lies to you all the time, especially when you start to pick up on that she may be harming you on purpose to keep you against your will at the Butterfly Estate. What? Don’t be ridiculous! She’s a doctor, why would she make a problem, she solves them!
- Her tactics of making you sick is her form of kidnapping. She won’t actually kidnap you at all since her Estate is way too occupied that it’s quite possible her girls will find you. So, she’ll just keep making you unwell so she can treat you and just HOPE you get injured again so she can repeat the process
- Shinobu is VERY-EXTREMELY likely to kill potential love interests, sharing this Yandere trait with Sanemi and Obanai, but does not care at all if you know. She is very clever in her methods that keeps her hands clean of blood and everybody else except you in firm belief that she had nothing to do with the ‘accident’; she befriends the person, poisons their food/drink, brings them to her estate to “treat them” then kill them in the most brutal fashions before disposing every inch of the body with her impeccable range of poisons
- Shinobu is the most manipulative Yandere Hashira out of the whole nine. She manipulated everybody around her all the time from the beginning of Kanae’s death and it just became a habit to trick the human mind with her silver tongue and a fake but convincing smile. You can’t blame her for the deaths of your potential love interests, she’ll twist your words and viewpoint till you’re apologising for “misaccusing” her
- Tag-teaming with her Manipulation, Shinobu is deceptive! She misleads everybody, including you into believing she couldn’t hurt a fly. Sure, she kills demons but she doesn’t like it! Don’t you believe her? She is so harmless, she just wants to love the world!
- Such talk makes Shinobu feel sick. Her? Like demons? Please, she wishes the most horrible deaths on every single demon in this world, including that Nezuko. And no human is safe either, anybody that wants your love is a demon and must be executed
- Shinobu is violent. Horrifyingly violent towards everybody else but slightly violent towards you. She’ll break a bone or maybe another on you in which she sees as inevitable whilst she’ll badly mulitate her enemies, no matter if they may be human or demon. You know of this as she brings evidence of her work to gloat and there is no way you’ll ever see Shinobu again without intense fear
- Her forced but sugary sweet smile clashing with her lifeless purple eyes makes your spine buckle in pure terror as she tilts your chin up with the sharp tip of her stinger katana. What does she do with you? At the end, she’ll hurt you then she’ll heal and love you
- Yandere Shinobu is also insensitive and psychotic, this being when you get more insight of her Yandere side. She is insensitive to your problems with her behaviour. What’s the matter? Who cares if a few people you liked died, you’re mother is dying, it happens to everybody. She is, as well, psychotic. Her head is cracking and chipping like glass, she is losing her sanity over you and her eyes are playing tricks on her too
- Wait a second, since when did you get in the bathtub with her? Whoa, you’re getting in her lap?! N-no way, you’re about to kiss her! BAM. Shinobu snaps back to reality and sighs in pain. She doesn’t care that she is suffering hallucinations, she cares that what she saw didn’t actually happen. She would have gladly killed the Master for a fun time in the bathtub with you
- Now, who do you belong to? Yes, Shinobu! And she will drill that into your head. Meaning, you’re not seeing anybody else ever again, family or friends. You’re hers, her little Rosy Maple. Why do you need other people when all the love, all the luxury and all the attention one could want in over twenty lifetimes exists in the Butterfly Estate, the home of the Insect Hashira. The one and only, who is willing to destroy, kill and die for you
- Hashira and lower-ranks alike may call Shinobu the Butterfly but you’re the real Butterfly in this situation’s deadly pinchers. You’re the helpless prey to Shinobu’s powerful predator. She has you trapped in her cocoon and she’ll paint it red with blood as much as she needs to keep you trapped
- “Here, my precious Rosy Maple. Try this kimono on! Why, yes. It matches mine, I got it specially ordered for you so go on, be quick and don’t be annoying by messing around. Just put it on and show it to me. Very easy, I know you can manage that”
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dollsuguru · 16 days
i remember when jjk was more than just cheap shock value
no genuinely… and that’s something i really wanna talk about too in this ask i hope you don’t mind! 😭 i just have a lot to say…
i think in the beginning jjk truly did have genuine plot/story and there was MEANING in people’s words/actions and deaths would actually service the story/be impactful… like. a side character like riko/haibara who we only see in a few panels had SUCH an impact on a character like suguru and made him make choices that he believed would have been for the betterment of his loved ones. satoru’s OWN first death had impact on him bc it reminded him that he’s not infallible and he didn’t wanna take another chance at being hurt -> infinity being up 24/7. toji killing himself and dying again for the sake of his SON. i feel like after hidden inventory death was just… callous? and not in a good way that it services a story — it was just genuine shock value. i guess i could excuse nanami’s death to service the story but it’s like… he didn’t HAVE to die. and if he DID die, wouldn’t the mourning period for satoru be THAT much stronger? we just got a “damn that’s crazy” like ??? do you remember when yuji died and satoru sat down, closed his fist, raging & saying how he’d murder the higher ups? shoko saying that she hasn’t seen satoru be that emotional in a LONG time? like THAT was genuine anger/mourning bc someone satoru cared about DIED and it was on his conscious… you’d think that hearing about the death of his old friend/his student would send him into a mini spiral but no…? like i know gojo is used to this but he’s still HUMAN…
and again w the deaths/random plot as shock value i agree. it’s SO unnecessary. yuki/nobara/choso dying had no value. is higu dead? i forgot bc atp i just assume everyone is w the way this shit is going… like none of those deaths serviced the plot in ANY way??? just… shock value. and i get wanting to do shock value! it was used super well w riko and same w geto killing the village! but otherwise it’s like… what’s the point? same w the plot itself like… sometimes it doesn’t make sense…
and in terms of what’s happening w sukuna & gojo. i won’t spoil anything. but at least from what we’ve seen… i’m of the firm belief that gojo didn’t have to die/if he DID have to die then it should have turned into the six eyes theory/him reaching enlightenment! and also for sukuna as well… why does he seem weaker now and less scary 😭 like he was more frightening in yuji’s body in the beginning of jjk… same w the massacre in shibuya. THAT was terror. rn it’s not that scary. and also gege keeps sidelining yuji and it’s pissing me off… we JUST got yuji leveling up and now he’s pushed aside again 😭 i think gege forgets that this is yuji’s manga 😭 also don’t get me started on twin theory. it would’ve ate more than nephew/uncle i’m sorry i’m still hung up on that. also girl i’m still confused w kenjaku too 🤨 idk. i feel like gege genuinely started losing the plot both literally and figuratively… i think i would rather a big break and have him regroup/think about where he wants to take the story than what we have going on now but at the same time i respect/understand the fact that mangakas don’t get that luxury in the slightest… idk i just wish he knew how he wanted to take the ending of the story in the beginning bc at this point it just feels kinda :/ meh :/ which is sad bc jjk really was THAT bitch for me! still is but like… idk. the crown is tipping major rn is all………..
also remember how gege is always hating on gojo… i feel like it’s not a joke anymore and it’s kinda really upsetting me… just the way he’s taken things w his character/how other characters interact w him… idk. like the gojo we know is the gojo that gege presented to us in the beginning and it just seems like gege lost that along the way… the stuff he did to gojo was like not necessary and if it was, then there were better ways of going about it! and it seems like he’s forgotten about a lot of other characters………… like we’ve lost the plot. genuinely……..
sorry i keep adding on i just keep thinking of stuff but also… i care more about itafushi like more than anything. this story from the beginning has been ABOUT yuji AND megumi and their relationship. yuji ate sukuna’s finger and became a vessel willingly to SAVE megumi. yuji now is trying to SAVE megumi but i feel like gege doesn’t care? like we only got yuji seeing megumi for a split second… i feel like we should’ve gotten more info about megumi too! bc more than anything, this story is about itafushi wanting to save each other. gege just completely forgot about them and now that i think about it, i think that pisses me off the most 😭😭😭 like plot is LOST. fr.
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